n/a {adj} (not applicable)
:: neprimjenjivo; неизводиво; neizvodivo
n/a {adj} (not available)
:: недоступно; nedostupno
nab {v} (to seize a criminal)
:: ухапсити, uhapsiti
Naberezhnye Chelny {prop} (city in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
:: Naberežnije Čelni
NaCl {n} (sodium chloride) SEE: sodium chloride
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole
naïf {n} (one who is naive) SEE: naif
nag {v} (complain about insignificant matters)
:: piliti, gnjaviti
Nagasaki {prop} (Japanese port)
:: Нагасаки
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} (region in South Caucasus)
:: Нагорно-Карабах {m}, Горски Карабах {m}; Nagorno-Karabah {m}, Gorski Karabah {m}
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic {prop} (country in South Caucasus)
:: Republika Gorski Karabah
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh
Nagykanizsa {prop} (town in Hungary)
:: Kaniža
Nahuatl {prop} (language)
:: нaхуатл {m}; nahuàtl {m}
naiad {n} (female deity)
:: најада {f}; najada {f}
naif {n} (one who is naive)
:: наивчина {m}, абдал {m}; naivčina {m}, abdal {m}
nail {n} (on fingers and toes)
:: нокат {m}; nȍkat {m}
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials)
:: клин {m}, ексер {m}, чавао {m}, гвозд {m}; klin {m}, ekser {m}, čavao {m}, gvozd {m}
nail polish {n} (cosmetic lacquer)
:: лак за нокте {m}; lak za nokte
Nairobi {prop} (capital of Kenya)
:: Најроби {m}; Najrobi {m}
naive {adj} (lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement)
:: наиван; naivan
naiveness {n} (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness; artlessness; gullibility; credulity)
:: naívnōst {f}
naked {adj} (not wearing any clothes)
:: го, гол, наг; go, gol, nag
naked {adj}
:: gol
nakedhood {n} (nakedness) SEE: nakedness
nakedness {n} (state of being naked)
:: golotinja {f}, goloća {f}
Nakhodka {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Находка {f}, Nahodka {f}
Nalchik {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Наљчик {m}; Naljčik {m}
NAM {prop} (Non-Aligned Movement)
:: Pokret nesvrstanih
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer
namaz {n} (salat) SEE: salat
name {n} (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing)
:: име {n}; ime {n}
name {n} (reputation, see also: reputation)
:: углед {m}; ugled {m}
name {v} (to give a name to)
:: именовати, наденути, надити; imenovati, nadenuti, naditi
name card {n} (business card) SEE: business card
name day {n} (feast day of a saint)
:: имендан {m}; imendan {m}, imendani {p}
nameless {adj} (having no name)
:: неименован, безимен; neimenovan, bèzimen {m}
namely {adv} (specifically)
:: наиме, поименце, поименице; nàime, poimèncē, poimènicē
namesake {n} (person, place or thing named after another person, place or thing)
:: имењак {m}, презимењак {m}; imenjak {m}, prezimenjak {m}
Namibia {prop} (Republic of Namibia)
:: Намибија {f}; Namibija
Namibian {n} (a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent)
:: Namibijac {m}, Namibijka {f}
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy
nanny {n} (child's nurse)
:: dadilja
nanori {n} (Japanese kanji readings for names)
:: nanori
nap {n}
:: dremež {m}, drijemež {m}; дремка {f}; dremka {f}
napalm {n} (inflammable substance)
:: напалм {m}; napalm {m}
nape {n} (back part of the neck)
:: затиљак {m}; zatiljak {m}
naphtha {n} (naturally occurring liquid petroleum)
:: нафта {f}; nȁfta {f}
naphtha {n} (liquid distilled from petroleum)
:: нафта {f}; nȁfta {f}
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper
napkin {n} (serviette)
:: салвета {f}, рубац {m}, убрус {m}, убручић {m}, убрусац {m}; salveta {f}, rubac {m}, ubrus {m}, ubručić {m}, ubrusac {m}
Naples {prop} (city in Italy)
:: Напуљ {m}; Nápulj {m}
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte)
:: Наполеон {m}; Napoleon {m}
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper
narcissism {n} (excessive love of oneself)
:: samodopadljivost, samoljublje, narcizam {m}, narcisizam {m}
narcissus {n} (any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus)
:: нарцис {m}; narcis {m}
narcolepsy {n} (sleeping disorder)
:: narkolepsija, нарколепсија
narcotic {n} (class of drugs)
:: наркотик {m}; narkòtik {m}
Narnia {prop} (a fictional land)
:: Нарнија; Narnija
narrate {v} (to relate a story)
:: причати {impf}, испричати {pf}; príčati {impf}, ispríčati {pf}
narration {n} (act of recounting or relating)
:: pripovijédānje {n}
narration {n} (orderly recital of the particulars of a transaction or event)
:: prȉpovijētka {f}, prȉpovijēst
narrator {n} (in story)
:: pripovjèdāč {m}, pripovjedàčica {f}
narrow {adj} (having small width)
:: узак, уски; ȕzak, uski
narrow {v} (to reduce in width or extent)
:: сузити; súziti
narrowly {adv} (by a narrow margin; closely)
:: уско; usko
narwhal {n} (Arctic cetacean)
:: нарвал {m}, једнорог {m}; nàrval {m}, jȅdnorog {m}
nasal {n} (vowel or consonant articulated with air flowing through the nose)
:: назал {m}, носник {m}; nazal {m}, nosnik {m}
nasal bone {n} (either of two small oblong bones which form "the bridge" of the nose)
:: nosnjača
nasalization {n} (articulation such that air flows through the nose and mouth)
:: назализација {f}; nazalizacija {f}
Nataraja {prop} (dancing posture of the Hindu god Shiva)
:: Натараџа {m}; Nataradža {m}
Natasha {prop} (female given name)
:: Nataša {f}
nation {n} (community of people)
:: народ {m}, нација {f}; narod {m}, nacija {f}
nation {n} (sovereign state)
:: држава {f}; država {f}
national {adj} (of or having to do with a nation)
:: национални, народни; nacionalni, narodni
