To distinguish between kanji's inherent usages and daiyōji (as a replacement for less common kanji) usages, I separated the Etymology section with the pronunciation えん en of 炎#Japanese into two. However, when trying to redirect the entries of 焔 and 焰 (alternative forms replaced by 炎 in modern usages) to 炎, I found neither --H2NCH2COOH (Talk) 10:10, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
nor {{ja-gv}}
works properly. They do not distinguish between different Etymology sections with the same pronunciation. {{ja-see}}
drops all definitions with the reading えん en regardless of {{ja-kanjitab}}
's alt
parameter, while {{ja-gv}}
includes all. Can anyone help fix this issue? Thanks.
Hi. Please change language code from "Inupiaq" to "Iñupiaq" so that it cross-links to that heading. Thanks! kwami (talk) 19:15, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Is mid-central unrounded vowel in Indonesian using alternatives than ê (e with circumflex) like ě (e with háček) and ē (e with macron)? Please — This unsigned comment was added by Yuliadhi (talk • contribs) at 07:44, 2 April 2022 (UTC).
Is open-mid back rounded vowel in Indonesian using Óó (o acute)? Please — This unsigned comment was added by Yuliadhi (talk • contribs) at 07:53, 2 April 2022 (UTC).
I don't know enough about templates to know what's causing this, but Template:R:JLect doesn't work at all. Regardless of the page title, it always links to this nonexistent page. Binarystep (talk) 10:14, 2 April 2022 (UTC)
which links to 16:11, 2 April 2022 (UTC)Ѣ, before my edit just now, had less info than ѣ.
I wanted to change it to this, moving the substantive content to Ѣѣ for transclusion:
{{also|ѣ}} {{character info}} {{:Ѣѣ}}
However, that got flagged as possible malicious edit, and lacking language flags.
The same maintenance parallelism issue is present for every Wiktionary letter page (for scripts which have case) — e.g. á vs Á. They have duplicate info, which will drift out of sync, and present less — or less updated — info to someone who goes to one page or the other. The wiki page ought to present the same info regardless of which case one navigates to, and if there is a difference between cap or lower, include both.
I propose that they all be converted to the format above — substantive content moved to a page named (CAPLETTER)(lowerletter), and header only content (i.e. mutual reference also & characterinfo templates in each of (CAPLETTER) & (lowerletter), with transclusion in each of the shared page.
Another option would be redirection, though I don't know how that'd affect categories, character info, or other Wiktionary-specific magic.
I don't particularly care which case is used as the "primary", so long a. as it's consistent for editors' ease of use, b. going to the page by either cap or lower results in the same substantive info (though possibly not the same character info), and c. that substantive info covers both cases.
The same would be true if, for instance, there were separate wiki pages for س / ﺲ / ﺳ / ﺴ. There aren't — those all redirect to one page for س.
A similar but not identical issue exists for Chinese (& to some extent Japanese †) characters, e.g. 戲 / 戯 / 戏. They aren't generally intersubstitutable piecemeal (same as various Roman scripts or case can't generally be mixed mid-word), but they are semantically equivalent in most cases. For instance, 後戲 / 后戏 are the same word (and treated as such in e.g. the "derived terms" section of 戲). The simplified version shouldn't be implicitly denigrated by making it have no substantive content (as it does now), or letting it get out of sync unless that's a deliberate choice to describe Mandarin-Cantonese differences.
As with caps / lower case variation, if there is a difference in usage other than the general difference between traditional / simplified / Shinjitai †, that should be noted on the page covering the combined version (most likely by putting the difference in a separate subsection for Mandarin / Cantonese / Japanese rather than Chinese / translingual).
@Surjection — This unsigned comment was added by Saizai (talk • contribs) at 16:05, 2 April 2022.
, directing readers to entries with minor spelling variants.I noticed that Template:R:UniLeipzig does not specify which text corpus to search in. The UniLeipzig search engine covers hundreds of languages and probably over a thousand individual corpora. The problem is that if you don't specify then the site assumes you want to return to the last corpus you visited. The site is in German and the template is meant to be used for German entries, but if you happened to have used the site to look up a word in English or Spanish, then the template will take you the wrong language if you're trying to find a German word. Probably the easiest solution is to hard code the corpus ID into the URL, something like: --RDBury (talk) 18:43, 3 April 2022 (UTC)
Hi. Two issues with how {{head}}
deals with the Vai block:
I don't know where I'd go to fix that. Thanks, kwami (talk) 19:08, 3 April 2022 (UTC)
It seems that in 2011, SemperBlottoBot created a whole lot of "genitive feminine plural" inflection entries ending in -arum for Latin third-declension adjectives ending in -is. Problem is, these adjectives don't have a genitive feminine plural ending in -arum. The genitive plural is common to all three genders, and it ends in -ium or sometimes -um.
