jacinth jack jack boom jack catch jack engine jacket jacket set jackhammer jackhead jackhead pit jackhead pump jackhead set jackhead staple jack hole jacking pressure jacking up jackknife jackknife rig jackknifing jackleg jackpipe jack pit jack post jackroll jackscrew jack setter jackshaft jacky pit jacobsite Jacobs process Jacob staff Jacquet's method jacupirangite jacutinga jad jade jadeite jadeitite jadeolite jag bolt jager jagging board jagoite jailer jalpaite jam jamb jamb cutter jamb stick jamb wall James jig jamesonite James table jam out jam riveter jar jar collar jargon jarlite jar mill Jarno taper jarosite jaspagate jasper jasper bar jasperine jasperite jasperization jasperoid jasper opal jaspidean jaspilite jasponyx jaw jaw breaker jaw crusher jedding ax jeffersite jeffersonite Jeffrey crusher Jeffrey diaphragm jig Jeffrey molveyor Jeffrey-Robinson cone Jeffrey single-roll crusher Jeffrey swing-hammer crusher Jeffrey-Traylor vibrating feeder Jeffrey-Traylor vibrating screen jelly jenkin jenkinsite Jeppe's tables Jeppestown shales jerking table jerry man Jersey fire clay brick jeso jet jetair flotation machine jet-assisted cutting jet coal jet corer jet drilling jet grinding mill jet hole jet hydraulic jet impact mill jetloader jet mill jet mixer jetonized wood jet piercing jet-piercing drill jet pump jet rock jet shale jetstone jetters jetting jetting drill jetting pump jetty jeweler's shop jews' tin jib jibbing-in jib crane jib end jib holeman jib in jig jig bed jig brow jig bushing jig chain jig dips jigger jigger work jigging jigging conveyor jigging machine jigging screen jiggling in jig haulage jig indicator jig pin jig washer jimboite Jim Crow jinny road jitty joaquinite jock jockey joggle johachidolite johannite johannsenite Johannsen number Johannsen's classification John Odges Johnson concentrator Johnston vanner johnstrupite joint joint box jointing jointing sleeves joint line joint plane joint rose joints joint set joint system jointy Jolly balance Jominy test Jones riffle Jones splitter Joosten process Joplin jig jordanite joren jose#1.ite josen josephinite joule Joule's law jouph holes jourado diamond journal journey Joy double-ended shearer Joy extensible conveyor Joy extensible steel band Joy loader Joy microdyne Joy transloader Joy walking miner jubilee wagon jubs jud judge judge rapper Judson powder jug jugglers julienite jumble jumbler jumbles jumbo jump jump correlation jumper jumper bar jumping a claim jump sheet junckerite junction junction box junk junkerite junket junking junk mill junks Jupiter process Jupiter steel Jurassic jury rig jutty juvenile juvenile water juxtaposition twin kaemmererite kaersutite kahlerite kalamin Kaldo steel process kale kaliborite kalicine kalicinite kalinite kaliophilite kaliphite kalistrontite Kalling's solution kalsilite kamacite kamarezite kaemmererite kammerling furnace kanase Kanawhan Kanawha series kandite kankar kaoleen kaolin kaoline kaolinic kaolinite kaolinite-serpentine kaolinization kapel kappa carbide karang karat karelianite Karlsbad twin karnasurtite karpatite karpinskite karpinskyite karst karst topography kasoite kasolite Kast furnace kata- kataclastic kata cooling power katamorphism kata thermometer katazone katoptrite katungite kauk kayserite K-bentonite kearsutite keatite keeleyite keel wedge keen sand keeper Keewatin keg kehoite keldyshite kell Keller automatic roaster Keller furnace kellerite kellow kelly kelly bar Kelly filter kelp kelvin Kelvin temperature scale kelyphite kelyphitic rim kelyphytic kelyphytic rim Kema plow kempite kennel coal kentrolite Kent roller mill kentsmithite kep kepel kerargyrite keratophyre kerf kerf stone kermesite kerned stone kernel kernel roasting kernite kerogen kerogen shale kerolite keronigritite kerosine flotation kerosine shale kerrite kersantite kerve kesterite kettle kettleback kettle bottom kettle dross kettleman kettle operator kettnerite kevell kevil Keweenawan key key bed key blocks keyhole slot key horizon keystone keystoneite K-feldspar K-Fuel process Khari salt khinganite khlopinite kibbal kibble kibble rope kick kick back kicker