a memorial of John Paine and Mary Ann May of East Woodstock, Conn Author Lyman May Paine Title My ancestors; a memorial of John Paine and Mary Ann May...
John Paine 1812-1889 (page 12 crop).jpg...
Mrs. John Blair (page 81 crop).jpg...
Brewing Company’s “Celebrated Lager” ad - The people's pleasure ground illustrated, Roger Williams park (IA peoplespleasureg00prov) (page 20 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Charles Seaforth Stewart (page 321 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: John F. Lehy SJ (page 674 crop).jpg....
"The Dunn Urine Test Case" 1894 ad in The Pulse - Rush Medical College yearbook (IA pulserushmedical1894rush) (page 283 crop).jpg...