- ta the 1st dental consonant
- ○kāra m. the letter t
- • -vipulā f. N. of a metre
- ○para mfn. followed by t Pāṇ. 1-1, 70
- • -karaṇa n. causing ṭ, to follow, vi, 1, 91 Kāś
- ○varga m. the dental consonants collectively TPrāt
- ○"ṣvargīya mfn. belonging to the dental consonants, xiii, 15
- tá pronom. base, tád,
- ○tama mfn. (superl.) that one (of many) Pāṇ. 5-3, 93
- • such a one BhP. x, 36, 28
- • just that AitUp. iii, 12, 13 (= vyāpta-t○ Sch.)
- ○tara mfn. (compar.) that one (of two) Pāṇ. 5-3, 92
- ○tas (tá-), s.v
- ta m. a tail (esp. of a jackal), any tail except that of Bos gaurus L
- •, the breast L
- • the womb L
- • the hip W
- • a warrior L
- • a thief. L
- • a wicked man L
- • a Mleccha L
- • a Buddha L
- • a jewel L
- • nectar L
- • n. crossing L
- • virtue L
- • (ā), f. Lakshmī L
- taṃs (cl. 1. P. ○sati, to decorate Dhātup. xvii, 31
- • Ā. ○sate to decorate one's self Vop. xxiv, 12
- • pf. tatasré) 'to move', pour out (fig. a wish) RV. iv, 23, 5: Caus. taṃsayati (cl. 10. 'to decorate' Dhātup. xxxiii, 56
- • impf. ataṃsayat), to draw to and fro VS. xxiii, 24: Intens, irr. tantasyati, 'to afflict' or 'to be distressed' (cf. vi-√taṃs), g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- • [fr. √tan?
- • cf. tásara ; Goth. at-pinsan
- • Old Germ. dinsan', to draw.']
- taṃsu m. N. of a prince of the lunar race (son of Mati- or Ranti-nāra) MBh. i, 3704ff. ; 3779f. Hariv. 1716ff. VP.iv, 19, 1f
- • (trasu) VāyuP.ī, 37, 125 and 128
- ○rodha m.id. BrahmaP
- tak cl. 2. ○kti (cl. 1. kati Naigh. ii, 14
- • inf. ○kitum Nir. ix, 3) to rush along RV. ix, 16, 1
- •
- tákavāna mfn. (fr. and ) = táku, i, 120, 6
- táku mfn. rushing along, ix, 97, 52
- taktá mfn. id., vi, 32, 5 ; ix, 32, 4 and 67, 15
- takya mfn. fut. Pass. p. Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 Vārtt. 1 Pat, takvá mfn. quick RV. viii, 69, 13
- tákvan m. 'rushing', a bird, bird of prey , i, 66, 2
- • a thief Naigh. iii, 24
- takva-vī́ m. (nom. sg. and pl. viís) a bird, bird of prey RV. i, x
- takvavī́ya rapid flight (?), i, 134, 5
- taká m(nom. pl. ās) fn(ad). (dimin. of 2. tá) that, 133, 4 and 191, 15 KātyŚr.xiii Bhadrab
- takari f. = ○rī Kāṭh. xiii, 9 f
- takarī́ f. a particular part of a woman's pudenda TS. iii, 3, 10, 1
- • (tagarī) AV. Paipp,
- tákavāna √tak
- takila mfn. fraudulent L
- • (ā), f. 'a drug (auṣadha)' or 'N. of a herb (oṣadhi)' L
- táku √tak
- takkola m. Pimenta acris R. iii, 35
- tákman n. = tok○, offspring Naigh
- takmán m. (√tañc) 'shrinking', N. of a disease or of a class of diseases (accompanied by skin-eruptions) AV. i, iv-vi, ix, xi f. xix
- takmá-nāśana mfn. removing the takmán, v, 4, 1 f
- takra n. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi) buttermilk mixed with (a third part of) water Mn. viii, 326 Yājñ. iii, 37 & 322 Hariv. &c
- • (ā) (f.= ○krâkvā L
- ○kurcikā f. inspissated buttermilk Suśr
- ○piṇḍa m. curd Bhpr. v, 13, 30
- ○bhaktā f. = ○krâhvā L
- ○bhid the fruit of Feronia elephantum Npr
- ○māṃsa n. meat fried with ghee and eaten with buttermilk Bhpr
- ○sāra n. fresh butter L
- takrâṭa m. a churning-stick (cf. dadhi-cāra), Vāsav. 157
- takrâhvā f. N. of a shrub L
- takvá tákvan, kva-vií, &c. √tak
- takṣ cl. i. P. ○kṣati (ep. also Ā. impf. tákṣat, átakṣat RV
- • rarely cl. 2, 3, pl. tákṣati RV. i, 162, 6
- • impf. atakṣma, 2. pl. ataṣṭa RV
- • once cl. 5. , Pot. ○kṣṇuyur Lāṭy. viii
- • also apa-
- • aor, atakṣīt Pāṇ. 7-2, 7 Kāś
- • 3. pl. ○kṣiṣur RV. i, 130, 6
- • Subj. takṣiṣat , ŚākhŚr. vii
- • pf. tatákṣa, once Ā. ○kṣé RV. v, 33, 4 ; 3, pl. ○kskúr RV. (8 times) &c., once takṣur, ii, 19, 8
- • 2. du. takṣathur, x, 39, 4
- • pr. p. f. tákṣatī, i, 164, 41
- • pf. Pass, p. taṣṭá, s.v.) to form by cutting, plane, chisel, chop RV. &c
- • to cut, split MBh. Hariv. Hcar
- • to fashion, form (out of wood &c.), make, create RV. AV
- • to form in the mind, invent RV
- • to make (any one young
- • double acc.), make able or prepare for (dat.) RV
- • (in math.) to reduce by dividing Gol. xiii, 14 ff
- • Lil. &c
- • = √tvac Dhātup. xvii, 13
- • to, skin ib.: Caus. takṣayati (aor. atatakṣat) Pāṇ. 7-4, 93 Kāś
- • cf. tvakṣ. 2. Taksh, 'paring'
- • kāṣṭha-
- takṣa mfn. 'cutting through', tapas-
- • m. ifc. = ○kṣan VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 20 and 24 (cf. kauṭa-, grāma-)
- • N. of a Nāga (cf. ○kṣaka) Kauś
- • of a son [of Bharata R. vii, 100 f. Ragh. xv, 89 BhP. ix, 11, 12
- • (also ○kṣaka)
- • of Vṛika, 24, 42]
- takṣa in comp. for ○kṣan,
- ○karman n. carpenter's work ĀśvŚr.ī, 1, 13 Sch
- ○rathakārá (tâk○), m. du. a carpenter and a cartwright MaitrS. iv, 3, 8
- ○vat mfn. ? (for kṣata-v○?) MBh. ii, 23, 18,
- ○śila m. pl. the inhabitants of ○lā VarBṛS. x, 8 and (in comp.) xvi, 26
- • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 93
- • g. varaṇâdi) ? city of the Gandhāras (residence of Taksha R. vii, 101, 11) MBh. R. Buddh. VarBṛS. Kathās. lxix
- • ○lā-vatī f. N. of a locality, g. madhv-ddi
- takṣâyaskāra n. sg. a carpenter and a blacksmith Pāṇ. 2-4, 10 Kāś
- takṣaká m. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 29 Kāś.) 'a cutter', kāṣṭha-, vṛkṣa-
- • a carpenter L
- • Viśvakarman L
- • the Sūtra-dhāra or speaker in the prelude of a drama L. Sch
- • N. of a tree L
- • of a Nāga prince (cf. ○kṣa) AV. viii, 10, 29 TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15 ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 18, 1 Kauś. MBh. &c
- • of a son of Prasena-jit BhP. ix, 12, 8
- • also ○kṣa
- takṣakīyā f. N. of a place, g. 2. naḍâdi
- takṣaṇa m. a cutter, abrader W
- • (in math.) the divisor employed to reduce a quantity W
- • n. cutting, paring, peeling, abrading KātyŚr. xxii, 6 Gaut.i, 29 Mn.v, 115 &c
- • (N. of a Kalā) Vātsyāy. i, 3, 17
- • dividing in order to reduce a quantity, Lil
- • (ī), f. an instrument for cutting or paring L
- tákṣan m. (Ved. acc. ○kṣaṇam, class. ○kṣaṇam Pāṇ. 6-4, 9 Kāś.) a wood-cutter, carpenter, ? RV. ix, 112, 1 AV.x, 6, 3 VS. &c
- • N. of a teacher ŚBr. ii, 3, 1, 31
- • (kṣṇī), f. g. gaurâdi (not in Gaṇar.)
- takṣiṇī f. = ○kṣaṇī L
- takṣitṛ mfn. a cutter Pāṇ. 8-2, 29 Kāś
- tákṣya mfn. to be formed RV. viii, 102, 8
- tagaḍa-vallī for tagara-, q.v
- tagara n. (m. L.) = ○raka Kauś. 16 MBh. xiii, 5042 Buddh. Suśr. VarBṛS. lxxvii, 5 ff
- • n. = -pura Romakas
- • (ī), f. = takarī́, q.v
- ○pādika n. = ○raka L
- • (ā), f. id. L
- ○pādí f. id. L
- ○pura n. N. of a town
- ○vallí f. Cassia auriculata Npr
- ○śikhin m. N. of a man Lalit. xiii.
- tagaraka Tabernaemontana coronaria and a fragrant powder prepared from, it VarBṛS. li
- tagarika m
- tagarikī f. a seller of Tagara powder, g. kisarâdi
- taṅk cl. 1.Pṭo live in distress, Dhā2tup
- taṅka grief produced by separation from a beloved object L. Sch
- • fear ib
- • vḷ. for ṭaṅka (a chisel) L
- • cf. ā-, tapas-
- • pra-taṅkam
- taṅg cl. 1. P, ○gati, to go Dhātup. v, 41
- • to stumble ib
- • to tremble ib
- taṅgaṇa m. pl. N. of a people (in the upper part of the valley of the Sarayū) MBh. ii f. vi f. xiv Hariv. VarBṛS. x, xvi f
- • cf. ṭaṅk○
- taṅgalvá m. N. of an evil spirit AV. viii, 6, 21
- tac-chabda-tva &c. tat
- taj-ja
- ○jaghanyá &c. ib
- tajvī f. for tanvii, q.v
- tañc (= √tvañc), cl. 1. ○cati, to go
- tañc cl. 7. tanakti, to contract Bhaṭṭ. vi, 38
- • cf. ā, abhy-ā-
- • upâtaṅkya
- • takmán and ○kra
- tañj v. l. for √2. tañc Dhātup
- tañjala m. the Cātaka bird Gal
- taṭ cl. 1. P. ○ṭati, to rumble ṢaḍvBr. v, 7
- • (derived fr. taṭa) to be raised Dhātup.ix, 21: Caus. tāṭayati, v. l. for tāḍay○, to strike, xxxii, 43
- taṭa m. (exceptionally n. Daśar. ī. 18/19) a slope, declivity, any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping, sides (cf. śroṇi-, stana-, &c.), a shore MBh. (said of Siva, xii, 10381) Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. ii Bhartṛ.)
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 49) id. Gīt. Prab. Sāh
- • cf. a-, ut-
- • pura-taṭī
- ○druma m. a tree standing on the shore
- ○bhū f. the shore, Śis. viii, 19
- ○stha mfn. standing on a declivity or bank Naish. iii, 55
- • = -sthita, Mālatim. Naish. iii, 55
- • m. an indifferent person (neither friend nor foe) W
- • n. a property distinct from the nature of the body and yet that by which it is known, spiritual essence, Vedântak
- ○sthita mfn. 'standing aloof', indifferent Uttarar. (said of speech)
- taṭâghāta m. the butting (of elephants) against banks &c. (vapra-krīḍā) Kum. ii, 50
- taṭaka n. a shore Inscr
- taṭāka n. (m. L.) a pool ṢaḍvBr. v, 12 R. &c
- taṭākinī f. a large pond MBh. iii, 279, 44
- taṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to appear like a declivity Alaṃkārav
- taṭinī f. (g. puṣkarâdi) 'having a bank', a river Rājat. iii, 339 ; iv, 548 Śatr
- ○pati m. 'lord of rivers', the ocean, i, 50
- taṭya mfn. living on slopes (Śiva) MBh. xii
- taṭataṭa (onomat.) in comp
- ○svana mfn. rumbling, thundering VarBṛS. xxxiii, 5
- taḍ cl, 10. tāḍayati (perf. ○ḍayāmāsa Kathās., twice tatāḍa BhP. vi f
- • Pass. tāḍyate) to beat, strike, knock, strike (with arrows), wound, punish Nir. iii, 10 Mn. iv, xi Yājñ. i MBh. &c
- • to strike a musical instrument MBh. Hariv. 15092 Mṛicch. v Kum. &c
• (in astron.) to obscure or eclipse partially VarBṛS. xxiv, 34
- • 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 126
- taḍākā f. a stroke L
- • splendour Uṇ. Sch
- taḍi ?, iv, 117 Sch
- taḍit ind. = ○ḍítas RV. i, 94, 7 (talit)
- • f. stroke (vadha-karman Naigh. ii, 19)', lightning Nir. iii, 10f. Suśr. &c. (ifc. ○ḍita Vet. Introd. 20)
- ○kumāra m. pl. = vidyut-k○ L
- ○prabhā f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2635
- ○vat mfn. having or emitting lightning R. v, 40, 4 Vikr.i, 14 VarBṛS. Kir. v, 4
- • m. a cloud Vām. v, 1, 10 Sch
- • akind of Cyperus W
- taḍítas (taḻít○), ind. closely, near (as if striking against) RV. ii, 23, 9
- taḍid in comp. for ○ḍit
- ○garbha m. 'containing lightning', a cloud ŚvetUp. iv, 4,
- ○vāsas mfn. having lightning like garments BhP. i, 12, 8
- taḍin in comp. for ○ḍit
- ○maya mfn. flashing like lightning Kum. v 25 Hcar. viii
- ○mālā f. a garland of lightning, śāntiś
- • ○lâvalambin mfn. having garlands of lightning hanging down W
- taḍil = ○ḍit
- ○latā f. forked lightning, Ritus, ii, 20
- ○lekhā f. a streak of lightning Bhartṛ. iii
- taḍaga m.= ○ḍāga, a pond L.
- taḍataḍ-iti ind. (onomat.) crack! Bālar. viii, 77
• cf. taṭataṭa
- taḍat-kārin mfn. cracking, iv, 74 ; v, 11
- taḍāka m. n. (= taṭāka), a tank, pool L
- • 2. (ā), f. a shore L
- taḍākini for taṭāk.○ (C)
- taḍāga n. (m., g. ardharcâdi) = ○ḍāka ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 2 Mn. iv, vii ff. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • a trap L
- ○da mfn. making a tank, xiii, 2987
- ○bhavanôtsarga m. N. of Smṛitit. xii Smṛitit. Introd. 3
- ○bhedaka mfn. a tank-breaker Mn. ix, 279
- ○vat mfn. = -da MBh. xiii, 2973
- taḍi ○dít, ○dítas, √taḍ
- taḍ-iti ind. (onomat.) = taḍataḍ-iti Bālar. iv, 59 ; vi, 69 ; viii, 67
- • ix Vcar. xiii, 40
- taṇḍ (= √taḍ), cl. 1. Ā. oḍate, to beat Dhātup. viii, 28
- taṇḍa m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- ○vataṇḍa m. pl, the descendants of Taṇḍa and Vataṇḍa, g. kārtakaujapâdi
- taṇḍaka mṇ. (g. ardharcâdi) a complete preparation L., Sch,
- • composition abounding in compound words L
- • the upright post of a house L
- • m. a juggler L
- • the trunk of a tree L
- • foam L
- • a wagtail L
- • cf. tāṇḍ○
- taṇḍā f. in comp
- • cf. taṇḍa
- ○pracara or m.? (a term relating to the SV.) Caraṇ
- ○pratara m.? (a term relating to the SV.) Caraṇ
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of a Sūtra of the SV
- taṇḍi m. N. of a man Pravar., ii, 4, 1 ; vii, 2
- • of a Ṛishi (who saw and praised Śiva) MBh. xiii, 607 and 1037ff. ŚivaP.ī, 2
- • cf. sudivā-
- • tāṇḍi
- ○putra m. N. of a teacher VāyuP. i, 61, 37
- ○vāha m. a barber Gal
- taṇḍu m. N. of an attendant of Śiva (Bharata's teacher in the art of dancing, cf. tāṇḍava)
- taṇḍurīṇa m. one not a citizen, a barbarian L
- • a worm, insect L
- • = ○ṇḍulâmbu L
- taṇḍulá m. (g. ardharcâdi) grain (after threshing and winnowing), esp. rice AV. x ff. ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- • rice used as a weight Car. vii, 12 VarBṛS
- • = ○līka L
- • m. = ○lu L
- • (ā), f.id. L
- • (ī), f. a kind of gourd L
- • = ○līka L
- • the plant yava-tiktā L
- ○kaṇa m. a rice-grain Hit
- ○kaṇḍana n. bran Suśr
- ○kiṇva n. g. rāja-dantâdi
- ○kusuma-bali-prakāra or ○li-vik○ m. pl. N. of a Kalā (q.v.)
- ○deva m. N. of a poet Bhojapr. 162/163
- ○phalā f. long pepper L
- ○vaitālika n. N. of the 5th Prakīrṇaka of the Jaina canon
- taṇḍulâmbu n. rice-water or gruel
- taṇḍulôttha
- taṇḍulôdaka n. id. L
- taṇḍulaū7gha m. a heap of grain W
- • Bambus spinosa L
- taṇḍulika mfn. fr. ○la Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Pat
- taṇḍulikâśrama m. N. of a Tīrtha Vishṇ. lxxxv, 24 (v. l.) MBh. iii, 4084 (vv. ll. ○DUl○ and tandul○)
- taṇḍulin mfn. for ○la Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Pat
- taṇḍulīka m. Amaranthus polygonoides L
- taṇḍulīya m. (g. apūpâdi) id. Suśr
- • = ○lu L
- • iron pyrites L
- taṇḍulīyaka m. = ○līka Suśr
- • = ○lu L
- • (ikā), f. id. L
- taṇḍulu m. Embelia Ribes L
- taṇḍulera m. = ○līka L
- taṇḍūlikâśrama ○Dul○
- tat for tád. col. 3
- tat I. tatá. √tan
- tatá m. (cf. tāta) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to nanā́, mother) RV. viii, 91, 5 f. ; ix, 112, 3 AV. TS. iii TBr. &c. (voc. also term of affection addressed to a son AitBr.v, 14, 3 ; vii, 14, 8)
- ○tata m. father of fathers W
- ○druh mfn. having hurt one's father BhP. i, 18, 37
- tatā-mahá m. (formed after and ) = pita-mahá AV. v, 24, 17 ; xviii, 4, 76 Kauś. PārGṛ. i, 5 BhP. vi
- • cf. pra-
- tatanúṣṭi √tan
- ta-tama -tara, 2. tá
- tátas ind. (tâ-tas, correlative of yá-tas) used for the abl. (sg., du. and pl.) of tád (q.v. Pāṇ. 5-3, 7f.' ; vi, 3, 35) RV. AV. ĪśUp. Mn. &c
- • from that place, thence RV. AV. &c,
- • in that place, there MBh. &c
- • thither Mn. vii, 188 R. i, 44, 34 Kathās
- • thereupon, then, after that, afterwards (sometimes corresponding to preceding particles like ágre, puras, purvam, prathamam, prāk ŚBr. xiv Mn. ii, 60 Śak. Pañcat. &c
- • corresponding to prathamá RV. i, 83, 5
- • also correlative of yád , yátra "ṣBr.i, yadā ṇal. xx ṛ., yadi , cêd
- • often superfluous after an ind. p. or after tadā or atha Mn. &c.)
- • from that, in consequence of that, for that reason, consequently AV. MBh. xii, 13626 R. vi Hit
⋙tataḥ katham
- tátaḥ katham but, how is it then that? Sāh. iii, 200/210
⋙tataḥ kṣaṇam
- tátaḥ kṣaṇam or immediately afterwards Kathās
⋙tataḥ kṣaṇāt
- tátaḥ kṣaṇāt immediately afterwards Kathās
⋙tatah para
- tátah pára mfn. beyond that AV. xviii, 2, 32
- • ○raṃ, ind, besides that, further Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār
- • thereupon, afterwards MBh. &c. (○taś ca param VP. iv)
⋙tataḥ pascāt
- tátaḥ pascāt id. Mn. iii, 116 f. MBh. &c
- • ○taḥ-prabhṛti, thenceforth Nal. ii, i Pañcat. &c
⋙tatas tatah
- tátas tatah (in dram.) what then? what took place after that? Ratnāv. Hit
- • ○tas-tataḥ, from that and that place, here and there, hither and thither, from all sides, to everyplace, everywhere PārGṛ. iii, 13, 6 MBh. R. BhP
- • (correlative of yato-yataḥ, from whatever place, wherever) to that place Śak. i, 23 BhP
- • ○to'nyatas, 'to another place than that', to some other place Mn. ii, 200
- • ○to'nyatra = tasmād anyasmin L
⋙tato param
- táto'param afterwards, at another time AitBr. vii, 17, 4
- • ,
- ○"ṣtya mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Pat.) coming from that, proceeding thence Kir. i, 27
- • of or belonging to that W
- táti nom. acc. pl. (Pāṇ. 1-1, 23 ff.) so many, Lat. tot AV. xii, 3
- ○dhā́ in, d. in-so many parts ib
- tatithá mf(ī́)n. so maniest ŚBr. i, 8, 1, 5
- tato in comp. for ○tas
- ○nidāna mfn. caused by that Vajracch. 8 and 11
- ○bṛhatīka mfn. having the Bṛihatī metre at that place SāṅkhŚr. xi, 12, 1
- ○bhavat m. His (or Your) Highness there (cf. tatra-bh○) Pāṇ. 5-3, 14 Kāś
- tatā-mahá 2. tatá
- tati √tan
- táturi mfn. (√tṝ, iii, 2, 171) conquering RV. i, 145, 3 iv, 39, 2, vi, 22, 2 ; 24, 2 ; 68, 7
- • promoting ŚBr. i, 8, 1, 22 SāṅkhŚr. i, 11, 1
- tat in comp. for tád
- ○kara mf(ā)n. doing that, doing any particular work Pāṇ. 3-2, 21
- ○kartavya mfn. proper to be done with reference to any particular circumstance (cf. iti-k○) Rājat. vi, 269
- ○kartṛ m. 'creator of (that, i.e. of) the universe', N. of the supreme being (with Sikhs) W
- ○karma-kārin mfn. doing the same work Mn. ix, 261
- ○kārin mfn. id., Kāvyád.ī, 20
- ○kāla mfn. happening (at that same time, i.e.) immediately KātyŚr. i, xxv
- • of that duration BrahmaP
- • m. that time (opposed to etat-k○, this time') Vedântas
- • the time referred to KātyŚr. i VarBṛ. Laghuj
- • (am), ind. at that time, at the same time, during that time Gobh. iii, 3, 28 PārGṛ. ii, 11, 5 f. VarBṛ. Kathās. &c
- • immediately Pañcat. Kathās. (cf. tātkālika)
- • -dhī mfn. having presence of mind L
- • -lavaṇa n. a kind of salt Npr
- • ○lêpanna-dhī mfn. = ○la-dhī L
- ○"ṣkālīna mfn. of that time Daś. iii, 36
- • simultaneous BhP. x, 12, 41
- ○"ṣkulína mfn. of that family MBh. v, 7102
- ○kriya mfn. =
- ○kara L
- ○kṣaṇa m. the same moment L
- • (am), ind. at the same moment, directly, immediately Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (incomp. ○ṇa- Ragh. i, 51 VarBṛS. Kathās. vi Hit.)
- • (āt), abl. ind. id. Yājñ. ii, 14 R. &c
- • (e), loc. ind., id. W
- ○tad-deśīya mfn. belonging to this or that country Nyāyam. viii, 3, 7 Sch
- ○tulya mfn. (said of a Prākṛit word) similar or equal to the original Sanskṛit word Vāgbh. ii, 2
- ○tritīya mfn. doing that for the 3rd time Pāṇ. 6-2, 162 Kāś
- ○tribhāgaka mf(ikā)n. forming onethird of that VarBṛS. lviii
- ○tva n. true or real state, truth, reality ŚvetUp. Mn. Bhag. &c
- • (in phil.) a true principle (in Sāṃkhya phil. 25 in number, viz. a-vyakta, buddhi, ahaṃ-kāra, the 5 Tan-mātras, the 5 Mahā-bhūtas, the 11 organs including manas, and, lastly, puruṣa, qq.vv.) MBh. xii, 11840 ; xiv, 984 R. iii, 53, 42 Tattvas. ; 24 in number MBh. xii, 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.) ; 23 in number BhP. iii, 6, 2 ff
- • for other numbers xi,. 22, 1 ff. RāmatUp
- • with Māheśvaras and Lokâyatikas only 5 viś. the 5 elements are admitted Prab. ii, 18/19
- • with Buddh. 4, with Jainas 2 or 5 or 7 or 9 Sarvad. ii f
- • in Vedânta phil. tattva is regarded as made up of tad and tvam, 'that art thou', and called mahā-vākya, the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma is expressed)
- • the, number 25 Sūryas. ii
- • the number 24 DevibhP. ŚBr. vii, 3, 1, 43 Sāy
- • an element or elementary property W
- • the essence or substance of anything W.
- • the being that Jaim. i, 3, 24 Sch
- • = tata-tva L
- • N. of a musical instrument L
- • (ena), instr. ind. according to the true state or nature of anything, in truth, truly, really, accurately Mn. vii, 68 MBh. R
- • -kaumudī f. 'Tattva-moonlight', N. of a Comm. on Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad. xiv, 20
- • -candra m. 'truthmoon', N. of a Comm. on Prakriyā-kaumudī
- • 'Tattva-moon', N. of a Comm. on -kaumudī
- • -cintāmaṇi m. N. of a philos. work by Gaṅgêśa
- • of another work Nirṇayas. iii
- • -jña mfn. ifc. knowing the truth, knowing the true nature of, knowing thoroughly Mn.xii, 102 MBh. (a- neg., xii, 6623) R. &c
- • m. a Brāhman Npr
- • -jñāna n. knowledge of truth, thorough knowledge, insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad
- • -jñānin mfn. = -jña W
- • -taraṃgiṇī f. 'truth-river', N. of wk. by Dharmasāgara
- • -tas ind.= ○ttvena MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 13 Mn. MBh. &c
- • -tā f. truth, reality W
- • -tyaj mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. iii, 19
- • -trayamaya mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. i, 11, 893
• -darśa m. (= -dṛś) N. of a Ṛishi under Manu Deva-sāvarṇi BhP. viii, 13, 32
- • -darśin mfn. = -dṛś MBh. iii, 1149 Rāmag
- • m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433
- • of a Brāhman, 1265
- • -dīpana n. 'Tattva-light', N. of wk
- • -dṛś mfn. perceiving truth Vedântas
- • -nikaṣa-grāvan m. the touchstone of truth Hit. i, 9, 12
- • -niścaya m. 'ascertainment of truth', right knowledge Sarvad. vi, 91 and 94
- • -niṣṭhatā f. veracity Hemac
- • -nyāsa m. 'application of true principles', N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishṇu (application of mystical letters &c. to parts of the body while prayers are recited), Tantr
- • -prakāśa m. 'light of true principles', N. of a Comm. Sarvad. vii
- • -prabodha-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (AḌ. 1200)
- • -bindu m. 'truthdrop', N. of a philos. treatise
- • -bodha m. knowledge or understanding of truth, xii, 46
- • N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- • -bodhinī f. 'teaching true principles', N. of a Comm. on Saṃkshepa-śārīraka
- • of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jñānêndra-sarasvatī
- • truth-teaching, RTL. p. 492 and 509
- • -bhava m. true being or nature KaṭhUp. vi ŚvetUp. i
- • -bhūta mfn. true MBh. xii, 5290
- • -muktâvali f. 'necklace of truth', N. of wk. Sarvad. iv, 110
- • RTL. p. 123
- • -vat mfn. possessing the truth or reality of things MBh. xii, 11480
- • -vāda-rahasya n. N. of wk. Sarvad. v, 110
- • -vid mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. iii, 28
- • -vivitsā f. desire of knowing the truth W
- • -viveka m. the sifting of established truth
- • N. of wk. on astron. (also siddhânta-t○)
- • of another work Sarvad. v, 6
- • ○ka-dīpana n. 'light of truth-investigation', N. of a philos. work
- • -śambara n. N. of a Tantra Ānand. 31 Sch
- • (○raka, Āryav.)
- • -śuddhi f. ascertainment or right knowledge of truth Kathās. lxxv, 194
- • -saṃgraha m. N. of wk. Sarvad. vii, 88
- • -satya-śāstra n. N. of a Buddh. work by Guṇaprabha
- • -samāsa m. 'Tattva-compendium', N. of Kapila's Sāṃkhya-sūtras Tattvas
- • -sāgara m. 'truth-ocean', N. of wk. Smṛitit. xi Nirṇayas. i, 318
- • -sāra m. 'truth-essence', N. of wk. Śāktân. ii
- • ○vâkhyānôpamā f. a simile expressing or stating any truth Kāvyâd. ii, 36
- • ○vâdhigata mfn. learnt thoroughly Suśr
- • ○vâpahnava-rūpaka n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Kāvyâd. ii, 95
- • ○vâbhiyoga m. a positive charge or declaration Yājñ. ii, 5/6, 4 ff
- • ○vârtha m. the truth Sarvad. iii
- • ○tha-kaumudī f. 'truth-light', N. of a Comm. on Prāyaśc. by (Govindânanda
- • ○tha-vid mfn. knowing the exact truth or meaning of (in comp.) Mn.i, 3
- • ( veda-)
- • ○tha-sūtra n. N. of a Jaina work by Umā-svāti Sarvad. iii, 103
- • ○vâvabodha m. perception of truth W
- ○pada n. the place of that Daś. vii, 435
- • the word tad Vedântas
- • m. Ficus religiosa Npr
- ○para mf(ā)n. following that or thereupon Megh
- • having that as one's highest object or aim, totally devoted or addicted to, attending closely to, eagerly engaged in (loc. or generally in comp.) ŚvetUp. i, 7 Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • m. 1/30 of an eye's twinkle W
- • (ā), f. 1/60 of a second of a circle Āryabh. iii, 2 Sch
- • -tā f. scope, design, intention W
- • entire devotion or addiction to (loc.) Hit
- • -tva n. id. W
- • aiming at, tending to Daśar. iv, 38 (a- neg.)
- • 'the state of following behind', inferiority KātyŚr. i, 4, 16 and 5, 5
- ○parāyaṇa mfn. addicted to W
- ○pāṇini ind, = iti-p○ Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Kāś
- ○puruṣa m. the original or supreme spirit (one of the 5 forms of Īśvara Sarvad. vii) Kāṭh. xvii, 1 TĀr., x, 1, 5 f. LiṅgaP. i, 13
- • the servant of him KātyŚr. vii, 1, 8
- • N. of a Kalpa period MatsyaP. liii, 41
- • a class of compounds (formed like the word tat-puruṣa, 'his servant') in which the last member is qualified by the first without losing (as the last member of Bahu-vrīhi compounds) its grammatical independence (whether as noun or adj. or p.)
- • two subdivisions of these compounds are called Karma-dhāraya and Dvi-gu (qq.vv.)
- • -vaktra m. before
- ○purva mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 162) happening for the first time Mālav.iv, 8 Ragh. xiv
- • (am), ind. that for the first time Kir. vii, 11 ; viii, 26
- • -tā f. happening for the first time, ix, 75
- • -saṅga mfn. then first restrained Ragh. ii, 42
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. combined with that arrangement of Sāmans ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 22, 6
- ○prakāra mfn. of that kind W
- ○prathama mfn. doing that for the first time Pāṇ. 6-2, 162 Kāś
- • (am), ind. = -pūrvam Kir. viii, 30 ; xvi, 27
- • -tas ind. id. Divyâv
- • -taram ind. that first of all, xxii, 4 ; xxx, 434
- ○prabhāte loc. ind. early on the next morning Vet. i, 18/19 and 23/24
- ○prabhṛti mfn. beginning with that Lāṭy. ii, vii, ix
- ○pravara-vat mfn. having (his or) their line of ancestors KātyŚr. i, 6, 13 Sch
- ○prêpsu m. a particular form of a Desid. Nir. vi, 28 APrāt. iv, 29
- ○phala mfn. having that as a fruit or reward W
- • having that as a result W
- • the blue water-lily L
- • the plant kuṣṭha L
- • a kind of perfume L
- ○saṃskārârtha-tva n. the state of helping to promote that Jaim. vi, 4, 45 (a- neg.)
- ○saṃkhyāka mfn. of that number Yājñ. ii, 6/7
- ○sadṛśa mfn. 'fitting or corresponding to that', -sthāna
- ○sama mfn. = -tulya
- • ifc. synonymous with Uṇ. i, 3 Sch
- ○samanantaram ind. immediately upon that Kathās. iv, 24
- • cf. tadanant○
- ○sādhu-kārin mfn. accomplishing that Pāṇ. 3-2, 134
- ○sina (tát-), mfn. wishing to acquire or ordering that RV. i, 61, 4
- ○stha mfn. being on or in that Pāṇ. 4-2, 134 ; ii, 2, 8 Vārtt. 2
- • m. a particular mode of multiplication W
- • -tadañjana-tā f. assuming the colour of any near object Yogas. i, 41
- ○sthāna mfn. (= -sadṛśa Sāy.) for tasthāná (q.v.) AitBr. vi, 5, 2
- ○spṛṣṭin mfn. touching them Gaut. xiv, 30
- tac in comp. for tád
- ○chabda-tva (śab○), n. = tācchabdya TāṇḍyaBr. iv, 8, 15 Sch
- ○chīla (śīla), mfn. accustomed to that Pāṇ. 3-2, 134
- • = sadṛśa, similar Kāvyâd. ii, 64
- • cf. tācchīlika
- taj in comp. for tád
- ○ja mfn. sprung from (that, i.e. from) Sanskṛit (as Prākṛit or other words) Vāgbh. ii, 2
- • -lân mfn. produced, absorbed and breathing in that ChUp. iii, 14, 1
- ○jaghanyá mf(ā́)n. the worst among them TS. vii, 1, 6, 4
- ○jaya m. the conquest of that W
- ○ja-lân -ja
- ○jātīya
- ○jātīyaka mfn. of the same kind, (a- neg.) Pāṇ. 1-1, 7 Vārtt. 8 and Pat
- ○jña mfn. knowing that, (m.) a knowing man BhP. iii, v (a-, q.v.) Rājat. v, 481
- • ifc. familiar with Hariv.8427
- tátra (also ○trā RV.), ind. (tá-tra, correlative of yá-tra
- • g. câdi, not in Kāś.) used for the loc. (sg., du. and pl.) of tád (q.v. Pāṇ. 5-3, 10 ; vi, 3, 35) RV. AV. Mn. &c
- • in that place, there (in comp. Pāṇ. 2-1, 46) RV. &c
- • thither, to that place ib
- • in that, therein, in that case, on that occasion, under those circumstances, then, therefore, (also correlative of yád , yadā , yadi ṃn. viii f. Cāṇ. ḥit., or ced
- • tatra māsa, 'that month', i.e. the month that has been spoken of Kathās. xviii, 208)
⋙tatra tatra
- tátra tatra used for double loc. of tád Nal. v, 8
- • in that and that place, here and there, everywhere Mn. vii, 87 MBh. BhP
- • to every place MBh
⋙yatra tatra
- yatra tatra used for the loc. yasmiṃs tasmin, in whatever Mn. iii, 50 ; vi, 66 ; xii, 102
- • in whatever place, anywhere MBh. xiii, 3686
- • to any place whatever, v, 5997
- • at any rate, indiscriminately, xiii, 514
- • yatra tatrâpi, to whatever place, v, 1084 Kathās. xxxvi, 101 ;
- ○cakṣurmanas mfn. directing one's eyes and mind on him Gaut. i, 47
- ○tya mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Pat.) of that place, being there BhP. Kathās. Rājat. i, 117 Hit
- ○bhava mfn. employed with that ĀpŚr. xiv, 5, 1 Sch
- ○bhavat m
- ○bhavatī f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 166 and v, 3, 14 Kāś.) 'Your Honour there', (chiefly in dram.) respectful title given to absent persons (once to a present person Mṛicch. i, 55/56) R. ii, &c
- • cf. atra-bh○
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling there, i, 25, 21.
- ○skandha m. N. of a deity, Tantr
- ○stha mfn. dwelling there, situated there, belonging to that place MBh. iii, 2683 R. ii, iv Kathās. vii, xxvi
- táthā ind. (tâ-thā, correlative of yá-thā Pāṇ. 5-3, 26
- • g. câdi Kāś. and Gaṇar.) in that manner, so, thus (the correlative standing in the preceding or in the subsequent clause, e.g. yathā priyaṃ, tathâstu, 'as is agreeable, so let it be'
- • tathā prayatnam ātiṣṭhed yathâtmānaṃ na pīḍayet, 'he should so make effort as that he may not injure himself.' Mn. vii, 68
- • tathā tathā-yathā, so much that VP. iv
- • also correlative of iva Mn. iii, 181 R. i, 4, 12
- • of yena Kathās. iii, 18
- • of yādṛśa Mn. i, 42
- • used in forms of adjuration, e.g. yathâham anyaṃ na cintaye tathâyam patatāṃ kṣudraḥ parâsuḥ, 'as surely as I do not think on any other man, so surely let this wretch fall dead' Nal. xi, 36) RV. &c
- • yes, so be it, so it shall be (particle of assent, agreement, or promise
- • generally followed by iti) AV. iii, 4, 5 ŚBr. AitBr. &c. (tathêty uktvā, having said 'so be it' or 'yes' Nal. &c.)
- • so also, in like manner (e.g. sukhaṃ seved duḥkhaṃ tathā, 'let him make use of prosperity and also adversity') Mn. MBh. &c
- • = tathā hi Nal. xix, 25
⋙tathā ca
- táthā ca and likewise, accordingly (introducing quotations) Mn. ix, 19 and 45 Dhūrtas. Hit
- táthâpi even thus, even so, nevertheless, yet, still, notwithstanding (correlative of yady api , api āmar., api yadi Prab., kāmam "ṣak., varam) MBh. &c
- • tathâpi tu id. Śak
⋙tathā hi
- táthā hi (g. svar-ādi) for so, for thus (it has been said), for instance Ragh. Śak. &c
- táthaiva exactly so, in like manner Mn. &c
- • (with ca or api following) likewise Mn. &c
- atho-tathā id. ib
- yathā-tathā in whatever way, in any way, by all means, iv, 17 MBh. i, 45, 17 ; vii, 6332 Nal. Naish.ix, 29
- yathā-yathā-tathātathā in whatever manner or degree-in that manner or degree the more-the more Mn. MBh. (Nal. viii, 14) VarBṛS. xi Vet
- • cf. yathā-tatham, a- and vi-tatha
- ○karaṇa n. proceeding thus ĀpŚr. xi, 21, 8 Sch. (a-, neg.)
- ○kāram ind. thus (correlative of yath○) Pāṇ. 3-4, 28
- ○kṛta mfn. thus done or made W
- • made true VarBṛS. xxxii, 4
- ○kratu (táth○), mfn. so intending ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 7
- ○gata mfn. being in such a state or condition, of such a quality or nature RPrāt. iii, 5 MBh. Mālav. v, 9/10
- • 'he who comes and goes in the same way as the Buddhas who preceded him', Gautama Buddha Buddh. Sarvad
- • a Buddhist SŚaṃkar. i, 70
- • x
- • -kośa-paripālitā f. N. of a Kiṃnara virgin Kāraṇḍ. i, 83
- • -garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. L
- • -guṇa-jñānâcintya-viṣajyâvatāranirdeśa m. 'direction how to attain to the inconceivable subject of the Tathā-gata's qualities and knowledge', N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- • -gukyaka n. 'Tathāgata-mystery', N. of a Buddh. work (highly revered in Nepāl)
- • -bhadra m. N. of a pupil of Nāgârjuna
- ○guṇa mf(ā)n. endowed with such qualities R. ii, 22, 19
- ○jātīya mfn. of that kind, 15, 13
- ○jātīyaka mfn. id. Pat. on Śivas. 3 f. Vārtt. 5
- ○tā f. true state of things, true nature Vajracch. 17
- ○tva n. the being so, such a state of things, such a condition Bhāshāp. Sāh. vii, 8/9 Sarvad
- • = -tā Mn. x, 57 Sch. Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○prabhāva mfn. having such power R. ii, 22, 30
- ○bhavitavya-tā f. the necessity of being so Kād. iv, 139
- ○bhāva m. the being so TPrāt. Sch
- • the being of such a nature, true nature, accomplishment Jain. Siṃhâs
- ○bhāvin mfn. about to be of such a kind Śak. vii, 32/33
- ○bhūta mfn. of such qualities or kind or nature R. i f. Amar. Kathās. Sāh
- ○mukha mfn. 'so-facing', turning the face in the same direction Gobh. iv, 2, 5
- ○"ṣyatam (○thây○), ind. in the same direction, 4
- ○rāja m. a Buddha (cf. -gata) or Jina W
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. so formed, thus shaped, looking thus, Lāty, ix, 12 MBh. &c
- ○rūpin mfn. id., xii, 7344
- ○"ṣrtha (○thâr○), mfn. 'real', -tva n. the being real BṛĀrUp. Sch
- ○vādin mfn. telling the exact truth Vishṇ. v, 27 Vajracch. 14
- • professing to be so W
- ○vidha (táth○), mf(ā)n. of such a sort or kind, being in such a condition or state, of such qualities TBr. ii, 1, 10, 1 Mn. i, viii f. (correlative of yādṛśa, ix, 9) MBh. &c
- • (am), ind. in this manner Nal. vii, 15
- • likewise Bhāshāp. 94
- ○vidhāna mfn. following this practice Hit. iii, 9, 6/1
- ○vīrya mfn. of such a strength MBh. i
- ○vrata mfn. = -vidhāna Mn. iv, 246
- ○śīla mfn. behaving thus MBh. iv, 133
- • -samācāra mfn. of such a character and behaviour, v, 73, 14
- ○svara mfn. uttered with the same accent Lāṭy. vii, 10, 20.
- tathôtsāha mfn. making so great efforts W
- tathôpama mfn. similar to that MBh. xii, 285 ff
- tathya mfn. 'being really so', true MBh. R. Pañcat
- • n. truth Śak. Bhartṛ
- • (ena), ind. according to truth Mn. viii, 274
- ○tas ind. id. Rājat. i, 325
- ○vacana n. a promise Pañcat. Introd. 10/11,
- ○vādin mfn. speaking the truth BhP. viii, 11, 11
- tád (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. tá from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. sás or sá & f. sā́
- • instr. pl. taís AV. &c
- • Ved. tébhis RV. AV. &c.) m. he, f. she, n. it, that, this (often correlative of yá generally standing in the preceding clause, e.g. yasya buddhiḥ sa balavān, 'of whom there is intellect he is strong'
- • sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives, e.g. so'ham, 'I that very person, I myself'
- • tāv imau, 'those very two'
- • tad etad ākhyānam, 'that very tale' AitBr. vii, 18
- • yat tat kāraṇam, 'that very reason which' Mn. i, 11
- • yā sā śrī, 'that very fortune which' MBh. vii, 427) RV. &c
- • (tad), n. this world (cf. idam) R. vi, 102, 25
- • = Brahma, tat-tva
- • (tád), ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of yátra or yátas) AV. AitBr. ii, 11 ŚBr. i, x, xiv ChUp
- • then, at that time, in that case (correlative of yadā́, yád AV
- • of yátra ŚBr. xiv
- • of yadi Nal. Bhag. &c
- • of cêd Śak. &c.) RV. iv, 28, 1 AV. &c
- • thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii ŚBr. AitBr
- • (tad etau ślokau bhavataḥ, 'with reference to that there are these two verses') PraśnUp
- • on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of yatas, yad, yena, 'because' Daś. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.) Mn. ix, 41 MBh. &c
- • now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv ŚBr. AitBr
- • so also, equally, and AV. xi, xv
⋙tad tad
- tad tad this and that, various, different (e.g. taṃ taṃ deśaṃ jagāma, 'he went to this and that place'
- • tāsu tāsu yoniṣu, 'in different or various birth-places' Mn. xii, 74)
- • respective BṛNārP. xiii, 88
- • tenaiva tenaiva pathā, on quite the same path R. iii, 50, 28
⋙yad tad
- yad tad whosoever, whichsoever, any, every (also with vā Mn. xii, 68 Hariv. 5940 Dhūrtas. Śak. Sch
- • often both pronouns repeated or the interrogative pron. with cid added after the relative, e.g. yad-yat para-vaśaṃ karma tat-tad varjayet, 'whatever action depends on another, that he should avoid' Mn. iv, 159
- • yat kiṃ-cid-tad, 'whatever-that' Mn.)
⋙tan na
- tan na s.v. cêd
- tad (ind.)
- api 'even then', nevertheless, notwithstanding Śak. (vḷ.) Bhartṛ. Prab. Siṃhâs
- tad (ind.)
- yathā 'in such a manner as follows', namely, viz. Buddh. (cf. Pāli seyyathā
- • sá yáthā- ŚBr.) Jain. (in Prākṛit taṃ jahā
- • cf. sejjahā) Pat. Śak
- • , , , tam, tum, tunc.]
- ○atipāta mfn. transgressing that W
- ○anantara mf(ā)n. nearest to any one (gen.) Nal. xxii, 16
- • (am), ind. immediately upon that, thereupon, then (corresponding to prāk, 'before' Śak. vii, 30
- • to prathamam, 'first' Mn. viii, 129) MBh. &c
- ○anu ind: after that, afterwards Megh. Ratnâv. Amar. Śrut. Subh
- ○anukṛti ind. conformably to that, accordingly AitBr. vi, 1, 2
- ○anusaraṇa n. going after that Sāh. i, 2/3, 58
- • -krameṇa instr. ind., s.v. kráma
- ○anta (tád-), mfn. coming to an end by that TBr. i, 5, 9, 3 Hit
- ○anna (tád-), mfn. accustomed to that food RV. viii, 47, 16
- • eating (that i.e.) the same food R. ii, 103, 30 and 140, 13
- ○anya mfn. other than that L
- ○anvaya mfn. descended from him VP. iv, 2, 2
- ○apatya mfn. having offspring from him Mn. iii, 16 (-tā, f. abstr.)
- • -maya mfn. thinking of one's off spring only Subh
- ○apas (tád-), mfn. accustomed to that work or to do that RV. ii, 13, 3 and 38, 1 ; viii, 47, 16
- • ind. in the usual way, v, 47, 2
- ○apêkṣa mfn. having regard to that Gaut
- ○artha mfn. intended for that Āp.ī, 14, 3 Pāṇ. 2-1, 36 ; i, 3, 72 Kāś
- • serving for that Jaim. i, 2, 1 (a- neg.)
- • having that or the same meaning Pāṇ. 2-3, 58
- • m. (its or) their meaning Vedântas. 200
- • (am), ind. on that account, with that object, for that end, therefore Pāṇ. 5-1, 12 R. i, 73, 4 VarBṛS. lxxiv Kāś. VP. iv
- • -tā f. = tādarthya ĀśvŚr. iii, 4, 12 Sch
- ○arthaka mf(ikā)n. denoting that Naish. iv, 52
- ○"ṣarthīya mfn. intended for that, undertaken for that end Bhag. xvii, 27.
- ○"ṣardhika mfn. half as much Mn. iii, 1
- ○arpaṇa n. delivery of that W
- ○arha a-
- ○avadhi ind. from that time Bhām. ii, 56
- • up to that period W
- ○avastha mfn. so situated, thus circumstanced, in that condition MBh. iii, 69, 31 Ratnâv
- • being in the same condition (as before), undamaged, iv, 19
- ○ahe loc. ind. on that day Hemac
- ○ākāra mfn. having that appearance W
- • -parijñāna n. N. of an art Gal
- ○ātmaka mfn. constituting its nature Car. vi, 12 Sarvad. xv
- ○ādi ind. from that time forward Śiś. i, 45 Dharmaśarm
- ○āmukha n. beginning of that L
- ○íd-artha mfn. intent on that particular object RV. viii, 2, 16 (cf.ī, 39, 1 ; ix, 1, 5 ; x, 106, 1)
- ○id-āsīya n. the hymn RV. x, 120 ŚāṅkhŚr. xi
- ○iṣṭi (tád-), mfn. accompanied by such offerings AV. xi, 7, 19
- ○eka-citta mfn. having all the thoughts fixed on that (person or thing) Hit
- ○evôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up. (beginning with the words tad eva)
- ○okas (tád-), mfn. rejoicing in that RV. i, 15, 1 ; iii, 35, 7 ; iv, 49, 6 ; vii, 29, 1
- ○ojas (tád-), mfn. endowed with such strength, v, 1, 8
- ○gata mfn. directed towards him or her or them or that R. i f. Kathās. iii, 68
- • ifc. intent on Vet. iv, 22
- • m. (?) the continued multiplication of 4 or more like quantities W
- ○guṇa mfn. possessing these qualities KātyŚr. xiv f
- • m. the quality of that or those, xii f
- • xvi
- • xxiii f
- • the virtue of (that or) those (persons) Ragh. i, 9
- • (in rhet.) transferring the qualities of one thing to another (a figure of speech) Sāh. x, 90 Kuval. Kpr. x, 51
- • also a- neg. 'a figure of speech in which a quality expected in any object is denied', 52
- • -tva n. the having its qualities Jaim. vi, 7, 16 (a- neg.)
- • -saṃvijñāna n. (a Bahuvrīhi compound) in which the qualities implied are perceived along with the thing itself (e.g. dīrghakarṇa, 'long-ear'
- • opposed to a- e.g. dṛṣṭasāgara, 'one who has seen the ocean') Bādar. i, 1, 2 Sch. Sarvad
- ○dina n. that, day W
- • (am), ind. on a certain day W
- • during the day W
- • every day W
- ○duḥkha n. grief for that or of that W
- ○devata mfn. having that deity KātyŚr. xxiv, 6 ĀpŚr. vii PārGṛ. iii, 11, 10
- ○devatāka mfn. id. RV. x, 18 Sāy
- ○devatya mfn. id. Lāṭy. iv, 4, 21
- ○deśya mfn. coming from the same country, (m.) a fellow-countryman MBh. xii, 168, 41 Kām. xiii, 77
- ○daivata mfn. = -dev○ Nir. vii, 1 PārGṛ. iii, 11, 10
- ○daivatya mf(ā)n. id. VarBṛS. ic, 3
- ○dvitīya mfn. doing that for the 2nd time Pāṇ. 6-2, 162 Kāś
- ○dhana mfn. niggardly L
- ○dharman mfn. practising that, iii, 2, 134
- • accomplishing his business KātyŚr. i, 6, 12 Jaim. vi, 3, 26 (cf. tāddharmya)
- • ○ma-tva n. the having his or its peculiarity KapS. i, 52 (a-, neg.)
- ○dharmin mfn. obeying his laws BhP. iii, 15, 32
- ○"ṣdharmya mfn. of that kind, v, 14, 2
- ○dhāraṇa n. N. of an art Gal
- ○dhita (hita), n. sg. and pl. his welfare Āp. ii BhP. ii, 9, 7
- • m. (scil. pratyaya) an affix forming nouns from other nouns (opposed to 1. kṛt), noun formed thus, derivative noun (tad-dhita, mfn. 'good for that or him', is one of the meanings peculiar to derivative, nouns, cf. maudakika &c.) Nir.ī, 2 Prāt. Pāṇ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. PārGṛ. Gobh.ī, 8, 15 (also a- neg. mfn. 'having no Taddhita affix')
- • -ḍhuṇḍhī f. N. of a gloss on the Taddhita chapter in Hemachandra's grammar by Ānandagaṇi
- ○bandhu (tád-), mfn. belonging to that family or race RV. x, 61, 18
- ○bala m. or a kind of arrow L
- ○bala f. a kind of arrow L
- ○bahu mfn. doing that often Pāṇ. 6-2, 162 Kāś
- ○bahula-vihārin mfn. id. Divyâv. xvii, 182 ; 463 ; 482
- ○bhava mfn. = tajja Mn. iv, 232, Medhāt
- ○bhāva m. the becoming that KātyŚr. iv, 3, 13 Bādar. iii, 4, 40 (a- neg., 'the becoming not that i.e. something else')
- • his intentions Kām. xi, 29 ; xviii, 3
- • ifc. 'becoming', a-bhūta-
- ○bhinna mfn. different from that
- ○bhūta mfn. being in that Jaim. i, 1, 25
- ○rasa m. the spirit thereof W
- ○raja m. (scil. pratyaya) an afīx added to the N. of a race for forming the N. of its chief Pāṇ. 2-4, 62 ; iv, 1, 174 ; v, 3, 119
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. thus shaped, so formed, looking thus KapS. v, 19 and Jaim. vi, 5, 3 (-tva n. abstr.) Pañcat. Pāṇ. 7-3, 86 Sch
- • of the same quality Sarvad. xv, 354 Vām. iv, 3, 9 (a- neg. 'of different quality')
- • a-, 'reverse' Bādar. iii, 4, 40
- ○vacaḥpratī7ta mfn. believing his words
- ○vat mfn. having or containing that VPrāt. Pāṇ. 4-4, 125 KapS. i, v Tarkas. &c
- • ind. like that, thus, so (correlative of yad-vat Mn. x, 13 Bhag. Pañcat
- • of yathā, 'as' ŚvetUp. ii, 14 MBh. i, vii &c.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 9, 3 &c.
- • in like manner, likewise, also, Śrut. Kathās. vi, xxvi
- • -tā f. conformity Vedântas. Bhāshāp
- ○van m. pl. N. of a class of Ṛishis (cf. yad-van, tarvan, yarv○) Pat, Introd. on Vārtt. 9
- ○vayas mfn. of the same age KātyŚr. xxv, 9, 1
- ○vaśá mfn. longing for that RV. ii, 14, 2 and 37, 1
- ○vasati mfn. dwelling there
- ○vā ind. = -vat, q.v
- ○vācaka mfn. signifying that,
- ○vikāra m. a- neg. no variety of that Jaim. vi, 5, 47
- ○víd mfn. knowing that, familiar with that AV. ix, 1, 9 ŚBr. xiv Gobh. Mn. &c. (also a- neg., xii, 115 MBh. v BhP. iv
- • na- neg., v, 4, 13)
- • m. = -vidya VarBṛS. ii, 20 Sarvad
- • f. the knowledge of that KaushUp. i, 2
- ○vidya mfn. a connoisseur, expert Nyāyad. iv, 2, 47 Car. i, 25 ; iii, 8
- ○vidha mf(ā)n. of that kind, conformable to that Mn. ii, 112
- • his (or their) like Suśr. i, 34 Ragh. ii, 22 Kum. v, 73 Mālav
- • -tva n. conformity with that Mn. vii, 17 Sch
- ○viṣaya mf(ā)n. belonging to that category Pāṇ. 4-2, 66
- • having that for its object BṛĀrUp. Sch
- ○viṣayaka mfn. attending to that business W
- ○vírya-vidvas mfn. a- neg., not knowing his manliness BhP. vi, 17, 10
- ○vṛtti mfn. living conformably to that Gaut
- ○vrata mfn. performing all duties towards (him or) her Mn. iii, 45
- • performing the same religious observance Gaut
- tadam ind. ifc. for tad g. śarad-ādi
- tadā́ ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 15 and 19 ff.) at that time, then, in that case (often used redundantly, esp. after tatas or purā or before atha MBh. &c
- • correlative of yád , yatra , yadā , yadi ṅīt. Vet. ḥit., yarhi , yatas, 'since', , cêd )
- tadā-tadā then and then Sāy. on RV. i, 25, 8
- tadā-prabhṛti from that time forward, (correlative of yadāpr○ R. iii, 17, 21
- • of yadā Śak. vi, 4/5) R. Ragh. ii, 38 Kathās. ii, 62
⋙tarhi tadā
- tarhi tadā (correlative of yadi) then Vet. iv, 24/25
- yadā-tadā (both repeated or the verb being repeated), at any time when - then Hit
- yadā-tadā at any time whatsoever, always MBh. i, 6373 Naish. viii, 39
- ○tva n. (opposed to ā-yati) 'state of then', the present time Mn. vii MBh. ii f. v, vii R. v, 76, 16 and 90, 1
- tadānīṃ in comp. for ○nīm
- ○tana mfn. then living Uttarar. i, 2/3
- ○dugdhá mfn. (then i.e.) just milked ŚBr. xi, 1, 4, 3
- tadā́nīm ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 19) at that time, then (cf. id○) RV. x, 129, 1 AV. MBh. &c., (correlative of yadā VarBṛS. liv
- • of yatra or yadi, Śrut.)
- tadīya mfn. (Pāṇ. 1-1, 74 Kāś.) belonging or relating to or coming from him or her or that or them, his, hers, its, theirs MBh. viii, 675 R. iv, 21, 35 Ragh. &c
- • such Daś. BhP. viii, 20, 33 (na "ṣyam aṇv api, 'not even as little as that, not a bit') &c
- ○saṅga m. a meeting with her Pañcat
- tadríyañc m(nom. ○yaṅ)fn. extending thither TS. v, 5, 1
- tadryañc mfn. id. Pāṇ. 6-3, 92, Kāś
- tan in comp. for tád
- ○nāmika mfn. named thus, iv, 1, 114 Vārtt. 6
- ○nāśa m. destruction of that
- ○nimitta mf(ā)n. caused by that Gaut. Daś
- • relating, to that R. ii, 64, 5
- • conformable to that MBh. iii, 135, 48
- • -tva n. the being its cause Jaim. i, 1, 25
- • a- neg., 24
- ○madhya n. 'the midst thereof', (āt), abl. ind. from among them
- • -stha mfn. situated in the midst of that
- ○manas mfn. absorbed in mind by that Car. i, 1
- ○maya mfn. made up of, that, absorbed in or identical with that MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- • -tā f. the being absorbed in or identical with that Kād. BhP. Rājat. iii, 498
- • -tva n. id. MBh. v, 1622 &c
- • ○yī-bhāva, m.id. Sāh
- ○mātra mfn. = ○traka MBh. ix, 1806 Pañcat
- • = ○trika BhP. iii, 10, 15
- • n. merely that, only a trifle Kathās. v, 15
- • lxiii, 60 Rājat. vi, 1
- • a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, viz. śabda-, sparśa-, rūpa-, rasa-, gandha-, from which the 5 Mahā-bhūtas or grosser elements are produced, RTL. p. 31 and 33) Yājñ. iii, 179 MBh. i, xiii Sāṃkhyak. KapS. &c
- • -tā f. the state of a Tan-mātra MārkP. vl, 46
- • -tva n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff
- • -sarga m. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation
- ○mātraka mfn. merely that, only so little Mcar. v, 25
- ○"ṣmātrika mfn. consisting of Tan-mātras Sāṃkhyak. Sch. BhP.xi, 24, 8
- ○mānin mfn. implying that (which the base indicates, e.g. Nom. P. aghāya, 'to act wickedly', fr. aghá) APrāt. iv, 29
- ○mukhikayā instr. ind. for this reason Divyâv
- ○mūla mfn. rooted in (i.e. caused by) that Daś.
- • -tva n. the being based in that Gaut. vi, 22
- • the being its √Kām. xvi, 37
- tal-lakṣaṇa n. his or her or its or their mark W
- • a particular high number Lalit. xii, 165
- tadurī f. = tād○ AV. iv, 15, 15
- tan cl. 1. 10. ○nati, tānayati, to believe in Dhātup
- • 'to assist' or 'to afflict with pain' ib
- tan (= √stan), cl. 4. ○nyati (aor. 2. sg. tatanas) to resound, roar RV. i, 38, 14 ; vi, 38, 2
- •
- tanayitnú mfn. (= stan○) roaring, thundering, iv, 3, 1 ; x, 66, 11
- tanyatú m. thunder RV. (Ved. instr. ○tā́, i, 80, 12
- • perhaps mfn. = tanayitnú, iv, 38, 8 ; vi, 6, 2 ; x, 65, 13 and 66, 10) AV. v, 13, 3
- • wind ('a musical instrument' W.) Uṇ. iv, 2 Sch
- • night ib
- tanyú mfn. = ○nayitnú RV. v, 63, 2 and 5
- tan cl. 8. P. Ā. ○nóti, ○nuté (3. pl. ○nváte AV. xii, 1, 13
- • Impv. ○nu [áva and ví-tanuhi RV
- • Pāṇ. 6-4, 106 Vārtt. 1 Pat.] RV. i, 120, 11
- • ○nuṣva RV
- • Subj. 2. sg. ○nuthās, v, 79, 9
- • 1. du. ○navāvahai, i, 170, 4
- • impf. 3. pl. átanvata, x, 90, 6 AV. vii, 5, 4
- • pf. P. tatā́na, once tāt○ RV. i, 105, 12
- • 2. sg. tatántha ṛV., class. tenitha
- • Ā. 1. 2. 3. sg. tatane, , RV
- • 3. sg. irr. tate, i, 83, 5
- • 3. pl. tatniré or ten○ [iv, 14, 4 (vi-) &c
- • Pāṇ. 6-4, 99]
- • aor. P. átan RV. vi, 61, 9
- • , 67, 6 AV. ix, 4, 1
- • RV
- • VS. xv, 53
- • atānīt MaitrS
- • tatánat, , ○tánan RV
- • 2. pl. ataniṣṭa Pāṇ. 2-4, 79 Kāś
- • 3. du. atāniṣṭām Bhaṭṭ. xv, 91
- • Ā. atata or ataniṣṭa, atathās or ataniṣṭhās Pāṇ. 2-4, 79
- • 3. pl. átnata RV
- • tatánanta, i, 52, 11
- • 1. sg. atasi pl. ataṃsmahi Br
- • fut. 2nd taṃsyáte ŚBr
- • fut. 1st BhP. viii, 13, 36
- • p. pr. tanvát, ○vāná
- • pf. tatanvás
- • ind. p. tatvā, ○tvā́ya, -tátya Br
- • tāya BhP. vii, 10, 2
- • inf. tantum Br
- • Pass. tāyáte RV. i, 110, 1 & x, 17, 7 AV. &c
- • tanyate Pāṇ. 6-4, 44
- • aor. atāyi Br.) to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to RV. &c
- • to be protracted, continue, endure RV
- • to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave RV. &c
- • to emboss ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 5
- • to prepare (a way for) RV. i, 83, 5
- • to direct (one's way, gatim) towards Nalôd. i, 20
- • to propagate (one's self or one's family, tanūs, tantum) Hariv. 2386 BhP. ii, 3, 8
- • to (spread, i.e. to) speak (words) Daś. i, 87
- • to protract RV. v, 79, 9 Kathās. li, 226
- • to put forth, show, manifest, display, augment Ragh. iii, 25 Śak. Bhartṛ. &c. (Pass. to be put forth or extended, increase Bhaṭṭ.)
- • to accomplish, perform (a ceremony) RV. VS. ii, 13 AV. iv, 15, 16 ŚBr. &c
- • to sacrifice, xiii, 2, 5, 2 Kaul. 127
- • to compose (a literary work) Hemac. Caurap. Sch
- • to render (any one thirsty, double acc.) Kuval. 455: Desid. titaniṣati, ○taṃsati, ○tAMs○ Pāṇ. 6-4, 17 ; vii, 2, 49 Kāś.: Intens. tantanyate, tantanīti, vi, 4, 44 & vii, 4, 85 Kāś
- •
- ○ādi mfn. beginning with √tan (the 8th cl. of roots)
- tat mfn. ifc. parī-
- • cf. purī-tát
- tatá mfn. (vi, 4, 37) extended, stretched, spread, diffused, expanded RV. &c
- • spreading over, extending to W
- • covered over by (instr. or in comp.) Laghuj. ii, 16 Kir. v, 11 Śiś. ix, 23
- • protracted W
- • bent (a bow) MBh. i, 49, 25 ; iv, 5, 1
- • spreading, wide L
- • composed (a tale), i, 2455
- • performed (a ceremony) RV. &c
- • m. wind L
- • n. any stringed instrument L
- • a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables
- ○cihna mfn. having marks drawn along, distinctly marked W
- ○tva n. 'protractedness', slow time (in music) L. Sch
- ○pattrī f. 'having spreading leaves', Musa sapientum L
- ○vat mfn. containing a derivative of √tan ŚāṅkhBr. xxvi, 8 and 10
- tatanúṣṭi mfn. 'wishing to show one's self', fond of ornaments (Nir. vi, 19) RV. v, 34, 3
- tati f. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 37. Kāś. vḷ
- • cf. tantí) a mass, crowd Śak. ii, 6 Śiś. iv, 54 &c. (cf. tamas-)
- • the whole mass (of observances, dharma-)
- • a sacrificial act, ceremony (cf. punas-) ŚāṅkhŚr. vi, 1, 4
- • a metre of 4 x 12 syllables, Vṛittaratn
- tán (only dat, táne and instr. tánā) continuation, uninterrupted succession RV
- • propagation, offspring, posterity RV.
- • (tánā, once tanā, x, 93, 12), instr. ind. in uninterrupted succession, one after another, continually RV. i, 3 ; 38 ; 77 ; ii, 2, 1
- • viii ff
- tána n. offspring, posterity, i, 39, 7 ; viii, 18, 18 and 25, 2 AV. vii, 73, 5 (○nā́yā for ○nāya)
- • (ā), f. sg. or Ved. n. pl. id. RV. iii, 25, 1 and 27, 9 ; ix, 62, 2
- ○bāla m. pl, N. of a people MBh. vi, 371
- tánaya mfn. propagating a family, belonging to one's own family (often said of toká) RV. AitBr. ii, 7
- • m. a son Mn. iii, 16 ; viii, 275 MBh. (du. 'son and daughter', iii, 2565) Śak. Ragh. ii, 64
- • = -bhavana VarBṛS
- • N. of a Vāsishṭha Hariv. 477 (vḷ. anagha)
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 371
- • n. posterity, family, race, offspring, child ('grandchild', opposed to toká, 'child' Nir. x, 7 ; xii, 6) RV. VarBṛS. (ifc. f. ā, ciii, 1 f.)
- • (ā), f. (g. priyâdi) a daughter Mn. xi, 172 (vḷ.) Nal. R. &c
- • the plant cakra-tulyā L
- ○bhavana n. the 5th lunar mansion VarBṛS. civ, 27
- ○saras n. 'offspring-receptacle', a mother Divyâv. xxxviii, 18
- tanayī-kṛta mfn. made a son Rājat. iv, 8
- tánas n. offspring RV. v, 70, 4
- tanikā f. a cord Śiś. v, 61
- tanitṛ m. an accomplisher RV. . x, 39, 14 Sāy
- tániman m. (fr. ○nú g. pṛthv-ādi
- • oxyt.) thinness, slenderness Kād. Bhartṛ
- • shallowness Vcar. xiii, 6
- • weakness Bālar. iv, 60
- • n. the liver TS. i, 4, 36, 1 ŚBr. iii, 8, 3, 17 and 25
- tániṣṭha mfn. superl. of ○nú, smallest, i, vii
- tánīyas mfn. compar. of ○nú, very thin or minute, ii, 2, 2, 9 ; viii, 7 TāṇḍyaBr. BhP. Rājat
- tanú mf(us, ū́s, vii)n. thin, slender, attenuated, emaciated, small, little, minute, delicate, fine (texture Ṛitus. i, 7) ŚBr. iii, 5, 4, 21 KātyŚr. viii, 5 MBh. &c. (in comp., g. kaḍārâdi
- • also = -dagdha Sarvad. xv, 189)
- • (said of a speech or hymn) accomplished (in metre) RV. viii, 1, 18 and (acc. f. ○nvám) 76, 12
- • m. (g. 2. lohitâdi, not in Kāś.) N. of a Ṛishi with a very emaciated body MBh. xii, 4665
- • (us), f. (once m. Bhām. ii, 79) = ○nū́ ( s.v.), the body, person, self (cf. duṣ-ṭanu, priyá-) AitBr. viii, 24, 4 (ifc.) Mn. (svakā t○, 'one's own person, iv, 184) MBh. Hariv. (acc. pl. irr. ○navas, 3813) &c. (iyaṃ tanur mama, 'this my self. i.e. I myself here' Ratnâv. iv, 4
- • ○nuṃ-√tyaj or hā, 'to give up one's life' Mn. vi, 32 BhP. iii Kathās.)
- • form or manifestation Śak. i, 1
- • the skin L
- • = -gṛha VarBṛ. Laghuj
- • (vii), f. a slender or delicate woman Śak. Mālav. v Bhartṛ. &c
- • Desmodium gangeticum L
- • Balanites Roxburghī (vv. ll. tannī, ○nni, 'Hemionitis cordifolia'
- • tajvi) L
- • a metre of 4 + 24 syllables
- • N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa (?) Hariv. 6703
- •
- ○kūpa m. pore of the skin W
- ○keśa mf(ī)n. delicate-haired Laghuj. ii, 13
- • f. pl., kṣemavṛddhi
- ○kṣīra m. 'thin-sapped', Spondias mangifera L
- ○gṛha n. the 1st lunar mansion, v, 12 VarBṛ. vi, 13
- ○cchad Vop. xxvi, 70
- ○cchada m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 96) = -tra (often ifc.) MBh. iii, vii, xii Ragh. ix, xii
- • pl. feathers R. iv, 63, 2
- ○cchāya m. 'shading little', a kind of Acacia Npr
- ○ja m. = -ruh, Jāt. xxx
- • a son Pañcat. BhP. v, 9, 6
- • (ā), f. a daughter L
- • -tva n. sonship W
○janman m. = -ja HPariś. i f
- ○tara mfn. = tánīyas Amar
- ○tā f. thinness, tenuity, littleness Hariv. R. v Megh. Ragh. &c
- ○tyaj mfn. giving up one's body, dying, i, 8
- • = ○nU-t○ Āp. MBh. iv, 2354 Ragh. vii Mālav. v, 11/12 BhP
- ○tyāga mfn. spending little Hit
- • m. risking one's life R. ii, 40, 6
- ○tra n. 'body-guard', armour MBh. iv, 1009 Suśr. BhP. Tantr
- • -vat mfn. having armour R. vi
- ○trāṇa n. = -tra MBh. iii, vi f. R. ii
- ○"ṣtrin mfn. = -tra-vat Śiś. xix ; 99
- ○tva n. = -tā MBh. xiii, 541 VarBṛS. iii, 16 Sarvad
- ○tvak-ka mfn. thin-skinned Suśr
- ○tvac m. id., (ifc.) Nal. xii, 78
- • the cinnamon tree Bhpr. v, 2, 66
- • Cassiā Senna Npr
- ○tvaca m. Premna spinosa L
- ○dagdha mfn. (said of a Kleśa in Yoga phil.) Sarvad. xv, 192
- ○dāna n. offering the body (for sexual intercourse)
- • a scanty gift
- ○dhī mfn. little-minded Bhaktâm. 8
- ○pattra m. 'thin-leaved', Terminalia Catappa Npr
- • leafy orpiment Npr
- ○pāda-kṣapâṭana n. N. of one of 18 ceremonies performed with particular Kuṇḍas Śārad. v
- ○bala mf(ā)n. 'of small strength', a- neg., strong Mudr. vii, 19
- ○bīja m. 'smallseeded', the jujube L
- ○bhava m. = -ja VarBṛS. vii, 18
- ○bhastrā f. 'body-bellows', the nose L
- ○bhāva m. = -tā Śak. vii, 8
- ○bhūmi f. 'stage of personality', N. of a period in a Śrāvaka's life Buddh. L.
