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Függelék:Sanskrit-English/h szó jelentését keresi. A DICTIOUS-ban nem csak a
Függelék:Sanskrit-English/h szó összes szótári jelentését megtalálod, hanem megismerheted az etimológiáját, a jellemzőit és azt is, hogyan kell a
Függelék:Sanskrit-English/h szót egyes és többes számban mondani. Minden, amit a
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Függelék:Sanskrit-English/h szó meghatározása segít abban, hogy pontosabban és helyesebben fogalmazz, amikor beszélsz vagy írsz. A
Függelék:Sanskrit-English/h és más szavak definíciójának ismerete gazdagítja a szókincsedet, és több és jobb nyelvi forráshoz juttat.
- ha the thirty-third and last consonant of the Nāgarī alphabet (in Pāṇini's system belonging to the guttural class, and usually pronounced like the English h in hard
- • it is not an original letter, but is mostly derived from an older gh, rarely from dh or bh)
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound ha MW.
- ○tva n. the state of the letter ha ib.
- ha (only L.), m. a form of Śiva or Bhairava (cf. nakulī7śa)
- • water
- • a cipher (i.e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o)
- • meditation, auspiciousness
- • sky, heaven, paradise
- • blood
- • dying
- • fear
- • knowledge
- • the moon
- • Vishṇu
- • war, battle
- • horripilation
- • a horse
- • pride
- • a physician
- • cause, motive
- • = pāpa-haraṇa
- • = sakopa-vāraṇa
- • = śuṣka
- • (also ā f.) laughter
- • (ā), f. coition
- • a lute (am), n. the Supreme Spirit
- • pleasure, delight
- • a weapon
- • the sparkling of a gem
- • calling, calling to the sound of a lute
- • (ind.) = aham (?), IndSt
- • mfn. mad, drunk
- ha ind. (prob. orig. identical with 2. gha, and used as a particle for emphasizing a preceding word, esp. if it begins a sentence closely connected with another
- • very frequent in the Brāhmaṇas and Sūtras, and often translatable by) indeed, assuredly, verily, of course, then &c. (often with other particles, e.g. with tv eva, u, sma, vai &c
- • na ha, 'not indeed'
- • also with interrogatives and relatives, e.g. yad dha, 'when indeed'
- • kad dha, 'what then?' sometimes with impf. or pf.
- • in later language very commonly used as a mere expletive, esp. at the end of a verse) RV. &c. &c
- ha mf(ā)n. (fr. √han) killing, destroying, removing (only ifc
- • See arāti-, vṛtra-, śatruha &c.)
- ha mf(ā)n. (fr. √3. hā) abandoning, deserting, avoiding (ifc
- • See an-oka- and vāpī-ha)
- • (ā), f. abandonment, desertion L.
- haṃsá m. (ifc. f. ā
- • accord. to Uṇ. iii, 62 fr. √1. han, 'to go?') a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of passage
- • sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in RV. to be able to separate Soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, and in later literature, milk from water when these two are mixed
- • also forming in RV. the vehicle of the Aśvins, and in later litṭliterature that of Brahmā
- • ifc. also = 'best or chief among') RV. &c. &c
- • the soul or spirit (typified by the pure white colour of a goose or swan, and migratory like a goose
- • sometimes 'the Universal Soul or Supreme Spirit', identified with Virāj, Nārāyaṇa, Vishṇu, Śiva, Kāma, and the Sun
- • du. 'the universal and the individual Spirit'
- • accord. to Sāy. resolvable into ahaṃ sa, 'I am that') Up. MBh. Hariv. &c
- • one of the vital airs L.
- • a kind of ascetic MBh. Hariv. BhP.
- • a man of supernatural qualities born under a partic. constellation VarBṛS.
- • an unambitious monarch L.
- • a horse Naigh. i, 14
- • an excellent draught-ox (accord. to some, 'a buffalo') VarBṛS.
- • a mountain L.
- • a temple of a partic. form VarBṛS.
- • a kind of Mantra or mystical text Cat.
- • silver L.
- • envy, malice L.
- • N. of two metres Col.
- • (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.
- • a mystical N. of the letter h Cat.
- • a spiritual preceptor W.
- • N. of a Deva-gandharva Hariv.
- • of a Dānava ib.
- • of a son of Brahmā BhP.
- • of a son of Vasu-deva ib.
- • of a son of A-rishṭā MBh.
- • of a son of Brahma-datta and general of Jarā-saṃdha ib.
- • of various authors &c. Cat.
- • of one of the Moon's horses VP.
- • of a mountain Pur.
- • pl. N. of the Brāhmans in Plaksha-dviipa BhP.
- • (ī), f. a female goose Mṛicch. Kathās.
- • N. of various metres Śrutab. Chandom. Col.
- • of a daughter of Bhagīratha and wife of Kautsa MBh.
- • of a courtezan Rājat. hanser ; Lit. ś3asís ; Germ. ṅans ; Angl. Sax. gôs ; Eng. goose.]
- ○kākīya mfn. (fr. haṃsa-kāka) relating to a goose and a crow (as a partic. fable) MBh.
- ○kāntā f. 'gander-loved', a female goose L.
- ○kālī-tanaya m. a buffalo ( kālī-t○) L.
- ○kīlaka m. a partic. form of sexual union (vḷ. -nīlaka) L.
- ○kūṭa m. 'swan's peak', N. of one of the peaks of the Himâlaya MBh. Hariv.
- • the hump on the shoulder of the Indian ox L.
- ○ga m. 'going or riding on a swan', N. of Brahmā L.
- ○gati mfn. having a swan's gait Vikr.
- ○gadgadā f. 'prattling like a swan', a sweetly speaking woman L.
- ○gamana n. the gait of a swan or goose MW.
- • (ā), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- ○gāminī f. 'walking like a swan', a graceful woman Mn. iii, 10
- ○guhya n. 'the mystery of the Universal Soul', N. of a partic. hymn BhP.
- ○cakra-praśna m. N. of wk
- ○candrâṃśu m. pl. the rays of the sun and the moon MBh.
- ○carasvârôdaya m. N. of wks
- ○cihna-dukūla-vat mfn. clad in a garment woven with representations of geese Ragh.
- ○cūḍa m. N. of a Yaksha MBh.
- ○cchattra n. dry ginger L.
- ○ja m. 'swan-born', N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
- ○jātīya mfn. belonging to the tribe of birds called Haṃsa, anserine Pañcat.
- ○jihva m. 'goose-tongued', N. of a man, pl. his family Saṃskārak.
- ○tā f. the being a goose Kathās.
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- ○tūla n. (cf. L.),
- ○tūlikā f. (cf. Nalac.) 'gṭgoose-cotton', the soft feathers or down of a goose
- ○tva n. = -tā Kathās.
- ○dāhana n. aloe wood L.
- ○dūta m. n. N. of two poems (by Kaviindrâcārya Sarasvatī and by Rūpa Gosvāmin)
- ○dvāra n. N. of a pass near Lake Mānasa
- ○dvīpa m. n. N. of an island Kathās.
- ○dhvaja m. N. of a king Cat.
- ○nāda m. the cackling or cry of a goose or swan (thought to have something of a sacred character)
- • (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.
- • N. of a Vidyā-dhara Bālar.
- • ○dôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad (= haṃsôp○)
- ○nādin mfn. making a noise like a gṭgoose or swan, cackling
- • (inī), f. a graceful woman (one of the various classes into which women are divided) L.
- ○nābha m. N. of a mountain MārkP.
- ○nidāna n. N. of a med. wk
- ○nīlaka See -kīlaka
- ○pakṣa m. a partic. position of the hand Cat.
- ○patha m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. -pada) MBh.
- ○pada n. goose-foot (as a mark), Nar
- • a partic. weight (= karṣa) ŚārṅgS.
- • m. pl., See prec
- • (ā), f. a kind of Svara-bhakti MāṇḍŚ.
- • (ī), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'a species of Mimosa and Cissus Pedata') Car.
- • a kind of metre Col.
- • N. of an Apsaras VP.
- ○padikā f. N. of the first wife of Dushyanta (vḷ. haṃsa-vatī) Śak.
- ○paramêśvara m. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○pāda m. the foot of a goose MW.
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras, Vp
- • wṛ. for haṃsa-padā
- • (ī), f. N. of a plant = (or wṛ. for) haṃsa-padī
- • (am), n. vermilion L.
- • quicksilver L.
- ○pādikā f. a kind of plant (= -padī) L.
- ○pāla m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○pura n. N. of a town L.
- ○prapatana n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.
- ○poṭṭalī f. a partic. mixture, Rasêndr
- ○prabodhā f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- ○bīja n. a goose's egg L.
- ○bhūpāla m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○maṇḍūraka n. a partic. mixture Cat.
- ○mārga m. pl. N. of a people (B. hanyamāna) MBh.
- ○mālā f. a line or flight of Haṃsas, flock of wild geese &c. Kum.
- • a kind of goose or duck (with dark grey wings) L.
- • a kind cf metre Col.
- ○māṣā f. Glycine Debilis L.
- ○māhêśvara m. N. of a Tantra wk. (cf. -paraṃêśv○)
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. formed like a goose's beak, ŚrS.
- ○mauna n. N. of wk
- ○yāna n. a goose or swan as a vehicle, a car drawn by swans Kathās. BhP.
- • mf(ī)n. riding on a swan Cat.
- ○yukta mfn. drawn by swans (said of the chariot of Brahmā) MW.
- ○yuvan m. a young goose or swan ib.
- ○ratha m. 'whose vehicle is a Haṃsa', N. of Brahmā L.
- • of a man Rājat.
- ○rāja m. 'king of geese', a large gander Hit.
- • N. of a man Rājat.
- • of various authors Cat.
- ○rāma-praśna m. N. of a treatise on augury (cf. cakra-pr○)
- ○ruta n. the cackling of geese Suśr.
- • a kind of metre Col.
- ○roman n. = -tūla HPariś.
- ○lipi f. a partic. mode of writing Jain.
- ○līla m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.
- ○lomaśa n. green sulphate of iron L.
- ○lohaka n. brass L.
- ○vaktra m. 'swan-beaked', N. of one of Skandaá attendants MBh.
- ○vat mfn. possessing geese &c
- • containing the word haṃsa AitBr.
- • (atī), f. a verse containing the word haṃsa (applied to RV. iv, 40, 5, in which the sun in the form of Dadhi-krā, here called Haṃsa, is identified with Para-brahman or the Supreme Being
- • this verse is also found in VS. x, 24 ; xii, 14 &c.) ĀpŚr.
- • Cissus Pedata L.
- • N. of the first wife of Dushyanta (vḷ. for -padikā) Śak.
- • of the murderess of Vīra-sena Hcar.
- • of a town and district (= Pegu) Buddh.
- ○vāraṇa-gāminī f. a woman who walks like a swan and young elephant MW.
- ○vāha mfn. riding on a Haṃsa BhP.
- ○vāhana m. 'id.', N. of Brahmā ib.
- ○vikrāntagāmitā f. having a walk like the gait of a swan (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○viveka m. N. of wk
- ○vega m. N. of a man Hcar.
- ○śyeta mf(enī)n. white like a swan Kir.
- ○śreṇī f. a line or row of geese Ragh.
- ○saṃghârāma m. N. of a temple Buddh.
- ○saṃdeśa m. N. of a poem by Vedântâcārya
- ○sā́ci m. a kind of bird TS.
- haṃsâṃśu mfn. 'swan-rayed', swan-coloured, white MW.
- haṃsâkāra mfn. having the form of a Haṃsa VarBṛS.
- haṃsâṅghri m. 'goose-footed', vermilion L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of Mimosa L.
- haṃsâdhirūḍhā f. 'mounted on a swan', N. of Sarasvatī (as wife of Brahmā) L.
- haṃsâbhikhya n. 'bright as a swan', silver L.
- haṃsârūḍha mf(ā) n. mounted on a swan (applied to Varuṇa, Brahmā, and Sarasvatī) L.
- haṃsāvatī f. = haṃsa-śreṇī Kathās.
- • N. of a woman Vīrac.
- haṃsâṣṭaka n. N. of a poem
- haṃsâsya m. a partic. position of the hand Cat.
- haṃsâhvayā f. a kind of Mimosa Suśr.
- haṃsêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- haṃsôdaka n. a kind of cordial liquor (described as a sort of infusion of cardamoms) Car.
- haṃsôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad belonging to the Atharva-veda (cf. haṃsanādôp○)
- haṃsa Nom. P. ○sati, to act or behave like a swan Subh.
- haṃsaka m. a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (also 'a little or poor goose &c.') Kāv. BhP.
- • (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.
- • N. of a son of Brahma-datta Hariv.
- • m. n. an ornament for the feet or ankles (said to be formed like a goose's foot) Śiś. vii, 23
- • (ikā), f. a female goose Kathās.
- • N. of a mythical cow MBh.
- ○vatī f. a proper N., g. ajirâdi (vḷ.)
- haṃsakāyana m. pl. N. of a people (cf. hāṃs○) MBh.
- haṃsāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like a goose or swan Prasannar.
- haṃsin mfn. (prob.) containing the Universal Soul (said of Kṛishṇa) Pañcar.
- • (inī), f. a partic. manner of walking Saṃgīt.
- haṃsira m. a kind of mouse (cf. hasira) Suśr.
- haṃsī f. a female goose &c. ( See 1. haṃsa)
- ○yugala m. a pair of geese or ducks MW.
- haṃsīya mfn. g. gahâdi
- haṃho ind. (cf. ham) a vocative particle (corresponding to 'ho!' 'hollol' accord. to some also expressing haughtiness or contempt
- • in dram. a form of address used by equals to each other) MBh. Kāv. &c
- hak ind. (onomat.) the sound hak
- ○kāra m. making the sound hak, calling, calling to L.
- hakka m. calling to an elephant L.
- • (ā), f. an owl VarBṛS.
- hakkaya Nom. P. ○yati, to call, call to Pañcad.
- hakkā-pradhānā f. (used in explaining niṣṭhura-bhāṣā), Śīl
- hakkā-hakka m. calling on, challenging Pañcat.
- haci See sundara-haci, p. 1227, col. 1
- haci-pura n. N. of a town Buddh.
- haja-deśa m. N. of a district Cat.
- hajāja and N. of a place ib.
- hajāji N. of a place ib.
- hañcā See karahañcā, p. 255, col. 1
- hañja f. (accord. to some = kanyā) a female servant (voc. ○je, often used in dram. as a particle of address) L.
- hañjikā f. a female attendant, chamber-maid (-tva n.) KāśīKh.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- hañji m. a sneeze, sneezing (= kṣut)
- haṭ cl. 1. P. haṭati, to shine, be bright Dhātup. ix, 25
- haṭa wṛ. for haṭha
- haṭaka wṛ. for hāṭaka
- haṭaparṇī wṛ. for haṭha-parṇī
- haṭṭa m. (cf. aṭṭa) a market, fair Pañcat. Vet.
- • (ī), f. a petty market or fair L.
- ○candra m. N. of a grammarian (often quoted)
- ○cauraka m. a thief who steals from fairs and markets L.
- ○vāhinī f. a gutter in a market-place Subh.
- ○vilāsinī f. 'dallying in market-places', a wanton woman, prostitute W.
- • a sort of perfume (= dhamanī) L.
- • turmeric (= haridrā) L.
- ○veśmâlī f. a row of market houses L.
- haṭṭâdhyakṣa m. the surveyor of a market L.
- haṭh (only in Dhātup. ix, 50
- • prob. artificial), cl. 1. P. haṭhati, to leap, jump
- • to be wicked
- • to treat with violence, oppress (cf. next)
- • to bind to a post
- haṭha m. violence, force (ibc., ena, and āt, 'by force, forcibly') R. Rājat. Kathās. &c
- • obstinacy, pertinacity (ibc. and āt, 'obstinately, persistently') Pañcat. Kathās.
- • absolute or inevitable necessity (as the cause of all existence and activity
- • ibc., āt, and ena, 'necessarily, inevitably, by all means') MBh. Kāv. &c
- • = haṭha-yoga Cat.
- • oppression W.
- • rapine ib.
- • going in the rear of an enemy L.
- • Pistia Stratiotes L.
- ○karman n. an act of violence Siṃhâs.
- ○kāmuka m. a violent suitor of (comp.) Kathās.
- ○tattva-kaumudī f
- ○dīpa m
- ○dīpikā f. (= -pra-dīpikā) N. of wks
- ○parṇī f. Blyxa Octandra L.
- ○pra-dīpikā f. (cf. -yoga) N. of wk
- ○yoga m. a kind of forced Yoga or abstract meditation (forcing the mind to withdraw from external objects
- • treated of in the Haṭha-pradīpikā by Svātmârāma and performed with much self-torture, such as standing on one leg, holding up the arms, inhaling smoke with the head inverted &c.)
- • -viveka m. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○yogin m. an adherent of the Hatha-yoga Cat.
- ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○vidyā f. the science or method of forced meditation Cat.
- ○śarman m. N. of a Brāhman Kathās.
- ○saṃketa-candrikā f. N. of two wks
- haṭhâdeśin mfn. prescribing forcible measures against (gen.) Mcar.
- haṭhâyāta mfn. become absolutely necessary, indispensable Kathās.
- haṭhâlu m. Pistia Stratiotes L.
- haṭhâśleṣa m. a forcible embrace Ml.
- haṭhāt-kāra m. = balāt-kāra ŚivaP.
- haṭhikā f. (prob.) great noise or din Daś.
- haṭhin mfn. obstinately insisting on Nīlak.
- haḍa (prob.) wṛ. for next Kāraṇḍ.
- haḍi m. wooden fetters Divyâv.
- • = next Cat.
- haḍika m. a servant of the lowest caste L.
- haḍḍaka
- haḍḍi
- haḍḍika
- haḍḍipa m. id. L.
- haḍḍa n. a bone L.
- ○ja n. 'produced from bones', marrow L.
- haḍḍa-candra m. = haṭṭa-c○ Col.
- haḍhakka m. n. a small hand drum, rattle L.
- haṇḍa See kūla-haṇḍa
- haṇḍaka See kūla-haṇḍaka
- haṇḍikā f. an earthen pot or boiler Subh.
- ○suta m. a small earthen pot L.
- haṇḍī f. = haṇḍikā MW.
- haṇḍā f. (in dram.) a low-caste female (voc. ○de often in address
- • cf. hañjā) L.
- hata &c. See col. 2
- hathinâvagrāma m. N. of a village Inscr.
- had cl. 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 8) hadati, ○te (pf. jahade
- • aor. ahatta &c., Gr.), to evacuate, discharge excrement BhP. Sarasv. Kathârṇ.: Caus. hādayati Gr.: Desid. jihatsate ib.: Intens. jāhadyate, jāhatti ib.
- hadana n. evacuation of excrement or ordure L.
- hanna mfn. evacuated (as excrement) L.
- hādi m. or f. a spider (= lūtā) L.
- hadda m. or haddā f. (Arab.) N. of a division of a zodiacal sign (thirty such divisions or degrees are specified
- • cf. triṃśâṃśa), IndSt. Cat.
- haddêśa m. 'lord of a thirtieth division of a zodiacal sign', (prob.) a planet ib.
- han cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 2) hanti (3. du. hatáḥ, 3. pl. ghnanti
- • rarely Ā. hate, 3. pl. ghnate
- • and cl. 1. hanati, Ved. also jighnate, ○ti
- • Pot. hanyāt Br. also hánīta, ghnīta
- • Impv. jahí TĀr. handhí
- • impf. áhan, Ved. and ep. also ahanat, ahanan, aghnanta
- • p. jaghnat, ghnamāna MBh.
- • pf. jaghā́na, jaghnúḥ Br.and ep. also jaghne, ○nire, Subj. jaghánat RV.
- • p. jaghnivás, Ved. also jaghanvas
- • aor. ahānīt JaimBr.
- • fut. hantā MBh.
- • haṃsyati ib.
- • haniṣyáti, ○te AV. &c
- • inf. hántum, Ved. also hántave, ○tavaí, ○toḥ
- • ind. p. hatvā́, Ved. also ○tvií, ○tvāya, -hatya
- • -hanya MBh.
- • -ghā́tam Br. &c.), to strike, beat (also a drum), pound, hammer (acc.), strike &c. upon (loc.) RV. &c. &c
- • to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ib.
- • to put to death, cause to be executed Mn. Hit.
- • to strike off Kathās.
- • to ward off, avert MBh.
- • to hurt, wound (the heart) R.
- • to hurl (a dart) upon (gen.) RV.
- • (in astron.) to touch, come into contact VarBṛS.
- • to obstruct, hinder Rājat.
- • to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow &c.) Kāv. BhP.
- • (?) to go, move Naigh. ii, 14: Pass. hanyáte (ep. also ○ti
- • aor. avadhi or aghāni), to be struck or killed RV. &c. &c.: Caus. ghātayati, ○te (properly a Nom. fr. ghāta, q.v
- • aor. ajīghatat or ajīghanat), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish Mn. MBh. &c
- • to notify a person's death (kaṃsaṃ ghātayati = kaṃsa-vadham ācaṣṭe) Pāṇ. 3-1, 26 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
- • to mar, destroy MBh. Pañcat. (vḷ.): Desid. jíghāṃsati, ○te (Pot. jighāṃsīyat MBh.
- • impf. ajighāṃsīḥ ŚBr.), to wish to kill or destroy RV. &c. &c.: Intens. jáṅghanti (RV.
- • p. jaṅghanat, jáṅghnat or ghánighnat), jaṅghanyate (with pass. sense MuṇḍUp.), jeghnīyate (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 31), to strike = tread upon (loc. or acc.) RV.
- • to slay, kill ib.
- • to dispel (darkness), destroy (evil, harm) ib.
- • to hurt, injure, wound MuṇḍUp. of-fendere ; Lit. genu, gíti ; Slav. .]
- ha See 4. ha, p. 1286, col. 1
- hatá mfn. struck, heaten (also said of a drum), smitten, killed, slain, destroyed, ended, gone, lost (often ibc. = 'destitute of', 'bereft of', '-less') RV. &c. &c
- • injured, marred, hurt, wounded (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kathās.
- • struck off (as a head) R.
- • knocked out (as an eye) ib.
- • hit by (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Kathās.
- • whirled up, raised (as dust) Śak.
- • visited or afflicted or tormented by, struggling with, suffering from (instr. or comp.) ŚBr. ChUp. MBh. &c
- • (in astron.) touched, come into contact VarBṛS.
- • violated (sexually, as a woman) MBh. viii, 2037
- • ruined, undone, hopeless, miserable, wretched (of persons and things
- • comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- • worthless, useless ib.
- • defective Sāh.
- • cheated, deceived Kuval.
- • deprived of, lapsed from (-tas or comp.) MBh. R.
- • (in arithm.) multiplied Āryabh.
- • (ā), f. a violated woman ( See above)
- • a despised girl unfit for marriage L.
- • (am), n. striking, killing, hurting W.
- • multiplication ib. 'slain.']
- ○kaṇṭaka mfn. freed from thorns (or enemies) MBh.
- ○kilbiṣa mfn. freed from sins Mn. iv, 243
- ○citta (cf. W.),
- ○cetas (cf. R.), mfn. bereft of sense, mad, dispirited, perplexed, confounded
- ○cchāya mfn. dimmed in lustre, bereft of beauty Kathās.
- ○jalpita n. pl. useless talk Sāh.
- ○jīvana n. a blighted or wrecked life Daś.
- ○jīvita n. id. Amar.
- • despair of life W.
- • mfn. deprived of life or hope, overcome with despair ib.
- ○jñāna mfn. deprived of consciousness MW.
- ○jyotir-niśītha m. a night in which the stars are extinguished, starless night ib.
- ○tāpa mfn. freed from heat, cooled W.
- ○trapa mfn. devoid of shame, shameless BhP.
- ○tviṭka or mfn. = -cchāya MBh. R. Bcar.
- ○tviṣ mfn. = -cchāya MBh. R. Bcar.
- ○daiva mfn. ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless MW.
- ○dviṣ mfn. one who has slain his enemies ib.
- ○dhī mfn. = -citta BhP.
- ○dhvānta mfn. freed from darkness ib.
- ○paramârtha mfn. neglectful of the highest truth (said of the senses) Bhartṛ.
- ○pitṛ mfn. one whose father has been slain Pāṇ. 5-4, 158 Sch.
- ○putra (hatá-). mfn. one whose son or sons have been killed TS. ŚBr.
- ○prabha mfn. = -cchāya MBh.
- ○prabhāva mfn. bereft of power MW.
- ○pramāda mfn. freed from carelessness Kir.
- ○pravīra mfn. whose chief warriors are slain MW.
- ○prâya mfn. almost killed ib.
- ○bāndhava mfn. deprived or destitute of relations ib.
- ○buddhi mfn. = -citta Śiś.
- ○bhaga mfn. illstarred, ill-fated, luckless BhP.
- ○bhāgya mfn. id. MW.
- ○bhrātṛ (hatá-), mfn. one whose brother has been slain AV.
- ○mati mfn. = -citta Dhūrtan.
- ○mātṛ (hata-), mfn. one whose mother has been slain AV.
- ○māna mfn. free from pride or arrogance BhP.
- ○mānasa mfn. = -citta Vcar.
- ○mūrkha m. an excessive fool, blockhead L.
- ○medhas mfn. = -citta MW.
- ○yuddha mfn. destitute o martial spirit BhP.
- ○ratha m. a chariot whose horses and charioteer are slain MW.
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. deprived of auspicious marks, unlucky MārkP.
- ○varcas (hatá-), mfn. bereft of vigour or power, decayed AV.
- ○vikramôdyama mfn. bereft of strength and energy Ṛitus.
- ○vidhi m. evil fate Bhartṛ. Śiś. &c
- • mfn. ill-fated, ill-starred Dharmav. (conj.)
- ○vinaya mfn. lost to a sense of propriety MW.
- ○vīrya mfn. one who has lost his virility or vigour Kum.
- ○vṛtta mfn. defective in metre (-tā f.) Kpr. Sāh.
- ○vṛṣṇī (hatá-), f. whose bull or lord (i.e. Vṛitra) has been slain (said of the waters) RV. iv, 17, 3
- ○vega mfn. whose impetus or force has been impeded R.
- ○vrīḍa mfn. = -trapa Amar.
- ○śiṣṭa mfn. left or remaining out of the slain, left surviving MBh.
- • -jana m. a survivor ib.
- ○śeṣa mfn. = -śiṣṭa ib.
- ○śrī mfn. whose prosperity is blighted, reduced to penury MW.
- ○sampada mfn. id. ib.
- ○sammada mfn. whose pleasures are destroyed or marred ib.
- ○sarva-yodha mfn. having all the warriors slain ib.
- ○sádhvasa mfn. freed from fear ib.
- ○sūta mfn. one whose charioteer is slain ib.
- ○strīka mfn. one who has killed a woman Mṛicch.
- ○svara mfn. one who has lost his voice, hoarse Bhpr.
- ○svasṛ (hatá-), mfn. one whose sister has been slain AV.
- ○hima mfn. one who has destroyed frost (accord. to others, m. 'hard frost') Mālav. v, 7
- ○hṛdaya n. a cursed or broken heart, Śāntiś
- hatấghaśansa mfn. one whose enemies are destroyed VS.
- hatâdhimantha mfn. free from disease of the eye or from loss of sight Suśr.
- hatâroha mfn. (an elephant) whose riders are slain MW.
- hatâvaśeṣa m. pl. those left of the slain ib.
- hatâśa mf(ā)n. whose hopes are destroyed, desperate Amar.
- • hopeless, i.e. wretched, foolish, stupid, wicked, miserable, Ratnâv. Prab.
- • unfruitful, infertile, barren W.
- hatâśraya mfn. one whose refuge is destroyed (others, 'whose camp is destroyed') Bcar. xiii, 70
- hatâśva mfn. one whose horse or horses have been killed W.
- hatêkṣaṇa mfn. one whose sight is destroyed, blind Bcar. viii, 7
- hatâinas mfn. = hata-kilbiṣa BhP.
- hatôttara mfn. giving no answer Kāv.
- hatôdyama mfn. one whose efforts are crushed, broken in purpose, Bcir. xiii, 71 (conj.)
- hatâujas mfn. whose vigour is destroyed, weakened, debilitated MBh. R.
- • m. a kind of fever Suśr.
- hataka mf(ikā)n. struck, hit, afflicted by (ifc
- • See daiva-)
- • cursed, wretched, miserable (ifc., e.g. cāṇakya-h○, 'the wretched Cāṇakya') Mṛicch. Mudr. &c
- • m. a low person, coward L.
- hati f. striking, a stroke or blow with (comp.) Gīt. Sarasv.
- • killing, destroying, destruction, removal MBh. Kāv. &c
- • disappearance, loss, absence Kap.
- • (in arithm.) multiplication Āryabh. Sch.
- hatu (prob.) m. winter L.
- hatnú mfn. destructive, fatal, mortal RV.
- • m. a weapon L.
- • disease L.
- hatya n. (ifc.) and f. killing, slaying, slaughter Mn. MBh. &c
- hatyā f. killing, slaying, slaughter Mn. MBh. &c
- hatru mfn. hurtful, mischievous (= hiṃsra) L.
- hatvāya
- hatvī See √, col. 2
- hátha m. a blow, stroke RV.
- • killing, slaughter ib.
- • a man stricken with despair Uṇ. ii, 2 Sch.
- han mf(ghnī)n. killing, a killer, slayer (only ifc
- • See ari-, tamo-han &c.)
- hana mf(ī)n. id. ( See viira-haṇa)
- • m. killing, slaughter ( See su-hana)
- • (ā), f. ( See dur-háṇā)
- hanana mf(ī)n. killing, a killer, slayer Hariv.
- • (prob.) m. a drum-stick ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • a kind of worm L.
- • n. the act of striking or hitting Nir. i, 1 ; 7
- • striking off Mālatīm.
- • killing, destroying, removing, dispelling Hariv. Kāv. BhP.
- • multiplication Āryabh. Sch.
- ○śīla mfn. of a murderous disposition, cruel MW.
- hananīya mfn. to be struck or beaten or killed, worthy of death W.
- hananīya Nom. P. ○yati = hananam icchati (Desid. jihananīyiṣati) Pāṇ. 7-3, 55 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- hananīyaka mfn. (fr. prec.) Pat.
- hani m. or f. a weapon L.
- hánīyas mfn. more or most destructive MaitrS.
- hanu f. (only L.) 'anything which destroys or injures life', a weapon
- • death
- • disease
- • various kinds of drugs
- • a wanton woman, prostitute
- • m. N. of a partic. mixed tribe L.
- hanuṣa m. anger, wrath L.
- • a Rākshasa L.
- hanūṣa m. a Rākshasa L.
- hantave
- hanḍtavai See √, p. 1287, col. 2
- hantavya mfn. to be slain or killed, to be punished with death Mn. MBh. &c
- • to be violated (as justice) Mn. viii, 15
- • to be refuted Hcat.
- hanti f. the √or verb han Nyāyam.
- hantu m. killing, slaying (cf. su-h○ and root) BhP.
- • m. a bull L.
- ○kāma mf(ā)n. (hantu for ○tum) desirous of killing Kathās.
- ○manas mfn. intending to kill MW.
- hantṛ́ or mf(trī)n. (the former with gen., the latter wish acc.) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer (-tva n.) RV. &c. &c
- hántṛ mf(trī)n. (the former with gen., the latter wish acc.) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer (-tva n.) RV. &c. &c
- • m. a partic. measure of food W.
- • (○trī), f. See next
- hantrī-mukha m. N. of a partic. demon hostile to children PārGṛ.
- hántva mfn. to be killed or slain RV.
- hánman m. or n. a stroke, blow, thrust RV.
- hanyamāna mfn. (pr. p. Pass.) being killed or slain &c
- • m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. haṃsa-mārga) MBh.
- hānuka mfn. killing, hurting, mischievous (= ghātuka) L.
- hāntra n. dying, death (= maraṇa) Uṇ. iv, 159 Sch.
- • a Rākshasa L.
- • dying, death L.
- • war, fight L.
- hāndra (?), n. dying, death W.
- hanīla m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- hánu f. (accord. to L. also m
- • not fr. √han, See cognate words below) a jaw (also hánū) RV. &c. &c
- • n. 'cheek', a partic. part of a spearhead ŚBr. kinnus ; Germ. Kinn ; Eng. chin.]
- ○graha m. 'jaw-seizure', lock-jaw Suśr.
- ○bheda m. the gaping or parting asunder of the jaws BhP.
- • N. of a partic. form of the end of an eclipse VarBṛS.
- ○mat &c., See below
- ○mokṣa m. relaxation of the jaws Suśr.
- ○ṣkambha m. = -graha Car.
- ○saṃhati f. (cf. Bhpr.),
- ○saṃhanana n. (cf. Suśr.) a partic. form of lock-jaw
- ○stambha m. = -graha L.
- ○svana m. sound made with the jaws Bcar.
- hanavyá mf(ā)n. relating to the jaws AV.
- hanukā f. a jaw VarBṛS.
- hanumac in comp. for ○mat
- ○chata (for -śata), n. N. of wk. on Bhakti by Śrī-nivāsâcārya
- hanumaj in comp. for ○mat
- ○jayantī f. the day of full moon of the month Caitra (being the supposed birthday of Hanumat) MW.
- hanu-mat m. 'having (large) jaws', N. of a monkey-chief (one of the most celebrated of a host of semi-divine monkey-like beings, who, according to R. i, 16, were created to become the allies of Rāma-candra in his war with Rāvaṇa
- • Hanumat was held to be a son of Pavana or Māruta, 'the Wind'
- • and is fabled to have assumed any form at will, wielded rocks, removed mountains, mounted the air, seized the clouds, and rivalled Garuḍa in swiftness of flight
- • according to other legends, Hanumat was son of Śiva
- • his mother's name was Añjanā, q.v
- • in modern times HanṭHanumat is a very common village god in the Dekhan, Central and Upper India, cf. RTL. 220) MBh. R. &c
- • a particular sort of monkey, Simia Sinica W.
- ○kalpa m. N. of a ch. of the Sudarśana-saṃhitā
- ○kavaca n. 'Hanumat's breast-plate', N. of various hymns (addressed to the five-headed HanṭHanumat in various Purāṇas)
- ○kāvya n
- ○kīrtana n
- ○taila-vidhi m
- ○pañcâṅga n
- ○paṭala m. n. N. of wks
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk. in 5 chapters (four of which are taken from the Sudarśana-saṃhitā and the last from the Rāmâyaṇa) describing the rites to be observed in the worship of Hanumat
- ○pratiṣṭhā f
- ○pratiṣṭhā-kalpa m
- ○prabandha m
- ○prātaḥ-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of a poem describing the festivities on the occasion of the presence of Rāma and Sītā at a pastoral dance (rāsôtsava) on the banks of the Sarayū.
- ○sahasranāman n
- ○stotra n. N. of wks
- hanumad in comp. for ○mat
- ○aṅgada-saṃvāda m
- ○aṣṭaka n
- ○aṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n
- ○upaniṣad f
- ○eka-mukha-kavaca n
- ○gahvara n. (= ○man-mantra-g○),
- ○daṇḍaka m. or n
- ○dīpa m
- ○durga n
- ○dvādaśa-nāman n
- ○bali m
- ○bāhuka m
- ○bhāṣya n
- ○rāmâyaṇa n
- ○viṣaya-mantra m
- ○vrata-kalpa m. N. of wks
- hanumadīya mfn. written or composed by Hanumat Cat.
- • n. N. of wk
- hanuman m.c. for ○mat (in hanumâdi) R.
- hanuman in comp. for ○mat
- ○nāṭaka n. N. of a drama (containing the story of the Rāmâyaṇa dramatized, = mahā-n○, q.v.)
- ○nighaṇṭu m
- ○mantra-gahvara n. (= ○mad-gahvara),
- ○mantrôddhāra m
- ○mālā-mantra m. N. of wks
- hanumanta in comp. for ○mat
- ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of a poem
- hanumantêśvara and n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- hanumantêśvaḍratīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- hanula mfn. having strong jaws, g. sidhmâdi
- hanū-mat &c. = hanu-mat
- hānavya mfn. being in the jaws (as a tooth) Suśr.
- hānu m. a tooth (vḷ. hālu) L.
- hánta ind. an exclamation or inceptive particle (expressive of an exhortation to do anything or asking attention, and often translatable by 'come on!' 'here!' 'look!' 'see!' in later language also expressive of grief, joy, pity, haste, benediction &c. and translatable by 'alas!' 'ah!' 'oh!' &c
- • often repeated or joined with other particles, e.g. hā hanta, hanta hanta, hanta tarhi) RV. &c. &c
- ○kārá m. the exclamation hanta (a partic. formula of benediction or salutation
- • also explained as 16 mouthfuls of alms, in ŚBr. among the four teats of the cow, Vāc.) ŚBr. PārGṛ. Pur.
- hantôkti f. 'saying alas!' tenderness, compassion MW.
- hapuṣā or habuṣā f. N. of a partic. substance forming an article of trade (commonly called Habush, and said to be of a long form and black colour, and smelling like raw meat or fish
- • it is of two kinds) Car. Suśr. &c
- habasora N. of a place Cat.
- ham ind. an exclamation expressive of anger or courtesy or respect (also ham bho, or ham bhoḥ
- • cf. haṃho) Divyâv. Jātakam.
- hama m. a partic. personification Gaut.
- hamīāṇa N. of a place Cat.
- hamī-purya mfn. coming or derived from Hamī-pura (cf. hammīra) Cat.
- hamba m. N. of a man Rājat.
- • (ā), f. vḷ. for hambhā
- hambīrā See naṭṭa-h○
- hambhā f. lowing or bellowing of cattle MBh. R. &c
- ○rava m. id. (-virāvin, 'making a lowing or bellowing sound') MBh.
- ○śabda m. id. Siṃhâs.
- hambhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to low, bellow MBh.
- hamm cl. 1. P. hammati, to go (accord. to Pat. used in Surāshṭra) Naigh. ii, 14 Dhātup. xiii, 24
- hammīra m. N. of a king of Śākambharī (who ruled from 1301-1365 AḌ. and patronized Rāghava-deva, the grandfather of Śārṅgadhara, the author of the anthology, one stanza of which is attributed to him)
- ○carita n. 'Hammīra's deeds', N. of a Mahā-kāvya by Naya-candra
- hay cl. 1. P. hayati, to go, move Dhātup. xv, 5 (accord. to Vop. also, 'to be weary', and accord. to others, 'to worship' or 'to sound'). In Naigh. ii, 14 hayantāt is enumerated among the gati-karmāṇah (cf. hayat under √2. hi)
- háya m. (ifc. f. ā
- • fr. √1. hi) a horse RV. &c. &c
- • a symbolical expression for the number 'seven' (on account of the 7 horses of the Sun) Śrutab.
- • the zodiacal sign Sagittarius VarBṛS.
- • (in prosody) a foot of four short syllables, proceleusmaticus Col.
- • a man of a partic. class L.
- • the Yak or Bos Grunniens L.
- • N. of Indra L.
- • of one of the horses of the Moon L.
- • of a son of Sahasra-da Hariv.
- • of a son of Śatā-jit VP.
- • pl. the family of Haya MBh.
- • (ā, or ī), f. a female horse, mare Hariv. Kathās.
- • Physalis Flexuosa L.
- • mfn. urging on, driving ( See aśva-hayá)
- ○kantharā and vḷ. for -kātarā, ○rikā, q.v
- ○kanthaḍrikā vḷ. for -kātarā, ○rikā, q.v
- ○karman n. practice or knowledge of horses MBh.
- ○kātarā and f. a kind of plant L.
- ○kātaḍrikā f. a kind of plant L.
- ○gandha n. black salt (vḷ. hṛdya-g○) L.
- • (ā), f. (vḷ. hṛdya-g○) Physalis Flexuosa L.
- • another plant (= aja-modā) L.
- ○gardabhi m. N. of Śiva L.
- ○grīva m. 'horsenecked', N. of a form of Vishṇu (manifested, accord. to one legend, in order to recover the Veda carried off by two Daityas called Madhu and Kaiṭabha) Pañcar.
- • of a Daitya (also called brahma-veda-prahartṛ, as having carried off the Vedas at the dissolution of the universe caused by Brahma's sleep at the end of the past Kalpa
- • in order to recover them, Vishṇu became incarnate as a Matsya or fish, and slew Haya-grīva) Hariv. Kathās. &c
- • of a Rākshasa R.
- • of a Tantra deity Buddh.
- • of a Rājarshi MBh.
- • of a wicked king of the Videhas MBh.
- • of a Muni Cat.
- • of the supposed author of the Chāndogya Upanishad and various other writers &c. ib.
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.
- • (○va) -gadya and -daṇḍaka n. N. of Stotras
- • -pañca-rātra n. -pañjara n. N. of wks
- • -prôkta mfn. proclaimed or taught by Haya Cat.
- • -ripu m. 'enemy of Haya', N. of Vishṇu L.
- • -vadha m. N. of a poem by Bhartṛi-meṇṭha Rājat.
- • -saṃhitā f. -sahasra-nāma-srotra n. -stotra n. N. of wks
- • -han m. 'slayer of Haya', N. of Vishṇu L.
- • ○vopaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○ghna m. = -māra L.
- ○ṃ-kaṣa m. 'impelling horses', N. of Mātali L.
- ○caryā f. the roaming of the sacrificial horses R.
- ○cchaṭā f. a troop of horses L.
- ○jña m. one who understands the points of a horses, a horses-dealer, groom, jockey (-tā f.) MBh.
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of horses ib.
- ○tattva n. id
- • -jña mfn. acquainted with the nature of horses ib.
- ○dānava m. 'Dānava in the form of a horses', N. of Keśin Hariv.
- ○dviṣat m. 'horses-hater', a buffalo L.
- ○nirghoṣa m. the clatter of a horse's hoofs MW.
- ○pa m. 'horse-keeper', a groom VarBṛS.
- • = next Kathās.
- ○pati m. 'id.', N. of a prince ib.
- ○puccha m. or n. a horse's tail W.
- • (ī), f. = next Bhpr.
- ○pucchikā f. Glycine Debilis L.
- ○priya m. 'dear to horses', barley L.
- • (ā), f. Physalis Flexuosa or Phoenix Sylvestris L.
- ○māra or m. 'horses-killer', Nerium Odorum L.
- ○māraka m. 'horses-killer', Nerium Odorum L.
- ○māraṇa m. 'id.', Ficus Religiosa L.
- ○mukha n. a horse's face R.
- • N. of a country Buddh.
