
Bonjour, vous êtes venu ici pour chercher la signification du mot Module:conjugaisons. Dans DICTIOUS, vous trouverez non seulement toutes les significations du dictionnaire pour le mot Module:conjugaisons, mais vous apprendrez également son étymologie, ses caractéristiques et comment dire Module:conjugaisons au singulier et au pluriel. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le mot Module:conjugaisons est ici. La définition du mot Module:conjugaisons vous aidera à être plus précis et correct lorsque vous parlerez ou écrirez vos textes. Connaître la définition deModule:conjugaisons, ainsi que celles d'autres mots, enrichit votre vocabulaire et vous fournit des ressources linguistiques plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité.

 Documentation[voir] [modifier] [historique] [purger]

Ce module définit la fonction conj qui permet de générer les tableaux de conjugaison des verbes en français.

La documentation détaillée de l’utilisation de la fonction conj est disponible sur la page du modèle {{fr-conjugaison}}.

local m_bases = require("Module:bases")
local m_params = require("Module:paramètres")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local m_model = require("Module:conjugaisons/data-model")
local m_gen = require("Module:conjugaisons/tense-generators")

local p = {}

local GRAY_STYLE = "color: gray; font-style: italic"

--- Generate a wikicode link with a #fr anchor for the given page title.
--- @param title string The title of the page to link to.
--- @return string The link.
local function link(title)
  return mw.ustring.format("]", title, title)

--- Create an HTML table element with a width of 100%, center-aligned text and collapsed borders.
--- @return html The table element.
local function createTable()
  return mw.html.create("table")
           :attr("style", "width: 100%; text-align: center; border-collapse: collapse")

--- Format a title.
--- @param base string The base title.
--- @param tenseOrMode VerbTense|VerbMode The verb tense/mode this title represents.
--- @return string The formatted header.
local function formatTitle(base, tenseOrMode)
  local state = tenseOrMode:getStatus()
  if state then
    local text
    if state == m_model.DISABLED then
      text = "défectif"
    elseif state == m_model.RARE then
      text = "rare"
    elseif state == m_model.UNATTESTED then
      text = "inattesté"
      error("État invalide : " .. tostring(state))
    return base .. mw.ustring.format(" (%s)", text)
  return base

--- Add an HTML TR tag to the given header.
--- @param headerRow html The parent tag.
--- @param tense VerbTense The tense this header represents.
--- @param title string The header’s title.
--- @param color string The header’s background color.
--- @param width number The header’s width in %.
--- @param colspan number Optional. The header’s "colspan", defaults to 2.
local function createTenseTableHeader(headerRow, tense, title, color, width, colspan)
  local style = mw.ustring.format("width: %d%%; background-color: %s;", width, color)
  if tense:isGray() then
    style = style .. GRAY_STYLE
  local element = headerRow
      :attr("scope", colspan > 2 and "colgroup" or "col")
      :attr("style", style)
      :wikitext(formatTitle(title, tense))
  if colspan > 1 then
    element = element:attr("colspan", tostring(colspan))
  return element

--- Format the given verb form.
--- @param verbForm VerbForm The verb form to format.
--- @param asLink boolean Whether to wrap the verb form inside a link.
--- @return string The formatted verb form.
local function formatVerbForm(verbForm, asLink)
  local form = verbForm:getForm()
  if not form then
    return "—"
  return asLink and link(form) or form

--- Generate the table for all impersonal tenses for the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @return string The generated table.
local function generateImpersonalTable(verb)
  local tableElement = createTable()

  local headerRow = tableElement:tag("tr")
           :attr("scope", "col")
           :attr("style", "width: 8%; background-color: #ffddaa")
           :attr("colspan", "2")
           :attr("scope", "colgroup")
           :attr("style", "width: 46%; background-color: #ffeebb")
           :attr("colspan", "2")
           :attr("scope", "colgroup")
           :attr("style", "width: 46%; background-color: #ffeebb")

  local infinitifPresent = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local infinitifPasse = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local gerondifPresent = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local gerondifPasse = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local participePresent = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local participePasse = verb.modes.tenses.forms

  local infinitiveRow = tableElement:tag("tr")
               :attr("scope", "row")
               :attr("style", "width: 23%; text-align: right; padding-right: 0")
               :wikitext(infinitifPresent:getPronoun() or "")
               :attr("style", "width: 23%; text-align: left; padding-left: 0")
               :wikitext(formatVerbForm(infinitifPresent, true))
               :attr("style", "width: 23%; text-align: right; padding-right: 0;" .. (infinitifPasse:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
               :wikitext(infinitifPasse:getPronoun() or "")
               :attr("style", "width: 23%; text-align: left; padding-left: 0;" .. (infinitifPasse:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))

