c. {prep}
:: circa
c. {prep}
:: cum
c. {prep}
:: causa (in "e. c.")
c. {v}
:: cito
c. {noun}
:: caput and capitulum (§; chapter, section)
C {letter}
:: letter: ce
Caban {m}
:: pea coat
Cabrio {n}
:: cabriolet (an automobile with a retractable top)
Cabriolet {m}
:: convertible
Cabriolet {m}
:: cabriolet
Cache {m}
:: cache
Cachet {n}
:: seal
Cachet {n}
:: characteristic, peculiarity
Cäcilia {prop}
:: given name, a Latinate form of Cäcilie (Cecilia)
Cäcilie {prop}
:: given name
Cadaver {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Kadaver
Cadmium {n}
:: cadmium
Cadmiumbromid {n}
:: cadmium bromide
Cadmiumchlorid {n}
:: cadmium chloride
Cadmiumcyanid {n}
:: cadmium cyanide
Cadmiumfluorid {n}
:: cadmium fluoride
Cadmiumgehalt {m}
:: cadmium content
cadmiumhaltig {adj}
:: cadmium-bearing
Cadmiumhydroxid {n}
:: cadmium hydroxide
Cadmiumiodid {n}
:: cadmium iodide
Cadmiumion {n}
:: cadmium ion
Cadmiumnitrat {n}
:: cadmium nitrate
Cadmiumoxid {n}
:: cadmium oxide
cadmiumreich {adj}
:: cadmium-rich
Cadmiumselenid {n}
:: cadmium selenide
Cadmiumstearat {n}
:: cadmium stearate
Cadmiumsulfat {n}
:: cadmium sulfate
Cadmiumsulfid {n}
:: cadmium sulfide
Cadmiumtellurid {n}
:: cadmium telluride
Cadmiumverbindung {f}
:: cadmium compound
Caesar {m}
:: alternative spelling of Cäsar
Caesium {n}
:: caesium
Café {n}
:: a café, a coffee shop
Café {n}
:: coffee
Cafeteria {f}
:: cafeteria
Caffein {n}
:: obsolete form of Koffein
Caipirinha {m}
:: caipirinha (traditional Brazilian drink)
Caisson {m}
:: caisson
Caissonkrankheit {f}
:: caisson disease
Calau {n}
:: Calau (city)
Calayan-Ralle {f}
:: Calayan rail
Calcit {m}
:: calcite
Calcitonin {n}
:: calcitonin
Calcitriol {n}
:: calcitriol
Calcium {n}
:: calcium; alternative form of Kalzium
Calciumablagerung {f}
:: calcium deposition
Calciumacetat {n}
:: calcium acetate
Calciumacetylid {n}
:: calcium acetylide (calcium carbide)
calciumarm {adj}
:: low in calcium
Calciumarsenat {n}
:: calcium arsenate
calciumbindend {adj}
:: calcium-binding
Calciumbromat {n}
:: calcium bromate
Calciumbromid {n}
:: calcium bromide
Calciumcarbid {n}
:: calcium carbide
Calciumcarbonat {n}
:: calcium carbonate
Calciumchlorid {n}
:: calcium chloride
Calciumcitrat {n}
:: calcium citrate
Calciumfluorid {n}
:: calcium fluoride
Calciumgluconat {n}
:: calcium gluconate
calciumhaltig {adj}
:: calcium-containing
Calciumhydrid {n}
:: calcium hydride
Calciumhydrogencarbonat {n}
:: calcium hydrogen carbonate, calcium bicarbonate
Calciumhydroxid {n}
:: calcium hydroxide
Calciumiodid {n}
:: calcium iodide
Calciumkanal {m}
:: calcium channel (ion channel for calcium ions)
Calciumlactat {n}
:: calcium lactate
Calciummangel {m}
:: calcium deficiency
Calciumnitrat {n}
:: calcium nitrate
Calciumnitrid {n}
:: calcium nitride
Calciumoxid {n}
:: calcium oxide
Calciumphosphat {n}
:: calcium phosphate
Calciumpropionat {n}
:: calcium propionate
calciumreich {adj}
:: calcium-rich
Calciumsilicat {n}
:: calcium silicate
Calciumsilikat {n}
:: calcium silicate
Calciumsulfat {n}
:: calcium sulfate
Caldera {f}
:: caldera
Calendula {f}
:: synonym of Ringelblume
Californium {n}
:: californium
Calimocho {noun}
:: calimocho
Calvinismus {m}
:: Calvinism
Calvinist {m}
:: Calvinist
calvinistisch {adj}
:: Calvinistical
Calymmium {prop}
:: the Calymmian
Camion {m}
:: lorry
Cammann {prop}
:: surname
Camouflage {f}
:: camouflage
camouflieren {v}
:: to camouflage
Camp {n}
:: camp (accommodation in tents)
Camper {m}
:: camper (a person who camps, especially in a tent etc)
Camper {m}
:: camper (a person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item etc)
Campher {m}
:: alternative spelling of Kampfer
Camping {n}
:: camping
Campingplatz {m}
:: an area where people may place tents, caravans, and the like; a campsite; a caravan site
Campus {m}
:: campus (central premises of an educational institution)
Canache {f}
:: alternative form of Ganache
Canadier {m}
:: Canadian (person from Canada)
Canadier {m}
:: Canadian canoe, canoe
canceln {v}
:: to cancel
cancerogen {adj}
:: cancerogenic, carcinogenic
Canfieldit {m}
:: canfieldite
Cannabis {m} {n}
:: cannabis
Canyon {m}
:: canyon
Cappuccino {m}
:: cappuccino (Italian coffee-based beverage made from espresso and milk; a cup of this)
Caprinsäure {f}
:: decanoic acid, capric acid
Caprolactam {n}
:: caprolactam
Capronsäure {f}
:: hexanoic acid, caproic acid
Caprylsäure {f}
:: caprylic acid
Capybara {n}
:: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
Car {m}
:: clipping of Autocar
Caravan {m}
:: caravan , trailer
Carbatsche {f}
:: archaic spelling of Karbatsche