- • (ī), f. N. of a Rākshasī R.
- ○medha m. a horses sacrifice ( aśva-m○) VP.
- • -yāj m. (nom. -yāṭ) one who performs a horses sṭsacrifice MW.
- ○rūpin mfn. horse-shape ib.
- ○lālā f. horses's saliva L.
- ○līlāvatī f. N. of wk. on hṭhorses (quoted by Mallinātha)
- ○vāhana m. N. of Revanta (son of the Sun) L.
- • of Kubera L.
- • -śaṃkara or -sa○ m. Bauhinia Variegata
- ○vidyā f. = -jñāna Rājat.
- ○śālā f. a horse-stable L.
- ○śāstra n. (cf. MBh.),
- ○śikṣā f. (cf. MatsyaP.) the art of training or managing horses, hippology
- ○śiras n. a horses's head MBh. R. &c
- • mfn. having a horses's head (as the sun) MBh.
- • m. N. of Vishṇu (in the form of Haya-grīva) Hariv. BhP.
- • f. N. of a daughter of Puloman Hariv.
- • of a daughter of Vaiśvānara (also -śirā) Pur.
- • n. a partic. mythical weapon R. Hariv.
- ○śiśu m. a young horses, foal VarBṛS.
- ○śīrṣa or mfn. having a horse's head BhP.
- ○śīrḍṣan mfn. having a horse's head BhP.
- • m. Vishṇu in a partic. form (prob. as Haya-grīva
- • cf. -śiras) ib.
- • -pañca-rātra n. N. of a Vaishṇava wk. (chiefly treating of the erection of images and their consecration)
- ○saṃgrahaṇa n. the restraining or curbing or checking of horses MBh.
- ○skandha m. a troop of horses L.
- ○hartṛ m. the stealer of a horse VP.
- hayâṅga m. Sagittarius (the zodiacal sign) VarBṛS.
- hayâdhyakṣa m. 'superintendent of hṭhorses', a head groom L.
- hayânanā f. 'horse-faced', N. of a Yoginī Hcat.
- hayâyur-veda m. veterinary science MW.
- hayâri m. 'horses-foe', Nerium Odorum L.
- hayârūḍha m. 'mounted on a horse', a rider W.
- hayâroha m. id. MBh. Kathās.
- • n. horsemanship, riding W.
- hayâlaya m. a horsestable L.
- hayâśanā f. Boswellia Thurifera L.
- hayâsya or m. 'horse-mouthed', Vishṇu in a partic. manifestation (cf. haya-grīva and -śiras) BhP.
- hayâḍsyaka m. 'horse-mouthed', Vishṇu in a partic. manifestation (cf. haya-grīva and -śiras) BhP.
- hayêṣṭa m. 'loved by horses', barley L.
- hayôttama m. an excellent horse
- • -yuj, drawn by excellent horses MBh.
- hayana m. a year (cf. hāyana) L.
- • n. a covered carriage or palanquin (also read ḍayana
- • See under √ḍī) L.
- hayi m. or f. wish, desire L.
- hayin m. a horseman, rider MBh. MārkP.
- hayuṣā f. a herb, plant (= oṣadhi) L.
- hayé ind. an exclamation ('O, ho!') RV. ŚBr. Gobh.
- hara mf(ā, rarely ī)n. (only ifc
- • fr. √1. hṛ) bearing, wearing, taking, conveying, bringing ( See kavaca-, vārttā-h○), taking away, carrying off, removing, destroying ( See bala-, śakti-h○)
- • receiving, obtaining ( See aṃśa-h○)
- • ravishing, captivating ( See mano-h○)
- • m. 'Seizer', 'Destroyer', N. of Śiva ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- • of a Dānava MBh. Hariv.
- • of a monkey R.
- • of various authors &c. Cat.
- • (in arithm.) a divisor Col.
- • the denominator of a fraction, division ib.
- • a stallion (?) L.
- • an ass L.
- • fire L.
- ○kumāra-ṭhakkura m. N. of a modern author Cat.
- ○keli N. of a drama (composed by Vigraha-rāja-deva AḌ. 1153)
- ○keśa incorrect for hari-keśa
- ○kośa m. N. of a, dictionary
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a district sacred to Śiva Inscr.
- ○gaṇa and m. N. of poets Cat.
- ○gupta m. N. of poets Cat.
- ○govinda m. (also with vācaspati and śarman) N. of various authors ib.
- ○gaurī f. one of the forms of Śiva or of Śiva and Pārvatī conjoined (= ardhanārī7śa)
- • -saṃvāda m. N. of wk
- ○carita-cintāmaṇi m. N. of a poem
- ○cāpâropaṇa n. N
- • of a drama
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. 'Śiva's crest-gem', the moon L.
- ○jit m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○jī m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of the father of Hara-datta ib.
- ○tejas n. 'Śiva's energy', quicksilver L.
- ○dagdha-mūrti m. 'whose body has been burnt by Śiva', Kāma-deva (also 'sexual love') VarBṛS.
- ○datta m. N. of various writers &c. (esp. of the author of the Pada-mañjarī, a Comm. on the Kāśikā-vṛitti, and the Mitâksharā, a Comm. on Gautama's Dharmasūtra) Cat.
- • -caritra n. N. of wk
- • -siṃha m. N. of a modern author, Cat
- • ○ttâcārya m. N. of a preceptor Sarvad.
- • ○ttīya n. N. of wk
- ○dāsa m. N. of an author (perhaps wṛ. for hari-d○) Cat.
- ○nartaka n. a kind of metre (= hariṇa-pluta) Ked.
- ○nātha and m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○nārāyaṇa (also spelt harin○), m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○netra n. Śiva's eye Kathās.
- • a symbolical expression for the number 'three' L.
- ○pati m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○pradīpikā f. N. of a medic. wk
- ○priya m. Nerium Odorum L.
- ○bala m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○bīja n. 'Siva's seed', quicksilver L.
- ○mukuṭa-māhātmya n
- ○mekhalā f. N. of wks
- ○mekhalin m. a partic. class of artisans Gol.
- ○mohana and m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○rāta m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○rūpa m. 'having the form of Hara', N. of Śiva L.
- ○vijaya m. N. of a poem by Ratnâkara
- ○vilāsa m. a kind of musical composition Saṃgīt.
- • N. of a poem
- ○śūra N. of a place Vīrac.
- ○śṛṅgārā f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt.
- ○śekharā f. 'Śiva's crest', the Ganges L.
- ○sakha m. 'Saṃgīt's friend', N. of Kubera Daś.
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king Cat.
- ○siddhi-pradā f. N. of a partic. family-deity Cat.
- ○sūnu m. 'Śiva's son', N. of Kārttikeya Ragh.
- ○svāmin m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○hāra m. 'Śiva's necklace', N. of the serpent-demon Śesha Alaṃkārat.
- ○hūrā (?), f. = hāra-h○, grape L.
- harâkṣa n. = rudrâkṣa, the berry of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L.
- harâdri m. 'Śiva's mountain', Kailāsa (the favourite resort of Śiva) Kathās.
- harânata m. N. of Rāvaṇa L.
- harânanda N. of an author or of a wk. Cat.
- harâyatana n. a temple of Śiva Rājat.
- harârdha Śiva's half (-tā f.) Śiś.
- harāvatī f. N. of a country Inscr.
- harâvāsa m. Śiva's abode, Kailāsa Rājat.
- harâspada n. id. Kathās.
- harâhara m. N. of a Dānava (du. ○rau, also= 'Hara and Ahara') MBh.
- harêśvara m. Śiva and Vishṇu forming one person Inscr.
- harôdbheda m. N. of a Tīrtha MatsyaP.
- haraka m. a taker, seizer, conveyer W.
- • a rogue, cheat ib.
- • a reflecting person ib.
- • N. of Śiva ib.
- • a divisor or division ib.
- • a long flexible sword ib.
- haraṇa mf(ā or ī)n. (only ifc.) carrying, holding, containing (e.g. bali-haraṇī, darvii, 'a ladle containing an oblation') ĀśvGṛ.
- • taking away. removing (e.g. rajo-h○ 'removing dust') Kauś.
- • m. 'taker', a hand L.
- • an arm L.
- • Michelia Champaca L.
- • n. the act of carrying or bringing or fetching. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • offering KātyŚr. Gaut.
- • carrying off, robbing, abduction Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
- • removing, destroying Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • dividing, division Col.
- • a nuptial present (= -yautaka) MBh.
- • a gift to a student at his initiation W.
- • fodder given to a stallion (= vāḍaba-h○) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 65
- • (cf. L. also 'a partic. gesture' esp. of an archer in shooting
- • 'boiling water'
- • 'semen virile'
- • 'gold')
- ○bhāga (háraṇa-), mfn. entitled to partake (said of deceased ancestors) TBr.
- ○hārika n. (or ā f.) fetching the nuptial present MBh.
- haraṇâharaṇa n. id. ib.
- haraṇi f. a water-channel, gutter L.
- • death L.
- haraṇīya mfn. to be taken or seized &c. Pāṇ. 6-1, 217 Sch.
- hárayāṇa m. N. of a man RV.
- háras n. a grasp, grip AV.
- • a draught, drink, beverage RV. AV.
- • flame, fire (accord. to some also 'anger', 'fury') ib.
- ○vat (háras-), mfn. seizing (or 'fiery') RV. ii, 23, 6
- • f. (pl.) rivers(?) Naigh. i, 13
- ○vín mfn. fiery, energetic TS. Br. ĀśvGṛ.
- harā-śayá mf(ā)n. (for haraḥ-ś○ as rajā-ś○ for rajaḥ-ś○) fiery, energetic MaitrS.
- • (ā), f. (applied to a partic. formula) ib. ĀpŚr.
- hari mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) bearing, carrying ( dṛti and nātha-h○)
- harika m. (for 2. See p. 1291, col. 2) a thief, gambler W.
- hariman m. (for 2. See p. 1292, col. 1) death, illness L.
- • time W.
- harīman m. = mātariśvan L.
- harta (m. c.) = hartṛ, destroying MBh.
- hártave
- hárḍtavaí See √hṛ
- hartavya mfn. to be taken or seized or appropriated or acquired Mn. Pañcat.
- hartu m. 'seizer', death L.
- • great love L.
- hartṛ m. one who brings or conveys, a bearer, bringer Āpast. Kauś. MBh. &c
- • one who seizes or takes away, a robber, thief Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • one who severs or cuts off (only ○tā as fut., 'he will cut off') BhP.
- • one who imposes taxes (a king) ib.
- • a remover, dispeller, destroyer MBh. Hariv. Kathās.
- • the sun MW.
- harman n. gaping, yawning L.
- harmita mfn. thrown L.
- • burnt L.
- hāra mf(ī)n. bearing, carrying, carrying away, stealing (e.g. kṣīra-h○, 'stealing milk') MārkP.
- • levying, raising (e.g. kara-h○, 'raising taxes') BhP.
- • ravishing, charming, delightful (or 'relating to Hari i.e. Vishnu') ib.
- • relating to Hara or Śiva Nalac.
- • m. taking away, removal ib.
- • confiscation, forfeiture (of land, money &c.) Mn. MBh. Kathās.
- • waste, loss ( See kāla-h○)
- • war, battle W.
- • a carrier, porter ib.
- • (in arithm.) a divisor or division Col.
- • (in prosody) a long syllable ib.
- • a garland of pearls, necklace (accord. to some, one of 108 or 64 strings) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (ā), f. Pāṇ. 3-3, 104
- • (ī), f. a pearl L.
- • a girl of bad reputation (unfit for marriage) L.
- • a kind of metre Col.
- ○guṭikā f. the bead or pearl of a necklace MW.
- ○phala or n. a necklace of five strings L.
- ○phalaka n. a necklace of five strings L.
- ○bhūrā (?), f. a grape (cf. -hūrā) L.
- ○bhūṣika m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- ○muktā f. pl. the pearls of a necklace Vās.
- ○yaṣṭi f. (ifc. f. i or ī) a string of pearls, necklace Hariv. Kāv. Kathās.
- ○latā f. id. Vās. Kathās.
- • N. of a woman Kathās.
- • of a wk. on law by Aniruddha
- ○varṣa m. N. of a king Cat.
- ○hārā f. a kind of brown grape L.
- ○hūṇa m. pl. N. of a people MBh.
- ○hūra (?), n. a partic. intoxicating beverage L.
- • (ā), f. a grape (cf. hara-h○ and hāra-bhūrā) L.
- ○hūrikā f. a grape L.
- ○haura (?), m. N. of the prince of a partic. people VarBṛS.
- hārâvalī f. a string of pearls Kāv.
- • N. of a vocabulary of uncommon words by Purushôttama-deva
- hāra (for 3. See p. 1292, col. 1), Nom. P. ○rati to be like a string of pearls Dhūrtas.
- hāraka mf(ikā) n. taking, seizing, robbing, stealing ( See artha-, aśva-h○)
- • removing, taking upon one's self ( See samagra-mala-h○)
- • ravishing, captivating (in gopī-nayana-h○, 'captivating the eyes of the Gopīs' Pañcar.)
- • m. a thief, robber L.
- • a gambler, cheat, rogue Rājat.
- • a divisor Āryabh. Sch.
- • a string of pearls Pañcat.
- • Trophis Aspera L.
- • a kind of prose composition L.
- • a kind of science L.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of metre Col.
- hāraṇā f. (fr. Caus.) causing to take or seize &c. Pāṇ. 3-3, 107 Sch.
- hāram ind. seizing, destroying (cf. sarvasvah○), Kusum
- hārāpaya
- hārāpaḍyati See √hṛ
- hārāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a string of pearls Pārśvan.
- hāri m. = 1. hāra ( See aṅga-h○)
- • a caravan L.
- • losing a game (in gambling) L.
- • mfn. captivating, charming, beautiful W.
- hāri-kaṇṭha mfn. (fr. hārin + k○) 'having a charming throat (i.e. voice)', and 'having a string of pearls round the neck' Vās.
- • m. 'having a ring on the throat', the Koil or Indian cuckoo L.
- hārita mfn. (fr. Caus
- • for 2. See p. 1292, col. 1) caused to be taken or seized &c
- • brought, conveyed Kum.
- • robbed, carried off Kathās.
- • made away with, lost, relinquished Mṛicch. Rājat. &c
- • deprived of (acc.) Kām.
- • surpassed, exceeded Gīt.
- • captivated, fascinated MW.
- hārin mfn. taking, carrying, carrying away, stealing, robbing (gen. or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • removing, dispelling, destroying Kāv. Kathās.
- • taking to one's self, appropriating, levying or raising (taxes) Bhartṛ. Rājat.
- • surpassing, exceeding VarBṛS.
- • ravishing, captivating, attracting, charming (○ri-tva n.) Mn. MBh. &c
- • (fr. 1. hāra) having or wearing a garland of pearls Bhartṛ. BhP.
- hārīta m. (for 2. See p. 1292, col. 1) a thief, cheat, rogue MW.
- • roguery, cheating, fraud ib.
- hā́ruka mf(ā)n. seizing, consuming TS.
- hārtra n. (fr. hartṛ), g. udgātr-ādi
- hārtrya m. patr. fr. hartṛ g. kurv-ādi
- hāryá mfn. to be borne or carried Hariv. Kālid. Kathās.
- • to be taken away or carried off or robbed or appropriated ŚBr. &c. &c
- • to be shaken or altered ( See a-h○)
- • to be won over or bribed Mṛicch. Vās.
- • to be acted (as a play) Bhar.
- • (in arithm.) to be divided, the dividend Āryabh. Sch.
- • captivating, charming MBh. xiii, 1429
- • m. a serpent MW.
- • Terminalia Bellerica L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of sandal wood L.
- ○putra m. N. of Rāma (?) MW.
- haramuja N. of a place Cat.
- harave N. of a place (= Herāt) Cat.
- haras &c. See col. 2
- harāka N. of a place Cat.
- harâkṣa &c. See col. 1
- hári mfn. (prob. fr. a lost √hṛ, 'to be yellow or green'
- • for 1. hari See above, col. 2) fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay (esp. applied to horses), green, greenish RV. &c, &c
- • m. yellow or reddish brown or green (the colour) L.
- • a horse, steed (esp. of Indra) RV. &c. &c
- • a lion MBh. Kāv. &c
- • the sign of the zodiac Leo VarBṛS.
- • the sun ib.
- • = hari-nakṣatra ib.
- • a monkey MBh. R. &c
- • (L. also, a ray of light
- • the moon
- • Phaseolus Mungo
- • a jackal
- • a parrot
- • a peacock
- • the Koil or Indian cuckoo
- • a goose
- • a frog
- • a snake
- • fire)
- • the wind or N. of Vāyu (god of the wind) R.
- • of Indra ib. &c
- • (esp.) N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (in this sense thought by some to be derived from √hṛ, 'to take away or remove evil or sin') MBh. Kāv. &c
- • of Brahmā TĀr.
- • of Yama L.
- • of Śiva L.
- • of Śukra L.
- • of Su-parṇa L.
- • of a son of Garuḍa MBh.
- • of a Rākshasa ib.
- • of a Dānava Hariv.
- • of a son of Akampaua (or Anukampana) MBh.
- • of a son of Tārakâksha ib.
- • of a son of Parājit Hariv.
- • of a son of Parāvṛit VP.
- • of a worshipper of Vishṇu BhP.
- • of various authors and scholars (esp. of the poet Bhartṛi-hari as the author of the Vākya-padīya
- • also with miśra, bhaṭṭa, dīkṣita &c.) Cat.
- • of a mountain VP.
- • of a world (cf. hari-varṣa) L.
- • of a metre Col.
- • of a partic. high number Buddh.
- • pl. men, people (= manuṣyāḥ) Naigh. ii, 3
- • a partic. class of gods under Manu Tāmasa Pur.
- • (ī), f. N. of the mythical mother of the monkeys MBh. R. ; Germ. ge10lo, gelb ; Eng. yellow.]
- ○kaṇṭha m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○kathâmṛta n. N. of wk
- ○karṇa m. N. of a man ( See hārikarṇa)
- ○kavi
- ○kavī7ndra m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○kānta mfn. beloved by Indra MW.
- • beautiful as a lion ib.
- ○kārikā f. Bhartṛi-hari's Kārikā (= vākyapadīya) and another wk
- ○kāla-deva m. N. of a king Col.
- ○kālā-vrata (?), n. a partic. religious observance Cat.
- ○kālī-tṛtīyā f. a partic. day (-vrata n.) ib.
- ○kīrtana n. N. of a Stotra
- ○kutsa m. N. of a man
- • pl. his family Pravar.
- ○kṛṣṇa m. N. of a various authors &c. Cat., -samuddhāra, m. N. of a man Kshitîś.
- • -siddhânta m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○kelīya m. 'sported in by Kṛishṇa', the country of Bengal W.
- • pl. the people of Bengal L.
- • mfn. belonging to or dwelling in Bengal MW.
- ○keśa (hári-), mfn. fair-headed RV. VS. MBh.
- • m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun VP.
- • of Savitṛi RV.
- • of Śiva MBh.
- • of a Yaksha (who propitiated Śiva and was made by him a leader of his Gaṇas and a guardian of fields, and fruits
- • See daṇḍa-pāṇi) Cat.
- • of a son of Śyāmaka BhP.
- ○krāntā f. Clitoria Ternatea L.
- • (○taḥ wṛ. for hariḥ krāntaḥ L.)
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a territory Cat.
- ○gaṇa m. a troop of horses Rājat.
- • N. of various persons ib. ŚārṅgP. Subh.
- ○gati f. N. of wk
- ○gandha m. yellow sandal L.
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- ○gītā f. a kind of metre Col.
- • pl. the doctrine communicated by Narayaṇa to Nārada MBh.
- ○guṇa-maṇi-darpaṇa m
- ○guru-stava-mālā f. N. of wks
- ○gṛha n. 'abode of Hari', N. of a city (= eka-cakra) L.
- ○gopaka m. cochineal (cf. indra-g○) Subh.
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○candana m. n. a sort of sandal tree Śiś. BhP. Śatr.
- • yellow sandal MBh. Kāv. &c. (in this sense prob. only n.), one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being Pārijāta, Mandāra, Saṃtāna, and Kalpa) Pañcar. Pañcat.
- • n. the pollen or filament of a lotus L.
- • saffron ib.
- • moonlight ib.
- • the person of a lover or mistress ib.
- • ○danâspada n. a place where yellow sandal grows Kum.
- ○candra m. N. of various authors and other persons Hcar. Subh. &c
- ○caraṇa-dāsa m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○caraṇapurī m. N. of a teacher ib.
- ○cāpa m. n. 'Indra's bow', a rainbow VarBṛS.
- ○ja See p. 1292, col. 2
- ○jāta mfn. (prob.) = hári, yellow RV.
- ○jit
- ○jīva
- ○jīvana-miśra m. N. of various men Cat.
- ○naigumeṣin (?), m. N. of one of Indra's attendants Col. (cf. naigameṣa)
- ○tattva-muktâvali or f. N. of a Comm.
- ○tattva-muktâvaḍlī f. N. of a Comm.
- ○turaga m. a horse of Indra Bcar.
- • N. of Indra, id. ib.
- ○turaṃgama m. id. MW.
- • ○mâyudha n. Indra's thunderbolt ib.
- ○toṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○trāta mfn. protected by Hari MW.
- ○tvac mfn. yellow-skinned ĀpŚr.
- ○datta m. N. of a Dānava Kathās.
- • of various authors &c. ib. Pañcat. Śukas. &c
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman Śukas.
- • -daivajña, -bhaṭṭa, -miśra m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○darbha m. a sort of Kuśa grass L. (cf. harid-garbha)
- ○dāsa m. a slave or worshipper of Vishṇu BhP.
- • N. of various authors &c. Vet. Cat.
- • -tarkâcārya (cf. Cat.),
- -nyāya-vācaspati-tarkâlaṃkāra-bhaṭṭâcārya (cf. ib.), -bhaṭṭa (cf. ib.), -bhaṭṭâcārya (Kusum.), -miśra (cf. Cat.), -vijaya (cf. ib.), m. N. of authors
- ○dina n. 'day sacred to Vishṇu', the 11th day in a fortnight L. Vop.
- • -tilaka, N. of wk
- ○diś f. 'Indra's quarter', the east Gol.
- ○dīkṣita m. N. of various authors Cat.
- ○dūta m. N. of a drama
- ○dṛśvan mf(arī)n. (prob.) one who has seen Vishṇu Vop.
- ○deva m. the asterism Śravaṇā (presided over by Vishṇu) L.
- • N. of various men Cat.
- • -miśra, -sūri m. N. of authors ib.
- ○drava m. green fluid MW.
- • (perhaps) Soma ib.
- • a powder made from Mesua Roxburghī L. -1
- ○dru (harí-), mfn. moving in the yellow (Soma
- • said of the Soma-stones) RV. (more correctly accentuated hari-drú). -2
- ○dru (harí-), m. a kind of tree (accord. to L. 'Chloroxylon Swietenia
- • a sort of Pinus
- • Curcuma Aromatica') ŚBr. KātyŚr. Hariv.
- • a tree (in general) L.
- • (hari-dru), N. of a pupil of Kalāpin Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Sch.
- • -mat m. N. of a man ChUp. Sch.
- ○druka mfn. dealing in Curcuma Aromatica, g. kisarâdi
- ○dvāra n. 'Vishṇu's gate', N. of a celebrated town and sacred bathing-place (commonly called Hardvār, where the Ganges finally leaves the mountains for the plains of Hindūstān, whence it is sometimes called Gaṅgadvāra
- • it is called 'Hari's gate', as leading to Vaikuṇṭha or Vishṇu's heaven) Rudray. Buddh.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○dviṣ m. 'hater of Hari', an Asura L.
- ○dhāyas (hári-), mfn. having or giving yellowish streams (as the sky) RV.
- ○dhāritagrantha (?), m. N. of wk
- ○dhūmra mfn. yellowish brown Hariv.
- ○nakṣatra n. the Nakshatra Śravaṇā VarBṛS.
- ○nadī f. N. of a river
- • -ramya m. N. of a village Cat.
- ○nanda m. N. of a pupil of Devânanda W.
- ○nandana m. N. of various authors Cat.
- ○nandin m. a proper N., g. kṣubhnâdi
- ○nātha m. N. of various men Cat.
- • -gosvāmin, -mahôpādhyāya
- • ○thâcārya, ○thôpâdhyāya m. N. of authors ib.
- ○nānâkṛti f. N. of wk
- ○nābha m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○nāman n. the name of Hari or Vishṇu Col. Cat.
- • m. the kidney-bean, Phaseolus Mungo L.
- • ○ma-kavaca n. ○ma-mālā f. ○ma-vyākhyā f. ○mâmṛta, n. ○mâmṛta-vaiṣṇava-vyākaraṇa n. ○môpaniṣad f. N. of wks.
- ○nāyaka m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of various persons Inscr. Kshitîś.
- • -śarman m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○nārāyaṇīya n. N. of wk
- ○nīla mfn. yellowish-blue JaimUp.
- ○netra n. the eye of Vishṇu MārkP.
- • a white lotus L.
- • an eye of a greenish colour MW.
- • mfn. having yellow eyes MBh.
- • m. an owl L.
- ○pañcaka-vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat.
- ○pañcâyudha-stotra n. N. of wk
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○paṇḍitīya n. Hari-paṇḍita's work ib.
- ○pada n. (accord. to some) the vernal equinox MW.
- ○parṇa mfn. green-leaved ib.
- • n. a radish L.
- ○parvata m. N. of a mountain MārkP.
- ○pā́ mfn. drinking the yellow (Soma) RV.
- ○pāla (cf. Gaṇar.),
- ○pāla-deva (cf. Cat.),
- ○pāla-bhaṭṭa (cf. ib.), m. N. of men
- ○piṅga mfn. yellowish-brown MBh.
- ○piṅgala mfn. id. ib. R.
- ○piṇḍā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○pura n. N. of a town VP.
- ○pūjana-vidhi m
- ○pūjā-paddhati f
- ○prabodha m. N. of wks
- ○prabha mfn. fallow-coloured (-tva n.) Car.
- ○prasāda m. N. of various men Col. Cat.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○priya mfn. liking bay horses (or 'dear to them', said of Indra) RV.
- • liked or loved by Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa L.
- • m. Nauclea Cadamba L.
- • Nerium Odorum ib.
- • a yellow-flowered Eclipta ib.
- • = bandhūka ib.
- • = viṣṇu-kanda ib.
- • a conchshell ib.
- • a fool, blockhead W.
- • a mad person MW.
- • armour, mail W.
- • N. of Śiva ib.
- • (ā), f. (only L.) Lakshmī
- • the earth
- • sacred basil
- • spirituous liquor
- • the 12th day of a lunar fortnight
- • n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus L.
- • red or black sandal L.
- ○babhru m. N. of a man MBh.
- ○bala m. N. of a king Campak.
- ○bābā m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bīja n. 'Vishṇu's seed', yellow orpiment L. ( See haritāla)
- ○buṅga-pura n. N. of a town Cat.
- ○bodha m. the awaking of Vishṇu
- • -dina n. N. of a festival day Kathârṇ.
- ○brahman m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhakta m. a worshipper of Vishṇu BrahmaP.
- ○bhakti f. the worship of Vishṇu Cat.
- • N. of wk
- • -kalpa-latā f. -kalpalatikā f. -taraṃgiṇī f. -dīpikā f. -bhāskara-sadvaiṣṇava-sāra-sarvasva n. -bhāskarôdaya m. -rasâmṛta-sindhu m. -rasâyana n. -rahasya n. -latā f. -latikā-stava m. -vilāsa m. -samāgama m. -sāra, -sudhā-rasa m. -sudhôdaya m. N. of wks
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of an Asura Kathās.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of various scholars Subh. Cat. &c
- • -dīkṣita m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhadra m. N. of various men Buddh. Cat.
- • n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.
- • -sūri m. N. of an author (-kathā f. N. of wk.) Cat.
- ○bhānu
- ○bhānu-śukla
- ○bhāratī m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○bhāvinī or f. a woman who meditates on Vishṇu MW.
- ○bhāḍviṇī f. a woman who meditates on Vishṇu MW.
- ○bhāskara or m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhāskaḍraśarman m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhuj m. 'frog-eater', a snake L.
- ○bhūta m. N. of a poet Subh.
- ○maṇi m. a smaragd Bhaṭṭ.
- ○maṇḍalâkṣa mfn. having eyes like the disk of the sun Bcar.
- ○mat m. 'having bay horses', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○madhyā́ f. having a yellowish waist (and so reminding of Vishṇu) Rājat.
- • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- ○mantha m. Premna Spinosa (the wood of which by attrition produces flame) L.
- • the chick-pea ib.
- • N. of a partic. country ib.
- • -ja m. 'produced in the district Hari-mantha', the chick-pea ib.
- • (m.) n. a sort of kidney-bean Suśr.
- ○manthaka m. the chick-pea L.
- ○mandira n. a temple of Vishṇu W.
- • the world of Vishṇu, Kṛishṇaj
- ○manyu-sāyaka (hári-), mfn. stimulating the mettle of the bay horses (said of Indra) RV.
- ○mahiman m
- ○mālā f
- ○māhātmya-darpaṇa m. N. of wks
- ○mitra
- ○miśra m. N. of various men Cat.
- ○m-īḍe 'I praise Hari' (or ○ḍe-stotra), n. N. of a hymn
- ○muktâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○medha m. N. of Narayaṇa or Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh.
- • N. of wk
- ○medhas m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh. BhP.
- • of the father of Hari (Vishṇu) BhP.
- • of a man MBh.
- ○m-bhará mfn. bearing the yellow-coloured (thunderbolt) RV.
- ○yaśas
- ○yaśo-miśra m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○yūpī́yā f. N. of a locality RV.
- ○yoga (hári-), mfn. having a yoke of bay horses, yoked with horses ib.
- ○yójana n. the harnessing of the bay horses ib.
- • m. Indra MW. (cf. hāriy○)
- ○yoni mfn. produced from Hari or Vishṇu MBh.
- ○ratna
- ○rasa-kavi m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○rāja m. N. of a kin Rājat.
- ○rāma m. N. of various men Cat.
- • -cakra-vartin (cf. Col.), -tarka-vāg-īśa, -tarka-vāg-īśa-bhaṭṭâcārya, -tarkâlaṃkāra, -tarkâlaṃkāra-bhaṭṭâcārya, -bhaṭṭâcārya, -vācas-pati (cf. Cat.), m. N. of various men.
- ○rāya
- ○rāḍya-śarman m. N. of various men Cat.
- ○ripu m. a kind of plant Kālac.
- ○rudra m. Hari and Rudra (i.e. Vishṇu and Śiva) in one person MBh.
- ○roman mfn. having fair hair on the body ib.
- ○lāla
- ○lāla-miśra m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○līlā f. 'Hari's play', N. of Vopa-deva's index to the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa
- • -kṛṣṇa-kautaka n. -"ṣmṛta (○lâm○), n. -vivaraṇa-saṃgraha m. -viveka m. N. of wks
- ○locana mfn. brown-eyed L.
- • m. a crab L.
- • an owl ib.
- • N. of a demon causing disease Hariv.
- • -candrikā f. N. of a Comm.
- ○loman mfn. yellow-haired Car.
- ○vaṃśa m. the family of Kṛishṇa Suśr.
- • the race of monkeys R.
- • N. of various men Sadukt. Cat.
- • m. n. (scil. purāṇa) N. of a celebrated poem supplementary to the Mahā-bhārata on the history and adventures of Kṛishṇa and his family (it is usually regarded as part of the greater epic, though really a comparatively modern addition to it
- • cf. IW. 418)
- • -kavi m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -kṛṣṇa-līlā f. N. of wk
- • -gosvāmin m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -catuṣka n. N. of wk
- • -candra-gosvāmin m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -deva m. N. of a teacher ib.
- • -nyāsa m. N. of wk
- • -paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -purāṇa n. N. of wk
- • -bhaṭṭa (?), m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -vilāsa m. -śravaṇa-vidhāna n. -śravaṇa-vidhi m. -sāra-carita n. N. of wks
- ○vaṃśya mfn. belonging to Hari's family Śatr. (hári-), mfn. possessing Hari MW.
- • possṭpossessing bay horses (m. N. of Indra) RV. VS. AitBr.
- • connected with the yellow (Soma) RV.
- • containing the word hari (, f. 'such a verse') Br. Lāṭy.
- ○vana n. a proper N., g. kṣubhnâdi
- ○vandana n. N. of wk
- ○vara mfn. the best of the monkeys R.
- • m. N. of a king Kathās.
- • n. N. of a town ib.
- ○varṇa m. N. of a man PañcavBr.
- • n. N. of a Sāman (wṛ. for hāriv○)
- ○varpas (hári-), mfn. having a yellowish or greenish appearance RV.
- ○varman m. N. of various men Inscr. Buddh. Cat.
- • ○ma-deva m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○varṣa n. one of the 9 divisions of Jambu-dviipa (the country between the Nishadha and Hema-kūṭa mountains
- • See varṣa) MBh. Pur. Śatr.
- • m. N. of a king of Hari-varsha Pur.
- ○vallabha m. 'beloved by Vishṇu', N. of various men (also -rāya) Kshitîś. Col. Cat.
- • (ā), f. N. of Lakshmī MW.
- • sacred basil L.
- • another plant (= jayā) ib.
- ○vāghala m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○vāyu-stuti f. N. of wk
- ○vāluka n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum Bhpr.
- ○vāsa mfn. (prob.) wearing a yellow garment (Vishṇu) MBh.
- • m. Ficus Religiosa L.
- ○vāsara n. Vishṇu's day (the 11th or 12th lunar day, or accord. to some, the first quarter of the 12th lunar day), Kṛishṇaj
- ○vāsuka n. = -vāluka L.
- ○vāhana m. 'Vishṇu-bearer', N. of the bird Garuḍa L.
- • 'having bay horses', N. of Indra MBh. R.
- • of the sun L.
- • -diś f. Indra's quarter, i.e. the east Vikr.
- ○vijaya m. N. of wk. by Sarva-sena
- • -kāvya n. N. of wk
- ○vinoda m
- ○vilāsa m
- ○vilāsa-kāvya n. N. of wks
- ○vṛkṣa m. a kind of tree Suśr. (cf. 2. -dru)
- ○vṛṣa (?), n. = -varṣa n. L.
- ○vyāsa (cf. W.),
- ○vyāsa-deva
- ○vyāsa-miśra
- ○vyāsamuni (cf. Cat.), m. N. of various men
- ○vrata (hári-), mfn. (perhaps) one whose sphere or whose surroundings are yellow RV.
- ○śaṃkara m. N. of various men Cat.
- • of a place ib.
- ○śayá mf(ā́)n. resting or being in gold VS. v, 8
- • (ā), f. N. of the verse yā́ te agne hari-śayā́ tanū́ḥ ib.
- ○śayana n. Vishṇu's sleep L.
- ○śara m. having Vishṇu for an arrow, N. of Śiva (Śiva having Vishṇu as the shaft which set the cities of Tripura on fire) L.
- ○śarman (cf. Kathās.),
- ○śarmârya (cf. Inscr.),
- ○śikha (cf. Kathās.), m. N. of various persons
- ○śipra (hári-), mfn. having yellow (golden) cheek-guards on (his) helmet RV.
- • m. 'ruddy-jawed', N. of Indra MW.
- ○ścandra (hári-), mfn. ( See candra) having golden splendour RV.
- • m. N. of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the Tretā age (he was son of Tri-śaṅku, and was celebrated for his piety
- • accord. to the Mārkaṇḍeya-Purāṇa he gave up his country, his wife and his son, and finally himself, to satisfy the demands of Viśvāmitra
- • after enduring incredible sufferings, he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven: accord. to MBh. ii, 489 &c., his performance of the Rāja-sūya sacrifice was the cause of his elevation, and in the Aitareya-Brāhmaṇa quite another legend is told about him, See under śunaḥśepa, p. 1082, col. 3: in later legends Hari-ścandra is represented as insidiously induced by Nārada to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, whereupon he was degraded from Svarga, one stage at each sentence, till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air
- • his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times
- • cf. saubha) Br. MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- • N. of various authors &c. Inscr. Cat.: m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- • n. N. of a Liṅga MW.
- • -caritra n. N. of wk
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MW.
- • -pura n. the city of Harikandra (= saubha) L.
- • a mirage VarBṛS.
- • -purāṇa n. -yaśaś-caudra-candrikā f. ○ścandrâkhyāyikā, f. ○ścandrôpâkhyāna n. N. of wks
- ○śmasāru (hári-), mfn. having a ruddy or yellow beard RV.
- ○śmaśru mfn. id. MBh. Hariv. R.
- • m. N. of a D1nava BhP.
- ○śrama m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○śravā wṛ. for next VP.
- ○śrāvā f. N. of a river MBh.
- ○śrī́ mfn. beautifully yellow, goldcoloured RV. PañcavBr.
- • blessed with Soma RV.
- • blessed with or abounding in horses MW.
- • -nidhana n. N. of a Sāman PañcavBr.
- ○ṣác (ṣā́c), mfn. occupied with the yellow (Soma) RV.
- ○ṣeṇa m. (ṣeṇa for sena fr. senā) N. of a son of the 10th Manu VP.
- • of the 10th of the Jaina Cakra-vartins in Bhārata L.
- ○ṣṭhā́ mfn. (ṣṭhā, for sthā) borne along by bay horses RV.
- • one who stands over horses, a guider of horses MW.
- ○saktha n. saṃjñāyām Pāṇ. 8-3, 99 Sch.
- ○sakha m. 'friend of Indra', a Gandharva Kir.
- ○saṃkīrtana n. the act of pronouncing or repeating the name of Vishṇu (supposed to possess great efficacy) Cat.
- • N. of wk
- ○sādhana-candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king Kathās.
- • -deva (śrī-hari-), m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○siddhi f. N. of a goddess Pañcad.
- ○suta m. 'son of Hari', N. of Arjuna MW.
- • of the 10th Cakra-vartin (= -ṣeṇa) L.
- ○sū7kta n. N. of a partic. hymn addressed to Hari Cat.
- ○sūnu m. son of Hari', N. of Arjuna MW.
- ○sena m. N. of a minister of Samudra-gupta Inscr.
- • of an author Cat.
- ○sevaka-miśra m. N. of an author ib.
- ○soma m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○stava mfn. one whose bay horses are praised ŚāṅkhBr.
- ○stuti f
- ○stotra n. of hymns (in praise of Vishṇu)
- ○svāmin m. N. of various men Kathās. Cat.
- • (○mi) -putra m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○haya m. a horse of Indra R.
- • 'having bay or gold-coloured horses', N. of Indra MBh. R.
- • of the Sun W.
- • of Skanda ib.
- • of Gaṇêśa ib.
- • ○yânuja m. 'Indra's yoūger brother', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa R.
- ○hara m. 'Vishṇu-Śiva', a partic. form of deity consisting of Vishṇu and Śiva conjoined Kāv. RTL. 65
- • (du. or in comp.) Vishṇu and Siva Hariv. Hit.
- • N. of various persons Tattvas. Kshitîś. &c
- • of a river PrâyaŚc.
- • -kathā f. the repeating of the names of Vishṇu and Śiva Hit.
- • -kṣetra n. 'sacred place of Vishṇu and Śiva conjoined', N. of a place of pilgrimage MW.
- • -khāna, tarkâlaṃkāra-bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of certain men Cat.
- • -tāratamya n. N. of various wks
- • -dīkṣita m. N. of a man Cat.
- • -drkṣitīya n. N. of wk
- • -deva (Śārṅgp. Inscr.), -deva-hindū-pati, -paṇḍita (Cat.), m. N. of certain men
- • -paddhati f. N. of wk
- • -purī m. N. of an author Cat.
- • praśaṃsā f. N. of wk
- • -prasāda, -brahman m. N. of authors Cat.
- • -brahma-mānasika-snāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- • -bhaṭṭa, -bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of authors Cat.
- • -bhāṣya n. -bheda-dhik-kāra m. -manṇḍala ṣoḍaśa-liṅgôbhava m. N. of wks
- • -mahā-rāja m. N. of a man Cat.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of ch. of the Skanda-Purāṇa
- • -miśra m. N. of a man Cat.
- • -yoga m. -vilāsa m. N. of wks
- • -sarasvatī m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- • -stotra n. N. of various Stotras
- • -svāmin
- • ○râgni-hotrin m. N. of authors Cat.
- • ○râtmaka mfn. consisting of or comprising Vishṇu and Śiva in their united state, relating to Vishṇu and ŚṭŚiva Hariv. VarP.
- • m. the bull of Śiva L.
- • N. of Garuḍa ib.
- • of Daksha ib.
- • n. = hari-hara-kṣetra MW.
- • ○râtmaka-stora n. N. of various Stotras
- • ○rânanda m. N. of various men Cat.
- • ○rânusaraṇa-yātrā f. N. of wk
- • ○rârya m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- • ○râṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. ○râṣṭôttara-śata-nāmâvali f. ○rôpâdhi-vivecana n. N. of wks
- • ○rôpâdhyāya m. N. of an author, Cat
- ○hari-harivāha m. (with Buddhists) N. of a Lokeśvara W.
- ○hari-hari-vāhana-sādhana N. of wk
- ○heti f. Indra's weapon, i.e. the rainbow, (or) Vishṇu's weapon, i.e. the Cakra
- • -má mfn. adorned with a rainbow Mālatīm.
- • -hūti m. 'named after the Cakra', Anas Casarca Śiś. (cf. cakra-vāka)
- harindra-vaiśeṣika N. of wk
- harī7śa m. a king of the monkeys R.
- harī-śayá mf(ā)n. = hari-śayá VPrāt.
- harekṛṣṇamahāmantrārthanirūpaṇa3hare-kṛṣṇa-mahāmantrârtha-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- harika m. (for 1. See p. 1289, col, 2) a horse of a yellowish or reddish brown colour W.
- hariṇá mf(ī́)n. (the fem. háriṇī belongs to harita) fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny (also said of unhealthy complexion), greenish, green MaitrUp. MBh.
- • m. yellowish (&c.) the colour L.
- • a deer, antelope, fawn, stag (one of 5 kinds, others being called ṛṣya, ruru, pṛṣata, mṛga) RV. &c. &c
- • an ichneumon MaitrS.
- • a goose L.
- • the sun L.
- • a minor division of the world W.
- • N. of Vishṇu or Śiva L.
- • of a Gaṇa of Śiva L.
- • of a serpent. demon MBh.
- • of an ichneumon (vḷ. harita) ib.
