247 41 60 1500 755 Princess Maud of Wales 1269 234 49 56 1500 755 Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine 769 330 43 49 1500 755 Princess Alexandra of Edinburgh...
Younger Line 1233 962 77 89 2250 1782 Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 1272 897 83 107 2250 1782 Princess Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 1462...
but In pouring id since the accldertt In November lWSi, wedding of King Alfonso and Princess sçe the average shipmaster forced to n„.rc|Jftnls who had...
78 242 214 333 3286 2301 Sten Nordin 1035 588 378 489 3286 2301 Beatrice Ask 2567 403 271 411 3286 2301 Andreas Carlgren 1713 485 304 612 3286 2301 Tomas...
Carl Johan Bernadotte och Gunnila Bernadotte 2545 696 513 531 3763 2397 Beatrice Ask 1910 259 386 526 3763 2397 Sten Nordin 1237 447 405 517 3763 2397 Hanna...