The following is a list (as of 2022-01-20) of Latin words listed as an etymological source of another word, but for which we lack a Latin entry.
There are basically three reasons why a word would appear on this list:
{{der|en|la|] ] ]}}
) or de-linking stems ({{m|la||homin-}}
).See the parent page for other languages.
Source language | Source entry | Template | Latin etymon | In L&S? | In TLL? |
English | sensorium | der | -orium (“suffix denoting a place for a particular function”) | no | no |
English | ab Urbe condita | bor | ab Urbe conditā (“ from the city having been founded”) | no | – |
English | ab urbe condita | bor | ab Urbe conditā (“in the year from the city having been founded”) | no | – |
English | abdomin- | bor | abdomin- (“abdomen”) | no | no |
English | abdominous | der | abdomin- (“abdomen”) | no | no |
English | Aberdonian | der ML. | Aberdonia (“Aberdeen”) | no | – |
English | abrotine | der ML. | abrotanum (“wormwood”) | no | no |
English | absentation | der ML. | absentatio (“en”) | no | YES |
English | absit omen | bor | absit omen (“may what is said not come true”) | no | no |
English | Abundius | der | abundiantus (“abundant, plentiful”) | no | no |
English | accolade | der VL. | accolare (“to hug around the neck”) | no | no |
English | accouter | der VL. | acconsūtūrāre (“to equip with clothes”) | no | no |
English | accost | der VL. | accosto (“to come alongside someone”) | no | no |
English | acnestis | bor LL. | acnestis (“en”) | no | no |
English | acquit | der ML. | acquitāre (“to settle a debt”) | no | no |
English | actus reus | bor LL. | āctus reus (“guilty act”) | no | no |
English | addubitation | der | addubitātio (“doubting”) | YES | YES |
English | adduction | bor | adductio | no | YES |
English | adnate | der | adnatus (“la”) | YES | no |
English | adynaton | bor LL. | adynaton (“impossibility; adynaton”) | no | no |
English | aetites | der | aetites (“eagle (stone)”) | YES | YES |
English | affinition | der ML. | affino | no | no |
English | African | der | Africanus | no | – |
English | Alghero | der ML. | Aleguerium (“en”) | no | – |
English | allodial | der | allodialis (“held in freehold”) | no | no |
English | embassy | der LL. | ambactia (“service rendered”) | no | no |
English | analphabet | der LL. | analphabetus (“unable to read and write; illiterate”) | no | no |
English | annals | der | annales libri (“chronicles”) | no | no |
English | antelope | der ML. | antalopus | no | no |
English | apheresis | der | aphaeresis (“en”) | YES | YES |
English | Buster | der | apostema (“boil”) | YES | YES |
English | appreciate | bor ML. | appreciatus (“valued or appraised”) | no | no |
English | appoint | der LL. | appunctare (“to bring back to the point, restore, to fix the point in a controversy, or the points in an agreement”) | no | no |
English | agrimony | der | argemōnia (“a kind of poppy”) | YES | YES |
English | array | der ML. | arrēdō (“to put in order, arrange, array”) | no | no |
English | artisan | der | artītus (“skilled”) | no | YES |
English | shallot | der | ascalonia | no | no |
English | assibilate | der | assībilātus (“murmured, whispered at, hissed”) | no | no |
English | asteismus | der | asteismos (“the more refined style of speaking”) | YES | YES |
English | attediate | der LL. | attaediare | no | no |
English | atterrate | der LL. | atterrare (“to cast to earth”) | no | no |
English | Atticus | bor | Atticus (“from Attica, Athenian”) | YES | – |
English | osier | der ML. | auseria (“willow-bed”) | no | no |
English | Austronesian | der | austro- (“southern”) | no | no |
English | avens | der ML. | avencia (“a kind of clover”) | no | no |
English | avizandum | der LL. | avizō (“consider”) | no | no |
English | Babylonian | der | Babylōnius (“of Babylon, Babylonian”) | no | – |
English | baccano | der | Bacchānālia (“feast of Bacchus”) | no | – |
English | Bacchanalia | der | Bacchānālia (“feast of Bacchus”) | no | – |
English | bacchanal | der | Bacchānālis (“of or pertaining to Bacchus”) | YES | – |
English | Bavaria | der ML. | Baioarii (“Bavarians”) | no | – |
English | Baltic | der | Balthae (“dwellers near the Baltic sea”) | no | – |
