What was this supposed to be form, entries using {{de-adj}}
with red links from the template? Red links are a normal part of any wiki and should not generally be categorized. I'd advise discussion before continuing (and a grammatical English title). Mglovesfun (talk) 11:54, 8 January 2014 (UTC)
Please don't forget to include every part of speech and a short definition for each definition line, e.g. at diff. Thanks Haplogy (話) 06:01, 11 January 2014 (UTC)
template to generate a headword, but lack a {{de-decl-adj}}
or {{de-decl-adj-notcomp}}
template to generate declension table. I'll try to generate a list of those some time.When you create new entries for verb forms, could you use {{head|de|verb form}}
instead of just {{head|de}}
? We're gradually trying to remove certain categories from form-of templates, so that there's less uncertainty about when a category should or should not be added by the headword template. I think it works best if, as a general rule, we assume that we always need to add a category in the headword, and not rely on any categories that the form-of template provides. —CodeCat 14:19, 12 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. SemperBlottoBot now understands both strong and weak German verbs. Your verb category is now quite small - mostly irregular verbs.
Your adjective category is also quite small - mostly numerals - maybe they need to be populated manually.
I have a list of German adjectives that are entirely lacking a declension template, and have started adding them. You can have a copy if you want to help (it is rather long!). SemperBlotto (talk) 10:03, 16 January 2014 (UTC)
adiabatisch adjective adäquat aerodynamisch afrikanisch akademisch akzeptabel albanesisch aleatorisch alemannisch alexandrowisch algerisch alkoholisch alkoholisiert alleinstehend allergisch allerlei allmählig alphabetisch alphanumerisch altgeorgisch altirisch altjapanisch altostslawisch altpersisch altportugiesisch altruistisch altsächsisch alttestamentlich amateurhaft ambitioniert anachronistisch anarchisch anarchistisch ander anderweitig andorranisch androgyn anekdotisch angebracht angekettet angeschlagen anglikanisch annehmbar anomal anpassungsfähig ansteckend ansteuerbar antarktisch anthropozentrisch antifaschistisch antiquiert antisozial antithetisch anwendbar apathisch apfelig aphoristisch apodiktisch apoplektisch appetitanregend arbeitsam archaisch architektonisch argentinisch argwöhnisch aristokratisch asiatisch asozial aspektorientiert assi assoziativ astrachanisch atavistisch atemberaubend attraktiv atypisch aufdringlich auffällig aufgeweckt aufmerksam aufnahmefähig aufregend aufrührerisch aufschiebbar augenblicklich ausdruckslos ausführlich ausgefallen ausgegraut ausgemergelt ausgeschrieben ausgestorben ausgezehrt ausländerfeindlich ausnahmlos austauschbar auswählbar automatisch autoritär außen außenpolitisch außer außergewöhnlich außerirdisch avantgardistisch aztekisch bachmutisch bahrainisch ballförmig barbarisch barbusig barfüßig baufällig beeindruckend beengt befreit befriedigend befugt begabt begeistert begierig behaart behaglich beispiellos bekifft beklagenswert bekloppt belarussisch belastend beleibt belgisch bemannt benutzerfreundlich bequem beratend beratungsresistent berechnend bereift beritten berufsmäßig beschwerlich beschäftigt beschämt besessen besiegt besitzergreifend besitzlos besoffen besorgniserregend besorgt bestechlich bestialisch bestreitbar betriebssystemübergreifend betucht bewaffnet bewundernswert bewusst bewußt bezugsfertig bieder biegsam bildlich bilinear binärkompatibel biometrisch bisexuell bitterkalt bittersüß bizarr blamabel blasiert blauäugig bleifrei blitzartig blumig blutrünstig blöde bodenlang bolivarisch bolivianisch bombastisch borniert botanisch bourgeois brenzlig bruneiisch bräunlich brünett brünstig buchstäblich burundisch bärtig böig böswillig bündig bürokratisch calvinistisch chancenlos chaotisch charismatisch charkowisch christologisch circumbinär costa couragiert dankbar defekt defensiv defizitär defätistisch degoutant deliziös demagogisch dement deprimiert desiderabel desolat despotisch detailliert dialektisch diaphan dichotom dichotomisch diesjährig diffus diktatorisch dilettantisch diplomatisch disziplinarisch diszipliniert dogmatisch dominicanisch donauisch dorisch dramatisch drastisch dreckig dringlich dubios dunkelorange dunstig durchgeknallt durchscheinend dämlich dämonologisch editors egal egoistisch egozentrisch ehrgeizig eifrig eingebildet eingeweiht einseitig einsichtig einstimmig einträglich einvernehmlich einverstanden ekelhaft eklatant eklig ekstatisch elitär emanatistisch embryonal endemisch endlos energiegeladen energisch eng engagiert engstirnig enorm entenartig entfernt entgeltlich enthaltsam enthusiastisch entkernt entkoffeiniert entkräftet entschlussfreudig entsetzlich entsteint enttäuschend episch erblich erbärmlich ereignisbasiert ereignisgesteuert ereignisorientiert erfahrungsgemäß erfolglos erfolgreich erfreulich ergonomisch erklecklich erleuchtet erschwinglich erstklassig erwartungsgemäß esoterisch essbar etwaig euklidisch euthyreot evolutionistisch exakt exaltiert exhibitionistisch existentiell existenziell exklusiv exotisch explosiv exponentiell extravertiert extremistisch extrovertiert