- u the fifth letter and third short vowel of the alphabet, pronounced as the u in full
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound u
- u ind. an interjection of compassion, anger L
- • a particle implying assent, calling, command L
- u ind. an enclitic copula used frequently in the Vedas
- • (as a particle implying restriction and antithesis, generally after pronominals, prepositions, particles, and before nu and su, equivalent to) and, also, further
- • on the other hand (especially in connexion with a relative, e.g. ya u, he on the contrary who &c.) This particle may serve to give emphasis, like id and eva, especially after prepositions or demonstrative pronouns, in conjunction with nu, vai, hi, cid, &c. (e.g. ayám u vām purutámo.. johaviiti , this very person your worshipper invokes you &c.) It is especially used in the figure of speech called Anaphora, and particularly when the pronouns are repeated (e.g. tám u stuṣa índram tám gṛṇīṣe , him I praise, Indra, him I sing). It may be used in drawing a conclusion, like the English 'now' (e.g. tád u táthā ná kuryāt , that now he should not do in such a manner), and is frequently found in interrogative sentences (e.g. ká u tác ciketa , who, I ask, should know that?) Pāṇini calls this particle uñ to distinguish it from the interrogative u. In the Pada-pāṭha it is written ūm. In the classical language u occurs only after atha, na, and kim, with a slight modification of the sense, and often only as an expletive ( kim)
- • u - u or u - uta, on the one hand - on the other hand
- • partly - partly
- • as, well - as
- u cl. 5. P. unoti ( vy-u RV. v, 31, 1): cl. 2. Ā. (1. sg. uvé RV. x, 86, 7): cl. 1. Ā. avate Dhātup
- • to call to, hail
- • to roar, bellow ( also ôta = ā-uta)
- u m. N. of Śiva
- • also of Brahman L
- uka ind., g. câdi Pāṇ. 1-4, 57
- ukaṇa v. l. for uṇaka, q.v. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 41
- ukanāha m. a horse of a red and yellow or red and black colour, a bay or chestnut horse L
- ukuṇa m. a bug L
- • v. l. utkuṇa
- ukta mfn. (p.p. of √vac, q.v.), uttered, said, spoken
- • m. N. of a divine being (vḷ. for uktha, q.v.) Hariv
- • (am), n. word, sentence Śiś. &c
- • (am, ā), n. f. a stanza of four lines (with one syllabic instant or one long or two short syllables in each) ;
- ○tva n. the being spoken or uttered Sāh
- ○nirvāha m. maintaining an assertion
- ○puṃska a (feminine or neuter) word of which also a masculine is mentioned or exists (and whose meaning only differs from that of the masculine by the notion of gender
- • e.g. the word gaṅgā is not ukta-puṃska, whereas such words as śubhra and grāma-ṇī are so
- • cf. bhāṣita-puṃska) Vop. iv, 8
- ○pūrva mfn. spoken before or formerly MBh
- ○pratyuktá n. speech and reply, discourse, conversation ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 10
- • a kind of anthem or alternate song Sāh
○vat mfn. one who has spoken ( √vac)
- ○varjam ind. except the cases mentioned
- ○vākya mfn. one who has given an opinion R
- • (am), n. a dictum, decree L
- uktânukta mfn. spoken and not spoken
- uktấnuśāsana mfn. one who has received an order ŚBr. xiv, 7, 3, 25
- uktôpaniṣatka mfn. one who has been taught the Upanishads ŚBr. xiv, 6, 11, 1
- uktôpasaṃhāra m. any brief or compendious phrase or description.
- ukti f. sentence, proclamation, speech, expression, word Mn. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- • a worthy speech or word BhP
- uktvā ind. p. having spoken or said ( √vac)
- ukthá n. a saying, sentence, verse, eulogy, praise RV. AV. VS
- • (in the ritual) a kind of recitation or certain recited verses forming a subdivision of the Śastras (they generally form a series, and are recited in contradistinction to the Sāman verses which are sung and to the Yajus or muttered sacrificial formulas) AitBr. TS. ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- • (the mahad-uktham or bṛhad-uktham, 'great Uktha', forms a series of verses, in three sections, each containing eighty Tṛicas or triple verses, recited at the end of the Agnicayana)
- • N. of the Sāma-veda ŚBr
- • (ā), f. a kind of metre (four times one long or two short syllables)
- • m. a form of Agni MBh
- • N. of a prince VP
- • N. of a divine being belonging to the Viśve Devās Hariv. 11542
- ○"ṣṃ-vāc f. a particular part of a Śastra ĀśvŚr
- ○doha m. a particular final part of a Śastra AitĀr
- ○pattra mfn. having verses as wings VS. xvii, 55
- ○pātra n. vessels of libation offered during the recitation of an Uktha Nir
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. offering verses RV. vii, 33, 14
- ○mukha n. the beginning of an Uktha recitation AitBr. AitĀr. ŚāṅkhBr
- ○vat mfn. connected with an Uktha AitBr
- ○várdhana mfn. having hymns as a cause of refreshment, one who is refreshed or delighted by praise RV. viii, 14, 11
- ○vāhas (ukthá○), mfn. offering verses RV. viii, 12, 13
- • one to whom verses are offered RV
- ○vid mfn. conversant with, hymns of praise ŚBr
- ○vidha mfn. verse-like ŚBr
- ○vīrya n. a particular part of a Śastra AitĀr
- ○śaṃsín mfn. praising RV. vi, 45, 6 ; viii, 103, 4
- • uttering the Ukthas
- ○śás (in strong cases ○śās), mfn. and mfn. uttering a verse, praising Pāṇ. 3-2, 71 RV. AitBr. TS. KātyŚr. ŚBr. &c
- ○śasá mfn. uttering a verse, praising Pāṇ. 3-2, 71 RV. AitBr. TS. KātyŚr. ŚBr. &c
- ○śāstra n. N. of wk
- ○śuṣma (ukthá○), mfn. loudly resonant with verses, moving on with the sound of verses (as with the roaring of waters), accompanied by sounding verses
- • one whose strength is praise ṣāy. RV
- ○saṃpad f. a particular concluding verse of a Śastra AitĀr
- ukthâdi m. N. of a gaṇa, (Pāṇ. 4-2, 60.)
- ukthāmadá n. praise and rejoicing AV. v, 26, 3 AitBr. Kāṭh. TĀr. MaitrS
- ukthârká n. recitation and hymn RV. vi, 34, 1
- ukthā-vī mfn. fond of verses VS
- ukthā-śastrá n. recitation and praise VS
- ukthāyú mfn. eager for praise TS. MaitrS
- ukthin mfn. uttering verses, praising, lauding
- • accompanied by praise or (in ritual) by Ukthas RV. VS. AitBr
- ukthyá mfn. accompanied by verse or praise, consisting of praise, deserving praise, skilled in praising RV. AV
- • accompanied by Ukthas ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • m. a libation (graha) at the morning and midday sacrifice TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • (scil. kratu) N. of a liturgical ceremony (forming part of the Jyotishṭoma &c.) AV. TS. ĀśvŚr. &c
- • a Soma-yajña Lāṭy. R
- ○pātrá n. a vessel for the libation during an Uktha recitation ŚBr
- ○sthālī́ f. a jar for the preparation of an Uktha libation ŚBr
- ukṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. ukṣáti, ukṣáte (p. úkṣat RV. i, 114, 7, and ukṣamāṇa AV. iii, 12, 1 RV. iv, 42, 4, &c
- • ukṣāṃ-cakāra [Bhaṭṭ
- • for vavákṣa &c. √vakṣ]
- • aúkṣat and aúkṣīt, ukṣitum) to sprinkle, moisten, wet RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to sprinkle or scatter in small drops
- • to emit
- • to throw out, scatter (as sparks) RV. AV. &c
- • to emit seed (as a bull)
- • to be strong RV. i, 114, 7 ; x, 55, 7, &c.: Caus. Ā. ukṣayate, to strengthen RV. vi, 17, 4 ;
- ukṣ mfn. ifc. dropping, pouring, bṛhad-ukṣ
- • becoming strong, sākam-ukṣ
- ukṣa mfn. large Nir
- • ifc. = ukṣán below ( jātôkṣa, bṛhad-ukṣa, &c.)
- ukṣaṇa n. sprinkling, consecrating BhP. VarBṛS. Ragh. &c
- ukṣaṇya Nom. P. ukṣaṇyáti, to wish for bulls &c
- • to desire one who pours down riches ṣāy. RV. viii, 26, 9
- ukṣaṇyā́yana m. a descendant of Ukshaṇya RV. viii, 25, 22.
- ukṣaṇyú mfn. wishing for bulls &c
- • desirous of one who pours down riches ṣāy. RV. viii, 23, 16
- ukṣán ā m. an ox or bull (as impregnating the flock
- • in the Veda especially as drawing the chariot of Ushas or dawn) RV. AV. TS. KātyŚr. MBh. Kum. &c
- • N. of the Soma (as sprinkling or scattering small drops)
- • of the Maruts
- • of the sun and Agni RV
- • one of the eight chief medicaments (ṛṣabha) L
- • N. of a man
- • (mfn.) large L. ;
- ukṣá^ (in comp. for ukṣán)
- ○tara m. a small or young bull Pāṇ. 5-3, 91
- • a big bull L
- ○vaśa m. sg. and du. a bull and a barren cow TS. ŚBr
- ○vehát m. an impotent bull ŚBr
- ○sena m. N. of a king MaitrUp
- ukṣấnna mfn. one whose food is oxen RV. viii, 43, 11
- ukṣitá mfn. sprinkled, moistened AV. v, 5, 8 MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c
- • strong, of full growth RV
- ukh cl. 1. P. okhati, uvokha, okhitum, to go, move Dhātup. Vop
- ukhá m. (fr. √khan with 1. ud?), a boiler, caldron, vessel AV. xi, 3, 18
- • N. of a pupil of Tittiri Pāṇ. TAnukr
- • a particular part of the upper leg Lāṭy
- • (ā́), f. a boiler
- • any saucepan or pot or vessel which can be put on the fire RV. AV. xii, 3, 23 TS. Suśr. &c
- • a particular part of the upper leg Pāṇ. Car. &c
- ○cchíd (ukha○), mfn. fragile as a pot ṇBḍ. RV. iv, 19, 9
- ukhā-saṃbharaṇa n. 'preparing the caldron', N. of the sixth book of the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa
- úkhya mfn. being in a caldron VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • boiled or cooked in a pot (as flesh &c.) Pāṇ. &c
- • m. N. of a grammarian
- ukharvala or ukhala m. a kind of grass (a sort of Andropogon) L
- úgaṇa mfn. (corrupted fr. ud-gaṇa, or uru-gaṇa?), consisting of extended troops (used in connexion with senā, an army) VS. SV
- ugrá mfn. (said to be fr. √uc , but probably fr. a √uj, or √vaj, fr. which also ojas, vāja, vajra may be derived
- • compar. ugratara and ójīyas
- • superl. ugratama and ójiṣṭha), powerful, violent, mighty, impetuous, strong, huge, formidable, terrible
- • high, noble
- • cruel, fierce, ferocious, savage
- • angry, passionate, wrathful
- • hot, sharp, pungent, acrid RV. AV. TS. R. Śak. Ragh. &c
- • m. N. of Rudra or Śiva MBh. VP
- • of a particular Rudra BhP
- • N. of a mixed tribe (from a Kshatriya father and Śūdra mother
- • the Ugra, according to Manu x, 9, is of cruel or rude conduct and employment , as killing or catching snakes &c
- • but according to the Tantras he is an encomiast or bard) Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • a twice-born man who perpetrates dreadful deeds Comm. on Āp. i, 7, 20 Āp. Gaut
- • the tree Hyperanthera Moringa L
- • N. of a Dānava Hariv
- • a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- • the Guru of Narendrāditya (who built a temple called Ugreśa)
- • a group of asterisms (viz. pūrva-phālgunī, pūrvâṣāḍhā, pūrva-bhādrapadā, maghā, bharaṇī)
- • N. of the Malabar country
- • (ā), f. N. of different plants, Artemisia Sternutatoria, Coriandrum Sativum, &c
- • (ī́), f. a being belonging to the class of demons AV. iv, 24, 2
- • (am), n. a particular poison, the √of Aconitum Ferox
- • wrath, anger ; augeo &c.: Goth. auka, 'I increase' ; Lith. ug-is, 'growth, increase' ; aug-u, 'I grow', &c.]
- ○karṇika mfn. having an exceedingly big ornament for the ear R. (ed. Gorr.) iv, 40, 29
- ○karman mfn. fierce in action, violent MBh
- ○kāṇḍa m. a sort of gourd, Momordica Charantia L
- ○kālī f. a form of Durgā
- ○gandha mfn. strong-smelling
- • m. the plant Michelia Champaca
- • garlic
- • (ā), f. orris √
- • a medicinal plant
- • Artemisia Sternutatoria
- • Pimpinella Involucrata
- • the common caraway (Carum Carui &c.)
- • Ligusticum Ajowan
- • (am), n. Asa Foetida L
- ○gandhikā f. a species of caraway L
- ○gandhin mfn. strong-smelling, stinking Vishṇus
- ○gādha m. any unfathomable or dangerous depth (of a river &c.) TāṇḍyaBr
- ○caṇḍā f. N. of a goddess, KālikāP
- ○caya m. strong desire
- ○cārin mfn. moving impetuously (said of the moon) BhP
- • (iṇī), f. N. of Durgā
- ○jāti mfn. base-born
- ○jít f. N. of an Apsaras AV. vi, 118, 1
- ○tapas m. N. of a Muni
- ○tā f. and violence, passion, anger
- ○tva n. violence, passion, anger
- • pungency, acrimony MBh. Sāh. &c
- ○tārā f. N. of a goddess, KālikāP.
- ○tejas mfn. endowed with great or terrible energy R
- • (ās), m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- • of a Buddha
- • of another divine being Lalit
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. having terrific teeth
- ○daṇḍa mfn. 'stern-sceptred or holding a terrible rod'
- • relentless, remorseless, severe VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c
- ○danta mfn. having terrific teeth L
- ○darśana mfn. of a frightful appearance, frightful, terrible MBh
- ○duhitṛ f. daughter of a powerful man Kāty. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 70
- ○deva m. N. of a man TĀr. TāṇḍyaBr
- ○dhanvan (ugrá○), m. having a powerful bow, N. of Indra RV. x, 103, 3 AV. viii, 6, 18 ; xix, 13, 4
- ○nāsika mfn. large-nosed L
- ○paśyá mfn. frightful, hideous, fierce-looking
- • malignant, wicked (said of dice) AV. vii, 109, 6
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras AV. TĀr
- ○putra m. son of a powerful man ŚBr
- • (ī), f. = -duhitṛ above
- • (mfn.) having mighty sons RV. viii, 67, 11
- ○bāhu mfn. one whose arms are large or powerful RV. AV
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of a king Kathās
- ○bhairava m. N. of a Kāpālika
- ○maya m. N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv
- ○retas m. a form of Rudra BhP
- ○vīra mfn. having powerful men
- ○vīrya mfn. terrible in might MBh
- ○vega mfn. of terrible velocity MBh
- ○vyagra m. N. of a Dānava Hariv
- ○śakti m. 'of terrible might', N. of a son of king Amaraśakti
- ○śāsana mfn. severe in command, strict in orders
- ○śekharā f. 'crest of Śiva', N. of the Gaṅgā
- ○śoka mfn. sorely grieving
- ○śravaṇa-darśana mfn. terrible to hear and see
- ○śravas m. N. of a man MBh
- ○sena m. N. of several princes, e.g. of a brother of Janam-ejaya ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • (ī), f. N. of the wife of Akrūra VP
- • -ja m. N. of Kaṃsa (the uncle and enemy of Kṛishṇa)
- ○senānī m. N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- ○sevita mfn. inhabited by violent beings R
- ugrâcārya m. N. of an author
- ugrā́deva m. 'having mighty deities', N. of a Ṛishi RV. i, 36, 18
- ugrấyudha mfn. having powerful weapons AV. iii, 19, 7
- • m. N. of a prince
- ugrêśa m. the mighty or terrible lord, N. of Śiva
- • N. of a sanctuary built by Ugra Rājat
- ugraka as m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- uṅ-kāra m. N. of a companion of Vishṇu Hariv
- uṅkuṇa m. a bug L. ut-kuṇa
- uṅkh cl. 6. P. uṅkhati, uṅkhāṃ-cakāra, &c., to go, move Dhātup
- uc cl. 4. P. ucyati (pf. 2. sg. uvócitha RV. vii, 37, 3), Ā. (pf. 2. sg. ūciṣé RV. ) to take pleasure in, delight in, be fond of RV
- • to be accustomed
- • to be suitable, suit, fit
- ucita mfn. delightful, pleasurable, agreeable
- • customary, usual
- • proper, suitable, convenient
- • acceptable, fit or right to be taken R. Pañcat. Hit. Suśr. &c
- • known, understood Śiś
- • intrusted, deposited
- • measured, adjusted, accurate
- • delighting in
- • used to MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c
- ○jña mfn. knowing what is becoming or convenient
- ○tva n. fitness MBh
- ucátha n. (fr. √vac), verse, praise RV
- ucathyá mfn. deserving praise RV. viii, 46, 28
- • (as), m., N. of an Āṅgirasa (author of some hymns of the Ṛig-veda)
- ucca mfn. (said to be fr. ca fr. √añc with 1. ud), high, lofty, elevated
- • tall MBh. Kum. Śiś. Kathās. &c
- • deep Caurap
• high-sounding, loud Bhartṛ. VarBṛS
- • pronounced with the Udātta accent RPrāt. VPrāt. &c
- • intense, violent R
- • m. height MBh
- • the apex of the orbit of a planet, Kālas. R. &c
- • compar. ucca-tara, superl. ucca-tama ; [Hib. uchdan, 'a hillock' ; Cambro-Brit. uched, 'cleve.'
- ○gir mfn. having a loud voice
- • proclaiming Śiś. xiv, 29
- ○taru m. the cocoanut tree L
- • any lofty tree
- ○tā f. or height, superiority MBh
- ○tva n. height, superiority MBh
- • the apex of the orbit of a planet Sūryapr
- ○tāla n. music and dancing at feasts, drinking parties, &c. L
- ○deva m. N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishna L
- ○devatā f. the time personified L
- ○dhvaja m. N. of Śākya-muni (as teacher of the gods among the Tushitas, q.v.)
- ○nīca mfn. high and low, variegated, heterogeneous MBh
- • (am), n. the upper and lower station of the planets
- • change of accent
- ○pada n. a high situation, high office.
- ○bhāṣaṇa n. speaking aloud
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking with a loud voice, shouting, brawling
- ○lalāṭā or f. a woman with a high or projecting forehead L
- ○lalāṭikā f. a woman with a high or projecting forehead L
- ○śas ind. upwards GopBr
- uccâvaca mfn. high and low, great and small, variegated, heterogeneous
- • various, multiform, manifold
- • uneven, irregular, undulating ŚBr. TS. MBh. R. Mn. &c
- uccakaiḥ (for uccakais below) √1
- kṛ to make high, set up in a high place Kir. ii, 46
- uccakais ind. (sometimes used as an indeclinable adjective) excessively lofty
- • tall
- • loud Pañcat. &c
- uccā́ ind. above (in heaven), from above, upwards RV. AV. xiii, 2, 36
- ○cakra (uccā́○), mfn. having a wheel above (said of a well) RV. viii, 61, 10
- ○budhna (uccā́○), mfn. having the bottom upwards RV. i, 116, 9
- uccaiḥ (in comp. for uccaís below)
- ○kara mfn. making acutely accented TPrāt
- ○kāram ind. with a loud voice Comm. on Pāṇ. 3-4, 59
- ○kula n. exalted family, high family Śak. 97 a
- • (mfn.) of high family
- ○pada n. a high situation Kum. v, 64
○paurnamāsī f. a particular day of full moon (on which the moon appears before sunset) Gobh. i, 5, 10
- ○śabdam ind. with a loud voice Prab
- ○śiras mfn. carrying one's head high, a man of high rank Kum
- ○śravas m. 'long-eared or neighing aloud', N. of the horse (of Indra L.) produced at the churning of the ocean (regarded as the prototype and king of horses) MBh. Hariv. Bhag. Kum. &c
- ○śravasa m. id. L
- • N. of a horse, of the god of the sun R
- ○sthāna n. a high place, Śārṅg
- • (mfn.) of high place
- • of high rank or family Mn
- ○stheya n. loftiness, firmness (of character)
- uccair (in comp. for uccaís below)
- ○gotra n. high family or descent
- ○ghuṣṭa n. making a loud noise, clamour L
- ○ghoṣa (uccaír○), mfn. sounding aloud, crying, neighing, roaring, rattling AV. ix, 1, 8 ; v, 20, 1 VS. AitBr
- ○dviṣ mfn. having powerful enemies Kum
- ○dhāman mfn. having intense rays
- ○bhāṣaṇa and n. speaking aloud
- ○bhāṣya n. speaking aloud
- ○bhuja mfn. having the arms outstretched or elevated Megh
- ○manyu m. N. of a man
- ○mukha mfn. having the face upreared
- uccaís ind. (sometimes used adjectively) aloft, high, above, upwards, from above
- • loud, accentuated
- • intensely, much, powerfully RV. AV. iv, 1, 3 ŚBr. Kum. Pañcat. &c
- ○taṭa n. a steep declivity
- ○tamām ind. exceedingly high
- • on high
- • very loudly, aloud Comm. on Pāṇ. L
- ○tara mfn. higher, very high
- • loftier Pañcat. Kum. &c
- • louder, very loud
- • (ām), ind. higher, louder Āp
- • pronounced with a higher accent Pāṇ
- ○tva n. height, loudness, &c
- uc-cak (ud-√cak), P. -cakati, to look up stead fastly or dauntlessly BhP. vi, 16, 48
- • to look up perplexedly L
- uc-cakita mfn. looking up perplexedly or in confusion Kād
- uc-cakṣus (ud-cakṣus), mfn. having the eyes directed upwards Daś
- uccakṣū-kṛ √1. to cause any one to raise the eyes Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 51
- ○√bhū or -√1
- as to raise one's eyes
- uccaghana n. laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance W
- uc-caṭ (ud-√caṭ), P. -caṭati (pf. -cacāṭa) to go away, disappear BhP. v, 9, 18: Caus. P. -cāṭayati, to drive away, expel, scare Pañcat. BhP. Bhartṛ
- uc-cāṭa m. ruining (an adversary), causing (a person) to quit his occupation by means of magical incantations Mantram
- uc-cāṭana mf(ī)n. ruining (an adversary)
- • m. N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma Vet
- • (am), n. eradicating (a plant)
- • overthrow, upsetting BhP
- • causing (a person) to quit (his occupation by means of magical incantations) Prab. &c
- uc-cāṭanīya mfn. to be driven away Naish
- uc-cāṭita mfn. driven away BhP. v, 24, 27
- uccaṭā f. (etym. doubtful), pride, arrogance L
- • habit, usage L
- • a species of cyperus Suśr
- • a kind of garlic L
- • Abrus Precatorius L
- • Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- uc-caṇḍa (ud-ca○) mfn. very passionate, violent
- • terrible, mighty Bālar. Prasannar
- • quick, expeditious L
- • hanging down L.
- uc-candra (ud-ca○), m. the moonless period of the night, the last watch of the night L
- uc-caya uc-ci
- uc-car (ud-√car), P. Ā. -carati, -te , to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun), issue forth, go forth RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. Ragh. &c
- • to let the contents (of anything) issue out
- • to empty the body by evacuations ŚBr. BhP
- • to emit (sounds), utter, pronounce MBh. Ragh. Sāh. &c
- • to quit, leave Naish. Bhaṭṭ
- • to sin against, be unfaithful to (a husband)
- • to trespass against MBh.: Caus. P. -cārayati, to cause to go forth
- • to evacuate the body by excretion, discharge feces Suśr
- • to emit, cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare MBh. R. BhP. Mṛicch. &c
- uc-caraṇa n. going up or out
- • uttering, articulating
- uccaraṇya Nom. P. uccaraṇyati, to move out, stretch out to
- uc-carita mfn. gone up or out, risen
- • uttered, articulated
- • (am), n. excrement, dung BhP. Suśr. Mn. Hit
- uc-cārá mfn. rising TS. ii, 3, 12, 2
- • m. feces, excrement
- • discharge Suśr. Mn. Gaut. Hit. &c
- • pronunciation, utterance
- ○prasravaṇa n. excrement Jain
- ○prasrāva-sthāna n. a privy Kāraṇḍ
- uc-cāraka mfn. pronouncing, making audible
- uc-cāraṇa n. pronunciation, articulation, enunciation
- • making audible MBh
- ○jña m. a linguist, one skilled in utterances or sounds Śiś. iv, 18
- ○sthāna n. the part of the throat whence certain sounds (such as nasals, gutturals &c.) proceed
- uccāraṇârtha mfn. useful for pronunciation
- • necessary for pronunciation, a redundant letter &c. (only used to make pronunciation easy) Vop
- uc-cāraṇīya mfn. to be pronounced
- uc-cārayitṛ mfn. one who utters or pronounces Comm. on Nyāyam
- uc-cārita mfn. pronounced, uttered, articulated L
- • having excretion, one who has had evacuation of the bowels Gaut. Suśr
- • (am), n. evacuation of the bowels Suśr
- uc-cārin mfn. emitting sounds, uttering L
- uc-cārya mfn. to be spoken, to be pronounced Sāh
- uc-cārya ind. p. having spoken or uttered
- uc-cāryamāṇa mfn. being uttered or pronounced
- uc-cal (ud-√cal), P. -calati, to go or move away from
- • to free or loosen one's self from BhP. Hariv. Ragh. Śak. &c
- • to set out Kathās
- • to spring or jump up
- uc-cala m. the mind, understanding L
- • N. of a king Rājat
- uc-calana n. going off or out, moving away L
- uc-calita mfn. gone up or out, setting out Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • springing or jumping up L
- uc-ci (ud-√ci), P. -cinoti Ā. (pf. 3. pl. -cikyire Bhaṭṭ. iii, 38) to gather, collect
- uc-caya m. gathering, picking up from the ground Śak. 139, 5
- • adding to, annumeration KātyŚr
- • collection, heap, plenty, multitude MBh. R. Daś. Śak. Sāh. &c
- • the knot of the string or cloth which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied in front L
- • the opposite side of a triangle L
- uccayâpacaya au m. du. prosperity and decline, rise and fall
- uc-cita mfn. gathered, collected Kathās
- uc-ceya mfn. to be picked up or gathered Kād
- ucciṅgaṭa m. a passionate or angry man
- • a kind of crab
- • a sort of cricket L
- • ( ucciṭiṅga, ciṅgaṭa, cicciṭiṅga.)
- ucciṭiṅga m. a small venomous animal living in water
- • a crab Suśr
- •
- uc-cumb (ud-√cumb), P
- uc-cumbya ind. p. having lifted up and kissed Kād
- uc-culump (ud-√culump), to sip up Mcar
- uc-cūḍa (ud-cū○), m. the flag or pennon of a banner
- • an ornament tied on the top of a banner L.
- uc-cyu (ud-√cyu), Caus. P. -cyāvayati, to loosen, make free from, liberate AitBr
- uc-chaṃs (ud-√śaṃs), P. (Impv. 2. sg. úc-chaṃsa RV. v, 52, 8) to extol, praise
- uc-chad (ud-√chad, sometimes also incorrectly for ut-sad, q.v.), Caus. P. -chādayati, to uncover (one's body), undress
- uc-channa mfn. uncovered, undressed
- • (for ut-sanna, q.v.) lost, destroyed &c. Suśr. Mudr
- uc-chādana n. cleaning or rubbing the body with oil or perfumes R
- uc-chādya ind. p. having undressed R
- uc-chal (ud-√śal), P. -chalati (p. chalat) to fly upwards or away, jerk up, spring upwards Amar. Śiś. Kathās. &c
- uc-chalita mfn. jerked up, moved, waved, waved above Pañcat. Vikr. Kathās. &c
- uc-chās (ud-√śās), P. (Impv. 2. sg. ú-chaśādhi RV. vii, 1, 20 and 25) to lead up (to the gods)
- uc-chāstra-vartin (ud-śā○), mfn. deviating from or transgressing the law-books Mn. iv, 87 Yājñ. Kathās. BhP
- uc-chiṃhana = uc-chiṅkhana below
- uc-chikha (ud-śi○), mfn. having an upright comb (as a peacock) Uttarar
- • having the flame pointed upwards
- • flaming, blazing up Ragh. Prab
- • radiant
- • 'high-crested', N. of a Nāga MBh
- uc-chikhaṇḍa (ud-śi○), mfn. having an upright tail (as a peacock) Mālatīm
- uc-chiṅkhana (ud-śi○), n. breathing through the nostrils, snuffing, snoring Suśr
- uc-chid (ud-√chid), P. -chinatti (Impv. 2. sg. -chindhi AV
- • inf. chettum Śak
- • -chettavaí ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 10, &c.) to cut out or off, extirpate, destroy AV. vii, 113, 1 ŚBr. MBh. R. Ragh. Śak. &c
- • to interfere, interrupt, stop MBh. Mn. Sāh. &c
- • to analyze, resolve (knotty points or difficulties)
- • to explain W.: Caus. P. -chedayati, to cause to extirpate or destroy Pañcat.: Pass. -chidyate, to be cut off
- • to be destroyed or extirpated MBh
- • to be interrupted or stopped
- • to cease, be deficient, fail MBh. Mn
- úc-chitti f. extirpation, destroying, destruction ŚBr. Kathās. Suśr. Ratnāv
- • decaying, drying up VarBṛS
- uc-chidya ind. p. having cut off or destroyed, having interrupted &c
- uc-chinna mfn. cut out or off
- • destroyed, lost
- • abject, vile Mṛicch
- • m. (scil. saṃdhi) peace obtained by ceding valuable lands Hit. &c
- uc-chettṛ tā m. an extirpator, destroyer R
- uc-cheda m. cutting off or out
- • extirpation, destruction
- • cutting short, putting an end to
- • excision MBh. Pañcat. Hit. Prab. &c
- uc-chedana n. cutting off
- • extirpating, destroying, destruction MBh. Pañcat. R
- uc-chedanīya mfn. to be cut off Mālatīm
- uc-chedin mfn. destroying, resolving (doubts or difficulties) Hit
- uc-chedya mfn. to be cut off or destroyed Pañcat. Prab
- uc-chiras (ud-śi○), mfn. having the head elevated, with upraised head Kum
- • N. of a mountain also called Urumuṇḍa
- uc-chilīndhra (ud-śi○), mfn. covered with sprouting mushrooms Megh. 11
- uc-chiṣ (ud-√śiṣ), P. (2. sg. -chiṣas RV. AV
- • 3. pl. -chiṃṣanti TBr. Kāṭh.) to leave as a remainder RV. AV. TBr. Kāṭh. &c.: Ā. (Subj. 3. sg. -śíṣātai AV. ii, 31, 13) to be left remaining: Pass. -śiṣyate (aor. úc-cheṣi AV. xi, 9, 13) to be left remaining TāṇḍyaBr. ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- úc-chiṣṭa mfn. left, rejected, stale
- • spit out of the mouth (as remnants of food) TS. ChUp. ŚBr. MBh. Yājñ. &c
- • one who has still the remains of food in the mouth or hands, one who has not washed his hands and mouth and therefore is considered impure, impure Gaut. Mn
- • (am), n. that which is spit out
- • leavings, fragments, remainder (especially of a sacrifice or of food) AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. ĀśvGṛ. &c.
- ○kalpanā f. a stale invention
- ○gaṇapati or m. (opposed to śuddha-gaṇapati), Gaṇeśa as worshipped by the Ucchishṭas (or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer) Tantras. &c
- ○gaṇêśa m. (opposed to śuddha-gaṇapati), Gaṇeśa as worshipped by the Ucchishṭas (or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer) Tantras. &c
- ○cāṇḍālinī f. N. of a goddess Tantras
- ○tā f. and the being left, state of being a remnant or remainder Comm. on Mn. Pañcat
- ○tva n. the being left, state of being a remnant or remainder Comm. on Mn. Pañcat
- ○bhāj mfn. receiving the remainder Gobh. iv, 3, 28
- ○bhoktṛ mfn. one who eats leavings Mn. iv, 212
- • a mean person
- ○bhojana n. eating the leavings of another man Mn
- • m. one who eats another's leavings
- • the attendant upon an idol (whose food is the leavings of offerings) L
- ○bhojin mfn. or wax L
- ○modana n. wax L
- ucchiṣṭânna n. leavings, offal
- ucchiṣṭâśana n. eating leavings Gaut. ii, 32
- uc-chiṣya mfn. to be left Pāṇ. 3-1, 123
- uc-cheṣa mfn. left remaining Kathās
- • remainder, leavings BhP. MBh
- uc-chéṣaṇa n. remainder, leavings TS. Mn
- uccheṣaṇī-√kṛ to leave as a remainder Daś
- uc-chī (ud-√śī), Ā. (3. du. -chyāte ŚBr. iv, 5, 7, 5) to be prominent, stand out, stick out
- uc-chīrṣaka (ud-śī○), mfn. one who has raised his head Suśr
- • (am), n. 'that which raises the head', a pillow
- uc-chuc (ud-√śuc), Caus. P. (p. -chocáyat) to inflame AV. v, 22, 2
- uc-chócana mfn. burning AV. vii, 95, 1
- uc-chuṣ (ud-√śuṣ), P. -chuṣyati, to dry up ChUp. iv, 3, 2: Caus. -choṣayati, to cause to dry up
- • to parch MBh. R. Śārṅg
- uc-chuṣka mfn. dry, dried up, withered Mṛicch. Kathās. Rājat
- uc-choṣaṇa mfn. making dry, parching Bhag
- • (am), n. drying up R
- • making dry, parching R
- uc-chóṣuka mfn. drying up, withering ŚBr. GopBr
- uc-chuṣma (ud-śuṣma ), mfn. one whose crackling becomes manifest (said of Agni) TS. AV.Par
• N. of a deity Buddh
- ○kalpa m. N. of a section of the Atharva-veda-pariśishṭa
- ○bhairava n. N. of wk
- ○rudra m. pl., N. of a class of demons AV.Par
- • of a Śaivite sect
- uc-chūna uc-chvi, col. 2
- uc-chṛṅkhala (ud-śṛ○), mfn. unbridled, uncurbed, unrestrained
- • perverse, self-willed
- • irregular, desultory, unmethodical Pañcat. Hit. Kathās. &c
- uc-chṛṅgita (ud-śṛ○), mfn. (fr. śṛṅga), having erected horns Śiś. v, 63
- uc-chocana uc-chuc
- uc-choṣaṇa uc-chuṣ
- uc-chrath (ud-√śrath), Caus. P. (Impv. 2. sg. -śrathāya RV. i, 24, 15) to untie
- uc-chri (ud-√śri), P. -chrayati (aor. úd-aśret RV. vii, 62, 1 and 76, 1) to raise, erect, extol RV. VS. ŚBr. AitBr. Lāṭy. MBh. R. &c.: Ā. -chrayate (Impv. 2. sg. -chrayasva RV. iii, 8, 3) to rise, stand erect RV. VS. AitBr. &c.: Pass. -chrīyate (pf. -chiśriye) to be erected AitBr. ŚBr. MBh. Prab.: Caus. -chrāpayati, to raise, erect VS. xxiii, 26
- uc-chraya m. rising, mounting, elevation
- • rising of a planet &c
- • elevation of a tree, mountain, &c
- • height MBh. R. Yājñ. Mṛicch
- • growth, increase, intensity Suśr
- • the upright side of a triangle
- ucchrayôpêta mfn. possessing height, high, lofty, elevated
- uc-chrayaṇa n. raising erecting KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. VarBṛS
- uc-chrāya m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 49) rising upwards, elevation, height MBh. Yājñ. Suśr. Pañcat
- • growth, increase, intensity Kir. Suśr
- • (ī́), f. an upraised piece of wood, plank KātyŚr. ŚBr
- ucchrāyin mfn. high, raised, lofty W
uc-chrita mfn. raised, lifted up, erected ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. R. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • rising, arising, mounting MBh. Hariv. MārkP. VarBṛS. &c
- • high, tall R. BhP. Kir. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- • advancing, arisen, grown powerful or mighty MBh. Kathās. Mn. Hit. &c.
- • wanton, luxuriant Hariv. R. &c
- • excited Suśr
- • increased, grown, enlarged, large, huge Prab. Ragh
- • born, produced L
- • m. Pinus Longifolia L
- ○pāṇi mfn. with out-stretched hand
- uc-chriti f. rising upwards, elevation MārkP
- • increase, intensity Mn
- • the upright side of a triangle
- • the elevation or height of a figure
- uc-chritya ind. p. having erected or raised MBh
- uc-chreya mfn. high, lofty W
- uc-chlakhá (ud-śl○), au m. du. a particular part of the human body AV. x, 2, 1
- uc-chvañc (ud- √śvañc), Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. úc-chvañcasva RV. x, 18, 11 and 142, 6) to gape, cleave open
- uc-chvaṅká m. gaping, cleaving open, forming a fissure ŚBr. v, 4, 1, 9
- uc-chvas (ud-√śvas), P. Ā. -chvasiti (p. -chvasat, -chvasamāna
- • Pot. -chvaset, -chvasīta) to breathe hard, snort
- • to take a deep breath, breathe
- • to breathe again, get breath, recover, rest Gobh. MBh. BhP. Suśr. MārkP. ŚvetUp. &c
- • to sigh, pant, respire Bhaṭṭ
- • to rise Vikr
- • to unfasten one's self BhP
- • to open, begin to bloom Vikr. Mālav
- • to heave: Caus. -chvāsayati, to cause to breathe again or recover
- • to gladden BhP
- • to raise, lift, elevate
- • to untie (cf. uc-chvāsita below)
- uc-chvasat mfn. breathing &c. ( above)
- • (an), m. a breathing being R
- uc-chvasana n. breathing, taking breath
- • sighing
- • swelling up Comm. on Bādar
- uc-chvasita mfn. heaving, beating, breathed, inspired
- • recovered, calm
- • revived, refreshed, gladdened Kum. Mālav. Kathās. Ragh. &c
- • heaving, swelling up, raised, lifted Ragh. Kathās. Megh. &c
- • expanded, burst, unfastened, untied
- • blooming BhP. Mālatīm
- • (am), n. breathing out, respiration
- • exhalation
- • breath
- • throbbing, sighing Sāh. Ragh. Kum. Śak
- • bursting
- • unfastening, untying Megh. Ragh
- uc-chvāsá m. breathing out
- • breath, deep inspiration KātyŚr. Suśr. Śak. Prab. &c
- • expiration, death KātyŚr
- • sigh MBh. Megh. Amar
- • froth, yeast, foam RV. ix, 86, 43
- • swelling up, rising, increasing
- • consolation, encouragement W
- • pause in a narration, division of a book (e.g. of the Daśakumāra-carita)
- • an air-hole L
- uc-chvāsita mfn. caused to recover, gladdened Ṛitus. Kathās
- • raised, lifted up R. Megh
- • unfastened, untied, loosened, released Megh
- • breathless, out of breath
- • much, excessive L
- • desisted from
- • disjointed, divided L
- uc-chvāsin mfn. breathing out, expiring ŚBr
- • breathing Suśr
- • sighing Megh
- • swelling up, rising, coming forward Vikr. Kum. &c
- • pausing ṃW.
- uc-chvi (ud-√śvi)
- uc-chūna mfn. swollen up, swollen, bloated Megh. Kathās. &c
• increased Sarvad
- uc-chotha m. bloatedness Mālatīm
- uch cl. 1. P. ucchati RV. √3. vas
- uch cl. 1. P. ucchati, ucchāṃ-cakāra, ucchitum, &c., to finish
- • to bind
- • to abandon, transgress Dhātup
- uj-jan (ud-√jan), only RV.: P. (pf. -jajā́na, iii, 1, 12) to beget, produce: Ā. (impf. 3. pl. ud-ájāyanta, iv, 18, 1
- • aor. -ájani, i, 74, 3
- • precative of the aor. -janiṣīṣṭa, vii, 8, 6) to be born or produced, originate
- uj-jayana &c. uj-ji, col. 3
- uj-jas (ud-√jas), Caus. P. -jāsayati, to destroy, extirpate, kill (with gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 56) Bhaṭṭ. Śiś
- uj-jāsana n. killing, slaughter L
- uj-jāgṛ (ud-√jāgṛ), P. (pf. -jagāra, Hcar. 140, 3) to pass (time) waking: Caus. -jāgarayati, to awake, call up Sāh
- • to excite
- • to effect, cause Kāvyâd
- uj-jāgara mfn. excited, irritated Kād
- uj-jānaka m. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. Hariv.
- ujjāluka m. N. of a place MBh
- uj-ji (ud-√ji), P. -jayati (pf. -jigāya, &c.) to win, conquer, acquire by conquest AV. TS. ŚBr. TBr. &c
- • to be victorious AV. TBr.: Caus. -jāpayati, to assist any one to win
• to cause to conquer (with two acc.) Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr. &c.: Desid. -jigīṣati, to wish to conquer ŚāṅkhŚr
- uj-jayana m. N. of a man MBh
- • (ī), f. Ujjayinī ( below) or Oujein
- uj-jayanta m. N. of a mountain in Surāshṭra (in the west of India, part of the Vindhya range) MBh
- • ( raivata.)
- uj-jayinī f. the city Oujein (the Gk. ?, a city so called in Avanti or Mālava, formerly the capital of Vikramāditya
- • it is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindūs, and the first meridian of their geographers, from which they calculate longitude
- • the modern Oujein is about a mile south of the ancient city) Hit. Megh. Rājat. &c
- új-jiti f. victory VS. TBr. KātyŚr
- • N. of the verses VS. ix, 31 sqq. (so called because the words údajayat tam újjeṣam occur in them) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- uj-jeṣá mf(ā)n. victorious AV. iv, 17, 1 (voc. fem. új-jeṣe) ŚBr
- ○vat (uj-jeṣá-), mfn. containing the word ujjeṣa ŚBr
- ujjeṣín ī m. N. of one of the seven Maruts VS. xvii, 85
- uj-jihāna 2. ud-dhā
- uj-jihīrṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √hṛ with ud), wishing to take or seize
- uj-jīv (ud-√jīv), P. -jīvati, to revive, return to life Bhaṭṭ. MBh.: Caus. P. -jīvayati, to restore to life, animate Comm. on Kum
- uj-jīvin ī m. N. of a counsellor of Meghavarṇa (king of the crows) Pañcat
- ujjūṭa-ḍimba n. N. of a place Rājat. (v. l. ujjhaṭa○)
- uj-jūṭita mfn. one who wears the hair twisted together and coiled upwards Rājat
- uj-jṛmbh (ud-√jṛmbh), Ā. -jṛmbhate, to gape
- • to open, part asunder BhP
- • to show one's self, become visible, come forth, break forth, expand, arise Prab. Naish. Dhūrtas
- uj-jṛmbha mfn. gaping Sāh
- • parting asunder, open, apart
- • blown, expanded L
- uj-jṛmbhaṇa am n. the act of gaping, opening the mouth Suśr
- • coming forth, arising Bālar
- • (ā), f. coming forth, arising Bālar
- uj-jṛmbhita mfn. opened, stretched
- • expanded, blown
- • (am), n. effort, exertion L
- ujjendra m. N. of a man Rājat
- uj-jya mfn. (fr. jyā with ud), having the bow-sinew loosened BṛĀrUp. KātyŚr
- uj-jval (ud-√jval), P. -jvalati, -jvaliti (Pāṇ. 7-2, 34), to blaze up, flame, shine TS. ŚBr. R. BhP.: Caus. P: -jvalayati, to light up, cause to shine, illuminate ŚBr. Rājat. Śiś. &c
- uj-jvala mfn. blazing up, luminous, splendid, light
- • burning
- • clean, clear
- • lovely, beautiful Suśr. MBh. Kathās. Sāh. &c
- • glorious
- • full-blown L
- • expanded
- • m. love, passion L
- • (am), n. gold L
- • (ā), f. splendour, clearness, brightness
- • a form of the Jagatī metre
- ○tā f. or splendour, radiance
- ○tva n. splendour, radiance
- • beauty
- ○datta m. N. of the author of a commentary on the Uṇādi-sūtras
- ○nara-siṃha m. N. of a Tīrtha,
- ○nīlamaṇi m
- ○bhāṣya n
- ○rasakaṇā f. N. of wks
- uj-jvalana n. burning, shining
- • fire, gold (?) R
- uj-jvalita mfn. lighted, shining, flaming, &c
- ○tva n. the state of being lighted Kap
- uj-jvālana n. lighting up Car
- ujjh cl. 6. P. ujjhati, ujjhāṃ cakāra, aujjhīt, ujjhitum, &c. (probably a contraction from ud- √2. hā ) to leave, abandon, quit Ragh. Pañcat. MBh. &c
- • to avoid, escape Ragh. Śiś
- • to emit, discharge, let out.
- ujjha mfn. quitting, abandoning Mn
- ujjhaka m. a cloud
- • a devotee L
- ujjhana n. removing Comm. on Yājñ
- • abandoning, leaving HYog
- ujjhita mfn. left, abandoned
- • free from MBh. R. Śak. &c
- • left off, discontinued
- • emitted, discharged (as water) Kir. v, 6
- ○vat mfn. one who has emitted or discharged Śiś. v, 36
- ujjhiti f. abandoning (the world) TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 6, 10
- ujjhitṛ mfn. one who leaves
- ujjhaṭa-ḍimba and ujjhaṭita, vv. ll. for ujjūṭa-ḍimba and ujjūṭita, qq.v
- uñca-deśa m. N. of a country
- uñch cl. 1. 6. P. uñchati, to gather, glean ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- uñcha m. gleaning, gathering grains Mn. MBh. R
- ○vartin or mfn. one who lives by gleaning, a gleaner MBh
- ○vṛtti mfn. one who lives by gleaning, a gleaner MBh
- ○śila n. the gleaning, gathering L. (cf. śilôñcha.)
- uñchâdi m. N. of a g. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 160)
- uñchana n. gleaning, gathering grains of corn in market-places &c. BhP. &c
- uṭa m. leaves, grass &c. (used in making huts, thatches &c.) L
- ○ja as, am m. n. a hut made of leaves (the residence of hermits or saints) MBh. R. Ragh. Śak. &c
- • a house in general L
- uṭ-ṭaṅkana (ud-ṭa○), n. the act of stamping, characterizing Sāh
- uṭh or ūṭh cl. 1. P. oṭhati or ūṭhati, to strike or knock down Dhātup. ix, 54
- uḍu us, u fn. a star Ragh. BhP. Mālav. &c
- • (u), n. a lunar mansion or constellation in the moon's path VarBṛS. &c
- • water L
- ○gaṇâdhipa m. 'the lord of the stars', the moon
- • uḍu-gaṇâdhiparkṣa (○pa-ṛ), n. N. of the Nakshatra Mṛigaśiras
- ○nātha m. the moon VarBṛS
- ○pa m. n. a raft or float MBh. Ragh. &c
- • a kind of drinking vessel covered with leather Comm. on Ragh. i, 2
- • m. the moon (the half-moon being formed like a boat) MBh. Mṛicch. &c
- ○pati or m. the moon MBh. R. Kum. &c
- ○rāj m. the moon MBh. R. Kum. &c
- • the Soma Suśr
- ○patha m. 'the path of the stars', the ether, firmament
- ○loman m. N. of a man L
- uḍū-pa m. n. a raft, float
- • m. the moon L
- uḍumbára m. (in Ved. written with d, in Class. generally with ḍ), the tree Ficus Glomerata AV. TS. AitBr. ŚBr. MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- • a species of leprosy with coppery spots Car
- • the threshold of a house VarBṛS
- • a eunuch L
- • a kind of worm supposed to be generated in the blood and to produce leprosy L
- • membrum virile L
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- • (ī), f. Ficus Oppositifolia Suśr
- • (am), n. a forest of Uḍumbara trees TāṇḍyaBr
- • the fruit of the tree Ficus Glomerata ŚBr
- • copper VarBṛS
- • a karsha (a measure of two tolas) ŚārṅgS
- ○dalā or f. the plant Croton Polyandrum
- ○parṇī f. the plant Croton Polyandrum
- uḍumbarā-vatī f. N. of a river
- • also udumbara and udumbala
- uḍ-ḍamara = uḍ-ḍāmara below
- uḍḍamarita mfn. stirred up, excited
- uḍ-ḍayana uḍ-ḍī
- uḍ-ḍāmara mfn. (fr. ud-ḍā○?), excellent, respectable, of high rank or consequence Prab. Bālar. &c
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- uḍḍāmarin mfn. one who makes an extraordinary noise Bālar
- uḍḍiyāṇa m. N. of a place
- uḍḍiyāna n. a particular position of the fingers
- uḍ-ḍī (ud-√ḍī), Ā. -ḍayate, or ḍīyate, to fly up, soar Hit. Pañcat. MBh. &c.: Caus. -ḍāpayati, to cause to fly up, scare
- uḍ-ḍayana n. flying up, flying, soaring Pañcat
- uḍ-ḍīna mfn. flown up, flying up MBh. Kathās
- • (am), n. flying up, soaring Pañcat
- uḍ-ḍīyana n. flying up, soaring MBh.
- uḍ-ḍīyamāna mfn. flying up, soaring, one who soars Hit
- uḍḍīya-kavi m. N. of a poet
- uḍḍīśa m. N. of Śiva L
- • N. of a Tantra work (containing charms and incantations) L
- uḍra ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- uṇaka mf(ī )n. removing
- uṇ-ādi (according to some uṇṇ-ādi
- • but Kielhorn, Mahābhāshya, vol. i, preface, p. 9 f.), ayas, m. pl. the class of Kṛit-affixes which begin with uṇ
- ○sūtra n. pl. the Sūtras (Pāṇ. 3-3, 14, 75) treating of the Uṇādi-affixes
- • -vṛtti f. a commentary on the Uṇādi-sūtras
uṇḍuka m. a texture
- • a net
- • the stomach Suśr
- uṇḍeraka m. a ball of flour, a roll, loaf
- ○sraj f. a string of rolls, balls of meal or flour upon a string Yājñ
- ut ind. a particle of doubt or deliberation (= 2. uta, q.v.) L
- • (for the prep. ud 1. ud.)
- uta mfn. (fr. √ve, q.v.), sewn, woven
- utá ind. and, also, even, or RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- • often used for the sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after iti or a verb (e.g. sarva-bhūtāni tam pārtha sadā paribhavanty uta, all creatures, O king, certainly always despise him MBh. iii, 1026) MBh. Bhag. &c. (As an interrogative particle, generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a double interrogation) or, utrum - an (e.g. katham nirṇīyate kiṃ syān niṣkāraṇo bandhur uta viśvāsa-ghātakaḥ, how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence? Hit.) Kum. Kathās. Bhartṛ. Sāh. &c
- • in this sense it may be strengthened by āho (e.g. kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utâho surâṅganā, art thou a mortal woman or divine? Nala), or by āho-svit (e.g. śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utâhosvid rājā nalaḥ, can it be Śālihotra or king Nala?) Rarely kim is repeated before uta used in this sense (e.g. kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutânyâgatā, has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? Mṛicch.) Amar. MBh. &c. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (e.g. utâdhīyīta, would that he would read!) (uta preceded by kim) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (e.g. samartho'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutâikam, thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one R.) Śak. Vikr. Ragh. &c. (uta preceded by prati) on the contrary, rather (e.g. eṣa pṛṣṭo'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih, this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- • uta vā, or else, and (e.g. samudrād uta vā purīṣāt, from the sea or from the moisture in the air)
- • vā - uta vā or utâho vâpi - vā, either - or
- • uta - uta, both - and (e.g. uta balavān utâbalaḥ, both the strong and the weak)
- • kim - uta vā, whether - or else
- utaṅka m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- • ( also uttaṅka.)
- ○megha m. a kind of cloud named after that Ṛishi MBh
- utathya m. N. of a son of Aṅgiras and elder brother of Bṛihaspati MBh. VP. &c
- ○tanaya m. 'a descendant of Utathya', N. of Gautama Mn. iii, 16
- utathyânuja m. 'Utathya's younger brother', N. of Bṛihaspati (regent of the planet Jupiter) L
- utâho and utâho-svid, 2. utá above
- utūla m. a servant, ParGṛ. iii, 7, 1 and 2 HirGṛ
- • (ās), m. N. of a people MBh. VP
- • ( also ulūta and kulūṭa.)
- utka mfn. (fr. 1. ud Pāṇ. 5-2, 80), excited by the desire of obtaining anything
- • wishing for (with inf.), desirous of, longing for
- • regretting, sad, sorrowful
- • absent, thinking of something else Kathās. Megh. Śiś. &c
- • (as, am), m. n. desire Kathās
- • opportunity, occasion L
- ○tā f. a state of longing or regret Kathās
- • the plant Pothos Officinalis having aromatic seeds L
- utkaya Nom. P. utkayati, to cause to long for, cause longing or regret Śiś. i, 59
- utkāya Nom. Ā. utkāyate, to long for Comm. on Bhaṭṭ. v, 74
- ut-kaca mfn. hairless MBh
- • full blown BhP. iii, 23, 38
- utkacaya Nom. P. utkacayati, to coil the hair upwards Sāh
- ut-kacchā f. a metre of six verses (each verse containing eleven syllabic instants)
- ut-kañcuka mfn. having no coat of mail, without bodice or jacket Bhartṛ
- ut-kaṭa mfn. (fr. 1. ud with affix kaṭa Pāṇ. 5-2, 29), exceeding the usual measure, immense, gigantic R. Prab. Pañcat. &c
- • richly endowed with, abounding in MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
• drunk, mad, furious MBh. R
- • excessive, much
- • superior, high, proud, haughty
- • uneven
- • difficult
- • m. fluid dropping from the temples of an elephant in rut L
- • the plant Saccharum Sara, or a similar kind of grass Suśr
• intoxication, pride L
- • (ā), f. the plant Laurus Cassia L
- • N. of a town
- • (am), n. the fragrant bark of Laurus Cassia
- utkaṭikā f. a manner of sitting (the legs being outstretched and forming a right angle), Yogaś
- utkaṭikâsana n. id. ib. (cf. utkuṭaka.)
- utkaṭuka v. l. for utkuṭaka, q.v. Suśr
- utkaṇikā f. desire, longing (v. l. for utkalikā, q.v.) MārkP
- utkaṇṭakita mfn. one whose (thorn-like) short hairs are erected (through joy or emotion) Kād
- utkaṇṭakin mfn. id. ib
- ut-kaṇṭha mfn. having the neck uplifted (on the point of doing anything) Ragh
- • having the throat open (as in crying) BhP
- • longing for
- • m. longing for
- • a kind of sexual union L
- • (ā), f. longing for (a beloved person or thing)
- • regretting or missing anything or a person MBh. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. Amar. &c
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- utkaṇṭha Nom. Ā. utkaṇṭhate, to raise the neck
- • to long for, regret, sorrow for R. Śiś. Bhaṭṭ. &c.: Caus. utkaṇṭhayati, to cause any one to lift up the neck
- • to excite longing, inspire with tender emotions Bhartṛ. Kāvyâd. &c
- utkaṇṭhaka mfn. exciting desire VarBṛS
- utkaṇṭhita mfn. lifting up the neck
- • longing for, regretting, sorrowing for R. Daś. Vikr. &c
- • in love Mālav
- • (ā), f. a woman longing after her absent husband or lover
- ut-kand (for ut-√skand Kāty. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 61), to leap, jump over
- utkandaka m. a kind of disease
- ut-kandhara mfn. having the neck erect or uplifted Śiś. Pañcat. Rājat. &c
- ut-kamp (ud-√kamp), Ā. -kampate, to tremble, shudder Kathās. Gīt.: Caus. P. -kampayati, to cause to, tremble
- • to shake up, rouse
- • to agitate ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ut-kampa mfn. trembling, shuddering MBh. Kathās. Prab. &c
- • m. tremor, agitation Suśr. Bhartṛ. Megh. Kathās. &c
- ut-kampana n. the act of trembling, shuddering, agitation
- utkampin mfn. shuddering, trembling
- • agitated Bhartṛ. Kād. Ratnāv. &c
- • (ifc.) causing to tremble, agitating R
- ut-kara &c. ut-√kṝ
- utkarkara m. a kind of musical instrument L
- ut-karṇa mfn. having the ears erect Ragh. Śiś
- ○tāla mfn. flapping with erected ears (as an elephant) Kathās. xii, 19.
- ut-kartana &c. 1. ut-kṛt
- ut-karṣa &c. ut-kṛṣ
- ut-kal (ud- √1. kal), P. -kalayati, to unbind, loosen
- ut-kalikā f. longing for, regretting, missing any person or thing Amar. Kathās. Mālatīm. Ratnāv. &c
- • wanton sportfulness, dalliance L
- • a bud, unblown flower, Ratnāv
- • a wave Mālatīm. MārkP. Śiś
- ○prāya mfn. abounding in compound words (a kind of prose) Sāh. Vām. &c
- ut-kalita mfn. unbound, loosened BhP
- • opened, blossoming
- • brilliant, bright BhP
- • appearing, coming forth, becoming visible BhP
- • regretting, longing for L
- • prosperous, rising, increasing L
- ut-kal (ud-√kal), P. -kālayati, to drive out, expel Comm. on KātyŚr
- ut-kala m. (perhaps fr. ud-√kal?) N. of the country Orissa ( Oḍra
- • the word is interpreted to mean 'the glorious country' ḥunter
- • or 'lying beyond, the outlying strip of land' Beames
- • according to others it merely means 'the country of bird-catchers')
- • N. of a son of Dhruva BhP
- • of Su-dyumna Hariv. VP. &c
- • a porter, one who carries a burden or load L
- • a fowler, bird-catcher L
- • (ās), m. pl. the inhabitants of the above country
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of a section of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○deśa m. the country of Orissa
- ut-kalāpa mfn. having the tail erect and expanded (as a peacock) Ragh. Mṛicch
- ut-kalāpaya (said to be a Caus. fr. ud-√kal above), Nom. P. -kalāpayati, to take leave of, bid farewell Pañcat
- • to bring one's wife home from her father's house
- • to marry Vet
- ut-kalāpana n. marrying Vet
- ut-kaṣ (ud-√kaṣ), P. -kaṣati, to dye, paint (e.g. the teeth) VarBṛS
- • to tear up L
- ut-kaṣaṇa n. tearing or ploughing up, drawing through (as a plough) Megh. 16
- ut-kas (ud-√kas), P. (Impv. 3. pl. út-kasantu AV. xi, 9, 21) to gape asunder, open
- utkākā f. a cow calving every year
- ut-kākud (fr. kākuda with ud Pāṇ. 5-4, 148), having an elevated or high palate
- ut-kānti f. excessive splendour Sāh
- utkāya utka
- ut-kāra &c. ut-kṝ
- ut-kāś (ud-√kāś), Ā. (pf. -cakāśe BhP. i, 11, 2) to shine forth, flash
- ut-kāśa n. going out, coming forth ŚāṅkhBr
- ut-kāśana n. giving orders, commanding L
- ut-kās (ud-√kās), Ā. -kāsate, to cough up, hawk
- • to expectorate Car
- ut-kāsana n. coughing up
- • clearing the throat of mucus, expectorating Suśr
- utkāsa m. (g. yaskâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 63) N. of a man
- • (ās), m. pl. (Pāṇ. 2-4, 63) the descendants of the above
- ut-kira ut-kīrṇa, under ut-kṝ, col. 3
- ut-kīrtana &c. ut-kṝt
- ut-kīl (ud-√kīl)
- ut-kīlita mfn. unfastened, opened (by drawing out the peg). Kād. ii
- utkīla m. N. of a Ṛishi Comm. on VS. and RV. (v. l. atkīla, q.v.)
- utkīlaka m. N. of a mountain
- ut-kuc (ud-√kuc), -kucati, to bend upwards or asunder, crook Kauś
- • to open (as a flower): Caus. -kocayati, to cause to bend or to open (e.g. a flower)
- ut-kuñcikā or f. the plant Nigella Indica L
- ut-kuñcitā f. the plant Nigella Indica L
- ut-koca m. winding off
- • unbinding Comm. on TBr
- • bribery, corruption Yājñ. i, 339.
- utkocaka mfn. receiving a bribe Mn. ix, 258
- • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- utkocin mfn. corruptible, to be bribed MBh
- ut-kuṭ (ud-√kuṭ), Caus. -koṭayati, to bend upwards Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 1
- ut-kuṭa mfn. lying stretched out on the back, lying with the face upwards, sleeping with the head erect L
- ut-kuṭaka mfn. sitting upon the hams, squatting Suśr
- utkuṭakâsana n. the sitting upon the hams Suśr
- utkuṭuka v. l. for above
- ut-kuṇa m. a bug
- • a louse L. (cf. matkuṇa.)
- ut-kutuka mfn. (ifc.) amusing one's self by Prasannar
- ut-kumuda mfn. having lotus flowers on the surface, Kāvyâd
- ut-kula mf(ā)n. fallen from or disgracing one's family, an outcast from the family Śak. 128b
- ut-kūj (ud-√kūj), P. -kūjati, to utter a wailing monotonous note or coo (as a bird) Kathās. Ṛitus. Kād
- ut-kūja m. a cooing note (as of the kokila) R
- ut-kūjita n. id. Ṛitus
- ut-kūṭa m. an umbrella or parasol L
- ut-kūrd (ud-√kūrd), P. Ā. -kūrdati, -te, to jump up, spring upwards Pañcat
- ut-kūrdana n. jumping up, springing upwards Pañcat
- ut-kūla mfn. passing beyond the bank (as water), overflowing Kād
- • being on an elevation, going up-hill
- • (ám), ind. up-hill AV. xix, 25, 1
- ○gāmin mfn. passing beyond the bank Kād
- ○nikūlá mfn. going up and down VS. Lalit
- utkūlita mfn. brought to the bank or shore, thrown up on a bank, stranded Sāh
- ut-kṛ (ud-√kṛ), P. -karoti, to do away with, extirpate MaitrS.: Ā. -kurute, to inform against (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- • to promote, help
- ut-kartṛ-tva n. the being a helper, the state of being conducive to NṛisUp
- ut-kṛti f. a metre of four times twenty-six syllables
- • the number twenty-six
- ut-kṛt (ud-√kṛt), P. -kṛntati, to cut out or off, tear out or off
- • to cut up, cut in pieces, carve, butcher ŚBr. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. Ragh. &c
- • to destroy, ruin, extirpate: Pass. -kṛtyate, to perish AitBr. vi, 23, 7
- ut-kartana n. cutting up, cutting to pieces, cutting off Suśr
- ut-kártam ind. p. cutting off ŚBr. xiii, 7, 1, 9
- ut-kṛtya ind. p. having cut off or up, having cut out MBh. R
- ut-kṛtyamāna mfn. being cut to pieces, being cut up
- ut-kṛt (ud-√kṛt), P. -kṛṇatti, to continue spinning RV. x, 130, 2
- ut-kṛṣ (ud-√kṛṣ), P. sometimes Ā. -karṣati, -te, to draw or drag or pull up
- • to raise
- • to draw or take out
- • to extract
- • to pull or put off MāṇḍUp. MBh. Ragh. Suśr. R. &c
- • to put off, delay Nyāyam
- • to bend (a bow)
- • to tear asunder: Caus. -karṣayati, to elevate, raise, increase Sāh.: Pass. -kṛṣyate, to be lifted or drawn up
- • to be raised, rise, become powerful, become eminent MBh. &c. (cf. ut-kṛṣṭa)
- ut-karṣa mfn. superior, eminent
- • much, excessive L. exaggerated, boastful Yājñ
- • attractive
- • m. pulling upwards, drawing, pulling
- • elevation, increase, rising to something better, prosperity
- • excellence, eminence Mn. R. Pañcat. Hit. Kathās. &c
- • excess, abundance
- • self-conceit
- • boasting Yājñ
- • excepting, omitting Comm. on KātyŚr
- • putting off, delaying Nyāyam
- ○sama m. a kind of fallacy (attributing similar qualities to two objects because they have one quality in common
- • e.g. affirming that a sound has a shape like a jar because both are perishable) Sarvad. Nyāyad. Nyāyak
- ut-karṣaka mfn. drawing upwards, raising, increasing Sāh
- ut-karṣaṇa n. the act of drawing upwards taking off Suśr
- • pulling off (a dress) MBh
- • (ī), f. N. of a Śakti
- ut-karṣita mfn. drawn upwards, elevated
- utkarṣin mfn. superior, better
- • more excellent or eminent Kāvyâd
- • (iṇī), f. N. of a Śakti RāmatUp
- ut-kṛṣṭa mfn. (opposed to apa-kṛṣṭa and ava-kṛṣṭa), drawn up or out
- • attracted
- • extracted
- • taking a high position
- • excellent, eminent
- • superior, best
- • (ifc., e.g. jñānôtkṛṣṭa mfn. eminent in knowledge)
- • much, most, excessive Mn. MBh. Pañcat. &c
- ○tā f. or excellence, superiority, eminence
- ○tva n. excellence, superiority, eminence
- ○bhūma m. a good soil
- ○vedana n. marrying a man of a higher caste Mn. iii, 44
- utkṛṣṭôpādhitā f. state of having something superior as an indispensable condition Vedāntas. 42
- ut-kraṣṭavya mfn. to be delayed Nyāyam
- ut-kraṣṭṛ ṭā m. one who draws up Mn
- ut-kṝ (ud-√kṝ), P. -kirati, to scatter upwards
- • to pile up, heap up Ragh. R
- • to dig up or out, excavate
- VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • to engrave Vikr. Ragh
- ut-kara m. anything dug out or scattered upwards, rubbish AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Mṛicch. &c
- • a heap, multitude MBh. R. Kathās. &c
- • sprawling Bhpr. i, 138
- utkarâdi m. N. of a g. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 90)
- ut-karikā f. a sort of sweetmeat (made with milk, treacle, and ghee W.) Comm. on Mn
- utkarīya mfn. relating or belonging to a heap &c. Pāṇ. 4-2, 90
- ut-kāra m. piling up (corn) Pāṇ. Bhaṭṭ
- ut-kārikā f. a poultice Suśr
- utkārikôpanāha m. id. Car
- ut-kira mfn. (ifc.) piling up, heaping up Ragh. i, 38 Kum. &c
- ut-kīrṇa mfn. heaped up, scattered Ragh
- • covered with Kād
- • dug out, perforated KātyŚr. Suśr. &c
- • pierced
- • engraved, carved
- • cut out Vikr. Kāvyâd
- ut-kṝt (ud-√kṝt), P. -kīrtayati, to proclaim, celebrate, praise, promulgate
- ut-kīrtana n. crying out, proclaiming
- • reporting, promulgating Sāh
- • praising, celebrating
- ut-kīrtita mfn. proclaimed, promulgated
- • praised, celebrated L
- ut-kīrtya ind. p. having celebrated or praised Ragh. x, 32
- • having proclaimed &c
- ut-kḷp (ud-√kḷp), Caus. P. (impf. 3. pl. -ákalpayan AV. xii, 4, 41) to form, fashion, create
- ut-koca &c. ut-kuc
- ut-koṭi mfn. ending in a point or edge Kād
- ut-koṭha m. a kind of leprosy Bhpr
- utkorakaya Nom. P. utkorakayati, to abound with opening buds Kād
- utkośaya Nom. P. utkośayati, to draw (a sword) out of its scabbard Vet
- ut-kram (ud-√kram), P. (and rarely Ā.) -krāmati. -kramati (Ved. impf. 3. pl. -akraman AV. iv, 3, 1), -te (pf. 3. pl. -cakramus ŚBr.) to step up, go up, ascend AV. VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. R. Kathās. &c
- • to step out, go out or away
- • to pass away, die ŚBr. Mn. Nir. Kād. &c
- • to go over, pass over, omit
- • not to notice
- • to neglect, transgress MBh. R. &c.: Caus. P. -kramayati and -krāmayati, to cause to go up or ascend TS. ŚBr. Kauś. &c.: Desid. -cikramiṣati, or -cikramiṣyati, to wish to go up or out ŚBr. ChUp
- ut-kramá m. going up or out VS. ŚBr. &c
- • inverted order Sūryas
- • progressive increase
- • going astray, acting improperly, deviation, transgression L.
- ○jyā f. (in geom.) the versed sine Sūryas
- ut-krámaṇa n. going up or out, soaring aloft, flight
- • stepping out VS. ChUp. &c. KātyŚr
- • surpassing, exceeding
- • departing from life, dying, death KaṭhUp. (cf. prāṇôtkr○.)
- ut-kramaṇīya mfn. to be abandoned or given up MBh
- ut-kramayya ind. p. (of Caus.) having caused to ascend Lāṭy
- ut-kramya ind. p. having gone up, stepping up &c
- • having neglected MBh
- ut-krānta mfn. gone forth or out
- • gone over or beyond, passed, surpassed
- • trespassing, exceeding
- ○medha (út-krānta○), mfn. sapless, powerless ŚBr. vii, 5, 2, 37
- ○śreyas mfn. abandoned by fortune Vait
- ut-krānti f. stepping up to VS. ŚBr
- • going out
- • passing away, dying Kathās
- utkrāntin mfn. passing, passing away, gone, departed L
- ut-krāma m. going from or out, going above, surpassing, deviating from propriety, transgression
- • opposition, contrariety L
- ut-kraṣṭavya ut-kraṣṭṛ, utkṛṣ, p. 176, col. 3
- ut-krī īs m. N. of a particular Soma sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 42, 8
- ut-kruś (ud- √kruś), P. -krośati, to cry out, scream MBh. R. MārkP
- • to call to (with acc.) MBh
- • to exclaim
- • to proclaims W
- ut-kruṣṭa mfn. crying out, speaking out or aloud
- • (am), n. the act of crying out MBh
- • calling, exclaiming
- ut-krośa m. clamour, outcry L
- • a sea eagle Suśr
- utkrośīya mfn. (g. utkarâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 90), relating or belonging to a clamour &c
- ut-krodá m. (√krud = √kūrd? BRD.), jumping up, exulting, exultation TS. vii, 5, 9, 2
- ut-krodín mfn. exulting MaitrS. ii, 5, 7
- ut-kliś (ud- √kliś), P. -kliśnāti, to feel uneasy, be uncomfortable or distressed: Caus. P. -kleśayati, to excite, stir up Suśr
- • to expel
- ut-kliśya ind. p. having become uneasy Suśr
- ut-kliṣṭa mfn. distressed Car
- ut-kleśa m. excitement, disquietude
- • disorder or corruption of the humors (of the body) Suśr
- • sickness, nausea
- ut-kleśaka m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr
- ut-kleśana mfn. exciting, stirring up, causing disorder (cf. kaphôt○) Suśr
- ut-kleśin mfn. id
- ut-kleda m. (√klid), the becoming wet or moist Suśr
- utkledin mfn. wet Suśr
- • wetting Car
- ut-kvath (ud- √kvath), P. -kvathati, to boil out, extract by boiling &c. Suśr.: Pass. -kvathyate, to be boiled
- • to be consumed (by the ardour of love) Kād. 176, 3: Caus. -kvāthayati, to boil out Suśr
- ut-kṣip (ud- √kṣip), P. Ā. -kṣipati, -te, to throw up, raise, set up, erect Mn. MBh. Kathās. &c
- • to throw away, reject, get rid of, vomit up BhP
- ut-kṣipta mfn. thrown upwards, tossed, raised MBh. Kathās. &c
- • thrown out, ejected
- • vomited
- • rejected, dismissed
- • m. the thorn apple (Datura Metel and Fastuosa) L
- ut-kṣipti f. raising, lifting up Priy
- utkṣiptikā f. an ornament in the shape of a crescent worn in the upper part of the ear L
- ut-kṣepa m. throwing or tossing up, raising, lifting up Megh. Suśr. &c
- • throwing away
- • sending, despatching
- • bringing up, vomiting
- • expanding (the wings) Suśr
- • N. of a country
- • also of a man L
- • (au), m. du. the region above the temples Suśr
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 112
- ut-kṣepaka mfn. throwing up, a thrower
- • who or what elevates or raises
- • one who sends or orders L
- • m. a stealer of clothes Yājñ. ii, 274.
- ut-kṣepaṇa n. the act of throwing upwards, tossing KātyŚr. Śak. 30 a
- • sending, sending away Suśr
- • vomiting, taking up
- • a kind of basket or bowl used for cleaning corn L
- • a fan L
- • a measure of sixteen paṇas L
- ut-kṣepam (bāhū7t○), ind. p. having thrown up (the arms) Śak. 131 b
- ut-kṣvid (ud- √kṣvid), P. -kṣvedati, to creak MaitrS. iii, 2, 2
- ut-khac (ud-√khac)
- ut-khacita mfn. intermixed with Ragh
- ut-khan (ud- √khan), P. -khanati (pf. -cakhāna) to dig up or out, to excavate
- • to tear out by the roots, √up ŚBr. AitBr. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • to draw or tear out Kauś. Kathās. Bhaṭṭ
- • to destroy entirely Ragh. Rājat. Pañcat
- ut-khāta mfn. dug up
- • excavated, eradicated, pulled up by the roots
- • destroyed, annihilated
- • (am), n. a hole, cavity
- • a deepening, uneven ground
- • undermining, hollowing out
- • destroying, extirpating Mudr
- utkhātin mfn. having cavities or holes, uneven Śak. 10, 6
- • destructive
- ut-khānam ind. p. digging out Lāṭy
- ut-khāya ind. p. having dug up
- • having torn out Ragh. Śiś. v, 59
- utkhalā f. a kind of perfume L
- utkhalin ī m. N. of a Buddhist deity
- utkhalī and f. N. of a Buddhist goddess
- utkhālī f. N. of a Buddhist goddess
- ut-khid (ud- √khid), P. -khidáti, to draw out, extract TS. AV. AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- utta p. 183, col. 1
- ut-taṃsa m. (√tan), a crest, chaplet
- • a wreath worn on the crown of the head Sāh. Rājat
- • an earring L
- • (figuratively) an ornament VarBṛS. Bālar
- ut-taṃsaka m. id. VarBṛS
- uttaṃsaya Nom. P. uttaṃsayati, to adorn with a crest Veṇis
- uttaṃsika m. N. of a Nāga L
- uttaṃsita mfn. used as crest or ornament for the head Bhartṛ
- • crested Prasannar
- ut-takṣ (ud- √takṣ), P. (Impv. 2. du. út-takṣatam RV. vii, 104, 4) to form (anything) out of (any other thing), Bṛḍ.
- • to take out of (anything), ṣāy.
- uttaṅka and uttaṅka-megha, vv. ll. for utaṅka and utaṅka-megha, qq.v
- ut-taṭa mfn. overflowing its banks (as a river) Ragh. xi, 85
- uttathya m. N. of a son of Devaputra BhP. VP. (cf. utathya.)
- ut-tan (ud- √tan), Ā. (aor. 3. pl. -atnata RV. i, 37, 10) to stretch one's self upwards, endeavour to rise
- • to stretch out
- út-tata mfn. stretching one's self upwards, rising upwards AV. ii, 7, 3 ; vii, 90, 3
- ut-tāná mfn. stretched out, spread out, lying on the back, sleeping supinely or with the face upwards RV. AV. VS
- • upright ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • turned so that the mouth or opening is uppermost (as a vessel), concave TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. &c
- • spreading out over the surface Suśr
- • shallow
- • open Śak
- • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa TBr. Kāṭh. -kūrmaka n. a particular posture in sitting
- ○pattraka m. a species of Ricinus Bhpr
- ○pad (uttāná○), f. one whose legs are extended (in parturition)
- • N. of a peculiar creative agency RV. x, 72, 4
- • vegetation, the whole creation of upward-germinating plants, ṣāy.
- ○parṇa (uttāná-), mfn. having extended leaves RV. x, 145, 2
- ○parṇaka m. a species of plant L
- ○pāṇi-dvaya mfn. having the two hands with the palms turned upwards
- ○pāda m. the star ? in the little bear (personified as son of Vīra or Manu Svāyambhuva and father of Dhruva) Hariv. VP. &c
- • -ja m. a N. of Dhruva (or the polar-star) L
- ○barhis m. N. of a prince BhP
- ○recita m. (sc. hasta) a particular position of the hands.
- ○śaya mfn. lying on the back, sleeping with the face upwards
- • m. a little child L
- ○śāyin mfn. lying on the back
- ○śī́van mf(arī)n. lying extended, stagnant (as water) AV. iii, 21, 10
- ○haya m. N. of a son of Śatājit VP
- ○hasta (uttāná○), mfn. having the hand, extended, extending them in prayer RV. KātyŚr. Vait
- • (au), m. du. the two hands with the fingers stretched out (but with the backs towards the ground) W
- ○hṛdaya (Prākṛit uttāṇahiā), open-hearted Śak. 204, 6
- uttānârtha mfn. superficial, shallow Subh
- uttānaka m. a species of Cyperus grass L
- • (ikā), f. N. of a river R
- uttānita mfn. wide open (as the mouth) Kād
- uttānī-kṛ √1. to open wide (the mouth), Ratnāv
- ○√bhū to spread, extend Kād
- ut-tap (ud- √tap), P. -tapati, to make warm or hot
- • to heat thoroughly Rājat. Lāṭy. &c
- • to pain, torment, press hard Rājat. Śiś. &c.: Ā. -tapate, to shine forth, give out heat Pāṇ. 1-3, 27
- • to warm one's self or a part of one's body Kāty. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 27: Caus. -tāpayati, to warm up, heat MBh
- • to excite, urge on Sāh
- ut-tapana m. a particular kind of fire
- ut-tapta mfn. burnt
- • heated, red hot, glowing, Śārṅg
- • pained, tormented, pressed hard Rājat
- • bathed, washed L
- • anxious, excited W
- • (am), n. dried flesh L
- • great heat T
- ut-tāpa m. great heat, glow
- • ardour, effort, excessive energy Hit. Bālar
- • affliction, distress
- • excitement, anxiety L
- ut-tāpita mfn. heated, made hot
- • pained, distressed
- • excited, roused
- út-tabdha &c. ut-tambh, p. 179, col. 1
- ut-tam (ud-√tam), P. -tāmyati, to be out of breath or exhausted
- • to lose heart, faint R. Rājat. Daś
- ut-tamá mfn. (superlative fr. 1. ud
• opposed to avama, adhama, &c
- • cf. an-uttama), uppermost, highest, chief
- • most elevated, principal
- • best, excellent RV. AV. AitBr. Mn. Pañcat. &c. (often ifc., e.g. dvijôttama, best of the twice-born, i.e. a Brāhman Mn.)
