I {pron} (personal pronoun)
:: ja; ја
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm
iamb {n} (a metrical foot)
:: jȁmb {m}, јамб {m}
iambic {adj} (consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance)
:: jȁmpskī, јампски
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind
I am English {phrase} (I am English)
:: ја сам Енглез {m}, ја сам Енглескиња {f}; ja sam Englez {m}, ja sam Engleskinja {f}
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula)
:: Пиринејско полуострво {n} , Пиренејскӣ полуоток {m} ; Pirenejsko poluostrvo {n} , Pirènejskī pȍluotok {m}
ibex {n} (type of wild mountain goat)
:: козорог {m}; kozorog {m}
Ibiza {prop} (island)
:: Ибиза {f}; Ibiza {f}
Iblis {prop} ((Islam) Satan; the Devil)
:: иблис {m}; iblis {m}
Ibrahim {prop} (the prophet Abraham in Islam, see also: Abraham)
:: Ибрахим {m}; Ibrahim {m}
ibrik {n} (A long-spouted pitcher)
:: ибрик {m}; ibrik {m}
ibuprofen {n} (pharmaceutical drug)
:: ибупрофен {m}; ibupròfēn {m}
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory)
:: дођох, видех, победих, дођох, видјех, побиједих; dođoh, videh, pobedih, dođoh, vidjeh, pobijedih
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond
ice {n} (water in frozen form)
:: лед {m}; led {m}
ice {n} (frozen dessert)
:: sladoled {m}
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear
iceberg {n} (huge mass of floating ice)
:: санта {f}, санта леда {f}; sȃnta {f}, sȃnta leda {f}
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator
icebreaker {n} (ship designed to break through ice)
:: ледоломац {m}; ledolomac {m}
ice cream {n} (dessert)
:: сладолед {m}; slȁdolēd {m}
ice cream cone {n} (conical confection for holding ice cream)
:: корнет {m}; kòrnet {m}
Iceland {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Исланд {m}; Island {m}
Icelander {n} (person from Iceland or of Icelandic descent)
:: Исланђанин {m}, Исланђанка {f}; Islánđanin {m}, Islanđanka {f}
Icelandic {n} (language)
:: islandski
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland)
:: ѝсландскӣ; ìslandskī
Icelandic {n} (Icelander) SEE: Icelander
Icelandic Sheepdog {n} (Icelandic Sheepdog)
:: islandski ovčar {m}, исландски овчар {m}
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic
icepick {n} (a pointed tool used for breaking ice)
:: шиљак за лед {m}; šiljak za led {m}
ichthyology {n} (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish)
:: ихтиологија {f}; ihtiològija {f}
icicle {n} (a spear-shape of ice)
:: леденица {f}, поледица {f}; ledenica {f}, poledica {f}
icily {adv} (in the manner of ice)
:: ledeno
icily {adv} (in an uncaring manner)
:: hladno
icon {n} (image)
:: икона {f}; ikona {f}
icon {n} (religious painting)
:: икона {f}; ikona {f}; икона {f}; ikona {f}
icon {n} (small picture, computer icon)
:: икона {f}, иконица {f}; ikona {f}, ikonica {f}
iconoclast {n}
:: иконокласт; ikonoklast
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons)
:: иконостас {m}; ikonostas {m}
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer)
:: лична карта {f}, особна исказница {f}; lična karta {f}, osobna iskaznica {f}
ide {n} (fish)
:: jez {m}
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of related compounds)
:: -id {m}
-ide {suffix} (binary compound of a nonmetal)
:: -id {m}
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of several elements)
:: -oid {m}
idea {n} (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory)
:: помисао {f}, замисао {f}, идеја {f}, мисао {f}; pomisao {f}, zamisao {f}, ideja {f}, misao {f}
idealism {n} (an approach to philosophical enquiry)
:: idealizam {m}
idealist {n} (one who adheres to idealism)
:: idealist {m}
idealist {n} (impractical person)
:: idealist {m}
idealist {n} (unrealistic or impractical visionary)
:: idealist {m}
idealize {v} (transitive: to regard something as ideal)
:: идеализирати; idealizírati
ideally {adv} (preferably)
:: idealno, идеално
identifiable {adj} (capable of being distinguished and named)
:: распознатљив, препознатљив; raspoznàtljiv, prepoznàtljiv
identifier {n} (formal name used in source code to refer to a variable, function, procedure, package, etc.)
:: identifikator {m}, идентификатор {m}
identifier {n} (primary key)
:: primarni ključ {m}, примарни кључ {m}
identify {v} (to establish the identity of someone or something)
:: поистоветити; poistovetiti
identity {n}
:: identitet {m}
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card
identity matrix {n} (diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 1)
:: јединична матрица {f} /jedinična matrica/; jedinična matrica {f}
idiom {n} (language variety)
:: idiom {m}
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression)
:: идиом {m}; idiom {m}
idiomatic {adj} (pertaining or conforming to the mode of expression characteristic of a language)
:: idiomatski {m}, идиоматскӣ {m}
idiomatical {adj} (idiomatical) SEE: idiomatic
idiosyncrasy {n} ((medicine) individual reaction to a generally innocuous substance)
:: idiosinkrazija {f}
idiosyncratic {adj} (peculiar to a specific individual)
:: idiosinkratičan, specifičan, karakterističan
idiot {n} (person of low general intelligence)
:: идѝот {m}; idìot {m}
idiot {adj} (idiotic) SEE: idiotic
idiotic {adj} (pertaining to or resembling an idiot)
:: идѝотскӣ; idìotskī
idiotic {adj} (having the quality of idiocy)
:: идѝотскӣ; idìotskī
idiotically {adv} (in an idiotic manner)
:: идѝотски; idìotski
IDK {phrase}
:: нзн; nzn
idleness {n} (state of being idle; inactivity)
:: dokolica {f}
I'd like to kiss you {phrase} (I'd like to kiss you)
:: voleo bih da te poljubim
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase)
:: Ekavian: hteo bih znati {m}, htela bih znati {f}; хтео бих знати {m}, хтела бих знати {f}; Ijekavian: htio bih znati {m}, htjela bih znati {f}; хтио бих знати {m}, хтјела бих знати {f}
idolize {v} (to make an idol of)
:: obožavati
I don't know {phrase} (I don’t know)
:: ne znam, nemam (blagog) pojma, ne bih znao
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English))
:: не говорӣм енглески; ne gòvorīm ènglēski
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
:: не говорӣм српскохрватскӣ; ne gòvorīm srpskohrvātskī
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand)
:: не разумем, не разумјем; ne razumem, ne razumjem
i.e. {adv} (that is)
:: тј. (то јест); tj. (tȏ jȅst)
if {conj} (supposing that)
:: ȁko; ȁko
if {conj} (whether)
:: да ли; da li
if only {conj} (signifies a wish)
:: да бар, само да; da bar, samo da
if you will {adv} (conceding a description)
:: ако ћемо право {f} /ako ćemo pravo/
Ignatius {prop} (male given name)
:: Игнац; Ignacije
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth)
:: магматске стене {p}, магматске стијене {p}; magmatske stene {p}, magmatske stijene {p}
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp
ignorance {n} (condition of being uninformed or uneducated)
:: незнање {n}; neznanje {n}
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss)
:: Незнање је врлина
ignore {v} (to deliberately pay no attention to)
:: игнорисати, игнорирати; ignorisati, ignorirati
iguana {n} (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae)
:: игуана {f}; iguana {f}
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike)
:: mrzim te, мрзим те
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question)
:: имам питање, imam pitanje
I have asthma {phrase} (I have asthma)
:: imam astmu
I have high blood pressure {phrase} (I have high blood pressure)
:: imam visok pritisak, imam visok krvni pritisak
I have low blood pressure {phrase} (I have low blood pressure)
:: imam nizak pritisak, imam nizak krvni pritisak
Ijekavian {prop} (Ijekavian dialect(s))
:: ијекавица {f}, ијекавскӣ изговор; ijékavica {f}, ijékavskī ȉzgovōr
Ikavian {prop} (dialect or a group of dialects)
:: икавски {m}, ikavski {m}
ikebana {n} (Japanese art of flower arrangement)
:: ikebàna {f}; икебана {f}
I know {phrase} (response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made)
:: знам, znam