facettenreich fachchinesisch fad fade fadenscheinig fahl fahnenflüchtig fakultativ faltbar fanatisch faschistisch faselnackend fassettenreich fatalistisch faulig faustisch federführend feil feingeschliffen festgelegt fettleibig fickbar fieberhaft fiebrig finanzschwach fini flauschig fleckig fleischig fleißig flexibel flockig fortschrittlich fragwürdig frappierend fraulich frech freigebig freigiebig freiheitlich freistehend fremdenfeindlich fremdsprachlich frenetisch fruchtlos früher fundiert furchtbar furchtlos furchtsam futsch futuristisch förmlich fötal fügsam fühlbar fürchterlich fürsorglich galaktisch ganzseitig garstig gastfreundlich geborgen gebraten gebrauchsfertig gebrechlich gebürtig gefangen gefesselt gefleckt gefräßig gefügig gefühllos gegengleich gegenseitig gegenüberliegend gehoben gehont gehorsam gehörnt geistlich geistreich gekettet gekürzt gemeinschaftlich gemeinschaftsbildend gemeint genmanipuliert genossenschaftlich genuin geomorphologisch gepanzert gepflegt gepunktet gerade geraum gerissen gern geräuchert geräumig geschliffen geschmeidig geschäftlich gesellschaftlich gesetzeswidrig gesetzwidrig gestreift gestresst getarnt gewalttätig gewieft gewinnbringend gewiß gewunden gewöhnungsbedürftig gierig glattrasiert glatzköpfig gleichförmig gleichmütig gleichschenklig glücklos gnadenlos gnädig golden goldfarben goldrichtig gottgleich gottverlassen grafisch grammatisch grantig graphisch grauenvoll grausig greisenhaft grenadisch grimmig grobkörnig gruselig gruslig größenwahnsinnig gutherzig gutmütig guyanisch gynäkologisch gütlich haben halsabschneiderisch halsbrecherisch haltlos handschriftlich harmonisch hasenfüßig hasserfüllt hauchdünn hausgemacht hawaiianisch headword hebräisch hedonistisch hegemonisch heidnisch heikel heimlich heißblütig heldenhaft heliozentrisch hellorange hellseherisch hellsichtig hellviolett hellwach hemmungslos herbstlich herkömmlich hermeneutisch hermetisch heroisch herrenlos herzlich herzzerreißend heterozygot hexadezimal hierarchisch hieroglyphisch hierokratisch hilfsbereit hinausschiebbar hinderlich hinknieend hinreißend hitzköpfig hochleistungsfähig hochmütig hochrheinisch hochrot hoffnungslos holomorph holozän holprig homophob homozygot honigsüß horrend humanitär humorvoll hundemüde hysterisch häßlich höflich idealistisch ideologisch idiotisch illoyal illusionär illusorisch immergrün imperialistisch imposant impulsiv inadäquat inakzeptabel indianisch indigoblau individuell indoeuropäisch ineffizient infam infektiös infernalisch infiziert inhärent inkompetent inländerfreundlich innenpolitisch innerlich innewohnend innig innovativ inschriftlich instantan interessant interplanetarisch intim intrinsisch introvertiert intuitiv ironisch irreführend irregulär irreparabel irrtümlich islamistisch isomorph jekaterinisch jugendlich jämmerlich kackbraun kariert karnevalistisch katastrophal katherinoslawisch kaufkräftig keinerlei kindlich kitzelig klammheimlich klandestin klasse klaustrophobisch kollegial kolossal komfortabel kommunikativ kompatibel kompetent kompostierbar konfliktträchtig kongenial konjunkturell konkav konsequent konservativ konserviert kontraproduktiv kontrastreich kontrovers konträr konturlos koscher kostbar kraus kreditwürdig kriegslüstern kriegswaffenähnlich kriminell kritiklos kulant kund kurios kursiv kurzsichtig kärglich kölsch köstlich künftig laienhaft laizistisch lammfromm langatmig langersehnt langwellig langärmelig langärmlig launenhaft launisch lebendgebärend lebenslang lebensmüde legendär leichtgläubig leichtsinnig leidenschaftslos lesbar lesbisch liebenswert liebenswürdig lieblich lieferbar linksdonauisch linksdrehend linksdünisch linksmaasisch linksodrisch linsenförmig literarisch liturgisch livriert lobenswert logistisch lokal luftig lukrativ lungenkrank luxe luxuriös lächerlich ländlich lästig läufig löblich lösbar lückenlos lüstern machbar machomäßig machtlos majestätisch majorenn makaber maltesisch manipulativ markant marode martialisch materiell mathematisch mauritisch mausetot mautpflichtig mayaisch mayanisch maßlos mediengeschichtlich medienhistorisch mehlig mehrspaltig melancholisch meliert melodiös melodramatisch menschenunwürdig menschenwürdig metrosexuell mickrig mikrobisch mikroskopisch mikrowellengeeignet milchig minderjährig minderwertig minimalistisch minorenn miserabel misslich missourisch mittel mittelalterlich mitteleuropäisch mittellos mittelmäßig mittelrheinisch mitverantwortlich mnemotechnisch modisch momentan monatlich mondsüchtig mondän monetär monogam moralisch mordsmäßig morgenländisch morgig mstuse muchelig multikulturell musikalisch mutabel mutterseelenallein mysteriös mythologisch möbliert mörderisch mürrisch müßig nachdenklich nachdrücklich nachhaltig nachsichtig nachvollziehbar namentlich narkoleptisch narzisstisch nationalsozialistisch neidvoll neugierig neumodisch neuralgisch neurotisch neutestamentlich nichtinstrumental niederknieend niederrheinisch nigerianisch nihilistisch nilisch nilotisch norddonauisch nowomoskowskisch nuanciert null numerisch nummerisch nutznießerisch nörglerisch oberrheinisch objektorientiert obsolet ocker offenbar offensichtlich okzidental oll olympisch ominös onkelhaft opportunistisch optimistisch optometrisch ordentlich orientalisch originell ostweserisch out