This is an archive page that has been kept for historical purposes. The conversations on this page are no longer live. |
Please Translate The Meaning Of "Aquar" into English
lord thank you for giving me enough rest and spending time with my family
Can anyone tell me how to write My Children, My Wife, My Lord, My Self in latin please, much appreciated. I have already had Filii, uxor mea, domine mi ipsum Praesent pretium ipsum Dominum uxor mea, mei dominus, mea vita I am getting very confused thanks.
All my love, always and forever.
I hope the up comming year brings you a lot of happiness, Love Donna with kisses
I would like the phrase "God is love" translated from English to Greek.
What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger
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i want the translation of seven big sins into urdu
How do you say "Happy Weekend" in Hawaiian?
It's gonna be okay.
If it needs to be "it is going to be okay" then thats fine
What does serenity in arabic look like?
can someone please translate Love Laugh & Go On into greek please x
Could someone please give me the translation/ symbols for - Mind,Body,Spirit,And Heart
i need the phrase, my beautiful life in hawaiian.... who can help....
Tahakopa translated into English
May peace dwell here
"She will live through me."
Good Morning Sunshine ♥ Have a Lovely Sunday sweetie
Günaydın, tatlım ♥ Güzel bir pazar için umuyoruz, tatlım (you should doublecheck it) —Stephen (Talk) 17:22, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
I want to live for You alone.
You -> (God)
"When ever you are not with us, we always meet girls" how do you say that in geram?
fuck me in gaelic?
The March of Death By Bienvenido N. Santos
The March of Death
By Bienvenido N. Santos
Were you one of them, my brother
Whom they marched under the April sun
And flogged to bleeding along the roads we knew and loved?
March, my brother, march!
The springs are clear beyond the road
There is rest at the foot of the hill.
We were young together,
So very young and unafraid;
Walked those roads, dusty in the summer sun,
Brown pools and mud in the December rains;
We ran barefoot along the beaten tracks in the canefields
Planted corn after the harvest months.
Here, too, we fought and loved
Shared our dreams of a better place
Beyond those winding trails.
March, my brother march!
The springs are clear beyond the road
There is rest at the foot of the hill.
We knew those roads by heart
Told places in the dark
By the fragrance of garden hedge
In front of uncle’s house;
The clatter of wooden shoes on the bamboo bridge,
The peculiar rustling of bamboo groves
Beside the house where Celia lived.
Did you look through the blood in your eyes
For Celia sitting by the window,
As thousands upon thousands of you
Walked and died on the burning road?
If you died among the hundreds by the roadside
It should have been by the bamboo groves
With the peculiar rustling in the midnight.
No, you have not died; you cannot die;
I have felt your prayer touch my heart
As I walked along the crowded streets of America.
And we would walk those roads again one April morn,
Listen to the sound of working men
Dragging tree trunks from the forests,
Rebuilding homes- laughing again-
Sowing the field with grain, fearless of death
From cloudless skies.
You would be silent, remembering
The many young bodies that lay mangled by the roadside;
The agony and the moaning and the silent tears,
The grin of yellow men, their bloodstained blades opaque in the sun;
I would be silent, too, having nothing to say.
What matters if the winters were bitter cold
And loneliness stalked my footsteps on the snow?
March, my brother, march!
The springs are clear beyond the road
Rest, at the foot of the hill.
And we would walk those roads again on April morn
Hand in hand like pilgrims marching
Towards the church on the hillside,
Only a little nipa house beside the bamboo groves
With the peculiar rustling in the midnight
Or maybe I would walk them yet,
Remembering... remembering
looking to have live with out regret translated in to either latin
ainda te amo
Sorry, I would like in Khmer.
1. Do you speak English? — តើអ្នកនិយាយភាសាអង់គ្លេសទេ? (ter neak niyeeay phiəsaa-âŋglee tee?)
2. Would you like to transfer money to Cambodia?
3. How much would you like to send?
4. They can pick up the funds from the bank.
5. The fee is $10 (Australian dollars). — ថ្លៃ១០ដុល្លារនៃជាតិអូស្ត្រាលី (tlay dop dollaa ney chiet oostraalii]) —Stephen (Talk) 01:18, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
This too shall pass
can you please translate what goes around comes around in sankrit?
