Jabalpur {prop} (city in India)
:: جابلبور {m} /jabalbūr/
jabiru {n} (Jabiru mycteria)
:: جابيرو
jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object)
:: رافعة {f} /rāfiʿa/
jack {n} (playing card)
:: أعرج {m} /ʾaʿraj/
jack {n} (male ass (the animal))
:: حمار {m} /ḥimār/
Jack {prop} (pet name of John)
:: جاك {m} /jak/
jackal {n} (wild canine)
:: ابن آوى {m} /ibn ʾāwā/
jackass {n} (male donkey)
:: حمار /ḥimār/
jackass {n} (foolish or stupid person)
:: غبي /ḡabiyy/
jackbooted {adj} (authoritarian or oppressive) SEE: authoritarian
jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse)
:: جاكيت {m} /jākīt/, سترة {f} /sutra/
jackfruit {n} (the fruit)
:: جاكية
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device)
:: آلات ثقب الصخور /ʾālāt ṯaqb aṣ-ṣuḵūr/
jack-o'-lantern {n} (carved pumpkin)
:: قرعة مضيئة
jackpot {n} (accumulating money prize pool)
:: الجائزة الكبرى
Jackson {n} (transliterations of the surname)
:: جاكسون {m} /jāksūn/
Jackson {n} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson
Jack the Ripper {prop} (19th century murderer)
:: جاك السفاح {m} /jak as-saffāḥ/
Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca)
:: يعقوب /yaʿqūb/; Judeo-Arabic: יעקוב /yaʿqūbu/
Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form))
:: يعقوب {m} /yaʿqūb/
jade {n} (gem)
:: يشم {m} /yašm/, يشب {m} /yašb/
jaded {adj} (Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted)
:: منهك {m} /munhak/
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle
Jaffa {prop} (a port in western Israel)
:: يافا {f} /yāfā/
jaguar {n} (Panthera onca)
:: يغور {m}
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God
Jahannam {prop} (Islamic concept of hell)
:: جهنم {f} /jahannam/
jail {n} (place for short-term confinement)
:: سجن {m} /sijn/, حبس {m} /ḥabs/
jail {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison
Jainism {prop} (religion and philosophy)
:: جينية {f} /jayniyya/, جاينية {f} /jayniyya/
Jakarta {prop} (capital of Indonesia)
:: جاكرتا {f} /jakartā/
Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan)
:: جلال آباد {m} /jalāl ʾābād/
jalebi {n}
:: زلابيا, شباكية
jalopy {n} (old, dilapidated car)
:: سيارة بالية {m} /sayarat bialyti/
jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
:: مربى {m} /murabban/
jam {v} (to block or confuse a broadcast signal)
:: شوش /šawwaša/
Jamahiriya {n} (state of the masses (Libya))
:: جماهيرية {f} /jamāhīriyya/
Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean)
:: جامايكا {f} /jamaykā/
Jamal {prop} (male given name)
:: جمال {m} /jamāl/
jambalaya {n} (rice-based dish from Louisiana)
:: جامبالايا {f} /jāmbālāyā/
jambiya {n} (dagger)
:: جنبية {f} /janbiyya/
James {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: يعقوب {m} /yaʿqūb/
James {prop} (one of two Apostles)
:: يعقوب {m} /yaʿqūb/
James {prop} (male given name (the standard form))
:: جايمز {m} /jaymz/ , جيمس {m} /jayms/
James Bond {prop} (fictional British spy)
:: جيمس بوند {m} /jeyms bond/, جيمس بوند {m} /jayms bund/
Jamila {prop} (Female name in Muslim communities)
:: جميلة {f} /jamīla/
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car
Jammu {prop} (translations to be checked)
:: جامو {m} /jāmū/
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (portion of the territory which is governed by India)
:: جامو وكشمير {m} /jāmū wa-kašmīr/
Jane {prop} (feminine form of John)
:: جيهان /jīhān/, جين {f} /jeyn/
