Description1911 EB Map Fig 16.png English: Caption: "Fig. 16.—Idrisi (1154)." A simplified black-and-white English, Latin, and Arabic version of the map of the...
16 705 280 170 1950 1572 Septentrio. (North) 624 907 267 259 1950 1572 Europa. Iaphet. (Europe, land of the children of Japhet.) 1090 930 233 228 1950...
DescriptionEB 1911 Map Fig 14.png English: Caption: "Fig. 14.—Matthew of Paris (1236–1259)." Credited by the EB as one of the only two surviving medieval...
Tropico Interurban Sentinel 1911-11-23 ( ) Author Tropico Sentinel Co. Title Tropico Interurban Sentinel 1911-11-23 Description CA-R Notes for IA: Image...
the debris- yja Wingo and d esig n ated upon the official map’ or p la t the form- r P u eb lo o r cx-ei y oi' Sonp ua, ru nning who had the fire i mentally...