  local gerundRow = tableElement:tag("tr")
           :attr("scope", "row")
           :attr("style", "text-align: right; padding-right: 0;" .. (gerondifPresent:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
           :wikitext(gerondifPresent:getPronoun() or "")
           :attr("style", "text-align: left; padding-left: 0;" .. (gerondifPresent:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
           :attr("style", "text-align: right; padding-right: 0;" .. (gerondifPasse:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
           :wikitext(gerondifPasse:getPronoun() or "")
           :attr("style", "text-align: left; padding-left: 0;" .. (gerondifPasse:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))

  local participleRow = tableElement:tag("tr")
               :attr("scope", "row")
               :attr("style", "text-align: left;" .. (participePresent:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
               :wikitext(formatVerbForm(participePresent, true))
               :attr("style", "text-align: left;" .. (participePasse:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""))
               :wikitext(formatVerbForm(participePasse, true))

  return tostring(tableElement)

--- Create a table row for a single person of simple and compound tenses.
--- @param tableElement html The table to add the row to.
--- @param simpleTense VerbTense The simple tense.
--- @param compoundTense VerbTense The compound tense.
--- @param colsNb number The number of columns for each tense.
--- @param formIndex number The index of verb form to add.
local function createRow(tableElement, simpleTense, compoundTense, colsNb, formIndex)
  local row = tableElement:tag("tr")

  local simpleForm = simpleTense.forms
  local compoundForm = compoundTense.forms
  local simpleStyle = simpleForm:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""
  local compoundStyle = compoundForm:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or ""

  local formattedSimpleForm = simpleTense:getStatus() == m_model.DISABLED and formIndex > 1 and "" or formatVerbForm(simpleForm, true)
  local formattedCompoundForm = compoundTense:getStatus() == m_model.DISABLED and formIndex > 1 and "" or formatVerbForm(compoundForm)

  if colsNb == 2 then
    local simplePronoun = simpleForm:getPronoun() or ""
    local compoundPronoun = compoundForm:getPronoun() or ""
    local reversedPronouns = simpleTense.mode.reversedPronouns

       :attr("style", "width: 25%; text-align: right; padding-right: 0;" .. simpleStyle)
       :wikitext(reversedPronouns and formattedSimpleForm or simplePronoun)
       :attr("style", "width: 25%; text-align: left; padding-left: 0;" .. simpleStyle)
       :wikitext(reversedPronouns and simplePronoun or formattedSimpleForm)

       :attr("style", "width: 25%; text-align: right; padding-right: 0;" .. compoundStyle)
       :wikitext(reversedPronouns and formattedCompoundForm or compoundPronoun)
       :attr("style", "width: 25%; text-align: left; padding-left: 0;" .. compoundStyle)
       :wikitext(reversedPronouns and compoundPronoun or formattedCompoundForm)
       :attr("style", simpleStyle)
       :attr("style", compoundStyle)

--- Generate the rows for the given simple tense and its corresponding compound tense.
--- @param tableElement html The table element to add the generated rows to.
--- @param verb Verb An array containing the flexions of the verb.
--- @param mode string The key of the mode.
--- @param simpleTenseName string The key of the simple tense.
--- @param title1 string Title for the simple tense.
--- @param compoundTenseName string The key of the compound tense.
--- @param title2 string Title for the compound tense.
local function generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, mode, simpleTenseName, title1, color1, compoundTenseName, title2, color2)
  local headerRow = tableElement:tag("tr")

  local simpleTense = verb.modes.tenses
  local compoundTense = verb.modes.tenses

  local reversedPronouns = simpleTense.mode.reversedPronouns
  local colsNb = reversedPronouns and not verb.spec.pronominal and 1 or 2

  createTenseTableHeader(headerRow, simpleTense, title1, color1, 50, colsNb)
  createTenseTableHeader(headerRow, compoundTense, title2, color2, 50, colsNb)

  local simpleDef = simpleTense:getStatus() == m_model.DISABLED
  local compoundDef = compoundTense:getStatus() == m_model.DISABLED

  for i = 1, (simpleDef and compoundDef and 1 or #simpleTense.forms) do
    local impersonal = verb.spec.impersonal
    if impersonal and #simpleTense.forms == 6 then
      local j = m_model.STRUCT.tenses
      if j == 3 or impersonal == m_model.IMPERS and j == 6 then
        createRow(tableElement, simpleTense, compoundTense, colsNb, i)
      createRow(tableElement, simpleTense, compoundTense, colsNb, i)