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country)
:: народна химна {f}, државна химна {f}, национална himna {f}; narodna himna {f}, državna himna {f}, nacionalna himna {f}
nationalism {n} (idea of supporting one's country and culture)
:: национализам {m}; nacionalizam {m}
nationality {n} (membership of a nation or state)
:: националност {f}; nacionálnōst {f}
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state)
:: национална држава {f}; nacionalna država {f}
native {adj} (belonging to one by birth)
:: староседеоц, самородан, рођени; starosedeoc, sȁmorodan, rođeni
native {adj} (characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning)
:: староседеоц, самородан; starosedeoc, sȁmorodan
native {n} (native speaker) SEE: native speaker
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue
native speaker {n} (person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue)
:: ѝзворнӣ говорнӣк {m}; ìzvōrnī gòvōrnīk {m}
NATO {prop} (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
natural {adj} (relating to nature)
:: природан; prírodan
natural {adj} (without additives)
:: природан; prírodan
natural {adj} (as expected)
:: природан, нормалан; prírodan, nȍrmālan
natural {adj} (colour: not adjusted)
:: neutralna {f}
natural {adj} (without adjustment)
:: nȁturālan, натуралан
natural {n} (someone with innate ability)
:: prirodan, nadaren {m}
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally)
:: природни језик {m}; prirodni jezik {m}
natural language processing {n} (field concerning interaction with computers using natural languages)
:: obrada naravnoga jezika {f}, obrada prirodnoga jezika {f}
natural log {n} (natural logarithm) SEE: natural logarithm
natural logarithm {n} (logarithm in base e)
:: prirodni logaritam {m}
natural resource {n} (source of wealth that occurs naturally)
:: prirodno bogatstvo {n}
natural selection {n} (natural selection)
:: природна селекција, prirodna selekcija
nature {n} (the natural world)
:: природа {f}; príroda {f}
nature {n} (essential characteristics)
:: нарав {f}, природа {f}; nárav {f}, príroda {f}
nature {n} (primitive state of being)
:: природа {f}; príroda {f}
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states)
:: природа {f}; príroda {f}
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis
Nauru {prop} (Republic of Nauru)
:: Науру {m}; Nauru {m}
nausea {n} (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit)
:: мучнѝна {f}, наузеја {f}; mučnìna {f}, nauzèja {f}
nausea {n} (strong dislike or disgust)
:: мучнѝна {f}, наузеја {f}; mučnìna {f}, nauzèja {f}
nausea {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness
nautilus {n} (marine mollusc of the family Nautilidae)
:: наутилус {m}, индијска лађица {f}; naùtilus {m}, indijska lađica {f}
Navarre {prop} (autonomous community of Spain)
:: Navara
nave {n} (the middle or body of a church)
:: брод {m}, лађа {f}; brod {m}, lađa {f}
navel {n} (remnant of umbilical cord)
:: пупак {m}; pȕpak {m}
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal
navigation {n} (traffic or travel by vessel)
:: moreplovstvo {n}
navigator {n} (officer who navigates)
:: moreplovac {m}
navigator {n} (sea explorer)
:: moreplovac {m}
navy {n} (sea force)
:: морнарица {f}; mornàrica {f}
navy {n} (department)
:: mornàrica {f}
navy {adj} (belonging to the navy)
:: mornàričkī
Naypyidaw {prop} (capital of Burma)
:: Nai Pai To, Naypyidaw
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi
Nazi {n} (member of the Nazi party)
:: нацист {m}, нациста {m}; nacist {m}, nacista {m}
Nazism {prop} (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP)
:: нацизам {m}; nacizam {m}
near {adj} (physically close)
:: близак; blȉzak
near {v} (come closer to)
:: blížiti se {pf}, približávati se {impf}
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly
Near East {prop} (region in Asia)
:: Блиски исток {m}; Bliski istok {m}
nearly {adv} (almost, but not quite)
:: скоро; skòro
nearsightedness {n} (property of being nearsighted)
:: кратковидност {f}, кратковидост {f}; kratkovidnost {f}, kratkovidost {f}
neat {n} (cattle) SEE: cattle
Nebuchadnezzar {prop} (a ruler of Babylon)
:: Набукодонозор {m}; Nabukodonozor {m}
nebula {n} (a space cloud)
:: маглина {f}, maglina {f}, маглица {f}, maglica {f}
necessary {adj} (needed, required)
:: потребан, нужан; potreban, nužan
neck {n} (part of body connecting the head and the trunk)
:: врат {m}, шија {f}; vrȃt {m}, šȉja {f}
neck {n} (part of a shirt, dress etc.)
:: врат {m}, грк {m}, гркљан {m}; vrȃt {m}, gȑk {m}, grkljan {m}
neck {n} (tapered part of a bottle)
:: грло {n}; gȑlo {n}
necklace {n} (jewelry)
:: огрлица {f}, ђердан {m}; ogrlica {f}, đerdan {m}
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace
necktie {n} (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front)
:: кравата {f}; kravàta {f}
necromancy {n} (divination involving the dead)
:: некромантија {f}; nekromancija {f}
necrophile {n} (one who is subject to necrophilia)
:: nekròfīl {m}, некрофӣл {m}
necrophilia {n} (pathological attraction to dead bodies)
:: nekrofìlija {f}, некрофѝлија {f}
necrophobia {n} (fear of death or corpses)
:: некрофобија {f}; nekrofòbija {f}
necropolis {n} (cemetery)
:: некропола {f}; nekròpola {f}
necropolis {n} (ancient site used for burying the dead)
:: некропола {f}; nekròpola {f}
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue)
:: некроза {f}; nekróza {f}
need {n} (something required)
:: потреба {f}, нужда {f}; potreba {f}, nužda {f}
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for)
:: trebati, требати {impf}
needle {n} (implement for sewing etc.)
