Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000 in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000 you have here. The definition of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000 will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofAppendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-8000, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
Traditional Simplified Pinyin Meaning
校門 校门 xiàomén school gate
複句 复句 fùjù sentence of two or more clauses
shuài lead, command
診所 诊所 zhěnsuǒ clinic
準則 准则 zhǔnzé guideline, formula, principle, practice, norm, rule of thumb, standard, verity, criterion, canon, touchstone, basis, guidepost, maxim
畫展 画展 huàzhǎn art/paintings exhibition, art_exhibition, exhibition of paintings, art exhibition, art, paintings exhibition
絕望 绝望 juéwàng give up all hope, despair
期刊 期刊 qíkān journal, bulletin, periodical
裁判 裁判 cáipàn judge, referee, umpire
婦人 妇人 fùrén married woman
神祕 神祕 shénmì mysterious, mystical
荒謬 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd, preposterous
理會 理会 lǐhuì understand, comprehend, take notice of, pay attention to
院子 院子 yuànzi5 patio, court, courtyard, yard, compound
全身 全身 quánshēn mutton, the whole body, em, whole body, mut
罷工 罢工 bàgōng go on strike
仰賴 仰赖 yǎnglài look_to, rely_on, lie, lean, cling, rely on, repose_on, rest
絕望 绝望 juéwàng give up all hope, despair
佈置 佈置 bùzhì arrange, fix up, assign
更改 更改 gēnggǎi change, alter
佈置 佈置 bùzhì arrange, fix up, assign
幼蟲 幼虫 yòuchóng nit, embryo, grub, larva
瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě disintegrate, collapse
入境 入境 rùjìng enter a country
古董 古董 gǔdǒng old fogey, curio, antique, virtu, vertu, bygone, bric-a-brac
short for Suzhou, short for Jiangsu province, short for former Soviet Union
嚴厲 严厉 yánlì stern, toughen, maul, severe
shì know, recognize
禪師 禅师 chánshī honorific title for a Buddhist monk, Zen master
cài Cai, Surname
open/set up, start, build
差點 差点 chādiǎn almost
健保 健保 jiànbǎo National Health Insurance
美化 美化 měihuà beautify, embellish
表格 表格 biǎogé tabular array, tabulation, table, form, blank, tabular matter
穿著 穿着 chuānzhuó dress, apparel
建檔 建档 jiàndǎng place on file
思維 思维 sīwéi thought, thinking
系主任 系主任 xìzhǔrèn academic administrator, dean, chairman
抗拒 抗拒 kàngjù resist, defy
身長 身长 shēncháng height (of person)
抗拒 抗拒 kàngjù resist, defy
低頭 低头 dītóu submission, surrender, submit, bow/hang one's head, bow, crouch, lower, yield, hang one's head, bow one's head, lower one's head
往事 往事 wǎngshì past, the past, past events
huǐ destruction, ruin, slay, damage, slander, spoil, bugger up, burn up, refashion, make over, destroy, defame, demolish
è evil, wicked, vicious
華裔 华裔 huáyì foreign citizen of Ch. origin
窗戶 窗户 chuānghù window, casement
隕石 陨石 yǔnshí meteorite, meteor, aerolite, stony meteorite
週刊 週刊 zhōukān supplement, weekly, weekly (publication)
morality, virtue, kindness
無可 无可 wúkě cannot
陽明山 阳明山 yángmíngshān Yangmingshan, mountain in Taiwan
發表會 发表会 fābiǎohuì news conference, briefing
高峰 高峰 gāofēng summit, apex, alp, vertex, acme, peak, height, pinnacle, high, all-time high
歌劇 歌剧 gējù revue, melodrama, opus, operatic, opera
莊嚴 庄严 zhuāngyán solemn, dignified, stately
祝福 祝福 zhùfú invoke blessing, wish happiness to
酒精 酒精 jiǔjīng ethanol, alcoholic, spirits of wine, alcohol, ardent spirits, ethyl alcohol, spirit, aqua vitae
毫無 毫无 háowú not at all
出入 出入 chūrù come in and go out
布條 布条 bùtiáo list, strips of cloth
本土化 本土化 běntǔhuà indigenization
史料 史料 shǐliào historical data/materials, materials, historical data, historical materials, annals
失誤 失误 shīwù mistake
再生 再生 zàishēng be reborn, regenerate
中外 中外 zhōngwài China and foreign countries
預約 预约 yūyuē make an appointment
文人 文人 wénrén man of letters, scholar, literati, civilian (vs. military)
總務處 总务处 zǒngwùchù general affairs section
出入 出入 chūrù come in and go out
天性 天性 tiānxìng natural instincts, nature
拓寬 拓宽 tuòkuān broaden
qiǎo clever, intelligent, skillful, ingenious, artful, deceiving, pretty, cute, opportune, fortuitous, coincidental
務必 务必 wùbì by_any_means, always, must, should, be
預約 预约 yūyuē make an appointment
jiǎng Jiang, Surname
反射 反射 fǎnshè reflect
示威 示威 shìwēi put on show of force, demonstrate, march
返國 返国 fǎnguó return to one's country
角逐 角逐 jiǎozhú contend, tussle
休假 休假 xiūjià have holiday/vacation/leave
放進 放进 fàngjìn put in
好意思 好意思 hǎoyìsī how can one have the nerve, how can one have the face, have the nerve
休假 休假 xiūjià have holiday/vacation/leave
要件 要件 yàojiàn important document
成群 成群 chéngqún cluster, in large numbers, in groups
建材 建材 jiàncái fixture, fitting, building materials, structural member, building material
示威 示威 shìwēi put on show of force, demonstrate, march
地獄 地狱 dìyū the pit, hell, infernal, pandemonium, abyss, underworld, ballyhack, Hades, hades, blaze, Sheol, infernal region, Gehenna, Tartarus, Avernus, Topheth, Tophet, heck, nether region, Scheol, Acheron, perdition, the lower regions, Abaddon, netherworld, Hel, Inferno, inferno, Hell
光榮 光荣 guāngróng honor, glory, credit
協辦 协办 xiébàn do sth. jointly
協調會 协调会 xiétiáohuì consultation
目的地 目的地 mùdìdì bourn, goal, destination, terminus, bourne
別墅 别墅 biéshù villa
迫使 迫使 pòshǐ distress, obligate, intrude, exact, haze, enforce, feeze, pressure, tie_down, force, compel, enjoin, flog, insist, condemn, oblige, thrust, impel, necessitate, drive, hurl, sell_up, nail_down, make, corner
徘徊 徘徊 páihuái perambulate, fluctuate, roll, hesitation, mosey, pace up and down, tarry, divagate, peripatetic, roam, stray, vacillate, linger, hover, rove, cast, pace back and forth, cruise, stravage, dally, maunder, wander, loiter, stroll, stooge, waver, drift, on the prowl, range, swan, hang_around, prowl, vagabond, fluctuation, ramble, hesitate, traik, skulk
啟示 启示 qǐshì apocalypse, illumination, revelation
莊嚴 庄严 zhuāngyán solemn, dignified, stately
jiàng fall, drop, lower
贈送 赠送 zèngsòng present, complimentary, ladle, give_away, present ... as a gift, proffer, gift, give, present as gift, donate, compliment, give ... as a present
面談 面谈 miàntán discuss face to face
角逐 角逐 jiǎozhú contend, tussle
便於 便于 biànyū easy to, convenient for
傢伙 傢伙 jiāhuǒ bastard, gent, bounder, gink, son-of-a-bitch, blighter, bod, heel, specimen, pistol, lad, cad, fellow, customer, implement, josser, dagger, gazabo, bleeder, blackguard, bozo, chappie, cat, joe, knocker, egg, jasper, bloke, merchant, gat, bugger, geezer, nabs, brother, feller, rascal, scout, dick, skate, hombre, cuss, jake, hound, cove, devil, dog, person, sirrah, beggar, fella, chap, guy, duck, buste
返國 返国 fǎnguó return to one's country
家用 家用 jiāyòng family used
風暴 风暴 fēngbào tempest, roughness, firestorm, windstorm, squall, blow, tempestuousness, storm
秒鐘 秒钟 miǎozhōng m.