page pandemisch panikartig panisch paradiesisch paraguayisch parametrisch parasitär parfümiert parlamentarisch parteiisch partizipativ parvenühaft passabel passee passioniert passiv passé pathetisch patriotisch patschnass pazifistisch pechschwarz peinlich perfide persisch pessimistisch philiströs physisch phänomenal picardisch pisswarm pleistozän pleite plemplem polemisch politikwissenschaftlich politologisch polizeilich poltawisch polygam polynesisch populistisch populär portabel posthum postum pragmatisch praktisch prestigeträchtig prickelnd primitiv priori privilegiert pro professionell profitabel programmierbar proletarisch prononciert proprietär prosaisch provisorisch provokant prächtig prägnant präpubertierend prätentiös präzise prüde psychedelisch psychoaktiv psychopatisch psychotaktisch psychotisch pubertierend putzig pyrrhisch päpstlich quadratisch quartalsweise quer quietschend quietschfidel quietschnass quitt rachsüchtig ranghoch rappelvoll rasant rasiert ratlos ratsam rauchig reaktionär realistisch rechtdrehend rechteckig rechthaberisch rechtlich rechtmäßig rechtschaffen rechtsdonauisch rechtsdrehend rechtsdünisch rechtsmaasisch rechtsodrisch rechtwinklig rechtzeitig redegewandt redirect rege registriert regnerisch reinrassig rekursiv religiös renaissancistisch renommiert renoviert renovierungsbedürftig repräsentativ republikanisch resolut respektlos revanchistisch revolutionär rezeptfrei rheinisch rhetorisch ricanisch riesengroß ritterlich rixig romantisch rosig roth routinemäßig routiniert ruchlos rudimentär ruhelos rustikal rutschig rückläufig rüde sachdienlich sachlich saisonal salvadorianisch samoanisch sandfarben sandig sanftmütig sarkastisch satanisch saudi saukalt sch scharfsinnig scharmant scheinheilig scheißegal scherzhaft schick schicksalhaft schicksalsergeben schießwütig schiffbar schikanös schimmelig schlampig schlangenförmig schlicht schlüsselfertig schlüssig schmerzlos schmuck schneebedeckt schneidbar schneidig schnurlos schnurz schokoladig schreibungsabhängig schreibungsunabhängig schrill schuldbewusst schusssicher schutzlos schwarzweiß schweinekalt schweinisch schwermütig schwerwiegend schwielig schwindelerregend schwäbisch schändlich schützenswert sedezimal sehenswert sehenswürdig seifig seismisch seismologisch seitherig sekundenschnell selbsterfüllend selbstgefällig selbstgerecht selbstmörderisch selbstsüchtig selbsttätig selbstzufrieden senegalesisch senil sensibel seriös siebeneckig silbisch simbabwisch sinnbildhaft skandalös skizzenhaft sklavisch snobistisch sofortig solidarisch solide solipsistisch solomonisch somalisch somatisch sommerlich sonderbar sonderlich sonnig sorgfältig souverän spaltbar spannend sparsam spaßig speiübel spekulativ spendabel spießig spitze spontan sportlich spärlich spülmaschinenfest spürbar staatenlos staatähnlich stachlicht standardisiert startbereit statistisch stattlich steif steil steinern steinig steinreich stillos stillschweigend stilvoll stimmhaft stimmig stinkfaul stinkreich stocknüchtern stofflich stoisch stramm strapazierfähig strapaziert streitlustig stressig strikt stundenlang stur stutzig städtisch stürmisch subtropisch subversiv suchbar suizidgefährdet sukkulent sukzessiv super surinamisch surrealistisch symbolträchtig symmetrisch sympathisch synkretistisch systemübergreifend säkular säkularistisch säumig süddonauisch süddünisch südkoreanisch süperb süss süßlich tabu tadschikisch tagelang taktlos tansanisch tanzbar taubstumm tautologisch teilbar teilerfremd teilweise teleologisch templates temporär tendenziös tertiär testgetrieben teuflisch thematisch theosophisch thermoelektrisch tiergeographisch tollkühn tongaisch topologisch tragbar transluzent transportabel traumatisch trennbar treulos trinkbar trojanisch tropenfest trächtig tschechisch tunesisch tyrannisch tätowiert ugandisch umbrisch umfassend umgangssprachlich umgehend umgänglich umkämpft umständlich umweltfreundlich umwerfend unabkömmlich unabsichtlich unabwendbar unangemessen unangerührt unanständig unauffällig unaussprechbar unaussprechlich unausweichlich unbarmherzig unbedeutend unbeeindruckt unbefriedigend unbehaglich unbelehrbar unbemannt unbenannt unbenutzt unbequem unberührt unbeschwert unbesetzt unbesiegt unbestimmt unbestreitbar unbezahlbar undenkbar undicht unecht unehrlich uneinig uneins uneinsichtig unelastisch unentgeltlich unentwegt unerklärlich unerschrocken unfair unfrei unfreiwillig unfreundlich unfähig ungar ungarisch ungebraucht ungeduldig ungeeignet ungehorsam ungekürzt ungepflegt ungerade ungerecht ungerührt ungeschützt ungesetzlich ungestört ungestüm ungesund ungewiß ungezogen ungläubig unglücklich ungültig unhaltbar unheilbar unhöflich uninteressant universell universitätsübergreifend unklar unklug unkommerziell unkommunikativ unkonventionell unkritisch unlesbar unmenschlich unmittelbar unmoralisch unmöglich unparteiisch unparteilich unpersönlich unpolitisch unproblematisch unrealistisch unruhig unschuldig unseriös unsicher unsinnig unsportlich unstatthaft unstet unterbewusst unterernährt unterhaltsam unterlegen unternehmerisch unterscheidbar unterschwellig untertan untertänig unterwürfig untrennbar untreu untröstlich untätig unumstößlich ununterscheidbar unverbesserlich unverbindlich unvergesslich unverhältnismäßig unvermeidbar