- ○bhṛt m. any being possessing a body, esp. a human being Pañcat. VarBṛS. Bhartṛ. BhP. Prab
- ○mat mfn. embodied Kāvyâd. iii, 59
- ○madhya n. 'body-middle', the waist ib
- • mf(ā)n. = ○dhyama Nal. iii, 13
- • (ā), f. a metre of 4x6 (- u u - -) syllables
- ○madhyama mf(ā)n. slender-waisted MBh. i, 959 Nal. R. i
- ○mūrti mfn. thin-shaped VarBṛS. iv, 20
- ○rasa m. 'body fluid', sweat L
○ruh n. 'growing on the body', a hair of the body L
- ○ruha n. id. L
- • a feather Śiś. vi, 45
- ○latā f. a slender body Prasannar. ii, 19
- ○vāta m. a highly rarified atmosphere (constituting a kind of hell
- • opposed to ghana-v○) Jain
- ○vraṇa m. 'body-wound', elephantiasis L
- ○śarīra mfn. delicate-bodied
- ○śiras f. 'small-headed', a kind of Ushṇih metre (of 2 x 11 and 1 x 6 syllables)
- ○satya n. a simple truth (?) Divyâv. xxxv, 183
- ○saṃcāriṇī f. 'moving the body coquettishly (?)', a girl L
- ○sthāna n. = -gṛha Romakas
- ○hrada m. the rectum, anus L
- tanū7dara mf(ī)n. thin-waisted HPariś. ii, 421
- tanū7dbhava m. = ○nu-ja, xiii, 39
- tanúna m. 'bodiless', the wind W
- tanū7rja m. N. of a son of the 3rd Manu Hariv
- tanuka mfn. (g. yāvâdi) thin Car. vi, 2 and (said of a liquid) viii, 6
- • small Suśr
- • m. Grislea tomentosa Npr
- • Terminalia bellerica ib
- • the cinnamon tree ib
- • (ā), f. Diospyros embryopteris ib
- tanula mfn. spread, expanded, Uṇ, vṛ
- tanus n. (Uṇ. ii, 113) the body R. v, 93, 23
- tanū in comp. for ○nú
- ○karaṇa n. making thin, attenuation Yogas. ii, 2
- • paring Pāṇ. 3-1, 76
- ○kartṛ m. making thin or emaciated, a destroyer RV. v, 34, 6 Sāy
- ○√kṛ to make thin Naish. vii, 82
- • (ind. p. -kṛtya) to diminish, discard (lajjām) Ragh. vi, 80
- ○kṛta mfn. pared L
- ○bhūta mfn. become small, diminished Kathās
- tanū́ f. (of ○nú, q.v
- • acc. ○nvám RV. &c. BhP. iii
- • ○nuvam BhP. vii, 9, 37
- • instr, ○nuvā, iii f
- • gen. abl. ○nvás RV. &c
- • loc. ○nví & ○nvií RV
- • ○nvā́m AV. &c
- • du. ○nū́ , ○nvā́ ṛV., ○núvau , ○nvau
- • pl. nom. & acc. ○nvás RV. &c. BhP. i
- • nom. ○núvas TBr. i, 1, 7, 3) the body, person, self (often used like a reflexive noon
- • cf. ātmán) RV. &c
- • form or manifestation RV. &c. (tṭtanū́ manyos, 'a sign of wrath' PārGṛ. iii, 13, 5)
- ○kṛ́t mfn. 'forming the person', preserving life RV. i, 31, 9
- • forming a manifestation of (gen.) ŚāṅkhŚr. vii, 10, 14
- • caused by one's self. RV. viii, 79, 3
- ○kṛthá preservation of the person, 86, 1
- ○já mfn. produced or born on or from the body AV. i, 23, 4
- • belonging to the person, vi, 41, 3 (cf. AitBr. ii, 27)
- • m. a son MBh. v, viii Hariv. &c
- • N. of a Sādhya, 11536
- • n. the plumage, wing MBh. v, 113, 4
- • (ā), f. a daughter Hariv. 15774 Kum. i, 59
- ○jani m. a son W
- ○janman m. id., Anargh. i, 7/8
- ○tala m. a measure of length equal to the arms extended, fathom L
- ○tyáj mfn. risking one's life RV. x, 4, 6 and 154, 3 (Nir. iii, 14)
- ○dū́ṣi mfn. destroying the person AV. xiv, xvi PārGṛ. ii, 6, 10
- ○devatā f. a form (of fire) deified ŚāṅkhŚr. ii, 3, 14
- ○deśa m. a part of the body BhP. vii, 13, 12
- ○napa n. (derived fr. -nápāt taken as -napâd, 'eating tanūnapa') ghee L
- ○nápāt (tánū-), m. 'son of himself, self-generated (as in lightning or by the attrition of the Araṇis, Nir. viii, 5)', a sacred N. of Fire (chiefly used in some verses of the Āprī hymns) RV. (acc. ○pātam, x, 92, 2) AV.v, 27, 1 VS. v, 5 (dat. ○ptre
- • = TS.i, 2, 10, 2) AitBr. ii, 4 ŚBr. i, 5, 3
- • iii (gen. ○ptur, 4, 2, 5, irr. nom. ○ptā 4, 2, 11) Hit
- • fire (in general) Hcar
- • N. of Śiva
- • Plumbago zeylanica W
- • -vat mfn. containing the word tánū-nápāt Nir. viii, 22
○náptṛ (tánū-), base for the weak cases of ○pāt, q.v
- • cf. tānūnaptrá
- ○pā́ m. protecting the person RV. iv, viff. AV. vi VS. iii f. ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 6, 11
- ○pā́na mf(ī)n. id. AV. ii f. xix TS. v
- • n. protection of the person AV. v, 8
- • viii
- ○pāvan mfn. = -pā́ AitBr. ii, 27
- ○pṛṣṭha m. N. of a Soma sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr. x, 8, 33
- ○balá n. strength of body, one's, own strength AV. ix, 4, 20
- ○bhava m. = ○nu-ja
- ○rúc mfn. brilliant in person RV. ii, 1, 9 ; vi, 25, 4 ; vii, 93, 5
- ○ruha n. (m. L.) = ○nu-ruh MBh. Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. ā MārkP. xxix, 7)
- • a feather, wing VarBṛS. lxiii, 1
- • m. a son Śatr
- ○vaśín mfn. having power over the person, ruling (Agni, Indra) RV
- ○śubhra (○nū́-), mfn. decorating the person, v, 34, 3 (cf. ○nū́ṣu śubhrá, i, 85, 3 Nir. vi, 19)
- ○havis n. an oblation offered to -devatā KātyŚr. iv, 5, 9 and 10, 7 ; iii, 8, 31 Sch.
- ○hrada m. = ○nu-h○ W
- tantí f. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 39 Kāś. on iii, 3, 174 and vii, 2, 9) a cord, line, string (esp. a long line to which a series of calves are fastened by smaller cords) RV. vi, 24, 4 BhP. Sch. on ŚBr. xiii and KātyŚr. xx (ifc.)
- • (○ntī) Gobh. iii, 6, 7 and 9
- • extension W
- • m. a weaver W
- • 2. tati
- ○cará mfn. going with (i.e. led by) a cord TBr. iii, 3, 2, 5
- ○ja m. N. of a son of Kanavaka Hariv. i, 34, 38
- ○pāla m. 'guardian of (the calves kept together by) a tantí', a N. assumed by Saha-deva at Virāṭa's court MBh. iv, 68 and 289
- • N. of a son of Kanavaka Hariv. i, 34, 38
- ○"ṣpālaka m. = ○la, Saha-deva L
- tantī f. = ○ti, q.v
- • also vatsa-
- ○yajña m. a sacrifice performed for a tantí MānGṛ. ii, 10
- tántu m. a thread, cord, string, line, wire, warp (of a web), filament, fibre RV. &c
- • a cobweb W
- • a succession of sacrificial performances BhP
- • any one propagating his family in regular succession KātyŚr. iii Āp. TUp. MBh. (cf. kula-) &c
- • a line of descendants AitBr. vii, 17
- • any continuity (as of thirst or hope) MBh. xii, 7877 Mālatīm
- • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- • = -nāga L
- • (g. gargâdi) N. of a man Pravar. iv, 1
- • cf. kāṣṭha-, vara-, saptá-
- ○karaṇa n. spinning, Sud. on ĀpGṛ. viii, 12
- ○karttṛ m. 'propagating the succession of a family (kula-)', = kula-tantu (q.v.) MBh. viii, 3393
- ○kārya n. 'thread-work', a web SarvUp
- ○kāṣṭha n. 'piece of fibrous wood', a weaver's brush L
- ○kīṭa m. a silk-worm L
- ○kṛntana n. cutting off the propagation of a family BhP. vi, 5, 43
- ○kriyā f. spinning work Hār. on ĀpGṛ. x, 10
- ○jāla kṛmi-
- ○tva n. the consisting of threads Sarvad. xi, 118
- ○nāga m. a shark L
- ○nābha m. 'emitting threads from its navel', a spider Bādar. ii, 1, 25 Sch
- ○niryāsa m. 'having stringy exudations', the palmyra tree L
- ○parvan n. 'thread-festival', the day of full moon in month Śrāvaṇa (anniversary of Kṛishṇa's investment with the Brāhmanical cord) Tithyād
- ○bha m. 'threadlike', Sinapis dichotoma L
- • a calf L
- ○bhūta mfn. being the propagator of a family MBh. iii, 258, 11
- ○mat mfn. forming threads, 'roping' (as a liquid) Car. vi f
- • (a- neg.) Suśr. iii
- • 'uninterrupted like a thread' (said of an Agni) ĀpŚr. ix, 8, 5 ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 4, 2 AV. Prāyaśc. ii, 1
- • (tī), f. an oblation offered to that Agni ĀpŚr. ix, 8, 5 Sch
- • N. of Murâri's mother, Anargh. i, 7/8
- ○madhya mf(ā)n. having a thread-like waist Priy.iv, 2
- ○vardhana m. 'race-increaser', Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7033
- • Śiva
- ○vādya n. a stringed instrument W
- ○vāna n. weaving Nyāyam. vii, 3, 21 Sch
- ○vāpa for -vāya L
- ○vāya m. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 2 and vi, 2, 76) a weaver Mn. viii, 397 VarBṛS. VarBṛ. (cf. rajaka-)
- • a spider Pāṇ. 6-2, 77 Kāś
- • weaving L
- • -daṇḍa m. a loom Uṇ. iv, 149 Sch. (vḷ.)
- • -śālā f. a weaver's workshop Gal
- ○vigrahā f. = tata-pattrī L
- ○śālā f. = -vāya-ś○ L
- ○saṃtata mfn. woven L
- • sewn L
- • n. wove cloth W
- ○saṃtati f. sewing Vop. xi, 1
- ○saṃtāna m. weaving of threads Dhātup. xxvi, 2 KaushUp. i, 3 Sch
- ○sāra m. 'having a fibrous pith', the betelnut tree L
- ○sāraka m. id. W
- tantuka ifc. a thread, rope Bhartṛ. i, 95
- • m. a kind of serpent Suśr
- • the plant ○tu-bha L. Sch
- • (ī), f. a vein L
- tantuṇa m. = ○tu-nāga L
- tantura n. the fibrous √of a lotus L
- • m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. vii, 2 (vḷ. ○nnara)
- tantula mfn. roping (as slime) Bhpr. vii) 1, 66
- • n. = ○tura, the fibrous √of a lotus L
- tántra n. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 9 Kāś.) a loom, v, 2, 70
- • the warp RV. x, 71, 9 AV. x, 7, 42 TBr. ii TāṇḍyaBr. x, 5 ŚBr. xiv Kauś. MBh. i, 806 and 809
- • the leading or principal or essential part, main point, characteristic feature, model, type, system, framework ŚBr. xii TāṇḍyaBr. xxiii, 19, 1 Lāṭy. KātyŚr. &c. (e.g. kulasya t○, 'the principal action in keeping up a family, i.e. propagation' MBh. xiii, 48, 6
- • ifc. 'depending on', cf. ātma-, sva-, para-, &c.)
- • doctrine, rule, theory, scientific work, chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBṛS. i, 9
- • Parāśara's work on astron., ii, 3 ; vii, 8) MBh. &c. (cf. ṣaṣṭi- &c.)
- • a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between Śiva and Durgā and said to treat of 5 subjects, 1. the creation, 2. the destruction of the world, 3. the worship of the gods, 4. the attainment of all objects, esp. of 6 superhuman faculties, 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation
- • RTL. pp. 63, 85, 184, 189, 205ff.) VarBṛS. xvi, 19 Pañcat. Daś. Kathās. xxiii, 63 Sarvad
- • a spell HYog. i, 5 Vcar
- • oath or ordeal L
- • N. of a Sāman (also called 'that of Virūpa') ĀrshBr
- • an army (cf. ○trin) BhP. x, 54, 15
- • ifc. a row, number, series, troop Bālar. ii f. vi
- • = rājya-t○, government Daś. xiii Śiś. ii, 88
- • (para t○, 'the highest authority') Subh
- • a means which leads to two or more results, contrivance Hariv. ii, 1, 31
- • a drug (esp. one of specific faculties), chief remedy, cf. ○trâvāpa
- • = paricchada L
- • = anta L
- • wealth L
- • a house L
- • happiness W
- • (eṇa), instr. ind. so as to be typical or hold good KātyŚr. xvi, xx
- • (ā), f. for ○ndrā Suśr
- • (īs, Pāṇ. 5-4, 159 Kāś
- • ī L.) f. = ○ntī Gobh. iii, 6, 7 and BhP. iii, 15, 8 (vḷ. for ○ntī
- • also vatsatantrī)
- • the wire or string of a lute ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii Lāṭy. iv, 1, 2 Kauś. &c. (○tri R. vi, 28, 26)
- • (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (vḷ.)
- • any tubular vessel of the body, sinew, vein Pāṇ. 5-4, 159
- • the plant ○trikā L
- • a girl with peculiar qualities L
- • N. of a river L
- • cf. ku-tantrī
- ○kāra m. the author of any scientific treatise Mālav. i, 8/9 Daś. xiii, 87
- ○kāṣṭha n. = ○ntu-k○ L
- ○kaumudí f. N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- ○gandharva n. N. of wk. Śāktân
- ○garbha m. N. of wk., vii
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- ○ṭīkā f. N. of -vārttika i-iv W
○tā f. the state of anything that serves as a tantra ĀśvŚr. xi, 1
- • comprehending several rites in one, ceremony in lieu of a number W
- ○tva n. dependance on (in comp.) Sarvad. i, 41
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wk., Vratapr
- ○pradīpa m. N. of a Comm. on Dhātup
- ○bheda m. N. of a Tantra Ānand. 31 Sch
- ○mantra-prakāśa m. N. of wk., Sāktân. iv
- ○ratna n. N. of wk. by Pārtha-sārathi
- ○rāja m. N. of wk. Tantras. i Ānand. 99 Sch
- ○rājaka m. N. of a medical work by Jābāla BrahmaP.i, 16, 18
- ○vāpa for -vāya L
- ○vāya m. (= ○ntu-v○) a weaver R. (G) ii, 90, 15
- • a spider L
- • m. n. weaving L
- ○vārttika n. = mīmānsā-t○
- ○śāstra n. N. of wk., Pratāpar. Sch
- ○sāra m. 'Tantra-essence', N. of a compilation
- ○hṛdaya n. N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- tantrântarīya m. pl. the Sāṃkhya philosophers Bādar. ii, 4, 9 Sch
- tantrâvāpa n. sg. 'attention to the affairs of both one's own and an enemy's country' , and 'drugs and their preparation' Śiś. ii, 88
- tantrôttara n. N. of wk. (vḷ. matôtt○) Ānand. 31 Sch
- tantraka mfn. recently from the loom, new and unbleached Pāṇ. 5-2, 70
- • ifc. for ○tra, doctrine, pañca-
- • (ikā), f. Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr. v, 3, 7
- • noise in the ears ŚārṅgS. vii, 142
- • cf. apa-
- tantraṇa n. the supporting of a family MBh. v, 3751
- tantraya Nom. (fr. ○tra) ○yati, to follow, as one's rule, xii, 215, 21
- • to provide for (acc.) Śak. v, 5 (ind. p. ○yitvā vḷ
- • Ā. 'to support a family' Dhātup. xxxiii, 5)
- • Ā. to regulate Car.iv, 1 ; vi, 26
- tantrāyín mfn. (said of the sun) drawing out threads or rays (of light) VS. xxxviii, 12
- tantri f. = ○trī, q.v
- • vḷ. for ○ndri
- ○ja vḷ, for ○nti-ja,
- ○tā vḷ. for ○ndri-tā
- ○pāla vḷ. for ○nti-p○
- ○pālaka m. N. of Jayad-ratha L
- tantrita mfn. spoken (a spell) Kathās.xxiii, 63
- • (ifc.) depending on BhP.xi, 18, 33
- • a- neg., 'independent' Gobh. i, 5, 26 Sch
- • for a-tandrita MBh
- tantrin mfn. having threads, made of threads, spun, wove W
- • chorded (an instrument) W
- • m. a musician W
- • a soldier Rājat. v, 248-339
- • vi
- tantrila mfn. occupied with the affairs of government Mṛicch. vi, 15/16 Sch
- tantrillaka m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 2209
- tantrī f. of ○tra, q.v
- ○bhāṇḍa n. 'chorded instrument', the Indian lute Sāh. vi, 214
- ○mukha m. a peculiar position of the hand PSarv
- tantv in comp. for ○tu
- ○agra n. the end of thread, g. gahâdi
- ○"ṣagrīya mfn. fr. ○gra ib
- tandrá n. a row (ŚBr. viii, 5, 2, 6) VS. xv, 5
- ○vāya m. for ○ntra-v○ L. Sch
- tanv in comp. for ○nú
- ○aṅga m. 'slenderlimbed', N. of a man Rājat. vii, 260 f. ; 635 and 641
- • (ī), f. a delicate-limbed woman MBh. Śukas
- tanvin m. 'possessed of a body', N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv. 429
- tanaka (for vet○?), a reward SaddhP
- tanayitnú √2. tan
- tánas ○nikā, ○nitṛ, &c. √3. tan.
- tanonu a kind of ṣaṣṭika rice Npr
- tantasya Intens. √taṃs, q.v
- tantí ○tī, tántu, &c. col. 1
- tántra
- tántraka
- tántraṇa &c. cols. 1, 2
- tanthī ind. with √as, kṛ, bhū g. ūry-ādi (Gaṇap
- • vḷ. tasthī)
- tand cl. 1. Ā. ○date, to become relaxed RV. i, 138, 1
- • cf. á-tandra
- tandr cl. 1. P. ○drati, = √sad VS. xv., 5 Mahīdh
- • (Subj. ○drat) to make languid RV. ii, 30, 7: Caus. ○dráyate, to grow fatigued AitBr. vii, 15, 5 (ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 19) TĀr. iii, 14, 1 and 9 (with inf.)
- tandrayú mfn. fatigued, lazy RV. viii, 92, 30
- tandrā f. lassitude, exhaustion, laziness Yājñ. iii, 158 MBh. iii, 3008 ; xiv, 874 R. Suśr. &c
- tandrālu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 158) tired, wearied, sleepy Suśr
- tandrāvin mfn. id. TĀr. iv, 7, 18
- tandri = ○drā, (ifc.) MBh. xiif. and R. ii, 1, 18
- • (instr. ○driṇā) BhP. iii, 20, 40
- ○ja vḷ. for ○ntija
- ○pāla vḷ. for ○nti-p○
- tandrika m. a kind of fever
- • (ā), f. = ○drā W
- tandrita mfn. = mūḍha L
- • a-
- tandrin mfn. a-
- • m. = ○drika Bhpr
- tandritā f. lassitude, sleepiness MBh. xii, 4997 and 7958
- tandrī́ ī́s , ī , f. = ○drā AV. viii, 8, 9
- • xi, 8, 19 MBh. (ifc. nom. ○drīs, i, 4474
- • iii ; v, 1358 C
- • xii) R. (ifc. nom. f. ○drī ; v, 28, 18) BhP
- • cf. sambādha-tandrī́
- tanni ○nnī vḷ. for ○nvii, q.v
- tan-nimitta p. 434, col. 3
- tan-madhya
- ○manas &c. ib
- tanyatú ○nyú. Sae √2. tan
- tanva m. N. of the author of a Sāman (cf. 2. tā́nva)
- • (n., ?) a part of the body, Śulbas.ī, 37
- tanvi vḷ. for ○vii
- • ○nvin
- • col. 2
- tap (cf. √1. pat), cl. 4. Ā. ○pyate, to rule Dhātup. xxvi, 50
- tapa-tā f. ifc. governing BhP. iv, 22, 37
tap cl. 1. tápati (rarely Ā
- • Subj. ○pāti RV. v, 79, 9
- • p. tápat RV. &c
- • cl. 4. p. tápyat VS. xxxix, 12
- • pf. 1. sg. tatápa RV. vii, 104, 15
- • 3. sg. ○tā́pa, x, 34, 11 AV. vii, 18, 2 &c
- • p. tepāná RV
- • fut. tapsyáti Br. &c.: ○te & tapiṣyati MBh.) to give out heat, be hot, shine (as the sun) RV. &c
- • to make hot or warm, heat, shine upon ib
- • to consume or destroy by heat ib
- • to suffer pain MBh. viii, 1794 Gīt. vii, 31
- • (with paścāt) to repent of MBh. viii, 39, 15
- • to torment one's self, undergo self-mortification, practise austerity (tapas) TUp. ii, 6 Mn. i f. MBh. &c
- • to cause pain to, injure, damage, spoil RV. AitBr. vii, 17 ŚBr. xiv &c.: Pass. or cl. 4. Ā. tapyáte (xiv
- • or tápy○ TBr. ii
- • p. ○pyámāna AV
- • tápy○, xix, 56, 5
- • cf. á-
- • aor. atāpi RV. vii, 70, 2
- • atapta Pāṇ. 3-1, 65 Kāś
- • pf. tepe MBh. &c
- • p. ○pāná ŚBr
- • also P. tapyati, ○pyet, atapyat, &c. MBh. R. Kathās. x, 4) to be heated or burnt, become hot RV. &c
- • to be purified by austerities (as the soul) Sarvad
- • to suffer or feel pain RV. x, 34, 10 and 95, 17 AV. xix, 56, 5 ŚBr. xiv MBh. &c
- • to suffer pain voluntarily, undergo austerity (tapas) AV. ŚBr. TBr. ṢaḍvBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c.: Caus. tāpayati, ○te (p. ○páyat AV
- • Pass. ○pyate MBh. &c
- • aor. atītape & ṣubj. tatápate RV.) to make warm or hot, iv, 2, 6 ; viii, 72, 4 Kauś. MBh. &c
- • to consume by heat R. &c
- • to cause pain, trouble, distress AV. xix, 28, 2 MBh. &c
- • to torment one's self, undergo penance, iii, 8199: Intens. (p. tātapyamāna) to feel violent pain, be in great anxiety R. i, 11, 8 BhP. ii, 7, 24 ;
- tap mfn. 'warming one's self.' agni-táp
- tapa mfn. ifc. 'consuming by heat', lalāṭam-
- • 'causing pain or trouble, distressing', janaṃ- and paraṃ-
- • tormented by Hariv. i, 45, 37
- • m. heat, warmth (cf. ā-) Pañcat. ii, 3, 5/6
- • the hot season Śiś. i, 66
- • the sun W
• = ○pas, religious austerity Car. Cāṇ. (cf. mahā- and su-)
- • a peculiar form of fire (which generated the seven mothers of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14392
- • Indra Gal
- • N. of an attendant of Śiva L. Sch
- • (ā), f. N. of one of the 8 deities of the Bodhi-vṛiksha Lalit. xxi, 404
- • cf. a-
- ○ruj f. the pain of bodily austerity W
- ○rtu (ritu), m. the hot season Naish. i, 41
- tapâtyaya m. 'end of the heat', the rainy season MBh. iii Śak. iii, 9.
- tapânta m. id. MBh. vi, viii R. vi, 37, 68
- tapa-ātaṅka m. = ○pas-taṅka Gal
- tapaḥ in comp. for ○pas
- ○kara m. the fish Polynemus risua or paradiseus L
- ○kṛśa mfn. emaciated by austerities W
- ○kleśa-saha mfn. enduring the pain of austerities Hemac
- ○parârdha (táp○), mfn. finishing by t○ MaitrS. iii, 4
- ○pātra n. a man whose austerities have made him a fit recipient of honour Siṃhâs. iii, 5/6
- ○prabhāva m. supernatural power (acquired by) austerities Śak. vii
- ○śīla mfn. inclined to religious austerities
- ○samādhi m. the practice of penance W
- ○sādhya mfn. to be accomplished by austerities
- ○siddha mfn. accomplished by penance
- ○suta m. 'austerityson', Yudhi-shṭhira MBh. iii, 313, 19
- • (○pasaḥ suta Śiś. ii, 9.)
- ○sthala n. a place of austerity Hāsy. i, 19
- • (ī), f. Benares L
- tapat mfn. pr. p. √2. tap, q.v
- • (tī), f. 'warming', N. of a daughter of the Sun by Chāyā (married to Saṃvaraṇa and mother of Kuru) MBh. i BhP. vi, viii f. VāmP
- • = ○pantī Rasik. Kathârṇ
- • (ntī), f. N. of a river Divyâv. xxx
- • cf. tāpatya
- tapatām-pati m. 'chief of burners', the sun W
- tápana mfn. warming, burning, shining (the sun) MBh. i, v R. vi, 79, 57
- • causing pain or distress RV. ii, 23, 4 ; x, 34, 6 AV. iv, xix
- • m. (g. nandy-ādi) the sun MBh. i, vi, xiii R. i, 16, 11 Ragh. &c
- • heat L
- • the hot season L
- • N. of a hell (cf. mahā-) Mn. iv, 89 Buddh
- • N. of an Agni Hariv. 10465
- • Agastya (cf. āgneya) L
- • Semecarpus Anacardium Npr
- • = -cchada (or 'a white kind of it' Npr.) L
- • Premna spinosa L
- • Cassia Senna Npr
- • the civet cat Gal
- • = -maṇi L
- • N. of a Yaksha MBh. i, 32, 18
- • of a Rakshas R. vi
- • n. (○ná) the being hot, burning, heat TBr. ii, 2, 9, 1 f
- • pining, grieving, mental distress Kāṭh. xxviii, 4 Sāh. iii
- • (ī́), f. heat RV. ii, 23, 14
- • the √of Bignonia suaveolens Npr
- • = ○panti Divyâv. xxx, 317 and 409
- • a cooking vessel Baudh. (TS. Sch.)
- • cf. gopāla-, tripúra, rāma-
- ○kara m. a sunbeam W
- ○cchada m. the sunflower L
- ○tanaya m. 'Sun-son', Karṇa W
- • (ā), f. = -sutā L
- • = ○pantī W
- • = ○pasvii7ṣṭā L
- • ○yêṣṭā f. id. L
- ○dyuti mfn. brilliant like the sun Śiś. i, 42
- • f. sunshine L
- ○maṇi m. the sun-stone L
- ○sutā f. 'sun-daughter', the Yamunā river Prasannar. v, 33
- tapanâtmajā f. id. L
- tapanâśman m. the sun-stone (sūrya-kānta) Dharmaśarm. xvi, 37
- tapanêṣṭa n. 'loved by sunbeams', copper L
- tapanôpala m. = ○na-maṇi Rājat. iii, 296
- tapanīya mfn. to be heated W
- • to be suffered (as self-mortification) W
- • in. a sort of rice Car. i, 27
- • n. gold purified with fire MBh. iv, vi R. vi Ragh. &c
- ○maya mf(ī)n. golden MBh. vii Hcat
- tapanīyaka n. gold L
- tapantaka mṆ. of a man Kathās. xxiii
- tapar-loka m. = ○po-l○ W
- tapaś in comp. for ○pas
- ○caraṇa n. the practice of austerities MBh. R. i Sarvad
- • (○pasaz c○ Mn. vi, 75)
- ○caryā f. id. MBh. vii, 1280 Hariv. 14907 f. MārkP
- ○cit m. pl. 'accumulating merit by austerities', N. of a class of deities TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 5
- • ○tām ayana n. = ta-paścitá Maś
- tápas n. warmth, heat (pañca tapāṃsi, the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above Mn. vi, 23 R. BhP. iv BrahmaP
- • Ragh. xiii, 41) RV. AV. VS. SāṅkhŚr
- • pain, suffering RV. vii, 82, 7
- • religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (e.g. 'sacred learning' with Brāhmans, 'protection of subjects' with Kshatriyas, 'giving alms to Brāhmans' with Vaiśyas, 'service' with Śūdras, and 'feeding upon herbs and roots' with Ṛishis Mn. xi, 236) RV. ix, 113, 2
- • x (personified, 83, 2 f. & 101, 1, 'father of Manyu' RAnukr.) AV. &c
- • (m. L.) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring VS. TS. i ŚBr.iv Suśr. Pāṇ. 4-4, 128 Vārtt. 2 Pat. Śiś. vi, 63
- • the hot season L. Sch
- • = ○po-loka Vedântas. 120
- • the 9th lunar mansion (dharma) VarBṛ. i, 19 ; ix, 1 and 4
- • N. of a Kalpa period, VāvuP. i, 21, 27
- ○takṣa m. 'destroying the power of religious austerity', Indra (as disturbing the austerities of ascetics lest they should acquire too great power) L
- ○taṅka m. 'afraid of austerities', id. L
- ○tanu mfn. = ○paḥ-kṛśa AitĀr. v, 3, 2, 1
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha W
- ○pati (táp○), m. the lord of austerities VS. v, 6 and 40 BhP. iv, 24, 14
- ○vat (táp○), mfn. burning, hot RV. vi, 5, 4 AV. v, 2, 8 ŚāṅkhŚr. iii, 19, 15
- • = ○po-v○ RV. x, 154, 4 f
- ○vín mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 102) distressed, wretched, poor, miserable TS. v, 3, 3, 4 (compar. -ví-tara) R. ii f. Śak. Mālav. BhP. Sāh
- • practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic AV. xiii, 2, 25 Kāṭh. xx (compar.), xxiii (superl. -vi-tama) ŚBr. (compar. ī) &c
- • m. a pauper W
- • = ○paḥkara L
- • a kind of Karañja tree L
- • Nārada L
- • N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha Hariv. 71
- • of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara, 482 BhP. viii, 13, 29 VP
- • (inī), f. a female devotee, poor wretched woman Nal. R. iii, 2, 7 Śak. Daś
- • Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī L
- • Helleborus niger L
- • = mahāśrāvaṇikā Bhpr
- • ○svi-kanyakā or ○nyā f. the daughter of an ascetic Śak. i, 15/16 and 24
- • -tā f. devout austerity MBh. xiii, 2896 Śatr
- • -pattra m. Artemisia L
- • ○svii7ṣṭā f. Prosopis spicigera Gal
- tapasa m. = ○po-rāja Uṇ. iii Sch
- • a bird ib
- tapasīvan mf(varī)n. causing pain (?) Kāṭh
- tapaso-mūrti m. (= ○po-m○) N. of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara Hariv. 482
- tapasya Nom. ○syati (Pāṇ. 3-1, 15) to undergo religious austerities ŚBr. xiv, 6, 8, 10 (táp○) MBh. i, iii, xiii (Ā., 2. tapasya) R. &c
- tapasyá mf(ā)n. (fr. tápas) produced by heat KātyŚr. xxv
- • belonging to austerity Baudh. ii, 5, 1
- • m. (Pāṇ. 4-4, 128) the second month of the season intervening between winter and spring (= phālguna) VS. TS. i ŚBr. iv Car. viii, 6 Suśr. i
- • Arjuna (= phālguna) L
- • N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv. 428
- • n. the flower of Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens L
- • devout austerity (?, ○sye taken as 1. sg. Ā. of 1. tapasya by Nīlak.) MBh. xiii, 10, 13
- • (ā), f. (fr. 1. tapasya) id. Hcar
- tapasyā-matsya m. = ○paḥ-kara W
- tapā-gaccha m. the 6th Gaccha of the Śvetâmbara Jains (founded by Jagac-candra, AḌ. 1229)
- tapita mfn. refined (gold) Hariv. 13035
- tápiṣṭha mfn. (superl.) extremely hot, burning RV. AV.xi, 1, 16
- tapiṣṇu mfn. warming, burning (with deva, 'the sun') MBh. xii, 11726
- tapīyas mfn. (compar.) most devoted to austerities among (gen.) BhP. ii, 9, 8
- tápu mfn. burning hot RV. ii, 4, 6 ; ix, 83, 2
- tapur in comp. for ○pus
- ○agra (táp○), mf(ā)n. burning-pointed (a spear) RV. x, 87, 23
- ○jambha (táp○), mfn. burning-jawed (Agni), i, 36, 16 and 58, 5 ; viii, 23, 4
- ○mūrdhan (táp○), mfn. burning-headed (Agni), vii, 3, 1 ; x, 183, 3
- • m. N. of the author of RV. x, 183 (son of Bṛihaspati) RAnukr
- ○vadha (táp○), mfn. having burning weapons RV. vii, 104, 5 AV. vi, 20, 1
- tápuṣi mfn. burning (a weapon) RV. iii, 30, 17 (Nir.vi, 3) ; vi, 52, 3
- • (m.or f.) a burning weapon, i, 42, 4
- tápuṣī f. heat of anger Naigh. ii, 13
- tapuṣ-pā́ mfn. drinking warm (beverages) RV. iii, 35, 3
- tápus mfn. burning, hot RV. ii, 30, 4 and 34, 9 ; vi, 52, 2
- • m. fire Uṇ. Sch
- • the sun ib
- • 'paincauser', an enemy ib
- • n. heat RV. AV. i, 13, 3
- tapo in comp. for ○pas
- ○gaccha m. = ○pA-g○
- ○jā́ mfn. born from heat VS. x, 6
- • xxxvii, 16
- • become (a god or saint) through religious austerity RV. x, 154, 5 AV. vi, 61, 1 MaitrS. iv, 9, 6, 7 AitBr. ii, 27
- ○da n. 'granting religious merit', N. of a Tīrtha Hariv. 9524
- ○dāna n. id. MBh. xiii, 7650
○dyuti m. 'brilliant with religious merit', N. of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 34
- ○dhana mf(ā)n. rich in religious austerities, (m.) a great ascetic Mn. xi, 242 MBh. Hariv. ii, 69, 62 &c
- • m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa, i, 7, 23
- • of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 34
- • of a Muni Kathās. cxvii, 125
- • = ○pasvipattra L
- • (ā), f. Sphaeranthus mollis L
- ○dharma m. N. of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv. i, 7, 82 (vḷ. ○rma-bhṛtha)
- ○dhāman n. 'place of austerities', N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 37
- ○dhṛti m. N. of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara Hariv. 483 VP. iii, 2, 34
- ○nitya mfn. devoting one's self incessantly to religious austerities MBh. iii, xiv
- • m. N. of a man (with the patr. Pauruśishṭi) TĀr. vii, 9, 1
- ○nidhi m. 'austerity-treasury', an eminently pious man Ragh. i, 56 Śak. (vḷ.)
- •
- ○niṣṭha mfn. practising austerities Mn. iii, 134 Yājñ. i, 221
- ○'nubhāva m. = ○paH-prabh○ W
- ○bala m. the power acquired by religious austerities ŚāṅkhGṛ.iv, 5 ; 15 Mn. xi, 241 R. i
- ○bhaṅga m. interruption of religious austerities Kāvyâd. ii, 325
- ○bhṛt mfn. undergoing austerities, (m.) an ascetic Hariv.4849.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in or composed of religious austerities, 3990 ; 14430 R. i, 31, 11 BhP. ii
- • practising religious austerities Hcat
- ○mūrti f. an incarnation of religious austerity R. i, 31, 11
- • m.= ○paso-m○ BhP. viii, 13, 29 VP. iii
- ○mūla mfn. founded on religious austerity Mn. xi, 235
- • m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv. 428
- ○yajña mfn. sacrificing by austerities Bhag. iv, 28
- ○yukta mfn. engaged in austerities MBh. VarBṛS. lxxxv
- ○rata mfn. rejoicing in religious austerity, pious MBh. i, 36, 3
- ○rati mfn. id., i, 1838
- • m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv. 429
- • = -ravi VP. iii, 2, 34
- ○ravi m. 'sun of ascetics', N. of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manv-antara Hariv. 482
- ○rāja m. the moon (as presiding over austerities) L
- ○rāśi m. an accumulation of religious austerities (Purushôttama) R. i, 31, 11
- ○'rthīya mfn. destined for austerities MBh. xi, 760
- ○loka m. one of the 7 worlds (also called tapar-l○, situated above the jana-l○) ĀruṇUp. BhP. ii, 5, 39 KāśīKh. xxii
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi, 2
- ○vaṭa m. Brahmâvarta (in central India) L
- ○vat mfn. engaged in austerities MBh. xii, 8548
- ○vana n. a grove in which religious austerities are performed Nal. xii, 62 R. i Śak. Ragh
- • (ifc. f. ā) Kathās. xxii
- ○vāsa m. = ○paḥsthala Hariv. 5168
- ○vidhāna n
- ○vidhi m. N. of two Jaina texts
- ○vṛddha mfn. rich in religious austerity MBh. (Nal. xii, 48)
- ○vrāta m. a multitude of austerities W
- ○'śana m. 'whose food is austerity', N. of a Ṛishi of the 12th Manvantara Hariv. 482
- • of a son of Manu Tāmasa, 428
- taptá mfn. heated, inflamed, hot, made redhot, refined (gold &c.), fused, melted, molten RV. AV. &c
- • distressed, afflicted, worn R. iii, 55, 15 Megh. Śak
- • (in astrol.) opposed by VarYogay. ix, 16
- • practised (as austerities) MBh. v, 7147 R. i, 57, 8
- • one who has practised austerities ŚBr. ChUp
- • 'inflamed with anger, incensed W
- • n. hot water ŚBr. xiv, 1, 1, 29
- • (ám), ind. in a hot manner, xi, 2, 7, 32
- ○kumbha m. a heated or red-hot jar MārkP. xii, 34 f. ; xiv, 87
- • N. of a hell ib. (cf. RTL. p. 232)
- ○kūpa m. 'well of heated liquid', N. of a hell PadmaP. vi
- ○kṛcchra m. n. a kind of religious austerity (drinking hot water, milk, and ghee for 3 days each, and inhaling hot air for 3 days) Mn. xi, 157 and 215 Yājñ. iii, 318
- ○jāmbūnada-maya mf(ī)n. made of refined gold R. i, 15, 8
- ○tapas mfn. practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic W
- ○tapta mfn. made hot repeatedly Bhpr. v, 26, 3 and 45
- ○tāmra n. red-hot or melted copper VarBṛS. vi, 13 BhP. vi, 9, 13
- ○pāṣāṇa-kuṇḍa n. 'pit filled with red-hot stones', N. of a hell BrahmaP
- ○mudrā f. (Vishṇu's) mark burnt (on the skin with red-hot iron)' W
- ○rahasa n. Pāṇ. 5-4, 81
- ○rūpa n. 'of refined shape', silver Npr
- ○rūpaka n. id. L
- ○lomaśa green vitriol Npr
- ○loha n. 'glowing iron', N. of a hell VP. ii, 6, 11 (cf. RTL. p. 232)
- ○vāluka mfn. having hot gravel BhP. iii, 30, 23
- • m. N. of a hell PadmaP. v, 159, 3
- • (ās), f. pl. hot gravel Kathās. lxxii, 105
- ○vrata (○ptá-), mfn. using, hot milk for the initiatory rite TS. vi, 2, 2, 7 ĀpŚr. xi, 2, 2
- ○surā-kuṇḍa m. 'jar or hole filled with burning spirituous liquor', N. of, a hell BrahmaP
- ○sūrmi f. 'red-hot iron statue, N. of a hell (in which the wicked are made to embrace red-hot images) BhP.v, 26, 7 (cf. 20 and Mn. xi, 104)
- • -kuṇḍa n. id. BrahmaP
- ○hema n. refined gold MBh. iii, 1722 R. i, iii VarBṛS. cvi, 3
- • -maya mfn. consisting of refined gold W
- taptânna n. hot food, hot rice W
- taptâbharana n. an ornament made of refined gold R. iii, 58, 19
- taptâyana mf(ī)n. dwelling-place of distressed people (the earth) VS.v, 9 (tiktây○ TS. i)
- taptôdaka-svāmin m. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP
- taptaka n. a frying-pan Bhpr
- taptavya mfn. to be practised (austerity) MBh
- tapti f. heat Bādar. ii, 2, 10 Sch
- taptṛ m. a heater MBh. i, 8414
- tapya mfn. to be refined Sarvad. Bādar. ii, 2, 10 Sch. (-tva n. abstr.)
- • performing austerity (= sattva-maya Sch
- • said of Śiva) MBh. xii, 10381
- tapyatí f. heat TS. i, 4, 35, 1 (vḷ. ○tú)
- tapyatú mfn. hot RV. ii, 24, 9
- • f. ○tí
- tabalâkṛti f. N. of a creeper
- tabha m.= st○, a he-goat L. Sch.
- tam cl. 4. tā́myati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 74
- • rarely Ā. R. ii, 63, 46 Gīt. v, 16
- • pf. tatāma ŚBr. iv
- • aor. Pass. atami Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Kāś
- • Ved. inf. támitos, with ā́ preceding, 'till exhaustion' TBr. i, 4, 4, 2 TāṇḍyaBr. xii Lāṭy. Āp
- • pf. Pass. p. -tāntá, q.v.) to gasp for breath (as one suffocating), choke, be suffocated, faint away, be exhausted, perish, be distressed or disturbed or perplexed RV. ii, 30, 7 (ná mā tamat aor. subj. 'may I not be exhausted') Kāṭh. TBr. &c
- • to stop (as breath), become immovable or stiff Suśr. Mālatīm. Amar. Rājat. v, 344
- • to desire (cf. 2. ○ma, ○mata) Dhātup. xxvi, 93: Caus. tamáyati (aor. Pass. atāmi Pāṇ. 6-4, 93 Kāś.) to suffocate, deprive of breath ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 19 and 8, 1, 15 KātyŚr. vi, 5, 18
- • cf. á-tameru
- tama m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 34, Kāś.) = tamas ('the ascending node' VarBṛ. Jyot.) L. Sch
- • (= ○māla) Xanthochymus pictorius L
- • = ○makā L
- • n. (= ○mas) darkness L
- • the point of the foot L
- • (ā), f. night L
- • Xanthochymus pictorius L
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 47) night Śiś. ix, 23 BhP. x, 13, 45 Gol. vii, 10 Naish. vii, 45
- ○prabha m. = ○maH-pr○ ŚivaP.: (ā), f. v. l. for ○maH-pr○ L
- ○rāja m. = tava-r○ L
- tamâhvaya m. the plant tālīśa-pattra Npr
- tamaḥ in comp. for ○mas
- ○prabha m. N. of a hell L. (vḷ.)
- • (ā), f. id. L
- ○praveśa m. groping in the dark W
- • mental perplexity W
- ○sthita n. 'situated in darkness', N. of a hell W
- ○spṛś mfn. connected with darkness Kād
- tamaka m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Kāś.) oppression (of the chest), a kind of asthma Suśr. i, 43 and 45 ; vi, 40 and 51
- • cf. pra-
- • (ā), f. Phyllanthus emblica Npr
- tamata mfn. desirous of. Uṇ. iii, 109 Sch
- tamana n. the becoming breathless ŚāṅkhŚr. ii, 7, 7
- • iv KātyŚr. iv, 1, 13
- • cf. nāga-tamanī
- tamam ind. so as to faint away Pāṇ. 6-4, 93
- támas n. darkness, gloom (also pl.) RV. (○maḥ, práṇīta, 'led into darkness, 'deprived of the eye's light or sight, i, 117, 17) &c
- • the darkness of hell, hell or a particular division of hell Mn. iv, viii f. VP. ii, 6, 4 MārkP. xii, 10
- • the obscuration of the sun or moon in eclipses, attributed to Rāhu (also m. L.) R. VarBṛS. v, 44 VarBṛ. ii VarYogay. Sūryas
- • mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error (in Sāṃkhya phil. one of the 5 forms of a-vidjā MBh. xiv, 1019 Sāṃkhyak. &c
- • one of the 3 qualities or constituents of everything in creation [the cause of heaviness, ignorance, illusion, lust, anger, pride, sorrow, dulness, and stolidity
- • sin L
- • sorrow Kir. iii
- • guṇa and RTL.
- • p. 45] Mn. xii, 24 f. and 38 Sāṃkhyak. &c.) RV. v. 31, 9 R. ii Śak. Rājat. v, 144
- • N. of a son (of Śravas MBh. xiii, 2002
- • of Daksha, i Sch
- • of Pṛithu-śravas VP. iv, 12, 2)
- •
- ○kalpa mfn. like darkness, gloomy W
- ○kāṇḍa m. (g. kaskâdi, not in Kāś.) great or spreading darkness Śiś
- ○tati f. id. L
- ○vat (tam○), mf(atī)n. gloomy AV. xix, 47, 2 Naigh. i, 7
- • (tī), f. night L. Sch
- • turmeric T
- ○van (tám○), mf(arī)n. = -vat TS. ii, 4, 7, 2
- • cf. ám○
- ○vinī f. = -vatī MBh. iv, 732 Kād
- tamasá mfn. dark-coloured AV. xi, 9, 22
- • m. darkness Uṇ. Sch. a well Uṇ. vṛ
- • n. ifc. for ○mas, 'darkness', andha-, ○dhā-, ava-, vi-, saṃ-
- • a city Uṇ. vṛ
- • (ā), f. N. of a river (falling into the Ganges below Pratishṭhāna) MBh. iii, 14231 ; vi, 338 Hariv.12828 R. if. ; iv, 40, 24 Ragh.ix, 16
- tamasā-kṛta mfn. Pāṇ. 6-3, 3 Kāś
- tamasā-vana n. N. of a grove Divyâv. xxvii
- tamaska ifc. = ○mas, darkness ChUp. vii, 11, 2 SaṃhUp
- • mental darkness BhP. vii, 1, 11
- • the quality tamas (q.v.), NṛiSUP. (a-)
- • cf. nis-, vi-, sa-
- tamāla m. 'dark-barked (but white-blossomed)' Xanthochymus Pictorius MBh. Hariv. 12837 R. Suśr. Mṛicch. &c
- • a sort of black Khadira tree L
- • Crataeva Roxburghī L
- • tobacco, Sikshāp
- • sectarial mark on the forehead (made with the juice of the Tamāla fruit) L
- • a sword L
- • m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) the bark of the bamboo L
- • n. = -patra L
- • (ī), f. = tamakā Npr
- • Crataeva Roxburghī L
- • = tāmra-vallī L
- ○pattra n. the leaf of Xanthochymus pictorius Mṛicch. Ragh. vi, 64
- • the leaf of Laurus Cassia L
- • Xanthochymus pictorius L
- • 'a sectarial mark on the forehead', śrīkhaṇḍa-
- • -candana-gandha m. 'smelling like Tamāla leaves and sandal wood', N. of a Buddha
- tamālaka (m., n. L.) Xanthochymus pictorius R. ii, 91, 48 (ifc.)
- • the bark of a bamboo L
- • n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia L.
- • Marsilea quadrifolia L
- • (ā, ī), f. = tamakā Npr
- • (ikā), f. id. L
- • = tāmra-vallī L
- • = tāmra-lipta L
- • N. of a woman Kād. v, 427 and 432 (vḷ. taral○) Vāsav. 573
- tamālinī f. a place overgrown with Tamāla trees, g. puṣkarâdi
- • = tāmra-lipta L
- • = tamakā L
- tami f. = ○mī (s.v. ○ma) L
- • turmeric W
- tamin mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 141
- támiṣīcī īs irr. ayas, Ved. f. pl. (fr. tamiṣy-ac) oppressing, stunning, confusing RV. viii, 48, 11 AV. ii, 2, 5
- támisra m. = -pakṣa W
- • n. darkness, dark night (also pl.) MBh. iv, 710 BhP. v, 13, 9 Gīt. xi, 12
- • a dark hell, hell (in general) BhP. iv, 6, 45
- • anger L
- • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 114) a dark night RV. ii, 27, 14 TBr. ii, 2, 9, 6 MBh. iii Rāgh. &c
- • cf. su-
- • tāmisra
- ○pakṣa m. the dark half of the month, vi, 34 VarBṛS. ix, 36
- • xxiv
- tamī7śvara m. the moon Dharmaśarm. x, 15
- tamo in comp. for ○mas
- ○gā́ mfn. roaming in the darkness (Śushṇa) RV. v, 32, 4
- ○guṇa m. the quality of darkness or ignorance ( támas) W
- ○"ṣguṇin mfn. having the quality of tamas predominant, ignorant, proud W
- ○ghna m. 'destroying darkness', the sun MBh. iii, 193 ; vii, 6296
- • the moon L
- • fire L
- • Vishṇu L
- • Śiva
- • a Buddha ('bodha, knowledge' T.) L
- ○jyotis m. 'light in darkness', a fire-fly L
- ○nud mfn. dispersing darkness, xiii, 7298
- • m. light R. v, 32, 23
- • the sun (for acc. ○dam, ○da) L
- • the moon (for acc. ○dam, ○da) L
- • fire L
- • a lamp L
- ○nuda mf(ā)n. dispersing darkness Mn. i, 6 & 77 MBh. (sarva-, iii, 17114) &c
- • m. the sun, 11892
- • (acc. ○dam) 17099 and vi, 5765
- • the moon Ragh. iii, 33 (acc. ○dam)
- ○'nta-kṛt m. 'darkness-finisher', N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2560
- ○'ntya m. one of the 10 ways in which an eclipse may happen VarBṛS. v, 43 and 52
- ○'ndhakāra N. of a mythical place Kāraṇḍ. xii
- • -bhūmi, or ○rA bh○ f. id. ib
- ○'paha mfn. removing darkness Pāṇ. 3-2, 50
- • removing ignorance Daś. Kir. v, 22
- • m. the sun L
- • the moon Ragh. iii, 33 (vḷ.)
- • fire L
- • a Buddha ('bodha, knowledge' T.) L
- ○bhāga mfn. one whose portion is darkness Nir. xii, 1
- ○bhid m. 'dispersing darkness', a fire-fly L
- ○bhūta mfn. 'become darkness', covered with darkness Mn. i, 5 Bhartṛ. i, 14
- • ignorant Mn. xii, 115
- ○maṇi m. 'darkness-jewel', a kind of gem L
- • a fire-fly, Vāsav. 442
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or composed of or covered with darkness VarBṛS. v, 3 BhP. iii MārkP. &c
• m. the mind enveloped with darkness (one of the 5 forms of avidyā in Sāṃkhya phil.), vlī, 15
- • ○yī-√kṛ, to cover with darkness Naish. viii, 65
- ○'ri m. 'darkness-enemy', the sun Rājat. ii, iv
- • -vivara, 'sunhole', a window, vii, 775
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. consisting of mental darkness or ignorance NṛisUp
- ○"ṣrūpin mfn. id. ib. Sch
- ○liptī f. = tāma-l○ L
- ○vat mfn. = ○mas-v○ R. iv, 44, 115
○vāsas n. darkness as a cover Kād. viii, 162
- ○vikāra m. 'modification of the Guṇa tamas', sickness L
- ○vṛta mfn. obscured W
- • overcome with any effect of the Guṇa tamas, as rage, fear, &c. W
○vṛ́dh mfn. rejoicing in darkness RV. vii, 104, 1
- ○vairin m. 'darkness-enemy', fire Gal
- ○hán mfn. striking down or dispersing darkness, i, 140, 1 ; iii, 39, 3
- • m. fire Gal
- • Vishṇu ib
- • Śiva ib
- ○hara m. 'removing darkness', the moon L
- tamrá mf(ā́)n. oppressing, darkening, x, 73, 5
- tama an affix forming the superl. degree of adjectives and rarely of substantives (káṇva-, &c.) Suśr. i, 20, 11
- • mfn. most desired Kir., ii, 14
- • (ām), added (in older language) to adverbs and (in later language) to verbs, intensifying their meaning
- • ind. in a high degree, much Naish. viii
- tamaṅga ○gaka m. a platform L
- tamara n. tin L
- támas ○sá, &c. col. 1
- tamāla &c.,
- tami
- tamin &c. ib. & col. 2
- tamuṣṭuhīya the, hymn RV. vi, 18 (beginning with tám u ṣṭuhi) ŚāṅkhŚr.x, 11, 29
- tampā f. a cow (cf. ○mbā) L
- tamb cl. l. ○bati, to go Vop
- tambā (fr. tāmrā), f. = ○mpā L
- tambīra = ?, (in astrol.) the 14th Yoga.
- tamrá col. 2
- tay cl. 1. ○yate (pf. teye), to go towards (acc.) or out of (abl.) Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 75 and 108
- • (= tāy) to protect Dhātup. xiv, 6
- taya m. g. vṛṣâdi
- • cf. tāya
- tara an affix forming the compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. vṛtra-tára) of substantives Suśr. i, 20, 11
- • (ām), added (in older language) to adverbs ( ati-tarā́m &c.) and (in later language) to verbs (Pañcat. i, 14, 7 Ratnâv. iii, 9 Kathās.), intensifying their meaning
- • ind. with na, not at all BhP. x, 46, 43
- ○tama-tas ind. more or less, 87, 19
- • cf. tāratamya
- tára mfn. (√tṝ
- • g. pacâdi) carrying across or beyond, saving (?, said of Śiva) MBh. xii, 10380
- • ifc. passing over or beyond W
- • 'surpassing, conquering', śoka-tará, cf. rathaṃtará
- • excelling, w
- • m. crossing, passage RV. ii, 13, 12 ; viii, 96, 1 Mn. viii, 404 and 407 Yājñ. (ifc.) MBh. xii
- • (a- mfn. 'impassable') Bhaṭṭ. vii, 55 (cf. dus-)
- • 'excelling, conquering', duṣ-ṭára, su-tára, dus-
- • = -paṇya Mn. viii, 406
- • a raft W
- • a road L
- • N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons) R. i, 30, 4
- • fire W
- • N. of a man Rājat. vii, 809
- • (ī
- • also īs L.) f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 48), a boat, ship (cf. ○ri) MBh. i, 4228 f. BhP. iv Śiś. iii, 76 (cf. nis-tarīka)
- • a clothes-basket (also ○ri) L
- • the hem of a garment (also ○ri) L
- • = ○raṇi-peṭaka L
- • a club L
- • for starī (smoke) W
- ○paṇya n. ferry-money, freight Divyâv
- ○"ṣpaṇyika m. one who receives ferry-money or freight Buddh. L
- ○vaṭa Cassia auriculata L
- ○vāri (m. L
- • for tala-v○?) a one-edged sword Hcar. vi Kalyāṇam. Pañcad. ii, 77
- • cf. tala-vāraṇa
- ○vālikā f. (for tala-v○?) = kar○ id. L. Sch
- ○sārika tala-s○
- ○sthāna n. a landing-place L
- tarândhu m. a large flat-bottomed boat L
- tarâlu m. id. L
- taraṃ-ga m. (fr. taram, ind, √tṝ) 'acrossgoer', a wave, billow R. iv, 41, 29ff. Jain. Suśr. Śak. &c. (ifc. f. ā Pañcat. Kathās. lxxii)
- • a section of a literary work that contains in its N. a word like 'sea' or 'river' (e.g. of Kathās. and Rājat.)
- • a jumping motion, gallop, waving about, moving to and fro Hariv. 4298 Gīt. xii, 2o
- • cloth, clothes Uṇ. Sch
- • cf. ut-, carma-
- ○bhīru m. '= ○gâpatrasta', N. of a son of the 14th Manu Hariv. 495
- ○māliṇ m. 'wave-garlanded', the sea Prasannar. vii, 9/10
- ○vatī f. 'having waves', a river Vcar. vi, 72
- • N. of a female servant, Vāsav. 374
- taraṃgâpatrasta mfn. afraid of waves Pāṇ. 2-1, 38 Kāś
- taraṃga Nom. ○gati, to move like a billow, wave about, move restlessly to and fro Kād. vi, 1644 (Pass. p. ○gyamāṇa) Gīt. ii, 8
- • cf. ut-
- taraṃgaka m. a wave, Bālabodh
- • (ikā), f. N. of a female servant Viddh. ii, 0/1
- • cf. nārī-
- taraṃgaya Nom. ○yati, to cause to move to and fro Bālar. iii, 25 (= Viddh. iii, 27) Sāh. vi
- taraṃgiṇī f. of ○gin
- ○nātha m. 'river-lord', the sea Bālar. Vcar. xiii
- ○bhartṛ m. id., 53
- taraṃgita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) having (folds, vali-) as waves Kathās. lxxxiv, 7
- • wavy, waving, overflown (by tears), moving restlessly to and fro MBh. vi, 3851 Mālatīm
- • Śāntiś. Kathās. Prasannar. &c
- • n. waving, moving to and fro Gīt.iii, 13
- taraṃgin mfn. wavy, waving, moving restlessly to and fro MBh. vi R. ii, iv Kathās. Gīt. v, 19
- • (iṇī), f. (g. puṣkarâdi) a river Bhartṛ. iii, 65
- • N. of a river Kathās. lxxii, 336
- • N. of several works Śaktir. Nirṇayas. ii, 7
- • ifc. kṣīra- &c
- taraṇa m. a raft, boat L
- • 'final landing-place', heaven L
- • n. crossing over, passing (ifc.) KātyŚr. i, 7, 13 R. Vikr. Rājat. Hit
- • overcoming (as of misfortune, gen.) MBh. i, 6054
- • carrying over W
- • an oar (?) Kauś. 5 2
- • (ī), f. = ○ṇi, a boat Hariv. 14078 (vḷ. ○riṇī)
- • Hibiscus mutabilis L
- • = ṇī-vallī L
- • cf. ūrdhva-, dus-
- • pra-tár○, su-
- taráṇi mfn. moving forwards (as the sun &c.), quick, untired, energetic RV. AV. xiii, 2, 4 and 36
- • carrying over, saving, helping, benevolent RV. TBr. ii, 7, 13, 2
- • m. the sun KapS. iii, 13 BhP. v, viii, x Rājat. ŚārṅgP
- • Calotropis gigantea L
- • a ray of light L
- • f. = ○ṇī, a boat Prab. Vop. Śatr
- • Aloe perfoliata L. (also ○ṇī Sch.)
- • cf. go-, saṃsāra-
- ○tanayā f. 'sun-daughter', the river Yamunā Bhām. iv, 7 and 35
- ○tvá n. zeal RV. i, 110, 4 and 6 (Nir.xi, 16)
- ○dhanya m. Śiva
- ○peṭaka m. a baling-vessel L
- ○ratna n. 'sun-jewel', a ruby L.
- taraṇīya mfn. to be crossed (a river) R. ii
- taraṇī-vallī f. Rosa glandulifera L
- taraṇḍa m. N. of a place L
- • (m. n. L.) the float of a fishing line, float made of bamboos and floated upon jars or hollow gourds inverted L
- • an oar W
- • a raft, boat HPariś. ii, 220
- • (ā, ī), f. id. L
- ○pādā f. 'oar-footed', a boat L
- taraṇḍaka vḷ. for ○rantuka, q.v
- taraṇya Nom. (fr. ○ṇa) ○ṇyati, to go, g. kaṇḍv-ādi (not in Kāś.)
- tárat pr. p. and Subj. √tṝ, q.v
- ○sama m. conflagration of chaff (cf. taratsala) Gal
- • m. or f. pl. = ○mandī Vas. xxviii, 11
- ○samandī f. pl. the hymn RV. ix, 58 (beginning with tárat sá mandī́) Gaut
- ○samandīya n. (scil. sū7kta) id. Mn. xi, 254
- taratha deva-
- tarad f. (Siddh.puṃl. 74) a raft L
- • a kind of a duck L
- tarád-dveṣas mfn. conquering enemies (Indra) RV. i, 100, 3
- tarantá m. the ocean L
- • a hard shower Uṇ. k
- • a frog ib
- • N. of a man (with the patr. Vaidadaśvi) RV. v, 61, 10 TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 7 (author of a Sāman)
- • (ī), f. a boat, ship Uṇ. iii, 128 Sch
- tarantuka n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 5085 ; 6022 (vvḷl. arant"ṣ and taraṇḍaka) and 7078 ; ix, 3032
- táras n. rapid progress, velocity, strength, energy, efficacy RV. MBh. xii, 5172 R. v, 77, 18 Ragh. xi, 77
- • a ferry RV.i, 190, 7
- • (fig.) v, 54, 15 AV. x, 10, 24
- • a symbolical N. of the stoma of the gods TāṇḍyaBr. viii, xi, xv
- • a bank L
- • = plava-ga L
- • (sā), instr. ind. (g. svar-ādi, not in Kāś.) speedily, directly MBh. R. Ragh. BhP. Śiś. ix Kathās. Prab. iv, 24
- • (○rás), mfn. quick, energetic SV. i, 4, 2, 4, 1
- ○mat for -vat, q.v
- ○vat (tár○), mfn. = -vín (Indra) TBr. ii, 8, 4, 1
- • m. N. of a son of the 14th Manu Hariv. i, 7, 87 (vḷ. ○s-mat)
- • f. pl. 'the swift ones', the rivers Naigh. i, 13
- ○vín mfn. quick, violent, energetic, bold RV. viii, 97, 10 and 12 (Indra) VS. xix, 88 MBh. R. Śak. &c
- • m. a courier, runner, hero W
- • Śiva
- • the wind L
- • a falcon Gal
- • Garuḍa L
- • N. of a man Pravar. ii, 2, 2
- tarasāna m. a boat Uṇ. ii, 86 Sch
- tarāyaṇa tār○
- tari f. = ○rī, a boat MBh. i, 4014 ; xii, 1682 Prab. vi, 7
- • also ○rī s.v. ○ra
- ○ratha m. 'boat-wheel', an oar L
- tarika m.= ○kin Yājñ. ii, 263
- • a raft, boat L
- • (ā), f. id. L
- • the skin on the milk VS.xxxix, 5/6 KātyŚr. xxvi, 7, 50/51
- tarikin m. a ferry-man W
- taritavya n. impers. it is to be crossed or passed over AśvGṛ. i, 12, 6 MānGṛ. i, 13
- taritā f. 'leader', the fore-finger L
- • garlic (or 'hemp' ?) Kulârṇ
- • a form of Durgā (cf. tvar○), Tantr
- ○dhāraṇa-yantra n. N. of a mystical diagram ib
- ○pūjā-yantra n. another diagram ib
- taritṛ mfn. one who crosses (a river) or who carries over Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Kāś
- taritra m. 'a helmsman' (Sch.) or n. 'an oar' MBh. v, 2436 (a- mfn. without a t○)
- tarín mfn. AV. v, 27, 6 (for sá īm VS. xxvii, 15)
- • (iṇī), f. vḷ. for ○raṇī, q.v
- tarī f. ○ra
- ○pa dus-, nis-
- tarītṛ mfn. = ○ritṛ Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Kāś
- tarītu^ duṣ-ṭár○
- tárīyas mfn. (compar.) easily passing through (acc.) RV. v, 41, 12
- tarīṣa m. a raft, boat L
- • the ocean L
- • a fit or competent person Uṇ. vṛ
- • a fine shape or form ('decorating' W.) L
- • resolution L
- • also taviiṣa
- tarīṣáṇi Ved. inf. √tṝ, q.v
- táru mfn. 'quick' or subst. 'speediness', (pl.) RV. v, 44, 5 (cf. ii, 39, 3)
- tárutṛ mfn. winning, i, 27, 9 ; 129, 2
- tarutṛ́ m. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 34) a conqueror RV. i ; vi, 66, 8
- • viii
- • an impeller (of carts), x, 178, 1 (Nir. x, 28)
- • (trī), f. adj. a help MānGṛ. i, 22
- tárutra mfn. carrying across (as a horse) RV. i, 117, 9
- • conquering, triumphant, 174, 1 ; ii, 11, 15f. ; iii, vi f
- • granting victory, superior, iv, vi, viii, x
- taruṣ one base of √tṝ (taruṣante &c.), q.v
- táruṣa m. a conqueror, overcomer, vi, 15, 3 ; x, 115, 5
- • (ī), f. victory SV. i, 4, 1, 4, 5
- taruṣyát mfn. (pr. p.) attacking RV. viii, 99, 5 (Naigh. iv, 2 Nir. v, 2)
- tárus n. battle RV. vi, 25, 4
- • superiority, i, 122, 13 ; iii, 2, 3
- tarūtṛ mfn. = ○ritṛ Pāṇ. 7-2, 34
- tárūṣas mfn. superior RV. i, 129, 10
- tarṇi m.= ○raṇi, a boat L
- • the sun L
- tartarīka mfn. (fr. Intens.) being in the habit of crossing (a river) L
- • n. a boat L
- tartavya mfn. = ○raṇīya MBh. vii, 4706.
- tarman n. 'passage', su-tárman ; m. n. the top of the sacrificial post (cf. Lat. terminus) L
- tárya m. N. of a man RV. v, 44, 12
- tarṣa m. = ○rīṣa, a raft Uṇ. iii, 62 Sch
- • the ocean ib
- • the sun Uṇ. vṛ
- tarakṣa m. = ○kṣu VarBṛS. xii, 6
- • a wolf Npr
- tarákṣu m. a hyena VS. xxiv, 40 MaitrS. iii, 14, 21 GopBr. i, 2, 8 MBh. Hariv. 9373 R. Suśr
- tarakṣuka m. id. L
- taraṃ-ga &c. p. 438, col. 3
- taraṭa N. of a medicinal plant Npr
- • (ī), f. N. of a thorny plant (cf. tār○) L
- taraṇa ○ráṇi, &c. p. 438, col. 3
- taratsala m. = ○rat-sama W
- taradī vḷ. for ○raṭī
- tarantá ○ntuka, col. 1
- tarambuja n. (borrowed fr. ?) a water-melon (cf. kharbūja), Tantr
- tarala mf(ā)n. (√tṝ?, cf. taraṃga) moving to and fro, trembling, tremulous MBh. &c
- • glittering R. vi, 4, 33 Ragh. xiii, 76 Śak
- • unsteady, vain Bhartṛ. Amar. Rājat. iii, 515
- • libidinous L
- • liquid W
- • hollow L
- • m. a wave BhP. xf
- • the central gem of a necklace MBh. viii, 4913 Hariv
- • a necklace L
- • a ruby L
- • iron L
- • a level surface (tala) L
- • the thorn-apple Npr
- • N. of a poet Bālar. i, 13 ŚārṅgP
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. viii, 237
- • (ā), f. spirituous liquor L
- • a bee L
- • N. of a Yoginī Hcat. ii, 1, 709
- • rice-gruel VarBṛS. lxxvi, 11 (○la n. ?)
- ○tā f. = -tva Pañcat
- • unsteady activity Kād
- ○tva n. tremulousness, unsteadiness Kpr. x, 33/34
- ○nayanī f. 'tremulouseyed', a metre of 4 X 12 short syllables
- ○lekhā f. N. of a woman Rājat. viii, 1445
- ○locanā f. a tremulous-eyed woman W. (cf. R. vi, 4, 34.)
- taralaya Nom. ○yati, to cause to tremble Hcar. v, 205 Amar. 87
- taralāya Nom. ○yate, to tremble Hcat. ii, 1, 709
- taralāyita mfn. made tremulous, agitated W
- • m. a large wave W
- • n. fickleness W
- taralikā f. N. of a female servant Kād. ( tamāl○) Vāsav. 565
- taralita mfn. shaking, dangling, undulating, tremulous Gīt. vii, xi ŚārṅgP
- • n. impers. it has been trembled Gīt. xii, 15
- ○hāra mf(ā)n. having a tremulous garland, vii, 14
- taravī (in astrol.) ?, quadrature
- táras ○rás, col. 1
- tarasa m. n. sg. and pl. meat Nyāyam. Sch. on KātyŚr. ii, v
- ○puroḍāśa mfn. offering a cake of meat TāṇḍyaBr. xxy, 7
- ○maya mfn. consisting of meat (a cake) KātyŚr. xxiv, 5, 20
- tarásat for trás○, √tras, q.v
- tarasāna &c. col. 1
- tarām 1. tara
- tari ○rika, ○rikin, &c. col. 1
- taru m. (g. vyāghrâdi not in Kāś., cf. nabhas-) a tree Nal. xii, 75 R. vi, 82, 115 Suśr. Ragh. &c
- • N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha MatsyaP
- ○kūṇi m. a kind of bird L
- ○koṭara n. the hollow of a tree Hit
- ○khaṇḍa m. n. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 38 Kāś. vḷ.) = -ṣaṇḍa Kād
- ○gahana n. the thicket of woods, SārṅgP
- ○cchāyā f. the shade of a tree Kathās. lxiii, 9 (ifc. f. ā)
- • īc, 36
- ○ja mfn. produced by a tree (a flower, fruit &c.) W
- ○jīvana n. (vital organ, i.e.) the √of a tree L
- ○tala n. the level ground round the foot of a tree Kathās. Hit
- ○tā f. the state of a tree MārkP. xxxi, 9 Kathās. lxxii, 235
- ○tūlikā f. the flying fox (suspending itself from branches like a tūlikā, q.v.) L
- ○dulikā vḷ. for -tūl○ W
- ○nakha m. 'tree-nail', a thorn L
- ○paṅkti f. a row of trees, avenue W
- ○bhuj m. 'tree-eater', the parasitical plant Vanda Roxburghī L
- ○maṇḍapa a bower Kathās. xx, 55
- ○mahiman m. 'glory of tree-planting', N. of a section of the Vṛikshâyurveda (on the future rewards of those who plant trees) W
- ○mūla n. the √of a tree Kathās. ic, 2
- ○mṛga m. 'tree-animal', an ape L
- ○rāga m. n. 'tree-charm', a bud L.
- ○rāja m. 'tree-king', the palmyra-tree Hcat. ii, 1, 317
- ○rājan m. 'tree-king', the Pārijāta Hariv. 7153 f
- ○ruhā f. 'growing on trees', = -bhuj L
- ○rohiṇī f. id. L
- ○vara m. 'best of trees', = -rājan W
- ○vallī f. a creeper Kathās. liii, 59
- • a kind of Oldenlandia (dyeing red) L
- ○viṭapa m. a branch W
- ○śāyin m. 'sleeping on trees', a bird L
- ○śreṣṭha m. the best of trees W
- ○ṣaṇḍa n. (cf. -khaṇḍa) a group of trees R. iv, 13, 13 Pañcat
- ○sāra m. 'tree-essence', camphor L
- • -maya mfn. consisting of heart-wood Suśr. iv, 35
- ○sthā f. = -ruhā L
- taruśa mfn. abounding in trees, g. lomâdi
- tárukṣa m. (g. 2. lohitâdi, not in Kāś.) N. of a man RV. viii, 46, 32
- • cf. talukṣa
- táruṇa mf(ī RV.)n. (√tṝ
- • g. kapilakâdi Gaṇar. 447) 'progressive', young, tender, juvenile RV. AV. &c
- • new, fresh, just risen (the sun, cf. bālâditya), just begun (heat or a disease) MBh. R. Kum. iii, 54 Suśr
- • tender (a feeling) Bhartṛ
- • m. a youth MBh. &c. (cf. tarṇa)
- • Ricinus communis L
- • large cumin seed L
- • N. of a particular section in a Tantra work treating of various stages in a Tāntrika's life Kulârṇ. viii
- • of a mythical being MBh. ii, 7, 22
- • of a Ṛishi in the 11th Manv-antara Hariv.477
- • m. n. the blossom of Trapa bispinosa L.'
- • n. = ○ṇâsthi Suśr
- • a sprout (ifc., kuśa-) KātyŚr. PārGṛ. ii, 1, 10
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi) a young woman, girl R. Suśr. &c
- • a kind of pot-herb, i, 46, 4, 39
- • Aloe perfoliata L
- • Rosa glandulifera or alba Npr
- • Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L
- •
- ○jvara m. 'slight fever', a fever that lasts a week W
- • ○râri m. 'enemy of ○ra', N. of a drug
- ○tā f. freshness, vigour Kād
- ○dadhi n. coagulated milk five days old W
- ○pītikā f. red arsenic Npr
- taruṇâbhāsa m. a kind of cucumber ib
- taruṇâsthi n. 'soft-bone', cartilage Suśr
- taruṇêndu m. the increasing moon Bhartṛ. iii, 84
- taruṇaka m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2160
- • n. a sprout, (○rū́ṇ○) AV. x, 4, 2
- • darbha-
- • cf. tarṇ○
- taruṇaya Nom. ○yati, to make young or fresh Mālatīm. v, 6
- taruṇāya Nom. ○yati, to bring forth W
- • ○yate, to become or remain young or fresh Hariv. 4745 Suśr. iv, 26, 27 Pañcat. v, i, 14 Bhartṛ. iii, 9
- taruṇimán m. youth, juvenility MaitrS. i, 10, 10 Kāṭh. xxxvi, 5 Śāntiś. Prasannar. ii, 11
- taruṇī f. and ind. of ○ṇa
- ○kaṭâkṣa-kāma or m. Clerodeesdrum phlomoides L
- ○kaṭâkṣa-kṣa-māla m. Clerodeesdrum phlomoides L
- ○gaṇa m. a number of young women W
- ○jana m. a young woman W
- ○√bhū to become a youth Hcar. iv
- ○bhūta mfn. become a maiden Daś. vii, 156
- ○ratna n. = ○raNi-r○ Gal
- tárutṛ ○tṛ́, &c. col. 1
- tarūṭa m. the √of a lotus L
- tarū́ṇaka ○ruN○
- tarūtṛ tárūṣas, col. 1
- tark cl. 10. ○kayati (ep. also ○te), to N. conjecture, guess, suspect, infer, try to discover or ascertain, reason or speculate about MBh. &c
- • to consider as (with double acc.), = ib
- • to reflect, think of, recollect, have in one's mind, intend (with inf. MBh. iii Mṛicch. Megh.) MBh. Hariv. BhP. iii, 13, 20
- • to ascertain R. iii, 25, 12, to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. ;
- tarka m. conjecture MBh. &c
- • reasoning, speculation, inquiry KaṭhUp. ii, 9 PārGṛ. ii, 6, 5 Gaut. Mn. xii, 106 MBh. &c
- • doubt W
- • system or doctrine founded on speculation or reasoning, philosophical system (esp. the Nyāya system, but applicable also to any of the six Darśana, q.v.) BhP. ii, vii f. Prab. Vop. Caraṇ. Madhus
- • the number 6 Sūryas. xii, 87
- • logic, confutation (esp. that kind of argument which consists in reduction to absurdity) Tarkas. Sarvad. Madhus
- • wish, desire L
- • supplying an ellipsis L
- • cause, motive L
- • n. a philosophical system Hcat. i, 7
- • (ā), f. reasoning, inquiry ('= kāṅkṣā' Sch.) MBh. iv, 892
- • cf. a-, ku-, dus-, rūpa-
- ○karkaśa m. N. of a family Dhūrtan. i
- ○karman for ○rku-k○ BhP. x, 45, 36/37 (cf. -sādhya)
- ○kārikā f. N. of a Vaiśeshika work by Jīva-rāja Dīkshita
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a Vaiśeshika work
- ○grantha m. a treatise on reasoning, manual of logic Suśr. vi, 19, 15
- ○candrikā f. N. of an elementary exposition of the Nyāya phil.
