DescriptionWeak orderings 3 Hasse.svg Cayley graph related to the permutohedron of order 3 with k-faces labelled with weak orderings Geometrically this...
DescriptionWeak orderings 4 Hasse.svg Cayley graph related to the permutohedron of order 4 with k-faces labelled with weak orderings Geometrically this...
DescriptionWeak orderings 4 Hasse, hexagons 14-23.svg The vertices of these two hexagons correspond to the permutations (weak orderings) of the partitions...
DescriptionWeak orderings 4 Hasse, hexagons 13-24.svg The vertices of these two hexagons correspond to the permutations (weak orderings) of the partitions 1|3|24...
DescriptionWeak orderings 4 Hasse, hexagons 12-34.svg The vertices of these two hexagons correspond to the permutations (weak orderings) of the partitions...