柏林 柏林 bólín Berlin
英國人 英国人 yīngguórén nabob, British people, John Bull, Britisher, Anglo-Saxon, pom, Briton, English people, Anglo, Englishman, English, English person, the English, Englishmen, Brit, British, Englander, pommy, Brits, the British, limey
面談 面谈 miàntán discuss face to face
拓寬 拓宽 tuòkuān broaden
嚴謹 严谨 yánjǐn rigorous, strict, compact, well-knit
huán give back, return, repay, give/do sth. in return
再生 再生 zàishēng be reborn, regenerate
朝向 朝向 cháoxiàng head, face, look, confront, front, facing, point, steer, take, orient, tend, fasten, make, turn towards, turn
震驚 震惊 zhènjīng shock, amaze, astonish
繁忙 繁忙 fánmáng busy
歌謠 歌谣 gēyáo nursery rhyme, folk_song, song, lay, derry, folk song, ditty, ballad
預測 预测 yūcè forecast
震驚 震惊 zhènjīng shock, amaze, astonish
電視機 电视机 diànshìjī set, idiot_box, tv, goggle-box, idiot box, television receiver/set, teleset, television set, television receiver, TV set, goggle_box, tv set, goggle box, boob tube, receiver, telly, television
標榜 标榜 biāobǎng excessively praise, parade, glorify, advertisement, boast, boost, advertise, flaunt
澄清 澄清 chéngqīng clear up, clarify
繁忙 繁忙 fánmáng busy
工作者 工作者 gōngzuòzhě worker
jià marry (of a woman)
虛無 虚无 xūwú nothingness
評核 评核 pínghé examine and comment
解嚴 解严 jiěyán end martial law, lift curfew
路徑 路径 lùjìng path, lane, pathway, ways and means, route, footpath, method, way, career
遊樂區 遊乐区 yóulèqū playground
澄清 澄清 chéngqīng clear up, clarify
心血 心血 xīnxiě painstaking care/effort
關節 关节 guānjié joint
邁入 迈入 màirù stride forward
讚美 讚美 zànměi praise, eulogize
guān pass, barrier, crux, critical juncture, turning/key point, key part
賽程 赛程 sàichéng contest schedule/agenda
支配 支配 zhīpèi arrange, allocate, budget, control, dominate, govern
小提琴 小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin
誤解 误解 wùjiě misunderstanding
人民日報 人民日报 rénmínrìbào The People's Daily
台語 台语 táiyǔ Min, Taiwanese(Language), Formosan, Min dialect, Hokkianese, Taiwanese, Fukkianese, Amoy, Fukien
不定 不定 búdìng uncertain, indeterminate, indefinite, undetermined
山坡 山坡 shānpō hillside, mountain slope
不等 不等 bùděng disparity
大雨 大雨 dàyǔ heavy rain
小鎮 小镇 xiǎozhèn whistle_stop
上來 上来 shànglái come_up, come up
引擎 引擎 yǐnqíng engine
解嚴 解严 jiěyán end martial law, lift curfew
木材 木材 mùcái patina, heartwood, wood, stuff, lumber, cabinet wood, timber
芝加哥 芝加哥 zhījiāgē Chicago
易於 易于 yìyū be apt to
後代 后代 hòudài descendant, posterity, descendants, later generations, ages, limb, later ages, get, descendent, later periods, offspring, later periods in history, progeny
拚命 拚命 pànmìng risk life, make death-defying effort
祈禱 祈祷 qídǎo pray
板橋 板桥 bǎn wooden bridge, Banchiau (city in Taiwan)
拜拜 拜拜 bàibài bow down
祈禱 祈祷 qídǎo pray
殿堂 殿堂 diàntáng mansion, manse, hall, palace, temple, residence, mansion house
相傳 相传 xiāngchuán tradition has it that..., according to legend, pass on from one to another, hand down from one to another, hand down or pass on from one to another
偵訊 侦讯 zhēnxùn interrogation, investigate and interrogate
汙染 汙染 wūrǎn pollution
更何況 更何况 gènghékuàng much less, let alone, all the more
hǎo conj.: so as to, so that
zhù aid, assist, assistance, help
取材 取材 qǔcái select material (for book/etc.)
抽出 抽出 chōuchū elicit, run_out, put forth (of certain plants), take out, obtain by drawing, slide, take out (from in between), take (part from whole), draw, perm, whop, etc., pull, get out, take ... out from in between, draw_out, reel, spare, pull out
重疊 重叠 chóngdié telescope, duplicate, superpose, overlap, repeated, lap
長久以來 长久以来 chángjiǔyǐlái long ago, long_since, lang syne, for a long time, long since
骨頭 骨头 gǔtóu os, strong character, bone, character, person of a certain character
感想 感想 gǎnxiǎng sentiment, reflections, feeling, thoughts, impressions, impression
索取 索取 suǒqǔ scrounge, extort, subpoena, obtain, charge, demand, exact, ask for
起初 起初 qǐchū initio, ab initio, first, primarily, early, in_the_beginning, originally, at_first, in the beginning, initially, at the start, at first, early on
神聖 神圣 shénshèng sacred, holy
tàn explore, stretch forward, visit, look for, call on, sound, stretch, stretch/pop forward, try to find out, survey, exploration, sounding, pop forward, pay a call on
pèi match, find sth. to fit/replace sth. else, deserve, be worthy of, be qualified, compound, mix
莫大 莫大 mòdà greatest, utmost
美元 美元 měiyuán U.S. dollar
參展 参展 cānzhǎn participate in exhibition
前衛 前卫 qiánwèi avant-garde
lèi tear, lachrymal, teardrop, brine, eyewater
都會 都会 dūhuì big city, city, metropolis
shǎn sprain, get out of the way, wink, shine, leave behind, have mishap, twist, sparkle, dodge, flash
參展 参展 cānzhǎn participate in exhibition
強勁 强劲 qiángjìn strong, forceful, sturdy, powerful
清醒 清醒 qīngxǐng waken, wake up, sober up, be wide-awake, be clear-headed, wide-awake, wake, be sober, awaken, be sober/wide-awake, sober, come alive, awake, come to, regain consciousness, arouse, sober_up
拿去 拿去 náqù eloign, collar, take something to, take_away, take away
華僑 华侨 huá overseas Chinese
消基會 消基会 xiāojīhuì Consumer's Foundation
活躍 活跃 huóyuè animate, kick around, active, invigoration, knock_about, cavort, enliven, vitalize, knock about, energize, flourish, invigorate, brighten, kick about, vitalization, vivify, move
規範 规范 guīfàn direct, formulate
衍生 衍生 yǎnshēng derive, form
東北 东北 dōngběi Northeast China, Manchuria
房價 房价 fángjià house/apartment purchase price, house purchase price, apartment purchase price, house
異國 异国 yìguó foreign country
cháo nest, lair
覓食 觅食 mìshí forage, scavenge, look for food, forage (of animals)
設廠 设厂 shèchǎng build a factory
更多 更多 gèngduō more
通車 通车 tōngchē be open to traffic, have transport service
明知 明知 míngzhī know perfectly well, be fully aware
特權 特权 tèquán regalia, privilege, charter, freedom, vested interest, exclusive right, franchise, perquisite, liberty, peculiar, exclusive, prerogative, vested_interest, faculty, indulgence
通話 通话 tōnghuà converse, communicate by telephone
起步 起步 qǐbù start (a task)
拿出來 拿出来 náchūlái take_out, take out
通話 通话 tōnghuà converse, communicate by telephone
duī pile/heap up
率先 率先 shuàixiān take lead/initiative
起步 起步 qǐbù start (a task)
設廠 设厂 shèchǎng build a factory
地坪 地坪 dìpíng terrace, floor
自認 自认 zìrèn avow, be conscious, own, aware, resign oneself to, accept as unavoidable
投注 投注 tóuzhù throw into, throw one's energy/emotion into, throw one's emotion into, throw one's energy into, mortgage, emotion into, throw one's energy
羽毛 羽毛 yǔmáo plumage, feathering, plume, feather
巡視 巡视 xúnshì make inspection tour
供水 供水 gōngshuǐ supply water
好比 好比 hǎobǐ like, may be likened to, be just like, can be compared to
qiú request, entreat
紅血球 红血球 hóngxiěqiú red_blood_cell, erythrocyte, red blood cell
血壓 血压 xiěyā blood pressure
社會局 社会局 shèhuìjú Department of Social Welfare
巡視 巡视 xúnshì make inspection tour
好萊塢 好莱坞 hǎoláiwù Hollywood
成品 成品 chéngpǐn end, end product, turnoff, end/finished product, finished product, facture
相對論 相对论 xiāngduìlùn relativity, theory of relativity, relativism, relativistic, theory_of_relativity
病變 病变 bìngbiàn pathology
建築 建筑 jiànzhú build, construct, erect
衍生 衍生 yǎnshēng derive, form
xióng male, grand, imposing, powerful, mighty
供水 供水 gōngshuǐ supply water
不平 不平 bùpíng dissatisfaction
通車 通车 tōngchē be open to traffic, have transport service
總部 总部 zǒngbù base of operations, head office, armory, base, headquarters
遭遇 遭遇 zāoyū vicissitudes of life
遷移 迁移 qiānyí move, remove, migrate
腐敗 腐败 fǔbài rotten, putrid, decayed, corrupt
不平 不平 bùpíng dissatisfaction
市中心 市中心 shìzhōngxīn central city, municipal center, down_town, core city, city center, civic center, hub, civic_center, down town, town
公所 公所 gōngsuǒ public affairs office, administrative office
歌唱 歌唱 gēchàng sing
不以為然 不以为然 bùyǐwéirán disagree, not approve of, acceptable, object to, consider sth. not so, take exception to, right
說出來 说出来 shuōchūlái come out with, speak up
出色 出色 chūsè outstanding, remarkable, splendid
出發點 出发点 chūfādiǎn terminus a quo, base, takeoff, starting_point, start, starting_post, beachhead, springboard, starting, starting point, starting post
工業局 工业局 gōngyèjú Industrial Development Bureau
土木 土木 tǔmù girder, construction, building
中藥 中药 zhōngyào trad. Ch. medicine
工夫 工夫 gōngfū workmanship, skill, art
藍圖 蓝图 lántú pattern, blueprint, cyanotype, design, project outline
糟糕 糟糕 zāogāo terrible, Too bad!, What a mess!