Carben {n}
:: carbene
Carbid {n}
:: carbide
Carbochemie {f}
:: carbochemistry
Carbonat {n}
:: carbonate
Carbonatgestein {n}
:: carbonate rock
Carbonsäure {f}
:: carboxylic acid
Carbonsäureamid {n}
:: carboxamide
Carbonsäuregruppe {f}
:: carboxylic acid group (functional group)
Carbonyl {n}
:: carbonyl
Carbonylgruppe {f}
:: carbonyl group (functional group)
Carbonylkomplex {m}
:: carbonyl complex
Carbonylsulfid {n}
:: carbonyl sulfide
Carbonylverbindung {f}
:: carbonyl compound
Carboplatin {n}
:: carboplatin
Carbosilan {n}
:: carbosilane
Carboxy {n}
:: carboxyl
Carboxygruppe {f}
:: carboxyl group (functional group)
Carboxylase {f}
:: carboxylase
Carboxylsäure {f}
:: carboxylic acid
carcinogen {adj}
:: alternative spelling of karzinogen
Cardy {f}
:: one cultivated form of Cynara cardunculus
Cäremonie {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Zeremonie
Caren {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Karen
Carina {prop}
:: given name
Carl {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Karl
Carla {prop} {f}
:: given name, feminine form of Carl
Carmen {prop}
:: given name
Carnallit {m}
:: carnallite
Carnotit {m}
:: carnotite
Carola {prop} {f}
:: given name, feminine of Carolus, Latin form of Karl ( =Charles)
Carolin {prop} {f}
:: given name
Caroline {prop}
:: given name of French origin
Carotin {n}
:: carotene
Carotinoid {n}
:: carotenoid
Carsten {prop}
:: given name, alternative spelling of Karsten
Cärtchen {n}
:: diminutive of Carte
Carte {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Karte
cartesianisch {adj}
:: Cartesian
Cartoon {m} {n}
:: cartoon (comic strip)
Cäsar {prop} {m}
:: Roman cognomen, especially referring to Julius Caesar
Cäsar {prop} {m}
:: given name
Cäsar {m}
:: Caesar; caesar (style of Roman emperors)
Cäsar {symbol}
:: The letter C in the German and Austrian spelling alphabets
Cashewnuss {f}
:: cashew nut
Cashflow {m}
:: cash flow
Casino {n}
:: alternative spelling of Kasino
Cäsium {n}
:: cesium
Caspar {prop}
:: Caspar of the Magi
Caspar {prop}
:: given name
casten {vti}
:: to audition; to have a casting (evaluate people for a perfoming part)
casten {vt}
:: to cast (choose someone for a performing part)
Castingshow {f}
:: talent show
Cäsur {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Zäsur
Casus {m}
:: alternative form of Kasus
Catachrese {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Katachrese
Catarina {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Katharina
Catcher {m}
:: catcher (in baseball)
Catcher {m}
:: professional wrestler
Catcherin {f}
:: female professional wrestler
Catenaccio {m}
:: catenaccio
Catharina {prop} {f}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Katharina
catholisch {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of katholisch
Cathrin {prop} {f}
:: given name
Catrin {prop} {f}
:: given name
Cayenne {prop} {n}
:: Cayenne (capital city)
Cayennepfeffer {m}
:: cayenne pepper
Cayenne-Ralle {f}
:: grey-necked wood rail
CBD {noun}
:: initialism of Cannabidiol
CCC {prop} {m}
:: initialism of Chaos Computer Club
ccm {symbol}
:: ccm (cubic centimetre)
CD {f}
:: CD (compact disc)
CD-Player {noun}
:: CD player
CD-Radio {n}
:: a radio with a CD drive
CD-Spieler {m}
:: CD player
CDU {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands
CDU-geführt {adj}
:: led or managed by members of the CDU
C-Dur {n}
:: C major
C-Dur {n}
:: C major ("the major chord with a root of C")
C-Dur {n}
:: C major ("the major key with C as its tonic")
CeBIT {prop}
:: initialism of Centrum für Büro und Informationstechnik The world's largest tradeshow showcasing digital IT and telecommunications solutions for business and home. Held annually in Hanover, Germany
Cecilia {prop}
:: given name
Cecilie {prop}
:: given name
Cedille {f}
:: cedilla
Celina {prop}
:: given name
Celine {prop}
:: given name
Cello {n}
:: cello
Cellulose {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Zellulose (chiefly in technical texts)
Cembalo {n}
:: harpsichord
Cent {m}
:: cent, the smaller unit of the euro
Cent {m}
:: cent (in other currencies)
Center {n}
:: centre / center
Center {n}
:: shopping centre
Centimeter {noun}
:: alternative spelling of Zentimeter
Cer {n}
:: cerium
Cermet {n}
:: cermet
Ces {n}
:: C flat
C-Falter {m}
:: comma butterfly
CFK {m}
:: initialism of carbonfaserverstärkter Kunststoff
Chabo {n}
:: Japanese bantam
Chabo {m}
:: boy; guy; bloke
Chalcedon {m}
:: chalcedony
Chalcedon {prop} {n}
:: alternative spelling of Chalkedon
Chaldäa {prop} {n}
:: Chaldea
Chalkanthit {m}