Could someone with appropriate powers and talents please obliterate these if there is no other content on the page? Here's a list:
abbatialarum abdominalarum abnormarum absimilarum abyssalarum acclinarum acclivarum achararum acheronensarum adfinarum adverbialarum aequalarum aeriformarum aeternalarum afarensarum affinarum agilarum agminalarum agrestarum agriculturalarum aleararum algensarum altilarum ambulatilarum amicalarum angulararum anilarum anulararum aprilarum archiepiscopalarum arealarum artificialarum arvalarum assimilarum atheniensarum auctumnalarum auratilarum auriculararum australarum autumnalarum baptismalarum biformarum bilateralarum bilinguarum binominarum bipedalarum borealarum brasiliensarum braziliensarum brevarum brumalarum caelestarum caelestialarum caerimonialarum campestrarum canaliensarum caniculararum capensarum capitalarum cardinalarum carnalarum carolinensarum caroliniensarum castrensarum casualarum cathedralarum cellulararum centralarum christifidelarum cibalarum circulararum civilarum clericalarum coaequalarum coelestarum collararum collegialarum commercialarum communalarum communarum conceptualarum concordialarum condicionalarum conflatilarum conformarum coniecturalarum coniugalarum consimilarum consubstantialarum consulararum contribularum cornualarum corporalarum criminalarum crudelarum culinararum cuneiformarum currularum dapsilarum decemviralarum decimalarum declivarum decretalarum deformarum Dialarum differentialarum difficilarum digitalarum dissimilarum docilarum doctrinalarum dominicalarum dorsalarum ductilarum dulcarum dulcinervarum eboracensarum ecclesialarum ecquarum edictalarum elinguarum enormarum episcopalarum epulararum essentialarum euchararum exanimarum exponentialarum exsanguarum facialarum facilarum familiararum fanitalarum fasciculararum fatalarum fertilarum festivalarum fictilarum fidelarum filialarum finalarum fiscalarum fluvialarum forensarum fortarum fossilarum fragilarum fraternalarum frugalarum funalarum functionalarum fundamentalarum fusilarum futilarum generalarum genitalarum gentilarum glacialarum gracilarum grammaticalarum grandarum gravarum gregalarum habitualarum hibernalarum hiemalarum histrionalarum hospitalarum hostilarum humilarum illegalarum illustrarum imbecillarum immanarum immitarum immortalarum immunarum imperialarum impunarum inanarum inbecillarum incolomarum incolumarum inconsutilarum indemnarum indictionalarum inermarum infamarum infidelarum informarum initialarum inmanarum inmitarum inmortalarum inmunarum inpunarum insignarum insomnarum insulararum insulensarum intellectualarum internalarum interrasilarum inutilarum irrationalarum iudicialarum iugalarum iugarum iuvenilarum lapidararum lateralarum legalarum letalarum levarum levidensarum liberalarum librilarum linealarum litteralarum localarum longanimarum lugubrarum lunararum machinalarum magisterialarum magistralarum manipulararum manualarum manubialarum maritalarum marsupialarum materialarum maternalarum matralarum matricalarum matrimonialarum matronalarum mediaevalarum medialarum medicinalarum medievalarum mediocrarum memorialarum mensalarum menstrualarum meridionalarum Mexicanensarum militararum missilarum missionalarum mitarum mollarum moralarum mortalarum muliebrarum multiformarum muralarum musculararum natalarum naturalarum navalarum neutralarum nexilarum normalarum nucleararum numeralarum nuptialarum nymphalarum occidentalarum oculararum officialarum oleararum olisiponensarum omnarum oralarum orientalarum originalarum ovalarum pabulararum pacalarum pactilarum paenitentialarum paginalarum palararum palealarum paleararum palmararum palmulararum palpebralarum palpebrararum participialarum particulararum paschalarum pascualarum pastoralarum paternalarum patriarchalarum pectoralarum peculiararum pedalarum penetralarum perennarum perfacilarum pergrandarum persenilarum