ikra {n} (red caviar)
:: икра {f}; ikra {f}
I like you {phrase} (I like you)
:: свиђаш ми се ; sviđaš mi se
Ilium {prop} (Troy)
:: Ilij {m}
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city))
:: живим у Мелбурну ; živim u Melburnu
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad
ill {adj} (in poor health, suffering from a disease)
:: болестан; bolestan
illiteracy {n} (inability to read and write)
:: неписменост {f}; nepismenost {f}
illness {n} (an instance of a disease or poor health)
:: болест {f}; bȍlēst {f}
illness {n}
:: болест, bolest
illumination {n} (the act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the state of being illuminated)
:: prosvetljenje {n}
illusion {n} (anything that seems to be something that it is not)
:: opsena {f}
illusion {n} (belief in something that is in fact not true)
:: opsena {f}
illustrious {adj} (admired, respected, or well-known)
:: znamenit
Illyria {prop} (region in the Balkan Peninsula)
:: Ѝлӣрија {f}, Илѝрик {m}; Ìlīrija {f} {n}, Ilìrik
Illyrian {adj} (of or pertaining to Illyria or Illyrians)
:: ѝлӣрскӣ; ìlīrskī
Illyrian {prop} (Illyrian language)
:: ѝлӣрскӣ језик {m}; ìlīrskī jèzik {m}
Illyrian {n} (inhabitant of the ancient Illyria)
:: Ѝлӣр {m}, Ѝлӣрка {f}; Ìlīr {m}, Ìlīrka {f}
ilmenite {n} (a weakly magnetic dark gray mineral)
:: ilmenit
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of affection or deep caring)
:: волим те, ја те волим; vȍlīm te, ja te volim
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling)
:: волӣм те, ја те волӣм; vȍlīm te, ja te volim
I love you {phrase} (platonic expression of inclination or liking)
:: волим те, ја те волим; vȍlīm te, ja te volim
I'm {contraction} (I am)
:: ја сам; ja sam
I'm a Christian {phrase} (I'm a Christian)
:: ја сам Хришћанин {m}, ja sam Hrišćanin {m}, ја сам Хришћанка {f}, ja sam Hrišćanka {f}
image {n} (graphical representation)
:: слика {f}; slika {f}
image {n} (mental picture)
:: predstava
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others)
:: imidž {m}
imaginary number {n} (number of the form bi)
:: imaginarni broj {m}
imagination {n} (image-making power of the mind)
:: машта {f}, имагинација {f}; màšta {f}, imaginácija {f}
imagine {v} ((transitive) to form a mental image of something)
:: zamisliti {pf}, zamišljati {impf}
I'm allergic to penicillin {phrase} (I'm allergic to penicillin)
:: alergičan sam na penicilin
imam {n} (Muslim leader)
:: имам {m}; imam {m}
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim)
:: ја сам Муслиман {m}, ја сам Муслиманка {f}; ja sam Musliman {m}, ja sam Muslimanka {f}
I'm blind {phrase} (I'm blind)
:: slijep sam, slep sam, slijepa sam, slepa sam
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry)
:: сам гладан {m}, сам гладна {f}; sam gladan {m}, sam gladna {f}
I miss you {phrase} (I miss you)
:: nedostaješ mi, недостајеш ми
I'm looking for a job {phrase} (I'm looking for a job)
:: тражим посао; tražim posao
immaculate {adj} (having no stain or blemish, spotless, undefiled, clear, pure)
:: besprijekoran, bezgrješan
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married)
:: ја сам ожењен {m}, ја сам удата {f}; ja sam oženjen {m}, ja sam udata {f}
immediately {adv} (in an immediate manner)
:: odmah, smjesta
immigrant {n} (person who comes to a country to settle)
:: doseljenik {m}, doseljenica {f}
immigrate {v} (to move into a foreign country or area)
:: imigrirati, имигрирати
immigration {n} (the act of immigrating)
:: имиграција {f}, усељење {n}, досељење {n}; imigracija {f}, useljenje {n}, doseljenje {n}
imminent {adj} (about to happen, occur, or take place very soon)
:: iminentno, neminovno, neizbježno, neposredno, prestojeće
immobile {adj} (not mobile)
:: непокретан {m}; nȅpokrētan {m}
immobiliser {n} (splint) SEE: splint
immobilization {n} (the act or process of preventing a thing from moving)
:: imobilizacija {f}
immodest {adj} (lacking modesty)
:: нескроман; nèskroman
immodesty {n} (state of being immodest)
:: nèskromnōst {f}
immortal {adj} (not susceptible to death)
:: бесмртан; bèsmrtan
immortal {n} (one that is not susceptible to death)
:: бесмртник {m}, besmrtnica {f}; besmrtnik {m}, бесмртница {f}
immortality {n} (condition of not being susceptible to death)
:: бесмртност {f}; bèsmrtnōst {f}
immovable property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate
immurement {n} (capital punishment by entombing for life)
:: zazidavanje {n}
imp {n}
:: vragolan {m}, vragolanka {f}
impairment {n} (result of being impaired)
:: oštećenje, hendikep, onesposobljenost
impasse {n} (deadlock or stalemate situation)
:: ћорсокак {m}; ćorsokak {m}
impasse {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end
impatience {n} (quality of being impatient)
:: nestrpljénje {n}, nestrpljivōst {f}
impatient {adj} (restless and intolerant of delays)
:: нестрпљив; nestrpljiv
impatient {adj} (anxious and eager)
:: нестрпљив; nestrpljiv
impatiently {adv} (without patience)
:: nestrpljivo
impeachment {n} (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct)
:: impičment {m}
impeccably {adv} (in a perfect or flawless manner)
:: besprékōrno, беспрекорно
impedance {n} (physics, measure of opposition to flow of current)
:: impedancija {f}
impel {v} (To urge a person; to press on; to incite to action or motion via intrinsic motivation)
:: sȉliti {impf}
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood)
:: императӣв {m}; ȉmperatīv {m}
imperfective {adj} (related to the imperfective aspect)
:: несвршен; nesvršen
imperfective aspect {n} (feature of a verb)
:: несвршени вид {m}; nesvršeni vid {m}
imperfectivization {n} (creation of imperfective verb forms from perfective verb stems)
:: (Roman spelling) imperfektivizacija {f} (Cyrillic spelling) имперфективизација {f}
imperial {adj} (related to an empire)
:: царскӣ, империјалнӣ; cȃrskī, ȉmperijalnī
imperialism {n} (the policy of extending power, by force)
:: империјализам {m}; imperijalizam {m}
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty
impetus {n} (something that impels)
:: impetus {m}, impuls {m}, poticaj {m}
impetus {n} (the force or energy associated with a moving body; a stimulus)
:: impetus {m}, impuls {m}, poticaj {m}
implement {n} (a tool)
:: instrument, oruđe, sredstvo
implement {v} (bring about)
:: realizirati, ostvariti, implementirati
implication {n} (that which is implied, but not expressed)
:: implikacija, dublji smisao, dublje značenje
implication {n} (logical connective)
:: implikacija
implicit {adj} (implied indirectly)
:: имплицитан; implicitan
implicit {adj} (contained in the essential nature)
:: инхерентан; inherentan
implied {adj} (suggested without being stated directly)
:: подразумеван {m} / подразумијеван {m}; podrazumevan {m} / podrazumijevan {m}
implore {v} (to beg for)
:: preklinjati
implosion {n} (action of imploding)
:: ѝмплозија {f}; ìmplōzija {f}
import {n} (something brought in from a foreign country)
:: увоз {m}, импорт {m}; uvoz {m}, import {m}
import {n} (practice of importing)
:: импорт {m}, увоз {m}; import {m}, uvoz {m}
import {n} (licence for import)
:: увозница; uvoznica
import {v} (to bring in from a foreign country)
:: увести {pf}, увозити {impf}; ùvesti {pf}, uvòziti {impf}
importance {n} (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note)
:: важност {f}, значај {m}, значење {n}; vážnōst {f}, znȁčāj {m}, znáčēnje {n}
importance {n} (significance or prominence)
:: значење {n}, значај {m}, важност {f}; znáčēnje {n}, znȁčāj {m}, vážnōst {f}
important {adj} (having relevant and crucial value)
:: важан; važan
importantness {n} (importance) SEE: importance
impose {v} (to establish or apply by authority)
:: наметнути; nametnuti
imposition {n} (religion: laying on of hands)
:: rukopolaganje
impossibility {n} (The quality of being impossible)
:: nemogúćnōst {f}, немогућност {f}
impossible {adj} (not able to be done)
:: немогућ; nȅmogūć
impossible {adj} (very difficult to deal with)
:: nȅmogūć, nepodnòšljiv, neizdrživ
impossibly {adv} (in an impossible manner)
