vacant {adj} (not occupied)
:: üres
vacation {n} (holiday, period of leisure time)
:: szabadság, vakáció, szünidő
vaccinate {v} (treat with a vaccine)
:: beolt
vaccine {n} (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies)
:: vakcina
vacuüm {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum
vacuole {n} (large membrane-bound vesicle)
:: sejtnedvüreg
vacuum {n} (region of space that contains no matter)
:: vákuum
vacuum {v} (transitive: to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
:: porszívózik
vacuum {v} (intransitive: to use a vacuum cleaner)
:: porszívózik
vacuum {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner
vacuum-clean {v} (to clean with a vacuum cleaner)
:: porszívózik
vacuum cleaner {n} (machine for cleaning)
:: porszívó
vacuum flask {n} (a bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls) SEE: thermos
vacuum flask {n} (chemistry: Filter flask) SEE: Büchner flask
vagabond {n} (a person on a trip of indeterminate destination and/or length of time)
:: vándor
vagabond {n} (a bum, a hobo, a tramp, a homeless person)
:: csavargó
vagina {n} (anatomical sense)
:: hüvely, vagina
vagina {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva
vagrancy {n} (being a vagrant)
:: csavargás
vagrant {n} (person without a home or job)
:: csavargó
vague {adj}
:: bizonytalan, homályos
vagus nerve {n} (cranial nerve)
:: bolygóideg
vain {adj} (overly proud of one's appearance)
:: hiú, öntelt, önelégült, beképzelt
vain {adj} (based on very little substance)
:: alaptalan, üres
vain {adj} (pointless, futile)
:: hiábavaló, céltalan, hiú, felesleges
vainglory {n} (excessive vanity)
:: elbizakodott gőg
vainglory {n} (boastful, unwarranted pride)
:: kérkedés
vainglory {n} (vain, ostentatious display)
:: hencegés
vainglory {n} (a regarding of oneself with undue favor)
:: beképzeltség
vainly {adv} (in vain)
:: hiába
vair {n} (heraldic fur)
:: evet
vale {n} (valley)
:: völgy
Valentine {n} (male given name)
:: Bálint
valeric acid {n} (CH3(CH2)3COOH)
:: valeriánsav
valet {n} (a man's personal male attendant)
:: inas
valet-de-chambre {n} (valet) SEE: valet
valiant {adj} (showing courage or determination)
:: bátor, vitéz, merész, hősies, vitéz
valid {adj} (well grounded or justifiable, pertinent)
:: alapos, megalapozott, indokolt
valid {adj} (acceptable, proper or correct)
:: érvényes
valid {adj} (related to the current topic) SEE: relevant
validation {n} (the act of validating something)
:: érvényesítés
validity {n} (the state of being valid, authentic or genuine)
:: érvényesség
validity {n} (having legal force)
:: érvényesség
valine {n} (essential amino acid C5H11NO2)
:: valin
valise {n} (a piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase) SEE: suitcase
valkyrie {n} (any of the female attendants, or handmaidens of Odin)
:: valkűr
Valladolid {prop} (city in Spain)
:: Valladolid
Valle d'Aosta {prop} (region of northwestern Italy)
:: Aosta-völgy
Valletta {prop} (capital of Malta)
:: Valletta
valley {n} (elongated depression between hills or mountains)
:: völgy
valor {n} (value, worth) SEE: value
valour {n} (value) SEE: value
valuable {adj} (having a great value)
:: értékes
valuable {n} (personal possession of relatively great monetary value)
:: értéktárgy, értékek
value {n} (degree of importance given to something)
:: jelentőség, fontosság
value {n} (amount (of money, goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else)
:: érték
value {n} (relative duration of a musical note)
:: érték
value {n} (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed)
:: érték
value {n} (ideal accepted by some individual or group)
:: értékrend
value {v} (to regard highly)
:: becsül, értékel
value added tax {n} (tax levied on added value of an exchange)
:: általános forgalmi adó
valve {n} (device that controls flow of gas or fluid)
:: szelep
valve {n} (in anatomy)
:: billentyű
vamp {v} (to seduce or exploit someone) SEE: exploit
vampire {n} (mythological creature)
:: vámpír
vampire {n} (bat)
:: denevér
vampirism {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion
van {n} (a covered vehicle)
:: furgon, kisbusz, kisteherautó
van {n} (enclosed railway vehicle for transport of goods)
:: vagon, kocsi
vanadium {n} (chemical element)
:: vanádium
vandal {n} (person who destroys or damages property)
:: vandál
Vandal {n} (member of an ancient east Germanic tribe)
:: vandál
vandalism {n} (needless damage or destruction of property)
:: vandalizmus
vane {n} (weather vane) SEE: weather vane
vanilla {n} (orchid)
:: vanília
vanilla bean {n} (the seedpod of any plant in the Vanilla genus)
:: vaníliarúd