personalarum perutilarum physicalarum pilararum pinguarum pluralarum pluvialarum pluviatilarum polararum populararum potentialarum praegrandarum praelustrarum primorarum primordialarum principalarum proclivarum proconsulararum productilarum prophetalarum provincialarum puellararum puerilarum pugillararum pusillanimarum pusillianimarum pyriformarum quadriformarum quadrigalarum quinquennalarum quintilarum rationalarum realarum rebellarum regalarum regionalarum rivalarum rivifinalarum rudarum ruralarum saburralarum sacerdotalarum sacramentalarum sacrificalarum sacrificialarum saeclararum saeculararum salutararum scientialarum sculptilarum sedecimalarum segnarum senilarum septentrionalarum sepulcralarum servilarum sesquipedalarum sextilarum sexualarum silvestrarum similarum sinensarum Sinensarum singulararum socialarum solararum solemnarum solempnarum solennarum sollemnarum sollempnarum sollennarum specialarum spiralarum spiritalarum spiritualarum stellararum sterilarum suavarum subiugalarum subnucleararum substantialarum subtilarum superciliararum superficialarum supersubstantialarum sutilarum talararum talarum temporalarum tenuarum terrestrarum textilarum tibialarum tornatilarum trabalarum triennarum trierarum triremarum tristarum triumphalarum trivialarum turparum unanimarum unianimarum unicornarum universalarum utensilarum utilarum vectigalarum venalarum venatilarum ventralarum verbalarum verisimilarum versatilarum versipellarum victualarum vilarum viminalarum vinalarum vindemialarum vinealarum virginalarum viridarum virilarum vitalarum vocalarum volatilarum vulgararum zonalarum
This, that and the other (talk) 12:47, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
(no passive): supersapi cubari incubari mellificari fetificari tenebricari coruscari abundari adremigari adnavigari annavigari abrenuntiari obviari balari adsibilari assibilari advigilari rebellari annullari adambulari praeambulari inambulari adnari aeruginari autumnari praesonari insonari consonari intersonari dissonari exsonari cavernari crepari admigrari immigrari delirari adplorari applorari aderrari pausari abnatari adnatari annatari apostatari abnoctari crocitari aditari palpitari accessitari equitari adequitari adsultari adventari aegrotari abortari abstari exstari abnutari adnutari annutari amtruari adaestuari aestivari allegorizari This, that and the other (talk) 02:31, 7 April 2022 (UTC)acc|sup
, abl|sup
, sup|acc
or sup|abl
inflection template:subrubum obiacum subiacum praeiacum circumiacum superiacum subteriacum interiacum objacum subjacum praejacum superjacum subterjacum interjacum conticum marcum commarcum sublucum elucum praelucum relucum dilucum pellucum illucum collucum circumlucum inlucum conlucum prolucum perlucum superlucum interlucum madum commadum consuadum persedum renidum desidum candum splendum resplendum pendum dependum frondum sordum studum vegum indigum rigum vigum pervigum fulgum obfulgum subfulgum praefulgum refulgum effulgum offulgum suffulgum circumfulgum confulgum interfulgum transfulgum tongum turgum exurgum aufugum avfugum elugum recalum concalum squalum pervalum supervalum percallum pallum praepollum olum subolum redolum condolum perolum subtimum praetimum pertimum tumum immanum commanum inmanum eminum praeeminum supereminum prominum pertinum tepum intepum torpum obtorpum stupum instupum constupum maerum permerum moerum praeflorum reflorum efflorum obhorrum inhorrum perhorrum exhorrum accasum incasum mellificatum fetificatum micatum formicatum scatum vagatum adremigatum hiatum abrenuntiatum fraglatum adnullatum annullatum antevolatum adambulatum praeambulatum inambulatum tintinatum sanguinatum autumnatum insonatum consonatum intersonatum dissonatum exsonatum cavernatum patum papatum recrepatum pappatum veratum fragratum admigratum regiratum deliratum adploratum apploratum gloctoratum