Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000 in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000 you have here. The definition of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000 will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofAppendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
Traditional Simplified Pinyin Meaning
文藝 文艺 wényì literature and art
沿途 沿途 yántú on the way, throughout a journey
招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests), serve (customers)
架設 架设 jiàshè erect (on stilts/posts)
招待 招待 zhāodài receive (guests), serve (customers)
長官 长官 zhǎngguān official, principal, senior, superordinate, chief, commanding official, prefect, senior officer, president, higher-up, magistrate, ephor, superior, superintendent, commanding officer, director, governor, syndic, senior/commanding officer/official, chancellor
師傅 师傅 shīfù emperor, tutor of king, tutor of emperor, professional, address for service workers, master, general term of address in late 7 0 s an, general term of address in late 70s and 80s, master worker, tutor of king/emperor
哲學家 哲学家 zhéxuéjiā philosopher
夏威夷 夏威夷 xiàwēiyí Aloha State, Hawaii, Hawai'i, HI
放置 放置 fàngzhì dispose, feed, set, locate, go, plant, pose, sit, lay, stick, shove, repose, bestow, sock, lay aside, perch, put, position, deposit, depose, get, lay up, mount, place, localize
沈重 沈重 chénzhòng heavy, serious
泥土 泥土 nítǔ dirt, muck, earth, marl, soil, soli, clay, clart
juàn volume, coil, furl, roll, spool, documents, m., ,part, data file, tome, reel, book, examination paper, cylindrical mass of something, file, dossier
自我 自我 zìwǒ stick to one's own way of doing things
見解 见解 jiànjiě eyeshot, view, horizon, understanding, outlook, light, eyes, spectacle, judgment, sentiment, eyesight, opinion, thought, sight, standpoint, bet, hypothesis, eye, viewpoint, theory, possibility, judgement, slant, doxy, purview, ruling, thinking, supposal, position, persuasion, mind
定期 定期 dìngqí periodical, regular
推銷 推销 tuīxiāo promote sale of, peddle
里長 里长 lǐzhǎng head of a neighborhood of 25 families, precinct head
善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind, decent
det.: odd, plus
遺跡 遗迹 yíjī traces, site, hangover, remains, shadow, vestigium, relic, historical remains, vestiges, trace, vestige, monument, remnant
演說 演说 yǎnshuō speech, address
shuì droit, tax, geld, due, scot, exaction, capital levy, gabelle, duty, taxation, revenue enhancement
經銷 经销 jīngxiāo sell on commission, sell
遊樂 遊乐 yóulè amuse oneself, have fun
麻醉 麻醉 mázuì anesthesize, poison, drug
評審 评审 píngshěn judge, referee, umpire
董事會 董事会 dǒngshìhuì board, board of directors, board of administration, syndicate, directorate, board of regents, board of trustees, board_of_directors, directory
病情 病情 bìngqíng patient's condition
善良 善良 shànliáng good and kind, decent
數位 数位 shùwèi digital
勇於 勇于 yǒngyū be bold in, have the courage to, have courage to, be brave in
商量 商量 shāngliáng talk, consult, arrange, confer, talk over, discussion, advise, discuss, concert
繁華 繁华 fánhuá flourishing, bustling, busy
章程 章程 zhāngchéng constitution, rules, charter, rule, regulation, code, regulations, solution, statute, law, contract, procedure, way, memorandum, prospectus
清新 清新 qīngxīn pure and fresh, refreshing (of style/fashion/etc.)
強人 强人 qiángrén Big Brother, strong man, strongman, big_brother, highwaymen, robbers, powerful person
降價 降价 jiàngjià lower prices
哪兒 哪儿 nǎér where
致使 致使 zhìshǐ become, render, go, get, result in, cause, make
內外 内外 nèiwài inside and outside, domestic and foreign
明明 明明 míngmíng obviously, plainly
院方 院方 yuànfāng hospital authorities
員警 员警 yuánjǐng policeman
金門 金门 jīnmén Chinmen, Kinmen (County in Taiwan)
耶穌 耶稣 yēsū Galilean, Jesus, cross
dǎo fall over, topple, collapse
收拾 收拾 shōushí put in order, tidy up
自覺 自觉 zìjué be conscious/aware
xíng form, shape, body, entity
老板 老板 lǎobǎn proprietor, chief, shopkeeper, Tuan, baas, honcho, hirer, storekeeper, milord, mugwump, cit, market keeper, buckra, governor, boss, joss, tradesman, employer, guv
老年 老年 lǎonián senescence, caducity, senility, old_age, agedness, hoariness, age, old age
候鳥 候鸟 hòuniǎo visitant, bird of passage, bird_of_passage, migrator, migrant, migratory bird, visitor
shin, spurn, drop-kick, prick, boot, kick, toe, dropkick, play, lunge, punt
反覆 反复 fǎnfù repeatedly, backward_and_forward
力氣 力气 lìqì physical strength, effort
不法 不法 bùfǎ lawless, illegal
不惜 不惜 bùxí not stint, not hesitate (to do sth.)
營收 营收 yíngshōu income( of business)
福建 福建 fújiàn Fujian, Fujian (province), Fukien
寬廣 宽广 kuānguǎng wide, vast, extensive, broad
總和 总和 zǒnghé sum, total, sum total
瓶頸 瓶颈 píngjǐng bottleneck
縣政府 县政府 xiànzhèngfǔ county government
tōng m.
盡力 尽力 jìnlì do_one's_best, do all one can, render, take pains, be at pains, take_pains, stretch, strain, strive, try one's best
繁華 繁华 fánhuá flourishing, bustling, busy
減肥 减肥 jiǎnféi lose weight
等候 等候 děnghòu hold back, wait, look, expect, abide, await, hold off, tarry, expectation, hang_on
圍牆 围墙 wéiqiáng enclosing wall
隊員 队员 duìyuán team member
農曆 农历 nónglì farmer's_calendar, lunar calendar, lunar_calendar
減肥 减肥 jiǎnféi lose weight
電玩 电玩 diànwán computer game
增添 增添 zēngtiān increase, accession, throw in, point_up, add, subjoin, addition, lend
擴展 扩展 kuòzhǎn expand, spread, extend
心理學 心理学 xīnlǐxué psychology
zhèn town, garrison post, trading center
chū play, m.,
輿論 舆论 yūlùn sense, vox_populi, popular opinion, public opinion, opinion, public_opinion, consensus, vox populi
編輯 编辑 biānjí editor, compiler
發電 发电 fādiàn electricity generation, generate electricity
創造出 创造出 chuàngzàochū create
悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved, sorrowful
擴展 扩展 kuòzhǎn expand, spread, extend
義賣 义卖 yìmài sell something for public welfare
悲觀 悲观 bēiguān pessimistic
裝置 装置 zhuāngzhì install, fit
買賣 买卖 mǎimài buying and selling, business deal/transaction, (small) merchant enterprise
義賣 义卖 yìmài sell something for public welfare
管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject sb. to discipline, restrain and instruct
jìng still, quiet, calm
新知 新知 xīnzhī new knowledge/learning
舞會 舞会 wǔhuì kickup, fandango, ball, debut, dance, promenade, dance (party), shindig, prom
悲哀 悲哀 bēiāi grieved, sorrowful
寢室 寝室 qǐnshì bedchamber, sleeping room, roost, chamber, dormitory, bower, lying, bedroom
管教 管教 guǎnjiào subject sb. to discipline, restrain and instruct
遴選 遴选 línxuǎn select (sb. for a post)
廣東 广东 guǎngdōng Kwangtung, Guangdong, Guangdong province
遴選 遴选 línxuǎn select (sb. for a post)
檢察官 检察官 jiǎncháguān public prosecutor
手臂 手臂 shǒubì arm
一家人 一家人 yìjiārén house
心頭 心头 xīntóu mind, heart
土壤 土壤 tǔrǎng soil
大廳 大厅 dàtīng big/main hall, parlor
檢索 检索 jiǎnsuǒ retrieve, research
南北 南北 nánběi north and south, from east to west, north-south
懷孕 怀孕 huáiyùn gravid, expect, in a family way, with child, pregnant, be pregnant, gestate, impregnate, carry, bear, carry to term, be expecting, conceive