- • first, greatest
- • the highest (tone) ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr
- • the most removed or last in place or order or time RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • (ám), ind. most, in the highest degree R
- • at last, lastly ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 21
- • m. the last person (= in European grammars the first person) Pāṇ. Kāty. Kāś. &c
- • N. of a brother of Dhruva (son of Uttāna-pāda and nephew of Priya-vrata) VP
- • of a son of Priya-vrata and third Manu
- • of the twenty-first Vyāsa VP
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of people VP. MBh
- • (ā), f. a kind of Piḍakā or pustule Suśr
- • the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) Suśr
- • an excellent woman (one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate) L
- ○gandhâḍhya mfn. possessing abundantly the most delicate scent or delicious fragrance
- ○jana m. pl. excellent men Bhartṛ. (Hit. &c.)
- ○tā f. or excellence, superiority
- ○tva n. excellence, superiority
- • goodness, good quality
- ○tejas mfn. having extraordinary splendour, very glorious MBh
- ○darśana mfn. of excellent appearance MBh
- ○pada n. a high office
- ○puruṣa m. the last person in verbal conjugation, i.e. 'I, we two, we' (= in European grammars the first person, our third person being regarded in Hindū grammars as the prathama-puruṣa, q.v
- • cf. also madhyama-puruṣa) Nir. Kāś. &c
- • the Supreme Spirit ChUp. Gaut. &c
- ○pūruṣa m. = -puruṣa above
- • the Supreme Spirit
- • an excellent man L
- ○phalinī f. the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) L
- ○bala mfn. of excellent strength, very strong Car
- ○maṇi m. a kind of gem L
- ○"ṣrṇa (uttama-ṛṇa), m. a creditor Pāṇ. 1-4, 35 Mn. &c
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VP. MārkP. -"ṣrṇika m. a creditor Mn. Yājñ
- ○"ṣrṇin m. a creditor L
- ○lābha m. great profit, a double return
- ○vayasá n. the last period of life ŚBr. xii, 9, 1, 8
- ○varṇa mfn. having an excellent colour (also being of the best caste) Hit
- ○veṣa m. 'having the most excellent dress', N. of Śiva
- ○śākha m. N. of a region, (g. gahâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 138.)
- ○"ṣśākhīya mfn. belonging to that region
- ○śruta mfn. possessing the utmost learning R.
- ○śloka (uttamá○), m. the most excellent renown TS. v, 7, 4, 3
- • (mfn.) possessing the most excellent fame, highly renowned, illustrious BhP
- • -tīrtha m. N. of a teacher
- ○saṃgraha m. intriguing with another man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous looks &c
- ○sāhasa n. the highest of the three fixed mulcts or fines (a fine of 1000 or of 80, 000 paṇas
- • capital punishment, branding, banishment, confiscation, mutilation, and death)
- ○sukha m. N. of a man
- ○strī-saṃgrahaṇa = -saṃgraha above
- uttamâṅga n. the highest or chief part of the body, the head Mn. MBh. Bhag. Suśr. Mṛicch. &c
- uttamâdhama mfn. high and low
- • -madhyama mfn. good, bad, and indifferent
- • high, low, and middling
- uttamâmbhas n. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) one of the nine kinds of Tushṭi, q.v., Sāṃkhya-kaumudī (quoted by T.)
- uttamâraṇī f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus L
- uttamârdhá m. the last half or part ŚBr. Lāṭy
- • the best half
- uttamārdhya mfn. relating to or connected with the last part or the best half Pāṇ. 4-3, 5
- uttamâha m. the last or latest day, a fine day (?), a lucky day (?) L
- uttamôttama mfn. the best among the best, the very best
- uttamôttarīya m. N. of a grammarian
- uttamôpapada mfn. one to whom the best term is applicable, best, good
- uttamâujas m. 'of excellent valour', N. of one of the warriors of the Mahā-bhārata
- uttamâudārya mfn. very noble-hearted R
- uttamā́yya mfn. (fut. pass. p. of a Nom. uttamāya?) to be raised or celebrated RV. ix, 22, 6
- uttamīya mfn. (g. gahâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 138) belonging to anything excellent or best or last &c
- úttara mfn. (compar. fr. 1. ud
- • opposed to adhara
- • declined Gram. 238. a), upper, higher, superior (e.g. uttare dantās, the upper teeth) RV. AV. TS. ChUp. Ragh. &c
- • northern (because the northern part of India is high) AV. Mn. Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- • left (opposed to dakṣiṇa or right, because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left hand) AV. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • later, following, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future RV. AV. KātyŚr. MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c. (opposed to pūrva, &c., e.g. uttaraḥ kālaḥ, future time
- • uttaraṃ vākyam, a following speech, answer, reply
- • phalam uttaram, subsequent result, future consequence
- • varṣôttareṣu, in future years)
- • followed by (e.g. smôttara mfn. followed by 'sma' Pāṇ. 3-3, 176)
- • superior, chief, excellent, dominant, predominant, more powerful RV. AV
- • gaining a cause (in law)
- • better, more excellent RV
- • m. N. of a son of Virāṭa MBh
- • of a king of the Nāgas L
- • N. of a mountain Kathās
- • of several men
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a school
- • (ā), of. (scil. diś) the northern quarter, the north Kathās. &c
- • N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word 'uttara' (cf. uttara-phalgunī, &c.)
- • N. of a daughter of Virāṭa and daughter-in-law of Arjuna MBh
- • of a female servant Lalit
- • (e), f. du. the second and third verse of a Tṛica (or a stanza consisting of three verses)
- • (ās), f. pl. the second part of the Sāma-saṃhitā
- • (am), n. upper surface or cover MBh. Ragh. Daś. &c
- • the north R. Dhūrtas
- • the following member, the last part of a compound
- • answer, reply Ragh. R. Prab. &c
- • (in law) a defence, rejoinder, a defensive measure
- • contradiction Car
- • (in the Mimāṃsā philosophy) the answer (the fourth member of an adhikaraṇa or case)
- • superiority, excellence, competency R. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- • result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic, what remains or is left, conclusion, remainder, excess, over and above, (often ifc., e.g. bhayôttara, attended with danger, having danger as the result
- • dharmôttara, chiefly characterized by virtue
- • ṣaṣṭy-uttaraṃ sahasram, one thousand with an excess of sixty, i.e. 1060
- • saptôttaraṃ śatam, 107)
- • remainder, difference (in arithmetic)
- • N. of a song Yājñ
- • N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word 'uttara'
- • a particular figure in rhetoric
- • N. of the last book of the Rāmāyaṇa
- • (am), ind. at the conclusion, at the end, e.g. bhavad-uttaram, having the word 'bhavat' at the end
- • asrôttaram īkṣitā, looked at with tears at the close, i.e. with a glance ending in tears
- • afterwards, thereafter
- • behind MBh. &c
- • in the following part (of a book)
- •
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○kāṇḍa n. following or concluding book
- • the seventh book of the Rāmāyaṇa
- • also the last book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa.
- ○kāmâkhya-tantra n. N. of wk
- ○kāya m. the upper part of the body Ragh
- ○kāla m. future time
- • time reckoned from full moon to full moon
- • (am) or (atas), ind. afterwards, after
- • (mfn.) future MBh
- ○kuru m. n. one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern Kurus, situated in the north of India, and described as the country of eternal beatitude)
○kośalā f. the city Ayodhyā (the modern Oude) L
- ○kriyā f. the last (sacred) action, funeral rites, obsequies
- ○khaṇḍa n. last section
- • the concluding book of the Padma-purāṇa
- • also of the Śiva-purāṇa and of other works
- ○khaṇḍana n. cutting off a reply, refutation
- ○ga mfn. flowing towards the north R
- ○gītā f. N. of a section of the sixth book of the Mahābhārata
- ○grantha m. N. of a supplement of the Yoni-grantha
- ○"ṣṃ-ga (1. uttaraṃ-ga
- • for 2. s.v.), n. a wooden arch surmounting a door frame L
- ○cchada m. a cover thrown over anything MBh. R. Daś. Ragh
- ○ja mfn. born in the latter (or last-mentioned kind of wedlock) Yājñ. i, 59
- • born subsequently or afterwards
- ○jyā f. the versed sine of an arc, the second half of the chord halved by the versed sine L
- ○jyotiṣa n. N. of a country MBh
- ○tantra n. 'concluding doctrine', N. of a supplementary section in the medical manual of Suśruta
- • also of supplementary portions of several other works
- ○tara mfn. (compar. ft. uttara), still further removed, still more distant, still higher ŚvetUp
- ○tás ind. at the top, above
- • from the north, northward AV. VS. MBh. ChUp. &c
- • to the left (opposed to dakṣiṇa-tas) ŚBr. AitBr. PāGṛ. &c. (in some cases it is not to be decided whether 'northward' or 'to the left' is meant)
- • afterwards
- • behind
- • ○ḥ-paścāt ind. north-westward (with gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 30) AitBr. ŚBr. &c
- ○tāpanīya n. N. of the second part of the Nṛisiṃha-tāpanīyôpanishad
- ○tra ind. in what follows, after, subsequently, later, further on, beyond, below (in a work) Pāṇ
- • northward, (pūrvatra, in the first case or place
- • uttaratra, in the second) Sāh
- ○danta m. a tooth of the upper mandible Comm. on TPrāt
- ○dāyaka mfn. replying, giving an answer, impertinent Hit
- ○dik-stha mfn. situated in the north, northern
- ○dig-īśa m. N. of Kuvera
- ○diś f. the north quarter
- ○deśa m. the country towards the north, the up-country
- ○drú m. an upper beam (?) AV. vi, 49, 2
- ○dharma m. N. of a teacher (Buddh.)
- ○dhāraya mfn. one who has to give an answer Naish
- ○dhurīṇa mfn. yoked on the left pole of a carriage (as a horse) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-4, 78
- ○dheya mfn. to be done or applied subsequently
- ○nābhí f. the cavity on the north of the sacrificial fire ŚBr. Comm. on Śulbas
- ○nārāyaṇá m. the second part of the Nārāyaṇa- or Purusha-hymn (RV. x, 90) ŚBr
- ○pakṣa m. the northern or left wing (side) KātyŚr
- • second or following part of an argument, the reply, refutation
- • the answer to the first or objectionable argument (cf. pūrva-pakṣa)
- • the right argument, demonstrated truth, or conclusion
- • the minor proposition in a syllogism
- • -tā f. or -tva n. conclusion, demonstration, reply
- ○paṭa m. an upper garment MBh
- ○patha m. the northern way, the way leading to the north
- • the northern country Pāṇ. 5-1, 27, &c
- ○"ṣpathika mfn. inhabiting the northern country Prab
- ○pada n. the last member of a compound word Pāṇ. &c
- • ○dârtha-pradhāna mfn. (a compound) in which the sense of the last member is the chief one (said of Tatpurusha compounds) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 22
- ○"ṣpadika or mfn. relating to or studying the last word or term Pāṇ. Comm
- ○"ṣpadakīya mfn. relating to or studying the last word or term Pāṇ. Comm
- ○parvata m. the northern mountain R
- ○paścârdha m. the north-western half
- ○paścima mfn. north-western ĀśvGṛ
- • (ā) f. (scil. diś) the north-west
- ○pāda m. a division of legal practice (that part which relates to the reply or defence, four divisions being admitted in every suit)
- ○purastāt ind. north-eastward (with gen.) ĀśvGṛ
- ○purāṇa n. N. of a Jaina work
- ○pūrva mfn. north-eastward KātyŚr
- • one who takes the north for the east Siddh
- • (ā), f. (scil. diś) the north-east
- ○pracchada m. a coverlid, quilt L
- ○pratyuttara n. 'reply and rejoinder', a dispute, altercation, discussion
- • the pleadings in a lawsuit
- ○proṣṭhapadā f
- ○phalgunī or f. N. of lunar mansions (cf. proṣṭhapadā, phalgunī.)
- ○phālgunī f. N. of lunar mansions (cf. proṣṭhapadā, phalgunī.)
- ○barhís n. the sacrificial grass on the north of the fire
- ○bhaktika mfn. employed after eating Car.
- ○bhadrapadā or f. N. of a lunar mansion (cf. bhādrapadā.)
- ○bhādrapadā f. N. of a lunar mansion (cf. bhādrapadā.)
- ○bhāga m. the second part
- ○mati m. N. of a man
- ○mandrā (úttara○), f. a loud but slow manner of singing ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • -"ṣrâdyā f. a particular Mūrchanā (in music)
- ○mātra n. a mere reply, only a reply
- ○mānasa n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ○mārga m. the way leading to the north
- ○mīmāṃsā f. the Vedānta philosophy (an inquiry into the Jñāna-kāṇḍa or second portion of the Veda
- • opposed to pūrva-mīmāṃsā
- • mimāṃsā):
- ○mūla (úttara○), mfn. having the roots above ŚBr. i, 2, 4, 16
- ○yuga n. a particular measure (= 13 Aṅgulas), Śulbas
- ○rahita mfn. devoid of reply, having no answer
- ○rāma-carita (or ○caritra), n. 'the further or later deeds of Rāma', N. of a drama of Bhava-bhūti
- ○rūpa n. the second of two combined vowels or consonants Comm. on Aprāt
- ○lakṣaṇa n. the indication of an actual reply
- • (mfn.) marked on the left side KātyŚr
- ○lakṣman mfn. marked above or on the left side Kap
- ○loman (úttara○), mfn. having the hairs turned upwards or outwards ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- ○vayasa n. the latter or declining years of life ŚBr
- ○vallī f. N. of the second section of the Kāṭhakôpanishad (when divided into two Adhyāyas)
- ○vasti f. a small syringe, a urethra injection pipe Suśr
- ○vastra n. an upper garment
- ○vādin m. a replicant
- • a defendant
- • one whose claims are of later date than another's Yājñ
- ○vāsas n. an upper garment R
- ○vīthi f. (in astron.) the northern orbit VarBṛS
- ○vedí f. the northern altar made for the sacred fire VS. ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- ○śānti f. final consecration ŚāṅkhGṛ. vi, 2, 7
- ○śaila m. pl., N. of a Buddhist school
- ○saktha n. the left thigh Pāṇ. 5-4, 98
- ○saṃjñita mfn. designated in the reply (a witness &c.)
- • learnt from report, hearsay evidence
- ○sākṣin m. witness for the defence
- • a witness testifying from the report of others
- ○sādhaka mfn. effective of a result, assisting at a ceremony, befriending
- • an assistant, helper, friend
- • establishing a reply Vet
- ○hanú f. the upper jaw-bone AV. ix, 7, 2
- uttarâṃsa m. the left shoulder (the clavicle ?) MBh
- uttarâgāra n. an upper room, garret Hariv
- uttarâṅga n. the last sound of combined consonants Comm. on VPrāt
- uttarâdri m. 'northern mountain', the Himālaya L
- uttarâdhará mfn. superior and inferior, higher and lower ŚBr
- • (am), n. upper and under lip Kum
- • the lips ( adharôttara)
- • -vivara n. the mouth Daś. 73, 11
- uttarâdhikāra m. right to property in succession to another person, heirship
- • -tā f. or -tva n. right of succession
- uttarâdhikārin mfn. an heir or claimant subsequent to the death of the original owner, an heir who claims as second in succession L
- uttarā-patha m. the northern road or direction, the northern country, north Pañcat. Hit. Kathās. &c
- uttarâbhāsa m. a false or indirect or prevaricating reply
- • -tā f. or -tva n. inadequacy of a reply, the semblance without the reality
- uttarâbhimukha mfn. turned towards the north
- uttarâmnāya m. N. of a sacred book of the Śāktas
- uttarâyaṇa n. the progress (of the sun) to the north
- • the period of the sun's progress to the north of the equator, the summer solstice Mn. Bhag. VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c
- uttarâraṇí f. the upper araṇi (q.v.) which is also called Pramantha or churner ŚBr
- uttarârka m. N. of one of the twelve forms of the sun SkandaP
- uttarârcika n. N. of the second part of the Sāmaveda-saṃhitā (also called uttarāgrantha)
- uttarârtha mfn. (done &c.) for the sake of what follows Lāṭy. Kāś. &c
- uttarârdhá n. the upper part (of the body) Ragh
- • the northern part ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • the latter half Śrut
- • the further end
- • -pūrvârdha n. the eastern part of the northern side (of the fire) ŚBr. HirGṛ
- uttarārdhyá (fr. uttarârdha), mfn. being on the northern side TS. ŚBr
- uttarā́-vat mfn. being above TBr
- • victorious, overpowering AV. ŚBr
- uttarâśā f. the northern quarter
- • ○śâdhipati m. 'lord of the north', N. of Kuvera
- uttarâśman mfn. having high rocks Rājat
- • (ā), m. N. of a country, (g. ṛśyâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80)
- • ○maka mfn. belonging to the above country ib
- uttarâśramin m. (a Brāhman) who enters into the next Āśrama (or period of religious life) Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 1, 2
- uttarâśrita mfn. having gone to or being in the northern direction Bhpr
- uttarâṣāḍhā f. N. of a lunar mansion (cf. aṣāḍhā) L.
- uttarâsaṅga m. an upper or outer garment MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
- uttarā-sád mfn. seated northward or on the left VS. ix, 35 and 36
- uttarâha m. the following day Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 104
- uttarêtarā f. (scil. diś) 'other or opposite to the northern', the southern quarter L
- uttarôttara mfn. more and more, higher and higher, further and further
- • always increasing, always following Yājñ. Suśr. Pañcat. Kap. &c
- • each following Paribh. 38
- • (am), ind. higher and higher, more and more, in constant continuation, one on the other MBh. Hit. Suśr. Gaut. &c
- • (am), n. reply to an answer, reply on reply
- • a rejoinder
- • conversation MBh. Hit. R. &c
- • excess, exceeding quantity or degree
- • succession, gradation
- • descending
- • -pracchalā f. N. of a section of the Sāmaveda-cchalā
- • -vaktṛ m. one who never fails to answer MBh
- uttarottarin mfn. one following the other
- • constantly increasing AitBr. ŚāṅkhBr. RPrāt. &c
- uttarôṣṭha or m. the upper lip Suśr
- uttarâuṣṭha m. the upper lip Suśr
- • the upper part of a pillar VarBṛS. 53, 29
- uttaraya Nom. P. uttarayati, to reply
- • to defend one's self
- uttarā ind. north, northerly
- • northward (with gen. or abl.) Pāṇ. Vop
- • (uttarā-patha, &c., p. 178, col. 3.)
- uttarā́t ind. from the left
- • from the north RV. AV. VS. &c
- ○sád mfn. = uttarā-sad above MaitrS. ii, 6, 3
- uttarā́ttāt ind. from the north RV
- uttarā́hi ind. northerly, from the north ŚBr. Daś. (with abl. Pāṇ.)
- uttarin mfn. increasing, becoming more and more intense Vait
- uttarī́ya n. an upper or outer garment KātyŚr. PārGṛ. HirGṛ. MBh. Pañcat. &c
- • a blanket Car
- ○tā f. the state of being an upper garment Gobh. i, 2, 21
- uttarīyaka n. an upper or outer garment Kathās. VP. &c
- úttareṇa ind. (with gen., abl., acc., or ifc.) northward
- • on the left side of KātyŚr. ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Megh. &c
- uttare-dyús ind. on a subsequent day, on the day following, to-morrow TS. Pāṇ
- uttamarṇa &c. under uttama
- ut-tambh (ud- √stambh Pāṇ. 8-4, 61
- • the radical s appears in augmented and reduplicated forms and if in Veda the preposition is separated from the verb), P. (Impv. 2. sg. impf. úd-astabhnāt, aor. -astāmpsīt TBr. iii, 2, 10, 1, and -astambhīt RV. iii, 5, 10) to uphold, stay, prop
- • to support RV. VS. TBr. TāṇḍyaBr. &c.: Caus. -tambhayati, to lift up, raise, erect Hariv. BhP. &c
- • to bring up
- • to irritate, excite Kir. ii, 48 BhP. Uttarar
- • to raise in rank
- • to honour, make respectable
- út-tabdha mfn. upheld
- • erected ŚBr
- út-tabdhi f. support, upholding MaitrS
- út-tabhita mfn. upheld, uplifted, supported RV. ŚBr. BhP. &c
- ut-tambha m. support, prop, upholding L
- ut-támbhana n. a prop, stay VS. KātyŚr
- ut-tambhita mfn. supported, upheld
- • raised
- • excited Uttarar
- ut-tambhitavya mfn. to be supported or upheld &c. Pāṇ. Comm
- úttara &c., p. 178, col. 1
- • for 2. ut-tṝ, col. 2
- ut-taraṃga (for 1. p. 178, col. 2), a high wave Kathās. 123, 196
- • (mfn.) rough with high waves, washed over by waves
- • inundated, flooded Ragh. Kum. &c
- uttaraṃga Nom. Ā. uttaraṃgate, to surge
- • to break or burst (like a wave) Kād
- uttaraṃgaya Nom. P. uttaraṃgayati, to cause to wave or undulate, to move to and fro Prasannar
- ut-tarala mf(ī)n. trembling, shuddering, quivering Bālar. Kād
- uttaralāya Nom. Ā. uttaralāyate, to shudder, quiver, tremble Kād
- uttaralita mfn. caused to tremble, excited Bālar
- uttaralī-kṛ √1. to cause to quiver
- • to cause to skip, let leap Sāh.
- ut-tarjana n. (√tarj), violent threatening Sāh
- ut-tāná ut-tan
- ut-tāpa ut-tap
- ut-tāra (fr. tārā with 1. ud in the sense of 'apart'), mfn. (an eye) from which the pupil is taken out BhP. vi, 14, 46
- • (for 2. ut-tāra &c. ut-tṝ.)
- ut-tāla mfn. great, strong, high, elevated Śiś
- • impetuous, violent Viddh
- • formidable, horrid Kathās. Pañcad
- • abundant, plentiful Bālar
- • best, excellent Gīt
- • tall, loud L
- • swift, speedy L
- • m. an ape L
- • (am), n. a particular number (Buddh.)
- uttālī-bhavana n. impetuous proceeding
- uttiṅga m. a species of insect Kalpas. Jain
- ut-tij (ud- √tij), Caus. P. -tejayati, to excite, stimulate, incite, instigate, animate, encourage Kathās. Mṛicch. &c
- ut-tejaka mfn. instigating, stimulating L
- ut-tejana am, ā n. f. incitement, instigation, encouragement, stimulation, exciting, animating R. Sāh
- • sending, despatching
- • urging, driving
- • whetting, sharpening, furbishing, polishing Śiś
- • an inspiring or exciting speech L
- • an incentive, inducement, stimulant L
- ut-tejita mfn. incited, animated, excited, urged
- • sent, despatched
- • whetted, sharpened, furbished, polished
- • (am), n. an incentive, inducement
- • sidling one of a horse's five paces
- • moderate velocity in a horse's pace L
- ut-tīrṇa col. 3
- ut-tu (ud- √tu), P. út-taviiti (RV. x, 59, 1), to effect, bring about
- • to prosper, increase ṣāy.
- ut-tuṅga mfn. lofty, high, tall
- • swollen (as a stream) MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. Prab. &c
- ○tā f. or height, loftiness, elevation
- ○tva n. height, loftiness, elevation
- ut-tuṇḍita n. the head of a thorn &c. which has entered the skin W.
- ut-tud (ud- √tud), P. -tudati, to push up, tear up
- • to push open AV. iii, 25, 1 AitĀr
• to stir up, urge on
- ut-tudá mfn. one who stirs up AV. iii, 25, 1
- ut-tul (ud- √tul), P. -tolayati, to take up (a sword) Tantras
- • to erect, set up Comm. on Prab
- • to raise up (by means of a counterpoise)
- • to weigh
- • to raise, excite (anger &c.)
- ut-tolana n. lifting up, raising, elevating (by means of a counterpoise or balance) L
- ut-tolita mfn. raised, lifted up L
- ut-tuṣa m. fried grain (freed from the husks) L
- ut-tṛd (ud- √tṛd), P. -tṛṇatti, to split or cut through TBr. Kāṭh.: Desid. (p. -titṛtsat) to wish to split or cut through Kāṭh. xiii, 3
- ut-tṝ (ud- √tṛ), P. -tarati and -tirati (Ved.) to pass out of (especially jalāt, water, with abl). to disembark
- • to come out of ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Hariv. Śak. Mṛicch. &c
- • to escape from (a misfortune, affliction, &c.) BhP. Kathās
- • to come down, descend, alight, put up at Vet
- • to pass over
- • to cross (a river, with acc.)
- • to vanquish MBh. R. Ragh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- • to give up, leave MBh
- • to elevate, strengthen, increase RV. VS. SV. ŚāṅkhŚr.: Caus. -tārayati, to cause to come out
- • to deliver, assist, rescue MBh. R. Hariv. Pañcat. &c
• to make any one alight, take down, take off Pañcat. Vet
- • to cause to pass over
- • to convey or transport across, land, disembark Pañcat
- • to vomit up: Desid. -titīrṣati, to wish to cross MBh
- út-tara mfn. (for 1. p. 178, col. 1), crossing over
- • to be crossed (cf. dur-uttara)
- ut-táraṇa mfn. coming out of, crossing over VS. &c
- • (am), n. coming forth or out of (especially out of water) VarBṛS
- • landing, disembarking
- • crossing rivers &c. Pañcat
- ut-tarikā f. N. of a river R
- ut-tāra (for 1. s.v. above), as³2 m. transporting over Prab
- • landing
- • delivering, rescuing MBh.
- • ejecting, getting rid of
- • vomiting
- • passing away, instability
- • (mfn.) surpassing others, excellent, pre-eminent L
- ut-tāraka m. 'a deliverer', N. of Śiva
- ut-tāraṇa mfn. transporting over MBh
- • bringing over, rescuing
- • (am), n. the act of landing, delivering
- • rescuing, helping to cross over or escape
- • transportation R. &c
- ut-tārin mfn. transporting across
- • unsteady, inconstant, changeable, tremulous
- • sick L
- ut-tārya mfn. to be made to land
- • to be ejected
- • to be thrown up by vomiting Mn. xi, 160
- ut-tārya ind. p. having caused to come out &c
- ut-titīrṣu mfn. about to pass out of (water), wishing to land MBh
- ut-tīrṇa mfn. landed, crossed, traversed
- • rescued, liberated, escaped
- • released from obligation
- • thrown off
- • one who has completed his studies, experienced, clever
- ○vikṛti mfn. one who has escaped any change NṛisUp
- ut-tīrya ind. p. having crossed, having landed &c
- utterita n. (said to be fr. uttṝ), one of the five paces of a horse L
- ut-toraṇa mfn. decorated with raised or upright arches Ragh. Kum. &c
- ○patāka mfn. decorated with raised arches and flags Kathās. x, 210
- ut-tolana ut-tul, col. 2
- ut-tyaj (ud-√tyaj)
- ut-tyakta mfn. thrown upwards
- • left, abandoned
- • free from worldly passion L
- ut-tyāga m. throwing up
- • abandonment, quitting
- • secession from worldly attachments L
- ut-tras (ud- √tras), Caus. P. -trāsayati, to frighten, alarm Hariv
- ut-trasta mfn. frightened Hariv. Rājat
- ut-trāsa m. fear, terror L
- ut-trāsaka mfn. frightening, alarming Sāh
- ut-tripada n. an upright tripod L
- ut-truṭ (ud- √truṭ)
- ut-truṭita mfn. torn, broken Kād
- ut-thā (ud-√sthā Pāṇ. 8-4, 61
- • cf. ut-tambh, col. 1), P. Ā. (but not Ā. in the sense of, 'rising, standing up' Pāṇ. 1-3, 24) -tiṣṭhati, -te (pf. -tasthau aor. -asthāt &c.) to stand up, spring up, rise, raise one's self, set out RV. AV. ŚBr. Ragh. Śak. Bhag. &c
- • to rise (from the dead) BhP
- • to rise (from any occupation), leave off
- • to finish AitBr. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. &c
- • to come forth, arise, appear, become visible, result
- • to spring, originate from RV. AV. ŚBr. TS. MBh. Kathās. &c
- • to come in (as revenues) Śak
- • to rise (for the performance of any action)
- • to be active or brave
- • to make efforts, take pains with, strive for
- • to excel MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -thāpayati (aor. 1. sg. úd-atiṣṭhipam AV. vii, 95, 2) to cause, to stand up, raise, rouse, start AV. AitBr. TBr. ŚBr. MBh. Daś. BhP. &c
- • to set up, lift up, erect Gobh. MBh. R. Hit. &c
- • to get out Hit
- • to drive out, send out, push out AitBr.: Kathās. BhP
- • to excite
- • to produce Ragh. Sāh
- • to arouse, awaken, raise to life, make alive, animate
- • to stir up, agitate ŚBr. KaushUp. Hariv. R. Kathās. &c.: Desid. -tiṣṭhāsati, to wish or intend to stand up ŚBr. xi, 1, 6, 5
- • to intend to leave off (a sacrifice) Nyāyam
- ut-tiṣṭhāsā f. the intention to leave off
- • the wish to leave (a sacrifice &c.) unfinished Nyāyam
- ut-tha mfn. (generally ifc.) standing up, rising, arising MBh. Ragh. Caurap. &c
- • coming forth, originating, derived from Bhag. Kathās. Rājat. Pañcat. &c
- • m. arising, coming forth L. ;
- ut-thātavya mfn. (impers.) to be stood up Kād
- • to be set out BhP
- • to be active MBh
- ut-thātṛ́ tā m. one who rises ChUp
- • resolving AV. ix, 4, 14
- ut-thā́na n. the act of standing up or rising ŚBr. Suśr. Gaut. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Bhartṛ. &c
- • rising (of the moon &c.) BhP. Ragh. &c
- • resurrection MBh. Pañcat
- • rising up to depart
- • leaving off ŚBr. TS. KātyŚr. &c.: starting on a warlike expedition Mn. MBh. R. &c.
- • coming forth, appearing Kap
- • bursting open Jaim
- • tumult, sedition Rājat
- • rise, origin Suśr
- • effort, exertion
- • manly exertion, manhood MBh. Rājat. Āp. &c
- • evacuating (by stool &c.) Suśr. Kauś
- • an army L
- • joy, pleasure L
- • a book L
- • a court-yard L
- • a shed where sacrifices are offered L
- • a term, limit L
- • business of a family or realm, the care of subjects or dependants L
- • reflection L
- • proximate cause of disease L
- • (mfn.) causing to arise or originate MBh
- ○yukta mfn. and mfn. possessed of effort or energy, ready for action, zealous, diligent MBh
- ○vat mfn. possessed of effort or energy, ready for action, zealous, diligent MBh
- ○vīra m. a man of action, one who makes efforts MBh
- ○śīla or mfn. active, zealous, diligent
- ○śīlin mfn. active, zealous, diligent
- ○hīna mfn. inactive, lazy MBh
- utthānâikādaśī f. the eleventh day in the light or former half of the month Kārttikā (when Vishṇu rises from his sleep)
- utthānīya mfn. belonging to the completion, forming the conclusion TāṇḍyaBr. Comm. on Lāṭy
- ut-thāpaka mfn. lifting up, causing to get up, who or what raises &c
- • exciting, animating
- • m. a waiting-man Car
- • a particular composition Sāh
- ut-thāpana n. causing to rise or get up
- • raising, elevating KātyŚr
- • causing to leave (a house &c., with acc. of the person made to leave) Vet
- • causing to come forth, bringing forth Suśr
- • exciting, instigating, bringing about, causing to cease, finishing
- • (in math.) the finding of the quantity sought, answer to the question, substitution of a value, Bījag
- • (ī), f. (scil. ṛc) a concluding verse Kauś
- ut-thāpanīya mfn. to be raised or made to get up
- • able to raise or arouse MaitrS
- ut-thāpayitṛ tā m. one who raises or erects
- ut-thāpita mfn. caused to stand up
- • raised, lifted up, elevated
- • made to get up or out
- • aroused, instigated, &c
- ut-thāpya mfn. to be raised
- • to be sent away AitBr. vii, 29, 4
- • (in math.) to be brought out (as a result) by substitution, Bījag. 45
- ut-thāpya ind. p. having raised or caused to rise, having roused or instigated &c
- ut-thāya ind. p. having risen (from a seat &c.), having risen (in rank &c.), standing up &c
- ut-thāyôtthāya ind. every time one rises (from one's bed) Hit
- ut-thāyam ind. p. having risen Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-4, 52
- ut-thāyin mfn. rising (from one's bed) MBh
- • coming forth, becoming visible MBh
- • exerting one's self, active Kām
- utthāyi-tva n. exertion, energy, activity Kām
- ut-thita mfn. risen or rising (from a seat &c.) MBh. Hariv. BhP. Kathās. &c
- • risen (from a sickness) Hariv
- • elevated, high VarBṛS. Ragh. &c
- • come forth, arisen
- • born, produced, originated RV. Mn. MBh. BhP. &c
- • come in (as revenue) Hit
- • endeavouring, striving, exerting one's self, active MBh. R. Kām. &c
- • happened, occuring
- • advancing, increasing
- • extended
• high, lofty, eminent (said of a Pragātha consisting of ten Pādas) RPrāt
- • (am), n. (út-thitam) rising, arising AV. iii, 15, 4
- ○tā f. state of activity or readiness to serve MBh
- utthitâṅguli m. the palm of the hand with the fingers extended L
- ut-thiti f. elevation, rising up L
- ut-pakṣa m. N. of a son of Sva-phalka Hariv. BhP
- • (v. l. upekṣa, q.v.)
- ut-pakṣman mfn. with upturned eyelashes Śak. 95 a Kathās
- ut-pakṣmala mfn. id. Vikr. 32
- ut-pac (ud-√pac), Caus. P. -pācayati, to boil thoroughly, heat
- utpaca-nipacā f. any act in which it is said '! (i.e. 'cook thoroughly and well!'), g. mayūravyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72
- ut-paciṣṇu mfn. easily ripening, apt to ripen or become cooked Pāṇ. 3-2, 136
- ut-pācita mfn. boiled or heated thoroughly Suśr. ii, 67, 2
- ut-paṭ (ud-√paṭ), Caus. -pāṭayati, to tear up or out, pluck, pull out, break out, ŚāṅhŚr. Gaut. Suśr. Mn. Pañcat. &c
- • to draw out (a sword from its scabbard) Prasannar
- • to open (the eyes &c.) Daś. Kathās. &c
- • to √up, eradicate, extirpate R. Rājat. &c
- • to drive away, banish
- • to dethrone R. Rājat. &c.: Pass. of the Caus. -pāṭyate, to be cleft
- • to part asunder, split Suśr
- út-paṭa m. sap issuing from the cleft of a tree ŚBr. xiv, 6, 9, 31
- ut-pāṭa m. pulling up by the roots, destroying L
- • a disease of the external ear Suśr. ii, 149, 10 and 17 [BRD
- • ut-pāta]
- ○yoga m. a particular Yoga (in astrology)
- ut-pāṭaka m. the above disease Suśr
- • (ut-pā́tikā), f. the external bark of a tree ŚBr. xiv, 6, 9, 30
- ut-pāṭana mfn. tearing out
- • destroying, banishing L
- • (am), n. the act of tearing out or up
- • pulling up by roots, eradicating
- • driving away, banishing
- • dethronement Suśr. R. Kathās. &c
- ut-pāṭita mfn. pulled up by the roots, eradicated, torn out
- • driven away
- • banished, dethroned
- ut-pāṭin mfn. ifc. tearing out, pulling up Kathās
- ut-pāṭya ind. p. having plucked up &c
- ut-pat (ud-√pat), P. -patati (p. -pátat RV. ii, 43, 3 AV. xix, 65, 1
- • aor. -apaptat RV. i, 191, 9
- • p. fut. -patiṣyát AV. xviii, 4, 14) to fly or jump up, fly upwards
- • to ascend, rise RV. AV. AitBr. TBr. Hariv. Megh. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • to rise (from one's bed) MBh
- • to shoot up ChUp
- • to start from, leave, run away AitBr. MBh
- • to jump out, hasten out, come out Hariv. R. Hit. &c
- • to rise, be produced, originate MBh. BhP.: Caus. P. -pātayati, to cause to fly up or to rise RV. AV.: Desid. (impf. -apipatiṣat ŚBr. x, 2, 1, 1) to wish or intend to fly up
- ut-pata m. 'flying upwards', a bird L
- ut-patana mf(ī)n. flying upwards, (utpatanī vidyā, a spell by means of which one is able to fly upwards or to rise Kathās. lxxxvi, 158)
- • (am), n. flying or jumping up, rising, ascending, going up R. Pañcat. Kathās
- • birth, production L
- utpata-nipatā f. any act in which it is said 'utpata! nipata!' (i.e. 'fly up and down!'), g. mayūravyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72
- ut-patita mfn. springing up, risen, ascended
- ut-patitavya mfn. (impers.) to be flown upwards Pañcat
ut-patitṛ mfn. jumping up, rising, going upwards L
- ut-patiṣṇu mfn. jumping up or rising constantly
- • being about to jump up or to rise Ragh. Bhaṭṭ. Pañcat
- ut-pā́ta m. flying up, jumping up
- • a spring, jump MBh. Car
- • rising, arising Hit
- • a sudden event, unexpected appearance
- • an unusual or startling event boding calamity
- • a portent, prodigy, phenomenon
- • any public calamity (as an earthquake, meteor &c.) AV. xix, 9, 7 MBh. GopBr. Gaut. Ragh. Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- • a disease of the external ear (erroneously for ut-pāṭa above BRD.)
- ut-pātaka mfn. causing misfortune or calamity T
- • flying upwards T
- • m. a kind of animal (= ut-pāda W.?) MBh. xviii, 44
- • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ut-pātika mfn. (Prākṛit uppāiya) supernatural Jain
- ut-pitsu mfn. (fr. Desid.), desirous of rising or ascending Śiś
- • being about to come forth or to arise
- ut-patāka mfn. with raised flags
- • with uplifted banners Ragh. Rājat
- • (ā), f. a raised banner or flag Kathās
- ut-patākā-dhvaja mfn. with raised banner and flags Kathās
- ut-patha m. wrong road, bad way Kāś
- • error, evil R. MBh. Pañcat. Prab
- • (mfn.) one who is come off from the right way, lost, stray BhP
- ○vārika mfn. keeping back or preserving from the bad way NṛisUp
- ut-pad (ud-√pad), Ā. -padyate, to arise, rise, originate, be born or produced
- • to come forth, become visible, appear
- • to be ready ŚBr. MBh. R. Mn. Yājñ. Kathās. BhP. Prab. &c
- • to take place, begin Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-3, 111: Caus. P. -pādayati (rarely Ā. -te), to produce, beget, generate
- • to cause, effect
- • to cause to issue or come forth, bring forward Hariv. MBh. Yājñ. Mn. Kathās. Hit. &c
- • to mention, quote ( ut-panna).
- ut-pattavya mfn. (impers.) to be produced or born Kād
- ut-patti f. arising, birth, production, origin Suśr. MBh. Yājñ. &c
- • resurrection Mn
- • production in general, profit, productiveness, Rājat
- • producing as an effect or result, giving rise to, generating as a consequence
- • occurrence, the being mentioned or quoted (as a Vedic passage) Jaim
- ○kāla m. time of birth or origin
- • ○lâvacchinnatva n. exact limitation of the time of origin (e.g. of a jar) Nyāyak
- ○kālīna mfn. taking place at the time of birth
- ○ketana n. birth-place Kathās
- ○krama m. the successive stages of creation (e.g. in TUp., 'from Brahman arose ether, from ether wind, from wind fire, from fire water, from water earth, from earth plants, from plants food, from food seed, from seed man')
- ○dhāman n. birth-place Kathās
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○prayoga m. production by the joint operation of cause and effect
- • purport, meaning W
- ○mat mfn. produced, born Ragh. viii, 82
- ○vākya n. a sentence quoted from the Veda, an authoritative sentence Nyāyam. Comm. on Nyāyam. and Jaim
- ○vidhi m. id
- ○vyañjaka m. a type of birth (as investiture, a mark of the twice-born) Mn
- ○śiṣṭa mfn. taught by a passage occurring in the Veda, taught authoritatively Comm. on MBh
- ut-panna mfn. risen, gone up
- • arisen, born, produced R. Mn. Kathās. &c
- • come forth, appeared
- • ready Yājñ
- • mentioned, quoted (esp. fr. the Veda) Jaim
- ○tantu mfn. having a line of descendants
- ○tva n. origin, production
- ○bala mfn. one in whom strength or power is produced, strong, powerful L
- ○buddhi mfn. one in whom wisdom is produced, wise VP
- ○bhakṣin mfn. 'eating what has just been produced', living from hand to mouth
- ○vināśin and mfn. perishing as soon as produced
- utpannâpavargin mfn. perishing as soon as produced
- ut-pāda (for 2. s.v.), as m. coming forth, birth, production Yājñ. Prab. &c
- ○pūrva n. N. of the first of the fourteen Pūrvas (or older sacred writings of the Jainas)
- utpādaka (for 2. p. 181, col. 1), mfn. bringing forth, producing
- • productive, effective Mn. Hit. Kathās
- • m. a producer, generator Mn
- • (ikā), f. a species of insect (perhaps the white ant?) L
- • Enhydra Hingtsha Hariv
- • Basilla Rubra L
- • (am), n. origin, cause L
- ut-pādana mfn. bringing forth, producing, productive MBh. Kathās
- • (am), n. the act of producing or causing, generating, begetting ChUp. MBh. Suśr. Hit. &c
- ut-pādayitavya mfn. to be produced Comm. on Jaim
- ut-pādayitṛ tā m. a producer, generator Pat
- ut-pādita mfn. produced, effected
- • generated, begotten
- utpādin mfn. produced, born Hit
- • (ifc.) bringing forth, producing Yājñ
- ut-pādya mfn. to be produced or brought forth Nyāyam
- • produced, brought forth, invented (by a poet) BhP. Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- utpādyôtpādaka-tā f. the relation between that which is to be produced and that which produces, Pratāpar
- ut-pādya ind. p. having produced, having begotten &c
- ut-pādyamāna mfn. being produced or generated
- ut-pala n. (and m. L.), (√pal 'to move' T
- • fr. pal = √paṭ, 'to burst open' BRD.), the blossom of the blue lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) MBh. R. Suśr. Ragh. Megh. &c
- • a seed of the Nymphaea Suśr
- • the plant Costus Speciosus Bhpr. VarBṛS
- • any water-lily
- • any flower L
- • a particular hell (Buddh.)
- • m. N. of a Nāga
- • of an astronomer
- • of a lexicographer
- • of several other men
- • (ā), f. N. of a river Hariv. 9511 (ī), f. a kind of cake made of unwinnowed corn L
- ○gandhika n. a species of sandal (of the colour of brass and very fragrant) L
- ○gopā f. Ichnocarpus Frutescens Nigh
- ○cakṣus mfn. 'lotus-eyed', fine-eyed
- ○pattra n. the leaf of a Nymphaea L
- • a wound on the breast &c. of a woman (caused by the finger-nail of her lover) L
- • a Tilaka (or mark on the forehead, made with sandal &c. by the Hindūs) L
- • a broad-bladed knife or lancet L
- ○pattraka m. a broad-bladed knife or lancet used by surgeons Suśr
- ○pura n. N. of a town built by Utpala Rājat.
- ○bhedyaka m. a kind of bandage Suśr
- ○mālā f. a wreath of lotus-flowers
- • N. of a dictionary compiled by Utpala
- • -bharin (utpala-māla○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 65), wearing a wreath of lotus-flowers Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 65
- ○rāja m. N. of a poet
- ○vana n. a group of lotuses Kathās
- ○varṇā f. N. of a woman
- ○śāka n. N. of a plant Rājat
○śrīgarbha m. N. of a Bodhisattva
- ○ṣaṭka n. N. of a medicament Comm. on Suśr
- ○sārivā f. the plant Ichnocarpus Frutescens Suśr
- utpalâkṣa mf(ī)n. 'lotus-eyed'
- • m. N. of a king Rājat
- • (ī), f. N. of a goddess MatsyaP
- utpalâcārya m. N. of an author
- utpalâpīḍa m. N. of a king Rājat
- utpalâbha mfn. lotus-like, resembling a lotus
- utpalā-vatī f. N. of a river MBh
- • of an Apsaras
- utpalā-vana n. N. of an abode of the Pañcālas MBh
- utpalâvartaka m. (?), N. of a place MatsyaP
- utpalaka m. N. of a Nāga L
- • of a man Rājat
- utpalin mfn. abounding in lotus-flowers R
- • (inī), f. an assemblage of lotus-flowers
- • a lotus (Nymphaea) MBh
- • a particular metre
- • N. of a river MBh
- • of a dictionary
- ut-pala (fr. pala, 'flesh', with 1. ud in the sense of 'apart'), fleshless, emaciated L
- • (am), n. N. of a hell L
- ut-pávana &c. ut-pū, col. 2
- ut-paś (ud-√paś), P. -paśyati (p. -páśyat. Pass. ud-dṛśyate) to see or descry overhead RV. i, 50, 10 AitBr. ii, 31
- • to descry before or in the future
- • to foresee, expect Ragh. Megh. Bhaṭṭ
- • to behold, perceive, descry Megh. Śiś
- ut-paśya mfn. looking up or upwards L
- ut-pā (ud-√pā), P. (3. pl. -pibanti) to drink out, sip out
- • to drink up, devour ŚBr. v, 2, 4, 7 and 11
- ut-piba mfn. drinking out Vop
- ut-pā (ud-√5. pā), Ā. -pípīte (p. -pípāna) to rise against, rebel
- • to show enmity AV. v, 20, 7 ; xiii, 1, 31 TS. iii, 2, 10, 2 (cf. anū7t- √5. pā.)
- ut-pāda (for 1. p. 180, col. 3), mfn. having the legs stretched out, standing on the legs
- ○śayāna m. 'sleeping while standing on the legs', a species of fowl L
- utpādaka (for 1. p. 180, col. 3), as m. the fabulous animal called Śarabha L. (cf. ūrdhvapāda.)
- ut-pāra mfn. endless, boundless
- ○pāram ind. to the bottom of the boundless (ocean) BhP. iii, 13, 30
- ut-pā́raṇa ut-pṛ, col. 2
- ut-pālī f. (fr. the Caus. of √2. pā T.?), health L
- ut-pāva ut-pū, col. 2
- ut-piñja m. (?) sedition, revolt Rājat
- ut-piñjara mfn. uncaged, set free L
- • out of order, extremely confused
- • let loose, unfolded, expanded
- utpiñjarī-bhūta mfn. let loose, unfolded Comm. on Śiś. iv, 6
- ut-piñjala mfn. let loose, unfolded, unrolled Śiś. iv, 6
- ut-piñjalaka mfn. disordered, tumultuous (as a battle) MBh. Hariv
- ut-piṇḍa n. (?) any morsel eaten with the food L
- ut-piṇḍita mfn. swollen up, swelled Car
- ut-pitsu p. 180, col. 2
- ut-piba 1. ut-pā above
- ut-piṣ (ud-√piṣ)
- ut-piṣṭa mfn. crushed, bruised MBh. Ratnāv
- • (am), n. (in surgery) a kind of dislocation Suśr
- ut-pīḍ (ud-√pīd), P. -pīḍayati, to press upwards or against, squeeze Kum
- • to press out of Suśr
- ut-pīḍa m. pressing against, squeezing, pressure Prab. Kād
- • bursting out (as a stream or tears) R. Hariv. Megh. Uttarar. Kād
- • a wound MBh. iii, 825.
- ut-pīḍana n. the act of pressing against or out VarBṛS. Ṛitus
- • rooting out Car
- ut-pīḍita mfn. pressed upwards or against, squeezed Ragh
- ut-pīḍya ind. p. having pressed against, having squeezed MBh
- ut-pīna ut-pyai below
- utpuṃsaya Nom. (etym. doubtful
- • erroneously for utpāṃsaya NBD. ?) P. utpuṃsayati, to slip away Kathās. lxxii, 323
- ut-puccha (ud-pu○), mfn. above the tail (?)
- • one who has raised the tail (as a bird) Pāṇ. 6-2, 196
- utpucchaya Nom. P. Ā. utpucchayati, -te, to raise or cock the tail Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 196
- ut-puñjaya Nom. (fr. puñja) P. ut-puñjayati, to lay up, heap Comm. on KātyŚr. Kād
- ut-puṭa mfn. one whose fold is open ṭ. ? g. saṃkalâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 75, and utsaṅgâdi not in the Kāś. Pāṇ. 4-4, 15
- ut-puṭaka m. a disease of the external ear Suśr
- ut-pulaka mfn. having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) BhP. Rājat
- • (am), n. erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture) BhP
- ut-pū (ud-√pū), P. Ā. -punāti, -punīte, to cleanse, purify AV. xii, 1, 30 VS. i, 12 TBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Gobh. &c
- • to extract (anything that has been) purified TBr. iii, 7, 12, 6
- ut-pávana n. cleaning, cleansing Kauś. Comm. on Nyāyam
- • straining liquids for domestic or religious uses
- • any implement for cleaning ŚBr. i, 3, 1, 22
- • the act of sprinkling clarified butter or other fluids on the sacrificial fire (with two blades of Kuśa grass, the ends of which are held in either hand and the centre dipped into the liquid) L
- ut-pavitṛ́ mfn. purifying
- • a purifier ŚBr. i, 1, 3, 6
- ut-pāva m. purifying ghee &c. Pāṇ. 3-3, 49
- ut-pūta mfn. cleaned, cleansed ĀśvŚr. AitBr. &c
- ut-pṛ (ud- √1. pṛ), Caus. -pārayati (aor. 1. sg. -apīparam AV.) to transport over, conduct out of (the ocean) RV. i, 182, 6
- • to save AV. viii, 1, 17 ; 18 ; 19, and viii, 2, 9
- ut-pā́raṇa n. transporting over AV. v, 30, 12
- ut-pṝ (ud-√pṝ), Caus. (pf. Pot. 2. sg. út-pupūryās RV. v, 6, 9) to fill up
- ut-poṣadha m. N. of an ancient king (Buddh.)
- ut-pyai (ud-√pyai)
- ut-pīna mfn. swollen Kathās. lxiii, 185
- ut-prabha mfn. flashing forth or diffusing light, shining L
- • m. a bright fire L
- ut-pravāla mfn. having sprouting branches or trees (as a forest) Kāvyâd
- ut-praveṣṭṛ (√viś), mfn. one who enters or penetrates
- ○tva n. the state or condition of penetrating NṛisUp
- ut-prasava (√4. su), m. abortion W
- ut-prâsa (√2. as), m. hurling, throwing afar L
- • violent burst of laughter
- • derision, jocular expression Sāh
- ut-prâsana n. derision, jocular expression Sāh
- ut-pru (ud-√pru connected with√plu), Ā. (aor. 2. sg. -proṣṭhās ĀśvŚr. iii) to spring, leap
- ut-prúṣ ṭ f. (√pruṣ), that which bubbles up, a bubble VS. p. 58, 1. 18 Kauś. 6
- ut-prêkṣ (ud-pra-√īkṣ), Ā. -prêkṣate, to look up to (with attention, as a pupil to his teacher who occupies an elevated seat) R
- • to observe, regard
- • to look out or at Kād
- • to expect Bālar
- • to reflect on the past Amar
- • to use (a word) figuratively
- • to transfer (with loc.) Sāh. Kāvyâd
- • to take anything for another, compare one thing with another, illustrate by a simile
- • to fancy, imagine Kād. Veṇis
- • to ascribe, impute.
- ut-prêkṣaka mfn. observing, considering BhP
- ut-prêkṣaṇa n. looking into
- • observing L
- • foreseeing, anticipating L
- • comparing, illustrating by a simile Sāh
- ut-prêkṣaṇīya mfn. to he expressed by a simile Sāh
- ut-prêkṣā f. the act of overlooking or disregarding
- • carelessness, indifference Veṇis
- • observing L
- • (in rhetoric) comparison in general, simile, illustration, metaphor
- • a parable
- • an ironical comparison Sāh. Vām. Kpr
- utprêkṣâvayava m. a kind of simile Vām
- utprêkṣā-vallabha m. N. of a poet
- ut-prêkṣita mfn. compared (as in a simile)
- utprêkṣitôpamā f. a kind of Upamā or simile, Kāvyâd
- ut-prêkṣya mfn. to expressed by a simile Sāh
- ut-prêkṣya ind. p. having looked up &c
- ut-plu (ud-√plu), Ā. -plavate (rarely P. -ti), to swim upwards, emerge Suśr. ṢaḍvBr. Kād
- • to draw near, approach (as clouds) Kāṭh
- • to spring up, jump up or upwards, jump out, leap up Mn. Hariv. Hit. Pañcat. &c
- • to jump over
- • to bound Comm. on Mn
- • to spring upon
- • to rise, arise R. Kathās
- ut-plava m. a jump, leap, bound L
- • (ā), f. a boat L
- ut-plavana n. jumping or leaping up, springing upon BhP
- • skimming off (impure, oil or ghee, or any dirt floating on a fluid by passing two blades of Kuśa grass over it Kull.) Mn. v, 115
- ut-pluta mfn. jumped up or upon or over, sprung upon suddenly
- ut-plutya ind. p. having sprung up or jumped upon &c
- ut-phaṇa mfn. having an expanded hood (as a snake)
- ut-phal (ud-√phal), P. -phalati, to spring open, burst, expand
- • to jump out Bālar.: Caus. -phālayati, to open, open wide (the eyes) MBh
- ut-phāla m. a spring, jump, leap
- • gallop Kathās
- ut-phulla mfn. (Kāty. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 55) blown (as a flower) Kir. Kathās. Siś
- • wide open (as the eyes) R. Pañcat. Hit. &c
- • swollen, increased in bulk, bloated, puffed up Kathās. Bālar. Śārṅg
- • sleeping supinely L
- • looking at with insolence, insolent, impudent Pat
- • (am), n. a kind of coitus L
- ut-phala prôt-phala
- ut-phuliṅga (for ut-sphuliṅga), mfn. emitting sparks, sparkling
- útsa m. (√ud Uṇ. iii. 68), a spring, fountain (metaphorically applied to the clouds) RV. AV. VS. TBr. Suśr. Daś
- ○dhí m. the receptacle of a spring, a well RV. i, 88, 4
- utsâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-1, 86
- utsyá mfn. coming from a well or fountain (as water) AV. xix, 2, 1
- út-saktha mf(ī)n. lifting up the thighs (as a female at coition) VS. xxiii, 21
- ut-saṅga (√sanj), m. the haunch or part above the hip, lap MBh. R. Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- • any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a house &c.) Ragh. Megh. Bhartṛ. &c
- • the bottom or deep part of an ulcer Suśr
- • embrace, association, union L
- • a particular position of the hands PSarv. Hastar
- • (am), n. a high number (= 100 Vivāhas) Lalit
- ○vat mfn. having depth, deep-seated Suśr
- utsaṅgâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-4, 15
- utsaṅgaka m. a particular position of the hands, Nastar
- utsaṅgita mfn. associated, combined, joined, made coherent Śiś. iii, 79
- utsaṅgin mfn. having depth, deep-seated (as an ulcer) Suśr. R. Car
- • associating or combining with, coherent Mall. on Śiś. iii, 79
- • an associate, partner L
- • (ī), m. an ulcer, deep sore L
- • (inī), f. pimples on the inner edge of the eyelid Suśr
- ut-sañjana n. raising up, lifting up Pāṇ. 1-3, 36.
- ut-sad (ud-√sad), P. Ā. -sīdati, -te (Ved. 3. pl. út-sadan) to sit upwards
- • to raise one's self or rise up to (acc.), ṅmn. RV. viii, 63, 2
- • to withdraw, leave off, disappear
- • to sink, settle down, fall into ruin or decay, be abolished TS. ŚBr. MBh. Bhag. BhP. &c.: Caus. -sādayati, to put away, remove ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. AitBr. &c
- • to abolish, destroy, annihilate MBh. Hariv. R. Mn. Kathās. &c
- • to anoint, rub, chafe Yājñ. MBh
- ut-satti f. vanishing, fading, absence Pat
- ut-sanna mfn. raised, elevated (opposed to ava-sanna) Suśr
- • vanished, abolished, decayed, destroyed
- • in ruins
- • disused, fallen into disuse ŚBr. TBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Hariv. BhP. &c
- ○yajña m. an interrupted or suspended sacrifice ŚBr
- ut-sādá m. ceasing, vanishing
- • ruin MBh. i, 4364
- • one who disturbs or destroys VS. xxx, 20
- • a particular part of a sacrificial animal VS
- ut-sādaka mfn. destroying, overturning, g. yājakâdi Pāṇ. 2-2, 9 (in the Kāś.)
- ut-sādana n. putting away or aside
- • suspending, interrupting, omitting ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr
- • destroying, overturning MBh. R. Bhag
- • rubbing, chafing, anointing Mn. Suśr. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- • causing a sore to fill up, healing it Suśr
- • a means of healing a sore Car
- • going up, ascending, rising L
- • raising, elevating L
- • ploughing a field twice or thoroughly L
- utsādanīya mfn. to be destroyed &c. L
- • (am), n. any application, applied to a sore producing granulations Suśr
- ut-sādayitavya mfn. to be destroyed &c
- ut-sādita mfn. destroyed, overturned MBh. &c
- • rubbed, anointed Yājñ
- • raised, elevated L
- utsādin mfn. agny-utsādín
- ut-sādya mfn. = ut-sādayitavya above
- ut-sara &c. ut-sṛ, col. 2
- ut-sargá &c. col. 3
- ut-sarj (ud-√sarj), P. -sarjati, to rattle, creak TS. ŚBr
- ut-sarjana col. 3
- ut-sarpa &c. ut-sṛp, col. 3
- ut-savá &c. ut-sū, col. 2
- ut-sah (ud-√sah), Ā. -sahate (inf. -sáham TBr. i, 1, 6, 1) to endure, bear TBr. AitBr. iii, 44, 5 ŚBr. i, 3, 3, 13
- • to be able, be adequate, have power (with inf. or dat. of abstr. noun)
- • to act with courage or energy MBh. R. Śak. Pañcat. &c.: Caus. -sāhayati, to animate, encourage, excite MBh. Kathās.: Desid. of the Caus. (p. -sisāhayiṣat) to wish to excite or encourage Bhaṭṭ. ix, 69
- ut-saha dur-utsaha
- ut-sāha m. power, strength
- • strength of will, resolution
- • effort, perseverance, strenuous and continuous exertion, energy
- • fimness, fortitude R. Mn. Suśr. Śak. Hit. &c
- • joy, happiness Vet
- • a thread L
- ○yoga m. bestowing energy, exercising one's strength Mn. ix, 298
- ○vat (gana balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136), mfn. active, energetic, persevering Pañcat
- ○vardhana mfn. increasing energy L
- • m. (scil. rasa) the sentiment of heroism L
- • (am), n. increase of energy, heroism L
- ○śakti f. strength of will, energy Pañcat
- ○śaurya-dhana-sāhasa-vat mfn. having boldness and wealth and heroism and energy VarBṛ. xiii, 7
- ○saṃpanna mfn. endowed with energy
- utsāhaka mfn. active, persevering, g. yājakâdi, ii, 2, 9
- • (the Kāś. reads utsādaka.)
- ut-sāhana n. causing energy or strength T
- utsāhin mfn. powerful, mighty Pañcat
- • firm, steady
- • active, energetic Sāh
- ut-si (ud-√si), P. -sinā́ti, to fetter, chain RV. i, 125, 2
- út-sita mfn. fettered, entangled AV. vi, 112, 2
- • 3
- ut-sic (ud-√sic), P. Ā. -siñcati, -te, to pour upon, make full
- • to cause to flow over RV. vii, 16, 11 ; x, 105, 10 VS. xx, 28 ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- • to make proud or arrogant ( the Pass.): Pass. -sicyate, to become full, flow over, foam over BhP.
- • to be puffed up, become haughty or proud Ragh. xvii, 43
- ut-sikta mfn. overflowing, foaming over
- • puffed up, superabundant Car. BhP. Rājat
- • drawn too tight (as a bow) Hariv. 1876
- • elevated, raised
- • haughty, proud
- • wanton
- • rude
- • crack-brained, disordered, disturbed in mind MBh. BhP. Mn. Kathās. &c
- ut-seka m. foaming upwards, spouting out or over, showering
- • overflow
- • increase, enlargement, superabundance MBh. R. Suśr. Megh
- • haughtiness, pride MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
- utsekin mfn. an-utsekin
- ut-sekya mfn. to be filled up or made full Viddh
- ut-secana n. the act of foaming or spouting upwards, boiling or foaming over L
- ut-sidh (ud- √2. sidh), P. -sedhati, to drive off or aside TāṇḍyaBr
- • to drive or push upwards
- ut-sedhá m. height, elevation, altitude ŚBr. Car
- • thickness, bigness MBh. Suśr. Kum. Śiś. &c
- • excelling
- • sublimity R
- • the body R. vii, 116, 19 Comm. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 21
- • (am), n. killing, slaughter L
- • N. of several Sāmans
- ○vistāratas ind. by altitude and latitude Car
- ut-siv (ud-√siv)
- ut-syūtá mfn. sewed up
- • sewed to TS. Lāṭy. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
- utsuka mfn. (fr. su, 'well', with 1. ud in the sense of 'apart', and affix ka), restless, uneasy, unquiet, anxious R. MBh. &c
- • anxiously desirous, zealously active, striving or making exertions for any object (cf. jayôtsuka) R. Pañcat. Śak. Megh. &c
- • eager for, fond of, attached to
- • regretting, repining, missing, sorrowing for Ragh. Vikr. Śak. &c
- • (am), n. sorrow
- • longing for, desire ( nirutsuka)
- ○tā f. and restlessness, uneasiness, unquietness Pañcat
- ○tva n. restlessness, uneasiness, unquietness Pañcat
- • zeal, desire, longing for, Śiś Vikr
- • attachment, affection
- • sorrow, regret L
- utsukāya Nom. Ā. utsukāyate, to become unquiet
- • to long for &c., (g. bhṛśâdi Pāṇ. 3-1, 12) Bhaṭṭ
- ut-sū (ud- √2. sū), P. -suvati, to cause to go upwards Kāṭh. xix, 5
- • (-sunoti), to stir up, agitate BhP. iii, 20, 35
- ut-savá m. enterprise, beginning RV. i, 100, 8 ; 102, 1
- • a festival, jubilee
- • joy, gladness, merriment MBh. Ragh. Kathās. Amar. &c
- • opening, blossoming BhP
- • height, elevation
- • insolence L
- • passion, wrath L
- • wish, rising of a wish L
- ○pratāna m. N. of wk
○vidhi m. id
- ○saṃketa ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP. Ragh
- ut-sūtra mfn. (fr. sūtra with 1. ud in the sense of 'apart'), unstrung
- • out of rule, deviating from or disregarding rules (of policy and grammar) Śiś. ii, 112
- • anything not contained in a rule Pat
- • loose, detached L
- ut-sūra m. (scil. kāla) the time when the sun sets, the evening L
- ut-sūrya ôtsūryám
- ut-sṛ (ud-√sṛ), P. -sarati, to hasten away, escape AV. iii, 9, 5 MBh.: Caus. -sārayati, to expel, turn out, drive away, put or throw away, leave off MBh. Hariv. Kathās. BhP
- • to send away Rājat
- • to cause to come out MBh
- • to challenge MBh
- ut-sara m. a species of the Ati-śakvarī metre (consisting of four verses of fifteen syllables each)
- • N. of the month Vaiśākha L
- ut-saraṇa n. going or creeping upwards L
- ut-saryā f. a cow when grown up and fit to take the bull L
- ut-sāraka m. one who drives away (the crowd from a person of rank), a door-keeper, porter L
- ut-sāraṇ n. the act of causing to move, driving away (the crowd) R
- • (ā), f. id. Mudr
- ut-sāraṇīya and mfn. to be driven away or removed MBh
- ut-sārya mfn. to be driven away or removed MBh
- ut-sārita mfn. caused to move, driven away &c
- ut-sṛta mfn. high Hariv. 3926 (v. l. uc-chrita)
- ut-sṛj (ud-√sṛj), P. Ā. -sṛjati, -te, to let loose, let off or go
- • to set free
- • to open RV. AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. and Śr. KātyŚr. MBh. Śak. &c
- • to pour out, emit, send forth ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- • to sling, throw, cast forth or away
- • to lay aside MBh. R. Mṛicch. &c
- • to quit, leave, abandon, avoid, eschew Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • to discontinue, suspend, cease, leave off TS. TBr. TāṇdyaBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • to send away, dismiss, discharge AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh
- • to drive out or away ŚBr
- • to hand out, deliver, grant, give AV. xii, 3, 46 BhP. R. Mālatīm
- • to bring forth, produce, create AV. vi, 36, 2 R.: Desid. -sisṛkṣati, to intend to let loose PārGṛ
- • to intend to leave BhP
- ut-sargá m. pouring out, pouring forth, emission, dejection, excretion, voiding by stool &c. R. Mn. Megh. Suśr. &c
- • Excretion (personified as a son of Mitra and Revatī) BhP. vi, 18, 5
- • laying aside, throwing or casting away Gaut. Kum
- • loosening, setting free, delivering (N. of the verses VS. xiii, 47-51) ŚBr. KātyŚr. PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- • abandoning, resigning, quitting, retiring from, leaving off
- • suspending
- • end, close KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. and Gṛ. MBh. Mn. &c
- • handing over, delivering
- • granting, gift, donation MBh
- • oblation, libation
- • presentation (of anything promised to a god or Brāhman with suitable ceremonies)
- • a particular ceremony on suspending repetition of the Veda Mn. iv, 97 ; 119 Yājñ. &c
- • causation, causing Jaim. iii, 7, 19
- • (in Gr.) any general rule or precept (opposed to apa-vāda, q.v.) Kum. Kāś. Siddh. &c
- ○tas ind. generally (i.e. without any special limitation)
- ○nirṇaya m
- ○paddhati f
- ○mayūkha m. N. of wks
- ○samiti f. carefulness in the act of excretion (so that no living creature be hurt Jain.) Sarvad
- utsargin mfn. leaving out or off KātyŚr
- • omitting, abandoning, quitting
- ut-sarjana mfn. expelling (the feces, said of one of the muscles of the anus) Bhpr
- • (am), n. letting loose, abandoning, leaving KātyŚr
- • suspending (a Vedic lecture) Lāṭy. ĀśvGṛ. Kauś
- • (with chandasām) a ceremony connected with it Mn. iv, 96
- • gift, donation, oblation L
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ut-sárjam ind. p. letting loose, setting free ŚBr. v, 2, 3, 7
- ut-sisṛkṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.), being about or intending to leave off or give up BhP
- ut-sṛjya ind. p. having let loose, having abandoned &c
- ut-sṛṣṭa mfn. let loose, set free
- • poured forth, cast into
- • left, abandoned
- • given, presented &c
- ○paśu m. a bull set at liberty (on particular occasions, as on a marriage &c., and allowed to go about at will)
- ○vat mfn. one who has let fall, who has shed (a tear &c.)
utsṛṣṭâgni mfn. one who has given up fire-worship Gaut. xv, 16
- út-sṛṣṭi f. abandonment, letting go, emission TS
- ○kârika m. a drama in a single act Sāh. 519
- ut-sraṣṭavya mfn. to be excreted Tattvas
- • to be dismissed Kād
- utsraṣṭu-kāma mfn. wishing to let go or put down
- ut-sṛp (ud-√sṛp), P. -sarpati, to creep out or upwards
- • to rise up, glide or soar upwards AV. vi, 134, 2 ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. Ragh. &c
- • to glide along, move on slowly TBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. Gobh. &c.: Desid. -sisṛpsati (p. -sísṛpsat) to wish to get up RV. viii, 14, 14 BhP
- ut-sarpa m. going or gliding upwards L
- • swelling, heaving L
- • (am), n. N. of a Sāman
- ut-sarpaṇa n. gliding upwards, rising, sun-rise Nir
- • going out Comm. on ĀśvŚr
- • stepping out or forwards BhP
- • swelling, heaving L
- utsarpin mfn. moving or gliding upwards, jumping up Ragh. xvi, 62
- • coming forth, appearing Kād
- • soaring upwards, mounting upwards Śak. 283, 8
- • causing to increase or rise VP
- • (iṇī), f. 'the ascending cycle' (divided into six stages beginning with bad-bad time and rising upwards in the reverse order to ava-sarpiṇi. q.v.) Āryabh. Jain
- ut-seka col. 2
- ut-sedhá ut-sidh
- ut-stana mf(ī)n. having prominent breasts VarBṛS.
- ut-sthala n. N. of an island Kathās
- ut-snā (ud-√snā), P. -snāti and -snāyati, to step out from the water, emerge, come out ŚBr. TBr
- ut-snāta mfn. one who has emerged from the water Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 61 Nir
- ut-snāna n. stepping out or emerging from the water
- ut-snā́ya ind. p. having emerged, stepping out from the water RV. ii, 15, 5
- ut-snehana n. (√snih), sliding, slipping away
- • deviating
- ut-spṛś (ud-√spṛś), P. (impf. 3. pl. -aspṛśan) to reach upwards AV. v, 19, 1
- ut-smi (ud-√smi), P. -smayati, to begin smiling, smile at
- • to deride MBh. BhP
- ut-smaya m. a smile L
- • (mfn.) open, blooming (as a flower) BhP
- • wide open ib
- ut-smayitvā (irr.) ind. p. having smiled at, deriding R. i, 1, 65
- ut-smita n. a smile BhP
- utsyá útsa
- ut-srotas mfn. having the flow of life or current of nutriment upward (opposed to arvāk-srotas, q.v
• cf. also ūrdhva-srotas) BhP
- ut-svana m. a loud sound BhP
- ut-svapna mfn. 'out of sleep', talking in one's sleep, starting out of sleep T
- utsvapnāya Nom. Ā. utsvapnāyate, to talk in one's sleep, start out of sleep Mālav. Mṛicch
- utsvapnāyita n. the act of starting out of sleep, dreaming uneasily Sāh. 219
- ud a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, station, or power) up, upwards
- • upon, on
- • over, above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According to native authorities ud may also imply publicity, pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding, loosing, existence, acquisition.) ud is not used as a separable adverb or preposition
- • in those rare cases, in which it appears in the Veda uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be supplied from the context (e.g. úd útsam śatádhāram AV. iii, 24, 4, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams). ud is sometimes repeated in the Veda to fill out the verse Pāṇ. 8-1, 6 (kiṃ na ud ud u harṣase dātavā u Kāś. on Pāṇ.)
- ud or und, cl. 7. P. unátti (RV. v, 85, 4): cl. 6. P. undati (p. undát RV. ii, 3, 2: Impv. 3. pl. undantu AV. vi, 68, 1 ; 2), Ā. undáte (AV. v, 19, 4
- • undāṃ cakāra, undiṣyati &c. Dhātup. xxix, 20) to flow or issue out, spring (as water)
- • to wet, bathe RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. PārGṛ. &c.: Caus. (aor. aundidat Vop. xviii, 1): Desid. undidiṣati Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 3
- • waś-ar ; Mod. Eng. wat-er ; Lith. wand-ū4.]
- utta mfn. moistened, wet L. (cf. unna, col. 3.)
- uda n. (only at the beginning or end of a compound) water
- ○kamaṇḍalú m. a water-jar ŚBr
- ○kīrṇa or m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes) Bhpr
- ○kīrya m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes) Bhpr
- ○kīryā f. a species of the Karañja tree ṇBḍ. Car
- ○kumbhá m. a water-jar, a jar with water ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- ○koṣṭha m. a water-jar Car
- ○grābhá m. holding or surrounding water RV. ix, 97, 15
- ○ghoṣa m. the roaring of water Lāṭy. iii, 5, 14
- ○camasá m. a cup holding water ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○ja (1. udaja
- • for 2. ud-√aj), mfn. produced in or by water, aquatic, watery
- • (am), n. a lotus BhP. x, 14, 33
○jña v. l. for udanya, q.v
- ○tantu m. 'water-thread', a continuous gush
- ○taulika m. a particular measure
- ○dhāna mfn. holding water Kauś
- • (am), n. a reservoir for water Āp. Gobh
- ○dhārā f. a flow or current of water.
- ○dhí mfn. holding water AV. i, 3, 6 VS
- • (is), m. 'water-receptacle', a cloud
- • river, sea
- • the ocean RV. AV. VS. TS. R. Śak. Mn. &c. (in classical Sanskṛit only the ocean)
- • -kumāra, ās m. pl. a class of deities (belonging to the Bhavanâdhīśas Jain.) L
- • -krā m. (√kram), a navigator, mariner Vop
- • -jala-maya mfn. made or formed out of sea-water Kād
- • -mala m. cuttle-fish bone L
- • -mekhalā f. 'ocean-girdled', the earth BhP
- • -rāja m. the ocean-king, ocean-god R
- • -vastrā f. 'ocean-clothed', the earth L
- • -saṃbhava n. 'ocean-born', sea-salt L
- • -sutā f. 'daughter of the ocean', N. of Lakshmī
- • of Dvārakā (Kṛishṇa's capital) W
- • -sutā-nāyaka m. 'husband of the ocean's daughter', N. of Kṛishṇa Prasannar
- ○nemi mfn. rimmed by the ocean Comm. on Nyāyad
- ○pa mfn. helping out of the water (as a boat) Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 58
- ○pātrá n. a water-jar, a vessel with water TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. BhP
- • (ī), f. id
- ○pāna m. n. a well ChUp. MBh. Mn. Bhag. &c
- • -maṇḍūka m. 'frog in a well', a narrow-minded man who knows only his own neighbourhood Pāṇ
- ○pīti f. a place for drinking water Kād
- ○purá n. a reservoir for water TS. iv, 4, 5, 1
- ○pū́ mfn. cleansing one's self with water, purified by water AV. xviii, 3, 37
- ○peṣam (ind. p. of √piṣ), ind. by grinding in water Pāṇ. 6-3, 58 PārGṛ
- ○prút mfn. causing water to flow ṣāy., swimming or splashing in water Bṛḍ. RV. AV
- ○plava m. water-flood BhP
- ○plutá mfn. swimming in water AV. x, 4, 3 and 4
- ○bindu m. a drop of water Kum
- ○bhāra m. 'water-carrier', a cloud Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○mantha m. a particular mixture Suśr. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○maya mfn. consisting of water BhP
- • m. N. of a man AitBr
- ○māna m. a particular measure (the 50th part of an Āḍhaka) T
- ○meghá m. a watery cloud
- • a shower of rain RV. i, 116, 3
- • N. of a man Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 57
- ○mehin mfn. having watery urine or diabetes Car
- ○lāvaṇika mfn. prepared with brine L
- ○vajra m. a thunder-like crash of water, a water-spout Śiś. viii, 39 Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○vāsa m. residence in water Pāṇ. 6-3, 58 MBh. Kum
- • (am), n. a house on the margin of a stream or pond, a marine grotto &c. W
- ○"ṣvāsin mfn. living in water Kād
- ○vāhá m. bringing water RV. i, 38, 9 ; v, 58, 3 (said of the Maruts) AV. xviii, 2, 22
- ○vāhana mfn. bringing water Pāṇ. 6-3, 58
- • (am), n. a cloud W
- ○vindu -bindu
- ○vīvadha m. a yoke used in carrying water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○vraja (udá○), m. N. of a place ṣāy. RV. vi, 47, 21
- ○śarāva m. a jar filled with water ChUp
- ○śuddha m. N. of a man
- ○śocā f. N. of a witch Vīrac
- ○śvít n. a mixture (consisting of equal parts of water and buttermilk) MaitrS. ii, 1, 6 Suśr
- • -vat mfn. having the above mixture Kāś
- ○saktu m. barley-water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○stoká m. a drop of water ŚBr
- ○sthāna n. N. of a place
- ○sthālī́ f. a caldron, a kettle with water ŚBr
- ○háraṇa n. a vessel for drawing water ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○hārá mf(ī)n. fetching or carrying water AV. x, 8, 14 VS. Kauś
- • intending to bring water Daś
- • m. 'water-carrier', a cloud W
- udâśaya m. n. a lake, tank
- udâudana m. rice boiled with water ŚBr. Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- udaká n. water RV. AV. KātyŚr. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • the ceremony of offering water to a dead person Gaut
- • (udakaṃ √dā or pra-√dā or √1. kṛ, to offer water to the dead with gen. or dat. Yājñ. Mn. R. &c
- • cf. upa- √spṛś)
- • ablution (as a ceremony, udakârtha)
- • a particular metre RPrāt
- ○karman n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree) PārGṛ
- ○kārya n. id. R
- • ablution of the body MBh
- ○kumbha m. a water-jar Comm. on Uṇ
- ○kriyā f. = -karman above Gaut. xiv, 40 Mn. Yājñ. &c
- ○krīḍana n. sporting about in water MBh
- ○kṣveḍikā f. sprinkling water (on each other), a kind of amorous play Vātsy
- ○gāha mfn. diving into water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○giri m. a mountain abounding in water Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 57
- ○ghāta m. 'beating the water' (at bathing?), one of the 64 Kalās or arts Vātsy
- ○candra m. (?), a kind of magic (Buddh.) L
- ○tarpaṇa n. 'satisfying by water', a libation of water Gaut. SāmavBr
- ○da mfn. a giver of water, yielding water, offering water to the dead L
- • m. an heir, a kinsman L
- ○dātṛ mfn
- • (tā), m. id. ib
- ○dāna n. gift of water (especially to the manes) Gaut. Prab
- • a particular festival Kathās
- udakadānika mfn. relating to the above rite MBh.