:: nȅmogūće
impostor {n} (someone who uses assumed identity)
:: samozvanac, varalica
impotence {n} (erectile dysfunction)
:: импотенција, сполна немоћ {f}, полна немоћ {f}; impotèncija, spȏlna nȅmōć {f}, pȏlna nȅmōć {f}
impoverish {v} (to make poor)
:: osiromašiti
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant)
:: трудна сам; trudna sam
impress {v} ((transitive) affect (someone) strongly and often favourably)
:: imponirati {impf}, izazivati divljenje {impf}
impression {n} (overall effect of something)
:: утисак {m}, дојам {m}; ùtisak {m}, dójam {m}
impression {n}
:: dojam {m}, impresija {f}
imprint {n} (an impression; the mark left behind by printing something)
:: отисак
imprint {n} (a distinctive marking, symbol or logo)
:: лого
improve {v} (to make something better)
:: pobòljšati
improve {v} (to become better)
:: pobòljšati
improvement {n} (act of improving)
:: poboljšánje, побољшање
impudently {adv} (shamelessly) SEE: shamelessly
impunity {n} (exemption from punishment)
:: nekažnjenost {f}, nekažnjivost {f}
impunity {n} (freedom from punishment or retribution; security from any reprisal or injurious consequences of an action, behaviour etc.)
:: nekažnjivost {f}
I'm single {phrase} (I'm single)
:: ја сам неожењен {m}, ја сам неудата {f}; ja sam neoženjen {m}, ja sam neudata {f}
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink)
:: сам жедан {m}, сам жедна {f}; sam žedan {m}, sam žedna {f}
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep))
:: сам уморан {m}, сам уморна {f}; sam umoran {m}, sam umorna {f}
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old)
:: имам ... година, imam ... godina ; имам ... године, imam ... godine ; имам 1 годину дана, imam 1 godinu dana
in {prep} (contained by)
:: у; u
in {prep}
:: у; u
inane {adj} (lacking sense or meaning)
:: бесмислен; besmislen
in any case {adv} (at any rate)
:: у сваком случају; u svakom slučaju
inappropriate {adj} (not appropriate or suitable)
:: neprìkladan
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb
incapable {adj} (not being capable)
:: nesposoban, nemoćan
incapacitate {v} (to put out of action, to render ineffective)
:: онеспособити
incarnate {adj} (flesh-colored) SEE: crimson
incarnation {n}
:: оваплоћење {n}, ovaploćenje {n}, утеловљење {n}, utelovljenje {n}
incendiary {adj} (capable of causing fire)
:: zapaljiv {m}
incendiary {adj} (intentionally stirring up strife, riot, rebellion)
:: podstrekački
incendiary {adj} (inflammatory, emotionally charged)
:: zapaljiv
incendiary {n} (agitator)
:: podstrekač {m}
incendiary {n} (one who maliciously sets fires) SEE: arsonist
incense {n} (A perfume often used in the rites of various religions)
:: тамјан {m}, tamjan {m}
incest {n} (sexual relations between close relatives)
:: ѝнцест {m}, родоскврнуће ; ìncest {m}, rodoskvrnuće
incest {n}
:: rodosknavljenje {n}, krvomešanje {n}
inch {n} (unit of length)
:: инч {m}; inč {m}
in charge {adj} (having responsibility)
:: odgovoran
inchoate {adj} (not fully formed)
:: začet, nedovršen
incidence matrix {n} (in graph theory)
:: matrica incidencije {f}
incident {n} (event causing interruption or crisis)
:: incident
inclination {n} (mental tendency)
:: sklonost {f}, nagnuće {n}
inclination {n} (geometry: angle of intersection)
:: inklinacija {f}
inconsistency {n} (state of being inconsistent)
:: nedosljenost {f}
inconsolable {adj} (Not consolable)
:: neutješan
incredible {adj} (too implausible to be credible)
:: невероватан; neverovatan
inculcate {v} (teach by repeated instruction)
:: utuviti
incumbent {adj} (being the current holder of an office)
:: inkumbent
incurability {n} (quality or state of being incurable)
:: неизљечивост, неизлечивост {f}; neizljèčivōst {f}, neizlèčivōst {f}
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil
indecent {adj} (offensive to good taste)
:: непристојан, неукусан; nepristojan, neukusan
indecent {adj} (not in keeping with conventional moral values)
:: nedoličan, nepriličan
indefinite integral {n} (antiderivative)
:: neodređeni integral {m}
indelible {adj}
:: неизбрисив; neizbrisiv
independence {n} (state or quality of being independent)
:: неовисност {f}, независност {f}; nȅovisnōst {f}, nezávisnōst {f}
independence {n} (state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood)
:: nȅovisnōst {f}, nezávisnōst {f}
independent {adj} (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free)
:: самосталан, независан, неовисан; sȁmostālan, nezávisan, nȅovisan
independently {adv} (in an independent manner)
:: nȅovisno, nezávisno, sȁmostālno
indescribably {adv} (in an indescribable manner)
:: неопѝсиво; neopìsivo
index {n} (alphabetical listing of items)
:: казало {n}, показатељ {m}, ѝндекс {m}; kàzalo {n}, pokàzatelj {m}, ìndeks {m}
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger
index {v} (to take stock) SEE: inventory
index {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger
India {prop} (the country)
:: Ѝндија {f}; Ìndija {f}
Indian {adj} (of or pertaining to India)
:: ѝндӣјскӣ; ìndījskī
Indian {adj} (of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas)
:: индѝјанскӣ; indìjānskī
Indian {n} (a person from India)
:: Индијац {m}; Indíjac {m}, Ìndījka {f}
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas)
:: Индијанац {m}, Индѝјанка {f}; Indijánac {m}, Indìjānka {f}
Indianapolis {prop} (capital of the State of Indiana, USA)
:: Indianapolis
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica)
:: Индијски океан {m}, Индијски оцеан {m}; Indijski okean {m}, Indijski ocean {m}
Indian summer {n} (stretch of warm days in autumn)
:: bablje ljeto, Miholjsko ljeto, Martinjsko ljeto
Indian summer {n} (late autumn of life; late flowering of activity before old age)
:: druga mladost
Indian sunburn {n} (prank)
:: индијанска ватра {f}; indijanska vatra {f}
indicator {n} (turn signal)
:: žmigavac {m}, migavac {m}
indifference {n} (the state of being indifferent)
:: равнодушност {f}; ravnòdušnōst {f}
indifferent {adj} (not caring)
:: ravnodušan, равнодушан
indigenous {adj} (born or engendered in, native to a land or region)
:: urođen
indigestion {n} (condition caused by eating too quickly)
:: пробавне сметње, probavne smetnje
indigo {n} (colour)
:: ìndigo {m} {n}, čìvit {m}
indigo {n} (dye)
:: ìndigo {m} {n}, čìvit {m}
indispensable {adj} (not subject to exemption)
:: neophodan {m}
indium {n} (metallic chemical element)
:: индӣј {m}, индиjум {m}; ȋndīj {m}, indijum {m}
individual {n} (person considered alone)
:: појединац {m}, појединка {f}, индивидуа {f}; pojedínac {m}, pojedinka {f}, indivídua {f}
individualism {n} (tendency for a person to act without reference to others)
:: individualizam {m}, индивидуализам {m}
individualism {n} (moral stance)
:: индивидуалѝзам {m}; individualìzam {m}
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person
Indochina {prop} (part of Southeast Asia)
:: Индокина {f}; Indokina {f}
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach
indolence {n} (Habitual laziness or sloth)
:: lijenost, lenjost, tromost
indomitable {adj} (incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished)
:: neukrotiv, nesavladiv
Indonesia {prop} (country)
:: Индонезија {f}; Indònēzija {f}
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia)
:: индонезӣјскӣ, индонежански; indònēzījskī, indonéžanski
Indonesian {n} (language)
:: индонезијски {m}; indonezijski {m}
indri {n} (Indri indri)
:: indri, индри
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion
Indus {prop} (the river)
:: Инд {m}; Ind {m}
industrial espionage {n} (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage)
:: industrijska špijunaža
industrious {adj} (hard-working and persistent)
:: трудољубив, марљив; trudoljubiv, marljiv
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods)
:: индустрија {f}; industrija {f}
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant
indwelling catheter {n}
:: trajni kateter
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something))
:: треба ми ...; treba mi ...