女朋友 女朋友 nǔpéngyǒu jane, girl, girl friend, lady friend, girlfriend, amie
腐敗 腐败 fǔbài rotten, putrid, decayed, corrupt
rěn forbear, endure, put up with, be hardhearted enough to, hold back, bear, bide, toleration, tolerate, have the heart to, tolerance
發佈 发佈 fābù issue, announce
搬到 搬到 bāndào move
菁英 菁英 jīngyīng elite, person of outstanding ability
頒獎 颁奖 bānjiǎng present reward/honor
yāo particle: expressing exclamation/warning/negative evaluation/etc.
遷移 迁移 qiānyí move, remove, migrate
lún m.
起碼 起码 qǐmǎ at least
親眼 亲眼 qīnyǎn with one's own eyes, personally
談話 谈话 tánhuà talk, chat
綽號 绰号 chuòhào nickname
歌唱 歌唱 gēchàng sing
疑慮 疑虑 yílù misgivings, doubts
頻寬 频宽 pínkuān channel capacity, broadband
寧願 宁愿 níngyuàn prefer, (would) rather, better, choose
餐飲 餐饮 cānyǐn catering, foods, table
善惡 善恶 shànè good and evil
定義 定义 dìngyì define
高市 高市 gāoshì Kaohsiung city (a city in Taiwan)
起飛 起飞 qǐfēi take off (of planes/etc.)
追尋 追寻 zhuīxún pursue, search, track down
起飛 起飞 qǐfēi take off (of planes/etc.)
國度 国度 guódù country, state, nation, national expenditure
introducing instrument or target
深感 深感 shēngǎn feel deeply
神明 神明 shénmíng god, gods, divinities, deity, deities, divinity
情侶 情侣 qínglǔ sweethearts, lovers
透過 透过 tòuguò seep through
進場 进场 jìnchǎng march into arena
擔憂 担忧 dānyōu be apprehensive
聖經 圣经 shèngjīng Holy Scripture, bible, Word of God, Holy Bible, scriptural, Vulgate, Holy_Writ, testimony, book, writings of ancient sages, version, Holy Writ, Scripture, Word, scripture, Bible, Good Book
崩潰 崩溃 bēngkuì collapse, fall apart
意圖 意图 yìtú intention, intent
節約 节约 jiéyuē economize, save
訴說 诉说 sùshuō tell, relate, recount
善意 善意 shànyì good_faith, grace, good intention, benevolence, love, goodwill, good will
黑暗 黑暗 hēiàn dark aspect, seamy side
傷口 伤口 shāngkǒu wound, cut
節約 节约 jiéyuē economize, save
黑面琵鷺 黑面琵鹭 hēimiànpílù Black-faced Spoonbill
援助 援助 yuánzhù support, aid
進場 进场 jìnchǎng march into arena
維他命 维他命 wéitāmìng calciferol, vitamine, vitamin
運轉 运转 yùnzhuǎn revolve, turn round, work, operate
指稱 指称 zhǐchēng assert, declare, profess
guāi be at variance, well-behaved, obedient, oppose
改編 改编 gǎibiān adapt, rearrange, revise
決心 决心 juéxīn decide, make up one's mind
忠告 忠告 zhōnggào remonstrance, remonstration, monition, wind, admonishment, sincere advice, tip, steer, advice, advert, lead, rede, dehortation, expostulation, counsel, hint, admonition, exhortation, confidential information, pointer
改編 改编 gǎibiān adapt, rearrange, revise
佳作 佳作 jiāzuò fine piece of writing, excellent work
法師 法师 fǎshī exorcist, reverend, rabbi, enchanter, monk, a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest, magus, Master (title for Buddhist/Daoist priest), Master, master, Master (title for Buddhist, Daoist priest)
carve, engrave, cut
彷彿 彷彿 fǎngfú seem, as if
指稱 指称 zhǐchēng assert, declare, profess
面孔 面孔 miànkǒng phiz, face, physiognomy
浪潮 浪潮 làngcháo moving ridge, wave, tide
研商 研商 yánshāng study and discuss
貫徹 贯彻 guànchè carry out, implement
美商 美商 měishāng American business man, American merchants
香蕉 香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana
香味 香味 xiāngwèi spicery, incense, redolence, odor, aroma, spiciness, sweetness, fragrance, flavor, bouquet, sapidness, flavour, sapidity, perfume, spice, smell, snuff, scent, fragrancy, balm, nose, zest
信號 信号 xìnhào sign, cue, beacon, code, beacon fire, messenger, signal, semaphore, signaling, waft
恐龍 恐龙 kǒnglóng carnosaur, tyrannosaurus, Titanosaurus, dinosaur, dinosaurian
研商 研商 yánshāng study and discuss
流血 流血 liúxiě shed blood, hemorrhage, bloody, bleed
長城 长城 chángchéng impregnable bulwark, the Great Wall, Great Wall
食堂 食堂 shítáng mess_hall, eatery, hall, buttery, commissariat, (institutional) dining room, mess hall, mess, refectory, dining room, canteen
最少 最少 zuìshǎo minimum
xié oblique, inclined, tilted
業餘 业余 yèyū unpaid, dilettante, amateur, recreational
空前 空前 kōngqián unprecedented
寶座 宝座 bǎozuò throne
運轉 运转 yùnzhuǎn revolve, turn round, work, operate
move with hand/foot/stick/etc., turn, stir, poke
體貼 体贴 tǐtiē be considerate, be thoughtful
轉身 转身 zhuǎnshēn turn round, go_about, face about, turn
壞事 坏事 huàishì rascality, evildoing, misdoing, villainy, roguery, bad thing, malfeasance, evil deed, caper
大展 大展 dàzhǎn exhibition
民營化 民营化 mínyínghuà denationalize, privatize
大舉 大举 dàjǔ go_all_out, on a large scale, in a large scale, in a big way, (do sth.) on a large scale
上揚 上扬 shàngyáng rise
大半 大半 dàbàn det.: more than half
不動產 不动产 búdòngchǎn immovable, demesne, real estate, movable, estate, realty, immovables, reality, real property, freehold, real_estate, hereditament, real_property
一塊 一块 yīkuài at same place, together
聚會 聚会 jùhuì get-together, gathering
公關 公关 gōngguān person in public relations
寫成 写成 xiěchéng write
鼓舞 鼓舞 gǔwǔ inspire, hearten, dance for joy, rejoice
聯合會 联合会 liánhéhuì union, league, federation
學長 学长 xuézhǎng fellow student, department/division head in college/university, one's senior at school
樹枝 树枝 shùzhī branch, twig
綠化 绿化 lùhuà make (a place) green, afforest
頭部 头部 tóubù costard, crest, caput, head, nose, top section
綠化 绿化 lùhuà make (a place) green, afforest
賭博 赌博 dǔbó gamble
中途 中途 zhōngtú halfway, midstream, midway
鼓舞 鼓舞 gǔwǔ inspire, hearten, dance for joy, rejoice
貪污 贪污 tānwū corrupt, venal
高明 高明 gāomíng brilliant, wise
深入 深入 shēnrù go deep into, penetrate into
abandonment, abandon, discard, throw away
財源 财源 cáiyuán financial resources, source of revenue
處置 处置 chǔzhì deal with, manage, dispose of, punish
專屬 专属 zhuānshǔ be specific to
處置 处置 chǔzhì deal with, manage, dispose of, punish
洽談 洽谈 qiàtán hold trade talk, negotiate
國中生 国中生 guózhōngshēng students of junior high school
突破 突破 túpò breakthrough, penetration
降至 降至 jiàngzhì drop to, fall to
信託 信讬 xìntuō entrust
貪污 贪污 tānwū corrupt, venal
假使 假使 jiǎshǐ conj.: if, in case, in the event that
張開 张开 zhāngkāi gap, yawn, gape, dehisce, unfold, open, spread, yaw, splay
單打 单打 dāndǎ play by oneself
停車位 停车位 tíngchēwèi parking spot
bǎng bind, tie, bind sb.'s hands behind him, truss up
tián writing, fill in, stuff, write, fill, close, charge, fill up
貴賓 贵宾 guìbīn honored guest, VIP, visiting fireman, visitant, honoured guest, distinguished guest, visiting_fireman, honored/distinguished guest, honored
葡萄 葡萄 pútáo grape
隔壁 隔壁 gébì next door
沿岸 沿岸 yánàn coast, banks, seacoast, bank
光華 光华 guānghuá resplendence, splendor, brilliance, splendour, resplendency, glory
傾倒 倾倒 qīngdào pour
hùn fool/play around together
束縛 束缚 shùfú tie up, fetter
朝廷 朝廷 cháotíng imperial government, royal, court, courtly, royal government, government, royal/imperial court/government, imperial court, royal court
liǎng m.