- ○jñāna n. knowledge obtained by reasoning or philosophical inquiry Bādar. ii, 1, 11/12
- ○jvālā f. 'flame of speculation', N. of a Buddh. work
- ○taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk. by Guṇa-ratna
- ○dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. on Tarkas
- ○pañcânana m. N. of several writers on Nyāya phil
- ○paribhāṣā f. = -bhāṣā
- • -vṛtti f. N. of a Comm. by Vimmi-bhaṭṭa
- ○prakāśa m. N. of a Comm. by Śrī-kaṇṭha
- • = -bhāṣā-sāra-mañjarī
- ○pradīpa m. N. of a Vaiśeshika manual by Koṇḍabhaṭṭa
- ○bhāṣā f. N. of a Nyāya manual by Keśava-bhaṭṭa
- • -prakāśa m. N. of a Comm. by Go-vardhana
- • -prakāśikā f. another Comm
- • -bhāva-prahāśikā f. another Comm
- • -sāra-mañjarī f. another Comm. by Mādhava (of Kāśī)
- ○mañjarī f. N. of a Comm. on -kārikā by its author
- ○mudrā f. a particular position of the hand BhP. iv, 6, 38
- ○yukta mfn. conjectured, suspected R. (G) ii, 109, 16
- • together with the philosophical systems MBh. ii, 11, 35
- ○ratna n. N. of a Vaiśeshika disquisition by Koṇḍa-bhaṭṭa
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- • -dīpikā f. another N. of Guṇâkara's Ṣaḍ-darśana-samuccaya-ṭīkā
- ○vāg-īśa m. N. of several writers on Nyāya phil
○vid m. 'knowing logic', a philosopher Bādar. ii, 1, 11/12
- ○vidyā f. 'science of reasoning', a manual of logic, philosophical treatise MBh. xiii, 2195 Prab
- ○śāstra n. id. MBh. xii, 9678 f. Hariv. 1506 Prab
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of a manual of the Vaiśeshika branch of the Nyāya phil. by Annam-bhaṭṭa
- • -dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. on that work by its author
- ○samaya m. N. of wk. Bādar. i, 1, 4/5
- ○sādhya n. N. of a Kalā (cf. ○rku-karman) Gal
- tarkâṭa m. 'inquiry-walker', a beggar L
- tarkânubhāṣā f. = ○rka-bhāṣā-prakāśa
- tarkâbhāsa m. apparent reasoning, or confutation W
- tarkâmṛta n. 'logic-nectar', N. of an elementary Vaiśeshika manual by Jagad-īśa Tarkâlaṃkāra Bhaṭṭâcārya
- • -caṣaka, N. of a Comm. on that manual by Gaṅgārāma Jaṭī
- • -taraṃgiṇī f. another Comm. on the same by Mukunda Bhaṭṭa Gāḍegila
- tarkâlaṃkāra m. N. of several philosophers
- tarkaka m.= ○rkâṭa MBh. xii, 1537
- tarkaṇa n. conjecturing Sāh
- • reasoning W
- tarkaṇīya mfn. to be suspected MBh. v, 1093
- tarkita mfn. considered as R. iv, 11, 9
- • investigated W
- • a-
- • n. conjecture Hariv. 9467
- tarkin mfn. skilled in speculation Mn. xii, 111
- tarku (m. n. L. ; √3. kṛt Nir. ii, 1, but cf. niṣ-ṭarkyá, ?& torqueo &c. s.v. √tark) a spindle PārGṛ. i, 15/16
- ○karman n. 'spindlework', N. of a Kalā (q.v.)
- ○pāṭhī vḷ. for -pīṭhī
- ○piṇḍa m. a ball (of clay &c.) at the lower end of a spindle to assist in giving it a rotatory motion L
- ○pīṭha m. id. L
- • (ī), f. id. L
- ○lāsaka m. a concave shell or saucer serving to hold the lower end of a spindle when whirled round L
- ○śāna m. a small whetstone for sharpening spindles L
- tarkuka m. = ○rkaka Rājat. iii, 254
- • cf. para-, piṇḍa-
- tarkuṭa n. spinning L
- • (ī), f. = ○rku L
- tarkya mfn. a-
- • niṣ-ṭarkyá
- tarkāri f. = ○rī Suśr. vi, 17, 49
- tarkārī f. (g. gaurâdi) Sesbania aegyptiaca, i, vi
- • Premna spinosa VarBṛS. xliv, 9/10
- • a kind of gourd Npr
- tarkiṇa m. Cassia Tora L. (vḷ. ○kila)
- tarkṣu m. = tarákṣu L
- tarkṣya m. saltpetre L
- tarj cl. 1. ○jati (ep. also Ā
- • pf. tatarja Bhaṭṭ.) to threaten MBh. R
- • to scold MBh. viii, 1543 Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 80: Caus. tarjayati (ep., also Ā.) to threaten R. iii (Pass. p. ○rjyamāna) Śak. Ragh
- • to scold Hariv. 11166 Daś. BhP. &c
- • to frighten MBh. R. Suśr. Rājat
- • to deride MBh. v, 2485 Bhaṭṭ. vii, 36
- • for √tark, Caus. MBh. iv, 567 ;
- tarjaka mfn. one who threatens Pañcar. iv, 3
- tarjana n. threatening, scolding R. iii, v Ragh. xix, 17 Kum. vi, 45 &c
- • (ifc.) frightening MBh. iii, 12569
- • derision W
- • putting to shame, surpassing W
- • anger W
- • (ā), f. scolding Sāh
- • (ī), f. 'threatening finger', the fore-finger Kathās. xvii, 88 KātyŚr. Sch
- • = ○nikā Hcat. ii, 1
- tarjanikā f. a kind of weapon (?), ii, 1, 953
- tarjanīya mfn. to be threatened or scolded
- tarjita mfn. threatened R. vi Ragh. xi, 78
- • scolded, reviled Bhaṭṭ. Rājat. iii, 34: Sāh
- • frightened Hariv. 3911 Suśr. Rājat.v, 398
- • n. threat R.
- tarjika m. pl. = tāj○ L
- tarṇa m. (for ○ruṇa?) a calf L
- tarṇaka m. id. Kād. Hcar. ii, 11 (ifc.) Hcat. Rājat. v, 431
- • any young animal Dhūrtan. i, 19
- tarṇi ○rtarīka, p. 439, col. 1
- tard (= √tṛd), cl. 1. P. ○rdati, to injure, kill Dhātup. iii, 21
- tardá m. a kind of bird (cf. Lat. turdus) AV. vi, 50, 1 f
- tardā-pati m. lord of the female Tarda bird, 3 (voc.)
- tardana n. opening, hole ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 2 Sāy
- • sewing with stitches AitĀr. iii, 2, 5, 4 Sch
tardū f. (√tṝ Uṇ.) a wooden ladle L
- tardma ifc. (nava-, śata-) for ○dman KātyŚr. xv, 5, 27
- ○vat mfn. 'furnished with (openings, i.e.) stitches', bound tight AitĀr. iii, 2, 5, 4
- ○samutá mfn. sewed with stitches ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 2
- tárdman n. (√tṛd) a hole, cleft AV. xiv, 1, 40 Kauś. 50 and 76 KātyŚr. vi, 1, 30 ; vii, 3, 20
- tarpaka mfn. ifc. satiating, satisfying BhP. vii, 15, 10 Sch
- tárpaṇa mf(ī)n. id. Suśr. (cf. ghrāṇa-)
- • (m. or n.) N. of a plant, iv, 5, 13 and 18 ; 16, 3
- • n. satiety MBh. xiv, 673
- • satiating, refreshing (esp. of gods and deceased persons by presenting to them libations of water
- • a particular ceremony performed with a magical Mantra Sarvad
- • RTL. p. 394 and 409) PārGṛ. iii, 3, 11 Mn. iii, 70 Yājñ. i, 46 MBh. xiii &c
- • gladdening (ifc.) BhP. iii, 1, 27
- • refreshment, food AV. ix, 6, 6 MBh. xviii, 269 and 275 Car. Pāṇ. 2-3, 14 Kāś. Hcat. (ifc. f. ā)
- • fuel L
- • (satiating, i.e.) filling the eyes (with oil &c.) Suśr
- • (ī), f. N. of a plant L
- ○vidhi m. a ch. of Smṛity-artha-sāra
- tarpaṇêcchu m. 'desirous of a Tarpaṇa libation', Bhīshma L
- tarpaṇīya mfn. to be satisfied, Kaṭhup. i, 27
- tarpayitavya mfn. id. Kāṭh. xxxii, 1
- tarpita mfn. satisfied MBh. v R. i, 53 (su-)
- tarpin mfn. satisfying W
- • offering oblations (to the manes) W
- • (iṇī), f. Hibiscus mutabilis L
- tarpara m. a bell hanging down from the throat of cattle, g. kapilakâdi (Gaṇar. 446)
- tarphitṛ mfn. (√tṛph) One who kills W
- • cf. turphári &c
- tarb cl. i. P. ○bati, to go Vop
- tarbaṭa m. a year L
- • for ○ra-vaṭa L
- tarman tárya, p. 439, col. 2
- tarvan wrong pronunciation for tad-van Pat. on Pāṇ. Introd. Vārtt. 9
- tarṣa m. (√triṣ) thirst', wish, desire for (in comp.) MBh. xii R. ii, 100, 3 BhP. v, 8, 12 (ati-, 'excessive desire')
- • Desire (son of Arka the sun and Vāsanā), vi, 6, 13
- • (ā), f. thirst, desire, xi, 9, 27
- ○cetas mfn. eagerly desirous of (arthe ifc.), viii, 8, 38
- tarṣaṇa n. thirst L
- • desire, iii, 25, 7
- tarṣam ind. (Pāṇ. 3-4, 57). dvy-aha-
- tarṣita mfn. thirsty BhP. ix, 6, 27
- • ifc. desirous of R. ii, 104, 1
- • cf. ṭriṣ○
- tarṣuka mfn. thirsty Gal
- tarṣula mfn. 'desiring', a-tarṣulam ind. without desire MBh. xii, 7762
- tarṣyā́-vat mfn. = tṛṣ○ RV. x, 28, 10
- tarsa n. Pāṇ. 8-3, 59 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- tarha śata-tarhá and -tárham
- tárhaṇa mf(ī)n. (√tṛh) crushing RV. vii, 104, 4 AV. ii, 31, i
- • cf. dasyu-tárh○
- tárhi ind. (fr. tád-hí
- • tarvan Pāṇ. 5-3, 20 f.) at that time, then, at that moment, in that case (correlative of yád , yadā́ , yárhi , yátra "ṣBr. ii BhP. v, yadi , ced Prab. ṣāh.
- • often connected with an Impv. or interrogative pron. Pat. Kāś. ṣiddh. ṣāh.) RV. x, 129, 2 AV. &c. (not in MBh. &R.)
- • cf. etár○, kár○
- tal cl. 1. 10. talati, tālayati (fr. tarati, tāray○, √tṝ) to accomplish (a vow) L
- • to establish, fix (derived fr. 1. talita) Dhātup. xxxii, 58
- tala (m. L.) n. (√stṛ) surface, level, flat roof(of a house) MBh. &c. (chiefly ifc. , cf. nabhas-, mahī- &c.)
- • the part underneath, lower part, base, bottom Mn. ii, 59 VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c. (cf. adhas-, taru- &c.)
- • (m. n.) the palm (of the hand, kara-, pāṇi-) R. ii, 104, 17 Śak. Ragh. vi, 18
- • the sole (of the foot, aṅghri-, pāda-) MBh. i VarBṛS
- • (without kara- &c.) the palm of the hand (anyo'nyasya, or parasparaṃ talaṃ or ○lān-√dā, to slap each other with the palms of the hands) MBh. Hariv. R. Suśr
- • (n. L
- • m.) the sole of the foot R. v, 13, 47
- • (m.) the fore-arm L
- • = tāla (a span L
- • the handle of a sword L
- • the palmyra tree Viddh. ii, 13)
- • pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand MBh. viii
- • m. N. of a hell ĀruṇUp. ŚivaP. (cf. talâtala)
- • Śiva MBh. xiii, 17, 130
- • N. of a teacher, g. śaunakâdi
- • n. = -hṛdaya L
- • = talka L
- • = talaka (q.v.) L
- • = talla (q.v.) L
- • the √or seed of events L
- • = -tra ĀśvGṛ. iii, 12, 11 (tala) MBh. R
- • (ā), f. id. L
- • N. of a daughter of Raudrâśva VāyuP. ii, 37, 122
- • cf. a-, jihvā-, ni-, nis-, pra-, mahā-, rasā-, vi-, su-
- ○koṭa N. of a plant Suśr. vi, 51, 43 (vḷ.)
- ○gata mfn. 'being in one's palm', ○taṃ-√kṛ, to call together Vcar.xiv, 11
- ○ghāta m. a slap with the palm or paw Hariv. 16027
- ○tas ind. from the bottom
- ○tāla m. clapping the hands MBh. iii f. Jain
- ○tra 'arm-guard', a leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, iii, vi Hariv. 13373
- • -vat mfn. furnished with that fence, 14465
- ○trāṇa = -tra MBh. iii, vii
- ○niṣpeṣa m. striking (of the bow-string) against the tala (-tra), v, 48, 52
- ○puṣpa-puṭa n. a particular position in dancing
- ○prahāra m. = -ghāta R. vi, 76, 37ff. Pañcat. iv
- • N. of a hero (also ○raka, ○ri) Vīrac. ix, xvif., xx. -baddha, mfn. = baddha-tala, having fastened round one's arm the tala (-tra) MBh. vi, 621 Hariv.12529 and 13246
- ○mīna m. vḷ. for nal○ L. Sch
- ○mukha m. a particular position of the hands in dancing
- ○yukta mfn. furnished with a handled W
- ○yuddha n. 'palm-fight', -śabda
- ○loka m. 'the lower world', -pāla m. a guardian of that world BhP. ii, 6, 42
- ○vara m. = ○lârakṣa Jain
- ○vāraṇa n. = -tra Kir. xiv, 29
- • = tara-vāri W
- ○śabda m. = -tāla Hariv. 15742 VarBṛS. xliii, 28 (vḷ. ○la-yuddha)
- ○sampāta m. = -tāla R. vi, 70, 44
- ○sāraka n. a horse's food-receptacle L
- ○sāraṇa n. id. Gal
- ○sārika m. id. or = uraḥ-paṭṭikā (Sch.) Hcar. vii
- ○stha mfn. remaining beneath W
- ○sthita mfn. id. W
- ○hṛdaya n. the centre of the sole of the foot L
- talâṅguli-tra-vat mfn. furnished with and tala (-tra) and aṅguli-tra R. ii, 87, 23
- talâcī f. 'spread on the ground', a mat L
- talâtala n. N. of a hell ĀruṇUp. BhP. ii, 1 and 5
- • v BrahmôttKh. xviii Vedântas. 121
- talā-tali ind. (to fight) with the palms of the hands Bālar. x, 19
- talârakṣa m. a body-guard (= aṅga-r○?) Campak. 286
- talâsi m. pl. strokes with the palms and with swords MBh. ii, 70, 17
- talâhvaya m. Flacourtia cataphracta L
- talêkṣaṇa m. 'looking downwards', a hog L
- talôdara vḷ. for til○
- talôdā f. 'whose water flows downwards', a river L
- talaka m. a small cart with burning coals Hcar. vii
- • a pot of clay HPariś. ii, 473
- • N. of a prince BhP.xii, 1
- • n. = taḍaga, a pond (also tala and talla) L
- • a kind of salt Gal
- • (ikā), f. = ○la-sāraka L
- talita mfn. 'bottomed', fixed, placed W
- talin mfn. = ○la-tra-vat MBh. v, 5367
- • xiv
- talabha n. Siddh.puṃl. 47
- talavá m. a musician VS. xxx, 20
- ○kāra m. pl. N. of a school of the SV
- • -kalpa m. the ritual of the Talava-kāras ĀpŚr. i, 20, 13
- • -brāhmaṇa n. another N. of JaimBr
- • ○rôpaniṣad f. another N. of JaimUp. or KenUp
- talā́śā f. a kind of tree AV. vi, 15, 3 Kauś. 8
- talita mfn. fried Bhpr
- talina mf(ā)n. thin, fine (cf. ○luna) Vcar. xi, 80
- • 'slender, meagre', in comp
- • small, little L
- • separate, having spaces L
- • clear L
- • ifc. (fr. ○la) covered with, xiv, 61
- • m. N. of a man Pravar. i, (vḷ. nal○)
- • n. a couch Dharmaśarm. v, vii
- talinôdarī f. a slender-waisted woman Vcar. x, 88
- talima n. (fr. ○la?) ground prepared for the site of a dwelling (kuṭṭima) Viddh
- • a couch L
- • an awning L
- • a sword (cf. ○la-vāraṇa) L
- talīdyá n. a particular part of the body AV. vii, 76, 3.
- talukṣa m. N. of a man (cf. tárukṣa), g. 2. lohitâḍi (not in Kāś.)
- taluna mfn. (= taruṇa Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- • g. kapilakâdi Gaṇar. 447) young. L
- • m. (g. utsâdi) a youth L
- • ind L
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi
- • proparox. Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Vārtt. 6 Pat.) a maiden L
- talka n. a forest (cf. tala) L
- tálpa (n. L.) m. (√tṛp) a couch, bed, sofa AV. TS. vi TBr. &c. (ifc. f. ā Rājat. ii, 166
- • ○lpam ā-√vas, 'to defile any one's marriage-bed' ChUp. v, 10, 9
- • ○lpam-adhi-√gam, 'to have sexual intercourse with' in comp. Mn. iii, 250)
- • the seat of a carriage MBh. iii, 14917 ; vii, 1626
- • an upper story, room on the top of a house, turret, i, 7577
- • = guru- Gaut. xxiii, 12
- • a raft, boat L
- • a wife L
• (ā), f. a couch AV. xiii, 1, 17
- ○kīṭa m. 'bed insect', a bug BrahmaP
- ○ga mfn. having sexual intercourse with Gaut. MBh. xiii, 4281, guru-
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain W
- ○ja mfn. born (on a marriage-bed, i.e.) of a wife (by an appointed substitute) Mn. ix, 167 and 170
- ○śī́van mf(varī)n. resting or lying on a couch RV. vii, 55, 8
- ○śádya n. resting on a couch TBr. i, 2, 6, 5 f
- talpaka m. (for kalp○, a barber?) Kām. xii
- talpana n. the exterior muscles of an elephant's back L
- talpala m. (g. kapilakâdi Gaṇar.446 Hemac.) id. Śiś. xviii, 6
- talpī-kṛta mfn. made into a couch Rājat. iii
- talpe loc. of ○pa
- ○ja mf(ā)n. produced on a bed or couch TĀr. iv, 39, 1
- ○śayá mf(ā́)n. = ○paśī́van AV. iv, 5, 3
- tálpya mfn. belonging to a bed VS. xvi, 44
- • worthy of a couch TāṇḍyaBr. xxiii, 4, 5 ; xxv, 1, 10
- • = tālpa ŚBr. xiii, 1, 6, 2
- talla (Vām. ii, 1, 7) m. = talaka (q.v.) L
- • n. '= ālavāla' or 'a pit' L. (also tala)
- • (ī), f. a young woman L
- • Varuṇa's wife L
- • a boat W
- tal-lakṣaṇa p. 435, col. 1
- tallaja m. ifc. an excellent specimen of. e.g. kumārī-, 'an excellent maiden' L. Sch
- • cf. go-
- • matallikā
- tallikā f. = tālī, a key W
- talva n. scent arising from the rubbing of fragrant substances W
- tavaka a grammatical base formed for tāvaka and ○kīna Pāṇ. 4-3, 3 Vop. vii, 22
- tava-kṣīra m. (for tvak-kṣ○) manna of bamboo (commonly Tabāshīr) L
- • (ī), f. a kind of Curcuma (○rī eka-pattrikā, 'one-leaved Tavakshīrī', Curcuma Zedoaria) Npr
- tava-priya n. the bark cf Laurus Cassia Gal
- tavara a particular high number L
- tava-rāja = -kṣīra L
- tavaśravīya n. N. of a Sāman (made of RV. x, 140, 1, beginning with ágne táva śrávo) SāmavBr. ii, i, 8
- tavás mfn. (√tu) strong, energetic, courageous RV. (compar. ○vás-tara , i, 30, 7 superl. ○vás-tama, 190, 5 ; ii, 33, 3)
- • m. power, strength, courage RV. iii, 1, 1 and 30, 8 AV. xi, 1, 14
- • cf. prá-, svá-
- ○vat (táv○), mfn. strong RV. ix, 97, 46
- ○tavā-gā́ mfn. or (acc. -gā́m) 'strong (a bull)' or 'a strong bull', iv, 18
- ○gó m. (acc. -gā́m) 'strong (a bull)' or 'a strong bull', iv, 18
- tavasyá n. strength, ii, 20, 8
- taviṣá mfn. strong, energetic, courageous RV
- • m. the ocean Uṇ. Sch
- • heaven ib
- • n. power, strength (also pl.) RV. i, 166, 1 and 9 ; iii, 12
- • viii
- táviṣī f. power, strength, violence, courage (also pl
- • instr. ind. ○ṣībhis, 'powerfully, violently') RV
- • the earth Uṇ. Sch
- • a river ib
- • a heavenly virgin ('N. of a daughter of Indra' L.) ib
- ○mat (táv○), mfn. strong, violent RV. v, 58, 1
- ○vat (táv○), mfn. id., iv, 20, 7 ; vii, 25, 4 ; x, 105, 3
- taviṣīya Nom. P. Ā. (2. sg. ○yáse, p. ○yát, ○yámāṇa) to be strong or violent or courageous, ii, 30, 8 ; v, 85, 4 ; viii, 6, 26
- taviṣīyú mfn. spirited (a horse), 23, 11
- • violent (the Maruts), 7, 2
- taviṣya Nom. ○yáte (p. ○yámāna) = ○ṣīya, ix, 76, 3 and 86, 45 ; x, 11, 6 AV.xx, 34, 16 (MS. stav○).
- taviṣyā́ f. violence RV. ix, 70, 7
- távīyas mfn. compar. of ○vás, stronger RV. (tavásas táviiyān, 'stronger than the strong')
- tavīṣa m. (= tāv○) the ocean (cf. tarīṣa) L
- • heaven (vḷ. tarīṣa) L
- • gold L
- • (ī), f. = ○viṣī, N. of a daughter of Indra (vḷ. tarīṣī) L
- távya mfn. strong RV. i, 54, 11
- • (○vyá) TS. ii, 3, 13, 1
- távyas mfn. = ○viiyas RV
- • cf. á-
- taślī f. in astron. = ? trigon
- taṣṭá mfn. (√takṣ) pared, hewn, made thin L
- • fashioned, formed in mind, produced RV. AV.xi, 1, 23
- • cf. sú-, stóma-
- • vibhva-taṣṭá
- taṣṭi f. vḷ. for tvaṣṭi, q.v
- táṣṭṛ m. a carpenter, builder of chariots RV. i, 61, 4 ; 105, 18 ; 130, 4
- • iii f. vii, x
- • Viśva-karman (cf. tváṣṭṛ) L
- • N. of one of the 12 Ādityas L
- tas cl. 4. ○syati, to fade away, perish Dhātup. xxvi, 103
- • (cf. √taṃs) to cast upwards (or 'to throw down') ib. (Vop.)
- • to throw Pāṇ. 3-4, 61 Kāś. 2
- tas mfn. 'throwing'
- • sukha-
- tásara (m. L.) n. (√taṃs?) a shuttle RV. x, 130, 2 VS. xix, 83 ('the cloth in the loom' TBr. Sch.)
- tasarikā f. weaving Divyâv. vii, 64
- tasīra in astron. = tāś○, ?
- táskara m. (for tat-k○ Nir. iii, 14 VPrāt. iii, 51) a thief, robber RV. AV. VS. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hariv. 5180 Kām. iv, 53
• cf. a-taskará
- • ifc. used as a term of contempt Gaṇar. 114)
- • Trigonella corniculata Suśr. iv, 37, 15
- • Vanguiera spinosa L
- • Ardisia humilis (?) L
- • the ear (derived fr. Ragh. i, 27) W
- • pl. N. of particular Ketus VarBṛS. xi, 20
- • (ī), f. a passionate woman L
- • a kind of Mimosa Npr
- ○tā f. thievishness, thieving Ragh. i, 27
- ○tva n. id. Daś
- ○vat ind. like a thief W
- ○vṛtti m. a purse-cutter Bhpr. vii, 59, 15
- ○snāyu m. Leea hirta L
- taskarāya Nom. ○yate, to behave like a thief Kathās. lvi, 13
- tastúva n. N. of an antidote against poison (?) AV. v, 13, 11
- tasthāná mfn. (pf. p. Ā. √sthā) pliable, suiting ŚBr. iii, 9, 4, 14f. ; xii, 5, 1, 1 f. and 2, 2
- • (AitBr. vi, 5, 2 tat-sth○
- • vii,. 18, 8)
- • cf. á-
- tasthivás mf(○thúṣī)n. pf. p. P. √sthā, q.v
- tasthu mfn. stationary BhP. vii, 7, 23
- tasthī tanthī
- tasdī in astron.= ?, hexagon
- tásmāt ind. (abl. of 2. tá) from that, on that account, therefore (correlative of yád, yasmāt) AV. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. Nal. &c
- tasyâśitīya mfn. beginning with tasyâśita (an Adhyāya) Car. i, 6
- tākṣaka mfn. relating or belonging to Takshakīyā, g. bilvakâdi
- tākṣaṇya m. (fr. tákṣan) a carpenter's son Pāṇ. 4-1, 153 Vārtt. 2
- tākṣaśila mf(ī)n. coming from Taksha-śilā, g. takṣaśilâdi
- tākṣṇa mf(ī)n. fit for a carpenter (tákṣan) SāṅkhŚr. ii, 3, 14
- • m. = ○kṣaṇya g. śivâdi Pāṇ. ; iv, 1, 153 Vārtt. 1
- tācchabdya n. the having that form of a word (tad śabda), 2, 60 Pat. Anup
- tācchīlika mfn. (an affix) denoting a particular disposition or custom (śīla) Pāṇ. 3-1, 94 Paribh. 1
- tācchīlya n. the being accustomed to that, 2, 11 ; i, 3, 21 Vārtt. 5
- • a- neg., iii, 2, 79 Kāś
- tāják ind. (g. câdi) suddenly TS. Kāṭh. MaitrS. i f. ; iv, 8, 9 TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 12
- tāját ind. (Naigh. ii, 15) id. AV. viii, 8, 3 (○jádbháṅga m. = eraṇḍa Kauś. Sch.)
- tājaka n. N. of certain astronomical books translated or derived from translations from the Arabic and Persian (e.g. -kalpa-latā, -keśavii, -kaustubha, -cintāmaṇi, -tantra, -tilaka, -dīpaka, -paddhati, -bhāva, -bhūṣaṇa, -muktâvali, -yoga-sudhâkara, -ratna-mālā, -śāśtra, -sarvasva-sāra, -sāra, -sudhā-nidhi, ○kâlaṃkāra)
- tājika m. a Persian, pl. the Persians (cf. tarj○ and tāyika) Kathās. xxxvii, 36 Romakas. (also ○jīka)
- • n. = ○jaka (e.g. -jyotir-maṇi, -praśnâdhyāya, -śāstra, ○kâlarṃkāra).
- tāṭaṅka (m. L.) n. a kind of ear ornament Prasannar. ii, 0/1
- tāṭaṅkin mfn. decorated with ○ka, iii, 1
- tāṭasthya n. (fr. taṭa-stha) standing aloof, indifference Sch. on KapS.i, 135 and Yogas. i, 33
- • proximity W
- tā́ḍa mfn. (√taḍ) 'beating', ghaṇṭā-
- • m. a blow AV.xix, 32, 2
- • whipping W
- • sound, noise L
- • a handful of grass &c. L
- • a mountain L
- • Lipeocercis serrata W
- • (ī), f. a kind of ornament L
- • = ○ḍi Rājat. iii, 326
- • (am), ind. udara-, so as to beat the stomach or breast Prab. v, 28
- ○gha m. a kind of artificer (blacksmith?) Pāṇ. 3-2, 55
- ○ghāta mfn. beating or hammering ib. Kāś
- ○pattra n. = taṭaṅka L
- ○vakra N. of a district Inscr. (380 AḌ.)
- tāḍâvacara n. a kind of musical instrument Lalit.vii, 73 and 298 ; viii, 12
- • xiii
- tāḍaka m. a murderer Vcar. xviii, 57
- • a kind of key Divyâv. xxxvii
- • (ā), f. N. of a Yakshiṇī (changed into a Rākshasī by Agastya for having disturbed his devotions, afterwards killed by Rāma) R. i, 26, 26ff. (G 27, 25 ff.) Hariv. 218 Ragh. xi, 14ff. VāyuP. ii, 6, 72 f. (wife of Mārīca)
- • the large dark-green pumpkin Npr
- • (ikā), f. the middle part of the handle of a sword Gal
- tāḍakā-phala n. large cardamoms L
- tāḍakāyana m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xiii, 255
- tāḍakeya m. metron. fr. ○kā Bālar. iii, 7/8 ; 17/18
- tāḍaṅka m. = tāṭaṅka Rājat. vii, 750
- tāḍaṅkī-√kṛ to make an ear-ornament out of Kād.v, 815
- tāḍana mfn. beating, striking, hitting, hurting R. (G) i, 30, 17 BhP. viii, 11, 9
- • n. striking, beating, thumping, whipping, chastising, hammering (of gold &c.) Yājñ. i, 155 MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the instrument, once Pañcat. with the object)
- • (in astron.) touching, partial eclipse VarBṛS. xxiv, 34
- • a kind of solemn act (performed with Kuṇḍas, Sārad, v, 3
- • or with Mantras Sarvad.)
- • (ī), f. a whip L
- tāḍanīya mfn. to be beaten or whipped Pañcat. VarBṛS. xliv, 7
- tāḍayitṛ mfn. one who strikes any one (gen.) Yājñ. ii, 303
- tāḍi f. Corypha Taliera L
- tāḍita mfn. struck, beaten, chastised R. v, 26, 12 VarBṛS. Kum. v, 24 Śak. ii, 6 Ragh. &c
- tāḍī f. of ○da, q.v
○dala n. a kind of ear-ornament Vcar. xii, 12
- ○puṭa a palm-leaf Kād
- • = tālī-p○, q.v
- tāḍula mfn. beating, Uṇ
- • vṛ
- tāḍya mfn. to be beaten or chastised Mn. viii, 299 Yājñ. ii, 161
- • n. = tāmya Gal
- tāḍāga mfn. (water) being in or coming from ponds (tad○) Suśr. i, 45, 1, 1 and 22
- tāṇḍa m. (cf. taṇḍa) N. of an old sage (supposed author of ○ṇḍi) L
- • n. = ○ṇḍaka Lāṭy. vii, 10, 17/18
- tāṇḍaka n. part of a Brāhmaṇa ib
- tāṇḍava (m. n. g. ardharcâdi
- • fr. taṇḍu?) dancing (esp. with violent gesticulation), frantic dance (of Śiva and his votaries) Mālatīm. Kathās. BhP. x MatsyaP. Rājat. &c. (cf. RTL. p. 84)
- • (in prosody) a tribrach
- • Saccharum procerum L
- ○"ṣtālika m. 'dancing and clapping the hands (fr. tāla)', Śiva's door-keeper Nandin L
- ○priya m. 'fond of the Tāṇḍava dance', Śiva L
- tāṇḍavayitṛ mf(trī)n. ifc. one who causes to dance with violent movements Viddh. ii, 3/4
- tāṇḍavikā f. a dancing, mistress Naish. xxii
- tāṇḍavita mfn. 'moving round in a wild dance', fluttering Prab. ii, 5/6 ; v, 5/6 Prasannar. i, 3/4
- tāṇḍi n. N. of a manual of the art of dancing (said to be composed by ○ṇḍa) L. Sch
- tāṇḍin m. N. of a writer on prosody Chandaþs
- • pl. (Pravar. ii, 2, 2) N. of a school of the SV. (founded by a pupil of Vaiśampāyana Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś
- • 2,. 66 Kāś.) Sch. on Bādar. iii, 3, 24-28 and (○nāmūp. = ChUp.)36
- taṇḍi-brāhmaṇa n. = ○NDya-br○
- tā́ṇḍya m. (fr. taṇḍa g. gargâdi) patr. of a teacher ŚBr. vi, 1, 2, 25 VBr. MBh. ii, xii
- • n. = -brāhmaṇa
- ○brāhmaṇa n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa of the SV
- taṇḍyāyana m. patr. fr. ○ṇḍya Prasannar. iv, 6/7 ff
- • (ī), f. of ○ṇḍya g. 2. lohitâdi
- tā́t ind. (obs. abl. of 2. tá) thus, in this way RV. vi, 21, 6 ; x, 95, 16
- • obs. acc. pl. of 2. tá Pāṇ. ; vii, 1, 39 Kāś
- • cf. adhás-tāt &c
- tāta m. (cf. 1. tatá) a father MBh. i R. Vikr. Śak. iv, 4/5 (in comp.) &c
- • (tā́ta), voc. a term of affection addressed to a junior or senior , addressed to several persons MBh. i, 6825 ; v, 5435 (C)
- • in the latter use also (ās), voc. pl. ib. (B) ; i, 6820 f. ; iv, 133
- •
- ○gu mfn. agreeable to a father L
- • m. a paternal uncle L
- ○janayitrī f. du. father and mother W
- ○tulya mfn. like a father, fatherly L
- • m. a paternal uncle W
- tātârya m. N. of a prince
- tātala m. a fatherly relative L
- tāti a son L
- tātyá mf(ā́)n. fatherly RV. i, 161, 12 ; vii, 37, 6
- tātana m. a wagtail L
- tātala mfn. hot L
- • an iron club L
- • disease L
- • cooking, maturing L
- • heat W
- tā́tṛpi mfn. (√tṛp, Intens.) satisfying or delighting much, iii, 40, 2
- tātṛṣāná pf. p. √tṛṣ, q.v
- tātkarmya n. (fr. tat-karman) sameness of occupation Sāh. ii, 9 a/b
- tātkālika mf(ā, ī g. kāśy-ādi)n. lasting (that time tat-kāla i.e.) equally long Yājñ.i, 151 MBh. xii, 12785
- • happening at that time Sūryas. vii, 12 Gol. vii, 27 (-tva n. abstr.) R. vii, 36, 45/46
- • happening at the same time or immediately, simultaneous, instantly appearing Daśar. ii, 38 Pratāpar. Mn. vii, 163/164
- • relating to or fit for a particular moment of time MBh. iii, 22, 20
- tātkālya n. simultaneousness Anup. iii, 2
- tāttvika mfn. conformable to or in accordance with reality (tat-tva), real, true Sch. on KapS. and Prab
- • knowing the Tattvas or principles (esp. those taught in Jainism) Subh
- ○tva n. reality MBh. xii, 308, 1 Sch. Sāh. x, 38 a/b
- • (a- neg.) Naish. Sch
- tātparya mf(ā)n. (fr. tat-para) aimed at Sāh
- • n. devoting one's self to Pāṇ. 2-3, 40 Kāś
- • reference to any object (loc.), aim, object, purpose, meaning, purport (esp. of speech or of a work) Bhāshāp. Vedântas. &c
- • (eṇa), instr. ind. = -tas W
- ○tas ind. with this intention Rājat. i, 369
- ○nirṇaya m. ascertainment of meaning or purport Vedântas. 254
- ○pariśuddhi f. N. of wk. by Udayana
- ○bodhinī f. N. of a Comm. on the philosophical work Citra-dīpa
- ○vid mfn. knowing the meaning Kathās. lxii, 212 (a-, neg.)
- tātparyârtha m. the meaning of a sentence W
- tātparyaka mfn. aiming at Jaim. i, 14 Sch
- tātyá tāta
- tātstomya n. the being formed in that (tad) Stoma Anup. iv, 9 ; vii, 3
- tātsthya n. (fr. tat-stha) the residing or being contained in that Pāṇ. 3-1, 144 Kāś. Kām. ii, 15
- tāthābhāvya mfn. (fr. tathā-bhāva) a N. for the Svarita accent put after an Ava-graha between two Udātta syllables VPrāt. i, 120 MāṇḍŚ. vii, 10
- tādarthika mfn. intended for that Kauś. 60
- tādarthya n. (g. caturvarṇâdi) the being intended for that Jaim. vi, 1 f. Anup. iii, 8 Pāṇ. 2-3, 13 Vārtt. 1 Kāś
- • the having that meaning, sameness of meaning, iv, 2, 60 Pat
• 'reference to that', (ena), instr. ind. with this intention L
- tādavasthya n. the remaining in the same (avasthā) condition Sāh. vii, a/b
- tādātmaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. tad-ātman) denoting the unity of nature RāmatUp. i, 19
- tādātmya n. sameness or identity of nature or character with (instr., loc., or in comp.) BhP. Sāh
- tādāyani m. patr. fr. tád Pāṇ. 4-1, 93 Vārtt. 13 Pat
- tādī́tnā ind, (fr. tadi-tna fr. tadi, correlative of yádi) at that time RV. i, 32, 4
- tādurī f. (for tāturi fr. √tṝ, Intens. 'swimmer' Nir. ix, 7 Sch
- • but cf. dardura) N. of a female frog AV. iv, 15, 14
- tādṛkṣa mfn. (for tad-d○ Siddh. Vop. xxvi, 83 f.) such a one, like that Kāraṇḍ. xi, 70 Vcar. xvi, 53 Rājat. iv, 242
- tādṛg in comp. for ○dṛ́s
- ○guṇa mf(ā)n. of such qualities Mn. ix, 22
- ○bhāva m. such a condition MBh. v, 44, 22
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. of such a shape, such like Pañcat
- • -vat mf(tī)n. of such beauty Nal. i, 13
- ○vidha mfn. such like Kathās
- tādṛ́ś mfn. (for tad-d○ Pāṇ. 3-2, 60 ; vi, 3, 91
- • nom. m. and f. ○dṛ́ṅ [ŚBr
- • Pāṇ. 7-1, 83] or ○dṛ́k) such like, such a one RV. v, 44, 6 (nom. n. ○dṛ́k) &c
- • (○dṛk), ind. in such a manner Amar
- tādṛ́śa mf(ī)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 60 ; vi, 3, 91) = ○dṛ́ś ŚBr. xi, 7, 3 Mn. &c
- • yādṛśa t○ , anybody whosoever
- tāddharmya n. (fr. tad-dharman) sameness of law, analogy L.
- tāddhita mfn. formed with a Tad-dhita affix Nir. ii, 5
- tādrūpya n. sameness of (rūpa) form, identity Pāṇ. 6-1, 85 Vārtt. 26 (a- neg.) Vām. ii, 2, 17
- • truth Kaṇ. Sch
- tādvidhya n. the being such like (tad-vidha) Bādar. iii, 3, 52/53
- tāna m. (√3. tan) a fibre Suśr. i, 25
- • a tone MBh. ii, 133 and 391 ; xiii, 3888 Kum. i, 8
- • 'a monotonous tone (in reciting, eka-śruti) KātyŚr. i, 8, 18 Vait. Bhāshik. Nyāyam. VPrāt. Sch
- • an object of sense (or = tātparya) L. (cf. eka-)
- •
- ○karman n. tuning the voice previously to singing W
- • running over the notes to catch the key W
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Uttarar. Sch
- ○svara mfn. uttered monotonously, Pratijñās
- tānava n. (fr. tanú g. pṛthv-ādi) thinness, meagreness, smallness Amar. Rājat. iv, 25
- ○kṛt mfn. ifc. diminishing, Bharṭr
- • excelling Bālar. i
- tānavya m. patr. fr. tanú g. 2. lohitâdi (not in Kāś.)
- tānavyāyanī f. of ○vya ib
- tānuka stri-tānuka-roga
- tānūnapāta mf(ī)n. relating or addressed to Tanū-napāt Lāṭy. vi, 4, 13 Anup. iv, 6 Nidānas
- tānūnaptrá n. a ceremony in which Tanū-napāt (-náptṛ) is invoked and the oblation touched by the sacrificer and the priests as a form of adjuration TS. iii, 1, 2, 2 Kapishṭh. xxxviii, 2 (-tva, n. abstr.) AitBr. i, 24 (also -tva) ŚBr. iii
- • used in that ceremony KātyŚr. viii ŚāṅkhŚr. v Lāṭy. v ĀpŚr
- ○pātra n. a vessel used in that ceremony Vait
- tānūnaptrin m. a coadjutor in the Tānūnaptra ceremony ĀpŚr. xi
- • sá- id. MaitrS. iii, 7, 10 AitBr. i, 24 ŚBr. iii, 4, 2, 9 KātyŚr. viii, 1, 26
- tānūra m. = tālūra L
- tânta m. 'end of ta', a mystical N. of the letter th RāmatUp. i, 78
- tântânta m. 'end of tânta', a mystical N. of the letter d ib
- tāntá mfn. (√tam) breathing with difficulty, fainted away, languishing, drooping TBr. ii, 3, 8, 1 ŚBr. iv, 2, 2, 11
- • languid (the eye) Amar
- • wearied, fatigued, distressed W
- • faded W
- tānti f. suffocation ĀpŚr. xii, 11, 8/9
- tāntava mf(ī)n. made of threads (tántu) BhP. x, 64, 4
- • (a- neg.) Lāṭy. ii, 8, 24
- • (ifc.) Mn. ii, 42
- • m. a son Kum. xvii, 13
- • n. a woven cloth Gaut. Mn. Gṛihyās. Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 7 Suśr
- • weaving W
- • a web W
- tāntavya m. patr. fr. tántu g. 2. lohitâdi
- tāntavyāyanī f. of ○vya ib
- tāntuvāyya m. the son of a weaver (tantuvāya) Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 Kāś
- tāntra mf(ī)n. having wires (tántra), stringed (a musical instrument) W
- • regulated by a general rule ĀpŚr. xiv, 12, 5 f
- • relating to the Tantras W
- • n. the music of a stringed instrument R. i, 3
- tāntrika mf(ā Suśr. i, 3
- • ī)n. taught in a scientific manual Tattvas. (○kī saṃjñā, 'a technical N.)
- • taught in the Tantras. mystical Hār. (Mn. ii, 1/2) Suśr. &c
- • m. one completely versed in any science or system Bhāshāp
- • a follower of the Tantra doctrine BhP. xii, 11, 2 SŚaṃkar
- tā́nva mf(ā)n. woven, spun RV. ix, 14, 4 and 78, 1
- • (fr. tanu) one's own son, iii, 31, 2
- tānvaṅga m. patr. fr. tanv- Rājat. vii, 898
- tā́nva m. patr. fr. tanva (author of RV. x, 93), 93, 15
- • n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- tāpa m. (√2. tap
- • g. uñchâdi) heat, glow Mn. xii, 76 Śak. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kum. vii, 84)
- • heating Nyāyam. x, 1, 22
- • testing (gold) by heat MBh. xii, 12357 Subh. (○pana, GarP.)
- • pain (mental or physical), sorrow, affliction MBh. &c
- • fever W
- • (ī), f. the Taptī river ('also the Yamunā river' L.) Hariv. ii, 109, 30 BhP. v, 19, 18 ; x, 79, 20
- • cf. paścāt-
- ○kṣetra n. the range of heat (caused by the sun) Sūryapr
- ○da mfn. ifc. causing pain VarBṛS. v, 69
- ○bhṛt mfn. a- neg., not containing heat Naish. iv, 78
- ○sveda m. sweat caused by heat Suśr. iv, 32
- ○harī f. 'removing heat', a sort of soup of pulse and grain (first fried with ghee and turmeric and afterwards boiled with salt and sugar) Bhpr. v, 11, 13 f
- tāpêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. ccxxi
- tāpaka mfn. heating, inflaming, refining Sarvad. xv, 14 and 16
- • causing pain RV. iii, 35, 3 Sāy
- • m. fever L
- • a cooking stove Hcar. vii
• (ikā), f. a frying-pan ib
- tāpatya mfn. relating to Tapatī MBh. i, 387
- • m. metron. fr. Tapatī (N. of Kuru, 6505
- • of Arjuna, 6509 ; 6514ff. ; 6632ff.)
- tāpana mf(ī)n. ifc. illuminating BhP. ii, 9, 8
- • burning, causing pain, distressing MBh. Hariv. 9427 R. (cf. indra-, candra-)
- • m. the sun MBh. v, 1739
- • the hot season Npr
- • the sun-stone L
- • one of Kāma's arrows L
- • n. burning Suśr. i, 41, 3
- • pain, torment MBh. xiii, 1098
- • (in dram.) helplessness, perplexity Sāh. v, 91
- • N. of a hell Yājñ. iii, 224
- • gold Npr
- • (ā), f. austerity HPariś. i, 68
- • (ī), f. N. of several Upanishads
- • of a river L
- tāpanīya mf(ā)n. golden MBh. i, vii Hariv. R
- • m. pl. N. of a school of the VS. (to which several Upanishads belong) Caraṇ. (vḷ. ○pāyana)
- tāpanīyôpaniṣad f. N. of several Upanishads
- tāpayitṛ mfn. causing pain Vcar. ix, 22
- tāpayiṣṇú mfn. id. RV. x, 34, 7
- tāpaścitá n. (fr. tapaś-cit), N. of a Sattra ĀśvŚr. xii, 5 ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii KātyŚr. Lāṭy
- • mfn. used in that Sattra (an Agni) ŚBr.x, 2, 5, 3 KātyŚr
- tāpasá mfn. (g. chattrâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 103) a practiser of religious, austerities (tápas) ŚBr. xiv Mn.vi, 27 &c
- • relating to religious austerity or to an ascetic R. (G) ii, 52, 5
- • m. an ascetic Mn. Nal. &c
- • the moon Gal
- • Ardea nivea L
- • = ○sêkṣu Suśr. i, 45, 9, 2 and 6
- • = -pattra L
- • patr. of Agni, Gharma, and Manyu RAnukr
- • of a Hotṛi TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15
- • n. = -ja L
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 49) a female ascetic MBh. i, 3006 Śak. iv, 4/5 Vikr. Dhūrtas
- • Curcuma Zedoaria Npr
- • Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī ib
- ○ja n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia ib
- ○taru m. 'tree of ascetics', Terminalia Catappa or Putramjīva Roxburghī L
- ○druma m.id. L
- • -saṃnibhā, f. N. of a shrub L
- ○pattra m. Artemisia indica Npr
- • (ī), f. id. L
- ○priya m. 'dear to ascetics', Buchanania latifolia L
- • (ā), f. a kind of sugar-cane Npr
- • a grape L
○vṛkṣa m. = -taru Suśr. i, 38 ; iv, 18
- tāpasâdhyuṣita mfn. inhabited by ascetics
- tāpasâraṇya n. a wood of ascetics
- tāpasêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane Bhpr. v, 22, 8
tāpasêhṭa m. = ○sa-priya, 6, 82
- tāpasāyani m. patr. fr. ○sa Pāṇ. 4-1, 158 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- tāpasya n. ascetism Mn. i, 114 MBh. R
- tāpāyana m. pl., vḷ. for ○panīya, q.v
- tāpika jala-
- tāpiccha m. the Tamāla plant Mālatīm. v Gīt. xi, 11
- tāpiñcha m. id. Kathās. civ, 90
- tāpiñja m. id. L
- • = ○pyaka L
- tāpita mfn. heated, inflamed VarBṛS. liv, 115
- • pained, tormented, distressed BhP. viii, 5, 13 Gīt. Rājat. iii f. Bhaṭṭ
- • roused, converted Divyâv. xxvii
- tāpin mfn. ifc. causing pain
- • exciting Kir. ii, 42
- • oppressed by heat, suffering from disease (moral or physical) W
- • glowing W
- • (inī), f. = ○panī
- • a mystical N. of the letter v RāmatUp. i, 79
- tāpī f. of ○pa, q.v
- ○ja mfn. found near the Taptī river Suśr. iv, 13, 15
- • (m.?) a kind of gem Npr
- • (n.?) = -samudbhava ib
- ○taṭa m. 'bank of the Taptī', N. of a place Romakas
- • -deśa m. id., Ratnak
- ○māhātmya n. 'glory of the Tapti', N. of part of SkandaP
- ○samudbhava (n.?) pyrites or another mineral substance Npr
- tāpy-utthasaṃjñaka n. id. ib
- tāpya (fr. √tap) regret Divyâv. xviii
- • m. n. (fr. ○pī) = ○pī-samudbhava Car.vi, 18 and 24 Bhpr. v, 26, 160
- tāpyaka n. = ○pī-samudbhava L
- tābúva n. an antidote against poison (?) AV. v, 13, 10
- tāma m. (√tam) = bhīṣaṇa L
- • = doṣa L
- • anxiety, distress W
- • (ī), f. = tamī, night L. Sch
- • also ○mi
- ○rasa n. a day-lotus MBh. iii, 11580 Hariv. 5771 R. iii Ragh. (ifc. f. ā, ix, 36) &c
- • gold L
- • copper (cf. tāmra) L
- • a metre of 4 x 12 syllables
- • m. Ardea nivea L
- • (ī), f. a lotus pond MBh. iv, 220
- • ○sêkṣaṇā f. a lotus eyed woman Bhām. ii, 153
- ○lipta m. pl. (= ○mral○) N. of a people and its country AV. Pariś. lvi, 4
- • n. N. of a city of that people L
- • (ī), f. id. VarBṛS. x, 14 HPariś. ii, 315 Pañcad. iii, 1 and 37
- ○"ṣliptaka n. = ○ptī VarBṛS. xiv, 7 (vḷ. ○ptika)
- tāmam ind.= tam○ Pāṇ. 6-4, 93
- tāmara n. water L
- • ghee L
- tāmala mf(ī)n. made of the bark of the Tamāla plant Āp. i, 2, 37
- tāmalakī f. Flacourtia cataphracta Suśr. vi, 39, 197 and 203 ; 51, 25
- tāmasa mf(ī)n. (fr. támas) dark L
- • appertaining to or affected by the quality tamas (q.v.), ignorant, various Mn. xii Bhag. &c. (○sī tanū, the form assumed by the deity for the destruction of the world'
- • ○sī śakti, 'the faculty of tamas')
- • relating to Manu Tāmasa BhP. viii, 1, 28
- • m. a malignant person L
- • a snake L
- • an owl L
- • N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9562
- • of the 4th Manu Mn. i, 62 Hariv. BhP. v, viii
- • of an attendant of Śiva L. Sch
- • of a man Pravar. i, 1 (J)
- • n. 'darkness', andha-
- • (ī), f. night L
- • sleep L
- • Durgā L
- • N. of a river MBh. vi, 339
- ○kīlaka m. pl. (in astron.) N. of particular Ketus VarBṛS. iii, 7
- • xi, 22
- ○guṇa m. the quality of tamas (q.v.) W
- ○tapaḥ-śīla m. N. of a Daitya Gal
- ○līnā f. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) one of the forms of dissatisfaction Tattvas
- tāmasika mfn. relating to the quality tamas (q.v.) VarBṛ. ii, 7/8
- tāmāleya mfn. fr. tamāla g. sakhy-ādi
- tāmi or f. restraining the breath until exhaustion is produced Kauś. 88
- tāmī f. restraining the breath until exhaustion is produced Kauś. 88
- tāmisra (fr. tam○ and támisrā g. jyotsnâdi) mfn. (with pakṣa) or m. the dark half of the month Lāṭy.ix Gobh. iii f. MBh. iii, 11813
- • m. 'nightwalker', a Rākshasa Ragh. xv, 2
- • (in Sāṃkhya phil.) indignation, anger (one of the 5 forms of A-vidyā) MBh. xiv, 1019 Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. BhP. iii (also n.) MārkP. iii l
- • N. of a hell Mn. iv, xii Yājñ. iii, 222 BhP.iii, v MārkP
- • cf. andha-
- tāmu m. a praiser Naigh.iii (vḷ. st○)
- tāmbala mf(ī)n. made of hemp Gobh. ii, 10, 10
- • m. a kind of hemp ib. Sch
- tāmbūla (= Prākṛit ○bôla fr. tāmragula) m. = ○bala W
- • n. betel, (esp.) its pungent and aromatic leaf (chewed with the areca-nut and catechu and sometimes caustic lime and spices as a carminative and antacid tonic) Hariv. 8454 and 8457 Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- • the areca-nut L
- • (ī), f. Piper Betel Ragh. iv, 42 Kād. &c
- ○karaṅka m. a betel-box (Pān-dān) Vcar. ix, 82
- • -vāha m. a servant carrying his master's betel-box Hcar. Vcar. ix
- • -vāhinī f. a female servant carrying her master's betel-box Kād
- ○ja mfn. 'coming from Piper Betel', with pattra, betel-leaf. Suśr. iv, 24, 19
- ○da m. = -karaṅka-vāha L
- ○dāyaka m. id. Kām. xii, 46
- ○dāyinī f. = -karaṅka-vāhinī Kād. v, 432
- ○dhara m. = -da Rājat. viii, 1738
- ○pattra m. Dioscorea globosa L
- • n. betel-leaf Suśr. i, 46
- ○peṭikā f. = -karaṅka W
- ○bhakṣaṇa n. the eating of betel-leaf W
- ○rāga m. Ervum lens L
- ○vallikā f. the betel-plant L
- ○vallī f. id. Bhartṛ
- ○vāhaka m. = -da Pañcat. iii, 67/68
- ○vāhinī f. = -karaṅka-v○ Hcar. viii
- ○vīṭikā f. an areca-nut wrapped in a betel-leaf. Kād. v
- tāmbūlâkta mfn. smeared with the juice of chewed betel Sāh.iii, 60/61
- tāmbūlâdhikāra m. the office of carrying the betel-box for persons of rank Pañcat. i, 10, 2/3
- tāmbūlika m. a seller of betel R. (G) ii, 90, 23 Kād. iii, 825 Sāh. iii, 40/41
- ○sarpa m. a kind of snake Uttamac. 188
- tāmbūlin mfn. having betel W
- • m. = ○lika, DharmaP
- • = ○la-da W
- tāmya n. = kloman L
- tāmrá mf(ā)n. (√tam Uṇ.) of a coppery red colour VS. xvi (Naigh. iii, 7) MBh. &c. (tāmrā tvac, the 4th of the 7 membranes with which an embryo is covered Suśr. iii, 4, 2)
- • mf(ī)n. made of copper R. iii, 21, 17 Suśr. Mn.vi, 53/54 BhavP
- • m. a kind of leprosy with large red spots, Karmavip
- • N. of a son of Naraka Bhauma BhP. x, 59, 12
- • = -dviipa MBh. ii, 1172 Romakas
- • n. = -tā L
- • copper Kauś. Mn. &c
- • a coppery receptacle MBh. ii, 61, 29
- • = -dru W. (cf. R. ii, 83, 17)
- • (ā), f. Rubia Munjista Npr
- • a red kind of Abrus ib
- • a kind of pepper L
- • N. of a daughter of Daksha (one of the wives of Kaśyapa and mother of various birds) MBh. i, 2620 Hariv. R. iii BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff. VP
- • N. of a river MBh. iii, 12909 ; vi, 335
- • (ī), f. a kind of clepsydra (cf. ○mra-pātra) L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'red-thorned', a kind of Acacia Npr
- ○karṇī f. 'red-eared', N. of the female of the quarter-elephant Añjana or Śesha L
- ○kāra m. a copper-smith L
- ○kili m. a small worm of a red colour L
- ○kuṭṭa m. = -kāra R. (G) ii, 90, 25
- • (ī), f. a female copper-smith Parāś., Paddh
- ○kuṭṭaka m. = ○ṭṭa L
- • = -kūṭa W
- ○kuṇḍa n. a copper bason Uṇ. i, 114/115. =
- ○kūṭa m. or n. N. of a shrub (tobacco W.) Kulârṇ
- ○kṛmi m. cochineal L
- ○krami m. id. L
- ○garbha n. sulphate of copper L
- ○guhā f. N. of a mythical cave Kāraṇḍ. xi
- ○cakṣus m. 'red-eyed', a kind of pigeon Npr
- ○cūḍa mfn. red-crested (a cock) MBh. iii, ix
- • m. a cock Suśr. iv, vi VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 44 Daś
- • Blumea lacera L
- • = ○daka PSarv. Mantram. xix
- • N. of a Pari-vrājaka Pañcat. ii, 1, 0/1
- • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2636
- • -bhairava m. a form of Bhairava
- ○"ṣcūḍaka m. a particular position of the hand
- ○ja mf(ā)n. made of copper VarYogay. vi, 4
- • ○jâkṣa m. 'copper-eyed', N. of a son of Kṛishṇa by Satya-bhāmā Hariv. 9184
- ○tanu mfn. having a ruddy body W
- ○tapta m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 18
- ○tā f. a coppery red Kād. vi, 1175
- ○tuṇḍa m. 'copper mouthed', a kind of monkey Npr
- ○trapu-ja = ○mrârdha ib
- ○tva n. 'copper-colour', redness R. v, 85, 2
- ○dugdhā
- ○dugdhī f. N. of a small shrub L
- ○dru red sandal-wood Npr
- ○dvīpa m. 'copper-island', Ceylon Divyâv. xxxvi
- ○"ṣdvīpaka mfn. ceylonic ib
- ○dhātu m. red chalk Npr
- • (dhātu tāmra, 'red metal', copper R. iii, 21, 17)
- ○dhūmrá mf(ā)n. dark-red AV. x, 2, 11
- ○dhvaja m. 'red-bannered', N. of a man JaimBh
- ○netra mfn. red-eyed
- ○pakṣa m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa VP. v, 32, 2 (vv. ll. -varṇa and pra-pakska)
- • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 9184 (vḷ. -parṇī)
- ○paṭṭa m. a copper plate Yājñ. i, 318 (used for inscribing land-grants &c.) Divyâv. xxxv
- ○pattra n. a copper plate W
- • m. 'red-leaved', N. of a pot-herb L
- ○"ṣpattraka m. 'red-leaved', Bauhinia tomentosa Npr
- • Capparis aphylla ib
- ○parṇa n. N. of part of Bhārata Varsha (= -dviipa) Gol. iii, 41
- • (○mra-varṇa) VP. ii, 3, 6
- • (ī), f. Rubia Munjista Npr
- • a kind of pond L
- • N. of a river (rising in Malaya
- • celebrated for its pearls
- • RTL. p. 324) MBh. iii, 8340 ; vi, 252 Hariv. VarBṛS. (once metrically ○rṇi, lxxxi, 2) Ragh. iv, 50 BhP. iv f. &c
- • (g. varaṇâdī) N. of a town in Ceylon W
- • ○rṇī-taṭāka, N. of a locality Śaṃkar. lxiii
- ○parṇi for ○rṇī, q.v
- ○parṇīya m. an inhabitant of Ceylon, esp. a Buddhist
- ○pallava m. 'red-budded', Jonesia Aśoka L
- ○pākin m. Thespesia populneoides L
- ○pātra n. = -kuṇḍa MBh. xiii, 6026 f. Suśr. vi, 12, 38
- • (used as a kind of clepsydra) Sūryas. xiii, 23
- • -maya mfn. formed with copper vessels Hcat. i, 7, 133
○pādī f. 'red-footed', Cissus pedata L
- ○puṣpa mfn. decorated with red flowers Hariv. 12003
- • m. Kaempferia rotunda L
- • = ○ṣpaka L
- • (ī), f. Bignonia suaveolens L
- • Grislea tomentosa L
- • Ipomcea Turpethum L
- ○"ṣpuṣpaka m. Bauhinia variegata Npr
- • (ikā), f. Bignonia suaveolens ib
- • Grislea tomentosa L
- • Ipomcea Turpethum Npr
- ○phala m. 'red-fruited', Alangium hexapetalum L
- ○phalaka n. = -paṭṭa W
- ○bīja m. 'red-seeded', Dolichos uniflorus L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. coppery. Suśr. iv, 29 VarBṛSḷx, 5 Pañcat. BhP. MārkP
- ○māraṇa n. the decomposition of copper and its application as a remedy W
- ○mukha mfn. copper-faced W
- • fair-complexioned W
- • m. a European W
- ○mūlā f. 'red-rooted', Rubia Munjista Npr
- • Alhagi Maurorum ib
- • Mimosa pudica ib
- ○mṛga m. the red deer W
- ○mṛṣṭânulepin mfn. smeared with coppery red unguents R. ii, 83, 17
- ○rajas n. copper filings Car. vi, 25
- ○ratha mfn. having a dark red carriage TĀr. i, 12, 4
- ○rasā f. N. of a daughter of Raudrâśva VāyuP. ii, 37, 122
- ○rasâyanī f. = -dugdha L
- ○lipta m. pl. N. of a people (living near the western mouth of the Ganges) and its country (vv. ll. tāma-l○ &c.) MBh. ii, 1874 Romakas
- • a prince of the Tāmra-liptas MBh. i, 6993 ; ii, 1098
- • (ā), f. their capital Kathās. xiii, 54
- • (ī), f. id. (= tāma-l○) Kathās
- • ○pta-rṣi m. N. of a prince Siṃhâs
- ○"ṣliptaka m. pl. the Tāmra-lipta people MBh. vi f. Hariv. 12838
- • (ikā), f. = ○ptī Kathās. xviii
- ○varṇa mfn. copper-coloured, darkred TĀr.i, 12, 4 MBh. i
- • = ○rṇaka L
- • = -parṇa, q.v
- • -pakṣa
- • (ā), f. the China rose L
- • (ī), f. the blossom of sesamum W
- ○"ṣvarṇaka m. a kind of grass L
- ○vallī f. Rubia Munjista Bhpr. vii, 83, 92/93
- • = sūkṣma-v○ L
- ○vṛkṣa m.= -bīja L
- • = -dru L
- ○vṛnta m. = -bīja L
- • (ā), f. another kind of Dolichos L
- ○śāṭīya m. pl. 'red-clothed', N. of a Buddh. school
- ○śāsana n. an edict (or grant &c.) inscribed on copper Daś. ii, 48
- ○śikhin m. 'red-crested', a cock L
- ○sāgara m. N. of an ocean Romakas
- ○sāra n. = -dru L
- ○"ṣsāraka n. id. L
- • m. a redblossoming Khadira L
- ○sena m. N. of a king Siṃhâs
- tāmrâkṣa mf(ī)n. = ○mra-netra MBh. viii Nal. xxvi, 17 (ifc.) R. BhP
- • a crow MBh. viii, 1908
- • the Indian cuckoo L
- • N. of a serpent Divyâv. viii
- tāmrâkhya mfn. called red (a kind of pearl) VarBṛS. lxxxi, 3
- tāmrâṭavī f. 'copperwood', N. of a mountain Divyâv. viii
- tāmrâbha n. = ○mra-dru L
- tāmrâyasa n. 'copper-iron', a kind of weight, ŚulbPariś. vii, 27
- tāmrâruṇa m. a coppery red dawn Buddh. L
- • n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8132
- • (ā), f. N. of a river, xiii, 7647
- tāmrârdha n. 'half-copper, bellmetal L
- tāmrā-vatī f. 'containing copper', N. of a river, iii, 14231
- tāmrâśman m. a red stone, ruby W
- tāmrâśva mfn. having red horses TĀr. i, 12, 4
- tāmrôpajīvin m. = ○mra-kāra R. (G) ii, 90, 27
- tāmroṣṭha (oṣ○), m. du. red lips Kum. i, 45 MārkP. xxiii, 41
- • mfn. having red lips MBh. i, 6073 (su-)
- • m. N. of a Yaksha, iii, 298
- tāmraka m. N. of a Gandharva Gal
- • n. copper Yājñ. i, 296 VarBṛS. civ, 15
- • (ikā), f. (= ○mrī) a kind of clepsydra L
- • Abrus precatorius L
- tāmrāku m. N. of an Upa-dviipa (cf. ○mra-dviipa) L
- tāmrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. ○mra, N. of a pupil of Yājñavalkya VāyuP. i, 61, 25
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar.i, 3
- tāmrika mfn. coppery Mn.viii, 136 Yājñ. i, 364
- • = ○mra-kāra L
- • (ā), ○mraka
- tāmriman m. = ○ra-tā g. dṛḍhâdi
- tāmrī-√kṛ to dye dark-red MBh. vii, 8458
- tāmrya n. = ○ra-tā g. dṛḍhâdi
- tāy (derived fr. ○yate Pass. √tan, q.v.), cl. 1. ○yate (aor. atāyi, or ○yiṣṭa Pāṇ. 3-1, 61), to spread, proceed in a continuous stream or line Dhātup. xiv, 18
- • (= √trai) to protect ib
- • cf. vi-, saṃ-
- tāya m. g. vṛṣâdi (not in Kāś.)
- tāyana n. proceeding well, successful progress Pāṇ. 1-3, 38
- tāyādará mfn. ? AV. vi, 72, 2
- tāyin m. (for trāy○) a protector (said of Mahāviira Jain
- • of Buddha Buddh.)
- tāyika m. pl. = tājika L
- tāyú m. = st○, a thief RV. i, iv-vii
- tārá mfn. (√tṝ) carrying across, a saviour, protector (Rudra) VS. xvi, 40 ŚiraUp
- • (Vishṇu) MBh. xiii, 6986
- • high (a note), loud, shrill, (m. n.) a high tone, loud or shrill note TāṇḍyaBr. vii, 1, 7 (compar. -tara and superl. -tama) TPrāt
- • Śikshā MBh. vii Mṛicch. &c
- • mfn. (ft. stṛ́?) shining, radiant Megh. Amar. Kathās. lxxiii Sāh
- • clean, clear L
- • good, excellent, well flavoured L. Sch
- • m. 'crossing', dus-, su-
- • 'saving', a mystical monosyllable (as om) RāmatUp. ŚikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr
- • Andropogon bicolor L
- • N. of Maṇi-rāma (author of a Comm. on Bhām.)
- • of a Daitya (slain by Vishṇu) Hariv
- • of one of Rāma's monkey generals (son of Bṛihas-pati, husband of Tārā) MBh. iii, 16372 R. i, iv, vi
- • pl. a class of gods in the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 33
- • m. the clearness or transparency of a pearl, clear pearl Suśr. v, 3, 19 Gīt. xi, 25
- • (m. n. L.) = ○râbhra L
- • m. n. a star L
- • the pupil of the eye L
- • n. descent to a river, bank (cf. tīra, tīrthá) AV. iv, 37, 3 Pāṇ. 6-3, 109 Vārtt. 1
- • silver BhP. iv, 6, 27 Bhpr. v, 26, 43
- • (ā), f. (g. bhidâdi) a fixed star, asterism (cf. stṛ́) Yājñ. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Mṛicch. iii, 10)
- • the pupil of the eye (chiefly ifc.) VarBṛS. lviii, 11 &c
- • a kind of meteor, vli, 86 and 94
- • (in Sāṃkhya phil.) one of the 8 Siddhis Tattvas
- • (in music) N. of a Rāga of six notes
- • a kind of perfume L
- • a form of Dākshāyaṇi (worshipped on the mountain Kishkindha MatsyaP. xiii, 46
- • protectress of the Gṛitsa-madas BrahmaP. ii, 18, 8
- • cf RTL. p. 187)
- • N. of a Buddh. goddess, Vāsav, 433
- • of Bṛihaspati's wife (carried off by Soma) MBh. v, 3972 Hariv. 1340 ff. BhP. &c
- • of the wife of Buddha Amoghasiddha Buddh
- • of a Śakti Jain
- • of a Yoginī Hcat. ii, 1, 710
- • of a female monkey (daughter of Susheṇa, wife of Bālin and mother of Aṅgada) MBh. iii, 16110 ff. R. i, iv, vi
- ○kṣiti f. N. of a country VarBṛS. xiv, 21
- ○ja mfn. made of silver Hcat. i, 5
- • n. = -mākṣika Npr
- ○taṇḍula m. 'silvergrain', a kind of Sorghum L
- ○tama mfn. very loud TāṇḍyaBr. VPrāt. i
- ○tāra n. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) N. of one of the 8 Siddhis Sāṃkhyak. 51/52
- ○dīrgha mfn. loud and lasting long (a tone) Kathās. ci, 57
- ○nātha m. N. of a Tibetan (living in the beginning of the 17th century
- • author of a history of Buddhism)
- ○nāda m. a loud or shrill sound
- ○paṭṭaka m. a kind of sword Gal
- ○patana n. the falling of a meteor W
- ○pāla m. N. of a lexicographer
- ○puṣpa m. jasmine L.
- ○mākṣika n. a kind of mineral substance Bhpr. i f
- ○mūla n. N. of a locality Rājat. vii f
- ○vimalā f. 'silver-clean', a kind of mineral substance L
- ○śuddhi-kara ḻ.,
- ○kṛt ṅal., n. 'silver-refiner', lead
- ○sāra m. 'essence of (saving i.e.) mystical syllables', N. of an Up
- ○sthāna n. the place in the gamut for the treble notes W
- ○svara mfn. sounding loud Pañcat. i Kathās. vi, 58
- ○hemâbha n. 'shining like silver and gold', N. of a metal Gal
- tārâbha m. 'resembling silver', quicksilver Npr
- tārâbhra m. camphor L
- tārâri m. 'silver-enemy', a pyritic ore of iron L. 1
- tārâvalī f. 'row of tones', N. of a composition
- tāraka mf(ikā R. ī)n. causing or enabling to pass or go over, carrying over, rescuing, liberating, saving MBh. xii (Śiva) JābālUp. ŚivaP. &c. (a particular prayer, brahman)
- • belonging to the stars VS. xxiv, 10 (○ká)
- • m. a helmsman L
- • N. of a Daitya (conquered by Indra with the assistance of Skanda) MBh. vi ff. (pl. the children of that Daitya, viii, 1553), xiii Hariv. Kum. &c
- • of an enemy of Vishṇu L
- • of a friend of Sīmanta BrahmôttKh. xxx
- • m. n. a float, raft L
- • n. a star MBh. v, 5390 Gīt.vii, 24
- • the pupil of the eye L
- • the eye L
- • a metre of 4 X 13 syllables
- • (tā́rakā), f. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 6) a star AV. TBr. i, 5, 2, 5 Yājñ. i MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- • a meteor, falling star AV. v, 17, 4
- • the pupil of the eye MBh. i, 2932 R. iii Mṛicch. &c
- • the eye L
- • coloquintida L
- • = laghu-vṛndāvana Npr
- • (= ○rā) N. of Bṛihas-pati's wife VP. iv, 6, 9
- • (ikā), f. the juice of palms Kulârṇ
- ○jaya m. 'conquest of Tāraka', N. of PadmaP. i, 41
- ○jit m. 'Tārakaconqueror', Skanda L
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha KāśīKh. xxxiii f
- ○tvá n. the condition of a star TBr. i, 5, 2, 5
- • the being saving RāmatUp. ii, 2, 6
- ○dvādaśī f. a particular 12th day BhavP. ii
- ○mantra m. 'saving text', N. of a Mantra RTL. p. 297
- ○ripu m. = -jit Mcar. ii, 35
- ○vadha m. 'Tāraka-slaughter', N. of ŚivaP. ii, 18
- ○vairin m. = -jit Gal
- ○sūdana m. id. Prasannar. iv, 16
- tārakântaka m. id. Kathās.i
- tārakâri m.id. L
- tārakôpaniṣad f. 'saving Up.', N. of an Up
- tārakā f. of ○ka, q.v
- ○"ṣkṣa (○kâk○), mfn. 'star-eyed' MBh. ix, 2586
- • m. N. of a Daitya (son of Tāraka) MBh. vii f. MatsyaP. cxxviii
- • cxxxvii
- • ○râkṣa
- ○"ṣdi (○kâd○), a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 5-2, 36 Gaṇar. 388-391)
- ○maya mfn. on account of (Bṛihas-pati's wife) Tārakā (or Tārā
- • said of the war waged by gods and demons for her rescue) MBh. i f
- • vi f. Hariv. R. vf. BhP. ix, 14, 7
- • m. 'full of stars', Śiva MBh. xii, 10424
- ○māna n. sidereal measure, sidereal time VarBṛS. īc, 2
- ○rāja m. 'star-king', the moon Kād. v, 106 Hcar. v, 381
- • viii
- tārakêśvara m. id., iv
- tārakāyana m. pl. the descendants of Tāraka Hariv. 1466
- • N. of a family Pravar. iv, 1
- tārakiṇī f. 'starry', night L
- tārakita mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 36) star-spangled (i.e. filled) with (in comp.) Daś. Kād. Naish. iv, 49
- tāraṇa mf(ī)n. causing or enabling to cross, helping over a difficulty, liberating, saving MBh. xiii, 1232 (Siva) and 6986 (Vishṇn) Hariv.7022 and 7941 Kathās. lxvii, 1
- • m. a float, raft L
- • n. crossing, safe passage
- • conquering (difficulties) MBh. iv, xiv R. &c
- • carrying across, liberating, saving MBh. i, iii, ix
- • N. of a Sāman
- • the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarBṛS. viii, 3 Sūryas. Jyot
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 3, 6
- tāraṇi f. = tar○, a boat L
- tāraṇeya m. patr. of Yāja and Upa-yāja ('born of a virgin' Sch.) MBh. i, 6363
- tārayantī f. (p. Caus. √tṝ) one of the 8 Siddhis (in Sāṃkhya phil.) Tattvas
- tārayitṛ mfn. a promoter Nir. x, 28
- tārā f. of ○ra, q.v
- ○kavaca n. N. of a ch. of Tantras. iii
- ○kāruṇya n. 'the compassion of Tārā', N. of R. iv, 20
- ○"ṣkṣa (○râk○), m. 'star-eyed', N. of a Daitya (= ○rakâkṣa) MBh. viii, 1395
- • of a king of the Nishadhas (uncle of Dhūmrâksha), SambhMāh. ii
- • of a mountain (also ○rakâkṣa) Divyâv. viii
- ○gaṇa m. a multitude of stars Hariv. 2661
- • a caparison (of a horse or elephant) ornamented with stars Hcat. i, 8, 215 and 9, 2
- ○guru m. pl. N. of particular authors of Mantras (with Śāktas) Śaktir. v
- ○graha in. 'star-planet', one of the 5 lesser planets exclusive of the sun and moon VarBṛS. lxix, 1
- ○cakra n. N. of a mystical circle Rudray. ii, 3, 3
- ○candra m. N. of a commentator
- • of a king Inscr
- ○cchāya mfn. reflecting the stars W
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha W
- ○dharma m. N. of a prince of -pura Kathās
- ○"ṣdhipa (○râdh○), m. = ○rakā-rāja MBh. i, iii, xiii R. Kum. Bhartṛ.
