DescriptionTrocar family.jpg English: Disposable trocar family Date 29 March 2019 Source Own work Author Magnus1313...
then keeping it clean and using an ear-cap. Simple emptying by means of a trocar or making a small incisionnever produces any good results, as the opening...
by Cadiac is to gradually remove the gas from thestomach by means of a trocar and opening the abdomen and returningthe stomach to its original position...
distended by gas, it may be emptied bymeans of a puncture of a very fine trocar (or the canula of a large hypo-dermic syringe). Any degenerated portions...
all my examinations except the last two, I removed, by meansof Duchennes trocar, portions of the hypertrophied and atrophied 510 DISEASES OF THE SPIXAL...