低落 低落 dīluò low, downcast
字典 字典 zìdiǎn lexicon, wordbook, lexical, thesaurus, chararter dictionary, dictionary
如意 如意 rúyì as one wishes
注目 注目 zhùmù notice, fix one's eyes on, fix eyes on, rivet, remark, gaze at
色調 色调 sèdiào hue, tincture, tint, nuance, tonality, tone, chromaticity, tinct, dye, key, shade
冷漠 冷漠 lěngmò cold and detached, unconcerned, indifferent
低落 低落 dīluò low, downcast
供需 供需 gōngxū supply and demand
gào accuse, go to law against
例外 例外 lìwài excepted
作物 作物 zuòwù crop
洽談 洽谈 qiàtán hold trade talk, negotiate
但願 但愿 dànyuàn wish, if only..., I wish that..., may, might
束縛 束缚 shùfú tie up, fetter
任內 任内 rènnèi during term of office
奇異 奇异 qíyì bizarre, freak, odd, queer, fantastic, strange
冷漠 冷漠 lěngmò cold and detached, unconcerned, indifferent
交互 交互 jiāohù each other, mutual, alternately, in turn
即已 即已 jíyǐ already
典範 典范 diǎnfàn quintessence, nonpareil, example, specimen, nonsuch, apotheosis, ideal, nonesuch, prototype, monument, paragon, role model, soul, saint, model
剖析 剖析 pǒuxī analyze, dissect
紅茶 红茶 hóngchá tea, bohea, black_tea, black tea
剖析 剖析 pǒuxī analyze, dissect
官兵 官兵 guānbīng officers and men, government troops
人馬 人马 rénmǎ rider and mount, forces, coolies and beasts of burden, troops
尼泊爾 尼泊尔 níbóěr Nepal
友誼 友谊 yǒuyí fellowship, comity, communion, attachment, companionship, friendly relationship, sodality, association, friendship, good-fellowship, friendliness, company, palship
方程式 方程式 fāngchéngshì equation, formula
加重 加重 jiāzhòng make heavier, punctuate, increase, make or become more serious, weight, become more serious, exacerbate, aggravate, exasperate, make more serious, become heavier, increase the weight of, make
半數 半数 bànshù half, half (the number), det.: half
中華民族 中华民族 zhōnghuámínzú the Chinese nation, Ch. people
引來 引来 yǐnlái invoke, bring, invite, draw, ask for
權勢 权势 quánshì power and influence
及早 及早 jízǎo at an early date, as soon as possible
倘若 倘若 tǎngruò conj.: if, supposing, in case
釐清 厘清 líqīng clarify, bring home, make clear
城鄉 城乡 chéngxiāng urban and rural, town and country
collection of writings
看成 看成 kànchéng take for/as, as, look upon .. as, take for, take as, regard ... as
功用 功用 gōngyòng effect, function, usefulness, utility, use
審慎 审慎 shěnshèn cautious; circumspect
纖維 纤维 xiānwéi fiber, staple
děng class, grade
感慨 感慨 gǎnkài sigh with emotion
suān sick at heart, grieved, distressed, aching, tingling
雲門 云门 yúnmén Cloud Gate
節日 节日 jiérì festival, holiday
廢棄物 废弃物 fèiqìwù litter, refuse, trash
睡眠 睡眠 shuìmián sleep
盡情 尽情 jìnqíng fully, as much as one likes
豬肉 猪肉 zhūròu pork
疑惑 疑惑 yíhuò be perplexed, be uncertain
頻譜 频谱 pínpǔ spectrum, spectrogram
構圖 构图 gòutú composition (of picture)
miè destruction, go out, put out, wipe out, extermination, put/go out, put, exterminate, turn off, destroy, extinguish
裝備 装备 zhuāngbèi equipment, outfit
集會 集会 jíhuì assemble, rally, gather
稍後 稍后 shāohòu later on
集會 集会 jíhuì assemble, rally, gather
隔離 隔离 gélí keep apart, segregate, isolate
富有 富有 fùyǒu be rich in, be full of
置身 置身 zhìshēn place/keep oneself
跟隨 跟随 gēnsuí keep abreast, succeed, heel, come after, keep up, follow, tag, pursue
寒冷 寒冷 hánlěng cold, frigid
隔離 隔离 gélí keep apart, segregate, isolate
標記 标记 biāojì sign, mark, symbol
極其 极其 jíqí absolutely, extremely, very, parlous, heaps, utterly, entirely, miserably, goldarn, precious, exceedingly, passing, definitely, plaguily, passingly, totally, staving, goldurn, completely
摸索 摸索 mōsuǒ grope, feel about, fumble, try to find out
勞動力 劳动力 láodònglì labor force, labor, capacity for physical labor, able-bodied person
慈善 慈善 císhàn benevolent, charitable, philanthropic, benevolently
煉鋼 炼钢 liàngāng make steel
開朗 开朗 kāilǎng clear up (of weather)
激起 激起 jīqǐ elicit, feed, animate, stir up, arise, pique, enliven, fire, fan, inspire, galvanize, raise, enkindle, stir, arouse, wind up, excite, turn on, provoke, spark, kindle, sex, prompt, evoke, uprouse, ferment, whip_up, awake, rouse, evocation, invigorate, exalt
監獄 监狱 jiānyū prison, jail
劇院 剧院 jùyuàn theater
摸索 摸索 mōsuǒ grope, feel about, fumble, try to find out
誘惑 诱惑 yòuhuò tempt, seduce, lure
漲幅 涨幅 zhǎngfú range of rise
壽命 寿命 shòumìng life
莫過於 莫过于 mòguòyū nothing is more...than
相對的 相对的 xiāngduìde5 relatively
風光 风光 fēngguāng scene, view, sight
長老 长老 zhǎnglǎo elder, patriarch, elders, eldership, senior monk, paterfamilias, village elders, head of household, elder of a Buddhist monastery, graybeard, presbyter, sheikh, past_master, dean, past master, abbe
河南 河南 hénán Henan province
社會學 社会学 shèhuìxué demotics, sociological, sociology
耕耘 耕耘 gēngyún plowing and weeding, cultivation
接任 接任 jiērèn take over a job
頂尖 顶尖 dǐngjiān towering
副作用 副作用 fùzuòyòng side-effect
動畫 动画 dònghuà (animated) cartoon
排隊 排队 páiduì stand in line, queue
舉動 举动 jǔdòng behaviour, demeanor, dealing, deportment, motion, proceeding, conduct, behavior, demeanour, movement, comportment, action, move
口氣 口气 kǒuqì tone, note, manner of speaking, tone of voice, implication
開朗 开朗 kāilǎng clear up (of weather)
戲院 戏院 xìyuàn theater
耕耘 耕耘 gēngyún plowing and weeding, cultivation
現年 现年 xiànnián present age (of person)
推翻 推翻 tuīfān overturn, topple, repudiate, reverse
tān be corrupt, practice graft, covet, hanker after
混凝土 混凝土 hùnníngtǔ concrete
zhù bless, invoke blessing, express good wishes, wish
乾燥 干燥 gānzào dry, arid
牽涉 牵涉 qiānshè involve, drag in
結局 结局 jiéjú final result, outcome, ending
溪流 溪流 xīliú stream, rivulet, ghyll, rundel, gill, brook, watercourse, rundle, creek, river, flow
港務局 港务局 gǎngwùjú port office, port authority
時日 时日 shírì date, this day, auspicious time, day of the month, time
姐姐 姐姐 jiějiě sis, big_sister, elder sister, sister
沮喪 沮丧 jǔsàng depressed, disheartened
yuán m.