:: ѝгла {f}; ìgla {f}
needle {n} (indicating device)
:: игла {f}; igla {f}
needle {n} (sensor phonograph stylus)
:: игла {f}; igla {f}
needle {n} (leaf of conifer)
:: иглица {f}; iglica {f}
needle {v} (to pierce with a needle)
:: probadati
needle {v} (to tease in order to provoke)
:: podbadati
needle in a haystack {n} (idiomatic)
:: ѝгла у пласту сијена {f} / ѝгла у пласту сена {f}; ìgla u plȃstu sijȇna {f} / ìgla u plȃstu sȇna {f}
needlenose pliers {n} (a variety of pliers with long, narrow extensions)
:: шпицангле {n-p}; špicangle {n-p}
ne'er-do-well {n} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing
negationism {n} (denialism) SEE: denialism
neglect {v}
:: zapostaviti
negligent {adj} (careless) SEE: careless
negligible {adj} (able to be ignored or excluded)
:: занемарљив {m} /zanemárljiv/
negotiation {n} (process of achieving agreement)
:: преговор {m}; prȅgovōr {m}
negress {n} (A black female)
:: црнкиња {f}; crnkinja {f}
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro
Negro {n} (person with dark skin)
:: црнац {m}, црнкиња {f}; crnac {m}, crnkinja {f}
neigh {n} (the cry of a horse)
:: њиштање {n}, њиска {f}; njištanje {n}, njiska {f}
neigh {v} ((of a horse) to make its cry)
:: њиштати; njištati
neigh {v} (to make a sound similar to a horses' cry)
:: њиштати; njištati
neighborhood {n} (nearby area)
:: суседство {n} , сусједство {n} ; súsedstvo {n} , súsjedstvo {n}
neighborhood {n} (inhabitants of a residential area)
:: súsjedstvo {n}
neighbour {n} (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
:: сусед {m}, суседкиња {f}, сусетка {f}, суседа {f}, комшија {m}, комшиница {f}, комшикa {f}; sused {m}, susedkinja {f}, sudetka {f}, suseda {f}, komšija {m}, komšinica {f}, komšika {f}
Nei Mongol {prop} (Inner Mongolia) SEE: Inner Mongolia
neither {determiner} (not one of two; not either)
:: niti, ni
neodymium {n} (chemical element)
:: неодиjум {m}, неодиj {m}; neodijum {m}, neodij {m}
neologism {n} (recently coined word)
:: neologizam {m}, novotvorenica {f}
neon {n} (element)
:: неон {m}; neon {m}
neonate {n} (newborn infant) SEE: newborn
neo-Nazi {n} (person who believes in a Nazi ideology)
:: неонацист {m}; neonacist {m}
neo-Nazism {n} (the ideology held by neo-Nazis)
:: неонацизам {m}; neonacizam {m}
Nepal {prop} (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)
:: Непал {m}; Nepal {m}
Nepalese {adj} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepalese {n} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepalese {prop} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali
Nepali {adj} (pertaining to Nepal)
:: непалскӣ; nèpālskī
Nepali {prop} (language)
:: непалскӣ {m}; nèpālskī {m}
nephew {n} (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew)
:: братанас {m}, синовац {m}, сестрић {m}, нећак {m}; bratanac {m}, sinovac {m}, sestrić {m}, nećak {m}
Neptune {prop} (eighth planet of the solar system)
:: Нептун {m}; Neptun {m}
neptunium {n} (chemical element)
:: нептуниj {m}, нептуниjум {m}; neptunij, neptunijum
nerd {n} (intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted)
:: штребер {m}
Neretva {prop} (river)
:: Neretva, Неретва
Nero {prop} (Roman Emperor from 54 to 68)
:: Neron {m}
nerve {n} (bundle of neurons)
:: живац {m}, нерв {m}; živac {m}, nerv {m}
nerve {v} (strengthen) SEE: strengthen
nerve {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage
nest {n} (bird-built structure)
:: гнијездо {n}, гнездо {n}; gnijezdo {n}, gnezdo {n}
nested {adj} (successively fitted one inside another)
:: ugniježden
nestle {v} (to settle oneself comfortably and snugly)
:: ugnezditi se {pf}, ugnijezditi se {pf}
nestle {v} (to press oneself against another affectionately)
:: privijati, privinuti, priljubiti, pripiti se
net {n} (mesh of string, cord or rope)
:: мрежа {f}; mrȅža {f}
net {n} (device for catching fish, butterflies etc.)
:: мрежа {f}; mrȅža {f}
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch
Netherlands {prop} (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland)
:: Низоземска {f}, Холандија {f}; Nȉzozēmskā {f}, Holàndija {f}
Netherlands {adj} (pertaining to the Netherlands)
:: nȉzozēmskī
Netherlands Antilles {prop} (former autonomous territory)
:: Nizozemski Antili {m-p}
nettle {n} (stinging herb of genus Urtica)
:: коприва {f}, жара {f}; kopriva {f}, žara {f}
nettle {v} (of the nettle plant etc., to sting causing a rash)
:: ожарити; ožariti
net weight {n} (weight of a product)
:: нето маса {f}, neto masa {f}; neto masa {f}
network {n} (interconnected group or system)
:: мрежа {f}; mreža {f}
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together)
:: мрежа {f}; mreža {f}
network {n}
:: мрежа {f}; mreža {f}
neurasthenic {adj} (pertaining to neurasthenia)
:: неурастеничан; neurastèničan
neurasthenic {n} (person who has neurasthenia)
:: неурастенӣк {m}; neurastènīk {m}
neurology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its disorders)
:: neurològija {f}
neuropsychiatry {n} (branch of medicine)
:: неуропсихијатрија {f}; neuropsihijatrija {f}
neuropsychopharmacology {n} (neuropsychopharmacology)
:: neuropsihofarmakologija {f}
neuroticism {n} (the quality or state of being neurotic)
:: неуротичност {f} /neurotičnost/
neuter {adj} (grammar: having a form which is not masculine nor feminine)
:: средњи; srednji
neuter {adj} (grammar: intransitive, see also: intransitive)
:: neprelazni
neuter {n} (the neuter gender (grammar))
:: средњи род {m}; srednji rod {m}
neuter {v} (to remove sex organs from an animal)
:: kastrirati, škopiti, štrojiti
neutral {adj} (not taking sides in a conflict)
:: неутралан; nȅutrālan
neutrality {n} (state of being neutral; taking no part on either side)
:: неутралност {f}; neutralnost {f}
neutrino {n} (en elementary particle with extremely small mass and no electric charge)
:: неутрино {n}; neutríno {n}
neutron {n} (subatomic particle)
:: неутрон {m}; neùtrōn {m}
neutron star {n} (star composed of neutrons)
:: neutronska zvijezda, neutronska zvezda
Nevada {prop} (US state)
:: Невада {f}, Nevada {f}
never {adv} (at no time)
:: никад, никада; nikad, nikada
never again {adv} (at no time in the future)
:: nikad više
never in a month of Sundays {adv} (at no time)
:: na Sveto Nigdarjevo, kad na vrbi rodi grožđe , nikad, a možda ni tad
never mind {v} (it is not important)
:: nema veze
never mind {v} (let alone; much less) SEE: let alone