I need to vomit {phrase} (I need to vomit)
:: морам да повратим; moram da povratim
ineligible {adj} (not eligible; forbidden to do something)
:: neovlašten
inert gas {n} (noble gas) SEE: noble gas
inertly {adv} (in an inert manner)
:: инертно; inertno
in essence {prep} (essentially) SEE: essentially
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent
inexorable {adj} (unable to be persuaded, see also: relentless)
:: neumoljiv, neumitan
inexpensive {adj} (low in price)
:: јефтин; jeftin
inexperienced {adj} (not experienced)
:: неискусан; nȅiskusan
inexpugnable {adj} (impregnable, unconquerable)
:: неосвојив /neosvojiv/, несавладив /nesavladiv/
in fact {prep} (actually, in truth)
:: у бити, у ствари; u biti , u stvari
infallible {adj} (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy)
:: nepogrešiv, непогрешив
infanteer {n} (soldier) SEE: infantryman
infanticide {n} (the murder of one's child)
:: čedoùbōjstvo {m}, čedomórstvo {n}, čedoubistvo
infantilism {n}
:: infantilizam {m}
infantry {n} (soldiers who fight on foot)
:: пјешадија {f}, пјешаштво {n}, пешадија {f}, пешаштво {n}; pješàdija {f}, pješáštvo {n}, pešàdija {f}, pešáštvo {n}
infantry {n} (the part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers)
:: pješàdija {f}, pješáštvo {n}, pešàdija {f}, pešáštvo {n}
infantryman {n} (soldier who fights on foot)
:: пјешадинац {m}, инфантерист {m}; pješadínac {m}, infantèrist {m}
infatuation {n} (The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates)
:: залуђеност; zaluđenost
in favor of {prep} (in support of)
:: у корист; u korist
infection {n} (the process of infecting)
:: зараза {f}, заражење {n}; zȃraza {f}, zaraženje {n}
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host)
:: инфекција {f}, зараза {f}, заражење {n}; infèkcija {f}, zȃraza {f}, zaraženje {n}
inference {n} (act or process of inferring by deduction or induction)
:: закључивање {n}, zaključivanje {n}
inference {n} (that which is inferred)
:: zaкључак {m}, zaključak {m}
infidel {n} (non-believer)
:: невернӣк {m}, невјернӣк {m}; nèvērnīk {m}, nèvjērnīk {m}
infidelity {n} (unfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation)
:: неверност {f}, невјерност {f}; nevernost {f}, nevjernost {f}
infinite {adj} (boundless, endless)
:: beskonačan {m}
infinitely {adv} (endlessly)
:: бесконачно, безгранично; bȅskonačno, bȅzgranično
infinite series {n} (infinite series)
:: beskonačni red {m}
infinitesimal {adj} (very small)
:: инфинитезималан
infinitive {n} (a mood or mode of verbs)
:: infinitiv
infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form)
:: инфинитив {m}; infinitiv {m}
infinity {n} (endlessness, unlimitedness, absence of end or limit)
:: бесконачност {f}, бескрајност {f}; beskonačnost {f}, beskrajnost {f}
infinity {n} (a number that has an infinite, uncountable numerical value)
:: bȅskonačnōst {f}
infinity {n} (a number which is very large compared to some characteristic number)
:: bȅskonačnōst {f}
infinity {n} (the symbol ∞)
:: bȅskonačnōst {f}
inflammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: flammable)
:: горљив, горив; gòrljiv, gòriv
inflation {n} (expansion or increase in size)
:: inflácija {f}
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living)
:: инфлација {f}; inflácija {f}
inflection {n} (change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function)
:: fleksija {f}
inflection {n} (change in pitch or tone of voice)
:: infleksija {f}
inflection {n} (change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave)
:: infleksija {f}
inflection {n} (turning away from a straight course)
:: otklon {m}
infliction {n} (The act of inflicting or something inflicted; an imposition)
:: nanošenje, počinjanje
inflorescence {n} (flower cluster)
:: цваст {f}, цват {m}; cvȃst {f}, cvȃt {m}
influence {n} (power to affect, control or manipulate)
:: utjecaj, утицај {m}
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon)
:: утицати {impf} , утјецати {impf} ; ùticati {impf} , ùtjecati {impf}
influence {n} (action of flowing in; influx) SEE: influx
influential {adj} (having considerable influence)
:: утицајан; uticajan
influenza {n} (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs)
:: грипа {f}, грип {m}, инфлуенца {f}; gripa {f}, grip {m}, influenca {f}
influx {n} (inward flow)
:: уплив {m}, улив {m}, уток {m}, увор {m}, прилив {m}; upliv {m}, uliv {m}, utok {m}, uvor {m}, priliv {m}
inform {v} (to communicate knowledge to another/others (transitive))
:: obavijestiti {pf}
information {n} (communicable knowledge)
:: информација {f}; informacija {f}
infrared {n} (infrared radiation)
:: infracrven
infrared {adj} (having the wavelength in the infrared)
:: инфрацрвен; infracrven
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of)
:: пред; pred
infuriate {v} (to make furious or mad with anger)
:: razbjèsniti {pf}, razbješnjívati {impf}, ražéstiti {pf}, ražešćívati {impf}
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally
ingenuity {n} (ability to come up with solutions to difficult problems)
:: инвентивност {f}; inventívnōst {f}
ingot {n} (solid block of more or less pure metal)
:: ingot {m}
ingratitude {n} (thanklessness)
:: незахвалност {f}; nezahválnōst {f}
ingredient {n} (substance present in a mixture)
:: састојак {m}; sastojak {m}
Ingushetia {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Ингушетија {f}; Ingušetija {f}
inhabitant {n} (someone or thing who lives in a place)
:: становнӣк {m}, становница {f}, житељ {m}, житељка {f}, житељица {f}; stanòvnīk {m}, stanòvnica {f}, žítelj {m}, žiteljka {f}, žíteljica {f}
inheritance {n} (passing of title)
:: nasleđivanje {n}
inheritance {n} (that which a person is entitled to inherit)
:: nasledstvo {n}
inheritance {n}
:: nasljeđivanje {n}
inheritance law {n} (Area of plaw pertaining to passing on property, titles, debts, rights, and obligations upon the death of an individual)
:: nasljedno pravo {f}
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir
inhumane {adj} (cruel and savage, not humane)
:: nehuman
initial {n} (first letter of a word)
:: иницѝјал {m}; inicìjāl {m}
initialization {n} (programming: assignment of initial value of variable)
:: покретање {n}, иницијализација {f}; pokretanje {n}, inicijalizacija {f}
initiative {adj} (serving to initiate)
:: inicijativno
initiative {n} (a beginning; a first move)
:: inicijatíva {f}
initiative {n} (a new development; a fresh approach to something; a new way of dealing with a problem)
