
Üdvözlöm, Ön a Függelék:Sanskrit-English/n szó jelentését keresi. A DICTIOUS-ban nem csak a Függelék:Sanskrit-English/n szó összes szótári jelentését megtalálod, hanem megismerheted az etimológiáját, a jellemzőit és azt is, hogyan kell a Függelék:Sanskrit-English/n szót egyes és többes számban mondani. Minden, amit a Függelék:Sanskrit-English/n szóról tudni kell, itt található. A Függelék:Sanskrit-English/n szó meghatározása segít abban, hogy pontosabban és helyesebben fogalmazz, amikor beszélsz vagy írsz. AFüggelék:Sanskrit-English/n és más szavak definíciójának ismerete gazdagítja a szókincsedet, és több és jobb nyelvi forráshoz juttat.


na 1

   na the dental nasal (found at the beginning of words and before or after dental consonants as well as between vowels 
   • subject to conversion into ? Pāṇ. 8-4, 1-39). = 1

⋙ nakāra

   ○kāra m. the sound or letter n Gr 
   • (in prosody) a tribrach 
   • -vipulā f. a kind of metre

na 2

   ná ind. not, no, nor, neither RV. (nā, x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor.  
   • in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated, e.g. Mn.iv, 34 
   • or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence, e.g. by u , utá, api, câpi, vā, vâpi or atha vā RV. i, 170, 1 ; 151, 9 Nal. iii, 24, &c 
   • it may even be replaced by ca, vā, api ca, api vā, &c. alone, as Mn.ī, 98 Nal.i, 14, &c 
   • often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following tu, tv eva, tv eva tu, cêd, q.v., khalu, q.v., ha  &c 
   • before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency, e.g. ekayā na viṃśati, not 20 by 1, i.e. 19 ŚBr. 
   • pañcabhir na catvāri śatāni, 395 ib. 
   • with another na or an a priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation , e.g. nêyaṃ na vakṣyati, she will most certainly declare Śak. iii, 9 
   • nâdaṇḍyo'sti, he must certainly be punished Mn. viii, 335 
   • it may also, like a, form compounds Vām. v, 2, 13 .) 
   • that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot.) MBh. R. Daś. &c 
   • like, as, as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language, e.g. gauro na tṛṣitaḥ piba, drink like  a thirsty deer 
   • in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel).   ; Angl. Sax. ne, 'not' ; Eng. no, &c.] -2

⋙ nakāra

   ○kāra m. the negation na, the word No Naish.

⋙ nakiṃcana

   ○kiṃcana mfn. having nothing, very poor MBh. Pañc. (cf. a-k○)

⋙ nakiṃcid

   ○kiṃcid n. nothing Kathās. 
   • -api-saṃkalpa m. no desire for anything Kāv.

⋙ nakim

   ○kim ind. = na-kīm g. câdi

⋙ nakis

   ○kis (ná-), ind. no one, nobody RV. 
   • = next ib. (g. câdi 
   • cf. Naigh. iii, 12)

⋙ nakīm

   ○kīm (ná-), ind. not, not at all, never ib. (cf. ib.)

⋙ nakutaścid

   ○kutaścid ind. from nowhere, in -bhaya mfn. = a-kṭkutaścid-bh○ BhP.

⋙ naga

   ○ga m. nága

⋙ nacārthavāda

   ○cârtha-vāda (?), m. N. of wk

⋙ naciketa

   ○ciketa (metric.) and m. (√4. cit) N. of a man TBr. KaṭhUp.

⋙ naciketas

   ○ciketas (ná-), m. (√4. cit) N. of a man TBr. KaṭhUp.

⋙ nacira

   ○cira mfn. not long (in time) MBh. 
   • (am), ind. not long, for a short time 
   • (ena, āt, āya), ind. id., shortly, soon 
   • -kālam ind. = ○ram MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ natadvid

   ○tad-vid mfn. not knowing that, Bhp

⋙ natamām

   ○tamā́m (? MaitrS.),

⋙ natarām

   ○tarā́m (cf. ŚBr.), ind. not at all, never. -1

⋙ nadīna

   ○dīna mfn. not small or insignificant Kathās.

⋙ nadūṣita

   ○dūṣita mfn. uncorrupted 
   • -dhī mfn. of uncṭuncorrupted mind, Bhp

⋙ nadṛśya

   ○dṛśya mfn. invisible 
   • -tva n. PadmaP. -nu, nanu. -para, m. pr. n. N. of wk

⋙ naparājit

   ○parājit m. 'not yielding', N. of Śiva MBh. vii, 2877 (cf. Nīlak.)

⋙ napuṃs

   ○puṃs (only ○sā BhP.) and not a man, a eunuch

⋙ napuṃsa

   ○puṃsa (only ○sāya MBh.), not a man, a eunuch

⋙ napuṃsaka

   ○puṃsaka (ná-), mf(ā)n. neither male nor female 
   • a hermaphrodite 
   • a eunuch 
   • a weakling, coward MaitrS. Br. Up. MBh. &c 
   • neuter, n. a word in the neuter gender or the nṭneuter gender itself ŚBr. Prāt. Pāṇ. &c 
   • -pāda m. N. of ch. of the Su-bodhā 
   • -liṅga mfn. of the neuter gender Cat. 
   • -liṅga-saṃgraha m. N. of ch. of the Nāmaliṅgânuśāsana

⋙ nabhīta

   ○bhīta mfn. not afraid, fearless 
   • -vat ind. Hariv.

⋙ nabhrāj

   ○bhrāj m. (nom. ṭ) N. of a divine Soma-keeper MaitrS. 
   • a cloud L.

⋙ namātra

   ○mātra m. or n. N. of a partic. high number Buddh.

⋙ namuca

   ○muca and  

⋙ namuci

   ○muḍci namuca, ○ci

⋙ namura

   ○murá m. or n. the not dying (?) AV.

⋙ namṛta

   ○mṛta mfn. not dead, alive (memory), Bhp

⋙ nayuta

   ○yuta m. pl. a myriad Lalit. (cf. a-y○)

⋙ nariṣyat

   ○riṣyat m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • ○yanta m. id. ib. 
   • of a son of Marutta VP.

⋙ naroga

   ○roga mf(ā)n. not ill, well Hcat.

⋙ naliptāṅga

   ○liptâṅga mfn. whose body is not anointed R. (B.)

⋙ navidya

   ○vidya (cf. MBh. i, 3246),

⋙ navidvas

   ○vidvas (cf. BhP.), mfn. ignorant

⋙ naśakti

   ○śakti f. inability Kālac.

⋙ naśubha

   ○śubha mfn. unpleasant, inauspicious MBh.

⋙ naśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mfn. without remainder, entire, all RāmatUp.

⋙ nasaṃvid

   ○saṃvid f. unconsciousness, forgetfulness Kāv.

⋙ nasukara

   ○sukara mf(ā or ī)n. not easy to be done, difficult MBh.

⋙ nasparśana

   ○sparśana n. non-contact

⋙ nahi

   ○hí na-hí

⋙ nāgnidūṣita

   nâgni-dūṣita mfn. unhurt by fire Mn. ii, 47

⋙ nāti

   nâti (for na + ati, in comp 
   • cf. an-ati-), not very or much, not too 
   • -kalyāṇa mfn. not very beautiful or noble Daś. 
   • -kṛcchra mfn. not very painful or difficult 
   • (āt). ind. easily MBh. 
   • -kovida mfn. not very familiar with or clever in (loc.) ib. 
   • -krūra-mṛdu mfn. (bow) neither too strong nor too weak Vishṇ. 
   • -gādha mfn. not very shallow, rather deep MBh. 
   • -cira mfn. not very long (time) ib. 
   • (e), ind. shortly, soon R. 
   • -cchina mfn. not too much torn or rent Suśr. 
   • -jalpaka mfn. not too garrulous MBh. 
   • -tīvra mfn. not too violent or intense, moderate ib. 
   • -tṛpti f. absence of over-saturation Yājñ. 
   • -dīrgha mfn. not too long, Sah 
   • (am), ind. id. MBh. 
   • -dūra mfn. not too far or distant, (am Hit. 
   • e or āt R. with abl. or gen.) not far away (○ra-ga mfn. not too distant Kathās. 
   • ○ra-nirīkṣin mfn. not seeing very far R. 
   • ○ra-vartin mfn. not abiding very far, Vṛishabhân 
   • ○ra-sthita mfn. id. VP.) 
   • -doṣala mfn. not of too bad quality or nature Suśr. 
   • -drava mfn. not too liquid ib. 
   • -drutam ind. not too quick Vishṇ. 
   • -dhanin mfn. not too rich, Agp 
   • -nirbhagna mfn. not too much bent R. 
   • -nirvṛtti f. not too much ease Kathās. 
   • -nīca mfn. not too low Bhag. 
   • -parikara mfn. having little attendance Daś. 
   • -parisphuṭa mfn. not fully displayed Śak. 
   • -paryāpta mfn. not too abundant Ragh. 
   • -puṣṭa mfn. not too much provided with (instr.), Dāś 
   • -pṛthu mf(u)n. not too broad Var. 
   • -prakupita mfn. not too angry Daś. 
   • -pracura-padya-vat mfn. containing not too many verses Sāh. 
   • -pramanas mfn. not in very good spirits MBh. 
   • -prasiddha mfn. not too well known ib. 
   • -prasīdat mf(antī)n. not quite serene BhP. 
   • -prīta mfn. not much pleased ib. 
   • -bhārika mfn. not too weighty Mudr. 
   • -bhinna mfn. not too much slit Suśr. 
   • not very different from (abl.) Śak. 
   • -bhogin mfn. not too much given to enjoyments MārkP. 
   • -mahat mfn. not too large Car. 
   • not too long (time) MBh. 
   • -mātram ind. not too much Mudr. 
   • -mānin mfn. not too proud or arrogant (○ni-tā f. Bhag.) 
   • -mudā-vat mfn. not very glad or joyful MārkP. -ramaṇīya, mfn. not very pleasant (-tā f. Mudr.) 
   • -rūpa mfn. not very pretty MBh. 
   • -rohiṇī f. not too red ib. 
   • -laghu-vipula mfn. neither too short nor too long Var. 
   • -lampaṭa mfn. not too greedy or lustful, Bhp 
   • -lalita mfn. not very pleasing or beautiful Cat. 
   • -lomaśa mfn. not too hairy MBh. 
   • -vatsala mfn. not too tender, unfriendly MārkP. 
   • -vātala mfn. not too much producing wind (in the body) Suśr. 
   • -vāda m. not too harsh language MBh. 
   • -vilambita (am ind Vishṇ.) or -vilambin (○bi-tā f. L.), mfn. not too slow or tardy 
   • -viśadam ind. (to kiss) not too apparently Daś. 
   • -vistāra-saṃkaṭa mfn. neither too wide nor too narrow Kām. 
   • -vṛtta mfn. not very distant from (abl., e.g. yauvanāt, from youth, i.e. very young) MārkP. 
   • -vṛddha mfn. not very old (vayasā, of years) ib. 
   • -vyakta mfn. not very clear or distinct Var. 
   • -vyasta mfn. not too far separated TPrāt. 
   • -śītôṣṇa mfn. neither too cold nor too warm Ragh. 
   • -śobhita mfn. not making much show, unsightly MBh. 
   • -śrānta mfn. not too much tired MārkP. 
   • -śliṣṭa mfn. not very close or tight Śak. 
   • -samañjasa mf(ā or ī)n. not quite right or proper MBh. 
   • -sāndra mfn. not too tough Suśr. 
   • -svalpa mfn. not too short Sāh. 
   • -sva-stha mfn. not very well MBh. 
   • -hṛṣṭa mfn. not very glad MBh.

⋙ nāty

   nâty = nâti before vowels 
   • -antadūra mfn. not very distant or remote Kathās. 
   • -apacita mfn. not too thin or emaciated Car. 
   • -ākīrṇa mfn. not too crowded, rather empty (street) R. 
   • -ādṛta mfn. not much respected, rather neglected Daś. 
   • -ucca mfn. not too high L. 
   • -ucchrita mfn. id. Bhag. 
   • -upapanna mfn. not quite natural or normal Daś. 
   • -upasaṃhṛta mfn. not too much brought together TPrāt.

⋙ nādara

   nâdara m. disrespect L. 1

⋙ nādeya

   nâdeya mfn. not to be taken &c. MW.

⋙ nādhīta

   nâdhī7ta mfn. unread Hit.  

⋙ nānurakta

   nânurakta mfn. not attached, unkind Pañc. ii, 46 (vḷ.)

⋙ nāntarīyaka

   nântarīyaka mfn. not external, contained or inherent in (comp.) Vām. ii, 1, 8 Pat. (-tva n. Pat.)

⋙ nānyatra

   nânyatra ind. except (with acc. or abl.) Divyâv.

⋙ nābhijāta

   nâbhijāta mfn. not well-born, ignoble Kāv.

⋙ nābhidhāvat

   nâbhidhāvat m. one who does not give assistance Mn. ix. 274

⋙ nābhimāna

   nâbhimāna m. absence of pride, modesty, humbleness MBh. (vḷ. an-abh○) Mālav.

⋙ nābhilakṣita

   nâbhilakṣita mfn. unperceived, unseen Yājñ. (vḷ. an-abh○)

⋙ nāruṃtuda

   nâruṃ-tuda mfn. not hurting (a wound or a weak point), harmless MBh. vii, 2763

⋙ nāryatikta

   nârya-tikta m.= an-āryat○, q.v

⋙ nāsatya

   nâsatya s.v

⋙ nāsti

   nâsti ind. (na + asti) it is, not, there is not 
   • -tā f. -tva n. non-existence Śaṃk. 
   • -mūrti mfn. incorporeal, Naish 
   • -vāda m. assertion of non-exṭexistence, atheism Hariv.

⋙ nāstika

   nâstika mf(ī)n. atheistical, infidel 
   • m. an atheist or unbeliever (opp. to âstika, q.v.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -tā f. (MW.), -tva n. (cf. W.) disbelief, atheism 
   • ○kya n. id. (with karmaṇām, denying the consequence of works) Mn. iii, 65 
   • -mata n. an atheistical opinion MW. 
   • -vṛtti mfn. leading the life of an atheist or receiving sustenance from an athṭatheist Vishṇ.

⋙ ned

   nếd s.v

⋙ naika

   nâika mf(ā)n. not one, more than one, various, manifold, numerous, many (also pl.) Yājñ. Mn. &c 
   • -cara mf(ī)n. going in troops, gregarious (animal) BhP. 
   • -dṛś m. 'many-eyed', N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. 
   • -dravyôccaya-vat mfn. furnished with plenty of various goods ib. 
   • -dhā ind. manifoldly, in various ways or parts MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -puṭa mfn. showing many rents or gaps, torn (cloud) Var. 
   • -pṛṣṭha m. pl. 'many-backed', N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. ○ṣṭa) VP. 
   • -bhāvâśraya mfn. 'not abiding in one condition', changeable, fickle, unsteady MW. 
   • -bheda mfn. of many kinds, various, manifold L. 
   • -māya mfn. using many artifices or stratagems MBh. 
   • -rūpa mf(ā)n. multiform, various R. 
   • -rṣi (for -ṛṣi), m. N. of a man 
   • pl. his family Pravar. 
   • -varṇa mfn. many-coloured MBh. 
   • -vikalpa mfn. manifold, various Daś. 
   • -vidha mfn. id. Var. 
   • -śas ind. repeatedly, often Var. Kāv. 
   • -śastramaya mf(ī)n. consisting of various missiles (rain) R. 
   • ○kâtman mfn. of manifold nature (Śiva) Śivag.

⋙ naiva


⋙ no

   nố s.v

⋙ notpādita

   nôtpādita mfn. ungenerated 
   • -tva n. Vp

⋙ nopasthātṛ

   nôpasthātṛ (cf. Yājñ. Sch.) and not at hand, absent

⋙ nopasthāyin

   nôpaḍsthāyin (cf. Smṛitit.), not at hand, absent

na 3

   na (cf. L.), mfn. thin, spare 
   • vacant, empty 
   • identical 
   • unvexed, unbroken 
   • m. band, fetter 
   • jewel, pearl 
   • war 
   • gift 
   • welfare 
   • N. of Buddha 
   • N. of Gaṇêśa 
   • = prastuta 
   • = dviraṇḍa (?) 
   • (ā), f. the navel 
   • a musical instrument 
   • knowledge


   náṃśa m. (√1. naś, naṃś) acquisition RV. i, 122, 12

≫ naṃśana

   náṃśana svapna-n○


   naṃśuka mf(ā)n. (√2. naś) perishing Kāṭh. 
   • = aṇu Uṇ. ii, 30 
   • injurious, destructive W.

≫ naṃṣṭavya

   naṃṣṭavya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 60) to be injured or killed W.

≫ naṃṣṭṛ

   naṃṣṭṛ mfn. (cf. ib.) an injurer, injurious, destructive W.


   naṃhasa m. a god smiling on or kind to his worshipper MBh. i, 6450, vḷ. (cf. Nīlak.)


   naḥ-kṣudra under 3. nás


   nák ind. (g. svar-ādi, as nomin. RV. vii, 71, 1) night


   naka m. N. of a man (son of Dāruka) VāyuP. 
   • n. N. of sev. Sāmans


   nakin ○kis &c. under 2. ná


   nakuca vḷ. for lakuca


   nakuṭa n. the nose L.


   nakulá mfn. (in spite of Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 prob. not fr. na + kula) of a partic. colour (perhaps that of the ichneumon) TS. RPrāt. 
   • m. the Bengal mungoose or Viverra Ichneumon (enemy of mice and of serpents from whose venom it protects itself by a medic. plant 
   • cf. nākulī) AV. MBh. &c 
   • a son L. 
   • a partic. musical instrument Lalit. 
   • N. of Śiva L. 
   • of a son of the Aśvins and Mādrī (twin-brother of Saha-deva and fourth of the Pāṇḍu princes) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a Vedic poet with the patr. Vāma-deva (○vya) or Vaiśvāmitra (○lasya vāmadevasya prêṅkha m. N. of a Sāman) ĀrshBr.  
   • of a physician (author of a wk. on horses) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Śiva's wife L. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. a myst. N. of the sound h L.

⋙ nakulatva

   ○tva n. the state of an ichneumon MBh.

⋙ nakulādyā

   nakulâdyā f. the ichneumon plant L.

⋙ nakulāndhatā

   nakulândhatā f

⋙ nakulāndhya

   nakuḍlândhya n. 'iṭichneumon-blindness', a kind of disease of the eyes Suśr.

⋙ nakuleśa

   nakulêśa vḷ. for ○lī7śa (below)

⋙ nakuleṣṭā

   nakulêṣṭā or f. 'liked by the iṭichneumon', a kind of medic. plant (cf. above) L.

⋙ nakuleṣṭakā

   nakulêḍṣṭakā f. 'liked by the iṭichneumon', a kind of medic. plant (cf. above) L.

⋙ nakuloṣṭhī

   nakuloṣṭhī f. (in music) a partic. stringed instrument

≫ nakulaka

   nakulaka m. or n. an ornament shaped like an ichneumon L. 
   • m. a kind of purse (?) Divyâv. 
   • (○likā), f. a female ichneumon Kād.

≫ nakulī

   nakulī f. a female ichneumon MantraBr. MBh. 
   • Salmalia Malabarica L.: Nardostachys Jatamansi L. 
   • saffron L. 
   • = śaṅkhinī L.


   nakulīvāgīśvarīmantravidhāna3nakulī--vāg-īśvarī-mantra-vidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nakulīśa

   ○"ṣśa (○lī7śa), m. a form of Bhairava L. 
   • a myst. N. of the sound h ib. 
   • -darśana n. N. of wk 
   • -pāśupata m. pl. a partic. sect Sarvad. 
   • -yoga-pārâyaṇa n. N. of wk


   nakk cl. 10. P. nakkayati, to destroy, kill Dhātup. xxxii, 54

nakta 1

   nákta n. night RV. AV. (náktā f. only in naktayā́, q.v., and as du. with uṣā́sā 
   • cf. ○sá-naktā and naktôṣāsā) 
   • eating only at night (as a sort of penance) Yājñ. Hcat. 
   • (am), ind. by night (often opp. to divā) RV. &c. &c 
   • m. N. of a son of Pṛithu VP. 
   • of a son of Pṛithu-sheṇa and Ākūti BhP. 
   • (ā), f. (cf. above) Methonica Superba L. [Cf. nak and nakti ; Zd. nakht-uru, nakht-ru 
   • Gk. ? ; Lat. nox ; Lith. naktis ; Slav.  nos8ti ; Goth. nahts ; Angl. Sax. neaht, niht, Engl. night, Germ. ṇacht.]

⋙ naktakālanirṇaya

   ○kālá-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ naktacārin

   ○cārin (cf. L.), mfn. walking at night 
   • m. an owl 
   • cat 
   • thief 
   • a Rakshas (cf. naktaṃ-c○)

⋙ naktaprabhava

   ○prabhava vḷ. for naktam-pr○

⋙ naktabhojana

   ○bhojana n. the eating only at nṭnight (cf. above) Hcat. 
   • supper W. 
   • ○jin mfn. eating at night BhavP. 
   • ○ji-tva n. Kathās.

⋙ naktamukhā

   ○mukhā f. evening, night L. (for -muṣā?)

⋙ naktavat

   ○vat mfn. eating only at night Hcat.

⋙ naktavrata

   ○vrata n. 'night-observance', eating at night (and fasting by day) W.

⋙ naktāndha

   naktândha mfn. blind at night Suśr. 
   • ○tândhya n. ib.

⋙ naktāśin

   naktâśin mfn. eating only at night Vishṇ.

⋙ naktoṣāsā

   náktôṣā́sā f. du. night and morning RV.

≫ naktan

   naktán (only ○tábhis), night RV. vii, 104, 18

≫ naktaṃ

   náktaṃ^ (m before labials), ind., 1. nákta

⋙ naktaṃsamaya

   ○samaya m. night-time Naish.

⋙ naktaṃhoma

   ○homá m. night-oblation TS.

⋙ naktaṃcara

   ○cara mf(ī)n. walking about at nṭnight 
   • m. any night-animal or creature GṛS. Gaut. MBh. &c 
   • nocturnal demon, Rakshas MBh. Var. &c. (○rêśvara m. the lord of the rovers or fiends MBh.) 
   • the bdellium tree W. 
   • (ī), f. a female demon Kathās.

⋙ naktaṃcaryā

   ○caryā f. the walking about at nṭnight MBh.

⋙ naktaṃcārin

   ○cārin mfn. = -cara GṛS. Gaut. Mn. 
   • m. a cat L.

⋙ naktaṃjāta

   ○jātá mf(ā́)n. grown at nṭnight (herb) AV.

⋙ naktaṃdina

   ○dina n. sg. night and day Mālav. v, 13 
   • (am), ind. = next Kathās. Pañc.

⋙ naktaṃdivam

   ○divam ind. by night and day L.

⋙ naktamprabhava

   naktamprabhava mfn. produced at nṭnight Var. (vḷ. ○tapr○)

⋙ naktambhāga

   naktam-bhāga mfn. having a nocturnal part Var.

⋙ naktambhogin

   naktam-bhogin mfn. = ○ta-bh MBh. iii, 13734 (vḷ.)

≫ naktayā

   naktayā́ ind. at night RV. iv, 11, 1

≫ nakti

   nákti f. night RV. ii, 2, 2

nakta 2

   nakta or nakla (?) n. (in astron.) N. of the fifth Yoga (= ?)


   naktaka m. dirty or ragged cloth, rag, wiper &c. L. (vṛ. for laktaka)


   naktamāla or ○laka m. Pongamia Glabra L.


   nakra m. (according to Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 fr. na + kra) crocodile, alligator Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • the sign of the zodiac Scorpio Gol. 
   • (ā), f. a swarm of bees or wasps L. 
   • n. the nose (also ā f.) L. 
   • a partic. disease of the nose L. 
   • the upper timber of a door-frame L. (cf. nā́kra and Pāṇ. 6-3, 75)

⋙ nakraketana

   ○ketana m. N. of the god of love Daś. (cf. makara-k○)

⋙ nakracakra

   ○cakra n. a multitude of crocodiles Pañcad.

⋙ nakramakṣikā

   ○makṣikā f. a kind of fly L.

⋙ nakrarāj

   ○rāj or m. a shark or any other large sea animal (lit. king of the Nakras) L.

⋙ nakrarājaka

   ○rājaka m. a shark or any other large sea animal (lit. king of the Nakras) L.

⋙ nakrahāraka

   ○hāraka m. id. (lit. seizer of the Nakras) L.


   nakṣ cl. 1. P.Ā. nákṣati, ○te (perf. nanakṣúr, ○kṣé RV. 
   • aor. anakṣīt Gr 
   • fut. nakṣiṣyati, nakṣitā ib.) to come near, approach, arrive at, get, attain RV. AV. VS. (cf. 1. naś  
   • inakṣ)

≫ nakṣat

   nakṣat mf(antī)n. approaching

⋙ nakṣaddābha

   nakḍṣad-dābhá mfn. striking down any one that approaches (Indra) RV. vi, 22, 2

≫ nakṣatra

   nákṣatra n. (m. only RV. vi, 67, 6 
   • prob. fr. √nakṣ, cf. nakṣ dyām, i, 33, 14 &c.) a star or any heavenly body 
   • also applied to the sun 
   • n. sg. sometimes collectively 'the stars', e.g. vii. 86, 1 RV. &c. &c 
   • an asterism or constellation through which the moon passes, a lunar mansion AV. &c. &c. (27, later 28, viz. Śravishṭhā or Dhanishṭhā, Śata-bhishaj, Pūrva-bhādrapāda, Uttara-bhṭbhādrapāda, Revatī, Aśvinī, Bharaṇī, Kṛittikā, Rohiṇī or Brāhmī, Mṛiga-śiras or Āgrahāyaṇī, Ārdrā, Punarvasū or Yāmakau, Pushya or Sidhya, Āśleshā, Maghā, Pūrva-phalgunī, Uttara-phṭphalgunī, Hasta, Citrā, Svātī, Viśākhā or Rādhā, Anurādhā, Jyeshṭha, Mūla, Pūrvâshāḍhā, Uttarâshṭāḍhā, Abhijit, Śravaṇa 
   • according to VarBṛS. Revatī, Uttara-phalgunī, Uttara-bhādrapāda and Uttarâshāḍha are called dhruvāṇi, fixed 
   • in the Vedas the Nakshatras are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death Sāy. on RV. i, 50, 2 
   • later as wives of the moon and daughters of Daksha MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • according to Jainas the sun, moon, Grahas, Nakshatras and Tārās form the Jyotishkas) 
   • a pearl L.

⋙ nakṣatrakalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of a Pariś. of AV.

⋙ nakṣatrakāntivistāra

   ○kānti-vistāra m. the white Yāvanāla flower

⋙ nakṣatrakūrma

   ○kūrma m. (or -cāra m. -vibhāga, m.) N. of ch. xiv of VarBṛS.

⋙ nakṣatrakośa

   ○kośa m. N. of a list of stars

⋙ nakṣatragrahayutyadhikāra

   ○graha-yuty-adhikāra m. N. of ch. of Sūryas.

⋙ nakṣatragrahotpāta

   ○grahôtpāta m. N. of the 63rd Pariś. of AV.

⋙ nakṣatragrāmayājaka

   ○grāma-yājaka m. = ○tra-y○ MBh.

⋙ nakṣatracakra

   ○cakra n. a partic. diagram Tantras. 
   • the Nakshatras collectively W. 
   • the sphere of the fixed stars MW.

⋙ nakṣatracintāmaṇi

   ○cintā-maṇi and m. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatracūḍām

   ○cūḍā-m○ m. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatrajā

   ○jā́ mfn. star-born, m. son of the stars AV.

⋙ nakṣatrajātaka

   ○jātaka and n. N. of wks


   nakṣatrajātakādibhāvaphala3nákṣatra--jātaḍkâdi-bhāva-phala n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatratārārājāditya

   ○tārā-rājâditya m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

⋙ nakṣatradarśa

   ○darśá m. star-gazer VS.

⋙ nakṣatradānavidhi

   ○dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatradevata

   ○devata mfn. having the NṭNakshatras as deities ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ nakṣatradevatākathana

   ○devatā-kathana and n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatradohadaśāntika

   ○dohada-śāntika n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatradvaṃdva

   ○dvaṃdva n. a NṭNakshatras compound (as tiṣya-punarvasu) Pāṇ. 1-2, 63

⋙ nakṣatranātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of the NṭNakshatras', the moon Hariv.

⋙ nakṣatranāman

   ○nāman n

⋙ nakṣatranighaṇṭu

   ○nighaṇṭu and m. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatranirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya mṆ. of wks

⋙ nakṣatranemi

   ○nemi m. the pole-star L. 
   • the moon L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu MBh. 
   • f. the Nakshatras Revatī

⋙ nakṣatranyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. N. of ch. of PSarv.

⋙ nakṣatrapa

   ○pa m. = -nātha L.

⋙ nakṣatrapaṭalopāyadāna

   ○paṭalôpâya-dāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatrapati

   ○pati m. = -pa 
   • -nandana m. the planet Mercury Vāstuv.

⋙ nakṣatrapatha

   ○patha m. 'star-path', the starry sky Hcar. 
   • -varcas n. its splendour R.

⋙ nakṣatrapāṭhaka

   ○pāṭhaka m. 'star-reader', astrologer Cat.

⋙ nakṣatrapāta

   ○pāta m. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatrapuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. (astrol.) a human figure representing the Nakshatras (also -ka) 
   • a ceremony in which such a figure is worshipped 
   • N. of ch. of the Vāmp 
   • -vrata n. N. of a partic. observance and of ch. of the MatsyaP.

⋙ nakṣatrapūjita

   ○pūjita mfn. 'star-honoured', auspicious MW.

⋙ nakṣatraprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ nakṣatrapraśna

   ○praśna m

⋙ nakṣatraphala

   ○phala n

⋙ nakṣatrabhakti

   ○bhakti f

⋙ nakṣatrabhuktaghaṭīcakra

   ○bhukta-ghaṭī-cakra n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatramaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. star-cluster Cat.

⋙ nakṣatramārga

   ○mārga m. = -patha MBh.

⋙ nakṣatramālā

   ○mālā f. star-circle, star-group R. 
   • the Nakshatras collectively Var. 
   • a necklace of 27 pearls ib. 
   • a partic. ornament for an elephant's head Kād. (○lāya Nom. Ā. ○yate ib. ) 
   • a kind of dance W. 
   • N. of sev. wks

⋙ nakṣatramālikā

   ○mālikā f

⋙ nakṣatrayajña

   ○yajña m. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatrayājaka

   ○yājaka mfn. offering oblations to the Nakshatras MBh.

⋙ nakṣatrayoga

   ○yoga m. conjunction of (moon with the) Nakshatras ib. 
   • -dāna n. N. of wk 
   • ○gin mfn. connected with Nakshatras MBh. Hariv. 
   • f. pl. chiefstars in the Nakshatras L.

⋙ nakṣatrarāja

   ○rāja m. 'king of the stars' AV. 
   • the moon MBh. R. 
   • N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. 
   • -prabhāva-bhāsa-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sṭsattva ib. 
   • -vikrīḍita m. a partic. Samādhi ib. 
   • -saṃkusumitâbhijña m. N. of a Bodhi-sṭsattva ib.

⋙ nakṣatraloka

   ○loká m. pl. the world of the Nakshatras ŚBr. 
   • sg. the starry region, firmament MW.

⋙ nakṣatravartman

   ○vartman n. = -patha L.

⋙ nakṣatravādamālikā


⋙ nakṣatravādāvalī

   ○vādâval�ī f. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatravidyā

   ○vidyā f. 'star-knowledge', astronomy ChUp. Mn.

⋙ nakṣatravidhāna

   ○vidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatravīthī

   ○vīthī f. path of the NṭNakshatras MBh.

⋙ nakṣatravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a tree consecrated to a Nakshatras L.

⋙ nakṣatravṛṣṭi

   ○vṛṣṭi f. 'star-shower', shooting stars L.

⋙ nakṣatravyūha

   ○vyūha m. = -bhakti

⋙ nakṣatraśavas

   ○śavas (nákṣ○), mfn. equal to stars in number RV. x, 22, 10 (cf. Sāy. 'going to the gods')

⋙ nakṣatraśānti

   ○śānti f

⋙ nakṣatraśuddhiprakaraṇa

   ○śuddhi-prakaraṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatrasaṃvatsara

   ○saṃvatsara m. a particular form of year Var.

⋙ nakṣatrasattra

   ○sattra n. = nakṣatrêṣṭi 
   • N. of wk 
   • -prayoga m. -hautra n. ○trêṣṭi-prayoga m. ○trêṣṭi-hautra-prayoga m. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatrasamuccaya

   ○samuccaya m. 'assemblage of Nakshatras, N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatrasūcaka

   ○sūcaka m. 'star-indicator', astrologer Var.  

⋙ nakṣatrastoma

   ○stoma m. N. of a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhSr.

⋙ nakṣatrasthāpana

   ○sthāpana n. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatrādhipa

   nakṣatrâdhipa m. the regent of a NṭNakshatras Cat. 
   • ○pati m. 'chief of Nakshatras', N. of Pushya Lalit.

⋙ nakṣatrābhidhāna

   nakṣatrâbhidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nakṣatrāśraya

   nakṣatrâśraya mfn. relating to a star or Nakshatras MānGṛ.

⋙ nakṣatreśa

   nakṣatrêśa m. = ○tra-nātha Caurap.

⋙ nakṣatreṣṭakā

   nakṣatrêṣṭakā́ f. N. of partic. sacrificial bricks TS. ĀpŚr.

⋙ nakṣatreṣṭi

   nakṣatrêṣṭi f. a sacrifice to the NṭNakshatras 
   • N. of wk 
   • -nirūpaṇa n. -paddhati f. -prayoga m. -homa m. -hautra n. N. of wks

⋙ nakṣatropajīvin

   nakṣatrôpajīvin m. 'subsisting by the Nakshatras', astrologer Yājñ. iii, 289 Sch.

≫ nakṣatrin

   nakṣatrin m. 'having or holding the stars', N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 6996 (cf. ○tra-nemi)

≫ nakṣatriya

   nakṣatríya mfn. relating to the stars or Nakshatras, containing a number equal to that of the NṭNakshatras, i.e. 27 AV. VS. &c

≫ nakṣya

   nakṣya mfn. to be approached RV. vii, 15, 7


   nakh or naṅkh, cl. 4. and 1. P. nakhyati, nakhati and naṅkhati, to go, move Naigh. ii, 14 Dhātup. v, 20, 21


   nakhá m. n. (fr. √nagh , cf. naghamāra 
   • prob. not fr. na + kha in spite of Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 
   • ifc. f. ī) a finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, talon, the spur of a cock RV. &c. &c. (○khāni-√kṛ, or √kḷp, to cut the nails Kauś. Mn.) 
   • = 20 Sūryas. 
   • n. and (ī), f. Unguis Odoratus VarBṛS. Hcat. 
   • m. part, portion.  unguis ; Lit. nágas ; Slav.  ; Angl. Sax. naegel ; Eng. nail ; Germ. ṇagel.]

⋙ nakhakuṭṭa

   ○kuṭṭa m. 'nail-cutter', barber L. 
   • N. of an author Sāh.

⋙ nakhakhādin

   ○khādin mfn. biting (lit. eating) the nail Mn. MBh.

⋙ nakhagucchaphalā

   ○guccha-phalā f. a kind of pulse L.

⋙ nakhaccheda

   ○ccheda m. (cf. MW.)

⋙ nakhacchedana

   ○ccheḍdana n. (cf. Mn. Suśr.) nail-cutting

⋙ nakhacchedya

   ○cchedya mfn. to be slit by the nṭnail Bhpr.

⋙ nakhajāha

   ○jāha n. nail-√cf. L

⋙ nakhadāraṇa

   ○dāraṇa m. 'tearing with the claws', falcon, hawk L.

⋙ nakhanikṛntana

   ○nikṛntana m. or n. nṭnail-scissors ChUp.

⋙ nakhanirbhinna

   ○nirbhinna (○khá-n○), mfn. split asunder with the nail TS. Pāṇ. 6-2, 48 Kāś.

⋙ nakhaniṣpāvikā

   ○niṣpāvikā or f. a kind of pulse L.

⋙ nakhaniṣpāvī

   ○niṣḍpāvī f. a kind of pulse L.

⋙ nakhanyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. inserting the claws Ragh.

⋙ nakhapada

   ○pada n. nail-mark, scratch Megh. 
   • Unguis Odoratus VarBṛS. Sch.

⋙ nakhaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. a kind of plant (= vṛścika) L.

⋙ nakhapuñjaphalā

   ○puñja-phalā f. a kind of pulse L.

⋙ nakhapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Trigonella Corniculata L.

⋙ nakhapūrvikā

   ○pūrvikā f. = -niṣpāvii L.

⋙ nakhapraca

   ○praca n. g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi

⋙ nakhaphalinī

   ○phalinī f. a kind of pulse L.

⋙ nakhabhinna

   ○bhinna mfn. scratched or torn off with a nail W.

⋙ nakhamuca

   ○muca n. 'nail-looser', bow L.

⋙ nakhampaca

   ○m-paca mf(ā)n. nṭnail-scalding Pāṇ. 3-2, 34 Kāś. 
   • scanty, shallow (water) Kāv.

⋙ nakharajanī

   ○rajanī f. a kind of plant and its fruit L.

⋙ nakharañjani

   ○rañjani f. nail-scissors L.

⋙ nakhalekhaka

   ○lekhaka m. nail-painter L.

⋙ nakhalekhā

   ○lekhā f. a scratch with the nail, nail-painting MW.

⋙ nakhavādana

   ○vādana (cf. Āpast.) and n. 'nṭnail-music', noise made with the finger-nails

⋙ nakhavādya

   ○vādya (cf. L.), n. 'nṭnail-music', noise made with the finger-nails

⋙ nakhavilekhā

   ○vilekhā f. a scratch W.

⋙ nakhaviṣa

   ○viṣa mfn. having venom in the nṭnail or claws L.

⋙ nakhaviṣkira

   ○viṣkira m. 'tearing or rending with the claws', scratcher Mn. v, 13

⋙ nakhavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a kind of tree L.

⋙ nakhavraṇa

   ○vraṇa n. 'nail-wound', scratch W.

⋙ nakhaśaṅkha

   ○śaṅkha m. a small shell L.

⋙ nakhāṃśu

   nakhâṃśu m. elegance or brightness of the finger-nṭnail W.

⋙ nakhāgra

   nakhâgrá n. nail-point ŚBr.

⋙ nakhāghāta

   nakhâghāta m. = ○kha-vraṇa L.

⋙ nakhāṅka

   nakhâṅka m. nail-mark Kāv. 
   • Unguis Odoratus L.

⋙ nakhāṅga

   nakhâṅga n. a kind of perfume L.

⋙ nakhācchoṭanikā

   nakhâcchoṭanikā f. (√cuṭ) making a noise with the nail (as a token of applause or approval) HPariś.

⋙ nakhānakhi

   nakhā-nakhi ind. nail against nail, close fighting (with mutual scratching). MBh. viii, 2377 (cf. keśā-keśi)

⋙ nakhāyudha

   nakhâyudha mfn. 'claw-armed' Pañc. ii, 51/52 
   • -tva n. ib. 328/329, m. a lion 
   • tiger 
   • cock L. 
   • monkey R.

⋙ nakhāri

   nakhâri m. N. of an attendant of Śiva L.

⋙ nakhārtha

   nakhârtha m. a kind of perfume Gal.

⋙ nakhāli

   nakhâli or f. a small shell (cf. ○kha-śaṅkha)

⋙ nakhālikā

   nakhâḍlikā f. a small shell (cf. ○kha-śaṅkha)

⋙ nakhāvapūta

   nakhấvapūta mfn. purified with the nails 
   • pl. N. of partic. grains MaitrS.

⋙ nakhāśin

   nakhâśin m. 'eating with claws', an owl L.

≫ nakhaka

   nakhaka m. N. of a Nāga-rāja L.

≫ nakhara

   nakhará mfn. shaped like a claw, curved, crooked ŚBr. MBh. 
   • m. a curved knife MBh. Daś. 
   • m. f (ā) or n. nail, claw
   Var. Pañc. &c. nail-scratch Cat. 
   • (ī), f. Unguis Odoratus L.

⋙ nakhararajanī

   ○rajanī f. vḷ. for nakha-r○ g. harītaky-ādi Kāś.

⋙ nakharāyudha

   nakharâyudha m. a lion 
   • tiger 
   • cock L. (cf. nakhây○)

⋙ nakharāhva

   nakharâhva m. Nerium Odorum L.

≫ nakhālu

   nakhālu m. a kind of tree (= nakha-vṛkṣa) L.

≫ nakhin

   nakhín mfn. having nails or claws 
   • thorny, prickly ŚBr. 
   • m. a clawed animal, lion L.  


   ná-ga m. 'not moving' (cf. á-ga), a mountain (ifc. f. ā 
   • cf. sa-naga) AV.&c. &c 
   • the number 7 (because of the 7 principal mountains 
   • cf. kula-giri) Sūryas. 
   • any tree or plant MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a serpent L. 
   • the sun L.

⋙ nagakarṇī

   ○karṇī f. Clitoria Ternatea L.

⋙ nagaja

   ○ja mfn. mountain-born, mountaineer 
   • m. elephant L. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ naganadī

   ○nadī f. 'mountain-river', N. of a river Megh.

⋙ naganandinī

   ○nandinī f. 'mṭmountain-daughter', N. of Durgā (dṭdaughter of Himâlaya) L.

⋙ naganimnagā

   ○nimna-gā f. 'mountain-river', torrent Śiś. ii, 104

⋙ nagapati

   ○pati m. 'mountain-chief', the Himâlaya L.

⋙ nagabhid

   ○bhid m. 'rock-splitter', (cf. L.) an axe 
   • a crow 
   • Indra 
   • a kind of plant

⋙ nagabhū

   ○bhū mfn. = -ja 
   • m. a kind of plant L.

⋙ nagamūrdhan

   ○mūrdhan m. 'mountain-crest' W.

⋙ nagarandhrakara

   ○randhra-kara m. 'mṭmountain-splitter', N. of Kārttikeya Ragh.ix, 2

⋙ nagavat

   ○vat mfn. abounding in mountains or trees R.

⋙ nagavāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'mountain-borne', N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ nagavṛttika

   ○vṛttika m. (and ○kā f.) a kind of plant Suśr.

⋙ nagaśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭhá m. the finest tree Suparṇ.

⋙ nagasvarūpiṇī

   ○svarūpiṇī f. a kind of metre Śrutab.

⋙ nagāgra

   nagâgra n. mountain-top MBh.

⋙ nagāṭana

   nagâṭana m. 'tree-wanderer', monkey L.

⋙ nagādhipa

   nagâdhipa m. = ○ga-pati L.

⋙ nagādhirāja

   nagâdhirāja m. id. MW.

⋙ nagāpagā

   nagâpagā f. = ○ganimnagā Śiś. ii, 100

⋙ nagāri

   nagâri m. N. of a man MBh. iv, 1294

⋙ nagālikā

   nagâlikā nagānikā

⋙ nagāvāsa

   nagâvāsa m. 'tree-dweller', a peacock L.

⋙ nagāśman

   nagâśman m. a piece of rock Śiś. xv, 10

⋙ nagāśraya

   nagâśraya mfn. living in mountains W. 
   • m. a kind of plant L.

⋙ nagāhvaya

   nagâhvaya m. N. of a man MBh. iv, 1294

⋙ nagendra

   nagêndra m. 'mountain-lord', N. of Himâlaya Ragh. ii, 28 
   • of Kailāsa Megh. 63 
   • of Nishadha Ragh. xviii, 1

⋙ nageśa

   nagêśa m. id., N. of a partic. mountain Śatr. 
   • of Kailāsa or of Śiva MW.

⋙ nagesvara

   nagêsvara m. id., N. of Himâlaya L.

⋙ nagocchrāya

   nagôcchrāya m. mountain-elevation W.

⋙ nagodara

   nagôdara n. mountain-rift BhP.

⋙ nagaukas

   nagâukas m. 'mountain- or tree-dweller', (cf. L.) lion 
   • the fabulous animal Śarabha 
   • a crow (cf. agâukas) 
   • any bird


   nagaṇā f. Cardiospemum Halicacabum L. (vḷ. nagnā)


   nágara n. (m. only MBh. iii, 3014 
   • ifc. f. ā Hariv. 2951 
   • prob. not fr. naga + ra, but g. aśamâdi 
   • the n cannot be cerebralized, g. kṣubhnâdi) a town, city, N. of sev. cities TĀr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ nagarakāka

   ○kāka m. 'a town-crow', a term of contempt L.

⋙ nagarakoṭi

   ○koṭi N. of a town (Nagar-kot), and of another place Cat.

⋙ nagarakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa N. of ch. of the SkandaP.

⋙ nagaragāmin

   ○gāmin mfn. (road) going or leading to a town Mālatīm. i, 27/28

⋙ nagaraghāta

   ○ghāta m. 'town-destroying, (also -ka), an elephant L.

⋙ nagaracatuṣpatha

   ○catuṣ-patha m. or n. meeting of 4 ways in a town MānGṛ.

⋙ nagarajana

   ○jana m. pl. townsfolk, sg. a citizen Hit.

⋙ nagaradaivata

   ○daivata n. presiding deity of a town 
   • -vat ind. Mṛicch. i, 19

⋙ nagaradvāra

   ○dvāra n. town-gate Hit. 
   • -kūṭaka n. a kind of fence on a town-gṭgate L.

⋙ nagaradhanavihāra

   ○dhana-vihāra or m. N. of a Buddh. monastery

⋙ nagaradhanasaṃghārāma

   ○dhana-saṃghârāma m. N. of a Buddh. monastery

⋙ nagarapati

   ○pati m. town-chief. L.

⋙ nagarapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town L.

⋙ nagarapradakṣiṇā

   ○pradakṣiṇā f. carrying an idol round a town in procession MW.

⋙ nagaraprānta

   ○prânta m. the outskirts of a tṭtown ib.

⋙ nagarabāhu

   ○bāhu m. 'town-arm', N. of a man L.

⋙ nagarabāhya

   ○bāhya mfn. situated without the town MW.

⋙ nagaramaṇḍanā

   ○maṇḍanā f. 'tṭtown-ornament, a courtezan, Vāsav

⋙ nagaramardin

   ○mardin m. 'town-crusher', N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi

⋙ nagaramālin

   ○mālin mfn. garlanded with cities MW.

⋙ nagaramustā

   ○mustā f. = ○rôttha

⋙ nagararakṣādhikṛta

   ○rakṣâdhikṛta m. the chief of the town-guard Mṛicch.

⋙ nagararakṣin

   ○rakṣin m. town-watchman ib.

⋙ nagaravāyasa

   ○vāyasa m.= -kāka L.

⋙ nagaravāsin

   ○vāsin mfn. 'town-dwelling', a citizen MW.

⋙ nagaravṛddha

   ○vṛddha m. town-senior Daś.

⋙ nagarasammita

   ○sammita mfn. equal to a tṭtown MW.

⋙ nagarastha

   ○stha m. = -vāsin Hit.

⋙ nagarasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. 'town-chief', N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ nagarahāra

   ○hāra 'town-taking', N. of a kingdom L.

⋙ nagarādhikṛta

   nagarâdhikṛta (cf. Rājat. ),

⋙ nagarādhipa

   nagaḍrâdhipa and

⋙ nagarādhipati

   nagaḍrâdhipati (cf. Kathās.),

⋙ nagarādhyakṣa

   nagaḍrâdhyakṣa (cf. Hariv.), m. tṭtown-chief, head police-officer

⋙ nagarābhyāśa

   nagarâbhyāśa m. neighbourhood of a tṭtown MW.

⋙ nagarotthā

   nagarôtthā f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ nagaropānta

   nagarôpânta n. = ra-prânta MW.

⋙ nagaraukas

   nagarâukas m. = ○ra-vāsin Rājat.

⋙ nagarauṣadhi

   nagarâuṣadhi f. Musa Sapientum L.

≫ nagarāya

   nagarāya Nom.Ā. ○yate, to look like a town MBh. Hariv.

≫ nagarin

   nagarin m. lord of a town Car. 
   • N. of a man AitBr. v, 30

⋙ nagaryanna

   nagaḍry-anna n. food given by the lord of a town Mn. iv, 213

≫ nagarī

   nagarī f. = ○ra Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nagarīnirodha

   ○nirodha m. N. of ch. of GaṇP. ii

⋙ nagarībaka

   ○baka m. 'town-crane', a crow L.

⋙ nagarīyukti

   ○yukti f. N. of ch. of the Yukti-kalpa-taru

⋙ nagarīrakṣin

   ○rakṣin m. town-watchman MBh.

≫ nagarīya

   nagarīya mfn. belonging to a town, civic, urban Kāv.  


   nagānikā ○nī, or nagālikā f. a kind of metre Col.


   nagna under √naj below


   nagnáhu (or ○hū L.), m. ferment, a drug used for fermenting spirituous liquor VS. ŚBr.


   nagha-mārá and naghā-riṣá m. N. of the plant kuṣṭha = Costus Speciosus AV. (cf. nakhá)


   naghuṣa m. N. of a man = nahuṣa MaitrUp. Ragh. 
   • n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria Bhpr.


   naṅkh √nakh


   na-ciketa na-cira &c. under 2. na, p. 523


   naj cl. 6. Ā. najate, to be ashamed (vḷ. for lajj Dhātup. xxviii, 10 
   • probably invented to explain nagna)

≫ nagna

   nagná mf(ā́)n. naked, new, bare, desolate, desert RV. &c. &c 
   • m. a naked mendicant (esp. a Bauddha, but also a mere hypocrite) Var. VP. 
   • a bard accompanying an army L. 
   • N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • (ā́), f. a naked (wanton) woman AV. v, 7, 8 
   • a girl before menstruation (allowed to go naked) Pañc. iii, 217 
   • Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. (cf. nagaṇā) ; = vāc (vḷ. for nanā́) Naigh. i, 11 Sch.  ; Goth. nagaths ; Angl. Sax. nacod ; Eng. naked ; Germ. nackt.]

⋙ nagnakṣapaṇaka

   ○kṣapaṇaka m. a naked mendicant Kād. 
   • mfn. (place) containing (only) naked mendicant Cāṇ.

⋙ nagnaṃkaraṇa

   ○ṃ-karaṇa mf(ī)n. making nṭnaked Pāṇ. 3-2, 56

⋙ nagnacaryā

   ○caryā f. vow to go naked Divyâv.

⋙ nagnajit

   ○jít m. N. of a prince of the Gandhāras (father of one of Kṛishṇa's wives) Br. MBh. 
   • of a writer on architecture (?) VarBṛS. lviii, 4 ; 15 
   • of a poet Cat.

⋙ nagnatā

   ○tā (○gná-), f. (cf. RV. ŚBr.),

⋙ nagnatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Hit.) nakedness

⋙ nagnadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of Sch. on Ragh. Cat.

⋙ nagnanīlapaṭādika

   ○nīlapaṭâdika n. nick-name of Kaṇâda's wks. Cat.

⋙ nagnabhūpatigraha

   ○bhūpati-graha m. N. of a drama

⋙ nagnamuṣita

   ○muṣita mfn. stripped bare, g. rājadantâdi

⋙ nagnambhaviṣṇu

   ○m-bhaviṣṇu mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 57) = -m-bhā́vuka mfn. (cf. ib.) becoming naked, uncovering one's self in a shameless manner TS. Kāṭh.

⋙ nagnavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. N. of Comm. on Uṇ.

⋙ nagnavratadhara

   ○vratadhara mfn. observing the vow of a naked mendicant (Śiva) Śivag.

⋙ nagnaśramaṇa

   ○śramaṇa (cf. VarBṛS. Sch.) and m. a naked ascetic

⋙ nagnaśravaṇa

   ○śravaṇa (cf. Kāraṇḍ.), m. a naked ascetic

⋙ nagnācārya

   nagnâcārya m. a bard VarBṛS. Sch. (cf. nagná above)

⋙ nagnāṭa

   nagnâṭa and m. a naked wanderer, (esp.) a Buddh. or Jain. mendicant Rājat. L.

⋙ nagnāṭaka

   nagnâḍṭaka m. a naked wanderer, (esp.) a Buddh. or Jain. mendicant Rājat. L.

≫ nagnaka

   nágnaka mf(ikā)n. naked, wanton AV. HPariś. 
   • m. a naked mendicant Pañc. 
   • a bard L. 
   • (ikā), f. a naked or wanton woman L. 
   • a girl before menstruation MBh. Pañc.

≫ nagnī

   nagnī in comp. for ○na

⋙ nagnīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. stripping, undressing W.

⋙ nagnīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to render naked

⋙ nagnīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. converted into a nṭnaked mendicant Bhartṛ. i, 64


   nañ ind. N. of the negat. particle na, negation Pāṇ. 2-1, 60 Vām.v, 2, 13 &c

⋙ nañartha

   ○artha m. the meaning of na 
   • -nirṇaya & -vāda m. (○da-ṭīkā and vivṛti f.) N. of wks. and Comms

⋙ nañvāda

   ○vāda m. N. of wk 
   • -ṭippaṇī f. -viveka m. N. of Comm.'s on it

⋙ nañviveka


⋙ nañśiromaṇi


⋙ nañsamāsa

   ○samāsa and m. N. of wks

⋙ nañsūtrārthavāda

   ○sūtrârtha-vāda m. N. of wks


   nañja-rāja m. N. of a king and author (?)

⋙ nañjarājayaśobhūṣaṇa

   ○yaśo-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk


   naṭ (Prākṛ. for nṛt, q.v.), cl. r. P. naṭati (cf. Dhātup. xix, 19 ; ix, 23) to dance Kāv. 
   • to hurt or injure Vop. (cf. un-√naṭ): Caus. nāṭayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxii, 12) to represent anything (acc.) dramatically, act, perform, imitate Mṛicch. Śak. &c 
   • to fall (cf. √naḍ) 
   • to shine Vop.

≫ naṭa

   naṭa m. (fr. prec 
   • but cf. Uṇ. iv, 104) actor, dancer, mime MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of a partic. caste (sons of degraded Kshatriyas Mn. x, 22) 
   • Colosanthes Indics L. 
   • Jonesia Asoka L. 
   • a sort of reed (= kiṣku-parvan) L. 
   • (in music) N. of a Rāga 
   • N. of a man who with his brother Bhaṭa built a Vihāra) Buddh. 
   • (ā), f. Caesalpina Banducella L. 
   • (ī), f. an actress (g. gaurâdi) Śak. Sāh. &c 
   • a dancer, Nauch girl, courtezan L. 
   • a partic. fragrant plant Bhpr. 
   • red arsenic L. 
   • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

⋙ naṭagaṅgoka

   ○gaṅgoka m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ naṭagati

   ○gati f. a kind of metre Col.

⋙ naṭacaryā

   ○caryā f. an actor's performance BhP.

⋙ naṭatā

   ○tā f. office or condition of an aṭactor Hariv.  

⋙ naṭanārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. (in music) N. of a Rāga

⋙ naṭapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. Solanum Melongena L.

⋙ naṭaparṇa

   ○parṇa n. 'actor wing', the skin W.

⋙ naṭabaṭu

   ○baṭu m. a young actor L.

⋙ naṭabhaṭikavihāra

   ○bhaṭika-vihāra m

⋙ naṭabhaṭikā

   ○bhaṭikā f. 'temple of Naṭa and Bhaṭa', N. of a temple Buddh.

⋙ naṭabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa and n. 'actor's ornament', orpiment L.

⋙ naṭamaṇḍana

   ○maṇḍana n. 'actor's ornament', orpiment L.

⋙ naṭaraṅga

   ○raṅga m. 'actor's arena', anything illusory Buddh.

⋙ naṭavara

   ○vara (cf. W.) or (cf. MW.), m. chief actor or dancer

⋙ naṭaśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha (cf. MW.), m. chief aṭactor or dancer

⋙ naṭasaṃjñaka

   ○saṃjñaka m. orpiment L. an aṭactor or dancer W. (cf. -bhūṣaṇa)

⋙ naṭasūtra

   ○sūtra n. rules for actor Pāṇ. 4-3, 110

⋙ naṭāntikā

   naṭântikā f. 'actor-killing, aṭactor-spoiling', shame, modesty L. (v. l. ○ndhikā)

⋙ naṭeśvara

   naṭêśvara m. 'lord of dancers', N. of Śiva W.

≫ naṭaka

   naṭaka m. an actor L.

⋙ naṭakamelaka

   ○melaka n. 'company of actors', N. of a comedy

≫ naṭana

   naṭana n. dancing, dance, pantomime Kautukas.

⋙ naṭanānandanātha

   naṭaḍnânanda-nātha m. N. of an author Cat.

≫ naṭanīya

   naṭanīya mfn. to be danced Gīt.

≫ naṭita

   naṭita mfn. disgusted with, tired of (instr.) HPariś. 
   • n. acting, representation MW.

≫ naṭī

   naṭī f. naṭa, above

⋙ naṭīsuta

   ○suta m. the son of a dancing girl MW.

≫ naṭyā

   naṭyā f. a company of actors, g. pāśâdi


   naṭṭa or ○ṭaka m. ○ṭā f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

⋙ naṭṭakalyāṇa

   ○kalyāṇa and m. id

⋙ naṭṭanārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa (cf. naṭa-n○), m. id

⋙ naṭṭapaṭṭagrāma

   ○paṭṭa-grāma m. N. of a village Cat.

⋙ naṭṭamallārikā


⋙ naṭṭavarāṭikā

   ○varāṭikā and f. N. of Rāgiṇīs

⋙ naṭṭahambīrā

   ○hambīrā f. N. of Rāgiṇīs

naḍ 1

   naḍ cl. 10. P. nāḍayati, to fall Vop. in Dhātup. xxxii, 12 (cf. √naṭ)

≫ naḍ 2

   naḍ in comp. and word-formation for naḍa

⋙ naḍantikā

   ○antikā f. 'reed-destroying', N. of a river Vishṇ. (cf. naṭânt○)

⋙ naḍbhuvaka

   ○bhuvaka m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ naḍvat

   ○vat mfn. covered with reeds Pāṇ. 4-2, 87

⋙ naḍvala

   ○vala mf(ā)n.= -vat, iv, 2, 88 
   • n. a quantity of river, river-bed MBh. Ragh. 
   • (ā́), f. id. VS. 
   • N. of the wife of Manu Cākshusha Hariv. Pur. (vḷ. navalā 
   • cf. nāḍvaleya)

⋙ naḍvābhū

   ○vābhū (?), f. = kuṭṭima L.

≫ naḍa

   naḍá or m. (cf. L. also n.) a species of reed, Arundo Tibialis or Karka RV. AV. ŚBr.

⋙ naḻa

   naḻá m. (L. also n.) a species of reed, Arundo Tibialis or Karka RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • N. of a prince with the patr. Naishidhs ŚBr. (= Nala Naishadha Sch.) 
   • of a Nāga L. 
   • of a partic. tribe whose employment is making a sort of glass bracelet W. (cf. nala)

⋙ naḍakūbara

   ○kūbara m. N. of a son of Kubera Kathās. (cf. nala-)

⋙ naḍaneri

   ○neri f. (in music) a kind of dance

⋙ naḍaprāya

   ○prâya mfn. abounding in reeds L.

⋙ naḍabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by Naḍa (?), g. aiṣukāry-ādi (vḷ. nada-)

⋙ naḍamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of reeds Kauś.

⋙ naḍamīna

   ○mīna m. 'reeds-fish', a kind of sprat L.

⋙ naḍavana

   ○vana n. 'reeds-thicket' L. 
   • N. of a place Rājat.

⋙ naḍasaṃhati

   ○saṃhati f. 'id.' L.

⋙ naḍāgāra

   naḍâgāra n. reeds-hut MW.

⋙ nadāgiri

   nadā-giri m. (g. kiṃ-śulakâdi) N. of an elephant Kathās.

≫ naḍaka

   naḍaka n. the hollow of a bone KātyŚr.

⋙ naḍakīya

   naḍḍakīya mfn. abounding in reeds Pāṇ. 4-2, 91

⋙ ḍasa

   ḍasa mfn. id., g. tṛṇâdi

≫ naḍinī

   naḍinī f. a reed bed, g. puṣkarâdi

⋙ naḍila

   naḍḍila mfn. reedy, covered with reeds, g. kāśâdi

≫ naḍyā

   naḍyā f. a reed bed L.


   naḍaha mfn. lovely, beautiful (prob. wṛ. for laḍaha)


   naḍu-vāha m. N. of a poet Cat. (for naḍ-v○, or naḍa-v○?)


   nat mfn. (√nam) bowing, bowing one's self (ifc.) MW.

≫ nata

   natá mfn. bent, bowed, curved, inclined, inclining RV. &c. &c 
   • bowing to, saluting (acc. or gen.) BhP. vi, 9, 40 ; v, 18, 4 
   • depressed, sunk, flat 
   • deep, hanging down MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • ifc. bent down by or turned towards (cf. vāma- add.) 
   • cerebralized (as the letter n, cf. nati) RPrāt. 
   • m. n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. 
   • n. zenith-distance at meridian transit Sūryas. 
   • hour-angle or distance in time from meridian ib. 
   • inclination ib.

⋙ natakaṃdhara

   ○kaṃdhara mfn. bowing (the neck) MW.

⋙ natakāla

   ○kāla m. hour-angle ( above) Sūryas. Sch.

⋙ nataghaṭikā

   ○ghaṭikā f. id. ib.

⋙ natajyā

   ○jyā f. the sine of the hour-angle MW.

⋙ natadruma

   ○druma m. = latā-śāla (bower?) L.

⋙ natanāḍikā

   ○nāḍikā or f. = -kāla L.

⋙ natanāḍī

   ○nāḍī f. = -kāla L. 
   • any hour of birth after noon or before midnight W.

⋙ natanābhi

   ○nābhi mfn. 'deep-naveled', thin, slender Kum. i, 38

⋙ natanāsika

   ○nāsika mfn. flat-nosed Var.

⋙ nataparvan

   ○parvan mfn. (arrow) flat-jointed, smooth MBh. v, 7143 Śak. vii, 162 (read adhunā nata○)

⋙ natabhāga

   ○bhāga m. zenith-distance at meridian transit Sūryas.

⋙ natabhrū

   ○bhrū mfn. having arched brows or bending the brows, frowning Vikr. iv, 28

⋙ natamukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. bending down the face, looking down Rājat.  

⋙ natamūrdhan

   ○mūrdhan mfn. bending or hanging down the head W. =

⋙ natāṃśa

   natâṃśa m. = ○ta-bhāga Sūryas.

⋙ natāgranāsa

   natâgra-nāsa mfn. = ○ta-nāsika Var.

⋙ natāṅga

   natâṅga mf(ī)n. bent, curved, bowed, stooping W. 
   • (ī), f. a (smooth- or round-limbed) woman Mālatīm. i, 38

⋙ natodara

   natôdara mfn. = ○ta-nābhi MBh. vii, 2735

⋙ natonnata

   natônnata mfn. depressed and elevated 
   • -bhūmi-bhāga mfn. (path) with depressed and eṭelevated portions of ground Śak. iv, 14 
   • -bhrū mfn. depressing and elevating the eye-brows, frowning MW.

≫ nati

   nati f. bending, bowing, stooping, modesty, humility Kāv. Śatr. &c 
   • inclination or parallax in latitude Sūryas. 
   • curvature, crookedness W. 
   • the change of a dental letter to a cerebral Prāt.

⋙ natitati

   ○tati f. excessive humbleness Kāv.

⋙ natyakṣara

   naty-akṣara n. a letter subject to cerebralization (e.g. the letter n) Prāt.


   na-tam-aṃhas the beginning of RV. x, 126 (cf. Mn. xi, 252)


   na-tamām and na-tarām, 2. na


   natyūha m. prob. = dātyūha R. (B.)


   natra n. (in music) a kind of dance


   nad cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. iii, 17) nádati (ep. also ○te 
   • pf. nanāda, nedur, nedire MBh. 
   • aor.  Gr 
   • fut. nadiṣyati, ○ditā ib.) to sound, thunder, roar, cry, howl &c. (also with nādám, śabdam, svanam &c.) AV. &c. &c.: Pass. nadyate MBh.: Caus. nadáyati, ○te, to make resound or vibrate RV. 
   • nādayati, ○te, to make resonant, fill wish noises or cries MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • aor. anīnadat Gr 
   • Pass. nādyate MBh.: Desid. ninadiṣati Gr.: Intens. 3. pl. nā́nadati, p. nā́nadat RV. 
   • 3. sg. nānadyate, p. ○dyamāna Br. MBh. to vibrate or sound violently, to roar, howl, cry, neigh &c

≫ nada

   nadá m. a roarer, bellower, thunderer, crier, neigher &c. (as a cloud, horse, bull, met. a man, i, 179, 4) RV. 
   • N. of RV. viii, 58, 2 (beginning with nadam) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • a river (if thought of as male, ifc. ind. -nadam 
   • cf. nadī) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • = naḍa, reed RV. i, 32, 8 
   • (ī), f. nadī́

⋙ nadadhra

   ○dhra mfn. (for dhara?) possessing rivers Kāv.

⋙ nadanadī

   ○nadī (in comp.) the male and female rivers 
   • -pati m. 'lord of male and female rivers', N. of the Sindhu Hariv. 
   • of the ocean MBh. R. 
   • -bhartṛ m. 'id.', the ocean MBh.

⋙ nadabhakta

   ○bhakta naḍa-bh○

⋙ nadabhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. 'lord of rivers', the ocean Śiś.

⋙ nadarāja

   ○rāja m. id 
   • -sutā f. N. of Śrī Śiś. ix, 30

≫ nadat

   nadat mf(antī)n. sounding, resounding, roaring 
   • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa ĀrshBr.

≫ nadathu

   nadathu m. noise, clamour, din ChUp. iii, 23, 8

≫ nadana

   nadana mfn. sounding Nir. v, 2

⋙ nadaniman

   nadaḍnimán mfn. humming, murmuring AV. v, 23, 8

⋙ nadanu

   nadaḍnú m. noise, din RV. viii, 21, 14 
   • the sound of approbation MW. 
   • war, battle Naigh. ii, 17 
   • a cloud (nadánu) Uṇ. iii, 52 Sch. 
   • a lion L. 
   • -mát mfn. roaring, thundering RV. vi, 18, 2

≫ nadara

   nadara mfn. g. aśmâdi

≫ nadasya

   nadasya Nom. Ā. ○śyate to roar Divyâv.

≫ nadi

   nadí m. a crier, caller RV. v, 74, 2 (= stuti Sāy.) 
   • ifc., nadī

⋙ nadija

   ○ja m. (for ○dī-) Lablab Vulgaris L.

≫ nadikā

   nadikā next

≫ nadī

   nadī́ f. flowing water, a river (commonly personified as a female 
   • but nadá above) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. nadikā 
   • cf. ku-nadikā and giri- 
   • ind. -nadi 
   • cf. upa-nadi ) 
   • N. of 2 kinds of metre Col. 
   • of partic. fem. stems ending in ī or ū (as nadī itself) Pāṇ. 1-4, 3, &c

⋙ nadīkadamba

   ○kadamba m. N. of a plant L.

⋙ nadīkānta

   ○kānta m. 'lover of rivers', the ocean L. 
   • Vitex Negundo or Barringtonia Acutangula L. 
   • (ā), f. Eugenia Jambolana or Leea Hirta L. 
   • a creeper (= latā) L.

⋙ nadīkāśyapa

   ○kāśyapa m. N. of a contemporary of Śākya-muni Buddh.

⋙ nadīkūla

   ○kūla n. bank of a river Cāṇ. 
   • -priya m. Calamus Rotang L.

⋙ nadīkṣetrādimāhātmya

   ○kṣetrâdimāhātmya n. N. of ch. of SkandaP.

⋙ nadīja

   ○ja mfn. river-born, coming from a rṭriver (horses) MBh. 
   • m. patr. of Bhīshma ib. 
   • N. of plants (Terminalia Arjuna, Barringtonia Acutangula, Lablab Vulgaris, or a species of reed = yāvanāla-śara) L. 
   • antimony Suśr. 
   • (ā), f. = next 
   • n. a lotus W.

⋙ nadījāta

   ○jāta m. Premna Spinosa or Longifolia L.

⋙ nadījña

   ○jña mfn. knowing the course of rṭriver MW.

⋙ nadītaṭa

   ○taṭa m. = -kūla Var.

⋙ nadītara

   ○tara mfn. crossing a river L. 
   • m. swimming across a river Yājñ.  
   • -sthala or -sthāna n. landing-place, ferry L.

⋙ nadītīra

   ○tīra n. = -kūla Kāv.

⋙ nadīdatta

   ○datta m. 'river-given', N. of a Bodhi-sattva

⋙ nadīdoha

   ○doha m. river-toll or tribute L.

⋙ nadīdhara

   ○dhara m. 'bearer of the river (Ganges)', N. of Śiva Śivag. -2

⋙ nadīna

   ○"ṣna (○dī7na), m. 'lord of rṭriver', the ocean Kathās. 
   • N. of Varuṇa Kāv. 
   • of a son of Saha-deva and father of Jagat-sena Hariv.

⋙ nadīnada

   ○nada m. pl. (cf. Mn. vi, 90) or n. sg. (cf. MBh. viii, 4068) = nada-nadī (above)

⋙ nadīnātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of river', the ocean Kāv.

⋙ nadīniṣpāva

   ○niṣpāva m. Lablab Vulgaris L.

⋙ nadīpaṅka

   ○paṅka m. or n. 'river-mud', the marshy bank of a river R.

⋙ nadīpati

   ○patí m. lord of flowing waters VS. 
   • the ocean R. 
   • sea-water ŚBr.

⋙ nadīpūra

   ○pūra m. 'river-flood', a swollen river Amar.

⋙ nadībhallātaka

   ○bhallātaka m. a kind of plant (= bhojanaka) Suśr. Sch.

⋙ nadībhava

   ○bhava n. 'river-born', rṭriver-salt

⋙ nadīmātṛka

   ○mātṛka mfn. 'river-nourished', well watered L. 
   • -tā Naish.

⋙ nadīmārga

   ○mārga m. course of a river R.

⋙ nadīmukha

   ○mukha n. mouth of a river R. 
   • a kind of grain (cf. nandī-m○) MW.

⋙ nadīraya

   ○raya m. the current of a river ib.

⋙ nadīvakra

   ○vakra n

⋙ nadīvaṅka

   ○vaṅka m. the bend or arm of a rṭriver L.

⋙ nadīvaṭa

   ○vaṭa m. a kind of tree (= vaṭī) L.

⋙ nadīvāsa

   ○vāsa m. standing in a river (a form of penance) Kāv.

⋙ nadīvṛt

   ○vṛ́t mfn. stream-obstructing (Vṛitra) RV.

⋙ nadīvega

   ○vega m.= -raya W.

⋙ nadīvelā

   ○velā f. the current or tide of a rṭriver ib.

⋙ nadīśa

   ○"ṣśa (○dī7śa), m. 'lord of the rṭriver', the ocean Pañc.

⋙ nadīṣṇa

   ○ṣṇa mfn. (√snā) familiar with (lit. bathing in) river Ragh. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • skilful, experienced, clever (cf. ati-n○ add.)

⋙ nadīsaṃtāra

   ○saṃtāra m. crossing a river L.

⋙ nadīsarja

   ○sarja m. Terminalia Arjuna

⋙ nadyambujīvana

   nady-ambujīvana mfn. (country) thriving by river-water L.

⋙ nadyāmra

   nady-āmra m. a kind of plant L.

≫ nadīya

   nadīya m. or n. N. of a locality W.

≫ nadeyī

   nadeyī wṛ. for nādeyī, q.v


   nadāla n. a potsherd (cf. kumbhī- add.)


   naddhá mfn. (√nah) bound, tied, bound on or round, put on, fastened to (comp.) AV. &c. &c 
   • joined, connected, covered, wound, inlaid, interwoven (with instr. or ifc.) MBh. Kāv. 
   • obstructed or impeded (oṣṭhābhyām, by the lips, said of a faulty pronunciation) RPrāt. 
   • n. tie, band, fetter, knot, string, trace AV. &c

⋙ naddhavimokṣa

   ○vimokṣa m. the getting loose or breaking of a trace GṛS. 
   • deliverance from fastenings or fetters MW.

≫ naddhavya

   naddhavya mfn. to be bound or tied &c. Pāṇ. 8-2, 34 Kāś.

≫ naddhi

   naddhi f. binding, fastening (cf. barsa-)

≫ naddhrī

   naddhrī f. a strip of leather L.

≫ nadbhyas

   nad-bhyas 2. náh


   nanandṛ (cf. L.) or nánāndṛ (cf. RV. x, 85, 46), f. a husband's sister

⋙ nanāndṛpati

   nanāndṛ-pati or m. the husband of a hṭhusband's sister L.

⋙ nanānduhpati

   nanānḍduh-pati m. the husband of a hṭhusband's sister L.


   nanā́ f. fam. expression for 'mother' RV. ix, 112, 3 (cf. 2. tatá) 
   • = vāc Naigh. i, 11


   na-nú ind. (2. ná + nu) not, not at all, never RV. AV. ; (interr.) not? is it not? = nonne AV. ŚBr. &c. &c. (hence often = ) certainly, surely, indeed, no doubt (esp. in questions amounting to an affirmation, e.g. nanv ahaṃ te priyaḥ, am I not your friend, i.e. certainly I am your friend Daś. , or to a request, e.g. nanu gacchāmi bhoḥ, surely I may go Pāṇ. 8-1, 43 Kāś., and even as a responsive particle, e.g. akārṣīḥ kaṭamnanu karomi bhoḥ, indeed I have made it ib. 
   • with another interr. or an Impv. = pray, please, e.g. nanu ko bhavān, pray who are you? Mṛicch. x, 48/49 
   • nanū7cyatām, please tell ib. 52/53 
   • in argument often as an inceptive particle implying doubt or objection, 'now it may be said, well, but then' &c., esp. in nanv astu, or nanu mā bhūt-tathâpi, well, be it so or not so-nevertheless) 
   • a vocat. particle implying kindness or reproach or perplexity &c. L.


   nantavya mfn. (√nam) to be bent or bowed 
   • to be saluted or honoured W.

≫ nantṛ

   nantṛ mfn. bending, bowing 
   • changing a dental to a cerebral RPrāt.

≫ nantva

   nántva mfn. to be bent RV. ii, 24, 2


   nand cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. iii, 30) fut. nándati, ep. also ○te (pf. nananda MBh. 
   • fut. nandiṣyate ib., ○diṣyati and ○ditā Gr 
   • aor. anandīt 
   • inf. nanditum ib.) to rejoice, delight, to be pleased or satisfied with, be glad of (instr., rarely abl.) RV. &c. &c.: Pass. nandyate MBh. &c.: Caus. nandayati, ○te aor. ananandat, to make glad, gladden Up. MBh. &c.: Desid. ninandiṣati Gr.: Intens. nānandyate Pāṇ. 6-4, 24 Kāś.  

≫ nanda

   nánda m. joy, delight, happiness (also pl.) AV. VS. &c 
   • (in mus.) a flute 7 inches long 
   • N. of one of Yudhi-shṭhira's 2 drums MBh. 
   • of one of Kubera's 9 gems L. 
   • a son (in gopa- add 
   • cf. nandana) 
   • N. of Vishnu MBh. 
   • of one of Skanda's attendants ib. 
   • of a Nāga ib. 
   • (also -ka) 
   • of a Buddh. deity Lalit. 
   • of an attendant on Daksha BhP. 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra (also -ka) MBh. 
   • of a step-brother and disciple of Gautama Buddha MWB. 441 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva Pur. 
   • of the foster-father of Kṛishṇa and ancestor of Durgā MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (also -ka L.) 
   • of a leader of the Sātvatas BhP. 
   • of a king of Pāṭali-putra and founder of a dynasty consisting of 9 successive princes
   HPariś. Pur. Kathās. Pañc. &c 
   • of the number 9 (because of the 9 Nandas) Jyot. 
   • of sev. scholars and authors Cat. 
   • of a mountain BhP. (cf. -parvata and nandi-giri) 
   • (ā), f. Delight, Felicity (personified as wife of Harsha 
   • cf. nandi) MBh. i, 2597 
   • prosperity, happiness L. 
   • a small earthen water-jar (also ○dikā) L. 
   • a husband's sister (cf. nanāndṛ) L. 
   • N. of the 3 auspicious Tithis (1st, 6th, and 11th day of the fortnight) VarBṛS. ic, 2 (also ○dikā L.) 
   • of the 7th day in Mārgaśīrsha Hcat. 
   • (in music) of a Mūrchanā 
   • of Gaurī Hcat. 
   • of an Apsaras Hariv. 
   • of a daughter of Vibhīshaṇa L. 
   • of a girl connected with Sākya-muni Buddh. 
   • of the mother of 10th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī L. 
   • of the wife of Gopāla-varman Rājat. 
   • of a river flowing near Kubera's city Alakā MBh. BhP. 
   • (ī), f. Cedrela Toona Suśr. 
   • a kind of song or musical instrument MānGṛ. 
   • N. of the 6th day in a month's light half ib. 
   • of Durgā, DeviiP. 
   • of Indra's city W. 
   • n. a kind of house Gal.

⋙ nandakiśora

   ○kiśora m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nandakumāra

   ○kumāra m. 'Nanda's son', patr. of Kṛishṇa Bhām. 
   • N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nandagopa

   ○gopa m. the cowherd Nanda's Hariv. 
   • -kula n. his family (○le jātā or ○lôdbhavā f. 'descended from Nanda family', Durgā MBh.) 
   • -kumāra m. 'son of Nanda', N. of Kṛishṇa BhP.

⋙ nandagopitā

   ○gopitā f. N. of a plant (= rāsnā) L.

⋙ nandadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nandadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a king ib.

⋙ nandanandana

   ○nandana m. = -kumāra L. 
   • (ī), f. 'Nanda's daughter', N. of Durgā ib.

⋙ nandanātha

   ○nātha and m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ nandapaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ nandapadra

   ○padra m. or n. N. of a town ib.

⋙ nandaparvata

   ○parvata m. king Nanda compared with a mountain Kām.

⋙ nandapāla

   ○pāla m. 'guardian of the treasure Nanda', i.e. Varuna L. (cf. above)

⋙ nandaputra

   ○putra m. = -kumāra (○trôtsava m. N. of ch. of BrahmaP. iv) 
   • (ī), f. = -kumārī

⋙ nandaprabhañjanavarman

   ○prabhañjana-varman m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nandaprayāga

   ○prayāga m. N. of a place (at the confluence of 2 rivers whose names contain nanda) Rasik.

⋙ nandabalā

   ○balā f. N. of a girl connected with Gautama Buddha Lalit.

⋙ nandamitra

   ○mitra (?), m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ nandarāma


⋙ nandalāla


⋙ nandavardhana

   ○vardhana and m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ nandaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ nandasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ nandasuta

   ○suta m. = -kumāra Bhām.

⋙ nandasundara

   ○sundara m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nandasūnu

   ○sūnu m. = -suta, Vṛishabhân

⋙ nandātmaja

   nandâtmaja m. id. Gīt. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.

⋙ nandāśrama

   nandâśrama m. N. of a hermitage MBh.

⋙ nandopananda

   nandôpananda m. N. of a Nāga L. 
   • voc. (used as an exclamation of sorrow) alas! woe is me! Divyâv. 
   • -saṃjñā f. du. N. of 2 Kumārīs on Indra's standard VarBṛS. xliii, 39

⋙ nandopākhyāna

   nandôpâkhyāna n. N. of wk

≫ nandaka

   nandaka mfn. delighting in (comp.) MBh. 
   • rejoicing, gladdening, making happy (esp. a family) L. 
   • m. joy, delight L. 
   • a frog L. 
   • N. of Kṛishṇa's sword MBh. 
   • (○kin m. its possessor, i.e. Kṛishṇa ib.) 
   • of a bull Pañc. 
   • of a village Rājat. (cf. also under nanda, m.) 
   • (ikā), f. N. of Ind-a's pleasure-ground L. (cf. ib., f. ā)

≫ nandaki

   nandaki m. (√nand?) long pepper L.

≫ nandathu

   nandathu m. joy, delight, happiness L.

≫ nandana

   nandana mf(ā)n. (the initial n is not changeable to ṇ g. kṣubhnâdi) rejoicing, gladdening (cf. ○daka) MBh. Var. Pañc. 
   • m. a son Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. also ○naka MBh.) 
   • a frog (cf. ○daka) L. 
   • a kind of poisonous plant, Śuśr. (also f. Sch.) 
   • a partic. form of temple Var. 
   • (in music) a kind of measure 
   • N. of Vishṇu or Śiva MBh. 
   • of an attendant of Skanda ib. 
   • of a Siddha BhP. 
   • of a Buddh. deity Lalit. (vḷ. nanda) 
   • (with Jainas) of the 7th of the 9 white Balas 
   • of a mountain Pur. 
   • of sev. authors (also -bhaṭṭâcārya and -miśra) Cat. 
   • of the 26th year in a Jupiter cycle of 60 years Var. 
   • (ā), f. daughter (cf. kula-) 
   • n. gladdening or gladness MBh. a divine garden, (esp.) Indra's paradise MBh. Kāv. &c.  
   • N. of a sword R. (cf. ○daka) 
   • N. of a metre Col.

⋙ nandanakānana

   ○kānana n. N. of a wood Rasik.

⋙ nandanaja

   ○ja m. 'grown in the divine garden', yellow sandal-wood L.

⋙ nandanadruma

   ○druma m. tree of the dṭdivine garden Kum.

⋙ nandanamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a garland worn by Kṛishṇa L.

⋙ nandanavana

   ○vana n. divine grove R.

⋙ nandanodbhava

   nandanôdbhava m. = ○na-ja Gal.

≫ nandanta

   nandanta mf(ī)n. rejoicing, gladdening 
   • m. son, friend, king 
   • (ī), f. daughter L.

≫ nandayat

   nandayat mf(antī)n. = prec. mfn

⋙ nandayanta

   nanḍdayanta mf(ī)n. id. L. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a woman Kathās.

⋙ nandayitṛ

   nanḍdayitṛ mfn. giving joy, making happy MW.

≫ nandā

   nandā f. of nanda, q.v

⋙ nandātīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

⋙ nandāpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of an Upapur. (cf. nandī-p○)

⋙ nandāprācīmāhātmya

   ○prācī-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nandāhradatīrtha

   ○hrada-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

≫ nandi

   nandi m. 'the happy one', N. of Vishṇu MBh. 
   • of Śiva ib. 
   • of an attendant of Śiva TĀr. MBh. &c 
   • of a Gandharva MBh. 
   • of a man Pravar. 
   • the speaker of a prologue W. (wṛ. for nāndin) 
   • f. joy, happiness, welfare MBh. &c. (also m. n. L.) 
   • Joy personified as daughter of Heaven or as wife of Kāma and mother of Harsha Pur. 
   • n. = dyūta and dyūtâṅga L. 
   • (with Jainas) a class of sacred writings (m. or f. ?) MWB. 533

⋙ nandikara

   ○kara mfn. causing joy or happiness (with gen.) MBh. ii, 740 
   • m. son of (comp.) MBh. (cf. nandana) 
   • N. of Śiva ib.

⋙ nandikuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa m. or n. N. of a sacred bathing-place ib.

⋙ nandikṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. a district frequented by gods Rājat.

⋙ nandigiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nandigupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a prince of Kaśmīra Rājat.

⋙ nandigrāma

   ○grāma m. N. of a village near Daulatābād (where Bharata resided during Rāma's banishment MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -darśana n. N. of ch. of PadmaP.

⋙ nandighoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. cry or music of joy, (esp.) the proclamation of a panegyrist or herald MBh. R. 
   • Arjuna's chariot L. 
   • -vijaya m. N. of a drama

⋙ nandija

   ○ja n. Lablab Vulgaris Gal.

⋙ nanditaru

   ○taru m. Anogeissus Latifolia Bhpr.

⋙ nanditūrya

   ○tūrya n. a musical instrument played on joyful occasions MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nandideva

   ○deva m. N. of a man Kathās. 
   • ○vii f. common N. of one of the loftiest Himalayan peaks MW.

⋙ nandidharma

   ○dharma m. Nandi's or Nandin's precepts Cat.

⋙ nandināgaraka

   ○nāgaraka mfn. N. of a partic. written character Hcat.

⋙ nandināgarī

   ○nāgarī f. a partic. kind of writing L.

⋙ nandipadacchandas

   ○pada-cchandas n. N. of wk. on Prākṛit metres (in Prākṛ.) Cat.

⋙ nandipuramāhātmya

   ○pura-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nandipurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Pur. (cf. nandikêśvara-p○ and nandī7śvara-p○)

⋙ nandibharata

   ○bharata m. or n. N. of wk. on music

⋙ nandimukha

   ○mukha m. a species of rice Suśr. 
   • N. of a man Rājat. 
   • -sughoṣa m. N. of a man (○ṣâvadāna n. N. of wk. Buddh.)

⋙ nandiyaśas

   ○yaśas m. N. of a prince VP.

⋙ nandirudra

   ○rudra m. N. of Śiva in a joyful or serene form Rājat.

⋙ nandivardha

   ○vardha m. N. a prince (cf. next) R.

⋙ nandivardhana

   ○vardhana mfn. increasing pleasure, promoting happiness (with gen.) MBh. BhP. 
   • m. son MBh. R. 
   • friend L. 
   • the end of a half-month, the day of full moon or of new moon L. 
   • a partic. form of temple Var. (cf. nandana and ○din) 
   • (in music) a kind of measure 
   • N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • of a prince (son of Udāvasu) R. VP. 
   • of a son of Janaka VP. 
   • of a son of Udayâśva L. 
   • of a son of Rājaka BhP. 
   • of a son of A-jaya ib. 
   • of a brother of Mahāviira, m. N. of a town Siṃhâs.

⋙ nandivarman

   ○varman m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nandivāralaka

   ○vāralaka m. a species of fish Suśr.

⋙ nandivivardhana

   ○vivardhana mfn. = -vardhana mfn. R.

⋙ nandivṛkṣa


⋙ nandivṛkṣaka

   ○vṛkṣḍaka m. Cedrela Toona Bhpr. (cf. ○dI-vR○)

⋙ nandivega

   ○vega m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

⋙ nandiśikhā

   ○śikhā f. N. of wk

⋙ nandiṣeṇa

   ○ṣeṇa m.= -sena, in ○ṇêśvara n. N. of Liṅga PadmaP.

⋙ nandisena

   ○sena m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh.

⋙ nandisvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a grammarian Cat.

⋙ nandīśa

   nandī7śa m. (○ndi or ○ndin or ○ndī + īśa?) N. of an attendant of Śiva Rājat. 
   • of Śiva himself W. 
   • (in music) a kind of measure

⋙ nandīśvara

   nandī7śvara m. (○ndi or ○ndin or ○ndī + īśv○) N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • N. of the chief of Śiva's attendants BhP. (cf. nandin) 
   • of one of Kubera's attendants MBh. 
   • N. of a place held sacred by the Jainas Śatr. 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • (in music) a kind of measure 
   • -purāṇa, -māhātmya n. ○rôtpatti f. N. of wks

⋙ nandyāvarta

   nandy-āvarta m. a kind of diagram MBh. Var. (cf. ○ndikâv○) 
   • anything so formed (e.g. a dish or vessel) MBh. vii, 2930 (cf. Nīlak.), a palace or temple VarBṛS. lī, 32 (also n. L.) 
   • a cake, MnGṛh 
   • a species of large fish L. 
   • Tabemaemontana Coronaria L. 
   • the holy fig-tree L. 
   • any tree L. 
   • a kind of shell L. 
   • cf. MWB. 523 
   • (in music) a partic. attitude in dancing

⋙ nandyupapurāṇa

   nandy-upapurāṇa and n. N. of wks

⋙ nandyupākhyāna

   nandy-upâkhyāna n. N. of wks

≫ nandika

   nandika mfn. Cedrela Toona L. 
   • N. of one of Śiva's attendants Cat.  
   • of a pupil of Gautama Buddha (chief of the village Uru-vilvā) Lalit.

⋙ nandikācāryatantra

   nandiḍkâcāryatantra n. N. of a medic. wk

⋙ nandikāvarta

   nandiḍkâvarta m. a kind of diagram Lalit. (= nandy-āv○) 
   • a species of plant Var.

⋙ nandikeśa

   nandiḍkêśa m. N. of a holy place, Śivap 
   • -liṅga n. N. of ch. of the ŚivaP.

⋙ nandikeśvara

   nandiḍkêśvara m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv. (= nandi, ○ndin) 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • -kārikā or -kāśikā f. N. of a mystic. interpretation of the Śiva-sūtras 
   • -tārâvatī f. N. of wk 
   • tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place ŚivaP. 
   • -purāṇa n. N. of an Upapur 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of wk 
   • ○râbhiṣeka m. N. of ch. of LiṅgaP. 
   • ○rôtpatti f. N. of ch. of ŚivaP.

≫ nandin

   nandin mfn. (initial n cannot be cerebralized, g. kṣubhnâdi) rejoicing, gladdening (ifc.) MBh. Kāv. 
   • delighting in, liking ib. 
   • m. son (ifc 
   • cf. bhâskara-n○) 
   • the speaker of a prologue (cf. nāndin L.) 
   • N. of sev. plants (the Indian fig-tree, Thespesia Opulneoides &c.) L. 
   • a partic. form of temple Var. (cf. ○ndi-vardhana) 
   • N. of an attendant of Śiva MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. nandi, ○ndī7śa, ○ndikeśvara) 
   • of Śiva's bull W. 
   • of sev. authors Cat.

≫ nandinī

   nandinī f. a daughter MBh. &c 
   • a husband's sister (= nanāndṛ) L. 
   • N. of Durgā MatsyaP. 
   • of Gaṅgā L. 
   • of the river Bāṇa-nāsa BrahmaP. 
   • of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh. 
   • of a fabulous cow (mother of Śurabhi and property of the sage Vasishṭha) MBh. Ragh. 
   • of the mother of Vyāḍi L. 
   • N. of sev. plants (= tulasī, jaṭāmāṃsī &c.) L. 
   • a kind of perfume (reṇukā) Bhpr. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • (in music) a partic. composition 
   • N. of a locality MBh. 
   • of Comm. on Mn.

⋙ nandinītanaya

   ○tanaya m. metron. of Vyāḍi L. (cf. above)

⋙ nandinītīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place SkandaP.

⋙ nandinīputra

   ○putra m. metron. of Kaṇâda Gal.

⋙ nandinīsuta

   ○suta m. = -tanaya L.

≫ nandī

   nandī f. of nanda, q.v

⋙ nandīcarita

   ○carita n. N. of wk

⋙ nandīpati

   ○pati m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ nandīpura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Cat.

⋙ nandīpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Pur.

⋙ nandīmukha

   ○mukha (cf. ○ndi-m○), m. N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • a kind of water-bird Bhpr. 
   • a species of rice Suśr. 
   • pl. a kind of Manes L. (wṛ. for nāndī-m○) 
   • (ī), f. sleep L.

⋙ nandīvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. N. of sev. plants (Bignonia Suaveolens, Cedrela Toona &c.) L.

⋙ nandīsaras

   ○saras n. N. of Indra's lake L.


   nandīka (?), m. a cock L.


   nandīṭa m. a bald-headed man L.


   nanderī f. a kind of metre


   nannama (√nam). ku-n○

≫ nannamyamāna

   nannamyamāna mfn. (fr. the Intens.) bending or bowing very low W.


   nannaya-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat.


   na-parājit na-puṃs &c. 2. ná


   nápāt náptṛ m. (the former stem only in the strong cases and earlier lang 
   • the latter in Class., but acc. naptāram appears in TS. and AitBr.) descendant, offspring, son (in this meaning esp. in RV., e.g. apāṃ n○, ūrjo n○, divo n○, vimuco n○ &c.) 
   • grandson (in later lang. restricted to this sense) RV. &c. &c 
   • N. of one of the Viśve devās MBh. xiii, 4362 
   • path of the gods (?) Mahīdh. on VS. xix, 56 
   • granddaughter (?) Uṇ. ii, 96 Sch. 
   • (tī́), f. RV. AV. (ix, 1, 3 nom. ○tís) daughter, granddaughter (pl. often fig. 'the fingers, hands' &c. ) 
   • (trī), f. granddaughter SVĀr. L. [Prob. neither = na + pat (cf. Uṇ. ii, 96) nor na + pāt (cf. Pāṇ. vi, 3, 75), and of very questionable connection with √nabh, or nah ; Zd. napāt, naptar 
   • Gk.  ? ; Lat. nepo1t-em ; Angl. Sax. nefa ; H. Germ. ne10vo, ne10ve, ṇeffe.]

≫ napātka

   napātka mfn. relating to a grandson (applied to a partic. sacrif. fire) Kāṭh.

≫ naptṛkā

   naptṛkā f. a species of bird Suśr.

nabh 1

   nabh cl. 1. Ā. nábhate, to burst be torn or rent asunder RV. viii, 39, 1 ; x, 133, 1 
   • impf. P. nábhas, to break or destroy (?), i, 174, 8 (cf. Dhātup. xviii, 13 Naigh. ii, 19) 
   • cl. 4. 9. P. nabhyati, nabhnāti (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 130, xxxi, 48), to hurt, injure (pf. Ā. nebhe Bhaṭṭ.): Caus. nabhayati, to cause to burst, tear open AitBr.

≫ nabh 2

   nabh f. or m. injury (cf. Sāy.) or injurer RV. i, 174, 8 (only acc. pl. nábhas 
   • but 1. nabh above).  

⋙ nabha

   nabha m. (rather fr. √nabh denoting 'bursting forth' or 'expanding' than fr. √nah 'connecting', scil. heaven and earth) the sky, atmosphere (= nabhas) L. 
   • the month Śrāvaṇa Car. 
   • N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha or of the 3rd Manu (together with Nabhasya) Hariv. 
   • of one of 7 sages of the 6th Manv-antara ib. 
   • of a demon (son of Vipra-citti by Siṃhikā) ib. VP. 
   • of a son of Nala (Nishadha) and father of Puṇḍarīka (cf. nabhas) Hariv. BhP. 
   • (ā), f. a spitting-pot (?) L. 
   • N. of the city of the sun W.

⋙ nabhkānana

   ○kānana m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

⋙ nabhga

   ○ga m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Pur. (cf. nabhāga, nābhāga)

⋙ nabhaukas

   nabhâukas m. inhabiting the sky or atmosphere BhP.

≫ nabhaḥ

   nabhaḥ in comp. for ○bhas

⋙ nabhaḥketana

   ○ketana m. 'sky-banner', the sun L.

⋙ nabhaḥkrānta

   ○krānta and m. 'sky-walker' (from the lion-like shape of certain clouds), a lion L.

⋙ nabhaḥkrāntin

   ○krānḍtin m. 'sky-walker' (from the lion-like shape of certain clouds), a lion L.

⋙ nabhaḥpāntha

   ○pāntha m. 'sky-traveller', the sun L.

⋙ nabhaḥprabheda

   ○prabheda or m. N. of a descendant of Virūpa and author of RV. x, 112 RV. Anukr.

⋙ nabhaḥprabhedana

   ○prabheḍdana m. N. of a descendant of Virūpa and author of RV. x, 112 RV. Anukr.

⋙ nabhaḥprāṇa

   ○prâṇa m. 'sky-breath', air, wind L.

⋙ nabhaḥśabdamaya

   ○śabda-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the word nabhas Ragh.

⋙ nabhaḥśrit

   ○śrit mfn. reaching to the sky Kir.

⋙ nabhaḥśvāsa

   ○śvāsa m. = -prâṇa L.

⋙ nabhaḥsad

   ○sad m. 'sky-dweller', a god Śiś. 
   • a planet Gaṇit.

⋙ nabhaḥsaras

   ○saras n. 'sky-lake', the clouds L.

⋙ nabhaḥsarit

   ○sarit f. 'sky-river', the milky way or = next L.

⋙ nabhaḥsindhu

   ○sindhu f. the celestial Ginges 
   • -putra m. patr. of Bhīma, Pracaṇḍ

⋙ nabhaḥsena

   ○sena f. N. of a woman HPariś.

⋙ nabhaḥstha

   ○stha mfn. 'sky-staying', aerial, celestial W.

⋙ nabhaḥsthala

   ○sthala mfn. 'sky-residing' (said of Śiva) MBh. 
   • n. (cf. Kāvyâd.) and (ī), f. (cf. Rājat.) the celestial vault, firmament

⋙ nabhaḥsthita

   ○sthita mfn. = -stha 
   • m. N. of a hell L.

⋙ nabhaḥspṛś

   ○spṛś mfn. 'sky-touching', attaining heaven MBh. R. &c

≫ nabhanu

   nabhanú m

⋙ nabhanū

   nabhaḍnū́ f. a spring (lit. = next) RV.

≫ nabhanya

   nabhanyá mfn. springing forth (as a hymn, horse &c.) ib.

≫ nabhaś

   nabhaś in comp. for ○bhas

⋙ nabhaścakṣus

   ○cakṣus n. 'eye of the sky', the sun L.

⋙ nabhaścamasa

   ○camasa m. 'goblet of the sky', the moon L. 
   • a kind of cake L. 
   • magic, conjuring L.

⋙ nabhaścara

   ○cara mf(ī)n. 'sky-going', aerial, celestial Kāv. 
   • m. a god Ragh. 
   • a Vidyādhara Kathās. 
   • a bird L. 
   • a cloud L. 
   • the wind L.

⋙ nabhaścyuta

   ○cyuta mfn. fallen from the sky MBh.

≫ nabhas

   nábhas n. (cf. nabha) mist, clouds, vapour (esp. of the Soma) RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • the sky or atmosphere (du. heaven and earth AV.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • ether (as an element) BhP. 
   • (m. L.) N. of a month in the rainy season (= śrāvaṇa, July-August) ŚBr. Ragh. Suśr. 
   • the sun Naigh. i, 4 
   • period of life, age L. 
   • m. clouds, rainy season L. 
   • the nose or smell (= ghrāṇa) L. 
   • a rope made of lotus fibres L. 
   • a spitting-pot L. 
   • N. of a prince (son of Nala and father of Puṇḍarīka) Ragh. VP.   ; Slav. nebo ; Germ. ne10bul, ne10bel, ṇebel ; Angl. Sax. nifol, 'dark.']

⋙ nabhastala

   ○tala n. 'sky-surface', firmament Var. MBh. &c 
   • N. of the 10th solar mansion Var.

⋙ nabhastas

   ○tas ind. from the sky Var. Ragh.

⋙ nabhasmaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. vaporous, misty, hazy RV. -1

⋙ nabhasvat

   ○vat mfn. id. RV. AV. 
   • young L. 
   • m. wind MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of a son of Naraka Bhauma BhP. 
   • (atī), f. N. of the wife of Antar-dhāna and mother of Havir-dhāna BhP. -2

⋙ nabhasvat

   ○vat ind. like vapour MW.

≫ nabhasa

   nabhasá mfn. vapoury, misty AV. 
   • m. sky, atmosphere L. 
   • the rainy season L. 
   • the ocean L. 
   • N. of a Rishi of the 10th Manv-antara Hariv. 
   • of a Danava ib. (vḷ. rabhasa and raśmisa) 
   • of a son of Nala, Vp

⋙ nabhasaṃgama

   ○ṃ-gama m., 'sky-goer', a bird L.

≫ nabhasya

   nabhasyá mfn. foggy, misty ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • m. N. of a month in the rainy season (= bhādra, August-September) VS. ŚBr. Hariv. &c 
   • of a son of Manu Svārocisha or of the 3rd Manu Hariv. 
   • of Śiva Śivag.

≫ nabho

   nabho in comp. for ○bhas

⋙ nabhoga

   ○ga m. 'sky-goer', a planet Gaṇit. 
   • N. of a Ṛishi of the 10th Manvantara Hariv.

⋙ nabhogaja

   ○gaja m. 'sky-elephant', a cloud L.

⋙ nabhogati

   ○gati f. 'sky-going', soaring, flying L.

⋙ nabhoṅgaṇa

   ○'ṅga-ṇa n. celestial vault, firmament, Vāsav

⋙ nabhojā

   ○jā́ mfn. produced from vapour RV.

⋙ nabhojū

   ○jū́ mfn. impelling the clouds ib.

⋙ nabhoda

   ○da m. N. of one of the Viśve devās MBh.

⋙ nabhoduha


⋙ nabhodvīpa


⋙ nabhodhūma


⋙ nabhodhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. a cloud L.

⋙ nabhodṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi mfn. 'sky-looking', blind 
   • looking up to heaven MW.

⋙ nabhonadī

   ○nadī f. 'sky-river', the celestial Ganges L.

⋙ nabhonabhasyatva

   ○nabhasya-tva n. the state of the rainy months Nabhas and Nabhasya Naish.

⋙ nabhomaṇi

   ○maṇi m. 'sky-jewel', the sun L.

⋙ nabhomaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. 'sky-circle', firmament 
   • -dīpa m. 'firmament-lamp', the moon L.

⋙ nabhomadhya

   ○madhya n. 'sky-centre', the zenith Āryabh.

⋙ nabhomudrā

   ○mudrā f. a partic. position of the fingers Cat.

⋙ nabhombupa

   ○'mbu-pa m. 'drinking sky-water or rain' the Cātaka bird L.  

⋙ nabhoyoni

   ○yoni m. 'sky-born', N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ nabhorajas

   ○rajas n. 'sky-dust', darkness L.

⋙ nabhorūpa

   ○rūpa (ná○), mfn. 'cloud-coloured', gloomy, dark VS. 
   • (rūpá), m. N. of a mythic. being Suparṇ.

⋙ nabhoreṇu

   ○reṇu f. 'sky-dust', fog, mist L.

⋙ nabholaya

   ○laya m. 'sky-dissolved', smoke L.

⋙ nabholih

   ○lih mfn. 'sky-licking', lofty, towering W.

⋙ nabhovaṭa

   ○vaṭa m. 'sky-expanse', atmosphere L.

⋙ nabhovid

   ○víd mfn. knowing the sky, abiding in it RV. x, 46, 1

⋙ nabhovīthī

   ○vīthī f. 'sky-road', the sun's path BhP.

≫ nabhya

   nabhya mfn. foggy, moist, cloudy ŚāṅkhGṛ.


   nabhāka m. N. of the author of RV. viii, 39-41 (-vát, Nabhāka's hymn AitBr. vi, 24 
   • ind. like Nabhāka RV. viii, 40, 4 ; 5) 
   • n. = nabhas, or tamas Uṇ. L.


   nabhāga m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP. (cf. nabha-ga, nābhāga)


   nabhi m. a wheel W.

≫ nabhya 2

   nábhya n. the centre part of a wheel, the nave AV. Br. &c 
   • the middle (-stha mfn. standing in the middle) ŚBr. 
   • mfn. (according to g. gav-ādi fr. nābhi) belonging to or fit for a nave Uṇ. iv, 125 Sch.


   na-bhīta na-bhrāj &c. 2. ná


   nam cl. 1.P. námati (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 12), ○te (mostly intrans 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 89 
   • pr. p. Ā. namāna R. 
   • pf. P.  RV. &c 
   • 2. sg. nemitha, or nanantha Vop. 
   • Subj. nanámas RV. 
   • 3. pl. nemur Kāv. 
   • Ā. neme RV. 
   • 3. pl. -nanamire MBh. 
   • aor. P. anān Kāṭh. 
   • anaṃsīt Daś. 
   • Ā. anaṃsta Gr 
   • 3. pl. anaṃsata Br. 
   • Subj. naṃsai, naṃsante RV. 
   • fut. naṃsyati Br. 
   • namiṣyati Hariv. 
   • nantā Siddh. 
   • inf. -námam, -náme RV. 
   • nantum, namitum Kāv. 
   • ind. p. natvā BhP. Kathās. 
   • -natya Br. 
   • -namya MBh.) to bend or bow (either trans. or oftener intr ) to bow to, subject or submit, one's self (with gen., dat. or acc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (with hiruk) to turn away, keep aside AV. iv, 1, 3 
   • to turn towards, i.e. to aim at (gen.) with (instr.) RV. i, 165, 6 
   • to yield or give way, keep quiet or be silent Bālar. vi, 12 
   • (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral RPrāt.: Pass. namyate, to be bent or bowed 
   • yield or submit to TUp. iii, 10, 4: Caus. namáyati RV. &c. &c. (nāmayati Up. &c 
   • nāmyati  Mṛicch. i, 30 
   • aor. anīnamat RV. 
   • Pass. nāmyate, ○ti MBh. &c.) to cause to bow or sink, incline RV. &c. &c 
   • (with cāpam) to bend a bow MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • to turn away or ward off RV. 
   • to aim at (gen.), ix, 97, 15 
   • (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral RPrāt.: Desid. ninaṃsati, Gṛ.: Intens. nánnamīti RV. 
   • nannamyate KātyŚr. (3. sg. námnate impf. anamnata, p. námamāna RV.) to bow or submit one's self to (dat.). RV. Br. [Cf. Zd. nam, nemaiti 
   • Gk. ? ; Lat. nemus ; Goth., Old Sax., Angl.  Sax. niman ; HGerm. ne10man, ne10men, nehmen.]

≫ nama 1

   náma m. pasture-ground RV. iii, 39, 6

≫ nama 2

   nama = ○mas in

⋙ namaukti 2

   náma-ukti f. homage, veneration RV. i, 189, 1 &c

≫ namaka

   namaka m. (prob.) N. of an author

⋙ namakabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya and n. N. of Comms

⋙ namakacamakabhāṣya

   ○camaka-bhāṣya n. N. of Comms

≫ namat

   namat mf(ntī) n. bending, bowing, stooping Kāv. Pur.

≫ namata 1

   namata mf(ā) n. bent, crooked Uṇ. iii, 110 Sch. 
   • m. master, lord 
   • actor, mime L. 
   • a cloud W.

≫ namana

   namana mfn. bending, bowing (ifc.) Śiś. vi, 30 (cf. nṛ-) 
   • n. bowing down, sinking MārkP. 
   • bending (a bow) Sāh.

⋙ namanīya

   namaḍnīya mfn. to be bowed down to, venerable 
   • -pāda BhP.

≫ namayat

   namayat mf(ntī)n. besiding, inclining Kathās.

⋙ namayitavya

   namaḍyitavya mfn. to be bent (bow) Prasannar.

⋙ namayiṣṇu

   namaḍyiṣṇu mfn. bowing, bending RV.

≫ namas

   námas n. bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration (by gesture or word 
   • often with dat., e.g. rāmāya namaḥ, salutation or glory to Rāma, often ind.  
   • namas-√kṛ, to utter a salutation, do homage 
   • ind. p. ○mas-kṛ́tya  or ○mas-kṛtvā  
   • námas-kṛta, worshipped, adored) RV. &c. &c 
   • food Naigh. ii, 7 
   • a thunderbolt, ii, 20 
   • gift, donation L. 
   • m. (?) an inarticulate cry L.

⋙ namaskartṛ

   ○kartṛ mfn. worshipping, a worshipper MBh.

⋙ namaskāra

   ○kārá m. the exclamation 'namas', adoration, homage AV. Br. 
   • &c 
   • a sort of poison L. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of plant 
   • ○ra-vat mfn. containing the word 'namas-kāra' AitBr. 
   • ○ra-vidhi and ○ra-stava m. N. of wks

⋙ namaskārya

   ○kārya mfn. to be worshipped or adored, venerable MBh. Hariv.  

⋙ namaskṛti

   ○kṛti (cf. Kād.),

⋙ namaskriyā

   ○kriyā (cf. MBh.), f. adoration, homage

⋙ namasvat

   ○vat (ná○), mfn. paying or inspiring veneration RV.

⋙ namasvin

   ○vín mfn. worshipping, reverential ib.

≫ namasa

   namasa mfn. favourable, kind Uṇ. iii. 117 
   • m. (?) agreement W.

⋙ namasāna

   namaḍsāná mfn. paying obeisance, worshipping AV.

⋙ namasita

   namaḍsita mfn. (prob. wṛ. for ○syita, next) reverenced, worshipped Br.

≫ namasya 1

   namasya Nom. P. ○yati (ep. also ○te), to pay homage, worship, be humble or deferential RV. &c. &c. (p. ○syat 
   • ind. p. ○sya)

⋙ namasyā

   namaḍsyā́ f. reverence, adoration RV. x, 104, 7

⋙ namasyita

   namaḍsyita mfn. under namasa

⋙ namasyu

   namaḍsyú mfn. bowing down (in á-n○, q.v.) 
   • doing homage, worshipping RV. 
   • m. N. of a son of Praviira BhP.

≫ namasya 2

   namasyá mfn. deserving or paying homage, venerable or humble RV. &c. &c

≫ namita

   namita mfn. bowed, bent down Kāv.

≫ namo

   namo in comp. for ○mas

⋙ namoguru

   ○guru m. spiritual teacher, a Brāhman L.

⋙ namovāka

   ○vāka m. uttering the 'namas', homage, obeisance RV. AV. &c

⋙ namovṛkti

   ○vṛkti (ná○), f. reverential cleansing (of the Barhis) RV. TS. 
   • -vat mfn. containing the word 'namo-vṛikti' ĀpŚr.

⋙ namovṛdh

   ○vṛ́dh mfn. honoured by adoration RV.

⋙ namovṛdha

   ○vṛdhá mfn. worshipping, glorifying ib.

≫ namya

   namya mfn. to be bowed down to, venerable MW. 
   • changeable to a cerebral letter RPrāt. 
   • (ā), f. the night Naigh. i, 7

≫ namra

   namrá mf(ā)n. bowing, inclining 
   • bowed, bent, curved 
   • hanging down, sunk 
   • bowing to (comp.) 
   • submissive, reverential, humble RV. &c. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of 2 verses addressed to Agni ŚrS.

⋙ namratā

   ○tā f

⋙ namratva

   ○tva n. state or condition of bowing or hanging down 
   • bowing to (loc. or comp.) 
   • submissiveness, humbleness, meekness Kāv.

⋙ namranāsika

   ○nāsika mfn. flat-nosed L.

⋙ namraprakṛti

   ○prakṛti mfn. of a gentle or submissive disposition MW.

⋙ namramukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face bent down, looking down W.

⋙ namramūrti

   ○mūrti mfn. having the form bent, stooping, bowed W.

⋙ namrāṅga

   namrâṅga mf(ī)n. bending the body, bowed, stooping MW.

≫ namraka

   namraka mfn. bowed down, stooping L. 
   • m. Calamus Rotang Bhpr.

≫ namrita

   namrita mfn. bent down, made to sink Inscr.

≫ namrīkṛ

   namrī-√kṛ to bend or bring down, humiliate ib.

namata 2

   namata n. felt, woollen stuff L. (cf. 2. navata)


   na-mātra na-mura &c. 2. ná


   nami m. N. of a Jain. author (1069) Cat.


   námī n. N. of a man RV.


   namuca m. N. of an ancient sage MBh. xiii, 7112 (cf. next)

≫ namuci

   namuci m. (according to Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 = na + m○, 'not loosing', scil. the heavenly waters, i.e. 'preventing rain') N. of a demon slain by Indra and the Aśvins RV. VS. Br. MBh. &c 
   • of the god of love L.

⋙ namucighna

   ○ghna (cf. MBh.),

⋙ namucidviṣ

   ○dviṣ (cf. Śiś.), m. 'hater or killer of Namuci', N. of Indra

⋙ namucisūdana

   ○sūdana m. 'destroyer of NṭNamuci', id 
   • -sārathi m. Indra's charioteer Mātali Bālar.

⋙ namucihan

   ○han m.= -ghna MBh.


   nameru m. Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L.


   namaiya m. N. of a poet Cat. (vḷ. nammaiya)


   namb cl. 1. P. nambati, to go Vop. in Dhātup. xi, 35


   nambi-kārikā f. N. of wk


   nammaiya namaiya


   nay cl. 1. Ā. nayate, to go 
   • to protect Dhātup. xiv, 7


   naya m. (√1. nī)leading (of an army) R. 
   • conduct, behaviour, (esp.) prudent conduct or bṭbehaviour, good management, polity, civil and military government MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • wisdom, prudence, reason (naya ibc. or nayeṣu, in a prudent manner MBh.) R. BhP. 
   • plan, design MBh. Pañc. Kathās. 
   • leading thought, maxim, principle, system, method, doctrine R. Sāh. Bhāshāp. Sarvad. 
   • a kind of game and a sort of dice or men for playing it L. 
   • N. of a son of Dharma and Kriyā Pur. 
   • of a son of 13th Manu Hariv. 
   • guide, conductor L. 
   • mfn. fit, right, proper L.

⋙ nayakovida

   ○kovida mfn. skilled in policy, prudent BhP.  

⋙ nayaga

   ○ga mfn. behaving properly or prudently MBh.

⋙ nayacakṣus

   ○cakṣus n. the eye of prudence R. 
   • mfn. wise, prudent Ragh.

⋙ nayacandra

   ○candra m. N. of a dram. poet Cat. 
   • -sūri m. N. of the author of the Hammīracarita ib.

⋙ nayajā

   ○jā f. N. of a woman ib.

⋙ nayajña

   ○jña mfn. = -kovida R. Pañc. 
   • m. a follower of any system MW.

⋙ nayadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man, Kuttaṇīm

⋙ nayadyumaṇi

   ○dyumaṇi m

⋙ nayanirūpaṇa

   ○nirūpaṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ nayanetṛ

   ○netṛ m. a master in policy or politics L.

⋙ nayapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a king Vet. 
   • of another man Inscr.

⋙ nayapīṭhī

   ○pīṭhī f. a board for playing L.

⋙ nayaprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f. N. of wk

⋙ nayaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. political wisdom or address W.

⋙ nayabodhikā


⋙ nayamaṇimañjarī


⋙ nayamāṇimālikā


⋙ nayamayūkhamālikā

   ○mayūkha-mālikā f

⋙ nayamārtaṇḍa

   ○mārtaṇḍa m

⋙ nayaratna

   ○ratna n

⋙ nayaratnamālā

   ○ratna-mālā f

⋙ nayalocana

   ○locana n. N. of wks

⋙ nayavat

   ○vat mfn. versed in polity, prudent Kāv. 
   • containing some form of √nī (as a Ṛik) TS.

⋙ nayavartman

   ○vartman n. 'path of policy', political wisdom Kir.

⋙ nayavid

   ○vid mfn. = -kovida Kāv. 
   • m. a politician, statesman MW.

⋙ nayaviveka

   ○viveka m. N. of wk 
   • -dīpikā, -śaṅkā-dīpikā, f 
   • ○kâlaṃkāra m. N. of Comms

⋙ nayaviśārada

   ○viśārada mfn. = -vid R.

⋙ nayavīthi

   ○vīthi f. N. of wk

⋙ nayavedin

   ○vedin mfn. = -vid Gal.

⋙ nayaśālin

   ○śālin mfn. endowed with political wisdom or prudence Kathās.

⋙ nayaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the doctrines of pṭpolitical wisdom R. Pañc.

⋙ nayasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. 'summary of pṭpolitical wisdom', N. of wk

⋙ nayasādhana

   ○sādhana n. political conduct R.

⋙ nayasāra

   ○sāra m. 'essence of polity', chief of a village W. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ nayasāhasonnatimat

   ○sāhasônnati-mat mfn. requiring a high degree of prudence and resolution Pañc. iii, 264

⋙ nayasiddhi

   ○siddhi f. political success W.

≫ nayaka

   nayaka mfn. clever in policy. L.

≫ nayat

   nayat mf(antī)n. leading, guiding &c. ( √nī) 
   • informing, certifying, obtaining W.

≫ nayana

   nayana m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • (ā or ī), f. the pupil of the eye L. 
   • n. leading, directing, managing, conducting 
   • carrying, bringing Hariv. Kāv. Pañc. &c 
   • (kālasya) fixing MBh. i, 2580 Nīlak. 
   • drawing, moving (a man or piece in a game, cf. naya and naya-pīṭhī) L. ; (pl.) prudent, conduct, polity BhP. x, 50, 34 
   • 'the leading organ, the eye (ifc. f. ā or ī) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c

⋙ nayanagocara

   ○gocara mfn. being within the eye's range, visible (-tva Naish. Sch. 
   • ○rī-√kṛ, to perceive or behold Vās.)