:: chalcanthite
Chalkedon {prop}
:: Chalcedon
Chalkogen {n}
:: chalcogen
Chalkogenid {n}
:: chalcogenide
Chalkogenidglas {n}
:: chalcogenide glass
Chalkophyllit {m}
:: chalcophyllite
Chalkopyrit {m}
:: chalcopyrite
Chalkosin {m}
:: chalcocite
Chalzedon {m}
:: alternative spelling of Chalcedon
Cham {prop}
:: Cham (town)
Cham {prop}
:: Cham (town)
Chamäleon {n}
:: chameleon
Chamäleon {n}
:: Chamaeleon
Chamenei {prop}
:: Khamenei, surname notably borne by Ali Khamenei
Chametz {m}
:: alternative form of Chamez
Chamez {m}
:: chametz (leavened bread)
Champagner {m}
:: champagne (sparkling wine made in Champagne)
champagnerfarben {adj}
:: Champagne-coloured
Champignon {m}
:: button mushroom, champignon (a mushroom of the Agaricus genus)
Champion {m}
:: champion
Chan {m}
:: khan
Chanat {n}
:: khanate
Chance {f}
:: chance
Chancengleichheit {f}
:: equal opportunity
chancenlos {adj}
:: chanceless
chancenloser {adj}
:: comparative of chancenlos
Chancentod {m}
:: a player who habitually misses good chances to score; a bad finisher
changieren {v}
:: to change
Chanson {m}
:: chanson
Chanukka {prop} {f}
:: Hanukkah (the Jewish festival)
Chanukkia {f}
:: hanukkiah (an eight- or more often nine-branched menorah used during Hanukkah)
Chaos {n}
:: chaos
Chaoskampf {m}
:: "struggle against chaos"; chaoskampf
Chaostheorie {f}
:: chaos theory
Chaot {m}
:: chaotic person
Chaot {m}
:: violent anarchist
chaotisch {adj}
:: chaotic
chaotischer {adj}
:: comparative of chaotisch
Chapeau {m}
:: hat
Chapeau {m}
:: hat-wearing man
Chapeau {interj}
:: used to express appreciation
chaplinesk {adj}
:: Chaplinesque
Charakter {m}
:: character; the totality of someone's personal qualities
Charakter {m}
:: character, characteristic feature or nature of a thing, place or people
Charakter {m}
:: character, symbol, written glyph
Charakter {m}
:: title, rank
Charakter {m}
:: a character; role/figure in a theatrical play, video game etc., which has a noticeable character (set of personal qualities)
charakteriologisch {adj}
:: characteriological
charakteriologisch {adv}
:: characteriologically
charakterisieren {vt}
:: to characterize
Charakterisierung {f}
:: characterization
Charakteristik {f}
:: characteristic (distinguishing feature)
Charakteristikum {n}
:: feature, characteristic (of a person or thing)
charakteristisch {adj}
:: characteristic
charakteristisch {adj}
:: distinctive, typical
charakteristischer {adj}
:: comparative of charakteristisch
charakteristischerweise {adv}
:: characteristically
charakteristischsten {adj}
:: superlative of charakteristisch
charakterlos {adj}
:: characterless
Charakterlosigkeit {f}
:: characterlessness
Charakterschwein {n}
:: lowlife
Charakterzug {m}
:: character trait
Charge {f}
:: load
Charge {f}
:: batch
Charge {f}
:: rank
chargenweise {adj}
:: batch
chargieren {v}
:: to overact
chargieren {v}
:: to feed, to load
chargiert {v}
:: past participle of chargieren
Charisma {n}
:: charisma
charismatisch {adj}
:: charismatic
charismatischer {adj}
:: comparative of charismatisch
charismatischsten {adj}
:: superlative of charismatisch
charkowisch {adj}
:: of or pertaining to Kharkov; Kharkovian
Charlotte {prop}
:: given name of French origin. Variants: Lotte, Lieselotte, Liselotte
Charlotte {symbol}
:: The digraph Ch in the German spelling alphabet
charmant {adj}
:: charming
charmanter {adj}
:: comparative of charmant
Charme {m}
:: charm (ability to enchant)
Charmeur {m}
:: charmer
charmieren {v}
:: to charm
Charta {f}
:: charter
Chasar {m}
:: Khazar ( member of the Khazar people)
Chasarin {f}
:: Khazar (female member of the Khazar people)
chasarisch {adj}
:: Khazar (related to the Khazar people)
Chasarisch {prop} {n}
:: Khazar (the language of the Khazar people)
Chassid {m}
:: Hassid
Chassidismus {m}
:: Hassidism
Chassis {n}
:: chassis
Chasu {prop} {m}
:: Chasu
Chat {m}
:: A chat, exchange of text or voice messages in real time, notably by Internet
Chatroom {m}
:: chat room (computer site online where visitors can exchange messages)
chatten {v}
:: to chat
Chauffeur {m}
:: A person employed to drive a private or hired car; chauffeur
Chauffeurin {f}
:: chauffeur (female)
chauffieren {v}
:: to chauffeur
Chaussee {f}
:: country road
Chauvi {m}
:: male chauvinist; (mild) misogynist; macho
Chauvinismus {m}
:: chauvinism
Chauvinist {m}
:: chauvinist; national, racial, or religious supremacist
Chauvinist {m}
:: male chauvinist; (mild) misogynist
chauvinistisch {adj}
:: chauvinist
Chauvispruch {m}
:: a (mildly) misogynist slogan; a statement revealing male chauvinism or machoism
Chawer {m}