:: inicijatíva {f}
initiative {n} (the ability to act first or on one's own)
:: inicijatíva {f}
injection {n} (act of injecting, or something injected)
:: инјекција {f}, инјектирање {n}, убризгавање {n}; injekcija {f}, injektiranje {n}, ubrizgavanje {n}
injection {n} (medicine: something injected)
:: инјекција {f}; injekcija {f}
injection {n} (set theory: one-to-one mapping)
:: инјекција {f}; injekcija {f}
injurious {adj} (causing injury)
:: шкодљив, шкодан, штетан; škòdljiv, škȍdan, štȅtan
injurious {adj} (causing harm to one's reputation)
:: шкодљив, шкодан, штетан; škòdljiv, škȍdan, štȅtan
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound
injury {n} (damage or violation)
:: повреда {f}, поврједа {f}, рана {f}, озледа {f}, озљеда {f}; povreda {f}, povrjeda {f}, rana {f}, ozleda {f}, ozljeda {f}
injury time {n} (additional time played straight after each of the two halves)
:: sudačka nadoknada {f}
injustice {n} (absence of justice)
:: bèsprāvlje {n}, bezákonje {n}
injustice {n} (violation of the rights of another)
:: неправда {f}, nèprāvda {f}, кривда {f}, krȋvda {f}
ink {n} (coloured fluid used for writing)
:: мастило {n}; mastilo {n}
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell
in keeping with {prep} (in accordance with)
:: у складу са, u skladu sa
in kind {adv} (in a reciprocal manner)
:: истом мером /istom merom/, истом мјером /istom mjerom/
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire
inkling {n} (slight hint, implication, or suggestion given)
:: mig {m}, nagoveštaj {m}, nagovještaj {m}
inkling {n} (imprecise idea or slight knowledge of something, see also: suspicion)
:: maglovita predodžba {f}
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell
inkwell {n} (container for ink)
:: мастионица {f}; mastionica {f}
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law
inn {n} (lodging)
:: гостионица {f}; gostionica {f}
inn {n} (tavern) SEE: tavern
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China)
:: Унутарња Монголија {f}, Унутрашња Монголија {f}; Unutarnja Mongolija {f}, Unutrašnja Mongolija {f}
innkeeper {n} (person responsible for the running of an inn)
:: kčmar {m}, kčmarka {f}, ugostitelj {m}, ugostiteljka {f}
innocence {n} (absence of responsibility for a crime)
:: nȅvīnōst {f}, nȅdūžnōst {f}
innocent {adj} (pure, free from sin, untainted)
:: невин; nevin
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act)
:: невин, недужан; nevin, nedužan
innocent {adj}
:: nȅvīn, nȅdūžan
innovation {n}
:: inovácija {f}
innovative {adj} (characterized by the creation of new ideas or things)
:: ȉnovatīvan, иновативан
innovative {adj} (forward looking; ahead of current thinking)
:: ȉnovatīvan, иновативан
innuendo {n} (A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing, an implication or insinuation)
:: insinuacija, aluzija
innumerable {adj} (not capable of being counted) SEE: countless
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim)
:: како би, да би, што би; kako bi, da bi, što bi,
inorganic {adj} (relating to a compound that does not contain carbon)
:: анорганскӣ; ȁnorgānskī
inorganic chemistry {n} (chemistry of elements and non-carbon containing compounds)
:: анорганска кемија {f}; anorganska kemija {f}
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way)
:: drugim riječima
in particular {adv} (especially, individually or specifically)
:: posebice
inpatient {n} (A patient whose treatment needs at least one night's residence in a hospital)
:: stacionarni pacijent {m}, hospitalizirani pacijent {m}
input {n} (The act or process of putting in)
:: unos {m}
input {n} (something fed into a process)
:: unos
input {n} (contribution)
:: prinos {m}
in question {adj} (under consideration or discussion)
:: дотични {m} /dotični/
in question {adj} (in doubt, under dispute)
:: доведен у питање {m} /doveden u pitanje/
inquisitive {adj} (eager to acquire knowledge)
:: радознао, знатижељан; radoznao, znatiželjan
in return {prep} (in exchange, as a means of reciprocating)
:: заузврат /zauzvrat/
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital
insanity {n} (state of being insane)
:: лудило {n}, ludilo {n}
insatiable {adj} (not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased)
:: незајажљив; nezajàžljiv
insatiate {adj} (that is not satiated) SEE: insatiable
in secret {prep} (secretly) SEE: secretly
insect {n} (arthropod of class Insecta)
:: инсект {m}, буба {f}, кукац {m}; insekt {m}, buba {f}, kukac {m}
insectivore {n} (insect eating animal)
:: kukcožder, kukcojedac, kukcojed
insecure {adj} (not secure)
:: nesiguran {m}
insecure {adj} (not comfortable in certain situations)
:: nesiguran {m}
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow
inshallah {interj} (God willing (Islam))
:: иншаллах, иншалах, ако Бог да; inšallah, inšalah, ako Bog da
inside {n} (interior or inner part)
:: nutrìna {f}, ùnutrašnjōst {f}
inside {adj}
:: unutrašnjost, unutra, unutarnji, nutarnji
inside {adv} (within the interior)
:: ùnūtra
insidious {adj} (producing serious harm in a stealthy, often gradual, manner)
:: škodljiv, шкодљив
insightful {adj} (possessing insight)
:: pronicljiv
insignia {n} (symbol or token of power, status, or offic)
:: insignija {f}
insignificant {adj} (not significant; not important)
:: безначајан, beznačajan
insinuation {n} (a suggestion or intimation by distant allusion)
:: insinuacija
insist {v} (to hold up a claim emphatically)
:: ustrajati {pf}, ustrajavati {impf}, insistirati, inzistirati
insist {v} (to demand that something be done)
:: ustrajati, ustrajavati {impf}
insolation {n} (medicine: sunstroke) SEE: sunstroke
insolence {n} (Arrogant conduct; insulting, bold behaviour or attitude)
:: дрскост {f}; dȑskōst {f}
insomnia {n} (sleeping disorder)
:: несаница {f}, бесаница {f}, инсомнија {f}; nesanica {f}, besanica {f}, insomnija {f}
inspiration {n} (physiology: drawing of air)
:: udahnuti
inspiration {n} (supernatural divine influence)
:: Bogonadahnutost {f}
inspiration {n} (stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions)
:: nadahnuće {n}, zadahnuće {n}, udahnuće {n}
in spite of {prep} (despite)
:: упркос; uprkos
install {v} (set something up for use)
:: instalirati
installer {n} (program that installs software and prepares it for use)
:: instalacijski alat {m}, instalacijski program {m}
installment {n} (finance: portion of debt)
:: рата
installment {n} (media: part of a serial)
:: наставак {m}, епизода {f}; nastavak {m}, epizoda {f}