nevermore {adv} (never again) SEE: never again
nevertheless {adv} (in spite of what preceded)
:: ipak, usprkos tome
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole
new {adj} (recently made or created)
:: нов; nȍv
new {adj}
:: novo
newborn {n} (recently born baby)
:: новорођенче {n}, рођенче {n}; novorođenče {n}, rođenče {n}
New Caledonia {prop} (overseas territory of France)
:: Nova Kaledonija {f}
newcomer {n} (one who has recently arrived in a community)
:: придошлица {f}; pridošlica {f}
New Delhi {prop} (capital of India)
:: Њу Делхи {m}; Nju Delhi {m}
New England {prop} (six states of the United States)
:: Нова Енглеска {f}; Nova Engleska {f}
New Guinea {prop} (large island)
:: Нова Гвинеја {f}; Nova Gvineja {f}
New Holland {prop} (obsolete: Australia)
:: Nova Nizozemska {f}
New Jersey {prop} (a northeast state of the United States of America)
:: Њу Џерзи, Nju Džerzi
New Mexico {prop} (US State)
:: Нови Мексико {m}; Novi Meksiko {m}
news {n} (new information of interest)
:: вести {f-p} , вијести {f-p} ; vesti {f-p} , vijesti
news {n} (reports of current events)
:: вести {f-p} , вијести {f-p} ; vesti {f-p} , vijesti
news agency {n} (organisation that gathers and distributes news)
:: novinska agencija {f}
newsflash {n}
:: najnovije vijesti
newsletter {n} (publication)
:: bilten {m}, билтен {m}
New Spain {prop} (historical colony)
:: Нова Шпањолска {f} , Нова Испания {f} ; Nova Španjolska {f} , Nova Ispanija {f}
newspaper {n} (publication)
:: новине {f-p}; nòvine {f-p}
newspeak {n} (use of ambiguous words to deceive listeners)
:: novogovor {m}
Newspeak {prop} (fictional language)
:: новоговор {m} /novogovor/
Newspeak {n} (newspeak) SEE: newspeak
newsreel {n} (a short film containing news or current affairs; especially one of several shown in sequence)
:: žurnal {m}
newt {n} (type of salamander)
:: водењак {m}; vodenjak {m}
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible)
:: Нови завет {m}, Нови завјет {m}; Nȍvi závet {m}, Nȍvi závjet {m}
newton {n} (derived unit of force)
:: njutn {m}
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following)
:: Нова година {f}; Nova godina {f}
New Year's resolution {n} (vow one makes for the coming year)
:: novogodišnja odluka {f}
New York {prop} (state)
:: Њујорк {m}; Njujork {m}, New York {m}
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA)
:: Њујорк {m}; Njujork {m}
New Zealand {prop} (country in Oceania)
:: Новӣ Зеланд {m}; Nȍvī Zèland {m}
New Zealand {prop} (attributive form - relating to New Zealand)
:: новозеландскӣ; novozèlandskī
next {adj} (following in a sequence)
:: следећи, сљедећи; sledeći, sljedeći
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next
next to {prep} (beside; alongside)
:: pored, kraj, pokraj
next to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate
next year {adv} (year after this one)
:: догодине; dogodine
nexus {n} (connection)
:: veza {f}
nexus {n} (centre of something)
:: centar, središte
Niš {prop} (city in Serbia)
:: Ниш {m}; Niš {m}
nib {n} (tip of a pen)
:: шиљак {m}; šiljak {m}
Nicaragua {prop} (a country in Central America)
:: Никарагва {f}; Nikaragva {f}
Nicaraguan {n} (person from Nicaragua)
:: Никарагванац {m}; Nikaragvánac {m}
Nice {prop} (city in France)
:: Ница {f}; Nica {f}
Nicene Creed {prop} (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith)
:: Никејски симбол вјере {m}, Никејско вјерованје {n}; Nicejski simbol vjere {m}, Nicejsko vjerovanje {n}
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you
Nicholas {prop} (male given name)
:: Нѝкола {m}, Нико {m}; Nìkola {m}, Níko {m}
Nicholson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Nicholas")
:: Николајевић, Hиколић, Hикић; Nikolajević, Nikolić, Nikić
nickel {n} (element)
:: никал {m}; nikal {m}
nickname {n} (familiar, invented given name)
:: надимак {m}; nádimak {m}
niddy-noddy {n} (a tool to make skeins from yarn)
:: motovilo {n}, rašak {m}
nidify {v} (to make a nest)
:: gnezditi
niece {n} (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece)
:: sinovica, bratanica, bratična sinovka, sestričina, nećakinja {f}, nećaka (Serbia), nestera (Croatia, archaic)
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist
Nietzsche {prop} (surname)
:: Ниче; Nietzsche, Niče
Nietzschean {adj} (pertaining to Nietzsche or his writings)
:: ничеанскӣ; ničèānskī
Nietzschean {n} (a supporter of Nietzsche's ideas)
:: ничеанац {m}; ničeánac {m}
Nietzscheanism {n} (philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche)
:: ничеанизам {m}, ничеизам {m}; ničeanizam {m}, ničeizam {m}
nigella {n} (plant of the genus Nigella)
:: crnjika {f} , mačkov bȓk {m} , crno sȅme {n} , cȓnī kùmīn {m} , cȓnī kȉm , crni sùsam
nigella {n} (spice) SEE: black caraway
Niger {prop} (country)
:: Нигер {m}; Niger {m}
Niger {prop} (river)
:: Нигер {m}; Niger {m}
Nigeria {prop} (a country in Western Africa)
:: Нѝгерија {f}; Nìgērija {f}
Nigerian {n} (person)
:: Nigerijac {m}, Nigerijka {f}
Nigerian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Nigeria, the Nigerian people or culture)
:: nigerijski
niggard {v} (a miser or stingy person) SEE: skinflint
nigh {adj} (near, close by)
:: близу, u blizini; blízu, u blizini
night {n} (period between sunset and sunrise)
:: ноћ {f}; noć {f}
night {n} (darkness)
:: тама {f}; tama {f}
night and day {adv} (day and night) SEE: day and night
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night)
:: ноћни клуб {m}; noćni klub {m}
nightdress {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown
nightgown {n} (sleeping garment worn by women)
:: спаваћица {f}; spavàćica {f}
nighthawk {n} (night owl) SEE: night owl
nightie {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown
nightingale {n} (bird)
:: малӣ славуј {m}, славуј {m}; mȃlī slàvūj {m}, slàvūj {m}
nightmare {n} (dream)
:: ноћна мора {f}, кошмар {m}; noćna mora {f}, košmar {m}
night owl {n} (one who is awake at night)
:: ноћна птица; noćna ptica
nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade) SEE: deadly nightshade
nightshirt {n} (shirt-like garment) SEE: nightgown
night watch {n} (watch kept during the night)
:: ноћна стража {f} /noćna straža/
night watch {n} (guards on such a watch)
:: ноћни стражар {m} /noćni stražar/
night watchman {n} (person who guards at night)
:: noćobdija
nihilism {n} (rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc.)