unvermeidlich unvernünftig unverständlich unveränderbar unveränderlich unvorstellbar unwartbar unwichtig unwiderruflich unwissenschaftlich unwählbar unzuverlässig unzählig unübersichtlich unüblich uralt urgeschichtlich urheberrechtlich urkundlich utopisch vage vakant valid vegetarisch venezianisch venezolanisch verantwortlich verbindlich verborgen verbrecherisch verdammenswert verdammt verderblich vereinbar verfickt verflucht verfrüht verführerisch vergleichend vergnügt verheerend verheiratet verhutzelt verkehrt verkettet verknittert verlaust verletzt verlogen vermeidbar vermutlich vermögend verpönt verrechenbar verrußt versalzen versaut verschreibungspflichtig verschwommen versiert versnobt verspätet versteckt vertraut verwirrt verwitwet verwunderlich verzweifelt veränderbar veränderlich veterinär viel vierteljährlich visionär volatil vollbusig volljährig vollkommen vor vorausbezahlt voraussichtlich vorderste voreingenommen vorgefertigt vorjährig vorletzt vorpubertierend vortrefflich voyeuristisch vulgär vulnerabel völkermordend völkerrechtlich wachsam wackelig waghalsig wahrhaft wahrhaftig wandlungsfähig wankelmütig warmblütig wartbar wasserscheu wechselseitig weh wehrpflichtig weinerlich weitreichend weitsichtig weitverbreitet weltlich wert wertfrei weserisch westarmenisch westfälisch westweserisch widerspruchsfrei widersprüchlich widerwillig wienerisch willig winterlich wirklichkeitsgetreu wirr wirtelig wirtschaftsliberal wissbegierig wochenlang wohlhabend wohlwollend wolkenhoch wolkenverhangen wolkig woronesisch wortwörtlich wunderbar wunderlich wundersam wählbar wählerisch wässerig würzig xenophobisch zackig zaghaft zahnärztlich zauberhaft zeitweilig zerbrechlich zerknittert zerstörerisch zickig ziellos zimperlich zinslos zornig zu zuckersüß zufallsabhängig zugig zugängig zusammengesetzt zusammenpassend zustandsorientiert zuversichtlich zwangsläufig zwiespältig zygomaticus zyklisch zynisch zählbar ängstlich äquatorial äquivalent ärmlich ätiologisch äußere ökumenisch überdünischer überfällig übergangsweise übergewichtig überglücklich überheblich überlegen übernatürlich überrascht überschaubar übersichtlich überwachsen überzeugt
Hi there. This template is now generating Script errors. See abwesend as an example. SemperBlotto (talk) 11:14, 16 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. AWB should work for you now. SemperBlotto (talk) 15:58, 17 January 2014 (UTC)
Please stop. diff is incorrect. --Dan Polansky (talk) 07:00, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
" without actually adding them to a category? --kc_kennylau (talk) 10:44, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
This little Python script run on a dump will give you a list of German adjectival entries with no inflection table:
import sys, re
GermanStartFound = False
inflectionFound = False
title = ""
for line in open(sys.argv):
line = line.rstrip()
if "<title>" in line:
title = re.sub(" *<title>", "", line)
title = re.sub("</title> *", "", title)
if GermanStartFound:
if "{{de-decl-adj|" in line or "{{de-decl-adj-notcomp" in line:
inflectionFound = True
if "----" in line or "</text>" in line:
GermanStartFound = False
if not inflectionFound:
print title
inflectionFound = False
if "{{de-adj|" in line or "{{de-adj}" in line or "{{head|de|adjective}}" in line:
GermanStartFound = True
If I have not captured all the search strings, the script needs to be tweaked, but a quick run gives a good impression. --Dan Polansky (talk) 11:56, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
or simply adding the category itself will put the page in Category:German adjectives. Please allow me to use the hidden category, as I cannot find any way better than it. --kc_kennylau (talk) 12:02, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
. What you're left with is those that are lacking it. —CodeCat 12:24, 18 January 2014 (UTC)Sorry, I have figured it out. So do I need to delete the category now? And Dan Polansky, I extremely appreciate your effort and I have to express my gratitude towards you, but I still find AWB easier than python. I will surely find you when I want to learn to use Python to contribute. Please do not be discouraged. --kc_kennylau (talk) 14:09, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
I don't think it exists. I don't think zählbar is comparable. --Dan Polansky (talk) 17:56, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi, I saw you added incorrect rhymes to German words. The rhyme of a word only starts with the stressed syllable. For example, "einfinden" doesn't rhyme in but in . A word that rhymes with "einfinden" would be "hereinfinden" (no other comes to my mind at the moment). I wanted to remove the incorrect rhymes, but then I saw that there are way too many :( So it would be great if you could do this yourself. Thanks! Longtrend (talk) 18:17, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
This edit destroyed the diacritics in the markup, which made the template non-functional. Please be more careful. Keφr 20:06, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
A minor issue: "Used Template:de-adj instead of bolding the pagename" is inaccurante, since you are not so much replacing boldfaced headwords as {{head|de|adjective}} headwords.