⋙ nayanacandrikā

   ○candrikā f. moonshine, anything looking bright to the eyes Daś. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ nayanacarita

   ○carita n. play of the eyes, ogling, Pracaṇḍ.

⋙ nayanacchada

   ○cchada m. eye-covering, an eyelid L.

⋙ nayanajala

   ○jala n. 'eye-water', tears Kād.

⋙ nayanatva

   ○tva n. condition of the eyes, sight Veṇis. vi, 39/40

⋙ nayanapatha

   ○patha m. (cf. Vedântas.),

⋙ nayanapadavī

   ○padavī f. (cf. Kāv.) range or field of sight

⋙ nayanapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. or n. the eyelid Var.

⋙ nayanaprabandha

   ○prabandha m. the outer corner of the eye ib.

⋙ nayanaprasādinī

   ○prasādinī f. N. of wk

⋙ nayanaprīti

   ○prīti f. 'eye-delight', lovely sight L.

⋙ nayanaplava

   ○plava m. swimming of the eyes Suśr.

⋙ nayanabudbuda

   ○budbuda n. eyeball ib.

⋙ nayanabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ nayanavat

   ○vat mfn. having eyes Mālatīm.

⋙ nayanavāri

   ○vāri n. = -jala Śiś.

⋙ nayanaviṣaya

   ○viṣaya m. 'range of sight', the horizon Megh. 
   • -"ṣyī-bhāva m. the being within sight Naish.

⋙ nayanaśāṇa

   ○śāṇa m. a partic. ointment for the eye Bhpr.

⋙ nayanasalila

   ○salila n. = -jala Megh. Kād.

⋙ nayanasukha

   ○sukha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nayanāñcala

   nayanâñcala m. eye-corner R. 
   • side-glance Prasannar.

⋙ nayanāñjana

   nayanâñjana n. any ointment for the eye R.

⋙ nayanāñjala

   nayanâñjala wṛ. for ○nâñcala

⋙ nayanānanda

   nayanânanda m. = -prīti Ratn. 
   • N. of Sch. on the Amara-kośa (also -śarman) Cat.

⋙ nayanānta

   nayanânta m. eye-corner Kāv.

⋙ nayanāmṛta

   nayanâmṛta n. a partic. ointment for the eyes Rasêndrac.

⋙ nayanāmbu

   nayanâmbu n. = ○na-jala Kir.

⋙ nayanotsava

   nayanôtsava m. 'eye-festival', any lovely sight or object L. 
   • a lamp L.

⋙ nayanoda

   nayanôda n. 'eye-water', tears MW. (also ○daka Kād.) 
   • -bindu m. tear-drop Vikr.

⋙ nayanopānta

   nayanôpânta m. eye-corner L.

⋙ nayanauṣadha

   nayanâuṣadha a partic. ointment for the eyes L.

≫ nayitavya

   nayitavya mfn. to be conducted or brought Hariv.

≫ nayiṣṭha

   náyiṣṭha m. leading in the best manner RV. x, 126, 3


   náyyagrodha mf(ī)n. (fr. nyagrodha) relating to the sacred fig-tree TS. (vḷ. naiyagr○)


   nára m. (cf. nṛ) a man, a male, a person (pl. men, people) TS. &c. &c 
   • husband Mn. ix, 76 
   • hero VarBṛS. iv, 31 Bālar. viii, 56 
   • a man or piece at chess or draughts &c. L. 
   • the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial Sūryas. (cf. -yantra) 
   • person, personal termination Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 85 (cf. puruṣa) 
   • the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe (always associated with Nārāyaṇa, 'son of the primeval man'  
   • both are considered either as gods or sages and accordingly called devau, ṛṣī, tāpasau &c 
   • in ep. poetry they are the son, of Dharma by Mūrti or A-hiṃsā and emanations of Vishṇu, Arjuna being identified with Nara, and Kṛishṇa with Nārāyaṇa) Mn. (cf. -sūnu) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • (pl.) a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kiṃ-naras MBh. . Pur. 
   • N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa BhP. 
   • of a son of Viśvāmitra Hariv. 
   • of a son of Gaya and father of Virāj VP. 
   • of a son of Su-dhṛiti and father of Kevala Pur. 
   • of a son of Bhavan-manyu (Manyu) and father of Saṃkṛiti ib. 
   • of Bhāradvāja (author of RV. vi, 35 and 36) Anukr. 
   • of 2 kings of Kaśmīra Rājat. 
   • of one of the 10 horses of the Moon L. 
   • (ī), f. a woman (= nārī) L. 
   • n. a kind of fragrant grass

⋙ narakapāla

   ○kapāla n. a man's skull Pañc.

⋙ narakāka

   ○kāka m. a crow-like man Daś.

⋙ narakīlaka

   ○kīlaka m. a man who has murdered his preceptor L.

⋙ narakesarin

   ○kesarin m. 'murdered-lion', Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra Cat.

⋙ naragaṇapativijaya

   ○gaṇa-pati-vijaya m. N. of wk

⋙ naragrāha

   ○grāha m. 'murdered-crocodile', N. of a kind of Kirāta R.

⋙ naracandra

   ○candra m. N. of a Jaina writer Cat.

⋙ naracihna

   ○cihna n. 'murdered-sign', moustaches Gal.

⋙ narajaṅgala

   ○jaṅgala n. moustache's flesh Mālatīm.

⋙ naratā

   ○tā f

⋙ naratva

   ○tva n. manhood, humanity, human condition Pur.

⋙ naratroṭakācārya

   ○troṭakâcārya m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ narada

   ○da narada

⋙ naradatta

   ○datta m. N. of a Brāhman (nephew of the Ṛishi Asita) Lalit. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a goddess executing the commands of the 20th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī L. 
   • of one of the 16 Vidyā-deviis L.

⋙ naradanta

   ○danta m. a man's tooth Kathās.

⋙ naradeva

   ○deva m. 'man-god', a king Mn. MBh. &c. (-tva n. BhP.) 
   • N. of an author Cat. 
   • -deva m. god among kings, supreme sovereign BhP. 
   • -putra m. the son of a man and a god MW.

⋙ naradviṣ

   ○dviṣ m. 'man-hater', a Rakshas Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ naranagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a town L.

⋙ naranātha

   ○nātha m. 'man-protector', a king R. Pur. &c 
   • -mārga m. 'king's road', high street Rājat. 
   • ○thâsana n. throne or dignity of a king ib.

⋙ naranāman

   ○nāman m. a kind of tree L.

⋙ naranāyaka

   ○nāyaka m. 'man-leader', king Inscr.

⋙ naranārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of Kṛishṇa MBh. BhP. 
   • N. of an author Cat. 
   • du. Nara and Nārāyaṇa ( above) MBh. 
   • ○ṇânanda-kāvya n. N. of a poem Cat.

⋙ naranārīvilakṣaṇā

   ○nārī-vilakṣaṇā f. 'having the signs of man and woman', a hermaphrodite Gal.

⋙ naraṃdhiṣa

   ○ṃ-dhiṣa (naráṃ-), m. 'watching or heeding men (?)', N. of Vishṇu VS. ŚBr. 
   • of Pūshan VS. TĀr.

⋙ narapa

   ○pa m. 'man-protector', a king Dhūrtan.

⋙ narapati

   ○pati m. 'man-lord', a king Var. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of one of the 4 myth. kings of Jambu-dviipa L. 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • -jaya-caryā f. ○ryā-sāra m. N. of wks 
   • -patha m. = -nātha-mārga Megh. 
   • -vijaya m. N. of wk

⋙ narapaśu

   ○paśu m. 'man-beast', a brute in human form BhP. 
   • a man as sacrificial victim Jātakam.

⋙ narapāla

   ○pāla m. = -pa Pañc.

⋙ narapālinī

   ○pālinī f. = -māninī Gal.

⋙ narapuṃgava

   ○puṃgava m. 'man-bull', an excellent hero Bhag.

⋙ narapūtanāśānti

   ○pūtanā-śānti f. N. of wk

⋙ narapriya

   ○priya mfn. favourable to mankind W. 
   • m. N. of a tree L.

⋙ narabali

   ○bali m. a human sacrifice Siṃhâs.

⋙ narabrahmadeva

   ○brahma-deva m. N. of a king Cat.

⋙ narabhuj

   ○bhuj mfn. man-eating, cannibal MW.

⋙ narabhū

   ○bhū or f. 'land of men', N. of Bhārata-varsha L.

⋙ narabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. 'land of men', N. of Bhārata-varsha L.

⋙ naramāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. man's flesh Siṃhâs.

⋙ naramānikā

   ○mānikā and f. a man-like woman, a woman with a beard L.

⋙ naramāninī

   ○māninī f. a man-like woman, a wṭwoman with a beard L.

⋙ naramālā

   ○mālā f. a string or girdle of human skulls Deviim.

⋙ naramālinī

   ○mālinī f. wṛ. for -māninī

⋙ naramūrchana

   ○mūrchana n. N. of ch. of the PadmaP.

⋙ naramedha

   ○medha m. = -bali MBh. R.

⋙ naramohinī

   ○mohinī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.

⋙ narammanya

   ○m-manya mfn. thinking one's self a man, passing for a man Pāṇ. 6-3, 68 Sch.

⋙ narayantra

   ○yantra n. 'gnomon-instrument', a sun-dial Sūryas.

⋙ narayāṇa

   ○yāṇa or n. a carriage drawn by men MBh. Pañc. BhP.

⋙ narayāna

   ○yāna n. a carriage drawn by men MBh. Pañc. BhP.

⋙ nararatha

   ○ratha wṛ. for nava-r○

⋙ nararāja

   ○rāja m. 'king of man', a king R. 
   • ○jya n. kingship, royalty Caurap.

⋙ nararūpa

   ○rūpa n. human form 
   • mf(ī)n. man-like (also ○pin) W.

⋙ nararṣaba

   ○rṣaba m. (○ra + ṛṣ○) 'mṭman-bull', a king MW.

⋙ naraloka

   ○loka m. 'men's world', the earth 
   • mortals, men BhP. 
   • -pāla m. = nara-pa Ragh. 
   • -viira m. a human hero Bhag.

⋙ naravat

   ○vat ind. like a man MW.

⋙ naravara

   ○vara m. an excellent man 
   • -vṛṣabha m. an excellent hero (like a bull) 
   • ○rôttama m. the best of excellent men, id

⋙ naravarman

   ○varman m. N. of a prince of Mālava in the 12th century Rājat. &c 
   • ○ma-nṛpati-kathā f. N. of wk

⋙ naravāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'borne or drawn by men', N. of Kubera MBh. &c 
   • of a prince (successor of Śāli-vāhana) Inscr. 
   • of a prince of the Dārvâbhisāras Rājat. 
   • of a minister of king Kshema-gupta ib. 
   • -janana n. N. of ch. of Kathās. 
   • -datta m. N. of a son of king Udayana Kathās. 
   • -datta-carita-maya mf(ī)n. containing the adventures of prince Naravāhana-datta ib.  
   • -dattīya mfn. relating to him ib.

⋙ naravāhin

   ○vāhin mfn. drawn or carried by men Nal.

⋙ naraviṣāṇa

   ○viṣāṇa n. 'man's horn', i.e. anything nonexistent Nyāyam.

⋙ naraviṣvaṇa

   ○viṣvaṇa m. 'man-devourer', a Rakshas L.

⋙ naravīra

   ○vīra m. an heroic or excellent mṭman MBh. 
   • -loka m. the bravest of men or mankind Kāv.

⋙ naravṛttāṣṭaka

   ○vṛttâṣṭaka n. N. of wk

⋙ naravyāghra

   ○vyāghra m. = next MBh. 
   • pl. N. of a myth. people R.

⋙ naraśārdūla

   ○śārdūla m. 'man-tiger', an eminent or illustrious man MBh.

⋙ naraśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. = -viṣāṇa W.

⋙ naraśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. the best of men MW.

⋙ narasaṃvādasundara

   ○saṃvāda-sundara m. or n. N. of wk

⋙ narasaṃsarga

   ○saṃsarga m. intercourse of men, human society MW.

⋙ narasakha

   ○sakha m. 'Nara's friend', N. of Nārāyaṇa Vikr.

⋙ narasaṃghārāma

   ○saṃghârāma m. N. of a Buddh. monastery

⋙ narasarājīya

   ○sarājīya n. N. of a poem

⋙ narasāra

   ○sāra m. sal ammoniac L.

⋙ narasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. 'man-lion', great warrior MBh. R. 
   • N. of Vishṇu in his 4th Ava-tāra (when he was half mṭman half lion) Kāv. Pur. 
   • N. of the father of king Bhairava Cat. 
   • of sev. princes and authors (also -kavi, -kavi-rāja, -ṭhakkura, -dīkṣita, -deva, -paṇḍita, -bhaṭṭa, -miśra, -muni, -yati, -yatī7ndra, -rāja, -vājapeyin (or ○hâgnicid-vāj○), -śāstrin, -sarasvatī, -sūri, -sena, -"ṣhâcārya) Cat. 
   • -kalpa m. N. of wk 
   • -cūrṇa n. N. of a partic. aphrodisiac L. 
   • -dvādaśī f. N. of the 12th day in the light half of the month Phālguna (○śī-vrata n. a ceremony then performed, N. of wk.) Cat. 
   • -nakhastotra and -pañca-ratna n. N. of Stotras 
   • -pārijāta m. -purāṇa n. -bhaṭṭīya n. -bhāratī-vilāsa m. -bhujaṃga m. -bhūpāla-caritra n. N. of wks 
   • -yantra n. N. of a mystic. diagram Tantras. 
   • -rājīya n. ○harṣabha-kṣetra-māhātmya n. N. of wks 
   • -varman m. N. of a man L. 
   • -śāstri-prakāśikā, f 
   • -sahasra-nāman n. pl 
   • -stuti f. N. of wks

⋙ naraskandha

   ○skandha m. a multitude of men L.

⋙ narahaya

   ○haya vḷ. for nāra-h○

⋙ narahari

   ○hari m. N. of Vishṇu as 'man-lion' (cf. -siṃha) Gīt. BhP. 
   • of sev. authors (also -tīrtha, -bhaṭṭa, -śāstrin, -sūri 
   • ○ry-upâdhyāya) Cat. 
   • of another man Kshitîś. 
   • -deva m. N. of a prince Inscr.

⋙ narāṅga

   narâṅga m. n. 'man-member', the penis L. 
   • m. eruption on the face L. (cf. naraṅga) 
   • mf(ī) n. having a human body (also -ka) Hcat.

⋙ narāṅghri

   narâṅghri mfn. having human feet ib.

⋙ narāca

   narâca m. (√añc) a kind of metre Col. (vḷ. nār○) 
   • (ī́), f. a species of plant (?) AV. 
   • N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv.

⋙ narādhama

   narâdhama m. a low or vile man, a wretch Bhag.

⋙ narādhāra

   narâdhāra m. 'asylum or receptacle of men', N. of Śiva L. 
   • (ā), f. the earth L.

⋙ naradhipa

   narádhipa m. = next Mn. MBh. &c 
   • Cathartocarpus Fistula Suśr. 
   • ○dhipati m. 'lord of men', king, prince R. Var.

⋙ narānta

   narânta m. N. of a son of Hṛidika Hariv.

⋙ narāntaka

   narântaka m. 'man-destroyer', death 
   • N. of a Rakshas R. Pur. 
   • -nigraha-varṇana, n 
   • -nirgama m. N. of of GaṇP. i, 59 and 57

⋙ narāyaṇa

   narâyaṇa wṛ. for nār○

⋙ narāśa

   narâśa m. 'man-eater', a Rakshas or demon Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ narāśaṃsa

   nárā-śáṃsa (○râś○?), m. 'the desire or praise of men(?)', a mystic. N. of Agni (esp. in the Āprī hymns, besides or instead of Tanū4-nápāt, q.v.) RV. VS. TS. Br. 
   • (rarely) of Pūshan, e.g. RV. i, 164, 3 
   • x. 64, 3 
   • -paṅkti wṛ. for nārā-śṭśáṃsa-p○

⋙ narāśana

   narâśana m. = narâśa R.

⋙ naretara

   narêtara m. 'different from men', a god BhP. iv, 6, 9 
   • a beast or beast-like man ib. iii, 13, 49

⋙ narendra

   narêndra m. 'man-lord', king, prince, Msi. MBh. &c 
   • a physician, master of charms or antidotes Daś. (cf. dur-n○) 
   • = narêndra-druma Suśr. (cf. narâdhipa) 
   • = vārttika or rājika L. 
   • N. of a poet Cat. 
   • of another man Kshitîś. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • -kanyā f. a princess Ragh. 
   • -tā f. (cf. Priy.), -tva n. (R.ājat.) kingship, royalty 
   • -deva m. N. of a king W. 
   • -druma m. Cathartocarpus Fistula Suśr. 
   • -nagarī (?), m. N. of a grammarian Cat. 
   • -putra m. a prince Var. 
   • -mārga m. 'king's road', high street R. 
   • -svāmin m. N. of a temple built by Narêndrâditya, Râjat 
   • ○drâcārya m. N. of a grammarian Cat. 
   • ○drâditya m. N. of 2 kings of Kaśmīra Rājat. 
   • ○drâhva n. Agallochum L.

⋙ nareśa

   narêśa m. 'lord of men', king MBh.

⋙ nareśvara

   narêśvara m. id. ib. 
   • N. of an author Cat. 
   • -parī7kṣā f. -viveka m. N. of wks

⋙ narottama

   narôttama m. best of men MBh. Hariv. 
   • N. of Vishṇu or Buddha L. 
   • of Sch. on the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa Cat. 
   • -dāsa m. N. of an author ib. 
   • -kīrti-leśa-mātra-darśaka m. or n. N. of wk 
   • ○mâraṇya-śiṣya m. N. of an author Cat.

≫ narī

   narī in comp. for ○ra

⋙ narībhu

   ○√bhu to become a man HPariś.

≫ narya

   nárya mfn. manly, human 
   • strong, powerful, heroic (as Indra, the Maruts &c.)  
   • suitable or agreeable to men (as food, riches &c.) RV. AV. VS. Br. 
   • m. a man, a person RV. (cf. Nir. xi, 36) 
   • N. of a man RV. i, 54, 6 ; 112, 9 (cf. Sāy.) 
   • n. a manly or heroic deed (with or scil. ápas). RV. 
   • a gift for men ib.

⋙ naryāpas

   náryâpas mfn. performing manly deeds RV. VS.


   náraka (cf. Nir 
   • naráka TĀr.), m. or n. hell, place of torment Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (distinguished from pātāla, q.v 
   • personified as a son of Anṛita and Nirṛiti or Nirkṛiti MārkP. 
   • there are many different hells, generally 21 Mn. iv, 88-90 Yājñ. Pur. &c.) 
   • m. N. of a demon (son of Vishṇu and Bhūmi or the Earth, and therefore called Bhauma, haunting Prāg-jyotisha and slain by Kṛishṇa) MBh. Pur. Rājat. &c 
   • of a son of Vipra-citti VP. 
   • = deva-rātriprabheda (?) L. 
   • m. or n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. (vḷ. anaraka) 
   • (ikā), f. Pāṇ. 7-3, 44 Vārtt. 4 Pat.

⋙ narakakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa n. a pit in hell for tormenting the wicked (86 in number) BrahmaP.

⋙ narakajit

   ○jit m. 'vanquisher of the demon NṭNirkṛiti', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Hcar.

⋙ narakatiryaksaṃśodhana

   ○tiryak-saṃśodhana n. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ narakadevatā

   ○devatā f. 'the deity of hell', N. of Nirṛiti L.

⋙ narakapāta

   ○pāta m. the falling into hṭhell Pañc.

⋙ narakabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. a division of hell L.

⋙ narakaripu

   ○ripu m. 'foe of Naraka', N. of Kṛishṇa, Veṇ. (cf. -jit)

⋙ narakarūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. 'hell-formed', hellish MW.

⋙ narakavarga

   ○varga m. 'hell-chapter', N. of ch. of Amara-siṃha's Liṅgânuśāsana

⋙ narakavarṇana

   ○varṇana n. 'description of hṭhell', N. of ch. of the Revā-māhātmya

⋙ narakavāsa

   ○vāsa m. abode in hell Hcar.

⋙ narakavedanā

   ○vedanā f. N. of wk

⋙ narakastha

   ○stha mfn. living or being in hṭhell BhP. 
   • (ā), f. the river of hell Vaitaraṇi L.


   narakasvargaprāptiprakāravarṇana3náraka--svarga-prâpti-prakāra-varṇana n. 'description of the mode of obtaining heaven and hell', N. of ch. of the Māghamāhāmya

⋙ narakāntaka

   narakântaka m. 'destroyer of the demon Naraka', N. of Kṛishṇa L.

⋙ narakāmaya

   narakâmaya m. = prêta, the soul after death, a ghost L.

⋙ narakāri

   narakâri m. = ○ka-ripu L.

⋙ narakāvāsa

   narakâvāsa m. the hellish sea Hcat.

⋙ narakārṇava

   narakârṇava m. an inhabitant of hṭhell L.

⋙ narakāsuradhvaṃsa

   narakâsura-dhvaṃsa m

⋙ ravijaya

   ra-vijaya m. and N. of wks

⋙ ravyāyoga

   ḍra-vyāyoga m. N. of wks

⋙ narakottaraṇa

   narakôttaraṇa n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ narakankas

   narakankas m. = ○kâvāsa MārkP.

≫ narakāya

   narakāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble or be similar to hell MārkP.


   naraṅga wṛ. for narâṅga L.


   narada m. N. of a Brāhman Lalit. 
   • m. or n. (prob.) = nálada g. kiśarâdi

⋙ naradika

   naraḍdika mfn. dealing in the substance called Narada ib.


   nárā-śáṃsa under nara


   naríṣṭā (cf. AV.), ○ṣṭhā (cf. VS.), f. joking, chattering, pastime (cf. narma, man)


   na-riṣyat ○ṣyanta &c. under 2. ná


   narīya m. N. of a son cf Bhaṅgakāra Hariv. (vḷ. nāreya, tāreya)


   narúṇa m. (√nṝ?) leader (said of Pūshan). TĀr.


   narka n. the nose Gal.

≫ narkuṭa

   narkuṭa n. id. ib. (cf. nakuṭa) 
   • ○ṭaka n. id. L. 
   • a kind of metre Var. (cf. nardaṭaka)


   narta mfn. (√nṛt) dancing (cf. nitya-) 
   • m. dance, g. chedâdi

≫ nartaka

   nartaka mfn. causing to dance (fr. Caus.), Sāh 
   • m. dancer, singer, actor (often with naṭa) MBh. Var. Kāv. Pur. &c 
   • a dancing-master (fr. Caus.) MBh. 
   • a bard, herald W. 
   • an elephant L. 
   • a peacock W. 
   • a kind of reed L. 
   • (ī), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 145 Kāś.) a female dancer, actress, singing girl Kāv. Pur. &c. (-tva n. Vcar.) 
   • a female elephant L. 
   • a peahen W. 
   • a kind of perfume L. 
   • n. a partic. myth. weapon MBh.

⋙ nartakaka

   nartakaka m

⋙ nartakakikā

   nartakaḍkikā f. dimin. fr. nartaka Pat.

≫ nartana

   nartana m. (initial n not changeable to ṇ g. kṣubhnâdi) dancer MBh. Hariv. 
   • n. dancing, acting (metric. also ā, f 
   • cf. ○nā-gṛha, below)

⋙ nartananirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ nartanapriya

   ○priya m. 'fond of dancing', a peacock L.

⋙ nartanaśālā

   ○śālā f. dancing-room MBh.

⋙ nartanasthāna

   ○sthāna n. dancing-place

⋙ nartanāgāra

   nartanâgāra and n. = ○na-śālā MBh.

⋙ nartanāgṛha

   nartaḍnā-gṛha n. = ○na-śālā MBh.

≫ nartayitṛ

   nartayitṛ mfn. causing to dance (with acc.) Vcar. 
   • m. dancing-master Mālav. ii, 24 ; 29/30 (cf. ○taka)

⋙ nartita

   nartita mfn. made to dance, dandled Kāv. 
   • n. dance MBh. 
   • -bhrū-lata mfn. a face the eye brows of which are dancing or moving to and fro Bhartṛ.  
   • -mayūra mfn. possessing dancing peacocks ib.

⋙ nartitavya

   nartitavya n. the being obliged to dance, necessity of dancing Ratn. i, 5/6

≫ nartin

   nartin mfn. dancing (cf. vaṃśa-n○)

≫ nartū

   nartū f. actress, dancing girl L.


   nard c1. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. iii, 19) nardati (ep. also ○te 
   • pf. nanarda MBh. 
   • aor. anardīt Gr 
   • anardiṣur Bhaṭṭ. 
   • fut. nardiṣyati, ○ditā Gr 
   • inf. narditum ib. 
   • ind. p. -nardam MBh.) to bellow, roar, shriek, sound Br. &c.&c 
   • to go, move, Gr.: Caus. -nardayati GopBr.

≫ narda

   narda mfn. bellowing, roaring (cf. go-n○)

⋙ nardat

   narḍdat mf(antī)n. roaring, sounding, praising, proclaiming MBh. &c

⋙ nardana

   narḍdana m. 'roarer', N. of a Nāga-rāja L. 
   • n. sounding, roaring Var. 
   • celebrating, praising aloud W.

⋙ nardanīya

   narḍdanīya mfn. to be sounded 
   • to be celebrated or praised aloud ib.

⋙ nardita

   narḍdita mfn. roared, bellowed &c 
   • n. bellowing, roaring, sounding R. Hit. 
   • m. a kind of die or a throw at dice Mṛicch. ii, 7 (= nādī or nāndī. Sch. 
   • prob. the chief die 
   • cf. vṛṣa Nal. vii, 6)

⋙ nardin

   narḍdin mfn. roaring, sounding (cf. gehe-n○)


   nardaṭaka n. a kind of metre Col. (wṛ. nardh○ 
   • cf. narkuṭaka)


   nardabuda mfn. = garbhasya śabdayitā, niśāmakaḥ TS. Sch.


   narb cl. 1. P. narbati, to go, move Dhātup. xi, 34 (cf. namb)

narma 1

   narmá m. sport, pastime VS. (cf. narman, naríṣṭā)

≫ narma 2

   narma in comp. for ○man

⋙ narmakīla

   ○kīla m. a husband L.

⋙ narmagarbha

   ○garbha mfn. containing a joke, not meant seriously Bālar. 
   • m. (dram.) an action of the hero in an unrecognizable form Sāh. Bhar.

⋙ narmada

   ○da mfn. causing mirth or pleasure, delightful Naish. 
   • m. a jester, the companion of a person's sports or amusements L. 
   • N. of a man Cat. 
   • (ā), f. narmadā

⋙ narmadyuti

   ○dyuti mfn. bright with joy, happy, merry W. 
   • f. enjoyment of a joke or any amusement Daśar. Sch.

⋙ narmayukta

   ○yukta mfn. sportive, jocose (word) MBh.

⋙ narmavatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a drama Sāh.

⋙ narmasaṃyukta

   ○saṃyukta mfn. sportive, droll MBh.

⋙ narmasaciva

   ○saciva m. 'amusement-companion', promoter of the amusement of a prince Kām.

⋙ narmasācivya

   ○sācivya n. superintendence of a prince's amusement W.

⋙ narmasuhṛd

   ○suhṛd m. = -saciva Kathās.

⋙ narmasphañja

   ○sphañja or (cf. Daśar.),

⋙ narmasphiñja

   ○sphiñja (cf. Daśar.),

⋙ narmasphūrja

   ○sphūrja (cf. Sāh. Bhar.), m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm

⋙ narmasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa m. (dram.) the first symptoms of love ib.

⋙ narmārtham

   narmârtham ind. for sport MBh.

⋙ narmālāpa

   narmâlāpa m. a jocular conversation Hcat.

⋙ narmaikasodara

   narmâika-sôdara mfn. having pleasure or mirth as one's only brother, thinking only of sport Kathās.

⋙ narmokti

   narmôkti f. a facetious expression Rājat.

≫ narmaṭha

   narmaṭha m. (only L.) a jester 
   • a libertine 
   • sport 
   • coition 
   • the nipple 
   • the chin

≫ narmadā

   narma-dā f. of -da (above), 'pleasure-giver', N. of a river (the modern Nerbudda) MBh. &c. (she is personified as the wife of Puru-kutsa and mother of Trasa-dasyu, or as a sister of the Ura-gas i.e. serpents, or as a daughter of the Soma-pas) 
   • of a Gandharvii R. 
   • a kind of plant L.

⋙ narmadākhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of ch. of the SkandaP.

⋙ narmadātaṭadeśa

   ○taṭa-deśa m. N. of a district MW.

⋙ narmadātīragamana

   ○tīra-gamana n. N. of ch. of the R.

⋙ narmadātīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place ŚivaP.

⋙ narmadāmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n

⋙ narmadālaharī

   ○laharī f

⋙ narmadāṣṭaka

   ○"ṣṣṭaka (○dâṣṭ○), n

⋙ narmadāsundarīrāsa

   ○sundarī-rāsa m. N. of wks

⋙ narmadeśvara

   narmadêśvara m. (prob.) a form of Śiva 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of sev. Tīrthas ŚivaP. 
   • -parī7kṣā f. N. of wk 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of ch. of ŚivaP. 
   • -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga 
   • of ch. of SkandaP.

≫ narman

   narman n. sport, play, amusement, pleasure, pastime, pleasantry, dallying, jest, joke, wit, humour, (○māṇi-√kṛ, to joke 
   • ○maṇā ind. in jest, for sport) MBh. Kāv. &c

≫ narmaya

   narmaya Nom.P. ○yati, to gladden or exhilarate by jests or sports Kām.

≫ narmāyita

   narmāyita n. sport, pastime Bālar.


   narmaṭa m. a potsherd 
   • the sun L.


   narmarā f. (cf. L.) cavity or valley 
   • a bellows 
   • an old woman past menstruation 
   • a kind of plant


   nal cl. 1. P. to smell or to bind Dhātup. xx, 8 (confusion of gandhe and bandhe?) 
   • cl. 10. P. nālayati, to speak or shine, xxxiii, 127  
   • to bind or confine W.


   nala m. (cf. naḍá, naḻá) a species of reed, Amphidonax Karka (8-12 feet high) Gobh. MBh. &c 
   • a measure of length MBh. (vḷ. tala) 
   • a partic. form of constellation in which all the planets or stars are grouped in double mansions Var. 
   • the 50th year of the cycle of Jupiter which lasts 60 years Cat. 
   • N. of a divine being mentioned with Yama Karmapr. (= pitṛ-deva, or -daiva L. 
   • a deified progenitor W.) 
   • of a Daitya BrahmaP. 
   • of a king of the Nishadhas (son of Vīra-sena and husband of Damayantī) MBh. Pur. 
   • of a son of Nishadha and father of Nabha or Nabhas Hariv. Ragh. VP. 
   • of a descendant of the latter Nala (sṭson of Su-dhanvan and father of Uktha) Hariv. VP. 
   • of a son of Yadu Pur. 
   • of a monkey-chief (son of Tvashṭṛi or Viśva-karman 
   • cf. -setu) MBh. R. 
   • of a medic. author Cat. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of perfume or red arsenic L. (cf. naṭī) 
   • n. the blossom of Nelumbium Speciosum L. (cf. nalina, ○nī) 
   • smell, odour L. (cf. √nal)

⋙ nalakānana

   ○kānana m. pl. N. of a people MBh. VP. (= naḻakân○? 
   • vḷ. nalakālaka, nabhakānana)

⋙ nalakīla

   ○kīla m. the knee L.

⋙ nalakūbara

   ○kūbara m. N. of a son of Kubera MBh. 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ nalagiri

   ○giri m. N. of Pradyota's elephant Megh.

⋙ nalacampū

   ○campū f. N. of an artificial poem (half prose half verse) = Damayantī-kathā

⋙ nalacarita

   ○carita and n. N. of a poem and a drama. - 1

⋙ nalacaritra

   ○cariḍtra n. N. of a poem and a drama. - 1

⋙ nalada

   ○da (ná○), m. or n. Nardostachys Jatamansi, Indian spikenard AV. Suśr. &c. (also ā f. L. 
   • cf. narada) 
   • the √of Andropogon Muricatus Naish. (-tva n. ib.) 
   • the blossom of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L. 
   • the honey or nectar of a flower L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Raudrâśva Hariv. 
   • (ī́), f. N. of an Apsaras AV. 
   • ○dika mf(ī)n. dealing in Indian spikenard, g. kiśorâdi. -2

⋙ nalada

   ○da mfn. bringing near king Nala, Naish (-tva n. ib.)

⋙ nalapaṭṭikā

   ○paṭṭikā f. a mat made with reeds L.

⋙ nalapākaśāstra

   ○pāka-śāstra n. N. of a manual on cookery

⋙ nalapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Inscr. 
   • of Naishṣ. town = Nishadhā Gal.

⋙ nalapriyā

   ○priyā f. 'beloved of Nala', N. of Damayantī ib.

⋙ nalabhūmipālanāṭaka

   ○bhūmipāla-nāṭaka n. N. of a drama

⋙ nalamālin

   ○mālin m. 'reed-garlanded', N. of an ocean Jātakam.

⋙ nalamīna

   ○mīna m. a kind of fish L. (vḷ. tala-m○)

⋙ nalayādavarāghavapāṇḍavīya

   ○yādava-rāghava-pāṇḍavīya and n. N. of 2 poems

⋙ nalavarṇana

   ○varṇana n. N. of 2 poems

⋙ nalasetu

   ○setu m. 'Nala bridge', the causeway constructed by the monkey Nala for Rāma from the continent to Laṅkā (the modern Adam's Bridge) MBh. R. Suśr.

⋙ nalasena

   ○sena m. N. of a prince L.

⋙ nalastotra

   ○stotra n. N. of a poem

⋙ nalānanda

   nalânanda m. 'Nala's joy', N. of a drama

⋙ naledhma

   nalêdhma m. reeds serving as fuel

⋙ naleśvaratīrtha

   nalêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Śivag.

⋙ nalottama

   nalôttama m. Arundo Bengalensis L.

⋙ nalodaya

   nalôdaya m. 'Nala's rise', N. of an artificial poem ascribed to Kālidāsa

⋙ nalopākhyāna

   nalôpâkhyāna n. 'the story of NṭNala' in MBh. iii, 6, 52-77

≫ nalaka

   nalaka n. a bone (hollow like a reed) 
   • any long bone of the body, e.g. the tibia or the radius of the arm Suśr. 
   • a partic. ornament for the nose Caṇḍ. 
   • (ikā), f. a tube or tubular organ of the body (= nāḍī) L. 
   • a quiver Naish. 
   • Dolichos Lablab Var. 
   • Polianthes Tuberosa or Daemia Extensa L. 
   • a kind of fragrant substance L. 
   • ○ikā-bandha-pad-dhati f. N. of wk

⋙ nalakinī

   nalakinī f. a leg L. 
   • the knee-cap or -pan W.

≫ nalita

   nalita m. a species of vegetable (= nālitā) L.

≫ nalina

   nalina n. (fr. nala because of its hollow stalk?) a lotus flower or water-lily, Nelumbium Speciosum (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the indigo plant L. 
   • water L.

⋙ nalinadala

   ○dala n. a leaf of the lotus flower (cf. nalinī-dala and nava-nalina-dalāya) 
   • m. the Indian crane L. (cf. puṣkara) 
   • Carissa Carandas L. 
   • N. of a man Pravar.

⋙ nalinanābha

   ○nābha m. 'lotus-naveled', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Kād.

⋙ nalināsana

   nalinâsana) m. 'the lotus-throned', N. of Brahmā ib. (wṛ. ○nâśana)

⋙ nalineśaya

   naline-śaya m. reclining on a lotus, N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • (ī), f. below

≫ nalini

   nalini metric. for ○nī in

⋙ nalinidala

   ○dala = ○nI-d○ Gīt. ix, 6

≫ nalinī 1

   nalinī f. (fr. nalina above or fr. nala 'lotus' as ab-jinī fr. ab-ja, padminī fr. padma &c.) a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum (the plant or its stalk), an assemblage of lotus flowers or a lotus pond MBh. Kāv. Pur. &c 
   • the Ganges of heaven or rather an arm of it ib. 
   • a myst. N. of one of the nostrils BhP. 
   • a partic. class of women (= padminī) Cat. 
   • a kind of fragrant substance (= nalikā) L. 
   • the fermented and intoxicating juice of the cocoa-nut L. 
   • N. of the wife of Aja-mīḍha and mother of Nīla BhP.  
   • of 2 rivers VP.

⋙ nalinīkhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. an assemblage of lotus flowers Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51

⋙ nalinīgulma

   ○gulma n. N. of an Adhyayana HPariś. 
   • of a Vimāna ib.

⋙ nalinīdala

   ○dala n. a leaf of the lotus plant Kāv. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of lotus leaves Daś.

⋙ nalinīnandana

   ○nandana n. N. of a garden of Kubera R.

⋙ nalinīpattra

   ○pattra n. = -dala Kāv.

⋙ nalinīpadmakośa

   ○padma-kośa m. N. of a partic. position of the hands Cat.

⋙ nalinīruha

   ○ruha m. 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā L. 
   • n. the fibres of a lotus-stalk L.

≫ nalinīka

   nalinīka^ ifc. = 1. nalinī BhP. v, 8, 22 
   • (ā), f. a partic. pot-herb Car.

≫ nalinī 2

   nalinī f. having king Nala Naish.

≫ nalīya

   nalīya mfn. relating to Nala ib.


   nalla wṛ. for nalva


   nallā-dīkṣita -paṇḍita, -budha m. N. of authors Cat.


   nalva m. a furlong, a measure of distance= 400 (or 104?) cubits MBh. Hariv. R. (wṛ. nala, nalla)

⋙ nalvavartmaga

   ○vartma-ga mfn. going the distance of a Nalva 
   • (ā), f. Leea Hirta or the orange tree L.

≫ nalvaṇa

   nalvaṇa n. a measure of capacity ŚārṅgS.


   nalvaṇgônnalakāmā-bhaṭṭa (?), m. N. of an author Cat.

nava 1

   náva mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. 1. nú) new, fresh, recent, young, modern (opp. to sana, purāṇa) RV. &c. &c. (often in comp. with a subst., e.g. navânna, cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 49 
   • or with a pp. in the sense of 'newly, just, lately', e.g. navôdita, below) 
   • m. a young monk, a novice Buddh. 
   • a crow L. 
   • a red-flowered Punar-navā L. 
   • N. of a son of Uśīnara and Navā Hariv. 
   • of a son of Viloman VP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman ( above) Hariv. ; n. new grain, Kaus. [Cf. Zd. nava 
   • Gk. ? for ? ; Lat.  novus ; Lith. naújas ; Slav.  ; Goth. niujis ; Angl. S. nîwe ; HGerm. niuwi ; niuwe, neu ; Eng. new.]

⋙ navakarmika

   ○karmika mfn. superintendent of the construction of an edifice Buddh.

⋙ navakārikā

   ○kārikā f. a newly-married woman L. (wṛ. for -varikā?) 
   • a new Kārikā (q.v.) L.

⋙ navakālaka

   ○kālaka mf(ikā)n. of recent time or young age 
   • (ikā), f. a young woman (either one recently married or one in whom menstruation has recently commenced) W.

⋙ navakālidāsa

   ○kālidāsa m. 'a new Kālidāsa', N. of Mādhava as author of Saṃkar. (cf. abhinava-k○)

⋙ navakṛt

   ○kṛ́t (ŚaṅkhGṛ.), prob. wṛ. for

⋙ navagat

   ○gát mfn. first-bearing AV. TS. -1

⋙ navagraha

   ○graha mfn. (for 2. 4. náva) recently caught. Kad

⋙ navaghāsa

   ○ghāsa m. new food Vait.

⋙ navacchātra

   ○cchātra m. new scholar, novice W.

⋙ navaja

   ○ja mfn. 'recently born', new, young (moon) MBh.

⋙ navajā

   ○jā́ and (náva-)

⋙ navajāta

   ○jāta mfn. 'id.', fresh, new RV.

⋙ navajvararipurasa

   ○jvara-ripu-rasa and m. N. of partic. medicaments Rasêndrac.

⋙ navajvarebhasiṃha

   ○jvarêbha-siṃha m. N. of partic. medicaments Rasêndrac.

⋙ navajvāra

   ○jvārá m. new pain or sorrow RV.

⋙ navatara

   ○tara (náva-), mfn. (compar.) newer, younger, fresher ŚBr. (cf. náviiyas)

⋙ navatā

   ○tā f. freshness, novelty Kum. -1

⋙ navatva

   ○tva n. (for 2. 4. nava) id. Rājat.

⋙ navadala

   ○dala n. the fresh leaf of a lotus or any young leaf W.

⋙ navadāva

   ○dāvá m. recently burnt pasture land 
   • vyá mfn. growing on ft TS.

⋙ navadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. 'the new island', N. of a place now called Nuddea (at the confluence of the Bhāgīrathī and the Jalangī rivers) Kshitîś. 
   • -parikramā f. N. of wk

⋙ navanagara

   ○nagara n. 'new town, N. of a town L.

⋙ navanalinadalāya

   ○nalina-dalāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (p. ○yamāna), to resemble the leaf of a fresh lotus blossom BhP.

⋙ navanava

   ○nava mfn. always new 
   • most various or manifold Vcar. HPariś.

⋙ navanāthayogin

   ○nātha-yogin m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ navanī

   ○nī f. (cf. BrahmaP.) = next

⋙ navanīta

   ○nīta (náva-), n. fresh butter Br. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • -kavi m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -khoṭī f. a kind of tree Car. Comm. 
   • -gaṇa-pati m. N. of a form of Gaṇêśa RTL. 218 
   • -ja n. ghee (= ghṛta) Gal. 
   • -jātaka n. N. of of wk 
   • -dhenu f. a quantity of butter presented to Brāhmans (cf. under dhenu) W. 
   • -nibandha m. N. of wk 
   • -pṛśni mfn. having spots as yellow as butter TāṇḍBr. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of fresh butter Hcat. 
   • -sama mfn. 'butter-like', soft, gentle (voice) Pañc.

⋙ navanītaka

   ○nītaka n. clarified butter L.

⋙ navapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. N. of a partic. play or sport Cat. (a fictitious marriage Sch.)

⋙ navapariṇayā

   ○pariṇayā f. recently married, Kāvyapr

⋙ navaparṇādibhakṣaṇa

   ○parṇâdi-bhakṣaṇa n. 'eating of new leaves, &c.', N. of ch. of PSarv.

⋙ navapallava

   ○pallava n. a new shoot, young sprout W.

⋙ navaprasūtā

   ○prasūtā f. any female who has lately brought forth L.

⋙ navaprāśana

   ○prâśana n. eating of new corn PārGṛ.

⋙ navaphalikā

   ○phalikā f. a newly married woman L. 
   • a girl in whom menstruation has recently begun L.

⋙ navabaddha

   ○baddha mfn. lately caught, recently bound R. Ragh. -1.  

⋙ navama

   ○má mfn. = navatama RV. v, 57, 3 (cf. Sāy.)

⋙ navamallikā

   ○mallikā or f. Jasminum Sambac Kāv.

⋙ navamallī

   ○mallī f. Jasminum Sambac Kāv.

⋙ navamālikā

   ○mālikā f. id. ib. Var. Suśr. 
   • N. of a daughter of Dharma-vardhana (king of Śrāvasti) Daś.

⋙ navamālinī

   ○mālinī f. N. of a kind of metre Col.

⋙ navamālī

   ○mālī f. = -mallikā L.

⋙ navamegha

   ○megha m. a new cloud or one just appearing MW.

⋙ navayajña

   ○yajña m. an offering of the first-fruits of the harvest Gobh.

⋙ navayauvaṇa

   ○yauvaṇa n. fresh youth, bloom of youth Bhartṛ. 
   • mf(ā)n. (Śṛiṅgār.) = -vat (cf. MW.), mfn. blooming with the freshness of youth

⋙ navaraktaka

   ○raktaka n. a newly-dyed garment W.

⋙ navaraṅga

   ○raṅga under 4. náva

⋙ navarajas

   ○rajas f. a girl who has only recently menstruated L.

⋙ navarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of an author (son of Deva-siṃha) Cat.

⋙ navarāṣṭra

   ○rāṣṭra n. N. of a kingdom MBh. Hariv. 
   • pl. its inhabitants MBh.

⋙ navavadhū

   ○vadhū f. = next Kāv. 
   • a daughter-in-law L.

⋙ navavarikā

   ○varikā f. a newly-married woman L. (cf. -kārikā)

⋙ navavastra

   ○vastra n. new cloth L.

⋙ navavāstva

   ○vāstva under 4. nava

⋙ navaśaśibhṛt

   ○śaśi-bhṛt m. 'bearing the new moon-crescent', N. of Śiva Megh.

⋙ navaśrāddha

   ○śrāddha n. the first series of Śrāddhas collectively (offered on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th day after a person's death) W.

⋙ navasaṃghārāma

   ○saṃghârāma m. N. of a monastery Buddh.

⋙ navasasya

   ○sasya n. the first fruits of the year's harvest 
   • ○syêṣṭi f. a sacrifice of first fruits Mn. iv, 26 ; 27

⋙ navasū

   ○sū́ (cf. RV.),

⋙ navasūtikā

   ○sūtikā (cf. L.), f. a cow that has recently calved (the latter also 'a woman recently delivered' W.)

⋙ navasthāna

   ○sthāna m. 'having (always) a new place (?)', the wind L.

⋙ navasvastara

   ○sva-stara m. a bed or couch of fresh grass ĀpGṛ.

⋙ navāgata

   navâgata mfn. just come Kām.

⋙ navānna

   navânna n. new rice or grain 
   • first-fruits AitBr. Mn. 
   • a ceremony observed on first eating new rice &c. MW. 
   • -bhakṣaṇa n. eating of new grain', N. of ch. of the PSarv. 
   • -vidhi m. -sthālī-pāka-mantra m. pl 
   • -hautra n. N. of wks 
   • ○nnêṣṭi f. = navasasyêṣṭi L.

⋙ navāmbara

   navâmbara n. new and unbleached cloth W.

⋙ navāmbu

   navâmbu n. fresh water MW.

⋙ navārma

   navârma n. N. of a place L.

⋙ navāvasāna

   návâvasāna ī. a new dwelling MaitrS.

⋙ navāvasita

   navâvasitá n. (prob.) id. ŚBr. KātyŚr. 1

⋙ navāha

   navâhá m. 'a new day', first day of a fortnight L.

⋙ navetara

   navêtara mfn. 'other than new, old Ragh.

⋙ navoḍhā

   navôḍhā f. a newly-married woman Kāv.

⋙ navodaya

   navôdaya mfn. newly risen (moon) Ragh.

⋙ navodita

   navôdita mfn. id. (sun) MBh.

⋙ navoddhṛta

   navôddhṛta n. fresh butter L.

⋙ navonavavyākhyā

   navonava-vyākhyā (!) and f. N. of wks

⋙ navaucityavicāracarcā

   navâucitya-vicāra-carcā f. N. of wks

≫ navaka 1

   navaka mf(ikā)n. new, fresh, young Vās. 
   • m. a novice Divyâv. 
   • (ikā), f. = nava-śabdayukta L.

≫ naviṣṭha

   náviṣṭha mfn. (superl.) the newest, youngest, last (Agni, Indra &c.) RV.

≫ navī

   navī in comp. for 1. nava

⋙ navīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. making new, renewing W. root

⋙ navīkṛ

   ○kṛ (pp. kṛta) to make new, revive MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ navībhāva

   ○bhāva m. becoming new, renovation Kathās. root

⋙ navībhū

   ○bhū (pp. bhūta) to become new 
   • be renewed or revived Kāv. Kathās.

≫ navīna

   navīna mf(ā)n. new, fresh, young Kāv.

⋙ navīnacandra

   ○candra m. the new moon MW.

⋙ navīnanirmāṇa

   ○nirmāṇa n

⋙ navīnamatavicāra

   ○mata-vicāra and m. N. of wks

⋙ navīnavāda

   ○vāda m. N. of wks

⋙ navīnavedāntin

   ○vedântin m. a modern Vedánta philosopher Sch.

≫ navīya

   návīya mfn. new, young RV. iii, 36, 3

≫ navīyas

   návīyas mfn. (compar.) new, fresh, young, recent, being or doing or appearing lately RV. 
   • (as, asā), ind. recently, lately ib.

≫ navya 1

   návya mf(ā)is. = ○viiya RV. &c. &c 
   • (with strī), f. a newly-married woman 
   • (ā), f. a redflowered Punar-navā L.


   navyadharmitāvacchedakavādārtha3návya--dharmitâvacchedaka-vādârtha m

⋙ navyanirmāṇa


⋙ navyamatarahasya

   ○mata-rahasya n

⋙ navyamatavāda

   ○mata-vāda or m

⋙ navyamatavicāra

   ○mata-vicāra m

⋙ navyamatavādārtha

   ○mata-vādârtha m

⋙ navyamuktivādaṭippanī

   ○mukti-vāda-ṭippanī f. N. of wks

⋙ navyavat

   ○vat ind. ever anew BhP.

⋙ navyavardhamāna

   ○vardhamāna m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ navyākṛti

   navyâkṛti m. N. of Kṛishṇa Dhūrtan.


   navyānumitiparāmarśakāryakāraṇabhāvavicāra3navyânumiti-parāmarśa-kārya-kāraṇa-bhāva-vicāra and m. n. of wks

⋙ navyānumitiparāmarśavicāra

   navyânumiti-parāmarśa-vicāra m. n. of wks

≫ navyas

   návyas mfn. = náviiyas RV. (gen. pl. ○sīnām for ○sām, v, 53, 10 ; 58, t) 
   • (as, asā, ase), ind. recently, lately 
   • anew ib.

nava 2

   nava m. (√2. su) praise, celebration L.

≫ navana

   navana n. (ifc. f. ā) the act of praising, laudation Nalôd.

≫ naviṣṭi

   náviṣṭi f. song of praise, hymn RV. viii, 2, 17

≫ navya 2

   návya mfn. to be praised, laudable RV. (navá AV. ii, 5, 2)

nava 3

   nava m. (√5. nu) sneezing Car.

nava 4

   náva in tri-ṇava, q.v. &c. in comp. = ○van.  

⋙ navakaṇḍikāśrāddhasūtra

   ○kaṇḍikā-śrāddha-sūtra n. N. of the 6th Pariś. of Kāty. (= śrāddha-kalpa-s○)

⋙ navakapāla

   ○kapāla (ná○) mfn. distributed in 9 dishes ŚBr.

⋙ navakara

   ○kara m. 9handed (?)', N. of a poet Cat. (cf. -hasta)

⋙ navakṛtvas

   ○kṛtvas ind. 9 times Vedântas.

⋙ navakoṭi

   ○koṭi f

⋙ navakhaṇḍayogasahasra

   ○khaṇḍayoga-sahasra n. N. of wks

⋙ navaguṇita

   ○guṇita mfn. multiplied by 9 L. 2

⋙ navagraha

   ○graha m. pl. the 9 planets (i.e. sun, moon, 5 planets with Rāhu and Ketu) W. 
   • -kavaca m. or n. -gaṇita, -cakra n. -cintā-maṇi m. -daśā-lakṣaṇa, -dāna, -dhyāna n. -dhyāna-prakāra m. -nāmâvali-, -paddhati, -pūjā, -pūjā-paddhati f. -pūjā-vidhi, -prayoga, -praśna m. -phala n. -bali-dāna-prayoga m. -makha m. -makha-śānti f. -maṅgalâṣṭaka n. -mantra m. pl., -yantrôddharaṇa-krama, -yāga m. -vidhāna n. -śānti f. -sūkta n. -stava, m. -stuti f. -stotra, -sthāpana n. -homa m. ○hâdhidevatā-sthāpana, ○hâdhipatyâhidevatāsthāpana n. ○hânayana-koṣṭhaka n. pl. N. of wks

⋙ navagva

   ○gva (ná○), mf(ā)n. (√gam) going by 9 consisting of 9, 9.fold 
   • m.pl. N. of a myth. family described as sharing in Indra's battles &c 
   • m. sg. one of this family RV. (cf. daśa-gva)

⋙ navacatvāriṃśa

   ○catvāriṃśa mf(ī)n. the 49th 
   • ○śat f. 49

⋙ navacchadi

   ○cchadi (ná○), mfn. having 9 roofs TS.

⋙ navatattva

   ○tattva n. -prakaraṇa n. bālabodha, -bālâvabodha, or -bodha m. -sūtra n. N. of wks

⋙ navatantu

   ○tantu m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.

⋙ navatardma

   ○tardma mfn. having 9 holes KātyŚr.

⋙ navatāntava

   ○tāntava mf(ī)n. consisting of 9 threads, Gṛhyās. -2

⋙ navatva

   ○tva n. an aggregate of 9 Sarvad.

⋙ navadaśa

   ○daśá mf(ī)n. the 19th R. 
   • consisting of 19 VS.

⋙ navadaśan

   ○daśán or (náva.)

⋙ navadaśan

   ○daśan mfn. pl. 19 VS.

⋙ navadīdhiti

   ○dīdhiti m. 9- rayed', the planet Mars or its regent L. (cf. navârcis)

⋙ navadurgā

   ○durgā f. Durgā in her 9 forms (viz. Kumārikā, Tri-mūrti, Kāyāṇī Rohiṇī, Kālī, Caṇḍikā, Śāmbhavi, Durgā, Bhadrā) L.

⋙ navadevakula

   ○deva-kula n. N. of a town L.

⋙ navadolā

   ○dolā f. a litter borne by 9 men W.

⋙ navadvāra

   ○dvāra n. pl. the 9 doors or apertures (of the body 
   • 3. khá) Subh. 
   • (nā○), mfn. 9doored AV. Up. &c 
   • n. the body Kum.

⋙ navadhā

   ○dhā́ ind. into 9 parts, in 9 ways, 9 times &c. AV. Up &c

⋙ navanavati

   ○navati f. 99 (in RV. for any large number) 
   • -tama mf(ī)n. the 99th R.

⋙ navapañcāśa

   ○pañcāśa mf(ī)n. the 59th 
   • ○śat f. 59 
   • -pad (ná○), mfn. (nom. pāt, padī, pat) 9.footed RV.


   navapāṣāṇadarbhaśayanasaṃkalpa3náva--pāṣāṇa-darbhaśayana-saṃkalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ navabhāga

   ○bhāga m. the 9th part (esp. of an asterism or of a lunar mansion) Var. (cf. navâṃśa)

⋙ navamaṇimālā

   ○maṇi-mālā f. N. of wk

⋙ navamukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. having 9 apertures or openings BhP. (cf. -dvāra)

⋙ navayogakallola

   ○yoga-kallola m. N. of wk. (-nyāya-ratnâkara)

⋙ navaraṅga

   ○raṅga n. a gift to 5 and acceptance by 4 persons of the best Kāyastha families L. 
   • a kind of garment (also -ka) L. (fr. 1. nava?) 
   • -kula mfn. having the privilege of marrying into 9 distinct families (?) MW.

⋙ navaratna

   ○ratna n. 9 precious gems (viz. pearl, ruby, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire, and Go-medha they are supposed to be related to the 9 planets) L. (cf. MWB. 528) 
   • the 9 jewels (i.e. the 9 men of letters at the court of Vikramâditya, viz. Dhauvantari, Kshapaṇaka, Amara-siṃha, Śaṅku, Vetāla-bhaṭṭ, Ghaṭa-karpara, Kāli-dāsa, Vara-ruci, and Varāhamihira) L. 
   • N. of a collection of 9 stanzas and other wks 
   • -jyotir-gaṇita n. -dāna n. -dhātu-vivāda m. -parī7kṣā, mālā, -mālikā f. ○tnêśvara-tantra n. N. of wks

⋙ navaratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a son of Bhimasa (in comp.), the 9 sentiments or passions (dram.) 
   • -taraṃgiṇī f. -ratna-hāra m. N. of wks

⋙ navarātra

   ○rātra m. a period of 9 days. AitBr. ŚrS. 
   • a Soma sacrifice with 9 Sutyā days KātyŚr. ; 9 days in the middle of the Gavām-ayana ŚāṅkhSr. 
   • n. (also ○trika) the 9 days from the Ist of the light half of month Āśvina to the 9th (devoted to the worship of Durgā) RTL. 431 
   • -kṛtya n. -ghaṭa-sthāpan- vidhi m. -nirṇaya m. -pūjā-vidhāna n. -pradīpa m. -vrata n. -havana-vidhi, m. N. of wks

⋙ navarāśika

   ○rāśika m. or n. the rule of proportion with 9 terms comprising 4 proportions MW.

⋙ navarāṣṭra

   ○rāṣṭra under 1. nava

⋙ navarca

   ○rcá (○va + ṛca), mfn. consisting of 9 verses AV.

⋙ navavarṇamālā

   ○varṇa-mālā f

⋙ navavarṣamahotsava

   ○varṣa-mahôtsava m. N. of wks

⋙ navavārṣika

   ○vārṣika mfn. 9 years old 
   • -deśīya mfn. about 9 years old Pañcad.

⋙ navavāstva

   ○vāstva (ná○), m. having 9 dwelling-places', N. of a myth. being RV.

⋙ navaviṃśa

   ○viṃśa mf(ī)n. the 29th R. 
   • -śati (ná○), f. 29 VS.

⋙ navavitṛṇṇa

   ○vitṛṇṇa mfn. per. forated in 9 places ŚBr.

⋙ navavidha

   ○vidha mfn. 9-fold, consisting of 9 parts Kauś. BhP.

⋙ navavivekadīpikā

   ○viveka-dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ navavṛṣa

   ○vṛṣá mfn. having 9 bulls AV.

⋙ navavyūha

   ○vyūha m. N. of Vishṇu L. (cf. catur-v○).  

⋙ navaśakti

   ○śakti m. having 9 faculties', N. of Vishṇu or Śiva L.

⋙ navaśata

   ○śata n. 109 
   • -tama mf(ī)n. the 109th R.

⋙ navaśas

   ○śas ind. 9 by 9, by nines W.

⋙ navaśāyaka

   ○śāyaka m. N. given to any of 9 inferior castes (viz. cowherd, gardener, oilman, weaver, confectioner, water-carrier, potter, blacksmith, and barber) W.

⋙ navaṣaṭka

   ○ṣaṭka mfn. consisting of 9 x 6 (strings &c.) Var.

⋙ navaṣaṣṭi

   ○ṣaṣṭi f. 69 
   • -tama mf(ī)n. the 69th R.

⋙ navasaṃyojanavisaṃyojanaka

   ○saṃyojanavisaṃyojanaka mṆ. of Buddha Divyâv.

⋙ navasaṃghārāma

   ○saṃghârāma under 1. nava

⋙ navasaptati

   ○saptati f. 79 
   • -tama mf(ī)n. the 79th R.

⋙ navasaptadaśa

   ○sapta-daśa m. N. of an Atirātra ŚrS.

⋙ navasara

   ○sara m. or n. a kind of ornament consisting of pearls Pañcad.

⋙ navasāhasāṅkacārit

   ○sāhasâṅkacârit n. 'the 9  deeds of king Sāhasâṅka', N. of a poem by Śrī-Harsha

⋙ navasāhasra

   ○sāhasra mf(ī)n. consisting of 9000 Cat.

⋙ navastobha

   ○stobha n. (with āyus), N. of a Sāman

⋙ navasrakti

   ○srakti (ná○), mfn. '9 cornered', consisting of 9 parts (as a hymn) RV. viii, 65, 12

⋙ navahasta

   ○hasta m. N. of an author Cat. (cf. -kara)

⋙ navāṃśa

   navâṃśa or m.= ○va-bhāga Var.

⋙ navāṃśaka

   navâṃḍśaka m.= ○va-bhāga Var. 
   • ○ka-pa m. the regent of a N/ ib.

⋙ navākṣara

   navâkṣara mf(ā or ī)n. consisting of 9 syllables ŚBr. 
   • ○rī-kalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ navāṅkura

   navâṅkura m. N. of wk

⋙ navāṅgā

   navâṅgā f. a kind of gall-nut L. (vḷ., latâṅgī)

⋙ navātmaka

   navâtmaka mfn. consisting of 9 parts L.

⋙ navānupūrvasamāpattikuśala

   navânupūrva-samāpatti-kuśala m. N. of Buddha Divyâv.

⋙ navāyasa

   navâyasa n. a medic. preparation containing 9 parts of iron Rasar.

⋙ navāratni

   návâratni mfn. 9 ells long ŚBr.

⋙ navārcis

   navârcis m. -"ṣva-dīdhiti VP.

⋙ navārṇava

   navârṇava (in comp.), the 9 seas 
   • -paddhati f. -prakaraṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ navāśīti

   navâśīti f. 89 
   • -tama mf(ī)n. the 89th R.

⋙ navāśra

   navâśra mfn. 9-cornered 
   • -kuṇḍa Cat.

⋙ navāha

   navâha m. the first day of a half-month L. 
   • = ○varātra m. "ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy.

⋙ navāhnikabhāṣya

   navâhnika-bhāṣya n. (prob.) = the Mahā-bhāshya of Patañjali Cat. (cf. bhṭbhāṣya-n○)

≫ navaka 2

   navaka mfn. consisting of 9 RPrāt. MBh. 
   • n. the aggregate of 9 Var. Car. &c

≫ navata 1

   navata mf(ī)n. the 90th Rājat. (cf. ekadvā- &c.)

≫ navati

   navatí (cf. L. also ○tī) f. 90 RV. &c. &c

⋙ navatitama

   ○tama mf(ī)n. the 90th MBh. R.

⋙ navatidhanus

   ○dhanus m. N. of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha Inscr.

⋙ navatidhā

   ○dhā ind. 90 fold W.

⋙ navatiprakrama

   ○prakrama (○tí-), mf(ā)n. 90 steps long ŚBr.

⋙ navatiratha

   ○ratha m. N. of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha Inscr.

⋙ navatirupatimāhātmya

   ○rupati-māhātmya (?), n. N. of wk

⋙ navatiśata

   ○śata n. 190 L.

⋙ navatiśas

   ○śas ind. 90 by 90

≫ navatikā

   navatikā f. (fr. navatí) a paint-brush containing 90 hairs L.

≫ navan

   navan pl. (nom. acc. ráva 
   • instr. navábhis abl. dat. ○bhyas loc. ○su 
   • Class, also navabhís, ○bhyás, ○sú 
   • gen. navānā́m Pāṇ. 6-1, 177 &c.) nine RV. &c. &c.  and Old HGerm. niun, OSax. and Angl. Sax. nigun, NHGerm. neun, Eng. nine.]

≫ navama 2

   navamá mf(ī)n. the ninth AV. &c. &c. (cf. 1. navamá under 1' nava) 
   • of 9 kinds, ninefold Hcat. 
   • (ī), f. (sc. tithi) the 9th day of a lunar halfmonth

⋙ navamāṃśa

   navaḍmâṃśa m. (in astrol.) = navâṃśa

≫ navamaka

   navamaka mfn. the ninth, Śrut

≫ navin

   navin mfn. consisting of nine Lāṭy.

navata 2

   navata m. an elephant's painted or variegated housings 
   • woollen cloth 
   • a cover, blanket, wrapper L. (cf. 2. namata)


   navara m. or n. N. of a partic. high number, Buddli

⋙ navarasaundaryabhaṭṭa

   ○saundarya-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat.


   navaram ind. (Prākr.) only L.


   na-vidvas na-vipulā, under 2, and 1. na


   náveda (only RV. i, 165, 13) and návedas mfn. observing, cognizant (with gen.) RV. (Clearly not from the negat. na, but cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75.)

navya 1

   navya. and 2 above

naś 1

   naś or noṃś, cl. 1. P. Ā. náśati, ○te (aor. ānat, -naṭ -anaṣṭām, -nak , Impv. -nákṣi 
   • Ā. 1. sg. náṃśi Prec. naśīmahi 
   • inf. -náśe), to reach, attain, meet with, find RV. 

≫ naśa 1

   naśa dur-ṇaśa, dū-ṇaśa

≫ naśāya

   naśāya Nom. P. ○yati, to reach, attain to (acc.) RV. x, 10, 6.  

naś 2

   naś cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 85) náśyati (rarely ○te and 1. P. náśati, ○te 
   • pf. nanāśa, 3. pl. neśur 
   • aor. anaśat MBh. &c 
   • aneśat, néśat RV. Br.  
   • fut. naśiṣyati AV. 
   • naṅkṣyati, ○te  MBh. 
   • naśitā ib. 
   • naṃṣṭā Pāṇ. 7-2, 45 
   • naṅgdhā Vop. 
   • inf. naśitum, naṃṣum Gr 
   • ind. p. naśitvā, naṣṭva, naṃṣṭvā ib.) to be lost, perish, disappear, be gone, run away RV. &c. &c 
   • to come to nothing, be frustrated or unsuccessful Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. nāśáyati, ep. also ○te (aor. -anīnaśat 
   • dat. inf. -nāśayadhyai RV.) to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove, destroy, efface RV. &c. &c 
   • to lose (also from memory), give up MBh. Kāv. Pañc. 
   • to violate, deflower (a girl) Daś. Kull. 
   • to extinguish (a fire) BhP. 
   • to disappear (in mā nīnaśah and ○naśuḥ) MBh.: Desid. ninaśiṣati or ninaṅkṣati Pāṇ. 7-1, 60 ; 2, 45 (cf. ninaṅkṣu) 
   • Desid. of Caus. nināśayiṣati, to wish to destroy Daś.: Intens. nānaśyate or nānaṃṣṭi Gr. . 

≫ naś 3

   naś mfn. perishing (in jīva-, q.v.)

≫ naśa 2

   naśa m. destruction MW. (cf. 2. nāśa)

≫ naśana

   naśana n. disappearing, escaping L. 
   • loss BhP.

≫ naśitṛ

   naśitṛ mfn. one who disappears or destroys L. (cf. naṃṣṭṛ)

≫ naśyat

   naśyat mf(antī)n. perishing, being destroyed &c

⋙ naśyatprasūti

   ○prasūti or f. a female bearing a dead child L.

⋙ naśyatprasūtikā

   ○prasūḍtikā f. a female bearing a dead child L.

≫ naśvara

   naśvara mf(ī)n. perishing, perishahle, transitory Kāv. Pur. &c 
   • destructive, mischievous W.

⋙ naśvaratva

   ○tva n. perishableness, transitoriness Daś.

≫ naṣṭa

   naṣṭá mfn. lost, disappeared, perished, destroyed, lost sight of invisible 
   • escaped (also -vat mfn. MBh.), run away from (abl.), fled (impers. with instr. of subj. Ratn. ī. 3) RV. &c. &c 
   • spoiled, damaged, corrupted, wasted, unsuccessful, fruitless, in vain Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • deprived of(instr.) R. i, 14, 18 (in comp. =, without', '-less', 'un-' 
   • below) 
   • one who has lost a lawsuit Mṛicch. ix, 4

⋙ naṣṭakāryārtha

   ○kāryârtha mfn. one who has lost interest in what is to be done R. (B.)

⋙ naṣṭakriya

   ○kriya mfn. ungrateful, Psñc. iii, 245 (ut. on whom a benefit is lost 
   • cf. MBh. i, 6116)

⋙ naṣṭagaṇita

   ○gaṇita n. N. of wk

⋙ naṣṭacandra

   ○candra m. 'moonless', N. of the 4th day in both halves of Bhādra L.

⋙ naṣṭacaryā

   ○caryā f. playing at hide and seek Nalac.

⋙ naṣṭacetana

   ○cetana mfn. one who has lost consciousness, insensible MBh. Suśr.

⋙ naṣṭaceṣṭa

   ○ceṣṭa mf(ā)n. one who his lost the power of motion, rigid, fainted, insensible MBh. Kathās. 
   • -tā f. rigidity, swooning L.

⋙ naṣṭajanman

   ○janman and n. 'a lost nativity', subsequent calculation of a lost nativity Var.

⋙ naṣṭajātaka

   ○jātaka n. 'a lost nativity', subsequent calculation of a lost nativity Var. 
   • N. of wk. (also -vidhāna, N.)

⋙ naṣṭadṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi mfn. sightless, blind BhP.

⋙ naṣṭadhī

   ○dhī mfn. unmindful or forgetful (of an offence) Rājat. v, 299

⋙ naṣṭanidra

   ○nidra mfn. sleepless Pañc.

⋙ naṣṭapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. N. of wk

⋙ naṣṭapiṣṭa

   ○piṣṭa mfn. dissolved into powder Bhpr. 
   • ○ṭī- √kṛ, to dissolved into Powder ib.

⋙ naṣṭapraśna

   ○praśna m. N. of wk

⋙ naṣṭabīja

   ○bīja mfn. destitute of the seminal secretion, impotent L.

⋙ naṣṭamati

   ○mati mfn. one who has lost his senses BhP.

⋙ naṣṭamārgaṇa

   ○mārgaṇa n. seeking any lost object Var.

⋙ naṣṭarājya

   ○rājya n. N. of a district to the north-east of Madhya-deśa ib.

⋙ naṣṭarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. 'whose form is lost', invisible MBh. 
   • (ā or ī), f. N. of a metre RPrāt.

⋙ naṣṭaviṣa

   ○viṣa (○ṭá-), mfn. (a snake) whose venom is lost AV.

⋙ naṣṭavedana

   ○védana mf(ī)n. finding any lṭlost object ŚBr.

⋙ naṣṭasaṃsmṛti

   ○saṃsmṛti mfn. unmindful or forgetful of (gen.) Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ naṣṭasaṃjña

   ○saṃjña mf(ā)n. = -cetana MBh.

⋙ naṣṭahīnavikalavikṛtasvara

   ○hīna-vikala-vikṛta-svara mfn. whose voice has been lost or become feeble or deficient or changed 
   • -tā f. Suśr.

⋙ naṣṭasmṛti

   ○smṛti mfn. one who has lost his memory, forgetful MW.

⋙ naṣṭāgni

   naṣṭâgni m. (a householder) whose fire has been extinguished L.

⋙ naṣṭātaṅkam

   naṣṭâtaṅkam ind. without fear (v. l. For ○tâśaṅka)

⋙ naṣṭātman

   naṣṭâtman mfn. deprived of mind or sense MBh.

⋙ naṣṭāptisūtra

   naṣṭâptisūtra n. 'line or series of lost property', booty L.

⋙ naṣṭārtha

   naṣṭârtha mfn. one who has lost his property, reduced, poor, Kātbās

⋙ naṣṭāśaṅka

   naṣṭâśaṅka mfn. fearless, dauntless Śak. (Pi.) i, 14

⋙ naṣṭāśvadagdharathavat

   naṣṭâśvadagdha-ratha-vat ind. like one whose horse was lost and one whose waggon was burnt (who therefore helped each other) Pat. on P1ṇ. ii, 1, 50 Vārtt. 16

⋙ naṣṭāsu

   naṣṭâsu mfn. one whose vital spirits have disappeared AV.

⋙ naṣṭendukalā

   naṣṭêndu-kalā f. (night) in which the moon is invisible L.

⋙ naṣṭendriya

   naṣṭendriya mfn. = ○ṭa-bija, deprived of one's senses MW.

⋙ naṣṭaiṣa

   naṣṭâiṣá (cf. ŚBr.),

⋙ naṣṭaiṣin

   naṣṭâiḍṣin (cf. AitBr.), mfn. seeking what has been lost

⋙ naṣṭaiṣya

   naṣṭaiṣyá n. the act of seeking what has been lost AitBr.  


   naṣṭoddiṣṭaprabodhakadhrauvapadaṭīkā3naṣṭôd-diṣṭa-prabodhaka-dhrauvapada-ṭīkā f. N. of wk. on music

⋙ naṣṭobhayaloka

   naṣṭôbhaya-loka mfn. one for whom both worlds are lost Kād.

≫ naṣṭi

   naṣṭi f. loss, destruction, ruin BhP.


   naśāka m. a kind of crow L.


   naṣṭa above

nas 1

   nas encl. form for acc. gen. dat. pl. of the Ist pers. pron. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-l, i, 21), us, of us, to us ; in Veda changeable into ṇas (4, 27 ; 28). [Cf. Zd. na, our 
   • Gk. ?, ?, ; Lat. nos-ter ; Old Lat. dat.  nis.]

nas 2

   nas cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xvi, 26) násate (aor. Pot. nasīmahi RV. ii, 16, 8 
   • pf nese 
   • fut. nasitā Gr.) to approach, resort to, join, copulate (esp. as husband and wife) RV. 
   • to be crooked or fraudulent Dhātup.  Goth. ga-niśan, nas-jan ; Angl. S. gene10san ; HGerm. gine10san, genesen.]

nas 3

   nás or nās f. (the strong stem occurs only in du. nā́sā RV. ii, 39, 6, the weak stem only in nasā́, nasí, nasós  and in comp.) the nose RV. AV. VS. TS. BhP. 

⋙ naḥkṣudra

   naḥkṣudra mf(ā)n. small-nosed L.

⋙ nastas

   nas-tas ind. from or into the nose Br. &c. &c 
   • -taḥ-karaṇa, nasta-k○ 
   • -taḥ-karman n. the putting into the nose, taking snuff Car.

⋙ nasyota

   nasy-otá mfn. (√ve) fastened or tied by the nose, led by a nose-cord TS. MBh. BhP.

⋙ nasvat

   nas-vát mfn. nosed AV.

≫ nasa

   nasa (ifc.) the nose (cf. apī-n○, urū-ṇ○, kumbhīn○ &c.) 
   • (ā) f. id. L.

≫ nasi

   nasi id. (?) 
   • kumbhī-n○

≫ nasta

   nasta m. the nose L. 
   • (ā), f. a hole bored through the septum of the nose L. 
   • n. a sternutatory, snuff L.

⋙ nastakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. instrument used by Bhikshus for injecting the nose L. (○taḥ-k? above.)

⋙ nastatas

   ○tas ind. = (and prob. fr.) nas-tás (cf. pat-ta-tas fr. pattas) MBh.

⋙ nastota

   nastota mfn. = nasy-ota L.

≫ nastaka

   nastaka m. the septum of the nose (of cattle for draught) or a hole bored in it MBh. xii, 9377

≫ nastita

   nastita mfn. nozzled (cf. nastota and nasyota) L.

≫ nasya

   násya mfn. belonging to or being in the nose (as breath) ŚBr. 
   • (ā), f. nose-cord Yājñ. Sch. (cf. nāsya) 
   • the nose L. 
   • n. the hairs in the nose VS. 
   • a sternutatory, errhine MBh. R. Suśr.

⋙ nasyakarman

   ○karman n. the application of a sternutatory Suśr.

⋙ nasyabhairava

   ○bhairava m. (scil. rasa) a partic. medicament, Rasêndrach

⋙ nasyavidhi

   ○vidhi m. 'rules about sternutatories', N. of ch. of ŚāṅgS

≫ nasyita

   nasyita mfn. = nasy-ota Gal.


   na-saṃvid na-sukara &c. 2. ná

nah 1

   nah cl. 4. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 57) náhyati, ○te (Pot. -nahet MBh. 
   • nahyur AitBr. 
   • p. Ā. náhyamāna also with pass. meaning RV. &c 
   • pf. nanāha, nehe 
   • fut. natsyati, naddhā Siddh.  
   • aor, anātsīt, Bhsṭṭ 
   • anaddha Vop. 
   • ind. p. naddhvā Gr 
   • -náhya Br. &c 
   • inf. -naddhum Kāv.) to bind, tie, fasten, bind on or round or together 
   • (Ā.) to put on (as armour &c.), arm one's self. RV. &c. &c.: Pass. nahyate, p. ○hyamāna ( above): Caus. nāhayati (aor. anīnahat Gr.) to cause to bind together BhavP.: Desid. ninatsati, ○te Gr.: Intens. nānahyate, nānaddhi. ib. 

≫ nah 2

   náh (only in nádbihyas RV. x, 60, 6 
   • but cf. akṣā-náh) a bond, tie

≫ nahasra

   náhasra n. bolt, nail, crotchet RV. AV. 
   • bond, fetter (cf. un-n○) 
   • putting on, girding round Viddh.

≫ nahus

   náhus^ m. neighbour, fellow-creature, man, (comp. ○huṣ-ṭara, nearer than a nearer, x, 49, 8) 
   • (collect., also pl.) neighbourhood, mankind RV. (cf. Naigh. ii, 2)

≫ nahuṣa

   náhuṣa m.= náhus RV. i, 31, 11 ; v, 12, 6 
   • (prob.) N. of a man, viii, 46, 27 
   • of a son of Manu and author of RV. ix, 101 Anukr. 
   • of an ancient king (son of Āyu or Āyus  and father of Yayāti 
   • he took possession of Indra's throne but was afterwards deposed and changed into a serpent Mn. vii, 41 MBh. R. &c. (cf. RTL. 240) 
   • according to R. i, 72, 30 and ii, 119, 30 he is a son of Ambarisha and father of Nabhāga) 
   • of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv. 
   • of a Marut Hariv. 
   • of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh.  

⋙ nahuṣacarita

   ○carita 'Nahusha's life', N. of ch. of the PadmaP.

⋙ nahuṣākhya

   nahuṣâkhya n. the flower of Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.

⋙ nahuṣātmaja

   nahuṣâtmaja m. N. of king Yayāti (cf. above) W.

≫ nahuṣya

   nahuṣyá mfn. relating to man, human RV. ix, 88, 2 ; 91, 2 
   • descended from Nahusha (?), x, 63, 1


   na-hí (ná-hí MaitrS. and ŚBr.), ind. (g. câdi) for not, surely not, by no means, not at all (often strengthened by other particles, as aṅgá, nú, sma) RV. &c. &c. (nahikam g. câdi)

⋙ nahimātra

   ○mātra m. or n. a partic. high number (vḷ. mantra) Buddh. (cf. na-māsra under 2. ná)

   nā́ 2. ná


   nā́ka m. (√nam 
   • according to Br. and Nir. fr. 2. ná + 2 -áka, 'where there is no pain'  
   • cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 and below mfn. ) vault of heaven (with or scil. divás), firmament, sky (generally conceived as threefold, cf. tri-diva, tri-nāka, and AV. xix, 27, 4 
   • in VS. xvii, 67 there is a fivefold scale, viz. pṛthivii, antari-kṣa, div, divo-nāka, and svar-jyotis) RV. &c. &c 
   • the sun Naigh. i. 4 
   • N. of a Maudgalya ŚBr. &c 
   • of a myth. weapon of Arjuna MBh. 
   • of a dynasty VP. 
   • mfn. painless ChUp. ii, 10, 5

⋙ nākacara

   ○cara mfn. walking in the sky MBh.

⋙ nākanadī

   ○nadī f. the river of heaven', the heavenly Gaṅgā Vcar. 
   • the earthly Gaṅgā Naish.

⋙ nākanātha

   ○nātha or m. 'sky-lord', N. of Indra L.

⋙ nākanāthaka

   ○nāḍthaka m. 'sky-lord', N. of Indra L.

⋙ nākanāyaka

   ○nāyaka m. id. Bālar. Naish. 
   • -purohita m. 'Indra's chief priest', N. of Bṛihas-pati or the planet Jupiter L.

⋙ nākanārī

   ○nārī f. 'heavenly female', an Apsaras Kathās.

⋙ nākapati

   ○pati m. 'sky-lord', a god BhP.

⋙ nākapāla

   ○pālá m. 'sky-guardian', a god AV.

⋙ nākapuraṃdhri

   ○puraṃdhri f. = -nārī Bālar.

⋙ nākapriṣṭha

   ○priṣṭha n. 'sky-ceiling', the uppermost heaven Āpast. MBh. (○ṭhya mfn. being in it R.) 
   • m. N. of a man Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 114

⋙ nākaloka

   ○loka m. the heavenly world MBh.

⋙ nākavanitā

   ○vanitā f. = -nārī L.

⋙ nākasad

   ○sád mfn. sitting or dwelling in the sky VS. ŚBr. 
   • m. a deity Hariv. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • N. of 9 Ekâhas ŚrS. 
   • f. N. of a kind of Ishṭakā ŚBr. Śulbas. (sat-tvá n. TS.)

⋙ nākastrī

   ○strī f. = -nārī Kathās.

⋙ nākādhipa

   nākâdhipa m. = ○ka-nātha 
   • -nāyikā f. pl. the courtezans of Indra, i.e. the Apsaras Naish.

⋙ nākāpagā

   nākâpagā f. the heavenly Gaṅgā Inscr.

⋙ nākeśa

   nākêśa m. = ○ka-nātha L.

⋙ nākeśvara

   nākêśvara m. ○ka-pati Hariv.

⋙ nākoka

   nākoka m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nākaukas

   nākâukas m. = ○ka-sád m. R.

≫ nākin

   nākin m. 'having (i.e. dwelling in) heaven', a god Pur.

⋙ nākinkinātha

   ○"ṣki-nātha (cf. Śatr.) and m. 'chief of the gods', N. of Indra

⋙ nākinkināyaka

   ○"ṣḍki-nāyaka (cf. Siṃhâs.), m. 'chief of the gods', N. of Indra


   nāku m. (√nam  Uṇ. i, 19) 
   • anthill Nalac. 
   • mountain L. 
   • N. of a Muni L.

⋙ nākusadman

   ○sadman m. a snake, W


   nākula mf(ī)n . (fr. nak○) ichneumonlike, g. śarkarâdi 
   • m. patr. fr. Nakula RPrāt. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 114 Sch.) 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. 
   • (ī), f. the ichneumon plant (supposed to furnish the iṭichneumon with an antidote when bitten by a snake) Suśr. (ct nakuleṣṭā) 
   • Piper Chaba L. 
   • = yava-tiktā (L.), sarpa-gandhā (Bh.), and other plants

⋙ nākulāndhya

   nākulândhya n. = nak○ Suśr.

≫ nākulaka

   nākulaka mfn. worshipping Nakula Pāṇ. 4-3, 99 Kāś.

≫ nākuli

   nākuli m. descendant of Nakula, patr. of Śatânika MBh.


   nā́kra m. a kind of aquatic animal VS. TS. (cf. nakra)


   nākṣatra mf(ī)n. relating to the Nakshatras, starry, sidereal Lāṭy. Var. &c 
   • m. astronomer, astrologer MBh. 
   • n. a month computed by the moon's passage through the 27 mansions, or of 30 days of 60 Ghaṭīs each W.

≫ nākṣatrika

   nākṣatrika mf(ī)n. -prec. mfn. Jyot. 
   • m. a month of 27 days (each day being the period of the moon's passage through a mansion) W. 
   • (ī), f. the state or condition to which a person is subjected agreeably to the asterism presiding over his nativity ib.


   nāgá m. (prob. neither fr. na-ga nor fr. nagna) a snake, (esp.) Coluber Naga ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • (f. ī́ Suparṇ.) a Nāga or serpent-demon (the race of Kadru or Su-rasā inhabiting the waters or the city Bhoga-vatī under the earth 
   • they are supposed to have a human face with serpent-like lower extremities  
   • their kings are Śesha, Vāsuki, and Takshaka ib. 323 ; 7 or 8 of the Nāgas are particularly mentioned MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • with Buddhists they are also represented as ordinary men MWB. 220)  
   • N. of the numbers 7 (Sūryas.) or 8 (cf. Hcat.) 
   • a cruel man L. 
   • one of the 5 airs of the human body (which is expelled by eructation) Vedântas. 
   • (sg. also collect.) an elephant (f. ī ifc. f. ā) Kāv. BhP. etc 
   • the best or most excellent of any kind (ifc.) L. (cf. ṛṣabha, vyāghra &c.) 
   • shark L. 
   • cloud L. 
   • N. of sev. plants (Mesua Roxburghī, Rottlera Tinctoria &c.) L. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon VP. 
   • of a Sādhya Hariv. 
   • of a teacher Buddh. 
   • of a dynasty of 9 or 10 princes VP. 
   • of sev. authors (also -śarman and -bhaṭṭa) Col. 
   • of sev. other men Rājat. 
   • of a mountain Pur. 
   • of a district L. 
   • = -danta (below) L. 
   • (ā and ī), f. N. of sev. women Rājat. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a metre Col. (cf. above) 
   • n. (m. L.) tin, lead Bhpr. 
   • a kind of talc ib. 
   • a kind of coitus L. 
   • N. of the 3rd invariable Karaṇa ( s.v.) Sūryas. Var. 
   • of the effects of that period on anything happening during it W. 
   • of a district of Bhārata-varsha Gol. 
   • mf(ā, or ī)n. formed of snakes, relating to serpents or serpents-demons, snaky, serpentine, serpent-like MBh. &c. (with āsana n. a partic. attitude in sitting Cat. 
   • ā f.  = nāga-v○, below Var.) 
   • belonging to an elephant, elephantine (as urine) Suśr.

⋙ nāgakanda

   ○kanda m. a kind of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nāgakanyakā

   ○kanyakā (L.),

⋙ nāgakanyā

   ○kanyā (cf. Kāraṇḍ.), f. a serpent-virgin (cf. MWB. 220 RTL. 233)

⋙ nāgakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. red Ricinus L.

⋙ nāgakiññalka

   ○kiññalka n. the blossom of Mesua Roxburghī L.

⋙ nāgakuṇḍalakuṇḍalin

   ○kuṇḍala-kuṇḍalin mfn. wearing a coiled serpent for an earring MBh.

⋙ nāgakumāra

   ○kumāra m. prince of the serpent-demons Divyâv. 
   • pl. N. of a class of deities among the Bhavanâdh7iśas guarding the treasures of Kubera L. 
   • (ī), f. Rubia Munjista L. 
   • (also ○rikā) Cocculus Cordifolius L.

⋙ nāgakeśa

   ○keśa m. N. of a minister of king Nāgêśa Buddh.

⋙ nāgakesara

   ○kesara m. Mesua Roxburghī Vāsant. 
   • n. its blossom Suśr. (-cūrṇaka L.) 
   • a kind of steel L.

⋙ nāgakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. N. of one of the 9 divisions of Bhāratavarsha Rājat. (wṛ. -cchanda 
   • cf. -dviipa)

⋙ nāgagandhā

   ○gandhā f. a kind of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nāgagarbha

   ○garbha n. red lead ib.

⋙ nāgacampaka

   ○campaka m. a kind of Campaka L.

⋙ nāgacuḍa

   ○cuḍa m. 'serpent-crested', N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ nāgacohattrā

   ○cohattrā f. Tiaridium Indicum L.

⋙ nāgaja

   ○ja n. 'born', red lead, tin L.

⋙ nāgajihvā

   ○jihvā f. 'serpent-tongue', a species of creeper L. 
   • ○vikā f. red arsenic L.

⋙ nāgajīvana

   ○jīvana n. tin L. 
   • -śatru m. foe of tin', orpiment L.

⋙ nāgatamanī

   ○tamanī f. = -yaṣṭi L.

⋙ nāgatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SivaP. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāgadatta

   ○datta mfn. given by Nāgas or serpents MBh. i, 5033 (v. l. -danta) 
   • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. 
   • of a man related to Gautama Buddha Lalit. 
   • of a king of Āryâvrta, contemporary of Samudra-gupsa Inscr.

⋙ nāgadanta

   ○danta m. elephant's tusk or ivory MBh. 
   • a peg in the wall to hang things upon Pañc. Kathās. 
   • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras R. (vḷ. -dattā) 
   • (ī), f. Tiaridium Indicum Suśr. 
   • Heliotropium Indicum L. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. made of ivory Hcat.

⋙ nāgadantaka

   ○dantaka m. = -danta m. Var. Hit. 
   • (ikā), f. Tragia Involucrata L.

⋙ nāgadamanī

   ○damanī f. serpent-spell, Artemisia Vulgaris, or Alpinia Nutans L.

⋙ nāgadalopama

   ○dalôpama n. Xylocarpus Granasum L.

⋙ nāgadāśaka

   ○dāśaka m. (○saka?) N. of a prince Buddh.

⋙ nāgadeṇṭikā

   ○deṇṭikā f. (for -dantikā?) the betel plant L.

⋙ nāgadeva

   ○deva m. a serpent-king W. 
   • N. of sev. authors (also -bhaṭṭa) 
   • ○vâhnika n. N. of wk 
   • ○viiya mfn. written by Nāga-deva 
   • n. Nāga's wk

⋙ nāgadru

   ○dru m. a species of Euphorbia (used in offerings to the snake-goddess Manasā) W.

⋙ nāgadvīpa

   ○dvīpa n. N. of a Dvipa in Jambū-khaṇḍa or Bhārata-varsha MBh. (cf. nāga-khaṇḍa)

⋙ nāgadhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. (!)N. of a Tīrtha (cf. -vartman MBh., B.)

⋙ nāgadharīya

   ○dharīya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāgadhvani

   ○dhvani m. (in music) N. of a Rāga

⋙ nāganakṣatra

   ○nakṣatra n. N. of the lunar mansion Aśleshā Var.

⋙ nāganātha

   ○nātha m. serpent-chief. Inscr. 
   • N. of sev. authors Cat. 
   • n. = ○thêa-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga sacred to Śiva, Cat

⋙ nāganābha

   ○nābha (?), m. of a man Cat.

⋙ nāganāmaka

   ○nāmaka n. tin L. 
   • the blossom of Mesua Roxburghī Gal.

⋙ nāganāman

   ○nāman m. holy basil (= tulasī) L.

⋙ nāganāyaka

   ○nāyaká m. serpent-chief Rājat.

⋙ nāganāsā

   ○nāsā f. the trunk of an elephant 
   • ○sôrū f. a round-thighed woman R. (cf. karabhôru)

⋙ nāganiryūha

   ○niryūha m. a peg in a wall (= -danta) L.

⋙ nāgapañcamī

   ○pañcamī f. a partic. festival sacred to the Nāgas (the 5th day in the light half of month Śrāvaṇa or in the dark half of month Āshaḍhā) L. RTL. 323 
   • -vrata n. ○ta-kathā f. N. of wks

⋙ nāgapati

   ○pati m. a serpent-chief. MBh.

⋙ nāgapattrā

   ○pattrā f. = -damanī Bhpr.

⋙ nāgapada

   ○pada m. a kind of coitus L.

⋙ nāgaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. the betel plant L.

⋙ nāgapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • of a prince of Sāśikya Daś.

⋙ nāgapāśa

   ○pāśa m. a sort of magical noose (used in battles), Mahidh. on VS. vi, 8 (cf. MBh. viii, 2586 &c.) 
   • a kind of metre (= -bandha) L.  
   • N. of Varuṇa's weapon L. 
   • of a man Cat. 
   • ○śaka m. a kind of coitus L.

⋙ nāgaputra

   ○putra m. a young serpent-demon Pañcad.

⋙ nāgapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town (= hāstina-pura) AVPariś. MBh. 
   • ○rī f. (prob.) id. in ○rīmāhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāgapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. N. of sev. plants MBh. Hariv. Suśr. &c. (= Mesua Roxburghī, Rottlera Tinctoria, and Michelia Champaka L.) 
   • (ī), f. = -damanī Bhpr. 
   • n. the blossom of Mesua RoxbṭRoxburghī Var. 
   • -phalā f. Benincasa Ceriftra L. 
   • ○pikā f. yellow jasmine L.

⋙ nāgapaiya

   ○paiya (?) m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nāgapota

   ○pota m. = -putra Hariv. (vḷ. pannagêdra)

⋙ nāgapratiṣṭhā

   ○pratiṣṭhā f

⋙ nāgavidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ nāgaphala

   ○phala m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L. 
   • (ā), f. Momordica Monadelpha Var.

⋙ nāgabandha

   ○bandha m. a snake as a chain or fetter Kathās. 
   • N. of a metre resembling the coilings of a snake Pratāp. (cf. -pāśa)

⋙ nāgabandhaka

   ○bandhaka m. elephant-catcher L.

⋙ nāgabandhu

   ○bandhu m. 'elephant-friend', Ficus Religiosa L.

⋙ nāgabala

   ○bala m. 'having the strength of an eṭelephant, N. of Bhima L. 
   • (ā), f. Uraria Lagopodioides Suśr. 
   • Sida Spinosa L. 
   • n. a partic. high number Lalit.

⋙ nāgabali

   ○bali m. an oblation to the Nāgas (a partic. marriage ceremony) ĀpGṛ. ii, 15 Sch. 
   • N. of wk. attributed to Śaunaka Cat.

⋙ nāgabuddha

   ○buddha m. N. of an ancient teacher Buddh.

⋙ nāgabuddhi

   ○buddhi m. N. of a medical author 
   • -nighaṇṭu m. N. of his wk

⋙ nāgabodha

   ○bodha or m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāgabodhin

   ○boḍdhin m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāgabhaginī

   ○bhaginī f. 'serpent's sister', N. of the goddess Manasā BrahmaP. (cf. -māsṛ)

⋙ nāgabhid

   ○bhid m. 'elephant-destroyer', a species of snake (vḷ. for -bhṛt?) L.

⋙ nāgabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa m. 'decorated with serpents', N. of Śiva Śivag. (cf. -cūḍa) 
   • N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāgabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. a species of snake, Amphisbaena L. (cf. -bhid)

⋙ nāgabhoga

   ○bhoga m. a species of snake (or the coiling of a snake?) R. v, 74, 31

⋙ nāgamaṇḍalika

   ○maṇḍalika m. a keeper or catcher of snakes L.

⋙ nāgamatī

   ○matī f. Ocimum Sanctum L.

⋙ nāgamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or in elephants Hariv.

⋙ nāgamalla

   ○malla m. 'athlete among the eṭelephants', N. of Indra's elephants Airāvata L.

⋙ nāgamātṛ

   ○mātṛ f. 'serpent-mother', N. of Su-rasā R. 
   • of the goddess Manasā L. 
   • red arsenic L.

⋙ nāgamāra

   ○māra m. a species of pot-herb L.

⋙ nāgamudra

   ○mudra m. N. of a Buddhist Sthavira 
   • (ā), f. a seal-ring showing a serpent Mālav.

⋙ nāgamauñjin

   ○mauñjin mfn. (fr. muñjā) wearing a snake as girdle MBh.

⋙ nāgayajñopavīta

   ○yajñôpavīta n. a serpent as the sacred thread 
   • mfn. ○ta-vat (cf. Hcat.) ○tin (cf. MBh.), mfn. possessing it

⋙ nāgayaṣṭi

   ○yaṣṭi and f. a post serving as water-mark L.

⋙ nāgayaṣṭikā

   ○yaṣḍṭikā f. a post serving as water-mark L.

⋙ nāgarakta

   ○rakta n. red lead L.

⋙ nāgaraṅga

   ○raṅga and m. an orange-tree, Śrikaṇṭh. L.

⋙ nāgaraṅgaka

   ○raṅgaka m. an orange-tree, Śrikaṇṭh. L.

⋙ nāgaraṭṭa

   ○raṭṭa m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1137 (vḷ. -vaṭṭa).-

⋙ nāgarāj

   ○rāj m. serpent-king MBh.

⋙ nāgarāja

   ○rāja m. id. ib. (also ○jan) 
   • a large or noble elephant ib. 
   • N. of an author (also -keśava) 
   • -nāṭka n. -paddhati f. -śataka n. N. of wks 
   • jāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a serpent-king Vās.

⋙ nāgaruka

   ○ruka m. (fr. -vṛkṣa) the orange-tree L. (cf. -raṅga)

⋙ nāgarūpadhṛk

   ○rūpa-dhṛk m. N. of an author of Mantras (among the Śāktas) Cat.

⋙ nāgareṇu

   ○reṇu m. red lead L.

⋙ nāgalatā

   ○latā f. Piper Betle Bālar. 
   • the penis L. 
   • N. of a woman Rājat.

⋙ nāgalekhā

   ○lekhā f. N. of a woman ib.

⋙ nāgaloka

   ○loka m. the world of serpents or sṭserpents-demons (called Pātāla and thought to be under the earth) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • the race of these beings collectively ib. 
   • -pati m. a serpents-chief. BhP.

⋙ nāgavaṭṭa

   ○vaṭṭa m. -raṭṭa

⋙ nāgavat

   ○vat mfn. consisting of serpents (cf. MW.) or of elephants MBh.

⋙ nāgavatman

   ○vatman wṛ. for -vartman or -dhanvan,

⋙ nāgavadha

   ○vadha (with rasa), m. a remedy against leprosy for the preparation of which a snake is used Bhpr.

⋙ nāgavadhū

   ○vadhū f. female elephant R.

⋙ nāgavana

   ○vana n. (in comp.) elephant and forests or a forests of elephant Vishṇ. iii, 16 
   • N. of a place L.

⋙ nāgavartman

   ○vartman m. (!) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. ix. 2148 (B. -dhanvan)

⋙ nāgavardhana

   ○vardhana and m. N. of men L.

⋙ nāgavarman

   ○varman m. N. of men L.

⋙ nāgavallarī

   ○vallarī f. Piper Betle Bhpr.

⋙ nāgavallī

   ○vallī f. id. R. (also ○li Śiś. ix, 35, ○likā L.) 
   • N. of wk. (also -kalpa, m.)

⋙ nāgavaśā

   ○vaśā f. = -vadhū Mudr.

⋙ nāgavārika

   ○vārika m. (cf. L.) royal elephant 
   • elephant driver 
   • a peacock 
   • N. of Garuḍa 
   • the chief person in a court or assembly

⋙ nāgavāsa

   ○vāsa m. 'abode of snakes', N. of a lake supposed to have been formed by the valley of Nepal Buddh.

⋙ nāgavithī

   ○vithī f. a row of serpents MBh. 
   • 'serpent path', the moon's path through the asterisms Svāti (or Aśvinī, Bharaṇi and Kṛittikā Var. (cf. nāgā. f. and gaja-v○) 
   • N. of a daughter of Dharma and Yāmī or of Kaśyapa and Yāmini Hariv. Pur.

⋙ nāgavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a kind of tree R. (cf. -ruka)

⋙ nāgavyādhinirṇaya

   ○vyādhi-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ nāgaśata

   ○śata m. N. of a mountain MBh.

⋙ nāgaśabdī

   ○śabdī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga

⋙ nāgaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a Purohita, Bhidrab

⋙ nāgaśuṇḍī

   ○śuṇḍī f. a kind of cucumber L.

⋙ nāgaśūra

   ○śūra m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ nāgaśrī

   ○śrī f. N. of a princess ib.  

⋙ nāgasambhava

   ○sambhava n. red lead L.

⋙ nāgasambhūta

   ○sambhūta mfn. produced from serpents (said of a kind of pearl) Var.

⋙ nāgasāhvaya

   ○sâhvaya (with nagara), n. 'the town called after elephants', i.e. Hāstina-pura MBh.

⋙ nāgasugandhā

   ○sugandhā f. the ichneumon plant (cf. nākulī) Bhpr.

⋙ nāgasena

   ○sena m. N. of a Buddh. Sthavira MWB. 141 ; 192, n. lx 
   • of a king of Āryā-varta and contemporary of Samudra-gupta Inscr.

⋙ nāgastokaka

   ○stokaka n. a species of poisonous plant L.

⋙ nāgasthala

   ○sthala n. N. of a village near Mathurā Kathās.

⋙ nāgasphoṭā

   ○sphoṭā f. Croton Polyandeum or Tiaridium Indicum L.

⋙ nāgasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ nāgahanu

   ○hanu m. Unguis Odoratus L.

⋙ nāgahantrī

   ○hantrī f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ nāgahrada

   ○hrada m. a lake inhabited by snakes or serpentdemons R.

⋙ nāgākhya

   nāgâkhya m. Mesua Roxburghī L.

⋙ nāgāṅga

   nāgâṅga n. N. of the town Hāstina-pura W.

⋙ nāgāṅganā

   nāgâṅganā f. female elephant L. 
   • vḷ. for next

⋙ nāgāñcanā

   nāgâñcanā f. an elephant's trunk L. 
   • = nāga-yaṣṭi L.

⋙ nāgāñcalā

   nāgâñcalā f. = ○ga-yaṣṭi L.

⋙ nāgāñjanā

   nāgâñjanā f. female elephant L. 
   • = prec. L.

⋙ nāgādhipa

   nāgâdhipa m. 'serpent-prince', N. of Śesha L.

⋙ nāgādhipati

   nāgâdhipati m. 'id.', N. of Virūḍhaka L.

⋙ nāgādhirāja

   nāgâdhirāja m. the king of the elephants Vikr.

⋙ nāgānana

   nāgânana wṛ. for ○gâśana

⋙ nāgānanda

   nāgânanda or n. 'the serpents' joy', N. of a Buddh. play ascribed to king Harsha

⋙ nāgānandiya

   nāgânanḍdiya n. 'the serpents' joy', N. of a Buddh. play ascribed to king Harsha

⋙ nāgāntaka

   nāgântaka m. 'serpent-destroyer', N. of Gatuḍa L.

⋙ nāgābharaṇa

   nāgâbharaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ nāgābhibhu

   nāgâbhibhu m. N. of a Buddha (○bhū, of another man) Lalit.

⋙ nāgārāti

   nāgârāti m. = ○ga-hantrī L.

⋙ nāgāri

   nāgâri m. 'serpent-foe', N. of Garuḍa Rājat. Pañc. 
   • -giri-vivarakalpa- m. N. of wk 
   • -tantra-homa m. a kind of sacrifice Saṃskārak.

⋙ nāgārūḍha

   nāgârūḍha mfn. mounted or riding upon an elephant W.

⋙ nāgārjuna

   nāgârjuna m. N. of an ancient Buddh. teacher of the rank of a Bodhi-sattvi MWB.192 
   • (-carita, -jātaka, -tāntra, ○nīya and ○nīya-dharma-śāstra n. N. of wks.) 
   • (ī), f. of a rock-cavern Inscr.

⋙ nāgālābu

   nāgâlābu f. a kind of gourd L.

⋙ nāgāvalokita

   nāgâvalokita n. elephant look (turning the whole body, as a mark of Buddha) Divyâv.

⋙ nāgāśana

   nāgâśana m. 'snake-eater', a peacock Kāv. 
   • N. of Garuḍa Pañc.

⋙ nāgāhva

   nāgâhva n. 'the town called after elephants', Hāstina-pura L. 
   • (ā), f. Mesua Roxburghī Rasar. 
   • a kind of Champaka L. 
   • a kind of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nāgāhvaya

   nāgâhvaya (with pura), n. = prec. n. (cf. nāga-sâv○) MBh. 
   • m. a kind of plant R. 
   • N. of Tathāgata-bhadra L.

⋙ nāgendra

   nāgêndra m. serpent-chief. MBh. Suśr. 
   • a large or noble elephant Kāv. 
   • (ī), N. of a river Śatr.

⋙ nāgeśa

   nāgêśa m. N. of a prince Buddh. 
   • of a man called also daiva-jña Cat. 
   • of Patañjali L. 
   • (also -bhaṭṭa) = nagoji-bh○ (○śa-vivaraṇa n. N. of wk.) 
   • n. N. of a Liṅga in Dārukā-vana ŚivaP.

⋙ nāgeśvara

   nāgêśvara m. a kind of plant Pañcar. 
   • N. of a man Rājat. 
   • (ī), f. N. of the goddess Manasā Cat. 
   • n. N. of a Liṅga, Śivap 
   • -tirtha n. N. of sev. sacred bathing. places ib.

⋙ nāgoda

   nāgôda n. (nāga + uda or corrupted fr. next) armour for the front of the body L.

⋙ nāgodara

   nāgôdara m. N. of a medical author L. 
   • n. a kind of decay of the fetus in the womb Car. 
   • = prec. L.

⋙ nāgodbheda

   nāgôdbheda m. N. of a sacred spot where the river Sarasvati reappears MBh.

⋙ nāgopavītin

   nāgôpavītin mfn. = naga-yajñlâp○ Hcat.

≫ nāgaka

   nāgaka m. N. of a man Rājat.

≫ nāgin

   nāgin mfn. covered with or surrounded by serpents Hariv. 
   • (ī), f. Piper Betle L. 
   • a kind of bulbous plant L.

≫ nāgila

   nāgila m. N. of a man Śatr. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman HPariś.

≫ nāgī 1

   nāgī f. of nāga

⋙ nāgīja

   ○ja n. the blossom of Mesua Roxburghī L.

≫ nāgī 2

   nāgī in comp. for nāga. root

⋙ nāgībhu

   ○bhu to be changed into a serpent-demon Rājat.


   nāgammā f. (Prākr. for na-agamyā? prob. fr. ṭamil) N. of a poetess Cat.


   nāgayya m. N. of an author Cat.


   nāgara mf(ī)n. (fr. nagara) townborn, tṭtown-bred, relating or belonging to a town or city, tṭtown-like, civic MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • spoken in a town (said of a partic. Apabhraṇśa dialect 
   • cf. upa-n○) Sāh. 
   • polite, civil, Śak v, 1/2 (v. l. for ○rika) 
   • clever, dexterous, cunning Dhūrtan. 
   • bad, vile L. 
   • nameless L. 
   • m. a citizen MBh. &c 
   • (= paura) a prince engaged in war under partic. circumstances (opp. to yāyin &c. and also applied to planets opposed to each other) Var. 
   • a husband's brother L. 
   • a lecturer L. 
   • an orange L. (cf. nāga-raṅga) 
   • toil, fatigue L. 
   • desire of final beatitude L. 
   • denial of knowledge L. 
   • (ī), f. Euphorbia Antiquorum L. 
   •  Col.  
   • a clever or intriguing woman W. 
   • n. dry ginger Suśr. 
   • the √of Cyperus Pertenuis L. 
   • a partic. written character Hcat. 
   • a kind of coitus L. 
   • N. of sev. places L.

⋙ nāgarakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. N. of ch. of SkandaP.

⋙ nāgaraghana

   ○ghana m. = -mustā L.

⋙ nāgaratā

   ○tā f. cleverness, dexterity Dhūrtan.

⋙ nāgaranṛpati

   ○nṛpati m. a prince engaged in war under partic. circumstances (also applied to planets in opposition to each other) Var.

⋙ nāgaramustā

   ○mustā f. a species of Cyperus grass L. 
   • ○taka n. its grain Bhpr.

⋙ nāgarayāyigraha

   ○yāyi-graha m. pl. planets opposed to each other in various partic. ways Var. (cf. above)

⋙ nāgarasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of wk

⋙ nāgarasena

   ○sena m. N. of a prince Hcar.

⋙ nāgarastrī

   ○strī f. townswoman, female citizen R.

⋙ nāgarāvalambikā

   nāgarâvalambikā f. (prob.) N. of a woman Buddh.

⋙ nāgarāhva

   nāgarâhva n. dry ginger L.

⋙ nāgarotthā

   nāgarôtthā f. = ○ra-mustā L.

≫ nāgaraka

   nāgaraka mf(ikā)n. living in a town (opp. to āraṇyaka) L. 
   • clever, cunning L. 
   • m. a citizen L. 
   • chief of a town, police-officer, Sak. (v. l. for ○rika) applied to planets opposed to each other Var. (cf. nāgara-nṛpati and -yāyi-graha) 
   • an artist W. 
   • a thief. W. 
   • (ikā) f. N. of a female slave Mālav. 
   • n. dry ginger Suśr. 
   • a kind of metre Col.

≫ nāgarika

   nāgarika mfn. born or living in a town, civic Kāv. Pur. 
   • polite, courtly Śak. (cf. -vṛtti, below) 
   • clever, cunning Pañc. 
   • m. inhabitant of a town, (esp.) chief of a town, police-officer Śak. (vḷ ○raka) n. the toll raised from a tṭtown Pāṇ. 4-3, 75 Sch.

⋙ nāgarikapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Cat.

⋙ nāgarikabala

   ○bala n. the guard of a police-officer Daś.

⋙ nāgarikavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. a courtly manner or style Śak. v. 1/2

≫ nāgareyaka

   nāgareyaka mfn. belonging to a town, citylike, civic, g. kattry-ādi

≫ nāgarya

   nāgarya n. town-life, shrewdness, g. purohitâdi


   nāgaramardi m. patron. fr. nagara-mardin, bāhv-ādi


   nāgariṭa prob. wṛ. for nāgaviiṭa m. intriguer, match-maker L.


   nāgulī f. N. of a town Col.


   nāgoji m. N. of a grammarian (also ○jī, or jī9-bhaṭṭa  author of a gloss on Kaiyaṭa's Comm. on Pat. , of a gram. wk. called Paribhāshêndu-śekhara &c.) 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk 
   • -bhaṭṭīya n. a work of Nāgoji-BhṭBhaṭṭa


   nāgoba m. N. of an author (1780) Cat.


   nāgnajitá m. a descendant of Nagna-jít ŚBr. 
   • (ī), f. a daughter of Nagna-jit (N. of one of the wives of Kṛishṇa) Hariv. (w. r. nagnājitī) BhP. x, 61, 13 (where metri causa ○jiti)


   nācika m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh.


   nāciketá mf(ī)n. relating to Naciketa or Na-ciketas KaṭhUp. TĀr. 
   • m. (with agni) a partic. fire ib. 
   • (sc. agni) any fire L. (wṛ. nācikstu, or nācchiketa) 
   • N. of an ancient sage (son of Uddālski) MBh. (cf. tri-ṇāciketa)

⋙ prayoga

   prayoga m

⋙ nācikEtopākhyāna

   nācikEtôpâkhyāna n. N. of wks


   nācirāja and nācoka m. N. of Poets Cat.


   nācīna m. N. of a people MBh.


   nājjaka m. N. of a man Rājat.


   nāṭa m. or n. (√naṭ 
   • g. ardharcâdi) dancing, acting, a dance L. 
   • m. (in music) N. of a Rāga 
   • of a serpent-demon Buddh. (cf. naṭa) 
   • pl. of a people Rājat. (= karṇāṭaka L.) 
   • (ī), f. (scil. bhâṣā) the language of the Nāṭas

⋙ nāṭabhaṭikavihāra

   ○bhaṭikavihāra m. N. of a monastery Buddh. (v. l. natabh○)

⋙ nāṭasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ nāṭāmra

   nāṭâmra m. the water-melon L.

≫ nāṭaka

   nāṭaka mf(ī)n. acting, dancing W. 
   • m. an actor, dancer, mime R. 
   • N. of a mountain, KāIP 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of Upa-rūpaka or drama of the second order Sāh. &c 
   • any show or representation Bālar. vii, 76 
   • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī 
   • (akī), f. the court of Indra L. 
   • n. any play or drama Hariv. Kāv. &c. (personified as m. MBh. ii, 453) 
   • a kind of play, the first of the Rūpakas or dramas of the first order Sāh. &c

⋙ nāṭakacandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ nāṭakadīpa

   ○dīpa m

⋙ nāṭakaparibhāṣā

   ○paribhāṣā f

⋙ nāṭakaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wks

⋙ nāṭakaprapañca

   ○prapañca m. course or arrangement of a drama W.

⋙ nāṭakaratnakośa

   ○ratna-kośa m.  

⋙ nāṭakalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ nāṭakavidhi

   ○vidhi m. mimic art, dramatic action MW.

⋙ nāṭakākhyāyikadarśana

   nāṭakâkhyāyika-darśana n. N. of one of the 64 Kalās L.

⋙ nāṭakāvatāra

   nāṭakâvatāra m. N. of wk

≫ nāṭakī 1

   nāṭakī ○ṭaka, above

≫ nāṭakī 2

   nāṭakī ind. for ○ṭaka 
   • with √kṛ, to make into a play Hariv.

≫ nāṭakīya

   nāṭakīya mfn. dramatic Śiś. ii, 8 
   • (ā), f. an actress or dancing girl Bhar. Daś.

≫ nāṭakeya

   nāṭakeya m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

≫ nāṭayitavya

   nāṭayitavya mfn. to be played (a drama) Ratnâv. Bālar.

≫ nāṭāra

   nāṭāra m. the son of an actress L.

≫ nāṭikā

   nāṭikā f. of ○ṭaka, q.v

≫ nāṭita

   nāṭita n. mimic representation, a gesture (in comp. also ○taka) Kālid. Ratnâv. Bālar. &c

≫ nāṭin

   nāṭin mfn. dancing 
   • saṃdhyā-n○

≫ nāṭeya

   nāṭeya or m. the son of an actress or a dancing girl L. (cf. ○ṭāra)

⋙ nāṭera

   nāṭera m. the son of an actress or a dancing girl L. (cf. ○ṭāra)

≫ nāṭya

   nāṭya n. dancing, mimic representation, dramatic art Kāv. Pur. &c. (○ṭyena ind. with a gesture Kālid. &c.) 
   • the costume of an actor BhP. (cf. below)

⋙ nāṭyadarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. N. of wk

⋙ nāṭyadhara

   ○dhara mfn. wearing an actor's costume BhP. i, 8, 19

⋙ nāṭyadharmikā

   ○dharmikā or f. the ruler of dramatic representation L.

⋙ nāṭyadharmī

   ○dharmī f. the ruler of dramatic representation L.

⋙ nāṭyapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ nāṭyapriya

   ○priya mfn. fond of dancing (Śiva) L.

⋙ nāṭyarāsaka

   ○rāsaka n. a kind of play consisting of one act Sāh.

⋙ nāṭyalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n

⋙ nāṭyalocana

   ○locana n. (and ○na-kāra, m.) N. of wks

⋙ nāṭyavarga

   ○varga m. N. of ch. of the Nāma-liṅgânuśāsana by Amarasiṃha

⋙ nāṭyaveda

   ○veda m. the science of dancing or mimic representation Caṇḍ. Daśar.

⋙ nāṭyavedī

   ○vedī f. stage, scene Kathās.

⋙ nāṭyaśālā

   ○śālā f. dancing-room GāruḍaP. 
   • a theatre W.

⋙ nāṭyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. = -veda Mālav. 
   • -pravaktṛ m. the author of a work on dramatic art L.

⋙ nāṭyaśekhara

   ○śekhara m. N. of wk

⋙ nāṭyāgāra

   nāṭyâgāra n. dancing-room Bhar.

⋙ nāṭyācārya

   nāṭyâcārya m. dancing-master Mṛicch. 
   • ○ryaka n. the office of a dancing-mṭmaster. Pañc.

⋙ nāṭyālābu

   nāṭyâlābu f. a kind of gourd Gal. (v. l. nāgât○)

⋙ nāṭyokti

   nāṭyôkti f. dramatic phraseology Sāh.

⋙ nāṭyocita

   nāṭyôcita mfn. (song) fit for a dramatic representation Dhūrtas.


   nāḍa n. (fr. naḍa) = nāla, a hollow stalk L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a partic. verse Vait.

⋙ nāḍapit

   ○pít m. or n. N. of a place ŚBr. 
   • (ī), f. below

≫ nāḍāyana

   nāḍāyana m. a more remote descendant of Naḍa, P1ṇ. iv, s, 99 
   • naka mfn. iv, 3, 80 Sch.

≫ nāḍi 1

   nāḍi m. the son of Naḍa Pāṇ. 4-1, 99 Kāś.

≫ nāḍi 2

   nāḍi f. any tube or pipe, (esp.) a tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) BhP. (cf. nāḍī)

⋙ nāḍicīra

   ○cīra n. a weaver's shuttle L.

⋙ nāḍiṃdhama

   ○ṃ-dhama mfn. swelling the veins, causing a quicker pulse, agitating Kād. Bālar. 
   • terrifying W. 
   • m. a goldsmith L. (cf. pāñca. janya-nāḍiṃ-dh○)

⋙ nāḍiṃdhaya

   ○ṃ-dhaya mfn. drinking or sucking through a tube L.

⋙ nāḍipattra

   ○pattra n. Colocasia Antiquorum L.

⋙ nāḍimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. the celestial equator L.

≫ nāḍika

   nāḍika mfn. ifc., id. BhP. 
   • (ā), f. a hollow stalk Jyot. 
   • any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • a measure of time = 1/2 Muhūrta Var. Mālatīm. &c 
   • a measure of length = 1/2 Daṇḍa MārkP. 
   • v. l. for nālikā Kām. v, 51 
   • n. Ocimum Sanctum Bhpr.

⋙ nāḍikādatta

   nāḍiḍkā-datta m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāḍikāvṛtta

   nāḍiḍkā-vṛtta n. equinoctial circle Gol.