English | bannimus | bor ML. | bannimus (“we banish, we expel”) | no | no |
English | barbarian | der ML. | barbarinus (“Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian”) | no | no |
English | barge board | der ML. | bargus (“a scaffold”) | no | YES |
English | barret | der LL. | barretum (“a cap”) | no | no |
English | bawl | der ML. | baulō (“to bark”) | no | no |
English | borax | der ML. | baurach (“borax”) | no | no |
English | Bible | der ML. | biblia (“book”) | YES | no |
English | bigam | der | bigamus (“twice married”) | YES | YES |
English | bipunctum | bor | bipunctum (“double point”) | no | no |
English | berretto | der LL. | birretum (“linen headgear”) | no | no |
English | bishop | der VL. | biscopus | no | no |
English | bolus | bor LL. | bōlus (“clod of earth, lump”) | YES | YES |
English | bonanza | der ML. | bonacia (“fair weather”) | no | no |
English | bondage | der ML. | bondagium (“an inferior tenure held by a bond or husbandman”) | no | no |
English | brigantine | der | brigare (“to fight”) | no | no |
English | Brunonian | der ML. | brunus (“brown”) | no | no |
English | brutal | der ML. | brutalis (“savage, stupid”) | no | no |
English | bugle | der LL. | bugulus (“a woman's ornament”) | no | no |
English | burglar | der ML. | burgātor (“burglar”) | no | no |
English | Burgundy | der LL. | Burgundiones (“highlanders”) | YES | – |
English | bezant | der | byzantius (“of Byzantium”) | no | no |
English | chivalry | der ML. | caballaria (“knighthood, status or fief of a knight”) | no | no |
English | Selena | der | Caelīna (“heavenly”) | YES | – |
English | cementitious | bor | caementitius (“pertaining to quarry stones”) | no | no |
English | calamanco | der LL. | calamaucus (“skullcap”) | no | YES |
English | galosh | der LL. | calopedia (“a wooden shoe; a shoe with a wooden sole”) | no | no |
English | cambuca | der LL. | cambuca (“hooked rod or stick”) | no | no |
English | campaign | der LL. | campānia (“open country, battlefield”) | no | YES |
English | canary | der | Canariae insulae (“Canary Islands”) | no | – |
English | cancerate | der | cancerātus (“eaten by a cancer”) | no | no |
English | chandler | der | candelarius (“a candle-maker; a candlestick”) | no | YES |
English | canopic jar | der | Canopicus | no | – |
English | capitulate | der ML. | capitulare (“draw up under headings”) | YES | YES |
English | carceral | der LL. | carcerālis (“carceral”) | YES | YES |
English | cargason | der | cargare (“to load”) | no | no |
English | carrel | der LL. | carola (“round dance; round object”) | no | no |
English | carucate | der ML. | carucata (“ploughland”) | no | no |
English | catacomb | der LL. | catacumbas (“en”) | no | no |
English | Cathar | der ML. | Catharī (“Pure (ones)”) | no | – |
English | chaotic | der LL. | chaoticus (“of or pertaining to the primordial state of the universe”) | no | no |
English | chitin | der | chitōn (“mollusk”) | no | no |
English | cream | der LL. | chrisma (“ointment”) | YES | YES |
English | scissors | der LL. | cīsōrium (“cutting tool”) | YES | no |
English | Cistercian | der | Cistercium (“Cîteaux”) | no | – |
English | clarion | der ML. | clario (“trumpet”) | no | no |
English | cloistral | der | claustrālis (“of the cloister”) | YES | YES |
English | Clovis | bor ML. | Clodovicus (“fr”) | no | – |
English | cochineal | der | coccus (“berry or grain”) | no | YES |
English | cockle | der | coccus (“berry”) | no | YES |
English | cenobiarch | bor | coenobiarcha (“abbot”) | no | no |
English | collect | der ML. | collectare (“to collect money”) | no | no |
English | colophony | bor | colophonia (“of Colophon”) | no | YES |
English | culver | der | columbula (“little pigeon”) | no | no |
English | constable | der | comes stabulī (“officer of the stables”) | no | no |
English | complain | der ML. | complangere (“to bewail, complain”) | no | no |
English | compress | der LL. | compressare (“to press hard/together”) | no | no |
English | compress | der LL. | compressare (“to press hard/together”) | no | no |
English | inconcussible | der | concussibilis (“that can be shaken”) | YES | YES |