turn round and look at, attend to, look after, take into consideration, visit, call on
醫藥 医药 yīyào medicament, medicine, curative, medication, remedy, physic
印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print
志願 志愿 zhìyuàn aspiration, wish, ideal
liè arrange, line up, list, enter in a list
gān hepatic, liver
印刷 印刷 yìnshuā print
替代 替代 tìdài replace, supervene upon, replacement, supersede, substitute for, alternate, substitute, supersession, displace, supplant
使命 使命 shǐmìng vocation, calling, military mission, mission, embassy, errand
惡劣 恶劣 èliè vile, nasty
研判 研判 yánpàn infer
長遠 长远 chángyuǎn long-range, long, long-term, far-reaching
葉子 叶子 yèzi5 foliage, frond, leafage, leaf, leave
惡劣 恶劣 èliè vile, nasty
男士 男士 nánshì gent, man, men, menfolk
悲觀 悲观 bēiguān pessimistic
郊區 郊区 jiāoqū suburban district, outskirts
準備好 准备好 zhǔnbèihǎo get ready
祭典 祭典 jìdiǎn memorial services, fiesta, sacrificial rites
tuō cast/come off, shed, take off, escape from
情事 情事 qíngshì affair, matter, thing, business
take notice of, pay attention to
持股 持股 chígǔ own stock
miàn entire area (as opposed to particular points), surface, top, cover, face
油價 油价 yóujià oil/gasoline/petrol price
zhòng every
zhǐ only
寶貝 宝贝 bǎobèi treasured object, treasure, darling, baby, cowry, good-for-nothing, odd character
可行性 可行性 kěxíngxìng feasibility
平行 平行 píngxíng of equal rank, parallel, simultaneous
手腳 手脚 shǒujiǎo hand and foot, motions (of hands/feet), underhand method, trick
主機板 主机板 zhǔjībǎn mother_board
bǎo treasure
山水 山水 shānshuǐ mountains and water, landscape, landscape painting
響起 响起 xiǎngqǐ ring_out, ring out, speak, sound, start to ring
藍色 蓝色 lánsè blue, blue (color), blueness
鐘頭 钟头 zhōngtóu hour
紓解 纾解 shūjiě ease, relieve
zhòng value, put emphasis/stress on
qīng nature's color, green, blue, greenish black
急救 急救 jíjiù first aid, emergency treatment
表決 表决 biǎojué (decide by) vote
相差 相差 xiāngchā differ
探親 探亲 tànqīn go home to visit one's family, visit family, go to visit one's relatives
阻礙 阻碍 zǔài hinder, block, impede, bar
表決 表决 biǎojué (decide by) vote
消滅 消灭 xiāomiè eradicate, die out, eliminate, abolish, wipe out, annihilate, kill, slake, decimate, carry off, disappear, exterminate, lapse, expunge, abolition, knock out, quell, destroy, pass away, kill off, deafen, extermination, detruncate, liquidate, snuff_out, snuff out, extirpate, snuff, elimination, perish, discreate, vanish, extinguish
透明 透明 tòumíng diaphanous, see-through, crystalline, transparent
連絡 连络 liánluò contact
追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue, chase, seek
不可或缺 不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē indispensable
急救 急救 jíjiù first aid, emergency treatment
tóng be same as
zhuàng strong, make better, sturdy, magnificent, robust, make stronger, strengthen, make better/stronger
lǎo always (doing sth.), for a long time, very
來回 来回 láihuí go to a place and come back, make a round trip, make a return journey, move to and fro, move back and forth, go to and fro
君子 君子 jūnzǐ a man of noble character, man of noble character, gentleman, man of worth, sovereign
放學 放学 fàngxué have winter holidays, classes are over, finish classes, have summer holidays, finish classes (for the day)
判決 判决 pànjué adjudge
shè loose, discharge in a jet, insinuate, go off, allude to, discharge, send out, fire, firing, shooting, emit, deliver, shoot
be equal to, amount to
東海 东海 dōnghǎi East China Sea, Donghai Sea
流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life
阻礙 阻碍 zǔài hinder, block, impede, bar
流浪 流浪 liúlàng lead vagrant life
孩童 孩童 háitóng children
穿上 穿上 chuānshàng assume, wear, put_on, slip, enclothe, put on
異議 异议 yìyì remonstrance, dissent, expostulation, exception, dissidence, protestation, demur, objection, demurrer
判決 判决 pànjué adjudge
整整 整整 zhěngzhěng fully, full, whole
心境 心境 xīnjìng state/frame of mind, mood
榮總 荣总 róngzǒng Veterans General Hospital
紓解 纾解 shūjiě ease, relieve
優雅 优雅 yōuyǎ graceful, elegant, gracious
駕駛 驾驶 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle), pilot (ship/plane)
錄音 录音 lùyīn record sound
圖像 图像 túxiàng picture, graph, icon, image
檢視 检视 jiǎnshì overlook
遺忘 遗忘 yíwàng misplace, bury, neglect, leave behind, escape, leave, elude, mislay, leave_behind, forget
檢視 检视 jiǎnshì overlook
gāng steel
實例 实例 shílì example, exemplar, specimen, deuce, instance, concrete example
優雅 优雅 yōuyǎ graceful, elegant, gracious
山林 山林 shānlín mountain forest
錄音 录音 lùyīn record sound
煩惱 烦恼 fánnǎo vexed, worried
追逐 追逐 zhuīzhú pursue, chase, seek
愛丁堡 爱丁堡 àidīngbǎo Edinburgh
期盼 期盼 qípàn look forward to
菩薩 菩萨 púsà Buddhist idol, a term applied to a kindhearted person, kindhearted person, Bodhisattva, joss, Buddha, Boddhisatva
駕駛 驾驶 jiàshǐ drive (vehicle), pilot (ship/plane)
be apart/away from
說服 说服 shuìfú persuade, talk sb. over
裝飾 装饰 zhuāngshì ornament
越南 越南 yuènán Viet Nam, Vietnam, nam, Annam
xiàng elephant
說服 说服 shuìfú persuade, talk sb. over
bǐng round flat cake, dumpling, pancake, tortilla, goody, cake, sth. shaped like a cake, a round flat cake
總公司 总公司 zǒnggōngsī main office, home office, headquaters, head office, main_office, home_office, front office, central office, headquarters
極力 极力 jílì sparing no effort, spare no effort, doing one's utmost, do one's utmost to
大賽 大赛 dàsài race, game, tournament, contest
失落 失落 shīluò lose
觀看 观看 guānkàn eye, view, watch, spectate, eyeball
全壘打 全垒打 quánlěidǎ fourbagger, round-tripper, swot, swat, home_run, home run, home run (baseball), homer
撰寫 撰写 zhuànxiě write
無情 无情 wúqíng merciless, harden, heartless, ruthless
過關 过关 guòguān reach standard, pass a barrier, reach a standard, pass test, pass barrier, pass, go through ordeal, pass a test, go through an ordeal
傳奇 传奇 chuánqí legendry, romance, Tang and Song short stories, Ming and Qing poetic dramas, fable, short_story, legend
sàn break up
超商 超商 chāoshāng convenience store
魚類 鱼类 yūlèi Pisces, fin, fish, race of fishes, fish (as a general category)
準確 准确 zhǔnquè accurate, exact, precise
震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock, shake
shuāi throw, cast/throw down/off, drop, plunge, lose one's balance, off, swing, fall, tumble, throw down, cause to fall and break, cast down, cast, hurtle down, throw off, move backward and forward, fling, break
tread, trample, stamp, step, step on
震撼 震撼 zhènhàn shock, shake
增設 增设 zēngshè add, add on
採訪 采访 cǎifǎng cover, interview, gather news
ōu short name for Europe
常態 常态 chángtài normal, normalcy, normal conditions, normality, order, conditions, normal behavior/conditions, normal behavior
檢舉 检举 jiǎnjǔ report (offense), inform against (offender)
零件 零件 língjiàn section, part, components, spares, spare parts, parts, accessory
潛在 潜在 qiánzài potential, latent
檢舉 检举 jiǎnjǔ report (offense), inform against (offender)
質量 质量 zhíliàng weight, molar, mass, quantity, quality
橋樑 桥樑 liáng bridge (lit./fig.)
