English German William Berryman Scott, US-amerikanischer Wirbeltier-Paläontologe (1858–1947...
Starr Jordan 1507 242 331 357 2976 1585 Henry F Osborn 1871 268 342 394 2976 1585 William Berryman Scott 2310 283 409 476 2976 1585 Arthur Smith Woodward...
dentary - Scott 1938.png Apataelurus, holotype of A. kayi (CM 11920), published by William Berryman Scott 1938 Date 1938 Source William Berryman Scott: A problematical...
William Smith.png English: diagram of section across rock strata in Wales near London by William Smith, as reproduced in William Berryman Scott’s A...
near London by William Smith, as reproduced as figure 1 in A History of Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere by William Berryman Scott, published 1913...