- • (ī́), f. See below
- ○kalaṅka m. 'deer-spotted', the moon L.
- ○carman n. a deer-skin Kauś.
- ○dhāman m. 'deer-abode', the moon Rājat.
- ○nayanā f. a deer-eyed woman Daś.
- ○nartaka m. a Kiṃnara L.
- ○pṛṇākā f. a young female deer ĀpŚr.
- ○pluta n
- ○plutā f. N. of two metres Piṅg.
- ○lakṣaṇa (cf. Gol.),
- ○lakṣman (cf. Bālar.),
- ○lāñchana (cf. Kād.), m. 'dṭdeer-marked', the moon
- ○locanā f. = -nayanā R.
- ○lolâkṣī f. a woman with eyes rolling like a deer's ib.
- ○hṛdaya mfn. 'deerhearted', timid L.
- hariṇâkrīḍana or n. a partic. children's game Hariv.
- hariṇâkrīḍḍita n. a partic. children's game Hariv.
- hariṇâkṣa m. 'deer-eyed', the moon L.
- • (ī), f. a deer-eyed woman Hcat.
- • a kind of perfume L.
- hariṇâṅka m. 'deer-marked', the moon W.
- hariṇâdhipa m. 'deerking', a lion Jain.
- hariṇântara m. a species of deer MW.
- hariṇâyatêkṣaṇā f. a woman with eyes long as a deer's Vcar.
- hariṇâri m. deer-enemy, a lion Anarghar.
- hariṇâśva m. 'deer-horse', the wind Vās.
- • N. of a man MBh.
- hariṇêkṣaṇā f. a deer-eyed woman Naish. Prasannar.
- hariṇêśa m. 'deer-lord', a lion Hcar.
- hariṇaka m. a small deer, deer Kād.
- hariṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a deer, Sṛiṅgār
- hariṇī́ f. a female deer, doe TS. &c. &c
- • Rubia Munjista L.
- • yellow jasmine L.
- • one of the four kinds of beautiful women (corresponding to the kind of man termed mṛga) L.
- • a golden image Rājat.
- • a kind of metre (four times -, ) Piṅg.
- • a kind of Svara-bhakti (q.v.) TPrāt. Sch.
- • N. of an Apsaras Ragh.
- • of a Yakshiṇī Buddh.
- • of the mother of Hari (Vishṇu) BhP. pl. N. of the verses AV. xviii, 2, 11-18 Kauś.
- ○dṛś or f. a doe-eyed woman Kāv.
- ○nayaṇā f. a doe-eyed woman Kāv.
- ○rūpāya Ā. ○yate, to resemble a doe Gīt.
- ○vṛtta n. the Hariṇī-metre MW.
- harít mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish RV. &c. &c
- • m. pale yellow, reddish, bay (the colour) L.
- • a horse of the Sun (harito harīṃś ca, acc, pl. 'the horses of the Sun and of Indra') Śak.
- • emerald BhP.
- • a lion L.
- • the sun L.
- • N. of Vishṇu L.
- • Phaseolus Mungo (prob. wṛ. for hari) L.
- • f. a female horse of a reddish colour, a bay mare (applied to the horses of Soma, Indra, and Tvashṭṛi, and esp. to sapta-haritaḥ, 'the 7 horses of the Sun', thought to symbolize the days of the week) RV. TS. MBh. R. BhP.
- • a quarter of the sky RV. ŚBr. Kāv. &c
- • pl. rivers (= nadyas) Naigh. i, 13
- • grass or a species of grass L.
- • turmeric W.
- ○pati m. the regent of a quarter of the sky Naish.
- ○parṇa n. 'green-leaved', a radish L.
- ○mat mfn. g. yavâdi
- ○vat (hárit-), mfn. goldcoloured RV.
- hárita mf(ā or háriṇī) n. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale (also, 'pale with fright'), greenish, green (also
- • 'verdant' as opp. to śuṣka 'dry') RV. &c. &c
- • m. yellowish (the colour) L.
- • Phaseolus Mungo qr Lobatus L.
- • a lion L.
- • N. of a son of Kaiśyapa ŚBr.
- • of a son of Yadu Hariv.
- • of a son of Rohita BhP.
- • of a son of Rohitâśva ib.
- • of a son of Yuvanāśva ib.
- • of a son of Parāvṛit ib.
- • of a son of Vapushmat MārkP.
- • of an ichneumon (vḷ. hariṇa) MBh.
- • pl. the descendants of Harita (also called harītāḥ), Āś1vŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 67 Vārtt. i Pat.)
- • N. of partic. verses of the AV. (also haretā mantrāḥ) Cat.
- • of a class of gods in the 12th Manvantara Pur.
- • (ā), f. Dūrvā grass Śiś. (= nīla-dūrva L.)
- • turmeric L.
- • a brown-coloured grape L.
- • Sesbana Aegyptiaca L.
- • a kind of Svara-bhakti TPrāt. Sch.
- • (am), n. a yellowish or greenish substance ŚBr.
- • gold AV. Kāṭh.
- • greens, vegetables Vishṇ. ('unripe grain' Sch.)
- • a kind of fragrant plant (= sthauṇcyaka) L.
- ○kapiśa mfn. yellowish-brown Megh.
- ○kātya m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 1-æ73 Vārtt.8.
- ○garbha mf(ā)n. containing a golden germ ĀpŚr.
- ○gomaya m. pl. fresh cow-dung Kauś. Gobh.
- ○cārika mfn. (perhaps) using supernatural means of locomotion Divyâv.
- ○cchada mf(ā)n. having green leaves MBh.
- • m. a tree, plant L.
- ○jambhan mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 125
- ○tṛṇa n. green grass MW.
- ○tva n. yellowish green (the colour) Car.
- ○dhānya n. green i.e. unripe corn Gaut.
- ○nemin mfn. having (a chariot with) golden fellies (Śiva), R:
- ○pattra-maya mf(ī)n. formed of green leaves Śiś.
- ○pattrikā f. a species of plant L.
- ○pāṇḍu mfn. yellowish-pale Suśr.
- ○prabha mfn. appearing yellowish or pale Hariv.
- ○bheṣajá n. a remedy against jaundice AV.
- ○yajña m. N. of a man ( See hāritay○)
- ○yava m. green barley ĀpŚr.
- ○latā f. = pattrikā L.
- ○śāka m. Moringa Pterygospermum L.
- ○sena m. N. of a king Buddh.
- ○spṛśa mfn. (?) JaimUp.
- ○sraj (hárita-), mfn. wearing or forming yellow (green) garlands AV.
- • adorned with a golden chain or garland AitBr.
- ○hari m. 'having reddish or bay horses', the Sun Kāv.
- haritâruṇa mfn. yellowish-red Kum.
- haritárdhakāya mfn. having half the body green Bcar.
- haritâśma n. 'green-coloured stone', a turquoise or emerald L.
- • sulphate of copper or blue vitriol L.
- haritâśmaka n. a turquoise Hcat.
- haritâśva mfn. having reddish or bay horses (the Sun) MBh.
- • m. N. of a son of Su-dyumna VP.
- haritôpala m. 'green stone', an emerald BhP.
- haritaka mfn. greenish (applied to the 6th unknown quantity) Col.
- • m. or n. a green herb Car.
- • (ī), f. Terminalia Chebula Divyâv.
- • (am), n. grass Śiś.
- ○śāka n. Moringa Pterygospermum Suśr.
- haritāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati or ○yate, to become or appear green Bhaṭṭ. Kād.
- haritāla m. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour, Columba Hurriyals L.
- • (ī) f. Panicum Dactylon L.
- • the blade of a sword L.
- • the fourth (or third)ḍay in the light half of the month Bhādra L.
- • a streak or line in the sky L.
- • the atmosphere L.
- • (am), n. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic (described as the seed or seminal energy of Vishṇu, = harer viiryam) MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○janaka m. orpiment-producer (a word employed in modern Sanskṛit to express the metal arsenic)
- maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of orpiment Kum.
- haritālaka m. a kind of pigeon (= haritāla) L.
- • n. yellow orpiment L.
- • painting the person, theatrical decoration W.
- • (ikā), f. See next
- haritālikā f. Panicum Dactylon L.
- • the fourth (or third) day of the light half of the month Bhādra L.
- ○kathā f
- ○pūjana n. N. of wks
- ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance on the above day Cat.
- • -kathā f. -nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- haritī-kṛta mfn. painted green Hit.
- harid in comp. fur harit
- ○ambara mfn. wearing a yellow or green garment Cat.
- ○aśva m. 'having fallow horses', the Sun Ragh. Śiś.
- ○garbha m. a kind of Kuśa grass (prob. wṛ. for hariddarbha) L.
- ○dantāvala m
- ○rañjanī f. turmeric L.
- ○varṇa mfn. green-coloured, of a yellowish golden colour MW.
- haridra m. the yellow sandal tree VarBṛS.
- • N. of a deity Col.
- • (ā), f. See below
- haridraka m. the yellow sandal tree VarBṛS.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- haridrā f. Curcunia Longa, turmeric or its √ground to powder (46 synonyms of this plant are given) Kauś. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • N. of a river Col.
- ○"ṣkta (○drâkta), mfn. smeared or stained with turmeric MW. =
- ○gaṇa-pati m. a partic. form of the god Gaṇêśa (in whose honour a Mantra is repeated with offerings of turmeric)
- • -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○gṇêśa m. = gaṇa-pati Cat.
- ○"ṣṅga (○drâṅga), m. a kind of pigeon (= haritāla) L.
- ○dāna n. N. of wk
- ○dvaya n. Curcuma Longa and CṭCurcuma Aromatica L.
- ○"ṣbha (○drâbha), mfn. resembling turmeric
- • of a yellow colour L.
- • m. Curcuma Zerumbet or Terminalia Tomentosa L.
- ○meha m. yellow diabetes Suśr.
- • ○hin mfn. suffering from it ib.
- ○rāga or mfn. 'tṭturmeric-coloured', unsteady in affection or attachment, fickle, capricious (like the colour of turmeric], which does not last) L.
- ○rāgaka mfn. 'tṭturmeric-coloured', unsteady in affection or attachment, fickle, capricious (like the colour of turmeric], which does not last) L.
- haridrika mfn. dealing in turmeric, g. kisarâdi
- harin m. (m. c. for hari, only in gen. pl. hariṇām) a monkey R. (B.) iv. 44, 16
- harin in comp. for harit
- ○maṇi m. 'green gem', an emerald Śiś. BhP.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of emerald, Dharniaś
- ○mudga m. Phaseolus Mungo L.
- harimán m. (for 1. See p. 1289, col. 2) yellow colour, yellowness (as a disease), jaundice RV. AV.
- hariya m. a horse of a reddish or bay colour L.
- hariśa mfn. g., lomâdi
- harītakī f. (rarely ○ka m. n.) the yellow Myrobalan tree, Terminalia Chebula (28 synonyms and seven varieties are enumerated
- • the fruit is used for dyeing yellow and as a laxative) Suśr. Hariv. VarBṛS.
- ○cūrṇa n. the powdered seed of the Myrobalan tree VarBṛS.
- harītaky-ādi N. of a medic. wk
- hary in comp. for hári
- ○akṣá mfn. yelloweyed VS. MBh.
- • m. a lion MBh. R.
- • the zodiacal sign Leo Cat.
- • a monkey R.
- • N. of Kubera L.
- • of a demon causing diseases PārGṛ.
- • of an Asura BhP.
- • of a son of Pṛithu ib.
- • of Śiva MW.
- ○akṣan mfn
- ○akṣa MBh.
- ○aṅka-kula mfn. born in the family whose symbol is the lion (i.e. the solar race) Bcar.
- ○aṅga m. N. of a son of Campa Hariv. VP.
- ○amara m. N. of a man Virac.
- ○avana m. N. of a son of Kṛita BhP.
- ○aśva m. a bay horse (of Indra) MBh. R.
- • (hâry.), mfn. possessing bay horses RV.
- • m. N. of Indra BhP.
- • of Śiva MBh.
- • of various men
- ib. Hariv. R. Pur. Pāṇ. N. of the sons of Daksha Hariv. Pur.
- • -cāpa 'Indra's bow', the rainbow Hariv.
- • -prasūta (hā́ryaśva-), mf(ā)n. impelled or instigated by him who possesses bay horses RV.
- ○aṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- ○ātman m. N. of a Vyāsa VP.
- ○ānanda m. N. of a pupil of Rāmānanda W.
- haryajvāyana m. (prob. fur hari-y○) N. of a teacher JaimUp.
- hāra mfn. (for 1. and 2. See p. 1289, col. 2) relating to Hari or Vishṇn BhP.
- hārika mfn. being like Hari (= harir iva), g. aṅguly-ādi
- • m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- hārikarṇa m. patr. fr. hari-karṇa Pravar.
- hā́rikarnī-pútra m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr.
- hārikeyī f. a patr. Pāṇ. 4-1, 15, Vartt. 1 Pat.
- hāriṇa mfn. belonging or relating to or derived from deer, Kauś MBh. &c
- • n. venison MW.
- hāriṇaka mfn. hunting deer Pāṇ. 4-4, 35 Sch.
- hāriṇāśvā f. (fr. hariṇâśva) a panic. Mūcehanā, Saṃgīt
- hârita m. (fr. harit and harita) green (the colour) W.
- • a moderate wind neither too gentle nor too strong L.
- • the Haritāla pigeon L.
- • 'descendant of Haeita', N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (pl. his family, also called haritāḥ) MBh. Hariv. VP.
- • (ā), f. a kind of Svara-bhakti (v. l. haritā) TPrāt. Sch.
- • (ī), f. a patr. (-putra m. a son of Hariti) Lalit.
- hāritaka n. = haritaka, a green vegetable L.
- hāritakāta m. pl. the descendants of Haritakātya Pāṇ. 1-æ73, Vartt. 8
- hāritayajña mfn. relating or belonging to Harita-yajña L.
- hāritāyana m. patr. fr. hārita Pāṇ. 4-1, 100
- hāritāsra m. N. of a man Cat.
- hāridrá mfn. (fr. haridrā) coloured with turmeric, yellow ŚBr. &c. &c
- • m. a yellow colour L.
- • the Kadamba tree L.
- • a kind of vegetable poison Bhpr.
- • a kind of fever (also of animals) ib.
- ○tva n. yellowness Car.
- ○meha
- ○meḍhin = haridrā-m○, lb
- hāridraka mfn. yellow VarBṛS.
- • m. a kind of tree L.
- • N. of a serpent-demon Hariv.
- hāridravá (or hā́r○), m. (fr. hari-dru) a kind of yellow bird RV. AV.
- • pl. the disciples of Haridru Nir.
- • (also ○vika) m. or n. a work of the Hari
- hāridravin m. the disciples of Hari-dru Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Sch.
- hāridravīya or m. pl. id., IndSt
- hāridraḍveya m. pl. id., IndSt
- hāridrumata m. patr. fr. haridru-mat ChUp.
- hāriyojaná mf(ī)n. (fr. hari-y○) one who harnesses bay horses (Indra) RV.
- • m. a partic. Somagraga VS. ŚBr. ŚrS. ŚrS.
- hārivarṇa n. (fr. hari-v○) N. of various Sīmans ĀrshBr.
- hārivāsa m. (fr. hari-v○) N. of a deity W.
- hāriṣeṇi and m. patr. fr. hari-ṣeṇa Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 and 153 Sch.
- hāriṣeḍṇya m. patr. fr. hari-ṣeṇa Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 and 153 Sch.
- hārīta m. (for 1. See p. 1289, col. 3) = harīta, the Haritāla pigeon MBh. Suśr. &c
- • N. of various authors &c. (esp. of a lawyer often quoted) Āpast. TPrāt. MBh. &c
- • pl. the descendants of Hārīta VP.
- • N. of a people R. (ī), f. N. of a deity (-putra m. N. of a family, IndSt.)
- ○dharma-śāstra n. Hārīta's law-book Cat.
- ○bandha m. a kind of metre Col.
- ○śikṣā
- ○saṃhitā
- ○smṛti f. N. of wks.
- hārītaka m. the Haritāla pigeon Pañcat.
- • N. of an author VP.
- hārīti m. pl. patr. fr. hārīta Pravar.
- hāryaśva m. patr. fr. hary-aśva g. bidâdi
- hāryojaná v. l. for hāriyojana MaitrS.
- hari ind. (for 1. See p. 1289, col. 2
- • for 2. ib., col. 3) an exclamation ('alas!') MW.
- harija n. (= Gk. ?, ) the horizon VarBṛS.
- • the longitudinal parallax Sūryas.
- haribha See hariva
- harimanta m. N. of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. ix, 72) Anukr.
- harile ind. (in dram.) a vocative particle used in addressing a female slave W.
- hariva m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- hariṣa m. = harska, joy L.
- harīśaya See hari-śaya, p. 1290
- harīṣā f. a partic. kind of seasoning or condiment (v. l. hari-śa) Bhpr.
- haruṇa m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- hareṇu m. a kind of pea or pulse (with slightly globular seeds) Suśr.
- • a creeper marking the boundary of a village L.
- • N. of Laṅkā L.
- • f. a sort of drug or perfume (= reṇukā) L.
- • a respectable woman L.
- • a copper-coloured deer L.
- hareṇuka m. (or ā f.) a kind of pea or pulse Lalit. Suśr.
- harta ○tavya, ○tṛ &c. See p. 1289, col. 2
- hartālikā-vrata-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- harman See p. 1289, col. 2
- harmita mfn. thrown, cast, sent L.
- • burnt (cf. ghirma) L.
- harmuṭa m. a tortoise L.
- • the sun L.
- harmyá n. (ifc. f. ā
- • said to be fr. √hṛ, 'to captivate or charm the mind'
- • but rather connected with √2. ghṛ and gharma, and perhaps originally signifying 'the domestic fire-hearth'), a large house, palace, mansion, any house or large building or residence of a wealthy person RV. &c. &c
- • a stronghold, prison RV. v, 32, 5 ; viii, 5, 23
- • a fiery pit, place of torment, region of darkness, the nether world MW.
- • mfn. living in houses ib.
- ○cara mfn. moving or living in a mansion or palace, Kṛishṇaj
- ○tala (cf. Suśr.),
- ○pṛsṭh (cf. Hariv.), n. the flat roof or upper room of any mansion or palace
- ○bhāj mfn. living in apṭap MW.
- ○valabhī f. -tala VarBṛS.
- ○stha mfn. being in a house or palace MW.
- ○sthala n. = -tala Megh.
- harmyâgra n. = harmya-tala Ragh.
- harmyâṅgana n. the court of a palace MW.
- harmikā f. a summer-house on a Stūpa Divyâv.
- harmye-ṣṭhā́ mfn. (fr. loc. of harmya + sthā) being in a house or stall (cf. gharmye-ṣṭhā) RV.
- hary cl. r.P. (Dhātup. xv, 7) haryáti (rarely A. ○te
- • pr. p. P. háryat, or haryát see below A. háryamāṇa), to like, delight in, be fond of or pleased with, yearn after, long for (acc. or loc.) RV.
- • to go Naigh. ii, 14
- • to threaten Dhātup.: Intens. jāharyīti, jāharti, jāharyati Siddh.
- háryat or mfn. eager, willing, glad RV.
- haryát mfn. eager, willing, glad RV.
- haryaté mfn. desired, wished for, pleasant, dear, precious RV.
- • m. a horse (accord. to some, 'a steed fit for the Aśva-medha sacrifice') L.
- • N. of the author of RV. viii, 72 (having the patr. Prāgātha) Anukr.
- hary-akṣa hary-aṅga &c. See above, col. i
- haryatvata m. N. of a son of Kṛita (v. l. haryaśvata) VP.
- haryāta m. pl. N. of a people VP.
- harṣa m. (ifc. f. ā
- • fr. √hṛṣ) bristling, erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • joy, pleasure, happiness (also personified as a son of Dharma) KaṭhUp. MBh. &c.
- • erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness Suśr.
- • ardent desire MBh.
- • N. of an Asura Kathās.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP.
- • of various authors &c. (also with dīkṣita, miśra, sūri &c
- • cf. śrī-harṣa)
- • mfn. happy, delighted W.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. causing joy or happiness BhP.
- ○kīrti m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○kīlaka m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.
- ○kula
- ○kulâgraṇī-kuśala m. N. of authors
- ○kṛt m. N. of a man VP.
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a Commentary
- ○krodha m. du. joy and anger Hit.
- ○gaṇi m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○gadgada mfn. (a voice) faltering with joy MBh.
- ○garbha mfn. full of joy, blissful Daś.
- ○gupta m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○carita n. N. of a poem by Bāṇa (containing the life of king Harsha-vardhaua of Sthānêśvara)
- • -vārttika n. -saṃketa m. N. of Comms. on the above wk
- ○cala mfn. trembling with joy Ragh.
- ○ja mfn. arising from joy MBh.
- • n. semen L.
- ○jaḍa mfn. paralyzed with joy MW.
- ○datta
- ○datta-sūnu m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○dāna n. a gift joyfully offered Hcar.
- ○deva m. N. of a poet and king (also called śrī-h○, q.v.)
- ○dohala m. or n. lustful desire, Mslav
- ○dhara and m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○nātha-śarman m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○nāda m. a shout of joy R.
- ○nibsvana (cf. Ragh.),
- ○nisvana (cf. R.), m. id
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās.
- • (ī), f. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.
- ○pūrṇa-vaktra mfn. having a face full of joy Bcar.
- ○bhāj mfn. partaking of joy, joyful, glad Pañcat.
- ○máya mf(ī)n. whose essence or nature is joy ŚBr.
- ○malla m. -deva Vās., Intred
- ○mitra m. N. of a king Rājat.
- ○yukta mfn. filled with joy, joyful VarBṛS.
- ○ratna and m. N. of two authors Cat.
- ○rāma m. N. of two authors Cat.
- ○vat mfn. full of joy (ind.= 'joyfully') Śatr. Kathās. HPariś.
- • (atī), f. N. of a princess Kathās.
- • of a town ib.
- ○vardhana m. a kind of musical composition Saṃgīt.
- • m. N. of a powerful king of Northern India (said to have founded an era, AḌ. 605 or 606)
- • pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- ○varman m. N. of a king Kathās.
- ○vivardhana mfn. increasing or promoting joy MBh.
- ○vivṛddha-sattva mfn. one whose vigour is increased by happiness MW.
- ○viṣāda m. joy and depression Mālav.
- ○vihvala mfn. agitated with joy, overjoyed W.
- ○veṇuka m. a festival L.
- ○śeka m. du. joy and sorrow KaṭhUp.
- ○samanvita filled with joy, joyful, w
- ○sampuṭa m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.
- ○svana m. a cry of joy, sound of pleasure L.
- harṣâkula mfn. agitated with joy R.
- harṣâtiśaya m. excess of joy Bcar.
- harṣânvita mfn. full of joy, happy MBh.
- harṣâviṣṭa mfn. penetrated or filled with joy Pañcat.
- harṣâśru n. tears of joy Daś.
- harṣêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- harṣôtkarṣa m. excess of happiness W.
- harṣôtphulla-locana mfn. one whose eyes are opened wide in rapture, Ratn7v
- harṣôdaya m. rise of joy, occurrence of pleasure W.
- harṣaka mfn. thrilling, setting on edge ( danta-h○)
- • gladdening, delighting R.
- • m. N. of a mountain L.
- • of a son of Citra-gupta Cat.
- • of a king belonging to the Śaiśunāga dynasty ib.
- harṣaṇa mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
- • m. 'gladdener', N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma-deva Bcar.
- • of a man VP. (cf. L. also, 'a partic. disease of the eyes'
- • 'a partic. Śrāddha'
- • 'a deity presiding over Śrāddhas'
- • 'the 14th of the astron Yogas.)
- • n. bristling, erection Suśr.
- • erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement ib.
- • the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness MBh. R.
- ○tā f. joyful excitement Bālar.
- harṣaṇīya mfn. delightful, pleasant Lalit.
- harṣayitnu mfn. gladdening, causing delight W.
- • m. a son L.
- • n. gold L.
- harṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate to be glad MW.
- harṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to stand erect, bristling (as hair &c.) Cat.
- • gladdened, delighted, charmed, pleased, happy R. Hariv.
- • n. joy, delight ( See sa-h○)
- harṣin mfn. (prob.) becoming rigid or flrm ( viiḍú-h○)
- • joyful, joyfully, anticipating (comp.) Hariv. Pañcar.
- • rejoicing, delighting MBh.
- • (iṇī), f. .a partic. plant L.
- harṣuka mfn. gladdening, delighting L.
- harṣu-mát mfn. (prob.) exciting, stimulating RV.
- harṣula mfn. disposed to be cheerful or happy, delighted MBh. Rājat.
- • m. a lover L.
- • a deer L.
- • N. of Buddha L.
- • (ā), f. a girl with a beard (unfit for marriage) L.
- hárṣyā ind. (instr.) in impatient excitement RV.
- hārṣṭeya m. (prob.) metron. fr. hṛṣṭi g. griṣty-ādi
- hārṣṇi f. = haraṇa L.
- harṣīkā f. a kind of metre RPrāt.
- hal (prob. invented as a source for hala), cl. 1, P. halati, to plough, make furrows Dhātup. xx, 7
- hala m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a plough (also as a weapon, and as a land measure) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. N. of an author Cat.
- • pl. N. of a country and people in the north VarBṛS.
- • (ā), f. the earth L.
- • water L.
- • spirituous liquor, wine L.
- • (ī), f. Methonica Superba L.
- • (am), n. a plough L.
- • a partic. constellation (reckoned among the Ākṛiti-yogas), YarBṛS
- • ugliness, deformity (= vairāgya), hindrance, obstruction (= prati-ṣedha) L.
- • quarrel (= vivāda)
- ○kakud f. the projecting beam of a ploug BhP.
- ○golaka m. a kind of insect MBh. (Nil.)
- ○daṇḍa m. the shaft or pole of a plough L.
- ○dhara m. 'plough-holder', N. of Bala-rāmā (as carrying a peculiar weapon shaped like a ploughshare) MBh. Śiś.
- • of various authors &c. Vcar. Rājat.
- ○bandha g. khaṇḍikâdi
- ○bhūti m. N. of Śaṃkarâcārya Gal.
- ○bhṛt m. = -dhara (N. of Bala-rāma) MBh. Megh.
- ○bhṛti f. agriculture, husbandry L. m. = -bhūti L.
- ○mārga m. a furrow Hariv.
- ○mukha n. a ploughshare R.
- • (ī), f. a kind of metre Piṅg.
- ○muhūrta n. N. of a partic. hour Cat.
- ○rada mfn. having teeth shaped like a plough Bhām.
- ○rākṣa n. Tabernamontana Coronaria L.
- ○vaṃśa m.= -daṇḍa L.
- ○vāhā f. 'plough', a partic. land-measure Inscr.
- ○sīra m. (prob.) a ploughshare (others, 'a furrow') Divyâv.
- ○hati f. striking (the soil) with a plough, ploughing, furrowing W.
- hellâbha m. 'ploughlike', a piebald horse with a black stripe along its back L.
- hâlâbhtyoga m. application of a plough, the beginning of ploughing Gobh.
- halâyudha m. 'plough-weaponed', N. of Bala-rāma ( See above
- • also transferred to Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa) MBh. Hariv.
- • (also with bhatṭa, miśra &c.) N. of various writers (esp. of a poet, of the author of the Abhidhāna-ratnamāls, of the author of the Purāṇa-sarvasva &c.) Cat.
- • -cchāndogya (?) and -stava m. N. of wks
- halī́ṣā f. = halêṣā, the pole of a plough Pat.
- halaka m. N. of a man Divyâv.
- halakā f. g. prêkṣâdi
- halakin mfn. (fr. prec.) ib.
- halaya Nom. P. ○yaiti, to plough (= halaṃ gṛhṇāti) Vop.
- halahala mfn. ploughing making furrows L.
- halāha m. (prob. for halâbha) a piebald horse L.
- hali m. a large plough ( See śata-h○)
- • a furrow W.
- • agriculture ib.
- • N. of a man, g. griṣty-ādi
- hali in comp. for halin. -priya m. Nauclea Kadamba L.
- • (ā), f. spirituous liquor L.
- ○rāma m. (with śarman. of an author
- halika m. a ploughman, husbandman L.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- halin m. a ploughman, agriculturist Vas.
- • N. of Bala-rāma MBh. Hariv.
- • of a Ṛishi R.
- • (inī), f. a number of ploughs L.
- • Methonica Superba L.
- halī See hala
- hale-dvipadikā f. (fr. loc. of hala + dv○) N. of a partic. tax Pāṇ. 6-2, 63 Sch.
- halya mfn. ploughed, tilled ( See tri- and dvih○)
- • m. ploughing, agriculture Pāṇ. 5-l, 4, 97
- • (ā), f. a multitude of ploughs, g. pāśâdi
- • (am), n. a ploughed field, arable land MW.
- • deformity R.
- hāla m. = hala, a plough L.
- • a 'scraper' (kind of bird) Suśr. Sch.
- • N. of Bala-rāma (cf. haladhara) L.
- • of Sātavahana Cat.
- • of a king (son of Arishta-karman) VP.
- • (ā), f. spirituous liquor (a provincial term accord. to Vām. v, 1, 13
- • (ī), f. a wife's younger sister L.
- ○bhṛt m. N. of Bala-rāma (= hala-bhṛt) MW.
- ○bandha n. g. khaṇḍikâdi
- ○sapta-sataka n. N. of an anthology (containing 700 Prākṛit stanzas)
- hālâsya N. of a place sacred to Śiva
- • -khaṇḍa m. n. -māhāmya n. ○syâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- hālaka m. a horse of a yellowish brown or tawny colour L.
- hālāha m. = halāha L.
- hālika mfn. relating or belonging to a ploug, h Pāṇ. 4-3, 124
- • m. a ploughman, agriculturist Rājat. Pañcat.
- • a slaughterer (used in explaining go-vikarta) KātyŚr. Sch.
- hālinī f. a kind of lizard L.
- hālu m. a tooth Uṇ. i, z Sch.
- hāleya m. (fr. hali) N. of a king BhP.
- hal m. n. (in Pāṇini's system) a technical expression for all the consonants or for any consonant
- ○anta mfn. ending in a consonant
- • m. or n. N. of wk
- haladī or haladdī f. turmeric (= haridrā) L.
- halahalā ind. an exclamation of applause or approbation MBh. R.
- ○śabda m. the exclamation halahalā, halloo, hallooing, shout ib.
- halā ind. (in dram.) a vocntive particle (used in addressing a female friend who is an equal) Daśar. Sāh.
- halāhala m. n. a kind of deadly poison (prodoced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons) Kāv. Pañcat.
- • m. (only L.) a kind of lizard
- • a kind of snake
- • a Jaina or Bauddha sage
- hālahala (cf. Jātakam.) and n. the above poison
- hālahāla (cf. L.), n. the above poison
- hālāhala m. a panic. poisonous plant (the seed of which is said to resemble a cow's teat) Bhpr.
- • a kind of lizard L.
- • a kind of spider L.
- • n. (rarely m.), a deadly poison prepared from the roots of the above plant, accord. to R. and BhP. produced at she churning of the ocean (cf. halāhala) Kāv. Suśr. BhP.
- • (ā), f. a kind of small mouse L.
- • (ī), f. spirituous liquor L.
- ○dhara m. 'having venom', a small black snake L.
- hāhala or n. the above poison L.
- hāhāla n. the above poison L.
- halíkṣṇa m. a kind of lion VS. (Mahidh.)
- hálīhṇa m. a kind of animal TS. (cf. Sch.)
- • m. or n. a partic. intestine AV.
- haliṅgu m. N. of a man ( See next)
- hā́liṅgava m. patr, fr. haliṅgu ŚBr.
- halibha m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- halimā f. N. of one of the seven mothers of Skanda MBh.
- halīna m. Tectona Grandis L.
- • next L.
- halīma m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- halīmaka m. id. L.
- • a partic. form of jaundice (in this sense prob. connected with hariman) Suśr.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- haluāṇa or halūāṇa, N. of a place Cat.
- haluhāra m. a horse with black testicles and a mark on its forehead L.
- halla m. N. of a man Buddh.
- hallaka n. the red lotus Hāsy.
- hallana n. rolling or tossing about, rolling about in sleep L.
- hallīśa m. one of the eighteen Uparūpalras or minor dramatic entertainments (described as a piece in one act, consisting chiefly of singing and dancing by one male and 7, 8, or Io female performers
- • perhaps a kind of ballet) Sāh.
- • n. a circular dance (performed by women under the direction of a man) Kāvyâd.
- hallīśaka m. n. a kind of dance (= prec.), Kāvyld
- hallīṣa
- hallīḍṣaka m. n. id. L.
- hallīsa m. n. id. HPariś.
- hallīsaka m. n. id. Pañcad.
- • a kind of musical instrument (v. l. jhallīṣaka) Hariv.
- hallīsakāya (only ○yita n. also impers.) to perform the above dance, Kaśīkh
- halha See vihálha
- hava m. (fr. √hu) an oblation, burnt offering, sacrifice, Śis
- • fire or the god of fire L.
- havana m. (for 2. See p. 1294, col. 1) fire or Agni the god of fire L.
- • a fire-receptacle (= f.) L.
- • (ī), f. the sacrificial ladle ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- • a hole made in the ground for the sacrificial fire which is to receive a burnt-oblation L.
- • (am), n. the act of offering an oblation with fire, sacrifice MBh. Hariv.
- • a sacrificial ladle Vait.
- ○paddhati f. N. of a Tantra wk
- havanâyus m. 'having the burnt-offering for its life', fire L.
- havanīya mfn. to be offered, with fire, sacrificial W.
- • m. (?) an oblation Śiś. (cf. Sch.)
- • n. anything fit for an oblation, clarified butter, ghee W.
- haviḥ in comp. for havis
- ○śālā f. a room where oblations are prepared L.
- ○śeṣa m. the remnant of a sacrifice
- • -bhakṣa mfn. eating the remnant of a sacrifice KātyŚr.
- ○śravas m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- ○saṃsthā f. See haviryajña-ś○
- havitrī f. a hole made in the ground for receiving the sacred fire for an oblation L.
- havín See under 2. hava
- havir in comp. for havis
- ○ád (cf. RV.),
- ○adá (cf. AV.), mfn. eating the oblation
- ○ádya n. the act of eating or tasting the oblṭoblation RV. TBr.
- ○antaraṇa n. passing over an oblṭoblation KātyŚr.
- ○aśana m. 'cousuming oblations', fire L. =
- ○ātañcana n. a kind of rennet for coagulating an oblṭoblation of milk &c. ŚBr. KātySr.
- ○āhuti f. offering an oblṭoblation GṛŚrS.
- ○ucohiṣṭá n. the residue of an oblation ŚBr.
- • -bhuj mfn. eating the resṭresidue of au oblṭoblation ŚrS.
- • -śeṣa m. what is left from, the resṭresidue of an oblṭoblation Gobh.
- • ○ṭâśa (cf. ŚBr.), ○ṭâśana (cf. ŚāṅkhŚr.), mfn. -"ṣṭa-bhuj
- ○gandhā f. 'smelling like clarified butter', Prosopis Spicigera L.
- ○gṛha or n. any house or chamber in which an oblation is offered, sacrificial hall L.
- ○geha n. any house or chamber in which an oblation is offered, sacrificial hall L.
- ○grahaṇī f. a sacrificial ladle KātyŚr.
- ○dā́ mfn. giving or bringing oblations RV.
- ○dāna n. the gift of an oblation Mn. R.
- ○dhā́na m. N. of the author of RV. x, 11-15 Anukr.
- • of a son of Antar-dhana (cf. havir-dhāman) BhP.
- • (ī), f. N. of the mythical cow Surabhi or Kāma-dhenu ib.
- • of the wife of Havir-dhāna ib.
- • (am), n. 'oblation-receptacle', the vehicle in which the Soma plants are couveyed to be pressed (generally in du.) AV. VS. ŚBr.
- • a shed for the Soma vehicles ib. KātyŚr.
- • a place of sacrifice MBh. Hariv.
- • the earth (as the depository of oblṭoblation) AV.
- • (e), du, (with prajāpateḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- ○dhāman mfn. possessing a Soma car or shed TS.
- ○dhāman m. N. of a son of Antardhsman (cf. havir-dhāna) MBh.
- ○dhūma m. the smoke from an oblation Bcar.
- ○nirvapaṇa n. (with pātra) the vessel in which an oblṭoblation is offered ĀpŚr.
- ○bhāga (haviir.), m. the share in an oblṭoblation ŚBr.
- ○bhāj mfn. partaking of an oblation Nir.
- ○bhuj m. 'eating the oblṭoblation', fire or Agni the god of fire (also applied to Śiva and other gods) Hariv. Kāv. BhP.
- • pl. N. of the Pitṛis of the Kshatriyas Mn. iii, 197
- ○bhū f. the place of sacrifice (personified as daughter of Kardama and wife of Puolastya) BhP.
- ○bhūta (haviir), mfn. become an oblṭoblation ŚBr.
- ○máthi mfn. destroying or disturbing sacrifices RV.
- ○mantha m. Premna Spinosa or Longifolia L.
- ○yajñá m. the offering of an oblṭoblation, a simple oblation of clarified butter &c. (as opp. to a soma-y○) Br. GṛŚrS.
- • -kāṇḍa n. N. of the first (or second) book of the ŚBr.
- • -rtvij (for -ṛtvij), a priest officiating at a Havir-yṭyajña KātySr.
- • -vidha (○jñá-), mfn. of the nature of the Havir-yajña ŚBr.
- • saṃsthā f. primary or essential form of the Havir-yṭyajña (7 are enumerated, viz. Agay-ādheya, Agni-hotra, DarSa-pūm, Pāsk, -yajña) Lāṭy.
- ○yājin m. 'oblation-offerer', a priest W.
- ○varṣa m. N. of a son of Agnidhra and the Varsha ruled by him MārkP.
- ○vah mfn. (nom. -vāṭ) conveying the sacrifice RV.
- ○huti f. offering an oblation L.
- haviṣ in comp. for havis
- ○káraṇa n. the act of preparing an oblation TS. Br.
- ○kṛ́t mfn. preparing the oblation RV. ŚBr. ŚrS.
- • m. the exclamation háviṣ-kṛd éhi (cf. VS. i, 15) ŚBr. ŚrS.
- • N. of an Āṅgirasa (cf. hāviṣkṛta), TS.
- ○kṛta (havíṣ.), mfn. made into an oblṭoblation TS. ŚBr. Mn.
- ○kṛti (havíṣ-), f. preparation of the oblṭoblation RV.
- ○ṭas ind. (= abl.) from the oblṭoblation ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○ṭva n. the being an oblation Nyāyam. Sch.
- ○paṅkti (havíṣ-), f. five oblṭoblation collectively Br.
- • mfn. consisting of 5 oblṭoblation Kāṭh. AitBr.
- ○pati (havíṣ.), m. lord of the oblṭoblation RV. VS. ṢaḍvBr.
- ○pā́ mfn. drinking the obl RV.
- ○pātá n. a vessel for the oblṭoblation ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- ○pānta-sū7kta n. the hymn RV. x, 88 (cf. next) Cat.
- ○pāntīya mfn. beginning with havíṣ-pā́ntam (cf. RV. x, 88) Nir. vii, 23 Mn. xi, 252 (v. l. haviṣyantīya).
- ○mat (havíṣ-), mfn. possessing or offering an oblṭoblation RV. AV. KaṭhUp.
- • attended with or containing oblṭoblation RV. VS.
- • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa TS.
- • of a Devarshi MBh.
- • of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 6th Manv-antara or of one (or two) in the 11sth Hariv. Pur.
- • pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis (regarded as progenitors of Kshatriyas and as descended from Aṅgiras) Mn. iii, 197 ; 198
- • (atī), f. N. of the mythical cow Kāma-dhenu BhP.
- • of a daughter of Aṅgiras MBh.
- haviṣyá mfn. fit or prepared for an oblation RV. TS.
- • worthy of an oblation or sacrifice (as Śiva) MBh.
- • m. n. anything fit for an oblation (esp. rice or other kinds of grain), sacrificial food (cf. comp. n. = ghṛta, havis &c.) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • (ā), f. Pāṇ. 4-4, 122
- ○bhakṣa mfn. eating sacrificial food (rice or other grain, clarified butter and e
- • -tā f.) ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- ○bhuj mfn. id. Mn. xi, 78
- ○śanna n. the refuse of a sacrifice KātyŚr.
- haviṣyânna n. food fit to be eaten during certain festival days, any particularly sacred food Yājñ.
- haviṣyâśin mfn. = haviṣya-bhuj Mn. xi, 219
- haviṣyantīya See haviṣ-pāntīya
- haviṣyanda m. (for haviḥ-sy) N. of a son of Viśvsmitra (v. l. haviṣpanda and havisyanda) R.
- havís n. an oblation or burnt offering, anything offered as an oblation with fire (as clarifled butter, milk, Some, grain
- • haviṣ √kṛ, 'to prepare an oblation', 'make into an oblation') RV. &c. &c
- • water Naigh. i, 12
- • fire Kālac.
- • N. of a Marutvat (?) Kālac.
- havyá n. (for 2. See col. 2) anything to be offered as an oblation, sacrificial gift or food (in later language often opp., to kaivya, q.v.) RV. &c. &c
- ○kavya n. oblations both to the gods and to the spirits of deceased ancestors Mn. iii, 19o
- • -vaha mfn. receiving both oblations (cf. above) MBh. conveying both oblations ib.
- • ○vyâśa mfn. eating both oblṭoblations Pañcar.
- ○juṣṭi (havyá.), f. delight in or enjoyment of an oblation RV. AitBr.
- ○dāti (havyá.), mfn. conveying or presenting oblations (to the gods
- • said of Agni) RV.
- • f. sacrificial gift, oblation ib.
- ○pa m. 'protector of oblations', N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 13th Manv-antara Hariv.
- ○pāka m. = caru L.
- ○bhuj m. 'oblṭoblations-eater', fire or the god of fire VarBṛS.
- ○mantrâhikṛta m. du . 'superintendent of the sacrifice and of the council', a priest and a minister Bcar.x, 1
- ○yoni m. 'source of the sacrifice', a deity L.
- ○lehin m. 'oblṭoblations-licker', fire, the god of fire Bālar.
- ○váh m. (nom. vā́ṭ) bearing the oblation (to the gods) RV. MBh. R.
- • fire or the god of fire ib.
- ○vaha m. fire L.