撰寫 撰写 zhuànxiě write
回答 回答 huídá answer
北韓 北韩 běihán North Korea
反倒 反倒 fǎndào conj.: on the contrary, instead
北美 北美 běiměi North_America, North America
主意 主意 zhǔyì idea, plan, decision, definite view
親身 亲身 qīnshēn in person, personally, first-hand
bīng ice
早餐 早餐 zǎocān breaker, petit dejeuner, brekker, dejeuner, breakfast, morning tea
失落 失落 shīluò lose
更換 更换 gēnghuàn change, replace
改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct, rebuild
利息 利息 lìxí premium, usury, accrual, interest
中央 中央 zhōngyāng center, middle
竹子 竹子 zhúzi5 bamboo
升高 升高 shēnggāo up, hike, ascend, come up, arise, move up, climb, go up, lift, wax, loft, soar, heighten, rise, mount, escalate
波動 波动 bōdòng undulate, fluctuate
改建 改建 gǎijiàn reconstruct, rebuild
成交 成交 chéngjiāo conclude a transaction, clinch a deal, strike a bargain, close a deal
情人 情人 qíngrén inamorato, steady, sweetie, Gill, jo, girlfriend, swain, valentine, paramour, turtledove, jill, girl, sweetling, mouse, heart-throb, lassie, truelove, soul mate, flame, ladybird, ladylove, lover, sweetheart, mistress, admirer, hon, lovey, inamorata, honeybunch, turtle, sweeting, bedmate
波動 波动 bōdòng undulate, fluctuate
終止 终止 zhōngzhǐ stop, end
採訪 采访 cǎifǎng cover, interview, gather news
終止 终止 zhōngzhǐ stop, end
野外 野外 yěwài air, out-of-doors, open, outdoors, open air, open country, balefire, field
軟硬體 软硬体 ruǎnyìngtǐ software and hardware
到來 到来 dàolái arrive
規矩 规矩 guījǔ rule, custom
俗稱 俗称 súchēng be commonly called..., be commonly called, be commonly known as...
況且 况且 kuàngqiě conj.: moreover, besides, in addition
風俗 风俗 fēngsú mores, custom, public decency, manner, institution, ritual, Sunna, manners, rite, guise
到來 到来 dàolái arrive
死者 死者 sǐzhě deceased person, dead, deceased, slain, the dead, departed, dead soul, decedent, the dead/departed, the deceased, the departed, dead person
村子 村子 cūnzi5 small town, village, settlement, hamlet
討好 讨好 tǎohǎo conciliate, have one's labor rewarded, blandish, accommodate, toady, oblige, toady to, curry favour with, grease, massage, propitiate, woo, fawn on, sugar, soft-soap, ingratiate, ingratiate oneself with
難忘 难忘 nánwàng unforgettable, memorable
警分局 警分局 jǐngfēnjú branch office of police bureau
藝文 艺文 yìwén art and literature
pàn hope/long for, expect
解說 解说 jiěshuō explain orally, appease
藉口 藉口 jièkǒu excuse, pretext
發燒 发烧 fāshāo fever, kindle, feverish, temperature, run a temperature, run a fever, have a fever, have a temperature
táng m.
狹窄 狭窄 xiázhǎi narrow, bottleneck, narrow and limited, cramped
通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through, be current or of general use
國代 国代 guódài representative to People's Congress
通行 通行 tōngxíng pass/go through, be current or of general use
殺害 杀害 shāhài cut_down, liquidate, killing, kill, slay, cut_off, grease, remove, murder, destroy, do in, waste, ice, knock off
保母 保母 bǎomǔ baby-sitter
林立 林立 línlì stand in great numbers
科長 科长 kēzhǎng section chief
孫子 孙子 sūnzi5 son's son, grandson
籌碼 筹码 chóumǎ counter, jetton, dib, poker chip, chip, bargaining chip, medium_of_exchange
放鬆 放松 fàngsōng relax, slacken, loosen
收購 收购 shōugòu purchase, buy
地下室 地下室 dìxiàshì rumpus_room, soutane, undercroft, rooms built below ground, ground_floor, serdab, cellar, hypogeum, crypt, subterranean, silo, subterrane, souterrain, vault, cellarage, basement
竹東 竹东 zhúdōng Zhu Dong (town in Taiwan)
佔地 佔地 zhàndì cover, cover an area of, occupy (space)
抗體 抗体 kàngtǐ antibody
kǎn ax, hack, cut, shear, hew, chop_down, whack, carbonado, throw sth. at, hag, fall, chop
向量 向量 xiàngliàng vector, vector quantities, vectorial
容許 容许 róngxǔ let_in, have, receive, can, permission, permit, allow for, may, adhibit, might, admissive, provide for, admit, concede, cede, leave, suffer, tolerate, allow
存有 存有 cúnyǒu harbour, entertain, cherish, harbor, inhere
miǎn duty-free, be not allowed
放鬆 放松 fàngsōng relax, slacken, loosen
軍方 军方 jūnfāng armed forces, the military, military
面子 面子 miànzi5 reputation, face, prestige
視聽 视听 shìtīng seeing and hearing, audiovisual
收購 收购 shōugòu purchase, buy
qiē cut, slice
顯示器 显示器 xiǎnshìqì monitor, display, caller ID, indicator
邁進 迈进 màijìn forge ahead, stride forward, advance with big strides
聽起來 听起来 tīngqǐlái it sounds like
平凡 平凡 píngfán ordinary, common
口袋 口袋 kǒudài pocket
分區 分区 fēnqū zone, district
大隊 大队 dàduì a military group, production brigade, a large number (of)
gōng meritorious service, exploit, achievement, result, effect, skill
心事 心事 xīnshì weight on one's mind, worry
意象 意象 yìxiàng imagery, mental picture, thought, picture, idea, impression, image
一般 一般 yībān alike
華麗 华丽 huálì magnificent, gorgeous
下山 下山 xiàshān descend mountain, descend hill
預備 预备 yūbèi get ready, dight, set, ready, busk, preparation, store, set up, prepare, line, gear up, provide_for, provide, equip, outfit
華麗 华丽 huálì magnificent, gorgeous
猶豫 犹豫 yóuyū hesitant, fudge, oscillate, stagger, waver, be irresolute, scruple, irresolute, crane, pause, yo-yo, vacillate, hang, weaken, boggle, swither, dacker, balk, demur, swiver, hesitate
不見了 不见了 bújiànle5 be missing, disappear
殖民 殖民 zhímín settle, plant, colonize, populate, establish colony, establish a colony
對付 对付 duìfù counter, deal/cope with, face, confront, cope with, fix, make do, handle, deal, tackle, deal with
獎學金 奖学金 jiǎngxuéjīn burse, stipend, foundation, exhibition, studentship, scholarship
蔣介石 蒋介石 jiǎngjièshí Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nat, Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan, Jiang Jieshi
對照 对照 duìzhào contrast, compare
輝煌 辉煌 huīhuáng glorious, effulgent, brilliant
cǎn tragic, gloomy, savage, sorrowful, cruel, pitiful, miserable, dark
擅長 擅长 shàncháng excel, surpass, stand out, be good at, be skilled in, be expert in
黑暗 黑暗 hēiàn dark
觀望 观望 guānwàng straddle, pussyfoot, look on (from sidelines), swiver, hesitate, waver, look on, wait and see
媳婦 媳妇 xífù the wife of a relative of the younger generation's, wife of sb. of younger generation, daughter-in-law, son's wife
露天 露天 lùtiān in the open air, outdoors
觀摩 观摩 guānmó view and emulate
hán Korea
招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit, take in
最愛 最爱 zuìài favor, most favored
removal, alteration, transform, shift, remove, movement, alter, change, move
xiǎn demonstrate, be obvious, manifest, appear, display, show
描繪 描绘 miáohuì depict, describe, portray
當兵 当兵 dāngbīng soldier, serve in army, serve in the army, be a soldier
書面 书面 shūmiàn written, in written form, in writing
商家 商家 shāngjiā manager (of inn/shop/etc.)