Translate - will get this done - into german
Querido amigos les envio mi carta de renuncia dejandolos saber que siempre fui una trabajadora leal. Transferred here by --Mglovesfun (talk) 16:19, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Happy Birthday. Best wishes my friend on reaching the grand old age of sixty. Think it will be a little bit more than dust you will be passing now young man. Have a great one. Good health. Hope to see you soon. From your young friend
Thank-you in advance for the translation of the following:
From English to Latin December 10, 2010
How do you say the lord is my light and my salvation in Hawaiian ?
we understand them only through their form
How do you translated "Praise be to Christ or Jesus! Thank you.
Like the subject quote translated into latin.
This is my husband's favorite quote, so I'm having it engraved it Latin on a keepsake wooden box that he really loves. Please help. Thanks ~Devan
omare sed viverra
Hi, a friend urgently wants to know what "adu ni chum le" means in Bengali. Thanks
If I were to talk to an Iranian how would I tell him that Jesus is The Messiah?
kia ora,
i after a translation for a maori tattoo design im looking at getting on my arm. 'family comes first' translated in to maori, im also im the middle of self teaching myself how to speak maori to surprise my nanny and koro the next time i see them but im not realy makeing much progess.
thanks if possible could you email the translation to my email address <redacted email> and thank you agen if you deside to help me.
As long as you live, keep learning how to live. -Seneca-
5.1 4. 5. Ordinary child benefi t Nullstill skjemaet før du lukker det. 1 What sort of benefi t are you applying for? 4 Information about country of work/pension YesNo 4.1 Are you working in a country other than Norway? Do you receive pensions from a country YesNo 4.2 other than Norway? Are the parents of any of the children working YesNo 4.3 in a country other than Norway? Are the parents of any of the children receiving YesNo a pension from a country other than Norway? 5 Information about children under the age of 18 NAV 33-00.08 Engelsk Fastsatt 01.2005 Endret 07.2007 PDF-versjon Extended child benefi t 2 Information about yourself (the applicant) Surname,fi rst name(s) Home address Post code and postal town 2.1 Home municipality Nationality MaritalMarriedSeparatedDivorcedSurvivorUnmarriedRegistered status partner 2.2 Formal divorceFormal separationActual cessation of marriageConcilation certifi cate Date of Do you have a YesNo Ifyes, state from cohabitant?what time Are you resident Have you resided solely in Norway Are you an asylum in Norway?for more than 12 months? IfNo, are you going to seeker? 2.3 live here continuously for IfYes, give YesNoYesNo more than 12 months? YesNo an account Give an account in box 8. in box 8. Child’s surname, fi rst name(s)D.o.b./ID no. (11 digits) 1. 2. 3. D.o.b./ID no. (11 digits)) Telephone number If not Norwegian or Nordic, attach documentation of residence permits for you and the child/children Separrated or divorced abroad? Yes Nei No Date IfYes, give an account in box 8. IfYes, give an account in box 8. IfYes, give an account in box 8. IfYes, give an account in box 8. Telephone number Nationality For NAV lokalt Mottatt datoSøkn. reg. edb Enhetsnr. Vurdering Sivilstand Samboerforhold Tilknytning til Norge 3 Information about the other parent of the child/children Surname,fi rst name(s)D.o.b./ID no. (11 digits) 3.1 Home addressPost code and postal townHome municipality Where the children in box 5 below do not have the same mother/father, state this here. Give any additional information in box 8. 3.2 EØS-sak Is the child living with you on a permanent basis? YesNo YesNo YesNo YesNo YesNo Nationality YesNo YesNo YesNo YesNo YesNo 3 APPLICATION FOR CHILD BENEFIT Please read the information on page 1 and 2 before completing the form Må vurderes nærmere VurderingMå vurderes nærmere Has shared custody been agreed with the other parent? If yes, attach a copy of the agreement 5 Information about children under the age of 18 (cont. ) Are any of the children listed YesNo 5.2 foster children?IfYes, give information in box 8 Are any of the children YesNo adopted from abroad? IfYes, give information in box 8 YesNo IfYes, state which D.o.b./ID no. (11 digits) Are any of the children staying in children’s homes, 5.3 special needs schools or similar institutions?child/children IfYes, also give the name and address of the institution
5.4 5.5