- ○"ṣdhipati (○râdh○), m. id. W
- ○"ṣdhī7śa (○râdh○), ○râpīḍa
- ○pajjhaṭikā f. N. of a hymn by Śaṃkara Tantras. iii
- ○pati m. = ○râdhipa MBh. Hariv. 10052 R. Ragh. AmṛitUp
- • 'husband of Tārā', Bṛihas-pati
- • Śiva
- • the monkey Bālin MBh. iii, 16130
- • N. of a prince Kshitîś. ii, 18
- ○patha m. 'star-path', the sky Bālar. viii, 82
- ○"ṣpaharaṇa (○râp○), n. N. of BrahmaP. iv, 81
- ○"ṣpīḍa (○râp○), m. 'star-crowned', the moon L
- • N. of several princes Kād. LiṅgaP. (i, 66, 4i) &c. Rājat. iv
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. lvi, 41
- ○pramāṇa n. = ○rakā-māna VarBṛS. īc, 2
- ○bhūṣā f. 'star-decorated', night L
- ○maṇḍala n. 'star-circle', the zodiac W
- • 'eye-circle', the pupil of the eye W
- • m. a particular kind of Śiva-temple L
- ○mantra m. N. of R. iv, 12
- • of Mantram. iv
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or representing stars, Śāntiś. iv, 14 Sāh. x, 58/59
- ○mṛga m. 'star-antelope', the Nakshatra Mṛiga-śīrsha MBh. iii, 16020 R. iii
- ○ramaṇa m. = tārâdhipa Kād. viii 3
- ○rūpa mfn. star-shaped W
- ○vatī f. a form of Durgā Śaktir. v
- • N. of a daughter of Kakutstha (wife of king Candra-śekhara) KālP
- • of the wife of Dharmadhvaja Vet. -2
- ○"ṣvalī (○râv○), f. a multitude of stars Kathās. lxxiii, 340
- • N. of a figure (in rhetoric), Pratāpar
- • of a daughter of the Yaksha prince Maṇibhadra Daś. ix, 43
- • of other mythical women Kathās. lxix, lxxxv
• cxxiii, 82
- ○varṣa n. 'star-rain', falling stars ṢaḍvBr. vi, 9
- ○"ṣvaloka (○râv○), m. N. of a prince Kathās. cxiii
- ○vākya n. 'speech of Tārā', N. of R. iv, 13
- ○vilāpa m. 'lamentation of Tārā', N. of R. iv, 17f
- ○vilāsa m. N. of wk
- tārêndra m. 'star-prince', N. of an author
- tārāyaṇa m. Ficus religiosa Lalit.xxiv, 165 and 226 ; xxv, 1 and 71
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi, 2 (vḷ. tar○)
- tārika m. a ferry-man Vishṇ.v, 131
- • (n.?) freight Mn. viii, 407
- • (ā), f. ○raka
- tāriṇī in comp
- ○kalpa m. N. of a text Tantras. ii
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra Śaktir. ii
- • iv
- tārita mfn. conveyed across MBh. v, 3921
- tāritṛ mfn. (fut. p. Caus. √tṝ) being about to save Hcat. i, 7, 779
- tārin mfn. enabling to cross over, saving (said of Durgā) MBh. vi, 797
- • (iṇī), f. a form of Durgā Tantras. ii
- • (= ○rā) N. of a Buddh. goddess L
- tāreya m. 'son of Tārā', the monkey Aṅgada R. v, 1, 9 and 2, 4 ; vi, 6, 21 ; 26, 75 and 87
- tārya mfn. = taraṇīya MBh. xii R. iii, 30, 40
- • to be conquered or defeated BhP. i, 15, 14 (a- neg.)
- • n. impers. it is to be crossed Pāṇ. 4-4, 91
- • n. freight Mn. viii, 405
- tāraṭī f. = tar○ L
- tāratamya n. (fr. 1. tara and 2. tama) gradation, proportion, difference Mṛicch. x, 5/6 Sāh. i, 2/3, 31 Udbh. Kulad
- • (ena), instr. ind. in different degrees BhP. v, vii
- • cf. tara-tama-tas
- tāradī vḷ. for ○raṭī
- tārala mfn. = tar○, unsteady, libidinous L
- tāralya n. unsteadiness Kād. vi, 470
- tārava mf(ī)n. belonging to a tree (taru) Bālar. vi, 40
- tā-rāj f. a kind of Vi-rāj RPrāt. xvii, 4f Sch
- tārika ○rita, &c. above
- tārukṣāyaṇi m. patr. fr. tárukṣa Pravar. iv, 8 (Kāty
- • ○rkSyAy○, VRJ.)
- tārukṣya m. (g. 2. lohitâdi) id. AitĀr. iii, 1, 6, 1
- tārukṣyāyaṇī f. of ○kṣya g. 2. lohitâdi
- tāruṇa mfn. fr. tar○ g. utsâdi
- tāruṇya n. youth, youthfulness MBh. xii &c
- tārka m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. i
- tārkava mfn. fr. tarku Pāṇ. 4 Kāś
- tārkika mfn. (fr. tarka) related or belonging to logic W
- • m. a dialectician, logician, philosopher Gāthāsaṃgr. Vedântas. &c
- ○kārikā f. N. of wk
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. 'crest-jewel of philosophers', a honorific N. given to Raghu-nātha and others
- ○tva n. scepticism, philosophy Prasannar. i, 17/18
- ○rakṣā 'philosopher's guard', N. of a work Sarvad. v, 130
- ○śiromaṇi m. = -cūḍām○
- tārkṣa m. (for ○kṣya?) a kind of bird Suśr. iii, 4, 74
- • for ○kṣya (N. of a Garuḍa, of Kaśyapa, and of a tree)
- • (ī), f. a kind of creeper L
- ○ja
- ○putra
- ○suta ○kṣya-
- tārkṣaka (ifc.) the fruit of ○kṣya-prasava Car. i, 27, 128
- tārkṣāka m. patr. fr. tṛkṣ○ g. śivâdi
- tā́rkṣya m. N. of a mythical being (originally described as a horse with the epithet áriṣṭa-nemi , later on taken to be a bird and identified with Garuḍa or called his elder brother ḻ. or father [BhP. vi, 6, 2 and 21
- • also -putra]
- • mentioned with Arishṭa-nemi, V8. xv, 18
- • with Arishṭa-nemi, Garuḍa, Aruṇa and Āruṇi as offspring of Kaśyapa by Vinatā MBh. i, 2548 and 4830 Hariv. 12468 and 14175
- • called a Yaksha VP. ii, 10, 13
- • a Muni with the N. Arishṭa-nemi MBh. iii, 12660 and 12665 ; xii, 10615
- • pl. a class of demi-gods grouped with the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and Cāraṇas R. i, 16, 9)
- • N. of the hymn RV. x, 178 (ascribed to Tārkshya Arishṭanemi) ĀśvŚr. ix SāṅkhŚr. xi f. Lāṭy. i
- • a horse Naigh. i, 14
- • a cart L
- • a bird MBh. vi, 71 Suśr. iv, 28, 5
- • a snake L
• = -prasava, vi, 51, 19 (○kṣa ed.)
- • a sort of antidote, v, 5, 66
- • gold L
- • = netrâñca keśa Npr
- • Śiva
- • N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 6 (Āp. and Āśv.)
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1871
- • n. = -ja Suśr. iv, 9, 45
- ○ja n. a sort of collyrium, vi, 12, 16 (○kṣa-ja) Bhpr. v, 1, 204
- ○dhvaja m. 'Garuḍa-symboled', Vishṇu L
- ○nāyaka m. 'bird-leader', Garuḍa L
- ○nāśaka m. 'bird-destroyer', a kind of falcon Npr
- ○putra m. = -suta Suparṇ. xxx, 4 BhP. iii, 2, 24
- • N. of Suparṇa (author of certain hymns) RAnukr
- ○prasava m. Vatica robusta L
- ○ratna n. a kind of dark jewel Kathās
- • -maya mfn. consisting of that jewel, cxxiii, 131
- ○lakṣaṇa m. 'Garuḍa-marked', Kṛishṇa (= Vishṇu) MBh. xii, 43, 8
- ○śaila n. = -ja Suśr. iv, 9
- ○sāman n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy. i, 6, 19
- ○suta m. 'son of Kaśyapa', Garuḍa BhP
- tārkṣyāyaṇa m. = ○ṇi pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, 6
- • (ī), f. of ○kṣya g. 2. lohitâdi
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by the Tārkshyāyaṇas, g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- tārkṣyāyaṇi patr., ○rukSAy○
- tārcha N. of an amulet Kauś. 48
- tārṇa mfn. made of grass (tṛ́ṇa) MBh. i, v Suśr. i, 26, 8
- • levied from grass (a tax), g. śuṇḍikâdi
- • m. and (ī), f. patr. fr. tṛṇa g. śivâdi
- tārṇaka mfn. fr. tṛṇakīyā g. bilvakâdi
- tārṇakarṇa m. patr. fr. tṛṇa-k○ g. śivâdi
- tārṇakarṇī-putra m. the son of a female descendant of Tṛiṇa-karṇa Pāṇ. 6-1, 13 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- tārṇabindavīya mfn. fr. tṛṇa-bindu, iv, 2, 28 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- tārṇāyana m. patr. fr. tṛṇa g. 1. naḍâdi
- tārṇi pl. id. Pravar. vi, 3 (vḷ. ○ṇeya)
- tārtīya mfn. belonging to the 3rd (tṛt○) ĀśvŚr. x, 2 BhP. iii, 6, 29
- • the 3rd, viii, 19, 34
- • n. a 3rd part KātyŚr. iv, 7, Paddh
- tārtīyaka mfn. belonging to the 3rd, mentioned in the 3rd kāṇḍa Siddh.puṃl. 17 Sch. (vḷ. jātīy○)
- tārtīyasavana mfn. belonging to the 3rd Savana, Śikshā
- tārtīyasavanika mf(ī)n. id. ĀpŚr. xiv, 19 ŚāṅkhŚr. v, 3, 7
- tārtīyâhnika mfn. belonging to the 3rd day (ahan), xv, 8, 3
- tārtīyīka mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 7 Pat.) the 3rd Mālatīm. i, 2
- ○tā f. the being the 3rd Naish.iii, 136
- tārpyá n. a garment made of a particular vegetable substance (tṛpā Sāy. on ŚBr.) AV. xviii, 4, 31 (○pyá) TS. ii TBr. i, iii ŚBr.v, 3, 5, 20 TāṇḍyaBr. xxi KātyŚr. xv ŚāṅkhŚr
- tārya col. 2
- tārṣṭâgha m. (fr. tṛṣt○?) N. of a tree Kauś. 25 (= sarṣapa Sch.)
- • mf(ī́)n. coming from that tree AV. v, 29, 15 Śāntik. 21
- tāla m. (Siddhnapuṃs. 25 Sch.) the palmyra tree or fan-palm (Borassus flabelliformis, producing a sort of spirituous liquor
- • considered as a measure of height R. iv ; vi, 2, 6 Lalit. iii, xxii
- • forming a banner MBh. iv, vi, xvi Hariv
- • to pierce seven fan-palms with one shot is held to be a great feat R. i, 1, 64 AgP. viii, 2) Mn. viii, 246 MBh. &c
- • (fr. tāḍa) slapping the hands together or against one's arm, xiii, 1397 R. &c
- • the flapping of an elephant's ears Ragh. ix, 71 Kathās. xii ; xxi, 1 Prab. i, v
- • musical time or measure MBh. &c. (cf. -jña & -śīla)
- • a dance Sāh. vi, 277
- • a cymbal Pañcat. BhP. viii, 15, 21
- • (in prosody) a trochee
- • a span measured by the thumb and middle finger Hcat. i, 3, 855 and 6, 171
- • (= tala) the palm (of the hand) L
- • a lock, bolt W
- • (= tala) the hilt of a sword L
- • a goldsmith Gal
- • Śiva MBh. xiii, 1243
- • pl. N. of a people (cf. -vana and apara-) VarBṛS. xiv, 22
- • m. n. orpiment L
- • N. of a hell VP. ii, 6, 2 and 10 ŚivaP
- • n. the nut of the fan-palm MBh. iii, 8718 Hariv. 3711 (cf. kākatālīya)
- • the throne of Durgā (cf. manas-) L. (vḷ.)
- • mf(ī Pāṇ. 4-3, 152) n. made of palmyra wood Mn.xi, 96/97
- • (ā), f. (g. kuṇḍâdi), māsa-
- • (ī), f. (g. kuṇḍâdī) N. of a tree (Corypha Taliera, Corypha umbraculifera, Flacourtia cataphracta, Curculigo orchioides L.) Hariv. 6407 R. Suśr. &c
- • toddy W
- • a fragrant earth L
- • = tallikā L
- • a metre of 4 x 3 long syllables
- • cf. ucca-, ut-, eka-, kara-, kāṃsya-, kāma-, krośa-
- ○ketu m. 'palm-bannered', Bhīshma MBh. v f
- • Bala-Rāma VP. iv, 1, 37
- • N. of an adversary of Kṛishṇa MBh. iii, 492 Hariv. 9141
- • 'having the tāla hell as a banner', N. of a Dānava (younger brother of Patāla-ketu) MārkP. xxii, 6
- ○kṣīra n. = tava-kṣ○ Npr
- ○kṣīraka n. id. L
- ○garbha palm-juice, toddy VarBṛS. l, 24
- ○cara m. pl. N. of a people MBh. v, 4751
- ○ja mfn. coming from the fan-palm Suśr. i, 46, 3, 41
- • n. = -garbha L
- ○jaṅgha mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 114 Kāś.) having legs as long as a palm-tree R. v, 12, 35 Hariv. 9553 Tantr
- • belonging to the Tāla-jaṅgha tribe MBh. xiii, 7223
- • m. a prince of that tribe, iii, 17014
- • a Rakshas VarYogay. iii, 21
- • N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 84, 12
- • of a Daitya Hariv. 12940
- • of a chief of the Bhūtas Kathās. cviii, 90
- • of the ancestor of the Tāla-jaṅgha tribe (descendant of Śaryāti MBh. xiii, 1946
- • son of Jaya-dhvaja VP. iv, 11, 5 BhP. ix, 23, 27)
- • pl. N. of a warrior-tribe MBh. Hariv. R. BhP
- ○jaṭā f. the fibres of the palm-tree under the outer bark W
- ○jña mfn. knowing the measure (in music) Yājñ. iii, 115
- ○druma m. the palmyra-tree
- ○dhāraka m. 'keeping the measure', a dancer L
- ○dhvaja m. '= -ketu', Bala-Rāma MBh. ix
- • N. of a mountain Śatr. i
- • (ā), f. of a town PadmaP. vi
- • (ī), f. of a river Śatr. i, 54
- ○navamī f. the 9th day of the light half of month Bhādra (sacred to Durgā), GarP
- ○pattra n. 'a palm-leaf', and 'a kind of ear-ornament' Kād. ii, 28
- • Trigonella foenum graecum Npr
- • (ī), f. another plant (Salvinia cucullata L
- • Anethum graveolens Npr
- • = ○la-mūlī ib.) Suśr. i, 11, 3 and 36, 29
- ○parṇa n. = ○lâkhyā L
- • (ī), f. id. L
- • Anethum graveolens L
- ○puṣpaka n. N. of a plant L
- ○pralamba m. = -jaṭā L
- ○phala n. the fruit of the fan-palm Suśr. i
- • iv Gīt. ix, 3
- ○baddha mfn. measured, rhythmical W
- ○bhaṅga m. loss of the measure (in music) Pañcar. i, 12, 9 f
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of a warrior Kathās. xiii, 24
- ○bhṛt m. (= -dhvaja) Bala-Rāma L
- ○maya mfn. made of the palm W
- ○mardaka
- ○mardala m. a cymbal L
- ○mātra mfn. as big as a palm MBh. i, iv f
- • (am), ind. as high as a palm R. iii, 50, 19
○mūlikā f. Curculigo orchioides Suśr. iv, 7, 16
- ○mūlī f. id. Npr
- ○yantra n. a particular surgical instrument, small pair of pincers, Susr. i, 7, 1 f. and 7
- • a lock, lock and key W
- ○recanaka m. 'distinguishing the measure (in dancing)', a dancer L. (vḷ. -vec○)
- ○lakṣman m. = -bhṛ́t L
- ○vana n. a grove of palmyra-trees MBh. vi, 5441 Hariv. 3704 BhP. v (in a hell)
- • m. pl. N. of a people MBh. ii ; 1175
- ○valī f. a kind of musical composition
- ○vādya n. clapping the hands together Kathās. xxv, 136
- ○vṛnta n. a palm-leaf used as a fan, fan (in general) MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- • m. a kind of Soma plant, iv, 29, 4
- • -nivāsin m. N. of a scholiast
- • ○ntī-√bhū, to become a fan Bālar. iii, 13
- ○vṛntaka n
- • a fan L
- ○vecanaka -rec○
- ○śabda m. the noise caused by the falling of a palm-fruit Hariv. 3715
- • = -vādya, 4111 f
- ○śīla mfn. accustomed to beat time in music Gaut. xv, 18
- ○śuddha mfn. = -baddha W
- ○svana m.= -vādya Hariv. 3715
- tālâkhyā f. a kind of perfume L
- tālaṅka m. = ○la-lakṣman L
- • Śiva L
- • a man marked with auspicious marks L
- • a palm-leaf (used for writing) W
- • a book L
- • a saw L
- • a kind of vegetable L
- tālâṅga m. Cyprinus Rohita L
- tālâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-3, 152 Gaṇar. 261264 including rajakâdi, palāśâdi and bilvâdi)
- tālâdhyāya m. 'time-chapter', N. of Saṃgita-darpaṇa vi (treating of musical instruments)
- tālâpacara m. = ○la-dhāraka R. ii, 3, 17
- tālâvacara m. (cf. tādâv○) id., vii, 91, 15
- tālâvacaraṇa m. id. Rājat. iii, 335
- tālôdghāṭinī f. a spell used for opening locks HPariś. ii, 173 and 182.
- tālôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- tālaka (Siddh.puṃl. 29) m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 13
- • N. of a teacher VāyuP. i, 61, 45 (vḷ. ○lika)
- • n. orpiment Bhpr.v, 26, 48 and 221
- • a fragrant earth L
- • a lock, bolt L
- • a kind of ornament Buddh. L
- • (ī), f. = ○la-garbha L
- • (ikā), f. the palm of the hand Hariv. 9920
- • = ○la-vādya Pañcat. ii, 5, 6
- • a sign with the hand (?) Bālar. iii, 75
• Curculigo orchioides L
- • = tāmra-vallī L
- tālakâbha mfn. 'orpiment-like', green L
- tālakêśvara m. N. of a medicinal unguent Bhpr
- tālaṅkī-√kṛ tāḍaṅk○
- tāli f. = tāḍi L
- • Flacourtia cataphracta L. Sch
- tālika m. the palm of the hand L. (vḷ. for ○kā s.v. ○laka)
- • a cover for binding a parcel of papers or a manuscript L
- • vḷ. for ○laka, q.v
- tālita n. = tulita-paṭa (dyed or coloured cloth W.) L
- • a string L
- • a musical instrument L
- ○nagara n. N. of a town. 1
- tālin mfn. furnished with cymbals (Śiva), Bh. xiii, 1172
- tālī f. of ○la, q.v
- ○paṭṭa a kind of ear-ornament Kād. v, 294
- ○pattra n. a leaf of the Tālī plant VarBṛS. xxvii, 3
- • = ○lī7śa-p○ L
- ○puṭa (= tāḍī-p○) = -paṭṭa Kād. iii, 973
- ○rasa-ja m. sugar made of palm-juice Gal
- tālī7śa m. Flacourtia cataphracta (the leaves of which are used in med.) R. iv, 44, 55 Suśr. i, iv ff
- • n. = -pattra L
- tālī7śa-pattra n. the leaf of Flacourtia cataphracta W. = ○lI-p○ and ○lī7śa L
- • Pinus Webbiana L
- tālī7śaka m. Flacourtia cataphracta L
- tālīyaka a cymbal R. v, 13, 54
- tālavya ○lu below
- tālākaṭa = ○lik○ MBh. ii, 1169
- tālikaṭa m. pl. N. of a people and its country VarBṛS. xiv, 11
- tālāna m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 4, 1
- tālin mfn. (√tal) placing upon Śiś. vi, 66
- tālin m. pl. the pupils of Tala, g. śaunakâdi
- tāliśa m. a mountain Uṇ. k
- tālī ind. (= dhūlī or colour or uttamârtha or vistāra Bhoj. Gaṇar. 96 Sch.) with √as, kṛ, bhū g. ūry-ādi
- tālī7śa 1. ○lī
- tā́lu n. rarely m. the palate VS. xxv, 1 Kauś. RPrāt. Suśr. &c
- ○kaṇṭaka 'palate-thorn', N. of a disease of the palate with children Npr
- ○galapraśoṣa m. morbid dryness of palate and throat Suśr. ii, 11, 22
- ○ja mfn. palatal, iv, 22, 57
- ○jihva m. a crocodile L
- • the uvula W
- ○jihvikā f. 'uvula', N. of a Yoginī Hcat. ii, 1, 716
- ○nāśa m. 'destroying the palate (by thorny food)', a camel Gal
- ○pāka m. an abscess in the palate Suśr. ii, 16, 38 ; iv, 22, 56
- ○pāta m. 'falling in of the palate', N. of a disease with children Npr
- ○pīḍaka another disease of the palate with children ib
- ○puppuṭa m. an indolent swelling of the palate Suśr. ii, 16, 38 ; iv, 22, 55
- ○mūla n. the √of the palate, ii, 16, 39
- ○vidradhī f. = -puppuṭa Car. vi, 17
- ○viśoṣaṇa n. the drying of the palate (through much talking) MBh. viii, 4760
- ○śoṣa m. morbid dryness of the palate Suśr. ii, 16
- ○sthāna mfn. palatal (a letter) RPrāt. SāṅkhŚr
- tālavya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 6) relating to the palate Suśr. iii, 8, 15
- • palatal (the letters i, e and ai , c, ch, j, jh, ñ, y, ś) Śiksh. RPrāt. VPrāt
- tāluka n. (g. yāvâdi) = ○lu Hcat. i, 9, 414 (ifc. f. ā)
- • a disease of the palate Npr
- • (ā), f. = ○lu W
- • (e), f. du. the two arteries of the palate TUp. i, 6, 1
- tālūṣaka = ○lu Yājñ. iii, 87
- tālukṣya m. patr. fr. talukṣa
- tālukṣyāyaṇī f. of ○kṣya g. 2. lohitâdi
- tāluna mfn. fr. tal○ g. utsâdi
- tālura m. = ○lūra W
- tālūra m. a whirlpool Hāl. 37
- tāluvi nāluhi.
- tālūṣaka ○lu
- tālpa mfn. (= tálpya) born in a marriage-bed (tálpa) Kauś. 17
- tāvaká mf(ī)n. (fr. táva Pāṇ. 4-3, 3) thy, thine RV. i, 94, 11 MBh. iii, 14621 R. iii, 13, 15 Kum.v, 4 BhP. Kathās. &c
- tāvakīna mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 3) id. Bhām.i, 4
- tāvac in comp. for ○vat
- ○chata (śata), mf(ī)n. containing so many hundreds Mn. i, 69 MBh. iii, 188, 23 Hariv. 511 ; 11309
- ○chás (śas), ind. (Vop.) so manifoldly TS. i, 5, 9, 2
- tā́vaj-jyok ind. so long ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 2
- tā́vat mf(atī)n. (fr. 2. ta Pāṇ. 5-2, 39 ; vi, 3, 91) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of yā́vat
- • rarely of ya or yathôkta Nal.&c.) RV. &c. (yāvatā kṣaṇena tāvatā, 'after so long time, in that time', as soon as Rājat. v, 110)
- • just a little Kir. ii, 48
- • (in alg.) an unknown quantity (also with yāvat)
- • ind. (correlative of yā́vat) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far RV. AV. &c. (tā́vat-tāvat ŚBr. i, 8, 1, 6)
- • so long, in that time RV. x, 88, 19 ŚBr. i Mn. &c
- • meanwhile, in the mean time (the correlative yāvat being often connected with a neg., e.g. tāvac chobhate mūrkho yāvat kiṃ-cin na bhāṣate, 'so long a fool shines as long as he says nothing' Hit
- • śocayiṣyāmy ātmānaṃ tāvad yāvan me prâptam brāhmaṇyam, 'so long I will emaciate myself, as long as i.e. until I have obtained the state of a Brāhman' R. i, 64, 19) ŚBr. xiv, 4, 2, 30 ChUp. vi, 14, 2 Mn. MBh. &c. (also correlative of purā , of yāvatā na, of yāvat preceded by purā , or without any correlative 2727 Kathās. ḥit.)
- • at once, now, just, first (followed by anantaram ḥit., aparam Pañcat., api ib., idānīm ḥit., uta "ṣak., ca ḍaś. Prab., tatas , tad-anu ṃegh., tu ḍaś.vii Vedântas., paścāt ṛ. ī, punar Pañcat., vā
- • very often connected with an Impv., rarely with a Pot., often with the 1st person of pr. or fut. MBh. &c
- • the Impv. is sometimes to be supplied [itas tāvat, 'just come hither'
- • mā tāvat, 'by no means, God forbid!'] Śak. Mālav. Vikr. Prab
- • sometimes arhasi with the inf. is used instead R. i f.)
- • (with na or a-) not yet MBh. &c. (followed by yāvat, 'while' Kathās. xxvi, 23
- • tāvan na-ap4i na, 'not only not-but also not' Kād.)
- • very well, all right Hcar
- • indeed, truly (e.g. dṛḍhas tāvad bandhaḥ, 'the knot is tight I must admit' Hit
- • gatā tāvat, 'she is indeed gone' Kathās. xviii, 241) R. &c
- • already (opposed to 'how much more' or 'how much less') R. iv f. Śak
- • really (= eva, sometimes connected with this particle, e.g. vikrayas tāvad eva saḥ, 'it is really a sale') Mn. iii, 53 Hariv. 7110 R. &c
• (tā), instr. ind. to that extent RPrāt. xiii, 13 BhP. v, viii
- • in that time, in the mean time, meanwhile Daś. Kathās. x, 24 Bharaṭ
- • (ti), loc, ind. so far ŚBr. viii, 6, 2, 8
- • so long, in that time TS. ii, 4 ;
- ○kālam ind. for so long Kauś. 141 MBh. iii Hit
- ○kṛtvas ind. (Pāṇ. 1-1, 23 Kāś.) so many times ŚBr. ix, 1, 1, 41 (tā́vat-kṛ́t○) Mn. v, 38
- • with √kṛ, (in math.) to square
- ○tāt (tā́v○), just so much MaitrS. iii
- ○priya (tā́v○), mfn. dear to that extent, i
- ○phala mfn. having such results Śak. vi, 10
- ○sūtra n. sg. so many threads Yājñ
- tāvatika mfn. bought for or worth so much Pāṇ. 5-1, 23
- tāvatitha mfn. (2, 53 and 77) the so manieth KātyŚr. iii, 1, 9
- tāvatka mfn. = ○tika Pāṇ
- tāvad in comp. for ○vat
- ○guṇa mfn. having so many qualities Mn. i, 20
- ○guṇita mfn. (in math.) squared
- ○dvayasa mfn. so large, so long Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 Vārtt. 1
- ○dhā ind. in that number, in such a number Bālar. ix, 49
- ○varṣa mfn. so many years old Lāṭy. ix, 12, 12
- ○vīrya-vat (tā́v○), mfn. having so great force or efficacy ŚBr. i, 2, 3, 7
- ○vyakta (in alg.) a known number annexed to an unknown quantity
- tāvan in comp. for ○vat
- ○mātrá mf(ī́)n. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 Vārtt. 1) so much, so many ŚBr. v Hariv. 1204 BhP. iv
- • (e), loc. ind. in that distance, v, 24, 4
- ○māna (tā́v○), mfn. of that measure TS. ii, 3, 11, 5
- tāvanta n. so much Divyâv. i, 5 ; xxii, 50
- tāvara n. a bow-string L
- tāviṣa m. (= tav○) the ocean L
- • heaven L
- • gold L
- • (ī), f. = tav○ L.
- tāvīṣa m. (= tav○) the ocean L
- • heaven L
- • gold L
- • (ī), f. N. of a daughter of Indra (or 'of the moon', candra- for cêndra-?) L
- tāvura m. the sign Taurus
- tāvuri m. id. (borrowed fr. ?) VarBṛ.i
- tāvuru m.id
- tāsīra = tas○ Hāyan
- tāsūna mf(ī)n. made of hemp Gobh. ii, 10, 10 (vḷ.)
- • m. a kind of hemp ib. Sch
- tāskarya n. = taskara-tā Mn. ix
- tāspandra m. N. of a Ṛishi ĀrshBr
- • n. N. of two Sāmans ib
- tāspindra n. N. of two Sāmans ib
- ti for íti (after kā́) ŚBr. xi, 6, 1, 3 ff
- tik cl. 1. tekate, to go Dhātup. iv, 31: cl. 5. tiknoti (also tignoti fr. √tig), id. (cf. √stigh), xxvii, 19
- • to assail ib
- • to wound ib
- • to challenge L
- tika m. N. of a man, g. 1. naḍâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 154
- ○kitava m. pl. the descendants of Tika and Kitava, ii, 4, 68
- • ○vâdi, N. of a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. (ib. Gaṇar. 32-34)
- tikâdi another Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-1, 154 Gaṇar. 229-231)
- tikīya mfn. fr. ○ka g. utkarâdi
- tikta ○ktaka, below
- tig cl. 5. ○gnoti, √tik
- tigitá ○gmá, col. 2
- tigh cl. 5. ○ghnoti, to hurt, kill (= √tik) Vop. (Dhātup. xxvii, 26)
- tiṅ a collective. N. for the personal terminations Pāṇ
- ○anta n. 'ending with tiṅ', an inflected verbal base
- ○sub-anta-caya m. 'collection of verbs and nouns (sub-anta)', a phrase Gal
- tij cl. 1. téjate (○ti Dhātup. xxiii, 2
- • p. téjamāna
- • Ved. inf. téjase) to be or become sharp RV. i, 55, 1 ; iii, 2, 10 and 8, 11 (tétijāna, 'sharp' VS. v, 43)
- • to sharpen, x, 138, 5: Caus. tejayati id. Dhātup. xxxii, 109
- • to stir up, excite R. iii, 31, 36 Ragh. ix, 38: Desid. títikṣate (Pāṇ. 3-1, 5
- • 1. pl. ○kṣmahe MBh. v, 3427
- • fut. ○kṣiṣyate ŚBr. iii
- • ep. also P., e.g. p. ○kṣat BhP. iii) 'to desire to become sharp or firm', to bear with firmness, suffer with courage or patience, endure RV. ii, 13, 3 ; iii, 30, 1 AV. viii &c.: Intens. tétikte (Pāṇ. 7-4, 65
- • p. ○tijāna, above) to sharpen RV. iv, 2 3, 7
- •
- tikta mfn. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste, rasa), pungent MBh. xii, xiv Suśr. &c
- • fragrant Megh. Śiś. v, 33
- • m. a bitter taste, pungency W
- • fragrance W
- • Wrightia antidysenterica L
- • Capparis trifoliata L
- • Agathotes Chirayta Npr
- • = pari- ib
- • Terminalia Catappa ib
- • a sort of cucumber ib. (cf. anārya-, kirāta-, cira-, mahā-)
- • n. N. of a medicinal plant L
- • a kind of salt Npr
- • (ā), f. N. of a plant (= -rohiṇī L
- • Clypea hernandifolia L
- • a water-melon L
- • Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr
- • = yava- L
- • cf. kāka-) Suśr. iv, 5, 12
- ○kandakā
- ○kandikā f. Curcuma Zedoaria L
- ○gandhā f. 'having a pungent smell', mustard Npr
- ○guñjā f. Pongamia glabra L
- ○ghṛta n. ghee prepared with bitter herbs, vi, 11, 2 (cf. ○ktaha)
- ○taṇḍulā f. long pepper L
- ○tuṇḍī f. = katu-t○ L
- ○tumbī f. a bitter gourd (kaṭu-t○) L
- ○dugdhā f. 'having a bitter milky sap', Odina pinnata L
- • = kṣīriṇi L
- • = svarṇakṣīrī L
- ○dhātu m. 'bitter elementary substance (of the body)', bile L
- ○pattra m. 'bitter-leaved', Momordica mixta L
- ○parvan f. Cocculus cordifolius L
- • Hingcha repens L
- • Panicum Dactylon L
- • liquorice W
- ○puṣpā f. 'bitter-flowered', Clypea hernandifolia L
- • 'fragrant-flowered', Bignonia suaveolens Npr
- ○phala m. 'bitter-fruited', = -marica L
- • (ā), f. a water-melon L
- • = yavatiktā L
- • = vārtākī L
- ○bījā f. 'bitter-seeded', = -tumbī L
○bhadraka m. Trichosanthes dioeca L
- ○marica m. Strychnos potatorum L
- ○yavā f. Andrographis paniculata L
- ○rohiṇikā f. = ○ṇī L
- ○rohiṇī f. Helleborus niger, iv, 5, 10 and 16, 15
- ○vallī f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- ○śāka n. a bitter (or a fragrant) pot-herb Rājat. v, 49
- • m. Capparis trifoliata L
- • Acacia Catechu L
- • = pattra-sundara L
- ○sāra m. Acacia Catechu L
- • n. a kind of fragrant grass L
- tiktâkhyā f. = ○kta-tuṇḍī L
- tiktâṅgā f. a kind of creeper L.
- tiktâmṛtā f. Menispermum glabrum Npr
- tiktấyana mf(ī)n. 'possessing the radiance of fire', taptấy○
- tiktâsya mfn. having a bitter (taste in the) mouth, ŚārṅgS. vii, 116 (tā f. abstr.)
- tiktaka mfn. bitter, (n.) anything having a bitter flavour R. ii Suśr. (with sarpis = ○kta-ghṛta, iv, 9, 9)
- • m. Terminalia Catappa Bhpr
- • Trichosanthes dioeca L
- • Agathotes Chirayta L
- • a sort of Khadira L
- • (ā), f. Cardiospermum halicacabum Npr
- • = karañja-vallī ib
- • = ○kta-tumbī L
- • (ikā), f. id. L
- tiktāya Nom. ○yate, to have a bitter flavour Naish. iii, 94
- tigitá mfn. sharp RV. i, 143, 5 ; ii, 30, 9
- tigmá mfn. sharp, pointed (a weapon, flame, ray of light) RV. AV. iv, 27, 7, xiii ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c
- • pungent, acrid, hot, scorching RV. &c
- • violent, intense, fiery, passionate, hasty ib
- • m. Indra's thunderbolt W
- • = ○gmâtman VP. iv, 21, 3
- • pl. N. of the Śūdras in Krauñca-dviipa, ii, 4, 53 (vḷ. tiṣya)
- • n. pungency L
- ○kara m. = -dīdhiti L
- • the number '12' Līl
- ○ketu m. N. of a son of Vatsara by Svarviithi BhP. iv, 13, 12
- ○ga mfn. going or flying swiftly R. iii, 34, 16
- ○gati mfn. of (violent i.e.) cruel practices BhP. iv, 10, 28
- ○gu mfn. hot-rayed, x, 56, 7
- ○jambha (○má-), mfn. having sharp teeth (Agni) RV. i, iv, viii
- ○tā (○má-), f. sharpness ŚBr. ix, 2, 2, 5
- ○tejana mfn. sharp-edged (an arrow) MBh. vi, 3187
- ○tejas (○má-), mfn. id. Hariv. 10703 R. iv, 7, 21
- • of a violent character VS. i, xii AV.xix, 9, 10 MBh
- • m. the sun Kathās. xxix, 121
- ○dīdhiti m. 'hot-rayed', the sun VarBṛ. xi, 17 Kād
- ○dyuti m. id. Śiś.xx, 28
- ○dhāra mfn. = -tejana MBh. vii, 47, 15 (vḷ. tiryag-dh○)
- ○nemi mfn. having a sharp-edged felly BhP. x, 57, 21
- ○bhās m. = -dyuti Śiś. xx, 45
- ○bhṛṣṭi (○má-), mfn. sharp-pointed (Agni) RV. iv, 5, 3
- ○manyu mfn. of a violent wrath (Śiva) MBh. xiii, 1161
- ○mayūkha-mālin m. 'garlanded with hot rays', the sun VarYogay. iv, 7
- ○mūrdhan (○má-), mfn. = -tejana RV. vi, 46, 11
- ○yātana mfn. causing acute pain or agony (a hell) BhP. vi, 1, 7
- ○raśmi m. = -dīdhiti VarBṛ. VarYogay. iv, 11 Śiś. ix, 11
- ○ruc mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 116 Siddh.) shining brightly, hot W
- • m. = ○ci W
- ○ruci m. = -dīdhiti Gaṇit. i, 5, 15 Sarasv
- ○rocis m. id. Prasannar.iv, 46
- ○vat (○má-), mfn. containing the word tigmá ŚBr. ix, 2, 2, 5
- ○vīrya mf(ā)n. violent MBh. i, iii
- ○vega mf(ā)n. id. MBh
- ○śṛṅga (○má-), mfn. sharp-horned RV. vi f. ix f. AV. xiii TBr. iii
- ○śocis (○má-), mfn. sharp-rayed (Agni) RV. i, 79, 10
- ○heti (○má-), mfn. having sharp weapons (Agni), iv, 4, 4 ; vi, 74, 4
- • forming a sharp weapon (Agni's horn) AV. viii, 3, 25
- tigmâṃśu m. = ○ma-dīdhiti MBh. Sūryas. Kathās. Gīt
- • fire MBh. i, 8421
- • Śiva
- tigmâtman m. N. of a prince MatsyaP. l, 85
- tigmấnīka mfn. = ○má-bhṛṣṭi RV. i, 95, 2
- tigmấyudha mfn. having or casting sharp weapons, ii, v-vii, ix
- tigmếṣu mfn. having sharp arrows, x, 84, 1
- tijila m. the moon Uṇ. Sch
- • a Rakshas Uṇ.vṛ
- titikṣa m. (fr. Desid.) N. of a man, g. kaṇvâdi
- • (ā), f. endurance, forbearance, patience MBh. Pāṇ. 1-2, 20 Suśr. &c
- • Patience (daughter of Daksha
- • wife of Dharma
- • mother of Kshema) BhP. iv, 1, 19ff
- titikṣita mfn. endured W
- • patient L
- titikṣú mfn. bearing, enduring patiently, forbearing, patient AV. xii, 1, 48 ŚBr. xiv MBh. BhP
- • m. N. of a son of Mahā-manas, ix, 23 Hariv
- tiṭibha a particular high number Buddh. L
- tiṭilambha n. id. Lalit. xii, 158f
- tiṇisa m. = tiniśa KātyŚr. Sch
- tiṇṭī f. Ipomoea Turpethum L
- tita (m. L
- • n. Nir. iv, 9) a sieve, cribble RV. x, 71, 2 Kauś. 26
- • n. a parasol Uṇ. Sch
- titaniṣu mfn. (√tan Desid.) desirous of developing (one's property) Nir. vi, 19
- titikṣa &c. above
- titibha m. cochineal L
- titiri for titt○, a partridge L
- titila n. sesamum cake L
- • one of the 7 Karaṇas (in astron.) L
- • a bowl or bucket L
- titīrṣā f. (√tṛ Desid.) desire of crossing (ifc.) BhP. ix, 13, 19
- • desire of final emancipation W
- titīrṣu mfn. desirous of crossing (with acc. or ifc.) MBh. i, 4647 Hariv. 5182 R. Ragh. i, 2 &c.
- • desirous of final emancipation W
- titīla m. a bat Buddh. L
- tittiḍa and ○ḍīka, tint○
- tittirá m. (onomat. fr. the cry titti) a partridge MaitrS. iii, 14, 17 MBh. v, 267 ff. VP. iii, 5, 12 (cf. BhP. vi, 9, 1 ff.)
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 2084
- ○ja mfn. coming from the Tittiras (horses), 3975
- ○vallara m. a kind of sword Gal
- tittirâṅga n. a kind of steel W
- tittíri m. a partridge VS. xxiv TS. ii (○ttirí) Kāṭh. xii, 10 ŚBr. Nir. Mn. &c
- • a kind of step (in dancing)
- • the school of the Taittirīyas Uṇ. k
- • N. of a pupil of Yāska (first teacher of the Taittiriya school of the black YV.) ĀtrAnukr. Pāṇ. 4-3, 102 MBh. ii, 107
- • of a Nāga, i, 1560 ; v, 3629
- • f. a female partridge Pāṇ. 4-1, 65 Kāś
- • [cf. ku-
- • ?.]
- ○tva n. the condition of a partridge MārkP. xv
- tittirika m. a partridge MBh. ix, 2587
- tittirī-phala n. Croton Tiglium L
- titha m. fire Uṇ. ii, 12 Sch
- • love ib
- • time L
- • autumn Uṇ. vṛ
- tithi mf. (Siddhṣtry. 25) a lunar day (30th part of a whole lunation of rather more than 27 solar days
- • 15 Tithis, during the moon's increase, constitute the light half of the month and the other 15 the dark half
- • the auspicious Tithis are Nandā, Bhadrā, Vijayā, Pūrṇā VarBṛS. ic, 2) Gobh. i f. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c
- • the number 15 VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Laghuj. Sūryas
- • cf. janma-, dus-, mahā-
- ○kṣaya m. = try-aha-sparśa W
- • the day of new moon W
- • pl. = -pralaya W
- ○tattva n. N. of Smṛitit. vii (commented on by Kāśi-rāma)
- ○dāna n. N. of BhavP. ii, 154
- ○devatā f. the deity of a lunar day MānGṛ. i, 10 ; ii, 2
- ○dvaita n. N. of a ch. of PSarv
- ○dvaidha-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk. by Śūla-pāṇi
- ○niyama m. N. of a ch. of Tantras. i
- ○nirṇaya m. 'disquisition on Tithis', N. of a work by Ananta-bhaṭṭa
- • -saṃkṣepa, -saṃgraha, -sāra m. other works on astron
- ○pati m. the regent of a lunar day VarBṛS. ic, 1 f
- ○pattrī f. an almanack W
- ○pālana n. observance of the rites appointed for the several lunar days W
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of a ch. of -sāraṇikā
- • of Śrī-pati's Jyotisha-ratna-mālā
- ○praṇī f. 'Tithi-leader', the moon L
- ○pralaya m. pl. difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period Āryabh. iii, 6
- ○vāra-yoga m. pl. N. of a ch. of PSarv
- ○viveka m. N. of wk. Smṛitit
- ○sāraṇikā f. N. of wk. by Daśa-bala
- tithī7śa m. = ○thi-pati
- tithī f. a lunar day MBh. xiii, 4238
- tithy in comp for ○thi
- ○anta-nirṇaya m. N. of a ch. of the Smṛity-artha-sāra
- ○ardha m. n. half of a Tithi, i.e. a Karaṇa (in astron.)
- tināśaka = ○niśa L
- tinikā f. Holcus Sorghum Npr
- tiniśa m. Dalbergia Ujjeinensis R. iii, 17, 7 ; 21, 15 ; 79, 37 Suśr.i, iv, vi
- • cf. timiśa
- tintiḍa m. (also titt○ L.) = ○dikā L
- • N. of a Daitya L
- • = kāla-dāsa L
- • m. and (ī), f. sour sauce (esp. made of the tamarind fruit) L
- • (ī), f. = ○ḍikā VarBṛS. lv, 21
- • = ḍimba L
- tintiḍikā f. the tamarind tree Car. i, 27
- tintiḍī f. of ○da, q.v
- ○dyūta n. a kind of game (odd and even played with tamarind seeds) L
- ○phala n. the sour skin of a Garcinia fruit L
- tintiḍīka m. (titl○ Pāṇ. 4-3, 156 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- • tittirīka Suśr. vi, 39, 272) the tamarind tree (also ā f. L. Sch.), (n.) its fruit Suśr. i, iv
- • n. sour sauce (esp. made of the tamarind fruit) L
- tintilikā
- tintilī f. = ○tiḍikā L. Sch
- tintilīka n. the tamarind fruit Car. i, 26 (○tinīka vḷ.)
- • (ā), f. = ○likā ĀpGṛ. vi, 5 Sch
- tindinī f. = ○du, q.v
- tindiśa m. N. of a plant L
- tindu m. Diospyros embryopteris L. (also ○dinī Gal.)
- • Strychnos nux vomica (also ○duka) Npr
- ○bilva n. N. of a place Gīt. iii, 10 Sch
- tinduka m. Diospyros embryopteris, (n.) its fruit (yielding a kind of resin used as pitch for caulking vessels &c.) MBh. R. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- • m. = ○du, q.v
- • n. a kind of weight (= karṣa
- • = suvarṇa Car. vii, 12) ŚārṅgS. i, 21 Ashṭâṅg
- • (ī), f. = ○ki Suśr. iv, 2, 42 and 21, 8 VarBṛSḷxxix Kāś.
- tinduki f. Diospyros embryopteris L
- tindukinī f. the senna plant L
- tindula m. = ○duki L
- tip cl. 1. P. tepati (Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār.) to sprinkle Dhātup. x, 1
- tipya N. of a man Rājat. viii, 15, 5
- tim (= √stim), cl. 4. P. ○myati, to become quiet Hit
- • to become wet (also tīmy○ fr. √tīm) Dhātup.: Intens. tetimyate Pāṇ. 7-4 Kāś
- timita mfn. (= stim○) quiet, steady, fixed R. ii f. v
- • wet L
- tema m. = st○, the becoming wet L
- temana n. moisture L
- • moistening L
- • a sauce L
- • (ī), f. a sort of fire-place L
- tima m. = ○mi, a kind of whale L. Sch
- • (ī), f. a fish L
- timi m. a kind of whale or fabulous fish of an enormous size MBh. Hariv. 4915 R. VarBṛS. &c
- • a fish Kathās. v, lx
- • the sign Pisces VarBṛ. Sch
- • the figure of a fish produced by drawing two lines (one intersecting the other at right angles) Sūryas. iii, 3 f
- • the ocean L
- • N. of a son of Dūrva (father of Bṛihad-ratha) BhP. ix, 22, 41
- • f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the seamonsters), vi, 6, 25 f
- ○kośa m. 'ṭTimi-receptacle', the ocean L
- ○ghātin m. 'fish-killer', a fisherman Kathās. lx, 186
- ○ṃ-gira m. 'Timi-swallower', N. of a Nāga Kāraṇḍ. i
- ○ṃ-gīla m. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 7) 'id.', a large fabulous fish MBh. BhP. viii Vcar. vi
- • N. of a prince MBh. ii, 1172
- • -gila m. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt.7 Pat.) 'Timiṃgila-swallower', a large fabulous fish Bālar. vii, 53
- • ○lâśana m. pl. 'eating Timiṃgilas', N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 16
- ○ja mfn. coming from the Timi (sort of pearl), lxxxi, 23
- ○timiṃ-gila m. a large fabulous fish MBh. iii, 12081 Divyâv. xxxv, 346
- ○dhvaja m. 'Timi bannered', N. of the Asura Sambara (R. ṅ ii, 8, 12) or of one of his sons (R. ii, 44, 11)
- ○mālin m. 'Timiṃgilas-garlanded', the ocean W
- timira mf(ā)n. (fr. tamar = támas) dark, gloomy MBh. vi, 2379 R. vi, 16, 104
- • = -nayana VarBṛ. xx, 1 Sch
- • m. a sort of aquatic plant (cf. -vana) VarBṛS. lv, 11
- • n. darkness (also pl.) Yājñ. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā R. v, 10, 2 Kathās. xviii)
- • darkness of the eyes, partial blindness (a class of morbid affections of the coats of the eye) Suśr. i, iii, v f. Ashṭâṅg.vi, 13 Rājat. iv, 314
- • iron-rust Npr
- • N. of a town R. iv, 40, 26
- • (ā), f. another town Kathās. xvii, 33
- • cf. vi-, sa-
- ○cchid m. 'darkness-splitter', the sun Kir.vi, 36
- ○tā f. darkness of the eyes, partial blindness Hāsy. (vḷ. ○râkula-tā)
- ○nayana mfn. suffering from partial blindness VarBṛ. xx, 1
- ○nāśana m. 'darkness-destroyer', the sun Hcat. i, 11
- ○nud m. 'darkness-dispeller', sun, moon VarBṛS. iv, 45
- ○paṭala n. the veil of darkness Prab. vi
- ○pratiṣedha m. N. of Ashṭâṅg. vi, 13
- ○maya mfn. consisting of darkness Kād
- • m. Rāhu VarBṛS. v, 48
- ○ripu m. 'darkness-enemy', the sun L
- ○vana n. a multitude of timira plants, g. kṣubhnâdi Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Pat
- timirâkula mfn. affected with partial blindness Hāsy. ii, 21
- • -tā f. ○ra-tā
- timirâpagata m. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. L
- timirâpaha mfn. dispelling darkness (fire) MBh. iii, 14113 ff
- timirâri m. = ○ra-ripu L. Sch
- • -ripu m. 'enemy of the sun', an owl Subh
- timirôdghāṭa m. 'removal of darkness', N. of a Śaiva treatise in verse
- timiraya Nom. P. ○yati, to obscure BhP. iii, 15, 10 Hit
- timirāya Nom.Ā. ○yate, to appear dark Mahān. iv, 27
- timirin m. the cochineal Npr
- timiri m. a kind of fish L
- timirgha m. N. of a Nāga priest TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15, 3
- timilā f. N. of a musical instrument Hcat. i, 6, 322
- timiśa m. N. of a tree R. ii, 94, 8
- • B iii, 15, 16
- • cf. tiniśa
- timiṣa m. N. of a plant (Beninkasa cerifera L
- • water-melon L.) Hcat. i, 9, 134 (MatsyaP.)
- • cf. rāja-
- • dīrgha-timiṣā
- timīra m. N. of a tree (cf. ○mira) R. iii, 21, 19 ; v, 74, 3
- timmaya m. N. of a man
- tiraḥ in comp. for ○rás
- ○√kṛ ○rás-√kṛ.
- ○prātiveśya m. a near neighbour Divyâv. xviii, 117
- • (also tiraskṛta-pr○, 134)
- tiraya Nom. P. (fr. ○rás) ○yati, to conceal, hide, prevent from appearing Mālatīm. ix, 30 Śiś. vi, 64 Ratnâv. &c
- • to hinder, stop, restrain Mālatīm. i, 35 Ratnâv. &c
- • to pervade Bālar. ii, 57
- tiraśc weak base of ○ryáñc, q.v
- tiraścá n. the cross-board of a bedstead AV. xv, 3, 5 (vḷ. ○ścyá)
- ○tā (○ścá-), ind. transversely RV. iv, 18, 2 ; ix, 14, 6 Suparṇ. xxiii, 1
- ○thā (○scá-), ind. aside, secretly ŚBr. iii, 7, 3, 7
- tiraści loc. of ○ryáñc, q.v
- ○rāji (tír○), mfn. striped across (a serpent) AV. iii, 27, 2
- • vi f. x, xii
- tiraścikā f. = ○ryag-diś (?) ĀśvŚr. i, 2, 1
- tiraścī́ m. N. of a Ṛishi (descendant of Aṅgiras, author of a Sāman) RV. viii, 95, 4 (gen. ○ścyā́s) TāṇḍyaBr. xii, 6, 12 and ĀrshBr. (nom. ○scī)
- tiraścī́na mf(ā)n. transverse, horizontal, across RV. x, 129, 5 AV. xix, 16, 2 (?) TS. &c. (cf. ā.)
- ○nidhana n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. xiv, 3, 21 Lāṭy. vi
- ○pṛsni (○ścī́na-), mfn. spotted across VS. xxiv, 4
- ○vaṃśa m. a bee-hive ChUp. iii, 1, 1
- ○vāya m. the cross-strap (of a couch) AitBr. viii, 12 ; 17
- tiraścya n. vḷ. for ○ścá, q.v
- tirás ind. (g. svar-ādi
- • √tṝ) through (acc.) RV. AV. xiii, 1, 36
- • across, beyond, over (acc.) RV. AV. vii, 38, 5
- • so as to pass by, apart from, without, against (acc.) RV. (○rás cittáni, 'without the knowledge', vii, 59, 8
- • ○ró váśam, 'against the will', x, 171, 4)
- • apart or secretly from (abl.) AV. xii, 3, 39 ŚBr. i, iii
- • obliquely, transversely MārkP. xvii, 3
- • apart, secretly TS. ii, 5, 10, 6 AitBr. ii ŚBr. ;
- ○kara mf(ī)n. excelling (with gen.) BhP. i, 10, 27
- ○karaṇi f. (for ○riṇi = ○riṇī?) a curtain R. ii, 15, 20 (vḷ. ○rin)
- ○karin m. ○raṇi
- • (iṇī), f. id. Mālav. ii, 1 and 11 Kum. i, 4 Hcar. and c
- • a magical veil rendering the wearer invisible Śak. vi Vikr
- ○kāra m. placing aside, concealment W
- • abuse, censure Hit. i, 2, 25/26
- • iv
- • disdain Pāṇ. 2-3, 17 Kāś. Kathās.xxxii, 55 SārṅgP
- • a cuirass Kir. xvii, 49
- ○kārin mfn. ifc. excelling Ratnâv. i, 25
- • (iṇī), f. = -kar○ L. Sch
- ○kuḍya mfn. reaching through a wall Buddh. L
- ○√kṛ -karoti (also ○rah k○ Pāṇ. 1-4, 72 ; viii, 3, 42
- • ind. p. -kṛtya KātyŚr. vi Mn. iv, 49) to set aside, remove, cover, conceal ŚBr. &c
- • to excel Ragh. iii, 8 Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ. &c
- • to blame, abuse, treat disrespectfully, despise BhP. Hit
- ○kṛta mfn. concealed R. ii Amar. Bhaṭṭ
- • eclipsed W
- • excelled Pañcat
- • censured, reviled, despised ib. (a- neg.)
- • -prātiveśya m. = tiraḥ-pr○, q.v
- • -sambhāṣa mfn. a- neg. speaking together without abusing each other MBh. iii, 233, 27
- ○kṛti f. reproach, disrespect (ifc.) Daśar. i, 41
- ○kriyā f. id. Pañcat
- • concealment, shelter R. vi, 116, 27
- ○paṭa m. = -kariṇī Caurap. 49
- ○prākāra mfn. = -kuḍya Buddh. L
- tirasya Nom. P. ○syati, to disappear, g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- tirīcīna mfn. = ○razc○ ĀpŚr.ī, 18, 9
- tiro in comp. for ○rás
- ○ahniya (○ró-), mfn. = ○hnya TS. vii, 3, 13, 1
- ○ahnya (○ró-), mfn. (= ○ró4-h○) 'more than one day old', prepared the day before yesterday RV. i, iii, viii,
- ○gata mfn. disappeared W
- ○janám ind. apart from men AV. vii, 38, 5. -1
- ○√dhā -dadhāti (pf. -dadhe), to set aside, remove, conquer RV. vii, ix AV. viii, xii MBh. i, 728 BhP. Sāh. iii, 175 (also Pass, -dhīyate Sch.): Ā. -dhatte (pf. -dadhe) to hide one's self from (abl.), disappear KenUp. Ragh. x f. BhP. &c. -2
- ○dhā́ f. concealment, secrecy AV. viii, 10, 28
- ○dhātavya mfn. to be covered or closed (the ear) Mn. ii, 100 Sch
- ○dhāna n. concealing L
- • a covering (sheath, veil, cloak, &c.) W
- • disappearance Pāṇ. 1-2, 33 Kāś. BhP. iii, 20, 44
- ○bhavitṛ mf(trī)n. disappearing, 27, 23
- ○bhāva m. disappearance ChUp.vii, 26, 1 Sāṃkhyak. and KapS. Sch. Sāh
- ○√bhū -bhavati, to be set aside, disappear, vanish, hide one's self AV. viii, 1, 7 ŚBr. Ragh. &c.: Pass. -bhūyate id. KapS. i, 121 Sch.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to cause to disappear, dispel R. i, 44, 9 Intens. (Subj. -bobhavat) to try to disappear with (instr.) or conceal anything (instr.) ŚBr. ii, 2, 3, 16
- ○varṣa mfn. protected from rain MBh. iv, 171
- ○hita (○ró-), mfn. removed or with drawn from sight, concealed, hidden (a meaning) RV. iii, 9, 5 ŚBr. i AitBr. viii, 27 Mn. &c
- • run away L
- • -tā f. disappearance, becoming invisible Kathās. xxi, 145
- • -tva n. id. RV. i, 113, 4 Sāy.
- ○'hnya (○ró4-), mfn. = -ahnya ŚBr.xi TāṇḍyaBr. i, 6 KātyŚr. xii, 6, 10
- • xxiv Lāṭy. ii
- • cf. tair○
- tirya for ○yag in comp
- ○ga mfn. = ○ryag- VarBṛS
- • m. 'air-goer', a Siddha MBh. xiii, 5755
- tiryák ind., ○yáñc
- • in comp. also for ○yáñc
- ○kāram ind. having laid aside (after the completion of any work), the work being done Pāṇ. 3-4, 60
- • cf. tīraya
- ○kṛtya ind. id. ib
- ○kṣipta mfn. placed obliquely L
- • said of a form of dislocation (when a part of the joint is forced outwards) Suśr. ii, 15, 2 f
- ○tā f. animal nature Rājat. iii, 448
- ○tva n. id. Mn. xii, 40 and 68 Yājñ. iii MārkP. Rājat
- • = -pramāṇa KātyŚr. viii, 6, 7 Sch
- ○pātana n. a kind of process applied esp. to mercury
- ○pātin mfn. falling obliquely on (loc.) Śiś. x, 40
- ○pratimukhâgata mfn. come from the side or in front of. Mn. viii, 291
- ○pramāṇa n. measurement across, breadth KātyŚr. i f. Sch. (purastat-, 'breadth in front'
- • paścāt-, 'breadth behind.')
- ○prêkṣaṇa mfn. = ○kṣin BhP. v, 26, 36
- • n. an oblique, glance W
- ○prêkṣin mfn. looking obliquely MBh. ii, v
- ○phalā f. Oldenlandia herbacea L
- ○sūtra n. a cross-line W
- ○srotas mfn. (an animal) in which the current of nutriment tends transversely R. ii, 35, 19 Sch
- • m. n. animals collectively VP. i, 5, 8 MārkP. vlī NarasP. iii, 25
- tiryag in comp. for ○yák and ○yáñc
- ○anūka n. the breadth of the back part of the altar KātyŚr. xvii, 11, 1 Sch
- ○antara n. = ○yak-pramāṇa L
- ○apaccheda m. separation made transversely, ii, 4, 37 Sch
- ○apâṅga mfn. having the outer corners of the eyes turned aside, Vṛishabh. i, 11/12
- ○ayana n. 'horizontal course', the sun's annual revolution (opposed to its diurnal revolution in which it rises and sets vertically), tairyagayanika
- ○āgata mfn. lying across (at birth
- • said of a particular position of the child) Suśr. iv, 15, 6
- ○āyata mfn. stretched out obliquely (a snake). MBh. i
- ○īkṣa mfn. = ○yak-prêkṣin, xii, 6575
- ○īśa m. 'lord of the animals', Kṛishṇa, vii, 6471
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going obliquely or horizontally Suśr. i, 14, 1 ; ii, 1 ; iii, 9
- • going towards the north or south R. (G) ii, 12, 6
- ○gata mfn. going horizontally (an animal), ii, 35, 17
- • n. an animal, vii, 110, 19
- ○gati f. the state of an animal in transmigration MBh. iii, 1166
- • -matin n. an animal, xiv, 1138
- ○gama mfn. going obliquely, vii, 1162
- ○gamana n. motion sideways VPrāt. i Sch
- ○gāmin m. '= -gama', a crawfish L
- ○guṇana n. oblique multiplication
- ○grīvam ind. so as to have the neck turned aside Bhām.ī, 130
- ○ghātin mfn. striking obliquely (an elephant) L
- ○ja mfn. born or begotten by an animal Mn. x, 72
- ○jana m. an animal BhP. ii, 7, 46
- ○jāti mfn. belonging to the race of animals W
- • m. an animal Kād
- • f. the brute kind W
- ○jyā f. an oblique chord W
- ○ḍīna n. flying horizontally MBh. viii, 41, 26
- ○diś f. any horizontal region (opposed to nadir and zenith) Hemac
- ○dhāra mfn. 'having oblique edges', tigma-dh○
- ○nāsa mf(ā)n. wry-nosed R. v, 17, 32
- ○bila (○ryág-), mfn. having its opening on the side AV. x, 8, 9
- ○bhedā f. 'broken sideways', an oblong brick, Śulbas
- ○yavôdara n. a barleycorn W
- ○yāta mfn. = -gama MBh. vii, 26, 36
- ○yāna m. = -gāmin L
- ○yona m. (= tairy○) an animal ('bird' Sch.) Mn.vii, 149
- ○yoni f. the womb of an animal, animal creation, organic nature (including plants) Mn. iv, 200 MBh. xiii R. vii, &c
- • mfn. born of or as an animal W
- ○gamana n. sexual intercourse with an animal, Prāyaśc
- • ○nyanvaya m. the animal race W
- • mfn. of the animal race W
- ○vāta-sevā f. 'attending the side-wind', urining or evacuation by stool Gaut. ii, 27
- ○viddha mfn. pierced obliquely (a vein in bleeding by an unskilful operator) Suśr. iii, 8, 17
- ○visaṃsarpin mfn. expanding sideways Ragh.vi, 15
- tiryaṅ in comp. for ○yák and ○yáñc
- ○nāsa ○yag-n○
- ○niraya m. animal nature as a (hell or) punishment for evil deeds MBh. iii, 12626
- ○mānī f. = ○yak-pramāṇa, Śulbas. i, 38 ; iii, 174
- tiryáñc mfn. (fr. tirás + añ Pāṇ. 6-3, 94
- • nom. m. ○ryáṅ n. ○ryák f. ○ráiścī, also ○ryañcī Vop. iv, 12) going or lying crosswise or transversely or obliquely, oblique, transverse (opposed to anv-áñc), horizontal (opposed to ūrdhvá) AV. VS. TS. &c
- • going across ŚBr. xiv, 9, 3, 2 f
- • moving tortuously W
- • curved, crooked W
- • meandering W
- • lying in the middle or between (a tone), xi, 4, 2, 5 ff. VPrāt. i, 149
- • m. n. 'going horizontally', an animal (amphibious animal, bird, &c.) Mn.v, 40
- • xii, 57 Yājñ. MBh. &c.
- • the organic world (including plants) Jain
- • n. = ○ryak-pramāṇa, Śulbas
- • f. the female of any animal W
- • (ryák), ind. across, obliquely', transversely, horizontally, sideways ŚBr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. VPrāt. Mn. &c
- • (○raścā́), instr. ind., id. RV. i, 61, 12 ; ii, 10, 4 ; x, 70, 4
- • (○raścí), loc. ind., id. ŚBr. ii, 3, 2, 12 KātyŚr. xvii, 8, 14 and 12, 1
- tiryadryañc mfn. = tiryáñc Gal
- tirigicchi m. N. of a plant L
- tiri-jihvika N. of a plant Npr
- tiriṇī-kaṇṭa id. ib
- tiriṭa m.= ○ṭi W
- tiriṭi m. the joint of the sugar-cane L
- tiríndira m. N. of a man RV. viii, 6, 46 ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 11, 20
- tirima m. a kind of rice L
- tiriya m. id. L
- • 2. tiryá
- tirīṭa m. Symplocos racemosa Bhpr. iv
- • n. a kind of head-dress, tiara, diadem (cf. kir○) L
- • gold Uṇ. Sch
- tirīṭaka m. Symplocos racemosa Car. vii, 9, 1
- • a kind of bird R. iii, 78, 23
- tirīṭín mfn. furnished with a head-dress AV. viii, 6, 7
- tiró-ahniya &c. p. 447, col. 2
- tirpirika for tilvirīka, q.v
- tiryá mfn. for tilyá? prepared from sesamum seeds (? tíla) AV. iv, 7, 3
- • cf. tiriya
- tiryák ○ryáñc, p. 447, col. 3
- til cl. 1. telati, to go Dhātup
- til (derived fr. tíla), cl. 6. 10. ○lati, telayati, to be unctuous ib
- • to anoint ib
- tíla m. Sesamum indicum (its blossom is compared to the nose Gīt. x, 14 Siṃhâs
- • cf. -puṣpa), sesamum seed (much used in cookery
- • supposed to have originated from Vishṇu's sweat-drops Hcat. i, 6, 137 & 142) AV. (○lá, xviii, 4, 32) VS. ŚBr. &c
- • a mole Kālid
- • a small particle MBh. &c
- • the right lung ŚārṅgS. v, 42
- • pl. N. of a ch. of PSarv. (cf. kṛṣṇa-, carma-, ṣaṇḍha-)
- ○kaṭa m. the farina of sesamum Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Vārtt. 1
- ○kaṇa m. a sesamum seed Bhartṛ. (vḷ. -khali)
- ○kalka m. dough made of ground sesamum Suśr. i MārkP. xxxv, 10
- • -ja, sesamum oilcake Npr
- • cf. tail○
- ○kārṣika mfn. cultivating sesamum Kathās. lxi, 7 and 9
- ○kālaka m. a mole Suśr. i f. iv Pāṇ. 3-2, 52 Pat. ; 53 Kāś
- • N. of a disease of the penis Suśr. ii, 14, 16 ; iv, 21, 16
- • mfn. having a mole L. Sch
- ○kiṭṭa n. = -kalka-ja Bhpr. v, 11, 180
- • cf. tail○
- ○khali m. id. ib
- ○khalī f. id. Npr
- ○gañji or n. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 32
- ○gañjin n. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 32
- ○grāma m. N. of a village Rājat. viii, 2933
- ○caturthī f. the 4th day of the dark half of Māgha Vratapr. iv
- ○citra-pattraka m. N. of a bulbous plant L
- ○cūrṇa n. ground sesamum Pañcat. ii, 3, 5/6
- ○taṇḍulaka n. 'agreeable as rice mixed with sesamum', an embrace L
- ○tejâhvā f. N. of a plant Suśr. iv, 2, 92
- ○taila n. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Vārtt. 4 Pat.) sesamum-oil Suśr. i ; iv, 31, 2
- ○dêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh.cccxxx
- • cf. tilakêś○
- ○droṇa-maya mfn. consisting of a Droṇa of sesamum, Hjat. i, 8, 378
- ○dvādaśī f. the 12th day of a particular month (kept as a festival) Rājat. v, 394 BhavP. ii, 78
- ○dhenu f. a sesamum cow (presented to Brāhmans) MBh. xiii, 64, 35 and 71, 40
- • -dāna n. 'presenting a tila-dhenu', N. of LiṅgaP. ii, 33 and VarP. ic
- ○dhenukā f. = ○nu MBh. iii, 84, 87
- ○ṃ-tuda m. a sesamum-grinder Pāṇ. 3-2, 28 Vārtt
- ○parṇa m. the resin of Pinus longifolia L
- • n. a sesamum leaf W
- • sandal-wood Bhpr.v, 2, 16
- • (ī), f. the resin of Pinus longifolia L
- • Pterocarpus santalinus Suśr. i, 39, 8 and 46, 4, 29
- • olibanum L
- ○"ṣparṇaka n. sandalwood L. Sch
- • (ikā), f. a kind of pot-herb Car. i, 27, 86
- • Pterocarpus santalinus Suśr. i, 46, 4, 11
- ○"ṣparṇika n. sandal-wood, v, 7, 12
- • the resin of Pinus longifolia Gal
- • (ā), f. ○rṇaka
- • cf. tail○
- ○piccaṭa n. = -kalka-ja W
- ○piñja m. = -peja Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 Vārtt. 6
- • white sesamum Npr
- • (ī́), f. N. of a plant AV.ī, 8, 3
- ○pīḍa m. = -ṃ-tuda MBh. xii
- • cf. tail○,
- ○puṣpa n. 'sesamum-flower', the nose Kuval. 224
- ○puṣpaka m. Terminalia Bellerica Npr
- ○peja m. barren sesamum Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 Vārtt. 6
- ○bhāra m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 360
- ○bhāvinī f. jasmine Npr
- ○bhṛṣṭa -sṛṣṭa
- ○maya mf(ī)n. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 149) consisting or made of sesamum-seeds Hcat. i, 6, 182 and 7, 37
- ○mayūra m. a kind of peacock L
- ○mā́ṣa (○lá-), m. pl. sesamum and beans ŚBr. xiv, 9, 3, 22.
○miśra (○lá-), mf(ā)n. mixed with sesamum AV. xviii, 3, 69 (and 4, 26) Kauś
- ○miśla mfn. id. MānGṛ. i, 21
- ○rasa m. = -taila L
- ○vatsa (○lá-), mf(ā)n. having sesamum-seeds for children AV. xviii, 4, 33 f
- ○vratin mfn. fasting by eating only sesamum-seeds Pāṇ. 5-1, 94 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- • cf. ○lôdara
- ○śas ind. in pieces as small as sesamum-seeds, Mbh. &c
- ○śikhin m. = -mayūra Gal
- ○sambaddha mfn. = -miśra Mn. iv, 75
- ○sṛṣṭa food prepared with sesamum MBh. xiii, 104, 70 (○labhṛṣṭa, 'fried sesamum-seeds', C.)