- ○vāhá (or -vā́ha), mfn. = -vah (also applied to the Aśvattlia tree of whose wood the Araṇi is made) AV. TBr.
- • m. Agni or fire MBh. MārkP.
- ○vā́hana mfn. = -vah RV. ŚrS.
- • m. N. of Agni TS. ŚBr.
- • fire MBh. R. &c
- • N. of the 9th Kalpa (q.v.)
- • of one of the 7 Ṛishis under Manu Rohita or Sāvarṇa Hariv. MārkP.
- ○vāhinī f. oblṭoblations-bearer', N. of the tutelary deity of the family of Kapila Cat.
- ○sódhana mfn. purifying the oblṭoblations TBr.
- ○sū7kti (havyá-), f. a sacrificial verse or formula VS. TBr.
- ○sū́d (Rv.),
- ○sū́da (cf. TS.), or (cf. VS.), mfn. preparing or providing the oblation
- ○sū́dana (cf. VS.), mfn. preparing or providing the oblation
- havyâd mfn. eating the oblation RV.
- havyâda mfn. id. Hariv.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi Cat.
- havyâśa (Rajat.),
- havyâśana (cf. L.), m. 'oblation-eater', fire
- hāvaka m. (fr. Caus.) the institutor of a sacrifice Siṃhâs.
- hāvanīya mfn. (fr. id.) to be caused to sacrifice or to be sacrificed Baudh.
- hāvin mfn. offering an oblation, sacrificing (in eka-h○) ŚāṅkhŚr.
- hāvirdhāna mfn. containing the word havirdhāna g. vimuktâdi
- hāvirdhāni m. patr. fr. havir-dhāna BhP.
- hāvir-yajñika (cf. Lāṭy.),
- hāvir-ḍyajñiya (cf. KātyŚr.), mfn. relating or belonging to or destined for the Havir-yajña
- hāviṣkṛta (fr. haviṣkṛt), n. N. of a Saman ĀrshBr.
- hāviṣmata n. (fr. haviṣ-mat) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- háva mfn. (fr. √hve or hū ; for 1. See p. 1293, col. 2)
- • calling RV.
- • m. call, invocation ib. AV.
- • direction, order, command L.
- ○vat mfn. containing the word hava AitBr.
- hávana m. N. of a Rudra MBh. Hariv.
- • n. calling, invocation, summons RV. Pañcar.
- • challenging or challenge to battle MW.
- ○śrút mfn. listening to or hearing invocations RV. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○syád mfn. hastening to an invocation or challenge RV.
- havás n. an invocation, call RV.
- havín mfn. calling, invoking AV.
- • looking for help AitBr. ('skilled in sacrifice' Sāy.)
- havītu See su-haviitu-nāman and √hve (for dat. háviitave)
- hávīman m. or n. call, invocation RV.
- hávya (or havyá), mf(ā)n. to be called or invoked RV. AV. VS.
- • m. N. of a son of Manu Svāyambhuva Hariv.
- • of a son of Atri VP.
- hāva m. calling, alluring, dalliance, blandishment (collective N. of ten coquettish gestures of women, beginning with līlā, q.v.), M Bh. Kāv. &c
- hāvaka m. a caller, summoner, (in nuptial ceremonies) one who summons the bride, an attendant on the bridegroom
- havaṅga m. (fr. havam + ga?) eating rice and curds from a metal cup L.
- havala and havava, N. of partic. high numbers Buddh.
- havidhra m. N. of a king MBh.
- • of a son of Manu Svārocisha Hariv.
- haviṣṭha m. N. of a Dānava Hariv.
- has cl. r. P. (cf. Dhātup. xvii, 72) hasati (m. c. also ○te
- • pf. jahāsa, jahase MBh. &c
- • aor. ahasīt Gr
- • fut. hasitā ib.
- • hasiṣyati MBh. &c
- • inf. hasitum ib.
- • ind. p. hasitvā, -hasya ib.), to laugh, smile, laugh at (instr.) ṢaḍvBr. Gobh. MBh. &c
- • to deride, mock, ridicule (acc.) MBh. R. &c
- • to surpass, excel Kāvyâd.
- • to expand, open (as a blossom) Kuval.: Pass. hasyate (aor. ahāsi), to be laughed or smiled at MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. hāsayati (aor. ajīhasat), to cause to laugh Hariv. Kum.: Desid. jihasiṣati (cf. √1. jakṣ), Gr.: Intens. jāhasyate (p. ○yamāna MBh.), jāhasti, to laugh continuously or immoderately ib.
- has ind, an exclamation of laughter or loud merriment (also employed as a Nidhana in the Sāman)
- ○kartṛ́ m. a stimulator, inciter (others, 'illumiuator') RV.
- ○kārá m. 'smile (of the sky)', sheet-lightning ib.
- ○kṛti (hás-.), f. loud merriment, laughter ib.
- hása (or hasá), m. (ifc. f. ā) mirth, laughter R. V. &c. &c
- ○kṛt mfn. causing mirth or laughter, Śṛiṅgār
- ○vajra m. N. of a man Buddh.
- hasāmud mfn. laughing merrily, Hir
- hasā-mudá mfn. id. AV.
- hasat mfn. (pr. p. of √has) laughing, smiling &c
- • mocking, scorning, excelling Śiś. v, 63
- • (anti), f. a portable fire-vessel, small furnace, chafing-dish L.
- • Arabian jasmine L.
- • a partic. female demon L.
- • N. of a river (= hasanī) Divyâv.
- hasana mf(ā)n. laughing Nir. iii, 5
- • jesting or sporting with Pañcar.
- • m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
- • (ā́), f. a jest, encouraging shout (others, 'lightning') RV. ix, 112, 4 (ī), f. See next
- • (am), n. laughter, a laugh (accord. to some, 'with tremulous lips') VarBṛS. Suśr.
- hasanī f. a portable fire-place or chafing-dish L.
- • N. of a mythical river (= hasantī), Divyáv.
- ○maṇi m. 'hearth-jewel', fire L.
- hasanīya mfn. to be laughed at or derided by (gen.)
- hasantikā f. a portable fire-vessel, small fireplace Vcar. Rājat.
- hasikā f. laughter, derision, jesting L.
- hasitā mfn. laughing, jesting, smiling Kathās.
- • one who has laughed (m. 'he laughed '= jahāsa) Vet.
- • mocked, ridiculed, surpassed, excelled, Kav
- • blown, expanded L.
- • (am), n. laughing, laughter (also impers. = 'it has been laughed') TĀr. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- • the bow of Kāma (god of love) W.
- hasitṛ mfn. one who laughs, a laugher, smiler MW.
- hasrá mf(ā́)n. laughing, smiling RV.
- • foolish, stupid L.
- hāsa m. (ifc. f. ā) laughing, laughter, mirth (often in pl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • mocking, derision of (gen.) R.
- • a jest, joke, fun (ākhyāna-h○, 'a funny story') Kathās.
- • dazzling whiteness (regarded as laughter in which the teeth are shown) R. Kathās. Sāh.
- • pride, arrogance BhP.
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.
- ○kara mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh Śiś.
- • laughing, merry W.
- ○bhūta mfn. representing the laughter of (gen.) Jātakam.
- ○vatī f. N. of a Tantra deity Buddh.
- ○śāla mfn. prone to mirth or laughter Kathās.
- hāsâspada n. an object of jest or laughter. Kathās.
- hāsaka m. one who causes laughter, a buffoon, jester MBh. R. Subh.
- • a laugher MW.
- • (ikā), f. laughter, mirth, merry-making L.
- hāsana mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing laughter, funny, comical Kathās.
- hāsanika m. a play-fellow L.
- hāsin mfn. laughing, smiling at (comp.) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • dazzingly white (cf. under hāsa), brilliant or adorned with ib.
- • (inī), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
- hāsya mfn. to be laughed at, laughable, ridiculous, funny, comical MBh. Kāv. &c
- • laughing, laughter, mirth (in rhet. one of the 10 Rasas or of the 8 Sthāyi-bhāvas, qq. vv.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • jest, fun, amusement Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kathā f. a funny tale BhP.
- ○kara (cf. Sāh.),
- ○kāra (cf. R.), mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh
- ○kārya n. a ridiculous affair Pañcat.
- ○kṛt mfn. = -kara Daś.
- ○tara mfn. more ridiculous MBh.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. laughableness, ridiculousness MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○didṛkṣu mfn. curious to see something ridiculous Kathās.
- ○padavī f. the roar of laughter (○viiṃ-√yā, 'to incur ridicule') Pañcat. (-bhāva m. = -tā Kathās.)
- • a jest, joke (pl.) Hariv.
- ○ratnâkara m. 'jewel-mine of mirth', N. of a drama
- ○rasa m. the sense of humour ( See rasa)
- • -vat mfn. funny, comical, Balar
- ○sthāyi-bhāva m. the permanent sense of humour ( See sthāyi-bh○)
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of a smile (or 'of blossom') Hāsy.
- hāsyârṇava m. 'ocean of mirth', N. of a Prahasana by Jagad-Iśvara
- hāsyâspada n. a laughing-stock, butt (-tva n.) Kāv.
- hasira m. a kind of mouse (cf. haṃsira) Cat.
- hasurāja m. N. of a man Buddh.
- has-kartṛ &c. See col. 2
- hásta m. (ifc. f. ā, of unknown derivation) the hand (ifc. = 'holding in or by the hand'
- • haste √kṛ as two words, 'to take into the hand', 'get possession of'
- • haste-√kṛ as a comp., 'to take by the hand, marry'
- • śatru-hastaṃ √gam, 'to fall into the hand of the enemy') RV. &c. &c
- • an elephant's trunk (ifc. = 'holding with the trunk') AitBr. MBh. &c
- • the fore-arm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, = 24 Aṅgulas or about 18 inches) VarBṛS. Rājat. &c
- • the position of the hand (= hasta-vinyāsa) VPrāt.
- • hand-writing Yājñ. Vikr.
- • the 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars, identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus) AV. &c. &c
- • a species of tree L.
- • (in prosody) an anapest Col.
- • quantity, abundance, mass (ifc. after words signifying 'hair'
- • cf. keśa-h○)
- • N. of a guardian of the Soma Sāy.
- • of a son of Vasudeva BhP.
- • of another man Rājat.
- • (hástā), f. the hand AV. xi, 124
- • the Nakshatra Hasta Pur.
- • (am), n. a pair of leather bellows L.
- • mfn. born under the Nakshatra Hasta, Psṇ. iv, 3, 34.
- ○kamala n. a lotus carried in the hand (as symbolizing good fortune or prosperity
- • thus when Lakshmī was churned out of the ocean, she appeared holding a lotus) Mālav.
- • a lotus-like hand A.
- ○kārya mfn. to be done or made with the hand PañcavBr.
- ○kṛta (hásta-), mf(ā)n. made with the hand AV.
- ○kohali (?), f. the binding of the string round the fore-arm of the bride and bridegroom L.
- ○kauśala n. skilfulness of hand, manual dexterity MW.
- ○kriyā f. any manual performance ib.
- ○ga mf(ā)n. being in one's (comp.) hand or possession Kathās. Pañcat.
- ○gata mfn. come to hand, fallen into one's possession, procured, obtained, secured (para-hasta-g○, 'being in the hand or possession of another') Hariv. Ragh. &c
- ○gāmin mfn. = -ga Ragh.
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain (māhāmya n.) Cat.
- ○gṛkya ind. having taken the hṭhand RV. AV.
- ○graha m. the taking of the hand BhP. Kathās.
- • the marriage ceremony Kathās.
- • the putting hand to or engaging in, Pracaṇd
- ○grābhá mfn. one who takes or has taken a girl's hand (= 'one who marries or has married a wife') RV.
- ○grāha mfn. taking (or able to take) any one by the hand ( 'being in the immediate neighbourhood' R.
- • hasta-grāhaṃ √grah, to take any one by the hand' Pāṇ. 3-4, 39)
- • m. a husband (cf. -grābhá) Nir. BhP.
- ○grāhaka mfn. taking any one by the hind (= very importunate) Rājat.
- ○ghná m. a kind of handguard (protecting the hand in archery) RV.
- ○caraṇa m. du. hands and feet Mn. ix, 277
- ○cāpa wṛ. for -vāpa MBh.
- ○cāpalya n. = -kauśala MW.
- ○cchedana m. the amputation of a hand Mn. viii, 322
- ○cyuta (hásta-.), mfn. shaken or moved with the hand RV.
- ○cyuti (hásta-), f. quick motion of the hand RV. MaitrS.
- ○jyoḍi m. a kind of plant L.
- ○tala n. the (palm of the) hand ( comp.)
- • the tip of an elephant's trunk MW.
- • -gata mfn. being (al. ready) in one's hand Mudr.
- ○tāla m. clapping the hand together ( sa-hasta-tālam)
- ○tulā f. the hand as a balance or instrument for weighing anything Pañcat.
- ○tra m. or n. a hand-grard (cf. -ghná) Lāṭy.
- ○traya-sammite ind. at a distance of 3 Hastas VarBṛS.
- ○dakṣinta mfn. situated on the right hand (as a road) Pat.
- • right, correct MBh.
- ○datta mfn. reached with the hṭhand Cat.
- ○dīpa m. a hand lantern Kathās.
- ○doṣa m. a slip of the hand, mistake commitied by the hand MW.
- ○dvaya n. a distance of 2 Hastas or 48 inches L.
- ○dhātrī f. N. of wk
- ○dhāraṇa n. holding by the hand, supporting, helping L.
- • warding off a blow MW.
- • stopping a blow with the hand ib.
- • (ā), f. supporting, helping MBh.
- • taking to wife, marrying Hariv. Naish.
- ○parṇa m. Palma Christi or Ricinus Communis L.
- ○pāda m. du. or n. sg. hands and feet Mn. Yājñ.
- • ○dâdi, the hand and feet, the extremities, limbs of the body MW.
- ○puccha n. the hand below the wrist L.
- ○pṛṣṭha n. the back of the hand (also called apa-pṛ○) L.
- ○prada mfn. giving the hand, supporting, helping MBh.
- ○prâpta mfn. -gata MBh. R. &c
- ○prâpya mfn. to be reached with the hand R. Megh.
- ○bandha m. = haste-b○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 13 Sch.
- ○bimba n. anointing the body with perfumes L.
- ○bhraṃśin (cf. Śak.),
- ○bhraṣṭa (cf. Kathās.), mfn. slipped from the hand, escaped
- ○maṇi m. a jewel worn on the wrist MW.
- ○mātra a cubit in length ib.
- ○muktâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○yata (hásta-), mfn. held or guided by the hand RV.
- ○yugala n. the two hands MW.
- ○yoga m. employment or practice of the hand MBh.
- ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wk. on mimetic gestures with one or both hand
- ○relihā f. a line on the hand MW.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of the 28th Pariśishṭa of the AV.
- ○lāghava n. lightness of hand, manual readiness, cleverness (reckoned among the 64 Kalās) Cat.
- • a real injury MBh.
- ○lekha m. hand-drawing (○khī√kṛ, 'to draw, sketch') Naish.
- ○lepana n. an ointment for the hands L.
- ○vat (hásta-), mfn. having hṭhand RV.
- • dexterous with the hand (as an archer or thief) MBh. Ragh. Daś.
- ○vartam ind. (with Caus. of √vṛt) to turn or crush with the hand, Bhaiṭṭ,
- ○vartin mfn. being or remaining in the hand, seized, held, caught hold of W.
- • m. N. of a prince Daś.
- ○vāpa m. scattering or shooting a shower of arrows with the hand MBh.
- ○vāma mfn. situated on the left hand (also 'wrong') MBh.
- ○vāraṇa n. taking or holding by the hand L.
- • warding off a blow L.
- ○vinyāsa m. position of the hṭhand VPrāt.
- ○veṣya n. handiwork, manual labour TāṇḍBr.
- ○śrāddha n. N. of wk
- ○saṃlagnikā f. (instr.) with the hand put together, Mah1vy
- ○saṃvāhana n. rubbing or shampooing with the hand MW.
- ○saṃjīvanī f. N. of awk. with the hand Jātakam.
- ○saṃdhunakam ind. tossing or shaking the hand, Mahāvy
- ○siddhi f. earnings gained by manual labour, salary VP.
- ○sūtra (cf. Kum.) or (cf. L.), n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding
- ○sūtraka (cf. L.), n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding
- ○stha mfn. being in or held with the hand, Kathās.
- • -yuga mfn. holding a yoke in the hand Bcar.
- ○sthita mfn. being in hand, held MW.
- ○svara-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○svastika m. (ifc. f. ā) crossing the hand, Mālatim. Bālar.
- ○hārya mfn. to be grasped with the hands, manifest Bālar.
- ○homa m. an oblation offered with the hand Kauś.
- hutâkṣara mfn. written with the hand (opp. to mudrâṅkita, 'printed') L.
- hastâgni m. N. of a man
- • pl. his family Saṃskārak.
- hastâgra n. 'tip of the hand', the fingers (-lagnā f. with gen. = 'clasping the fingers of.' i.e. 'married to') Pañcat.
- • the tip of the trunk of an elephant Śiś.
- hutâṅguli or f. a finger of the hand Hariv. GāruḍaP.
- hutâṅguḍlī f. a finger of the hand Hariv. GāruḍaP.
- hastâñjali m. the hands joined together and hollowed ( See añjali Mṛicch.
- hástâdāna mfn. taking or seizing with the hand (or trunk, as men, monkeys, or elephants) TS.
- • n. the act of seizing with the hand Pāṇ. 3-3, 40.
- hastâbharaṇa n. an ornament for the hand MBh.
- • a kind of snake Suśr.
- hastâmalaka n. 'the fruit or seed of the Myrobalan in the hand' (as a symbol of something palpable or clear). R.
- • N. of wk. on the Vedânta by the next
- • m. N. of a son of PrabhAkara (pupil of Samkarâcārya)
- • -ṭīkā f. -bhāṣya n. n., vedânta-prakaraṇa n. -saṃvāda-stotra or ○ka-stotra n. N. of wks
- hastârūḍha mfn. lying on the hand, clear, manifest Hariv.
- hastâlamba m. 'hand-support', material support or refuge Kathās.
- hastâlambana n. id. Pañcat.
- hastâliṅgana or n. an embrace Hariv.
- hastâliṅgaḍnaka n. an embrace Hariv.
- hastávanéjana n. water for washing the hand AV.
- hastâvaīsmba m. (ifc. f. ā) = hastâíamba Vikr. Ratnâv.
- • mfn. supported by the hand of another MW.
- hastâvalambana ī. = prec. HPariś.
- hutâvalevāpa m. 'hand-covering', a hand-guard or finger. guard (used by archers) MBh. R. &c
- • seizing an arrow with the hand L.
- hastâvāpin mfn. provided with a hand-guard MBh. Jātakam.
- hastā-hasti ind. (cf. keśā-keśi &c.) hand to hand, in close fight MBh.
- hastā-hastikā f. close fight Anarghar.
- hastôcchraya m. 'lifting up the hand', an oblation (?) Divyâv.
- hastôdaka n. water held in the hand, Kath1s
- hastaka m. the hand (ifc.with f. ikā = 'holding in the hand') MBh. Kāv. &c
- • the hand as a support Gīt.
- • the hand as a measure of length ŚārṅgS.
- • position of the hand Cat.
- • a turn-spit (vḷ. hastika) Hcar.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of stringed instrument, Saṃgst
- ○vapra N. of a place Inscr.
- hastakita mfn. (fr. hastaka), g. tārakâdi
- hasti in comp. for hasti, i
- ○kakṣa m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr.
- • n. N. of wk
- ○kakṣya m. a lion L.
- • a tiger ib.
- • n. N. of wk
- ○kacni a kind of bulbous plant L.
- ○karañja or m. Galedupa Piscidia L.
- ○karañḍjaka m. Galedupa Piscidia L.
- ○karkoṭaka m. a kind of big Momordica Mixa L.
- ○karṇa m. 'elephant-eared', N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'the castor-oil tree also the red kind
- • Butea Frondosa
- • Arum Macrorrhizum') Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • of one of Śiva's attendants L.
- • a partic. class of semi-divine beings (forming one of the Gaṇa-devatās, q.v.) MW.
- • N. of a Rākshasa R.
- • of a serpent-demon Buddh.
- • of a locality Rājat.
- • -dala m. a sort of Butea L.
- • -palāśa. m. Butea Frondosa Suśr.
- ○karṇaka m. a sort of Butea L.
- ○karṇika n. a partic. sedent posture (with Yogins) Cat.
- ○karṣū g. kāśy-ādi
- ○kāśyapa m. N. of a man MBh.
- ○kumbha m. N. of a grotto Inscr.
- ○koli m. or f. a sort of jujube L.
- ○kośātakī f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant L.
- ○gartā f. N. of a cavity in the earth Buddh.
- ○gavâśva n. sg. elephants (and) cows (and) horses MBh.
- • ○śvôṣṭra-damaka m. a trainer of elephants and cows and horses and camels Mn.iii, 162
- ○giri m. the city and district of Kiñci (q.v.) L.
- • N. of a mountain ( See comp.)
- • -campū f. -māhātmya n. ○rī7śa-maṅgalâśāsana n. N. of wks
- ○gaurīvratôdyāpana-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○ghaṭa m. N. of the 7th book of the Śata-patha-Brāhmaṇa
- ○ghāta mfn. killing elephants Pāṇ. 3-2, 54 Sch.
- ○ghoṣā or f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant L.
- ○ghoṣātakī f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant L.
- ○ghna mfn. able to kill elephants Pāṇ. 3-2, 54
- ○carma (Ved.) the skin of an elṭelephants Pāṇ. 5-4, 103
- ○cāra m. a kind of weapon (resembling a Śarabha and used for frightening elephants) L.
- ○cārin m. an elephants-driver Śiś.
- • (iṇī), f. Galedupa Piscidia L.
- ○jana-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○jāgarika m. a keeper of elṭelephants Hcar. Sch.
- ○jihvā f. 'elephants-tongue', a partic. vein Cat.
- ○jīvin m. an elephants-driver Hariv.
- ○danta m. the tusk of an elṭelephants ( hāstidanta)
- • a pin or peg projecting from a wall MW.
- • m. or n. a radish L.
- • (ī), f. a radish Suśr.
- • Tiaridium Indicum Car.
- • n. ivory MW.
- • phalā f. Cucumis Utilissimus L.
- • -vastra-maya mf(ī)n. made of ivory or cloth Hcat.
- ○dantaka mn. a radish L.
- ○dāya m. N. of a man ( See hāstidāyi)
- ○dvayasa mf(ī)n. as high or as big as an elephants Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 Sch.
- ○nakha m. 'elephant's nail', a sort of turret or raised mound of earth or masonry protecting the access to the gate of a city or fort (deseribed as furnished with an inner staircase and with loopholes for discharging arrows &c.) Śiś.
- ○nāga m. a princely elephants Divyâv.
- ○nāyaka m. N. of a man Buddh.
- ○nāsā f. an elephant's trunk L.
- ○niṣadana n. a partic. posture in sitting Yogas. Sch.
- ○pá m. an elephant-driver, elṭelephants-keeper VS. MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- ○paka m. id. Śiś. Hit. &c. N. of a poet Subh.
- ○pattra m. = -kanda L.
- ○pada n. the track of an elṭelephants MBh.
- • m. 'elephants-footed', N. of a serpent-demon ib.
- ○parṇikā or f. Luffa Foetida or another species L.
- ○parṇinī f. Luffa Foetida or another species L.
- ○parṇī f. N. of two plants (= karkaṭī or = moraṭā) ib.
- ○pāda mfn. elephants-footed Pāṇ. Vop.
- ○pādikā f. a kind of medicinal plant L.
- ○pāla m. = next, Kath1s
- • N. of a king Col. Buddh.
- ○pālaka m. an elephant-keeper, elṭelephants-driver Kathās.
- ○piṇḍa m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- ○pippalī f. Scindapsus Officinalis Suśr. Car.
- ○pūraṇī f. a kind of very small hogweed L.
- ○pṛṣṭhaka n. the back of an elṭelephants MW.
- • N. of a village R.
- ○bandha m. a place for entrapping elṭelephants, Vāś
- ○bhadra m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh. Hariv.
- ○makara m. a sea-monster shaped like an elephants L.
- ○mat mfn. provided with elṭelephants Pat.
- ○mada m. the exudation from an elṭelephants's temples L.
- ○malla m. N. of Airāvata (Indra's elṭelephants) Śiś.
- • of Gaṇêa L.
- • of Śaṅkha (the 8th of the chief Nāgas or serpents of Patala) W.
- • a heap of ashes ib.
- • a shower of dust ib.
- • frost, cold ib.
- • -sena m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○mātra mfn. as great as an elṭelephants MW.
- ○māyā f. N. of a charm Hariv.
- ○mukha m. 'elephant-faced', N. of Gaṇêśa L.
- • of a Rākshasa R.
- ○mṛḍitā f. saṃjñāyām Pāṇ. 6-2, 146 Sch.
- ○meha m. a kind of diabetes (○hin mfn. = 'suffering from it') Car.
- ○yaśas n. the magnificence of an elṭelephants PārGṛ.
- • ○śasi-hasti-varcasin (?), mfn. having an elephant's mṭmagnificence and splendour, Hir
- ○yutha n. a herd of elephants MBh.
- ○ratha n. sg. elephants and chariots ib.
- • -dāna n. N. of the 13th Pariśishṭa of the AV.
- ○rāja m. a powerful elephants Śiś.
- • the chief of a herd of elephants Hit.
- ○ruci m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○rodhraka m. Symplocos Racemosa L.
- ○rohaṇaka m. Galedupa Piscidia ib.
- ○lodhraka m. Symplocos Racemosa ib.
- ○vaktra m. 'elephants-faced', N. of Gaṇêśa Daś.
- ○vadha m. the killing of an elṭelephants (esp. by a lion, which incurs the guilt of murder, whilst others carry off the spoils, such as the tusks and the pearls said to be found in the head) MW.
- ○varcasá n. the vigour of an elṭelephants AV.
- • the magnificence of an elephants MW.
- ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○vātiṅgaṇa m. Solanum Melougena L.
- ○vānara mfn. (a battle) in which elṭelephants and monkeys take or took part R.
- ○vāha m. an elephant-driver MW.
- • a hook for driving elephants L.
- ○viṣāṇī f. Musa Sapientum ib.
- ○vaidyaka n. the art of healing elṭelephants (as N. of wk.)
- • -kāra m. the composer of such a wk
- ○śālā f. an elephants-stable MBh. Kathās.
- • N. of a place Rājat. (could be also -śāla)
- ○śikṣaka m. a breaker in or trainer of elephants MBh.
- ○śikṣā f. the art of training elṭelephants R. Mṛicch. Kād.
- ○śiras m. N. of a man ( See hāstiśīrṣi)
- ○śuṇḍa m. an elephants's trunk MW.
- • (ā), f. id. ib.
- • Heliotropium Indicum L.
- • (ī), f. id. ib.
- • colocynth Npr.
- ○śyāmāka m. a kind of millet Car.
- ○ṣaḍgava n. a yoke or collection of 6 elephants MBh.
- ○sūtra n. a Sūtra. treating of elephants ib.
- ○sena m. N. of a king Śatr.
- ○somā f. N. of a river MBh.
- ○snāna n. the washing of an elṭelephants Hit.
- ○hasta m. an elephant's trunk MBh.
- • parāmṛṣṭa mf(ā)n. seized or struck by the trunk of an elṭelephants ib.
- hastika n. a multitude of elephants (or m. 'an elephant') MBh. ix, 2839 (B.)
- • m. a toy-elephant, Jātakani
- • a turn-spit (vḷ. for hastaka) Hcar.
- hastin mfn. having hands, clever or dexterous with the hands RV. AV.
- • (with mṛga, 'the animal with a hands i.e. with a trunk', an elephant
- • cf. dantah○) ib.
- • having (or sitting on) an elephant MārkP.
- • m. an elephant (four kinds of elephant are enumerated
- • See bhadra, mandra, mṛga, miśtra
- • some give kiliñja-h○', a straw elephant', 'effigy of an elephant made of grass') AV. &c. &c
- • (ifc.) the chief or best of its kind, g. vyāghrâdi
- • a kind of plant (= aja-modā) L.
- • N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- • of a son of Suhotri, (a prince of the Lunar race, described as founder of Hastina-pura) ib. VP.
- • of a son of Bṛihat-kshatra BhP.
- • of a son of Kuru Śatr.
- • (ínī), f. a female elephant AV. &c. &c
- • a kind of drug and perfume (= haṭṭa-vilāsinī) L.
- • a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided, described as having thick lips, thick hips, thick fingers, large breasts, dark complexion, and strong sexual passion) Siṃhâs.
- • N. of Hastinā-pura L.
- hastinā-pura n. (less correctly hastina-p○ or hastinī.) N. of a city founded by king Hastin, q.v. (it was situated about fifty-seven miles north-east of the modern Delhi on the banks of an old channel of the Ganges, and was the capital of the kings of the Lunar line, as Ayodhyā was of the Solar dynasty
- • hence it forms a central scene of action in the Mahābhārata
- • here Yudhi-shṭhira was crowned after a triumphal progress through the streets of the city
- • See MBh. xii, 1386-1410: other names for this celebrated town are gajâhvaya, nāga-sâhvaya, nāgâhva, hāctina) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c
- hastī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to hand over, deliver, Mālatim
- hastīna See antar-h○, p. 43. col. 3
- haste (loc. of hasta), in comp
- ○karaṇa n. taking (the bride's) hand, marrying L. root
- ○kṛ P. -karoti, to take in hand, take possession of. make one's own MW.
- ○gṛhya ind. (= hasta-gr○) mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- ○bandha m. = hasta-b○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 13 Sch.
- hasty (before vowels), in comp. for hasti
- ○adhyakṣa m. a superintendent of elephants MW.
- ○aśanā f. Boswellia Serrata or Thurifera L.
- ○aśva n. sg. elephants and horses R. VarBṛS.
- • -dīkṣā f. N. of the 16th and 17th Pariśishṭas of the AV.
- • -ratha-ghoṣa m. the sound of chariots (and) horses (and) elephants Ml.
- • -ratha-sanbādha mfn. crowded with carriages (and) horses (and) elephants R.
- • v"ṣâroha-bandhaka m. pl, elephants-riders (and) horsemen (and) their servants ib.,
- ○ājīva m. an elephants-driver MBh.
- ○āyurveda m. a work on the treatment of elephants diseases Cat.
- ○āroha m. an elephants-rider, elṭelephants-driver MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- ○āluka n. a kind of large bulbous plant Suśr.
- ○ṛṣabha mfn. accompanied by an elephant-like bull (as cows) ŚBr.
- hástya mf(ā)n. being on the hand (as the fingers) TS. Br.
- • prepared with the hand RV.
- • held in the hand TBr.
- hāsta mfn. formed with the hands (with mukūla n. = añjali) Nalôd.
- hāstāyana mfn. (fr. hasta), g. pakṣâdi
- hāstika mfn. consisting of elephants Ratnâv.
- • m. an elephants-rider, elephants-driver &c. W.
- • n. a multitude of elephants MBh. ix, 2839 (B. hastika) Pāṇ. 4-2, 47
- • a multitude of female elephants Pāṇ. 6-3, 35 Vārtt. 11 Pat.
- hāstikarṣūka mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. hasti-karṣū), g. kāśy-ādi
- hāstidanta mfn. (fr. hasti-d○) consisting or made of ivory Kauś.
- hāstidāyi m. patr. fr. hasti-d○ Pravar.
- hāstina mfn. belonging to an elephant AV.
- • having the depth of an elephant (as water) Daś.
- • n. = next L.
- ○pura n. = hastinā-pura (-tva n.) MBh. R. &c
- hāstināyana mfn. (fr. hastin), g. pakṣâdi
- • m. a patr., g. naḍâdi
- hāstipada m. (fr. hasti-p○) N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 132
- • mfn. relating or belonging to Hasti-pada ib.
- hāstiśīrṣi m. patr. fr. hasti-śiras Pāṇ. 6-1, 62, Vartt. 3 Pat.
- hasra See p. 1294, col. 2
- hahala n. a sort of deadly poison (cf. halāhala) L.
- hahava n. a partic. hell (cf. hāhava) Buddh.
- hahā ind. an exclamation (= 'alas!' in hahā dhik), Ratnâv.
- hahā m. N. of a Gandharva (m. c. for hāhā) MBh. R.
- hahāla m. pl. N. of the Caidya country L.
- hahāhā ind.= 1. hahā Sāh.
- hahe ind., g. câdi
- hā ind. an exclamation expressive of pain, anger, astonishment, satisfaction &c. (= ah! alas! oh! ha! often before or after a voc. case, also repeated hā-hā, 1. hahā above, or followed by other particles, esp. dhik, hanta, kaṣṭam &c.) MBh. Kāv.&c,
- ○kaṣṭa-śabda m. the exclamation hā kaṣṭma n. Kād.
- ○kāra m. the exclṭexclamation hā Śiś.
- ○hā-kṛta mfn. filled with cries Bcar.
- ○hā-rava or m. the exclamation hā hā Kathās.
- ○hā-śabda m. the exclamation hā hā Kathās.
- hā (not always separable fr. √3. hā), cl. 3. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 7) jíhīte (p. jíhāna q.v.
- • pf. jahiré AV.
- • aor. ahāsta RV. &c
- • fut. hātā Gr
- • hāsyate Br. MBh.
- • inf. -hātum ib.
- • ind. p. hātvā Gr
- • -hā́ya RV.), to start or spring forward, bound away, give way to (dat.) RV.
- • to spring or leap upon (?) RV. x, 49, 5
- • to go or depart or betake one's self to have recourse to (acc.) Nalôd.
- • to fall or come into any state Kir.: Pass. hāyate (aor. ahāyi), Gr.: Caus. hāpayati (aor. ajīhapat) ib.: Desid. jihāsate ib.: Intens. jahāyate, jāhāti, jāheti ib.
- jíhāna mfn. bounding forward (as a horse) RV.
- • flying (as an arrow) Kir.
- hāna mfn. gone or departed &c. (in sáṃhāna, 'risen') VS.
- hāyas See ví- and sárva-hāyas
- heya mfn. (for 2. See p. 1297, col. 1) to be gone &c. MW.
- hā cl. 3. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 8) jáhāti (rarely cl. 1. jahati 3. du. jahltaḥ Impv. jahíhi For jahāhi Pāṇ. 6-4, 11]
- • jahītāt AV.
- • Pot. jahyāt AV. &c
- • pf. jahau, jahúḥ RV. &c
- • jahe Br.
- • aor. ahāt ib. &c
- • ahāsīt Gr
- • 3. sg. ahās RV.
- • áhāsi AV.
- • hāsiṣṭa ib.,
- • fut. hātā Gr
- • hāsyati, ○te AV. &c, jahiṣyati MBh. &c
- • inf. hātum ib.
- • ind. p. hitvā́. q.v. RV. &c
- • hitvií ○tvā́ya RV.
- • -hītvā Gr
- • -hā́ya Br., hī́yam TS.), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with śarīram, deham, prâṇān, asūn, jvitam &c. -' to die') RV. &c, &c
- • to discharge, emit ib.
- • to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from Mn. MBh. &c
- • to disregard, neglect ib.
- • to lose, be deprived of. R. Kām.
- • to get rid of. escape from Up. MBh. &c
- • to cause to emit (with śardham, 'to cause to break wind') Vop.: Pass. hīyáte or hī́yate (ep. also hīyati
- • aor. ahāyi), to be left or abandoned or deserted &c
- • to be left behind, fall short of (abl.) RV. &c. &c
- • to be excluded from or bereft of (abl. or instr
- • with prâṇaiḥ, 'to die')
- KaṭhUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- • to be overtaken by (instr.) MBh.
- • to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- • to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) Yājñ. Sch.
- • to be given up or avoided Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- • to be subtracted VarBṛS.
- • to become detached from (with abl. or instr.), fall out (as hair) BhP.: Caus. hāpayati (m. c. also ○te aor. ajīhapat
- • -jīhipaḥ RV.), to cause to leave or abandon &c
- • to omit, neglect Mn. MBh. &c
- • to fall short of. be wanting in (acc.) MBh. Cāṇ.
- • to give up (asūn, 'life') Hariv.
- • to lose (kālam, 'time') Kām.
- • to abandon (pratijñām, 'a thesis') Jātakam.: Desid. jihāsati, to wish to leave or abandon Daś. BhP. HPariś.
- • to wish to reject or disdain Prab.
- • to wish to escape Sarvad.: Intens. jehīyate, jāhāti, jāheti Gr
- jahitá mfn. rejected, forsaken, forlorn RV. ĀpŚr.
- ha See 5. ha, p. 1286, col. 1
- hāta mfn. given up, abandoned BhP.
- ○vat mfn. abandoned by, deprived of (acc.) Kām. (vḷ.)
- hātavya mfn. to be abandoned or left, relinquishable Mn. MBh. &c
- • to be left behind i.e. overtaken MBh.
- hātu m. or f. death L.
- • a road L.
- hāna n. the act of abandoning, relinquishing, giving up, escaping, getting rid of Gaut. Śaṃk. Sarvad.
- • want, lack Kap.
- • cessation ib. Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- hāni f. (accord. to some fr. √han) abandonment, relinquishment Kuval.
- • taking off, laying aside (ornaments) Subh.
- • decrease, diminution MBh. Kāv. &c
- • deprivation of (abl.) Gaut.
- • damage, loss, failure (also in a lawsuit), ruin Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • insufficiency, deficit, a minus ĀśvGṛ. MBh. cessation, disappearance, non-existence Kāv. Kathās. &c
- ○kara mfn. injurious, detrimental Pañcat.
- • causing to disappear Śiś.
- ○kṛt mfn. causing loss, prejudicial, destructive Kathās.
- hānīya mfn. = hātavya MW.
- hāpana n. (fr. Caus.) the act of causing to quit or abandon &c
- • diminution Suśr.
- hāpita mfn. (fr. id.) caused to be left or abandoned &c
- • injured (as a deposit) Yājñ.
- • deprived of (instr.) BhP.
- hāyaka mfn. giving up, abandoning MBh.
- hāyana mf(ā or ī)n. (for 2. See p. 1297, col. 1) quitting, leaving MW.
- • passing away ib.
- hāyin mfn. leaving, abandoning, neglecting ib.
- hāsas m. the moon Uṇ. iv, 220 Sch.
- hitvā ind. having left or abandoned &c
- • letting alone, slighting, disregarding R. Kathās.
- • excepting, with the exception of (acc.) VarBṛS.
- hīná mfn. left, abandoned, for saken RV.
- • left behind, excluded or shut out from, lower or weaker than, inferior to (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- • left out, wanting, omitted MBh.
- • defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) Yājñ.
- • deficient, defective, faulty, insufficient, short, incomplete, poor, little, low, vile, bad, base, mean ŚBr. &c. &c
- • bereft or deprived of, free from, devoid or destitute of, without (instr., abl., loc., acc., or comp
- • prâṇair hīnaḥ, 'bereft of breath or life'
- • mantrād or mantrato h○, 'devoid of sacred knowledge') MuṇḍUp. KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- • lost or strayed from (a caravan) Pāṇ. i, 4, 23 Kāś.
- • brought low, broken down in circumstances ŚrS.
- • m. a faulty or defective witness (of five kinds, viz. anya-vādin, kriyā-dveṣin, nôpasthāyin, nir-uttara, āhūsa-prapalâyin) Yājñ. Sch.
- • subtraction (= = vyavakalana) MW.
- • Mesua Ferrea L.
- • (ā), f. a female mouse (wṛ. for dīna) L.
- • (am), n. deficiency, want, absence (velā-hīne 'before the right time', unseasonably') VarBṛS. Yājñ.
- ○karman mfn. engaged in low Practices, neglecting or omitting customary rites or religious acts Gaut. Mn. MBh.
- ○kula mfn. of low family, base-born, plebeian (-tva n.) MW.
- ○kuṣṭa n. (prob.) = kṣudra-k○ Cat.
- ○kośa mfn. having an empty treasury MBh.
- ○kratu mfn. one who neglects to sacrifice Mn. xi, 12
- ○krama m. diminishing series or order of succession Suśr.
- ○kriya mfn. = -karman Mn. iii, 7
- ○guṇa mfn. of inferior virtue or merit R.
- ○cakṣus mfn. one who has lost an eye or whose sight is dimmed R.
- ○carita n. (pl.) base or mean conduct, Śāntiś
- ○ja mfn. low-born MBh.
- ○jāti mfn. of low caste, outcaste, degraded, vile Mn. iii, 15
- ○tara mfn. worse, inferior MuṇḍUp.
- ○tarpita mfn. insufficiently satiated ŚārṅgP.
- ○tas ind.= hīnena or hīnāt MBh.
- • of less value Vas.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. defectivenese, deprivation, destitution, the state of being without, want or absence of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○dagdha mfn. insufficienty burned or cauterized Suśr.
- ○darśana-sāmarthya mfn. destitute of the power of seeing, blind Rājat.
- ○dīnânukampaka mfn. feeling compassion for the wretched and miserable Kāraṇḍ.
- ○nāyaka mfn. having a low or base hero (said of a drama) MW.
- ○pakṣa mf(ā)n. unprotected Yājñ. Sch.
- ○pratijña mfn. faithless Hariv.
- ○balhu mfn. deficient in strength, weak, feeble Pañcat.
- ○bāhu m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L.
- ○buddhi mfn. of weak understanding R.
- ○mūlya n. a low price Yājñ.
- ○yāna n. 'simpler or lesser vehicle', N. of the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine (opp. to mahāyāna
- • See yāna)
- ○yoni m. or f. an inferior womb, low birth or origin MW.
- ○rātra mf(ā)n. having shorter nights Gaut.
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. deficient in form or beauty R.
- ○roman mfn. deprived of hair, bald MBh.
- ○varga (Jātak.),
- ○varṇa (cf. Hit.), mfn. of low caste, outcaste
- ○vāda m. defective statement, insufficient or contradictory evidence, prevarication W.
- ○vādin mfn. defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) Pañcat.
- • making a defective statement, insufficient or inadmissible (as a witness
- • See hīna above) W.
- • contradictory, prevaricating ib.
- • destitute of speech, speechless, dumb ib.
- ○vīrya mfn. = -bala (-tva n.) R. Bhpr.
- ○vṛtti mfn. of base conduct MBh.
- ○vyañjana mfn. (speech) deficient or indistinct in its consonants R.
- ○sakhya n. making friends with low people L.
- ○saṃdhi mfn. destitute cf peace or reconciliation W.