piān stubbornly, on the contrary
彗星 彗星 huìxīng comet
tiān add, fuel, appose, addition, increase, have a baby
盼望 盼望 pànwàng hope/long for, look forward to
描繪 描绘 miáohuì depict, describe, portray
盆地 盆地 péndì pan, river basin, basin
無知 无知 wúzhī ignorant, stupid
招收 招收 zhāoshōu recruit, take in
冒險 冒险 màoxiǎn take risks/chances
乘客 乘客 chéngkè fare, rider, passenger
制服 制服 zhìfú uniform
行人 行人 xíngrén foot traffic, passerby, goer, pedestrian, pedestrian traffic, passenger
任職 任职 rènzhí assignment, be in office, serve, hold a position, hold a post
光纖 光纤 guāngxiān glass fiber, optical fibre, fiber_optics, light guide, optical fiber, glass fibre
gōng assault, attack, censure, accuse
住處 住处 zhùchù domicile, hangout, dwelling, lodging, residency, domiciliation, diggings, abode, digs, quarters, habitation, lodgings, roost, living quarters, pad, residence
行李 行李 xínglǐ clobber, impedimenta, dunnage, luggage, baggage
攻勢 攻势 gōngshì offensive
妨害 妨害 fánghài traverse, impair, bar, cumber, be harmful to, trammel, encumber, sabotage, molest, obstruct, blanket, impairment, disturb, jeopardize, annoy, put in jeopardy
恰當 恰当 qiàdàng appropriate, proper, suitable, fitting
製成 制成 zhìchéng hew, make, successfully complete
轎車 轿车 jiàochē (horse-drawn) carriage, saloon, passenger car, car, limousine, carriage, coach, bus, sedan
驗證 验证 yànzhèng test and verify
觀摩 观摩 guānmó view and emulate
市鎮 市镇 shìzhèn small town, town
心思 心思 xīnsī thought, idea, thinking, state of mind, mood
心意 心意 xīnyì regard, kindly feeling, intention, purpose
少見 少见 shǎojiàn rare, seldom seen, unique
無知 无知 wúzhī ignorant, stupid
化為 化为 huàwéi become
趕到 赶到 gǎndào leave for, hurry to
廠牌 厂牌 chǎngpái brand name
線索 线索 xiànsuǒ track, thread, cue, lead, handhold, purchase, scent, train of thought, clue, trail, key, clew, pointer
嘉義 嘉义 jiāyì Chia-yi (a county in Taiwan)
道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize
經典 经典 jīngdiǎn canon, classic, classics, sutra, scriptures, scripture, Bible
子弟 子弟 zǐdì sons and younger brothers, children, juniors
對面 对面 duìmiàn opposite
脾氣 脾气 píqì kidney, dispose, irritation, surliness, behavior, temper, pique, habit, mould, irritability, bile, bad temper, biliousness, temperament, characteristic, dander, pettishness, disposition, stubborn disposition, blood, snappishness, proclivity, peevishness, grain
想像力 想像力 xiǎngxiànglì imaginative power, imaginative power/faculty, imaginativeness, vision, imagination, fancy, ideality, imaginative faculty, faculty
補習 补习 bǔxí take lessons after school/work
運氣 运气 yùnqì fortune, luck
道歉 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize
對比 对比 duìbǐ ratio, correlation
數據機 数据机 shùjùjī modem
影展 影展 yǐngzhǎn film exhibition, film fair, film fair/festival, photographic exhibition, film festival, photo exhibition, festival
窗口 窗口 chuāngkǒu window, wicket, ticket window
一般來說 一般来说 yībānláishuō generally speaking
山脈 山脉 shānmài mountain range
民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize
千萬 千万 qiānwàn det.: ten million, (tens of) millions
打架 打架 dǎjià struggle, scrap, wrangle, fight, come to blows, box, scuffle, brawl
土著 土著 tǔzhù original inhabitants, aboriginals
充裕 充裕 chōngyū abundant
靈感 灵感 línggǎn motive, afflatus, rage, breathing, brainwave, muse, inspiration, brainchild
鮮明 鲜明 xiānmíng bright (of color), distinct, distinctive
正當 正当 zhèngdāng proper, legitimate
局勢 局势 júshì situation
細膩 细腻 xìnì fine and smooth, exquisite, minute
連帶 连带 liándài jointly
務實 务实 wùshí deal with concrete matters relating to work, try to be practical/pragmatic, pragmatic, try to be pragmatic, try to be practical, deal with concrete matters
國畫 国画 guóhuà trad. Ch. painting
推測 推测 tuīcè infer, conjecture, guess
欲望 欲望 yūwàng appetence, indirect request, wish, appetite, stomach, concupiscence, desire, Kama, appetency, hunger, thirst, lech, orexis, rage, passion
頒發 颁发 bānfā issue, promulgate, award
逐年 逐年 zhúnián all the year round, for years, all year, year after year, year in year out
雨水 雨水 yǔshuǐ rain, Rainwater, rainwater, Rainwater (second solar term), rainfall, Rain water (2nd solar term)
配備 配备 pèibèi equipment
亞太 亚太 yǎtài Asia-Pacific region
奠定 奠定 diàndìng establish, settle
大王 大王 dàiwáng king, magnate
開展 开展 kāizhǎn develop, launch, unfold
頒發 颁发 bānfā issue, promulgate, award
細膩 细腻 xìnì fine and smooth, exquisite, minute
保健 保健 bǎojiàn health care, health protection, care for one's health
存款 存款 cúnkuǎn deposit, bank saving
走向 走向 zǒuxiàng trend, run, alignment, strike
miào wonderful, excellent, fine, ingenious, clever, subtle
垃圾場 垃圾场 lèsèchǎng rubbish dump, garbage heap, dump, tip, crematory, garbage dump, wasteyard, refuse, refuse heap, trash dump
重重 重重 chóngchóng layer upon layer, ring upon ring
亮麗 亮丽 liànglì beautiful, remarkable, brilliant, splendid, smart
海關 海关 hǎiguān chophouse, customhouse, customshouse, custom, haikwan, customs, douane
美景 美景 měijǐng vision, beauty_spot, beautiful sight, beautiful scenery
果真 果真 guǒzhēn really, as expected
首要 首要 shǒuyào chief, paramountcy, premiership, primacy, of first importance
音樂廳 音乐厅 yīnyuètīng odeum, concert hall, music_hall, lyceum, auditorium, odeon, music hall
苗栗 苗栗 miáolì Miaoli (a county inTaiwan)
欺騙 欺骗 qīpiàn cheat, dupe
幸好 幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately, luckily
辦桌 办桌 bànzhuō entertain guests at banquet
欺騙 欺骗 qīpiàn cheat, dupe
澳門 澳门 àomén Aomen (Macao)
推測 推测 tuīcè infer, conjecture, guess
震盪 震荡 zhèndàng shake, shock, quake
暴露 暴露 pùlù unmask, divulge, expose, develop, bewray, unhood, unhusk, uncover, lay bare, show_up, reveal, flash, uncase, debunk, discover, unkennel, revelation, betray, give_away, unveil
熱帶 热带 rèdài tropical zone, Torrid Zone, savanna, torrid, the tropics, the torrid zone, tropical_zone, tropical, tropic, tropics
戰事 战事 zhànshì war, hostilities
zhì make, manufacture, create
yuán fate, predestination
夕陽 夕阳 xìyáng setting sun
人道 人道 réndào human sympathy
下課 下课 xiàkè finish class, get out of class
民主化 民主化 mínzhǔhuà democratize
心胸 心胸 xīnxiōng breadth of mind
chǐ m.
諮商 谘商 zīshāng confer, discuss, negotiate
想不到 想不到 xiǎngbúdào unable to anticipate
感官 感官 gǎnguān sentience, sensory faculty, sensation, sense/sensory organ, sensory organ, sentiency, sense organ, sense
號召 号召 hàozhào call, appeal (for supporters)
開展 开展 kāizhǎn develop, launch, unfold
諮商 谘商 zīshāng confer, discuss, negotiate
週年 週年 zhōunián m.