- ○dāyin mfn. = -da Mn
- ○dhara m. 'water-holder', a cloud Comm. on Uṇ
- ○dhārā f. a gush or flow of water
- ○parīkṣā f. 'water-trial', a kind of ordeal Comm. on Yājñ
- ○parvata m. = -giri, col. 2 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 59
- ○pūrva mfn. preceded by pouring out water (into the extended palm of a recipient's right hand as preparatory to or confirmatory of a gift or promise) Āp. ii, 9, 8
- • preceded by ablution ĀśvGṛ
- ○"ṣpūrvakam ind. preceded by the above ceremony
- ○pratīkâśa mfn. water-like, watery fluid W
- ○bindu m. a drop of water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○bhāra m. a water-carrier ib
- ○bhūma v. l. for udag-bhūma, q.v
- ○mañjarī f. N. of wk. on medicine
- • -rasa m. a particular decoction used as a febrifuge Bhpr
- ○mantha m. a mixture of water and meal stirred together Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○maya mfn. consisting of water Kād
- ○meha m. 'watery urine', a sort of diabetes
- ○"ṣmehin mfn. suffering from the above Suśr
- ○vajra m. = uda-vajra, q.v. Pāṇ
- ○vat (udaká○), mfn. supplied or filled with water ŚBr
- ○vādya n. 'water-music' (performed by striking cups filled with water), one of the 64 Kalās or fine arts, Vātsy. (cf. jala-taraṅgiṇī.)
- ○vindu -bindu
- ○vīvadha m. = udavii○, q.v. Pāṇ. 6-3, 60,
- ○śāka n. any aquatic herb W
- ○śānti f. sprinkling consecrated water (over a sick person) to allay fever
- • -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○śīla mfn. practising the Udaka-ceremony MBh
- ○śuddha mfn. cleansed by ablution
- • (as) m. N. of a (man) (?), g. anuśatikâdi Pāṇ. 7-3, 20
- ○saktu m. = uda-sa○, q.v. Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- ○sādhu mfn. helping out of the water Gobh. iii, 2, 28
- ○sparśa mfn. touching different parts of the body with water
- • touching water in confirmation of a promise Kāś
- ○sparśana n. the act of touching water, ablution Āp
- ○hāra m. a water-carrier Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- udakâñjali m. a handful of water VP
- udákâtman mfn. having water for its chief substance AV. viii, 7, 9
- udakâdhāra m. a reservoir, cistern, well
- udakânta m. margin of water, bank, shore ĀśvŚr. PārGṛ. Śak
- • (am), ind. to the water's edge MBh
- udakârṇava m. 'water-reservoir', the ocean R
- udakârtha m. a ceremony with water PārGṛ
- • (am), ind. for the sake of water or of the Udaka ceremony MBh
- udakârthin mfn. desirous of water, thirsty
- udakâhāra mfn. one who carries or fetches water
- udake-cará mfn. moving in or inhabiting water ĀśvŚr. ŚBr
- udake-viśīrṇa mfn. dried in water (i.e. uselessly) Pāṇ. 2-1, 47
- udake-śaya mfn. lying in or inhabiting water R
- udakôdañjana n. a water-jar
- udakôdara n. 'water-belly', dropsy
- udakodarin mfn. dropsical Suśr
- udakôpasparśana n. touching or sipping water
- • ablution Gaut. Āp
- udakôpasparśin mfn. one who touches or sips water Gaut
- udakâudana n. rice boiled with water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60
- udakala mfn. containing water, watery Pāṇ
- udakila mfn. id. ib
- udakīya Nom. P. udakīyati, to wish for water Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 34
- udakya mfn. being in water Kauś. Pāṇ
- • wanting water (for purification)
- • (ā), f. a woman in her courses KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- udakyâgamana n. connection with a woman during her courses Gaut. xxiii, 34
- udadhīya Nom. (fr. uda-dhi) P. udadhīyati, to mistake (anything) for the ocean VarYogay
- udán (for 2. s.v.), n. Ved. (defective in the strong cases Pāṇ. 6-1, 63) a wave, water RV. AV. TS. Kāṭh
- ○vát mfn. wavy, watery, abounding in water RV. v, 83, 7 ; vii, 50, 4 AV. xviii, 2, 48 ; xix, 9, 1
- • (ān), m. the ocean Ragh. Kum. Bhartṛ. &c
- • N. of a Ṛishi Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 13
- udani-mát mfn. abounding in waves or water RV. v, 42, 14
- udanya Nom P. udanyati (p. udanyát) to irrigate RV. x, 99, 8
- • to be exceedingly thirsty Pāṇ. 7-4, 34
- udanyá mfn. watery RV. ii, 7, 3
- • (ā), f. want or desire of water, thirst ChUp. Rājat. Bhaṭṭ
- ○já mfn. born or living in water RV. x, 106, 6
- udanyú mfn. liking or seeking water RV. v, 57, 1
- • pouring out water, irrigating RV. v, 54, 3 ; ix, 86, 27
- undana n. wetting, moistening PārGṛ
- unna mfn. wetted, wet, moistened, moist KātyŚr. &c
- • kind, humane L.
- udak &c. below
- ud-agra mfn. having the top elevated or upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards, projecting
- • high, tall, long R. Kathās. Ragh. &c
- • increased, large, vast, fierce, intense Ragh. Vikr. Śak. &c
- • haughty Prasannar
- • advanced (in age) Suśr
- • excited, enraptured R. Ragh. &c
- • loud R
- ○dat mfn. having projecting teeth, large-toothed
- • (an), m. an elephant with a large tusk
- ○pluta-tva n. lofty bounding Śak. 7d
- ud-aṅgulīka mfn. having the fingers upraised Viddh
- ud-√aj P. Ā. -ajati, -te (impf. -ấjat RV. ii, 12, 3, &c., and úd-âjat RV. ii, 24, 3) to drive out, expel RV. BṛĀrUp
- • to fetch out of RV. i, 95, 7
- ud-aja m. (for 1. under uda) driving out or forth (cattle) Pāṇ. 3-3, 69
- ud-āja m. leading out (soldiers to war), marching out MaitrS. i, 10, 16
- udajalaka m. N. of a wheel-wright Pañcat
- ud-ajina mfn. one who has passed beyond (the use of) a skin (as his covering), g. nirudakâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 181
- ud-√añc P. -acati Ved. and -añcati, to elevate, raise up, lift up, throw up RV. v, 83, 8 VS. ŚBr. &c
- • to ladle out AV. Comm. on Pāṇ
- • to cause, effect Prasannar
- • to rise, arise Bālar. Sāh
- • to resound Rājat.: Pass. -acyate, to be thrown out
- • to come forth, proceed BṛĀrUp. v, 1: Caus. -añcayati, to draw up, raise, elevate Daś. Bālar
- • to send forth, utter, cause to resound ( ud-añcita)
- údak (in comp. for údac below
- • for 2. col. 2)
- ○kūla mfn. directed towards the north (as grass with the tops) Gobh. iv, 5, 16
- ○tás ind. from above, from the north AV. viii, 3, 19
- ○tāt (údak○), ind. from above, from the north RV
- ○patha m. the northern country Rājat
- ○pāda mf(ī)n. having one's feet turned towards the north Kauś
- ○pravaṇa (údak○), mfn. sloping towards the north ŚBr. KātyŚr. ChUp. &c
- ○prasravaṇa mfn. flowing off towards the north Kauś
- • (am), n. an outlet or drain towards the north
- • ○ṇânvita mfn. having an outlet towards the north MBh
- ○saṃstha mfn. ending in the north ĀśvGṛ
- ○samāsa mfn. being united or tied in the north Lāṭy. ii, 6, 4
- ○sena m. N. of a king VP
- ud-akta mfn. raised or lifted up, drawn up Siddh. Vop. &c
- udag (in comp. for údac below)
- ○agra mfn. having the points turned to the north (as grass) KātyŚr. Lāṭy. HirGṛ. &c
- ○adri m. 'the northern mountain', N. of the Himālaya L
- ○apavargam ind. ending to the north Āp
- ○ayaná n. the sun's progress north of the equator
- • the half year from the winter to the summer solstice ŚBr. Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- • (mfn.) being on the path of the sun at its progress north of the equator BhP
- ○āyata mfn. extending towards the north ĀśvGṛ
- ○āvṛtti f. (the sun's) turning to the north Ragh
- ○gati f. = -ayaná above
- ○dakṣiṇa mfn. northern and southern L
- ○daśa (údag○), mfn. having the border turned upwards or to the north ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ
- ○dvāra mfn. having the entrance towards the north ŚāṅkhGṛ
- • (am), ind. north of the entrance MBh
- ○bhava mfn. being in the northern quarter, north L
- ○bhūma m. fertile soil (turned upwards or towards the north) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 75
- udaṅ (in comp. for údac below)
- ○īṣa (udaṅṅīṣa), mfn. having the pole turned to the north (as a carriage) Comm. on KātyŚr. vii, 9, 25
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. turned upwards Bālar
- • facing the north KātyŚr. ChUp. Mn. Suśr. &c
- ○mṛttika m. = udag-bhūma, q.v. L
- ud-aṅká m. a bucket or vessel (for oil &c. but not for water) Pāṇ. 3-3, 123
- • (ás), m. N. of a man ŚBr
- • m. pl. the descendants of Udaṅka, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69
- • (ī), f. a bucket MānŚr. i, 1, 2
- udaṅkya m. N. of a demon Kauś
- úd-ac or 2. úd-añc (ud- 2. añc), mf(īcī)n. turned or going upwards, upper, upwards (opposed to adharâñc) RV. ii, 15, 6 ; x, 86, 22 ChUp. &c.
- • turned to the north, northern (opposed to dakṣiṇa) AV. VS. ŚBr. Megh. Ragh. &c
- • subsequent, posterior L
- • (udīcī), f. (scil. diś) the northern quarter, the north
- • (2. údak
- • for 1. col. 1), ind. above
- • northward RV. VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • subsequently L
- ud-áñcana n. a bucket, pail (for drawing water out of a well) RV. v, 44, 13 AitBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • a cover or lid L
- • directing or throwing upwards
- • rising, ascending W
- ud-añcita mfn. raised up, lifted, elevated
- • thrown up, tossed, Hpar
- • uttered, caused to resound Gīt
- • worshipped W
- ud-añcu m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 96
- ud-ā́cam inad. p. lifting up, raising ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 14, &c
- udīcī́na mfn. turned towards the north, northern AV. AitBr. ŚBr
- ○pravaṇa mfn. sloping towards the north ŚBr
- udīcyá mfn. being or living in the north Pāṇ. 4-2, 101 AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • m. the country to the north and west of the river Sarasvatī, the northern region MBh
- • (ās), m. pl. the inhabitants of that country MBh. R. Ragh. VarBṛS. &c
- • N. of a school VāyuP
- • a kind of perfume Suśr. Bhpr
- ○vṛtti f. the custom of the Northerners Āp. ii, 17, 17
- • a species of the Vaitālīya metre
- ud-√añj P. -anakti, to adorn, trim RV. iv, 6, 3
- ud-añjali mfn. hollowing the palms and then raising them Daś
- úd-añji mfn. erect and unctuous (said of the membrum virile) TS. vii, 4, 19, 1
- ud-aṇḍa-pāla mfn. a species of fish L
- • of snake L
- uda-dhí &c. uda
- ud-√an (for 1. p. 183, col. 3), P. -aniti (and āniti BṛĀrUp. iii, 4, 1
- • cf. vy- √an
- • p. -anát ŚBr
- • aor. 3. pl. -āniṣus AV. iii, 13, 4) to breathe upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction
- • to breathe out, breathe AV. ŚBr. BṛĀrUp
- ud-āna m. breathing upwards
- • one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) Vedāntas. 97 AV. xi, 8, 4 VS. ChUp. ŚBr. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • the navel L
- • an eyelash L
- • a kind of snake L
- • joy, heart's joy (Buddh.)
- udānaya Nom. P. udānayati, to disclose (the joy of one's heart) Lalit
- úd-anta mfn. reaching to the end or border, running over, flowing over ŚBr. KātyŚr. TBr
- • good, virtuous, excellent L
- • (am), ind. to the end or border AitBr
- • m. (ud-antá) end of the work, rest
- • harvest time TBr. i, 2, 6, 2
- • 'telling to the end', full tidings, intelligence
- • news Ragh. Megh. Kathās. Śak. 226, 6
- • one who gets a livelihood by a trade &c. W
- • by sacrificing for others L
- ud-antaka m. news, tidings, intelligence L
- • (ikā), f. satisfaction, satiety L
- udantya mfn. living beyond a limit or boundary AitBr
- udanya &c. p. 183, col. 3
- ud-apâs (ud-apa- √2. as), P. to throw away, give up entirely BhP. x, 14, 3
- ud-abhī7 (ud-abhi-√i), P. (2. sg. -eṣi) to rise over (acc.) RV. viii, 93, 1
- ud-ayá &c. p. 186, col. 1
- udára n. (√dṝ Uṇ. v, 19
- • √ṛ BRD. and T.), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels RV. AV. ŚBr. Suśr. MBh. Kathās. &c
- • the womb MBh. VP. Car
- • a cavity, hollow
- • the interior or inside of anything (udare, inside, in the interior) Pañcat. Śak. Ragh. Mṛicch. &c
- • enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen &c
- • eight kinds are enumerated) Suśr
- • the thick part of anything (e.g. of the thumb) Suśr. Comm. on Yājñ
- • slaughter Naish
- ○kṛmi or m. 'worm in the belly', an insignificant person, g. pātre-saṃmitâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 48.
- ○krimi m. 'worm in the belly', an insignificant person, g. pātre-saṃmitâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 48.
- ○granthi m. 'knot in the abdomen', disease of the spleen (a chronic affection not uncommon in India)
- ○trāṇa n. a cuirass or covering for the front of the body L
- • a girth, belly-band L
- ○dārá m. a particular disease of the abdomen AV. xi, 3, 42
- ○pātra n. the stomach serving as a vessel BṛĀrUp. 5
- ○piśāca m. 'stomach-demon', voracious, a glutton, one who devours everything (flesh, fish &c.) L
- ○pūram ind. till the belly is full Pāṇ. 3-4, 31
- ○poṣaṇa n. feeding the belly, supporting life
- ○bharaṇamātra-kevalêcchu mfn. desirous only of the mere filling of the belly Hit
- ○"ṣṃ-bhara mfn. nourishing only one's own belly, selfish, voracious, gluttonous BhP
- ○"ṣṃ-bhari mfn. Kāś
- ○randhra n. a particular part of the belly of a horse Kād
- ○roga m. disease of the stomach or bowels VarBṛS
- ○vat mfn. having a large belly, corpulent Pāṇ. 5-2, 117
- ○vyādhi m. = -roga above Rājat
- ○śaya mfn. lying or sleeping on the belly Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 15
- ○śāṇḍilya m. N. of a Ṛishi ChUp. VBr
- ○sarpin mfn. creeping on the belly
- ○sarvasva mfn. one whose whole essence is stomach, a glutton, epicure L
- ○stha m. 'being in the stomach', the fire of digestion MaitrUp
- udarâkṣa m. N. of a demon causing diseases MBh. ix, 2565 (v. l. udārâkṣa, q.v.)
- udarâgni m. 'stomach-fire', the digestive faculty VarBṛS
- udarâṭa m. 'wandering in the bowels', a species of worm Car
- udarâdhmāna n. puffing of the belly, flatulence Suśr
- udarâmaya m. disease of the bowels, dysentery, diarrhoea Suśr
udarāmayin mfn. suffering from the above Suśr
- udarâvarta m. 'stomach-coil', the navel L
- udarâveṣṭa m. tapeworm W
- udaraka mfn. abdominal W
- udarika mfn. having a large belly, corpulent Pāṇ. 5-2, 117
- udarin mfn. id. ib
- • having a large belly (from flatulence) Suśr
- • (iṇī), f. a pregnant woman
- udarila mfn. corpulent Pāṇ. 5-2, 117
- udaryá mfn. belonging to or being in the belly ŚBr. Car
- • (am), n. contents of the bowels, that which forms the belly VS. xxv, 8
- udarathi m. (√ṛ Uṇ. iv, 88), the ocean L
- • the sun L
- ud-√arc P. (pf. 3. pl. -ānṛcús) to drive out, cause to come out AV. xii, 1, 39
- ud-arká m. arising (as a sound), resounding RV. i, 113, 18
- • the furture result of actions, consequence, futurity, furture time MBh. R. Daś. Kathās. Mn. &c
- • a remote consequence, reward
- • happy future MBh
• conclusion, end ŚBr. TS. AitBr
- • repetition, refrain Pāṇ. Kāṭh. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • elevation of a building, a tower, look-out place MBh
- • the plant Vanguiera Spinosa
- ud-ṛ́c k f. remainder, conclusion, end VS. TS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
• (ṛ́ci), ind. lastly, at last, finally RV. i, 53, 11 ; x, 77, 7 AV. vi, 48, 1 ; 2
- • 3
- ud-arcis mfn. flaming or blazing upwards, brilliant, resplendent Ragh. Kum
- • (is), m. fire Śiś. ii, 42
- • N. of Śiva L
- • of Kandarpa L
- ud-√ard P. -ardati, to swell, rise
- • to undulate, wave ŚBr. v, 3, 4, 5
- • 6
- ud-arda m. (in medic.) erysipelas Bhpr
- ud-arddha m. (√ṛdh), scarlet fever W
- ud-arṣá m. (√1. ṛṣ), overflowing, overflow TBr. iii, 7, 10, 1
- udala m. N. of a man
- udalākāśyapa m. N. of a goddess of agriculture PārGṛ
- ud-avagraha mfn. having the Udātta on the first part of a compound which contains an Ava-graha VPrāt
- ud-ava-√so P. -áva-syati, to leave off, go away
- • to finish, end AV. ix, 6, 54 AitBr. ŚBr
- • to go away to (another place, with loc.) ĀśvGṛ. iv, 1, 1
- ud-avasātṛ tā m. one who goes away after concluding (a sacrifice) Nyāyam
- ud-avasāna n. the act of leaving the place of sacrifice ( above) BhP. Nyāyam.
- udavasānī́ya mfn. forming the end (of a sacrifice), concluding, final ŚBr. AitBr. MaitrS
- • (ā), f. the end or conclusion (of a sacrifice) ŚBr
- ud-avasāya ind. p. ending, concluding ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ud-avasita n. a house, dwelling Mṛicch
- ud-avasya ind. p. concluding BhP. iv, 7, 56
- ud-aś √1. P. -aśnoti, (Subj. -aśnavat RV. v, 59, 4
- • pf. -ānaṃśa RV. viii, 24, 12
- • aor. -ā́naṭ and -ānaṭ, &c.), Ā. (3. du. -aśnuvāte ŚBr. iv, 2, 1, 26) to reach, attain, arrive at ŚBr
- • to reach, be equal
- • to overtake, surpass
- • to master, rule RV
- ud-aśru mfn. one whose tears gush forth, shedding tears, weeping Ragh. BhP. Kathās. &c
- • (u), ind. with tears gushing forth Sāh. (cf. ud-asra below.)
- udaśraya Nom. P. udaśrayati, to shed tears
- • to cause to weep Kāvyâd
- udaśrayana n. the act of causing to weep Comm. on Kāvyâd
- ud-as √2. P. -asyati, to cast or throw up
- • to raise, erect, elevate ŚBr. MBh
- • to throw out, expel ŚBr. ii, 6, 2, 16 KātyŚr
- • to throw (a weapon) Naish
- ud-asana n. throwing up
- • raising, erecting
- ud-asta mfn. thrown or cast up
- • raised, thrown &c
- ud-asya ind. p. having thrown or cast up &c
- ud-āsa (for 2. col. 3), as m. throwing out
- • extending, protracting TāṇḍyaBr
- • casting out
- • (with garbhasya) abortion VarBṛS. 51, 38
- udastāt ind. above (with gen.) BhP. iii, 18, 8
- ud-asra mfn. shedding tears, weeping Naish. viii, 34
- ud-ā-kṛ √1. P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, (impf. -ấkar RV. x, 67, 4) to expel, drive out
- • to fetch out of RV. ŚBr. TS
- • to select, choose AV. xii, 4, 41 ŚBr. iii, 3, 1, 14
- • (only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 32) to prick Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- • to revile, abuse ib
- ud-ā-√khyā
- ud-ākhyāya ind. p. having related aloud
- • enunciating ŚBr. iii, 3, 3, 4
- ud-ā-gā √1. P. (aor. 1. sg. -ấgām) to come up or out towards (with acc.) AV. xiv, 2, 44
- ud-ā-√cakṣ Ā. -ācaṣṭe, to declare or say aloud ŚBr. iii, 3, 3, 4
- ud-ā-√car P. (impf. -ấcarat) to rise out of (the ocean) RV. vii, 55, 7
- ud-ācāra m. a place for walking Āp
- ud-āja ud-√aj
- ud-ā-√jan Ā. (aor. -ájaniṣṭa) to arise from RV. v, 31, 3
- ud-ā-√tan P. -tanoti, to spread, extend TāṇḍyaBr. xx, 14
- ud-ā-dā √1. P. to lift up, elevate
- ud-ātta mfn. (for ud-ā-datta) lifted upraised, lofty, elevated, high R. BhP
- • arisen, come forth Prab
- • highly or acutely accented Pāṇ. Nir. RPrāt. APrāt. &c
- • high, great, illustrious
- • generous, gentle, bountiful
- • giving, a donor Daś. Sāh
- • haughty, pompous Rājat
- • dear, beloved L
- • (○tara, compar. more elevated, more acute)
- • m. the acute accent, a high or sharp tone RPrāt. APrāt. Pāṇ. &c
- • a gift, donation L
- • a kind of musical instrument
- • a large drum L
- • an ornament or figure of speech in rhetoric L
- • work, business L
- • (am), n. pompous or showy speech Kāvyâd. Sāh. Pratāpar
- ○tā f. pompousness, Pratāpar
- ○tva n. the state of having the acute accent Comm. on Pāṇ
- ○maya mfn. similar to the high tone or accent, Udātta-like VPrāt
- ○rāghava n. N. of a drama
- ○vat mfn. having the Udātta VPrāt. Pāṇ
- ○śruti f. pronounced or sounding like the Udātta, APrāt
- • -tā f. the state of being pronounced so RPrāt
- udāttaya Nom. P. udāttayati, to make high or illustrious
- • to make honourable or respectable Bālar
- ud-ādy-anta mfn. preceded and followed by an Udātta VPrāt.
- ud-ā-dru √2. P. -dravati, to run out, run upwards ŚBr. TBr
- ud-āna 2. ud-√an
- ud-ā-√nī P. -nayati, to lead up or out of (water) ŚBr. Lāṭy.: Ā. -nayate, to raise, elevate Bhaṭṭ. viii, 21
- ud-√āp P. (pf. 3. pl. -āpus) to reach up to, reach, attain ŚBr
- ud-āpi m. N. of a son of Sahadeva Hariv
- • N. of Vasu-deva VP. (vḷ. udāyin, q.v.)
- ud-āpyâm ind. up the stream, against stream AV. x, 1, 7
- ud-ā-√plu
- ud-āpluta mfn. overflowed, inundated BhP. iii, 8, 10
- ud-ā-mantraṇa n. addressing loudly, calling out to Āp
- ud-ā-√yam P. (Impv. -ā́yacchatu) to bring out, fetch out, get fetch out, get off AV. v, 30, 15: Ā. (aor. 3. sg. -âyata du. -âyasātām pl. -âyasata) to show, exhibit, make known Pāṇ. 1-2, 15
- • (but also aor. -âyaṃsta, in the sense to bring out, get off Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 15.)
- udāyasa m. N. of a prince
- ud-ā-√yā P. -yāti, to go up to Kauś. 17
- ud-āyin ī m. N. of Vasu-deva (vḷ. ud-āpi, q.v.) VP
- • of Kūṇika VP
- ud-ā-yu √2. P. -yauti, to stir up, whirl Kauś. Gobh
- ud-āyudha mfn. with uplifted weapon, raising up weapons MBh. R. Ragh. Kathās
- ud-ārá mf(ā and ī )n. (√ṛ), high, lofty, exalted
- • great, best
- • noble, illustrious, generous
- • upright, honest MBh. Śak. Śiś. &c
- • liberal, gentle, munificent
- • sincere, proper, right
- • eloquent
- • unperplexed L
- • exciting, effecting RV. x, 45, 5
- • active, energetic Sarvad
- • m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities) AV. AitBr
- • a sort of grain with long stalks L
- • a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object)
- ○kīrti mfn. highly renowned, illustrious
- ○carita mfn. of generous behaviour, noble-minded, noble Hit. Śarṅg. &c
- • m. N. of a king Kathās
- ○cetas mfn. high-minded, magnanimous
- ○tā f. or nobleness, generousness, liberality
- ○tva n. nobleness, generousness, liberality
- • energy Kathās. Daś. Sarvad. &c
- • elegance of speech or expression Vām. Sāh
- ○darśana mfn. of noble appearance R. Kum
- ○dhiṣaṇa m. N. of an astronomer
- ○dhī mfn. highly intelligent, wise, sagacious R. Suśr. Ragh. &c
- • (īs), m. N. of a man VP
- ○bhāva m. noble character, generosity
- ○mati mfn. noble-minded, highly intelligent, wise Ragh
- ○vikrama mfn. highly brave, heroic Kām
- ○vīrya mfn. of great power
- ○vṛttârtha-pada mfn. of excellent words and meaning and metre R. i, 2, 45
- ○śobha mfn. of great or excellent splendour
- ○sattva mfn. of noble character, generous-minded R
- • ○vâbhijana, of noble character and descent R. iv, 47, 19
- udārâkṣa m. N. of a demon that causes diseases MBh. (ed. Bombay ix, 45, 63
- • vḷ. udarâkṣa, q.v.)
- udārârtha mfn. of excellent meaning
- udāraka m. honorific name of a man Daś
- ud-ārathi mfn. (√ṛ), rising, arising RV. i, 187, 10 AV. iv, 7, 3
- • (is), m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ud-ā-√ruh P. (aor. 1. sg. -ấruham VS. xvii, 67
- • 3. pl. -ấruhan AV. xviii, 1, 61) to rise up to
- udāvatsara v. l. for idā-vatsara, q.v
- ud-ā-vas √5 P. -vasati, to remove or migrate out to MBh.: Caus. -vāsayati, to cause to remove out, turn out BhP
- udāvasu m. N. of a son of Janaka (king of Videha) R. VP.
- ud-ā-√vah P. -vahati, to lead away, carry or draw away ŚBr. MBh
- • to marry MBh. R
- • to extol, praise W
- ud-ā-√vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to cause to go out, excrete Suśr
- • to secrete
- • to retain ( the next)
- ud-āvarta m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces), disease of the bowels, iliac passion Suśr. TS. vi, 4, 1, 1
- • (ā), f. painful menstrual discharge (with foamy blood) Suśr
- ud-āvartaka mfn. retaining (the feces) Bhpr
- ud-āvartana am n. retention, retarding Car
- udāvartin mfn. suffering from disease of the bowels Suśr
- ud-ā-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go or move onwards, go forwards Kauś
- ud-ā-√śaṃs Ā. -śaṃsate, to wish for ŚBr. v, 2, 3, 5
- • xi, 1, 4, 2
- ud-√ās Ā. -āste, to sit separate or away from, sit on one side or apart
- • to abstain from participating in
- • to take no interest in, be unconcerned about, be indifferent or passive MBh. BhP. Śiś. &c
- • to pass by, omit Sarvad
- ud-āsa (for 1. ud- 2. as), as m. indifference, apathy, stoicism L
- ud-āsitṛ mfn. indifferent, disregarding, stoical
- • void of affection or concern Śiś. i, 33
- udāsin mfn. indifferent, disregarding
- • one who has no desire nor affection for anything
- • (ī), m. a stoic, philosopher
- • (in popular acceptation) any religious mendicant (or one of a particular order) W
- ud-āsīna mfn. (pres. p.) sitting apart, indifferent, free from affection
- • inert, inactive
- • (in law) not involved in a lawsuit MBh. Yājñ. Bhag. &c
- • m. a stranger, neutral
- • one who is neither friend nor foe
- • a stoic, philosopher, ascetic
- ○tā f. indifference, apathy Pañcat
- ud-ā-√sthā P. (aor. 1. pl. -asthāma AV. iii, 31, 11) to rise again
- ud-āsthita mfn. set over L
- • m. an ascetic who instead of fulfilling his vow is employed as a spy or emissary Comm. on Mn. vii, 154
- • a superintendent L
- • a door-keeper L
- ud-āsya-puccha mfn. having the tail and head upraised BhP. x, 13, 30
- ud-ā-√han P. (impf. 3. pl. -aghnan) to strike at
- • to cause to sound (the lyre) ŚBr
- ud-ā́hita mfn. (√dhā), elevated
- ○tara mfn. more elevated, higher ŚBr. vii, 5, 1, 38
- ud-ā-√hṛ P. -ā́-harati, to set up, put up ŚBr. i, 1, 1, 22
- • to relate, declare, announce
- • to quote, cite, illustrate
- • to name, call ŚBr. Gobh. ĀśvŚr. Baudh. MBh. RPrāt. &c.: Pass. -hriyáte, to be set up or put up TS. vi, 2, 9, 4
- ud-āharaṇa n. the act of relating, saying, declaring, declaration Gaut. Kum. Vikr
- • referring a general rule to a special case, an example, illustration Sāh. Kāś. &c
- • (in log.) the example, instance (constituting the third member in a fivefold syllogism) Tarkas. 41 Nyāyad. Nyāyak
- • exaggeration Sāh
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- udāharaṇânugama m. N. of wk
- ud-āharaṇīya mfn. to be quoted as example, to be referred (as a general rule to a special case) Comm. on Nyāyam
- ud-āharin mfn. relating, saying, calling BhP
- ud-āhāra m. an example or illustration L
- • the beginning of a speech L
- ud-āhārya mfn. = ud-āharaṇīya above
- ud-āhṛta mfn. said, declared, illustrated
- • called, named, entitled MBh. BhP. VarBṛS. &c
- ud-āhṛti f. an example, illustration
- • exaggeration, Pratāpar
- ud-āhṛtya ind. p. bringing forward an example, illustrating &c
- ud-√i P. -éti, -etum (and úd-etos, Maitr. i, 6, 10) to go up to, proceed or move up, proceed RV. AV. VS
- • to rise (as the sun or a star &c.) RV. VS. ŚBr. ChUp. VarBṛS. &c
- • to come up (as a cloud) Mṛicch. R
- • to start up, rise up against, march off AV. iii, 4, 1 MBh. Kum
- • to rise, raise one's self
- • to increase, be enhanced
- • to be conceited or proud R. Ragh. Śiś. ii, 33 RPrāt. &c.
- • to go out of
- • to come out or arise from RV. AV. ŚBr. Ragh. &c
- • to escape ChUp. Śak. &c.: Pass. (impers. -īyate) to be risen Subh
- ud-ayá m. going up, rising
- • swelling up R
- • rising, rise (of the sun &c.), coming up (of a cloud) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. Śak. &c
- • the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- • going out R
- • coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development
- • production, creation RV. viii, 41, 2 R. Ragh. Yājñ. Śak. Kum. &c
- • conclusion, result, consequence MBh. Ragh. Mn
- • that which follows
- • a following word, subsequent sound Pāṇ. 8-4, 67 RPrāt. APrāt. &c
- • rising, reaching one's aim, elevation
- • success, prosperity, good fortune Kathās. Ragh. &c
- • profit, advantage, income
- • revenue, interest R. Yājñ. Mn. &c
- • the first lunar mansion
- • the orient sine (i.e. the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon) Sūryas
• N. of several men
- ○kara m. N. of an author
- ○giri m. the eastern mountain ( above) Hit. VP. &c
- ○gupta m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○jit m. N. of a son of Guṇala Rājat
- ○jyā f. the orient sine ( above) Sūryas
- ○taṭa m. the slope of the eastern mountain ( udaya), Ratnāv
- ○tuṅga m. N. of a king Kathās
- ○dhavala m. N. of a king
- ○parvata m. = -giri above Hariv. Kathās
- ○pura n. N. of the capital of Marwar
- ○prastha m. the plateau of the eastern mountain
- ○prāṇa m. pl. a particular measure of time (reckoned by the number of respirations till the rising of a particular constellation) Sūryas
- ○rāja m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○rāśi m. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon VarBṛ. iv, 6
- ○"ṣrkṣa (udaya-ṛ○), n. id. ib
- • the lunar mansion in which a star rises heliacally VarBṛS. vi, 1
- ○vat mfn. risen (as the moon &c.) Śiś
- • (tī), f. N. of a daughter of Udaya-tuṅga Kathās
- ○śaila m. = -giri above Kathās
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king
- udayâcala and m. = -giri above
- udayâdri m. = -giri above
- udayâditya m. N. of several men
- udayânta mfn. ending with sunrise MBh
- udayântara n. (in astron.) a particular correction for calculating the real time of a planet's rising, SiddhŚir
- udayâśva m. N. of a grandson of Ajāta-śatru VP
- udayâsu m. pl. = -prāṇa above Sūryas
- udayônmukha mf(ī)n. about to rise
- • expecting prosperity Pañcad
- udayôrvī-bhṛt m. = -giri above, Ratnāv
- ud-áyana n. rise, rising (of the sun &c.) RV. i, 48, 7 ŚBr. R. &c
- • way out, outlet AV. v, 30, 7
- • exit
- • outcome, result, conclusion, end TS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr
- • means of redemption Car
- • m. N. of several kings and authors
- ○carita n. N. of a drama
- ○tas ind. finally TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 12, 1
- udayanâcārya m. N. of a philosopher and author of several works
- udayanôpādhi m. N. of wk
- udayanī́ya mfn. belonging to an end or conclusion, finishing (as a ceremony) ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. &c
- udayin mfn. rising, ascending
- • prosperous, flourishing L
- • (ī), m. N. of a grandson of Ajātaśatru (= Udayâśva)
- udayi-bhadra m. id
- ud-āyá m. emerging, coming forward
- • try-ud○
- úd-ita (for 2. s.v.), mfn. risen, ascended
- • being above, high, tall, lofty RV. ChUp. Mn. &c
- • conceited, proud, boasting MBh
- • elevated risen
- • increased, grown, augmented R. Kir. &c
- • born, produced Bhartṛ
- • apparent, visible RV. viii, 103, 11
- • incurred, experienced
- ○homín mfn. sacrificing after sunrise AitBr. ŚBr
- uditâdhāna n. kindling fire after sunrise Comm. on ĀpŚr. v, 13, 2
- uditânudita mfn. 'risen and not risen', not quite risen ĀpŚr. xv, 18, 13
- úd-iti f. ascending or rising (of the sun) RV. AV. vii, 5, 3 ; iii, 16, 4
- • going away or down, setting of the sun RV. v, 69, 3 ; 76, 3 ; vii, 41, 4
- • conclusion, end (of a sacrifice, through the fire going out Gmn.) RV. vi, 15, 11 AV. x, 2, 10
- ud-itvara mfn. risen Naish
- • surpassing, exceeding, extraordinary NṛisUp
- ud-īta mfn. = 1. ud-ita Naish. i, 83 ; vi, 52 ; 74
- ud-eṣyat mfn. about to rise or mount upwards, about to increase Śiś. ii, 76.
- ud-√iṅg Caus. -iṅgayati, to impart a tremulous motion, vibrate, swing RV. iv, 57, 4 ŚBr
- • to cause (a sound) to vibrate, pronounce RPrāt. xvii, 8
- ud-iṅgana n. swinging, oscillating, vibrating Comm. on KātyŚr
- udita (p.p. of √vad, q.v
- • for 1. col. 1) said, spoken AitBr. Kathās. Ragh. Śiś. &c
- • spoken to, addressed BhP. Śiś. ix, 61 Kathās
- • communicated, proclaimed, declared Mn. Kathās. BhP. Rājat. &c
- • (especially) proclaimed by law, taught, handed down
- • authoritative, right ŚāṅkhBr. Mn. Yājñ. i, 154
- • indicated, signified VarBṛS
- •
- uditânuvādin mfn. one who repeats what is said by others AitBr. ii, 15
- uditôdita mfn. (fr. 2. udita with 1. ud-ita), conversant with what has been handed down by tradition, learned Yājñ
- ud-inakṣ (anom. Desid. of √nakṣ), P. (p. -ínakṣat) to wish or endeavour to obtain or reach
- • to strive after, pretend to RV. x, 8, 9 ; 45, 7
- ud-√īkṣ Ā. -īkṣate (once P. p. -īkṣat BhP. xi, 30, 44) to look up to ŚBr. R
- • to look at, regard, view, behold ŚBr. xiv, 9, 1, 1 MBh. Mn. &c
- • to wait, delay, hesitate
- • to expect MBh. R. Mn
- ud-īkṣaṇa n. the act of looking up, seeing, beholding L
- ud-īkṣā f. id. BhP
- • expecting, waiting Comm. on Bādar
- ud-īkṣita mfn. looked at, beheld &c
- ud-īkṣya ind. p. having looked at or beheld &c
- udīcī́na &c. p. 184, col. 2
- ud-īpa mfn. (fr. 2. ap with ud
- • Pāṇ. 6-3, 97), inundated, flooded
- • m. high water, inundation Rājat
- ud-√īr Ā. -īrte (3. pl. -ī́rate RV. AV
- • Impv. 2. sg. -īrṣva RV. x, 18, 8 AV
- • impf. -airata RV. vii, 39, 1
- • p. -ī́rāṇa AV. xii, 1, 28 RV.), P. (Subj. 3. sg. -ī́rat RV. iv, 2, 7
- • aor. 2. du. -airatam RV. i, 118, 6) to bring or fetch out of RV. i, 118, 6
- • to rise, start off (in order to go or to come) RV. AV. ŚBr
- • to move upwards, ascend
- • to arise, originate RV. AV
- • to honour, respect RV. iv, 2, 7
- • (in class. Sanskṛit only ud-īrṇa occurs): Caus. -īrayati, to bring or fetch out of RV. i, 112, 5 ; x, 39, 9
- • to cause to rise or move
- • to raise, rouse, excite RV. MBh. R. Ragh. Daś
- • to throw or cast upwards
- • to cast, discharge, drive forward R. Ragh. &c
- • to cause to come forth or appear Kum
- • to raise one's voice
- • to utter, speak RV. Yājñ. Mn. &c
- • to procure, cause, effect RV. i, 48, 2 ; x, 39, 2 TS. Suśr
• to excite, raise, enhance, multiply, increase Suśr. Kum. &c
- • to extol, glorify RV. v, 42, 3 MBh
- • to stir up, urge, stimulate RV. R
- • to rise, start off RV. v, 55, 5 ; viii, 7, 3 : Pass. -īryate, to be cast or thrown upwards R
- • to be excited, be roused or stirred up MBh. R. Suśr. Kum. &c
- • to be uttered or announced or enunciated
- • to pass for VP. Kum. Kathās. Pañcat. Suśr. &c
- • to sound
- • to issue forth
- ud-īraṇa n. the act of throwing, casting, discharging (a missile) MBh
- • throwing out
- • exciting, stirring up Car
- • saying, speaking, communicating Kum. Kathās. Sāh
- ud-īrita mfn. excited, stirred up
- • animated, agitated
- • increased, augmented
- • said, uttered, enunciated
- ○dhī mfn. one whose mind is active, acute-minded Prab
- udīritêndriya mfn. one whose senses are excited Kum. iv, 41
- ud-īrṇa mfn. issued out, excited, increased, elevated MBh. R. Suśr. Kum. &c
- • self-conceited, proud MBh
- ○tā f. excitement, activity, agility Suśr
- ○dīdhiti mfn. intensely bright
- ○varāhatīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha
○vega mfn. impetuous in its course (as a torrent), violent
- ud-īrya mfn. to be raised
- • to be uttered &c
- ud-īrya ind. p. having uttered &c
- ud-√īṣ P. -īṣati, to rise, mount Kāṭh. MaitrS
- úd-īṣita mfn. risen, elevated RV. x. 119, 12.
- ud-√ukṣ P. -ukṣati, to sprinkle upwards or outwards ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr
- ud-uta p. 192, col. 3
- ud-√ubj P. -ubjati, to open by bending or breaking TS. vi, 5, 9, 1
- • to set up, erect AV. xi, 1, 7
- udumbára Ved. for uḍumbara, q.v., the tree Ficus Glomerata
- udumbála m. = udumbára AV. viii, 6, 17
- udumbalá mfn. of widely-reaching power (for uru-bala Sāy
- • said of the two dogs, the messengers of Yama) RV. x, 14, 12 AV. xviii, 2, 13, copper-coloured Bṛḍ.
- udumbhára m. (fr. √bhṛ with ud), a word coined for the etymological explanation of udumbára ŚBr. vii, 5, 1, 22
- ud-√uṣ P. -oṣati, to heat, make red-hot
- • to torment by heat AV. xii, 5, 72 ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- úd-uṣṭa mfn. red-hot
- • red
- ○mukha mfn. having a red mouth (as a horse) ŚBr. vii, 3, 2, 14
- uduhá m.? misprint for udūhá below
- udūkhala n. a wooden mortar (used for pounding rice and separating the husk)
- • any mortar Suśr
- • bdellium L
- ud-ūḍha ud-√vah
- ud-ūh √1. P. Ā. -ūhati, -te, to push or press upwards, move or bear upwards
- • to throw or turn out, sweep out, push out AV. xi, 1, 9 ŚBr. KātyŚr. Comm. on TBr. iii, 8, 4, 3 BhP. &c
- • to bring out of Vait
- • to heighten (an accent) SaṃhUp. iii, 3
- ud-ūhá as, m. (?) a besom, broom TBr. iii, 8, 4, 3
- • the highest acute (accent) SaṃhUp. iii, 4
- ud-√ṛ P. -iyarti (pf. 2. sg. -ā́rithā RV. ii, 9, 3
- • aor. -ārat RV. iv, 58, 1), Ā. (aor. -ārta RV. vii, 35, 7) to start up, rise, come up
- • to move up, raise, excite RV. i, 113, 17 ; iii, 8, 5, &c.: Caus. -arpayati, to cause to rise or prosper RV. ii, 33, 4 KātyŚr
- ud-ṛ́c ud-√arc
- ud-ṛṣ √2. P. (p. -ṛṣát) to perforate, pierce RV. x, 155, 2
- ud-ê (ud-ā-√i), P. -éti (Impv. 2. sg. udếhi AV. v, 30, 11, &c.) to go up, rise, arise from, come up, move upwards RV. vi, 5, 1 AV. ŚBr. ChUp
- • to move out, come out of, go out ŚBr. VS
- • to arise, be produced
- udêyivas mfn. (p.p. P.) that has come up, produced, originated, born BhP. x, 31, 4
- ud-√ej P. -ejati, to move upwards, rise AV. iv, 4, 2
- • to shake, tremble: Caus. -ejayati, to cause to tremble, shake Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- ud-ejaya mfn. shaking, causing to tremble Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- úd-ojas mfn. exceedingly powerful or effective RV. v, 54, 3 ; x, 97, 7
- ud-gadgadikā f. sobbing Kād. ii, 99, 15
- ud-gandhi mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 135) giving forth perfume, fragrant Ragh
- ud-√gam P. -gacchati (Ved. impf. 1. pl. -aganma) to come forth, appear suddenly, become visible RV. i, 50, 10 R. Ragh.: Vikr. &c
- • to go up, rise (as a star), ascend, start up MBh. VarBṛS. Ratnāv. &c
- • to go out or away, disappear R. BhP. Bhartṛ. &c
- • to spread, extend Ragh.: Caus. -gamayati, to cause to rise Pat
- • to cause to come out or issue (as milk from the mother's breast), suck
- ud-gata mfn. gone up, risen, ascended Ṛitus. MBh. &c
- • come or proceeded forth, appeared, Ratnāv. Ragh. &c
- • gone, departed
- • extended, large Ragh
- • vomited, cast up L
- • (ā), f. N. of a metre (consisting of four lines, with ten syllables in the first three, and thirteen in the last
- • occurring e.g. in Śiś. xv)
- ○śṛṅga mfn. one whose horns are just appearing (as a calf) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 115
- udgatâsu mfn. one whose life is gone, deceased, dead
- ud-gati f. coming forth Kathās
- • going up, rising, ascent L
- • bringing up
- • vomiting L
- ud-gántṛ tā m. one who leads out MaitrUp. vi, 31
- ud-gama m. going up, rising (of a star &c.), ascending, elevation (of a mountain) R. Suśr. Hit. VarBṛS. &c
- • coming forth, becoming visible, appearing, production, origin Suśr. Ragh. Vikr. Ratnāv. &c
- • going out or away R. Kathās. Bhartṛ
- • shooting forth (of a plant) Kir. Kāvyâd
- ud-gamana n. the act of rising (of a star &c.), ascending Pāṇ. 1-3, 40
- • the act of coming forth, becoming visible R
- ud-gamanīya mfn. to be gone up or ascended L
- • cleansed, clean Kum. vii, 11 Hcar
- • (am), n. a clean cloth or garment Daś
- • a pair of bleached cloths or sheets L
- ud-√garj P. -garjati, to burst out roaring
- • to cry out loudly Kathās
- ud-garbha mfn. pregnant Vām
- ud-√gal P. -galati, to trickle out, ooze out, issue in drops BhP
- ud-gala mfn. raising the neck BhP
- ud-√gā Ved. P. (aor. or impf. -agāt) to rise (as the sun &c.), come up RV. AV. TS. TBr
- • to come forth, begin Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 3
- ud-gātṛ́ &c. col. 2
- ud-gāra &c. ud-√gṝ below
- ud-√gāh Ā. (pf. 3. pl. -jigāhīre irr. KātyŚr. xiii, 3, 21) to emerge
- ud-gāḍha mfn. flowing over, excessive, violent, much Prab. Sāh. Bhartṛ. &c
- • (am), ind. excessively, much L
- ud-√gur P. -gurate (p. -gurámāṇa VS. xvi, 46) to raise one's voice in a threatening manner
- • to raise (a weapon &c.), lift up Bhaṭṭ
- ud-gūrayitṛ mfn. threatening Vishṇus. v, 60
- ud-gūrṇa mfn. raised, lifted, held up Veṇis. Pañcat. &c
- • erected, excited W
- • (am), n. the act of raising (a weapon), threatening Yājñ. ii, 215
- ud-goraṇa n. the act of raising (a weapon), threatening Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 215
- ud-√guh P. Ā. -gūhati, -te, to wind through, twist through ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ud-gūhana n. the act of twisting or winding through Comm. on KātyŚr. ii, 7, 2
- ud-gṛbhāya ud-√grah
- ud-√gṝ P. -girati, to eject (from the mouth), spit out, vomit out or up, belch out
- • to pour out, discharge, spout MBh. R. Mṛicch. Pañcat. &c
- • to force out (a sound), utter
- • to breathe out
- • to raise from Rājat. Kathās. &c.: Caus. P. -girayati (irr.), to raise (sounds), utter Pañcat
- ud-gāra m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 29) the act of discharging, spitting out, ejecting (from the mouth), vomiting, belching, eructation R. Suśr. Ragh. Megh. &c
- • relating repeatedly Hit
- • spittle, saliva MBh. Suśr. Gaut
- • flood, high water R. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-3, 29
- • roaring, hissing, a loud sound MBh. Śāntiś. &c
- ○cūḍaka m. a species of bird Car
- ○śodhana m. black caraway Bhpr
- ud-gārin mfn. (ifc.) ejecting, spitting, vomiting
- • discharging, thrusting out R. Mṛicch. Ragh. Rājat. &c
- • uttering, causing to sound Bālar
- • (ī), m. the 57th year of the Jupiter cycle VarBṛS. viii, 50
- ud-giraṇa n. the act of vomiting, ejecting (from the mouth), spitting out, slobbering, slavering Suśr. Vedāntas. &c
- ud-gīrṇa mfn. vomited forth, ejected Suśr. &c
- • cast forth, fallen out of VarBṛS
- • caused, effected Gīt. i, 36
- ud-gīrya ind. p. having omitted or ejected &c
- udgehī f. a kind of ant L
- ud-√gai P. -gāyati (-gāti ŚāṅkhBr. xvii, 7) to begin to sing
- • to sing or chant (applied especially to the singing or chanting of the Sāmaveda, cf. ud-gātṛ́) RV. x, 67, 3 AV. ix, 6, 45-48. AitBr. ŚBr. TS. Lāṭy. &c.
- • to sing out loud Śiś. vi, 20
- • to announce or celebrate in song, sing before any one (with acc.)
- • to fill with song ŚvetUp. MBh. Ragh. &c
- udgātu-kāma mfn. wishing to sing
- ud-gātṛ́ tā m. one of the four chief-priests (viz. the one who chants the hymns of the Sāmaveda), a chanter RV. ii, 43, 2 TS. AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. Mn. &c
- ○damana n. N. of several Sāmans
- udgātr-ādi (○tR-A○), m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 5-1, 129
- ud-gāthā f. a variety of the Āryā metre (consisting of four lines, containing alternately twelve and eighteen instants)
- ud-gīta mfn. sung
- • announced, celebrated
- • (am), n. singing, a song MBh
- ud-gīti f. singing, singing loud
- • chanting
- • a variety of the Āryā metre (consisting of four lines of twelve, fifteen, twelve, and eighteen instants)
- ud-gīthá m. (Uṇ. ii, 10) chanting of the Sāma-veda (especially of the exact Sāma-veda without the additions, the office of the Udgātṛi) AV. xi, 7, 5 ; xv, 3, 8 TS. ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- • the second part of the Sāma-veda
- • N. of a son of Bhuva VP
- • of a son of Bhūman (the same?) BhP
- • of a commentator of Vedic texts Sāy
- • the syllable om (the triliteral name of God) L
- ud-gīya ind. p. having sung or chanted &c
- ud-geya mfn. to be sung TāṇḍyaBr
- ud-√granth P. -grathnāti, or -granthati, to bind up, tie into bundles, tie up, truss AitBr. TBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- • to fasten, wind MBh.: Kauś
- • to unbind, loosen BhP.: Caus. -grathayati, to unbind, loosen BhP. iv, 22, 39
- ud-grathana n. (v. l. for ā-grathana Ragh. xix, 41) the act of winding round
- ud-grathita mfn. tied up
- • fastened, wound, interlaced
- • unbound, loosened
- ud-grathya and ind. p. having tied up
- ud-granthya ind. p. having tied up
- • having wound &c
- ud-grantha m. section, chapter L
- • N. of a man (Buddh.)
- ud-granthi mfn. untied, free (from worldly ties) BhP
- ud-√grah P. Ā. -gṛhṇāti (or Ved. -gṛbhṇāti), -ṇīte (Impv. 2. sg. -gṛbhāya RV. v, 83, 10
- • p. -gṛhṇát AV. ix, 6, 47) to lift up, keep above TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • to set up, erect, raise, elevate VS. TS.: (Ā.) to raise one's self ŚBr. iii, 1, 4, 1 ; vi, 6, 1, 12
- • to take out, draw out
- • to tear away, take away AV. iv, 20, 8 TBr. ŚBr. MBh
- • to take away from, preserve, save AV. viii, 1, 2 ; 17
- • to intercept, cause (the rain) to cease RV. v, 83, 10
- • to break off, discontinue (speaking) AV. ix, 6, 47 VS. ŚBr. ChUp. Lāṭy
- • to concede, grant, allow BhP. xi, 22, 4: Caus. -grāhayati, to cause to take up or out, cause to pay NṛisUp. Yājñ
- • to bespeak, describe, set forth Śiś. ii, 75 Bhaṭṭ
- ud-gṛhīta mfn. lifted up, taken up, turned up, upraised Megh. &c
- ud-gṛhya ind. p. having lifted up
- • having taken out ŚBr
- ud-grabhaṇa n. the act of taking up, raising KātyŚr. xvi, 5, 11
- ud-gráhaṇa n. the act of taking out ŚBr
- • recovering (a debt, cf. ṛṇôdgr○)
- • taking up, lifting up: describing
- udgrahaṇikā f. replying in argument, objection Comm. on BhP. v, 11, 1
- ud-grābhá m. taking up, raising, elevating TS. VS
- ud-grāha m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 35) taking up, reception Uttarar
- • 'taking away', N. of a Sandhi rule (which causes the change of aḥ, e, and o, to a before a following vowel) RPrāt. 133
- • replying in argument, objection L
- • (in music) the introductory part of a piece
- ○pada-vṛtti f. the Udgrāha Sandhi before a long vowel RPrāt. 134
- ○vat n. a kind of Sandhi (causing the change of ā and a to before ṛ) RPrāt. 136
- ud-grāhaṇikā f. and replying in argument, objection L
- ud-grāhiṇī f. replying in argument, objection L
- ud-grāhita mfn. taken away, lifted up
- • deposited, delivered
- • seized
- • bound, tied
- • described, set forth
- • excellent, exalted
- • recalled, remembered, recited L
- ud-grāsaka mfn. (√gras), devouring NṛisUp. 203
- ud-grīva mfn. one who raises or lifts up the neck (in trying to anything) Amar. Rājat. &c
- • having the neck turned upwards (as a vessel) Kād
- udgrīvin mfn. raising or lifting up the neck, Śāntiś
- ud-gha &c. ud-dhan, p. 188, col. 3
- ud-√ghaṭ Caus. -ghāṭayati, to open, unlock, unfasten, unveil
- • to peel, shell MBh. Kathās. Mṛicch. VarBṛS. &c
- • to expose
- • to betray Pañcat. Kathās
- • to commence, begin Hit
- • to rub over, stroke
- • to tickle
- ud-ghaṭita mfn. unlocked Kum. vii, 53
- ud-ghāṭa m. the act of exposing or showing (the teeth), Śubh
- • a watch or guard-house L
- ud-ghāṭaka m. a key Mṛicch
- • (am), n. a leather bucket used for drawing up water L
- ud-ghāṭana mfn. opening, unlocking Hit
- • (am), n. the act of opening, unlocking
- • revealing, manifesting MārkP. Sāy
- • the act of unveiling, exposing, uncovering Sarvad
- • a leather bucket used for drawing up water L
- • hoisting, raising, lifting up L
- ud-ghāṭanīya mfn. to be opened Kathās
- ud-ghāṭita mfn. opened, manifested
- • undertaken, commenced
- • raised, hoisted, lifted up
- • done with effort, exerted
- • stroked, tickled Suśr
- ○jña mfn. wise, intelligent Daś
- udghāṭitâṅga mfn. 'having the limbs exposed', naked L
- • wise, intelligent W
- ud-ghāṭin mfn. one who opens or unlocks Prasannar
- • commencing L
- ud-√ghaṭṭ Caus. -ghaṭṭayati and -ghāṭṭayati, to unlook, open L
- • to stir up Car
- ud-ghaṭṭaka m. a kind of time (in music) L
- ud-ghaṭṭana n. striking against, a stroke Megh
- • outbreak (of violence or passion) Kathās. Bālar
- • opening, opening upwards (as a lid) L
- ud-ghaṭṭita mfn. opened, unlocked L
- ud-ghāta m. (√ghas), flesh L
- ud-ghāta &c. ud-dhan, p. 188, col. 3
- ud-√ghuṣ P. -ghoṣati, to sound
- • to cry out MBh
- • to fill with cries
- • to proclaim aloud Sarvad.: Caus. -ghoṣayati, to cause to sound aloud Rājat
- • to declare aloud, proclaim, noise abroad Mṛicch. Kathās. Rājat
- ud-ghuṣṭa mfn. sounded out VarBṛS
- • filled with cries R
- • proclaimed, noised abroad
- • (am), n. sound, noise R
- ud-ghoṣa m. the act of announcing or proclaiming aloud
- • popular talk, general report
- ○ḍiṇḍima m. a drum beaten by a town-crier (to attract attention in the streets) Kathās
- udghoṣaka m. one who makes a proclamation, a town-crier Kathās
- ud-ghoṣaṇa ā f. and n. proclamation, publication Sāh. Kathās. Sarvad
- ud-ghūrṇa mfn. (√ghūrṇ), wavering, unsteady Kād
- ud-√ghṛṣ P. -gharṣati, to rub up, rub together, grind, comminute by rubbing
- • to rub over
- • to strike at, toll (a bell)
- • ud-ghṛṣṭa
- ud-gharṣa m. rubbing (the skin with hard substances) Car
- ud-gharṣaṇa n. id. Suśr
- • rubbing up, scratching Suśr. ii, 149, 13
- • striking, beating, blows Mṛicch
- ud-ghṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed, ground, pulverized Ragh
- • struck at, tolled (as a bell) Rājat
- ud-ghoṇa mfn. having the nose or snout erected (as a boar) Kād
- ud-daṃśa and uddaṃśaka m. a bug L
- • a mosquito, gadfly L
- ud-daṇḍa mfn. one who holds up a staff (said of a doorkeeper) Kuval
- • having a stick or staff or stalk raised or erect Hit. Prab. Ragh. Kathās.
- • prominent, extraordinary Daś
- • m. a kind of time (in music)
- ○pāla m. = udaṇḍa-pala, q.v
- ud-daṇḍita mfn. raised up, elevated Kathās
- ud-dantura mfn. large-toothed, having projecting teeth
- • high, tall L
- • terrific, formidable L
- ud-√dam Caus. -damayati, to subdue, overpower, become master of
- ud-dama m. the act of subduing, taming L
- ud-damya ind. p. having subdued MBh. xii, 6596
- ud-dānta mfn. humble
- • energetic
- • elevated L
- ud-darśana ud-√dṛś
- ud-√dal Caus
- ud-dala m. N. of a pupil of Yājñavalkya's
- ud-dalana mfn. tearing out Kād
- • (am), n. the act of splitting, causing to burst Jain
- ud-dāla m. the plant Paspalum Frumentaceum Suśr
- • Cordia Myxa or Latifolia L
- ud-dā́laka m. = ud-dāla above Suśr
- • N. of a teacher ŚBr
- • (am), n. a kind of honey L
- ○puṣpa-bhañjikā f. 'breaking Uddālaka flowers', a sort of game (played by people in the eastern districts) Kāś
- ○vrata n. a particular vow Comm. on ĀśvGṛ. i, 19, 6
- uddālakāyana m. a descendant of the teacher Uddālaka
- ud-dālana n. a means of tearing away or removing Car
- uddālin ī m. = ud-dala, q.v. VP
- ud-dālya ind. p. having caused to burst, having split MBh
- ud-dā √1
- ud-dāya ind. p. having taken out or away, having extorted BhP. iii, 1, 39
- ud-dā, √4 P
- ud-dāna n. the act of binding on, fastening together, stringing MBh
- • taming, subduing L
- • the middle, waist L
- • a fire-place L
- • submarine fire L
- • entrance of the sun into the sign of the zodiac L
- • contents L
- • tax, duty L
- • m. N. of a man Rājat
- ud-dita mfn. bound, tied L
- ud-dāma mfn. (fr. dāman with 1. ud), unrestrained, unbound, set free
- • self-willed
- • unlimited, extraordinary
- • violent, impetuous, fiery
- • wanton
- • proud, haughty
• large, great MBh. Megh. Rājat. &c
- • m. a particular metre
- • 'one whose noose is raised', N. of Yama L
- • of Varuṇa L
- • (am), ind. in an unrestrained manner, without any limits Sāh. Kād
- uddāmaya Nom. P. uddāmayati, to unfetter, cause to come forth Kād. ii
- ud-dāsa m. g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136
- uddāsin mfn. g. grāhy-ādi Pāṇ. 3-1, 134
- ud-didhīrṣā p. 189, col. 2
- ud-dina n. midday W
- ud-√diś P. Ā. -diśati, -te, to show or direct towards ŚāṅkhŚr. TBr
- • to point out, signify, declare, determine R. Mn. Megh. Śak. &c
- • to speak of
- • to say, enunciate, prophesy R. Śak
- • to mean, point at, take for
- • to aim at, intend, destine MārkP. Kathās. &c
- • to explain, instruct, teach Bhartṛ
- ud-diśya ind. p. having shown or explained
- • stipulating for, demanding
- • (used as a preposition) aiming at, in the direction of
- • with reference to
- • towards
- • with regard to, for, for the sake of, in the name of &c. (with acc.) MBh. BhP. Śak. &c
- ud-diṣṭa mfn. mentioned, particularized
- • described
- • promised
- • (am), n. a kind of time (in music)
- ud-deśa m. the act of pointing to or at, direction
- • ascertainment
- • brief statement
- • exemplification, illustration, explanation
- • mentioning a thing by name MBh. Bhag. Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- • assignment, prescription
- • stipulation, bargain MBh. R
- • quarter, spot, region, place
- • an object, a motive
- • upper region, high situation MBh. Pañcat. Śak. &c
- • (in Nyāya phil.) enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated) Nyāyak
- • (ena and āt), ind. (ifc.) relative to, aiming at, Kathās. Suśr. &c.
- ○tas ind. pointedly, distinctly
- • by way of explanation
- • briefly Bhag. &c
- ○pādapa m. a tree planted for a particular purpose L
- ○vidheya-vicāra m. N. of wk
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -pādapa above
- ud-deśaka mfn. illustrative, explanatory L
- • m. an illustration, example
- • an illustrator, guide L
- • (in math.) a question, problem Comm. on Āryabh
- ○vṛkṣa m. = uddeśa-pādapa, q.v
- ud-deśana n. the act of pointing to or at Comm. on TBr
- ud-deśin mfn. pointing at or to Vām
- ud-deśya mfn. to be illustrated or explained
- • anything to which one refers or which one has in view Vedāntas. Comm. on Gobh. Siddh
- • that which is said or enunciated first Sāh. Kpr. Comm. on KātyŚr
- • destined for Āp
- • to be mentioned by name only Comm. on Nyāyam
- • (am), n. the end in view, an incentive
- ○pādapa m. = uddeśapādapa, q.v
- uddeśyaka mfn. pointing at or to Comm. on R
- ud-deṣṭṛ mfn. pointing out &c
- • one who acts with a certain scope or design
- ud-díś k f. a particular point or direction of the compass (cf. 2. ā-díś) VS. vi, 19 ĀśvGṛ
- ud-√dih P. -degdhi (3. pl. -dihanti) to throw or heap up TĀr. v, 2, 8
- ud-dehika ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛ
- • (ā), f. the white ant
- ud-√dīp Ā. -dīpyate, to flame, blaze up, be kindled AitBr. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. Kauś.: Caus. -dīpayati, to. light up, inflame AV. xii, 2, 5 Kauś. Hariv
- • to illuminate Mṛicch
- • to animate, excite, irritate, provoke MBh. BhP. Sāh. &c
- ud-dīpa m. the act of inflaming, lighting
- • an inflamer
- • animating L
- • (am), n. a gummy and resinous substance, bdellium L
- ud-dīpaka mfn. inflaming, exciting, rendering more intense Sāh. Comm. on Kāvyâd
- • lighting, setting alight L
- • m. a kind of bird MBh
- • (ikā), f. a kind of ant
- ud-dīpana mfn. inflaming, exciting VarBṛS
- • affecting violently (as poison) Daś. 12, 10
- • (am), n. the act of inflaming, illuminating
- • lighting up VarBṛS
- • inflaming (a passion), exciting, animating, stimulating R. Ṛitus. Sāh. &c
- • an incentive, stimulus
- • any aggravating thing or circumstance (giving poignancy to feeling or passion) Sāh
- • burning (a body &c.) L
- ud-dīpta mfn. lighted, set on fire or alight, shining L
- • inflamed, aggravated (as passion) L
- ud-dīpti f. the being inflamed or excited Sāh
ud-dīpra n. bdellium L
- uddīśa m. (= uḍḍīśa, q.v.), N. of Śiva L
- ud-√duṣ P. -dūṣayati
- ud-dūṣya ind. p. having publicly calumniated or discredited Śiś. ii, 113
- ud-√dṛṃh P. (Impv. 2. sg. úd-dṛṃha) to erect and fortify VS. xvii, 72
- ud-√dṛś ut-paś, p. 181, col. 1
- ud-darśana m. N. of a king of the Nāgas L
- ud-darśita mfn. made visible, come forth, appearing Vikr
- úd-dṛṣṭa mfn. descried, visible
- • (am), n. the appearance or becoming visible of the moon ŚBr. KātyŚr. TBr. TāṇḍyaBr
- ud-draṣṭṛ ṭā m. one who descries NṛisUp
- ud-dṝ P
- ud-dīrṇa mfn. torn out Daś. (v. l. ud-īrṇa)
- ud-dyut √1 P. Ved. (impf. -adyaut) Ā. -dyotate, to blaze up, shine, shine forth RV. iii, 5, 9 Hariv
- • Caus. P. -dyotayati, to cause to shine or shine forth Prab. Ragh.: Intens. Ved. (Subj. -dávidyutat) to shine intensely RV. vi, 16, 45
- ud-dyota mfn. flashing up, shining. R
- • m. the act of flashing up, becoming bright or visible, revelation Kathās. Subh. &c
- • light, lustre MBh. Śārṅg. &c
- • a division of a book, chapter
- • N. of Nāgojibhaṭṭa's Comm. on Kaiyaṭa's Bhāshyapradīpa.
- ○kara and mfn. causing light, enlightening, illuminating,
- ○kārin mfn. causing light, enlightening, illuminating,
- ○karâcārya m. N. of a teacher
- ○mayūkha m. N. of wk
- ud-dyotaka mfn. enlightening, emblazoning
- • inflaming, stimulating Comm. on Sāṃkhyak
- ud-dyotana n. the act of enlightening, illumination
- ○sūri m. N. of a teacher (Jain.)
- ud-dyotita mfn. caused to shine, lighted up, bright MBh
- uddyotin mfn. shining upwards VarBṛS. 30, 10
- ud-√dru P. to run up or out or through
- • to recite quickly
- ud-drāvá mfn. running away VS. xxii, 8 TS
- • m. going upwards
- • flight, retreat Pāṇ. 3-3, 49
- úd-druta mfn. running away VS. xxii, 8
- ud-drutya ind. p. running up or away TBr. Kāṭh
- • reciting quickly (cf. anu-√dru) ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 17, 5
- ud-dhan (ud-√han), P. -dhanti (Ved. impf. 3. sg. -ahan RV. x, 102, 7
- • Impv. -hantu, iii, 33, 13, 2
- • du. -hatam, i, 184, 2, &c.), Ā. (3. pl. uj-jighnante RV. i, 64, 11
- • Ved. inf. -dhantavaí ŚBr. xiii, 8, 1, 20) to move or push or press upwards or out, lift up, throw away RV. ŚBr
- • to √up or out BhP
- • to turn up (the earth), dig, throw open TS. ŚBr. TBr. &c.: (Ā.) to kill one's self, hang one's self R. Pañcat
- ud-gha m. excellence
- • a model, pattern Pāṇ. 3-3, 86
- • happiness
- • the hollow hand
- • fire
- • organic air in the body L
- ud-ghana m. a carpenter's bench, a plank on which he works Pāṇ. 3-3, 80
- ud-ghāta m. the act of striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt
- • a wound, blow Kathās
- • slipping, tripping L
- • raising, elevation R
- • beginning, commencement
- • a thing begun Ragh. Kum. Kathās
- • breathing through the nostrils (as a religious exercise) VāyuP
- • a club, mallet
- • a weapon L
- • a division of a book, chapter, section L
- ud-ghātaka and n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words, Pratāpar. Daśar
- ud-ghātya n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words, Pratāpar. Daśar
- ud-ghātana n. a bucket for drawing (water) L
- udghātin mfn. having elevations, uneven, rough (v. l. for ut-khātin) Śak. 10, 6
- ud-ghātyaka m. abrupt interruption in the prologue of a drama (where an actor suddenly strikes in with an irrelevant remark caused by his having mistaken a word uttered by another actor) Sāh. 289
- ud-dhata mfn. raised (as dust), turned up R. Śak. 8 c Kathās
- • lifted up, raised, elevated, high ŚBr. TBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. &c
- • struck (as a lute) KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 7
- • enhanced
- • violent, intense BhP. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- • puffed up, haughty, vain, arrogant
- • rude, ill-behaved R. BhP. Sāh. &c
- • exceeding, excessive
- • abounding in, full of MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- • stirred up, excited, agitated MBh. Ragh. &c
- • m. a king's wrestler L
- • N. of a certain donkey Pañcat
- ○tva n. pride, arrogance MaitrUp. iii, 5
- ○manas mfn. high minded
- • haughty, proud R
- ○manaska mfn. id. L
- • -tva n. pride, arrogance L
- uddhatârṇavanisvana mfn. making a noise like that of the agitated sea
- ud-dhati f. a stroke, shaking Śak. (niruddhatis v. l. for nir-undhatas, 174 c)
- • elevation
- • pride, haugtiness L
- ud-dhanana n. the act of throwing up or turning up Comm. on Nyāyam
- ud-dhama ud-√dhmā
- ud-dhaya mfn. (√dhe), sucking out, drinking Vop
- ud-dhara &c. 2. ud-dhṛ
- ud-dharma m. unsound doctrine, heresy
- ud-dharṣa (for 2. p. 189, col. 3), m. (√dhṛṣ), courage to undertake anything R
- ud-dharṣaṇa (for 2. p. 189, col. 3), mfn. animating, encouraging R
- • (am), n. the act of animating or encouraging MBh
- ud-dhava m. (√hu), sacrificial fire L.
- • a festival, holiday L
- • joy, pleasure L
- • N. of a Yādava (Kṛishṇa's friend and counsellor) MBh. Hariv. VP. BhP
- ○dūta and m. N. of two poems
- ○saṃdeśa m. N. of two poems
- ud-dhas (ud-√has), P. -dhasati, to break out into laughter (said of the lightning)
- • to flash BhP. iii, 12, 6
- ud-dhasta mfn. (hasta with ud) extending the hands, raising the hands Suśr. ii, 533, 10
- ud-dhā (ud-√dhā), P. (Subj. 2. pl. -dadhātana) to erect (kapṛthám) RV. x, 101, 12
- • to expose (an infant) ŚBr. iv, 5, 2, 13
- ud-dhí m. the seat of a carriage AV. viii, 8, 22 ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 2 TBr
- • an earthen stand on which the Ukhā rests ŚBr. Kāṭh
- úd-dhita mfn. erected, raised, built up AV. ix, 3, 6 ; ix, 42, 2 ŚBr
- • exposed RV. viii, 51, 2 AV. xviii, 2, 34
- ud-dhā (ud- √1. hā), Ā. -jihīte (p. uj-jíhāna RV. v, 5, 1 = AV. xiii, 2, 46
- • also below) to go upwards, move upwards, rise up RV. AV. viii, 7, 21 VS. TBr. BhP. &c
- • to open (as a door) RV. ix, 5, 5
- • to go out or away, start from, leave RV. v, 5, 1 Daś. Naish. &c
- uj-jíhāna mfn. (pres. p., above)
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. 14, 2
- • (ā), f. N. of a town R. ii, 71, 12
- ud-dhāna n. (√2. hā), the act of leaving, abandonment TāṇḍyaBr
- uddhāna mfn. (corrupted from ud-vānta, ud-dhmāta, ud-dhmāna BRD.) ejected, vomited L
- • corpulent, inflated L
- • (am), n. the act of ejecting, vomiting L
- • a fire-place L
- uddhānta mfn. ( above), ejected, vomited L
- • m. an elephant out of rut (from whose temples the juice ceases to flow) L
- ud-dhārá &c. 2. ud-dhṛ
- ud-√dhī P. (impf. 3. pl. -ádīdhayus) to look upwards with desire RV. vii, 33, 5
- ud-dhura mfn. (fr. dhur with ud
- • Pāṇ. 5-4, 74), freed from a yoke or burden, unrestrained, wild, lively, cheerful Śiś. v, 64 Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • heavy, thick, gross, firm Śiś. Daś. &c
- • high L
- ud-dhuṣaṇa n. (corrupted from ud-dharṣaṇa?) erection of the hair L
- ud-√dhū P. Ā. -dhūnoti and -dhunoti, -nute, to rouse up, shake up, move, cause to rise (dust) RV. x, 23, 4 MBh. R. Ragh. VarBṛS. &c
- • to throw upwards, lift up MBh. Kathās. &c
- • to kindle
- • to disturb, excite MBh. &c
- • to shake off, throw off
- • to expel
- ud-dhūta (sometimes ud-dhuta), mfn. shaken up, raised, caused to rise MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c
- • thrown upwards, tossed up, scattered above MBh. R. Prab
- • kindled (as fire) Ragh. vii, 45 Kathās
- • excited, agitated Hariv. R. Kathās
- • shaken off, fallen from or off, thrown off or away Hariv. BhP
- • exalted
- • high, loud MBh. Hariv
- • (am), n. (uddhūta) stamping Hariv
- • turning up, digging Hariv
- • roaring (of the ocean) MBh
- ○pāpa mfn. one who has shaken off his sins Megh. 56
- ud-dhūnana n. the act of shaking, jolting Veṇis. 90, 4
- • a kind of powder L
- ud-dhūpana n. (fr. Nom. dhūpaya with ud) fumigation Suśr
- ud-dhūlaya Nom. (fr. dhūli with ud) P. -dhūlayati, to powder, sprinkle with dust or powder Kathās. Kād
- ud-dhūlana n. the act of sprinkling with dust or powder Bālar. 185, 19
- ud-dhūṣaṇa n. (for ud-dharṣaṇa?) erection of the hair L. (cf. ud-dhuṣaṇa.)
- ud-dhūṣita mfn. having the hairs erect (through joy) Pañcat
- ud-√dhṛ P. Ā. -dharati, -te (in many cases not to be distinguished from 2. ud-dhṛ below
- • the impf. and pf. are the only forms clearly referable to this root), to bring out of, draw out MBh. R
- • to raise up, elevate, honour ( also 2. ud-dhṛ below): Desid. -didhīrṣati, to wish to draw out, Caṇḍak. Siddh
- ud-didhīrṣā f. desire to remove Comm. on Nyāyad
- ud-didhīrṣu mfn. wishing to draw or bring out Siddh
- ud-dhṛ (ud-√hṛ, in some cases not to be distinguished from 1. ud-√dhṛ), P. Ā. -dharati, -te (p. -dhárat RV
- • pf. 3. pl. új-jaharus AV. iii, 9, 6
- • aor. -ahārṣam AV.) to take out, draw out, bring or tear out, pull out, eradicate
- • to extricate RV. x, 68, 4 AV. viii, 2, 15 ; xx, 136, 16 ĀśvGṛ. KātyŚr. MBh. Śak. &c
- • to draw, ladle up, skim AV. ŚBr. Lāṭy. R
- • to take away (fire, or anything from the fire) TS. AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • to raise, lift up TS. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Mn. &c
- • to rescue (from danger &c.), deliver, free, save AV. viii, 2, 28 MaitrUp. MBh. Vikr. &c
- • to put away or off, remove
- • to separate MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c
- • to leave out, omit
- • to except ( ud-dhṛtya)
- • to select, choose: Ā. to take for one's self AV. iii, 9, 6 TS. AitBr. ŚBr. MBh. Mn. &c
- • to extend, elevate, raise
- • to make strong or brisk or quick MBh. Suśr. MārkP. &c
- • to present, offer Yājñ. i, 159 BhP. iv, 30, 47
- • to √out, destroy, undo MBh. Ragh. Prab. &c
- • to divide (in math.): Caus. -dhārayati, to raise, up-lift MBh
- • to take for one's self MBh. xiv, 1928: Desid. uj-jihīrṣati, to wish to draw out or to rescue Mn. iv, 251 MBh
- ud-dhara m. N. of a Rakshas L
- • mfn. v. l. for ud-dhura, q.v. MBh. iii, 11188
- ud-dhara (2. sg. Impv. forming irregular Tatpurusha compounds)
- uddharâvasṛjā
uddharôtsṛjā f. any act in which it is said uddhara! avasṛja!, , g. mayūravyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72
- ud-dharaṇa n. (in some meanings perhaps from 1. ud-√dhṛ, q.v.), the act of taking up, raising, lifting up MBh. Śārṅg
- • the act of drawing out, taking out, tearing out Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • means of drawing out Vet
- • taking off (clothes) Suśr
- • taking away, removing Vām
- • putting or placing before, presenting, treatment KātyŚr. iv, 1, 10
- • extricating, delivering, rescuing Hit. Ragh. &c
- • taking away (a brand from the Gārhapatya-fire to supply other sacred fires) KātyŚr
- • eradication
- • extermination
- • the act of destroying
- • vomiting, bringing up
- • vomited food
- • final emancipation L
- • m. N. of the father of king Śantanu (the author of a commentary on a portion of the Mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa)
- ud-dharaṇīya mfn. to be raised or taken up
- • to be extracted W
- • to be separated Comm. on Nyāyam
- ud-dhartavya mfn. to be drawn out Kathās
- • to be separated Comm. on Nyāyam
- ud-dhartṛ mfn. one who raises or lifts up
- • a sharer, co-heir
- • one who recovers property W
- • (tā), m. a destroyer, exterminator Yājñ
- • redeemer, deliverer Kathās
- ud-dhārá m. (in some senses perhaps from 1. ud-√dhṛ), the act of raising, elevating, lifting up
- • drawing out, pulling out Gaut. MBh. Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- • removing, extinction, payment (of a debt)
- • taking away, deduction
- • omission Mn. Comm. on Yājñ
- • selection, a part to be set aside, selected part
- • exception TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c
- • selecting (a passage), selection, extract (of a book) Comm. on Kir. x, 10
- • extraction, deliverance, redemption, extrication MBh. Prab. &c
- • a portion, share
- • a surplus (given by the Hindū law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones) W
- • the first part of a patrimony W
- • the sixth part of booty taken in war (which belongs to the prince) W
- • a debt (esp. one not bearing interest), KātyDh
- • obligation Daś
- • recovering property
- • refutation Car. Comm. on Nyāyad
- • (ā), f. the plant Cocculus Cordifolius L
- • (am), n. a fire-place L
- ○kośa m. N. of wk
- ○vibhāga m. division of shares, partition
- uddhāraka mfn. one who raises or lifts, drawing out L
- • paying, giving out, affording
- ○vidhi m. mode of giving out or paying Pañcat. ii, 38, 18 (ed. BÂhler).