kicker stone kicking pieces kickoff point Kick's law kidney iron ore kidney ore kidneys kidney stone kidney sulfur kies kieselguhr kieserite kilbrickenite kilchoanite kilkenny coal kill killas killed steel killing kiln kiln burner kiln-burner helper kiln-car unloader kiln cleaner kiln-dry kilneye kilnman kiln placer kilo- kilocusec kilocycle kilometer kiloton kilowatt-hour Kimberley method kimberlite kimzeyite kind Kind-Chaudron process kindly kindly ground kindred kinematic viscosity kinetic energy kinetic head kinetic metamorphism kingbolt king brick king pile king post king screen kink kink bands kinradite kinzigite kip kir Kirkup table kirovite Kiruna method kirve kirving kirvings kish kishly kist kit kladnoite klaprothine klaprothite klebelsbergite kleinite Klein solution kliachite klinkstone klintite klippe klockmannite kloof kmaite Knapp bottom pressure gage knapping machine kneading knebelite knee brace kneeler knee pad knee piece knee timber knell stone knife dog knife edge knife switch knipovichite knistersalze knitted texture knobbing knobbing fire knobellite knock knockbark knocking knockoff bit knockout man knockstone knogging Knoop hardness knot knots knotted schist knotted slate known mine known to exist known vein knox hole knox system knoxvillite knuckle knuckle joint knuckle man knurs and fundlers knurs and knots kobeite kobellite kochenite Koch freezing process koechlinite koehler lamp Koepe hoist Koepe sheave Koepe system Koepe winder Koepe winder brake koettigite kohlenhobel kolbeckite Kollen garnet kolm kolovraite komatiite kong konimeter koninckite Kootenai series Korfmann arch saver Korfmann power loader kornelite kornerupine korzhinskite koettigite kotulskite Kotze konimeter Kourbatoff's reagent koutekite kramerite krantzite kratochvilite kraurite krausite kremersite krennerite kriging kriging standard deviation Krohnke process kroehnkite Kroll process Krupp process Krupp-Renn Krupp washing process kryptomere kryzhanovskite K-spar K.T.A.M. auger tube K.T.A.M. double-tube auger kua kulm kundaite kunkur kunzite kupferschiefer kupletskite kuprojarosit kurnakovite kuroko kurtosis kutnohorite kyack kyanite kyanophyllite kyrosite labeled atom labile labile protobitumens lability labor laboratory La Bour centrifugal pump labradorescence labrador hornblende labradorite Labrador moonstone Labrador rock labuntsovite labyrinth laccolite laccolith lace lacing lack clay LaCoste-Romberg gravimeter lacroixite lactic acid lacustrine ladder ladder-bucket dredge ladder ditcher ladder drilling ladder lode ladder sollar ladder vein ladderway lade laded metal lading hole ladle ladle addition ladle craneman ladle filler ladle furnace ladle liner ladle lip ladler Lafond's tables lag lag deposit lagergestein lag fault lagged liner lagging lagging bar lag gravel lagre lags lag screw lag time lahar laihunite lair laitakarite lake-bed placer Lake copper Lake George diamond lake ore Lake Superior agate Lake Superior greenstone lambda plate Lambert's Law lamella lamellar lamellar flow lamella roof lamellar pyrite lamellar stellate lamellar twinning lamellate lame-skirting lamina laminar flow laminar velocity laminated laminated iron laminated quartz laminating machine laminating roller lamination laminations lamings lamp lampadite lamp cabin lamp cleaner lamp cup lamp house lamping lamp keeper lampman lamp rack lamp repairer lamprobolite lamproite lamp room lamprophyllite lamprophyre lamprophyric lamproschist lamp station Lanarkian lanarkite Lancashire bord-and-pillar system Lancashire method lanchut land land accretion land chain land compass lander landerite landesite landform landform system landing landing box landing shaft landing tender land pebble land-pebble phosphate land plaster land rock Landsat landscape agate landscape marble landslide landsliding landslip land subsidence lands valuable for minerals land weight Lane mill langbanite langbeinite langite lang lay rope Langmuir's adsorption isotherm Langmuir trough Lang's lay rope lansfordite lantern lanthanite lanyon shield lap laper lapidary lapilli lapilliform lapis lazuli lapis matrix LaPointe picker