"diesbezüglichsten" does not exist. --Dan Polansky (talk) 08:17, 19 January 2014 (UTC)
). --Dan Polansky (talk) 09:53, 19 January 2014 (UTC)
): no hits. --Dan Polansky (talk) 10:55, 19 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. These are only to be used for cross-wiki redirects. See {{softredirect}}
. SemperBlotto (talk) 10:30, 20 January 2014 (UTC)
Could you check this entry please. I'm not sure if it means an individual character, or the writing system itself. SemperBlotto (talk) 10:39, 20 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. I've put a list of your subpages on your userpage. Feel free to delete the list if you don't want it public. SemperBlotto (talk) 17:06, 20 January 2014 (UTC)
I am curious as to why you edited deistic to indicate that it is not comparable. It is trivially easy to find sources indicating that ideas are "more deistic" or "less deistic". Cheers! bd2412 T 14:53, 21 January 2014 (UTC)
Hey Kenny. Just dropping in to say hi to another Mandarin editor. Just a small issue on 解答's pinyin. You might've accidentally clicked the ĕ symbol instead of ě, which is the correct symbol for the third intonation. I've deleted jiĕdá and created jiědá; I've also made the corresponding change in 解答. Thanks for your contributions. Jamesjiao → T ◊ C
Hi there. What's the reason for the strange list of "correspondences". I don't see the point. SemperBlotto (talk) 12:47, 23 January 2014 (UTC)
p.s. Could you modify the {{de-decl-adj-notcomp-nopred}}
template, so that it doesn't show in this category? I think there is a misplaced "includeonly", but I can't see where. SemperBlotto (talk) 12:47, 23 January 2014 (UTC)
. --kc_kennylau (talk) 12:52, 23 January 2014 (UTC)Hi there. I notice that you added a declension table to this adjective. Any idea why it isn't showing up in Category:German adjectives having red links in their declension table? My guess is all the strange sorting logic. SemperBlotto (talk) 15:22, 24 January 2014 (UTC)
I have not botified de luxe or beige. The first - I'm not convinced that any declined forms exist (I couldn't find any on a quick Google); the second - I'm not sure of all those double "e"s. SemperBlotto (talk) 16:45, 24 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. I'm about to give this bot status. Could you make sure your user-config.py has a statement something like put_throttle = 10 (at least at the start). This will make sure it doesn't do too much damage too quickly if it should go wrong. You could reduce the time delay when the bot is proved to be well-behaved. SemperBlotto (talk) 15:34, 28 January 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. Thanks for the shiny table on WT:FUN. However, there's a tiny bug which shifts the letters over in some columns. I'd try to fix it, but have no idea how to. --Back on the list (talk) 15:45, 31 January 2014 (UTC)
Broken. See bottom of Oberlandesgericht. Please make sure you test heavily used templates when you change them. SemperBlotto (talk) 12:06, 2 February 2014 (UTC)
Why is this word in your new German noun category? I can't see anything missing. SemperBlotto (talk) 17:02, 2 February 2014 (UTC)
Thank you for your attention to el-alternative form of — Saltmarsh (talk) 06:21, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
Hi there. I am slowly working through the members of this category. Many are due to errors in the coding of templates - these I am fixing. (I am currently working through N...) When I have finished, over 99% of the remainder will be nouns whose archaic dative singular has not been created. I believe that for most of these, we should not create such a word as the lemma itself is more modern (e.g. German for "pressure cooker"). I propose that, when I have finished, we should remove the test for these entries. SemperBlotto (talk) 08:35, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
Hi. Words like trenim should be categorised in Category:Turkish noun forms, not Category:Turkish nouns. --Back on the list (talk) 14:17, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
dans ton page pour que l'on puisse voir quelles langues parles-tu? --kc_kennylau (talk) 14:32, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
sur ta page pour que l'on puisse voir quelles langues tu parles ?Thank you for your list of some German irregular verbs. I am reminded of the "SemperBlotto First Law of Wikilists" that states that it is far easier to generate a list of words to be actioned than it is to actually action the list. How are you getting on with User:Kc kennylau/a more complete list? SemperBlotto (talk) 08:31, 5 February 2014 (UTC)
Jennybot is adding plurals to de-decl-noun-.. as positional parameters, without the pl= keyword. See Adamsapfel as an example. I am in the process of correcting them. SemperBlotto (talk) 08:34, 6 February 2014 (UTC)
You are also adding an extra "|n" where it shouldn't be. See Baumhaus as an example (now corrected). SemperBlotto (talk) 12:07, 6 February 2014 (UTC)
and {{de-decl-noun-m}}
don't work for the adjectival declension of nouns. You have to use {{de-decl-adj+noun-f}}
and {{de-decl-adj+noun-m}}
. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 12:36, 6 February 2014 (UTC)
works only for nouns where the e in the genitive singular is optional; it doesn't work for nouns where the e is obligatory. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 12:46, 6 February 2014 (UTC)
doesn't accommodate that word). —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 17:08, 6 February 2014 (UTC)
There was a non-existent category called "Turkish synonyms forms" in Special:WantedCategories that was there solely because you used acceleration to create entries from the declension table of nene and didn't check the results. Because the headers in the entry were in the wrong order, it erroneously used "synonyms" as the POS, putting the definitions under "Synonyms" headers, and put {{head|tr|synonyms forms}}in the headword line. "Synonyms" is a real header, so Kassadot just changed the # to a * to be consistent with the style for synonyms without noticing the lack of a POS header. Who knows when someone would have spotted it if I hadn't. There's enough insanity in our Turkish coverage due to Sae1962 without adding to it.
I've fixed all 8 of the entries, but please from now on take the time to look at the entries you create via acceleration so you can spot any problems. Acceleration is very helpful for creating large numbers of new entries, but it doesn't relieve you of the responsibility to make sure the results are correct. Chuck Entz (talk) 03:23, 8 February 2014 (UTC)
I don't think jedno- is a separate prefix in Serbo-Croatian. It's just the word jedan. —CodeCat 16:56, 8 February 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny. How would I add a blank tile (value 0) to our Scrabble board? --Back on the list (talk) 17:03, 8 February 2014 (UTC)
How was I racist? Also, since when was racism disallowed from this project? --Æ&Œ (talk) 13:50, 10 February 2014 (UTC)
Hi! Regarding diff: I don't think it makes much difference which language section categories are in (maybe it makes a visible difference to people who use Tabbed Languages?), but the English categories (Category:en:Cakes and pastries, etc) were fine where they were in the English section; there was no need to move them. Second, "Berliner" is definitely not a "genitive plural of Berlin". If you're not sure about the part of speech of a German word, you can check de.Wikt, the Duden, or the DWDS, or ask me or another user. :) Cheers, - -sche (discuss) 03:30, 11 February 2014 (UTC)
to help you. Have a fruitful life inside and outside Wiktionary! --kc_kennylau (talk) 11:19, 11 February 2014 (UTC)You need to limit the namespaces for Kennybot's current project: it's been trying to add language codes in the middle of archived Beer Parlor discussions, for instance. I've spotted and reverted a few cases because they caused module errors, but there are probably more that got missed because they didn't cause any. Modifying archives is almost never a good idea, and having a bot do it using code that wasn't designed to operate in those namespaces can only make a mess of things. Chuck Entz (talk) 08:57, 11 February 2014 (UTC)
Please tell me. —CodeCat 03:29, 15 February 2014 (UTC)
In diff, Kennybot added "lang=eo" to a Portuguese hyphenation template. Just letting you know. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 16:32, 15 February 2014 (UTC)
In diff and diff, Kennybot added "]]" twice. (Is this perhaps an encoding issue, for example are you working from a list of characters saved in Unicode format while your bot expects a UTF-8 list, so that the characters end up being both unrecognised and split?) Also, there is not actually a category "Category:English terms spelled with 𐑓" yet, but that's not a issue IMO — it has been suggested that other languages should only categorise certain characters, but I do think it's useful to have a "full house" / category for every symbol in English (except the really common ones like a and probably '). Separately, the bot can ignore subpages of Unsupported titles such as Unsupported titles/Less than three; these don't have their true titles as the pagename.