招呼 招呼 zhāohū take care lest, receive, yoo-hoo, notify, take care of, recognize, say hello to, greet, halloo, speak, notification, come up to, hail, work hard, tell, beckon, get into a fight, address, accost, mind, ask, call
bare, tear, pluck, choose, take out, stand out among, displume, uproot, pull up, tweak, draw, pull off, deplumate, deplume, pull, surpass, get out, raise, suck out, select, seize, seizure, cool in water, lift, pull_out, pick, capture, yank, pull out, pick off
皮草 皮草 pícǎo furs at furriers
行使 行使 xíngshǐ exercise, perform
身高 身高 shēngāo height, stature, height (of person)
注射 注射 zhùshè inject
車票 车票 chēpiào ticket (for train/bus)
步調 步调 bùdiào gait, pacing, marching, foot, march, pace, step, tempo
上演 上演 shàngyǎn produce, bring on, put on stage, play, stage, mount, perform, bring out, performance
妨礙 妨碍 fángài preclude, clog, set_back, prevent, trammel, arrest, counteract, set back, impede, foul, hamper, discourage, thwart, obstruction, impediment, stymie, hinder, deter, debar, halter, intercept, interfere, retard, jam, detain, spoke, hobble, resist, balk, countercheck, stymy, blockade, stonewall, stop, beset, embarrass, hamstring, forbid, kibosh, handicap, block, prohibit, snag, fox, cramp, encumb
sōng crisp, loose, light and flaky, slack, loosen, relax, unbend, soft, not hard up
次長 次长 cìzhǎng subaltern, vice minister, under secretary, undersecretary, rhetoric, vice-minister
免疫 免疫 miǎnyì immunize, immune
尿液 尿液 niàoyì water, pee, piss, piddle, urine, weewee
委屈 委屈 wěiqū feel wronged, be obstructed (in career), inconvenience (sb.)
合成 合成 héchéng prefabricate, composition, compound, synthesis, synthesize, synthesise, synthetic, synergistic, composite, compose
sòng Surname
完備 完备 wánbèi perfect
例行 例行 lìxíng regular, routine
投保 投保 tóubǎo protect, insure
strange, queer, rare
放射線 放射线 fàngshèxiàn radioactive rays
行使 行使 xíngshǐ exercise, perform
打扮 打扮 dǎbàn dress/make up, deck out, pose as
以內 以内 yǐnèi within, less than
日出 日出 rìchū sunrise
回頭 回头 huítóu later, by and by
力求 力求 lìqiú strive for, make every effort to, do one's best to, strive to
日出 日出 rìchū sunrise
叫聲 叫声 jiàoshēng hue, yawp, yell, hubhub, jug, clamor, interjection, call, bleat
了解到 了解到 liǎojiědào understand, comprehend, find out, acquaint oneself with
中產階級 中产阶级 zhōngchǎnjiējí bourgeois, third estate, middle bourgeoisie, middle_class, bourgeoisie, middle class/bourgeoisie, burgher, middle class
考驗 考验 kǎoyàn test
木柵 木栅 mùzhà picket_fence, palisade, crib, pale, Mu-cha
入口 入口 rùkǒu adit, window, gateway, propylaeum, entranceway, "in" door, entree, entrance, portal, in door, threshold, inlet, approach, door, entry, entering, access, entryway, intake, ingress
害羞 害羞 hàixiū be shy, bashful, coy, be bashful, shy, blush
大海 大海 dàhǎi seaway, sea, the open sea
沮喪 沮丧 jǔsàng depressed, disheartened
一剎那 一刹那 yīchànuó a very short time, tick, trice, a moment, shake
以至於 以至于 yǐzhìyū conj.: down/up to, to such an extent as to..., so...that...
一塊兒 一块儿 yīkuàiēr together
議程 议程 yìchéng agenda
yán salt
攝氏 摄氏 shèshì Celsius (thermometer)
diǎn a bit
攝影 摄影 shèyǐng take a photograph, shoot a film, film
鑽石 钻石 zuànshí diamond, watch jewel
抓到 抓到 zhuādào cop, catch
tóng Cu, cuprum, atomic number 29, copper, verdigris
大夫 大夫 dàifū a senior official in feudal China, physician, senior official, doctor
注射 注射 zhùshè inject
眼看 眼看 yǎnkàn see sth. happen, watch helplessly
阻力 阻力 zǔlì resistance, drag, impedimenta, impediment, obstruction, traction, pullback, retarding force
帝王 帝王 dìwáng Caesarean, purple, monarch, emperor, prince, roi, imperiality
後衛 后卫 hòuwèi halfback, guard, rearward, wingback, secondary, rear guard, rear, back, backfield, rearguard, fullback, running back, sweeper
抽樣 抽样 chōuyàng sample
花蓮縣 花莲县 huāliánxiàn Hualien County
抽樣 抽样 chōuyàng sample
承諾 承诺 chéngnuò promise
封閉 封闭 fēngbì resistant to anything new
brother, (elder) brother, blood brother, elder brother, brothers, boys
低價 低价 dījià cheap, song, low, low price
清涼 清凉 qīngliáng fresh and cool, refreshing
阻塞 阻塞 zǔsè block up, obstruct, clog
拿下 拿下 náxià put under arrest, put (sb.) under arrest
國樂 国乐 guóyuè trad. Ch. music
被動 被动 bèidòng passive
破裂 破裂 pòliè split up, flaw, rip, rend, splinter, part, break away, come_apart, chip off, come apart, bust, broken, break up, separate, chip, fracture, fall apart, split, break_down, crack, rupture, break off, come off, check, break, burst
推崇 推崇 tuīchóng esteem, praise highly
被動 被动 bèidòng passive
挽回 挽回 wǎnhuí retrieval, recover, retrieve, save, redeem, deliver
無所謂 无所谓 wúsuǒwèi not deserve the name of, be indifferent, cannot be designated as, not matter, can't be considered as
笑聲 笑声 xiàoshēng laughter
行動電話 行动电话 xíngdòngdiànhuà cellular_telephone, cellular telephone, cellular_phone, portable, walkie-talkie, cellular phone, walky-talky
印證 印证 yìnzhèng confirm, verify
bàn accompany
沙發 沙发 shāfā lounge, settee, sofa
決不 决不 juébù nohow, definitely not, anywise, scarcely, noway, nothing, never, in no way
老公 老公 lǎogōng old man, eunuch, married man, hubby, husband
制訂 制订 zhìdìng work/map out, formulate
合一 合一 héyī unify, unite, merge into one, coalesce, unification
柔軟 柔软 róuruǎn lithe, whippy, soft
足跡 足迹 zújī slot, track, footprint, footstep, wake, footmark, trace, trail, spoor, step
阻塞 阻塞 zǔsè block up, obstruct, clog
多達 多达 duōdá be as much as
即時 即时 jíshí instant
杯子 杯子 bēizi5 tumbler, drinking glass, cup, glass
急性 急性 jíxìng acute (of diseases)
拷貝 拷贝 kǎobèi re-create, copy
穿著 穿着 chuānzhuó dress
紀念堂 纪念堂 jìniàntáng memorial hall, commemoration hall, commemoration, memorial/commemoration hall, memorial
所有 所有 suǒyǒu own, possess
高爾夫球場 高尔夫球场 gāoěrfūqiúchǎng golf field
低價 低价 dījià cheap, song, low, low price
打死 打死 dǎsǐ kill, blast
動搖 动摇 dòngyáo totter, unnerve, faze, fluctuate, jounce, falter, oscillate, enervate, seesaw, stagger, waver, depolarize, vibrate, shaken, ferment, wabble, shake, churn, teeter, vacillate, wobble, rock, weaken, agitate, unsettle, sway, vacillation, hesitate
可貴 可贵 kěguì valuable, praiseworthy
民謠 民谣 mínyáo rhymes, folk rhyme, lieder, folk songs, folk ballad, folk_song, Volkslied, lay, folk songs/rhymes, common measure, folk rhymes, derry, folk song, common meter, ballad
出血 出血 chūxiě shed blood, have a hemorrhage, bleeding, bleed, spend money, phlebotomize, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, leech
出於 出于 chūyū proceed from, start from, stem from, start, proceed
白皮書 白皮书 báipíshū white paper/book, book, white paper, white book, white_paper
比照 比照 bǐzhào according to, compare to, in the light of
比不上 比不上 bǐbúshàng not compare with
不能不 不能不 bùnéngbù have to, cannot but
功力 功力 gōnglì effect, efficacy, craftsmanship, skill, capability, touch
分割 分割 fēngē cut apart, break up, partition
灌溉 灌溉 guàngài irrigate
獵人 猎人 lièrén shikaree, nimrod, yager, chasseur, chaser, jager, huntsman, jaeger, venerer, hunter
體積 体积 tǐjī volume, bulk
舉手 举手 jǔshǒu raise one's hand, haul_off, raise one's hand(s), show, put up one's hand
議長 议长 yìzhǎng speaker (of legislative body), president
釋放 释放 shìfàng release, set free
講評 讲评 jiǎngpíng comment on and appraise
翻譯 翻译 fānyì translate, interpret
警員 警员 jǐngyuán constable
不停 不停 bùtíng non-stop
殘酷 残酷 cánkù brutal, ruthless
提出來 提出来 tíchūlái put forward, pose, raise
通道 通道 tōngdào path, scuttle, headway, corridor, passageway, gateway, gallery, close, walkway, areaway, hatchway, thoroughfare, lobby, winze, passage, aisle, opening, gangway, gap, passage(way), clearance, passing, headroom, enterclose, inlet, jackladder, access, byway
傾聽 倾听 qīngtīng listen attentively to
開門 开门 kāimén open door (lit./fig.)