緣故 缘故 yuángù score, grounds, reason, cause, sake
道家 道家 dàojiā Taoist, Taoist school, Daoist school, Daoist religion, Daoist school/religion, religion
震盪 震荡 zhèndàng shake, shock, quake
號稱 号称 hàochēng be known as, claim to be
睡著 睡着 shuìzháo asleep, fall_asleep, go_off, nod off, drift off, doze off, fall asleep, dope off, flake, drowse off, conk, dormant, flake out, drop off
增長 增长 zēngzhǎng increase, grow
報案 报案 bàoàn report case to security authorities
黑白 黑白 hēibái black and white, right and wrong, good and bad
號召 号召 hàozhào call, appeal (for supporters)
充足 充足 chōngzú ample
疼痛 疼痛 téngtòng pain, soreness, fester, suffer, hurt, ache, sore
簡稱 简称 jiǎnchēng be called sth. for short
zāng dirty, squalid, smudge, filthy, smutch, blur, smear
簽署 签署 qiānshǔ sign/initial (a document)
簽證 签证 qiānzhèng visa
體操 体操 tǐcāo jerk, physical exertion, workout, exercise, physical_exercise, gymnastic, calisthenics, exercising, gymnastics, physical exercise, gym
bān copy mechanically, remove, apply indiscriminately, take away, transfer, move, move (house)
真誠 真诚 zhēnchéng sincere, genuine, true
衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail, decline
陳情 陈情 chénqíng state the situation/truth
高職 高职 gāozhí professional school, college, quality, technical
jué extremely, most, absolutely, in the least, by any means, on any account
鄉民 乡民 xiāngmín countryside, villager
新埔 新埔 xīnbǔ Hsin-pu (a town in Taiwan)
無力 无力 wúlì powerless, feel weak, lack strength, incapable
媒介 媒介 méijiè vehicle, transmission, media, intermediary, instrumentality, means, channel, ministry, mediacy, mediateness, agency, meeja, implement, medium
zhèng Zheng, Surname
guì det.: your (courteous usage)
計有 计有 jìyǒu calculate in advance, estimate
無從 无从 wúcóng unable to
園地 园地 yuándì special page in periodical, special section in periodical, park/garden area, special section, croft, page in periodical, garden area, special section/page in periodical, garden plot, park area, field, scope, park
燦爛 灿烂 cànlàn brilliant, glitter, splendid, resplend, resplendent, magnificent
墨西哥 墨西哥 mòxīgē Mexico
課本 课本 kèběn text edition, textbook, text, school text, schoolbook
抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan
領土 领土 lǐngtǔ demesne, country, nation, realm, soli, landgrave, princedom, territory, emirate, domain, state, seigneury, estate, seignory, territoriality, acres, possession, signory, territorial, province, landed estate, dominion, land
尷尬 尴尬 gāngà awkward, embarrassed
齊全 齐全 qíquán all in readiness, assort, complete
榮獲 荣获 rónghuò have the honor to win
學界 学界 xuéjiè educational, educational circles, academic circles, educational/academic circles, literati
yùn transportation, wield, transport, revolve, utilize, use, dribble, bear, carry, utilization
定案 定案 dìngàn pass, decide on, reach verdict
地域 地域 dìyū tract, area, latitude, quarter, territory, climate, region, scope, district, terrain, climactic
外部 外部 wàibù outer, surface, external, outwall, outside, exterior
門診 门诊 ménzhěn outpatient service
存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data)
宜蘭縣 宜兰县 yílánxiàn I-Lan (county of Taiwan)
列車 列车 lièchē train
多樣 多样 duōyàng diverse, multiform, various
抗日 抗日 kàngrì resistance against Japan
存取 存取 cúnqǔ access (data)
來訪 来访 láifǎng come to visit/call
成份 成份 chéngfèn composition, ingredient, one's profession or economic status, component part, part, chemistry, constituent, one's class status, component, note
衰退 衰退 shuāituì fail, decline
來訪 来访 láifǎng come to visit/call
連上 连上 liánshàng link, connect
計較 计较 jìjiào argue, arguement, wrangle, care, dispute, think over, haggle over, haggling over, mind, fuss about, discuss in minute detail
金瓜石 金瓜石 jīnguāshí a scenic spots in north Taiwan
門診 门诊 ménzhěn outpatient service
後遺症 后遗症 hòuyízhèng aftereffect, hangover, sequela, sequelae
玫瑰 玫瑰 méiguī rosebush, rose
科學園區 科学园区 kēxuéyuánqū Sciense-Based Industrial Park
負荷 负荷 fùhè load, charge, weight
包裝 包装 bāozhuāng pack, dress up
派出所 派出所 pàichūsuǒ police_station, police headquarters, police substation, police office, local police station, station house, substation, police station
tái lift, betray, carry (together), raise, carry, argue for the sake of arguing
流氓 流氓 liúmáng roughscuff, rip, yobbo, badmash, swashbuckler, rascal, riffraff, scamp, raff, rapscallion, rogue, rowdy, hooliganism, cur, picaroon, varmint, yobo, ruffian, hector, roughneck, gaolbird, scalawag, gorilla, no-good, scallywag, hoodlum, limmer, tearaway, blackguard, picaro, hooligan, hessian, bullyboy, rascallion, indecency, bully, plug-ugly, shoulder-hitter, dingbat, caird, tough, varlet, sc
尷尬 尴尬 gāngà awkward, embarrassed
言語 言语 yányǔ spoken language, speech
升值 升值 shēngzhí revalue, appreciate
四川 四川 sìchuān Szechwan, Szechuan, Sichuan province, Sichuan
不及 不及 bùjí less than
加油 加油 jiāyóu gas, lubricate, oil, refuel, gas up, embolden, accelerate, lubrication, fuel, cheer, recreate, hearten, make an extra effort
外型 外型 wàixíng profile, contour, appearance, external form
大氣 大气 dàqì atmosphere, air, grand air, heavy breathing
應該 应该 yīnggāi right, proper
聆聽 聆听 língtīng hear, listen, listen carefully, breathe_in, listen respectfully
měng suddenly, abruptly
素材 素材 sùcái material, source material, medium
深思 深思 shēnsī ruminate, politic, chew, ponder deeply, consider carefully, speculate, bethink, rumination, chew the cud, perpend
脖子 脖子 bózi5 cervix, neck
書包 书包 shūbāo bag, book bag, satchel, schoolbag
pěng hold/carry sth. level in both hands, boost, boast, exalt, flatter
理所當然 理所当然 lǐsuǒdāngrán of course, naturally
劃分 划分 huàfēn divide, differentiate
tōng unimpeded, unblocked
國際性 国际性 guójìxìng international, internationalism, international character, internationality
規律 规律 guīlù law, regular pattern
速率 速率 sùlù velocity, speed, rate
省籍 省籍 shěngjí native/birth place
稀飯 稀饭 xīfàn gruel, rice/millet gruel, rice, congee, porridge, millet gruel, rice gruel
阿里山 阿里山 ālǐshān A-Li mountain
發音 发音 fāyīn pronunciation, articulation
極度 极度 jídù extremely, plaguey, exceedingly, deadly, vitally, to the utmost, passing, plaguily, badly, plaguy
劃分 划分 huàfēn divide, differentiate
照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate
開放式 开放式 kāifàngshì be open to general public or outside world
禁忌 禁忌 jìnjì tabu, vetanda, taboo, nono, contraindication
場景 场景 chángyǐng stage set, set, scenery, spectacle, scene, setting, set decoration
照明 照明 zhàomíng illuminate
光碟機 光碟机 guāngdiéjī CD ROM
吸引力 吸引力 xīyǐnlì chemical attraction, seduction, affinity, fascination, charm, prestige, attractive feature, traction, attractive force, drawing power, appeal, magnetism, attractiveness, appealingness, attraction
光芒 光芒 guāngmáng ray_of_light, rays of light, brilliant ray, radiance
批判 批判 pīpàn critique
光明 光明 guāngmíng bright, promising, openhearted, guileless
行走 行走 xíngzǒu mooch, tread, go, make, navigate, go on foot, walk
低廉 低廉 dīlián cheap, low-priced
改成 改成 gǎichéng change ... into, turn... into, change to
冷氣 冷气 lěngqì air conditioning
冰箱 冰箱 bīngxiāng frig, electric refrigerator, fridge, freezer, refrigerator, deepfreeze, icebox, reefer, cooler, refrigeratory
兼具 兼具 jiānjù unite, have both...and...