:: honorary title given to a distinguished Jewish scholar who is not a rabbi
Chawer {m}
:: friend, comrade
Check {m}
:: check
Check {m}
:: alternative form of Scheck
checken {vt}
:: to check (up), to inspect, examine
checken {vt}
:: to grasp, understand
Checkliste {f}
:: checklist
Checkpoint {m}
:: checkpoint
Cheddarkäse {m}
:: synonym of Cheddar
Cheerleader {m}
:: cheerleader
Cheerleaderin {f}
:: A female cheerleader
Chef {m}
:: boss, chief
Chefetage {f}
:: executive floor (mostly used figuratively as a synonym for bosses)
Chefideologe {m}
:: chief ideologue
Chefin {f}
:: female boss
Chefkoch {m}
:: chef, head chef, head cook
Chefredakteur {m}
:: editor in chief (male or of unspecified sex) (highest ranking editor)
Chefredakteurin {f}
:: editor in chief (female)
Chefredaktor {m}
:: editor in chief (male or of unspecified sex) (highest ranking editor)
Chefredaktorin {f}
:: editor in chief (female)
Chefterrorist {m}
:: terrorist-in-chief (male or of unspecified sex)
Chefterroristin {f}
:: terrorist-in-chief (female)
Chelat {n}
:: chelate, chelate compound
Chelatbildner {m}
:: chelating agent
chelatisierend {adj}
:: chelating
Chelatkomplex {m}
:: chelate complex
Chelatligand {m}
:: chelate ligand
Chemie {f}
:: chemistry
Chemieanlage {f}
:: chemical plant (factory)
Chemieinformatik {f}
:: alternative form of Chemoinformatik
Chemikalie {f}
:: chemical (chemical substance) produced industrially or in a laboratory
Chemikaliengesetz {n}
:: Chemicals Act (laws (in Germany, Austria and Switzerland) regarding hazardous substances)
Chemiker {m}
:: chemist (person working in chemistry)
Chemikerin {f}
:: chemist (female) (person working in chemistry)
Chemilumineszenz {f}
:: chemiluminescence
Cheminée {n}
:: fireplace
Cheminformatik {f}
:: alternative form of Chemoinformatik
chemisch {adj}
:: chemical
chemische Bindung {f}
:: chemical bond
chemische Verbindung {f}
:: chemical compound
Chemnitz {prop} {n}
:: Chemnitz (city)
chemoautotroph {adj}
:: chemoautotrophic
Chemoinformatik {f}
:: cheminformatics
Chemolumineszenz {f}
:: chemoluminescence
Chemometrie {f}
:: alternative form of Chemometrik
Chemometrik {f}
:: chemometrics
chemometrisch {adj}
:: chemometric
Chemotherapeutikum {n}
:: chemotherapeutic agent
Chemotherapie {f}
:: chemotherapy
-chen {suffix}
:: nowadays the most common suffix to create a diminutive form
Chengyu {n}
:: chengyu
Cherub {m}
:: cherub
Cherusker {m}
:: a member of the Cherusci
Cherusker {mp}
:: Cherusci
Cheshire-Katze {prop} {f}
:: the Cheshire cat
chevaleresk {adj}
:: chivalrous
Chi {n}
:: chi (Greek letter)
Chianti {m}
:: Chianti (Tuscan red wine)
Chiara {prop}
:: given name borrowed from Italian
Chiaroscuro {n}
:: chiaroscuro
Chiasmus {m}
:: chiasmus
chiastisch {adj}
:: chiastic
chic {adj}
:: alternative spelling of schick
Chic {m}
:: chic
Chick {n}
:: chick (young woman, usually sexually attractive)
Chicken {n}
:: chicken (meat)
Chicorée {mf}
:: Belgian endive, common chicory, witloof (Cichorium intybus subsp. foliosum) < (Cichorium intybus)
Chiemsee {prop} {m}
:: A lake in Bavaria
Chiffre {f}
:: cipher
Chiffre {f}
:: box number
chiffrieren {v}
:: to encode
Chile {prop} {n}
:: Chile (country)
Chilene {m}
:: A Chilean, member or descendant of the people of Chile (South American country)
Chilenin {f}
:: A female Chilean
chilenisch {adj}
:: Chilean
Chilesalpeter {m}
:: Chile saltpetre (sodium nitrate)
Chili {n}
:: chili
Chili {f}
:: chili (fruit)
chiliastisch {adj}
:: chiliastic
chillen {v}
:: to chill (to relax, lie back)
chillig {adj}
:: cozy, soothing, pleasant
chillig {adj}
:: comfortable
chilotisch {adj}
:: Of or from Chiloé Island
Chimäre {f}
:: chimera (a mythical monster)
chimärisch {adj}
:: chimeric
China {prop} {n}
:: China (country)
Chinakohl {m}
:: Chinese cabbage
chinakritisch {adj}
:: critical of the Chinese state
Chinalizarin {n}
:: quinalizarin
Chinchilla {f}
:: chinchilla (rodent)
Chinchilla {n}
:: chinchilla (rodent)
Chinchilla {n}
:: chinchilla rabbit (three separate breeds)
Chinchilla {n}
:: chinchilla (fur)
Chinese {m}
:: person from China
Chinesin {f}
:: female person from China
chinesisch {adj}
:: Chinese
Chinesisch {n}
:: Chinese
Chinesisch {n}
:: jargon
chinesische Mauer {prop} {f}
:: Chinese wall, Great Wall of China
chinesische Petersilie {f}
:: Chinese parsley, coriander
chinesische Stachelbeere {f}
:: kiwi fruit
Chinesisch sprechen {v}
:: to be unintelligible
Chinin {n}
:: quinine
chionophil {adj}
:: chionophilous
Chip {m}
:: chip
Chip {m}
:: chip (piece of plastic or metal used as a token for money, entrance tickets, etc.)