glottoratum aderratum circumerratum regyratum cursatum circumcursatum cassatum abnatatum apostatatum abnoctatum accessitatum apertatum antestatum distatum abnutatum adnutatum annutatum amtruatum adaestuatum allegorizatum abbatizatum vacefactum faetum abarcitum abercitum abhorrescitum oditum egitum exsilitum exilitum nitum praenitum renitum imminitum praesonitum pernitum postitum languum cluum liquum cevum connivum refervum suffervum confervum perfervum subrubu obiacu subiacu praeiacu circumiacu superiacu subteriacu interiacu objacu subjacu praejacu superjacu subterjacu interjacu conticu marcu commarcu sublucu elucu praelucu relucu dilucu pellucu illucu collucu circumlucu inlucu conlucu prolucu perlucu superlucu interlucu madu commadu consuadu persedu renidu desidu candu splendu resplendu pendu dependu frondu sordu studu vegu indigu rigu vigu pervigu fulgu obfulgu subfulgu praefulgu refulgu effulgu offulgu suffulgu circumfulgu confulgu interfulgu transfulgu tongu turgu exurgu aufugu avfugu elugu recalu concalu squalu pervalu supervalu percallu pallu praepollu olu subolu redolu condolu perolu subtimu praetimu pertimu tumu immanu commanu inmanu eminu praeeminu supereminu prominu pertinu tepu intepu torpu obtorpu stupu instupu constupu maeru permeru moeru praefloru refloru effloru obhorru inhorru perhorru exhorru accasu incasu mellificatu fetificatu micatu formicatu scatu vagatu adremigatu hiatu abrenuntiatu fraglatu adnullatu annullatu antevolatu adambulatu praeambulatu inambulatu tintinatu sanguinatu autumnatu insonatu consonatu intersonatu dissonatu exsonatu cavernatu patu papatu recrepatu pappatu veratu fragratu admigratu regiratu deliratu adploratu apploratu gloctoratu glottoratu aderratu circumerratu regyratu cursatu circumcursatu cassatu accessitatu antestatu distatu adaestuatu allegorizatu abbatizatu vacefactu faetu abarcitu abercitu abhorrescitu oditu egitu exsilitu exilitu nitu praenitu renitu pernitu postitu languu cluu liquu cevu connivu refervu suffervu confervu perfervu
This, that and the other (talk) 03:09, 7 April 2022 (UTC)
? This, that and the other (talk) 05:21, 9 April 2022 (UTC)
I don't know why doesn't my template work. Can someone help me fixing it?--BandiniRaffaele2 (talk) 13:05, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
will be able to produce useful output. Currently only the Ravennate–Forlivese template exists, though. 00:21, 6 April 2022 (UTC)
One of the automated vandalism filters is "adding xxx and nothing else", but it's way too sensitive, because not only it is blocking any edit that contains three consecutive Xs anywhere within it (not just "and nothing else"), it's blocking edits that are in the same paragraph as three consecutive Xs even if the editor doesn't touch them.
This is particularly problematic because of course there are lots of Roman numerals containing the string XXX (i.e. anything with a tens digit of 3 or 8), and a lot of citation templates use Roman numerals to enumerate chapters, scenes, folios etc. so doing anything to a quote template that includes such a numeral gets blocked. 16:36, 5 April 2022 (UTC)
An issue I've noticed is that occasionally etymologies include {{der|abc|xyz|...}}
when the term under consideration is not in language abc. This can occur for at least two main reasons:
< {{der|fr|la|acadēmicus}}
< {{der|la|grc|ἀκαδημικός}}
, when really on the page academic all three should be of the form {{der|en|...}}
.I have written a simple Python script to find such errors: . Here is the current verbatim output of the script: Wiktionary:Todo/Incorrect derivation templates.
In most cases, it may suffice to simply change the language code. In other instances, it may be a good idea to apply greater scrutiny to the etymology, because the {{der}}
error could be just one easily detected symptom of a more widespread carelessness.
