DescriptionRussian police senior lieutenant.png English: Russian police senior lieutenant Русский: Погон старшего лейтенанта российской милиции Date 1992...
image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Russian_police_senior_lieutenant.png licensed with PD-RU-exempt 2009-08-16T18:06:28Z Amdf 100x279...
DescriptionBelarus Police—08 Senior Lieutenant rank insignia (Black).png Беларуская: Пагон здымны («здымная муфта») чорнага колеру старшага лейтэнанта...
DescriptionBelarus Police—08 Senior Lieutenant rank insignia (Gunmetal).png Беларуская: Пагон нашыўны і здымны з полем з галуна спецыяльнага перапляцення...
Governments toward the Russian delegation. The note complains of the failure of the Conference to ensure the se curity of the Russian representatives as...
in Bessarabia De- ' clare Against Control by the Russians ^ I believe 1124 hold» more hope for senior Government coune-l lie «aid Loudon. March" 2.7—The...
degrordini militari. ** Oiuiphr. f Rom. Tom Panvinius de civliaie riomaiia png. vid. Alex, ab Alex. L. p. 253. m. c. 29. P. lo. 11. C. BofEii. de...
DescriptionBelarus MIA—08 Senior Lieutenant rank insignia (Golden).png Беларуская: Пагон нашыўны з полем з галуна спецыяльнага перапляцення залацістага...
DescriptionBelarus MIA—08 Senior Lieutenant rank insignia (White).png Беларуская: Пагон здымны з полем з галуна спецыяльнага перапляцення белага колеру...
youngs! base; Cobb, left field; Heidler,-centomley, M. P., former editor of png to E. -G. ihgly combined. He 'threw new t&c field; Wales, second base; THE...