- ○sevā f. attendance on base or low people Cāṇ. Hit.
- ○svara mfn. defective in sound, soundless (-tā f.) Suśr.
- hīnâṃśu mfn. destitute of rays, dark Kāv.
- hīnâṅga mf(ā or ī)n. defective in limb, crippled, lame, mutilated ṢaḍvBr. Mn. VarBṛS.
- • incomplete in parts, imperfect KātyŚr. Sch.
- hīnâtirikta mfn. defective or excessive, too few or too many
- • -kāle ind. too late or too soon VarBṛS.
- • -gātra (cf. Mn.) or ○tâṅga (f. ī Yājñ.), mfn. having a limb too few or too many
- hīnâdhika mfn. smaller or greater than (abl.) VarBṛS.
- • too little or too much
- • (e), ind. too late or too soon ib.
- • -tā f. (cf. Kāvyâd.), -tva n. (cf. ib. Sch.) deficiency or excess
- • ○kâṅga mf(ī)n. having too few or too many limbs VarBṛS.
- hinânna-vastra-veṣa mfn. (a Brahma-cārin) eating less food (than his preceptor) and wearing an inferior dress Mn. ii, 194
- hīnârtha mfn. one who has fallen short of his object or lost his advantage MBh.
- hīnôdgata mfn. insufficiently emerged or come forth Suśr.
- hinôpamā f. comparison with something inferior, Śamkar. Pratāp.
- hīnaka mfn. deprived of ( See kara-saṃdaṃśah○, add)
- hīnita mfn. deprived of one's own MBh. i, 3558 ; iv, 226 (conj.)
- • separated from (comp.) Hariv.
- • subtracted (= vy-avakalita) L.
- hīyamāna mfn. being left or deserted &c
- • weaker, inferior MBh.
- • being lost MW.
- • sinking, giving in ib.
- heya mfn. (for 1. and 3. See p. 1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided (-tva n.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- • to be subtracted L.
- hāi-kāra m. the exclamation hāi Lāṭy.
- hāu-kāra m. the exclamation hāu Lāṭy.
- hāuyavadāra-sṛt and hāuhuvaivā-sāman n. N. of Sāmans, IndSt
- hāṃsa mfn. (fr. haṃsa) relating to a goose or swan Car.
- hāṃsakāyana mfn. (fr. haṃsaka), g. pakṣ^ādit
- • m. a patr., g. naḍâdi
- hākinī f. t, partic. female demon (cf. ḍākinī and śākinī) Tantras.
- hāṅgyara m. a large fish, shark L.
- hājya-khūna m. N. of n. Khan Cat.
- hāṭa See karahāṭa, p. 255, col. 1
- hāṭaka m. (said to be fr. √haṭ
- • perhaps connected with hiraṇya) N. of a country and people MBh.
- • a partic. magical drink BhP.
- • (ī), f. N. of a river in she lower world BhP.
- • n. 'found in Hātaka', gold MBh. Kāv. &c
- • mf(i)n. = next Śiś.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. golden, made of gold Hcar.
- hāṭakêśa or m. N. of a form of Śiva (worshipped on the banks of the Godāvarī) Kathās.
- hāṭaḍkâsāna m. N. of a form of Śiva (worshipped on the banks of the Godāvarī) Kathās.
- hāṭakêśvara m. id ib. Pur.
- • n. a partic. incantation Rājat.
- • -māhāśmya n. N. of wk
- hāṭakīya mfn. made or consisting of gold Alaṃkāraś.
- hāḍi m. N. of a man Rājat.
- • (ī), f. a kind of written character Jaim.
- ○grāma m. N. of a village Rājat.
- hāḍikā f. an earthen pot (cf. haṇḍikā) Kathârṇ.
- hāta hātavya, hātu, See p. 1296, col. 2
- hā-tkṛta n. uttering the sound hāt L.
- hātra (?), n. wages, hire L.
- • = (or wṛ. for) hāntra L.
- hāna hāni &c. See p. 1296, col. 2
- hānavya hānu, See p. 1288, col. 2
- hānuka hāntra, See p. 1288, col. 1
- hāndaṇa N. of a place Cat.
- hāpana hāpita See p. 1296, col. 2
- hāputrī f. a kind of wagtail L.
- hāputrikā f. id. W.
- hāphikā f. gaping, yawning L.
- hāmi-grāma m. N. of a village Rājat.
- hāmpha (?) Pañcad.
- hāmbīri f. (in music) a kind of Ragi ṇi (cf. naṭṭa-hambīrā) Saṃgīt.
- hāyaka hāyin, See p. 1296, col. 2
- hāyati m. N. of a man Saṃskārak.
- hāyaná m. n. (accord. to native authorities fr. √1. or 2. hā
- • but cf. hayana) a year (ifc. f. ī, and accord. to Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 27 also ā) AV. &c. &c
- • m. a sort of red rice (pl. its grains) MaitrS. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- • a flame, ray L.
- • (i), f. a year AV. xii, 1, 36
- • mfn. lasting a year or returning every year (applied to Takman, q.v.) AV.
- ○gran
- ○tha m
- ○phala n
- ○ratna n
- ○sindhu m
- ○sundara and m. or n. N. of wks
- ○suḍnêttama m. or n. N. of wks
- hāyanaka m. a kind of red rice Car.
- hāyi ind. an exclamation used in chanting a Sāman (cf. hāī) MBh.
- ○kāra m. the exclamation hāyas Lāṭy.
- hāyī-śabda m. id. Nyāyam. Sch.
- hāra hāraka, hārin &c. See p. 1289, cols. 2 and 3
- hārayu N. of a place Cat.
- hārava m. N. of an inhabitant of hell L.
- hārāyaṇa n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- hārika hāriṇa, hārita, hāridra &c. See p. 1292, col. 1
- hārisa m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- hārga (?), m. (said to lie fr. √1. hṛ) satisfaction L.
- hārd (fr. and = hṛd). See dur- and su-hā́rd
- hā́dr mfn. relating to or being in the heart Suparṇ. Śaṃk. BhP.
- • (am), n. love, kindness, affection for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- • meaning, intention, purpose BhP.
- ○vat mfn. feeling affection for (loc.) MārkP.
- ○vidyā f. N. of wk
- hā́rdi m. the heart AV.
- • contentment, ease, comfort VarBṛS.
- • n. the heart or interior of the body (also applied to the intestines) RV.
- hārdikā See yama-h○
- hārdikya m. patr. of Kṛita-varman MBh. Hariv.
- • friendship R.
- hārdin mfn. feeling affection for (loc.) MārkP.
- hārdivan (cf. TĀr.) or (vS.), mfn. hearty, cordial, having an affection for (loc.)
- hārdvan (vS.), mfn. hearty, cordial, having an affection for (loc.)
- hārmyá n. v. l. for harmyá TĀr.
- hārya See p. 1289, col. 3
- hārṣṭeya hārṣṇi, See p. 1293, col. 1
- hāla hālaka, hālika &c. See p. 1293, cols. 1 and 2
- hālahala hālāhala, hāhala &c. Sea p. 1293, col. 2
- hāvaka hāvanīya, hāvin &c. See p. 1294, cols. 1 and 2
- hāvu ind. an exclamation of joy (used in chanting a Sāman) TUp.
- hāsa hāsya, See p. 1294, cols. 2 and 3
- hāsta hāstika, hāstina, See p. 1296, col. 1
- hāhav s, m. a kind of hell (cf hahava) Kāraṇḍ.
- hāhas m. a Gandharva L.
- hāhā m. (for hā hā See under 1. hā, p. 1296, col, 1) a Gandharva or N. of a Gandharva ŚrS. MBh. Hariv. &c
- • a partic. high number, ten thousand billions (mahā-hāhā, 'a hundred thousand billions') MW.
- hi i (cf. √hay), cl. 5. P. (Dhātup., xxvii, 11) hinóti (Ved. also hinuté, hínvati and hinváti, ○te
- • p. hinvāná with aet. and pass. sense RV.
- • háyat RV. TS. ; 1: sg. hiṣe RV.
- • pf. jighāya, jighyuḥ Br. &c
- • jighye with pass. sense Bhaṭṭ.
- • aor. áhema áhema, ahyan, heta p. hiyāná with pass. sense RV.
- • ahyam , áhait AV.
- • ahaiṣīt Br.
- • aheṣata RV.
- • fut. hetā Gr
- • heṣyati MBh. &c
- • inf. -hyé RV.), to send forth set in motion, impel, urge on, hasten on (Ā. also intrans.) RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- • to stimulate or incite to (dat.) RV.
- • to assist or help to (dat.) ib.
- • to discharge, b, hurl, cast, shoot RV.
- • to convey, bring, procure ib. ŚBr.
- • to forsake, abandon, get rid of Bhaṭṭ.
- • (hinvati), to gladden, delight Dhātup. xv, 82: Pass. hīyate (aor. ahāyi), Gr.: Caus. hāyuyati (aor. ajīhayat) ib.: Desid. of Caus. jihāpayiṣati ib.: Desid. jighīṣati ib.: Inteus. jeghīyate, jeghayīti, jegheti ib.
- haya
- hayana &c. See p. 1288, cols. 2, 3
- hitá mfn. (for 2. See p. 1298, col. 2) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion &c
- • going, running, speeding RV. AV.
- hiti f. sending, errand, direction ( See asmé- and devá-h○)
- hítvan mfn. speedy, swift RV.
- hinvá m. 'Inciter', N. of Indra's father (prīṇayitri Sāy.) RV.
- hinvāná
- hiyāná See √, col. 2
- htí
- hetú &c. See p. 1303, col. 3
- hí ind. (used as a particle and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns
- • e.g. sárvo hí pṛ́tanā jigīṣati, 'for everybody wishes to win battles'
- • bkavān hi pramāṇam, 'for your honour is the authority'
- • tahā hi, 'for example', 'accordingly'
- • ná hí or nahī́', for not', 'not at all') RV. &c. &c
- • just, pray, do (with an Impv. or Pot. emphatically
- • sometimes with Indic., e. g. pasyāmo hi, 'we will just see') ib.
- • indeed, assuredly, surely, of course, certainly (hí vaí, 'most assuredly'
- • hi-tu or hi-punar, 'indeed-but'
- • often a mere expletive, esp. to avoid a hiatus, sometimes repeated in the same sentence
- • hi is also said to be an interjection of 'envy', 'contempt', 'hurry' &c.) ib.
- hiná ind. for, because (= 2. hí) RV. vi, 48, 2
- hiṃs (orig. Desid. of √han), cl. 1. 7. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxix, 19
- • xxxiv, 23) hiṃsati, hinásti (Ved. and ep. also Ā. hiṃsate, híṃste
- • 2. sg. hiṃsi for hinassi MBh. iii, 13269
- • pf. jihiṃsa, ○simá, jīhiṃsīh AV.
- • aor. ahiṃsīt, hiṃsīt RV. &c
- • fut. hiṃsita Gr
- • hiṃsiṣyati, ○te Br. &c
- • inf. hiṃsitum ib.
- • ind. p. hiṃsitvā́ AV. Br.
- • -hiṃsya MBh.), to injure, harm, wound, kill, destroy RV. &c. &c.: Pass. hiṃsyate (aor. ahiṃsi), to be injured or killed RV. (in á-hiṃsyamāna) &c.: Caus, or cl. so. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxxiv, 23) hiṃsayati (aor. ajihiṃsat), to injure, harm, kill, slay MBh.: Desid. jíhiṃsiṣati, to wish to injure &c. ŚBr.: Intens, jehiṃsyate, jehiṃsti Gr
- hiṃs mfn. injuring, striking ( See su-hiṃs)
- híṃsa mfn. injuring, injurious, mischievous, hostile RV.
- • (ā), f. See below
- hiṃsaka mfn. = prec. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • tn. (only L.) a noxious animal, beast of prey
- • an enemy
- • a Brāhman skilled in the magical texts of the Atharva-veda (cf. hiṃsā-karman)
- hiṃsana m. an enemy L.
- • n. the act of hurting, injuring, killing, slaying Mn. MBh. &c
- hiṃsanīya mfn. to be hurt or injured MBh.
- • to be killed (as cattle) Kull. on Mn. v, 41
- hiṃsā f. injury, harm (to life or property), hurt, mischief, wrong (said to be of three kinds, 1. mental as 'bearing malice'
- • 2. verbal, as' abusive language
- • 3. personal, as 'acts of violence') Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • Injury or Mischief personified (as the wife of Adharnia and daughter of Lobha and Nishkṛiti) Pur.
- • Asteracantha Longifolia L.
- ○karman n. any injurious or hostile act (esp. employment of magical spells and mystical texts such as those of the Atharva-veda for the injury of an enemy, q.v.) L.
- ○"ṣtmaka (hiṃsât○), mfn. intent on doing harm R.
- ○"ṣtman (hiṃsât○), mfn. id. Bcar.
- ○prâṇin m. a savage or noxious animal MW.
- • (○ṇi) -pracura mfn. abounding in noxious animal ib.
- ○prâya mfn. generally or for the most part injurious Mn. x, 83
- ○rata mfn. delighting in doing harm or mischief Mn. iv, 1 70
- ○ruci mfn. id. (-tva n.) R.
- ○"ṣrthavāda (hiṃsârth○), m
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○vāda m. N. of wks
- ○vihāra mfn. taking pleasure in mischief, roaming about to do harm MW.
- ○samudbhava mfn. arising from injury (i.e. from the sin of hurting living creatures) ib.
- hiṃsāru m. a destructive animal, a tiger L.
- hiṃsālu mfn. mischievous, hurting, murderous W.
- hiṃsāluka m. a mischievous animal, savage dog L.
- hiṃsitá mfn. hurt, injured, wounded, killed, destroyed AV. &c. &c
- • n. injury, harm Pañcat.
- hiṃsitavyá mfn. to be harmed or injured AV.
- híṃsitos See under the √above
- hiṃsīna m. a savage animal, beast of prey L.
- hiṃsīra mfn. mischievous, destructive L.
- • m. a tiger L.
- hiṃsya mfn. to be hurt or injured or killed, Śā3khGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- hiṃsrá mf(ā́)n. injurious, mischievous, hurtful, destructive, murderous, cruel, fierce, savage (ifc. 'acting injuriously towards') RV. &c. &c.
- • m. a man who delights in injuring living creatures Mn. iii, 164
- • a savage animal, beast of prey Ragh.
- • N. of Śiva MBh.
- • of Bhima-sena L.
- • of a certain cruel Brāhman Hariv.
- • (ā), f. a mischievous woman Mn. ix, 80
- • N. of various plants (accord. to L., Nardottachys Jatamansi, Coix Barbata, = kākâdanī and elâvali) Suśr.
- • fat L.
- • a vein L.
- • (am) n. cruelty Mn. i, 29
- ○jantu or m. a savage animal, beast of prey Kāv.
- ○paśu m. a savage animal, beast of prey Kāv.
- ○yantra n. an implement for injuring or wounding, trap Yājñ.
- • a mystical text used for injurious purposes MW.
- hiṃsrâtmatā f. malevolence Bcar.
- hiṃsrâhiṃsra n. noxiousness and harmlessness Mn. i, 29
- hiṃsraka m. a savage animal, beast of prey L.
- hika n. (with prajāpateḥ) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- hikk cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup.xxi, 1) ik hikkati, ○te (Gr. also pf. jihikka, ○kke &c.), to hiccup (hiccough), sob, make a spasmodic sound in the throat Pat. VarBṛS. Suśr.: Caus. P. hikkayati (aor. ajihikkat), to cause to hiccup Suśr.
- • (Ā.) hikkayate, ate, to injure, kill Dhātup. xxxiii, 12 (v. l. hikk for kiṣk)
- hikkā f. hiccup (cf, hekkā), sob, a spasmodic sound in the throat Suśr. R. Hariv.
- • an owl L.
- ○śvāsin mfn. = śvāsa-hikkin (q.v.) Car.
- hikkikā f. hiccup MBh.
- • stertorous breathing KātyŚr. Sch.
- hikkita n. hiccup, spasmodic catch and sound in the breath Pat.
- hikkin mfn. suffering from hiccup, hiccupping Suśr.
- hikkala (?), the staff of a Buddhist monk Buddh.
- hikmat-prakāśa m. (fr. ?) N. of a med. wk. translated from the Arabic by Mahā-deva Paṇḍita
- hikmat-pradīpa m. N. of a med. wk. by the same author
- hikvā f. wṛ. for hikkā above
- híṅ ind. the lowing sound or cry made by a cow seeking her calf RV. i, 164, 28
- ○kartṛ́ m. one who makes the sound hin TS.
- ○kārá ṃ. the sound or cry hiṅ (used also in ritual) VS. Br. ŚrS.
- • a tiger (as making a lowing or roaring sound) L. -√kṛ P. -karoti (ind. p. -kṛśya
- • p.p. -krita), to make the sound hiṅ RV. AV. Br. Śiś.
- ○kriyā f. making the sound hiṅ, a lowing cry Harav.
- hiṅga m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- hiṅgalācī f. N. of a Yakshiṇī Buddh.
- hiṅgu m. Ferula Asa Foetida Buddh. BhP.
- • n. a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) MBh. Hariv. Suśr. &c
- ○nāḍika f. the resin of Gardenia Gunimifera (cf. nāḍī-hiṅgu) L.
- ○niryāsa m. the fluid extracted from Asa Foetida ( See above) L.
- • the Nimba tree L.
- ○pattra m. the Iṅgudi tree L.
- • (ī), f. = -parṇī L.
- • (am), n. the leaf of the Asa Fostida L.
- ○parṇī f. Gasdenia Gummifera L.
- ○rāta m. N. of a man Mudr.
- ○śirāṭikā (prob. wṛ.) or f. a partic. plant (= vaṃśa-pattrī) Bhpr. Car.
- ○śivāṭikā f. a partic. plant (= vaṃśa-pattrī) Bhpr. Car.
- hiṅgū7jjvalā f. a kind of perfume Mṛicch.
- hiṅguka m. the Asa Foetida plant MBh.
- hiṅgudī f. Solanum Melongena L.
- hiṅgula m. n. a preparation of mercury with sulphur, vermilion VarBṛS.
- • (ā), f. See below
- • (ī), f. Solanum Melongena or some other species L.
- hiṅgulaka (prob.) n. vermilion, cinnabar MBh. VarBṛS.
- • (ikā), f. Solanum Jacquini L.
- hiṅgulā f. N. of a country VāmP.
- • of the tutelary deity of the Dadhi-parṇas Cat.
- ○jā f. N. of a goddess ib.
- hiṅguli m. vermilion L.
- hiṅgulu (cf. L.) or (cf. VarBṛS.), m. n. id
- hiṅguḍluka (cf. VarBṛS.), m. n. id
- • (○lu), f. Solanum Melongena L.
- hiṅgūla m. a kind of plant (v. l. hijjala) Pañcar.
- • n. the edible √of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L.
- hiṅgolâṣṭaka n. N. of wk.
- hijja m. the tree Barringtonia Acutangula (commonly called Hijjal) L.
- hijjala m. the Hijjal tree Pañcar. (v. l.) L.
- hiñjīra m. a rope or chain for fastening an elephant's foot L.
- hiṭ vḷ. for √biṭ (q.v.)
- hiḍimba m. N. of a gigantic Rākshasa slain by Bhīma MBh.
- • (ā), f. See below
- ○jit m. 'conqueror of Hiḍimba', Bhima L.
- ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of Hiḍimba', Bhīma Dhanaṃj.
- ○nisūdana and m. 'destroyer of Hiḍimba', Bhima ib.
- ○bhid m. 'destroyer of HṭHiḍimba', Bhima ib.
- ○vadha m. 'the killing of Hislimba', an episode of the Mahā-bhārata (i, 152-156)
- hiḍimbā f. Hiḍimba's sister (who changed herself into a beautiful woman and married Bhima
- • he had a son by her named Ghaṭ5tkaca) MBh. Kām. BhP.
- • the wife of Hanumat ( See comp.)
- ○pati or m. 'husband or lover of Hiḍmbā', N. of Bhima or of Hanumat L.
- ○ramaṇa m. 'husband or lover of Hiḍmbā', N. of Bhima or of Hanumat L.
- hiṇḍ cl. 1. 1A. (Dhātup. viii, 15) hiṇḍate (only impf. ahiṇḍanta and pf. jihiṇḍe), to go, move, wander or roam about (cf. ā- and pari√hiṇḍ)
- • to disregard, slight Dhātup.
- hiṇḍaka m. = nāḍī-taraṃga (cf. rata-h○) L.
- hiṇḍana n. (only L.) wandering, roaming
- • sexual intercourse
- • writing
- hiṇḍi (prob.) f. -rātrau rakṣā-cāra L.
- hiṇḍika m. an astrologer L.
- hiṇḍira m. = hiṇḍīra L.
- hiṇḍī f. N. of Durgā. L.
- ○kānta or m. 'beloved by Durgā', N. of Śiva L.
- priyatama m. 'beloved by Durgā', N. of Śiva L.
- hiṇḍīra m. cuttle-fish bone (supposed to be the congealed foam of the sea, = samudra-phena) Sāh.
- • a man, male L.
- • a tonic or stomachic (= rucaka) L.
- • Solanum Melongena. L.
- • n. the pomegranate L.
- hiṇḍuka m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- hitá mf(ā́)n. (p.p. of √1. dhā, cf. dhita
- • for 1. hita See p. 1297, col. 2) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (loc.) RV. AV. Up.
- • set up, established, fixed (as a prize) RV.
- • planned, arranged (as a race or contest) ib.
- • prepared, made ready ib.
- • held, taken MW.
- • assigned to, destined for (dat. or gen.) ib.
- • reckoned among(loc) TS.
- • constituted or appointed as (nom.) RV.
- • given (as a name) AV.
- • beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines &c.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dat., gen., loc., or comp.) RV. &c.&c
- • well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. a friend, benefactor ib.
- • (ā́), f. a causeway, dike ( See hitā-bhaṅga)
- • pl. N. of partic. veins or arteries ŚBr. KaushUp. Yājñ.
- • (am), n. (sg. or pl.) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice &c. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kara mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (gen.), favourable, useful, a benefactor R. VarBṛS.
- ○kāma mfn. wishing well to, desirous of benefiting Pañcat. Hit.
- ○kāmyā f. (only in instr.) desire for another's (gen.) welfare Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○kāraka mtn, = -kara Pañcat.
- ○kārin mfn. id. (○ri-tā, f
- • ○ri-tva n.) Āpast. R. Rājat. &c
- ○kṛt
- mfn. id. VarBṛS. BhP. Kathās. &c
- ○nāman m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-4, 170 Vārtt.
- ○pathya mf(ā)n. useful and salutary Vās.
- • = hitā (i.e. (i.e harītakī) yena ib.
- ○praṇī m. 'executing what is advantageous', a spy L.
- ○prayas (hitá-), mfn. one who has offered an oblation of food or for whom an oblation has been offered RV.
- ○pravṛtta mfn. intent on the welfare of (loc.) Bcar.
- ○prêpsu mfn. = -kāma Mn. v., 46
- ○buddhi f. friendly intention (○dhyā, 'with friendly intṭintention') R.
- • mfn. friendly minded, well-disposed Hit.
- ○mitra m. a benevolent friend MW.
- • (hitá-) mfn. having benṭbenevolent friends RV.
- ○lāla-śarman (miśra-hita-l○), m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○vacana n. friendly advice, good counsel Hit.
- ○vat mfn. favourable, useful Hit.
- ○vākya n. = -vacana Cat.
- • -sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○vādin mfn. speaking good counsel or friendly advice, a friendly counsellor or adviser, Jātakani
- ○sutra n. N. of wk
- ○harivaṃśa or m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv○ Cat.
- ○harivaṃśa-gosvāmin m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv○ Cat.
- ○hita m. N. of a man Rājat.
- hitâtman mfn. quite intent upon the welfare of (comp.) Bcar.
- hitâdhāyin mfn. = hita-kara (○yi-tā f.) Rājat.
- hitânukārin mfn. acting conformably to what is right or kind W.
- hitânubandhin mfn. having welfare as a consequence, having salutary conṭconsequence Kām.
- hitânveṣna mfn. seeking the welfare of another (gen.) MBh.
- hitā-bhaṅga m. the breaking of a dike (vḷ. iḍā-bh○) Mn. ix, 274
- hitârtham (R) or (cf. MBh. R.), ind. for the sake of another's welfare,
- hitârḍthāya (cf. MBh. R.), ind. for the sake of another's welfare,
- hitârthin mfn. seeking or desiring one's (own) or another's welfare or advantage MBh. R. &c
- hitâvalī f. a partic. drug L.
- hitâśaṃsā f. wishing well, congratulation ib.
- hitâśva m. N. of a man VP.
- hitâhita mfn. good and (or) evil, beneficial and (or) disadvantageous Mn. Suśr.
- • (ā), f. pl. N. of partic. veins Yājñ.
- • n. sg. advantage and (or) disadvantage Pur.
- hitâhitīya mfn. treating of what is beneficial and disadvantageous Suśr.
- hitôechā f. wishing well, good-will, good wishes MW.
- hitâiṣin mfn. well-wishing, desiring another's welfare (○ṣi-tā, f.)
- MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. Jātakam.
- hitôkti f. kind or good advice Dhanaṃj.
- hitôpadeśa m. friendly advice, salutary instruction MBh. Pañcat. &c
- • N. of a popular collection of fables intermixed with didactic sentences and moral precepts (compiled by Nārāyaṇa, and supposed to be narrated by a Brshman named Vishṇu-śirman to some young princes
- • it is chiefly founded on the Pañca-tantra, q.v.)
- • N. of two wks. on medicine
- hitôpadeṣṭṛ mfn. instructing on what is salutary, a friendly instructor, kind adviser Kāv.
- hitaka m. a child, the young of any animal L.
- hitāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to avail, be of use or advantage Vās. Hitaávat, mfn. one who has put away or hidden his property RV.
- hiti hít-van, See p. 1297, col. 3
- hitvā́ya hitvií, See √3. hā
- hiná See under 2. hí
- • p. 1297, col. 3
- hintāla m. the marshy date tree, Phosnix or Elate Paludosa (cf. tāla and bṛhat-tāla)
- Hariv. Vās. Jātakam.
- hindu m. (fr. the Persian ?) a Hindu (more properly Hindo)
- ○dharma m. the Hindū religion MW.
- ○sthāna n. the country of the Hindūs, Hindūstān (properly restricted to the upper provinces between Benares and the Sutlej) Cat.
- hindola m. (or ā f.) a swing, swinging cradle or hammock, Śṛiṅgār
- • an ornamental swing or litter in which figures of Kṛishṇa are carried during the Swing-festival in the light half of the month Śrsvaṇa MW. (cf. RTL.430)
- • m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.
- • (ī), f. a partic. Rāgiṇī ib.
- hindolaka m. a swing Pañcad.
- hindolaya Nom. P. ○yati, to swing, rock about (cf. andolaya) Pañcad.
- hinv hinvá, hinvāná, See √1. hi
- hinvidhe-nāman mfn. (of unknown meaning) MaitrS.
- hibuka n. (= ?, ) N. of the fourth Lagna or astrological sign, fourth astrological house (= pātāla) VarBṛS.
- hím ind. an exclamation (interchangeable with híṅ, q.v.)
- hím (only in instr. himā́), col d, frost, hoar-frost, snow RV. x, 37, 10 ; 68, 10
- himá m. cold, frost RV. &c. &c
- • the cold season, winter Kālid. MārkP.
- • the sandal tree L.
- • the moon (cf. hima-kara &c.) L.
- • camphor L.
- • (hímā), f. (only with śatá) the cold season, winter (also= 'a year'
- • cf. varṣá) RV. VS. AV.
- • (himā́), night Naigh. i, 7
- • (himā, only L.), cardamoms
- • Cyperus Rotundus and another species
- • Trigonella Corniculata
- • a partic. drug (= reṇukā)
- • N. of Durgā
- • (am), n. frost, hoar-frost, snow (rarely 'ice'), Ṣaḍv Br. &c. &c
- • sandal-wood (of cooling properties) Suśr.
- • the wood of Cerasus Puddum L.
- • tin L.
- • a pearl L.
- • fresh butter L.
- • a lotus W.
- • N. of a Varsha VP. ; mf(ā)n. cold, cool Jātakam. [Cf. Zd. śima
- • Gk. (?-) ?
- • ?
- • ? ; Lat. bīmus for bihimus ; hiems ; Slav. śima Lit. ? ]
- ○ṛtu m. the winter season Śiś.
- ○kaṇin mfn. mixed with snow-flakes (as wind) Kāv.
- ○kara mfn. causing or producing cold, cold W.
- • m. the moon Hariv. Kāv. Var. &c
- • camphor L.
- • -tanaya m. 'son of the Moon', N. of the planet Mercury VarBṛS.
- ○kuhāya m. a partic. cool drink Suśr. ŚārṅgS.
- ○kiraṇa m. 'cold-rayed', the moon Dhūrtan.
- ○kūṭa n. a snowy summit BhP.
- • m. the winter season L.
- ○kṣmādhara m. snowy mountain, Himalaya VarBṛS.
- ○khaṇḍa n. a hail-stone MārkP.
- ○garbha mfn. laden with snow Śak.
- ○giri m. the Himâlaya mountain ib. ŚārṅgS. Kathās. &c
- • -sutā f. patr. of Pārvati Kāv. Kathās.
- • ○tā-kānta m. 'loved by Pārvati', N. of Śiva Kathās.
- ○gu m. 'cold-rayed', the moon Var.
- ○gṛha or n. a room furnished with cooling appliances Kād.
- ○gṛḍhaka n. a room furnished with cooling appliances Kād.
- ○gaura mfn. white as snow Kir.
- ○ghna mfn. keeping off snow R.
- ○ja mfn. produced by cold W.
- • born or prodṭproduced in the Himâlaya mountain ib.
- • m. the mountain Maināka L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of plant, = kṣiriṇī L.
- • the plant called Zedoary L.
- • sugar prepared from Yava-nāla L.
- • N. of Parvati ib.
- • of Śacī ib.
- ○jyotis mfn. cold-rayed (as the moon) Hariv.
- ○jvara m. fever with cold paroxysms, ague MW.
- ○jhaṭi or f. cold dew, hoar-frost, mist, fog L. (cf ku-jjihaṭi)
- ○jhanṭi f. cold dew, hoar-frost, mist, fog L. (cf ku-jjihaṭi)
- ○tala N. of a kingdom Buddh. (more correctly hema-tāla)
- ○taila m. camphor oil L.
- ○tviṣ (cf. Kathās.) or (cf. ib. Var. Śiś.), m. 'having cool rays', the moon
- ○dīdhiti (cf. ib. Var. Śiś.), m. 'having cool rays', the moon
- ○dugdhā f. a kind of plant (= kṣīriṇi) L.
- ○durdina n. a snowy day, cold and bad weather L.
- ○dyuti m. 'having cool radiance', the moon Śiś.
- ○druma m. Melia Bukayun L.
- ○druh m. 'dew-dispeller', the sun MW.
- ○dhara mfn. bearing snow (on its head, and of the Himâlaya) R.
- • m. the HimṭHimâlaya moon Cat.
- ○dhātu m. 'having cold minerals' L.
- ○dhāman m. 'cold-rayed', the moon Śiś. Bālar.
- ○dhvasta mfn. withered by cold, frost-bitten, frost-nipped (as a lotus &c.) MW.
- ○nirjhara-vipruṣmat mfn. mixed with or having drops of icy cold water-falls BhP.
- ○nirmukta mfn. freed from frost Ragh.
- ○pāta m. fall of snow Ṛitus. VarBṛS. Pañcat.
- ○prastha m. 'having snowy table-land', the Himâlaya mountain L.
- ○bāluka
- ○bāluḍkā See -vāluka, ○kā
- ○bhānu m. 'having cool lustre', the moon Kautukar.
- ○bhās m.id. MW.
- ○bhūbhṛt m. 'snow. moon', the Himâlaya. MārkP.
- ○mayūkha m. 'cool-rayed', the moon VarBṛS.
- ○mitra m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○yukta m. a kind of camphor L.
- ○raśmi m. 'cool-rayed', the moon Śiś.
- • -ja m. patr. of the planet Mercury Var.
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Rājat.
- ○ruci m. = -raśmi Śiś. Kām. &c
- ○rtu m. -ṛtu Rājat.
- ○vat (himá-), mfn. having frost or snow, snowy, frosty, icy, snow-clad AV. R.
- • exposing one's self to coldness or enduring it Baudh.
- • m. a snowy mountain RV. AV.
- • the Him^āya, AV, &c &c. Kailāsa. L.
- • (atī), f. Hoya Viridiflora ib.
- • (-vac)-chiras n. (for -śiras) the summit of the Hiṃlaya Bcar. v, 45 (conj.)
- • (-vat) -kukṣi m. a valley of the HimṭHim^āya MW.
- • -khaṇḍa n. N. of a book of the Skanda-Puraáṇa
- • -pura n. the town on the HimṭHim^āya Kum.
- • -prabhava mfn. springing from or belonging to the HimṭHim^āya R.
- • -suta m. 'son of the HimṭHim^āya', the mountain Maināka L.
- • (-sutā), f. the Ganges Dhanaṃj.
- • Pārvati A.
- • (○vad) -giri m. a snowy mountain (-saṃśraya m. 'taking refuge in the HimṭHim^āya', N. of Śiva) MW.
- • (○van). -māhāśmya n. N. of wk
- • (○van) -mekhalā f. the HimṭHim^āya chain of mountains Uttamac.
- ○vata (m.), (ifc.) = -vat g. śarat-prabhṛti
- ○vāri n. cold water MārkP.
- ○vāluka m. or camphor L.
- ○vāluḍkā f. camphor L.
- ○viddha mfn. penetrated with frost (as the west wind in the cold season) MW.
- ○vṛṣṭi f. fall of snow Hariv.
- ○śarkarā f. a kind of sugar produced from Yavanāāla L.
- ○sikharin m. 'snow-mountain', the Himâlaya Vcar.
- ○sītala mfn. very cold or frosty, freezing W.
- ○śuci-bhasma-bhūṣita mfn. adorned with ashes white as snow ib.
- ○śubhra mfn. white as snow Śiś.
- ○śaila m. 'snow-mountain', the Himâlaya Cat.
- • -ja mfn. produced on the HimṭHimâlaya Yājñ.
- • (ā), f. 'daughter of HimṭHimâlaya', N. of Pārvatī L.
- • -sutā f. id. Prab.
- ○śratha m. the loosening or melting of snow Pāṇ. Vop.
- • 'shedding cold', the moon W.
- ○śrathana or n. melting of snow Pāṇ. Vop.
- ○śranthana n. melting of snow Pāṇ. Vop.
- ○samhati f. a mass of ice or anow, deep snow L.
- ○saṃkhāta (wṛ. for)
- ○saṃghāta m. id. Rājat.
- ○saras n. cold water, Mālatim,
- ○srut m. 'distilling cold', the moon Kād.
- ○sruti f. a snow-shower Ragh.
- ○hāna-kṛt m. 'causing cessation of cold', fire W.
- ○hāsaka m. Phoenix Paludosa L.
- himâṃśu m. 'cool-rayed', the moon, Kā. VarBṛS. &c
- • camphor W.
- • -mālin m. 'encircled by cold rays', the moon Kām.
- • ○mâṃśv-abhikhya n. 'called after the moon', silver L.
- himâga m. 'snow-mountain', the Himâlaya ib.
- himâgama m. approach of cold, beginning of winter MBh. R. &c
- himnâṅka m. camphor L.
- himâcala m. 'snow-mountain', the Himâlaya Śiś. Kathās. MārkP. &c
- • lêndra m. id. Kathās.
- himâtyaya m. passing off or end of the cold season R.
- him7adri m. the Himâlaya mountain Kāv. Kathās. &c
- • jā f. 'daughter of HimṭHimâlaya', Pārvatī MW.
- • the Ganges A.
- • a kind of plant (= kṣīriṇī) L.
- • -tanayá f. 'daughter of HimṭHimâlaya, Parvatī (-pati m. 'husband of Parvatī, Śiva) Kavik.
- • the Ganges A.
- himâdrīya Nom. represent the Himâlaya (○yita n. impers.) Cat.
- himânaddha mfn. frostbound, frozen Suśr.
- himânila m. a cold or frosty wind L.
- himânta m. end of the cold season MBh.
- himâpaha m. 'removing cold', fire, Agni ib.
- himâbja n. a blue lotus L.
- himâbha mfn. resembling cold, like snow or frost W.
- himâbhra m. camphor L.
- himâmbu n. cold water MW.
- • dew A.
- himâmbha n. cold water Ragh. BhP.
- • dew A.
- himârāti m. 'enemy of cold' fire L.
- • the sun ib.
- • a kind of Plant (= citraka) MW.
- • another plant (= arka) ib.
- himâri m. 'enemy of cold', fire Bhaṭṭ.
- • -śatru m. 'enemy of fire', water Bcar. xi, 71
- himârnṇa mfn. grey with frost R.
- himârta mfn. pinched with cold, suffering from cold, chilled, frozen Śak. Hit.
- himârdita mfn. pinched or pained by cold MW. 1
- hāmâlaya m. 'abode of snow', the Himâlaya range of mountains (bounding India on the north and containing the highest elevations in the world
- • in mythology personified as husband of Menā or Menaka by whom he had a son ṃainska and father of Parvati, 'daughter of the Mountain', and of Gaṅgs, who, as the personified Ganges, is generally regarded as his eldest daughter) Bhag. Kāv. &c
- • the white Khadira tree L.
- • (ā), f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L. -sutā f. 'daughter of HimṭHimâlaya', Pārvati Kavik. 2
- himâlaya Nom. P. ○yati, to resemble the Himâlaya Dhūrtas.
- himā-vatī f. a kind of plant L.
- himâvila mf(ā)n. covered with snow HPariś.
- himâśrayā f. Hoya Viridiflora L.
- himâhati f. fall of snow Kathās.
- himâhva m. 'called after ice', camphor L.
- • n. N. of a Varsha in Jambu-dvipa Pur.
- himâhvaya m. camphor L.
- • n. = prec., n. MārkP.
- • a lotus W.
- himôttarā f. a kind of grape L.
- himôttarīya mfn. having snow for an over-garment Jātakam.
- himôtpanna mfn. produced by cold MW.
- • (ā), f. = hima-śarkarā L.
- himôdaka or (?), m. N. of a man Cat.
- himôḍdaki (?), m. N. of a man Cat.
- himôdbhavā f. 'cold-produced', Curcuma Zedoaria L.
- • another plant (= kṣīriṇī) ib.
- himôpacāra m. application of cooling remedies or refrigerants Vcar.
- himôsra m. 'cool-rayed', the moon Bhaṭṭ.
- himaka m. Flacourtia Sapida L.
- • N. of a man Rājat.
- • (ikā), f. hoar-frost L.
- himavala n. a pearl L. (v. l. hem○)
- himānī f. See under hima, p. 1298, col. 3
- himānī f. a mass or collection of snow Rājat. Pārśvan. &c
- • = hima-śarkarā L.
- ○viśada mfn. white as a snow-drift MW.
- himāya Nom, Ā. ○yate, to resemble snow Kāv.
- himāla m. the Himâlaya mountain L.
- himikā f. See himaka above
- himita mfn. changed into snow or ice Naish.
- himī-kṛ √P. -karoti, to change into snow or ice Śiś.
- himerú mfn. (prob.) = next MaitrS.
- himelu mfn. chilly, suffering from cold Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 8
- himna m. the planet Mercury (= hemna) Cat.
- himya mfn. snowy, covered with snow Pāṇ. 5-2, 120 Vārtt., Sch,
- • (ā́), ind, by cold RV.
- héman &c. See 2. héman P. 1304, col, 1
- himna m.= hemna, the plant Mercury Cat.
- himpati-vasman or himmativarman m. N. of a man Cat.
- himmaka m. N. of a man Cat.
- híra m. a band, strip, fillet ŚBr. (= mekhalā Sch.)
- • (a), f. See next
- hrā́ f. a vein, artery (cf. hitā ami sirā) AV. VS. ; Gmelina Arborea L. ).]
- ○dhara m. N. of a man, Cit
- hirôdaka n. blood Divyâv.
- hirakut See híruk, p. 1300
- hiraṅgu m. N. of Rāhu (the personified ascending node) L.
- hiraṇa n. (= híraṇya) gold L.
- • semen L.
- • a cowry L.
- hiraṇin mfn. (prob. for hiraṇyín) golden, adorned with gold RV.
- hiraṇ-máya mf(ī) n. (for hiraṇya-maya) golden, gold-coloured TS.&c, &c
- • m. N. of Brahmā. ( See hiraṇya-garbha) L.
- • of a Ṛishi MBh.
- • of a son of Agnidhra and ruler of a Varsha BhP.
- • mṇ. one of the 9 Varshas or divisions of the continent (said to be between the mountainous ranges Śveta and Śṛiṅga-vat
- • See varsha and śveta) Pur.
- hiraṇya n. (ifc. f. ā
- • prob. connected with hari, harit, hiri) gold (orig. 'uncoined gold or other precious metal
- • 'in later language 'coined gold' -or 'money') RV. &c. &c
- • any vessel or ornament made of gold (as 'a golden spoon' Mn. ii, 29) RV. AV. VS. Kauś.
- • a gold piece or coin (generally with suvárṇa as opp. to base metal) Br.
- • a cowry L.
- • semen virile L.
- • substance, imperishable matter L.
- • a partic. measure W.
- • the Datura or thorn apple MW.
- • N. of a Varsha (= hiraṇ-maya) MārkP.
- • m. a kind of bdellium L.
- • N. of a, Daitya MBh. Pañcar.
- • of a son of Agnidhra (= hiraṇ-maya, q.v.) MārkP.
- • of a king of Kaśmīra Rājat.
- • (ā), f. one of the seven tongues of fire L.
- • mfn. golden, made of gold Mn. MBh.
- ○kakṣa (cf. MBh. R.) or (cf. TĀr. AśvŚr.), mfn. wearing a golden girdle
- ○kakṣyá (cf. TĀr. AśvŚr.), mfn. wearing a golden girdle
- ○kaṇṭha mfn. golden-necked MBh.
- ○karṇa (híraṇya-.), mfn. wearing gold in the ear RV.
- ○kartṛ m. a goldsmith MBh.
- ○kavaca mfn. having golden armour (said of Śiva) ib.
- • ○côdbhava m. N. of Śiva MW.
- ○kaśipú m. a golden cushion or seat or clothing Br. Lāṭy.