English | constellate | bor | constellatus (“starred”) | YES | YES |
English | contemporaneous | der | contemporāneus (“contemporary”) | YES | YES |
English | countervail | der | contrā valēre (“to be strong against”) | no | no |
English | controvert | der | contro- (“against”) | no | no |
English | covin | der | convena (“a meeting, a coming together”) | YES | YES |
English | convoy | der ML. | convio (“to accompany on the way”) | no | no |
English | quarry | der VL. | corata (“entrails”) | no | no |
English | cornucopia | der | cornūcōpia (“mythical horn of plenty”) | no | YES |
English | coronation | der LL. | coronatio | no | YES |
English | corporation | bor LL. | corporatio (“assumption of a body”) | YES | YES |
English | coticular | der | coticula (“a small touchstone”) | YES | YES |
English | crambo | der | crambe repetita (“cabbage served up again”) | no | no |
English | cranny | der ML. | crenō (“split”) | no | no |
English | cryptic | bor LL. | crypticus (“en”) | YES | YES |
English | cryptosporidium | der | crypto- (“hidden”) | no | no |
English | culpable | der | culpabilis (“blameworthy”) | YES | YES |
English | customer | der ML. | custumarius (“a toll-gatherer, tax-collector”) | no | no |
English | cynosure | der | Cynosūra (“Ursa Minor”) | YES | – |
English | acanthoma adenoides cysticum | der | cystis (“cyst”) | no | YES |
English | de profundis | bor | de profundis (“from the depths”) | no | no |
English | decacumination | der | dēcacūminātiō (“a lopping off the top of a tree”) | YES | YES |
English | decadence | der ML. | decadentia (“decay”) | no | no |
English | decener | der | decena (“a group of ten; a tithing”) | no | no |
English | decener | der | decenarius | no | YES |
English | decennal | der | decennalis (“decennial”) | YES | YES |
English | decennoval | der | decennovalis | YES | no |
English | dehortation | der | dehortatio (“dissuasion”) | YES | YES |
English | demy | der | demi-socii (“half-fellows”) | no | no |
English | depletion | bor | depletio | no | YES |
English | depreciate | bor | depretiare | no | no |
English | depurgatory | der | dēpurgō (“to cleanse, purify”) | YES | YES |
English | desanguinate | der LL. | desanguino | no | YES |
English | descriptive | der | descriptivus (“containing a full description”) | YES | YES |
English | devolution | der ML. | devolutio | no | YES |
English | dial | der | diālis (“daily, concerning the day”) | no | YES |
English | dilatory | der | dilatorius (“extending or putting off (time)”) | YES | YES |
English | director | bor LL. | director | no | YES |
English | discount | der ML. | discomputō (“I deduct, discount”) | no | no |
English | desperado | der | disperare (“to despair, to lose hope”) | no | no |
English | dissever | der VL. | dissepero | no | no |
English | dissepiment | der | dissepimentum (“a partition”) | no | no |
English | journey | der ML. | diurnata (“a day's work, a day's journey, a fixed day, a day”) | no | no |
English | duodene | der | duodena (“dozen”) | no | no |
English | duplication | der LL. | duplicatio | YES | YES |
English | ebony | der | ebenius (“of ebony”) | no | no |
English | emaciate | bor | emacio (“to make lean, cause to waste away”) | YES | YES |
English | emphysema | bor | emphysema (“swelling”) | no | YES |
English | epiplexis | der | epiplexis (“rebuke”) | YES | no |
English | epiploce | der | epiplocē (“(rhetoric) connection”) | YES | YES |
English | erosion | der | ērōsiō (“eating away”) | YES | no |
English | ex ante | bor | ex ante (“before the event”) | no | no |
English | exacervation | der | exacervō (“to heap up exceedingly”) | no | YES |
English | excavation | bor | excavātiō (“a hollowing out”) | YES | YES |
English | excrescence | bor | excrescentia (“abnormal growths”) | YES | YES |
English | expletive | bor LL. | explētīvus (“serving to fill out”) | YES | YES |
English | extraversion | der | extra- (“outside”) | no | no |
English | extro- | der | extra- (“outside, beyond”) | no | no |
English | astray | der ML. | extravagari (“to wander beyond”) | no | no |
English | extraversion | der | extraversio | no | no |