- ud-dhāraṇa n. the act of raising, elevating
- • drawing out BhP
- • the act of giving out or paying Pañcat. 138, 14 (ed. Kosegarten)
- ud-dhārita mfn. taken out, drawn forth, extricated
- • released
- ud-dhārya mfn. to be removed or expelled Āp
- • to be cured Car
- • to be delivered
- úd-dhṛta mfn. drawn up or out (as water from a well &c.)
- • extracted, pulled up or out, eradicated, broken off MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- • drawn up or out, ladled out, skimmed AV. xii, 5, 34 ; xv, 12, 1 ŚBr. &c
- • raised, elevated, lifted up, thrown up or upwards MBh. Rājat. &c
- • separated, set apart, taken away, removed BhP. Mn. &c
- • chosen, selected, taken from or out of Mn. &c
- • raised, made strong or famous Hit
- • recovered
- • uncovered
- • dispersed, scattered
- • holding, containing
- • vomited L
- ○sneha mfn. having the oil extracted (as the refuse of seeds ground for oil) Mn. iv, 62
- uddhṛtâri mfn. one who has extirpated his enemies
- uddhṛtôddhāra mfn. that from which the thing to be excepted is excepted Mn. x, 85
- ud-dhṛti f. the act of drawing out, extraction Suśr. Rājat. Śiś
- • taking away or out, removing (the fire) Nyāyam
- • abstract, extract L
- • delivering, rescue
- ud-dhṛtya ind. p. having raised up or drawn &c
- • having excepted, excepting
- • with the exception of ŚBr. Lāṭy. ĀśvŚr. &c
- ud-dhṛṣ (ud-√hṛṣ), Ved. Ā. - harṣate, to be excited with joy, rejoice
- • to do anything with joy or pleasure RV. iv, 21, 9 AV. iii, 19, 6
- • (in class. lang.) P. -dhṛṣyati, to be merry or in high spirits
- • to flare upwards AitBr. iii, 4, 5
- • to open (as a calyx) BhP.: Caus. -dharṣayati (3. pl. -dharṣáyanti RV.) to make merry or in high spirits, rejoice, cheer RV. v, 21, 5 ; x, 103, 10 AV. v, 20, 8
- • to make brisk, encourage MBh. MārkP
- ud-dharṣa mfn. (for 1. s.v.) glad, pleased, happy BhP
- • m. the flaring upwards (of the fire) Sāy. on AitBr. iii, 4, 5
- • great joy
- • a festival (especially a religious one) L
- ud-dharṣaṇa mfn. (for 1. p. 188, col. 3) causing joy, gladdening
- • (ī), f. a kind of metre
- • (am), n. erection of the hair (through rapture) L
- uddharṣín mfn. one whose hair is erect (through joy) AV. viii, 6, 17
- • (iṇī), f. a kind of metre (consisting of four verses, of fourteen syllables each)
- ud-√dhmā P. -dhamati, to blow out, breathe out, expire ( ud-dhmāya below)
- • to inflate, make known by blowing (a trumpet &c.) TĀr. i, 12, 1
- ud-dhama mfn. one who blows Vop
- • m. breathing hard, panting
- • blowing, sounding L
- ud-dhama (2. sg. Impv. forming irregular Tatpurusha compounds)
- ○vidhamā f. any act in which it is said !, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72
- ud-dhmāna n. a fire-place, stove L
- ud-dhmāya ind. p. having breathed out, expiring ŚBr. i, 4, 3, 18
- • (the MSS. read udhnāya Sāy. udmāya, Weber conjectures ud-dhmāya.)
- uddhya m. (√ujjh Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 115) a river Ragh. xi, 8
- • N. of a river Bhaṭṭ. L
- ud-√dhvaṃs Ā. -dhvaṃsate, to be affected or attacked (by disease &c.) Car.: Caus. P. -dhvaṃsayati, to attack, cause to befall, affect MBh. Car
- ud-dhvaṃsa m. destruction Car. ii, 2, 8
- • affection (of the throat), hoarseness Suśr. Car
- • the state of being attacked (by infectious disorders &c.), an epidemic Car. iii, 3
- ud-dhvaṃsana n. affection (of the throat) Car
- • an epidemic Car. iii, 3
- ud-dhve (ud-√hve), P. -dhvayati (impf. 1. sg. -ahvam AV.) to call out, entice AV. x, 10, 22 ; xviii, 2, 23 AitBr
- ud-bandh Ā. (Pot. -badhnīta) to tie up, hang one's self ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 8
- ud-baddha mfn. tied up or upwards MBh. Kum
- • hung, hung up MBh. iv, 13, 12
- • checked, interrupted
- • annulled BhP. x, 85, 43
- • compact, firm (as the leg of a man) MBh. VarBṛS
- ud-badhya ind. p. having tied up or hanged one's self, hanging one's self Rājat. Kathās. Pañcat
- ud-bandha (for 2. s.v.), as m. hanging one's self Kathās. VarBṛS
- udbandhana mf(ī)n. serving for hanging up (as a string) R. ii, 12, 80
- • (am), n. hanging, hanging one's self MBh. Kathās. Gaut
- ud-báudhuka mfn. one who hangs up TS. ii, 5, 17
- ud-bandha (fr. bandha with ud in sense of apart), mfn. unbound, loosened, united (as hair) Ragh. xvi, 67 (ed. Calc.)
- ud-barhis mfn. having sacrificial grass above MaitrS. ii, 2, 3
- ud-√bala mfn. strong, powerful (cf. upôdbalaya.)
- ud-√bādh Ā. -bādhate, to burst forth, break forth ŚBr
- ud-bāṣpa ud-vāṣpa
- úd-bāhu mfn. having the arms raised
- • extending the arms ŚBr. Ragh. i, 3
- ud-bāhuka mfn. id. ĀśvGṛ. iv, 1, 9
- ud-bila mfn. emerged from a hole, (an animal) that has quitted its hole R
- ud-budbuda mfn. bubbling out forth Mcar
- ud-√budh Ā. -budhyate (aor. 3. pl. -abudhran RV.) to awake RV. vii, 72, 3 ; x, 101, 1 VS
- ud-buddha mfn. roused up, awaked
- • come forth, appearing Sāh
- • blown, budded L
- • excited
- • reminded, made to think of, recalled W
- ○saṃskāra m. association of ideas, recalling anything to remembrance
- ud-bodha m. awaking
- • coming forth, appearing Sāh. Rājat
- • fumigation VarBṛS
- • reminding
- • incipient knowledge W
- ud-bodhaka mfn. exciting, calling forth Sāh
- • reminding
• one who reminds or calls to remembrance
- • discovering, exhibiting W
- ud-bodhana n. awaking, arousing
- • recalling, reminding W
- ud-budhnya Nom. (fr. -budhna), P. -budhnyati, to come out of the deep, come or spring up MaitrUp
- ud-bṛṃhaṇa mfn. (√bṛh), increasing, strengthening BhP
- ud-√brū Ā. -bruvate, to extol, praise ( RTL. p. 424). TBr. i, 7, 10, 6 ŚBr. v ; ii, 2, 4 (to renounce, give up NBD.)
- ud-√bhañj forms below
- ud-bhagna mfn. burst, torn Suśr
- ud-bhaṅga m. the act of breaking off, leaving off
- udbhaṭa mfn. excellent, eminent, exalted, magnanimous, extraordinary Bhar. Viddh
- • vehement, passionate Gīt
- • m. a tortoise L
- • a fan for winnowing corn L
- • N. of an author
- ○tva n. weight, importance (of a contradiction) Sarvad
- ud-√bharts P. (impf. 2. pl.? -abhartsata ŚāṅkhŚr. xii, 23, 1
- • -abhartsatha? AV. xx, 134, 1 ṃṣṣ.) to use roughly?
- ud-bhava ud-√bhū
- udbhasa ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh
- ud-√bhā P. -bhāti, to become visible, appear Mn. BhP
- ud-√bhās P. Ā. -bhāsati, -te, to come forth or appear brightly, shine MBh. R. Kathās
- • to become visible, strike MBh. v, 728: Caus. P. Ā. -bhāsayati, -te, to illuminate, light up Hariv. VP. VarBṛS. Kathās
- • to make apparent or prominent, cause to come forth Bhartṛ. Comm. on Kum. i, 2
• to render brilliant or beautiful Mṛicch. Ragh
- ud-bhāsa m. radiance, splendour, g. balâdi, Pāṇ. 5-2, 136 (not in the Kāś.)
- ○vat mfn. shining, radiant ib
- ud-bhāsita mfn. come forth, appeared
- • lighted up, illuminated, splendid
- • ornamented, graced, beautiful
- udbhāsin mfn. shining, radiant Kum. Bhartṛ
- • coming forth, appearing Rājat. Daśar
- • giving or causing splendour Mṛicch
- ud-bhāsura mfn. shining, radiant Amar
- ud-√bhid P. -bhinatti (Subj. -bhinádat RV
- • Pot. 1. sg. -bhideyam AV.) to break or burst through, break out
- • to appear above, become visible, rise up RV. x, 45, 10 AV. ix, 2, 2 ; iv, 38, 1 TāṇḍyaBr. ŚBr
- • to pierce Vedāntas. BhP.: Pass. -bhidyate, to spring open, burst forth MBh
- • to shoot open or up, break out, appear Daś. BhP. &c
- ud-bhij (in comp. for 2. ud-bhíd below)
- ○ja mfn. sprouting, germinating (as a plant) ChUp. AitUp. MBh. Mn. &c
- ud-bhíd mfn. penetrating, bursting through
- • coming or bursting forth, pouring, overflowing
- • abounding with RV. AV. v, 20, 11 VS
- • breaking forth (from the earth), sprouting, germinating MBh
- • (t), m. a kind of sacrifice KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- • (t), f. a sprout or shoot of a plant, a plant
- • a spring, fountain Suśr
- • (with indrasya) N. of a Sāman
- ○vidyā f. the science of plants, botany
- ud-bhida mfn. sprouting, germinating MBh
- • m. N. of a son of Jyotishmat
- • of the Varsha ruled over by him VP
- • (am), n. a fountain, spring L
- • a kind of salt L
- • N. of a Sāman
- úd-bhinna mfn. burst forth, opened, burst
- • having broken through, come forth, appeared
- • made to appear, brought to light Kull
- • appearing above AV. x, 5, 36 ; xvi, 8, 1 seqq. Mālav. Pañcat. &c
- • discovered, betrayed Sāh
- • provided or abounding with BhP. Pañcat
- ud-bheda m. the act of breaking through or out, becoming manifest or visible, appearing, sprouting Śak. 85 d Kum. Bhartṛ. Sāh. &c
- • (in dram.) the first manifestation of the germ (bīja) of the plot Sāh. Daśar. Pratāpar
- • a sprout or shoot of a plant L
- • a spring, fountain R. MBh
- • treachery Kathās
- • mentioning Prasannar
- ud-bhedana n. the act of breaking through or out, coming forth MBh. Car
- ud-√bhū P. -bhavati, to come up to, reach, be equal ŚBr. TBr
- • to rise, rise against Kathās
- • to come forth, arise, exist, spring from MBh. Kathās. Hariv. Rājat. &c
- • to shoot forth, increase, grow larger, thrive MaitrUp. Naish.: Caus. -bhāvayaṭi, to cause to exist, produce Ragh. ii, 62 Vedāntas
- • to make apparent, show, explain MBh. Sāh. &c
- • to speak of, mention Prasannar. Comm. on Bādar
- • to consider, think (with two acc.) Vcar. ix, 19
- ud-bhava m. existence, generation, origin, production, birth
- • springing from, growing
- • becoming visible Yājñ. Mn. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- • birth-place ŚvetUp. Kāvyâd
- • N. of a son of Nahusha VP
- • a sort of salt L., (ifc.) mfn. produced or coming from MBh. Mn. &c
- ○kara mfn. productive
- ○kṣetra n. the place of origin Daś
- ud-bhāva m. production, generation, g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136
- • rising (of sounds) Pushpas. ix, 4, 22
- ud-bhāvana n. the act of raising up, elevation MBh. xiii, 2913 Lalit
- • passing over, inattention, neglect, disregard MBh
- • announcement, communication Naish
- • making visible, manifestation Kāraṇḍ
- ud-bhāvayitṛ mfn. one who raises upwards or elevates Daś
- ud-bhāvita mfn. caused to exist, created, produced Sāh
- udbhāvin mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 136) coming forth, becoming visible &c
- ud-bhū mf(bhvií)n () 'being up to what is wanted', sufficient
- • having persistency, persevering AV. ix, 2, 16 ; xviii, 4, 26 VS. xv, 1
- ud-bhūta mfn. come forth, produced, born
- • grown MaitrUp. MBh. R. Kathās. &c
- • raised, elevated, increased R. Ṛitus
- • visible, perceptible, distinct, positive Bhāshāp
- ○tva n. the state of being increased MaitrUp. v, 2
- ○rūpa n. visible form or shape
- • (mfn.) having a visible shape.
○sparśa-vat mfn. having distinct or positive tangibility, tangible Bhāshāp. 55
- ud-bhūti f. coming forth, existence, appearance Kap
- • elevation, increase Kum. Vikr
- ud-√bhṛ P. Ā. -bharati, -te (pf. -jabhāra pres. p. -bhárat
- • but -bibhrat Gīt. 1, 16) to take or carry away or out RV. AV. ŚBr
- • to take for one's self, choose, select RV. AV. VS
- • to raise up, elevate RV. viii, 19, 23
- • to carry above, raise up Gīt
- ud-bhyasá (√bhyas connected with √bhī), trembling AV. xi, 9, 17
- ud-√bhram P. -bhramati, bhrāmyati, to whirl or move, upwards, start or jump up
- • to rise, ascend, raise one's self R. Gīt. MārkP. BhP. &c.: Caus. -bhrāmayati, to wave, swing MBh
- • to excite R
- ud-bhrama m. whirling
- • excitement L
- • intoxication L
- • N. of a class of beings attending on Śiva SkandaP
- ud-bhramaṇa n. the act of moving or whirling upwards, rising, ascending Comm. on Śak. 263, 1
- ud-bhrānta mfn. risen, ascended, gone or jumped up, turned upwards MBh. R. Ragh. Pañcat. &c
- • come forth or out of (the earth) Kathās
- • run away, disappeared Rājat
- • wandering about, roaming MBh
- • agitated, excited, bewildered, distressed MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c
- • whirled, flourished
- • waved (as a sword)
- • (am), n. the act of waving (a sword) MBh
- • the rising (of the wind) Hariv
- • excitement, agitation Sāh
- udbhrāntaka mfn. wandering about, roaming NṛisUp
- • (am), n. whirling upwards, rising, ascending Śak. 263, 1
- ud-bhrū mfn. having the brows drawn up Bālar. 36, 1
- údman a n. (√ud), surging, flooding VS. MaitrS
- udya mfn. (√vad, q.v.), to be spoken
- • (udyá ŚBr. xiv, 6, 8, 2, erroneous for uj-jyá, q.v
- • udya L., erroneous for uddhya, q.v.)
- ud-yat mfn. (fr. ud-√i, q.v.), rising &c
- • (an), m. a star PārGṛ
- • (tī), f. a particular manner of recitation TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy
- ○parvata and m. the eastern mountain (cf. udaya-giri) MBh. R
- udyad-giri m. the eastern mountain (cf. udaya-giri) MBh. R
- ud-√yam P. -yacchati (aor. -ayān RV. vi, 71, 5), Ā. (if the result of the action returns to the agent Pāṇ. 1-3, 75) -yacchate (aor. -ayaṃsta and -yamiṣṭa)
- • Subj. -yaṃsate RV. i, 143, 7
- • inf. -yámam MaitrS. ii, 4, 3) to lift up, raise RV. v, 32, 7 ; vi, 71, 1 & 5 AV. AitBr. ŚBr. Lāṭy. Śak. &c
- • to raise, set up, elevate
- • to put up or higher, carry or bring upwards RV. iv, 53, 1 ; i, 143, 7 TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- • to hold out, present, offer (a sacrifice to gods, or any other thing to men) RV. AV. TS. MBh. BhP. R. &c
- • to shake up, rouse RV. i, 10, 1 ; i, 56, 1 ; x, 119, 2 AV. xiv, 1, 59
- • to raise (one's voice, or rays, or light) RV
- • to undertake, commence
- • to be diligent, strive after (only P., e.g. udyacchati cikitsāṃ vaidyaḥ, 'the physician strives after the science of medicine' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 75
- • with dat. or acc. or without any object) MBh. Hariv. Ragh. Kathās. Rājat. &c
- • to rein, curb
- • to guide MBh
- • to keep away or off, restrain, check TS. vi, 3, 4, 6 TBr. iii, 3, 1, 3: Intens. -yamyamīti, to raise, stretch out (the arms) RV. i, 95, 7
- úd-yata mfn. raised, held up, elevated, high MBh. R. BhP. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • hold out, offered, presented RV. AV. MBh. R. BhP. &c
- • undertaken, commenced, begun R
- • undertaking, commencing
- • ready or eager for
- • prepared, intent on
- • trained, exercised, disciplined
- • active, persevering, labouring diligently and incessantly (with dat. or loc. or inf. or without any object) MBh. R. Kathās. Ragh. Yājñ. MārkP. Rājat. &c
- • m. a kind of time (in music) L
- • a section, division of a book, chapter
- ○kārmuka mfn. with raised bow
- ○gada mfn. with uplifted mace
- ○śūla mfn. with raised spear
- ○sruc (údyata-), mfn. one who has raised a ladle (to offer a libation) RV. i, 31, 5
- udyatâyudha or mfn. having an uplifted weapon MBh. R. BhP. &c
- udyatâstra mfn. having an uplifted weapon MBh. R. BhP. &c
- úd-yati f. raising, elevation RV. i, 190, 3 TS. ŚBr. AitBr.
- ud-yantṛ mfn. one who raises or elevates RV. i, 178, 3
- ud-yama m. the act of raising or lifting up, elevation R. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c
- • undertaking, beginning
- • the act of striving after, exerting one's self, exertion, strenuous and continued effort, perseverance, diligence, zeal R. Kum. Pañcat. VarBṛS. &c
- ○bhaṅga m. frustration of effort, discouragement, dissuasion
- • desisting
- ○bhṛt mfn. bearing or undergoing exertion Bhartṛ
- ud-yamana n. raising, elevation Pāṇ. Sarvad
- • effort, exertion Daś
- ud-yamita mfn. excited, instigated Kir. ix, 66
- udyamin mfn. undertaking, persevering
- • making effort, active Yājñ. Kathās. Bhartṛ
- údyamīyas mfn. raising more or excessively RV. x, 86, 6
- ud-yamya mfn. to be undertaken with exertion W
- ud-yamya ind. p. having lifted or taken up
- • having made exertion
- ud-yāmá m. the act of erecting or stretching out ŚBr. viii, 5, 1, 13
- • a rope, cord TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ud-√yā P. -yāti, to rise (as the sun) RV. x, 37, 3
- • to go out or away, start from ŚBr. xiv, 5, 4, 1 Ragh
- • to raise one's self, rise Gīt. Kathās
- • to rise, originate from Rājat. Naish
- • to excel, surpass (acc.) MārkP
- ud-yā́na n. the act of going out AV. viii, 1, 6
- • walking out
- • a park, garden, royal garden Yājñ. R. Megh. Śak. Pañcat. &c
- • purpose, motive L
- • N. of a country in the north of India
- ○pāla
- ○pālaka m
- ○pālikā
- ○pālī f. a gardener, superintendent or keeper of a garden Kum. Kathās. &c
- ○mālā f. a row of gardens Kāvyâd
- ○rakṣaka m. a gardener
- udyānaka n. a garden, park R
- ud-yāpana n. the act of bringing to a conclusion, finishing, accomplishment
- ud-yāpanikā f. return home from a journey, Hpar
- ud-yāpita mfn. brought to a conclusion, finished, accomplished MW
- ud-yāva ud- √2. yu
- ud-yāsá m. (√yas), exertion, effort VS. xxxix, 11
- ud-yu √2. P. Ā. -yauti, (1. pl. -yuvāmahe) to draw up or upwards RV. vi, 57, 6 TS. ii, 6, 5, 5
- • to join, mix
- • to confound
- ud-yāva m. the act of mixing, joining Pāṇ
- úd-yuta mfn. mixed with MaitrS
- • confounded, mad AV. vi, 111, 2
- ud-√yuj P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte (inf. -yujé AV.) to join, be in contact with AV. vi, 70, 2
- • to get off or away, go away ŚBr. iv, 1, 5, 7 Lāṭy
- • to go near, undergo, prepare
- • to make efforts, be active MBh. Kathās. Daś.: Caus. -yojayati, to excite, incite, make active or quick, stimulate to exertion MBh. Hariv. R
- ud-yukta mfn. undergoing, undertaking
- • prepared or ready for, zealously active, labouring for some desired end MBh. R. Kathās. &c
- ud-yugá n. a particular disease Bṛḍ. AV. v, 22, 11
- ud-yuj k f. endeavour, striving after MānGṛ
- ud-yoga m. the act of undertaking anything, exertion, perseverance, strenuous and continuous endeavour
- • active preparation Yājñ. Kathās. Hit. &c
- ○parvan n. N. of the fifth book of the Mahābhārata
- • also of a section of the fifth book (chapters 45-47) of the Rāmāyaṇa
- ○samartha mfn. capable of exertion
- udyogin mfn. one who makes effort, active, laborious, persevering, energetic
- ud-yojita mfn. excited, raised, gathered (as clouds) Prab
- ud-√yudh P. -yodhati, to bubble up (as water) AV. xii, 3, 29
- • to fly into a passion, show enmity or hatred against TāṇḍyaBr
- udrá m. (√ud Uṇ. ii, 13), a kind of aquatic animal (a crab Comm. on VS
- • an otter Uṇ. and L.) VS. xxiv, 37
- • (am), n. water
- • anudrá and udrín
- ○pāraka m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- udraka m. N. of a Ṛishi
- udrín mfn. abounding in water RV.
- udraṅka and udraṅga m. a town L
- • N. of Hariścandra's city (floating in the air) L
- ud-√rañj Intens. P. -rā́rajīti, to become agitated, fly into a passion AV. vi, 71, 2
- ud-ratha m. the pin of the axle of a carriage L
- • a cock L
- ud-√ram P. (impf. -aramat) to cease, leave off (speaking) ŚBr. vii, 4, 1, 39
- ud-raśmi mfn. radiating upwards, sending rays of light upwards Śiś. iii, 62
- ud-rāva m. (√ru), aloud noise W
- ud-√ric Pass. -ricyate (pf. -ririce RV.) to be prominent, stand out, exceed, excel, preponderate RV. i, 102, 7 ; vii, 32, 12
- • to increase, abound in: Caus. -recayati, to enhance, cause to increase Rājat
- ud-rikta mfn. prominent, standing out R
- • increased, augmented, abundant, abounding, excessive
- • superfluous, left, remaining TS. vii ĀśvŚr. MBh. Mn. &c
- ○citta n. a mind abounding in (goodness &c.) Pañcar. i, 6, 12
- • (mfn.) having a lofty mind, proud, arrogant Kathās. xci, 55
- ○cetas mfn. high-minded Kathās. xxxii, 73
- • intoxicated L
- ud-reka m. abundance, overplus, excess, preponderance, superiority, predominance MBh. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- • (ā), f. the plant Melia Sempervirens L
- udrekin mfn. excessive, violent Sāh
- • (ifc.) abounding in, giving preponderance Suśr
- udrecaka mfn. enhancing or augmenting exceedingly Rājat. iv, 526
- ud-√ruc Ā. (impf. 2. sg. -arocathās) to shine forth AV. xiii, 3, 23
- ud-ruja mfn. (√ruj), destroying, breaking down
- • undermining, rooting up Pāṇ. Ragh. (cf. kūlam-udruja.)
- ud-rudh √2. P. (aor. -arautsīt) to push away, turn out ŚBr. xiv, 7, 1, 41
- ud-rodhana n. (√1. rudh = √ruh), rising, growing AitBr. iv, 14, 5
- ud-vaṃśa mfn. of high decent Hcat
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi
- • (am), n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr
- udvaṃśīya n. N. of a Sāman
- udvanśīyôttara n. id. TāṇḍyaBr
- ud-vaktra mfn. having the face up-lifted
- ud-vát t f. (fr. 1. ud), height, elevation RV. AV. xii, 1, 2 Kauś
- • (mfn.) containing the word ud TāṇḍyaBr
- • (t), n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ud-vatsará m. the last year of a cycle MaitrS. Kāṭh. VarBṛS
- udvatsarīya mfn. belonging to the above year VarBṛS
- ud-√vad P. -vadati (inf. úd-vaditos MaitrS. i, 4, 10) to raise one's voice, utter, speak, pronounce RV. x, 166, 5 AV. v, 20, 11 MaitrS. ŚBr. TBr.: Caus. -vādayati, to cause to proclaim
- • to cause to resound ŚBr
- ud-vādana n. the act of crying aloud, proclaiming KātyŚr. Vait
- ud-√vadh P. (aor. Subj. -vadhīt) to tear to pieces, lacerate RV. ii, 42, 2 VS. xiii, 16
- ud-vana mfn. steep, precipitous Kāṭh. (cf. pravaṇa.)
- ud-vap √2. P. -vápati, (pf. 2. du. -ūpáthus and -ūpathus RV.) to pour out, take out
- • to scrape, dig up
- • to throw away, destroy, annul RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. KātySr. ĀśvŚr. Kauś.: Caus. -vāpayati, to cause to pour out or away ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 1, 3
- • to cause to dig up ŚBr
- ud-vapana n. the act of pouring out, shaking out
- • (ī), f. piṣṭôd○
- ud-vāpa m. the act of throwing out, removing Comm. on Nyāyam
- • ejection KātyŚr. Kauś
- • (in logic) non-existence of a consequent resulting from the absence of an antecedent W
- ud-vāpana n. the act of putting out (the fire) Comm. on ĀpŚr.
- ud-√vam P. -vamati, to vomit out, spit out
- • to give out, emit, shed (tears), throw (arrows, glances &c.) TS. MBh. Ragh. &c
- ud-vamana n. the act of giving out, emitting, shedding (e.g. tears) Pāṇ. 3-1, 16
- ud-vamita mfn. vomited, ejected L
- ud-vānta mfn. id
- • m. an elephant out of rut L
- ud-vānti f. the act of giving out, emitting Vop
- ud-vāmin mfn. ifc. vomiting out Car
- úd-vayas mfn. one by whom corn is produced or ripened ṃahīdh. VS. ix, 3
- ud-varga ud-√vṛj
- ud-varta &c. ud-√vṛt
- ud-vartman a n. a wrong road MaitrUp. vi, 30
- ud-vardhana ud-√vṛdh
- ud-vas √5. P. -vasati, to live away MW.: Caus. P. Ā. -vāsayati, -te, to cause to live away
- • to banish, expel
- • to remove, separate VS. ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. BhP. &c
- • to √out (trees) ĀśvGṛ
- • to destroy, lay waste Hariv. Pañcat
- ud-vāsa (for 2. s.v.), as m. banishment, exile
- • abandonment
- • setting free, dismission, g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136 BhP
- • carrying out for slaughter, killing L
- ○vat mfn. Pāṇ. 5-2, 136
- ud-vāsana n. the act of taking out or away (from the fire) KātyŚr. Kauś
- • quitting, abandoning
- • expelling, banishing
- • taking out in order to kill, killing, slaughter L
- udvāsin mfn. g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136
- udvāsī-kārin mfn. making (a country) inhabited TBr. i, 2, 6, 7
- ud-vāsya mfn. to be taken off
- • to be put away BhP
- • relating to the killing of a sacrificial animal R
- ud-vasa mfn. (cf. dur-vasa) uninhabited, empty Rājat
- • disappeared, gone Viddh
- • (am), n. solitude Śatr
- ud-√vah P. Ā. -vahati, -te, to lead or carry out or up, draw out, save RV. i, 50, 1 ; vii, 69, 7 AV. AitBr. TāṇḍyaBr. Hariv. &c
- • to bear up, lift up, elevate MBh. BhP
- • to take or lead away (a bride from her parents' house), lead home, marry PārGṛ. Gobh. Yājñ. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • to lead to or near, bring BhP
- • to bear (a weight or burden), wear (clothes &c.) MBh. R. Kum. Śiś. &c
- • to support (the earth), rule, govern Rājat. Kathās. &c
- • to wear, have, possess
- • to show BhP. VarBṛS. Rājat. Sāh. Pañcat. &c.: Caus. -vāhayati, to cause to marry, marry MBh. Pañcat
- ud-ūḍha mfn. borne up, raised up
- • carried
- • sustained
- • recovered, acquired MW
- • married
- • coarse, gross, heavy, fat L
- • material, substantial
- • much, exceeding L
- ud-vahá mfn. carrying or leading up AV. xix, 25, 1
- • carrying away, taking up or away ŚBr. Pāṇ
- • continuing, propagating MBh. R. Kathās
- • eminent, superior, best L
- • m. the act of leading home (a bride), marriage BhP
- • son, offspring MBh. R. Ragh
- • chief offspring Ragh. ix, 9
- • the fourth of the seven winds or courses of air (viz. that which supports the Nakshatras or lunar constellations and causes their revolution) Hariv
• the vital air that conveys nourishment upwards
- • one of the seven tongues of fire
- • N. of a king MBh
- • (ā), f. daughter L
- ud-vahana n. the act of lifting or bringing up Suśr. Ragh
- • carrying, drawing, driving
• being carried on, riding (inst.) Pañcat. Ragh. Kum. Mn. &c
- • leading home (a bride), wedding, marriage PārGṛ. BhP
- • possessing, showing Rājat
- • the lowest part of a pillar, pediment Comm. on VarBṛS
- ud-vāha m. the act of leading home (a bride), marriage, wedding MBh. Kathās. VarBṛS. &c
- ○karman n. the marriage ceremony Mn. iii, 43
- ○tattva n. N. of wk. of Raghu-nandana on marriage ceremonies
- udvāharkṣa n. (○a + ṛ○), marriage Nakshatra', one held to be auspicious for a marriage BhP. x, 53, 4
- ud-vāhana mf(ī)n. drowing up, lifting up L
- • (am), n. anything which raises or draws up L
- • ploughing a field twice L
- • anxiety, anxious regret L
- • marriage L
- • (ī), f. a cord, rope L.
- udvāhika mfn. relating to a marriage, matrimonial Mn. ix, 65
- ud-vāhita mfn. raised, lifted or pulled up, eradicated
udvāhin mfn. one who raises or draws up L
- • one who marries, relating to marriage L
- • (inī), f. a rope L
- udvoḍhu-kāma mfn. desirous of marrying
- ud-voḍhṛ ḍhā m. a husband T. (quoted from the Mahā-nirṇaya-tantra)
- ud-vahni mfn. emitting sparks or gleams (as an eye) Śiś. iv, 28
- ○jvāla mfn. sending flames upwards, shining upwards Kathās. cxviii, 76
- ud-√vā P. -vāti, to be blown out, go out AitBr. viii, 28, 10 Kauś. (cf. ud-√vai.)
- ud-vāna n. the going out, being extinguished Nyāyam
- ud-vā́cana mfn. causing to cry out (?) AV. v, 8, 8
- ud-vādana ud-√vad
- ud-vāna mfn. (probably corrupted fr. ud-vānta), ejected, vomited L
- • (am), n. the act of ejecting, vomiting L
- • a stove L
- úd-vāra mfn. (fr. 1. vara = vāla), having the tail raised TS. i, 8, 9, 2 TBr. i, 7, 3, 6
- udvā́la-vat ān m. N. of a Gandharva ŚBr. xi, 2, 3, 9 Comm. on VS
- ud-√vāś Ā. -vāśyate, to address in a weeping voice or while uttering lamentations Bhaṭṭ. iii, 32
- ud-vāṣpa mfn. shedding tears Kathās
- ○tva n. the act of shedding tears Vikr. 29
- ud-vāsa mf(ā)n. (for 1. ud-√5. vas) one who has put off clothes (said of a woman who has put off her soiled clothes after her period of impurity) Kauś
- ud-vāsas mfn. id. ŚBr
- ud-vikāsin mfn. (√kas), blown, expanded, open Kād
- ud-vi-√ghuṣ Caus. P. -ghoṣayati, to cause to sound loud
- • to declare or proclaim aloud BhP
- ud-vi-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to perceive BhP. xi, 23, 44
- ud-√vij Ā. -vijate (raely -vejate in MBh.), P. -vijati (rarely), to gush or spring upwards AV. iv, 15, 3
- • to be agitated, grieved or afflicted
- • to shudder, tremble, start
- • to fear, be afraid of (with gen., abl. or instr.) MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c
- • to shrink from, recede, leave off Śatr. Bhaṭṭ
- • to frighten MBh. ii, 178: Caus. P. -vejayati, to frighten, terrify, intimidate MBh. Kathās. Mṛicch. Pañcat. &c
- • to cause to shudder Vāgbh
- • to revive a fainting person (by sprinkling water) Suśr
- • to tease, molest Kum. Prab. Śārṅg
- ud-vigṇa mfn. shuddering, starting, frightened, terrified MBh. R. Suśr. Ragh. &c
- • sorrowful, anxious, grieving for (an absent lover) MBh. Daś. Bhag. &c
- ○citta
- ○cetas
- ○manas or mfn. having the mind or soul agitated by fright, depressed in mind
- ○hṛdaya mfn. having the mind or soul agitated by fright, depressed in mind
- • sorrowful, anxious, distressed MBh. BhP. MārkP. &c
- ○driś f. and a frightened glance
- ○locana n. a frightened glance
- • (mfn.) one who looks frightened BhP
- ud-vega mfn. going swiftly
- • an express messenger, a runner, courier, &c. L
- • steady, composed, tranquil L
- • ascending mounting, going up or upwards L
- • an ascetic whose arms by long habit continue always raised above the head L
- • m. trembling, waving, shaking
- • agitation, anxiety
- • regret, fear, distress (occasioned by separation from a beloved object) MBh. Ragh. Pañcat. &c
- • the being offended Kāvyâd
- • admiration, astonishment L
- • (udvegaṃ√kṛ, to disturb
- • to be disturbed in mind R. Sāh. Pañcat. &c.)
- • (am), n. the fruit of the Areca Faufel
- • the Areca nut (called betel nut because eaten with the betel leaf) L
- ○kara
- ○kāraka
- ○kārin mfn. causing anxiety or agitation or distress Pañcat
- ○vāhin mfn. bringing or causing agitation, disquieting, troubling Kathās
- udvegin mfn. suffering distress, anxious, unhappy L.
- • causing anxiety or agitation of mind Pañcat
- ud-vejaka mfn. agitating, distressing, annoying, causing pain or sorrow, Śārṅg
- ud-vejana mfn. id. Kathās. Kām
- • (am), n. shudder, shuddering Suśr
- • agitation, fear
- • the act of terrifying, causing to shudder Daśar. Sāh
- ○kara mfn. causing to shake with horror, causing excitement or pain Mn
- ud-vejanīya mfn. to be feared
- • to be shrunk from MBh. R. Pañcat. Suśr
- ud-vejayitṛ mfn. terrifying
- • a terrifier MW
- ud-vejita mfn. caused to shudder
- • grieved, pained, afflicted
- ud-vejin mfn. causing anxiety or agitation of mind, causing shudder or horror Kathās
- ud-vi-√dṝ Caus. P. -dārayati, to dig up, turn or tear up BhP. x, 68, 71
- ud-viddha mfn. ud-√vyadh
- ud-vivarhaṇa n. (√vṛh), the act of plucking out, tearing out BhP
- ud-vi-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to leave, abandon BhP. iv, 31, 32
- ud-vī7kṣ (ud-vi-√īkṣ), Ā. -vii7kṣate, to look up or upwards, look at, view
- • to perceive Śak. Ratnāv. Amar. &c
- • to consider, examine Pañcat
- ud-vī7kṣaṇa n. the act of looking up or upwards
- • look, view MBh. Ragh
- ud-vī7kṣita mfn. looked at
- • perceived MBh. Ragh
- ud-vī7kṣya ind. p. having looked upwards &c
- ud-√vīj Pass. -viijyate, to be blown upon or against MBh. iii, 1757
- ud-√vṛ
- ud-vṛtya ind. p. having opened, opening wide (the eyes) MBh
- ud-√vṛ Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -varasva) to elect, select, choose R. (ed. Schlegel) ii, 11, 9
- • (v. l. -dharasva ed. Bombay.)
- ud-vṛṃhaṇa ud-bṛṃhaṇa
- ud-√vṛj P. (Impv. 2. sg. -vṛṅgdhi) to tear out, pluck out, √up (figuratively) KaushUp. ii, 7: Intens. (p. -várīvṛjat) to stretch out, extend RV. vi, 58, 2
- ud-varga m. one who roots up, a destroyer KaushUp. ii, 7
- ud-√vṛt P. (pf. -vavarta) to go asunder, burst open ŚBr. iv, 4, 3, 4: Ā. -vartate, to go upwards, rise, ascend, swell
- • to bubble up, overflow Hariv. BhP. Suśr
- • to be puffed up with pride, become arrogant or extravagant
- • to proceed from, originate ŚBr. xiv, 5, 1, 5
- • to fall down BhP.: Caus. P. -vartayati, to beat to pieces, split, burst RV. viii, 14, 13 TBr. MBh. Hariv
- • to swing or throw out Kauś
- • to cause to swell up
- ud-varta mfn. superfluous, redundant, plentiful
- • left over as a remainder L
- • m. a remainder, surplus L
- ud-vartaka mfn. causing to rise, increasing MW
- • (ifc.) rubbing Pāṇ
- • m. (in math.) the quantity assumed for the purpose of an operation
- ud-vartana mfn. causing to burst Hariv. 9563
- • (am), n. the act of rising, going up, ascending, jumping up Megh. Kathās. VarBṛS
- • the springing up of plants or grain &c
- • swelling up, overflowing Car
- • drawing out metal, laminating W
- • grinding, pounding
- • rubbing or kneading the body, rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents
- • the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs &c.) Yājñ. Mn. Suśr. Kathās. &c
- • bad behaviour, bad conduct L
- ud-vartita mfn. caused to come out or swell up Kathās. xxix, 80
- • raised, elevated Suśr
- • perfumed, scented, rubbed, kneaded, shampooed Pañcat. Subh
- ud-vartin mfn. ifc. rubbing or kneading with
- ud-vṛtta mfn. swollen up, swelling
- • prominent Suśr. MBh. Hariv. Bhartṛ
- • excited, agitated, waving MBh. Ragh. BhP. Suśr. &c
- • extravagant, ill-behaved, ill-mannered, proud, arrogant MBh. R. Rājat. &c
- • turned up
- • opened, opened wide (as eyes) MBh. vii, 5405 ; ix, 432 MārkP. xiv, 62 (erroneous for ud-vṛta BRD.)
- • m. a particular position of the hands in dancing
- • (am), n. (in astron.) the east and west hour circle or six o'clock line (cf. un-maṇḍala)
- ud-vṛtya mfn. turning round or about BhP. x, 13, 56
- ud-√vṛdh ud-vṛddha below
- ud-vardhana n. sly or suppressed laughter L
- ud-vṛddha mfn. grown up, come forth, appearing Rājat. i, 252
ud-√vṛṣ Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -vāvṛṣasva RV. viii, 50, 7
- • p. -vāvṛṣāṇá RV. iv, 20, 7 ; 29, 3) to pour out, distribute plentifully
- ud-vṛṣabha-yajña m. a particular sacrifice Comm. on Jaim. Comm. on Nyāyam
- ud-√vṛh P. -vṛhati, to draw up, pull out by the roots, eradicate RV. iii, 30, 17 ; vi, 48, 17 TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh
- • to draw out (e.g. a sword from the scabbard) MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- ud-vṛḍha mfn. drawn or pulled out, eradicated KātyŚr
- ud-√ve P. -vayati, to weave or fasten to or up AitBr. iv, 19, 3 TBr. i, 2, 4, 2
- ud-uta mfn. bound up, tied on ŚBr. v, 5, 4, 28
- ud-vega ud-vejaka, &c. cols. 1 & 2
- ud-vedi mfn. furnished with an elevated altar Ragh. xvii, 9
- ud-√vep Ā. -vepate, to tremble, be agitated or frightened AV. v, 21, 2 TBr. Kāṭh. MBh.: Caus. P. -vepáyati, to cause to tremble, agitate, frighten AV
- ud-vepa m. the act of trembling, agitation T
- • (mfn.) trembling, agitated T
- • g. saṃkalâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 75 (not in the Kāś.)
- ud-vela mfn. running over the brim or bank, overflowing Kathās. BhP. Ragh. AgP
- • excessive, extraordinary Kād
- • loosened, free from Prasannar
- udvelaya Nom. P. udvelayati, to cause to run over or overflow Prasannar
- udvelita mfn. caused to overflow Hcat
- ud-√vell P. -vellati, to toss up
- • to raise one's self, rise Mālatīm. 140, 3 Kathās. lix, 42
- ud-vellita mfn. tossed up, elevated, high Kathās
- ud-√veṣṭ Ā. -veṣṭate, to wind or twist upwards, writhe MBh.: Caus. P. -veṣṭayati, to untwist Kathās
- • to open, unseal (a letter) Mālav
- ud-veṣṭa mfn. investing, enveloping, surrounding L
- • m. the act of surrounding, enclosing, tying together Car
- • investing a town, besieging or surrounding it W
- ud-veṣṭana (for 2. s.v.), am n. the act of surrounding, wrapping, tying together
- • contraction
- • convulsion (of the heart), straitening
- • pain in the back of the body Suśr
- ud-veṣṭanīya mfn. to be unbound or unfastened Megh. 95
- ud-veṣṭita mfn. surrounded, invested, enclosed
- ud-veṣṭana mfn. freed from bonds or ties, unbound, unfettered Ragh. Kum
- ud-√vai P. -vā́yati (aor. -avāsīt ŚBr. x, 3, 3, 8) to become weak or languish, faint, be extinguished, go out (as fire), die TS. TBr. ŚBr. ChUp.: Caus. -vā́payati, to cause to extinguish or go out TBr. i, 4, 4, 7
- ud-voḍhṛ col. 1
- ud-√vyadh
- ud-viddha mfn. tossed upwards, high, elevated MBh. R
- ud-vy-ud-as √2. P. -asyati, to give up wholly or completely BhP. iv, 7, 44
- ud-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go away or out of (the house)
- • to leave, abandon (one's house) TāṇḍyaBr. ChUp
- udhán a n. = ūdhan, an udder MaitrS. i, 3, 26
- • also try-udhan
- udhas n. = ūdhas, q.v. L
- udhras cl. 9. P. udhrasnāti, udhrasāṃ-babhūva or -cakāra or -āsa, audhrāsīt, to gather, glean Dhātup. Vop
- udhras cl. 10. P. Ā. udhrāsayati, -te aor. audidhrasat, -ta, to glean
• to throw or cast upwards Dhātup. Vop
- und undana, 2. ud
- undaru = the next L
- undura m. a rat, mouse Suśr
- ○karṇikā (Suśr.) and f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata
- ○karṇī (L.), f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata
- unduru m. a rat, mouse
- unna 2. ud
- un-naṭ Caus. -nāṭayati, to jump towards
- • to injure (with gen.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 56
- un-nad (ud-√nad), P. -nadati, to cry out, roar, make a noise MBh. R. BhP. Kum. Pañcat
- un-nāda m. crying out, clamour MBh
- • N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- un-nabh (ud-√nabh), Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. -nambhaya) to tear open, open TS
- un-nam (ud-√nam), P. -namati, to bend upwards, raise one's self, rise, ascend Prab. Mṛicch. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c
- • to raise up, lift up Pañcat.: Caus. -namayati, or -nāmayati, to bend upwards, raise, erect, elevate MBh. R. Śak. Kathās. &c
- un-natá mfn. bent or turned upwards, elevated, lifted up, raised, high, tall, prominent, projecting, lofty MBh. Śak. Hit. &c
- • (figuratively) high, eminent, sublime, great, noble Kathās. Bhartṛ. Sāh. &c
- • having a large hump, humpbacked (as a bull) VS. TS. Lāṭy
- • m. a boa (aja-gara) L., N. of a Buddha Lalit
- • of one of the seven Ṛishis under Manu Cākshusha VP
- • of a mountain VP
- • (am), n. elevation, ascension
- • elevated part TS
- • means of measuring the day, SiddhŚir. Sūryas
- ○kāla m. a method of determining the time from the shadow, SiddhŚir
- ○kokilā f. a kind of musical instrument
- ○caraṇa mfn. with uplifted feet or paws
- • rampant Hit
- ○tva n. height, sublimity, majesty Ragh
- ○nābhi mfn. 'having a projecting navel', corpulent
- ○śiras mfn. holding up the head, carrying the head high, with head upraised
- unnatânata mfn. elevated and depressed, uneven
- • undulating, wavy L
- un-nati f. rising, ascending, swelling up
- • elevation, height
- • increase, advancement, prosperity Pañcat. Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c
- • N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma BhP
- • of the wife of Garuḍa L
- ○mat mfn. elevated, projected
- • high, sublime, of rank, respectable Kathās. Amar. Śiś. &c
- unnatī7śa m. 'the lord of Unnati', N. of Garuḍa
- un-namana n. the act of bending upwards
- • raising, lifting up Suśr
- • increase, prosperity Prasannar
- un-namayya ind. p. having raised Kum
- un-namita mfn. caused to rise, raised, elevated, lifted or pulled up
- • heightened, increased Suśr. Ragh. Śak. Hit. &c
- un-namya ind. p. having raised, raising, elevating
- • causing to increase &c. Yājñ. Kathās. BhP. VarBṛS. &c
- un-namra mfn. ascending, rising
- • erect, upright, elevated, lofty, high
- ○tā f. ascension, ascent, rising Rājat
- un-nāma m. the act of bending one's self upwards, raising one's self, rising Pañcat
- un-nāmita mfn. = un-namita above
- un-nāmya ind. p. = un-namya above
- un-naya col. 2
- un-nayana (ud-na○
- • for 2. col. 2), mfn. having upraised eyes
- ○paṅkti mfn. having the line of the eyes upraised Ragh. iv, 3
- un-naś (ud- √1. naś), P. (Subj. -naśat) to reach, obtain RV. i, 164, 22 ; ii, 23, 8.
- un-nasa mfn. having a prominent nose BhP. Kāś
- un-nah (ud-√nah), P. -nahyati, to tie up, bind up
- • to free from fetters or ties, push out Suśr. Kauś
- • to free one's self from fetters, rush out, get out MBh
- un-naddha mfn. tied or bound up Ragh
- • swollen, increased BhP. Gīt
- • unbound, excessive BhP
- • arrogant, impudent, haughty, self-conceited MBh. BhP. Rājat
- un-nāha m. excess, abundance BhP. xi, 19, 43
- • impudence, haughtiness BhP
- • sour gruel (made from the fermentation of rice) L
- un-nahana (fr. nahana with ud in the sense of 'apart'), freed from fetters, unfettered, unbound BhP. xi, 1, 4
- un-nābha m. N. of a king Ragh
- un-nāya below
- un-nāla (ud-nā○), mfn. having an upraised stalk Bālar. Kād
- un-nidra mfn. (fr. nidrā with ud), sleepless, awake Śak. 137 b Megh
- • expanded (as a flower), budded, blown Kathās. Śiś. Kāvyâd. &c
- • shining (as the moon, supposed to be awake when others are asleep
- • or as the rising sun) Prab. Prasannar
- • bristling (as hair) Naish
- ○tā f. sleeplessness
- unnidraka n. sleeplessness Kathās
- unnidraya Nom. P. unnidrayati, to make sleepless, awaken
- un-ni-dhā (ud-ni-√dhā), Ā. -dhatte, to hold above BhP
- un-nī (ud-√nī), P. Ā. -nayati, -te, to lead up or out, lead upwards or up to
- • to bring or fetch out of, free from, help, rescue, redeem
- • to raise, set up, erect, promote RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • to draw up, fill up a vessel by drawing (a fluid out of another vessel) RV. ii, 14, 9 VS. TS. ŚBr. &c
- • to raise up, lift up only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 36)
- • to put up, lay up MBh
- • to press or squeeze out (e.g. pus) MBh. v, 2776
- • to lead away (e.g. a calf from its mother) TS. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr
- • to lead aside, separate MBh. BhP
- • to stroke, smooth Gṛihyās
- • to raise, cause BhP
- • to intone BhP. x, 33, 10
- • to find out, discover by inference, infer MBh. Rājat. Daś. Bālar. &c.: Desid. Ā. -ninīṣate, to intend or wish to lead out KaushUp
- un-naya m. the act of leading up, raising, elevating, hoisting L
- • conclusion, induction, inference Sāh. Kāś
- un-nayana n. (for 1. s.v. col. 1) the act of raising, elevating, lifting, up BhP
- • taking out of, drawing out (a fluid) KātyŚr
- • the vessel out of which a fluid is taken KātyŚr
- • making a straight line, or parting the hair (of a pregnant woman) upwards ( sīmantônnayana)
- • conclusion, induction, inference
- un-nāya m. the act of raising, elevating Pāṇ. 3-3, 26
- un-nī mfn. bringing or leading upwards Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 82
- ún-nīta mfn. led up
- • drawn out (as Soma) RV. ix, 81, 1 TS. ŚBr. &c
- • led away or apart, separated BhP
- • (am), n. the act of drawing out
- • filling up AitBr
- ○śikha mfn. having the locks of hair parted upwards (from the forehead) Suparṇ
- ○śuṣma (únnīta○), mfn. one whose breath goes upwards MaitrS. i, 1, 11
- unnītin mfn. one who has drawn out or filled up AitBr
- un-nīya mfn. to be led upwards, Ved. by Pāṇ. 3-1, 123
- un-nīyam ind. p. pouring or sprinkling upwards ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 14, 4
- un-netavya mfn. to be inferred Comm. on Nyāyam
- un-netṛ́ mfn. one who draws out
- • (tā), m. the priest who pours the Soma juice into the receptacles AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- unnetra n. the office of the Unnetṛi
- un-neya mfn. to be inferred or ascertained by analogy Comm. on Nyāyam.
- un-makara (ud-ma○), m. 'a rising Makara', a kind of ornament for the ears (so shaped) BhP. v, 21, 13
un-majj (ud-√majj), P. -majjati, to emerge AV. x, 4, 4 (-májya) TBr. MBh. Śak. Śiś. &c
- • to dive ĀśvGṛ. iv, 4, 10: Caus. -majjayati, to cause to emerge, bear on the surface (Kullūka) Mn. viii, 115
- un-majjana n. the act of emerging, emergence MBh
- • m. N. of a demon causing fever Hariv
- un-maṇi (ud-ma○), m. a gem lying on the surface BhP. x, 27, 26
- un-maṇḍala (ud-ma○), n. (in astron.) the east and west hour circle or six o'clock line Sūryas. &c
- ún-matta &c. un-mad
- un-math or -manth (), P. -mathnāti, to shake up, disturb, excite MBh. BhP. PārGṛ
- • to stir up, rouse MBh. BhP. Pañcar
- • to press hard upon, treat with blows, act violently, beat MBh. Hariv. R
- • to shake or tear or cut off
- • to pluck out, √up, rub open
- • to strike, kill, annul MBh. R. BhP. Prab. &c
- • to refute, confute Comm. on Bādar
- • to mix, mingle: Caus. -mathayati, to shake, agitate, excite BhP
- un-mathana n. the act of shaking off MBh. Suśr
- • throwing off or down Ragh
- • stirring up, churning BhP. xi, 4, 18
- • rubbing open Car
- • slaughter L
- un-mathāy (derived fr. the simple root), P. -mathāyati, to shake up, rouse AV. xx, 132, 4
- un-mathita mfn. shaken, agitated, &c
- • mixed, mingled Suśr
- un-mathya ind. p. having shaken, shaking, &c
- un-mantha m. agitation L
- • killing, slaughter L
- • a disease of the outer ear Suśr
- un-manthaka mfn. shaking up or off, agitating, stirring L
- • throbbing, beating L
- • m. a disease of the outer ear Suśr
- un-manthana n. the act of shaking, agitating
- • beating, throbbing L
- • a means of beating, a stick, staff, cane T
- un-mātha m. the act of shaking Prab
- • killing, slaughter L
- • a snare, trap MBh
- • murderer L
- • N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2532
- un-māthin mfn. ifc. shaking, agitating Prab. Nāg
- • destroying, annulling Bālar
- un-mad (ud-√mad), P. -mādyati, to become disordered in intellect or distracted, be or become mad or furious TS. TBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚBr. MBh. Kathās.: Caus. -madayati, or -mādayati, to excite, agitate AV. vi, 130, 4 ( also ún-madita)
- • to make furious or drunk, inebriate, madden TS.: MBh. R. Daś. (cf. un-mand, next page.)
- ún-matta mfn. disordered in intellect, distracted, insane, frantic, mad AV. vi, 111, 3 AitBr. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • drunk, intoxicated, furious MaitrUp. MBh. Śak. &c
- • m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel and Fastuosa Suśr
- • Pterospermum Acerifolium L
- • N. of a Rakshas R
- • of one of the eight forms of Bhairava
- ○kīrti m. N. of Śiva
- ○gaṅgam ind. where the Gaṅgā roars Pat
- • (am), n. N. of a place Siddh. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 21
- ○tara mfn. more furious or mad R
○tā f. or insanity, intoxication
- ○tva n. insanity, intoxication
- ○darśana mfn. maniac-like, mad
- ○pralapita n. the chatter of a madman Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 149
- ○bhairava m. a form of Bhairava
- • (ī), f. a form of Durgā
- • -tantra n. N. of wk
- ○rāghava n. N. of wk
- ○rūpa mfn. maniac-like, mad
- ○liṅgin mfn. feigning madness
- ○vat ind. like a madman, as if mad
- ○veṣa m. 'dressed like a madman', N. of Śiva
- unmattâvanti m. N. of a king Rājat
- unmattaka mfn. insane, mad
- • drunk MBh. Yājñ. Kād
- • m. the thorn-apple L
- un-mada mfn. mad, furious
- • extravagant
- • drunk, intoxicated Pañcat. Kathās. Ragh. Prab. &c
- • causing madness, intoxicating Śiś. vi, 20
- • m. insanity, intoxication W
- un-madana mfn. inflamed with love Kum
- ún-madita mfn. excited, wrought up into an exstatic state
- • mad RV. x, 136, 6 AV. vi, 111, 3 (cf. án-unmadita.)
- unmadiṣṇu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 136) insane crazed, intoxicated Kāvyâd
- • causing madness, intoxicating Naish
- un-māda mfn. mad, insane, extravagant BhP
- • m. insanity, madness
- • mania (as illness)
- • intoxication MBh. Suśr. Sāh. &c
- ○vat mfn. mad, insane, wild, extravagant Kathās
- un-mādaka mfn. causing madness, maddening
- • intoxicating BhP. Sāh
- un-mādana mfn. id. Kathās
- • m. N. of one of Kāma's five arrows Vet
- un-mādayitṛ mfn. causing to go mad or be intoxicated Śak. 46, 2
- • (Prākṛit .)
- un-mādin mfn. insane, mad, intoxicated Kathās
- • causing madness, bewitching
- • (ī), m. N. of a merchant Kathās
- • (inī), f. N. of a princess Kathās
- unmādi-tā f. insanity, madness Hcar
- un-mā́duka mfn. fond of drinking TS. MaitrS
- unmana m. a particular measure of quantity (= droṇa), ŚārṅgS
- un-manas (ud-ma○), mfn. excited or disturbed in mind, perplexed Pāṇ. 5-2, 80 Ragh. Kathās. Vikr
- • longing or wishing for, eagerly desirous Bhartṛ. Śiś
- • (ās), m. (with Śāktas) one of the seven Ullāsas or mystical degrees
- unmanaya Nom. P. unmanayati, to excite, make perplexed Kāvyâd
- unmanaska mfn. disturbed, perplexed Mṛicch
- ○tā f. perplexedness Śak. (vḷ.)
- unmanāya Nom. Ā. unmanāyate, to become perplexed or excited, g. bhṛśâdi Pāṇ. 3-1, 12 Daś
- unmanī-√as to become perplexed or excited
- • to become absent in mind Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 51 Kathās
- unmanī-√kṛ to make perplexed or excited Kāś. Prab
- unmanī-bhāva m. absence of mind BrahmUp
- unmanī-√bhū = -√1. as above
- un-mand (ud- √1. mand), P. (Impv. 3. pl. -mandantu RV. viii, 64, 1
- • pf. -mamanda, ii, 33, 6
- • aor. 3. pl. -amandiṣus, i, 82, 6, and -ámandiṣus, ix, 81, 1) to cheer, delight, amuse
un-mayūkha (ud-ma○), mfn. shining forth, radiant Ragh. Megh. Kād
- un-marda un-mṛd, col. 3
- un-mā (ud- √3. mā)
- un-mā́ f. measure (of altitude) VS. MaitrS
- un-māna n. measure, measure of altitude or longitude VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Comm. on Pāṇ
- • weight
- • value, price, worth ŚBr. Suśr
- • m. a particular measure of quantity (= unmana, q.v.), ŚārṅgS
- un-mita mfn. ifc. measuring, having the measure of Suśr
- un-miti f. measure of altitude Comm. on Āryabh
- • measure
- • value, price
- un-meya mfn. to be weighed L
- • (am), n. weight, burden L
- un-mārga (ud-mā○), mfn. taking a wrong way, going wrong or astray BhP
- • overflowing Hariv
- • m. deviation from the right way, wrong way (lit. and fig.) Pañcat. MBh. Hit. &c
- ○gata
- ○gāmin
- ○yāta
- ○vartin
- ○vṛtti mfn. going on a wrong road, going wrong, erring (lit. and fig.) MBh. Rājat. Kathās. &c
- ○gamana n. the act of going aside, finding an outlet Suśr
- ○jala-vāhin mfn. carrying water by a wrong way
- unmārgin mfn. going astray
- • finding an outlet Suśr
- un-mārjana un-mṛj, col. 3
- un-mi (ud- √1. mi), P. (3. pl. -minvanti) to set upright (e.g. a post) AitBr. ii, 2, 7
- un-miśra (ud-mi○), mfn. ifc. mixed with, variegated Suśr. MBh. R. &c
- un-miṣ (ud- √1. miṣ), P. -miṣati (but once Ā., p. -miṣamāṇa MBh. ix, 3280) to open the eyes, draw up the eyelids MBh. BhP. Bhag. Kathās
- • to open (as eyes or buds) Hariv
- • to come forth, rise, originate Rājat. Kathās. &c
- • to shine forth, become brilliant BhP. Daś. Rājat
- un-miṣa m. the act of opening the eyes L.
- un-miṣita mfn. opened (as an eye) Kum. iv, 2
- • blown, expanded (as a flower) L
- • open (as the face, i.e.) smiling Hariv
- • (am), n. the opening (of the eyes) Ragh. v, 68 Kum. v, 25
- un-meṣa m. the act of opening the eyes, looking at
- • winking, twinkling or upward motion of the eyelids R. MBh
- • flashing Megh. 84
- • blowing or blossoming (of a flower) Kum
- • coming forth, becoming visible, appearing, Śāntiś. Prab. Bhartṛ. &c
- un-meṣaṇa n. the coming forth, becoming visible, appearing Sāh. Prab
un-mī (ud-√mī), P. (Pot. -mimīyāt RV. x, 10, 9) Ā. (or Pass.?) -mīyate (ChUp. viii, 6, 5), to disappear
- un-mīl (ud-√mīl), P. -mīlati, to open the eyes
- • to open (as an eye) ṢaḍvBr. Hariv. R. Hit. Bhaṭṭ
- • to become visible, come forth, appear Bhartṛ. Gīt. Uttarar. Prab.: Caus. -mīlayati, to cause to open, open MBh. BhP. Mṛicch. &c
- • to cause to appear, make visible, show Prab. Daś. Comm. on Lāṭy
- un-mīla m. becoming visible, appearance Kauś
un-mīlana n. the act of opening the eyes, raising the eyelids MBh
- • the becoming visible, coming forth, appearance Prab. Sūryas
- un-mīlita mfn. opened (as an eye or a flower), caused to come forth, made visible
- • (am), n. (in rhet.) unconcealed or open reference or allusion to Kuval
- un-mukha (ud-mu○), mf(ī)n. raising the face, looking up or at Suśr. Megh. Kum. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- • waiting for, expecting R. Kum. Kathās. &c
- • near to, about to Vikr. Bhartṛ. VarBṛS. &c
- • m. N. of an antelope (supposed to have been a Brāhman and hunter in former births) Hariv. 1210
- ○tā f. the state of having the face raised
- • state of watching or expectancy Kathās
- ○darśana n. looking at with upraised face or with eager expectation Mudr
- unmukhī-karaṇa n. or the causing to look at, excitement of attention Daś. Sāh
- ○"ṣkāra m. the causing to look at, excitement of attention Daś. Sāh
- un-mukhara (ud-mu○), mfn. loudsounding, noisy Prab
- un-mugdha 1. un-muh below
- un-muc (ud-√muc), P. Ā. -muñcati, -te (Impv. 2. sg. -mumugdhi RV. i, 25, 21
- • aor. 2. sg. -amukṣās AV. ii, 10, 6) to unbind, unfasten RV. i, 25, 21 AV
- • to unfasten one's self, get loose (only Ā.) AV. xiv, 1, 57 ; ii, 10, 6 ŚBr
- • to pull off, take off (clothes &c.) AitBr. PārGṛ. Kathās. &c
- • to unseal (a letter) Rājat
- • to liberate, set free R. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- • to send away, throw off
- • to sling
- • to give out, utter Hariv. Pañcat.: Caus. -mocayati, to unbind, unfasten, set free MBh. R. Kathās
- un-mukta mfn. taken off, laid aside Kathās
- • thrown out, uttered R
- • (ifc.) free from
- • deprived of, wanting VarBṛS
- ún-mukti f. deliverance MaitrS
- un-mukṣā́ f. id. ib
- un-muca m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- un-mucu m. id. ib
- un-mocana n. the act of unfastening, unbinding
- • giving up or away Kād
- ○pramocaná e n. du. unfastening and loosening, unfastening completely AV. v, 30, 2-4
- un-mocanīya mfn. to unfastened Megh. 95
- • (vḷ. udveṣṭanīya.)
- un-mud (ud-√mud)
- un-mudita mfn. exulting, rejoicing BhP
- un-mudra (ud-mu○), mfn. unsealed
- • opened, blown (as a flower) L
- • unbound, unrestrained, wild (through joy) Prasannar
- un-murch (ud-√murch), P. -mūrchati, to become weak, faint, Kuv. Mcar
- un-muṣ (ud-√muṣ)
- un-muṣita mfn. stolen VarBṛS
- un-muh (ud-√muh)
- un-mugdha mfn. confounded, confused Siddh
- • silly, stupid Kathās.
- un-muh (k or ṭ Pāṇ. 8-2, 33), mfn. confounded, silly
- un-mūla (ud-mū○), mfn. eradicated, pulled up by the √AitBr. R. Prab
- unmūla Nom. P. unmūlati, to be eradicated ṢaḍvBr.: Caus. P. unmūlayati, to eradicate, pull up by the roots
- • to destroy, extirpate MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. Prab. &c
- unmūlana mfn. eradicating, destroying Kathās. lxvii, 14
- • (am), n. the act of pulling up or out Ragh. Pañcat
- • destroying, extirpation Prab. Rājat
- unmūlanīya mfn. to be eradicated or pulled up by the roots. HYog
- unmūlita mfn. eradicated, pulled up by the roots
- • destroyed R. Vikr
- un-mṛj (ud-√mṛj), Ā. (-mṛjate aor. 3. pl. -amṛkṣanta RV. i, 126, 4) to pull or draw near to one's self
- • to receive, get RV. v, 52, 17 ; x, 167, 4 AV. xviii, 3, 73 TS. iii, 2, 3, 1
- • P. Ā. -mārṣṭi, -mṛṣṭe, to stroke, make smooth
- • to rub off, wipe off, polish
- • to efface, blot out AV. viii, 6, 1 TBr. ŚBr. Kauś. Yājñ. &c.: Caus. -mārjayati, to polish, cleanse
- un-mārjana mfn. rubbing or wiping off, effacing Prab
- un-mārjita mfn. polished, clean ib
- unmṛjâvamṛjā f. any act in which it is said un-mṛja! ava-mṛja! ('rub up and down'
- • with irr. Impv.), g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72
- ún-mṛṣṭa mfn. stroked TBr
- • rubbed or wiped off, effaced, blotted out Ragh. Yājñ. &c
- un-mṛd (ud-√mṛd), P. -mṛdati, to rub, mash together, mingle KātyŚr. Lāṭy.: Caus. -mardayati, to rub (the body)
- un-marda m. rubbing off, rubbing (the body) BhP
- un-márdana n. id. KātyŚr. Gaut. Suśr. BhP
- • a fragrant essence used for rubbing ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- un-mardita mfn. rubbed, rubbed off Suśr
- un-mṛś (ud-√mṛś), P. -mṛśati, to touch from above ŚBr. vi, 3, 3, 12: Ā. (Impv. -mṛśasva) to lift up (after having touched) RV. viii, 70, 9
- un-mṛ́śya mfn. to be touched ( ity-u○)
- un-medā f. (√mid), corpulence, fatness W
- un-meya col. 1
- un-meṣa &c. col. 2
- úpa ind. (a preposition or prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) towards, near to (opposed to apa, away), by the side of, with, together with, under, down (e.g. upa-√gam, to go near, undergo
- • upa-gamana, approaching
- • in the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context, and sometimes upa is placed after the verb to which it belongs, e.g. āyayur upa = upâyayuḥ, they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns upa expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity in space, time, number, degree, resemblance, and relationship, but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e.g. upa-kaniṣṭhikā, the finger next to the little finger
- • upa-purāṇam, a secondary or subordinate Purāṇa
- • upa-daśa, nearly ten)
- • sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e.g. upa-mūlam, at the √
- • upa-pūrva-rātram, towards the beginning of night
- • upa-kūpe, near a well) which lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e.g. upakūpa-jalâśaya, a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well)
- • prefixed to proper names upa may express in classical literature 'a younger brother' (e.g. upêndra, 'the younger brother of Indra'), and in Buddhist literature 'a son.' (As a separable adverb upa rarely expresses) thereto, further, moreover (e.g. tatrôpa brahma yo veda, who further knows the Brahman) RV. AV. ŚBr. PārGṛ. (As a separable preposition) near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below (with acc., e.g. upa āśāḥ, towards the regions)
- • near to, at, on, upon
- • at the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc., e.g. upa sānuṣu, on the tops of the mountains)
- • with, together with, at the same time with, according to (with inst., e.g. upa dharmabhiḥ, according to the rules of duty) RV. AV. ŚBr. upa, besides the meanings given above, is said by native authorities to imply disease, extinction
- • ornament
- • command
- • reproof
- • undertaking
- • giving
- • killing
- • diffusing
- • wish
- • power
- • effort
- • resemblance, &c. ; [Zd. upa
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. sub ; Goth. uf ; Old Germ. oba ; Mod. Germ. ob in Obdach, obliegen, &c.]
- upaka m. a diminutive for all proper names of men beginning with upa Pāṇ. 5-3, 80
- upakâdi m. a gaṇa Pāṇ. 2-4, 69
- upaḍa m. = upaka Pāṇ. 5-3, 80
- upa-√ṛ upār
- upa-kakṣá mfn. reaching to the shoulder RV. x, 71, 7 Nir
- • being under the arm-pit
- • (am), n. (scil. loman) the hair under the arm-pit GopBr. i, 3, 9
- upa-kaṇṭha mfn. being upon the neck or near the throat
- • being in the proximity of, proximate, near Kum. Pañcat. Ragh
- • (am), n. proximity, neighbourhood, contiguous space Kathās. Rājat. &c
- • space near a village or its boundary L
- • a horse's gallop L
- • (am), ind. towards the neck, round the neck Śiś. iii, 36
- upa-kathā f. a short story, tale
- • a subordinate narrative
- upa-kaniṣṭhikā f. (scil. aṅgulī) the finger next to the little finger, the last finger but one ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. HirGṛ. &c
- upa-kanyā = upa-gatā kanyām Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- ○puram (upa-kanyāpuram), ind. near the women's apartments Daś
- upa-karaṇa &c. upa- √1. kṛ
- upa-karṇam ind. near the ear, close to the ear Pāṇ
- upakarṇikā f. that which goes from ear to ear, rumour, report W
upa-karṣaṇa col. 3
- upa-kalāpam ind. near the girdle, down to the girdle, g. parimukhâdi Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 59 (Kāś.)
- upa-kalpa &c. upa-√kḷp
- upa-kāntam ind. near a friend, near a lover or a loved one Kir. i, 19
- upa-kāra &c. upa- √1. kṛ
- upa-kāla m. N. of a king of the Nāgas L
- upa-kālikā f. Nigella Indica Bhpr
- upa-kāśa m. aurora, dawn ĀpŚr
- • ifc. aspect, appearance (cf. nīlôpakāśa)
- upa-kiraṇa upa-√kṝ
- upa-kīcaka m. a follower of Kīcaka MBh
- upa-kuñci f. Nigella Indica L
- upa-kuñcikā f. id. Suśr
- • small Cardamoms L
- upa-kumbha am, or ena or e ind. near the water-jar Kāś
- • (āt), ind. from the water-jar
- • (ā), f. Croton Polyandrum Nigh
- upa-kuraṅga m. a species of antelope Nigh
- upa-kurvāṇa upa- √1. kṛ
- upa-kula n. 'secondary family or class', N. of particular Nakshatras
- upa-kulyā f. Piper Longum Suśr
- • a canal, trench, ditch L
- upa-kuśa m. a gum-boil Suśr. Car
- • N. of a son of Kuśa L
- upa-√kūj
- upa-kūjita mfn. made to resound with cooing MBh. BhP.
- upa-kūpa m. a small well L
- • (e), ind. near a well L
- ○jalâśaya m. a trough near a well for watering cattle
- upa-kūla mfn. being or growing on the shore or bank BhP. Kād. Kāś. on iv, 3, 59
- • (am and tas), ind. on the shore Ragh. BhP
- upa-kūlaka m. N. of a man
- upa-kṛ √1. P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to bring or put near to, furnish with, provide Mn. Vikr. Ratnāv
- • to assist, help, favour, benefit, cause to succeed or prosper R. Mn. Megh. &c
- • to foster, take care of
- • to serve, do homage to (with acc
- • only Ā. by Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- • but MBh. i, 6408) ŚBr. Rājat. &c
- • to undertake, begin, set about R
- • to scold, insult Vop. xxiii, 25
- • upa-skṛ (s inserted or perhaps original), Ā. -skurute, to add, supply Pāṇ. Vop. Siddh
- • to furnish with
- • to prepare, elaborate, arrange, get ready
- • to adorn, decorate, ornament
- • to deform, disfigure, derange, disorder, spoil
- • to take care for Pāṇ. Bhaṭṭ. Kāś
- • to bring together, assemble
- upa-karaṇa n. the act of doing anything for another, doing a service or favour, helping, assisting, benefiting Pañcat. Sāh. Subh. &c
- • instrument, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, paraphernalia (as the vessels at a sacrifice &c.) KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Yājñ. Mn. &c
- • anything added over and above, contribution, expedient
- • means of subsistence, anything supporting life
- • any object of art or science
- • anything fabricated Mn. Suśr. Kathās. Car. &c
- • the insignia of royalty W
- • the attendants of a king L
- ○vat (upakaraṇá○), mfn. furnished with means or instruments or implements, competent to do anything ŚBr. Car
- upakaraṇârtha mfn. suitable (as a meaning), requisite Car
- upa-karaṇī-√kṛ to cause to be instrument, make dependent Hit. Hcar. Kād
- upakaraṇī-√bhū to become an instrument, become or be dependent Kād
- upa-karaṇīya mfn. to be helped or assisted &c
- upa-kartṛ mf(trī)n. one who does a favour, one who benefits, a helper MBh. Ragh. Hit. Sāh
- upa-kāra m. help, assistance, benefit, service, favour
- • use, advantage MBh. Yājñ. Hit. Vikr. &c
- • (upakāre-√vṛt, to be of service to another R.)
- • preparation, ornament, decoration, embellishment (as garlands suspended at gateways on festivals, flowers &c.) Suśr. L
- • (ī), f. a royal tent
- • a palace
- • a caravansery L
- ○para mfn. intent on doing benefits or good, beneficent
- upakārâpakāra au m. du. kindness and injury
- upa-kāraka mf(ikā)n. doing a service or favour, assisting, helping, benefiting
- • suitable, requisite Hit. Kathās. Sarvad. &c
- • subsidiary, subservient
- • accessory Sarvad
- • (ikā), f. a protectress L
- • a female assistant L
- • a palace, a caravansery L
- • a kind of cake L
- ○tva n. the state of being helpful or assisting Sarvad
- upa-kārin mfn. helping, assisting, doing a favour
- • a benefactor
- • subsidiary, subservient, requisite MBh. Pañcat. Śak. Vedāntas. &c
- upakāri-tva n. aid, succour, protection Bhartṛ
- upa-kārya mfn. to be helped or assisted, deserving or requiring assistance or favour Sarvad. Sāh. KapS
- • (ā), f. a royal tent R. Ragh
- • a king's house, palace
- • a caravansery
- • a cemetery L
- upa-kurvāṇa (p. of the Ā. of upa- √1. kṛ, above), as, m. a Brahmacārin or student of the Veda who honours his religious teacher by a gift on completing his studies and becoming a Gṛihastha (opposed to the Naishṭhika, who stays with his teacher till death) BhP. Comm. on ChUp. &c
- upakurvāṇaka m. id. Comm. on Mn. ix, 94 Comm. on BhP. &c
- upa-kṛta mfn. helped, assisted, benefited
- • rendered as assistance, done kindly or beneficently &c
- • ifc. g. kṛtâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 59
- • (am), n. help, favour, benefit Śak. 165 a Sāh
- upa-kṛti f. assistance, help, favour, kindness Kathās. Rājat. Prab
- ○mat mfn. one who does a favour, helping, assisting Śiś
- upakṛtin mfn. one who has done or does a favour, a helper &c., g. iṣṭâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 88
- upa-kriyā f. the act of bringing near to
- • favour, assistance, help, benefit, service Mn. ii, 149 Rājat
- • means, expedient
- • remedy Car
- upa-cikīrṣu mfn. wishing or intending to do a service or favour Kathās. Bālar.
- upa-s-kara (for 2. below), as m. (n. MBh. v, 7234) any utensil, implement or instrument
- • any article of household use (as is broom, basket &c.), appurtenance, apparatus MBh. Suśr. Mn. &c
- • an ingredient, condiment, spice L
- • N. of a Ṛishi BrahmaP
- • ornament, decoration T
- • blame, censure W
- upa-s-karaṇa (for 2. below), am n. the act of decorating, embellishing, ornamenting
- • ornament, embellishment T
- upa-s-kāra m. anything additional, a supplement Kir. Comm. on Ragh. 7, &c
- • decoration, decorating T
- upa-s-kṛta mfn. furnished with Suśr. BhP
- • added, supplied Siddh
- • prepared, arranged, elaborated
- • ornamented, embellished, decorated, adorned MBh. R. Mn. Bhartṛ. &c
- • deformed, deranged, spoiled Pāṇ. MBh. Mn
- • assembled Siddh
- • blamed, censured W
- upa-s-kṛti f. the act of preparing, adorning &c. Comm. on Pāṇ
- • a supplement, anything additional W
- upa-kṛt √1. P. -kṛntati, to hurt, violate R
- upa-kṛṣ √1. P. -karṣati, to draw towards or near one's self Suśr. BhP
- • to draw with one's self, draw or drag away R
- • to remove, give up MBh
- upa-karṣaṇa n. the act of drawing or dragging near Pat
- upa-karṣam ind. drawing near or towards one's self, seizing Pāṇ. 3-4, 49
- upa-kṛṣṇa mfn. = upagataḥ kṛṣṇam g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- upakṛṣṇaka m. N. of a being in Skanda's retinue MBh
- upa-√kṝ P. -kirati, to scatter or throw down, scatter upon
- • to pour upon, besprinkle, bestrew ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • upa-s-kṝ (with s inserted or perhaps original), P. -skirati, to cut up, split
- • to hurt Pāṇ. Vop. Kāś
- upa-kiraṇa n. the act of scattering or throwing over, covering up (with earth), burying KātyŚr
- úpa-kīrṇa mfn. besprinkled
- • strewed with, covered ŚBr. ix, 1, 3, 14 MBh
- upa-s-kara m. the act of hurting, violating T
- upa-s-karaṇa n. id. ib
- upa-√kḷp Ā. -kalpate, to be fit for, be ready at hand, become ŚBr. BhP
- • to serve as, lead to (with dat.) R. v, 25, 21
- • to take the shape or form of, become, be BhP. Mn.: Caus. P. -kalpayati (inf. -kalpayitavaí ŚBr. iv, 5, 2, 2) to prepare, make ready, equip
- • to procure, bring near, fetch
- ŚBr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- • to allot, asign MBh. R. Yājñ. Kathās
- • to put or set up, turn towards
- • to arrange BhP. Pañcat. Prab
- • to impart, communicate BhP
- • to assume, suppose Sāh
- upa-kalpa m. an appurtenance BhP
- upa-kalpana n. the act of preparing, preparation KātyŚr
- • (ā), f. preparing (articles of food or medicine), fabricating, making Suśr
- • substituting L
- upakalpanīya mfn. to be prepared or procured or fetched Car
- • treating of preparation &c. (as & chapter) ib
- upa-kalpayitavya mfn. to be prepared or made Suśr
- upa-kalpita mfn. prepared, procured, fetched
- • arranged &c
- upa-kalpya ind. p. having prepared or procured &c
- úpa-kḷpta mfn. ready, prepared ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • equipped, adapted, fitted for, brought near MBh. R. &c
- • produced, formed BhP
- upa-ketu m. N. of a man Kāṭh
- úpa-keru m. N. of a man MaitrS
- upa-koṇa m. an intermediate point of the compass Bālar
- upa-kośā f. N. of a daughter of Upa-varsha and wife of Vara-ruci Kathās.