--- Generate the table for the indicative tenses of the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @return string The generated table.
local function generateIndicativeTable(verb)
  local tableElement = createTable()
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "indicatif", "present", "Présent", "#ddd", "passeCompose", "Passé composé", "#ececff")
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "indicatif", "imparfait", "Imparfait", "#ddd", "plusQueParfait", "Plus-que-parfait", "#ececff")
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "indicatif", "passeSimple", "Passé simple", "#ddd", "passeAnterieur", "Passé antérieur", "#ececff")
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "indicatif", "futur", "Futur simple", "#ddd", "futurAnterieur", "Futur antérieur", "#ececff")
  return tostring(tableElement)

--- Generate the table for the subjunctive tenses of the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @return string The generated table.
local function generateSubjunctiveTable(verb)
  local tableElement = createTable()
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "subjonctif", "present", "Présent", "#ddd", "passe", "Passé", "#fec")
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "subjonctif", "imparfait", "Imparfait", "#ddd", "plusQueParfait", "Plus-que-parfait", "#fec")
  return tostring(tableElement)

--- Generate the table for the conditional tenses of the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @return string The generated table.
local function generateConditionalTable(verb)
  local tableElement = createTable()
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "conditionnel", "present", "Présent", "#ddd", "passe", "Passé", "#cfc")
  return tostring(tableElement)

--- Generate the table for the imperative tenses of the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @return string The generated table.
local function generateImperativeTable(verb)
  local tableElement = createTable()
  generateTensesRows(tableElement, verb, "imperatif", "present", "Présent", "#ffe5e5", "passe", "Passé", "#ffe5e5")
  return tostring(tableElement)

--- Format the given verb group as a link.
--- Throws an error if the group is different than 1, 2 or 3.
--- @param group number The verb group.
--- @return string The generated link.
local function formatGroup(group)
  local res = "[[Conjugaison:français/"
  if group == 1 then
    res = res .. "Premier groupe|1<sup>er</sup>"
  elseif group == 2 then
    res = res .. "Deuxième groupe|2<sup>e</sup>"
  elseif group == 3 then
    res = res .. "Troisième groupe|3<sup>e</sup>"
    error("Groupe invalide : " .. tostring(group))
  return res .. " groupe]]"

--- Render the full page for the given verb.
--- @param verb Verb A Verb object.
--- @param group number|nil The verb’s group, either 1, 2 or 3.
--- @param templateVerb string|nil The verb the specified one is conjugated like.
--- @param num number A number to append to section IDs.
--- @return string The generated wikicode.
local function renderPage(verb, group, templateVerb, num)
  local page = mw.html.create()

  local idSuffix = num and ("-" .. tostring(num)) or ""
  -- Links to modes sections
  local small = page:tag("small")
  small:wikitext(mw.ustring.format("]", idSuffix))
  small:wikitext(" – ")
  small:wikitext(mw.ustring.format("]", idSuffix))
  small:wikitext(" – ")
  small:wikitext(mw.ustring.format("]", idSuffix))
  small:wikitext(" – ")
  small:wikitext(mw.ustring.format("]", idSuffix))
  small:wikitext(" – ")
  small:wikitext(mw.ustring.format("]", idSuffix))

  local inf = verb.modes.tenses.forms
  local introText = mw.ustring.format("Conjugaison de '''%s''', verbe ", link((inf:getPronoun() or "") .. inf:getForm()))
  if verb.spec.pronominal then
    introText = introText .. "pronominal "
  if verb.spec.impersonal then
    introText = introText .. "impersonnel "
  if group then
    introText = introText .. "du " .. formatGroup(group)
    introText = introText .. "sans groupe"
  introText = introText .. mw.ustring.format(
      ", conjugé avec l’auxiliaire %s.",
      link(verb.spec.auxEtre and "être" or "avoir")
  if group == 3 then
    if templateVerb then
      local templateInf = templateVerb
      if mw.ustring.find(templateVerb, "-", 1, true) then
        templateInf = mw.text.split(templateInf, "-", true)
        templateVerb = mw.ustring.gsub(templateVerb, "%-", " (", 1) .. ")"
      if templateInf ~= verb.modes.tenses.forms:getForm() then
        -- Don’t show anything if the template is the verb itself
        introText = introText .. mw.ustring.format(" Conjugué comme ].", templateInf, templateVerb)
      introText = introText .. " Conjugué comme aucun autre verbe."