:: nihilizam {m}
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life)
:: нихилѝзам {m}; nihilìzam {m}
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
Nike {prop} (Greek goddess of victory)
:: Ника {f}; Nika {f}
Nikolayevsk-on-Amur {prop} (city)
:: Николајевск на Амуру {m}, Nikolajevsk na Amuru {m}
Nile {prop} (river)
:: Нил {m}; Nil {m}
nimbus {n} (circle of light; halo)
:: нимбус {m}, ореол {m}, светокруг {m}, ауреола {f}, хало {n}; nimbus {m}, oreol {m}, svetokrug {m}, aureola {f}, halo {n}
nincompoop {n} (foolish or silly person)
:: glupan {m}, glupko {m}, idiot {m}, nesposobnjaković {m}
nine {num} (cardinal number)
:: девет; devet
nine {n}
:: деветка {f}; devetka {f}
nine hundred {num} (cardinal number 900)
:: деветсто; dȅvetsto
nineteen {num} (cardinal number)
:: деветнаест; devetnaest
ninetieth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety)
:: devedeseti
ninety {num} (90)
:: деведесет; devedeset
ninja {n} (person trained in ninjutsu)
:: нинџа {m} {f}; nindža {m} {f}
ninjutsu {n} (ninjutsu)
:: нинђуцу, нинђицу; ninđucu, ninđicu
Nintendo {n} (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo)
:: нинтендо
ninth {adj} (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th)
:: девети; deveti
ninth {n} (something in the ninth position)
:: deveti
niobium {n} (chemical element)
:: ниобиj {m}, ниобиjум {m}; niobij, niobijum
nipple {n} (projection of mammary gland)
:: сисак {m}, брадавица {f}; sisak {m}, bradavica {f}
nipplewort {n} (Lapsana communis)
:: ògnjičina {f}, repùnjača {f}, škrbīnka {f}
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese
niqab {n} (veil which covers the face)
:: никаб {m}; nikab {m}
nit {n} (egg of a louse)
:: гњида {f}; gnjȉda {f}
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward
nitpick {v} (to correct minutiae or find fault)
:: цепидлачити, цјепидлачити; cepidlačiti, cjepidlačiti
nitpick {v} (to pick nits)
:: биштати, бискати; bištati, biskati
nitrogen {n} (chemical element)
:: азот {m} , душӣк {m} , nȉtrogēn {m}; àzot {m} , dùšīk {m} , нитроген {m}
nitrox {n} (mixture of nitrogen and oxygen used as a breathing gas)
:: nitroks {m}, nitrox {m}
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish
nitty {adj} ((excessively) detailed, specific) SEE: detailed
nitty {n} (dope fiend, druggie) SEE: drug addict
nitwit {n} (scatterbrained or stupid person)
:: bezvèznjāk {m}, budàla {f}, blèsan {m}, zvèkan {m}
Niue {prop} (island of Niue)
:: Нијуе; Niue
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia)
:: Нижњи Новгород {m}, Nižnji Novgorod {m}
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation)
:: не; ne
Noah's ark {prop} (the vessel built by Noah under God's instructions, as described in Genesis)
:: Ноина Арка {f}; Noina Arka {f}
nobelium {n} (chemical element)
:: нобелиjум {m}, нобелиj {m}; nobelijum, nobelij
nobility {n} (noble or privileged social class)
:: племство {n}, властела {f}, plemstvo {n}, vlastela {f}
nobility {n} (the quality of being noble)
:: племенитост {f}, plemenitost {f}
noble {n} (aristocrat)
:: племић {m}, племкиња {f}; plȅmīć {m}, plȅmkinja {f}
noble {adj} (having honorable qualities)
:: племенит; plemènit
noble gas {n} (element of group 18 of the periodic table)
:: племенити плин {m}, plemeniti plin {m}
nobleman {n} (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat)
:: племӣћ {m}; plȅmić {m}
noblesse oblige {n} (the honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank)
:: племство обавезује {n}; plèmstvo obavezuje {n}
noblewoman {n} (a woman of noble rank)
:: племкиња {f}; plȅmkinja {f}
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one
nobody {n} (unimportant person)
:: нико и ништа {m} /niko i ništa/, нико {m} /niko/
nobody's {determiner} (belonging to nobody (possessive form of nobody))
:: ничији; ničiji
noctule {n} (bat of the genus Nyctalus)
:: ноћнӣк {m}; nȍćnīk {m}
nocturne {n} (a dreamlike or pensive composition)
:: ноктурно {m} /nokturno/
nod {v} (incline the head up and down)
:: климати {impf}, климнути {pf}; klimati {impf}, klimnuti {pf}
no entry {phrase} (entry is forbidden)
:: забрањен улаз; zabranjen ulaz
no fear {interj} (no way) SEE: no way
Nogai {n} (person)
:: ногајци; nogajci
no good deed goes unpunished {proverb} (beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility; if they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests)
:: čini dobro pa se pokaj
noise {n} (various sounds, usually unwanted)
:: шум {m}, бука {f}; šum {m}, buka {f}
noise {n} (sound or signal generated by random fluctuations)
:: шум {m}; šum {m}
noise {n} (technical: unwanted part of a signal)
:: шум {m}; šum {m}
noisy {adj} (making a noise)
:: bȕčan, glȁsan
nolens volens {adv} (willing or unwilling) SEE: willy-nilly
nomad {n} (a member of society or class who wander with their herds)
:: номад {m}; nòmād {m}
nom de guerre {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym
nom de plume {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym
nomenclature {n} (set of names or terms)
:: номенклатура {f}; nomenklatúra {f}
nominative {n} (the nominative case) SEE: nominative case
nominative case {n} (case used to indicate the subject)