- • (híraṇya.), mfn. having a golden cushion or clothing AV.
- • m. N. of a Daitya king noted for impiety (he was son of Kaśyapa and Diti, and had obtained a boon from Brahmā that he should not be slain by either god or man or animal ; hence he became allpowerful ; when, however, his pious son Prahlāda praised Vishṇu, that god appeared out of a pillar in the form Nara-siṃha, 'half man, half lion', and tore Hiraṇya-kaśipu to pieces ; this was Vishṇu's fourth Avatāra ; See pra-hlāda, nara-siṃha) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. IW. 328 ; 392, n. 2)
- • -cchedin (cf. Pañcar.), -dāraṇa (cf. L.), or -han (cf. MW.), m. N. of Vishṇu
- ○kāma-dhenu f. a golden figure representing the Kāma-dhenu (one of the 16 Mahā-dānas
- • See mahā-dāna, tulā-puruṣa), Cit
- • -dāna n. -dāna-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○kārá m. a gold. smith VS. R.
- ○kukṣi mfn. golden-bellied Kauś.
- ○kubja m. N. of a man Vcar.
- ○kula m. N. of a king Rājat.
- ○kṛt mfn. making or bringing forth gold (said of Agni) MBh.
- ○kṛta-cūḍa mfn. one whose tuft of hair is golden (said of Śiva) ib.,
- ○kṛṣṇala n. a small piece of gold Kāṭh. Anup.
- ○ketu m. N. of an author, Madanap
- ○keśa (híraṇya-), mf(ī)n. gold-haired, gold maned RV. AV. BhP.
- • m. N. of Vishṇu L.
- • pl. a partic. school, IndSt
- • (ī), f. (scil. śākhā) id. ib.,
- ○keśin m. N. of the author of certain Sūtras Cat.
- • (○si) -kārikā f. -śākhīya-brāhmaṇa n. -śrauta-sūtra, n. -sūtra n. -sūtra-vyākhyāna n. (○śy,) -āhnika n. N. of wks
- hiraṇyakeśyāgnyādhānapaddhati3hiraṇya--keśyâgny-ādhāna-paddhati f. N of wk
- ○keśya (hīraṇya), mfn. golden-haired, goldenmaned RV.
- ○kośa m. wrought and unwrought gold and silver (?) L.
- ○khādi mfn. wearing golden brooches ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○gadā f. a golden club Cat.
- • -dāna n. N. of wk
- ○garbhá m. a golden fetus Cat.
- • N. of Brahmā (so called as born from a golden egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters when they were produced as the first creation of the Self-existent
- • according to Mn. i, 9, this seed became a golden egg, resplendent as the sun, in which the Self-existent Brahma was born as Brahmā the Creator, who is therefore regarded as a manifestation of the Self-existent RV. x, 121)
- RV. AV. ŚBr. &c. (cf. RTL. 14 &c.)
- • N. of the author of the hymn Ṛigveda x, 121 (having the patr. Prājāpatya) Anukr.
- • of a Vedanta teacher Tattvas.
- • of various other persons Cat.
- • of Vishṇu MBh.
- • of a flamingo Hit.
- • (in phil.) the soul invested with the Sūkshma-śarira or subtle body (= sūtrâtman, prâṇâtman) Vedântas.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river Cat.
- • (prob.) n. N. of a Liṅga ib.
- • mfn. relating to Hiraṇya-garbha or Brihmā, IndSt
- • -tantra n. -dāna n. -dāna-prayoga m. -dāna-vidhi, m. N. of wks
- • -vatī (-garbhá-), f. a verse containing the word hiraṇya-garbha ŚBr.
- • -vidhi m. N. of the 12th Pariśishṭa of the Atharvaveda
- • -saṃhitā (or ○bha-parāśara-saṃhitā), f. -hṛdaya n. N. of wks
- ○gupta m. N. of various men Kathās.
- ○cakra (hiraṇya), mfn. golden-wheeled RV.
- ○jā́ mfn. sprung from golden, golden AV.
- ○jít mfn. gaining gold RV. AV.
- ○jihva (híraṇya.), mfn. golden-tongued RV.
- ○jyotís n. splendour of golden ŚBr.
- • (hiraṇya-jyotis), mfn. having golden splṭsplendour AV. TS. Kāṭh.
- ○tuṣa m. = -śakala Lāṭy., (cf. Sch.)
- ○téjas n. = -jyotís AV.
- ○tvac (híraṇya-.), mfn. having a golden covering, coated with gold RV.
- ○tvaca mfn. having skin bright as gold MW.
- ○tvacas (híraṇya-), mfn. having a golden skin, (or) having a golden caparison AV.
- ○da mfn. yielding gold Mn. iv, 230
- • m. the ocean L.
- • (ā), f. the earth ib.
- • N. of a river Hariv.
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. having golden teeth ChUp.
- ○dakṣiṇa mfn. having a fee or wage of gold KātyŚr.
- ○dat (hiraṇya-), mfn. having golden teeth RV.
- • m. N. of a Baida AitBr.
- ○datta m. N. of various men Kathās.
- ○danta mfn. = -dat, Hir
- ○dā́ mfn. = -da RV.
- ○dāna n. the granting of golden Cat.
- • N. of wk
- ○devī-sū7kta n. N. of wk
- ○dyū mfn. playing for gold or money Pat,.
- ○drāpi (híraṇya-), mfn. wearing a golden mantle AV.
- ○dhanus m. 'golden-bowed', N. of a king MBh.
- ○nābha m. 'having a golden navel', N. of Vishṇu L.
- • of various men PraśnUp. MBh. Hariv. &c
- • of the mountain Maināka R.
- • n. a building having three halls (viz. towards the east, west, and south) VarBṛS.
- ○nikāṣam ind. rubbing in or mixing gold ĀśvGṛ.
- ○nidhi m. a golden treasure ChUp.
- ○nirṇij (híraṇya-.), mfn. adorned with golden, bright as golden RV.
- ○nemi mfn. having golden fellies or wheels RV.
- ○pakṣa (híraṇya-), mfn. golden-winged RV. VS. &c
- ○pati m. a lord of golden TĀr. MBh.
- ○parṇa (híraṇya-), golden -winged RV. PārGṛ.
- • gold leafed VS. TBr. Nir.
- ○parvata m. N. of a mountain Buddh.
- ○pāṇi (híraṇya-), mfn. goldenhanded RV.
- • golden-hoofed RV.
- • m. N. of various men ṢaḍvBr. Buddh.
- ○pātrá n. a golden vessel TS. Br. VP.
- ○pāvá mfn. purifying with golden RV., (cf. Sāy.)
- ○piṇḍá m. a lump of golden RV.
- ○pura n. N. of an Asura town floating in the air or situated beyond the ocean MBh. Hariv. &c
- • of a town in Kāśmira Kathās. Rājat.
- ○puruṣa m. the figure of a man made of golden KātyŚr. Vait.
- ○puṣpi m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○puṣpī f. a kind of plant Suśr.
- ○peśas (híraṇya.), mfn. adorned with golden, having golden lustre RV.
- ○prau0ga (híraṇya-), mfn. having a golden fore-part (said of a chariot-pole) RV. i, 35, 5
- ○pratipūrṇa mfn. full of golden Hariv.
- ○prākārā f. having a golden rampart MānGṛ.
- ○bandhana (híraṇya.), mf(ā)n. having golden bands (said of the cordage of a ship) AV.
- ○bāhu (híraṇya-), mfn. golden-armed VS. TĀr.
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- • the river Śoṇa (vḷ. -vāha) Hcar.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- • of a mati Cat.
- ○bindu m. fire MW.
- • N. of a mountain MBh.
- • of a Tirtha (also -bindos tīrtham) ib.
- ○máya mf(ī)n. made of golden ŚBr.
- ○mālin mfn. having a golden garland KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○mūrdhan (hiraṇya-) mf(dhnī)n. golden-headed TS.
- ○yaṣṭi f. a golden tree ĀpŚr.
- ○yoni mfn. having a golden womb ib.
- ○rathá m. a chariot full of golden RV. AitBr.
- • a chariot made of go Cat.
- • (híraṇya-), mfn. riding in a golden chariot RV.
- • m. N. of a king VP.
- ○raśana mfn. having a golden girdle BhP.
- ○rūpa (hīraṇya-), mfn. golden-shaped, gold-like RV.
- ○retas mfn. having golden seed
- • m. N. of Agni or fire MBh. Kāv. &c
- • of the sun L.
- • of Śiva ib.
- • of one of the 12 Ādityas RāmatUp.
- • of various men BhP. Cat.
- • a kind of plant (= citraka) MW.
- ○retasa m. N. of a man
- • pl. his family Cat.
- ○roman m. 'golden-haired', N. of a Loka-pāla (son of Marīci) MW.
- • of Bhishmaka MBh.
- • of a son of Parjanya Hariv. VP.
- • of various Ṛishis Hariv. BhP.
- ○lakṣmī-sū7kta n. N. of wk
- ○loman m. N. of a Ṛishi in the 5th Manv-antara MārkP.
- ○vakṣas (hīraṇya-), mfn. golden-breasted, holding gold (as the earth) AV.
- ○vat (híraṇya-), mfn. possessing gold RV.
- • consisting of gold ib.
- • connected with gold GṛŚrS.
- • m. N. of Agni MW.
- • (atī), f. N. of Ujjayinī in the third age Kathās.
- • of a river Buddh.
- • of various women Kathās. Cat.
- • n. the possession of gold RV.
- ○vandhura (hiraṇya-.), mfn. having a golden seat or frame with golden lustre, Hir,
- ○varṇa (hiraṇya-.), mf(ā)n. golden-coloured, golden-like RV. AV. TBr. &c
- • containing the word hiraṇya-varṇa (as a verse) TS. Kauś. Baudh.
- • (ā), f. a river L.
- ○varṇīya mfn. beginning with hiraṇya-varṇa TPrāt.
- ○vartani (híraṇya-), mfn. having a golden path RV. VS.
- ○varman m. having golden armour', N. of a king MBh.
- ○varṣa m. N. of a man Bcar. Kathās.
- ○vāśī (híraṇya-), mfn. wielding a gold axe or knife RV.
- • -mat mfn. id. (only superl. -tama, 'most skilful wielder of the golden knife') ib.
- ○vāha m. 'bearing gold', N. of the river Śoṇa (cf. -bāhu) Hcar.
- • of Śiva MBh.
- ○víd mfn. Possessing or granting gold RV.
- ○vimitá n. a golden palace ŚBr.
- ○vī mfn. covered with gold RV.
- ○vīrya mfn. having golden seed (fire) BhP.
- ○vṛṣabha m. a small golden bull Cat.
- • -dāna n. -dāna-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○śakalá m. a small piece of gṭgold ŚBr.
- ○śaklá v. l. for -śalká TS.
- ○śamya (híraṇya-), mfn. having golden pegs RV.
- ○śarīra mfn. having a golden body AitBr.
- ○śalká m. a fragment of gold TS.
- ○śipra (híraṇya-), mfn. having a golden helmet (or visor) RV.
- ○śīrṣan mf(ṣṇī)n. golden-headed Kāṭh.
- ○śṛṅga (híraṇya-), mfn. golden-horned RV. AV.
- • m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- ○śmaśru mfn. golden-bearded Cat.
- ○śrāddha n. N. of wk
- ○ṣṭhīva m. N. of a mountain BhP.
- ○ṣṭhīvin mfn. vomiting gold (said of a bird) MBh.
- ○saṃkāśa (híraṇya-.), mfn. resembling gold, shining like gold ŚBr.
- ○saṃdṛś (híraṇya-), mfn. id. RV.
- ○saras n. N. of a Tirtha MBh.
- ○stuti f. a partic. hymn, IndSt
- ○stūpa (híraṇya-), m. N. of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. i, 31-35 ; ix, 4 ; 69) RV. ŚBr.
- • pl. N. of a family MW.
- ○sthāla n. a golden bowl Lāṭy.
- ○sraj f. a golden garland or ring or chain GṛŚrS.
- • (híraṇya-), mfn. having a golden garland or chain AV. PañcavBr. &c
- ○hasta (híraṇya-), mfn. gṭolden-handed RV. AV.
- • m. N. of Savitṛi ib.
- • of a man RV. MBh.
- ○heman n. gold HYog.
- hiraṇyâkṣá mfn. golden-eyed RV. TĀr.
- • m. N. of a noted Daitya (twin brother of Hiraṇya-kaśipu, and killed by Vishṇu, in his third or Varsha Avatāra) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. IW. 327)
- • N. of Savitṛi RV.
- • of a Ṛishi and various other men MBh. Hariv. &c
- • of a place Cat.
- • pl. N. of a family Hariv.
- • -ripu (cf. Ragh.) or -hara (cf. Pañcar.), m. N. of Vishṇu
- hiraṇyâṅga m. N. of a Ṛishi Cat.
- • pl. his family ib.
- hiraṇyâbja n. a golden lotus Kathās.
- híraṇyâbhīśu mfn. having garbha reins RV.
- hiraṇyâśva m. the image of a horse made of gold (one of the 16 Mahā-dānas, q.v.) Cat.
- • -dāna n. N. of wk
- • -ratha m. a horse and chariot made of gold (one of the 16 Mahā-dānas, q.v.) Cat.
- hiraṇyêṣṭakā́ f. a golden brick TS. ŚBr. ĀpŚr.
- hiraṇyaka m. eagerness for gold Pāṇ. 5-2, 65
- • N. of a king of the mice Hit.
- hiraṇyáya mf(ī)n. golden, abounding in gold (hiraṇyâyā, instr, f. RV. viii, 1, 32) RV. VS. AV. ŚBr.
- hiraṇyayā́ f. desire for gold (only hiraṇyayā́ instr.) RV.
- hiraṇyayú mfn. desiring gold ib.
- hiraṇyava m. the property of a god or of a temple (= deva-sva) L.
- • golden ornament (cf. súand a-h○ add.)
- hiraṇyin mfn. abounding in gold, g. prī7kṣâdi
- • (inī), f. a gold-mine, region abounding in gold, g. puṣkarâdi
- hiraṇye-śaya mfn. (i.e. loc. of hiraṇya + ś○) lying or reposing in gold. MBh.
- hiraṇ-vat m. (for hiraṇya-vat) N. of a son of Āgnīdhra VP.
- • (atī), f. N. of various rivers MBh. R. MārkP.
- híramya n. (a word formed for explaining híraṇya) ŚBr.
- hiri mfn. (= hari, 'yellow, golden') in the following words:
- ○śiprá mfn. 'golden-cheeked' or 'having a golden visor' (applied to Agni and Indra) RV. (= haraṇa-śīla-hanu', one whose jaws carry away or seize', or = dīptôṣṇīṣa, 'having a bright head-dress' Sāy.)
- ○śmaśru (híri-.), mfn. golden-bearded (said of Agni) ib.
- hírī-mat mfn. 'tawny-horsed' (= hari-vat) ib.
- hirīmaśá mfn. golden-bearded RV. x, 105, 7 (cf. Sāy.)
- hirivera n. = hrivera (q.v.) L.
- hiru or hruka m. N. of a man Divyâv.
- híruk ind. (cf. huruk) off, away, out of sight of(abl.) RV. AV.
- • aside, apart, without Śaṃk.
- • in the midst of, amongst L.
- • near L.
- • below L.
- hirakut ind. (dimin. fr. hiruk) Pāṇ. 5-3, 72, Kâś
- hil (prob. artificial), cl. 6. P. hilati, to sport amorously, dally, wanton, express amorous inclination Dhātup. xxviii, 69
- hilihila mfn. sporting, dallying L.
- hila m. N. of a mountain and a town (cf. hetu-h○) Buddh.
- hilamoci ○cikā, and ○cī f. Enhydra Hingcha L.
- hilimā f. (of unknown meaning) Divyâv.
- hilī-samudra N. of a place Cat.
- hilla m. a kind of aquatic bird L.
- • N. of a man Rājat.
- hillāja m. N. of an astronomer Cat.
- ○graha-phala n
- ○jātaka n
- ○tājika n
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- hillola m. (cf. hindola) a wave, surge MW.
- • a whim ib.
- • a partic. form of sexual union ib.
- • (in music) one of the Rāgas ib.
- hillolaya Nom. P. ○yati, to swing or rock or roll about (v. l. for hiṇḍolaya) Dhātup. xxxv, 84. 6
- hivuka See hibuka, p. 1298, col. 3
- hiṣk v. l. for √hikk and kiṣk
- hiṣkā wṛ. for hikkā
- hihi ind.= hīhī (cf. next)
- hī ind. (an exclamation of surprise or astonishment or horror or sorrow or hilarity or satisfaction, usually translatable by) ah! oh! alas l &c
- • (also said to be so used in giving a reason or cause, and translatable by) therefore, so, because, for (cf. 2. hi) &c
- • (it is sometimes repeated, cf. hīhī Hariv. Bhaṭṭ.
- hīka m. N. of a Piśāca MBh.
- hīḍ hīḻ, (cf. √heḍ), P. Ā. hīḍati, or hiḻati, ○te P. (only in jihīḍa AV.
- • jihīḻa RV.
- • and ahiḍat GopBr.), to pull, tear, make angry, vex, offend
- • Ā. (only in hīḍamāna ŚBr. jihīḍe, ○ḍiré
- • jihīḻe RV. AV.
- • jihīḍāná RV.
- • hīḍiṣātām TĀr.), to be angry or wroth: Caus. (only ajīhiḍat) to pull out (hair) AV.
- hīḍá or m. an instigator, stimulator RV. viii, 8, 19
- hīḻá m. an instigator, stimulator RV. viii, 8, 19
- hīḍitá or mfn. angry. wroth RV. Br.
- hīḻitá mfn. angry. wroth RV. Br.
- hīna &c. See p. 1296, col. 2
- hīntāla m.= hintāla L.
- hīra m. a diamond L.
- • a thunderbolt L.
- • a serpent L.
- • a lion L.
- • a string of pearls' (connected with 1. hāra) L.
- • N. of Śiva L.
- • of the father of Harsha Vās., Introd
- • (ā), f. a kind of ant or moth L.
- • Gmelina Arborei L.
- • N. of Lakshmī L.
- • of a woman Cat.
- • m. n. a diamond L.
- • a kind of metre Col.
- ○kārya m. N. of a man Bhadrab.
- ○jit m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man ib.
- hīrâṅga m. 'diamond-bodied', Indra's thunderbolt L.
- hīrânânda m. N. of two authors Cat.
- hīrârāma m. (with kavi) N. of a poet ib.
- hīraka m. or n. a diamond (the gem is supposed to be presided over by Śukra or Venus) Pañcar.
- • a kind of metre (= hīra) Col.
- hīrā-devī f. N. of a queen Inscr.
- hīroka m. N. of a poet Cat.
- hīla or hīlaka n. (perhaps fr. √hil) semen virile L.
- hīluka n. a kind of rum or spirit distilled from molasses L.
- hīlanā f. (cf. helana) injury, Śīl
- hīṣ ind. an exclamation introduced in chanting PañcavBr.
- hīṣī-svara n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy.
- hīhī ind. (an exclamation of joy &c., translatable by) ha! ha! l hee! hee! ah l or any similar sound (as in laughing &c.), Ratnâv.
- ○kāra m. the above exclamation Lalit.
- hu cl. 3. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 1) jhóti (Ved. and ep. also Ā. juhuté 3. p. pr. júh 3. pl. pr. jilhvati, ○te RV. &c.
- • 2. sg. Impv. juhudhí Br. &c
- • hoṣi RV.
- • p. P. júhvat
- • Ā. júhvāna also with pass. sense
- • 3. pl. impf. ájuhavuḥ ib.
- • pf. P. juhāva, juhuvuḥ MBh.
- • Ā. juhuve R.
- • juhvé, juhuré RV.
- • juhvire Br.
- • juhavāṃ-cakāra ib. Up.
- • juhavām-āsa Vop.
- • aor. ahauṣīt Br. &c
- • Prec. hūyāt Gr
- • fut. hotā ib.
- • hoṣyáti, ○te AV. &c
- • Cond. ahoṣyat Br.
- • inf. hótum, ○tos, ○tavaí, and ind. p. hutvā ib. &c.), to sacrifice (esp. pour butter into the fire), offer or present an oblation (acc. or gen.) to (dat.) or in (loc.), sacrifice to, worship or honour (acc.) with (instr.) RV. &c. &c
- • to sprinkle on (loc.) Yājñ.
- • to eat Vop.: Pass. hūyáte (aor. áhāvi), to be offered or sacrificed RV. &c. &c.: Caus. hāvayati (aor. ajūhavat), to cause to sacrifice or to be sacrificed or to be honoured with sacrifice GṛŚrS. &c.: Desid. juhūṣati, to wish to sacrifice MBh. R.: Intens. johaviiti (impf. ajohaviit or ajuhaviit BhP.), johūyate, johoti (Gr.), to offer oblations repeatedly or abundantly. fūtis, 'water-pot.']
- hava
- havana &c. See p. 1293, col. 2
- hut mfn. sacrificing (ifc
- • See agni-h○ &c.)
- hutá mfn. offered in fire, poured out (as clarified butter), burnt (as an oblation), sacrificed AV. &c. &c
- • sacrificed to, one to whom an oblation is offered RV. vi, 50, 15 (if not for hūta , as sometimes in abhi-, ā-, sam-ā-huta, qq. vv.) MBh. R. &c
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- • n. an oblation, offering, sacrifice AV. &c. &c
- ○jātavedas mfn. one who has made an oblation to fire MW.
- ○bhakṣa m. 'eating the oblṭoblation', N. of Agni or fire Car.
- ○bhāga (hutá-), mfn. partaking of or entitled to an oblation AV.
- ○bhuj m. 'oblation-eater', fire Kāv. Suśr. &c. (-bhuk-priyā f. 'Agni's wife' L.
- • -bhug-diś f. 'Agni's quarter', i.e. the south-east VarYogay.)
- • Plumbago Ceylanica Suśr.
- • N. of a partic. star (? Tauri) Sūryas.
- ○bhoktṛ (cf. R.),
- ○bhojana (cf. BhP.), m. = -bhakṣa
- ○vaha m. (ifc. f. ā) 'oblṭoblation-bearer', Agni or fire MBh. Kāv. &c
- • -jvālā-sama mfn. like flames of fire Ml.
- ○vahāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or act like fire Mālatīm.
- ○śiṣṭa n. remnant of an oblṭoblation
- • ○ṭâśana mfn. feeding on the remnant of an oblṭoblation MBh.
- ○śeṣa m. = -śiṣṭa GṛŚrS.
- ○saṃvikta m. (accord. to some) one who has sacrificed his individuality or blended it with the Universal Soul ( See saṃvitka) MW.
- ○havya-vaha m. N. of a son of Dhara MBh.
- ○homa m. one who has offered oblṭoblation Mn. vi, 45
- hutâṃśa m. a part of an oblṭoblation VarBṛS.
- hutâgni mfn. one who has offered oblations in fire Mn. vii, 145
- • m. fire with which an oblṭoblation is made W.
- hutấd mfn. eating the oblṭoblation TS. AitBr.
- hutâśa m. oblṭoblation-eater, fire MBh. Kāv. &c
- • N. of the number 'three' Gaṇit.
- • Plumbago Ceylanica Suśr.
- • fear, alarm (?) L.
- • -vṛtti f. subsistence gained by working with fire (as at a forge) VarBṛS.
- • mfn. subsisting by fire ib.
- • -veśa m. N. of a medic. authority (= agni-veśa) Cat.
- • -śālā f. = agni-śālā Pañcar.
- • -śauca n. purification by fire Rājat.
- • -suta m. pl. 'Agni's sons', N. of partic. Ketus VarBṛS.
- hutâśana m. 'oblṭoblation-eater', fire Gṛihyās. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • (ā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat.
- • (○na)-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of fire, having the nature or property of fire Cat.
- • -vat mfn. provided with fire Kāv. Kathās.
- • -sahāya m. 'friend of fire', N. of Śiva MBh.
- • ○nāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become fire, appear as fire Kād.
- hutâśin mfn. feeding on oblations MBh.
- hutấthutá (?), mfn. sacrificed and (or) not sacrificed TBr. ĀpŚr.
- hutâhuti mfn. having an oblṭoblation just offered MW.
- hutôcchaiṣṭa mfn. left from an oblṭoblation ŚBr.
- • -bhakṣa mfn. = hutaśiṣṭâśana KātyŚr.
- hutôccheṣaṇa n. = -huta-śiṣṭa, Hir
- huti f. a sacrifice ( See sarva- and havir-h○)
- hutmat See vi-hútmat, p. 953, col. 2
- hotavyá mf(ā)n. to be offered or sacrificed AitBr. &c. &c
- • to be sacrificed to or worshipped with sacrifices TS. &c. &c
- • (am), n. (impers.) it is to be sacrificed MaitrS.
- hótṛ &c. See p. 1306, col. 1
- hu ind. an exclamation in huṃ hu, hūṃ hu &c. Sarasv.
- huṃhuṃ-kāra See under hum
- huk-kāra m. the sound huk (supposed to be made by a drum) Inscr.
- hugali ○lī, or huguli, ○lī f. N. of a town in Bengal (= Hūglī) Kshitîś.
- hugga m. N. of a lexicographer Cat.
- huṃ-kāra huṃ-kṛta &c. See hum
- huñjikā f. a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.
- huḍ cl. 6. P. huḍati, to collect, accumulate (= √huṇḍ) Dhātup. xxviii, 102
- • to dive, sink, be submerged ib.
- • cl. 1. P. hoḍati, to go (= √hoḍ, hūḍ) ib. ix, 70
- huḍa m. a ram L. VarBṛS. (v. l.)
- • a partic. implement of war MBh.
- • a bar or iron rod for keeping out thieves MW.
- • (accord. to some) a place for voiding excrement ib.
- ○româśraya-phalā f. a kind of shrub L.
- huḍu m. a ram L.
- huḍuk ind. an onomat. sound Sarvad.
- ○kāra m. (with Pāśupatas) a kind of chuckling ib.
- huḍukka m. a kind of rattle or small drum L.
- • a kind of bird in rut (Gallinula Madraspatana, = dātyūha) L.
- • a drunken man L.
- • a stick or staff bound with iron L.
- • the bar or bolt of a door L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of drum Saṃgīt.
- ○hikkā f. the sound of a little hand-drum L.
- huḍut ind. = -huḍuk KāśīKh.
- • the noise of a bull L.
- ○kāra m. = huḍuk-k○ KāśīKh.
- huḍum = huḍut (in huḍuṃ-kṛtya) ib.
- huḍumba m. = bhraṣṭa-cipiṭa L.
- huḍḍuka v. l. for huḍukka
- huṇa m. N. of Vishṇu L.
- huṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. huṇḍate (accord. to Pāṇ. 7-1, 58 Sch., also huṇḍati), to collect, accumulate Dhātup. viii, 16
- • to select, choose, take (cf. √bhuṇḍ) ib. 24 (v. l.)
- huṇḍa m. a ram (cf. huḍa) KāśīKh.
- • a tiger L.
- • a village hog L.
- • a blockhead L.
- • a Rākshasa L.
- • (prob.) an ear (of corn) Siṃhâs.
- • (pl.) N. of a people (v. l. pauṇḍra) MBh.
- • (ā), f. crackling (of fire), Kāśikh. Sch.
- huṇḍana m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants (cf. vi-huṇḍana) KāśīKh.
- • n. becoming benumbed or paralyzed Car.
- huṇḍanêśa m. N. of Śiva KāśīKh.
- huṇḍi m. or f. a heap or lump of rice (= piṇḍita odanaḥ) L.
- huṇḍikā f. (Pers. ?) a bill of exchange, bond Rājat.
- • assignment or order (for the maintenance of soldiers) ib.
- huṇḍī f. = prec. MW.
- hun (only in 3. sg. Pot. hunet) = √1. hu, to sacrifice Pañcar. Hcat.
- hum or hūm ind. an exclamation (of remembrance, doubt, interrogation, assent, anger, reproach, fear &c., not translatable)
- • a mystical syllable used in spells and magical texts or sentences
- • in Vedic ritual used immediately before the singing of the Prastāva or prelude as well as during the chanting of the Pratihāra or response ŚrS. MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○phaḍ-anta m. pl. (scil. mantrāḥ) mystical texts ending in the exclamations hum and phaṭ MW.
- huṃ in comp. for hum
- ○huṃ-kāra m. the exclamation huṃ-hum Lalit.
- ○kāra m. the sound hum (esp. expressive of menace or contempt &c. ; also applied to the trumpeting of an elephant, to the roaring or grunting &c. of other animals, to the twang of a bow &c.) MBh. R. &c
- • (ā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat.
- • (ī), f. id. or N. of a similar being Pañcad.
- • -garbha mfn. filled with groaning or menacing sounds MW.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti (ind. p. -kṛtya), to utter the sound hum, to hum ŚārṅgP.
- • to address roughly Yājñ.
- • to utter a sound of disgust at (acc.) Car.: Caus. -kārayati, to give vent to one's anger MBh.
- ○kṛta mfn. roaring, bellowing, bleating VarBṛS.
- • addressed roughly (v. l. hūṃ-kṛta) MBh.
- • uttered with a mystical sound, pronounced as an incantation MW.
- • n. an exclamation of anger R. BhP.
- • roar (of thunder), lowing (of a cow) &c. Kāv.
- • an incantation MW.
- humāuṃ m. Humāyūn (emperor) Inscr.
- humbhā f. = hambhā R. (B.)
- hummā ind. an interjection in a Sāman PañcavBr.
- huriñjaka m. N. of a mixed tribe (the son of a Nishāda and a Kavaṭī) L.
- hurúk ind. = hiruk RV. ix, 77, 5
- huruṭṭaka m. a kind of curved bolt or iron hook (for elephants) L.
- huruṣkara m. pl. = yavana L.
- hurch (or hūrch, prob. connected with √hvṛ), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. vii, 31) hū́rchati (pf. juhūrcha fut. hūrchitā &c., Gr.), to go crookedly, creep stealthily, totter, fall
- • to fall off from (abl.) MaitrS. Kāṭh.: Caus. hūrchayati, to cause to fall from (abl.) Kāṭh.
- huraś in comp. for huras
- ○cit mfn. lurking surreptitiously, going crookedly, a deceiver, thief RV.
- hurás ind. surreptitiously, stealthily, secretly ib.
- hūrchana n. going crookedly, crookedness, cunning Dhātup.
- hūrchita or mfn. (p.p.) gone crookedly, Gr
- hūrṇa mfn. (p.p.) gone crookedly, Gr
- hūrchitṛ mfn. one who goes crookedly &c. ib.
- hul cl. 1. P. holati, to go Dhātup. xx, 14
- • to cover, conceal ib.
- • to kill ib.
- hula m. a partic. kind of warlike implement (cf. huḍa) MBh.
- • n. a double-edged knife with two sharp edges L.
- ○mātrikā f. a long dagger L.
- hulâgrakā f. a kind of weapon L.
- huluhula mfn. (fr. √hul) L.
- hulahulī f. inarticulate sounds made by women on joyful occasions (= mukhaghaṇṭā) L.
- hulihulī f. nuptial music L.
- • roaring, howling Mṛicch. viii, 28/29
- huluhulu ind. an exclamation of joy L.
- huliṅga m. N. of a country belonging to Śālva in Madhya-deśa L.
- hulu m. a ram (cf. huḍu) L.
- hulla n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt.
- hullura m. N. of a king of the Nāgas. Kāraṇḍ.
- huvádhyai huvāná, See √hve
- huvanya Nom. P. ○yati (prob. fr. huvana = havana), to call, cry RV.
- huvā ind. an exclamation MBh.
- huviṣka m. N. of a king Inscr.
- huṣka m. N. of a king Rājat.
- ○pura n. the town founded by king Hushka ib.
- huṣṭuta m. a sword with irregular longitudinal white marks L.
- huss ind. an exclamation JaimUp.
- huhava or huhuva m. a partic. hell (cf. hahava) Divyâv.
- huhu or huhū or hūhu or hūhū m. (nom. huhūs gen. huhos), N. of a Gandharva ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- hū weak form of √hve, p. 1308
- hū mfn. calling, invoking ( See indra-, deva-, pitṛ-hū &c.)
- hū ind. an exclamation of contempt, grief &c. (hū hū, the yelling of a jackal VarBṛS.)
- ○rava m. 'making the sound hū', a jackal L.
- hūṃ-kāra hūṃ-kṛti, See under hum, col. 2
- hūṃhūṃkāra-pāra or m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- hūṃhūṃkāra-priya m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- hūḍ (cf. √hruḍ, huḍ, hoḍ &c.), cl. 1. P. hūḍati, to go Dhātup. ix, 68
- hūṇa m. pl. N. of a barbarous people, the Huns (sg. = a king of the Huns) Inscr. Buddh. MBh. &c
- • N. of a family Cat.
- • of a people living in Bhārata-varsha MW.
- hūta hūti, See √hve, p. 1308.
- hūna m. (often incorrectly for hūṇa) a kind of gold coin current in the kingdom of Mādra (commonly called a Pagoda and worth about 8 shillings) MW.
- hūm ind. an exclamation or interjection &c
- • See hum
- hūmpha (of unknown meaning) Pañcad.
- hūya See deva- and pitṛ-hū́ya
- hūra-lopa (?), m. a humming sound made for lulling children to sleep Vās. Sch.
- hū-rava See under 3. hū, p. 1301
- hūra-hūṇa m. N. of a people Vās., Introd
- hūrā See hara and hāra-hūrā
- hūrch See √hurch, p. 1301
- hūrṇi m. or f. (fr. √hṛ ?) a small stream, channel L.
- hūluṇṭa m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.
- hūṣka-pura incorrect for huṣkap○ (q.v.)
- hūhū See huhu and 3. hū, p. 1301
- hṛ cl. 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 2) hárati, ○te (once in RV. harmi, and once in Sch. on ĀpŚr. -jiharti ; pf. P. jahāra, jahártha, jahruḥ AV. &c. ; Ā. jahre Br. &c. ; aor. ahār, ahṛthās AV. Br. ; ahārṣīt RV. &c. &c. ; 3. pl. Ā. ahṛṣata RV. ; Prec. hriyāt, hṛṣīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. hartā Br. &c. ; hariṣyati, ○te ib. ; Cond. ahariṣyat ib. ; inf. hártum, ○tos, ○tave, ○tavaí ib. ;haritum R. ; ind. p. hṛtvā, -hā́ram Br. &c
- • -hṛ́tya AV. &c.), to take, bear, carry in or on (with instr.), carry, convey, fetch, bring RV. &c. &c
- • to offer, present (esp. with balim) AV. &c. &c
- • to take away, carry off, seize, deprive of, steal, rob ib.
- • to shoot or cut or hew off, sever (the head or a limb) Mn. MBh. &c
- • to remove, destroy, dispel, frustrate, annihilate ib.
- • to turn away, avert (the face) Ratnâv. Śiś.
- • Ā. (older and more correct than P.), to take to one's self, appropriate (in a legitimate way), come into possession of (acc.), receive (as an heir), raise (tribute), marry (a girl) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- • to master, overpower, subdue, conquer, win, win over (also by bribing) Mn. MBh. &c
- • to outdo, eclipse, surpass Bālar.
- • to enrapture, charm, fascinate MBh. R. &c
- • to withhold, withdraw, keep back, retain Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • to protract, delay (with kālam, 'to gain time') AitBr. ĀśvŚr. Kathās.
- • (in arithm.) to divide VarBṛS. Gol.: Pass. hriyáte (ep. also ○ti
- • aor. ahāri), to be taken or seized &c. AV. &c. &c.: Caus. hārayati, ○te (aor. ajīharat
- • Pass. hāryate), to cause to be taken or carried or conveyed or brought by (instr. or acc. ; cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 Sch.) or to (dat.) Mn. MBh. &c
- • to cause to be taken away, appropriate, seize, rob Kathās.
- • to have taken from one's self, be deprived of, lose (esp. at play) Kāv. Kathās. ; (harayate), See pra-√hṛ
- • (hārāpayati), to lose (at play) Pañcad.: Desid. jíhīrṣati, ○te (cf. jihīrṣā, ○ṣu), to wish to take to one's self or appropriate, covet, desire, long for AV. &c. &c
- • (with kālam), to wish to gain time MBh.: Intens. jehrīyate ;jarharīti, , jarharti, (cf. saṃ-√hṛ), Gr.
- hara
- haraka
- haraṇa &c. See p. 1289
- hṛt mfn. (only ifc.) bringing, carrying, carrying away, seizing &c. ( See bali-, taila-, pāpa, -bhayahṛt &c.)
- hṛtá mfn. taken, taken away, seized (often ibc. = 'deprived or bereft of', 'having lost', '-less')
- • ravished, charmed, fascinated Ratnâv.
- • n. a portion, share MW.
- ○candra mf(ā)n. bereft of the moon (lotus) Ragh.
- ○jñāna mfn. bereft or void of knowledge MW.
- ○dāra mfn. bereft of one's wife R.
- ○dravya mfn. stripped of everything, deprived of one's property Nal.
- ○dhana mfn. spoiled of wealth MW.
- ○prasāda mfn. deprived of calmness ib.
- ○mānasa mfn. deprived of mind, robbed of one's senses ib.
- ○rājya mfn. stripped of a kingdom MBh.
- ○vāsas mfn. one whose dress is taken away, deprived of clothes ib.
- ○vitta mfn. = -dravya BhP.
- ○śiṣṭa mfn. spared from pillage Daś.
- ○sarvasva mfn. robbed or stripped of all personal property, entirely ruined MBh.
- ○sāra mfn. robbed of the best part R.
- hṛtâdhikāra mfn. deprived of an office or right, turned out Rājat.
- hṛtôttara mfn. deprived of an answer, left without a reply W.
- hṛtôttarīya mfn. stripped of upper garments MW.
- hṛtôraga mfn. freed from or devoid of snakes ib.
- hṛti f. taking away, seizure, robbery VarBṛS.
- • undoing destruction (as opp. to kṛti) Vop.
- • (in astron.) a portion or division (of a partic. side of a triangle on the celestial globe) Gaṇit.
- hṛ or hṝ, cl. 9. Ā. hṛṇīte (only p. hṛṇāná RV. i, 25, 2 &c
- • Pot. ib. viii, 2, 19, and ahṛṇāt, ŚānkhBr. xxiii, 4), to be angry or wroth
- hṛṇāya
- hṛṇāḍyati (only p. ○yát), id. RV. i, 132, 4
- hṛṇāyu See dur-hṛṇāyú
- hṛṇi m. anger (= krodha) Naigh. ii, 13
- • flaming (among the jvalato nāmadheyāni) ib. i, 17
- hṛṇiyā or f. (only L.) censure, aversion
- hṛṇīyā f. (only L.) censure, aversion
- • shame, bashfulness
- hṛṇīya Nom. Ā. ○yate (only in hṛṇīyathās [SV. for hṛṇīthāḥ RV.
- • See above under √2. hṛ] and hṛṇīyamāna RV.), to be angry
- hṛ́d n. (optionally substituted for hṛdaya in the weak cases, i.e. in all except the first five inflexions
- • thought to be connected with śrad q.v.) the heart (as the seat of feelings and emotions), soul, mind (as seat of thought and intellectual operations
- • hṛdy avedin, 'having no capacity of knowledge in the heart or mind', said of animals), breast, chest, stomach, interior (also in older language, 'interior of the body') RV. &c. &c. (cordis) ; Germ. ḥerś ; Eng. heart.]
- ○ambhoja n. a lotus-like heart Kathās.
- ○āmaya m. sickness of heart Car.
- ○āvarta m. a curl or lock of hair on a horse's chest L.
- ○utkleda or m. sickness of heart or stomach, nausea Suśr.
- ○utkleśa m. sickness of heart or stomach, nausea Suśr.
- ○ga mf(ā)n. reaching up to the breast (as water) Mn. ii, 62
- ○gata mfn. gone to or being in the hṭheart MBh. R. &c
- • cherished, dear, pleasant, agreeable ib.
- • come to mind, conceived, designed W.
- • n. design, meaning, intent ib.
- ○gada m. = -āmaya L.
- ○gama mfn. going to the heart Saṃskārak.
- ○gola m. N. of a mountain Pāṇ. 4-3, 91 Sch.
- • ○līya n. pl. the inhabitants of the above inṭinhabitants ib.
- ○grantha m. = -vraṇa L.
- ○graha m. 'heart-seizure', spasm of the heart Car.
- ○ghaṭana n. a partic. disease of the heart (perhaps wṛ. for -ghaṭṭana) ib.
- ○dāha m. heart-burning ib.
- ○deśa m. the region of the heart W.
- ○dyotá m. an internal disease AV.
- • -bheṣajá n. a remedy against intṭinternal disease ib.
- ○dyótana mfn. (cf. √3. dyut) breaking or crushing the heart ib.
- ○drava m. too rapid throbbing of the hṭheart, too quick pulsation Car.
- ○dvāra n. the entrance into the hṭheart, AmṛitUp
- ○dhātrī f. a partic. medicament (prob. wṛ. for bṛhad-dh○) L.
- ○dhita mfn. (for -hita), beneficial to the heart or stomach L.
- ○balá mfn. subduing (i.e. hitting) the heart (said of a bow) AV.
- ○bheda-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○ruj f. a kind of disease L.
- • heart-ache (lit. and fig.), sorrow, grief BhP.
- ○rogá m. (for hṛdroga See s.v.) id. RV. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- • -pratikāra m. N. of wk
- • -vairin m. 'hostile to heart-ache', Pentaptera Arjuna L.
- • ○gin mfn. suffering from heart-ache Suśr.
- ○vaktrâvartin mfn. having a curl or lock of hair on the chest and head (as a horse) L.
- ○vaṇṭaka m. 'dividing the heart or chest', the stomach L.
- ○vartin mfn. dwelling in the hṭheart Jain.
- ○vidāha m. = -dāha Car.
- ○vyathā f. beating of the heart Vāgbh.
- ○vraṇa m. a heart-wound, heart-sore L.
- hṛc in comp. for hṛd
- ○chaya mfn. (for -śaya) lying or abiding in the heart (with muniḥ-purāṇaḥ, 'the eternal Monitor in the heart', i.e. 'the conscience') MBh. BhP.
- • m. 'heart-dweller', Kāma-deva or love ib.
- • -pīḍita mfn. tormented by love, love-sick MBh.
- • -vardhana mfn. augmenting love ib.
- • ○yâviṣṭa-cetana mfn. having a heart penetrated by love ib.
- ○chūla m. n. (for -śūla) hṭheart-pain, (prob.) spasm of the heart Car. Suśr.