English | estouffade | der | extufo | no | no |
English | Estouffade | der | extufo | no | no |
English | stifado | der | extufo | no | no |
English | exungulate | der | exungulare (“to lose the hoof”) | no | no |
English | Fabian | der | Fabianus (“belonging to Fabius”) | no | – |
English | falsidical | der | falsidicus (“speaking falsehood”) | YES | YES |
English | ferric | der | ferricus (“la”) | no | no |
English | flabellation | der | flabella (“fan”) | no | no |
English | Frank | der | Francus (“a Frank”) | no | – |
English | fumigation | der LL. | fumigatio | no | YES |
English | garganey | der LL. | gargala (“tracheal artery”) | no | YES |
English | genius hominis | bor | genius hominis (“tutelary deity of a/the person”) | no | no |
English | genius loci | bor | genius loci (“tutelary deity of a/the place”) | no | no |
English | genius locorum | bor | genius locorum (“tutelary spirit of the places”) | no | no |
English | glean | der LL. | glenō (“make a collection”) | no | YES |
English | graphic | der | graphicus (“belonging to painting or drawing”) | YES | YES |
English | habitué | der LL. | habituare (“to habituate”) | no | no |
English | hocket | der | hoquetus (“hiccup”) | no | no |
English | hydragogue | der | hydragogus (“conveying off water”) | YES | YES |
English | jactitation | der ML. | iactitio | no | no |
English | Idalian | der | Īdalius (“pertaining to Idalium”) | no | – |
English | parge | der LL. | iectare | no | no |
English | emblement | der ML. | imblādāre (“to sow with grain”) | no | no |
English | immemorable | der | immemorabilis (“not memorable”) | YES | YES |
English | impale | der ML. | impalare | no | no |
English | impeccable | der | impeccabilis (“not liable to sin”) | YES | YES |
English | commendam | der | in commendam (“in trust”) | no | no |
English | incastle | der | incastellare (“to fortify, to incastle”) | no | no |
English | incastellate | der | incastellātus (“fortified, incastled, incastellate”) | no | no |
English | incendious | der | incendiosus (“burning, hot”) | YES | YES |
English | inceration | der | incerare (“to smear with wax”) | no | no |
English | incicurable | der | incicur (“not tame”) | YES | no |
English | incorrigible | der | incorrigibilis (“not to be corrected”) | YES | YES |
English | endorse | der ML. | indorso | no | no |
English | indorse | der ML. | indorso | no | no |
English | infibulation | der | infībulō (“to close with a clasp or pin”) | YES | YES |
English | infuriate | bor ML. | infuriatus (“enraged”) | no | no |
English | engross | der ML. | ingrossō (“thicken, write something large and in bold lettering”) | no | no |
English | inimical | bor | inimīcālis (“hostile”) | YES | YES |
English | noisome | der LL. | inodiare (“to make hateful”) | no | no |
English | inrecision | der | intercisio (“a cutting through”) | no | YES |
English | internecine | bor LL. | internecīnus (“deadly”) | YES | YES |
English | internection | der | internectere (“to bind together”) | no | no |
English | intersperse | der | interspergō | no | YES |
English | intorsion | der | intortio (“a curling, crisping”) | YES | YES |
English | extro- | der | intro- (“inwards”) | no | no |
English | intro- | der | intro- (“inwards”) | no | no |
English | introversion | der | intro- (“within”) | no | no |
English | introversion | der | introversio | no | no |
English | introvert | der | introvertere | no | no |
English | intuse | der | intundere (“to bruise”) | no | no |
English | invultuation | der | invultare (“to stab the face of”) | no | no |
English | jeopardy | der ML. | iocus partītus (“an even chance, an alternative”) | no | no |
English | jot and tittle | der | iōta (“Ι, ι”) | YES | YES |
English | laity | der | laitas (“en”) | no | no |
English | lamentable | der | lāmentābilis (“full of sorrow, mournful; deplorable”) | YES | YES |
English | longiloquence | der | langus (“long”) | no | no |
English | lappaceous | der | lappaceus (“burlike”) | YES | YES |
English | larvated | der | larvatus (“bewitched”) | no | YES |
English | Latimer | der | latinarius (“interpreter; Latinophone”) | no | no |
English | Lattimore | der | latinarius (“interpreter; Latinophone”) | no | no |