      :attr("id", "mode-impersonnel" .. idSuffix)
      :wikitext("Modes impersonnels")
      :attr("style", "margin: 0.5em 2em")

  local mode = verb.modes
      :attr("id", "mode-indicatif" .. idSuffix)
      :attr("style", mode:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or "")
      :wikitext(formatTitle("Indicatif", mode))
      :attr("style", "margin: 0.5em 2em")

  mode = verb.modes
      :attr("id", "mode-subjonctif" .. idSuffix)
      :attr("style", mode:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or "")
      :wikitext(formatTitle("Subjonctif", mode))
      :attr("style", "margin: 0.5em 2em")

  mode = verb.modes
      :attr("id", "mode-conditionnel" .. idSuffix)
      :attr("style", mode:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or "")
      :wikitext(formatTitle("Conditionnel", mode))
      :attr("style", "margin: 0.5em 2em")

  mode = verb.modes
      :attr("id", "mode-impératif" .. idSuffix)
      :attr("style", mode:isGray() and GRAY_STYLE or "")
      :wikitext(formatTitle("Impératif", mode))
      :attr("style", "margin: 0.5em 2em")

  return tostring(page)

local modeAbbreviations = {
  part = "participe",
  ind = "indicatif",
  subj = "subjonctif",
  cond = "conditionnel",
  imp = "imperatif",
local tenseAbbreviations = {
  pr = "present",
  p = "passe",
  i = "imparfait",
  ps = "passeSimple",
  f = "futur",
  pc = "passeCompose",
  pa = "passeAnterieur",
  pqp = "plusQueParfait",
  fa = "futurAnterieur",

--- Parse the arguments of the form "<mode>.<tense>" and "<mode>].état".
--- @param aspiratedH boolean Whether the initial "h" of the verb should prevent a liaison.
--- @param pronominal boolean Whether the verb is pronominal.
--- @param auxEtre boolean Whether the verb should use the verb "être" instead of "avoir" as its auxiliary.
--- @param impersonal string Whether the verb is impersonal.
--- @param args table The parsed frame arguments.
--- @return (VerbSpec, boolean) A VerbSpec object and a boolean indicating whether any form has been specified manually or any form/tense/mode has been marked as non-existent.
local function parseSpecs(aspiratedH, pronominal, auxEtre, impersonal, args)
  local function personToIndex(mode, person)
    if mode == "imp" then
      if person == "2s" then
        return 1
      elseif person == "1p" then
        return 2
      elseif person == "2p" then
        return 3
    return tonumber(mw.ustring.sub(person, 1, 1))
        + (mw.ustring.sub(person, 2, 2) == "s" and 0 or 3)

  --- @type VerbSpec
  local spec = m_model.newVerbSpec(aspiratedH, pronominal, auxEtre, impersonal)
  local manuallySpecified = false

  for k, v in pairs(args) do
    if mw.ustring.find(k, ".", 1, true) then
      local parts = mw.text.split(k, ".", true)
      local nb = #parts

      if parts == "état" then
        table.remove(parts, nb)
        nb = nb - 1
        local node = spec
        for i, part in ipairs(parts) do
          if i < nb then
            if i == 1 then
              node = node.modeSpecs]
              node = node.tenseSpecs]
        if mw.ustring.match(parts, "") then
          node.formSpecs, parts)].status = v
          if modeAbbreviations] then
            node.modeSpecs]].status = v
            node.tenseSpecs]].status = v
          manuallySpecified = true

        local node = spec
        for i, part in ipairs(parts) do
          if i < nb then
            if i == 1 then
              node = node.modeSpecs]
              node = node.tenseSpecs]
        if mw.ustring.match(parts, "") then
          node.formSpecs, parts)].form = v
          node.tenseSpecs]].formSpecs.form = v
        manuallySpecified = true


  if impersonal then
    manuallySpecified = true
    for modeName, mode in pairs(spec.modeSpecs) do
      for tenseName, tense in pairs(mode.tenseSpecs) do
        if #tense.formSpecs ~= 1 then
          for i, form in ipairs(tense.formSpecs) do
            local j = m_model.STRUCT.tenses
            if j ~= 3 and (impersonal == m_model.IMPERS and j ~= 6 or impersonal == m_model.IMPERS_SING) then
              form.status = m_model.DISABLED