lapped Laramide orogeny Laramide revolution lardalite larderellite lardite lard oil lardstone lard stone large large coal large colliery large-diameter boring machine large knot large shake large split larnite larsenite Larsen's pile Larsen's spiles Larson ledge finder larvikite laser lash lasher lasher-on lashing lashing chain lash-up lasque last lift latch latches late magmatic mineral latent heat latent heat of fusion lateral lateral cleavage lateral development lateral deviation lateral draw lateral secretion lateral support later arrival laterite laterlog latex cement Latex spray lath lath frame lathlike laths latite latitude correction latosol latrobite latten lattice lattice constant lattice energy lattice girder lattice parameter lattice texture lattice water laubanite laubannite Laue diagram laueite Laue photograph launder launder man launder screen launder separation process launder washer laundry box Laurasia laurdalite Laurentian granite laurionite laurite lauroleic acid laurvikite lausenite lautarite Lauth mill lautite lava breccia lava dome lavatory lavendine lavenite lavialite lavrovite lawn law of cosines law of equal volumes law of extralateral rights law of gravitation law of mass action law of motion law of refraction law of sines law of superposition lawsonite laxmannite lay lay-by layer layer depth layered layering layering number layering of combustible gases layer-loading laying out lay of rope lay of the land layout lay rope lazarevicite lazuli lazulite lazulitic lazurite lazy balk lazy bench lazy girder lazy tong conveyor L.D. steel process leachate leach dump leached zone leacher leach hole leaching leaching rate test leach material leach pile leach precipitation float lead lead-acid accumulator leadage lead azide lead bath lead button lead carbonate lead edge leader leaders lead feldspar lead fume lead glance leadhillite leading heading leading place leadings leading stone leading winning leading wire lead lap lead metacolumbate lead metaniobate lead metasilicate lead motorman lead niobate lead ocher lead of a switch lead rail leads lead selenide lead silicate lead spar lead sulfide lead tantalate lead tree lead-uranium ratio lead vitriol lead-well man lead wires lead works lead zirconate leaf leaf clay league leak leakage leakage coefficient leakage halo leakage intake leakage intake system leakage resistance leak vibroscope lean lean clay lean ore leap leapfrog system lear learies leasable minerals lease leaser Leasing Act Minerals leat leatherstone leaving lechatelierite lechosos opal lecontite led ledge ledge rock Leebar separator Lee configuration leelite Lee-Norse miner leer leering Leet seismograph lefkasbestos left bank left lang lay left-lateral fault left long lay left regular lay left twist leg legend leg piece legrandite legs legua leg wire Lehigh jig lehiite Lehmann process lehr lehr man lehrnerite leightonite Leitz tyndallometer Lemberg's solution lenad lengenbachite lengthening rod length fast length of lay length of shot lengths length slow lennilite lens lense lens grinding lensing lenticle lenticular lenticular iron ore lenticule lentiform lentil lentil ore leonardite Leon combustible gases tester leonhardite leonhardtite leonite leopardite leopard rock Leopard stone Leopoldi furnace leopoldite lepidoblastic lepidocrocite lepidolite lepidomelane lepidomorphite lepolite leptothermal leptynolite Lerchs-Grossmann optimization lernilite lesleyite Lessing process lethal dose let into letovicite letter and tracing cutter letter stone lettsomite leuchtenbergite leucite leucitite leucitohedron leucitophyre leucochalcite leucocratic leucomanganite leucoperthite leucophane leucophanite leucophoenicite leucophyllite leucophyre leucopyrite leucosphenite leucoxene levee level level course level crosscut level drive leveler level-free leveling leveling instrument leveling practice leveling rod level interval level-luffing crane levelman level of control level of saturation levels level surface leverman levigation levitation levyne lewis hole lherzolite liberation liberation of intergrown constituents liberator cells Liberty-Gel