English | -latry | der LL. | latria (“en”) | YES | YES |
English | legist | der ML. | legista | no | no |
English | legitimation | bor ML. | legitimatio | no | no |
English | lenticular | bor | lenticulāris (“lentil-shaped”) | YES | YES |
English | Lionel | der | Leo (“lion”) | YES | – |
English | lixiviate | bor ML. | lixivio | no | no |
English | loculament | der | loculamentum (“case, box”) | YES | YES |
English | lorimer | der | loranum (“bridle”) | no | no |
English | lucrative | der | lucrativus (“profitable”) | YES | YES |
English | machicolation | der LL. | machicolamentum (“machicolation”) | no | no |
English | malacissation | der | malacissare (“to make soft”) | no | no |
English | pomegranate | der | mālum grānātum | no | no |
English | mandatory | der LL. | mandatorius (“of or belonging to a mandator”) | YES | YES |
English | mantelletta | der LL. | mantelletum (“a short, sleeveless cape or cloak; a mantlet”) | no | no |
English | mantle | der | mantēllum (“covering, cloak”) | no | YES |
English | manufacture | der ML. | manufatura (“a making by hand”) | no | no |
English | marshal | der ML. | mariscalcus (“groom, army commander, court dignitary”) | no | YES |
English | marocain | der ML. | Marrochium (“the city of Marrakech, the former capital of Morocco”) | no | – |
English | Marocain | der ML. | Marrochium (“the city of Marrakech, the former capital of Morocco”) | no | – |
English | mother church | der | mater ecclesia (“mother church”) | no | no |
English | materiation | der | materiatio (“woodwork”) | YES | YES |
English | matutinal | bor LL. | mātūtīnālis (“belonging to the early morning”) | YES | YES |
English | massacre | der ML. | mazacrium (“massacre, slaughter, killing”, also “the head of a newly killed stag”) | no | no |
English | meconium | bor | mēcōnium (“opium; excrement of a newborn child”) | YES | YES |
English | mediastinum | bor ML. | mediastīnus (“middling; middle”) | YES | YES |
English | mediastinum | bor | mediastīnus (“a common servant”) | YES | YES |
English | melicerous | der | meliceris (“a kind of tumor”) | YES | YES |
English | molasses | der LL. | mellāceus (“honeylike, honey-sweet”) | no | no |
English | mensual | bor | mēnsuālis (“monthly”) | YES | YES |
English | mensuration | der LL. | mensuratio (“a measuring”) | YES | YES |
English | menthol | der | mentha (“mint”) | YES | no |
English | Merovingian | der ML. | la|Merovingi|Merovingi|the descendants of ] | no | – |
English | micturition | der | micturio (“to urinate”) | YES | YES |
English | micturate | bor | micturīre (“to have the urge to urinate”) | no | no |
English | miliarense | der | miliarensis (“pertaining to a thousand”) | YES | YES |
English | ministerialis | bor | ministeriālis (“ministerial”) | YES | YES |
English | minstrelsy | der LL. | ministerialis (“imperial household officer, one having an official duty”) | YES | YES |
English | minstrelsy | der ML. | ministralis (“servant, jester, singer”) | no | no |
English | modiolus | der | modiolus (“wheel's hub”) | YES | YES |
English | monotone | der | monotonus (“unvarying in tone”) | no | YES |
English | mount | der ML. | montare (“to mount; literally, go up hill”) | no | no |
English | morbilliform | der | morbilli (“little disease”) | no | no |
English | morsicatio | bor | morusus (“bite”) | no | no |
English | mucilage | der LL. | mūcilāgō (“musty or moldy juice”) | YES | YES |
English | camouflage | der ML. | muffula | no | no |
English | muscosity | der | muscosus (“mossy”) | YES | YES |
English | mussitation | der | mussātĭo (“ceasing to speak”) | YES | YES |
English | mygale | bor | mygalē (“field mouse”) | YES | YES |
English | myristic | der LL. | myristicus (“fragrant”) | no | no |
English | nauplius | der | nauplius (“argonaut, paper nautilus (genus Argonauta)”) | YES | YES |
English | nauseous | der | nauseōsus (“causing nausea”) | YES | no |
English | navicular | der LL. | nāviculāris (“boat shaped”) | YES | no |
English | nepenthes | bor | nēpenthes (“a drug bringing relief from grief”) | YES | no |
English | nigrification | der | nigrificare (“to blacken”) | no | no |