janissary {n} (former Turkish soldier)
:: إنكشاري {m} /ʾinkišāriyy/
January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: يناير {m} /yanāyir/, كانون الثاني {m} /kānūn aṯ-ṯānī/
Janus {prop} (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions)
:: يانوس /yānūs/
Japan {prop} (a country in East Asia)
:: اليابان {m} /al-yābān/
Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan)
:: ياباني /yābāniyy/
Japanese {n} (person of Japan)
:: ياباني {m} /yābāniyy/, يابانية {f} /yābāniyya/
Japanese {n} (Japanese language)
:: اليابانية {f} /al-yābāniyya/, ياباني {m} /yābāniyy/
Japanese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry
Japanophilia {n} (strong interest in Japan)
:: يابانوفيليا {f} /yābānūfīliyā/
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke
Japheth {prop} (third son of Noah)
:: يافث /yāfaṯ/
jar {n} (small, approximately cylindrical container)
:: جرة {f} /jara/
jargon {n}
:: مصطلح {m} /muṣṭalaḥ/ , لغة غير مفهومة {f} /luḡa ḡayr mafhūma/
jasmine {n} (plant of genus Jasminum)
:: ياسمين {m} /yāsamīn/, يسمين {m} /yasmīn/
jasmine {n}
:: يسمين {m} /yasmīn/
Jasmine {prop} (female given name)
:: ياسمين {f} /yāsamīn/
jasper {n} (precious stone)
:: يشب {m} /yašb/, يشم {m} /yašm/
jaundice {n} (morbid condition)
:: صفار {m} /ṣufār/, يرقان {m} /yaraqān/
Java {prop} (programming language)
:: جافا {f} /jāfā/, جافا {f} /javā/, Java {f} /Java/
Java sparrow {n} (Java sparrow)
:: عصفور جاوة
jaw {n} (bone of the jaw)
:: فك {m} /fakk/
jay {n} (name of the letter J, j)
:: جاي {m} /jay/, جاي {m} /jāy/
jazz {n} (musical art form)
:: جاز {m} /jāz/
jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection)
:: غيور /ḡayūr/
jealous {adj} (protective, guarding; careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates)
:: غيور /ḡayūr/
jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity))
:: غيرة {f} /ḡayra/
jealousy {n} (close, zealous vigilance, envy)
:: حسد {m} /ḥasad/, غبط {m} /ḡabṭ/
jeans {n} (denim trousers)
:: جينز {m} /jīnz/
Jeddah {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia)
:: جدة {f} /jidda/
Jedi {n} (one of a fictional order of beings)
:: جدي {m} /jaday/
jeep {n} (vehicle)
:: جيب {m} /jīb/
Jeep {n} (Jeep) SEE: jeep
Jefferson {prop} (surname)
:: جفرسون {m} {f} /jafarsūn/
Jehovah {prop} (Yahweh) SEE: Yahweh
Jehovah {prop} (transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton)
:: يهوه {m} /yahwah/, يهوه {m} /yahwa/
Jehovah {n} (Jehovah's Witness) SEE: Jehovah's Witness
Jehovah's Witness {n} (member of the Jehovah's Witnesses)
:: شاهد يهوه {m} /šāhid yahwa/
Jeju-do {prop} (island and province of South Korea)
:: جيجو-دو {m} /jiju-dū/
jejunum {n} (central of the three divisions of the small intestine)
:: صائم {m} /ṣāʾim/
jelly {n} (dessert)
:: هلام {m} /hulām/
jellyfish {n} (aquatic animal)
:: قنديل البحر {m} /qindīl al-baḥr/ , قنديل {m} /qindīl/
jenny {n} (female of donkey) SEE: she-ass
Jenny {prop} (female given name)
:: جيني {f} /jenī/
jenny-ass {n} (female donkey) SEE: she-ass
jerboa {n} (small rodent)
:: جربوع {m} /jarbūʿ/, يربوع {m} /yarbūʿ/
Jeremiah {prop} (biblical prophet)
:: إرميا {m} /ʾirmiyyā/
Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: سفر إرميا /sifr ʾirmiyyā/
Jeremiah {prop} (male given name)
:: إرميا {m} /ʾirmiyyā/
Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah
Jericho {prop} (city)
:: أريحا {f} /ʾarīḥā/
jerk {n} (sudden, uncontrolled movement)
:: رعشة {f} /raʿaša/
