User_talk:Zscout370 Talk) . . 100x190 (1389 bytes) (The US Service Banner with a gold star in the center. Flag made using the same colors as the...
D Ch D C Dv white. Styx, Twisted petals. Maroon red, Star shaped tipped gold .75 Pom Pom Pom P SC Dv L. Kramer Peacock (Peacock), White Lluria...
General William Eaton when Tripoli was within his grasp, the sixteen-starred banner of the United States, too, would undoubtedly for a time the Flag...
General William Eaton when Tripoli was within his grasp, the sixteen-starred banner of the United States, too, would undoubtedly for a time the Flag...
General William Eaton when Tripoli was within his grasp, the sixteen-starred banner of the United States, too, would undoubtedly for a time the Flag...
help m— g-*—"t-iF— ^— '— ' — *—m ^S^gzt-t ±iwiz p^ •- pi= #_<rr^ ig— svg-ft p ^ — — I V r h ¥ 1 * 1 ^-' W v<—l Copyright, 1902, by D....
complete.svg, File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg, File:Commons-logo-en.png, File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg, File:Wikisource-logo-en.png, File:Wikibooks-logo-en.svg, File:Flag...
1556 and s:Executive Order 1637, which defined the dimensions for the 48-star U.S. flag, both specified that "The color of the field of the President's...
important aspects of his life, and they are likewise depicted on the red banner in gold (Or). At the bottom is an arrowhead or pheon, which is taken from the...