#set mxtics 4 set ylabel 'EUR' set format y '%.2f' set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,10" set outp 'USD rate to EUR.svg' set style line 1 lt rgb 'blue'...
mxtics 12 set ylabel 'EUR' set format y '%.2f' set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,10" set outp 'ExchangeRate_USD_EUR_1999-2017.svg' set style line 1 lt...
mxtics 12 set ylabel 'EUR' set format y '%.2f' set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,10" set outp 'ExchangeRate_USD_EUR_2003-2012.svg' set style line 1 lt...
gnuplot # based on code of [[User:Gorgo]]/[[:c:File:Euro exchange rate to TRY.svg]] # gnuplot script for plotting eurofxref-hist.csv as obtained from...
gnuplot # based on code of [[User:Gorgo]]/[[:c:File:Euro exchange rate to TRY.svg]] # gnuplot script for plotting eurofxref-hist.csv as obtained from...
gnuplot # based on code of [[User:Gorgo]]/[[:c:File:Euro exchange rate to TRY.svg]] # gnuplot script for plotting eurofxref-hist.csv as obtained from...
usi 1:(column("GBP")) axis x1y2 tit '1 EUR in GBP' lt rgb 'blue' lw 1,\ English plot of the €/£ exchange rate over the past ca. 20 years, with marker...
DescriptionINR-USD, GBP, EUR, JPY.svg English: Graph of daily exchange rates of Indian rupee (INR) per 1 USD, 1 GBP, 1 EUR, 100 JPY from 25 August 1998 to 27 January...
publish it under the following license: English plot of the €/£ exchange rate over the past ca. 20 years, with marker for the time of the Brexit referendum...
DescriptionExchangeRate EUR USD 1999-2017.svg Deutsch: Wechselkurs Euro — US Dollar von 1999 bis August 2017. Benutzt wurden die Daten der Bundesbank....