源自 源自 yuánzì originate, arise, grow, originate from, come, develop, spring up, derive, descend, be out of, rise
傾聽 倾听 qīngtīng listen attentively to
裝飾 装饰 zhuāngshì decorate, adorn, ornament, deck
腦袋 脑袋 nǎodài head
筆記 笔记 bǐjì short sketches, adversaria, notes, note
天花板 天花板 tiānhuābǎn plafond, ceiling
殘酷 残酷 cánkù brutal, ruthless
推崇 推崇 tuīchóng esteem, praise highly
儘快 尽快 jǐnkuài as quickly/soon as possible
器物 器物 qìwù implement, utensil
標題 标题 biāotí head, headline, title, superscription, statute title, header, headword, caption, cutline, rubric, heading
樹葉 树叶 shùyè leaves, foliage, leafage, leaf, leave, leaves (of trees)
遺物 遗物 yíwù hangover, legacy, survival, memento, survivor, things left behind by the deceased, holdover, souvenir, keepsake, reliquiae, things left by deceased, remnant
pave, spread, overlay, extend, unfold, lay, surface, set in order, bespread
tóu side
電通所 电通所 diàntōngsuǒ Computer & Communications Research Labs
分割 分割 fēngē cut apart, break up, partition
微弱 微弱 wéiruò faint, feeble, weak
廣州 广州 guǎngzhōu Canton, Guanzhou, Guangzhou city, Kuangchou, Guangzhou, Kwangchow
家電 家电 jiādiàn electrical household appliance, electrical home appliance, household electrical appliances
表揚 表扬 biǎoyáng praise, commend
得罪 得罪 dézuì disoblige, offend, displease, affront
專任 专任 zhuānrèn full-time, regular
核子 核子 hézǐ nuclear, nucleon
統統 统统 tǒngtǒng all, entirely, totally, completely
酒店 酒店 jiǔdiàn wineshop, public house
紙張 纸张 zhǐzhāng paper
仿冒 仿冒 fǎngmào imitate
清除 清除 qīngchú eliminate, get rid of
長庚 长庚 chánggēng ancient Chinese name for Venus, Chang Gung, old name for Venus
清除 清除 qīngchú eliminate, get rid of
時數 时数 shíshù time
掃描 扫描 sǎomiáo scan
細緻 细致 xìzhì careful, meticulous, painstaking
跳水 跳水 tiàoshuǐ dive
登場 登场 dēngcháng be taken to threshing ground, come on stage
診斷 诊断 zhěnduàn diagnose
做錯 做错 zuòcuò make mistake, err
乖乖 乖乖 guāiguāi well-behaved, obedient
收取 收取 shōuqǔ collect, gather
抨擊 抨击 pēngjí attack (in speech/writing), assail
姊妹 姊妹 jiěmèi elder and younger sisters
光輝 光辉 guānghuī radiancy, irradiancy, blaze, sparkle, fire, shininess, shine, resplendency, glory, glare, magnificence, sheen, lustre, grandeur, splendor, lucidity, coruscation, refulgence, grandness, burnish, brilliance, flame, glow, luminosity, glitter, luster, refulgency, radiance, irradiance, glowing, halo, resplendence, splendour, effulgence
灰色 灰色 huīsè pessimistic, grey, ashy, grayness, ambiguous, grizzle, gloomy, gray, greyness, obscure
收取 收取 shōuqǔ collect, gather
宛如 宛如 wǎnrú be just like
思潮 思潮 sīcháo trend of thought, thought, current, ideological trend, orientation, thoughts, genius
命令 命令 mìnglìng order, command
恐慌 恐慌 kǒnghuāng panic
忍耐 忍耐 rěnnài forbear, stand, go, stomach, abide, put up, hold_out, suppress, sustain, brave out, persevere, remain, support, endure, put up with, exercise restraint, suffer, restrain oneself, brave, bear, brook, resist, exercise patience, tolerate, thole, weather
坦白 坦白 tǎnbái frank, candid
行銷 行销 xíngxiāo be on sale, sell
西北 西北 xīběi northwest, Northwest China, the Northwest
成就 成就 chéngjiù achieve, accomplish
兩廳院 两厅院 liǎngtīngyuàn theater and music center
恐慌 恐慌 kǒnghuāng panic
放假 放假 fàngjià have a day off, have a vacation, have day off, have or be on vacation, have or be on holiday, have a holiday, vacation
堪稱 堪称 kānchēng may be rated as, can be rated as...
作畫 作画 zuòhuà draw/paint a picture
代理商 代理商 dàilǐshāng amaldar, agent, business_agent, broker, factor, business agent, manufacturer's agent
雇用 雇用 gùyòng employ, hire
壓縮 压缩 yāsuō reduce, pack together, compact, encapsulate, cut down, compressed, constrict, reduction, shrink, condensation, compress, condense, strangulate, compression
歌詞 歌词 gēcí words of song, lyrics
領取 领取 lǐngqǔ draw, receive
打出 打出 dǎchū tap, tee_off, play, beat_out, bingle
考生 考生 kǎoshēng candidate for an entrance examination, examinee
永續 永续 yǒngxù permanent, perpetual, everlasting
必修 必修 bìxiū required/obligatory (course), obligatory, obligatory (course), required
未婚 未婚 wèihūn single, maiden, unmarried
管線 管线 guǎnxiàn pipes and power lines, cables, general term for cables/etc., general term for pipes/cables/etc., pipeline, general term for pipes, etc.
手腕 手腕 shǒuwàn wrist
嶄新 崭新 zhǎnxīn newly, bran-new, spick-and-span, spic-and-span, brand-new, spick and span, completely new
一來 一来 yīlái in the first place, ...
共鳴 共鸣 gòngmíng sympathy, fellow feeling, vibration, consonance, resonance, sympathetic response
謙虛 谦虚 qiānxū make modest remarks
離家 离家 líjiā be away from home, leave home
繳交 缴交 jiǎojiāo deliver to, transmit
鑰匙 钥匙 yàoshi5 key
籠罩 笼罩 lóngzhào envelop, shroud
鍵入 键入 jiànrù enter, key in, key/type (in), type (in), type, key
體諒 体谅 tǐliàng make allowances for
右傾 右倾 yòuqīng Right deviation
衝突 冲突 chōngtú conflicting
並列 并列 bìngliè appose, collocate, stand side by side, be juxtaposed, juxtapose
鈔票 钞票 chāopiào bank note, paper money, bill
博覽會 博览会 bólǎnhuì expo, trade fair, exhibition, exposition, fair, Expo
登場 登场 dēngcháng be taken to threshing ground, come on stage
跳水 跳水 tiàoshuǐ dive
學年 学年 xuénián school/academic year
punish, penalize
戲曲 戏曲 xìqǔ traditional opera, drama, trad. opera, singing parts in ^chuan2 qi2 ^ and ^za2, singing parts in ^chuan2qi2^ and ^za2ju4^
機讀 机读 jīdú machine-read
bào sea-ear, abalone, Surname, Bao
chēng prop up, brace, push/move with a pole, maintain, keep up
雇用 雇用 gùyòng employ, hire
截止 截止 jiézhǐ end, cut off, expire, close
應徵 应征 yìngzhēng enlist
摩托車 摩托车 mótuōchē motorcycle, motorbike
調查局 调查局 diàochájú The Bureau of Investigation
緩和 缓和 huǎnhé relax, ease up, mitigate, appease
默契 默契 mòqì tacit/secret agreement, tacit agreement, understanding, secret agreement, privity, tacit
暢銷 畅销 chàngxiāo sell well
tàn sigh, exclaim (admiringly/etc.)