- upa-kosala m. N. of a man ChUp
- upa-√kram P. -krāmati (rarely -kramati), Ā. -kramate, to go near, approach, come to RV. viii, 1, 4 ; 21, 2 ; 81, 7 MBh. R. Megh
- • to rush upon, attack (only P. by Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 39 and 42) MBh. xiii
- • to approach with any object, have recourse to, set about, undertake, begin (with acc., dat. or inf. only Ā. by Pāṇ. 1-3, 39 & 42) Lāṭy. MBh. Ragh. &c
- • to treat, attend on (as a physician) MBh. Suśr. &c
- upa-krantṛ mfn. one who undertakes, a beginner Vop
- upa-krama m. the act of going or coming near, approach MBh. R
- • setting about, undertaking, commencement, beginning Lāṭy. KātyŚr. BhP. Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- • enterprise, planning, original conception, plan Ragh. Rājat. Pañcat. &c
- • anything leading to a result
- • a means, expedient, stratagem, exploit MBh. Yājñ. Mālav. &c
- • remedy, medicine Suśr
- • attendance (on a patient), treatment, practice or application of medicine, physicking Suśr. &c
- • the rim of a wheel Hcat
- • a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas W
- • trying the fidelity &c. of a counsellor or friend ib
- • heroism, courage L
- ○parākrama m. N. of wk
- upa-kramaṇa mf(ī)n. approaching
- • complying with, granting Kathās
- • (am), n. attendance (on a patient), treatment Suśr. &c
- upa-kramaṇīya mfn. to be approached or gone to
- • to be undertaken or commenced L
- • to be treated (as a patient) Suśr. &c
- • (upakramaṇīya), mfn. treating of attendance (on a patient)
- upa-kramitavya mfn. to be undertaken or commenced R
- upa-kramya mfn. to be attended or treated (as a patient) Suśr. Vikr. &c
- upa-kramya ind. p. having approached
- • having undertaken or commenced &c
- upa-krānta mfn. approached MBh
- • undertaken, commenced, begun MBh. Mālav. &c
- • treated, attended on, cured Daś. Suśr. &c
- • previously mentioned MW
- upa-krāmya mfn. = 1. upa-kramya above
- upa-√krī
- upa-krīya ind. p. having bought or purchased Hit
- upa-√krīḍ P. -krīḍati, to play or dance around MBh. xiii, 3832
- upa-krīḍā f. place for playing, play-ground R
- • (a kind of circus for public sports common in Malabār, Burnell.)
- upa-√kruś P. -krośati, to scold, blame: Caus. -krośayati, to cause to cry or lament BhP
- upa-kruśya ind. p. having scolded, blaming, chiding Hit
- upa-kruṣṭa mfn. chid, scolded at
- • m. a person of low caste, a carpenter, Comm. ĀśvŚr. ii, 1, 13
- upa-krośa m. reproach, censure MBh. R. Ragh. Daś
- upa-krośana n. the act of censuring blaming Daś
- ○kara mfn. causing reproach, disgracing, dishonouring Hariv
- upa-kroṣṭṛ mfn. one who scolds or censures
- • making a noise, braying
- • (tā), m. an ass BhP
- upa-√klid P. to become wet
- • to rot, putrefy: Caus. -kledayati, to make wet, soak Car
- upa-klinna mfn. wet, moist Car
- • rotten, putrid ib
- upa-kleśa m. (with Buddh.) a lesser Kleśa (q.v.) or cause of misery (as conceit, pride &c.) Sarvad
- upa-kvaṇa or upa-kvāṇa m. (√kvaṇ), the sound of a lute L
- upa-kvasa m. (voc. úpa-kvasa) a kind of worm AV. vi, 50, 2
- upa-kṣatra m. N. of a king VP
- upa-kṣaya (for 2. col. 2), m. 'a secondary or intermediate destruction of the world', N. of Śiva ṇīlak. MBh. xii, 10368.
- upa-√kṣar P. -kṣarati, to flow or stream towards RV. i, 124, 4 ; v, 62, 4 AitBr
- • to pour over TBr
- upa-kṣi √1. Pass. -kṣīyate, to waste away, decay, be consumed or exhausted TBr
- upa-kṣapayitṛ mfn. (fr. the Caus.), one who destroys, a destroyer Sāy. on RV
- upa-kṣaya (for 1. col. 1), as m. decrease, decline, decay, waste Hit. Comm. on VS. &c
- upa-kṣita án-upakṣita
- upa-kṣīṇa mfn. exhausted, consumed KātyŚr
- • absorbed, lost in Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- • vanished, disappeared Sāh. Kathās
- upa-kṣi √2. P. -kṣeti (RV
- • 3. pl. -kṣiyanti AV. iv, 30, 4 RV
- • Pot. 1. pl. -kṣayema AV. xix, 15, 4) to stay or dwell near or at, abide, dwell on (lit. and fig.) RV. AV
- upa-kṣít mfn. dwelling near
- • clinging to, adhering RV. viii, 19, 33
- upa-kṣetṛ́ mfn. one who dwells or stays near at RV. iii, 1, 16
- upa-√kṣip P. -kṣipati, to throw at, hurl against BhP. Sāh
- • to beat, strike ŚBr
- • to strike with words, insult, accuse, insinuate R
- • to allude, hint at Sāh. Mṛicch. Daś
- • to speak of, describe, define Sāh. Sarvad
- • to commence, set about (a work) Mall
- upa-kṣepa m. throwing at
- • threatening L
- • mention, allusion, hint Sāh. Kathās. Daśar. Viddh. &c
- • poetical or figurative style in composition W
- upa-kṣepaka mfn. alluding, suggesting
- • arthôpakṣepaka
- upa-kṣepaṇa n. throwing at or down L
- • allusion, hint, suggestion Sāh
- • putting a Śūdra's food into a Brāhman's house (where it is cooked), Śāmbu-purāṇa (T.)
- upa-kṣudra mfn. some what small TāṇḍyaBr
- upa-khātam ind. near the ditch Daś
- upa-khila n. a sub-supplement, supplement to a supplement Hariv. VāyuP
- upa-√khyā Pass. -khyāyate, to be seen or perceived ŚBr. iv, 1, 2, 13
- upa-gaṇa mfn. constituting a small class or number less than a troop Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 73
- • m. N. of a man (Buddh.)
- upa-√gam P. -gacchati (inf. -gantavaí RV. x, 160, 5) to go near to, come towards, approach, arrive at, reach, attain, visit (with acc. and rarely dat.) RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to come upon, attack
- • to press hard upon RV. i. 53, 9 MBh. Mṛicch. &c
- • to occur, happen, present itself R. Megh. Pañcat. &c
- • to undertake, begin ŚBr. R
- • to approach (a woman sexually) MBh. Mn
- • to enter any state or relation, undergo, obtain, participate in, make choice of, suffer MBh. Yājñ. Kum. Mālav. &c
- • to admit, agree to, allow, confess: Caus. -gamayati, to cause to come near or approach Daś.: Desid. -jigamiṣati, to wish to approach, desire to go BhP
- upa-ga mfn. ifc. approaching, going towards Āp
- • being or staying in or on BhP. VarBṛS. Śiś
- • following, belonging to
- • fit for, conducive to MBh. Car
- • approached
- • furnished with MBh. R. Mn
- • covered (as a female) L
- upa-gata mfn. gone to, met, approached (esp. for protection or refuge Kām.) MBh. Śak. &c
- • attained, obtained
- • arrived, occurred, happened
- • undergone, experienced MBh. Śiś. Pañcat. &c. furnished with MBh
- • agreed, allowed Mn. MBh
- • promised L
- • near at hand
- • approximate Vop. L
- • passed away, dead L
- • (am), n. receipt, acquittance Yājñ. ii, 93
- ○vat mfn. one who has gone to or approached
- • possessing
- • feeling, suffering (e.g. sorrow)
- • one who has undertaken or promised W
- upa-gati f. approach, going near Śiś. ix, 75
- • undergoing L
- upa-gatya ind. p. = 2. upa-gamya
- upa-gama m. approach, coming to, approximation R. Megh. Ragh. Sarvad. &c
- • entering (into any state or condition), obtaining, acquiring, having Śak. 14 c
- • approaching respectfully, veneration BhP
- • coming near to, perceiving Comm. on Daśar
- • acquaintance, society
- • intercourse (as of the sexes) L
- • undergoing, suffering, feeling L
- • agreement, promise L
- • a particular number (Buddh.)
- upa-gamana n. the act of going towards, approaching, attaining MBh. R
- • the act of coming near, perceiving Daśar. Sāh
- • undertaking, addicting one's self to
- upa-gamya mfn. to be approached, approachable, obtainable Mṛicch
- upa-gamya ind. p. having approached, approaching &c
- upa-gāmin mfn. coming near, approaching, arriving Kathās
- upa-jigamiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.), wishing or desiring to go near Megh. 43
- upa-gahana m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- upa-gā √1. (for 2. upa-√gai), P. -gāti (Subj. -gāt ; 3.pl. -gus
- • aor. 1. sg. -geṣam VS. v, 5) to go near to, arrive at
- • to come into, undergo RV. i, 164, 4 ; vii, 93, 3 AV
- • to go, walk (pathā́, a way) RV. i, 38, 5 VS. ŚBr
- upa-geya (for 2. p. 197, col. 1), mfn. to be approached
- • to be observed or kept Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 86
upa-gātṛ́ &c. p. 197, col. 1
- upa-√gāh P. (p. -gāhat) to penetrate, force one's way into R
- upa-giram ind. near or at a mountain Pāṇ. 5-4, 112
- upa-giri i ind. id. ib
- • (is), m. the country near a mountain MBh
- upa-gīti &c. p. 197, col. 1
- upa-gu m. N. of a king TāṇḍyaBr. VP. (vḷ. upa-guru)
- • (u), ind. near a cow Pāṇ
- upa-gudha (vḷ. upa-guḍa Kāś.) Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- upa-√gup
- upa-gupta mfn. hidden, concealed
- • m. N. of a king
- ○vitta mfn. of concealed resources BhP
- upa-guru m. N. of a king VP. (v. l. upa-gu)
- • an assistant teacher W
- • (u), ind. near a teacher
- upa-√guh P. -gūhati, to hide, cover, conceal ŚBr. KātyŚr.: P. Ā. to clasp, embrace, press to the bosom MBh. R. BhP. Ragh. &c
- upa-guhya ind. p. having hidden, hiding, concealing
- • having embraced, embracing
- upa-gūḍha mfn. hidden, concealed, covered VarBṛS. BhP
- • clasped round, embraced R. BhP. Ragh. Śiś. &c
- • (am), n. the act of embracing, pressing to the bosom, an embrace Megh. Bhartṛ. Veṇis. &c
- ○vat mfn. one who has embraced Hit
- upa-gūhana n. the act of hiding, concealing KātyŚr
- • pressing to the bosom, embrace VarBṛS
- • (in dram.) the occurrence of any wonderful event Sāh. Daśar
- upa-gūhya ep. = upa-guhya above
- upa-gohya mfn. to be hidden
- • m. a kind of fire considered as impure PārGṛ. MantraBr
- upa-gṝ √1. P. (1. pl. -gṛṇīmasi, 3. p. -gṛṇánti) to approach with praise, revere, worship RV. i, 48, 11 ; ii, 34, 14
- upa-gṝ √2. P. (Pot. -gilet) to swallow down Suśr. ii, 237, 8
- upa-√gai P. -gāyati (Impv. 2. pl. RV.) to sing to any one (dat. or acc.)
- • to join in singing, accompany a song
- • to sing before, sing, praise in song, celebrate, 'fill with song' RV. viii, 32, 17 ; ix, 11, 1 AV. iv, 15, 4 TS. ŚBr. &c. MBh. BhP. &c
- • to sing near: Pass. -gīyate (p. -gīyámāna RV. MBh
- • and -gīyat irr. MBh. xv, 883) to be sung or praised in song
- • to be sung before RV. viii, 70, 5 MBh
- upa-gā f. accompaniment of a song KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Jaim.
- upa-gātṛ́ tā m. one who accompanies the song of the Ud-gātṛi, a chorister TS. ŚBr. AitBr
- upa-gāna n. an accompanying song Mālav
- upa-gāyana n. singing BhP
- upa-gīta mfn. sung to or before, sung, celebrated, proclaimed MBh. R. Ragh
- • one who has begun to sing near Śiś. iv, 57
- upa-gīti f. a kind of Āryā metre (consisting of four lines of alternately twelve and fifteen instants)
- upa-gīthá n. id. MaitrS. ii, 13, 14
- upa-geya mfn. to be sung or celebrated
- • (am), n. song BhP. v, 26, 38
- upa-√granth P. (1. sg. -granthāmi for -grathnāmi?) to intwine or wind round Comm. on TS. i, 2, 7
- upa-grantha m. 'minor work', a class of writings
- upa-√gras P. (impf. upâgrasat) to swallow down, devour (as Rāhu the sun)
- • to eclipse MBh. ii, 2693
- upa-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti (aor. -agrabhīt AV.) to seize from below
- • to hold under, put under
- • to support AV. vii, 110, 3 ŚBr. KātyŚr. PārGṛ. &c
- • to collect a fluid (by holding a vessel under) TS
- • to seize, take possession of, take, obtain
- • to subdue, become master of MBh. R. BhP. Mn. Pañcat. &c
- • to draw near (to one's self)
- • to conciliate, propitiate
- • to take as one's ally ChUp
- • to comprehend BhP. iii, 22, 21
- • to take up again, renew MBh. xii, 5206
- • to accept, approve MBh. xii, 6977
- upa-gṛhīta mfn. held from below, supported ĀśvGṛ. iv, 7, 10
- • subdued, mastered Prab
- upa-gṛhya ind. p. having held under or seized from below
- • having obtained, obtaining &c
- upa-graha m. (for 2. s.v.) seizure, confinement L
- • a prisoner L
- • a handful (of Kuśa grass) Kāty
- • adding, addition (of a sound) Comm. on Pāṇ
- • an e used as Nidhana (q.v.) at the end of a Sāman Lāṭy. vii, 8, 11
- • alteration, change SaṃhUp. ii, 3
- • propitiation, conciliation, coaxing Daśar
- • a kind of Sandhi or peace (purchased by the cession of everything) Kām. Hit
- • the Pada or voice of a verb Comm. on Pāṇ
- • a kind of demon causing diseases (supposed to preside over the planets) Hariv. 9562
- upa-grahaṇa n. the act of seizing from below, holding under, supporting KātyŚr. i, 10, 6
- • comprehending, learning R. i, 4, 4
- • the taking any one prisoner, seizure, capture L
- upa-grāha m. a complimentary gift, present to a superior MBh. ii, 1898
- upa-grāhya n. id. L
- upa-graha m. (fr. graha with upa implying inferiority), a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind, a comet, meteor, falling star &c. MBh. &c
- upa-√ghaṭṭ to stir up Car
- upa-ghāta m. (fr. upa-√han, q.v.), a stroke, hurt, violation
- • injury, damage, offence, wrong MBh. R. Mn. Śak. &c
- • weakness, sickness, disease, morbid affection (cf. puṃstvôpa○, svarôpa○) Suśr
- • a kind of oblation or sacrifice Gṛihyās. ii, 7
- upa-ghātaka mfn. striking, hurting
- • injuring, damaging offending MBh. Car
- • m. injury, offence, damage MBh. xiii, 3610
- upa-ghā́tam ind. p. upa-√han
- upa-ghātin mfn. one who does damage, hurting, injuring Suśr. MBh
- upa-ghna m. contiguous support, resting-place, shelter, refuge Pāṇ. Bhaṭṭ
- ○taru m. a supporting tree, a tree which supports a climbing plant Ragh. xiv, 1
- upa-√ghuṣ
- upa-ghuṣṭa mfn. caused to resound, resounding with, sounding MBh. BhP
upa-ghoṣaṇa n. proclamation, publication Daś
- upa-√ghrā P. -jighrati (-jíghrati AV.) to smell at
- • to touch (with the mouth) AV. xii, 4, 5 ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- • to smell MBh. Ragh
- • to kiss MBh. vii, 4357 Ragh. xiii, 70 R.: Caus. -ghrāpayati, to cause to smell at TS. v, 2, 8, 1
- upa-ghrāta mfn. smelled at, touched by the mouth (of a cow) Mn. iv, 209 Gaut. xvii, 12.
- upa-ghrā́yam ind. p. smelling at MaitrS. ii, 1, 3
- upa-jighraṇa am, ā n. f. the act of smelling at Car
- upaca mfn. ācôpaca
- upa-cakra m. a species of duck (cf. cakra and cakra-vāka) MBh
- upa-cakṣus n. a superhuman or divine eye (= divya-cakṣus) L
- • spectacles (Beng. casamā) T
- upa-catura mfn. (pl.) almost four, nearly four Kāty. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 77
- upa-caya upa- √1. ci
- upa-√car P. -carati, to go towards, come near, approach RV. vii, 46, 2 TS. v, 7, 6, 1 ŚBr. R
- • to come near, wait upon, serve, attend, assist, bear a hand ŚBr. MBh. Mṛicch. Daś. &c
- • to approach, set about, undertake, perform TS. iii, 1, 6, 1 ŚBr
- • to attend on (a patient), physic (a person), treat, tend, nurse Suśr. Pañcat
- • to use figuratively or metaphorically, apply figuratively (generally Pass. -caryate) VarBṛS. Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- upa-cára mfn. accessory, supplementary ŚāṅkhBr
- • m. access, approach ŚBr. ii, 3, 4, 30
- • attendance, cure Suśr. (cf. sū7pacara.)
- upa-caraṇá n. approach. sū7pacaraṇá
- upa-caraṇīya mfn. to be approached
- • to be attended
- • to be applied or attributed Sāy. on TBr. i, 3, 2, 3
- upa-carita mfn. approached, attended
- • applied &c
- • (am), n. a particular rule of Sandhi (cf. upa-cāra) VPrāt
- upa-caritavya mfn. to be attended or waited upon Bhartṛ
- • to be treated Car
- • to be respected or revered or treated with attention MBh. R. Mn. Pañcat. &c
- • (ā), f. service, attendance
- • attendance on a patient
- • practice of medicine
- upa-carya mfn. id
- upa-carya ind. p. having approached, having attended &c
- upa-cārá m. approach, service, attendance Hcat. i, 111, 2 seqq
- • act of civility, obliging or polite behaviour, reverence ŚBr. MBh. Śak. &c. (64 Upacāras are enumerated in the Tantra-sāra, quoted by T.)
- • proceeding, practice
- • behaviour, conduct
- • mode of proceeding towards (gen.), treatment ŚBr. MBh. Āp. Mn. &c
- • attendance on a patient, medical practice, physicking Suśr. Pañcat. Vikr
- • a ceremony Kum. vii, 86
- • present, offering, bribe
- • solicitation, request L
- • ornament, decoration Kum. Ragh. vii, 4
- • a favourable circumstance Sāh. 300
- • usage, custom or manner of speech Nyāyad
- • a figurative or metaphorical expression (upacārāt ind. metaphorically), metaphor, figurative application Sāh. Sarvad. Comm. on Śiś. &c
- • pretence, pretext L
- • a kind of Sandhi (substitution of s and ṣ in place of Visarga) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 48
- • N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda
- ○karaṇa or n. þor n. þor f. (Mn. viii, 357) act of courteousness, politeness, civility
- ○karman n. or (Mn. viii, 357) act of courteousness, politeness, civility
- ○kriyā f. (Mn. viii, 357) act of courteousness, politeness, civility
- ○cchala n. a kind of fallacious inference (to be refuted by reference to the real sense of a word used metaphorically, e.g. if any one from the sentence 'the platform cries' were to conclude that the platform really cries and not persons on the platform) Nyāyad. Nyāyak
- ○pada n. a courteous or polite word, a mere compliment Kum. iv, 9
- ○para mfn. intent on service or politeness
- ○paribhraṣṭa mfn. devoid of civility, destitute of kindness, churlish, uncourteous Hit
- ○parī7ta mfn. full of politeness
- ○vat mfn. polite
- • furnished with ornaments, decorated Ragh. vi L
- upacāraka mf(ikā)n. ifc. for upa-cāra Kathās
- • m. courteousness, politeness Hcat
- upacārika mfn. ifc. serving for, belonging to MBh. iv, 1621
- upacārin mfn. attending upon, serving
- • revering R. MaitrUp
- • ifc. using (a remedy) Car
- upa-cārya mfn. to be attended upon, to be treated with attention Pañcat
- • (ā), f. practice of medicine L
- upa-cīrṇa mfn. attended upon, assisted MBh. (= vañcita, 'deceived' Nīlak.)
- upa-carma ind. near or on the skin Comm. on Pāṇ.
- upacāku m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 96 (not in the Kāś.)
- upa-cāyin (for 2. below), mfn. (√2. ci), honouring, revering MBh
- upa-cāru m. N. of a Cakravartin
- ○mat m. id. (Buddh.)
- upa-ci √1. P. -cinoti, to gather together TS. i, 1, 7, 2
- • to heap up, collect, hoard up, accumulate
- • to increase, strengthen MBh. Kum. Suśr. Megh. &c
- • to pour over, cover, overload: Pass. -cīyate, to be heaped together or accumulated
- • to increase, become strong MBh. Suśr. Rājat. Hit. &c
- • to gain advantage, succeed, be prosperous Mn. viii, 169
- • to be covered with
- • to cover one's self, furnish one's self with MBh. Suśr
- upa-caya m. accumulation, quantity, heap
- • elevation, excess
- • increase, growth, prosperity MBh. Suśr. Hit. &c
- • (upacayaṃ √1. kṛ, to promote or advance the prosperity of, help, assist Kām.)
- • addition KātyŚr
- • the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh of the zodiacal signs VarBṛS. &c
- upacayâpacaya au m. du. prosperity and decay, rise and fall Suśr
- upacayâvaha mfn. causing prosperity or success Kām
- upa-cāyin mfn. ifc. causing to increase or succeed MBh
- upa-cāyya m. a particular sacrificial fire Pāṇ. L
- • a place for holding sacrificial fire, an altar, hearth Bhaṭṭ. L
- upacāyyaka m. id
- upa-cít t f. a particular disease, a kind of swelling VS. xii, 97, (śvayathu-guḍa-ślīpadâdayaḥ Comm.)
- upa-cita mfn. heaped up, increased
- • thriving, increasing, prospering, succeeding MBh. BhP. Megh. Ragh. &c
- • big, fat, thick Suśr. Car
- • covered over, furnished abundantly, possessing plentifully MBh. Hariv. Pañcat. &c
- • plastered, smeared
- • burnt L
- ○rasa mfn. one whose (appetite or) desire is increased Megh. 115
- upa-citi f. accumulation, increase
- • augmentation, Śāntiś
- • gain, advantage
- • a heap, pile MBh. iii, 15144
- • (in arithm.) progression Āryabh. ii, 21
- upacitī-√bhū to increase, grow Gīt. xii, 27
- upa-ceya mfn. to be collected or heaped up
- upa-cikīrṣu upa- √1. kṛ
- upa-citra mfn. variegated, coloured
- • m. N. of a man MBh
- • (ā), f. N. of particular metres (viz. 1. a variety of Mātrāsamaka, consisting of four lines of sixteen instants each
- • 2. a metre of four lines of eleven instants each
- • in two varieties)
- • the plants Salvinia Cucullata and Croton Polyandrum L
- upacitraka n. a particular metre (consisting of four lines of eleven instants each)
- upa-cūḍana or upa-cūlana n. singeing, searing, heating Parāś. Comm. on Yājñ. &c
- upa-√cṛt P. -cṛtati, to fasten, tie or bind on Kauś
- upa-cchad (upa-√chad)
- upa-cchanna mfn. covered MBh. i, 5005
- • concealed, hidden, secret MBh. i, 6006 Mn
- upa-cchand (upa-√chand), Caus. -cchandayati, to conciliate (privately by flattering or coaxing language), coax, entice
- • to seduce Prab. Rājat. Kathās
- • to supplicate, beg Ragh. v, 58
- upa-cchanda m. anything necessary or needful, a requisite MBh. xiii, 3300
- upa-cchandana n. persuasion, conciliation by coaxing, enticing Daś. Bālar. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 47
- upa-cchandita mfn. persuaded, coaxed, enticed Śak. 207, 2, (Prākṛit uba-cchandido.)
- upa-cchal (upa-√chal), P. -cchalayati, to deceive, overreach Prab
- upa-cyavá m. (√cyu), the act of pressing or moving towards (said of a woman in sexual intercourse) RV. i, 28, 3, (= śālā-prāpti Sāy.)
- upa-já (for 2. p. 198, col. 1), mfn. (√jan), additional, accessory ŚBr. i, 1, 1, 10 (Sāy. reads upa-cám
- • Weber's extracts from the Comm. on the above passage, where T. reads correctly tricatura-māsād āropitam instead of tṛcaturān mākhābapitam ).
- upa-jagatī f. a particular metre (a variety of the Trishṭubh
- • three Pādas containing twelve instants instead of eleven) RPrāt
- upa-√jan Ā. -jā́yate, to be produced or originate in addition
- • to be added or put to RV. i, 25, 8 TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt. &c
- • to follow (as a consequence) Sarvad
- • to be born, originate, come forth, appear, become visible, happen MBh. BhP. Mn. Hit. Suśr. &c
- • to be born again MBh. xiii, 6689 Yājñ. iii, 256 Bhag
- • to exist, be Pañcat. Hit.: Caus. -janayati, to generate, produce
- • to cause, effect TāṇḍyaBr. Prab. Mālav. Sarvad
- upa-ja (for 1. s.v.), mfn. produced or coming from Gaut. xii, 36, &c
- • m. N. of a deity
- upa-jana m. addition, increase
- • appendage ĀśvŚr. ChUp. Comm. on Nyāyam. &c
- • addition of a letter (in the formation of a word), letters or syllables or affixes added RPrāt. APrāt. Nir. Sāy. &c
- upa-janana n. generation, procreation MānGṛ. i, 14
- upa-jā f. distant or not immediate posterity AV. xi, 1, 19
- upa-jāta mfn. added, additional APrāt. &c
- • produced, engendered, aroused, originated MBh. Daś. &c
- ○kopa or mfn. one whose anger is aroused, provoked, excited Prab
- ○krodha mfn. one whose anger is aroused, provoked, excited Prab
- ○kheda mfn. suffering from exhaustion, faint, feeble Mṛicch
- ○viśvāsa mfn. inspired with confidence, confident, trusting, believing Hit
- upa-jāti f. a mixed metre (esp. a combination of Indra-vajrā and Upendra-vajrā, or of Vaṃśa-stha and Indra-vaṃśa)
- upajātikā f. id
- upa-janam ind. near the people Kir. iv, 1
- upa-jandhani m. N. of a man SkandaP
- upa-√jap P. -japati, to whisper (karṇe, or karṇam, into anybody's ear) MBh. R
- • to bring over to one's own party (by secretly suggesting anything into the ear)
- • to instigate to rebellion or treachery MBh. xii, 2633 Mn. vii, 197 Daś. Kathās. &c
- upa-japta mfn. brought over or instigated to rebellion (by whispering into the ear &c.)
- upa-japya mfn. to be brought over or instigated to rebellion (cf. the last) Mn. vii, 197 Bhaṭṭ
- upa-jāpa m. the act of rousing to rebellion or bringing over to one's own party ( above) Hit. Pañcat. Daś. Śiś. &c
- upa-jāpaka mfn. one who brings over to his party or one who rouses to rebellion (by whispering into the ear &c.) Mn. ix, 275
- upa-jarasam ind. towards or near old age, Pāṇ. 5-4, 107
- upa-jalā f. N. of a river MBh
- upa-√jalp
- upa-jalpita n. talk R. ii, 60, 14
- upajalpin mfn. talking to a person, giving advice MBh. i, 5396
- upa-jānu ind. in or near the knee Pāṇ. 4-3, 40
- upa-√ji P. -jayati, to acquire by conquest, gain, obtain GopBr. ii, 2, 16
- upa-jigamiṣu upa-√gam
- upa-jighraṇa upa-√ghrā
- upa-jijñāsu upa-√jñā
- upa-jihīrṣā f. upa-√hṛ
- upa-jihvā f. the epiglottis Yājñ. iii, 97
- • an abscess on the under side of the tongue Suśr
- • a kind of ant L
- upa-jíhvikā f. a kind of ant RV. viii, 102, 21
- • the epiglottis Car
- • an abscess ( above) Suśr
- upa-jī́ka m. (ā f. ?) a water deity AV. ii, 3, 4 ; vi, 100, 2
- upa-√jīv P. -jīvati (3. pl. -jī́vanti) to live or exist upon (food), subsist, support one's self on, be supported by RV. i, 190, 5
- AV. TS. ŚBr. TBr. MBh. Pañcat. &c.
- • to derive profit from, make use of (with acc.) Yājñ. BhP. MārkP. &c
- • to live under, be dependent on, serve MBh. BhP. Śiś. &c
- • to live for a profession, practice Mn. MBh. BhP. &c.: Caus. -jīvayati, to use, make the most of Kathās. lxi, 268
- upa-jīvá mfn. probably not very different in meaning from jīvá, q.v. AV. xix, 69, 2
- • (ā́), f. subsistence TBr. i, 5, 6, 4
- upa-jīvaka mfn. living upon, subsisting by (with instr. or ifc.) MBh. R. Kathās. Comm. on Mn
- • living under, depending upon, subject to, a dependant, servant Kathās
- • (am, ikā), n. f. subsistence, livelihood L
- upa-jī́vana n. livelihood, subsistence ŚBr. Mn. ix, 207 Yājñ. iii, 236 MBh. Pañcat. &c
- • dependance, submissiveness Prasannar
- upajīvanī́ya mfn. affording or serving for livelihood AV. viii, 10, 22-29 TS. ŚBr
- upa-jīvin mfn. living on, subsisting by (with acc. or gen. or ifc.) MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • living in dependence, dependent, subject MBh. Ragh. Rājat. &c
- • submissive, humble, Ratnāv
- upa-jīvya mfn. that by which one lives, affording or serving for a livelihood MBh. Yājñ. &c
- • that on which one depends or rests Daś. Sāh
- upa-jīvya ind. p. having lived upon
- • depending on, because of (with acc.)
- upa-√juṣ P. (pf. 3. pl. -jujuṣus) to excite pleasure, gladden RV. viii, 23, 9
- upa-joṣa m. desire, pleasure, liking, yathôpajoṣam
- • (am), ind. according to one's desire or liking L
- • silently, quietly Śak. 202, 8, v. l
- upa-joṣaṇa n. enjoyment, use
- • taking (food) BhP. v, 16, 19
- upa-√jñā Ā. -jānīte (3. pl. -jānate AV.) to ascertain, excogitate, invent, find out, hit upon AV. iv, 36, 8 ŚBr
- upa-jijñāsu mfn. (fr. Desid.), wishing to know or to become acquainted with MBh. xii, 3884
- upa-jijñāsyá mfn. to be excogitated or found out
- • enigmatical ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 24
- upa-jñā f. knowledge found out or invented by one's self (not handed down by tradition), untaught or primitive knowledge, invention Pāṇ. L
- • (mfn. ifc.) invented or first taught by, unknown before Ragh. xv, 63 Kāś. and Siddh. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 21 and vi, 2, 14 Bhaṭṭ
- úpa-jñāta mfn. excogitated, invented, found out
- • ascertained by one's self, unknown before ŚBr. Pāṇ
- úpa-jman ā m. (√gam), way, path ṇBḍ. SV. i, 4, 1, 5, 6
- upa-jyotiṣa n. a compendium of astronomy VarBṛS
- upa-√jri P. -jrayati, to go near to RV. ix, 71, 5
- upa-√jval
- upa-jvalita mfn. lighted up (with an○ neg.) ŚBr. xi, 8, 3, 7
- upaḍa m. a diminutive for all proper names of men which begin with upa Pāṇ. 5-3, 80
- upa-√ḍhauk Caus. P. -ḍhaukayati, to fetch, bring, prepare
- • to offer, present Hit. Comm. on KātyŚr. vii, 2, 2 Kāraṇḍ
- upa-ḍhaukana n. a respectful present (made to a king) L
- upa-dhaukita mfn. prepared, arranged Pañcat
- upa-takṣa or upatakṣaka m. N. of a Nāga Kauś. R
- upa-taṭam ind. near the slope Megh. 58
- • near the bank Kād
- upa-√tap P. -tapati (p. -tápat, col. 3) to make warm, heat ŚBr
- • to afflict (as an illness
- • with gen. or acc. of the afflicted person) ŚBr. ChUp
- • to feel pain, become sick ĀśvGṛ. iv, 1, 1: Pass. -tapyate, to be made warm or heated
- • (with tapas) to undergo bodily mortification AV. vii, 61, 1, 2
- • to be afflicted with pain, be tormented, feel pain, become ill KātyŚr. MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c.: Caus. -tāpayati (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -tītapāsi AV.) to ignite, burn, consume AV. vi, 32, 1
- • to cause pain, mortify, torment, hurt, oppress MBh. BhP. Comm. on Mn
- upa-tápat t n. interior heat, disease ŚBr. TBr. iii, 9, 17, 1
- upa-tapta mfn. heated, hot MBh. iii, 71 R
- • sick, ill KātyŚr. xxii, 3, 23
- • distressed, afflicted
- upa-taptṛ mfn. heating, burning
- • (tā), m. interior heat, disease L
- upa-tāpa m. heat, warmth
- • heating Suśr. L
- • pain, trouble
- • paining Śak. 122, 2 (vḷ. for anu-tāpa) Suśr
- • sickness, disease, hurt ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • haste, hurry L
- upa-tāpaka mfn. causing pain, paining
- upa-tāpana mfn. id. BhP
- upa-tāpín mfn. heating, inflaming
- • causing pain, paining MBh. Kāvyâd. &c
- • (upatāpin), suffering heat or pain, sick, ill ŚBr. ChUp. Kauś. Mn
- upa-talpya m. a kind of wooden seat or stool Sāy. on TBr. iii, 8, 14
- upa-tāraka mfn. (√tṝ), overflowing Kauś
- upa-tiṣṭhāsu upa-√sthā
- upa-tiṣya m. N. of a son of Tishya
- upa-tīram ind. on the shore Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 121
- upa-tīrtha sū7patīrtha
- upa-√tuṣ Caus
- upa-toṣya ind. p. having satisfied
- • contenting, satisfying ĀśvGṛ. i, 6
- upa-tūlam ind. near or on the panicle (of a plant), Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 121
- upa-tṛṇya (voc. úpa-tṛṇya), m. 'lurking in the grass', a kind of snake AV. v, 13, 5
- upa-√tṛd P. -tṛṇátti (Pot. -tṛndyā́t) to pierce, cleave TS. vi, 3, 9, 3
- upa-taila mfn. (g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 194) = abhyakta-taila T
- upataiṣa vḷ. for upa-naiṣa (Kāś.), g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 194 (ed. B"htl.)
- upatyakā f. land at the foot of a mountain or hill, low-land Pāṇ. Ragh. Śak. Śiś. &c
- • a vale, valley L
- upa-√tsar
- upa-tsárya ind. p. having approached stealthily, creeping near ŚBr. i, 6, 3, 28
- upa-√daṃś
- upa-daṃśa m. anything eaten in addition (to excite thirst or appetite), a relish, spice R. Kathās. Suśr. Daś
- • a kind of venereal disease Suśr
- • the tree Moringa Hyperanthera (the scraped √of which is used for horse-radish) L
- • a kind of shrub L
- upa-daṃśaka m. a particular plant L
- upa-daṃśam ind. p. having taken an additional bit or morsel of (with instr. or ifc.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 47 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 21
- upadaṃśin mfn. afflicted with the Upadaṃśa (q.v.) disease L
- upa-daśya ind. p. = upa-daṃśam above
- upa-√dambh Caus. P. (3. pl. -dambhayanti) to lessen, diminish, destroy ŚBr. xiii, 8, 1, 1
- upa-darśaka &c. upa-√dṛś
- upa-daśa mfn. nearly ten, almost ten Comm. on Pāṇ. Vop
- upa-√das P. -dasyati (Subj. -dasat RV. i, 139, 5 AV. v, 30, 15) to fail, be wanting, be extinguished or exhausted, dry up RV. AV. iii, 29, 2, 6 ; v, 30, 15 TS. i, 6, 3, 3 ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. GopBr. Kauś
- • to want, lose, be deprived of (instr.) AV. xii, 4, 2: Caus. -dāsayati, to cause to fail or cease, extinguish AV. xii, 5, 27 ; 52 TBr. Nir
- upa-dasta &c. an-upadasta, p. 34, col. 2
- upa-dā́suka mfn. failing TS
- upa-√dah P. -dahati (aor. -adhā- kṣīt MBh. iii, 546) to burn, set fire to ŚBr. Gobh. MBh.
- upa-dagdha mfn. burnt, set on fire ŚBr. Kauś
- upa-dā √1. P. -dadāti, to give in addition, add
- • to give, grant, offer RV. vi, 28, 2 AV. iv, 21, 2 ; xix, 34, 8 R
- • to take upon one's self: Pass. (irr. p. -dadyámāna) to be offered or granted (as protection) RV. vi, 49, 13
- upa-dádya ind. p. having taken or taking upon one's self AV. x, 8, 18 (= xiii, 3, 14)
- upa-dā́ mfn. giving a present VS. xxx, 9
- • (ā), f. a present, offering (esp. a respectful present to a king or person of rank)
- • a bribe Pāṇ. Ragh. Śatr. &c
- upa-dātṛ (for 2. col. 2), mfn. one who gives or grants or confers Pañcat. iv, 107 (ed. Bombay)
- upa-dāna (for 2. col. 2) or n. a present, offering. = 2. upa-dā above L
- upa-dānaka n. a present, offering. = 2. upa-dā above L
- upadī-kṛta mfn. offered as a present Śiś
- upa-dānavī f. N. of a daughter of the Dānava Vṛisha-parvan Hariv
- • of a daughter of Vaiśvānara BhP
- upa-dā́suka upa-√das
- upa-digdha upa-√dih
- upa-√diś P. Ā. -diśati, -te, to point out to ŚBr. x, 6, 1, 11
- • to indicate, specify, explain, inform, instruct, teach ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. & Gṛ. MBh. Mṛicch. Ragh. &c
- • to advise, admonish BhP. Hit
- • to mention, exhibit, speak of BhP. Mn. Mṛicch. VPrāt. &c
- • to settle, prescribe, command, dictate, govern MBh. Mn. Kum. Pañcat. &c
- • to name, call MBh. BhP. Mn. &c.: Pass. -diśyate, to be taught, &c
- upa-didikṣā f. (fr. Desid.), the wish or intention to teach or inform Comm. on Bādar. iii, 4, 8
- upa-diś (for 3. s.v.), mfn. (ifc.) pointing out to, showing
- • mārôpadiś
- upa-diśa m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv
- upa-diśya ind. p. having indicated or taught &c
- • indicating, teaching &c
- upa-diṣṭa mfn. specified, particularized
- • taught, instructed
- • mentioned
- • prescribed, commanded &c
- • initiated W
- • (am), n. counsel, advice, (in dram.) a persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules Sāh. 449 &c
- upa-deśa m. pointing out to, reference to Pāṇ. 1-4, 70 Kap. Bādar. Jaim. &c
- • specification, instruction, teaching, information, advice, prescription TUp. MBh. Mn. Suśr. Śak. Hit. &c
• plea, pretext (= apa-deśa) Mn. ix, 268 Ragh. Kathās
- • initiation, communication of the initiatory Mantra or formula KātyŚr
- • (in Gr.) original enunciation (i.e. the original form often having an ānubandha in which a √, base, affix, augment, or any word or part of a word is enunciated in grammatical treatises) Pāṇ. Kāś. Siddh. &c
- • N. of a class of writings (Buddh.)
- • a name, title MW
- ○karṇikā f. N. of wk
- ○tā f. the being a precept or rule Kum. v, 36
- ○pañcaka n
- ○mālā f
- ○ratnamālā f
- ○rasāyana n
- ○sāhasrī f. N. of certain works
- upadeśâmṛta n. N. of wk
- upadeśârtha-vākya n. 'a tale for the sake of instruction', a parable
- upa-deśaka mfn. giving instruction, instructing, instructive, didactic Sarvad
- • teacher, instructor L
- upa-déśana n. the act of advising
- • instruction, information, doctrine TBr. Sāh
- • (ā), f. id. Pañcat
- ○vat mfn. furnished with advice TāṇḍyaBr
- upa-deśin mfn. advising, teaching, informing
- • (ī), m. a teacher, adviser Hit. Kathās
- • (upadeśin), mfn. (in Gr.) a word or affix &c. used in an Upa-deśa (q.v.) Comm. on Pāṇ
- upa-deśyá mfn. to be taught
- • taught AV. xi, 8, 23 Kap
- upa-deṣṭavya mfn. to be taught or advised
- • fit or proper to be taught Hit. Mṛicch
- upa-deṣṭṛ ṭā m. one who teaches, a teacher, adviser
- • a Guru or spiritual guide MBh. BhP. Pañcat. Sarvad
- ○tva n. the state of being a teacher Kap
- upa-diś k f. an intermediate region or point of the compass
- upa-diśam ind. between two regions, in an intermediate region L.
- upa-diśā́ f. id. ŚBr
- upa-√dih
- upa-digdha mfn. smeared, covered Suśr
- • fat VarBṛS. 67, 1
- ○tā f. the state of being smeared or covered Kām
- upa-deha (for 2. s.v.), as m. a cover, liniment, ointment Comm. on Car
upa-dehikā f. a species of ant L
- upa-dī √3. (kṣaye Dhātup. xxvi, 25)
- upa-dātavya mfn. Pāṇ. 6-1, 50
- upa-dātṛ mfn. ib
- upa-dāna n. ib
- upadī f. a parasitical plant L
- upadī́ka as, ā mf. a species of ant ŚBr. TBr. TĀr
- upa-√dīkṣ Caus
- upadīkṣin mfn. one who has been initiated in addition to KātyŚr. xxv, 14, 3
- • 4
- upa-dīkṣya ind. p. having initiated in addition to KātyŚr. xxv, 13, 28
- upa-√dīp Caus. -dīpayati, to kindle, set fire to MBh. Hariv
- upa-dīpayitvā (irr.) ind. p. having kindled MBh. iii, 10230
- upa-√duṣ P. -duṣyati, to become corrupt or depraved (as a woman) Hariv. 11264
- upa-duh ○dhuk m. (√duh), a milk-pail MBh
- upadoha m. id. ib
- upa-dohana n. id. ib
- upa-√dṛś P. (aor. Subj. 2. du. -darśathas RV.) to descry, perceive RV. viii, 26, 4
- • to look at or regard (with indifference) MBh.: Pass. -dṛśyate (aor. -adarśi
- • 3. pl. -adṛśran RV.) to be perceived, be or become visible, appear RV. i, 124, 4 ; vii, 67, 2 TāṇḍyaBr. BhP.: Caus. -darśayati, to cause to see, show, exhibit MBh. Ragh. Kathās. Prab. &c
- • to cause to appear, present a false show, deceive, illude Kathās. xix, 75 Rājat
- • to explain, illustrate Yājñ. ii, 8
- upa-darśaka m. one who shows the way, a door-keeper L
- upa-darśana n. the act of exhibiting, representing Sāh
- • a commentary L
- upa-darśita mfn. caused to appear, shown
- • perceived, distinguished
- • explained
- upa-dṛ́ś k f. aspect, look, appearance RV. viii, 102, 15 ; ix, 54, 2
- upa-dṛṣṭi f. id. L
- upa-draṣṭṛ́ ṭā m. a looker-on, spectator
- • a witness AV. xi, 3, 59 TS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. Kāṭh. BhP. &c
- • (upa-dráṣṭṛkā), f. a female witness MaitrS. iii, 2, 4
- ○mát mfn. having witnesses
- • (máti loc. ind. before witnesses TBr. ii, 2, 1, 3 ; 5.)
- upa-dṛṣad t ind. near or on a mill-stone Pāṇ. 5-4, 111
- upa-dṛṣadam ind. id. ib
- upa-deva m. an inferior or secondary deity (as a Yaksha, Gandharva, Apsaras, &c.) BhP
- • N. of several men Hariv. VP
- • (ā, ī), f. N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. VP
- ○"ṣtā f. a minor or inferior deity L
- upa-deśa &c. upa-√diś
- upa-deha m. (for 1. upa-√dih) 'a secondary growth of the body', a kind of excrescence Suśr
- ○vat mfn. having the above excrescence ib
- upa-doha upa-duh
- upa-√dru P. -dravati (aor. -ádudrot RV.) to run near or towards
- • to run at, rush at, oppress, assault, attack RV. ii, 30, 3: iv, 16, 1 AV. vii, 73, 6 ; xviii, 2, 23 TS. ChUp
- • to sing the Upa-drava or fourth of the five parts of a Sāman stanza AitĀr. ii, 3, 4, 3
- upa-drava m. that which attacks or occurs suddenly, any grievous accident, misfortune, calamity, mischief, national distress (such as famine, plague, oppression, eclipse, &c.)
- • national commotion, rebellion
- • violence, outrage MBh. R. Śak. VarBṛS. &c.
- • a supervenient disease or one brought on whilst a person labours under another Suśr
- • the fourth of the five parts of a Sāman stanza ṢaḍvBr. Comm. on TĀr. &c
- upa-dravin mfn. attacking suddenly, falling on
- • tyrannical, violent
- • factious
- • (ī), m. a tyrant, oppressor
- • a rebel L
- upa-druta mfn. run after, persecuted, attacked, oppressed, visited (by calamities), tyrannized over Hariv. R. Kathās. Hit. Suśr. &c
- • (in astrol.) eclipsed = boding evil, inauspicious VarBṛS
- • (am), n. a kind of Sandhi ŚāṅkhŚr
- upa-dvāra n. a side-door AgP. (cf. sū7padvāra.)
- upa-dvīpa m. a small adjacent island, minor island BhP. Pañcar
- upa-dhamana upa-√dhmā
- upa-dharma m. a minor or subordinate duty
- • a by-law Mn. ii, 237 ; iv, 147
- • a false faith, heresy BhP
- upa-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to place or lay upon, place near to, put on or into
- • to place, lay, put RV. x, 87, 3 ; 145, 6 AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. Ragh. &c
- • to put to, yoke (horses) RV. iv, 29, 4
- • to give or make over, hand over (knowledge), teach Ragh
- • to impose, lay upon, commit, consign Ragh
- • to place under one's self, lie down upon R
- • to place in addition, add, connect AitBr. ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- • to communicate, cause to share in
- • to use, employ
- • (in Gr.) to lie or be placed close to, precede without the intervention of another syllable RPrāt. &c
- • to cause to rest upon or depend on BhP
- upa-dhā f. imposition, forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, false pretence MBh. Mn. R
- • trial or test of honesty (of four kinds, viz. of loyalty, disinterestedness, continence, and courage) Kām. Bhaṭṭ. Śiś. &c
- • (in Gr.) a penultimate letter Pāṇ. RPrāt. APrāt. Nir. &c
- • condition, reservation L
- ○bhṛta m. a kind of servant (engaged under particular conditions) L
- ○lopa m. elision of the penultimate letter
- ○"ṣlopin mfn. subject to the above (as a Bahuvrīhi compound ending in an) Pāṇ. 4-1, 28
- ○śuci mfn. of approved virtue, approved, tried Hit
- upa-dhā́na mfn. placing upon, employed or used in placing upon (as a Mantra in the setting up of the sacrificial bricks) Pāṇ. 4-4, 125
- • (am), n. the act of placing or resting upon KātyŚr. Kauś
- • that on which one rests, a pillow, cushion AV. xiv, 2, 65 ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • cover, lid Car. Hcat
- • peculiarity, singularity, excellence (cf. premôpa○) Bālar. Siddh
- • affection, kindness
- • religious observance
- • poison L
- • (ī), f. a pillow, cushion
- • footstool ( pādôpa○) MBh
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- upadhānaka n. a pillow, cushion Hcat
- upa-dhānīya mfn. to be put under
- • (am), n. a pillow, cushion Pañcat
- upa-dhāya ind. p. having placed or rested upon &c
- upa-dhāyin mfn. ifc. placing under Kum
- upa-dhí m. the act of putting to, adding, addition Lāṭy
- • the part of the wheel between the nave and the circumference RV. ii, 39, 4 AV. vi, 70, 3 Kāṭh
- • fraud, circumvention MBh. R. Yājñ. Kir. &c
- • condition
- • peculiarity, attribute (Buddh
- • upâ-dhi)
- • support MW
- upadhika m. a cheat, knave (especially one who imposes by threats) Mn. ix, 258
- • (Kull. reads aupadhika, and probably câupadhikā is to be read for côpadhikā in the text.)
- upa-dheya mfn. to be placed upon, being placed upon
- upa-hita (for 2. s.v.), mfn. put on or upon, placed, deposited, put into KātyŚr. MBh. Hariv. Ragh. &c
- • joining, connected with
- • mixed ŚBr. Mālav. Suśr
- • (in Gr.) immediately preceded by RPrāt
- • resting or depending upon, having as a condition Vedāntas. Sarvad
- • used, employed for MBh. Ragh
- • brought near, handed over, given MBh. R. Mṛicch. &c
- • misled, deceived MBh
- úpa-hiti f. the putting or placing upon Nyāyam
- • devotedness to TS. ī.
- upa-dhātu m. a secondary mineral, semi-metal (seven are specified: svarṇa-mākṣika, pyrites
- • tāra-mākṣika, a particular white mineral
- • tuttha, sulphate of copper
- • kāṃsya, brass
- • rīti, calx of brass
- • sindūra, red lead
- • śilājatu, red chalk) Bhpr
- • secondary secretions and constituents of the body (viz. the milk, menses, adeps, sweat, teeth, hair, and lymph) ŚārṅgS. &c
- upa-dhāraṇa upa-√dhṛ
- upa-√dhāv Ā. (p. -dhā́vamāna) to run
- • to soar RV. viii, 3, 21: P. -dhāvati, to run near, approach hastily
- • to have recourse to for assistance TS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. R. BhP. &c
- upa-dhāvana m. a follower W
- upa-dhí p. 199, col. 3
- upa-dhūpaya Nom. (fr. dhūpa) P. -dhūpayati, to fumigate, envelop in smoke
- • to envelop in mist
- • to darken, cover Kauś
- upa-dhūpita mfn. fumigated, enveloped in smoke MBh. R
- • near death, dying L
- • (ā), f. (scil. diś) = the next
- upa-dhūmitā f. (scil. diś, fr. upadhūmaya), 'enveloped in haze, the quarter of the heavens to which the sun is proceeding (opposed to dagdhā, dīptā, and the five śāntā), Vasantarāja T. (cf. pra-dhūmitā, saṃ-dhū○.)
- upa-√dhṛ Caus. P. -dhārayati, to hold up, support, bear MBh. Suśr
- • to hold as, consider as, regard, think MBh. R. Mn.: BhP. &c
- • to hold in the mind, reflect or meditate on MBh
- • to perceive, comprehend, hear, experience, learn Suśr. MBh. BhP
- upa-dhāraṇa n. the act of considering, consideration, reflection MBh
- upa-dhārya mfn. to be comprehended Car
- upa-dhārya ind. p. having taken or held up &c
- upa-dhṛti f. a ray of light L
- upa-√dhṛṣ P. (pf. -dadharṣa) to venture to undertake ŚBr. ix, 5, 2, 1
- upa-√dhe Caus. Ā. (3. du. -dhāpayete) to suckle, rear by suckling RV. i, 95, 1
- upa-√dhmā P. -dhámati, to blow or breathe at or upon RV. v, 9, 5 ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ṢaḍvBr. MānŚr. Mn
- upa-dhamana n. the act of blowing at, blowing Gaut. ix, 32
- upa-dhmā f. id
- • the effort of the voice which produces the sound upadhmānīya
- upa-dhmā́na mf(ī)n. breathing or blowing upon AV. viii, 8, 2
- upa-dhmānīya m. the Visarga (q.v.) as pronounced before the letters p and ph Pāṇ. VPrāt. &c
- upa-√dhyai
- upa-dhyāta mfn. remembered, thought of MBh
- upa-√dhvaṃs Pass. -dhvasyate, to be afflicted or attacked Suśr
- upa-dhvastá mfn. speckled, spotted VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. (cf. dhvasta.)
- upa-√nakṣ Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -nakṣasva) to come near to RV. viii, 54, 7
- upa-nakṣatrá n. a secondary star, minor constellation ŚBr
- upa-nakha n. a particular disease of the finger-nails, whitlow, agnail (also called cippa
- • one of the twenty-four Kshudra-rogas or slight diseases) Suśr
- upa-nagara n. a suburb L
- • (am), ind. near the city
- ○bhava mfn. being near the city, near the city Daś
- úpa-nati upa-√nam
- upa-√nad Caus
- upa-nādita mfn. caused to resound R
- upa-nadam ind. (fr. nadi Pāṇ. 5-4, 110), near the river, on the river
- upa-nadi ind. id. ib
- upa-naddha &c. upa-√nah.
- upa-nanda m. N. of a Nāga
- • of several men VP. BhP. &c
- upa-nandaka m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra
- • of a being attendant on Skanda MBh
- upa-nandana m. a form of Śiva VP
- upa-√nam P. -namati, to bend towards or inwards
- • to tend towards, approach, come to, arrive at
- • to fall to one's share or lot, become one's property, share in (with acc., dat., or gen.) VS. ŚBr. TBr. ChUp. Rājat. &c
- • to come to one's mind, occur TS. TBr. i, 1, 2, 8
- • to attend upon any one (acc.) with (instr.)
- • to gain the favour of any one (acc.) BhP. vi, 19, 16: Caus. -nāmayati, to put or place before (gen.) Gobh. ii, 1, 7
- • to lead towards or into the presence of, present any one (gen.) Lalit
- • to reach, hand to ib
- • to offer, present ib. Kāraṇḍ
- úpa-nata mfn. bent towards or inwards ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kāṭh
- • subdued, subjected, surrendered
- • dependent on (for protection &c.) Āp. MBh. Ragh. &c
- • brought near to, approached, near (either in form or space)
- • fallen to one's share
- • brought about, produced, existing, being BhP. Megh. &c
- úpa-nati f. inclination, affection VS. xx, 13
- • the falling to one's share Kathās
- upa-namra mfn. coming to, being present Naish
- upa-nā́muka mfn. bending towards, approaching ŚBr
- upa-naya upa-nayana, p. 201, col. 2
- upa-nara m. N. of a Nāga L
- upa-√nah P. -nahyati, to tie or bind to or up, bind together
- • to make up into a bundle TS. AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr.: Caus. -nāhayati, to tie up, wrap, dress (a wound) Suśr. Car
- upa-naddha mfn. covered with Suśr
- • inlaid BhP
- upa-naddhavya mfn. to be wrapped or covered with Car
- upa-nahana n. anything fit for binding up or wrapping (as a cloth) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upa-nāhá m. a bundle AV. ix, 4, 5 TS
- • a plaster, unguent (applied to a wound or sore)
- • a cover, poultice Suśr
- • inflammation of the ciliary glands, stye Suśr
- • the tie of a lute (the lower part of the tail-piece where the wires are fixed) L
- • continual enmity L
- ○sveda m. (in med.) perspiration caused by a kind of poultice
- upa-nāhana n. the act of putting a plaster upon, applying an unguent
- • plaster
- • cover
- • poultice Suśr
- upa-nāgara m. (scil. apabhraṃśa, q.v.) a particular Prākṛit dialect
upa-nāgarikā f. a kind of alliteration Kpr
- upa-√nāth P. -nāthati, to ask, entreat Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 55
- upa-nāman a n. a surname, nickname W
- upa-nāyá &c. p. 201, col. 2
- upa-nāyaka m. (in dram.) a secondary hero Sāh
- upa-nāsika n. the part surrounding the nose, that which is near the nose Suśr
- upa-niḥ-śri (upa-nis-√śri)
- upa-niḥśritya ind. p. having gone out to Lalit
- upa-ni-√kṣip P. -kṣipati, to throw down
- • to put or place down Mn. iii, 224
- • to deposit
- upa-nikṣepa m. a deposit (sealed or covered up so that the contents are unknown)
- • any article intrusted to one's keeping Yājñ. ii, 25
- upa-ni-√gam P. -gacchati, to meet with, fall upon, get ŚBr. AitBr
- upa-ni-√grah P. Ā. -gṛhṇāti, ṇīte, to press down upon TS
- • to bring or push near to AitBr. ĀpŚr
- upa-ni-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to put or place down near to, put or place before ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. TBr. Lāṭy. ChUp. ĀśvGṛ.
- • to place down, conceal
- • to deposit, intrust
- • to bring near, lead near to Gīt
- • to produce, cause Bhaṭṭ
- upa-nidhātṛ́ mfn. one who puts or places down ŚBr
- upa-nidhāna n. the act of putting down near to, putting by the side of Comm. on Lāṭy
- • a deposit W
- upa-nidhā́ya ind. p. having put down near to &c
- upa-nidhi m. a deposit, pledge, property put under the care of a creditor, friend &c. (generally a sealed deposit, but also any article intrusted to a friend which he may use whilst in his keeping) Mn. viii, 145, &c. Yājñ. ii, 25 MBh
- • a ray of light L
- • N. of a son of Vasu-deva VP
- upa-nihita mfn. placed or put down near to, placed or put before ĀśvGṛ. ChUp
- • put down, kept
- • deposited, intrusted Mn. viii, 37 ; 196 BhP
- upa-ni-pat P. -patati, to fly down to ChUp
- • to take place in addition, accede, exist or be in addition Suśr. Comm., on Bādar.: Caus. -pātayati, to cause to lie down ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvŚr
- upa-nipāta m. acceding, accession Sarvad
- • taking place, occurring Comm. on Bādar
- • a sudden occurrence or event, breaking forth Mudr. Kād
- • a sudden and unexpected attack Comm. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 106
- upa-nipātana n. occurring or taking place suddenly Comm. on Nyāyad
- upa-nipātin mfn. rushing in Śak. 237, 5
- • attacking suddenly
- upa-ni-√pad Ā. (p. -pádyamāna) to lie down at the side of RV. i, 152, 4: Caus. -padayati, to cause to lie down at the side of ŚBr
- • to lay down at ib
- upa-ni-√pīḍ Caus
- upa-nipīḍita mfn. afflicted, troubled MBh
- upa-ni-√plu Ā. (3. pl. -plavante) to approach, reach AitBr. iv, 26, 3
- upa-ni-√bandh P. to write, compose
- • to explain
- upa-nibaddha mfn. adhering to Comm. on Nyāyad
- • written, composed, arranged Bālar. Uttarar. Comm. on Mn., on Pat. &c
- • spoken of, discussed Comm. on KātyŚr. &c
- upa-nibandha m. obligation, oath Mcar
- upa-nibandhana mfn. manifesting, explaining BhP. Sarvad
- • (am), n. description Sāh
- upa-nibha mfn. ifc. similar, equal RPrāt
- upa-ni-√majj P. (impf. -amajjat) to dive near TBr. i, 1, 3, 6
- upa-ni-√mantr P. to invite
- • to offer MBh. R
- • to consecrate, inaugurate L
- upa-nimantraṇa n. invitation Veṇis
- • inauguration L
- upa-ni-√mand P. -madati, to restrain, stop ŚBr
- upa-ni-√mreḍ Ā. -mreḍate, to make happy, gladden ChUp
- upa-ni-√yuj Ā. to tie or join to Kāṭh
- upa-ni-√rudh P. to shut up ŚBr
- upa-nirgama m. a main or royal road L
- upa-nir-vṛt (upa-nis-√vṛt), Caus. -vartayati, to cause to appear (e.g. a disease) Suśr
- upa-ni-vap √2. P. -vapati, to throw or pour down in addition ŚBr
- upa-nivapana n. the act of throwing or pouring down upon KātyŚr
- upa-ni-√viś P., upa-niviṣṭa: Caus. P. -veśayati, to cause to encamp R
- • to lay the foundation of Ragh.
- upa-niviṣṭa mfn. besieging R
- • occupying, inhabiting MBh
- • occupied, inhabited VāyuP
- upa-niveśin mfn. adherent, belonging to Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 1
- upa-ni-√vṛ P. to restrain, keep off R
- upa-ni-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to come again, be repeated AitBr. ŚāṅkhBr. RPrāt.: Caus. P. -vartayati, to bring or fetch again AitBr. vii, 5, 5
- upa-niveśa m. a suburb Hariv. 8962
- upa-ni-√veṣṭ Ā. -veṣṭate, to surround ŚBr. v, 3, 4, 11
- upa-ni-√śam
- upa-niśamya ind. p. having perceived, perceiving MBh. viii, 1738
- upa-ni-√śri P. -śrayati, to go near or to the side of ŚBr. xiv, 4, 2, 23: Ā. -śrayate, to cling to, lean against ŚBr. SāṅkhBr. and ŚBr
- upa-ni-ṣad (upa-ni-√sad), P. (pf. -ní-ṣedus) to sit down near to
- • to approach, set about AV. xix, 41, 1 ŚBr. Kauś
- upa-niṣád t f. (according to some) the sitting down at the feet of another to listen to his words (and hence, secret knowledge given in this manner
- • but according to native authorities upaniṣad means 'setting at rest ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit')
- • the mystery which underlies or rests underneath the external system of things (cf. IW. p. 35 seqq.)
- • esoteric doctrine, secret doctrine, mysterious or mystical meaning, words of mystery &c. ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- • a class of philosophical writings (more than a hundred in number, attached to the Brāhmaṇas but iiiśopanishad
- • their aim is the exposition of the secret meaning of the Veda, and they are regarded as the source of the Vedānta and Sāṃkhya philosophies
- • for the most important of the Upanishads, IW. p. 37 seq.)
- ○"ṣt-√kṛ (upaniṣat-kṛ), to treat anything as a mystery (?) Pāṇ. 1-4, 79
- ○brāhmaṇa n
- ○ratna n
- ○vivaraṇa n. N. of wks
- upa-niṣada n. = 2. upa-niṣád above (esp. occurring ifc.)
- upa-niṣādin mf(inī) n. staying or sitting near at hand ŚBr. ix, 4, 3, 3
- upa-ni-ṣev (upa-ni-√sev), Ā. to devote one's self to MBh
- upa-niṣ-kara m. (√kṝ), a main road, highway L
- upa-niṣ-kram (upa-nis-√kram), P. -krāmati, to go out towards ŚBr
- upa-niṣkramaṇa n. the act of going of stepping out towards PārGṛ
- • taking a child in the fourth month of its age for the first time into the open air (usually called niṣkramaṇa, q.v., one of the Saṃskāras or religious rites
- • Mn. ii, 34) Hcat. L
- • a main road, road Gaut. ix, 65 L
- upa-niṣkramya ind. p. having gone or going out towards, stepping out, going out ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh
- upa-niṣkrānta mfn. one who has gone out of R
- upa-ni-√han P. -hanti, to hammer or ram down (a stake) by the side of ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upa-√nī P. Ā. -nayati, -te (Ā. Pot. -nayīta HirGṛ. i, 1, 2
- • p. -náyamāna AV.) to lead or drive near, bring near, bring, adduce, offer RV. ii, 3, 10 ; iii, 35, 3 ŚBr. TBr. MBh. Mn. Ragh
- • to bring information, communicate
- • to lead or bring near to one's self, take possession of R. Kathās
- • to lead, guide MBh. BhP
- • to lead or draw towards one's self (said of the Guru who, in the ceremony of initiation, draws the boy towards himself)
- • to initiate into one of the twice-born classes by investing with the sacred thread &c. (only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 36) AV. xi, 5, 3 ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c. Mn. &c
- • to bring about, produce, cause Gīt. Prab. Sāh
- • to bring into any state, reduce to R. Hariv. Kām. &c
- • to take into one's service (only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 36): Caus. -nāyayati, to cause to initiate (a pupil) Mn. xi, 191.
- upa-naya m. the bringing near, procuring MBh
- • attaining, obtaining, obtainment BhP
- • employment, application R
- • application (the fourth member in a five fold syllogism) Sarvad. Tarkas. &c
- • introduction (into any science) VarBṛS
- • initiation = the next L
- upa-nayana n. the act of leading to or near, bringing R. BhP. Vikr
- • employment, application Car
- • introduction (into any science) Prab
- • leading or drawing towards one's self
- • that ceremony in which a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes (one of the twelve Saṃskāras or purificatory rites prescribed in the ḍharma-sūtras and explained in the ṅṛihya-sūtras in which the boy is invested with the sacred thread different for the three castes and thus endowed with second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the Veda by heart
- • a Brāhman is initiated in the eighth year [or seventh according to Hiranyakeśin
- • or eighth from conception, according to Śāṅkhāyana &c.], a Kshatriya in the eleventh, a Vaiśya in the twelfth
- • but the term could be delayed)
- • IW. p. 201 RTL. p. 360 seqq. ĀśvGṛ. i, 19-22 ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 1-6 PārGṛ. ii, 2-5 Gobh. ii, 10 HirGṛ. i, 1 seqq. Mn. ii, 36 Yājñ. i, 14
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- upa-nāyá m. leader RV. ix, 91, 4, initiation, = upa-nayana L
- upa-nāyana n. initiation, = upa-nayana above
- upanāyika mfn. fit or belonging to an offering Hariv. 4417 (vḷ. aupanāyaka)
- úpa-nīta mfn. led near, brought near RV. i, 129, 2 MBh. Mṛicch. VarBṛS. &c
- • led to a man, married (?) RV. x, 109, 4 = AV. v, 17, 6
- • adduced
- • presented &c
- • initiated BhP. Mn. ii, 49 Ragh. &c
- • m. a boy brought near to a Guru and initiated into one of the twice-born classes (by investiture with the sacred thread and other ceremonies)
- upa-nīti f. initiation, = upa-nayana above Nyāyam
- upa-netavya mfn. to be brought near
- • to be applied R. L
- upa-netṛ mf(trī)n. one who brings near Kum. i, 61
- • (tā), m. the spiritual preceptor Pañcat
- upa-nī7 (upa-ni-√i), P. -ny-eti, to enter into, move towards ŚBr
- upa-√nud
- upa-nunna mfn. driven near, wafted Śiś. iv, 68
- upa-√nṛt P. Ā. -nṛtyati, -te, to dance before, dance round (acc.) MBh. Hariv. R
- upa-nṛtta mfn. any person before or round whom it is danced MBh. v, 4100
- upa-nṛtya n. a place for dancing R
- upa-ny-as √2. P. -asyati, to place down, put down R
- • to announce MBh
- • to speak of, mention
- • to explain
- • to hint, allude, suggest Kir. Kāvyapr
- upa-nyasta mfn. mentioned, explained, brought forward, hinted at, alluded Yājñ. Śak. 200, 2 Hit
- upa-nyasya ind. p. having put down &c
- upa-nyāsa m. putting down, placing near to, juxta-position Comm. on Pāṇ
- • bringing or procuring (requisites) MBh
- • bringing forward, speaking of, mention
- • statement, suggestion, hint
- • quotation, reference Mn. Mālav. Sāh. Daśar. &c
- • pretext Amar. 23
- • proof, reason Sāh
- • a particular kind of treaty or alliance Kām. Hit
- • (in dram.) propitiation, gratifying Sāh
- • a deposit, pledge, pawn W
- upa-nyāsya mfn. to be adduced or stated W
- upa-ny-ā-√car P. -cárati, to enter into, penetrate ŚBr. vi, 5, 4, 10
- upa-ny-ā-√plu Ā. -plavate, to swim near ŚBr
- upa-ny-ā-√hṛ to bring near, offer (a present to a teacher) Gobh. iii, 4, 2
- upa-pakṣá m. the armpit
- • (au), m. du. the hair under the armpits TBr
- ○daghná mfn. reaching to the armpit ŚBr.
- upapakṣyá mfn. being on the shoulder AV. vii, 76, 2
- upa-pakṣma ind. (fr. -pakṣman), on the eye-lash Suśr
- upa-√pat P. -patati, to fly near, hasten towards RV. BhP
- upa-pāta m. accident, occurrence, misfortune KātyŚr
- upa-pātin mfn. ifc. falling to, hastening towards
- upa-patanīya n. a smaller sin, minor offence, = upa-pātaka, q.v. SāmavBr. i, 5, 14
- upa-patí m. a paramour, gallant VS. xxx, 9 Mn. Yājñ. Kathās
- upa-patha m. appendix āufrecht BrahmaP
- • (am), ind. on the way or road Vop
- upa-√pad Ā. -padyate, (rarely P.) -ti, to go towards or against, attack AV. iv, 18, 2
- • to approach, come to, arrive at, enter MBh. Pañcat. VarBṛS. Kāraṇḍ
- • to approach or come to a teacher (as a pupil) MBh
- • to approach for succour or protection
- • to approach or join with in speech AitBr. vii, 17, 5
- • to reach, obtain, partake of
- • to enter into any state MBh. R. Hariv
- • to take place, come forth, be produced, appear, occur, happen
• to be present, exist Lāṭy
- • to be possible, be fit for or adequate to (with loc.) ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c
- • to be regular or according to rules
- • to become, be suitable MBh. R. Suśr. Śak. &c.: Caus. P. -pādayati, to bring to any state (with two acc.)
- • to cause anything (acc.) to arrive at (loc. or dat.), cause to come into the possession of, offer, present MBh. MārkP. Mn. Yājñ. Ragh. &c
- • to cause to come forth or exist
- • to accomplish, effect, cause, produce Lāṭy. MBh. Megh. &c
- • to get ready, prepare, make fit or adequate for, make conformable to MBh. R
- • to furnish or provide or endow with MBh. Kām. &c
- • to make anything out of Prab
- • to examine
- • to find out, ascertain R. Mn. &c
- • to prove, justify Sarvad. Comm. on Prab., on Kap. &c
- • to attend on a patient, physic Suśr. i, 56, 20 Car
- upa-patti f. happening, occurring, becoming visible, appearing, taking place, production, effecting, accomplishing MBh. BhP. Bhag. Ragh. &c
- • proving right, resulting
- • cause, reason
- • ascertained or demonstrated conclusion, proof, evidence, argument Sarvad. Sāh. Vedāntas. Naish. Rājat. &c
- • fitness, propriety, possibility KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (instr. upa-pattyā, suitably, in a fit manner)
- • association, connection, possession
- • religious abstraction L
- ○parityakta mfn. destitute of argument or proof. unproved, unreasonable Rājat
- ○mat mfn. demonstrated, proved
- ○yukta mfn. id
- ○sama m. (in log.) a kind of contradiction in which both the contradicting assertions are supposed to be demonstrable (e.g. sound is uneternal, because it is produced
- • it is eternal, because it is not tangible) Nyāyad. Nyāyak
- upa-pad t f. the act of happening, occurring, taking place
- upa-panna mfn. one who has approached a teacher (as a pupil) Suśr. Vedāntas
- • one who has approached for protection R
- • one who has obtained or reached MBh. R. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 13
- • obtained, reached, gained
- • happened, fallen to one's share, produced, effected, existing, being near at hand MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c
- • endowed with, possessed of, furnished with MBh. Mn. &c
- • fit, suited for the occasion, adequate, conformable Śak. Vikr. Rājat. &c
- upa-pāda m. happening
- • effecting, accomplishing
- • dur-upapāda and yathôpapādam
- upa-pādaka mfn. causing to occur or happen, producing, effecting, making visible Sāh
- upa-pādana mfn. id
- • (am), n. the act of causing to appear, effecting, doing MBh
- • bringing near BhP
- • giving, delivering, presenting
- • proving or establishing by argument Sarvad
- • explaining, examining L
- upa-pādanīya mfn. to be treated medically Car
- upa-pādita mfn. effected, accomplished, performed, done
- • given, delivered, presented
- • proved, demonstrated
- • treated medically, cured.
- upa-pāduka (for 2. below), mfn. self-produced
- • m. a superhuman being, a god, demon &c. L
- upa-pādya mfn. to be effected or done
- • to be shown or proved
- • being produced, coming into existence
- upa-pada n. a word standing near or accompanying another to which it is subordinate (either a subordinate word in a compound but not in a Bahu-vrīhi compound generally forming the first member, or a discriminative appellation at the end of proper names, as varman, śarman &c
- • or a preposition, particle &c. prefixed to a verb or noun
- • or a secondary word of any kind which is governed by or limits the general idea contained in the principal word) Pāṇ. VPrāt. Sarvad
- • (vṛkṣāḥ kalpô-papadāḥ, 'those trees which have the word' kalpa as accompanying word', = kalpa-vṛkṣāḥ Śiś. iii 59
- • Ragh. xvi, 40)
- • a bit, little L
- ○samāsa m. a compound containing an Upa-pada (e.g. kumbha-kāra)
- upa-parā-√mṛś upôpaparā-√mṛś
- upa-parā-√sṛ
- upa-parāsṛ́tya ind. p. having crept near or towards ŚBr. xiv, 1, 1, 9
- upa-parī7kṣ (upa-pari-√īkṣ), Ā. to find out, learn Lalit
- • to examine, inquire into
- upa-parī7kṣaṇa n. inquiring into, investigation, examination L
- upa-parī7kṣā f. id. Nir
- upa-parê (upa-parā-√i), P. -párâiti, to go towards, go near, approach ŚBr
- upa-parcana upa-√pṛc
- upa-pary-ā-√vṛt P. (pf. -ā́-vavarta) to turn round towards ŚBr. Kāṭh
- upa-parvan a n. the day before the Parvan or change of the moon ŚāṅkhGṛ. vi, 1, 11
- upa-parśukā f. a false rib, N
- upa-palī7 (upa-pali -√i)
- upa-paly-áyya ind. p. turning back or round ŚBr
- upa-palvalam ind. on the pool Naish
- upa-pā √1. Caus. -pāyayati, to give to drink MānŚr. and Gṛ
- upa-pāyana n. the act of giving to drink ib
- upa-pāta upa-pātin, upa-√pat
- upa-pātaka n. a secondary crime, minor offence (as killing kine, forgetting the Veda, breaking a vow of chastity, offending a Guru, selling the Soma plant &c.) Gaut. xxi, 11, &c. Baudh. ii, 2, 12-14, &c. Mn. xi, 66, &c. Hariv. &c. ( also Yājñ. ii, 210 ; iii, 225 ; 242)
- upapātakin mfn. one who has committed an Upa-pātaka or minor offence Mn. xi, 107 ; 117
- upa-pāduka (for 1. above), mfn. having shoes, shod W
- upa-pāpa n. a minor offence, = upa-pātaka Yājñ. iii, 286
- upa-pārśva m. a shoulder
- • flank MBh
- • a lesser rib
- • the opposite side L
- upa-√pīḍ Caus. -pīḍayati, to press on or to
- • to press down, oppress, check Kām
- • to cause pain, disturb, distress Mn. Kām
- • (in astron.) to eclipse R. VarBṛS
- upa-pīḍana n. the act of pressing down, oppressing
- • causing pain, tormenting, torture Mn
- upa-pīḍam ind. p. (Pāṇ. 3-4, 49) pressing, pressing on or to Śiś. x, 47 Naish
- upa-pīḍita mfn. pressed down, oppressed
- • tortured, pained, distressed
- upa-pura n. 'near the city', a suburb L
- upa-purī f. the environs of a city BhP. iv, 25, 26
- upapaurika mfn. being near or in the environs of a city Daś.
- upa-purāṇa n. a secondary or minor Purāṇa (eighteen are enumerated
- • the following is the list in the Kūrma-purāṇa: 1. Sānatkumāra, 2. Nārasiṃha (fr. Nṛisiṃha) 3. Bhāṃda, 4. Śiva-dharma, 5. Daurvāsasa, 6. Nāradīya, 7. Kāpila, 8.Vāmana, 9. Auśanasa, 10. Brahmāṇḍa, 11. Vāruṇa, 12. Kālikā-purāṇa, 13. Māheśvara, 14. Sāmba, 15. Saura, 16. Pārāśara, 17. Mārīca, 18. Bhārgava)
- upa-puṣpikā f. yawning, gaping L
- upa-pūrvarātram ind. about the first part of the night Pāṇ. 6-2, 33 Comm
- upa-pūrvâhṇam ind. about fore-noon ib
- upa-√pṛc P. Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -pṛṅdhi RV. ii, 24, 15
- • -pṛñca AV. ix, 4, 23
- • inf. -prakṣé RV. v, 47, 6) to add RV
- • to enlarge, increase RV. i, 40, 8
- • to approach, come near AV. xviii, 4, 50
- • to mix, couple RV. v, 47, 6 ; vi, 28, 8 AV. ix, 4, 23
- upa-párcana n. coition, impregnation RV. vi, 28, 8 AV. ix, 4, 23
- • (mfn.) being in close contact, closely touching Nir
- upa-pṛ́c mfn. (Nom. k) adhering to, holding fast to (with gen.) RV. i, 32, 5
- upa-√pṝ Ā. (Impv. 2. pl. -pṛṇadhvam) to fill up RV. vii, 16, 11
- upa-paurika upa-pura
- upa-paurṇamāsam and ○māsi ind. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 110) at the time of full moon
- upa-prakṣé Ved. inf. of 1. upa-√pṛc above
- upa-pra-√gā P. (impf. or aor. -prấgāt) to step near to, approach RV. i, 162, 7 ; 163, 12 ; 13 AV. i, 28, 1 ; vi, 37, 1 VS. vi, 7
- upa-√prach Ā. (1. pl. -pṛcchāmahe) to ask (a person, acc.) about anything, consult MBh
- upa-pra-√jan Ā. -jāyate, to be born after or in addition to Kāṭh
- upa-pra-√jinv P. (Subj. 3. pl. -jinvan) to please or gratify in approaching ṣāy. RV. i, 71, 1
- • to impel, stir up Bṛḍ.