≫ nāḍī

   nāḍī́ f. (fr. nāḍa nom. ○ḍī́s RV. x, 135, 7) the tubular stalk of any plant or any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) 
   • any pipe or tube RV. &c. &c 
   • a flute RV. Kāṭh. 
   • the box of a wheel TS. Kāṭh. 
   • a fistulous sore Suśr. 
   • the pulse W. 
   • any hole or crevice Kathās. 
   • a sort of bent grass (= gaṇḍa-dūrvā) L. 
   • a strap of leather, thong L. 
   • a measure of time = 1/2 Muhūrta Var. 
   • a juggling trick, deception L.

⋙ nāḍīkalāpaka

   ○kalāpaka m. a species of plant Bhpr.

⋙ nāḍīgrantha

   ○grantha m

⋙ nāḍīcakra

   ○cakra n. N. of wks

⋙ nāḍīcaraṇa

   ○caraṇa m. 'stalk-legged', a bird L.

⋙ nāḍījaṅgha

   ○jaṅgha m. 'id.', a crow 
   • N. of a fabulous crane MBh. 
   • of a Muni L. (cf. nāli-j○)

⋙ nāḍījñāna

   ○jñāna n 
   • -dīpikā, f. N. of wks

⋙ nāḍītarṃga

   ○tarṃga m. a kind of poison (= kākola) L. 
   • an astrologer W. 
   • a ravisher, debaucher ( = ratahiṇḍaka, cf. nārī-t○) W.

⋙ nāḍītikta

   ○tikta m. a species of Nimba L.

⋙ nāḍīdatta

   ○datta m. N. of an author Cat. (cf. nāḍikā-d○).,

⋙ nāḍīdeha

   ○deha m. stalk-bodied', N. of an attendant of Siva (= bhṛgin) L. (cf. vigraha)

⋙ nāḍīnakṣatra

   ○nakṣatra n. the planet of a person's nativity (= janma-n○) L. 
   • -mālā f. N. of wk

⋙ nāḍīnidāna

   ○nidāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nāḍīṃdhama

   ○ṃ-dhama wṛ. for nāḍiṃ-dh○ (above)

⋙ nāḍīparīkṣā

   ○parī7kṣā f. feeling a vein or the pulse Bhpr. 
   • N. of wk 
   • ○kṣâdi-cikitsā-kathana n. N. of wk

⋙ nāḍīpātra

   ○pātra n. a kind of water-clock L.

⋙ nāḍīprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ nāḍīprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wks

⋙ nāḍīyantra

   ○yantra n. any tubular instrument (in surgery) Suśr.  

⋙ nāḍīvalaya

   ○valaya n. equinoctial circle Gol.

⋙ nāḍīvigraha

   ○vigraha m. = -deha L.

⋙ nāḍīvijñāna

   ○vijñāna or n. N. of wk

⋙ nāḍīvijñānīya

   ○vijñāḍnīya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāḍīvṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. = -valaya Gol. Sch.

⋙ nāḍīvraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. an ulcer, fistula L.

⋙ nāḍīśāka

   ○śāka m. a species of vegetable (= nāḍīka) Bhpr.

⋙ nāḍīśāstra

   ○śāstra n

⋙ nāḍīśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f

⋙ nāḍīsaṃkhyā

   ○saṃkhyā f

⋙ nāḍīsaṃcāra

   ○saṃcāra m

⋙ nāḍīsaṃjñāna

   ○saṃjñāna n

⋙ nāḍīsamucaya

   ○samucaya m. N. of wks

⋙ nāḍīsneha

   ○sneha m. = -deha L.

⋙ nāḍīsveda

   ○sveda m. steam-bath through tubes Car.

⋙ nāḍīhiṅgu

   ○hiṅgu n. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera L.

≫ nāḍīka

   nāḍīka mfn. ifc. = nāḍī L. 
   • m. Corchorus Olitorius and another pot-herb, Bh 
   • (ā́), f. the windpipe or throat AV.


   nāḍikela or nāḍīkela m. = nārikela, the cocoa-nut palm L.


   nāḍīca m. Colocasia Antiquorum L. (cf. nāḍikā-pattra)


   nāḍvaleya m. metron. fr. naḍvalā Hariv.


   nāṇaka n. a coin or anything stamped with an impression Yājñ. Mṛicch. Hcat.

⋙ nāṇakaparkṣā

   ○par7kṣā f. the testing of coin, assaying W.

⋙ nāṇakaparikṣin

   ○parikṣin m, coin-tester', assayer ib.


   nātaṅkovilsthalamāhātmya n. N. of ch. of BhavP.


   nātānatika mfn. fr. nata + anata Pat.


   nâti-kalyāṇa nâli-kovida &c. 2. ná


   nātra prob. wṛ. for nāntra, q.v


   nāth cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ji, 6) nā́thate TS. Kāṭh. &c. (○ti MBh. Kathās. 
   • pf. nanātha 
   • aor. anāthīt 
   • fut. nāthiṣyati, or nāthitā Gr 
   • inf. nāthitum, Kathās. 
   • ind. p. -nāthya Prab.) to seek aid, approach with prayers or requests (loc.) TS. Kāṭh. 
   • to ask, solicit, beg for (gen. of thing MBh. iii, 126, 30 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 55 
   • dat. of thing Vop. 
   • with 2 acc. Naish. iii, 25) 
   • to have power, be master Dhātup.: Caus. nāthayati, to cause a person to ask for anything, i.e. to grant a request (acc.) BhP. (B.) ii, 9, 25. 

≫ nātha

   nāthá n. refuge, help AV. TBr. 
   • m. a protector, patron, possessor, owner, lord (often ifc., esp. in names of gods and men, e.g. goviṅda-, jagan- &c 
   • but also mfn. possessed of occupied by, furnished with, cf. sa-) 
   • a husband (esp. in voc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a rope passed through the nose of a draft ox L. 
   • N. of sev. authors Cat.

⋙ nāthakāma

   ○kāma (○thá-), mfn. seeking help AV.

⋙ nāthakumāra

   ○kumāra m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nāthatva

   ○tva n. protectorship, patronage R.

⋙ nāthamalla

   ○malla m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • -brahmacārin m. N. of an author ib.

⋙ nāthavat

   ○vat mfn. having a protector or master, dependant, subject R. (-tā f. MBh.) 
   • (ī), f. having a husband MBh. R. Var. &c

⋙ nāthavid

   ○víd or mfn. (√3. vid) possessing or granting protection AV. TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nāthavindu

   ○vindu mfn. (√3. vid) possessing or granting protection AV. TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nāthasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāthastuti

   ○stuti f. N. of a poem (called also ātma-mandira-stotra) ib.

⋙ nāthahari

   ○hari mfn. carrying a master (as cattle) Pāṇ. 3-2, 25

⋙ nāthahāra

   ○hāra mfn. id. (but not said of cattle) ib. 
   • iii,. 2, 1

⋙ nāthānandamuni

   nāthânanda-muni m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāthoka

   nāthoka (?), m. N. of a poet ib.

≫ nāthamāna

   nāthamāna mfn. seeking help, suppliant MBh. &c

≫ nāthāya

   nāthāya yati wṛ. for nāthayati 
   • √nāth, Caus

≫ nāthita

   nāthitá mfn. one who needs help, oppressed, suppliant RV. TS. 
   • n. supplication, demand, request BhP.

≫ nāthin

   nāthin mfn. having a protector or master Hariv. R.


   nādá m. (√nad) a loud sound, roaring, bellowing, crying RV. &c. &c 
   • any sound or tone Prāt. R. &c. (= śabda L.) 
   • (in the Yoga) the nasal sound repressented by a semicircle and used as an abbreviation in mystical words BhP. 
   • a praiser (= stotṛ) Naigh. iii, 16

⋙ nādakārikā

   ○kārikā f. N. of wk

⋙ nādatā

   ○tā f. the quality of sounding RPrāt.

⋙ nādadīpaka

   ○dīpaka m. or n. N. of wk

⋙ nādapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n

⋙ nādabindūpaniṣad

   ○bindū7paniṣad f. N. of wks

⋙ nādavat

   ○vat mfn. pronounced with sound (as letters), sonant Kāś.

≫ nādi

   nādi mfn. sounding, roaring PārGṛ.  

≫ nādita

   nādita mfn. made to resound 
   • ifc. sounding with, reverberant MBh. &c 
   • n. sound, noise ib.

≫ nādin

   nādin mfn. sounding, resonant, howling, roaring &c 
   • ifc. = prec. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • pronounced with sound, sonant Śiksh. 
   • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 
   • of a Brāhman changed into an antelope ib.


   nâdara 1. nadeya &c. 2. ná


   nādika m. N. of a country Buddh.


   nādiga m. N. of a man Cat.

nādeya 2

   nādeyá mf(ī)n. (fr. nadī) coming from or, belonging to a river, fluvial, aquatic VS. R. Suśr. 
   • m. Saccharum Spontaneum or Calamus, Rotang L. 
   • (ī), f. N. of sev. plants (Tesbania Aegyptiaca, Premna Spinosa &c.) L. 
   • n. rock-salt Suśr. 
   • antimony L.

≫ nadya

   nádyá mfn. = prec. mfn. RV. ii, 35, 1 (?) TS.


   nādh cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. ii, 5) nādhate, occurring only in p. nā́dhamana, seeking help, asking begging RV. (cf. nāth)

≫ nadhas

   nadhas n. (prob.) = nātha, help, refuge RV. x, 65, 5

≫ nadhita

   nádhitá mfn. oppressed, needy, suppliant RV. i, 118, 8 ; 182, 7


   nāna m. N. of a man (also -bhaṭṭa) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. coin (= = nāṇaka) Hcat.


   nānaka-candrôdaya m. or n. N. of a poem by Deva-rāja


   nānada n. N. of a Sāman Br. (wṛ. nānanda)


   nānardamāna mfn. (√nard, Intens.) sounding loudly, roaring lustily Hariv.

nānā 1

   nā́nā ind. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 27 
   • g. svarādi) differently, variously, distinctly, separately, (often used as an adj. = various, different, distinct from [with instr., e.g. viśvaṃ na nānā śambhunā, 'the Universe is not distinct from Śambhunā' Vop. 
   • rarely mfn. e.g. nārīṣu nānāsu Pañcar.] esp. in comp 
   • below.) RV. &c. &c 
   • -vinā, without (with instr., abl. or acc.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 32

⋙ nānākanda

   ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nānākaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. variation Divyâv.

⋙ nānākarman

   ○karman mfn. one who has performed many sacrifices Āpast.

⋙ nānākāma

   ○kāmá m. pl. many desires or wishes ŚBr. =

⋙ nānākāra

   ○ḍkāra (○nâk○), mfn. manifold, various Var. Rājat.

⋙ nānākāram

   ○kāram (or -kṛtya, or -kṛtvā), ind. Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 Kāś.

⋙ nānākṣetramāhātmya

   ○kṣetra-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nānāgati

   ○gati m. 'moving in different ways', the wind Kir.

⋙ nānāgotra

   ○gotra m. belonging to different families MānGṛ.

⋙ nānāgraha

   ○graha m. taking separate (used to explain avagraha) RPrāt.

⋙ nānācetas

   ○cetas (nā́nā.), mfn. of different mind ŚBr.

⋙ nānājana

   ○jana m. pl. different people or tribes TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nānājātīya

   ○jātīya mfn. belonging to dṭdifferent kinds or classes Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 21

⋙ nānātanu

   ○tanu mfn. one who has assumed different bodies BhP.

⋙ nānātantra

   ○tantra mfn. performed separately ĀpŚr.

⋙ nānātma

   ○"ṣtma- (○nâtma) different souls (in comp.) 
   • -pakṣa m. the assertion that there are differences KapS. 
   • -vādin m. one who so asserts ib.

⋙ nānātyaya

   ○"ṣtyaya (○nât○), mfn. various, manifold ChUp.

⋙ nānātva

   ○tva n. difference, variety, manifoldness Br. MBh. &c 
   • -vāda-tattva n. N. of wk

⋙ nānādāna

   ○dāna n. pl. 'various presents', N. of ch. of PSarv.

⋙ nānādigdeśa

   ○dig-deśa m. sg. the regions or countries of the different quarters 
   • (āt), ind. from everywhere Ratn. Hit.

⋙ nānādīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita m. N. of sev. authors Cat.

⋙ nānādevata

   ○devata (cf. ĀpŚr. Sch.),

⋙ nānādevatya

   ○devatya (cf. AitBr.), mfn. relating or addressed to different gods

⋙ nānādeśa

   ○deśa m. sg. different regions or countries MBh. R. 
   • ○śīya (cf. Hcar.) or ○śya (cf. MBh.), mfn. coming from different countries (as princes)

⋙ nānādharman

   ○dharman (nā́nā.), mfn. having dṭdifferent customs AV.

⋙ nānādhātu

   ○dhātu (in comp.), various minerals or gramm. roots 
   • -prckriyā f. N. of a gramm. wk 
   • -śata n. a hundred various minerals MW. 
   • -samākīrna mfn. filled with various minerals ib.

⋙ nānādhiṣṇya

   ○dhiṣṇya (nā́nā-), mfn. having dṭdifferent earth-mounds or sidealtars ŚBr.

⋙ nānādhi

   ○dhi (nā́nā.), mfn. (pl.) having dṭdifferent minds or views RV.

⋙ nānādhvani

   ○dhvani m. any musical instrument with more than one tone L.

⋙ nānānarghamahāratnamaya

   ○"ṣnarghamahā-ratna-maya (○nân○), mf(ī)n. consisting of different precious jewels Kathās.

⋙ nānānāmanirūpaṇa

   ○nāma-nirūpaṇa n. N. of ch. of GaṇP.

⋙ nānāpakṣigaṇākīrṇa

   ○pakṣi-gaṇâkīrṇa mfn. filled with flocks of various birds MW.

⋙ nānāpattrakā

   ○pattrakā f. N. of a partic. personification MānGṛ.

⋙ nānāpada

   ○pada n. a different or independent word Prāt. (-vat, ind. ib.) 
   • ○dīya mfn. belonging to it TPrāt.

⋙ nānāpāṭhaka

   ○pāṭhaka m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nānāprakāra

   ○prakāra mfn. various, manifold R. Suśr.

⋙ nānāprabhṛti

   ○prabhṛti (nā́nā-), mfn. beginning differently ŚBr.  

⋙ nānāprastāva

   ○prastāva (nā́nā-), mfn. having a different prelude (as a Śāmaṇ) ib.

⋙ nānāphalamaya

   ○phala-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of various fruits Hcat.

⋙ nānābīja

   ○bīja n. pl. various kinds of grain ŚrS.

⋙ nānābuddhiruc

   ○buddhiruc mfn. one whose mind delights in various things MBh.

⋙ nānābrahmasāmatva

   ○brahma-sāma-tva n. manifoldness of the Brahma-siman Lāṭy.

⋙ nānābhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author (= nāna-bh○) MW.

⋙ nānābhāva

   ○bhāva mf(ā)n. various, manifold Vajracch.

⋙ nānābhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. id. TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ nānāmanas

   ○manas (nā́nā-), mfn. of vṭvarious minds TS.

⋙ nānāmantraughasiddhimat

   ○mantrâugha-siddhi-mat mfn. having plenty of various magic. formulas Kathās.

⋙ nānāmṛgagaṇa

   ○mṛga-gaṇa m. pl. flocks of vṭvarious animals MW.

⋙ nānāyudhalakṣaṇa

   ○"ṣyudha-lakṣaṇa (○nây○), n. N. of wk

⋙ nānāyoga

   ○yoga m. manifoldness Kap

⋙ nānāratnākaravat

   ○ratnâkara-vat mfn. having a mine of various jewels Var.

⋙ nānāratham

   ○rathám ind. in various or separate chariots RV.

⋙ nānārasa

   ○rasa mfn. containing various passions or emotions (as a drama) Mālav.

⋙ nānārūpa

   ○"ṣrūpa n. pl. various forms or shapes R. 
   • (nā́nā-), mfn. multiform,
   manifold. AV. Br. Mn. &c. (○pá-tā f. ŚBr.) 
   • -samutthāna mfn. following various occupations R.

⋙ nānārtha

   ○"ṣrtha (○nâr○), mfn. having a different aim or object KaṭhUp. 
   • containing some other sense (as a new sentence) VPrāt. 
   • having different meanings (as a word of different mṭmeanings), Gr. L. 
   • -kośa m. -dhvani-mañjarī f. -mañjarī f. -ratna-tilaka m. or n. -ratna-mālā f. -śabda-kośa m. -śabdaratna n. -śabdânuśāsana n. -saṃgraha m. N. of dictionaries 
   • -saṃdigdhârtha-vicāra m. N. of a Nyāya wk

⋙ nānāliṅga

   ○liṅga mfn. different, various 
   • -tva n. TĀr.

⋙ nānāvarṇa

   ○varṇa m. pl. various colours R. 
   • mf(ā)n. many- coloured, variegated Var. Suśr. Hcat. 
   • -tva n. MBh. 
   • ○nâkṛti mfn. pl. of different colours or shapes Bhag.

⋙ nānāvādasaṃgrahagrantha

   ○vāda-saṃgraha-grantha m. N. of wk

⋙ nānāvidha

   ○vídha mfn. of various sorts, multiform, manifold Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -śānti f. N. of wk

⋙ nānāviśya

   ○viśyá mfn. consisting of more than one village or tribe MaitrS.

⋙ nānāvirya

   ○virya (nā́nā-), mf(ā)n. having different powers or effects (as herbs) AV. Br. 
   • -tā f. TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nānāvṛkṣīya

   ○vṛkṣīya mfn. coming from dṭdifferent trees ĀpŚr.

⋙ nānāvṛttamaya

   ○vṛtta-maya mf(ī)n. composed in different metres Sāh.

⋙ nānāveṣākṛtimat

   ○veṣâkṛti-mat mfn. of dṭdifferent garb and shape MBh.

⋙ nānāvrata

   ○vrata (nā́nā.), mfn. having dṭdifferent customs or observances TS.

⋙ nānāśāstra

   ○śāstra (in comp.) different sciences or scientific works 
   • ○strârtha-ninaya m. N. of wk 
   • ○strīya mfn. taken from different wks. Hcat.

⋙ nānāsaṃvāsika

   ○saṃvāsika mfn. living in dṭdifferent places, belonging to different communities Buddh.

⋙ nānāsamutthāna

   ○samutthāna mfn. of dṭdifferent duration TĀr.

⋙ nānāsāmavat

   ○sāma-vat ind. like different Sāmans Lāṭy.

⋙ nānāsūrya

   ○sūrya m. pl. different suns TĀr. (-tva n. ib.) 
   • (nā́nā.), mf(ā)n. illuminated by different suns RV.

⋙ nānāstrī

   ○strī f. pl. women belonging to dṭdifferent castes Mn.

⋙ nānolba

   nā́nôlba mfn. pl. having more than one membrane or cover ŚBr.

⋙ nānauṣadha

   nānâuṣadha (in comp.), various herbs or drugs 
   • -pariccheda and -vidhi m. N. of wks

≫ nānānam

   nānānám ind. differently, in various ways RV.


   nānāndra m. (fr. nanāndṛ) a husband'ssister's son, g. bidâdi

⋙ nānāndrāyaṇa

   nānānḍdrāyaṇa m. patron. fr. nānāndra g. haritâdi


   nānū m. N. of a man Cat.


   nāntra n. (√nam) praise, eulogy Uṇ. iv, 159 Sch. 
   • wonder L. 
   • m. a sage L. 
   • N. of Śiva L.


   nānda mf(ī)nṛelating to Nanda (upapurāṇa) Madhus.

≫ nāndana

   nāndaná n. (√nand or nandana) a pleasuregarden, paradise SV. AitUp.

≫ nāndi

   nāndi for ○nodī in comp

⋙ nāndikara

   ○kara m. = ○dI-k○ L.

⋙ nāndidatta

   ○datta m. N. of an author Cat. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 63 Kāś.)

≫ nāndika

   nāndika n. = ○ndī-śrāddha Saṃskārak.

≫ nāndin

   nāndin m. = ○ndī-kara L.

≫ nāndī

   nāndī f. (√nand) joy, satisfaction, pleasure RV. MBh. 
   • eulogium or praise of a deity, (esp.) a kind of blessing pronounced as a prologue to a drama
   Mṛicch. Kālid. Sāh. Pratāp. &c 
   • (in music) a partic. measure 
   • = dvādaśa-tūrya-nirghoṣa L.

⋙ nāndīkara

   ○kara m. (in dram.) the speaker of the prologue 
   • a proper N. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 63

⋙ nāndīghoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. a proper N. ib.

⋙ nāndīnāda

   ○nāda (cf. Mudr.) and m. shout of joy

⋙ nāndīnināda

   ○nināda (cf. Kathās.), m. shout of joy

⋙ nāndīpaṭa

   ○paṭa m. the lid or cover of a well L.

⋙ nāndīpura

   ○pura n. N. of an eastern town Pāṇ. 5-4, 74 Kāś. 
   • ○raka mfn. iv, 2, 122, Kā3

⋙ nāndībhājana

   ○bhājana n. a partic. water-vessel Uttamac.

⋙ nāndīmukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. having a cheerful face Siṃhâs. 
   • (○khī rātri f. end of night, daybreak Lalit.) 
   • m. pl. (with or scil. pitaras 
   • also ○khaḥ pitṛ-gaṇah) a class of deceased ancestors to whom a partic. Śrāddha, is offered (according to some the 3 ancestors preceding the great-grandfather) GṛS. Yājñ. Pur. &c 
   • = nāṇḍī-paṭa L.  
   • (ī), f. a female ancestor sharing in the Nāndī Śrāddha W. 
   • a kind of grain Suśr. 
   • N. of a metre Col. 
   • n. (cf. Hcat.) = -śrāddha n. a Śrāddha offered to a class of deceased ancestors (cf. above) Cat. 
   • ○dha-nirūpaṇa n. ○dha-paddhati f. ○dha-prayoga m. N. of wks

⋙ nāndīrava

   ○rava m. shout of joy MBh.

⋙ nāndīviśāla

   ○viśāla m. a proper N. Pāṇ. 6-3, 63, Kaś

⋙ nāndīśrāddha

   ○śrāddha n. = nândī-mukha-śr○ Cat.

≫ nāndīka

   nāndīka a post in a door-way set up for good luck W.

≫ nānduka

   nānduka m. N. of a man Pañc.


   nānya-deva m. N. of a poet Cat.


   nâpi under 2. ná


   nāpitá m. (cf. Uṇ.ili, 87 nā́p○ √snā?) a barber, shaver ŚBr. ŚrGṛS. Mn. &c. RTL. 374, 459 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a barber. (Cf. vaptṛ.)

⋙ nāpitagṛha

   ○gṛha n. a barber's shop L.

⋙ nāpitabhāṇḍa

   ○bhāṇḍa n. shaving tackle L.

⋙ nāpitavāstu

   ○vāstu n. a barber's dwelling 
   • ○stuka mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-a, 104, Vāitt

⋙ nāpitaśālā

   ○śālā and f. a barber's shop L.

⋙ nāpitaśālikā

   ○śāḍlikā f. a barber's shop L.

≫ nāpitāyani

   nāpitāyani m. the son or offspring of a barber Pāṇ. 4-1, 158

≫ nāpitya

   nāpitya m. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 152, Kāś 
   • n. the trade or business of a barber W.


   nā́bh f. (√1. nabh) an opening, fissure, spring RV. ix, 74, 6

≫ nābha

   nābha ifc. (mfn.) = nābhi, nave, navel, central point (cf. abja-nābha, vajra-n○, su-n○ &c.) 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • of a son of Śruta and father of Sindhudviipa BhP.

≫ nābhā

   nābhā loc. of nābhi (for -bhan)

⋙ nābhānediṣṭha

   ○nédiṣṭha (nā○), m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata and author of RV. x, 61 ; 62 TS. Br. 
   • mfn. (also ○ṣṭhīya) relating to or composed by NṭNābhā Br.

≫ nābhi

   nā́bhi f. (prob. fr. √1. nabh, 'to burst asunder or into a hole' 
   • ifc. f. i or ī Vām. v, 49) the navel (also nṭnavel-string, cf. -kṛntana), a navel-like cavity RV. &c. &c. (in later language also m. and ○bhī f.) 
   • the nave of a wheel ib. (also m. L., and ○bhī f.) 
   • centre, central point, point of junction or of departure, home, origin, esp. common origin, affinity, relationship 
   • a near relation or friend ib. (m. L.) 
   • musk: (= mṛra-n○) L. 
   • m. or f. musk-deer Megh. 53 (?) BhP. 
   • m. a chief (= central point) of (gen.) Ragh. xviii, 19 (cf. maṇḍala-nābhi-tā) 
   • a sovereign or lord paramount (= mukhya-rāj) L. 
   • a Kshatriya L. 
   • N. of a grandson of Priya-vrata (son of Agnidhra and father of Ṛishabha) Pur. 
   • of the father of Ṛishabha (first Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi) L. 

⋙ nābhikaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m

⋙ nābhikupikā

   ○kupikā f. a protruding or ruptured navel L.

⋙ nābhikṛntana

   ○kṛntana n. the cutting of the nṭnavel-string Gobh.

⋙ nābhigandha

   ○gandha m. the odour of musk or of the musk-deer Megh. 53

⋙ nābhiguḍaka

   ○guḍaka m. -kaṇṭaka L.

⋙ nābhigupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a son of Hiraṇya-retas and of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa ruled by him BhP.

⋙ nābhigolaka

   ○golaka m. -kaṇṭaka L.

⋙ nābhicakra

   ○cakra n. (magical) navel-circle Cat.

⋙ nābhicchedana

   ○cchedana n. -kṛntana W.

⋙ nābhija

   ○ja m. 'navelborn', = next L. 
   • navel-dirt Gal.

⋙ nābhijanman

   ○janman 'id.', N. of Brahma (said to have first appeared on the lotus sprung from the next of Vishṇu) L. -2

⋙ nābhijāta

   ○jāta mfn. (for 1. 2. ná), sprung from a navel Vcar. (v. l.)

⋙ nābhitva

   ○tva n. the state or condition of being a navel AitBr.

⋙ nābhidaghna

   ○daghná mf(ā́)n. reaching up to the navel ŚBr. Yājñ. 
   • -pāda mf(ā)n. (a chair) with legs so high ĀpŚr.

⋙ nābhināḍī

   ○nāḍī f. the navel string L. (cf. garba-n)

⋙ nābhināla

   ○nāla n. or id. (only mfn. ifc.) Ragh. v, 7

⋙ nābhinālā

   ○nāḍlā f. id. (only mfn. ifc.) Ragh. v, 7

⋙ nābhibhū

   ○bhū m. = = -janman Siṃhâs.

⋙ nābhimātra

   ○mātra mf(ī́)n. = -daghna L.

⋙ nābhimūla

   ○mūla n. the part of the body immediately under the navel Var.

⋙ nābhivardhana

   ○vardhana n. (√vardh) = -kṛntana Mn. ī. 29 
   • (√vṛdh) umbilical hernia L. 
   • corpulency L.

⋙ nābhivarṣa

   ○varṣa m. n. the Varsha governed by Nābhi (son of Agnidhra) Pur.

⋙ nābhyāvarta

   nābhy-āvarta m. the cavity of the navel W.

≫ nābhika

   nābhika ifc. (mfn.) = nābhi, navel Hcat. 
   • nave of a wheel MBh. 
   • (ā́), f. a navel-like cavity ŚBr. 
   • Achyranthes Atropurpurea L.

⋙ nābhikapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town of the Uttara-kurus BrahmaP.

≫ nābhila

   nābhila mfn. g. sidhmâdi Uṇ. iv, 125 Sch.

≫ nābhīla

   nābhīla n. (only L.) the groin of a woman 
   • a prominent or ruptured navel 
   • the cavity of the navel 
   • pain, distress

≫ nābheya

   nābheya m. patr. of Ṛishabha (first Arhat of the Jainas) Śatr.

≫ nābhya

   nābhya mfn. sprung from or being in the navel, umbilical BhP. 
   • m. N. of Śiva (with nābha) MBh. 
   • n. a kind of sacrifice, MāuGṛ.  


   nābhaka m. Terminalia Chebula L.


   nābhasa mf(ī)n. (fr. nabhas) celestial, heavenly, appearing in the sky Var. 
   • (with yoga) N. of certain constellations ib. (according to Bhaṭṭôpala 2, divided into 4 classes, viz. 3 Āśraya-, 2 Dala-, 20 Ākṛiti- and 7 Saṃkhyā-yogas)

⋙ nābhasayogādhyāya

   ○yogâdhyāya m. N. of 12th ch. of VarBṛS. and 10th ch. of Laghnj


   nābhāka mf(ī)n. belonging to or composed by Nabhāka AitBr. 
   • (○ká), m. ( = nabhāka) N. of a Ṛishi of the Kaṇva family RV. viii, 41, 2 
   • patron. fr. nabh○ g. śivâdi


   nābhāga m. (cf. nabha-ga, nabhāga) N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • patron. of Ambarīsha MBh. 
   • N. of a son of Manu and father of Ambarīsha Hariv. 
   • of a son of Nabhaga and father of Ambarīsha Pur. 
   • of a son of Śruta and father of Ambarīsha Hariv. 
   • of a son of Nedishṭha or Arishṭa or Dishṭa and fṭfather of Bhalandana Pur. 
   • of a son of Yayāti (grandson of Ambarisha) and fṭfather of Aja R. 
   • of a grandson of Ambarīsha and father of Aja ib.

⋙ nābhāgadiṣṭa

   ○diṣṭa and wṛ. for nā́bhā-nédiṣṭha (above)

⋙ nābhāganediṣṭha

   ○nediṣṭha wṛ. for nā́bhā-nédiṣṭha (above)

⋙ nābhāgāriṣṭa

   nābhāgâriṣṭa m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. VP.

≫ nābhāgi

   nābhāgi m. patron. of Ambarīsha MBh. Hariv.


   nâbhijāta nábhimāna &c. under 2. ná

nāma 1

   nā́ma ind. (acc. of nā́man) by name i.e. named, called RV. &c. &c. (also with nāmatas and nāmnā) 
   • indeed, certainly, really, of course ib. 
   • quasi, only in appearance Jātakam. 
   • however, nevertheless ib. 
   • after an interr. = then, pray, e.g. kiṃ n○, kathaṃ n○, kadā nevertheless, what then? pray, what? &c. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • after an Impv. = may it be so, no matter, e.g. Śak. v, 8 
   • api n○ at the beginning of a sentence = perhaps, I dare say, e.g. apy eṣa nāma phalam icchati, this man wants perhaps a reward Mṛicch. viii, 25 
   • with Pot. often = would that, e.g. api nāmaī7vaṃ syāt, would that it were so Vikr. v, 19/20 
   • opp. to mā n○ with Pot. would that not, I should think not, e.g. mā nāma akāsyaṃ kuryāt, I hope he will not do something wrong Mṛicch. iii, 26

≫ nāma 2

   nāma in comp. for nāman, q.v. (sometimes ifc. as in satya-, q.v.)

⋙ nāmakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa m. a nominal suffix Nir. 
   • n. the calling of a person (gen.) by the name of (nāmnā) Sarvad. 
   • the ceremony of naming a child after birth Kauś. &c. RTL. 370 
   • (○raṇaṃ √kṛ, to perform this child) BhP. 
   • -prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ nāmakarman

   ○karman n. name-giving (cf. prec.) R.

⋙ nāmakīrtana

   ○kīrtana n. mentioning the name of (gen.) Yājñ. Sch. 
   • (esp.) incessant repetition of the name of a god RTL. 141 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāmakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk

⋙ nāmakaustubha

   ○kaustubha m. or n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nāmagṛhya

   ○gṛhya ind. while mentioning the name ĀpŚr.

⋙ nāmagotra

   ○gotra n. du. personal and family name Gaut. Kauś.

⋙ nāmagraha

   ○graha m. mentioning a name, naming Amar.

⋙ nāmagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. (ŚrS. Mn. Kāv. &c.),

⋙ nāmagrāha

   ○grāhá m. (cf. AV. Lāṭy.), id'

⋙ nāmagrāham

   ○grā́ham ind. = -gṛhya ŚBr. Kauś.

⋙ nāmacandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ nāmacaraṇabhāṣya

   ○caraṇabhāṣya n

⋙ nāmacaraṇavārttika

   ○caraṇa-vārttika n

⋙ nāmacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks

⋙ nāmacaura

   ○caura m. the stealer of (i.e. assumer of) another person's name L.

⋙ nāmajātigraha

   ○jātigraha m. (cf. Mn.)

⋙ nāmajātigrahaṇa

   ○jāti-grahaṇa n. (cf. Kull.) mentioning the name and race

⋙ nāmatīrtha

   ○tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nāmadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nāmadvādaśī

   ○dvādaśī f. a ceremony consisting in worshipping Durgā under one of her 12 appellations (Gaurs, Kālī, Umā, Bhadrā, Durgl, Kānti, Sarasvati, Maṅgalā, Vaishṇavi, Lakshmī, Śivā, Nāāyaṇī) W.

⋙ nāmadha

   ○dhá or m. name-giver RV. AV.

⋙ nāmadhā

   ○dhā́ m. name-giver RV. AV.

⋙ nāmadhātu

   ○dhātu m. a verbal base derived from a noun Pāṇ.

⋙ nāmadhāraka

   ○dhāraka mfn. bearing only the name of (nom.) Pañc. ii, 91

⋙ nāmadhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. bearing the name of, being called (ifc.) Kathās. 
   • = prec. Gobh.

⋙ nāmadheya

   ○dhéya n. a name, title, appellation (often ifc 
   • cf. kiṃ-n○, puṃ-n○ &c.) RV. &c. &c 
   • the ceremony of giving a name to a child Mn. ii, 123 (also -karaṇa n. Gobh.) 
   • -tas ind. by name MW. 
   • -pāda-kaustubha m. or n. N. of wk

⋙ nāmanāmika

   ○nāmika m. N. of Vishṇu MBh.

⋙ nāmanighaṇṭu

   ○nighaṇṭu m

⋙ nāmanidhāna

   ○nidhāna n. N. of glossaries

⋙ nāmaniyatapraveśa

   ○niyata-praveśa m. N. of a Samādhi L.

⋙ nāmanirdeśa

   ○nirdeśa m. pointing out by name MW.

⋙ nāmanau

   ○nau f. a ship only by name (not real) BhP.

⋙ nāmapaṭhanastotra

   ○paṭhana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nāmapada

   ○pada n. name BhP.

⋙ nāmapārāyaṇa

   ○pārâyaṇa n

⋙ nāmaprapañca

   ○prapañca m. N. of glossaries

⋙ nāmapūrva

   ○pūrva mfn. having a noun as first element ĀpGṛ.  

⋙ nāmabibhratin

   ○bibhratín mfn. bearing only the name AV.

⋙ nāmamātra

   ○mātra mfn. = having only the name of (nom.) Pañc. i, 87 
   • n. the mere name Śak. Pañc. 
   • (eṇa) ind. nominally, merely MW. 
   • trâvaśeṣita mfn. having only the name left i.e. dead R.

⋙ nāmamātrikānighaṇṭu

   ○mātrikā-nighaṇṭu m. N. of a vocabulary

⋙ nāmamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of sev. glossaries (also -kośa m. and ○likā f.) 
   • -saṃgraha m. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nāmamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāmamudrā

   ○mudrā f. a seal-ring with a name (engraved on it) Śak.

⋙ nāmayajña

   ○yajña m. a sacrifice only in nṭname Bhag.

⋙ nāmayāthārthyanirṇaya

   ○yāthārthya-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ nāmaratnavivaraṇa

   ○ratna-vivaraṇa n

⋙ nāmaratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m

⋙ nāmaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wks

⋙ nāmarasāyana

   ○rasāyana and m. or n. N. of Stotras

⋙ nāmarasodaya

   ○rasôdaya m. or n. N. of Stotras

⋙ nāmarūpa

   ○rūpá ī. du. name and form Br. Up. &c. (○pâtmaka mfn. ) 
   • -individual being MWB. 102

⋙ nāmaliṅga

   ○liṅga n. the gender of nouns or a wk. treating there of. L. 
   • ○gâkhyākomudī (l), f. ○gânuśāsana n. N. of wks

⋙ nāmavat

   ○vat mfn. having a name ĀpŚr. Sch.

⋙ nāmavarjita

   ○varjita or mfn. nameless, stupid L.

⋙ nāmavivarjita

   ○vivarjita mfn. nameless, stupid L.

⋙ nāmavācaka

   ○vācaka mf(ikā)n. expressing a name 
   • (gram.) a proper name MW.

⋙ nāmavidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of ch. of ŚivaP.

⋙ nāmavismṛti

   ○vismṛti f. forgetting the name (of any one) MW.

⋙ nāmavyūha

   ○vyūha m. N. of a Samādhi L.

⋙ nāmaśuṇḍī

   ○śuṇḍī f. a kind of gourd L.

⋙ nāmaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mfn. having only the name left i.e. dead Uttarar. 
   • m. death W.

⋙ nāmasaṃkīrtana

   ○saṃkīrtana n. the glorification or incessant repetition of the name of a god RTL. 105 
   • N. of ch. of ŚivaP.

⋙ nāmasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. collection of, nouns 
   • -nighaṇṭu m. -mālā f. N. of vocabularies

⋙ nāmasāroddhara

   ○sārôddhara m. N. of a glossary of nouns

⋙ nāmasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m

⋙ nāmasūtra

   ○sūtra n. pl. N. of a philos. and of a gramm. wk

⋙ nāmākṣara

   nāmâkṣara n. pl. the syllables forming a name, name- writing Vikr.

⋙ nāmākhyātika

   nāmâkhyātika mfn. relating to nouns and verbs Pāṇ. 4-3, 71, Vartt

⋙ nāmāṅka

   nāmâṅka mfn. marked with a name Ragh. (also ○ṅkita Vikr.) 
   • -śobhita mfn. adorned with the mark of the name or with name and cipher MW.

⋙ nāmādeśam

   nāmâdeśam ind. by announcing one's nṭname ĀpGṛ.

⋙ nāmānuśāsana

   nāmânuśāsana n. N. of a dictionary of nouns

⋙ nāmāparādhanirasanastotra

   nāmâparādhanirasana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nāmāvalī

   nāmâvalī f. N. of a dictionary

⋙ nāmāhutividhi

   nāmâhuti-vidhi m. N. of wk

≫ nāmaka 1

   nāmaka mf(ikā)n. ifc. = nāman, name Hariv. Kāv. &c. (cf. aṅghri., kṛta- &c.)

≫ nāmatas

   nāmatas ind. = abl. of nāman BhP. v, 12, 8 
   • by name, namely (often with 1. nāma) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • with √kṛ, to give a person (acc.) a name, call by the name of (acc.) MBh. 
   • with √prach, to inquire after the name of (acc.) Śak. vii, 20/21

≫ nāmathā

   nā́máthā ind. by name AV.

≫ nāman

   nā́man n. (prob. neither fr. √jñā nor fr. √mnā  
   • ifc. f. either = m. or ○mnī) a characteristic mark or sign, form, nature, kind, manner RV. VS. AV. 
   • name, appellation RV. &c. &c 
   • personal name (as opp. to gotre, family name 
   • cf. nama-gotra above) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 23 (often ifc. = named, called, e.g. viṣṇu-śarma-nāmā paṇḍitah, a sage named Vishṇu) 
   • merely the name (as opp. to reality 
   • cf. nāma-dhāraka, -mātra, -śeṣa &c.), a noun (as opp. to a verb) Nir. Prāt. 
   • substance, essence (in the Mimiṃsā phil. opp. to guṇa, accidental quality) 
   • a good or great name, renown, fame (only ifc 
   • cf. śva-, sumántu-) 
   • water Naigh. i, 11 
   • nā́mnā ind. by name (also joined with 1. nāma) 
   • with √kṛ (Kav.) or vi-dhā (cf. Kathās.) to call by a name 
   • nāma (q.v.) with √grabh (grah) to mention or address by name RV. &c. &c 
   • with √bhṛ, to bear or have a name ib. 
   • with √kṛ (cf. Br. Mn. &c.), √dā or dhā (GṛS), to give a name call. [Cf. Zd. nāman 
   • Gk. ? ; Lat. no1men ; Goth. namo1 ;  Germ. namo &c 
   • Eng. name.]

≫ nāmika 1

   nāmika mfn. relating to a name or to a noun Pāṇ. 4-3, 72

≫ nāmin 1

   nāmin mfn. having a name RāmatUp.


   nāmatika mf(ī)n. (fr. 2. namata) dressed in woollen cloth L.


   nāmi m. N. of Vishṇu L.


   nāmita mfn. (√nasn, Caus.) bent, bowed R. Mṛicch.

≫ nāmin 2

   nāmin mfn. bending, (esp.) changing a dental to a cerebral (said of all vowels except a and ā) Prāt.

≫ nāmya

   nāmya mfn. to be bent (as a bow), bendable, pliant MBh. &c


   nāmbá m. a species of grain MaitrS. ŚBr. (āmbá TS. Kāṭh.) 
   • mf(ī)n. consisting of Nāmba KātyŚr.  


   nāmra vḷ. for namra ĀśvŚr.


   nāyá m. (√nī) a leader, guide RV. vi, 24, 10 ; 46, 11 (pr. N. Sāy. 
   • cf. aśva-, go-) 
   • guidance, direction L. 
   • policy, means, expedient Bhaṭṭ. Sch.

≫ nāyaka

   nāyaka m. a guide, leader, chief, lord, principal MBh. Kāv. &c. (with or scil. sainyasya, a general, commander 
   • ifc. f. akā, a. nāyaka) 
   • a husband BhP. 
   • (in dram.) the lover or hero 
   • the central gem of a necklace (implying also 'a general', cf. nāyakāya and mahā-nāyaka) 
   • a paradigm or example (in gram.) 
   • N. of Gautama Buddha Buddh. 
   • of a Brāhman Rājat. 
   • of an author (also bhaṭṭa-n○) Cat. 
   • m. or n. a kind of musk L. (cf. nāyikā-cūrṇa) 
   • (ikā), f. nāyikā 
   • -tva n. leadership R.

⋙ nāyakaratna

   ○ratna n. N. of a Comm.

⋙ nāyakādhipa

   nāyakâdhipa m. chief of leaders', sovereign, king L.

≫ nāyākāya

   nāyâkāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to play the part of a leader 
   • to act the part of the central gem of a necklace Śiś. ii, 92

≫ nāyikā

   nāyikā f. (of ○yaka, q.v.) a noble lady Vet. 
   • mistress, courtezan (cf. nākâdhipa-) 
   • the heroine in a drama Sāh. &c 
   • an inferior form or Śakti of Durgs of which there are 8, viz. Ugra-caṇḍa, Pra-caṇḍā, Caṇḍṅgrā, Caṇda-nāyikā Ati-caṇḍā, Cāmuṇdā, Caṇḍla, and Caṇḍa-vati 
   • cf. kula-n○) Cat. 
   • a class of female personifications representing illegitimate sexual love (they are called Balinī, Kāmêśvarī, Vimalā, Aruṇs, Mediuī, Jayinī, Sarvêśvarī, Kaulêśī) RTL. 188 
   • = next L. =

⋙ nāyikācūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. a partic. medicament Rasar.

⋙ nāyikāsādhana

   ○sādhana n. N. of wk

≫ nāyin

   nāyin mfn. guiding (cf. ayuta-)


   nāyana mf(i)n. (fr. nayana) relating to the eye, ocular Nyāyas. Sch.


   nār Vṛiddhi form of nṛ in comp

⋙ nārkalpi

   ○kalpi m. (patron.),

⋙ nārkuṭa

   ○kuṭa mf(ī)n.,

⋙ nārnamana

   ○namana m. (patron.),

⋙ nārpatya

   ○patya mfn. fr. nṛ-kalpa, -kuṭa, -namana, -pati Pat.

⋙ nārmata

   ○mata m. patron. fr. nṛmat Pāṇ. 8-2, 9, Vartt

⋙ nārmara

   ○mará m. (fr. nṛ-m○) N. of a demon RV. ii, 13, 8

⋙ nārmedha

   ○medha m. (fr. nṛ-m○) patr. of Śāka-pūta RV. Anukr. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nārṣada

   ○ṣadá m. (fr. nṛ-ṣád) patr. of Kaṇva RV. i, 117, 8 
   • N. of a demon, x, 61, 13


   nārá mf(ī)n. (fr. nara) relating to or proceeding from men, human, mortal Mn. Kāv. 
   • spiritual (?) W. 
   • m. a man TĀr. (v. l.) 
   • (pl.) water (also sg. n. and ā f. L.) Mn. i, 10 (prob. invented to explain nārāyaṇa) 
   • = nārāyaṇa L. 
   • a calf L. 
   • (ī), f. nārī 
   • n. a multitude of men L. 
   • dry ginger L.

⋙ nārakapāla

   ○kapāla n. a human skull 
   • -kuṇḍala-vat mfn. wearing human skulls as an ornament for the ears Prab. iv, 1

⋙ nārakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a kind of worm L. 
   • one who disappoints expectations excited by himself. L.

⋙ nāracandra

   ○candra m. N. of an author (cf. nara c○) 
   • -paddhati f. N. of his wk

⋙ nārajīvana

   ○jīvana n. gold L.

⋙ nārahaya

   ○haya n. (with yuddha-) a fight between man and horse Hariv. (v. l. nara-h○)

⋙ nāropāyana

   nārôpâyana (?), m. N. of a man, pravar

≫ nārāyaṇa

   nārāyaṇá m. (patr. fr. nára, q.v.) the son of the original Man (with whom he is generally associated, e.g. Mn. i, 10 
   • he is identified with Brahmā ib. 11 with Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa TĀr. MBh. &c 
   • the Apsaras Urvaśī is said to have sprung from his thigh Hariv. 4601 
   • elsewhere he is regarded as a Kaśyapa or Aṅgirasa, also as chief of the Sādhyas, and with Jainas as the 8th of the 9 black Vāsudevas) 
   • the Purusha-hymn (Ry. x, 90, said to have been composed by Nārāyaṇá) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • (as synonym of Vishṇu) N. of the 2nd month (reckoning from Mārgaśīrsha) Var. 
   • a mystical N. of the letter ā Up. 
   • N. of a son of Ajā-mila BhP. 
   • of a son of Bhu-mitra or Bhūmi-mitra (a prince of the dynasty of the Kaṇvlyanas) Pur. 
   • of a son of Nara-hari, Kshittîs 
   • of sev. men, authors and commentators (also with ācārya. kavi, gārgya, cakra-cūḍāmaṇi, daiva-vid, dharmâdhikārin, paṇḍina, paṇḍita, dharmâdkikāriṅ paṇḍitâcārya, parivrāj, bhaṭṭa , bhaṭṭâcārya, bhaṭṭâraḍa, bhāratī, bhiṣaj, muni, yati, yatī7vara, rāya, vandya, vādī7śvara, vidyā-vinoda, vaiṣṇava-muni, śarman, sarasvatī, sarva-jña, sārvabhauma) 
   • mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Nārāyaṇa or Kṛishṇa MBh. &c. (m. pl. the warriors of Kṛishṇa, iv, 147) 
   • n. (with kṣetra) N. of the ground on the banks of the Ganges for a distance of 4 cubits from he water L. 
   • (with cūrṇa) a partic. medicinal powder Bhpr. 
   • (with taila) a medic. oil expressed from various plants ib.  
   • (ī), f. s.v

⋙ nārāyaṇakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. N. of an author Sarvad.

⋙ nārāyaṇakalpa

   ○kalpa m

⋙ nārāyaṇakavaca

   ○kavaca m. or n

⋙ nārāyaṇagītā

   ○gītā f. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇagupta

   ○gupta (?), m. N. of a prince Inscr.

⋙ nārāyaṇacakravartin

   ○cakravartin m. N. of a grammarian, ○ti-kośa m. N. of his wk

⋙ nārāyaṇacaritramālā

   ○caritra-mālā f. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇacurṇa

   ○curṇa above

⋙ nārāyaṇatattvavāda

   ○tattva-vāda m. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇatāra

   ○tāra m. N. of an author Col.

⋙ nārāyaṇatīrtha

   ○tīrtha m. N. of an author (also ○ṇa-bhikṣu or ○ṇamuni) Cat. 
   • of a sacred bathing-place ŚivaP. 
   • -taraṃga m. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇataila

   ○taila above

⋙ nārāyaṇadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of sev. authors (also -kavirāja or -siddha) Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇadīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita and -sūnu m. N. of authors ib.

⋙ nārāyaṇadeva

   ○deva m. the god Nārāyaṇa L. 
   • N. of sev. authors Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇadharmasārasaṃgraha

   ○dharma-sāra-saṃgraha m

⋙ nārāyaṇanāmavivaraṇa

   ○nāma-vivaraṇa n

⋙ nārāyaṇapaddhati

   ○paddhati f

⋙ nārāyaṇaprabodhotsava

   ○prabodhôtsava m. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇapriya

   ○priya m. 'friend of Narāyaṇa', N. of Śiva L. 
   • yellow sandal-wood L.

⋙ nārāyaṇabali

   ○bali m. 'oblation to NṭNarāyaṇa', a partic. funeral ceremony 
   • N. of wk. (also -prayoga m. -vidhi m. -samarthana n. -svayam-prayojana-sañcikā f.)

⋙ nārāyaṇabhaṭṭī

   ○bhaṭṭī f

⋙ nārāyaṇabhaṭṭīya

   ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇamantrārtha

   ○mantrârtha m. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in Narāyaṇa, representing him Pur.

⋙ nārāyaṇamiśra

   ○miśra m. N. of an author 
   • ○śrīya n. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇarāja

   ○rāja and m. N. of authors

⋙ nārāyaṇalabdhi

   ○labdhi m. N. of authors

⋙ nārāyaṇavarṇana

   ○varṇana and n

⋙ nārāyaṇavarman

   ○varman n

⋙ nārāyaṇavārttika

   ○vārttika n

⋙ nārāyaṇavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m

⋙ nārāyaṇavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f

⋙ nārāyaṇaśabdavādārtha

   ○śabda-vādârtha or m. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇaśabdārtha

   ○śabdârtha m. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa m. N. of an author (also śeṣa-n○) Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇasrīgarbha

   ○srī-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.

⋙ nārāyaṇasruti

   ○sruti f. (prob.) = ○ṇôpaniṣad Sarvad.

⋙ nārāyaṇasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of a Pauranic wk

⋙ nārāyaṇasaras

   ○saras n. Narāyaṇa's lake BhP. 
   • ○ro-vara-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇasārasaṃgraba

   ○sāra-saṃgraba m

⋙ nārāyaṇasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇasūri

   ○sūri m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇastavarāja

   ○stava-rāja m

⋙ nārāyaṇastotra

   ○stotra n

⋙ nārāyaṇasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a poet

⋙ nārāyaṇahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nārāyaṇātharvaṇaśīrṣopaniṣad

   nārāyaṇâtharvaṇaśīrṣôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.

⋙ nārāyaṇāvalī

   nārāyaṇâvalī f. N. of wk. on partic. funeral ceremonies

⋙ nārāyaṇārama

   nārāyaṇârama m. Narāyaṇa's hermitage BhP. 
   • N. of sev. authors Cat. 
   • ○mīya n. N. of wk

⋙ nārāyaṇāṣṭottaraśatastotra

   nārāyaṇâṣṭôttara-śata-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nārāyaṇendra

   nārāyaṇêndra m. N. of an author (also -sarasvatī and -svāmin) Cat.

⋙ nārāyaṇopaniṣad

   nārāyaṇôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up. 
   • ○ṣaṭ-tīkā f. ○ṣat-sāra m. ○ṣadartha-prakāśa m. ○ṣad-dīpikā f. of Comms. on it

≫ nārāyaṇāya

   nārāyaṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or act like Nārāyaṇa Pañc.

≫ nārāyaṇi

   nārāyaṇi m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra Hariv.

≫ nārāyaṇī

   nārāyaṇī f. (of ○ṇa, q.v.) patr. of Indra-senā (the wife of Mudgala) MBh. Hariv. 
   • N. of Durgā Hariv. 
   • of Lakshmī L. 
   • of Gaṅgā and Gaṇḍakī L.

⋙ nārāyaṇīpraśnāvalī

   ○praśnâvalī f

⋙ nārāyaṇīvilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wks

≫ nārāyaṇīya

   nārāyaṇīya mfn. relating to Nārāyaṇa (also -ka AgP.), treating of him MBh. 
   • n. N. of sev. wks

⋙ nārāyaṇīyatantra

   ○tantra n

⋙ nārāyaṇīyabīja

   ○bīja n

⋙ nārāyaṇīyavyākhyā

   ○vyākhyā (and -bhakti-dīpikā), f. and f. N. of wks

⋙ nārāyaṇīyavyākhyopaniṣad

   ○vyākhḍyôpaniṣad f. N. of wks

≫ nāri

   nā́ri f. = nā́rī below

⋙ nāriṣṭha

   ○ṣṭhá m. du. 'the fire of digestion and the wind of breath' TS. 
   • -homa m. Sch.

≫ nārika

   nārika mf(ī)n. watery, aqueous L. 
   • spiritual L. (cf. nārá)

≫ nārī

   nā́rī f. (of ○rá, q.v.) a woman, a wife (in older language also nā́ri) RV. &c. &c 
   • a female or any object regarded as feminine VS. TĀr. 
   • sacrifice Naigh. 
   • N. of a daughter of Meru BhP. 
   • of 2 kinds of metre Col.

⋙ nārīkavaca

   ○kavaca m. 'having women for armour', N. of Mūlaka (king of the solar line and son of Alvaka) Pur.

⋙ nārīkuñjara

   ○kuñjara m. (?) Pañcad.

⋙ nārītaraṃgaka

   ○taraṃgaka m. a libertine, catamite L. (cf. nāḍī-t○)

⋙ nārītīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. pl. N. of 5 sacred bathing. places of women MBh.

⋙ nārīdūṣaṇa

   ○dūṣaṇa n. any woman's vice (6 usually reckoned, viz. drinking spirits, keeping bad company, quitting a husband, rambling abroad, sleeping and dwelling in a strange house) W.

⋙ nārīnātha

   ○nātha mfn. having a woman for possessor or owner (as a house) Mṛicch. iv, 3

⋙ nārīpattana

   ○pattana n. N. of a town Cat.

⋙ nārīparāyaṇa

   ○parâyaṇa mfn. devoted to women MW.

⋙ nārīpura

   ○pura n. gynaeceum MBh.

⋙ nārīprasaṅga

   ○prasaṅga m. addiction to women W.

⋙ nārīmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting only or totally of women Bhartṛ. Kād.

⋙ nārīmukha

   ○mukha m. pl. N. of a people to the south-east of Madhyadeśa Var.

⋙ nārīyāna

   ○yāna n. a woman's conveyance, a litter &c. Mn. iii, 12

⋙ nārīratna

   ○ratna n. a jewel of woman, an excellent woman MW.

⋙ nārīvākya

   ○vākya n. the word of a wife ib.

⋙ nārīṣṭā

   nārī7ṣṭā f. 'dear to women', Arabian jasmine L.

⋙ nārīṣṭha

   nārī-ṣṭha mfn. devoted to woman, fond of them ŚāṅkhŚr.

≫ nārīka

   nārīka ifc. (mfn.) = nārī, woman, wife R. 
   • n. (in Sāmkhya) one of the 9 kinds of Tushṭi.  

⋙ nārīya

   nārīya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a woman Kpr.

≫ nāreya

   nāreya m. (prob. fr. nārī) N. of a son of Bhaṅga-kāra Hariv.

≫ nārya

   nāryá m. N. of a man RV. 
   • n. the being a man Bhadrab.


   nā́ra ka, mf(ī)n. (fr. naraka) relating to hell, hellish, infernal 
   • (with loká), m. hell AV. (also nāraká m. VS.) 
   • m. inhabitant of hell Pur.

≫ nārakika

   nārakika mf(ī)n. hellish 
   • m. an inhabitant of hell L.

⋙ nārakikin

   nārakiḍkin mfn. hellish, being in or condemned to hell 
   • ns. = prec. m. L.

⋙ nārakikīya

   nārakiḍkīya mfn. hellish, infernal 
   • m. = prec. m. L.


   nāraṅga m. the orange-tree (cf. nāga-raṅga) Suśr. &c. (also i f. ŚirṅgP.) 
   • the juice of the pepper plant L. 
   • a libertine L. 
   • a living being L. 
   • a twin L. 
   • n. a carrot L.

⋙ nāraṅgapattraka

   ○pattraka m. a yellow carrot L.


   nā́rada or nāradá m. N. of a Rishi (a Kāṇva or Kāśyapa, author of RV. viii, 13 ; ix, 104 ; 105 Anukr. 
   • as a Devarshi often associated with Parvata and supposed to be a messenger between gods and men MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • among the 10 Prajā-patis as a son of Brahmā Mn. i, 35 
   • in later mythology he is a friend of Kṛishṇa and is regarded as inventor of the Viṇā or lute 
   • in ep. poetry he is called a Deva-gandharva or a Gandharva-rāja or simply Gandharva) 
   • of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh. 
   • of one of the 24 mythic. Buddhas MWB. 136 
   • of sev. men Lalit. HPariś. 
   • of sev. authors Cat. (cf. below) 
   • of a mountain BhP. 
   • (ā), f. the √of sugar-cane L. 
   • mf(ī)n. relating to Nārada, composed by him Cat.

⋙ nāradagītā

   ○gītā f

⋙ nāradatantra

   ○tantra n

⋙ nāradapañcarātra

   ○pañca-rātra n

⋙ nāradaparivrājakopaniṣad

   ○parivrājakôpaniṣad f

⋙ nāradapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n

⋙ nāradabindūpaniṣad

   ○bindū7paniṣad f

⋙ nāradavacana

   ○vacana n

⋙ nāradavilāsakavya

   ○vilāsa-kavya n

⋙ nāradaśataka

   ○śataka n

⋙ nāradaśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f

⋙ nāradasaṃhitā


⋙ nāradastotra

   ○stotra n

⋙ nāradasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wks

⋙ nāradeśvaratīrtha

   nāradêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.

⋙ nāradopadeśa

   nāradôpadeśa m. N. of ch. of the GaṇP.

⋙ nāradopaniṣad

   nāradôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up. 
   • -dīpikā f. of a Comm. on it,

⋙ nāradopapurāṇa

   nāradôpapurāṇa n. N. of an Upapur

≫ nāradin

   nāradin m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.

≫ nāradīya

   nāradīya mfn. relating to or composed by Nārada Cat. (also ○yaka ib.) 
   • n. N. of sev. wks. Kād.

⋙ nāradīyakrama

   ○krama m. N. of wk

⋙ nāradīyamahāsthāna

   ○mahā-sthāna n. N. of a place Cat.

⋙ nāradīyasaptasahasra

   ○sapta-sahasra n. N. of wk

⋙ nāradīyapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa and n. N. of a Pur. and an Upapur

⋙ nāradīyopapurāṇa

   nāraḍdīyôpapurāṇa n. N. of a Pur. and an Upapur


   nāradvāsava n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (prob. for nārada-v○)


   nārasiṃha mf(ī)n. (fr. nara-siṃha) relating or belonging to the man-lion (Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • m. the 16th Kalpa or period of the world (cf. s.v.) L. 
   • = narasiṃha, Vishṇu as man-lṭlion TĀr. BhP. 
   • N. of a man Inscr. 
   • n. N. of a town L.

⋙ nārasiṃhacūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. a partic. aphrodisiac L. (cf. nara-sṭsiṃha-c○)

⋙ nārasiṃhatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ nārasiṃhapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Pur.

⋙ nārasiṃhaṣaṭcakryupaniṣad

   ○ṣaṭcakry-upaniṣad f. N. of an Up.

⋙ nārasiṃhīya

   nārasiṃhīya n. N. of wk. on rhet

⋙ nārasiṃhopaniṣad

   nārasiṃhôpaniṣad f

⋙ nārasiṃhopapurāṇa

   nārasiṃhôpapurāṇa n. N. of an Up. and an Upapur


   nārāca m. (fr. ?) an iron arrow, any arrow MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. ardha-) 
   • water-elephant (= jalêbha) L. 
   • a bad or cloudy day (?) L. 
   • (ī), f. a goldsmith's scales 
   • n. a kind of metre Col. (cf. nar○) 
   • a partic. medicament Car.

⋙ nārācaghṛta

   ○ghṛta and n. and ?n. and ?m. N. of partic. medicaments (cf. above)

⋙ nārācacūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. and N. of partic. medicaments (cf. above)

⋙ nārācarasa

   ○rasa m. N. of partic. medicaments (cf. above)

⋙ nārācadurdina

   ○dur-dina n. a shower (lit. bad weather i.e. storm) of arrows Ragh.

≫ nārācaka

   nārācaka n. a kind of metre 
   • (ikā), f. = ○cī L. 
   • a kind of metre


   nārāyaṇa above


   nārāśaṃsá mf(ī́)n. (fr. nárā-śáṃsa) relating to the praise of a man or men, laudatory, eulogistic (as a hymn, tale &c.) TS. Br. Yājñ. &c 
   • relating or sacred to Agni Narā-sṭśáṃsa (applied to the Soma RV. 
   • to a Ṛic TBr. &c.) 
   • m. N. of partic. Soma libations VS. TBr. &c 
   • m. pl. of a class of Pitṛis or Manes ib. 
   • (ī), f. N. of partic. verses or formulas, n. a tale or legend in honour of liberal men L.

⋙ nārāśaṃsapaṅkti

   ○paṅkti mfn. (sacrifice) performed with 5 Soma-libations called Narāśaṃsas AitBr. ii, 24, 3 (wṛ. nar"ṣ p○)


   nārāśarya m. N. of a man Col. (v. l., pār○).  


   nārikera m. the cocoa-nut tree, the cocoa-nut Suśr. &c


   nārikela m. id. MBh. &c. (cf. L. also ○li, or ○lī f.)

⋙ nārikelakṣāra

   ○kṣāra m. a partic. medicament L.

⋙ nārikeladvipa

   ○dvipa m. N. of an island ib.


   nāriṅga m. (cf. Car.), ○gī f. (ŚalrṅigP.) the orange-tree

⋙ nāriṅgakanda

   ○kanda m. a yellow carrot L. (cf. nāraṅga-pattraka)


   nāriṣṭa and nāriṣṭa-homa (Nyātyam.) = nāri-ṣṭha and -homa ( under nāri)


   nā́rī f. above


   nārīkela m. = nārik○ 
   • N. of an island' Kathās. 
   • (ī), f. the cocoa-nut or a fermented liquor made from the milk of it L.


   nārīca n. Corchorus Capsularis L.


   nāroji-paṇḍita m. N. of author, Cat


   nār-kalpi ○kuṭa &c. nār, p. 536, col. 3


   nārtika mf(ī)n. fr. narta g. chedâdi


   nārmada mf(ī)n. belonging to the river Narma-dā (pra-vāha) Kathās. 
   • m. metron. of a man Hariv. 8019


   nā́rmiṇī (fr. na + armin  'not in ruins'), N. of a town RV. i, 149, 3


   nāryaṅga m.= nāraṅga, the orangetree L.


   nāla mfn. (fr. nala, cf. nāḍa) consisting or made of reeds BhP. 
   • m. (g. ardharcâdi), f. (ā, or ī L.) and n. a hollow stalk, (esp.) of the lotus MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • any tube or tubular vessel or vein &c. of the body ib. 
   • m. or n. the navel-string Gobh. Sch. 
   • m. N. of a poet Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (vḷ. nīlā) 
   • (ī), f. an instrument for perforating an elephant's ear L. 
   • the stalk of a pot-herb L. 
   • a piece of metal on which the hours are struck = ghaṭī W. 
   • a lotus-flower, L: (cf. nālīka) 
   • n. the urethra Suśr. 
   • a handle (only mfn. ifc.) MBh. vii, 75 
   • a partic. ornament on a chariot R. vi, 75, 28 
   • yellow orpiment L.

⋙ nālavaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. = nala, a reed L.

⋙ nālaveṣṭanaśāntiprayoga

   ○veṣṭana-śānti-prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ nālāstra

   nālâstra n. any tubular weapon (e.g. gun, cannon &c.) L.

≫ nālaka

   nālaka ifc. (mfn.) a stalk, (esp.) a lotus-stṭstalk (cf. cāru-n○) 
   • (ikā), f. id. L. 
   • N. of sev. plants (also -puṣpa n.) Suśr. L. 
   • an instrument for perforating an elephant's ears L. 
   • = ghaṭī (cf. nāla), Jāta. kam 
   • a period of 24 minutes, Rajat. iv, 570 
   • hint, insinuation, enigmatical expression Kām. v, 51

≫ nālakini

   nālakini f. a multitude of lotus flowers, a lotus lake L.

≫ nālāya

   nālāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent the handle (of an axe) 
   • ○yita mfn. BhP.

≫ nālāyana

   nālāyana m. patr., also pl. Saṃskārak.

≫ nālī

   nāl�ī f. = nāḍī, any tubular vessel or vein &c. of the body L. 
   • ifc. = ○likā, a period of 24 minutes Sāh.

⋙ nālijaṅgha

   nāḍli-jaṅgha m. a crow L. (cf. nāḍī-j○)

⋙ nālījaṅgha

   nāḍlījaṅgha m. N. of a man Daś.

⋙ nālīvraṇa

   nāḍlī-vraṇa m. = nāḍī-vr○ L.

≫ nālika

   nālika mfn. (with āsana) a partic. manner of sitting Cat. 
   • ifc. a period of 24 minutes (cf. ṣaṇṇ○) 
   • m. a trader with (?) Pañcad. 
   • a buffalo L. 
   • (ā), f. under ○laka 
   • n. =, nālâstra L. 
   • a lotus flower L. 
   • m. or n. myrrh L. 
   • a kind of wind instrument L.

≫ nālinī

   nālinī f. a mystic. N. of one nostril BhP.

≫ nālīka

   nālīka m. a kind of arrow or spear MBh. R. &c 
   • body, limb L. 
   • m. n. a lotus flower L. 
   • (cf. ib.) =

⋙ nālīkinī

   nālīḍkinī f. a multitude of lotus flowers, a lotus lake, g. puṣkarâdi

≫ nālya

   nālya mfn. (fr. nala), g. saṃkāśâdi


   nālanda m. N. of a village near Rāja-gṛiha containing a celebrated Buddh. monastery MWB. 169 &c

≫ nālandara

   nālandara m. N. of a Buddh. monastery L.


   nālāgiri m. N. of an elephant connected with Gautama Buddha MWB. 406


   nālikera m. the cocoa-nut tree or the cṭcocoa-nut Var. Suśr. (also ○kela as vḷ.) Kāv. (also ○kerī f. Bālar.) 
   • N. of a district to the south east of Madhya-deśa Var.  


   nālitā f. Arum Colocasia L.


   nālīpa m. Nauclea Cadamba (?) L.

nāva 1

   nāvá m. (√-4. nu) a shout of joy or triumph RV.

nāva 2

   nāva = nau, a boat, a ship (in comp., f. ardha-n○, dvi-n○ Pāṇ. 5-4, 99, 100) ; (ā́), f. id. RV. i, 97, 8

⋙ nāvaprabhrāṃśana

   ○prabhrâṃśana n. N. of a place AV.

⋙ nāvāja

   nāvâjá m. a boatman, sailor ŚBr.

⋙ nāvopajīvana

   nāvôpajīvana and m. id. MBh.

⋙ nāvopajīvin

   nāvôpajīḍvin m. id. MBh.

≫ nāvika

   nāvika mf(ī)n. belonging to a ship or boat W. 
   • m. a helmsman, pilot, sailor (ifc. f. ā) MBh. R. &c 
   • n. N. of a Sāman

⋙ nāvikanāyaka

   ○nāyaka and m. 'sailor-chief.' the captain of a vessel, Dai

⋙ nāvikapati

   ○pati m. 'sailor-chief.' the captain of a vessel, Dai

≫ nāvin

   nāvin m. a boatman, sailor L.

≫ nāvya 1

   nāvya Nom. P. ○yati, to wish for a ship L.

≫ nāvya 2

   nāvyá mf(ā)n. navigable, accessible by a boat or ship AV. MBh. &c 
   • m. a shipman, sailor ĀpGṛ. 
   • (ā), f. a navigable river RV. ŚBr. 
   • n. id. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 18


   nāvana n. (√5. nu 
   • 3. nava) a sternutatory ŚārṅgS.

⋙ nāvanīya

   nāvaḍnīya mfn. good as a sternutatory Car.


   nāvanīta mf(ī)n. (fr. nava-nīta) coming from butter Nyāyam. 
   • mild as butter MBh.


   nāvamika mf(ī)n. (fr. navama) the ninth R.


   nāvayajñika mfn. (fr. nava-yajña), with kāla m. the time of offering the first fruits &c. of the harvest Pāṇ. 4-2, 35 Vārtt. 1


   nāvara m. N. of a family Cat.


   nāv-ākāra nāv-āroha, nāvy-udaka, 2. nau

nāvya 3

   nāvya n. (fr. 1, náva) newness, s, novelty L.

nāśa 1

   nāśa m. (√1naś) attainment ( dūṇ○)

nāśa 2

   nāśa m. (√2. naś) the being lost, loss, disappearance, destruction, annihilation, ruin, death Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. destroying, annihilating, cf. karma-nāśā, graha-nāta, duḥ-svapnaṇ○) 
   • flight, desertion W. 
   • (arithm.) elimination ib. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a river near Benares L.

⋙ nāśatas

   ○tas ind. = nāśāt, from death MW.

⋙ nāśaśata

   ○śata (?), m. N. of a Buddh. patriarch

≫ nāśaka

   nāśaka mf(ikā)n. destroying, annihilating, removing (with gen. or comp.) MBh. &c. (cf. ku-n○, kṛta-n○) 
   • wasting, prodigal of (cf. artha-n○)

≫ nāśana

   nāśana mf(ī)n. destroying &c. = prec. (with gen. or ifc.) VS. MBh. &c 
   • n. destruction, removal 
   • causing to be lost or perish, Apast. MBh. R. &c 
   • forgetting (adhī7tasya) Yājñ. iii, 228

⋙ nāśanakara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. destroying (ifc.) Kāv.

⋙ nāśanīya

   nāśanīya n. (scil. karman) expulsion from the order Buddh.

≫ nāśayitṛ

   nāśayitṛ mf(trī́) n. destroying, remover VS.

≫ nāśita

   nāśita mfn. destroyed, ruined, lost Yājñ. 
   • banished, expulsed, an outcast ( next)

⋙ nāśitasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. intercourse with an outcast Buddh.

≫ nāśin

   nāśin mfn. perishing, perishable Mn. Prab. (cf. a-n○) 
   • ifc. destroying, removing MBh. Hariv. &c

≫ nāśuka

   nā́śuka mf(ā)n. disappearing, perishing, being lost TS.

≫ nāśya

   nāśya mfn. liable to be destroyed or removed or banished Bhāshāp. Kap. (-tva n.)

≫ nāṣṭika

   nāṣṭika mf(ī)n. (fr. naṣṭa) relating to anything lost W. 
   • m. the (frmer) owner of any lost object Mn. viii, 202

≫ nāṣṭrā

   nāṣṭrā́ f. danger, destruction, evil demon AV. VS. ŚBr.


   nāśira m. or n. a pressed Somastalk, Āryav

nās 1

   nās cl. 1. Ā. nāsate, to sound Dhātup. xvi, 24

nās 2

   nā́s the strong stem of 3. nás, q.v

≫ nāsā

   nā́sā f. the nose (either du., e.g. AV. v, 23, 3, or sg. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • ifc. f. ā MBh. R. &c.) 
   • proboscis (cf. gaja-n○) 
   • = -dāru (below) L. 
   • Gendarussa Vulgaris L. (cf. 3. nas and nāsikā)

⋙ nāsāgra

   ○"ṣgra (○sâg○), n. the tip of the nose Gaut. Suśr.

⋙ nāsāchidra

   ○chidra n. a nostril L.

⋙ nāsāchinnī

   ○chinnī f. a species of bird with a divided beak L.

⋙ nāsājvara

   ○jvara m. a kind of disease of the nose (= nakra) L.

⋙ nāsādakṣṇāvarta

   ○dakṣṇâvarta m. wearing the nose-ring in the right nostril (marking women who have children or money) W.  

⋙ nāsādāru

   ○dāru n. a piece of wood projecting like a nose over a door L.

⋙ nāsānāha

   ○nāha m. obstruction of the nose Suśr.

⋙ nāsāntika

   ○"ṣntika (○sânt○), mfn. (a stick) reaching to the nose Mn. ii, 46 (cf. keśânt○)

⋙ nāsāpariśoṣa

   ○pariśoṣa m. heat and dryness of the nose Suśr.

⋙ nāsāpaisrāva

   ○paisrāva m. nose-flow', running at the nose ib.

⋙ nāsāpāka

   ○pāka m. a kind of inflammation of the nose ib. (cf. ghrāṇa-p○)

⋙ nāsāpuṭa

   ○puṭa m.wing of the nose, nostril ib. Var. Hcat. maryādā f. septum of the nose Suśr.

⋙ nāsāpratīnāha

   ○pratīnāha m. = nāsā-nāha Suśr.

⋙ nāsāpramāṇa

   ○pramāṇa n. size of the nose ib.,

⋙ nāsābhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. falling in of the nṭnose ib.

⋙ nāsāmūla

   ○mūla n. the √of the nose Cat.

⋙ nāsāyoni

   ○yoni m. a weak or passionless man who has no desire for cohabitation without smelling the genitals Bhpr.

⋙ nāsāraktapitta

   ○rakta-pitta n. nose-bleeding L.

⋙ nāsārandhra

   ○randhra ei, nose aperture', nostril, Siś. v, 54 Sch.

⋙ nāsāroga

   ○roga m. disease of the Suśr.

⋙ nāsārbuda

   ○"ṣrbuda (sârb○) and n. polypus of the nose ib.

⋙ nāsārśas

   ○"ṣrśas (○sârt○), n. polypus of the nose ib.

⋙ nāsāvaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. the bridge of the nose ib. Pañc.

⋙ nāsāvabhaṅga

   ○"ṣvabhaṅga (○sâv○), m. = nāsā-bhaṅga Suśr.

⋙ nāsāvāmāvarta

   ○vāmâvarta m. wearing the nose-ring in the left nostril (a mark of sorrow or childlessness) W.

⋙ nāsāviroka

   ○viroka m. 'nosecavity', nostril, Śis. v, 54 (cf. -randhra)

⋙ nāsāvivara

   ○vivara n. id. BhP.

⋙ nāsāvedha

   ○vedha m. perforation of the nose (of cattle) Hemac.

⋙ nāsāśoṣa

   ○śoṣa m. dryness of the nose W.

⋙ nāsāsaṃvedana

   ○saṃvedana m. Momordica Charantia L.

⋙ nāsāsrāva

   ○srāva m. = parisrāva Suśr.

⋙ nasottha

   nasôttha n. snot Gal.

≫ nāsālu

   nāsālu m. N. of a tree L.

≫ nāsika

   nāsika m. or n. N. of a place (cf. below and nāsikya) 
   • in some comp. = ○sikā

⋙ nāsikakṣetramahātmya

   ○kṣetra-máhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nāsikatryambaka

   ○tryambaka m. or n. (also nāsika alone) N. of a locality 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.

⋙ nāsikaṃdhama

   ○ṃ-dhama mfn. blowing through the nose Pāṇ. 3-2, 29 
   • vi. 3, 66

⋙ nāsikaṃdhaya

   ○ṃ-dhaya mfn. drinking through the nose ib.

⋙ nāsikavat

   ○vat (nā́s○), mfn. having a nṭnose, nosed TS.

≫ nāsikā

   nā́sikā f. a nostril 
   • (older du.) the nose RV. &c, &c. (ifc. f. ā or ī Pāṇ. 4-1, 55) 
   • the proboscis of an elephant BhP. 
   • = nāsā-dāru L. 
   • N. of Aśvinī (mother of the two Aśvins) L.

⋙ nāsikāgra

   ○"ṣgra (○kâg○), n. the point of the nose Bhag. (-tas, ind.)

⋙ nāsikāchidra

   ○chidra n. (cf. MānŚr.),

⋙ nāsikāchinnī

   ○chinnī f. (cf. L.),

⋙ nāsikāpāka

   ○pāka and = nāsā-chidra &c

⋙ nāsikāpuṭa

   ○puṭa m. (cf. Suśr.) = nāsā-chidra &c

⋙ nāsikāmala

   ○mala n. 'nose-dirt', nose-mucus, snot Śak. Sch.

⋙ nāsikāmūla

   ○mūla n. = nāsā-m○ L.

⋙ nāsikārajju

   ○rajju f. a nose-string Mṛicch. vi, 0/1

⋙ nāsikāsrotas

   ○srotas n. a nostril Gobh. (wṛ. -śr○)

≫ nāsikya

   nāsikya mf(ā)n. being in or coming from the nose ChUp. Vait. 
   • uttered through the nose, nasal Prāt. Hcat. 
   • m. any nasal sound Siksh. 
   • a partic. sound siksh related to the so-called Yamas Prāt. 
   • du. the two Aśvins (= nāsatyau) L. 
   • pl. N. of a people in Dakshiṇā-patha Var. AVPariś. 
   • n. the nose (also -ka) L. 
   • N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-1, 63 Vārtt. 3

≫ nāsya

   nāsya n. the nose-cord (of a draught-ox &c.) Mn. viii, 291 
   • (prob.) an errhine (in next)

⋙ nāsyagrāsam

   ○grāsam ind. putting into the mouth as if it were an errhine (to be put into the nose), swallowing easily Hariv. 15996


   nā́satya mfn. (prob. fr. √2. nas, Caus.) helpful, kind, friendly (mostly m. du. as N. of the Aśvins RV. 
   • later m. sg. N. of one of the Aśvins, the other being then called Dasra) 
   • relating or belonging to the Aśvins MBh. 
   • (ā), f. the constellation Aśvinī L. (The derivations fr. na + asatya, or fr. nāsā + tya or fr. nā + satya are very improbable.)


   nāsira or nāsīra n. the van of an army Kād. Hcar. 
   • m. a champion who advances before the line L.


   nâstika &c. under 2. ná


   nāstitada or nāstida m. the mango tree


   nāha m. (√nah) binding, tying L. 
   • obstruction (cf. nāsā-n○) 
   • trap or snare for catching deer L.


   nāhala m. a man of a barbarous or outcast tribe 
   • pl. N. of a non-Āryan people (= mleccha) L.

nāhuṣa 1

   nā́huṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. náhuṣa) neighbouring, kindred 
   • m. neighbour, kinsman RV.

≫ nāhuṣa 2

   nāhuṣa m. (fr. náhuṣa) patron. of Yayāti MBh. R &c. N. of a serpent-demon VāyuP.

≫ nāhuṣi

   nāhuṣi m. patr. of Yayāti L.  


   nāhnābhāi m. N. of Rāma-kṛishṇa (son of Dāmodara) Cat.

ni 1

   ní ind. down, back, in, into, within (except AV. x, 8, 7 always prefixed either to verbs or to nouns 
   • in the latter case it has also the meaning of negation or privation  
   • sometimes wṛ. for nis) 
   • it may also express kṣepa, dāna, upa-rama, ā-śraya, mokṣa &c. L. [Cf. Zd. ni 
   • Gk. ? ; Slav. ni-śu ;  Germ, ni-dar, ni-der, nieder ; Angl. Sax. ni-ther, Eng. ne-ther, be-neath.]

ni 2

   ni (for nī), mfn. ṛta-ní

ni 3

   ni (in music) the 7th note (for niṣadha)


   niṃs cl. 2. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 15) niṃste Bhaṭṭ. (niṃsate, niṃsata and p. níṃsāna RV. 
   • niṃsse, niṃssva Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 58 
   • pf. niniṃse aor. aniṃsiṣṭa fut. niṃsiṣyate, niṃsitā, Gr.) to touch closely, kiss, salute. (Perhaps ft. ninaṃs, Des. of √nam, like lips fr. li-laps √.nikṣ.)

≫ niṃsin

   niṃsin mfn. touching, kissing (ifc 
   • cf. netra-)


   niḥ for nis (q.v.) before a sibilant and rarely before k, kh 
   • p, ph

⋙ niḥkṣatra

   ○kṣatra mf(ā) n. having no military caste BhP. (○tre, ind. when there was no military cṭcaste ib.) 
   • -karaṇa, ī. depriving of the military caste ib. 
   • ○triya mfn. = ○tra mfn. Balar,

⋙ niḥśaṅka

   ○śaṅka mf(ā)n. free from fear or risk, not afraid of (comp.) 
   • careless, secure Hariv. Kāv. &c. (also ○nikita Pañc.) 
   • (am), ind. fearlessly, securely, easily MBh. R. &c 
   • m. (in music) a kind of measure or dance 
   • (ā), f. absence of fear or hesitation 
   • (ayā), ind, without fear or hesitation ŚārṅgP. 
   • -līla m. (in music) a kind of dance 
   • -supta mfn. sleeping calmly, Śāntiś

⋙ niḥśatru

   ○śatru mfn. free from enemies, Kathas,

⋙ niḥśabda

   ○śabda mf(ā)n. noiseless, silent, still MBh. R. &c 
   • m. or n. silence (○daṃ √kṛ, to make no noise) R. 
   • (am), ind, noiselessly MBh. (cf. ni-ś○) 
   • -nitcala mfn. (night) noiseless and motionless Kathās. 
   • -padam ind. with soundless i.e. inaudible steps R. 
   • -saṃvṛtta mfn. become noiseless R. 
   • -stimita mfn. = -nitcala MBh. 
   • -sravat mfn. (tear) flowing noiselessly Rājat.

⋙ niḥśama

   ○śama m. uneasiness, anxiety L.

⋙ niḥśaraṇa

   ○śaraṇa mf(ā)n. defenceless, unprotected Rājat.

⋙ niḥśarkara

   ○śarkara mfn. free from pebbles (as a bathing-place) R.

⋙ niḥśalāka

   ○śalāka mfn. free from grass &c., lonely, solitary Mn. vii, 147

⋙ niḥśalka

   ○śalka and mfn. (fish) having no scales L.

⋙ niḥśalkaka

   ○śalḍkaka mfn. (fish) having no scales L.

⋙ niḥśalya

   ○śalya mfn. freed from an arrow or from thorns or from pain MBh. &c. (v. l. vi-ś○) 
   • (am), ind. without pain, easily, willingly Daś.

⋙ niḥśastra

   ○śastra mfn. weapon. less, unarmed Rājat.

⋙ niḥśākha

   ○śākha mfn. branchless 
   • -tā f. Kād. 
   • ○khī- √kṛ, to deprive of branches ib.,

⋙ niḥśukra

   ○śukra mfn. without fire or energy AitBr. viii, 23

⋙ niḥśūka

   ○śūka mfn. without a beard or awns (as corn) Bhpr. 
   • merciless, cruel Hcar. Siṃhâs. 
   • m. beardless rice without any awn L.

⋙ niḥśūnya

   ○śūnya mfn. quite empty R.

⋙ niḥśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga mf(ā)n. hornless Hcat.

⋙ niḥśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mf(ā)n. without remainder, (either = ) finished, passed away (kalpa) Hariv. (○ṣaṃ √kṛ to destroy completely MBh.) 
   • (or = ) complete, whole, entire, all MBh. R. &c 
   • at beg.of comp. ( = am, or eṇa ind.) totally, completely 
   • -kṛt mfn. eating one's meals without any remainder Vishṇ. 
   • -tas ind. wholly, entirely Rājat. Suśr. . -tā f. complete destruction MBh. Pañc. 
   • -bhagna mfn. totally broken Hariv. 
   • -muṣita mfn. totally robbed out Kathās. 
   • ○ṣaṇa mf(ā) u. = niḥ-śeṣa MW. 
   • ○ṣaya Nom. P. ○yati, to destroy totally Prab. ii, 33 
   • ○ṣita mfn. having nothing left, totally consumed or finished or destroy. ed R. Pañc. Rājat.

⋙ niḥśoka

   ○śoka mfn. free from sorrow or care Hariv. Rājat.

⋙ niḥśodhya

   ○śodhya mfn. not to be cleansed or purified 
   • clean, pure L.

⋙ niḥśmaśru

   ○śmaśru mfn. beardless L. (wṛ. ni-ś○)

⋙ niḥśrama

   ○śrama and wṛ. for ni-s○

⋙ niḥśrayaṇī

   ○śrayaṇī wṛ. for ni-s○

⋙ niḥśrī

   ○śrī wṛ. for niḥ-svii,

⋙ niḥśrīka

   ○śrīka mfn. deprived of beauty, ugly MBh. 
   • unfortunate, inglorious ib. Pur. 
   • -tā f. misfortune, want of good luck MW.

⋙ niḥśreṇi

   ○śreṇ�i f. = ni-śreṇī L. 
   • the wild date tree L. 
   • ○ṇikā f. a ladder Dharmaśarm. 
   • a kind of grass L. 
   • ○ṇi-puṣpaka m. a species of thorn-apple L.

⋙ niḥśreyaṇī

   ○śreyaṇī f. = ni-śrayṇī Gal. =

⋙ niḥśreyasa

   ○śreyasa mf(ī)n. 'having no better', best, most excellent MBh. R. &c 
   • m. N. of Siva L. 
   • n. the best i.e. ultimate bliss, final beatitude, or knowledge that brings it KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • belief, faith L. 
   • apprehension, conception L. -kara mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation W.  

⋙ niḥṣaṅga

   ○ṣaṅga wṛ. for -saṅga

⋙ niḥṣaṃdhi

   ○ṣaṃdhi g. suṣāmâdi,

⋙ niḥṣāmam

   ○ṣāmam ind. at the wrong time, unseasonably L. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 88)

⋙ niḥṣyandsna

   ○ṣyandsna n. a trickling or flowing down, streaming, dropping Sāy. (= ni-syanda, m.)

⋙ niḥsaṃśaya

   ○saṃśaya mfn. undoubted, certain MBh. R. &c. (also ○yita Kād.) 
   • not doubtful, not doubting or suspecting MBh. Ragh. 
   • (am), ind. undoubtedly, surely MBh. R.

⋙ niḥsaṃskāra

   ○saṃskāra mfn. uneducated, ill-mannered 
   • -tā f. Kād.

⋙ niḥsaṃkakṣa

   ○saṃkakṣa mfn. not perplexed or confused L. (wṛ. ni-s○)

⋙ niḥsaṃkalpa

   ○saṃkalpa mfn. having no determination or will Nyāyas.

⋙ niḥsaṃkṣobha

   ○saṃkṣobha mfn. unshaken, Jatakani

⋙ niḥsaṃkhya

   ○saṃkhya mfn. innumerable, numberless Inscr.

⋙ niḥsaṅga

   ○saṅga m. absence of attachment, entire concentration BhP. 
   • mfn. unobstructed, moving freely MBh. 
   • unconnected, separated, detached Kap. 
   • not attached or devoted, indifferent to (loc.) Prab. Vedânt. 
   • free from worldly attachment, unselfish, disinterested MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (am or ena), ind. without interest, without reflection, at random R. ii, 21, 12 (for śaṅkam?) BhP. iv, 8, 31 
   • m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • -tā f. -tva n. absence of attachment, unselfishness, indifference Pur. &c

⋙ niḥsaciva

   ○saciva mfn. without a minister or councillor Subh.

⋙ niḥsaṃcāra

   ○saṃcāra mfn. not moving about, not leaving one's home Rājat. 
   • m. not taking a walk Mālatīm.

⋙ niḥsaṃjña

   ○saṃjña mfn. senseless, unconscious MBh. R. &c

⋙ niḥsattva

   ○sattva mfn. without existence, unsubstantial (-tva n.) Vajracch. 
   • unenergetic, weak, impotent, wretched, miserable (-tā f.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • deprived of living beings Pañc. 
   • insignificant, mean, low W. 
   • n. want of power or energy, insignificance 
   • non-existence W.

⋙ niḥsatya

   ○satya mfn. untrue, false 
   • -tā f. falsehood, insincerity Kām. Hit.

⋙ niḥsaṃtati

   ○saṃtati mfn. destitute of offspring, childless Rājat.

⋙ niḥsaṃtāna

   ○saṃtāna mfn. id. MW.

⋙ niḥsaṃdigdha

   ○saṃdigdha mfn. not doubtful, certain 
   • (am), ind. MBh. &c

⋙ niḥsaṃdeha

   ○saṃdeha mf(ā)n 
   • (am), ind, = prec., Kathss. Kull.

⋙ niḥsaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi mfn. having no joints perceptible, well knit, compact, close, firm, Balar

⋙ niḥsapatna

   ○sapatna mf(ā)n. having no rival, not sharing the possession of anything with another MBh. R. 
   • not claimed by another, belonging exclusively to one possessor ib. 
   • unrivalled, unparalleled (-tā f.) Kād. 
   • having no enemies MW.

⋙ niḥsamā

   ○samā f. 'matchless', N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.

⋙ niḥsampāta

   ○sampāta mfn. affording no passage, blocked up Hariv. 
   • m. thick darkness, midnight L.

⋙ niḥsambandha

   ○sambandha mfn. without relatives MW.

⋙ niḥsambādha

   ○sambādha mfn. not crowded, lonely, solitary 
   • -velā f. a time when there is no crowding in the streets Daś.

⋙ niḥsambhrama

   ○sambhrama mfn. not perplexed, unembarrassed (with infin.) Rājat.

⋙ niḥsaraṇi

   ○saraṇi mfn. pathless, impracticable Hcar.

⋙ niḥsarpa

   ○sarpa mfn. free from snakes, Pañc,

⋙ niḥsalila

   ○salila mfn. waterless Rājat.

⋙ niḥsaha

   ○saha mf(ā) n. not able to support or resist (comp.) 
   • powerless, weak (-tā f. -tva n.) Kāv. Rājat. Kathās. (comp. -tara, Siś.) 
   • intolerable, irresistible W.

⋙ niḥsahāya

   ○sahāya mfn. without helpers, unassisted, Mālatim,

⋙ niḥsādhāra

   ○sâdhāra mfn. supportless 
   • (am), ind. Śiś. xviii, 46

⋙ niḥsādhvasa

   ○sādhvasa mf(ā)n. fearless, bold Hariv. Kāv. 
   • (am), ind. fearlessly, boldly Rājat. 
   • -tā f. (cf. Jātakam.), -tva n. (cf. R.) fearlessness, boldness. =

⋙ niḥsāmarthya

   ○sāmarthya mfn. unfit, unsuitable MBh.

⋙ niḥsāmānya

   ○sāmānya mfn. extraordinary, uncommon Rājat.

⋙ niḥsāra

   ○sāra mf(ā)n. sapless, pithless, worthless, vain, unsubstantial (-tā f. -tva n.) Hariv. Var. Kāv. Pur. 
   • m. Trophis Aspera or a kind of Śyo. nāka L. 
   • (in music) a kind of time (also sāru and ○ruka) 
   • (ā), f. Musa Sapientum L. 
   • ○raka n. a kind of diarrhoea Bhpr. =

⋙ niḥsāla

   ○sālá mf(ā́)n. being out of the house AV.

⋙ niḥsīman

   ○sīman mfn. unbounded, immeasurable, infinite, grand Kāv.

⋙ niḥsukha

   ○sukha mfn. joyless, sad, unhappy MBh. 
   • disagreeable, distressing W.

⋙ niḥsugrīva

   ○sugrīva mf(ā)n. freed from Sugriva R.

⋙ niḥsuvarṇska

   ○suvarṇska mfn. deprived of gold Mṛicch. ix, 7/8

⋙ niḥsūtra

   ○sūtra mfn. without thread Naish. 
   • helpless ib.

⋙ niḥsūnu

   ○sūnu mfn. sonless Viddh.

⋙ niḥsomaka

   ○somaka mfn. moonless Veṇis.

⋙ niḥstambha

   ○stambha mfn. having no posts or pillars Kām. 
   • having no support or help BhP.

⋙ niḥstuti

   ○stuti mfn. praising nothing MBh.

⋙ niḥsthāman

   ○sthāman mfn. powerless, weak, Deśin

⋙ niḥsneha

   ○sneha mf(ā)n. not unctuous or greasy Mn. Pañc. 
   • not wet, dry R. 
   • insensible, cold, unfeeling (with prati) Kāv. Pañc. (-tva, n.) 
   • not longing for, indifferent MBh. 
   • not loved, uncared for, hated, disagreeable, Kathss. Pañc. 
   • m. ungreasing Dhātup. 
   • (ā), f. Linum Usitatissimum L. 
   • -phalā f. Solanum Diffusum L.

⋙ niḥspanda

   ○spanda (cf. niṣ-p○), mfn. motionless Kathās. Naish. 
   • tva n. Sāh. (also ni-sp○)  

⋙ niḥsparśa

   ○sparśa mfn. hard, rough Kād. 
   • -gātra mfn. rough-limbed Divyāv.

⋙ niḥspṛha

   ○spṛha mf(ā)n. free from desire, not longing for (loc. or comp.), abstaining from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c. (-tā f. Yājñ.) 
   • (am), ind Pāṇ. 8-3, 100 Kāś.

⋙ niḥsphura

   ○sphura mfn. (heart) not throbbing Mālatīm. x, 12/13

⋙ niḥsyanda

   ○syanda = nis○

⋙ niḥsva

   ○sva mfn. deprived of one's own, indigent, poor, Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -tā f. poverty Var. -1

⋙ niḥsvana

   ○svana mfn. soundless Kathās.

⋙ niḥsvabhāva

   ○svabhāva m. want of property, poverty, Śantiś 
   • mfn. 'unpropertied', void of peculiarities Sarvad.

⋙ niḥsvādu

   ○svādu mfn. insipid, tasteless, W'

⋙ niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāra

   ○svâdhyāya-vaṣaṭkāra mfn. neither studying the Vedas nor offering burnt sacrifices VP.

⋙ niḥsvāmikā

   ○svāmikā f. having no lord or husband Kathās.

⋙ niḥsvīkṛta

   ○svī-kṛta mfn. (svii in comp. for -sva) deprived of one's property, impoverished Var.

⋙ niḥsvībhuta

   ○svī-bhuta mfn. id. Daś.

≫ nir

   nir for nis (q.v.) before vowels and soft consonants

⋙ niraṃśa

   ○aṃśa mfn. having no degrees (of latit. or long.) 
   • -tva n. Sūryas.

⋙ niraṃsaka

   ○aṃsaka mfn. receiving no share Yājñ.

⋙ niraṃśu

   ○aṃśu mfn. rayless MBh.

⋙ nirakṣa

   ○akṣa mfn. having no dice W. 
   • having no latitude ib. 
   • m. the place of no latitude i.e. the terrestrial equator Sūryas. 
   • -deśa m. the equatorial region ib.,

⋙ nirakṣara

   ○akṣara mfn. not knowing the letters HPariś.

⋙ niragni


⋙ niragnika

   ○agḍnika mfn. having no (consecrated) fire MBh.

⋙ niragra

   ○agra or mfn. divisible without remainder Līl.

⋙ niragraka

   ○agraka mfn. divisible without remainder Līl.

⋙ niragha

   ○agha mf(ā)n. sinless, free from faults Rājat.

⋙ niraṅkuśa

   ○aṅkuśa mfn. unchecked (lit. not held by a hook), uncontrolled, independent, free, unruly, extravagant (am ind 
   • -tva n.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • ○śaya Nom. P. yati, to unfetter Kād.

⋙ niraṅga

   ○aṅga mf(ā or ī)n. incomplete Sāh. 
   • having no resources or expedients Hit.

⋙ niraṅguli

   ○aṅguli mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 86 Kāś.

⋙ niraṅguli

   ○aṅguli mfn. fingerless Kāv.

⋙ nirajina

   ○ajina mfn. without a skin or hide L.

⋙ nirañjana

   ○áñjana mf(ā)n. unpainted, spotless, pure, simple Up. MBh. &c 
   • void of passion or emotion W. 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • of an attendant of Śivag. Hariv. 
   • of sev. authors Cat. (also with yati 
   • ○nâṣṭaka n. N. of wk.) n. the Supreme Being W. 
   • (ā), f. the day of full moon L. 
   • N. of Durgā L.

⋙ niratisaya

   ○atisaya mfn. unsurpassed (tva n.) Hariv. Pañc. &c

⋙ niratīcāra

   ○atīcāra mfn. inviolable HPariś.

⋙ niratyaya

   ○atyaya mf(ā)n. free from danger, secure, infallible (-tva n.) Kāv. &c 
   • unblamable, faultless Kir. 
   • causing no pain Suśr.

⋙ niradhiṣṭhāna

   ○adhiṣṭhāna mfn. having no resting-place or basis, supportless, untenable MBh. R. 
   • independent Śaṃk.

⋙ niradhva

   ○adhva mfn. one who has lost his way L.

⋙ niranukrośa

   ○anukrośa mf(ā)n. pitiless, hard-hearted (-tā f.) MBh. R. 
   • m. mercilessness, cruelty R. 
   • -kārin mfn. acting pitilessly MBh. 
   • -tas ind. in a cruel manner Pañc. 
   • -yukta mfn. uncompassionate, hard-hearted R.

⋙ niranuga

   ○anuga mfn. having no followers, unattended Rajat

⋙ niranugraha

   ○anugraha mfn. ungracious, unkind BhP.

⋙ niranunāsika

   ○anunāsika mfn. not marked with the Anunasika, not nasal Vop.

⋙ niranubandha

   ○anubandha mfn. showing no secondary or symptomatic affection Car. 
   • ○dhaka mfn. having no indicatory letter Pat.

⋙ niranumāna

   ○anumāna mfn. not bound to conclusions or consequences Tattvas.

⋙ niranuyojya

   ○anuyojya mfn. unblamable, faultless 
   • ○jyânuyoga m. the blaming of anything faultless Nyāyas. Sarvad.

⋙ niranurodha

   ○anurodha mfn. untavourable, unfriendly, unamiable (-tva, n.) Kāv. 
   • unkind towards, regardless of (loc.) Ratnâv.

⋙ niranuśaya

   ○anuśaya mfn. without the consequences or results of acts, Śaṃk.

⋙ nirantara

   ○antara mf(ā)n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant (-tā f.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • faithful true Pañc. 
   • abounding in, full of (comp.) R. Sāh. 
   • not other or different, identical MBh. R. &c 
   • not hidden from view W. 
   • (am), ind. closely, tightly, firmly, Ṛit. Suśr. 
   • constantly, continually MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • immediately, at once Kām. Vet. 
   • -grihavāsin mfn. living in the next house Kull. 
   • -payodharā f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds) Mṛicch.v, 15 -viśeṣa mfn. (pl.) being without difference in regard to (loc.), being treated alike MBh. 
   • -śarīra mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows) R. 
   • ○râbhyāsa m. constant repetition or study, diligent exercise or practice Prab. 
   • ○râtkaṇṭhā f. continual longing for Ratn. 
   • ○rôdbhinna mfn. densely sprouted ib.

⋙ nirantarāla

   ○antarāla mfn. without an intervening space, close, narrow 
   • -tā f. Śiś. Sch.

⋙ nirandhas

   ○andhas mfn. foodless, hungry BhP.

⋙ niranna

   ○anna mfn. wanting food, starving MBh. Suśr. 
   • giving or yielding no food BhP. 
   • (○nne), ind. during a famine ib.

⋙ niranvaya

   ○anvaya mfn. having no offspring, childless Rājat. 
   • unconnected, unrelated Mn. viii, 198 ; 33i 
   • illogical, unmethodical W. 
   • not committed in the presence of others Mn. viii, 332  
   • without retinue, unaccompanied Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nirapa

   ○apa mfn. waterless R.

⋙ nirapakrama

   ○apakrama mfn. not to be escaped from GopBr.

⋙ nirapatya

   ○apatya mfn. childless 
   • -tva n. Car.

⋙ nirapatrapa

   ○apatrapa mf(ā)n. shameless, impudent, confident MBh. R. Suśr. &c

⋙ niraparādha

   ○aparādha mf(ā)n. unoffending, guiltless, blameless (-tā, f.) Vikr. Kathās. &c 
   • m. faultlessness, innocence 
   • -vat mfn. innocent R.

⋙ nirapavarta

   ○apavarta mfn. not returning W. 
   • (in arithm.) = next

⋙ nirapavartana

   ○apavartana mfn. not to be divided by a common divisor Gol.

⋙ nirapavāda

   ○apavāda mfn. blameless BhP. 
   • not admitting of any exception (also -ka) Pat.

⋙ nirapahnava

   ○apahnava mfn. unconcealed Sāh.

⋙ nirapāya

   ○apâya mfn. imperishable MBh. (also ○yin Kāv.) 
   • infallible R. Suśr. 
   • free from harm or evil MW.

⋙ nirapekṣa

   ○apêkṣa mf(ā)n. regardless of. indifferent to, independent of (loc. or comp.) 
   • desireless, careless, indifferent, disinterested Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (also -ka BhP.) 
   • (am), ind. regardlessly, accidentally MBh. Daś. 
   • (ā), f. (cf. R.) -tā f. (cf. Kathās.), -tva n. (cf. RāmatUp.) disregard, indifference, independence 
   • ○kṣita mfn. regardless Prab. 
   • disregarded Daś. 
   • ○kṣin mfn. indifferent, independent MBh. 
   • ○kṣya mfn. not to be regarded Bhartṛ.

⋙ nirabhiprāya

   ○abhiprâya mfn. purposeless, Kathās.

⋙ nirabhibhava

   ○abhibhava mfn. not subject to humiliation or disgrace Bhartṛ. 
   • not to be surpassed MW.

⋙ nirabhimāna

   ○abhimāna mfn. free from pride BhP.

⋙ nirabhilapya

   ○abhilapya mfn. unutterable, inexpressible Sarvad.

⋙ nirabhilāṣa

   ○abhilāṣa mfn. not desirous of. indifferent to (comp.) Śak.

⋙ nirabhisaṃdhāna

   ○abhisaṃdhāna n. absence of design, Sāṃkhyas. Sch. 
   • ○saṃdhin mfn. free from egoistic designs Saṃk.

⋙ nirabhīmāna

   ○abhīmāna mfn. = -abhim○ MBh. 
   • unconscious ib.

⋙ nirabhyaṅga

   ○abhyaṅga mfn. unanointed, not rubbed in Car.

⋙ nirabhra

   ○abhra mfn. cloudless MBh. 
   • (○e), ind. when the sky is cloudless ib. Suśr.

⋙ niramarṣa

   ○amarṣa mfn. not impatient, apathetic MBh. R. (v. l. nir-ām○)

⋙ niramitra

   ○amitra mfn. free from enemies ib. 
   • m. N. of a son of Nakula MBh. 
   • of a son of the king of Tri-garta ib. 
   • of a son of Khaṇḍa-pāṇi (or Daṇḍa-pṭpāṇi) Pur. (wṛ. nir-ām○) 
   • of a son of Ayutâyus ib. 
   • of a sage considered as Śiva's son ib. (v. l. nir-ām○)

⋙ nirambara

   ○ambara mf(ā)n. undressed, naked MBh. Kathās.

⋙ nirambu

   ○ambu mfn. abstaining from water BhP. 
   • destitute of water MBh.

⋙ nirargala

   ○argala mfn. unbarred, unimpeded, free, irresistible MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (am), ind. freely Rājat. 
   • -vāc mfn. of unrestrained language Viddh.

⋙ nirarti

   ○arti mfn. painless Car.

⋙ nirartha

   ○artha mf(ā)n. void of wealth, poor Mṛicch. 
   • useless, vain (-kalaha, a useless quarrel MBh.) 
   • meaningless (-tā, MārkP.) 
   • (a consonant) having no following vowel VPrāt. Sch. 
   • m. (○thá) loss, detriment TĀr. 
   • pl. nonsense R.

⋙ nirarthaka

   ○arthaka mf(ikā)n. useless, vain, unsuccessful MBh. Kāv. &c. (am ind. R. Bhartṛ. 
   • -tva n. Mṛicch.) 
   • unmeaning, nonsensical MBh. 
   • (said of a consonant) = -artha VPrāt. Sch. 
   • n. (in phil.) a nonsensical objection 
   • (in rhet.) an expletive

⋙ nirarbuda

   ○arbuda m. or n. N. of a hell in which the wicked are punished by excessive cold Buddh.

⋙ niralaṃkāra

   ○alaṃkāra mfn. unornamented R. (B.), Sch,

⋙ niralaṃkṛti

   ○alaṃkṛti f. (in rhet.) want of ornaments, simplicity

⋙ nirava

   ○avá mfn. unprotected RV. i, 122, 11 Sāy. (only gen. -avásya, perhaps one who calls, fr. √ru? or ind. p. fr. √so?)

⋙ niravakāśa

   ○avakāśa mf(ā)n. wanting room, crowded (said of a hell) BhP. 
   • out of place or time, unseasonable, inconvenient Hcar. 
   • -tā f. Kād. 
   • ○śī- √kṛ, to remove from its place Ragh. ix, 28 (C.) Sch.

⋙ niravagraha

   ○avagraha mfn. unrestrained, independent, free MBh. Kāv. &c. (○he ind. where there is room to move freely MBh.) 
   • self-willed, headstrong W.

⋙ niravadoṣatva

   ○avadoṣa-tva n. (?) Kauś. Sch.

⋙ niravadya

   ○avadya mf(ā)n. unblamable, unobjectionable Up. MBh. &c. (-tva n. BhP.) 
   • n. blamelessness, excellence (vat mfn. MBh.) 
   • n. or m. a partic. high number Lalit.

⋙ niravadhi

   ○avadhi mfn. unlimited, Bhavabh. Rājat. 
   • endless, infinite Sarvad. (also ○dhika)

⋙ niravayava

   ○avayava mfn. having no limbs or members 
   • not consisting of parts, indivisible (-tva n.) Śaṃk. Sarvad. &c

⋙ niravarodha

   ○avarodha mfn. unrestrained, unopposed BhP.

⋙ niravalamba

   ○avalamba mfn. supportless (lit. and fig.) Śak. 
   • ○bana, nif(ā)n. id. ib. (v. l.) 
   • belonging to nobody Hcar. 
   • n. want of a prop or of reliance MW.

⋙ niravaśeṣa

   ○avaśeṣa mfn. without a residue, complete, whole R. &c 
   • (○ṣeṇa and ○ṣa-tas), ind. completely, totally, fully Hariv.

⋙ niravasāda

   ○avasāda mf(ā)n. not cast down, cheerful Gīt. 
   • anxious, eager W.

⋙ niravaskṛta

   ○avaskṛta mfn. (prob.) clean, pure MBh. (cf. an-avaskara). =

⋙ niravastāra

   ○avastāra mfn. not strewn or covered, bare BhP.

⋙ niravahālikā

   ○avahālikā f. a fence, hedge, outer wall L.

⋙ niravyaya

   ○avyaya mf(ā)n. undecaying, eternal W.  

⋙ niraśana

   ○aśana mfn. abstaining from food Hariv. 
   • n. going without food, fasting L.

⋙ niraśva

   ○aśva mfn. without horses, Kathss 
   • -puruṣa mf(ā)n. without horses and men MBh.

⋙ nirastra

   ○astra mfn. R. Caurap.

⋙ nirasthi

   ○asthi mfn. boneless (as flesh) Suśr.

⋙ nirahaṃstambha

   ○ahaṃstambha mfn. free from the fetters of egotism BhP.

⋙ nirahaṃkāra

   ○ahaṃkāra mfn. free from egotism, unselfish, humble MBh. BhP. 
   • m. a partic. heaven Hcat. 
   • ○kārin mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism BhP. 
   • ○kṛta mfn. having no self-conscioumess or personality BhP. 
   • = next MBh. BhP. 
   • ○kṛti mfn. free from egotism or pride, humble, Bhanṛ. BhP. 
   • ○kriya mfn. having no personality or individuality BhP. 
   • (ā), f. absence of egotism or selfishness ib.,

⋙ niraham

   ○aham mfn. devoid of self-conceit or selfishness BhP. 
   • -mati and -māna mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism ib.,

⋙ nirahna

   ○ahna m. Pāṇ. 8-4, 7 Kāś.

⋙ nirākāṅkṣa

   ○ākāṅkṣa mfn. expecting or wishing nothing, desireless, hopeless Kathās. Pur. (also ○kṣiṅ MBh.) 
   • wanting nothing to fill up, complete (vākya) KātyŚr. Sāh. - 1

⋙ nirākāra

   ○ākāra mfn. formless, shapeless, incorporeal (brahman), making no appearance or show, insignificant, unimportant MBh. R. &c 
   • having no object (cf. below) 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • of Vishṇu L. 
   • heaven L. 
   • the universal spirit, god L. 
   • -jñāna-vāda m. the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impressed on the mind Sarvad. 
   • -locana n. a vacant (lit. objectless) look Mṛicch. Sch.

⋙ nirākāsa

   ○ākās7a mfn. having no free space, completely filled R.

⋙ nirākula

   ○ākula mfn. not too much beset, little frequented Kathās. 
   • not disarranged Gīt. 
   • unconfused, clear, calm, steady (am ind.) Var. Kāv. Pañc. 
   • n. perspicuity, clearness, calmness Var. 
   • -dvāra mf(ā)n. (city) whose gates are not too much crowded Kathās. 
   • ○lârtham ind. for the sake of clearness Var.

⋙ nirākṛti

   ○ākṛti mfn. formless, shapeless (Vishṇu) Hariv. 
   • deformed, ugly MārkP. 
   • m. a person who neglects his religious duties, (esp.) a Brāhman who has not duly read the Vedas, Gifut. Mn. MBh. etc, -1

⋙ nirākṛtin

   ○ākṛtin mfn. making no show &c. = -ākāra (above) MBh. (v. l. kṛti)

⋙ nirākranda

   ○ākranda mf(ā)n. having no friend or protector Hariv. 
   • finding no help from (loc.) Jātakam. 
   • affording no shelter or protection Kathās. 
   • m. or n. a place that affords no place MBh.

⋙ nirākrośa

   ○ākrośa mfn. unaccused, unreviled W.

⋙ nirāgama

   ○āgama mfn. not founded on revelation MBh.

⋙ nirāgas

   ○āgas mfn. sinless, innocent Ragh. Rājat.

⋙ nirāgāra

   ○āgāra mfn. houseless, shelterless,

⋙ nirāgraha

   ○āgraha mfn. not insisting upon, not obstinate Rājat.

⋙ nirācāra

   ○ācāra mfn. without approved usages or customs, lawless, barbarian Hcat.

⋙ nirājīvya

   ○ājīvya mf(ā)n. not yielding subsistence Kām.

⋙ nirāḍambara

   ○āḍambara mfn. without drums 
   • -sundara mfn. beautiful without drums i.e. wṭwithout praise, beautiful in itself Rājat.

⋙ nirātaṅka

   ○ātaṅka mf(ā)n. free from fear or pain, not feeling or causing it MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ nirātapa

   ○ātapa mf(ā)n. not penetrated by the sun's rays, shady Hariv. 
   • (ā), f. the night L.

⋙ nirātapatra

   ○ātapatra mfn. without umbrella Hcar.

⋙ nirātithya

   ○ātithya mfn. inhospitable, lonely Kathās.

⋙ nirātmaka

   ○ātmaka mfn. having no separate soul or no individual existence BhP. 
   • ○tman or ○tma-vat mfn. id. MBh. 
   • ○tma-tva n. Vajracch.

⋙ nirādara

   ○ādara mfn. showing no respect, disrespectful Rājat.

⋙ nirādāna

   ○ādāna mfn. taking or receiving nothing MBh. 
   • m. N. of Buddha L.

⋙ nirādhāna

   ○ādhāna (nir.), mfn. unbridled TBr. (cf. antar-ādh○)

⋙ nirādhāra

   ○ādhāra mfn. without a receptacle or a support MBh. 
   • -tva n. Sarvad.

⋙ nirādhi

   ○ādhi mfn. free from anxiety, secure Kām.

⋙ nirānanda

   ○ānanda mf(ā)n. joyless, sorrowful, sad, melancholy MBh. R. &c 
   • -kara mf(ī)n. causing no pleasure, afflicting MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nirāntra

   ○āntra mfn. eviscerated, having the entrails hanging out AitBr.

⋙ nirāpad

   ○āpad f. no misfortune, security, prosperity MBh. 
   • mfn. prosperous, fortunate, secure Ragh. Śatr.

⋙ nirābādha

   ○ābādha mf(ā)n. undisturbed unmolested, secure MBh. Hariv. 
   • (am ind. incontestably Sarvad.) not disturbing, not molesting, harmless, guileless ib. 
   • frivolously or unreally vexarious (as a cause of complaint) Yājñ. Sch. 
   • -kara mfn. not causing injury or pain Hariv.

⋙ nirābhāsa

   ○ābhāsa mfn. without fallacious appearance, HaṃsUp

⋙ nirāmaya

   ○āmaya m. freedom from illness, health, welfare MBh. 
   • (am ind. in ○mayaṃ devadattāya, or ○ttasya good health or hail to Durga! Pāṇ. 2-3, 73 Kāś.) 
   • mfn. free from illness, healthy, well MBh. R. Suśr. &c 
   • causing health, wholesome MBh. xii, 6569 
   • complete, entire Hariv. 
   • infallible, secure MBh. R. 
   • untainted, pure L. 
   • m. 1 wild goat L. 
   • a hog, a boar L. 
   • N. of a king MBh.

⋙ nirāmarda

   ○āmarda m. not oppressing', N. of a king MBh.

⋙ nirāmarṣa


⋙ nirāmitra

   ○āmitra -am○

⋙ nirāmiṣa

   ○āmiṣa mfn. fleshless Bhartṛ. 
   • receiving no booty or wages MBh. 
   • free from sensual desires or covetousness Mn. vi, 49 
   • not striving after any reward Lalit. 
   • ○ṣâśin mfn. eating no flesh Hit.

⋙ nirāya

   ○āya mfn. having or yielding no income, profitless W. 
   • -vyaya-vat m. having neither income nor expenditure, an idler who lives from hand to mouth W. -1

⋙ nirāyata

   ○āyata mfn. unextended, contracted, compact W. 
   • -tva n. shortness, compactness Kir. viii, 17

⋙ nirāyati

   ○āyati mfn. one who has no future, one whose end or destruction is at hand ib. ii, 15

⋙ nirāyāsa

   ○āyāsa mfn. not causing trouble or fatigue, easy MBh. 
   • kind Divyāv.

⋙ nirāyudha

   ○āyudha mfn. weaponless, unarmed Mn. Hariv.

⋙ nirārambha

   ○ārambha mfn. not undertaking enterprises, abstaining from all work MBh.

⋙ nirālamba

   ○ālamba mfn. = -aval○ 
   • self-supported, independent 
   • friendless, alone Mn. MBh. &c. (am ind. R. 
   • -tva n. Hcar.) 
   • m. N. of a philosopher (worshipping the empty air as deity) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. spikenard L. 
   • -"ṣbâpaniṣad f. N. of wk

⋙ nirālambana

   ○ālambana mfn. supportless or self-supported, not resting on another, free MBh. R.

⋙ nirālasya

   ○ālasya mfn. not slothful MW.

⋙ nirālāpa

   ○ālāpa mfn. not talking Kathās.

⋙ nirāloka

   ○āloka mfn. not looking about R. 
   • deprived of light, dark or blind MBh. Mālatīm. Kām. 
   • ifc. looking at, investigating, scrutinizing (cf. ātma-n○) MBh.

⋙ nirāvaraṇa

   ○āvaraṇa mfn. unveiled, manifest, evident, Veṇis

⋙ nirāvarṣa

   ○āvarṣa mfn. (a tree) sheltering from rain Hariv.

⋙ nirāśa

   ○āśa mf(ā)n. without any hope or wish or desire, indifferent Kap. Kāv. Rājat. &c. (āśām nir-āśāṃ √kṛ, to make hope hopeless i.e. giving up all hope MBh. xii, 6647 
   • 6520.) 
   • despairing or despondent of (with loc., dat., acc. and prati, abl., or comp.) MBh. R. &c 
   • (ā), f. hopelessness, despair Subh. Hcar. 
   • -ka mfn. despairing of (abl.) MBh. viii, 3761 
   • -kara mfn. taking away all hope, making impossible (in comp.), Git xii, 20 
   • -guṭikā wṛ. for ○sa-g○ ( under 2. nir-āsa, p. 553) 
   • -tā, f. (cf. Bhām.), -tva n. (Pañc. B.) hopelessness, despair 
   • ○śâsanna mfn. nearly driven to despair Hcar. 
   • ○śin mfn. hopeless, despairing MBh. (○śi-tva n. hopelessness Kām. 
   • v. l. for ○śa-tva Pañc.) 
   • ○śī-bhāva, mḍespair L. 
   • -"ṣśī-bhūta mfn. become hopeless, despairing MW.

