English The title card of the 1942 American animated short film, Foney Fables, part of the Merrie Melodies series. determination method: copyright not...
DescriptionFriz Freleng - Merrie Melodies - Foney Fables (1942) - 05m 35s 007ms.jpg English: The screenshot of the American traditional animated short...
DescriptionFriz Freleng - Merrie Melodies - Foney Fables (1942) - 07m 23s 032ms.jpg English: The screenshot of the American traditional animated short...
DescriptionFriz Freleng - Merrie Melodies - Foney Fables (1942) - 06m 50s 125ms.jpg English: The screenshot of the American traditional animated short...
DescriptionFriz Freleng - Merrie Melodies - Foney Fables (1942) - 05m 18s 366ms.jpg English: The screenshot of the American traditional animated short...