jerk {n} (quick, often unpleasant tug or shake)
:: هزة {f} /hazza/
jerk {n} (unlikable person)
:: أحمق or مغفل
jerk {v} (intransitive: to make a sudden uncontrolled movement)
:: يرتعش
jerk {v} (transitive: to give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake)
:: يهز
jerkoff {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German
Jerusalem {prop} (city)
:: القدس {f} /al-quds/ , أورشليم {f} /ʾūrušalīm/ , بيت المقدس {m} /bayt al-muqaddas/, بيت المقدس {m} /bayt al-maqdis/
Jerusalemite {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem)
:: مقدسي /maqdisiyy/
Jerusalemite {n} (native or resident of Jerusalem)
:: مقدسي {m} /maqdisiyy/, مقدسية {f} /maqdisiyya/
Jessica {prop} (a female given name)
:: جيسيكا {f} /jysykā/
Jesuit {n} (member of the Society of Jesus)
:: يسوعي {m} /yasūʿiyy/
Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah)
:: يسوع {m} /yasūʿ/, عيسى {m} /ʿīsā/
Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth)
:: يسوع المسيح {m} /yasūʿ al-masīḥ/, المسيح عيسى {m} /al-masīḥ ʿīsā/
jet {v} (to spray with liquid, to gush, to spurt)
:: دفق
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane
jet-black {n} (the blackest black)
:: اللون الأسود الفاحم
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine)
:: طائرة نفاثة {f} /ṭāʾira naffāṯa/
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier
Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith)
:: يهودي {m} /yahūdiyy/, يهودية {f} /yahūdiyya/
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people)
:: يهودي {m} /yahūdiyy/, يهودية {f} /yahūdiyya/
jewel {n} (gemstone)
:: جوهر {m} /jawhar/, جوهرة {f} /jawhara/
jewellery {n} (personal ornamentation)
:: مجوهرات {f-p} /mujawharāt/
Jewess {n} (female Jew)
:: يهودية {f} /yahūdiyya/
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish
Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture)
:: يهودي /yahūdiyy/
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia)
:: الأوبلاست اليهودية الذاتية {f} /al-ʾublast al-yahūdiyya ḏ-ḏātiyya/, منطقة الحكم الذاتي اليهودية {f} /minṭaqat al-ḥukm aḏ-ḏātiyy al-yahūdiyya/
Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete)) SEE: Judea
Jharkhand {prop} (state in eastern India)
:: جهارخاند {m} /jharḵānd/
Jiamusi {prop} (a city of China)
:: جياموسي {m} /jyamusī/
Jiangmen {prop} (a city of China)
:: جيانغمن {m} /jyanḡmen/, جيانغمين {m} /jyanḡmīn/
Jiangsu {prop} (Chinese province)
:: جيانغسو {m} /jyanḡsū/
Jiangxi {prop} (Chinese province)
:: جيانغشي {m} /jyangšī/
Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese
Jiayi {prop} (Chiayi) SEE: Chiayi
jiffy {n} (very short, unspecified length of time)
:: وهلة {f} /wahla/, لحظة {f} /laḥẓa/
jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims)
:: جهاد {m} /jihād/
jihadism {n} (ideological movement within modern Islamic fundamentalism)
:: جهادية /jihādiyya/
jihadist {n} (one who participates in a jihad)
:: مجاهد {m} /mujāhid/
jihadist {adj} (pertaining to the doctrine of jihadism)
:: جهادي {m}, جهادية {f} /jihādiyya/
Jilin {prop} (province of China)
:: جيلين {m} /jilīn/
Jilong {prop} (Keelung) SEE: Keelung
jilt {n} (woman who jilts a lover)
:: نابذة لحبيبها {f} /nābiḏa liḥabībihā/
jilt {v} (to jilt)
:: نبذ /nabaḏa/, أهمل /ʾahmala/
Jim {prop} (diminutive of James)
:: جيم {m} /jim/
Jinan {prop} (sub-provincial city in eastern China)
:: جينان {m} /jinān/
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism
jingoist {n} (chauvinist) SEE: chauvinist
jingoistic {adj} (overly patriotic or nationalistic)
:: جنغوي
jinn {n} (spirit)
:: جان /jānn/, جن /jinn/
jinx {v} (To bring bad luck to)
:: نحس /naḥasa/, جلب النحس /jalaba n-naḥs/
jizya {n} (per capita tax)
:: جزية /jizya/
JLPT {prop} (Japanese language proficiency test)
:: اختبار اللغة اليابانية {m} /iḵtibār al-luḡa l-yābāniyya/, جاي إل بيه تي {m} /jay ʾel bīh tī/
Joan {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jane
Joanna {prop} (cognates of the given name) SEE: Jane
Joanna {prop} (transliterations of the given name)
:: جوانا {f} /juwānnā/
Joanna {prop} (biblical follower of Jesus)
:: يونا {f} /yuwannā/
Joanna {prop}
:: يونا /yuwannā/
job {n} (task)
:: مهمة {f} /mahamma/
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid)
:: عمل {m} /ʿamal/, وظيفة {f} /waẓīfa/, مهنة {f} /mihna/, شغل {m} /šuḡl/, مهنة {f} /mihna/
Job {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: سفر أيوب /sifr ʾayyūb/
Job {prop} (biblical and qur'anic character)
:: أيوب {m} /ʾayyūb/
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed
jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap
jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap
jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter)
:: حزام رياضي {m} /ḥizām riyāḍiyy/
Joel {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: سفر يوئيل
jogging {n} (form of exercise)
:: هرولة {f} /harwala/
Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa)
:: جوهانسبرغ {m} /juhanisbūrḡ/
John {prop} (male given name)
:: يوحنا {m} /yūḥannā/; يحيى {m} /yaḥyā/; جون {m} /jōn/
John {prop} (biblical persons)
:: يوحنا {m} /yūḥannā/
John {prop} (fourth gospel)
:: إنجيل يوحنا {m} /ʾinjīl yūḥannā/
John {prop} (one of the epistles of John)
:: رسالة يوحنا /risāla(t) yūḥannā/
John Doe {n} (any unknown or anonymous male person)
:: فلان {m} /fulān/, فلان الفلاني {m} /fulān al-fulāniyy/, فلان ابن فلان {m} /fulān ibn fulān/
John Dory {n} (edible marine fish)
:: ضوري مذهب
Johnson {prop} (transliterations of the surname)
:: جونسون {m} {f} /jūnsūn/
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet)
:: يوحنا المعمدان /yūḥannā l-maʿmadān/, يحيى /yaḥyā/
join {v} (to become a member of)
:: التحق ب /iltaḥaqa bi-/
joiner {n} (maker of wooden furniture)
:: نجار {m} /najjār/
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join)
:: مفصل {m} /mifṣal/
joint-stock company {n} (company with transferable ownership and limited shareholder liability)
:: شركة مساهمة {f} /šārikat musāhima/
joint venture {n} (a cooperative business partnership)
:: شركة محاصة {f} /šarika muḥāṣṣa/
joke {n} (amusing story)
:: طرفة {f} /ṭurfa/, نكتة {f} /nukta/
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement)
:: نكتة {f} /nukta/, هزل {m} /hazl/
joke {v} (do for amusement)
:: مزح /mazaḥa/
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool
Jolly Roger {n} (traditional flag used on pirate ships)
:: جولي روجر
Jonah {prop} (prophet)
:: يونس {m} /yūnus/, يونان {m} /yūnān/
Jonah {prop} (Biblical: a book of the Old Testament)
:: يونان {m} /yūnān/
Jonah {prop} (tenth sūra of the Qurʾān)
:: يونس {m} /yūnus/
Jordan {prop} (country)
:: الأردن {m} /al-ʾurdunn/
Jordan {prop} (river)
:: الأردن {m} /al-ʾurdun/
Jordanian {n} (person)
:: أردني {m} /ʾurdunniyy/, أردنية {f} /ʾurdunniyya/
Jordanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people)
:: أردني /ʾurdunniyy/