⋙ nirāśaṅka

   ○āśaṅka mf(ā)n. fearless, being not afraid of (loc. for infin.) Cāṇ. 
   • (am), ind. without fear or hesitation Śaṃk. 
   • ○kya mfn. not to be apprehended Daś.

⋙ nirāśaya

   ○āśaya mfn. (wonnd) not deep Suśr. (v. l. for -āśraya)

⋙ nirāśis

   ○āśis mfn. hopeless, despairing MBh. Kāv. &c. (○śīs-tva, n. MBh.xii, 12440) 
   • free from desire, indifferent, Kuns. v, 76 
   • without a blessing W.

⋙ nirāśrama

   ○āśrama mfn. not being in one of the four periods or stages of a Brshman's life Kull. (○min id. ib.) 
   • -pada mfn. (a wood) having no hermitages in it Kathās.

⋙ nirāśraya

   ○āśraya mfn. shelterless R. 
   • supportless, having or offering no prop or stay, destitute, alone MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • not deep (v. l. ○śaya), lying open Suśr. -1

⋙ nirāsa

   ○āsa m. seatless, shelterless MBh.

⋙ nirāsaṅga

   ○āsaṅga mfn. unhindered (in the use of one's forces) Car.

⋙ nirāsitva

   ○āsitva wṛ. for -āśitva, or -āśatva (above) Pañc.

⋙ nirāsu

   ○āsu (l), mfn. v. l. for -ambu MBh.

⋙ nirāstha

   ○āstha mf(ā)n. not interested in anything, not intent upon (comp.) Kathās.

⋙ nirāspada

   ○āspada mfn. restless, homeless, portionless, objectless MW.

⋙ nirāsrava

   ○āsrava mfn. sinless Divyāv. (printed ○śrava)

⋙ nirāsvāda

   ○āsvāda mfn. tasteless, insipid, unsavoury MBh. Hariv. 
   • -rasa mfn. (herbs) not tasting of anything MBh.

⋙ nirāsvādya

   ○āsvādya mfn. giving no enjoyment 
   • -tama mfn. most unsavoury R.

⋙ nirāhāra

   ○āhāra m. want of food, fasting Yājñ. 
   • mf(ā)n. having no food or abstaining from it MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -tā f. foodlessness, fasting MBh. Kathās.

⋙ niriṅga

   ○iṅga mfn. immovable, not flickering MBh.

⋙ niriccha

   ○iccha mfn. without wish or desire, indifferent ib.

⋙ nirindriya

   ○indriya (nír-), mf(ā)n. impotent, destitute of manly vigour or strength AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • barren (a cow) KaṭhUp. 
   • infirm, weak, frail Mn. ix, 18 (or = pramāṇa-rahita Kull.) 
   • having no organs of sense L.

⋙ nirindhana

   ○indhana mfn. destitute of fuel MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ nirīti

   ○īti mfn. free from calamities or afflictions Ragh. 
   • -ka mf(ā)n. auspicious R.

⋙ nirīśa

   ○īśa -īṣa

⋙ nirīśvara

   ○īśvara mfn. godless, atheistic 
   • -vāda m. athṭatheistic doctrine MW. 
   • -vādin mfn. holding athṭatheistic doctrine ib. 
   • -sāṃkhya-śāstra n. the Sāṃkhya doctrine in a restricted sense (excluding the Yoga-Sāṃkhya) Sarvad.

⋙ nirīṣa

   ○īṣa n. the body of a plough, or mfn. without a pole or shaft L. (v. l. -īśa)

⋙ nirīha

   ○īha mfn. motionless, inactive, desireless, indifferent, unanxious MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ā), f. (cf. BhP.) = tā f. (cf. MBh.), -tva n. (cf. MW.), ○hâvasthā f. (cf. Sāh.) absence of effort or desire, indifference

⋙ nirucchvāsa

   ○ucchvāsa mf(ā)n. not breathing, breathless MBh. Suśr. &c.  
   • narrow, contracted, crowded W. 
   • m. breathlessness (-nipīḍita mfn. afflicted by bṭbreathlessness) 
   • m. or n. N. of a partic. hell where the wicked cannot breathe L.

⋙ nirutkanṭha

   ○utkanṭha mfn. free from longing or desire Śak.

⋙ niruttara

   ○uttara mfn. having no superior L. 
   • answerless, silenced Hariv. Kathās. &c 
   • n. = -tantra n. N. of a Tantra 
   • ○rī- √kṛ, to make unable to answer, silence Kathās.

⋙ niruttha

   ○uttha mfn. irrecoverable Bhpr.

⋙ nirutpāta

   ○utpāta mf(ā)n. free from portents Hariv.

⋙ nirutsava

   ○utsava mfn. having no festivals Ragh. BhP. 
   • ○vârambha mfn. making or showing no preparation for a festival Śak.

⋙ nirutsāha

   ○utsāha m. absence of exertion, indolence Hariv. 
   • mf(ā)n. without energy or courage, indolent, indifferent MBh. R. &c 
   • despondent of (loc.) MBh. vii, 1836 
   • -tā f. Pañc,

⋙ nirutsuka

   ○utsuka mfn. careless, indifferent, tranquil MBh. Kāv. 
   • m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata Hariv. 
   • of one of the Saptarshis under the 13th Manu ib.

⋙ nirudaka

   ○udaka mfn. waterless Pāṇ. 6-2, 184 BhP. Hcat. (wṛ. -ūd○)

⋙ nirudara

   ○udara mfn. having no belly or trunk Kāv.

⋙ niruddeśam

   ○uddeśam ind, without any statement Kād.

⋙ niruddrāva

   ○uddrāva mfn. immovable, undecaying W.

⋙ niruddhati

   ○uddhati mfn. (chariot) not jolting Śak. vii, 10 (v. l.)

⋙ nirudyama

   ○udyama mfn. effortless, inactive, lazy MBh. &c

⋙ nirudyoga

   ○udyoga mfn. id. ib. 
   • disheartened R. 
   • causeless (?) MW.

⋙ nirudvigna

   ○udvigna mfn. unexcited, sedate, calm MBh. R. 
   • -manas mfn. undisturbed in mind ib.

⋙ nirudvega

   ○udvega mfn. = -udvigna ib.

⋙ nirunmāda

   ○unmāda mfn. free from pride or arrogance Sāh.

⋙ nirupakārin

   ○upakārin mfn. not assisting, inofficious Subh.

⋙ nirupakrama

   ○upakrama mfn. not to be cured, incurable Car. 
   • having no commencement BhP.

⋙ nirupakriya

   ○upakriya mfn. not useful or profitable Kathās.

⋙ nirupadrava

   ○upadrava mfn. free from affliction or danger, neither inflicting nor incurring adversity, harmless, peaceful, secure, happy MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (also -upadruta) not inauspicious (as stars) Var. 
   • -tā f. absence of danger, security Kull.

⋙ nirupadhi

   ○upadhi mfn. guileless, blameless, honest, secure Kāv. 
   • jīvana mfn. leading an honest life (-tā f. Dhūrtas.) 
   • -pālita-prakṛtika mfn. (prob.) one whose subjects are protected from danger or harm Inscr. 
   • -śeṣa mfn. one in whom no remainder of guile is left Buddh. 
   • (said of Nirvsṇa) Divyâv.

⋙ nirupapatti

   ○upapatti mfn. unfit, unsuitable 
   • -tva n. ib.

⋙ nirupapada

   ○upapada mfn. having no epithet Mṛicch. x, 17/18 
   • not connected with a subordinate word Sch.

⋙ nirupaplava

   ○upaplava mfn. untroubled, unmolested, unharmed Śak. iii, 0/1 (v. l. upadrava) 
   • m. not causing adversity', N. of Siva Śivag.

⋙ nirupabhoga

   ○upabhoga mfn not enjoying Sāṃkhyak.

⋙ nirupama

   ○upama mf(ā)n. peerless, unequalled, incomparable Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of a man L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.

⋙ nirupayoga

   ○upayoga mfn. useless, unserviceable Hcar.

⋙ nirupala

   ○upala mfn. stoneless, g. nirudakâdi

⋙ nirupalepa

   ○upalepa mfn. unsmeared L.

⋙ nirupasarga

   ○upasarga mfn. free from portents, auspicious, Var

⋙ nirupasṛṣṭa

   ○upasṛṣṭa mfn. undamaged ib.

⋙ nirupaskṛta

   ○upaskṛta mfn. unimpaired by (instr.), simple, pure MBh.

⋙ nirupasthāyaka

   ○upasthāyaka mfn. unattended Divyāv.

⋙ nirupahata

   ○upahata mfn. unhurt, uninjured 
   • harmless, auspicious Var.

⋙ nirupahita

   ○upahita mfn. (in phil.) with out Upa-dhi dr Upâ-dhi ( s.v.)

⋙ nirupākhya

   ○upâkhya mf(ā)n. destitute of all qualification Sarvad. 
   • immaterial, unreal, false, non-existent L. 
   • indescribable, inexpressible Naish. 
   • -tva n. Saṃk.

⋙ nirupādāna

   ○upâdāna mfn. free from desire or clinging to life, Divy and v. (cf. MWB. 44 ; 102 &c.)

⋙ nirupādhi

   ○upâdhi (cf. VP.) and mfn. without attributes or qualities, absolute

⋙ nirupādhika

   ○upâḍdhika (cf. BhP. ), mfn. without attributes or qualities, absolute

⋙ nirupāya

   ○upâya mfn. without expedients, helpless, unsuccessful Kām.

⋙ nirupekṣa

   ○upêkṣa mfn. not neglectful 
   • free from trick or fraud W.

⋙ niruṣṇatā

   ○uṣṇatā f. want of heat, coldness, rigidity 
   • ○tāṃ √nī, to bring to coldness, kill Daś.

⋙ niruṣṇīṣa

   ○uṣṇīṣa mfn. without a turban or head-dress, bareheaded Rājat.

⋙ niruṣman

   ○uṣman &c., wṛ. for -ūṣm○. -1

⋙ nirūḍha

   ○ūḍha mfn. unmarried W.

⋙ nirūdaka


⋙ nirūpama


⋙ nirūpākhya

   ○ūpâkhya wṛ. for -ud○, -up &c

⋙ niruṣman

   ○uṣman mfn. devoid of heat, cold MBh. Hariv. (○maka Jātakam.) 
   • ○ma-tva n. coldness MBh. -1

⋙ niruha

   ○uha m. a complete sentence, one having no ellipsis W.

⋙ nirṛṇa

   ○ṛṇa (cf. Siṃhâs.),

⋙ nirṛṇin

   ○ṛḍṇin (cf. Nār. Sch.), mfn. free from debts. - 1

⋙ nireka

   ○eka mfn. excluding one' Jyot.

⋙ nirenas

   ○enas mfn. free from guilt Śiś.

⋙ niroṣṭhya

   ○oṣṭhya n. absence of all labials ib. Sch.

⋙ nirauṣadha

   ○auṣadha mfn. incurable, Pracaṇḍ

⋙ nirgandha

   ○gandha mfn. void of smell, inodorous Suśr. Kāv. &c 
   • -tā f. scentlessness Kum. 
   • -puṣpī f. Salmalia Mala- barica L.

⋙ nirgarbha

   ○garbha mfn. having no germ or sprout in it, AP

⋙ nirgarva

   ○garva mfn. free from pride, humble Rājat.

⋙ nirgarha

   ○garha mf(ā)n. blameless Kathās.  

⋙ nirgavākṣa

   ○gavâkṣa mfn. windowless Kām.

⋙ nirgahana

   ○gahana mfn. knowing no difficulties', intrepid Vcar.

⋙ nirguṇa

   ○guṇa mf(ā)n. having no cord or string, Kiv 
   • having no good qualities or virtues, bad, worthless, vicious MBh. R. &c 
   • devoid of all qualities or properties Up. MBh. &c 
   • having no epithet, KatyŚr. Sch. 
   • (said of the Supreme Being) W. 
   • -ka mfn. having no qualities RāmatUp. 
   • -tattva n. N. of wk 
   • -tā f. -tva n. absence of qualities or properties 
   • want of good qualities, wickedness, viciousness MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • ○ṇâmasa mfn. of bad or vicious mind Kāv. 
   • ○ṇâtmaka mfn. having no qualities MBh.

⋙ nirgulika

   ○gulika mfn. having no pill Kathās.

⋙ nirgulma

   ○gulma mf(ā)n. shrubless MBh.

⋙ nirgṛha

   ○gṛha mf(ī) u. houseless, Pañc,

⋙ nirgaurava

   ○gaurava mf(ā)n. without dignity 
   • (am), ind. Rājat.

⋙ nirgrantha

   ○grantha mfn. free from all ties or hindrances BhP. 
   • without possessions, poor L. 
   • a saint who has withdrawn from the world and lives either as a hermit or a religious mendicant wandering about naked Var. Buddh. 
   • a fool, idiot L. 
   • a gam. bler L. 
   • murder, manslaughter Gal. 
   • ○thaka mfn. unattended, deserted, alone L. 
   • fruitless L. 
   • clever, expert L. 
   • m. a naked Jaina or Buddhist mendicant L. 
   • n. (?) Jainism or Buddhism MW. 
   • ○thana n. killing, slaughter L. 
   • ○tha-śāstra n. N. of wk 
   • ○thi mfn. free from knots, knotless L. 
   • without blemish, perfect (○thi-ramaṇīyatā, Caṇḍak.) 
   • ○thika mfn. clever, conversant L. 
   • = hīna L. 
   • m. = ○thaka m

⋙ nirghaṭa

   ○ghaṭa n. a great fair, crowded market, free market 
   • a place where there is no quay or steps L.

⋙ nirghṛṇa

   ○ghṛṇa mf(ā)n. unmerciful, cruel MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • shameless, immodest W. 
   • (am), ind. cruelly MBh. 
   • (ā), f. (in sa-nir-ghṛṇa), -tā f. (cf. Bhartṛ.), -tva, n. (cf. MarkP.) pitilessness, cruelty. -1

⋙ nirghoṣa

   ○ghoṣa mf(ā)n. soundless, noiseless MBh. 
   • ○ṣâkṣara-vimukta m. N. of a Samādhi

⋙ nirjana

   ○jana mf(ā)n. unpeopled, lonely, desolate MBh. R. 
   • m. or n. solitude, desert R. Rājat. 
   • -tā f. (cf. Rājat.), -tva n. (Sah.) depopulation, voidness 
   • -vana n. a lonely or unfrequented forest MW.

⋙ nirjantu

   ○jantu mfn. free from living creatures (worms &c.) HYog.

⋙ nirjara

   ○jara mfn. (in some cases ○ras Pāṇ. 7-2, 101) not becoming old, young, fresh BhP. 
   • imperishable, immortal W. 
   • m. a god Rsjat. 
   • (ā), f. Cocculus Cordifolius or Anethum Graveolens L. 
   • n. ambrosia or nectar L. 
   • -paṇya-yoṣit f. immortal courtezan', an Apsaras Vcar. 
   • -sarṣapa m. a species of mustard L.

⋙ nirjarāyu

   ○jarāyu (nír.), mfn. (snake) that has cast its skin AV.

⋙ nirjarjalpa

   ○jarjalpa (nír-), mfn. tattered VS. (cf. Mahīdh 
   • vḷ. TS. -jalmaka)

⋙ nirjala

   ○jala mf(ā)n. waterless, dry (m. or n. a dry country, desert, waste MBh. R.) 
   • not mixed with water (as buttermilk) L. 
   • ○la-toyadâbha mfn. of the colour of a waterless cloud i.e. white, fair MW. 
   • ○lanmināya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like a fish without water, Bhsm 
   • ○lâkādaśī f. the 11th day in the light half of the month Jyaishṭha (on which even the drinking of water is forbidden) Col.

⋙ nirjalada

   ○jalada mf(ā)n. cloudless Subh.

⋙ nirjāḍya

   ○jāḍya mfn. free from coldless L.

⋙ nirjālmaka

   ○jālmaka (nír.), mfn. maneless TS. Sch. (cf. jarjalpa)

⋙ nirjijñāsa

   ○jijñāsa mfn. not desirous of knowing or understanding, Nysyas. Sch.

⋙ nirjihva

   ○jihva mfn. tongueless MBh. 
   • n. a frog L.

⋙ nirjīva

   ○jīva mf(ā)n. lifeless, dead MBh. &c 
   • -karaṇa n. killing, striking dead (with gen.) Kathās. xvii, 15 (wṛ. -kār○) 
   • ○vita mfn. = -jīva 
   • ○ta-tva n. Vajracch.

⋙ nirjñāti

   ○jñāti mfn. having no kinsfolk MBh.

⋙ nirjñāna

   ○jñāna mf(ā)n. ignorant, stupid, silly Kathās.

⋙ nirjyotis

   ○jyotis mfn. lightless, dark Hcar.

⋙ nirjvara

   ○jvara mfn. feverless, healthy L.

⋙ nirdaṃśin

   ○daṃśin mfn. (snake) not biting or stinging AitBr.

⋙ nirdaṭa

   ○daṭa or mfn. (Prākr. for dṛta fr. √dṛ, cf, ā-dṛ?) unkind, malicious, censorious, slanderous

⋙ nirdaḍa

   ○daḍa mfn. (Prākr. for dṛta fr. √dṛ, cf, ā-dṛ?) unkind, malicious, censorious, slanderous 
   • useless, unnecessary 
   • mad, intoxicated L.

⋙ nirdaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa mfn. not punishing MBh. 
   • a Sūdra L. (as the staffless?)

⋙ nirdanta

   ○danta mfn. (elephant) having no teeth or tusks Subh.

⋙ nirdaya

   ○daya mf(ā)n. pitiless, unkind, cruel, hard, violent, excessive MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • unpitied by any Mn. ix, 239 
   • (am), ind. unmercifully, passionately, violently, greatly Kāv. (○ya-taram Bhartṛ. i, 64) 
   • -tva n. unmercifulness, cruelty, Ksv 
   • ○ya-danta-daṃśa m. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth) Gīt. 
   • ○ya-rati-śramâtasa mf(ā)n. tired by passionate amorous sports Ragh. xix, 32 
   • ○yâsleṣa m. a passionate embrace Megh. 105. -1

⋙ nirdara

   ○dara mfn. (fr. √dṛ  
   • cf. -daṭa) pitiless, hard, shameless 
   • (am), ind. exessively, strongly L.

⋙ nirdaraṇa

   ○daraṇa mf(ā)n. free from clefts or holes, Kam

⋙ nirdaśa

   ○daśa mfn. more than ten days old, happened more than ten days ago (-tā f. ĀpGṛ.) AitBr. Mn. &c. (cf. a -nir-d○).  

⋙ nirdasana

   ○dasana mfn. toothless Hit. 
   • ○nâkṣi-jihva mfn. deprived of teeth and eyes and tongue MBh.

⋙ nirdasyu

   ○dasyu mfn. (a place) free from robbers MBh. Hariv. -1

⋙ nirdahana

   ○dahana mfn. (for 2. nir-dah) not burning W.

⋙ nirdākṣiṇya

   ○dākṣiṇya mfn. uncourteous Kād.

⋙ nirdāridrya

   ○dāridrya mfn. free from poverty, wealthy Kathās.

⋙ nirduḥkha

   ○duḥkha mfn. painless, not feeling or causing pain MBh. Kathās. 
   • -tva n. painlessness Bhāshāp.

⋙ nirdurdina

   ○durdina mfn. 'free from bad weather', serene, bright Dhanaṃj.

⋙ nirdeva

   ○deva (nir-), mfn. abandoned by the gods TS. 
   • without gods or idols Subh.

⋙ nirdainya

   ○dainya mfn. free from misery, comfortable, at ease Kathās. Rājat.

⋙ nirdoṣa

   ○doṣa mf(ā)n. faultless, defectless, guiltless, innocent MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • infallible Sarvad. 
   • -kula-sārâvali f. N. of wk 
   • -tā f. faultlessness Sch. 
   • ○ṣī-karaṇa n. rendering innocuous, paralyzing Bhpr. 
   • ○ṣī-kṛta mfn. cleared from guilt MW.

⋙ nirdravya

   ○dravya mfn. immaterial MBh. 
   • without property, poor

⋙ nirdrnma

   ○drnma mfn. treeless 
   • ○mī- √kṛ, to deprive of trees Vcar.

⋙ nirdroha

   ○droha mfn. not hostile or malicious, friendly, Rajat

⋙ nirdvaṃdva

   ○dvaṃdva mfn. indifferent to the alternatives or opposite pairs (of feelings, as pleasure and pain), neither glad nor sorry &c. MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • not standing in mutual relation, independent (as brahman) MBh. i, 3315 ; xii, 489= xiv, 314 
   • free from envy or jealousy MBh. Kathās. 
   • not contested, indisputed MBh. 
   • not double W. 
   • not acknowledging two principles ib.

⋙ nirdhana

   ○dhana mfn. without property, poor MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (an enterprise) undertaken without money Cāṇ. 
   • m. an old bull L. 
   • -tā f. (cf. Mṛicch.), -tva n. (cf. MBh. Pañc.) poverty, indigence 
   • ○nī- √kṛ (cf. Daś.) to make poor 
   • ○nī- √bhū (cf. Kull.) to become poor

⋙ nirdharma

   ○dharma mfn. unrighteous, lawless, impious, Kathss 
   • 'unproper. tied' Kap. (-tva n.) 
   • m. unrighteousness, in ○ma-mūrkhatā f. unrṭunrighteousness and foolishness Kathās. 
   • ○mârtha mfn. unjust and useless MBh.

⋙ nirdhārtarāṣṭra

   ○dhārtarāṣṭra mfn. having no descendants of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, free from them MBh.

⋙ nirdhuma

   ○dhuma mfn. smokeless Mālatīm. 
   • -tva n. DeviibhP

⋙ nirnamaskāra

   ○namaskāra mf(ā)n. offering no homage (e.g. to the gods), not respecting any one, uncourteous MBh. R. &c 
   • unrespected, despised by all Mn. Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nirnara

   ○nara mfn. abandoned by men, deserted Hariv.

⋙ nirnāṇaka

   ○nāṇaka mfn. coinless, penniless Mṛicch. ii, 6

⋙ nirnātha

   ○nātha mfn. protectorless, without a lord or guardian Kād. 
   • -tā f. MBh.

⋙ nirnābhi

   ○nābhi mfn. (with. out i.e.) not reaching to the navel 
   • -kauścya. n. a silken garment not reaching to the not Kum.

⋙ nirnāyaka

   ○nāyaka mfn. having no leader or ruler, anarchic (as a country) Subh. 
   • -tva n. Nīlak.

⋙ nirnidra

   ○nidra mfn. sleepless 
   • -ta f. Rājat.

⋙ nirnimitta

   ○nimitta mfn. without reason or motive, causeless Nyāyas., Sch, (-tva n. Śaṃk.) 
   • having no egoistic motive, disinterested Kād. 
   • (am), ind. without cause Var. 
   • ○ta-kṛta mfn. produced without a visible cause ib.

⋙ nirnimeṣa

   ○nimeṣa mfn. not twinkling (cakṣus) Śatr. 
   • not closing the eye Naish.

⋙ nirnirodha

   ○nirodha mf(ā)n. unobstructed Rājat.

⋙ nirnīḍa

   ○nīḍa mfn. having no nest BhP.

⋙ nirbandhu

   ○bandhu mfn. without relations or friends MBh.

⋙ nirbarha

   ○barha mfn. (a peacock) without tailfeathers Vās.

⋙ nirbala

   ○bala mfn. powerless, weak Hit.

⋙ nirbāṇa

   ○bāṇa mfn. arrowless L. = 1

⋙ nirbādha

   ○bādha mfn. free from vexation or annoyance Kathās.

⋙ nirbīja

   ○bīja mfn. seedless, impotent (-tva n. Tattvas.) 
   • (ā), f. a _ sort of grape without seeds or stones L.

⋙ nirbuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. senseless, ignorant, stupid Mṛicch. Pañc.

⋙ nirbusa

   ○busa mfn. free from chaff 
   • ○sī-kṛta mfn. freed from chaff, husked L.

⋙ nirbodha

   ○bodha v. l. for -buddhi, q.v. -1

⋙ nirbhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. (medicine) taken without eating Suśr.

⋙ nirbhaya

   ○bhaya n. fearlessness, security Hcat. 
   • mf(ā)n. fearless, not afraid of (comp.) 
   • free from danger, secure, tranquil (am ind. fearlessly &c.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv. 
   • -bhīma, N. of a play 
   • -rāmabhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nirbhara

   ○bhara mf(ā)n. without weight or measure', excessive, vehement, violent 
   • deep, sound (as sleep), ardent (as an embrace) Kāv. &c 
   • full of, abounding in Kathās. Pur. &c. (also ○rita with instr. Cat.) 
   • (am), ind. excessively, violently, very much, deeply. soundly. Kathās. Hit. 
   • ○ra-nidrā f. sound sleep Hit. 
   • ○raparirambha m. a passionate embrace Gīt. 
   • ○rapraṇayitā f. deep affection Amar. 
   • ○ra-rahaḥ-krīḍa f. excessive amorous sport Bhartṛ. 
   • ○ra-sambhoga m. excessive enjoyment Rājat. =

⋙ nirbhastraka

   ○bhastraka mf(akā or ikā) n. PIṇ. vii, 3, 47 Kāś.

⋙ nirbhāga

   ○bhāga mfn. not consisting of parts 
   • -tva n. Kap.

⋙ nirbhāgya

   ○bhāgya mfn. unfortunate L. -s

⋙ nirbhinna

   ○bhinna mfn. undistinguished, equal, like W.  

⋙ nirbhī

   ○bhī mfn. fearless, not afraid

⋙ nirbhīka

   ○bhīka mfn. id. Car.

⋙ nirbhīta

   ○bhīta mfn. id. R. BhP.

⋙ nirbhugna

   ○bhugna mfn. not bent, straight, flat W.

⋙ nirbhuja

   ○bhuja mf(ā)n. N. of a kind of Saṃdhi or Saṃhitā, RPrat 
   • n. = saṃhitā AitĀr.

⋙ nirbhṛti

   ○bhṛti mfn. without wages, hireless L. -1

⋙ nirbheda

   ○bheda mf(ā)n. uninterrupted Hariv.

⋙ nirbhedya

   ○bhedya mfn. having no cleft or fissure Kām. 
   • missing the aim R.

⋙ nirbhoga

   ○bhoga mfn. not devoted to pleasure or enjoyment MBh.

⋙ nirmakṣika

   ○makṣika mfn. free from flies, g. nir-udakâdi 
   • (am), n. or ind. the being free from flies i.e. from troublesome people, complete solitude, ○kaṃ-vartate Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Kāś. 
   • ○kaṃ kṛtam Śak.

⋙ nirmajja

   ○majja mfn. marrowless, fatless, meagre Hariv.

⋙ nirmaṇḍuka

   ○maṇḍuka mfn. frogless, destitute of frogs MW.

⋙ nirmatsara

   ○matsara mfn. without envy or jealousy, unselfish Rājat. BhP.

⋙ nirmatsya

   ○matsya mfn. fishless 
   • -tā f. Pañc.

⋙ nirmada

   ○mada mfn. unintoxicated, sober, quiet, humble, modest MBh. Rājat. Kathās. 
   • (elephant) not in rut Var.

⋙ nirmadhya

   ○madhyá mfn. having no middle TS. 
   • (ā), f. a partic. fragrant substance (prob. wṛ. for nirmathyā)

⋙ nirmanaska

   ○manaska mfn. mindless, having no Manas 
   • -tā f. Kām.

⋙ nirmanuja

   ○manuja mfn. unpeopled, uninhabited, desolate BhP.

⋙ nirmanuṣya

   ○manuṣya mf(ā)n. id. R. (with mātaṅga m. an elephant without riders MBh.) 
   • -mṛga mfn. (a forest) without men or deer R.

⋙ nirmantu

   ○mantu mfn. faultless, innocent HYog.

⋙ nirmantra

   ○mantra mfn. (a ceremony) unaccompanied by holy texts MBh. 
   • not familiar with holy texts MBh. xii, 1339 (= Mn. ii, 158, where v. l. an-ṛca)

⋙ nirmanyu

   ○manyu mfn. free from anger or resentment MBh. Kathās. 
   • m. N. of a hunter Hariv.

⋙ nirmama

   ○mama mf(ā)n. unselfish, disinterested, (esp.) free from all worldly connections MBh. R. &c 
   • regardless of, indifferent to (loc.) ib. 
   • m. (with Jainas) N. of 15th Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī 
   • N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • -tā f. (Ksv.), 1. -tva n. (cf. Pur.) complete unselfishness or indifference ( nís) 
   • 2. -tva mfn. free from selfishness, indifferent Kull.

⋙ nirmaryāda

   ○maryāda mfn. boundless, immeasurable, innumerable Var. MBh. 
   • unlimited, unrestrained, unruly, wicked, criminal MBh. R. &c 
   • (am), ind. confusedly, topsy-turvy MBh. 
   • n. confusion, disturbance of boundaries or rules ib. 
   • a kind of fight Hariv.

⋙ nirmala

   ○mala mf(ā)n. spotless, unsullied, clean, pure, shining, resplendent, bright Up. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • sinless, virtuous Mn. viii, 318 
   • m. N. of Skanda AV. Pariś 
   • pl. N. of a sect W. 
   • n. talc L. 
   • = nir-mālya n. L. 
   • ○la-gada mfn. having a bright mace MBh. 
   • ○la-tā, f. (cf. Hariv.), ○la-tva n. (cf. Bhag. Var.) stainlessness, cleanness, purity 
   • ○la-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha W. 
   • ○la-prakāśa m. N. of wk 
   • ○la-bhaṭṭ m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • ○lâñjana n. N. of ch. of the Prakaraṇa-pañcikā 
   • ○lâtma-vat mfn. having a pure mind Hcat. 
   • ○lī-karaṇa n. cleansing, purification Pat. 
   • ○lī-kṛta mfn. freed from impurity, cleansed, cleared, Vās 
   • ○lôpala m. crystal L.

⋙ nirmalīmasa

   ○malīmasa mfn. spotless, clean, pure L.

⋙ nirmaśaka

   ○maśaka mfn. free from gnats or mosquitoes, g. nir-udakâdi

⋙ nirmāṃsa

   ○māṃsa mfn. fleshless, emaciated MBh. R. &c

⋙ nirmādhyastha

   ○mādhyastha n. absence of impartiality, interest, sympathy R. (B.)

⋙ nirmāna

   ○māna mfn. without self-confidence, free from pride MBh. Kāv.

⋙ nirmānuṣa

   ○mānuṣa mf(ā)n. unpeopled, desolate Kād. Kathās. 
   • (e), ind. in a solitary place Rājat. 
   • ○ṣī- √kṛ, to depopulate Priy.

⋙ nirmāya

   ○māya (nír-), mfn. powerless, weak TS. -1

⋙ nirmārga

   ○mārga mfn. roadless, pathless Kām.

⋙ nirmālī

   ○mālī f. = ○lyā (next)

⋙ nirmālya

   ○mālya mfn. cast out or left from a garland, useless, unfit Gṛihyās. Vajracch. (-tā f.) 
   • worn the day before Daś. 
   • = nir-mala L. 
   • (ā), f. Trigonella Cornicuīata L. 
   • n. the remains of an offering to a deity, flowers left at a sacrificial ceremony MBh. 
   • the remains i.e. a feeble reflex of (gen.), Balar. i, 40 
   • stainlessness, purity W. 
   • -dāman n. a garland made of flowers left at a sacrifice Ṛitus. iv, 15

⋙ nirmithya

   ○mithya mfn. not false, true HYog.

⋙ nirmuṇḍa

   ○muṇḍa m. 'very bald' (?), a eunuch Bhar.

⋙ nirmūla

   ○mūla mfn. rootless (as a tree) MBh. 
   • baseless, unfounded BhP. 
   • eradicated W. 
   • ○la-tā f. rootlessness, baselessness Prab. 
   • ○lana m. an uprooter, Damayantīk 
   • n. uprooting, extirpating Bhartṛ. 
   • ○laya, Nom, P. ○yati, to up√, eradicate, annihilate Kād.

⋙ nirmuṣaka

   ○muṣaka mfn. free from mice Kathās.

⋙ nirmṛga

   ○mṛga mfn. deerless R.

⋙ nirmegha

   ○megha mf(ā)n. cloudless BhP.

⋙ nirmedha

   ○medha mfn. without understanding, stupid 
   • ○dhâśrama m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ nirmogha

   ○mogha v. l. for next

⋙ nirmoha

   ○moha mfn. 'free from illusion', N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • of a son of the fifth Manu Hariv. 
   • of one of the Saptarshis under the 13th Manu ib. (cf. nir-moka, below).  

⋙ niryatna

   ○yatna mfn. inactive, immovable, lazy Hariv. 
   • -tā f. inactivity ib.

⋙ niryantraṇa

   ○yantraṇa mfn. unrestrained, uncontrolled, self-willed, independent Kāv. Suśr. (also ○trita W.) 
   • (am), ind. without restraint Ṛitus. Rājat. 
   • -pradeśâvasthita mfn. being at a place where no restraint is needed Kull.

⋙ niryaśaska

   ○yaśaska mfn. inglorious MBh.

⋙ niryādava

   ○yādava mfn. freed from the Yādavas Hariv. -1

⋙ niryukti

   ○yukti f. want of union or connection (esp. in gram.) 
   • unfitness, impropriety W. 
   • mfn. unfounded, illogical, wrong Gol. 
   • ○tika mfn. id., ○tika-tva n. L.

⋙ niryūtha

   ○yūtha mfn. separated or strayed from the herd (as an elephant) Hariv.

⋙ niryogakṣema

   ○yoga-kṣema mfn. free from care or anxiety about acquisition or possession, Bh. ii, 45

⋙ nirlakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having no special marks, undistinguished, insignificant, plain, ill-featured R. Kathās. 
   • unworthy, fit for nothing Kād. 
   • unspotted W.

⋙ nirlakṣya

   ○lakṣya mfn. inobservable, invisible Kathās.

⋙ nirlajja

   ○lajja mf(ā)n. shameless, impudent (-tā f.) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirlavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa mfn. graceless (figure) Subh.

⋙ nirliṅga

   ○liṅga mfn. having no characteristic marks, indefinable (as ātman, brahman) MBh.

⋙ nirlipta

   ○lipta m. 'unsmeared, undefiled', N. of Kṛishṇa, Brahmavp 
   • a sage W.

⋙ nirlepa

   ○lepa mfn. unsmeared, free from fatty substances Mn. v, 112 
   • stainless, sinless L. 
   • not attached to anything L. 
   • (am), ind. completely (so as to leave nothing that clings or sticks) Śaṃk. 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • a sage W.

⋙ nirlobha

   ○lobha mfn. free from desire, unavaricious Rājat. 
   • -tva n. Sinhās

⋙ nirloma

   ○loma mfn. hairless, smooth Kauś.

⋙ nirloha

   ○loha n. myrrh L.

⋙ nirvaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa mfn. having no family standing alone Hit. -i

⋙ nirvacana

   ○vacana mfn. not speaking, silent Śukas. 
   • unobjectionable, blameless MBh. (am), ind. silently Kum. vii, 19

⋙ nirvaṇa

   ○vaṇa m. or n. a country without forests L. 
   • mfn. = -vana 
   • (○ṇe), ind. in the open country Pāṇ. vi, 2, 178 ; viii, 4, 5, Kā3

⋙ nirvatasla

   ○vatasla mf(ā) n. not lovingly clinging to (esp. to children, with loc.), Veṇis. v, 3 ; vi, 17

⋙ nirvatsaśiśupumgava

   ○vatsa-śiśu-pumgava mfn. deprived of calves and young bulls Hariv.

⋙ nirvana

   ○vana mfn. having no wood, being out of a wood or in the open country MBh. v, 863 (cf. -vaṇa)

⋙ nirvara

   ○vara mfn. excellent L.

⋙ nirvaruṇam

   ○varuṇám ind. without falling into Varuṇa's power TS. (cf. a-v○) 
   • -ṇá-tā f. (JBr.) 
   • ○ṇa-tvá n. (TS) deliverance from Varuṇa's pṭpower

⋙ nirvarti

   ○varti mfn. wickless Kād.

⋙ nirvalkala

   ○valkala mfn. barkless Mṛicch. i, 51,

⋙ nirvaśa

   ○vaśa mfn. having no free will, dependent on another 
   • -tā f. Hcar.

⋙ nirvaṣaṭkāramaṅgala

   ○vaṣaṭkāra-maṅgala mfn. destitute of sacrifices and festivities Kathās.

⋙ nirvasu

   ○vasu mfn. without property, poor 
   • -tva n. Rājat.

⋙ nirvastra

   ○vastra mfn. unclothed 
   • ○strī- √kṛ to rob a person of his clothes Subh.

⋙ nirvākya

   ○vākya mf(ā)n. speechless R.

⋙ nirvāc

   ○vāc mfn. id. BhP. -1

⋙ nirvācya

   ○vācya mfn. unobjectionable, blameless 
   • improper to be said W.

⋙ nirvāṇī

   ○vāṇī f. (with Jainas) N. of a deity who executes the commands of the 16th Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī. -1

⋙ nirvāta

   ○vāta mfn. free from wind, sheltered, still Pañc. 
   • m. a calm, a place sheltered from wind 
   • -stha mfn. standing sheltered from the wind MBh. Hariv. -1

⋙ nirvāda

   ○vāda m. absence of dispute or railing W.

⋙ nirvānara

   ○vānara mfn. free from monkeys R.

⋙ nirvāyasa

   ○vāyasa mfn. free from crows Pañc.

⋙ nirvārāṇasi

   ○vārāṇasi mfn. one who has left Vārāṇasl Pāṇ. 6-2, 2. Vārtt. 3 Pat. -1

⋙ nirvāsana

   ○vāsana mfn. without fancy or imagination' Sāh.

⋙ nirvikalpa

   ○vikalpa mfn. (or ○pana L.) not admitting an alternative, free from change or differences, Tejob. Up. Vedântas. 
   • admitting no doubt, not wavering Bhartṛ. (am), ind. without hesitation or reflection Pañc. 
   • -vāda and -vicāra m. N. of wks

⋙ nirvikalpaka

   ○vikalpaka mfn. = -vikalpa BhP. Bhāshāp. Vedântas. 
   • n. knowledg not depending upon or derived from the senses W.

⋙ nirvikāra

   ○vikāra mfn. unchanged, unchangeable, uniform, normal MBh. (also -vat) Kāv. Suśr. 
   • -tā f. MBh.

⋙ nirvikāsa

   ○vikāsa mfn. not opening or expanded, unblown 
   • -tva n. Mallin,

⋙ nirvighaṭṭam

   ○vighaṭṭam ind. without any hindrance from (in comp.) Jātakam.

⋙ nirvighna

   ○vighna mf(ā)n. uninterrupted, unhindered Hariv. Kāv. 
   • (am and ena), ind. unobstructedly, freely Rājat. Sāh.

⋙ nirvicāra

   ○vicāra mf(ā)n. not needing any consideration Yogas. 
   • not reflecting or considering Rājat. 
   • (am), ind. without reflection, inconsiderately R.

⋙ nirvicikitsa

   ○vicikitsa mf(ā)n. without reflecting much (am ind.) Kull. 
   • indubitable Sarvad.

⋙ nirviceṣṭa

   ○viceṣṭa mfn. motionless, insensible MBh. R. -

⋙ nirvitarka

   ○vitarka mfn. unreflecting, inconsiderate Yogas.

⋙ nirvidya

   ○vidya mfn. unlearned, uneducated Kām.

⋙ nirvidhitsa

   ○vidhitsa mfn. not wishing to do, having no designs MBh.

⋙ nirvinoda

   ○vinoda mfn. having no pastime, void of solace or diversion Megh. Vcar.  

⋙ nirvindhyā

   ○vindhyā f. 'being outside or coming from the Vindhya', N. of a river Var. Kālid. &c

⋙ nirvibandha

   ○vibandha mfn. offering no obstacles, quite fit for (gen.) Bālar. vii, 43/44 
   • inoffensive, harmless ib. ix, 53

⋙ nirvimarśa

   ○vimarśa mfn. (also written ○ṣa) unreflecting, inconsiderate Kathās. 
   • not having the Saṃdhi called Vimarśa Sāh.

⋙ nirvirodha

   ○virodha mf(ā)n. not being opposed to (comp.), Jātakā

⋙ nirvivara

   ○vivara mfn. having no opening or rent, close, contiguous, Kathss 
   • -tā f. close, contiguousness (as of female breasts) 
   • agreement, understanding Śiś. ix, 44

⋙ nirvivāda

   ○vivāda mfn. having no context, agreeing MBh. 
   • incontestable Sāh. 
   • ○dī-√kṛ, to cause to agree, conciliate L.

⋙ nirviveka

   ○viveka mfn. undiscriminating, inconsiderate, foolish, Suhh 
   • -tā f. (cf. Pañcad.), -tva n. (cf. Kathās.) want of judgment, indiscretion

⋙ nirviśaṅka

   ○viśaṅka mf(ā)n. fearless, confident Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (am and ena), ind. without fear or hesitation Suśr. R. 
   • -"ṣkita mfn. = ○ka 
   • (am), ind. Hariv.

⋙ nirviśeṣa

   ○viśeṣa mf(ā)n. showing or making no difference, undiscriminating, without distinction MBh. R. &c 
   • not different from, same, like (comp.) Kālid. 
   • (with viśeṣa m. not the least difference Bhartṛ. iii, 54) 
   • unqualified, absolute Sarvad. 
   • (am and eṇa), ind. equally, alike, the same as (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • n. absence of difference, indiscriminateness, likeness MBh. vi, 5519 
   • ○ṣaṇa mfn. having no attributes BhP. 
   • ○ṣa-tā f. (cf. Bhām.), ○ṣa-tva n. (cf. MBh.) = ○ṣa, n 
   • ○ṣa-vat mfn. not different, indiscriminate, xii, 7516 
   • ○ṣâkṛti mfn. whose forms are precisely alike MW.

⋙ nirviṣa

   ○viṣa mf(ā)n. non-venomous (as a snake) MBh. R. &c 
   • ○ṣī- √kṛ to deliver from poison Bālar. Vet. 
   • (a and i), f. Kyllingia Monocephala L.

⋙ nirviṣaṅga

   ○viṣaṅga mfn. not attached to anything, indifferent BhP.

⋙ nirvisnaya

   ○visnaya mfn. having no dwelling-place or expelled from it (also ○yī-kṛta), banished from (comp.) Kāv. 
   • supportless, hanging in the air Hariv. 3645 
   • having no object or sphere of action Sāh. (-tva n. Saṃk.) 
   • not attached to sensual objects Kap. BhP. 
   • ○yâparāga mfn. unharmed by objects of sense MW.

⋙ nirviṣāṇa

   ○viṣāṇa mfn. having no tusks (as an elephant) MBh.

⋙ nirvisarga

   ○visarga mfn. without Visarga Mṛicch. Sch.

⋙ nirvihaṃga

   ○vihaṃga mfn. (wood) birdless Hariv.

⋙ nirvihāra

   ○vihāra mfn. having no pleasure ib.

⋙ nirvīja

   ○vīja -bīja

⋙ nirvīra

   ○vīra (nír-), mfn. deprived of men or heroes TS. (○rá-tā f. MaitrS.) 
   • unheroic, cowardly W. 
   • (ā), f. a woman whose husband and sons are dead L. 
   • N. of a river MBh. 
   • n. N. of a place of pilgrimage ib.

⋙ nirvīrudh

   ○vīrudh mfn. deprived of plants BhP.

⋙ nirvīrya

   ○vīrya (nír.), mfn. powerless, unmanly, impotent 
   • m. a weakling TBr. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • -tā f. unmanliess, powerlessness, impotence, exhaustion Āpast. BhP.

⋙ nirvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa mfn. destitute of trees MBh. 
   • -toya mfn. treeless and waterless Kathās. 
   • mṛga-pakṣin mfn. without trees or deer or birds MBh. -1

⋙ nirvṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. having no occupation, destitute W.

⋙ nirvṛṣa

   ○vṛṣa mfn. having no bulls Hariv.

⋙ nirvega

   ○vega mfn. without violent motion, quiet, calm R. Suśr.

⋙ nirvetana

   ○vetana mfn. unsalaried Rājat. -1

⋙ nirveda

   ○veda mfn. not having the Vedas, infidel, unscriptural W.

⋙ nirvepana

   ○vepana mfn. not trembling or flickering Var.

⋙ nirvaira

   ○vaíra n. absence of enmity, Bh. (also ○riṇa Tarkas.) 
   • mfn. free from enmity, peaceable, amicable Var. MBh. &c 
   • (am), ind. peaceably, without enmity R. 
   • m. N. of a hunter Hariv. 
   • -tā f. concord MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nirvailakṣya

   ○vailakṣya mfn. shameless L.

⋙ nirvyagra

   ○vyagra mfn. unconfused, calm BhP.

⋙ nirvyañjana

   ○vyañjana mfn. without condiment MBh. Hariv. 
   • (e), ind. in a plain manner, directly Pañc.

⋙ nirvyatha

   ○vyatha nifn, free from pain, quiet, calm MBh. Rājat.

⋙ nirvyathana

   ○vyathana mfn. id. Naish. 
   • n. a hole, cavern (as undisturbed) ib.

⋙ nirvyapatrapa

   ○vyapatrapa mfn. shameless Jātakam.

⋙ nirvyapekṣa

   ○vyapêkṣa mf(ā)n. disregarding, indifferent to (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Rājat.

⋙ nirvyalīka

   ○vyalīka mfn. not causing pain, (either = ) not offending, harmless (as a word) BhP. 
   • (or =) easy, hearty, willingly done (as a gift) MBh. 
   • not feeling pain or uneasiness, willing, ready, sincere, undissembling MBh. R. &c 
   • ○kena cetasā or hṛdā, with a willing or easy heart or mind MBh. 
   • (○kam or ○ka-tas), ind. sincerely, willingly BhP.

⋙ nirvyavadhāna

   ○vyavadhāna mfn. (ground) uncovered, bare Hcar.

⋙ nirvyavastha

   ○vyavastha mfn. not staying in a certain place, moving hither and thither Daś.

⋙ nirvyasana

   ○vyasana mfn. free from bad inclinations Kathās.

⋙ nirvyākula

   ○vyākula mfn. not troubled or excited, calm 
   • tā f. calmness, tranquillity, Pañc,

⋙ nirvyāghra

   ○vyāghra mfn. not haunted or infested by tigers MBh.  

⋙ nirvyāja

   ○vyāja mfn. free from deceit or ambiguity, undisputed 
   • exact, honest, sincere, pure MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (am), ind. exactly, plainly, honestly ib. 
   • -tā f. honesty, plainness, candour Bhartṛ. 
   • ○jī-kṛta mfn. made plain, freed from deceit or illusion, Śātiś

⋙ nirvyādhi

   ○vyādhi mfn. free from sickness, healthy, strong MBh. Car.

⋙ nirvyāpāra

   ○vyāpāra mfn. free from occupation', not busy, at leisure, passive Kāv. &c 
   • -tva n. (cf. Śaṃk.) = -sthiti f. (cf. L.) want of occupation, leisure

⋙ nirvyāvṛtti

   ○vyāvṛtti mfn. (emancipation) not involving any return (to worldly existence) Sarvad.

⋙ nirvraṇa

   ○vraṇa mfn. unwounded, unhurt MBh. BhP. 
   • undamaged, without notches or rents Mn. MBh. AgP.

⋙ nirvrata

   ○vrata mfn. neglecting religious observances or vows MBh.

⋙ nirvrīḍa

   ○vrīḍa mfn. shameless, impudent Kathās.

⋙ nirhasta

   ○hasta (nír-), mfn. handless AV. (cf. nair-h○),

⋙ nirhima

   ○hima n. (or am ind.) cessation of winter Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Kāś.

⋙ nirheti

   ○heti mfn. weaponless, unarmed Yājñ.

⋙ nirhetu

   ○hetu mfn. causeless, reasonless MBh. 
   • -tā f. -tva n. want of a cause or reason Sāh.

⋙ nirhrī

   ○hrī or mfn. shameless, impudent, bold, daring MBh.

⋙ nirhrīka

   ○hrīka mfn. shameless, impudent, bold, daring MBh.

⋙ nirhlāda

   ○hlāda mfn. joyless, uncomfortable, uneasy Mālav. i, 17/18

≫ niś 1

   niś for nis (q.v.) before c, ch

⋙ niścakrika

   ○cakrika mfn. without tricks or deceit, honest Subh.

⋙ niścakṣus

   ○cakṣus mfn. eyeless, blind MBh.

⋙ niścatvāriṃśa

   ○catvāriṃśa mfn. pl. more than forty Vop.

⋙ niścala

   ○cala mf(ā)n. motionless, immovable, fixed, steady, invariable, unchangeable MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ā), f. the earth L. 
   • Desmodiuni Gangeticum L. 
   • ○la-kara and, ○la-dāsa-svāmin m. N. of authors 
   • ○lâṅga m. 'firm-limbed, firm, Ardea Nivea L. 
   • a rock, mountain L.

⋙ niścāmara

   ○cāmara mfn. without a chowrie Hcar.

⋙ niścitta

   ○citta m. N. of a Samādhi L.

⋙ niścinta

   ○cinta mfn. not thinking, thoughtless, careless, unconcerned MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niścetana

   ○cetana mfn. unconscious, unreasonable Hariv. R. &c 
   • -tā f. Kād.

⋙ niścetas

   ○cetas mfn. out of one's senses MBh. R.

⋙ niśceṣṭa

   ○ceṣṭa mfn. incapable of motion, motionless, powerless, helpless MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c 
   • (am), ind. without motion MBh. 
   • (ā), f. motionless 
   • ○ṭā-karaṇa mfn. causing it (N. of one of the arrows of the god of love) L. 
   • ○ṭī- √bhū, become motionless Kathās.

⋙ niścaura

   ○caura mfn. free from robbers or thieves Rājat.

⋙ niścyavana

   ○cyavana m. 'unperishing (?)', a partic. form of fire MBh. 
   • N. of one of the Saptarshis in the 2nd Manv-antara Hariv.

⋙ niśchandas

   ○chandas mfn. not studying Vedic texts Mn. iii, 7

⋙ niśchāya

   ○chāya mfn. shadeless, Deśin

⋙ niśchidra

   ○chidra mfn. having no rents or holes, without weak points or defects, unhurt, uninterrupted Var. Kāv. Pur.

⋙ niścheda

   ○cheda mfn. indivisible, reduced by the common divisor to the least term Col.

≫ niṣ

   niṣ for nis (q.v.) before k, kh ; p, ph

⋙ niṣkaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka mfn. free from thorns or enemies, unhurt, untroubled, secure MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • (ikā), f. N. of 2 Comms,

⋙ niṣkaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. Crataeva Roxburghī L.

⋙ niṣkaniṣṭha

   ○kaniṣṭha or mfn. (a fist) with the little finger stretched out L.

⋙ niṣkaniṣṭhika

   ○kaniṣḍṭhika mfn. (a fist) with the little finger stretched out L.

⋙ niṣkanda

   ○kanda mfn. without edible roots Śāntiś.

⋙ niṣkapaṭa

   ○kapaṭa mfn. guileless, free from deceit or fraud MW.

⋙ niṣkampa

   ○kampa mfn. not shaking or tremulous, motionless, immovable Kāv. Kathās. 
   • -tā f. Ragh.

⋙ niṣkara

   ○kara mfn. free from taxes Vas.

⋙ niṣkaruṇa

   ○karuṇa mf(ā)n. pitiless, unmerciful, cruel (-tā f.) Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • ○ṇī- √kṛ, to make pitiless or cruel Kathās.

⋙ niṣkarūṣa

   ○karūṣa mfn. free from dirt R.

⋙ niṣkarṇa

   ○karṇa mf(ā)n. not curved (gadā) MBh. (cf. Nīl. ; perhaps 'without an ear or handle')

⋙ niṣkarman

   ○karman mfn. inactive Kull. 
   • exempt from or neglecting religious or worldly acts W.

⋙ niṣkala

   ○kala mfn. without parts, undivided Up. MBh. &c 
   • waned, diminished, decayed, infirm MBh. Daś. 
   • seedless, impotent L. 
   • m. an old man W. 
   • N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • a receptacle L. 
   • pudendum muliebre L. 
   • (ā or ī 
   • g. gaurâdi), f. a woman past childbearing or menstruation L. 
   • -tva n. indivisibility, the state of the absolute Brahma MBh.

⋙ niṣkalaṅka

   ○kalaṅka mfn. stainless, immaculate Rājat. 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.

⋙ niṣkali

   ○kali m. a spell for weapons R. (B.)

⋙ niṣkāmaṣa

   ○kāmaṣa mf(ā)n. stainless, sinless, pure MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • ○ṣī √bhū, to become stainless &c. Yājñ.

⋙ niṣkaṣāya

   ○kaṣāya mfn. free from dirt or impure passions MBh. 
   • m. N. of 13th Arhat of future Ut-sarpiṇī L.

⋙ niṣkāṅkṣa

   ○kāṅkṣa mfn. free from doubts L.

⋙ niṣkānta

   ○kānta mfn. not lovely, ugly Kathās.

⋙ niṣkāma

   ○kāma (níṣ-), mfn. desireless, disinterested, unselfish ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • -cārin mfn. acting without interest or selfishness MārkP.

⋙ niṣkāmuka

   ○kāmuka mf(ā)n. free from worldly desires Kād.  

⋙ niṣkāraṇa

   ○kāraṇa mf(ā)n. causeless, unnecessary MBh. BhP. 
   • disinterested (as a friend) Hit. 
   • groundless, not proceeding from any cause Kathās. Pur. &c 
   • (am and āt), ind. causelessly, without a reason or any special motive MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niṣkārya

   ○kārya mfn. to no purpose, worthless, vain, Kav

⋙ niṣkālaka

   ○kālaka m. (g. nirudakâdi) one who has shaven his hair Vas. 
   • an ascetic shaven and smeared with ghee or clarified butter L. (cf. next)

⋙ niṣkālika

   ○kālika mfn. one who has no more time to live, whose term of life is elapsed MBh. viii, 3628 (g. ni, -nirudakâdi)

⋙ niṣkiṃcana

   ○kiṃcana mf(ā)n. having nothing, poor Rājat. BhP. 
   • tva n. poverty MBh.

⋙ niṣkilbiṣa

   ○kilbiṣa mfn. free from sin Kathās.

⋙ niṣkutūhala

   ○kutūhala mfn. having no curiosity, incurious L.

⋙ niṣkula

   ○kula mf(ā)n. without family, having no kindred Mn. viii, 28 (○taṃ √kṛ, to make family-less, exterminate R.) 
   • shelled, husked Car. 
   • -tā f. dying out, perishing, Pañc, 
   • -tvoc mfn. stripped off, husked Bhpr. 
   • ○lā- or ○lī- √kṛ, to shell, strip off, husk Daś. Var. &c 
   • ○lina mfn. of low family, plebeian Kāv.

⋙ niṣkūja

   ○kūja mfn. noiseless, still MBh. R.

⋙ niṣkuṭa

   ○kuṭa mfn. free from deceit, guileless R.

⋙ niṣkṛpa

   ○kṛpa mfn. pitiless, cruel, Prasann

⋙ niṣkevala

   ○kevala mf(ā)n. belonging exclusively MBh. 
   • ○lya (nīṣ-), mfn. id. VS. Br. 
   • (with or scil. śastra and uktha), n. N. of a partic. recitation connected with the midday oblation and belonging to Indra exclusively ib.,

⋙ niṣkaitava

   ○kaitava mfn. undeceitful, honest Kathās.

⋙ niṣkaivalya

   ○kaivalya mfn. mere, pure, absolute MBh. 
   • (a fight) singular in its kind ib. (cf. Nīlak.)

⋙ niṣkośa

   ○kośa mfn. unsheathed Mcar.

⋙ niṣkaurava

   ○kaurava mf(ā MBh., ī Bhp.)n. deprived of or freed from the Kauravas

⋙ niṣkauśāmbi

   ○kauśāmbi mfn. one who has left Kauśāmbi Pāṇ. 6-2, 2 Vārtt. 3 Pat,.

⋙ niṣkriya

   ○kriya mfn. = -karnan Up. MBh. &c 
   • n. 'the actionless One', the Supreme Spirit W. 
   • -tā f. inactivity, neglect of (comp.) MBh. 
   • ○yâtman mfn. lazy, inactive 
   • ○tma-tā f. inactivity, non-performance of religious acs or prescribed duties Mn. MBh.

⋙ niṣkrodha

   ○krodha mfn. free from wrath, not angry with (gen.) Śak.

⋙ niṣkleśa

   ○kleśa mfn. free from pain or moral faults MWB. 124, 133 
   • -leśa mfn. not suffering the least pain, quite happy Bhartṛ.

⋙ niṣpakva

   ○pakva (nīṣ-), m(ā)n. well cooked or boiled TS. ŚBr. 
   • well ripened L.

⋙ niṣpaṅka

   ○paṅka mf(ā) ī. free from mud, clear, pure MBh. R.

⋙ niṣpatāka

   ○patāka mfn. having no flag or banner 
   • -dhvaja m. a flag-staff without a banner MW.

⋙ niṣpatisutā

   ○pati-sutā f. having no husband and no sons L.

⋙ niṣpattra

   ○pattra mfn. leafless MBh. R. 
   • unfeathered, featherless (cf. ○trā √kṛ and a-niṣpattram) 
   • m. or n. the clove tree L. 
   • ○traka mfn. leafless 
   • (ikā), f. Capparis Aphylla L. 
   • ○traya Nom. P. ○yati, to deprive of leaves MBh. 
   • ○trā- √kṛ, to pierce with an arrow so that the feathers come through on the other side (opp. to sa-pattrā- √kṛ), Dat 
   • to cause excessive pain, wound severely (fig.), Bhāni 
   • ○trākṛti f. causing excessive bodily pain L.

⋙ niṣpathya

   ○pathya mfn. unwell, ill Rājat.

⋙ niṣpad

   ○pad mf(ī)n. footless, g. kumbhapady-ādi

⋙ niṣpada

   ○pada mfn. id 
   • (with, yāna), n. a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship &c.) L. -1

⋙ niṣpanda

   ○panda (fr.  
   • cf' Vām. v, 2, 89), mf(ā)n. motionless, immovable MBh. R. &c. (also wṛ. for niṣyanda) 
   • ○da-tarī- √bhū, to become more or quite motionless Naish. 
   • ○di- √kṛ, to keep quiet, not move Mṛicch.

⋙ niṣpayoda

   ○payoda mfn. cloudless R.

⋙ niṣparākrama

   ○parākrama mfn. powerless, weak Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ niṣparāmarśa

   ○parāmarśa mfn. incapable of thinking, without advice, helpless Mālav. iv, 2/3

⋙ niṣparikara

   ○parikara mfn. without preparations or provisions Kathās.

⋙ niṣparigraha

   ○parigraha mfn. having no property MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • m. an ascetic without family or dependants W.

⋙ niṣparicaya

   ○paricaya mfn. not bccoming familiar Kād.

⋙ niṣparicchada

   ○paricchada mfn. having no retinue or court Kull.

⋙ niṣparidāha

   ○paridāha mfn. incombustible L.

⋙ niṣparihārya

   ○parihārya mfn. not to be omitted, by all means to be applied Car.

⋙ niṣparīkṣa

   ○parī7kṣa mfn. not examining or testing accurately MBh.

⋙ niṣparīhāra

   ○parīhāra mfn. not avoiding, not observing caution 
   • (am), ind. not so as to avoid Suśr.

⋙ niṣparuṣa

   ○paruṣa mfn. (music) not harsh, soft Divyâv.

⋙ niṣparyanta

   ○paryanta mfn. boundless, unlimited Rājat.

⋙ niṣparyāya

   ○paryāya○ out of order Bālar.

⋙ niṣpalāva

   ○palāva mf(ā)n. free from chaff (fig.) Buddh.

⋙ niṣpāṇḍava

   ○pāṇḍava mf(ā)n. freed from the Pāṇḍavas Veṇis.

⋙ niṣpāpa

   ○pāpa mf(ā)n. sinless, guiltless Rājat.

⋙ niṣpāra

   ○pāra mfn. boundless, unbounded R.

⋙ niṣpālaka

   ○pālaka mfn. without guardian, unprotected Rājat.

⋙ niṣpitṛka

   ○pitṛka mfn. fatherless Campak.

⋙ niṣputra

   ○putra mfn. sonless, childless Hit. 
   • jīvana n. life without a son ib. 
   • ○trī- √kṛ, to deprive of sons Bhām.

⋙ niṣpudgala

   ○pudgala mfn. without soul or personality 
   • -tva n. Vajracch.  

⋙ niṣpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa mfn. not existing before, unheard of, new Hariv.

⋙ niṣpurīṣa

   ○purīṣa mfn. free from excrement ĀśvŚr. Bhpr. 
   • ○ṣī-bhāva m. discharge of excrement Gaut.

⋙ niṣpuruṣa

   ○puruṣa mfn. deprived of men, desolate MBh. 
   • one who has not produced male children Mn. iii, 7 
   • not male, feminine or neuter W. 
   • m. a weakling or coward W.

⋙ niṣpulāka

   ○pulāka mfn. free from chaff or useless grain (○kikṛta freed from chaff by winnowing Kull.) 
   • m. N. of the 14th Arhat of future Ut-sarpiṇī L.

⋙ niṣpūtigandhika

   ○pūtigandhika mfn. not stinking, fragrant Divyāv.

⋙ niṣpoṣa

   ○poṣa mfn. not being nourished Vajracch.

⋙ niṣpauruṣa

   ○pauruṣa mfn. devoid of manhood, unmanly Prab. ii, 18 (printed niḥ-p○) 
   • ○ṣâmarṣa mfn. devoid of manhood and wrath Kathās.

⋙ niṣprakampa

   ○prakampa mf(ā)n. immovable MBh. 
   • m. N. of one of the Saptarshis in the 13th Manv-antara Hariv.

⋙ niṣprakāraka

   ○prakāraka mfn. without distinction or specification Tarkas.

⋙ niṣprakāśa

   ○prakāśa mfn. not transparent, lightless, dark MBh.

⋙ niṣprakrama

   ○prakrama mfn. unruly, rash L.

⋙ niṣpragala

   ○pragala mfn. not dripping, dry L.

⋙ niṣpracāra

   ○pracāra mfn. not moving, remaining in one place, fixed or concentrated (as mind) MBh.

⋙ niṣprajña

   ○prajña mfn. ignorant, stupid Kathās.

⋙ niṣpraṇaya

   ○praṇaya mfn. without affection, cold Uttarar. 
   • -tā f. -tva n. want of confidence or affection, coldness, reserve Jātakam.

⋙ niṣpratāpa

   ○pratāpa mf(ā)n. void of dignity, mean, base Mṛicch. Pañc.

⋙ niṣpratikriya

   ○pratikriya mfn. incurable, irremediable Daś. 
   • -ta f. Kād.

⋙ niṣpratigraha

   ○pratigraha mfn. not accepting gifts 
   • -tā f. Kām

⋙ niṣpratigha

   ○pratigha mfn. unhindered, unimpeded Ragh.

⋙ niṣpratidvaṃdva

   ○pratidvaṃdva mfn. having no adversary or match, unopposed, unequalled MBh.

⋙ niṣpratipakṣa

   ○pratipakṣa mfn. without an adversary or opponent 
   • -ta f. Kull.

⋙ niṣpratibandha

   ○pratibandha mfn. unimpeded, unopposed Sarvad.

⋙ niṣpratibha

   ○pratibha mf(ā)n. devoid of splendour Hariv. 
   • stupid, dull L. 
   • ○bhaṃ √kṛ, to reduce to silence Jātakam.

⋙ niṣpratibhāna

   ○pratibhāna mfn. not bold, cowardly L.

⋙ niṣpratīkāra

   ○pratīkāra mfn. = -pratikriya, unobstructed, uninterrupted 
   • (am), ind. MBh.

⋙ niṣpratīpa

   ○pratīpa mfn. unopposed, unhindered, unconcerned ib.

⋙ niṣpratyāśa

   ○pratyāśa mfn. hopeless, despondent of (loc. or comp.) Kād. 
   • ○śī-√bhū to give up all hope in (prati), Ratnáv

⋙ niṣpratyūha

   ○pratyūha mfn. unimpeded, irremediable, Mālatim 
   • (am), ind. Rājat.

⋙ niṣpradeśa

   ○pradeśa mfn. having no certain place Śaṃk.

⋙ niṣpradhāna

   ○pradhāna mf(ā)n. deprived of a chief or leaders R.

⋙ niṣprapañca

   ○prapañca mfn. subject to no expansion or manifoldness BhP. 
   • pure, honest L. 
   • -sad-ātman mfn. being of real essence without expansion (○tma-tva n.) Śaṃk. 
   • ○câtman m. N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ niṣprabha

   ○prabha mf(ā)n. deprived of light or radiance, lustreless, gloomy, dark (-tā f. R. 
   • -tva n. Suśr.) 
   • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv.

⋙ niṣprabhāva

   ○prabhāva mfn. powerless 
   • -tva n. Kathās.

⋙ niṣpramāṇaka

   ○pramāṇaka mfn. without authority Kull.

⋙ niṣpramāda

   ○pramāda mfn. not negligent or careless Hcat.

⋙ niṣprayatna

   ○prayatna mfn. abstaining from exertion, inactive Hariv.

⋙ niṣprayojana

   ○prayojana mfn. having no motive, impartial, indifferent MBh. Kād. 
   • harmless Yājñ. Sch. 
   • groundless, needless, unnecessary (am, ind. ;-tā, f. ;-tva n.) Hariv. Daś. Hit. &c

⋙ niṣpravaṇi

   ○pravaṇi and = next

⋙ niṣpravāṇa

   ○pravāṇa (cf. L.) = next

⋙ niṣpravāṇi

   ○pravāṇi mfn. fresh from the loom, quite new (cloth &c.) Daś. Pāṇ. 5-4, 160

⋙ niṣprāna

   ○prâna mfn. breathless, lifeless, quite exhausted MBh. Hariv. 
   • -tā f. Sāh.

⋙ niṣprīti

   ○prīti mfn. not taking delight in, not pleased with (loc.) Gaut. MBh.

⋙ niṣprītika

   ○prītika mfn. not connected with joy or delight Lalit.

⋙ niṣphala

   ○phala mf(ā)n. bearing no fruit, fruitless, barren, resultless, successless, useless, vain Mn. MBh. Var. Kāv. &c 
   • seedless, impotent W. 
   • (ā), f. a woman past childbearing or menstruation (also ī, v. l. niṣ-kalā) L. 
   • a species of Momordica L. 
   • -tva n. unfruitfulness, uselessness Mṛicch. iv, 9 
   • ○laya Nom. P. ○yati, to render fruitless Kull. 
   • ○lī √kṛ, to make fruitless, neglect Mṛicch. 
   • vḷ. for niṣ-kulī- √kṛ VarBṛS. Iv, 29

⋙ niṣphena

   ○phena mfn. foamless, frothless Suśr. 
   • n. opium L. (cf. a-ph○)

≫ nis

   nís ind. out, forth, away &c. (rarely used as an independent word , but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives , or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs, in which case it has the sense, out of', away from'  or that of a privative or negative adverb= 3. a, without', destitute of', 'free from', un-' , or that of a strengthening particle 'thoroughly', entirely', 'very'  
   • it is liable to be changed to niḥ, niś, niṣ, and niṣ and nī 
   • above. and below).  

⋙ nistattva

   ○tattva mfn. not comprehended in the 24 Tattvas or principles MBh.

⋙ nistantu

   ○tantu mfn. having no offspring, childless ib.

⋙ nistantra

   ○tantra wṛ. for

⋙ nistandra

   ○tandra mfn. not lazy, fresh, healthy 
   • -tā f. Sāh.

⋙ nistandri

   ○tandri and mfn. id. R.

⋙ nistandrī

   ○tandrī (nom. īs), mfn. id. R.

⋙ nistamaska

   ○tamaska mfn. free from darkness, not gloomy, light Śak.

⋙ nistamisra

   ○tamisra mfn. id., Prasann

⋙ nistambha

   ○tambha mfn. = niḥ-st○

⋙ nistaraṃga

   ○taraṃga mf(ā)n. motionless, still Naish.

⋙ nistarīka

   ○tarīka and g. nirudakâdi'

⋙ nistarīpa

   ○tarīpa g. nirudakâdi'

⋙ nistarkya

   ○tarkya mfn. unimaginable, inconceivable MBh.

⋙ nistala

   ○tala mfn. not flat, round, globular Kum. 
   • trembling, moving L. 
   • down, below W.

⋙ nistāntava

   ○tāntava mfn. not wearing a woven garment SāmavBr.

⋙ nistimira

   ○timira mf(ā)n. = -tamaska MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nistula

   ○tula mfn. matchless, incomparable Dharmaśarm. 
   • v. l. for -tala R. (B.)

⋙ nistuṣa

   ○tuṣa mf(ā)n. freed from chaff or husk KātyŚr. Suśr. 
   • (fig.) purified, cleansed 
   • simplified Rājat. Siṃhâs. 
   • -kṣīra or ○rin, ni. wheat L. 
   • -tva n. = nir-doṣatva n. Śrikaṇṭh 
   • -ratna n. crystal L. 
   • ○ṣita mfn. (cf. L.) freed from husk 
   • simplified 
   • abandoned 
   • ○ṣī- √kṛ, to free from husk i.e. lessen, diminish Viddh.

⋙ nistṛṇakaṇṭaka

   ○tṛṇa-kaṇṭaka mfn. cleared or freed from grass and thorns R.

⋙ nistṛṣ

   ○tṛṣ mfn. desireless, satisfied Kād.

⋙ nistṛṣṇa

   ○tṛṣṇa mfn. free from desire, Divyâ-v

⋙ nistejas

   ○tejas mfn. destitute of fire or energy, impotent, spiritless, dull MBh. Kāv., &c,

⋙ nistoya

   ○toya mf(ā)n. waterless R. Kathās. &c 
   • -tṛṇapādapa mf(ā)n. without water or grass or trees Kathās.

⋙ nistraṃśa

   ○traṃśa mfn. fearless W. (prob. wṛ. for nís-triṃśa)

⋙ nistrapa

   ○trapa mfn. shameless MBh.

⋙ nistriṃśa

   ○triṃśa mfn. more than thirty (pl.) L. 
   • merciless, cruel Kāv. Pañc. 
   • m. a sword MBh. Kathās. Suśr. &c 
   • a sacrificial knife W. 
   • a partic. stage in the retrograde motion of the planet Mars, Var, (= ○śamusala ib.) 
   • -karkaśa mfn. cruel and hard Kāv. 
   • -tva n. cruelty Rājat. 
   • -dharmin mfn. resembling a sword Rājat. 
   • -dhārin m. a sword-bearer MatsyaP. 
   • -pattraka m. (cf. Car.) 
   • ○trikā f. (cf. L.) Euphorbia (Antiquorum or Tortilis) 
   • -bhṛt m. = -dhārin MW. 
   • ○śin mfn. bearing a sword ĀśvŚr.

⋙ nistruṭī

   ○truṭī f. cardamoms L.

⋙ nistraiguṇya

   ○traiguṇya mfn. destitute of the three Guṇas (sattva, rajas, tamas 
   • gnṇa) Bhag. ii, 45

⋙ nistvakpakṣa

   ○tvak-pakṣa mfn. deprived of skin and fins R. (B.)

≫ nī 1

   nī for nis (q.v.) before r

⋙ nīrakta

   ○rakta mfn. colourless, faded L.

⋙ nīraṅgikā

   ○raṅgikā (Deśin.) or (cf. HPariś.), f. a veil, -1

⋙ nīraṅgī

   ○raḍṅgī (cf. HPariś.), f. a veil, -1

⋙ nīraja

   ○raja mfn. free from dust MBh. 
   • free from passion Kāv. 
   • pur. &c 
   • m. (with viraja) N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • ○jas mfn. = prec. mfn. R. 
   • having no pollen L. 
   • f. a woman not menstruating W. 
   • ○jaska mf(ā)n. = -raja mfn. MBh. R. &c 
   • ○jas-tama (cf. R.) or ○maska (cf. L.), mfn. free from passion and darkness 
   • ○jas-tamasā f. absence of passion and darkness Yājñ. 
   • ○jasva mfn. free from dust W. 
   • jī- √kṛ, to make free from dust (-kārita mfn. fr. Caus.) Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nīrata

   ○rata mfn. not delighting in, indifferent (= virata) L. -1

⋙ nīrada

   ○rada mfn. toothless Kāv.

⋙ nīrandhra

   ○randhra mf(ā)n. having no holes or openings, imperforate, close, thick, dense, uninterrupted Kum. Uttarar. Sāh. 
   • firmly closed, Balar. iii, 36 
   • -tva n. closeness, close connection Śiś. Sch. 
   • ○dhrita mfn. thickly set with, abounding in (comp.) Prasannar. 
   • uninterrupted Naish.

⋙ nīrava

   ○rava○ mf(ā)n. soundless Ragh.

⋙ nīraśana

   ○raśana a-nī-r○,

⋙ nīrasa

   ○rasa mf(ā)n. without juice, sapless, dried up, withered (-tva n.) Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • flavourless, tasteless Bhartṛ. iii, 16 
   • insipid, without charm, dull (-tā f.) Kāv. Pañc. Sāh. &c 
   • m. the pomegranate W.

⋙ nīrāga

   ○rāga mfn. colourless Kathās. 
   • free from passion Bhartṛ.

⋙ nīruc

   ○ruc mfn. lustreless, dini Śiś. xi, 27 (according to Pāṇ. 6-3, 116 fr. )

⋙ nīruj

   ○ruj mfn. free from sickness, well, in health Hit. Suśr.

⋙ nīruja

   ○ruja mf(ā)n. id. MBh. R. &c 
   • n. a species of Costus L.

⋙ nīrūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. shapeless 
   • m. air, wind L. 
   • a god L. 
   • n. heaven, ether L. -r

⋙ nīreṇuka

   ○reṇuka mf(ā)n. free from dust, Prasann. -2

⋙ nīreṇuka

   ○reṇuka mfn. without Reṇukā ib.

⋙ nīroga

   ○roga mfn. free from sickness, healthy, well Suśr. Pañc. (-tā f.) 
   • -durbhikṣa 
   • mfn. not visited by disease or famine Kathās. 
   • ○gyatā wṛ. for ○gatā


   niḥ-kṣi √1. P. -kṣiṇoti, to destroy, remove (an illness) AV.


   niḥ-kṣip √prob. wṛ. for ni-√kṣip, q.v

⋙ niḥkṣipta

   niḥ-ḍkṣipta mfn. thrown away, spent (as time) R.

⋙ niḥkṣipya

   niḥ-ḍkṣipya ind. p. having thrown away or spent (time) 
   • having wiped away (tears) MBh. R.

⋙ niḥkṣepa

   niḥ-ḍkṣepa m. throwing or sending away, removing Kull.  


   niḥ-śás f. (√śaṃs) refusing, declining (?) RV. x, 164, 3


   niḥ-śāṇa m. or n. march, procession Sāh. (Pers. ? ?)


   niḥ-śās √(pf- Subj. -śaśās), to drive away, expel RV. i, 80, 1


   • Caus, -śeṣayati √-śeṣita &c. niḥ-śeṣa under niḥ, p. 538, col. 3


   niḥ-śī √only pr. p. Ā. -śayāna mfn. starting up from sleep BhP.


   niḥ-śuc √Intens. Ā. -śośucanta, to shine forth RV. vii, 1, 4


   niḥ-śṛṅkhaṇa n. blowing the nose Āpast. (cf. śṛṅkhāṇikā)


   niḥ-śṝ √P. -śṛṇāti, (Impv. -śṛṇīhi), to break, crush AV.


   niḥ-śvas √P. -śvasiti, (pf. -śaśvasa), to hiss (said of a serpent) R. 
   • to snort (said of an elephant) ib. 
   • to breathe, exhale Suśr., inhale MārkP. 
   • to sigh MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niḥśvasana

   niḥ-ḍśvasana n. breathing out or sighing W.

⋙ niḥśvasvasita

   niḥ-śvaḍsvasita mfn. breathed or breathing out, sighing 
   • n. expiration Ragh. 
   • a sigh Kum. Vikr.

⋙ niḥśvasya

   niḥ-ḍśvasya ind. having breathed out or sighed, sighing R. Kālid. &c

⋙ niḥśvāsa

   niḥ-ḍśvāsa m. (ifc. f. ā) = ○śvasita n. Mn. MBh. &c. (often v. l. or wṛ. ni-śv○) 
   • -parama mf(ā)n. quite addicted to sighing, melancholy Nal. 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of a code of laws supposed to have been revealed by Rudra-Śiva Pur.


   niḥ-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati Pāṇ. 8-3, 65, Vātt. 1 Pat.), to pour away AitBr.

⋙ niḥṣikta

   niḥ-ḍṣikta mfn. poured away i.e. shaken off, removed (as a sin or crime) Nir.

⋙ niḥṣecana

   niḥ-ḍṣecana n. a contrivance for pouring out 
   • -vat mfn. ĀpŚr.

niḥṣidh 1

   niḥ-ṣidh (√2. sidh), P. -ṣedhati (cf. Pāṇ. viii, 3, 65 Vārtt. 1 Pat.), to frighten away VS. 2

⋙ nihṣidh

   nih-ṣidh puru-n○

niḥṣidh 3

   niḥ-ṣídh f. (√1. sidh) granting, bestowal, gift, oblation RV.

⋙ niḥṣidhvan

   niḥ-ḍṣídhvan mf(varī)n. granting, munificent ib.


   niḥ-ṣu (√3. su), P. -ṣuṇoti Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Vārtt. 1 Pat.


   niḥ-ṣū (√1. sū), P. -ṣuvati (cf. Pāṇ. ib.), to drive or frighten away AV.

⋙ niḥṣūti

   niḥ-ḍṣūti f. Pāṇ. 8-3, 88


   niḥ-ṣṭan (√stan 
   • cf. VPrāt. iii, 68, P. ni-ṣṭanati for niḥ-ṣṭ○, p. ni-ṣṭanat for niḥ-ṣiṭ○ MBh. 
   • 2. sg. Impv. niḥ-ṣṭanihi RV. vi, 47, 30), to roar out, thunder, sound, cry


   niḥ-ṣṭhā (√sthā 
   • ef. Pāṇ. 8-3, 65), P. nis-tiṣṭhati, to grow forth, rise RV. 
   • bring to an end, finish, make ready, prepare ChUp.: Caus. ni-ṣṭhāpayati (for niḥ-ṣth○), to drive out into (loc.) Kauś. 
   • to prepare, make ready KātyŚr.

⋙ niḥṣṭhita

   níḥ-ṣṭhita (or ni-ṣṭh○), mfn. grown forth RV. 
   • finished, accomplished, ready ŚBr. MBh. &c


   niḥ-ṣṭhiv √P. -ṣṭhīvati, or ○vyati, to spit ŚBr. 
   • to draw lines with spittle Daś.


   niḥ-ṣvap (√svap), P. -ṣvapiti, cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 88

⋙ niḥṣupta

   niḥ-ḍṣupta mfn. ib.


   niḥ-sṛ √P. -sarati, (pr.p. Ā. -saramāṇa MBh.), to go out, come forth, depart, withdraw Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -sārayati, to cause to go out, turn out, expel (abl. with or without bahit) MBh. R. &c 
   • to conclude, finish BhP.

⋙ niḥsara

   niḥ-sara mfn. issuing out 
   • -tva n. = pitta-roga L.

⋙ niḥsaraṇa

   niḥ-saraṇa n. going forth or out MBh. Pañc. 
   • issue, egress, gate L. 
   • means, expedient, remedy to get rid of (comp.) MBh. 
   • departure, death final beatitude L. 
   • -vat (niḥ-sár○), mfn. flowing out, liquid ŚBr.

⋙ niḥsāra

   niḥ-sāra m. going forth or out MBh.

⋙ niḥsāraṇa

   niḥ-sāraṇa n. turning out, expelling Rājat. 
   • egress or road of egress L.

⋙ niḥsārita

   niḥ-sārita mfn. turned out expelled, dismissed MBh. &c

⋙ niḥsāru

   niḥ-sāru or m. (in music) a kind of measure,

⋙ niḥsāruka

   niḥ-sāruka m. (in music) a kind of measure,

⋙ niḥsārya

   niḥ-sārya mfn. to be expelled or excluded Kull.

⋙ niḥsṛta

   niḥ-sṛta mfn. gone out or forth (with abl. or comp.), depaned Up. MBh. Hit. 
   • prominent (eyes) Hariv. 
   • prolapsus (yoni) Kāv. 
   • v. l. for niḥ-stṛta, q.v 
   • n. a kind of sworddance (in which a sword is drawn out of a person's hands) Hariv.  


   niḥ-sṛj √P, Ā. -sṛjáti, ○te, to pour out, shed forth RV. VS. 
   • to let loose, set free RV. AV. 
   • to separate (as words) RPrāt. 
   • to remove, destroy (as sorrow) ŚBr.


   niḥ-sṛp √P. -sárpati, to sneak or steal away ŚrS. 
   • to start, set out on a journey R.


   niḥ-stṛta mfn. (√stṛ) crumbled off from (abl.) Gṛihyās. (v. l. niḥ-sṛta)


   niḥ-spṛ √P. -spṛṇoti, (2. du. aor -spartam RV. vii, 71, 5), to rescue from (abl.)


   niḥ-sphur √P. -sphuráti, to jerk or hurl away RV.


   niḥ-syand or -ṣyand (√syand Pāṇ. 8-3, 72)

⋙ niḥsyanda

   niḥ-syanda vḷ. or wṛ. for ni-sy○


   niḥ-sru √P. -srávati, to flow out or off ŚBr. rise from (abl.) Cat. 
   • to disappear or be lost to or from (abl.) Āpast.: Caus. -srāvayats, to cause to flow out (as a pond) MBh. 
   • to cause to disappear from or be lost to or from (abl.), Apast

⋙ niḥsrava

   niḥ-srava m. remainder, surplus, overplus (with abl.) Yājñ.ī, 251

⋙ niḥsrāva

   niḥ-srāva m. the causing to flow out, expending, expense Kām. 
   • the moisture or water of boiled rice L. (cf. ni-srāva)

⋙ niḥsruta

   niḥ-sruta mfn. flowed out or off Suśr. 
   • passed away (time) L.


   niḥ-svṛ √P. -svárati, to sing or chant away i.e. expel by singing or chanting Kāṭh.


   nika n. (with prujā-pateḥ) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.


   ni-kakṣá m. the arm-pit ŚBr. &c


   ni-kaṭa mf(ā)n., being at the side, near 
   • m. or n. nearness, proximity (○ṭam ind. near to, towards, with gen. or comp 
   • ○ṭe id., near, at hand 
   • ○ṭāt, away from) R. Pañc. Kathās. &c

⋙ nikaṭaga

   ○ga mfn. near, at hand Var.

⋙ nikaṭavartin

   ○vartin (cf. Pañc.) and mfn. id'

⋙ nikaṭastha

   ○stha (cf. Daś.), mfn. id'

≫ nikaṭī

   nikaṭī in comp. for nikaṭa

⋙ nikaṭībhūya

   ○bhūya ind. p. having become near

⋙ nikaṭībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. become near, approached Kathās.


   nikathitin mfn. (fr. ni-kathita, √kath), g. iṣṭâdi


   ni-kam √(Pot. -kāmoyet BhP. 
   • p. Ā. -kāmáyamāna TS. 
   • pf. cakame ŚBr. 
   • inf. -kamam Kāṭh.), to long or wish for, lust after (acc.) ○kāmá m. desire, wish, pleasure RV. VS. AV. 
   • ibc., = (am), ind, according to wish or desire, to one's heart's content, abundantly, excessively Var. Mṛicch. &c. (cf. yadā-nikā́mam) 
   • (nl-k○), mfn. desirous, covetous, greedy RV. 
   • m. N. of an Agni ŚāṅkhGṛ. 
   • -kāma mfn. covetous, Bhp 
   • -jala mfn. (a river) yielding abundant water Śak. vi, 16 
   • -tapta mfn. excessively burnt Kum. 
   • -dháraṇa mfn. bearing according, to wish TBr. 
   • -niraṅkuśa mfn. freely ruling over (gen, ), Gtt. vii, 40 
   • -bhāma-bhāṣya n. N. of wk 
   • -varṣa mfn. having plenty of rain MBh. 
   • -varṣin mfn. raining according, to wish ib. 
   • -sukhin mfn. exceedingly happy Śiś. iv, 54

⋙ nikāman

   ni-ḍkāman (nī-), mfn. desirous, eager RV.

⋙ nikāmana

   ni-ḍkāmana n. desire, Laṭy


   ni-kara m. (√kṛ) a heap, pile, a flock or multitude, a bundle, mass, collection (mfn. ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (cf. L.) pith, sap, essence 
   • suitable gift, a honorarium 
   • a treasure, the best of anything, a treasure belonging to Kubera, 1

⋙ nikāra

   nikāra m. (cf. L.) piling up or winnowing corn 
   • tossing or lifting up


   ni-kartavya ni-kartana, ni-karṣa &c. ni-kṛt, ni-kṛṣ, ni-krish &c


   ni-kaṣ √-kaṣati, ○te, to scratch, rub Car.

⋙ nikaṣa

   ni-ḍkaṣa m. rubbing in, smearing, Malav ii, f 
   • a roller or harrow Āpast. 
   • the touchstone MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of wk 
   • (ā), f. N. of the mother of Rāvaṇa, (cf. R.) or of all the Rākshasas (○ṣatmaja m. a Rakshas L.) 
   • n the streak of gold or test made on the tnuchstone MBh. xii, 747 (cf. Nīlak.) 
   • ○ṣag-āvan (cf. Hit.), ○ṣa-pāṣāṇa (cf. ib.), ○ṣâśman (cf. BhP.), ○ṣâpala (Hariy.), m. the touchstone

⋙ nikaṣaṇa

   ni-ḍkaṣaṇa n. rubbing off ĀpŚr. Sch. 
   • m. or n. the touchstone BhP.

⋙ nikaṣā

   ni-ḍkaṣā ind, (g. svar-ādi) near to (with acc.), proximate Hariv. 16038 Śiś. i, 68, &c.  
   • in the middle, between L.

⋙ nikaṣāya

   ni-ḍkaṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to serve as a touchstone 
   • ○yamāna mfn. serving as a test or standard for (comp.) Daś.

⋙ nikāṣa

   ni-ḍkāṣa m. scratching, rubbing, grinding, pounding Mcar. Kir. 
   • (am), ind. having pounded or mixed together (cf. hiraṇya-nik○)


   nikasa ○sâtmoja = ni-kaṣa, ○ṣât○ (above) L.


   ni-kānam (√kaṇ) 
   • ○ṇam. akṣi ind. having closed the eyes, Paṇ' iii, 4, 54 Sch. (cf. akṣi-nikāṇam)


   ni-kāyá (√1. ci) a heap, an assemblage, a group, class, association (esp. of persons who perform the same duties) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • congregation, school Buddh. 
   • collection (of Buddh. Sūtras, there are 5 MWB. 62, 63) 
   • habitation, dwelling, hiding-place R. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 41) 
   • the body ŚvetUp. 
   • the air, wind VS. xv, 5 (Mahidh.) 
   • aim, mark L. 
   • the Supreme Being L.

⋙ nikāyāntarīya

   ni-ḍkāyântarīya mfn. belonging to another school Buddh.

⋙ nikāyin

   ni-ḍkāyin m. N. of a partic. sacrifice L.

⋙ nikāyya

   ni-ḍkāyya m. or n. a dwelling-house L.

nikāra 1

   ni-kāra. and 2 ○raṇa, &c. under ni-kara and ni.kṛ


   nikāvalgā f. N. of a woman (or of two women, nikā and valgā?) Rājat. vii, 482


   ni-kāśa m. (√kāś) horizon, range of sight, proximity (○śaṃ me, before my eyes, to me) BhP. 
   • ifc. having the appearance of. similar, like MBh. &c. (cf. nī-k○, pra-k○ &c.)


   ni-kāṣa ni-kaṣ


   ni-kāsa wṛ. for ○kāśa


   ni-kilbiṣá n. freeing from sin, deliverance from evil RV.


   ni-kuñc √Caus. -kuñcayati, to draw in, contract (opp. to 'stretch out') Car.

⋙ nikuciti

   ni-ḍkuciti f. contraction (?) Pāṇ. 7-2, 9, Vānt. 1 Pat,.

⋙ nikucyakarṇi

   ni-ḍkucyakarṇi ind. with the ears hanging down ib. v, 4, 128 Sch.

⋙ nikuñca

   ni-ḍkuñca m. a key Gal.

⋙ nikuñcaka

   ni-ḍkuñcaka m. Calamus Rotang Bhpr. 
   • a measure of capacity equal to 1/4 of a Kuḍava L.

⋙ nikuñcana

   ni-ḍkuñcana n. shrinking together, contraction Car.

⋙ nikuñcita

   ni-ḍkuñcita mfn. contracted W.


   ni-kuñja m. (n. L.) an arbour, a bower, thicket MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nikuñjikāmlā

   ni-kuñḍjikâmlā f. a species of plant (= kuñjikā) L.


   ni-kuṭṭana n. (√kuṭṭ) pounding, crushing down Var.


   nikubja mfn. curved, bent Lalit.

⋙ nikubjana

   niḍkubjana n. upsetting (a vessel) L.


   ni-kumbha m. Croton Polyandrum (also ī f. L.) 
   • N. of a Dānava (son of Prahlada and brother of Kumbha, father of Sunda and UPasunda) MBh. 
   • of a Rākshasa R. 
   • of a son of Kumbha-karṇa L. 
   • of an attendant of either Siva (Hariv.) or Skanda (MBh.) 
   • of one of the Viśve Devās Hariv. (viskumbhu C.) 
   • of a hero on the side of the Kurus MBh. 
   • of a king of A-yodhyā (son of Hary-aśva and father of Saṃhatâśva or Varhaṇâśva) Hariv. Pur. 
   • ○bhâkhya-bīja n. Croton Jamalgota L.

⋙ nikumbhita

   ni-ḍkumbhita n. a kind of time in music

⋙ nikumbhila

   ni-ḍkumbhila m. or (ā), f. (fr. kumbha?), a place where oblations are offered, (esp.) a grove at the western gate of Laṅkā for the performance of sacrificial rites 
   • (according to others) an image of Bhadra-kalī on the west side of Laṅkā R.


   nikuramba (Mālatim.), ○rumba (cf. Viddh.), ○baka (cf. KāśīKh.), m. or n. a flock, mass, multitude


   ni-kulīnakā f. a partic. mode of flying MBh. viii, 1902 Nīlak. (vḷ. ○nikā)


   ni-kūj √P.Ā. -kūjati, ○te, to warble, moan, groan R. BhP.

⋙ kūjita

   kūjita mfn. warbled, sung BhP. (○taṃ haṃsaiḥ)

⋙ kūjitavya

   ḍkūjitavya n. moaning, groaning Jātakam.


   ni-kūḍ √P, -kūḍayati, (ind. p. -kūḍya), to burn, set on fire ĀpŚr.


   ni-kūṇ √P. -kūṇati, Caus. ○ṇayati, to close, contract

⋙ nikūṇita

   ni-ḍkūṇita mfn. closed shut (esp. an eye), Deśīn.  


   ni-kūla mfn. going down hill (in utkūla-n○, q.v.)

⋙ nikūlavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. N. of a tree R.


   ni-kṛ √1. P.Ā. -karoti, -kurute, (dat. inf. ní-kartave RV. viii, 78, 5), to bring down, humiliate, subdue, overcome RV. AV. VS. ŚBr.: Desid. -cikīrskati, to wish to overcome AV.

⋙ nikartavya

   ni-ḍkartavya mfn. to be acted badly or basely, to be injured MW.

⋙ nikartu

   ni-ḍkartu m. (?) a sword Kāv.

⋙ kartṛ

   kartṛ m. one who acts badly or basely MBh. (vḷ. vi-k○)

⋙ kāra

   ḍkāra m. bringing down, humiliation, wrong, offence, injury MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • wickedness, malice W. 
   • opposition, contradiction W. 
   • = next Gal.

⋙ kāraṇa

   ḍkāraṇa n. killing, slaughter L.

⋙ kārin

   ḍkārín m. injurer, oppressor VS.

⋙ kṛta

   ḍkṛta mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived MBh. R. &c 
   • low, base, wicked ib. 
   • removed, set aside, dismissed W. 
   • n. lowering, humbling, humiliation Bhartṛ. ii, 30 (vḷ. ○ti) 
   • -prajña (cf. MBh.), -mati (cf. BhP.), mfn. depraved in mind

⋙ kṛti

   ḍkṛti mfn. deceitful, dishonest MBh. xii, 6269 ; iii, 11810 (cf. Nīlak.) 
   • m. N. of one of the 8 Vasus Hariv. (v. l. nir-ṛti) 
   • f. low conduct, baseness, dishonesty, fraud, wickedness MBh. R. &c. (personified as a daughter of A-dharma and mother of Lobha , or as a sister of Lobha and daughter of Dambha {BhP.}) 
   • abuse, reproach 
   • rejection, removal 
   • poverty, indigence W. 
   • -jīvana mfn. subsisting by fraud or dishonesty, acting deceitfully MBh. 
   • -prajña mfn. versed in dishonesty, well acquainted with vice MBh. (cf. ○ta-pr○) 
   • ○tiṃ-juṣ mfn. delighting in dishonesty or vice BhP.

⋙ kṛtin

   ḍkṛtin (cf. MBh.) and mfn. dishonest, low, base, wicked

⋙ kṛtimat

   ḍkṛtimat (cf. Subh.), mfn. dishonest, low, base, wicked

⋙ kṛtyā

   ḍkṛtyā f. wickedness, dishonesty MBh. MārkP.

⋙ kṛtvan

   ḍkṛ́tvan mfn. deceitful (as dice) RV. x, 34, 7


   ni-kṛt √1. P. Ā. -kṛntati, ○te, to cut or hew down, cut away, cut or chop off, cut through or or to pieces, massacre KātyŚr. MBh. R. Suśr. &c 
   • Ā. ○te, (also) to cut one's self (or one's nails &c.) TS. ŚBr.: Caus. -kartayati, to cause to cut or cut down SāṅkhŚr.

⋙ nikartana

   ni-ḍkartana mfn. cutting away, robbing, impoverishing MBh. (Nilak.) 
   • n. cutting down or off MBh. R. 
   • plucking, impoverishing ( above)

⋙ nikṛtta

   ni-ḍkṛtta mfn. cut off, cut up MBh. R. 
   • -mūla mfn. cut up by the roots Suśr.

⋙ nikṛntana

   ni-ḍkṛntana mf(ī)n. cutting down or off, destroying (ifc.) MBh. R. 
   • m. N. of a hell MārkP. 
   • n. cutting, cutting off (hair, the neck &c.) KātyŚr. MBh. 
   • massacring, destruction (of enemies) MBh. 
   • an instrument for cutting (cf. nakha-)

⋙ nikṛntin

   ni-ḍkṛntin mfn. tearing asunder (ifc.), Kāśikh


   ni-kṛṣ √1. P. -karṣati, to draw or drag down TS. ŚBr. 
   • -kṛṣati, to plough in (phalaṃ kṣetreṣu) AV.Paipp.: Pass. -kṛṣyate, to be borne down by the stream of a river MBh. i, 3616.,

⋙ nikarṣa

   ni-ḍkarṣa m. lowering, reducing, decreasing Saṃk. 
   • wṛ. for ni-kaṣa Mālav. ii, 7

⋙ nikarṣaṇa

   ni-ḍkarṣaṇa n. an open place in or near town L. 
   • a court at the entrance of a house W. 
   • a neighbourhood W. 
   • = ni-kaṣaṇa MBh.

⋙ nikṛṣṭa

   ni-ḍkṛṣṭa mfn. debased, vile, low, despised, outcast MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • near, n. nearness Kathās. Suśr. 
   • -bhūta mfn. appearing low or small in comparison with (gen.) MBh. 
   • ○ṭâśaya mfn. base-minded (○ya-tā f.) Daś. 
   • ○ṭī- √kṛ, to surpass, excel Kāv. ii, 37 Sch. 
   • ○ṭpâdhi mfn. having something inferior as a condition (○dhitā f.) Vedântas.


   ni-kecāya m. (√1. ci) piling or collecting repeatedly W.


   ni-keta m. rarely n. (√4. cit) a mark, sign MBh. iii, 12541 (tapâtyaya-n○, 'mark of departure of heat', said of a cloud) 
   • a house, habitation MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • seat of one of the constituent elements of the body Car. 
   • a bee-hive (j) MBh. xi, 140 
   • a stage in the religious life of a Brāhman, iii, 13411 
   • state of being Divyâv.

⋙ niketana

   ni-ḍketana n. a house, mansion, habitation, temple, Mn. MBh. &c 
   • m. an onion L.


   ni-koca m. (√kuc, to contract) closing (akṣi-, of the eyes) Pat.

⋙ nikocaka

   ni-koḍcaka m. Alangiuni Decapetalum 
   • n. its fruit Bhpr. (also nikoṭhaka L.)

⋙ nikocana

   ni-koḍcana n. = nikoca Kull.


   ni-kothaka m. (√kuth), N. of a teacher with the epithet Bhāyajātya


   ni-kośyá m. or n. a partic. part of the entrails of sacrificial animals TS. (cf. kośya).  


   nikta under nij below


   ni-krand √cl. 1. P. -krandati, (aor. ny-akrandīt), to cry from above (as a bird on a tree) Nir. ix, 4: Caus. -krandayati, to cause to roar RV. x, 102, 5

⋙ nikrandita

   ni-ḍkrandita mfn. cried or roared (said of a faulty recitation), Saṃhitôp


   ni-kram √P. -krāmati, (aor. nyakramīt), to put down the feet, tread down (acc.) RV. 
   • to enter (loc.) AV. TS.

⋙ nikramaṇa

   ni-ḍkrámaṇa n. putting down the feet, footstep, footfall RV. AV. TS.


   ni-krīḍ Caus. -krīḍayati √to cease or finish (playing) ṢaḍvBr. (cf. Sch. = vi- √ram)

⋙ nikrīḍa

   ni-ḍkrīḍa m. play, sport, with marutām, N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.


   ni-kvaṇa (cf. Kir.) or ni-kvāṇa (cf. Śiś.), m. (√kvaṇ) sound L.


   nikṣ cl. 1.P. níkṣati, to pierce AV. 
   • to kiss Dhātup. xvii, 7 (cf. niṃs)

≫ nikṣa

   nikṣa mfn. kissing (ifc. cf, puṣpa-n○) 
   • (ā), f. a nit (prob. wṛ. for likṣā) L.


   ni-kṣatriya mfn. where the warriors are overthrown Dharmaśarm.


   ni-kṣip √P. -kṣipati, to throw or cast or put or lay down, throw &c. in or upon (Inc. or upari) Yājñ. MBh. R. &c 
   • to pour in (kṣīraṃ śarāve) Pañc. iii, 135/136 
   • to deliver anything (acc.) to (loc., esp. haste), to give or hand over, deposit, intrust Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • to instal, appoint to (loc.) R. 
   • to lay aside, give up, leave, abandon, cast off, repel MBh. R. &c 
   • to put down figures, count, cipher Lalit.

⋙ nikṣipta

   ni-ḍkṣipta mfn. thrown down or upon &c 
   • deposited, pawned, pledged 
   • rejected, abandoned, given away, sent off Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • appointed, installed R. 
   • inclining towards (comp.) Sarvad. 
   • -bhāra mfn. having put the load upon (comp.), Pañc, i, 167/166 
   • -vāda mfn. one who has ceased talking or left off boasting MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nikṣepa

   ni-ḍkṣepa m. putting down HYog. (esp. of the feet Kālid.) 
   • throwing or casting on (loc. or comp.) Megh. Sāh. 
   • a deposit, pledge, trust, anything pawned Mn. Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • abandoning, throwing or sending away W. 
   • wiping, drying ib. 
   • -cintāmaṇi, -dīpa m. -rakṣā f. N. of wks 
   • -lipi f. a partic. mode of writing Lalit.

⋙ nikṣepaṇa

   ni-ḍkṣepaṇa n. putting down (the feet) Kum. 
   • a means by which or a place in which anything is kept Suśr.

⋙ nikṣepita

   ni-ḍkṣepita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to be set down in writing, committed to writing, inscribed Ragh.

⋙ nikṣepin

   ni-ḍkṣepin mfn. being in possession of a deposit Pañc. (B.) i, 14

⋙ nikṣeptṛ

   ni-ḍkṣeptṛ m. a depositor, a pawner or pledger Mn.

⋙ nikṣepya

   ni-ḍkṣepya mfn. to be put down or deposited Kathās. 
   • to be thrust into (loc.) Mn.


   ni-kṣubhā f. (√kṣubh), N. of the mother of Maga BhavP.


   ni-kṣvid √(only Yedic inf. ns kṣvidas), to destroy by creaking MaitrS.


   ni-khaṭvā f. a kind of chair or couch Gal.


   ni-khan √P. -khanati, to dig into (the ground), bury RV. &c. &c 
   • to fix, implant, erect (as a post, column &c.) Kāv. 
   • to dig or √up BhP. 
   • to infix, pierce (with an arrow &c.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. khānayati, ni-khānita below

⋙ nikhanana

   ni-ḍkhanana n. digging in, burying Śaṃk. Kull.

⋙ nikhāta

   ni-ḍkhāta (ní-), mfn. dug in, buried, fixed in the ground RV. &c. &c 
   • dug up, excavated W.

⋙ nikhātaka

   ni-ḍkhātaka (ní-), mfn. dug in a little AV.

⋙ nikhāna

   ni-ḍkhāna m. digging in L. (cf. naikhānya)

⋙ nikhānita

   ni-ḍkhānita mfn. infixed, implanted Suśr.

⋙ nikheya

   ni-ḍkheya mfn. to be thrust into Vishṇ.


   ni-khara (?), mfn. N. of Agni ŚāṅkhGṛ.


   ni-kharva mfn. dwarfish, a dwarf L. 
   • n. a billion MBh. R.

⋙ nikharvaka

   ni-kharḍvaka m. or n. 1000 millions, TāṇḍlBr

⋙ nikharvaṭa

   ni-kharḍvaṭa m. N. of a Riskshas MBh.

⋙ nikharvāda

   ni-kharḍvāda m. or n. = ○vaka, SāṅkhSr


   ni-khid √P. -khldáti, to press down RV. iv, 28, 2


   ni-khila mf(ā)n. complete, all, whole, entire Up. Mn. MBh. &c.  
   • (ena), ind. completely, totally MBh. R. &c. (cf. a-kh○)


   nikhurya-pá (?), m. N. of Vishṇu TS.


   niga mfn. bound, fettered (?) Kāṭh.


   ni-gaḍa m. (g. ardharcâdi) and n. (fr. √gaḍ = gal?) an iron chain for the feet, (csp.) the heel chains for an elephant or a noose for catching the feet and throwing an animal down, any fetter or shackle Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of a teacher (-kṣveḍana n. N. of wk.) 
   • mfn. bound or fettered on the feet Mn. iv. 210

⋙ nigaḍana

   ni-gaḍana n. putting in irons or fetters Daś.

⋙ nigadaya

   ni-gadaya Nom. P. ○yati, to put in fetters, bind, ib.,

⋙ nigaḍita

   ni-gaḍita mfn. chained, fettered Kād.


   ni-gaṇa m. (fr. ni-garaṇa?), the smoke of a burnt offering L.


   ni-gad √P. -gadati, (aor. ny-agadīt Bhaṭṭ.), to recite, proclaim, announce, declare, tell, speak ŚrS. MBh. R. &c 
   • to speak to, address (acc.), to say anything (acc.) to (acc.) Kāv. 
   • to enumerate, cite, quote Suśr. 
   • to call (esp. Pass. -gadyate, to be called or named) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c.: Caus. -gādayati, to cause to recite ŚānkhŚr.: Intens. -jāgadyate, (with pass. meaning) to assert firmly or repeatedly Sarvad.

⋙ nigada

   ni-gadá m. reciting, audible recitation, a prayer or sacrificial formula recited aloud Br. ŚrS. &c 
   • mention, mentioning Bādar. 
   • speech, discourse W. 
   • N. of wk 
   • m. or n. a partic. potion Car. 
   • -vyākhyāta mfn. explained i.e. clear by mere mentioning Nir.

⋙ nigadana

   ni-gadana n. reciting from memory SāmavBr. Sch.

⋙ nigadita

   ni-gadita mfn. recited, told, spoken MBh. &c 
   • n. speech BhP. 
   • -vat mfn. having said or spoken Bhaṭṭ. 
   • ○ditin mfn. one who has spoken, g. iṣṭâdi

⋙ nigāda

   ni-gāda m. recitation L. 
   • ○din mfn. reciting, telling, speaking Suśr.

⋙ nigādya

   ni-gādya mfn. to be told or communicated to (loc.) Naish.


   ni-√gam P. -gacchati (often wṛ. -yacchati), to settle down upon or near (acc. or loc.) RV. AV. 
   • inire feminam RV. 
   • to enter, resort to, undergo, incur, become (with acc., e.g. śāntim, to become pacified Bhag.) 
   • to enter, i.e. be inserted ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. ni-gama below) 
   • to acquire knowledge W.: Caus. ○gamayati, to cause to enter, insert ĀśvŚr. 
   • to conclude, sum up Kir. i, 25 Sch.

⋙ nigantavya

   ni-gantavya mfn. to be studied or learned Āpast.

⋙ nigama

   ni-gama m. insertion (esp. of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula) ŚrS. 
   • the place or passage (esp. of the Vedas) where a word occurs or the actual word quoted from such a passage Nir. 
   • the √(as the source from which a word comes 
   • hence ifc. 'derived from') ib. 
   • the Veda or the Vedic text Hariv. Pāṇ. Pur. &c 
   • any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas Mn. iv, 19 (cf. Kull.) 
   • a sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man MBh. Pur. &c 
   • doctrine, instruction in, art of (comp.) Bālar. 
   • certainty, assurance L. 
   • trade, traffic W. 
   • a town, city, market-place Āpast. Car. Lalit. 
   • a road L. 
   • a caravan or company of merchants (ifc. f. ā) R. Daś. 
   • = pariśiṣṭa Cat. 
   • n. a partic. number Buddh. 
   • -kalpa-druma m. -kalpa-latā f. -kalpa-sāra m. N. of wks 
   • -jña mfn. familiar with the holy texts Var. 
   • -tattvasāra m. -pariśiṣṭa n. -latā f. -sāra m. N. of wks 
   • -sthāna n. place of insertion (cf. above) ŚrS. 
   • ○mâkhya-kośa and ○mântârtha-ratnâkara m

⋙ nigamana

   ni-gamana n. insertion, quotation of words (from the Veda) and the word quoted Nir. 
   • the summing up of an argument or conclusion in a syllogism, deduction Tarkas. 
   • going in or into W.

⋙ gamin

   gamin mfn. familiar with or versed in the Vedas MW.


   ni-gara √○raṇa and e. ni- √gṝ


   ni-garh √Ā. -garhate, (prob.) to blame, censure, find fault with Pāṇ. 1-4, 32 Kāś. 
   • P. -garhayati, to disdain, despise (acc.) MBh. (vḷ. vi-g○)


   ni-gal √1, Intens. -galgalīti, to emit moisture VS.


   ni-gal √2. -galati, to swallow, devour, Bhattṛ

⋙ nigalana

   ni-galana n. swallowing, eating L.

⋙ nigāla

   ni-gāla m. the throat or neck of a horse Śiś. v, 4 Sch. (cf. 2. gala, ni-garaṇa) 
   • -vat m. a horse, W

⋙ nigālaka

   ni-gālaka mfn. = ○gāraka Pāṇ. 8-2, 21 Kāś.


   ni-gala m. n. = ni-gaḍa above L.  


   ni-gā √1. (aor. ny-agāt, ni-gām), to enter, come or get into, attach one's self to (acc.) RV. AV. MBh.


   nigu (L, ), mfn. pleasing, charming 
   • m. the mind (= manas) 
   • dirt (√4. gu?) 
   • a √ 
   • painting


   ni-gút m. (√3. gu?) an enemy RV. x, 128, 6 Sāy. (cf. naiguta)


   ni-gup √2. inf. -gopitum, to conceal Kir. xv, 19


   ni-guh √P. Ā. -guhati, ○te, (aor. nyaūḍha, or ny-aghukṣata Pāṇ. 7-3, 73 Kāś. to cover, conceal, hide MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -guhayati (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 89), id. Pañc. v, (B. -gūhan for ○hayan)

⋙ nigūḍha

   ni-gūḍha mfn. concealed, hidden, secret, obscure (lit. and fig.) RV. (ní-gūḻha) &c. &c 
   • (am), ind. privately, secretly Kathās. 
   • -kārya mfn. secret in operation MW. 
   • -cārin mfn. walking concealed or in disguise Mn. ix, 260 
   • -tara mfn. well concealed or hidden Pañc. 
   • -niścaya mfn. whose design is concealed MBh. 
   • -roman mfn. having concealed hair Suśr. 
   • ○ḍhârtha mfn. having a hidden or mysterious sense, abstruse, occult 
   • ○ḍhârtha-dī, pikā and ○ḍhârtha-mañjūṣikā f. N. of wks

⋙ niguḍhaka

   ni-guḍhaka m. a species of wild bean L.

⋙ nigūhaka

   ni-gūhaka mfn. hiding, concealing L.

⋙ nigūhana

   ni-gūhana n. the act of hiding or concealing Kāv.

⋙ nigāhanīya

   ni-gāhanīya mfn. to be hidden or covered or protected W.

⋙ nigūhin

   ni-gūhin sādhu-ni-gūhin


   ni-gṛhīta ○ti, ni-grah below


   ni-gṝ √2. P. -girati, or -gilati Pāṇ. 8-2, 21 (-griṇāti PārGṛ. 
   • aor. -gārīt RV. 
   • fut. -gariṣyati Kathās. 
   • inf. -giritum ib.) 
   • to swallow, ingurgitate, devour RV. &c. &c 
   • to swallow i.e. totally appropriate Kathās.: Pass. -gīyate, p. ○yamāṇa (with act. meaning) MBh. i, 8238 &c.: Caus. -gārayati or -gālayati (cf. ni- √gal above) 
   • Pass. -gāryate or -gālyate Pāṇ. 8-2, 2 Intens. jegilyate, iii, 1, 24 Kāś.

⋙ nigara

   ni-gara m. eating, swallowing W.

⋙ nigaraṇa

   ni-garaṇa n. id. Śaṃk. 
   • m. the throat L. 
   • the smoke of a burnt offering L. (cf. ni-gaṇa above)

⋙ nigāra

   ni-gāra m. swallowing L.

⋙ nigāraka

   ni-gāraka mfn. swallowing (cf. ni-gālaka above)

⋙ nigiraṇa

   ni-giraṇa n. swallowing up, devouring Kathās.

⋙ nigīrṇa

   ni-gīrṇa mfn. swallowed, devoured &c 
   • left out, not expressed (cf. a-nig○) 
   • -tva n. Sāh. 
   • -vat mfn. Kathās.


   ni-√gai P. -gāyati, to accompany with song, sing, chant ŚBr.

⋙ nigīta

   ni-gīta mfn. sung, proclaimed Mn. ix, 29


   ni-gai P. -granth√punar-nigrantham

⋙ nigranthana

   ni-granthana ri. (wṛ. for ni-kr○? 
   • cf. nir-gr○) killing, slaughter L.

⋙ nigranthi

   ni-granthi m. the cover of a book Hcat.


   ni-√grah P.Ā. -gṛhṇāti, ṇīte (dat. inf. -grábhe RV.), to hold down, lower, depress RV. TS. KātyŚr. 
   • to keep or hold back, draw near, attract RV. AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to seize, catch, hold, hold fast, stop, restrain, suppress, curb, tame, punish Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to contract, close (as the eyes) Mṛicch. ii, 13/14 Caus. -grāhayati, to cause to be apprehended or seized Daś.: Caus. of Desid. -jighṛkṣayati (p. ○ṣayat), to cause any one to desire to overpower or excel Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nigṛhīta

   ni-gṛhīta mfn. held down or back, seized, caught, checked MBh. &c 
   • harassed, assailed, attacked W. 
   • n. (in music) a partic. method of beating a drum

⋙ nigrihīti

   ni-grihīti f. restraint, check 
   • overpowering Kathās.

⋙ nigṛhītṛ

   ni-gṛhītṛ wṛ. for -grah○. 1

⋙ nigṛhya

   ni-gṛhya mfn. to be held back &c 
   • deserving reproof or correction Pāṇ. 8-2, 94. 2

⋙ nigṛhya

   ni-gṛhya ind. p. having held back or taken or arrested or confined R. &c 
   • having restrained or coerced, by coercion MW.

⋙ nigrabhītṛ

   ni-grabhītṛ m. one who holds fast or binds AitBr.

⋙ nigraha

   ni-graha m. keeping down or back, restraining, binding, coercion, suppression, subjugation Mn. MBh. &c 
   • defeat, overthrow, destruction Kāv. 
   • seizing, catching, arresting, holding fast MBh. R. &c 
   • suppression of an illness i.e. healing, cure Suśr. 
   • confinement, imprisonment, any punishment or chastisement Mn. MBh. R. Pañc. &c. (vadhanigt○, pain of death Kathās.) 
   • reprimand, blame L. 
   • aversion, ill-will, dislike, disgust L. 
   • anything for catching hold of. a handle (ifc. f. ā) Suśr. 
   • a place or occasion for being caught hold of, (esp. in Nyāya phil.) an occasion for refutation, a weak point in an argument or fault in a syllogism (cf. -sthāna)  
   • a boundary, limit L. 
   • N. of Śiva and VishṇuKṛishṇa MBh. 
   • -sādhana and -stotra n. N. of wks 
   • -sthāna n. (in phil.) the position of being unfit to carry on an argument from impossibility of agreeing about first principles 
   • -sthāna-sūtra-ṭīkā f. ○hâṣṭaka n. N. of wks

⋙ nigrahaṇa

   ni-grahaṇa mfn. holding down, suppressing (ifc.) Suśr. 
   • n. subduing, suppression ib. 
   • capture, imprisonment, punishment MBh. 
   • war, fight Dhanaṃj.

⋙ nigrahītavya

   ni-grahītavya mfn. to be punished Hit.

⋙ nigrahītṛ

   ni-grahītṛ m. one who seizes or lays hold of. Daś. 
   • one who keeps back or prevents BhP.

⋙ nigrābha

   ni-grābhá m. pressing down, letting sink VS. 
   • suppressing (the voice, opp. to ud-grābha, elevating) Pāṇ. 3-3, 36, Vāitt. 3 
   • N. of a verse recited when the Soma plants are pressed ŚBr. 
   • of a partic. gift or oblation Hcat.

⋙ nigrābhya

   ni-grābhyá mfn. (with āpas) the water with which the Soma plants are sprinkled before they are pressed VS. ŚBr.

⋙ nigrāha

   ni-grāha m. punishment, chastisement Bhaṭṭ. (esp. used in imprecations, e.g. ni-grāhas te bhūyāt, confusion seize thee Pāṇ. 3-3, 45 Kāś.)

⋙ nigrāhaka

   ni-grāhaka mfn. suppressing, injuring (-tva n. Kāvyâd. ii, 27 Sch.)

⋙ nigrāhya

   ni-grāhya mfn. to be (or being) suppressed or punished MBh. Hariv. &c


   ni-gha mfn. (√han) as high as broad (= viṣvak-sama) L. 
   • (?) equally distant (as trees) Pāṇ. 3-3, 87 Kāś. 
   • m. anything whose height and circumference are equal (as a circle a ball &c.) W. 
   • sin (cf. a-gha) L.