- ○choka m. (for -śoka) heartache, sorrow, grief, a pang AV. Paipp
- ○choṣa m. (for -śoṣa) internal dryness Suśr.
- hṛj in comp. for hṛd
- ○ja mfn. arisen or being in the heart L.
- hṛt in comp. for hṛd
- ○kamala See śiro-hṛ○
- ○kampa m. heart-throb, palpitation L.
- ○tás ind. from the heart RV.
- ○tāpa m. heart-pain, a pang MBh. BhP.
- ○toṣaṇī f. N. of a poem
- ○paṅkaja n. the heart compared to a lotus-flower Bhag.
- ○pati m. the lord of hearts BhP.
- ○padma n. = -paṅkaja Kathās.
- ○piṇḍa n. 'heart-mass', the hṭheart W.
- ○pīḍana n. or oppression of the hṭheart Suśr.
- ○pīḍā f. oppression of the heart Suśr.
- ○puṇḍarīka or n. = -paṅkaja Up.
- ○puṣkara n. = -paṅkaja Up.
- ○prátiṣṭha mfn. standing or dwelling in the heart VS.
- ○priya mfn. dear to the heart L.
- ○stambha m. paralysis of the hṭheart Car.
- ○tha mfn. standing or abiding in the hṭheart Bhag.
- ○sphoṭa m. breaking of the heart, broken heart Kathās.
- • (am), ind. (to die) of a broken heart Prab.
- hṛtsv (for hṛtsu loc. pl. of hṛd) in comp
- ○ás mfn. (fr. √2. as) throwing into the heart RV.
- ○āśaya m. 'dwelling in the hearts', N. of a preceptor (having the patr. āllakeya) JaimUp.
- hṛda = hṛd (in su-hṛda, q.v.)
- hṛdaṃ-sáni mfn. (fr. acc. of prec. or of a masc. or fem. hṛd) winning the heart of (gen.) RV. (others 'giving heart to', 'encouraging', 'inspiring')
- hṛ́daya n. (ifc. f. ā) the heart (or region of the heart as the seat of feelings and sensations
- • hṛdaye-√kṛ, 'to take to heart'), soul, mind (as the seat of mental operations
- • capala-hṛdaya, 'fickleminded') RV. &c. &c
- • the heart or interior of the body RV. AV. TBr. MBh.
- • the heart or centre or core or essence or best or dearest or most secret part of anything AV. &c. &c
- • true or divine knowledge MW.
- • the Veda ib.
- • science ib.
- • (with prajāpateḥ) N. of a Sāman IndSt.
- • m. a partic. Sunday BhavP.
- • (ā), f. N. of a mare Hariv.
- • mfn. going to the heart BhāgP. (fr. hṛd + aya Sch.)
- ○kampa m. tremor or throb of the heart, palpitation MW.
- ○kampana mfn. stirring or agitating the heart MBh.
- • n. throbbing or palpitation of the heart MW.
- ○klama m. weakness of the hṭheart Suśr.
- ○kṣobha m. agitation of the hṭheart Veṇis.
- ○gata mfn. dwelling in the hṭheart VP.
- ○granthi m. 'heart-knot', anything which binds the soul or grieves the heart Vedântas. BhP.
- ○graha m. seizure or spasm of the heart Car.
- ○grāha m. learning the secret of (gen.) MārkP.
- ○grāhaka mfn. seizing i.e. convincing the mind Jātakam.
- ○grāhin mfn. captivating the hṭheart R. Kir.
- ○ṃ-gama mf(ā)n. touching the hṭheart MBh. R. &c
- • coming from the heart (-tā f.) Bhaṭṭ.
- ○candra m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○cora or m. a stealer of hearts Hcar.
- ○caura m. a stealer of hearts Hcar.
- ○cchid mfn. heart-piercing MBh. R.
- ○já mfn. belonging or corresponding to the interior TBr.
- • m. 'heart-born', a son BhP.
- ○jña mfn. knowing i.e. agreeing with the heart ChUp.
- • (ifc.) knowing the secret of (-tva n.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- ○jvara m. anguish of heart, Veṇis
- ○datta m. N. of a lawyer Cat.
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of a rhet. wk
- ○dāhin mfn. heart-burning Bhartṛ.
- ○dīpa or m. N. of a glossary of materia medica by Vopadeva
- ○dīpaka m. N. of a glossary of materia medica by Vopadeva
- ○dūta m. N. of a poem by Hari-hara Bhaṭṭa
- ○deśa m. the region of the heart GṛŚrS.
- ○daurbalya n. weakness of hṭheart, faintheartedness Bhag.
- ○drava m. too rapid throbbing of the heart Car.
- ○dhara m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○narapati m. N. of a king Inscr.
- ○nātha m. (with śarman) N. of an author
- ○nārāyaṇa-deva m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○pīḍā f. = hṛt-p○ Suśr.
- ○puṇḍarīka n. = hṛt-p○ Sarvad.
- ○puruṣa m. pulsation or beating of the heart Gobh. Sch.
- ○prakāśa m
- ○prabodha m. N. of wks
- ○pramāthin mfn. agitating or disturbing the heart Mālav.
- ○prastara mfn. stone-hearted, cruel Śak.
- ○priya mf(ā)n. dear to the heart, beloved Hit.
- • pleasant, dainty (as food) Suśr.
- ○bandhana mfn. captivating or winning the heart Bcar.
- ○bodhikā f. N. of wk
- ○rajju f. (in geom.) the semidiameter of a circle in contact with the angles of a trapezium Col.
- ○rāma m. (also with dīkṣita, deva, and miśra) N. of various authors &c. Cat.
- ○roga m. heart-disease Pāṇ. 6-3, 51
- ○lekha m. 'heart-impression', knowledge MW.
- • 'heart-furrow', anxiety (cf. hṛl-l○) ib.
- ○lehya mfn. to be 'licked' i. e. enjoyed by the heart, delightful, Pracaṇḍ
- ○vat mfn. having a heart, tender-hearted, kind W.
- ○vallabha m. the beloved of the heart, Ratnâv.
- ○virodha m. oppression of the hṭheart Car.
- ○vṛtti f. disposition or inclination of heart Bhartṛ.
- ○vedhin mfn. heart-piercing MW.
- ○vyathā f. heart-pang, mental anguish MBh.
- ○vyādhi m. heart-ache (lit. and fig.) Kshem.
- ○śalya n. a thorn or wound in the heart MW.
- ○śūlá m. a spit for roasting the heart of a victim (also applied to the act of roasting
- • ○lânta m. 'the end of the act of roasting'
- • mfn. 'ending with it') TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS.
- ○śaithilya n. faintheartedness, depression BhP.
- ○śoka m. heart-sorrow, a pang of grief Pāṇ. 6-3, 51
- ○śoṣaṇa mfn. hṭheart-withering MW.
- ○śríṣ mfn. clinging to or laying hold of the heart AV.
- ○saṃsarga m. union of hṭheart ĀpGṛ.
- ○saṃghaṭṭa m. paralysis of the heart Campak.
- ○saṃdhi m. a place of juncture of the heart Suśr.
- ○saṃnihita mfn. placed or deposited near the heart (voc. f. e, 'oh, beloved of my heart!') Śak.
- ○sammita mfn. breasthigh, as high as the heart ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○sāhi m. N. of a king Cat.
- ○stha mfn. being in the heart (as wishes) Pañcat.
- • being in the body (as worms) Suśr.
- ○sthalī f. 'heart-region', the breast Dharmaś.
- ○sthāna n. id. L.
- ○sthāyin mfn. being in the interior of the body Car.
- ○spṛś mfn. touching (the region of) the heart Gobh.
- ○hārin mfn. ravishing or fascinating the heart Rājat. Śārṅg.
- hṛdayâkāśa m. the hollow or cavity of the heart, IndSt
- hṛdayâgra mfn. having the heart as its point JaimUp.
- hṛdayâtman m. a heron L.
- hṛdayânanda m. (with vidyâlaṃ-kāra) 'heart's joy', N. of an author Cat.
- hṛdayânuga mf(ā)n. gratifying the hṭheart Kām.
- hṛdayâbharaṇa m. N. of an author Cat.
- hṛdayâmayá m. = hṛd-ām○ AV.
- hṛdayâmbuja n. = hṛt-paṅkaja Jain.
- hṛdayârāma m. N. of an author Cat.
- hṛdayârṇava m. a partic. mixture L.
- hṛdayâvagāḍha mfn. plunged into the hṭheart Bcar.
- hṛdayâvarjaka mfn. winning the hṭheart of any one Rājat.
- hṛdayā-vídh mfn. heart-piercing RV. Bhaṭṭ.
- • sore in heart AV.
- hṛdayêśa m. 'heart's-lord', a husband Kāv.
- • N. of a king Inscr.
- • (ā), f. a mistress, wife L.
- hṛdayêśvara m. = ○yêśa Kāv. Inscr.
- hṛdayôdaṅka m. upheaving the heart MW.
- • mfn. heart-disturbing ib.
- hṛdayôdvartana m. 'hṭheart-splitting', N. of a demon Hariv.
- hṛdayôdveṣṭana n. contraction of the heart Suśr.
- hṛdayônmāda-kara mfn. bewitching hearts Bcar.
- hṛdayônmādinī f. (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt.
- hṛdayôpakartin mfn. suffering from a partic. heart-disease Car.
- hṛdayôpalepa m
- hṛdaḍyôpasaraṇa n. N. of partic. diseases of the heart Car.
- hṛdayâupaśá m. a partic. fleshy part of the heart VS.
- • (du.) heart and pericardium TS. (cf. Sch.)
- hṛdayālu mfn. tender-hearted, warm-hearted, affectionate Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- hṛdaḍyāvin mfn. id. (in Veda) ib. Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- hṛdayika mfn. good-hearted, warm-hearted, hearty Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- hṛdayitnu mfn. Vop. xxvi, 166
- hṛdayin mfn. having a heart, tender-hearted, hearty Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- hṛdaye-śaya mfn. (loc. of hṛdaya + ś○) lying or being in the heart, inward (as anger) R.
- hṛdayyá mf(ā)n. being in the heart, heart-felt RV. AV.
- • dear to the heart BhP.
- hṛdi (loc. of hṛd), in comp
- ○śaya mfn. lying or remaining in the heart MBh.
- ○stha mfn. being in the heart ŚvetUp. Suśr. &c
- • beloved, dear R. BhP.
- ○spṛ́ś mfn. touching the heart, charming, lovely RV. ĀśvŚr. BhP.
- ○spṛśa mfn. id. BhP.
- hṛdika m. N. of the father of Kṛita-varman (cf. hārdikya) MBh.
- hṛdīka m. = prec. BhP.
- hṛ́dya mf(ā)n. being in the heart, internal, inward, inmost, innermost RV.
- • pleasing or dear to the heart, beloved, cherished RV. TBr. BhP.
- • grateful, pleasant, charming, lovely Mn. MBh. &c
- • pleasant to the stomach savoury, dainty (as food) ib.
- • proceeding from or produced in the heart. L.
- • m. the wood-apple tree L.
- • a Vedic Mantra employed to effect the subjection of an enemy or rival L.
- • (ā), f. a partic. medicinal √(= vṛddhi) L.
- • red arsenic L.
- • a she-goat L.
- • (am), n. white cumin L.
- • the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia L.
- • thick sour milk L.
- • intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia L.
- ○gandha mfn. smelling sweet, fragrant Suśr.
- • m. the Bilva tree L.
- • (ā), f. Jasminum Grandiflorum L.
- • (am), n. small cumin L.
- • sochal salt L.
- ○gandhaka n. a kind of salt (= sauvarcala) L.
- ○gandhi m. small cumin L.
- ○tama mfn. most pleasant or dear to the heart MBh.
- ○tara mfn. more pleasant or lovely MBh.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. heartiness, cordiality, agreeableness, delightfulness Suśr. Kām. Jātakam.
- hṛdyâṃśu m. 'pleasant-rayed', the moon L.
- hṛdyota
- hṛdyoḍtana See hṛd-dy○
- hṛn comp. for hṛd
- ○mantra m. a partic. Mantra Cat.
- ○moha m. (prob.) contraction or oppression of the heart Car.
- hṛl in comp. for hṛd
- ○lāsa or m
- ○lāḍsaka m
- ○lāḍsikā f. palpitation of heart (accord. to some also 'hiccup') Mālatīm. Suśr. Car.
- ○lekha m. 'heartfurrow', anxiety of the mind, disquietude (accord. to some also ā f.) MBh.
- • 'heart-impression', knowledge, reasoning W.
- hṛdroga m. (fr. Gk. ?
- • for hṛd-roga See p. 1302, col. 2) the zodiacal sign Aquarius VarBṛS.
- hṛd-vartin &c. See p. 1302, col. 2
- hṛllakālola m. N. of a Rākshasa Vcar.
- hṛṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. hárṣati, ○te fr. P. only p. hárṣat), to be excited or impatient, rejoice in the prospect of, be anxious or impatient for (dat.) RV.
- • to speak or affirm falsely, lie Dhātup. xvii, 59 ; cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 119) hṛṣyati (ep. and m. c. also ○te ; pf. jaharṣa, jahṛṣuḥ ; jahṛṣe, ○ṣire MBh. &c. ; aor. ahṛṣat ib. ; fut. harṣitā, harṣiṣyati Gr. ; inf. harṣitum ib.
- • ind. p. -hṛṣya MBh. &c.), to thrill with rapture, rejoice, exult, be glad or pleased PārGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- • to become sexually excited Suśr.
- • to become erect or stiff or rigid, bristle (said of the hairs of the body &c.), become on edge (like the teeth) MBh. BhP.: Pass. hṛṣyate (aor. aharṣi), Gr.: Caus. harṣáyati, ○te (aor. ajīhṛṣat, or ajaharṣat), to excite, make impatient or eager for (victory &c.) RV. &c. &c
- • to rejoice, be glad Mn. MBh.
- • to cause to bristle Cat.: Desid. jiharṣiṣati Gr.: Intens. jarīhṛṣyate, jarharṣṭi &c. (Ved. forms jarhṛṣanta, járhṛṣāṇa and jāhṛṣāṇá), to be impatient or excited RV. VS. ĀśvŚr.
- • to excite violently RV.
- harṣa
- harṣaka &c. See p. 1292
- hṛṣi mf. joy, satisfaction L.
- • splendour L.
- • a liar L.
- • m. du. Agni and Soma L.
- hṛṣīkeśa See below under hṛṣīka
- hṛ́ṣī-vat mfn. full of joy, glad, happy RV.
- hṛṣitá mfn. cheerful, glad, happy RV. MBh.
- • bristling, erect (as the hair of the body) MBh.
- • not drooping, fresh (as flowers) MBh.
- • dulled, blunted, set on edge (= pratihata) Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 29
- • surprised, astonished (= vismita) ib.
- • bent, bowed (= praṇata) L.
- • armed, accoutred (= varmita) L.
- ○srag-rajo-hīna mfn. having fresh garlands and free from dust Nal.
- hṛṣīka n. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 27) an organ of sense Hariv. BhP.
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the senses', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Pañcar.
- hṛṣīkêśa m. (perhaps = hṛṣī-keśa, cf. hṛṣī-vat above), id. (-tva n.) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • N. of the tenth month VarBṛS.
- • of a Tīrtha Cat.
- • of a poet ib.
- • lord of the senses (said of Manas) BhP.
- • ○śâśrama m. N. of a man Cat.
- hṛṣīkêśvara m. = hṛṣīkanātha BhP.
- hṛṣu mfn. glad, happy L.
- • telling lies L.
- • m. Agni or fire L.
- • the sun L.
- • the moon L.
- hṛṣṭa mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry Mn. MBh. &c
- • bristling, erect, standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) MBh. R. &c
- • rigid, stiff Hariv.
- • blunted (cf. hṛṣita) Pat.
- • surprised, astonished ib.
- ○citta (cf. Megh.),
- ○cetana or (cf. R.), mfn. rejoiced in heart
- ○cetas (cf. R.), mfn. rejoiced in heart
- ○tanu mfn. = next BhP.
- ○tanūruha mfn. = -roman MBh.
- ○tuṣṭa mfn. pleased and satisfied Kāraṇḍ.
- ○puṣṭa mfn. happy and wellfed
- • ○ṭâṅga mfn. happy and fat (in body) Hit.
- ○manas (cf. Pañcat.),
- ○mānasa (cf. MBh.), mfn. = -citta
- ○rūpa mfn. thrilling with happiness, in a happy or cheerful mood MBh.
- ○roman mfn. having the hair of the body bristling or thrilling (with delight or rapture) Bhag.
- • m. N. of an Asura Kathās.
- ○vat ind. cheerfully MBh.
- ○vadana mfn. merry-faced, having a cheerful countenance MW.
- ○saṃkalpa mfn. pleased in mind, contented, glad MBh.
- ○hṛdaya mfn. joyous-hearted, light-hearted, happy W.
- hṛṣṭi f. delight, joy, rapture Mālatīm.
- • pride, arrogance L.
- ○yoni m. a kind of semi-impotent man (= īrṣyaka, q.v.) Bhpr.
- hṛṣyaka f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt.
- hṛṣya-jihva n. a kind of leprosy (wṛ. for ṛśya-j○, q.v.) ŚārṅgS.
- he ind. a vocative particle ('oh!' 'ho!' &c
- • also said to express envy or ill-will or disapprobation) ŚBr. &c. &c
- hekkā f. = hikkā, hiccup L.
- heṭh (also written heṭ, heḍh), cl. 1, P. Ā. heṭhati, ○te, to be wicked
- • vex, harass, hurt, injure Dhātup. viii, 13 ; ix, 35
- • cl. 9. P. heṭhṇāti, See √heḍh: Caus. heṭhayati, vi-√heṭh
- heṭha m. vexation, obstruction, hurt, injury L.
- heḍ or heḻ (cf. √hel and √hīḍ), cl. 1. Ā. heḍate, heḻate, helate, to be or make angry or hostile (krudhyati-karman Naigh. ii, 14 ; only occurring in á-heḻat, ○lamāna, and ○ḻayat, qq. vv.)
- • to act or treat carelessly or frivolously (anādare Dhātup. viii, 32 ; only in heḍamāna R. ; helamāna MBh. ; and Caus. helayati, ○te , pf. helayām-āsa ib.)
- • cl. 1. P. heḍati (pf. jiheḍa &c., Gr.), to surround, clothe, attire Dhātup. xix, 16: Caus. heḍayati (aor. ajiheḍat or ajīhiḍat ; under. √hīḍ), Gr
- héḍa
- héḻa m. anger, passion, hatred RV. AV.
- ○ja m. id. L.
- heḍana
- heḻana See deva-h○
- heḍas
- heḻas n. = heḍa RV. AV. VS.
- helana &c. See p. 1305, col. 2
- heḍāvuka (cf. Yājñ. Sch.) or ○vukka (cf. L.), m. a horse-dealer, horse-seller
- heḍieva m. N. of a man Inscr.
- heḍḍeśa-hari-hara m. N. of an author Cat.
- heḍh (cf. Vop. heṭh), cl. 9. P. heḍhṇāti, or heṭhṇāti, to be born again Dhātup. xxi, 60
- • to produce happiness or prosperity ib.
- • to purify ib.
- hetí f. (fr. √1. hi
- • in later language also m. a missile weapon, any weapon (also personified) RV. &c. &c
- • stroke, wound Sāy.
- • Agni's weapon, flame, light MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a ray of the sun L.
- • rapid motion, shot, impact (of a bow-string) RV.
- • an implement, instrument BhP.
- • a young shoot or sprout L.
- • m. N. of the first Rākshasa king (represented as occupying the Sun's chariot in the month Caitra or Madhu) R.
- • of an Asura BhP.
- ○mát mfn. armed with missiles, possessed of weapons AV.
- • illuminated by the sun BhP.
- ○mantra m. N. of a Mantra Cat.
- hetika (ifc.) = heti (cf. śakti-, svadhiti-h○)
- hetú m. 'impulse', motive, cause, cause of, reason for (loc., rarely dat. or gen
- • hetunā, hetoḥ, hetave, hetau, 'for a cause or reason', 'by reason of', 'on account of'
- • kaṃ hetum or ko heṭuḥ, 'wherefore?' 'why?' Pāṇ. 2-2, 23 Pat.
- • yato hetoḥ, 'because'
- • anena hetunā or iti hetoḥ, 'for this reason'
- • mṛtyu-hetave, 'in order to kill'
- • hetur alaukikaḥ, 'a supernatural cause'
- • ifc. hetu also = 'having as a cause or motive', 'caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by', e.g. karma-hetu, 'caused by the acts of a former existence' Mn. i, 49
- • māṃsa-hetu, 'attracted by the smell of flesh' MBh. x, 496
- • karma-phala-hetu, 'impelled by the expectation of the consequences of any act' BhP. ii, 47 ; 49) RV. &c. &c
- • a logical reason or dedaction or argument, the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or Avayava of the five-membered syllogism, See nyāya) Nyāyad. IW. 61
- • logic (in general, See hetuvidyā)
- • (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb Pāṇ. 1-4, 55 &c
- • (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya, q.v.) Sarvad.
- • (with Paśupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul, i.e. the external world and the senses ib.
- • a means (hetubhiḥ ifc. 'by means of') MBh.
- • mode, manner (hetubhiḥ ifc. 'according to') ib. Suśr. Yājñ.
- • price, cost Rājat. v, 71
- • condition MBh.
- • (in rhet.) = kāvya-liṅga (q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. Sāh.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of being a hetu, causation, causativeness, existence of cause or motive Kāv. Kathās. Sarvad.
- • (-tva) -khaṇḍana n. N. of wk
- ○duṣṭa mfn. inconvincible by reasons, unreasonable (said of persons) MBh.
- ○dṛṣṭi f. examination of reasons, scepticism Lalit.
- ○balika mfn. strong in argument Sukh. i
- ○mat mfn. having a reason or cause, proceeding from a cause
- Pāṇ. Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad.
- • accompanied with arguments, provided with reasons or proofs, well-founded Bhag. R. Bhāshāp.
- • having the Hetu (or second Avayava of a syllogism) MW.
- • controverted by arguments ib.
- • open to argṭarguments, reasonable MBh.
- ○mātra-tā f. the being a mere pretext Kathās.
- ○mātra-maya mf(ī)n. serving only as a pretext ib.
- ○yukta mfn. provided with reasons, well-founded MBh.
- ○rūpaka n. a metaphor accompanied with reasons (e.g. gāmbhīryeṇa samudro'si, 'because of thy profundity thou art a sea') Kāvyâd. ii, 83 ; 86
- ○lakṣaṇa n. the characteristics of a Hetu
- • -ṭīkā f. -prakāśa m. -vivecana, n
- • ○ṇâloka m. N. of wks
- ○vacana n. a speech accompanied with arguments R.
- ○vāda m. a statement of reasons or argṭarguments, assigning a cause, disputation MBh. R.
- ○vādika or m. a disputant, sceptic MBh.
- ○vādin m. a disputant, sceptic MBh.
- ○vidyā f. 'science of causes', dialectics, logic (also -śāstra) Daś. Buddh.
- ○viśeṣôkti f. (in rhet.) a 'mention of difference' ( See viś○) accompanied with reasons Kāvyâd. ii, 328 ; 329
- ○śāstra n. (= -vidyā)
- • ○trâśraya m. reliance on the science of dialectics Mn. ii, 12
- ○śūnya mfn. devoid of reason, unfounded Pratāp.
- ○śliṣṭa n. ? (in rhet.) the combining of causes (a method of describing similarity by using epithets common to two objects) MW.
- ○hāni f. omission of argument Kāvyâd. iii, 127
- ○hila n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- ○hetumad-bhāva m. the relation subsisting between cause and effect MW.
- hetū7tprêkṣā (cf. Sāh.) or (cf. Kāvyâd.), f. a simile accompanied with reasons
- hetū7pamā (cf. Kāvyâd.), f. a simile accompanied with reasons
- hetū7panyāsa m. the assignment of reasons or motives, statement of an argument MW.
- hetuka mf(ī)n. (only ifc.) causing, effecting R. Suśr. Hit.
- • caused or effected or conditioned by MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- • destined for MBh. Sāṃkhyak.
- • m. a cause, instrument, agent W.
- • a logician MW.
- • N. of an attendant of Śiva L.
- • of a Buddha L.
- • of a poet Cat.
- hetū-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make or consider anything a cause or motive &c. Sarvad.
- hétri or mfn. urging on, inciting, an inciter RV.
- hetṛ́ mfn. urging on, inciting, an inciter RV.
- hetv in comp. for hetu
- ○antara n. another argument Car.
- ○apadeśa m. the adducing or mentioning of a reason Nir.
- • the second Avayava in a syllogism (cf. under hetu) MW.
- ○avadhāraṇa n. (in dram.) reasoning Bhar.
- ○ākṣepa m. (in rhet.) an objection accompanied with reasons Kāvyâd. ii, 167 ; 168
- ○ābhāsa m. (in logic) a mere appearance of a reason, fallacious semblance of an argument, fallacious middle term, fallacy (said to be of 5 kinds, viz. vyabhicāra or sa-vyobhicāra, viruddha, asiddha, sat-pratipakṣa, bādha or bādhita) Nyāyas. Tarkas. Sarvad.
- • N. of various wks
- • -dīdhiti-ṭippaṇī f. -nirūpaṇa n. -pariṣkāra m. -rahasya n. -vyākhyā f. -sāmānyalakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- hétva mfn. to be urged on or incited RV.
- hemán n. impulse RV. ix, 97, 1 (cf. Sāy. 'gold')
- • water Naigh. i, 12
- heya mfn. (for 1. and 2. See p. 1296 and 1297), id. MW.
- haituka mf(ī)n. having a cause or reason, founded on some motive (in a-h○) Bhag. BhP.
- • (ifc.) caused by, dependent on MBh. BhP.
- • m. a reasoner, rationalist, sceptic, heretic (ī f.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • a follower of the Mīmāṃsā doctrines W.
- haitukya n. causality, causativeness (a-h○ n. absence of interested motives') MW.
- héman ( See himá and next), winter (only used in loc., 'in the winter') TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr.
- hemantá m. winter, the cold season (comprising the two months Agra-hāyaṇa and Pausha, i.e. from middle of November to middle of January) RV. &c. &c
- • (ī), f. id. L.
- ○ṛtu-varṇana n. 'description of the winter season', N. of wk
- ○jabdha (○tá-), mfn. swallowed by winter (i.e. 'hidden away or disappeared in winter') AV.
- ○nātha m. 'lord of winter', the wood-apple tree (= kapittha) L.
- ○pratyavarohaṇa n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony) ĀpGṛ. Sch.
- ○megha m. a winter-cloud Pañcat.
- ○śiśirá m. du. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 48) winter and spring TS. ŚBr.
- ○samaya m. winter time Pañcat.
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king of Karṇapura Cat.
- hemantânila m. a winter wind Rājat.
- hemantânta m. (only in loc. ○nte) the end of winter MBh.
- hemavala n. a pearl (= hima-v○
- • next.) L.
- haima mfn. wintry, brumal, caused or produced by snow or ice Ragh.
- • covered with snow MBh.
- • relating to or coming from the Himâlaya (as pearls) MBh. VarBṛS.
- • m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- • n. hoar-frost, dew W.
- haimaná mf(ī)n. relating or belonging or suitable to winter, winterly, wintry, cold AV. &c. &c
- • m. the month Mārgaśīrsha (November-December) L.
- • a kind of rice which grows in winter (= ṣaṣṭika) L.
- • m. n. winter, cold L.
- haimantá mf(ī́)n. (fr., hemanta) wintry, relating or suitable to or growing in winter VS. Suśr. &c
- haímantika mfn. = prec. VS. Br. ŚrS. Car.
- • = hematam adhī7te veda vā g. vasantâdi
- haimala m. n. winter (prob. wṛ. for haimana) L.
- haimavat m. N. of the 8th month (prob. wṛ. for hima-vat or haimavata) Sūryapr.
- haimavatá mf(ī́)n. (fr. hima-vat) belonging to or situated or growing on or bred in or coming or flowing from the Himâlaya mountains AV. &c. &c
- • snowy, covered with snow MW.
- • m. a kind of vegetable poison L.
- • a kind of demon MānGṛ.
- • pl. the inhabitants of the Himâlaya mountains MBh. Hariv.
- • N. of a school Buddh.
- • (atī), f. N. of various plants (Vacā with white flowers, Terminalia Chebula, Linum Usitatissimum &c.) Car. Suśr.
- • a kind of drug or perfume (= reṇukā) L.
- • patr. of Gaṅgā MBh. Bālar.
- • of Pārvatī or Umā JaimUp.
- • of the wife of Kauśika MBh.
- • of the wife of Saṃhatâśva Hariv.
- • (am), n. a pearl L.
- • N. of a Varsha MBh. Śatr.
- haimavatika m. pl. the inhabitants of the Himâlaya mountains MBh.
- haimācala m. = (or perhaps wṛ. for) himâcala (q.v.) Subh.
- heman n. (of doubtful derivation) gold Naigh. i, 2 Mn. MBh. &c
- • a gold piece Kathās.
- • (pl.) golden ornaments Kuval.
- • Mesua Roxburghī Car.
- • the thorn-apple MW.
- hema in comp. for 3. heman
- ○kakṣa m. a golden girdle Vās.
- • mf(ā)n. having golden walls R.
- • = next MBh.
- ○kakṣya mfn. having a golden girdle R.
- ○kaṇṭha m. a proper N. Cat.
- ○kandala m. having golden shoots, coral L.
- ○kamala n. a golden lotus Kathās.
- ○kampana m. N. of a man MBh.
- ○kara m. 'golden-worker', N. of Śiva ib.
- • (with maithila) N. of an author Cat.
- ○karaka m. a golden vase L.
- ○kartṛ m. a goldsmith Mn. xii, 61
- • a kind of bird MW.
- ○kalaśa m. a golden pinnacle or cupola Inscr.
- ○kānti mfn. having a golden lustre VarBṛS.
- • f. Curcuma Aromatica or another species L.
- ○kāra m. a goldsmith Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kāraka m. id. Yājñ.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of plant L.
- ○kiñjalka m. n. golden filaments R.
- • n. 'having golden filaments', the Nāgakesara flower L.
- ○kirīṭa-mālin mfn. garlanded with a golden diadem MBh.
- ○kuḍya
- ○kuṇḍya N. of a place VarBṛS.
- ○kumbha m. a golden jar MW.
- ○kūṭa m. 'golden-peaked', N. of one of the ranges of mountains dividing the known continent into 9 Varshas (situated north of Himâlaya and forming with it the boundaries of the Kiṃnara or Kimpurusha Varsha
- • See varṣa) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • of a monkey R.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○kūṭhya = -kuḍya above
- ○ketakī f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- ○keli m. 'golden sport', N. of Agni or fire L.
- ○keśa m. 'golden-haired', Śiva W.
- ○kṣīrī f. a kind of plant Suśr.
- ○gandhinī f. the perfume Reṇukā L.
- ○garbha mfn. containing golden in the interior Hcat.
- ○giri m. 'golden mountain', N. of mount Meru Bhartṛ.
- • of another mountain VarBṛS.
- ○guha m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- ○gaura mfn. of a golden yellow colour (○râṅga mfn. having golden yellow limbs) SkandaP.
- • m. a kind of tree (= kiṃkirāta) L.
- ○ghna n. lead L.
- • (ī), f. turmeric L.
- ○cakra mfn. having golden wheels MW.
- ○candra mfn. decorated with a golden crescent (as a chariot) R.
- • m. N. of a king (son of Viśāla) ib. Pur.
- • of a celebrated Jaina author (pupil of Deva-candra Sūri and teacher of king Kumāra-pāla
- • he lived between 1089 and 1173 AḌ. and is the author of a great many works, esp. of the Anekârtha-keśa, the Abhidhānacintāmaṇi, the Uṇādi-sūtra-vṛitti, the Deśī-nāmamālā, a Saṃskṛit and Prākṛit grammar &c.)
- ○citra n. N. of a mythical town VP.
- ○cūrṇa n. gold dust Suśr.
- ○cūlin mfn. having a golden crest or top Hariv.
- ○cchanna mfn. covered with golden
- • n. a golden covering, golden trappings (of an elephant &c.) ib.
- ○ja n. tin L.
- ○jaṭa m. pl. N. of a class of Kirātas Kād.
- ○jālâlaṃkṛta mfn. 'adorned with a golden net', N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lalit.
- ○jīvantī f. a kind of plant L.
- ○jvāla m. 'golden-flamed', Agni or fire L.
- ○taru m. 'golden tree', the Datura or thorn-apple W.
- ○tāra n. blue vitriol L.
- ○tāraka m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- ○tāla N. of a mountainous district in the north VarBṛS.
- ○tilaka-sūri m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○dantā f. 'golden-toothed', an Apsaras Hariv.
- ○dīnāra m. a golden Dīnāra Kathās.
- ○dugdha m. 'golden-juiced', Ficus Glomerata Car.
- • (ā or ī), f. = svarṇa-kṣīrī L.
- ○dugdhaka or m. Ficus Glomerata L.
- ○dugdhin m. Ficus Glomerata L.
- ○dhanvan m. 'having a golden bow', N. of a son of the 11th Manu MārkP.
- ○dharma or m. N. of a man ib.
- ○dharḍman m. N. of a man ib.
- ○dhānya n. sesamum grain (cf. homa-dh○) L.
- ○dhānyaka m. a partic. weight (= 1 1/2 Māshakas) ŚārṅgS.
- ○dhāraṇa n. a partic. weight of golden (= 8 Palas) L.
- ○nābhi m. a golden nave Kauś.
- • mfn. having a golden nave or centre MW.
- ○netra m. 'golden eyed', N. of a Yaksha MBh.
- ○parvata m. an (artificial) mountain made of golden (as a gift
- • cf. mahādāna) Cat.
- • N. of mount Meru L.
- ○piṅgala mfn. golden yellow R.
- ○pīṭhâdhi-devatā f. the tutelary deity of a golden footstool (applied to a monarch's foot) MW.
- ○puñjaka m. N. of a man MBh. (B. -kampana)
- ○puṣkara n. a lotus-flower of golden Hariv.
- ○puṣpa (only L.), m. 'bearing golden flowers, Michelia Champaka
- • Jonesia Asoka
- • Mesua Roxburghī
- • Cassia Fistula
- • (ī), f. Rubia Munjista
- • Hoya Viridiflora
- • Curculigo Orchioides
- • a colocynth
- • = kaṇṭakārī and svarṇalī
- • (am), n. the flower of Michelia Champaka &c. ( See above)
- ○puṣpaka (only L.), m. Michelia Champaka
- • Symplocos Racemosa
- • (ikā), f. yellow jasmine
- • Linum Usitatissimum
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. overlaid with golden, gilded Hariv.
- ○pratimā f. a golden statue or image L.
- ○prabha m. 'having a golden lustre', N. of a Vidyādhara (ā f.) Kathās.
- • of a king of the parrots ib.
- ○phalā f. 'having golden fruit', a kind of plantain L.
- ○bhadrika mf(ā)n. wearing a golden amulet MBh.
- ○bhastrā f. a gold purse or purse containing gold Kathās.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of gold, golden MBh. R. &c
- ○marīci-mat mfn. having golden rays MBh.
- ○mākṣika n. pyrites L.
- ○mālā f. 'golden-garlanded', N. of the wife of Yama L.
- ○mālikā f. a golden necklace Jātakam.
- ○mālin mfn. garlanded or adorned with golden (as elephants, a Rākshasa &c.) R.
- • m. the sun MW.
- ○māṣā f. a partic. weight of golden L.
- ○mṛga m. a golden deer (according to a story told in R. iii, the Rākshasa Mārīca transformed himself into a golden deer and so captivated Rāma and his wife Sītā, that the former left his forest-home to pursue it
- • during his absence Rāvaṇa, q.v., disguised as a mendicant, presented himself before Sītā and carried her off)
- ○yajñôpavīta-vat mfn. furnished with a golden sacrificial thread Hariv.
- ○yūthikā f. yellow jasmine L.
- ○ratna-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of golden and jewels Kathās.
- ○ratna-vat mfn. id. ib.
- ○rāginī f. 'gold-coloured', turmeric L.
- ○rāja m. (with miśra) N. of an author Cat.
- ○reṇu m. gold dust', a kind of atom (= trasareṇu) L.
- ○latā f. 'golden creeper', a kind of plant (accord. to some, Hoya Viridiflora) BhP.
- • N. of a princess Kathās.
- ○lamba or m. N. of the 31st (or 5th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. - 1
- ○lamḍbaka m. N. of the 31st (or 5th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. - 1
- ○vat ind. like golden Siṃhâs. - 2
- ○vat mfn. adorned with gold R.
- ○varṇa mfn. golden-coloured R.
- • m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh.
- • of a Buddha Lalit.
- ○vala n. a pearl L.
- ○vallī f. 'golden creeper', Hoya Viridiflora L.
- ○vijaya m. N. of a poet Inscr.
- ○vibhrama-sūtra n. N. of wk. (cf. haim○) Cat.
- ○viṣāṇin mfn. golden-horned MBh.
- ○vyākaraṇa n. Hema-candra's grammar Cat.
- ○śaṅkha m. 'having a golden conch', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○śikhā or (?), f. 'golden-crested', the plant Svarṇa-kshīrī L.
- ○śikā (?), f. 'golden-crested', the plant Svarṇa-kshīrī L.
- ○śīta n. id. L.
- ○śṛṅga n. a golden horn Ratnâv.
- • m. 'golden-peaked', N. of a mountain Hariv.
- ○śṛṅgin mfn. having golden 'tusks' and 'peaks' MBh.
- ○śaila m. 'golden-peaked', N. of a mountain VP.
- ○sabhā-nātha-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○sāra n. blue vitriol (cf. -tāra) L.
- ○sāvarṇi m. N. of a man R.
- ○siṃha m. a throne of golden BhP.
- ○sūtra or n. 'golden-thread', a necklace R. Vikr.
- ○sūḍtraka n. 'golden-thread', a necklace R. Vikr.
- ○sūri m. N. of a scholar (= hema-candra) Col.
- ○haṃsa-gaṇi m. N. of an author (pupil of Ratna-śekhara) Cat.
- ○hasti-ratha m. 'golden-elephant-chariot', N. of one of the 16 Mahādānas (q.v.)
- hemâṅka mfn. adorned with golden (v. l. hemâṅga) Mudr.
- hemâṅga mf(ī)n. having, golden limbs or parts, golden R. Mudr. (v. l. hemâṅka) Bhām.
- • m. Michelia Champaka Suśr.
- • a lion L.
- • the mountain Meru Rājat.
- • N. of Brahmā L.
- • of Vishṇu L.
- • of Garuḍa L.
- • (ā), f. a partic. plant (= svarṇa-kṣīrī) L.
- hemâṅgada m. 'having a golden bracelet', N. of a Gandharva Cat.
- • of a king of the Kaliṅgas Ragh.
- • of a son of Vasudeva BhP.
- hemâcala m. = hema-parvata (in both meanings) Subh. Inscr. Cat.
- hemâḍhya mfn. abounding in gold MW.
- hemâṅḍa (cf. Rājat.) or (Dharmaś.), n. the golden world-egg (cf. brahmâṇḍa)
- hemâṅḍḍaka (Dharmaś.), n. the golden world-egg (cf. brahmâṇḍa)
- hemâdri m. 'golden mountain', Meru or Sumeru L.
- • N. of an author (son of Kāma-deva
- • he lived in the 13th century AḌ. and wrote the encyclopaedical wk. Catur-varga-cintāmaṇi, divided into 5 Khaṇḍas, Vrata, Dāna, Tīrtha, Moksha, and Pariśesha) Cat.
- • (with bhaṭṭa) N. of the author of a Comm. on Raghu-vaṃśa
- • -jaraṇa m. (= hemâdrikā), -dāna-khaṇḍa-sāra m. or n. -prayoga m. -prâyaścitta n. N. of wks
- hemâdrikā f. the plant svarṇa-kṣīrī L.
- hemâbha mfn. looking like golden MBh.
- • (ā), f. N. of the palace of Rukmiṇī Hariv.
- hemâmbu n. liquid golden, Vṛishabhān
- hemâmbuja (cf. Kathās.) or (cf. Megh.), n. a golden lotus-flower
- hemâḍmbhoja (cf. Megh.), n. a golden lotus-flower
- hemâlaṃkāra m. a golden ornament Ratnâv.
- • ○rin mfn. adorned with golden Hcat.
- hemāvatī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- hemâhva m. 'called after gold', Michelia Champaka L.
- • (ā), f. Hoya Viridiflora L.
- • = svarṇakṣīrī L.
- hemêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- hema m. a partic. weight of gold (= māṣaka) L.
- • a horse of a dark or brownish colour L.
- • N. of Buddha L.
- • of a son of Ruśad-ratha Pur.
- • of the father of Su-tapas ib.
- • = hema-candra Cat.
- • (ā), f. Hoya Viridiflora L.
- • the earth L.
- • a handsome woman L.
- • N. of an Apsaras Hariv. R.
- • of a river MBh.
- • (am), n. gold L.
- hemaka n. gold R.
- • a piece of gold (in sa-h○ Kathās.
- • N. of a forest Cat.
- • of a Daitya (?) VP.
- hemala m. a goldsmith L.
- • a touchstone L.
- • a chameleon, lizard L.
- hemāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or become gold Harav.
- hemyā́-vat mfn. having golden trappings or a golden girth (?) RV. iv, 2, 8 (cf. Sāy.)
- haima mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. heman, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) golden, consisting or made of gold Mn. MBh. &c
- • of a golden yellow colour MW.
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- • Gentiana Cherayta L.
- • (scil. kośa) the lexicon of Hema-candra Cat.
- • (ā), f. yellow jasmine L.
- • (ī), f. id. L.
- • Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- ○kūṭa m. pl. the inhabitants of Hema-kūṭa MārkP.
- ○kośa m. Hema-candra's lexicon
- ○girika m. pl. the inhabitants of Hema-giri MārkP.
- ○candri m. patr. fr. hemacandra R.
- ○carci m. (prob. wṛ. for -varci) a patr. Pravar.
- ○citra-samutsedha mfn. enchased with golden pictures MBh.
- ○prākṛta-dhuṇḍikā f. N. of wk
- ○mudrā or f. a golden coin MW.
- ○mudrikā f. a golden coin MW.
- • (○drika), mfn. having or possessing a golden coin ib.
- ○valkala mfn. clothed in gold MW.