vanilla essence {n} (vanilla extract) SEE: vanilla extract
vanilla extract {n} (liquid used in cooking)
:: vaníliakivonat
vanishment {n} (disappearance) SEE: disappearance
vanity {n} (that which is vain)
:: hiábavalóság, haszontalanság
vanity {n} (excessive pride)
:: hiúság, önteltség
vanity {n} (emptiness)
:: üresség
vanity {n} (dressing table) SEE: dressing table
vantage point {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view
Vanuatuan {n} (A person from Vanuatu or of Vanuatuan descent)
:: vanuatui
Vanuatuan {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Vanuatu, the Vanuatuan people or the Vanuatuan language)
:: vanuatui
vapor {n} (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid)
:: gőz, pára
vapor {v} (intransitive: to become vapor) SEE: evaporate
vapor {v} (transitive: to turn into vapor) SEE: vaporize
vaporize {v} (turn into vapour)
:: párologtat, elpárologtat
vapour {n} (vapor) SEE: vapor
vapour {n} (steam) SEE: steam
Varaždin {prop} (city in Croatia)
:: Varasd
variable {adj} (able to vary)
:: változó
variable {adj} (likely to vary)
:: változékony
variable {n} (mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values)
:: változó
variadic {adj} (taking a variable number of arguments)
:: variadikus
variant {adj} (variable) SEE: variable
variant {n} (something slightly different)
:: változat, variáns
varicella {n} (chicken pox) SEE: chicken pox
varicose {adj} (abnormally swollen)
:: visszeres
varicose vein {n} (abnormally swollen or dilated vein)
:: visszér
varicose vein {n} (medical condition)
:: visszérbetegség
varied tit {n} (Sittiparus varius)
:: tarka cinege
variegated {adj} (streaked or spotted with a variety of colours)
:: tarka
variety is the spice of life {proverb} (variety is what makes life interesting)
:: úgy szép az élet, ha zajlik, a változatosság gyönyörködtet
various {adj} (an eclectic range of)
:: különböző, különféle, sokféle
Varna {prop} (city in Bulgaria)
:: Várna
varnish {n} (transparent paint)
:: lakk, politúr, fénymáz
varnish {n} (anything resembling such a paint)
:: kence
varnish {n} (a deceptively showy appearance)
:: máz
varnish {v} (to apply varnish)
:: lakkoz, politúroz, fényez
varnish {v} (to cover up with varnish)
:: lakkoz, politúroz, fényez
varnish {v} (to gloss over a defect)
:: szépítget, takargat, kozmetikáz
varsity {n} (university) SEE: university
vary {v} (to institute a change in) SEE: modify
vas deferens {n} (vas deferens)
:: ondóvezető
vase {n} (container used mainly for displaying flowers)
:: váza
vasodilation {n} (dilation of the blood vessels)
:: értágítás
vasopressin {n} (an antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland)
:: vazopresszin
vassal {n} (grantee of a fief)
:: hűbéres, vazallus
vast {adj} (very large or wide (literally or figuratively))
:: óriási, hatalmas
vat {n} (a large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning)
:: dézsa, kád, teknő, tartály
VAT {n} (value-added tax)
:: áfa
vates {n} (divinely inspired poet)
:: vátesz
Vatican {prop} (state)
:: Vatikán
Vatican City {prop} (State of the Vatican City)
:: Vatikán
Vaticanian {adj} (Vatican) SEE: Vatican
vault {n} (crypt) SEE: crypt
vaunt {v} (speak boastfully) SEE: boast
Vác {prop} (city in Hungary)
:: Vác
veal {n} (flesh of a calf)
:: borjúhús
vector {n} (directed quantity)
:: vektor
vector {n} (carrier of a disease-causing agent)
:: bacilusgazda
vector field {n} (construction)
:: vektormező
vector space {n} (mathematics)
:: vektortér
Veda {prop} (Sanskrit scriptures)
:: Véda
veery {n} (American thrush)
:: vörhenyes fülemülerigó
vegan {adj} (relating to vegans or veganism)
:: vega, vegán
vegan {n} (supporter of veganism)
:: vegán
vegetable {n} (any plant)
:: növény
vegetable {n} (a plant raised for some edible part of it)
:: zöldség
vegetable garden {n} (vegetable garden)
:: konyhakert, veteményeskert
vegetable lamb {n} (legendary plant believed to grow sheep from its branches)
:: tatár bárányfű, zöldségesbárány
vegetarian {n} (person who does not eat any animal flesh)
:: vegetáriánus
vegetarian {n} (plant-eating animal)
:: növényevő
vegetarianism {n} (practice of following a vegetarian diet)
:: vegetarianizmus, növényevés
vegetation {n} (plants)
:: vegetáció
vehement {adj} (showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or intense)
:: vehemens
vehicle {n} (conveyance)
:: jármű
vehicle {n} (medium)
:: közeg
vehicle {n} (pharmaceuticals: main excipient)
:: vivőanyag
vehicle identification number {n} (VIN)
:: alvázszám
veil {n} (something to hide an object)
:: lepel, fátyol
veil {n} (covering for a person or thing)
:: fátyol
veil {v} (dress in or decorate with a veil)