⋙ nighānīgha

   nighânīgha mfn. of different forms or sizes W.


   ni-ghaṇṭa m. (√ghaṇṭ, to speak? 
   • cf. ghaṇṭā, a bell) a collection of words, vocabulary Cat. 
   • N. of a Dānava Kathās.

⋙ nighaṇṭi

   ni-ghaṇḍṭi m. a glossary Cat.

⋙ nighaṇṭikā

   ni-ghaṇḍṭikā f. a species of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nighaṇṭu

   ni-ghaṇḍṭu m. a glossary (also -ka), N. of sev. wks 
   • (mostly pl.) N. of the Vedic glossary explained by Yāska in his Nirukta 
   • -kośa m. -khaṇḍa-nirvacana n. -bhāṣya n. -rāja and -śeṣa m. -saṃgrahanidāna, ī., -samaya and -sāra m. N. of wks


   ni-gharṣa ○ṣaṇa, ni-ghṛṣ below


   ni-ghasa m. (√ghas) eating, food L.


   ni-ghāta m. (fr. Caus. of ni-√han) a blow, stroke Gaut. Kāv. 
   • suppression or absence of accent AV. Prāt. 
   • (am), ind. having struck MW.

⋙ nighāti

   ni-ghāḍti f. an iron club or hammer L.

⋙ nighātin

   ni-ghāḍtin mfn. striking down, killing, destroying (ifc.) MBh. Hariv.


   ni-ghuṣ √2. Caus. -ghoṣayati, to tread down, crush, destroy RV.


   ni-ghuṣṭa ī. (√1. ghuṣ) sound, noise


   ni-ghṛṣ √2. P

⋙ nighṛṣgharṣati

   ○gharṣati to rub into, rub down, grind, wear away MBh. 
   • to try, examine ib.

⋙ nighṛṣgharṣa

   ○gharṣa m. rubbing, pounding, crushing Kāv. 
   • v. l. for ni-kaṣa Mālav. ii, 7

⋙ nighṛṣgharṣaṇa

   ○gharṣaṇa n. rubbing, grinding, trituration MBh.

⋙ nighṛṣghṛṣṭa

   ○ghṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed, ground, worn away, subdued MBh.

⋙ nighṛṣghṛṣva

   ○ghṛ́ṣva mfn. rubbed off, excoriated 
   • worn away, harassed, afflicted, TaittAr. Sch. 
   • small, insignificant Naigh. 
   • m. a hoof. Uṇ. i, 153 Sch. 
   • an ass, a mule or a boar L. 
   • n. the mark of a hoof. Uṇ. ib.


   ni-ghna mf(ā)n. (√han) dependent, subservient, docile, obedient 
   • (ifc.) dependent on, ruled by, devoted to, full of. Kāv. &c. (-tā f. Kathās.) 
   • (after a numeral) multiplied with Sūryas. 
   • m. N. of a son of An.araṇya and father of Anamitra Hariv. 
   • of a son of An-amitra ib.

⋙ nighnaka

   ni-ghnaka mfn. dependent L.

⋙ nighnat


⋙ nighnamāna

   ni-ghnamāna and mfn. slaying, killing MBh. R. &c

⋙ nighnāna

   ni-ghnāna mfn. slaying, killing MBh. R. &c


   nicaka m. N. of a man Pat,. (cf. naicakya)


   nicaknu m. N. of a prince VP. (vḷ. nicakru)


   ní-cakrayā ind. with down-rolling chariots or without chariots RV. viii, 7, 29


   ni-cakṣus m. N. of a prince Hariv. (v. l. vi-c○)


   nicaṅkuṇa v. l. for nicumpuṇa


   ni-candra m. N. of a Dānava MBh.  


   ni-camana n. (√cam) sipping Nir.


   ni-caya &c. under 1. ni-ci below


   ni-√cal Intens. calcalīti, to stir, quiver MaitrS.


   nicāṅkuṇa vḷ, for nicuṅkuṇa


   ni-cāy √(only ind. p. ) to regard with reverence, honour, worship RV. 
   • observe, peceive ib. Daś.


   ni-ci √1. to pile up, heap up, collect, only in deriv. (cf. ni-kāya &c. above)

⋙ nicaya

   ni-ḍcaya m. piling up, heaping up, heap, mass, quantity, store, provisions (cf. alpa-n○, ṣaṇ-māsa-n○) 
   • collection, multitude, assemblage (rarely of living beings, cf, vadhū-n○) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -gulma m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by an excess of the 3 humours Car. 
   • ○yôdarin mfn. suffering from it (lit. having such an abdomen) ib.

⋙ nicayaka

   ni-ḍcayaka mfn. skilful in piling up, g. ākarṣâdi

⋙ nicayin

   ni-ḍcayin mfn. heaped up, plentiful, abundant Kir.

⋙ nicāya

   ni-ḍcāya m. a heap (as a measure) L. 1

⋙ nicita

   ni-ḍcita mfn. piled up, heaped up, erected 
   • covered, overspread with, full of (with instr. or ifc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • constipated (as the bowels) Suśr. 
   • m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe (cf. naicitya) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh.

⋙ nicekāya

   ni-ḍcekāya m. (fr. intens.) continual or repeated piling up Siddh.

⋙ niceya

   ni-ḍceya mfn. to be piled or heaped up MBh.


   ni-ci √2. P. -ciketi, (pf. -cikāya, 3. pl. ○kyur), to perceive, notice, observe, recognise RV. AV. ŚBr.: Desid. -cikīṣate, to observe, watch, guard RV. VS. 2

⋙ nicita

   ni-ḍcitá mfn. observed, beheld, appearing RV. ii, 12, 13

⋙ nicira

   ni-ḍcirá mfn. attentive, vigilant RV.

⋙ nicetṛ

   ni-ḍcetṛ (ní- without acc., ni-cetṛ́ with acc.), observing, observer ib.


   nicikī f. an excellent cow L. (cf. naicikī)


   nicuṅkuṇa m. v. r. for nicumpuṇá below 
   • N. of a Vāruṇi Kāṭh. Anukr.


   ni-√cud Caus. -codayati, to afford or procure quickly RV. viii, 24, 25


   ni-cumpuṇá m. (√cup?) prob. a gush, flood (apām) RV. viii, 93, 22 
   • N. of a Śauna?śepa Kāṭh. Anukr.


   ni-cula m. (√cul) an upper garment, overcoat L. 
   • N. of a tree (Barringtonia Acuatangula), Kāv. Śuśr. 
   • Calamus Rotang L. 
   • N. of a poet

⋙ niculaka

   ni-ḍculaka m. outer garment L. 
   • case, box Bālar. vi, 42

⋙ niculita

   ni-ḍculita mfn. being in a case, cased ib. iv, 53 
   • (ifc.) covered with, Prasann

⋙ nicūla

   ni-ḍcūla m. an outer garment L. 
   • Barringtonia Acutaugula L.

⋙ nicola

   ni-ḍcola m. id. Kāv. Car. 
   • a case or box Vcar.

⋙ nicolaka

   ni-ḍcolaka m. an outer garment (also n.) 
   • a cuirass L. 
   • m. or n. a. box or case Hcar.

nicṛt 1

   ni-cṛt √P. -cṛtáti, to infix, insert Kauś. 2

⋙ nicṛt

   ni-cṛt f. a defective metre Nidānas. (wṛ. ni-vṛt)


   ni-cerú mfn. (√car) gliding, creeping RV. VS.


   nicchavi f. N. of a district (= tīra-bhukti, the modern Tirhut) L. (cf. licchavi)


   ni-cchidra wṛ. for niś-ch○, q.v


   nicchivi m. N. of one of the degraded castes sprung from the outcast or Vrātya Kshatriyas Mn. x, 22


   niccheda wṛ. for nis-ch○, q.v


   nij cl.2. Ā. niṅkte Dhātup.xxiv, 16 
   • /cl. 3.P.Ā. nenekti, nenikte (Intens.? 
   • below.) Dhātup. xxv, 11 (from the pres. stem only 2 pl. Impv. ninikta RV., p. nijāná ib., nije = ninije BhP. 
   • pf. nineja, ninije Gr 
   • fut, nekṣyati, nektā ib. 
   • aor. anijam, jan AV. 
   • anaikṣīt, nikṣi ib. 
   • ind. p. niktvā́ Br. 
   • -nijya ib. 
   • dat' inf. -nije. RV.), to wash, cleanse, purify (Ā. one's self) RV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to nourish Dhātup.: Pass. nijyate, to be washed &c. MBh.: Caus. nejayati Br. 
   • aor. anīnijat Gr.: Desid. ninikṣati Gr.: Inteus. nénekti, nenikté (cf. above 
   • Pot. neniyāt Mn. viii, 396 
   • nenijīsti, nenijyate Gr.), to wash (one's self).  ; Angl. Sax. nicor ; Germ. ṇix, ṇixe.] 

≫ nikta

   niktá mfn. washed, cleansed, purified, sprinkled RV. ŚBr.

⋙ niktahasta

   ○hasta (○ktá), mfn. clean-handed RV.


   ni-já mf(ā)n. (√jan) innate, native, of one's own party or country (with ripu m. an enemy in one's own country Hit. 
   • m. pl. one's own people Rājat.) 
   • constant, continual AV. Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (in later Sanskṛit used as a reflex. possess. pron. = sva, my own, his own, our own &c.)

⋙ nijakarman

   ○karman n. one's own work 
   • ○ma-bandhana mfn. fettered by one's own works MW.

⋙ nijaghāsa

   ○ghāsa m. 'devouring his own', N. of a demon Hariv.

⋙ nijadhṛti

   ○dhṛti f. N. of a river in Śāka-dviipa BhP.

⋙ nijapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. one's own party or adherents Kathās.

⋙ nijamukta

   ○mukta mfn. liberated for ever Kap.

⋙ nijalābhapūrṇa

   ○lābha-pūrṇa mfn. engrossed in self-interest, self-satisfied MW.

⋙ nijavinoda

   ○vinoda m. N. of wk

⋙ nijaśatru

   ○śatru m. an enemy being in one's own self, an innate enemy R.

⋙ nijasva

   ○sva n. one's own property MW.

⋙ nijākṣaramīmāṃsā

   nijâkṣara-mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk

⋙ nijātmānandanātha

   nijâtmânanda-nātha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nijānandānubhūtiprakaraṇa

   nijânandânubhūti-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ nijārtham

   nijârtham ind. for one's own sake, for one's self MW.


   ni-jaghní mfn. (√han) striking down, overpowering RV.


   ni-jā́nukā f. shaking or trembling of the knees, TaittĀr


   niji g. yavâdi 
   • -mat mfn. ib.


   ni-jighṛkṣayat ni-grah above


   ni-juhnūṣu mfn. (Desid. of ni√hnu) wishing to conceal or deny W.


   ni-√jūrv P. -jūrvati, to consume by fire RV.

⋙ nijur

   ni-ḍjúr f. singeing, burning, destroying by fire RV. ii, 29, 6


   niñj cl. 2. Ā. niṅkte &c. nij


   niṭala ○ṭāla, or ○ṭila n. the forehead Kāv.

⋙ niṭalākṣa

   niṭalâkṣa m. 'having an eye on the fṭforehead', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ niṭilataṭacumbita

   niṭila-taṭa-cumbita mfn. kissed on the forehead Daś.

⋙ niṭilākṣa

   niṭilâkṣa (cf. L.) or (cf. Daś.), m. N. of Śiva (cf. above)

⋙ niṭilekṣaṇa

   niṭiḍlékṣaṇa (cf. Daś.), m. N. of Śiva (cf. above)


   niṭṭala m. N. of a family of Brāhmans Cat.


   ni-ḍīna n. (√ḍī) the downward flight or swoop of a bird or a partic. mode of flying MBh.


   ni-ṇík ind. (prob. fr. ni and connected with ni-ṇya) secretly, mysteriously RV. iv, 5, 8


   niṇḍikā f. Ipomoea Turpethum L. (prob. wṛ. for tiṇḍ○ 
   • cf. tiṇṭī)


   ni-ṇyá mfn. (fr. ni 
   • cf. ni-ṇík) interior, hidden, concealed, mysterious RV. 
   • n. a secret, mystery ib. 
   • (ám), ind. secretly, mysteriously ib.


   nitatatapas ind. an onomatop. word to denote the speech of a stutterer Kāṭh.


   ni-√tan P. Ā. -tanoti, -tanute, to pervade, penetrate, pierce RV. 
   • cause to go or grow downwards AV. AitBr.

⋙ nitatni

   ni-ḍtatní f. N. of one of the 7 Kṛittikās TS.

⋙ nitatnī

   ni-ḍtatnī́ f. id. Kāṭh. 
   • a species of plant AV.

⋙ nitāna

   ni-ḍtāná m. the shoot (of a plant) which grows downwards AV. 
   • N. of a man with the patr. Māruta Kāṭh.


   ni-√tap P. -tapati, to emit heat downwards (impers., ChUP. vii, 11, 1) 
   • to consume by fire AV. ĀpŚr.


   ni-√tam Caus. -tamayati, to choke, suffocate Kāṭh.

⋙ nitānta

   ni-ḍtānta mfn. extraordinary, excessive, considerable, important 
   • ibc. and (am), ind. very much, in a high degree Kāv. &c 
   • -kathiṇa mfn. very hard Vikr. 
   • -rakta mfn. very red ib. 
   • -vṛkṣīya (v. l. ○ntâvṛ○) and ○ntīya mfn. g. utkarâdi


   nitamba m. the buttocks or hinder parts (esp. of a woman 
   • mostly du 
   • ifc. f. ā 
   • -tā f.) 
   • (fig.) the ridge or side or swell of a mountain, the sloping bank or shore of a river MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the shoulder L.  
   • the sounding-board of the Vīṇā Kāv. 
   • a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat. 
   • (ā), f. a form of Durgā Cat. 
   • -prabhava mfn. (river) coming from the slope of a mountain BhP.

⋙ nitambabimba

   ○bimba mfn. having Bimba-like round hips MW.

⋙ nitambamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. formed of or by buttocks Naish.

⋙ nitambavat

   ○vat mfn. having beautiful bṭbuttocks or hips, ? Vikr. Gīt. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a woman Daś.

⋙ nitambasthala

   ○sthala n. (cf. Ratnâv.)

⋙ nitambasthalī

   ○sthalī f. (cf. Bhartṛ.) the region of the buttocks or hips

⋙ nitambin

   nitambin mfn. having buttocks (mostly ifc., cf. su-n○) 
   • having beautiful hips Kālid. 
   • having beautiful sides (as a mountain) Rājat. 
   • (ī), f. a woman with large and handsome hips Kālid. Bhartṛ.


   nitambhū m. N. of a man MBh.


   ni-tarā́m ind. (ni with the compar. suffix) downwards TBr. 
   • in a low tone, Śāṅkh. Br. 
   • completely, wholly, entirely 
   • by all means, at all events 
   • especially, in a high degree Kāv. Pur. 
   • explicitly Kull.


   ni-tala n. one of the 7 divisions of the lower regions Up. Pur.


   ní-tikta mfn. (√tig) excited, roused up RV. x, 111, 9

⋙ nitikti

   ní-tikti ind. quickly, speedily ib. vi, 4, 5


   ni-tuṇḍa m. N. of a man (cf. naituṇḍi)


   ni-√tud P. Ā. -tudáti, ○te (-tundate RV. i, 58, 1 
   • ), to pierce, penetrate RV. AV.

⋙ nitunna

   ni-ḍtunna punar-n○

⋙ nitoda

   ni-ḍtoda m. piercing, a hole KātyŚr.

⋙ nitodin

   ni-ḍtodín mfn. piercing, penetrating RV. AV.


   ni-tuś √1. Ā. -tośate, to drip down (trans. and intrans.), sprinkle, grant, distribute RV. 
   • to kill Naigh. ii, 19: Caus. -tośayati, to grant, distribute RV. viii, 55, 8 
   • to kill Naigh.

⋙ nitośana

   ni-ḍtóśana mfn. sprinkling, distributing, granter of (gen.) RV.


   ni-√tṛd P. Ā. -tṛṇatti, -tṛntte, to pierce, cleave, split AV.


   ni-√tṛp P. -tṛmpati RV. viii, 70, 10 (ná for ní ?)


   ni-√tṝ (-tiraḥ RV. viii, 32, 3 
   • -tāriṣaḥ, ix, 79, 5 
   • -tārīt, i, 152, 3), to dispel, subdue, overpower,

⋙ nitīraṇa

   ni-ḍtīraṇa n. decision L.


   nítya mf(ā)n. (fr. ni 
   • cf. ni-ja) innate, native MBh. iii, 13941 
   • one's own (opp. to araṇa) RV. 
   • continual, perpetual, eternal RV. &c. &c 
   • ifc. constantly dwelling or engaged in, intent upon, devoted or used to (cf. tapo-n○, dharma-n○, dhyāna-n○, śastra-n○) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • ordinary, usual, invariable, fixed, necessary, obligatory (opp. to kāmya, naimittika &c.)
   Br. ŚrS. Mn. &c. (with samāsa m. a compound the meaning of which is not expressed by its members when not compounded Pāṇ. 2-1, 3 Sch. 
   • with svarita m. = jātya, the independent Svarita TPrāt. ii, 8) 
   • m. the sea, ocean L. 
   • (ā), f. a plough-share Gal. 
   • N. of Durgā BrahmaP. 
   • of a Śakti Tantras. 
   • of the goddess Manasā L. 
   • n. constant and indispensable rite or act W. 
   • (am), ind. always, constantly, regularly, by all means RV. &c. &c. (na nityam, never 
   • nityam an-ādāta, never a receiver Mn. vi, 8)

⋙ nityakarman

   ○karman n. a constant act or duty (as observance of the 5 great acts of worship), any daily and necessary rite Jaim. Sch. 
   • N. of wk 
   • ○ma-paddhati, -prakāśikā, -latā f. -vidhi, m 
   • ○mânuṣṭhāna-krama m. N. of wks

⋙ nityakālam

   ○kālam ind. always, at all times Mn. ii, 58 ; 73

⋙ nityakṛtya

   ○kṛtya n. a regular and necessary act or ceremony Hit.

⋙ nityakriyā

   ○kriyā f. id 
   • N. of wk

⋙ nityagati

   ○gati mfn. moving continually MBh. 
   • m. wind, or the god of wind L.

⋙ nityajapavidhāna

   ○japa-vidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nityajāta

   ○jāta mfn. constantly born Bhag. ii, 26

⋙ nityajvara

   ○jvara m. uninterrupted fever L.

⋙ nityatarpaṇa

   ○tarpaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ nityata

   ○ta f. perpetuity, continuance, continual repetition of (comp.) MBh. Suśr. 
   • necessity MārkP.

⋙ nityatva

   n. id. KātyŚr. Bhag. Suśr. &c

⋙ nityadā

   ○dā ind. always, perpetually, constantly MBh. BhP. (cf. g. svarādi)

⋙ nityadāna

   ○dāna n. daily alms-giving W. 
   • ○nâdipaddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ nityadhṛt

   ○dhṛt mfn. constantly bearing or maintaining 
   • observing daily duties (?) MW.

⋙ nityadhṛta

   ○dhṛta mfn. constantly maintained or kept up ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ nityanarta

   ○narta mfn. constantly dancing (Śiva) MBh.

⋙ nityanātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an author (also -siddha) Cat.  

⋙ nityanaimittika

   ○naimittika n. (with or scil. karman) any regularly recurring occasional act or ceremony or any rite constantly performed to accomplish some object (as Śrāddhas at fixed lunar periods) W.

⋙ nityaparivṛta

   ○pari-vṛta m. N. of a Buddha

⋙ nityaparīkṣaṇa

   ○parī7kṣaṇa n. constant investigation or inspection MW.

⋙ nityapāda

   ○pāda m. = -nātha Cat.

⋙ nityapuṣṭa

   ○puṣṭa mf(ā)n. always well-supplied TĀr.

⋙ nityapūjā

   ○pūjā f. N. of wk 
   • -yantra n. a kind of amulet Cat.

⋙ nityapramudita

   ○pramudita mfn. always delighted or satisfied MBh.

⋙ nityaprayogaratnākara

   ○prayoga-ratnâkara m. N. of wk

⋙ nityapralaya

   ○pralaya m. the constant dissolution of living beings W.

⋙ nityabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. considering anything (loc.) as constant or eternal BhP.

⋙ nityabhāva

   ○bhā́va m. eternity Suśr.

⋙ nityamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. formed or consisting of anything eternal MBh.

⋙ nityamukta

   ○mukta mfn. emancipated for ever (-tva n.), Kap.

⋙ nityayātrā

   ○yātrā f. N. of wk

⋙ nityayukta

   ○yukta mfn. always busy or intent upon (loc.) Mn. Gaut.

⋙ nityayuj

   ○yuj mfn. having the mind always fixed upon one object BhP.

⋙ nityayauvana

   ○yauvana mfn. always young 
   • (ā), f. N. of Draupadī 
   • n. perpetual youth L.

⋙ nityartu

   ○rtu (for -ṛtu), mfn. regularly recurring at the seasons, annual MW.

⋙ nityalīlāsthāpana

   ○līlā-sthāpana n. N. of wk

⋙ nityavatsa

   ○vatsa (○tyá-), mf(ā)n. always possessing a calf AV. 
   • (ā), f. a partic. form of Sāma supplication Lāṭy. 
   • n. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ nityavarṣadeva

   ○varṣa-deva m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nityavitrasta

   ○vitrasta m. 'always scared', N. of an antelope Hariv.

⋙ nityavidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ nityavaikuṇṭha

   ○vaikuṇṭha m. N. of a partic. residence of Vishṇu in heaven BrahmaP.

⋙ nityavyaya

   ○vyaya mfn. always expending 
   • (ā), f. ever laying out MW.

⋙ nityavrata

   ○vrata n. a perpetual observance (lasting for life) Gobh.

⋙ nityaśaṅkita

   ○śaṅkita mfn. perpetually alarmed, always suspicious Hit.

⋙ nityaśaya

   ○śaya mfn. always sleeping or reclining MBh.

⋙ nityaśas

   ○śas ind. always, constantly, eternally Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nityaśrāddha

   ○śrāddha n. a daily or constant Śrāddha RTL. 305

⋙ nityaśrī

   ○śrī mfn. of lasting beauty Bhām.

⋙ nityasaṃhṛṣṭa

   ○saṃhṛṣṭa mfn. always exulting or triumphant 
   • always rivalling one another (cf. saṃghṛṣṭa) MW.

⋙ nityasaṃnyāsin

   ○saṃnyāsin m. always an ascetic Bhag.

⋙ nityasama

   ○sama m. the assertion that all things remain the same Sarvad.

⋙ nityasamāsa

   ○samāsa m. above

⋙ nityasiddha

   ○siddha mfn. 'ever perfect', a Jaina predicate of the soul MW.

⋙ nityasevaka

   ○sevaka mfn. always serving others Pañc.

⋙ nityastotra

   ○stotra (ní○), mfn. receiving perpetual praise RV.

⋙ nityastha

   ○stha mfn. always abiding in (loc.) MBh.

⋙ nityasnāyin

   ○snāyin mfn. constantly bathing or making ablutions Vishṇ. Hit.

⋙ nityasvādhyāyin

   ○svâdhyāyin mfn. always engaged in the study of the Veda (○yi-tā f.) MBh.

⋙ nityahotṛ

   ○hotṛ (ní○), mfn. always sacrificing RV.

⋙ nityahoma

   ○homa perpetual sacrifice, in -prāyaścitta n. -vidhi, m. ○mâdi-prakīrṇaka n. ○mâdi-vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ nityāgnihotra

   nityâgnihotra n. N. of wk

⋙ nityācāra

   nityâcāra m. constant good conduct 
   • -pradīpa and -vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ nityātantra

   nityātantra n. N. of wk

⋙ nityānadhyāya

   nityânadhyāya m. invariable suspension of repetition of the Vedas (as on the day of full moon &c.) W.

⋙ nityānanda

   nityânanda m. 'eternal happiness', N. of sev. authors (also -nātha, -mano'bhirāma, -rāma, -śarman, ○dânucara and ○dâśrama) 
   • -yugalâṣṭaka n. N. of wk 
   • -rasa m. 'essence of eternal joy', N. of a partic. medic. preparation Rasar. 
   • -rasôdadhi m. 'ocean of the essṭessence &c.', God MW.

⋙ nityānitya

   nityânitya mfn. eternal and perishable, permanent and temporary W.

⋙ nityānugṛhīta

   nityânugṛhīta mfn. constantly maintained or kept (fire) ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ nityānubaddha

   nityânubaddha mfn. always approached or resorted to 
   • (ā), f. (with devatā) tutelary deity Divyâv.

⋙ nityānuṣṭhānapūjāpaddhati

   nityânuṣṭhānapūjā-paddhati f

⋙ nityānusaṃdhāna

   nityânusaṃdhāna n

⋙ nityānnadānamāhātmya

   nityânna-dāna-māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ nityāyukta

   nityâyukta m. 'always active', N. of a Bodhisattva Lalit. (cf. ○tyôdy○ below)

⋙ nityārādhana

   nityârādhana n. -krama and -vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ nityāritra

   nityâritra (ní○), mf(ā)n. having its own oars (as a ship), moving by itself. RV.

⋙ nityārthasāmānyapañcapaṭhī

   nityârtha-sāmānyapañcapaṭhī f. N. of wk

⋙ nityotkṣiptahasta

   nityôtkṣiptahasta m. 'who always raises his hand', N. of a Bodhi-sattva L.

⋙ nityotsava

   nityôtsava m. (ibc.) constant or regular festivals R. 
   • N. of wk. (also -vidhi, m.)

⋙ nityodaka

   nityôdaka (cf. KātyŚr.) and mfn. always furnished with water

⋙ nityodakin

   nityôdaḍkin (ŚāṅkhGṛ), mfn. always furnished with water

⋙ nityodita

   nityôdita mfn. risen by itself (as knowledge) Bhartṛ. 
   • m. a partic. medic. preparation Rasêndrac. 
   • N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ nityodyukta

   nityôdyukta m. 'always energetic', N. of a Bodhi-sattva (cf. nityây○)

nid 1

   nid √nind and √2. ned

≫ nid 2

   níd f. mocking, ridiculing, contempt 
   • mocker, scoffer, blamer, enemy RV.  

⋙ nidā

   nídā f. blame, contempt ib. 1

⋙ nidāna

   nidāná mfn. reproached, ridiculed ib.

⋙ nidyamāna

   nidyámāna mfn. id. ib.

⋙ nedya

   nedya á-nedya


   nida m. or n. poison, venom L.


   ni-daṇḍa mfn. one who has laid down the stick (i.e. does not use force, cf. nyasta-d○) Pāṇ. 6-2, 192 Kāś.


   ni-datta or nītta mfn. fr. ni- √1. dā Pāṇ. 6-3, 124 Sch. Kārikā. on vii, 4, 47


   nidadru m. a man L. (according to W. fr. nida + dru)


   ni-darśaka ○śana, &c. ni-√dṛś


   ni-√dah P. -dahati (Pass. -dahyate MBh. 
   • aor. -dhakṣi RV.), to burn down, consume by fire

⋙ nidāgha

   ni-ḍdāghá m. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi) heat, warmth, the hot season (May and June), summer ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • internal heat, Ṛit. i, 4 
   • sweat, perspiration L. 
   • N. of a man (pl. of his descendants, g. upakâdi) 
   • of a son of Pulastya VP. 
   • -kara m. 'heat-causer' or 'hot-rayed', the sun L. 
   • -kāla m. the 'time of heat', summer MBh. Kāv. 
   • -dhāman m. 'having hot radiance' or 'abode of heat', the sun Śiś. i, 24 
   • -ruci m. 'hot-rayed', id. Kāv. 
   • -vārṣika mfn. (months) belonging to the hot and the rainy season MBh. vii, 1311 
   • -sindhu m. a river in hot weather, one nearly dry W. 
   • ○ghâvadhi m. the hot season Ragh. xvi, 52


   ni-dā √4. P. -dyati, to bind on, fasten RV.

⋙ nidātṛ

   ni-ḍdātṛ́ m. one who fastens or ties up RV. viii, 61, 5

⋙ nidāna

   ni-ḍdā́na n. a band, rope, halter RV. vi, 32, 6 MBh. 
   • a first or primary cause (cf. ni-bandhana) RV. x, 114, 2 Br. Kāṭh. 
   • original form or essence (ena ind. originally, essentially, properly) Br. 
   • (with Buddh.) a cause of existence (12 in number) MWB. 56 ; 103 
   • any cause or motive Divyâv. 
   • the cause of a disease and enquiry into it, pathology (= nidāna-sthāna, q.v.) L. 
   • = nidāna-sūtra Cat. 
   • cessation, end L. 
   • purification, correctness L. 
   • claiming the reward of penitential acts L. 
   • -tattva n. -pradīpa m. N. of wks 
   • -vat (nidā́na-), mfn. funded on a cause, essential TBr. Kāṭh. 
   • -vid mfn. knowing the causes or symptoms of a disease BhP. 
   • -saṃgraha m. N. of a medic. wk 
   • -sūtra n. N. of wk. on metres and Vedic Stomas 
   • -sthāna, ī. the subject of the causes of diseases, pathology (one of the 5 departments of medic. science) Suśr. 
   • -dānârthakara mfn. operating as a cause Bhpr.

⋙ nidita

   ni-ḍdita (ní-), mfn. bound, fettered RV. v, 2, 7 
   • hidden, concealed ib. viii, 92, 11


   ni-dāgha ni-dah


   ní-digdha mfn. (√dih) smeared plastered 
   • clinging to ŚBr. 
   • heaped or piled up L. 
   • (ā), f. cardamoms

⋙ nidigdigdhikā

   ní-digḍdigdhikā f. Solanum Jacquini Suśr. (cf. nir-dagdhikā and nir-digdh○) 
   • cardamoms L.


   ni-didrāsu under ni-drā, col. 2


   ni-didhyāsana ni-dhyai


   ni-√diś P. -diśati, to direct, order, point out &c. (only in deriv.)

⋙ nidiṣṭa

   ni-ḍdiṣṭa mfn. (cf. Pañc. v. 11/12), wṛ. for nir-d○

⋙ nideśa

   ni-ḍdeśa m. order, command, direction (○śaṃ-√kṛ, or pālaya or upa-pālaya or ○śe-√vṛt or √sthā, to execute orders, be obedient) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • talk, conversation L. 
   • vicinity, neighbourhood (e ind. near, close by Kull. on Mn. ii, 197 
   • others 'in a lower place') 
   • = bhājana L. 
   • kārin, -kṛt, -bhāj, -vartin mfn. executing the orders of, obedient to (gen. or comp.) MBh. &c

⋙ nideśin

   ni-ḍdeśin mfn. showing, directing, pointing out W. 
   • (inī), f. region, quarter, point of the compass L.

⋙ nideśya

   ni-ḍdeśya mfn. to be ordered or told MW.

⋙ nideṣṭṛ

   ni-ḍdeṣṭṛ m. who or what points out or orders 
   • explaining, advising, commanding W.


   ni-dī √2. (Impv. -didīhi RV. i, 113, 7), to shine down upon, bestow anything (acc.) on (dat.) by shining down


   niduśa m. a fish L.


   ni-√dṛś Caus. -darśayati, to cause to see, show, point out, introduce, indicate MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to impart knowledge, teach, instruct, advise ib.  
   • to announce, proclaim BhP. 
   • to show one's self i.e. to appear (in a vision) to (acc.) Hariv.

⋙ nidarśaka

   ni-ḍdarśaka mfn. seeing into, perceiving MBh. 
   • proclaiming, announcing ib. Daś.

⋙ nidarśana

   ni-ḍdarśana mf(ī)n. pointing to, showing, indicating, announcing, proclaiming, teaching Hariv. BhP. 
   • suiting, pleasing (sarva-loka-nid○ 
   • v. l. ○ka-nidarśin and -vidarśin) R. ii, 108, 18 
   • (ā), f. a partic. form of a simile or comparison (e.g. Ragh. i, 2) Kpr. Sāh. &c 
   • n. seeing, view, appearance, sight, vision (cf. svapna-nid○) MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • pointing to, showing, indicating Mn. MBh. 
   • proof, evidence Pañc. 
   • instance, example, illustration ŚrS. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (-tva n. Naish. 
   • ○nârtham ind. for instance MBh.) 
   • refutation of a stated argument Sāh. 
   • N. of the third member of a complete syllogism (= udāharaṇa) MW. 
   • a prognostic, sign, mark, omen MBh. Hariv. Suśr. (ifc. f. ā, showing, betraying R.) 
   • a scheme, system Suśr. 
   • injunction, precept, ordinance, authority, text W.

⋙ nidarśayitavya

   ni-ḍdarśayitavya mfn. to be pointed out or put forth or shown Pat.

⋙ nidarśita

   ni-ḍdarśita mfn. shown, presented, offered (as a seat) Rājat. 
   • illustrated, exemplified Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nidarśin

   ni-ḍdarśin mfn. seeing, having an insight into, familiar with, knowing MBh. 
   • suiting, pleasing (v. l. nidarśana 
   • above.)


   ni-deśa ni-diś above


   ni-drā √1. (or √drai), P. Ā. -drāyati, ○te (-drāti Sāntiś. 
   • pf. -dadrau Naish.), to fall asleep, sleep, slumber ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nidrā

   ni-ḍdrā́ f. sleep, slumber, sleepiness, sloth RV. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the budding state of a flower (hence ○drāṃ-√tyaj, to bloom) ŚārṅgP. 
   • a mystic. N. of the letter bh Up. 
   • -kara mfn. making sleepy Hariv. Suśr. 
   • -kṣaṇa m. or n. a moment of sleep BhP. 
   • -"ṣgama (○drâg○), approach or time of sleep, Śāntiś 
   • -caura m. stealer of sleep Mṛicch. 
   • -"ṣtura (○drât○), mfn. sleepy, languid Cat. 
   • -daridra mfn. suffering from want of sleep Vcar. 
   • m. N. of a poet Cat. 
   • -daridrī-√kṛ, to deprive of sleep Kpr. 
   • -druh (mfn. nom. dhruk Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 
   • cf. Vām. v, 2, 88), disturbing sleep 
   • -"ṣntarita (○drânt○). mfn. asleep Pañc. 
   • -"ṣndha (○drân○), mfn. blind with sleep, dead asleep, fast asleep MBh. 
   • -bhaṅga m. rousing from sleep, awaking W. 
   • -"ṣbhibhūta (○drâbh○), mfn. subdued by sleep, sleeping Suśr. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in sleep Hariv. 
   • -yoga m. a state of such deep meditation as to resemble sleep ib. (cf. yoganidrā) 
   • m light sleep, doze L. 
   • -"ṣlasa (○drâl○), mf(ā)n. slothful from drowsiness, fast asleep Hit. 
   • -"ṣlasya (○drâl○), n. sleepiness, long sleeping MBh. Var. 
   • -vaśa mfn. overpowered by sleep Vet. 
   • -vṛkṣa m. 'sleep-plant', darkness L. 
   • -saṃjanana n. 'producing sleep', phlegm, the phlegmatic humour L.

⋙ nidrāṇa

   ni-ḍdrāṇa mfn. asleep, sleeping Rājat. 
   • shut up, closed (as a blossom) L.

⋙ nidrāt

   ni-ḍdrāt mf(ātī, or āntī)n. sleeping MBh. &c

⋙ nidrāyamāṇa

   ni-ḍdrāyamāṇa mfn. d. Hariv.

⋙ nidrālu

   ni-ḍdrālu mfn. sleeping, sleepy, drowsy Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • f. Solanum Melongena L. 
   • = vana-barbarikā L. 
   • a kind of perfume L. 
   • -tva n. sleepiness, drowsiness L.

⋙ nidrita

   ni-ḍdrita mfn. sleeping, asleep Naish. (cf. g. tārakâdi) 
   • -vat mfn. one who has slept ib. Sch.

≫ nididrāsu

   ni-didrāsu (fr. Desid.) wishing to sleep, sleepy Rājat. viii, 2130 (printed vinidr○)

nidhana 1

   ni-dhana mfn. (for 2. col. 3) having no property, poor L.

⋙ nidhanatā

   ○tā f. poverty Mṛicch. i, 13 Hit. i. 128


   ni-dhā √1. P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to put or lay down, deposit, lay up, preserve (Ā. for one's self) 
   • to intrust, commit, present to (dat. or loc.) 
   • put into, fix in (loc., or loc. with antár, or antar ifc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • put or lay before a person (dat.) KenUp. 
   • (with bhūmau Hit.] or avaṭe ) to bury 
   • with śirasi, rarely ○sā) to esteem highly R. Kālid. Pañc. 
   • (with dṛśam) to fix the eyes upon (loc.) Kathās. 
   • (with manas) to fix or direct the thoughts upon or towards i.e. resolve, determine to (dat.) Hariv. 
   • (with manasi, ○sā, or hṛdaye) to keep in mind, bear in mind, remember, lay to heart Kāv. Pur. 
   • (with hṛdayam) to give one's heart to (loc.) 
   • (with ātmānam) to intrust one's self to (loc.) Kathās. 
   • (with kriyām) to take pains with (loc.) Hit. 
   • (with karmaṇi) to appoint a person to a work Rājat. 
   • to keep down, restrain Kāv. Pur. 
   • to end, close ŚBr.: Pass. -dhīyate, to be put or laid down &c 
   • to be contained or situated or absorbed in, to rest in (loc.) RV. AV. &c. &c.: Caus. -dhāpayati, to cause to be put or laid down &c. Vait. R. Hcat.  
   • to cause to be deposited or preserved Mn. viii, 30 
   • to lay up, preserve Car. 
   • to appoint BhP.: Desid. -dhitsate, to intend to put down &c. Naish.: Intens. nídedhyat (?), to settle down VS. MaitrS.

⋙ nidhana

   ni-ḍdhána (for 1. col. 2), n. (m. only Hariv. 4846 
   • g. ardharcâdi) settling down, residence or place of rṭresidence, domicile, receptacle AV. Suśr. BhP. 
   • conclusion, end, death, destruction, loss, annihilation Mn. Var. MBh. &c 
   • (in music) the concluding passage of a Sāman which is sung in chorus 
   • any finile AV. TS. Br. &c 
   • N. of the 8th mansion Var. 
   • race, family L. 
   • m. the head of a family W. 
   • (ā), f. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas Kauś. 
   • -kāma n. N. of sev. Sāmans TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy. 
   • -kārin mfn. causing death, destroying W. 
   • -kriyā f. a funeral ceremony Hariv. 
   • -pati m. lord of the end or of destruction TĀr. 
   • -bhūta mfn. (in music) forming a finale Lāṭy. 
   • -vat (○dhána-), mfn. having a finale VS. TāṇḍBr. &c 
   • -sūtra n. -sūtra-vṛtti f. N. of wks 
   • ○nôttama m. N. of Śiva R. 2

⋙ nidhā

   ni-ḍdhā́ f. a net or snare RV. 
   • -pati (○dhā́-), m. possessor or bearer of snares ib.

⋙ nidhātavya

   ni-ḍdhātavya mfn. to be put down or deposited or concealed or delivered or directed towards Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nidhātṛ

   ni-ḍdhātṛ́ m. one who lays down i.e. imprints or leaves (a footmark) RV. v, 30, 2

⋙ nidhātos

   ni-ḍdhātos (ní-), abl. inf. (with ā) to the end, until death RV.

⋙ nidhāna

   ni-ḍdhā́na n. putting or laying down, depositing, keeping, preserving KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • laying aside (cf. daṇḍa-n○) 
   • placing (the sacrificial fire) KātyŚr. 
   • place for depositing anything, receptacle (rarely m 
   • ifc. f. ī 
   • cf. garbha-n○) RV. &c. &c 
   • a place of cessation or rest W. 
   • anything laid up, a store, hoard, treasure (esp. the tṭtreasure or Kubera) Mn. Mṛicch. Ragh. &c. (-tā f. Jātakam.) 
   • (ī), f. N. of a formula TBr. ĀpŚr. 
   • mfn. containing anything (gen.) in itself TĀr. 
   • -kumbha m. a pot or jar containing a treasure Sāh. 
   • ○nī-√kṛ, to pile up Hcar. 
   • ○nêśa m. 'lord of treasure', a Yaksha Śatr.

⋙ nidhānaka

   ni-ḍdhānaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi

⋙ nidhānya

   ni-ḍdhānyá mfn. fit for being laid or put down RV.

⋙ nidhāpaka

   ni-ḍdhāpaka m. (fr. Caus.) one who causes a weapon to be put down (?) 
   • burnt timber 
   • charcoal 
   • the castor oil plant W.

⋙ nidhāpya

   ni-ḍdhāpya ind. (fr. Caus.) having caused to be placed or fixed in, having installed or appointed MW.

⋙ nidhāya

   ni-ḍdhāya ind. having fixed or placed in or on 
   • with manasi, fixing or laying up in the mind 
   • reflecting Hit.

⋙ nidhāyam

   ni-ḍdhāyam ghṛta-n○

⋙ nidhi

   ni-ḍdhí iu. setting down or serving up (food, &c.) RV. i. 183, 4 &c 
   • the bottom of the Ukhā ŚBr. 
   • a place for deposits or storing up, a receptacle (esp. apāṃ nidhi, r○ of waters, the ocean, sea, also N. of a Sāman 
   • kalānāṃ n○, the full moon) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a store, hoard, treasure RV. &c. &c. (in later language esp. the divine treasures belonging to Kubera, nine of which are enumerated, viz. Padma, Mahāpadma, Śaṅkha, Makara, Kacchapa, Mukunda, Nanda, Nīla and Kharva, they are also personified as attendants either of Kubera or of Lakshmī 
   • cf. nidhi-datta and -pālita below) 
   • the sea L. 
   • (with daiva) the science of chronology ChUp. vii, 1, 2 (Saṃk.) 
   • N. of a partic. medic. plant (= jīvikā) L. 
   • a kind of perfume (= nalikā) L. 
   • -guhyakâdhipa m. 'lord of the treasures and Guhyakas', Kubera Kir. v, 20 
   • -gopá m. guardian of treasure ŚBr. 
   • -datta m. N. of a merchant Kathās. 
   • -dīpikā f. N. of wk 
   • -nātha m. 'lord of treasure', N. of Kubera L. 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • -pa m. = -gopa Mn. MBh. 
   • any guardian or protector (as yajñasya, vedasya) ĀśvGṛ. i, 22, 21 
   • -pati (○dhí-), m. lord of treasure AV. VS. 
   • N. of Kubera Hariv. 
   • of a rich merchant Vet. 
   • -pati-datta m. N. of a merchant Daś. 
   • -pā́ (cf. AV. TBr.), -pāla (cf. MBh.), m. guardian of treasure 
   • -pālita m. N. of a merchant Daś. 
   • -prabhu m. lord of treasures, N. of Kubera MW. 
   • -bhṛt m. bearer of treasure, id. Dharmaśarm. 
   • -mát mfn. containing treasure or forming a store, abundant RV. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of treasure Hcar. 
   • -rāma m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -vāda m. the art of finding treasure Kād. 
   • -vāsa m. 'place of treasure', N. of a town L. 
   • ○dhī7śa (-tva n. R.), ○dhī7śvara (cf. Dharmaśarm.), m. 'lord of treasure', N. of Kubera 
   • ○dhy-arthin mfn. seeking treasure MW.

⋙ nidheya

   ni-ḍdheya mfn. to be placed in or on, to be deposited or kept or preserved Hariv. Car. &c

⋙ nihita

   nihita s.v. p. 564


   ni-dhārayá ni-dhṛ


   ni-dhāv √2. Ā. dhāvate, (aor. adhāviṣṭa), to rub into one's person TS.  
   • to press one's self on, cling to (loc.) RV.


   ni-dhí under ni-dhā


   ni-√dhū P.  (-dhuváti AV. TS. 
   • Pot. -dhūvet Kāṭh.), to throw down, deliver over AV. 
   • to shake to and fro, agitate Hariv.

⋙ nidhuvana

   ni-ḍdhuvana n. shaking, trembling, agitation L. 
   • sexual intercourse Gīt. Hāsy. 
   • sport, play L.


   ni-√dhṛ (only pf. -dadhre), to bend or yield to (dat.) RV. i, 37, 7: Caus. dhārayati (aor. -dīdhar), to place down in, bring to (loc.) RV. 
   • establish, appoint, render (with double acc.) ib. 
   • to preserve, keep BhP.

⋙ nidhāraya

   ni-ḍdhārayá mfn. establishing or having established (acc.) RV. viii, 41, 4

⋙ nidhṛti

   ni-ḍdhṛti m. N. of a son of Vṛishṇi AgP.


   ni-√dhyai P. -dhyāyati (pf. -dadhyau, ○dhyur), to observe, perceive 
   • to meditate, think of, remember (acc.) AitBr. BhP.: Desid. -didhyāsate', to wish to meditate on, think of attentively ŚBr.

≫ nididhyāsana

   ni-didhyāsana n. profound and repeated meditation Prab. Vedântas.

⋙ nidididhyāsitavya

   ni-diḍdidhyāsitavya mfn. to be thought about or attended to ŚBr.

⋙ nidididhyāsu

   ni-diḍdidhyāsu mfn. desirous of meditating on or attending to BhP.

≫ nidhyapti

   ni-dhyapti f. reflection, philosophical meditation L.

⋙ nidhyāta

   ni-ḍdhyāta mfn. meditated or thought on Vajracch.

⋙ nidhyāna

   ni-ḍdhyāna n. intuition, seeing, sight L.


   ni-dhruva m. N. of a man Pravar.: pl. his descendants ĀśvŚr. (cf. naidhruva, ○vi)

⋙ nidhruvi

   ní-dhruvi mfn. constant, persevering, faithful RV. 
   • m. N. of a Kāśyapa and author of RV. ix, 63 Anukr.


   ni-√dhvaṃs Caus. -dhvasayati, to scatter, overthrow, destroy RV. x, 73, 6


   ni-dhvāna m. (√2. dhvan) sound L.


   ninaṅkṣu (Desid. of √2. naś), wishing to perish or die Bhaṭṭ.


   ni-√nad P. -nadati, to sound, cry out, resound MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -nādayati, to cause to sound or resound, fill with noise or cries &c. ib.

⋙ ninada

   ni-ḍnada m. (n. ChUp. iii, 13, 8),

⋙ nināda

   ni-ḍnāda m. sound, noise, crying, humming MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ ninādita

   ni-ḍnādita mfn. filled with noise, resonant with (instr.) ib. 
   • n. = prec. ib.

⋙ ninādin

   ni-ḍnādin mfn. sounding, resounding, crying, resonant with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R. &c 
   • ifc. causing to sound, playing (a musical instrument) MBh. Hariv.


   ní-naddha mfn. (√nah) fastened on, tied to (loc.) RV. vi, 75, 5

≫ nināhya

   ni-nā́hya or m. a water-jar put into the ground ŚBr.

⋙ nināhya

   ni-nāhyá m. a water-jar put into the ground ŚBr.


   ni-nayana ○yanīya, ni-nī below


   ninarta-śatru wṛ. for nivṛtta-ś○


   ninartiṣā f. (√nṛt) desire of dancing Hcar.


   ni-√nard P. -nardati, to sound, prolong a note in chanting, slur or trill ṢaḍvBr. (cf. ava-√nard): Caus. -nardayati GopBr.

≫ ninarda

   ni-narda m. a slur or trill ĀśvŚr.


   ninitsú under √nind


   ni-√nī P. Ā. -nayati, ○te (Subj. aor. -neṣat), to lead to, carry or bring towards (dat. or loc.), bring or cause to (dat. inf.) RV. AV. &c 
   • to incline, bend BhP. 
   • to pour down, pour out or in TS. ŚBr. Yājñ. &c 
   • to cause to enter BhP. 
   • to offer as a sacrifice ib. 
   • to carry out, accomplish, perform ib. 
   • to spend (time) MW.

⋙ ninayana

   ni-ḍnayana n. pouring down or out Kauś. (cf. svadhā-n○) 
   • carrying out, performance MW.

⋙ ninayanīya

   ni-ḍnayanīya svāhā-ninayanīya


   ninīṣā (fr. Desid. of √1. nī), desire of bringing or carrying or taking away MBh.

⋙ ninīṣu

   ninīḍṣu mfn. wishing to take or carry or bring or lead to (acc. or acc. with prati) or spend (time) MBh. Kād. Rājat.


   ni-√nṛt P. -nṛtyati, to repeat (lit. dance again) a portion of a verse or syllable ŚāṅkhBr.

⋙ ninṛtta

   ni-ḍnṛtta mfn. repeated (as above) AitBr. 
   • -vat mfn. having repetition ib.  

⋙ ninṛtti

   ni-ḍnṛtti f. repetition ŚāṅkhBr.


   nind or nid, cl. 1. P. níndati, ep. also ○te (the form nid only in 3. pl. pf. ninidús, in the Desid. and in some deriv., under 1. nid and ninitsú below 
   • pf. nininda MBh. 
   • aor. ánindiṣur RV. 
   • níndiṣat AV. 
   • Pot. nindyāt Up. 
   • fut. nindiṣyati Vop. 
   • ninditā MBh. 
   • ind. p. -nindya ib.), to blame, censure, revile, despise, ridicule RV. &c. &c.: Desid. nínitsati, ○te, to wish to blame &c. RV. ĀśvŚr.  

≫ ninitsu

   ninitsú mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to blame RV.

≫ ninda

   ninda only in

⋙ nindatala

   ○tala mfn. = nindita-hasta, having a maimed hand L. (also nimna-t○ W.)

≫ nindaka

   nindaka mfn. blaming, abusive, censorious 
   • (mostly ifc.) a blamer or scorner (cf. brāhmaṇa-, veda-) Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nindana

   ninḍdana n. reproach, censure, blame Pāṇ.

≫ nindanīya

   nindanīya mfn. blamable, reprehensible Hariv.

≫ nindā

   nindā́ f. blame, censure, reproach, reviling, defamation, controversy, injury,
   outrage. AV. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (with Buddh.) one of the eight worldly conditions Dharmas. lxi 
   • -stuti f. ironical praise, irony L. 
   • ○dôpamā f. a comparison which involves reproof Kāvyâd. ii, 30

≫ nindita

   ninditá mfn. blamed, censured, abused, defamed, low, despicable, prohibited, forbidden RV. Br. &c

⋙ ninditāśva

   ninditâśva m. N. of a man RV. viii, 1, 30

≫ ninditṛ

   ninditṛ m. scorner, scoffer RV.

≫ nindin

   nindin mfn. blaming, censuring, reproaching (ifc.) Kāvyâd.

≫ nindu

   nindu f. a woman bearing a dead child L.

≫ nindya

   nindyá (or níndya), mfn. = ○danīya RV. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • -tā f. blamableness, disgrace Mn.


   ninv cl. 1. ○vati (cf. Dhātup. xv, 81 
   • v. l. sinv), to wet or to attend (prob. a confusion between secane and sevane)


   ni-pa under ni-pā below


   ní-pakṣati f. the second rib VS.


   ni-paṭha m. (√paṭh) recitation, study Pāṇ. iii, 3, 64 Kāś.

⋙ nipaṭhana

   ni-paḍṭhana n. (cf. L.),

⋙ nipaṭhiti

   ni-paḍṭhiti f. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 9) id

⋙ nipaṭhitin

   ni-paḍṭhitin mfn. g. iṣṭâdi

⋙ nipāṭha

   nipāṭha m. = -paṭha Pāṇ. 3-3, 64


   ni-√pat P. -patati (ep. also ○te), to fly down, settle down, descend on (loc.), alight MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to rush upon, attack, assail (acc. or loc.) Ratnâv. Kathās. 
   • to fall down, fall upon or into (lit. and fig., with upari, acc. or loc 
   • with pādayoḥ, to throw one's self at a person's gen. feet Kum. Kathās.) 
   • to fall into ruin or decay, be lost AV. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • to be miscarried (as the fetus) BhP. 
   • to befall, happen, take place, occur, fall to the share of (loc.) Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • to enter, be inserted, get a place Pāṇ. Nir.: Caus. -pātayati (aor. -apīpatat RV.), to cause to fall down, or on (loc.), throw down, fell, kill, destroy RV. &c. &c 
   • to spit out Pañc. iii, 60 
   • to inlay, emboss MBh. iv, 1325 
   • to fix (the teeth) in (loc.) MBh. 
   • to direct (the eyes) towards (loc.) MārkP. 
   • to impute (a fault) to (gen.) Kathās. 
   • to raise (taxes) from (abl.) MBh. 
   • (in gram.) to put down as a special or irregular form, consider as anomalous or irregular

⋙ nipatana

   ni-ḍpatana n. falling down, falling, descending MBh. Hariv. 
   • (garbhiṇyāgarbhasya) the lying-in of a pregnant woman VarBṛS. li, 35 
   • flying MBh.

⋙ nipatita

   ni-ḍpatita mfn. flown or fallen down, descended (nabho-n○, from heaven), fallen upon or into (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • decayed, sunk, withered Dhūrtas.

⋙ nipatya

   ni-ḍpatya ind. having fallen down &c. MBh. 
   • -rohiṇī f. (prob.) falling and ascending, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi

⋙ nipatyā

   ni-ḍpatyā f. any slippery ground 
   • a field of battle L.

⋙ nipāta

   ni-ḍpāta m. falling down, descending, alighting (lit. and fig.), falling from (abl.) into or upon (comp.), rushing upon, attacking (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • decay, destruction, ruin, death ib. 
   • (from the Caus.) casting, hurling, discharging Kum. iii, 15 
   • accidental occurrence or mention Nir. ĀśvŚr. 
   • (in gram.) irregular form, irregularity, exception (cf. para-, pūrva-) 
   • a particle (all adverbs including conjunctions and interjections) Nir. Prāt. Pāṇ. 1-4, 56 
   • -tva n. the state of being a particle MW. 
   • -pratīkāra m. the repelling of assaults ib. 
   • ○tâvyayôpasarga m. pl. N. of wk

⋙ nipātaka

   ni-ḍpātaka ifc. = pātaka, a bad deed, a sin MBh. v, 4053

⋙ nipātana

   ni-ḍpātana mfn. (fr. Caus.) throwing down, killing, destroying, knocking out (an eye) MBh.  
   • n. causing to descend or fall, throwing down, letting drop or sink Mn. Yājñ. R. (cf. daṇḍa-n○) 
   • putting on, applying (as a knife), touching with (comp.) Suśr. 
   • overthrowing, destroying, killing Mn. MBh. 
   • (in gram.) accidental mention or use of a word, putting down as an irregularity 
   • an irregular form or exception
   Prāt. Pāṇ. Sch. Vop. 
   • = ni-patana, falling down (of a fire-brand) Yājñ. i, 145 
   • alighting (said of a bird) Pañc. ī. 57

⋙ nipātanīya

   ni-ḍpātanīya mfn. to be caused to fall 
   • (with daṇḍa m. 'punishment must be inflicted)' Sāh.

⋙ nipātita

   ni-ḍpātita mfn. made to fall or descend on (loc.) 
   • overthrown, beaten down, destroyed, killed MBh. &c 
   • (in gram.) irregular, exceptional

⋙ nipātin

   ni-ḍpātin mfn. falling or flying down MBh. 
   • falling or alighting on (comp. Ragh. ix, 40 
   • upari Vikr. v, 15) 
   • striking down, destroying MBh. Ragh.

⋙ nipātya

   ni-ḍpātya ind. throwing down, overthrowing, destroying, killing MBh. BhP.

⋙ nipātya

   ni-ḍpātya mfn. to be cast down or overthrown 
   • (in gram.) to be put down or mentioned as an irregularity

⋙ nipātyamāna

   ni-ḍpātyamāna mfn. being thrown down, being precipitated into (loc.) Prab. vi, 6/7


   ni-√pad Ā. -padyate, to lie down, rest, lie down with (acc.) RV. ŚBr.: Caus. -pādayati, to throw down, fell ib.


   ni-paraṇa ni-√pṝ


   ní-palāśam ind. (as softly or silently as) the falling of leaves ŚBr.


   ni-pā √1. P. -pibati, to drink or suck in, kiss Kāv. 
   • to absorb, dry up BhP.: Caus. -pāyayati, cause to imbibe or suck in ib. 1

⋙ nipa

   ni-ḍpa m. a water-jar, Nauclea Cadamba L. 1

⋙ nipāna

   ni-ḍpāna (or ○naka W.), n. drinking, imbibing MBh. BhP. 
   • any place or trough for watering cattle, a well, pool, tank Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a milkpail L. 
   • -kartṛ m. one who makes a tank Mn. iv, 211 
   • -vat mfn. abounding in pools or tanks Ragh. 
   • -saras n. a pool or lake for watering cattle Kād.

⋙ nipīta

   ni-ḍpīta mfn. drunk in, absorbed, imbibed, drunk up Kāv. 
   • -kusuma mfn. (a tree) whose blossoms are sucked by (instr.) ŚārṅgP. 
   • -toya mfn. (a river) whose water has been drunk by (instr.) R. 
   • -sāra mfn. (a lip) whose moisture has been sucked in (that has been kissed), Ṛit

⋙ nipīti

   ni-ḍpīti f. drinking L.

⋙ nipīyamāna

   ni-ḍpīyamāna mfn. being drunk in or imbibed Kathās.


   ni-pā √2. P. -pāti, to guard or protect from (abl.) 
   • to observe, watch over RV. AV.: Caus. -pālayati, to protect, guard, govern MW. 2

⋙ nipa

   ni-ḍpa mfn. protecting (cf. āke-n○) RV. 
   • m. a lord, chief L.

⋙ nipaka

   ni-ḍpaka mfn. intelligent, wise (cf. Pāli) L. 
   • m. chief Divyâv. 2

⋙ nipāna

   ni-ḍpāna n. place of refuge Jātakam. 
   • ○nī√kṛ ib.


   ni-pāka (√pac), cooking, maturing, ripening L.


   ni-pāṭha ni-paṭha above


   ni-pāta under ni-pat


   ni-pādá m. (fr. pā́da) low ground, a valley RV.


   ni-pitsu mfn. (√pat Desid.) going or about to fall Hariv.


   ní-piṣṭa mfn. (√piṣ) crushed, destroyed AV.


   ni-√pīḍ Caus. -pīḍayati, to press close to or against, press together, impress 
   • to oppress, afflict, plague, trouble MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (in astron.) to eclipse Var.

⋙ nipīḍana

   ni-ḍpīḍana n. squeezing, pressing, hurting, giving pain L. 
   • (ā) f. oppression Sāh.

⋙ nipīḍayat

   ni-ḍpīḍayat mf(antī)n. pressing, pressing together 
   • (dantān. dantaiḥ) gnashing the teeth Pañc.

⋙ nipīḍita

   ni-ḍpīḍita mfn. squeezed, pressed, embraced 
   • pained, hurt Mn. MBh. &c 
   • ○ḍitâlaktaka-vat ind. like pressed lac MW.

⋙ nipīḍya

   ni-ḍpīḍya ind. having squeezed or pressed or embraced or hurt MBh. Kāv. &c

≫ nipīlana

   ni-pīlana n. pressing out HPariś. (= ni-pīḍana)


   ni√pīy P. -pī́yati, to revile, abuse TBr.


   nipu m. N. of a man Kshit7ś.  


   nipuṇa mf(ā)n. (said to be from a √puṇ), clever, adroit, skilful, sharp, acute Mn. MBh. Suśr. Kāv. &c 
   • skilled in, conversant with, capable of (mostly comp.  
   • but also infin. , loc. {cf. Var.}, gen.  or instr. ) 
   • kind or friendly towards (loc. or prati Pāṇ. 2-3, 43) 
   • delicate, tender Jātakam. 
   • perfect, complete, absolute (as purity, devotion &c.) Mn. BhP. 
   • (am), ind. in a clever or delicate manner MBh. Kāv. 
   • completely, perfectly, absolutely, exactly, precisely R. (also nipuṇa ibc. Pāṇ. 6-2, 24, and ○ṇena MBh. BhP.)

⋙ nipuṇatara

   ○tara mfn. more clever or perfect &c 
   • (am), ind. = next Pañc.

⋙ nipuṇatas

   ○tas ind. wholly, completely MBh.

⋙ nipuṇatā

   ○tā f. skilfulness, adroitness, carefulness, accuracy Kāv. Pañc.

⋙ nipuṇadṛś

   ○dṛś mfn. sharpsighted, clever, knowing MW.

⋙ nipuṇikā

   nipuṇikā f. N. of a waiting-maid Kālid.


   ni-√puth Caus. -pothayati, to dash down Hariv.


   ni-púr f. the subtle body VS. AV. (= sūkṣma-deha Mahīdh.)


   ní-pūta mfn. (√pū) strained, filtered, purified RV.


   ni-√pṝ P. -pṛṇāti (Pot. -pṛṇuyāt Lāṭy.), to put down, pour out, offer (esp. to deceased relatives) AV. ŚBr. &c.: Intens. -popūryate Pat.

⋙ niparaṇa

   ni-ḍparaṇa n. the putting down or offering (of rice &c. to deceased relatives) Nir. ĀśvŚr. Sch.

⋙ nipāraka

   ni-ḍpāraka mfn. one who puts down &c. Pat.

⋙ nipṛta

   ni-ḍpṛta (cf. ĀśvŚr.) and mfn. put down, poured out, offered

⋙ nipūrta

   ni-ḍpūrta (cf. Pat.) mfn. put down, poured out, offered


   ni-√prath (Caus. aor. -paprathan), to spread or increase RV. ī. 11, 8


   ni-prayatna wṛ. for niṣ-pr○ Hariv.


   ni-pra-√han P. -hanti, to hurt or destroy (with gen.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 56 Kāś.


   ni-priyāya (fr. ni-priya), Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to keep in one's possession, not to be willing to give up (acc.) AV.


   ni-phalā f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.


   ni-phālana n. seeing, sight L. (prob. wṛ. for ni-bh○)


   ni-phena n. opium L. (cf. a-ph○)


   ni-√bandh P. -badhnāti, to bind on, tie, fasten to (loc.) AV. Kauś. MBh. &c 
   • to enchain, fetter (lit. and fig.) Mn. MBh. R. &c 
   • to contract, unite, join, close, obstruct Kāv. Kathās. 
   • to compose, draw up, write down Mn. Var. R. &c 
   • to catch, win, acquire MBh. Pañc. 
   • to hold fast, restrain, check MBh. Ragh. 
   • to put or fix upon (foot, eye &c., i.e. undertake, begin, with loc.) Hariv. Kāv. Pañc. 
   • to fix, place, locate Rājat. 
   • to show, exhibit Sāh.: Pass. -badhyate, to be bound &c. Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ nibaddha

   ni-ḍbaddha mfn. bound, fettered, chained, tied or fastened to, fixed on (loc.) 
   • covered with, veiled in (instr.) MBh. 
   • dependent on (instr.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • relating to, contained in (loc.) MBh. Hariv. 
   • composed or consisting of accompanied by, furnished with, adorned or inlaid with (comp.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • shut up, closed, obstructed Kathās. 
   • constructed, built ib. 
   • composed, written down R. Kālid. &c 
   • used, employed as a word Sāh. 
   • called as a witness (a-n○ Mn. viii, 76) 
   • confined costive W. 
   • committed, intrusted MW. 
   • m. (in music) a partic. instrument

⋙ nibaddhavya

   ni-ḍbaddhavya (!), mfn. necessarily connected with (instr.) Sāh.

⋙ nibanddhṛ

   ni-ḍbanddhṛ m. binder, fastener, author, composer Bālar. i, 11 (printed nibaddhṛ)

⋙ nibandha

   ni-ḍbandha m. binding on, tying, fastening R. 
   • chain, fetter, bondage MBh. BhP. 
   • attachment to, intentness on L. 
   • basis, √, origin MBh. ī. 2532 
   • a grant of property, an assignment of cattle or money Yājñ. i. 317 
   • fixed property ib. ī. 121 
   • restraint, obstruction L. 
   • constipation or suppression of urine Suśr. (v. l. for vi-b○) 
   • any literary composition or work Cat. 
   • N. of a partic. wk. ib. 
   • Azadirachta Indica L. 
   • n. song, singing L. 
   • -candrôdaya and -tattvadīpa m. N. of wks 
   • -dāna n. grant of property, assignment or gift of a corrody MW. 
   • -nava-nīta m. or n. N. of wk.  
   • -rāja m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -vivṛti-yojanā f. -śiromaṇy-ukta-nirṇaya m. pl., -saṃgraha m. -sarvasva n. -sāra m. N. of wks

⋙ nibandhaka

   ni-ḍbandhaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi (v. l. ○dhanaka)

⋙ nibandhana

   ni-ḍbandhana mf(ī)n. binding, fastening, fettering MBh. BhP. 
   • m. N. of a son of Aruṇa BhP. (v. l. tri-b○) 
   • (ī), f. band, bond, fetter MBh. Suśr. 
   • n. tying, fastening, binding together, ligation Mn. Suśr. 
   • holding fast, restraining MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • constructing, building (as a bridge) MBh. 
   • band, fetter (lit. and fig.), support, stay ib. Kāv. Kathās. BhP. 
   • cause, origin, basis, foundation Mn. MBh. &c. (often ifc. = supported by, fastened to, based or dependent on, connected with, relating to) 
   • seat, receptacle (cf. iṣu-n○) 
   • the peg of a lute L. 
   • a grant, an assignment or royal gift Śiś. ii, 112 
   • composition, arrangement Kum. 
   • a literary composition or treatise Śiś. ii, 112 
   • (in gram.) syntax 
   • a commentary 
   • -grantha m. N. of a class of wks

⋙ nibandhanaka

   ni-ḍbandhanaka ○dhaka above

⋙ nibandhanīya

   ni-ḍbandhanīya mfn. good or friendly relation 
   • acc. with √kṛ, to be on good terms with (instr.) Hcar. (v. l. nir-b○)

⋙ nibandhika

   ni-ḍbandhika aśvanib○

⋙ nibandhita

   ni-ḍbandhita mfn. bound, fastened, confined, tied W.

⋙ nibandhin

   ni-ḍbandhin mfn. binding, confining, fettering MBh. Kāv. 
   • (ifc.) joined by, connected with MBh. Suśr. 
   • causing, being the cause of Yogas.


   ni-barhaṇa ni-bṛh below


   nibala m. or n. a partic. number Buddh.


   ní-bāḍha or ○bāḻha mfn. (√baṃh) forced down, thrown into (loc.) RV. i, 106, 6


   ni-√bādh Ā. -bādhate, to press down or together, confine, obstruct, oppress RV.

≫ nibādha

   ni-bādha a-nibādhá


   ni-biḍa or ni-viḍa mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. biḍa = bila, a hole 
   • cf. ni-khila) without spaces or interstices, close, compact, thick, dense, firm MBh. Kāv. &c. full of abounding in (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Śak. vii, 11 (v. l. for ni-cita) 
   • low Kād. 
   • crooked-nosed Pāṇ. 5-2, 32 Kāś. 
   • m. N. of a mountain MBh. vi, 460 
   • n. crooked-nosedness Pāṇ. 5-2, 32 Kāś.

≫ nibiḍaya

   nibiḍaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make tight, embrace firmly Bālar. ii, 62

⋙ nibiḍita

   nibiḍḍita mfn. made tight, become thick or heavy Mālatīm. 
   • pressed close to Bālar. v, 19

≫ nibiḍīkṛ

   nibiḍī-√kṛ to make tight or firm, bend (a bow) Vcar.

≫ nibirīśa

   nibirīśa mfn. = ni-biḍa Kāv. (-ni-tamba Śiś. vii, 20) Pāṇ. y, 2, 32 Kāś. (cf. W. niviḍīṣa)


   ni-√budh P. -bodhati (aor. -bódhiṣat RV.), to learn or hear anything (acc.) from any one (gen., rarely sakāśāt), to attend or listen to (esp. Impv. nibodha, ○dhata 
   • rarely ○dhasva, ○dhadhvam) 
   • to know, understand, consider as (often with double acc.) RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -bodhayati, to cause to know or learn, to inform, tell BhP.

⋙ niboddhavya

   ni-ḍboddhavya mfn. to be learnt 
   • to be regarded or considered as (with nomin.) Var.

⋙ niboddhṛ

   ni-ḍboddhṛ mfn. knowing, wise Gal.


   ni-busī-kṛta mfn. freed from chaff, husked Kuval. (cf. nir-b○)


   ni-√bṛh (vṛh), P. -bṛhati (aor. -barhīt), to throw down, overthrow, crush, destroy RV.: Caus. -barhayati id. ib. MBh. &c

⋙ nibarhaṇa

   ni-ḍbarhaṇa mfn. crushing, destroying, removing MBh. R. &c 
   • n. destruction, annihilation ib.

⋙ nibarhita

   ni-ḍbarhita mfn. destroyed, removed 
   • ○tâṃhas mfn. destroying sin Śiś. i, 29


   ni-bha mf(ā)n. (√bhā) resembling, like, similar (ifc.) MBh. R. &c. (sometimes pleonast. after adj., e.g. cāru-nibhânana, 'handsome-faced' Hariv., or comp. with a synonym, e.g. naga-nibhôpama, 'mountain-like' MBh. 
   • padma-pattrâbha-nibha, 'like a lotus-leaf' ib.) 
   • in. or n. appearance, pretext (only ifc. instr. Daś. 
   • abl. Kathās.)

⋙ nibhatā

   ○tā f. similarity, likeness RPrāt.


   ni-√bhañj P. -bhanakti (aor. ny-abhāṅkṣīt), to break or dash to pieces Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nibhañjana

   ni-ḍbhañjana n. breaking to pieces or asunder AV.


   ni-bhartsana ○tsayat wṛ. for nir-bh○.  


   ni-√bhal P. Ā. -bhālayati, ○te, to perceive, see ChUp. Bālar.

⋙ nibhālana

   ni-ḍbhālana n. seeing, perception L. (wṛ. ni-ph○)


   ni-bhasad mfn. (prob.) having the hinder parts directed downwards TāṇḍyaBr.


   ni-√bhid (Pass. -bhidyate), to be opened, open BhP. (v. l. anu-bh○)


   ni-bhuj √1. P. -bhujati, to bend (head and knees) Pat.


   ni-bhūta mfn. (√bhū) past, gone L. 
   • quite frightened A.


   nibhūyapa (?), m. N. of Vishṇu VS.


   ní-bhṛta mfn. (√bhṛ) borne or placed down, hidden, secret MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • nearly set (as the moon) Ragh. 
   • firm, immovable Hariv. Kāv. Pur. 
   • shut, closed (as a door) L. 
   • fixed, settled, decided RV. 
   • fixed or intent upon (comp.) Kād. 
   • filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) BhP. 
   • attached, faithful MBh. MārkP. 
   • still, silent Kum. 
   • quiet, humble, modest, mild, gentle MBh. R. &c 
   • free from passions, undisturbed (= śānta) Hcar. 
   • lonely, solitary Gīt. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of riddle Kāvyâd. 
   • (am), ind. secretly, privately, silently, quietly Mn. Kāv. 
   • Pañc. &c 
   • n. humility, modesty MBh. v, 1493 (cf. Nīlak. 'secrecy, silence')

⋙ nibhṛtasthita

   ○sthita mfn. standing out of sight, unperceived Kathās.

⋙ nibhṛtāgata

   nibhṛtâgata mfn. secretly arrived ib.

⋙ nibhṛtācāra

   nibhṛtâcāra mfn. of resolute conduct, firm R.

⋙ nibhṛtātman

   nibhṛtâtman mfn. resolute-minded, resolute BhP.

⋙ nibhṛtārtha

   nibhṛtârtha mfn. having a secret meaning, occult Śiś.

⋙ nibhṛtordhvakarṇa

   nibhṛtôrdhva-karṇa mfn. having the ears fixed and erect (said of horses) Śak. i, 8

≫ nibhṛtīkṛ

   nibhṛtī-√kṛ to keep quiet or unmoved Kāv.


   ni-√bhraṃś Caus. -bhrāśáyati, to cause to fall, strike down, fell RV. x, 116, 5

⋙ nibhṛṣṭa

   ni-ḍbhṛṣṭa a-nibhṛ○


   nima m. a pin, stake (?) W.


   ni-√majj P. Ā. -majjati, ○te (p. -majjat and ○jjamāna MBh. 
   • pf. -mamajja MārkP. 
   • fut. -majjiṣyati MBh. 
   • -maṅkṣye, Ait.Br 
   • aor. -amāṅkṣīt Bhaṭṭ. 
   • -majjīḥ MBh.), to sink down, dive, sink or plunge or penetrate into, bathe in (loc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to sink in its cavity (the eye) Suśr. 
   • to disappear, perish MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to immerse or submerge in water, cause to sink or perish MBh.: Caus. -majjayati, to cause to dive under water Mn. viii, 114 
   • (with samare, saṃgrāme &c.) to cause to penetrate into a battle, lead into the thick of a fight MBh.

⋙ nimagna

   ni-ḍmagna mfn. sunk, fallen into (water &c.) 
   • submerged, plunged, or immersed in, penetrated or fixed into (loc. or comp.) Br. Up. MBh. &c 
   • gone down, set (as the sun) Ragh. Gīt. 
   • (with para-lokāya) entered into the other world MBh. 
   • sunk in, depressed, not prominent, deep Suśr. (cf. below) 
   • overwhelmed, covered MW. 
   • -nābhi, or -madhyā f. (a woman) having a depressed navel or a slender waist Vikr.

⋙ nimagnaka

   ni-ḍmagnaka mfn. sinking or entering deep into the flesh MBh. i, 5601

⋙ nimajjathu

   ni-ḍmajjathu m. the act of diving or entering into, plunging 
   • (with talpe) going to bed Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nimajjana

   ni-ḍmajjana mf(ī)n. causing a person (gen.) to enter or plunge into (water &c.) MBh. 
   • n. bathing, diving, sinking, immersion MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nimajjita

   ni-ḍmajjita mfn. plunged into the water, drowned MBh.


   ni-√math (ind. p. -mathya), to strike down, kill R.


   ni-√mad P. -mādayati, to pronounce distinctly but slowly Sāy.

⋙ nimada

   ni-ḍmada m. pronunciation which is distinct but slow (one of the 7 vācaḥ sthānāni, or degrees of pronunciation) TPrāt.


   ni-√man (aor. Ā. -amaṃsata), to regard or consider as (with double acc.) BhP.


   ni-√mantr Ā. -mantrayate (○ti), to invite, summon, call to (loc. or infin.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • to invite or entertain with (instr.) or offer anything to (acc.) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c

⋙ nimantraka

   ni-ḍmantraka m. an inviter MBh.

⋙ nimantraṇa

   ni-ḍmantraṇa n. invitation, calling, a summons Yājñ. MBh. R.

⋙ nimantrita

   ni-ḍmantrita mfn. invited (esp. to a feast, with instr., e.g. vivāhena Pañcar. 
   • cf. Pañc. iii, 139) 
   • summoned, called, convoked Mn. MBh. &c.  

⋙ nimantrya

   ni-ḍmantrya mfn. to be invited or called MBh. xii, 3340

⋙ nimantrya

   ni-ḍmantrya ind. having invited, by means of an invitation Rājat. i, 66


   ní-manyu mfn. not angry, unresentful, appeased AV.


   ni-maya under ni-me


   ni-mardaka under ni-mṛd


   ni-√mā Ā. -mimīte (pf. -mamire RV. iii, 38, 7), to measure, adjust RV. &c. &c. (cf. nime). 1

⋙ nimātavya

   ni-ḍmātavya mfn. to be (or being) measured Pat.

⋙ nimāna

   ni-ḍmāna n. measure Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 (cf. a-nim○), price Siddh.

⋙ nimita

   ni-ḍmita mfn. measured (cf. cakṣur-n○, dur-n○) 
   • caused BhP. (v. l. nir-m○)

⋙ meya

   meya mfn. to be measured, measurable Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 Vārtt. 5


   ni-mārjana under ni-mṛj

nimi 1

   nimi m. N. of sev. kings of Videha Mn. MBh. &c 
   • of a son of Dattâtreya MBh. 
   • of a son of Ikshvāku Pur. (having lost his body through the curse of Vasishṭha he occupied the eyes of all living beings, hence the opening and shutting of men's eyelids 
   • cf. ni-miṣa and VP. iv, 5) 
   • of 21st Jaina Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī (identified with the former Nimi) L. 
   • of a son of Bhajamāna VP. 
   • of a son of Daṇḍa-pāṇi BhP. 
   • of a Dānava Hariv. (v. l. ḍimbha) 
   • the closing or winking of the eyes, twinkling BhP. ix, 24, 64

⋙ nimiṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara m. N. of a prince Lalit.

⋙ nimīśvara

   nimī7śvara m. (with Jainas) N. of 16th Arhat of past Ut-sarpiṇī

nimi 2

   ni-mi √1. P. -minoti (pf. -mimā́ya Pass. -mīyate), to fix or dig in, erect, raise RV. AV. Br. &c 
   • to perceive, notice, understand (?) AV. iv, 16, 5. 2

⋙ nimita

   ni-ḍmita mfn. fixed, raised, erected RV. AV. TBr.

⋙ nimiti

   ni-ḍmiti f. (?) settlement RV. v, 62, 7


   nimitta n. (possibly connected with ni-√mā above) a butt, mark, target MBh. 
   • sign, omen Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (cf. dur-n○) 
   • cause, motive, ground, reason
   Up. Kap. Var. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (in all oblique cases = because of, on account of, cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 23 Pat. 
   • mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by 
   • ○ttaṃ√yā, to be the cause of anything Kād.) 
   • (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to upâdāna, the operative or material cause) Vedântas. Bhāshāp. 
   • = āgantu 
   • deha 
   • ādeśa 
   • parvan L.

⋙ nimittakāraṇa

   ○kāraṇa n. instrumental or efficient cause (esp. the Deity as the agent in creation) W. 
   • -tā f. MW.

⋙ nimittakāla

   ○kāla m. the period or moment of time which may be regarded as causing any event 
   • -tā f. KāṭyŚr. Sch.

⋙ nimittakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'omen-maker', a crow, raven L.

⋙ nimittajña

   ○jña mfn. acquainted with omens MW.

⋙ nimittajñāna

   ○jñāna n. 'knowledge of omens or signs', N. of ch. of the Kāma-sūtra by Vātsyāyana 
   • cf. RTL. 397

⋙ nimittatā

   ○tā f

⋙ nimittatva

   ○tva n. (in phil.) the state of being a cause, causality, instrumentality

⋙ nimittadharma

   ○dharma m. expiation, any occasional or special penance or rite or obligation W.

⋙ nimittanidāna

   ○nidāna n. N. of wk

⋙ nimittanimittin

   ○nimittin mfn. operating and operated upon Sch. on P. viii, 3, 9

⋙ nimittanaimittika

   ○naimittika n. du. cause and effect Śak. vii, 30

⋙ nimittabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. become or being a cause or reason or means MW.

⋙ nimittamātra

   ○mātra n. the mere efficient cause or instrument Bhag. Veṇis.

⋙ nimittavid

   ○vid m. 'omen-knower', an astrologer L.

⋙ nimittavedhin

   ○vedhin mfn. hitting a mark MBh.

⋙ nimittasaptamī

   ○saptamī f. a seventh case (locative) indicating the cause or motive Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 57

⋙ nimittahetu

   ○hetu m. the efficient cause 
   • -tva n. Bhāshāp.

⋙ nimittāyus

   nimittâyus mfn. one whose age is dependent on some cause MBh.

⋙ nimittārtha

   nimittârtha m. (in gram.) the infinitive mood MW.

⋙ nimittāvṛtti

   nimittâvṛ́tti f. dependence upon a special cause or occasion W.

⋙ nimittāvekṣa

   nimittâvêkṣa mfn. considering the cause, ĀPGṛ

≫ nimittaka

   nimittaka mfn. caused or occasioned or produced by (ifc.), Kāp. Sch. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 16 
   • n. kissing, a kiss L.

⋙ nimittāyamāna

   nimittāyamāna mfn. (fr. an unusual Nom. ○ttāya) causing, producing MW.

≫ nimittin

   nimittin mfn. operated on or influenced by a cause, having a cause or reason
   TPrāt. Sch. Pāṇ. Sch. (cf. nimitta-n○ above)

≫ nimittī

   nimittī for ○tta in comp

⋙ nimittīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to make anything a cause, use as a cause or means Daś. BhP.

⋙ nimittīkṛtya

   ○kṛtya ind. in consequence of, by the fault of (acc.) Kād.

⋙ nimittībhū

   ○bhū to become a cause or reason for (loc.) Sāh.  


   ni-miśra m. N. of a man (cf. naimiśra)

≫ nimiśla

   ní-miśla mf(ā)n. devoted or attached to (loc.) RV.

⋙ nimiślatama

   ○tama mfn. most attached to (loc.) ŚBr.


   ni-√miṣ P. -miṣati (aor. -amīmiṣat), to shut the eyelids, wink, fall asleep RV. &c. &c 
   • to be shut (said of the eyelids) R. 
   • (fut. -miṣyati ?) Daś. (cf. a-nimiṣat)

⋙ nimiṣ

   ni-ḍmíṣ f. winking or twinkling of the eye (cf. a-nimiṣ) 
   • shutting the eyes, falling asleep RV. AV. (cf. 1. nimi)

⋙ nimiṣa

   ni-ḍmiṣa m. twinkling, shutting the eye (also considered as a measure of time, a moment MBh. R. 
   • as a disease Suśr.) 
   • N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh. 
   • of Vishṇu L. 
   • -kṣetra n. N. of a district Cat. 
   • ○ṣântara n. the interval of a moment 
   • (eṇa), in a moment MBh. Kāv.

⋙ nimiṣita

   ni-ḍmiṣita n. shutting of the eyes Pat.

⋙ nimeṣa

   ni-ḍmeṣá m. shutting the eye, twinkling, winking TS. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (also as a measure of time i.e. a moment 
   • ○ṣād iva, in a moment MBh. R. &c 
   • ○ṣaṃ nimeṣam, every moment ŚBr. 
   • as a disease Suśr.) 
   • N. of a Yaksha MBh. 
   • -kṛt f. 'twinkler', lightning L. 
   • -tás ind. with regard to the shutting of the eyes VS. 
   • -dyut, or -ruc m. a fire-fly L. 
   • -mātra n. merely an instant 
   • (eṇa), ind. in barely a moment MBh. 
   • ○ṣântara n. = nimiṣ○ (cf. under cārin) 
   • ○ṣârdhāt ind. in half a twinkling of the eyes, in less than an instant Ragh.

⋙ nimeṣaka

   ni-ḍmeṣaka m. twinkling of the eye 
   • a fire-fly W.

⋙ nimeṣaṇa

   ni-ḍmeṣaṇa mf(ī)n. causing twinkling &c. Suśr. 
   • n. shutting the eyes, twinkling BhP.


   ni-√mih P. -mehati (Intens. -mémihat), to pour down urine, moisten with urine, wet TS. ŚBr.


   ni-√mīl P. -mīlati, to shut the eyes, fall asleep 
   • to close (as flowers), die, disappear Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • Caus. -mīlayati (○te), to close (the eyes, eyelids, blossoms &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. ni-mīlita below)

⋙ nimīlaka

   ni-ḍmīlaka mf(ikā)n. shutting the eyes 
   • (ikā) f. below

⋙ nimīlana

   ni-ḍmīlana n. shutting the eyes Kāv. (met. = death L.) 
   • closing (of a flower) Sāh. (cf. padma-) 
   • (in astron.) complete obscuration, a total eclipse Sūryas.

⋙ nimīlā

   ni-ḍmīlā f. shutting the eyes Naish.

⋙ nimīlikā

   ni-ḍmīlikā f. id. (cf. ibhanimīlikā and gaja-n○) 
   • fraud, trick W.

⋙ nimīlita

   ni-ḍmīlita mfn. having closed the eyes MBh. Kāv. 
   • closed (as eyes, flowers ; n. also impers., e.g. ○tam puṇḍarīkaiḥ), twinkled, blinked Kāv. Suśr. 
   • disappeared (cf. below) 
   • (fr. Caus.) caused to shut the eyes i.e. killed Pañc. iii, 269 
   • -dṛś mfn. having the eyes closed Ragh. (C.) xix, 28 
   • -nakṣatra mfn. having the stars obscured (as the sky) Hariv. 2660 
   • -mukha mf(ī)n. (cf. Ragh. xix, 28, C. -dṛś, above.) and ○tâkṣa mf(ī)n. (cf. Suśr.) = -dṛś

⋙ nimīlin

   ni-ḍmīlin mfn. having the eyelids shut (as a face) Naish.


   ni-√mīv (only pres. p. f. -mī́vantī), to press on, press down AV. v, 7, 7


   ni-muṣṭi m. or f. 'less than a handful', a kind of measure Kauś.

⋙ nimuṣṭika

   ni-muṣḍṭika mfn. smaller than a closed hand AitĀr.


   ni-mūlam ind. down to the √cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 34

⋙ nimūlakāṣam

   ni-mūḍla-kāṣam ind. id. ib. Kāś.


   ni-√mṛ (2. sg. Impv. -mṛṇīhi), to crush AV. x, 1, 17


   ni-√mṛj P. Ā. -mārṣṭi, -mṛṣṭe, -mṛjati, ○te &c. (Pot. -mṛjyāt Mn. 
   • -mṛñjyāt ŚBr. 
   • Impv. -mṛḍhvam TS. 
   • pf. -māmṛjur, ○je RV.  
   • aor. -amṛkṣāma ib. 
   • -amṛṣṭa ŚBr.), to rub in or upon (loc.), wipe off 
   • Ā. to cleanse one's self TS. ŚBr. Śr. & GṛS. Mn. &c 
   • to lead or bring or attach to (loc.) 
   • Ā. to take to one's self, appropriate RV.

⋙ nimārjana

   ni-ḍmārjana n. wiping off ĀpGṛ. Sch.

⋙ nimṛgra

   ni-ḍmṛgra (ní-), mf(ā)n. attached or devoted to (loc. with ā́) RV. ii, 38, 2


   ni-√mṛd P. -mṛdnāti, to crush, dash to pieces ĀpŚr. 
   • to rub off ŚBr.

⋙ nimardaka

   ni-ḍmardaka m. a kind of food Car.

⋙ nimṛd

   ni-ḍmṛd m. a crusher, destroyer ĀpŚr.


   ni-√me Ā. -mayate (ep. also ○ti 
   • Pass. -mīyate), to change, exchange for (instr.), barter MBh. Pañc.

⋙ nimaya

   ni-ḍmaya m. barter, change, exchange MBh. 2.  

⋙ nimātavya

   ni-ḍmātavya mfn. to be exchanged or bartered Mn. x, 94. 2

⋙ nimeya

   ni-ḍmeya mfn. to be exchanged 
   • m. barter, exchange L. (cf. naimeya)


   ni-meṣa under 1. ni-miṣ


   nimná n. (fr. ni, or √nam ?) depth, low ground, cavity, depression RV. &c. &c. (aís ind. downwards, x, 78, 5 ; 148, 5) 
   • mf(ā)n. deep (lit. and fig.), low, depressed, sunk Var. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc.) inclined towards L. 
   • m. N. of a prince BhP.

⋙ nimnagata

   ○gata mfn. going in deep or low places MārkP. 
   • n. a low place Inscr.

⋙ nimnagā

   ○gā f. 'going downwards, descending', a river, mountain-stream Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -pati m. 'lord of rivers', the ocean Śiś. 
   • -suta m. 'river-born', N. of Bhīshma ib.

⋙ nimnatala

   ○tala ninda-t○

⋙ nimnatā

   ○tā f

⋙ nimnatva

   ○tva n. depth, lowness, profundity W.

⋙ nimnadeśa

   ○deśa m. a low or deep place R.

⋙ nimnanābhi

   ○nābhi mfn. 'deep-naveled', slender, thin Kālid. (cf. nimagna-n○)

⋙ nimnapravaṇa

   ○pravaṇa mfn. flowing downwards, Mallin. on Kum. v, 5

⋙ nimnabhāga

   ○bhāga m. = -deśa R.

⋙ nimnalalāṭa

   ○lalāṭa mfn. having a low forehead VarBṛS.

⋙ nimnābhimukha

   nimnâbhimukha mfn. (water) tending i.e. flowing downwards Kum. v, 5 (cf. -pravaṇa above)

⋙ nimnonnata

   nimnônnata mfn. low and high, depressed and elevated (applied to women) Mālatīm. iv, 10

≫ nimnaya

   nimnaya Nom. P. ○yati, to humble i.e. outstrip, surpass Nalac.

≫ nimnita

   nimnita mfn. deep, depressed, sunk MBh.


   nimba m. the Nimb or Neemb tree, Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its leaves are chewed at funeral ceremonies) Gobh. Var. Suśr. Kāv. (also -ka)

⋙ nimbakara

   ○kara v. l. for nimbaraka

⋙ nimbataru

   ○taru m. Erythrina Fulgens or Melia Sempervirens (considered as one of the trees of paradise) Bhpr.

⋙ nimbataila

   ○taila n. the oil from the Nimb tree Mālatīm. v, 4/5

⋙ nimbadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nimbapañcaka

   ○pañcaka n. the 5 products (viz. leaves, bark, blossom, fruit, and root) of the Nimb tree L.

⋙ nimbabīja

   ○bīja m. Mimusops Hexandra L.

⋙ nimbamāla

   ○māla m. a partic. plant Car.

⋙ nimbarajas

   ○rajas n. a partic. high number Buddh.

⋙ nimbavatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a woman Daś.

⋙ nimbāditya

   nimbâditya m. N. of the founder of a Vaishṇava sect RTL. 146

⋙ nimbārka

   nimbârka m. id 
   • -karaviirârcanavrata n. N. of a partic. vow and of ch. of BhavP.

≫ nimbū

   nimbū and m. the common lime, Citrus Acida (v. l. nisbū) L.

⋙ nimbūka

   nimbūka m. the common lime, Citrus Acida (v. l. nisbū) L.

⋙ nimbūkaphalapānaka

   nimbūḍka-phala-pānaka n. lemonade Bhpr.


   nimbaraka m. Melia Bukayun BhP.


   ni-√myakṣ P. -myakṣati (pf. 3. du. -mimikṣatur 
   • 3. pl. -mimikṣur Ā. ○kṣire), to hold, wield (thunderbolt &c.) RV. vii, 20, 4, viii, 50, 5 
   • (Ā.) to be contained or present in (loc.), x, 96, 5 
   • to be fixed on (loc.), i, 64, 4 (read mimikṣur for mimṛkṣur)


   ni-√mruc P. -mrocati, to set, disappear (as the sun) AV. TS. AitBr. Kāṭh. TĀr.

⋙ nimrukti

   ni-ḍmrukti (ní-), f. sunset, evening TS. Kāṭh.

⋙ nimruc

   ni-ḍmrúc f. id. RV. AV. &c 
   • mfn. slack, loose AV. iv, 3, 6

⋙ nimrocana

   ni-ḍmrocana n. = prec. f. ĀpŚr. Sch.


   ni-√mluc P. -mlocati = 1. ni-mruc ŚBr. ChUp. 
   • to set upon (with acc 
   • cf. abhi-nimluc) Mn. ii, 220

⋙ nimlukti

   ni-ḍmlukti f. disappearance in (loc.) Śaṃk.

⋙ nimloca

   ni-ḍmloca m. setting of the sun BhP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP.

⋙ nimlocanī

   ni-ḍmlocanī f. N. of Varuṇa's city situated on the mountain Mānasôttara towards the west BhP.

⋙ nimloci

   ni-ḍmloci m. N. of a prince, son of Bhajamāna ib.


   ni-√yat Ā. -yatate, to arrive at, come to (loc.) RV. i, 186, 11


   ni-yata ○ti, &c. under ni-yam


   ni-√yantr P. -yantrayati (inf. -yantrayitum), to restrain Kāv. &c

⋙ niyantrana

   ni-yantrana n. restraining, checking, governing Rājat. 
   • restricting to a certain sense, defining, definition Sāh. 
   • (ā), f. shutting up, closure HPariś. 
   • control, restraint (a-n○) Kathās.

⋙ niyantrita

   ni-yantrita mfn. restrained, checked, fettered, Kāv 
   • dammed up, embanked Rājat. 
   • restricted to a certain sense (as a word) Kpr. 
   • governed by, depending on (instr. or comp.) Sāh. Kathās. Vedântas.


   ni-√yam P. -yacchati, to stop (trans.), hold back, detain with (loc.)  
   • (Ā.) to stop (intrans.), stay, remain RV. 
   • to keep back, refuse 
   • (Ā.) to fail, be wanting ib. 
   • to fasten, tie to (loc.), bind up (hair &c.) ib. &c. &c 
   • to hold over, extend (śarma) AV. 
   • to hold downwards (the hand) TS. 
   • to bring near, procure, bestow, grant, offer, present (rain, gifts &c.) RV. AV. Br. &c 
   • to hold in, keep down, restrain, control, govern, regulate (as breath, the voice, the organs of sense &c.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to suppress or conceal (one's nature) Mn. x, 59 
   • to destroy, annihilate (opp. to √sṛj) BhP. 
   • to restrict (food &c 
   • below.) 
   • to fix upon, settle, determine, establish Sarvad. Kathās. BhP. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 66 
   • (in gram.) to lower, pronounce low i.e. with the Anudātta RPrāt.: Caus. -yamayati, to restrain, curb, check, suppress, restrict MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niyata

   ni-yata (ní-), mfn. held back or in, fastened, tied to (loc.) RV. 
   • put together (hands) R. 
   • restrained, checked, curbed, suppressed, restricted, controlled Mn. MBh. &c 
   • limited in number Ratnâv. iii, 3 
   • connected with, dependent on (loc.) Mn. iv, 256 
   • contained or joined in (loc.) R. iii, 70, 5 
   • disciplined, self-governed, abstemious, temperate 
   • constant, steady, quite concentrated upon or devoted to (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • fixed, established, settled, sure, regular, invariable, positive, definite GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • customary, usual (cf. a-n○ MBh. iii, 15416) 
   • (in gram.) pronounced with the Anudātta RPrāt. 
   • m. N. of the Saṃdhi of ās before sonants ib. 
   • (am), ind. always, constantly, decidedly, inevitably, surely 
   • n. pl. (in Sāṃkhya) the organs of sense 
   • -kāla mfn. limited in time, temporary Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 44 
   • -bhojana mfn. abstemious in food, temperate R. 
   • -mānasa mfn. of subdued mind or spirit W. 
   • -maithuna mfn. abstaining from cohabitation R. 
   • -vāc mfn. limited as to the use of words Nir. i, 15 
   • -vibhaktika mfn. limited as to case, standing always in the same case Pāṇ. 1-2, 44 Sch. 
   • -viṣayavartin mfn. steadily abiding in one's own sphere MW. 
   • -vrata mfn. constant in the observance of vows, regular in observances, pious, religious MBh. 
   • ○yatâñjali mfn. putting the joined hands to the forehead R. 
   • ○yatâtman mfn. self-controlled, selfrestrained Mn. R. 
   • ○yatânupūrvya mfn. limited as to the order of words Nir. i, 15 
   • ○yatâpti f. (in dram.) sure expectation of attaining an object by overcoming a partic. obstacle Sāh. 
   • ○yatâśin mfn. = -ta-bhojana Yājñ. 
   • ○yatâhāra mfn. id. Mn. (śva-māṃsa-n○, eating only dog's flesh R.) 
   • ○yatêndriya mfn. having the passions subdued or restrained Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ niyati

   ni-yati f. the fixed order of things, necessity, destiny, fate ŚāṅkhBr. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (sometimes personified as a goddess, Niyati and Āyati being regarded as daughters of Meru and wives of Dhātṛi and Vidhātṛi BhP. VP.) 
   • restraint, restriction 
   • religious duty or obligation 
   • self-command, self-restraint L. 
   • (ī), f. N. of Durgā, DeviiP.

⋙ niyantavya

   ni-yantavya mfn. to be restrained or checked or controlled or forced Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -tva n. Saṃk.

⋙ niyantu

   ni-yantu dur-niyántu

⋙ niyantṛ

   ni-yantṛ́ m. who or what holds in or restrains or governs or tames, &c. MBh. R. &c. (-tva n. Vedântas.) 
   • m. a restrainer, governor, tamer (esp. of horses), charioteer MBh. Ragh.

⋙ niyama

   ni-yama m. restraining, checking, holding back, preventing, controlling Mn. MBh. &c 
   • keeping down, lowering (as the voice) RPrāt. 
   • limitation, restriction (ena ind. with restrictions i.e. under certain conditions Car.) 
   • reduction or restriction to (with loc. or prati), determination, definition
   GṛŚrS. Prāt. MBh. Rājat. 
   • any fixed rule or law, necessity, obligation (ena and āt ind. as a rule, necessarily, invariably, surely) Var. R. Suśr. &c 
   • agreement, contract, promise, vow R. Kathās. 
   • any act of voluntary penance or meritorious piety (esp. a lesser vow or minor observance dependent on external conditions and not so obligatory as yama, q.v.) TĀr. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a partic. process applied to minerals (esp. to quicksilver, wṛ. ○yāma) Cat. 
   • (in rhet.) a common-place, any conventional expression or usual comparison 
   • (in Mīm. phil.) a rule or precept (laying down or specifying something otherwise optional) 
   • restraint of the mind (the 2nd of the 8 steps of meditation in Yoga) 
   • performing five positive duties MWB. 239 
   • N. of Vishṇu MBh. 
   • Necessity or Law personified as a son of Dharma and Dhṛiti Pur. 
   • -dharma m. a law prescribing restraints Mn. ii, 3 
   • -niṣṭhā f. rigid observance of prescribed rites MW. 
   • -pattra n. a written agreement or stipulation ib.  
   • -para mfn. observing fixed rules 
   • relating to or corroborative of a rule W. 
   • -pāla m. 'observer of vows', N. of a sage (from whom the Nepalese derive the N. Nepāl) 
   • -bhaṅga m. breach of a stipulation or contract MW. 
   • -laṅghana n. trangression of a fixed rule or obligation, Kāp 
   • -vat mfn. practising religious observances MBh. 
   • (ī), f. a woman in her monthly courses Suśr. 
   • -sthiti f. state of selfrestraint, ascetism L. 
   • -hetu m. a regulating cause Sarvad. 
   • ○yamânanda m. another N. of Nimbârka Cat. 
   • ○yamôpamā f. a simile which expressly states that something can be compared only with something else Kāv. ii, 19

⋙ niyamana

   ni-yamana mfn. subduing, taming, overpowering Hariv. 
   • n. the act of subduing &c. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • restriction, limitation, definition Rājat. Kpr. Sāh. 
   • precept, fixed practice or rule W. 
   • coercion, humiliation MW.

⋙ niyamita

   ni-yamita mfn. checked, restrained, bound by, confined in, fastened to (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • stopped, suppressed Kālid. 
   • fixed on, determined, destined to be (inf.) Rājat. Pañcar. 
   • governed, guided 
   • regulated, prescribed W. 
   • stipulated, agreed upon MW. 1

⋙ niyamya

   ni-yamya ind. having restrained or checked or bound &c. MBh. R. &c. 2

⋙ niyamya

   ni-yamya mfn. to be restrained &c. ib. 
   • to be (or being) limited or restricted or defined Śaṃk.

⋙ niyāma

   ni-yāma m. = niyama Pāṇ. 3-3, 63 
   • a sailor, boatman (cf. next and nir-yāma)

⋙ niyāmaka

   ni-yāmaka mf(ikā)n. restraining, checking, subduing, controlling, governing MBh. Kām. Sarvad. 
   • restrictive, limiting, defining (-tā f. -tva n.) BhP. Sarvad. 
   • m. a guide or ruler Sarvad. 
   • a charioteer L. 
   • a sailor or boatman L.

⋙ niyāmana

   ni-yāmana (prob.) wṛ. for ni-yamana


   ni-yayín under ni-yā


   ni-yavá under ni-yu


   ni-√yā P. -yāti, to pass over (with a carriage) RV. v, 35, 5 ; 42, 10 ; 54, 5 
   • to come down to (acc.), 75, 5 
   • to fall into, incur (acc.) ĀśvGṛ. i, 13, 7

⋙ niyayin

   ni-yayín mfn. going over, passing over (as a carriage) RV. x, 60, 2

⋙ niyāna

   ni-yā́na n. a way, access RV. AV. Br.


   ni-yātana wṛ. for ni-pātana


   ni-yu √2. P. Ā. -yauti, or -yuváti, ○te, (1. sg. Ā. -yuve 
   • Impv. 2. du. P. -yuyotam 
   • ind. p. -yūya), to bind on, fasten RV. TBr. 
   • to bring near, procure, bestow RV. TS. 
   • Intens. 3. sg. -yoyuve RV. x, 93, 9

⋙ niyava

   ni-yavá m. compact order, continuous line or series RV. x, 30, 10

⋙ niyut

   ni-yút (ni-yút), f. = prec. ib. 
   • team of horses (esp. of Vāyu's horses) ib. VS. TS. 
   • pl. series of words, verses, a poem RV. 
   • -vat (○yút-), mfn. drawn by a team of horses (as a carriage, Vāyu, Indra, the Maruts) RV. 
   • forming a series, flowing continuously or abundantly (as Soma) ib. 
   • containing the word niyut or niyut-vat (as a verse or hymn) TS. ŚBr. 
   • -vatī́ya mfn. belonging to Niyutvat i.e. Vāyu ŚBr.

⋙ niyudratha

   ni-yúd-ratha mfn. one whose car is drawn by a team of horses RV. x, 26, 1

⋙ niyuta

   ni-yuta (ní-), mfn. fixed, fastened RV. i, 121, 3 
   • m. or n. a very high number, generally a million Br. Pur.


   ni-√yuj P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to bind on, tie or fasten to (loc.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • (with dhuri) to tie to the pole of a carriage i.e. yoke, harness R. 
   • (met.) to place in front i.e. employ in the hardest work ib. (also guru-dhūrṣu MBh.) 
   • to join, put together (esp. the hands in a certain position 
   • cf. kapota) Sch. on Śak. 
   • to attach to i.e. make dependent on (dat. or loc.) AV. ŚBr. 
   • to enjoin, order, command, coerce, impel, appoint, instal (double acc.), trust or charge with, direct or commission or authorize to (loc., dat., artham ifc., or infin.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to confer or intrust anything (acc.) upon or to (loc.) R. BhP. 
   • to place at, put in the way (with loc.) MBh. 
   • to direct towards, fix (mind or eyes upon, with loc.) ib. 
   • to use, employ GṛS.: Caus. -yojayati, to harness (horses &c.), put or tie to (loc.) Pañc. Hit. 
   • to set or lay (a trap or snare &c.) Hit. 
   • to enjoin, urge, impel, coerce, appoint or instal as (double acc.), appoint to (loc.), direct or compel or request or command to (dat., loc., acc. with prati, or artham ifc.) 
   • commit or intrust anything (acc.) to (loc.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to put in any place or state (loc.) ib. 
   • to confer or bestow upon (loc.) Kāv. Pañc. Pur. 
   • to use, employ (reason &c.) Pañc. i, 413  
   • to accomplish, perform (a rite) Mn. iii, 204 
   • to endow or furnish with, cause to partake of (instr.) Var. Kāv. Pañc.

⋙ niyukta

   ni-yukta mfn. bound on, bound, chained, fettered AitBr. 
   • tied or fastened or attached or directed to, put or placed or fixed on (loc.) MBh. R. &c 
   • appointed, directed, ordered, commissioned, charged, intrusted (loc 
   • dat 
   • artham ifc 
   • inf. or comp.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • used or employed for (loc.) Mn. v, 16 
   • prescribed, fixed, settled 
   • (am), ind. by all means, necessarily Pāṇ. 4-4, 66 
   • m. a functionary, official Hit.

⋙ niyuktaka

   ni-yuktaka mfn. appointed, elected, placed in authority L.

⋙ niyukti

   ni-yukti f. injunction, order, command, charge, office Kull.

⋙ niyujya

   ni-yujya ind. having joined or attached or harnessed or appointed &c. R. Pur. &c

⋙ niyoktavya

   ni-yoktavya mfn. to be placed in or put to (loc 
   • ātmā sukhe "ṣvyaḥ, we shall enjoy ourselves R.) 
   • to be appointed or authorized or charged or intrusted with (loc.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • to be harassed or prosecuted Mn. viii, 186 (v. l. abhi-yokt○)

⋙ niyoktṛ

   ni-yoktṛ m. one who joins or fastens or attaches AitBr. 
   • a ruler, lord, master Ragh.

⋙ niyoga

   ni-yoga m. tying or fastening to (cf. -pāśa below) 
   • employment, use, application Lāṭy. Mṛicch. 
   • injunction, order, command (āt, or ena ind. by order of, ifc.), commission, charge, appointed task or duty, business (esp. the appointing a brother or any near kinsman to raise up issue to a deceased husband by marrying his widow) Mn. (esp. ix, 59 &c.) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c 
   • necessity (ena ind. necessarily, certainly, surely Ragh.), obligation, fate, destiny Kāv. 
   • -karaṇa n. making a command, commanding Pāṇ. 3-3, 161 Sch. 
   • -kṛt m. executing another's command Yājñ. Sch. 
   • -tas ind. according to order or command MW. 
   • -pāśa m. the trace on a carriage (lit. string for tying sc. the horses to it) Hariv. 
   • -prayojana n. the object of any appointment, authorized act or duty W. 
   • -vidhi m. the form of appointing to any act or duty ib. 
   • -saṃsthita mfn. being in an office or commission Pañc. 
   • -stha mfn. being under another's command, obedient to (gen.) R. 
   • yogârtha m. the object of an authorized act or appointment Mn. ix, 61 ; 62

⋙ niyogin

   ni-yogin mfn. appointed, employed 
   • m. a functionary, official, minister Hit. ii, 94 
   • ○gy-arthagrahôpâya m. the resource of confiscating the property of men in office ib. 100

⋙ niyogya

   ni-yogya in a-n○ wṛ. for a-niyoga, q.v 
   • m. lord, master Vop.

⋙ niyojaka

   ni-yojaka mfn. in sarva-n○, q.v 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a daughter of the demon Du?-saha MārkP.

⋙ niyojana

   ni-yójana n. the act of tying or fastening (as to the sacrificial post) ŚBr. 
   • that with which anything is tied or fastened AV. 
   • enjoining, urging, impelling, commanding, directing, appointing to (loc.) MBh. &c 
   • (ī), f. a halter KātyŚr.

⋙ niyojanīya

   ni-yojanīya mfn. = niyoktavya above Kull.

⋙ niyojayitavya

   ni-yojayitavya mfn. to be appointed or directed to (loc.) Kāraṇḍ. 
   • to be punished with (instr.) Pañc. v, 82/83

⋙ niyojita

   ni-yojita mfn. put, placed, laid, (jewel) set in (comp.) 
   • connected with, attached to, fixed on (comp.) 
   • appointed, authorized 
   • enjoined, directed, commanded 
   • urged, impelled Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ niyojya

   ni-yojya mfn. to be fastened or attached to Pañc. 
   • to be endowed or furnished with (instr.) Cāṇ. 
   • to be enjoined (a-n○) MBh. i, 3267 
   • to be committed or intrusted Hcat. 
   • to be appointed or employed or directed or commanded Mn. MBh. &c 
   • m. a functionary, official, servant Śak. BhP. 
   • ○jyânvaya-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk


   ni-yuta under ni-yu, col. 2


   ni-√yudh Ā. -yudhyate (rarely ○ti), to fight MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ niyutsā

   ni-yutsā f. (prob. for ni-yuyutsā, fr. Desid.) N. of the wife of Prastāva and mother of Vibhu BhP.

⋙ niyuddha

   ni-yuddha n. fighting (esp. with fists), pugilistic combat, close or personal struggle MBh. Hariv. Var. Suśr. &c 
   • -kuśala, or -śīla mfn. skilled in fighting MBh. 
   • -bhū f. place for pugilists L.

⋙ niyoddhṛ

   ni-yoddhṛ m. id. or a cock L.

⋙ niyodhaka

   ni-yodhaka m. a combatant, wrestler, pugilist MBh.


   nir-√aj P. -ajati (dat. inf. -áje), to drive out or away RV. AV.

⋙ niraja

   nir-ḍaja su-nirája

⋙ nirāja

   nir-āja m. marching off Kāṭh.


   ni-rañohana n. (rañch = lañch) a mark or knot in a measuring line KātyŚr. Sch.


   ni-√raṇ (only -raṇyáthas), to rejoice or delight in (instr.) RV. i, 112, 18


   ni-rata ○ti, ni-ram.  


   ni-√radh (only Caus. impf. -árandhayas), to deliver up, surrender RV. vii, 19, 2


   nir-abhy-avêkṣ (√īkṣ), to search through, examine thoroughly Kāraṇḍ.


   ni-√ram Ā. -ramate (aor. 3. pl. -araṃsata), to rest, come to rest, cease AV.: Caus. -rāmayati (aor. -arīramat), to cause to rest, stop, detain RV. 
   • (-ramayati) to gladden, give pleasure (by sexual union) BhP.

⋙ nirata

   ni-ḍrata mfn. pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with (loc., instr. or comp.)
   Mn. Var. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirati

   ni-ḍrati f. delighting in, attachment to (comp.) Var. 1

⋙ niramaṇa

   ni-ḍramaṇa (cf. 2. nir-am○, next), n. resting, ceasing Nir. ii, 7

⋙ nirāmin

   ni-ḍrāmín mfn. waiting, lurking RV. ii, 23, 16

niramaṇa 2

   nir-ámaṇa mfn. (nis + √am ?) worn out, exhausted ŚBr.


   nir-aya m. (either fr. nis + √i = egression, sc. from earthly life, or fr. nir + aya 'without happiness') Niraya or Hell (personified as a child of fear and death BhP.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirayapati

   ○pati m. the king of hell BhP.

⋙ nirayāvalisūtra

   nirayâvali-sūtra n. N. of wk

≫ nirayana

   nir-áyana n. (√i) egression RV.

≫ nirayin

   nir-ayín m. an inhabitant of hell BhP.


   nir-√ard P. -ardati, to stream forth ŚBr.


   nir-ávatta ○tti, nir-ava-do


   nir-ava-√day Ā. -dayate, to satisfy any one (acc.) with (acc. or instr.) or with respect to (abl.) TS. Br.


   nir-ava-√do P. -dāti, or -dyati (ind. p. -dāya), to distribute or divide completely, give any one his share, appease or satisfy with (double acc.) TS.

⋙ niravavatta

   nir-avḍávatta mfn. distributed, completely divided or allotted 
   • -bali mfn. whereof oblations have been distributed all round ŚBr.

⋙ niravavatti

   nir-avḍávatti f. (cf. TBr 
   • kāṭh),

⋙ niravavadāna

   nir-avḍavadāna n. (cf. Jaim. ĀpŚr.) allotment or distribution of shares


   nir-avadya -avayava &c. nir, p. 539, col. 3


   nir-ava-√dhe P. -dhayati, to suck out ĀpŚr.


   nir-ava-√yaj Ā. -yajate, to satisfy a god (acc.) by means of sacrifice in preference to another god (abl.) Kāṭh.


   nir-ava-√so Caus. -sāyayati, to establish, settle, furnish with (instr.) TS. TBr.

⋙ niravavasita

   nir-avḍavasita mfn. expelled, rejected Pāṇ. 2-4, 10


   niravaha m. (fr. nis + ava + √han ?) a kind of sword Gal.


   niravinda m. (for nir-arav○ ?) N. of a mountain MBh.


   nir-avêkṣ (√īkṣ), to observe, perceive

⋙ niravekṣya

   nir-ḍavêkṣya ind. having observed or perceived Mṛicch. v, 30


   nír-aṣṭa (√akṣ), emasculated, deprived of vigour RV. ŚBr. (cf. mahā-n○)


   nir-as √2. P. Ā. -asyati, ○te, (inf. asitum MBh. 
   • aor. -āsthat Bhaṭṭ.). to cast out, throw or drive away, expel, remove, banish from (abl.)
   ŚBr. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to ward off, keep away MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to strip off (also Ā.) Pāṇ. 1-3, 29 Vārtt. 3 Pat. 
   • to stretch out (hastau, also Ā.) Vop. 
   • to reject, refuse, decline (as a suitor, an offer, &c.) Sāh. 
   • to destroy, annihilate Yājñ. MBh. Hit.

⋙ nirasana

   nir-ḍasana mf(ī)n. casting out, driving away, expelling, removing, rejecting Śiś. BhP. Suśr.: n. the act of casting out &c., SāṅkŚr. BhP. Sarvad. 
   • vomiting, spitting out L. 
   • banishment from (abl.) MBh. 
   • denying, refusal, contradiction Kap. and Jaim. Sch. 
   • scattering, dispersing Vedântas. 
   • destruction, extermination L.

⋙ nirasanīya

   nir-ḍasanīya mfn. to be driven out or expelled Kull. 
   • to be rejected or refused Naish. Sch.

⋙ nirasta

   nir-ḍasta (cf. R. also ○asita), mfn. cast out or off, expelled, banished, rejected, removed, refuted, destroyed ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • shot off (as an arrow) L. 
   • spit out, vomited L. 
   • pronounced hurriedly or dropped in pronouncing (a-n○ ChUp. ii, 22, 3)  
   • n. dropping or leaving out (considered a fault in pronunciation) Pat. 
   • -bheda mfn. having all difference removed, identical MW. 
   • -rāga mfn. one who has abandoned worldly desires or has devoted himself to religious penance ib. 
   • -saṃkhya mfn. innumerable (lit. refusing calculation) Dhanaṃj. 
   • -sukhôdaya mf(ā)n. hopelessly unfortunate (lit. whose fortune has given up rising) Amar.

⋙ nirastāpad

   nir-ḍastâpad mfn. having misfortune removed, happy Dhūrtas.

⋙ nirasti

   nir-ḍasti f. removal, destruction Car. 1

⋙ nirasya

   nir-ḍasya mfn. to be expelled or driven out Kām. 2

⋙ nirasya

   nir-ḍasya ind. having cast or thrown out, having rejected or expelled &c. MBh. R. 2

⋙ nirāsa

   nir-āsa (for 1. p. 540, col. 2), m. casting or throwing out, expulsion, exclusion, removal, refusal, rejection, contradiction, refutation Mn. MBh. &c 
   • spitting out, vomiting (cf. below) 
   • dropping, leaving out (of a sound) RPrāt. 
   • -guṭikā f. a pill to produce vomiting Cat.

⋙ nirāsaka

   nir-āsaka mfn. refusing, turning off Naish. Sch.

⋙ nirāsana

   nir-āsana n. = nir-asana L.


   nir-√ah (only pf. -āha, ○hur), to utter, pronounce, express ŚBr.


   nirāka m. (only L., prob. wṛ. for ni-pāka) cooking 
   • sweat 
   • the recompence of a bad action


   nir-ā-kṛ √1. P. -karoti, to separate or divide off ChUp. 
   • to drive away, turn or keep off, repudiate, remove, reject, omit, refuse, spurn, oppose, contradict MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirākaraṇa

   nir-ā-ḍkaraṇa n. separating (in a-nirāk○) Sarvad. 
   • driving away, turning out, expelling, removing, repudiating (of a woman), opposing, contradicting, denying Kālid. Sarvad. &c 
   • forgetting (in a-nirāk○) TĀr. PārGṛ. 
   • neglecting the chief sacrificial or religious duties W.

⋙ nirākaraṇīya

   nir-ā-ḍkaraṇīya mfn. to be opposed or refuted Śaṃk.

⋙ nirākariṣṇu

   nir-ā-ḍkariṣṇu mfn. rejecting, repudiating Ragh. 
   • obstructive, envious, hindering or preventing from (abl.) Rājat. 
   • forgetful PārGṛ. 
   • -tā f. envy, malevolence Suśr.

⋙ nirākartavya

   nir-ā-ḍkartavya mfn. = ○karaṇīya Śaṃk.

⋙ nirākartṛ

   nir-ā-ḍkartṛ mfn. contradicting, refuting Śaṃk. 
   • repudiating, repudiator of (gen.) Hcat. 
   • contemner, despiser (esp. of the Veda and religion) MBh. 2

⋙ nirākāra

   nir-ā-ḍkāra (for 1. p. 540, col. 1), m. rebuke, reproach, censure L.