libethenite LICADO process licensed material licensed store lid lidman lie! lie liebigite lien liesegang banding lievrite lifeline life of mine life of property lift lifter lifter holes lifters lifter spring lift gate lift hammer lifting lifting block lifting capacity lifting guard lifting magnet lifting set lifting wicket lift joint lift pump light alloys light blasting light burden light-colored lightening light-extinction method light figure lighting lightman light mineral lightning explosion lightning gap lightning protection lightning tube light railway light red silver ore light ruby ore light ruby silver light water lightweight aggregate lightweight concrete light-yellow heat lignin sulfonic acids lignite lignite A lignite B lignitic lignitic coal ligurite likasite likely lill lillianite Lilly controller limb lime lime boil limeburner lime feldspar lime mica lime mortar lime pan lime pit lime rock lime set lime shells lime-silicate rock lime slaker lime-soda sinter process limestone limestone dust limewater limit charge limiting creep stress limiting current density limiting gradient limiting mixture limit line limit of draw limit of proportionality limits of flammability limit switch limnic limnic coal basin limnite limonite limonitic limurite linarite lindackerite Lindblad-Malmquist gravimeter lindgrenite Lindgren's volume law lindstroemite line lineage lineal foot lineal travel lineament linear linear alkylbenzene sulfonate linear element linear expansion linear model linear parallelism linear schistosity linear shrinkage linear structure lineation line brattice line clinometer line defect lined gold line drilling line drop line electrode line lubricator line map line of bearing line of collimation line of creep line of dip line of force line of least resistance line of outcrop line of seepage line of sight line of thrust line of tunnel line oiler liner lines linesman lines up line timbers line up lingot lining lining mark lining sight lining up a mine linishing link bar link conveyor linked veins Linkenbach table link-plate belt linnaeite linneite linoleic acid linolenic acid linophyric linseed fatty acid linsey lintel Linz-Donawitz process lionite lip lip-and-gate builder liparite lip of shaft lip screen liptinite liptite Liqnipel process liquation liquid air liquidation grade liquid bituminous material liquid glass liquid inclusion liquid-liquid extraction liquid measure liquid-phase sintering liquid pressure liquids flowsheet liroconite liskeardite list listing list mill list pan listric fault listy bed lith- litharge lithargite lithia amethyst lithia emerald lithia mica lithic lithic arenite lithic graywacke lithic sandstone lithic tuff lithidionite lithifaction lithification lithionite lithiophilite lithiophorite lithiophosphate lithium lithium borosilicate lithium mica lithium niobate lithium tantalate lithodeme lithofacies lithofracteur lithogene lithogenesis lithogenesy lithogenetic lithogeny lithoglyph lithoglyptics lithographic limestone lithographic stone lithographic texture lithoid lithoidal lithologic lithologic correlation lithology lithomarge lithophile lithophosphor lithophosphore lithophysae lithopone lithospar lithosphere lithotope lithotype lithoxyl litidionite litmus litmus paper lit-par-lit Little Demon exploder little giant little winds littoral littoral current littoral drift littoral zone live boom liveingite live load live lode liverite live roll grizzly liver opal liver ore liver pyrites liver rock liverstone livesite live steam livingstonite lixiviant lixiviation lixivium lizardite L-joint llano load load-bearing test load-bearing wall load binder load cell load controller load dropper loaded filter loaded hole loaded wheel loader loader boss loader engineer loader gate loader-off loader operator loader runner load-extension curve load factor load fold load indicator loading loading boom loading-boom operator loading boss loading chute loading conveyor loading density loading equipment loading head loading-head man loading hopper loading machine loading machine operator loading-machine runner loading pan loading pick loading