images: File:Swan_land_district_WA.png licensed with GFDL 2007-03-17T11:00:45Z Roke 400x575 (40291 Bytes) Location of the Swan district in Western Australia...
Victoria j district engineer of the Federal 1Mb-. lie Works Department, in that region to look over the ground to determine . if there is a feasible land route...
ut3 the best In our work. £cr fcrt Slid BOUglSS Iff. ™ «Continued from png'* 1 > Ing the franchise. Mr Richardson an nuunved tn»t for to year» he had...
loss of wages at four shillings per day, for five days aweek, = = a of = Png man Beco ge the bill in —_ song Dicaitinaadl. aes oe against the| cases...