Joseph {prop} (favorite son of Jacob)
:: يوسف {m} /yūsuf/
Joseph {prop} (husband of Virgin Mary)
:: يوسف {m} /yūsuf/
Joseph {prop} (12th sura of the Qur'an)
:: سورة يوسف
Joseph {prop} (male given name)
:: يوسف /yūsuf/, جوزيف /jūzīf/
Joshua {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: يوشع {m} /yūšaʿ/
Joshua {prop} (male given name)
:: يوشع {m} /yūšaʿ/
joskin {n} (yokel) SEE: country bumpkin
joule {n} (derived unit of energy, work and heat)
:: جول {m} /jūl/
journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist)
:: صحافة {f} /ṣiḥāfa/
journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism)
:: مراسل {m} /murāsil/, مراسلة {f} /murāsila/, صحافي {m} /ṣaḥāfiyy/, صحفية {f} /ṣaḥafiyya/
journalist {n} (reporter)
:: مراسل {m} /murāsil/, مراسلة {f} /murāsila/, صحافي {m} /ṣaḥāfiyy/
journey {n} (trip, a voyage)
:: رحلة {f} /riḥla/, سفر {m} /safar/
Jovial {n} (inhabitant of the planet Jupiter) SEE: Jovian
Jovian {adj} (pertaining to the planet Jupiter)
:: مشتري /muštariyy/
Jovian {n} (inhabitant of Jupiter)
:: مشتري /muštariyy/
joy {n} (feeling of happiness)
:: سرور {m} /surūr/, فرح {m} /faraḥ/
joyful {adj} (feeling or causing joy)
:: سعيد /saʿīd/, مفرح /mufriḥ/, مسرور /masrūr/
J-pop {n} (Japanese pop music)
:: جاي-بوب {m} /jey-būb/, جاي-بوب {m} /jey-pop/
Juba {prop} (capital of South Sudan)
:: جوبا {f} /jūbā/
jubilate {v} (To show elation or triumph)
:: هزج /hazaja/
Juche {n} (North Korean self-reliance state ideology)
:: زوتشية {f} /zūtšiyya/
Judah {prop} (fourth son of Jacob)
:: يهوذا {m} /yahūḏā/
Judaism {prop} (world religion)
:: يهودية {f} /yahūdiyya/
Judaization {n} (Judaization)
:: تهويد {m} /tahwīd/
Judaize {v} (to impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism)
:: هود /hawwada/
Judas {prop} (one of the Apostles)
:: يهوذا {m} /yahūḏā/
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: يهوذا {m} /yahūḏā/
Judas Iscariot {prop} (disciple of Jesus)
:: صباح الخير سوما {m} /sabah alḫir sumān/
Judas tree {n} (Cercis siliquastrum)
:: أرجوان {m} /ʾurjuwān/, زمزريق {m} /zamzarīq/, شزريق {m} /šazrīq/, خزريق {m} /ḵazrīq/
Jude {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: يهوذا {m} /yahūḏā/
Judea {prop} (Judea)
:: يهودا {f} /yahūdā/
judge {n} (public judicial official)
:: قاض {m} /qāḍin/, القاضي {m} /al-qāḍī/, قضاة {m-p} /quḍāh/
judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, pass sentence on)
:: حكم /ḥakama/
judgement day {n} (Last Judgement)
:: يوم الحساب {m} /yawm al-ḥisāb/, يوم القيامة {m} /yawmu l-qiyāma/, يوم الدين {m} /yawmu d-dīni/
judge not, that ye be not judged {proverb} (people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones) SEE: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Judges {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: سفر القضاة /sifr al-quḍāh/
judicial {adj} (of or relating to a court of law)
:: قضائي /qaḍāʾī/
judicious {adj} (having or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking)
:: ذهني /ḏihniyy/
judo {n} (Japanese martial art)
:: جودو {m} /jūdū/
jug {n} (serving vessel)
:: زير {m} /zīr/, إبريق {m} /ʾibrīq/
juggernaut {n} (A literal or metaphorical force or object regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path)
:: طاغوت /ṭāḡūt/, جبت /jibt/
juggling {n} (moving of objects in an artful manner)
:: ألعاب الخفة
juice {n} (liquid from a plant)
:: عصير {m} /ʿaṣīr/
juice {n} (beverage made of juice)
:: عصير {m} /ʿaṣīr/