⋙ nirākṛta

   nir-ā-ḍkṛta mfn. pushed or driven away, repudiated, expelled, banished, rejected, removed 
   • frustrated, destroyed 
   • omitted, forgot 
   • refuted 
   • despised, made light of MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • deprived of (comp.) Bhaṭṭ. 
   • -nimeṣa mfn. (eye) forgetting to wink Śak. (Pi.) ii, 11 (41) 
   • ○tânyôttara mfn. excluding every answer, irrefutable (-tva, n.) L. 2

⋙ nirākṛti

   nir-ā-ḍkṛti (for 1. p. 540, col. 1), obstruction, impediment, interruption Sāh. 
   • repudiation, rejection, contradiction, refutation L. 
   • forgetting ( sarva-n○) BhP. 
   • mfn. impeding, obstructing L. 
   • m. N. of a son of the first Manu Sāvarṇi Hariv. 2

⋙ nirākṛtin

   nir-ā-ḍkṛtin (for 1. p. 540, col. 1), mfn. one who has forgotten what he has learned (anirāk○) ĀśvŚr. 
   • g. iṣṭâdi

⋙ nirākriyā

   nir-ā-ḍkriyā f. expulsion, removal MBh. 
   • contradiction, refutation L.


   nir-ā-√kram P. -krāmati, to come forth, go out of (abl.) MBh. Ragh.


   ni-rāga mfn. passionless, dispassionate ŚāṅkhBr. (cf. nī-r○)


   nir-āgama nir-āgas, &c. p. 540, col. 1


   nir-ā-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to refute, reject Sarvad.


   nir-ā-cikīrṣu (Desid. of √1. kṛ), desirous of contradicting or refuting Śaṃk.


   nir-āja under nir-aj


   nir-ā-ṇaddha mfn. (√nah) Pāṇ. 8-4, 2 Kāś.


   nir-ā-diṣṭa mfn. (√diś) paid off (as a debt) Mn. viii, 162

⋙ nirādeśa

   nir-ā-deśa m. complete payment or discharge of a debt W.


   nir-ā-√dhā -dadhāti, to take out of, take away AV. Br.


   nirāmālu m. (nis + āma + ālu ?) Feronia Elephantum L.


   nir-āmitra wṛ. for nir-am○ ( nir, p. 540, col. 2).  


   ni-rāmín under ni-ram


   nir-ā-√yam P. -yacchati (ind. p. -yatya), to bring or get out AV. ŚBr. 2

⋙ nirāyata

   nir-ā-ḍyata (for 1. p. 540, col. 2), mfn. stretched out, extended 
   • -pūrva-kāya mfn. having the fore-part of the body stretched out Śak. i, 8


   nirālaka m. a species of fish L.


   nir-ā-√vah P. -vahati, to carry off TāṇḍBr. 
   • to fetch, bring AV.


   nir-ā-√viś P. -viśati, to retire, keep away from (abl.) MBh.

nirāsa 1

   nir-āsa. 2 under nir and nir-as


   nir-āha m. (prob. fr. next) call, exclamation TāṇḍBr.

≫ nirāhava

   nir-āhava m. (√hve) id 
   • -vat mfn. accompanied by an exclamation ib. (v. l. ○hā-vat)


   nir-√i P. -eti (1. sg. Subj. -ayā RV. 
   • dat. inf. -étave ib. 
   • Ā. nir-ayate, or nil-ayate Siddh. on P. viii, 2, 19), to go out, come forth, go off, depart (said of persons and things) RV. MBh. &c


   niriṅginī f. a veil L. (cf. nī-raṅgī)


   ni-√rī P. Ā. -riṇāti, ○ṇīte, to dissolve, scatter, tear, rend, destroy RV. AV. 
   • to unveil, discover (Ā.) RV. i, 124, 7 ; v, 80, 6 
   • to rush forth, escape (Ā.), ix, 14, 4


   nir-√īkṣ Ā. -īkṣate (○ti), to look at or towards, behold, regard, observe (also the stars), perceive Var. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirīkṣaka

   nir-ḍīkṣaka mfn. looking at, seeing, viewing BhP. 
   • seeing = visiting (a-n○) Rājat.

⋙ nirīkṣaṇa

   nir-ḍīkṣaṇa mfn. looking at, regarding (ifc.) BhP. 
   • n. look, looking at, observing 
   • sight, view (ifc. f. ā 
   • cf. dur-n○) 
   • the aspect of the planets Var. R. Suśr. &c

⋙ nirīkṣā

   nir-ḍīkṣā f. looking at, regarding 
   • (ayā), ind. with regard to (comp.) R. 
   • hope, expectation W.

⋙ nirīkṣitavya

   nir-ḍīkṣitavya mfn. to be looked at Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ nirīkṣin

   nir-ḍīkṣin mfn. looking, seeing ( nâtidūra-n○). 1

⋙ nirīkṣya

   nir-ḍīkṣya mfn. to be looked at or regarded or considered MBh. R. BhP. 2

⋙ nirīkṣya

   nir-ḍīkṣya ind. having looked at or viewed R. Kathās.

⋙ nirīkṣyamāṇa

   nir-ḍīkṣyamāṇa mfn. being looked at &c 
   • looking MBh. i, 7694


   nir-ukta mfn. (√vac) uttered, pronounced, expressed, explained, defined Br. Up. MBh. &c 
   • declared for (nom.) MBh. 
   • explicitly mentioned or enjoined ĀśvGṛ. 
   • containing the name of a god (as a verse) ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • distinct, loud (opp. to upâṃśu) ŚBr. 
   • interpreted i.e. become manifest, fulfilled, accomplished (as a word) MBh. ix, 1316 
   • n. explanation or etymological interpretation of a word ChUp. viii, 3, 3 MBh. i, 266 &c 
   • N. of sev. wks., esp. of a Comm. on the Nighaṇṭus by Yāska

⋙ niruktakāra

   ○kāra m. N. of Sch. on Megh. (quoted by Mallin.)

⋙ niruktakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'Nirukta-composer', N. of Yāska Jyot. 
   • of a pupil of Śāka-pūṇi VP.

⋙ niruktaga

   ○ga m. 'penetrater of mysteries', N. of Brahmā MBh.

⋙ niruktaja

   ○ja m. N. of a class of sons MBh. xiii, 2615

⋙ niruktapariśiṣṭa

   ○pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wk

⋙ niruktabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of Comm. (prob. = -vṛtti)

⋙ niruktavat

   ○vat mfn. 'author of the Nirukta', N. of Yāska Bṛih.

⋙ niruktavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. N. of a Comm. on Yāska's Nirukta by Durgâcārya

≫ nirukti

   nir-ukti f. etymological interpretation of a word MBh. BhP. 
   • (in rhet.) an artificial explanation or derivation of a word Kuval. 
   • (in dram.) communication of an event that has taken place Sāh. 
   • N. of Yāska's Comm. on the Nighaṇṭus 
   • of a Comm. on the Tarka-saṃgraha &c

⋙ niruktikhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of ch. of Tarkas.

⋙ niruktiprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ niruktilakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks


   nir-√ukṣ P. -ukṣati, to remove by sprinkling ŚBr.


   ni-ruja mfn. healthy, wholesome MBh. Hcat. 
   • jī-√kṛ, to make healthy Hcat. (cf. nī-r○)


   nir-uñchana n. (√uñch) = nī-rājana Kum. xiii, 18 (v. l. nir-mañchana)


   nir-uta mfn. (√ve) Pāṇ. 6-3, 2 Sch.


   ni-√rudh P. Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, to hold back, stop, hinder, shut up, confine, restrain, check, suppress, destroy RV. &c. &c 
   • to keep away, ward off, remove RV. Br.  
   • to surround or invest (a place) Rājat. BhP. 
   • to close (lit. 'a door' or fig. 'heart, mind' &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to catch or overtake Mṛicch. i, 20: Caus. -rodhayati, to shut or cause to be shut Rājat.

⋙ niruddha

   ni-ḍruddha mfn. held back, withheld, held fast, stopped, shut, closed, confined, restrained, checked, kept off, removed, suppressed RV. (ní-ruddha, i, 32, 11 
   • ni-ruddhá, x, 28, 10) &c. &c 
   • rejected (= apa-ruddha) TāṇḍBr. Kāṭh. 
   • covered, veiled MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) R. Kathās. BhP. 
   • m. N. of a prince (v. l. a-nir○, q.v.) 
   • -kaṇṭha mfn. having the breath obstructed, suffocated MW. 
   • -guda m. contraction or obstruction of the rectum Suśr. 
   • -prakaśa m. stricture of the urethra ib. 
   • -vat mfn. having (= he has) invested or besieged Rājat. BhP. 
   • -śama-vṛtti mfn. 'whose state of repose is interrupted', wearied, tired W.

⋙ nirudhyamāna

   ni-ḍrudhyamāna being checked or reined in MW.

⋙ nirundhat

   ni-ḍrundhat mfn. checking, hindering, suppressing &c. Śak.

⋙ nirundhāna

   ni-ḍrundhāná mfn. obstructing, hindering, preventing, keeping off &c. RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c

⋙ niroddhavya

   ni-ḍroddhavya mfn. to be shut in or confined 
   • to be enclosed with a fence or hedge MBh.

⋙ nirodha

   ni-ḍrodha m. confinement, locking up, imprisonment (-tas Mn. viii, 375) 
   • investment, siege Cat. 
   • enclosing, covering up Var. Kāv. &c 
   • restraint, check, control, suppression, destruction Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (in dram.) disappointment, frustration of hope Daśar. 
   • (with Buddh.) suppression or annihilation of pain (one of the 4 principles) Lalit. MWB. 43, 56, 137 &c 
   • a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Cat. 
   • hurting, injuring (= ni-graha) L. 
   • aversion, disfavour, dislike W. 
   • N. of a man Lalit. 
   • -jñāna n. (with Buddh.) one of the 10 kinds of knowledge Dharmas. 93 
   • -lakṣaṇa (ṇa-vivaraṇa), -varṇana n. -vivṛti f. N. of wks

⋙ nirodhaka

   ni-ḍrodhaka mfn. obstructing, confining, hindering (ifc.) MBh. &c

⋙ nirodhana

   ni-ḍródhana mfn. id. Suśr. 
   • n. confining, imprisonment Mn. viii, 310 
   • keeping back, restraining, subduing, suppressing MBh. &c 
   • denying, refusing AV. 
   • (in dram.) = ○rodha Daśar.

⋙ nirodhin

   ni-ḍrodhin mfn. obstructing, hindering Suśr.


   nir-upti f. (√2. vap) scattering, pouring out, offering KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ nirupya

   nir-ḍúpya mfn. to be scattered or poured out ŚBr.


   nir-√ubj P. -ubjati (impf. -aubjas), to cause to flow down, let loose RV. i, 56, 5 &c


   ni-√ruh Caus. -ropayati, to transplant, transfer from (abl.) to (loc.) Rājat. 2

⋙ nirūḍha

   ni-ḍrūḍha (cf. nir-ūḍha, p. 540, col. 3), mfn. grown up BhP. 
   • conventional, accepted (as a word or its meaning, opp. to yaugika, q.v.) Dāyabh. Sarvad. 
   • m. (in rhet.) the force or application of words according to their natural or received meanings W. 
   • (in logic) the inherence of any property in the term implying it (as of redness in the word 'red' &c.) ib. 
   • -mūla mfn. firmly rooted BhP. 
   • -lakṣaṇā f. (in rhet.) the secondary use of a word which is based not on the particular intention of the speaker but on its accepted and popular usage


   ni-√rūp P. -rūpayati, to perform, represent on the stage, act, gesticulate, indicate or exhibit by gestures (e.g. ratha-vegam, the swiftness of a carriage 
   • vṛkṣa-secanam, the watering of a tree Śak.) 
   • to perceive, notice, find out, ascertain Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • to investigate, examine, search, try, consider, reflect upon Kāv. Suśr. Sarvad. &c 
   • to state, define Pañc. Pur. Śaṃk. 
   • to select, choose, appoint as (double acc.), appoint to (loc., lat. or inf.) Kāv. Pañc. &c

⋙ nirūpaka

   ni-ḍrūpaka mfn. observing, observer Śaṃk. 
   • = next mfn. TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ nirūpaṇa

   ni-ḍrūpaṇa mfn. stating, determining, defining (ifc.), ch. of Sāh. 
   • (ā), f. the act of stating &c. Śaṃk. 
   • n. id. Pur. Śaṃk. Kull. 
   • looking into, searching, investigation, examination Sarvad. 
   • sight, appearance, form, shape MBh.

⋙ nirūpaṇīya

   ni-ḍrūpaṇīya mfn. to be looked for or discussed or investigated &c. W.

⋙ nirūpayitavya

   ni-ḍrūpayitavya mfn. to be ascertained or determined BhP.

⋙ nirūpita

   ni-√rūḍpita mfn. seen, observed, considered, weighed, discovered, ascertained, determined, defined Kāv. Pur. &c 
   • appointed, elected, chosen BhP. Pañc. 
   • pointed against, shot off BhP. 
   • n. the state of having been discussed or ascertained Hcat.

⋙ rūpiti

   rūpiti f. statement, definition Śaṃk. 1

⋙ rūpya

   ḍrūpya ind. performing, acting, gesticulating Śak. 
   • having seen, considered &c. 2.  

⋙ rūpya

   ḍrūpya mfn. to be seen or defined or ascertained MBh. 
   • not yet certain, questionable Vām. 
   • -tā f. -tva n. W.


   nir-ūh √1. P. Ā. -ūhati, ○te, (inf. nír-ūhitavaí ŚBr. ind. p. -uhya ib. 
   • Pass. pr. p. uhyamāna KātyŚr.), to push or draw out, put aside or apart, remove AV. ŚBr. ŚrS.: Caus. -ūhayati, to cause to draw out or purge Suśr. 3

⋙ nirūḍha

   nir-ḍūḍha mfn. drawn out, put aside, separate Gaut. 
   • purged Car. Suśr. 
   • eviscerated (cf. comp.) 
   • -paśupaddhati f. N. of wk 
   • -paśu-bandha m. 'the offering of an eviscerated animal' or 'separate offṭoffering of an animal', N. of one of the regular Havir-yajñas Gaut. &c. (○dha-prayoga, ○dha-maitrāvaruṇa-prayoga, ○dha-hautra-prayoga m. N. of wks.) 
   • -śiras (nír-), mfn. with the head laid apart ŚBr.

⋙ ūḍhi

   ūḍhi f. fame, celebrity (lit. spreading, divulging ?) Kir. ii, 6. 1

⋙ ūha

   ḍūha m. a purging clyster, an enema not of an oily kind Suśr. 
   • = ni-graha L. 
   • -vasti-vidhi m. N. of ch. of ŚārṅgS. 
   • ○hâdhikāra m. N. of ch. of a medic. wk. by Vṛinda. 1

⋙ ūhaṇa

   ḍūhaṇa n. causing to purge with a clyster Suśr. 
   • a purging clyster Car.

⋙ ūhita

   ḍūhita mfn. purged Suśr.

nirūha 2

   nir-ūha m. (nir- √2. ūh) logic, disputation W. 
   • certainty, ascertainment ib. 
   • mfn. = niś-cita L. 2

⋙ ūhaṇa

   ūhaṇa n. ascertainment W.


   nir-√ṛ (aor. -ārata Subj. -arāma RV. 
   • ind. p. -ṛtya AV.), to go out or off, fall away from, be deprived of (abl. or gen.) RV. i, 4, 5 ; vii, 56, 21 &c 
   • to separate, disjoin AV. x, 2, 2: Caus. -arpayati, to cause to go to pieces or decay, to dissolve, destroy, ruin ŚBr.

⋙ nirṛta

   nir-ḍṛta (nír-), mfn. dissolved, decayed, debilitated RV. i, 119, 7 
   • m. N. of Rudra VāyuP.

⋙ nirṛti

   nir-ḍṛti (nír-), f. dissolution, destruction, calamity, evil, adversity RV. &c. &c. (personified as the goddess of death and corruption and often associated with Mṛityu, A-rāti &c. RV. AV. VS. 
   • variously regarded as the wife of A-dharma, mother of Bhaya, Mahā-bhaya and Mṛityu  or as a daughter of A-dharma and Hiṃsā and mother of Naraka and Bhaya {cf. MārkP.} 
   • binds mortals with her cords AV. Br. &c 
   • is regent of the south {AV.} and of the asterism Mūla {cf. Var.}) 
   • the bottom or lower depths of the earth (as the seat of putrefaction) AV. VS. ŚBr. 
   • m. death or the genius of death BhP. 
   • N. of a Rudra MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • of one of the 8 Vasus Hariv. (v. l. ni-kṛti) 
   • -gṛhīta (nír-ṛ○), mfn. seized by Nir-ṛiti ŚBr. 
   • -pāśá m. the fetters of Nir-ṛiti TS.

⋙ nirṛtha

   nir-ḍṛthá m. destruction RV. AV. 
   • personified as the destroyer AV. vi, 93, 1 
   • N. of a partic. Agni, xii, 2, 14 
   • of the Sāma-veda Uṇ. ii, 8 Sch.


   nir-√ṛch P. -ṛchati, to go as under or pass away AV. ŚBr. 
   • to be deprived of (abl.) TāṇḍBr.


   nir-√ṛj P. -arjati, to let out, deliver TS.


   nir-ê (= nir-ā-√i, only Impv. nirâi4tu), to go off, depart AV. x, 4, 21 ; 22

nireka 2

   ni-reká m. (√ric) prominence, superiority, pre-eminence over (gen.) RV. 
   • (é), ind. above all, in a high degree ib.


   ni-rebha mfn. soundless, noiseless W.


   ni-roddhavya ni-rodha, &c. ni-rudh, p. 553, col. 3


   nir-√gam P. -gacchati (Subj. -gamāṇi pf. p. -jaganvān RV. 
   • ind. p. -gatya MBh. &c., -gamya MārkP.), to go out, come forth (often with bahis), depart from (abl.), set out, start RV. &c. &c 
   • to come out or appear (as a bud) Śak. 
   • to go away, disappear Rājat. Pañc. 
   • to enter into any state, undergo (acc.) MBh. 
   • (with nidrām) to fall asleep Kathās.: Caus. -gamayati, to cause or order to set out BhP.: Desid. -jigamiṣate, to wish to set out ib.

⋙ nirga

   nir-ga m. a country, region, district, province L. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 48 Vārtt. 4 Pat.)

⋙ nirgata

   nir-gata mfn. gone out, come forth (with abl. or ifc 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 37 Pat.), appeared, become visible MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • disappeared, extinct Rājat. Vedântas. 
   • freed from (abl.) L. 
   • -nikhila-kalmaṣa-tā f. the state of being entirely freed from sin Vedântas. 
   • -viśaṅka mfn. freed from fear, fearless Pañc.  

⋙ nirgama

   nir-gama m. going forth, setting out, departure Var. R. &c 
   • escaping from (abl.) Vedântas. 
   • disappearing, vanishing, cessation, end MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c 
   • exit, issue, outlet R. Pañc. 
   • a door L. 
   • export-place (of goods) Mn. viii, 401 (opp. ā-gama)

⋙ nirgamana

   nir-gamana n. going out, coming forth from (comp.) MBh. Var. 
   • issue, outlet, a door L.


   nir-galita mfn. (√gal) flowed out, dissolved, melted Ragh.


   nir-√gā (only Subj. -gāt RV. 
   • impf. -agāt Kathās. BhP. Bhaṭṭ.), to go out, come forth


   nir-gīrṇa mfn. (√gṝ) vomited forth R.


   nir-guṇa &c. p. 541, col. 1


   nirguṇṭī (L.) or  (cf. Suśr.), f. Vitex Negundo 
   • ○ṇḍī f. the √of a lotus L.


   nir-√gup (only pf. -jugopa), to guard, protect Bhaṭṭ.


   nir-gūḍha m. (√guh) the hollow of a tree L.


   nir-grantha &c. p. 541, col. 1


   nir-grāhya mfn. (√grah) to be traced or found out, perceivable Kār. on Pāṇ.


   nir-ghaṇṭa ○ṇṭu, ○ṇṭuka = (and prob. wṛ. for) ni-ghaṇṭa &c., collection of words, vocabulary


   nir-gharṣaṇa &c. nir-ghṛṣ


   nir-ghāta m. (fr. Caus. of √han) removal, destruction TS. Āpast. 
   • whirlwind, hurricane, thunderstorm, earthquake &c. (ifc. f. ā) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a Dānava Kathās. 
   • -kara mfn. removing, destroying Car. 
   • -duḥsaha mfn. difficult to be destroyed or overcome (sorrow) Kathās. 
   • -lakṣaṇa n. N. of 60 Pariś. of AV.

⋙ nirghātana

   nir-ghātana n. forcing out, bringing out Suśr.

⋙ nirghātaya

   nir-ghātaya Nom. P. ○yati, to draw or force out Suśr. 
   • to cause to be destroyed or killed MBh.

⋙ nirghātya

   nir-ghātya mfn. to be forced or brought out (a-nirgh○) Suśr.


   nir-ghuṣṭa mfn. (√ghuṣ) sounded, resounded

≫ nirghoṣa

   nir-ghoṣa (for 1. p. 541, col. 1), m. (ifc. f. ā) sound, noise, rattling, tramping MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • ○ṣâkṣara-vimukta m. N. of a Samādhi L.


   nir-ghūriṇī f. a river L. (prob. wṛ. for nir-jhariṇī)


   nir-√ghṛṣ P. -gharṣati (only ind. p. -ghṛṣya), to rub against or on (loc.) R.

⋙ nirgharṣaṇa

   nir-gharṣaṇa n. rubbing, friction Sāy.

⋙ nirgharṣaṇaka

   nir-gharṣaṇaka mfn. fit for rubbing or cleaning the teeth Hit.


   nir-jāta mfn. (√jan) come forth, appeared, visible (ifc. in inverted order) Lalit.


   nir-√ji P. -jayati (pf. -jigāya ind. p. -jitya), to conquer, win (in battle, play &c.), acquire 
   • subdue, vanquish, surpass Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nirjaya

   nir-ḍjaya m. conquest, complete victory, subduing, mastering MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c

⋙ nirjita

   nir-ḍjita mfn. conquered, subdued, gained, won ib. 
   • claimed i.e. due (as interest on money) Mn. viii, 154 
   • -varman m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • ○târi-gaṇa mfn. one who has conquered hosts of enemies MW. 
   • ○têndriya and ○driya-grāma mfn. one who has subdued (the whole assemblage of) his passions or feelings (the latter also m. 'a Muni, a saint') W.

⋙ nirjiti

   nir-ḍjiti f. = -jaya, Śāntiś

⋙ nirjetṛ

   nir-ḍjetṛ m. a conqueror, vanquisher R.


   nir-jigamiṣu mfn. (√gam) wishing to go out or come forth Kād. Hcar.


   nir-jihīrṣu mfn. (√hṛ) wishing to take off or remove BhP.


   nir-juṣṭa mfn. (√juṣ) frequented, inhabited ib.


   nir-√jṝ Caus. -jarayati, to wear down, rub to pieces, crush ib. 2

⋙ nirjara

   nir-ḍjara (for 1. p. 541), mfn. completely wearing down or destroying Col. 
   • m. (with Jainas) the gradual destruction of all actions (also ā, f. and ○raṇa n.) HYog. Sarvad.  
   • -prakaraṇâdi, N. of wk


   nir-jhara m. (cf. jhara, jharat) a waterfall, cataract, mountain torrent, cascade MBh. Kāv. &c. (also n. R. iv, 13, 6 
   • ī f. L. 
   • , and ○raṇa n. Pañcad.) 
   • burning chaff L. 
   • an elephant L. 
   • N. of one of the horses of the Sun L. (cf. nirṇara) 
   • (ī), f. a river L.

⋙ nirjharin

   nir-jhaḍrin m. a mountain L. 
   • (iṇī), f. a torrent, river Kād. Kathās.


   nir-jhāṭita mfn. (Caus. of √jhaṭ) burst, Deśīn


   nir-ḍīna n. (√ḍī) a partic. mode of flying MBh.


   nir-ṇam (√nam), only Caus. -ṇamayati, to put out (tongue) Divyâv.

⋙ nirṇata

   nir-ḍṇata mfn. bent outwards, prominent Kāṭh. (opp. to upa-nata, q.v.) 
   • -tama mfn. bending or bowing very low, being far below another person Nir. viii, 5 
   • ○tôdara mfn. having a prominent belly MBh.

⋙ nirṇamana

   nir-ḍṇamana n. bending, Śulbas. Sch.

⋙ nirṇāma

   nir-ḍṇāmá m. id., Śulbas. 
   • turning and winding (vṛtrasya) Nir. ii, 16 
   • joint of a wing ŚBr.


   nirṇaya &c. nir-ṇī


   nirṇara m. N. of one of the horses of the Sun L. (cf. nirjhara)


   nir-ṇij (√nij), P. -ṇenekti (Subj. -ṇenijati 
   • Ā. ṇenikte Br. 
   • dat. inf. -ṇíje RV.), (P.) to wash off, cleanse Br. ChUp. 
   • (Ā.) id. TS. 
   • to wash or dress or adorn one's self RV. &c. &c

⋙ nirṇikta

   nir-ḍṇikta mfn. washed, cleaned, polished, purified, pure 
   • -bāhu-valaya mfn. with polished bracelets BhP. 
   • -manas mfn. pure-hearted MBh.

⋙ nirṇikti

   nir-ḍṇikti f. (cf. Mcar.),

⋙ nirṇeka

   nir-ḍṇeka m. (cf. Mn.) washing, ablution, expiation

⋙ nirṇij

   nir-ḍṇíj f. a shining dress or ornament, any bright garment &c. RV.

⋙ nirṇega

   nir-ḍṇega pātranirṇega

⋙ nirṇejaka

   nir-ḍṇejaka m. a washerman, washer Mn.

⋙ nirṇejana

   nir-ḍṇejana n. washing, cleansing Gaut. 
   • expiation, atonement for an offence Mn. 
   • water for washing or rinsing ( patrī-nirṇejana)


   nir-ṇī (√nī), P. Ā. -ṇayati, ○te, to lead or take away, carry off AV. Kauś. 
   • to find out, investigate, ascertain, settle, decide, fix on R. Daś. Hit. &c

⋙ nirṇaya

   nir-ḍṇaya m. taking off, removing Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • complete ascertainment, decision, determination, settlement ib. 
   • (in logic) deduction, inference, conclusion, demonstration 
   • application of a conclusive argument 
   • (in law) sentence, verdict (cf. -pāda below) 
   • (in rhet.) narration of events Sāh. 
   • discussion, consideration (= vicāra) L. 
   • -kamalâkara m. -kaumudī f. -kaustubha m. or n. -candrikā f. -tattva n. -taraṇi m. or f. -darpaṇa, m. -dīpa and ○paka m. ○pikā f. N. of wks 
   • -pāda m. the fourth (and last) part of a lawsuit, sentence, decree, verdict L. 
   • -bindu m. -bhāskara m. -mañjarī f. -ratna n. -ratna-dīpikā f. -ratnâkara m. -vivaraṇa n. -saṃgraha m. -samudāya m. -sāra m. -siddhânta m. -sindhu m. yâmṛta n. ○yârṇava m. ○yârtha-pradīpa, m. ○yôddhāra m. N. of wks 
   • ○yôpamā f. a comparison based upon an inference Kāvyâd. ii, 27

⋙ nirṇayana

   nir-ḍṇayana n. = -ṇaya L.

⋙ nirṇīṇāyaka

   ○ṇāyaka mfn. settling, conclusive Nyāyam. Comm.

⋙ nirṇīṇāyana

   ○ḍṇāyana n. rendering certain W. 
   • the outer angle of the elephant's eye L.

⋙ nirṇīṇīta

   ○ḍṇīta mfn. traced out, ascertained, settled, decided MBh. &c

⋙ nirṇīṇetṛ

   ○ḍṇetṛ mfn. settling, deciding Pāṇ. 1-3, 23 Sch. 
   • m. a judge Kathās. 
   • a voucher W. 
   • a guide ib. 
   • -tva n. proof, verification ib.

⋙ ṇeya

   ṇeya mfn. to be ascertained or determined ib. 
   • wṛ. for nir-ṇaya (also in nir-ṇeya-sindhu for nir-ṇaya-s○)


   nir-ṇud (√nud), P. -ṇudati (wṛ. nud○), to push out, drive away, reject, repudiate AV. AitBr. MBh. &c

⋙ nirṇoda

   nir-ḍṇoda m. removal, banishment Gobh.


   nir-√daṃś P. -daśati (pres. p. -daśat and ○śamāna ind. p. -daśya), to bite through, bite, gnash or grind the teeth MBh. Hariv.

nirdara 2

   nir-dara m. (√dṝ) a cave, cavern R. (v. l. ○ri) 
   • -vāsin mfn. inhabiting a cave ib.


   nir-dalana n. (√dal) splitting, cleaving asunder, breaking Vcar. Rājat.


   nir-√dah P. Ā. -dahati, ○te (inf. -dahas Br.), to burn out, burn up, consume by fire, destroy completely RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -dāhayati, to cause to burn up or set on fire Rājat. 2.  

⋙ nirdagdha

   nir-ḍdagdha mfn. burnt, burnt up MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ nirdagdhikā

   nir-ḍdagdhikā f. = ni-digdhikā, or nir-digdhikā

⋙ nirdahana

   nir-ḍdahana mf(ī́)n. burning up, consuming AV. 
   • m. Semecarpus Anacardium L. 
   • (ā), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Suśr. 
   • n. burning ib.

⋙ nirdāha

   nir-ḍdāhá mfn. burning AV. 
   • m. N. of a partic. Agni ib. 
   • the act of burning up ( á-nirdāha)

⋙ nirdāhuka

   nir-ḍdāhuka mfn. burning ( a-nirdāhuka)


   nir-dātṛ m. (√dai) a weeder, reaper Mn. MBh.


   nir-dārita nir-√dṝ


   nir-digdha mfn. (√dih) anointed, smeared 
   • well-fed, stout, lusty L. 
   • (ā), f. Solanum Jacquini (also ○dhikā) L.


   nir-didhārayiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of nir-√dhṛ) desire of investigating or ascertaining ŚBr. Sch.


   nir-√diś P. -diśati (aor. -adikṣat Daś. Bhaṭṭ. ind. p. -diśya Śak. Mālav. 
   • inf. -deṣṭum MBh.), to point to (acc.), show Mṛicch. Śak. &c 
   • to assign anything to, destine for (dat. or gen.) Hariv. R. &c 
   • to indicate, state, name, define, specify Br. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to take for, regard as (with double acc.) Mn. Vet. 
   • to announce, proclaim, foretell, prophesy MBh. Var. 
   • to recommend, advise, suggest (with double acc.) Hit.: Desid. -didikṣati, to wish to point out or define more closely Śaṃk.

⋙ nirdiṣṭa

   nir-ḍdiṣṭa mfn. pointed out, shown, indicated, declared, announced, foretold, enjoined TS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • ordered, meant or determined for, appointed to (dat.) Var. 
   • learned, wise (= paṇḍita) Gal.

⋙ nirdeśa

   nir-ḍdeśa m. pointing out, indicating, directing, order, command, instruction (often ifc.) Mn. Kāv. Pur. 
   • description, specification, special mention, details or particulars GṛŚrS. R. Suśr. &c 
   • vicinity, proximity L. 
   • certainty, ascertainment W. 
   • a partic. number Buddh. 
   • -kārin mfn. executing orders, obedient BhP. 
   • -pālana n. obeying a command R.

⋙ nirdeśaka

   nir-ḍdeśaka mfn. pointing out, showing, indicating 
   • describing, defining TPrāt. 
   • ordering MW.

⋙ nirdeśanīya

   nir-ḍdeśanīya (cf. MW.),

⋙ nirdeśya

   nir-ḍdeśya (cf. Mn. MBh. &c.), mfn. to be pointed out or determined or described or proclaimed or foretold

⋙ nirdeṣṭṛ

   nir-ḍdeṣṭṛ mfn. who or what points out or shows or defines L. 
   • m. an authority, a guide W.


   nir-√dī (only impf. -adīyam), to fly away RV. iv, 27, 1 (cf. nir-ḍīna)


   nir-√duh P. -duhati (aor. -adhukṣat, 3. pl. -dhukṣan, Ā. -adhukṣata RV.), to milk out, extract RV. MBh.

⋙ nirdugdha

   nir-ḍdugdha mfn. milked or drawn out, extracted Kathās.


   nir-√dṝ (only pf. -dadāra), to tear or rend asunder BhP.: Caus. -dārayati id. Hariv. 
   • to cause to be dug up Rājat.

⋙ nirdārita

   nir-ḍdārita mfn. torn asunder, split open Hariv.


   nir-√dyut Caus. -dyotayati, to illustrate, explain TāṇḍBr.


   nir-√dru P. -dravati, to run out or away AV.


   nir-√dham (dhmā), P. -dhamati, to blow away, blow out of RV. TĀr. Suśr.


   nir-√dhā P. -dadhāti, to take or find out RV. x, 160, 4


   nir-dhāṭaya Nom. P. ○yati, to use ill, Śīl


   nir-dhāv √1. P. -dhāvati, to stream forth or spring or run or escape from (abl.) ŚBr. Hariv.


   nir-√dhū P. Ā. -dhūnoti, -"ṣnute, to shake, agitate, shake out or off, scatter, remove, destroy, expel, reject Br. MBh. R. &c

⋙ nirdhūta

   nir-ḍdhūta mfn. shaken, agitated &c. Mn. MBh. &c. (also ) 
   • harassed, tormented R. 
   • deprived or bereft of (comp.) Hariv. 
   • suffered, undergone W. 
   • m. a man abandoned by his relatives or friends ib. 
   • -pāpa mfn. one whose sins are wholly shaken off or removed MW.  
   • -saktu (nír-dh○), mfn. (bag) having the barley-meal shaken out ŚBr.

⋙ nirdhūnana

   nir-ḍdhūnana n. heaving, fluctuating (of the sea) Kum.


   nir-√dhṛ (only Pass. aor. -adhāri Śiś. ix, 20), to settle, ascertain: Caus. -dhārayati, to hold back (the breath) VPrāt. Sch. 
   • to take or pick out, particularize (determine, Pass. pres. p. -dhāryamāṇa) Pāṇ. 2-3, 42 Sch.: Desid. of Caus. -didhārayiṣati, to wish to ascertain or define Śaṃk.

⋙ nirdhāra

   nir-ḍdhāra m. (Vop. L.), ○dhāraṇa n. (cf. Var. Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. Vop.) taking out or specifying one out of many, particularizing, defining, settling, certainty, ascertainment

⋙ nirdhāraṇīya

   nir-ḍdhāraṇīya mfn. to be ascertained or determined W.

⋙ nirdhārayitṛ

   nir-ḍdhārayitṛ m. one who settles or decides Śaṃk.

⋙ nirdhārita

   nir-ḍdhārita mfn. determined, ascertained, settled, accurately stated or told ib.

⋙ nirdhāritavya

   nir-ḍdhāritavya and mfn. = ○dhāraṇīya

⋙ nirdhārya

   nir-ḍdhārya mfn. = ○dhāraṇīya

⋙ nirdhṛti

   nir-ḍdhṛti v. l. for vidhṛti VP.


   nir-√dhe -dhayati, to drink or suck up, absorb AV. ŚBr.


   nir-dhauta (√2. dhāv), washed off, cleansed, purified, polished, bright MBh. Kāv.


   nir-dhmāpana n. (nir-√dham) blowing away Suśr.


   nir-√dhyai (pres. p. -dhyāyat Rājat. 
   • ind. p. -dhyāya R.), to think of, reflect upon,

⋙ nirdhyāta

   nir-ḍdhyāta mfn. thought of, meditated MW.


   nir-naś √2. only Caus. -nāśayati, (aor. -anīnaśat), to drive away, remove, destroy RV. AV.

⋙ nirnaṣṭa

   nir-ḍnaṣṭa mfn. lost, disappeared Rājat.

⋙ nirnāśana

   nir-ḍnāśana mfn. removing, expelling, destroying Hit. 
   • n. the act of removing &c. MBh.

⋙ nirnāśin

   nir-ḍnāśin mfn. = ○śana mfn. Śatr.


   nir-√bandh P. -badhnāti, to fix or fasten upon, attach one's self to, insist upon, persist in, urge MBh. Pur.

⋙ nirbaddha

   nir-ḍbaddha mfn. fixed or fastened upon (loc.) BhP. 
   • clung to, pressed hard, urged Daś. Naish.

⋙ nirbandha

   nir-ḍbandha m. objection Gaut. 
   • insisting upon (loc. or comp.), pertinacity, obstinacy, perseverance MBh. Kāv. &c. (ibc., ○dhāt, ○dhena, ○dhatas, ind. perseveringly, with or by perseverance 
   • ○dhaṃ-√kṛ, to urge gen. Kathās. i, 25 
   • to show obstinacy against instr. MBh. xiii, 5034) 
   • the attributing anything to, accusing of (comp.) Mn. xi, 56 
   • -para mf(ā)n. intent upon, desirous of (comp.) Kum. v, 66 
   • -pṛṣṭa mfn. urgently asked, importuned Ragh. xiv, 32

⋙ nirbandhanīya

   nir-ḍbandhanīya wṛ. for ni-b○

⋙ nirbandhin

   nir-ḍbandhin mfn. insisting upon (loc. or comp.) MBh. 
   • ○dhi-tā f. Jātakam.


   nir-barhaṇa n. = ni-b○ L.


   nir-√bādh Ā. -bādhate, to keep off, ward off Kāṭh.

⋙ nirbādha

   nir-ḍbādhá m. a knob, prominence (as that which keeps off or defends ?) TS. ŚBr. (○dhs-√kṛ, prob. to set aside, remove TS. 
   • ○dhatvá n. ib.)

⋙ nirbādhin

   nir-ḍbādhín mfn. removing all (impediments) TS.

⋙ nirbādhya

   nir-ḍbādhyá mfn. able to remove all (impediments) ĀpŚr.


   nir-√brū P. -braviiti, to speak out, pronounce (loud or clearly) Br. RPrāt. 
   • to interpret, explain Nir.


   nir-√bhaj P. Ā. -bhajati, ○te (2. sg. aor. Subj. -bhāk), to exclude from participation or coparceny with (abl.), to content or satisfy with (instr.) RV. AV. Br.: Caus. -bhājayati, (in law) to exclude from sharing in, disinherit. 2

⋙ nirbhakta

   nir-ḍbhakta mfn. excluded from participation MW.

⋙ nirbhājya

   nir-ḍbhājya mfn. to be excluded from pṭparticipation or sharing in Mn. ix, 207


   nir-√bhañj P. -bhanakti (2. sg. impf. -ábhanas 
   • Impv. -bandhi AV. iii, 6, 7), to break or split asunder, defeat AV. R. (wṛ. -bhajanti for bhañj○, v, 73, 37)

⋙ nirbhagna

   nir-ḍbhagna mfn. broken asunder or down, bent MBh. R.

⋙ nirbhajyamāna

   nir-ḍbhajyamāna mfn. being broken in pieces BhP.


   nirbhaṭa mfn. hard, firm L. (v. r. nirvaha, perhaps wṛ. for nibhaṭa = ni-bhṛta, q.v.)


   nir-√bharts P. -bhartsayati (ind. p. -bhartsya), to threaten, menace, rebuke, blame MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to mock, deride, (met. = ) outstrip, surpass Kāv. Hit.  

⋙ nirbhartsana

   nir-ḍbhartsana n. threatening, reproach, blame MBh. Rājat. (also ā f.) 
   • red paint, lac L. 
   • -daṇḍa-mohita mfn. bewildered by the threat of punishment MBh.

⋙ nirbhartsita

   nir-ḍbhartsita mfn. threatened, menaced, reviled, abused Kathās. Pur. 
   • -vat mfn. Pañc.


   nir-√bhal (only pr. p. f. -bhālayantī in Prākr. Mālav. i, 3/4, v. l. -dhyāyantī), to see, perceive, notice = (and perhaps wṛ. for) ni-bh○


   nir-√bhas -bapsati, to bite off, chew TBr. Kāṭh.


   nir-√bhā P. -bhāti (pf. -babhau), to shine forth, appear, arise Mn. Kāv. Pur. 
   • to look like, seem to be (iva) MBh. viii, 3141

⋙ nirbhāta

   nir-ḍbhāta mfn. shone or shining forth, appeared, arisen MBh. Kāv. &c


   nir-√bhās Caus. -bhāsayati, to illuminate Hariv.

⋙ nirbhāsa

   nir-ḍbhāsa m. appearance Sarvad. (ifc. f. ā = nibha, similar, like Kāraṇḍ., printed ○bhāṣa)

⋙ nirbhāsana

   nir-ḍbhāsana n. illuminating, illustrating, making manifest Sarvad.

⋙ nirbhāsita

   nir-ḍbhāsita mfn. illuminated, illumined Hariv. 
   • = dīpta L.


   nir-√bhid P. Ā. -bhinatti (2. sg. Subj. aor. -bhed RV. i, 104, 8 
   • pf. -bibheda MBh. &c 
   • -bibhide Hariv. 
   • ind. p. -bhidya ŚBr. MBh. &c.), to cleave or split asunder, divide, open, pierce, hurt, wound, destroy RV. &c. &c 
   • (with locane) to put out MBh. 
   • (with kham) to form an aperture, excavate BhP. 
   • (with granthim) to loose, untie ib. 
   • to penetrate i.e. find out, investigate, discover MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. -bhidyate, to be broken asunder cleave or split open (intrans.) Up. Suśr. BhP.

⋙ nirbhinna

   nir-ḍbhinna mfn. broken asunder, budded, blossomed 
   • divided, separated, disunited 
   • pierced, penetrated 
   • found out, betrayed Br. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -tanu mfn. having the body pierced through or transfixed MW.

⋙ nirbheda

   nir-ḍbheda m. breaking asunder, splitting, bursting (trans. and intrans.) R. Suśr. 
   • split, rent, channel (of a river) Hariv. 
   • betraying, revealing Mālav. iv, 1/2

⋙ nirbhedin

   nir-ḍbhedin mfn. splitting, piercing Kathās. 2

⋙ nirbhedya

   nir-ḍbhedya (for 1. p. 541, col. 3), mfn. to be split asunder


   nir-bhuj √1. P. bhujati, to bend awry, distort (mouth, eyes &c.) Yājñ. Suśr.

⋙ nirbhugna

   nir-ḍbhugna mfn. bent awry, distorted MBh. Suśr.


   nir-√bhū (only aor. -bhūt, he disappeared, 'was off') RV. iv, 19, 9 ; viii, 68, 2

⋙ nirbhūti

   nir-ḍbhūti (nír-), f. disappearing, vanishing AV.


   nir-√bhṛ (only pf. -jabhāra), to take or draw out RV. x, 68, 8 
   • 9

⋙ nirbhṛta

   nir-ḍbhṛta (prob.) wṛ. for ni-bh○ (cf. nir-bhaṭa)


   nir-√majj P. -majjati (pf. -mamajja), to sink under, sink into MBh. Hariv. 
   • to inundate, deluge (Pot. -majjyāt) ŚBr.

⋙ nirmagna

   nir-ḍmagna mfn. to sink under (opp. to un-magna) Sāh. 
   • sunk into i.e. firmly fixed upon (comp.) R.

⋙ nirmajā

   nir-ḍmajā (nír-), f. watering-place, pond (?) RV. viii, 4, 20 (cf. Sāy. 'nír-maj mfn. = śuddha')


   nir-√mañc (ind. p. -mañcya), to perform the ceremony of lustration with anything (acc.) Naish.

⋙ nirmañcana

   nir-ḍmañcana n. = nī-rājana ib. Sch. (wṛ. ○mañchana Kum. xiii, 18, with v. l. ○uñchana)


   nir-√math or manth P. Ā. -manthati, ○te RV. 
   • -mathati, ○te MBh. 
   • -mathnāti Kāṭh. (fut. -mathiṣyati ind. p. -mathya MBh. Kāv. &c.) 
   • to grind (fire) out of (wood), to produce (fire) by rubbing (wood together), rub or churn anything out of anything (double acc.) RV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to stir or churn (the sea) MBh. R. 
   • to tear or draw or shake out of, extract MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • to shake, agitate (the mind) MBh. 
   • to grind down, crush, destroy MBh. Hariv. &c.: Pass. -mathyate (p. ○yamāna), to be rubbed or churned &c. MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nirmatha

   nir-ḍmatha m. rubbing 
   • -dāru = nirmantha-d○ L.

⋙ nirmathana

   nir-ḍmathana n. rubbing, churning, making butter, lighting a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together or by churning Up. MBh. Suśr. Kām.

⋙ nirmathita

   nir-ḍmathita mfn. stirred about, churned, agitated, crushed, destroyed MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • wiped off Mṛicch. 
   • m. a fire newly lighted by rubbing (wood) KātyŚr. 1

⋙ nirmathya

   nir-ḍmathyá mfn. to be (or being newly) excited by friction Vait. 
   • (ā), f. a partic. fragrant bark L. 2.  

⋙ nirmathya

   nir-ḍmathya ind. having ground or churned &c. MBh. Kāv. 
   • having discriminated or particularized W. 
   • forcibly, by force Kathās.

⋙ nirmantha

   nir-ḍmantha m. rubbing 
   • -kāṣṭha or -dāru n. the wood or stick used for kindling fire by friction 
   • a churning stick L.

⋙ nirmanthana

   nir-ḍmanthana n. rubbing together (esp. for kindling fire), churning, friction Vait. Suśr.

⋙ nirmanthya

   nir-ḍmanthyá mfn. to be (or being) stirred or churned or excited by friction (as fire) TS. ŚrS. 
   • to be distinguished or discriminated W. 
   • -dāru n. the wood for kindling fire by friction L.

⋙ nirmāthin

   nir-ḍmāthin mfn. grinding down, crushing or stamping to pieces, churning, rubbing Rājat.


   nir-√mad Caus. -mādayati, to wash Divyâv.


   nir-√mā Ā. -mimīte TS.: AV. Br. 
   • -māti Kāv. Pur. (pf. -mame Mn. MBh. 
   • ind. p. -māya Prab. 
   • inf. -mātum Rājat.) 
   • to mete out, measure AV. 
   • to build, make out of (abl.), form, fabricate, produce, create TS. Br. Mn. &c 
   • (with citram) to paint Śak. Daś. 
   • (with kośam) to compose or write Cat. 
   • (with giram) to utter Kull. 
   • (with nītim) to show, betray MBh.: Pass. -mīyate (pf. -mame Rājat. v, 425 
   • aor. -amāyi Cat.), to be measured out &c.: Caus. -māpayati, to cause to be made or built Rājat. Kathās.: Desid. -mitsati, to wish to make or build Naish.

⋙ nirmā

   nir-ḍmā f. value, measure, equivalent Lāṭy.

⋙ nirmāṇa

   nir-ḍmāṇa n. measuring, measure, reach, extent (often, mfn. ifc.) Hariv. R. 
   • forming, making, creating, creation, building, composition, work (ifc. 'made of' Suśr.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (with Buddh.) transformation 
   • pith, the best of anything (= sāra) L. 
   • = asamañjasa L. 
   • -kāya m. the body of transformations Buddh. MWB. 247 
   • -kāraka m. creator Vishṇ. 
   • -rata m. pl. 'finding pleasure in creating', N. of a class of gods MBh. 
   • -rati-deva m. pl. 'id.' or 'enjoying pleasures provided by themselves', a class of beings inhabiting the fifth heaven VP. Lalit. MWB. 208

⋙ nirmātṛ

   nir-ḍmātṛ m. (trī f.) maker, builder, creator, author MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -tā f. -tva n. creatorship &c. Śaṃk.

⋙ nirmita

   nir-ḍmita (nír-), mfn. constructed, built, fashioned, formed, created, made by (instr. or comp.) out of (abl., instr. or comp.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (law) fixed, settled Mn. ix, 46 
   • (ceremony) performed, celebrated R. (B) i, 14, 42 
   • (sacrificial animal) put apart, separated, isolated (= nir-ūḍha) ĀśvŚr. 
   • m. pl. (with Buddhists) a class of deities Lalit.

⋙ nirmiti

   nir-ḍmiti f. formation, creation, making Rājat. 
   • adding, addition (of a word) Kpr. vii, 10

⋙ nirmitsu

   nir-ḍmitsu mfn. wishing to create (with acc.) Kāv.

⋙ nirmīmitsā

   nir-ḍmīmitsā (!), f. desire of creating Yogas. Sch.


   nir-mâkhya (!), m. N. of a man Cat. (v. l. tigmâtman and nirmād)


   nir-√mi P. -miṇoti, to make by miracle Divyâv.

⋙ nirmita

   nir-ḍmita 1. nir-mā


   nir-√muc P. -muñcati, to loosen, free from (abl.), liberate RV. &c. &c.: Pass. -mucyate (aor. -amoci ŚBr.), to be freed or free one's self from, get rid of (abl.) RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • to be deprived of (instr.) Rājat. 
   • to be abandoned or given up (as life &c.) ib. 
   • (sc. tvacas) to cast off (said of a serpent casting its skin) Mṛicch. iii, 9: Caus. -mocayati, to loosen or liberate from (abl.) Hariv. 
   • to redeem (a pawn) from (abl.) Vishṇ.

⋙ nirmukta

   nir-ḍmukta mfn. loosed, separated, sundered, liberated or saved or escaped or free from, deprived of (instr., abl. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • given up, lost, disappeared, vanished (esp. ibc 
   • below.) 
   • flung, hurled MBh. BhP. 
   • (a serpent) that has lately cast its skin MBh. 
   • free from every attachment (= niḥ-saṅga) L. 
   • deprived of all, possessing nothing (= niṣ-parigraha) ib. 
   • -kalmaṣa mfn. freed from sin MBh. 
   • -deha mfn. one who is freed from his body (or bodily desires) ib. 
   • -saṅga mfn. one who has given up all (worldly) attachments BhP.

⋙ nirmukti

   nir-ḍmukti (nír-), f. liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.), Av. Kathās. or dāna Sch. on BhP. x, 17, 18

⋙ nirmoka

   nir-ḍmoka m. setting loose or free, liberating L. 
   • a cast-off skin (esp. of a snake) MBh. Kāv. &c. (-paṭṭa m. a piece of cast-off skin Ragh. xvi, 17) 
   • armour, mail L. 
   • sky, atmosphere L. 
   • N. of a son of the 8th Manu BhP. 
   • of a Ṛishi under the 13th Manu ib. (cf. nir-moha, p. 541, col. 3)

⋙ nirmoktṛ

   nir-ḍmoktṛ m. a looser, solver (as of doubts) MBh.

⋙ nirmokṣa

   nir-ḍmokṣa m. liberation, deliverance from (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv.  

⋙ nirmocaka

   nir-ḍmocaka mfn. setting free, liberating L. 
   • n. the cast-off skin of a snake Car.

⋙ nirmocana

   nir-ḍmocana n. deliverance MBh.


   nirmuṭa m. (only L.) a tree 
   • a free market or fair 
   • the sun 
   • = kharpara 
   • n. an arbour Gal.


   nir-muṇḍa p. 541, col. 3


   nir-√muṣ -muṣṇāti to snatch away Vait.


   nir-√muh Caus. -mohayati (ind. p. -mohya), to confuse, bewilder MBh.


   nir-√mṛj P. -mārṣṭi, &c. (Pot. -mṛjyur Kāṭh. 
   • impv. -mṛḍḍhi AV. 
   • p. Ā. -mṛjāna Kauś. 
   • pf. -mamārja Pur. 
   • Subj. aor. -mṛkṣatam RV. 
   • ind. p. -mṛjya MBh. to rub or wipe off, sweep out, destroy. 2

⋙ nirmārga

   nir-ḍmārga m. wiping off (cf. á-nirm○ add.) 
   • that which is stripped or wiped off, refuse TBr.

⋙ nirmārguka

   nir-ḍmā́rguka mfn. drawing off, withdrawing from (abl.) TS.

⋙ nirmārjana

   nir-ḍmārjana n. wiping off, sweeping, cleaning MBh.

⋙ nirmārjanīya

   nir-ḍmārjanīya mfn. to be cleaned R.

⋙ nirmārṣṭi

   nir-ḍmārṣṭi f. N. of the wife of Du?-saha MārkP. (wṛ. ○māṣṭi)

⋙ nirmṛṣṭa

   nir-ḍmṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed out, wiped off, destroyed Kāv.


   nir-mretuka mf(ā)n. (√mrit) fading away, withering TāṇḍBr. (v. l. ○metuka, ○mṝtuka)


   nir-mlukti wṛ. for ni-m○

niryat 1

   nir-yat mfn. (nir-√i) going forth, coming out, issuing MBh. Kāv. &c

niryat 2

   nir-√yat Caus. -yātayati, to snatch away, carry off, take or fetch out of (abl.), get, procure MBh. Hariv. Kāv. 
   • to give back, restore, make restitution Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to give as a present Lalit. Divyâv. 
   • (vairam) to return or show enmity, take revenge MBh. R. Divyâv. 
   • to forgive, pardon, set free MW.

⋙ niryātaka

   nir-yātaka mfn. bearing away, carrying off, removing (ifc 
   • cf. preta-, mṛta-)

⋙ niryātana

   nir-yātana n. giving back, returning, restoring, delivery of a deposit, replacing anything lost, payment of a debt (with gen. or comp 
   • cf. vaira-) Hariv. R. &c 
   • gift, donation L. 
   • revenge, killing, slaughter L.

⋙ niryātita

   nir-yātita mfn. restored, returned, requited MBh. Hariv. 
   • past, spent (as years) R. 1

⋙ niryātya

   nir-yātya ind. having restored &c. Kathās. 2

⋙ niryātya

   nir-yātya mfn. to be restored or delivered &c. MBh. Hariv.


   nir-√yā P. -yāti, to go out, come forth, go from (abl.) to or into (acc.), set out for (dat., [e.g. yuddhāya MBh. 
   • dig-jayāya Rājat.] or artham ) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (with mṛgayām) to go hunting MBh. 
   • to depart from life, die Car. 
   • to pass away (as time) Kāv. 
   • to weed (a field) MBh.: Caus. -yāpayati, to cause to go out &c. MBh. R. 
   • to drive away, expel from (abl.) BhP.

⋙ niryā

   nir-ḍyā́ f. getting out of order, disturbance, defect (esp. of a rite) TS. TāṇḍBr.

⋙ niryāṇa

   nir-yāṇa n. going forth or out, exit, issue 
   • setting out, decamping (of an army), going out (of cattle to the pasture ground) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • departure, vanishing, disappearance Rājat. Sāh. 
   • departure from life, death MBh. Hariv. Var. 
   • final emancipation (wṛ. for nir-vāṇa ?) L. 
   • a road leading out of a town L. 
   • the outer corner of an elephant's eye Daś. Śiś. (cf. nir-ṇāyana) 
   • a rope for tying cattle, a foot-rope 
   • -hasta mfn. having a foot-rope in the hand Śiś. xii, 41

⋙ niryāṇika

   nir-yāṇika mfn. conducive to emancipation Lalit.

⋙ niryāta

   nir-yāta mfn. gone out or forth, issued, &c 
   • laid aside (as money) MBh. 
   • completely familiar or conversant with (loc. or comp.) Lalit. (v. l. nir-jāta)

⋙ niryāti

   nir-yāti f. departure, dying, final emancipation Buddh.

⋙ niryātṛ

   nir-yātṛ m. a weeder (of a field) MBh. (cf. nirdātṛ)

⋙ niryāpaṇa

   nir-yāpaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) expelling, banishing BhP.

⋙ niryāpita

   nir-yāpita mfn. caused to go out &c 
   • removed, destroyed BhP. 
   • undertaken, begun ib.

⋙ niryiyāsu

   nir-ḍyiyāsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing or trying to go out Suśr.


   nir-√yāc P. Ā. -yācati, ○te, to beg of or solicit from (abl.), to ask, entreat, request (with double acc.) AV. TS. TāṇḍBr.


   nir-yāma m. (√yam) a sailor, pilot L. (cf. ni-y○).  

⋙ niryāmaka

   nir-yāmaka m. an assistant HPariś.

⋙ niryāmaṇā

   nir-yāmaṇā f. assistance ib.


   nir-yāsá m. (n., g. ardharcâdi 
   • √yas) exudation of trees or plants, juice, resin, milk (ifc. f. ā) Gaut. Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • any thick fluid substance Hariv. 
   • extract, decoction L. (also ○syā f. Vishṇ. Sch.) 
   • ○sika mfn. g. kumudâdi on Pāṇ. 4-2, 80


   nir-yu √4. (only Ā. pres. p. -yuvāṇá mfn. ), to keep away, ward off RV. iv, 48, 2


   nir-yukta mfn. (√yuj) constructed, built, erected, raised Hariv. 
   • (ifc.) directed towards (v. l. nir-mukta) ib. 
   • (in music) limited as to metre and measure (v. l. ni-y○). 2

⋙ niryukti

   nir-ḍyukti (for 1. p. 542, col. 1), f. (with Jainas) explanation of a sacred text (cf. nir-ukti)

⋙ niryoga

   nir-ḍyoga m. (prob.) a decoration Hariv. 
   • a rope for tying cows BhP. Sch.


   nir-yūṣa m. extract, juice &c. = nir-yāsa L.


   nir-yūha n. (m. L. 
   • often v. l. and prob. only wṛ. for nir-vyūha) prominence, projection 
   • a kind of pinnacle or turret
   MBh. Hariv. R. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • a helmet, crest or any similar headornament MBh. Hariv. (= āpīḍa L.) 
   • a peg or bracket L. 
   • wood placed in a wall for doves to build upon W. 
   • a door, gate Hariv. 
   • m. extract, juice, decoction R. Suśr. (cf. nir-yāsa, nir-yūṣa)


   nir-√yeṣ -yeṣati, to boil or bubble forth TS.


   nir-yola m. (fr. ?) a partic. part of a plough Kṛishis.


   nir-layanī wṛ. for nir-vl○


   nir-lāñchana n. (√lāñch) the marking of domestic animals by perforating the nose &c. HYog.


   nir-√likh P. -likhati, to scratch, scarify Suśr. 
   • to scratch or scrape off Āpast.

⋙ nirlekhana

   nir-ḍlekhana n. an instrument for scraping off, a scraper Suśr. (cf. jihvā-nirl○)


   nir-√lih P. -leḍhi, to lick off, sip off or away ĀpŚr.


   nir-luñcana n. (√luñc) pulling out or off, tearing off, peeling KātyŚr. Sch.


   nir-luṭh √1. Caus. -loṭhayati, to roll down (trans.) Rājat.

⋙ nirluṭhita

   nir-ḍluṭhita mfn. rolled down ib. 
   • come forth, prolapsed (from the womb) Pat.


   nir-luṭh √2. -loṭhayati, to rob, steal Rājat.


   nir-√luḍ a-nirloḍita


   nir-√luṇṭh -luṇṭhati (only p. -luṇṭhyamāna), to rob, plunder

⋙ nirluṇṭhana

   nir-ḍluṇṭhana n. robbing, plundering Sāh. 
   • wṛ. for nir-luñcana

⋙ nirluṇṭhita

   nir-ḍluṇṭhita mfn. robbed, plundered Rājat.


   nir-√lup P. -lumpati (only ind. p. -lupya), to draw out, extract MaitrS.

⋙ nirlopa

   nir-ḍlopa m. plundering, plunder, spoil 
   • ○lopâpahāraka mfn. one who carries off by robbery L. 
   • cf. ni-lup


   nir-lūna mfn. (√lū) cut through or off Śiś. Bālar. Kathās.


   nir-loc (only ind. p. -locya), to meditate, ponder Kathās.


   nir-lvayanī wṛ. for nir-vl○


   nir-√vac (aor. -avocat AV. ŚBr. 
   • but mostly used in Pass. -ucyate, -ucyamāna 
   • cf. nir-ukta), to speak out, express clearly or distinctly, declare, interpret, explain Br. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to derive from (abl.) Hariv. 
   • to order off, warn off, drive away, tell any one to go away from (abl.) AV.

⋙ nirvaktavya

   nir-ḍvaktavya mfn. to be interpreted or explained Nir. 2

⋙ nirvacana

   nir-ḍvacana n. speaking out, pronouncing ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • a saying or proverb MBh. 
   • interpretation, explanation, etymology MBh.

⋙ nirvacanīya

   nir-ḍvacanīya m. = next (cf. a-nirv○). 2

⋙ nirvācya

   nir-ḍvācya (for 1. p. 542, col. 1), mfn. to be explained, RPrāt Mallin.


   nir-√vañc Ā. -vañcate, to deceive, Śriṅgār.  


   nir-√vad P. Ā. -vadati, ○te (aor. -avādiṣam, -vādiṣṭam), to order off, warn off, expel or drive away VS. 
   • to speak out, utter AV. 
   • to abuse, revile MBh. 
   • to deny MW. 2

⋙ nirvāda

   nir-ḍvāda (for 1. p. 542, col. 1), m. obloquy, censure MBh. Ragh. 
   • rumour, report L. 
   • = niścita-vāda, or niṣṭhitav○ L. 
   • wṛ. for nir-vāha Rājat. viii, 565


   nir-√vadh to split off or asunder, sever, separate Br.


   nir-√vap P. Ā. -vapati, ○te (pf. -vavāpa R., -uvāpa Bhaṭṭ., -ūpe RV. 
   • fut. -vapsyati TBr., -vapiṣyati Hariv. R.), to pour out, sprinkle, scatter, to offer, present (esp. sacrificial food, the funeral oblation or libation to deceased relatives) 
   • to choose or select for (dat. or gen.), to distribute (e.g. grain for sacrif. purposes) 
   • to perform (a sacrifice or a funeral oblation &c.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (with kṛṣim) to practise or exercise agriculture MBh.: Caus. -vāpayati, to sow out Pañc. 
   • to choose or select (for the gods) MBh.

⋙ nirvapaṇa

   nir-ḍvápaṇa n. pouring out, sprinkling, scattering KātyŚr. 
   • offering (esp. the funeral oblation or libation) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • that by which a libation is made (as a ladle or vessel) ŚBr. 
   • gift, donation, alms BhP. 
   • mfn. relating to libations Gṛihyās. 
   • (ifc.) scattering, pouring out, bestowing MBh.

⋙ nirvapaṇīya

   nir-ḍvapaṇīya and mfn. to be scattered out or offered Nyāyam. Sch. 1

⋙ nirvaptavya

   nir-ḍvaptavya mfn. to be scattered out or offered Nyāyam. Sch. 1

⋙ nirvāpa

   nir-ḍvāpa m. scattering, pouring out, offering, oblation (esp. in honour of a deceased ancestor) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • sacrificial rice RTL. 367 
   • gift, alms Pañc. 1

⋙ nirvāpaṇa

   nir-ḍvāpaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) scattering sowing, throwing in or down Pañc. Suśr. offering, presenting funeral oblations, giving L. 1

⋙ nirvāpita

   nir-ḍvāpita mfn. scattered, sown Pañc. 1

⋙ nirvāpya

   nir-ḍvāpya mfn. to be scattered or offered Yājñ. 2

⋙ nirvāpya

   nir-ḍvāpya ind. having offered or distributed or selected MBh.


   nir-√vam P. -vamati, to vomit, spit out, eject MBh. Hariv.

⋙ nirvānta

   nir-ḍvānta mfn. emitted Divyâv.


   nir-√varṇ P. -varṇayati (ind. p. -varṇya), to look at, contemplate Mṛicch. Kālid. &c 
   • to describe, depict, represent Suśr.

⋙ nirvarṇana

   nir-ḍvarṇana n. looking at, regarding, sight L.

⋙ nirvarṇanīya

   nir-ḍvarṇanīya mfn. to be looked at or regarded (a-nirv○) Śak.


   nir-vartaka nir-vartana, &c. under nir-vṛt


   nir-vas √5. P. -vasati, to dwell, finish dwelling (with vāsam &c.) MBh. 
   • to dwell abroad MW.: Caus. -vāsayati, to expel from (abl.), banish Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to dismiss BhP.

⋙ nirvāsa

   nir-ḍvāsa m. leaving one's home, expulsion from (abl.), banishment MBh. R. 
   • killing, slaughter L. 1

⋙ nirvāsana

   nir-ḍvāsana n. (fr. Caus.) expelling from home, banishment MBh. R. &c 
   • leading out to some other place Kām. 
   • killing, slaughter Rājat. (cf. ud-vās○)

⋙ nirvāsanīya

   nir-ḍvāsanīya (cf. MBh.),

⋙ nirvāsya

   nir-ḍvāsya (cf. Mn. Yājñ. Mṛicch.), mfn. to be driven away or banished

⋙ nirvāsita

   nir-ḍvāsita mfn. expelled banished, dismissed, spent (as time) Rājat. BhP. &c


   nir-√vah P. -vahati (fut. -voḍhā ŚBr.), to lead out of, save from (abl.) RV. AV. 
   • to carry off, remove AV. ŚBr. Lāṭy. 
   • to flow out of (abl.) MānGṛ. 
   • to bring about, accomplish Suśr. 
   • to be brought about, succeed 
   • to attain one's object, be successful, overcome obstacles Kathās. Sarvad. &c 
   • to subsist, live on or by (instr.) Campak. 
   • to be fit or meet HPariś.: Caus. -vāhayati, to perform, accomplish Kathās. Hit. 
   • to pass, spend (time) Pañc.

⋙ vahaṇa

   vahaṇa n. end, issue, completion Kāv. Rājat. 
   • the catastrophe of a drama Daśar.

⋙ vahitṛ

   ḍvahitṛ m. accomplisher, producer of (gen.) ChUp. viii, 14

⋙ vāha

   ḍvāha m. carrying on, accomplishing, performing, completion Kāv. 
   • describing, narrating Sāh. 
   • steadfastness, perseverance Mudr. 
   • sufficiency, subsistence, livelihood Rājat. Kull.

⋙ vāhaka

   ḍvāhaka mf(ikā)n. accomplishing, performing, effecting (ifc.) Sāh. (-tā f.) Sāy. 
   • (ikā), f. diarrhoea Bhpr.

⋙ vāhaṇa

   ḍvāhaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) carrying off, removing, destroying (ifc.) Var. 
   • n. = ○vahaṇa L.

⋙ vāhin

   ḍvāhin mfn. leading or carrying out, discharging (as a wound) Suśr.

⋙ vāhya

   ḍvāhya mfn. to be carried on or accomplished or performed Kathās.

⋙ voḍhṛ

   ḍvoḍhṛ p. 558, col. 2


   nir-√vā P. -vāti (pf. -vavau), to blow (as wind) R. 
   • to cease to blow, to be blown out or extinguished 
   • to be allayed or refreshed or exhilarated MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -vāpayati, to put out, extinguish, allay, cool, refresh, delight RV. &c. &c.  

⋙ nirvāṇa

   nir-ḍvāṇa mfn. blown or put out, extinguished (as a lamp or fire), set (as the sun), calmed, quieted, tamed (cf. a-nirv○), dead, deceased (lit. having the fire of life extinguished), lost, disappeared MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • immersed, plunged L. 
   • immovable L. 
   • -bhūyiṣṭha mfn. nearly extinguished), or vanished Kum. ii, 53 
   • n. blowing out, extinction, cessation, setting, vanishing, disappearance (○ṇaṃ-√kṛ, to make away with anything i.e. not to keep one's promise) 
   • extinction of the flame of life, dissolution, death or final emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit MBh. &c. &c 
   • (with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation (= śūnya L.) of individual existence or of all desires and passions MWB. 137139 &c 
   • perfect calm or repose or happiness, highest bliss or beatitude MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of an Upanishad 
   • instructing in sciences L. 
   • bathing of an elephant L. 
   • the post to which an elephant is tied Gal. 
   • offering oblations (for 1. nir-vāpaṇa ?) L. 
   • -kara m. 'causing extinction of all sense of individuality', a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. 
   • -kāṇḍa m. or n. N. of wk 
   • -tantra, bṛhan-nirvāṇat○ and mahā-n○ 
   • -da mfn. bestowing final beatitude MBh. 
   • -daśaka n. N. of wk 
   • -dīkṣita m. N. of a grammarian Cat. 
   • -dhātu m. the region of Nirvāṇa Vajracch. Kāraṇḍ. 
   • -purāṇa n. offering oblations to the dead Rājat. 
   • -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk 
   • -priyā f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ. 
   • -maṇḍapa m. N. of a temple, Skandap 
   • -mantra n. N. of a mystical formula Cat. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. full of bliss VP. 
   • -mastaka m. liberation, deliverance W. 
   • -yoga-paṭala-stotra and -yogôttara n. N. of wks 
   • -ruci m. pl. 'delighting in final beatitude', N. of a class of deities under the 11th Manu BhP. (cf. nirmāṇa-rati) 
   • -lakṣaṇa mfn. having complete bliss as its characteristic mark MW. 
   • -ṣaṭka n. N. of a Stotra 
   • -saṃcodana m. a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇd 
   • -sūtra n. N. of partic. Buddh. Sūtras 
   • ○ṇôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ nirvāṇin

   nir-ḍvāṇin m. (with Jainas) N. of 2nd Arhat of past Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ nirvāta

   nir-ḍvāta under nir, p. 542, col. 3. 2

⋙ nirvāpa

   nir-ḍvāpa m. extinction (of a fire or light) W. 
   • killing, slaughter

⋙ nirvāpaka

   nir-ḍvāpaka mfn. putting out, extinguishing (ifc.) Car. Vishṇ. 2

⋙ nirvāpaṇa

   nir-ḍvāpaṇa mfn. cooling, refrigerant Car. 
   • n. the act of cooling or refreshing or quenching or delighting Kāv. Suśr. 
   • extinguishing, extinction, annihilation Mṛicch. Rājat. 
   • killing, slaughter L.

⋙ nirvāpayitṛ

   nir-ḍvāpayitṛ m. extinguisher, quencher, refresher Śak. 2

⋙ nirvāpita

   nir-ḍvāpita mfn. extinguished, quenched, allayed, cooled Ragh. Mālatīm. Kathās. 
   • killed W. 3

⋙ nirvāpya

   nir-ḍvāpya ind. having extinguished or quenched or refreshed or delighted W.


   nirvāka karṇa- (add.)


   nirvāñc mfn. outward, exterior ŚāṅkhBr. (fr. nir + ava + añc Sch.)


   nir-vi-√kram -krāmati (pf. -cakrāma), to step out MBh.


   nir-vid √3. P. -vindati, (Ā. -vide ind. p. -vidya), to find out RV. x, 129, 4 (Ā.) to get rid of, do away with (gen. or acc.) RV. ŚBr.: Pass. -vidyate, to be despondent or depressed, be disgusted with (abl. or instr., rarely acc.) ŚāṅkhBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. -vedayati, to cause despair MBh. xii, 2658

⋙ nirviṇṇa

   nir-ḍviṇṇa mfn. (wrongly -vinna 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) despondent, depressed, sorrowful, afraid, loathing, disgusted with (abl., instr., gen., loc. or comp.) MBh. Kathās. 
   • pur. &c 
   • abused, degraded, humble W. 
   • known, certain ib. 
   • -cetas mfn. depressed in mind, meek, resigned Bhag.

⋙ nirvid

   nir-ḍvid f. despondency, despair Kathās. 2

⋙ nirveda

   nir-ḍvedá (for 1. p. 542, col. 3), m. id., complete indifference, disregard of worldly objects ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c 
   • loathing, disgust for (loc., gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c 
   • -duḥ-saham ind. in a despairingly insupportable manner Mālatīm. 
   • -vat mfn. despondent, resigned, indifferent Pañc.


   nir-viddha nir-vyadh


   nir-vi-√bhās Caus. bhāsayati, to illumine, enlighten MW.


   nir-vi-√vah P. -vahati, to carry out, export, expel MW.


   nir-vivikṣat mfn. (fr. Desid. of nir-viś) wishing to enter a common dwelling BhP.  


   nir-vivitsu mfn. (fr. Desid. of nir- √3. vid) desirous of disuniting (surâsurān) MBh. ii, 141


   nir-√viś P. -viśati (inf. -veṣṭum), to enter into (acc. or loc.) 
   • (esp.) to settle in a home, become a householder (also with gṛheṣu) 
   • to marry Kāv. Pur. 
   • to pay, render, offer (bhartṛpiṇḍam) MBh. 
   • to enjoy, delight in (acc.) Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • to go out or forth W. 
   • to embellish MW. 
   • to reward ib.

⋙ nirviṣṭa

   nir-ḍviṣṭa mfn. entered, sticking in (loc. or comp.) BhP. 
   • sitting Ragh. xii, 68 (C. niv○) 
   • married ( a-nirv○ add.) 
   • paid off, rendered ( ib.) 
   • enjoyed Kāv. 
   • earned, gained Gaut.

⋙ nirveśa

   nir-ḍveśa m. payment, returning, offering 
   • wages. reward Mn. vi, 45 (v. l. nirdeśa and nid○). R. Daś. 
   • atonement, expiation Āpast. (cf. anirv○ add.) 
   • entering, attaining, enjoying L. 
   • fainting, swooning L.

⋙ nirveśanīya

   nir-ḍveśanīya mfn. to be gained or enjoyed Ragh.

⋙ nirveśya

   nir-ḍveśya mfn. to be paid or rendered MBh.

⋙ nirveṣṭavya

   nir-ḍveṣṭavya mfn. to be rewarded or paid MBh. 
   • to be embellished Hariv. 
   • to be entered into MW.


   nir-vi-√śṝ Pass. -sīryate, to peel or drop off, fall asunder R.


   nir-vṛ √1. (of verbal forms only ind. p. a-nirvṛtya, 'not finding satisfaction or delight' BhP.)

⋙ nirvārita

   nir-ḍvārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) warded off Prab. iv, 30/31

⋙ nirvṛta

   nir-ḍvṛta mfn. satisfied, happy, tranquil, at ease, at rest Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • extinguished, terminated, ceased, Veṇ. vi, 1 MārkP. 
   • emancipated W. 
   • n. a house W.

⋙ nirvṛti

   nir-ḍvṛti f. complete satisfaction or happiness, bliss, pleasure, delight MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • emancipation, final beatitude (= nir-vāṇa) Bhām. (cf. MWB. 137) 
   • attainment of rest Suśr. 
   • extinction (of a lamp) Kād. 
   • destruction, death L. 
   • wṛ. for 1. nir-vṛtti Hit. iv, 6/7 
   • m. N. of a man Hariv. 
   • of a son of Vṛishṇi Pur. 
   • -cakṣus m. N. of a Ṛishi MārkP. 
   • -mat mfn. quite satisfied, happy Mālatīm. 
   • -śatru wṛ. for ni-vṛtta-ś○ Hariv. 
   • -sthāna n. place of eternal bliss Śak. vii, 11/12 (wṛ. nir-vṛtti)


   nir-vṛ √2. Ā. -vṛṇīte, to choose, select RV. TS.


   nir-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (P. only in fut. -vartsyāmi, to cause to roll out or cast (as dice) MBh. iv, 24 B. 
   • fut. -vartsyati and cond. -avartsyat, to take place, happen Bhaṭṭ.), to come forth, originate, develop, become ŚBr. Up. &c 
   • to be accomplished or effected or finished, come off 
   • take place (cf. above) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • often wṛ. for ni-vṛt, q.v.: Caus. -vartayati (ind. p. -vartya 
   • Pass. -vartyate), to cause to come forth, bring out, turn out, do away with, remove Hariv. Rājat. 
   • to bring about, complete, finish, perform, make, produce, create RV. &c. &c 
   • to gladden, satisfy (a-nirvartya v. l. for a-nirvṛtya) BhP.

⋙ nirvartaka

   nir-ḍvartaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) bringing about, accomplishing, performing, finishing Saṃk. Pat. 
   • v. l. for niv○

⋙ nirvartana

   nir-ḍvartana n. completion, execution Saṃk. 
   • v. l. for niv○

⋙ nirvartitavya

   nir-ḍvartitavya mfn. to be performed (in Prākr.), Ratnâv. 2

⋙ nirvartin

   nir-ḍvartin mfn. accomplishing (ifc.) Śak. v, 20/21 (v. l. niv○)

⋙ nirvartya

   nir-ḍvartya mfn. to be brought about or accomplished or effected (-tva n.) Daśar. Rājat. Saṃk. 
   • to be uttered or pronounced VPrāt. Sch.

⋙ nirvṛtta

   nir-ḍvṛtta mfn. sprung forth, originated, developed, grown out (fruit), accomplished, finished, done, ready Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -cūḍaka mfn. one on whom tonsure has been performed Mn. v, 67 
   • -mātra mfn. just finished (day) R. 
   • -śatru wṛ. for nivṛtta-ś○. 2

⋙ nirvṛtti

   nir-ḍvṛtti f. originating, development, growth, completion, termination Mn. MBh. &c. (often wṛ. for nivṛtti, or nirvṛti)


   nir-vṛṣṭa mfn. (√vṛṣ) that has ceased to rain (as a cloud) Vām. iv, 2, 10 
   • m. or n. = next

⋙ nirvṛṣṭi

   nir-ḍvṛṣṭi f. cessation of rain, a rain that has just ceased Hariv.

nirveda 1

   nir-veda. and 2 p. 542, col. 2, and nir-vid


   nir-vedha ○dhima, nir-vyadh


   nir-veśa ○śanīya &c. nir-viś


   nir-√veṣṭ Caus. -veṣṭayati, to unwind, take off L.  

⋙ nirveṣṭana

   nir-ḍveṣṭana n. a weaver's shuttle L.

⋙ nirveṣṭita

   nir-ḍveṣṭita mfn. denuded Nir. v, 8


   nir-√vai P. -vāyati, to be extinguished, go out (as fire) TS. (cf. nir-vā)


   nir-voḍhṛ mfn. (nir-√vah) accomplishing, performing Hcar. (also as fut. p. of nir√vah, q.v.)


   nir-vyañjaka mfn. (√añj) indicating, betraying (with gen.) Mcar. v, 62. 2

⋙ nirvyañjana

   nir-ḍvyañjana (only e ind.), explicitly Pañc. iv, 39/40


   nir-√vyadh P. -vidhyati (ind. p. -vidhya), to pierce through or into, hit, wound, beat, kill RV. MBh. &c

⋙ nirviddha

   nir-ḍviddha mfn. wounded, killed R. 
   • separated from each other, isolated MBh.

⋙ nirvedha

   nir-ḍvedha m. penetration, insight Divyâv. 
   • -bhāgīya mfn. relating to it L.

⋙ nirvedhima

   nir-ḍvedhima mfn. (with karṇa) a partic. deformity of the ear Suśr.


   nir-vy-uṣita mfn. (nir-vi- √5. vas) spent, passed away MBh.


   nir-vy-ūḍha mfn. (√1. ūh) pushed out, expelled from (abl.) MBh. 
   • arrayed in order of battle BhP. 
   • carried out, finished, completed Mālatīm. Kathās. 
   • succeeded, successful, lucky Bālar. 
   • left, abandoned Priy. i, 6 
   • n. bringing about, accomplishing (v. l. for nirvāha) Bhartṛ. ii, 39

⋙ nirvyūḍhi

   nir-ḍvyūḍhi f. end, issue Rājat. 
   • highest point or degree ib.

⋙ nirvyūha

   nir-ḍvyūha n. (m. Siddh.) a turret MBh. Hariv. 
   • a helmet or its ornament, a crest ib. 
   • a door, gate Hariv. 
   • a peg to hang things upon L. 
   • decoction L. (cf. niryūha)


   nir-√vraj P. -vrajati, to come or proceed out Kauś.


   nir-vraṇita mfn. (√2. vraṇ) whose wounds have been healed Kathās. (cf. nirvraṇa, p. 542, col. 3)


   nir-√vraśc (only ind. p. -vṛścya ĀpŚr. Sch.), to uproot

⋙ nirvraska

   nir-ḍvraska mfn. uprooted, extirpated KātyŚr.


   nir-√vlī P. -vlīnāti, to tilt, turn over ĀpŚr.

⋙ nirvlayanī

   nir-ḍvlayanī f. the cast-off skin of a snake L. (cf. ahi-nirvl○)


   nirhaka-kavivallabha m. N. of the author of a glossary Cat.


   nir-√han P. -hanti, to strike off, expel, remove, strike or knock out (eye, tooth &c.), hew down, kill, destroy RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -ghātayati, to take out, remove Suśr. 
   • to kill, destroy MBh.

⋙ nirghāta

   nirghāta (fr. Caus.), s.v

⋙ nirhata

   nirhata mfn. struck down (cf. ulkā-nirh○)


   nir-hā √2. (only pr. p. Ā. nir-jihāna), to rise out of (abl.), ascend Rājat.


   nir-hāda m. (√had) evacuation, voiding excrement MBh. Var.


   nir-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to take out or off, draw or pull out, extract from (abl.), expel, remove, destroy RV. &c. &c 
   • to export (goods) Mn. 
   • to carry out (a dead body) ib. Yājñ. 
   • to let (blood) Suśr. 
   • to purge ib. 
   • (Ā.) to exclude or deliver from (abl.) TS. ŚBr. 
   • to shake off, get rid of (acc.)
   Āpast. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to change or interchange (clothes) Mn. viii, 396 
   • to fix, Śulbas. 
   • to get, receive SaddhP.: Caus. -hārayati, to cause (a dead body) to be carried out Kull. on Mn. v, 104: Desid. -jihīrṣati, to wish to take off or subtract Sulbas. (cf. nir-jihīrṣu)

⋙ nirharaṇa

   nir-ḍharaṇa n. taking out, extracting, expelling, removing, destroying MBh. Suśr. Pur. 
   • carrying out (esp. a dead body) MBh. R. &c

⋙ nirharaṇīya

   nir-ḍharaṇīya (cf. Kull.),

⋙ nirhartavya

   nir-ḍhartavya (cf. Suśr.), mfn. to be taken away or removed

⋙ nirhāra

   nir-ḍhāra m. = ○haraṇa BhP. 
   • setting aside or accumulation of a private store, a hoard Mn. ix, 199 
   • evacuation or voiding of excrement (opp. to ā-hāra) MBh. xiii, 1796 
   • deduction, Śulbas. 
   • completion L. 
   • diffusive fragrance W. (cf. ○hārin)

⋙ nirhāraka

   nir-ḍhāraka mfn. carrying out (as a dead body 
   • cf. prêta-nirh○) 
   • purifying L.

⋙ nirhāraṇa

   nir-ḍhāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) causing (a dead body) to be carried out Kull.

⋙ nirhārin

   nir-ḍhārin mfn. diffusively fragrant MBh. xii, 6848 
   • taking forth or out W. 
   • having wealth ib.

⋙ nirhṛta

   nir-ḍhṛta mfn. taken or carried forth or out, extracted, removed
   &c. MBh. Suśr. Rājat. BhP.  

⋙ nirhṛti

   nir-ḍhṛti f. taking away, removal Kām. 1

⋙ nirhṛtya

   nir-ḍhṛ́tya mfn. to be taken or left out TBr. 2

⋙ nirhṛtya

   nir-ḍhṛtya ind. having taken out or extracted W.


   nir-√hras Ā. -hrasate, to be shortened, become short (as a vowel) RPrāt.

⋙ nirhrasita

   nir-ḍhrasita mfn. shortened Nir.

⋙ nirhrasta

   nir-ḍhrasta mfn. abridged, diminished ĀśvŚr.

⋙ nirhrāsa

   nir-ḍhrāsa m. shortening, abbreviation ib.


   nir-√hrād Caus. -hrādayati, to cause to sound, beat (a drum) Kāṭh.

⋙ nirhrāda

   nir-ḍhrāda m. sound, noise, humming, murmuring, roaring &c. (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. Pur.

⋙ nirhrādana

   nir-ḍhrādana n. sound, cry Kpr.

⋙ nirhrādin

   nir-ḍhrādin mfn. sounding, humming, roaring Kāv. Kathās.


   nir-√hve P. -hvayati, to call off TS. AV.


   nil cl. 6. P. nilati, to understand with difficulty 
   • to be impassable or impenetrable Dhātup. xxviii, 68


   nílaṅgu m. a species of worm TS. (v. l. for nīl○)


   nilay ○yate, nir-√i. 1

⋙ nilayana

   nilayana n. the act of going out Pāṇ. 7-2, 46 Sch. (prob. ident. with 2. ni-l○ below)


   ni-laya &c. ni-lī


   ni-√lip P. Ā. -limpati, ○te (3. pl. aor. Ā. -alipsata), to besmear, anoint (Ā. one's self) ŚBr. 
   • to cause to disappear (Ā. to disappear, become invisible) RV. AV.

⋙ nilimpa

   ni-ḍlimpá m. N. of a class of supernatural beings TS. AV. 
   • a troop of Maruts TĀr. 
   • a god L. 
   • (ā), f. a cow L. 
   • a milkpail Gal. 
   • -nirjharī f. N. of Gaṅgā L. 
   • -pāṃsulā f. an Apsaras Vcar.

⋙ nilimpikā

   ni-ḍlimpikā f. a cow L.


   ni-√lī Ā. -līyate (rarely P., e.g. Pot. -līyet) MBh. &c. or -láyate RV. AV. (cf. ni-rī 
   • impf. -alāyata TS. 
   • pf. -lilye, 3. pl. ○yire, or ○yur Br. 
   • -layāṃ cakre ŚBr. 
   • aor. -aleṣṭa Br. 
   • 3. pl. -aleṣata Bhaṭṭ. 
   • ind. p. -lā́ya TBr. 
   • -līya Hariv. 
   • inf. -letum Śiś.) 
   • to settle down (esp. applied to the alighting of birds), alight, descend MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to become settled or fixed Rājat. iii, 426 
   • to hide one's self, conceal one's self from (abl.), disappear, perish RV. &c. &c

⋙ nilaya

   ni-ḍlaya m. rest, resting-place (cf. a-nil○) 
   • hiding- or dwelling-place, den, lair, nest 
   • house, residence, abode (often ifc.  = living in, inhabiting, inhabited by) MBh. Var. Kāv. &c 
   • -sundara m. N. of a man Cat. 2

⋙ nilayana

   ni-ḍláyana n. settling down, alighting in or on (loc.) Var. Suśr. 
   • hiding-place &c. = prec. TBr. MBh. &c

⋙ nilāya

   ni-ḍlā́ya m. place of refuge AV. iv, 16, 2

⋙ nilāyana

   ni-ḍlāyana n. hiding one's self 
   • -krīḍā f. playing at hide and seek BhP.

⋙ nilāyin

   ni-ḍlāyin mfn. descending or alighting in, inhabiting (comp.) Śiś. 
   • ○lāyi-tā f. ib.

⋙ nilīna

   ni-ḍlīna (ní-), mfn. clinging to, sitting on, hidden in (loc. or comp.) AV. Var. Kāv. &c 
   • quite intent upon or devoted to (loc.) Bhartṛ. (v. l. vil○) 
   • resorted to, sought for shelter by (instr.) R. 
   • fused into, involved, encompassed, wrapt up W. 
   • destroyed, perished ib. 
   • transformed, changed ib.

⋙ nilīnaka

   ni-ḍlīnaka mfn. shrunk up (while being cooked, as milk) Pat. (cf. g. ṛśyâdi m. or n. (?) N. of a village in the north country (cf. nailīnaka)

⋙ nilīyamāna

   ni-ḍlīyamāna mfn. hiding, lying concealed in (loc.) BhP.


   ni-√lup (only ind. p. -lopam, robbing), prob. wṛ. for nir-lup L.


   niva g. brāhmaṇâdi Kāś.


   ní-vakṣas mfn. having a sunken breast (said of the sacrificial victim) TS.


   ni-√vac (only aor. -avocat), to speak, say BhP. 
   • = Caus. MBh.: Caus. -vācayati, to abuse, revile L.

⋙ nivacana

   ni-ḍvácana n. expression, address RV. 
   • proverbial expression ib. ŚBr. 
   • ○ne-√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtvā, or -kṛtya), to obstruct the speech, cease to speak Pāṇ. 1-4, 76 Kāś.


   ni-vát f. depth, any deep place or valley (opp. to ud-vát, q.v.) RV. AV. TS. TBr. 
   • (○tā), ind. downhill, downwards RV. AV.


   ni-√vad Caus. Ā. -vādayate, to make resound (as a drum &c.) MBh.  


   ni-√vadh (aor. -avadhīt), to strike down, kill MBh. R. &c 
   • to fix in, hurl down upon (loc.) RV. iv, 41, 4


   ni-vanā́ ind. downwards, downhill RV. (cf. ni-vatā)


   ni-vap √2. P. -vapati, (fut. -vapsyati 
   • ind. p. ny-upya 
   • Pass. ny-upyate), to throw down, overthrow RV. VS. 
   • to fill up (a sacrificial mound) Br. GṛŚrS. 
   • to throw down, scatter, sow, offer (esp. to deceased progenitors) ib. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nivapana

   ni-ḍvapana n. scattering or throwing down, pouring out KātyŚr. 
   • an offering to deceased progenitors MBh. xiii, 4373 Śak. vi, 24 (cf. nirvapaṇa)

⋙ nivapta

   ni-ḍvapta mfn. = ny-upta R.

⋙ nivāpa

   ni-ḍvāpa m. seed (pl. grains of corn) or a sown field MBh. 
   • an oblation or offering (esp. to deceased relatives or at the Śrāddha) ib. Kāv. &c 
   • throwing down, killing, slaughter Gal. 
   • -datti f. sacrificial gift Ragh. 
   • -mālya n. funeral wreath (○lya-tā f.) ib. 
   • ○pâñjali m. two handfuls of water as a libation to deceased ancestors ib. Mudr. 
   • (○li-dāna n. Rājat.) 
   • ○pânna n. sacrificial food MBh. 
   • ○pôdaka n. a libation of water offered to deceased progenitors Mṛicch. x, 17 (read ○ka-bhojana)

⋙ nivāpaka

   ni-ḍvāpaka m. a sower R.

⋙ nivāpin

   ni-ḍvāpin mfn. throwing, scattering &c., g. grahâdi

⋙ nyupta

   ny-úpta mfn. thrown down, cast (dice), scattered, sown, offered RV. &c. &c


   ni-vara &c. ni-vṛ


   ni-varta &c. ni-vṛt


   ni-varhaṇa ni-barhaṇa


   ni-vas √4. Ā. -vaste, to put on over another garment KātyŚr. 
   • to gird round (as a sword) MBh. R. (ind. p. -vasya) 
   • to clothe or dress one's self (aor. -avasiṣṭa Impv. -vaddhvam) Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to change one's clothes MW.: Caus. -vāsayati, to put on (a garment), dress, clothe MBh. R.

⋙ nivasana

   ni-ḍvasana n. putting on (a garment) R. 
   • cloth, garment (cf. kaṭī-niv○) Var. Kāv. &c 
   • an under garment L.

⋙ nivasita

   ni-ḍvasita mfn. clothed in (instr.) R.

⋙ nivāsa

   ni-ḍvāsa m. clothing, dress (ifc. = prec.) Hariv.

⋙ nivāsana

   ni-ḍvāsana n. (fr. Caus.) a kind of raiment Buddh.

⋙ nivāsin

   ni-ḍvāsin mfn. dressed in, wearing (ifc.) MBh. Kāv.


   ni-vas √5. P. -vasati, (rarely ○te 
   • fut. -vatsyati), to sojourn, pass or spend time, dwell or live or be in (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to keep one's ground, withstand (-vāsate for -vas○ ?) RV. x, 37, 3 
   • to inhabit (acc.) MBh. BhP. 
   • to incur or undergo (acc.) MBh. 
   • to cohabit, approach sexually (rohiṇīm) MBh. ix, 2023: Caus. -vāsayati (pf. ○sayām āsa), to cause to stay, receive as a guest BhP. 
   • to make inhabited, populate MBh. 
   • to choose as a dwelling-place, inhabit R. 
   • to put or place upon (loc.) BhP.

⋙ nivasati

   ni-ḍvasati f. habitation, abode L.

⋙ nivasatha

   ni-ḍvasatha m. a village L.

⋙ nivasana

   ni-ḍvasana n. dwelling, habitation L.

⋙ nivasita

   ni-ḍvasita mfn. dwelled, lived (n. impers.) L.

⋙ nivastavya

   ni-ḍvastavya mfn. to be lived (n. impers.) MBh. 
   • to be spent ib.

⋙ nivāsa

   ni-ḍvāsa m. living, dwelling, residing, passing the night 
   • dwelling-place, abode, house, habitation, night-quarters MBh. R. &c 
   • -bhavana n. sleeping-room Kathās. 
   • -bhūmi f. place of residence ŚārṅgP. 
   • -bhūya n. habitation or inhabiting W. 
   • -racanā f. an edifice Mṛicch. iii, 23 
   • -rājan m. the king of the country in which one dwells Yājñ. iii, 25 
   • -vṛkṣa m. 'dwelling tree', a tree on which a bird has its nest Vikr. v, 4/5

⋙ nivāsana

   ni-ḍvāsana n. (fr. Caus.) living, residing, sojourn, abode Cāṇ. R. 
   • passing or spending time R.

⋙ nivāsin

   ni-ḍvāsin mfn. dwelling or living or being or sticking in (comp.) 
   • m. an inhabitant Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c


   ni-√vah P. Ā. -vahati, ○te, to lead down, lead or bring to (dat. or loc.) RV. ŚBr. 
   • to flow MBh. xii, 10318 
   • to carry, support ( below): Caus. -vāhayati (Pass. vāhyate), to set in motion Hariv.

⋙ nivaha

   ni-ḍvaha mf(ā)n. bringing, causing BhP. (cf. duḥkha-, puṇya-) 
   • m. multitude, quantity, heap (also pl.) Var. Kāv. &c 
   • killing, slaughter Gal. 
   • N. of one of the 7 winds and of one of the 7 tongues of fire (?) L.

⋙ nivāha

   ni-ḍvāhá m. leading down (opp. abhy-ava-roha) ŚBr.


   nivāku m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi


   ni-vāc mfn. = nihita-vāc Pāṇ. 6-2, 192 Kāś.  

nivāta 1

   ni-vātá mf(ā)n. (√2. vā) sheltered from the wind, calm MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • n. a place sheltered from the wind, absence of wind, calm, stillness ŚBr. ŚrGṛS. MBh. &c. (often ifc. after the word expressing the sheltering object Pāṇ. 6-2, 8)

nivāta 2

   ni-vātá mfn. (√van 
   • 3. ávāta) unhurt, uninjured, safe, secure (n. security) VS. AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • dense, compact L. 
   • m. asylum, refuge L. 
   • an impenetrable coat of mail ib. 
   • -kavaca m. one whose armour is impṭimpenetrable, N. of the grandson of Hiraṇya-kaśipu 
   • pl. of a class of Dānavas or Daityas MBh. R. Pur.

⋙ nivānya

   ni-ḍvānyá or f. a cow that suckles an adopted calf ŚBr. (= abhi-v○)

⋙ nivānyavatsā

   ni-ḍvānyá-vatsā f. a cow that suckles an adopted calf ŚBr. (= abhi-v○) 
   • ○nyā-vatsa m. a calf so suckled KātyŚr.


   ni-vāpa &c. ni-vap


   ni-vāra &c. ni-vṛ


   nivāvarī f. (with sikatā), pl. N. of a Ṛishi-gaṇa Anukr. on RV. ix, 86, 11-20


   ni-vāśá mfn. (√vāś) roaring, thundering AV.


   ni-viḍa &c. ni-biḍa


   ni-vid √1. (aor. -avediṣur BhP. 
   • inf. -veditum, with v. l. ○dayitum Śāk.), to tell, communicate, proclaim, report, relate: Caus. -vedayati, ○te (pf. -vedayām āsa ind. p. ○dayitvā, or ○dya), id. (with dat., gen. or loc.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to offer, present, give, deliver Br. GṛS. &c 
   • (with ātmānam), to offer or present one's self (as a slave &c.) ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • to proclaim i.e. introduce one's self R. Śak. Kathās. 
   • (with doṣam) to throw the blame upon (dat.) Pañc. (B.) iii, 163

⋙ nivid

   ni-ḍvíd f. instruction, information RV. (cf. Naigh. i, 11) 
   • N. of partic. sentences or short formularies inserted in a liturgy and containing epithets or short invocations of the gods AV. VS. Br. ŚrS. &c 
   • -chaṃśam (○vic-ch○ for ○vid-z○), ind. reciting in the manner of the Nivids ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • -adhyāya m. N. of wk 
   • -dhā́na mfn. containing the Nivids Br. 
   • n. inserting the Nivids Sāy. 
   • -dhānīya mfn. = -dhāna mfn. ŚrS.

⋙ nivedaka

   ni-vedaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. Caus.) communicating, relating MBh.

⋙ nivedana

   ni-vedana mfn. announcing, proclaiming Hariv. 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • n. making known, publishing, announcement, communication, information (ātma-niv○, presentation or introduction of one's self) MBh. R. &c 
   • delivering, entrusting, offering, dedicating MBh. Rājat. BhP. 
   • (in dram.) the reminding a person of a neglected duty Sāh.

⋙ nivedayiṣu

   ni-vedayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to report or to relate about (acc.) MBh. (B. vived○)

⋙ nivedita

   ni-vedita mfn. made known, announced, told, represented, entrusted, presented, given MBh. R. Kathās. &c

⋙ nivedin

   ni-vedin mfn. knowing, aware of (comp.) Mālatīm. 
   • communicating, reporting MBh. R. 
   • offering, presenting BhP.

⋙ nivedya

   ni-vedya mfn. to be communicated or related or presented or delivered MBh. Rājat. Hcat. 
   • n. an offering of food for an idol (for naivedya) Rājat.


   ni-viddha ni-vyadh


   nivirīsa nibirīsa under nibiḍa


   ni-vivṛtsat ○tsu, ni-vṛt


   ni-√viś Ā. -viśate (rarely P. ○ti 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 17 
   • aor. -aviśran, -avikṣata RV. 
   • pf. -viviśre ib.), to enter or penetrate into (acc. or loc.) 
   • to alight, descend 
   • to come to rest, settle down or in a home RV. &c. &c 
   • to encamp Mn. MBh. 
   • to sit down upon (loc.) Śiś. Pañc. 
   • to resort to (acc.) BhP. 
   • to settle, take a wife MBh. 
   • to be founded (said of a town) ib. 
   • to be fixed or intent on (loc., said of the mind) Mn. MBh. Kāv. 
   • to sink down, cease, disappear, vanish RV.: Caus. -veśayati, to bring to rest RV. TBr. 
   • to cause to enter, introduce 
   • to cause to sit or lie or settle down on (loc.) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • to cause (a man) to marry Śak. 
   • to draw up or encamp (an army) MBh. Kāv. 
   • to build, erect, found, populate (a house, temple, town &c.) Mn. MBh. R. Var. &c 
   • to lead or bring or put or transfer, to bestow on (loc.) R. Rājat. BhP. 
   • to throw or hurl upon, shoot at (loc.) MBh. R. 
   • to fix in, fasten to (loc.), put on (clothes), appoint to (an office), turn or direct towards (mind, eye &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c.  
   • to inscribe (paṭṭe) MārkP. 
   • to write down (nāma sva-haste) Yājñ. 
   • to paint (citre) Śak. 
   • to call to mind, impress (manasi, hṛdaye &c.) Var. Kāv. Pur.: Desid. -vivikṣate Pāṇ. 1-3, 62 Kāś.

⋙ niviṣṭa

   ni-ḍviṣṭa (ní-), mfn. settled down, come to rest VS. AV. 
   • drawn up, encamped (army) MBh. Kāv. 
   • placed, located, appointed (guardians) R. 
   • entered, penetrated into (also with antar), lying or resting or sticking or staying in (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c 
   • seated or sitting upon or in (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Rājat. Pañc. (R.agh. xii, 68, v. l. nirv○) 
   • situated (town) Hariv. R. 
   • married (aniv○) MBh. i, 7241 (cf. nir-viṣṭa under nir-viś) 
   • turned to, intent upon (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • begun AitBr. 
   • founded (as a town, tank &c.) Mn. Hariv. 
   • occupied, settled, cultivated (country) Mn. R. Ragh. 
   • endowed with (instr.) R. 
   • -cakra mf(ā)n. one who has entered anybody's domain ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ niviṣṭi

   ni-ḍviṣṭi f. coming to rest PārGṛ.

⋙ niveśa

   ni-ḍveśá m. (the initial n not subject to cerebralisation, g. kṣubhnâdi) entering, settling in a place, encamping, halting MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a dwelling-place, habitation of any kind (as a house, camp, palace &c.) RV. ix, 69, 7 MBh. Kāv. &c. (○śam-√kṛ, to take up one's residence, settle, encamp) 
   • founding a household, matrimony Āpast. Gaut. MBh. 
   • founding a town R. 
   • (with sthāne) putting in order, arrangement Vcar. 
   • pressing against Mālatīm. vii, 1/2 
   • impression, mark (of fingers) Śak. (Pi.) vi, 14 
   • depositing, delivering L. 
   • military array L. 
   • ornament, decoration L. 
   • -deśa m. a dwelling-place L. 
   • -vat mfn. lying in or on, resting on (ifc.) Kum.

⋙ niveśana

   ni-ḍvéśana mf(ī)n. entering (ifc.) Hariv. 
   • (fr. Caus.) bringing to rest, providing with a resting-place RV. TS. AV. 
   • m. N. of a Vṛishṇi Hariv. 
   • n. (ifc. f. ā) entering, entrance into (comp.) RV. Kauś. 
   • going or bringing to rest
   ib. MBh. Hariv. (○naṃ-√kṛ, to settle, encamp 
   •  encampment of an army) 
   • putting down (the feet) Śatr. 
   • introducing, employing Sāh. 
   • fixing, impressing Sarvad. 
   • cultivating, populating (of a land, a desert &c.) R. Kām. 
   • founding a household, marrying, marriage BhP. 
   • hiding or dwelling-place of any kind, nest, lair, camp, house, home RV. &c. &c 
   • town R.

⋙ niveśanīya

   ni-ḍveśanīya mfn. to be entered or fixed or raised Kāv. Hcat. 
   • to be engaged in W.

⋙ niveśayitavya

   ni-ḍveśayitavya mfn. to be put or placed Śaṃk.

⋙ niveśita

   ni-ḍveśita mfn. made to enter, placed in or upon, turned to, fixed or intent upon, engaged in &c. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niveśin

   ni-ḍveśin mfn. resting in, lying in or on or near Kāv. Śaṃk. 
   • based upon KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ niveśya

   ni-ḍveśya mfn. to be founded (as a town) Hariv. 
   • to be married (as a man) MBh. 
   • wṛ. for nirv○ ( nir-viś)

⋙ niveṣṭavya

   ni-ḍveṣṭavya mfn. to be put into (loc.) MBh. v, 1026 (B.) 
   • n. impers. (it is) to be married, one should marry MBh. xiii, 5090


   ni-√vī (Intens. -veveti), to force a way into, rush among (loc.) RV.


   ni-vīta ○tin, ni-vye


   ni-vīrya mf(ā)n. impotent Kathās. (cf. nir-v○ under nir)


   ni-vṛ √1. (only pf. -vavāra, 3. pl. -vavrur), to ward off, restrain R. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to surround Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -vārayati, ○te (inf. -vāritum 
   • ind. p. -vārya 
   • Pass. -vāryate), id. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to hold back from (abl., rarely acc.), prohibit, hinder, stop, prevent, withhold, suppress, forbid ib. 
   • to put off, remove, destroy Kathās. BhP. 
   • to exclude or banish from (abl.) Mn. Rājat.

⋙ nivara

   ni-ḍvará m. covering, protection or a protector RV. viii, 93, 15 (cf. Sāy. 'a preventer, obstructer') 
   • (ā), f. a virgin, unmarried girl Pāṇ. 3-3, 48 Sch. (fr. ni + vara, 'having no husband' W.)

⋙ nivaraṇa

   ni-ḍvaraṇa n. hindrance, disturbance, trouble SaddhP. (cf. sarva-niv-viṣkambhin)

⋙ nivāra

   ni-ḍvāra m. keeping off, hindering, impediment (cf. dur-niv○) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v. l. nīv○)

⋙ nivāraka

   ni-ḍvāraka mfn. keeping off, defending (ifc.) Daś. Rājat. 
   • m. a defender MBh.

⋙ nivāraṇa

   ni-ḍvāraṇa mfn. =
   prec. mfn. MBh. Hariv. Suśr. 
   • n. keeping back, preventing, hindering, opposing, refuting ib. Pañc. BhP.

⋙ nivāraṇīya

   ni-ḍvāraṇīya mfn. to be kept off or defended or prevented &c. Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ nivārita

   ni-ḍvārita mfn. kept off, hindered, forbidden, prevented MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nivārin

   ni-ḍvārin mfn. warding off, holding back HYog.

⋙ nivārya

   ni-ḍvārya mfn. = ○vāraṇīya MBh. R.

⋙ nivṛta

   ni-ḍvṛta (ní-), mfn. held back, withheld RV.  
   • surrounded, enclosed L. 
   • m. or f. or n. (= ni-viita) a veil, mantle, wrapper L. 
   • n. = next L.

⋙ nivṛti

   ni-ḍvṛti f. covering, enclosing L.


   ni-√vṛj P. -vṛṇakti (Impv. -vṛndhi 
   • 2. 3. sg. impf. -avṛṇak), to throw down, cause to fall RV.


   ni-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (ind. p. -vṛtya AV. 
   • infin. -vartitum MBh. 
   • rarely P., e.g. Pot. -vartet MBh. Hariv. 
   • impf. or subj. -vartat RV. 
   • pf. -vāvṛtur ib. 
   • fut. -vartiṣyati MBh. 
   • -vartsyan Bhaṭṭ. 
   • aor. -avṛtat ib.), to turn back, stop (trans. and intrans.) RV. &c 
   • to return from (abl.) to (acc. with or without prati, or dat.) 
   • to return into life, revive, be born again MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to turn away, retreat, flee, escape, abstain or desist from, get rid of (abl.) ib. 
   • to fall back, rebound R. 
   • to leave off (sāmi, in the midst or when anything is half finished ŚBr.), cease, end, disappear, vanish TS. ŚBr. Up. &c 
   • to be withheld from, not belong to (abl.) 
   • to be omitted, not to occur Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. 
   • to be ineffective or useless MBh. Kathās. 
   • to be wanting, not to exist (yato vāco nivartante, for which there are no words) TUp. 
   • to pass over to (loc.) MBh. 
   • to be turned upon (loc. or tatra) ib.: Caus. -vartayati, ○te (Ā. Pot. -vartayīta ĀśvŚr. 
   • Pass. -vartyate Ragh.), to turn downwards, let sink (the head) TBr. 
   • to turn back i.e. shorten (the hair) Br. 
   • to lead or bring back, reconduct, return AV. &c. &c 
   • to turn away, avert or keep back from (abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to give up, abandon, suppress, withhold, refuse, deny 
   • to annul, remove, destroy Mn. MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • to bring to an end i.e. perform, accomplish (a sacrifice &c.) R. BhP. 
   • to procure, bestow Hariv. MārkP. 
   • to desist from (abl.) MBh. R.

⋙ nivarta

   ni-ḍvarta mfn. causing to turn back RV.

⋙ nivartaka

   ni-ḍvartaka mf(ikā)n. turning back, flying (a-niv○) Hariv. 
   • causing to cease, abolishing, removing MBh. Saṃk. (-tva n.) 
   • desisting from, stopping, ceasing MW.

⋙ nivartana

   ni-ḍvártana mfn. causing to turn back RV. 
   • n. turning back, returning, turning the back i.e. retreating, fleeing AV. MBh. &c. (mṛtyuṃ kṛtvā nivartanam, making retreat equivalent to death i.e. desisting from fighting only in death MBh. vi, vii 
   • wṛ. kṛtvā mṛtyu-niv○) 
   • ceasing, not happening or occurring, being prevented MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • desisting or abstaining from (abl.) MBh. BhP. 
   • desisting from work, inactivity (opp. to pra-vartana) Kām. 
   • causing to return, bringing back (esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) MBh. Kāv. 
   • turning back (the hair) KātyŚr. 
   • a means of returning RV. AV. 
   • averting or keeping back from (abl.) Vedântas. 
   • reforming, repenting W. 
   • a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40, 000 Hastas square) Hcat. 
   • -stūpa m. N. of a Stūpa erected at the spot where the charioteer of Buddha returned

⋙ nivartanīya

   ni-ḍvartanīya mfn. to be brought back Mālav. v, 14/15 (wṛ. nir-v○) 
   • to be prevented or hindered MBh.

⋙ nivartayitavya

   ni-ḍvartayitavya mfn. to be kept back or detained R.

⋙ nivartita

   ni-ḍvartita mfn. turned or brought back, averted, prevented, given up, abandoned, suppressed, removed MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • -pūrva mfn. one who has turned away before MW. 
   • ○tâkhilâhāra mfn. one who has abstained from all food BhP.

⋙ nivartitavya

   ni-ḍvartitavya mfn. to be brought back MBh.

⋙ nivartin

   ni-ḍvartin mfn. turning back, retreating, fleeing (mostly a-niv○, q.v.) 
   • abstaining from (comp.) MBh. 
   • allowing or causing to return (a-niv○) Hariv. 
   • wṛ. for nir-v○, q.v

⋙ nivartya

   ni-ḍvartya mfn. to be turned back ( dur-niv○) 
   • annulled, declared to be invalid Pat.

⋙ nivivṛtsat

   ni-ḍvivṛtsat (cf. W.),

⋙ nivivṛtsu

   ni-ḍvivṛtsu (Saṃk.), mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of returning or desisting

⋙ nivṛt

   ni-ḍvṛt wṛ. for ni-cṛt

⋙ nivṛtta

   ni-ḍvṛtta mfn. (often wṛ. for nir-vṛtta, vi-vṛtta, ni-vṛta) turned back, returned to (acc.) MBh. 
   • rebounded from (abl.) R. 
   • retreated, fled (in battle) MBh. 
   • set (as the sun) R. 
   • averted from, indifferent to, having renounced or given up (abl. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • abstracted from this world, quiet BhP. Hcat. 
   • rid or deprived of (abl.) MBh. R. 
   • passed away, gone, ceased, disappeared, vanished ib. 
   • (with karman n. an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) Mn. xii, 88 (opp. to pravṛtta) 
   • ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) Pat. Kāś. 
   • omitted, left out (cf. comp. below) 
   • finished, completed W. 
   • desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct ib. 
   • n. return ( durniv○) 
   • -kāraṇa mfn. without further cause or motive 
   • m. a virtuous man, one uninfluenced by worldly desires W.  
   • -kṛṣi-gorakṣa mfn. ceasing from agriculture and the tending of cattle MBh. 
   • -dakṣiṇā́ f. a gift renounced or despised by another ŚBr. 
   • -deva-kārya mfn. ceasing from sacrificial rites MW. 
   • -māṃsa mfn. one who abstains from eating meat Uttarar. 
   • -yajña-svâdhyāya mfn. ceasing from sacrifices and the repetition of prayers MBh. 
   • -yauvana mfn. whose youth has returned, restored to yṭyouth Ragh. 
   • -rāga mfn. of subdued appetites or passions W. 
   • -laulya mfn. whose desire is averted from, not desirous of (comp.) Ragh. 
   • -vṛtti mfn. ceasing from any practice or occupation W. 
   • -śatru m. 'having one's foes kept off', N. of a king Hariv. 
   • -saṃtāpa mfn. one whose heat or pain has ceased Suśr. 
   • -hṛdaya mfn. with relenting heart MBh. 
   • one whose heart is averted from or indifferent to (prati) Mālav. ii, 14 
   • ○ttâtman m. 'one whose spirit is abstracted', a sage W. 
   • N. of Vishṇu ib. 
   • ○ttêndriya mfn. one whose senses or desires are averted from (comp.) Ragh.

⋙ nivṛtti

   ni-ḍvṛtti f. (often wṛ. for nir-v○) returning, return, MlBh. Ragh. 
   • ceasing, cessation, disappearance ŚrS. Up. MBh. &c 
   • leaving off, abstaining or desisting from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • escaping from (abl.) Pañc. ii, 87 (wṛ. ○ttaḥ) 
   • ceasing from worldly acts, inactivity, rest, repose (opp. to pra-vṛtti) Bhag. Prab. 
   • (in dram.) citation of an example Sāh. 
   • suspension, ceasing to be valid (as of a rule) Pāṇ. Sch. 
   • destruction, perdition RāmatUp. 
   • denial, refusal W. 
   • abolition, prevention ib.


   ni-vṛh ni-bṛh


   ni-vedaka ○dana &c. 1. ni-vid


   ni-veśa ○śana &c. ni-viś


   ni-√veṣṭ Caus. -veṣṭayati, ○te, to grasp (also with haste), cover AV. TS. Kāṭh. Br. 
   • to wind round R.

⋙ niveṣṭa

   ni-ḍveṣṭa m. a cover, envelope 
   • du. (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ niveṣṭana

   ni-ḍveṣṭana n. covering, wrapping, clothing Kauś.

⋙ niveṣṭita

   ni-ḍveṣṭita mfn. wound round, girt by (instr. or in comp.) Var. R.


   ni-veṣī f. (√viṣ) prob. a kind of cake ('kind of bone' B.) Kauś. 
   • (pl. AV. ix, 7, 4 ?)

⋙ niveṣya

   ni-ḍveṣyá m. a whirlpool, a water-spout ŚBr. 
   • a whirlwind or any similar phenomenon VS. 
   • hoarfrost Mahīdh. 
   • (○ṣyá), mfn. whirling, belonging to a whirlpool or eddy VS. KātyŚr.


   ni-√vyadh P. -vidhyati (ep. also ○te), to throw down, break or push in RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • to pierce through, shoot at, hit, wound RV. MBh.

⋙ nividdha

   ni-ḍviddha (ní-). mfn. pierced, wounded, thrown down RV.

⋙ nivyādha

   ni-ḍvyādha m. opening, aperture (esp. of a window) ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ nivyādhin

   ni-ḍvyādhin mfn. piercing, opening VS.


   ni-vyūḍha n. (√1. ūh) perseverance, resolution (cf. nir-v○)


   ni-√vye (ind. p. -viiya), to put on (round the neck) BhP.

⋙ nivīta

   ni-ḍvīta mfn. hung or adorned with (instr.) ib. 
   • having the Brāhmanical thread round the neck ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy. 
   • n. wearing the Brāhmanical thread like a necklace round the neck 
   • the thread so worn TS. KātyŚr. 
   • mf(ā, or ī ?) n. a veil, mantle, wrapper (cf. ni-vṛta)

⋙ nivītin

   ni-ḍvītin mfn. wearing the thread round the neck in worshipping the Ṛishis Mn. ii, 63 RTL. 379 ; 410


   ni-√vraśc P. -vṛścati, to cut down RV. TBr.


   niś for nis, in comp. p. 542, col. 3

niś 2

   niś cl. 1. P. neśati, to meditate upon, be absorbed in meditation Dhātup. xvii, 73

niś 3

   niś f. (occurring only in some weak cases as niśi, ○śas, ○śau, ○śos , for or with niśā, and prob. connected with nak, nakta 
   • cf. also dyu-, mahā-) night
   cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Śak. &c 
   • niśi niśi, every night cf. Mn. iv, 129

≫ niśa

   niśa n. (or am ind.) ifc. for niśā (cf. a-, ahar-, divā-, niśā-, śva-, and Pāṇ. 2-4, 25)

≫ niśā

   niśā f. night GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a vision, dream MBh. 
   • turmeric, Curcuma (of 2 species, prob. Curcuma Zedoaria and C Longa) Suśr. 
   • = -bala Jyot.

⋙ niśākara

   ○kara m. (ifc. f. ā) 'night-maker', the moon (with divā-kara among the sons of Garuḍa) MBh. R. &c.  
   • N. of a Ṛishi R. 
   • of the numeral 1 Sūryas. 
   • a cock L. 
   • -kalā-mauli m. 'bearing a crescent as diadem', N. of Śiva Kathās.

⋙ niśākānta

   ○kānta m. 'the beloved of Night', N. of the moon Kathās.

⋙ niśākāla

   ○kāla m. time of numeral MW.

⋙ niśākṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. close of numeral R.

⋙ niśāgama

   ○"ṣgama (○śâg○), m. the beginning of numeral Kathās. Pañc.

⋙ niśāgṛha

   ○gṛha n. sleeping-room R.

