Q {n} (playing card)
:: D
Qatar {prop} (a country in the Middle East)
:: Qatar
Qatari {n} (person from Qatar or of Qatari descent)
:: qatarer
QR code {n} (2-D barcode)
:: QR-kode {c}
Q-tip {n} (type of cotton swab) SEE: cotton swab
qua {prep} (in the capacity of)
:: qua, i egenskab af
quack {n} (sound made by a duck)
:: rap {n}
quack {v} (to make a noise like a duck)
:: rappe
quack {n} (fraudulent or incompetent doctor of medicine)
:: kvaksalver {c}
quackery {n} (practice)
:: kvaksalveri {c}
quackgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass
quacksalver {n} (one falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills)
:: kvaksalver
quad {adj} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral
quadrangle {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral
quadratic equation {n} (second-degree equation)
:: andengradsligning {c}
quadrature {n} (squaring)
:: kvadrering {c}
quadrature {n} (mathematics)
:: kvadratur {c}
quadrature {n} (astronomy)
:: kvadratur {c}
quadrilateral {n} (polygon having four sides)
:: firkant {c}
quadrilateral {adj} (having four sides)
:: firkantet
quadrilingual {adj} (written in four languages)
:: firsproget
quadrilingual {adj} (able to speak four languages)
:: firsproget
quadroon {adj} (three fourths Caucasian and one fourth African in descent)
:: kvadron {c}
quadruped {n} (a four-footed or four-legged animal)
:: firbenet dyr
quadruple {adj} (being four times as long, as big or as many of something)
:: firedobbelt
quaffle {n} (ball used in Quidditch)
:: Tromler {c}
quagmire {n} (swampy ground)
:: sump {c}, dynd {n}
quagmire {n} (perilous, mixed up and troubled situation)
:: dynd {n}, hængedynd {n}
quail {n} (any of several small game birds)
:: vagtel {c}
quaint {adj} (interestingly strange)
:: ejendommelig, kuriøs
quaint {adj} (incongruous, inappropriate or illogical)
:: løjerlig
quake {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake
quakebuttock {n} (coward) SEE: coward
Quaker {n} (believer of the Quaker faith)
:: kvæker {c}
qualification {n} (act or process of qualifying)
:: kvalificering {c}
qualification {n} (an ability or attribute that aids someone's chances of qualifying for something)
:: kvalifikation
qualification {n} (certificate, diploma, degree)
:: diplom {n}, certifikat {n}
qualified majority {n} (majority that reaches a preset threshold level)
:: kvalificeret flertal {f}
qualify {v} (to make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task)
:: kvalificere
qualify {v} (to certify or license someone for something)
:: kvalificere
qualify {v} (to compete successfully in some stage of a competition and become eligible for the next stage)
:: kvalificere sig
qualitative {adj} (of descriptions or distinctions based on some quality rather than on some quantity)
:: kvalitativ
quality {n} (level of excellence)
:: kvalitet {c}
quality of life {n} (general well-being of individuals and societies)
:: livskvalitet {c}
quantification {n} (act)
:: kvantificering {c}
quantifier {n} (a logical operator)
:: kvantor {c}
quantify {v} (to assign a quantity to)
:: kvantificere, gøre målbar
quantitative {adj} (of a measurement based on some quantity or number rather than on some quality)
:: kvantitativ
quantity {n} (fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement)
:: kvantitet {c}
quantum dot {n} (fluorescent nanoparticle)
:: kvanteø
quantum leap {n} (electron's state of change)
:: kvantespring {n}
quantum mechanical {adj} (of or pertaining to quantum mechanics)
:: kvantemekanisk
