DescriptionCow, head-num.png Српски (ћирилица): Ја нисам аутор те фотографије, али сам је скинуо са Викимедије и дорадио. Наиме, иста верзија главе краве...
word. Literally translated into English, "头" means head. So literally we are saying one head of cow. However, for horses, we use "匹". 一匹马 yì pǐ mă. One...
her head &dj is the aulopis; in her left hand she holds her buckler to the ground ; in her right, her lance Mdl. 'y 2 <r— 4f in. high 49 Cow, with...
the Plague- Spot District Encouraging Scenes 854 Successful — — full-png^-Illu5frRtion^. Hew 'Yor'k Z—0\des\. pic\.\ire ol Hew Tor'k. 3—Hew Tor'k...
besques and mosaics. The principal Arabian and Syrian Moss'-trooper, n. (Png. Hist.) One of a class of mosques are remarkable for their vast quadrangles...
foolish to do this thing ! Very, very, minerals, to be distributed amang png the pupils of nomination is represented, and has its stated river boats,...
Compta of the premises, and thev are wide and than $1.000.000 worth of ship!png pro Los Angeles. UaL, De*. lÀ-dn For awhile afl, seven clung desperate...
settlements f^j^png the way, enough of food to keep them alive, a to his corps, Warr'^i^*^^^ ilie his reply, as fol- : though and Head Quarti?rs, Department...
o . o « • • CO CO • CO * • I 8, qnajY paqoooujq N O CO •png.ig N O O O O lO O O VO -4-J Ph *-<lc? He? He? He? He? Ho?...
the Jury had b»en em panelled the coroner ordered that as «Concluded on png* * * CHAMBER GROWS I.ondon. Kept, 4 (Canadian Press Cable)—At the annual...