A caveat worth highlighting is that the current algorithm only operates at the level of whole pages, not sections. So it will not detect an error if one page has separate language sections for Turkish and English, and the Turkish section incorrectly includes {{der|en|...}}
. Checking for cases like that would be much more complicated, but I can look into the matter if there's sufficient interest. 19:42, 10 April 2022 (UTC)
The gray box at Template:audio looks ok, as usual. But at pages, e.g. dictionary it looks very different. Is it me? or is there something wrong? Thank you.. ‑‑Sarri.greek ♫ I 21:47, 11 April 2022 (UTC)
(Moved from Cleanup)
Also (Notifying BigDom, Hythonia, KamiruPL, Tashi): so they can add/be aware. I have been polling random people (editors and non-editors) about two potential changes:
in ety sections. It would match the style we have now with our other templates, and also I suppose is the most efficient character wise. I believe this would be doable by checking any ety section with {{bor+}}
, {{inh+}}
, and potentially {{der+}}
as well as {{af}}
IN THE SAME ETY. It might also be able to look for "analyzable as", "equivalent to", "synchronically analyzable as". Most people show a preference to have option 3 in my sandbox, so {{inh+|pl|sla-pro|*babъka}}. {{surf|pl|baba|-ka}}. I'm not sure if there is a standard already in place. {{rel adj}}
. This is seems to have more mixed reviews - MOST readers I asked prefer it over the label template, but not all. It's slightly more character efficient (now that I made shortcuts). It seems this template was made and then never used, does anyone know why? If there's a reason, we can continue as we have it now. I think the best way to make the switch would be send the bot to check for any relational label in the definition bar and then check the nearest etymology, and then absorb the definition as a t= (perhaps with a link?) and I'm not sure about the gloss (if we go through with this, that is). Vininn126 (talk) 19:47, 15 April 2022 (UTC)Hello, could you please implement this change so we can track which Arabic words are missing tashkil and therefore unable to be automatically transliterated? Thank you. 22:18, 15 April 2022 (UTC)
Minor question: should e.g. Category:Japanese twice-borrowed terms be a subcategory of Category:Terms derived from Japanese? It might make sense because it's essentially equivalent to "Japanese terms derived from Japanese", in the sense that {{der|ja|ja}}
adds it. 06:18, 17 April 2022 (UTC)
Hello, I editing ê (e circumflex) in Indonesian with ě (e háček) and ē (e macron) but was flagged in error. How to solve this? Please — This unsigned comment was added by Yuliadhi (talk • contribs).
I've been adding lots of German Palindromes, but it's laborious work, and it could be automated! ADDSamuels (talk) 11:00, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
This would be helpful. Equinox ◑ 16:59, 22 April 2022 (UTC)
It seems a little frustrating this can't be the sort of thing that's somehow automated. Users constantly add words from other scripts to it, or never add other variations with or without diacritics, and also what's more is on Polish nouns ending with -a, we always should be adding the instrumental singular, wherein -a changes to -ą. It might be a pain in the ass to code all the diacritics into a bot or the template itself, but it would be very nice. Perhaps this is just me complaining at the sky, but even other wikt's have a bot for this. It'd also be nice to codify the template's usage. Vininn126 (talk) 20:16, 23 April 2022 (UTC)
I'd like to add entries for the Latin pronoun "hīce, haece, hōce" (an older form of hic, see here). However, I cannot figure out how to use {{la-ndecl}}
(or whatever is the appropriate declension template) for such an irregular noun. Is this the right place to ask about this? Arbitrarily0 (talk) 21:22, 23 April 2022 (UTC)
I made envíalas by clicking on the link at enviar, but it failed. Someone needs to fiddle with stuff .... VealSociedad (talk) 02:10, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
On the Shakespeare examples in the gossip entry, verb, senses 3 and 4, the circa and quote-book modules interact such that there are two commas side by side. I could not find an option to block one of these commas. --Geographyinitiative (talk) 02:22, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
Is there a good way to create a wikilink into a non-uniquely named subsection? For instance, the word на has several language sections (Avar, Bashkir, Belarusian, ...) and many of those have a Preposition subsection. But linking seems to work only for one level of nesting: на#Ukrainian#Preposition does not work. Invisibly to the user, Mediawiki creates unique section names (e.g., Preposition 7), so this does work: на#Preposition 7. That is useful for tables of contents, but I would never use it to link from outside a page, as it would break if someone added or deleted an identically named subsection before the one I am interested in. Are there any templates that do what I want? Peter Chastain (talk) 19:50, 25 April 2022 (UTC)
and {{m|en|foo|id=bar}}
. – Jberkel 20:00, 25 April 2022 (UTC)Hello, I'm trying to create category pages for rhymes in Mandarin Chinese. It got marked as harmful after a couple attempts to fix the error I'm getting on the page https://en.wiktionary.org
How can I fix this? — This unsigned comment was added by ZephyrEspinosa (talk • contribs) at 22:05, 26 April 2022 (UTC).
On 鸸, the zh-see box lists the gloss as “3=鴯鶓”. It might just be phonetic and not have a meaning, but the current text is obviously an edge case that the module does not handle correctly. 22:45, 26 April 2022 (UTC)
When you use "offensive" in {{lb|en| to qualify how a word is used, it links you to offensive and not Appendix:Glossary#offensive; same with "humorous". See kung flu. --Geographyinitiative (talk) 23:54, 30 April 2022 (UTC)