quantum mechanics {n} (branch of physics)
:: kvantemekanik {c}
quantum number {n} (number that specifies the state of a quantum mechanical system)
:: kvantetal {n}
quantum theory {n} (quantum mechanics) SEE: quantum mechanics
quarantine {n} (sanitary measure isolating infected people)
:: karantæne {c}
quarantine {n} (place for isolating persons)
:: karantæne {c}
quarantine {n} (period of isolation)
:: karantæne {c}
quarantine {n} (any rigorous measure of isolation)
:: karantæne {c}
quark {n} ((physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter)
:: kvark {?}
quark {n} (soft creamy cheese)
:: kvark {c}
quarrel {n} (verbal dispute or heated argument)
:: skænderi {n}
quarrel {n} (ground of dispute; complaint)
:: uenighed {c}
quarrel {v} (to contend, argue strongly, squabble)
:: skændes
quarry {n} (site for mining stone)
:: stenbrud
quart {n} (a unit of liquid capacity)
:: kvart, fjerdedel gallon
quarter {n} (one of four equal parts)
:: fjerdedel {c}, kvart {c}
quarter {n} (period of three months)
:: kvartal {n}
quarter {n} (section of a town)
:: kvarter {n}
quarter bottle {n} (piccolo) SEE: piccolo
quarter-final {n} (quarter-final) SEE: quarterfinal
quarterfinal {n} (competition in a tournament whose winners go on to play in the two semifinals)
:: kvartfinale {c}
quarter-hour {n} (quarter-hour) SEE: quarter of an hour
quarterly {adj} (occurring once every quarter year)
:: firårig
quarterly {adj} (divided into four parts crosswise)
:: kvadreret, firdelt
quartermaster {n} (officer responsible for supplies)
:: kvartermester {c}
quarter note {n} (quarter note) SEE: crotchet
quarter of an hour {n} (fifteen minutes)
:: kvarter {n}
quartile {n} (any of the three points)
:: kvartil {c}
quartile {n} (any of the four groups)
:: kvartil {c}
quartz {n} (mineral)
:: kvarts {c}
quasar {n} (An extragalactic object)
:: kvasar {c}
quasi- {prefix} (almost)
:: kvasi-, nær-
quay {n} (structure for loading and unloading vessels)
:: kaj {c}
Quechua {prop} (language)
:: quechua
queen {n} (female monarch)
:: dronning {c}
queen {n} (wife of a king)
:: dronning {c}
queen {n} (chess piece)
:: dronning {c}, dame {c}
queen {n} (playing card)
:: dame {c}
queen {n} (powerful or forceful female person)
:: dronning {c}
queen {n} (slang: male homosexual)
:: bøsse {c}
queen {n} (reproductive female animal in a hive)
:: dronning {c}
queen {n} (adult female cat)
:: hunkat {c}
queen {v} (to make a queen)
:: gøre til dronning, udnævne til dronning, krone
queen {v} (chess: to convert a pawn into a queen)
:: gøre til dronning
queen mother {n} (widowed queen consort whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch)
:: dronningemoder {c}
Queensland {prop} (Australian state)
:: Queensland
queer {n} (slang: homosexual) SEE: fag
queer theory {n} (field of critical theory)
:: queerteori {c}
quell {n} (transitive: to take the life of; to kill) SEE: kill
quench {v} (to satisfy thirst)
:: slukke
quern {n} (mill)
:: kværn {c}
query {n} (question or inquiry)
:: spørgsmål, forespørgsel
question {n} (talk; conversation; speech) SEE: talk
question {n} (sentence, phrase or word)
:: spørgsmål {n}
question {n} (subject or topic)
:: spørgsmål {n}
question {n} (doubt or challenge)
:: spørgsmål {n}
question {n} (proposal to a meeting as a topic for discussion and vote)
:: spørgsmål {n}
questionable {adj} (problematic; open to doubt or challenge)
:: tvivlsom
questionary {n} (questionnaire) SEE: questionnaire
questioning {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation
question mark {n} (punctuation mark)
:: spørgsmålstegn {n}