Chip {m}
:: crisp ; chip
Chipkarte {f}
:: chip card, smart card
Chipsatz {m}
:: chipset
chiral {adj}
:: chiral
Chirurg {m}
:: surgeon (male or of unspecified sex) (doctor who performs surgery)
Chirurgie {f}
:: surgery (field of study)
Chirurgie {f}
:: the section of a hospital in which surgeries are performed
Chirurgin {f}
:: surgeon (female) (doctor who performs surgery)
chirurgisch {adj}
:: surgical
Chitin {n}
:: chitin
Chlor {n}
:: chlorine
chlorähnlich {adj}
:: chlorine-like
Chloralkan {n}
:: chloroalkane, alkyl chloride
Chloralken {n}
:: chloroalkene
Chlorargyrit {m}
:: chlorargyrite
Chloraromat {n}
:: aryl chloride
Chlorat {n}
:: chlorate
Chlorbleiche {f}
:: chlorine bleach
Chlordioxid {n}
:: chlorine dioxide
Chlorethan {n}
:: chloroethane, ethyl chloride
Chlorfluorid {n}
:: chlorine fluoride
chlorfrei {adj}
:: chlorine-free
Chlorgas {n}
:: chlorine gas
chlorhaltig {adj}
:: chlorinated
chlorhaltig {adj}
:: containing chlorine
Chlorhühnchen {noun}
:: chlorine-washed chicken
Chlorid {n}
:: chloride
Chloridion {n}
:: chloride ion
chloridisch {adj}
:: chloride (attributive)
Chloridkanal {m}
:: chloride channel
chloriert {v}
:: past participle of chlorieren
chloriert {adj}
:: chlorinated
Chlorierung {f}
:: chlorination
chlorig {adj}
:: chlorous
Chlorit {n}
:: chlorite
Chlorit {m}
:: chlorite
Chlorkalk {m}
:: chlorinated lime
Chlorknallgas {n}
:: An mixture of chlorine and hydrogen that reacts explosively when exposed to bright light
Chlorknallgasreaktion {f}
:: The explosive reaction of chlorine and hydrogen when illuminated by a bright light
Chloroform {n}
:: chloroform
chloroformieren {v}
:: To chloroform
chloroformiert {v}
:: past participle of chloroformieren
Chlorophyll {n}
:: chlorophyll (green pigment)
Chloroplast {m}
:: chloroplast
chlororganisch {adj}
:: organochlorine
Chlororuthenat {n}
:: chlororuthenate
chlorotisch {adj}
:: chlorotic
Chloroxid {n}
:: chlorine oxide
Chlorpentafluorid {n}
:: chlorine pentafluoride
Chlorphenol {n}
:: chlorophenol
Chlorsäure {f}
:: chloric acid
Chlorstrom {n}
:: current of chlorine (gas)
Chlortrifluorid {n}
:: chlorine trifluoride
Chlorung {f}
:: chlorination
Chlorverbindung {f}
:: chlorine compound
Chlorwasser {n}
:: chlorine water
Chlorwasserstoff {m}
:: hydrogen chloride
Chlorwasserstofflösung {f}
:: hydrogen chloride solution; hydrochloric acid
Chlorwasserstoffmolekül {n}
:: hydrogen chloride molecule
chochem {adj}
:: cunning
Chocolade {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schokolade
Chokolade {f}
:: alternative spelling of Schokolade
Cholera {f}
:: cholera
cholerisch {adj}
:: choleric
cholerisch {adj}
:: hot-headed
Cholesterin {n}
:: cholesterol
Cholin {n}
:: choline
Chomeini {prop}
:: Khomeini, surname notably borne by Ruhollah Khomeini
Chometz {m}
:: alternative form of Chamez
Chomez {m}
:: alternative form of Chamez
chondritisch {adj}
:: chondritic
-chor {suffix}
:: -chorous
Chor {m}
:: choir; chorus (group of people singing together)
Chor {m}
:: choir (part of a church building)
Choral {m}
:: chorale
Choreograf {m}
:: choreographer
Choreografie {f}
:: choreography
Choreografin {f}
:: female equivalent of Choreograf
chorisch {adj}
:: choric
Chorizo {f}
:: chorizo (a type of sausage seasoned with paprika)
Chorknabe {m}
:: choirboy
Chorknabe {m}
:: harmless, naive or innocent person
Chormeister {m}
:: choirmaster
Chose {f}
:: thing, affair, matter
Chrestomathie {f}
:: chrestomathy
Christ {m}
:: a Christian
Christ {m}
:: Christ
Christa {prop} {f}
:: given name
Christabend {m}
:: Christmas Eve
Christbaum {m}
:: Christmas tree
Christbaumkerze {f}
:: Christmas tree candles
Christbaumkugel {f}
:: A bauble, shiny spherical decoration, commonly used for Christmas decorations, especially Christmas trees
Christbaumschmuck {m}
:: Christmas tree decoration / ornament
Christdemokrat {m}
:: Christian Democrat
Christel {prop} {f}
:: given name, diminutive of Christine and Christiane
Christenheit {f}
:: Christendom
Christentum {n}
:: Christendom, Christianity
Christian {prop}
:: given name
Christiane {prop}
:: given name
christianisieren {v}
:: to Christianize
Christianisierung {f}
:: Christianisation / Christianization (Christianising / Christianizing )
Christi Himmelfahrt {f}
:: Ascension Day
Christin {f}
:: a female Christian
Christina {prop}
:: given name, Latinate variant of Christine
Christine {prop} {f}
:: given name
Christkind {prop} {n}
:: Baby Jesus
Christkind {prop} {n}
:: A fictional angel-like creature, typically thought of as an apparition of Baby Jesus, which traditionally takes the place of Santa Claus as a bringer of Christmas presents in the German-language area, particularly but not exclusively in Catholic regions
Christkindchen {prop} {n}
:: diminutive of Christkind
Christkindl {prop} {n}
:: diminutive of Christkind
Christkindl {n}
:: Christmas gift
Christkindlein {prop} {n}
:: diminutive of Christkind
christlich {adj}
:: Christian
Christlich Demokratische Union {prop} {f}
:: Christian Democratic Union of Germany
christlicher {adj}
:: comparative of christlich
christlichsten {adj}
:: superlative of christlich
Christmette {f}
:: midnight mass
Christof {prop} {m}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Christoph ( =Christopher)
Christogramm {n}
:: Christogram
Christologie {f}
:: Christology
christologisch {adj}
:: Christological
Christoph {prop} {m}
:: given name
Christopher {prop} {m}
:: given name
Christorbeere {f}
:: gooseberry
Christstollen {m}
:: stollen (a traditional German cake eaten at Christmas time)
Christtag {m}
:: Christmas Day