Thanks for adding all the categories. Most of the bot's edits, including e.g. diff, seem to be working just fine. - -sche (discuss) 17:13, 17 February 2014 (UTC)
Regarding diff: before the 1996 reform, ck between two vowels was split across a line break by first converting it to kk and then splitting between the two k's, e.g. abbrök- keln. So the entry was right. If you've changed any others, please change them back. —Aɴɢʀ (talk) 20:36, 19 February 2014 (UTC)
diff It added this category even though the article had it. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 14:10, 20 February 2014 (UTC)
It's unnecessary to ping a regular contributor to a discussion unless their input is needed immediately, since they will already have the page watchlisted. Because the notification shows up prominently on every page until it's clicked, the implication is that you're demanding your comment be read before anything else. People are no doubt cutting you some slack because they know you have a tendency to get carried away with things, but it will soon start to be a nuisance. Thanks. Chuck Entz (talk) 14:43, 27 February 2014 (UTC)
Thanks again for making the templates accelerated. I have another request, however. It seems that the neuter singular form of the adjectives doesn't get accelerated - see on the page moráu - the neuter form morao is a red link, not a green link. Do you know how to fix that? --Back on the list (talk) 09:59, 3 March 2014 (UTC)
// Asturian
creation_rules =
function (params, entry)
var template = {
'plural':'plural of',
'masculine-plural': 'masculine plural of',
'feminine':'feminine of',
'feminine-plural': 'feminine plural of',
'neuter':'neuter of'};
if (!template)
throw new PreloadTextError('No rule for "' + params.form + '" in language "' + params.lang + '".');
entry.def = '{{' + template + '|' + params.origin + '|lang=' + params.lang + '}}';
Hi there. I am planning on running a crossword competition for Easter / Spring, but I need help in coding the grid.
It will be a square or rectangular grid of square cells separated by thin black lines. Some of the squares will be solid black (blocks). Some of the white squares will have numbers in them (small, in the top left of the cell) which will be visible even when a letter has been placed in the cell.
I can't figure out how to code it. Here is a trivial example - first a 3x3 grid with numbers and one central block; then the same grid filled in with letters.
Could you figure out how these should be coded in order to solve the three problems. Cheers SemperBlotto (talk) 11:35, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
1 | 2 | |
| | ||
3 |
C | A | T |
O | | | H |
W | H | Y |
@SemperBlotto Sorry for the late reply, I was having dinner. I have encountered this before, and I had given up. However, after trials and errors, I finally know now how to solve the problem.
Firstly, border should not be put into style.
O | H | |
G | O | D |
Secondly, use cellspacing to remove the extra spaces:
O | H | |
G | O | D |
Thirdly, style="height:15pt" to solve the remaining problem:
O | H | |
G | O | D |
To make it a square, width=60pt:
O | H | |
G | O | D |
1 | 2 | |
| | ||
3 |
1C | A | 2T |
O | | | H |
3W | H | Y |
1C | A | 2T |
O | | | H |
3W | H | Y |
--kc_kennylau (talk) 15:54, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
Sorry to keep bugging you with questions. It's just that you understand coding far better than I ever will. I see you recently made Category:Latin nouns having red links in their declension table, which is great. Could you teach me how to do the same with another category, for example, Category:Asturian verbs having red links in their conjugation table? I hope with this knowledge I will be able to improve the project much more in the future. Thanks for your great work! --Back on the list (talk) 13:16, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny. I hope you didn't break anything with the Asturian templates redirects. If not, thanks! --Back on the list (talk) 10:37, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
Hi kc_kennylau. Sorry; I didn't mean to hinder what you were trying to achieve with {{la-decl-2nd-ius}}
. I didn't see what function dkjbkanoidnfov=matched had; what's it for, may I ask? — I.S.M.E.T.A. 14:55, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
not to check whether the genitive singular form exists, because {{#ifexist:],<br/>]<sup style="color: red">1</sup>}}
will certainly return false. --kc_kennylau (talk) 14:58, 12 March 2014 (UTC){{la-decl-noun-table-single}}
. ;) --kc_kennylau (talk) 15:18, 12 March 2014 (UTC){{la-decl-venum}}
and {{la-decl-vis}}
. Apart from those two isolated cases, all the other categorisations look legit to me. — I.S.M.E.T.A. 15:46, 12 March 2014 (UTC)Hi. Please see WT:Votes/pl-2008-06/Plurals from proper nouns.At the present plurals of names are being added. There is no consensus whether they should be called proper nouns or nouns, so your edit of Deborahs is fine. But adding a noun definition like "A person named X" to every proper name definition is not likely to be accepted by the community.--Makaokalani (talk) 11:24, 22 March 2014 (UTC)
Please see the thread titled "A Tweak Needed For template:derivcatboiler" at User talk:CodeCat for why I deleted this category after creating it. Chuck Entz (talk) 13:15, 2 April 2014 (UTC)
Sometimes when there's unusual formatting in a discussion, it gets lost when the discussion is archived, such as here. I'm not sure how to fix it in this case, but I thought I'd let you know in the hope that you can figure it out. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 20:56, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
Why do you do that? You realise Special:PrefixIndex/Template:langrev/ (and mw:API:Allpages with apprefix
) gives exactly the same information, right? — Keφr 15:49, 6 April 2014 (UTC)
altogether now that we have Lua equivalents available. —CodeCat 00:09, 7 April 2014 (UTC)I find myself very confused by the edit of Template:la-decl-3rd-I that you made on March 2nd. Every source I can find says that the accusative plural of 3rd Declension I-stem nouns is always īs, but you assert that is can sometimes be ēs, which is the ending for non-istem nouns. I'm tempted to revert it, but I'm rather new to Latin, and so it is more likely that I'm simply confused about something. Can you give me a hint as to why the double-entry for accusative plural is correct? Avjewe (talk) 13:25, 18 April 2014 (UTC)
