DescriptionDeng Xiaoping 1976 (cropped).jpg Deng Xiaoping Date 6 April 1976 Source [1] Dutch National Archives, The Hague, Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands...
DescriptionDeng Xiaoping 1976.jpg Deng Xiaoping Date 6 April 1976 Source [1] Dutch National Archives, The Hague, Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau...
POLITBURO” (TABLE I), 8thCentral Committees - The succession problem in the People's Republic of China. (IA successionproble00huan) (page 49 crop).jpg....
DescriptionDeng Xiaoping on 6 april 1976 face detail, from- Teng Hsiao Ping (partijtop China), Bestanddeelnr 928-5066 (cropped).jpg Nederlands: Collectie...
file has an extracted image: Deng Xiaoping on 6 april 1976 face detail, from- Teng Hsiao Ping (partijtop China), Bestanddeelnr 928-5066 (cropped).jpg....