English | nomad | der | nomas (“wandering shepherd”) | no | no |
English | novennial | der | novennis (“of nine years”) | YES | no |
English | novennium | bor | novennium (“9-year ”) | no | no |
English | nucament | der | nucamenta (“fir cones”) | YES | no |
English | nullius filius | bor ML. | nullius filius (“nobody's son”) | no | no |
English | hostage | der VL. | obsidāticum (“condition of being held captive”) | no | no |
English | occlusion | bor LL. | occlūsiō (“occluding, obstruction”) | no | YES |
English | octennium | bor | octennium (“8-year ”) | YES | YES |
English | Oenone | bor | Oenone | YES | – |
English | olitory | der | olitorius (“belonging to a kitchen gardener, or to vegetables”) | YES | no |
English | omission | der LL. | omissio | YES | YES |
English | omniparient | der | omniparens (“all-producing”) | YES | YES |
English | oppress | der ML. | oppressare (“to press against, oppress”) | no | no |
English | oriel | der LL. | oriolum (“portico, hall”) | no | no |
English | ovary | der ML. | ovaria (“bird ovary”) | no | no |
English | Palladian | der | Palladius (“of or relating to Pallas”) | YES | – |
English | pandurate | der | pandura (“a pandore”) | YES | YES |
English | parenthesis | bor LL. | parenthesis (“addition of a letter to a syllable in a word”) | no | YES |
English | parietine | der | parietinus (“parietal”) | YES | YES |
English | paroemia | bor | paroemia (“proverb”) | YES | YES |
English | paroxysm | der ML. | paroxysmus (“severe illness, fit of agony, paroxysm”) | no | YES |
English | parturition | der | parturitio (“parturition”) | YES | YES |
English | patriot | der LL. | patriōta (“fellow countryman”) | YES | YES |
English | patronize | der ML. | patronisāre (“to lead a galley as patron”) | no | no |
English | paucal | der | paucālis (“few, little”) | no | no |
English | pectineus | der | pectineus (“comblike”) | no | no |
English | pedilavium | der | pedi- (“combining form relating to feet”) | no | no |
English | pedilavium | bor LL. | pedilavium (“footbath”) | no | no |
English | percentage | der | per centum (“for every hundred”) | no | no |
English | perendinate | der | perendinare (“to defer until the day after tomorrow”) | no | no |
English | pergameneous | der | pergamena (“parchment”) | no | no |
English | parchment | der | pergamīna | no | no |
English | periplus | bor | periplūs (“account of a voyage”) | YES | YES |
English | perjury | der | perjurare (“swear falsely”) | no | no |
English | persicaria | der | persicarius (“a peach tree”) | no | YES |
English | perspective | der ML. | perspectiva (“science of optics”) | no | YES |
English | perspective | der | perspectivus (“of sight, optical”) | no | no |
English | perspiration | der | perspirare (“to blow or breathe constantly”) | no | no |
English | perspirative | der | perspīrāre (“to perspire”) | no | no |
English | perspire | bor | perspirare (“to breathe everywhere, blow constantly”) | no | no |
English | Phaëthontiad | bor | Phaëthontias | no | – |
English | ziti | der VL. | pittitus (“small, worthless”) | no | no |
English | pituitary | der | pītuītārius (“mucous”) | no | no |
English | placidity | der | placiditās (“mildness, placidity”) | YES | YES |
English | plantain | der | plantāginem (“plantain”) | no | no |
English | plate | der ML. | plata (“en”) | no | no |
English | plate | der | plata (“silver”) | no | no |
English | plight | der | plicitum (“fold”) | no | no |
English | ploce | der | ploce | YES | YES |
English | pocilliform | der | pōcillum (“small cup”) | YES | YES |
English | polyhistor | der | polyhistor (“very learned”) | no | YES |
English | popularity | der | popularitas (“an effort to please the people”) | YES | YES |
English | precession | der ML. | praecessio | no | YES |
English | preclusion | bor | praeclusio | YES | YES |
English | praemunire facias | bor | praemunire facias (“that you cause to be forewarned”) | no | no |
English | prescind | der | praescindo (“I cut off in front”) | YES | YES |
English | prestigious | bor | praestigiosus (“full of tricks”) | YES | YES |
English | prevision | der LL. | praevisio | no | YES |