多餘 多余 duōyū spare, redundant, unnecessary, superfluous, uncalled-for, surplus
致詞 致词 zhìcí make a speech
多多 多多 duōduō more
自私 自私 zìsī selfish, self-centered
親近 亲近 qīnjìn hobnob, hang out, affiliate, close, be close to, know, be on intimate terms with, intimate
保證 保证 bǎozhèng guarantee
洽詢 洽询 qiàxún talk over with
bǎo keep, maintenance, preserve soil moisture, stand guarantor, defend, protection, ensure, stand guarantor for sb., preserve, preservation, warrant, bail, defence, protect, maintain, seek, guarantee
comply with, agree to, appose, attachment, enclose, get close to, enclosure, depend on, add, be near, rely on, attach
致詞 致词 zhìcí make a speech
辦事處 办事处 bànshìchù office, agency
封面 封面 fēngmiàn lid, book binding, title page of thread-bound book, front cover, front and back cover of book, back, cover, binding, title page
自稱 自称 zìchēng purport, claim to be, give_out, profess, call oneself
小子 小子 xiǎozi5 boy, guy, fellow
鑑於 鉴于 jiànyū conj.: in view of, seeing that
dèng open wide, glom, stare, open (one's eyes) wide, stare at, glower, open one's eyes wide, glare
驅動 驱动 qūdòng prompt, urge, spur on, drive
叢林 丛林 cónglín underbrush, chaparral, bosquet, brake, bosk, jungle, forest, copse, jungly, brushwood, grove, thickset, underwood, thicket, mott, Budd. monastery
顯示出 显示出 xiǎnshìchū demonstrate, manifest, reveal, display, show
det.: thirty
方針 方针 fāngzhēn policy, guiding principle
考古學 考古学 kǎogǔxué archeology, archaeology, archaeological, palaeology, paleology
上游 上游 shàngyóu upper reaches of river, advanced position
蟑螂 蟑螂 zhāngláng blackbeetle, Asiatic cockroach, oriental cockroach, oriental roach, Blatta orientalis, cockroach, roach
戶籍 户籍 hùjí census register, registered permanent residence
公家 公家 gōngjiā state/public side
廢紙 废纸 fèizhǐ wastepaper
精華 精华 jīnghuá elite, prime, cream, plum, wale, goodness, distillation, substance, pink, quintessence, distillate, flower, extract, essence, gem, pick, marrow, soul, elixir
獲利 获利 huòlì profit
嗩吶 唢呐 suǒnà trumpet-like wind instrument
增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity)
xǐng waken, come to, wake up, sober up, be clear in mind, regain consciousness, wake, be awake, awaken, arouse, come alive, awake, be striking to the eye
增多 增多 zēngduō increase (in number/quantity)
自私 自私 zìsī selfish, self-centered
說明會 说明会 shuōmínghuì news conference, briefing
蓮花 莲花 liánhuā sacred lotus, lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, lotus flower, Indian lotus
下游 下游 xiàyóu lower reaches (of river), lower level
劇情 剧情 jùqíng story line, story, plot, gut
回檔 回档 huídǎng rise again (after a fall); pick up
一連 一连 yīlián in a row, in succession, running
召集 召集 zhàojí call together, convene
正視 正视 zhèngshì face squarely, face, face up to, look squarely at, envisage
swab, shave, spread on, scrape, apply sth. on, spread sth. on, touch lightly, wipe, grate, rub, put/spread on, brush past, brush, obliterate, chafe, efface, sweep, scratch, fray, put on, apply, besmear, put, polish, scrape into shreds, fret, scrub, mop, erase
廢除 废除 fèichú abolish, abrogate, repeal
蔣公 蒋公 jiǎnggōng Kuomingtang party leader and head of Nationalist Government in mainland China and Taiwan
環保署 环保署 huánbǎoshǔ Environmental Protection Administration
實體 实体 shítǐ essence, reality, entity, substantive, substantiality, substantialness, existence, substratum, noumenon, substance, materiality
寫實 写实 xiěshí paint realistically, realistic, write, write realistically, write or paint realistically
搖頭 摇头 yáotóu shake one's head
婆婆 婆婆 pópó husband's mother, mother-in-law, maternal grandmother
介詞 介词 jiècí preposition
牛肉 牛肉 nióuròu beef
父子 父子 fùzǐ father and son
片子 片子 piànzi5 a roll of film, film, movie, record, album
充電 充电 chōngdiàn charge, electricize, refresh
士兵 士兵 shìbīng rank-and-file soldiers
旗下 旗下 qíxià those under one's command
本能 本能 běnnéng whim, appetence, vagary, instinct, instinctive, native ability, inherent aptitude, impulse, caprice, faculty
學人 学人 xuérén scholar, letters, student, learned person
musical notation, table, chart, design, guide
賣給 卖给 màigěi sell
戰略 战略 zhànluè stratagem, tactical, strategics, tactics, strategy
選票 选票 xuǎnpiào ballot
政經 政经 zhèngjīng politics and economy
副院長 副院长 fùyuànzhǎng president (of museum, subdean, subprincipal, etc.), institute, vice-director
國產 国产 guóchǎn made in China, made in our country, make domestically
曲目 曲目 qǔmù title of music
就此 就此 jiùcǐ at this point, now, here and now, thus, thereon
強度 强度 qiángdù strength, intension, kick, degree, emphasis, intensity, depth, intensiveness
掩埋場 掩埋场 yǎnmáichǎng nuisance ground, scrap heap
政務 政务 zhèngwù government affairs/administration, administration, government administration, affairs of state, government affairs
風情 风情 fēngqíng demeanour, flavor, information about wind, local customs, bearing, feelings, flirtatious expressions, amorous feelings
前後 前后 qiánhòu front and rear, around or about, altogether
坐下來 坐下来 zuòxiàlái sit down
奇妙 奇妙 qímiào wonderful, marvelous
居多 居多 jūduō be in majority
有線電視 有线电视 yǒuxiàndiànshì cable_television, cable television, cable system, narrowcast, cable television service, cable, cable TV
絕種 绝种 juézhǒng become extinct, sterilize, die out
留給 留给 liúgěi retain/reserve for
男朋友 男朋友 nánpéngyǒu boyfriend
違背 违背 wéibèi violate, sin, go_against, infringe, go against, violation, belie, transgress, contravene, disobey, breach, break, run counter to
開課 开课 kāikè give a course, teach a subject, school begins
陽台 阳台 yángtái veranda, pergola, patio, terrace, mirador, trysting place, balcony, gallery, piazza, gazebo, deck, verandah
嫌犯 嫌犯 xiánfàn suspect
處分 处分 chǔfèn punishment
stab, prick, assassinate, irritate, stimulate, criticize
把握 把握 bǎwò assurance, certainty
zhū cinnabar, Zhu, Surname
吃虧 吃亏 chīkuī get the worst of it, come to grief, suffer loss, suffer losses
進軍 进军 jìnjūn march, advance, advance (as of troops)
盲目 盲目 mángmù blind
長輩 长辈 zhǎngbèi seniority, better, elder, superior, senior, elder member of family, eldership, elder generation, superordinate, higher-up
病房 病房 bìngfáng sickroom, ward, hospital ward, hospital room
社交 社交 shèjiāo social_intercourse, converse, social interaction, social contact, interaction, social contact/interaction, coterie, sociality, commerce
破產 破产 pòchǎn go bankrupt, come to naught
採行 采行 cǎixíng phase, adopt, employ, select for use
not, be/do not
船隻 船只 chuánzhī boat, watercraft, marine, ship, vessel
都會區 都会区 dūhuìqū city, metropolis
習俗 习俗 xísú mores, custom, form, consuetudinary, institute, social custom, Sunna, convention, convenance, consuetude, conventionalism, ways, respectability, usage, manners, consuetudinal, conventionality
音量 音量 yīnliàng intensity, volume, quantity, loudness, volume of sound
破產 破产 pòchǎn go bankrupt, come to naught
托兒所 托儿所 tuōérsuǒ nursery school, foundling hospital, cr#4 eche, child-care centre, day_nursery, nursery, day care center, day care, day nursery, daycare, creche, cr#4eche, child-care center, play group, farm, preschool, nursery_school, playschool
台獨 台独 táidú Independence of Taiwan
發育 发育 fāyū grow, develop
足球 足球 zúqiú soccer, football
目睹 目睹 mùdǔ behold, see with one's own eyes, witness
名牌 名牌 míngpái nameplate, name tag
沙烏地阿拉伯 沙乌地阿拉伯 shāwūdìālābó Saudi Arabia
店面 店面 diànmiàn commodity section, storefront, parlor, shopfront
shā loam, Sha, sand, Surname, sth. granulated, sandy
hēng humph!
界限 界限 jièxiàn compass, ceiling, bounds, demarcation line, boundary, bourn, tether, purlieu, demarcation, precinct, pale, circumscription, borderland, limits, bound, ambit, butting, Rubicon, terminus, terminal point, confines, end, dividing line, extent, verge, terminus ad quem, limit, division, marge
zhī m.
紅樹林 红树林 hóngshùlín black mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia marina, mangrove
後人 后人 hòurén posperity, descendants, posterity, later generations
容積率 容积率 róngjīlù proportion
zhāo m.
何不 何不 hébù why not
一口氣 一口气 yīkǒuqì without a break, at one go, in one breath, holus-bolus
共同體 共同体 gòngtóngtǐ community, integration
biǎo timepiece, timekeeper, watch, ticker
漫長 漫长 màncháng very long, endless
精英 精英 jīngyīng quintessence, flower, broth of a boy, elite, broth of a man, aristocracy, essence, cream, powerhouse
暫停 暂停 zhàntíng suspense, suspended, suspend, intermit, set aside, discontinue, remit, stop, suspension, pause, break, time-out
整頓 整顿 zhěngdùn rectify, reorganize
暗示 暗示 ànshì (drop a) hint, suggest
外公 外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather
提議 提议 tíyì propose, suggest
betray, betrayal, appear, reveal, show
鎮長 镇长 zhènzhǎng town headman
警察局 警察局 jǐngchájú police_station, copshop, station, police bureau, can, police, kotwalee, tana, the police
騎士 骑士 qíshì equestrian, caballero, carpet knight, rider, cavalier, knight, knighthood, chevalier
聯軍 联军 liánjūn allied forces
繼承 继承 jìchéng inherit, carry on
雙向 双向 shuāngxiàng bipartite, double-edged, two-sided, bidirectional, double-faced
日軍 日军 rìjūn Japanese Army
報酬 报酬 bàochóu emolument, reward, fee, recompense, earnings, gratuity, requital, retribution, price, harvest, remuneration, quittance, pay, consideration, salary, compensation, honorarium, payment, meed, gratification, wage, guerdon
發育 发育 fāyū grow, develop
chéng distance, journey, procedure, order, regulation, rule
新任 新任 xīnrèn newly appointed
開花 开花 kāihuā burst forth, flower, bloom, split apart, explode, blossom, effloresce, unfold, feel elated, break apart, blow
慈悲 慈悲 cíbēi mercy, benevolence, pity
飼養 饲养 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.)