Christus {prop} {m}
:: Christ (the messiah who was named Jesus)
Christusmonogramm {n}
:: Christogram, especially the chi-rho symbol (☧)
Chrom {n}
:: chromium
Chromat {n}
:: chromate
Chromatid {n}
:: chromatid (either of the two strands of a chromosome that separate during mitosis)
Chromatierung {f}
:: chromatizing
Chromatin {n}
:: chromatin
chromatisch {adj}
:: chromatic
Chromatizität {f}
:: chromaticity, color intensity
Chromatografie {f}
:: chromatography
Chromatographie {f}
:: chromatography
chromatographisch {adj}
:: chromatographic
Chromcarbid {n}
:: chromium carbide
Chromdioxid {n}
:: chromium dioxide
Chromeisenstein {m}
:: chromite
Chromgelb {n}
:: chrome yellow
Chromgrün {n}
:: chrome green
Chromgruppe {f}
:: chromium group
chromhaltig {adj}
:: chromium-bearing
Chromiodid {n}
:: chromium iodide
Chromit {m}
:: chromite
Chromnitrid {n}
:: chromium nitride
chromophor {adj}
:: chromophoric
Chromophor {m}
:: chromophore
Chromosom {n}
:: chromosome (structure in the cell nucleus)
Chromosphäre {f}
:: chromosphere
Chromperoxid {n}
:: chromium peroxide
Chromsäure {f}
:: chromic acid
Chromschwefelsäure {f}
:: chrome-sulfuric acid
Chromstahl {m}
:: chrome steel
Chromtrioxid {n}
:: chromium trioxide
Chromylchlorid {n}
:: chromyl chloride
Chronik {f}
:: chronicle
Chronik {f}
:: timeline
chronisch {adj}
:: chronic
Chronist {m}
:: chronicler, annalist (male or of unspecified sex)
Chronobiologe {m}
:: chronobiologist
Chronobiologin {f}
:: female chronobiologist
Chronologie {f}
:: chronology
chronologisch {adj}
:: chronological, chronologic
Chronometer {n}
:: chronometer
Chruschtschow {prop}
:: Khrushchev
Chrysantheme {f}
:: chrysanthemum
Chrysoberyll {m}
:: chrysoberyl
chthonisch {adj}
:: chthonic
Chur {f}
:: archaic spelling of Kur
Churbrandenburg {prop}
:: archaic spelling of Kurbrandenburg
Churfürst {m}
:: archaic spelling of Kurfürst
churfürstlich {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of kurfürstlich
churkölnisch {adj}
:: archaic spelling of kurkölnisch
chüschtig {adj}
:: tasty, mouth-watering
chüstig {adj}
:: alternative form of chüschtig
Chutney {n}
:: chutney
Chuzpe {f}
:: chutzpah
Chymie {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Chemie
Chymiker {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Chemiker
chymisch {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of chemisch
ciao {interj}
:: ciao
Cicero {noun}
:: cicero, the 5th of the 7 traditional German sizes of type, between Korpus and Mittel, standardized as 12 point
Cider {m}
:: alternative form of Cidre
Cidre {m}
:: sparkling apple wine: cider , hard cider
Cineast {m}
:: cineast
cineastisch {adj}
:: cineastic
Cinotti {prop}
:: Cinotti (surname)
circa {adv}
:: circa
circumbinär {adj}
:: Misspelling of zirkumbinär "circumbinary"
Cis {noun}
:: C-sharp
cisalpin {adj}
:: alternative spelling of zisalpin
Cisplatin {n}
:: cisplatin
Citrat {n}
:: citrate
Citratzyklus {m}
:: citric acid cycle
Citrin {m}
:: citrine (variety of quartz)
Citroën {prop} {n}
:: Citroën (company)
Citroën {m}
:: Citroën (car of that company)
Citrone {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Zitrone
Citronensäure {f}
:: citric acid; alternative form of Zitronensäure
City {f}
:: city center, downtown, central business district
citynah {adj}
:: near the city
Claim {n} {m}
:: claim
Claim {n} {m}
:: advertising slogan
Clair-obscur {n}
:: chiaroscuro
Clan {m}
:: clan
Claque {f}
:: claque
Claqueur {m}
:: claqueur
Clara {prop}
:: given name of Latin origin
Clathrat {n}
:: clathrate
Claudia {prop}
:: given name from the Latin feminine form of Claudius; popular from the 1960s to the 1980s
Claus {prop}
:: given name, a less common spelling of Klaus
Clausthalit {m}
:: clausthalite
claviform {adj}
:: claviform
clean {adj}
:: clean, drugfree
Cleaver {m}
:: cleaver
Clemens {prop}
:: given name
Clerisei {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Klerisei
Clerus {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Klerus
Cleveit {m}
:: cleveite
clever {adj}
:: clever
Clickbaiting {m}
:: The practice of attracting click-throughs by using clickbait headlines or images
Client {m}
:: client
Cliffhanger {m}
:: cliffhanger
Clique {f}
:: a group of friends, a gang, clique
Clique {f}
:: a clique, cabal, camarilla
Clique {f}
:: clique
Clou {m}
:: highlight
Clou {m}
:: point (core or punch line)
Cloud {f}
:: cloud, the computers of other people provided for service
Clown {m}
:: clown (male or of unspecified sex)
Clownfisch {m}
:: clownfish
Club {m}
:: club (association of members)
Club {m}
:: club (nightclub, discotheque)
Clubchef {m}
:: alternative form of Klubchef
Clubchefin {f}
:: alternative form of Klubchefin
Cluster {m}
:: cluster (group of galaxies or stars)
Cluster {m}
:: cluster (group of computers working together)
Cluster {m}
:: cluster (secundal chord of three or more notes)
Clusterverbindung {f}
:: cluster compound
Coach {m}
:: coach (trainer or instructor)
Coachbuilder {noun}
:: coachbuilder (a builder of custom cars)
Coachin {f}
:: female equivalent of Coach
Coachingzone {f}
:: technical area (area by the pitch that the coach and technical staff should not leave during the game)
Cobalt {n}
:: alternative form of Kobalt
cobaltblau {adj}
:: alternative form of kobaltblau
Cobaltblau {n}
:: alternative form of Kobaltblau
Cobaltgruppe {f}
:: cobalt group (cobalt, rhenium, iridium and meitnerium)
Cobaltit {m}
:: cobaltite
Coburg {prop} {n}
:: Coburg (independent city)
Cockpit {n}
:: in the aviation the room, where the pilot and the co-pilot steer the aircraft; cockpit
