ຕ • (ta)
The case form ຕທ຺ (tad) is only used before vowels and as the prefixed combining form. Before vowels, the virama and the letter o (ອ) are dropped.
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ໂສ (so) or ສ (sa) | ເຕ (te) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) | ເຕ (te) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຕນ (tena) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕສ຺ມາ (tasmā) or ຕມ຺ຫາ (tamhā) or ຕໂຕ (tato) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕສ຺ມິໍ (tasmiṃ) or ຕມ຺ຫິ (tamhi) | ເຕສຸ (tesu) |
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ສາ (sā) | ຕາ (tā) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) | ຕາ (tā) |
Instrumental (third) | ຕາຍ (tāya) | ຕາຫິ (tāhi) or ຕາຠິ (tābhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕສ຺ສາ (tassā) or ຕິສ຺ສາ (tissā) or ຕິສ຺ສາຍ (tissāya) | ຕາສໍ (tāsaṃ) or ຕາສານໍ (tāsānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) | ຕາຫິ (tāhi) or ຕາຠິ (tābhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕສ຺ສາ (tassā) or ຕິສ຺ສາ (tissā) or ຕິສ຺ສາຍ (tissāya) | ຕາສໍ (tāsaṃ) or ຕາສານໍ (tāsānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕາຍ (tāya) or ຕາຍໍ (tāyaṃ) or ຕິສສໍ (tisasaṃ) | ຕາສຸ (tāsu) |
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ຕໍ (taṃ) or ຕທ຺ (tad) | ຕານິ (tāni) |
Accusative (second) | ຕໍ (taṃ) or ຕທ຺ (tad) | ຕານິ (tāni) |
Instrumental (third) | ເຕນ (tena) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ຕສ຺ມາ (tasmā) or ຕມ຺ຫາ (tamhā) or ຕໂຕ (tato) | ເຕຫິ (tehi) or ເຕຠິ (tebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ຕສ຺ສ (tassa) | ເຕສໍ (tesaṃ) or ເຕສານໍ (tesānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ຕສ຺ມິໍ (tasmiṃ) or ຕມ຺ຫິ (tamhi) | ເຕສຸ (tesu) |
ຕ m
As for the masculine of the adjective.
ຕ n
As for the neuter of the adjective.