User:JeffDoozan/lists/es mismatched passages

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Entries with mismatched passage translations as of 2024-07-01 (36 entries)

Asimismo, ha dictado Estados de Excepción (restricción de derechos políticos y militarización) en estados fronterizos que pudiera afectar cerca de 38 diputados a elegir, todo lo cual perturba el escenario electoral.

dictar: Likewise, it has passed States of Exception (restrictions of political rights and militarization) in border states which could affect the voting of nearly 38 representatives, all of which disturbs the electoral scene.

Así, el público palpa la situación y ejerce de escudo humano ante un posible desalojo.

palpar: Thus, the public feels the situation and acts as a human shield against a possible eviction.

Aunque sea por ese instante el mundo enmudecerá y no habrá insultos de trava, travesaño, trabuco, hombre vestido de mujer, mascarita sidótica, simulacro, colita, parecida, transfor..

trava: Even if only for that instant, the world will fall silent and there will be no insults of tranny, transvestite, trap, man dressed as a woman, AIDS hider, pretender, masquerader..

De la gastronomía de esas fiestas tampoco hay información; sin embargo, según Berdúo, se cree que entre los indígenas y mestizos se acostumbraba degustar chocolate y tamal rojo, ambos de origen prehispánico.

sin embargo: There is no information on the gastronomy of these celebrations either; however, according to Berdúo, it is believed that the indigenous people and mestizos customarily ate chocolate and red tamales, both of prehispanic origin.

El 81,12% de las encuestadas refirió haber sufrido situaciones violentas por parte de la policía. Entre los principales abusos policiales sufridos se indican las detenciones ilegales, el hostigamiento verbal en el ámbito público (insultos tales como travuco, travesaño, trava, o bien, el uso de un nombre masculino, entre algunos de los calificativos despectivos más usuales o amenazas, especialmente vinculadas al ejercicio del trabajo sexual).

trava: 81.12% of those surveyed mentioned having been subjected to violent encounters with the police. Some of the main police abuses suffered were unlawful detention, verbal abuse in public (insults such as transvestite, trap, tranny, or even the use of a masculine name, among some of the more typical epithets or threats, especially those linked to sex work).

El resto della concluían sayo de velarte, calzas de velludo para las fiestas, con sus pantuflos de lo mesmo, y los días de entresemana se honraba con su vellorí de lo más fino.

della, día: The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvet breeches and shoes to match for holidays, while on week-days he made a brave figure in his best homespun.
entresemana, pantuflo, sayo, velarte, velludo: The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvet breeches and shoes to match for the holidays, while on week-days he made a brave figure in his best homespun.

El teléfono es suyo.

suyo: The telephone is his/hers.
suyo: The telephone is yours.

En el caso de la salmonela, durante 10 años hemos conseguido una disminución de la salmonelosis en todos los estados miembros de la UE. No tenemos que alarmarnos.

salmonelosis: In the case of salmonella, for 10 years we have achieved a decrease in salmonellosis in all of the member states of the EU. We do not have to be alarmed.

Enviole pues una enfermedad tan peligro{{long sa que {{long se vido ya a las puertas de la muerte

a las puertas de la muerte: He was struck by such a dangerous disease that he was left at death's door

Es, pues, de saber que este sobredicho hidalgo, los ratos que estaba ocioso —que eran los más del año—, se daba a leer libros de caballerías, con tanta afición y gusto, que olvidó casi de todo punto el ejercicio de la caza y aun la administración de su hacienda; y llegó a tanto su curiosidad y desatino en esto, que vendió muchas hanegas de tierra de sembradura para comprar libros de caballerías en que leer, y, así, llevó a su casa todos cuantos pudo haber dellos.

de todo punto, sobredicho, y: You must know, then, that the above-named gentleman whenever he was at leisure (which was mostly all the year round) gave himself up to reading books of chivalry with such ardour and avidity that he almost entirely neglected the pursuit of his field-sports, and even the management of his property; and to such a pitch did his eagerness and infatuation go that he sold many an acre of tillageland to buy books of chivalry to read, and brought home as many of them as he could get.
llevó: You must know, then, that the above-named gentleman whenever he was at leisure (which was mostly all the year round) gave himself up to reading books of chivalry with such ardour and avidity that he almost entirely neglected the pursuit, of his field-sports, and even the management of his property; and to such a pitch did his eagerness. Infatuation go that he sold many an acre of tillageland to buy books of chivalry to read, and brought home as many of them as he could get.

Estoy en casa.

en: I'm at home.
estar: I am at home.

La LPH promulgada el 21 de julio de 1960, en plena dictadura y emergiendo un desarrollismo fue, a buen seguro, el primer instrumento legal que contenía el principio democrático del voto, previa reunión asamblearia, en la que participaban los propietarios, integrados en una comunidad, y decidían de esta forma todo lo concerniente al buen gobierno e interés común.

promulgar: The LPH promulgated on July 21, 1960, in the midst of the dictatorship and emerging developmentalism, was certainly the first legal instrument that contained the democratic principle of voting, after an assembly meeting, in which the owners, integrated in a community, participated and decided in this way all matters concerning good governance and common interest.
asambleario, desarrollismo:

La vida se supone que sea equilibrada.

suponer: Life is supposed to be balanced.
se supone: Life is meant to be balanced.

Los años te delatan, nena, / estás fuera de sitio

nena: The years give you away, babe / you're out of place

Los cruceros aportan el 4% de visitantes de la ciudad y un 13% de la recaudación de la tasa turística, añade como recado al gobierno de Jaume Collboni, aunque también ofrece a CLIA para colaborar con Barcelona si el sector provoca alguna congestión.

aportar, recado, recaudación:
crucero: Cruise ships bring 4% of visitors to the city and 13% of the tourist tax revenue, he adds as a message to Jaume Collboni's government, although he also offers CLIA to collaborate with Barcelona if the sector causes any congestion.