⋙ niśācara

   ○cara mfn. numeral-walking, moving about by numeral R. 
   • m. a fiend or Rākshasa MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a jackal Suśr. 
   • an owl L. 
   • Anas Casarca L. 
   • a snake L. 
   • a kind of Granthi-parna Bhpr. 
   • N. of Śiva Śivag. (cf. RTL. 106, n. 1.) 
   • (ī), f. a female fiend MBh. R. &c 
   • a woman going to meet her lover at night Ragh. xi, 20 (where also = female fiend) 
   • a bat L. 
   • N. of a plant (= keśinī) L. 
   • -pati m. 'lord of numeral-walkers', N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • -pūjā-paddhati f. N. of wk 
   • ○rêśa m. N. of Rāvaṇa R.

⋙ niśācarman

   ○carman n. 'skin of numeral', darkness L.

⋙ niśāchada

   ○chada m. a species of plant Suśr.

⋙ niśājala

   ○jala n. 'numeral-water', dew L.

⋙ niśāṭa

   ○"ṣṭa (○śâṭa), m. 'nṭnumeral-rover', an owl L. 
   • a demon, ghost W. 
   • -ka m. bdellium L. (cf. kauśika)

⋙ niśāṭana

   ○"ṣṭana (○śâṭ○), m. an owl L. 
   • N. of an author Cat. 
   • (ī), f. a species of moth L.

⋙ niśātikrama

   ○"ṣtikrama (○śât○), m. the passing away of numeral MW.

⋙ niśātyaya

   ○"ṣtyaya (○śât○), m. 'nṭnumeral-close, daybreak L.

⋙ niśādarśin

   ○darśin m. 'seeing at numeral', an owl L.

⋙ niśādi

   ○"ṣdi (○śâdi), m. 'beginning of nṭnumeral', twilight L.

⋙ niśādhīśa

   ○"ṣdhī7śa (○śâdh○),

⋙ niśānātha

   ○nātha m. 'numeral-lord', the moon Kāv.

⋙ niśānārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ niśāniśam

   ○niśam ind. numeral by numeral i.e. every numeral or day, always MBh. - 2

⋙ niśānta

   ○"ṣnta (○śânta), m. or n. 'nṭnumeral-close', daybreak Mn. iv, 99

⋙ niśāndha

   ○"ṣndha (śândha), mfn. blind at nṭnumeral Var. 
   • (ā), f. a species of creeper L.

⋙ niśāpati

   ○pati m. = -nātha Var. 
   • camphor L.

⋙ niśāputra

   ○putra m. pl. 'sons of numeral', N. of a class of demons Hariv.

⋙ niśāpuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. 'flower of numeral', the white water-lily L. 
   • hoar-frost, dew W.

⋙ niśāprāṇeśvara

   ○prâṇêśvara m. = -nātha Bhartṛ.

⋙ niśābala

   ○bala n. a collect. N. of the signs of the zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricornus Jyot.

⋙ niśābhaṅgā

   ○bhaṅgā f. a species of plant L.

⋙ niśāmaṇi

   ○maṇi m. 'numeral-jewel', the moon L.

⋙ niśāmiśra

   ○miśra m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ niśāmukha

   ○mukha n. the face or the beginning of numeral MBh. Kāv.

⋙ niśāmṛga

   ○mṛga m. 'numeral-deer', a jackal L.

⋙ niśāratna

   ○ratna m. or n. = -maṇi L.

⋙ niśārthaka

   ○"ṣrthaka (○śârth○), n. = -gṛha L.

⋙ niśārdhakāla

   ○"ṣrdha-kāla (○śârdh○), m. first part of the numeral (opp. to next) Var.

⋙ niśāvasāna

   ○vasāna (○śâv○), m. the second part i.e. the end of numeral ib.

⋙ niśāvihāra

   ○vihāra m. 'numeral-walker', a fiend or Rākshasa Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ niśāvṛnda

   ○vṛnda n. a number of numeral W.

⋙ niśāvedin

   ○vedin m. 'numeral-knower', a cock L.

⋙ niśāhasa

   ○hasa m. 'numeral-smiler', the white water-lily L.

⋙ niśāhvā

   ○"ṣhvā (○śâh○), f. turmeric L.

⋙ niśeśa

   niśêśa m. = ○śā-nātha L.

⋙ niśata

   niśata m. 'shining at numeral', Ardea Nivea L.

⋙ niśotsarga

   niśôtsarga m. = ○śâtyaya L.

⋙ niśopaśāya

   niśôpaśāya m. 'resting at numeral' W.

⋙ niśoṣita

   niśôṣita mfn. (√5. vas) having remained overnight Bhpr.

≫ niśi 1

   niśi loc. of niś, in comp

⋙ niśipāla

   ○pāla m. a kind of metre Col.

⋙ niśipuṣpā


⋙ niśipuṣpikā

   ○puṣḍpikā and f. Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.

⋙ niśipuṣpī

   ○puṣḍpī f. Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.


   ni-śaṭha mfn. not false, honest BhP. 
   • m. N. of a Vṛishṇi, a son of Bala-rāma by Revatī MBh. Hariv. VP. (v. l. niṣaṭha, nisaṭha, nisatha)


   ni-śabda mfn. speechless, silent Kir. (cf. niḥ-ś)


   ni-√śam P. -śāmyati, to be extinguished, Dharmaś Divyâv.: Caus. -śamayati, to appease, make quiet AV. vi, 52, 3 ; 111, 2 
   • to cool down Sāy. on RV. x, 39, 9 
   •  (ep. also -śāmyate 
   • p. -śamyamāna with act. meaning R. B. ii, 66, 10 
   • ind. p.  and -śamayya [Śiś. xvi, 38 
   • cf. Vām. v, 2, 76]), to observe, perceive, hear, learn MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niśamana

   ni-ḍśamana n. perceiving, hearing L.

⋙ niśamaya

   ni-ḍśamaya mfn. perceiving i.e. coming into contact with, reaching to (comp.) Prasannar. 2

⋙ niśānta

   ni-ḍśānta mfn. allayed, tranquil, calm L. 
   • customary, traditional ĀśvŚr. (cf. yathā-n○) 
   • n. a house, dwelling, habitation Kāv. 
   • a harem, seraglio Dharmaś. 
   • -nārī f. a woman living in the inner apartments W. -vṛkṣa, m. a tree near a house (?), g. utkarâdi (v. l. ○ntAvR○ and ○nta, vṛ○) 
   • ○ntīya mfn. ib. 
   • ○ntôdyāna n. a garden near a house Daś.

⋙ niśāma

   ni-ḍśāma m. observing, perceiving Vop.

⋙ niśāmana

   ni-ḍśāmana n. id. Lāṭy.

⋙ niśāmayitavya

   ni-ḍśāmayitavya mfn. to be perceived, perceivable ib. Sch.

⋙ niśāmita

   ni-ḍśāmita mfn. perceived, heard, learnt MBh. Hariv.  


   ni-śaraṇa &c. ni-śṝ


   ni-śāṇa ni-śāta, ni-śo


   ni-śātaya (cf. √śad), Nom. P. ○yati, to cut down MārkP.


   ni-śāda m. a man of low caste L. (= ni-ṣāda)

⋙ niśādatva

   ○tva n. the state or condition of a man of low caste W.

⋙ niśādāputra

   ni-śāḍdā-putra (?), m. a pestle L.

⋙ niśādāśilā

   ni-śāḍdāśilā f. a mortar L.


   niśādana m. = niśāvana L.


   ni-śāyin (√2. śī), mfn. prob. lying down, sleeping, g. grahādi


   niśāvana m. hemp L. (cf. śaṇa)


   ni-√śās P. -śāsti (aor. -aśiṣat), to order off, order to go off, separate from (instr.) AV. 
   • to take anything (acc.) from (abl.) TS. 
   • to adjudge or present to (dat.) RV. iv, 2, 7

niśi 2

   ni-√śi (for 1. p. 560), P. -śiśāti (Ā. p. -śiśāna), to sharpen, whet 
   • to excite, strengthen 
   • prepare or present (food &c.) for strengthening RV. (cf. ni-śo)

⋙ niśita

   ni-ḍśita (ní-), mfn. sharpened, sharp (lit. and fig.) KaṭhUp. MBh. &c 
   • stimulated, excited, eager for (loc.) 
   • strengthened 
   • prepared, presented RV. 
   • n. iron, steel L. 
   • -nipāta mfn. sharp-falling (arrow) Śak. 
   • ○tâṅkuśa m. or n. a sharp or pointed hook Bhartṛ.

⋙ niśiti

   ni-ḍśiti (ní-), f. exciting, stimulating, refreshing RV.


   níśitā f. night TS. (cf. niś, a-niśita, and next)


   niśitha m. (m. c.) = next 
   • N. of one of the 3 sons of Doshā (night) BhP. (v. l. ○śītha)


   ni-śītha m. rarely n. (√śī) midnight, night MBh. 
   • -dīpa m. night-lamp Ragh. 
   • -paryāya m. N. of wk

⋙ niśīthikā

   ni-śīḍthikā f. = svâdhyāya L.

⋙ niśīthinī

   ni-śīḍthinī f. night 
   • -nātha (L.) and -pati (cf. Vcar.), m. 'husband of nṭnight', the moon

⋙ niśīthyā

   ni-śīḍthyā f. night L.


   ni-śuc P. -śocati (impers.), to be burning hot ChUp.


   ni-√śubh (or śumbh), P. -śumbhati, to tread down Bālar. viii, 53

⋙ niśumbha

   ni-ḍśumbha m. killing, slaughter Mālatīm. 
   • N. of a Dānava (brother of Śumbha) Hariv. Pur. (also -ka R.) 
   • -mathanī and -mardinī f. 'destroyer of Ni-śumbha', N. of Durgā L.

⋙ niśumbhana

   ni-ḍśumbhana n. killing Bālar.

⋙ niśumbhin

   ni-ḍśumbhin m. N. of Vajra-ṭīka L. 
   • an inferior deity of the Buddhists W.


   ni-śuṣma mfn. cracking downwards or not cracking (said of fire, opp. to ucchuṣma) TS.


   ni-śṛmbhá mfn. (√śrambh) treading or proceeding firmly RV. vi, 55, 6


   ni-√śṝ (ind. p. -śīrya), to break off VS.

⋙ niśāraṇa

   ni-ḍś�āraṇa n. killing, slaughter L.

⋙ niśāruka

   ni-ḍśāruka m. (in music) a kind of measure


   ni-√śo P. -śyati (Ā. p. -śyāna, or -śāna AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.), to sharpen, whet Nir. iv, 18 (cf. ni-śi)

⋙ niśāta

   ni-śāta mfn. sharpened, polished, whetted, sharp Kāv. Pur. &c

⋙ niśāna

   ni-ḍśāna n. sharpening, whetting, Dhāt. Vop. 
   • observing, perceiving Suśr. L. (wṛ. niśāṇa) 
   • -paṭṭa m. a whet-stone Dharmaś.


   ni-śotrā f. (√śū?) Ipomoea Turpethum Bhpr. (cf. ni-sṛtā)


   niś-√cat Caus. -cātayate, to scare or drive away AV.


   niś-ca-pra-ca prob. backwards and forwards, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi (cf. ācaparāca and ācôpaca)


   niś-caya &c. niś-ci


   niś-√car P. -carati (pf. 3. pl. -cerur inf. -caritum), to come forth, go out, issue out, proceed, appear, rise (as sounds) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -cārayati, to cause to issue or come forth Lalit.

⋙ niścara

   niś-ḍcara m. N. of one of the Saptarshis in the 2nd Manv-antara Hariv.

⋙ niścāraka

   niś-ḍcāraka m. (only L.) voiding excrement 
   • air, wind 
   • obstinacy, wilfulness

⋙ niścārayitavya

   niś-ḍcārayitavya mfn. to be issued or made known Car.  


   niś-ci √2. P. -cinoti, (Impv. -cinu Hariv. 
   • pf. -cikāya Bhaṭṭ. 
   • aor. Ā. nir-aceṣṭa Śiś. 
   • Pass. nir-acāyi ib. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • ind. p. niś-citya MBh. &c.), to ascertain, investigate, decide, settle, fix upon, determine, resolve MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niścaya

   niś-ḍcaya m. inquiry, ascertainment, fixed opinion, conviction, certainty, positiveness (iti niścayaḥ, 'this is a fixed opinion' 
   • ○yaṃ-√jñā, 'to ascertain the certainty about anything' 
   • ○yena, or ○yāt, ind certainly) Mn. MBh. R. &c 
   • resolution, resolve fixed intention, design, purpose, aim (○yaṃ-√kṛ, to resolve upon, determine to ) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (in rhet.) N. of a partic. figure Sāh. 
   • -kṛt mfn. giving a certain meaning Sarasv. 
   • -datta m. N. of a merchant Kathās. 
   • -rūpa mfn. 'having the form of certainty', being certain MW.

⋙ niścayin

   niś-ḍcayin mfn. of firm opinion or resolution HPariś. (cf. kṛta-niśc○)

⋙ niścāyaka

   niś-ḍcāyaka mfn. who or what ascertains and determines, determining, decisive (-tva n.) TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ niścita

   niś-ḍcita mfn. one who has come to a conclusion or formed a certain opinion, determined to, resolute upon (dat., loc., artham ifc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c 
   • ascertained, determined, settled, decided Up. MBh. (superl. -tama) R. &c 
   • (am), ind. decidedly, positively Kāv. Kathās. Pañc. 
   • n. certainty, decision, resolution, design R. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. 
   • ○târtha mfn. one who has formed a certain opinion about (loc.), judging rightly (compar. -tara) R. (B.)

⋙ niściti

   niś-ḍciti f. ascertainment, fixing, settling L. (cf. pāṭha-niśc○)

⋙ niścitya

   niś-ḍcitya ind. having ascertained or decided, feeling assured or convinced or resolute MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niścīyamāna

   niś-ḍcīyamāna mfn. being in the course of ascertainment, being under investigation or concluded W.

⋙ niścetavya

   niś-ḍcetavya mfn. to be ascertained or established Nyāyam. Sch.

⋙ niśceya

   niś-ḍceya a-niśc○ (add.)


   niścira m. N. of a Ṛishi in the 2nd Manv-antara (v. l. for ○cara) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river (v. l. for ○citā)


   niś-cukkaṇa n. (√cukk ?) a sort of tooth-powder which destroys the tartar but blackens the teeth L. (also written -cūkvaṇa and -cuṅkaṭa)


   ni-√ścut Ā. -ścotate, to ooze, drop Mālatīm.: Caus. (ind. p. -ścotya) to cause to ooze or drop KāśīKh.

⋙ niścutita

   ni-ḍścutita mfn. oozed or dripped from (comp.) Suśr.


   niś-√cṛt (ind. p. -cṛtya), to loosen, untie AitBr.


   niśna g. brāhmaṇadi (not in Kāś.)


   ni-√śnath (Impv. -śnathihi 
   • Caus. aor. -śiśnathat), to push or strike down RV.


   niśmaśru wṛ. for niḥ-śm○


   ni-√śrath only ind. p. -śrathya, having fastened or harnessed Nir. vi, 4


   ni-śrama m. (√śram) labour bestowed upon anything, continued practice MBh.


   ni-śraya &c. ni-śri


   niśrāvin mfn. (√śru), g. grahādi


   ni-√śri P. -śrayati (aor. -aśret), to lean on or against ŚBr. 
   • to lay or cast down RV.

⋙ niśraya

   ni-ḍśraya m. refuge, resource ( = āśraya) L. (the 4 resources of a Buddhist, MWB. 80)

⋙ niśrayaṇī

   ni-ḍśrayaṇī́ f. a ladder, staircase ŚBr. KātyŚr. (also written niḥ-śrayaṇī, or ○yiṇī)

⋙ niśritya

   ni-ḍśritya ind. going to Divyâv.

⋙ niśreṇī

   ni-ḍśreṇī f. id. MBh. Ragh. &c. (also written ni-śreṇi, niḥ-śreṇī)


   niśrīka wṛ. for niḥ-śr○


   ni-√śliṣ Caus. -śleṣayati, to fasten, paste on or up ŚBr.

⋙ niśliṣ

   ni-ḍśliṣ mfn. clinging, sticking MantraBr.


   ni-√śvas P. -śvasiti, ep. also ○sati (pf. -śaśvāsa, aor. or impf. ny-aśvasat MBh. 
   • ○śvasīt Daś. 
   • ind. p. -śvasya), to draw in the breath, inspire 
   • to hiss, snort &c. MBh. Kāv. &c. (often v. l. nih-śv○)

⋙ niśvasita

   ni-ḍśvasita (ní-), n. breath, expiration or inspiration ŚBr. Śiś.

⋙ niśvāsa

   ni-ḍśvāsa m. id 
   • a sigh R. Sāh. Suśr. (opp. uc-chvāsa)

niṣ 1

   niṣ for nis in comp. p. 542, col. 3.  

niṣ 2

   niṣ cl. 1. P. neṣati, to moisten, sprinkle Dhātup. xvii, 49


   ni-ṣac (√sac), Ā. -ṣacate, to be closely connected or associated RV. viii, 25, 11


   ni-ṣañj (√sañj), only aor. Ā. -asakta, to hang or put on RV. 
   • Pass. -aṣaṅgi, to hang i.e. be fastened on ŚBr.

⋙ niṣakta

   ni-ḍṣakta (ní-), mfn. hung or hanging on, fixed in, fastened to (loc. or comp.) ŚBr. Kālid. Var.

⋙ niṣaṅga

   ni-ḍṣaṅga m. clinging to, attachment L. 
   • a quiver MBh. Kāv. (-"ṣgī√bhū, to become a quiver Daś.) 
   • a sword L. 
   • -dhí m. the sheath of a sword VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)

⋙ niṣaṅgathi

   ni-ḍṣaṅgathi (cf. L.), mfn. embracing 
   • m. an embrace 
   • a bowman 
   • a charioteer 
   • a car 
   • the shoulder 
   • grass

⋙ niṣaṅgin

   ni-ḍṣaṅgín mfn. having a quiver (or sword ?) AV. &c. &c 
   • cleaving, clinging, sticking, attached to, Śis. v, 39 ; xii, 26 
   • m. a bowman, warrior L. 
   • N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh.

⋙ niṣañja

   ni-ḍṣañja ku-niṣ○


   niṣaṭha wṛ. for ni-śaṭha


   ni-ṣad (√sad), P. -ṣīdati, Ved. also -ṣadati (impf. ny-aṣīdat, or ny-asīdat 
   • Ved. also -asadat 
   • pf. P. -ṣasāda, -ṣedur Ā. -ṣedire RV. &c. &c 
   • aor. P. -ṣatsi, -ṣatsat 
   • Pass. ny-asādi RV. 
   • ind. p. -ṣadya ib. 
   • Ved. inf. -ṣáde ib. 
   • for s and ṣ cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 66 &c.), to sit or lie down or rest upon (loc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to sink or go down (as a ship) Hariv. 
   • to be afflicted, suffer pain MW. 
   • to perform or celebrate by sitting (sattram) Br. 
   • (P. Ā.) to set, found, establish, appoint RV.: Caus. -ṣādayati, ○te, to cause to sit down, set down, appoint RV.

⋙ niṣaṇṇa

   ni-ḍṣaṇṇá mfn. sitting. seated, sitting or lying or resting or leaning upon (loc. or comp.) ŚBr. Hariv. R. &c 
   • performed by sitting (as a Sattra) TS. 
   • sat upon (as a seat) R. 
   • sunk down, afflicted, distressed MW.

⋙ niṣaṇṇaka

   ni-ḍṣaṇṇaka mfn. sitting, seated W. 
   • n. a seat L. 
   • a kind of pot-herb L.

⋙ niṣatta

   ni-ḍṣattá (or ní-ṣ○), mfn. sitting, seated RV.

⋙ niṣatti

   ni-ḍṣatti (ní-), f. sitting, resting RV. iv, 21, 9

⋙ niṣatsnu

   ni-ḍṣatsnú mfn. sitting fast ib. x, 162, 3

⋙ niṣad

   ni-ḍṣád mfn. sitting inactive ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • sitting (esp. near the altar at a sacrificial rite) RV. ŚBr. 
   • N. of a kind of literary composition MBh. xii, 1613

⋙ niṣada

   ni-ḍṣada m. a musical note (= ni-ṣāda) L. 
   • wṛ. for niṣadha

⋙ niṣadana

   ni-ḍṣádana n. sitting down, dwelling, residing RV. &c. (cf. uṣṭra-niṣ○, krauñca-niṣ○)

⋙ niṣadyā

   ni-ḍṣadyā f. a small bed or couch L. 
   • the hall of a merchant L. 
   • a market-place Śiś. xviii, 15

⋙ niṣadvara

   ni-ḍṣadvará mfn. sitting (near the altar) VS. 
   • sitting lazily AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • m. mud, mire (in which one sinks) L. 
   • the god of love L. 
   • (ā or ī), f. night L.

⋙ niṣāda

   ni-ḍṣādá m. N. of a wild non-Āryan tribe in India (described as hunters, fishermen, robbers &c.) VS. Br. MBh. &c 
   • = bhilla, 'the Bheels' Kathās. Mahīdh. 
   • a man of any degraded tribe, an out-caste (esp. the son of a Brāhman by a Śūdra woman) Mn. x, 8 
   • the progenitor of the Ni-shad (said to have sprung from the thigh of Vena) MBh. Hariv. 
   • (in music) N. of the first (more properly the last or 7th) note of the gamut MBh. xiv, 1419 
   • N. of a Kalpa VāyuP. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a female of the Ni-shad tribe (-tva n.) MBh. Kathās. 
   • -karṣu (or ū ?), N. of a region Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 Sch. 
   • -grāma m. a village of the Ni-shad Lāṭy. KātyŚr. 
   • -tva n. state or condition of a Ni-shad R. 
   • -rāṣṭra n. the country of the Ni-shad (to the south-east of Madhya-deśa) Var. 
   • -vat m. = niṣāda (in music) MBh. xii, 6859 
   • -saṅgha m. multitude or tribe of the Ni-shad Var. 
   • -sthapati m. chief of the Ni-shad 
   • -strī f. a Ni-shad woman Mn. x, 39

⋙ niṣādita

   ni-ḍṣādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to sit or kneel down Mālatīm. 
   • ○tin mfn. = niṣāditam anena g. iṣṭâdi

⋙ niṣādin

   ni-ḍṣādin mfn. sitting down, sitting or lying or resting on or in Ragh. Kathās. 
   • m. an elephant-keeper or driver Śiś. v, 41 (cf. ○ṣādita) 
   • N. of Eka-lavya VP.


   niṣadha m. N. of a mountain or chain of mountains (described as lying immediately south of Ilâvṛita and north of the Himâlaya) MBh. Pur. 
   • m. (pl.) N. of a people and their country governed by Nala ib. 
   • the sovereign of the Nishadhas (N. of a son of Janam-ejaya 
   • of Kuśa the father of Nala 
   • of a grandson of Kuśa &c.) ib. 
   • a partic. position of the closed hand Cat. 
   • a bull L. 
   • (in music) a partic. note (cf. ni-ṣāda) 
   • (ā), f. N. of Nala's capital L. 
   • of a river VP. 
   • mfn. hard W.

⋙ niṣadhavaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. the race of Nishadha MBh.

⋙ niṣadhādhipa

   niṣadhâdhipa or or  

⋙ niṣadhādhipati

   niṣadhâḍdhipati or or  

⋙ niṣadhādhendra

   niṣadhâḍdhêndra or  

⋙ niṣadhādheśvara

   niṣadhâḍdhêśvara m. 'lord of NṭNishadha', N. of Nala MBh. &c

⋙ niṣadhāśva

   niṣadhâśva m. N. of a son of Kuru BhP.

⋙ niṣadhendrakāvya

   niṣadhêndra-kāvya n. 'the poem of the prince of Nishadha', N. of a poem


   ni-ṣamam ind. (fr. ni + sama) Pāṇ. 6-2, 121 Sch.


   ni-ṣaya m. (√si) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 70


   ni-ṣarga wṛ. for ni-sarga


   ni-ṣah (√sah), Ā. -ṣahate (impf. ny-aṣahata and ny-asahata fut. ni-soḍhā) Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 ; 71 ; 115 Sch. (cf. nī-ṣah)


   ni-ṣāda &c. ni-ṣad


   ni-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati (impf. ny-aṣiñcat pf. ni-ṣiṣeca 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 65), to sprinkle down, pour upon or into, infuse, instil, irrigate RV. &c. &c 
   • to dip into Bhpr.: Caus. -ṣecayati, to irrigate, wet, moisten R. Suśr.: Intens. -sesicyate Pāṇ. 8-3, 112 Sch.

⋙ niṣikta

   ni-ḍṣikta (ní-), mfn. sprinkled, infused, irrigated RV. &c. &c 
   • -pā́ mfn. protecting the infused (semen) RV. vii, 36, 9

⋙ niṣeka

   ni-ḍṣeka m. sprinkling, infusion, aspersion, dripping, distilling Kāv. 
   • seminal infusion, impregnation and the ceremony connected with it Mn. Var. Suśr. 
   • water for washing, dirty water, wash (impurities caused by seminal effusion ?) Mn. iv, 151 
   • -prakāra and -vicāra m. -svarā f. N. of wks

⋙ niṣektavya

   ni-ḍṣektavya mfn. to be poured upon (loc.) Hariv.

⋙ niṣektṛ

   ni-ḍṣektṛ m. impregnator, begetter BhP.

⋙ niṣecana

   ni-ḍṣécana n. pouring out, sprinkling, irrigation AV. &c. &c

⋙ niṣecitṛ

   ni-ḍṣecitṛ m. one who sprinkles or pours into, an instiller, infuser MBh.


   ni-ṣidh (√2. sidh), P. -ṣedhati (impf. ny-aṣedhat 
   • aor. ny-aṣedhīt 
   • pf. niṣiṣedha 
   • Pass. ni-ṣidhyate impf. ny-aṣidhyata aor. ny-aṣcdhi 
   • ind. p. ni-ṣidhya inf. ni-ṣeddhum 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch.), to drive away RV. AV. 
   • to ward off, keep back, prevent from (abl.) AitBr. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to forbid, prohibit, object to (acc.) Kathās. BhP. 
   • to keep down, suppress, outdo, surpass Kāvyâd. ii, 64: Caus. -ṣedhayati, to keep off, prohibit, forbid Pañc. BhP. 
   • to deny W.

⋙ niṣiddha

   ni-ḍṣiddha mfn. warded off, kept back, restrained, checked, prevented from, forbidden to (inf.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -vat mfn. having warded off Kathās.

⋙ niṣiddhi

   ni-ḍṣiddhi f. warding off, prohibition, defence Daś.

⋙ niṣeddhavya

   ni-ḍṣeddhavya mfn. to be kept back or obstructed Śak.

⋙ niṣeddhṛ

   ni-ḍṣeddhṛ mfn. who or what keeps back or restrains or prevents ŚBr. MBh. Hariv.

⋙ niṣeddhra

   ni-ḍṣeddhra a-niṣeddhrá

⋙ niṣedha

   ni-ḍṣedha m. warding or keeping off, hindering, prevention, prohibition Yājñ. Var. Suśr. 
   • contradiction, negation, denial Śak. vii, 20/21 (v. l. for vi-vāda) Vām. v, 1, 8 
   • discontinuance, exception W. 
   • (with aṅgirasām &c.) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr. 
   • -vāda m. N. of wk

⋙ niṣedhaka

   ni-ḍṣedhaka mfn. keeping back, preventing, prohibiting MārkP. TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ niṣedhana

   ni-ḍṣedhana n. the act of warding off or defending, prevention Suśr.

⋙ niṣedhin

   ni-ḍṣedhin mfn. defending, keeping back or down, excelling, surpassing Ragh.

⋙ niṣedhya

   ni-ḍṣedhya mfn. to be kept back or prohibited or hindered Yājñ.


   niṣidha m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. for niṣadha 
   • cf. naiṣidha)


   ni-ṣiv (√siv), P. -ṣīvyati (impf. ny-aṣīvyat Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 &c 
   • aor. ny-aṣeviit, or ny-aseviit Vop. 
   • Caus. aor. ny-asīṣivat Pāṇ. 8-3, 116 Sch.)

⋙ niṣyūta

   ni-ḍṣyūta (ní-), mfn. sewn in, embroidered ŚBr.


   ni-ṣuta mfn. (√3. su) laid or thrown into AitBr.


   ni-ṣūd (√sūd), Caus. -ṣūdayati, to kill, slay MBh. R. &c

⋙ niṣūda

   ni-ḍṣūda m. killing, slaughter Gal.

⋙ niṣūdaka

   ni-ḍṣūdaka m. (ifc.) killer, slayer, destroyer Yājñ. MBh.

⋙ niṣūdana

   ni-ḍṣūdana m. id. MBh. Ragh. 
   • removing, destroying Suśr. 
   • n. killing, slaughter W.

⋙ niṣūdita

   ni-ḍṣūdita mfn. killed, slain, destroyed MBh. R. 
   • (with śūlāyām) impaled Kathās.


   ni-ṣev (√sev), Ā. -ṣevate (impf. ny-aṣevata pf. ni-ṣiṣeve Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 &c 
   • ind. p. -ṣevya), to stay in, abide or have intercourse with (loc.) RV. AV. 
   • (with acc.) to frequent, inhabit, visit, serve, attend, honour, worship, follow, approach, enjoy (also sexually), incur, pursue, practise, perform, cultivate, use, employ Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -ṣevayati, to fall into (hell &c.) Pañc. (B.) iii, 155  
   • Desid. -ṣiṣeviṣate Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 Kāś.

⋙ niṣeva

   ni-ḍṣeva mfn. practising, exercising, observing (ifc.) MBh. 
   • (ā), f. exercising, practice, service BhP. 
   • use, employment ib. 
   • worship, adoration ib.

⋙ niṣevaka

   ni-ḍṣevaka mfn. visiting, frequenting, using, employing, observing, enjoying (ifc.) MBh. BhP.

⋙ niṣevaṇa

   ni-ḍṣevaṇa n. visiting, frequenting, living in, practice, performance, use, employment, adherence or devotion to, honour, worship (gen. or comp.) MBh. Yājñ. Suśr. &c

⋙ niṣevaṇīya

   ni-ḍṣevaṇīya mfn. to be served or followed or obeyed W.

⋙ niṣevamāṇa

   ni-ḍṣevamāṇa mfn. being or situated or flowing near (as a river) R. (B.) ii, 68, 12

⋙ niṣevita

   ni-ḍṣevita mfn. visited, frequented, occupied, held, practised, observed, approached resorted to, attended, served, honoured, obeyed Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niṣevitavya

   ni-ḍṣevitavya mfn. to be practised or observed or used or enjoyed MBh. Śak. Var.

⋙ niṣevitṛ

   ni-ḍṣevitṛ m. practiser, observer, enjoyer MBh. R.

⋙ niṣevin

   ni-ḍṣevin mfn. practising, observing, enjoying (ifc.) MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ niṣevya

   ni-ḍṣevya mfn. to be frequented or enjoyed MBh. Hariv. 
   • to be used or applied Car. 
   • to be honoured BhP.


   ni-ṣo (√so), P. -ṣyati (impf. nyaṣyat Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch. 
   • aor. ny-aṣāt, or ○ṣāsīt Vop.)

⋙ niṣita

   ni-ḍṣita mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 70


   niṣk cl. 10. Ā. niṣkayate, to measure, weigh Dhātup. xxxiii, 13 
   • (prob. artificially formed to explain the next, or Nom. fr. it.)

≫ niṣka

   niṣká m. rarely n. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 45, g. ardharcâdi) a golden ornament for the neck or breast (also used as money) RV. &c. &c 
   • later a partic. coin varying in value at different times (= 1 Dīnāra of 32 small or 16 large Rettis, = 1 Karsha or Suvarṇa of 16 Māshas, = 1 Pala of 4 or 5 Su-varṇas, = 1 larger Pala or Dīnāra variously reckoned at 108 or 150 Su-varṇas, = 4 Māshas, = 16 Drammas 
   • also a weight of silver of 4 Su-varṇas) 
   • a golden vessel L. 
   • gold L. 
   • m. a Cāṇḍāla L. 
   • (ā), f. a measure of length MārkP.

⋙ niṣkakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha mf(ī)n. = -grīva AitBr. ŚrS. MBh. &c 
   • m. (or n. ?) a golden ornament MBh.

⋙ niṣkagrīva

   ○grīva mfn. wearing a golden oṭornament round the neck RV. AV.

⋙ niṣkādipramāṇa

   niṣkâdi-pramāṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ niṣkin

   niṣkín mfn. = niṣka-grīva ŚBr.


   ni-ṣkambha m. (√skabh), wṛ. for vi-ṣk○ in vajra-viṣk○

⋙ niṣkambhu

   ni-ṣkambhu m. N. of a partic. divine being (v. l. ni-kumbha and niṣ-k○)


   niṣ-kara wṛ. for niṣ-kira


   niṣ-kartṛ niṣ-kṛ


   niṣ-karṣa ○ṣaṇa &c. niṣkṛṣ


   niṣ-kal √2. (only ind. p. -kālya), to drive out or away Kathās.

⋙ niṣkali

   niṣ-ḍkali m. a partic. spell (for weapons) R. (B.)

⋙ niṣkālana

   niṣ-ḍkālana n. driving out (cattle) Gobh.


   niṣ-√kas Caus. -kāsayati (also written -kāś○ and niḥ-kās○), to drive or turn out, expel Kāv. Pañc. Vet.

⋙ niṣkāsa

   niṣ-ḍkāsa m. issue, egress (cf. ○śa) R. 
   • a portico, verandah L. (wṛ. ○śa) 
   • wṛ. for ○kāṣa

⋙ niṣkāsana

   niṣ-ḍkāsana n. driving away L.

⋙ niṣkāsanīya

   niṣ-ḍkāsanīya mfn. to be driven away or turned out KātyŚr. Comm. (wṛ. ○kAz○)

⋙ niṣkāsita

   niṣ-ḍkāsita mfn. expelled, turned out Vet. (also written ○śita Divyāv. ○kasita) 
   • placed, deposited L. 
   • placed over, appointed L. 
   • opened out, blown, expanded (for ○śita ?) W.

⋙ niṣkāsin

   niṣ-ḍkāsin mfn. who or what expels L. 
   • (inī), f. a female slave not restrained by her master L.


   niṣkā́vam niḥ-ṣkāvam


   niṣ-√kāś Caus. -kāśayati = (and perhaps wṛ. for) -kāsayati ( niṣ-kas) KātyŚr. Comm.

⋙ niṣkāśa

   niṣ-ḍkāśa m. issue, egress Hcat. 
   • disappearance L. (cf. ○sa)

⋙ niṣkāśanīya

   niṣ-ḍkāśanīya mfn. for ○kāsanīya, above

⋙ niṣkāśita

   niṣ-ḍkāśita mfn. danta-niṣk○ 
   • v. l. for ○kāsita ( niṣ-kas)


   niṣ-kāṣa m. (√kaṣ) scrapings, what is scraped off from a pan MaitrS.


   niṣ-kira m. (√kṝ) N. of a Brahmanical school or of a race TāṇḍBr. (wṛ. ○kara)

⋙ niṣkirīya

   niṣ-ḍkirīya m. id. ib.


   niṣ-kuṭa m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a pleasure-grove near a house (also -ka) MBh. R. Var.  
   • m. (cf. L.) a field 
   • the hollow of a tree (cf. -kuha) 
   • a door 
   • the female apartments, Zenana 
   • N. of a mountain MBh. 
   • n. a hole of a particular shape in the frame of a bedstead (v. l. niḥ-kuṭa) VarBṛS.

≫ niṣkuṭī

   niṣ-kuṭ�ī f. large or small cardamoms Bhpr. L. (cf. nis-truṭī)

≫ niṣkuṭikā

   niṣ-kuṭikā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.


   niṣ-kupita m. (√kup) N. of a Marut Hariv. (v. l. niṣ-kuṣita)


   niṣ-kumbha m. Croton Polyandrum (= ni-k○) L. 
   • N. of one of the Viśve Devās Hariv. Pur. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the mother of the Magas BhavP.


   niṣ-√kuṣ P. -kuṣati (fut. koṣitā, or -koṣṭā 
   • inf. -koṣitum or -koṣṭum &c. Pāṇ. 7-2, 46 ; 47), to pull out, extract 
   • to injure or hurt by tearing BhP. 
   • to shell, husk ( below)

⋙ niṣkuṣita

   niṣ-ḍkuṣita mfn. torn off stripped off, extracted, forced out, torn, lacerated Kāv. 
   • N. of a Marut Hariv. (v. l. ○kupita)

⋙ niṣkoṣa

   niṣ-ḍkoṣa m. tearing off or out, extracting, husking, shelling Pāṇ. 5-4, 62

⋙ niṣkoṣaṇa

   niṣ-ḍkoṣaṇa n. id. Suśr.

⋙ niṣkoṣaṇaka

   niṣ-ḍkoṣaṇaka mfn. fit for picking, serving for a tooth-pick Pañc.

⋙ niṣkoṣitavya

   niṣ-ḍkoṣitavya mfn. to be forced out or extracted Bhaṭṭ. (also ○koST○ Pāṇ. 7-2, 46 Sch.)


   niṣ-kuha m. = niṣ-kuṭa, the hollow of a tree L.


   niṣ-kṛ √1. P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute &c. (2 pl. -kṛtha, impf. -askṛta , -kranta RV. 
   • Impv. -kuru AV. -kṛdhi. ib. 
   • -kṛṇotana RV. pres. p. -kṛṇvāna ib. 
   • aor. Pass. nir-akāri Bhaṭṭ.), to bring out, extract, drive away, expel, remove RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • to break in pieces Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to arrange, set in order, prepare RV. TS. (cf. iṣ-kṛ) 
   • to restore, cure RV. AV.

⋙ niṣkāraṇa

   niṣ-ḍkāraṇa n. taking off, killing L.

⋙ niṣkṛt

   niṣ-ḍkṛt mfn. yajña-niṣkṛt

⋙ niṣkṛta

   niṣ-ḍkṛtá mfn. done away, removed, expelled, atoned, expiated (cf. a-niṣkṛta) 
   • made ready, prepared 
   • n. atonement, expiation BhP. 
   • a fixed place, place of rendezvous RV. 
   • ○tâhāva mfn. furnished with a trough TS.

⋙ niṣkṛti

   niṣ-ḍkṛti (níṣ-), f. complete development ( garbha-niṣkṛti) 
   • restoration, cure RV. 
   • acquittance, requital, atonement, expiation RV. &c. &c 
   • removal, doing away, escaping, avoiding, neglecting L. 
   • wṛ. for ni-kṛti BhP. 
   • m. a form of Agni MBh.


   niṣ-√kṛt P. -kṛntati (ep. also Ā 
   • ind. p. -kṛtya), to cut off or out, divide, separate, hew asunder, massacre RV. ŚBr. MBh.


   niṣ-√kṛṣ P. -karṣati (pf. -cakarṣa 
   • ind. p. -kṛṣya 
   • inf. -kraṣṭum), to draw out, extract ŚBr. MBh. Suśr. Rājat. 
   • = Caus. BhP.: Caus. -karṣayati, to tear in pieces, destroy ib.

⋙ niṣkarṣa

   niṣ-ḍkarṣa m. drawing out, extracting MBh. 
   • extract or essence of anything, chief or main point Mn. MBh. (āt ind. chiefly for the sake of comp.. ○ṣān niścayāt, briefly and exactly MBh.) 
   • measuring Dhātup. xv, 20 
   • ascertainment L. 
   • n. oppressing subjects by taxes MBh. ii, 526 (cf. Nīlak.)

⋙ niṣkarṣaṇa

   niṣ-ḍkarṣaṇa n. drawing out, extracting, taking off Ragh.

⋙ niṣkarṣin

   niṣ-ḍkarṣin m. N. of one of the Maruts Hariv. (v. l. ○kuṣita)

⋙ niṣkṛṣṭa

   niṣ-ḍkṛṣṭa mfn. drawn or pulled out, extracted Suśr.

⋙ niṣkṛṣyamāṇa

   niṣ-ḍkṛṣyamāṇa mfn. (arrow) being extracted R.

⋙ niṣkṛṣyavidhāna

   niṣ-ḍkṛṣyavidhāna n. an implicit or peremptory precept Āryabh., pref


   niṣ-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate (-kramati R., ind. p. -kramya 
   • inf. -krāmitum, -kramitum, or -krāntuṃ), to go out, come forth, go or come from (abl., rarely gen.), depart RV. &c. &c 
   • to leave (worldly life) Divyâv. 
   • (in dram.) to make an exit: Caus. -krāmayati (Pass. -krāmyate), to cause to go out, drive or let out, deliver ŚBr. Kāv. &c

⋙ niṣkrama

   niṣ-ḍkrama m. going out, coming forth, an exit, departing from (abl.) R. Kathās. 
   • the first carrying out (of a child 
   • next.) Yājñ. 
   • degradation, loss of caste, inferiority of tribe L. 
   • intellectual faculty L.

⋙ niṣkramaṇa

   niṣ-ḍkramaṇa n. going forth or out, departing KātyŚr. R. Pañc. 
   • taking a child for the first time out of the house in the fourth month after birth to see the sun Mn. ii, 34 RTL. 253 ; 258 
   • (also ○ṇikā f. PārGṛ.) ceasing, disappearing Cat.  
   • -prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ niṣkramaṇita

   niṣ-ḍkramaṇita mfn. (a child) taken out for the first time, g. tārakâdi

⋙ niṣkrānta

   niṣ-ḍkrānta mfn. gone out, departed, come forth MBh. &c 
   • (dram.) exit, exeunt


   niṣ-√krī P. Ā. -krīṇāti, -krīṇīte, to buy off, redeem or ransom from (abl 
   • Ā. also 'one's self', with or sc. ātmānam) TS. AV. Br.

⋙ niṣkraya

   niṣ-ḍkraya m. redemption, ransom Suparṇ. Kāv. 
   • compensation, equivalent (in money) GobhŚrāddh. Comm. 
   • price, reward, hire, wages Mn. MBh. &c 
   • return, acquittance Śiś. i, 50

⋙ niṣkrayaṇa

   niṣ-ḍkráyaṇa mfn. redeeming, ransoming (ifc.) Br. 
   • n. redemption, buying off Mṛicch. 
   • ransom TS.

⋙ niṣkrīti

   niṣ-ḍkrīti (niṣ-) f. redeeming, redemption ŚBr.


   niṣ-krodha niṣ-kleśa &c. under niṣ, p. 543, col. 1


   niṣ-√kvath Caus. -kvāthayati (only ind. p. -kvāthya), to boil down, thicken by boiling. Śuśr

⋙ niṣkvātha

   niṣ-ḍkvātha m. a decoction, broth, soup ib.


   niṣ-√khan P. Ā. -khanati, ○te, to dig out or up ŚBr.


   niṣ-√khid P. -khidati (inf. -khídam AV. v, 18, 7), to loosen, get loose Kāṭh.


   niṣ-ṭakvan mf(varī)n. (√tak?) prob. 'running away' AV. v, 22, 6


   niṣ-ṭaṅk (only Pass.aor. nir-aṭaṅki), to express one's self. express in words Sarvad. (cf. to 'coin' words)


   ni-ṣṭan (for niḥ-ṣṭan?, √stan 
   • cf. VPrāt. iii, 68), P. -ṣṭanati (rarely Ā 
   • p. -ṣṭanat), to roar, thunder, sound or cry loudly RV. MBh. &c

⋙ niṣṭana

   ni-ḍṣṭana m. groan, sigh R.

⋙ niṣṭānaka

   ni-ḍṣṭānaka mfn. speaking loud R. 
   • m. roar, murmur, rustling MBh. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (vḷ. ○ṣṭhānaka)


   niṣ-ṭap (√tap), to singe, scorch MBh. 
   • to heat thoroughly, melt (as gold, according to Pāṇ. 8-3, 102 nis-tap, if the action is repeated) anneal, purify by heat, free from impurities TBr. MBh. R. &c 
   • to roast, fry R. Hariv.

⋙ niṣṭapana

   niṣ-ḍṭapana n. burning L.

⋙ niṣṭapta

   niṣ-ḍṭapta (níṣ.), mfn. burnt, scorched, heated thoroughly, melted (as gold), well cooked or dressed VS. TBr. MBh. &c


   niṣ-ṭarkyá mfn. (√tark 
   • cf. tarku) to be opened by unscrewing or loosened by untwisting TS. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr. &c


   niṣṭa-vaiśya (?), m. N. of a man Rājat.


   niṣṭi f. = grīvā-bandha TĀr. Sch.

⋙ niṣṭigrī

   ○"ṣgrī́ f. (√2. gṝ?) N. of Indra's mother RV. x, 101, 12


   ni-ṣṭu (√stu), P. -ṣṭauti (ny-aṣṭaut and -astant) Pāṇ. 8-3, 70


   niṣ-ṭúr mfn. (√tṝ) throwing down, overthrowing RV.


   níṣṭya mfn. (fr.  
   • cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 ; viii, 3, 101) external, foreign, strange RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. 
   • m. a Caṇḍāla or Mleccha L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a lunar mansion (= svāti) TBr. ĀpGṛ.


   ni-ṣṭyai (√styai), Ā. -ṣṭyāyate, ○ṣṭyāyatām 
   • ind. p. -ṣṭyāya), to stick to by coagulation or condensation, to grow or crowd together VS. TS.


   ni-ṣṭhā (√sthā 
   • aor ny-aṣṭhāt pf. ni-tasthau Vop.): Caus. (aor. ny-atiṣṭhipat) to fix in (loc.) ŚBr. 
   • to give forth, emit, yield HPariś.

⋙ niṣṭha

   ni-ḍṣṭha mfn. (in some senses = or wṛ. for niḥ + stha) being in or on, situated on, grounded or resting on, depending on, relating or referring to (usually ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • intent on, devoted to ib. (cf. dharma-, satya-) 
   • conducive to, effecting (dat.) Bālar. v, 51 
   • -loka m. pl. dependent people i.e. servants Rājat. vii, 114. 1

⋙ niṣṭhā

   ni-ḍṣṭhā f. (ifc. f. ā) state, condition, position Bhag. 
   • firmness, steadiness, attachment, devotion, application, skill in, familiarity with, certain knowledge of (loc.) MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • decision about (gen.) Rājat. 
   • decisive sentence, judgment Gaut. Āp. 
   • completion, perfection, culminating or extreme point Mn. Āp. MBh. &c.  
   • conclusion, end, termination, death (ifc. 'ending with') MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • asking, begging L. 
   • trouble, distress L. 
   • (in gram.) N. of the p.p. affixes ta and tavat 
   • (in dram.) the end or catastrophe W. 
   • -gata mfn. gone to or attaining perfection 
   • m. pl. a class of Buddh. deities Lalit. 
   • -nta (○ṭhânta), m. end, conclusion MBh. BhP. (v. l. diṣṭânta) 
   • -va mfn. concluding, deciding AitBr. 
   • -vat mfn. perfect, complete, consummate R. 
   • -śūnya mfn. devoid of firmness, unsteady, irresolute, Mālatim. 2

⋙ niṣṭhā

   ni-ḍṣṭhā́ (cf. Padap. niḥ-ṣṭhā), mfn. excelling, eminent RV.

⋙ niṣṭhāna

   ni-ḍṣṭhāna n. sauce, condiment L.

⋙ niṣṭhānaka

   ni-ḍṣṭhānaka wṛ. for, ni-ṣṭānaka

⋙ niṣṭhita

   ni-ḍṣṭhita (ní-, sometimes for níḥ-), mfn. being in or on (loc.) R. BhP. 
   • fallen from the hand, HPar 
   • grown forth RV. 
   • complete, perfect, consummate ŚBr. 
   • attached or devoted to, conversant with, skilled in (loc.) MBh. R. &c 
   • firm, fixed 
   • certain, ascertained W. 
   • -cīvara (?), mfn. Divyâv.


   ni-√ṣṭhiv (or ṣṭhīv), P. -ṣṭhīvati (impf. ny-aṣṭīvat MBh. 
   • pf. ni-tiṣṭhivuḥ Bhaṭṭ. 
   • ind. p. -ṣṭhīvya Mn.), to spit, spit out, eject from the mouth. 2

⋙ niṣṭhita

   ni-ḍṣṭhita (!), mfn. spit upon BhP.

⋙ niṣṭhīva

   ni-ḍṣṭhīva m. n. spitting, spitting out L.

⋙ niṣṭhīvana

   ni-ḍṣṭhīvana n. spitting, saliva MBh. Suśr. 
   • -śarāva m. spitting-box, spittoon Bhartṛ.

⋙ niṣṭhīvikā

   ni-ḍṣṭhīvikā f. (cf. Car.),

⋙ niṣṭhivita

   ni-ḍṣṭhivita n. (cf. Gaut. Var. 
   • ○tā f. Hariv.),

⋙ niṣṭheva

   ni-ḍṣṭheva m. (and ○vana n. L.) = ○ṣṭhīva

⋙ niṣṭhūta

   ni-ḍṣṭhūta and wṛ. for ○SThy○ ( next)

⋙ niṣṭhūti

   ni-ḍṣṭhūti wṛ. for ○SThy○ ( next)

⋙ niṣṭhyūta

   ni-ḍṣṭhyūta mfn. spit out, ejected from the mouth, emitted, sent forth KātyŚr. Kāv. &c 
   • n. spittle, Mī. Yājñ.

⋙ niṣṭhyūti

   ni-ḍṣṭhyūti f. spitting, spitting out L.


   ni-ṣṭhura mfn. (√sthā?) hard, rough, harsh, severe, cruel (said of persons and things, esp. words) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -tā f. (cf. Mn. Kāv. &c.), -tva n. (cf. Caurap.) harshness of speech, coarseness 
   • -bhāṣin mfn. speaking harshly Cāṇ. 
   • -mānasa mfn. cruel-minded MārkP.

⋙ niṣṭhuraka

   ni-ḍṣṭhuraka m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ niṣṭhurika

   ni-ḍṣṭhurika m. N. of a Nāga MBh. (vḷ. ○SThUr○)

⋙ niṣṭhūrin

   ni-ḍṣṭhūrin mfn. rough, coarse L.


   niṣṭhya n. making a cracking noise with the fingers Āpast.


   ni-ṣṭhyūta ○ti, ni-ṣṭhiv


   ni-ṣṇā (√snā), only Pot. -ṣṇāyāt, to be absorbed in (loc.) BhP.

⋙ niṣṇa

   ni-ḍṣṇa mfn. clever, skilful, versed or experienced in (comp.) Bhaṭṭ. (cf. ni-śna, nadī-ṣna, and next)

⋙ niṣṇāta

   ni-ḍṣṇāta mfn. deeply versed in, skilful, clever, learned (with loc. or ifc.) MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • agreed upon Yājñ. Mālatīm. 
   • -tva n. skill in, familiarity with (prati) Kull. x, 85

⋙ nisnāta

   ni-snāta mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 89


   níṣ-pakva &c. p. 543, col. 1


   niṣ-√pat P. -patati (pf. 3. pl. -petur ind. p. -patya), to fly out of (abl.), rush out, jump out, fall out, issue, depart, hasten away RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -pātayati, to cause to fall out, rain, destroy AV. R.

⋙ niṣpatana

   niṣ-ḍpatana n. rushing out, issuing quickly R.

⋙ niṣpatita

   niṣ-ḍpatita mfn. flown or fallen out &c. Hariv.

⋙ niṣpatiṣṇu

   niṣ-ḍpatiṣṇu mfn. rushing or running or hastening out MBh.

⋙ niṣpāta

   niṣ-ḍpāta m. throbbing, any short or quick motion BhP.

⋙ niṣpātita

   niṣ-ḍpātita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall, ruined, destroyed R.


   niṣ-√pad Ā. -padyate, to fall out (Subj. -padyātai) ŚBr. 
   • to come forth, issue, arise, be brought about or effected, become ripe, ripen Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -pādayati, ○te, to bring about, accomplish, perform, do, make (with rājyam, 'to reign'), cause to ripen MBh. R. Var. &c

⋙ niṣpatti

   niṣ-ḍpatti f. going forth or out, being brought about or effected, completion, consummation Hariv. R. Var. 
   • coming or being derived from (dhātoḥ) Sarvad. 
   • a partic. state of ecstasy Cat.

⋙ niṣpad

   niṣ-ḍpád f. excrement, ordure RV. TS.

⋙ niṣpanna

   niṣ-ḍpanna mfn. gone forth or sprung up, arisen, descended from (abl., rarely instr.) R. Var. 
   • (in gram.) derived from (abl.) Sarvad. 
   • brought about, effected, succeeded, completed, finished, ready Kathās. Rājat. Hit. &c

⋙ niṣpādaka

   niṣ-ḍpādaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. Caus.) accomplishing, developing, effective (-tva n.) Sāh.

⋙ niṣpādana

   niṣ-ḍpādana n. effecting, causing, producing L.

⋙ niṣpādanīya

   niṣ-ḍpādanīya mfn. to be effected or brought about or achieved Hcat.

⋙ niṣpādita

   niṣ-ḍpādita mfn. done, effected, prepared, achieved, Pūr. Vet.  

⋙ niṣpāditavya

   niṣ-ḍpāditavya mfn. = ○pādanīya MW.

⋙ niṣpādya

   niṣ-ḍpādya mfn. id. Sāh. 
   • -tva n. TPrāt. Comm.

niṣpanda 2

   ni-ṣpanda (for 1. p. 543), m. (√spand) motion 
   • -hīna mfn. motionless MBh.


   niṣ-palây (= niṣ-parā-√ay, or i), P. ○yati, to run away Divyâv.


   niṣ-pā √1. P. -pibati, to drink out or up, drink from (abl.) TS.

⋙ niṣpāna

   niṣ-ḍpāna n. drinking out or up Pāṇ. 8-4, 35

⋙ niṣpīta

   niṣ-ḍpīta mfn. drunk out or up ŚBr. 
   • emptied by drinking, dried or sucked up, exhausted R. Kathās.

⋙ niṣpeya

   niṣ-ḍpeya mfn. being drunk out or up L.


   niṣ-pā √3. P. -pāti, to protect from (abl.) RV. x, 126, 2


   niṣ-√piś P. -piṃśati, to tear the flesh of an animal from the skin RV. i, 110, 8


   niṣ-√piṣ P. -pinaṣṭi (Pot. -piṣeyam MBh. 
   • pf. -pipeṣa ib. 
   • ind. p. -piṣya ib. 
   • -peṣam Bālar. iv, 65), to stamp or beat (linen with stones in washing) ŚBr. (inf. níṣpeṣṭavaí) 
   • to pound, crush, rub, grind (sva-caraṇau, to stamp one's feet 
   • karaṃ "ṣreṇa, to rub the hands together 
   • dantair"ṣtān, or dantān "ṣteṣu, to gnash the teeth) MBh. Hariv. R. &c.: Caus. -peṣayati, to crush, destroy Prab. ii, 33 (vḷ. niḥśeṣ○)

⋙ niṣpiṣṭa

   niṣ-ḍpiṣṭa mfn. stamped, ground, pounded, crushed, beaten, oppressed MBh. &c

⋙ niṣpeṣa

   niṣ-ḍpeṣa m. rubbing together, grinding, striking or clashing and the sound produced by it MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ niṣpeṣaṇa

   niṣ-ḍpeṣaṇa n. id. MBh.


   niṣ-√pīḍ P. -pīḍayati (ind. p. -pīḍya 
   • Pass. -pīḍyate), to press or squeeze out, press together or against ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • to contract(in pronouncing) Śiksh.

⋙ niṣpīḍa

   niṣ-ḍpīḍa (cf. R. ii, 62, 17), wṛ. for niṣ-pīta

⋙ niṣpīḍana

   niṣ-ḍpīḍana n. pressing, squeezing Mālatīm. 
   • wringing out (of a cloth) AV.Paris


   niṣ-√pū P. -punāti, to winnow, fan, purify ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. &c

⋙ niṣpavaṇa

   niṣ-ḍpavaṇa n. winnowing, fanning KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ niṣpāva

   niṣ-ḍpāva m. id. L. 
   • the wind caused by the winnowing sieve L. 
   • Dolichos Sinensis or a similar species Bhpr. 
   • straw, chaff L. 
   • (), f. a species of pulse (perhaps Dolichos Lablab) L. 
   • mfn. = nir-vikalpa L.

⋙ niṣpāvaka

   niṣ-ḍpāvaka m. a species of pulse L.

⋙ niṣpāvala

   niṣ-ḍpāvala mfn. g. sidhmâdi


   niṣ-pūrta mfn. (√pṝ) poured out MBh.


   niṣ-√pṛ P. -piparti (2. pl. -pipṛthaḥ Impv. -pipartana Subj. aor. -parṣat), to bring out, rescue or deliver from (abl.) RV. 
   • to come out (Impv. níṣ-para vḷ. nithvara) TS.: Caus. -pārayati, to help out, rescue RV.


   ni-ṣphāra m. (√sphar), jṛmbha-niṣpāra (add.)


   ni-ṣphur or ni-sphur (√sphur), Pāṇ. 8-3, 76


   ni-ṣphul or ni-sphul (√sphul) ib.


   ni-ṣyand &c. ni-syand


   ni-ṣyūta ni-ṣiv


   ni-ṣvañj (√svañj), Ā. -ṣvajate (impf. ny-aṣvajata, or ny-asvajata Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 &c 
   • aor. ny-aṣvaṅkta or ny-asvaṅkta Vop.)


   ni-ṣvap ni-svap


   niṣ-ṣapin mfn. (fr.  = pasa) libidinous, lustful RV. i, 104, 5


   niṣ-ṣah (or -ṣāh nom. -ṣāṭ). mfn. (√sah) overpowering, mighty RV.


   niṣ-ṣídh f. (√1. sidh) granting, bestowing, gift, donation RV.

⋙ niṣṣidhṣidhvan

   ○ṣídhvan mf(varī)n. granting, presenting ib.


   nis p. 543, col. 2


   ni-saṃkakṣa wṛ. for niḥ-s○


   ni-saṃjña wṛ. for niḥ-s○


   nisandi m. N. of a Daitya R.


   ni-sampāta m. = niḥ-s○ L.


   ni-sará (√sṛ) VS. xxx, 14.  


   ni-sarga m. (√sṛj) evacuation, voiding excrement MBh. 
   • giving away, granting, bestowing, a favour or grant Mn. MBh. &c 
   • relinquishing, abandoning W. 
   • creation MBh. Hariv. 
   • natural state or condition or form or character, nature (nisarga ibc., ○geṇa, ○gāt, or ○ga-tas ind. by nature, naturally, spontaneously) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nisargaja

   ○ja mfn. innate, inborn, produced at creation, natural Mn. MBh.

⋙ nisarganipuṇa

   ○nipuṇa mfn. naturally clever Mālav.

⋙ nisargapadva

   ○padva mf(ī)n. naturally inclined to, feeling attracted towards (loc.) Daś.

⋙ nisargabhāva

   ○bhāva m. natural state or condition Var.

⋙ nisargabhinna

   ○bhinna mfn. naturally distinct MW.

⋙ nisargavinīta

   ○vinīta mfn. naturally discreet ib.

⋙ nisargaśālīna

   ○śālīna mfn. naturally timid or modest Mālav.

⋙ nisargasiddha

   ○siddha mfn. effected by nature, natural Bhartṛ.

⋙ nisargasauhṛda

   ○sauhṛda n. natural friendship, friendship from infancy Mālatīm.

≫ nisṛṣṭa

   ni-sṛṣṭa mfn. hurled, thrown, cast R. Hariv. BhP. 
   • sent forth, dismissed, set free Mn. MBh. 
   • allowed, authorized ib. 
   • kindled (as fire) BhP. intrusted, committed, transferred, granted, bestowed MBh. Hariv. R. 
   • fabricated or made of (instr.) BhP. 
   • = madhya-stha L.

⋙ nisṛṣṭavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has granted or bestowed MBh.

⋙ nisṛṣṭārtha

   nisṛṣṭârtha mf(ā)n. intrusted with something, authorized Mālatīm. 
   • m. a charge dáffaires, agent, messenger Kām. Sāh.


   ni-sarpa naisarpa


   ni-sāra (√sṛ?) = saṃgha, sāra, or nyāya-dātavya-vitta L. (prob. wṛ. for ni-kara)


   ni-sindhu or ○dhuka m. Vitex Negundo L. (cf. sindhu, sindhu-vāra)


   ni-sunda m. N. of an Asura slain by Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. (cf. sunda, upa-s○)


   ni-sumbha ni-s○


   ni-susūṣ mfn. (√3. su) Pāṇ. 8-3, 117 Sch. (cf. abhi-s○)


   ni-sūdaka ○dana, ni-ṣūd


   ni-sṛta mfn. (prob. m. c. for niḥs○, √sṛ) gone away, disappeared Rājat. 
   • come forth i.e. unsheathed (as a sword) Vcar. (ā) f. Ipomoea Turpethum L. 
   • N. of a river VP. (v. l. niś-citā)


   ni-sṛṣṭa above


   ni-sevitavya wṛ. for ni-ṣ○


   nis-√takṣ P. -takṣati (2. pl. aor. -ataṣṭa), to carve out, fashion, create, form, make from (abl.) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • to cut, wound (by insults) MW.


   ni-stanī f. (fr. stana, 'breast?') a pill, bolus, a sort of force-meat ball L.


   nis-√tap niṣ-ṭap


   ni-stabdha mfn. (√stabh) paralyzed, numbed 
   • stopped, fixed W. ( a-nist○)

⋙ nistambha

   ni-stambha niḥ-st○


   nis-taraṇa nis-tāra &c. nis-tṝ


   nis-tarha m. (cf. Gal.), ○haṇa n. (cf. L.) crushing, destroying (√tṛh)


   ni-stuti niḥ-stuti


   nis-√tud P. -tudati (Pass. -tudyate), to pierce, prick, sting Car. Suśr.

⋙ nistoda

   nis-ḍtoda m

⋙ nistodana

   nis-ḍtodana n. piercing, pricking, stinging Suśr.


   ni-√stṛ (only 3. sg. aor. -ástar), to throw down, overthrow RV. (cf. a-niṣṭṛta)


   nis-√tṝ P. -tarati (ind. p. -tīrya inf. -tartum), to come forth from, get out of. escape from (abl.) MBh. 
   • to pass over or through, cross (sea &c.), Pass or spend (time) 
   • to overcome or master (an enemy) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to fulfil, accomplish, perform(promise, vow &c.) ib. 
   • to suffer for, expiate (acc.) R. BhP. 
   • (with abhiyogam) to clear one's self from an accusation Yājñ.: Caus. -tārayati, to rescue, save, deliver from (abl.) Mn. iii, 98 
   • to overcome, overpower Cat. 
   • Desid. -titīrṣati &c., to wish to cross or pass over (acc.) BhP.

⋙ nistaraṇa

   nis-ḍtaraṇa n. passing over, going forth, coming out (of danger), rescue, deliverance Kull. 
   • a means of success or rescue L.

⋙ nistaraṇīya

   nis-ḍtaraṇīya (cf. Daś.),

⋙ nistartavya

   nis-ḍtartavya (cf. MBh. Kād.), mfn. to be passed over or overcome or conquered.  

⋙ nistāra

   nis-ḍtāra m. crossing, passing over, rescue, deliverance Bhartṛ. 
   • acquittance, requital, payment, discharge of a debt Hit. 
   • means, expedient W. 
   • final liberation ib. 
   • -bīja n. a means of crossing (the ocean of life), a cause of final liberation BrahmaP.

⋙ nistāraka

   nis-ḍtāraka mf(ikā) n. rescuing, delivering, a saviour MW.

⋙ nistāraṇa

   nis-ḍtāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) crossing, passing over, overcoming BhP. 
   • rescuing, liberating MW.

⋙ nistārayitṛ

   nis-ḍtārayitṛ mfn. = ○tāraka Jātakam.

⋙ nistitīrṣat

   nis-ḍtitīrṣat mf(antī)n. desirous to cross (the ocean of life), wishing for salvation or liberation W.

⋙ nistīrṇa

   nis-ḍtīrṇa mfn. crossed, passed over, spent, gone through, fulfilled, accomplished 
   • escaped, rescued, delivered, saved MBh. Kāv. &c


   nis-√tyaj (only -tyakta-vat mfn. ), to drive away, expel R.


   nis-√tras (only impf. nir-atrasan), to fly, run away RV. viii, 48, 11


   nis-truṭī f. cardamoms L. (cf. niṣ-kuṭi)


   nistraiṇa-puṣpaka m. a species of thorn-apple L. (prob. wṛ. for niḥ-śreṇipuṣpaka)


   ni-snāta ni-ṣṇā


   ni-snāva m. (√snu?) residue of articles &c. after a sale or market W.


   ni-sneha wṛ. for nīḥ-sneha


   ni-spanda = 1. 2. ni-ṣpanda 
   • also wṛ. for ni-syanda


   ni-√spṛś P. -spṛśati (Vedic inf. -spṛ́śe), to touch softly, caress, fondle RV.


   ni-spṛ́h mfn. (√spṛh) greedy for, desirous of (loc.) RV. x, 95, 9 (nom. -spṛ́k)


   ni-spṛha wṛ. for niḥ-spṛha


   ni-√syand Ā. -syandate (or -ṣy○ 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 72), to flow or trickle down, flow into (loc.) BhP. 
   • to make any fluid drop or drip or trickle down (only -syandate Pāṇ. ib. Vop.)

⋙ nisyanda

   ni-syanda (or ○Sy○), mfn. flowing or dripping down Ragh. Siś. 
   • m. a flowing or trickling down or forth, issuing, stream, gush, a discharge (of any fluid) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. 
   • necessary consequence or result Buddh.

⋙ nisyandin

   ni-syandin (or ○Sy○), mfn. flowing or dripping down or out, (ifc.) flowing with Kāv. Suśr.


   ni-√sru Ā. -sravate (also for niḥ-sr○), to flow down or forth, spring or arise from (abl.) Cāṇ.: Caus. to make water flow down from (acc.) upon (loc.) Baudh.

⋙ nisrava

   ni-srava (also for niḥ-sr○), m. flowing down or out, stream, torrent MBh.

⋙ nisrāva

   ni-srāva m. id. Hariv. 
   • the scum of boiled rice L. (cf. niḥ-sr○)

⋙ nisruta

   ni-sruta (or niḥ-sr○?), mfn. flowed down or out Suśr.


   ni-√svan P. -svanati, to make a noise in eating Vop. 1

⋙ nisvana

   ni-svana m. (ifc. f. ā) sound, noise, voice Yājñ. MBh. R. &c. (cf. niḥ-sv○)

⋙ nisvanita

   ni-svanita n

⋙ nisvāna

   ni-svāna m. id. MBh.

≫ nisvana 2

   ni-svaná m. N. of Agni (vḷ. for ni-svara) TĀr.


   ni-√svap (Impv. -svapa 
   • pf. -suṣupur), to fall asleep (also= meet death, die, vii, 18, 14) RV.: Caus. -svāpayati (-ṣv○), to cause to sleep, lull asleep RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • to kill RV. vii, 19, 4


   ni-svará mfn. soundless, noiseless 
   • (am), ind. noiselessly. RV. 
   • m. N. of Agni AV. TĀr. (vḷ. ni-svaná)


   nih m. = ni-hantṛ AV. VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)


   ni-√han P. -hanti (Impv. -jahi RV. 
   • p. -ghná TS. &c. ; 3- sg. Ā. -jighnate RV. 
   • p. jighnamāna MBh. 
   • pf. -jaghāma RV. &c 
   • 3. pl. -jaghnur, ○nire MBh. R. 
   • fut. -haniṣyati, ○te, -haṃsyati MBh. 
   • p. -haniṣyát RV. 
   • ind. p. -hatya KātyŚr.  
   • inf. -hantave RV. 
   • -hantum R.), to strike or fix in, hurl in or upon or against (loc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to make an attempt upon, attack, assail (acc., loc. or gen.) AV. KātyŚr. MBh. 
   • to strike or hew down (also -mow L.), kill, overwhelm, destroy RV. &c. &c. (also applied to planets Var.) 
   • to hit, touch (lit. and fig.) MBh. BhP.  
   • to beat (a drum) Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to punish, visit, afflict Kāv. Pur. 
   • to attach to (Pass. -hanyate, to be fixed upon, with loc.) AV. 
   • to drop, lower, let sink (hands, wings &c.) AV. VPrāt. 
   • to speak with the unaccented tone i.e. with the Anudātta RPrāt. ĀśvŚr. 
   • (in arithm.) to multiply Āryabh. Comm.: Caus., ni-ghāta, ○taya

⋙ nihata

   ni-ḍhata (ní-), mfn. hurled, thrown RV. 
   • hit, touched (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kāv. 
   • struck down, smitten, slain, killed, destroyed, lost, gone ib. &c 
   • having the unaccented tone or Anudātta (-tva n.) TPrāt. 
   • -bhūyiṣṭha mfn. having the greater number killed R. 
   • -sena mfn. having (their) armies smitten or destroyed MW. 
   • ○târtha mfn. (word) whose meaning is out of use or obsolete (-tā f. -tva n.) Sāh. 
   • ○tâṣṭra mfn. having the camels killed, whose camels have been slain MW.

⋙ nihan

   ni-ḍhan m. a killer, destroyer (ifc.) MBh. R.

⋙ nihanana

   ni-ḍhanana n. killing, slaughter L.

⋙ nihantavya

   ni-ḍhantavya mfn. to be struck down or killed or destroyed MBh. Pañc.

⋙ nihantṛ

   ni-ḍhantṛ m. a killer, destroyer Mn. MBh. &c 
   • one who removes or expels or hinders Vikr. Suśr. 
   • N. of Śiva MBh.


   ni-hava ni-hve

nihā 1

   ni-hā √2. Ā. -jihīte √2. (3. pl. Impv. -jihatām), to descend, stoop, yield RV. ĀśvŚr.: Desid. jihīṣate, to wish to stoop or yield AV.

≫ nihākā

   nihākā́ f. 'coming down', a storm, whirlwind RV. 
   • an iguana, the Gangetic alligator L. (according to, Uṇ iii, 42 fr. next)

nihā 2

   ni-√hā only Pass. -hīyate, to be deficient or wanting or lost RV. 
   • to be deprived of (instr.) Jātakam.

⋙ nihīna

   ni-ḍhīna mfn. low, vile, mean MBh. Kāv. 
   • -tara mfn. lower, worse Āpast. 
   • -varṇa mf(ā)n. of low caste or origin MBh.


   ni-hāra &c. ni-√hṛ


   ni-hiṃsana n. (√hiṃs) killing, slaughter L.


   ní-hita mfn. (√1. dhā) laid, placed, deposited, fixed or kept in (loc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • delivered, given, bestowed, intrusted ib. 
   • laid down or aside, removed ( below), laid (as dust by rain) Ghaṭ. 
   • encamped (as an army) Bhaṭṭ. 
   • uttered in a deep tone VPrāt. (cf. ni-hata)

⋙ nihitadaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa mfn. one who has laid aside the rod, who shows clemency MW.

⋙ nihitanayana

   ○nayana mf(ā)n. having the eyes fixed or directed upon (loc.) Megh.

⋙ nihitabhāga

   ○bhāga (níh○), mfn. one whose share has been laid aside MaitrS.


   ni-hīna ni-√hā


   ni-√hṛ P. -harati (ind. p. -hā́ram), to offer (as a gift or reward) VS. AV. TāṇḍyaBr.

⋙ nihāra

   ni-ḍhāra m. excrement Vishṇ. (cf. nir-h○) 
   • mist L. (cf. nī-h○ under 5. nī)

⋙ nihārin

   ni-ḍhārin wṛ. for nir-h○


   ni-√hṛṣ P. -hṛṣyati. to sink down (as a flame) AitBr. (opp. to ud-dhṛṣ)


   ni-√hnu Ā. -hnavate (rarely P. ○ti), to make reparation or amends to (dat.) for (acc.) 
   • to beg pardon for (cf. below) Br. GṛŚrS. 
   • to disown, deny, dissimulate, conceal, evade Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ nihnava

   ni-ḍhnava m. begging pardon, making amends or reparation (a kind of ceremony at which the Ṛitvij lay their hands upon the Prastara and recite VS. v, 7) Sāy. on AitBr. i, 26 (also ○hnavana Gobh.) 
   • atonement, expiation, amends for (gen.) Mn. ix, 21 
   • denial, concealment, secrecy, mistrust, suspicion Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. 
   • contradiction MBh. 
   • eclipsing, obscuring, surpassing Kāvyâd. 
   • wickedness W. 
   • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. 
   • -vādin m. a defendant or witness who prevaricates or tries to hide the truth W. 
   • ○vêttara n. an evasive reply or defence ib.

⋙ nihnuta

   ni-ḍhnuta mfn. denied, disowned, concealed, hidden, secreted, given out for something else Ratnâv. Kathās. Rājat.

⋙ nihnuti

   ni-ḍhnuti f. denial, dissimulation, reserve, secrecy, concealment Kāv.

⋙ nihnuvana

   ni-ḍhnuvana n. id. Gobh. 
   • vḷ. for ○hnavana ib.

⋙ nihnuvāna

   ni-ḍhnuvāna mfn. dissimulating, prevaricating. insinuating W.


   ni-√hrād Caus. -hrādayati, to cause to sound, beat (as a drum) MaitrS. (cf. nir-hr○)

⋙ nihrāda

   ni-ḍhrāda m. sound, noise Ragh. BhP. (cf. nir-hr○) 
   • -vat mfn. sounding pealing Kir.

⋙ nihrādita

   ni-ḍhrādita n. roaring BhP.

⋙ nihrādin

   ni-ḍhrādin mfn. sounding, pealing MW.


   ni-hve√Ā-hvayate (cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 30 
   • 3. pl. -juhvate impf. -ahvanta  
   • Pass. -hūyate RV.), to call down or near, invoke RV. AV. AitBr.

⋙ nihava

   ni-ḍhava m. invocation, calling Br. ŚrS. ChUp. 
   • (with vasiṣṭhasya or vasiṣṭha-) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (cf. ni-hnava)

nī 2

   nī (for 1. p. 543, col. 3), cl. 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxii. 5) nayati ○te (pf. P. nināya, 2. sg. ninetha RV., 1. pl. nīnima TS. 
   • Subj. ninīthás Pot. ninīyāt RV. 
   • Impv. ninetu MaitrS. 
   • Ā. ninye Br. &c 
   • -nayām āsa MBh. 
   • -nayāṃ cakre R. 
   • aor. P. 3. du. anītām Subj. néṣi, nethā́ RV. 
   • anaiṣīt Subj. neṣati, ○ṣat, 3. pl.Ā. aneṣata ib. 
   • anayīt AV. 
   • fut. neṣyati AV. 
   • ○te Br. 
   • nayiṣyati, ○te MBh. R. 
   • nítā, nayitā ib. 
   • ind. p. nītvā Br.&c 
   • nayitvā MBh. 
   • nī́ya AV. &c 
   • inf. neṣáṇi RV. 
   • nétavai, ○tos and nayitum Br. 
   • nétum ib. &c. &c.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with agram and gen 
   • cf. agra-ṇī) RV. &c. &c 
   • to lead &c. towards or to (acc. with or without prati dat., loc. or artham ifc.) ib. 
   • to lead or keep away, exclude from (abl.) AitBr. 
   • (Ā.) to carry off for one's self(as a victor, owner &c.) AV. TĀr. MBh. 
   • (Ā., rarely P.) to lead home i.e. marry MBh. R. 
   • to bring into any state or condition (with acc., e.g. with vaśam, to bring into subjection, subdue [Ā. RV. x, 84, 3 AV. v, 19, 5 
   • P. Ragh. viii, 19] 
   • with śūdra-tām, to reduce to a Śūdra Mn. iii, 15 
   • with sākṣyam āa., to admit as a witness, viii, 197 
   • with vyāghra-tām, to change into a tiger Hit. 
   • with vikrayam, to sell Yājñ. 
   • with paritoṣam, to satisfy Pañc. 
   • with duḥkham, to pain Amar. 
   • rarely, with loc., e.g. duhitṛ-tve, to make a person one's daughter R. i, 44, 38 
   • or with an adv. in -sāt e.g. bhasmasāt to reduce to ashes Pañc. i, 198/199) 
   • to draw (a line &c.) ŚāṅkhŚr. Sūryas. 
   • to pass or spend (time) Yājñ. Kāv. &c 
   • (with daṇḍam) to bear the rod i.e. inflict punishment Mn. Yājñ. (with vyavahāram) to conduct a process Yājñ. 
   • (with kriyām) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act MBh. 
   • to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide(with anyathā, 'wrongly') Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • (Ā.) to be foremost or chief Pāṇ. 1-3, 36: Caus. nāyayati, ○te, to cause to lead &c 
   • to cause to be led by (instr.) Mn. v, 104 (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 52 Vārtt. 5 Pat.): Desid. nínīṣati, te (AV. xix, 50, 5, w. r. nineṣati), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (acc. or dat.) AV. Up. MBh. &c 
   • to wish to carry away R. 
   • to wish to spend or pass (time) Naish. 
   • to wish to exclude from (abl.) AitBr. 
   • to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate MBh.: Intens. nenīyáte to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern TS. VS. MBh.

≫ nī 3

   nī mfn. leading, guiding, a leader or guide (mostly ifc., cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 and agra-ṇī, agreṇī 
   • but also alone, vi,. 4, 77 ; 82 &c.)

≫ nīka

   nīka m. N. of a tree Uṇ. iii, 47 Sch. 
   • (ā), f. a channel for irrigation L.

≫ nīta 1

   nītá mfn. (for 2. 4. nī7) led, guided, brought &c. RV. &c. &c 
   • gained, obtained W. 
   • well-behaved, correct, modest ib. 
   • n. wealth, corn, grain L. 
   • = nava-nīta ĀpŚr.

⋙ nītadakṣiṇa

   ○dakṣiṇa mfn. one whose sacrificial fee has been carried off L.

⋙ nītamiśra

   ○miśrá mfn. not yet entirely made into butter TBr.

⋙ nītārtha

   nītârtha mfn. of plain or clear meaning Nyāyas. Sch.

≫ nīti

   nīti f. leading or bringing, guidance, management L. 
   • conduct, (esp.) right or wise or moral conduct or behaviour, prudence, policy (also personified), political wisdom or science, moral philosophy or precept (also pl.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • relation to, dependence on (itar7tarayoḥ) MBh. 
   • presenting, offering(?) Pāṇ. 5-3, 77 
   • acquirement, acquisition W.

⋙ nītikathā

   ○kathā f. any work on moral or political science W.

⋙ nītikamalākara

   ○kamalâkara and m. N. of wks

⋙ nītikalpataru

   ○kalpa-taru m. N. of wks

⋙ nītikuśala

   ○kuśala mfn. conversant with political science or policy Hit.

⋙ nītigarbhitaśāstra

   ○garbhita-śāstra n. N. of wk

⋙ nītighoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. N. of the car of Bṛihaspati L.

⋙ nītijña

   ○jña mfn. = -kuśala 
   • m. a statesman, politician Mn. Var. Rājat.

⋙ nītitantra

   ○tantra n. = āvāpa L.

⋙ nītitaraṃga

   ○taraṃga m

⋙ nītidīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ nītidoṣa

   ○doṣa m. error of conduct, mistake in policy MW.

⋙ nītinipuṇa

   ○nipuṇa (cf. Bhartṛ.),

⋙ nītiniṣṇa

   ○niṣṇa (cf. MW.), mfn. = -kuśala

⋙ nītipaṭala

   ○paṭala n. a chapter or book on policy Daś.

⋙ nītiprakāśa

   ○prakāśa and m. N. of wks

⋙ nītipradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. N. of wks

⋙ nītibīja

   ○bīja n. a germ or source of intrigue MW.

⋙ nītimañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. N. of wk

⋙ nītimat

   ○mat mfn. of moral or prudent behaviour, eminent for political wisdom (compar. -mat-tara) MBh. Hariv. R.  
   • describing political wisdom Kathās.

⋙ nītimayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. N. of ch. of the Bhagavadbhāskara

⋙ nītimukula

   ○mukula n. N. of wk

⋙ nītiyukta

   ○yukta mfn. intrusted with policy, being at the head of government MBh.

⋙ nītiratna

   ○ratna n

⋙ nītiratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m

⋙ nītilatā

   ○latā f. N. of wks

⋙ nītivartani

   ○vartani f. the path of prudence or wisdom Vcar. (printed ○tinī)

⋙ nītivarman

   ○varman m. N. of a poet L.

⋙ nītivākya

   ○vākya n. pl. words of wisdom 
   • ○kyâmṛta n. N. of wk

⋙ nītivid

   ○vid mfn. = -jña Hit.

⋙ nītividyā

   ○vidyā f. moral or political science ib.

⋙ nītivilāsa

   ○vilāsa and m. N. of wks

⋙ nītiviveka

   ○viveka m. N. of wks

⋙ nītiviṣaya

   ○viṣaya m. the sphere of morality or prudent conduct MW.

⋙ nītivedin

   ○vedin mfn. = -jña L.

⋙ nītivyatikrama

   ○vyatikrama m. error of conduct or policy Rājat.

⋙ nītiśataka

   ○śataka n. the 100 verses on morality by Bhartṛ.

⋙ nītiśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the science of or a work on political ethics or morals Kathās. 
   • -samuccaya m. N. of wk

⋙ nītisaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f

⋙ nītisaṃkalana

   ○saṃkalana n

⋙ nītisaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ nītisaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. essence of all policy Pañc. (B.)

⋙ nītisamuccaya

   ○samuccaya m

⋙ nītisāra

   ○sāra m. n

⋙ nītisārasaṃgraha

   ○sāra-saṃgraha m

⋙ nītisumāvali

   ○sumāvali (!), f. N. of wks

≫ nītha

   nītha m. leading or a leader L. 
   • N. of a man MBh. 
   • (nī́thā), f. way, trick, art, stratagem RV. 
   • also= (nīthá), n. a mode in music, musical mode or air, song, hymn ib. 
   • water L.

⋙ nīthāvid

   nīthā-víd mfn. knowing musical modes, skilled in sacred song RV. (cf. Prāt. ○tha-v○)

≫ nīthya

   nīthya grā́ma-ṇīthya

≫ netavya


⋙ netṛ

   netṛ &c. p. 568, col. 3

nī 4

   nī P. ny-eti (3. pl. ni-yanti 
   • p. -yat 
   • impf. ny-āyan ind. p. nī7tya), to go into (cf. nyāya), enter, come or fall into, incur (acc.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. 
   • to under go the nature of i.e. to be changed into (○bhāvam) RPrāt. 2

⋙ nīta

   nī7tá mfn. entered, gone or come to (mṛtyorantikam) RV. AV.

nī 5

   nī in comp.= 1. ni (p. 538, col. 3)

⋙ nīkarṣin

   ○karṣin mfn. (√kṛṣ) spreading the tail (as a peacock) Lāṭy.

⋙ nīkāra

   ○kāra m. (√1. kṝ) disrespect, contempt, degradation Hcar.

⋙ nīkāśa

   ○kāśa m. (√kāś) appearance, look, mien (ifc. = like, resembling) MBh. 
   • certainty, ascertainment L.

⋙ nīkulaka

   ○kulaka m. N. of a man Pravar.

⋙ nīkleda

   ○kleda m. (√klid) moistening(?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 122 Sch.

⋙ nīdhra

   ○dhra nīdhra

⋙ nīnāha

   ○nāhá m. (√nah) a girth AV.

⋙ nīmānuja

   ○mānuja m. N. of a Vaishṇava teacher Cat.

⋙ nīvāka

   ○vāka m. (√vac) the increased demand for grain in times of dearth, dearth, scarcity L.

⋙ nīvārā

   ○vārā vḷ. for nivārā ( under ni-vṛ)

⋙ nīvāha

   ○vāha m. (√vah) diminution, decrease (of days) GopBr. (cf. ni-v○)

⋙ nīvid

   ○víd f. = ni-v○ AV.

⋙ nīvi

   ○vi nī-ví

⋙ nīvṛt

   ○vṛt (cf. L.),

⋙ nīvṛti

   ○vṛti (cf. HPariś.), f. an inhabited country, a realm

⋙ nīveṣya

   ○veṣyá mfn. = ni-v○ MaitrS.

⋙ nīśāra

   ○śāra m. (√śṛ) a warm cloth or outer garment Pat. 
   • curtains, (esp.) mosquito curtains, an outer tent or screen L.

⋙ nīṣāh

   ○ṣāh or mfn. (fr. ni-ṣah) overpowering AV.

⋙ nīṣah

   ○ṣah mfn. (fr. ni-ṣah) overpowering AV.

⋙ nīhāra

   ○hārá m. (once n.) mist, fog, hoar-frost, heavy dew RV. &c. &c. (cf. ni-hāra under ni-hṛ) 
   • evacuation (cf. nir-h○) 
   • -kara m. 'dew-maker or 'cold-rayed', the moon Daś. 
   • -cakṣus mfn. one whose eyes are veiled by mist BhP. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of mist Kād. 
   • ○rāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or make mist Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 2 Pat. √○rī-kṛ, to convert into mist Mcar.


   nī́kṣaṇa n. (√nīkṣ = nikṣ) a stick for stirring up a cauldron, a kind of ladle RV. i, 162, 13 (cf. nekṣaṇa and mekṣaṇa)


   nīca mf(ā)n. (ni +2. añc) low, not high, short, dwarfish Mn. MBh. &c 
   • deep, depressed (navel) Pañc. 
   • short (hair, nails) Suśr. 
   • deep, lowered (voice) Prāt. 
   • low, vile, inferior (socially or morally), base, mean (as a man or action or thought) Var. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. a kind of perfume (= coraka) L. 
   • n. (in astrol.) the lowest point of a planet (= ?), the 7th house from the culminating point Var. (cf. 2. ny-añc)

⋙ nīcakadamba

   ○kadamba m. N. of a plant L.

⋙ nīcakarman

   ○karman mfn. having a low occupation (as a servant) Vet.

⋙ nīcakula

   ○kula n. a low family 
   • ○lâdgata (cf. Mṛicch.) and ○lôdbhava (cf. Var.), descended from a low family

⋙ nīcakeśanakha

   ○keśanakha mfn. having short hair and nails Suśr.

⋙ nīcakeśaśmaśrunakha

   ○keśaśmaśru-nakha mfn. having short hair and beard and nails Yājñ.

⋙ nīcaga

   ○ga mfn. going low, descending (as a river) Hit. 
   • belonging to a low man ib. 
   • = -gata Var. 
   • (ā), f. a river L. 
   • n. water

⋙ nīcagata

   ○gata mfn. being at the lowest point (as a planet) Var.

⋙ nīcagāmin

   ○gāmin mfn. going towards low ground (said of rivers), following low courses (said of women) Subh.  

⋙ nīcagṛha

   ○gṛha n. the house in which a planet stands at its lowest point Var.

⋙ nīcajāti

   ○jāti mfn. of low birth Subh.

⋙ nīcatā

   ○tā f. lowness (lit. and fig.), baseness, inferiority MBh. Kāv. 
   • ○tayā-√yā, to stoop Ratnâv. ; ii, 3

⋙ nīcatva

   ○tva n. lowness, social inferiority Var. 
   • lowering of tone VPrāt.

⋙ nīcanakharoman

   ○nakha-roman mfn. having short nails and hair Suśr.

⋙ nīcapatha

   ○patha m. a descending path Kāv.

⋙ nīcabhojya

   ○bhojya m. 'food of low men', an onion L.

⋙ nīcayonin

   ○yonin mfn. of low origin Hariv.

⋙ nīcarata

   ○rata mfn. delighting in mean things Var.

⋙ nīcarkṣa

   ○rkṣa (for ṛkṣa), m. = -gṛha ib.

⋙ nīcavajra

   ○vajra n. 'inferior diamond', a sort of gem L.

⋙ nīcaśākha

   ○śākha naicāśākhá

⋙ nīcāyaka

   nīcâyaka m

⋙ nīcāyakīya

   nīcâyaḍkīya mfn. (?) g. ut-karâdi

⋙ nīcāvagāha

   nīcâvagāha mfn. (a tank) in which low people bathe Kāv.

⋙ nīcokti

   nīcôkti f. a low or vulgar expression MW.

⋙ nīcoccavṛtta

   nīcôccavṛtta n. an epicycle Col.

⋙ nīcopagata

   nīcôpagata mfn. situated low in the sky Var.

≫ nīcaka

   nīcaka mf(ikā)n. low, short L. 
   • soft, gentle (as the voice, a gait &c.) MBh. 
   • vile, mean W. 
   • (akā, akī and ikā), f. an excellent cow 
   • (ais), ind. low, below, little W. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 71. Kāś.)

≫ nīcakin

   nīcakin m. the head of an ox L.

≫ nīcā

   nīcā́ ind. below, down, downwards RV. AV.

⋙ nīcāmeḍhra

   ○meḍhra m. one whose penis hangs low TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy.

⋙ nīcāvayas

   ○vayas (○cā́.), mfn. one whose strength has failed RV.

≫ nīcāt

   nīcā́t ind. from below RV.

≫ nīcīkṛ

   nīcī-√kṛ to lower, pronounce without an accent RPrāt. Sch.

≫ nīcīna

   nīcī́na mfn. below, being low, downward, hanging or flowing down, cast down RV. &c. &c.,

⋙ nīcīnabāra

   ○bāra (cī́na-), mfn. having its opening below RV.

≫ nīcaiḥ

   nīcaiḥ in comp. for ○cais

⋙ nīcaiḥkara

   ○kara mfn. causing a low or deep tone, giving depth of voice TPrāt.

⋙ nīcaiḥkāram


⋙ nīcaiḥkṛtya

   ○kṛtya and ind. in a low tone, softly, gently L.

⋙ nīcaiḥkṛtvā

   ○kṛtvā ind. in a low tone, softly, gently L.

≫ nīcair

   nīcair in comp. for ○cais

⋙ nīcairākhya

   ○ākhya mfn. named low' ML.

⋙ nīcairmukha

   ○mukha mfn. with downcast countenance L.

≫ nīcais

   nīcaís ind. low, below, down, downwards, underneath AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • also used adjectively, e.g. nīcair adṛśyata, he appeared lower or shorter Ragh. 
   • cf. uccais (nīcair nīcais-tarām, deeper and deeper Kām.) 
   • humbly, modestly Kāv. 
   • softly, gently ib. 
   • in a low or deep tone VPrāt. Pāṇ. 1-2, 30 
   • N. of a mountain (called also vāmana-giri or kharva) Megh.

⋙ nīcaistarām

   ○tarām ind. lower, deeper, softer, gentler AitBr. TPrāt.

≫ nīcya 1

   nīcya m. pl. 'living below', N. of certain nations in the west AitBr.

≫ nīcya 2

   nīcya Nom. P. ○cyati, to be in a low situation, be a slave Siddh.


   nīḍá (nīḻá), m. n. (ni + √sad) any place for settling down, resting-place, abode, (esp.) a bird's nest RV. &c. &c 
   • the interior or seat of a carriage ŚBr. MBh. &c. ; place, spot (= sthāna) L. 

⋙ nīḍagarbha

   ○garbha m. the interior of nest Hit.

⋙ nīḍaja

   ○ja m. 'nestborn', a bird 
   • -jêndra m. 'chief of birds', N. of Garuḍa L.

⋙ nīḍodbhava

   nīḍôdbhava m. = ○ḍa-ja L.

≫ nīḍaka

   nīḍaka m. or n. the nest of a bird MBh.

≫ nīḍaya

   nīḍaya Nom. Ā. ○ḻáyate (for ○ḍayate), to bring to rest RV. vi, 35, 2 (cf. Sāy. 'bring together', i.e. 'cause to come to close fighting')

≫ nīḍi

   nīḍí (nīḻí), m. house-mate RV. x, 92, 6


   nīta nīti &c. √nī


   nītta ni-datta, p. 548, col. 1


   nīdhra n. (?) the eaves of a roof Rājat. 
   • a wood L. 
   • the circumference of a wheel L. 
   • the moon or the lunar mansion Revatī L. (cf. nīvra)


   nīpa mfn. (fr.  
   • cf. dviipa and Pāṇ. 6-3, 97 Sch.) situated low, deep Kāṭh. 
   • m. the foot of a mountain Mahīdh. 
   • Nauclea Cadamba (n. its fruit and flower Megh.) 
   • lxora Bandhucca or a species of Aśoka L. 
   • N. of a son of Kṛitin and father of Ugrâyudha BhP. 
   • pl. of a regal family descended from Nīpa (son of Pāra) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river VP.

⋙ nīparāja

   ○rāja m. or n. the fruit of the Nipa L.

⋙ nīpātithi

   nīpâtithi m. N. of a descendant of Kaṇva and author of RV. viii, 34

≫ nīpya

   nī́pya mfn. being low or on the ground VS.


   nīr (ni + √ir), Caus. (only impf. nyairayat), to hurl down upon (loc.) RV. vi, 56, 3 (cf. ny-êr).  


   nīrá n. (√nī?) water MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. Naigh. i, 12) 
   • juice, liquor L. L. gṛha L. (= or wṛ. for nīḍa, nīḻa?) ; N. of a teacher Cat. 

⋙ nīragraha

   ○graha m. taking up water in a ladle ( under graha)

⋙ nīracara

   ○cara m. 'moving in water', a fish or any aquatic animal Bhām. 2

⋙ nīraja

   ○ja m. n. (for 1. p. 543, col. 3) 'wṭwater-born', a water lily, lotus MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. an otter L. 
   • a species of grass L. 
   • n. a species of Costus Suśr. 
   • a pearl L. 
   • -jâkṣī f. a lotus-eyed or beautiful woman Vcar.

⋙ nīrajāta

   ○jâta mfn. 'water-born', produced from water, aquatic MBh.

⋙ nīrataraṃga

   ○taraṃga m. a water-wave L.

⋙ nīratīraja

   ○tīraja m. 'water-shore-born', Knśa grass L. 2

⋙ nīrada

   ○da m. (for 1. p. 543, col. 3) 'w-giver', a cloud Kāv. 
   • Cyperus Rotundus L. 
   • -"ṣdin mfn. cloudy Śiś.

⋙ nīradhi

   ○dhi or m. 'water-receptacle', the ocean, Prasann

⋙ nīranidhi

   ○nidhi m. 'water-receptacle', the ocean, Prasann

⋙ nīrapatatrin

   ○patatrin m. 'water-bird' Ragh.

⋙ nīrapriya

   ○priya m. 'water friend', Calamus Rotang L.

⋙ nīrarāśi

   ○rāśi m. 'water-mass', the ocean Śiś.

⋙ nīraruha

   ○ruha n. 'water-grown', the water-lily, lotus

⋙ nīrākhu

   nīrâkhu m. 'water-rat', an otter L.


   nī-rakta 1. nī-raja &c. 1. nī


   nī-rāj (), Caus. -rājayati, to cause to shine upon, illuminate, irradiate Prab. 
   • to perform the Nirājana ceremony on (acc.) ib. Uttarar.

⋙ nīrājana

   nī-ḍrājana n. lustration of arms (a ceremony performed by kings in the month Āśvina or in Kārttika before taking the field) Var. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • waving lights before an idol as an act of adoration W. 
   • -giri m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -dvādaśī-vrata n. N. of a partic. observance Cat. 
   • padyâli-lakṣaṇa-vibhakti f. -prakāśa m. N. of wks 
   • -vidhi m. the Nirājana ceremony Ragh. 
   • N. of 43rd ch. of VarBṛS. 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nīrājita

   nī-ḍrājita mfn. shone upon, illuminated, irradiated Prab. Uttarar. 
   • lustrated, consecrated Var. Kām.

⋙ nīrājya

   nī-ḍrājya mfn. clear, pure, limpid KāśīKh.


   nīrindu m. a species of plant L. (Trophis Aspera W.)


   nī-rī (), P. Ā. -riṇāti -rinṇīte, to loosen, separate from (abl.) RV. i, 161, 7 
   • to allure, seduce ib. i, 179, 4


   nī-ruc (), only pf. -rurucur, to drive away by shining RV. viii, 3, 20


   nī-rohá m. () shooting out, growing TS.


   nīl cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xv, 15) nīlati, to be dark, dye dark Bālar. (either Nom. fr. next or invented to explain it)

≫ nīla

   nī́la mf(ā or ī 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 42 Vārtt. Vām. v, 2, 48)n. of a dark colour, (esp.) dark-blue or dark-green or black RV. &c. &c 
   • dyed with indigo Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 Vārtt. 2 Pat. 
   • m. the sapphire L. (with maṇi R. iii, 58, 26) 
   • the Indian fig-tree (= vaṭa) L. 
   • = nīla-vṛkṣa L. 
   • a species of bird the blue or hill Maina L. 
   • an ox or bull of a dark colour L. 
   • one of the 9 Nidhis or divine treasures of Kubera L. 
   • N. of a man, g. tikâdi 
   • of the prince of Māhishmatī MBh. 
   • of a son of Yadu Hariv. 
   • of a son of Aja-mīḍha BhP. 
   • of a son of Bhuvana-rāja Rājat. 
   • of an historian of Kaśmīra ib. 
   • of sev. authors (also -bhaṭṭa) Cat. 
   • N. of Mañjuśrī L. 
   • of a Nāga MBh. Rājat. 
   • of one of the monkey-chiefs attending on Rāma (said to be a son of Agni) MBh. R. &c 
   • the mountain Nīla or the blue mountain (immediately north of Ilâvṛita or the central division 
   • cf. nīlâdri) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • (ā), f. the indigo plant (Indigofera Tinctoria) L. (cf. nīlī) 
   • a species of Boerhavia with blue blossoms L. 
   • black cumin L. 
   • a species of blue fly L. 
   • (du.) the two arteries in front of the neck L. 
   • a black and blue mark on the skin L. 
   • N. of a goddess W. 
   • (in music) of a Rāgiṇi (personified as wife of Mallāra) 
   • of a river MBh. (v. l. nālā) 
   • (ī), f. the indigo plant or dye Mn. Var. Suśr. &c. Blyxa Octandra. L. 
   • a species of blue fly L. 
   • a kind of disease L. 
   • N. of the wife of Aja-mīḍha
   MBh. Hariv. (v. l. nalinī and nīlinī) 
   • n. dark (the colour), darkness TS. KaushUp. 
   • any dark substance ŚBr. ChUp. 
   • = tālī-pattra and tālī7śa L. 
   • indigo Yājñ. iii. 38 
   • black salt L. 
   • blue vitriol L. 
   • antimony L. 
   • poison L. 
   • a partic. position in dancing L. 
   • a kind of metre Col.

⋙ nīlakaṇā

   ○kaṇā f. a species of cumin L.

⋙ nīlakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha mfn. blue-necked MBh. 
   • m. a peacock MBh. Kāv. Suśr. a species of gallinule or water-hen (= dātyūha) L. 
   • a wagtail L.  
   • a sparrow L. 
   • the blue-necked jay L. 
   • Ardea Sibirica L. 
   • a species of plant (= pīta-sāra) L. 
   • N. of Śiva (as having a black throat from swallowing the poison produced at the churning of the ocean) R. Hit. &c 
   • N. of the celebrated Sch. on MBh. and of other authors (also -dīkṣita, -nāga-nātha, -bhaṭṭa, -bhāratī, -miśra, -śarman, -śāstrin, -śivâcārya, -sūnu, -sūri, ○ṭhâcārya) Cat. 
   • (ī), f. a peahen R. v, 11, 23 
   • N. of sev. Comms. composed by a Nīla-kaṇṭha Cat. 
   • n. a radish L. 
   • N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -kośa m. -campū (or -vijaya-campū), f. -jātaka n. -tantra n. -dīkṣitīya n. -prakāśa m. -prakāśikā f. -bhāṣya n. -mālā f. -stava m. -stotra n. -sthāna-māhātmya n. N. of wks 
   • ○ṭhâkṣa n. the berry or seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L. 
   • ○ṭhīya n. ○ṭhôdāharaṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ nīlakanda

   ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nīlakapitthaka

   ○kapitthaka m. a kind of mango L.

⋙ nīlakamala

   ○kamala n. a blue water-lily L.

⋙ nīlakāca

   ○kāca mf(ā)n. made of blue crystal, Var Yogay

⋙ nīlakāyika

   ○kāyika m. pl. 'bluebodied' or 'dark-bodied', N. of a class of deities Lalit.

⋙ nīlakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa n. N. of a Tirtha MatsyaP.

⋙ nīlakuntalā

   ○kuntalā f. N. of a female friend of Durgā L.

⋙ nīlakuraṇṭaka

   ○kuraṇṭaka or m

⋙ nīlakuruṇṭaka

   ○kuruṇṭaka m

⋙ nīlakusumā

   ○kusumā f. (prob.) Barleria Caerulea L.

⋙ nīlakṛtsna

   ○kṛtsna n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kṛitsna Divyâv.

⋙ nīlakeśī

   ○keśī f. the indigo plant L.

⋙ nīlakrāntā

   ○krāntā f. Clitoria Ternatea L.

⋙ nīlakrauñca

   ○krauñca m. the blue heron L.

⋙ nīlagaṅgā

   ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river ŚivaP.

⋙ nīlagaṇeśa

   ○gaṇêśa m. the blue Gaṇêśa L.

⋙ nīlagandhika

   ○gandhika n. the blue ruby L.

⋙ nīlagarbha

   ○garbha m. or n. (prob.) a young Blyxa Octandra Hariv. (vḷ. nala-g○)

⋙ nīlagala

   ○gala m. 'bluenecked', N. of Siva (cf. -kaṇṭha) Hariv. 
   • -māla mfn. wearing a garland round (his) blue neck, Nilar Up.

⋙ nīlagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain Cat. 
   • -karṇikā f. a blue variety of Clitoria Ternatea L.

⋙ nīlagrīva

   ○grīva (nī́○), m. 'blue-necked', N. of Śiva VS. MBh. 
   • of a prince, Kaṭhârṇ

⋙ nīlaghora

   ○ghora m. = -pora L.

⋙ nīlacandra

   ○candra m. N. of a prince Cat.

⋙ nīlacarman

   ○carman m. Grewia Asiatica L.

⋙ nīlacolakavat

   ○colaka-vat mfn. wearing a blue jacket Viddh.

⋙ nīlacchada

   ○cchada m. 'dark-leaved', the date tree L. 
   • 'blue-winged', N. of Garuḍa L.

⋙ nīlacchavin

   ○cchavin m. or a kind of bird L.

⋙ nīlacchavī

   ○cchavī f. a kind of bird L.

⋙ nīlaja

   ○ja n. 'produced in the blue mountains', blue steel L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the river Vitastā Rājat.

⋙ nīlajhiṇṭī

   ○jhiṇṭī f. prob. Barleria Caerulea L.

⋙ nīlatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ nīlataru

   ○taru m. the cocoa-nut tree L.

⋙ nīlatā

   ○tā f. blueness, a dark colour Kām. Suśr.

⋙ nīlatārāsarasvatīstotra

   ○tārā-sarasvatī-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ nīlatāla

   ○tāla m. Xanthochymus Pictorius or Paludosa L.

⋙ nīlatoyada

   ○toyada m. a dark cloud TĀr.

⋙ nīladaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. 'carrying a black staff', (with Buddh.) N. of one of the 10 gods of anger Dharmas. 11

⋙ nīladūrvā

   ○dūrvā f. a species of Dūrvā or Dūrb grass Bhpr.

⋙ nīladruma

   ○druma m. a species of tree L. 
   • mfn. consisting of Indian fig-trees L.

⋙ nīladhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. Xanthochymus Pictorius L. 
   • N. of a prince of Māhishmatī JaimBr.

⋙ nīlanakha

   ○nakhá mfn. black-clawed (?) AV. xix, 22, 4

⋙ nīlanicolin

   ○nicolin mfn. wearing a black mantle Rājat.

⋙ nīlanirguṇḍī

   ○nirguṇḍī f. a species of blue Nirguṇḍī L.

⋙ nīlaniryāsaka

   ○niryāsaka m. a species of tree (= nīlâsana) L.

⋙ nīlanīraja

   ○nīraja n. the blue water-lily Kāv.

⋙ nīlapakṣman

   ○pakṣman mfn. having black eyelashes Bhartṛ.

⋙ nīlapaṅka

   ○paṅka m. n. darkness L. 
   • black mud W. 
   • -ja n. a blue water-lily L.

⋙ nīlapaṭa

   ○paṭa m. a dark garment Hit.

⋙ nīlapaṭala

   ○paṭala n. a dark film or membrane over the eye of a blind person Pañc. 
   • mfn. very dark or black W.

⋙ nīlapaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nīlapattra

   ○pattra m. 'dark-leaved', Scirpus Kysor L. 
   • the pomegranate tree L. 
   • Bauhinia Tomentosa L. = nīlâsana L. 
   • (ā), f. Premna Herbacea L. 
   • (ī), f. indigo L. 
   • n. = next L.

⋙ nīlapadma

   ○padma n. the blue water-lily L.

⋙ nīlaparṇa

   ○parṇa m. 'dark-leaved', Grewia Orientalis L.

⋙ nīlapācana

   ○pācana n. steeping or maceration of indigo W. 
   • -bhāṇḍa n. an indigo-vat ib.

⋙ nīlapiṅgala

   ○piṅgala mf(ā)n. dark-brown L.

⋙ nīlapiccha

   ○piccha m. 'blacktailed', a falcon L.

⋙ nīlapiṭa

   ○piṭa m. a collection of annals and royal edicts Buddh.

⋙ nīlapiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa n. a kind of steel L.

⋙ nīlapiṣṭauṇḍī

   ○piṣṭauṇḍī (!), f. a species of shrub L.

⋙ nīlapīta

   ○pīta mfn. dark-green (śādvala) R.

⋙ nīlapunarnavā

   ○punarnavā f. a species of Punar-navā with blue blossoms L.

⋙ nīlapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat.

⋙ nīlapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Pur.

⋙ nīlapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. 'blue-flowered', a species of Eclipta L. 
   • = nīlâmlāna L. 
   • (ā), f. Clitoria Ternatea L. 
   • (ī), f. id. L. 
   • Convolvulus Argenteus L. 
   • n. a kind of fragrant plant Bhpr.

⋙ nīlapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. the indigo plant L. 
   • Linum Usitatissimum L.

⋙ nīlapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha m. 'black-backed', N. of Agni RV. 
   • m. Cyprinus Denticulatus (a kind of fish) L.

⋙ nīlapora

   ○pora and m. a species of sugarcane L. (cf. -ghora).  

⋙ nīlapaura

   ○paura m. a species of sugarcane L. (cf. -ghora).  

⋙ nīlaphalā

   ○phalā f. the egg-plant L.

⋙ nīlabīja

   ○bīja m. a kind of Terminalia L.

⋙ nīlabuhnā

   ○buhnā f. Convolvulus Argenteus L.

⋙ nīlabha

   ○bha m. 'of bluish or dim appearance', the moon L. 
   • a cloud L. 
   • a bee L. (cf. nīlâbha)

⋙ nīlabhū

   ○bhū f. N. of a river Rājat.

⋙ nīlabhṛṅgarāja

   ○bhṛṅgarāja m. a species of Verbesina with blue blossoms L.

⋙ nīlamakṣā

   ○makṣā (cf. Kauś.),

⋙ nīlamakṣikā

   ○makṣikā (cf. Suśr.), f. a kind of blue fly or bee

⋙ nīlamaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a sapphire Dhūrtan.

⋙ nīlamata

   ○mata (or -purāṇa), n. N. of a Pur.

⋙ nīlamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of sapphires Hcat.

⋙ nīlamallikā

   ○mallikā f. Aegle Marmelos L.

⋙ nīlamahiṣa

   ○mahiṣa m. a buffalo of a dark colour TS. Comm.

⋙ nīlamādhava

   ○mādhava m. N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa L.

⋙ nīlamāṣa

   ○māṣa m. Dolichos Catjang L.

⋙ nīlamīlika

   ○mīlika m. a shining winged insect L.

⋙ nīlamṛttikā

   ○mṛttikā f. iron pyrites L.

⋙ nīlameha

   ○meha m. blue diabetes Car. 
   • ○hin mfn. voiding bluish urine ib. Suśr.

⋙ nīlayaṣṭikā

   ○yaṣṭikā f. a species of dark sugar-cane L.

⋙ nīlaratna


⋙ nīlaratnaka

   ○ratḍnaka n. the sapphire Gīt. L.

⋙ nīlarāji

   ○rāji f. dark line or mass, darkness Ṛitus.

⋙ nīlarudropaniṣad

   ○rudrôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.

⋙ nīlarūpaka

   ○rūpaka m. Thespesia Populneoides L.

⋙ nīlaloha

   ○loha n. blue steel L.

⋙ nīlalohita

   ○lohitá mfn. darkblue and red, purple, dark-red RV. &c. &c 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. Kāv. Pur. 
   • N. of a Kalpa ( s.v.) L. 
   • a mixture of blue and red, a purple colour W. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of vegetable L. 
   • N. of a goddess (the wife of Śiva) BrahmaP. 
   • ○tâkṣa m. 'having dark-red eyes', Śiva Śivag. 
   • ○tântevāsin m. Śivag's pupil, i.e. Paraśu-rāma Bālar.

⋙ nīlavajra

   ○vajra m. N. of a Gana of Śivag. Hariv.

⋙ nīlavat

   ○vat (nī́), mfn. blackish, dark RV. 
   • m. N. of a mountain Śatr.

⋙ nīlavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. blue-coloured, blue Hit. 
   • m. or n. a radish L. 
   • m. Grewia Asiatica L. 
   • (ā), f. the indigo plant L.

⋙ nīlavarṣābhū

   ○varṣābhū f. = -punarnavā

⋙ nīlavalil

   ○valil f. Vanda Roxburghī L.

⋙ nīlavasana

   ○vasana n. a blue garment Kathās. 
   • m. the planet Saturn L.

⋙ nīlavastra

   ○vastra n. = prec. n. GāruḍaP. 
   • m. N. of Balarāma L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.

⋙ nīlavānara

   ○vānara m. a species of blue monkey MW.

⋙ nīlavāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. dressed in dark-blue clothes BhP. 
   • m. the planet Saturn L.

⋙ nīlavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a species of tree L.

⋙ nīlavṛnta

   ○vṛnta m. or n. a fan L.

⋙ nīlavṛntaka

   ○vṛntaka m. a species of tree L.

⋙ nīlavṛṣa

   ○vṛṣa m. a dark-coloured bull Yājñ. 
   • (ā), f. Solanum Melongena L.

⋙ nīlavrata

   ○vrata n. a kind of religious ceremony MatsyaP.

⋙ nīlaśikhaṇḍa

   ○śikhaṇḍa (nī○), mfn. having black tufts or locks of hair (Rudra-Siva) AV.

⋙ nīlaśigru

   ○śigru m. Moringa Pterygosperma L.

⋙ nīlaśīrṣṇī

   ○śīrṣṇī (nī́○), f. 'black-headed', a kind of animal TS.

⋙ nīlaṣaṇḍa

   ○ṣaṇḍa m. a dark-coloured bull at liberty MBh.

⋙ nīlasaṃdhānabhāṇḍa

   ○saṃdhāna-bhāṇḍa n. a vat for the mixing i.e. preparing of indigo Hit.

⋙ nīlasaṃdhyā

   ○saṃdhyā f. = -giri-karṇikā L.

⋙ nīlasarasvatī

   ○sarasvatī f. N. of a goddess (= tārā) L. 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk 
   • -manu m. N. of an incantation or magic. formula Cat.

⋙ nīlasaroruha

   ○saroruha n. a blue water-lily 
   • ○hâkṣī f. a lotus-eyed or beautiful woman Vcar.

⋙ nīlasāra

   ○sāra m. a kind of tree (= nīlâsana or tinduka) L.

⋙ nīlasindhuka

   ○sindhuka m. Vitex Negundo L.

⋙ nīlaskandā

   ○skandā or f. the dark Go-karṇi L.

⋙ nīlaskandhā

   ○skandhā or f. the dark Go-karṇi L.

⋙ nīlaspandā

   ○spandā f. the dark Go-karṇi L.

⋙ nīlasvarūpa

   ○svarūpa n. a kind of metre Col.

⋙ nīlāṃśuka

   nīlâṃśuka n. a blue garment Kāv.

⋙ nīlākṣa

   nīlâkṣa m. 'blue-eyed', a goose L.

⋙ nīlāṅkitadala

   nīlâṅkita-dala (prob.) wṛ. for til○

⋙ nīlāṅga

   nīlâṅga mfn. 'dark-bodied' R. 
   • m. the Indian crane or Coracias Indica L. 
   • N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ nīlācala

   nīlâcala prob. wṛ. for līt○

⋙ nīlāñjana

   nīlâñjana n. black antimony R. 
   • an unguent made of antṭantimony and blue vitriol L. (v. r. ○lâśmaja) 
   • (ā), f. lightning 
   • (ī), f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ nīlāñjasā

   nīlâñjasā f. lightning (cf. prec.) L. 
   • N. of an Apsaras and a river L.

⋙ nīlāṇḍaja

   nīlâṇḍaja m. a kind of deer Hcar.

⋙ nīlāda

   nīlâda m. N. of a Yaksha Divyâv. (for ○lôda?)

⋙ nīlādri

   nīlâdri m. the mountain Nila 
   • -karṇikā or -parājitā f. a blue species of Clitoria Ternatea L. -mahêdaya m. -māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ nīlāpariṇaya

   nīlā-pariṇaya m. N. of a drama

⋙ nīlābja

   nīlâbja n. a blue waterlily L.

⋙ nīlābha

   nīlâbha mf(ā)n. bluish 
   • m. a cloud L. 
   • N. of a mountain Kālac. (cf. nīla-bha)

⋙ nīlābhra

   nīlâbhra m. a dark cloud W. 
   • -saṃvṛta mfn. obscured or concealed by dark clods MW.

⋙ nilāmbara

   nilâmbara m. 'dressed in a blue garment', a Rakshas L. 
   • the planet Saturn L. 
   • N. of Bala-rāma L. (cf. nīla-vasana and -vastra) 
   • N. of a poet and sev. other authors (also with ācārya, upâdhyāya, purohita and miśra) 
   • n. black or dark-blue raiment W. 
   • = tālī7śa-pattra L.

⋙ nīlāmbujanman

   nīlâmbujanman n. the blue water-lily L.

⋙ nilāmbhoja

   nilâmbhoja n. id. Subh.

⋙ nīlāmlāna

   nīlâmlāna m

⋙ nīlāmlī

   nīlâḍmlī f. N. of plants L.

⋙ nīlāyudha

   nīlâyudha m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (v. l. līl○)

⋙ nīlāruna

   nīlâruna m. 'the dark-red' or first dawn of day, L.  

⋙ nīlālikulasaṃkula

   nīlâli-kula-saṃkula m. 'full of swarms of blue bees', Rosa Glandulifera L.

⋙ nīlālu

   nīlâlu m. a species of bulbous plant L.

⋙ nīlāśoka

   nīlâśoka m. an Aśoka with blue blossoms R. Var.

⋙ nīlāśmaja

   nīlâśmaja nīlâñjana

⋙ nīlāśman

   nīlâśman m. 'blue-stone', a sapphire Śiś.

⋙ nīlāśva

   nīlâśva m. N. of a district Rājat.

⋙ nīlāsana

   nīlâsana m. a species of tree L. 
   • (○lâs○?) a kind of coitus L.

⋙ nīlāsura

   nīlâsura m. N. of an author L.

⋙ nīleśvara

   nīlêśvara n. N. of a town on the Malabar coast (?)

⋙ nīlotpala

   nīlôtpala n. a blue lotus, Nymphaea Cyanea MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -gandha m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. formed or consisting of blue lotuses MBh. R. &c 
   • ○lin m. n. of Mañju-śrī L. 
   • (ī), f. a pond with blue water-lilies L.

⋙ nīlotsargapaddhati

   nīlôtsarga-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ nīloda

   nīlôda m. 'containing blue water', N. of a sea or river Pāṇ. 6-3, 57 Sch.

⋙ nīlodvāha

   nīlôdvāha m. -paddhati f. -vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ nīlopakāśa

   nīlôpakāśa mfn. blackish-looking ĀpŚr.

⋙ nīlopala

   nīlôpala m. a blue stone, a sapphire Śiś.

≫ nīlaka

   nīlaka mfn. blue (esp. as N. of the third unknown quantity or of its square) Col. 
   • m. Terminalia Tomentosa L. 
   • a male bee Var. 
   • Antilope Picta L. 
   • a dark-coloured horse L. 
   • (ikā), f. Blyxa Octandra MBh. 
   • a partic. medicinal plant Suśr. 
   • the indigo plant L. 
   • Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L. 
   • Vitex Negundo L. 
   • a kind of malady (black and blue marks in the face) Suśr. 
   • a partic. disease of the lens of the eye (also ○likā-kāca, m.) Suśr. 
   • N. of a river MBh. 
   • n. blue steel L.