instalment {n} (installment) SEE: installment
instance {n} (case occurring, a case offered as an exemplification, an example)
:: primjer {m}, primjerak {m}
instead {adv} (in the place of (it))
:: место / misto / мјесто, уместо / умјесто; mesto / misto / mjesto, umesto / umjesto, u zamjenu
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
:: умјесто, (Ijekavian), уместо (Ekavian); ùmjesto (Ijekavian), ùmesto (Ekavian)
instinct {n} (natural or inherent impulse or behaviour)
:: nágon {m}
institute {n} (organization founded to promote a cause)
:: завод {m}; zavod {m}
institute {n} (college)
:: институт {m}; institut {m}
institution {n} (established organisation)
:: институција {f} /institucija/
instrument {n} (tool)
:: алат {m} ; alat {m}
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means)
:: инструментал {m}; instrumental {m}
insufficient {adj} (Not sufficient)
:: недовољан; nedovoljan
insulating {adj} (that insulates)
:: изолӣрано , изоловано ; izòlīrano , izolovano
insulator {n} (substance)
:: изолатор {m}, izolator {m}
insulator {n} (structure)
:: изолатор {m} izolator {m}
insulin {n} (polypeptide hormone)
:: инсулин {m}, инзулин; insulin {m}, inzulin
insult {v} (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone))
:: вређати {impf}, вријеђати {impf}, увредити {pf}, увриједити {pf}; vréđati {impf}, vrijéđati {impf}, uvréditi {pf}, uvrijéditi {pf}
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude)
:: увреда {f}; ȕvreda {f}
insult {n} (something that causes offence)
:: inzult {m}
insult {n} (something causing disease or injury to the body or bodily processes)
:: inzult {m}
insulting {adj} (containing insult, or having the intention of insulting)
:: увредљив / uvredljiv
insultive {adj} (insulting) SEE: insulting
insurance {n} (indemnity)
:: осигурање {n}; osiguránje {n}
insured {adj} (Covered by an insurance policy)
:: osiguran
insured {n} (Person(s) whose interests are protected by an insurance policy)
:: osiguranik
insurgent {n} (rebel)
:: побуњеник {m}; pobunjenik {m}
insurrection {n} (mutiny or rebellion)
:: ustanak, buna, pobuna
intangible cultural heritage {n} (traditions recognized by UNESCO)
:: nematerijalna kulturna baština
integer {n} (a number that is not a fraction)
:: цијелӣ број {m}; cijȇlī brȏj {m}
integral {n} (limit of sums)
:: интеграл {m}; intègrāl {m}
integral {n} (antiderivative) SEE: antiderivative
integral domain {n} (nonzero commutative ring in which the product of nonzero elements is nonzero)
:: област цијелих, област целих, домен; oblast cijelih, oblast celih, domen
integrated circuit {n} (thin chip)
:: integrirani krug {m}
integration {n} (act or process of making whole or entire)
:: integracija
integrity {n} (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code)
:: интегрѝтет {m}, честитост {f}; integrìtēt {m}, čèstitōst {f}
integrity {n} (state of being wholesome; unimpaired)
:: цјеловитост {f}; cjelòvitōst {f}
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence
intellectualism {n}
:: интелектуалѝзам {m}; intelektualìzam {m}
intelligence {n} (capacity of mind)
:: интелигенција {f}; inteligèncija {f}, ȗm {m}
intelligence {n} (entity that has such capacities)
:: inteligencija {f}
intelligence {n} (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information)
:: obavještajna služba {f}
intelligent design {prop} (intelligent design / Intelligent Design)
:: inteligentni dizajn {m}
intelligentsia {n} (intellectual élite)
:: интелигенција {f}; inteligèncija {f}
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée
intention {n} (course intended to follow)
:: намера {f}, намјера {f}; namera {f}, namjera {f}
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily)
:: намеран, намјеран; nameran, namjeran
interact {v} (act upon each other)
:: interagirati, uzajamno djelovati
interaction {n} (situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another)
:: interakcija {f}
interaction {n} (conversation or exchange between people)
:: interakcija {f}
intercalary {adj} (of a time period, inserted between others)
:: преступнӣ; préstupnī
intercept {v} (to stop, deflect or divert)
:: prèsresti {pf}, prèsretati {impf}
intercession {n} (the act of intervening)
:: zagovor {m}, заговор {m}
intercity {adj} (that connects cities one with another)
:: међуградскӣ; mȅđugradskī
intercourse {n} (communication, conversation)
:: snošaj
intercourse {n} (dealings between countries)
:: snošaj
intercourse {n} (sexual intercourse)
:: polni snošaj {m}
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition
interest {n} (finance: price of credit)
:: интерес {m}, камата {f}; ȉnterēs {m}, kȁmata {f}
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone)
:: интерес {m}; ȉnterēs {m}
interest {n} (attention that is given to or received from someone or something)
:: интерес {m}; ȉnterēs {m}
interest {n} (involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking)
:: интерес {m}; ȉnterēs {m}
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern)
:: zanimati {impf}, interesirati {impf}, zanimati se {impf} {pf}; интересовати {impf}; interesovati {impf}
interesting {adj} (arousing or holding the attention)
:: интересантан, занимљив; interesantan, zanimljiv
interface {n} (point of interconnection between entities)
:: interfejs {m}, sučelje {n}
interface {n} (computing: point of interconnection between systems or subsystems)
:: interfejs {m}, međusklop {m}, međuveza {f}
interfere {v}
:: спречити, отежавати; sprečiti, otežavati; spriječiti, otežavati
interference {n}
:: мешање {n}, мијешање {n} ; méšānje {n}, mijéšānje {n}
interim {adj} (transitional)
:: prelazan, prijelazan, preliminaran
interim {adj} (temporary)
:: privremen
interjection {n} (exclamation or filled pause in grammar)
:: узвик {m}; uzvik {m}
Interlingua {prop} (interlanguage based on Romance languages)
:: интерлингва {m}; interlingva {m}
interlocutor {n} (A person who takes part in dialogue or conversation)
:: саговорник {m}, sagovornik {m}, суговорник {m}, sugovornik {m}, саговорница {f}, sagovornica {f}, суговорница, sugovornica {f}
interloper {n} (one who interferes)
:: uljez
intermediary {n} (an agent acting as a mediator between sides that may disagree)
:: посреднӣк {m}, pòsrednīk {m}
internal {adj} (inside of something)
:: ȉntērnī, ùnutrašnjī
internal {adj} (within the body)
:: ȉntērnī, ùnutārnjī
internal {adj} (concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state etc.)