  return spec, manuallySpecified

--- Render the conjugation tables for the given verb.
--- Parameters:
---  frame.args (string): The verb in its infinitive present form.
---  frame.args (boolean): Optional. If true, use the “être” auxiliary instead of “avoir”.
---  frame.args (boolean): Optional. If true, the verb will be classified as belonging to group 3.
---  frame.args (string): Optional. The type of mutation to apply to the verb’s root instead of the default one.
---  frame.args (string): Optional. For group-3 verbs, the verb to use as a template instead of the detected one.
---  frame.args (boolean): Optional. If true, contracted pronoun forms will be used where relevant.
---  frame.args (string): Optional. If specified, the verb is considered impersonal.
---  frame.args (boolean): Optional. Whether the verb is compound.
---  frame.args (string): Optional. If "composé" is specified, the character to split the verb with. Defaults to "-".
---  frame.args (integer): Optional. A number to append to modes sections’ IDs when this function is called multiple times on the same page.
--- @return string The generated wikicode.
--- @see ] For a detailled explanation of frame arguments.
function p.conj(frame)
  local templates = m_table.keysToList(m_gen.group3Templates)
  table.insert(templates, "-")
  local flexionStates = m_model.STATES

  -- Attempt to extract the verb from the page’s title if it is in the "Conjugaison" namespace
  -- and use it as the default value for argument 1.
  -- Otherwise, mark the argument as required.
  local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
  local pageNamespace = title.namespace
  local pageTitle = title.text
  local verbParamConfig
  if pageNamespace == and mw.ustring.find(pageTitle, "/", 1, true) then
    verbParamConfig = { default = mw.text.split(pageTitle, "/", true) }
    verbParamConfig = { required = true }

  local args = m_params.process(frame:getParent().args, {
     = verbParamConfig,
     = { type = m_params.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { type = m_params.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { type = m_params.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { type = m_params.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { enum = m_gen.mutationTypes },
     = { enum = m_gen.mutationTypes },
     = { enum = m_gen.mutationTypes },
     = { enum = templates },
     = { enum = templates },
     = { enum = templates },
     = { type = m_params.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { enum = m_model.IMPERSONAL_STATES },
     = { type = m_model.BOOLEAN, default = false },
     = { default = "-" },
     = { type = m_params.INT, checker = function(num)
      return num >= 1
    end },

    -- Full forms and defective tenses

    -- Participes
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Participe présent
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Participe passé
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },

    -- Indicatif
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif présent
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif imparfait
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif passé simple
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif futur
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif passé composé
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif passé antérieur
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif plus-que-parfait
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Indicatif futur antérieur
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },

    -- Subjonctif
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Subjonctif présent
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Subjonctif imparfait
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Subjonctif passé
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Subjonctif plus-que-parfait
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },

    -- Conditionnel
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Conditionnel présent
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Conditionnel passé
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },

    -- Impératif
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Impératif présent
     = {},
     = {},
     = {},
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
    -- Impératif passé
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },
     = { enum = flexionStates },

  local infinitive = args
  local pronominal = false
  if mw.ustring.match(infinitive, "^se ") then
    pronominal = true
    infinitive = mw.ustring.sub(infinitive, 4)
  elseif mw.ustring.match(infinitive, "^s’") then
    pronominal = true
    infinitive = mw.ustring.sub(infinitive, 3)
  local auxEtre = pronominal or args
  local aspiratedH = args
  local impersonal = args
  local compound = args
  local splitChar = args
  if compound and not mw.ustring.find(infinitive, splitChar, 1, true) then
    error(mw.ustring.format('Le caractère "%s" n’est pas dans "%s"', splitChar, infinitive))
  local num = args
  if aspiratedH and mw.ustring.sub(infinitive, 1, 1) ~= "h" then
    error(mw.ustring.format('Le verbe "%s" ne commence pas par un "h"', infinitive))

  -- TODO wrap errors
  local spec, manuallySpecified = parseSpecs(aspiratedH, pronominal, auxEtre, impersonal, args)
  local verb, group, templateVerb
  if compound then
    local parts = mw.text.split(infinitive, splitChar, true)
    local infinitives = {}
    local group3s = {}
    local mutationTypes = {}
    local verbTemplates = {}
    for i, part in ipairs(parts) do
      local index = i > 1 and "-" .. tostring(i) or ""
      table.insert(infinitives, part)
      table.insert(group3s, args or m_gen.NULL)
      table.insert(mutationTypes, args or m_gen.NULL)
      table.insert(verbTemplates, args or m_gen.NULL)
    verb, group, templateVerb = m_gen.generateFlexions(infinitives, group3s, mutationTypes, verbTemplates, spec, splitChar)
    verb, group, templateVerb = m_gen.generateFlexions({ infinitive }, { args }, { args }, { args }, spec)
  if manuallySpecified then
    templateVerb = nil
  return renderPage(verb, group, templateVerb, num)

return p