OrdinærUtvidet Dato Have any of the children entered into marriage /registered partnerships? Do any of the children reside abroad? Have the children resided continuously in Norway during the last 12 months? Has asylum in Norway been sought for any of the children? Has child benefi t previously been paid in Do you receive or have applied for child benefi t for Do you live in the same residential English 50 % Vurdering og begrunnelse Date and signature 12 NAV lokalts vurdering og vedtak Innvilget barnetrygdAvslag barnetrygd OrdinærUtvidet NAV lokalts stempel og underskrift YesNo YesNo YesNo YesNo 6 Information about payment of child benefi t YesNo 6.1 Norway for any of the children YesNo 6.2 any of the children from another EU/EEA country? NAV 33-00.08 Engelsk Fastsatt 01.2005 Endret 07.2007 PDF-versjon
Osvah is an Arabic word means the Model Of Good Character and Good Things. It also means symbol, a true representative (of something)
Today I'm going to tell you about my personal dream. My dream would be a world where peace would be the everyday habit. Children would play freely, without war destroying them under the soldiers' feet.
There would be no pointless wars for pointless things that kill too many innocent people. Love would be worth more than oil or gold. People would respect each other.
And no-one would be rated by their colour, gender, age or religion. Money would be a worthless thing, and people wouldn't get rich by just making deals, people would get rich by socializing. This dream should be good for everybody, not just myself.
Maybe somewhere in future that dream comes true.
Could you please translate for me these names to khmer script and to old khmer script AMEER (Amir) AMNAY Is it possible to write a name vertically ?
Would you be kind enough to translate the meaning of this sentence for me into khmer and then Old Khmer. Thanks
'Prince des Cavaliers'
Please translate "dear Lord i love her" into french from english
The tongue like a sharp knife, Kills without drawing blood.
Hi what does "Walla em at lo ona efsed shelah" mean and what would be a proper response?
I would like to have my name translated into Aramaic, religion purposes. Thank you so much,
Barbara Jean Sullivan
Anyone know how to say "I love scottish boys" in Scottish Gaelic?
couldn't live without :)
strenghth to live courage to survive
Hayir turkce bee-lee-yohr-mee-yum
i may not agree to what you say,but i well depend to death your right to say it? ibigsabihin sa tagalog
"Self first. Family before morals. Family above all."
Took 4 years of Latin in high school but don't think what I have works. Would like some other opinions before I decide.
i love you from woman to man
Could I please have the 2 lines translated to Arabic?
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
Thanks so much!
God is love in hawaiian
I had a dream last night where I spoke something in differently language, but the phrase translated to English in my mind. I think it was either Later or Greek. I've been searching around & I haven't found anything similar to what said in the dream. I'd be grateful if someone could help.
The phrase was something along the lines of... "May the Light protect us." or "Let the Light shield us."
thank you so much for an unending love, support and understanding. and most of all for being a great aunt. a mothet-like to us, because you always make a difficult moments easier to bear
They do not like you here
aghaye seda
translate(kiss my ass) into gaelic
translate child in time from english to cherokee. PLEASE
Hi i need to write Christian Rivera in the proper phonetically way.
Hi, could someone translate "I don't care what you think about me as long as you're thinking about me" into Latin please. It's part of a joke present for a friend.
Always stay true to your dreams
Please can you translate the Irish gaelic saying, 'A good start is half the work' into Scots Gaelic
Familiy is forever
I am trying to find a translation from english to latin...the phrase is "fear profits man nothing". Thanks.
What good is a song if it can’t inspire? If it has no message to bring? If a song cannot take you higher, higher, higher Then it’s not good enough to sing
My son has recently passed to the Grand Architec above. I need the following phrases translated.
"Thank you" "May You Live Forever"
Mes amours vous êtes toute ma vie, vous êtes le sang de mon sang Vous êtes la chair de ma chair.
please translate "together we're whole" its for a christmas gift i asked before but couldnt find the translation, thank you
Could you please translate
Thank you
Can you please translate the quote by Michel de Montaigne: "A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself" from English into Latin(with accents included) please?