:: ȉntērnī, ùnutrašnjī
internal {adj} (concerned with the non-public affairs of a company or other organisation)
:: ȉntērnī, ùnutrašnjī
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine)
:: motor sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem {m}, motor s unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem {m}
international {adj} (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations)
:: међународни; međunarodni
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court)
:: Међународни суд правде {m}; Međunarodni sud pravde {m}
Internationale {prop} (proletarian song)
:: Интернационала {f}; Internacionála {f}
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations)
:: internacionalizam {m}
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} (standardized symbols for speech)
:: међународна фонетска абецеда {f}; međunarodna fonetska abeceda {f}
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet
Internet {prop} (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers)
:: интернет {m}; internet {m}
Internet Protocol {n} (one of the computer networking protocols)
:: Internet protokol {m}
Internet Protocol {n}
:: Internet protokol {m}
internship {n} (job taken by a student)
:: staž, стаж {m}
interpersonal {adj} (between persons)
:: međuljudski
interpreter {n} (one who interprets speech)
:: тумач {m}; tumač {m}
interpreter {n} (computer program)
:: interpreter {m}, interpretator {m}
interregnum {n} (period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign)
:: interregnum {m}, međuvlašće {n}
interregnum {n} (period of time during which normal executive leadership is suspended or interrupted)
:: interregnum {m}, međuvlašće {n}
interregnum {n} (intermission in any order of succession; any breach of continuity in action or influence)
:: interregnum {m}, međuvlašće {n}
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz)
:: ispítati, prèslušati
interrogation {n} (act of interrogating or questioning)
:: ispitívānje {n}
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark
intersection {n} (junction of two or more paths, etc)
:: крижање {n}, раскршће {n}, раскрсница {f}, раскрӣжје {n}, крѝжӣште {n}, крижопут {m}, крижопуће {n}, крстопуће {n}; krížānje {n}, ráskršće {n}, ráskrsnica {f}, ráskrīžje {n}, krìžīšte {n}, križòpūt {m}, križòpūće {n}, krstòpūće {n}
intersection {n} (in geometry)
:: пресек {m}, пресјек {m}; prések {m}, présjek {m}
intersection {n} (in set theory)
:: пресек {m}, пресјек {m}; prések {m}, présjek {m}
Interslavic {adj} (between Slavs or Slavic nations)
:: међусловенски, међуславенски; međuslovenski, međuslavenski
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language)
:: међусловенски {m}, међуславенски {m}; međuslovenski {m}, međuslavenski {m}
interview {n} (conversation with journalist etc.)
:: интервју {m}; intèrvjū {m}
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
:: интервју {m}; intervju {m}
intestine {n} (alimentary canal)
:: црево {n}, цријево {n}; crévo {n}, crijévo {n}
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
:: у земљи слепих, ћорави су краљеви
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all
in the meantime {prep} (meanwhile) SEE: meanwhile
in the nick of time {prep} (at the last possible moment)
:: u zadnji čas, u posljednji trenutak
in the wake of {prep} (as a result of)
:: за, za
in three days {adv}
:: наксутра, накосутра; naksutra, nakosutra
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement
intifada {n} (intifada)
:: интифада {f}; intifada {f}
intimidate {v} (to make timid or fearful)
:: застрашити; zàstrašiti
intonation {n} (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking)
:: интонација {f}; intonacija {f}
intractable {adj} (not tractable)
:: intraktabilan, nesavladiv
intransigent {adj} (unwilling to compromise or moderate a position)
:: intransigentan, beskompromisan
intransitive {adj} (of a verb, not taking a direct object)
:: непрелазан, непријелазан; nȅprelāzan, nȅprijelāzan
intransitive verb {n} (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter)
:: непрелазни глагол {m}, непријелазни глагол {m}; neprelazni glagol {m}, neprijelazni glagol {m}
intrigue {n} (plot or scheme)
:: spletka {f}
intrinsic {adj} (inherent)
:: интринзичан, својствен,, прирођен, урођен; intrìnzičan, svòjstven, prìrođen, ùrođen
introspection {n} (the act or process of self-examination)
:: introspèkcija {f}, samoópažānje {n}, samoposmatranje {n}
intrusive {adj} (tending to intrude)
:: intruzivan, nametljiv, ometajući
intrusive {adj} (forced between layers of rocks)
:: intrudiran
intuition {n} (immediate cognition without the use of rational processes)
:: predosećaj {m}, domišljaj {m}
in turn {prep} (in response, in return)
:: заузврат; zȁuzvrāt
inutterable {adj} (unutterable) SEE: unutterable
in vain {adv} (without success)
:: ȕzalūd, ȕzalūdno
invasion {n} (military action)
:: инвазија {f}; invazija {f}
invective {n} (Something spoken or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure,)
:: invektiva {f}
inveigh {v} (to complain loudly, to give voice to one's censure or criticism against (formerly also with on, at, upon))
:: osuđivati
invent {v} (design a new process or mechanism)
:: изумети {pf}, изумјети {pf}; izumeti {pf}, izumjeti {pf}
invent {v}
:: изумети , измислити
invented {adj} (fictional, made up)
:: ѝзмишљен; ìzmišljen
invention {n} (something invented)
:: изум {m}; izum {m}
inventiveness {n} (quality of being inventive)
:: inventivnost
inventorize {v} (to make an inventory of) SEE: inventory
inventory {n} (process of producing or updating such a list)
:: попис {m} /popis/
inverse function {n} (function that reverses the mapping action of a given function)
:: инверзна функција {f}; inverzna funkcija {f}
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone)
:: beskičmenjak {m}, beskičmen {m}, beskralješnjak {m}
investment {n} (placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use)
:: ulaganje {n}, investicija {f}, plasman {m}
inveterate {adj} (malignant) SEE: malignant
invincibility {n} (state or quality of being invincible)
:: непобедивост {f}; nepobedivost {f}
invincible {adj} (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill)
:: непобедив, непобједив; nepobèdiv, nepobjèdiv
inviolate {adj}
:: свет; svȇt
invisibility {n} (the state of being invisible)
:: nevìdljivōst {f}
invisible {adj} (unable to be seen)
:: невѝдљив; nevìdljiv
invisibleness {n} (state of being invisible)
:: nevìdljivōst {f}
invisibly {adv} (in a way that can not be seen)
:: nevìdljivo, neòpazicē
invitation {n}
:: uzov, póziv {m}, позив {m}, pózīvnica {f}, позӣвница {f}
invite {v} (ask for the presence or participation of someone)
:: звати {impf}, позвати {pf}; zvati {impf}, pozvati {pf}
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage
invoice {n} (bill)
:: фактура {f}; faktúra {f}
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated
Ioannina {prop} (capital of Epirus)
:: Јањина {f}; Jȁnjina {f}
iodine {n} (element)
:: јод {m}; jȏd {m}
ion {n} (atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge)
:: јон {m} /jon/, ion {m}
Ionian Sea {prop} (European sea)
:: Јонско море; Jonsko more
ionization {n} (any process that leads to dissociation)
:: јонизација {f}, jonizacija {f}
ionosphere {n} (part of Earth's atmosphere)
:: ионосфера {f}; ionosfera {f}
iotation {n} (process occurring in Slavic languages or elsewhere)
:: јотовање {n}, јотација {f}; jotovanje {n}, jotacija {f}
IPA {prop} (International Phonetic Alphabet)
Iran {prop} (country in Western Asia)
:: Ѝран {m}; Ìrān {m}
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages)
:: ѝранскӣ; ìrānskī
Iraq {prop} (country)
:: Ирак {m}; Irak {m}
Iraqi {n} (person from Iraq)
:: Ирачанин {m}, Ирачанка {f}; Iráčanin {m}, Iráčānka {f}
Iraqi {adj} (from or pertaining to Iraq)