:: lefátyoloz, fátyollal borít/fed
veil {v} (conceal with a veil)
:: takar, fed, rejt, leplez
vein {n} (blood vessel transporting blood towards the heart)
:: véna
vein {n} (thickened portion of a leaf)
:: ér, erezet
vein {n} (stripe or streak in stone or other material)
:: ér, erezet, rajzolat
vein {n} (a style, tendency, or quality)
:: stílus, hangnem, jelleg, modor, szellem
veined {adj} (having veins or veinlike markings)
:: eres, erezett
veisalgia {n} (unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol) SEE: hangover
Vela {prop} (constellation)
:: Vitorla
Velcro {prop} (fastener)
:: tépőzár
Velence {prop} (town in Hungary)
:: Velence
velocipede {n} (Early two-wheeled conveyance)
:: velocipéd
velocity {n} (vector quantity)
:: sebesség
velour {n} (a knit fabric similar to velvet, but usually somewhat coarser)
:: velúr
velvet {n} (fabric)
:: bársony
velvety {adj} (like velvet)
:: bársonyos
vendace {n} (Coregonus albula)
:: törpemaréna
vendetta {n} (bitter, destructive feud in which each injury is revenged)
:: vérbosszú
vending machine {n} (machine that dispenses merchandise)
:: árusító automata, automata
vendor {n} (a person or a company that vends or sells)
:: eladó, elárusító, kereskedő
venereal disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) SEE: sexually transmitted disease
venery {n} (hunting)
:: vadászat
Venetian {adj} (relating to Venice)
:: velencei
Venetian {n} (inhabitant of Venice)
:: velencei
Veneto {prop} (a region in northern Italy)
:: Veneto
venial {adj} (pardonable; able to be forgiven)
:: bocsánatos
venial {adj} (excusable; trifling)
:: megbocsátható, elnézhető
Venice {prop} (city and province in Italy)
:: Velence
venison {n} (the meat of a deer)
:: szarvashús
Venn diagram {n} (diagram representing sets by circles)
:: Venn-diagramm
venom {n} (poison carried by animal)
:: méreg
venous {adj} (of or pertaining to veins)
:: vénás, gyűjtőeres
ventilate {v} (To circulate air through a building, etc.)
:: szellőztet
ventilator {n} (device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air)
:: ventilátor, szellőztető, elszívó, légelszívó, légcserélő
ventilator {n} (medicine: machine to help breathing)
:: lélegeztetőgép
ventral {adj} (related to the abdomen or stomach)
:: hasi
ventricle {n} (one of two lower chambers of the heart)
:: kamra
ventricular fibrillation {n} (condition where cardiac muscle is contracted irregularly and rapidly)
:: kamrafibrilláció
ventriloquism {n} (art of projecting one's voice so that it appears to come from another source)
:: hasbeszélés
ventriloquist {n} (a person who practices ventriloquism)
:: hasbeszélő
venturi {n} (throat of a carburetor) SEE: throat
Venus {prop} (planet)
:: Vénusz
Venus {prop} (goddess)
:: Vénusz
Veps {prop} (the language)
:: vepsze
veranda {n} (roofed open gallery)
:: veranda
verb {n} ((grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state)
:: ige
verbal {adj} (of, or relating to words)
:: beszéd-, nyelvi
verbal {adj} (spoken and not written; oral)
:: szóbeli
verbal {adj} (expressly spoken or written, as opposed to implied)
:: kifejezett
verbal {adj} (derived from, or having the nature of a verb)
:: deverbális, igei
verbalize {v} (to express)
:: szavakba önt, kifejez
verbally {adv} (in a verbal manner)
:: verbálisan
verbal noun {n} (grammar: noun that is morphologically related to a verb and has similar meaning)
:: igéből képzett főnév, deverbális főnév
verbatim {adv} (word for word)
:: szóról szóra
verbena {n} (a genus of herbaceous plants)
:: verbéna, vasfű
verb form {n} (a specific instance or form of a verb)
:: igealak
verbose {adj} (abounding in words)
:: bőbeszédű, szószátyár, fecsegő
verbosity {n} (the excess use of words; long-windedness)
:: bőbeszédűség
verdict {n} (decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest)
:: ítélet
verge {n} (phallus) SEE: phallus
verifiable {adj} (able to be verified or confirmed)
:: ellenőrizhető
verification {n} (the act of verifying)
:: ellenőrzés, vizsgálat
verification {n} (confirmation; authentication)
:: alátámasztás, igazolás, megerősítés
verification {n} (legal: confirmation by evidence)
:: bizonyítás
verify {v} (to substantiate or prove the truth of something)
:: bizonyít, bebizonyít, igazol, hitelesít, alátámaszt
verify {v} (to confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something)
:: ellenőriz, megvizsgál, verifikál
verify {v} (law: to affirm something formally, under oath)
:: kijelent
verlan {n} (type of backslang used in French)
:: verlan
vermiform appendix {n} (blind tube projecting from the caecum)
:: féregnyúlvány
vermilion {n} (pigment)
:: cinóber
vermilion {n} (colour)