- ○snāyin mfn. washing one's self with sesamum Hcat. i, 8, 297
- ○snehá m. = -taila L
- ○homa m. sesamum-oblation
- ○"ṣhomin mfn. offering sesamum-oblations Hcat. i, 8, 297
- tilâṃśa m. a piece (of land) as small as a sesamum-seed Rājat. i, 38
- tilâṅkita-dala m. a kind of bulb L
- tilânna n. rice with sesamum-seeds L
- tilâpatyā f. Nigella indica L
- tilâmbu n. water with sesamum BhP.vii, 8, 44
- tilôttamā f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. &c
- • of a woman Rājat. vii, 120
- • a form of Dākshāyaṇī MatsyaP. xiii, 53
- • ○mīya Nom. P. to represent the Apsaras Tilôttamā Bhām. ii, 96
- tilôdaka n. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 96 Kāś.) = ○lâmbu Gobh. iv Mn. MBh. MārkP
- tilôdakin mfn. drinking ○ka Hcat. i, 8, 297
- tilôdana = ○lâud○ R. ii, 69, 10
- tilôdara mf(ā, ī)n. having the stomach filled with sesamum (cf. ○la-vratin) Pāṇ. 4-1, 55 Kāś
- tilâudana n. a sesamum-dish ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 16 Kauś. 138
- tilaka m. (g. sthūlâdi) Clerodendrum phlomoides (Symplocos racemosa L.) MBh. &c
- • a freckle (compared to a sesamum-seed) VarBṛS. l, 9
- • lī, 10 Kathās
- • a kind of skin-eruption L
- • (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka
- • a kind of horse L
- • N. of a prince of Kampanā Rājat. viii, 577 ff
- • m. (n. Pañcad. ii, 57) a mark on the forehead (made with coloured earths, sandal-wood, or unguents, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction) Yājñ. i, 293 MBh. iii, 11591 R. (ifc. f. ā, iii) &c
- • the ornament of anything (in comp.) Pañcat. i, 1, 92 Kathās. &c. (ifc. f. ā Rājat. iii, 375)
- • n. id. L
- • the right lung L
- • black sochal salt L
- • alliteration Rājat
- • a metre of 4 x 6 syllables
- • = tri-ślokī L
- • a kind of observance Kālanirṇ. Introd. 12
- • (ā), f. a kind of necklace L
- • cf. eṇa-, kha-, vasanta-
- • ūrdhva-tilakin
- ○mañjarī f. N. of wk
- ○rāja n. N. of a man Rājat. vii, 1319
- ○latā f. N. of a woman Vāsant
- ○vatī f. N. of a river Vām. v, 2, 75
- ○vrata n. the Tilaka observance BhavP. ii, 8 Vratapr. i
- ○siṃha n. N. of a man Rājat. viii
- tilakâcārya m. N. of a pupil of Śivaprabha (author of Pratyekabuddha-catushṭaya and of comments on Āvaśyaka, Śrāvaka- and Sādhu-pratikramaṇa)
- tilakāvala mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 118) furnished with marks ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 18, 18
- tilakâśraya m. 'Tilaka-receptacle', the forehead L
- tilakêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. cxiii
- tilakôttara m. N. of a Vidyādhara Bālar. iv, 7
- tilakaka n. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 469
- tilakaya Nom. P. to mark with spots HPariś. viii, 210
- • to mark Bālar. i, 1 ; vi, 37
- • to adorn, i, 1 Viddh. ii, 13
- tilakāyita n. impers. it has been acted as an ornament to (gen.) Nalac. i, 20
- tilakita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) marked Bālar. vi, 55 and 58
- • adorned Kathās. xciii, 17 Rājat. ii, 40
- tilakin mfn. marked with the Tilaka
- tilpíñja m. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 Vārtt. 7) = ○lapeja AV. xii, 2, 54
- • Kauś. 80
- tilya mfn. suited for sesamum cultivation, grown with sesamum Pāṇ. 5-1, 7 and 2, 4
- • n. a sesamum field ib
- tiliṅga N. of a country Romakas. Ratnak
- tilitsa m. a kind of snake L
- tilpíñja tilya, above
- tilpilika for tilvilīka, q.v
- till cl. 1. P. to go Dhātup. xv, 27
- tilva m. = tilvaka L
- tílvaka m. Symplocos racemosa ŚBr. xiii KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 20 Gobh. &c
- • Terminalia Catappa Npr
- tilvarīka tilvilīka
- tílvila mf(ā)n. fertile RV. v, 62, 7 ĀśvGṛ. ii, 8, 16 ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 3, 1
- • cf. ibhya-
- tilvilāya Nom. ○yáte, to be fertile RV. vii, 78, 5
- tilvilīka or m.g. kapilakâdi
- tilvilvīrīka m.g. kapilakâdi
- tivya m. N. of a Brāhman Rājat
- tiṣṭhad = ○ṣṭhat, pr. p. √sthā, q.v.
- ○gu ind. (Pāṇ. 2-1, 17), when the cows (go) stand to be milked', after sunset Bhaṭṭ. iv, 14
- ○dhoma mfn. (a sacrifice) at which the oblation (homa) is offered standing KātyŚr. i, 2, 6
- tiṣyá m. N. of a heavenly archer (like Kṛiśānu) and of the 6th Nakshatra of the old or 8th of the new order RV. v, 54, 13 ; x, 64, 8 TS. (○ṣyá) &c
- • the month Pausha L
- • Terminalia tomentosa L
- • = ○ṣyā L
- • (Pāṇ. 4-3, 34
- • i, 2, 63 Kāś.) 'born under the asterism Terminalia', a common N. of men Buddh. (cf. upa-)
- • n. (m. L.) the 4th or present age MBh. vi Hariv. 3019
- • mfn. auspicious, fortunate W
- • (ā), f. Emblic Myrobalan L
○ketu m. Śiva
- ○gupta m. N. of the founder of schism 2. of the Jain community
- ○"ṣpunarvasavīya mfn. relating to the asterisms Terminalia and Punar-vasu Pāṇ. 4-2, 6 Kāś
- ○punarvasu m. du. the asterisms Terminalia and Pusha, i, 2, 63 and (n. sg.) Kāś
- ○puṣpā f. = tiṣyā L
- ○phalā f. id. L
- ○rakṣitā f. N. of Aśoka's 2nd wife Buddh. (Divyâv. xxvii)
tiṣyā-pūrṇamāsá m. the day of conjunction of the asterism Terminalia with full moon TS
- tiṣyaka m. the month Pausha L
- tisṛ f. pl. of trí, q.v
- • ifc. priya-
- ○dhanvá n. a bow with 3 arrows TS. TBr. ŚBr
- tisṛkā f. N. of a village Pāṇ. 7-2, 99 Vārtt. 1
- tisras-kāram ind. so as to change into 3 (Ṛic verses) ĀśvŚr. v, 15, 5
- tisrā f. Andropogon Npr
- tihan m. sickness Uṇ. Vr
- • = sadbhāva ib
- • rice ib
- • a bow ib
- tīk cl. 1. Ā. to go Dhātup. iv, 32
- tīkṣṇá mf(ā́)n. (√tij) sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid RV. x, 87, 9 AV. &c
- • harsh, rough, rude Mn. vii, 140 MBh. R. VarBṛS
- • sharp, keen Śiś. ii, 109 Pāṇ. 5-2, 76 Kāś
- • zealous, vehement L
- • self-abandoning L
- • (with gati, 'a planet's course', or nakṣatra 'asterism') inauspicious VarBṛS. vii, 8 and 10
- • īc, 7 (asterisms Mūla, Ārdrā, Jyeshṭhā, Ā-śleshā)
- • m. nitre L
- • = -taṇḍulā Npr
- • black pepper ib
- • black mustard ib
- • = -gandhaka ib
- • = -sārā ib
- • majoram ib
- • white Kuśa or Darbha grass ib
- • the resin of Boswellia thurifera ib
- • an ascetic L
- • (g. aśvâdi) N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1742 f
- • of a Nāga Buddh. L
- • n. pl. sharp language R. ii, 35, 33 MārkP. xxxiv, 46
- • sg. steel (cf. -varman) Npr
- • iron L
- • any weapon L. Sch
- • sea-salt L
- • nitre L
- • Galmei Npr
- • poison L
- • Bignonia suaveolens L
- • Piper Chaba L
- • Asa foetida Npr
- • battle L
- • pestilence L
- • death L. Sch
- • heat, pungency W
- • haste W
- • (ā), f. N. of several plants (Mucuna pruritus, Cardiospermum Halicacabum, black mustard, atyamla-parṇī, mahā-jyotiṣmatī, vacā, sarpakaṅkālikā) Npr
- • a mystical N. of the letter p, Rāmat. i, 77
- • cf. a-, su-
- ○kaṇṭa m. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'sharp-thorn', Capparis aphylla Suśr. i, 8, 2
- • thorn-apple L
- • Terminalia Catappa L
- • Acacia arabica Npr
- • Euphorbia tortilis ib
- • = varvūra L
- • (ā), f. a kind of Opuntia L
- ○kanda m. 'pungent √', the onion L
- ○kara m. 'hot-rayed', the sun Kathās. civ, 203
- ○karman n. a clever work L
- • m. 'sharp in action', a sword L
- • ○rma-kṛt mfn. acting in a clever manner L
- ○kalka m. coriander L
- ○kāntā f. 'fond of cruelty', a form of Caṇḍikā KālP
- ○gandha m. 'having a pungent smell', = ○dhaka L
- • majoram L
- • the resin of Boswellia thurifera L
- • (ā), f. N. of several plants (= ○dhaka, = -kaṇṭakā, Sinapis ramosa, jīvantī, vacā, śveta-vacā L.) Suśr. vi, 23, 2
- • small cardamoms L
- ○gandhaka m. Moringa pterygosperma L
- ○taṇḍulā f. long pepper L
- ○tara (○ṇá-), mfn. Compar. sharper AV. iii, 19, 4
- • (speech) Mālav. iii, 2
- • more hot (rays) Ṛitus. i, 18
- ○tā f. sharpness R. iii, 19, 7 BhP.vi, 5
- ○tuṇḍa mf(ā)n. sharp-beaked Suśr. vi, 30, 8
- ○taila n. 'pungent oil', the resin of Ṣorea robusta L
- • the milky juice of Euphorbia lactea L
- • spirituous liquor L
- ○tva n. heat Sūryas. vi, 13
- ○daṃṣṭrá mfn. having sharp teeth or tusks TĀr. x, 1, 6 MBh
- • (sa-) VarBṛS
- • m. a tiger L
- • N. of a man Kathās.cix, 55
- ○daṃṣṭraka m. a leopard Npr
- ○daṇḍa mfn. directing sharp punishment Mudr. i, 22/23
- ○dhāra mfn. sharp-edged MBh. R
- • m. a sword MBh. xii, 6203
- ○dhāraka m. a kind of weapon Gal
- ○nāsika mfn. pointed-nosed ib
- ○pattra m. 'pungent-leaved', coriander L
- • Terminalia Catappa Npr
- • a kind of sugar-cane ib
- ○puṣpa n. 'pungent flower', cloves L
- • (ā), f. Pandanus odoratissimus L.
- • the clove tree Npr
- ○priya m. = -śūka Npr
- ○phala m. 'pungentfruited', coriander L
- • black mustard Npr
• = tejah-phala L
- ○buddhi mfn. sharp-witted
- ○mañjarī f. the betel plant Npr
- ○mārga m. a sword Śiś. xviii, 20
- ○mūla m. 'pungent-rooted', = -gandhaka L
- • Alpinia Galanga L
- ○raśmi mfn. hotrayed (the sun) Hariv. 3839
- ○rasa m. 'pungent liquid', poison
- • saltpetre L
- • -dāyin m. a poisoner Mudr. ii, 7/8
- ○rūpin mfn. looking cross Gaut. xxvi, 12
- ○lavaṇa mfn. pungent Suśr. i
- ○loha n. 'sharp iron', steel Bhpr. v, 175
- ○vaktra mfn. sharp-pointed (arrow) MBh. vii, 123, 30
- ○varman mfn. steel-cuirassed (?), xii, 4428
- ○vipāka mfn. pungent during digestion, i, 716
- ○viṣa m. virulent poison, xiii, 268
- • mfn. having virulent poison W
- ○vṛṣaṇa m. 'strong-testicled', N. of a bull Pañcat. ii, 6, 0/1
- ○vega m. 'possessing great velocity', N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 69, 11
- ○śastra n. iron or steel L
- ○śigru m. = -gandhaka Gal
- ○śūka m. 'sharp-awned', barley L
- ○śṛṅga (○ṇá-), mfn. sharp-horned AV. xix, 50, 2
- • (f. ○gī́) iv, 37, 6 and viii, 7, 9
- ○sāra m. Bassia latifolia Npr
- • = ○rā L
- • n. iron Npr
- • (ā), f. Dalbergia Sissoo L
- ○srotas mfn. having a violent current R. iv
- ○hṛdaya-tva n. hard-heartedness MBh. i, 787
- tīkṣṇâṃśu mfn. = ○ṇa-raśmi R. Suśr
- • m. the sun VarBṛ. Laghuj. Sūryas
- • fire MBh. i
- • -tanaya m. 'sun-son', Saturn VarBṛ. xi, 6
- • -deha-prabhava m. id., ii, 12 Sch
- tīkṣṇâgni m. 'acrid gastric juice', dyspepsia W
- tīkṣṇâgra mfn. = ○ṇa-vaktra R. iii
- • (á-) ŚBr. v
- • (su-) MBh. i
- • m. Zingiber Zerumbet
- tīkṣṇâyasa n. = ○ṇa-loha L
- tīkṣṇârcis mfn. = ○ṇa-raśmi
- tīkṣṇếṣu mfn. having sharp arrows AV. iii, 19, 7 ; v, 18, 9 VS. xvi, 36
- tīkṣṇôpāya m. forcible means L
- tīkṣṇaka m. Bignonia suaveolens Npr
- • black mustard ib
- • = ○ṇa-taṇḍulā ib
- tī́kṣṇīyas mfn. Compar. sharper AV. iii, 19, 4
- • cf. téhṣṇiṣṭham
- tīm cl. 4. ○myati, √tim: Caus. tīmayati, to wet Divyâv. xix
- tīmana n. basil L
- tīra m. tin (cf. tīvra) L
- • n. a kind of arrow (cf. Pers. ?) Pañcad. ii, 76
- • (ī), f. id. L
- tīrikā f. id., ii, 76
- tīra n. (√tṝ Siddh.puṃl. 56) a shore, bank AitBr. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. R. Ragh
- • ifc., for derivatives Pāṇ. 4-2, 106 and 104 Vārtt. 2
- • ifc. ind., for accent vi,. 2, 121)
- • the brim of a vessel ŚBr. vi, xiv
- ○graha m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 360
- ○ja mfn. = -bhāj, v BhP
- • m. a tree near a shore R. ii
- ○bhāj mfn. growing near a shore Kād. vi, 681
- ○bhukti m. Tirhut (province in the east of central Hindūstan) L
- ○"ṣbhuktīya mfn. coming from Tirhut Śak. i, 19/20 Sch
- ○ruha mfn. = -bhāj R. ii, 95, 4
- • m. a tree near a shore, 104, 4 and 19 (G)
- ○stha mfn. = -bhāj W
- tīrâṭa m. Symplocos racemosa W
- tīrântara n. the opposite bank W
- tīraṇa m. Pongamia glabra Npr
- tīraya Nom. P. ○yati, to finish Dhātup. xxxv, 58
- tīrita mfn. finished, settled Mn. ix, 233
- tīrṇa mfn. one who has crossed MBh. R. (with acc., v, 15, 23)
- • one who has gone over (acc.) Ragh. xiv, 6 Megh. 19
- • one who has got through (grammar, vyākaraṇaṃ) Bādar. iii, 2, 32 Sch
- • one who has escaped (with abl.) Hariv. 4066
- • crossed R. vi Śak. vii, 33 Prab. v &c. (á neg., 'endless' RV. viii, 79, 6)
- • spread W
- • surpassed W
- • fulfilled (a promise) R
- • (ā), f. a metre of 4 x 4 long syllables
- ○padī f. Curculigo orchioides L
- ○pratijña mfn. one who has fulfilled his promise Hariv. 7256 R. ii, 21, 46
- • vi
- tīrtvā́ ind. p., √tṝ
- tīrthá n. (rarely m. MBh.) a passage, way, road, ford, stairs for landing or for descent into a river, bathing-place, place of pilgrimage on the banks of sacred streams, piece of water RV. &c
- • the path to the altar between the, Cātvāla and Utkara ṢaḍvBr. iii, 1 ĀśvŚr. iv, ix ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. KātyŚr
- • a channel, iv, 8, Paddh
- • the usual or right way or manner TS. ŚBr. xiv, (á-, xi) KātyŚr. MBh. iv, 1411
- • the right place or moment ChUp. viii Anup. &c
- • advice, instruction, counsel, adviser, preceptor MBh. v Mālav. i, 12/13 Kir. ii, 3
- • certain lines or parts of the hand sacred to the deities Mn. ii Yājñ. &c
- • an object of veneration, sacred object BhP
- • a worthy person Āp. Mn. iii, 130 MBh. &c
- • a person worthy of receiving anything (gen.) MānGṛ. i, 7
- • N. of certain counsellors of a king (enumerated in Pañcat. iii, 67/68) MBh. ii, 171 Ragh. xvii Śiś. xiv
- • one of the ten orders of ascetics founded by Śaṃkarâcārya (its members add the word tīrtha to their names)
- • a brāhman Uṇ. vṛ
- • = darśana L
- • = yoga L
- • the vulva L
- • a woman's courses L
- • fire Uṇ. vṛ
- • = nidāna ib
- ○kamaṇḍalu m. a pot with TṭTīrthá-water BhP. ix, 10, 43
- ○kara mfn. creating a passage (through life) MBh. xiii, 7023 (Vishṇu)
- • m. Śiva
- • a head of a sect Sarvad. iv, vi, ix
- • = -kṛt Jain
- ○kāka m. 'crow at a Tīrthá', an unsteady pupil Pāṇ. 2-1, 42 Vārtt. Pat
- ○kāśikā f. N. of wk. by Gaṅgā-dhara
- ○kīrti mfn. one whose fame is a TṭTīrthá (i.e. carries through life) BhP. iii, 1, 45 and 5, 15
- ○kṛt m. 'Tīrthá-maker', a Jain Arhat Jain. VarBṛ. xv, 4
- ○gopāla n. N. of a Tīrthá, ŚambhMāh. xvi
- ○ṃkara m. = -kṛt Jain
- ○caryā f. a visit to any TṭTīrthá, pilgrimage BhP. ix, 16, 1
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk. by Vācaspati-miśra Smṛitit. i, xxv
- ○tama n. Superl. a Tīrthá more sacred than (abl.) MBh. iii, 7018
- • an object of the highest sanctity BhP. v
- ○deva m. Śiva
- • -maya mf(ī)n. containing Tīrthas and gods Hcat. i, 7, 580
- ○dhvāṅkṣa m. = -kāka Pāṇ. 2-1, 42 Vārtt
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○pati m. N. of the head of an ocean-worshipping sect Śaṃkar. xxxv
- ○pad nom. pād mfn. having sanctifying feet (Kṛishṇa) BhP. iii, ix
- ○pada mfn. id., iii, vi
- ○pāda mfn. id., i, iv, viii, xii
- ○"ṣpādīya m. an adherent of Kṛishṇa, iv
- ○pūjā f. washing Kṛishṇa's statue in holy water W
- ○bhūta mfn. sanctified MBh. xiii BhP. i, 13
- ○mahā-hrada m. N. of a TṭTīrthá MBh. xiii, 7654
- ○mahiman m. N. of a ch. of Śūdradh
- ○māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of PSarv
- ○yātrā f. = -caryā MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c
- • N. of ŚivaP. ii, 20
- • -tattva n. N. of Smṛitit. xxx
- • -parvan n. N. of MBh. iii, chs. 80-156
- • -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○"ṣyātrin mfn. engaged in ○trā W
- ○rājī f. 'line of Tīrthas', Benares L
- ○vat mfn. having water-descents, abounding in Tīrthas MBh. xiii R
- • (tī), f. N. of a river BhP. v
- ○vāka m. the hair of the head L
- ○vāyasa m. = -kāka Pāṇ. 2-1, 42 Kāś
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling at a TṭTīrthá
- ○vidhi m. the rites observed at a Tīrthá
- ○śilā f. the stone steps leading to a bathing-place, Śṛiṅgār. 1
- ○śravas mfn. = -kīrti BhP. ii, viii
- ○śrāddhaprayoga m. N. of a ch. of Śiva-rāma's Śrāddhacintāmaṇi
- ○sad mfn. dwelling at Tīrthas (Rudra) MānGṛ. i, 13
- ○seni f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2625
- ○sevā f. = -caryā Cāṇ. Subh
- • worship of the 24 saints HYog. ii, 16
- ○sevin m. 'visiting Tīrthas', Ardea nivea L
- ○saukhya n. N. of wk. or of part of a work
- tīrthâsevana n. = ○tha-caryā Rājat. vi, 309
- tīrthêśvara m. = ○tha-kṛt Kalyāṇam. 2
- tīrthôdâka n. Tīrthá-water R. i, 48, 24
- tīrthaka mfn. = ○tha-bhūta BhP. i, 19, 32
- • m. = ○thika Buddh
- • N. of a Nāga ib
- • n. (ifc.) a Tīrtha Hariv
- tīrthika m. an adherent or head of any other than one's own creed Buddh. Jain
- tīrthī in comp. for ○tha
- ○karaṇa mfn. sanctifying BhP. v
- ○√kṛ to sanctify, i, x
- ○kṛta mfn. sanctified, iii
- ○bhūta mfn. id. Mn. xi, 197 Kull
- tī́rthya mfn. relating to a sacred Tīrtha VS. xvi, 42
- • m. = ○thika Buddh
- • cf. sa-
- • tairthya
- tīv cl. 1. ○vati, to be fat Dhātup. xv
- tīvara m. a hunter (offspring of a Rājaputrī by a Kshatriya) BrahmaP. i
- • a fisher (for dhīv○) L
- • the ocean L
- • (ī), f. a hunter's wife, i
- tīvrá mf(ā)n. (fr. tiv-ra, √tu) strong, severe, violent, intense, hot, pervading, excessive, ardent, sharp, acute, pungent, horrible RV. &c
- • m. sharpness, pungency Pāṇ. 2-2, 8 Vārtt. 3. Pat
- • for ○vara (?), g. rājanyâdi
- • Śiva
- • n. pungency W
- • a shore (for 2. tīra ?) Uṇ. k
- • tin (cf. 1. tīra) ib
- • steel L
- • iron L
- • (am), ind. violently, impetuously, sharply, excessively W
- • (ā), f. Helleborus niger L
- • black mustard L
- • basil L
- • gaṇḍa-dūrvā L
- • taradī L
- • mahā-jyotiṣmatī L
- • (in music) N. of a Śruti
- • of a Mūrchanā
- • of the river Padmavatī (in the east of Bengal) L
- ○kaṇṭha or m. a pungent kind of Arum L
- ○kanda m. a pungent kind of Arum L
- ○gati mfn. moving rapidly W
- • being in a bad condition Daś. i, 130
- • f. rapid gait, 67
- ○gandhā f. cumin-seed or Ptychotis Ajowan L
- ○jvālā f. Grislea tomentosa L
- ○tā f. violence, heat Rājat. i, 41 (a- neg.)
- ○dāru m. N. of a tree, g. rajatâdi
- ○dyuti m. 'hotrayed', the sun Prasannar. vii, 82
- ○pauruṣa n. daring heroism.
- ○mada mfn. excessively intoxicating Car. i, 27
- ○mārga m. = īkṣṇa-m○ Gal
- ○ruja mfn. causing excessive pain Suśr. ii, 15, 3 (-tva, abstr.)
- ○roṣa-samāviṣṭa mfn. filled with fierce anger MBh. iii, 2397
- ○vipāka v. l. for tīkṣṇa-v○
- ○vedanā f. excessive pain L
- ○śoka-samāviṣṭa mfn. filled with excessive sorrow, 2958
- ○śokârta mfn. afflicted with poignant grief
- ○sava m. N. of an Ekâha sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv
- ○sút mfn. being a pungent juice (Soma) RV. vi, 43, 2 ŚāṅkhŚr
- • m. = -sava KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Maś. Vait
- ○somá m. a variety of the Ukthya libation TS. vii
- • = -sava TāṇḍyaBr. xviii
- tīvrâtitīvra mfn. excessively severe (penance) Bhartṛ. iii, 88
- tīvrânanda m. Śiva
- tīvrânta mfn. having a strong effect (Soma) AitBr. ii, 20
- tīvraya ○yati, to strengthen TāṇḍyaBr. xviii
- tīvrī́ in comp. for ○vrá
- ○√kṛ to make sharp, strengthen ŚBr. i, 7, 1, 18 and 6, 4, 6 ; iii, 8, 3, 30
- ○√bhū to become stronger, increase Rājat. vi, 99
- tīsaṭa m. N. of a med. author
- tu cl. 2. (tauti Dhātup
- • fut. 2nd totā or tavitā Vop.) to have authority, be strong RV. i, 94, 2 (pf. tūtāva, Naigh. iv, 1 Pāṇ. 6-1, 7 Kāś.)
- • to go Dhātup
- • to injure ib.: Caus. (aor. tūtot, 2. sg. ○tos) to make strong or efficient RV. ii, 20, 5 ; vi, 26, 4
- • cf. ut-, saṃ-
- • tavás, &c., tīvrá ;
- tú (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse
- • metrically also tū́ RV. ; Pāṇ. 6-3, 133) pray! I beg, do, now, then, Lat. dum used (esp. with the Imper.) RV
- • but (also with evá or vaí following) AV. iv, 18, 6 TS. ŚBr. &c
- • and Mn. ii, 22
- • or, i, 68
- • xi, 202
- • often incorrectly written for nu MBh. (i, 6151 B and C)
- • sometimes used as a mere expletive
⋙cana tu
- ca-na tu though-still not
- na or not-but
⋙na caapi tu
- na ca-api tu not-but
- kāmaṃ or though - still
⋙kāmaṃ catu
- kāmaṃ ca-tu or though - still
⋙kiṃ tu
- kiṃ tu or though - still
⋙paraṃ tu
- paraṃ tu though - still
- kāmaṃ or it is true - but not, ere - than
- bhūyas or it is true - but not, ere - than
⋙varamna tu
- varam-na tu it is true - but not, ere - than
⋙kiṃ tu
- kiṃ tu still, nevertheless
⋙naparaṃ tu
- na-paraṃ tu not-however
- tu-tu certainly-but Hit. i, 2, 33
- tuḥkhāra = tukh○ Rājat. iv, 211
- tuk m. (fr. túc) a boy L
- tuka m. N. of an astronomer
- tukā-kṣīrī = tugā- Car. vi, 16
- tukka m. N. of a man Rājat. vii f
- tukkhāra m. a Tukhāra horse Vcar. ix, 116 ; xviii, 93
- tukṣa g. pakṣâdi
- tukhāra (often spelt tuṣāra, also tuḥkh○ and tukkh○), m. pl. N. of a people (northwest of Madhya-deśa) AV. Pariś. li MBh. R. &c
- tugā f. (derived fr. -kṣīrī) Tabāshīr (bamboo manna) Suśr. vi, 52, 20 and 57, 8
- • (○gâkhyā) 45, 30
- ○kṣīrī f. (fr. tvak-kṣ○) id., i, 12, 13 ; 38, 32
- • vi (once metrically ○ri)
- • cf. tukā-kṣ○
- túgra m. N. of Bhujyu's father (saved by the Aśvins) RV. i ; vi, 62
- • of an enemy of Indra, 20 and 26
- • x
tugriya Ved. = ○rya Pāṇ. 4-4, 115
- túgrya m. (fr. ○ra, 115) patr. of Bhujyu RV. viii
- • (ās), f. pl. (scil. víśas) Tugra's race RV. i, 33, 15
- tugryāvṛ́dh mfn. favouring the Tugrya (Indra, Soma), viii
- túgvan n. a ford, viii, 19, 37
- tuṅga mf(ā)n. prominent, erect, lofty, high MBh. &c
- • chief. W
- • strong W
- • m. an elevation, height, mountain R. iv, 44, 20 (cf. bhṛgu-) Hit. ii (v. l.)
- • top, peak W
- • (fig.) a throne BhP. iii, 3, 1
- • a planet's apsis VarBṛ. i, vii, x f. ; xxi, 1 Laghuj. ix, 20
- • Rottleria tinctoria MBh. R. Suśr
- • the cocoa-nut L
- • = -mukha L
- • Mercury L
- • N. of a man Rājat. vi f
- • n. the lotus stamina L
- • (ā), f. Mimosa Suma L
- • Tabāshīr L
- • a metre of 4 x 8 syllables
- • N. of a river in Mysore
- • (ī), f. a kind of Ocimum L
- • turmeric L
- • night L
- • Gaurī Gal
- ○kūṭa N. of a Tīrtha VarP. cxl
- ○tva n. 'height' and 'passionateness' Śiś. ii, 48
- ○dhanvan m. N. of a king of Suhma Daś. xi, 5
- ○nātha m. = bhṛgu-tuṅga MBh. i, 215, 2, Nīl
- ○nābha m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 14
- ○nāsa m. long-nosed Pāṇ. 1-3, 2 Pat.
- ○nāsikā or f. a long-nosed woman, iv, 1, 55 Kāś
- ○nāsikī f. a long-nosed woman, iv, 1, 55 Kāś
- ○prastha m. N. of a mountain MārkP. lvii, 13
- ○bala m. N. of a warrior Hit. i, 8, 0/1
- ○bīja n. quicksilver Sūryas. xiii, 17
- ○bha n. a planet's apsis VarBṛ. vii, 1 and 6
- ○bhadra m. a restive elephant L
- • (ā), f. the Tumbudra river in Mysore (formed by the junction of the Tuṅgā and Bhadrā) BhP. v BṛNārP. vi, 32 Rasik. xi, 14 and 34
- • ○drā-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○mukha m. 'long-snouted', 'a rhinoceros L
- ○veṇā f. N. of a river in the Deccan MBh. iii, vi
- ○śekhara m. 'high-peaked', a mountain L
- ○śaila m. N. of a mountain with a temple of Śiva
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- tuṅgêśvara m. N. of a temple of Śiva Rājat. ii, 14
- • ○râpaṇa m. N. of a market-place, vi, 190
- tuṅgaka m. Rottleria tinctoria L
- • n. N. of a sacred forest (also ○kâraṇya) MBh
- tuṅgin mfn. being in the apsis (a planet) Jyot
- • (inī), f. N. of a plant
- tuṅgiman m. height Pañcat. ii, 6, 6 Vcar. xviii
- tuṅgī f. of ○ga
- ○nāsa m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr
- ○pati m. 'night-lord', the moon L
- tuṅgī7śa m. id. L
- • the sun L
- • Śiva, Kṛishṇa L
- túc (only dat. ○cé), offspring, children RV. vi, 48, 9 ; viii, 18, 18 and 27, 14
- • cf. túj, toká
- tuccha mfn. empty, vain, small, little, trifling BhP. NṛisUp. Prab
- • n. anything trifling ŚārṅgP. xxxi, 15
- • chaff Uṇ. k
- • (ā), f. the 14th lunar day Sūryapr
- ○tva n. emptiness, vanity Kap. i, 134
- ○daya mfn. unmerciful Naish. viii, 24
- ○dru m. Ricinus communis L
- ○dhānya
- ○dhānyaka n. chaff L
- ○prāya mfn. unimportant Prasannar
- tucchaka mfn. empty, vain L
- tucchaya Nom. P. to make empty Mṛicch. x
- tucchī-kṛta mfn. despised BhP
- tucchyá mfn. empty, vain RV. v, 42
- • n. emptiness, x, 129
- túj f. (only acc. ○jam dat. ○jé) = túc, iii-v. 1
- tují (only dat. ○jáye), propagation, v, 46, 7
- tuj cl. 6. (3. du. Ā. ○jete
- • p. P. ○ját
- • inf. jáse and túje
- • Pass. p. ○jyámāna), and tuñj (3. pl. P. ○jánti Ā. ○játe
- • p. ○jāná, túñjāna, and túñjamāna), to strike, hit, push RV
- • to press out ('túñjati, to give' Naigh. Nir.) RV. i, ix
- • Ā. to flow forth, iii, 1, 16
- • to instigate, incite, i, iii
- • Pass. to be vexed, i, 11, 5: cl. 1. tojati, to hurt Dhātup. vii, 70: Caus. (p. tujáyat
- • aor. Pot. tutujyā́t, p. tū́tujāna, q.v.) to promote RV. i, 143, 6
- • to move quickly. vii, 104, 7
- • tuñjayati, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 82
- • tuñj○ or tojayati, to hurt, xxxii, 30
- • to be strong ib
- • to give or take ib
• to abide ib
- • cf. ā-tují. 3
- túj mfn. urging RV
- • f. (only instr. ○jā) shock, impulse, assault RV
- tuja a thunderbolt Naigh. ii, 20 (v. l. tuñja)
- túji N. of a man protected by Indra RV. vi, x
- tújya mfn. to be pushed or impelled, iii, 62, 1
- • x
- tuñjá m. shock, assault, i, 7, 7 Nir
- • cf. tuja
- tuñjīna m. N. of several kings of Kaśmīr Rājat. ii, 11 ; iii, 97 and 386 ; v, 277
- tuṭ cl. 6. ○ṭati, to quarrel Dhātup
- tuṭi (m. f. Siddhṣtrīpuṃs. 2, v. l. truṭi) small cardamoms VarBṛS. lxxviii, 1 Sch
- tuṭituṭa m. Śiva Hariv. 14882
- tuṭuma m. a mouse or rat L
- tuḍ cl. 1. 6. tuḍati, toḍ○, to strike Dhātup
- • to split ib
- • to bring near (v. l.) ib.: Caus. ib
- tuḍiga m. N. of a prince Chandaþs. vii, 16 and 31, Halāy
- tuḍī f. N. of a Rāgiṇī
- tuḍḍ cl. 1. P. to disregard Dhātup
- tuṇ cl. 6. P. to curve, xxviii, 42
- tuṇi ○ṇika m. Cedrela Toona L
- tuṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. to hurt, viii, 23
- tuṇḍa n. a beak, snout (of a hog &c.), trunk (of an elephant) TĀr. x MBh. &c
- • the mouth (used contemptuously) Bādar. ii, 2, 28 Śaṃk
- • the point (of an arrow &c.), ayas-, dhūs-
- • the chief, leader Dhūrtan. i, 4
- • m. Cucumis utilissimus L
- • Beninkasa cerifera L
- • Śiva Hariv. 14882
- • N. of a Rakshas MBh. iii, 16372
- • (ī), f. a kind of gourd Cāṇ
- • cf. asthi-, kaṅka-, kāka-, kṛṣṇa-, vāyasa-, sūkṣma-
- • kaṭu- and tikta-tuṇḍī
- ○deva m. N. of a race or of a class of men, g. aiṣukāryādi
- • -bhakta mfn. inhabited by ○va ib
- tuṇḍakerikā ḻ.,
- tuṇḍakerī Bhpr. v, f. = ○Dik○
- tuṇḍi m. a beak, snout Uṇ. k
- • f. (also tundi W.) emphysema of the navel (in infants) Suśr. iii, 10, 37
- • a prominent navel L
- ○cela n. a kind of costly garment Divyâv. xvii, 400
- túṇḍika mfn. furnished with a snout AV. viii, 6, 5
- • (ā), f. the navel (cf. tund○) L
- • = ○kerī L
- tuṇḍikera pl. N. of a people MBh. vii, 691 ; viii, 138
- • (tauṇḍ○ Hariv.)
- • (ī), f. = ○keśī Suśr. ii, 2, 4 ; vi, 48, 25
- • a large boil on the palate, i f. ; iv, 22, 55 and (metrically ○ri) 62
- • the cotton plant L
- tuṇḍikerin m. N. of a venomous insect, v, 8, 3
tuṇḍikeśī f. Momordica monadelpha L
- tuṇḍibha mfn. (Uṇ. iv, 117 Sch.) having a prominent navel L
- • tund○
- tuṇḍila mfn. id. L
- • talkative Uṇ. i, 55 Sch
- • tund○
- tuṇḍéla m. N. of a goblin AV. viii, 6, 17
- tutāta m. N. of Kumārila Prab. ii, 3 Sch
- • cf. tautātika
- tuturváṇi mfn. (√1. tur) striving to bring near or obtain RV. i, 168, 1
- tuttha n. (m. L.) blue vitriol (used as an eye-ointment) Suśr
- • fire L
- • n. a collyrium L
- • a rock Uṇ. k
- • (ā), f. the indigo plant L
- • small cardamoms L
- tutthâñjana n. blue vitriol as an ointment L
- tutthaka n. blue vitriol Suśr. i, 38, 34
- • vi
- tutthaya Nom. P. to cover Śiś. v, 11
- tuthá m. VS. Kāṭh. TS. MaitrS. Kapishṭh. ŚBr. (= bráhman) TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- tud cl. 6. P. ○dáti (p. f. ○datī or ○dantī Pāṇ. 6-1, 173 Kāś
- • pf. tutóda
- • fut. 2nd totsyati or tottā, vii, 2, 10 Kār
- • aor. atautsīt) to push, strike, goad, bruise, sting, vex RV. &c
- • Pass. to pain (said of a wound) Car. vi, 13: Caus., todita
- • [cf. tóttra &c
- • ? &c. ; Lat. tundo.]
- ○ādi the roots of cl. 6 (beginning with tud) Pāṇ. 3-1, 77. 2
- tud mfn. ifc. 'pricking', vraṇa-
- tuda mfn. ifc. 'striking', aruṃ-, tilaṃ-, vidhuṃ-
- • m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- • cf. ut-
- tunná mfn. struck, goaded, hurt, cut RV. ix, 67, 19f. AV. &c
- • m. = ○nnaka L
- ○vāya m. a tailor Mn. iv, 214 Yājñ. i, 163 R
- ○sevanī f. the suture of a wound Suśr
- • a suture of the skull Bhpr. ii, 279
- tunnaka m. Cedrela Toona, v, 5, 44
- túna v. l. for tána SV. i, 5, 1, 1, 5
- tund cl. 1. ○dati, to be active Dhātup. ii, 32 (v. l.)
- • cf. ni-√tud
- tunda n. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 117) a protuberant belly Siṃhâs. xxiii, 1
- • the belly L
- • mfn. having a protuberant belly, g. arśa-ādi
- • m. the navel L
- • (ī), f. id. W
- ○kūpikā
- ○kūpī f. 'belly-cavity', the navel L
- ○parimārja mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 5 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) stroking one's belly HPariś. viii, 281
- ○parimārjaka mfn. = mṛja Gal. =
- ○parimṛja mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 5) 'stomach-stroker', lazy, Anargh. vii, 110
- ○vat mfn. corpulent Pāṇ. 5-2, 117 Kāś
- tundâdi a g. of Pāṇ. 5-2, 117
- tundi (v, 2, 139) m. N. of a Gandharva L
- • f. tuṇḍi
- ○kara m. the navel L
- tundika mfn. = ○da-vat, 117
- • (ā), f. the navel L
- tundita mfn. = ○dika L
- tundin mfn. id., 117
- tundibha mfn. id., 139
- • v. l. for tuṇḍ○
- tundila mfn. (117) id. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 19, 3 (v. l. tuṇḍ○) MānGṛ. ii, 10 Hcar. (also a- neg.)
- • = tuṇḍibha L
- • m. Gaṇêśa Gal
- • -phalā f. Cucumis utilissimus L
- tundilita mfn. become corpulent Naish. iv, 56
- tundilī-karaṇa n. the act of causing to swell, increasing Bhām. iv, 9
- tunná ○nnaka, √tud
- tunyu m. N. of a tree Kauś
- tup tuph, cl. 1. 6. topati, tup○, toph○, tuph○, to hurt Dhātup
- • [cf. tubh, tump
- • ?, ? ; Lat. stupeo ; Germ. stumpf.]
- tubara mfn. astringent (also tūb○ L.) Suśr. i, 45
- • m. n. an astringent taste W
- • m. = -yāvanāla L
- • tūb○
- • (ī), f. Cajanus indicus L
- • alum or alum earth (also tumb○ L
- • tūb○ L. Sch.) Npr
- • a bitch (also tumb○ and tumburī) L
- • tumburu
- ○yāvanāla m. a sort of grain L
- tubaraka m. id. Suśr. i, 46, 1, 18
- • N. of a tree, 45, 7, 11 ; iv, 9, 4 ; 13, 18 ; 31, 5
- • (ikā), f. Cajanus indicus L. Sch.
- • alum or alum earth (also tūb○ Sch.) L
- tubarī-śimba m. Cassia Tora L
- tubh cl. 1. 4. tobhate, tubhyati, to hurt, kill Dhātup.: cl. 9. (impf. atubhnāt) id. Bhaṭṭ. xvii, 79 and 90
- •
- tumala for ○mula MBh. Ragh
- túmiñja m. N. of a man TS. i, 7, 2
- tumura = ○mula L. Sch
- tumula mf(ā)n. tumultuous, noisy Lāṭy. ii, 3, 3 MBh. &c
- • n. (Lat.) tumultus, tumult, clatter, confusion MBh. (once m. vii, 154, 21) &c
- • m. Terminalia Bellerica L
- tump tumph, cl. 1. 6. ○pati, ○phati, to hurt Dhātup. xi ; xxviii, 26 f
- • cf. pra-stump
- tumb cl. 1. ○bati, to distress, xi, 38: cl. 10. ○bayati, 'id., or 'to be invisible', xxxii, 114
- tumba m. the gourd Lagenaria vulgaris Hariv. 3479 R. i Suśr. iii
- • (ī), f. id. Hariv. 802 Suśr. i, iv Śāntiś. Rājat
- • Asteracantha longifolia L
- • (ā), f. a milk-pail L
- ○vana N. of a place VarBṛS. xiv, 15
- ○vīṇa m. 'having the Tumba for a lute', Śiva MBh. xiii, 1213
- tumbaka m
- tumbi
- tumbikā
- tumbinī f. the Tumba gourd L
- tumbī f. of ○ba
- ○puṣpa n. the flower of the TṭTumbī gourd L
- ○vīṇā f. a kind of lute Hariv. 3618
- • -priya m. 'fond of that lute', Śiva MBh. xii, 10371
- tumbuka m. = ○baka (n., its fruit)
- tumbukin mfn. (in music) puffing the cheeks in singing
- • m. a kind of drum
- tumbara = ○raka Kauś. 76
- • n. its fruit Madanav
- • m. pl. N. of a people Hariv. 311 (v. l. ○bura)
- • sg. for ○buru (Gandharva) Pañcad. i, 63
- • (ī), f. a sort of grain Madanav. cvii, 46
- • = tub○ (q.v.)
- tumbaraka m. N. of a tree, lxix, 72
- tumbaru for ○buru MBh. i BhP
- tumbuma m. pl. N. of a race MBh
- tumbura ○bara
- • (ī), ○ru, tubarī
- tumburu m. N. of a pupil of Kalāpin Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś. (Kār.)
- • of a Gandharva MBh. &c. ('attendant of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī' Jain.)
- • n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also ○rī and tubarī L.) Suśr. iv ; vi, 42, 67 and (metrically ○rū) 118 Pāṇ. 6-1, 143 Kāś
- túmra mfn. big, strong RV. iii f. ; vi, 22, 5 ; x, 27 and 89
- •
- tur (cf. tṝ, tvar), cl. 6. to hurry, press forwards, vi, 18, 4 (p. ○rát) TS. ii (Ā. ○ráte): cl. 4 (Imper. tūrya) to overpower RV. viii, 99, 5
- • Ā. to run Dhātup
- • to hurt ib.: cl. 3. tutorti, to run ib.: Caus. turayate (p. ○ráyat) to run, press forwards RV. SV.: Desid. tū́tūrṣati, to strive to press forwards RV. x, 100, 12
- • Intens. p. tárturāṇa, rushing, pressing each other (waves), ix, 95, 3
- túr mfn. running a race, conquering, i, 112, 4 ; iv, 38, 7
- • (túram acc. or ind. 'quickly') promoting, a promoter, v, 82, 1
- • cf. ap-, āji-, pṛtsu-, pra-, mithas-, rajas-, ratha-, &c
- turas-péya n. the racer's or conqueror's drinking, x, 96, 8
- turá mfn. quick, willing, prompt RV. AV. vi, 102, 3
- • strong, powerful, excelling, rich, abundant RV. AV. vii, 50, 2 TS. ii Kauś. 91
- • m. N. of a preceptor and priest with the patr. Kāvasheya ŚBr. ix f. xiv AitBr. TāṇḍyaBr. BhP
- • (túram), ind., 2. túr
- ○ga m. 'going quickly', a horse MBh. i Pañcat. Śak. &c
- • (hence) the number 7 Chandaþs. vii, 1 Sch
- • the mind, thought L
- • (ī), f. a mare Śatr. xiv
- • = ○ga-gandhā L
- • -kāntā f. 'horse-loved', a mare, ○tā-mukha m. 'mare's mouth', submarine fire (vaḍabā-mukha) Śiś. iii, 33
- • -kriyā-vat mfn. occupied with horses Dhūrtas. i, 12
• -gandhā f. Physalis flexuosa L
- • -dānava or -daitya, 'horsetitan', Keśin Hariv. 4281 ff
- • -nīla-tāla m. N. of a gesture PSarv
- • -paricāraka m. = -rahṣa Kād. v, 804
- • -priya m. 'liked by horses', barley L
- • -brahmacaryaka n. 'sexual restraint of horses, compulsory celibacy L
- • -mukha m. 'horse-faced', a Kiṃnara, iii, 1474
- • -medha m. a horse-sacrifice R. vi BhP. ix
- • -rakṣa m. 'horse-guardian', a groom VarBṛS. xv
- • -ratha m. a cart drawn by horses Hcat. i, 5, 836
- • -līlaka m. N. of a time (in music)
- • -vāhyālī f. a riding-school Kād. iii, 499 (v. l. ○raMg○)
- • ○gânana m. pl. 'horse-faced', N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 25
- • ○gâroha m. a horseman, xv, 26
- • _ ○gôpacāraka m. = ○ga-rakṣa, x, 3.
- ○gātu (○rá-), mfn. going quickly RV. i, 164, 30
- ○"ṣgin m. a horseman L
- ○ṃ-ga m. 'going quickly', a horse Suśr. Pañcat. Śak. &c
- • (hence) the number 7 Sūryas. Śrut
- • the mind, thought L
- • (ī), f. a mare W
- • N. of a shrub L
- • = ○raga-gandhā L
- • -gandhā f. id. Suśr. vi, 41 and 48
- • -dveṣaṇī f. a she-buffalo L
- • -nātha m. N. of the head of a sect Śaṃkar. xliii
- • -priya m. = ○rag○ L
- • -mukha m. = ○rag○ Kād. iii, 1635
- • -medha m. = ○rag○ Ragh. xiii, 61
- • -yāyin mfn. going on horseback
- • -līla m. = ○ag○
- • -vaktra, -vadana m. = -mukha L
- • -sādin m. a horseman Ragh. vii, 34
- • -skandha m. a troop of horses Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś
- • -sthāna n. a horsestable Suśr. iv, 1, 5
- • ○gâri m. 'horse-enemy', a buffalo W
- • Nerium odorum L
- • ○gâhvā f. the jujube Gal
- • ○gī-bhūya ind. p. having become a horse Kād. vi, 1539
- ○ṃ-gama m. a horse MBh. R. Ragh. &c
- • (ī), f. a mare MBh. iv, 254
- • -ratha m. = ○raga-r○ Hcat. i, 5, 838
- • -śālā f. a horsestable VarBṛS. vl, 5
- ○ṃ-gin m. a horseman W
- • a groom W
- • (iṇī), f. a kind of gait (in dancing)
- ○yā́ mfn. going quickly RV. iv, 23, 10
- ○śravas m. N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. ix. 1
- turâyaṇa n. 'Tura's way', N. of a sacrifice or vow (modification of the full-moon sacrifice) ŚāṅkhBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Pāṇ. MBh. xiii
- • cursory reading Gal
- turā-ṣā́h nom. ṣāṭ, (Pāṇ. 3-2, 63) overpowering the mighty or overpowering quickly RV. and VS. xx (Indra) Hariv. 14114 (Vishṇu
- • voc. -ṣāṭ)
- • m. (acc. -sāham
- • Pāṇ. 8-3, 56) Indra Ragh. xv, 40 Kum. ii, 1 BhP. viii, 11, 26
- turáṇa mf(ā)n. swift RV. i, 121, 5
- turaṇya (g. kaṇḍv-ādi) Nom. ○yáti (p. ○yát) to be quick or swift, 1 ; iv, 40, 3
- • to accelerate, 4 ; x, 61, 11. 2
- turaṇya m. 'swift', one of the moon's horses VāyuP. i, 52, 53
- ○sád mfn. dwelling among, i.e. belonging to the quick RV. iv, 40, 2
- turaṇyú mfn. swift, zealous, i, 134, 5
- • vii f
- turāyaṇa m. (fr. ○rá) N. of a man Pravar. ii, 2, 3 (Kāty.)
- turí f. (only dat. ○ryaí) = ○ryā́ RV. x, 106, 4
- • 'swift', a weaver's brush (also tuli and ○lī) L
- turī f. id. Bādar. ii, 1, 19 and 3, 7 Śaṃk. Tarkas. 55
- • a shuttle Naish. i, 12
- • (for tūlī) a painter's brush (also tuli L. Sch.) W
- • N. of a wife of Vasudeva Hariv. 9203
- turī́pa n. (fr. ○rí and áp) seminal fluid RV. i, iii ; vii, 2, 9 VS. xxvii
- • mfn. spermatic (Tvashṭṛi), xxi, 20 ; xxii, 20. 1
- turīya Nom. ○yáti, to go Naigh. ii, 14
- turyā́ f. superior power TS.ī, 2, 12
- turá mfn. hurt RV. viii, 79, 2
- • cf. ā-
- turaka m. pl. the Turks Romakas
- turakin mfn. Turkish Kshitîś. vii, 161
- turakva = ○ka
- turaṣka (= ○ruṣka) id. Romakas. Ratnak
- turas-péya 2. túr
- turāyaṇa
- turā-ṣā́h
- turí
- turī
- turī́pa ib
- turī́ya (for ktur○ fr. catúr), mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 51 Vārtt. 1) Ved. 4th RV. &c
- • consisting of 4 parts ŚBr. ix
- • n. the 4th state of spirit (pure impersonal Spirit or Brahma) Up. (MaitrUp. NṛisUp. ii, 2, 1 &c. RTL. 35) Vedântas
- • mfn. being in that state of soul NṛisUp
- • túr○, a 4th, constituting the 4th part, (n.) a 4th part AV. Kāṭh. &c. (with yantra, 'a quadrant' Śaṃkar. xxvii)
- ○kavaca n. N. of a spell
- ○bhāga m. a 4th part BhP. v, 16, 30 (v. l.)
- ○bhāj mfn. a sharer of a 4th AitBr. ii, 25 Mn. iv, 202
- ○māna n. -bhāga
- ○varṇa m. '4th caste man', a Śūdra L
- turīyâtīta N. of an Up
- túrīyâdiṭya for ○yam āditya RV. viii, 52, 7 VS. viii, 3
- turīyârdha m. n. 'half the 4th', an 8th part MBh. i, 3862
- turīyaka mfn. a 4th (part) Yājñ. ii, 124
- turya mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 51 Vārtt. 1) 4th BhP. Vet. Srut
- • forming a 4th part BhP
- • n. the 4th state of soul ( ○rīya), vii, 9, 32 Haṭhapr. iv, 45 RāmatUp. ii, 4, 15 Sch
- • mfn. being in that state of soul BhP. vi f
- ○bhikṣā f. the 4th part of alms Pāṇ. 2-2, 3
- ○yantra n. a quadrant W
- ○váh m. (in strong cases) vāh nom. vāṭ f. ○ryauhī́, an ox or cow 4 years old VS. TS. iv, 3, 3, 2 MaitrS. iii, 11, 11 and 13, 17
- turyâśra mfn. fourcornered Hcat. i, 3, 909/910
- turyauhī́ ○rya-váh
- turuṣka m. pl. (= ○raṣka) the Turks Kathās. Rājat. Prab. &c
- • sg. a Turk Kathās. xxxvii
- • a Turkish prince W
• Turkestan W
- • (m. n. L.) olibanum Jain. Suśr. VarBṛS
- ○karpūra mfn. consisting of olibanum and camphor Hcat. i, 7, 165.
- ○gaṇḍa m. (in music) N. of a Rāga
○datta m. N. of a man Inscr. (A. D. 1105)
- turphári and ○phárītu mfn. = (kṣipra-) hantṛ (Nir. xiii, 5) RV. x, 106, 6 and 8
- turya ○yā́, col. 1
- turv (cf. √1. tur), cl. 1. P. (2. sg. tūrvasi du. Impv. ○vatam
• p. tū́rvat) to overpower, excel RV. (inf. turváṇe, vi, viii, x)
- • to cause to overpower, help to victory, save, vi, viii
- • cf. pra-
- turvá m. = ○váśa, x, 62, 10
- turváṇi mfn. overpowering, victorious, i, iv f. x
- turváṇe Ved. inf
- • √turv
- turváśa m. N. of a hero and ancestor of the Āryan race (named with Yadu
- • du. turváśā yádū, 'Turva and Yadu', iv, 30, 17
- • pl. Turvá's race) RV
- turvasu m. (later form of ○śa) N. of a son of Yayāti by Devayānī and brother of Yadu MBh. i Hariv. 1604 and 16l7 BhP. &c
- turvī́ti m. N. of a man RV. i ; ii, 13, 12 ; iv, 19, 6
- tul cl. 10. tolayati, or tul○ (only tul○ also fig
- • Ā. MBh.) to lift up, raise Hariv. R. Bhaṭṭ. (fut. Pass. tolayiṣyate)
- • to determine the weight of anything by lifting it up, weigh, compare by weighing and examining, ponder, examine with distrust MBh. &c
- • to make equal in weight, equal, compare (with instr., e.g. na brāhmaṇais tulaye bhūtam anyat, 'I do not compare any other being with Brāhmans' BhP. v
- • or with an adv. terminating in -vat) R. VarBṛS. &c
- • to counterbalance, outweigh, match, possess in the same degree, resemble, reach Megh. ŚārṅgP
- • (pf. p. tulita) Bhartṛ. iii & Ragh. xiii, 75 ; [Lat. te-tul-i &c
- • ? &c. ; Goth. thulan.]
- tula m. (for ○lā) the sign Libra, Utp. (on VarBṛ. xi, xvi, xxiii and VarYogay. iv, 55)
- tulaka m. 'ponderer', a king's counsellor Divyâv. xvii
- tulana n. lifting Mṛicch. ix, 20
- • weighing, rating, iii, 20
- • N. of a high number Buddh. L
- • (ā), f. rating ib
- • equalness with (instr. or in comp.) Prasannar. ii, 16
- tulā́ f. a balance, weight VS. xxx ŚBr. xi Mn. &c. (○layā dhṛ or ○lāṃ with Caus. of adhiruh, 'to hold in or put on a balance, weigh, compare'
- • ○lāṃ with Caus. of adhi-ruh, 'to risk' Pañcat. i, 16, 9
- • ○lām adhi- or ā- or sam-ā-ruh, 'to be in a balance', be equal with instr.
- • the balance as an ordeal Yājñ. ii Mṛicch. ix, 43)
- • equal measure, equality, resemblance Ragh. &c. (○lām i or gam or ā-yā or ā-lamb or dhā, 'to resemble any one or anything' instr. or in comp.
- • ○lāṃ na bhṛ, 'to have no equal' Prasannar. i, 37
- • ○lāṃ with Pass. of nī, 'to become equal to' gen.)
- • = ○la Pañcat. i, 14, 14 VarBṛ. &c
- • N. of a measure (= 100 Palas) MBh. iii, xiv VarBṛS. Suśr. Ashṭâṅg. ŚārṅgS. i, 31
- • a kind of beam in the roof of a house VarBṛS. liii, 30
- ○koṭi m. (f. L.) the end of the beam ŚārṅgP. (-yaṣṭi Pañcat. i, 3, 20)
- • a foot-ornament of women (also ○ṭī f. L. Sch.) Kād. Vcar. Prab. iii, 9
- • N. of a weight L
- • ten millions L
- ○koṣa m. weighing on a balance VarBṛS. xxvi, 10
- ○guḍa m. a kind of ball (used as a missile) MBh. iii, 1718
- ○dāna n. = -puruṣa-d○ W
- ○dhaṭa m. a balance cup W
- • an oar L
- ○dhara m. 'scale-holder', = ○la VarBṛ. Laghuj. i
- ○"ṣdhāná (○lâdh○), n. 'putting on a balance', weighing ŚBr. xi
- ○dhāra mfn. bearing a balance Yājñ. ii, 102/103
- • m. = -pragraha L
- • the beam W
- • a merchant L
- • the bearer of an ordeal balance Vishṇ. x, 8 f
- • = ○la L
- • N. of a merchant MBh. xii, 9277 ff
- ○dhāraṇa n. = ○lâdhāná Yājñ. ii, 100
- ○"ṣdhiroha (○lâdh○), m. risk Prasannar. vii, 33/34
- ○"ṣdhirohaṇa (○lâdh○), mfn. resembling Ragh. xix, 8
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk. by Kamalâkara
- ○parī7kṣā f. a balance ordeal W
- ○puruṣa m. & -dāna n. gift of gold &c. equal to a man's weight AV. Pariś. x Yājñ. iii (named as a penance) BhavP. ii MatsyaP. cclxxiii LiṅgaP. ii, 28 Hcat. i, 4 f
- • Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa, i, 5, 108
- ○pragraha
- ○pragrāha m. the string of a balance Pāṇ. 3-3, 52 Kāś
- ○bīja n. the Guñjā berry (used as a weight) L
- ○bhavānī f. N. of a town Śaṃkar. xix
- ○bhāra m. = -puruṣadāna Hcat. i, 5, 619
- ○bhṛt m. = -dhara
- • a balance bearer Bādar
- ○yaṣṭi f. 'the beam', -koṭi
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a balance VarBṛ
- ○"ṣvarârdha
- ○"ṣvarârdhya mfn. at least as much in weight SāmavBr. ii, 7, 9
- ○sūtra n. = -pragraha Pāṇ. 3-3, 52 Kāś
- tulita mfn. lifted up Ragh. weighed VarBṛS
- • equalled, compared, lxxx, 12
- tulima mfn. what may be weighed Nār. xi, 3.
- tulya mf(ā)n. (in comp. accent Pāṇ. 6-2, 2) equal to, of the same kind or class or number or value, similar, comparable, like (with instr. or gen. or ifc
- • e.g. tena or etasya or etat- 24, 'equal to him') KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Pāṇ. &c
- • fit for (instr.) Sūryas. xiv, 6
- • even VarBṛ. iv, 21
- • n. N. of a dance
- • (am), ind. equally, in like manner Pāṇ. MBh. R. Hariv
- • contemporaneously Dharmaśarm. xvii, 14
- ○kakṣa mfn. equal to (in comp.) Veṇis. iii, 25
- ○karmaka mfn. having the same object (in Gramm.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 48 Kāś
- ○kāla mfn. contemporary with (instr.) ĀśvGṛ. i, 3, 9 MBh. iii, 134, 24
- • -tva n. contemporariness Pāṇ. 4-3, 105 Vārtt. 1
- ○"ṣkālīya mfn. = ○la BhP. x
- ○"ṣkulya m. 'of the same family', a relative Bhartṛ. iii, 24
- ○guṇa mfn. possessing the same qualities, equally good Āp. Suśr
- ○"ṣjātīya mfn. similar Pāṇ. 1 and 6, 1, 68 Vārtt. 1 Pat. ; iii, 3, 35 Kāś
- ○tarka m. (in dram.) a guess coming near the truth Sāh. vi, 172 and 180
- ○tā f. = -tva MBh. R
- • equality of place', conjunction (in astr.) Sūryas
- ○tejas mfn. equal in splendour
- ○tva n. equality, resemblance with (instr. or in comp.) Sūryas. Prab. ii, 18
- • (a- neg.) Jaim. ii f
- ○darśana mfn. regarding with equal or indifferent eyes BhP. i, 5, 24
- ○naktaṃ-dina mfn. having equal days and nights Hemac
- • not distinguishing between day and night Kathās. ci, 289
- ○nāman mfn. of the same name MBh. i, 101, 7
- ○nindā-stuti mfn. indifferent with regard to blame or praise Bhag. xii, 19
- ○pāna n. compotation L
- ○bala mfn. of equal strength
- ○bhāvanā f. (in math.) combination of like sets
- ○mūlya mfn. of equal value
- ○yogi-tā f. 'combination of equal qualities (of unequal objects)', N. of a simile Sāh. x, 48 f. Kuval
- ○yogôpamā f. id. Kāvyâd. ii, 48
- ○rūpa mfn. of equal form, analogous W
- ○lakṣman mfn. having the same characteristic Sāh. x, 89
- ○vaṃśa mfn. of equal race with (gen.) Cāṇ. (Hit.)
- ○vayas mfn. of the same age PārGṛ. iii, 8, 17
- ○vikrama mfn. of equal prowess
- ○vīrya mfn. of equal strength
- ○vṛtti mfn. following the same occupation
- ○śas ind. in equal parts Suśr. vi, 12
- ○śikha m. pl. 'equal-braided', N. of certain mythical beings L
- ○śuddhi f. equal substraction, Bīj
- ○śodhana n. removal of like magnitudes (on both sides of an equation)
- ○śruti f. standing in the same nominal case Jaim. ii, 1, 10 (-tva, abstr.)
- tulyâkṛti mfn. = ○ya-rūpa
- tulyâtulya mfn. like and unlike
- tulyânumāna n. like inference, analogy
- tulyântaram ind. in equal intervals Mṛicch. iii, 18
- tulyârtha mfn. equally rich Pañcat. i, 8, 33
- • of the same meaning Pāṇ. 1-3, 42 Kāś
- tulyâvastha mfn. being in the same condition with (gen.) Ragh. xii, 80
- tulyôdyoga mfn. equal in labours
- tulakuci m. N. of a prince (son of Sahalin) Divyâv. xxvi, 391
- tulabha ○bhīya, v.I. for ul○
- tula-sāriṇī f. a quiver L
- tulasi metrically for ○sī BhP. iii, 15, 49
- tulasikā f. = ○sī, 19 ; v, 3, 6 and 7, 10
- tulasī f. holy basil (small shrub venerated by Vaishṇavas
- • commonly Tulsī) BhP. VāyuP. and PadmaP. (produced from the ocean when churned) BrahmaP. (produced from the hair of the goddess Tulasī, ii, 19.)
- ○dveṣā f. a kind of basil L
- ○pattra n. 'Tulasī leaf', a very small gift W
- ○vivāha m. the marriage of Vishṇu's image with the Tulasī (festival on the 12th day in the 1st half of month Kārttika) W
- ○vṛndāvana n. a square pedestal (before a Hindū house-door) planted with Tulasī
- tuli ○lī, turí and ○rī
- tulikā f. a wagtail L
- tulinī ○li-phalā, tūl○
- tulima tulya, cols. 2, 3
- tulvala taulvali
- tuvi f. for tumbī (gourd) L
- tuví (√tu) = bahu Naigh. iii, 1
- • only in comp
- ○kūrmí mfn. powerful in working (Indra) RV. iii, vi, viii
- ○kūrmin mfn. id., 66, 12
- ○kratu mfn. id., 68, 2 (voc.)
- ○kṣá mfn. ? (Indra's bow), 77, 11 .
- ○kṣatrá mf(ā́)n. ruling powerfully (Aditi) VS. xxi, 5 AV. vii, 6, 2
- ○grá mfn. swallowing much (Agni) RV. i, 140, 9
- ○grābhá mfn. seizing powerfully (Indra), vi, 22, 5
- ○grí mfn. = -grá (Indra), ii, 21, 2
- ○grī́va mfn. powerful-necked, i, v, viii
- ○jātá mfn. of powerful nature (Indra, Varuṇa, &c.), i-vii, x
- ○deṣṇa (○ví-), mfn. giving much (Indra), viii, 81, 2
- ○dyumná mfn. very glorious, powerful (Indra, Agni, the Maruts), i, iii-vi, viii f
- ○nṛmṇá mfn. very valiant (Indra), i, iv, vi, viii, x
- ○pratí mfn. resisting powerfully (Indra), i, 30, 9
- ○bādhá mfn. oppressing many (Indra), 32, 6
- ○brahman (○ví-). mfn. very devoted, v, 25, 5
- ○maghá mfn. = -deṣṇa, 33, 6
- ○manyu mfn. very zealous (the Maruts), vii, 58, 2
- ○mātrá mfn. very efficacious (Indra), viii, 81, 2
- ○mrakṣá mfn. injuring greatly, vi
- ○rā́dhas mfn. = -deṣṇa, iv f. vii
- ○vāja (○ví-), mf(ā)n. abounding in food, i, vi
- ○śagma mfn. able to do much (Indra), 44, 2
- ○śúṣma mfn. high-spirited (Indra, IndraVaruṇa), ii, vi, viii
- ○śravas (○ví-), mfn. highly renowned (Agni), iii, v
- ○ṣvaṇás mfn. loudsounding, iv f
- ○ṣváṇi mfn. id., i f. v f. viii
- ○ṣván mfn. id., 166, 1
- • i ; v, 16, 3 ; ix, 98, 9
- tuviṣ for ○vis = tavás
- ○ṭama (○víṣ-), mfn. Superl. strongest, i, v AV. vi, 33, 3
- ○mat (túv○), mfn. powerful RV. TS. ii, 3, 14, 4 TBr. iii, 1
- tuvī = ○ví
- ○magha (○vií-), = ○vi-m○ RV
- ○ráva mfn. making a terrible noise (in battle), x, 99, 6
- ○rávas nom. ○vān (cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 83 and 4, 48 Kār.), = ○vi-ṣvaṇás RV. x, 64, 4 and 16
- tuvy-ójas mfn. very powerful, iv, 22, 8
- tuś cl. 1. tośate, to drip, trickle, ix
- tuś (= tuṣ), cl. 1. tośate (p. tóśamāna) to be satisfied or pleased with (instr.) AV. iii, 17, 5
- • to appease RV. viii, 15, 11 and 50, 5
- tuṣ cl. 4. ○ṣyati (metrically also ○te
- • fut. tokṣyati, toṣṭā, and inf. toṣṭum Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār. ṣiddh.
- • aor. atuṣat Bhaṭṭ. xv, 8
- • pf. tutoṣa) to become calm, be satisfied or pleased with any one (gen., dat., instr., loc., or acc. with prati) or anything (instr.) ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 17, 5 MBh. &c
- • to satisfy, please, appease, gratify, i, 4198: Caus. toṣayati (or metrically ○te), id. RV. x, 27, 16 (p. f. tuṣáyantī) MBh. &c
- • Desid. tutukṣati W.: Intens. totuṣyate, totoṣṭi W
- • cf. tūṣṇī́m
- tuṣṭa mfn. satisfied, pleased MBh. &c
- • m. N. of a prince VāyuP. ii, 34, 122
- tuṣṭi f. satisfaction, contentment Mn. MBh. &c. (9 kinds are reckoned in Sāṃkhyaphil. Kap. iii, 39 Sāṃkhyak. 47 and 50 Tattvas
- • 'Satisfaction' personified ḥariv. 9498 as daughter of Daksha and mother of Saṃtosha or Muda VP. i, 7 BhP. iv, 1, 49 f. MārkP. l
- • or as daughter of Paurṇamāsa VāyuP. i, 28, 8 LiṅgaP
- • as a deity sprung from the Kalās of Prakṛiti' BrahmaP. ii, 1
- • as a Mātṛikā, Bhavadev
- • as a Śakti Hcat. i, 5, 197)
- • N. of a Kalā of the moon BrahmaP. ii, 15
- • the plant vṛddhi L
- ○kara mfn. causing satisfaction Mn. xi, 234
- ○janana mfn. id
- ○da mfn. id
- ○mat mfn. satisfied Hariv. iii, 86, 16, Nīl
- • m. N. of a prince VP. iv, 14, 5 BhP. ix, 24, 23
- tuṣya mfn. = ○ṣṭi-mat (Śiva) Hariv. 14882
- túṣa m. the chaff of grain or corn or rice &c. AV. ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- • Terminalia Bellerica L
- • cf. a-, ut-, nis-
- ○khaṇḍana n. 'chaffgrinding', useless effort Hit. iv, 5, 3 (v. l.)
- ○graha m. 'husk-seizer', fire L
- ○ja mfn. produced from chaff Pāṇ. 6-2, 82
- ○"ṣjaka m. N. of a Śūdra, viii, 2, 83. Kāś
- ○dhānya n. husk-corn VarBṛS
- ○pakva (túṣ○), mf(ā)n. dried by chaff fire MaitrS. iii, 2, 4 Kapishṭh. TS. v ŚBr. vii KātyŚr
- ○sāra m. = -graha L
- tuṣâgni m. chaff fire MBh
- tuṣânala m. id. Dhūrtas. i, 18
- • a capital punishment consisting in twisting dry straw round a criminal's limbs and setting it on fire W
- tuṣâmbu n. sour rice- or barley-gruel Suśr. i, 45
- tuṣôttha m. id. L
- tuṣôdaka n. id. i, iv
- tuṣāra mf(ā)n. cold, frigid Ragh. Naish
• m. sg. and pl. frost, cold, snow, mist, dew, thin rain MBh. &c
- • = -kaṇa Śiś. vi, 24
- • camphor Bhpr
- • pl. for tukh○
- ○kaṇa m. a dewdrop, icicle, flake of snow Kathās. xix, 50
- ○kara m. 'cold-rayed', the moon Vcar. Prasannar. vii, 60 Dhūrtan
- • a-, 'the sun' Śiś. ix, 7
- ○kiraṇa m. = -kara Kād. Amar
- ○giri m. 'snow-mountain', the Himâlaya MBh. xiii, 836
- ○gaura m. camphor Ṛitus. i, 6.
- ○gharaṭṭikā f. = -kara Alaṃkārav
- ○tviṣ m. id. ib
- ○dyuti m. id. Naish
- ○patana n. snow-fall R
- ○mūrti m. = -kara Śiś. i
- ○raśmi m. id. Prab. vi, 31
- ○rtu (ṛt○), m. 'cold season', winter Naish. xxii
- ○varṣa m. = -patana Rājat
- ○varṣin mfn. causing snow-fall Ragh. xiv, 84
- ○śikharin m. = -giri Hcar. Rājat
- ○śaila m. id. Vcar. xiii
- ○sruti f. = -patana Kum. i, 5
- tuṣārâṃśu m. = ○ra-kara SŚaṃkar. i, 28
- tuṣārâdri m. = ○ra-giri Megh. 104 Bhartṛ. ii, 29 Kathās
- tuṣita m. pl. a class of celestial beings MBh. xiii, 1371 Buddh. &c. (12 in number Hariv. VP. BhP. iv, 1, 8 VāyuP. ii, 6 ; 36 in number L.)
- • sg. Vishṇu in the 3rd Manv-antara Vishṇ. īc, 47 VP. iii, 1, 38
- • (ā), f. N. of the wife of Veda-śiras and mother of the Tushitas, 37 BhP. viii, 1, 21
- ○kāyika mfn. belonging to the body of the Tushitas Lalit. v, 6
- tuṣṭa ○ṣṭi, ○ṣya, √tuṣ
- tus cl. 1. tosati, to sound Dhātup
- tusta m. n. dust (= tūs○) L. Sch
- tuh cl. 1. tohati, to pain Dhātup
- tuhara ○hāra m. N. of two attendants of Skanda MBh. ix, 2573
- tuhi a cuckoo's cry Subh. 1688
- tuhina n. (Siddhnapuṃs. 41) frost, cold, mist, dew, snow Pañcat. ii, 58 Ṛitus. Kathās. Rājat. Prab
- • moonlight Uṇ. k
- • camphor Npr
- • (ā), f. the tree śuka-nāsa ib
- ○kaṇa m. = tuṣārak○ Amar
- ○kara m. = tuṣāra-k○ Kād
- • -sutā f. 'moon-daughter', the river Narmadā Viddh. iv, 18
- ○kiraṇa m. = -kara VarBṛ
- • -putra m. 'moonson', Mercury VarBṛS. civ
- ○kṣiti-bhṛt m. = tuṣāra-giri Alaṃkārav
○kṣmā-bhṛt m. id. Kathās. cxxiv
- ○giri m. id. Kād. Pañcat. (v. l.)
- • -maya mfn. formed by the Himâlaya Prasannar. iii, 30
- ○gu m. = -kara VarBṛ
- ○dyuti m. id. Śiś. ix, 30
- ○dīdhiti m. id. Vcar
- ○mayūkha m. id. VP. iii, 7
- ○raśmi m. id. VarBṛ
- ○śarkarā f. a piece of ice, ice Rājat. iii
- ○śaila m. = -giri Hcar. viii
- tuhinâṃśu m. = ○na-kara VarBṛS. VarBṛ
- • camphor W
- • -taila n. camphor-oil L
- tuhinâcala m. = ○na-giri Kathās. Dev
- tuhinâdri m. id. Ragh. viii, 53 Kathās. lxxiii, 82
- tuhinaya Nom. P. to cover with ice Śiś. vi, 55
- tuhuṇḍa m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2533 and 2655
- • (son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) 6983 Hariv
- tūkha m. N. of a man Kāṭh. Anukr
- tūḍ (= tuḍ), cl. 1. ○ḍati, to split Dhātup. ix, 67
- • to slight, disrespect, 72
- tūṇ (cf. kūṇ, cūṇ), cl. 10. ○ṇayati, to contract, xxxii, 99
- • xxxv, 42
- • ○te (fr. tūṇa) to fill (also tūlay○ Vop.), xxxiii, 16
- tūṇa m. (g. śoṇâdi
- • g. gaurâdi, v. l.) 'bearer' (√tul), a quiver MBh. &c. (often du.)
- • (ī), f. id. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • a disease of the anus and the bladder Suśr
- • the Indigo plant Npr
- ○dhāra v. l. for ○NI-dh○
- ○mukha n. the cavity of a quiver Ragh. vii, 54
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a quiver MBh. iii, 703 ; 8486 ; 10963 Hariv
- tūṇaka ifc. = ○ṇa Chandom. 77
- • n. a metre of 4 X 15 syllables
- tūṇi m. = ○ṇa R. ii, 31, 30
- • f. id. R. (B) iii, 8, 19
- • m. N. of Yugaṃ-dhara's father Hariv. 9207 VP. iv, 14, 1 (kuṇi BhP. LiṅgaP. KūrmaP. i, 24, 42)
- tūṇika m. = tuṇ○ Npr
- tūṇin mfn. = ○ṇa-vat Hariv. R
- • m. = ○ṇika L
- tūṇī f. and ind. fr. ○ṇa
- ○kānta m. = ○ṇika Gal
- ○√kṛ to use as a quiver Ragh. ix, 63
- ○dhāra m. a quiver-bearer Pāṇ. 6-2, 75 Kāś
- ○śaya mfn. lying in the quiver MBh. (ifc.) R. vi
- tūṇīka m. = ○ṇika L
- tūṇīra m. = ○ṇa MBh. R. Mālav. v, 10
- • -vat mfn. = ○Na-v○ Hariv
- • ○rāyamāṇa mfn. representing a quiver Daś. v, 112
- tū́ṇava m. a flute TS. vi Kāṭh. ĀpŚr. v, 8, 2 Nir. xiii, 9
- • ifc. Pāṇ. 2-2, 34 Vārtt. 1
- ○dhmá m. a flute-player VS. xxx, 19 f
- tūta m. the mulberry-tree Bhpr. V
- tūtaka n. = tuttha, blue vitriol L
- tū́tujāna mfn. (√2. tuj) hastening, eager RV. i, vi f
- • (○ná) viii and x
- tū́tuji mfn. id., iv, vi f. x
- • ○jí m. a promoter of (gen.), 22, 3
- • cf. á-.