- upa-prati-√grah P. to conciliate again MaitrS
- upa-pra-√tṝ
- Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. -prá-tāraya) to convey or transport across AV. ii, 36, 5
- upa-pra-dā √1. P. to deliver over, present or give away to ŚBr. i
- upa-pradāna n. the act of giving away to
- • presenting, a present VP. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- upa-pra-√dṛś Caus. -darśayati, to point out to or towards Comm. on TUp. and Bādar
- upa-pradarśana n. the act of pointing out, showing, indication Comm. on AitUp
- upa-pra-√bhid P. (impf. -prấbhinat) to crumble and scatter TBr. i, 1, 3, 5
- upa-prábhinna mfn. crumbled TBr. i, 2, 13
- upa-pra-√bhū P. (aor. 3. pl. -prấbhūvan) to be present for help, help, assist ŚBr. xii, 4, 2, 10 ; 4, 2
- upa-pra-√bhūṣ P. (Subj. 3. pl. -bhū́ṣan) to attend to, observe RV. iii, 55, 1
- upa-pra-√yam P. -yacchati, to present in addition ŚBr
- upa-pra-yā P. -yāti, to go towards, approach
- • to proceed towards RV. i, 82, 6 TS. ii, 2, 1, 2 ; 3 ŚāṅkhBr
- upa-pra-lobhana n. (√lubh) the act of seducing, alluring Daś
- upa-pra-√vad P. (Impv. 2. sg. -právada) to join in AV. iv, 15, 14
- upa-pra-√vṛt Caus. P. -vartayati, to throw or push down TS. Kāṭh.
- upa-pra-√vṛh Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -varhasva) to tear out and bring near to one's self ŚBr. iii, 9, 4, 22
- upa-pra-√śri P. to lay or lean against Kāṭh
- upa-pra-√sad P. (1. sg. -sīdāmi) to enter (a house), inhabit AV. iii, 12, 9
- upa-pra-√sṛ Intens. Ā. (pf. 3. sg. -sarsré) to move towards, reach RV. ii, 35, 5
- upa-pra-√stṛ Ā. -stṛṇīte, to lie down upon RV. vi, 67, 2
- upa-pra-√hi P. (Impv. 2. pl. -hiṇuta AV. xviii, 4, 40
- • pf. 3. pl. -jighyus ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 10) to send away to (acc.)
- upa-prāṇa m. a secondary vital air belonging to the body W
- upa-prâp (upa-pra-√āp)
- upa-prâpta mfn. approached, come near R
- upa-prâ-√yā P. (Impv. 2. du. -yātam) to come near RV. vii, 70, 6
- upa-prút mfn. (fr. √pru = √plu BRD.) flowing or rushing near RV. ix, 71, 2
- • approaching ṣāy.
- upa-prê (upa-pra-√i), P. -eti, to go or come near to, approach, rush upon
- • to set about, undertake, begin RV. AV. ŚBr. KenUp.: Ā. -plâyate (for -prâyate) to rush upon MaitrS. i, 10, 14 ; 16
- upa-prêkṣ (upa-pra-√īkṣ), P. (2. sg. prêkṣasi) to overlook, pass over unnoticed, disregard MBh
- upa-prêkṣaṇa n. the act of overlooking, looking at without interest, disregarding MBh
- upa-prêṣ (upa-pra- √1. iṣ), P. -prêṣyati (Impv. 2. du. -preṣyatam) to impel AV. xviii, 2, 53
- • to invite, summon (said of the Adhvaryu priest who summons the Hotṛi priest to sacrifice) AitBr. ii, 5, 6
- • 8
- upa-praiṣa m. invitation, summons ( the preceding) AitBr. ii, 5, 7
- • 8
- upa-plê (upa-pla-√i) for upa-prê, q.v
- upa-√plu P. -plavati, to overflow, inundate
- • to assault, invade, afflict
- • to eclipse Kauś
- • to rush upon, assail MBh.: Ā. -plavate, to swim on the surface (as a light object) Comm. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 126
- • to hang over, move aloft TāṇḍyaBr. Kāṭh.: Caus. -plāvayati, to irrigate, flood, water BhP
- • to float near (?) ŚBr. xiii, 1, 2, 9
- upa-plava m. affliction, visitation, invasion, inundation
- • any public calamity, unlucky accident, misfortune, disturbance
- • a portent or natural phenomenon (as an eclipse &c.) MBh. Suśr. Vikr. Kum. Kathās. &c
- • N. of Rāhu (who is supposed to cause eclipses) L
- • N. of Śiva L
- upaplavin mfn. afflicted or visited by a calamity Ragh
- • under an eclipse Kād
- • flooded
- upa-plavya mfn. to be overflowed
- • to be afflicted L
- • (am), n. N. of the capital of the Matsyas. MBh
- upa-pluta mfn. overflowed
- • invaded, afflicted, visited
- • distressed, pained
- • marked by prodigies
- • swallowed (as sun and moon by Rāhu), eclipsed R. BhP. Mn. Ragh. &c
- • (ā), f. (with yoni) a particular disease of the female organ ŚārṅgS. Car
- upaplutêkṣaṇa mfn. having overflowing eyes, weeping Hariv
- upa-√bandh P. (3. pl. -badhnanti) to tie up, fasten ŚBr. ii, 1, 4, 3 Comm. on Bādar
- úpa-baddha mfn. tied up, fastened AV. i, 7, 7 ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 2
- • connected
- upa-bandha m. union, connexion KātyŚr
- • tie, bond, rope BhP
- • quotation TPrāt
- • application, employment, use (of a word &c.) Bādar
- • a particular manner of sitting Caurap
- • an affix Nir
- upa-bahu mfn. tolerably numerous, a good many Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 73
- upa-bāhu m. the lower arm (from the elbow to the wrist) VarBṛS.
- • N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 96
- upa-bindu m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 96
- upa-bila mfn. near the aperture Comm. on KātyŚr
- upa-bṛh Intens. P. (Subj. -bárbṛhat
- • Impv. 2. sg. -barbṛhi) to press with the arms or cling closely (to a man, dat.)
- • to embrace closely or passionately RV. v, 61, 5 ; x, 10, 10 Nir. (cf. upa-√vṛṃh.)
- upa-barha m. a pillow L
- upa-bárhaṇa n. a cushion, pillow RV. x, 85, 7 AV. AitBr. ŚBr. TBr. &c
- • (ī), f. id. RV. i, 174, 7
- • m. N. of the Gandharva Narada BhP. VP. Pañcar. &c. (upabarhaṇa), mf(ā)n. having a cushion, furnished with a pillow Vait. 36, 7
- upa-barhiṇa m. N. of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 21
- upa-bṛṃhaṇa
- upa-bṛṃhin upa-vṛṃhaṇa, ○vṛṃhin under upa-√vṛṃh
- upabdá m. noise, sound, rattling, clanking RV. vii, 104, 17 (= AV. viii, 4, 17)
- upabdí m. id. RV. ŚBr
- • (voc. úpabde) a particular venomous animal ṇBḍ. AV. ii, 24, 6
- ○mát mfn. noisy, loud TS. AitBr
- upa-brū Ā. -brūte (once P., impf. 1. sg. -abravam RV. viii, 24, 14) to speak to, address
- • to invoke for, entreat, ask for
- • to persuade RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh
- upa-blaya m. the region round the clavicle Lāṭy. i, 5, 7
- upa-√bhakṣ
- upa-bhakṣita mfn. eaten up, consumed Suśr
- upa-bhaṅga m. (√bhañj), a division of a stanza Vikr
- upa-√bhaj Ā. (aor. -ábhakta) to obtain, take possession of (acc.) RV. ix, 102, 2
- upa-bhāṣā f. a secondary dialect Dhūrtas
- upa-bhuj √2. Ā. -bhuṅkte, (ep. also -bhuñjate) to enjoy, eat, eat up, consume MBh. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c
- • to enjoy, make use of, partake of
- • to experience (happiness or misfortune &c.) MBh. Hariv. Mn. BhP. &c
- • to enjoy (a woman) Hariv. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- • to receive as a reward Mn. xii, 8 R. vi, 98, 29: P. (1. pl. -bhuñjāmas) to be useful ChUp. iv, 11, 2: Caus. -bhojayati, to cause to take (medicine) Suśr
- upa-bhukta mfn. enjoyed, eaten, consumed
- • used, possessed &c
- ○dhana mfn. one who has enjoyed or made use of his riches
• m. N. of a merchant's son Pañcat. (also in the former meaning)
- upa-bhukti f. enjoyment, use T
- • (in astron.) the daily course of a star (= bhukti, q.v.)
- upa-bhoktṛ mfn. one who enjoys or makes use of, an enjoyer, possessor ŚvetUp. VarBṛS
- upa-bhoga m. enjoyment, eating, consuming
- • using, usufruct MBh. Mn. Śak. &c
- • pleasure, enjoyment
- • enjoying (a woman or a lover) VP. Ragh. &c
- • (with Jain.) enjoying, repeatedly
- ○kṣama mfn. suited to enjoyment Śak
- upabhogin mfn. ifc. enjoying, making use of
- upa-bhogya mfn. to be enjoyed or used
- • anything enjoyed or used BhP. Kum. Pañcat. &c
- • (am), n. object of enjoyment MBh. Mṛicch
- ○tva n. the state of being enjoyable R
- upa-bhojin mfn. eating, enjoying Suśr
- upa-bhojya mfn. ifc. serving for food, causing enjoyment MBh
- upa-√bhū P. (pf. Pot. 2, sg. -babhūyās
- • aor. Subj. 2. sg. -bhuvas) to come near to, approach RV. x, 183, 2
- • to help, assist RV. i, 138, 4: Intens. -bubhūṣati, to wish to help MBh. xii, 3514
- upa-√bhūṣ P. -bhūṣati, to approach (in order to revere) RV. x, 104, 7
- • to regard, be careful, pay attention to, observe, obey RV
- upa-bhūṣaṇa n. secondary ornament or decoration
- • implement.
- upa-√bhṛ P. Ā. (p. -bíbhrat
- • Impv. 2. sg. -bharasva) to bring or convey near RV. i, 166, 2 AV. v, 20, 4
- • to bear Kir. v, 12
- upa-bhṛt t f. a sacrificial vessel or ladle made of wood AV. xviii, 4, 5 ; 6 VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- upa-bhrita mfn. brought near, procured for (dat.)
- • destined to (dat.) BhP
- upabhṛtôpaśama mfn. one to whom calmness of mind is brought, calm, quiet BhP. v, 7, 10
- upa-bheda m. a subdivision MatsyaP
- upa-√bhram P. (pf. -babhrāma) to saunter or move slowly towards BhP
- upamá mf(ā)n. uppermost, highest
- • most excellent, eminent, best RV. AV
- • nearest, next, first RV. Nigh
- ○śravas (upamá○), mfn. of highest fame, highly renowned
- • (ās), m. N. of a son of Kuru-śravaṇa and grandson of Mitrātithi RV. x, 33, 6 ; 7
- • -tama mfn. highly renowned, illustrious RV. ii, 23, 1
- upamā́ (for 2. below, and for 3. col. 3), ind. (Ved. instr. of the above) in the closest proximity or neighbourhood RV. i, 31, 15 ; viii, 69, 13
- upamā́m ind. in the highest degree RV. v, 34, 9 AV. viii, 3, 65 SV
- upama mfn. ifc. for 3. upa-mā, q.v
- upa-√majj P. Ā. -majjati, -te, to dive, sink ŚBr. Lāṭy. ŚāṅkhŚr. Comm. on KātyŚr
- upa-majjana n. ablution, bathing, a bath BhP
- upa-√math P. -manthati, to whirl around RV. x, 136, 7
- • to stir, churn, mix TBr. i, 6, 8, 4
- • 5
- upa-mathita mfn. stirred, churned, mixed ŚBr. ii, 6, 1, 6 Kauś
- upa-mathya ind. p. having stirred
- • churning, mixing Kauś. ChUp
- upa-manthanī́ f. a staff for stirring ŚBr
- upa-manthitṛ́ mfn. one who stirs or churns (butter &c.) VS. xxx, 12
- upa-mad √1. P. -madati, to cheer up, encourage ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 1
- upa-mā́da m. enjoyment, amusement RV. iii, 5, 5
- upa-madgu m. N. of a younger brother of Madgu Hariv. VP
- upa-madhyamā f. (scil. aṅguli) the finger next to the middle finger, the last finger but one ĀpŚr. iii, 1, 2
- upa-√mantr P. Ā. -mantrayati, -te to call near or towards one's self, call hither, induce to come near TS. ŚBr
- • to summon, invite, persuade MBh. Kām. BhP
- • to address
- upa-mantraṇa n. the art of persuading coaxing (= rahasy upa-cchandanam Kāś.) Pāṇ. 1-3, 47
- úpa-mantrita mfn. called near or hither ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- • summoned, invited, persuaded MBh. Hariv
- • addressed Daś
- upa-mantrín mfn. persuading, inciting, impelling RV. ix, 112, 4
- upa-mantrin ī m. a subordinate counsellor BhP
- upa-manthanī́ above
- upa-manyú mfn. striving after, zealous Bṛḍ. RV. i, 102, 9
- • (knowing, understanding, intelligent Sāy.)
- • (us), m. N. of a Ṛishi (pupil of Āyoda-dhaumya, who aided Śiva in the propagation of his doctrine and received the ocean of milk from him) MBh. LiṅgaP. Kathās. &c
- • (avas), m. pl. the descendants of the above ĀśvŚr. (cf. aupamanyava.)
- upa-marda &c. upa-√mṛd
- upa-√mā P. Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -mimīhi, -māhi, and -māsva
- • Subj. 2. sg. -māsi) to measure out to, apportion to, assign, allot, grant, give RV.: Ā. -mimīte, to measure one thing by another, compare MBh. Hariv. Caurap. &c.
- upa-mā́ f. comparison, resemblance, equality, similarity
- • a resemblance (as a picture, portrait &c.) ŚBr. MBh. Kum. &c
- • a particular figure in rhetoric, simile, comparison (a full simile must include four things
- • pūrṇôpama, luptôpamā, &c.) Sāh. Kāvyâd. Vām. &c
- • a particle of comparison Nir
- • a particular metre RPrāt
- • (mfn. ifc.) equal, similar, resembling, like (e.g. amarôpama, mfn. resembling an immortal) MBh. Ragh. Daś. Hit. &c
- ○dravya n. any object used for comparison Kum
- ○rūpaka n. (in rhet.) a particular figure combining comparison and metaphor Vām
- ○vyatireka m. (in rhet.) a particular figure combining comparison and contrast Kāvyâd
- upamêta m. the tree Vatica Robusta L. .; (vṛkṣāṇāṃ madhye tasya sarvôccatvād anyasyôpomānatāṃ prāptatvāt tathātvam T.)
- úpa-māti (for 2. s.v.), isf. comparison, similarity ṣāy. RV
- • (is), m. 'assigning or granting' (wealth), N. of Agni ṣāy. RV. viii, 60, 11
- • (BRD. derives both 1. and 2. upa-māti fr. upa-√man, 'to address.')
- upa-mātṛ (for 2. s.v.), mfn. one who compares Naish
- • an image-maker, portrait-painter L
- upa-māna n. comparison, resemblance, analogy MBh. Suśr. Kathās. &c
- • simile
- • the object with which anything is compared Pāṇ. Sāh. Kum. &c
- • a particle of comparison Nir
- • (in log.) recognition of likeness, comparison (the third of the four Pramāṇas or means of correct knowledge)
- • (mfn. ifc.) similar, like Kathās
- ○cintā-maṇi m. N. of a philosophical work
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. similarity Kathās
- • the state of being an object of comparison Sāh. Vām
- ○vat mfn. similar, like Śatr
- upamānôpameya-bhāva m. the connection between the thing to be compared and the object with which it is compared
- upa-mita (for 2. upa-√mi), mfn. compared, illustrated by comparison Pāṇ. Bhartṛ. &c
- • similar
- upa-miti f. comparison
- • resemblance, likeness, similarity Sāh
- • analogy
- • knowledge of things derived from analogy or resemblance Sarvad
- upa-meya mfn. to be compared, comparable with (with instr. or ifc.) Megh. Kum. &c
- • (am), n. that which is compared, the subject of comparison (opposed to upa-māna, the object with which anything is compared) Sāh. Comm. on Pāṇ
- upameyôpamā f. the resemblance of any object to that compared with it
- • reciprocal comparison (as of a moon to a beautiful face) Vām. Kpr
- upa-mā́t f. a prop, support, = upamít below ṣāy. RV. vi, 67, 6
- upa-māti f. (√1. mī Sāy.), destroying, killing
- ○váni mfn. engaged in killing enemies, destroyer of enemies ṣāy. RV. v, 41, 16
- • (fr. upa-√man, one who receives addresses in a friendly way BRD.)
- upa-mātṛ tā f. 'second mother', foster-mother, nurse L
- • a near female relative L
- upa-māda upa-√mad
- upa-māraṇa upa-√mṛ
- upa-mālinī f. a particular metre
- upa-mālinī-tīram ind. near the banks of the Mālinī Śak. 16, 7
- úpamāsya mfn. (fr. upa-māsam), occurring every month, monthly AV. viii, 10, 19
- upa-mi √1. P. -minoti, to stick or fasten on, put into Kāṭh
- upa-mít t f. a prop, stay RV. i, 59, 1 ; iv, 5, 1 AV. ix, 3, 1
- upa-mita (for 1. above), mfn. stuck or fastened on, put into Vait
- upa-mitra n. a minor friend, not an intimate friend, Nīlak
- upa-√mih Caus. -mehayati, to wet BhP. vi, 16, 32
- upa-mīmāṃsā (fr. Desid. of √man), deliberation, investigation, consideration ŚBr. xi, 4, 2, 12 ; 15.
- upa-mukham ind. on the mouth Lāṭy. iv, 2, 6
- upa-√muc Ā. -muñcate, to put on (e.g. shoes) TS. TBr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- upa-mūlám ind. on or at the √ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś. Gobh
- upa-√mṛ Caus. -mārayati, to throw into water, plunge, immerse ŚBr. Comm. on KātyŚr
- • (with apsu) ĀpŚr. viii, 8, 12
- upa-māraṇa n. the act of throwing into water, submerging KātyŚr. xx, 8, 22
- úpa-mṛta mfn. died, dead TS. vi, 2, 8, 6
- upa-√mṛj P. -mārṣṭi (3. pl. -mṛjanti RV. ix, 15, 7) to stroke
- • to touch, sweep, wipe, cleanse TBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- upa-√mṛd P. -mṛdnāti, to graze in passing (said of a heavenly body in its transit) VarBṛS
- • to crush, destroy, annul Naish. Comm. on BṛĀrUp.: Caus. -mardayati, to destroy, devastate, annul, annihilate BhP. Comm. on ChUp. and BṛĀrUp
- upa-marda m. friction, rubbing down
- • pressure Sāh. Kathās
- • injury, violation
- • destruction MBh. Comm. on BṛĀrUp. and Nyāyad
- • suppression (of a sound) Nyāyad. ii, 2, 59
- upa-mardaka mfn. destroying, annulling, oppressing Hariv. Kathās. Sarvad
- upa-mardana n. the act of injuring, violation
- • suppression, oppression Comm. on KātyŚr
- upa-mardin mfn. ifc. destroying, annulling BhP
- upa-√mṛṣ Caus
- upa-marṣita mfn. borne patiently, tolerated
- • granted, not begrudged MBh
- upa-√mṝ Pass. (p. -mūryámāṇa) to be worn away or destroyed ŚBr. i, 7, 3, 21 ; 4, 12
- upa-mekhalam ind. about or on the slopes or sides (of a mountain) Kir. vii, 32
- upa-√mluc P. (pf. -mumloca) to hide one's self among (with gen.) ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 8
- upa-√mlup
- úpa-mlupta mfn. hidden, concealed TBr. iii, 2, 9, 4
- upa-√yaj P. Ā. -yajati, -te, to sacrifice in addition to TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. PārGṛ. Comm. on VS. vi, 21
- upa-yáj t f. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 73) N. of eleven additional formulas at an animal sacrifice (enumerated in VS. vi, 21) TS. MaitrS. ŚBr
- upa-yaṣṭrí ṭā m. the priest who utters the above formulas ŚBr. iii, 8, 5, 5
- upa-yāja (for 2. s.v.), as m.= 2. upayáj AitBr. ii, 18, 8 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 62
- upa-√yat Ā. -yatate, to befall ŚBr. viii, 5, 1, 7
- upa-yat upé
- upa-yantr P
- upa-yantrita mfn. solicited or compelled to do anything, allured Mn. xi, 177 (erroneous for upa-ma○ BRD.)
- upa-yantra n. a minor or secondary instrument or implement (esp. in surg.) Suśr
- • a secondary application of any kind (as cautery, escharotics &c.) W
- upa-√yam P. Ā. -yacchati, -te, to seize, lay hold of, touch (P. if not in the sense of appropriating Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 56) RV. viii, 35, 21 AV. xii, 3, 19 ŚBr. &c
- • to reach forth, offer (Pass. aor. -ayāmi) RV. vii, 92, 1
- • to put under, prop, stay ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- • to take for one's self, receive, appropriate
- • to take as one's wife, marry (only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 56
- • but Gobh. ii, 1, 8 Gaut. xxviii, 20 Kathās. xiv, 67) ĀśvGṛ. Mn. iii, 11 MBh. Śak. &c
- • to sleep with (a woman) Mn. xi, 172
- upa-yantṛ tā m. a husband Ragh. vii, 1 Kum
- upa-yama m. (Pāṇ. 1-n, 3, 63) appropriation, taking possession of
- • marrying, marriage Sāh
- • kindling a fire, (kanyâgny-upayama, taking a wife and kindling the domestic fire Gaut. xviii, 18)
- • a support, stay ĀpŚr. xv, 9, 10
- upa-yamana mfn. serving as support (as grass) PārGṛ
- • (ī), f. (upa-yámani) any support (of stone, clay, gravel &c. for holding fire-wood) ŚBr. iii, 5, 2, 1 KātyŚr
- • a ladle (used at sacrifices) ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr
- • (am), n. a support, stay ĀśvŚr
- • the taking a wife, marrying Pāṇ
- • sleeping with (a woman) Kād
- upa-yāmá m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 63) a particular vessel for ladling out
- • a ladle (used at sacrifices) VS. vii, 4, &c
- • N. of a deity VS. xxv, 2
- • N. of the verses (VS. vii, 4 seqq.) uttered in ladling out the Soma juice ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • marrying, marriage L
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a ladle, g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136
- upayāmin mfn. (fr. upa-yāma g. balâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 136), furnished with a ladle
- upa-√yā P. -yāti (inf. -yaí, opposed to ava-yaí, ava-√yā) to come up RV. viii, 47, 12
- • to come near, go near or towards, approach (for protection), visit, frequent RV. AV. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. BhP. Kathās. &c
- • to approach (a woman for sexual intercourse) MBh. R. &c
- • to arrive at, reach, obtain, to get into any state or condition MBh. VarBṛS. Ragh. &c
- • to occur, befall Hit
- • to give one's self up to VP
- upa-yāta mfn. approached, visited, frequented
- • one who has approached or come near
- • one who has obtained
- • approached sexually (as a woman)
- • (am), n. arrival
- upa-yāna n. coming near, approach, arrival R. Kum. Sāh
- upa-yāpana n. the act of causing to come near, leading near BhP
- upa-yāyin mfn. coming towards, approaching R
- upa-√yāc
- upa-yācaka mfn. one who asks, begging, soliciting L
- upa-yācana n. the act of soliciting, approaching with a request or prayer R
- upa-yācita mfn. requested
- • solicited Ragh. xiii, 53 Kād
- • asked for, begged VarBṛS. Sarvad. &c
- • (am), n. a prayer, request
- • a gift or oblation offered to deities for the fulfilment of a prayer or work Pañcat. Kathās
- upayācitaka n. a prayer, request L
- upa-yāja (for 1. upa-√yaj), m. N. of a younger brother of Yāja MBh
- upa-√yuj only Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-3, 64) -yuṅkte (but also rarely P., e.g. impf. -ayunak RV. x, 102, 7) to harness to RV. AV. iv, 23, 3 ŚBr. v
- • to take for one's self, appropriate RV. i, 165, 5 MBh. Mn. viii, 40
- • to follow, attach one's self to, be devoted
- • to undertake MBh
- • to use, employ, apply ŚBr. AitBr. MBh. BhP
• to have the use of, enjoy (e.g. food or a woman or dominion &c.) ĀśvGṛ. Lāṭy. MBh. &c.: Pass. -yujyate, to be employed or applicable, be useful or fit or proper MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.: Caus. -yojayati, to use, employ Suśr
- • to cause to eat MānGṛ
- • to come into contact BhP
- upa-yukta mfn. enjoyed, eaten, consumed MBh. R
- • employed, applicable
- • suitable, fit, appropriate, useful Kathās. Rājat. Prab. &c
- • proper, right
- • serviceable
- • worthy Śak. Hit. Pat. &c
- upa-yuyukṣu mfn. (fr. the Desid.), about to employ or apply Suśr
- upa-yoktavya mfn. to be employed
- • to be enjoyed MBh
- upa-yoktṛ mfn. one who employs
- • one who enjoys (food) Car
- upa-yoga m. employment, use, application MBh. Suśr. Prab
- • (upayogaṃ-√gam or √vraj, to be employed Kum. Śārṅg.)
- • enjoyment, consuming, taking Suśr
- • any act tending to a desired object
- • an engagement, compact, agreement Pāṇ. 1-4, 29
- • use, fitness
- • acquisition (of knowledge) Gaut. vii, 1
- • good conduct, observing established practices L
- upayogin mfn. serving for use or application, suitable, fit, useful, convenient Kathās. Sāh. &c
- • appropriate
- • favourable, propitious
- • (ifc.) using, employing Daś
- • touching, in contact with L
- upayogi-tā f. or the state of being applicable
- upayogi-tva n. the state of being applicable
- • usefulness, suitableness Naish. Kathās.
- upa-yogya mfn. to be employed or used Bālar
- upa-yojana n. the act of harnessing (a horse by the side of another) AitBr. v, 30, 6
- • a team Nir
- upa-yojya mfn. to be employed or used or applied Suśr
- upa-yuta m. N. of a king VP
- upa-yoṣam ind. vḷ. for upa-joṣam, q.v
- úpara mfn. (fr. upa), situated below, under
- • posterior, later
- • nearer, approximate RV
- • m. the lower stone on which the Soma is laid (that it may be ground by means of another stone held in the hand) RV. i, 79, 3 ; x, 94, 5 ; 175, 3 AV
- • the lower part of the sacrificial post VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • a cloud L
- • region L
- ○tāti (upa-rá○), ind. in the proximity
- • a circumference RV. i, 151, 5 ; vii, 48 3
- upa-rakṣaṇa n. a guard, outpost L
- upa-√rac Caus. P. -racayati, to construct, form, make, prepare, effect Kād
- upa-racita mfn. constructed, formed, made, prepared BhP. Bhartṛ. Kād
- upa-√rañj Caus. P. -rañjayati, to influence, affect Sarvad
- upa-rakta mfn. dyed, coloured, coloured red
- • heated, inflamed ŚBr. Sāh
- • afflicted, distressed (esp. by Rāhu
- • said of sun and moon), eclipsed R. VarBṛS. &c
- • influenced or affected by BhP. Sarvad
- upa-rajya ind. p. having dyed or coloured
- • darkening, obscuring BhP. iv, 29, 69
- upa-rañjaka mfn. dyeing
- • affecting, influencing Sarvad. Kap. Sāh
- upa-rañjya mfn. to be dyed
- • to be affected or influenced Kap
- upa-rāga m. the act of dyeing or colouring, colour Ragh. Kathās. &c
- • darkening, eclipse (of sun and moon, caused by Rāhu) Śak. 186 b MBh. VarBṛS
- • influence, affecting Sarvad. Kap. Prab. &c
- • misbehaviour, ill-conduct L
- • reproach, abuse L
- • Rāhu L
- upa-ratna n. a secondary or inferior gem Bhpr
- upa-√radh Caus. P. -randhayati, to pain, torment BhP
- upa-randhra n. a minor hole or cavity
- • N. of a particular part of the body of a horse (probably a hollow place or depression on the flanks or ribs
- • cf. randhra Śiś. v, 4)
- upa-√ram P. Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-3, 85) -ramati, -te, to cease from motion, stop TS. TBr. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • to cease from action, be inactive or quiet (as a quietist) BhP. Bhag
- • to pause, stop (speaking or doing anything) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvGṛ. Pañcat. &c
- • to leave off, desist, give up, renounce (with abl.) MBh. R. BhP. Comm. on BṛĀrUp. Daś
- • to await, wait for ŚBr. ii, 2, 1, 2 ; iii, 8, 2, 29
- • to cause to cease or stop
- • to render quiet Pāṇ. 1-3, 84: Caus. -ramayati, to cause to cease or stop
- • to render quiet Nir. Kāś
- upa-rata mfn. ceased, stopped, quiet, indifferent, patient ŚBr. MBh. BhP. &c
- • dead ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. Pañcat. &c
- • ceasing to exist, disappeared, nonexisting, PārGr. Mn. BhP. &c
- • withdrawn or retired from, left off, given up R
- ○rāsa mfn. ceasing to play or dance
- ○viṣayâbhilāṣa mfn. one whose desire after worldly things has ceased
- ○śoṇitā f. (a woman) whose menses have ceased Gobh. ii, 5, 8
- ○spṛha mfn. one in whom desire has ceased, free from desire
- uparatâri mfn. one whose foes are quiet
- • having no foe, being at peace with all
- upa-rati f. cessation, stopping MārkP. Suśr
- • death Kād
- • desisting from sensual enjoyment or any worldly action, quietism, Vedāntas
- upa-rama m. cessation, stopping, expiration MBh. R
- • leaving off, desisting, giving up Suśr. Sāṃkhyak
- • death Kād
- ○tva n. the state of ceasing from (all worldly desires and actions) Vedāntas
- upa-ramaṇa n. the abstaining from worldly actions or desires Vedāntas
- • ceasing, discontinuance.
- upa-rāma m. ceasing, stopping, desisting
- upa-√rambh P. -rambhati, to cause to resound BhP. x, 35, 12
- upa-rava m. (√ru), a hole (over which the Soma is ground
- • so called from its increasing the sound of the grindstones) TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upa-rāva m. a near sound ṭ. Pāṇ. 3-3, 22
- upa-rasa m. a secondary mineral (as red chalk, bitumen &c.) Bhpr
- • a secondary feeling or passion L
- • a secondary flavour L
- upa-rāja m. a viceroy, g. kāśyādi Pāṇ. 4-2, 116
- upa-rājam ind. near a king Pāṇ. 5-4, 108 Kāś
- upa-rādhaya mfn. (√rādh), propitiating, doing homage, g. brāhmaṇâdi Pāṇ. 5-1, 124
- upa-rāmam ind. near Rāma T
- upári ind. (as a separable adverb) above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas and, nīcā e.g. upari-√yā, to go upwards
- • sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with it, below)
- • besides, in addition to, further (sahasraṃ śatāny upari câṣṭau, 1000 and 800 in addition)
- • afterwards (e.g. upari payaḥ pibet, he should drink milk afterwards)
- • upary upari, higher and higher
- • repeatedly, continuously RV. &c. (As a separable preposition, with acc., loc., or gen.) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (e.g. upari śailaṃ-√gam, to go over the mountain
- • upari laṅkāyāṃ samprāptaḥ saḥ, he arrived over Laṅkā
- • upary upari sarveṣām atiṣṭhat, he stood at the very head of all
- • ātmānaṃ tasya upari kṣiptvā, having thrown himself upon him)
- • in connection with, with reference to, with regard to, towards (with gen., e.g. mamôpari vikāritaḥ, changed in feeling with regard to me
- • putrasyôpari kruddhaḥ, enraged towards his son)
- • after (with abl., e.g. muhūrtād upari, after a minute
- • also tad-upari &c.) RV. &c. ; ; Eng. over
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. super.]
- upari may stand first in a compound, as in the following examples:
- ○kāṇḍa n. the third division of the Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā
- ○kuṭī f. an upper room L
- ○ga mfn. moving or soaring above BhP
- ○gata mfn. gone up, ascended BhP
- ○cara mfn. moving or walking above or in the air
- • m. N. of the king Vasu MBh. VP
- • a bird T
- ○cita mfn. piled over or above
- ○cihnita mfn. marked or sealed above Yājñ
- ○ja mfn. growing upwards or out, protuberant Suśr
- ○jānu ind. above the knee Āp
- ○tala n. the upper surface Mṛicch. Daś
- ○tas ind. over, above Hcat
- ○"ṣdaṃṣṭrin mfn. having large teeth in the upper jaw VarBṛS
- ○daśa mfn. (fr. daśā), having the fringes turned upwards Lāṭy. ii, 6, 4
- ○nābhí ind. above the navel ŚBr. vi
- ○nihita and mfn. put down or laid over
- ○nyasta mfn. put down or laid over
- ○pātra n. upper-plate, upper-cup (used as a lid for the real vessel
- • cf. ūrdhva-pātra) Hcat
- ○puruṣa m. a man standing above Daś
- ○prút mfn. (√pru = √plu), coming from above VS. vii, 3
- ○babhrava m. N. of a Ṛishi Kauś
- ○buddhi mfn. of lofty intellect
- ○budhna (upári-), mfn. raised above the ground RV. x, 73, 8
- ○bṛhatī f. a variety of the Bṛihatī (q.v.) metre (having twelve instants in the second line, and eight instants in each of the other three lines
- • cf. upariṣṭād-bṛhatī and purastād-bṛhatī)
- ○bhakta mfn. eaten or taken after (i.e. after a meal) Car
- ○bhāga m. the upper portion or side Hcat. Comm. on TS. &c
- ○bhāva m. the state of being higher or above Nir
- ○bhūmí ind. above the ground ŚBr
- ○martya (upári-), mfn. more than human RV. viii, 19, 12
- ○mekhala m. N. of a man, g. yaskâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 63
- • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of the above ib
- ○yāna n. the going upwards, ascending (into heaven) Naish
- ○śaya mfn. lying above or over Comm. on ĀpŚr
- ○śayaná n. an elevated resting-place AV. ix, 6, 9.
- ○śayyā f. id. Āp. Gobh
- ○śāyin mfn. resting on an elevated bed GopBr
- ○śreṇika mfn. being in the upper series
- ○ṣad mfn. sitting above (= -sád below) TāṇḍyaBr
- ○ṣadya n. the sitting above (= -sádya below) ib. -ṣṭha mfn. staying above (= -stha below) R. Daś. Vet
- ○sád mfn. sitting or being above VS. ix, 35 ; 36
• (v. l. -ṣád.)
- ○sádya n. the sitting above ŚBr. v
- ○stha mfn. standing above MaitrUp. MBh. Hcat. &c
- ○sthāpana n. the act of placing upon or above Comm. on Pāṇ
- ○sthāyin mfn. standing higher, prominent Comm. on TPrāt
- ○sthita mfn. staying above
- ○spṛ́ś mfn. reaching above, elevated, high RV. x, 128, 9 AV. v, 3, 10
- ○hasta m. an elevated hand Hcat
- uparī7taka m. (scil. sṛṅgāra-bandha) a kind of coitus, Rati-mañjarī T
- uparyāsana n. the sitting on high or above KātyŚr
- upary-āsīna mfn. sitting above AitĀr
- uparitana mf(ī)n. upper (opposed to adhastana) Mṛicch. Comm. on VS. and TāṇḍyaBr
- • following, further on, subsequent (in a book) Comm. on Mn., on VPrāt., on Nyāyam
- upariṣṭāj (in comp. for upáriṣṭāt below)
- ○jyotiṣmatī f. N. of a variety of the Jyotishmatī (q.v.) metre (having twelve instants in the last line, and eight instants in each of the three preceding lines)
- ○jyotis n. id
- upáriṣṭāt ind. (as an adverb) above, from above, on the upper part RV. ix, 91, 4 AV. iv, 40, 7 ; viii, 8, 13 ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- • behind (opposed to purastāt) TS. ŚBr
- • further on, later, below (in a book) Nir. Suśr
- • afterwards ChUp. Yājñ
- • (as a preposition) over, upon, down upon (with acc. and gen.) ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • behind (with gen.) TS. ŚBr. Suśr
- • with reference to, about (with gen.) Daś
- ○svāhā-kāra and mfn. followed by the exclamation, 'Svāha!' ŚBr. TBr
- ○svāhā-kṛti mfn. followed by the exclamation, 'Svāha!' ŚBr. TBr
- upáriṣṭād (in comp. for upáriṣṭāt above)
- ○udarka mfn. ending in a burden (as a song) Sāy. on AitBr. v, 2, 17
- ○upayāma mfn. followed by the Upa-yāma (q.v.) verses
- ○dhoma-bhāj (for ○Ad-ho○), mfn. partaking afterwards of the oblations Comm. on ĀpŚr. vii, 20, 9
- ○bṛhatī f. N. of a variety of the Bṛihatī (q.v.) metre (having twelve syllables in the last Pāda, and eight syllables in each of the three preceding lines
- • cf. purastād-bṛ○)
- ○vātá m. wind coming from above MaitrS
- upáriṣṭāl (in comp. for upáriṣṭāt above)
- ○lakṣaṇa and mfn. marked on the upper side ŚBr. i MaitrS
- ○lakṣman mfn. marked on the upper side ŚBr. i MaitrS
- upa-√ruc Ā. (pf. -ruruce) to approach shining RV. vii, 77, 1
- upa-rudh √2. P. Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, and -rundhati, -te (also -rodhati R. vii, 74, 7) to lock in, shut up, besiege, blockade TBr. ŚBr. ChUp. Mn. Śiś. &c
- • to keep, hold back, stop, obstruct, hinder, interrupt MBh. Mn. Śak
- • to molest, trouble, importune, annoy R. Ragh. &c
- • to cover, conceal Ragh. vii, 36 R.: Caus. -rodhayati, to injure Vātsyāy
- upa-ruddha mfn. locked in, shut up, besieged, blockaded BhP. Kathās. Kām
- • hindered, obstructed, prevented R
- • molested, troubled R
- • m. a captive Ragh. xviii, 17
- upa-rudhya ind. p. having locked in, having obstructed or kept in check &c
- upa-rodha m. besieging, obstruction, blockading, impediment, check MBh. Suśr. Prab. &c
- • trouble, disturbance, injure, damage PārGṛ. Mn. Śak
- • disunion, quarrel VarBṛS
- • regard, respect Kathās
- ○kārin mfn. causing trouble or disturbance Śak
- uparodhaka n. an inner room, private apartment L
- upa-rodhana n. the act of besieging or blockading Sāh
- • obstruction, impediment R
- upa-rodham ind. p. besieging, shutting up Pāṇ. 3-4, 49 (with loc. or abl. or ifc. Kāś.)
- upa-rodhin mfn. ifc. obstructing, impeding Ragh
- • (uparodhin), having an impediment, impeded, obstructed
- upa-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow over or together, heal over (as a wound) Suśr.: Caus. -rohayati, to cause to heal over, cicatrize Suśr
- upa-rūḍha mfn. healed over, cicatrized Suśr
- • 'grown out of shape', altered, changed Mālav.
- upa-rūpa n. (in med.) inferior or insignificant symptom Car
- upa-rūpaka n. 'minor Rūpaka', a drama of an inferior class (eighteen of which are enumerated) Sāh. 276
- • Sāh. 539 seqq
- upala m. a rock, stone MBh. Suśr. Śak. &c
- • a precious stone, jewel Yājñ. iii, 36 Śiś. iii, 48 Kir
- • a cloud L
- • (ā), f. (úpalā) the upper and smaller mill-stone (which rests on the dṛṣad) ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- • = śarkarā L
- •
- ○prakṣín mf(íṇī)n. grinding (grain) upon mill-stones, miller RV. ix, 112, 3
- ○bhedin m. N. of a plant L
- ○hasta m. 'stone-hand', N. of a Cāṇḍāla Kathās
- upalaka m. a stone Suśr
- upa-lakṣ P. Ā. -lakṣayati, -te, to look at, observe, behold, perceive ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • to pay attention to, regard MBh. Kām
- • to regard or value as MBh. R
- • to distinguish, mark
- • to distinguish by a secondary or unessential mark
- • to imply in addition, designate implicitly Sāy.: Pass. -lakṣyate, to be observed &c
- • to be implied BhP. Comm. on Mn. Sarvad. &c
- upa-lakṣa m. distinction, distinguishing ( dur-upa○)
- upa-lakṣaka mfn. observing closely or with attention
- • implying
- • designating by implication Comm. on Pāṇ. and TPrāt
- upa-lakṣaṇa n. the act of observing Śak. 142, 4
- • designation KātyŚr. Comm. on Pāṇ
- • the act of implying something that has not been expressed, implying any analogous object where only one is specified
- • using a term metaphorically or elliptically or in a generic sense
- • synecdoche (of a part for the whole, of an individual for the species, or of a quality for that in which it resides) VPrāt. Comm. on Pāṇ. Sāh. Nyāyak. &c
- • a mark Vikr. Kathās
- ○tā f. or the being implied or expressed eliptically Vedāntas. Sarvad. &c
- ○tva n. the being implied or expressed eliptically Vedāntas. Sarvad. &c
- upa-lakṣayitavya mfn. to be observed or regarded MBh. Suśr
- upa-lakṣita mfn. beheld, perceived, looked at R. BhP. Daś. &c
- • observed
- • valued or regarded for R
- • characterized, marked, distinguished MārkP. Yājñ. Mn. Kathās. &c
- • included, implied, expressed by implication or elliptically, understood
- upa-lakṣya mfn. to be implied or understood by implication, inferable BhP
- upaladhi err. for vāladhi, q.v
- upa-√labh Ā. -labhate, to seize, get possession of, acquire, receive, obtain, find MBh. R. Mn. Mṛicch. &c
- • (with garbham) to conceive, become pregnant R
- • to perceive, behold, hear , to understand, learn, know, ascertain MBh. BhP. Pañcat. VarBṛS. &c.: Caus. P. -lambhayati, to cause to obtain or take possession BhP. viii, 15, 36
- • to cause to hear or learn or know Pat. on Vārtt. 2 on Pāṇ. 1-4, 52
- • to cause to be known or distinguished BhP. iv, 1, 25: Desid. (p. -lípsamāna AV. vi, 118, 11) to wish to catch or grasp
- upa-labdha mfn. obtained, received
- • conceived
- • perceived, heard, understood, learnt, known, guessed
- ○sukha mfn. one who has experienced pleasure
- upalabdhârtha mf(ā)n. (a statement, tale &c.) the meaning or plot of which is known
- • true, probable L
- upa-labdhavya mfn. to be perceived KaṭhUp
- upa-labdhi f. obtainment, acquisition, gain MBh. Vikr. Ragh
- • (with garbhasya) conception R
• observation, perceiving, perception, becoming aware, understanding, mind, knowledge MBh. Suśr. Tarkas. Sarvad. &c
- • perceptibility, appearance TPrāt
- •
- ○mat mfn. perceiving, understanding
- • perceptible, intelligible TPrāt
- • -tva n. the condition or faculty of perceiving Tattvas
- ○sama m. (in log.) a kind of sophistical refutation of an argument (e.g. the argument, 'sound is uneternal because it is produced by some effort', is refuted by saying that sound is also produced by wind) Sarvad. Nyāyad. Nyāyak
- upa-labdhṛ mfn. one who perceives NṛisUp. Comm. on Bādar.
- upa-labhya mfn. obtainable Ragh
- • perceivable, to be understood VP
- upa-labhya ind. p. having obtained
- • having perceived &c
- upa-lambha m. obtainment R. Śiś
- • perceiving, ascertaining, recognition Ragh. Śak. Sarvad. Nyāyak. &c
- upa-lambhaka mfn. perceiving BhP
- • (from the Caus.) causing to perceive, reminding Bhāshāp
- upa-lambhana n. apprehension, perceiving
- • the capacity of perceiving, intelligence BhP
- upa-lambhya mfn. worthy to be acquired Pāṇ. 7-1, 66
- upa-lābha m. grasping, catching ( ánupalābha)
- upa-lipsā f. (fr. Desid.), wish to obtain, Śāntiś
- upa-lipsu mfn. (fr. id.), wishing to learn or hear Daś
- upa-√lal Caus. lālayati, to treat with tenderness, caress, fondle BhP. Śak. 292, 8 Mālav
- upa-lālana am, ā n. f. the act of caressing, fondling BhP. Comm. on R
- upa-lālita mfn. caressed, fondled BhP
- upa-√likh to encircle with lines or trenches
- upa-likhya ind. p. having encircled with lines or trenches MBh. xii
- upa-liṅga n. a portent, natural phenomenon considered as boding evil L
- upa-√lip P. -limpati, to defile, besmear (esp. with cow-dung), smear, anoint
- ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Gobh. MBh. &c
- • to cover, overlay Suśr. i, 262, 7 Vāgbh.: Caus -lepayati, to besmear (esp. with cow-dung), smear, anoint Mn. iii, 206 R
- upa-lipta mfn. besmeared, anointed
- upa-lipya ind. p. having besmeared or anointed
- upa-lepa m. the act of besmearing (with cow-dung) BhP
- • obstruction (by phlegm) Suśr. i, 115, 15
- • bluntness, dullness Suśr
- upa-lepana n. the act of besmearing (with cow-dung) Pañcat. PSarv. &c
- • a means of besmearing, cow-dung Car
- upa-lepin mfn. obstructing Suśr
- • smearing, anointing
- • (upalepin), serving as ointment Suśr. ii, 353, 15
- upa-lipsā &c. upa-√labh
- upa-√lī Ā. -līyate, to lie close to, cling to MBh. viii
- upa-√lubh Caus. -lobhayati, to cause to wish, excite the desire of (acc.), allure PārGṛ. Kām
- upa-lekha m. 'subordinate writing', N. of a grammatical work connected with the Prāti-śākhyas
- ○pañjikā f
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of commentaries on the above work
- upa-leṭa Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- upa-loṭa ib
- upa-loha n. a secondary metal
- upa-vaṅga m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- upa-√vac Ā. (pf. 3. pl. -ūciré AV. v, 8, 6
- • aor. Subj. 1ṣg. -vóce RV. v, 49, 4
- • 3. pl. -vócanta RV. i, 127, 7) to address, praise
- • to animate by the voice, rouse, impel
- upa-vaktṛ́ tā m. one who rouses or animates or impels RV. iv, 9, 5 ; vi, 71, 5 ; ix, 95, 5 ŚāṅkhBr
- • a kind of priest ĀśvŚr. Sāy. on TBr. ii, 2, 1, 1, &c
upa-vāká (for 2. s.v.), asm. addressing, praising RV. i, 164, 8 AV. ix, 9, 8
- upa-vākyá mfn. to be addressed or praised RV. x, 69, 12
- upa-vā́cya mfn. id. RV. i, 132, 2 ; iv, 54, 1
- upa-√vañc
- upa-vañcana n. the act of crouching or lying close to ( sū7pavañcaná)
- upa-vañcita mfn. deceived, disappointed R. ii, 52, 19.
- upa-vaṭa m. the tree Buchnania Latifolia L
úpa-vat mfn. containing the word upa
- • (tī), f. (scil. ṛc) a verse beginning with upa (e.g. RV. ix, 19, 6 ; 11, 1, &c.) ŚBr. ii TāṇḍyaBr. xi, 1, 1 Lāṭy
- upa-vatsyat below
- upa-√vad P. -vadati, to speak ill of, decry, abuse, curse AV. xv, 2, 1 TBr. AitBr. ii, 31, 5 ŚāṅkhBr. Lāṭy
- • to speak to, address AitBr. iii, 23, 1 Pañcat.: Ā. -vadate, to talk over, conciliate
- • to flatter
- • to cajole, court secretly Pāṇ. 1-3, 47 Kop. Bhaṭṭ
- upa-vāda m. censure, blame KātyŚr. ṢaḍvBr
- upa-vādín mfn. censuring, blaming ŚBr. xi ChUp
- upa-√vadh P. (aor. upấvadhīt) to strike at or upon AV. xx, 136, 2
- • to strike dead, kill MBh. xii
- upa-vana n. a small forest or wood, grove, garden MBh. Mn. Megh. &c
- • a planted forest L
- ○vinoda m. N. of wk
- upa-vanam ind. near a wood, in the wood Śiś. vi, 62
- upa-vap √2. P. -vapati, (Pot. upôpet Lāṭy. v, 3, 2) to fill up, choke (with earth), strew over
- • bury under TS. ŚBr. TBr. TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy.: Pass. -upyate, to be buried &c
- upa-vapana n. the act of strewing over ĀpŚr
- upa-√varṇ P. -varṇayati, to tell fully, describe particularly or minutely, communicate, relate MBh. BhP. Hit. &c
- upa-varṇana n. description, minute description, delineation Yājñ. Suśr. Hcat. &c
- • glorification, praise Bālar
- upa-varṇanīya mfn. to be described
- upa-varṇita mfn. described minutely, delineated MBh. Kathās. &c
- upa-varta -vartana, upa-√vṛt
- upa-varṣa m. N. of a younger brother of Varsha (and son of Śaṃkara-svāmin
- • author of writings on the Mīmāṃsa philosophy) Kathās. &c
- upa-varha upa-barha
- upa-vallikā f. N. of a plant (= amṛtasrava-latā)
- upa-√valh (√valh connected with √vṛh?), P. Ā. -valhati, -te, to ask earnestly, importune with a question VS. xxiii, 51 ŚBr. xi, xii
- upa-valhá m. impetuosity, superiority (?) ŚBr. xi, 4, 1, 1
- upa-vas √5. P. -vasati, to abide or dwell with or at
- • to stay, wait, wait for TS. TBr. AitBr. ŚBr
- • to abide in a state of abstinence, abstain from food, fast Kāty. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 48 TS. i, 6, 7, 3 ŚBr. i, 6
- • xi KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c
- • to encamp (with acc.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 48
- • to dwell on, give one's self up to, apply one's self to MārkP. MuṇḍUp.: Caus. to cause to abide or wait TS
- • to cause to fast PārGṛ. MBh. R
- upa-vatsyat mfn. (fut. p.)
- upa-vatsyad-bhakta n. food taken before fasting Kauś. Vait
- upa-vasathá m. a fast-day (esp. the day preceding a Soma sacrifice), the period of preparation for the Soma sacrifice AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- • a place of abiding, village L
- upavasathī́ya mfn. belonging to the Upavasatha day or to the preparation for a Soma sacrifice ŚBr. ix AitBr
- upavasathya mfn. id
- upa-vasana n. a fast, fasting ( payopavasana)
- • the state of abiding or being near ( pīvo'pavasana
- • both with irr. Sandhi)
- upavasanīya mfn. belonging to a fast Jyot
- upa-vasta n. a fast, fasting L
- upa-vastavya mfn. to be celebrated by fasting (as the end of a fortnight) Gobh. i, 5, 5 Jyot
- upa-vastṛ tā m. one who fasts Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 97
- upavastr-ādi m. N. of a g. (including besides upavastṛ, prāśitṛ) ib.
- upa-vāsa m. (n. L.) a fast, fasting (as a religious act comprising abstinence from all sensual gratification, from perfumes, flowers, unguents, ornaments, betel, music, dancing &c.) Gaut. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. ii, 183
- • xi, 195 ; 212 Yājñ. iii, 190 MBh. &c
- • abstinence from food &c. in general Suśr. R. Pañcat. &c
- • kindling a sacred fire
- • a fire altar W
- ○"ṣvratin mfn. one who observes a vow of fasting Naish
- upavāsaka mfn. belonging to a fast or fasting MBh. Yājñ
- upavāsin mfn. one who observes a fast, fasting MBh. Dhūrtas
- upôṣaṇa n. a fast, fasting
- upoṣaya Nom. P. upoṣayati, to celebrate or pass (time) by fasting
- upôṣita mfn. one who has fasted, fasting MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c
- • (am), n. a fast, fasting MārkP. Mn. v, 155, &c
- upôṣya mfn. to be celebrated or passed by fasting (as time)
- upôṣya ind. p. having fasted, fasting MBh. Yājñ. &c
- upavasti g. vetanâdi Pāṇ. 4-4, 12
- • (Kāś. reads upasti.)
- upa-√vah P. -vahati, to bring or lead or convey near RV. MBh
- • to bring near, procure MBh. xiii BhP
- • to adduce R. (cf. upôh.)
- upa-vahá n. a piece of wood placed on the neck of an ox under the yoke (to raise it to the right level for a yoke-fellow of greater height) ŚBr. i, 4, 4, 7
- • (v. l. úpa-vahas.)
- upa-vāha m. driving, riding L
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VP
- upa-vāhana n. the act of bringing or carrying near L
- upa-vāhin mfn. flowing or streaming towards MBh. i, 2367
- upa-vāhya mfn. to be brought near R
- • (upavāhya fr. upa-vāha), serving for driving or riding, serving as a vehicle VarBṛS
- • m. an animal for riding ib
- • a king's elephant, any royal vehicle L
- upôḍha (in some cases not to be distinguished from 2. upôḍha q.v. under upôh), mfn. brought near, effected, appeared Rājat. Daś
- • &c
- • near (in time and space) Mālav. Kum
- • (ā), f. 'brought home in addition to', a second or inferior but favourite wife R. i, 13, 37 (ed. Schlegel
- • vāvātā q.v. ed. Bombay i, 14, 35)
- upa-√vā P. -vāti, to blow upon ŚBr. xiii, 3, 8, 6
- upa-vā́ f. the act of blowing upon AV. xii, 1, 51
- úpa-vāta (for 2. upa-√vai), mfn. blown upon ŚBr. iv, 1, 3, 7
- upa-vā́ka (for 1. col. 1), as, ā mf. Indra-grain (cf. indra-yava) VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upa-vājaya Nom. (fr. vāja) P. -vājayati, to impel, accelerate ŚBr. v
- • to fan, kindle, inflame TS. TBr. KātyŚr
- upa-vājana n. a fan KātyŚr
- upa-vāda &c. upa-√vad
- upa-vā́sana n. (√4. vas), a dress, garment, cover AV. xiv, 2, 49 ; 65
- upa-vi-√gulph
- Caus. (Pot. 3. pl. -gulphayeyus) to add abundantly ĀśvŚr. ii, 6, 8, 33
- upa-vi-cāra m. environs, neighbourhood L
- upa-víd t f. (√1. vid), ascertaining, learning RV. viii, 23, 3 [Sāy
- • fr. √2. vid, investigating, finding out, inquiring into BRD.]
- upa-vedana n. ascertainment, learning Sāy. on RV. viii, 23, 3
- upa-vedanīya mfn. to be learnt or found out Comm. on Nyāyad
- upa-vidyā f. inferior knowledge, profane science.
- upa-vidh √1. P. (3. pl. -vidhán) to honour, worship RV. i, 149, 1
- upa-vindu upa-bindu
- upa-vindhya m. the land near the Vindhya mountain L
- upa-vipāśam (fr. vipāś g. śarad-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 107) near the (river ?) Vipāś
- upa-vi-mokam ind. p. (fr. upavi-√muc), unharnessing, i.e. changing (the oxen) AitBr. iv, 27, 4
- upa-√viś P. -viśati, to go or come near, approach RV. viii, 96, 6
- • to sit down, take a seat (as men), lie down (as animals) AitBr. ŚBr. MBh. Śak. Hit. &c
- • to enter
- • to stop, settle one's self MBh. iii
- • to sit near to MBh. i, 573 R. ii
- • to set (as the sun) Kathās
- • to apply or devote one's self to, cultivate BhP.: Caus. P. -veśayati, to cause to sit down, summon or invite to sit down AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • to cause to settle BhP. R
- upa-víśya ind. p. having sat down, sitting down &c
- upa-viṣṭa mfn. seated, sitting KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • come to, arrived, entered (into any state or condition)
- • ifc. having obtained R. Daś. &c
- • occupied with, engaged in MBh. Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ
- upaviṣṭaka mfn. 'firmly settled' (said of a foetus which remains in the womb beyond the usual time) Car
- upa-veśá m. the act of sitting down, sitting, resting TS. KātyŚr
- • the act of applying one's self to or being engaged in MBh. R
- • stool, motion L
- • N. of a Ṛishi
- upa-veśana n. the act of sitting down ĀśvŚr. Kauś
- • a seat Ragh
- • the being devoted to or engaged in MBh. Pañcat
- • evacuation or motion of the bowels Car
- • causing to sit down L
- upa-veśi m. N. of a Ṛishi ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 33
- upa-veśita mfn. caused to sit down, seated
- • caused to settle
- upa-veśin mfn. ifc. devoting or applying one's self to MBh
- • (upaveśin fr. upa-veśa), one who has a motion of the bowels Car
- upa-vi-√śrambh Caus
- upa-viśrambhayya ind. p. having inspired with confidence BhP. v, 26, 31
- • (vḷ. anu-viśrambhayya.)
- upa-√viṣ P. -viveṣṭi (RV
- • -veveṣṭi ŚBr
- • Impv. 2. sg. -viḍḍhi TBr.) to be active for
- • to obtain or gain by activity RV. x, 61, 12
- • to perform service, be effective or useful for (esp. said of the Upa-vesha below) ŚBr. i, 2, 1, 3 TBr. iii, 3, 11, 1
upa-veṣá m. a stick (of green wood) used for stirring the sacrificial fire TS. TBr. VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upa-viṣa n. factitious poison, a narcotic, any deleterious drug (as opium, datura, &c.)
- • (ā), f. the plant Aconitum Ferox L
- upa-vi-ṣṭhā (upa-vi-√sthā), Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to be or stand here and there ŚBr. vii, 4, 1, 14
- upa-√vī P. (2. sg. -veṣi RV. viii, 11, 4
- • Impv. -vetu RV. v, 11, 4 ; x, 16, 5) to hasten near, come near, attain, obtain
- upa-√vī7kṣ (upa-vi-√īkṣ), Ā. -vii7kṣate, to look at or towards R
- • to regard as fit or proper Bhpr
- upa-√vīj P. -viijati, to blow upon, fan MBh.: Caus. P. -viijayati, to fan Śak. 105, 4 Comm. on KātyŚr
- upa-vījita mfn. blown upon, fanned MBh. i, 1308 Mṛicch
- upa-vīṇaya Nom. (fr. viiṇā Pāṇ. 3-1, 25), to play on a lute before or in the presence of Ragh. Kād. &c
- upa-vīta &c. upa-√vye
- upa-vīra m. a kind of demon PārGṛ. i, 16, 23
- upa√vṛṃh Caus. -vṛṃhayati, to make strong or powerful, promote BhP. MārkP. &c.
- • ( also upa-√bṛh.)
- upa-vṛṃhaṇa n. the act of making strong, invigorating, promoting R. BhP
- upa-vṛṃhita mfn. made strong or powerful, invigorated, supported, promoted
- • (ifc.) increased or supported or aided by, accompanied by MBh. BhP. Kathās. Daś. &c
- upa-vṛṃhin mfn. invigorating, supporting Kathās
- upa-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to step or walk upon ĀśvŚr. ii, 4, 8, 3
- • to move or come near, approach, fall to R. BhP
- • to return: Caus. Ā. -vartayate, to cause to move up
- • to stroke upwards TBr
- • to cause to recover Kathās
- upa-varta m. a particular high number L
- upa-vartana n. (fr. the Caus.), the act of bringing near Sarvad
- • a place for exercise
- • a country (inhabited or not) L
- upa-vṛtta mfn. come near, approached
- • come back, brought back (from exhaustion &c.), recovered MBh
- • (in geom.) a circle in a particular position relatively to another one
- upa-vṛtti f. motion towards (one's place) Prab
- upa-√ve P. to bring into close contact with, enclose, enfold, wrap
- upa-vāya ind. p. Pāṇ. 6-1, 41 Kāś
- upôta mfn. put into, wrapped, enveloped (in armour or mail) Lāṭy. viii, 5, 8 ŚāṅkhŚr
- upa-veṇā f. N. of a river MBh
- upa-veda m. 'secondary knowledge', N. of a class of writings subordinate or appended to the four Vedas (viz. the āyur-veda, or science of medicine, to the Ṛig-veda
- • the dhanurveda or science of archery, to the Yajur-veda
- • the gāndharva-veda or science of music, to the Sāmaveda
- • and the śastra-śāstra or science of arms, to the Atharva-veda
- • this is according to the Caraṇavyūha, but Suśr. and the Bhpr. make the Āyur-veda belong to the Atharva-veda
- • according to others, the sthāpatya-veda or science of architecture, and śilpa-śāstra or knowledge of arts, are reckoned as the fourth Upa-veda)
- upa-veṣá upa-√viṣ
- upa-√veṣṭ Caus
- upa-veṣṭana n. the act of wrapping up, swathing
- upa-veṣṭita mfn. wrapped in, surrounded Mṛicch. Kathās
- upaveṣṭitin mfn. one who has wrapped himself round the loins in a cloth Āp
- upa-√vai P. -vāyati, to dry up, shrink in drying TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Kāṭh
- upa-vāta (for 1. upa-√vā), mfn. dried up
- • dry ĀśvGṛ. Kauś
- upavaiṇava n. (fr. upa-veṇu?) the three periods of the day (viz. morning, midday, and evening) L
- upa-√vyadh P. (2. sg. -vidhyasi) to throw at or on, hit MBh. vii, 6534 (ed. Calc.)
- upa-vyākhyāna n. (√khyā), explanation, interpretation, ChUP. MuṇḍUp
- upa-vyāghra m. the small hunting leopard L
- upa-vyuṣám ind. about dawn TBr. TāṇḍyaBr
- upa-vyuṣasam ind. id. KātyŚr. Āp. Car
- upa-√vye Ā. -vyayate, to put on or invest one's self with the sacred thread TS. ii, 5, 11, 1
- úpa-vīta mfn. invested with the sacred thread
- • (am), n. the being invested with the sacred thread
- • the sacred thread or cord (worn by the first three classes over the left shoulder and under the right arm) TS. ŚBr. Mn. ii, 44 ; 64 ; iv, 66 Yājñ. i, 29 Hariv. Ragh. &c. (cf. yajñôpaviita.)
- upavītaka n. the sacred thread Kathās. BhP
- upavītín mfn. wearing the sacred cord in the usual manner (over the left shoulder and under the right arm) VS. xvi, 17 KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Mn. ii, 63 (cf. yajñôpaviitin.)
- upa-vī́ya ind. p. having put on the sacred thread TBr. i, 6, 8, 2 Kāṭh. BhP
- upa-√vraj P
- upa-vrájya ind. p. having gone towards, coming near, approaching TBr. iii, 10, 11, 3 BhP
- • going behind, following R. v
- upa-vrajam ind. near a cattle pen BhP
- upa-vrataya Nom. (fr. vrata) Ā. (Pot. 3. pl. -vratayeran) to eat (anything) together with the food prescribed for a Vrata or fast ĀśvŚr. ii, 6, 8, 39
- upa-vlaya upa-blaya
- upa-√śak P. (pf. 1. pl. -śekima) to be able to bring into one's power, master, be superior AV. vi, 114, 2 ; 3 : Desid. P. -śikṣati, to endeavour to bring into one's power, master or subdue
- • to bring or draw near, call near, allure
- • to bring into one's possession RV. AV. vii, 12, 1
- • xi, 8, 17 TBr. TāṇḍyaBr.: Ā. -śikṣate, to try, undertake ŚāṅkhBr
- • to endeavour to help or serve, offer one's service MBh
- • to learn, inquire into MBh. BhP.: Caus. of Desid. P. -śikṣayati, to teach, train BhP
- upa-śāká m. a helper, companion RV. i, 33, 4
- upa-śikṣā́ f. desire of learning VS. xxx, 10
- • learning, acquisition Mṛicch. Kathās
- upa-śikṣita mfn. learnt, studied
- • trained MBh. BhP
- upa-√śaṅk Ā. to suspect, suppose, think MBh. R
- upa-śada m. (perhaps fr. √2. śad, 'to excel') a particular Ekāha or sacrifice during one day ĀśvŚr. Vait
- • removal of an impediment to get children Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr. xix, 3, 1
- upa-śapha m. a hind hoof Sāy. on TBr. ii, 6, 4
- upa-√śam P. Ā. -śāmyati, -te, to become calm or quiet
- • to cease, become extinct AitBr. Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. ChUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. -śamayati and ep. -śāmayati, to make quiet, calm, extinguish
- • to tranquillize, appease, pacify, mitigate MBh. VarBṛS. Daś. &c
- upa-śama m. the becoming quiet, assuagement, alleviation, stopping, cessation, relaxation, intermission MāṇḍUp. Prab. Pañcat. &c
- • tranquillity of mind, calmness, patience MBh. iii Bhartṛ. Śāntiś
- • (in astron.) N. of the twentieth Muhūrta
- ○kṣaya m. (with Jainas) the destruction (of activity &c.) through quietism Sarvad
- ○vat and mfn. placid, calm, tranquil
- ○śīla mfn. placid, calm, tranquil
- upaśamâyana mfn. going to or obtaining tranquillity of mind BhP. v, 1, 29
upa-śamana mf(ī)n. calming, appeasing BhP
- • (am), n. the becoming extinct, ceasing Nir
- • calming, appeasing, mitigation MBh. BhP. Suśr. Pañcat
- • an anodyne
- upa-śamanīya mfn. to be appeased or made quiet Sāh
- • (upaśamanīya fr. upa-śamana), serving as an anodyne, calming, appeasing Car
- upa-śānta mfn. calmed, appeased, pacified
- • calm, tranquil BhP. Kathās
- • ceased, extinct, intermitted R. PraśnUp
- ○vaira mfn. one whose enmity has ceased, reconciled, pacified VarBṛS
- upaśāntâtman mfn. one whose mind is pacified, placid BhP
- upa-śānti f. cessation, intermission, remission Suśr. Ragh. Hit. &c
- • tranquillity, calmness
- upaśāntin mfn. appeased, tranquil, calm
- • tame
- • (ī), m. a tame elephant L
- upa-śāmaka mfn. calming, quieting, affording repose, making patient Lalit
- upa-śaya upa-√śī
- upa-śaradam ind. (fr. śarad g. śarad-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 107), at or near the autumn
- upa-śalya m. a small spear or lance tipped with iron MBh. iii, 641
- • (am), n. a neighbouring district, environs, the ground near a village Daś. Ragh
- • the ground at the base or edge of a mountain Śiś. v, 8.
- upa-śalyaka n. a small piece of ground near a village Kād
- upa-śākhā f. a smaller branch of a tree, little branch BhP. iv, 31, 14 Sāy
- upa-√śāntv upa-√sāntv
- upa-śāya &c. upa-√śī
- upa-śāla n. a place or court in front of a house Kauś
- upa-śālam ind. (fr. śālā Pāṇ. 6-2, 121) near a house
- upa-śāstra n. a minor science or treatise L
- upa-śikṣā upa-√śak
- upa-√śiṅgh P. -śiṅghati, to smell at, kiss Bhaṭṭ
- upa-śiṅghana n. (in med.) anything given to smell at Suśr. ii, 515, 11
- • (-śiṃhana, -siṃhana are wrong readings.)
- upa-śiras ind. upon the head Kauś. 86
- upa-śiva m. N. of a man
- upa-śiṣya m. the pupil of a pupil Prab
- upa-√śī Ā. -śete, to lie near or by the side of (acc.) RV. x, 18, 8 ŚBr. Kauś. MBh
- • to lie by the side of (for sexual intercourse) ŚBr. TS. Kāṭh. MBh. xiii
- • to lie upon (loc.) R. vi
- • to do good, be suitable or useful Car
- upa-śayá mfn. lying near at hand or close by, lying ready for use ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • m. one of the Yūpas (or posts to which the sacrificial animal is tied) TS. vi, 6, 4, 4
- • the lying near or by the side of
- • a kind of hole in the ground (placed near the track of wild animals, for a hunter to conceal himself in Mall. on Śiś. ii, 80)
- • (in med.) the allaying (of diseases) by suitable remedies, suitableness, usefulness, advantageous medicine Car
- • the liking, predilection (of a sick person as for coolness &c.) ib
- • diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine W
- • (ā́), f. (scil. mṛd) a piece of clay prepared and ready for use ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○tvá n. the being a particular sacrificial post TS. vi, 6, 6, 4
- ○stha mfn. lying in ambush (as a hunter) Śiś. ii, 80
- upa-śāya m. (ifc.) the turn for lying down or sleeping with Pāṇ. 3-3, 39 (cf. rājôpośāya.)
- upaśāyaka mf(ikā)n. sleeping alternately with Bhaṭṭ
- • m. N. of a man, VārP
- upa-śāyin mfn. lying near to or by the side of KātyŚr
- • lying, sleeping R
- • lying down, going to bed MBh
- • allaying, tranquillizing, anything that calms &c
- • (in med.) composing, narcotic W
- upaśāyi-tā f. or tranquillization, calming
- upaśāyi-tva n. tranquillization, calming
- • means of allaying disease (as diet &c.) W
- upa-śī́van mf(○varī)n. lying near or by the side of MaitrS. ii, 13, 16 Kāṭh
- upa-śīrṣaka n. a kind of disease of the head ŚārṅgS
- upa-śunam (fr. śvan), ind. near a dog Pāṇ. 5-4, 7, 7
- upa-√śubh Ā. -śobhate (p. -śumbhamāna BhP.) to be beautiful or brilliant BhP. v, 17, 13 Hit.: Caus. P. -śobhayati, to adorn, ornament MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- upa-śobhana n. the act of adorning, ornamenting R. BhP
- upa-śobhā (for 2. s.v.), f. ornament Śiś. xiii, 36
- upa-śobhikā f. ornament, decoration AgP
- upa-śobhita mfn. adorned, ornamented, decorated MBh. MārkP. Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- upaśobhin mfn. of beautiful appearance, brilliant Kathās
- upa-√śuṣ P. -śuṣyati, to dry up TS. iii, 1, 10, 3 Suśr. Car.: Caus. -śoṣayati, to cause to dry up or shrink, make dry or withered Āp. MBh. Kathās
- upa-śoṣaṇa mfn. the act of causing to dry up or shrink Suśr. Prab
- upa-śoṣita mfn. made dry, dried, dry MBh. Suśr.
- upa-śobhā (for 1. col. 1), f. secondary ornament or decoration AgP. Hcat
- upa-√ścyut or -√ścut P. -ścyotati, to ooze or trickle down, fall in drops MW
- upa-√śram P. -śrāmyati, to rest, repose Kauś
- upa-√śri P. -śrayati, to lean (anything) against TBr. i, 6, 6, 2 ŚBr. xiv KātyŚr.: Ā. -śrayate (p. of the pf. -śiśriyāṇá) to lean against, support, prop RV. x, 18, 12
- • to cling to, fit closely (as an ornament) RV. vii, 56, 13
- • to place one's self near to, go towards MBh. BhP
- • to accommodate one's self to ChUp. vi, 8, 2
- úpa-śrita mfn. placed near, brought to the attention of RV. vii, 86, 8
- • leaning towards or upon TS. VS. KātyŚr
- upa-śrī f. an over-garment (fitting closely) KaushUp
- upa-√śru P. -śṛṇoti, to listen to, give ear to, hear RV. AV. xii, 4, 27 ; xx, 27, 1 ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. TBr. ChUp. MBh. &c
- upa-śruta mfn. listened to, heard MBh. Hariv. BhP
- • promised, agreed L
- úpa-śruti f. giving ear to, listening attentively RV. i, 10, 3 ; viii, 8, 5 ; 34, 11 AV. ii, 16, 2 ; xvi, 2, 5
- • range of hearing ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • hearing BhP
- • rumour, report MBh. v, 30, 5 (ed. Bomb
- • apa-śruti ed. Calc. v, 871)
- • a kind of supernatural oracular voice (answering questions about future events, and supposed to be uttered by an idol after mystic invocations, Vidhāna-pārijāta T.) MBh. Kād. &c., (cf. śakunôpa○)
- • (is), m. N. of an evil spirit PārGṛ. i, 16, 23
- upa-śrútya ind. p. having listened to
- • listening to, hearing AV. xii, 4, 28 MBh. BhP. &c
- upa-śrotṛ́ tā m. a listener, hearer RV. vii, 23, 1 TS. ŚāṅkhŚr. Vait
- upa-ślāghā f. boasting, brag, swagger GopBr
- upa-√śliṣ P. -śliṣyati, to come near to or into close contact with, cling to MBh. Daś.: Caus. -śleṣayati, to bring near or into close contact Vikr
- úpa-śliṣṭa mfn. brought near or into close contact, contiguous, adjoining TBr. iii, 8, 17, 4 Pañcat
- upa-śleṣa m. close contact, contiguity Pat
- • embrace Prab
- upa-śleṣaṇa n. the act of joining or fixing on, sewing together Sarvad
- upa-śloka m. N. of the father of the tenth Manu BhP. viii, 13, 21
- upa-ślokaya Nom. (fr. śloka Pāṇ. 3-1, 25) P. -ślokayati, to praise in Ślokas
- upa-√śvas Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. -śvāsaya) to fill with roarings or noise RV. vi, 47, 29
- upa-śvasá m. breeze, draught of air AV. xi, 1, 12
- upa-ṣṭambha &c. upa-stambha
- upa-ṣṭút upa-√stu
- upás only loc. upási , 'in the lap' RV. v, 43, 7 ; x, 27, 13
- upa-saṃ-√yam
- upa-saṃyata mfn. closely joined or fixed together, wedged in Suśr. 101, 7
- upa-saṃyama m. bringing into close contact, wedging in L
- upa-saṃyamana n. the act of fixing one thing to another
- • a means of fastening together L
- upa-saṃ-√yā P. (Impv. 2.pl. -yāta) to come in a body towards AV. vi, 73, 1
- upa-saṃ-√yuj Caus. -yojayati, to furnish with MBh. xiii
- upa-saṃyoga m. a secondary or subordinate connection, modification Nir
- upa-saṃ-rudh √2. P. (impf. 3. pl. -arundhan
- • fut. 2. pl. -rotsyatha) to throng towards ŚBr. i, 2, 4, 11 ; 12
- upa-saṃ-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow over or together, cicatrize Suśr.
- upa-saṃroha m. growing over or together, cicatrizing ib
- upa-saṃ-vāda m. (√vad), agreeing together, agreement Pāṇ. 3-4, 8
- upa-saṃ-√viś P. -viśati, to gather round, environ (in order to attend) TBr
- • to lie down by the side of KātyŚr.: Caus. -veśayati, to cause to lie or sit down by the side of, Kaus. MBh
- upa-saṃ-√vye
- Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. -sám-vyayasva) to wrap up or envelop one's self in (acc.) AV. ii, 13, 3 ; xix, 24, 5
- upa-saṃvīta mfn. wrapped up, covered MBh. xv
- upa-saṃvyāna n. an under garment Pāṇ. 1-1, 36
- upa-saṃ-√vraj P. -vrajati, to step into, enter Mn. vi, 51
- upa-saṃ-√śaṃs P. -śaṃsati, to recite in addition, add ŚBr. xiii, 5, 1, 8
- upa-saṃśasya ind. p. having recited in addition, adding ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- upa-saṃ-√śri P. Ā. -śrayati, -te, to join, attach one's self to TBr. i ŚBr. ii
- • to devote one's self to, serve, attend MBh. xiii
- upa-saṃ-√śliṣ
- upa-saṃśliṣṭa mfn. united, joined, coherent
- ○tva n. coherency MaitrUp
- upa-saṃ-√sṛ
- upa-saṃsṛtya ind. p. having stepped near to, approaching BhP. iii, 21, 47
- upa-saṃ-√sṛj
- upa-saṃsṛṣṭa mfn. united with
- • burdened, afflicted, blasted (by a curse) BhP. xi, 30, 2
- • joined together
- • effected, produced BhP
- upa-saṃ-√sṛp
- upa-saṃsṛpya ind. p. having crept towards ŚBr. iv
- upa-saṃskāra m. a secondary or supplementary Saṃskāra (q.v.) Sāy. on TBr. ii, 1, 4
- upa-saṃ-s-kṛ √1
- upa-saṃskṛta mfn. prepared, dressed, cooked (as food) MBh. Suśr. 335, 14 Car
- • prepared, arranged, adorned Suśr
- upa-saṃ-√sthā
- upa-saṃsthita mfn. one who has stopped Hariv. 9700
- upa-saṃ-hita upa-saṃ-√dhā
- upa-saṃ-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, -te, to draw together, bring together, contract, collect ŚBr. MBh. Pañcar. TPrāt
- • to summarize, sum up Comm. on BṛĀrUp., on Mn., on BhP
- • to withdraw, take away, withhold MBh. xiv BhP. Śak. 267, 7
- • to stop, interrupt, suppress MBh. vii Kathās. Pat. &c
- • to make away with, absorb MBh. i MārkP.: Desid. (p. -jihīrṣat) to wish to destroy or annul BhP. v, 25, 3
- upa-saṃharaṇa n. the act of withdrawing &c. L
- upa-saṃhartavya mfn. to be brought near Lalit
- upa-saṃhāra m. the act of withdrawing, withholding, taking away MBh
- • drawing towards one's self, bringing near TPrāt
- • summarizing, summing up, résumé Vedāntas. Nyāyak
- • conclusion, end, epilogue Kathās. Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- • N. of the concluding chapters in several books
- • suppression, subduing
- • end, death, destruction L
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- upa-saṃhārin mfn. comprehending
- • exclusive Tarkas. Bhāshāp. (with an○ neg.)