≫ nīlāya

   nīlāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati and ○te, to begin to become blue or dark-coloured Kād. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 13)

≫ nīlāśī

   nīlāśī f. (nīla +?) Vitex Negundo L.

≫ nīliṇī

   nīliṇī f. the indigo plant Suśr. (-phala n. ib.) 
   • a species of Convolvulus with blue blossoms, I 
   • N. of the wife of Aja-miḍha Hariv. (cf. nīlī, nalinī)

≫ nīliman

   nīliman m. blueness, blackness, darkness Kāv.

≫ nīlī

   nīlī f. of nīla, q.v

⋙ nīlībhāṇḍa

   ○bhāṇḍa n. an indigo vat Hit.

⋙ nīlīrasa

   ○rasa m. liquid indigo Pañc.

⋙ nīlīrāga

   ○rāga m. an affection as unchangeable as the colour of indigo Sāh. 
   • mfn. having the colour of indigo or constant in affection L.

⋙ nīlīroga

   ○roga m. (prob.) = nīlikā-kāca ( nīlaka) Suśr.

⋙ nīlīvarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. having the colour of iṭindigo Pañc. Hit. -śṛgāla-vat ind. like the blue jackal Hit.

⋙ nīlīvastra

   ○vastra n. a garment dyed with indigo Cat.

⋙ nīlīsaṃdhānabhāṇḍa

   ○saṃdhāna-bhāṇḍa n. = nīla-sṭsaṃdhāna-bh○


   nī́laṅgu m. (according to Uṇ. i, 37 nīlaṇgú fr. ni + √lag) a species of worm VS. 
   • a species of fly or bee L. 
   • a jackal L. 
   • = pra-sūta, or pra-sūna L.

≫ nīlāṅgu

   nīlāṅgu m. id. L.


   nīlāgalasā́lā f. AV. vi, 16, 4


   nīv cl. 1. P. nīvati, to become fat, Dhāt. xv, 58 (cf. √tīv, pīv, mīv)


   nīva m. a species of tree Gobh.


   nīvan m. N. of one of the 10 horses of the Moon L.


   nīvara m. (√nī? 
   • cf. Uṇ. iii.) a trader 
   • an inhabitant 
   • a beggar 
   • mud 
   • n. water L.


   nī-vāka nīvāha, nīvṛt &c. under 5. nī


   nīvā́ra m. (ifc. f. ā) wild rice (sg. the plant 
   • pl. the grains) VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (vḷ. ni-v○)

⋙ nīvāraprasṛtimpaca

   ○prasṛtim-paca or mfn. cooking only a handful of wild rice, extremely frugal in eating Bālar.

⋙ nīvāramuṣṭimpaca

   ○muṣṭim-paca mfn. cooking only a handful of wild rice, extremely frugal in eating Bālar.


   nīví or nīvii f. (prob. fr. ) a piece of cloth wrapped round the waist (esp. as worn by women 
   • but Vām:. i, 3, 5), a kind of skirt or petticoat VS. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • a band or cord for tying together folded Kuśa-grass in making offerings at the funeral rites of a Śūdra L. 
   • a hostage L. 
   • capital, principal stock Daś.

⋙ nīvibhārya

   nīvi-bhāryá mfn. to be worn in a skirt or apron AV.


   nīvra m. (ni + √vṛ?) = nīdhra (q.v.) L.


   nī-śāra nī-ṣah, nī-hāra &c. 5. nī, p. 565, col. 2

nu 1

   nú (in RV. also nū́ 
   • esp. at the beginning of a verse, where often = nú + u), ind. now, still, just, at once 
   • so now, now then RV. AV. Br. Up. 
   • indeed, certainly, surely RV. &c. &c 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 121 Sch. (often connected with other particles, esp. with negatives, e.g. nahí nú, 'by no means', nákir nú, no one or nothing at all', mā́ nú, 'in order that surely not'  
   • often also gha nu, ha nu, in nu, nu kam &c. [nū́ cit, either 'for ever, evermore 
   • at once, forthwith' or, never, never more 
   • so also nū alone RV. vii, 100, 1] 
   • with relat. = -cunque or -soever 
   • sometimes it lays stress upon a preceding word, esp. an interr. pronoun or particle, and is then often connected with khalu RV. &c. &c 
   • it is also employed in questions, esp. in sentences of two or more clauses  where nu is either always repeated  or omitted in the first place  or in the second place and further replaced by svid, yadi vā &c., and strengthened by vā, atha vā &c.) [Cf. 1. náva, nū́tana, nūnám ; Zd. nū 
   • Gk.  ? ; Lat. nun-c ; Germ. nu, nun ; AnglṢax. nu, nū ; Eng. now.]

nu 2

   nu m. a weapon L. 
   • time L.

nu 3

   nu cl. 1. Ā. navate (nauti with apa), to go Naigh. ii, 14: Caus. nāvayati, to move from the place, remove ṢaḍvBr.

nu 4

   nu or nū, cl. 2. 6. P. (Dhāt. xxiv, 26 ; xxviii, 104) nauti, nuvati, (pres. also návate, ○ti RV. &c 
   • p. P. nuvát, návat Ā. návamāna RV. 
   • pf. nunāva Kāv. 
   • aor. ánūnot, ánūṣi, ○ṣata, anaviṣṭa RV. 
   • anauṣit, anāvit, anuviit Gr 
   • fut. naviṣyati, nuv○ 
   • navitā, nuv○ ib. 
   • ind. p. -nutya, -nāvam Br. 
   • inf. lavitum, v. l. nuv○ Bhaṭṭ.), to sound, shout, exult 
   • praise, commend RV. &c. &c.: Pass. nūyate MBh. &c.: Caus. nāvayati aor. anūnavat Gr.: Desid. nunūṣati ib. 
   • Desid. of Caus. nunāvayiṣati ib.: Intens. nónaviiti, nonumas (impf. anonavur Subj. náviinot 
   • pf. nónāva, nonuvur RV. 
   • nonūyate, nonoti Gr.), to sound loudly, roar, thunder RV.

≫ nu 5

   nu m. praise, eulogium L.

≫ nuta

   nuta mfn. praised, commended Pur. Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ nutamitra

   ○mitra m. 'having praised friends', N. of a man Daś.

≫ nuti

   nuti f. praise, laudation 
   • worship, reverence Bhartṛ. Bālar. Naish.

≫ nūta

   nūta mfn. = nuta L.

nu 6

   nu Caus. nāvayati, to cause to be drawn into the nose Car. (cf. 3 nava)

nu 7

   nu (ifc.) = nau, a ship BhP.


   nuḍ cl. 6. P. nuḍati, to hurt-strike, kill, Dhāt. xxviii, 92 (cf. Vop.)


   nud cl. 6. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxviii, 2 ; 132) nudáti, ○te (pf. nunoda Kāv. 
   • nunudé, 3. pl. ○dre RV. &c 
   • aor. P. anautsīt Gr 
   • Ā. anutthās RV. 
   • nudiṣṭhās AV. 
   • Prec. -nudyāt Bhag. 
   • fut. -notsyati MBh. 
   • ○te Br. &c 
   • nottā Gr 
   • ind. p. -nudya ŚāṅkhGṛ. 
   • inf. -núde RV. 
   • -nudas Kāṭh. 
   • -nodam RV.), to push, thrust, impel, move, remove RV. &c. &c.: Caus. nodayati (Pass. nodyate), to push on, urge, incite Up. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Intens. nonudyate, to push or drive away repeatedly AitBr.

≫ nutta

   nuttá mfn. pushed or driven away AV. 
   • despatched, sent, ordered W. 
   • m. N. of a plant ib.

≫ nutti

   nutti f. driving away, removing, destroying BhP.

≫ nud 2

   nud or mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing Up. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. or with acc.)

⋙ nuda

   nuda mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing Up. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. or with acc.)

⋙ nudita

   nudita mfn. = nutta or nunna MBh.

≫ nunutsu

   nunutsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of impelling or inciting or removing Naish.

≫ nunna

   nunna mfn. = nutta MBh. R.

≫ nodita

   nodita mfn. (fr. Caus.) incited, impelled ib.


   nū́tana mf(ā)n. (fr. 1. nú, or nū́), belonging to 'now' or the present day, new, novel, recent, modern, young, fresh (opp. to pūrva, purāṇa &c.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (with vayas n. youth, juvenility Hcar.) 
   • new i.e. curious, strange Bālar. vii, 69 Hit. ii, 168/169

⋙ nūtanagajārohaprakāra

   ○gajâroha-prakāra m. N. of wk

⋙ nūtanatari

   ○tari f. N. of Comm. on the Rasa-taraṃgiṇi,

⋙ nūtanatā

   ○tā f

⋙ nūtanatva

   ○tva ī. newness, novelty W.

⋙ nūtanapratiṣṭhāprayoga

   ○pratiṣṭhā-prayoga m

⋙ nūtanamūrtipratiṣṭhā

   ○mūrti-pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wks

⋙ nūtanayauvana

   ○yauvana mfn. young, fresh Kathās.

⋙ nūtanaśrutigītāvyākhyā

   ○śruti-gītā-vyākhyā f. N. of wk

⋙ nūtanāśvāronaprayoga

   nūtanâśvârona-prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ nūtaneśvara

   nūtanêśvara m. a young king Ragh.

⋙ nūtaneṣṭiprayoga

   nūtanêṣṭi-prayoga m. N. of wk.  

≫ nūtanaya

   nūtanaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make new, renew BhP.

≫ nūtna

   nū́tna mf(ā)n. = nū́tana RV. BhP.

⋙ nūtnavayas

   ○vayas mfn. in the bloom of youth, in the spring of life BhP.

≫ nūnam

   nūnám ind. now, at present, just, immediately, at once 
   • for the future 
   • now then, therefore 
   • (esp. in later lang.) certainly, assuredly, indeed (also in questions, e.g. kadā n○, when indeed? kva n○, where indeed?) RV. &c. &c

⋙ nūnabhāva

   nūna-bhāva m. (for ○nam-bh○) probability 
   • (āt), ind. probably MBh. iii, 59


   nūda m. a kind of mulberry tree L. (prob. wṛ. for tūda)


   nūpura m. n. (ifc. f. ā) an ornament for the toes or ankles or feet, an anklet MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of a descendant of Ikshvāku L.

⋙ nūpuravat

   ○vat mfn. adorned with anklets or foot-ornaments Amar.

⋙ nūpurottamā

   nūpurôttamā f. N. of a Kiṃ-nari Kāraṇḍ.

≫ nūpurin

   nūpurin mfn. = nūpura-vat Priy.


   nṛ́ m. (acc. náram dat. náre gen. abl. náras, loc. nári 
   • du. nárā, nárau 
   • pl. nom. voc. náras acc. nṛṛ́n [may also stand for other cases 
   • for the final, n before p cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 10], instr. nṛ́bhis, or nṛbhís 
   • dat. abl' nṛ́bhya or nṛbhyás loc. nṛ́ṣu or nṛṣú ) a man, hero (used also of gods), person 
   • mankind, people (mostly pl.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (in gram.) a masculine word (nom. nā) L. 
   • the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial Col. 
   • a piece at chess W.  nero, st. nero1n, Lat. ṇero.]

⋙ nṛkalevara

   ○kalevara m. a human body, dead body Kathās.

⋙ nṛkalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of a man (cf. nārkalpi)

⋙ nṛkāra

   ○kāra manly deed, heroism Subh.

⋙ nṛkukkura

   ○kukkura m. 'mandog', a dog of a man Rājat.

⋙ nṛkuladevā

   ○kula-devā f. N. of a woman Bhadrab.

⋙ nṛkesari

   ○kesari (cf. NṛisUp.) and m. 'man-lion', Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra (written also -keś○)

⋙ nṛkesarin

   ○kesaḍrin (cf. Cat.), m. 'man-lion', Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra (written also -keś○)

⋙ nṛga

   ○ga m. N. of an ancient king MBh. 
   • of a grandson of Ogha-vat ib. 
   • of a son of Uśīnara by Nṛi-gā (ancesor of the Yaudheyas) Hariv. 
   • of a son of Manu VP. 
   • of the father of Su-mati BhP. 
   • of a king (the patron of the philosopher Vācaspati-miśra) 
   • (○gasya sāma n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.) 
   • (ā), f. N. of the wife of Uśinara and mother of Nṛi-ga Hariv. 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat. 
   • -nṛpati-pāṣāṇa-yajña-yūpa-praśasti f. -mokṣa-prakaraṇa n. -śāpa m. -śvabhra-praveśa m. ○gâkhyāna and ○gôpākhyāna n. N. of wks. and chs. of wks

⋙ nṛcakṣas

   ○cákṣas mfn. beholding or watching men (said of gods) RV. AV. VS. TS. 
   • looking after men i.e. leading or guiding them (as a Ṛishi) RV. iii. 53, 9 ; 10 
   • m. waiting for men', a Rākshasa Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Vārtt. 10 Pat.

⋙ nṛcakṣus

   ○cakṣus mfn. seeing with human eyes Hariv. 
   • m. N. of a prince (a grandson or son of Su-nitha) Pur.

⋙ nṛcandra

   ○candra m. 'man-moon', N. of a prince (a son of Ranti-nāra) Pur.

⋙ nṛjala

   ○jala m. 'man-water', human urine L.

⋙ nṛjit

   ○jít mfn. conquering men RV. ii, 21, 1 
   • m. N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ nṛjyāya

   ○jyāyá m. the conquering of men MaitrS.

⋙ nṛtama

   ○tama (nṛ́-), mf(ā)n. most manly or strong RV. vi, 19. 10

⋙ nṛtā

   ○tā f. manhood Śiś.

⋙ nṛdurga

   ○durga mfn. protected by men 
   • n. a place 0 protected Mn. vii, 70

⋙ nṛdeva

   ○deva m. 'man-god', a king MBh. R. 
   • (ī), f. a princess, queen BhP.

⋙ nṛdharman

   ○dharman m. 'acting as a man', N. of Kubera L.

⋙ nṛdhūta

   ○dhūta (nṛ-), mfn. shaken about or stirred by men (as the Soma) RV.

⋙ nṛnamana

   ○namana mfn. bending men, g. kṣubhnâdi 
   • m. N. of a man (cf. nār-namani)

⋙ nṛpa

   ○pa p. 568. col. 2

⋙ nṛpañcānana

   ○pañcânana and m. = -kesarin Sarvad.

⋙ nṛpañcasya

   ○pañḍcásya m. = -kesarin Sarvad.

⋙ nṛpati

   ○páti m. 'lord of men', king, prince, sovereign RV. (where also with nṛṇām) &c. &c 
   • N. of Kubera L. 
   • -kanyakā f. a princess Kathās. 
   • -dvāra n. 'king's door', the entrance of a palace VarYogay. 
   • -nīti-garbhita-vṛtta n. N. of a modern wk 
   • -patha m. 'king's road', chief street Daś.

⋙ nṛpatnī

   ○pátnī f. a king's wife, queen RV.

⋙ nṛpaśu

   ○paśu m. 'man-beast', a brute of a man Veṇis. 
   • a man serving as a sacrificial victim BhP.

⋙ nṛpāṇa

   ○pā́ṇa mfn. giving drink to men RV.

⋙ nṛpātṛ

   ○pātṛ́ m. protector of men ib.

⋙ nṛpāyya

   ○pā́yya mfn. (√3. pā) men-protecting 
   • n. a large edifice, hall ib.

⋙ nṛpāla

   ○pāla m. 'men-protector, a king Bhartṛ. BhP.

⋙ nṛpīti

   ○pīti (nṛ́-), f. protection of men RV.

⋙ nṛpeśas

   ○péśas mfn. formed by or consisting of men RV. īī, 4, 5

⋙ nṛprajā

   ○prajā f. pl. the children of men Pañc.

⋙ nṛbandhu

   ○bandhu m. N. of a prince VP.

⋙ nṛbāhu

   ○bāhú m. a man's arm RV.

⋙ nṛbhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. = -páti Var.

⋙ nṛbhṛta

   ○bhṛta m. N. of a prince VP.  

⋙ nṛmaṇas

   ○máṇas mfn. mindful of or kind to men RV. 
   • ○ṇasya Nom. Ā. ○syate, to be kind to men ib.

⋙ nṛmaṇi

   ○maṇi m. N. of a demon said to seize on children PārGṛ.

⋙ nṛmat

   ○mat mfn. abounding in men 
   • m. N. of a man L.

⋙ nṛmana

   ○mana g. kṣubhnâdi (v. l. for -namana)

⋙ nṛmara

   ○mara mfn. men-killing L. (cf. nārmara)

⋙ nṛmāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. the flesh of men 
   • ○sâśana n. eating of it Kathās.

⋙ nṛmādana

   ○mā́dana mfn. gladdening men RV.

⋙ nṛmithuna

   ○mithuna n. 'a pair of men', the sign of the zodiac Gemini (cf. -yugma)

⋙ nṛmegha

   ○megha m. a man compared to a cloud yielding rain MārkP.

⋙ nṛmedha

   ○medha m. man-sacrifice (cf. -yajña) 
   • (-médha or -medhas) m. N. of a man (author of RV. viii, 87 ; 88) RV. SV.Anukr

⋙ nṛyajña

   ○yajña m. sacrifice or homage to be offered to men, hospitality (one of the 5Mahā-yajñas RTL.411 Mn. MārkP.

⋙ nṛyugma

   ○yugma n

⋙ nṛyuj

   ○yuj (cf. VarBṛS. i, 11), the sign of the zodiac Gemini

⋙ nṛloka

   ○loka m. the world of men, the earth MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -pāla m. earth-protector BhP. 1

⋙ nṛvat

   ○vát ind. like men, strongly, richly, abundantly RV. 2

⋙ nṛvat

   ○vát mfn. having men, belonging to or fit for or consisting of men &c. RV. 
   • -sakhi (nṛvát-), mfn. (a sacrifice) having many associates who take part in it ib.

⋙ nṛvara

   ○vara m. best or chief of men, sovereign, king Mudr.

⋙ nṛvarāha

   ○varāha m. man-boar (Vishṇu in his 3rd Avatāra) AgP.

⋙ nṛvāhaṇa

   ○vā́haṇa or mfn. conveying men RV.

⋙ nṛvāhas

   ○vā́has mfn. conveying men RV.

⋙ nṛvāhya

   ○vāhya n. a palankeen Hcat.

⋙ nṛveṣṭana

   ○veṣṭana m. 'encircled with (the bones of) men', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ nṛśaṃsa

   ○śaṃsa (nṛ́-), m. N. of a god RV. ix, 81, 5 (cf. narā-s○ under nara) 
   • mf(ā)n. injuring men, mischievous, noxious, cruel, base RV. &c. &c 
   • -kārin or -kṛt mfn. acting cruelly, mischievous MBh. 
   • -tā f. mischievousness, baseness Kathās. Rājat. 
   • -vat mfn. malicious, vile MBh. 
   • -varṇa or -vādin mfn. using low speech ib. 
   • -vṛtta mfn. practising mischief. W. 
   • ○sita n. = ○satā BhP. 
   • ○sya mf(ā)n. malicious, mischievous, vile MBh. 
   • n. = ○sita ib.

⋙ nṛśastra

   ○śastrá mfn. praised by men TBr. (Comm.)

⋙ nṛśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. 'man's horn' (as an example, of what cannot exist), an impossibility Kap.

⋙ nṛṣāc

   ○ṣ�ā́c mfn. favouring or befriending men RV.

⋙ nṛṣaḍgu

   ○ṣaḍgu m. N. of a Ṛishi R. (vḷ. ruśaṅgu)

⋙ nṛṣad

   ○ṣád mfn. sitting or dwelling among men RV. VS. AitBr. 
   • m. N. of the father of Kaṇva RV. 
   • (prob. f.) = buddhi BhP.

⋙ nṛṣadana

   ○ṣádana n. assemblage or residence of men RV.

⋙ nṛṣadman

   ○ṣádman (cf. SV.),

⋙ nṛṣadvan

   ○ṣádvan (cf. RV.),

⋙ nṛṣadvara

   ○ṣadvara (cf. AitBr 
   • but cf. ni-ṣadvará under ni-ṣad), mfn. sitting or dwelling among men

⋙ nṛṣāh

   ○ṣ�ā́h mfn. overcoming men RV.

⋙ nṛṣāhya

   ○ṣ�ā́hya mfn. overpowering men ib. 
   • n. the overpowering of men ib.

⋙ nṛṣā

   ○ṣā́ mfn. (√san) procuring men ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 67)

⋙ nṛṣāti

   ○ṣā́ti f. the capturing or procuring of men ib.

⋙ nṛṣūta

   ○ṣūta (nṛ́-), mfn. impelled or incited by men ib.

⋙ nṛsiṃha

   ○siṃha m. 'manlion', a great or illustrious man MBh. R. 
   • (also -ka) Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra (cf. nara-s○) ib. &c 
   • a prayer to Vishṇu as man-lṭlion AgP. (-tva n.) 
   • a kind of coitus L. 
   • N. of sev. authors (also -cakravartin, -ṭhakkura, -deva, -daivajña, -pañcânana, -pañcânanabhaṭṭâcārya, -purī-parivrāj, -bhaṭṭâcārya, -mūrty-ācārya, vājapeyin, -śāstrin, -sarasvatī, -sūri, ○hâcārya, ○hâcārya-śiṣya, ○hânanda, ○hâraṇya-muni and ○hâśrama) Cat. 
   • -karaṇa n. -kalpa and -kavaca m. -gaṇita n. N. of wks 
   • -gāyatrī f. N. of a metre 
   • -catucdaśī f. the 14th day in the light half of the month Vaiśākha (a festival) Col. 
   • -campū f. -carita n. -jayantī f. -jayantī-kalpa m. -tāpanī and -tāpanīyâpaniṣad f. N. of wks 
   • -dvādaśī f. the 12th day in the light half of the month Phālguna W. 
   • -pañcaratnamālā f. -pañjara n. -paṭala n. -paddhati, f. -para m. or n. -paricaryā f. -paricaryā-pratiṣṭhā-kalpa m. -purāṇa n. pūjapaddhati f. -pūrva-tāpanīya n. -prakāśikā f. -prasāda m. -prādur-bhāva m. -bīja-stotra n. -bhaṭṭīya n. -mantra, m. -mantra-paddhati, f 
   • -mantra-rāja-puraścaraṇa-vidhi m. -mahataścaritra n. -mahiman m. -māla-mantra m. māhātmya n. -rṣabha-kṣetra-māhātmya (for ṛṣ○), n. -vajra-pañjara n. N. of wks 
   • -vana n. N. of a district in the north-west of Madhya-deśa Var. 
   • -sarvasva n. -sahasra-nāman n. -sahasra-nāmastotra n. -stava-rāja m. -stuti f. -stotra n. ○hâdi-sāman n. pl., ○hârādhana n. ○hâṣṭaka n. ○hâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman, n. ○hīya n. ○hôttara-tāpanīya n. ○hâdaya m. N. of wks

⋙ nṛsena

   ○sena n

⋙ nṛseni

   ○seni f. an army of men L.

⋙ nṛsoma

   ○soma m. 'man-moon', a great or illustrious man Ragh.  

⋙ nṛhan

   ○hán mfn. (dat. -ghné) killing men RV.

⋙ nṛhari

   ○hari m. 'man-lion', Vishṇu in his 4th Avatāra Rājat. BhP. 
   • N. of sev. authors Cat.

⋙ nṝnḥpraṇetra

   nṛṛ́n8ḥ-praṇetra mfn. leading men TBr.

⋙ nradhīśa

   nr-adhī7śa m. 'lord of men', prince, king Vāgbh.

⋙ nrasthimālin

   nr-asthi-mālin mfn. wearing a garland of human bones, m. N. of Śiva L.

⋙ nrārthi

   nrārthi Pāṇ. 7-3, 3 Sch.

≫ nṛpa

   nṛ-pa m. (√3. pā) protector of men, prince, king, sovereign ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (in music) a kind of measure 
   • N. of the numeral 16 Gaṇit.

⋙ nṛpakanda

   ○kanda m. a species of onion L.

⋙ nṛpakārya

   ○kārya n. the affairs or business of a king Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ nṛpakriyā

   ○kriyā f. 'king's business', government 
   • ○yāṃ-√kṛ, Caus. to reign Hariv.

⋙ nṛpagṛha

   ○gṛha n. 'king's house', a palace Var. Rājat.

⋙ nṛpacihna

   ○cihna n. 'king's house', a place Var. Rājat.

⋙ nṛpacihna

   ○cihna n. 'king's sign', a white umbrella Gal.

⋙ nṛpajana

   ○jana m. 'royal people', princes, kings, Ratnâv.

⋙ nṛpaṃjaya

   ○ṃ-jaya m. N. of 2 princes, a son of Su-viira Hariv. 
   • a son of Medhāvin BhP.

⋙ nṛpatāla

   ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure

⋙ nṛpatva

   ○tva n. royalty, dominion Hariv. 
   • -tvaṃ-√kṛ, to reign Var.

⋙ nṛpadīpa

   ○dīpa m. a king compared to a lamp Pañc.

⋙ nṛpadruma

   ○druma m. 'king's tree', Cathartocarpus Fistula or Mimusops Hexandra L.

⋙ nṛpadviṣ

   ○dviṣ mfn. king-hating MW.

⋙ nṛpanīti

   ○nīti f. royal policy, kṭking-craft ib.

⋙ nṛpapalāṇḍu

   ○palāṇḍu m. = -kanda L.

⋙ nṛpapriya

   ○priya m. (only L.) 'dear to kings', a kind of parrot 
   • Bambusa Spinosa 
   • a species of Saccharum Sara 
   • rice 
   • a species of onion 
   • the mango tree 
   • (ā), f. Pandanus Odoratissimus 
   • a species of date tree 
   • -phalā f. Solanum Melongena L.

⋙ nṛpabadara

   ○badara m. a species of jujube 
   • n. its fruit L.

⋙ nṛpabhūṣaṇī

   ○bhūṣaṇī f. N. of wk

⋙ nṛpamandira

   ○mandira n. = -gṛha Rājat.

⋙ nṛpamāṅgalyaka

   ○māṅgalyaka n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.

⋙ nṛpamāna

   ○māna wṛ. for nṛpâbhīra

⋙ nṛpamāṣa

   ○māṣa m. Dolichos Catjang L.

⋙ nṛpayoga

   ○yoga m. N. of partic. constellations VarYogay.

⋙ nṛpalakṣman

   ○lakṣman n. = -cihna L.

⋙ nṛpaliṅga

   ○liṅga n. an emblem or mark of royalty 
   • -dhara mfn. assuming the insignia of royalty BhP.

⋙ nṛpavallabha

   ○vallabha m. 'dear to a king', a kind of mango L. 
   • (ā), f. a king's wife, a queen L. 
   • a species of flower L.

⋙ nṛpavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. N. of a tree (= rāja-v○) Suśr.

⋙ nṛpaveśman

   ○veśman n. a royal court, law-court VarYogay.

⋙ nṛpaśāsana

   ○śāsana n. a royal edict MW.

⋙ nṛpaśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. a kind of jujube L.

⋙ nṛpasaṃśraya

   ○saṃśraya m. service of princes W.

⋙ nṛpasabha

   ○sabha n. an assembly of princes or a royal palace L.

⋙ nṛpasuta

   ○suta m. a king's son, prince L. 
   • (ā), f. a king's daughter L. 
   • the musk-rat, Var,

⋙ nṛpasnuṣā

   ○snuṣā f. the daughter-in-law of a king MW.

⋙ nṛpāṃśa

   nṛpâṃśa m. a king's share (1/7, 1/8 &c. of grain, fruit &c.), royal revenue L.

⋙ nṛpākṛṣṭa

   nṛpâkṛṣṭa n. a partic. favourable position of the pieces in the game Catur-aṅga L.

⋙ nṛpāṅgaṇa

   nṛpâṅgaṇa or n. a royal court Bhartṛ. Kpr.

⋙ na

   ḍna n. a royal court Bhartṛ. Kpr. 
   • (○nā), f. a princess, queen Daś.

⋙ nṛpātmaja

   nṛpâtmaja mfn. of royal birth 
   • m. a king's son, a prince R. 
   • a species of mango L. 
   • (ā), f. a princess Naish. 
   • a bitter gourd L.

⋙ nṛpādhvara

   nṛpâdhvara m. a sort of sacrifice (= rājasūya) L.

⋙ nṛpānucara

   nṛpânucara m. a king's attendant, a minister Var.

⋙ nṛpānna

   nṛpânna n. a sort of rice L.

⋙ nṛpānyatva

   nṛpânyatva n. change of government Var.

⋙ nṛpābhīra

   nṛpâbhīra n. music played at a king's meals L. (vḷ. nṛpa-māna)

⋙ nṛpāmaya

   nṛpâmaya m. 'king's disease', consumption L.

⋙ nṛpāryaman

   nṛpâryaman m. a sun among princes Rājat.

⋙ nṛpālaya

   nṛpâlaya m. a king's residence, a palace R.

⋙ nṛpāvarta

   nṛpâvarta m. a kind of gem (= rājâvarta) L.

⋙ nṛpāsana

   nṛpâsana n. royal seat, a throne MBh. &c

⋙ nṛpāspada

   nṛpâspada n. 'a king's place', a palace Rājat.

⋙ nṛpāhvaya

   nṛpâhvaya m. a species of onion L.

⋙ nṛpecchā

   nṛpêcchā f. the royal pleasure MW.

⋙ nṛpeṣṭa

   nṛpêṣṭa m. a kind of onion L. (cf. nṛpa-priya)

⋙ nṛpocita

   nṛpôcita m. 'suited to a king, kingly', Dolichos Catjang (= rāja-māṣa) L.

≫ nṛmṇa

   nṛmṇá n. manhood (virtus), power, strength, courage RV. VS. AV. Kāṭh. TĀr. 
   • = dhana Naigh. ii, 10 
   • mfn. = sukha-kara BhP. Comm. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river (v. l. nṛmaṇā) ib. (B.)

⋙ nṛmṇavardhana

   ○várdhana mfn. enhancing courage RV.

⋙ nṛmṇāyi

   nṛmṇāyi a sacrificial exclamation TĀr.

nṛt 1

   nṛt cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 9) nṛ́tyati (ep. also ○te 
   • pf. nanarta, nanṛtur MBh. 
   • aor. anartiṣur RV. 
   • -nṛtur  
   • p. nṛtámāna  ib. v, 33, 6 
   • fut. nartiṣyati MBh. &c 
   • nartsyati and nartitā Gr 
   • inf. nartitum and narttum MBh. &c 
   • ind. p. nartitvā ib., -nartam Br.), to dance RV. &c.&c 
   • to act on the stage, represent (acc.) Hariv. &c 
   • to dance about (acc.) R.: Caus. nartáyati, ○te, to cause to dance RV. &c. &c.: Desid. ninṛtsati and ninartiṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 57: Intens.  Var. Kāv.  
   • narīnṛtyate, ○ti Kāv. 
   • narnartti, narnṛtīti,  Gr., to dance about or cause to dance about (cf. naṭ)

≫ narta


⋙ nartaka

   narḍtaka &c. s.v

≫ nṛt 2

   nṛ́t f. dancing, gesticulation AV.

≫ nṛti

   nṛtí f. id. RV. 
   • grand or solemn appearance, show ib.

≫ nṛtu

   nṛtú mfn. dancing, gesticulating, lively, active (said of Indra, the Aśvins, and the Maruts) RV. 
   • (ū́), m. (nom. ū́s) a dancer, an actor RV. &c. &c 
   • a worm L. 
   • the earth L. 
   • mfn. long L.

≫ nṛtta

   nṛttá n. dancing, acting, gesticulation AV. ŚBr. &c. &c

⋙ nṛttajña

   ○jña mfn. knowing to dance Var.

⋙ nṛttaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ nṛttamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in dance Kathās.

≫ nṛtya

   nṛtya n. dancing, acting, gesticulation, pantomime MBh. Var. Kāv. &c

⋙ nṛtyagīta

   ○gīta n. du. dancing, and singing KaṭhUp. 
   • -vādya n. pl. dancing, singing, and instrumental music MW.

⋙ nṛtyapriya

   ○priya m. 'fond of dancing', a peacock L. 
   • N. of Śiva RTL. 84 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.

⋙ nṛtyavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ nṛtyaśālā

   ○śālā f. a dancing-room L.

⋙ nṛtyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the science or art of dṭdancing Hcat.

⋙ nṛtyasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of wk

⋙ nṛtyasthāna

   ○sthāna n. a place for dṭdancing

⋙ nṛtyahasta

   ○hasta m. the position of the hands in dancing Cat.

⋙ nṛtyādhyāya

   nṛtyâdhyāya m. N. of wk

⋙ nṛtyekṣaṇa

   nṛtyêkṣaṇa n. looking at a dance or pantomime L.


   nṛpīṭa n. water Naigh. i, 12 (v. l. for kṛpīṭa)


   nṛmaṇā f. N. of a river BhP. (vḷ. for nṛmṇā)


   nṝ cl. 9. P. nṛṇāti, to lead Dhātup. xxxi, 25


   nṝṃ8ḥ-praṇetra nṛ


   nekṣaṇa n. (√nikṣ) a sharp stick or spear, a fork or similar cooking implement AV. Kauś. (cf. nīkṣaṇa and mekṣaṇa)


   nega m. pl. N. of a school of the Sāmaveda (cf. naigeya)


   nejaka m. (√nij) a washerman Mn. Yājñ.

≫ nejana

   nejana n. washing, cleansing MBh. 
   • washing. place ib.


   nejameṣa m. N. of a demon inimical to children GṛS. (cf. naigameṣa)


   netavya mfn. (√nī) to be led or guided &c 
   • to be led away 
   • to be led towards or to or into (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be applied Śaṃk. 
   • to be examined ib.

≫ netī

   netī f. the drawing of a thread through the nose and mouth (as a kind of penance) Cat.

≫ netṛ

   nétṛ mfn. leading, guiding, one who leads or will lead RV. x, 26, 5 
   • m. bringer, offerer (with acc 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69) MBh. 
   • (netṛ́), m. leader, guide, conductor (with gen. or ifc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (with daṇḍasya) 'rod-applier', inflicter of punishment Mn. vii, 25 (cf. daṇḍa-n○) 
   • the leader or chief of an army Var. 
   • N. of Vishṇu RTL.106, n 
   • the hero of a drama (= nāyaka) Daśar. Sāh. 
   • a master, owner W. 
   • the numeral 2 MW. (cf. netra) 
   • Azadirachta Indica L. 
   • (netrī́), f. a female leader (with gen. or ifc.) RV. TS. MBh. &c 
   • a river L. 
   • a vein L. 
   • N. of Lakshmi L.

⋙ netṛtva

   ○tva n. the office or business of a leader BhP.

⋙ netṛmat

   ○mat mfn. containing the word, netṛ AitBr.

≫ netra

   netra m. a leader, guide (with gen. R. B. iii, 66, 10 
   • mostly ifc., e.g. tvaṃ-netra, 'having you for guide' MBh. ii, 2486  
   • cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 Vārtt. 2, 3 Pat.) AitUp. MBh. BhP. 
   • N. of a son of Dharma and father of Kuntī BhP. 
   • of a son of Su-mati MatsyaP. 
   • (○trá), n. (and m. Siddh.) leading, guiding, conducting AV. x, 10, 22 
   • (itc f. ā), the eye (as the guiding organ, also -ka, HCat 
   • cf. nayana) 
   • the numeral 2 Sūryas. (cf. netṛ) 
   • the string by which a churning-stick is whirled round MBh. 
   • a pipe-tube Car. 
   • an injection pipe Suśr. 
   • the √of a tree Kād. 
   • a kind of cloth Hcar. 
   • a veil R. Ragh. 
   • a carriage L. 
   • a river L.

⋙ netrakanīnikā

   ○kanīnikā f. the pupil of the eye L.

⋙ netrakārmaṇa

   ○kārmaṇa n. a spell for the eyes Vcar.

⋙ netrakośa

   ○kośa m. the eyeball or the bud of a flower R. (also written -koṣa)

⋙ netragocara

   ○gocara mfn. within the range of the eyes, visible BhP.

⋙ netracapala

   ○capala mfn. restless with the eyes Mn. iv, 177

⋙ netracchada

   ○cchada m. the eyelid L.

⋙ netraja

   ○ja mfn. 'eye-born' (with or sc. vāri), n. a tear R. W.  

⋙ netrajala

   ○jala n. = prec. n 
   • -srava m. a flood of tears R.

⋙ netratā

   ○tā f. the state of being an eye 
   • -tāṃ√yā, to become an eye Amar.

⋙ netratribhāgabrahmayaśasvin

   ○tribhāga-brahmayaśasvin m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ netraniṃsin

   ○niṃsin mfn. (sleep) kissing or touching the eye Daś.

⋙ netrapattra

   ○pattra n. the eye-brows Svapnac.

⋙ netraparyanta

   ○paryanta m. the outer corner of the eye L.

⋙ netrapāka

   ○pāka m. inflammation of the eye Suśr.

⋙ netrapiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. the eyeball L. 
   • a cat L.

⋙ netrapuṣkarā

   ○puṣkarā f. a species of creeper L.

⋙ netrapeya

   ○peya mfn. to be drunk in or enjoyed by the eyes Vāsav

⋙ netrapraṇayin

   ○praṇayin mfn. desirous of a person's eye, i.e. coming before the eye of. face to face with (gen.) Vcar.

⋙ netraprabandha

   ○prabandha m. = (and v. l. for) nayanapr○, q.v

⋙ netrabandha

   ○bandha m. 'eye-binding', hood-winking 
   • playing at hide-and-seek BhP.

⋙ netrabhava

   ○bhava m

⋙ netramala

   ○mala n. excretion of the eye Gal.

⋙ netramanaḥsvabhāva

   ○manaḥsvabhāva m. pl. eyes, mind, and soul MW.

⋙ netramīlā

   ○mīlā f. Autographis Paniculata L.

⋙ netramuṣ

   ○muṣ mfn. stealing or captivating the eye MBh.

⋙ netrayoni

   ○yoni m. N. of Indra (whose body, after his adultery with Ahalyā, was covered with marks which resembled the female organ and then were made to resemble eyes 
   • cf. sahasrâkṣa) L. 
   • the moon (as produced from the eye of Atri) L.

⋙ netrarañjana

   ○rañjana n. 'eyecolouring', collyrium L.

⋙ netraruj

   ○ruj f. eye-disease L.

⋙ netraroga

   ○roga m. id. Suśr. 
   • mfn. afflicted with eye-dṭdisease, (tā f.) Var. 
   • -cikitsā f. healing eye-dṭdisease, N. of wk 
   • -han m. 'destroying eye-dṭdisease', Tragia Involucrata L.

⋙ netraroman

   ○roman n. the eyelash L.

⋙ netravasti

   ○vasti m. an injection-pipe with a receptacle attached to it Suśr.

⋙ netravastra

   ○vastra n. a veil over the eye KāśīKh.

⋙ netravār

   ○vār or n. eye-water, tears Kāv.

⋙ netravāri

   ○vāri n. eye-water, tears Kāv.

⋙ netraviṣ

   ○viṣ f. excretion of the eye Suśr.

⋙ netraviṣa

   ○viṣa mfn. having poison in the eyes MBh.

⋙ netrasaṃvejana

   ○saṃvejana n. fixing an injection-pipe Suśr.

⋙ netrastambha

   ○stambha m. rigidity of the eyes ib.

⋙ netrahārin

   ○hārin mfn. = -muṣ L.

⋙ netrahita

   ○hita mfn. good or wholesome for the eye Bhpr.

⋙ netrāñjana

   netrâñjana n. eye ointment, collyrium, Śriṅgār 
   • N. of wk

⋙ netrātithi

   netrâtithi mfn. one who has become visible (lit. an eye guest) Dhūrtan.

⋙ netrānta

   netrânta m. -"ṣtra-paryanta MW.

⋙ netrābhiṣyanda

   netrâbhiṣyanda m. running of the eṭeye Suśr.

⋙ netrāmaya

   netrâmaya m. ophthalmia ib.

⋙ netrāmbu

   netrâmbu (cf. L.),

⋙ netrāmbhas

   netrâḍmbhas (cf. Rājat.), n. = ○tra-vāri

⋙ netrāri

   netrâri m. 'eye-foe', Euphorbia Antiquorum L.

⋙ netrotsava

   netrôtsava m. 'eye-feast', any beautiful object Dhūrtas.

⋙ netroddyota

   netrôddyota m

⋙ netropaniṣad

   netrôpaniṣad f. N. of wks

⋙ netropama

   netrôpama n. the almond fruit (resembling the eye) 
   • -phala m. the almond tree Bhpr.

⋙ netropādhyāya

   netrôpâdhyāya m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ netrauṣadha

   netrâuṣadha (ī), f. Odina Pinnata L.

≫ netrika

   netrika n. a clyster-pipe 
   • a ladle L.

≫ netrya

   netrya mfn. good or wholesome for the eyes Bhpr.

ned 1

   nêd (fr. ná + id), not, not indeed (= nâiva Sāy.) RV. viii, 5, 39 AV. &c 
   • in order that not, lest (with Subj., Pot. or Impv 
   • the verb accented, cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 30) RV. AV. VS. Br. 

ned 2

   ned cl. 1. P. nedati, to go, flow (cf. ati-ned and Naigh. ii, 14), to censure, blame Dhātup. xxi, 8 (cf. √1. nid and nind) 
   • to be near ib. (prob. an artificial meaning to explain nediṣṭha &c.)

≫ nedaya

   nedaya (fr. neda, next), Nom. P. ○yati, to bring near Bhaṭṭ.

≫ nediṣṭha

   nédiṣṭha mf(ā)n. (superl. of neda substituted for antika Pāṇ. 5-3, 63) the nearest, next, very near RV. &c. &c. (am ind. next, in the first place ib. 
   • āt, ind. from the neighbourhood AitBr. Kāṭh.) 
   • āt ind. from the neighbourhood AitBr. Kāṭh.) 
   • = nipuṇa L. 
   • m. Alangium Hexapetalum L. 
   • N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP.

⋙ nediṣṭhatama

   ○tama (n4d○), mfn. the nearest of all RV. 
   • (ām), ind. ŚBr.

≫ nediṣṭhin

   nediṣṭhin mfn. very near, very nearly related TāṇḍBr. ŚrS.

≫ nedīyas

   nédīyas mfn. (compar. of neda 
   • cf. nediṣṭha and Pāṇ. 5-3, 63) nearer, very near RV. AitBr. 
   • (as), ind. near, hither RV. AV. Br.

⋙ nedīyastā

   nédīḍyastā f. nearness, neighbourhood ŚāṅkhBr.

⋙ nedīyomaraṇa

   nédīḍyo-maraṇa mfn. whose death is near or imminent Rājat. iv, 31


   nenya mfn. (Intens. of √nī) taking or obtaining frequently (?) W.


   nepa m. (√nī?) the family priest Uṇ. iii, 23 Sch. 
   • n. water L.


   nepathya n. (and m. L.) an ornament, decoration, costume (esp. of an actor), attire (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c. (○thyaṃ-√kṛ, or grah or rac or vi-dhā, 'to make the toilet')  
   • n. (in dram.) the place behind the stage (separated by the curtain from the raṅga), the postscenium, the tiring-room 
   • (e), ind. behind the scenes ( esp. MW. Śak. p. 3, n. 2)

⋙ nepathyagṛha

   ○gṛha n. a toilet room Mālav.

⋙ nepathyagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. making the tṭtoilet Ragh.

⋙ nepathyaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. the art of tṭtoilet-making (one of the 64 Kalās) Cat.

⋙ nepathyabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. wearing a costume ib.

⋙ nepathyavidhāna

   ○vidhāna n. = -grahaṇa Ragh. Śak.

⋙ nepathyasamprayoga

   ○samprayoga m. = -prayoga Cat.

⋙ nepathyasavana

   ○savana n. a ceremony performed in full toilet Mālav. (B. nepathya-s○)

⋙ nepathyābhimukham

   nepathyâbhimukham ind. towards the tiring-room Śak., Introd


   nepāla m. N. of a country and (pl.) of a people, Nepal or the Nepalese Var. Rājat. &c 
   • a species of sugar-cane L. 
   • (ī), f. red arsenic L. 
   • the wild date-tree or its fruit L. 
   • n. copper L.

⋙ nepālajā

   ○jā or f. red arsenic Suśr.

⋙ nepālajātā

   ○jātā f. red arsenic Suśr.

⋙ nepālanimba

   ○nimba m. a kind of tree L.

⋙ nepālapāla

   ○pāla (cf. Cat.),

⋙ nepālapālaka

   ○pālaka (cf. Rājat.), m. a king of Nepal

⋙ nepālamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ nepālamūlaka

   ○mūlaka n. a radish Bhpr.

⋙ nepālaviṣaya

   ○viṣaya m. the country of Nepal Rājat.

≫ nepālaka

   nepālaka n. copper L. 
   • (ikā), f. red arsenic L.


   néma mfn. (fr.   
   • loc. nêmasmin nom. pl. néme and ○mās, cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 33) one, several 
   • néma-néma, the one-the other RV. (unaccented, vi, 16, 18) 
   • (ibc.) half (cf. Nir. iii, 20) 
   • m. N. of a Ṛishi with the patr. Bhārgava (author of RV. viii, 89) 
   • (only L.) portion 
   • time 
   • limit 
   • boundary 
   • the foundation of a wall (cf. nemí) 
   • a hole 
   • upper part, above 
   • deceit 
   • acting, dancing 
   • evening 
   • a √ 
   • food, rice ; n. a partic. high number Buddh. 

⋙ nemacandra

   ○candra m. 'half-moon', N. of a prince L.

⋙ nemadhita

   ○dhita (○má-) Pāṇ. 7-4, 45 
   • cf. Sāy. on RV. i, 72, 4 (the only form ○tā is prob. loc. of next)

⋙ nemadhiti

   ○dhiti (○má-), f. separation, conflict 
   • (tā), ind. apart, aside RV.

⋙ nemanātha

   ○nātha (or nitya-n○), m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nemapiṣṭa

   ○piṣṭa (nêma-), mfn. half ground (-tā f.) MaitrS.

⋙ nemaśāha

   ○śāha m. N. of an author (cf. nemi-ś○)

⋙ nemaspṛṣṭa

   ○spṛṣṭa mfn. half touched Śiksh.

⋙ nemāditya

   nêmâditya m. N. of Trivikrama-bhaṭṭa's father Cat.


   nemann-íṣ mfn. (prob. loc. neman  and √3. iṣ) following guidance, striving after, seeking to reach or overtake (sc. Indra, said of praises) RV. i, 56, 2 (cf. Sāy. praisers, moving reverentially or bearing oblations')


   nemí f. (√nam) the felly of a wheel (also ○mī L.), any circumference or edge or rim (ifc. 'encircled' or 'surrounded by') RV. &c. &c 
   • a windlass or framework for the rope of a well (also ○mī) L. 
   • a thunderbolt L. 
   • the foundation of a wall Gal. (cf. nêma) 
   • m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis L. 
   • N. of a Daitya BhP. 
   • of a Cakra-vartin Buddh. (cf. nimi) 
   • of 22nd Arhat of present Ut-sarpiṇi L.

⋙ nemighoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. the noise of (the felly of) a wheel, the din of a carriage Mṛicch.

⋙ nemicakra

   ○cakra m. a prince descended from Parī-kshit (said to have removed the capital of India to Kauśāmbi after the inundation of Hāstina-pura) BhP.

⋙ nemicaritra

   ○caritra n. N. of wk

⋙ nemidhvani

   ○dhvani m. = -ghoṣa Veṇis.

⋙ neminātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a man W.

⋙ nemininada

   ○ninada m. = -ghoṣa MBh.

⋙ nemiṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara m. (with Buddh.) N. of one of the mountains Dharmas. 125

⋙ nemipurāṇa

   ○purāṇa and n. N. of wks

⋙ nemirājarṣicaritra

   ○rājarṣi-caritra n. N. of wks

⋙ nemivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Acacia Catechu L.

⋙ nemivṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. following the track of a person's wheels, entirely conforming to (gen.) Ragh.

⋙ nemiśabda

   ○śabda m. = -ghoṣa Mṛicch.

⋙ nemiśāha

   ○śāha m. N. of an author (cf. nâma-ś○)

⋙ nemisvana

   ○svana m. = -ghoṣa MBh.

≫ nemita

   nemita m. N. of a prince Buddh.

≫ nemin

   nemin m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis L. 
   • N. of the 22nd Arhat of present Ut-sarpiṇi L. (cf. nemí, m.)


   neya mfn. (√nī) to be led or guided or managed or governed 
   • to be led away or to be led to (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be brought into any state or condition (e.g. śāntim, kṣība-tām) Megh. Kathās. 
   • to be moved (śāra) Pāṇ. 5-2, 9 
   • to be applied or inflicted (daṇḍa) Kām. 
   • to be spent or passed (kāla) Rājat. Pañc. 
   • to be guessed ( ncyârtha below)

⋙ neyadhī

   ○dhī mfn. of manageable or tractable character Rājat.

⋙ neyapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a prince Buddh.

⋙ neyartha

   neyártha or mfn. (a word or sentence) having a sense that can only be guessed Vām. ii, 1, 13

⋙ neyarthaka

   neyárḍthaka mfn. (a word or sentence) having a sense that can only be guessed Vām. ii, 1, 13 
   • -tā f. -tva n. Sāh.  


   neraṇi-vādârtha m. N. of a gramm. treatise by Nāgêśa


   neri m. or f. a kind of dance (mus.)


   neruṅgala m. N. of a prince Col.


   nerella m. N. of a race Cat.


   nela nelu, and nevalla m. a partic. number Buddh.


   neṣ cl. 1. Ā. neṣate, to go, move Dhātup. xvi, 16 (neṣatu, neṣṭāt Pāṇ. 3-2, 135 Vārtt. 4 Pat.)


   néṣa (√nī), only in superl. instr. pl. néṣa-tamais, ind. with the best guides or guidance RV. i, 145, 12

≫ neṣaṇi

   neṣáṇi loc. inf. of √nī

≫ neṣṭā

   neṣṭā = ○ṭṛ in comp

⋙ neṣṭāpotārau

   ○potārau m. du. the Neshṭṛi ( next) and the Potṛi

⋙ neṣṭodgātārau

   neṣṭôdgātārau m. du. the Neshṭṛi and the Udgātṛi Pāṇ. 6-3, 25 Kāś.

≫ neṣṭṛ

   néṣṭṛ m. (prob. fr. √nī aor. stem neṣ 
   • but cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 135 Vārtt. 2 &c.) one of the chief officiating priests at a Soma sacrifice, he who leads forward the wife of the sacrificer and prepares the Surā (Tvashṭṛi so called RV. i, 15, 3) RV. Br. ŚrS. &c

⋙ neṣṭṛtvaprayoga

   ○tva-prayoga or m. N. of wks

⋙ neṣṭṛprayoga

   ○prayoga m. N. of wks

≫ neṣṭra

   neṣṭrá n. the Soma vessel of the Neshṭṛi RV. (cf. Nir. viii, 3) 
   • the office of the Neshṭṛi KātyŚr.

≫ neṣṭrīya

   neṣṭrīya mf(ā)n. belonging to the Neshṭṛi, relating to him AitBr.


   neṣṭu m. a lump of earth or clay, a clod MBh. xiii, 1541 Nīlak. (perhaps wṛ. for loṣṭu, loṣṭa)


   nai Vṛiddhi form of ni in comp

⋙ naikaṭika

   ○kaṭika mfn. near, neighbouring Hcar. Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 73)

⋙ naikatya

   ○katya n. nearness, neighbourhood Kathās.

⋙ naikaṣī

   ○kaṣī f. N. of Rāvaṇa's mother AgP. (cf. ni-kaṣa)

⋙ naikaṣeya

   ○kaṣeya m. a Rākshasa (v. l. ○seya)

⋙ naikṛtika

   ○kṛtika (cf. Mn. MBh. &c.),

⋙ naikṛtin

   ○kṛtin (cf. Var.), mfn. dishonest, fallacious, low, vile

⋙ naikhānya

   ○khānya mfn. liable to be buried ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ naigama

   ○gama mf(i)n. relating to the Veda or Vedic words or quotations (a N. given to the collection of 278 separate words occurring in the Nigama or Veda and commented on by Yāska 
   • they are arranged in one chapter of three sections), Vedic Nir. BhP. 
   • m. an interpreter of the sacred writings Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 Pat. 
   • an Upanishad L. 
   • = dṛti L. 
   • a way, means, expedient MBh. xii, 3685 
   • prudent conduct L. 
   • a citizen, townsman SaddhP. 
   • a trader, merchant Yājñ. MBh. R. &c 
   • N. of an ancient teacher Cat. 
   • -kāṇḍa m. or n. N. of the three chapters of the Nirukta where the Nigamas or Vedic words are explained by Yāska 
   • ○mâbhidhāna n. N. of wk 
   • -gamika mfn. relating to the Veda, Vedic Kār. on Pāṇ. 7-1, 1 
   • -gameya m. s.v

⋙ naiguta

   ○gutá m. destroyer of enemies (or of Nigut) RV.

⋙ naighaṇṭuka

   ○ghaṇṭuka mfn. mentioned by the way or incidentally Nir. 
   • m. author of a glossary ĀpŚr. Sch. 
   • n. N. of the 3 chapters or collections of Vedic words commented upon by Yāska 
   • ○kâikâdhyāya m. N. of a glossary by Bāhlikeya-miśra

⋙ naicitya

   ○citya m. a prince of the Nicitas Pāṇ. 4-1, 172 Sch.

⋙ naija

   ○ja mfn. own, one's own Hariv. BhP.

⋙ naitala

   ○tala mfn. (fr. ni-tala) 
   • -sadman n. Mcar. v, 18

⋙ naituṇḍi

   ○tuṇḍi m. patr. fr. ni-tuṇḍa Pravar.

⋙ naitośa

   ○tośá mfn. (fr. ni-tośa, √tuś) munificent, liberal RV. x, 106, 6

⋙ naidāgha

   ○dāgha (naí-), mf(i)n. relating to the hot season, summer-like, scorching Megh. (also ○ghika BhP., and ○ghīya TāṇḍBr.) 
   • m. the hot season AV. TBr. ŚBr. (○ghá) &c

⋙ naidāna

   ○dāna m. an etymologist Nir. 
   • a pathologist Śiś. Sch.

⋙ naideśika

   ○deśika m. 'executing orders', a servant BhP.

⋙ naidra

   ○dra mf(i)n. (fr. ni-drā f.) sleepy, somniferous W. 
   • closed (like the petals of a lotus) Śiś. vi, 43

⋙ naidhana

   ○dhana mfn. (fr. 2. ni-dhana) subject to death, perishable, deadly, funereal, final Hariv. R. &c 
   • (in astrol. with or sc. gṛha) the 8th house, the house of death Var.

⋙ naidhāna

   ○dhāna mf(i)n. (a boundary) indicated by putting down various objects Nār. (cf. g. saṃkalâdi)

⋙ naidhānya

   ○dhānya n. g. brāhmaṇâdi Kāś.

⋙ naidheya

   ○dheya (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 122 Sch.),

⋙ naidhruva

   ○dhruva (also pl. Pravar.),

⋙ naidhruvi

   ○dhruvi (naí- ŚBr.), patr. fr. ni-dhi and -dhruva

⋙ naipātika

   ○pātika mfn. only mentioned incidentally or by the way Bṛih.  

⋙ naipātya

   ○pātya n. g. brāhmaṇâdi

⋙ naipuṇa

   ○puṇa mfn. = nipuṇa (ifc.) Jātakam. 
   • n. = next

⋙ naipuṇya

   ○puṇya (cf. g. brāhmaṇâdi), n. dexterity, experience in (gen. or comp.), skill or anything which requires skill 
   • completeness, totality (ena ind. totally, exactly) Mn. MBh. R. &c

⋙ naibaddhaka

   ○baddhaka mfn. g. varāhâdi

⋙ naibiḍya

   ○biḍya n. closeness, compactness, continuity Rājat. 
   • (in music) a partic. quality (prob. fulness) of a blown sound

⋙ naibhṛtya

   ○bhṛtya n. stillness, silentness MBh.

⋙ naimagnaka

   ○magnaka mfn. g. varāhâdi

⋙ naimantraṇaka

   ○mantraṇaka n. a banquet, feast L.

⋙ naimaya

   ○maya m. a trader, merchant Śiś. Sch.

⋙ naimiśa

   ○miśa (cf. BhP.),

⋙ naimiśīya

   ○miḍśīya (cf. TāṇḍBr.) = ○miṣa, ○ṣīya

⋙ naimiśri

   ○miśri m. patron. fr. ni-miśri g. taulvaly-ādi

⋙ naimiṣa

   ○miṣa mf(ī)n. momentary, transient W. 
   • n. N. of a forest and a sacred Tirtha (where Sauti related the MBh., and so called because in it an army of Asuras was destroyed in a twinkling) MBh. i, 1026 Hariv. &c 
   • m. pl. the inhabitants of the Naimisha wood MBh. 
   • -kānana n. the Naimisha wood ib. 
   • -kuñja n. N. of a Tīrtha ib. 
   • -nṛpa m. a king of Naimisha Var. 
   • ○ṣâyana mfn. living in Naimisha BhP. (○ṣāyaṇa?) 
   • ○ṣāraṇya n. the Naimisha wood MW. 
   • ○ṣi m. g. taulvaly-ādi 
   • ○ṣīya mfn. relating to or being in Naimisha MBh. BhP. 
   • m.pl. the inhabitants of Naimisha ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • ○ṣeya mfn. = prec. mfn. MBh. 
   • ○ṣya, m.pl.= ○ṣīya, m.pl. Kāṭh.

⋙ naimeya

   ○meya m. = ni-maya, barter, exchange L.

⋙ naiyatya

   ○yatya n. the being settled or established, Sāṇḍ. Comm. 
   • necessity, obligation Rājat. 
   • self-command L.

⋙ naiyamika

   ○yamika mfn. settled, enjoined, prescribed Āpast. (wṛ. naiyy○)

⋙ nailīnaka

   ○līnaka mfn. (fr. ni-lina) Pāṇ. 4-2, 110 Kāś.

⋙ naivātāyana

   ○vātāyana mfn. (fr. nivāta), g. pakṣâdi

⋙ naivāsika

   ○vāsika mfn. dwelling L. 
   • (suffix) indicating a dwelling-place or abode Pat. (cf. g. guḍâdi) 
   • (ā), f. deity dwelling (in a tree) Divyâv.

⋙ naivida

   ○vida mf(ī)n. containing a Nivid, Kaush Ār

⋙ naivedya

   ○vedya n. an offering of eatables presented to a deity or idol BhP. (cf RTL.144, 415) 
   • -prakaraṇa n. -prasāda-māhātmya n. -vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ naiveśa

   ○veśa mfn. g. saṃkalâdi

⋙ naiveśika

   ○veśika n. any vessel or implement belonging to the furniture of a house Yājñ. 
   • a present to a Brāhman house holder, a girl so given or ornaments with her, &c. W.

⋙ naiśitya

   ○śitya n. sharpness Śiś. Sch.

⋙ naiśreyasa

   ○śreyasa wṛ. for naiḥ-śr○

⋙ naiśvāsa

   ○śvāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ naiṣadyika

   ○ṣadyika m. (with Buddh.) N. of one of the 12 Dhūta-guṇas or ascetic practices Dharmas. 63

⋙ naiṣāda

   ○ṣāda mf(ī)n. belonging to the Nishādas BhP. 
   • m. a Naimisha VS. ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • a hunter or bird-catcher Jātakam. 
   • pl. the Naimisha people MBh. 
   • ○daka n. g. kulālâdi 
   • ○da-karṣuka mfn. Pāṇ. 4-2, 119, daki (iv, 1, 97 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) and ○dāyana (g. haritâdi), m. patr. fr. ni-ṣāda ○di f. a prince of Naimisha MBh.

⋙ naiṣedhikī

   ○ṣedhikī f. the obtruding one's self upon a person's notice (to prevent his surprise) HPariś.

⋙ naiṣṭhika

   ○ṣṭhika (or naiḥ- 
   • 2. ni-ṣṭhā), mf(i)n. forming the end, final, last MBh. Hariv. Ragh. 
   • definitive, fixed, firm MBh. R. Yājñ. 
   • highest, perfect, complete
   MBh. Kāv. Pur. (-sundara mfn. perfectly beautiful Kum. v, 62) 
   • completely versed in or familiar with (comp.) Var. 
   • belonging to the character or office of a perpetual student W. 
   • m. a perpetual religious student or Brāhman who observes the vow of chastity Rājat. BhP.

⋙ naiṣṭhurya

   ○ṣṭhurya n. harshness, severity MBh. Kāv. Hit.

⋙ naiṣṭhya

   ○ṣṭhya n. (cf. -ṣṭhika) constancy, adherence to rule, firm belief MW.

⋙ naiṣṇihya

   ○ṣṇihya n. (fr. ni-ṣṇih = niḥ-sṇih?) getting rid of, freeing one's self from (abl.) ĀśvŚr.

⋙ naisarga

   ○sarga mfn. innate, natural BhP.

⋙ naisargika

   ○sargika mfn. id. Mālatīm. 
   • wṛ. for naiḥ-s○, q.v 
   • -daśaka n. N. of wk

⋙ naisarpa

   ○sarpa m. (fr. unused ni-s○) N. of one of the 9 treasures (with Jainas)

⋙ naisnehya

   ○snehya and wṛ. for naiḥsn○ and -svya

⋙ naisvya

   ○svya wṛ. for naiḥsn○ and -svya


   naiḥ Vṛiddhi form of niḥ (for nis) in comp

⋙ naiḥśreyasa

   ○śreyasa mf(i)n. leading to happiness or future beatitude Mn. (○sika, xii, 88) MBh. 
   • n. N. of a wood in the world of Vishṇu BhP.

⋙ naiḥsaṅgya

   ○saṅgya n. absence of attachment, indifference Jātakam.

⋙ naiḥsargika

   ○sargika mfn. cast off, put off Divyâv. 
   • N. of partic. transgressions punished with the confiscation of something belonging to the transgressor Buddh.

⋙ naiḥsnehya

   ○snehya n. absence of love or affection Mn. ix, 15

⋙ naiḥspṛhya

   ○spṛhya n. absence of longing for anything Kāv.

⋙ naiḥsvabhāvya

   ○svabhāvya n. (fr. niḥ-svabhāva) L.

⋙ naiḥsvya

   ○svya n. (fr. nih-sva) absence of property, destitution, poverty Var.

≫ nair

   nair Vṛiddhi form of nir (for nis) in comp

⋙ nairañjanā

   ○añjanā f. N. of a river (Nilajan) falling into the Ganges in Magadha (Behar) Lalit.

⋙ nairantarya

   ○antarya n. uninterruptedness, close succession, continuousness, compactness Daś. Yogas. (○yeṇa ind. uninterruptedly, continually Śaṃk. Pañc.)  
   • immediate consequence Sarvad.

⋙ nairapekṣa

   ○apêkṣa mfn. = (prob. wṛ. for) nir-ap○ BhP. Sch. 
   • n. wṛ. for next

⋙ nairapekṣya

   ○apêkṣya n. disregard, indifference Kap. Kull. 
   • complete independence Nyāyam.

⋙ nairayika

   ○ayika mfn. hellish, an inhabitant of hell L.

⋙ nairarthya

   ○arthya n. meaninglessness, nonsense MārkP.

⋙ nairākāṅkṣya

   ○ākāṅkṣya n. absence of need of supplying a word or sentence Śaṃk.

⋙ nairātma

   ○ātma n. wṛ. for next

⋙ nairātmya

   ○ātmya n. (fr. nir-ātman) Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. cxvi)

⋙ nairāśya

   ○āśya n. hopelessness, non-expectancy, despair at (prati or comp.) MBh. R. &c

⋙ nairāsya

   ○āsya m. N. of a magi. cal formula pronounced over weapons R.

⋙ nairukta

   ○ukta mfn. based on etymology, explained etymologically MBh. 
   • relating to the Nirukta (q.v.), explaining it, g. ṛgayanâdi 
   • m. (also -uktika g. ukthâdi) a knower of the derivation of words, an etymologist Nir. Mn.

⋙ nairūhika

   ○ūhika mfn. (fr. 1. nir-ūha) purging, cleaning out Suśr.

⋙ nairṛta

   ○ṛtá mf(ī́)n. belonging or consecrated to Nirṛiti (q.v.) AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • south-western Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • belonging to the Rākshasas MBh. ( m.) 
   • relating to the lunar mansion Nairṛita (Mūla) Cat. 
   • m. a child of Nirṛiti, a Rākshasa or demon MBh. R. &c. (-kanyā f. a Rākshasa girl R. 
   • -rāja m. the Rākshasa-king ib.) 
   • N. of one of the Loka-pālas (the ruler of the south-west quarter L. 
   • cf. Dharmas. 8) 
   • of a Rudra Hariv. (C. nir-ṛti) 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. 
   • (ī), f. (with or sc. diś) the south-west quarter Mn. MBh. Var. 
   • N. of Durgā Deviim. 
   • n. the lunar mansion Mūla Var.

⋙ nairṛti

   ○ṛti m. N. of a demon MBh. 
   • a Rākshasa L.

⋙ nairṛteya

   ○ṛteya mf(ā)n. descended from or belonging to Nirṛiti Suśr.

⋙ nairṛtya

   ○ṛtya mfn. belonging or consecrated to Nirṛiti Kauś. Yājñ. 
   • south-western Cat.

⋙ nairgandhya

   ○gandhya n. absence of smell, inodorousness, Mallin. on Kum. iii, 28

⋙ nairguṇya

   ○guṇya n. absence of qualities or properties MBh. BhP. 
   • want of good qualities or excellencies MBh. Pañc. 
   • mfn. having no connection with qualities BhP.

⋙ nairgranthya

   ○granthya n. (fr. nir-grantha) Bhadrab.

⋙ nairghṛṇya

   ○ghṛṇya n. pitilessness, cruelty Mālav. Kathās.

⋙ nairjara

   ○jara mf(ī)n. divine KāśīKh.

⋙ nairjhara

   ○jhara mfn. belonging to a waterfall, to be found there Bālar.

⋙ nairdaśya

   ○daśya n. getting over the first ten days (said of a new-born child), surmounting any dangerous time or bad influence TāṇḍBr.

⋙ nairdeśika

   ○deśika mf(ī)n. (fr. nir-deśa) Pat.

⋙ nairdhanya

   ○dhanya n. want of property, poverty Kathās.

⋙ nairbādhya

   ○bādhyá mfn. = nir-b○ AV.

⋙ nairmalya

   ○malya n. stainlessness (lit. and fig.), purity MBh. Śatr.

⋙ nairmāṇika

   ○māṇika mfn. miraculous Divyâv.

⋙ nairyāṇika

   ○yāṇika mf(ī)n. treating of the manner of dying (N. of ch. of VarBṛS.) 
   • conducive to emancipation Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. 100) 
   • -tā f. L.

⋙ nairlajjya

   ○lajjya n. shamelessness, impudence Suśr.

⋙ nairvāṇika

   ○vāṇika mf(i)n. relating to Nirvāṇa, where Nirvāṇa takes place &c. Kāraṇḍ. 
   • ○mārgâvataraṇa n. entering the path of Nirvāṇa (one of the 4 vaiśāradyani or subjects of confidence of a Buddha) Dharmas. 77

⋙ nairvāhika

   ○vāhika mfn. conducting or leading out, carrying (water &c.) out 
   • (with dvāra), n. a sluice Var.

⋙ nairvedhika

   ○vedhika mfn. piercing, penetrating 
   • -prajña mfn. having a penetrating mind, sagacious L.

⋙ nairhasta

   ○hastá mfn. (a weapon) intended for handless demons AV.

≫ naiś

   naiś Vṛiddhi form of niś (for nis) in comp

⋙ naiścalya

   ○calya n. fixedness, immovableness MW.

⋙ naiścitya

   ○citya ri. determination, certainty W. 
   • a fixed ceremony or festival (as a birth, investiture, marriage &c.) ib.

⋙ naiścintya

   ○cintya n. freedom from anxiety, absence of care Bhartṛ.

≫ naiṣ

   naiṣ Vṛiddhi form of niṣ (for nis) in comp

⋙ naiṣkarmya

   ○karmya n. inactivity, abstinence or exemption from acts and their consequences MBh. BhP. 
   • mf(ā)n. relating to it BhP. 
   • -siddhi, f. N. of wk., a refutation of the Mimāṃsā system

⋙ naiṣkāmya

   ○kāmya n. suppression of desire, profound contemplation MWB. 128

⋙ naiṣkiṃcanya

   ○kiṃcanya n. absence of property, poverty Rājat.

⋙ naiṣkṛtika

   ○kṛtika wṛ. for nai-kṛ○

⋙ naiṣkramaṇa

   ○kramaṇa mfn. (oblation) offered or (rite) performed when a new-born child is taken out of the house for the first time, g. vyuṣṭâdi

⋙ naiṣkramya

   ○kramya n. indifference (esp. to worldly pleasures), resignation Jātakam. (wṛ. for naiṣ-karmya or -kāmya?) MWB.

⋙ naiṣpurīṣya

   ○purīṣya n. evacuation of excrement Āpast.

⋙ naiṣpuruṣya

   ○puruṣya n. Pāṇ. 8-3, 41 Vārtt. I Pat.

⋙ naiṣpremya

   ○premya mfn. g. saṃtāpâdi 
   • -tva n. L.

⋙ naiṣpremya

   ○premya n. absence of any inclination Car.

⋙ naiṣphalya

   ○phalya n. absence of fruit or effect, uselessness MBh.

≫ nais

   nais Vṛiddhi form of nis in comp

⋙ naistriṃśika

   ○triṃśika mfn. armed with a sword L.  


   nâika &c. p. 523, col. 3


   naikata mfn. (fr. naikatī f. N. of a village in the north of India) Pāṇ. 4-2, 110, g. palady-ādi


   naigameya m. a form of Skanda (considered also as his son and play-fellow) MBh. Suśr. (cf. next)


   naigameṣa m. N. of a demon with the head of a ram (supposed to seize or injure children) AV. (cf. prec. and nejameṣa)


   naigeya m. (fr. nega) N. of a school of the Sāma-veda, Āryav


   naicakya m. patr. fr. nicaka Pat.


   naicāśākhá m. prob. N. of Pramagandha (patr. fr. nīcā-ś○?) RV. iii, 53, 14 
   • n. N. of a town Sāy.


   naicika n. the head of an ox L. 
   • (ī), f. an excellent cow L. (cf. nīcaka, ○kin)


   naicudāra mfn. made of the tree Nicudāra TāṇḍBr.


   naicula mfn. coming from the Nicula tree (Barringtonia Acutangula) Suśr.


   naijameṣa mfn. consecrated to Nejamesha MānGṛ.


   naitandhava m. sg. and pl. N. of a place on the Sarasvati TāṇḍBr. ŚrS.


   naitya mfn. (fr. nitya) continually done or to be done, regularly repeated, g. vyuṣṭâdi 
   • n. eternity, perpetuity W.

⋙ naityaśabdika

   ○śabdika mfn. Pāṇ. 4-4, 1 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

≫ naityaka

   naityaka mfn. to be always or regularly done (not occasionally 
   • cf. naimittika), constantly repeated, invariable, obligatory Mn. MBh. &c 
   • n. the food regularly offered to an idol MBh.

≫ naityika

   naityika mfn. = ○tyaka mfn. Mn. MBh.


   naināra and ○rācārya m. N. of an author Cat.


   naipa mf(ī)n. (fr. nīpa) coming from the Nauclea Cadamba L.

⋙ naipātitha

   naipātitha m. (fr. nipâtithi) N. of Sāmans TāṇḍBr. ĀrshBr.

⋙ naipya

   naipya n. patr. fr. nīpa Pat.


   naipathya-savana v. l. for nep○, q.v


   naipāla mf(i)n. produced &c. an Nepal 
   • m. a species of sugar-cane Suśr. 
   • a species of Nimba tree L. 
   • (ī), f. red arsenic Madanav. Suśr. 
   • N. of sev. plants (Arabian jasmine, Jasminum Sambac, Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis, and the indigo plant) L.

≫ naipālika

   naipālika mfn. = prec. mfn 
   • n. copper L.

≫ naipālīya

   naipālīya mfn. = prec. mfn

⋙ naipālīyadevatā

   ○devatā f. a partic. deity 
   • -kalyāṇa-pañcaviṃśatikā f. N. of a Buddh. wk


   naibuka n. N. of partic. rites to be performed at full moon Kālanirṇ.


   naimitta mfn. (fr. ni-mitta) relating to or explanatory of signs, g. ṛgayanâdi 
   • m. an interpreter of prognostics, fortune-teller L. (also ○ttaka Divyâv.)

≫ naimittika

   naimittika mf(ī)n. produced by any or by some partic. cause, occasional, special, accidental (opp. to nitya) KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. (-tva n. Kap. Sch.) 
   • m. = prec. m. g. ukthâdi Divyâv. 
   • n. an effect ( nimitta-n○) 
   • = next W.

⋙ naimittikakarman

   ○karman n

⋙ naimittikakriyā

   ○kriyā f. an occasional or periodical ceremony or rite (as observed on the birth of a child &c.) ib.

⋙ naimittikaprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ naimittikaprayoga

   ○prayoga and m. N. of wks

⋙ naimittikaprayogaratnākara

   ○prayoga-ratnâkara m. N. of wks

⋙ naimittikaśrāddha

   ○śrāddha n. special funeral rite RTL. 305


   naimiṣa &c. under nai, col 1


   naimba mfn. relating to or coming from the Nimba tree (Azadirachta Indica) Var.


   naíyagrodha mfn. (fr. nyag-rodha 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 5) belonging to or made of the Indian fig-tree TS. Br. 
   • n. the fruit of it, g. plakṣâdi (cf. naiyyagrodha).  


   naiyaṅkava mfn. (fr. ny-aṅku) belonging to or coming from the antelope called Nyaṅku Uṇ. i, 18 Sch.


   naiyāya mfn. (fr. ny-āya) treating of the Nyāya philosophy (q.v.), explaining it &c., g. ṛgayanâdi

≫ naiyāyika

   naiyāyika mfn. knowing the Nyāya philosophy 
   • m. a follower of the Nyāya system of investigation MBh. R. &c


   naiyāsika mfn. g. ukthâdi


   naiyyagrodha naiyyamika, naiyyāyika wṛ. for naiyagrodha &c


   nairujya n. (fr. nī-ruja) health Kull. on Mn. xi, 237


   nailakaṇṭhi m. patr. fr. Nīlakanṭ?a L.

⋙ oṭhīya

   oṭhīya mfn. composed by NṭNīlakanṭ?a MBh. (under chapters or books)


   nailāyani m. patr. fr. Nīla, g. tikâdi


   nailya n. (fr. nīla) dark-blue (the colour) L.


   nâiva ind. (= 2. ) in comp

⋙ naivaśāśvatonāśāśvataśca

   ○śāśvato-nâśāśvataś-ca (sc. loka), not eternal and not transitory Dharmas. 137

⋙ naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñānāyatana

   ○saṃjñānâsaṃjñānâyatana n. a place where there is no thinking and no not-thinking ib. 59 
   • ○tanôpaga m. one who resorts to this place, one of the four classes of gods of the formless world ib. 129

⋙ naivasaṃjñāsamādhi

   ○saṃjñā-samādhi m. meditation in which there is no reflection L.

⋙ naivasaṃjñinaivāsaṃjñin

   ○saṃjñi-nâivâ-saṃjñin mfn. without reflection and (or) not without reflection Vajracch.

⋙ naivāntavānnānantavāṃśca

   nâivântavān-nânantavāṃś-ca (sc. loka), not finite and not infinite Dharmas. 137


   naivaki and naivati m. g. taulvaly-ādi


   naivākava and ○kaviiya mfn 
   • ○kavi m. (fr. ni-vāku), g. utkarâdi and bāhv-ādi


   naivārá mfn. (fr. nīvāra) consisting in or made of wild rice (as food) TS. TBr. ŚrS.


   naivya n. (fr. niva), g. brāhmaṇâdi


   naiśa or ○śika mf(i)n. (fr. niśā) relating to night, happening at night, nightly, nocturnal Mn. Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • walking or studying at night Pāṇ. 4-3, 51 ; 52 Sch.

≫ naiśākara

   naiśākara mf(i)n. (fr. niśā-kara) caused by or belonging to the moon &c. Hariv.


   naiṣa m. N. of a country Pat.


   naiṣadha mf(i)n. relating to Nishadha, m. a species of grain Suśr. (-ka m. Car.) 
   • a prince of the Nishadhas (esp. N. of Nala) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. pl. N. of a people (= niṣadha) MBh. VP. 
   • of a dynasty BhP. 
   • n. N. of an artificial epic poem by Śrī-harsha (treating of Nala's adventures)

⋙ naiṣadhakāvya

   ○kāvya or n. = prec. n

⋙ naiṣadhacarita

   ○carita n. = prec. n

⋙ naiṣadhaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of Comm. on Naish.

⋙ naiṣadhānandanāṭaka

   naiṣadhânanda-nāṭaka n. N. of a drama

≫ naiṣadhīya

   naiṣadhīya mfn. relating to Nala Naishadha 
   • n. = next

⋙ naiṣadhīyacarita

   ○carita n. = naiṣadha n

⋙ naiṣadhīyaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. = ○dha-pr○

≫ naiṣadhya

   naiṣadhya mfn. belonging or peculiar to the Nishadhas MBh. 
   • m. Nishadha prince Pāṇ. 4-1, 172 Kāś.

≫ naiṣidha

   naiṣidhá m. (older form for naiṣadha) N. of Naḍa (q.v.) ŚBr.


   naiṣka Vṛiddhi form of niṣká

⋙ naiṣkaśatika

   ○śatika and mfn. containing or worth 100 (1000) Nishkas Pāṇ. 5-2, 119 Kāś.

⋙ naiṣkasahasrika

   ○sahasrika mfn. containing or worth 100 (1000) Nishkas Pāṇ. 5-2, 119 Kāś.

⋙ naiṣkika

   naiṣkika mfn. worth a Nishkas, bought with a Nishkas &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 20 &c 
   • m. a mint-master L.


   naihāra mfn. (fr. nī-hāra) produced by mist or fog BhP.


   nố ind. (fr. 2. ná + u) and not RV. ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (in later language also = na, 'not', for which it is generally used to suit the verse 
   • nô cêd, under cêd 
   • nô vā 'or not')

≫ not

   nốt (or nôd), ind. (ná + ut?) almost, nearly ŚBr.


   noṭī f. g. gaurâdi


   noṇa m. N. of a merchant Rājat.  


   noda m. (√nud) pushing away, repelling Vop. in Dhātup.

≫ nodana

   nodana mfn. driving away, removing Kāvyâd. 
   • n. = noda BhP. 
   • impelling, impulse ib.

≫ nodin

   nodin mfn. driving away Ragh.

≫ nodya

   nodya mfn. to be impelled or driven away or removed MW.


   nodhás m. (according to Uṇ. iv, 225 fr. √4. nu?) N. of a Ṛishi also called Gautama (RV. Anukr.) or Kākshivata (cf. TāṇḍBr.) RV. i, 61, 14 ; 64, 1 ; 124, 4 (cf. Nir. iv, 16)

≫ naudhasa

   naudhasá m. patr. of Eka-dyū (q.v.) RV. Anukr. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman AV. Br. &c

⋙ naudhasaśyaita

   ○śyaita and n. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ naudhasaśyaitayoni

   ○śyaita-yoni n. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.


   nodhā ind. (fr. nava-dhā) ninefold, in 9 parts BhP.


   nona m. N. of a man (also -ka) Rājat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman ib.

⋙ nonaratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a man ib.


   nonuva mfn. (√4. nu, Intens.) sounding, resounding Nir. vi, 30 (sadā-n○)

nau 1

   nau encl. acc. dat. gen. du. of 1st pers. pron. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 20) RV. &c. &c. (cf. VS. also ṇau 
   • cf. VPrāt. iii, 85)

nau 2

   naú f. a ship, boat, vessel RV. &c. &c 
   • (in astrol.) N. of a partic. appearance of the moon or of a constellation Var. 
   • = vāc Nir. i, 11 (either because prayer is a vessel leading to heaven or ft. √4. nu, 'to praise'). [Cf. 2. nāva and 7. nu 
   • Gk. ?,  ?, &c. ; Lat. nāvis, nau-ta, nau-fragus &c. ; Icel. nór ; (?) Germ. ṇachen.]

⋙ naukarṇa

   ○karṇa m. the helm of a ship (cf. below) 
   • (ī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh. 
   • -dhāra m. a helmsman Var. 
   • (fig.) governor, ruler, manager Kād.

⋙ naukarman

   ○karman n. the occupation or business of a sailor Mn. x 34,

⋙ naukrama

   ○krama m. a bridge of boats Divyâv.

⋙ naucakrīvat

   ○cakrī-vat m. an owner of ships and waggons Gaut.

⋙ naucara

   ○cara mfn. going in a ship 
   • m. a sailor Ragh.

⋙ naujīvika

   ○jīvika m. 'living in a ship', a sailor, boatman Var.

⋙ nautārya

   ○tārya mfn. passable in a ship, navigable L.

⋙ naudaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. 'boat-pole', an oar L. (cf. naukā-d○)

⋙ naunidhirāma

   ○nidhirāma m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ naunetṛ

   ○netṛ m. 'ship conductor', a helmsman ĀpGṛ. Sch.

⋙ naubandhana

   ○bandhana n. 'ship-anchorage', N. of the highest peak of the Himâlayas (to which in the great flood Manu fastened his ship) MBh. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ naubhū

   ○√bhū to be or become a ship L.

⋙ naumaṇḍa

   ○maṇḍá n. the essence or chief part of a ship 
   • (e), du. the two sides (or the rudders?) of a ship ŚBr.

⋙ nauyāna

   ○yāna n. going in a ship, navigation Rājat. 
   • = = -krama Divyâv. 
   • a ship R.

⋙ nauyāyin

   ○yāyin mfn. going in a boat, a passenger or freight Mn. viii, 409

⋙ nauvāha

   ○vāha m. = -netṛ L.

⋙ nauvyasana

   ○vyasana n. shipwreck, naufrage Śak.

⋙ nauṣecana

   ○ṣecana n. g. suṣāmâdi (kāś-ṣevaṇa)

⋙ nausaṃkrama

   ○saṃkrama m. going in a ship or a bridge of boats Divyâv.

≫ nāv

   nāv in comp. for 2. nau before vowels

⋙ nāvākāra

   ○ākāra mfn. boat-shaped, cymbiform MW.

⋙ nāvāroha

   ○āroha m. a passenger on board ship, a sailor L. (Cf. under 2. nāva, p. 538, col. 1.)

≫ nāvy

   nāvy = loc. nāvi fr. 2. nau before vowels

⋙ nāvyudaka

   ○udaka n. water in the hold of a ship KātyŚr.

≫ nauka

   nauka ifc. (f. ā) = 2. nau MBh. (cf. g. ura-ādi)

≫ naukā

   naukā f. a small boat or ship MBh. R. &c 
   • the rook or castle (in the game Catur-aṅga) L. 
   • N. of sev. Comms

⋙ naukākṛṣṭa

   ○"ṣkṛṣṭa (○kâkṛ○), n. N. of a favourable position in the game Catur-aṅga L.

⋙ naukādaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. 'boat-pole', an oar L.

⋙ naukādāna

   ○dāna n. N. of wk


   naukāya m. pl. N. of a school (vḷ. for naigeya)


   nautana mfn. (fr. and) = nūtana Bhadrab.


   naudhasá &c. nodhás


   naupura mfn. fr. nūpura, Śṛiṅgār


   naulika n. naulī f. a kind of self penance Cat.


   nyá (nom. nyas) AV. xi, 7, 4


   nyak ny-ákna, nyag &c. under 1. and 2. ny-añc


   ny-ákta ny-añj.  


   ny-akṣa ny-aṅka, ny-aṅku &c. ny-añj


   nyaṅkotaka m. N. of a man Rājat.


   ny-aṅga &c. ny-añj


   nyaccha n. a mole or spot upon the body Suśr.

nyañc 1

   ny-√añc P. -añcati, to sink, bend or hang down Bālar. Kathās. 
   • to pass away, fade, perish Bhām.: Caus. -añcayati, to press down or in HPariś.

⋙ nyakna

   ny-ḍakna mfn. bent down TBr.

⋙ nyaṅka

   ny-ḍaṅká m. du. a partic. part of a carriage TS. TBr.

⋙ nyaṅku

   ny-ḍaṅku m. id. TāṇḍBr. 
   • a deer, an antelope VS. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a Muni and a Cakra-vartin L. 
   • -bhūruha m. Bignonia Indica L. 
   • -śiras (with kakum-nicṛt), f 
   • -sāriṇī (with bṛhatī), f. N. of two kinds of metre RPrāt.

⋙ nyañcana

   ny-ḍáñcana mf(ī)n. curve, recess, hollow, hiding-place RV. AV. (○nâiṣín mfn. seeking a hiding-place MaitrS.) 
   • a partic. mark on a measuring-cord, Śulb 
   • (ī), f. the lap AV.

⋙ nyañcita

   ny-ḍañcita mfn. bent down L.

≫ nyācam

   ny-ā́cam^ ind. bending down ŚBr.

≫ nyak

   nyak^ in comp. for 2. ny-añc below

⋙ nyakkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. lowering, degrading, treating with disrespect W.

⋙ nyakkāra

   ○kāra m. humiliation, contempt, disregard Hariv. BhP.

⋙ nyakkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. humbled, treated with contempt or contumely Rājat. Kathās.

⋙ nyakkṛti

   ○kṛti f. = -kāra Bālar. Pañcad.

⋙ nyakkṛtya

   ○kṛtya ind. having humbled, by humbling Rājat.

≫ nyakṣa

   nyakṣa mfn. (hardly fr. ni + akṣa 
   • but cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 192 Sch.) low, inferior L. 
   • whole, entire L. (cf. 2. ny-añc) 
   • m. a buffalo L. 
   • N. of Paraśurāma L. 
   • n. entireness (eṇa ind. entirely) L. 
   • grass L.

≫ nyag

   nyag in comp. for 2. ny-añc

⋙ nyagjāti

   ○jāti mfn. of a low or inferior race W.

⋙ nyagbhāva

   ○bhāva m. being brought or coming down, Sarvad 
   • being sunk or absorbed in (loc.) ib. 
   • = next Śaṃk.

⋙ nyagbhāvana

   ○bhāvana n. humiliation, contempt Pāṇ. 1-3, 70 Sch.

⋙ nyagbhāvayiyṛ

   ○bhāvayiyṛ m. one who lowers or humbles Daś.

⋙ nyagbhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being low, humble MBh.

⋙ nyagbhūtvā

   ○bhūtvā ind. having humbled (or by humbling) one's self. ib.

⋙ nyagrodha

   ○rodha m. (√rudh = ruh), growing downwards' the Banyan or Indian fig-tree, Ficus Indica (it belongs to the kṣīra-vṛkṣas, q.v 
   • fibres descend from its branches to the earth and there take √and form new stems) AV. &c. &c 
   • Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L. 
   • a fathom (measured by the arms extended) L. 
   • N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. 
   • of a son of Ugra-sena (also ○dhaka) Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a Brāhman, a monastery and a village Lalit. 
   • (ā), f. Salvinia Cucullata or some other plant Car. 
   • (i or ○dhikā), f. id. L. 
   • -kṣīra n. the milky juice of the Indian fig-tree Suśr. 
   • -parimaṇḍala mfn. being a fathom in circumference MatsyaP. 
   • ○la-tā f. the having a waist like a fig-tree, (with Buddh. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83) 
   • (ā), f. an elegant woman L. 
   • -pāda m. N. of a man 
   • ○dhaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi (cf. also above) 
   • ○dhika, and ○dhin mfn. g. kumudâdi and prêkṣâdi

≫ nyañc

   ny-áñc (fr.  añc), mf(nī́ci)n(ny-ak). going or directed downwards, bent down RV. &c. &c 
   • lying with the face downwards (opp. to ut-tāna) ŚBr. 
   • depressed, deep, low (sound, voice &c.) ib. 
   • humble, vile, contemptible (cf. nyak &c. above) 
   • slow, lazy L. 
   • whole, entire L. 
   • (nīcā́), ind, under nīca 
   • (ny-ák), ind. downwards, down RV. ŚBr. 
   • humbly 
   • with √kṛ, to bring down, humble 
   • (nyag) with √bhū, to humble one's self. be humble or modest: Caus. -bhāvayati = √kṛ Pāṇ. 1-3, 70 Sch. (cf. nyak-. and nyag- above)


   ny-√añj P. -anakti (pf. Ā. -ānaje ind. p. -ajya), to anoint, besmear AV. Kāty. 
   • Ā. to creep in, conceal one's self among (loc.) RV.

≫ nyakta

   ny-ákta mfn. anointed, decorated (?) AV. xiv, 2, 33 (cf. RV. vy-ákta) 
   • imbued with, having the nature of (gen.) ŚBr.

≫ nyaṅga

   ny-aṅgá m. anything inherent in, a mark, sign TBr. ŚBr. ĀpŚr. 
   • anything which resembles or is like, a kind of (gen. or comp.) ŚBr. Lāṭy. 
   • (ifc. having anything as secondary, mentioning it only accidentally ŚāṅkhŚr.) 
   • invective, insinuation, sarcastic language Nār.


   ny-añjalikā f. an Añjali which is directed downwards TĀr.  


   ny-anta m. or n. proximity (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 181 Sch.) 
   • ○te (cf. ĀpŚr.) and ○téna (cf. ŚBr. &c.), near, near to


   ny-aya m. (fr. 4. nī7) going off, destruction, loss, waste Pāṇ. 3-3, 37 Sch. L.

≫ nyayana

   ny-áyana n. entry, entrance- or gathering-place, receptacle RV.


   ny-arṇa mfn. waterless ŚāṅkhŚr.


   ny-árṇṇa mfn. (√ard) dissolved, gone ŚBr. (cf. W. 'asked, solicited 
   • injured')


   ny-arthá n. going amiss, failure, destruction RV.


   ny-arpaya ○pita, ny-ṛ


   ny-árbuda n. one hundred millions AV. &c

≫ nyarbudi

   ny-árbudi m. N. of a divine being of combative propensities AV.


   ny-avagraha m. the accentless vowel at the end of the first member of a compound VPrāt.


   ny-ava-√car P. -carati, to enter into, penetrate MW.


   ny-ava-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to pour out, shed forth R.


   ny-avêkṣ (√īkṣ, īkṣate), to consider, deliberate MBh.


   ny-√as P. -asyati, or -asati, to throw or cast or lay or put down (with loc., e.g. bhuvi, on the earth) AV. &c. &c 
   • to take off MBh. R. 
   • to give up, resign (as life) R. 
   • to set in the ground, plant (prarohān, shoots) Bālar. 
   • (with loc.) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to 
   • to settle arrange MBh. Kāv. &c. (with citre, 'to place in a picture', paint, depict 
   • with śirasi, to place on the head', receive with reverence 
   • with manasi, to call to mind', reflect, ponder 
   • with pathi, 'to lay on the road', give up) 
   • to bring forward, mention Mall.: Caus. (pf. nyāsayām āsa or ○sayāṃ cakre) to cause to put or lay down MBh.

⋙ nyasana

   ny-ḍasana n. putting down, depositing, placing, arranging Sāh. 
   • bringing forward, mentioning Kāvyâd.

⋙ nyasanīya

   ny-ḍasanīya mfn. to be put or placed AgP.

⋙ nyasta

   ny-ḍasta mfn. thrown or cast or laid down, put, placed, fixed, inserted, applied, deposited, committed 
   • given up, resigned Mn. MBh. Kāv. 
   • stretched out, lying R. 
   • exposed (krayāya, for sale) L. 
   • mystically touched, Mālatim. v, 2 
   • put on, donned ib. 22 
   • having the low tone (as a vowel) RPrāt. 
   • short Śrutab. 
   • -cihna mf(ā)n. one who has relinquished one's marks or characteristics, destitute of external signs Ragh. ii, 7 
   • -daṇḍa mfn. 'one who has laid down the rod', meek, harmless R. 
   • -deha mfn. 'one who has laid down the body', dead ib. 
   • -śastra mfn. 'one who has laid down the weapons, averse from strife, peaceful Mn. iii, 192 
   • m. the Pitṛis or deified progenitors L. 
   • -vāda mfn. one who has ceased to speak, ceasing to speak about (prati) Hariv. 
   • ○târtvijya mfn. where the Ṛitvij have laid down their office ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ nyastaka

   ny-ḍastaka mf(ikā́)n. AV. vi, 139, 1

⋙ nyastavya

   ny-ḍastavya mfn. to be put down or placed or fixed or established Vāstuv. Hcat. 1

⋙ nyasya

   ny-ḍasya mfn. to be laid down or deposited or delivered or appointed to (loc.) MBh. 2

⋙ nyasya

   ny-ḍasya ind. having laid down or deposited &c. ib.

≫ nyāsa

   ny-āsa m. putting down or in, placing, fixing, inserting, applying, impressing, drawing, painting, writing down MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. akṣara-, khura-, caraṇa-, nakha-, pada-., pāda-., bīja-, rekhā-) 
   • putting away, taking off, laying aside MBh. Hariv. Daś. BhP. (cf. deha-, śarīra-, śastra-) 
   • abandoning, resigning Up. Bhag. BhP. 
   • depositing, intrusting, delivering 
   • any deposit or pledge Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • written or literal text (cf. yathā-nyāsam) Pat. 
   • lowering (the voice) RPrāt. 
   • (in music) the final tone 
   • bringing forward, introducing (cf. arthântara.) 
   • consigning or intrusting anything to the mind W. 
   • mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities RTL. 205 &c 
   • N. of sev. wks., (esp.) of a Comm. on Kāś. 
   • -kāra or -kṛt m. the author of the Comm. on Kāś. called Nyāsa, i.e. Jinêndra-buddhi 
   • -khaṇḍa m. or n. -khaṇḍana n. -tilaka m. or n. -tūlikā f. -daśaka n. N. of wks.  
   • -dhāraka or ○rin m. the holder of a deposit Mn. 
   • -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk 
   • -bhūta mfn. being (or that which is) a deposit MBh. 
   • -lopa m. wasting a deposit ib. 
   • -viṃśati f. -vidyā-darpaṇa m. -vidyā-vilāsa m. -vidhāna n. -viśeṣa m. -śataka n. N. of wks 
   • -hara m. robber of a deposit BhP. 
   • ○sâdeśa-vivaraṇa n. N. of wk 
   • ○sâpahnava m. repudiation of a deposit MW. 
   • ○sôddyota m. N. of wk

⋙ nyāsika

   ny-ḍāsika mfn. g. parpâdi

⋙ nyāsita

   ny-ḍāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to lay or put down BhP.

⋙ nyāsin

   ny-ḍāsin mfn. one who has abandoned all worldly concerns ib.

⋙ nyāsīkṛ

   ny-ḍāsī-√kṛ to make a deposit, deposit anything with a person Kum. Kathās. Rājat.


   ny-ahná m. or n. the closing day (only loc.) AV.


   ny-ā-√kṛ (only Impv. -kuru), to hold back RV. x, 19, 2


   nyākya n. fried rice L.


   ny-ā-√gam (only Impv. -gatam), to come down towards RV. viii, 5, 13


   nyāgrodhamūla (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 5 Sch.) or ○mūlika (cf. Vop. vii, 4 
   • 18), mfn. (fr. nyagr○) being or situated at the roots of the Ficus Indica


   nyāṅkava mfn. = naiyaṅkava Uṇ. i, 18 Sch.


   ny-ā́cam 1. ny-añc


   ny-āda m. (√ad) eating, feeding Pāṇ. 3-3, 60


   ny-ā-√dhā (only pf. -dadhur), to put down, fix, establish, appoint RV. viii, 73, 2


   ny-ā-√dhṛ only pf. Ā. -dadhre, to be directed towards or fixed upon (loc.) RV. viii, 17, 13


   ny-ā-√nī (Pot. -nayet), to bring back, restore AV. vii, 38, 5


   nyāma m.= ni-yāma, ni-yama L.


   ny-āyá m. (fr. 4. ni) that into which a thing goes back i.e. an original type, standard, method, rule, (esp.) a general or universal rule, model, axiom, system, plan, manner, right or fit manner or way, fitness, propriety TS. Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (nyāyena and ○yāt, ind. either 'in the right manner, regularly, duly', or ifc. 'after the manner of, by way of') 
   • a lawsuit, legal proceeding, judicial sentence, judgment Mṛicch. Pañc. 
   • a logical or syllogistic argument or inference (consisting of a combination of enthymeme and syllogism, and so having, according to the Naiyāyikas 5 members, viz. pratijñā, hetu, udāharaṇa, upanaya, nigamana, or according to the Vedāntins 3 members) 
   • a system of philosophy delivered by Gotama or Gautama (it is one of the six darśanas, q.v., and is perhaps so called, because it 'goes into' all subjects physical and metaphysical according to the above syllogistic method treated of in one division of the system 
   • its branch is called Vaiśeshika) 
   • likeness, analogy, a popular maxim or apposite illustration (cf. kākâkṣi-, ghuṇâkṣara-, daṇḍâpūpa. &c.) 
   • (am), ind. after a finite verb expresses either censure or repetition Pāṇ. 8-1, 27

⋙ nyāyakaṇikā

   ○kaṇikā f

⋙ nyāyakandalī

   ○kandalī f

⋙ nyāyakaraṇḍa

   ○karaṇḍa n

⋙ nyāyakalānidhi

   ○kalānidhi m

⋙ nyāyakalāpa

   ○kalāpa m

⋙ nyāyakalikā

   ○kalikā f

⋙ nyāyakalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā or f

⋙ nyāyakalpalatikā

   ○kalpa-laḍtikā f

⋙ nyāyakāśikā

   ○kāśikā f

⋙ nyāyakiraṇāvalī

   ○kiraṇâvalī f

⋙ nyāyakutūhala

   ○kutūhala n

⋙ nyāyakuliśa

   ○kuliśa m. or n

⋙ nyāyakusumamañjarī

   ○kusuma-mañjarī f

⋙ nyāyakusumāñjali

   ○kusumâñjali m. (-kārikā f. -prakāśa m. -vikāśa m. -viveka, m.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyakokila

   ○kokila (?), mṆ. of a Buddh. teacher

⋙ nyāyakośa

   ○kośa m

⋙ nyāyakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f

⋙ nyāyakaustubha

   ○kaustubha m. or n

⋙ nyāyakroḍa

   ○kroḍa m. (-pattra n.),

⋙ nyāyakhaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya

   ○khaṇḍana-khaṇḍa-khādya n

⋙ nyāyagrantha

   ○grantha m

⋙ nyāyacandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ nyāyacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m

⋙ nyāyacūḍāmaṇi

   ○cūḍāmaṇi m. (-prabhā f.),

⋙ nyāyatattva

   ○tattva n. (-parī7kṣā f. -vivaraṇa n. -viloka, m.),

⋙ nyāyatantra

   ○tantra n. (-bodhinī f.),

⋙ nyāyataraṃgiṇī

   ○taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyatas

   ○tas ind. in a fitting manner, as is fit or proper, according to right or justice Mn. Yājñ. R.

⋙ nyāyatā

   ○tā f. (cf. ŚāṅkhŚr.),

⋙ nyāyatva

   ○tva n. (cf. MW.), fitness, propriety

⋙ nyāyatātparyadīpikā

   ○tātparya-dīpikā f

⋙ nyāyatrisūtrīvārttika

   ○tri-sūtrī-vārttika n

⋙ nyāyadarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m

⋙ nyāyadīpa

   ○dīpa m. (-vyākhyā f. ○pâvolī f.),

⋙ nyāyadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyadeva

   ○deva m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ nyāyadvayakāraṇatāvāda

   ○dvayakāraṇatā-vāda m

⋙ nyāyadvārakaśāstra

   ○dvāraka-śāstra n

⋙ nyāyanaya

   ○naya m

⋙ nyāyanibhandha

   ○nibhandha m. (-prakāśa, m.),

⋙ nyāyanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyanirvapaṇa

   ○nirvapaṇa mfn. bestowing justly 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1239.  

⋙ nyāyapañcādhyāyī

   ○pañcâdhyāyī f. = -sūtra

⋙ nyāyapañcānana

   ○pañcânana m. N. of Jaya-rāma Cat.

⋙ nyāyapañcāśat

   ○pañcāśat f. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyapatha

   ○patha m. pl. the different philosophical systems BhP.

⋙ nyāyapadārthamālā

   ○padârtha-mālā f

⋙ nyāyapariccheda

   ○pariccheda m

⋙ nyāyapariśiṣṭa

   ○pariśiṣṭa n. (-prakāśa, m.),

⋙ nyāyapariśuddhi

   ○pariśuddhi f

⋙ nyāyapārijāta

   ○pārijāta m

⋙ nyāyapuṣpāñjali

   ○puṣpâñjali m

⋙ nyāyaprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ nyāyaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ nyāyaprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f

⋙ nyāyapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ nyāyapradīpikā

   ○pradīpikā f

⋙ nyāyapramāṇamañjarīṭīkā

   ○pramāṇa-mañjarī-ṭīkā f

⋙ nyāyapraveśa

   ○praveśa m. (-tāraka-śāstra n.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyaprasthānamārga

   ○prasthāna-mārga m. pl. the roads leading towards (i.e. the works treating of) the different philosophical systems (cf. -patha)

⋙ nyāyabindu

   ○bindu m. (-ṭīkā f.),

⋙ nyāyabodhinī

   ○bodhinī f

⋙ nyāyabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n

⋙ nyāyabhāskara

   ○bhāskara m

⋙ nyāyabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n

⋙ nyāyamakaranda

   ○makaranda m. (-vivardhinī f. -vivṛti f. -vivecinī f.),

⋙ nyāyamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. (-grantha-bhaṅga m. -sāra, m.),

⋙ nyāyamañjūṣā

   ○mañjūṣā f

⋙ nyāyamatakhaṇḍana

   ○mata-khaṇḍana n

⋙ nyāyamanoramā

   ○manoramā f

⋙ nyāyamahodadhi

   ○mahôdadhi m

⋙ nyāyamātṛkā

   ○mātṛkā f

⋙ nyāyamārtaṇḍa

   ○mārtaṇḍa m

⋙ nyāyamālā

   ○mālā f. (-vaiyāsikī f. -vārttika-saṃgraha m. -vistara, m.),

⋙ nyāyamālikā

   ○mālikā f

⋙ nyāyamīmāṃsāprakaraṇa

   ○mīmāṃsā-prakaraṇa n

⋙ nyāyamīmāṃsārahasya

   ○mīmāṃsā-rahasya n

⋙ nyāyamuktāvali

   ○muktâvali f. (-kiraṇa n. -prakāśa, m.),

⋙ nyāyamūlaparibhāṣā

   ○mūla-pari-bhāṣā f

⋙ nyāyarakṣāmaṇi

   ○rakṣāmaṇi m

⋙ nyāyaratna

   ○ratna n. (-kośavādârtha m. -ṭīkā f. -prakaraṇa n. -prakāśikā f. -mālā f. ○tnâkara m. ○tnâvalī f.),

⋙ nyāyarahasya

   ○rahasya n

⋙ nyāyalakṣaṇavicāra

   ○lakṣaṇa-vicāra m

⋙ nyāyalīlāvatī

   ○līlāvatī f. (-kaṇṭhâbharaṇa n. -prakāśa m. , -bhāva-prakāśa m. -rahasya n. -vibhūti f. -viveka, m.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyavat

   ○vat mfn. acting rightly, behaving properly MBh. R.

⋙ nyāyavartin

   ○vartin mfn. well behaved, acting with propriety Mn. Yājñ.

⋙ nyāyavastusāra

   ○vastu-sāra m. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyavāgīśa

   ○vāgīśa and m. N. of 2 authors on rhet

⋙ nyāyavācaspati

   ○vācaspati m. N. of 2 authors on rhet

⋙ nyāyavāda

   ○vāda m. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyavādin

   ○vādin mfn. speaking properly R.

⋙ nyāyavārttika

   ○vārttika n. (-tātparya-ṭīhā f. tātparya-pariśuddhi, f.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyavid

   ○vid m. one who knows what is fit or proper Āpast.

⋙ nyāyavidyā

   ○vidyā f. 'science of what is right', logic Nyāyas. Comm.

⋙ nyāyavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m

⋙ nyāyavivaraṇa

   ○vivaraṇa n

⋙ nyāyaviveka

   ○viveka m. (-dipikā f.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyavihita

   ○vihita mfn. prescribed by rule Lāṭy.

⋙ nyāyavṛtta

   ○vṛtta mfn. = -vartin Mn. R.

⋙ nyāyavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the doctrine of the Nyāya school of philosophy Sarvad.

⋙ nyāyaśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f. = -vidyā MBh.

⋙ nyāyaśikhāmaṇi

   ○śikhāmaṇi m

⋙ nyāyaśiromaṇi

   ○śiromaṇi m

⋙ nyāyaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyasaṃhita

   ○saṃhita mfn. fit, proper Āpast.

⋙ nyāyasaṃketa

   ○saṃketa m. (-tilakā f.),

⋙ nyāyasaṃkṣepa

   ○saṃkṣepa m

⋙ nyāyasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. (-dipikā f.),

⋙ nyāyasadarthasaṃgraha

   ○sad-artha-saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyasambaddha

   ○sambaddha mfn. connected with reason, rational, logical (as an argument) R.

⋙ nyāyasāra

   ○sāra m. (-ṭīkā f. -dīpikā f. -pada-pañjikā, f. -saṃgraha m. ○râvali f.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyasāriṇī

   ○sāriṇī f. right or fit behaviour L. 
   • a woman acting or judging rightly W.

⋙ nyāyasiddhāñjana

   ○siddhâñjana n

⋙ nyāyasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m. (-candrikā f. -tattva and ○tvâmṛta n. -dīpa m. -mañjarī f. , -mālā f. -muktâvalī f.) N. of wks 
   • ○nta-pañcânana m. N. of a Viśva-nātha Cat. 
   • ○ntavāgīśa m. N. of a Gadā-dhara ib.

⋙ nyāyasudhā

   ○sudhā f. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyasūtra

   ○sūtra n. the aphorisms of the Nyāya philosophy by Gautama 
   • -vṛtti f. a commentary on these aphorisms, I.W. 71

⋙ nyāyasvarūpanirūpaṇa

   ○svarūpa-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ nyāyāgata

   nyāyâgata mfn. rightly come in or acquired (as money) MBh.

⋙ nyāyācāra

   nyāyâcāra mfn. acting justly, virtuous W.

⋙ nyāyācārya

   nyāyâcārya m. N. of Śivâditya-miśra Cat.

⋙ nyāyādhāra

   nyāyâdhāra m. 'receptacle of justice', an example of virtue or propriety W.

⋙ nyāyādhvadīpikā

   nyāyâdhvadīpikā f

⋙ nyāyānusāraśāstra

   nyāyânusāra-śāstra n. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyānveṣaṇa

   nyāyânveṣaṇa n. seeking for justice Pañc.

⋙ nyāyābhāsa

   nyāyâbhāsa m. semblance of a reason, sophism Nyāyas. Comm.

⋙ nyāyāmṛta

   nyāyâmṛta n. (-taraṃgiṇī f.) N. of wks

⋙ nyāyārjita

   nyāyârjita mfn. honestly earned or acquired Daś.

⋙ nyāyārthadīpikā

   nyāyârtha-dīpikā f

⋙ nyāyārthalaghusubodhinī

   nyāyârtha-laghu-subodhinī f. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyālaṃkāra

   nyāyâlaṃkāra m. 'ornament of justice', N. of Śrī-govinda and of Śri-mahêśvara (also -bhaṭṭa) Cat.

⋙ nyāyāvakrākramaṇa

   nyāyâvakrâkramaṇa mfn. walking rightly on the straight path (-tā f.) Lalit.

⋙ nyāyāvatāra

   nyāyâvatāra m

⋙ nyāyāvalīdīdhiti

   nyāyâvalī-dīdhiti f. N. of wks

⋙ nyāyopeta

   nyāyôpeta mfn. rightly admitted ŚāṅkhGṛ.

≫ nyāyika

   nyāyika n. logic VP.

≫ nyāyin

   nyāyin mfn. = nyāya-vat L.

≫ nyāyya

   nyāyya mf(ā)n. regular, customary, usual, correct, right, fit, proper (often with an infin. which then has a pass. sense) Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • also wṛ. for nyāya. -tva n. fitness, propriety, Kaiy

⋙ nyāyyadaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa mfn. punishing justly (-tva n.) Gaut.


   ny-ā-lūna mfn. (√lū) cut off Hariv. (vḷ. vy-ā-l○).  


   ny-ā-√viś (only pf. -viviśur), to enter into (loc.) RV. x, 56, 4


   ny-ā-√vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to make a person desist from (abl.), keep back, prevent Kathās.


   ny-ā-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to cause to burst forth, let loose, set free MW.


   ny-āsa &c. under ny-as


   ny-ā-√sad P. -sīdati (pf. -sasāda ind. p. -sadya), to sit down near or in or upon (loc. or acc.) RV.

⋙ nyāṣatta

   ny-ā-ṣatta (or -ā́-ní-ṣ○), sitting down or on, seated on 
   • dived into (loc.) ib.


   nyuṅkha m.= nyūṅkha L. 
   • mfn. proper, right 
   • pleasing, agreeable L.


   ny-√uc P. -ucyati (pf. -uvoca), to delight or take pleasure in (acc. or loc.) RV. 
   • to like to stay in or with (loc.) AV.

≫ nyoka

   ny-oka mfn. (prob.) = next Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 64

⋙ nyokas

   ny-ḍokas mfn. belonging to home, domestic, wont, comfortable RV. AitBr.

⋙ nyocanī

   ny-ḍocanī f. (prob.) a kind of woman's ornament (cf. Sāy. 'female slave') RV. x, 85, 6

⋙ nyocara

   ny-ḍocará mfn. (prob.) belonging to or fit for a place AV. v, 22, 5


   ny-√ud or und (only p. Ā. -undamāna), to dip, sprinkle ŚāṅkhBr.

⋙ nyutta

   ny-ḍutta mfn. dipped in, sprinkled with (loc.) ŚBr.


   ny-upta ny-upya, ni-vap


   ny-√ubj P. -ubjati, to bend or press or throw upside down, upset, overthrow SV. AV. Br.

⋙ ubja

   ubja mfn. turned or bent down wards, lying with the face downwards, looking downwards
   KātyŚr. MBh. Hariv. Suśr. 
   • hump-backed, crooked-backed (as the result of disease, cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 61) L. 
   • convex W. 
   • m. N. of the Nyag-rodha tree in Kuru-kshetra AitBr. 
   • n. the fruit of the Averrhoa Carambola L. 
   • m. or n. = śrāddhâdi-pātra-bheda, darbhamayaśruc, or kuśa-śruc L. 
   • -khaḍga m. a crooked sword, a sabre L.

⋙ ubjaka

   ḍubjaka mf(ikā) n. = next Comm. on TāṇḍBr.

⋙ ubjimat

   ḍubji-mat mfn. bent, crooked TāṇḍBr.


   ny-√ubh P. -ubhnāti (impf. -aubhnāt), to keep down or together RV. iv, 19, 4


   ny-√uṣ P. -oṣati (Impv. -oṣatāt), to burn down, consume or destroy utterly RV. AV.


   nyūṅkha m. the insertion of the sound o (in different places with difference of quantity and accentuation) in the recitation of hymns Br. ŚrS. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 34 Sch.) 
   • (am), ind. with the Nyūṅkha ŚāṅkhŚr.

≫ nyūṅkhanīya

   nyūṅkhanīya mfn. to be inserted ŚāṅkhŚr.

≫ nyūṅkhamānaka

   nyūṅkhamānaka mfn. stumbling ŚāṅkhBr.

≫ nyūṅkhaya

   nyūṅkhaya Nom.P. ○yati, to insert the Nyūṅkha Br. ŚrS. 
   • Ā. (nyū́ṅkhayate) to growl (as a hungry animal) RV. x, 94, 3

≫ nyūṅkhya

   nyūṅkhya mfn. = ○khanīya AitBr.


   ny-ū́na mf(ā)n. (fr. ni with ūna) less, diminished, defective, deficient (opp. to ati-rikta, adhika, pūrṇa), destitute or deprived of (instr. or comp.), inferior to (abl.) Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • (with pādaiḥ) having a defect in the feet BhP. 
   • low, vile, base, mean MBh. Var. Pur. 
   • (am) ind. less Hariv. Var. 
   • n. euphem. = vulva TS. ŚBr. 
   • want or omission of one of the 5 members in a Nyāya argument Nyāyas.

⋙ nyūnatara

   ○tara mfn. falling below a standard Divyâv. 
   • (am), ind. still less Var. 
   • lower or deeper MārkP.

⋙ nyūnatā

   ○tā f. (cf. MBh. &c.),

⋙ nyūnatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Madhus.) inferiority to (abl.) 
   • want, deficiency, incompleteness

⋙ nyūnapañcāśadbhāva

   ○pañcāśad-bhāva m 
   • 'having 49 (not full 50) properties of human nature, an idiot L.

⋙ nyūnapadatā

   ○padatā f

⋙ nyūnapadatva

   ○padaḍtva n. want of one word in a sentence Sāh.

⋙ nyūnabhāva

   ○bhāva m. inferiority, deficiency MBh.

⋙ nyūnākṣara

   nyūnâkṣará mf(ā)n. defective in letters or syllables ŚBr.

⋙ nyūnāṅga

   nyūnâṅga mf(ā)n. defective in a limb or organ, maimed, mutilated, imperfect W.

⋙ nyūnādhika

   nyūnâdhika mfn. less or more, unequal 
   • n. inequality, difference ŚāṅkhGṛ. 
   • -vibhakta mfn. one who has received too little or too much at the division of an inheritance Yājñ. 
   • -vibhāga m. unequal partition W. 
   • ○kâṅga mfn. having less or more limbs or organs (than necessary) Suśr. 
   • ○kya n. want or surplus (e.g. of an organ) Hcat.  

⋙ nyūnāha

   nyūnâha m. = kṣayâha Gaṇit.

⋙ nyūnendriya

   nyūnêndriya mfn. wanting some organ or sense, deficient, imperfect (as blind, deaf &c.) W.

≫ nyūnaya

   nyūnaya Nom. P. ○yati, to lessen, diminish Bhaṭṭ. Sch.

≫ nyūnī

   nyūnī in comp. for nyūna

⋙ nyūnīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to make less, lessen, diminish Bhaṭṭ. Sch.

⋙ nyūnībhāva

   ○bhāva m. state of deficiency, incompleteness L.


   ny-√ūh Ā. -ūhate, to push in for one's self, drive into one's own stable TāṇḍBr.


   ny-√ūh Ā. -ohate, to heed or to appear RV. v, 52, 11


   ny-√ṛ P. -ṛṇvati, to lay down, put or place in (loc.) RV.: Caus. -arpayati, to throw down ib. AV.

⋙ nyarpita

   nyárpita mfn. thrown down AV.


   ny-√ṛñj Ā. -ṛñjate, to reach, attain, overpower, subdue RV.


   ny-√ṛṣ P. -ṛṣati, to push or stuff into (acc.), cover, fill RV. ŚBr.

⋙ nyṛṣṭa

   ny-ḍṛṣṭa mfn. filled or endowed with (instr.) RV.


   nyê (ny-ā-√i, only ind. p. -êtya), to fall into (acc.) BṛĀrUp.


   ny-√ej P. -ejati tremble Kir. xv, 22


   nyer (ny-a-√īr, only pf. Ā. nyêriré), to direct or address (a wish or desire) to (loc.) R. 
   • to appoint as (acc.) ib. (cf. nī7r)


   ny-oka &c. ny-uc


   ny-ojas mfn. Uṇ. iv, 222 Sch.


   nr-adhī7śa nṛ́


   nvaí ind. (for nú-vaí) indeed, certainly Br. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)