Los cultivos transgénicos no son los únicos que amenazan la supervivencia de las abejas de los apicultores de la región.

apicultor: The transgenic growings are not the only ones menacing the survival of the regional beekeepers<nowiki/>'<nowiki/> bees.
transgénico: The transgenic growings are not the only ones menacing the survival of the regional beekeepers' bees.

Los secesionistas catalanes han marcado un punto álgido en su designio estratégico de hegemonizar el relato mediante el espejismo de un fraude lexicológico: la identificación de un autoproclamando (pero en rigor inexistente) derecho a decidir el futuro… a la postre subrogado por una elección plebiscitaria.

subrogar: The Catalan secessionists have marked a high point in their strategic design to hegemonise the narrative through the mirage of a lexicological fraud: the identification of a self-proclaimed (but strictly speaking non-existent) right to decide the future... ultimately subrogated by a plebiscite election.
hegemonizar, lexicológico:

Lástima que la justicia sea tan lenta, dando lugar a que se olviden tantos delitos y, para más inri, oír a muchos abogados defender a veces lo indefendible, provocando la indignación de las personas honradas.

para más inri: It's such a pity that justice is so slow, giving rise to many crimes being forgotten, and, to make matters worse, hearing many lawyers sometimes defending what is indefensible, provoking the indignation of honest people.

Me gusta andar por la sierra, me crié entre los matorrales / Ahí aprendí a hacer las cuentas nomás contando costales

nomás: I like to walk in the mountains, I grew up in the bushes / That's where I learned to do the math just by counting sacks.

No sólo basta la licitud de la acción política para que sea acatada por los subordinados; es decir, que sea dictada o ejercida bajo determinadas normas legales sino que tenga un reconocimiento por parte de los ciudadanos como justa, razonable y equitativa.

dictar: It's not enough that a political act simply be legal for subordinates to comply with it; that is, it can't just be be dictated or exercised under certain legal norms but also must be recognized by the citizens as just, reasonable, and equitable.

No tiene sentido.

sentido: It makes no sense. / It doesn't make any sense.
sentido: There's no point. / It's no use.

No vengas a cortar el rollo

cortar el rollo: Don't come and poop the party
cortar el rollo: Don't come and spoil the mood

Pero no hacía caso él de los sermones episcopales y seguía erre que erre sobre los libros, sacándoles el redaño para escribir después.

hacer caso: But the episcopal sermon man refused to listen and stubbornly continued with the books, taking the guts out of them to write later.
erre que erre: But he ignored the episcopal sermons and insistently continued with the books, taking the guts out of them to write later.
redaño: But the episcopal sermon man ignored this and stubbornly continued with the books, taking the guts out of them to write later.

Proceso continuo de somalización, tribalización, ausencia de centros de poder.

somalización: Continuous process of Somalization, tribalization, absence of centers of power.
tribalización: Continuous process of somalization, tribalization, absence of centers of power.

Tengo veinte años.

año: I'm twenty .
tener: I am twenty (years old).

Voy a pegarme una ducha.

ducha: I'm gonna have a shower.
pegar: I'm going to take a shower.

Y aconteció en aquellos días, que Jesús vino de Nazaret de Galilea, y fué bautizado por Juan en el Jordán.

Juan: And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Jesús: And it happened in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

Y concluye: Si los partidarios de la conservación del orden no dan muestras de ceder un ápice en sus posiciones, es natural que sus adversarios pierdan la paciencia y pasen a propugnar métodos de arrollamiento, en tanto que los grupos inmovilistas buscan por su parte instrumentos de violencia para impedir a aquéllos lograr su propósito.

arrollamiento: And he concludes: If the supporters of the preservation of order do not show signs of yielding an iota in their positions, it is natural that their opponents lose patience and begin to advocate methods of overrun, while the immobilist groups themselves seek instruments of violence to prevent those from achieving their purpose.
en tanto que: And he concludes: If the supporters of the preservation of order do not show signs of yielding an iota in their positions, it is natural that their opponents lose patience and begin to advocate methods of overrun, while the immobilist groups themselves seek instruments of violence to prevent those from achieving their purpose.

Ya no se movió más sino con movimientos pequeños; y en su convulsión postrera, temblaban las rotas jarcias; y el mastelero de trinquete con la doble cruz formada por las vergas se doblaba como un báculo roto.

jarcia, verga: He no longer moved except with small movements; and in his last convulsion the broken rigging trembled; and the ratchet mast with the double cross formed by the yards bent like a broken staff.
mastelero: He no longer moved except with small movements; and in his last convulsion the broken rigging trembled; and the topsail with the double cross formed by the yards bent like a broken staff.

cualquier cosa

cualquier: anything (whatever thing)
cualquiera: whatever thing

durante la noche

noche: at night / overnight / at night time
durante: overnight

interponer un recurso

recurso: lodge an appeal
interponer: lodge a complaint

lxs nativxs americanxs, lxs chicanxs o lxs puertorriqueñxs

lxs: Native Americans, Chicanxs or Puerto Ricans
chicanx: Native Americans, Chicanxs or Puerto Ricans.

rendir homenaje a alguien

homenaje: pay homage to someone
rendir: to pay someone tribute


coño: Fuck!
coño: a hard hit, a punch

¡Me cago en la leche que te han dado, zorra! ¡Ya estas largando lo que sabes, porque sabe dios que si no lo haces, te mato aquí mismo como la perra que eres!

sabe Dios:
me cago en la leche que te han dado: Holy fucking Christ, slut! You're gonna spout off everything you know, because if you don't then, goddamit, I'm gonna kill you here on the spot, like the bitch you are.