棲息 栖息 qīxí inhabit, alight, locate, dwell, rest (of birds), perch, settle, sit, light, relocate, halt, roost, rest
試試 试试 shìshì try, assay, try out, have a try, attempt, essay, sample, seek, taste
詮釋 诠释 quánshì annotation, interpretation
絕大多數 绝大多数 juédàduōshù det.: most of, majority
報到 报到 bàodào check in, register, registration, report for duty, appear, report, check_in
損失 损失 sǔnshī lose
極端 极端 jíduān extreme, exceeding
愛護 爱护 àihù cherish, treasure, take good care of
wéi slightly
腦海 脑海 nǎohǎi brain, mind
qín qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument, general name for stringed instruments, zither-like instrument, general name for certain musical instruments
飼養 饲养 sìyǎng raise (animals/etc.)
動向 动向 dòngxiàng set, development, tendency, trend, movement, drift
精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite, elegant
班長 班长 bānzhǎng monitor, (work) team leader, squad leader, team leader, class monitor
創立 创立 chuànglì found, originate
微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile
腦筋 脑筋 nǎojīn way of thinking, ideas, head, mind, skull, brains
雷達 雷达 léidá radiolocator, radiodetector, locator, microwave radar, radiolocation, early warning radar, radio detection and ranging, radar
learning, Chinese ink, ink stick, Mohist School, Mexico, Mohism, ink, handwriting, ink cake, Surname, China ink
整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate, recondition
cǎi tread, tramp, tromp, scrunch, trample, walk, step, step on
實在 实在 shízài true, real, honest, dependable
精美 精美 jīngměi exquisite, elegant
發現 发现 fāxiàn discovery
整修 整修 zhěngxiū renovate, recondition
報表 报表 bàobiǎo forms for reporting statistics, statement, forms for reporting statistics/etc., forms for reporting etc., report form, etc.
諷刺 讽刺 fèngcì satirize, mock
中毒 中毒 zhòngdú poison, taint, be poisoned
下跌 下跌 xiàdié fall, decline, decrease
切除 切除 qiēchú excise, resect
片段 片段 piànduàn part, extract, fragment
平方公尺 平方公尺 píngfānggōngchǐ m.
公約 公约 gōngyuē convention, pact, joint pledge
火災 火灾 huǒzāi fire disaster, conflagration
不好意思 不好意思 bùhǎoyìsī embarrassed, be ill at ease, find it embarrassing, feel embarrassed
趨向 趋向 qūxiàng tend/incline to
櫻花 樱花 yīnghuā oriental cherry
諷刺 讽刺 fèngcì satirize, mock
備受 备受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad)
來往 来往 láiwǎng associate, contact
災害 灾害 zāihài tragedy, cataclysm, visitation, fatality, ravage, catastrophe, disaster, suffering, calamity
何以 何以 héyǐ why, wherefor, why?, wherefore, how come, how?, whereto, how
奇特 奇特 qítè unusual, geezer, queer, exotic, peculiar
沙國 沙国 shāguó short of Saudi Arabia
dāi stay
bào hold (a particular opinion or belief)
俄羅斯 俄罗斯 èluósī Russia, Russians
當中 当中 dāngzhōng in the middle/center
性情 性情 xìngqíng constitution, fibre, aptness, acerbity, fiber, affection, temper, disposition, individuality, blood, streak, temperament
注意力 注意力 zhùyìlì mind, attention, concentration
備受 备受 bèishòu fully experience (good or bad)
做完 做完 zuòwán get_over, fulfill, finish off, mop_up, get over, mop up, complete, clear up, finish up, polish_off, knock_off, get through, accomplish, polish off
基準 基准 jīzhǔn guideline, foundation, base, norm, standard, criterion, postulate, fundament, principle, groundwork, modulus, yardstick, benchmark, standard criterion, module, cornerstone, touchstone, datum, basis, fiducial
規程 规程 guīchéng rules, rules of order, parliamentary law, rule, regulation, regulations, parliamentary procedure, order
sǎn fimbria, brolly, sth. shaped like an umbrella, umbrella, mush, gamp, bumbershoot
打敗 打败 dǎbài rout, outplay, whip, scupper, wallop, mop up, finish, suffer a defeat, overrule, overwhelm, flog, rack up, whop, be beaten, overpower, subdue, overmatch, snooker, be defeated, larrup, outfight, overmaster, floor, whup, knock_off, best, drub, defeat, euchre, confound, lick, fall, outrival, worst, overthrow, convince, vanquish, beat, pip
資訊業 资讯业 zīxùnyè information technology
創立 创立 chuànglì found, originate
微笑 微笑 wéixiào smile
買賣 买卖 mǎimài do business, carry on trade
意念 意念 yìniàn consciousness, will, motif, thing, intellection, thought, impression, idea
穿過 穿过 chuānguò thread, pass through, traverse, penetrate, hook, go through, riddle, pierce, twist, go across, cleave, pass, lace, put_through, lace up, cut_through, cut across, cross, break, shoot
趨向 趋向 qūxiàng tend/incline to
精密 精密 jīngmì accurate, delicate, precise
廣義 广义 guǎngyì broad sense
著急 着急 zhāojí worry, feel anxious
收回 收回 shōuhuí take back, call in, recall, withdraw, countermand
補償 补偿 bǔcháng compensate, make up
欺負 欺负 qīfù browbeat, take advantage of, pick on
跌破 跌破 diépò fall, drop
區隔 区隔 qūgé differentiate, set apart
揭開 揭开 jiēkāi open, disclose, resolve, unclose, uncover, revelation, reveal, unveil, bring out
選用 选用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply
shèng flourishing, prosperous, vigorous, energetic, magnificent, grand, abundant, plentiful, popular, widespread
得很 得很 de5hěn very, quite, awfully
zhū stub, individual plant, stem of a plant, plant, trunk of tree, stem of plant, trunk of a tree, m.,
被單 被单 bèidān (bed) sheet
財經 财经 cáijīng finance and economics
huàn contract (an illness)
婚紗 婚纱 hūnshā gown, wedding dress
教官 教官 jiàoguān drillmaster, drill master, instructor, military instructor, schoolmaster
感冒 感冒 gǎnmào catch cold
干涉 干涉 gānshè interfere, intervene, meddle
關閉 关闭 guānbì close, shut (down)
聯隊 联队 liánduì wing (of air force), league, wing, regiment
有一點 有一点 yǒuyìdiǎn a little bit
不符 不符 bùfú be inconsistent (with)
小鳥 小鸟 xiǎoniǎo small bird
世代 世代 shìdài generation, period, epoch
調適 调适 tiáoshì adjust
化妝 化妆 huàzhuāng make_up, bepaint, masquerade, put on make-up, make up, apply makeup, titivate
融入 融入 róngrù melt, thaw, blend, merge
本事 本事 běnshì literary source material, know-how, proficiency, skill, prowess, this matter, ability, capability
龍山寺 龙山寺 lóngshānsì Lung-Shan Temple
調適 调适 tiáoshì adjust
摧毀 摧毁 cuīhuǐ take_out, blot_out, bang up, blast, devastate, mow_down, zap, tobreak, wreck, smash up, bust up, smite, destroy, bust, demolish, knock_down, destruction, ravage, unbuild, liquidate, smash, deflower, knock_off, break, wrack
對岸 对岸 duìàn the opoosite shore, the other side, other side of river
濃度 浓度 nóngdù vividness, density, saturation, consistency, depth, intensity, thickness, deepness, fulness, chroma, concentration, consistence
選用 选用 xuǎnyòng select and use/apply
稀有 稀有 xīyǒu rare, unusual
充斥 充斥 chōngchì flood, congest, be full of
jiè keep off, guard against, drop, keep from, stop, refrain from, desist from, forbear from, abstain from, exhort, avoid, admonition, give up, admonish, exhortation, warn
性行為 性行为 xìngxíngwéi erotism, sexual activity, the sex act, sexual behaviour, eroticism, sex, sex activity, sexuality, sex act, intimacy
界定 界定 jièdìng define
kill with poison
抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist, stand up to
前任 前任 qiánrèn predecessor
各行各業 各行各业 gèhánggèyè all professions, all trades, trades
良性 良性 liángxìng plus, benign, positive
伴隨 伴随 bànsuí accompany, follow
抵抗 抵抗 dǐkàng resist, stand up to
依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on
來不及 来不及 láibùjí be too late to do sth.,
zhōu state, an administrative division, county, nomarchy, administrative division, shire, cantonal, presidency, government, eparchy, (autonomous) prefecture, prefecture, province, canton, commonwealth
依靠 依靠 yīkào rely/depend on
異性 异性 yìxìng metamerism, isomerism, heterosexual, opposite sex, different nature