:: номинатӣв {m}, први падеж {m}; nȍminatīv {m}, prvi pádež {m}
noncommissioned officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) SEE: non-commissioned officer
non-commissioned officer {n} (person of authority in the military who has not received a commission)
:: подофицир {m}, дочасник {m}; podoficir {m}, dočasnik {m}
noncomputable {adj} (incapable of being computed by a deterministic algorithm)
:: neizračunljiv
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch
nonetheless {adv} (nevertheless)
:: успркос томе; usprkos tome
non-Euclidean geometry {n} (Any system of geometry not based on the set of axioms of Euclidean geometry)
:: neeuklidska geometrija {f}
nonexistent {adj} (not existent)
:: непостојећӣ; nepóstojēćī
nonfree {adj} (not free of charge)
:: плаћен; plaćen
non-governmental organization {n} (organization with no government participation)
:: невладина организација {f}; nevladina organizacija {f}
nonkilling {n} (A precept or worldview)
:: neubijanje {m}
nonpolar {adj}
:: nepolarni
nonrecursive {adj} (not recursive)
:: nerekurzivan
nonsense {n} (meaningless words)
:: bèsmislica {f}, glúpōst {f}
nonsense {n} (untrue statement)
:: nesmisao {n}, budaláština {f}, nèistina {f}
non-smoker {n} (somebody who does not smoke tobacco)
:: непушач {m}, непушачица {f}; nepùšāč {m}, nepušàčica {f}
nonstandard {adj} (not conforming to the standard variety)
:: substandardni, nestandardni, nenormativan
nonswimmer {n} (one who is not a swimmer)
:: неплѝвач {m}; neplìvāč {m}
nonsymmetric {adj} (asymmetrical) SEE: asymmetrical
nonviolence {n} (philosophy that rejects violence)
:: nenasilje {n}
nonzero {adj} (not equal to zero)
:: nenulti {m}
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool
noodle {n} (string or strip of pasta)
:: резанац {m}; rezánac {m}
nookie {n} (sexual intercourse)
:: ševa {f}
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight
noon {n} (midday)
:: подне {n}; podne {n}
no one {pron} (not even a single person)
:: нико, нитко
noose {n} (adjustable loop or rope)
:: омча {f}, петља {f}; omča {f}, petlja {f}
no pain, no gain {proverb} (discomfort is necessary to achieve goals)
:: без муке нема науке ; bez muke nema nauke
no parking {phrase} (no parking)
:: забрана паркирања; zabrana parkiranja
no problem {interj} (it does not pose a problem)
:: нема проблема; nema problema
no quarter {n} (no mercy for the life of a captured opponent)
:: bez milosti
nor {conj} (nor)
:: niti, ni
Norilsk {prop} (city)
:: Нориљск {m}; Noriljsk {m}
normalcy {n} (state of being normal)
:: нормалност {f}; normalnost {f}
normality {n} (state of being normal)
:: нормалност {f}; normalnost {f}
Normandy {prop} (region of France)
:: Нормандија {f}; Normandija {f}
north {n} (compass point)
:: север {m}, сјевер {m}; sever {m}, sjever
north {adj} (of or pertaining to the north)
:: северни {m}, сјеверни {m}; severni {m}, sjeverni
north {adj} (toward the north)
:: северни {m}, сјеверни {m}; severni {m}, sjeverni
north {adj} (meteorology: of wind, from the north)
:: северни {m}, сјеверни {m}; severni {m}, sjeverni
north {adj} (part of a corridor used by northbound traffic)
:: северни {m}, сјеверни {m}; severni {m}, sjeverni
North America {prop} (continent)
:: Сјеверна Америка {f}, Северна Америка {f}; Sjȅvērnā Amèrika {f} Sȅvērnā Amèrika {f}
North American {adj} (relating to North America)
:: северноамеричкӣ, сјеверноамеричкӣ; severnoamerički, severnoamèričkī, sjevernoamèričkī
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance)
:: Организација Сјеверноатлантског уговора {f}, Организација Сјеверноатлантског споразума {f}; Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog ugovora {f}, Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog sporazuma {f}
North Carolina {prop} (state of the United States)
:: Sjeverna Karolina {f}
North Dakota {prop} (state of the United States of America)
:: Sjeverna Dakota
northeast {n} (compass point)
:: североисток {m}, сјевероисток {m}; severoistok {m}, sjeveroistok {m}
northern {adj} (facing, situated in or related to the north)
:: севернӣ, сјевернӣ; sȅvērnī, sjȅvērnī
Northern Cyprus {prop} (a de-facto state)
:: Sjeverni Kipar, Turska Republika Sjeverni Kipar, TRSK
Northern Europe {prop} (sociopolitical region of Europe)
:: Сјеверна Еуропа {f}, Северна Европа {f}; Sjeverna Europa {f}, Severna Evropa {f}
Northern Ireland {prop} (Northern Ireland)
:: Северна Ирска {f}, Severna Irska {f} , Сјеверна Ирска {f}, Sjeverna Irska
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon
Northern Territory {prop} (Territory in northern Australia)
:: Sjeverni teritorij, Sjeverna teritorija
North Holland {prop} (province of the Netherlands)
:: Сјеверна Холандија {f}; Sjeverna Holandija {f}
North Korea {prop} (North Korea)
:: Северна Кореја {f}, Сјеверна Кореја {f}; Severna Koreja {f}, Sjeverna Koreja {f}
North Korean {adj} (pertaining to North Korea)
:: севернокорејскӣ, сјевернокорејскӣ; severnokòrējskī, sjevernokòrējskī
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Северна Македонија {f}, Сјеверна Македонија {f}; Sȅvērnā Makèdōnija {f}, Sjȅvērnā Makèdōnija {f}
