DescriptionInvar.GIF English: Thermal expansion of Invar as a function of temperature Français : Coefficient de dilatation thermique de l'Invar en fonction...
DescriptionInvar Magnetosriction.GIF English: Magnetostriction coefficient of iron-nickel alloys (including Invar) fonction of the nickel content Français :...
£ilpidp på tpen* na tinga $apperé flut utur mèrfret i bagd* liufct bringa, invar til jag bltftptt upmun* trab idc aüenaft af §lrcfe*$3tPopend D. Pétri Kenîeii...
The 7 μm gold wires connecting � represents the test-masses to the common Invar sole plate are shown as yellow lines. Δ the test-masses offcentring. The...
1 Clutch facings, bimetallic....i Friction material, bimetallic__.| 1. Invar manufactures..... 1 Monel metal articles (fully finished).. Valve bushings...
de geheeleu hals Elisabeth Kleijburirh. oud om to h(j dn dei-lig jaren invar* dering der middelen te l.nde is bepaald. gerrgiciijke i b« scbonwing, is...
peut mentionner, parmi ces annexes, (Jli.-Ed. (juil/aume, résumant en invar, desquelles il les résulte la Note de M. expériences récentes sur...
egialono vhe due copie, di questo ettazinote donumianto. HP . Finora la invar di cironiazione silla fi ., SrEupeI quando pi motore d. di lu giouno LURrgo...
speranza di trovar lavero,. lu via Gem mentre è risaputo che' nei' mesi invar- orso anno, fu serlito. diffusanptenta a giornale.. nel'aostro EUO-tazigo...
Mnld.-tn acri«ii th« point" south. Th<»»p wind«, ncenrfliticj <> Diask, invar. iMy Lrmg dry wv ither lii «-inlt'r but wet iii ^v.iiiiniT Iho iii'MO sjiittiffly...