:: cinóbervörös, cinóberpiros, cinóberszín, vermilion
vermilion {adj} (having a brilliant red colour)
:: élénkpiros
vermilion {adj} (having the color of vermilion dye)
:: cinóberpiros, cinóbervörös, cinóberszín, vermilion
vermin {n} (Any one of various common types of small insects or animals which cause harm and annoyance)
:: kártevő, élősdi, féreg
vermouth {n} (wine infused with herbs)
:: vermut, ürmös, ürmösbor
vernacular {adj} (pertaining to everyday language)
:: köznyelvi, hétköznapi
vernal {adj} (pertaining to or occurring in spring)
:: tavaszi
Veronica {prop} (female given name)
:: Veronika
versatile {adj} (capable of doing many things competently)
:: sokoldalú
versatile {adj} (having varied uses or many functions)
:: sokoldalú
verse {n} (poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme)
:: vers
verse {n} (one of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed)
:: verze, versszak
verse {n} (a small section of the Bible)
:: vers
version {n} (a specific form or variation of something)
:: változat, verzió, kivitel
version {n} (a translation from one language to another)
:: változat, verzió, fordítás
version {n} (an account or description from a particular point of view)
:: változat, verzió
versus {prep} (in opposition to)
:: kontra
vert {n} (colour)
:: zöld
vert {adj} (of green colour)
:: zöld
vertebra {n} (any of the small bones which make up the backbone)
:: csigolya
vertebral column {n} (vertebral column)
:: gerincoszlop
vertex {n} (geometry: corner of a polygon or polyhedron)
:: csúcs
vertex {n} (element of a graph)
:: csúcs, pont
vertical {adj} (being perpendicular to horizontal)
:: függőleges
vertical bar {n} (vertical bar) SEE: pipe
vertically {adv} (in a vertical direction or position)
:: vertikálisan, függőlegesen
vertigo {n} (sensation of whirling and loss of balance)
:: szédülés
very {adj} (true, real, actual)
:: valódi, igazi, tőrőlmetszett
very {adj} (the same; identical)
:: ugyanaz, egyazon
very {adj} (with limiting effect: mere)
:: puszta
very {adv} (to a high degree)
:: nagyon
very {adv} (true, truly)
:: igazán, teljesen, pontosan, szakasztott, egy az egyben
very {adv} (emphasizes superlativeness)
:: leges-
very high frequency {n} (frequency area from 30 MHz through 300 MHz)
:: nagyon nagy frekvencia
very much {adv} (indeed) SEE: indeed
very much {adv} (extremely)
:: nagyon
vesicle {n} (small bladderlike cell or cavity)
:: hólyag, hólyagocska, hólyagcsa
vesicle {n} (anatomy: small sac or cyst)
:: vízhólyag
vespiary {n} (a wasps' nest)
:: darázsfészek
vessel {n} (craft)
:: vízi jármű, hajó
vessel {n} (container)
:: edény, tál
vessel {n} (tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant)
:: véredény, ér
vest {n} (garment worn over a shirt)
:: mellény
vest {n} (garment worn under a shirt)
:: trikó
vest {n}
:: mellény
vestibulocochlear nerve {n} (the eighth cranial nerve)
:: egyensúlyi és hallóideg
vestige {n} (mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep; a trace; a sign)
:: nyom
vestige {n} (faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost)
:: maradvány, emlék
Vesuvius {prop} (volcano in Italy)
:: Vezúv
vet {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian
vetch {n} (plant of the genus Vicia)
:: bükköny
veteran {n} (person with long experience)
:: obsitos
veterinarian {n} (doctor who treats animals)
:: állatorvos
veterinary {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian
veterinary hospital {n} (hospital for animals)
:: állatkórház
veterinary medicine {n} (branch of medicine that deals with animals)
:: állatorvostan, állatorvos-tudomány
veterinary science {n} (veterinary medicine) SEE: veterinary medicine
veterinary surgeon {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian
vex {v} (to annoy)
:: piszkál, vegzál
vexillology {n} (study of flags)
:: vexillológia, zászlótan
vexillum {n} (sign of the cross) SEE: sign of the cross
Váh {prop} (river in Slovakia)
:: Vág
viable {adj} (able to live on its own)
:: életképes
viable {adj} (possible)
:: járható
vial {n} (a small tube-shaped bottle used to store a chemical)
:: üvegcse, fiola
vibe {n} (vibration)
:: rezgés
vibraphone {n} (percussion instrument)
:: vibrafon
vibrato {n} (Musical effect or technique)
:: vibrato {m}
vicar {n} (lower-ranking priest)
:: lelkész, plébános, vikárius
vicar {n} (person acting on behalf of another)
:: helytartó, helyettes
vicarage {n} (residence of vicar)
:: paplak, parókia
vice {n} (screw apparatus) SEE: vise
vice-chancellor {n} (official)
:: alkancellár
vicenarian {n} (someone in his or her twenties)
:: huszonéves, húszas éveiben járó, huszonvalahány éves