getLanguageByCanonicalName doesn't work properly yet, so this probably won't either. What do you need it for anyway? —CodeCat 19:24, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
, it caused pages to crash. Not just show script errors, but they actually wouldn't display at all. —CodeCat 02:43, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
would crash? --kc_kennylau (talk) 02:52, 22 April 2014 (UTC)Please don't add default scripts to templates. This negates the benefits of script detection so it should be avoided. —CodeCat 19:27, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
You may want to try Template:cmn-new (if you haven't already) to make new Mandarin entries. It's a real time-saver, once you learn all tricks, limitations and workarounds. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 04:21, 22 April 2014 (UTC)
Closed discussions should be left on the page for at least 7 days before they are archived. Thus, Talk:svaratelj was archived too early. I think it is okay to leave it archived, but can you please wait for 7 days before archiving in future? --Dan Polansky (talk) 10:06, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
This is garbage. Not sure what happened here, but please make sure your bot doesn't do it again. This, that and the other (talk) 12:28, 27 April 2014 (UTC)
The dust has finally settled from the problem that you fixed, and there are still 42 entries with script errors. In case you're wondering: yes, those are real script errors- I've done null edits on all of them, and they didn't go away. When you have a moment in between adding templates to entries that invoke non-existent modules :), you might check into it... Chuck Entz (talk) 00:18, 3 May 2014 (UTC)
Your bot caused the "n" to be dropped from "can" in the etymology section of lante with this edit. Likewise here, here, here, and indeed seemingly on every page whose Lojban etymology Kennybot has edited. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 19:38, 3 May 2014 (UTC)
caused most pages using that module to err. eg. 長頸鹿, 侵攻, 男性, 點心, 柑橘, 錯誤, 電視, 東西, 朋友, 風水. I have reverted them for now. Wyang (talk) 21:21, 3 May 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny,
Thanks for your edits. I'm brushing up my Cantonese right now. Might need your help. BTW, do you mind keeping trad./simpl. in sync, please? It's a good habit to edit both to make them look similar and have the same info. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 22:46, 7 May 2014 (UTC)
Can you help with the merger of some entries in Category:Min Nan nouns in traditional script and Category:Min Nan nouns in simplified script, please? even if just a few? @Wyang can some of them be done with your bot? --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 04:39, 20 May 2014 (UTC)
bogepatrojj, petrolozajn, senmentonajn, etc. I have no idea how many of these were created. —Mr. Granger (talk • contribs) 15:33, 26 May 2014 (UTC)
Something you did put every single entry with this template (about 5,340) in Category:Pages with script errors, so I undid your recent edits until you can figure out how to make them work. Chuck Entz (talk) 05:53, 27 May 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny,
Can you check this entry 咁, please? --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 01:54, 28 May 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny,
You seem to have a way to find etymologies for Chinese numerals? Could you please check/add etymologies for 一 to to 十 numerals? I have merged/fixed them all. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 01:04, 3 June 2014 (UTC)
You seem to like running tasks for a bot, so you might like the following one:
This should be entirely uncontroversial, since linking to other sites is a common practice supported in WT:ELE and since Duden is often considered to be the golden standard for German dictionaries. --Dan Polansky (talk) 10:08, 3 June 2014 (UTC)
The following script takes a list of UTF-8 encoded German terms and outputs only those that are found in Duden:
import sys, urllib, httplib, re
for term in open(sys.argv):
term = term.rstrip()
termURL = term
# Assumption: the input encoding is UTF-8
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xe4),"ae")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xf6),"oe")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xfc),"ue")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xdf),"sz")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xc4),"Ae")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xd6),"Oe")
termURL = termURL.replace(chr(0xdc),"Ue")
notFound = False
for line in urllib.urlopen(url):
if "Fehler404" in line:
notFound = True
if not notFound:
print term
print >> sys.stderr, "Not found in Duden: " + term
--Dan Polansky (talk) 13:49, 3 June 2014 (UTC)
? --Fsojic (talk) 23:29, 5 June 2014 (UTC)
Progress report:
--kc_kennylau (talk) 12:28, 6 June 2014 (UTC)
Progress report:
--kc_kennylau (talk) 02:35, 7 June 2014 (UTC)
Thank you! Unfortunately, you seem to have added Duden twice to multiple entries, e.g. in Aussehen. Can you remove the duplication? --Dan Polansky (talk) 12:33, 7 June 2014 (UTC)
adding the header has gone wrong: diff --MaEr (talk) 16:36, 5 June 2014 (UTC)
The link your bot added here is not valid. Thanks for your attention. — Automatik (talk) 22:07, 8 June 2014 (UTC)
I had this idea for eliminating the parameters from instances {{topic cat}}
of topic cat with no script code, which I presented at the Grease Pit a while back, but apparently nobody could be bothered- even though it would be extremely easy. I was wondering if you could do it for me.
The topical categories that use topic cat are, by definition, always named as follows:
Topic cat takes 2 parameters: the language code and the topic name.
What I would like is a template- let's call it "tcez". It should use a module function to extract the the language code if there is one(or an empty parameter if there isn't) and the language name, and feed them to {{topic cat}}
The result is that you could create ] with "{{tcez}}" instead of typing "{{topic cat|yue|Countries of North America}}", and getting an error if you have even one character wrong.