North Macedonian {adj} (of, or relating to North Macedonia)
:: северномакедонски, сјеверномакедонски; severnomakedonski, sjevernomakedonski
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth)
:: Сјеверни пол {m}; Sjeverni pol {m}
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France)
:: Северно море {n}, Сјеверно море {n}; Severno more {n}, Sjeverno more {n}
northwest {n} (compass point)
:: северозапад {m}, сјеверозапад {m}; severozapad {m}, sjeverozapad {m}
Norway {prop} (Scandinavian country)
:: Норвешка {f}; Norveška {f}
Norway maple {n} (Acer platanoides)
:: javor mliječ
Norwegian {n} (native of Norway)
:: Norvéžanin {m}, Norvéžānka {f}
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway)
:: norveški, норвешки {m}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway)
:: норвешкӣ; nòrveškī
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norwegians)
:: nòrveškī
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Norwegian language)
:: nòrveškī
nose {n} (protuberance on the face)
:: нос {m}; nos {m}
nose {n}
:: нос {m}; nos {m}
nosey parker {n} (prying person)
:: њушкало {n}; njȕškalo {n}
nosh {n} (blowjob) SEE: blowjob
nosh {v} (to perform fellatio (on)) SEE: blow
nosh {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub
nosh {n} (snack) SEE: snack
nosh {v} (snack) SEE: snack
no smoking {phrase} (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes is not permitted)
:: забрањено пушење, zabranjeno pušenje
nostril {n} (either of the two orifices located on the nose)
:: ноздрва {f}, носница {f}, ноздра {f}; nȍzdrva {f}, nosnica {f}, nozdra {f}
not {adv} (negates meaning of verb)
:: не; ne
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude)
:: нема на чему, молим; nema na čemu, molim
note {n} (marginal comment or explanation)
:: bilješka {f}, napomena {f}, opaska {f}
note {n} (memorandum)
:: забелешка {f}, забиљешка {f},; zabeleška {f}, zabilješka {f}
note {n} (short informal letter)
:: cedulja
note {n} (musical sound)
:: nota {f}, ton {m}
note {n} (observation)
:: zapažanje {n}
note {n} (reputation; distinction)
:: značaj {m}, ugled {m}
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote
notebook {n} (empty book able to be used for notes)
:: tefter {m}, тефтер {m}; свеска {f}, писанка {f}, тека {f} бележница {f}, биљежница {f}; sveska {f}, pisanka {f}, teka {f}, beležnica {f}, bilježnica {f}
not even {adv} (constitutes an emphatic negation)
:: чак нити, чак ни; čak niti, čak ni
nothing {pron} (not any thing)
:: ништа; nȉšta
nothing ventured, nothing gained {proverb} (if one takes no risks, one will not gain any benefits) SEE: no pain, no gain
notice {n} (act of observing)
:: zapažanje
notice {v} (to remark upon)
:: primjetiti
notice {v} (to become aware of)
:: zapaziti
notice board {n} (bulletin board) SEE: bulletin board
notion {n} (mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception)
:: poimanje {n}
notorious {adj} (known widely and infamously)
:: ozloglašen {m}
notwithstanding {adv} (never the less) SEE: nevertheless
noumenon {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: thing-in-itself)
:: ноуменон {m}; noumènōn {m}
noun {n} (grammatical category (narrow sense))
:: именица; imenica {f}
noun {n} (grammatical category (broad sense))
:: ime {n}, nomen {m}
noun phrase {n} (phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb)
:: именичка фраза {f}; ȉmeničkā fráza {f}
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun
nouveau riche {n} (new money: wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired, and who are therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy)
:: skorojević {m}, skorojevićka {f}
Nova Scotia {prop} (province in eastern Canada)
:: Нова Шкотска {f}; Nova Škotska {f}
Novaya Zemlya {prop} (archipelago in Russia)
:: Нова Земља {f}, Новаjа Земља {f}; Nova Zèmlja {f}, Novaja Zèmlja {f}
novel {n} (work of prose fiction)
:: роман {m}; ròmān {m}
novelist {n} (author of novels)
:: новелист {m}; novelist {m}
November {prop} (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar)
:: новембар {m}, студени {m}; novembar {m}, studeni {m}
Novgorod {prop} (city)
:: Новгород {m}, Novgorod {m}
Novi Sad {prop} (largest city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina)
:: Новӣ Сад {m}; Nȍvī Sȃd {m}
Novokuznetsk {prop} (city)
:: Новокузњецк {m}, Novokuznjeck {m}
Novorossiysk {prop} (city)
:: Новоросијск {m}; Novorosijsk {m}
Novosibirsk {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Новосибирск {m}, Novosibirsk {m}
now {adv} (at the present time)
:: сада; sada
now and again {adv} (now and then) SEE: now and then
now and then {adv} ((idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally; intermittently)
:: ту и тамо, с времена на време, некад и некад; sada i tada, s vremena na vrijeme
no way {interj} (absolutely not)
:: nema šanse, nizašto, zaboravi, ni u kojem slučaju, neće ići, ma kakvi
no way {interj} (indicates astonished disbelief)
:: ne može biti, nemoguće
nowhere {adv} (in no place)
:: нигде, нигдје; nigde, nigdje
nowheres {adv} (nowhere) SEE: nowhere
nowhither {adv} (to no place) SEE: nowhere
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome
Nowruz {prop} (Iranian New Year)
:: Новруз {m}; Novruz {m}
noxious {adj} (harmful)
:: штетан {m}; štȅtan {m}
nozzle {n} (short tube)
:: díza
nu {n} (name for the letter of the Greek alphabet: Ν and ν)
:: ни; ni
nuance {n} (subtlety or fine detail)
:: nuance {f}, osjetljivost {f}
nuanced {adj} (having nuances)
:: нијансирана {f} /nijansirana/
nuclear fusion {n} (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones)
:: нуклеарна фузија {f}; nuklearna fuzija {f}
nuclear reactor {n} (device)
:: нуклеарни реактор {m}; nuklearni reaktor {m}
nuclear waste {n} (type of waste) SEE: radioactive waste
nucleolus {n} (part of nucleus of a cell)
:: једарце; jedárce
nucleus {n} (core, central part of something)
:: jézgra {f}
nucleus {n} (initial part which will receive additions)
:: jézgra {f}
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom)
:: jézgra {f}, језгра {f}
nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells)
:: jézgra {f}
nucleus {n} (neuroanatomy: cluster of many neuronal bodies)
:: jézgra {f}
nude {adj} (without clothing or other covering)
:: го, наг, гол; gȏ, nȃg, gȏl
nudge {n} (a gentle push)
:: gurkanje
nudism {n} (the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity)
:: nudizam {m}, нудизам {m}
nudity {n} (the state of being without clothing on the body)
:: нагост {f}, нагота {f}; nagost {f}, nagota {f}
nudiustertian {adj} (Of or relating to the day before yesterday)
:: prekjuče, nakjuče (two days before yesterday)
number {n} (abstract entity)
:: број {m}, число {n}; broj {m}, čislo {n}
number {n} (numeral)
:: број {m}; broj {m}
number {n} (mathematics: number)
:: broj {m}
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence)
:: број {m}; broj {m}
number {n} (quantity)
:: мноштво {n}; mnoštvo {n}
number {n} (informal: telephone number)
:: број {m}; brȏj {m}
number {n} (grammar: state of being singular, dual or plural)
:: број {m}; broj {m}
number plate {n} (license plate) SEE: license plate
number sign {n} (hash) SEE: hash
numeral {n} (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral)
:: број {m}; broj {m}
numerator {n} (number or expression written above the line in a fraction)
:: бројник {m}, бројилац {m}; brojnik {m}, brojilac {m}
numeric {adj} (of, or relating to numbers) SEE: numerical
numerical {adj} (of or pertaining to numbers)
:: нумеричкӣ; numèričkī
numinous {adj} (of or relating to a numen (divinity); indicating the presence of a divinity)
:: numinozan {m}, numinozna {f}, numinozno {n}
numinous {adj} (evoking a sense of the mystical, see also: awe-inspiring)
:: numinozan {m}, numinozna {f}, numinozno {n}
numismatics {n} (study of coins)
:: нумизматика {f}; numizmàtika {f}
nun {n} (member of a Christian religious community of women)
:: часна сестра {f}, калуђерица {f}, монахиња {f}, редовница {f}; časna sestra {f}, kaluđerica {f}, monahinja {f}, redovnica {f}
nuncio {n} (one who bears a message) SEE: messenger
nuncio {n} (title used for Catholic clerics)
:: nuncij {m}
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel
Nuremberg {prop} (city in Germany)
:: Нирнберг {m}; Nirnberg {m}, Nürnberg {m}
nurse {n} (person who takes care of other people's young)
:: дадиља {f}, неговатељица {f}; dàdilja {f}, negovatèljica {f}
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick)
:: болничар {m}, болничарка {f}, медицӣнска сестра {f}, медицӣнскӣ техничар {m}; bólničār {m}, bólničārka {f}, mȅdicīnskā sèstra {f}, mȅdicīnskī tèhničār {m}
nurse {v} (to breast feed)
:: дојити; dòjiti
nurse {v} (to care for the sick)
:: неговати, побринути, бринути; nȅgovati, pòbrinuti, brȉnuti
nurse {v} (to treat kindly and with extra care)
:: нега, неговати; nȅga, nȅgovati
nurse {n} (wet nurse) SEE: wet nurse
nursemaid {n} (child's nurse)
:: sluškinja
nursery {n} (place where nursing or the raising of children is carried out)
:: obdanište {n}
nursing home {n} (place of residence)
:: старачкӣ дом {m}, дом за старије и немоћне особе {m}; stȁračkī dȏm {m}, dȏm za starije i nemoćne osobe {m}
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana
nurture {n} (act of nourishing or nursing; tender care; education; training)
:: briga {f}
nut {n} (hard-shelled fruit)
:: орах {m}; òrah {m}
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt)
:: навртка {f}, матица {f}; nàvrtka {f}, mȁtica {f}
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts)
:: krcaljka, krckalica, krcalica
Nutella {prop} (hazelnut spread)
:: Нутела; Nutela
nutmeg {n} (tree)
:: muškatni oraščić {m}, muškat {m}, muškatni orah {m}, muškatnica {f}, muškatno drvo {n}
nutmeg {n} (seed)
:: muškatni oraščić {m}, muškat {m}, muškatni orah {m}
nutrition {n} (nutrition)
:: исхрана {f}, прехрана {f}; ȉshrana {f}, prȅhrana {f}
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut
nylon {n} (substance)
:: најлон {m}; nàjlōn {m}
nylon {n} (sheer stocking)
:: најлонка {f}; nàjlōnka {f}
nymph {n} (insect larva)
:: нимфа {f}; nȋmfa {f}
nymph {n} (mythology: water, forest or mountain spirit)
:: нимфа {f}, русалка {f}, вила {f}; nȋmfa {f}, rùsālka {f}, víla {f}
Nyx {prop} (the primordial goddess of night)
:: Никта {f}; Nikta {f}