Cockpit {n}
:: in the car industry the front area, where the driver and the front-seat passenger seats are; cockpit
Cocktail {n}
:: cocktail
Cocktailbar {f}
:: cocktail bar
Coda {f}
:: coda
Coda {f}
:: coda
Code {m}
:: code
Codereview {m}
:: code review
Codex {m}
:: alternative form of Kodex
Coelestin {m}
:: celestine, celestite
Coenzym {n}
:: coenzyme
Cofaktor {m}
:: alternative form of Kofaktor
Coffein {n}
:: alternative spelling of Koffein
cognacfarben {adj}
:: cognac-coloured
Coiffeur {m}
:: hairdresser; barber; friseur (male or of unspecified sex)
Coiffure {f}
:: the art of hairdressing
Coiffure {f}
:: hair salon
Coiffure {f}
:: artfully designed hairstyle
Cola {f} {n}
:: cola, Coke, Coca-Cola (beverage made with caramel and carbonated water)
Colemanit {m}
:: colemanite
Cölestin {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Coelestin
Cölesyrien {prop} {n}
:: Coele-Syria
cölesyrisch {adj}
:: Coele-Syrian
Collage {f}
:: collage
Collier {n}
:: necklace
Colmar {prop}
:: Colmar (city)
Cöln {prop} {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Köln
Colonel {m}
:: colonel; Colonel (in Anglo-Saxon armies)
Colonel {m}
:: colonel; Colonel (in Francophone armies)
Colonie {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Kolonie
Colorado {prop} {n}
:: Colorado (state)
colorieren {v}
:: alternative spelling of kolorieren
Colorimetrie {f}
:: alternative form of Kolorimetrie
Coltan {n}
:: coltan
Columbit {m}
:: columbite
Columbium {n}
:: columbium
Columbo {noun}
:: Sherlock; used to refer to someone who expresses the obvious while not being aware of its obviousness
Come-back {n}
:: alternative form of Comeback
Comeback {n}
:: comeback (return to success or popularity)
Comeback {n}
:: comeback; retort (witty reply)
Comer {adj}
:: of, or relating to Como
Comic {m}
:: comic, comic strip or comic book
Comicfigur {f}
:: cartoon character
Comic-Figur {f}
:: alternative spelling of Comicfigur
Comic-Heft {n}
:: alternative spelling of Comicheft
Comicliteratur {f}
:: comics (artistic medium)
Comic-Literatur {f}
:: alternative spelling of Comicliteratur
Comiczeichner {m}
:: comics artist (one who draws comics or cartoons)
Comic-Zeichner {m}
:: alternative spelling of Comiczeichner
Communiqué {n}
:: alternative spelling of Kommuniqué
Community {f}
:: community
Compiler {m}
:: A compiler, computer program to translate between machine code and a readable program
Computer {m}
:: computer (programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations, logical operations, and usually also data retrieval/storage)
Computergehäuse {n}
:: computer case, computer chassis, computer tower, system unit, tower case, cabinet
computergesteuert {adj}
:: computerised (computer-controlled)
Computerindustrie {f}
:: computer industry
Computerlinguistik {f}
:: computational linguistics (an interdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language)
computerlinguistisch {adj}
:: Relating to computer linguistics
Computerprogramm {n}
:: computer program
computersimuliert {adj}
:: virtual (simulated in a computer or online)
Computerspiel {n}
:: computer game
Computertomographie {f}
:: computed tomography
Computervirus {m} {n}
:: computer virus
Concealer {m}
:: concealer
concessionieren {v}
:: obsolete spelling of konzessionieren
Concorde {prop} {f}
:: Concorde (supersonic airliner)
Connellit {m}
:: connellite
Constanze {prop}
:: given name
Container {m}
:: a big container made of metal
containern {v}
:: to dumpster dive
Containerschiff {n}
:: container ship
containerweise {adj}
:: bulk
Contenance {f}
:: countenance, composure
Content-Management-System {n}
:: content management system
Conterfät {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Conterfei
Conterfei {n}
:: a kind of portrait
Conterfeit {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Conterfei
Conterfet {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Conterfei
Conterfeth {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Conterfei
Conterfey {n}
:: alternative spelling of Conterfei
Contergan {n}
:: thalidomide
Contra {prop} {m}
:: Contra
Contrefei {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Conterfei
Cookinseln {prop} {p}
:: the Cook Islands (a self-governing country in Oceania)
cool {adj}
:: cool (in its informal senses)
cool {adj}
:: cool, calm, easy-going
Copernicium {n}
:: copernicium
Copyright {n}
:: copyright
Cord {noun}
:: corduroy
Cordula {prop}
:: given name
Corina {prop}
:: given name
Corinna {prop}
:: given name
Corioliskraft {f}
:: Coriolis force
Cornelia {prop}
:: given name
Cornflakes {p}
:: corn flakes
Cornwallit {m}
:: cornwallite
Corona {f}
:: corona (coronavirus disease, especially COVID-19)
Corona {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Korona
Coronavirus {n}
:: coronavirus
Cörper {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Körper
Cörperchen {n}
:: diminutive of Cörper
Corps {n}
:: a corps, a kind of traditional student's corporation in German-speaking Europe
Corps {n}
:: archaic spelling of Korps
Corpus {n}
:: alternative spelling of Korpus
Corsage {f}
:: alternative spelling of Korsage
Cortison {n}
:: alternative form of Kortison
Costa Rica {prop} {n}
:: Costa Rica (country)
Costa-Ricaner {m}
:: Costa Rican (person from Costa Rica)
Costa-Ricanerin {f}
:: Costa Rican (female person from Costa Rica)
costa-ricanisch {adj}
:: Costa Rican (pertaining to Costa Rica)
Cottbus {prop} {n}
:: Cottbus
Couch {f}
:: couch
Couchsurfing {n}
:: Couchsurfing
Cougar {m}
:: alternative form of Kuguar