- tūtumá mfn. strong, 50, 6
- • cf. túmra
- tūda m. the cotton tree L
- • = tūta (?) Npr
- • Thespesia populneoides L
- • (ī), f. N. of a district Pāṇ. 4-3, 94
- tūpará mf(ā́ TS. vii, 5, 1, 2)n. Ved. hornless, (m.) a hornless goat AV. xi, 9, 22 VS. &c
- • blunt (yūpa) TBr. i, 3, 7, 2 ĀpŚr. xviii, 1
- tūbara m. a hornless bull L
- • a beardless man (tub○ Uṇ. k.) L
- • = ○raka L
- • Andropogon bicolor Gal
- • mfn. and (ī), f. tub○,
- tūbaraka m. a eunuch MBh. v, vii f
- • (ikā) f. tub○
- tū́ya mfn. (√1. tu) strong RV. x, 28, 3
- • (am), ind. quick, iii-viii, x
- • n. water Naigh. i, 12
- tūr in comp. for 2. túr
- • mfn. (√tvar) hastening Pāṇ. 6-4, 20
- • f. instr. ○rā, ○rbhis, hastily MBh. ii, 72, 10 BhP. ii, 7, 37
- tū́r-ghna n. 'racer's death', N. of the northern part of Kurukshetra TĀr. v, 1
- tū́r-ṇāśa n. id. RV. viii, 32, 4
- tūrṇa mfn. (√turv Pāṇ. 6-4, 21 Kāś
- • √tvar, 20 ; vii, 2, 28) = ○rtá KātyŚr. x, 1, 9
- • (am), ind. quickly, speedily, viii, xxv PraśnUp. Nir. MBh. &c
- ○ga mfn. running quickly BhP. x, 53, 6
- ○taram ind. more quickly R. iii, 28
- tūrṇôdita mfn. spoken quickly L
- tūrṇaka m. 'quickly ripening', a sort of rice Car. i, 27, 4
- tū́rṇi mfn. quick, expeditious, clever, zealous RV. TS. ii ŚBr. i
- • m. the mind Uṇ. vṛ
- • a Śloka ib
- • dirt Uṇ. k
- • f. speed L
- tū́rṇy-artha mf(ā)n. pursuing an object RV. iii, 52, 5 ; v, 43
- tūrtá mfn. quick, expeditious ŚBr. vi, 3
- • cf. á-
- tūrti viśvá-. 1
- tūrya ap-, mitra- &c
- tūryantī f. N. of a plant ĀpGṛ. xiv, 14
- tūra m. = 2. ○rya L
- • cf. ardha-
- • (ī), f. a thorn-apple Bhpr. v, 3, 86
- tūrya n. (m. L.) a musical instrument Pāṇ. Mn. vii MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā KaṭhUp. Hariv.)
- • cf. sa-
- ○khaṇḍa
- ○gaṇḍa m. a sort of tabor L
- ○maya mfn. musical Kathās. xxiii, 84
- tūryâugha m. a band of instruments
- tūrya mfn. = tur○, 4th Rājat. ii, 91
- • m. N. of a family W
- tūryâṃśa m. a 4th part L
- tū́rvayāṇa mfn. (√turv) overpowering RV. i, 174, 3 ; x, 61, 2
- • m. N. of a man, i, 53, 10 ; vi, 18, 13
- tū́rvi mfn. superior, ix, 42, 3
- tūl cl. 1. 10. ○lati, ○layati, = niṣkṛṣ Dhātup
- • also tūṇ
- • cf. anu-tūlaya
- tū́la n. a tuft of grass or reeds, panicle of a flower or plant AV. xix, 32, 3 Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr. ChUp. (īṣīkā-) Kauś. Āp. Pāṇ. 6-2, 121 (ifc. ind.)
- • a pencil Divyâv. v. xxxvi
- • = tūta L
- • air L
- • m. the thorn-apple Npr
- • n. (m. L.) cotton MBh. R. &c
- • (ā), f. id. L
- • a lamp wick L
- • (ī), f. id. L
- • cotton Sāṃkhyak. 17, Gauḍap
- • = ○li Uṇ. Sch
- • = -paṭī Subh. RāmatUp. i, 86 Sch
- • the Indigo plant L
- • cf. ápa-, indra-, udak-, prāk-, bhasma-, śaṇa-, sa-, haṃsa-,
- ○kaṇa n. 'a cotton flock', Nom. ○ṇāyate, to appear worthless Dhanaṃj. 7
- ○kārmuka n. 'cotton-bow', a bowlike instrument used for cleaning cotton L
- ○cāpa m. id. L
- ○dāham ind. (with √dah, to consume by fire) like cotton Mcar. vi, 5
- ○nālā
- ○nālikā
- ○nālī f. 'cotton-tube', a cotton rock L
- ○paṭikā f. = ○ṭī Buddh. L
- ○paṭī f. a cotton quilt RāmatUp. i, 86 Sch
- ○picu m. cotton Divyâv. xvii, xxvii
- ○pīṭhī f. a spindle Gal
- ○pūrṇa mfn. filled with cotton, (a- neg.) MBh. xi, 23, 19
- ○phala m. Calotropis gigantea L
- ○mūla N. of a district on the Candra-bhāgā Rājat. iv
- ○lāsikā f. = -pīṭhī Gal
- ○vatī f. a cotton cover Bhpr. vii, 10, 63
- ○vṛkṣa m. the cotton tree L
- ○śarkarā f. a cotton seed L
- ○śodhana n
- ○śodhinī f. = -kārmuka Gal
- ○secana n. 'cotton-moistening', spinning L
- tūlaka n. cotton Bhāshāp
- • (ikā), f. a panicle (used as probing-rod) L
- • = ○li, Jñātādh. (in Prākṛit) Kum. i, 32 Dharmaśarm. Vcar
- • cf. akṣara-
- • a wick L
- • = ○la-paṭī Pāṇ. 3-3, 116 Kāś. Kathās
- • (su-) RāmatUp. i, 86
- • an ingot mould L. Sch
- tūli f. a painter's brush (cf. turī) Uṇ. Sch
- • -phalā f. the cotton tree (also tul○) L
- tūlika m. a cotton trader Kathās. lxi
- tūlinī f. the cotton tree (also tul○ L.) Bhpr
- • a kind of bulb L
- tūṣ cl. 1. ○ṣati, = √tuṣ Dhātup
- tūṣa m. n. the border of a garment Kāṭh. TBr.
- • cf. kṛṣṇá-, dāma-
- tūṣâdhā́na n. the place where the border is added TS. vi
- tūṣṇīṃ for ○ṇīm
- ○viprakramaṇa n. slipping away silently (without having voted) Buddh. L
- ○śaṃsa m. a verse which requires silent recitation AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śīla mfn. taciturn Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○sāra mfn. chiefly silent AitBr. ii, 31, 1
- ○sthāna n. silence Kathās. lxxiv
- ○homá m. an oblation offered silently TS. vi
- ○gaṅga n. N. of a Tīrtha Pāṇ. 2-2, 29 Pat
- • cf. uṣṇī-g○
- ○japa m. a prayer muttered silently ŚāṅkhŚr. ix, 25, 2 Sch
- ○daṇḍa m. secret punishment Mcar. iv, 7/8
- ○bhāva m. the being silent, silence MBh. xii, 3840 Sāh
- ○bhāvam ind. silently Pāṇ. 3-4, 63
- ○bhūta mfn. become silent MBh. i, 7951 R. i, 70, 18
- ○bhūya ind. p. (Pāṇ. 3-4, 63) silently Pañcat. iii, 14, 0/1
- tūṣṇīka mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) silent R. (G) ii, 117, 3 Kathās. īc, 60 Mālatīm. i, 19 Sch
- • (am), ind. silently MānŚr. i, 7, 5 MBh. v R. v
- • (ām), ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) id., Bhāgav. (Uṇ. iv, 35 Sch.)
- tūṣṇī́m ind. (g. svar-ādi) silently, quietly RV. ii, 43, 3 TS. &c. (for ○ṇīṃ babhūva, 'became silent' Divyâv.)
- tūsta n. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 21
- • ifc. g. cūrṇâdi) dust, iii, 1, 21 Kāś. Purushôtt. (Uṇ. iii, 86 Sch.)
- • sin L
- • an atom L
- • a braid of hair L
- tṛ́ (= stṛ́), nom. pl. tā́ras, the stars RV. viii, 55, 2
- • cf. tārā
- tṛṃhaṇa n. (√tṛh) crushing Pāṇ. 8-4, 2 Kāś
- • cf. tárh○
- tṛṃhaṇīya to be crushed ib
- tṛkṣ cl. 1. ○kṣati, to go Dhātup
tṛkṣa m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- tṛkṣas for tvákṣ Naigh. ii, 9
- tṛkṣāka N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- tṛkṣí m. N. of a man with the patr. Trāsadasyava RV. vi, 46, 8 ; viii, 22, 7
- tṛkha n. nutmeg L
- tṛcá m. n. (fr. trí and ṛ́c Pāṇ. 6-1, 37 Vārtt. 1) a strophe consisting of 3 verses AV. xix TS. i AitBr. ŚBr. and KātyŚr. (tricá) Nir. RPrāt
- • cf. try-ṛca
- ○kḷpta mfn. arranged in strophes of 3 verses each ŚāṅkhŚr. AitBr. iii, 43 Sāy
- ○bhāgā f. (scil. ṛc) verse 1. of the 1st, v. 2. of the 2nd, and v. 3. of the 3rd paryāya of a Tṛica Lāṭy. vi
- tṛcin mfn. containing a Tṛica AitBr. iii, 43
- tṛḍhá mfn. (√tṛh) crushed RV. i, vi
- tṛṇ cl. 8. ○ṇoti, ○ṇute, or tarṇ○, ○ṇute, to eat Dhātup. 1
- tṛta mfn. eaten, g. tanoty-ādi
- tṛ́ṇa n. (m., g. ardharcâdi
- • ifc. f. ā) grass, herb, any gramineous plant, blade of grass, straw (often symbol of minuteness and worthlessness) RV. &c. (ifc. accent, g. ghoṣâdi)
- • m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi and naḍâdi ;
- ○karṇa m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi (v. l.)
- • pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- ○kāṇḍa n. a heap of grass Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś
- ○kuṅkuma n. Kaśmir crocus L
- ○kuñcaka n. 'attracting grass (electrically when rubbed)', N. of a gem Buddh. L
- ○kuṭi f. a hut of grass or straw SāmavBr. iii, 9, 1 Sāy
- ○kuṭī f. id. L
- ○knṭīra id. Siṃhâs
- ○kuṭīraka id. Pañcat. i, 4, 7/8
- ○kūṭa m. n. = -kāṇḍa VarBṛS
- ○kūrcikā f. a whisk L
- ○kūrma m. the Tumbī gourd L
- ○ketakī f. a kind of Tabāshīr Npr
- ○ketu
- ○ketuka m. a bamboo L
- ○gaḍa m. a sort of sea crab L
- ○gaṇanā f. 'valuing at a straw', thinking anything (loc.) to be of no importance Vcar. vi, 2
- ○gaṇāya Nom. ○yate, to represent a heap of grass, have no value whatever Prasaṅg. iv, 4
- ○gandhā f. Batatas paniculata Npr
- ○godhā f. a lizard, chamaeleon L
- ○gaura n. = kuṅkuma L
- ○granthi f. N. of a plant L
- ○grāhin m. 'attracting grass (electrically when rubbed)', sapphire or another gem L
- ○cara m. N. of a gem Npr
- ○jambhan mfn. graminivorous or having teeth like grass Pāṇ. 5-4, 125
- ○jalāyukā́ f. a caterpillar ŚBr. xiv
- ○jalūkā f. id. BhP. iv, 29, 76
- ○jantu m. a blade of grass MBh. xii, 261, 21
- ○jāti f. pl. the different kinds of grass Mn. i, 48
- ○jyotis n. N. of a shining grass Kir. xv, 47 Sch. - 1
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of grass L
- ○tvaca m. a kind of grass Gal
- ○druma m. a palm-tree L.
- ○dhānya n. wild rice L
- ○dhvaja m. = -ketu Bhpr
- ○nimbā f. the Nepalese Nimba L
- ○pa m. 'grass-swallower', N. of a Gandharva MBh. i Hariv. 14157
- ○pañca-mūla n. an aggregate of 5 roots of gramineous plants (rice, sugar-cane, Darbha, Scirpus Kysoor, Saccharum Sara) Suśr. vi, 48, 23
- ○pattrikā
- ○pattrī f. a kind of reed L
- ○padī f. (a woman) having legs as thin as blades of grass, g. kumbhapady-ādi
- ○parṇī f. = -pattrī Gal
- ○pāṇi m. N. of a Ṛishi SV. Anukr
- ○pīḍa n. 'pressing as close as grass', hand to hand fighting MBh. ii, 909
- ○puruṣaka m. a straw-man Kād
- ○pulaka
- ○pulī -pūl○
- ○puṣpa n. = -kuṅkuma L
- • (ī), f. N. of a plant L
- ○pūla a tuft of grass L
- • (ī), f. id. Kād. v, 986 (v. l. pul○)
- ○pūlaka id. Hcar. vii (v. l. pul○)
- ○pūlika N. of a human abortion Car. iv, 4, 1
- ○prāya mfn. = -vat (a district) R. iii, 15, 41
- • worth a straw, worthless W
- ○balva-jā f. Eleusine indica L
- ○bindu m. N. of an ancient sage and prince MBh. iii f. ix Ragh. VP. BhP. VāyuP. i, 23, 190 DeviibhP
- • -śaras n. N. of a lake MBh. iii
- • cf. tārṇabindaviiya
- ○bīja
- ○bījaka
- ○bījôttama m. Panicum frumentaceum L
- ○bhuj mfn. graminivorous Kathās. lx
- ○bhūta mfn. become as thin as a blade of grass R. iv, 9, 95
- • deprived of all power MBh. vii, 8303
- ○maṇi m. = -kuñcaka Subh. 896
- ○maya mfn. made of grass ŚārṅgP. (Siṃhâs.)
- ○muṣṭi f. a handful of grass
- ○rāj m. 'king of grasses', the vine-palm R. vi
- ○rāja m. (cf. Bhpr. iv, 35) id. MBh. iv Hariv. (also ○jan, 3722)
- • the cocoa-nut tree L
- • a bamboo Npr
- • sugar-cane ib
- ○rājan m. ○ja
- ○lava m. a blade of grass Bhartṛ
- ○vat mfn. abounding in grass MBh. xii Bhartṛ
- ○vistara m. = -kāṇḍa
- ○vṛkṣa m. the fanpalm Npr
- • the date tree ib
- • the cocoa-nut tree ib
- • the areca-nut tree ib
- • Pandanus odoratissimus ib
- ○śīta n. N. of a fragrant grass L
- • (ā), f. Commelina salicifolia L
- ○śūnya m. Jasminum Sambac Suśr.i, iv
- • (śūlya) v, 7, 19
- • mf. n. the fruit of Pandanus odoratissimus L
- ○śūlya -śūnya
- ○śoṇita n. 'grass-blood', = -kuṅkuma L
- ○śoṣaka m. N. of a serpent, v, 4, 34
- ○śauṇḍikā f. a kind of Achyranthes Npr
- ○ṣaṭ-pada m. 'grass-infesting six-footed', a wasp L
- ○saṃvāha mfn. grass-moving (wind) Āp
- ○sāra mfn. 'as weak as grass'
- • (ā), f. Musa sapientum L
- • ○rī-kṛta mfn. rendered weak as grass Kathās
- ○siṃha m. 'reed-lion', axe Pāṇ. 6-2, 72 Kāś
- ○somâṅgiras m. N. of one of Yama's 7 sacrificial priests MBh. xiii, 7112
- ○skandá m. N. of a man RV. i, 172, 3
- ○stāraka m. 'covering with grass', leaving unremembered Buddh. L
- ○harmya m. a bower of grass or straw on the top of a house L
- tṛṇâgni m. a grass fire (quickly extinguished) Mn. iii, 168 Pañcat
- • burning a criminal wrapped up in straw W
- tṛṇâṅkura m. young grass Bhartṛ
- tṛṇâñcana ṅal.,
- tṛṇâñjana ḻ., m. = ○ṇa-godhā
- tṛṇâṭavī f. a forest abounding in grass L
- tṛṇâḍhya m. N. of a grass L
- tṛṇâda mfn. = ○ṇa-bhuj Subh
- tṛṇâdhipa m. 'grass-king', N. of a grass L
- tṛṇânna n. = ○ṇa-dhānya Npr
- tṛṇâmla n. N. of a grass L
- tṛṇâri m. a kind of Mollugo Npr
- tṛṇâvarta m. N. of a Daitya BhP. x BrahmaP. iv, 11
- tṛṇâśa mfn. = ○ṇâda Subh
- tṛṇâśana
- tṛṇâśin mfn. id. Kathās. lx
- tṛṇâsṛj n. = ○ṇa-śoṇita L
- tṛṇêkṣu m. N. of a grass L
- tṛṇêndra m. = ○ṇa-rāj MBh. xiii
- tṛṇâidha m. a fire for which grass is used instead of fuel ĀpŚr. ix, 9, 12
- tṛṇôttama m. 'best of grasses', a kind of Crocus L
- tṛṇôttha m. = ○ṇa-kuṅkuma L
- tṛṇôdaká n. sg. grass and water ŚBr. xiv ChUp. MBh. (v. l.)
- • -bhūmi n. sg. grass, water, and a seat Gaut. v, 35
- tṛṇôdbhava m. = ○ṇa-dhānya L
- • = ○ṇôttha Npr
- tṛṇôlapa n. sg. (g. gavâśvâdi) grass and shrubs MBh. v Kād
- tṛṇôlkā f. a torch of hay MBh. v Hit. i
- tṛṇâukas n. = ○ṇa-kuṭi L
- tṛṇâuṣadha n. the fragrant bark of Feronia elephantum L
- tṛṇaka n. a worthless blade of grass MBh. i
- • m. N. of a man, ii, 328
- tṛṇakīyā f. a grassy place, g. bilvakâdi
- tṛṇaya Nom. ○ti, to esteem as lightly as straw Naish. ix, 70
- tṛṇasa mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 80) grassy Vop
- tṛṇī-√kṛ to make straw of, make light of MBh. i, 7062 ; v, vii Naish. iii, 54 Kathās. xviii, 85 Sāh
- tṛṇīya g. utkarâdi
- tṛṇyā f. = ○ṇa-kāṇḍa g. pāśâdi
- • cf. a-
- tṛṇatā f. = tṛ-ṇ○ L
- tṛṇāṅku m. N. of a sage R. iv.
- tṛṇāmalla N. of a temple Rasik. xi, 15
- • cf. tri-m○
- tṛṇāvallī f. id., 30
- tṛṇṇa áti-, ava-, ā́-, ví-, sáṃ-
- tṛta. and 2 √tṛṇ and tritá
- tṛtī́ya mf(ā)n. (fr. trí Pāṇ. 5-2, 55
- • also vii, 3, 115 ; i, 1, 36 Vārtt.) the 3rd RV. &c
- • m. the 3rd consonant of a Varga (g, j, ḍ, d, b) RPrāt. VPrāt. APrāt. Pāṇ. Vārtt. and Kāś
- • (in music) N. of a measure
- • (ā), f. (scil. tithi) = ○yikā Jyot. &c
- • (scil. vibhakti) the terminations of the 3rd case, the 3rd case (instrumental) Pāṇ. APrāt. iii, 19
- • (am), ind. for the 3rd time, thirdly RV. x, 45, i ŚBr. ix, xi TāṇḍyaBr. &c
- • (ena), instr. ind. at the 3rd time PārGṛ. ii, 3, 5
- • (tṛ́tīya) mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 48) forming the 3rd part, (n.) a 3rd part TS. TBr. ŚBr. iii f. KātyŚr. Mn. vi, 33 MBh. ;
- ○karaṇī f. the side of a square 3 times smaller than another, Śulb. i, 47
- ○tā f. the condition of the 3rd consonant of a Varga RPrāt. xi, 13
- ○tva n. the condition of being the 3rd TPrāt. Sch
- ○divasa m. '3rd day', the day after to-morrow Hit. iii, 8, 1/2
- ○prakṛti f. '3rd nature', a eunuch L. Sch
- • the neuter gender ib
- ○bhikṣā f. a 3rd part of alms Pāṇ. 2-2, 3
- ○savaná n. the 3rd Soma preparation (in the evening) TS. ii ŚBr. i-iii AitBr. vi KātyŚr. Nir. vii
- • ○nīya mfn. belonging to ○ná ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○svara n. '3rd tune', N. of a Sāman
- tṛtīyâṃśa m. a 3rd part VarBṛS
- • mfn. receiving a 3rd as one's share (○yin Sch. on KātyŚr. x, 2, 25 and Nyāyam. iii) Mn. viii, 210
- tṛ́tīyaka mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 81) recurring every 3rd day, tertian (fever) AV. i, v, xix Suśr
- • occurring for the 3rd time Pāṇ. 5-2, 77 Kāś
- • the 3rd, Srut. Sāh. vi, 226 and 239
- • (ikā), f. the 3rd day in a half month
- ○jvara m. tertian ague
- tṛtīyā f. and ind
- ○√kṛ to plough for the 3rd time Pāṇ. 5-4, 58
- ○samāsa m. a Tat-purusha compound the former member of which would stand in the instrumental case if separated from the latter, i, 1, 30 ; vi, 1, 89 Vārtt. 6
- tṛtīyika mfn. v, 1, 48
- • (ā), f. ○yaka
- tṛtīyin mfn. holding the 3rd rank ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. viii, 210
- • ○yâṃśa
- tṛ́tsu m. sg. and pl. N. of a race RV
- tṛd cl. 7. (impf. atṛṇat pf. tatarda, p. Ā. tatṛdāná
- • aor. atardīt Bhaṭṭ
- • fut. tardiṣyati, tartsy○ Pāṇ. 7-2, 57) to cleave, pierce RV. Hariv. Bhaṭṭ
- • to split open, let out, set free RV
- • to destroy Bhaṭṭ. vi, 38: Desid. titardiṣati, ○rtsati Pāṇ. 7-2, 57
- • √.tard
- tṛdilá mfn. porous RV. x, 94, 11
- • cf. á-
- tṛp cl. 4. tṛ́pyati [AV. TS. &c
- • metrically also ○te], cl. 5. [Subj. 2. sg. tṛpṇávas Impv. ○ṇuhi, ○ṇutám RV. ( also á-tṛpṇuvat)
- • ○noti Dhātup. and g. kṣubhnâdi], cl. 6. [2. sg. tṛmpási, Impv. ○pá, ○patu, &c. RV. ŚBr
- • Pāṇ. 7-1, 59 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- • tṛpati Dhātup
- • pf. p. Ā. tātṛpāṇá RV. x, 95, 16
- • P. tatarpa
- • 3. pl. tātṛpur AV. xi, 7, 13
- • aor. atṛpat (iii, 13, 6) or atrāpsīt Pāṇ. 3-1, 44 Vārtt
- • atarpīt, atārpsīt Vop
- • fut. 1st tarpiṣyati (but Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), tarpsy○, trapsy○
- • Cond. atrapsyat AitUp. iii, 3
- • fut. 2nd tarpitā, ○ptā, traptā Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 59 and vii, 2, 45] to satisfy one's self, become satiated or satisfied, be pleased with (gen., instr., or rarely loc., e.g. nâgnis tṛpyati kāṣṭhānām, 'fire is not satisfied with wood' MBh. xiii
- • átṛpyan brāhmaṇā́ dhánaiḥ, 'the Brahmans were pleased with wealth' ŚBr. xiii) RV. &c
- • to enjoy (with abl.) Mn. iv, 251
- • to satisfy, please Bhaṭṭ. i f.: cl. 1. tarpati, to kindle Dhātup.: Caus. tarpayati, rarely ○te (impf. atarpayat RV. &c
- • p. tarpáyat ib
- • aor. atītṛpat ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 12 BhP
- • átītṛpāma VS
- • inf. tárpayitavaí ŚBr. i, 7, 3, 28 ĀpŚr. iv, 16, 17) to satiate, satisfy, refresh, gladden RV. &c
- • Ā. to become satiated or satisfied VS. AV. vi
- • to kindle Dhātup.: Desid. (Subj. títṛpsāt) to wish to enjoy RV. x, 87, 19: Caus. Desid. (Pot. titarpayiṣet) to wish to satiate or refresh or satisfy ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 2, 7 Gobh. i, 9, 2: Intens. tarītṛpyate, tarītarpti, ○trapti W
- • [√.tṛph
- • ?.]
- tṛp asu- and paśu-tṛ́p
- • śiśnôdara-
- tṛpa mfn. a-tṛpá
- • asu-
- • (ā), f. N. of a plant ŚBr. v, 3, 5, 20 Sāy
- tṛpát ind. with pleasure, to one's satisfaction RV. ii f. x
- • m. the moon Uṇ. k
- • a parasol Uṇ. ii, 85 Sch
- tṛpála mfn. ṣV. or , ind. = ○prá or ○prám
- • (ā), f. a creeper Uṇ. i, 106 Sch
- • = phalā Uṇ. vṛ.
- • tṛpála-prabharman mfn. (Soma) = tṛpra-prahārin RV. x, 89, 5
- tṛpāya Nom. ○yate (fr. ○pát), g. bhṛśâdi
- tṛpita mfn. Pāṇ. 7-1, 59 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- tṛpú m. a thief (cf. asu- and paśu-tṛ́p) Naigh. iii, 24 (v. l. tripú)
- tṛptá mfn. satiated, satisfied with (gen., instr., or in comp.) AV. ŚBr. &c
- • (am), ind. so as to exhibit satiety AitBr. i, 25, 15
- • n. N. of a metre RPrāt. xvii, 5
- ○tā f. satiety Kathās. lxii
- • satisfaction, cxix
- • a-, insatiability Śiś. ix, 64
- tṛptấṃśu mfn. having well-nourished shoots RV. i, 168
- tṛptâtman mfn. having a contented mind
- tṛ́pti f. satisfaction, contentment RV. viii, 82, 6 (○ptí) and ix, 113, 10 AV. &c
- • disgust Suśr. i, 24, 2
- • m. N. of a Gandharva Gal
- ○kara mfn. giving satisfaction, 46, 9, 7
- ○kāraka mfn. id
- ○kṛt mfn. = a-secana L
- ○ghna mfn. removing disgust
- ○da mfn. = -kara
- ○dīpa m. N. of Bhpañcad. vii
- ○mat mfn. satisfied, finding satisfaction in (loc.) ChUp. vii, 10, 2 Rudray. ii, i, 4
- ○yoga m. satisfaction Śiś. ii, 31
- tṛptī-√kṛ to satisfy, gladden Naish. viii
- tṛpyat mfn. a- not becoming satiate Kathās
- tṛprá mf(ā)n. KātyŚr. xxv, 11, 30
- • (ám), ind. ŚBr. x, 4, 1, 18 ; xii, 5
- • m. = puroḍāśa (Uṇ. Sch. and Sāy
- • = ghṛta Uṇ. k.) RV. viii, 2, 5
- • cf. trapiṣṭha
- ○daṃśín mfn. biting hastily (?) AV. vii, 56, 3
- tṛprāya Nom. ○yate g. sukhâdi
- tṛprālu mfn. ○praṃ na sahate Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 6
- tṛprin mfn. g. sukhâdi
- tṛph cl. 6. ○phati, to satisfy (cf. √tṛp) Dhātup
- • to kill (cf. tarphitṛ) W
- tṛphalā tri-ph○
- tṛphū f. = sarpa-jāti Uṇ. k
- tṛ́bhi m. a ray TĀr. i, 11, 3
- tṛmp cl. 6. ○pati, √tṛp
- tṛmpaṇa n. the act of pleasing Pāṇ. 8-4, 2 Vārtt. 7 f. Pat
- tṛmpaṇīya mfn. to be pleased ib
- tṛmph (= √tṛp), cl. 6. ○phati, to satisfy, vii, 1, 59 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- tṛvṛt tri-v○
- tṛṣ cl. 4. ○ṣyati (p. tṛ́ṣyat Ā. ○ṣāṇá pf. tātṛṣāṇá RV.
- • 3. pl. tātṛṣúr, x, 15, 9
- • aor. Subj. tṛṣat AV. ii, 29, 4
- • ind. p. ○ṣṭvā́, xix, 34, 6
- • ○ṣitvā and tarṣitvā Pāṇ. 1-2, 25) to be thirsty, thirst, thirst for RV. &c.: Caus. (aor. 1. pl. atītṛṣāma) to cause to thirst, iv, 34, 11 ; [Goth. thars, thaursus
- • ?] 2
- tṛṣ mfn. 'longing for', artha-
• f. (Siddhṣtry. 23) thirst MBh. xiv Suśr. VarBṛ. &c
- • strong desire L
- • Desire as daughter of Love L
- tṛṣā f. thirst Nal. ix, 27 Suśr. Vet. &c
- • strong desire Hit. i, 6, 34
- • Desire as daughter of Love L
- • Methonica superba L
- ○bhū f. 'thirstorigin', the bladder L
- ○roga m. 'morbid thirst' N. of a disease MBh. xii, 11268
- ○rta (○ṣâr○), mfn. suffering from thirst, Sinhâs. vi, 7 Hit. iii, 4, 0/1
- • affected by desire, i, 6, 34
- ○ha n. 'thirst-destroying', water L
- • a kind of anise L
- tṛṣitá mfn. (fr. 2. tṛṣ g. tārakâdi) thirsty, thirsting, desirous RV. i, 16, 5 MBh. &c. (with inf. Hariv. 5033)
- • n. thirst W
- • cf. á-
- tṛṣitôttarā f. the plant aśana-parṇī L
- tṛṣú mfn. greedy, eagerly desirous RV. iv, 4, 1 ; 7, 11
- • ind. greedily, rapidly, i, 58 ; iv, 7, 11 ; vii, 3, 4 ; x, 79 ; 91 ; 113 ; 115
- ○cyávas mfn. moving greedily, vi, 66, 10
- ○cyút mfn. id., i, 140, 3
- tṛṣṭá mf(ā́)n. 'dry', rough, harsh, rugged, hoarse , iii, 9, 3 ; x, 85 and 87 AV. v, 18 f. ; vii, 113, 2
- ○jambha mfn. having rough teeth, vi, 50, 3
- ○daṃśman (ṭá-), mfn. biting roughly, xii, 1, 46
- ○dhūma (○ṭá-), mfn. having pungent breath (a snake), xix, 47 and 50
- ○vandana mf(ā)n. having a rough eruption, vii, 113, 1
- tṛṣṭấmā f. N. of a river RV. x, 75, 6
- tṛṣṭikā́ f. a rough woman AV. vii, 113, 1 f
- tṛṣṇaka mfn. desirous, eager for L
- tṛṣṇáj mfn. (Nir. Pāṇ.) thirsty RV. i, v, vii
- tṛ́ṣṇā f. thirst, i, vii, ix AV. ŚBr. &c
- • desire, avidity (chiefly ifc.) R. Ragh. BhP. &c
- • Avidity as mother of Dambha (Prab. ii, 11/12), daughter of Death (Mṛityu VP. i, 7, 31
- • or Māra Lalit. xxiv, 20), generated by Vedanā and generating Upâdāna (Buddh.)
- • cf. ati-
- ○kṣaya m. cessation of desire, tranquillity of mind L
- ○ghna mfn. quenching thirst Suśr. i, 45
- ○mārá m. dying of thirst AV. iv, 17, 6 f.
- ○"ṣri (○ṇâr○), m. the plant parpaṭa L
- ○varūtrī f. for tvaṣṭā- g. vanaspaty-ādi
- tṛṣyā́-vat mfn. = tarṣ○ RV. vii, 103, 3
- tṛṣama tri-ṣ○
- tṛh cl. 7. (Impv. tṛṇéḍhu
- • Subj. pl. tṛṇáhān
- • aor. atṛham AV
- • atarhīt Bhaṭṭ
- • atṛkṣat, Durgād
- • pf. tatarha AV
- • pr. p. nom. m. tṛṃhát RV. x, 102, 4
- • f. du. ○hatī́ ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 2
- • ind. p. tṛḍhvā́ Pass. pl. tṛhyánte, p. ○hyámāṇa AV
- • cl. 6. tṛhati, tṛṃh○ Dhātup.) to crush, bruise RV. AV. TS. i, 5, 7, 6 ŚBr. Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. titṛkṣati, titṛṃhiṣati Pāṇ. 1-2, 10 Siddh
- • cf. vi-
- • tárhaṇa, tṛṃhaṇa, tṛḍhá
- tṝ cl. 1. P. (rarely Ā.) tárati (Subj. tárat impf. átarat, p. tárat inf. tarádhyai, ○rīṣáni RV.), cl. 5. tarute (x, 76, 2
- • Pot. 1. pl. turyāma, v f.), cl. 3. titarti (BhP
- • p. nom. pl. títratas RV. ii, 31, 2
- • Pot. tuturyā́t, v f. viii), with prepositions Ved. chiefly cl. 6. P. Ā. (tiráte Subj. tirāti impf. átirat, p. tirát inf. tíram, tíre RV
- • -aor. átārīt, i, vii
- • 1. pl. ○riṣma i, vii, ○rima viii, 13, 21
- • táruṣante v, ○ta i, ○ṣema vii
- • Ā. and Pass. -tāri RV
- • P. atārṣīt BhP
- • ○ṣam MBh. Daś
- • pf. tatāra RV. &c
- • 3. pl. titirur, i f
- • teritha, ○ratur Pāṇ. 6-4, 122
- • p. titirvás gen. tatarúṣas RV
- • fut. tariṣyati, ○rIS○, taritā, ○rītā Pāṇ. 7-2, 38
- • tárutā RV. i
- • Prec. tīryāt, tariṣīṣṭa Vop
- • inf. tartum MBh. R
- • ○rIt○ iv f. ○rit○ MBh. i Hariv. R. v
- • ind. p. tīrtvā́ AV
- • -tū́rya, vi-) to pass across or over, cross over (a river), sail across RV. &c
- • to float, swim VarBṛS. lxxx, 14 Bhaṭṭ. xii Cāṇ
- • to get through, attain an end or aim, live through (a definite period), study to the end RV. &c
- • to fulfil, accomplish, perform R. i f
- • to surpass, overcome, subdue, escape RV. &c
- • to acquire, gain, viii, 100, 8 MBh. xii R
- • Ā. to contend, compete RV. i, 132, 5
- • to carry through or over, save, vii, 18, 6 MBh. i, iii: Caus. tārayati (p. ○ráyat) to carry or lead over or across Kauś. MBh. &c
- • to cause to arrive at AV. xviii PraśnUp. vi, 8
- • to rescue, save, liberate from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. titīrṣati (also titariṣati, ○rIS○ Pāṇ. 7-2, 41
- • p. Ā. titīrṣamāṇa MBh. xiii, 2598) to wish to cross or reach by crossing KaṭhUp. MBh. BhP. iv: Intens. tartarīti (2. du. ○rīthas
- • p. gen. tárilratas
- • also vi-
- • tātarti, 92 Sch.) to reach the end by passing or running or living through RV
- •
- tékṣṇiṣṭham ind. (fr. tīkṣṇá) in a most pungent manner TBr. i, 5 f. TĀr. ii
- tegá or stegá m. pl. VS. xxv, 1
- tej ○jati, to protect Dhātup. vii, 56
- teja m. (√tij) sharpness Vop. viii, 132
- • m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1226
- • (ā), f. the 13th night of the Karma-māsa Sūryapr
- ○pattra
- ○pāla ○jaH-p○
- ○vatī ○jo-v○
- ○valkala m. Zanthoxylon Rhetsa Bhpr. v, 1, 169/170
- ○siṃha m. N. of a man (son of Raṇa-dara)
- • ○jaH-s○.
- tejaḥ = ○jas
- ○pattra n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia (also ○ja-p○ L.) W
- ○pāla m. N. of a man (also ○ja-p○)
- ○prabha n. 'gleaming with lustre', N. of a mythic missile R. i, 29, 18
- ○phala m. N. of a tree L
- ○sambhava m. (= agni-s○) lymph L
- ○siṃha m. N. of an astronomer Hāyan
- ○sena m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 400 f
- tejâhvā f. Scindapsus officinalis Suśr. iv, 2, 92
- téjana n. sharpening, whetting Dhātup
- • inflammation Suśr. iv, 24
- • rendering bright W
- • the shaft of an arrow AV. Kāṭh. AitBr. &c
- • a reed, bamboo RV. i, 110, 5
- • = ○naka L
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi) a whetstone, touchstone L
- • a number of reeds or straw &c. twisted or matted together, tuft, mat Kāṭh. xxii f. AitBr. ŚBr. PārGṛ. Kauś
- • Sanseviera Roxburghiana (also ○jinī Npr.) L
- • = ○ja-valkala Bhpr. v, 1, 170
- • also ○jo-'hvā
- • cf. taij○
- téjanaka m. Saccharum Sara L
- téjanin mfn. = vikaṭa Lāṭy. ix, 2, 27 Sch
- téjanī-danta m. a prominent tooth (?), 27
- tejita mfn. sharpened, whetted (arrows) MBh. v f
- • excited, stimulated Hariv. 5208 ; 9644
- tejinī f. ○janī and ○jo-vatī
- téjas n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire RV. &c
- • clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c
- • the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty Nal. Suśr. i, 15
- • the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26
- • the bile L
- • fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence AV. &c
- • semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. Śak
- • marrow L
- • the brain W
- • gold L
- • (opposed to kṣamā) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBṛ. Sāh. iii, 50 and 54 Daśar. ii, 3
- • (in Sāṃkhya phil.) = rajas (passion)
- • spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority AV. VS. &c
- • a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence MBh. v, xiii Śak. vii, 15
- • fresh butter L
- • a mystical N. of the letter ? RāmatUp. i, 23
- • (ase), dat. inf. √tij, q.v
- • cf. a-, agni-, ugra- &c
- ○ka ifc. = ○jas RV. i, 116, 8 Sāy
- ○kara mfn. granting vital power
- ○kāma (téj○), mfn. longing for manly strength or vital power Mn. iv, 44
- • desiring influence or authority or dignity TS. ii AitBr. i TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- ○kāya mfn. having light as one's body Āp
- ○timira n. du. light and darkness
- ○tejas m. whose essence is light W
- ○tva n. the general notion of tejas Sarvad. x, 42
- • the nature or essence of light BhP. iii
- ○pada n. a mark of dignity, i, 15, 14
- ○vat (téj○), mfn. sharp-edged W
- • splendid, bright, glorious, beautiful AV. xviii TS. ii f. TBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ChUp
- • energetic, spirited W
- • (tī), f. N. of a princess Kathās. xviii
- • ○jo-v○.
- ○vín mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Kāś.) sharp (the eye) Bhartṛ
- • brilliant, splendid, bright, powerful, energetic TS. ii f. TBr. &c
- • violent VarBṛS. ci, 2
- • inspiring respect, dignified, noble Mn. &c
- • = -kara TUp. ii, 1
- • m. N. of a son of Indra MBh. i, 7304
- • (inī), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- • mahā-jyotiṣmatī L
- • ○svi-tā f. energy MBh. iii
- • majesty, dignity Hcar. v, 435
- • ○svi-tva n. brilliancy MBh. v, 181, 7 Pratāpar
- • ○svini-tamā or ○svínī-t○, Superl. of f. of ○svín Kāṭh. xxiii, 10 TS. vi
- • ○svi-praśaṃsā f. N. of ŚārṅgP. xvii
- tejasa n. ifc. = ○jas, power MBh. iii, 8681
- tejasām-adhī7śa m. 'lord of luminaries', the sun Hcar. v, 415
- tejasyá mfn. splendid TS. ii, 3
- téjiṣṭha mf(ā)n. (Superl. of tigmá) very sharp RV. i, 53, 8
- • very hot, i f. vi
- • very bright, ix f. ŚBr. i BhP
- • (am), ind. with the utmost heat TāṇḍyaBr
- téjīyas mfn. (Compar.) sharper (the mind) RV. iii, 19, 3
- • more clever BhP. x, 33, 30 (BrahmaP.)
- • higher in rank, dignified BhP. iii f. x
- tejeyu N. of a son of Raudrâśva MBh. i, 3701
- tejo = ○jas
○ja n. blood Gal
- ○jala n. 'lightwater', the lens of the eye Suśr. vi, 1, 16
- ○nāthatīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. cxxiv
- ○nidhi mfn. 'treasury of glory', abounding in glory W
- ○bala-samāyukta mfn. endowed with spirit and strength Nal. xix
- ○bindū7paniṣad f. N. of an Up
- ○bīja n. marrow Npr
- ○bhaṅga m. destruction of dignity, disgrace
- ○'bhibhavana m. N. of a village R. (B) ii, 68, 17
- ○bhīru f. 'afraid of light', shadow L
- ○maṇḍala n. a disk or halo of light PraśnUp. iv, 2
- ○mantha m. (= agni-m○) Premna spinosa L
- ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of splendour or light, shining, brilliant, clear (the eye) ŚBr. xiv ChUp. ŚvetUp. Mn. &c
- ○mūrti mfn. consisting totally of light, iii, 93
- ○'mṛta-maya mfn. consisting of splendour or nectar Hcat. i, 6, 253
- ○rāśi m. 'mass of splendour', all splendour (mount Meru) MBh. i
- • (○jaso ?○ iii, 9900)
- • Śiva
- ○rūpa mfn. consisting wholly of splendour (Brahmā) BrahmaP
- ○vat mfn. sharp, pungent W
- • bright VarBṛS. lxxxi, 6
- • energetic W
- • (tī), f. Scindapsus officinalis (○ja-v○ Bhpr. v, 1, 170) Suśr. iv, 2 ; 8 ; 15
- • vi
- • Piper Chaba L
- • mahā-jyotiṣmatī L
- • N. of a √(also ○jinī) Npr
- • of a princess Kathās. xvii, 34
- ○víd mfn. possessing splendour or light TS. iii, 3, 1, 1
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -mantha L
- ○vṛtta n. dignified behaviour Mn. ix, 303
- ○vṛddhi f. increase of glory
- ○hrāsa m. = -bhaṅga
- ○'hvā f. (cf. ○jâh○) = ○ja-valkala Bhpr. v, 1, 170
- • Cardiospermum Halicacabum (also ○janī L.) Suśr. iv, 9, 60
- tejaura N. of a place Rasik. xi
- tedanī́ f. blood or clotted blood VS. xxv, 2 AV. (?) ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (○nī)
- tena m. a note or cadence introductory to a song
- téna ind. (instr. of 2. tá) in that direction, there (correl. to yena, 'in which direction, where') SaddhP. iv Pāṇ. 2-1, 14 Kāś
- • in that manner, thus (correl. to yena, 'in what manner'), PārGṛ. ii, 2 Mn. iv, 178 Vop. v, 7
- • on that account, for that reason, therefore (correl. to yena ṃn. ṃBh., yád , yasmāt ṃBh. ṛ., yatas )
- • tena hi, therefore, now then Śak. Vikr. i, 3/4
- tep cl. 1. ○pate, to distil, ooze, drop Dhātup. x, 2
- • to tremble, Kavikalpadr
- tema ○mana, √tim
tera ○raṇa m. balsamine L
- • cf. tair○
- tela m. N. of a high number Buddh. L
- telu g. rājanyâdi
- tev cl. 1. ○vate, to sport Dhātup. xiv
- tevana n. sport L
- • a pleasure-garden L
- taikāyana m. patr. fr. Tika, g. naḍâdi
- taikāyani m. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 154
- taikāyanīya m. a descendant or pupil of ○ni, 90 Kāś
- taikṣṇāyana m. .patr. fr. Tīkshṇa, g. aśvâdi
taikṣṇya n. sharpness (of a knife) Suśr. i, 5
- • pungency (of drugs), i, iii f. R
- • fierceness, severity Mn. iv, 163 MBh. R. Sāh
- • pain, Priyad. i, 4/5
- taigmya n. (fr. tigmá) sharpness, pungency W
- taijana mfn. coming from the plant tejanī Kāṭh. xxi, 10 (ĀpŚr. xvii, 14)
- taijani-tvac a kind of lute Lāṭy. iv
- taijasá mf(ī)n. originating from or consisting of light (téjas), bright, brilliant ŚBr. xiv MāṇḍUp. MBh. &c
- • consisting of any shining substance (as metal), metallic ĀśvGṛ. Gaut. Mn. KātyŚr. Sch
- • said of the gastric juice as coloured by digested food Suśr. i, 14
- • passionate Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. Vedântas. Suśr. BhP
- • n. metal L
- • vigour W
- • N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 7035 ; ix, 2723
- • (ī), f. Scindapsus officinalis Npr
- • long pepper Gal
- • ○sâvartanī, ○tinī f. a crucible L
- taitala ○lāyani, ○li, ○til○
- taitikṣa mfn. (fr. titikṣā) patient, g. chattrâdi
- • relating to ○kṣya g. kaṇvâdi
- taitikṣava m. patr. fr. titikṣu Hariv. 1681
- taitikṣya m. patr. fr. titikṣa g. gargâdi
- taitila m. N. of a man (v. l. ○tala), g. tikâdi
- • a rhinoceros L
- • a god Daś. xii, 129
- • kaliṅga, 129 Sch
- • n. (m. Sch.) a pillow KshurUp
- • n. N. of the 4th Karaṇa (in astr.) VarBṛS. iiic, 4 and 6
- • -kadrū Pāṇ. 6-2, 42
- taitilāyani m. patr. fr. taitila g. tikâdi (v. l. ○tal○)
- taitili m. N. of a man Pravar. v, 4 (Kāty.)
- • (○tali Jain.)
- taitilin m. N. of a man (= ○la) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 1
- taittiḍīka mf(ī)n. prepared with tamarind-sauce, iv, 3, 156 Vārtt. 2 Pat. ; 4, 4 Kāś
- taittira mf(ī)n. produced or coming from a partridge (tittiri) ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. Suśr
- • sprung from the sage Tittiri Uṇ. k
- • m. a partridge L
- • n. a flock of partridges L
- taittiri m. N. of a sage (elder brother of Vaiśampāyana MBh. xii, 12760) Pravar. ii, 2, 3 (v. l. titt○ pl.)
- • of a son of Kapota-roman Hariv. 2016 MatsyaP. (not in ed.)
- • (titt○) AgP. and BrahmaP
- taittirika m. one who catches partridges R. (G) ii, 90, 13
- taittirīya m. pl. 'pupils of Tittiri', the Taittirīyas (a school of the Yajur-Veda) Pāṇ. 4-3, 102 R. ii, 32, 15 VP. &c
- ○caraṇa n. the school of the Taittirīyas
- ○prātiśākhya n. the Prātiśākhya of the Taittirīyas (commented on by Tri-bhāshya-ratna)
- ○brāhmaṇa n. the Brāhmaṇa of the Taittirīyas
- ○yajur-veda m. the YV. according to the Taittirīyas
- ○vārttika n. N. of a commentary
- ○veda m. the Veda according to the Taittirīyas
- ○śākhā f. = -caraṇa ĀtrAnukr
- ○śākhin mfn. belonging to ○khā ib. Sch
- ○saṃhitā f. the Saṃhitā of the Taittirīyas (chief recension of the Black YV., on the origin of which VP. iii, 5, 1-29 has the following legend: the YV. was first taught by Vaiśampāyana to 27 pupils, among whom was Yājñavalkya
- • subsequently V. being offended with Y. bade him disgorge the Veda committed to him, which he did in a tangible form
- • whereupon the older disciples of V. being commanded to pick it up, took the form of partridges, and swallowed the soiled texts, hence named 'black'
- • the other name taittirīya referring to the partridges. Y. then received from the Sun a new or white version of the YV., called from Y.'s patr. vājasaneyin)
- taittirīyâraṇyaka n. the Āraṇyaka of the Taittirīyas
- taittirīyôpaniṣad f. the Up. of the Taittirīyas
- taittirīyaka mfn. = ○ya-śākhin, Tprāt
- • n. the manual of the Tprāt Sāy. on RV. i, 65, 2 and 5 ; iv, 42, 8.
- taittirīyakôpaniṣad f. = ○rīyôp○ Sarvad. v
- taittirya mfn. coming from a partridge ĀpGṛ
- tainduka mf(ī)n. derived from Diospyros embryopteris (tind○) Suśr. vi, 40, 36
- taimātá m. N. of a snake AV. v
- taimitya n. fr. timita, dulness Gal
- taimira mfn. fr. timita, with roga, = ○rya Suśr. iv, 13
- taimirika mfn. = timira nayana Kād. iii
- taimirya n. dimness of the eyes Hāsy. i, 39
- taira ○raṇa m. ○raṇī f. = ter○ L
- tairabhukta mfn. fr. tīra-bhukti
- tairaścya n. 'melody of the Ṛishi Tiraścī', N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. xii Lāṭy. vi, 8, 12
- tairovirāma m. 'extending beyond (tirás) a pause (vir○)', the dependant Svarita in a compound when the Udātta upon which it depends stands on the last syllable of the 1st member of the compound VPrāt. i, 118
- • (called prātihata TPrāt.)
- tairovyañjana m. 'extending beyond the consonant (vy○)', the dependant Svarita when separated by one or more consonants from the Udātta syllable upon which it depends RPrāt. iii, 10 APrāt. iii, 62 VPrāt. i, 117
- tairo'hnya mfn. = tir○ ĀśvŚr. v, 5
- tairtha mf(ī)n. relating to a Tīrtha, g. śuṇḍikâdi and vyuṣṭâdi
- tairthaka mfn. g. dhūmâdi
- tairthika mfn. (g. chedâdi) = tīrth○, addicted or relating to another creed, heterodox Kāraṇḍ. xi, 62
- • m. a dignified person, authority Prab. ii, 13/14
- • n. water from a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8085
- • = tīrthacaryā (?), xiii, 6066
- tairthya g. saṃkāśâdi
- tairyagayanika mfn. measured by the revolution (tiryag-ayana) of the sun (a year) Lāṭy. iv, 8, 7 Nidānas. v, 12
- tairyagyona mfn. = tir○, of animal origin, (m.) animal Mn. vii, 150 Suśr. vi, 39
- • ○nya
- tairyagyoni mfn. id. MBh. v, 97, 6
- • relating to the animals (creation) Sāṃkhyak. 54, Gauḍap
- tairyagyonya mfn. id., 53 (v. l. ○na) VP. i, 5, 21 MārkP. vlī, 33
- tailá n. (fr. tíla) sesamum oil, oil AV.i, 7, 2(?) Kauś. Gobh. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Vārtt.4 Pat
- • ifc. f. ā Kum. vii, 9)
- • olibanum VarBṛS. lxxvii, 4 and 6
- ○kanda m. N. of a bulb L
- ○kalka-ja m. = -kiṭṭa L
- ○kalpanā f. N. of ŚārṅgS. xvi, 90-178
- ○kāra m. an oil-miller BrahmaP. i
- ○kiṭṭa n. oil-cake L
- ○kīṭa m. N. of an insect L
- ○kuṇḍa (taíl○), n. an oil-pot AV. xx, 136, 16 (v. l. -kumbha)
- ○caurikā f. 'stealing oil', a cock-roach L
- ○tva n. oily state Suśr. i, 45
- ○droṇī f. a tub filled with oil R. ii, 66, 14 ff
- ○pa m. 'oil-drinker', N. of a man
- • (ā), f. = -caurikā L
- ○paka -pāyika
- ○parṇa m. camphor Gal
- • (ī), f. sandal L
- • turpentine L
- • olibanum L
- ○parṇaka n. N. of a fragrant grass Bhpr. v, 2, 108
- • sandal-wood Npr
- ○parṇika m. N. of a sandal tree Hariv. 12680 Bhpr
- • n. the wood of that tree L
- ○pātra n. an oil-vessel Gobh. iii, 5, 8
- ○pāyika m. = -pā (or 'N. of a bird' Sch.) Vishṇ. xliv, 23 Mn. xii, 63 (v. l. -paka)
- • (ā), f. = -pā MBh. xiv, 5069
- ○pāyin m. id., xiii Yājñ. iii, 211 MārkP. xv, 23
- • ? MBh. vii, 6713
- • (inī), f. id. Npr
- ○piñja white sesamum ib
- ○pipīlikā f. a small red ant L
- ○pīta mfn. one who has drunk oil, g. āhitâgny-ādi
- ○pūra m. 'oil-filling', a- or apavarjita- Bhaktâm. 15, mfn. (a lamp) that wants no oil-filling
- ○peṣam ind. (with √piṣ, to grind) so as to extract oil ('with oil' Sch.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 38 Kāś
- ○pradīpa m. an oil-lamp Kathās. ic, 4
- ○phala m. the sesamum plant Npr
- • Terminalia Catappa L
- • Terminalia Bellerica L
- ○bīja m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- ○mālin m. or a wick L
- ○mālī f. a wick L
- ○m-pātā f. Pāṇ. 4-2, 58 ; vi, 3, 71
- ○yantra n. an oil-mill BhP. v (-cakra n. 'wheel of an oil-mill', 21, 13)
- ○vallī f. a kind of Asparagus L
- ○śālikā f. = -yantra Gal
- ○sādhana n. N. of a perfume L
- ○spandā f. Cucurbita Pepo Npr
- • Clitoria ternatea ib
- • kākolī ib
- ○sphaṭika m. N. of a gem L
- tailâkhya m. olibanum L
- tailâguru n. a kind of Agallochum L
- tailâṭī f. a wasp L
- tailâbhyaṅga m. anointing with oil
- tailâmbukā f. = ○la-pā L
- tailôtsava m. oil-festival (held in honour of Minâkshī) RTL. p. 442
- tailaka n. a small quantity of oil W
- tailakya n. adorning with the Tilaka, g. purohitadi
- • the being adorned with the Tailaka ib.
- tailika m. an oilmiller Mn. MBh. VarBṛS. Vīrac
- • cf. mūrdha-
- • (ī), f. an oil-man's wife Parāś. Paddh
- • -cakra n. = ○la-yantra-c○ Divyâv. iv
- tailin m. = ○lika L
- • (inī), f. a wick L
- • = ○la-kīṭa L
- • ○li-śālā f. = ○la-śālikā L
- tailīna mfn. grown with sesamum, (n.) a sṭsesamum field Pāṇ. 5-2, 4
- tailaṅga mfn. relating to the Telinga country
- • m. pl. its inhabitants Kuval. Sch
- tailavaka mfn. inhabited by the Telus, g. rājanyâdi
- tailvaka mfn. coming from or made of the Tilvaka tree ṢaḍvBr. iii, 8 KātyŚr. Suśr
- taivraka mfn. inhabited by the Tīvras, g. rājanyâdi
- taivradārava mfn. coming from or made of the tree Tīvra-dāru, g. rajatâdi
- taiṣa mf(ī)n. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 149) relating to the asterism Tishya Āp
- • m. the month (December-January) in which the full moon stands in the asterism Tishya (= pauṣa and sahasya) ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii, 19
- • (ī), f. (scil. tithi, or rātri) the day of full moon in month Taisha ĀśvŚr. Gobh. Anup
- taisṛka mfn. made in Tisṛikā Kāt. ii, 5, 14 Sch
- toká n. (fr. √1. tuc) offspring, children, race, child (often joined with tánaya
- • rarely pl. AV. i, v BhP. vi) RV. AV. Kāṭh. ŚBr. AitBr. Pāṇ. 3-3, 1 Kār. BhP
- • a new-born child ; ii, x
- • m. ifc. the offspring of an animal (e.g. aja-, a young goat), iii, x
- • cf. ava-, jīvat- and sa-tokā
- • √tvakṣ
- ○tā f. childhood, 13, 25
- ○vat (○ká-), mfn. possessing offspring RV. iii, 13, 7
- • (tī), f. (a woman) having children BhP. i
- ○sāti (○ká-), f. acquisition of offspring RV. vi, 18, 6 ; x, 25, 9
- • (○kásya s○, ii, 30, 5 ; iv, 24 ; vi, ix) TBr. i, 2, 1, 1
- tokāya Nom. (ind. ○yitvā) to represent a newborn child BhP. x
- tokinī f. = ○ka-vatī MānGṛ
- tokma m. ○man
- • a young shoot BhP. x
- • green colour L
- • n. ear-wax L
- • a cloud L
- tókman m. a young blade of corn, esp. of barley, malt RV. x, 62, 8 VS. AitBr. viii, 5 and 16
- • (○kma m. KātyŚr. xix, 1 BhP. iv)
- • offspring Naigh. ii, 2
- toṭaka (= troṭ○), mfn. quarrelsome Chandaþs. vi, 31, Halāy
- • m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 3
- • of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya SŚaṃkar
- • n. angry speech Daśar. i, 40 Pratāpar
- • a metre of 4 X 12 syllables
- • also troṭ○
- toḍ cl. 1. ○ḍate, to disregard Dhātup
- toḍana n. (√tuḍ) splitting (?), viii f. xxviii
- toḍikā ○ḍī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī
- toḍarânanda for ṭoḍ○
- toḍala-tantra n. N. of wk
- totala m. N. of a writer on med. Toḍar
- • (ā), f. N. of a goddess (tott○ ?) W
- totilā f. a form of Durgā Pañcad. ii, 35
- tóte and tóto for táva tava
- tottalā f. = totalā BrahmaP. ii
- tottāyana m. pl. N. of a branch of the AV. (v. l. tautt○)
- tottra n. (√1. tud) a goad for driving cattle or an elephant MBh. Pāṇ. R. BhP
- ○prajita (tót○), mfn. goad-driven ŚBr. xii, 4, 1, 10
- todá m. a driver (of horses &c.) RV. iv, 16, 11 Nir. Kauś
- • 'instigator, exciter', the Sun RV. i, 150, 1 ; vi, 6 and 12
- • pricking pain BhP. iii, 18, 6 Suśr
- • gotamasya t○, N. of a Sāman
- ○parṇī f. 'prick leaf', a bad kind of grain, i, 46, 1, 18
- todana n. = tottra L
- • pricking pain, i, 22, 5
- • (m.) N. of a tree and (n.) its fruit, 46, 3, 25 and 29
- todita mfn. goaded R. ii, 74, 31
- todya n. a kind of cymbal
- • cf. ā-
- tomara m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a lance, javelin MBh. &c
- • m. pl. N. of a people, vi, 377
- • sg. N. of the ancestor of a commentator on Deviim
- • n. a metre of 4 X 9 syllables
- ○graha m. a lancebearer Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 1
- • lance-throwing Divyâv. iii, 59
- • viii
- ○dhara m. a lance-bearer L
- • fire L
- tomarāṇa N. of a man Rājat. v
- tomarikā f. = tūbar○ L.
- tóya n. (ifc. f. ā) water Naigh. i, 12 Mn. v, viii f. MBh. &c. (○yaṃ-√kṛ with gen., 'to make offerings of water to the dead', xviii, 32
- • (ā), f. N. of a river in Śālmala-dviipa VP. ii, 4, 28
- • of another in India)
- ○kaṇa m. a drop of water
- ○karman n. 'water-ceremony', ablution of the body, oblation of water to the dead MBh. i, xii
- ○kāma m. 'fond of water', Calamus fasciculatus L
- ○kumbhā f. = -vṛkṣa Npr
- ○kṛcchra m. n. swallowing nothing but water (sort of fast) Yājñ. Sch
- ○kṛt mfn. causing rain VarBṛS. ix, 43
- ○krīḍā f. 'water-sport', splashing about in water Megh. 34
- • cf. jala-kr○
- ○garbha 'containing water', the cocoa-nut Npr
- ○cara mfn. moving in water, (m.) an aquatic animal MBh. Hariv. MārkP
- ○ja mfn. water-born Hariv
- • 'lotus', ○jâkṣī f. a lotuseyed woman Daś. iv, 79
- ○ḍimba
- ○ḍimbha m. hail L
- ○da m. 'water-giver', a rain-cloud R. Ragh. &c
- • Cyperus rotundus L
- • ghee L
- • ○dâtyaya m. 'cloud-departure', the autumn R. ii VarBṛS. xliv, 23
- ○dāna n. N. of a gesture PSarv
- ○dhara mfn. containing water R. ii
- • m. a rain-cloud L
- • Cyperus rotundus L
- • Marsilea quadrifolia L
- ○dhāra m. a stream of water Hariv
- • (ā), f. id. MBh. R
- ○dhi m. 'water-receptacle', the ocean Sūryas. xii
- • cf. kṣīra t○
- • -priya n. 'fond of the sea (produced in maritime countries)', cloves L
- ○nidhi m. = -dhi L
- ○nīvī f. ocean-girdled (the earth) BhP. i
- ○pāta m. 'waterfall', rain VarBṛS. lxxxix, 19
- ○pāṣāṇa-ja-mala n. calamine Npr
- ○pippalī f. Jussiaea repens L
- ○puṣpī f. Bignonia suaveolens L
- ○praṣṭhā f. id. W
- ○prasādana m. 'water-purifyer', Strychnos potatorum L
- ○phalā f. Cucumis utilissimus L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of water MBh. Hariv
- ○mala n. seafoam Npr
- ○muc m. 'water-yielder', a cloud R. iii, 79, 4
- ○yantra n. a water-clock Sūryas. xiii
- ○rasa m. moisture, water MBh. viii
- ○rāj m. 'water-king', the ocean Hariv
- ○rāśi m. 'heap of water', a pond, lake R. ii, 63, 17
- • the ocean Kād
- ○vat mfn. surrounded by water MBh. xii
- • (tī), f. Cocculus cordifolius Npr
- ○vallikā f. id. ib
- ○vallī f. Momordica Charantia L
- ○vāha m. 'water-carrier', a rain-cloud Bālar. ix, 30
- ○vṛkṣa m. Blyxa Saivala Npr
- ○vṛtti m. Achyranthes aquatica ib
- ○vyatikara m. blending of the waters (of two rivers)
- ○śuktikā f. a bivalve shell, oyster L
- ○śūka m. = -vṛkṣa Npr
- ○sarpikā f. a frog ib
- ○sūcaka m. id. L
- toyâgni m. submarine fire MBh. xii, 5178
- toyâñjali m. the hollowed hands joined and filled with water (offered to the dead) Mudr. iv, 4/5
- toyâdhāra m. a water reservoir, lake, river Śak. i, 14
- toyâdhivāsinī f. = ○ya-puṣpī L
- toyâpāmārga m. = ○ya-vṛtti Npr
- toyâmbudhi m. the sea of fresh water PadmaP. v
- toyâlaya m. = ○ya-dhi
- • N. of a constellation VarBṛ. xii
- toyâśaya m. = ○yâdhāra VarBṛS. Ṛitus. Dhūrtas
- toyêśa m. 'water-lord', Varuṇa VP. v, 18
- toyôtsarga m. discharge of water, rain Megh
- toyôdbhavā f. = ○ya-vṛtti Npr
- toyikā f. N. of a place (known by a festival called after it) Divyâv. vi, 101
- • xxxi, 146
- toraṇa n. (g. ardharcadi) an arch, arched doorway, portal, festooned decorations over doorways (with boughs of trees, garlands, &c.) MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- • a mound near a bathing-place W
- • a triangle supporting a large balance
- • m. Śiva, xiii, 1232
- • n. the neck L
- • cf. ut-, kapāṭa-, kautuka-
- ○māla N. of a place Rasik. xii, 24 Romakas
- toramāṇa N. of a prince Rājat
- tola mfn. (√tul) 'poising one's self', ghana-
- • m. n. = ○laka W
- • (ā), f. 'weighing(?)' Vop
- tolaka (m. n. L.) a weight of gold or silver (in books = 16 Māshas, in practise only = 12 Māshas) Rājat. iv, 201
- • (ikā), f. a wall round a watch-tower BhP. x, 76, 10
- tolana n. lifting up R. i, 66 f. Sāh. v, 4/5
- • weighing Sch. on KātyŚr. i, 3 and Yājñ. Subh
- tolya mfn. to be weighed Hcat. i, 5, 113
- tośá mfn. (√1. tuś) distilling, trickling RV. iii, 12, 4
- • granting, i, 169, 5 (○śá-tama, Superl.)
- tośás mfn. id., viii, 38, 2
- toṣa m. (√tuṣ) satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, joy (with loc., gen., or ifc.) MBh. &c
- • Contentment as a son of Bhaga-vat and one of the 12 Tushitas BhP. iv, 1, 7
- toṣaka mfn. 'pleasing', sura-
- toṣaṇa mf(ī)n. satisfying, gratifying, appeasing, pleasing MBh. BhP
- • n. the act of satisfying or appeasing or delighting, i, 2, 13 (ifc.)
- • (ī), f. Durgā Hariv. 10238
- • cf. su-
- toṣaṇīya mfn. to be pleased W
• pleasing Lalit. v, 195
- toṣayitavya mfn. to be pleased MBh. ix
- toṣayitṛ mfn. ifc. one who pleases (others, para-) Śiś. xvi, 28 (v. l.)
- toṣita mfn. satisfied, gratified, pleased MBh. R. BhP. Śak. vii, 1 Kathās
- toṣin mfn. ifc. satisfied with, liking MBh. xiii Hariv
- • satisfying, pleasing R. iv Kum. v, 7
- toṣya mfn. = ○ṣayitavya MBh
- tosala m. pl. N. of a people AV. Pariś. lvi, 4
- • sg. N. of a wrestler (also ○laka) Hariv. ii, 30, 48 ff. BhP. x, 36 ; 42 ; 44, 27
- tosaliputra m. N. of a Jain teacher HPariś. xiii, 38
- taukṣāyaṇa fr. Tuksha, g. pakṣâdi
- taukṣika m. (fr. ?) the sign Sagittarius VarBṛ. i, 8
- taugryá m. 'son of Tugra', Bhujyu RV. i, 117 f. ; 158 ; 180 and 182 ; viii, 5, 22 ; x, 39, 4
- taucchya n. (fr. tuccha) emptiness, meanness, worthlessness Dhātup. vii, 3
- tauṇḍikera tuṇḍ○
- tautātita mfn. taught or composed by Tutātita (or Kumārila) Prab. ii, 3 (v. l. ○tātika, fr. Tutāta)
- • m. an adherent of Tutāta Sarvad. iii, 52 ; xiii, 110 SŚaṃkar. x, 119
- tautika m. the pearl-oyster L
- • n. a pearl L
- tauttāyana tott○
- taúda n. (fr. tuda, or toda) N. of a Sāman
- • (ī), f. N. of a plant (?) AV. x, 4, 24
- taudādika mfn. belonging to the tud-ādi roots (cl. 6) Siddh
- taudeya m. pl. (fr. tuda g. śubhrâdi) N. of a family Pravar. ii, 1, 2 (v. l. taul○)
- taudeya mfn. produced in or coming from the district called Tūdī Pāṇ. 4-3, 94
- taubaraka mfn. coming from the plant TubṭTaubaraka Suśr. i, 46, 3, 58 and 10, 5 ; vi, 16, 6
- taubha n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- taumburava n. the story of (Śiva and) Tumburu Bālar. ii, 3/4
- taumburavin m. pl. the pupils of TṭTumburu Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś
- taura n. = turâyaṇa Lāṭy. x Maś
- tauraṃgika m. (fr. turaṃ-ga) a horseman Kir. Sch
- tauráyāṇa mfn. hastening Nir. v, 15
- tauraśravasa n. (fr. tura-śravas) N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. ix, 4, 10 Lāṭy. vii, 3, 3 f. KātyŚr. xxv, 14, 14
- taurâyaṇika mfn. performing the turâyaṇa Pāṇ. 5-1, 72
- taururava n. the fruit of the Tururu tree, g. plakṣâdi (Kāś.)
- tauruṣkika mfn. (fr. turuṣka) Turkish Kuṭṭanīm. 64
- taurya mfn. coming from a musical instrument (tūrya) Dharmaśarm. vi, 25
- ○trika n. 'triple symphony', song, dance, and instrumental music Mn. vii, 47
- taurvaśá m. (fr. turváśa) a kind of horse ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 16
- taula n. = tulā, a balance W
- taulakeśi ○śin m. (fr. tūla-keśa, 'cotton-haired'), N. of a man Pravar. i, 1
- taulika
- taulikika m. (fr. tūlikā) a painter L
- taulika cf. uda-, daśa-, viṃśati-
- taulin m. = tulā-dhara VarYogay. iv, 50
- taulya n. weight Hcat
- • equality TPrāt. Sch
- taulvalāyana m. patr. fr. ○li Pāṇ. 4-1, 101
- taulvali m. N. of a teacher ĀśvŚr. ii, v Pravar. ii, 2, 1
- • cf. ajā-
- • ○ly-ādi, N. of a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 2-4, 61 Gaṇar. 171-173)
- tauvilikā f. N. of an animal (?) AV. vi, 16, 3
- tauṣāyaṇa fr. tuṣa g. pakṣâdi.
- tauṣāra mfn. sprung from snow (tuṣ○), snowy Suśr. i, 45, 1, 1
- • n. snow, cold W
- -tta mfn. fr. √1. and √3. dā
- -tti f. 'gift' (fr. √1. dā). bhága-
- tmán (= ātmán), m. the vital breath RV. i, 63, 8 (acc. tmánam) ĀśvŚr. vi, 9, 1 (acc. tmānam)
- • one's own person, self RV. ;'tman after e, or o for ātman KaṭhUp. iii, 12 MBh. i-iii BhP. vii, 9, 32
- • tmánā instr. and (at the end of a Pāda) tmán loc. ind. used as an emphatic particle (like ? and ?) 'yet, really, indeed, even, at least, certainly, also' RV. VS. vi, 11
- • xi, 31 TS. ii, 1, 11, 2 AV. v, 27, 11
- • utá tmánā or tmánāca 'and also, and certainly', iva or ná tmánā 'just as', ádha tmánā, 'and even' RV
- tmányā ind. (fr. loc. tmáni + ā́ ?) only in the Vanas-pati verse of some Āprī hymns = tmánā, i, 188, 10 ; x, 110, 10 VS. xx, 45 ; xxix, 10
- tyá tyád
- ○japa (tyá-), m. that (i.e. a lower kind of) muttering (opposed to mahājapá) MaitrS. ii, 9, 1, 12
- tyagnāyis N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- tyaj cl. 1. ○jati (metrically also ○te
- • pf. Ved. tityā́ja, Class. tat○ Pāṇ. 6-1, 36
- • tatyaja BhP. iii, 4
- • fut. tyakṣyati Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār
- • tyajiṣy○ R. ii, vii MārkP
- • aor. atyāhṣīt
- • inf. tyaktum) to leave, abandon, quit RV. x, 71, 6 Mn. MBh. &c
- • to leave a place, go away from Mn. vi, 77 MBh. &c
- • to let go, dismiss, discharge VarBṛS. xvii, 22 Bhaṭṭ
- • to give up, surrender, resign, part from, renounce ĪśUp. 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (tanum or deham or kalevaram, 'to abandon the body, die' Mn. vi MBh. &c
- • prāṇān or śvāsam or jīvitam, 'to give up breath or life, risk or lose one's life' MBh. R. &c.)
