Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November you have here. The definition of the word Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofWiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2024/November, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.

This is the November archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2024.


Foreign word of the day  in Polish
arcybibosz noun
  1. (archaic) arch-reveller (a reveller more distinguished than other revellers)
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Foreign word of the day  in Hindi
खखारना (khakhārnā) verb
  1. to clear the throat of phlegm, to cough up mucus
  2. to cough (as to alert someone, or to grab attention)
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Foreign word of the day  in Ingrian
syänmuna noun
  1. (anatomy) heart (organ) (literally “heart egg”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Greek
γιατάκι (giatáki) noun
  1. (colloquial, dated, nautical) bunk, bunk bed, berth
  2. (colloquial, dated, nautical, by extension) cabin (interior of a boat, enclosed to create a small room)
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Foreign word of the day  in Kikuyu
koma verb
  1. to sleep, to lie down
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Foreign word of the day  in German
achselzuckend adjective
  1. indifferent (literally, “shoulder-shrugging”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Spanish
infundir verb
  1. (ditransitive) to instill (especially a feeling)
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Foreign word of the day  in Gujarati
રંગલો (raṅglo) noun
  1. clown, buffoon, jester, joker (a court entertainer; someone who jests or jokes in dramas)
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Foreign word of the day  in Vietnamese
linh tinh adjective
  1. miscellaneous; without overarching theme or guiding principle
  2. haphazard; disorderly; without plan
  3. without thought or regard for consequences
  4. not how it should be, inappropriate
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Foreign word of the day  in Latin
incubō verb
  1. to lie, to sit, or to settle in, on or upon; to recline
  2. to sit upon to brood or hatch
  3. to abide in; to inhabit
  4. (figuratively) to brood over
  5. (figuratively) to weigh upon; to be a burden to
  6. to settle on; to attach to
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Foreign word of the day  in Persian
یغما (yağmâ) noun
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Foreign word of the day  in Finnish
svellari noun
  1. (music) swell, a crescendo followed by a diminuendo
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Foreign word of the day  in Urdu
چِہ جائے کِہ (ci jāe ki) conjunction
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Foreign word of the day  in Vietnamese
quày quả verb
  1. to turn around and leave with an attitude as if one has better things to do
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Foreign word of the day  in Welsh
ffroenuchel adjective
  1. haughty (literally, “high nostril”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Dutch
beemd noun
  1. low-lying pasture near water, e.g. a flood plain or a grassy polder
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Foreign word of the day  in Chinese
中有 (zhōngyǒu) noun
  1. (Buddhism) bardo (intermediate state between death and subsequent reincarnation)
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Foreign word of the day  in Russian
дублёнка (dubljónka) noun
  1. sheepskin coat (with the skin outside)
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Foreign word of the day  in French
teufeur noun
  1. (slang) raver (person who attends rave parties)
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Foreign word of the day  in Swahili
katakata verb, adverb
  1. (verb) to mince, to dice (to chop finely)
  2. (adverb, of refusals) flatly, resolutely, firmly
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Foreign word of the day  in Irish
ordóg noun
  1. thumb; big toe
  2. claw, pincers (of a crustacean)
  3. bit, piece, fragment
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Foreign word of the day  in Sanskrit
रङ्गल (raṅgala) noun
  1. joker, clown, jester (someone who tells jokes or jests)
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