Couleur {f}
:: shade, kind, caliber
Couleur {f}
:: color, colour
Coulomb {n}
:: coulomb
Coulomb-Konstante {f}
:: Coulomb's constant
Coulombsch {adj}
:: coulombic
Count-down {m}
:: alternative spelling of Countdown
Countdown {m}
:: A countdown, count(ing) backward to the (starting) time of some event
Count-down-Uhr {m}
:: alternative spelling of Countdown-Uhr
Countdown-Uhr {f}
:: countdown timer
County {n} {f}
:: county
Coup {m}
:: coup (quick, brilliant, and highly successful act)
Coup {m}
:: coup d'état
Coupé {n}
:: coupé
Coupé {n}
:: train compartment
Coupon {m}
:: coupon
Courage {f}
:: courage, guts, initiative
Courage {f}
:: vulva; vagina
couragiert {adj}
:: determined, showing initiative and courage
couragierter {adj}
:: comparative of couragiert
Courtage {f}
:: commission, broker's fee
Cousin {m}
:: male cousin
Cousine {f}
:: female cousin
Couvert {n}
:: alternative spelling of Kuvert
coventrieren {v}
:: To devastate or raze (a city) in the manner of the November 1940 aerial bombardment of Coventry, England
Coventrieren {n}
:: the act of coventrating
Coventrierung {f}
:: The act of coventrating
coventrisieren {v}
:: alternative form of coventrieren
Coventrisieren {n}
:: alternative form of Coventrieren
coventrisiert {v}
:: past participle of coventrisieren
Coventrisierung {f}
:: alternative form of Coventrierung
Cover {n}
:: cover version, cover song
Cover {n}
:: cover (front of a CD, DVD or magazine)
covern {v}
:: to cover
Cowboy {m}
:: cowboy
cps. {adj}
:: Abbreviation of compositus
Crack {n}
:: crack
Crack {n}
:: highly trained and competent person
Crack {n}
:: successful racehorse
Crack {n}
:: (recreational drug) crack cocaine
cracken {vt}
:: to crack
cracken {vt}
:: to crack
Cracken {n}
:: cracking (of petroleum hydrocarbons)
Cramer {prop}
:: surname
Cranberry {f}
:: cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
Crash {m}
:: crash
Crash {m}
:: crash (malfunction of computer software)
Crashkurs {m}
:: crash course
Credo {n}
:: creed; credo
creme {adj}
:: cream
Creme {f}
:: cream
Creme {f}
:: frosting, custard
Creme {f}
:: cream colour
Crème {f}
:: alternative spelling of Creme
cremeartig {adj}
:: creamlike, creamy
Crème de la Crème {f}
:: crème de la crème
cremefarben {adj}
:: cream-colored
crèmefarben {adj}
:: alternative spelling of cremefarben
cremefarbig {adj}
:: cream (in colour)
Crème fraîche {f}
:: crème fraîche
cremen {v}
:: cream
crèmen {v}
:: alternative form of cremen
cremig {adj}
:: creamy
crèmig {adj}
:: alternative spelling of cremig
cremiger {adj}
:: comparative of cremig
cremigsten {adj}
:: superlative of cremig
Creole {f}
:: hoop earring
Crêpe {mf}
:: crêpe (a flat round pancake-like pastry)
Crescendo {n}
:: crescendo
Creutz {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Kreuz
Creutzfeldt {prop}
:: surname
Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit {f}
:: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Creuz {n}
:: obsolete spelling of Kreuz
Crevette {f}
:: alternative form of Krevette
Cricket {n}
:: cricket
Croissant {n}
:: croissant
Croupier {m}
:: croupier (male or of unspecified sex)
Crowdfunding {n}
:: crowdfunding
Crux {f}
:: trouble, difficulty, crux
Crux {f}
:: grief
Crwth {f}
:: crwth
Cryogenium {prop}
:: the Cryogenian
Crystal {n}
:: crystal meth
CSEL {prop} {n}
:: initialism of w:Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
CSU {prop} {f}
:: initialism of Christlich-Soziale Union (a political party of Bavaria)
Cummingtonit {m}
:: cummingtonite
Cunnilingus {m}
:: cunnilingus
Cup {m}
:: cup
Cup {m}
:: cup
Cupalit {m}
:: cupalite
Cuprit {m}
:: cuprite
Cuprizon {n}
:: cuprizone
Curaçao {prop} {n}
:: Curaçao (island)
Curaçao {m}
:: curaçao (liqueur)
Curcuma {f}
:: alternative spelling of Kurkuma
Curie-Konstante {f}
:: Curie constant
Curiepunkt {m}
:: Curie point, Curie temperature
Curium {n}
:: curium
curricular {adj}
:: curricular
Curry {n}
:: curry (sauce or relish flavored with curry powder)
Curry {n}
:: curry powder
Curryketchup {m} {n}
:: curry ketchup
Currysoße {f}
:: curry sauce
Currywurst {f}
:: currywurst; a German national dish consisting of hot pork sausage cut into slices and seasoned with curry sauce
Cursor {m}
:: cursor (icon of a pointing device)
Cursor {m}
:: cursor (icon indicating where the next insertion should take place)
Customizing {n}
:: customization
Cutter {m}
:: film editor
Cutter {m}
:: boxcutter
Cuvier-Ralle {f}
:: white-throated rail (Dryolimnas cuvieri)
CVJM {prop}
Cyan {n}
:: cyan (colour)
Cyan {n}
:: cyanogen
Cyanat {n}
:: cyanate
Cyanid {n}
:: cyanide
Cyanidion {n}
:: cyanide ion
Cyanidlösung {f}
:: cyanide solution
Cyanobakterium {n}
:: cyanobacterium
Cyanogen {n}
:: cyanogen
Cyanogenbromid {n}
:: cyanogen bromide
Cyanotrichit {m}
:: cyanotrichite
Cyberkrieg {m}
:: cyberwarfare
Cyborg {m}
:: cyborg
cyclisch {adj}
:: cyclic
Cycloaddition {f}
:: cycloaddition
Cycloalkan {n}
:: cycloalkane
Cyclobutan {n}
:: cyclobutane
Cyclodextrin {n}
:: cyclodextrin
Cycloheptan {n}
:: cycloheptane
Cyclohexan {n}
:: cyclohexane
Cyclopentadien {n}
:: cyclopentadiene
Cyclopentan {n}
:: cyclopentane
Cyclopropan {n}
:: cyclopropane
cyklisch {adj}
:: alternative form of zyklisch
Cymbel {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Zimbel
Cystein {n}
:: cysteine
Cystin {n}
:: cystine
Cytochrom {n}
:: alternative form of Zytochrom
Cytosin {n}
:: cytosine (a base which appears in DNA)
Cytosol {n}
:: cytosol
Cytostatikum {n}
:: alternative form of Zytostatikum
cytostatisch {adj}
:: cytostatic
Czartoryski {prop} {mf}
:: surname