- • P. Ā. to shun, avoid, get rid of, free one's self from (any passion &c.) MBh. &c
- • to give away, distribute, offer (as a sacrifice or oblation to a deity
- • tyajate etymologically = ?) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • to set aside, leave unnoticed, disregard ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. iii MBh. i, 3098 Hit. ii, 3, 30
- • (ind. p. tyaktvā) to except VarBṛS. Caurap. Sch
- • Pass. tyajyate, to be abandoned by, get rid of (instr.) Pañcat. i, 10, 0/1: Caus. tyājayati (aor. atityajat Bhaṭṭ.) to cause anyone to quit MBh. xiii, 288
- • to cause anyone to give up Kathās. lxxxiii, 34
- • to expel, turn out, xx, 126
- • to cause any one to lose, deprive of (instr.) Bhaṭṭ. xv, 120
- • to empty the body by evacuations Bhpr.: Desid. tityakṣati, to be about to lose (one's life, prāṇān) Car. v, 10 and 12
- tyakta mfn. left, abandoned
- ○jīvita mfn. one who has given up all expectation of life, ready to abandon life Bhag. i, 19 Nal. ii, 16 (in comp.) R. iv
- ○prâṇa mfn. id. MBh. v, 7204
- ○lajja mfn. abandoning shame, shameless BhP. v, 26, 23
- ○vat mfn. having left
- ○vidhi mfn. transgressing rules, ix, 6, 9
- ○śrī mfn. abandoned by fortune
- tyaktâgni mfn. (a Brahman) neglecting the household-fire Mn. iii, 153
- tyaktâtman mfn. despairing Gaut. xv
- tyaktavya mfn. to be left or abandoned Mn. ix, 239
- • to be kept off from (abl.) VarBṛS
- • to be given up or sacrificed MBh. i, 6183 and 6195 R
- • to be given up in despair Subh
- tyaktu-kāma mfn. wishing to leave
- tyaktṛ mfn. abandoner of any one (gen.) Mn. iii, 245 Sch
- • one who abandons or sacrifices (his life, prâṇān) MBh. vii, 378
- tyaj mfn. ifc. leaving, abandoning W
- • giving up, offering BhP. viii Rājat. iv
- • cf. tanu-, tanū-, su-
- tyaja dus-
- tyajana n. leaving, abandoning W
- • giving W
- • excepting, exclusion W
- • expelling AV. Paipp. xix, 12, 4
- tyajanīya mfn. to be left or abandoned W
- • to be avoided or excepted W
- tyájas n. abandonment, difficulty, danger RV
- • alienation, aversion, envy (= krodha Naigh. ii, 13) RV
- • ○jás m. 'offshoot', a descendant, x, 10, 3
- tyajita mfn. = tyakta Hariv. ii, 2, 22
- tyāgá m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 216) leaving, abandoning, forsaking Mn. &c
- • quitting (a place, deśa-) Pañcat
- • discharging, secretion MBh. xiv, 630 VarBṛS. giving up, resigning, gift, donation, distribution KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • sacrificing one's life RV. iv, 24, 3
- • liberality Mn. ii, 97 R. &c
- • a sage L
- • cf. ātma-, tanu-, deha-, prâṇa-, śarīra-
- ○gatā f. N. of a Nāga virgin Kāraṇḍ. i, 47
- ○yuta mfn. liberal Laghuj
- ○śīla mfn. id
- • -tā f. liberality Hit
- tyāgin mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 142) = tyājaka Mn. iii, 245 (with gen.) Yājñ. and Śak. v, 28 (ifc.)
- • giving up, resigning (ifc.) Bhag. xviii, 11
- • one who has resigned (as an ascetic who abandons worldly objects) MBh. iii, 77
- • sacrificing, giving up (life, ātmanaḥ) Mn. 89
- • liberal, (m.) donor R. vi Pañcat. Kathās
- • m. a hero L
- • ○gi-tā f. liberality Hit. i
- tyāgima mfn. W
- tyājaka mfn. one who abandons or expels Yājñ. ii, 198
- tyājana n. abandoning (worldly attachments, saṅgānām) BhP. xi, 20, 26
- tyājita mfn. made to abandon (with acc.) Kathās. lxxxvi, 13
- • made to give up MārkP. lxxxix, 19
- • deprived of (acc.) MBh. xiii Kum. vii, 14 Megh. &c
- • expelled Pañcad. iii, 60
- • caused to be disregarded Ragh. vi, 56
- tyājya mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 66 Vārtt.) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed Mn. ix, 83 MBh. &c
- • to be given up Bhag. &c
- • to be sacrificed Daś. vii, 211
- • to be excepted W
- • n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky W
- tyád nom. syá (s), syā́, tyád, (g. sarvâdi) that (often used like an article, e.g. tyát paṇīnā́ṃ vásu, that i.e. the wealth of the Paṇis' RV. ix, 111, 2
- • sometimes strengthened by cíd
- • often put after utá, or after another demonstrative in the beginning of a sentence) RV. AV. vii, 14, 1 ŚBr. xiv (tyásya = máma, 4, 1, 26
- • n. tyám for tyád, 5, 3, 1 and KaushUp.) TUp. ii, 6
- • tyád ind. indeed, namely, as it is known (always preceded by ha) RV.
- tyatra ind. 'there'
- • -tya mfn. being there Vop. vii, 111
- tyadam ind. ifc. = tyad g. śarad-ādi
- tyāda m. (patr. fr. tyad) the son of that person Pāṇ. 4-1, 156 Siddh
- tyādāyani m. id. ib. (tyad○ ed., but cf. tād○, yād○)
- tyādṛś
- tyādṛśa mfn. such a one as that, iii, 2, 60
- tyúgra m. for túgra TĀr. i, 10, 2
- tra mf(ā)n. (√trai Pāṇ. 3-2, 3) ifc. 'protecting', aṃsa-, aṅguli-, ātapa-, kaṭi-, giri-, go-, tanu-, tala-, tvak-, vadha-
- • kṛta- and jala-trā
- tra = tri, 'three', dvi-
- traṃs cl. 1. 10. ○sati, ○sayati, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 88
- trakh cl. 1. ○khati, to go, V, 30
- traṅk ○ṅkh, ○ṅg, cl. 1. id., iv f
- traṅga m. ○gā f. a kind of town or N. of a town L
- • cf. dr○, udr○, kudr○
- traṭat ind. (onomat.)
- ○kāra m. crackling (of fire) Alaṃkārat
- ○traṭ-iti ind. crack! HPariś. iv, xi
- traṭatraṭa ind. id. Pañcad
- tradá m. (√tṛd) one who cleaves or opens RV. viii, 45, 25
- trand cl. 1. to be busy Dhātup. iii
- trap cl. 1. ○pate (pf. trepe Pāṇ. 6-4, 122) to become perplexed, be ashamed Rājat. iii, 94: Caus. trapayati, or trāp○, id. Dhātup
- • trap○, to make perplexed or ashamed, Śāntiś. iv, 15
- • cf. apa-, vy-apa-
- • tṛpála and tṛ́prá (?)
- trapā f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 104) perplexity, bashfulness, shame MBh. ii BhP. Ratnâv. &c.: (ifc. f. ā Sāh.)
- • an unchaste woman L
- • family L
- • fame L
- ○"ṣnvita (○pân○), mfn. bashful
- ○yukta mfn. id
- ○raṇḍā f. a harlot L
- ○vat mfn. = -yukta
- ○hīna mfn. shameless
- trapāka m. pl. N. of a barbarous tribe Uṇ. k
- trapiṣṭha mfn. Superl. fr. tṛprá Pāṇ. 6-4, 157
- trapīyas mfn. Compar. ib
- trápu n. (1, 177 Kāś.) tin AV. xi, 3, 8 VS. xviii Kapishṭh. ChUp. Mn. &c
- ○karkaṭī f. a kind of cucumber L
- ○karṇin m. 'having tin ear-ornaments', Bhava-nandin Avadānaś
- ○paṭṭa m
- ○paṭṭṭikā f. N. of an ear-ornament L
- trapula n. tin L. Sch
- trapuṣa m. N. of a merchant Lalit. xxiv
- • n. tin L. Sch
- • ○pusa
- trápus n. tin TS. iv, 7, 5, 1
- trapusa n. id. L
- • the fruit of ○sī (also ○puṣa L.) Kauś. Suśr
- • (ī), f. coloquintida (and other cucumbers L.), vi, 47
- trapsya drapsya
- trayá mf(ī́)n. (fr. trí Pāṇ. 5-2, 43) triple, threefold, consisting of 3, of 3 kinds RV. x, 45, 2 AV. iv, 11, 2 VS. &c. (○yī́ vidyā́), 'the triple sacred science', reciting hymns, performing sacrifices, and chanting ŚBr. AitBr. &c.
- • n. a triad (chiefly ifc.) ChUp. KaṭhUp. Mn. &c
- • (ī), f. id., śata-
- • = ○yī́ vidyā́ Gaut. Mn. &c
- • the Buddh. triad (Buddha, Dharma, and Saṃgha) Hcar. viii
- • summit Bālar. i, 28
- • a woman whose husband and children are living L
- • Venonia anthelminthica L
- • su-mati L
- trayaḥ = ○yas
- ○pañcāśat (tráy○), f. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 35 and 3, 49) 53 ŚBr. xii, 3, 5, 12
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 63 Pāṇ
- ○śata-śatârdha mf(ā)n. 350 R. (B) ii, 39, 36
- ○saptati f. 73 Pāṇ
- trayaś = ○yas
- ○catvāriṃśa mfn. the 43rd (ch. of MBh. i-iii)
- ○catvāriṃśat f. 43 Pāṇ
- tráyas pl. of trí
- • in comp. with any decad except aśītí and interchangeable with trí before catvāriṃśát &c. Pāṇ. 6-3, 48 f
- •
- ○triṃśá mf(ī́)n. the 33rd ŚBr. (du. 'the 32nd and 33rd', iv, xi)
- • (chs. of MBh. and R.)
- • + 33 ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 12 f
- • consisting of 33 parts (stóma, sometimes to be supplied) VS. AV. TBr. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. MaitrUp
- • numbering 33 (the gods) VS. xx AV. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. iv
- • celebrated with the ○śá Stoma VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhSr
- • ○sa-pati m. 'lord of the gods', Indra L
- • ○śá-vartani mfn. forming the path for the ○śá Stoma TS. iv
- • ○śá-stoma mfn. containing the ○śá Stoma ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr. x
- ○triṃśat (tráy○), f. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 35 and 3, 49) 33 VS. xiv AV. &c. (acc. ○śat R. iii, 20, 15
- • pl. ○śatas MBh. i, 2601)
- • śad-akṣara (tráy○), mf(ā)n. having 33 syllables ŚBr. AitBr
- • ○śad-rātra n. an observance lasting 33 days KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • prajāpates trayastriṃśat-saṃmita n. N. of a Sāman
- ○triṃśati f. 33 AitBr. =
- ○triṃśín mfn. containing 33 TBr. i
trayī́ f. of yá
- ○tanu m. = -deha Hcat. i, 8, 425
- • Śiva
- • = -mukha Gal
- ○deha m. 'having the 3 Vedas for a body', the sun, 11, 374
- ○dharma m. the duty enjoined by the 3 Vedas MBh. iii Bhag. ix MārkP. xxi
- ○dhāma-vat m. = -deha VP. iii, 5, 15
- ○bhāṣya n. a commentary on the 3 Vedas SŚaṃkar. xiii, 63
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or containing or resting on the 3 Vedas BhP. (the sun, v, 20, 4
- • the sun's chariot, 21, 12) MārkP. xxix KūrmaP. i, 20, 66 (Rudra) Siṃhâs. xviii
- ○mukha m. 'having the 3 Vedas in his mouth', a Brahman L
- ○vidá mfn. knowing the triple science TBr. i, 2, 1, 26
- trayo = ○yas
- ○daśa (tráy○), mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 35 and 3, 48) 13 VS. xiv, 29 (instr. ○śábhis) ŚBr. Mn. ix
- • ○śá mf(ī)n. the 13th VS. AV. ŚBr. R. VarBṛS
- • (śata, 100) + 13 ŚāṅkhŚr
- • consisting of 13 parts (stóma) VS. Lāṭy
- • (ī), f. the 13th day of a half-moon Mn. &c
- • N. of a kind of gesture PSarv
- • -dviipa-vatī mfn. consisting of 13 islands (the earth) MBh. iii, 3, 52 and 134, 20
- • -dhā́ ind. into 13 parts ŚBr. x Rājat. v
- • -māsika mfn. consisting of 13 months Kāraṇḍ. xix, 96
- • -rātra n. an observance lasting 13 days KātyŚr. xii Sch
- • -rcá mfn. containing 13 Ṛic verses (a hymn) AV. xix, 23, 10
- • -varjya-saptamī f. N. of a 7th day BhavP. ii, 41
- • -vārṣika mfn. 13 years old MBh. vii, 197, 7
- • -vidha mfn. of 13 kinds Car. vi, 3 Sāṃkhyak
- • tráyodaśâkṣara mfn. having 13 syllables VS. ix
- • tráyodaśâratni mfn. 13 yards long ŚBr. iii, xiii
- • ○śâha m. = ○śa-rātra R. (G) ii, 86, 4
- ○"ṣdaśaka n. the number 13 Ṣaguruś
- ○"ṣdaśama m. the 13th BhP. i, 3, 17
- ○"ṣdaśika mfn. happening on the 13th day of a half-moon R. (G) ii, 86, 1
- ○"ṣdaśin mfn. containing 13 Lāṭy. Nidānas
- ○navati f. 93 Pāṇ
- ○viṃśá mf(ī́)n. the 23rd VS. ŚBr. VarBṛS
- • (chs. of MBh. and R.)
- • consisting of 23 parts (stóma) Lāṭy
- ○viṃśat f. 23 BhP. xii, 13
- ○viṃśati (tráy○), f. Pāṇ.) id. VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. x (instr. ○tibhis)
- • -tattva n. pl. 23 Tattvas. iii
- • -tama mfn. the 23rd (ch. of R. iii f.)
- • -dāru mfn. consisting of 23 pieces of wood ĀpŚr. vii, 7, 7
- • -dhā́ ind. into 23 parts ŚBr. x, 4
- • -rātra n. an observance lasting 23 days KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○"ṣviṃśatika mfn. consisting of 23 (gaṇa) BhP. iii
- trayy-anta m. = vedânta Sarvad. xiii, 171
- trayyāruṇa m. (for try-āruṇa) N. of a prince (son of Tri-dhanvan Hariv. 716 ff. VP. iv, 3, 13 LiṅgaP. i, 66, 2 KūrmaP. i, 21, 1
- • of Uru-kshaya VP. iv, 19, 10
- • ○ṇi BhP. ix, 21, 19 VāyuP. ii, 37, 159
- • try-aruṇa MatsyaP. il, 39)
- trayyāruṇi m. N. of the Vyāsa of the 15th Dvāpara BhP. xii, 7, 5 KūrmaP. i, 52, 6 VāyuP. i, 23, 155 (try-āruṇi)
- • (○ṇa) VP. iii, 3, 15 and DevibhP. i, 3
- • ○ṇa
- trayayā́yya mfn. (√trai) to be protected (= trātavya Sāy.) RV. vi, 2, 7.
- tras cl. 10. P. trāsayati (ind. p. ○sayitvā) to seize Mṛicch. iii, 17/18
- • to prevent Dhātup
- tras cl. 1. trásati (Pāṇ. 3-1, 70), 4. trasyati (MBh. &c
- • ep. also Ā
- • pf. 3. tatrasur BhP. vi or tresur Pāṇ. 6-4, 124) to tremble, quiver, be afraid of (abl., gen., rarely instr.) RV. vi, 14, 4 and (p. f. tarásantī) x, 85, 8 AV. v, 21, 8 ŚBr. &c.: Caus. trāsayati (ep. also Ā.) to cause to tremble, frighten, scare MBh. &c. ; [Zend. √tares
• ? ; Lat. terreo.]
- trasa mfn. moving, n. the collective body of moving or living beings (opposed to sthāvara) MBh. xii f. Jain
- • m. 'quivering', the heart L
- • n. a wood L
- ○dasyu (○sá-), m. (formed like ? &c.) 'before whom the Dasyus tremble', N. of a prince (son of Puru-kutsa
- • celebrated for his liberality and favoured by the gods
- • author of RV. iv, 42), i, iv f. vii f. x TS. TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. Hariv. VP. iv, 3, 13
- ○reṇu m. the mote or atom of dust moving in a sun-beam (considered as an ideal weight either of the lowest denomination or equal to 3 or 30 Vaidyakaparibh. invisible atoms)
- • f. N. of a wife of the sun L
- trasad-dasyu m. for ○sa-d○ BhP. ix, 6, 33 ff
- trasana n. a quivering ornament (?) Kauś. 14
- trasara m. for tás○, a shuttle Bālar. iii, 85
- trasura mfn. timid, fearful Uṇ. vṛ
- trasta mfn. quivering, trembling, frighted MBh. &c
- • (in music) quick ;
- trasnu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 140) = ○sura Bhaṭṭ. vi, 7 Rājat. v
- • cf. á-
- trā́ m. (√trai) a protector, defender RV. i, 100, 7 ; iv, 24, 3
- • cf. án-agni-
- • 1. tra
- trāṇa mfn. protected Pāṇ. 8-2, 56
- • n. protecting, preserving, protection, defence, shelter, help (often ifc.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- • protection for the body, armour, helmet &c., iii, 12092
- • = trāyamāṇā́ L
- • (ā), f. id. L
- • cf. aṅguli-, udara-, uras- &c
- ○kartṛ m. a protector, saviour W
- ○kārin m. id. W
- ○sārin mfn. having an excellent helmet Kām. xiii, 12
- trāṇana n. protecting RāmatUp
- trāta mfn. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 56) 'protected', bhava
- • m. (vi, 1, 205 Kāś.) N. of a man VBr. i, 3
- • n. protection W
- • ○tra
- trātavya mfn. to be protected or guarded MBh. iii, vii
- trātṛ́ m. a protector, defender, one who saves from (abl. or gen.) RV. (with devá applied to Bhaga or Savitṛi) VS. AV. TS. (Indra) MBh. &c
- trātra mfn. addressed to Trātṛi (Indra) ĀpŚr. iii, 15, 10 Sch
- • n. 'defence', indrasya, N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- trā́man n. protection RV. i, 53, 10 ; v, 46, 6
- trāyantikā f. = ○tī Suśr. iv
- trāyantī f. (fr. p. ○yat) = ○yamāṇā́, vi
- • (metrically ○ti) Car. vi, 17
- trā́yamāṇa mfn. preserving, protecting RV. AV. &c
- • (ā́-), f. Ficus heterophylla, vi, 107, 1 f. ; viii, 2, 6 Suśr. i, 38 and 42 ; iv, vi VarBṛS. xliv, 10 (○ṇa m. or n.) and iii, 39
- trāyamānikā f. id. L
- trāṭaka n. (an ascetic's) method of fixing the eye on one object, Hathapr. ii, 32 f
- trāpuṣa mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 138) made of tin (trápus) Kād
- • n. tin Gal
- • silver L
- trāpusa mf(ī)n. coming from the plant Trapusī Śāntik
- trāpya mfn. fr. √trap Vop. xxvi, 12
- trāyodaśa mfn. relating to the trayodaśī g. saṃdhivelâdi
- trāsa m. fear, terror, anxiety MBh. &c
- • a flaw in a jewel L
- ○kara mfn. causing fear, alarming
- ○kṛt mfn. id. VarBṛS. civ, 4
- ○dāyin mfn. id. Hemac
- trā́sadasyava m. patr. fr. Trasa-dasyu RV. viii, 19, 32 and (○vá) 22, 7 ; x, 33, 4
- • n. N. of a Sāman
- trāsana mf(ī)n. terrifying, alarming, frightening (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. ('Śiva', xiii, 1207) Hariv. R
- • n. frightening, alarming MBh. iv Daś. vii Kathās
- • cause of alarm or fright Hariv. BhP
- trāsanīya mfn. frightening Hariv. 2430
- • to be frightened W
- trāsin mfn. fearful MBh. xii, 5904
- trí m. tráyas f. nom. acc. tisrás n. trī́ṇi , 3 RV. &c. (tribhís & tisṛ́bhis, &c. RV
- • only once tríbhis with the later accentuation, Pāṇ. 6-1, 177 and 180 f
- • gen. trīṇā́m [RV. x, 185, 1
- • Pāṇ. 7-1, 53 Kāś.] and tisṝṇā́m , later on trayāṇām āitBr. ṃn. and tisṛṇā́m [RV. v, 69, 2 against metre
- • Pāṇ. 6-4, 4 f.]
- • ifc., vii, 2, 99 f. Kāś.) ; [cf. ?, Lat. tres ; Goth. threis
- • &c.]
- ○kakúd mfn. having 3 peaks or points or horns TS. vii (○kúd evá samānā́nām 'thrice excelling one's equals') AV. v, 23, 9
- • m. N. of a Himâlaya mountain (cf. tri-kūṭa), iv, 9, 8 ŚBr. iii Pāṇ. 5-4, 147
- •
- • of a Daśâha ceremony TS. vii ŚāṅkhŚr. Vait
- •
• Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh. xii f. Hariv. 14115
- • Brahmā R. vii, 36, 7
- • N. of a prince BhP. ix, 17
- ○kakuda mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 147 Kāś.) three-peaked MBh. xii
- ○kakúbh mfn. three-pointed, (Indra's thunderbolt) RV. i, 121
- • m. Indra TāṇḍyaBr. viii, 1
- • ○kúd
- ○kaṭa m. Asteracantha longifolia L
- ○kaṭu
- ○kaṭuka n. the 3 spices (black and long pepper and dry ginger) Suśr
- • cf. kaṭu-traya
- ○kaṇṭa n. the 3 thorny plants (3 kinds of Solanum) L
- • = -kaṭa L
- • pattra-gupta L
- • N. of a fish L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. (g. rajatâdi) 'threethorn', = -kaṭa Suśr
- • N. of a venomous insect, v, 8
- • N. of a fish (Silurus) L
- • a kind of weapon R. iii, 28, 25
- ○kadruka (trí-), m. pl. the 3 Soma vessels RV. 1 f. viii, x
- • the first 3 days of the Abhi-plava festival ŚBr. xiii, 5 KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy
- • mfn. containing the word trí-kadruka (RV. ii, 22, 1) TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 3
- • ○drukīya mfn. id. ŚāṅkhŚr. (pratipad) RPrāt. xvii, 29 (scil. ṛc)
- ○kapardin mfn. wearing 3 braids of hair Gṛihyās. ii, 40
- ○kapāla mfn. distributed in 3 receptacles AitBr. i, 1
- ○karaṇī f. the side of a square 3 times as great as another (i.e. the diagonal of a quadrangle, the sides of which are formed by the side and the diagonal of the smaller square), Śulbas
- ○karṇa mf(ī) n. having 3 ears R. v
- ○karman mfn. performing (a Brāhman's) 3 chief duties (viz. performing ceremonies, repeating the Veda, and gifts) MBh. xiii
- • ○ma-kṛt mfn. id. KaṭhUp
- ○karṣa n. = -kārṣika Npr
- ○kalā f. N. of a female deity produced by the union of 3 gods for the destruction of Andhaka VarP. xc ff
- ○kaliṅga m. pl. N. of a people Sāh. iv, 9 a/b
- ○kaśá mfn. having 3 whips (a chariot) RV. ii, 18, 1
- ○kāṇḍa (trí-), mf(ā)n. consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) AitBr. iii, 33 ŚBr. ii ; 3 Kāṇḍas in measure (48 cubits long W.) Vop. vi, 55
- • n. N. of wk. KātyŚr. iii, 2, 1 Sch
- • of Amarasiṃha's dictionary (commented on by ○ḍa-cintāmaṇi and -viveka and supplemented by -śeṣa)
- • -maṇḍana n. N. of wk
- ○kāya m. 'having 3 bodies', a Buddha MWB. 246
- ○kārṣika n. the 3 astringent substances (dry ginger, Ati-vishā, and Mustā) L
- ○kāla n. the 3 times or tenses (pf., pr., fut.) ŚvetUp. BhP. v RāmatUp
- • mfn. relating to them Sāṃkhyak. 33
- • m. a Buddha W
- • (am), ind. 3 times, thrice BhP. v
- • in the morning, at noon, and in the evening MBh. xiii
- • (○la-) Kām
- • -jña mfn. knowing the 3 times, omniscient R. i VarBṛS
- • m. a Buddha L
- • -darśin mfn. omniscient R. i VarBṛS
- • a sage L
- • -nātha m. N. of a Yogin Siṃhâs. xx, 0/1
- • -rūpa mfn. three-shaped at the 3 times (of day, i.e. the sun) VP. iii, 5, 19
- • -vid mfn. omniscient R. v
- • a Buddha L
- • an Arhat of the Jainas L
- ○kuṇḍī7śvara n. N. of a Tantra, Ānandal. 31 Sch
- ○kumārīka mfn. (the place) where the 3 virgins (Umā, Eka-parṇā, and Eka-pāṭalā) reside Hariv. 948
- ○kulā f. the plant yava-tiktā Car. vii, 11
- ○kūṭa mfn. having 3 peaks or humps or elevations MBh. xii
- • N. of a mountain (= -kakúd), ii, 1484 (Hariv. 12782) BhP. v
- • of another mountain, viii, 2, 1
- • of a peak of mount Meru VP. ii, 2, 26
- • of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which Laṅkā was situated MBh. iii R. Pañcat. v
- • n. sea-salt prepared by evaporation L
- • -lavaṇa n. id. L
- • -vat m. N. of a mountain MBh. xiv
- ○kūrcaka n. a sort of knife with 3 edges Suśr. i, 8, 1
- ○kṛtvas ind. 3 times Hcat. i, 10, 106
- ○koṇa mf(ā)n. (fr. ?) triangular MBh. xiv VarBṛS. Phetk
- • forming a triangle VarBṛS
- • n. a triangle RāmatUp. i, 29
- • = ○ṇa-bhavana VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Laghuj
- • (ā), f. Trapa bispinosa Npr
- • -phala n. id. L
- • -bhavana n. the 5th and 9th mansion VarBṛS
- ○"ṣkoṇaka n. a triangle RāmatUp. i, 50
- ○kauśeya n. 'thrice silken', a kind of garment MBh. xiii
- ○krama m. a Krama word composed of 3 members (the middle one being a single vowel) RPrāt. xi, 10 VPrāt. iv, 182
- ○kṣāra n. pl. (sg. L.) the 3 acrid substances (natron, saltpetre, and borax) Bhpr. v, 26, 234
- ○kṣura m. = -kaṭa L
- ○kṣeptṛ m. = -pura-ghna Bālar. iii, 81
- ○kha n. 'having 3 cavities', a cucumber L
○khaṭva n. ○ṭvii f. 3 beds collectively L.
- ○khaṇḍa the inhabited earth as divided into 3 portions (the first 2 continents and half of the 3rd) Śatr. x, 318 ; xiv, 309
- ○kharva m. pl. N. of a Vedic school TāṇḍyaBr. ii, 8
- • n. a particular high number MBh. ii, 1749 and 1826
- ○gaṅga n. N. of a Tīrtha, iii
- • xiii
- ○gaṇa m. the triad of duties (dharma, kāma, and artha) Kir. i, 11
- ○gata n. 'tripled', (in dram.) triple meaning given to the same word Bhar. xviii, 115 Daśar. iii, 16 Pratāpar. Sāh. vi
- ○gandhaka n. = -jāta Npr
- ○gambhīra g○
- ○garta pl. (g. yaudheyâdi) N. of a people inhabiting modern Lahore AV. Pariś. lvi, 8 MBh. (ifc. f. ā, vii, 688) Hariv. &c
- • sg. a T prince MBh. &c
- • the Tīrtha country Daś. xi, 119 a particular method of calculation L
- • (ā), f. a lascivious woman L
- • a woman L
- • a kind of cricket L
- • a pearl L
- • N. of a town Kathās. lxxiii, 21
- • -ṣaṣṭha m. pl. a collective N. of six warrior tribes Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 Kāś
- ○"ṣgartaka m. pl. the Tīrtha people BhP. x
- ○"ṣgartika m. the Tīrtha country L
- ○guṇa n. sg. the 3 Guṇas (sattva, rajas, and tamas) BhP. iv
- • m. pl. id. Tattvas
- • mf(ā)n. containing them ŚvetUp. Mn. i, 15 Sāṃkhyak. Kap
- • consisting of 3 threads or strings ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Kum. v, 10
- • threefold, thrice as great or as much, triple KātyŚr. Mn
- • (sapta tri-guṇāni dināni, 3 x 7 days) Ragh. ii, 25
- • (am), ind. in 3 ways Caraṇ
- • -parivāra n. the trident Kir. xviii, 45
- • ○ṇā-karṇa mfn. whose ear-lobes are slit into 3 divisions (as a mark of distinction) Pāṇ. 6-3, 115 Kāś
- • ○ṇā-kṛta mfn. = tṛtīyā-k○ L
- • ○ṇâkhya mfn. said of different mixtures and of a kind of oil Rasêndrac. Rasar
- • ○ṇâtmaka mfn. possessing the 3 Guṇas Vedântas. 37
- • ○ṇī-kṛtya ind. p. making threefold AgP. xxxiii, 5
- ○gūḍha
- ○gūḍhaka n. a dance of men in female attire Sāh. vi, 213 and 219
- ○grāmī f. '3 villages', N. of a place Rājat. iv f
- ○grāhin mfn. extending to the length of 3 (padyās). -ghana, m
- ○ghana m. 3P3 (= 27) Laghuj. i, xiii
- ○cakrá mfn. having 3 wheels RV. i, iv, viii, x (scil. rátha, 85, 14)
- ○cakṣus mfn. three-eyed (Kṛishṇa, more properly Śiva) MBh. xii, 1505
- ○catura mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 77 Vārtt.) 3 or 4 Daś. vii Kathās. Sāh
- ○caturdaśa mfn. du. the 13th and 14th, Śrut
- ○catvāriṃśa mf(ī)n. the 43rd (ch. of MBh. iv ff. Hariv. R.)
- ○catvāriṃśat f. 43 Pāṇ. 6
- ○cít mfn. consisting of 3 layers of fuel ŚBr. vii KātyŚr
- ○citīka (trí-), mfn. id. TS. v, 2, 3, 6
- ○cīvara n. the 3 vestments of a Buddh. monk MWB. 83
- ○jagat n. sg. = jagat traya BhP. viii Caurap. Kathās. Vet
- • pl. Ānand. Sch. Introd. 1
- • (tī), f. id. BhP. v
- • ○gaj-jananī f. 'the 3 worlds' mother', Pārvatī Kathās. i, 14
- • ○gad-īśvara m. lord of the 3 worlds (a Jina) Bhaktâm. 14
- • ○gan-mohinī f. 'beguiling the 3 worlds', Durgā (?) BrahmaP. ii, 18, 18
- ○jaṭa mf(ā)n. = -kapardin MBh. iii, (Śiva) xii
- • m. N. of a Brāhman R. ii
- • (ā), f. AEgle Marmelos, Jñānabhair
- • N. of a Rākshasī (who was friendly to Sītā) R. iii, v f. Ragh. xii, 74
- • of a Nāga virgin Kāraṇḍ. i, 43
- • ○ṭā-svapna-darśana n. 'dream of Tri-jaṭā', N. of R. v, 23
- ○jaya mf(ā)n. the 13th Dharmaśarm. vi, 13
- ○jāta
- ○jātaka n. the 3 spices (mace, cardamoms, and cinnamon) Suśr. Daś
- ○jīvā f. the sine of 3 signs or 90 degrees, radius Sūryas
- ○jyā f. id. ib
- ○ṇata mfn. bent in 3 places (a bow) R. vi, 20, 28
- • (ā), f. a bow Śiś. xix, 61
- ○ṇavá mfn. consisting of 3 X 9 parts (stóma) VS. TS. TBr. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr
- • connected with the TāṇḍyaBr stóma VS. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Nidānas
- • in comp. 27 BhP. ix
- • -rātra mfn. lasting 27 days, x
- • ○vá-vartani mfn. forming the path for the TṭTāṇḍyaBr stóma TS. iv, 3, 3, 2
- • -sāhasra mf(ī)n. 27000 BhP. ix
- • ○vâtmaka mfn. 27 fold Jyot. 11 Sch. (Garga)
- ○ṇāka for -nāka
- ○ṇāciketa mfn. one who has thrice kindled the Nāciketa fire or studied the Nāciketa section of Kāṭh. Āp. KaṭhUp. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. (Nārāyaṇa, xii) VP. iii, 15, 1 MārkP
- • m. pl. N. of 3 Anuvākas of Kāṭh. Mn. iii, 185 Kull
- ○ṇāman mfn. having 3 names (Agni ?) AV. vi, 74, 3
- • TS. ii, 1, 11, 3
- ○ṇidhana n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. (v. l. nidh○) ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy
- • agneḥ ĀrshBr
- ○ṇītā f. 'thrice married (to Soma, Gandharva, and Agni)', a wife Npr
- ○ṇemi mfn. with 3 fellies BhP. iii, 8, 20. (v. l. -nemi)
- ○takṣa n. an association of 3 carpenters L
- • (ī), f. id. L
- ○tanti mfn. having 3 chords (a lute) Sch. on ŚBr. and KātyŚr
- ○tántu mfn. thrice woven (?) RV. x, 30, 9
- ○tantrikā f. (a lute) having 3 chords
- ○tas ind. on 3 sides W
- ○tā f. a triad Nir
- ○tāmra mfn. red on 3 parts of the body R. (B) v. 35, 17
- ○trika mfn. ? (Rāma), 32, 13.
- ○tri-koṇa n. (= tri-k○) the 9th mansion VarBṛ. Laghuj
- ○tva n. = -tā MBh. xiv BhP. i, 15
- ○daṇḍa n. = ○ṇḍaka Mn. &c
- • triple control (i.e. of thoughts, words, and acts), xii, 11
- ○daṇḍaka n. the 3 staves of a Parivrājaka MBh. xii Up
- ○daṇḍin m. 'carrying the 3 staves tied together', a Parivrājaka Yājñ. iii, 58 MBh. &c
- • a triple commander (i.e. controlling his own thoughts, words and deeds) Mn. xii, 10 MārkP. xli
- ○dat mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 197) grown as old as to possess three teeth, v, 4, 141 Kāś
- ○danta mfn. having 3 teeth ib
- • (ī), f. the plant mahā-medā Bhpr. v, 1, 130
- ○damatha-vastu-kuśala m. 'skilled in the threefold self-control (cf. -daṇḍa)', Buddha Divyâv. ix, 13 ; xix, 50
- ○dalā f. 'three-leaved', Cissus pedata L
- ○dalikā f. Mimosa abstergens L
- ○daśa mf(ā)n. 3 X 10 (= 30) MBh. i, 4445
- • m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 25 ; v, 4, 73 ; vi, 3, 48 Kāś. and dvi-d○) the 3 X 10 (in round number for 3 X 11) deities (12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 2 Aśvins
- • RV. ix, 92, 24) MBh. &c
- • du. the Aśvins, iii, 10345
- • mfn. divine R. iii, 41, 21
- • n. heaven MBh. xiii, 3327 (tri-diva, B)
- • -guru m. 'thirty-god-preceptor', Bṛihaspati (regent of Jupiter) VarBṛS. VarBṛ
- • -gopa m. = indra-g○, a fire-fly Ragh. xi, 42
- • -gopaka m. id. Npr
- • -tā f. divine nature Bālar
- • -tva n. id. Ragh. xviii, 30
- • -dīrghikā f. 'heavenly lake', Gaṅgā L
- • -nadī f. 'heavenly river', Gaṅgā W
- • -pati m. 'lord of the gods', Indra Mṛicch. Ratnâv. iv, 11 VP. v, 18
- • -puṃgava m. 'god-chief', Vishṇu R. i, 14, 42
- • -pratipakṣa m. = ○śâri
- • -mañjarī f. 'heavenly plant', the Tulasī L
- • -vadhū f. 'wife of the gods', an Apsaras W
- • -vanitā f. id. Megh
- • -śaila m. 'heavenly mountain', the Kailāsa Kathās. cxiv
- • -śreṣṭha mfn. best of gods (Brahmā, Agni) R. vi, 102 f
- • -sarṣapa m. = deva-s○ Npr
- • ○śâṅkuśa m. 'divine goad', a thunderbolt L
- • ○śâṅganā f. = ○śa-vadhū Bhaktâm. 15
- • ○śâcārya m. = ○śa-guru L
- • ○śâdhipa m. a lord of the gods, 28
- • ○śâdhipati m. Śiva
- • ○śâyana mfn. 'resort of the gods', Nārāyaṇa Hariv
- • ○śâyudha n. 'divine weapon', the rainbow Ragh. ix, 54
- • the thunderbolt L
- • ○śâri m. an enemy of the gods, Asura R. vi, 36, 78
- • ○śâlaya m. 'abode of the gods', heaven MBh. iii R. i Vet
- • the mountain Su-meru L
- • a heaven-dweller, god MBh. iii, 1725
- • ○śâvāsa m. = ○śâlaya, heaven L
- • ○śâhāra m. 'divine food', nectar L
- • ○śī-bhūta mfn. become divine Ragh. xv, 102
- • ○śêdra m. 'god-chief', Indra Pañcat. i
- • ○śêndra-śatru m. 'Indra's foe', Rāvaṇa R. vi, 36, 6
- • ○śêśa m. = ○śêndra MBh. iii
- • ○śêśadviṣ m. = ○śâri MBh
- • ○śêśvara m. = ○śêndra MBh. R. ii
- • Śiva MBh
- • pl. Indra, Agni, Varuṇa, and Yama Nal. iv, 31
- • (ī), f. Durgā, DeviiP
- • N. of a female attendant of Durgā W
- • ○śêśvara-dviṣ m. = ○śêndra-śatru R. i, 14, 47
- ○dina-spṛś m. conjunction of 3 lunations with one solar day Jyot
- ○divá n. (m. L.) the 3rd or most sacred heaven, heaven (in general) RV. ix, 113, 9 & AV. (with gen. divás) GopBr. PraśnUp. Mn. &c
- • (ā), f. cardamoms Npr
- • N. of a river in India MBh. vi, 324 ; xiii, 7654
- • of a river in the Plaksha-dviipa VP. ii, 4, 11
- • (○vii) BrahmâṇḍaP.
- • -gata mfn. 'heaven-departed', dead Vcar. vi, 62
- • ○vâdhī7śa, ○vêśa m. 'lord of heaven', a god L
- • ○vêśāna m. id. Gal
- • ○vêśvara m. 'lord of heaven', Indra R. i
- • ○vôdbhavā f. large cardamoms L
- • ○vâukas m. 'heaven-residing', a god Vcar. xv, 72
- ○divasa mfn. tertian (fever) AgP. xxxi, 18
- ○dṛś m. = -netra, Śiva L
- ○doṣa in comp., disorder of the 3 humours of the body
- • mfn. causing the TayāḍyaBr Suśr. i. 45, 10, 11 and 46, 4, 28
- • -kṛt mfn. id., 45, 8, 10
- • -ghna mfn. removing the TayāḍyaBr, 45, 1, 16
- • -ja mfn. resulting from the TayāḍyaBr L
- • -śamana mfn. = -ghna, 46, 4, 32
- • -hārin mfn. id. (a kind of mixture) Rasêndrac
- • ○ṣâpaha m. 'keeping-off 3 kinds of sins (cf. -daṇḍa)', Buddha Buddh. L
- ○dvāra mf(ā)n. 'having 3 doors', reachable in 3 ways MBh. iii
- ○dhanvan m. N. of the father of Trayyāruṇa (q.v.)
- ○dharman m. Śiva R. vii
- ○dhā (trí-), ind. (VPrāt. ii, 44) in 3 ways, in 3 parts, in 3 places, triply RV. i f. iv ChUp. MBh. &c
- • -√kṛ, to treble, xiii, 6467
- • -tva n. tripartition ChUp. vi, 3, 3 Śaṃk
- • (e), loc. ind. in 3 cases, APrāt. Sch
- • -mūrti f. a girl 3 years of age representing Durgā at her festivals
- ○dhā́tu mfn. consisting of 3 parts, triple, threefold (used like Lat. triplex to denote excessive) RV. ŚBr. v, 5, 5, 6
- • m. (scil. puroḍā́śa) N. of an oblation TS. ii, 3, 6. 1 (-tvá n. abstr.)
- • Gaṇêśa L
- • N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 3, 12 Sch.
- • n. the triple world RV
- • the aggregate of the 3 minerals or of the 3 humours W
- • tridhā́tu-śṛṅga mfn. having a tripartite horn (Agni), v, 43, 13
- ○"ṣdhātuka mfn. consisting of 3 humours BhP. x
- • m. Gaṇesa L
- ○dhāman n. = -divá BhP. iii, 24, 20
- • mfn. shining in the 3 worlds, 8, 31 VP. ii, 8, 54 ('triple-gloried')
- • tripartite MBh. xiii
- • m. Vishṇu, xii Hariv. R. vii BhP. vi
- • Brahmā R. vii, 36, 7
- • Śiva L.: fire, Agni L
- • death L
- • N. of the Vyāsa (= Vishṇu) of the 10th Dvāpara VP. iii, 3, 13 VāyuP. i, 23, 136
- • DeviibhP. i, 3 KūrmaP. i, 52, 4
- ○dhāra mf(ā)n. three-streamed (Gaṅgā) Hariv. 3189
- • (ā), f. Euphorbia antiquorum Gal
- • -snuhī f. id. Npr
- • the plant dhārā-snuhī L
- ○dhāraka m. 'three-edged' Scirpus Kysoor L
- • = ○rā Npr
- ○nagarī-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 28
- ○nayana m. = -dṛś MBh. xiv R. PāṇŚ. Megh. &c
- • n. N. of a town, Kṛishṇakrīḍ
- • (ā), f. Durgā, DeviiP
- ○navata mfn. the 93rd (chs. of MBh.)
- ○navati f. 93 Pāṇ. 6
- • -tama mfn. = ○vata (chs. of R.)
- ○nava-'ha n. pl. (metrically for ○vâha, cf. triṇavá) 27 days BhP. x, 83, 10
- ○nāká n. = -divá RV. ix, 113, 9 AV. ix, 5, 10 BhP. vi
- ○nābha mfn. whose navel supports the 3 worlds (Vishṇu), viii, 17, 26
- ○nā́bhi mfn. three-naved (a wheel) RV. i, 164, 2 MBh. xiii BhP
○nāli mfn. 3 X 24 minutes long Sāh. vi, 303
- ○nidhana -ṇidh○
- ○nivit-ka mfn. containing 3 Nivid verses AitĀr. i, 5, 2, 4
- ○niṣka mfn. worth 3 Nishkas Pāṇ. 5-1, 30
- ○netra m. 'three-eyed', Śiva MBh. &c
- • (with rasa) N. of different mixtures Rasêndrac. Bhpr. vii, 8, 157
- • 'Siva's asterism', Ārdrā VarBṛS. xv, 29
- • N. of a prince MatsyaP. cclxx, 27
- • (ā), f. Durgā Kathās. cvii
- • the √of Yam Gal
- • (ī), f. id. L
- • -cūḍāmaṇi m. 'Śiva's crest', the moon L
- • -phala m. the cocoa-nut tree Gal
- • ○trôdbhava m. 'Śiva's son', Kumāra, Alaṃkārar
- ○nemi -ṇemi
- ○naiṣkika mfn. = -niṣka Pāṇ
- ○pakṣa n. 3 fortnights ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 3 VarBṛS. xxxii, 32
- ○pakṣaka m. Butea frondosa L
- ○pacchas (pad + śas), ind. by 3 Pādas ŚāṅkhŚr. xi
- ○pañcaka mfn. pl. of 3 X 5 kinds Yājñ. ii, 181/182, 11
- ○pañcāśá mf(ī́)n. the 53rd (chs. of MBh. and R.)
- • numbering 53 (dice) RV. x, 34, 8 AV. xix
- ○pañcāśat f. 53 Pāṇ. 6
- • -tama mfn. the 53rd (ch. of MBh. ī)
- ○paṭu n. 3 saline substances (stone-salt, Viḍ-lavaṇa, and black salt) Npr
- ○patat in comp. = -dhāra BhP. xi, 6, 13
- ○patāka mfn. (with kara, hasta, the hand) with 3 fingers stretched out (in dram. introductory to words meant janântikam) Bālar. iii, 4/5 Sāh. vi, 139 PSarv. Hastar
- • (○kākara) Daśar
- • (with lalāṭa, the forehead) marked naturally with 3 wrinkles L
- ○patī f. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 25
- ○pattra m. 'three-leaf', AEgle Marmelos, BṛihaddhP
• N. of a bulb Npr
- ○pattraka m. = -pakṣaka L
- ○patha in comp. '= -jagat'
- • n. a place where 3 roads meet L
- • mf(ā)n. reached by 3 roads (Mathurā) Rasik. xi, 21
- • -gā f. 'flowing through heaven, earth, and the lower regions', the Ganges MBh. &c
- • -gāminī f. id., i, 3903 R
- ○pathaka m. (in music) a kind of composition
- ○pád m. (pā́d) f. (pād Pāṇ. 4f.
- • pádī g. kumbhapady-ādi)n. three-footed RV. x, 117, 8 VS. ChUp. Ragh. (Dharma) BhP. (Vishṇu, Yajña, Jvara)
- • making 3 steps ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- • having 3 divisions (a stanza) ŚBr. xiv BhP. (Sāvitrī, Gāyatrī) Chandaþs
- • trinomial
- • three-fourths RV. x, 90, 3 f
- • m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ix, 2693
- • (dī), f. an elephant's fetter Ragh. iv, 48 Dharmaśarm. xi, 51
- • a kind of elephant's gait Kād. Vcar. xv
- • Cissus pedata L
- • N. of a Prākṛit metre
- • of a composition (in music)
- ○pada mfn. three-footed MBh. vi, 71
- • extending over 3 squares Hcat
- • (Pāṇ. 4-1, 9) having 3 divisions (a stanza) VS. and ŚBr. (f. trípadā) TS. (f. ○pádā) AitBr. &c
- • measuring 3 feet KātyŚr
- • containing 3 words VPrāt. APrāt. Sch
- • n. 3 words VPrāt
- • (ā), f. Cissus pedata L
- • the Gāyatrī metre Gal
- • -prabhṛti mfn. containing 3 or more words TPrāt
- ○padikā f. a tripod stand Tantras
- ○padya mf(ā)n. tripartite Jyot. (YV) 15
- ○panna m. N. of one of the moon's horses L. Sch
- ○parikrānta mfn. one who has overcome the 3 internal foes (kāma, krodha, and lobha) MBh. xiii, 6455
- ○parivarta mfn. (the wheel of the law) turning thrice Lalit. xiii, 14 Divyâv. xxvii, 189
- • xxxv, 218
- ○parṇa m. = -pakṣaka L
- • (ā), f. wild hemp Npr
- • (ī), f. Desmodium gangeticum Bhpr. vii, 2, 16
- • the wild cotton tree, v, 3, 31
- • ○ṇā Npr
- • Sanseviera zeylanica L
- • N. of a bulb L.
- ○parṇikā f. id. L
- • Carpopogon pruriens Npr
- • Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○parus mfn. consisting of 3 divisions BhP
- ○paryāya mfn. having 3 turns (a stóma) KātyŚr. ix f
- ○parva mfn. consisting of 3 parts (an arrow, cf. -kāṇḍa) Hariv. 12238
- ○parvata '3 mountains', N. of a place
- ○parvan mfn. = ○va MBh. iv, 43, 18
- ○pala mf(ā)n. weighing 3 Palas Yājñ. ii, 179
- ○paśu mfn. having 3 victims KātyŚr. xv
- ○pastyá mfn. having 3 dwellings (Agni) RV. viii, 39, 8
- ○pājasyá mfn. having 3 flanks, iii, 56, 3
- ○pāṭa m. intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure), figure formed by such intersection
- ○pāṭikā f. a beak Gal
- ○pāṭhin m. familiar with the 3 Vedas (epithet of a commentator on Vās. and of several copyists)
- ○pāṇa mfn. (irreg.) made of the plant Tri-parṇi KātyŚr. xv, 5, 9
- ○pāda m. an asterism of which three-fourths are included under one zodiacal sign W
- • = -padikā Kauś
- • (ī), f. a kind of Mimosa Npr
- • -vigraha mfn. three-footed Hariv. 2626
- ○pād -pád
- • -vibhūti-kathana n. N. of PadmaP. v, 29
- ○pādaka mf(ikā)n. threefooted R. v
- • (ikā), f. Cissus pedata L
- • = ○dī Npr
- ○piṭa mfn. knowing ○ṭaka Divyâv. xvii
- • xxxv
- ○piṭaka n. the 3 baskets or collections of sacred writings (Sūtra-, Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-piṭaka) Buddh
- • mfn. = ○ṭa Divyâv. ii, 575
- ○piṇḍaka mfn. consisting of ○ṇḍī Śrāddhac
- ○piṇḍī f. the 3 sacrificial cakes (cf. Mn. iii, 215)
- ○piba mfn. drinking with 3 members of the body (with the 2 pendent ears and tongue, as a long-eared goat), 271 Kull
- ○piṣṭapa n. (m. Uṇ. Sch.) = -divá, Indra's heaven MBh. i, 7580 and 7657 R. i, vi MārkP. xviii, 27
- • the sky L
- • cf. -viṣṭ○
- • -sad m. 'heavendweller', a god L
- ○puṭa mfn. threefold Buddh. L
- • m. a kind of pulse VarBṛS
- • = -kaṭa L
- • N. of a measure of length (hasta-bheda) L
- • (in music) a kind of measure
- • a shore L
- • (ā), f. Arabian jasmine L
- • Durgā Tantras. ii f
- • (ā, ī), f. = -puṣā L
- • large cardamoms L
- ○puṭaka mfn. triangular (a wound) Suśr. i, 22
- • m. a kind of pulse, 46
- ○puṭin m. Ricinus communis L
- • ○ṭi-phala id. L
- ○puṇḍra
- ○puṇḍraka n. a triple sectarial mark consisting of 3 lines or marks on the forehead (or on back, heart, shoulders &c. RTL. 400) Vas. Hariv. BrahmâṇḍaP. Tithyād
- ○puṇḍrin mfn. furnished with ○ra SŚaṃkar. xi, 30
- ○puṇḍhra n. = ○ḍra ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 10 BrahmôttKh. xxviii
- ○pur f. pl. '?', the 3 strong cities, triple fortification BhP. vii
- ○purá n. sg. id. (built of gold, silver, and iron, in the sky, air, and earth, by Maya for the Asuras, and burnt by Śiva MBh. &c
- • TS. vi, 2, 3, 1) ŚBr. vi, 3, 3, 25 AitBr. ii, 11 Śāṅkh Br., N. of an Up
- • of a town Kshitîś. iii, 17
- • m. Śiva Śaktir. v
- • the Asura Bāṇa RevāKh
- • (ā), f. a kind of cardamoms (cf. -puṭā) Gal
- • a kind of rice ib
- • a kind of sorcery Śārad. xii
- • N. of an Up
- • Durgā KālP. Tantras. Pañcad
- • (ī), f. N. of an Up
- • of the capital of the Cedis MBh. iii, 254, 10 VarBṛS. xiv, 9 Bālar. iii, 38
- • -kumāra m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Śaṃkar. lxx
- • -ghātin m. 'destroyer of Tantras', Śiva Kathās. cxv
- • -ghna m. id. MBh. R. i
- • -jit m. id. W
- • -dahana m. id. L
- • n. N. of a drama
- • -dāha m. 'burning of Tantras', N. of PadmaP. iv, 5
- • of a drama
- • -druh m. 'enemy of Tantras', Śiva Bālar
- • -dviṣ m. id. Ragh. xvii, 14
• -pramāthin m. = -ghna Dhanaṃj. 37
- • -bhairava m. N. of a mixture Bhpr
- • (ī), f. Durgā KālP. Śārad. xii
- • -mallikā f. a kind of jasmine L
- • -mālī f. id. L
- • -vadha m. 'destruction of Tantras' (○rasya v○ MBh. vii, 9570), N. of ŚivaP. ii, 5-7
- • -vijaya m. conquest of Tantras. Megh. 56
- • N. of LiṅgaP. i, 71 f
- • -vijayin m. 'Tantras-conqueror', Śiva Mudr. i, 2
- • -vidhvaṃsaka m. id. Buddh. L
- • -sundarī f. Durgā Rudray. ii, 1 Tantras. iii f
- • -han m. = -ghna R. vi BhP. iv
- • -hara m. id. Prasannar. ii, 35 Hāsy
- • N. of LiṅgaP. i, 72
- • ○râdhipati m. 'Tantras-lord', Maya BhP. v, viii
- • ○rântaká m. = ○ra-ghna MBh. ii Hariv. 1579 ŚatarUp. (interpol.) Kathās. ciii
- • ○rântakara m. id. MBh. ii, 754
- • ○rânta-kṛt m. id., Āryav
- • Rāma's bow Mcar. i, 52
- • ○rârāti m. = ○radruh Kathās. lvi
- • ○râri m. id. Suśr. vi Kathās. ix, 7
- • ○rârṇava m. N. of wk. Sch. on Ānand. 1 and 3
- • ○rârdana m. = ○ra-ghna MBh. iii
- • ○rêśâdri m. N. of a mountain Rājat. v
- • ○rêśvara, N. of a place, v f
- • ○rôpākhyāna n. N. of ŚivaP. iii, 52 - 54
- ○purā ○ra
- • -tapana n. -tāpanī f. N. of an Up
- • -bhairavii f. = ○ra-bh○, Tantr
- • -sāra m. N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- • -samuccaya m. N. of wk., Tantr
- ○purāṇaka mf(ikā)n. (a coin) worth 3 Purāṇas.
- ○purāṇīya mfn. id. Mn. xi, 228 Kull
- ○purī ○ra
- • -kṣetra n. the district of Tripurī
- • prakaraṇa n. N. of a Vedântic work (ascribed to Śamkara)
- ○puruṣa n. sg. 3 generations Gaut
- • (ī), f. id. ĀpŚr. x Sch. Introd
- • (am), ind. through 3 generations ŚāṅkhŚr. PārGṛ
- • ○ṣá mfn. having the length of 3 men ŚBr. x
- • (-pūr○) TBr. i
- • having 3 assistants ĀśvŚr. iv, 1
- ○puṣā f. dark-blossomed Convolvulus Turpethum L
- ○puṣkara mfn. decorated with 3 lotus flowers Lāṭy. ix, 2, 9
- • pl. 'the 3 lakes', N. of a Tīrtha Ragh. xviii, 30
- • m. N. of a man Siṃhâs. ix, 2/3
- ○pūruṣá -pur○
- ○pṛṣṭhá mfn. having 3 backs or surfaces (Soma compared with a chariot or bull or horse) RV. vii, ix
- • m. Vishṇu BhP. vii f
- • the first of the black Vāsu-devas Jain. L
- • n. = -divá AV. ix, 5, 10 BhP. i f
- ○pauruṣa mf(ī)n. extending over 3 generations KātyŚr. Sch
- ○pratiṣṭhita (trí-), mfn. having a threefold footing AV. x, 2, 32
- ○pralamba
- ○pralambin mfn. having 3 pendent parts of the body R. v
- ○prasruta mfn. having 3 fluid streams flowing from the forehead (a rutting elephant), ii Hcar. vii
- ○prātihārya-sampanna mfn. 'possessed of magical power of 3 kinds', a Buddha Buddh. L
- ○plakṣa m. pl. 'the 3 fig-trees', a place near the Yamunā where the Dṛishad-vatī disappears TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 13 ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii
- • ○kṣâvaharaṇa n. id. KātyŚr. xxiv Lāṭy. x
- ○phala mfn. having 3 fruits Kām. viii, 42
- • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 3) the 3 Myrobalans (fruits of Tertminalia Chebula, Tantras Bellerica, and Phyllanthus Emblica
- • also tṛph○ L.) Suśr. VarBṛS. xvi Kathās. lxx KātyŚr. Sch
- • the 3 sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date) Npr
- • the 3 fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca-nut, and cloves) ib
- • (ī), f. id. L
- ○bandhana m. N. of a son of Aruṇa BhP. ix, 7, 4 (v. l. ni-b○)
- ○bandhú mfn. being the friend of the 3 worlds (Indra) RV. vii, 37, 7
- ○barhís mfn. having 3 seats of sacrificial grass, i, 181, 8
- ○bāhu m. 'three-armed', N. of a goblin Hariv. 14852
• a kind of fighting, 15980
- ○bīja m. 'three-seeded', Panicum frumentaceum L
- ○brahman mfn. with Brahmā, Vishṇu, and Śiva DhyānabUp
- ○bha mfn. containing 3 zodiacal signs Sūryas. xiv
- • n. 3 zodiacal signs, quadrant, 90 degrees, vii
- • -jīvā, -jyā, -maurvikā f. = tri-j○, iii
- • tribhôna-lagna n. 'part of the ecliptic which does not reach the eastern point by 90 degrees', the highest point of the ecliptic above the horizon, v Sch
- ○bhaṅgi m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○bhaṅgī f. a metre of 4 X 32 syllabic instants
- ○bhaṇḍī f. = -puṣā Suśr. (metrically ○ḍi, vi, 56)
- ○bhava mfn. said of a kind of fever Bhpr. vii, 8, 70
- ○bhāga m. the 3rd part Hariv. VarBṛS. Rājat. KātyŚr. Sch
- • the 3rd part (of the eye sending a particular side-glance) Kād. Hcar. vii Bālar. iii, 49
- • the 3rd part of a zodiacal sign VarBṛ
- • threefourths Pañcar. i, 14, 50
- ○bhāj mfn. receiving 3 shares AitBr. ii, 24
- ○bhāṇḍī f. = -bhaṇḍī Car. vii, 7
- ○bhānu m. N. of a descendant of Yayāti and father of Karaṃ-dhama BhP. ix
- • (-sānu VāyuP. ii, 37, 1f.)
- ○bhāva g. brāhmaṇâdi
- ○bhāṣyaratna n. N. of a commentary on TPrāt
- ○bhinna m. (in music) N. of a measure
- ○bhukti-rāja m. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xii, 2
- ○bhúj mfn. threefold AV. viii, 9, 2
- ○bhuja mfn. triangular
- • m. a triangle Āryabh. ii, 11
- ○bhuvana n. (Pāṇ. 2-4, 30 Vārtt. 3 Sch.) = -jagat Bhartṛ. BhP. &c
- • N. of a town Kathās. lvi
- • m. N. of a prince ib. Rājat. vi f
- • -guru m. 'the 3 worlds' master', Śiva Megh
- • -pati m. Vishṇu Dhūrtas. i, 13
- • -pāla-deva m. N. of a prince, Dūtâṅg. i, 2/3
- • -prabhā f. N. of the daughter of a Dānava Kathās. cxviii
- • -malla-deva m. the hero of Vcar
- • -māṇikya-carita n. N. of wk. Gaṇar
- • ○nâbhoga m. the extension of the 3 worlds Prasannar. i, 8/9
- • ○nêśvara m. = ○na-guru ŚivaP. ii, 28
- • Indra BrahmaP
- • ○nêśvara-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga KapSaṃh
- ○bhūma mfn. threestoried Pāṇ. 5-4, 75 Sch
- ○bhauma mfn. id. Hcat. i, 9, 330
- ○maṇḍala-pariśuddha mfn. ? Buddh. L
- ○maṇḍalā f. (scil. lūtā), N. of a venomous spider Suśr. v
- ○mada m. the 3 narcotic plants (Cyperus rotundus, Plumbago zeylanica, and Embelia Ribes)
- • the threefold haughtiness BhP. iii, 1, 43
- ○madhu mfn. knowing or reciting the 3 verses beginning with mádhu (RV. i, 90, 6, 8) Gaut. Yājñ. i VP. iii, 15, 1 MārkP. xxxi
- • n. = ○dhura L
- ○madhura n. the 3 sweet substances (sugar, honey, ghee) VarBṛS. Śārad. ix
- • (madhuratraya Tantras. iv)
- ○mántu mfn. 'offering threefold advice' or m. 'N. of a man' RV. i, 112, 4.
- ○mala mfn. affected by 3 kinds of uncleanness GarbhUp. 1
- ○malla N. of a sacred place Rasik. xi, 25
- • -candra m. N. of a prince
- ○mātṛ́ mfn. having 3 mothers (m. 'creator of the 3 worlds' Sāy.) RV. iii, 56, 5
- ○mātra mf(ā)n. = ○trā-kāla RPrāt. APrāt. ŚāṅkhŚr. ; 3 in number MBh. vii
- • ○trā-kāla mfn. containing or sounding 3 syllabic instants Bhāshik. ii, 32 Sch
- • ○trika m. (unmetrically for ○tra) the syllable om, Prapañcas. (RāmatUp. ii, 2, 3 Sch.)
- ○mārikā f. 'three-killer', N. of a woman Kathās. lxvi
- ○mārga in comp. = -patha
- • mfn. with 3 ways DhyānabUp. 17
- • (ī), f. 3 ways L
- • -gamana n. going by 3 ways (through heaven, earth, and the lower regions) R. (G) i, 45, 40
- • -gā f. = tripatha-gā Ragh. xiii, 20 Śiś. xii
- ○mukuṭa m. 'three-peaked', the Tri-kūṭa mountain L
- ○mukha m. 'three-faced', the 3rd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- • (ā), f. Śākya-muni's mother L
- ○muni mfn. (grammar) produced by the 3 Munis (Pāṇ. Kāty. Pat.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 19 Kāś. Madhus
- ○mūḍha
- ○mūḍhaka n. = -gūḍha Bhar. xviii
- ○mūrti mfn. having 3 forms or shapes (as Brahmā, Vishṇu. _ Śiva) Kum. ii, 4
- • Gaṅgêś. RāmatUp. i, 16 Sch
- • in comp. Brahmā, Vishṇu, Śiva Hcat. i, 11, 547
- • m. the sun (cf. trayī-deha), 8, 221
- • a Buddha L
- • one of the 8 Vidyêśvaras, 8, 406 ; 11, 857 ; ii, 1, 941 Śaktir. v
- • (○tika) Sarvad. vii, 75
- ○mūrdha mfn. three-headed Pāṇ. 5f
- ○mūrdhán mfn. id. RV. i, 146, 1
- • m. N. of a Rakshas Uttarar. ii, 15
- ○yājña triy-akṣa
- ○yava mfn. weighing 3 barley-corns Mn. viii, 134 Śulbas
- ○yaṣṭi m. Oldenlandia biflora (?) L
- ○yāna n. the 3 Vehicles (leading to Nirvāṇa) Buddh
- ○yāma mf(ā)n. (the night) containing 3 watches (or 9 hours) R. (G) ii, 10, 7
- • (ā), f. night Hariv. 5768 R. &c
- • turmeric W
- • = -puṣā Uṇ. k
- • the Indigo plant ib
- • the river Yamunā ib
- ○yāmaka n. sin L
- ○yukta mfn. (a cart) drawn by 3 KātyŚr. xv
- ○yugá n. (= -puruṣa) 3 generations (Nir
- • 'spring, rainy-season, and autumn ŚBr. vii) RV. x, 97, 1
- • mfn. appearing in the first 3 Yugas (Kṛishṇa) MBh. BhP
- ○yugma mfn. possessing 3 pairs (yaśo-viirye, aiśvarya-śriyau, jñāna-vairāgye) R. vii
- ○yūpa mfn. with 3 sacrificial posts KātyŚr
- ○yojaná n. 3 Yojanas AV. vi, 131, 3
- ○yoni mfn. (a lawsuit) resulting from 3 reasons (anger, covetousness, or infatuation) W
- ○ratna n. the 3 gems: Buddha, the law, and the monkish brotherhood Buddh
- ○rasaka n. 'tripleflavoured', a spirituous liquor Śiś. x, 12 (Sāh. iii, 148/149)
- • -saraka
- ○rātrá n. sg. 3 (nights or) days ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- • (pl. MBh. iii, 82, 18)
- • mfn. lasting (3 nights or) days ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr
- • m. a sacrificial performance of 3 days TāṇḍyaBr
- • cf. aśva-, garga-, baida-
- • (am), ind. for 3 days, during 3 days KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c
- • (āt, eṇa), ind. after 3 days, v
- • ○trais tribhiḥ, after 3 X 3 days, 64
- • ○trâvaram ind. at least 3 days KātyŚr. iv, 11, 3 Gaut
- ○rātrīṇā f. (a woman) 3 days after her courses ĀpŚr. ix, 2, 3
- ○rāva m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh. v, 101, 11 (v. l. -vāra)
- ○rāśi-pa mfn. governing 3 zodiacal signs
- ○rūpa (trí-), mfn. three-formed NṛisUp. ii, 9, 6
- • three-coloured ŚBr. iv, xiii KātyŚr
- • having 3 syllabic instants TPrāt. Sch
- ○rekha mf(ā)n. three-lined (the neck) L
- • m. a conch (or some other animal) L
- • ○khâṅkita m. N. of a fish Gal
- • ○khā-puṭa, a sexangle RāmatUp. i, 58
- ○lava m. a third part Līl
- ○lavaṇa n. = -paṭu L
- ○liṅga mfn. possessing the 3 Guṇas (cf. -guṇa) BhP. iii
- • = ○gaka
- • n. 'the 3 Liṅgas', the country Telinga
- • (ī), f. the 3 genders (in Gram.) L
- ○liṅgaka mfn. having 3 genders, adjective L
- ○loka n. sg. ṃBh. xiii ḥariv. 11303, m. pl. ṛ. iii the 3 worlds (= -patha)
- • m. sg. the inhabitants of the 3 worlds BhP. iii, 2, 13
- • (ī), f. the 3 worlds, i-iii Rājat. Prab
- • -nātha m. 'Telinga-lord', Indra Ragh. iii, 45
- • Śiva Kum. v, 77
- • -rakṣin mfn. protecting the 3 worlds Vikr. i, 5
- • -vaśaṃ-kara m. N. of a Lokêśvara
- • -viira m. N. of a Buddh. deity
- • -sāra m. N. of wk
- • ○kâtman m. 'Telinga-soul', Śiva
- • ○kêśa m. 'Telinga-lord', Vishṇu Siṃhâs
- • Siva MBh. xiv
- • the sun L
- ○lokī f. of ○ka
- • -kṛti f. the creation of the 3 worlds Dhūrtan
- • -jit mfn. conquering the 3 worlds Dhanaṃj. 4
- • -nātha m. 'Telinga-lord', Vishṇu, Śāntiś
- • -pati m. id. Siṃhâs. xii, 3
- • -rāja m. Indra Gal
- ○locana mfn. three-eyed (Śiva) DhyānabUp. KaivUp. R. i Ragh. &c
- • m. (with rasa) a kind of mixture Rasar
- • m. N. of a poet ŚārṅgP
- • -dāsa Hemac. Sch
- • = -pāla Rājat. vii Kshitîś
- • (ā), f. a disloyal wife L
- • N. of a goddess (also ○nī W.) BrahmaP. ii, 18, 20
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha KapSaṃh
- • -dāsa m. N. of a grammarian
- • -pāla m. N. of a prince Rājat. vii
- • ○nâṣṭamī f. the 8th day in the dark half of month Jyaishṭha W
- • ○nêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. clxxxviii
- ○loha n. the 3 metals (copper, brass, and bellmetal) Hcat. i, 11
- • mf(ī)n. made of one of the 3 metals (v. l. -lauh○) Tantras. i
- ○lohaka n. the 3 metals (gold, silver, copper) L
- ○lauha -loha
- ○vakrā f. 'thrice crooked', N. of a woman BhP. x, 42, 3
- ○vaṇa-saṃjñikā
- ○vaṇī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī
- ○vat (trí-), mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 176 Vārtt. 2 ; viii, 2, 15 Kāś.) containing the word trí TS. ii, 4, 11, 2
- ○vatsá mf(ā́)n. 3 years old (ox or cow) VS. TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy. Kāty
- ○vandhurá mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 199 Vārtt. Pat.) having 3 seats (the Aśvins' chariot) RV. i, vii-ix
- ○vayas (trí-), mfn. having threefold food (or texture ?), ii, 31, 5
- ○várūtha mfn. protecting in 3 ways RV. AV. vii-ix
- • (○thá) VS. & TBr. ii
- ○varga m. the three things KātyŚr. Lāṭy. &c. (= -gaṇa Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • = -guṇa L
- • the 3 conditions, 'progress, stationariness, and decline', xii, 2664
- • the 3 higher castes, xiii
- • = -madhura Suśr. vi, 41
- • = -kaṭu L
- • = -phalā L.)
- • -cintana n. N. of a ch. of Psarv
- • pārīṇa mfn. having passed through the 3 conditions or attained the tri-gaṇa Bhaṭṭ. ii, 46
- ○varṇa mfn. three-coloured ŚāṅkhGṛ
- • -kṛt m. the chameleon Npr
- ○varṇaka m. n. = -kaṭa L
- • n. = -kaṭu Suśr. i, 44
- • the 3 Myrobalans (-phalā) L
- ○vártu mfn. threefold RV. vii, 101, 2
- ○vartman mfn. going by 3 paths ŚvetUp. v, 7
- • ○tma-gā f. = tripatha-gā MBh. xiii, 1842
- ○varṣa mfn. = -vatsá Lāṭy. viii
- • n. 3 years Suśr. ii, 1
- • a-, not yet 3 years old Mn. v, 70
- • trivarṣa-pūrv4a mfn. known less than 3 years Āp
- ○varṣaka mf(ikā)n. = -vatsá Hemac
- ○"ṣvarṣīya mfn. used for 3 years MBh. xiii, 4467
- ○vali mfn. having 3 folds or incisions KātyŚr. vii, 3, 29
- • f. in comp. the 3 folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a beauty) VarBṛS. lxx, 5 Ṛitus. GarP
- ○valī f. id. MBh. iii, 1824 Hariv. 3625 Bhartṛ
- • the anus L
- • N. of a drum
- • -vat, -valīka
- ○"ṣvalīka mfn. (Rāma) having 3 folds (on the belly or neck) R. v, 32, 12 (v. l. ○līvat)
- • n. the anus W
- ○vācika mfn. effected by 3 words Pañcat. iv, 5, 0/1
- ○vāra -rāva
- • (am), ind. thrice Śāktân. ii
- ○vārṣika mfn. 3 years old Pañcat. iii, 2, 17/18
- ○vikrama n. the 3 steps (of Vishṇu) R. vi Kum. (in comp.)
- • mfn. or m. who strided over the 3 worlds in 3 steps (Vishṇu) Hariv. 2641 R. i &c
- • m. N. of a Brāhman Śukas
- • of the author of a work (called after him Traivikramī) Nirṇayas. iii
- • of a medical author and of a mixture (called after him) Rasêndrac
- • = -bhaṭṭa
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. cclxxi
- • -deva m. N. of an author Rasar
- • -bhaṭṭa m. N. of the author of Nalac
- • -sena m. N. of a prince Kathās
- • ○mâcārya m. N. of an astronomer
- ○vitastá mfn. 3 spans long TBr. i, 5, 10, 1
- • n. 3 spans ĀpŚr. vii, 4, 2
- ○vidya mfn. containing the 3 Vedas (Śiva
- • cf. trayī-tanu)
- • (ā), f. threefold knowledge (cf. trayī́vidyā́ Pāṇ. 4-1, 88 Pat
- ○vidha (trí-), mfn. of 3 kinds, triple, threefold ŚBr. xii ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- • -damatha-vastu-kuśala m. = tri-dam○ Divyâv. viii, 79
- ○vinata mfn. bent in 3 ways R. v, 32, 13 (v. l. try-avan○)
- ○vibudhī f. 3 deities Naish
- ○viṣṭapa n. = -piṣṭ○ GopBr. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • N. of a Liṅga LiṅgaP. i, 1, 4
- • for ○ṣṭabdha SaṃnyUp. iv, 1
- • -sad m. = -piṣṭ○ L
- ○viṣṭabdha n. the 3 staves of a Parivrājaka (= -daṇḍa) MBh. xii
- ○viṣṭabdhaka n. id. Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 8 ; ii, 1, 1 Vārtt. 4
- • and iii, 2, 124 Vārtt. 2
- ○viṣṭí ind. thrice RV. iv, 6, 4 and 15, 2
- • -dhā́tu mfn. threefold, i, 102, 8
- ○vista mfn. weighing 3 Vistas Pāṇ. 5-1, 31
- ○vṛ́t mfn. threefold, triple, triform, consisting of 3 parts or folds &c. RV. &c
- • connected with the Tri-vṛit Stoma ŚBr. xiii KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • (n. pl. -vṛnti) ĀśvŚr
- • m. (with or without stóma) a threefold Stoma (in which first the three 1st verses of each Tṛica of RV. ix, II are sung together, then the 2nd verses, and lastly the 3rd) VS. &c
- • m. a triple cord, SāṅkhGṛ. Mn. iii, 43
- • an amulet of 3 strings AV. v, 28
- • N. of a Vyāsa ( -vṛṣa)
- • f. = ○tā Suśr. (generally written tṛ-v○)
- • trivṛc-chiras mfn. Telinga-headed MBh. xii, 1632 ; xiii, 7379
- • trivṛt-karaṇa n. making threefold Vedântas. 116 (ChUp. vi, 3, 2 f.)
- • trivṛ́t-tā f. triplicity ŚBr. vi
- • -parṇī f. Hingcha repens L
- • trivṛ́t-prāya mfn. similar to the Telinga, xii, 3, 1, 5
- • -stoma mfn. connected with the Telinga Stoma Hariv. 7435.