vice president {n} (deputy to a president)
:: alelnök
vicereine {n} (wife of a viceroy)
:: alkirályné
vicereine {n} (woman who is a viceroy)
:: alkirálynő
viceroy {n} (governor of a country)
:: alkirály
vice versa {adv} (the other way round)
:: fordítva
vicinity {n} (neighbourhood, or the nearby region)
:: közel
vicious circle {n} (situation in which the solution to a problem creates another problem)
:: ördögi kör
victim {n} (one who is harmed by a crime)
:: sértett
victim {n} (a living being slain and offered as a sacrifice)
:: áldozat
victor {n} (winner in a fight or contest)
:: győztes
Victoria {prop} (female given name)
:: Viktória
Victoria {prop} (Queen Victoria)
:: Viktória
Victoria {prop} (Lake Victoria)
:: Viktória-tó
Victorian {adj} (relating to the reign of Queen Victoria)
:: viktoriánus
Victorian {adj} (displaying the standards of the time of Queen Victoria)
:: viktoriánus
Victorian {adj} (style of architecture)
:: viktoriánus
Victorian {n} (person living in, or exhibiting characteristics of the Victorian period)
:: viktoriánus
victorious {adj} (being the winner)
:: győztes
victory {n} (an instance of having won a competition or battle)
:: győzelem, diadal
video {n} (television show, movie)
:: videó {s}
video card {n} (display adapter)
:: videokártya
videocassette {n} (cassette containing recorded videotape)
:: videokazetta
videocassette recorder {n} (recording device)
:: videómagnó, videólejátszó, videó, videókészülék
video game {n} (game controlled by software)
:: videojáték
video game console {n} (dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games)
:: videojáték-konzol
videophone {n} (type of telephone)
:: videotelefon
videotape {n} (tape used to record videos)
:: videószalag, videókazetta
videotape {v} (to make a recording on videotape)
:: felvesz videóra, videóra vesz, levideóz
vie {v} (to rival; to struggle for superiority; to compete)
:: verseng
Vienna {prop} (capital of Austria)
:: Bécs
Viennese {n} (inhabitant)
:: bécsi
Viennese waltz {n} (ballroom dance)
:: bécsi keringő
Vientiane {prop} (capital of Laos)
:: Vientián
Vietnam {prop} (country in Southeast Asia)
:: Vietnam
Vietnamese {adj} (of or pertaining to Vietnam)
:: vietnami
Vietnamese {n} (Vietnamese person)
:: vietnami
Vietnamese {n} (language)
:: vietnami
Vietnam War {prop} (war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between 1955 and 1975)
:: vietnami háború
view {n} (seeing)
:: látás, nézés
view {n} (range of vision)
:: látómező
view {n} (something to look at)
:: kilátás, látvány
view {n} (picture)
:: felvétel, kép
view {n} (mental image)
:: rálátás
view {n} (way of understanding)
:: nézet
view {n} (point of view)
:: szempont, nézőpont
view {n} (intention)
:: szándék
view {n} (computing: user interface part of program)
:: felhasználói felület
viewer {n} (someone who watches television)
:: néző, televíziónéző
viewfinder {n} (device on a camera)
:: kereső
viewpoint {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view
vigilance {n} (Alert watchfulness)
:: éberség
vigintillion {num} (1063)
:: decilliárd
vignette {n} (decorative design at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book)
:: vignetta
vignette {n}
:: ékítmény
vigorous {adj} (physically strong and active)
:: makkegészséges
Viking {n} (One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors)
:: viking
vilayet {n} (one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire)
:: vilajet
vile {adj} (morally low)
:: hitvány, aljas
vile {adj} (causing repulsion)
:: ocsmány, visszataszító, undorító
vilify {v} (say defamatory things about; to speak ill of)
:: rágalmaz
village {n} (a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town)
:: falu
village idiot {n} (person widely known in their community for their stupidity and ignorant behaviour)
:: falu bolondja
villager {n} (person who lives in, or comes from, a village)
:: falusi, falubeli
villain {n} (scoundrel)
:: gazember
villain {n} (bad person in a stage or screen play)
:: gonosz
villein {n} (feudal tenant)
:: jobbágy
villeinage {n} (serfdom) SEE: serfdom
Villány {prop} (town in Hungary)
:: Villány
villus {n} (small projection from a membrane)
:: boholy, bélboholy, bélbolyh, bolyh
Vilnius {prop} (capital of Lithuania)
:: Vilnius
vimentin {n} (any of a group of polypeptides that polymerize to form filaments in the cytoskeleton)
:: vimentin
Vincent {prop} (male given name)
:: Vince
vindicate {v} (to claim)
:: vindikál
vindictive {adj} (having a tendency to seek revenge)
:: bosszúszomjas
vinegar {n} (condiment)
:: ecet
vineyard {n} (grape plantation)
:: szőlőskert
vinification {n} (winemaking) SEE: winemaking