領取 领取 lǐngqǔ draw, receive
享用 享用 xiǎngyòng enjoy the use of, enjoy (use of), enjoyment, enjoy
招標 招标 zhāobiāo invite tenders/bids
守法 守法 shǒufǎ abide by law
名譽 名誉 míngyū honour, laurel, celebrity, worship, character, odor, credit, repute, fame, name, rep, reputation, honorary, distinction, regard, honor
巡邏 巡逻 xúnluó patrol
自助 自助 zìzhù bootstrap, self-service, self-helf
扭轉 扭转 niǒuzhuǎn turn round/back, reverse, remedy (a situation)
合唱 合唱 héchàng choir, do a chorus, sing in a chorus, chorus, descant
存放 存放 cúnfàng leave with, leave in sb.'s care, deposit (money)
成敗 成败 chéngbài result, success or failure
罕見 罕见 hǎnjiàn rare, rarely seen
星團 星团 xīngtuán star cluster
降到 降到 jiàngdào drop to, fall to
移送法辦 移送法办 yísòngfǎbàn arrest and deal with according to law, bring to justice
威權 威权 wēiquán authoritativeness, authority, authoritarian, power
交易 交易 jiāoyì deal, trade
長途 长途 chángtú long-distance, long distance
革新 革新 géxīn innovate
皇家 皇家 huángjiā royal, imperial house, imperial family, imperial family/house, house
zhí be worth
附設 附设 fùshè have as an attached institution
招標 招标 zhāobiāo invite tenders/bids
油畫 油画 yóuhuà canvas, painting, canvass, oil, oil painting, oil_painting, oil paint
zhān moisten, daub, get ... out of association, soak, partake, profit from, touch, be stained with
起點 起点 qǐdiǎn starting point
起源 起源 qǐyuán origin
糾正 纠正 jiūzhèng correct, redress
歸納 归纳 guīnà sum up, conclude, induce
坐下 坐下 zuòxià subside, sit, sit down, sink, sit_down
低迷 低迷 dīmí low
交貨 交货 jiāohuò deliver goods
制止 制止 zhìzhǐ forbear, restrict, oppress, prevention, hold back, inhibit, allay, stop, prevent, staunch, turn back, arrest, stanch, suppress, interdict, discourage, pull_up, abate, blink, quell, restrain, deter, repress, crush, omit, shush, countercheck, check, curb, contain
扭轉 扭转 niǒuzhuǎn turn round/back, reverse, remedy (a situation)
(soft) rime
變為 变为 biànwéi change to, become
轟炸 轰炸 hōngzhà bomb
攝取 摄取 shèqǔ absorb, assimilate, take photograph of, shoot
寶石 宝石 bǎoshí precious stone, gem
守法 守法 shǒufǎ abide by law
警告 警告 jǐnggào (disciplinary) warning
巡邏 巡逻 xúnluó patrol
生前 生前 shēngqián during lifetime (of deceased)
因果 因果 yīnguǒ cause and effect, karma, preordained fate
存放 存放 cúnfàng leave with, leave in sb.'s care, deposit (money)
zōng m.
貝殼 贝壳 bèiké cowrie, shell, cameo, conch, seashell, valve, clamshell
有空 有空 yǒukòng have time (to do sth.)
忠實 忠实 zhōngshí leal, faithful, true
作文 作文 zuòwén composition
使出 使出 shǐchū exert, peg, use
老公公 老公公 lǎogōnggōng old man, husband's father, father-in-law, husbands' father, grandpa, old_man
革新 革新 géxīn innovate
攝取 摄取 shèqǔ absorb, assimilate, take photograph of, shoot
糾正 纠正 jiūzhèng correct, redress
會同 会同 huìtóng handle jointly with other organizations, join, handle jointly with other organizations concerned
zhǔn accurate, exact
提名 提名 tímíng nominate
筆墨 笔墨 bǐmò words, writing
路程 路程 lùchéng distance travelled, journey
截至 截至 jiézhì by (specified time), up to
臺灣省 台湾省 táiwānshěng Taiwan
complete, prepared, together
zhuāng m.
湿 shī humidify, moisten, humid, damp, dampen, wet
演戲 演戏 yǎnxì pretence, roleplay, playact, act, act in a play, playacting, put on a play, put on or act in a play, pretend, play act, play
提名 提名 tímíng nominate
縱使 纵使 zòngshǐ conj.: even if/though
螃蟹 螃蟹 pángxiè crab
演藝 演艺 yǎnyì histrionics
滿 mǎn full, complete, satisfied, conceited, reach limit, expire, be over
輪椅 轮椅 lúnyǐ wheelchair
巧妙 巧妙 qiǎomiào felicitous, skillful, ingenious, clever, shrewd
分化 分化 fēnhuà disintegrate
用法 用法 yòngfǎ hang, usage, use
北大 北大 běidà Peking University
人次 人次 réncì man-times, man-times (analogous to "man-hours")
分化 分化 fēnhuà disintegrate
反映出 反映出 fǎnyìngchū reflect, mirror
才華 才华 cáihuá literary talent, artistic talent, literary, literacy, flair, literary/artistic talent
平埔族 平埔族 píngbǔzú Pinnpou ethnic minority(in Taiwan)
旅程 旅程 lǔchéng travel plan, journeying, itinerary, route, stage, peregrination, journey
悠久 悠久 yōujiǔ long in time
野鳥 野鸟 yěniǎo wild birds
雲林 云林 yúnlín Yunlin
情懷 情怀 qínghuái feelings, mood
秦王 秦王 qínwáng the emperor of Qin
無非 无非 wúfēi nothing but, than, simply, only
lián Surname
wild, undomesticated
部署 部署 bùshù dispose, deploy
偏差 偏差 piānchā deviation, error
位子 位子 wèizi5 seat, place
當地人 当地人 dāngdìrén native, a local
意者 意者 yìzhě someone who is interested in something
想必 想必 xiǎngbì surely, it may be assumed that, presumably, most likely, presumptively, most probably, likely, most probably/likely
脆弱 脆弱 cuìruò fragile, frail, weak
zhì nevus, mole
無能 无能 wúnéng incompetent, incapable
傳真 传真 chuánzhēn portraiture, facsimile, fax
無能 无能 wúnéng incompetent, incapable
萎縮 萎缩 wěisuō wither, shrivel, shrink, sag, atrophy
wèi hello, hey
萎縮 萎缩 wěisuō wither, shrivel, shrink, sag, atrophy
換取 换取 huànqǔ get in return, buy, exchange ... for, barter ... for, exchange sth. for, exchange
渡過 渡过 dùguò pass, spend (time/etc.)
帳號 帐号 zhànghào account number (of bank/etc.)
描述 描述 miáoshù description
貨品 货品 huòpǐn kinds or types of goods, store, types of goods, goods, types of goods/product, product, merchandise, types of product, wares, truck
消防 消防 xiāofáng fight/prevent fire
zhuō m.
hùn mix, confuse
帶原者 带原者 dàiyuánzhě reservoir
得來 得来 délái gain, receive
貧血 贫血 pínxiě anemia
排水 排水 páishuǐ drain off water
現存 现存 xiàncún be extant, be in stock
liáng cool, cold, discouraged, disappointed
跑去 跑去 pǎoqù run
淡化 淡化 dànhuà desalinate
排水 排水 páishuǐ drain off water
情操 情操 qíngcāo sentiment (intellectual/aesthetic/etc.)
評論 评论 pínglùn comment, commentary, review
愛上 爱上 àishàng fall for, fall in love with
進攻 进攻 jìngōng attack, assault
xián not busy, unoccupied, not in use, idle
腦子 脑子 nǎozi5 brain, mind, head
跨越 跨越 kuàyuè leap over, bestride, straddle, overstretch, span, stride, soar, spraddle, cut across, stride across
幾何 几何 jǐhé geometrical, geometry, geometric
買下 买下 mǎixià purchase, buy
進攻 进攻 jìngōng attack, assault
pagoda, stupa, tower
承諾 承诺 chéngnuò promise to do sth.
