Coat of arms of the city of de:Rosenheim first uploaded to de.wikipeda by de:User:G.Piezinger, 18:17, 27. Mai 2004 Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung der Stadt...
Upload log of prior de:Datei:Panger-Wappen.png: 2009-12-25 21:28:38, 519×715 (45 KB), de:user:Hellerkp, ({{Information |Beschreibung = Dies zeigt das neu...
Coat of arms of de:Kiefersfelden Source: Converted into PNG format by User:Pooky...
Coat of Arms of Gstadt a.Chiemsee Original Uploader was Pooky (talk) at 21:16, 14. Jul. 2005. (Bild:Wappen GstadtChiemsee.png) Source:
Coat of Arms of Kolbermoor Source: archive copy at the Wayback Machine / Converted into PNG format, modified and added...
Coat of Arms of Albaching Source: Original Uploader was Pooky (talk) at 16:46, 13. Jul. 2005....
Coat of Arms of Schonstett Original Uploader was Pooky (talk) at 12:19, 19. Jul. 2005. Source:
tshrgraphics - Rosenheim |Datum = 2009 Dec 25. |Genehmigung = |Andere Versionen = http://up) 2009-12-25 20:01:51, 201×235 (15 KB), de:user:Ahellwig, (Zurückgesetzt...
English coat of arms of Rohrdorf (am Inn) German Gemeindewappen von Rohrdorf (am Inn) of: Rohrdorf determination method or standard: SHA-1...