:: ѝрачки {m}; ìrāčkī
Ireland {prop} (island)
:: Ирска {f}; Irska {f}
iridium {n} (chemical element)
:: иридиj {m}, иридиjум {m}; iridij {m}, iridijum {m}
iris {n} (plant of the genus Iris)
:: ирис {m}, перуника {f}; ȋris {m}, perùnika {f}
iris {n} (part of the eye)
:: ирис {m}, шареница {f}, дужица {f}; ȋris {m}, šarènica {f}, dȕžica {f}
iris {n} (photography, cinematography: diaphragm)
:: бленда {f}; blȇnda {f}
Irish {n} (the language)
:: ирскӣ; ȋrskī
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people)
:: ирскӣ; ȋrskī
Irish {adj} (pertaining to the language)
:: ирскӣ; ȋrskī
Irishman {n} (man from Ireland)
:: Ирац {m}; Írac {m}
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland)
:: Ирско море {n}; Irsko mȏre {n}
Irish setter {n} (a breed of gun dog)
:: irski seter {m}, ирски сетер {m}
Irishwoman {n} (woman from Ireland)
:: Ȉrkinja {f}
Irkutsk {prop} (city in Siberia)
:: Иркутск {m}, Irkutsk {m}
iron {adj} (made of iron)
:: željezan, železan
iron {v} (to pass an iron over clothing)
:: пеглати; peglati
iron {n} (chemical element Fe)
:: гвожђе {n}, железо {n}, жељезо {n}; gvožđe {n}, železo {n}, željezo {n}
iron {n} (for pressing clothes)
:: пегла {f}, глачало {n} ; pegla {f}, glačalo {n}
Iron Age {prop}
:: гвоздено доба; gvozdeno doba
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith
irony {n} (statement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally)
:: иронија {f}; ironija {f}
irony {n} (condition contrary to expectations)
:: иронија {f}; ironija {f}
irrational {adj} (unfounded or nonsensical)
:: ирационалан, неразуман; ȉracionālan, nȅrazūman
irrationalism {n} (philosophical movement)
:: iracionalizam {m}
irrational number {n} (real number that is not rational)
:: ирaционaлни брой {m}; iracionalni broj {m}
Irrawaddy {prop} (river that flows through Burma)
:: Iravadi
irredentism {n} (an annexation doctrine)
:: иредентѝзам {m}; iredentìzam {m}
irreversibly {adv} (In an irreversible manner)
:: nepovratno
irrigation {n} (The act or process of irrigating)
:: navodnjavanje {n}, наводњавање {n}
Isaac {prop} (son of Abraham and Sarah)
:: Исак {m}; Isak {m}
Isaac {prop} (male given name)
:: Ајзак {m}; Ajzak {m}
Isaiah {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Књига пророка Исаије
ischium {n} (the lowest of three bones of the pelvis)
:: sednjača {f}
-ish {suffix} (appended to adjectives)
:: -ast
Isidora {prop} (female given name)
:: Исидора
Islam {prop} (religion)
:: ислам {m}; islam {m}
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran)
:: Исламска Република Иран {f}; Islamska Republika Iran {f}
Islamic Republic of Mauritania {prop} (official name of Mauritania)
:: Islamska Republika Mauritanija
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
:: Исламска Република Пакистан {f}; Islamska Republika Pakistan {f}
Islamic State {prop} (jihadist group, see also: IS)
:: Исламска Држава {f}; Islamska Država {f}
Islamization {n} (the conversion of a society to Islam)
:: islamizacija {f}, исламизација {f}
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims)
:: исламофобија {f}; islamofobija {f}
island {n} (area of land completely surrounded by water)
:: острво {n}, оток {m}; ȍstrvo {n}, òtok {m}
island {n}
:: острво {n}; ostrvo {n}
islander {n} (person who lives on an island)
:: острвљанин {m}, острвљанка {f}, оточанин {m}, оточанка {f}; ostrvljanin {m}, ostrvljanka {f}, otočanin {m}, otočanka {f}
island state {n} (state consisting of one or more islands)
:: arhipelaška država {f}, otočna država {f}, ostrvska država {f}; ostrvska država {f}; otočna država {f}; ostrvska država {f}
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island
Isle of Man {prop} (island)
:: Otok Man {m}
islet {n} (small island)
:: оточић {m}, острвце {n}; otočić {m}, ostrvce {n}
-ism {suffix} (a principle, belief or movement)
:: -изам {m}; -izam {m}
isn't it so {phrase} (isn't it so?)
:: зар не?; zar ne?
isogloss {n} (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature)
:: izoglosa {f}, изоглоса {f}
isolation {n} (state of being isolated)
:: осама {f}, osama
isolation {n}
:: izolacija {f}, osama {f}, osamljenost {f}
isolationism {n} (policy of non-interaction)
:: izolacionizam {m}
isomorphic {adj} ((mathematics) related by an isomorphism)
:: изоморфно; izomorfno
isomorphism {n} (the similarity in form of organisms of different ancestry)
:: izomorfizam {m}
Israel {prop} (the state)
:: Ѝзраел {m}; Ìzrael {m}
Israeli {n} (person from Israel or of Israeli descent)
:: Израелац {m}; Izraélac {m}
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people)
:: израелскӣ; ȉzraelskī
-ist {suffix}
:: -ist
-ista {suffix} (follower) SEE: -ist
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire)
:: Истанбул {m}, Цариград {m}, Константинопољ {m}; Istanbul {m}, Carigrad {m}, Konstantinopolj {m}
isthmus {n} (narrow strip of land)
:: земљоуз {m}; zemljouz {m}
Istria {prop} (peninsula in the Adriatic)
:: Истра {f}; Ȉstra {f}
Istro-Romanian {n} (person)
:: Истрорумуњ {m}; Istrorumunj {m}
Istro-Romanian {prop} (language)
:: истрорумуњски; istrorumunjski
it {pron} (subject — inanimate thing)
:: оно {n}; ono {n}
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italy)
:: италѝјанскӣ, талѝјанскӣ; italìjānskī, talìjānskī
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy)
:: Италѝјан {m}, Талѝјан {m}, Италијанац {m}, Талијанац {m}, Италѝјанка {m}, Талѝјанка {m}; Italìjān {m}, Talìjān {m}, Italijánac {m}, Talijánac {m}, Italìjānka {f}, Talìjānka {f}
Italian {n} (language)
:: (adjective) италѝјанскӣ {m}, талѝјанскӣ {m}; (adjective) italìjānskī {m}, talìjānskī {m}
Italianization {prop} (process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture)
:: талијанизација {f}, поталијанчивање {n}; talijanizácija {f}, potalijančivanje {n}
Italianize {v} (transitive)
:: талијанизирати; talijanizírati
Italianness {n} (quality of being Italian)
:: талијанство {n}; talijánstvo {n}
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy)
:: Италијанска Република {f} , Талијанска Република {f} ; Italijanska Republika {f} , Talijanska Republika {f}
Italy {prop} (European country)
:: Италија {f}; Italija {f}
itch {n} (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch)
:: svrab {m}, свраб {m}
it doesn't matter {phrase} (it doesn't matter)
:: nevažno, nebitno, nije važno, nije bitno, nema veze
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks)
:: -it {m}, -ит {m}
item of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence)
:: мислим, дакле постојим, мислим, дакле јесам; mislim, dakle postojim, mislim, dakle jesam
its {determiner} (belonging to it)
:: његов; njègov
its {pron} (that which belongs to it)
:: његов; njègov
it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye {proverb} (rough play results in injury)
:: играчка-плачка; igračka-plačka
it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don't understand any of this)
:: шпанскa села (Spanish villages); špȃnska sèla (Spanish villages)
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome
Iva {prop} (female given name)
:: Iva {f}
Ivan {prop} (male given name)
:: Ѝван {m}; Ìvan {m}
Ivanovich {prop} (patronymic)
:: Ѝвановић {m}; Ìvanović {m}
Ivanovo {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Иваново {n}; Ivanovo {n}
-ive {suffix} (adjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to)
:: -ivan {m}, -ivna {f}, -ivno {n}
ivory {n} (material)
:: слоновача {f}, бјелокост {f}; slònovača {f}, bjȅlokōst {f}
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire
ivy {n} (plant)
:: бршљан {m}; bršljan {m}
Iwo Jima {prop} (an island in Japan)
:: Ivodžima
Ixion {prop} (king of Lapiths)
:: Iksion {m}
Ixion {prop} (a Kuiper Belt object)
:: Iksion {m}
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia)
:: Ижевск {m}, Iževsk {m}