- upa-saṃhṛta mfn. drawn near, brought into contact TPrāt
- • withheld, drawn back
- • stopped, interrupted, suppressed BhP. Kathās. Comm. on Mn
- • absorbed, destroyed NṛisUp. MBh. BhP. Sarvad. &c
- • dead
- • comprehended
- • excluded L
- upa-saṃhṛti f. comprehension
- • conclusion
- • (in dram.) the end or conclusion, the catastrophe (= nir-vahaṇa) Sāh. 332 Daśar.
- upa-saṃ-√kḷp Caus. P. -kalpayati, to put upon, set, cause to settle MBh
- • to appoint, elect for Gṛihyās
- upa-saṃkḷpta mfn. put above, being above BhP. iv, 9, 54
- upa-saṃ-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate, to step or go to the other side (or other world &c.) ŚBr. iv, xii TUp. Daś. &c.: Caus. -kramayati, to cause to go to the other side ŚBr. vi
- upa-saṃkramaṇa n. the act of going over towards Lalit
- • g. vyuṣṭâdi Pāṇ. 5-1, 97
- upa-saṃkrānta mfn. turned to, changed into (another meaning
- • as a word employed in another meaning) Pat
- upa-saṃkrānti f. the being conveyed across, reaching the other side VarBṛS. Rājat
- upa-saṃ-kṣepa m. (√kṣip), a concise abridgment or summary, an abstract compendium R
- upa-saṃ-khyāna n. (khyā), the act of adding, annumeration, further enumeration Kāty. Pat
- • reckoning along with
- upa-saṃkhyeya mfn. to be added or enumerated in addition to (loc.) Pat
- upa-saṃ-√gam Ā. -gacchate, to approach together, join in approaching ŚBr. BhP
- • to unite, join MBh
- • to go or come near MBh. BhP. Bhag
- • to enter into any condition or state MBh. xiii
- upa-saṃgata mfn. come together, assembled BhP
- • united, joined (mithunāya, for sexual intercourse) MBh. i, 6897
- upa-saṃgamana n. the act of coming together, sexual union Gaut. iv, 13
- upa-saṃ-√grah Desid. P. -jighṛ-kṣati, to wish or intend to embrace (the feet of) Āp. i, 8, 19
- upa-saṃgṛhīta mfn. seized, taken into custody Pañcat
- upa-saṃgṛhya ind. p. taking hold of, clasping, embracing ŚBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ĀśvGṛ. Mn
- • embracing (especially pādau or pādayoḥ, the feet of a revered person
- • the word pādau being not unfrequently omitted) PārGṛ. Āp. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • partaking of, receiving, accepting MBh. R
- • getting or entering into, experiencing MBh. xii
- • winning over, conciliating, propitiating Daś
- upa-saṃgraha m. the act of clasping round, embracing, embrace (esp. of the feet of a revered person) Pañcat. Kathās
- • respectful salutation, polite address (performed by touching the feet of the addressed person with one's hands) L
- • clasping (a woman, dārôpa○)
- • bringing together, collecting, joining R. Nir
- • a pillow, cushion MBh. iv, 517
- upa-saṃgrahaṇa n. the act of clasping round, embracing (e.g. the feet), respectful salutation (by embracing the feet) Āp. Gaut. Mn
- upa-saṃgrāhya mfn. (one whose feet are) to be embraced
- • to be saluted reverentially, respectable, venerable Āp. Mn
- upa-saṃ-ghāta m. (√han), the act of collecting (one's ideas) Comm. on Nyāyad
- upa-√sac Ā. (3. pl. -sácante impf. 3. pl. -asacanta) to follow closely RV. i, 190, 2 AV. xviii, 4, 40
- • to pursue AitBr. vi, 36, 2
- upa-saṃ-√car P. -carati, to approach, enter AV. iii, 12, 1
- • to approach (bhartāram, a husband sexually) VarBṛS
- upa-saṃcāra m. access, entrance Gobh. iv, 2, 7
- upa-√sañj Ā. -sajjate. to be attached to, fond of (loc.) BhP. xi, 26, 22
- upa-sakta mfn. attached to, depending on (worldly desires) R
- upa-saṃ-√jan Ā. (fut. p. -janiṣyamāṇa) to present one's self, appear Paribh. 64
- upa-saṃjāta mfn. appeared, present ib
- upa-√sad P. -sīdati (Ved. Pot. 1. pl. -sadema
- • impf. -asadat) to sit upon (acc.) RV. vi, 75, 8
- • to sit near to, approach (esp. respectfully), revere, worship RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. &c. MBh. Ragh. &c
- • to approach (a teacher in order to become his pupil) Kathās.
- • to approach asking, request, crave for RV. i, 89, 2 ; vii, 33, 9 TS. ii ŚBr. ii
- • to approach in a hostile manner BhP. vi, 3, 27
- • to possess RV. viii, 47, 16 AV. iii, 14, 6
- • to perform the Upasad ceremony ( below) TS. vi, 2, 3, 4: Caus. -sādayati, to place or put upon or by the side of TS. TBr. ŚBr. &c
- • to cause to approach, lead near ( upa-sādita)
- upa-sat (in comp. for 2. upa-sád below)
- ○tvá n. the being an Upasad ceremony ( below) MaitrS. iii, 8, 1
- ○pathá m. the path or way of the Upasad ceremony ( below) ŚBr. v, 4, 5, 17
- upa-satti f. connection with, union L
- • service, worship L
- • gift, donation W
- upa-sattṛ tā m. one who has seated himself near or at (esp. at the domestic fire), any person who is domiciled, the inhabitant of a house (with and without gṛha) AV. ii, 6, 2 ; iii, 12, 16 ; vii, 82, 3 VS. xxvii, 2 ; 4 ChUp
- upa-sád mfn. approaching (respectfully), worshipping, serving AV. VS. xxx, 9
• (t), m. N. of a particular fire (different from the Gārhapatya, Dakshiṇāgni, and Āhavanīya) VahniP
- • (t), f. attendance, worship, service RV. ii, 6, 1
- • settlement (?) AV. vi, 142, 3
- • siege, assault ŚBr. iii AitBr. Kāṭh
- • N. of a ceremony or sacrificial festival preceding the Sutyā or pressing of the Soma (it lasts several days, and forms part of the Jyotishṭoma) VS. xix, 14 TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- ○rūpá n. (eṇa instr.) in the form of an Upasad ceremony ŚBr. xi, 2, 7, 27
- ○van mfn. receiving reverence or worship ĀśvŚr. ii, 5, 9 (in a Mantra)
- ○vrata n. a particular observance prescribed for the Upasad ceremony (consisting principally of drinking milk in certain quantities) Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- ○"ṣvratín mfn. performing the above observance ŚBr. xiv BṛĀrUp
- upa-sada mfn. one who goes near W
- • m. the Upasad ceremony ( above) ChUp
- • approach W
- • gift, donation W
- • (ī), f. (úpa○) continuous propagation ŚBr. xiv. 9, 4, 23 (= saṃtati Comm.)
- upa-sadana n. the act of approaching (respectfully), respectful salutation MBh. i
- • approaching (a work), setting about, undertaking Gaut
- • approaching or going to (a teacher gen. to learn any science or art loc.) MBh. iii, 17169
- • performing (a ceremony or sacrifice) R
- • neighbouring abode, neighbourhood R
- upa-sádya mfn. to be respectfully approached
- • to be revered or worshipped RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- úpa-sanna mfn. put or placed upon, being on TBr. ii AitBr. KātyŚr
- • come near, approached (for protection or instruction or worship &c.) Kauś. PārGṛ. MuṇḍUp. BhP
- • placed near to, given, bestowed upon MBh
- upa-sādana n. the act of placing or putting upon Sāy. on TBr. ii, 1, 3, 6
- • approaching respectfully, reverence, respect BhP
- upa-sādita mfn. caused to come near, led near, conveyed to BhP
- upa-sādya ind. p. having caused to approach towards one's self, having obtained BhP. x, 45, 32
- upa-saṃ-√tan P. -tanoti, to bring into close connection or accompaniment with, recite immediately after ĀśvŚr. Vait
- upa-saṃtāna m. close accompaniment or connection or junction (in reciting Mantras &c.) ĀśvŚr. v, 9, 14 ; 18
- upa-saṃ-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to put to, add, annex, increase Kauś. ŚāṅkhBr
- • to put together, join, connect ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt
- • to bring together with, cause to partake of Kām
- • to place before one's self, aim at, take into consideration
- upa-saṃhita mfn. connected or furnished with, accompanied or surrounded by, having, possessing MBh
- • placed before one's self, taken into consideration ib
- • attached to, devoted Car
- upa-saṃdhāya ind. p. having added, adding &c
- • placing before one's self, aiming at, with regard to ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh
- • directing towards AitBr. ii, 38, 13
- upa-saṃdhyam ind. (fr. saṃdhyā), about twilight Śiś. ix, 5
- upa-saṃ-√nah
- upa-sáṃnaddha mfn. tied on or to ŚBr. ii, iii KātyŚr
- upa-saṃ-√nud P. (Impv. 2. sg. -sáṃ-nuda) to impel near or towards, bring near, procure TBr. iii, 1, 1, 8 TĀr. iv, 39, 1
- upa-saṃ-ny-āsa m. (√2. as), abandonment, leaving off, giving up MBh
- upa-sapatni ind. (fr. sapatnī), towards or near a fellow-wife Śiś. x, 45
- upa-sam-aś √1. (aor. -ānaṭ) to reach, obtain RV. iv, 58, 1
- upa-sam-as √2
- upa-samásya ind. p. placing or putting upon ŚBr. vi
- • adding, Śulbas
- upa-sam-ā-kṛ √1. P. (3. pl. -ākurvanti) to combine together, connect ŚBr. iv
- upa-sam-ā-√dhā P. -dadhāti, to put on, add (esp fuel to a fire)
- • to kindle (a fire) ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. Āp. Gaut. &c
- • to put upon, place in order Daś
- upa-samādhāna n. the act of placing upon, accumulation Pāṇ. 3-3, 41
- upa-samādhāya ind. p. having added (fuel to a fire), having kindled (a fire)
- upa-samāhita mfn. placed, kindled (as fire) ChUp. SaṃhUp
- upa-sam-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to return home TBr. iii, 2, 1, 5 ŚBr. iii
- upa-sam-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to bring together Kauś
- upa-samāhārya mfn. to be brought together
- • to be prepared or arranged ib
- upa-sam-i P. -eti (Impv. 3. pl. -sáṃ-yantu) to approach together AV. iii, 8, 4 ŚBr. xii ChUp
- upa-samidham ind. (fr. sam-idh Pāṇ. 5-4, 111), near the fuel
- upa-samit ind. id. ib
- upa-sam-√indh Ā. -inddhe, to kindle TBr. ii, 1, 4, 8
- upa-samindhana n. the act of kindling Sāy. on TBr
- upa-sam-ūh √1. P. Ā. -ūhati, -te, to draw together contract, draw near to one's self, bring near TS. ŚBr
- upa-samūhana n. the act of drawing together or in Comm. on KātyŚr
- upa-sam-ê (upa-sam-ā-√i), P. -samâiti, to come together with, meet with, meet ŚBr. ChUp
- upa-saṃ-√pad Ā. -padyate, to come to, arrive at, reach, obtain ChUp. MBh
- • to come up to, be equivalent to TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 10, 16: Caus. P. -pādayati, to bring near to, lead near to, procure, give MBh. R
- • to receive into the order of monks, ordain Buddh
- upa-saṃpatti f. the approaching or reaching or entering into any condition Pāṇ. 6-2, 56
- • coming up to Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr
- upa-saṃpadā f. the act of entering into the order of monks Buddh
- upa-saṃpanna mfn. arrived at, reached, obtained L
- • one who has reached MBh. Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- • furnished with R. MBh. Mn
- • familiar with MBh. xiii
- • staying or dwelling in the same house Gaut. xiv, 22 Mn. v, 81
- • finished
- • prepared, dressed, cooked L
- • enough, sufficient L
- • dead, deceased L
- • immolated, sacrificed (as a victim) L
- upa-saṃpādana n. the act of causing to come up with, making equivalent Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr
- upa-saṃ-parā-ṇī (upa-saṃ-parā-√nī), P. (Subj. -ṇayāt) to lead away collectively towards AV. xviii, 4, 50
- upa-saṃ-√prach P. (inf. -praṣṭum) to question about MBh
- upa-saṃ-pra-√yā P. (Impv. 2. pl. -yā́ta) to go near or approach to VS. xv, 53.
- upa-saṃ-prâp (upa-saṃ-pra-√āp)
- upa-saṃprâpta mfn. one who has obtained or experienced or drawn down upon himself MBh
- • approached, come near ib
- upa-saṃprâpya ind. p. having arrived at ib
- upa-saṃ-√bandh
- upa-sáṃbaddha mfn. tied on TBr. iii, 8, 4, 3
- upa-saṃ-bhāṣā f. (√bhāṣ), talking over, friendly persuasion Pāṇ. 1-3, 47
- upa-saṃ-√bhid P. (Impv. 2. sg. -bhinddhi) to join, unite Lāṭy. v, 1, 4
- upa-saṃ-√bhṛ
- upa-saṃbhṛta mfn. brought together, prepared, arranged Suśr
- upa-sara &c. upa-√sṛ
- upa-sarga upa-sarjana, col. 2
- upa-sarpa &c. upa-√sṛp
- upa-sādana &c. upa-√sad
- upa-√sādh Caus. P. -sādhayati, to subdue Pañcat
- • to prepare, dress, cook BhP. MārkP. Suśr
- upa-sādhaka mfn. preparing, dressing ( bhaktôpasādhaka)
- upa-sāntvaya Nom. (fr. sāntva) P. -sāntvayati, to appease, tranquillize, soothe, coax, persuade Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 47
- upa-sāntvana n. the act of appeasing, soothing ib
- • kind words Kād
- upa-sāntvita mfn. appeased, made quiet R
- upa-sāntvya ind. p. having appeased, appeasing MBh
- upa-√sic P. -siñcati, to pour upon, sprinkle RV. iv, 57, 5 AV. iii, 17, 7 ; vi, 57, 2 ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś
- upa-sikta mfn. sprinkled with Pāṇ. 4-4, 26
- upa-sícya ind. p. pouring on, sprinkling AV. ix, 6, 40-44
- upa-seka m. sprinkling upon, infusion MW
- upa-sektṛ́ tā m. one who pours upon or sprinkles VS. xxx, 12
- upa-sécana mfn. pouring upon or sprinkling, serving for sprinkling RV. vii, 101, 4
- • (ī) f. a ladle or cup for pouring RV. X, 21, 2 ; 105, 10
- • (am), n. the act of pouring upon, sprinkling RV. x, 76, 7 KātyŚr. PārGṛ
- • anything poured over or upon, infusion, juice AV. xi, 3, 13 KaṭhUp. (cf. anupa○ and kṣīrôpa○.)
- upa-sidh √2. P. (impf. -asedhat) to keep off MBh. vii, 1748
- upa-sīma ind. (fr. sīman), near the boundary (of a field) Kir. iv, 2
- upa-sīram ind. near or on a plough, g. parimukhâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 59 Comm
- upa-sunda m. 'the younger brother of Sunda', N. of a Daitya MBh. VP. Hit
- upa-suparṇam ind. upon Suparṇa or Garuḍa BhP. viii, 5, 29
- upa-√sūc
- upa-sūcaka mfn. indicating, betraying Daśar
- upa-sūcita mfn. made manifest, indicated MBh
- upa-sūtikā f. a midwife VarBṛS
- upa-sūryaka m. a kind of beetle or glow-worm (?) L
- • (am), n. halo of the sun L
- upa-√sṛ P. -sarati, to go towards, step near, approach, visit TBr. & Up. AitBr. MBh. Ragh. Vikr. &c
- • to approach (sexually) MBh. iii
- • to set about, undertake ŚāṅkhBr. ChUp
- upa-sara m. approach Bhaṭṭ
- • the approach (of a male to a female)
- • covering (a cow), impregnation Pāṇ
- ○ja mfn. produced by impregnation, the young of an animal (?) Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 83
- upa-saraṇa n. the act of coming near, approaching, approach Megh
- • going or flowing towards
- • (in med.) accumulation of blood, congestion Suśr
- • a refuge, shelter ChUp
- upa-sártavya mfn. to be approached for help or protection
- • to be had recourse to ŚBr. Comm. on ChUp
- • to be set about or undertaken Nir
- upa-saryā f. to be covered or impregnated (as a female) Pāṇ. 3-1, 104
- upa-sārya mfn. to be approached Kāś. on ib
- úpa-sṛta mfn. one who has approached, come near (esp. for protection) TBr. i, 4, 6, 1 BhP
- • approached, applied to TS. ii, 1, 4, 6
- • asked for ŚāṅkhBr
- • furnished with, having BhP. iv
- ○vat mfn. one who has approached R
- upa-sṛtya ind. p. having approached, approaching, &c
- upa-√sṛj P. Ā. -sṛjati, -sṛjate (aor. Ā. 1. sg. -sṛkṣi RV. ii, 35, 1: Pass. 3. sg. -sarji RV. ix, 69, 1) to let loose upon or towards
- • to let stream upon, pour on, shed forth RV. vi, 36, 4 ; x, 98, 12 VS. xi, 38 TS. v TBr. i ŚBr. iii
- • to emit towards, cause to go near, bring or lead near RV. BhP
- • to admit (a calf to its mother) RV. viii, 72, 7 ; ix, 69, 1 VS. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
- • to add, subjoin, increase AitBr. ĀśvŚr. APrāt. &c
- • to visit, afflict, plague, trouble ŚBr. xiv
- • to come together or into contact with Car
- • to cause, effect BhP. iv, 19, 19: Caus., upa-sarjita
- upa-sarga m. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi Pāṇ. 7-3, 53) addition AitBr. iv, 4, 1 ; 2 RPrāt
- • misfortune, trouble, a natural phenomenon (considered as boding evil) R. Prab. Ratnāv. Daś. &c
- • an eclipse (of a star) Comm. on Mn. iv, 105
• (in med.) a fit, paroxysm (supposed to be possession by an evil spirit) Suśr
- • a disease superinduced on another Suśr. ii, 429, 13
- • change occasioned by any disease L
- • indication or symptom of death L
- • a Nipāta or particle joined to a verb or noun denoting action, a preposition ( also gati and karma-pravacanīya
- • they are enumerated Pāṇ. 1-4, 58
- • in the Veda they are separable from the verb) Pāṇ. 1-4, 59 ; vi, 3, 97 ; 122 Kāty. Pat. RPrāt. APrāt. &c
- ○vāda m
- ○hāra-stotra n. N. of several works
- upasargaya Nom. (fr. the above) P. upasargayati, to cause trouble, plague
- upa-sargin mfn. adding, one who adds Lāṭy. iv, 8, 21
- upa-sarjana n. (ifc. mfn.) the act of pouring upon KātyŚr
- • infusion Car
- • an inauspicious phenomenon, eclipse Mn. iv, 105
- • anything or any person subordinate to another Mn
- • a substitute, representation Nyāyam. &c
• (in Gr.) 'subordinate, secondary' (opposed to pradhāna), any word which by composition or derivation loses its original independence while it also determines the sense of another word (e.g. the word rājan in rājapuruṣa, 'a king's servant or minister', and the word apiśali in āpiśala Pāṇ. 1-2, 43, &c. ; vi, 2, 36
- • in a Bahu-vrīhi compound both members are upasarjana
- • in other compounds generally the first member Pāṇ. 2-2, 30
- • for exceptions, Pāṇ. 2-2, 31)
- • (ī), f. (upa-sárjanī) infusion ŚBr. i KātyŚr
- upa-sarjita mfn. sent off or out BhP. i, 12, 27
- upa-sṛjya ind. p. having added, adding &c
- upa-sṛṣṭa mfn. let loose towards
- • sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1
- • admitted (as the calf to its mother
- • also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 KātyŚr
- • increased
- • furnished with ŚāṅkhŚr
- • furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e.g. √dā with ā is said to be upasṛṣṭa) Pāṇ. 1-4, 38 Nir. APrāt. &c
- • visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Suśr. BhP. &c
- • obscured (by Rāhu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37
- • possessed (by a god or demon) Yājñ. i, 271 R
- • (am), n. coition, sexual intercourse L
- upa-√sṛp P. Ā. -sarpati, -te, to creep towards, approach stealthily or softly or gently RV. x, 18, 10 ; 99, 12 AV. ŚBr. AitBr. MBh. Śak. &c
- • to approach (a woman for intercourse) MBh. i
- • to meet with Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 40
- • to draw near, approach slowly (as sunset, misfortune, &c.) MBh. BhP. Hit
- upa-sarpa m. approaching, approach, sexual approach MBh. iii, 2513 (= upa-sasarpa Nīlak
- • erroneous for upa-sṛpya BRD.)
- upa-sarpaṇa n. the act of approaching softly, advancing towards Suśr. Vikr. Kap
- • going or stepping out softly KātyŚr. Yājñ
- upasarpitaka n. approach, advancing towards Bālar
- upa-sarpin mfn. creeping near, approaching MBh. Mn
- upa-sṛpta mfn. approached, come near to
- upa-sṛpya mfn. to be approached Bādar
- upa-sektṛ́ upa-sécana, upa-√sic
- upa-sena m. N. of a pupil of Śākya-muni L
- upa-√sev Ā. -sevate, to frequent, visit, abide or stay at (a place) MBh. xiii R. Kām
- • to stay with a person, attend on, serve, do homage, honour, worship MBh. Mn. Kathās. &c
- • to have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Suśr
- • to practise, pursue, cultivate, study, make use of, be addicted to ChUp. MBh. MārkP. &c
- upa-sevaka mfn. ifc. doing homage
- • courting (e.g. the wife of another) Yājñ. iii, 136
- upa-sevana n. the act of doing homage
- • courting (e.g. the wife of another) Mn. iv, 134
- • service, worship, honouring MBh
- • addiction to, using, enjoying MBh. Suśr
- • experiencing, suffering R
- upa-sevā f. homage, worship, courting MBh. Mn
- • addiction to, use, enjoyment, employment Hit. Car
- upa-sevin mfn. ifc. serving, doing homage, worshipping Mn. R. Kathās
- • addicted or devoted to MBh. Suśr. Pañcat
- upa-soma m. one who has approached the Soma, a Soma sacrificer, ṭ. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- • (am), ind. near the Soma T
- upa-√skambh
- P. (irr. pf. 2. du. -skambháthus) to support, prop RV. vi, 72, 2
- upa-s-√kṛ and its derivations, under upa- √1. kṛ, p. 195, cols. 2 and 3
- upa-√stambh P. -stabhnāti (1. sg. -stabhnomi TBr. iii, 7, 10, 1) to set up, erect, prop, stay, support ŚBr. KātyŚr.: Caus. P. (Subj. -stabhāyat) to raise, erect, set up, stay, support RV
- • -stambhayati id
- upa-stabdha mfn. supported, stayed Car
- upa-stambha m. (less correctly written upa-ṣṭambha) stay, support, strengthening Hit. Comm. on ChUp
- • encouragement, incitement
- • excitement Comm. on Sāṃkhyak
- • base, basis, ground, occasion
- • support of life (as food, sleep, and government of passions) Car
- upa-stambhaka mfn. (less correctly written upa-ṣṭa○) supporting, promoting, encouraging Sāṃkhyak. Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- upa-stámbhana n. a support, stay TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- úpa-sti and upa-stí (AV.), mfn. (fr. s-ti with upa, cf. abhi-ṣṭi
- • fr. √styai Comm. on VS. xii, 101), being lower or inferior, subordinate, subject, submissive RV. x, 97, 23 = VS. xii, 101 = AV. vi, 15, 1 AV. iii, 5, 6 ; 7 TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- ○taram ind. more inferior, more subject TS. vi, 5, 8, 2
- upa-√stu P. -stauti, to invoke, celebrate in song, praise RV.: AV. iii, 15, 7 TBr. iii
- • (esp. said of the Hotṛi) ŚBr.: Pass. -stūyate, to be praised or celebrated in song BhP. iii, 13, 45 Sāy
- upa-ṣṭút mfn. praised, invoked (= upastūyamāna Sāy.) RV. ix, 87, 9
- upa-stava m. praise SaṃhUp
- úpa-stuta mfn. invoked, praised RV. AV. xix, 5, 1
- • m. (upa-stutá), N. of a Ṛishi RV
- • (ās), m. pl. the family of the above ib
- úpa-stuti f. celebration, invocation, praise RV
- upa-stútya mfn. to be praised RV. i, 136, 2 ; 163, 1 ; vi, 61, 13
- upa-√stṛ P. Ā. -stṛṇāti, -stṛṇīte (Ā. 1. sg. -stíre RV. ii, 31, 5
- • inf. -stíre RV. v, 85, 1, &c
- • inf. used as Impv. -stṛṇiṣáni RV. vi, 44, 6 ) to spread over, cover with, clothe, wrap up RV. i, 162, 16 ; viii, 73, 3 ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr
- • to spread out under, spread or lay under, scatter under RV. AV. ŚBr.
- • to scatter round, surround (the Āhavanīya and Gārhapatya fire with grass) TBr. iii, 7, 4, 18 TS
- • (at sacrifices) to pour out (esp. clarified butter), pour out so as to form a lower layer or substratum TS. AitBr. ŚBr. Kauś. Gobh. &c
- upa-stára m. anything laid under, a substratum AV. xiv, 2, 21
- upa-stáraṇa n. the act of spreading over, a cover RV. ix, 69, 5 AV. v, 19, 12
- • the act of spreading out under, anything laid under, an undermattress, pillow ĀśvGṛ. Āp. BhP. &c
- • the act of pouring under ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 13, 16
- • pouring out so as to form a substratum, a substratum (said of the water which is sipped before taking food
- • cf. amṛtôpa○) ĀśvGṛ. i, 24, 12 HirGṛ. &c
- • scattering grass (round the Āhavanīya and Gārhapatya fire, accompanied with the Mantra ubhāv agnī upa-stṛṇate) Comm. on TS. i, 6, 7, 2, &c
- upa-stāra m. anything poured under Nyāyam. x, 2, 2
- upa-stír f. anything spread over, a cover RV. ix, 62, 28
- • (dat. upa-stíre used as inf., last col.)
- úpa-stīrṇa mfn. spread or scattered over
- • clothed, wrapped
- • poured out, poured under
- upa-stīrya ind. p. having covered &c
- upa-strī f. a subordinate wife, a concubine L
- upa-√sthā P. Ā. -tiṣṭhati, -te (irr. aor. Pot. 3. pl. -stheṣus AV. xvi, 4, 7) to stand or place one's self near, be present (Ā. if no object follows Pāṇ. 1-3, 26)
- • to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with loc. or acc.) RV. AV. KātyŚr. Gobh. MBh. Mn. &c
- • to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to RV. AV. ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. Ragh. &c
- • to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only Ā. Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 25)
- • to lead towards (as a way, only Ā. ib.)
- • to go or betake one's self to Pañcat. R
- • to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve MBh. Kathās. &c
- • to attend on, worship (only Ā. Kāty. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 25, e.g. arkam upatiṣṭhate, he worships the sun
- • but arkam upatiṣṭhati, he exposes himself to the sun Pat.) MBh. BhP. Ragh. &c
- • to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers (e.g. aindryā gārhapatyam upatiṣṭhate, he attends on the Gārhapatya with a Ṛic addressed to Indra
- • but bhartāraṃ upatiṣṭhati yauvanena, (she) attends on her husband with youthfulness Kāś.) MBh. Ragh. Daś. &c
- • to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of RV. AV. TS. MBh. Śak. &c
- • to fall to one's share, come to the possession of MBh. R. &c
- • to rise against RV. vii, 83
- • to start, set out Hariv. Daś.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of (e.g. a woman) AitBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. &c
- • to cause to come near, bring near, procure, fetch MBh. R. Śak. &c
- • (in Gr.) to add iti after a word (in the Pada-pāṭha) RPrāt. 842 (cf. upasthita)
- upa-tiṣṭhāsu mfn. (fr. Desid.), wishing or being about to betake one's self to Daś
- upá-stha m. 'the part which is under', lap, middle or inner part of anything, a well-surrounded or sheltered place, secure place RV. AV. VS. AitBr. ŚBr. &c
- • (upasthaṃ-√kṛ, to make a lap, sit down with the legs bent AitBr. viii, 9, 5 ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • upasthe-√kṛ, to take on one's lap ŚBr. iii)
- • (as, am), m. n. the generative organs (esp. of a woman) VS. ix, 22 ŚBr. MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • the haunch or hip
- • the anus L
- ○kṛta mfn. one who has formed a lap by sitting down, seated with the legs bent down ŚBr. iv ĀśvŚr
- ○daghná mfn. reaching to the lap ŚBr. xiii
- ○nigraha m. restraint of sexual desire Yājñ. iii, 314
- ○pattra m. the Indian fig tree L
- ○padā f. a particular artery leading to the generative organs (of a male) Sāy. on AitBr. iii, 37, 6
- ○pāda mfn. sitting with the legs bent down (so as to form a lap) ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv
- ○sád mfn. sitting in the lap or in the centre of RV. x, 156, 5
- upa-sthá mfn. standing upon AV. xii, 1, 62
- • standing by the side of, being near at hand, near L
- upasthaka n. membrum virile L
- upa-sthātavya mfn. to be attended upon with Śak. 4, 4
- • to be obliged to appear (in person) Bālar.
- upa-sthātṛ mfn. one who is near at hand, an attendant, servant, waiter, nurse Car
- • one who makes his appearance Comm. on Yājñ
- upa-sthā́na n. the act of placing one's self near to, going near, approach, access (upa-sthā́naṃ-√kṛ, to give access or scope for ŚBr. i)
- • coming into the presence of, going near to (in order to worship), worshipping, waiting on, attendance ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c
- • standing near, presence, proximity, nearness Yājñ. Hcat
- • staying upon or at, abiding, a place of abiding, abode Nir
- • assembly MBh. R. BhP
- • any object approached with respect, a sanctuary, abode (of a god) PārGṛ
- • a particular part of the Saṃdhyā MW
- ○gṛha n. an assembly-room MBh. i, 5003
- ○śālā f. the assembly-room (of a monastery) Buddh
- ○sāhasrī f. N. of wk
- upa-sthānīya mfn. to be attended on or served Pāṇ. 3-4, 68
- • (upasthānīya), one who is to attend on (gen.) ib
- upa-sthāpaka mfn. causing to turn one's attention (to a past event or one of a former birth), causing to remember T
- upa-sthāpana n. the act of placing near, having ready for, an-upa○
- • (ā), f. the act of ordaining (a monk) Jain
- • the causing to remember, calling to mind T
- upa-sthāpayitavya mfn. to be brought near or fetched or procured R
- upasthāpya mfn. to be produced or effected Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 65
- upa-sthāya ind. p. having approached, standing by the side of
- • attending on &c
- upa-sthāyaka m. a servant Buddh
- upa-sthā́yam ind. p. standing near, keeping one's self fast to RV. i, 145, 4
- upasthāyika m. a servant Nāṭyaś
- • a keeper, nurse L
- upa-sthāyin mfn. one who makes his appearance, arriving Gaut
- upa-sthāyuka mfn. going near to, approaching Kāṭh
- upa-sthāvan mfn. standing near or at hand ŚāṅkhŚr
- upa-sthā́vara mfn. id. VS. xxx, 16
- upa-sthita mfn. come near, approached, arisen, arrived, appeared ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • present, near at hand, ready for R. BhP. Kum. &c
- • near, impending Mn. iii, 187 MBh. &c
- • fallen to one's share, received, gained, obtained Śak. Ragh. &c
- • accomplished, happened
- • lying or being upon Suśr
- • turned towards R
- • approached, come near to, visited MBh. Ragh. &c
- • caused, occasioned
- • felt
- • known
- • clean, cleansed L
- • (in the Prātiśākhyas) followed by iti (as a word in the Pada-pāṭha) RPrāt. VPrāt. Pāṇ
- • m. a door keeper, porter L
- • (ā, am), fn., N. of several metres
- • (am), n. (scil. pada) a word followed by iti (in the Pada-pāṭha
- • cf. sthita and sthitôpasthita) RPrāt. VPrāt
- ○pracupita n. N. of a particular metre
- ○vaktṛ m. a ready speaker, an eloquent man
- ○saṃprahāra mfn. being about to engage in battle, having battle at hand
- upa-sthiti f. standing near, approach
- • presence, proximity Sāh
- • accomplishing, completeness, an-upa○
- • obtaining, getting
- • remaining L
- • the faculty of remembering, memory T
upa-stheya mfn. to be attended on or worshipped KātyŚr. R
- upa-sthūṇam ind. on a post, g. parimukhâdi Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 58
- upa-√snih Ā. -snihyate, to become wet, become smooth Suśr.: Caus. -snehayati, to conciliate, gain the favour of Uttarar
- upa-snihiti f. the becoming wet, moistening Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 9
- upa-sneha m. the moistening
- • becoming wet, attracting moisture Suśr. R
- upa-√snu
- upa-snuta mfn. caused to flow, streaming forth Kir. i, 18
- upa-spíjam ind. with emulation, emulatively RV. x, 88, 18
- upa-spṛś P. -spṛśati, to touch above, reach up to, touch RV. AV
- • to touch softly, caress ŚBr. AitBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c.
- • (with or without apaḥ or jalam &c.) to touch water (for ablution), wash, bathe (as a religious ceremony)
- • to sip water (from the palm of the hand
- • it is not the custom to spit out the water after sipping it) ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. & Gṛ. MBh. Yājñ. Mn. &c
- • to touch certain parts of one's body (acc.) with water (instr.) Mn. iv, 143
- • (also without the instr.) Mn. v, 138
- • (or without the acc.) MBh.: Caus. -sparśayati, to cause to touch water or wash the hands ŚBr. iii
- upa-sparśa m. touching, contact L
- • washing, bathing, ablution (as a religious act) L
- • sipping water (from the palm of the hand and swallowing it as a ceremonial) L
- upa-sparśana n. the act of touching KātyŚr. v, vi SaṃhUp
- • ablution, bath MBh. R
- • sipping water KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. udakôpa○.)
- upa-sparśin mfn. ifc. touching
- • bathing in BhP. (cf. udakôpa○.)
- upa-spṛ́ś mfn. touching AV. xx, 127, 2
- • (k), f. (scil. stuti) 'the touching or affecting verse', N. of the verse RV. x, 22, 13
- upa-spṛśya ind. p. having touched or sipping water &c
- upa-spṛṣṭa mfn. touched (as water), sipped Mn. iii, 208 MBh. R. BhP
- upa-√smi Ā. (pf. p. -siṣmiyāṇá) to smile upon RV. x, 123, 5
- upa-√smṛ P. -smarati, to remember ŚBr. ii KātyŚr. Comm. on ChUp
- upa-smāram ind. p. having remembered, remembering. yathôpa○
- upa-smṛti f. a minor law-book (the following authors of such books are named Jābāli, Nāciketa, Skanda, Laugākshin, Kaśyapa, Vyāsa, Sanatkumāra, Śatarju, Janaka, Vyāghra, Kātyāyana, Jātūkarṇya, Kapiñjala, Baudhāyana, Kaṇāda, and Viśvāmitra) Hcat. i, 528, 21 ff
- upa-√sru P. (Impv. 3. pl. -sravantu) to stream or flow upon or towards VS. xxxv, 20
- upa-sravaṇa n. the flowing out
- • termination of the periodical flow of a woman KātyŚr. xxv, 11, 13
- upa-srotas ind. on the river
- upa-svatva n. the produce or profit of property (as corn &c.) L
- upa-svāvat ān m. N., of a son of Satrājit Hariv
- • (v. l. upa-svāya.)
- upa-√svid Caus. -svedayati, (in med.) to cause to sweat (by applying sudorifics) Suśr
- upa-sveda m. moisture, sweat, vapour MBh. Car
- upa-svedana n. the causing to sweat (by sudorifics) Car
- upa-√svṛ P. -svarati, to join in singing Lāṭy. i, 8, 9
- upa-hadana n. the act of discharging excrement upon VarBṛS
- upa-√han P. -hanti Ā. -jighnate, to beat, hit at, strike, touch RV. vi, 75, 13 ŚBr. vi, xiv Lāṭy. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. ii
- • to stick on, put on, force in, ram TS. ii TBr. i ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- • to take hold of, seize, take out
- • to hit, hurt, damage, visit, afflict, impede, spoil TBr. iii AitBr. MBh. Mn. &c
- • to make a mistake in reciting, blunder AitBr. iii, 35, 3 ŚāṅkhBr.: Pass. -hanyate ib. TS. vii, 3, 1, 1
- • 2
- upa-ghāta &c. p. 197, col. 1
- upa-ghā́tam ind. p. taking out, drawing out
- • ladling out ŚBr. Gobh. PārGṛ
- úpa-hata mfn. hit, hurt, damaged, injured, visited, afflicted, pained, infected ŚBr. MBh. R. Śak. &c
- • affected, transported (with passion) BhP
- • seduced, misled Sāntiś
- • distressed, weakened, dis -couraged MBh. R. Hit. Kathās
- • killed Uttarar
- • scattered over, covered Comm. on Mn. iii, 208
- ○dhī mfn. affected in mind, infatuated
- upahatâtman mfn. id. Kathās. Car
- upahataka mfn. ill-rated, unfortunate, unlucky L
- upa-hati f. hurt, damage, injure, oppression Kap. Naish.
- • (= ava-kara) a dust-heap Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr. i, 6, 5
- upa-hatnú mfn. hitting, hurting, destroying (enemies) RV. ii, 33, 11 = AV. xviii, 4, 40
- upa-hatyā́ f. hurt, damage, morbid affection (as of the eyes) AV. v, 4, 10
- upa-hantavya mfn. to be killed Kathās
- upa-hantṛ mfn. one who hurts or destroys, a destroyer Sāy. on RV. ii, 33, 11
• pernicious, unwholesome Suśr
- upa-hávya upa-√hu
- upa-√has P. -hasati, to laugh at, deride, ridicule MBh. L. Mṛicch. Pañcat. &c
- • to smile: Caus. -hāsayati, to deride, ridicule BhP. Kathās
- upa-hasita mfn. laughed at, derided Kathās
- • (am), n. laughter accompanied by shaking the head (sa-śiraḥ-kampam) Daśar. iv, 70
- upa-hásvan mfn. laughing at, deriding, mocking RV. viii, 45, 23
- upa-hāsá m. laughter, derision, mockery, jeer Kathās. Ragh. Sāh
- • ridiculousness VarBṛS
- • fun, play, jest, sport ŚBr. PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- ○gir f. a joke, jest L
- upahāsâspada n. a laughing-stock
- upa-hāsaka mfn. ridiculing others, jocose L
- • m. a jester L
- • (am), n. drollery, fun BhP. x, 18, 15
- upa-hāsin mfn. ifc. deriding, ridiculing Sāh. Veṇis
- upa-hāsya mfn. to be laughed at or derided, ridiculous Mṛicch. Kathās
- ○tā f. the state of being to be laughed at or derided, ridiculousness
- • (upahāsyatāṃ-√gam, to expose one's self to laughter, become ridiculous Ragh. i, 3.)
- upa-hasta m. the act of taking with the hand, receiving ṭ., g. vetanâdi Pāṇ. 4-4, 12, (not in Kaś.)
- upahastaya Nom. P. upahastayati, to take with the hand, receive T
- upahastikā f. a box for betel or condiments Daś
- upa-hā √2. Ā. (Pot. 2. sg. -jihīthās) to descend, come down upon Śiś. i, 37
- upa-hā √3. Pass. -hīyate, to diminish, wane MBh. xiii, 2028
- upa-hālaka ās m. pl., N. of a people (= kuntala) L
- upa-√hiṃs P. Ā. -hiṃsati, -te, to hurt, wound, injure, damage MBh. R. Mn
- upa-hita (for 1. p. 199, col. 3), mfn. good in a secondary degree, somewhat good
- • (am), n. a secondary good MBh. xii, 5219
- upa-√hu P. -juhoti, to sacrifice or offer a libation in addition to KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Bhag
- upa-hávya m. a secondary or supplementary libation or sacrifice, N. of a particular religious act AV. xi, 7, 15 KātyŚr. xxii, 8 ĀśvŚr. &c
- upa-√hṛ P. -harati, to bring near, reach forth, proffer, offer, place before, give to taste (esp. food) AV. TBr. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. and Gṛ. KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • to put together, gather, collect MBh. BhP
- • to apply (medicine) Suśr
- • to take away
- • to destroy MBh. ī: Ā. -harate, to accept, receive TS. v: Caus. -hārayati, to place before, proffer, offer MBh. R. Suśr.: Desid. jihīrṣati, to wish to offer MBh. ii, 862
- upa-jihīrṣā f. the wish or intention to take away or to rob MBh
- upa-haraṇa n. the act of bringing near, proffering, offering BhP
- • presenting victims
- • distributing or serving out food
- • taking, seizing L
- upa-haraṇīya mfn. to be offered or presented, Mālatim. Kathās
- upa-hartavya mfn. id
- upa-hartṛ mfn. one who offers or presents, one who serves out (food), a host Mn. v, 51
- upa-hāra m. offering, oblation (to a deity)
- • complimentary gift, present (to a king or superior) MBh. Megh. Kathās. &c
- • (upahāraṃ vi-√dhā, to offer an oblation to a god acc., sacrifice to any one Kathās.)
- • a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift) Kām. Hit. &c
- • food (dis- tributed to guests &c.)
- • (with the Pāśupatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter, song, dance, muttering huḍuk, adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77, 22
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of being an oblation or offering Kum. Kathās
- ○paśu m. a victim Kathās
- ○varman m. N. of a man Daś
- upahāraka as, ikā mf. an offering, oblation, gift, present BhP. Kathās
- upa-hārin mfn. offering, presenting
- • sacrificing
- upa-hārī-√kṛ P. Ā. to offer (as an oblation or sacrifice) Kathās. Hit
- upahārī-cikīrṣu mfn. intending to sacrifice any one Kathās
- upa-hārya mfn. to be offered as an oblation
- • to be presented BhP
- • (am), n. an offering, oblation MBh. BhP
- upa-hṛta mfn. brought near, offered, presented
- • immolated, sacrificed (as a victim)
- • served out (as food)
- • taken
- • collected, gathered
- upa-hṛtya ind. p. having brought near &c
- upa-homá as m. an additional or supplementary sacrifice ŚBr. xi
- upa-√hvṛ Ā. -hvárate, to approach by windings and turnings, reach an end after many deviations or errors RV. i, 141, 1
- upa-hvará m. a winding or circuitous course full of turnings, uneven or rough ground, slope, declivity &c. RV. i, 62, 6 ; 87, 2 ; viii, 6, 28
- • a car, carriage L
- • (am), n. (generally e loc.) proximity, nearness RV. viii, 69, 6 MBh
- • a solitary or private place RV. viii, 96, 14 MBh
- upa-hvartavya mfn. to be approached by windings and turnings Sāy
- upa-√hve only Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-3, 30) -hvayate (rarely P. Kathās. BhP.) to call near to, invite RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. &c
- • to call up, invoke AV. vi, 23, 1 VS. iii, 42
- • to call to, cheer, encourage AitBr. iii, 20, 1 ĀśvŚr. ii, 16, 18: Desid. -juhūṣati, to wish to call near ŚāṅkhBr
- upa-havá m. calling to, inviting, invitation, (upa-havám-√iṣ, to desire an invitation to loc., wish to be invited to, e.g. tásminn índra upahavám aicchata, Indra wished to be invited to that sacrifice TS. ii, 4, 12, 1) TS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr
- úpa-hūta mfn. called near, invited AV. TBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- • that to which one invites TS. i ŚBr. i KātyŚr. iii
- • summoned, invoked AV. vii, 60, 4 ; 5 VS. xx, 35
- • m. N. of Śākalya Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 146
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of particular manes L
- upa-hūti f. calling (to fight), challenging, challenge Śiś
- upa-hūya ind. p. having called near or invited &c
- upa-hvāna n. the act of inviting, invitation KātyŚr
- upā ind. a particular Nidhana or concluding chorus at the end of a Sāman Lāṭy. vii, 10, 1 ff. Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr
- upāṃśu u ind. (fr. √aṃś, 'to divide', with upa and affix u T. (?), g. svar-ādi Pāṇ. 1-1, 37), secretly, in secret RV. x, 83, 7 MBh. Ragh. &c
- • in a low voice, in a whisper ŚBr. AitBr
- • m. a prayer uttered in a low voice (so as not to be overheard) Mn. ii, 85 MārkP. &c
- • a particular Soma oblation, = upāṃśu-graha below VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- ○kṝḍita m. a person jested with privately, the companion of (a king's) private amusements Hit
- ○graha m. the first Graha or ladle-full of Soma pressed out at a sacrifice TS. ŚBr. &c
- ○tā f. and the being uttered in a low voice or whisper ŚāṅkhŚr. Comm. on Nyāyam
- ○tva n. the being uttered in a low voice or whisper ŚāṅkhŚr. Comm. on Nyāyam
- ○daṇḍa n. a punishment inflicted in private R
- ○pātrá n. the vessel or ladle for the Upāṃśu-graha, q.v. ŚBr. iv KātyŚr
- ○yājá m. a sacrifice offered silently or with muttered prayers ŚBr. i. &c. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
- ○vadha m. a clandestine murder Mudr
- ○vrata n. a vow made secretly or privately Hariv
- ○sávana mfn. (used for) pressing out the Upāṃśugraha, q.v. (said of stones so used) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy. &c
- ○havis mfn. (a sacrifice) at which the offerings are made silently ŚāṅkhŚr
- upāṃśv-antaryāmá au m. du., N. of two particular ladles-full of Soma (offered with the breath held and inaudible) ŚBr. iv.
- upāṃśv-ā́yatana mfn. having a silent abode, kept inaudible (as the breath) ŚBr. x
- úpāka upâñc
- upâkarṇaya Nom. (fr. ā-karṇa)
- upâkarṇya ind. p. hearing, learning, Bhp
- upâ-kṛ √1. P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, (Ved. impf. 1. sg. -akaram, 3. sg. -akar) to drive or bring near or towards, fetch RV. TS. vii ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. iii
- • to commit to, deliver, make over, give, bestow, grant (kāmam, a wish) MBh. R
- • to procure for one's self, obtain MBh. iii, 10278
- • to bring or set about, make preparations (for a sacred ceremonial), undertake, begin TS. AitBr. ŚBr. xiv Lāṭy. Mn. &c
- • to consecrate Mn. v, 7 Yājñ. i, 171
- upâ-karaṇa n. the act of bringing near, fetching ŚBr. PārGṛ. &c
- • setting about, preparation, beginning, commencing Āp. ĀśvŚr. & Gṛ. KātyŚr. &c
- • commencement of reading the Veda (after the performance of preparatory rites, as initiation &c.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 5, 1
- • N. of a particular Stotra or prayer at sacrifices KātyŚr. iii
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- upâ-karman a n. preparation, setting about, commencement (esp. of reading the Veda) PārGṛ. ii Mn. iv, 119 Yājñ
- ○prayoga (upâkarma○),
- ○vidhi m. N. of wks
- upấ-kṛta mfn. brought or driven near, fetched AV. ii, 34, 2
- • prepared, undertaken, begun
- • attended with evil omens, disastrous, calamitous L
- • m. a sacrificial animal (killed during the recitation of particular prayers) L
- • disaster, calamity L
- upâ-kṛti f. setting about, beginning L
- upākṛtin mfn. one who prepares or begins, g. iṣṭâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 88
- upâ-cikīrṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.), one who is about to undertake or commence Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- upâ-√kram P. -krāmati, to fall upon, attack MBh
- upâkṣa m. (fr. 1. akṣa), a particular part of a car (supporting the axletree) Comm. on Lāṭy. i, 9, 23
- upâkṣaka m. id
- upâkṣam ind. (fr. akṣi Pāṇ. 6-2, 121), on or near the eye
- upâ-√khyā Ā. (fut. 1. sg. -khyāsye) to give an account about (anything), relate BhP. ii, 9, 45
- upâ-khya mfn. discernible, observable by the eye (cf. an-upâ○ and nir-upâ○.)
- upâ-khyāna n. account, relation, repetition of an event BhP
- upâkhyā f. (fr. ā-khyā with upa), a secondary name, surname, epithet BhP. xi, 4, 7, &c
- upâkhyāna n. (fr. ā-khyāna with upa), a subordinate tale or story, an episode MBh. Hit. &c. (cf. nalôpâ○.)
- upâkhyānaka n. id
- upâ-√gam P. -gacchati (Ved. Impv. 2. sg. -gahi) to come near, come towards, step near, approach RV. AV. vii, 48, 2 ; xix, 4, 3 MBh. Pañcat. &c
- • to come back, return Kathās
- • to approach, come or enter into any state or condition, be subject to MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • to occur, come or fall to one's share Yājñ. ii, 143
- upâ-gata mfn. approached, arrived, come to (for protection)
- • entered into any state or condition, subject to, burdened with
- • occurred, happened, fallen to one's share
- • promised, agreed L
- upâ-gatya ind. p. = upâ-gamya below
- upâ-gama m. arrival, approach
- • occurrence L
- • promise, agreement L
- upâ-gamya ind. p. having approached &c
- upâ-√gā P. -gāti, to come near, go towards, rush upon RV. iii, 56, 2 ; x, 73, 5 ChUp. Kathās
- upâgni ind. on the fire Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 41
- upâgnikā f. (scil. bhāryā) a wife given away in presence of the sacred fire or with due observance of the fire-ritual, a properly married wife MBh. xiii, 2460.
- upâgra n. the part which is next to the end or top Comm. on Pāṇ
- • a secondary member L
- upāgrya n. a secondary member L
- upâ-√grah
- upâ-gṛhya ind. p. having taken with, together with BhP. x, 58, 55
- upâ-grahaṇa n. commencement of reading the Veda (after the performance of initiation &c., upâ-karaṇa) L
- upâgrahāyaṇam ind. (fr. āgrahāyaṇī with upa Pāṇ. 5-4, 110), near the day of full moon in the month A-grahāyaṇa
- upâgrahāyaṇi ind. id
- upâ-√ghrā P. -jighrati (and -ghrāti Ā. -jighrate, ep.) to smell at
- • to kiss, apply the lips to (loc.) MBh. R. Ragh
- upâṅkya mfn. (√aṅk), to be marked or stamped
- ○pṛṣṭha m. N. of an Ekāha (q.v.) sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr
- upâṅga (for 2. upâñj), n. a minor limb or member of the body MārkP. Sarvad
- • a subdivision
- • a supplementary or additional work, secondary portion of a science MBh. Hariv. &c. (such as the Purāṇas, the Nyāya, Mimāṃsā, and the Dharma-śāstras)
- • N. of a class of sacred writings of the Jainas (eight are enumerated, the last of which includes four subdivisions)
- • a sectarial mark (made with sandal &c.) on the forehead L
- • (in mus.) a particular drum-like instrument
- ○gīta n. a kind of song Rājat
- ○lalitā-vrata n. a particular observance
- upâ-√car P. -carati, to come near to, approach RV. i, 46, 14 ; 187, 3 ŚBr. ii, iv
- • to attend upon, wait on, serve, be obedient RV. MBh. ii, 408
- • to physic Suśr
- upâ-carita m. (in Gr.) a particular Sandhi rule (by which a Visarga in the Pada-pāṭha becomes s before k and p in the Saṃhitā, e.g. yás pátiḥ RV. x, 24, 3) RPrāt. 260, &c
- upâ-cāra m. proceeding, procedure ŚāṅkhŚr
- • established use (of a word) Nir. i, 4
- • a particular Sandhi ( above), APrāt. iv, 74 RPrāt
- upâ-cīrṇa mfn. deceived MBh. xviii
- upâcyutam ind. in the proximity of A-cyuta or Kṛishṇa BhP. x
- upâj (upa-√aj), P. (Impv. upấjatu RV. x, 19, 2) Ā. (1. sg. úpâje AV. v, 11, 2
- • impf. úpâjata RV. i, 161, 6) to drive near or towards
- upāje ind. so as to help or support (optionally to be regarded as a gati q.v. in connection with √kṛ Pāṇ. 1-4, 73
- • upāje-kṛtya or upāje kṛtvā ind. p. having helped, supporting Kāś. on Pāṇ.)
- upâjinam ind. on a skin Pāṇ. 6-2, 194
- upâñc (upa-√añc), P. -acati, to draw up (e.g. water) ŚBr. xiii
- úpāka mf(ā)n. brought near to each other, joined, approximate, (only e) f. du. (said of night and morning) RV. i, 142, 7 ; iii, 4, 6 ; x, 110, 6
- • (upā́ke) AV. v, 12, 6 ; 27, 8
- • (e), ind. (upāké) in the next neighbourhood, in the presence of, before (with gen.) RV
- ○cakṣas (upāká○), mfn. standing present before the eyes, to be seen from near at hand RV. viii, 6, 25
- upâñj (upa-√añj), P. -anakti, to smear or anoint (with butter), grease (e.g. a wheel) TS. ii, 6, 3, 4
- • iii
- upâkta mfn. anointed, greased TS. ii, 6, 3, 3
- upâṅga (for 1. above), as m. the act of smearing, anointing Car
- upâñjana n. the act of anointing, smearing KātyŚr
- • besmearing (the ground with cow-dung &c. for purification) Mn. v, 105, &c
- upâtaṅkyá n. (√tañc), runnet for coagulating milk TBr. iii, 7, 4, 2
- upâtī7 (upa-ati-√i), P. -eti, to be added as a surplus ŚBr. xii
- • to pass over, neglect
- upâty-aya m. transgressing, neglect or disobedience of customs Pāṇ. 3-3, 38
- upâ-dā √1. Ā. -datte, (once P., pf. 3. pl. -dadus BhP. i, 8, 12) to receive, accept, gain, acquire, appropriate to one's self. take away, carry off, steal MBh. BhP. Mālav. &c.
- • to take with
- • to take in addition, include, comprise
- • to take as help, use, employ, apply BhP. Pat. (cf. upâ-dāya)
- • to seize, lay hold of, gather, take up, draw up MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c
- • to assume (a form or meaning) BhP. MārkP. Pat. &c
- • to cling to
- • to feel, perceive, experience MBh. vii Śiś. vi, 23 Ṛitus. &c
- • to consider, regard MBh. xii
- • to mention, enumerate
- • to set about, undertake, begin Hariv. Kum. &c.: Caus. P. -dāpayati, to cause to use or employ Comm. on KātyŚr.: Desid. P. -ditsati, to strive to acquire BhP. v, 14, 7
- upâ-tta (contracted fr. upâ-datta
- • cf. ā-tta), mfn. received, accepted, acquired, gained, obtained
- • appropriated
- • taken away
- • seized, gathered
- • shaped
- • felt, perceived, regarded
- • comprised
- • employed, used
- • begun
- • enumerated
- • allowed in argument, granted, conceded
- • m. an elephant out of rut L
- ○raṃhas mfn. acquiring speed, quick, fleet
- ○vidya mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, learned Kathās
- ○śastra mfn. one who has taken up arms, armed
- upâ-dāna n. the act of taking for one's self, appropriating to one's self MBh. Mn. &c
- • perceiving, noticing, learning, acquiring (knowledge) Hit. Vop
- • accepting, allowing, including
- • employment, use Sāh. Sarvad. Kap
- • saying, speaking, mentioning, enumeration Vedāntas. Kāś. Siddh
- • abstraction, withdrawing (the organs of sense from the outer world) L
- • (with Buddh.) grasping at or clinging to existence (caused by tṛṣṇā, desire, and causing bhava, new births)
- • (with Rāmānujas) preparation (of perfumes, flowers &c. as one of the five elements of worship) Sarvad
- • cause, motive, material cause
- • material of any kind Sāṃkhyak. Vedāntas. Kap. &c
- • offering, present L
- ○kāraṇa n. a proximate cause
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of being a material cause, Kap
- ○lakṣaṇā f. implied signification (beyond the literal meaning, e.g. kuntāḥ praviśanti, 'spears pierce', where kuntāḥ implies kuntinaḥ, spearmen') Sāh. 14 Sarvad
- upâ-dāya ind. p. having received or acquired &c
- • receiving, acquiring &c
- • taking with, together with MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- • including, inclusive of BhP. Comm. on RPrāt. &c
- • by help of, by means of (acc.) MBh
- upâ-ditsā f. (fr. Desid.), wish or readiness to accept Sarvad
- upâ-deya mfn. to be taken or received
- • not to be refused
- • to be allowed, admissible, acceptable, Śāntiś. Sarvad. Kap. &c
- • to be included, included Sāh
- • to be chosen or selected, excellent, admirable
- ○tva n. selection, choice, preference
- upādika m. a kind of insect L
upâ-√diś P. -diśati, to advise, show, point out, prescribe, command MBh. BhP
- • to indicate, inform, declare BhP. i
- upâ-√dīp
- upấ-dīpta mfn. blazing, flaming ŚBr. vii
- upâdya mfn. next to the first, the second ĀśvŚr. v, 6, 27
- upâ-√dru P. (Impv. 2. sg. -drava) to run or hasten near to RV. vi, 48, 16
- upâ-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to place upon, put on ŚBr. x BhP
- • to seize, lay hold of, take up MBh
- • to keep, hold back TBr. ii
- • to seduce (a woman) R
- upâ-dhā́ya ind. p. taking up or with, together with ŚBr. iv
- upâ-dhi (for 2. s.v.), is m. that which is put in the place of another thing, a substitute, substitution R
- • anything which may be taken for or has the mere name or appearance of another thing, appearance, phantom, disguise (said to be applied to certain forms or properties considered as disguises of the spirit W.) Prab. Bhāshāp. Sāh. &c
- • anything defining more closely, a peculiarity
- • an attribute (asty-upâdhi, having, 'is' as an attribute)
- • title, discriminative appellation, nickname
- • limitation, qualification (e.g. an-upâdhi-rāmaṇīya, beautiful without limitation, i.e. altogether beautiful)
- • (in log.) a qualifying term added to a too general middle term to prevent ativyāpti
- • that which is placed under, supposition, condition, postulate Sarvad. Vedāntas. Tarkas. BhP. &c
- • deception, deceit MBh. iii, 13017
- • species
- ○khaṇḍana n. N. of wk.
- ○tas ind. in consequence of any qualification or condition
- ○dūṣakatā-bīja n
- ○nyāyasaṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○mātrāyām ind. for the sake of mere appearance Kauś
- ○vivṛti f
- ○siddhânta-grantha m. N. of works
- upấ-hita mfn. put or placed on, deposited
- • set out, proposed (as a prize) ŚBr. xi
- • caused, effected, produced Bhartṛ. Gīt
- • joined, annexed L
- • agreed upon, made or done mutually L
- • m. outbreak of fire, fire Gaut. xvi, 34
- upâ-√dhāv P. -dhāvati, to run towards BhP.: Caus. -dhāvayati, to carry or convey towards ŚBr. x
- upâ-dhi (for 1. col. 2), m. (√dhyai), point of view, aim Car
- • reflection on duty, virtuous reflection L
- • a man who is careful to support his family L
- upâdhika mfn. exceeding, supernumerary
- upâdhi-√ruh P. -rohati, to ascend or mount up to ŚBr. iii, vi
- upâ-√dhmā P. (aor. -adhmāsīt) to blow into MBh. Hariv
- upâdhy-āya m. (√i), a teacher, preceptor (who subsists by teaching a part of the Veda or Vedāṅgas, grammar &c
- • he is distinguished from the Ācārya, q.v.) Mn. iv, 141, &c. Yājñ. i, 35 MBh. Śak. &c
- • (ā, or ī), f. a female teacher Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-13, 21
- • (ī), f. the wife of a teacher Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 49
- ○sarvasva n. N. of a grammar (frequently referred to by the Comm. on Uṇ.)
- upâdhyāyānī f. the wife of a teacher Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 49
- upâdhyāyī-kṛ √1. to choose as teacher, appoint as teacher Bālar
- • N
- upâdhvaryu m. a second Adhvaryu (in place of the true Adhvaryu) MBh. xiii
- upānasá mfn. (fr. anas with upa), being or standing on a carriage RV. x, 105, 4
- • (am), n. the space in a carriage AV. ii, 14, 2
- upānasyaka m. N. of Indra ĀpŚr
- upā-náh t f. (fr. √nah with upa Pāṇ. 6-3, 116), a sandal, shoe TS. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. with affix -ka, upānatka
- • cf. an-upā○, sôpā○)
- upā-nad (in comp. for upā-náh above)
- ○gūḍha mfn. covered with a shoe Hit
- ○yuga n. a pair of shoes ĀśvGṛ. iii, 8, 1
- upā-naha m. (in comp.) = upā-náh MBh. Pāṇ. 5-4, 107
- upānahin mfn. having shoes, shoed Āp
- upâ-√nī P. Ā. -nayati. -te, to convey or bring or lead near MBh. BhP. R. &c
- • to draw near MBh. iii BhP. viii
- • to lead away or off, carry off R. BhP
- • to lead near, introduce to
- • to imitate MBh. v, 1339
- upâ-nayana n. the act of leading near or home (a wife) BhP
- upânuvākyá mfn. to be invoked with Anuvākyās (q.v.)
- • m. N. of Agni TĀr. i, 22, 11
- • (am), n. N. of a particular section of the Taittirīya-saṃhitā
- upântá mfn. near to the end, last but one
- • (am), n. proximity to the end or edge or margin
- • border, edge TS. vi Ragh. Pañcat. Kir. &c
- • the last place but one VarBṛS
- • immediate or close proximity, nearness Kathās. Rājat. Megh. &c
- • (e), ind. in the proximity of, near to
- • (am, āt), ind. (ifc.) near to, towards
- • the last letter but one L
- • the corner of the eye W
- ○bhāga m. border, edge Kum
- ○sarpin mfn. creeping or coming near
- upântika n. vicinity, proximity MBh. Pañcat. &c
- • (am), ind. near to, towards
- • (āt). ind. from the neighbourhood
- • (mfn.) near, proximate, neighbouring L
- upântima mfn. the last but one, Bījag
- upântya mfn. id. VarBṛS. Śrutab
- upânv-ā-√ruh P. -rohati, to mount (a carriage) after and by the side of another one MBh. v, 4745
- upâp (upa- √1. āp), P. -āpnoti, to arrive at, reach, obtain TS. vi ŚBr. AitBr. AitĀr. TUp.: Desid. P. upêpsati, to endeavour to win over or conciliate MaitrS. ii, 1, 11 Kauś. Gobh. i, 9, 5.
- upâpa m. the act of obtaining, acquirement. dur-upâpa
- upâpti f. reaching
- • obtainment ŚBr. AitĀr
- upêpsā́ f. desire to obtain MaitrS. ii, 9, 8 ŚBr
- upâ-√pat P. (Impv. 2. du. -patatam ā́.. úpa RV. v, 78, 1) to fly near to or upon
- upâ-√prach P. -pṛcchati, to take leave of R
- upâbhigada mfn. (√gad), unable to speak much KaushUp. ii, 15
- upâ-√bhūṣ P. (Impv. 2. sg. -bhūṣa) to come near to RV. vii, 92, r
- upấ-bhṛti f. (√bhṛ), the act of bringing near RV. i, 128, 2
- upâ-√mantr
- upâ-mantrita mfn. addressed, called upon, summoned BhP
- upâ-mantrya ind. p. having addressed, addressing, summoning R. BhP
- • taking leave, bidding adieu MBh. Hariv
- upâya &c. p. 215, col. 2
- upâ-√yā P. -yāti, to come near or towards, approach RV. MBh. BhP. Kathās. &c
- • to come into any state or condition, undergo MārkP. Kir
- upâ-yāta mfn. approached
- • (am), n. arrival
- upâ-√yuj P. (1. sg. -yunajmi) to put to, harness RV. iii, 35, 2
- upār (upa-√ṛ), P. (pf. 1. pl. -ārimá
- • aor. Subj. 2. du. -aratam
- • 1. pl. -arāma) to go near to RV. viii, 5, 13
- • to hasten near (for help) RV. x, 40, 7
- • to grieve, offend
- • to err, make a mistake RV. x, 164, 3 AV.: Caus., upârpya
- upârá m. offence, sin RV. vii, 86, 6
- upấraṇa n. id. RV. viii, 32, 21
- upârpya ind. p. having caused to come near, bringing near ŚBr. viii
- upâ-√ram P. Ā. -ramati, -te, to rest, cease MBh. BhP. &c
- • to cease, leave off, give up MBh. R. BhP. Kum
- upâ-rata mfn. resting, lying upon, fixed upon BhP
- • ceasing, turning back, returning Kir. iv, 10
- • leaving off, giving up, free from BhP. Ragh. &c
- upâ-rama m. the act of ceasing BhP
- upâ-rāma m. rest, repose GopBr
- upâ-√rādh
- upâ-rādhya ind. p. having waited upon, waiting upon, serving Mn. x, 121
- upâ-√rud P. (pf. -ruroda) to bewail, deplore (with acc.) Bhaṭṭ. ii, 4
- upâ-√ruh P. -rohati (aor. -aruhat) to ascend or go up to, mount ĀśvGṛ. MBh. R. Sarvad
- • to arrive at, reach R
- upâ-rúh k f. 'that which goes up or comes forth', a shoot, sprout RV. ix, 68, 2
- upâ-rūḍha mfn. mounted, ascended
- • one who has arrived, approached R. Ragh. Mālav. &c
- upārch (upa-√ṛch), P. upārcchati, to molest, importune TS. i, 5, 9, 6
- upârj (upa-√arj), P. -arjati, to admit ŚBr. xiv: Caus. P. Ā. -arjayati, -te, to convey near, procure, acquire, gain Kām. Pañcat
- upârjaka mfn. acquiring, obtaining, earning, gaining L
- upârjana am, ā n. f. the act of procuring, acquiring, gaining R. Pañcat
- upârjita mfn. procured, acquired, gained MBh. Hit. &c
- upârjya mfn. to be acquired or earned Kathās
- upārdh (upa-√ṛdh), Desid. P. upêrtsati, to wish to accomplish, persevere ŚBr. ii, xi.
- upârdha n. the first half Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ. vi, 1, 11
- • the half Lalit
- upârṣ (upa-√ṛṣ), P. uparṣáti (against Pāṇ. 6-1, 91
- • APrāt. iii, 47) and upārṣati (ŚBr. v), to pierce, prick, goad AV. ix, 8, 14 ; 15 ; 16
- upâ-√lakṣ
- upâ-lakṣya ind. p. having beheld, beholding, descrying BhP
- upâ-√labh Ā. -labhate, to touch ŚBr
- • to lay hold of, seize (a sacrificial animal in order to kill it), kill, slaughter
- • to censure, reproach, revile, scold ChUp. MBh. Śak. Śiś. &c
- upâ-labdha mfn. reproached, reviled
- upâ-labdhavya mfn. to be reviled, blamable, censurable Kād
- upâ-labhya mfn. id. Pañcat
- upâ-lambha m. reproach, censure, abuse, finding fault with MBh. Hit. Kathās. &c
- • prohibition, interdict Nyāyad
- upâ-lambhana n. reproach, censure Śak. 187, 5
- upâ-lambhya mfn. to be laid hold of or seized (as a sacrificial animal)
- • to be slain KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- upâ-√lālya mfn. (√lal), to be fondled
- upāli m. N. of one of Buddha's most eminent pupils (mentioned as the first propounder of the Buddhist law and as having been formerly a barber)
- upâv (upa-√av), P. -avati, to cherish, behave friendly towards, encourage by approval, approve, consent RV. AV. i, 16, 2 ŚBr. iii
- upâvī́ mfn. cherishing, pleasing VS. vi, 7
- upâva-√dhā
- upấva-hita mfn. placed or put down close by TBr. ii, 7, 18, 4
- upâva-√nam
- upâva-nata mfn. bent in ĀpŚr
- upâva-√ram Ā. to sport, take one's pleasure
- • to prance about (as a horse) TāṇḍyaBr. vi
- upâva-√ruh P. -rohati, to descend upon, come out towards VS. vi, 26 TS. vii
- TBr. ŚBr. TānḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ.: Caus. -rohayati, to cause (the fire) to come out (of the two Araṇis), kindle through friction ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś
- upâva-rohaṇa n. the act of causing (fire) to come out (of the two Araṇis), kindling through friction ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 1, 7
- upâ-vartana &c. col. 3
- upâva-√śri Ā. -śrayate, to betake one's self to ŚBr. iv, 6, 9, 5
- úpā-vasu mfn. bringing near or procuring riches RV. v, 56, 6 ; ix, 84, 3 ; 86, 33
- upâva-√sṛj P. -sṛjati (aor. -asrāk TS. i, 6, 11, 3) to dismiss towards
- • to reach over, give, bestow RV. i, 142, 11 ; iii, 4, 10 ; x, 110, 10
- • to let loose, shoot off TS. vi
- • to let go towards, admit (a calf to its mother) TS. TBr. ŚBr. AitBr
- upâva-sṛṣṭa mfn. admitted (as a calf to its mother)
- • (am), n. the milk of a cow at the time when its calf is admitted (cf. upa-sṛṣṭa) AitBr. v, 26, 6
- upâva-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep towards, approach creeping ŚBr
- upâva-√so P. -syati, to settle near at (acc.) TS. ii
- upâvasāyín mfn. attaching one's self to
- • submissive, compliant ŚBr
- upấvasita mfn. settled or abiding near by ŚBr. iii
upâ-√vah P. -vahati, to bring or convey near RV. i, 74, 6 ; iii, 35, 2
- upâva-√hṛ P. -harati, to fetch or bring or take down, cause to let down (e.g. the arms) VS. viii, 56 TBr. ŚBr. AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- upâva-haraṇa n. the act of taking or bringing down KātyŚr. ix
- upāvi m. N. of a Ṛishi AitBr. i, 25, 15
- upâ-√viś P. -viśati, to enter, enter into any state MBh. R. BhP
- • (the augmented forms might also be referred to upa-√viś.)
- upâ-√vṛ
- upâ-vṛta mfn. covered, veiled Hariv
- upâ-√vṛt Ā. (rarely P.) -vartate, -ti (Impv. 2. pl. -vavṛdhvam RV.) to turn towards, go towards, approach, stand by the side of RV. viii, 20, 18 TS. TBr. ŚBr. AitBr. MBh. &c
- • to apply one's self to, approach for protection MBh. BhP
- • to fall to one's share MBh. BhP
- • to return, come back MBh. R. Śak. &c.: Caus. P. -vartayati, to cause to turn or go towards ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • to lead near or back, bring back MBh. R. Daś
- • to draw back, divert, cause to desist from Suśr. MBh
- • to cause to get breath (e.g. horses) MBh. vii
- upâ-vartana n. the act of coming back, return Ragh. viii, 52 R. Vātsy
- upâ-vartitṛ́ mfn. one who will turn towards (periphrastic fut.) TBr. i, 6, 7, 3
- upâ-vṛ́t f. return AV. vi, 77, 3 VS. xii, 8
- upấ-vṛtta mfn. turned towards, approached or come to, come near ŚBr. MBh. BhP
- • returned, come back MBh. Śak. Ragh. &c
- • m. a horse rolling on the ground L
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi VP
- upâ-vṛtti f. return TāṇḍyaBr
- upâ-vṛtya ind. p. having turned towards, going near
- • applying one's self to &c
- upâvê (upa-ava-√i), P. upấvâiti, to go or come down, descend AV. ix, 6, 53 TBr. ii
- • to join (in calling), assent, consent ŚBr
- upâvêkṣ (upa-ava-√īkṣ), Ā. -īkṣate, to look down upon ŚBr
- upâ-vyādhá m. (√vyadh), a vulnerable or unprotected spot TS. vii, 2, 5, 4
- upâ-√vraj P. -vrajati, to betake one's self to BhP
- upâś (upa- √1. aś), P. Ā. -aśnoti, -aśnute, to reach, obtain, meet with MBh. Mn
- upâś (upa- √2. aś), P. -aśnāti, to eat, taste, enjoy MBh
- upâ-śaṃsanīya mfn. (√śaṃs), to be expected or hoped for Nir
- upâ-śāra m. (√śṛ = śri), shelter, refuge Kāṭh
- upâ-√śri P. -śrayati, to lean against, rest on Mn
- • to go or betake one's self towards R
- • to take refuge or have recourse to, seek shelter from, give one's self up to, abandon one's self to Hariv. R. Bhag. &c
- upâśraya m. leaning against, resting upon Kathās. Kāvyâd
- • any support for leaning against, a pillow, cushion Car
- • shelter, refuge, recourse MBh. Bhartṛ
- upâ-śrayitvā (irr.) ind. p. taking refuge with, relying upon R. vii, 17, 36
- upâ-śrita mfn. lying or resting upon, leaning against, clinging to ŚāṅkhGṛ. KaṭhUp. R
- • having recourse to, relying upon, taking refuge with MBh. Bhag. Kathās. &c
- • taking one's self to
- • approached, arrived at, abiding in MBh. BhP. VarBṛS. &c
- • anything against which one leans or upon which one rests Uttarar
- upâ-√śliṣ to embrace MārkP
- upâ-śliṣṭa mfn. one who has clasped or laid hold of MBh. i, 1125
- upâs (upa- √1. as), P. (Pot. 1. pl. -syāma) to be near to or together with (acc.) RV. ii, 27, 7
- upâs (upa- √2. as), P. -asyati, to throw off, throw or cast down upon, throw under AV. vi, 42, 2 ŚBr. KātyŚr.: Ā. -asyate, to throw (anything) under one's self TS. i, 6, 10, 1 MaitrS. ii, 1, 1.
- upâsana n. the act of throwing off (arrows), exercise in archery MBh
- upâs (upa-√ās), Ā. -āste, to sit by the side of, sit near at hand (in order to honour or wait upon) AV. ŚBr. ChUp. Mn. &c
- • to wait upon, approach respectfully, serve, honour, revere, respect, acknowledge, do homage, worship, be devoted or attached to RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to esteem or regard or consider as, take for AV. VS. ŚBr
- • to pay attention to, be intent upon or engaged in, perform, converse or have intercourse with RV. x, 154, 1 AV. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • to sit near, be in waiting for, remain in expectation, expect, wait for RV. i, 162, 12 ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh
- • to sit, occupy a place, abide in, reside R. Mn. ii, v
- • to be present at, partake of (e.g. a sacrifice) Mn. iii, 104 MBh. xiv
- • to approach, go towards, draw near (e.g. an enemy's town), arrive at, obtain ŚBr. MBh. Yājñ. Bhaṭṭ
- • to enter into any state, undergo, suffer Mn. xi, 183 MBh. iii R
- • to remain or continue in any action or situation (with pres. p. or ind. p.) ŚBr. R. Bhag. &c
- • to employ, use, make subservient Suśr. Sāh
- upâsaka mfn. serving, a servant Kauś. Kathās
- • worshipping, a worshipper, follower Mṛicch
- • intent on, engaged or occupied with Kap
- • a Buddhist lay worshipper (as distinguished from the Bhikshu, q.v.) Sarvad. Lalit. Prab. &c
- • a Śūdra L
- • (ikā), f. a lay female votary of Buddha (as distinguished from a Bhikshuṇī, q.v.)
