4 Résultats trouvés pour "Fichier:7-cubePascal.svg".


vertices in each column represents rows in Pascal's triangle, being 1:7:21:35:35:21:7:1 in the case of a 7-cube. The 448 edges of unit length have colors...


1/(2*Sqrt[2])}, {-Sqrt[7/6]/2, -5/(2*Sqrt[42]), -Sqrt[3/14]/2, -1/(2*Sqrt[42]), 1/(2*Sqrt[42]), Sqrt[3/14]/2, 5/(2*Sqrt[42]), Sqrt[7/6]/2}, {-Sqrt[7/6]/2, -5/(2*Sqrt[42])...

Fichier:L'hélice marine - Théorie et application-fr.pdf

Wikidata-logo.svg/20px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png' width='20' height='11' srcset=' https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ thumb/f/ff/Wikidatalogo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo...

Fichier:7-cube column graph.svg

Description7-cube column graph.svg English: 7-hypercube (hepteract) graph. This hypercube graph is an orthogonal projection. This oriented projection shows...