vintage {n} (year or place something is produced)
:: évjárat
viola {n} (music: stringed instrument of the violin family)
:: brácsa, mélyhegedű
viola {n} (botany: any of several flowering plants)
:: ibolya, árvácska
violate {v} (to break or fail to act by rules)
:: megsért, megszeg
violation {n} (rape) SEE: rape
violation {n} (act or instance of violating)
:: megsértés, megszegés, szabálysértés
violence {n} (extreme force)
:: erőszak
violence {n} (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering)
:: erőszak
violent {adj} (involving extreme force or motion)
:: heves
violent {adj} (involving physical conflict)
:: erőszakos
violent {adj} (likely to use physical force)
:: erőszakos
violent {adj} (intensely vivid)
:: rikító
violently {adv} (in a violent manner)
:: erőszakosan
violet {n} (colour)
:: ibolya
violet {n} (plant)
:: ibolya
violet {adj} (having a bluish-purple color)
:: ibolya
Violet {prop} (female given name)
:: Ibolya, Viola
violet carpenter bee {n} (Xylocopa violacea)
:: kék fadongó
violin {n} (string instrument)
:: hegedű
violinist {n} (person who plays violin)
:: hegedűművész, hegedűs
violoncello {n} (cello) SEE: cello
viper {n} (a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae)
:: vipera
virago {n} (rough woman)
:: cserfes nő
viral {adj} (relating to a virus in biological sense)
:: vírus-, virális
viral {adj} (caused by a virus)
:: vírusos
viral load {n} (measure of the severity of a viral infection)
:: vírusterhelés
virgin {n} (person who has never had sexual intercourse)
:: szűz
virgin {adj} (of a person, in a state of virginity)
:: szűz
virgin {adj} (of an object, untouched)
:: szűz, érintetlen
virgin {adj} (of olive oil)
:: szűz
virginal membrane {n} (hymen) SEE: hymen
virgin forest {n} (forest free from disturbance)
:: őserdő
Virgin Mary {prop} (mother of Christ)
:: Szűz Mária
Virgo {prop} (constellation)
:: Szűz
Virgo {prop} (astrological sign)
:: Szűz
virological {adj} (of or pertaining to virology)
:: virológiai
virologist {n} (scientist or doctor specializing in virology)
:: virológus
virology {n} (branch of microbiology that deals with the study of viruses and viral disease)
:: virológia
virtual reality {n} (virtual reality)
:: virtuális valóság
virtue {n} (excellence in morals)
:: erény
virucidal {adj} (killing or destroying viruses)
:: virucid
virulent {adj} (infectious, malignant or deadly)
:: virulens
virus {n} (infectious organism)
:: vírus
virus {n} (computer virus)
:: számítógépes vírus, számítógépvírus
visa {n} (permit)
:: vízum
visage {n} (countenance; appearance; face)
:: arc
visceral {adj} (visceral)
:: zsigeri
viscidity {n}
:: nyúlósság
viscount {n} (a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl)
:: algróf, vikomt
viscus {n} (the intestines)
:: zsiger
vise {n} (two-jawed instrument for holding work)
:: satu
Visean {prop} (A subdivision of the Carboniferous period)
:: Viséi
Visegrád {prop} (town in Hungary)
:: Visegrád
Vishnu {prop} (the god)
:: Visnu
visible {adj} (able to be seen)
:: látható
visibly {adv} (in a visible manner)
:: láthatóan, szemlátomást
Visigoth {n} (member of an East Germanic tribe)
:: vizigót, nyugati gót
vision {n} (something imaginary one thinks one sees)
:: képzeletbeli
vision {n} (religious or mystical experience)
:: látomás
vision impaired {adj} (visually impaired) SEE: visually impaired
visit {v} (to go and meet (someone))
:: meglátogat
visit {n} (single act of visiting)
:: látogatás
visit {v} (to avenge) SEE: avenge
visitant {n} (migratory bird) SEE: migrant
visiting card {n} (business card) SEE: business card
visiting scholar {n} (scholar from an institution who visits a host university)
:: vendégkutató , vendégprofesszor, vendégelőadó, vendégoktató, meghívott/megbízott előadó/oktató
visitor {n} (guest)
:: látogató
visitors' book {n} (a facility for visitors' comments) SEE: guest book
visor {n} (mask) SEE: mask
visor {n} (part of a helmet)
:: sisakrostély
visor {n} (fore piece of a cap)
:: napellenző, ellenző, sild
Vistula {prop} (Polish river)
:: Visztula
visual {adj} (related to or affecting the vision)
:: vizuális
visual arts {n} (art forms that are primarily visual in nature)
:: képzőművészet
visual diary {n} (sketchbook) SEE: sketchbook
visual field {n} (field of view) SEE: field of view
visually {adv} (by means of sight)
:: vizuálisan
visually impaired {adj} (suffering of reduced vision)
:: látássérült
vis-à-vis {n} (counterpart) SEE: counterpart
vital capacity {n} (maximum volume of air that can be discharged from the lungs)
:: vitálkapacitás
vitamin {n} (organic compound essential to human health)
:: vitamin
vitamin B {n} (member of the vitamin B complex)