- ○daśa ās m. pl., N. of one of the Aṅgas or chief Jaina sacred writings
- upâsana am, ā n. f. the act of sitting or being near or at hand
- • serving, waiting upon, service, attendance, respect Āp. Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- • homage, adoration, worship (with Rāmānujas, consisting of five parts, viz. Abhigamana or approach, Upādāna or preparation of offering, Ijyā or oblation, Svādhyāya or recitation, and Yoga or devotion) Sarvad. Vedāntas. &c
• (am), n. a seat Vait
- • the being intent on or engaged in Mṛicch. R
- • domestic fire Yājñ. iii, 45
- upâsanā-khaṇḍa n. N. of the first section of the Gaṇeśa-purāṇa
- upâsanā-candrâmṛta n. N. of wk
- upâsanârtha mfn. worthy of attendance
- upâsanīya mfn. to be attended on, worthy to be engaged in
- upâsā f. homage, adoration, worship MuṇḍUp. Bādar. Kathās. &c
- upâsita mfn. served, honoured, worshipped &c
- • one who serves or pays worship
- upâsitavya mfn. to be revered or honoured MBh. TUp. RāmatUp
- • to be attended on
- • to be accomplished Suśr
- upâsitṛ mfn. one who reveres or pays homage R. Car
- upâsīna mfn. sitting near to ŚBr. i
- • that to which one sits near R. ii
- • abiding at
- • waiting for
- • attending on, serving &c
- upâsti f. adoration, worship BhP. RāmatUp. Sarvad. &c
- upâsya mfn. to be revered or honoured or worshipped MBh. Śāntiś. Sarvad. &c
- • to be attended on
- • to be performed TUp
- • to be had recourse to Sāh
- upâsya ind. p. having served or worshipped
- upâ-saṅga m. (√sañj), a quiver MBh
- upâ-√sad P. (Ved. inf. -sádam) to sit down upon (acc.) RV. viii, 1, 8
- • to approach, walk along Kir. iv, 1
- upâ-sādita mfn. met with, approached, g. iṣṭâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 88
- upāsāditin mfn. one who has met or approached ib
- upâ-sādya ind. p. (fr. Caus.), meeting with, approaching BhP. vii, 10, 55
- • accepting (an order) BhP. iv, 24, 71
- upâ-√sṛj Ā. (aor. 1. sg. -ásṛkṣi) to make, perform, compose (e.g. a song) RV. viii, 27, 11
- upâstamana-velā f. the time about sunset MBh. x, 1
- úpâstamayam ind. about the time of sunset ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- upâ-√stṛ P. (Pot. -staret) to spread (e.g. a skin, acc.) over (loc.) VarBṛS
- upâstra n. a secondary or minor weapon MBh. Suśr
- upâ-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to betake one's self to, approach, set about, devote one's self to ŚāṅkhŚr. R
- • to approach (sexually) MBh
- upấ-sthita mfn. one who has mounted, standing or being (in a carriage) ŚBr. v
- • one who has devoted himself to R
- upâ-snāta n. (√snā), N. of a Tīrtha Pat
- upâ-√syand Caus. -syandayati, to cause to flow towards, convey towards (as a river) BhP. v, 16, 20
- upâ-√han Ā. (p. -ghnāná) to beat upon ŚBr. ii
- upấ-hita upâ-√dhā, p. 213
- upâ-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, -te, to bring near to, bring near for, reach over, offer, give TBr. iii ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh. Yājñ. &c
- • to bring near to one's self, take before one's self, take to task, undertake, prepare, accomplish MBh. Nir
- • to subdue, make subject Prab. BhP
- • to propitiate BhP. x
- • to take away, draw away, separate MBh. BhP. Car
- upấ-hṛta mfn. brought, offered, given VarBṛS. BhP. &c
- • prepared, undertaken AV. x, i, 19
- upâ-√hve Ā. -hvayate, to call near, invite, summon
- • to challenge Kauś. MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- upika m. a diminutive for all proper names of men beginning with upa Pāṇ. 5-3, 80
- upiya and m. id. ib
- upila m. id. ib
- upita mfn. √2. vap
- upê (upa-√i), P. -eti, to go or come or step near, approach, betake one's self to, arrive at, meet with, turn towards RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. MBh. Śak. &c
- • to approach (any work), undergo, set about, undertake, perform (a sacrifice), devote one's self to RV. ii, 2, 11 AV. ix, 6, 4 VS. AitBr. ŚBr
- • to come near to, reach, obtain, enter into any state, fall into
- • undergo, suffer RV. iv, 33, 2 ŚBr. AitBr. Ragh. Pañcat. &c
- • to approach sexually TS. ii, v Mn. ix, 4
- • xi, 172 MBh. Suśr. Kathās
- • to approach a teacher, become a pupil ŚBr. x, xi BṛĀrUp. ChUp
- • to occur, be present, make one's appearance RPrāt. R
- • to happen, fall to one's share, befall, incur RV. i, 167, 1 ; vii, 84, 3 Hit. Bhag. &c
- • to join (in singing) ŚāṅkhŚr
- • to regard as, admit, acknowledge Sāh. Comm. on Nyāyam
- • to comprehend, understand Sarvad.: Intens. Ā. (1. pl. -īmahe) to implore (a god) RV. x, 24, 2
- upa-yat (for 1. s.v.), mfn. going near, approaching &c
- • flowing into, attached Kir. vi, 16 (said of rivers and female friends)
- • entering any state, serving for Kir. vi, 26
- upâya m. coming near, approach, arrival Bhartṛ
- • that by which one reaches one's aim, a means or expedient (of any kind), way, stratagem, craft, artifice MBh. Mn. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c
- • (esp.) a means of success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated, sowing dissension, negotiation, bribery, and open assault)
- • joining in or accompanying (in singing) ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○catuṣṭaya n. the above four expedients against an enemy Hit. &c
- ○cintā f. devising an expedient, thinking of a resource
- ○jña mfn. knowing or fertile in expedients, contriving, provident
- ○tas ind. by some means or expedient, in a clever way Kathās
- ○turīya n. 'the fourth means, violence Pañcat
- ○tva n. the state of being provided with means
- ○yoga m. application of means or combination of expedients
- ○vat mfn. (any Stobha, q.v.) marked by the joining in or accompaniment (of other Stobhas) Lāṭy. vii, 6, 5
- ○śrībhadra m. N. of a Buddhist student
- upâyâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) deprecatory speech making mention of the remedy (against the evil deprecated) Kāvyâd. ii, 151 seq
- upâyântara n. 'another means', a remedy
- upấyana n. the act of coming near, approach RV. ii, 28, 2
- • going to a teacher, becoming a pupil, initiation ŚBr. xiv Āp. i, 1, 5
- • engaging (in any religious observance), undertaking ŚBr. xi KātyŚr
- • an offer, present, gift MBh. BhP. Śak. &c
- upâyanī-√kṛ to offer as a present Daś
- • to communicate respectfully Prasannar. 10, 3
- upâyanī-√kṛ--kṛta mfn. offered as a present Kathās
- upâyin mfn. going near, one who approaches KātyŚr. iii
- • one who reaches RāmatUp
- • approaching sexually KātyŚr
- • expert in the use of means L
- upâyú mfn. approaching TS. i, 1, 1, 1 ŚBr. i KātyŚr
- upêta mfn. one who has come near or approached, one who has betaken himself to, approached (for protection), arrived at, abiding in MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- • one who has obtained or entered into any state or condition, one who has undertaken (e.g. a vow) MBh. Ratnāv. Sāh. &c
- • come to, fallen to the share of Prab
- • (a pupil) who has approached (a teacher), initiated Yājñ. iii, 2 ĀśvGṛ. i, 22, 21 ; 22 PārGṛ. iii, 10, 10
- • accompanied by, endowed with, furnished with, having, possessing MBh. R. Bhag. Hit. &c
- • one who has approached (a woman sexually) T
- upêtavya mfn. to be set about or commenced Comm. on TāṇḍyaBr. iv, 10, 3
- úpêti f. approach, approximation RV
- upêtṛ mfn. one who sets about or undertakes Mn. vii, 215
- upêtya mfn. to be set about or commenced TāṇḍyaBr. iv, 10, 3
- • 4
- upêtya ind. p. having approached, approaching &c
- upeya mfn. to be set about or undertaken, a thing undertaken Mn. vii, 215 Mālav
- • to be approached sexually Mn. xi, 172
- • to be striven after or aimed at, that which is aimed at, aim Naish. Comm. on VarBṛS
- upêyivas mfn. one who has approached &c
- upê (upa-ā-√i), P. -eti, to approach, come near or towards RV. AV. ŚBr
- • to apply to, implore RV. viii, 20, 22
- • (with śaraṇam) to approach for protection
- • to approach sexually MBh
- • to reach, obtain, strive to obtain Bhartṛ
- upêkṣ (upa-√īkṣ), Ā. -īkṣate (rarely P.) to look at or on ŚBr. MBh
- • to perceive, notice R
- • to wait on patiently, expect Suśr
- • to overlook, disregard, neglect, abandon MBh. R. Śak. Pañcat. &c
- • to connive at, grant a respite to, allow MBh. v
- • to regard Pañcat
- upêkṣa m. N. of a son of Śva-phalka Hariv
- • (ā), f. overlooking, disregard, negligence, indifference, contempt, abandonment MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c
- • endurance, patience
- • dissent
- • trick, deceit (as one of the minor expedients in war) L
- • regard L
- upêkṣaka mfn. overlooking, disregarding, indifferent BhP. Mn. Sāṃkhyak
- upêkṣaṇa n. the act of disregarding, overlooking, disregard, indifference, connivance MBh. Hit. Sarvad. &c
- • not doing, omission Lāṭy. i, 1, 26
- • care, circumspection Car
- upêkṣaṇīya mfn. to be overlooked or disregarded, unworthy of regard, any object of indifference R. Ragh. Comm. on Nyāyad. &c
- upêkṣita mfn. looked at
- • overlooked, disregarded &c
- upêkṣitavya mfn. to be looked at
- • to be regarded or paid attention to Nir. R
- • to be overlooked or disregarded, Śārṅg
- upêkṣya mfn. id. Suśr. R. Pañcat. &c
- upêkṣya ind. p. having looked at, looking at
- • overlooking &c
- upêḍakīya or upâiḍakīya Nom. (fr. eḍaka) P. upêḍakīyati or upâiḍ○, to behave as a sheep towards Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 94
- upên (upa-√in)
- úpênita mfn. driven in, pressed or pushed in ŚBr
- upêndra m. 'younger brother of Indra', N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa (born subsequently to Indra, especially as son of Aditi, either as Āditya or in the dwarf Avatāra) MBh. Hariv. R. VP. &c
- • N. of a Nāga L
- • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP
- ○gupta
- ○datta
- ○bala m. N. of various men
- ○vajrā f. N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven instants each)
- ○śakti m. N. of a merchant.
- upêndhya mfn. (√indh), to be kindled or inflamed Pat
- upêpsā́ f. p. 214, col. 1
- upêṣ (upa- √1. iṣ), P. to tend towards, endeavour to attain MaitrS. i, 2, 14
- upêṣ (upa-√īṣ), P. (inf. upêṣé RV. i, 129, 8) to rush upon
- upêṣ (upa-ā-√īṣ), Ā. (1. sg. īṣe) to approach (with prayers), apply to, implore RV. i, 186, 4 ; v, 41, 7
- upeṣ (upa-√eṣ
- • for the Sandhi, Pāṇ. 6-1, 94), P. upeṣati, to creep near, approach creeping AV. vi, 67, 3
- upéṣat an m. N. of an evil demon ṇBḍ. AV. viii, 6, 17
- upâidh (upa-√edh), Ā. upâidhate, to thrive or prosper in addition (?) Pāṇ. 6-1, 89 Kāś
- upôkta-vatī f. (scil. ṛc) a verse containing any form of upa-√vac ĀśvŚr. ii, 17, 19
- upôkṣ (upa-√ukṣ), P. -ukṣati, to sprinkle in addition ŚBr. KātyŚr
- upôḍha For 1. upa-√vah, p. 206, col. 3
- • for 2. upôh, next col
- upôta upa-√ve
- upotī f. v. l. for upodikā below L
- upôt-kram (upa-ud-√kram), P. (impf. 3. pl. upốd-akrāman) to go up or ascend towards (acc.) ŚBr. i, iii, iv
- upôttamá mfn. last but one AV. xix, 22, 11 KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt. &c
- • (am), n. (with or without akṣara) the last vowel but one RPrāt. 990 Pāṇ. Kāty. &c
- upôt-thā (upa-ud-√sthā), P. -tiṣṭhati, to stand up or rise towards, advance to meet, approach TS. ŚBr. AitBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- • to rise or set out towards TBr. i
- upôtthāya ind. p. having risen towards, advancing to meet &c
- upốtthita mfn. risen up towards, approached, come near VS. viii, 55 VPrāt. vi, 29
- upôt-sad (upa-ud-√sad), P. to set out or depart towards ŚBr
- upôt-sic (upa-ud-√sic), P. -siñcati, to pour out upon ŚBr. iii
- upôd (upa-√ud), P. -unatti, to wet, moisten ŚBr. i
- úpôtta mfn. moistened, wet TS. iv
- úpôdaka mfn. near to water VS. xxxv, 6 ŚBr. xiii
- • (ī, ikā), f. (am), n. Basella Cordifolia Suśr
- upodīkā v. l. for upôdikā
- upôdayam ind. about the time of sunrise ŚāṅkhŚr
- upôd-ā-√sṛp P. (impf. -âsarpat) to creep out towards AitBr. i, 6, 1
- • 3
- upôdā́sṛpta mfn. crept out towards ŚBr. vii
- upôd-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to quote in addition, mention a further quotation PārGṛ
- upôd-√i P. -eti, to go towards, advance to meet AitBr. viii, 24, 6
- upodita m. N. of a man Sāy. on TS. i, 7, 2, 1
- upoditi m. N. of a Ṛishi (son of Gopāla) TāṇḍyaBr
- upôd-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti, to bring near (to the mouth) after (others have done so) AitBr. vii, 33, 2
- • to perceive, know Comm. ChUp. iv, 2, 4
- upôdgṛhya ind. p. holding together and holding upwards Gobh. ii, 2, 16
- upôd-dhan (upa-ud-√han), Caus. -ghātayati, to speak of at the beginning, introduce, begin, commence Sāy. on ŚBr. xi, 7, 2, 8 Mall. on Śiś. i, 40 ; 42 Comm. on BṛĀrUp.
- upôd-ghāta m. an introduction, preface, commencement, beginning Sāy. on ŚBr. Sarvad. Nyāyam. &c
- • any observation or episodical narrative inserted by the way Kathās
• anything begun
- • an example, opposite argument or illustration W
- • analysis, the ascertainment of the elements of anything W
- ○pāda m. N. of the third part of the Vāyu-purāṇa
- upôdbalaya Nom. (fr. bala) upôdbalayati, to help, promote Comm. on Yājñ
- • to assert, confirm, ratify Comm. on ŚBr
- upôdbalaka mfn. helping, promoting Mall. on Kir
- • confirming, asserting Pat. Sāy. on ŚBr. Comm. on Nyāyam. &c
- upôdbalana n. the act of confirming, assertion, ratification Comm. on Kap
- upôdbalita mfn. confirmed, asserted Nīlak
- upôd-√yam P. -yacchati, to erect by supporting or propping ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MānŚr
- upôn-nī (upa-ud-√nī), P. -nayati, to lead up towards ŚBr. ii
- upôpa-√dhā Ā. (Pot. -dadhīta) to bring near or procure in addition to RV. viii, 74, 9
- upôpa-parā-√mṛś P. (Impv. 2. sg. -mṛśa) to touch closely RV. i, 126, 7
- upôpa-√yā
- upôpayāta mfn. approached, come near MBh. iii
- upôpa-√viś P. -viśati, to sit down or take a seat by the side of, sit down near to (acc.) ŚāṅkhŚr. Gobh. ChUp. MBh. &c
- upôlapá mfn. nearly of the character of a shrub, shrub-like MaitrS. i, 7, 2
- upôṣ (upa-√uṣ), P. upoṣati (but Pot. úpâuṣet TS. iii, 3, 8, 4, against Pāṇ. 6-1, 94) to burn down, burn ĀśvGṛ. ii, 4, 9 Vait
- upôṣaṇa &c. upa- √5. vas
- upoṣadha m. N. of a man (Buddh.)
- upôh (upa- √1. ūh
- • cf. upa-√vah), P. upôhati, to push or pull or draw near R
- • to drive near, impel towards BhP
- • to push under, insert KātyŚr
- • to add, accumulate
- • to bring near, cause to appear, produce
- • Pass. upôhyate, to draw near, approach (as a point of time) MBh
- upôḍha mfn. (in some cases not to be distinguished from 1. upôḍha, p. 206, col. 3) pushed or driven near, near
- • brought near, caused to appear, produced Śak. 177 a Vikr. &c
- • brought about, advanced, commenced
- • heaped up, accumulated, gathered Śak. 111 a
- upôhá m. the act of accumulating, heaping up AV. iii, 24, 7
- upôhya ind. p. having pushed near &c
- upta upti, &c. √2. vap
- ubj cl. 6. P. ubjáti (ubjāṃ-cakāra, ubjitā, ubjiṣyati, aubjīt Dhātup. xxviii, 20) to press down, keep under, subdue RV. AV. viii, 4, 1 ; 8, 13
- • to make straight Dhātup
- • to make honest Sāy. on RV. i, 21, 5: Caus. ubjayati, aubjijat Vop.: Desid. ubjijiṣati Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 3
- ubh cl. 9. P. ubhnāti (impf. 2. sg. ubhnā́s) to hurt, kill RV. i, 63, 4: cl. 6. P. ubhati, umbhati, umbhāṃ-cakāra, umbhitā, aumbhīt, to cover over, fill with Dhātup. xxviii, 32 Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 7-1, 59 Bhaṭṭ. &c
- ubhá au, (Ved. ā), e, e mfn. du. (g. sarvâdi Pāṇ. 1-1, 27) both RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. &c. ; Old High Germ. beide ; Slav. oba ; Lith. abhú.]
- ubháya mf(ī)n. (only sg. and pl. ; according to Hara-datta also du., Siddh. vol. i, p. 98) both, of both kinds, in both ways, in both manners RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. AitĀr. Mn. &c
- • (ī), f. a kind of bricks Śulbas
○kāma mfn. wishing both ŚBr. ix
- ○guṇa mfn. possessed of both qualities
- ○"ṣṃkará mfn. doing or effecting both RV. viii, 1, 2.
- ○cara mfn. 'moving in or on both', living in water and on land or in the air, amphibious
- ○cārin mfn. going or moving in both (night and day) VarBṛS
- ○cchannā f. (in rhet.) a kind of enigma, Kāvyâd
- ○dat mfn. (Ved. Pāṇ. 5-4, 142 Kāś.) having teeth in both (jaws)
- ○dyús ind. on both days, on two subsequent days AV
- ○pad (nom. m. pāt), mfn. having both feet, with both feet ChUp
- ○"ṣpadin mfn. (fr. ubhaya-pada), having both Parasmai-pada and Ātmane-pada
- ○bhāga mfn. having part in both (night and day)
- • -hara mfn. taking two shares or parts
- • applicable to two purposes
- • (am), n. a medicine that acts in two ways (as an emetic and a purge)
- ○bhāj mfn. acting in two ways (as a medicine, the. last) Car
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. 'having a face towards either way', 'two-faced', a pregnant female (so called because the embryo has its face turned in an opposite direction to that of the mother) BhavP
- ○"ṣvaṃśya mfn. (fr. ubhaya-vaṃśa), belonging to both families or lineages BhP
- ○vat mfn. furnished with or containing both VPrāt. Nir
- ○vāsin mfn. living or abiding in both (places) Pat
- ○vidyā f. the twofold science (i.e. religious knowledge and acquaintance with worldly affairs MW.)
- ○vidha mfn. of two kinds or forms Nir. Comm. on Nyāyam
○vipulā f. N. of a metre
- ○vetana mfn. 'receiving wages from both', a spy who seemingly enters the enemy's service Śiś. ii, 113
- • a perfidious or treacherous servant Pañcat
- • -tva n. the state of receiving wages from both Bālar
- ○vyañjana n. having the marks of both sexes, a hermaphrodite L
- ○śiras mfn. 'having a head towards both ways' or 'two-headed', a pregnant female (cf. -mukha above) Hcat
- ○saptamī f. N. of a particular day BhavP
- ○sambhava m. the possibility of both cases, a dilemma W
- • (mfn.) having its origin in both
- ○sāman mfn. (a day) on which both Sāmans (viz. Bṛihat and Rathaṃtara) are sung AitBr. Lāṭy. ĀśvŚr
- ○stobha n. N. of several Sāmans
- ○snātaka mfn. one who has performed the prescribed ablutions after finishing both (his time of studying and his vow) Comm. on Mn. iv, 31
- ○spṛṣṭi f. N. of a river BhP
- ubhayâtmaka mfn. of both natures or kinds Mn. Sāṃkhyak. Viddh
- ubhayânumata mfn. agreed to or accepted on both sides
- ubhayâyin mfn. tending towards or fit for both (worlds) BhP
- ubhayârtham ind. for a double purpose (e.g. for prosperity on earth and happiness in heaven)
- ubhayâlaṃkāra m. (in rhet.) a figure of speech which sets off both the sense and the sound
- ubhayâvṛtti f. (in rhet.) recurrence of a word both with the same sound and sense Kāvyâd
- ubhayáta (in comp. for ubhayátas below)
- ○ukthya mfn. 'having Ukthya sacrifices on both sides', between two Ukthya sacrifices ŚBr. xiii
- ○eta mf(enī́)n. variegated on both sides TS. vii Kāṭh
- ubhayátaḥ (in comp. for ubhayátas below)
- ○kālam ind. at both times (i.e. before and after a meal) Car
- ○kṣṇút mfn. two-edged ŚBr. vi TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy
- ○pakṣa mfn. being on both sides
- ○pad mfn. (nom. m. ○pāt) having or using both feet AitBr. v, 33, 4
○parigṛhītá mfn. enclosed on both sides ŚBr. ii
- ○pāśa mfn. having a loop or knot on both sides (as a rope) Sarvad
- ○praÂga mfn. having a PraÂga (q.v.) on both sides TS. v ŚBr. vi Kāṭh. KātyŚr
- ○prajña mfn. (fr. prajñā), one whose cognizance is directed both inwards and outwards MāṇḍUp
- ○prāṇa mfn. having vital air on both sides TāṇḍyaBr
- ○śīrṣan mf(śīrṣṇī́)n. having a head towards either way, two-headed VS. iv, 19
- • ○śīrṣa-tvá n. the state of having two heads MaitrS. iii
- ○saṃśvāyín mfn. swelling on both sides TS. ii
- ○sasya mfn. yielding a crop in both seasons (as a field) ĀśvGṛ
- ○sujāta mfn. well-born both by the paternal and maternal side ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○stobha mfn. having a Stobha both at the beginning and end (as a Sāman) TāṇḍyaBr
- ubhayataś (in comp. for ubhayátas below)
- ○cakra mfn. having wheels on both sides, twowheeled AitBr. v, 33, 4
- ubhayátas ind. from or on both sides, to both sides (with gen. or acc.)
- • in both cases RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- ○tīkṣṇa mfn. sharp on both sides (as a spear) Mn. viii, 315
- ubhayáto (in comp. for ubhayátas above).
- ○'ṅga (○tas-aṅga), mfn. having a part on both sides
- ○jyotis mfn. having light on both sides ŚBr. xii, xiii
- • 'having a Jyotiþ-shṭoma, sacrifice on both sides', being between two Jyotiþ-shṭoma sacrifices AitBr. iv, 15, 5
- ○'ti-rātra (○tas-ati○), mfn. being between two Ati-rātra sacrifices Vait
- ○dat mfn. having teeth in both jaws MaitrS. ii Mn. &c
- ○danta mf(ā)n. id. ŚBr. i
- ○dvāra mfn. having a door on both sides ŚBr. iii
- ○namas-kāra mfn. having the word namas on both sides ŚBr. ix
- ○nābhi mfn. having a nave on both sides (as wheels) BhP
- ○bārhatam ind. on both sides accompanied by Bṛihat-sāman songs ŚBr. xi
- ○bhāga-hara mfn. = ubhaya-bhāga-hara, q.v. Suśr
- ○bhāj mfn. id. Car
- ○bhāṣa mfn. occurring both in the Parasmai-bhāshā (= Parasmai-pada) and Ātmane-bhāshā (= Ātmane-pada) Dhātup. xxx, B
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. = ubhaya-mukha, q.v. Yājñ. Hcat. &c
- • having a spout on both sides (as a pitcher) ŚBr. iv
- ○hrasva mfn. having a short vowel on both sides, produced by two short vowels (as a vowel accented with a Svarita) VPrāt
- ubhayátra ind. in both places, on both sides
- • in both cases or times RV. iii, 53, 5 ŚBr. MBh. Mn. &c
- ubhayáthā ind. in both ways, in both cases ŚBr. Pāṇ. Vikr. &c
- ubhayā́ ind. in both ways RV. x, 108, 6
- ○da (? AV. v, 19, 2) and mfn. having teeth in both jaws RV. x, 90, 10 AV. v, 31, 3 ; xix, 6, 12 TS
- ○dat mfn. having teeth in both jaws RV. x, 90, 10 AV. v, 31, 3 ; xix, 6, 12 TS
- ubhayā (in comp. for ubhaya above)
- ○karṇi
- ○"ṣñjali (ubhayâñjali),
- ○danti
- ○pāṇi
- ○bāhu ind., g. dvidaṇḍy-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 128
- ○hastí ind. in both hands, with both hands ib. RV. v, 39, 1
- ○hastyā́ ind. id. RV. i, 81, 7
- ubhayāvín mfn. being on both sides, partaking of both RV. viii, 1, 2 ; x, 87, 3 AV. viii, 3, 3 ; v, 25, 9
- ubhayīya mfn. belonging to both
- ubhaye-dyus ind. on both days, on two subsequent days AitBr. v, 29, 3 Pāṇ. 5-3, 22
- ubhā (in comp. for ubha above)
- ○karṇi
- ○"ṣñjali (ubhâñjali),
- ○danti
- ○pāṇi
- ○bāhu
- ○hasti ind., g. dvidaṇḍy-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 128
- um ind. an interjection of anger
- • a particle implying assent
- • interrogation L
- uma m. a city, town L
- • a wharf, landing-place L
- úmā f. (perhaps fr. √ve BRD.) flax (Linum Usitatissimum) ŚBr. vi Kauś. Pāṇ
- • turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Car
- • N. of the daughter of Himavat (wife of the god Śiva
- • also called Pārvatī and Durgā
- • the name is said to be derived from u mā, 'O child, do not practise austerities' the exclamation addressed to Pārvatī by her mother) Hariv. 946 ŚivaP. Kum. i, 26 R. Ragh. &c
- • N. of several women
- • splendour, light L
- • fame, reputation L
- • quiet, tranquillity L
- • night L
- ○kaṭa n. the pollen of Linum Usitatissimum
- ○kānta m. 'Umā's loved one', N. of Śiva MBh. Xiii
- ○guru m. 'Umā's Guru or father', N. of Himavat
- • -nadī f. N. of a river Hariv
- ○caturthī f. the fourth day in the light half of the month Jyaishṭha
- ○nātha m. 'Umā's husband', N. of Śiva
- ○pati m. id. TĀr. MBh. Kathās. &c
- • N. of a grammarian
- • -datta m. N. of a man
- • -dhara m. N. of a poet
- • -sevin mfn. worshipping Śiva
- ○pariṇayana n. 'Umā's wedding', N. of a work
- ○mahêśvara-vrata n. N. of a particular observance BhavP
- ○vana n. N. of the town Vana-pura or Devi-koṭa (Devi Cote) L
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○sahāya m. 'Umā's companion', N. of Śiva
- ○suta m. 'Umā's son', N. of Skanda
- umêśa m. 'Umā's lord', N. of Śiva
- • 'Umā and Śiva', N. of an idol (representing Śiva joined with Umā) MatsyaP
- umya n. a flax-field L
- • a turmeric-field L
- umbara m. the upper timber of a door frame L
- • N. of a Gandharva Hariv
- umbura m. id. L
- umbī f. fried stalks of wheat or barley (considered as a tonic) Bhpr. (cf. ulumbā.)
- umbikā f. id. Nigh
- umbeka m. N. of a man
- umbh ubh.
- umlocā f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- uraḥ-kapāṭa &c. úras
- urá-ga m. (fr. ura = uras and ga, 'breast-going'), a serpent, snake
- • a Nāga (semi-divine serpent usually represented with a human face) Suparṇ. viii, 5 Suśr. Ragh. &c
- • N. of the Nakshatra Āślesha (presided over by the Nāgas)
- • lead L
- • (ā), f. N. of a town MBh
- • (ī), f. a female snake Prab
○bhūṣaṇa n. 'snake-ornamented', N. of Śiva L
- ○yava n. a barleycorn (used as a measure) Buddh
- ○rāja m. the king of snakes, N. of Vāsuki
- • a large or excellent snake, ŚiŚ
- ○sāra-candana n. a kind of sandal-wood Lalit
- • -cūrṇa n. the powder of the above ib
- • -maya mfn. made of sandal-wood ib
- ○sthāna n. 'abode of the snakes', N. of Pātāla (q.v.) L
- uragâri n. 'enemy of snakes', N. of Garuḍa
- • -ketana m. 'having Garuḍa as symbol', N. of Vishṇu VP
- uragâśana m. 'having serpents as food', N. of Garuḍa Śiś. v, 13
- • a species of crane L
- uragâsya n. 'snake's mouth', a kind of spade Daś
- uragêndra m. = uraga-rāja above Śiś
- uraṃ-ga m. a snake BhP
- uraṃ-gama m. id
- úraṇa m. (√ṛ Uṇ. v, 17
- • fr. √1. vṛ
- • √.ūrṇu, ūrṇā), a ram, sheep, young ram ŚBr. xi MBh. &c
- • N. of an Asura (slain by Indra) RV. ii, 14, 4
- uraṇâkṣa
- uraṇâkṣaka
- uraṇâkhya
- uraṇâkhyaka m. Cassia Alata or Tora L
- uraṇaka m. a ram, sheep BhP
- ○vatsa m. a young ram ib
- ura-bhra m. a ram, sheep Suśr. (cf. aurabhra)
- • N. of a plant, = dadrughna L
- ○sārikā f. a kind of poisonous insect Suśr. ii, 287, 14
- úrā f. a ewe RV. viii, 34, 3 ; x, 95, 3
- ○máthi mfn. killing sheep (as a wolf) RV. viii, 86, 8 Bṛḍ.
- urarī ind. (in one sense connected with uru col. 3 and in the other with úras below) a particle implying extension or expansion
- • assent or admission (only in comp. with √kṛ and its derivations
- • cf. urasi kṛtvā
- • also urī-√kṛ and aṅgī-√kṛ)
- ○karaṇa n. the act of admitting, adopting, admission, Śarvad
- ○kāra m. id. L
- ○√kṛ to make wide, extend
- • to admit, allow, assent, adopt Sāh. Comm. on ChUp
- • to adopt, assume Śiś. x, 14
- • to accept, receive, DaŚ
- • to promise, agree Naish
- ○kṛta mfn. extended
- • admitted, adopted
- • promised, agreed
- urala mfn. g. balâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- uraśa m. N. of a sage, g. bhargâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 178 (v. l. urasa)
- • (ā), f. N. of a city Rājat
- úras n. (√ṛ Uṇ. iv, 194), the chest, breast, bosom RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. Śak. &c. (urasi kṛtvā, or urasi-kṛtya ind. having assented or adopted, but only urasi kṛtvā in the sense of having put upon the breast Pāṇ. 1-4, 75)
- • the best of its kind L
- • (ās), m. N. of a man, g. tikâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 154 (in the Kāś.)
- ○kaṭa m. the sacred thread hung round the neck and upon the breast (as sometimes worn) L
- ○tas ind. from the breast, out of the breast Pāṇ. 4-3, 114 TāṇḍyaBr. vi
- ○tra and n. breastplate, cuirass, coat of mail L
- ○trāṇa n. breastplate, cuirass, coat of mail L
- ○vat mfn. broad-chested, full-breasted, strong L
- uraḥ (in comp. for úras above)
- ○kapāṭa m. a door-like chest, a broad or strong chest Kād
- ○kṣata mfn. 'chest-injured', suffering from disease of the lungs
- • -kāsa m. a consumptive cough ŚārṅgS
- ○kṣaya m. disease of the chest, consumption
- ○śūla n. 'chest-dart', shooting pain in the chest
- ○"ṣśūlin mfn. suffering from the above Car
- ○sūtrikā f. a pearl necklace hanging on the breast L
- ○stambha m. oppression of the chest, asthma
- ○sthala n. the breast, bosom
- uraś (in comp. for úras above)
- ○chada m. breastplate, cuirass, armour, mail R
- urasa mfn. having a strong or broad breast Pāṇ. 5-2, 127
- • (as, ā), mf., vv. ll. for uraśa and ○śā above
- • (am), n. the best of its kind Pāṇ. 5-4, 93
- urasi (in comp. for úras above)
- ○kṛtya úras above
- ○ja m. 'produced on the chest', the female breast R. Śiś.
- ○ruha m. id
- ○loman mfn. having hair on the breast Comm. on Pāṇ
- urasila mfn. having a full or broad breast, broad-chested, g. picchâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 100
- uraska ifc. = úras, breast
- • vyūḍhôraska
- urasya mfn. pectoral, belonging to or coming from the chest, requiring (exertion of) the chest Pāṇ. 4-3, 114 ; v, 3, 103 Suśr
- • produced from one's self, belonging to one's self (as a child) Pāṇ. 4-4, 94
- • m. the female breast VarBṛS
- • (in Gr.) N. of the h and Visarga RPrāt. 41
- urasya Nom. P. urasyati, to be strongchested, be strong Pāṇ. 3-1, 27
- uro (in comp. for úras above)
- ○gama (uró○), m. serpent, snake Suparṇ. (cf. uraṃ-ga.)
- ○graha m. 'chest-seizure', pleurisy, ŚārṅgS
- ○ghāta m. pain in the chest W
- ○ja m. the female breast Bhām. (cf. urasi-ja)
- ○bṛhatī f. N. of a metre
- ○bhūṣaṇa n. an ornament of the breast L
- ○vibandha m. oppression of the chest, asthma Car
- ○hasta n. a mode of boxing or wrestling (bāhuyuddha-bheda) T
- úrā under úraṇa, col. 2
- urāṇá mfn. (= uru kurvāṇa Sāy.) making broad or wide, extending, increasing RV
- •
- urāha m. a horse of pale colour with dark legs L
- urī ind. (probably connected with úras, urarī, col. 2) a particle implying assent or admission or promise
- ○√kṛ to adopt, assume Naish
- • to promise, agree, allow, grant Ragh. Mālav. &c
- • to accept, receive, take part of Sāh
- urī f. N. of a river ŚivaP
- urú mf(vií)n. (√1. vṛ
- • √ūrṇu Uṇ. i, 32), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent RV. AV. MBh. Ragh
- • (us), m. N. of an Āṅgirasa ĀrshBr
- • of a son of the fourteenth Manu BhP. VP
- • (vii), f. the earth
- • urvií, p. 218, col. 1
• (u), n. wide space, space, room RV. (with √kṛ, to grant space or scope, give opportunity RV.)
- • (u), ind. widely, far, far off RV
- • (uruyā́ MaitrS
- • 1. urvyā́ and urviyā́ instr. of the fem.), ind. far, far off, to a distance RV. VS. TS
- • compar. varīyas, superl. variṣṭha ; [Gk. ?, ?, &c.: Hib. ur, 'very'
- • uras, 'power, ability.']
- ○kāla and m. the creeper Cucumis Colocynthis L
- ○kālaka m. the creeper Cucumis Colocynthis L
- ○kīrti mfn. of far-reaching fame Ragh. vi, 74
- ○kṛ́t mfn. causing to extend or spread out, increasing RV. viii, 75, 11
- ○kramá mfn. far-stepping, making wide strides (said of Vishṇu) RV. TUp
- • m. (Vishṇu's) wide stride MaitrS. i, 3, 9
- • N. of Vishṇu BhP
- • of Śiva
- ○kṣáya (urú-kṣaya AV.), mfn. occupying spacious dwellings RV. i, 2, 9 (said of Varuṇa) AV. vii, 77, 3 (said of the Maruts)
- • m. a spacious dwelling, wide habitation RV. x, 118, 8
- • N. of a king VP
- ○kṣití f. spacious dwelling or habitation RV. vii, 100, 4 ; ix, 84, 1
- ○gavyūti (urú○), mfn. having a wide domain or territory RV. ix, 90, 4 ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○gāyá mfn. making large strides, wide-striding [fr. √gā Nir. ii, 7
- • also according to Sāy., 'hymned by many, much-praised', fr. √gai] RV. AV. VS. TBr. &c. (said of Indra, Vishṇu, the Soma, and the Aśvins)
- • spacious for walking upon, wide, broad (as a way) AitBr. vii, 13, 13
- • (am), n. wide space, scope for movement RV. ŚBr. KaṭhUp
- • -vat mfn. offering ample space for motion, unconfined ChUp
- ○gū́lā f. a kind of serpent AV. v, 13, 8
- ○grāhá m. far-spreading sickness (?) AV. xi, 9, 12
- ○cakrá mfn. having wide wheels (as a carriage) RV. ix, 89, 4
- ○cákri mfn. (fr. √kṛ), doing or effecting large work or great wealth, granting ample assistance RV. ii, 26, 4 ; v, 67, 4 ; viii, 18, 5
- • (is), m. N. of a descendant of Atri
- ○cákṣas mfn. far-seeing RV. AV. xix, 10, 8 VS. iv, 23 (said of Varuṇa, Sūrya, and the Ādityas)
- ○jman mfn. (only voc.) having a wide path or range AV. vi, 4, 3
- ○jráyas and mfn. moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space RV. (said of Agni and Indra)
- ○jrí mfn. moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space RV. (said of Agni and Indra)
- ○tā f. wideness TPrāt
- ○tāpa m. great heat
- ○tva n. wideness
- • magnitude, vastness
- ○drápsu mfn. having large drops TS. iii
- ○dhāra (urú○), mf(ā)n. giving a broad stream, streaming abundantly RV. VS. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○dhiṣṇya m. 'exceedingly full of thoughts', N. of a sage in the eleventh Manv-antara
- ○puṣpikā f. a species of plant Nigh
- ○práthas (and urúprathas), mfn. wide-spreading, widely extended, farspreading VS
- ○bindu m. N. of a flamingo Hariv. (Langlois' transl.)
- ○bilá mf(ī)n. having a wide opening (as a jar) ŚBr. vi, ix
- ○bilvā f. N. of the place to which the Buddha retired for meditation and where he obtained supreme knowledge (afterwards called Buddha-Gayā)
- • -kalpa m. N. of a place Lalit
- • -kāśyapa m. N. of a descendant of Kaśyapa ib
- ○'bja mfn. (fr. uru, 2. ap, and ja Sāy. ?), producing or causing much milk RV. ix, 77, 4
- •
- ○māṇa m. Crataeva Religiosa Car
- ○mārga m. a long road
- ○muṇḍa m. N. of a mountain
- ○yuga (urú○), mfn. furnished with a broad yoke RV. viii, 98, 9
- ○rātri f. the latter portion of the night, late at night Comm. on Gobh
- ○loka (urú○), mfn. visible to a distance, ample, vast RV. x, 128, 2
- ○valka m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- ○vas m. N. of a man VP
- ○vāsa m. N. of a Buddhist monastery
- ○vikrama mfn. of great strength or bravery, valiant, brave MBh. Veṇis
- ○vilvā -bilvā above
- ○vyácas mfn. occupying wide space, widely extending, widely capacious RV. AV. VS. xxvii, 16
- • (ās), m. N. of a Rakshas L
- ○vyáñc (○vyáṅ, urūcī́, ○vyák), mfn. extending far, capacious
• far-reaching (as a sound) RV. AV. VS. xxi, 5
- • (urūcī́), f. the earth RV. vii, 35, 3
- ○vraja mfn. (only loc.) having a wide range, having ample space for movement RV. viii, 67, 12
- ○śáṃsa mfn. to be praised by many, praised by many RV. (said of Varuṇa, Pūshan, Indra, the Soma, and the Ādityas)
- ○śarman (urú○), mfn. finding refuge everywhere throughout the universe, widely pervading VS. x, 9
- ○śṛṅga m. 'having high peaks', N. of a mountain BhP
- ○śravas m. 'of far-reaching fame', N. of a man VP
- ○ṣā mfn. (√saṅ), granting much, producing abundantly RV. v, 44, 6
- ○sattva mfn. magnanimous, of a generous or noble nature
- ○svana mfn. of strong voice, stentorian
- ○hāra mfn. a valuable necklace
- urū-ṇasá mfn. broad-nosed RV. x, 14, 12 AV. xviii, 2, 13 (said of Yama's dogs)
- urv-aṅga m. 'large-bodied', a mountain L
- • the ocean L
- urv-ájra m. an extensive field RV. x, 27, 9
- urudhā ind. in many ways BhP
- uruvu us,
- uruvuka and m. Ricinus Communis Suśr
- uruvūka m. Ricinus Communis Suśr
- urvī́ f. (cf. urú), 'the wide one', the wide earth, earth, soil RV. i, 46, 2 ; ii, 4, 7 Śak. Mn. &c
- • (vií), f. du. 'the two wide ones', heaven and earth RV. vi, 10, 4 ; x, 12, 3 ; 88, 14
- • (vyás), f. pl. (with and without ṣaṣ) the six spaces (viz. the four quarters of the sky with the upper and lower spaces) RV. AV
- • (also applied to heaven, earth, day, night, water, and vegetation) ŚāṅkhŚr
- • (also to fire, earth, water, wind, day and night) ŚBr. i, 5, 1, 22
- • rivers Nir
- ○tala n. the surface of the earth, ground, Ratnāv
- ○dhara m. a mountain L
- • N. of Śesha L
- ○pati m. 'lord of the earth', a king Naish. Rājat
- ○bhuj m. 'earth-enjoyer', a king, sovereign Prasannar
- ○bhṛt m. a mountain Rājat. Amar. &c
- ○ruha m. 'growing on the earth', a tree, plant
- urvī7śa and m. 'lord of the earth', a king, sovereign BhP. Kathās
- urvī7śvara m. 'lord of the earth', a king, sovereign BhP. Kathās
- urvyā́ f. (for 1. úru) amplitude, vastness ŚBr. i, 5, 1, 17
- urvy-ū́ti (fr. ūti with urvi = urvyā ?), mfn. granting extensive protection RV. vi, 24, 2
- uruñjirā f. N. of the river Vipāś Nir
- úruṇḍa m. a kind of demon AV. viii, 6, 15
- • N. of a man
- ururī = urarī, q.v. L
- uruṣya Nom. (fr. uru BRD
- • perhaps an irr. fut. or Desid. of √1. vṛ ?) P. uruṣyáti (Ved. Impv. 2. sg. uruṣyā́ Pāṇ. 6-3, 133) to protect, secure, defend from (abl.) RV. AV. vi, 3, 3 ; 4, 3 VS. vii, 4
- uruṣyā́ ind. (instr.) with desire to protect RV. vi, 44, 7
- uruṣyú mfn. wishing to protect RV. viii, 48, 5.
- urūka m. a kind of owl AitBr. ii, 7, 10 Nyāyam
- urūcī́ uru-vyáñc, col. 1
- urū-ṇasá col. 1
- uro-gama &c. p. 217, col. 3
- urj &c. ūrj, &c
- urjihānā f. N. of a city R. (Gorresio
- • v. l. ujjihānā)
- urṇa &c. ūrṇa, &c
- urd ūrd
- urdi m. N. of a man Pat
- urdra m. = udra, an otter L
- urmilā = ūrmilā, q.v
- urv ūrv
- urva m. N. of a man, g. vidâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 104
- • (urvá AV. xvi, 3, 3, perhaps erroneous for ukha BRD.)
- urvaṭa m. year L
- urvárā f. (probably connected with urú), fertile soil, field yielding crop RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. &c
- • land in general, soil, the earth Bālar. Śārṅg. &c
- • N. of an Apsaras MBh
- ○jít mfn. acquiring fertile soils RV. ii, 21, 1
- ○pati m. (only voc.) lord of the fields under crop RV. viii, 21, 3
- ○sā́ mfn. (√san), procuring or granting fertile land RV. iv, 38, 1 ; vi, 20, 1
- urvaryá (VS. xvi, 33) and urvárya (MaitrS. ii, 9, 6), mfn. belonging to a fertile soil &c
- urvarita mfn. left, left over BhP. (= avaśiṣṭa Comm.)
- urvárī (f. of urvan, fr. √ṛ T.), f. 'super-added', a wife presented together with many others for choice AV. x, 4, 21 (ādhikyaprāptāstrī T.)
- ○vat mfn. 'having many wives for choice', N. of a Ṛishi VP
- urvaśī f. (fr. uru and √1. aś, 'to pervade', MṂ., Chips, vol. ii, p. 99), 'widely extending', N. of the dawn (personified as an Apsaras or heavenly nymph who became the wife of Purū-ravas) RV. AV. xviii, 3, 23 VS. ŚBr. Vikr. &c
- • N. of a river MBh. xii
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha MBh
- ○nāma-mālā f. N. of a lexicon by an anonymous author
- ○ramaṇa and m. 'beloved by Urvaśī', N. of Purū-ravas L
- ○vallabha m. 'beloved by Urvaśī', N. of Purū-ravas L
- ○sahāya m. 'Urvaśī's companion', N. of Purū-ravas L
- urvāru us (L.), ū́s mf. a species of cucumber, Cucumis Usitatissimus AV. vi, 14, 2
- • (u), n. the fruit of Cucumis Usitatissimus TāṇḍyaBr. (cf. irvāru.)
- urvāruka n. id. Hcat
- urviyā́ ind. urú, p. 217, col. 3
- ul P. olati, to burn (a Sautra q.v. root)
ulá m. a kind of wild animal AV. xii, 1, 49 VS. MaitrS
- • half-ripe pulses fried over a slight fire Nigh
- • N. of a Ṛishi
- ulaḍ cl. 10. P. ulaṇḍayati, aulilaṇḍat, to throw out, eject Dhātup. xxii, 9
- • ( olaḍ.)
- ulanda m. N. of a king ṭ., g. arīhaṇâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- ulandaka m. N. of Śiva L
- úlapa m. (√val Uṇ. iii, 145), a species of soft grass RV. x, 142, 3 AV. vii, 66, 1 KātyŚr. MBh. Śiś. &c
- • N. of a pupil of Kalāpin Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 104
- • (ā), f. a species of grass Bālar
- ○rāji or f. a bundle of grass Lāṭy. Nyāyam. &c
- ○rājikā or f. a bundle of grass Lāṭy. Nyāyam. &c
- ○rājī f. a bundle of grass Lāṭy. Nyāyam. &c
- ulapin ī m. a kind of guinea-pig L
- ulapyá Vṣ. and mfn. abiding in or belonging to the Ulapa grass
- ulapyá ṃaitrṣ., mfn. abiding in or belonging to the Ulapa grass
- • m. N. of a Rudra T
- ulupa as, am m. n. a kind of grass, = ulapa L
- ulupin or ī m. = ulapin L.
- ulūpin ī m. = ulapin L.
- ulupya mfn. = ulapya
- ulabha m. g. dāmany-ādi Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 (Kāś.)
- ulinda m. N. of a country L
- • N. of Śiva L
- ulumbā f. the stalks of wheat or barley fried over a fire of wet grass Nigh. (cf. umbī.)
- ululí m. an outcry indicative cf prosperity AV. iii, 19, 6
- úlūka m. (√val Uṇ. iv, 41), an owl RV. x, 165, 4 AV. vi, 29, 1 VS. TS. MBh. Mn. &c
- • N. of Indra Vām
- • of a Muni (in the VāyuP. enumerated together with Kaṇāda, but perhaps identical with him, as the Vaiśeshika system is called Aulūkya-darśana in the Sarvad.)
- • of a Nāga Suparṇ
- • of a king of the Ulūkas
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. Hariv
- • (ī), f. N. of the primeval owl Hariv. 222 VP. ; (am), n. a kind of grass (= ulapa) L. (cf. Lat. ulula
• Gk. ? ; Old High Germ. ūla ; Angl. Sax. ūle ; Mod. Germ. Eule ; Eng. owl ; Fr. hulotte.)
- ○ceṭī f. a species of owl VarBṛS
- ○jit m. 'conquering the owl', the crow Nigh
- • 'conqueror of Indra', N. of a man (= Indra-jit) Vām. ii, 1, 13
- ○pakṣa mf(ī)n. having the shape of the wing of an owl Pat
- ○pāka m. the young of an owl, g. nyaṅkv-ādi Pāṇ. 7-3, 53
- ○puccha mf(ī)n. having the shape of the tail of an owl Pat
- ○yātu (úlūka○), m. a demon in the shape of an owl RV. vii, 104, 22 AV. viii, 4, 22
- ulū́khala n. a wooden mortar RV. i, 28, 6 AV. TS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- • N. of a particular kind of cup for holding the Soma (shaped like a mortar) Comm. on KātyŚr
- • a staff of Uḍumbara wood (carried on certain occasions) L
- • bdellium L
- • m. N. of an evil spirit PārGṛ. i, 16, 23
- • of a particular ornament for the ear MBh. iii, 10520
- ○budhna mfn. forming the base or pedestal of a mortar TS. vii, 2, 1, 3
- ○musalá e n. du. mortar and pestle AV. ix, 6, 15 ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○rūpá-tā f. the state of having the shape of a mortar ŚBr. vii
- ○suta mfn. pressed out or pounded in a mortar (as the Soma) RV. i, 28, 1-4
- ulūkhalâṅghri m. the base of a mortar BhP
- ulūkhalaka n. a small mortar, mortar RV. i, 28, 5 (voc.)
- • bdellium L
- • m. N. of a Muni VāyuP
- ulūkhalika mfn. pounded in a mortar L
- • (ifc.) using as a mortar
- • ( dantôlūkhalika.)
- ulūkhalin mfn. ifc. id
- ulūṭa ās m. pl., N. of a people VP. (cf. the next, and utūla.)
- ulūta m. the boa L
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh
- • (ī), f. N. of a wife of Garuḍa L
- ulūtī7śa m. 'Ulūtī's husband', N. of Garuḍa L
- ulūpa m. a species of plant (cf. ulapa)
• (ī), f. N. of a daughter of the Nāga Kauravya (married to Arjuna) MBh
- ulūli mfn. crying aloud, noisy ChUp. iii, 19, 3 (cf. ululi.)
- ulūlu mfn. id. Lāṭy. iv, 2, 9
- ulka m. N. of a king Hariv
- ulkā́ f. (√uṣ Uṇ. iii, 42), a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, fire falling from heaven RV. iv, 4, 2 ; x, 68, 4 AV. xix, 9, 9 MBh. Yājñ. Suśr. &c
- • a firebrand, dry grass &c. set on fire, a torch ŚBr. v R. Kathās. &c
- • (in astrol.) one of the eight principal Daśās or aspect of planets indicating the fate of men, Jyotisha (T.)
- • N. of a grammar
- ○cakra n. (in astrol.) a particular position of the stars, Rudrayāmala (T.)
- ○jihva m. 'fire-tongued', N. of a Rakshas R
- ○dhārin mfn. a torch-bearer
- ○navamī f. the ninth day of the light half of the month Aśvayuj
- ○vrata n. a particular observance to be performed on that day Hcat. ii, 895 seqq
- ○nirhata mfn. struck down by a fiery meteor AV. xix, 9, 9
- ○"ṣmālin m. 'wearing a wreath of firebrands', N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv
- ○mukha m. 'fire-mouthed', a particular form of demon (assumed by the departed spirit of a Brāhman who eats ejected food) Mn. xii, 71 Kathās. Mālatīm.
- • N. of a descendant of Ikshvāku
- • of an ape R
- • of a Rakshas R. vi, 87, 12
- • (ī), f. a fox L
- ulkuṣī́ f. a brilliant phenomenon in the sky, a meteor ŚBr. xi KātyŚr. iii
- • a firebrand ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○mat mfn. accompanied by fiery phenomena AV. v, 17, 4
- ulkuṣy-ánta mfn. taking place at the end or after a fiery phenomenon ŚBr. xi, 2, 7, 25
- úlmuka n. (Uṇ. iii, 84) a firebrand, a piece of burning charcoal used for kindling a fire ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- • m. N. of a son of a Bala-rāma MBh. Hariv
- • of a son of Manu Cākshusha VP
- ○mathyā mfn. to be produced out of a firebrand (as fire) ŚBr. xii, 4, 3, 3
- ulmukyā mfn. coming from or produced out of a firebrand (as fire) ŚBr. xii
- úlba or úlva (rarely as, m.), n. (√uc, 'to accumulate' Uṇ. iv, 95
- • more probably fr. √1. vṛ BRD.), a cover, envelope, esp. the membrane surrounding the embryo RV. x, 51, 1 AV. iv, 2, 8 VS. TS. ŚBr. &c
- • the vulva, womb VS. xix, 76
- • a cave, cavity L. ;
- ulbáṇa or n. the membrane enveloping the embryo TĀr. i, 10, 7
- ulváṇa n. the membrane enveloping the embryo TĀr. i, 10, 7
- • (ulbaṇá), mfn. anything laid over in addition, superfluous, abundant, excessive, much, immense, strong, powerful TS. iii MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c
- • singular, strange AitĀr
- • manifest, evident L
- • (ifc.) abundantly furnished with MBh. Suśr. &c
- • m. a particular position of the hands in dancing
- • N. of a son of Vasishṭha BhP
- • (ā), f. a particular dish (consisting of milk mixed with the juice of melons, bananas &c.) Nigh
- ulbaṇiṣṇu mfn. somewhat strange, rather strange AitĀr
- úlbya mfn. being inside the membrane enveloping the embryo, (with āpaḥ) the fluid surrounding the embryo ŚBr. KātyŚr
- • (am) n. excess and vitiation of any of the three humors of the body (bile, phlegm, or wind) MW
- • any calamity MW
- ulla as, ī mf. a species of Arum Nigh
- ullakasana n. erection of the hair of the body (through joy) L
- ul-lagna (ud-la○), n. (in astron.) the Lagna (q.v.) of any particular place W
- ul-laṅgh (ud-√laṅgh), Caus. P. -laṅghayati, to leap over, pass over or beyond, overstep, transgress Megh. Kathās. Rājat. &c
- • to pass (time) Kathās. lxvii, 106
- • lxxii, 707
- • to pass over, escape Kathās. lī, 211 Pañcar
- • to transgress, exceed, violate, spurn, trespass, offend MārkP. BhP. Daś. &c
- ul-laṅghana n. the act of leaping or passing beyond or over Mall. on Kum
- • transgression, trespass, offence, sin Kathās
- ul-laṅghanīya mfn. to be transgressed
- • to be passed over
- • to be trespassed against Pañcat
- ul-laṅghita mfn. jumped or passed over
- • exceeded, transgressed, violated, trespassed against
- ○śāsana mfn. one by whom orders are transgressed, rebellious, disobedient
- ullaṅghitâdhvan mfn. one who has passed over a road
- ul-laṅghya mfn. = ul-laṅghanīya above Kathās
- ul-laṅghya ind. p. having leapt over, springing over, passing beyond
- • transgressing &c
- ul-lap (ud-√lap), Caus. -lāpayati, to flatter, coax, caress MārkP
- ul-lāpa m. a coaxing or complimentary speech Bhartṛ
- • calling out in a loud voice
- • change of voice in grief or sickness &c. (= kāku, q.v.) W
- ullāpaka n. a coaxing or flattering speech Car
- ul-lāpana n. the act of coaxing, flattering MārkP
- • (mfn.) transitory, perishable Lalit
- ullāpika n. (?) a kind of cake MBh
- ullāpin mfn. calling out in a coaxing or complimentary manner Amar
- ullāpya n. a kind of drama (in one act) Sāh. 545
- ul-lamphana (ud-la○), n. a jump L.
- ul-lamb (ud-√lamb), Caus. P. -lambayati, to hang up, hang Kathās
- ul-lambita mfn. hanging, hovering Mṛicch
- ul-lambin mfn. ifc. hanging on Kathās
- ul-lal (ud-√lal), P. -lalati, to jump up, spring up Śiś. v, 47: Caus. -lalayati, to jump up, spring up Śiś. v, 7 Pañcat. (ed. BÂhler) ii, 40, 22
- ul-lala mfn. shaking, trembling W
- ul-lāla m. (?), N. of a metre (four verses of alternately fifteen and thirteen instants)
- ul-las (ud-√las), P. Ā. -lasati, -te, to shine forth, beam, radiate, be brilliant BhP. Pañcar. Śiś. &c
- • to come forth, become visible or perceptible, appear BhP. Kathās. &c
- • to resound Kathās. Rājat
- • to sport, play, dance, be wanton or joyful Amar. Chandom
- • to jump, shake, tremble, be agitated BhP. Pañcar. &c.: Caus. -lāsayati, to cause to shine or radiate, make brilliant Pañcar. Prab
- • to cause to come forth or appear, cause to resound Sāh
- • to divert, delight Śatr. Hit
- • to cause to dance or jump, agitate, cause to move Kathās. Rājat. Hit. &c
- ul-lasa mfn. bright, shining
- • sporting, merry, happy
- • going out, issuing W
- ○tā f. splendour, brilliancy
- • mirth, happiness
- • going out, issuing W
- ul-lasat mfn. (pres. p.) shining forth, beaming
- • coming forth &c. ( above)
- ○phala m. poppy Nigh
- ul-lasita mfn. shining, bright, brilliant Pañcar
- • coming forth, rising, appearing Śiś. Sāh
- • ejected, brought out
- • drawn, unsheathed (as a sword) Śiś. vi, 51
- • merry, happy, joyful Kathās
- • moving, trembling
- ul-lāsa m. light, splendour L
- • the coming forth, becoming visible, appearing Kathās. xiv, 13 Sāh. Kap. &c
- • joy, happiness, merriness Kathās. Amar. &c
- • increase, growth BhP. vii, 1, 7
- • (in rhet.) giving prominence to any object by comparison or opposition Kuval
- • chapter, section, division of a book (e.g. of the Kāvya-prakāśa)
- ul-lāsana n. the act of shining forth, radiating Rājat. v, 343
- • (ā), f. causing to come forth or appear Bālar
- ul-lāsita mfn. caused to shine, caused to come forth, &c
- ullāsin mfn. playing, sporting, dancing
- ul-lāgha mfn. (fr. √lāgh, 'to be able', with ud Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-, 3, 55), recovered from sickness, convalescent
- • dexterous, clever L
- • pure L
- • wicked L
- • happy, merry L
- • m. black pepper L
- ○tā f. wholesomeness, health Rājat
- ullāghaya Nom. P. ullāghayati, to cause to recover or revive, resuscitate Rājat
- ul-lāṅgūla (ud-lā○), mfn. with upraised tail
- ul-lāpa &c. ul-lap
- ul-lāla ul-lal
- ul-likh (ud-√likh), P. -likhati, to make a slit or incision or line, tear, mark by scratching
- • to furrow ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr
- • to scratch, scrape, cut, make lines upon MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c
- • to make a scratch or incision, cut into ṢaḍvBr. Gobh. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- • to chip, chisel Kum. Kathās
- • to delineate, shape, make visible or clear Sarvad
- • to polish, grind away by polishing Śak. 139 d Ragh
- • to stir up, cause to come up (e.g. phlegm) Suśr.: Caus. -lekhayati, to stir up, cause to come up ŚārṅgS
- ul-likhana n. an emetic Bhpr
- ul-likhita mfn. slit, torn
- • scratched, polished, &c
- ul-lekha m. causing to come forth or appear clearly Prasannar
- • bringing up, vomiting Car
- • mentioning, speaking of, description, intuitive description Sāh. 486 Kathās. Rājat. &c
- • (in rhet.) description of an object according to the different impressions caused by its appearance Sāh. Kuval
- • (ā), f. stroke, line L
- • (am), n. (scil. yuddha) (in astron.) a conjunction of stars in which a contact takes place Sūryas. vii, 18 VarBṛS
- ul-lekhana mfn. delineating, making lines, making visible or clear Sarvad
- • (am), n. the act of marking by lines or scratches, furrowing KātyŚr
- • scratching open or up, scraping Mn. Yājñ
- • bringing up, vomiting
- • an emetic Suśr
- • mentioning, speaking of L
- ul-lekhin mfn. scratching, touching Kād
- • delineating, making visible or clear Sarvad
- ul-lekhya mfn. to be scraped or pared
- • to be written Kathās
- • to be delineated
- • to be made visible or clear Sarvad
- ul-liṅgaya (ud-li○), Nom. (fr. liṅga)
- ulliṅgita mfn. made manifest by marks or characteristics Kir. xiv, 2
- ul-lih (ud-√lih)
- ul-līḍha mfn. ground, polished Bhartṛ
- ul-lī (ud-√lī), Caus. P. -lāpayati, to cause to lie down, put to bed (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 70: Ā. -lāpayate, to humiliate, subdue ib
- • to deceive, not to keep one's promise to ib
- ul-luñc (ud-√luñc)
- ul-luñcana n. the act of pulling or tearing out, plucking out (e.g. the hair) BhP. Yājñ
- ul-luñcita mfn. plucked Kathās. lxii, 71
- ul-luṭh (ud- √2. luṭh), P. -luṭhati, to roll, wallow Kuval
- ul-luṇṭhā (ud-lu○), f. (√luṇṭh), irony Sāh
- ul-lup (ud-√lup)
- úl-lupta mfn. taken out or away, drawn up AV. v, 28, 14 ; ix, 33, 2 ; 46, 6 Kauś. Suśr
- ul-lopam ind. p. having taken out, taking out, drawing up Kauś
- ul-lopya n. a kind of song Yājñ
- ul-lū (ud-√lū)
- ul-lū mfn. cutting off, cutting Comm. on Pāṇ. ; vi, 4, 83
- ul-lūna mfn. cut off, cut (as grass) ŚāṅkhŚr
- ul-loca (ud-lo○), m. (√loc), an awning, canopy L
- ul-lola (ud-lo○), mfn. (√lul), dangling, waving Comm. on MBh
- • m. a large wave L
- úlva &c. úlba, col. 1
- uvaṭa m. N. of a commentator on the Ṛigveda-prātiśākhya
- uvé ind. an interjection RV. x, 86, 7
- uśaṃgava m. N. of a king MBh. ii
- uśat an, or uśata m. N. of a king Hariv
- uśát mfn. (pres. p. of vaś, q.v.) wishing, desiring
- uśá-dah dhak m. burning with desire or intensely, N. of Agni RV. iii, 6, 7 ; 34, 3 ; vii, 7, 2
- uśánas ā (Pāṇ. 7-1, 94
- • Ved. acc. ām
- • Ved. loc. and dat. e
- • voc. as, a, and an Kāś. on Pāṇ.), m. N. of an ancient sage with the patronymic Kāvya RV. AV. iv, 29, 6 Kauś. (in later times identified with Śukra, the teacher of the Asuras, who presides over the planet Venus)
- • N. of the planet Venus MBh. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c
- • N. of the author of a Dharma-śāstra Hcat. i, 5
- • (uśanasaḥ stoma m. N. of a verse (RV. v, 29, 9) to be muttered by one who thinks himself poisoned AśvŚr. v, 9, 1.)
- uśánā ind. with desire or haste, zealously RV
- • (ā), f. N. of a wife of Rudra
- uśānā́ f. (cf. uśāná under √vaś), N. of a plant ŚBr. iii, iv
- uśika m. N. of a king BhP
- uśíj mfn. (Uṇ. ii, 71) wishing, desiring, striving earnestly, zealous RV
- • desirable, amiable, lovely, charming VS. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr. BhP
- • (k), m. fire Uṇ
- • boiled butter, ghee ib
- • (k), f. N. of the mother of Kakshīvat
- uśija m. N. of the father of Kakshīvat Comm. on TāṇḍyaBr
- uśī f. wish L
- ○nara ās m. pl. (Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 1), N. of an ancient people in Central India AitBr. Pāṇ. MBh. &c
- • m. a king of that people MBh. Hariv. VP. &c
- • (○nárāṇī), f. a queen of that people, ṇ. of a plant ṣāy. RV. x, 59, 10
- • -giri m. N. of a mountain Kathās
- uśīra as, am m. n. (Uṇ. iv, 31), the fragrant √of the plant Andropogon Muricatus Suśr. Śak. Hcat. &c.
- • (ī), f. a species of grass L
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain
- ○bīja m. N. of a mountain MBh. Hariv
- uśīraka n. the above √L
- uśīrika mf(ī)n. trading in or selling Uśīra Pāṇ. 4-4, 53
- uśenya mfn. to be wished or longed for, desirable RV. vii, 3, 9
- uśatī f. incorrect for ruśatī, q.v
- uśrāyus m. N. of a son of Purūravas VP
- uṣ cl. 1. P. (connected with 3. vas, q.v.) oṣati, oṣāṃ-cakāra, and uvoṣa (Pāṇ. 3-1, 38
- • 3. pl. ūṣuḥ Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 78), oṣitā, oṣiṣyati, auṣīt Dhātup. xvii, 45: cl. 9. P. (p. uṣṇát RV. ii, 4, 7) to burn, burn down (active) RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. iv, 189 Śiś
- • to punish, chastise Mn. ix, 273: Pass. uṣyate, oṣāṃ-cakre, to burn (neuter) Suśr. Car. Bhaṭṭ
- uṣ f. (only ás gen. sg.) early morning, dawn RV. AV. xvi, 6, 6
- • (uṣás tisráḥ f. pl. morning, midday, and evening RV. ; viii, 41, 3.)
- uṣa m. (for 2. s.v.) early morning, dawn, daybreak L
- • bdellium
- • saline earth L
- • (ā), f. below
- • (am), n. fossile salt L. (cf. ūṣa.)
- ○"ṣṃ-gu m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xiii, 7667
- • of a king MBh
- • of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1219
- uṣaḥ (in comp. for uṣás below)
- ○kala m. 'crying at daybreak', a cock L
- uṣaṇa n. black pepper
- • the √of Piper Longum
- • (ā), f. Piper Longum
- • Piper Chaba
- • dried ginger (cf. ūṣaṇa.)
- uṣat an m. N. of a son of Su-yajña Hariv
- • (tī), f. (scil. vāc) a harsh speech (v. l. uśatī
- • erroneous for ruśatī ?) MBh
- uṣad-gu m. N. of a son of Svāhi Hariv. VP
- uṣad-ratha m. N. of a son of Titikshu ib
- uṣapa m. fire L
- • the sun L
- • Ricinus Communis L
- uṣar (in comp. for uṣás below)
- ○búdh (nom. -bhut), mfn. awaking with the morning light, early awaked (a N. esp. applied to Agni as kindled in the early morning) RV
○búdha mfn. id. RV. iii, 2, 14 ; vi, 15, 1
- • fire L
- • a child L
- • Ricinus Communis L
- uṣás ās f. (nom. pl. uṣā́sas and uṣásas
- • instr. pl. uṣádbhis RV. i, 6, 3
- • Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 48) morning light, dawn, morning (personified as the daughter of heaven and sister of the Ādityas and the night) RV. AV. ŚBr. Śak. &c
- • the evening light RV. x, 127, 7
- • N. of a wife of Bhava (= ?) or Rudra VP
- • (uṣā́sau, ○ā́sā, and ○ásā), f. du. night and morning RV. VS. &c
- • (sī), f. the end of day, twilight L
- • (as), n. daybreak, dawn, twilight Uṇ. iv, 233 L
- • the outer passage of the ear L
- • the Mālaya range L
- • High Germ. ôs-tan.]
- uṣasyá mfn. sacred to the dawn (Pāṇ. 4-2, 31) VS. xxiv, 4 ĀśvŚr
- uṣasya Nom. (fr. uṣas g. kaṇḍv-ādi Pāṇ. 3-1, 27 not in Kāś.) P. uṣasyati, to grow light, dawn
- uṣā́ f. morning light, dawn, morning RV. AV. xii, 2, 45 VS. &c
- • night VP. Car
- • a cow L
- • N. of a daughter of Bāṇa and wife of A-niruddha AgP
- • burning, scorching Suśr
- • (ā), ind. at daybreak L
- • at night L
- ○kara m. 'night-maker', the moon VarBṛS
○kala m. a cock (cf. uṣaḥ○.)
- ○pati m. 'Ushā's husband', N. of A-niruddha AgP
- ○ramaṇa m. id. L
- ○rāgôdaya m. 'appearance of the morning light', N. of a drama
- uṣêśa m. 'the night's husband', the moon VarBṛ
- • 'Ushā's husband', N. of A-niruddha L
- uṣā́sā (in Dvandva comp. for uṣás above Pāṇ. 6-3, 31)
- ○naktā f. du. dawn and night RV. AV
- ○sūrya n. dawn and sun Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 31
- uṣita (for 2. s.v.), mfn. burnt
- • quick, expeditious L
- uṣo (in comp. for uṣás above)
- ○jala n. pl. 'the Dawn's tears', dew Kathās
- ○devatya mfn. one whose deity is the dawn
- ○rāga m. the morning light, dawn Daś
- uṣṭa mfn. burnt L
- uṣṇá mf(ā, rarely ī)n. (Uṇ. iii, 2) hot, warm
- • ardent, passionate, impetuous RV. x, 4, 2 AV. vi, 68, 1 ; viii, 9, 17 ŚBr. ChUp. Suśr. Mn. &c
- • pungent, acrid
- • sharp, active L
- • m. onion L.
- • N. of a man VP
- • (as, am), m. n. heat, warmth, the hot season (June, July) Mn. xi, 113 Śak. Daś. &c
- • any hot object MBh
- • N. of certain positions in the retrograde motion of the planet Mars VarBṛS
- • N. of a Varsha VP
- • (ā), f. heat L
- • consumption L
- • bile L
- • N. of a plant Nigh
- • (am), ind. hotly, ardently R
- • (uṣṇaṃ kṛtvā or uṣṇaṃ-kṛtya ind. p. having made hot or heated Pāṇ. 1-4, 74.)
- ○kara m. 'hot-rayed', the sun Kād
- ○kāla m. the hot season Suśr. Pañcat. Hit
- ○kiraṇa m. 'hot-rayed', the sun VarBṛS
- ○kṛt m. 'causing heat', the sun L
- ○ga m. (with and without kāla) the hot season R
- ○gandhā f. N. of a plant
- ○gu m. 'hot-rayed', the sun BhP
- ○ghna n. 'heat-destroyer', a parasol L
- ○"ṣṃ-karaṇa mfn. causing heat, heating Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 70
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. heat, warmth
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ○dīdhiti m. 'hot-rayed', the sun L
- ○nadī f. 'the hot river', N. of Vaitaraṇī the river of hell L
- ○pa ūṣma-pa
- ○phalā f. a species of plant Nigh
- ○bhās
- ○bhṛt
- ○mahas
- ○raśmi
○ruci m. the sun MBh. Ragh. Kum. Kir. &c
- ○vāta m. a particular disease of the bladder, ŚārṅgS
- ○vāraṇa n. 'keeping off the heat', a parasol, chattar Kum
- ○vidagdhaka m. a particular disease of the eyes ŚārṅgS
- ○vīrya mfn. possessing warming power Car
- • Delphinus Gangeticus L
- ○vetālī f. N. of a witch Hariv
- ○samaya m. the hot season
- ○sundara m. N. of several plants
- ○sparśa-vat mfn. anything which feels hot (as fire) Tarkas
- uṣṇâṃśu m. 'hot-rayed', the sun
- uṣṇâgama m. approach of the heat, beginning of the hot season L
- uṣṇânta m. end of the hot season R
- uṣṇâbhigama m. approach or beginning of the hot season L
- uṣṇâbhiprāya mfn. tending to heat (as a fever) Car
- • ○prāyin mfn. suffering from the above fever ib
- uṣṇâsaha m. (scil. kāla) 'the time in which heat is tolerable', the winter L
- uṣṇôdaka n. hot water, water boiled and so reduced in quantity (said to be wholesome to drink and healing when used for bathing) Bhpr
- uṣṇôpagama m. the beginning of the hot season L
- uṣṇôṣṇa mfn. very hot Śiś. v, 45
- uṣṇaka mfn. hot, warm
- • sick of fever, feverish L
- • sharp, smart, active L
- • warming, heating L
- • m. heat, hot season (June and July) L
- • fever L
- • blight, blast L
- • the betel-nut Nigh
- uṣṇaya Nom. P. uṣṇayati, to make hot, heat
- uṣṇālu mfn. suffering from heat Kāty. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vikr
- uṣṇi mfn. burning
- • áśny-uṣṇi, p. 114, col. 1
- uṣṇikā f. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 71) rice-broth L
- uṣṇiman ā m. heat ChUp
- uṣṇī (in comp. for uṣṇa)
- ○√kṛ to make warm or hot, heat Suśr. Mṛicch
- ○kṛta mfn. heated, hot, boiled Subh
- ○gaṅga n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 10698
- ○nābha m. N. of a divine being MBh
- uṣṇī́ṣa as, am m. n. (uṣṇam īṣate hinasti, śakandhv-ādi para-rūpam T.) anything wound round the head, turban, fillet AV. xv, 2, 1-4 ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • a diadem, crown L
- • a kind of excrescence on the head of Buddha
- ○paṭṭa m. a turban, fillet, Ratnāv
○bhājaná n. anything serving for a turban ŚBr. iii
- uṣṇīṣârpaṇā f. N. of a goddess (Buddh.)
- uṣṇīṣín mfn. furnished with or wearing a turban VS. xvi, 22 R
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii
- uṣma m. heat L
- • the hot season L
- • spring L
- • passion, anger L
- • ardour, eagerness L
- uṣma (in comp. for uṣman below)
- ○ja mfn. produced from vapour
- ○tā f. heat MBh
- ○pa ūṣma-pa
- ○vat mfn. heated, burning, smoking Suśr
- ○sveda m. a vapour bath Suśr
- uṣmâgama m. beginning of the hot season L
- uṣmânvita mfn. filled with rage L
- uṣmâyaṇa n. the hot season
- uṣmôpagama m. beginning of the hot season L
- uṣmaka m. the hot season L
- uṣman ā m. heat, ardour, steam Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (in many cases, where the initial u is combined with a preceding a, not to be distinguished from ūṣmán, q.v.)
- • the hot season L
- • anger, wrath L
- uṣmāya Nom. Ā. uṣmāyate, = ūṣmāya, q.v.
- uṣa (for 1. col. 1), m. (probably for uśa, fr. √vaś
- • cf. uśa-dah), a lover L
- uṣastá m. N. of a Ṛishi ŚBr
- uṣasti m. id. ChUp
- uṣija m. N. of a son of Ūru VP
- uṣita (for 1. col. 1), mfn. p. of √5. vas, q.v
- uṣitavya
- uṣitvā
- uṣṭvā √5. vas
- uṣīra v. l. for uśīra, q.v
- uṣṭṛ́ (RV.) and úṣṭṛ, ṭā m. (probably fr. √ukṣ and connected with ukṣán), a bull drawing a plough RV. x, 106, 2 TS. v KātyŚr. Kauś
- úṣṭra m. (√uṣ Uṇ. iv, 161
- • but probably connected with the above), a buffalo RV. AV. xx, 127, 2 ; 132, 13 VS. ŚBr. AitBr
- • a camel MBh. Mn. Pañcat. &c
- • a cart, waggon L
- • N. of an Asura Hariv
- • (ī), f. a she-camel Suśr. Pañcat. &c
- • an earthen vessel in the shape of a camel L
- • N. of a plant Nigh
- ○karṇika ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh
- ○kāṇḍī f. Echinops Echinatus L
- ○krośin mfn. making a noise like a camel Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 79
- ○khara n. camel and donkey, g. gavâśvâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 11
- ○grīva m. hemorrhoids Suśr
- ○jihva m. N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh
- ○tva n. the state of being a camel Hcat
- ○dhūsara-pucchikā or f. the plant Tragia Involucrata L
- ○dhūsara-pucchī f. the plant Tragia Involucrata L
- ○niṣadana n. a particular posture among Yogins Sarvad
- ○pādikā f. Jasminum Sambac L
- ○pāla m. a driver of camels L
- ○bhakṣā or f. N. of a plant L
- ○bhakṣikā f. N. of a plant L
- ○yāna n. a camel-carriage, vehicle drawn by camels L
- ○vāmi n. (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 40
- ○vāmī-śata n. a hundred of camels and mares Ragh. v, 32
- ○vāhin mfn. drawn by camels (as a car)
- ○śaśa n. camel and hare Pāṇ. 2-4, 11
- ○śirodhara n. hemorrhoids
- ○sādi n. (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 40
- ○sthāna n. a stable for camels
- • (mfn.) born in a stable for camels Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 35
- uṣṭrâkṛti m. 'having the shape of a camel', the fabulous animal called Śarabha L
- uṣṭrâkṣa m. 'camel-eyed', N. of a man
- uṣṭrikā f. a she-camel Pañcat
- • an earthen vessel shaped like a camel L
- • N. of a plant L
- uṣṇíh k f. (fr. √snih with ud Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 59), N. of a Vedic metre (consisting of twenty-eight syllabic instants, viz. two Pādas with eight instants, and one with twelve
- • the varieties depend on the place of the twelve-syllabled Pāda) RPrāt. 888 ff. AV. xix, 21, 1 VS
- • a brick sacred to the above metre KātyŚr
- • N. of one of the Sun's horses VP
- uṣṇig (in comp. for uṣṇíh above)
- ○garbhā f. (with gāyatrī) N. of a Vedic metre (consisting of three Pādas of six, seven, and eleven instants) RPrāt. 887
- uṣṇíhā f. the Ushṇih metre RV. x, 130, 4 VS
- • (ās), f. pl. the nape of the neck RV. x, 163, 2 AV
- uṣya √5. vas
- úṣyala n. a frame of á bed Bṛḍ. AV. xiv, 1, 60
- usṛ́ f. (√2. vas), morning light, daybreak, day (acc. pl. usrás) RV. vii, 15, 8 ; viii, 41, 3
- • (instr. usrā́) RV. iv, 45, 5
- usrá ā f. (Uṇ. ii, 13) morning light, daybreak, brightness RV
- • (personified as a red cow)
- • a cow RV. AV. xii, 3, 73 MBh. xiii Nir. &c
- • N. of a plant L
- • m. a ray of light RV. i, 87, 1 Ragh. Kir. &c
- • the sun
- • day
- • an ox, bull RV. vi, 12, 4 VS. iv, 33
- • N. of the Aśvins RV. ii, 39, 3 ; iv, 62, 1 ; vii, 74, 1
- ○yāman mfn. moving towards brightness or the day RV. vii, 74, 1
- úsri f. morning light, brightness RV. ix, 65, 1 ; 67, 9
- usriká m. a small ox RV. i, 190, 5
usríya mfn. reddish, bright (said of a cow and bull) RV
- • m. a bull RV
- • (ā), f. light, brightness
- • a cow RV. AV
- • any product of the cow (as milk) RV. AV
- usriyā-tvá n. the state of being a cow MaitrS
- usrīya Nom. P. usrīyati, to wish for a cow Comm. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 95
- uh cl. 1. P. ohati, uvoha, auhīt, &c., to give pain, hurt, kill L. (cf. 1. ūh.)
- uhāna m. N. of a country L
- uhuvāyi-vāsiṣṭha n. N. of a Sāman
- uhū́ mfn. (√vah), bearing, carrying RV. iv, 45, 4
- uhyamāna √vah
- uhra m. a bull L
- uhya-gāna v. l. for ūhya-gāna, q.v