English | pragmatic | der LL. | pragmaticus (“relating to civil affair; in Latin, as a noun, a person versed in the law who furnished arguments and points to advocates and orators, a kind of attorney”) | YES | YES |
English | primipara | bor | prīmipara (“pregnant for the first time; having given birth to only one offspring; primiparous”) | YES | YES |
English | prodigal | der LL. | prōdigālis (“wasteful”) | no | no |
English | program | der LL. | programma (“a proclamation, edict”) | YES | YES |
English | projector | der | projector (“person who throws away”) | no | no |
English | prolepsis | bor | prolepsis (“en”) | YES | YES |
English | propulsion | bor ML. | propulsio | no | no |
English | prosaic | der ML. | prosaicus (“in prose”) | YES | YES |
English | proselyte | der LL. | proselutus (“proselyte, alien resident”) | no | no |
English | prosopography | der | prosōpographia (“description of a person’s appearance; description of an individual’s life”) | no | no |
English | provection | bor | prōvectiō (“an advancement”) | YES | YES |
English | proverse | bor | prōversus (“turned forwards”) | YES | YES |
English | puberulent | der | puber (“downy, adult”) | YES | YES |
English | pyrope | der | pyropus (“a kind of red bronze”) | YES | YES |
English | pyrrhic | der | pyrrhichius (“en”) | YES | YES |
English | Quadragesima Sunday | bor | Quadragesima (“Lent”) | no | – |
English | Quadragesima | bor | Quadrāgēsima (“Lent”) | no | – |
English | quest | der | quaesta (“tribute, tax, inquiry, search”) | no | no |
English | quant suff | bor | quantum sufficit (“as much as is required”) | no | no |
English | quarantine | der ML. | quarentīna (“forty days”) | no | no |
English | quarry | der ML. | quarreria | no | no |
English | quillet | bor | quidlibet (“anything”) | no | no |
English | quindenary | der | quindēnārius (“containing fifteen”) | YES | no |
English | rara avis | bor | rāra avis (“rare bird”) | no | no |
English | rara avis | bor | rāra avis (“rare bird”) | no | no |
English | ratiné | der LL. | raster (“to scrape”) | YES | YES |
English | ratteen | der | raster (“to scrape”) | YES | YES |
English | recapitulation | der LL. | recapitulatio (“summing up, summary”) | YES | YES |
English | receptory | der ML. | receptorium (“a place of shelter”) | no | no |
English | recollect | bor ML. | recollectus (“remembered, composed”) | no | no |
English | recompense | der LL. | recompenso | no | YES |
English | recrudescent | der | recrūdēscō (“I become raw again”) | YES | YES |
English | regiment | der LL. | regimentum (“direction for government; course of medical treatment”) | YES | YES |
English | remand | der LL. | remandare (“to send backward”) | no | no |
English | remand | der | remandare (“to order”) | no | no |
English | reminiscence | bor LL. | reminīscentiae (“remembrances”) | YES | no |
English | remora | bor | remora (“delay, hindrance, passive resistance”) | YES | no |
English | repair | der LL. | repatriare (“to return to one's country”) | no | no |
English | repertitious | der | reperticius (“newly found”) | YES | no |
English | reptitious | der LL. | reptitius (“creeping”) | no | no |
English | repulsion | der LL. | repulsio | YES | no |
English | reputation | der | reputationem (“consideration, thinking over”) | no | no |
English | responsory | der | respons (“answered”) | no | no |
English | retection | der | retectio (“discovery, uncovering”) | no | no |
English | return | der ML. | retornare (“to turn back”) | no | no |
English | retroverse | der | retroversus (“turned back”) | YES | no |
English | romantic | lbor LL. | la|romanticus|romanticus | no | no |
English | rumination | der | rūminātio (“chewing the cud”) | YES | no |
English | Russia | bor ML. | Russi (“Russians”) | no | – |
English | seize | der ML. | sacīre (“to lay claim to, appropriate”) | no | no |
English | ammonia | der | sal ammoniacus (“salt of Amun, ammonium chloride”) | no | no |
English | Sara | der | Sara (“Sarah”) | YES | – |
English | summer | der VL. | saumarius | YES | no |
English | Saxonical | der | Saxonicus (“Saxon”) | no | – |
English | scabious | der ML. | scabiōsus (“scabious”) | YES | no |