Thanks a ton!
What are the lyrics for " you are my sunshine" in ojibwe ?
Death wont kill me but my mothers tear will
My beautiful secret
— This comment was unsigned.
how do u say "inside the flower there is a heart". in spanish.
One Love, One Heart, One Destiny
count me among thy soldiers
Please translate the name Noy into Lao.
How would you translate this expression?
Or is there another similar expression in Japanese?
Thank you!
to the one worth loving for
I would like "Forever In My Heart" translated into tsalagi symbols please
Love your freedom
hi there will you please translate the words " lie to me dead to me" to Latin and Japanese???? I am very grateful, thank you for your time and expertise.
-- Eiríkr Útlendi │ Tala við mig 00:45, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
name de
Thank you for all you do for us. We have been blessed to have you in our lives. We will always love you.
Am working with someone tomorrow who only speaks Punjabi. It would be nice to have a few basic words are phrases, such as:
These would be used as questions, as in 'do you want a cup of tea'? Mglovesfun (talk) 10:51, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
I need this translated into Gaelic
I need a break
I would like to know how to spell and say "Richeous Ones" Thanks much appreciated
My sisters and I would like to get a tattoo that says "Little Flowers" in Irish Gaelic. Please Help!
Is it possible to print the long version of "Adapt or Die" in Uchen script?
I would like to see: "It is not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change".
Can anyone help me?
I would like to know what one or two words captures the statement "Available to work"?
Can someone please help? David.
I have found the following phrase: "Love when you can, tomorrow isn't promised." already translated into sanskrit but I'm not sure if that was well done translation. Could anyone translate it once again into sanskrit please? Big THX in advance! Radek
I'm doing some research into my Lenape history for a tattoo that I would like to create. I want to know what "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself" would translate into in Unami, the Lenape language. Thanks!
hey, i want do make a tatoo on my arm in Khmer with the following sentence:: "The perfection is not on the extremes and yes into the balance of the parts" can you make the translation for me??
could you please translate for me.
"My day is going great, thanks for asking!"
i may have a disability but it doesnt control my life fuck you and fuck them
Take hold and never let go
My mother said this all the time. Not sure I'm spelling it right. Aboklish la ha tha ra. Anyone have any idea? Thanks, Noreen
Can anyone supply me with the translations for:
Thanks in advance
Many Thanks !
Hi, I wanted to know if anyone could translate "I can't live forever" into Latin? Thanks!
hey again i would really appreciated if you translate the word:: Portugal in khmer for me thanks
I want to get a tattoo to remember my experiences in cambodia. Pleas can you help me to translate "happy soul" in khmer script. I already asked friends from cambodia but i need a second opinion just to be on the safe side...
Do you have an idea how to get it written in nice letters, because copy and paste doesn't look that nice on my skin i guess ;)
I know it's quite a long time ago now, but thanks for your answer :) My friend from Cambodia gave me this translation: proling sabbay (I can't type in Khmer on my Computer I just have it as a picture, but this is the way they would say it) Do you think this is an appropriate translation? Thanks a lot Tanja
Thanks a lot!
What is "let's stay together" in Irish Gaelic?
I was hoping someone could translate the phrase "Grant me strength, serenity and patience." into Scottish Gaelic. Or something that is close to that - with the key word being patience. I would also like to know the literal translation. TY
one and only
"Having Fun in Hawaii"
Please translate "Daughter of Ma'at" into ancient Egyptian. Thank you.
Would you please translate "strength through despair" into both Latin and spanish
"One should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths...With an intense, fresh and undelaying spirit, one will make his judgments within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter of being determined and having the spirit to break right through to the other side."
how do i write "Love It" and "Eat It" in latin? this may seem like an odd request but its genuine :)
Please translate blessing from above in Tahitian
live love e laugh in style
please can you translate the following phrase into scottish gaelic my heart is yours forever
Clues I have the place of Origin is Spain Time around 500 years ago
Phrase (Asmuz eta Jakitez)
Please help translate I tried nearly everything And I got no where