Discussion utilisateur:Şêr

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Stephane8888 12 juillet 2010 à 14:30 (UTC)Répondre

Conjugation Kurdish

Silav, GeorgeAnimal. I answered your message. Here are you messages and my answer. CathFR (discussion) 9 avril 2012 à 20:01 (UTC)Répondre

Silav CathFR!
Tu çawa yî?Min dît ku te rûpelek this li derbarê tewandina lêkerên kurdî afirrandiyî(tishtekî gelek ridne, spas), lê belê hinek kêmasî di demên borî de hene (e.g.:simple past ...).
Heke ku bixwazî ezê wê alîkariya te bikim, lê belê frensiya min ne gelek rind e, lewma min xwest ku te derbarê vê rewshê de agahdar bikim, ku bila kêmasî ji rê rabin û derkevin.Qewet be û xebat xwwesh.George Animal (discussion) 3 avril 2012 à 11:42 (UTC)Répondre
Silav George! Sipas ji bo peyama te. Belê, kêmasî di demên borî yên lêkerên gerandî hene. Min du salan berê nedizanî çawan awayê konayî (ergative) nîsan bidim. Ezê hewl didim ku modelê biguhurim. Gava ku ez xelas bim, ezê daxwaz bikim ku tu rûpela min birastînî. Ser çava. CathFR (discussion) 6 avril 2012 à 20:32 (UTC)Répondre
Silav George! Min modela tewandina lêkerên gerandî guhart. Tu dikarî qontrol bikî, kerem ke? Eve du mînak : xwarin û saz kirin. Tu bawêr dikî ku dibê ez gişa tewandina gotin nîşan bidim? Ez bawêr nakim ku hevokek weka « Min te got » tê bi kar anîn. Ser çava. CathFR (discussion) 9 avril 2012 à 19:48 (UTC)Répondre
Silavên germ ji te re CathFR,
Mînakekê tu dikarî li vir bibînî, ji bo lêker saz kirin.Ezê wan formên din jî sererast bikim.Silavxwesh û xebatxwesh.George Animal (discussion) 10 avril 2012 à 16:09 (UTC)Répondre
Hi! I tried to email you from the English Wiktionary. I got this message « Tried to send e-mail without an e-mail address ». Is your e-mail address confirmed ? Ser çava. CathFR (discussion) 12 avril 2012 à 19:50 (UTC)Répondre

A question

Hi dear Pamputt! Thanks for your support.I have a new tast for my bot at fr. wiktionary.Namely:creating Kurdish inflected verb forms.Could I add the new function here.I have created lots of test pages see on the Englis Wiktionary.Also on de.wiktionary--.Should I make any tests so that you can see how it works?Thanks and best regards!--George Animal (discussion) 10 août 2012 à 18:35 (UTC)Répondre

Hi George, as you wants. You are note obliged to talk about that feature but you should do some tests (for example the flexions of few nouns) before to run your bot completely. You can do your test now if you want. Pamputt 10 août 2012 à 18:43 (UTC)Répondre

Done.Best regards--George Animal (discussion) 10 août 2012 à 18:53 (UTC)Répondre

I have few questions about these flexions
  • in diqelînim, the page name is different with the one in the article (see that)
  • I do not know the Kurdish but I think dikenim and diqelînim shopuld not have exactly the same definition. If you need some help in French to translate you string.
  • The definition of direvim is not coherent with the one on en.wikt.
So, I guess you have a bug in your code Clin d’œil. Pamputt 10 août 2012 à 19:09 (UTC)Répondre
That was my fault.I have updated it.Zhere are 5 conjugation classe in Kurdish.Verb which end with -andin:kelandin (cook) dikelînim. The verbs of other class end with the suffix -în.revîn.Present form:direvim.etc.
I have corrected the code.--George Animal (discussion) 10 août 2012 à 19:42 (UTC)Répondre
I have corrected the fault.Now i will create 10 pages to check if it is ok.--George Animal (discussion) 10 août 2012 à 19:43 (UTC)Répondre
You can see here.The recent edits of the Bot.The code was fixed.--best regards--George Animal (discussion) 10 août 2012 à 20:02 (UTC)Répondre
Indeed, the new test is more convincing Sourire. When you will got the bot flag, you will run your bot also for Kurdish entries. Thanks Pamputt 10 août 2012 à 21:31 (UTC)Répondre

Retrait du bot-flag à GanimalBot

De toute évidence tu n’as plus besoin du bot-flag, je l’ai retiré. --GaAs 3 septembre 2012 à 21:00 (UTC)Répondre

Could you speak on English because I don't understand French?George Animal (discussion) 4 septembre 2012 à 17:53 (UTC)Répondre
OK.I see.George Animal (discussion) 4 septembre 2012 à 17:58 (UTC)Répondre
If you need the flag again, just ask me (or on WT:DB), it will be restored immediatly. --GaAs 5 septembre 2012 à 18:56 (UTC)Répondre
In fact I did that because your bot just ran 2 days after having the flag and then stopped completly. I set the flag again. --GaAs 5 septembre 2012 à 19:02 (UTC)Répondre
Please could you put some description of your bot on WT:BOT#Bots_officiels_du_Wiktionnaire ? --GaAs 5 septembre 2012 à 21:28 (UTC)Répondre


Hello, I saw that yoour bot is replacing the old template (=xxx=) by the new one (langue|xxx). Just to say you that your bot seems to have abug. For example here the line == {{=pl=}} == has been replaced by == {{langue|pl=}} == (with the "=" at the end) (there is the same here). Could you check and fix that? Thanks in advance. Pamputt 18 septembre 2012 à 16:04 (UTC)Répondre

Hi.Fixed.Merci pour l'information--George Animal (discussion) 18 septembre 2012 à 18:37 (UTC)Répondre