DescriptionEmblem of Kama, Fukuoka.svg 日本語: 福岡県嘉麻市章 Date 27 March 2006 Source 市章 (シンボル) Author Original: mti Vector: DiKnK8713...
File:Emblem of Kama, Fukuoka.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this JPG file when not inferior. File:Kama Fukuoka chapter...
DescriptionEmblem of Yamada, Fukuoka (1938–2006).svg 日本語: 山田市章 English: Emblem of Yamada, Fukuoka (1938–2006) Date 16 February 2012 Source 嘉穂南部1市3町合併協議会...
File:Emblem of Yamada, Fukuoka (1938–2006).svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this JPG file when not inferior. File:Emblem...