DescriptionKnot-9crossings-symmetrical.svg Decorative knot with nine crossings, depicted with three-fold symmetry. The central portion has a shape like...
with three-fold symmetry. Topologically equivalent to File:Knot-9crossings-symmetrical.svg, but this version is based on triangles (rather than circles)...
with three-fold symmetry. Topologically equivalent to File:Knot-9crossings-symmetrical.svg, but this version is based on triangles (rather than circles)...
Description9crossings-decorative-knot-threefold-incircle.svg Decorative knot with nine crossings, depicted with three-fold symmetric interlacings inside an overall...
joined together there, then you get the 9-crossing knot seen in image File:Knot-9crossings-symmetrical.svg. If everything outside of the three next-to-outermost...
3-symmetrical.svg A 9-crossing non-alternating knot with 3-fold rotational symmetry. (Compare the alternating symmetrical knot File:Knot-9crossings-symmetrical...
equivalent to File:9crossing-knot symmetrical grid.svg . Previously uploaded as NOTE: This...
File:12crossings-fourfold-symmetric.svg (which has all knot crossings at 90° angles), and is topologically equivalent to File:12crossings-4symmetrical-square.svg (see http://katlas...