官僚 官僚 guānliáo bureaucrats, bureaucracy
猴子 猴子 hóuzi5 glib, ape, simian, glib/sharp-tongued person, clever, clever person, clever/glib/sharp-tongued person, monkey, sharp-tongued person, jackanapes
再說 再说 zàishuō furthermore, besides
伴隨 伴随 bànsuí accompany, follow
收回 收回 shōuhuí take back, call in, recall, withdraw, countermand
肩膀 肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder
疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore, neglect
白雲 白云 báiyún white cloud
契機 契机 qìjī moment, critical point, turning, turning point, juncture, moment o turning point, turning/critical point, momentum
通俗 通俗 tōngsú pop, common, popular
高潮 高潮 gāocháo water, high_tide, crescendo, coming, high tide/water, high tide, climax, upsurge, eagre, springtide, tidemark, sexual climax, blowoff, orgasm, culmination, payoff, wave, high, high water
桃園縣 桃园县 táoyuánxiàn Tao Yuan ( a County in Taiwan)
連戰 连战 liánzhàn ex-vice-president of Taiwan
清理 清理 qīnglǐ settle (accounts/etc.), sort out affairs
疏忽 疏忽 shūhū ignore, neglect
動用 动用 dòngyòng put to use, draw on, put ... to use, use, employ, employment
表現出來 表现出来 biǎoxiànchūlái show
區隔 区隔 qūgé differentiate, set apart
海豚 海豚 hǎitún dolphin
arrive at
迫切 迫切 pòqiè imminent, imperative, pressing, urgent
金屬 金属 jīnshǔ spangle, metallic, metalline, tincture, malleability, metal, metals in general
恭喜 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulate
書寫 书写 shūxiě write
脂肪 脂肪 zhīfáng grease, fat, axunge, adipose, fatness, avoirdupois, fattiness, adipose tissue, fatty tissue
書寫 书写 shūxiě write
捐贈 捐赠 juānzèng contribute (as gift), donate, present
展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future
處罰 处罚 chǔfá punish, penalize
接觸到 接触到 jiēchùdào come into contact with, get in touch with
捐贈 捐赠 juānzèng contribute (as gift), donate, present
眼見 眼见 yǎnjiàn see sth. happen, watch helplessly
捨不得 舍不得 shěbùdé be grudge doing sth., spare, begrudge, loathe to part with
zhàng reckoning, score, account statement, debt, screen, bill, credit, curtain, account book, accounting, canopy, account, military tent, tally, accounts
記載 记载 jìzài record, account
栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate, grow, foster, train, educate, give/receive patronage
野心 野心 yěxīn greed, careerism, ambition, ambitiousness, wild ambition
書畫 书画 shūhuà painting and calligraphy
炎熱 炎热 yánrè scorching/blazing hot
併購 并购 bìnggòu merge into
chú get rid of, eliminate, remove
專利權 专利权 zhuānlìquán patent, monopoly, patent right, patent (right), concession, patent_right
yíng greet, go to meet, reception, meet face to face, face, receive, welcome, move towards, meet
陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany
改選 改选 gǎixuǎn hold another election
老舊 老旧 lǎojiù old
老子 老子 lǎozǐ Lao-zi (founder of Daoism)
身影 身影 shēnyǐng figure, silhouette, form
改選 改选 gǎixuǎn hold another election
海灘 海滩 hǎitān seabeach, seaside, sea beach, foreshore, beach
便民 便民 biànmín be convenient to the people
所幸 所幸 suǒxìng luckily
空白 空白 kòngbái blank space
展望 展望 zhǎnwàng look into the distance/future
知名度 知名度 zhīmíngdù celebrity rating
師院 师院 shīyuàn teachers' college
成大 成大 chéngdà National Cheng Kung University
爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode, blow up
落地 落地 luòdì be born (of babies), born, fail, fall to the ground, be born
童話 童话 tónghuà fairy story, fairy tale, fairy-tale, children's stories, fairytale, fairy tales
跨國 跨国 kuàguó transnationa, transnational, multinational
陪同 陪同 péitóng accompany
乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to
火山 火山 huǒshān volcano
乃至 乃至 nǎizhì conj.: even, go so far as to
付款 付款 fùkuǎn ante_up, ante up, foot, pay out, pay up, pay, shell_out, cash, pay a sum of money, disburse
工業化 工业化 gōngyèhuà industrialise, industrialization, urbanize, industrialize
麻雀 麻雀 máquè Passer domesticus, gutter-bird, spadger, house sparrow, sparrow, mahjong, tree sparrow, Passer montanus, hedge sparrow, Prunella modularis, dunnock, house_sparrow, English sparrow
大麻 大麻 dàmá marijuana
比重 比重 bǐzhòng proportion, specific gravity
爆炸 爆炸 bàozhà explode, blow up
護士 护士 hùshì graduate nurse, nana, nurse, sister, trained nurse, (hospital) nurse
蹺家 跷家 qiàojiā run away from home
艱苦 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous
艱難 艰难 jiānnán difficult, hard
蟋蟀 蟋蟀 xīshuài grig, cricket
艱難 艰难 jiānnán difficult, hard
艱苦 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous
栽培 栽培 zāipéi cultivate, grow, foster, train, educate, give/receive patronage
士氣 士气 shìqì morale
雕像 雕像 diāoxiàng imagery, effigy, statue, torso, representation, statuary, glyph
平地 平地 píngdì smooth, level, area, surface area, level/flat ground, flatland, expanse, flat ground, level ground
bèi prepare, get ready, be equipped with, have
祖國 祖国 zǔguó country, China (used only by Chinese), mother_country, China, old_country, fatherland, home, country of origin, mother country, old country, homeland, native land, motherland, metropolis
cùn m.
大選 大选 dàxuǎn general election
遵循 遵循 zūnxún track, abide by, follow, conform to, adhere to
gather, collect
零售 零售 língshòu retail, (sell) retail
港口 港口 gǎngkǒu harbour, port, seaport, haven, harbor
壓制 压制 yāzhì suppress, stifle, inhibit, press
療法 疗法 liáofǎ therapy, cure, treatment, therapeutics
獲勝 获胜 huòshèng triumphant, triumph, beat, win victory, be victorious, conquer, gain, prevail, win
新建 新建 xīnjiàn newly build, just build
壓制 压制 yāzhì suppress, stifle, inhibit, press
農地 农地 nóngdì farmland, kingdom, ground, earth, farming, realm, solid ground, terra firma, cropland, land, dry land
qiān movement, change, move
感性 感性 gǎnxìng sensitive
黑人 黑人 hēirén black people, nigger, crow, Negroid, black person, dinge, spook, moke, jigaboo, Sambo, darky, Ethiopian, darkie, Negro, boogie, coon, black man, blackamoor, blackie, African, blacky, hoofer, unregistered resident, Black, darkey, black
落在 落在 luòzài accrue, alight, rest_on, fall, fall on, in
靜坐 静坐 jìngzuò sit quietly (as therapy), sit-in
總會 总会 zǒnghuì headquarters of an association, central administrative body, club, clubhouse
請假 请假 qǐngjià vacate, ask for leave
美化 美化 měihuà beautify, embellish
xiāng joss stick
急速 急速 jísù at high speed, apace, very fast, rapidly
建國 建国 jiànguó found or build up a state
約定 约定 yuēdìng agree upon
生機 生机 shēngjī animation, verdure, vitality, vital_force, viability, life, verve, lease of life, new lease on life
查證 查证 cházhèng check and verify
荒謬 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd, preposterous
約定 约定 yuēdìng agree upon
家園 家园 jiāyuán home, homestead, native heath, homestall, homeland
前景 前景 qiánjǐng outlook, perspective, prospect, expectation, vista, foreground
查證 查证 cházhèng check and verify
建國 建国 jiànguó found or build up a state
夜市 夜市 yèshì night market
卓越 卓越 zhuóyuè excel, excel at, brilliant, shine, surpassing, paramount, shine at, outstanding
chǐ m.
制裁 制裁 zhìcái sanction, punish
更改 更改 gēnggǎi change, alter
換上 换上 huànshàng change
烏托邦 乌托邦 wūtuōbāng Utopia
罷工 罢工 bàgōng go on strike
瓦解 瓦解 wǎjiě disintegrate, collapse
應變 应变 yìngbiàn meet contingency
影印 影印 yǐngyìn print by photo-offset, photocopy
窮人 穷人 qióngrén pauper, poor people, prole, poor, poor man, the poor, beggar, have-not
寫出 写出 xiěchū write, draw up
電機 电机 diànjī electrical machinery
應變 应变 yìngbiàn meet contingency
劇烈 剧烈 jùliè violent, fierce
駱駝 骆驼 luòtuó camel
電廠 电厂 diànchǎng power station, station, power plant, power_plant