English | secundine | der LL. | secundinae (“afterbirth”) | YES | no |
English | demigod | der | semideus (“half-god”) | YES | no |
English | sesquialterate | der | sesquialter (“one and a half times”) | YES | no |
English | sex- | bor | sex- (“six”) | no | no |
English | sinister | der | sinestra (“left hand”) | no | no |
English | situation | der ML. | situatio (“position, situation”) | no | no |
English | soldier | der ML. | soldarius (“soldier (one having pay)”) | no | no |
English | spicer | der | speciarius (“dealer in spices”) | YES | no |
English | spermatize | der | spermatizo | no | no |
English | esquamulose | der | squamula (“small scales”) | YES | no |
English | squamulose | der | squamula (“small scales”) | YES | no |
English | stagnant | der | stagnans (“la”) | no | no |
English | strangulation | der | strangulatio (“choking, suffocation”) | YES | no |
English | biostrome | der | stroma (“coverlet”) | YES | no |
English | stroma | der | stromat- (“bed covering”) | no | no |
English | Swabia | bor | Suabia | no | – |
English | subdeacon | der LL. | subdiaconus | YES | no |
English | subjicible | der | subicibilis | no | no |
English | subiculum | bor | subiculum (“support”) | YES | no |
English | substantiate | bor ML. | substantiatus (“given substance”) | no | no |
English | succenturiate | der | succentūriō (“to add soldiers to fill up a century; to substitute”) | YES | no |
English | succubus | der LL. | succuba (“strumpet, especially a mythological fiend in female form who has intercourse with men in their sleep”) | YES | no |
English | succubus | der | succubare (“to lie under”) | no | no |
English | superannuated | bor | superannuatus (“more than one year old”) | no | no |
English | superlative | der | superlātus (“extravagant, of hyperbole”) | YES | no |
English | surreptitious | bor | surrēptīcius (“furtive, clandestine”) | YES | no |
English | tannin | der | tannum (“oak bark”) | no | no |
English | tapinosis | bor | tapīnōsis (“depreciation”) | YES | no |
English | telamon | bor | telamon (“en”) | no | no |
English | terrier | der ML. | terrarius (“of earth”) | no | no |
English | testamentary | der | testāmentārius (“of or belonging to wills”) | YES | no |
English | testimonial | der LL. | testimonialis (“of or pertaining to testimony”) | YES | no |
English | teterrimous | der | teterrima (“most foul, most ugly”) | no | no |
English | Teuton | bor | Teutonēs | no | – |
English | Tiffany | der | Theophania (“Epiphany”) | no | – |
English | tintinnabulary | der | tintinnabularius (“bell-ringer”) | no | no |
English | tophus | bor | tophus (“stone”) | YES | no |
English | tormentil | der | tormentilla (“minor pain”) | no | no |
English | transpire | der ML. | transpirare (“to breathe through”) | no | no |
English | triangulation | der | triangulātiōnem (“triangulation”) | no | no |
English | Tropæan | der | tropaeus | YES | no |
English | trophy | der | trophaeum (“a sign of victory, a monument”) | no | no |
English | trouble | der | turbula (“disorderly group, a little crowd or people”) | YES | no |
English | Tuscan | der LL. | Tuscānus (“belonging to the Tusci”) | no | – |
English | Tuscany | der LL. | Tuscānus (“belonging to the Tusci”) | no | – |
English | tutelary | der | tūtēlārius (“guardian”) | YES | no |
English | baldmoney | bor | valdē bona (“very good”) | no | no |
English | vassal | der | vassus (“servant”) | no | no |
English | v.g. | der | verbi gratiā (“for instance”) | no | no |
English | verricule | der | verriculum (“a net”) | YES | no |
English | vintner | der ML. | vīnētārius (“wine dealer”) | no | no |
English | hippocras | der ML. | vinum Hippocraticum (“Hippocrates's wine”) | no | – |
English | ferrule | der | viriola (“little bracelet”) | YES | no |
English | vitrification | der LL. | vitrifcatio (“glassification”) | no | no |
English | volition | der ML. | volitiō (“will, volition”) | no | no |
English | vulcanology | bor | Vulcan (“the god of fire”) | no | – |
English | gambeson | der ML. | wambāsium (“doublet, waistcoat”) | no | no |
English | guerdon | der ML. | widerdonum | no | no |
English | xyrid | der | xyris (“iris”) | YES | no |