DescriptionFlag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 3.svg English: Flag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 3. Date 1959-2017 Source Extracted and improved from...
English Flag of Mauritania (1959–2017) determination method or standard: SHA-1...
English Seal of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania until 2018 French Sceau de la République Islamique de Mauritanie jusqu'en 2018 URL: https://commons...
DescriptionFlag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 2.svg English: Flag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 2. Date 1959-2017 Source Created by "Inkscape". BASED...
DescriptionFlag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 4.svg English: Flag of Mauritania (1959–2017) type 4. Date 1959-2017 Source Extracted and improved from...