- ○vṛtā f. Ipomoea Turpethum Suśr. VarBṛS
- ○vṛtti f. livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study, and alms) MBh. xiii, 1541
- ○vṛnta m. = pakṣaka Npr
- ○vṛntikā f. = -vṛtā L
- ○vṛṣá mfn. having 3 bulls AV. v, 16, 3
- • m. N. of the Vyāsa in the 11th Dvāpara, DeviibhP. i, 3 KūrmaP. i, 52, 5 (v. l. ṛṣabha)
- • (○ṣan) VP. iii, 3, 14
- • (○vṛt) VāyuP. i, 23, 140
- ○vṛṣan m. N. of Try-aruṇa's father (cf. traivṛṣṇá). RV. v, 27, 1 Sāy
- • ○ṣa
- ○veṇi f. = ○ṇī Uṇ. Sch
- ○veṇikā f. N. of a grammar
- ○veṇī f. (g. śivâdi) 'triple-braided', the place of confluence (Prayāga, now Allāhābād) of the Ganges with the Yamunā (Jumnā) and the subterranean Sarasvatī
- • N. of another place
- ○veṇu mfn. three-bannered (a chariot) BhP. iv, 26, 1
- • m. N. of part of a chariot MBh. iii f. vii (also ○ṇuka) -ix BhP. xi
- ○veda in comp. the 3 Vedas KātyŚr. xxv
- • (ī), f. id. L
- • mfn. familiar with the 3 Vedas Mn. ii, 118
- • m. = trayī-deha Hcat. i
- • ○dī-tanu m. (with deva) id. Bālar. iii, 85
- ○vedin mfn. familiar with the 3 Vedas W
- • = trayīmūrti-mat R. vii
- ○velā f. = -vṛtā L
- ○vaistika mfn. = -vista Pāṇ
- ○vyāma mf(ā)n. 3 cords long KātyŚr. vi, 3, 5
- ○vrata (trí-), mfn. eating thrice a day TS. vi, 2, 5, 3
- ○śakala m. having 3 Śakalas Pāṇ. 6-2, 47 Kāś
- ○śakti f. = -kalā VarP. xc ff
- ○śaṅku m. N. of a sage TUp. i, 10
- • of a king of Ayodhyā (aspiring to ascend to heaven in his mortal body, he first requested Vasishṭha to perform a great sacrifice for him
- • on Vasishṭha's refusing he applied to Vasishṭha's hundred sons, who cursed and degraded him to the rank of a Caṇḍāla hence called a Caṇḍāla king ḍivyâv. xxxiii
- • Viśvā-mitra then undertook the sacrifice for him and invited all the gods, who declined to come and thereby so enraged the sage that, by his own power, he transported Telinga to heaven
- • on his being hurled down again head foremost by the gods, he was arrested in his course by Viśvā-mitra and remained suspended in the sky, forming the southern cross constellation R. i, 57 (59 G) ff. son of Pṛithu Hariv. 730 ff. and VP. iv, 3, 13 f. son of ṭrayyāruṇa
- • son of ṭri-bandhana BhP. ix, 7) MBh. i, xiii &c
- • a cat L
- • the civetcat Npr
- • a grasshopper L
- • a fire-fly L
- • = ○ṅkha L
- • N. of a mythical mountain Divyâv. viii, 293 ff
- • f. N. of a mythical river, 223 and 295
- • (○kukā) 298
- • m. pl. N. of thorns, 293
- • -ja m. 'Telinga's son', Hari-ścandra L
- • -tilaka mf(ā)n. adorned with the Telinga constellation (the southern region, diś) Kād
- • -yājin m. sacrificing for Telinga', Viśvā-mitra L
- ○śaṅkuka m. a wag-tail Gal
- • (ā), f. ○ṅku
- ○śaṅkha m. the Cātaka bird Gal
- ○śatá mfn. 103 ŚāṅkhBr. xiv ŚāṅkhŚr. ; 300 RV. i, 164, 48 AV. xi, 5, 2
- • the 300th (chs. of MBh. iii, xii and R. ṅ ii, vi)
- • = ○taka Hariv. 512 (f. ī) Kām
- • n. 300 MBh. xiii R. i, vii
- • (ī), f. 300 MBh. xiv Jyot. (YV.) 29
- • ○taṃ-ṣaṣṭi-parvan mfn. consisting of 360 sections BhP. iii
- • ○ta-tama mfn. the 300th (ch. of Hariv.)
- ○śataka mf(ikā)n. consisting of 300 Buddh
- ○śaraṇa n. 'threefold refuge', = -ratna Buddh
- • the three-refuge formula of Buddhists MWB. 78
- ○śarīra m. three-bodied NṛisUp. ii, 1, 4
- ○śarīrin mfn. id. (Vishṇu) Hariv. 14982
- ○śarkarā f. 3 kinds of sugar (guḍôtpannā, himôtthā, madhurā) L
- ○śalá mfn. 3 bristles long TBr. i, 5, 10, 1
- • (ā), f. the mother of Mahāviira Jain
- ○śalya mfn. three-pointed (an arrow) MBh. vii, 202, 82
- ○śas ind. by threes RPrāt. xviii
- ○śākha mf(ā)n. three-wrinkled (bhru-kuṭī) MBh. viii Kathās. cī, 72
- • -pattra m. AEgle Marmelos L
- ○śāṇa
- ○śāṇya mfn. weighing 3, Śāṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 36
- ○śānu m. for -bhānu Hariv. BrahmaP
- ○śāla n. a house with 3 halls MatsyaP. ccliii
- ○śālaka n. id. VarBṛS. liii, 37 f
- ○śikha mf(ā)n. three-pointed, trident-shaped BhP. iii, v f
- • threeflamed Hariv. 12292
- • = -śākha MBh. i Hariv. Pañcat. i, 15, 24/25 ; iv, 4, 4/5
- • m. = -śākha-pattra L
- • a Rakshas L
- • Indra in Tāmasa's Manv-antara BhP. viii, 1
- • n. a trident Kathās. lv, ci, cvii
- • a threepointed tiara L
- • (ī), f. N. of an Up
- ○śikhara m. 'three-peaked', (with śaila) N. of a mountain R. iv, 44, 50
- ○śikhi-dalā f. 'trident-leaved', N. of a bulb L
- ○śira mfn. (for ○ras) three-pointed MBh. xiii, 7379 (v. l. catur-aśva)
- • m. ○ras
- • (ā), f. Clypea hernandifolia L
- • -giri m. N. of a mountain SkandaP
- ○śiras mfn. three-headed (Tvāshṭra, author of RV. x, 8.) TāṇḍyaBr. xvii Bṛih. KaushUp. MBh. Kām
- • (Jvara) BhP. x, 63, 22
- • three-pointed MBh. xiii R. iv
- • m. N. of an Asura killed by Vishṇu MBh. ix, 1755
- • of a Rākshasa killed by Rāma R. Ragh.
- • (○ra) BhP. ix, 10, 9
- • n. (with rakṣas) id. R. i, 1, 45
- • a Rakshas L
- • Kubera L
- ○śila n. 3 stones Kauś
- ○śīrṣa mfn. three-headed MBh. (Śiva, xii) Hariv
- • -guhā and ○ṣâkhya-g○ f. N. of a cavern in Kailāsa Kathās. cviii f
- • ○ṣa-vat mfn. having 3 crowns (or vertices) R. (B) v, 35, 18
- ○śīrṣaka n. a trident L
- ○śīrṣán mfn. three-headed (Tvāshṭra, dā́sa, &c.) RV. x AV. v, 23, 9 Kāṭh. ŚBr. (trí-ś○) ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv
- ○śukra (trí-), mfn. triply pure TBr. ii
- ○śukriya mfn. id. Kāṭh. ṢaḍvBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śukla m. (= ○kra) Śiva MBh
- ○śúc mfn. triply shining VS. xxxviii
- • (-śrut ĀśvŚr. v, 13, 6)
- ○śūla n. a trident MBh. &c. (Śiva's weapon, iii, 5009 Hariv. MatsyaP. xi, 29)
- • m. N. of a mountain
- • -khāta n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii
- • -gaṅgā f. N. of a river
- • -purī f. N. of a town
- • -vara-pāṇin and -hasta mfn. bearing the trident in his hand (Śiva), xii, xiv
- • ○lâṅka m. 'trident-marked', Śiva Ṣaguruś
- • ○lāya Nom. Ā. to resemble Śiva's trident Veṇis. i, 8/9
- ○śūlikā f. a small trident Kād
- ○śūlin m. 'bearing the trident', Śiva W
- • (inī), f. Durgā Hariv. 9428 Tantras. ii
- ○śṛṅga m. 'three-horned', a triangle, Sārasam
- • N. of a mountain (= -kūṭa L.) Hariv. 12853 R. BhP
- • the membrum virile MantraBr. i, 1, 4 Sch
- ○śṛṅgin m. the fish Cyprinus Rohita L
- ○śóka mfn. = -śúc RV. x, 29, 2
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi (author of viii, 45), i, 112, 12 ; viii, 45, 30 AV. iv, 29, 6
- ○śyeta mf(ā)n. = triḥ-śveta MānŚr. i, 7, 2
- ○śrut -śúc
- ○śruti mfn. (in music) containing 3 intervals
- ○ṣaṃyuktá (saṃ-), mfn. triply connected ŚBr. xii
- • (n. scil. havís or kárman) v and KātyŚr. xv
- ○ṣaṃvatsara mfn. lasting 3 years KātyŚr
- • (-saṃv○) Lāṭy. and ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○ṣatya (trí-), mfn. trebly truthful (in thought, word, and deed) MaitrS. TS. vi TBr. iii Kāṭh. (also -satya) ṢaḍvBr
- ○ṣadhasthá mf(ā)n. having a triple seat (sadh○ = barhís) RV. (also ○dhástha, vi)
- • n. a triple seat, v, x
- ○ṣaṃdhi (trí-), mfn. 'having 3 joints (saṃdhí)', composed of 3 parts AV. xi, 9 f. (also m. a kind of snake) ŚBr. xi AitBr. i, 25 Kauś
- • n. N. of a Sāman
- ○ṣaptá pl. m(ā́s)fn. = -saptá AV. i, xiii Kāṭh. xxxvii
- • ○ptīya n. the hymn AV. i, 1 Kauś
- ○ṣama mfn. 'triply even', small Naigh. iii, 2 (v. l.)
- ○ṣavaṇa mfn. connected with 3 Soma libations ŚBr. xii, 2 (-sav○) ŚāṅkhŚr
- • n. pl. the 3 Soma libations MBh. iii (-sav○)
- • sg. (with or without snāna) the 3 ablutions (at dawn, noon, and sunset (also triḥ-snāna Kām. ii, 28), xiii Mn. &c. (-sav○ MārkP. xxiii)
- • (am), ind. at dawn, noon, and sunset Āp. MānGṛ
- • m. N. of a man BrahmaP. ii, 12 and 18, 19
- • -snāyin mfn. performing the 3 ablutions MBh. xiii Yājñ. iii
- ○ṣaṣ mfn. pl. 3 X 6 BhP. xii, 7, 24
- ○ṣaṣṭa mf(ī)n. the 63rd (chs. of MBh.)
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 63 Pāṇ. 6
- • -tama mfn. = ○ṣṭa (chs. of MBh. ii and R.)
- • -dhā ind. in 63 parts Suśr. i
- • -śalākā-puruṣa-carita n. 'lives of the 63 great personages', N. of wk. by Hemac
- ○ṣāhasra (trí-), mfn. (= -sāh○) consisting of 3000 TS. v Śulbas
- ○ṣuvarcaka -suv○
- ○ṣṭā́-várūtrī tvaṣṭ○
- ○ṣṭúk &c. (in the nom. and before consonantic terminations as well as in comp.) for -ṣṭúp &c
- • triṣṭúṇ-mukha mfn. beginning with a Tri-shṭubh TS. vii
- ○ṣṭúp-chandas mfn. having Tri-shṭubh as metre MaitrS. ii, 3, 3 AV. vi, 48, 3
- ○ṣṭúbh f. a metre of 4 X 11 syllables (RPrāt. xvi, 41 ff. Nir. vii, 12) RV. viii ff. VS. &c. (○bhām arkau, N. of 2 Sāmans)
- • (in the later metrical system) any metre of 4 X 11 syllables
- ○ṣṭoma mfn. containing 3 Stomas ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi
- • m. N. of an Ekâha sacrifice, xv KātyŚr. xv, 9
- ○ṣṭhá mfn. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 97) = -vandhurá RV. i, 34, 5
- ○"ṣṣṭhín mfn. = -pratiṣṭhita VS. xxx, 14
- ○saṃvatsara -ṣaṃv○
- ○satya ṣatya
- • n. a triple oath Pañcat. (v. l.)
- ○saṃdhi mfn. -ṣaṃdhi
- • f. = ○dhya-kusumā L
- ○saṃdhika mfn. occurring at the 3 divisions of the day, Yavanêśv
- ○saṃdhī f. = ○dhya-kusumā Npr
- ○saṃdhya n. the 3 divisions of the day (dawn, noon, and sunset), Tithyād
- • (ī), f. id. L. Sch
- • (ā), f. id. W
- • = -kusumā L
- • Durgā MatsyaP. xiii, 37
- • (am), ind. at dawn, noon, and sunset ŚāṅkhGṛ. PārGṛ. MBh. iii. Kathās. Śatr
- • -kusumā f. Hibiscus rosa sinensis L
- ○saptá mfn. pl. 3 X 7 RV. i, 133, 6 and TS. v (instr. ○ptaís) MBh. ix (instr. ○ptabhis)
- • (in comp.) Hcat. i, 6, 331
- • triḥ-s○
- ○saptaka in comp. 3 X 7 VarBṛS. lvi
- ○saptata mfn. the 73rd (chs. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- ○saptati f. (Pāṇ. 6) 73 KātyŚr. Sch
- • -tama mfn. = ○ptata (chs. of MBh. ii and R.)
- ○sama mfn. having 3 equal sides (a quadrangle)
- • having 3 equal parts of the body R. (B) v, 35, 17
- • n. an aggregate of equal parts of 3 substances (yellow myrobalan, ginger, and molasses) L
- ○samṛddha (for triḥ-s○), mfn. (a cow) triply fortunate (not obstinate, milk-giving, and fertile) Hcat. i, 7
- ○sara m. n. = kṛs○ L
- • a triple pearl-string (in Prākṛit tis○ and tisaraya Jain.) Pañcad
- • (ī), f. N. of a stringed instrument
- ○saraka ○ra
- • n. 'thrice enjoying spirituous liquors', v. l. for -rasaka
- ○sarga m. the creation of the 3 Guṇas BhP. i, 1, 1
- ○savana -ṣav○
- ○sāṃvatsara mfn. = -vatsá ŚāṅkhBr
- ○sādhana mf(ā)n. having a threefold causality Ragh. iii, 13
- ○sānu -bhānu
- ○sāman mfn. singing 3 Sāmans MBh. xii
- ○sāmā f. N. of a river VP. ii, 3, 13 BhP. v, 19
- ○sāmya n. equilibrium of the 3 Guṇas, ii, 7, 40
- ○sāhasra n. 3000, x, 58, 50
- • mf(ī)n. consisting of 3000 KātySr
- • -mahā-sāhasra m. (with or without loka-dhātu) N. of a world Lalit. xix, xxi
- • -makāsāhasrika mfn. governing that world, xix
- ○sitā f. = -śarkarā L
- ○sītya mfn. thrice ploughed L
- ○sugandha m. n. = -jāta Hcat. ii
- ○sugandhi (n. L.),
- ○sugandhika id. Suśr. vi Bhpr
- ○sundara m. N. of a mixture Rasêndrac
- ○suparṇa (trí-), m. n. N. of RV. x, 114, 3-5 (or of TĀr. x, 48-50) TĀr. x, 48-50
- • mfn. familiar with or reciting those verses Āp. ii Gaut. Mn. iii, 185 Yājñ. i (○rṇaka) MBh. xiii VP. iii, 15, 1 MārkP
- ○suvarcaka m. 'triply splendid', N. of a man MBh. iii (-ṣuv○ B)
- ○sūtra mfn. having 3 threads MaitrUp. vi CūlUp
- • (ī), f. 3 Sūtras Nyāyas. Sch
- • ○trī-karaṇa n. N. of a performance Śārad. v, 5
- ○saugandhya n. = -sugandha Suśr. i, 44, 19
- ○sauparṇa mfn. relating to the Tri-suparṇa verses MBh. xii
- ○skandha n. 'consisting of 3 Skandhas', the Jyotiþ-śāstra Āryabh. Sch. Introd
- • -patha-daiśika m. Buddha Buddh. L
- ○skandhaka N. of a Buddh. Sūtra Buddh. L
- ○stana mfn. milked from 3 nipples KātyŚr
- • (ī), f. (a woman) having 3 breasts MBh. iii Pañcat. v
- • (a cow) having 3 nipples Hcat. i, 7, 469
- ○sthalī f. the 3 (sacred) places
- • -setu m. N. of wk
- ○sthāna mfn. having 3 dwelling-places DhyānabUp
- • extending through the 3 worlds Nir. ix, 25
- • n. mahêśvarasya, N. of a Tīrtha MBh. xiii, 702
- ○sthūṇa mfn. having (the humours as the) 3 supports, v, 1070 Suśr. i, 21, 1 Laghuj. ii, 16
○srotas f. 'threestreamed', the Ganges Śak. vii Kum. vii, 15 Ragh. x, 64
- • N. of another river L
- ○srotasī f. N. of a river MBh. ii, 375
- ○halikā-grāma m. N. of a Tīrtha Vishṇ. lxxxv, 24
- ○halya mfn. = -sītya L
- ○haviṣ-ka mf(ā)n. = ○vis ĀśvŚr. Sch
- ○havis (trí-), mfn. connected with 3 oblations ŚBr. xiii ĀśvŚr. ii
- ○hāyaṇa mf(ī)n. = -vatsá KātyŚr. Kauś. Anup. Śulbas. Yājñ. MBh. iii f. vii: ? BrahmaP
- trī7ndriya mfn. having 3 organs of sensation Hemac
- trī7rāvatīka mfn. watered by 3 Irāvatī rivers Pāṇ. 1-4, 1 Vārtt., 19 Pat
- trī7ṣu mfn. furnished with 3 arrows ŚāṅkhŚr
- trī7ṣuka mfn. id. KātyŚr. xxv, 4, 47
- trī7ṣṭaká mfn. furnished with 3 bricks ŚBr. x, 5, 2, 21
- triṃśa mf(ī)n., the 30th (chs. of MBh. and R.)
- • + 30 Pāṇ. 5-2, 46
- • m. 'a Stoma consisting of 30 parts', mfn. connected with that Stoma TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy
- • m. = ○śâṃśa Laghuj
- triṃśâṃśa
- triṃśâṃśaka m. 1/30 of a zodiacal sign, degree VarBṛ. Laghuj. iv
- triṃśaka mfn. consisting of 30 parts MBh. iii, 10644
- • bought for or worth 30 &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 24
- • n. 30, Supadm
- • (ikā), f. N. of wk. Param. Sch
- triṃśác-chata (○t-z○)', n. 130 RV. vi, 27, 6
- triṃśac-chlokī f. '30 Ślokas', N. of wk
- triṃśát f. (Pāṇ. 5-1, 59) 30 RV. &c. (pl. MBh. vi, xiii
- • with the objects in the same case, once in the gen
- • acc. ○śat Hcat. i, 8)
- ○tamá mf(ī́)n. the 30th ŚBr. viii-x
- • (chs. of MBh. xii, xv and Hariv.)
- ○tvá n. the condition of 30 MaitrS. i, 10 Kāṭh. xxxvi, 10
- ○pattra n. 'thirty-leaved', the blossom of Nymphaea esculenta L
- ○sāhasra mf(ā)n. pl. 30, 000 R. (G) ii, 100, 44
- triṃśati f. 30 Kām. viii, 38 Rājat. i, 348 (with gen.)
- triṃśatka n. id. Kām. viii, 37
- triṃśad = ○śát
- ○akṣara (○śád-), mf(ā)n. having 30 syllables ŚBr. iii, vii
- ○aṅga (○śád-), mfn. having 30 parts AV. xiii, 3, 8
- ○ara (○śád-), mfn. having 30 fellies, iv, 35, 4
- ○yogâvali f. N. of wk
- ○rātra n. a ceremony lasting 30 days ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii
- ○viṃśa mfn. pl. between 20 and 30 Rājat. v, 214 ; viii, 1084
- ○vikrama (○śád-), mf(ā)n. 30 paces long ŚBr. iii, 5, 1, 7
- ○varṣa mfn. 30 years old Mn. ix, 94.
- triṃśin mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 Kār. Pat.) containing 30 TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, xxiv (Vi-rāj) Lāṭy. x, 10 (month)
- triḥ = trís
- ○pratihāram ind. so as to touch thrice Kauś
- ○prasruta-mada mfn. = tri-prasruta MBh. i, 151, 4
- ○śukla mfn. 'triply white', having 3 white lines Kauś. 29
- ○śrāvaṇa n. N. of wk. Āp
- ○śreṇi mfn. forming 3 rows AitBr. iii, 39, 2
○śveta mf(ā)n. white on 3 spots ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 22, 8 Gobh. ii, 7, 8
- ○ṣamṛddha mfn. 'well furnished with 3 things', only abstr. -tvá (also triḥsam○ Pāṇ. 8-3, 106 Kāś.) TS. ii, 4, 11, 5
- ○sapta mfn. pl. = tri-s○ ĀpGṛ. ix, 5
- • -kṛtvas ind. 21 times MBh. i Hariv. (v. l. tri-s○) R. v BhP. i
- ○samṛddha-tva -ṣam○
- ○saha-vacana n. N. of a text Āp
- ○snāna n. tri-ṣavaṇa
- triká mfn. triple, threefold, forming a triad RV. x, 59, 9. Lāṭy. (Stoma
- • cf. eka-) Śulbas. i Suśr. &c
- • happening the 3rd time Pāṇ. 5-2, 77
- • (with or without śata) 3 per cent. Mn. viii, 152 Kull
- • m. (n. L.) a place where 3 roads meet Hariv. Jain
- • m. = tri-kaṭa Npr
- • Trapa bispinosa ib
- • n. a triad (cf. kaṭu-, taurya-, tri-, pañca-) Mn. ii, vii Pat. and Kāś. VarBṛS
- • the loins, regio sacra, hips Hariv. Pañcat. Suśr. (also 'the part between the shoulder-blades') &c
- • the triple Vyāhṛiti W
- • (ā), f. a triangular frame across the mouth of a well L
- ○traya n. the 3 triads (tri-phalā, -kaṭu, and -mada) L
- ○vedanā f. pain in the loins Suśr
- ○sāra N. of wk
- ○sthāna n. the loins L
- ○hṛdaya n. N. of wk
- trikâgni-kālá m. Rudra ŚatarUp. (interpol.)
- trikaī7ka m. = ekatrika ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 42, 7
- tricá tṛcá
- tritá m. 'third' (?), N. of a Vedic deity (associated with the Maruts, Vāyu, and Indra
- • fighting like the latter with Tvāshṭra, Vṛitra, and other demons
- • called Āptya the idea of wishing to remove calamity to TṭTvāshṭra, and the view of the Tritas being the keepers of nectar , similarly L. RV. ii, 34, 10 TS. i TBr. i] the notion of Trita's bestowing long life
- • also conceived as an inferior deity conquering the demons by order and with the help of Indra [RV. ii ; viii, 52, 1
- • x]
- • fallen into a well he begged aid from the gods
- • as to this last myth Sāy. on i, 105 relates that 3 Ṛishis, Ekata, Dvita, and Trita, parched with thirst, looked about and found a well, and when Tvāshṭra began to draw water, the other two, desirous of his property, pushed him down and closed up the well with a wheel
- • shut up there, Tvāshṭra composed a hymn to the gods, and managed miraculously to prepare the sacrificial Soma, that he might drink it himself, or offer it to the deities and so be extricated: this is alluded to in RV. ix, 34, 4 and described in MBh. ix, 2095
- • also Nir. iv, 6 makes him a Ṛishi, and he is the supposed author of RV. i, 105 ; viii, 36 ; ix, 33 f. and 102 ; x, 1-7
- • in epic legends Ekata, Dvita, and TṭTvāshṭra are described as 3 brothers, sons of Gautama or of Prajā-pati or Brahmā
- • elsewhere Tvāshṭra is one of the 12 sons of Manu Cākshusha by Naḍvalā BhP. iv, 13, 16
- • cf. traitaná ; Zd. ṭhrita
- • ?, ?, &c.)
- • n. triplet of young (three-twin) TS. Sch
- ○kūpa m. 'Tvāshṭra's well', N. of a Tīrtha BhP. x, 78, 19
- tritaya n. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 42 f.) a triad Yājñ. &c
- triy for try
- ○akṣa try-
- ○adhvan n. the 3 times (pf., p., fut.) Buddh. L
- ○ambaka try-
- ○avastha mfn. having 3 conditions BhP. xi
- ○ávi try-
- ○ṛca n. = tṛcá Kāṭh. xxxiv, 1
- trir = trís
- ○akṣara mfn. consisting of 3 sounds DhyānabUp
- ○áśri mfn. three-cornered RV. i, 152, 2
- ○unnata mfn. having 3 parts of the body stretched upwards ŚvetUp. ii, 8
- ○vyūha mfn. triply appearing MBh. xii, 348, 57
- trís ind. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 18) thrice, 3 times RV. (saptá, 3 X 7, i, iv, vii ff
- • áhnas or áhan, 'thrice a day', i, iii f. ix f
- • Pāṇ. 2-3, 64) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. (abdasya, 'thrice a year', iii, xi) &c
- • before gutturals and palatals ḥ may be substituted by ṣ Pāṇ. 8-3, 43
- ○tāvā f. (a Vedi) 3 times as great (fr. tā́vat) Pāṇ. 5-4, 84
- triṅkh cl. 1. P. for traṅkh W
- tricá tṛcá
- triṇa n. for tṛṇa, grass VarP
- tri-ṇata -ṇavá, &c. trí.
- tripú tṛpú
- triyūha m. a chestnut-coloured horse L
- • cf. ukanāha, urāha, kiyāha, kokāha
- trillaka N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1684 ; 1709 ; 2497
- trillla-sena another man's N., vii
- trīśaṭa m. = tīsaṭa
- truṭ cl. 6. 4. ○ṭati, ○ṭyati (Pāṇ. 3-1, 70) to be torn or split, tear, break, fall asunder Bhartṛ. Mālatīm. Bālar. Rājat. (pf. tutroṭa) Hit. Kuval.: Caus. troṭayati (ind. ○yitvā
- • Ā. ○yate Dhātup. xxxiii, 25) to tear, break Pañcat. ii, 6, 55/56 ; v, 10, 4/5 Rājat. vi, 248 Pañcad
- • cf. ut-
- truṭi f. (Siddhṣtry. 26) an atom (= 7 Reṇus Lalit. xii, 176)
- • a very minute space of time MBh. i, 1292 Hariv. 9529 VarBṛS. ii, 0/1 Sūryas. BhP. iii, 11, 6
- • x
- • small cardamoms Suśr. vi
- • doubt L
- • cutting, breaking W
- • loss, destruction W
- • breaking a promise W
- • N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2635
- • troṭi
- ○pattra n. (?) Kapishṭh. xxx, 7
- ○bīja m. Arum Colocasia L
- ○śas ind. in very short spaces of time MBh. v, xii
- truṭy-avayava m. half a Truṭi VarBṛS. ii, 0/1
- truṭita mfn. broken, divided, chapped Pañcat. Uttarar. i, 29 Kathās. Sāh. iii, 60/61
- • n. mṛṇālikā and bāhu-rakṣikā, Śīl
- truṭī f. = ○ṭi L. Sch
- trup cI. 1. tropati, to hurt Dhātup
- truph
- trumph trophati, trump○, ○ph○ id
- treṇī try-eṇī
- trétā f. (fr. trayá) and triad, triplet MBh. xiv, 2759
- • the 3 sacred fires (= agni-), v, 1559 Hariv. 1410
- • trey (throw at dice or the side of a die marked with 3 spots) VS. xxx, 18 TS. iv Mṛicch. ii, 9
- • 'age of triads', the 2nd Yuga (or silver age) AitBr. MuṇḍUp. ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- ○"ṣgni (○tâg○), m. = agni-tretā Hariv. 1409 MBh. xiii Ragh. xiii
- • -hotra n. id. MBh. xii, 6001
- ○chandas n. pl. a class of metres Nidānas. i, 6, 3
- ○tva n. the condition of the fire-triad Hariv. 11863
- ○"ṣya (tâya), m. the cast trey ChUp. Sch
- ○yuga n. the Trétā age MBh. &c
- ○stoma m. pl. a class of Stomas Nidānas. i, 9
- tretinī f. the threefold flame of the 3 fires of the altar RV. x, 105, 9
- tredhā́ ind. = trí-dhā RV. VS. &c
- ○bhāva m. dwelling in 3 places Nir. vii, xii
- ○vihitá mfn. divided into 3 parts ŚBr
- ○saṃnaddhá mfn. triply bound MaitrS. i
- ○sthita mfn. = -vihitá Ragh
- trai cl. 1. Ā. trā́yate (Impv. ○yatām, 2. sg. ○yasva and trā́sva pl. ○yadhvam and trā́dhvam RV
- • ep. trāti, trātu, trāhi
- • aor. Subj. trāsate, 2. du. trā́sāthe Prec. trā́sīthām RV
- • inf. trātum MBh. &c
- • ind. p. trātvā BhP. ii, 7, 9) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (gen. or abl.)
- • cf. pari-, saṃ-
- traiṃśa n. a Brāhmaṇa containing 30 (triṃśát) Adhyāyas (ŚāṅkhBr.) Pāṇ. 5-1, 62
- traiṃśika mf(ā)n. consisting of 30 ĀtrAnukr. i, 16 ; 23 ; 25
- traikakudá mfn. coming from the mountain Tri-kakud AV. ŚBr. TĀr. KātyŚr
- traikakakubha mfn. coming from the mountain Tri-kakubh MānGṛ. i, 11
- • n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy
- kaṇṭaka mfn. coming from the plant Tri-kaṇṭaka, g. rajatâdi
- kaṇṭakālika mf(ī)n. relating to the 3 tenses (pf., pr., fut.) MBh. xii BhP. iii, xi KāśīKh. Tarkas
- kaṇṭakālya n. the 3 tenses (pf., pr., fut.) VPrāt. MBh. xii Hariv
- • dawn, noon, and sunset Yājñ. iii, 308
- • growth, maintenance, and decay Hariv. 7446
- kaṇṭakuntaka a kind of ornament Buddh. L
- traigarta mfn. = ○taka MBh. iv, 1117
- • m. (g. yaudheyâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 111) a Trigarta prince MBh. iv, vi Rājat. v
- • pl. the Trigartas VarBṛS. x, xvi f
- • (ī), f. (g. yaudheyâdi) a Trigarta princess MBh. i
- traigartaka mfn. belonging to the Trigartas, vii, 726
- • xiv VarBṛS. iv, 24 Pāṇ. 4-2, 124 Kāś
- traigartāyana mfn
- traigartāyanaka n. fr. ○ta g. arīhaṇâdi
- traiguṇika mfn. relating to the 3 Guṇas W
- • thrice repeated W
- traiguḍṇya n. the state of consisting of 3 threads, tripleness Mn. ii, 42 Kull. ; 3 qualities (śaitya, saugandhya, māndya), Śivarātrivr
- • the 3 Guṇas MBh. Sāṃkhyak. 14 ; 18 Tattvas. Mālav. i, 4 MārkP. l, 3
- • mfn. having the 3 Guṇas BhP. xi, 25, 30
- • -vat mfn. id. Sarvad. xiv, 63
- traicīvarika mfn. possessing the tri-cīvara L
- traitá m. (fr. tritá) a triplet (one of three at a birth) TS. ii, 1, 1, 6 MaitrS. ii, 5, 1
- • n. 'relating to Trita', N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. xiv Lāṭy. vii, 3.
- traitaná m. N. of a deity (connected with Trita ; = Zd. ṭhraetaona, Pers. Feridun) RV. i, 158, 5
- traidaśika mfn. relating to the (tri-daśa) gods Mn. ii, 58 (○śaka Hcat. iii, 1, 10)
traidha mfn. (fr. trí-dhā or tredhā́) triple Pāṇ. 5-3, 45 Vārtt. Sch
- • (am), ind. (v, 3, 45) = tredhā́ KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. Kauś. MBh
- traidhātavī́ f. (scil. iṣṭí) N. of a closing ceremony (fr. tri-dhā́tu) ŚBr. v, xiii KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- traidhātavīya n. (scil. kárman) id. TS. ii, 4, 11
- • (ā), f. id. Nyāyam. ix Sch
- traidhātavyā́ f. id. MaitrS. ii, 4, 3
- traidhātuka n. the 3 worlds SaddhP. iv
- traidhāḍtva m. 'son of Tri-dhātu', = traivṛṣṇá TāṇḍyaBr
- trainiṣkika mfn. = tri-niṣka Pāṇ. 5-1, 30
- traipakṣika mfn. lasting 3 half months, Prāyaśc
- traipatha n. N. of a manner of sitting BṛNārP. xxxi, 115
- traipada n. three-fourths TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 13, 12 ŚāṅkhŚr.xiv, 41, 11
- traipārāyaṇika mfn. performing the Pārāyaṇa 3 times Pāṇ. 5-1, 20 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- traipiṣṭapa n. (fr. tri-p○) N. of a Liṅga KāśīKh
- traipura mfn. relating to Tri-pura Śārad. xii
- • n. Śiva's conquest of Tri-pura Bālar. ii, 3/4
- • m. pl. the inhabitants of Tri-pura Hariv. 7443
- • the inhabitants of Tripurī or the Cedis MBh. vi, 3855
- • sg. a Cedi prince, ii, 1164
- traipurīya n. N. of an Up
- traipuruṣa mfn. = tri-paur○, xiii, 4322
- traiphala mfn. coming from (tri-phalā) the 3 myrobalans Suśr. iv, 5 and 9 ; vi, 17 and 39
- traibali m. (fr. tri-bala) N. of a man MBh. ii, 108
- traibhāvya n. threefold nature, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- traimātura mfn. having 3 (mātṛ) mothers Pāṇ. 6-3, 48 Kāś
- traimāsika mfn. 3 months old, lasting 3 months, quarterly BhP. ii, 7, 27 Mn. xi, 127 Kull
- traimāsī mfn. 3 months Divyâv. xix
- traimāsya n. id. KātyŚr. xx, 3, 6
- traiyakṣa mfn. belonging to (try-) Śiva Bālar. vii, 30
- traiyambaká mfn. relating or belonging or sacred to Try-ambaka VS. xxiv Lāṭy. KātyŚr. and Gobh. iii, 10, 14 (scil. apūpa, 'cake') MBh. vii, 169 and 2778
- ○mantra m. N. of a Mantra Śārad. xxiii
- ○saras n. N. of a lake ŚrīmMāh. xiv f
- traiyalinda mfn. fr. try- Pāṇ. 7-3, 3 Kār. Pat
- traiyāhāvaka mfn. coming from or relating to a try-āhāva village, g. dhūmâdi
- trairātrika mfn. of 3 days, 15 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- trairāśika mfn. 'relating to 3 (rāśi) numbers', with or without gaṇita or karman, the rule of three (in arithm
- • cf. krama-, viloma-, vyasta-) Laghuj. Sch. Sūryapr. Sch
- • relating to 3 zodiacal signs Hāyan
- trairāśya n. sg. the 3 groups Nyāyad. iv, 1, 3
- trairūpya n. tripleness of (rūpa) form, threefold change of form Pāṇ. 7-3, 49 Sch. (not in Kāś.)
- trailāṭa a sort of horse-fly Buddh. L
- trailiṅga mfn. having 3 (liṅga) sexes MBh. xii, 11353 (v. l. ○gya n. 'triplicity of sex')
- trailokya n. (g. caturvarṇâdi) the 3 Lokas or worlds Mn. xi, 237 MBh. &c
- • a mystic N. of some part of the body
- • m. N. of a man Rājat. vii f
- ○kartṛ m. 'TṭTrailokya-creator', Śiva MBh
- ○cintāmaṇi-rasa m. N. of a mixture
- ○ḍambara N. of a med. work
- ○dīpikā f. N. of a Jaina work
- ○devī f. N. of the wife of King Yaśaþ-kara Rājat. vi
- ○nātha m. 'TṭTrailokya-lord', Rāma R. i, 76, 19
- • N. of a mixture
- ○prakāśa m. N. of an astron. work
- ○prabhava m. 'TṭTrailokya-son', Rāma Ragh. x, 54
- ○prabhā f. N. of the daughter of a Dānava Kathās. cviii
- ○bandhu m. 'TṭTrailokya-friend', the sun Prasannar. vi, 39
- ○bhaya-kāraka mfn. causing fear to the 3 worlds
- ○mālin m. N. of a Daitya Kathās. cviii
- ○rāja m. N. of a man Rājat. vii f
- ○rājya n. TṭTrailokya-sovereignty Bhartṛ
- ○vikramin m. 'striding through the 3 worlds', N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP. i
- ○vijayā f. 'TṭTrailokya-conqueror', a sort of hemp (from which an intoxicating infusion is prepared) L
- ○sāgara m. N. of wk., Dvaitanirn
- ○sāra N. of wk. Hcat. i, 3, 932 ff
- ○sundara m. N. of a mixture Rasar
- • (ī), f. N. of wk. Gaṇar
- trailokyâdhipati-tva
- trailokyâdhipatya n. for kya-rājya
- trailocana n. fr. tri-l○, = traipiṣṭapa KāśīKh
- traivaṇa m. (g. śivâdi) metron. fr. tri-veṇī Pravar. vi, 2 (v. l. ○varṇa)
- traívaṇi m. id. ŚBr. xiv, 5, 5 and 7, 4
- traívaṇīya fr. ○ṇa g. utkarâdi
- traivargika mf(ī)n. relating to tri-gaṇa BhP. ii f. vi, xi f
- traivargya mfn. belonging to tri-gaṇa, iv
- traivarṇa m. a member of the first 3 (varṇa) castes Hcat
- traivarṇika m. id. Mn. Āryabh. Sch
- traivarṣika n. a triennial performance ĀśvŚr. xii, 5, 6
- • mfn. sufficient for 3 years Pāṇ. 7-3, 16 Kāś
- traivārṣ○
- mfn. id. Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. MBh.
- traivikrama mfn. belonging to (tri-v○) Vishṇu Ragh. vii, 32
- • m. a kind of cohabitation Hāl. 411 Sch
- • n. (Vishṇu's) act of taking the 3 strides Hariv. 3168
- • (ī), f. tri-vikrama
- traivida v. l. for trayī-v○ Sch. on TS. and KātyŚr
- traividya mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Pat.) familiar with tri-vidyā Lāṭy. viii, 6, 29 Mn. Yājñ. MBh
- • n. = tri-vidyā Āp. Gaut. Gṛihyās. Mn. &c
- • an assembly of Brāhmans familiar with tri-vidyā Yājñ. Hariv. 9578 MārkP. xxiii, 35
- traividyaka mfn. practised by Brāhmans familiar with tri-vidyā Āp. i, 1, 23 and 2, 6
- • n. = tri-vidyā MānGṛ. i, 23
- traividhya n. triplicity Bādar. i, 31 Suśr. v KapS. i, 70 Bhāshāp. &c
- • mfn. triple BhP. vi, 3, 4
- traiviṣṭapa m. pl. 'inhabitants of tri-v○', the gods Ratnâv. iv, 22 BhP. i f
- traiviṣṭapeya m. pl. id., viii
- traivṛta mfn. coming from (tri-vṛt) Ipomoea Turpethum Suśr. i, 44, 3 ; vi, 17, 3 and 26, 8
- traivṛṣṇá m. (fr. tri-vṛṣan) patr. of Try-aruṇa RV. v, 27, 1
- traivedika mf(ī)n. relating to the 3 Vedas Mn. iii, 1 VāyuP. i, 1, 65
- traiśaṅkava mfn. belonging to Tri-śaṅku Hcar. Bālar
- • m. patr. of Hari-ścandra Hariv. 755 BhP. ix
- traiśabdya n. 3 kinds of (śabda) expression Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 74 Vārtt. 4 and iii, 1, 44 Vārtt. 7
- traiśāṇa mf(ī)n. = tri-ś○ Pāṇ
- traiśāni m. patr. fr. tri-śānu Hariv
- traiśāmba for ○śāni VP. iv, 16, 2
- traiśāli id. AgP
- traiśīrṣa mf(ā)n. relating to (i.e. committed against) the three-headed (tri-śīrṣan) Viśva-rūpa (a murder) MBh. v, 335
- traiśṛṅga m. patr. fr. tri-ś○ Pravar. vi, 4 (○gāyana MatsyaP.)
- • n. 'coming from tri-ś○', (with ājya) semen virile MantraBr
- ○"ṣśoka n. 'Tri-śoka's melody', N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. viii, xii, xviii, xxi Lāṭy. vi, 11
- traíṣṭubha mf(ī)n. (g. utsâdi) relating to or composed in the Tri-shṭubh metre RV. v, 29, 6 VS. &c
- • n. (= tri-ṣṭubh Pāṇ. 4-2, 55 Vārtt. Pat.) the Tri-shṭubh metre RV. i, 164, 23 f. ; ii, 43, 1
- traisamika mfn. (fr. samā) triennial Pāṇ. 7-3, 15 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- sānu v. l. for ○śāni
- srotasa mfn. belonging to (tri-srotas) the Ganges Ragh. xvi, 34
- svarya n. (g. caturvarṇâdi) the 3 accents Pāṇ. 1-2, 33 Kāś. Nyāyam. ix, 2, 15 Sch. on VPrāt. i, 129 ; 132 and Bhāshik. ii, 36
- traihāyaṇá n. (v. l. ○yana Pāṇ. 5-1, 130 Kāś.) a period of 3 years AV. x, 5, 22 ; xii, 4, 16
- troṭaka (= toṭ○), mfn. destroying (fr. √truṭ) Chandaþs. vi, 31 Sch
- • m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 8
- • of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya SŚaṃkar. xii
- • n. a kind of drama Vikr. i, 1/2 Sāh. vi, 273 (v. l. toṭ○)
- • angry speech, 99
- • (ī), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī L
- troṭi f. a beak L
- • the mouth of a fish L
- • N. of a bird L
- • = kaṅka- L
- • the Kaṭphala tree (also truṭi Npr.) L
- ○hasta m. 'beak-handed', a bird L
- troṭita mfn. broken Kathās
- trotala n. N. of a Tantra Ānand. 31 Sch
- • cf. toḍala
- trotalôttara n. another Tantra ib
- trotra n. a weapon Uṇ. Sch
- • (= tóttra) a goad W
- • N. of a disease Uṇ. vṛ
- • ārūpa-kriyā ib
- trauk (= ḍhauk), cl. 1. Ā. (pf. tutrauke Kāś.) to go Dhātup. iv, 25: Caus. aor. atutraukat Pāṇ. 7-4, 59 Kāś.: Desid. tutrokiṣate ib.: Intens. totraukyate, 82 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- try before vowels = trí, sometimes resolved into triy, q.v
- ○aṃśa m. sg. 3 shares Mn. ix, 151
- • mfn. having 3 shares Jyot. Sch
- • m. a 3rd part VarBṛS. Laghuj
- • the 3rd part of a zodiacal sign (= dṛkāṇa) xii, 2 ff. and VarBṛ. xxiii, 14f. (also -nātha m. 'the regent of a Dṛikāṇa')
- ○akṣa mf(ī, or ā)n. three-eyed MBh. ii f. Hariv. Kathās. cxviii
- • m. Śiva MBh. Hariv. 15415 (triy-, v. l. tri-yajña) BhP. Kathās. Kaśyapa Gal
- • N. of an Asura BhP. vii, 2, 4
- • -patnī f. 'Śiva's wife', Pārvatī Hariv. 10000
- ○akṣaka m. Śiva ŚivaP
- ○akṣan m. id. MBh. xiv, 193
- ○ákṣara mfn. (or n. a word) consisting of 3 sounds or syllables VS. ix ŚBr. vi, xiv TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy. Mn. xi, 266
- • m. a matchmaker ('a genealogist' W.) L
- ○aṅkaṭa v. l. for -aṅgaṭa
- ○aṅgá n. pl. the 3 portions of a victim belonging to Svishṭakṛit (upper part of the right fore-foot, part of the left thigh, and part of the intestines) TS. vi ŚBr. iii Kauś. KātyŚr. Sch
- • sg. a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry, and infantry) MBh. viii, 2526
- • (ix, 1388 ?)
- ○aṅgaṭa n. 3 strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens L
- • a kind of collyrium L.
- • m. Śiva L
- ○aṅgulá n. 3 fingers' breadth ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 4 and 7, 1, 25
- • xiv KātyŚr. vii
- • -áṅg○ mfn. 3 fingers broad ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 9 KātyŚr. ii, vi
- ○"ṣaṅgyá mfn. belonging to the -aṅgá portions ŚBr. iii
- ○añjana n. the 3 kinds of collyrium (kālâñj○, puṣpâñj○, rasâñj○) L
- ○añjala n. 3 handfuls Pāṇ. 5-4, 102
- ○añjali m. a handful belonging to 3 persons, 102 Kāś
- • mfn. bought for 3 handfuls ib
- ○adhipati m. the lord of the 3 Guṇas or of the 3 worlds (Kṛishṇa) BhP. iii, 16, 24 (v. l.)
- ○adhiṣṭhāna mfn. having 3 stations Mn. xii, 4
- ○adhī7śa m. = ○dhipati BhP. iii f. viii
- ○adhvagā f. = tri-patha-gā W
- ○anīká mfn. threefaced RV. iii, 56, 3 Kāṭh. xxx, 2
- • triple-arrayed AitBr. iii, 39, 2 Pāṇ. 4-1, 21 Siddh. (f. ā)
- • (ā), f. N. of a ceremony ĀpŚr. xxi, 14
- ○anta n. with tvāṣṭrī-sāman, N. of a Sāman
- ○abda n. 3 years Mn. viii
- • mf(ā)n. 3 years old L
- • (am), ind. during 3 years, xi
- • -pūrva mfn. existing for 3 years, ii, 134, Āp. i, 14, 13
- ○ámbaka m. 'three-eyed' (originally probably 'three-mothered' fr. the threefold expression ámbe ámbiké' mbālike VS. &c
- • cf. tri-mātṛ́ and traimātura) Rudra or (later on) Śiva RV. vii, 59, 12 VS. &c. (triy- Kapishṭh. viii, 10 R. vii Kum. iii, 44
- • Pāṇ. 6-4, 77 Vārtt. Pat.)
- • N. of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. iii Hariv. VP. i, 15, 123 NarasP. v, 9
- • pl. (= traiy○) the cakes sacred to Rudra Try-ambaka TS. iii TBr. i Kāṭh. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr
- • sg. the ceremony in which those cakes, are offered ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 10, 21
- • n. N. of a L2iṅga ŚivaP. i, 38, 19
- • mfn. knowing the 3 Vedas or pervading the 3 worlds TejobUp. 6
- • (ā), f. Pārvatī, DeviiP
- • -parvata m. N. of a mountain, Vaidyaj
- • -māhātmya n. N. of part of PadmaP. iv
- • -vṛṣabha m. Śiva's bull Kād
- • -sakha m. 'Śiva's friend', Kubera L
- • kêśvarapurī f. = śaiva-nagara
- ○ambuka a kind of fly Buddh. L
- ○ara mfn. having 3 fellies AV. x, 2, 32
- ○aratni mfn. 3 arms long Kauś
- ○áruṇa m. N. of a man RV. v, 27, 1 f. TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 3
- • later on called trayyār○, q.v
- ○áruṣa mf(ī)n. marked red in 3 places RV. viii, 46, 22
- ○artha mfn. having 3 meanings L
- ○alinda N. of a village Pāṇ. 7-3, 3 Kār. Pat
- ○avanata tri-vin○
- ○avara mfn. pl. at least 3 Mn. iii, viii Yājñ. ii, 69
- • (am), ind. at least thrice Gaut. Mn. xi, 81
- • ○rârdhyam ind. id. ĀpŚr. iii, 16, 9 ĀpGṛ. xxi, 9
- ○ávi m. '3 sheep times old', a calf 18 months old RV. iii, 55, 14 VS. (f. ○vií, xviii, 26) MaitrS
- • cf. páñcâvi
- ○aśīta mf(ī)n. the 83rd (chs. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- ○aśīti f. 83 Pāṇ. 6
- • -tama mfn. the 83rd (chs. of R.)
- ○aśra mfn. triangular Suśr. iv, 2, 3
- • n. a triangle RāmatUp. i, 52
- • m. a triplet Sāh. vi, 283
- • a kind of jasmine L
- • -kuṇḍa n. N. of a mystical diagram, Tantr
- • -phalā f. Boswellia thurifera L
- ○aṣṭaka mfn. containing 3 Ashṭakā days Gobh. iii, 10, 7
- • n. N. of a vessel Suśr. i, 45
- ○aṣṭa-varṣa mfn. 3 x 8 years old Mn. ix, 94
- ○asra = -aśra
- ○ahá m. 3 days ŚBr. &c.
- • mfn. ○hīṇa R. i, 13, 43
- • m. a performance lasting 3 days ŚBr. iv, xii ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr
- • -vṛtta mfn. happened 3 days ago Pāṇ. 3-2, 115 Pat
- • -sparśa m. -spṛśa n. = tri-dina-spṛś Jyot
- • hâihika mfn. furnished with food for 3 days Mn. iv, 7
- ○"ṣahīna mfn. lasting 3 days Lāṭy. viii
- ○ahna mfn. happened after 3 days Vop. vi, 38 f
- ○āyuṣá n. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 77) threefold vital power ('threefold period of life, i.e. childhood, youth, and old age' Sch.) VS. iii, 62
- • ŚBr. xii, 9, 1, 8
- ○āruṇi trayyāruṇa
- ○ārṣeya mfn. having 3 sacred ancestors MānŚr. xi Pravar
- • m. pl. a blind, a deaf, and a dumb person W
- ○ālikhitá mfn. indented or marked in 3 places (a brick) TS. v ŚBr. vi Śulbas
- • tá-vat mfn. consisting of bricks so marked ŚBr. viii
- ○ā́vrit mfn. consisting of 3 series, xii f. TBr. ii, 1
- ○ā́śir mfn. mixed with 3 products of milk RV. v, 27, 5
- ○āhala m. 'triplecrower (cf. āhálak)', a cock Suśr. i, 46
- ○āhāva mfn. having 3 watering-places, g. dhūmâdi
- ○āhika mfn. = tri-divasa, Aparāj
- • = -ahâihika Yājñ. i, 128 (v. l. -aih○)
- ○uttarī-bhāva m. progression by 3 Lāṭy. vi, 5, 17
- ○udâyá m. thrice approaching the altar (at dawn, noon, and sunset) RV. iv, 37, 3
- ○úddhi mfn. having a triple stand TS. v MaitrS. i, 6, 8 ĀpŚr. v, 22, 6
- ○udhán mfn. three-uddered RV. iii, 56, 3
- ○únnata mfn. having 3 elevations TS. vi
- ○upasat-ka mfn. containing 3 upasád ceremonies ĀpŚr. xv
- ○uṣaṇa n. = -ūṣ○ L
- ○ūṣaṇa n. = tri-kaṭu Suśr
- ○ṛca n. = tṛcá Mn. Yājñ.
- ○eṇī f. (the śalalī́ bristle) being variegated in 3 places KātyŚr. v ĀpŚr. viii and ĀpGṛ. (treṇī) ĀśvGṛ. i, 14, 4 PārGṛ. i, 15, 4 ; ii, 1, 10
- ○énī f. id. ŚBr. ii, 6, 4, 5
- ○aihika see. -āh○
- tryakṣāyaṇa for tryākṣ○ Gaṇar. 269 Sch
- tryākṣ○ m. fr. try-akṣa g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- tva mfn. (tvad). one, several RV
- • tva-tva, one-the other RV. AV. viii, 9, 9
- • tvad, partly RV. x, 72, 9 ŚāṅkhBr. xvii, 4
- • tvadtvad, partly-partly RV. vii, 101, 3 ŚBr
- tvadānīm ind. sometimes MaitrS. iv, 2, 2
- tvá base of the 2nd personal pron.: nom. tvám acc. tvā́m instr. tváyā , dat. túbhyam , abl. tvát or tvád , gen. táva loc. tvé [RV
- • RPrāt. i, 19 & g. câdi], tváyi
- • enclitic forms are acc. tvā ṛV. āV., gen. dat. te [RV. &c
- • = ?] ;
- ○yata (tvá-), mfn. given by thee, vii, 20, 10
- tvá mfn. thy, your, ii, 20, 2
- tvaṃ for tvam
- ○kāra m. addressing with, 'thou' (disrespectfully) Mn. xi, 205
- ○kṛtya ind. addressing with 'thou' Yājñ. iii, 292
- tvakat dimin. for tvat, in comp
- ○pitṛka mfn. = tvát-pitṛ Pāṇ. 1-1, 29 Pat
- tvakam familiar dimin. for tvám ib. Bhadrab. i, 64 and (instr. tvayakā) iv, 9
- tvat in comp. for 2. tvá
- ○kṛta mfn. made or composed by thee R. i, 2, 40
- • made like you, 44, 47
- ○tanāt abl. ind. from you TāṇḍyaBr. xiv
- ○tara mfn. Compar. more yours Pāṇ. 7-2, 98 Kāś
- ○tas s.v. 2. tvá
- ○pitṛ (tvát-), m(pl. ○tāras)fn. having thee as a father TS. i
- ○pratíkṣin mfn. waiting on thee Nal. xvii, 37
- ○prasūta (tvát-), mfn. instigated by thee ŚBr. iv, 1, 4, 4
- ○saṃgama m. union with thee
- tvatka = tvakat
- ○pitṛka = tvakat- Pat
- tvad = tvat
- ○anya mfn. other than thee Nal. i, 20 ; xii, 14 Ragh. iii, 63
- ○artham
- ○arthe ind. on thy account, about thee
- ○gṛha n. thy house
- ○devatyá mfn. having thee as deity ŚBr. viii, 4
- ○dhita mfn. suitable (hita) for thee Pāṇ. 7-2, 98, Kāś
- ○bhaya n. dread of thee MBh. iii
- ○√bhū to become thou Pāṇ. 1-4, 108 Pat
- ○yoni (tvád-), mfn. proceeding from thee AV. xiii, 1, 2
- ○vidha mfn. like thee MBh. iii R. ii f. Kathās. cix
- ○viyoga m. separation from thee
- ○vivācana (tvád-), mfn. having thee as an umpire TS. i
- tvadīya mfn. thy, your, thine, yours MBh. &c
- tvadya Nom. ○yati, to wish thee Pāṇ. 7-2, 98 Kāś
- • ○yate, to act like thou ib
- tvadrík ind. towards thee RV. v, 3, 12 ; x, 43, 2
- tvan = tvat
- ○manya mfn. thinking to be thou Pāṇ. 6-3, 68 Kāś
- ○maya mfn. consisting of thee Hariv. Vcar
- ○tā f. identity with thee Naish
- tvā́ṃ-kāma mfn. longing for thee RV. viii, 11, 7
- tvātputra m. pl. the pupils of (tvat-p○) your son Pāṇ. 1-1, 74 Pat
- tvā́-datta mfn. given by thee RV. ii, 33, 2 ; viii, 92, 18
- tvā́-dāta mfn. id., i, 10 ; iii, v
- tvā́dūta mfn. having thee as a messenger, ii, v
- tvādṛś nom. -dṛk mfn. like thee, of thy kind KaṭhUp. MBh. v BhP. i, 17
- tvā-dṛśa mf(ī)n. id. MBh. R. &c
- tvā-dṛśaka mfn. id. MBh. v, 4399
- tvā-níd mfn. hating thee RV. viii, 70, 10
- tvā́m-āhuti mfn. offering oblations to thee TS. i, 5, 10, 2
- tvāyát mfn. = tvā́ṃ-kāma RV
- tvāyā́ ind. out of love towards thee, for thee, i-viii
- tvāyú mfn. = ○yát, i, iii f. vi-viii, x
- tvā́-vat mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 39 Vārtt.) similar to thee, as rich or mighty or great as thou, worthy of thee RV
- tvā́-vasu mfn. having thee as a possession, vii, 32, 14
- tvā́-vṛdha mf(ā)n. favoured by thee, i, x
- tvếṣita mfn. sent by thee, viii, 77, 10
- tvốta mfn. helped or protected or loved by thee, i-vi, viii ff
- • cf. índra-
- tvốti mfn. id., v, 65, 5 ; ix, 66 and 76
- tvakṣ (= √takṣ and related to 2. tvác), cl. 1. ○kṣati, to create, produce Nir. viii, 13
- • to pare Dhātup
- • to skin ib
- • to cover ib
- •
- tvákṣas n. energy, vigour RV. i, 100, 15 ; iv, 27, 2 ; vi, 18, 9 ; viii, 20, 6
- tvákṣīyas mfn. very vigorous, ii, 33, 6 ; Zd. thwakhshista
- tvaṅg cl. 1. gati, to wave, tremble, jump, leap, gallop Daś. x, 36 Bālar. viii, 77 Kathās. xviii, 7
- • lxxxv, 11
- • to flare Vcar. xviii, 81.
- tvac cl. 6. ○cati, to cover Dhātup
- tvak in comp. for 2. tvác
- ○kaṇḍura m. a skin-wound, sore L
- ○kṣīrā f. 'bark-milk', bamboo-manna (Tabāshīr) L
- ○kṣīrī f. id. Suśr. i, 44, 14
- ○chada m. Lipeocercis serrata L
- ○cheda m. a skin-wound, cut
- ○chedana n. cutting the skin
- ○taraṃgaka m. 'skin-wave', a wrinkle Npr
- ○to-bila tvag-b○
- ○tra n. 'skin-fence', armour Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 94
- • cf. niṣ-ṭv○
- ○trāṇa n. protection of the skin Pāṇ. 1-2, 45 Vārtt. 11 Pat
- ○pattra m. Laurus Cassia MBh. xii
- • n. = ○ttraka Suśr
- • (ī), f. hiṅgu-pattrī L
- • Malabathron Npr
- ○pattraka n. the bark or leaf of Laurus Cassia Bhpr. vii, 1, 202
- ○paripuṭana n. desquamation Suśr. i, 17, 3 ; ii, 12, 5
- ○parṇī f. = -pattrī L
- ○palita n. leprosy Gal
- ○pāka m. 'skin-inflammation', N. of a disease, 14, 1 and 11
- ○pāruṣya n. roughness of the skin, 5, 1 ; iv, 5, 2
- ○puṣpa n. = tvag-aṅkura L
- • blotch, scab L
- • (ī), f. id. L
- ○puṣpikā f. id. L
- ○śūnyatā f. want of sensation in the skin Bhpr
- ○sāra mfn. having an excellent or sound skin Laghuj. ii, 16 Suśr. i, 35
- • m. a bamboo MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- • Laurus Cassia (the plant and the bark) L
- • Bignonia indica L
- • (ā), f. Tabāshīr L
- • -bhedinī f. the plant kṣudra-cañcu L
- • -vyavahāra-vat mfn. occupied with bamboo work Mn. x, 37
- ○sugandha m. an orange Bhpr
- • (ā), f. the bark of Feronia elephantum L
- ○sraja n. sg. skin and wreath Pāṇ. 5-4, 106 Laghuk
- ○svādvī f. = -sugandha Npr
- tvag = 2. tvác
- ○aṅkura m. 'skin-bristling', horripilation L
- ○asthi-bhūta mfn. become mere skin and bones MBh. xiii, 29, 6
- ○indriya n. the sense of touch W
- ○uttarâsaṅga-vat mfn. having an upper garment made of bark Kum. v, 16
- ○utthā f. 'skin-produced', chyle Gal
- ○ela n. Cassia bark and cardamoms Suśr. i, 44
- ○gandha m. = tvak-sug○ L
- ○ja n. 'skin-born', the hairs on the body L
- • blood L
- ○jala n. 'skin-water', sweat Gal
- ○doṣa m. skin-disease, leprosy MBh. v, 5064 Suśr. i, 45 Sāy. Hcat
- • ○ṣâpahā f. 'leprosy-curer', Vernonia anthelminthica L
- • ○ṣâri m. 'leprosy-enemy', N. of a bulb L
- ○"ṣdoṣin mfn. having skin-disease, Ieprous MBh. v, 5056
- ○bila mf(ā)n. having the cavity on the bark side (a ladle) KātyŚr. i, 3
- • tvak-to-b○ ĀpŚr. i
- ○bheda m. the chapping of the skin Suśr. ii, 1
- ○bhedaka m. one who scratches the skin Mn. viii, 284
- ○roga m. = -doṣa
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a skin or bark Pāṇ. 5-3, 65 Kāś
- tvagā-kṣīrī f. = tvak-kṣ○ L
- tvaṅ = 2. tvác
- ○maya mfn. made of skin or bark, viii, 4, 45 Vārtt. Sch. ; iv, 3, 144 Siddh
- ○mala n. the hairs of the body L
- ○māṃsâsthi-maya mfn. consisting of skin, flesh and bones Bhartṛ. i, 77
- tvác f. skin (of men, serpents &c.), hide (of goats, cows &c.) RV. &c. (kṛṣṇā́), the black man', i, 130, 8)
- • a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma), i, iii, ix VS. xix, 82
- • a leather bag RV. v, 33, 7
- • (fig. 'a cloud') i & ix
- • bark, rind, peel RV. &c
- • Cassia bark VarBṛS. lxxvii, 6 ; 12 ; 24 ; 32
- • cinnamon, cinnamon tree L
- • a cover (of a horse) RV. viii, 1, 32
- • surface (of the earth), i, 145, 5 ; x, 68, 4 AV. vi, 21, 1 TBr. i, 5, 5, 4
- • with kṛṣṇā́ or ásiknī, 'the black cover', darkness RV. ix, 41, 1 and 73, 5
- • a mystical N. of the letter ya RāmatUp. i, 77
- tvaca n. skin (ifc. mukta-, mṛdu-) Uṇ. ii, 63 Sch
- • cinnamon, cinnamon tree R. iii, 39, 22 Suśr
- • Cassia bark L
- • (ā), f. skin L
- • cf. guḍa-
- • tanu- and pṛthak-tvacā
- tvacana n. skinning Dhātup. xvii, 13
- tvacaya Nom. ○yati, to skin Pāṇ. 3-1, 25
- tvacas sá-, sū́rya-, híraṇya-
- tvacasyá mfn. being in the skin AV. ii, 33, 7
- tvacā-pattra n. Cassia bark L
- tvacāyani m. patr. fr. ○c Pāṇ. 4-i, 95 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- tvacita mfn. skinned HPariś. ii, 23
- tvaciṣṭha mfn. having the best or an excellent skin Pāṇ. 5-3, 65 Kāś
- tvaci-sāra m. (vi, 3, 9 Kāś.) = tvak-s○ a bamboo Bhpr. v, 3, 153
- tvacīyas mfn. having a better skin Pāṇ. 5-3, 65 Kāś
- tvacya mfn. conducive to healthiness of skin Suśr. i, 45, 7, 3 ; 46, 2, 11
- tvāca mfn. relating to (tvác) the skin L
- tvañc (= 1. tañc), cl. o go Dhātup
- • (= 2. tañc) cl. 7. tvanakti, to contract Kavikalpat
- tvát (or tvád) &c. col. 2
- tvar cl. 1. tvárate (ep. also ○ti
- • pf. tatvare Ragh
- • aor. 2. pl. atvaridhvam, ○riḍhvam, ○riddhvam Vop
- • Subj. 2. sg. tvariṣṭhās Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 Siddh.) to hurry, make haste, move with speed Kāṭh. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c.: Caus. tvarayati (Impv. ○ráya
- • aor. atatvarat Pāṇ. 7-4, 95) to cause to hasten, quicken, urge forward (with acc., dat. or inf.) AV. xii, 3, 31 MBh. &c
- • tvār○, to convert quickly into the state (bhāva dat.) of Bādar. ii, 1, 24 Śaṃk
- • √.tur
- tvara only (eṇa), instr. ind. hastily BhP. x, 13, 62
- tvaraṇá mf(ā́)n. produced by hurrying (sweat) AV. xi, 8, 28
- • n. making haste W
- tvaraṇīya mfn. requiring haste MBh. vii, 5842
- tvarā f. haste, speed MBh. R. &c. (○rāṃ-√kṛ with gen. 'to make haste with' Kathās. xx, 199)
- • (ayā), instr. ind. hastily, quickly R. Suśr. Śak. vi, 2/3
- ○yukta mfn. expeditious BrahmaP. i, 56, 17. =
- tvaroha (○râr○), m. 'ascending quickly', a pigeon Npr
- ○vat mfn. expeditious MBh. R
- tvarāyasya Nom. P. to hurry, g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- tvari f. haste L
- tvarita mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 187) hasty, quick, swift, expeditious MBh. &c
- • n. impers. hurried W
- • n. haste ( sa-tvaritam) L
- • (am), ind. quickly, swiftly MBh. R. Śak. iii, 1/2 Kāraṇḍ
- • (ā), f. Durgā and a magical formula called after her Tantras. iv Śārad. x
- • -gati f. 'swift motion', a metre
- • ram ind. more quickly Prab. vi, 1/2
- • -vikrama, of 4 x 10 syllables Chandaþs. vi, 10 ff. Sch
- • -ta mfn. stepping quickly Hariv. 3182 ; 4507 R. i, vii
- • ○tôdita mfn. = tūrṇôd○ L
- • cf. tūrtá, ○rṇa
- ritaka m. = tūrṇaka Suśr. i, 46
- • (ā), f. id. Npr
- tvaṣṭa mfn. (√tvakṣ) = taṣṭa L
- tváṣṭā-várūtrī du. 'Tvashṭṛi and his Help (cf. RV. vii, 34, 22)', N. of two Asura priests Kapishṭh. vli, 4 Kāṭh. xxx, 1 (triṣ○) MaitrS. iv, 8, 1 (triṣ○ and tṛṣ○)
- tvaṣṭi f. carpentry Mn. x, 48
- tváṣṭī-matī
- tváṣṭu-mat ○STR-m○
- tváṣṭṛ m. a carpenter, maker of carriages (= táṣṭṛ) AV. xii, 3, 33
- • 'creator of living beings', the heavenly builder, N. of a god (called su-kṛ́t, -pāṇí, -gábhasti, -jániman, sv-ápas, apásām apástama, viśvá-rūpa &c. RV
- • maker of divine implements, esp. of Indra's thunderbolt and teacher of the Ṛibhus, i, iv-vi, x Hariv. 12146 f. R. ii, 91, 12
- • former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called 'firstborn' and invoked for the sake of offspring, esp. in the Āprī hymns RV. AV. &c. MBh. iv, 1178 Hariv. 587 ff. Ragh. vi, 32
- • associated with the similar deities Dhātṛi, Savitṛi, Prajā-pati, Pūshan, and surrounded by divine females [gnā́s, janáyas, devā́nām pátnīs
- • cf. tváṣṭā-várūtrī] recipients of his generative energy RV. ŚBr. i KātyŚr. iii
- • supposed author of RV. x, 184 with the epithet Garbha-pati RAnukr
- • father of Saraṇyū [Su-reṇu Hariv
- • Sva-reṇu L.] whose double twin-children by Vivasvat are YamaYamī and the Aśvins, x, 17, 1 f. Nir. xii, 10 Bṛih. Hariv. 545 ff. VP
- • also father of Tri-śiras or Viśvarūpa ib
- • overpowered by Indra who recovers the Soma ṛV. iii f. concealed by him because Indra had killed his son Viśva-rūpa TS. ii ŚBr. i, v, xii
- • regent of the Nakshatra Citrā TBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Śāntik. VarBṛS. īc, 4
- • of the 5th cycle of Jupiter, viii, 23
- • of an eclipse, iii, 6
- • tvaṣṭur ātithya, N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.)
- • a form of the sun MBh. iii, 146 Hariv. 13143 BhP. iii, 6, 15
- • (styled mahā-graha) Parāś
- • N. of the 12th Muhūrta Sūryapr
- • of an Āditya MBh. i Hariv. BhP. vi, 6, 37 VP. i, 15, 130 ; ii, 10, 16
- • of a Rudra, i, 15, 122
- • of a son of Manasyu or Bhauvana, ii, 1, 40 BhP. v, 15, 13
- ○devatya mfn. having TṭTri-śiras as deity PārGṛ. iii, 15, 5
- ○mat (tváṣ○), mfn. connected with or accompanied by Tri-śiras RV. vi, 52, 11 VS. xxxvii, 20
- • (○Tri-m○) MaitrS. and Kapishṭh
- • (○Tu-m○) ĀpŚr
- • f. ○ṭrī-matī TĀr., ○TI-m○. TS. i, 2, 5, 2 and ĀpŚr
- tvāṣṭī f. (for ○ṭrī) Durgā, DeviiP
- tvāṣṭrá mfn. belonging to or coming from Tvashṭṛ i RV. i, 117, 22 AV. VS. &c. (putra, 'son of TṭTvashṭṛi' Prab. ii, 31)
- • having Tvashṭṛi as regent VarBṛS. viii, 37 Jyot. (YV.) 6 Sch
- • m. the son of Tvashṭṛi (Viśva-rūpa RV. &c. ; Ābhūti ŚBr. xiv Vṛitra BhP. vi, 9, 17 ; xi, 12, 5 Tri-śiras RAnukr.)
- • N. of an eclipse VarBṛS. iiic, 2
- • n. Tvashṭṛi's energy, creative power RV. iii, 7, 4 BhP. viii, 11, 35
- • the asterism Citrā VarBṛS
- • (ī), f. 'daughter of Tvashṭṛi', Saraṇyū (Vivasvat's wife) Nir. xii, 10 MBh. i, 2599 Hariv. 545 f
- • the asterism Citrā L
- • a small car L
- • pl. 'daughters of Tvashṭṛi', certain divine female beings TāṇḍyaBr. xii, 5
- tvāṣṭrī-sāman n. N. of a Sāman (also ○ryāḥ s○
- • also anta-tvāṣṭrī) Lāṭy
- tvāṣṭ-reya N. of a family Pravar
tvā́vá = tú vā́vá ŚBr. xi f
- • cf. tvaí.
- tviṣ (cl. 1. tveṣati, ○te Dhātup
- • aor. atvikṣat Vop
- • pl. átviṣur, ○ṣanta, átitviṣanta
- • pf. titviṣé, p. ○ṣāṇá) Ā. to be violently agitated or moved or excited or troubled RV
- • (P.) Bhaṭṭ
- • P. Ā. to excite, instigate RV. i, x
- • to shine, glitter, viii, 96, 15 Nir. BhP. x, 46, 45 (pr. p. tviṣyat)
- • cf. ava-
- tviṭ-pati m. 'light-lord', the sun Gal
- tvíṣ f. violent agitation, vehemence, violence, fury, perplexity RV. iv f. viii, x VS
- • light, brilliance, glitter, splendour, beauty, authority RV. viii, 43, 3 MBh. &c
- • colour VarBṛS. xxxii, 21
- • lxiv, 3 Suśr. Ratnâv. Kathās
• speech L
- tviṣā f. light, splendour L
- • N. of a daughter of Marīci by Sambhūti VāyuP. i, 28, 8 LiṅgaP
- tviṣām-īśa
- ○pati m. = tviṭ-p○ L
- tvíṣi f. vehemence, impetuosity, energy RV. v, 8, 5 AV. VS. TS
- • splendour, light, brilliancy, beauty RV. i, ix f. AV. VS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr
- • N. of an Ekâha Vait
- ○mat (tvíṣ○), ○SI-m○
- tviṣitá mfn. violently agitated RV. x, 84, 2
- tvíṣī-mat mfn. vehemently excited, vehement, energetic RV
- • shining, brilliant, beautiful, iii, vi
- • ○Si-m○ ŚBr. xi ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- tveṣá mf(ā́)n. vehement, impetuous, causing fear awful RV
- • brilliant, glittering RV
- ○dyumna (○ṣá-), mfn. having glittering brilliancy, i, 37, 4
- ○nṛmṇa (○ṣá-), mfn. of brilliant power, x, 120, 1 AV. v, 11, 1
- ○pratīka (○ṣá-), mf(ā)n. of brilliant appearance RV. i, 66, 7 and 167, 5
- ○yāma (○ṣá-), mfn. impetuous in course, 166, 5
- ○ratha mfn. having rushing or brilliant chariots, v, 61, 13
- ○saṃdṛś (○ṣá-), mfn. = -pratīka, i, 85
- • v f. x
tveṣátha m. fury, violence, i, 141, 8
- tveṣás n. energy, impulse, 61, 11
- tveṣín mfn. impetuous, vii, 60, 10 (○ṣī́ nom. f. of ○ṣá ?)
- tveṣyá mfn. terrifying, awful, 58, 2
- tvếṣita p. 463, col. 2
- tvaí ind. (g. câdi and Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) = tú vatí TS. ii f ŚBr. ix f
- • cf. tvā́vá
- tvốta ○ti, p. 463, col. 2
- tsar cl. 1. tsárati (Subj. and p. tsárat
- • pf. tatsāra and aor. atsār RV
- • atsārīt Pāṇ. 7-2, 2
- • pf. pl. tatsarur, vi, 4, 120 Kāś.) to go or approach stealthily, creep on, sneak RV. AV. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. Kauś. Anup
- • cf. abhi-, ava-, upa-
- tsarā f. approaching stealthily Nyāyam. Sch
- tsáru m. a crawling animal RV. vii, 50, 1
- • the stalk of a leaf ( palāśa-), handle of a vessel Suśr
- • the hilt of a sword MBh. R. Hariv. Ragh
- • cf. sumatí-
- ○mat mfn. having a handle ĀpŚr. xii, 2, 8
- ○mārga m. sword-fight MBh. i, 5341
- tsaruka mfn. making hilts of swords, g. ākarṣâdi
- tsāra ku-
- tsārín mfn. approaching stealthily, hidden RV. i, 134, 5 AV. x, 1 TS. vi
- tsāruka mfn. skilful in handling (tsaru) a sword MBh. i, 5271