:: B-vitamin
vitamin C {n} (L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid)
:: C-vitamin
vitiligo {n} (patchy loss of skin pigmentation)
:: vitiligo
vitreous humor {n} (vitreous humour) SEE: vitreous humour
vitreous humour {n} (clear gel)
:: üvegtest
vitriol {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid
vitriolic {adj} (bitterly scathing) SEE: caustic
viva {interj} (long live ... !) SEE: long live
Vivian {prop} (female given name)
:: Vivien
vivianite {n} (mineral)
:: vivianit
vivisection {n} (The action of invasive treatment of a living organism for scientific investigation)
:: elevenboncolás, élveboncolás
vixen {n} (attractive woman) SEE: fox
vixen {n} (female fox)
:: szuka
vixen {n} (temperamental woman)
:: kurva, szuka, fúria, hárpia
vizier {n} (high-ranking official)
:: vezír
Vizsla {n} (dog breed)
:: vizsla
Vladimir {prop} (male given name)
:: Vladimír, Vlagyimir
Vladivostok {prop} (seaport in Russia)
:: Vlagyivosztok
vlei {n} (marsh) SEE: marsh
vlei {n} (wetland) SEE: wetland
vlog {n} (weblog using video)
:: vlog
Vltava {prop} (a major river in the Czech Republic)
:: Moldva
Vänern {prop} (Swedish lake)
:: Vänern
vocabulary {n} (list of words)
:: szójegyzék, szólista, szószedet, glosszárium
vocabulary {n} (set of words a person knows)
:: szókincs
vocabulary {n} (stock of words used in a particular field)
:: szókincs
vocabulary {n} (words of a language collectively)
:: szókincs
vocal {adj} (of or pertaining to the voice or speech)
:: vokál
vocal {adj} (phonetics)
:: magánhangzói
vocalist {n} (singer)
:: énekes, énekesnő
vocation {n} (occupation for which a person is suited)
:: hivatás
vocational school {n} (1. A school that provides training in specific skills required for different industries.)
:: szakközépiskola
vocative {adj} (grammar: used in address)
:: megszólító
vocative {n} (grammatical case) SEE: vocative case
vocative case {n} (case of address)
:: megszólító eset
vodka {n} (clear distilled alcoholic liquor)
:: vodka
voetsek {interj} (go away) SEE: go away
voice {n} (sound uttered by the mouth)
:: hang
voice {n} (sound made through vibration of the vocal cords)
:: zönge, zöngésség
voice {n} (tone or sound emitted by anything)
:: hang
voice {n} (language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion)
:: hang, kifejezés, kinyilvánítás, megnyilvánulás, véleménynyilvánítás
voice {n} (opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote)
:: hang, vélemény, szó, beleszólás, szavazat
voice {n} (grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs)
:: igenem
voice {n} (music: independent vocal or instrumental part)
:: szólam
voice {v} (to give utterance or expression to)
:: kifejez, kimond
voice {v} (to utter with a sonant or vocal tone)
:: zöngésít, zöngével/zöngésen ejt
voice actor {n} (an actor who provides voices for animations, dubbed films)
:: szinkronszínész
voice box {n} (larynx) SEE: larynx
voicedness {n} (the state or property of being uttered in a voiced manner)
:: zöngésség, zönge
voiceless {adj} (lacking a voice, without vocal sound)
:: hangtalan, néma
voiceless {adj} ((phonetics, of a consonant) spoken without vibration of the vocal cords)
:: zöngétlen
voice mail {n} (system)
:: hangposta
voice mail {n} (message left on a voice mail system) SEE: voice message
voice message {n} (message left on a voice mail system)
:: hangüzenet, hangpostaüzenet
voice recognition {n} (function which processes spoken input into electronic commands)
:: beszédfelismerés
voice talent {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor
voicing {n} (phonetics: articulatory process)
:: zöngésülés, zöngésedés , zöngésítés
voicing {n} (phonetics: classification of speech sounds)
:: zöngésség, zönge
void {adj} (having lost all legal validity)
:: érvénytelen, semmis
void {n} (An empty space; a vacuum)
:: üresség, űr
void {v} ((medicine) to empty)
:: ürít
voidness {n} (state or condition of being void)
:: érvénytelenség, semmisség
voivode {n} (a local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe)
:: vaida
voivode {n} (an administrative chief in modern Poland)
:: vajda
Vojvodina {prop} (autonomous province of Serbia)
:: Vajdaság
Volapük {prop} (language)
:: volapük
volatile {adj} (evaporating or vaporizing readily under normal conditions)
:: illékony, illó
volatile {adj} ((of a price etc) variable or erratic)
:: ingadozó
volatility {n} (state of being volatile)
:: illékonyság
volatility {n} (financial markets: quantification of the degree of uncertainty about the future price)
:: volatilitás
volcanic {adj} (of or pertaining to a volcano)
:: vulkáni