高溫 高温 gāowēn heat, high temperature
fill in, stuff in, stuff, fill, squeeze in, bung, spile, squeeze, line, stick, fill/stuff in
撤出 撤出 chèchū remove, take away, withdraw, evacuate
dǎng ward off, block, get in the way of
反之 反之 fǎnzhī contrarily, thereagainst, contrariwise, on_the_contrary, conversely, on the contrary, otherwise
jǐng Jing, well, Surname, something in the shape of a well
氾濫 氾滥 fànlàn be in flood, overflow, inundate, spread unchecked
上限 上限 shàngxiàn cap, upper limit
代表團 代表团 dàibiǎotuán contingent, delegacy, mission, deputation, delegation
氾濫 氾滥 fànlàn be in flood, overflow, inundate, spread unchecked
外加 外加 wàijiā additionally, in addition, superadd, additional, more, add, addition, extra
付諸 付诸 fùzhū submit/present to, present to, implement, submit, cause, submit to
糖尿病 糖尿病 tángniàobìng diabetic, diabetes, glycosuria
複製 复制 fùzhì duplicate, reproduce
整治 整治 zhěngzhì renovate, repair, dredge (river/etc.), punish, discipline, do, work at, prepare, make ready, arrange, regulate, deal with problem or adversary
複製 复制 fùzhì duplicate, reproduce
餘額 余额 yūé vacancies yet to be filled, remains, balance, remaining sum
維繫 维系 wéixì maintain
優越 优越 yōuyuè excel, exceed, superior, outstanding, transcend
卡車 卡车 kǎchē teamster, motortruck, lorry, camion, truck
容忍 容忍 róngrěn tolerate, condone
屬性 属性 shǔxìng attribute, property
驚奇 惊奇 jīngqí wonder, be surprised/amazed
彎曲 弯曲 wānqū distort
翻開 翻开 fānkāi unfold, open up, open, spread, spread out, break_out, tear up
擷取 撷取 jiéqǔ pick, select
點燃 点燃 diǎnrán light_up, light up, kindle, enkindle, burn, tind, light, inflame, ignition, set fire to, ignite, emblaze
市議會 市议会 shìyìhuì city council
生活圈 生活圈 shēnghuóquān living space
維繫 维系 wéixì maintain
出巡 出巡 chūxún carry out tour of inspection, be in royal progress, make tour of inspection
resistance, reject, resist, refuse, refusal, repel
包容 包容 bāoróng forgive, pardon, contain
大事 大事 dàshì important matter, nevermind, capper, overall situation, important events, major event, significant national events, major issue
甘心 甘心 gānxīn be reconciled, be willing, pleased, resigned to, be content with, be reconciled to, be reconciled/resigned to, be resigned to, resign oneself to
山頭 山头 shāntóu mountain stronghold, top of a mountain, hilltop, mountain top, faction
ivory, cuspid, fang, broker, tooth-like thing, tusk, tooth
故障 故障 gùzhàng malfunction, break
物種 物种 wùzhǒng species
容忍 容忍 róngrěn tolerate, condone
屏東縣 屏东县 píngdōngxiàn Pingtung County
派出 派出 pàichū send, dispatch
重整 重整 chóngzhěng rally
環繞 环绕 huánrào circle, environ, encincture, encirclement, hoop, surround, cincture, gird, circumvolute, sphere, skirt, encircle, circumfluent, enwreathe, revolve around, border, girdle, girth, enring, rim
看似 看似 kànsì looks like
月餅 月饼 yuèbǐng moon cake
河水 河水 héshuǐ river water
nài endure, durable, stand, withstand, be able to bear or endure, bear, resistance, resist
抱負 抱负 bàofù aspiration, ambition
外科 外科 wàikē surgery, chirurgery, surgical, surgical department
哎喲 哎哟 āiyāo of surprise/pain
美觀 美观 měiguān pleasing to the eye
拼命 拼命 pīnmìng go all out regardless of danger to one's life, fight desperately, exerting the utmost strength, risk life, make death-defying effort, defy death, risk one's life, with all one's might
侷限 侷限 júxiàn confinement, confine, limit
xìng surname, family/clan name
故障 故障 gùzhàng malfunction, break
福祉 福祉 fúzhǐ well-being, light, happiness, material benefits, social welfare, weal, blessedness, welfare
xiōng fiendish, ferocious, murderous
安寧 安宁 ānníng peaceful, tranquil, calm, composed, free from worry
列出 列出 lièchū list, provide list of
xìng surname, family/clan name
安全性 安全性 ānquánxìng security, safety
屁股 屁股 pìgǔ tail end, croupe, stern, tooshie, ass, tush, backside, posterior, arse, behind, haunch, arsehole, anus, end, bottom, can, buns, beam-ends, hip, bum, buttocks, hindquarters, hind end, fundament, tokus, croup, tushie, butt, fanny, slat, bucket, keister, buttock, rear, asshole, prat, rear end, tail, seat, derriere, rump
安寧 安宁 ānníng peaceful, tranquil, calm, composed, free from worry
死去 死去 sǐqù die
走私 走私 zǒusī smuggle
坊間 坊间 fāngjiān on the street stalls, in the bookshops
走私 走私 zǒusī smuggle
抉擇 抉择 juézé option, alternative, decision, choice
利多 利多 lìduō wrinkle
自來水 自来水 zìláishuǐ running/tap water, running, tap_water, running water, tap water
保送 保送 bǎosòng recommend sb. for admission to school/etc.
皇后 皇后 huánghòu kaiserin, queen consort, queen, empress, queen_consort, Kaiserin
息息相關 息息相关 xíxíxiāngguān be closely linked, be closely bound up
蔓延 蔓延 mànyán spread out, extend
lattice, grid, squares
méi Surname
發放 发放 fāfàng provide, grant, extend
配偶 配偶 pèiǒu spouse
填寫 填写 tiánxiě fill in a form
區運 区运 qūyùn regional sports meet
陸委會 陆委会 lùwěihuì Mainland Affairs Council
dǐng top, tip
消耗 消耗 xiāohào consume, use up, deplete
現已 现已 xiànyǐ already
接待 接待 jiēdài receive (guests), serve (customers)
淡大 淡大 dàndà Tamkang University
統合 统合 tǒnghé unified, synthesized
填寫 填写 tiánxiě fill in a form
族人 族人 zúrén clan members, relatives
統合 统合 tǒnghé unified, synthesized
hán shiver, cold
遊玩 遊玩 yóuwán amuse oneself, play, go sight-seeing, stroll about
喚起 唤起 huànqǐ arouse, call, recall
買進 买进 mǎijìn buy, purchase
純粹 纯粹 chúncuì unmixed, unalloyed, pure, unadulterated
財力 财力 cáilì financial resources
缺陷 缺陷 quēxiàn gap, deficiency, trouble, flaw, blemishment, blemish, shortage, limitation, incapacity, defect, shortcoming, deformity, defacement, drawback, disfigurement, disadvantage
終生 终生 zhōngshēng all one's life
做飯 做饭 zuòfàn do the cooking, prepare a meal, prepare meal
dǐng gore, butt, go against, push from below/behind, retort, turn down
有益 有益 yǒuyì profit, benefit, conduce, advantageous, be helpful, conducive, subserve, avail, suit
海運 海运 hǎiyùn sea transportation, ocean shipping
安徽 安徽 ānhuī Anhui (province)
威尼斯 威尼斯 wēinísī Venezia, Venice
流水 流水 liúshuǐ presto, turnover, flowing water, turnover (in business), flowing/running water, flowing, running water
借用 借用 jièyòng use sth. for another purpose, have the loan of, use ... for another purpose, borrow
修理 修理 xiūlǐ repair, mend, fix
污水 污水 wūshuǐ slops, sewage, wastewater, sewerage, waste water, drainage, sewer water, slop, foul water, polluted water, waste, effluent
西方人 西方人 xīfāngrén Westerner, westerner, Hesperian, Western, western people
在座 在座 zàizuò be present
zhé m.
言行 言行 yánxíng words and deeds
佳績 佳绩 jiājī good result, high score
多采多姿 多采多姿 duōcǎiduōzī varied and graceful
有事 有事 yǒushì be occupied/busy, if problems arise
修理 修理 xiūlǐ repair, mend, fix
用到 用到 yòngdào used in
走去 走去 zǒuqù walk to
大溪 大溪 dàxī Da xi
代為 代为 dàiwéi run things for someone
加盟 加盟 jiāméng align
凸顯 凸显 túxiǎn relieve, to make prominent or effective by contrast
上場 上场 shàngchǎng appear on the stage, enter, appear, enter the playing court, enter the playing field, enter the stage, appear on stage
加盟 加盟 jiāméng align