- ○vibhrama-sūtra n. = hema-v○ Cat.
- ○śaila m. N. of a mountain (v. l. hema-ś○) VP.
- ○saugandhika-vat mfn. furnished with golden lotus-flowers (v. l. padma-s○) MBh.
- haimâṅgikī-gaurâṅga-deva-stuti f. N. of wk
- haimācala See p. 1304, col. 2
- haimânekârtha N. of Hemacandra's lexicon
- haimana mfn. golden (v. l. haimaja) Bhpr.
- haimī-bhūtá mfn. become gold, turned into gold Kum.
- heman m. the planet Mercury L.
- hemanta hemavala, See p. 1304, cols. 1 and 2
- hemātra m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- hemna m. (Gk. ?) the planet Mercury VarBṛS.
- • (ā), f. id. (?) L.
- heya See pp. 1296, 1297, and 1304
- hera n. (of unknown derivation) a sort of crown or tiara L.
- • turmeric L.
- • demoniacal illusion L.
- heraka m. a spy L.
- • N. of a demon attending on Śiva L.
- herika m. a spy, secret emissary L.
- hairika m. id. Hcar. ('a superintendent of the goldsmiths' Sch.)
- • a thief L.
- heramba n. N. of Gaṇêśa MBh. Kathās. &c. (cf. RTL. 218)
- • a buffalo, Mālatīm
- • a boastful hero L.
- • a partic. Buddha (= heruka) L.
- ○kānana-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○jananī f. 'mother of Gaṇêśa', Durgā L.
- ○pāla m. N. of a Kanouj king Inscr.
- ○mantra m. a partic. Mantra (sacred to Gaṇêśa)
- ○sena m. N. of a medic. author
- ○haṭṭa m. N. of a country (said to be one of the provinces of the Deccan) L.
- herambôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- herambaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh.
- ○sena m. N. of an author Cat.
- herambha wṛ. for heramba Kathās.
- hairamba mfn. relating to or connected with Gaṇêśa Cat.
- • m. pl. N. of a sect W.
- heruka m. N. of Gaṇêśa KālP.
- • of an attendant on Mahā-kāla or Śiva L.
- • of an inferior Buddha Buddh.
- • pl. N. of a class of heretics L.
- • (ā), f. a species of plant AV. Paddh
- hel (in the meaning 'to sport, play', prob. not identical with √heḻ, heḍ, although sometimes confounded with it
- • only in the following derivatives
- • √.hil, avahelā, prahelā)
- helana n. the act of slighting, disregard, contempt MBh. BhP.
- • sporting amorously, wanton dalliance (cf. √hil) W.
- helanīya mfn. to be slighted or derided Nīlak.
- helā f. (ifc. f. ā) disrespect, contempt (cf. avahelā)
- • wanton sport, frivolity, amorous dalliance (of women
- • in dram. one of the 20 natural graces of the Nāyikā) Daśar. Sāh. &c
- • sport, pastime, carelessness, ease, facility (ibc. and instr. sg. or pl. 'in sport', 'sportively', 'easily', 'at once'
- • tṛṇa-helayā, 'as if it were a straw') Kāv. Kathās. &c
- • moonlight L.
- • = prastāva L.
- ○cakra m. N. of a man Rājat.
- ○rāja m. N. of a historian (used by Kalhaṇa for his Rāja-taraṃgiṇī) and of a grammarian Cat.
- ○vat mfn. careless, taking things easily Pañcar.
- heli f. = helā L.
- • an embrace L.
- • a marriage-procession in the street L.
- helitavya n. (impers.) it is to be acted carelessly or frivolously MBh.
- helihila or mfn. of a sportive or wanton nature L.
- hailihila mfn. of a sportive or wanton nature L.
- helaka n. a partic. measure of weight (= 10 Hoḍhas) L.
- helañci f. a kind of herb L.
- helāvuka ○vukka m. = heḍāv○ L.
- heli m. (Gk. ?
- • for 1. heli See above) the sun VarBṛS. Pur.
- helika m. id. KāśīKh.
- helu N. of a village in Kaśmīra Rājat.
- ○grāma m. the village Helu ib.
- heluga and heluya, a partic. high number Buddh.
- heḻ heḻa, heḻas, See √heḍ, p. 1303
- hevajra m. N. of a Buddhist god W.
- hevara a partic. high number Buddh.
- hevāka m. (said to be fr. Marāṭhī hevā, 'ardent desire') a whim, caprice Vcar. Āryav.
- hevākasa mfn. whimsical, capricious (as love) Daśar.
- hevākin mfn. devoted to, absorbed in, engrossed by (comp
- • ○ki-tā f.) Uttamac.
- heṣ (cf. √hreṣ), cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xvi, 20) héṣate (Ved. ep. also ○ti ; p. héṣat RV. MBh. ; heṣamāṇa Hariv. ; pf. jiheṣire Śiś. ; fut. heṣitā &c., Gr.), to neigh, whinny RV. &c. &c
- heṣā f. neighing, whinnying Kir. MārkP.
- heṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to neigh, whinny Pañcat.
- heṣita n. = heṣā MBh. Hariv. &c
- heṣin m. 'neighing', a horse L.
- heṣ (prob. connected with √1. hi), to be quick or strong or fiery (in the following derivatives):
- heṣá mfn. quick, strong (in heṣá-kratu, 'of strong power', others 'roaring mightily', applied to the Maruts) RV. iii, 26, 5.
- héṣas n. quickness, vigour, fire (others 'wound') RV. x, 89, 12
- ○vat (héṣas-), mfn. quick, strong, fiery RV. vi, 3, 3
- haí ind. (g. svar-ādi) a vocative particle (used in calling or vociferating) AV. TBr. &c
- haiṃsakāyana mfn. (fr. hiṃsaka), g. pakṣâdi
- haiṅgula mfn. (fr. hiṅgula) having the colour of vermilion Naish.
- • coming or derived from Hiṅgulā VāmP.
- haiḍimba mfn. relating to or treating of Hiḍimba MBh.
- • = next ib.
- haiḍimbi m. 'son of Hiḍimbā', metron. of Ghaṭôtkaca MBh.
- haitanāman m. patr. fr. hitanāman Pāṇ.
- haitanāmaná m. id. MaitrS.
- haituka ○kya, See p. 1304, col. 1
- haidaraśāha m. = ? Cat.
- haima haimana &c. See col. 1
- haimahā ind. an exclamation ŚrS.
- haiminī f. N. of a woman MārkP.
- haiyaṃgava n. (fr. hyas + go) = next BhP.
- haiyaṃgavīna n. clarified butter prepared from yesterday's milking, fresh butter Hariv. Ragh. Bhaṭṭ.
- hairaṇyá mf(ā)n. (fr. hiraṇya, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) golden, consisting or made of gold AV. R.
- • bearing gold (said of a river) MBh.
- • offering gold (said of hands or arms) ib.
- ○garbha mfn. relating or belonging to Hiraṇya-garbha Śaṃk.
- • m. patr. of Manu (son of Brahmā) Mn. iii, 194
- • of Vasishṭha MBh.
- • a worshipper of Hiraṇya-garbha Cat.
- ○nābhá m. patr. fr. hiraṇya-n○ ŚBr.
- ○bāheya m. patr. fr. hiraṇya-bāhu Pat.
- ○vāsas mfn. (fr. hiraṇyav○) clothed with golden feathers (as an arrow) MBh.
- ○stūpa mf(ī)n. written or composed by Hiraṇyastūpa (also ○pīya) Nir. ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- • m. patr. of Arcat (author of RV. x, 149) Anukr.
- hairaṇyaka m. a goldsmith VarBṛS.
- • an overseer of gold, guardian of golden treasure L.
- • n. N. of a Varsha MBh.
- hairaṇyika mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. hiraṇya), g. kāśyādi
- • m. a goldsmith Divyâv.
- hairaṇvatī f. (cf. hiraṇvatī) N. of a river MBh.
- hairamba hairika, See above, col. 2
- haivam ind. = Pāli hevam Divyâv.
- haihaya m. N. of a race (said to have been descendants of Yadu
- • they are described in the Purāṇas as separated into 5 divisions, viz. the Tālajaṅghas, Vīti-hotras, Āvantyas, Tuṇḍikeras, and Jātas
- • they are, said to have overrun parts of India along with the Śakas or Scythian tribes) MBh. R. Pur. &c
- • a king of the Haihayas (esp. applied to Arjuna Kārtaviirya, who is said to have had a thousand arms
- • See kārtaviirya) ib.
- • N. of a son of Sahasrada Hariv.
- • of a son of Śata-jit Pur.
- • (?) of a medical author Cat.
- haihayêndra-kāvya n. N. of a poem
- haiheya m. N. of Arjuna Kārtaviirya (cf. above) L.
- hó ind. (a vocative particle used in calling to a person or in challenging) ho! hallo! &c. (also expressive of surprise &c.) TS. &c. &c
- hoiḍa n. N. of a Sāman Kāṭh.
- hoṭā f. v. l. for hoḍhā
- hoḍ (cf. √huḍ, hūḍ), cl. 1. Ā. hoḍate, to disregard, disrespect (= √heḍ) Dhātup. viii, 33
- • (also hauḍ) to go, move Vop.
- hoḍa m. a raft, float, boat L.
- • a title of a partic. class of Kāyasthas and of Śrotriya Brāhmans in Bengal L.
- • (ā), f. g. ajâdi (cf. Kāś. hoḍhā).
- hoḍiman m. (fr. prec.), g. pṛthv-ādi
- hauḍa n. (fr. id.) ib.
- hoḍṛ (?), m. a robber, highway-robber L.
- hoḍha mfn. (thought by some to be fr. ha + ūḍha) stolen
- • m. n. and (ā), f. stolen goods Mn. ix, 270 Sch. on Yājñ. ii, 5
- hoḍha Nom. Ā. hoḍhate, hoḍhāyate Vop. xxi, 7
- hótṛ m. (fr. √1. hu) an offerer of an oblation or burnt-offering (with fire), sacrificer, priest, (esp.) a priest who at a sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the Ṛig-veda, a Ṛig-veda priest (one of the 4 kinds of officiating priest, ṛtvij, p. 224 ; properly the Hotṛi priest has 3 assistants, sometimes called Purushas, viz. the Maitrā-varuṇa, Aochā-vāka, and Grāvastut ; to these are sometimes added three others, the Brāhmaṇācchaṃsin, Agnīdhra or Agnīdh, and Potṛi, though these last are properly assigned to the Brahman priest
- • sometimes the Neshṭṛi is substituted for the Grāva-stut) RV. &c. &c
- • N. of Śiva MBh.
- • mf(trī)n. one who sacrifices (gen. or comp.), sacrificer Mn. MBh. &c
- ○karman n. the work or function of the Hotṛi ĀśvŚr.
- ○camasá m. the ladle or other vessel used by the Hotṛi TS. Br. ŚrS.
- • ○sīya mfn. (fr. prec.) ĀpŚr.
- ○japa m. murmured recitation of the HṭHotṛi AitBr.
- ○tvá n. condition or office of the HṭHotṛi Br.
- ○pravara m. election of a HṭHotṛi (also N. of wk.) ĀpŚr.
- ○mat (hótṛ-), mfn. provided with a Hotṛi RV.
- ○várya (cf. ŚBr.),
- ○vū́rya (cf. RV.), n. election of the Hotṛi
- ○veda m. the Veda, i.e. ritual of the Hotṛi Sāy.
- ○ṣádana (for -sad○), n. the Hotṛi's seat or place where the Hotṛi sits at a sacrifice (said to be near the uttara-vedi) RV. AV. Br. ŚrS.
- ○ṣāman n. N. of Sāmans Lāṭy.
- ○saṃsthā-japa m. N. of a liturgical treatise
- hotar-yaja the Prâisha (q.v.) consisting of the words hotar yaja ŚāṅkhŚr.
- hotâdhvaryū m. du. the Hotṛi and Adhvaryu Priests KātyŚr.
- hotā-potārau m. du. the Hotṛi and Potṛi priests Pāṇ. 6-3, 25 Sch.
- hotā-yakṣa m. the Prâisha (q.v.) consisting of the words hotā yakṣat ŚāṅkhŚr.
- hotur-antevasin m. the pupil of a Hotṛi priest Pāṇ. 6-3, 23 Sch.
- hótṛka m. = hotraka ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- hótos See √1. hu
- hotrá n. sacrificing, the function or office of the Hotṛi RV. AV. ŚBr. Kāṭh.
- • a burnt-offering, oblation with fire, sacrifice RV. PañcavBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh.
- • (ā), f. See below
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○váh (or -vā́h), mfn. bearing the sacrifice RV.
- ○vāhana m. (id.) N. of a Brāhman and of a Rājarshi MBh.
- hotraka m. an inferior Hotṛi priest or an assistant of the Hotṛi (in a wider sense applied to all the chief priests
- • under. hotṛ) AitBr. GṛŚrS.
- • N. of a son of Kāñcana BhP.
- hótrā f. (for 2. See p. 1308, col. 3) the function or office of a priest (esp. of the Hotrakas, also applied to the persons of the Hotrakas) Br.: ŚrS.
- ○camasa m. the ladle or other vessel used by the Hotrakas ŚBr.
- ○śāṃsin m. 'reciting the part of the Hotṛi', an assistant of the Hotṛi, Hotraka Br. ŚrS.
- hotrin See agni-hotrin
- hotríya n. the office or function of a priest RV.
- hotrī See under hotṛ above
- hotrī́ya mfn. relating or belonging to the Hotṛi or the Hotrakas TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- • n. = havirgeha L.
- hótva mfn. to be sacrificed or offered in sacrifice MaitrS.
- hotvan m. a sacrificer L.
- hóma m. the act of making an oblation to the Devas or gods by casting clarified butter into the fire ( See deva-yajña and IW. 245), oblation with fire, burnt-offering, any oblation or sacrifice (ayuta-h○, 'a sacrifice of 10, 000 burnt-offerings to the planets') AV. &c. &c
- ○karman n. sacrificial act or rite Kathās.
- ○kalpa m. mode or manner of sacrificing, Hir
- ○kāla m. the time of sacrifice GṛŚrS. MBh. R.
- • ○lâtikrama-prâyaścitta-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○kāṣṭhī f. an implement for blowing on fire L.
- ○kuṇḍa n. a hole in the ground for the sacred fire for oblations (= agni-k○) L.
- ○tattva-vidhi m
- ○tarpaṇa-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○turaṃga m. the sacrificial horse Ragh.
- ○darpaṇa-vidhi wṛ. for -tarp○ (q.v.)
- ○darvī f. the sacrificial ladle ĀpGṛ. Sch.
- ○duh mfn. (a cow) giving milk for an oblation Hariv. Bcar.
- ○dravya n. anything employed for a Homa-sacrṭsacrificial or oblation KātyŚr.
- • -pariṇāma, N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāmaveda
- ○dvaya-prayoga and m. N. of wks
- ○dvaya-samāsaprayoga m. N. of wks
- ○dhānya n. 'sacrificial grain', sesamum L.
- ○dhūma m. the smoke of a burnt-offering L.
- ○dhenu f. a cow yielding milk for an oblation MBh. Kālid. MārkP.
- ○nirṇaya m
- ○paddhati f
- ○prâyaścitta n. N. of wks
- ○bhasman n. the ashes of a burnt-offering L.
- ○bhāṇḍa n. a sacrificial implement Kathās.
- ○mantra-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○yūpa m. the sacrificial post at the Homa L.
- ○lopa-prâyaścitta-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. one who has offered an oblation or performed a sacrifice Bhaṭṭ.
- ○vidhāna n
- ○vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○velā f. = -kāla BhP.
- ○śālā f. a chamber or place for keeping the sacred fire for oblations RTL. 365
- ○svarôttara n. N. of a Tantra wk
- homâgni m. sacrificial fire Pañcat.
- homânala m. id. Daś.
- homârjunī f. = homa-dhenu Bālar.
- homêndhana n. sacrificial firewood L.
- homaka m. = hotraka (8 in number) MatsyaP.
- homi m. fire L.
- • clarified butter L.
- • water L.
- homin mfn. offering, presenting an oblation of (only ifc
- • See kṣīra-, tila-h○ &c.)
- • (inī), f. saṃjñāyām Pāṇ. 5-2, 137 Kāś.
- homīya mfn. relating or belonging to or fit or destined for an oblation or sacrifice ChUp. Gobh. &c
- ○dravya n. anything used for an oblation (as clarified butter) MW.
- homya mfn. = homīya Kauś. MBh.
- • n. clarified butter L.
- hoṣin See pajra-hoṣin
- hauta Vṛiddhi form of huta in comp
- ○bhuja mfn. (fr. huta-bhuj) relating or belonging to or presided over by Agni VarBṛS.
- • n. the Nakshatra Kṛittikā ib.
- hautāśana mfn. (fr. hutâś○) = prec
- • m. (with loka) Agni's world Hcat.
- • (with koṇa) 'Agni's corner or quarter', the south-east VarBṛS.
- hautāśani m. (fr. id.) patr. of Skanda R.
- • of the monkey Nīla ib.
- hautṛka mfn. relating or belonging to or coming from the Hotṛi priest, sacerdotal Pāṇ. 4-3, 78 Sch.
- • n. the office of the Hotṛi Cat.
- hautna mfn. = yajamāna Uṇ. iv, 105 Sch.
- hautra mfn. = hautṛka KātyŚr.
- • n. the function or office of the Hotṛi (also as N. of wk.), ŚrS.
- ○kalpa-druma m
- ○prayoga m
- ○mañjarī f
- ○sūtra n
- ○sūḍtrâvaloka m. N. of wks
- hautraka n. N. of the 16th Pariśishṭa of Kātyāyana
- hautrika mfn. relating to the office or function of the Hotṛi, sacerdotal Kāty.
- haumīya mfn. = homīya Saṃskārak.
- haumya mfn. id. ṢaḍvBr. GṛŚrS. MBh.
- • n. clarified butter L.
- ○dhānya n. = homa-dh○ L.
- pariśiṣṭa-vivecana n. N. of wk
- hauṣya m. pl. a partic. school of the Yajurveda AV. Pariś
- horā f. (fr. Gk. ?) an hour (the 24th part of an Aho-rātra) VarBṛS. MārkP.
- • the half of a zodiacal sign Var.
- • horoscope or horoscopy ib. &c
- ○kandarpa-jātaka n
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m
- ○"ṣdhyāya (horâdh○), m
- ○prakaraṇa (?), n
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradīpa m
- ○makaranda m
- ○makaraḍndôharaṇa n
- ○ratna n. N. of wks
- ○vid mfn. versed in horoscopy VarBṛS. Sch.
- ○śāstra n. horoscopy, astrological science (also as N. of wk.)
- • -sāra m. n. -sudhā-nidhi, m
- • ○trârṇava-sāra m. n. N. of wks
- ○ṣaṭ-pañcāśikā f
- ○sāra m. n
- ○sāra-sudhā-nidhi m
- ○setu m. N. of wks
- horila-miśra m. N. of the author of a Smṛiti-saṃgraha Cat.
- horila-siṃha m. N. of a man (perhaps = prec.) Cat.
- hola N. of a man Rājat.
- • pl. a country belonging to Udīcya L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a town Rājat.
- siṃha m. N. of a man Cat.
- holaḍa and N. of places Rājat.
- holarā N. of places Rājat.
- holaka m. half-ripe pulse cooked over a light fire Bhpr.
- holāka m. a kind of vapour-bath (induced over hot ashes for the cure of partic. diseases, by sweating
- • also with sveda) Car.
- • (ā), f. See next.
- holākā f. (perhaps from a cry or shout or sound in singing), the spring festival at the approach of the vernal equinox (commonly called Hūlī or Holī, and said to be dedicated to Kṛishṇa and the Gopīs
- • it is celebrated during the ten days preceding the full moon of the month Phālguna, when people sprinkle red powder in sport and light fires
- • in some parts of India the Holī festival corresponds to or immediately precedes the Dolā-yatrā, q.v.) RTL. 430
- holā f. the Holi festival MW.
- ○khelana n. the frolics practised at the Holī festival ib.
- holikā f. the Holī festival (also applied to a Rākshasī worshipped at it) W.
- ○pūjana f
- ○pūjā m
- ○prayoga m
- ○māhātmya n
- ○vidhāna n
- holiḍkôtpatti f. N. of wks
- holi-nirṇaya m. (prob. for holī-n○) N. of wk
- holī See above under holākā
- holīra hosiṅga-kṛṣṇa, and hosiṭaka-bhaṭṭa m. N. of authors Cat.
- hohau and hau ind. vocative particles (used in calling and challenging) L.
- hauḍ hauḍa, See √hoḍ
- hauṇikyā f. a patr. Pāṇ. 4-1, 79 Sch.
- hauṇḍina m. N. of partic. transpositions of verses (vihāra) ĀśvŚr.
- hautabhuja hautra, haumīya &c. See col. 2
- hnu cl. 2. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 73) hnuté (Ved. and ep. also hnauti and hnavati, ○te ; pf. juhnuve Gr. ; aor. ahnoṣṭa ib. ; fut. hnotā, hnoṣyate ib. ; inf. hnotum Mālatīm. ; ind. p. hnutya Daś. ; generally with prepositions
- • cf. apa-, api-, ni-√hnu &c.), to hide from (dat.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 34
- • to drive or take away Bhaṭṭ.: Pass. hnūyate (aor. ahnāvi), Gr.: Caus. hnāvayati (aor. ajuhnavat) ib.: Desid. juhnūṣate ib.: Intens. johnūyate, johnoti ib.
- hnava m
- hnavana n. secreting, hiding, concealing ( See apa-, ni-hv○ &c.)
- hnavāyya See a-hnavāyyá
- hnuta mfn. taken away, withheld, secreted &c. ( apa-, ni-hnuta &c.)
- hnuti f. abstraction, concealment, denial MW.
- hnotavya mfn. to be secreted or concealed &c. ib.
- hmal (cf. √hval), cl. 1. P. hmalati, to shake, move Dhātup. xix, 45
- • to go, xx, 14 (v. l.): Caus. hmalayati, or hmālayati (the former when prepositions are prefixed) Dhātup. xix, 45 ; 67
- hmala and g. jvalâdi
- hmāla g. jvalâdi
- hyás ind. (g. svar-ādi) yesterday RV. &c. &c. (-dagis) ; Germ. ge10staron, gestern ; Angl. Sax. geostra ; Eng. yester (-day).]
- hyaḥ in comp. for hyas
- ○kṛta mfn. done or happened yesterday (-vat ind.) HPariś.
- hyastana mf(ī)n. hesternal, belonging to or produced or occurred yesterday MBh.
- • (ī), f. (scil. vibhakti) the personal terminations of the imperfect Kāty.
- ○dina n. the day just past, yesterday L.
- hyastya mfn. hesternal, of yesterday Pāṇ. 4-2, 105
- hyo in comp. for hyas
- ○go-doha m. yesterday's cow's milk L.
- hrag (cf. √hlag), cl. 1. P. hragati, to cover, conceal Dhātup. xix, 25
- hraṇiyā or hraṇīyā f. = hṛṇ○ L.
- hradá m. (once n
- • ifc. f. ā rather to be connected with √hlād, but √.hrād
- • for 2. hrada See p. 1307) a large or deep piece of water, lake, pool (rarely applied to the sea
- • with gāṅga, 'the water of the Ganges') RV. &c. &c
- • (ā), f. the incense tree L.
- • (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- ○graha m. 'lake-monster', a crocodile, alligator L.
- hradântara n. another lake MW.
- hradâlayêśamāhātmya n. N. of wk
- hradôdara m. 'lakebellied', N. of a Daitya MBh.
- hradayyá mfn. being in a pond or lake TS.
- hradavya mfn. id. Pāṇ. 6-1, 83 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- hradin mfn. abounding in pools or in water (as a river) MBh. Hariv. R.
- • (inī), f. a river VarBṛS. BhP.
- hrade-cákṣus mfn. (prob.) mirrored in a lake RV.
- hrádya mf(ā)n. being in a pond or lake TS.
- hrādin mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) = hradin R.
- • (inī), f. a river L.
- • N. of a river (v. l. hradinī) R. (cf. Sch.)
- hrap v. l. for √hlap, q.v
- hras cl. 1. P. Ā. hrasati, ○te (only in present base
- • Gr. also pf. jahrāsa &c.), to become short or small, be diminished or lessened Mn. MBh. &c
- • to descend from (abl.) MBh.
- • (P.) to sound Dhātup. xvii, 61: Caus. hrāsayati (aor. ajihrasat), to make small or less, shorten, curtail, diminish Gobh. Mn. &c.: Desid. jihrasiṣati Gr.: Intens. jāhrasyate, jāhrasti ib.
- hrasita mfn. shortened, curtailed, diminished Bhaṭṭ. BhP.
- • sounded W.
- hrasiman m. shortness, smallness, g. pṛthvādi
- hrásiṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr: hrasva) shortest or smallest, very short or small ŚBr.
- hrásīyas mfn. (compar. fr. id.) shorter (also prosodially) or smaller, very short or small ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. RPrāt. &c
- • (ī), f. a variety of the Gāyatrī metre (containing two lines of six syllables and one line of seven) VS. Anukr.
- hrasta See nir-hrasta
- hrasvá mf(ā)n. short, small, dwarfish, little, low (as an entrance), weak (as a voice) VS. &c. &c
- • unimportant, insignificant BhP.
- • less by (abl.) Car.
- • prosodically or metrically short (as opp. to dīrgha
- • cf. laghu) ŚrS. RPrāt. Pāṇ. &c
- • m. a dwarf. W.
- • a short vowel Prāt.
- • N. of Yama L.
- • (ā), f. a female dwarf MW.
- • N. of various plants (Phaseolus Trilobus
- • = nāga-balā and bhūmi-jambū) L.
- • of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • (am), n. a kind of vegetable L.
- • green or black sulphate of iron L.
- • a partic. short measure MW.
- ○karṇa m. 'short-eared', N. of a Rākshasa R.
- ○karṣaṇa n. a partic. Svara SaṃhUp.
- ○kuśa m. Kuśa grass or a kind of short Kuśa grass (cf. -darbha) L.
- ○gavedhukā f. Uraria Lagopodioides L.
- ○jambū f. a species of Jambū with small black fruit L.
- ○jātya mfn. of a small sort or kind Suśr.
- ○taṇḍula m. a kind of rice L.
- ○tā f. shortness (of stature ) R.
- ○tva n. id. Suśr. Śarvad.
- • prosodial shortness Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 56
- ○darbha m. = -kuśa L.
- ○dā f. the incense-producing tree (v. l. hradā) L. -nirvaṃśaka m. a small sword L.
- ○pattraka m. 'having short leaves', a kind of Bassia L.
- • (ikā), f. the small Pippala tree L.
- ○parṇa m. 'id.', Ficus Infectoria L.
- ○pūrva mfn. preceded by a short vowel VPrāt.
- ○plakṣa m. a species of small Plaksha tree L.
- ○phala m. 'having small fruit or kernels', the date tree L.
- • (ā), f. the tree Bhūmi-jambū
- ○bāhu mfn. short-armed MārkP.
- • m. N. of Nala (while in the service of king Ṛitu-parṇa) Kathās.
- ○bāhuka mfn. short-armed MBh.
- ○mūrti mfn. short in stature, dwarfish MW.
- ○mūla m. 'having a small √', the red sugar-cane L.
- ○mūlaka m. (prob.) id. Suśr.
- ○roman m. 'short-haired', N. of a king of Videha (son of Svarṇa-roman) BhP.
- ○śākhā-śipha m. 'having short branch roots', a small tree, shrub L.
- ○śigruka m. a species of Moringa Suśr.
- ○sabhā f. a small or narrow hall MW.
- hrasvâgni m. Calotropis Gigantea L.
- hrasvâṅga mfn. shortbodied, dwarfish BhP.
- • m. a dwarf W.
- • the medicinal plant and √Jīvaka L.
- hrasvâiraṇḍa m. red Ricinus L.
- hrasvôdaya mfn. followed by a short vowel RPrāt.
- hrasvôpadha mfn. having a short penultimate AV.
- hrasvaka mfn. very short or small MBh. Hariv. &c
- hrāsa m. shortening, diminution, decrease, deterioration, detriment Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • paucity, scarcity MBh. Hariv. &c
- • sound, noise L.
- hrāsânveṣaṇa-vat mfn. connected with diminution and searching Sāh.
- hrāsaka mf(ikā)n. shortening, diminishing, decreasing MW.
- hrāsana n. shortening, diminution Gṛihyās. Suśr.
- hrāsanīya mfn. to be made shorter or diminished, ŚārṅgS.
- hrāsva n. (fr. hrasva), g. pṛthv-ādi.
- hrād (cf. √hlād), cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. ii, 25) hrādate (pf. jahrāde as Pass. impers. Bhaṭṭ.
- • Gr. also aor. ahrādiṣṭa &c.), to sound, roar, make a noise (mostly with a preposition, cf. nir-, and saṃ-√hrāa): Caus. hrādayati, to cause to sound ĀpGṛ.
- • to refresh, delight (= or wṛ. for hlādayati) MārkP.
- hrada m. (ifc. f. ā
- • for 1. See p. 1306, col. 3) sound, noise L.
- • a ray of light ( See śata-hr○)
- • a ram L.
- • N. of a son of Hrāda Hariv.
- hradaka mfn. = hrade kuśalaḥ g. ākarṣâdi
- hrāda m. sound, noise, roar (of thunder) ChUp. MBh. Kir.
- • sound (in a phonetical sense) Pat.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- • of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu Hariv. Pur.
- hrādaka mfn. = hrāde kuśalaḥ g. ākarṣâdi
- hrādin mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) sounding, noisy, very loud MBh. VarBṛS. Śiś.
- • (inī), f. lightning MBh. Hcar.
- • Indra's thunderbolt L.
- hrādúni or f. 'rattling', hail RV. VS. Br. ChUp.
- hrādúḍnī f. 'rattling', hail RV. VS. Br. ChUp.
- ○hata (○dúni-), mfn. struck by hail MaitrS.
- ○vṛ́t (○dunī-), mfn. covered or hidden by hail RV.
- hrām ind. an exclamation BhP.
- hrāsa hrāsana, See col. 1
- hriṇiyā hriṇīyā f. = hṛn○, I
- hriṇīya Nom. Ā. ○yate (cf. hṛnīya) to be ashamed of (instr.) Naish.
- • (with na) to be unashamed before (abl. = to bear comparison with) Bhaṭṭ.
- hrita wṛ. for hṛta, or hrīta
- hriti f. = hṛti, taking, conveying L.
- hrivera n. = hrīvera L.
- hrī cl. 3. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 3) jihreti (jíhriyat MaitrS. ; pf. jihrāya Ragh. ; jihrayāṃ-cakāra, ○yām-āsa, Gr. ; aor. ahraiṣīt ib. ; Prec. hrīyāt ib. ; p. hrayāṇa, See a-hr○ ; fut. hretā, hreṣyati Gr.), to feel shame, blush, be bashful or modest, be ashamed of any one (gen.) or anything (abl.) Kāv. Kathās.: Caus. hrepayati (aor. ajihripat), to make ashamed, cause to blush, confound, put to shame (also fig. = 'surpass, excel') ib.: Desid. jihrīṣati Gr.: Intens. jehrīyate (p. ○yamāṇa SaddhP.), jehrayīti, jehreti, to be greatly ashamed ib.
- hrī́ f. shame, modesty, shyness, timidity (also personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) VS. &c. &c
- ○jita mfn. overcome by shame, modest, ashamed L.
- ○deva m. N. of a Buddhist deity Lalit.
- ○dhārin mfn. feeling shame, bashful Pañcad.
- ○nirāsa m. abandonment of shame, shamelessness W.
- ○niṣeva mfn. practising modesty, modest (also ○vaka and ○vin) MBh.
- • m. N. of a prince ib.
- ○pada n. cause of shame Kum.
- ○bala mfn. strong in modesty, extremely modest Jātakam.
- ○bhaya n. fear of shame Rājat.
- ○mat mfn. bashful, modest, ashamed, embarrassed (-tva n.) MBh. R. &c
- • m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devāþ MBh.
- ○mūḍha mfn. perplexed or confused by shṭshame Megh.
- ○yantraṇā f. torment of shame, constraint of bashfulness Ragh.
- ○sanna-kaṇṭha mfn. having the throat or the utterance broken by shame MW.
- hrīka (ifc.) = 2. hrī (cf. nir-hrīka)
- • m. a mongoose L.
- • (ā), f. shame, bashfulness L.
- hrīku mfn. ashamed, bashful, modest L.
- • m. a cat L.
- • lac L.
- • tin L.
- hrīṇa mfn. ashamed, bashful, shy R.
- ○mukha mfn. shame-faced, blushing ib.
- hrīta mfn. ashamed, modest, shy, timid MBh. Kathās.
- ○mukha mfn. = hrīṇa-m○ PañcavBr.
- ○mukhín mfn. id. TS.
- hrīti f. shame, bashfulness, modesty MBh.
- hrepaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) shame, embarrassment Kathās.
- hrepita mfn. ashamed, put to shame, surpassed Ragh.
- hrīch cl. 1. P. hrīcchati, to be ashamed or modest, blush Dhātup. vii, 30
- hrīm ind. an exclamation BhP.
- hrīvera n. a kind of Andropogon (accord. to some, Pavonia Odorata) Suśr.
- hrīvela and n. id. L.
- hrīveḍlaka n. id. L.
- hru (collateral form of √hvṛ), cl. 9. P. hruṇāti ( See vi-√hru)
- hrút f. any cause of going wrong or falling, stumbling-block, trap &c. RV. AV.
- hruta mfn. crooked KātyŚr. ('ill' Sch.)
- hruḍ or hrūḍ, cl. 1. P. hroḍati or hrūḍati (accord. to some also Ā. ○te), to go Dhātup. ix, 71 (v. l.)
- hrū́ḍu or (applied to Takman) AV. i, 25, 2
- hrū́ḍru (applied to Takman) AV. i, 25, 2 ; 3
- hroḍa See jyā-hroḍa
- hrum ind. an exclamation BhP.
- hrep cl. 1. Ā. hrepate, to go Dhātup. x, 11 (v. l.) hrepayati, See √hrī
- hreṣ (cf.√1. heṣ), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xvi, 21) hreṣate (m. c. also P. ○ti
- • pf. jihreṣe &c., Gr.), to neigh (as a horse), whinny MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to go, move Dhātup. xvi, 18 (v. l. for preṣ): Caus. hreṣayati, to cause to neigh MBh.
- hreṣā f. neighing (of a horse), whinnying MBh.
- hreṣita mfn. neighed ib.
- • n. = prec. ib.
- hreṣin mfn. neighing, whinnying ib.
- hreṣuka m. an instrument for digging, a kind of spade MBh.
- hrauḍ (cf. √hruḍ, hrūḍ), cl. 1. P. hrauḍati, to go Dhātup. ix, 71 (v. l.)
- hraum ind. an exclamation Cat.
- hlag (cf. √hrag), cl. 1. Ā. hlagate, to cover, hide Dhātup. xix, 26
- hlanna See under √hlād
- hlap (v. l. hrap), cl. 10. P. hlāpayati, to speak Dhātup. xxxii, 115
- • to sound, creak ib.
- hlas (cf. √hras), cl. 1. P. hlasati, to sound Dhātup. xvii, 62
- hlād (cf. √hrād), cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. ii, 26) hlādate (perhaps orig. 'to make a cry of joy'), to be glad or refreshed, rejoice Nir. MBh.
- • to sound, shout (for joy) ib.: Caus. hlādayati, ○te (aor. ajihladat
- • Pass. ahlādayiṣata Daś. Bhaṭṭ.), to refresh, gladden, exhilarate, delight
- TĀr. MBh. R. &c.
- hlatti
- hlanna
- hlanni See pra-hl○
- hlāda m. refreshment, pleasure, gladness, joy, delight R. VarBṛS. &c
- • N. of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu (= and v. l. for hrāda) VP.
- hlādaka mf(ikā)n. refreshing, gladdening, cooling RV. AV.
- hlādikā-vatī f. rich in refreshments or enjoyments RV.
- hlādana mfn. id. MBh. R. Suśr.
- • n. refreshing, refreshment Vāgbh. Kāvyâd.
- hlādanīya mfn. fit for refreshment MBh.
- hlādita mfn. refreshed, gladdened, delighted MBh. R. &c
- hlādin mfn. refreshing, comforting, gladdening, exhilarating (○di-tva n.) MBh. Suśr. &c
- • very noisy or loud (v. l. hrādin) VarBṛS.
- • (inī), f. (cf. hrādi-nī) lightning L.
- • Indra's thunderbolt L.
- • the incense-tree L.
- • a partic. Śakti BhP. Sch.
- • a mystical N. of the sound d Up.
- • N. of a river R.
- hlāduka mf(ā)n. exhilarating, cooling, fresh TĀr.
- hlādukā-vatī f. = hlādikā-vatī ib.
- hlāduni f. (used in explaining hrāduni) Śaṃk.
- hlī = √hrī, in the following derivatives:
- hlī́ka mfn. bashful, modest TBr. Kāṭh.
- • (ā), f. shame, modesty L.
- hlīku mfn. ashamed, modest, shy L.
- • m. lac L.
- • tin L.
- hleṣ = √hreṣ, in the following derivatives:
- hleṣā f. = hreṣā, neighing, whinnying L.
- hval (cf. √hvṛ), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xix, 44) hválati (m. c. also ○te ; pf. jahvāla aor. ahvālīt &c., Gr. ; inf. hválitos ŚBr.
- • ind. p. -hvā́lam ib. &c.), to go crookedly or astray or wrong or deviously, stumble, fall, fail ŚBr. Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. hvalayati, or hvālayati (the former when prepositions are prefixed
- • aor. ajihvalat), to cause to tremble, shake Bhaṭṭ.
- hvala mfn. stumbling, staggering PārGṛ.
- • (ā́), f. going astray or wrong, failure ŚBr.
- hvalana mfn. stumbling, staggering PārGṛ.
- hvāla m. failure, cessation KātyŚr. ('dying' Sch.)
- hvṛ or hvṝ (cf. √hval, √dhvṛ), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 23) hvárati (in RV. also hvárate ; and accord. to Dhātup. xxxi, 21 also hvṛṇāti ; pf. jahvāra, ○vartha, ○varuḥ Gr. ; aor. ahvārṣīt, hvārṣīt, hvār, hvāriṣuḥ VS. Br. Kāṭh. ; Prec. hvaryāt Gr. ; fut. hvartā, hvariṣyati ib.
- • inf. hvartum ib.), to deviate or diverge from the right line, be crooked or curved, bend, go crookedly or wrongly or deviously, stumble, fall, down VS. &c. ( See above): Caus. hvārayati (aor. jihvaraḥ, ○ratam
- • juhuraḥ, juhūrthāḥ, juhurāṇá), to cause to go crookedly, lead wrong or astray RV.
- • (Ā.) to go wrong or astray ib.: Desid. juhvūrṣati Gr.: Intens. jāhvaryate, jāhvarti ib.
- hvara See dharúṇa-hvara
- hvaraka m. pl. N. of a school, IndSt
- hváras n. (pl.) crookedness, deceit, intrigue ib. VS.
- • a partic. contrivance attached to the Soma-sieve (perhaps the curved rods fixed round the rim) RV.
- • a trap, snare (?) RV. ii, 23, 6.
- hvarita mfn. Pāṇ. 7-2, 31 &c
- hvārá m. 'going crookedly or deviously', a serpent RV. AV.
- hvāryá mfn. serpentine, winding RV.
- • m. a serpent Sāy. on RV. v, 9, 4
- • a horse Naigh. i, 14
- hvṛta mfn. Pāṇ. 7-2, 31 &c
- hve cl. 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 39) hváyati, ○te (Ved. also hávate and huváti, ○te ; other present forms are hve AV. ; hvāmahe VS. ; hóma, hūmáhe, juhūmási RV. ; p. huvāná with pass. sense ib. ; hvayāna MBh. ; pf. juhāva, juhuvuḥ ŚBr. &c. ; juhvé, juhūré RV. ; juhuve, huhurire Br. ; hvayāṃ-āsa and hvayāṃ-cakre MBh. ; aor. áhvat, ahvata RV. &c. &c. ; ahvi AV. ; áhūmahi, ahūṣata RV. ; ahvāsīt GopBr. ; fut. hvātā Gr. ; hvayiṣyati, ○te Br. ; hvāsyate ŚāṅkhŚr. ; inf. Class. hvātum ; Ved. hávitave, hváyitum, ○tavaí ; huvádhyai ; ind. p. Class. hūtvā
- • Ved. -hū́ya and -hāvam), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā, 'to call by name' ; with yuddhe, 'to challenge to fight') RV. &c. &c
- • to emulate, vie with W.: Pass. hūyáte (aor. áhāvi, or ahvāyi), to be called &c. RV.: Caus. hvāyayati (aor. ajūhavat or ajuhāvat), to cause anyone (acc.) to be challenged by (instr.) Vop.: Desid. juhūṣati, ○te Gr.: Intens. johūyate or jóhaviiti (johuvanta, ajohavuḥ, jóhuvat, jóhuvāna RV. AV. BhP.) or johoti (Gr.), to call on, invoke &c.
- hava
- hāva &c. See p. 1294, cols. 1 and 2
- huta (for hūta ?). See p. 1301, col. 1
- hūtá mfn. called, summoned, invited RV. Prab.
- • n. the act of calling Pāṇ. 8-2, 84
- ○vat mfn. containing the word hūta ŚrS.
- hūti f. calling
- • invocation &c
- hūya See devi- and pitṛ-hū́ya
- hótrā f. (for 1. See p. 1306, col. 1) calling, call, invocation (also personifled) RV. TBr.
- • (hotrābhiḥ), ind. by good words MBh. iii, 1332
- ○vid mfn. knowing invocation RV.
- hvayana
- hvayitavya See ā-hv○
- hvā f. a name, appellation ( See giri-hvā)
- hvātavya mfn. to be called Nir.
- hvātṛ m. (used in explaining hotṛ) ib.
- hvāna n. calling, calling near MBh.
- • a cry, noise ( See ku-hvāna)
- hvānīya mfn. to be called or invoked MW.
- hvāya See svarga-hvāya
- hvāyaka mfn. calling &c. Pat.
- hvāyakīya Nom. P. ○yati = hvāyakam icchati ib.: Desid. jihvāyakīyiṣati ib.
- hvāyayitavya See ā-hv○
- hvāyin mfn. calling, invoking, challenging MW.
- hveya mfn. to be called or invoked ib. _