volcanic {adj} (produced by a volcano)
:: vulkáni
volcanic ash {n} (fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass)
:: vulkáni hamu
volcanism {n} (natural phenomena associated with volcanoes)
:: vulkanizmus
volcano {n} (mountain containing a magma chamber)
:: vulkán, tűzhányó
volcanologist {n} (person who studies volcanology)
:: vulkanológus
vole {n} (small rodents of the subfamily Arvicolinae)
:: pocok
Volga {prop} (longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea)
:: Volga
volleyball {n} (game)
:: röplabda
volleyball {n} (ball used to play the game)
:: röplabda
volleyballer {n} (volleyball player)
:: röplabdázó
Volodymyr {prop} (Vladimir) SEE: Vladimir
volt {n} (unit of measure)
:: volt
voltage {n} (difference in electrostatic potential)
:: feszültség
voltage spike {n} (a fast, short duration surge (overvoltage) in the electric potential of a circuit; a power surge) SEE: power surge
voltmeter {n} (instrument for measuring electric potential)
:: voltmérő
voluble {adj} (fluent or having a ready flow of speech; garrulous or loquacious)
:: gördülékeny
volume {n} (three-dimensional measure of space)
:: térfogat
volume {n} (strength of sound)
:: hangerő
volume {n} (issues of a periodical over a period of one year)
:: évfolyam
volume {n} (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia)
:: kötet
volume {n} (synonym for quantity, see also: quantity)
:: volumen
volumetric flask {n} (laboratory flask)
:: mérőlombik
voluntary {adj} (done, given, or acting of one's own free will)
:: önkéntes
voluntary {adj} (done by design or intention; intentional)
:: szándékos, akaratlagos
voluntary {adj} (working or done without payment)
:: önkéntes, fizetés nélküli, fizetetlen
voluntary work {n} (work done voluntarily)
:: társadalmi munka, önkéntes munka
volunteer {n} (one who voluntarily offers himself/herself for service)
:: önkéntes
volunteer {v} (to do or offer to do something voluntarily)
:: vállalkozik, vállal, önkénteskedik
volunteerism {n} (tendency to volunteer)
:: önkénteskedés, önkéntesség
voluptuous {adj} (curvaceous and sexually attractive)
:: telt, dús idomú
vomer {n} (vomer bone) SEE: vomer bone
vomer bone {n} (small thin bone that forms part of the septum between the nostrils)
:: ekecsont
vomit {v} (to regurgitate the contents of a stomach)
:: hány
vomit {n} (regurgitated former contents of a stomach)
:: hányás, hányadék
von Recklinghausen disease {n} (neurofibromatosis type I)
:: Recklinghausen-betegség
voracious {adj} (devouring great quantities of food)
:: falánk, telhetetlen
voracious {adj} (having a great appetite for anything)
:: telhetetlen
Vorarlberg {prop} (the westernmost federal state of Austria)
:: Vorarlberg
-vore {suffix} (an animal identified by their kind of diet)
:: -evő
Voronezh {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Voronyezs
vote {n} (formalised choice)
:: szavazás
vote {n} (instance of voting)
:: szavazat
vote {v} (assert a formalised choice)
:: szavaz
vote of no confidence {n} (parliamentary motion)
:: bizalmatlansági indítvány
voter {n} (one who votes)
:: szavazó
Votic {prop} (language)
:: vót
voting booth {n} (small compartment where a voter may register a vote)
:: szavazófülke
vouch {v} (to take responsibility for; to express confidence in; to witness; to obtest)
:: tanúsít
voucher {n} (A piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods and services)
:: kupon, bon
vouch for {v} (affirm the truth or reliability of)
:: kezeskedik érte
vow {n} (A solemn promise to perform some act, or behave in a specified manner)
:: fogadalom
vowel {n} (sound)
:: magánhangzó
vowel {n} (letter)
:: magánhangzó, magánhangzóbetű
vowel harmony {n} (phonological process)
:: magánhangzó-harmónia, magánhangzó-harmónia szerinti illeszkedés, hangrendi illeszkedés
voyage {n} (long journey; especially by ship)
:: tengeri utazás, hajóút
voyager {n} (traveller) SEE: traveller
Võro {prop} (language)
:: võro
vulcanologist {n} (person who studies volcanoes) SEE: volcanologist
vulgar {adj} (distasteful, uncouth, obscene)
:: közönséges, otromba, durva, trágár, vulgáris
Vulgar Era {prop} (Common Era) SEE: Common Era
vulgarian {n} (vulgar individual)
:: átlagember, közönséges ember
vulnerability {n} (security vulnerability) SEE: hole
vulnerable {adj} (exposed to attack)
:: sebezhető
Vulpecula {prop} (autumn constellation)
:: Kis Róka
vulpine {adj} (pertaining to a fox)
:: furfangos
vulture {n} (bird)
:: keselyű
vulture {n} (person)
:: hiéna
vulva {n} (collectively the external female sexual organs)
:: szeméremtest
vulvectomy {n} (surgical removal of vulva)
:: vulvektómia
vuvuzela {n} (horn)
:: vuvuzela, darázskürt