point loading pole loading ramp loading ratio loadings loading shovel loading station loading-unit boss loading weight load metamorphism load-out loadstar loadstone load transfer loam beater loam cake loaming Lobbe Hobel Lobbert lagging lobs local cell local current local extension local indicator plant local metamorphism local shear failure local unconformity local vent local ventilation locatable minerals located location location and patent location notice location plan location survey location work loch lockage locked coil rope locked-cycle test locked particles locked test locked-wire rope locker locking bolts locknut lock paddle lockpin lock sill lockup clutch locomotive locomotive arches locomotive brakeman locomotive garage locomotive gradient locomotive haulage locomotive helper locomotive pan brick locomotive patcher locomotive resistance lode lode claim lode plot lodestone lodestuff lode tin lodge lodgment level loellingite loess loeweite Loewinson-Lessing classification Lofco car feeder lofthead lofting log Logan slabbing machine logbook logging chain logging tongs log washer Lohmannizing loipon lok batanite loellingite loma lomonosovite long awn long clay long column long hole long-hole blasting long-hole drill long-hole infusion long-hole jetting longitudinal fault longitudinal fissure longitudinal joint longitudinal trace longitudinal valley longitudinal velocity longitudinal wave long (lazy) flames Longmaid-Henderson process long piggyback conveyor long-pillar work long-range order long run long-running thermal precipitator long section long-shank chopping bit longshore current longshore drift long tom longues tailles longwall longwall advancing longwall coal cutter longwall machine longwall miner longwall mining longwall peak stoping longwall pillar working longwall retreating lonkey loodwin looking-glass ore lool loom loop circuit loop drag looper loop haulage looping looping mill loop-type pit bottom loopway loose loose end loose goods loose ground loose-needle traversing loosening bar loose rails loose rock looses loose stone loose yards loosing loparite lopezite lopolith loran lorandite loranskite lorettoite lorry Los Angeles abrasion testing machine lose loseyite losing iron loss of vend loss on ignition lost circulation lost closure lost core lost corner lost hole lost level lost river lost thread method lost water loudspeaker face telephone loup loupe louver cleaner louvers love arrows love stone Love wave lovozerite low low-alumina silica brick low-angle fault low bed low blast low coal low-deflagrating explosive Lowden drier low-density explosive low-discharge ball mill low doors low-duty fire clay brick loeweite lower lower break lowering conveyor lowering skips lowering tongs lower leaf lower limit of flammability lower liquid limit lower plastic limit lower plate lowest visible red-heat low explosive low-freezing dynamites low-freezing explosive low gear low-grade low-grade coal low-heat cement low-heat-duty clay low-iron magnesite brick low level low-nitrate barren low powders low-pressure air stower low-pressure limit low quartz low-rank coals low-rank metamorphism low red-heat low shaft furnace low-temperature carbonization low-temperature coke low-temperature incineration method low-tension detonator low-terrace drift low velocity low-velocity-layer correction low volatile bituminous coal low voltage low working voltage lozenge lpb LP delays lublinite lubrication Luce and Rozan process lucianite lucid attrite lucinite Luckiesh-Moss visibility meter luckite lucky stone Lueders line ludlamite ludwigite lue lueneburgite lueshite luffing cableway mast lug lug down lugeon test Luhrig vanner lumachelle lumber lumber scale luminance luminance of a surface luminescence luminosity luminous Lumnite lump coal Lump Coal lump ore lumpy lunar crater lunker Lurgi process Lurmann front lurry lusakite lussatite luster luster mottling lutaceous lutecite luthos lazuli luting lutite lutose luxullianite luzonite lyddite Lydian stone lydite lye lying money lying wall lynx eye lynx sapphire lyophilic lyophobic lyosorption lype Lyster process lyway