questionnaire {n} (form containing a list of questions)
:: spørgeskema {n}
Question Period {n} (Q&A session in parliament) SEE: Question Time
Question Time {prop} (Q&A session in parliament)
:: spørgerunde {c}
queue {n} (hairstyle)
:: hårpisk {c}
queue {n} (line of people)
:: kø
queue {n} (waiting list)
:: kø, venteliste
queue {n} (data structure)
:: kø , stak
queue {v} (put oneself at the end of a queue)
:: stille sig i kø
queue {v} (arrange into a queue)
:: danne kø
queue up {v} (add something to a queue)
:: sætte i kø, stille i kø
quick {adj} (moving with speed)
:: hurtig, kvik
quick {adj} (occurring in a short time)
:: rask, kvik
quick {adj} (lively, witty)
:: kvik, rap
quick {adj} (mentally agile, perceptive)
:: kvik, rap
quick {adj} (alive)
:: frisk og rask
quick {adj} (pregnant)
:: gravid
quick as a flash {adv} (extremely quickly)
:: lynhurtigt
quick-drying {adj} (able to dry quickly)
:: hurtigtørrende
quicklime {n} (calcium oxide)
:: kalk
quickly {adv} (rapidly, fast)
:: hurtig, hurtigt
quickness {n} (dexterity) SEE: dexterity
quicksand {n} (type of sand)
:: kviksand
quicksilver {n} (mercury)
:: kviksølv {n}
Quidditch {n} (fictitious ball game)
:: Quidditch {c}
quiet {adj} (with little sound)
:: stille, tyst
quiet {adj} (not busy)
:: rolig, stille
quiet {adj} (not talking)
:: stille
quiet {n} (absence of sound)
:: stilhed {c}, ro {c}
quiet {n} (absence of movement)
:: ro {c}
quiet carriage {n} (railway carriage where noise is forbidden)
:: stillezone {c} , stillevogn {n}
quietism {n} (form of mysticism)
:: kvietisme {c}
quill {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum
quill {n} (pen made of feather)
:: fjerpen {c}
quillwort {n} (any plant of the family Isoetaceae)
:: brasenføde
quilt {n} (bed covering)
:: vattæppe {n}
quince {n} (fruit)
:: kvæde
quincunx {n} (coin) SEE: coin
quinine {n} (alkaloid used to treat malaria)
:: kinin
quinquangle {n} (pentagon) SEE: pentagon
quintuple {adj} (fivefold) SEE: fivefold
quintuplet {n} (one of a group of five babies born from the same mother during the same birth)
:: femling {c}
quisling {n} (traitor)
:: quisling {c}, landsforræder {c}
quitch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass
quite {adv} (to the greatest extent; completely)
:: ganske , helt, fuldt ud, fuldstændig
quite {adv} (to a moderate extent)
:: temmelig, ret, ganske
Quito {prop} (capital of Ecuador)
:: Quito
quitting time {n} (the time when a day's work ends)
:: fyraften {c}
quiver {n} (arrow container)
:: kogger, pilekogger
quiver {v} (shake or move with slight and tremulous motion)
:: dirre, sitre, sitre, bævre
quiz {n} (competition in the answering of questions)
:: spørgekonkurrence {c}, quiz {c}
quorate {adj} (having a quorum)
:: beslutningsdygtig
quota {n} (proportional part or share; share or proportion assigned to each in a division)
:: kvote
quotation {n} (fragment of a human expression)
:: citat {n}
quotation {n} (act of naming a price; price that has been quoted)
:: citation {c}, citering {c}, citering {c}
quotation mark {n} (quotation marks) SEE: quotation marks
quotation marks {n} (Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
:: anførelsestegn {n} , citationstegn {n}
quote {n} (a statement attributed to someone)
:: citat {n}
quote {n} (a quotation mark)
:: citationstegn
quote unquote {adj} (Emphasize the following word or phrase for irony)
:: i gåseøjne
quotient {n} (number resulting from division)
:: kvotient {c}
Qur'an {prop} (the Islamic holy book)
:: koran {c}
Qur'an {n} (a copy of the Qur'an)
:: koran {c}