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub
jujube {n} (Ziziphus jujuba fruit)
:: عناب {m} /ʿunnāb/
jujube {n}
:: عناب {m} /ʿinnāb/, عتاب {m} /ʿittāb/
jukebox {n} (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music)
:: جوكبوكس {m} /jukbuks/
Julia {prop} (female given name)
:: جوليا {f} /jūlyā/
Julian calendar {n} (calendar)
:: التقويم الشرقي {m} /at-taqwīm aš-šarqī/
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia
Juliet {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet)
:: جولييت {f} /jūlyēt/, جوليت {f} /jūlyit/
Julius {prop} (male given name)
:: يوليوس {m} /yūliyūs/
July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: يوليو {m} /yūliyō/, تموز {m} /tammūz/
Jumada I {prop} (fifth month of the Islamic calendar)
:: جمادى الأولى {f} /jumādā l-ʾūlā/
Jumada II {prop} (sixth month of the Islamic calendar)
:: جمادى الآخرة {f} /jumādā l-ʾāḵira/
jump {v}
:: قفز /qafaza/
jump {n}
:: قفزة {f} /qafza/; قفز
jump rope {n} (length of rope) SEE: skipping rope
jump rope {n} (game or activity)
:: نط الحبل {m} /naṭ al-ḥabl/
jump the gun {v} (to act without due caution)
:: يتسرع
June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: يونيو {m} /yūniyō/, حزيران {m} /ḥazīrān/
Juneau {prop} (capital of Alaska)
:: جونو {m} /jūnū/
jungle {adj} (large, undeveloped, humid forest)
:: أدغال {m} /ʾadḡāl/, غابة {f} /ḡāba/
juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)
:: عرعر {m} /ʿarʿar/
junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel)
:: جنك {m} /junk/
junkie {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict
junta {n} (ruling council of a military dictatorship)
:: خونتا {f} /ḵūntā/, مجلس عسكري {m} /majlis ʿaskariyy/, طغمة عسكرية {f} /ṭuḡma(t) ʿaskariyya/
Jupiter {prop} (planet)
:: المشتري {m} /al-muštarī/
Jupiter {prop} (god)
:: يوبيتر {m} /yubītar/
Jurassic {prop} (Jurassic period)
:: العصر الجوراسي {m} /al-ʿaṣr al-jūrāsiyy/
jurisdiction {n} (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law)
:: قضاء {m} /qaḍāʾ/
jurisdiction {n} (the power or right to exercise authority)
:: اختصاص {m} /iḵtiṣāṣ/
jurisprudence {n} (the theoretical study of law)
:: إجتهاد {m} /ʾijtihād/, فقه {m} /fiqh/
juror {n} (jury member)
:: محلف {m} /muḥallaf/
jury {n} (group in a court of law)
:: محلفين {m-p} /muḥallafīn/
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition)
:: لجنة {f} /lajna/
jussive {adj} (of or in the jussive mood)
:: مجزوم {m} /majzūm/
jussive {n} (jussive mood)
:: مجزوم {m} /majzūm/
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous)
:: عدل /ʿadl/
just {adv} (only, simply, merely)
:: فقط /faqaṭ/
justice {n} (state of being just or fair)
:: عدل {m} /ʿadl/
justice {n} (fairness, especially with regard to punishment)
:: عدل /ʿadl/, عدالة {f} /ʿadāla/
justice {n} (judgment and punishment of who wronged another)
:: عدل {m} /ʿadl/
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law)
:: عدل {m} /ʿadl/, عدالة {f} /ʿadāla/
justification {n} (reason, explanation, or excuse)
:: تبرير {m} /tabrīr/
justify {v} (provide an acceptable explanation)
:: برر /barrara/
Justin {prop} (male given name)
:: جستن
just in case {conj} (in the event)
:: تحسبا /taḥasuban/
justly {adv} (In a just or fair manner)
:: من العدل /min al-ʿadl/, بالعدل /bi-l-ʿadl/
jute {n} (fiber of Corchorus olitorius)
:: جوت /jut/
jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell
Jyutping {prop} (romanisation system)
:: يتبنغ {m} /yutbinḡ/