I've probably made it more complicated than it is- I'd be surprised if it takes much longer to create the thing than it did to read this. Thanks! Chuck Entz (talk) 07:22, 9 June 2014 (UTC)
. Wyang (talk) 03:39, 10 June 2014 (UTC)You did not specify a function name, and there was no function to call there anyway. And this was my sandbox, things may disappear from there without warning. Please, look things up before deciding to break stuff. — Keφr 13:40, 10 June 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny,
your bot messed up some entries inserting External links and Category between definition lines. Probably these entries are affected, but there might be more if you have run the bot after the last dump:
Could you please fix them? (I've already done the first 2)Matthias Buchmeier (talk) 18:25, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
OK, I'm in over my head here: 蒲葵. I can't figure out how to indicate that there are three ways of pronouncing this (fairly obscure) written form, which all mean the same thing. Cnilep (talk) 08:37, 19 June 2014 (UTC)
, more often {{ja-noun}}
(or other PoS) is repeated on the next line, separated by < / br >. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 02:59, 20 June 2014 (UTC)
or decide just to use one with a selected reading or leaving it empty. With multiple etymologies and different pronunciations, the choice is simple but in this case - not so straightforward. I see you both (you and Wyang) decided to leave it without readings. --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 07:50, 20 June 2014 (UTC)I just created an entry for the Chinese word for tuberculosis and found out that it's homophonous with another Chinese word. Could you make a Mandarin homophone template for the Pinyin reading jiéhé? --Lo Ximiendo (talk) 18:27, 20 June 2014 (UTC)
In 目 - "Lua error in Module:yue-pron at line 169: attempt to call a table value". --Anatoli (обсудить/вклад) 01:16, 4 July 2014 (UTC)
You don't need to undo the edit as the derivation of the term from Latin is highly doubtful, therefore it is not appropriate to list it among Latin loanwords. Thanks. Etimo (talk) 10:58, 7 July 2014 (UTC)
used to create Module errors, but now it assumes the third parameter is en
instead, which added it to Category:English terms derived from Latin. If you want to remove the article from Category:Albanian terms derived from Latin, just use {{etyl|la|-}}
instead. --kc_kennylau (talk) 11:01, 7 July 2014 (UTC)I see, thanks for the tip Etimo (talk) 11:20, 7 July 2014 (UTC)
You never know until you see it in patrol, really. And speaking of patrol: you are a quite skilled editor, the community knows and appreciates you, you seem not to be in conflict with anyone (quite an accomplishment), you seem to have tempered your impatience a bit recently, and you still seem rather active. And since there is also some room for reasonably assuming you are not Wonderfool either, I have been thinking about nominating you for adminship. The perks it gives you: ability to edit fully protected pages, modify edit filters, to patrol, protect, delete and undelete pages, block users and grant them some lesser rights (like autopatrolled). And some infinitesimal amount of authority among editors. It would be good if you used each of these from time to time. Are you interested? — Keφr 20:29, 7 July 2014 (UTC)
Hello, I've just noticed that this link is pointing to an empty page, even if it's not in 404 error, there isn't any published reference over there. JackPotte (talk) 19:10, 12 August 2014 (UTC)
Hello, why did your bot do this whereas the TLFi does not any entry with that name (click on the link to check)? Pamputt (talk) 20:09, 17 August 2014 (UTC)
Hi, you removed bad links like but not like , like suggested in #Adding links to TLFi. Could you fix this? — Automatik (talk) 16:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
This edit also links to a non-existent TLFi entry. The correct is to "léger de (la) main" in the entry http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/l%C3%A9ger . --Espoo (talk) 00:19, 14 November 2015 (UTC)
isn't that Japanese words usually end with a vowel with the exception of "n".
Okay, since you are keen, I will leave this to you. But the editor has a terribly long history of adding bad and dubious stuff, even if some edits are acceptable. Good luck! Equinox ◑ 03:34, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
Kennybot is screwing up the lang parameter in IPA templates - see e.g. . It is changing the g in lang from U+0067 to U+0261. Keith the Koala (talk) 11:16, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
like that, so changing colons like that is an error to watch out for, even though entries should nowadays be formatted like this, with the refs outside the template. - -sche (discuss) 18:33, 23 August 2014 (UTC)Hi. Note that the SC terms for which you added Cyrillic are not attested in Cyrillic. I believe the convention for SC has thus far been to only have the Cyrillic entry (and the Cyrillic spelling within the Latin entry) if and when a word has been attested with said script. 18:15, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
You marked that entry as patrolled, even though there are numerous problems with it: the language header is L3 instead of L2, there is no part-of-speech header, the headword template is "noun", which generates a bogus plural, and worst of all, this prefix does not appear to be in use at all. But now that it is marked as patrolled, it would go unnoticed for several months, if it were not for me thinking to check your patrol log just in case something like that happens.
I did plea for more patrolling some time ago, but this does not mean "mark more things as patrolled in less time". Be more critical, please. And if you think another pair of eyeballs would be beneficial, leave things unpatrolled. — Keφr 18:33, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
It is replacing invalid characters from the language code (). If you prefer fixing that later, feel free to unblock it. — Ungoliant (falai) 20:21, 22 August 2014 (UTC)
About diff: Your edit summary says "I am completely not knowledgeable of this language, and I guarantee no validity of any information I have put". I am baffled; why would you enter information for which you do not know whether it is valid? --Dan Polansky (talk) 10:04, 23 August 2014 (UTC)
你好,上次您取消咗我嘅tempête修改,據我所知魁北克音係。 13:43, 27 August 2014 (UTC)
呢度您聽到抑或呀? 18:00, 27 August 2014 (UTC)
您係唔係聽到? 01:03, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
呢度您聽到抑或呀?Fort123 (talk) 01:15, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
呢個係。 13:32, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
呢度您聽到「peut-帶」抑或「peut-低」呀? 15:06, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
Since you made your recent changes, the template pages are now showing a module error. I'm guessing it's because you assumed that args would never be empty. —CodeCat 00:07, 26 October 2014 (UTC)
What are these for? Are you planning to do anything with them? — Keφr 07:55, 1 November 2014 (UTC)
Hi Kenny. You did some great work before with the Spanish conjugation templates. Thanks for that. Can you see if you can do anything for Template:es-conj-iar-ar so that it can be used for reflexive verbs, like vanagloriarse? --Type56op9 (talk) 15:49, 10 November 2014 (UTC)
This isn't a wiktionary question about Chinese articles per se, but I just wanted to ask if you could read a handwritten Chinese character for me and render it as regular text. I linked to an image of it (temporary link) at my sandbox: User:Bumm13/sandbox Bumm13 (talk) 14:49, 20 December 2014 (UTC)