I {pron} (personal pronoun)
:: я
Iași {prop} (city in Romania)
:: Яси
I am {interj} (I'm) SEE: I'm
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind
I am English {phrase} (I am English)
:: я англієць {m}, я англійка {f}
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired
I am twenty years old {phrase} (I'm twenty years old) SEE: I'm twenty years old
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula)
:: Піренейський півострів {m}
ibex {n} (type of wild mountain goat)
:: гірский альпійский цап {m}, гірский альпійский козел {m}
Ibiza {prop} (island)
:: Ібіца {f}, Ейвісса {f}
Iblis {prop} ((Islam) Satan; the Devil)
:: ібліс {m}
IBS {n} (irritable bowel syndrome) SEE: irritable bowel syndrome
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory)
:: прийшов, побачив, переміг {m}, прийшла, бачила, перемогла {f}
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond
ice {n} (water in frozen form)
:: лід {m}, крига {f}
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear
iceberg {n} (huge mass of floating ice)
:: айсберг {m}
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator
icebreaker {n} (ship designed to break through ice)
:: криголам {m}
ice cap {n} (permanent expanse of ice)
:: льодовикова шапка
ice cream {n} (dessert)
:: морозиво {n}, морожене {n}
ice floe {n} (floe) SEE: floe
ice hockey {n} (hockey)
:: хокей, гокей, гаківка, хокей із шайбою, канадський хокей
Iceland {prop} (country in Europe)
:: Ісландія {f}
Iceland gull {n} (Larus glaucoides)
:: мартин гренландський {m}
Icelandic {n} (language)
:: ісландський
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland)
:: ісландський
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic
ice resurfacer {n} (implement used to renew ice surface)
:: ресурфейсер {m}, льодовий комбайн {m}
ichthyology {n} (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish)
:: іхтіологія {f}
icicle {n} (a spear-shape of ice)
:: бурулька {f}
icon {n} (religious painting)
:: ікона {f}
iconoclasm {n} (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons)
:: іконоборство {n}, іконоклазм {m}
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons)
:: іконостас {m}
icosagon {n} (geometry)
:: двадцятикутник
icosidodecahedron {n} (polyhedron)
:: ікосододекаедр {m}
icosihenagon {n} (geometry)
:: двадцятиоднокутник
icositetragon {n} (24-sided polygon)
:: двадцятичотирикутник {m}
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer)
:: посвідчення {n}, паспорт {m} , посвідчення особи {n}
idea {n} (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory)
:: ідея {f}, думка {f}
ideal {adj}
:: ідеальний
ideal {n} (perfect standard of beauty, intellect etc.)
:: ідеал {m}
idealism {n} (property of a person of having high ideals that are usually unrealizable)
:: ідеалізм {m}
idealism {n} (an approach to philosophical enquiry)
:: ідеалізм {m}
identify {v} (to establish the identity of someone or something)
:: ідентифікувати, ототожнювати
identity {n} (the sameness some individuals share to make up the same kind or universal)
:: ідентичність, тотожність
identity {n} (the difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest)
:: особистість, індивідуальність
identity {n} (name or persona)
:: особистість
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card
idiolect {n} (variant of a language used by a particular individual)
:: ідіолект {m}
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression)
:: ідіома {f}
idiosyncrasy {n} (way of behaving or thinking)
:: ідіосинкразія {f}
idiot {n} (person of low general intelligence)
:: ідіот {m}, ідіотка {f}, дурень {m}
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase)
:: я хотів би знати {m}, я хотіла б знати
idol {n} (representation of anything revered)
:: ідол {m}, божество {n}, божок {m}
idol {n} (cultural icon, especially popular person)
:: ідол {m}, кумир {m}
I don't care {phrase} (I don't care)
:: мені однаково, мені байдуже; мені до пизди
I don't know {phrase} (I don’t know)
:: я не знаю
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English))
:: я не розмовляю англійською
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
:: я не розмовляю украї́нською
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand)
:: я не розумію
i.e. {adv} (that is)
:: тобто
if {conj} (supposing that)
:: якщо, коли
if I were you {phrase} (advice introduction)
:: на в́ашому місці , на твоєму місці
if only {conj} (signifies a wish)
:: якби
Ignatius {prop} (male given name)
:: Ігнатій
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth)
:: магматичні гірські породи {p}
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp
ignorance {n} (condition of being uninformed or uneducated)
:: невігластво {n}, неуцтво {n}, незнання {n}
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss)
:: Невігластво то є щастя
ignosticism {n} (a philosophical position)
:: ігностицизм {m}
Igor {prop} (male given name)
:: Ігор {m}
iguana {n} (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae)
:: ігуана {f}
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike)
:: я тебе ненавиджу , я вас ненавиджу
I have a cold {phrase} (I have a cold)
:: я застудився {m}, я застудилася {f}
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question)
:: у мене є питання, у мене питання
I have no money {phrase} (I have no money)
:: в мене немає грошей
ikebana {n} (Japanese art of flower arrangement)
:: ікебана {f}
I know {phrase} (response indicating agreement with prior statement before it was made)
:: я знаю, знаю
ikra {n} (red caviar)
:: ікра {f}, червона ікра {f}
I like you {phrase} (I like you)
:: ти мені подобаєшся
Ilium {prop} (Troy)
:: Іліон {m}
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city))
:: я живу в Мельбурні
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad
ill {adj} (in poor health, suffering from a disease)
:: хворий
illegal {adj} (contrary to or forbidden by law)
:: незаконний, нелегальний
illiterate {adj} (unable to read and write)
:: неграмотний, неписьменний
illness {n} (an instance of a disease or poor health)
:: хвороба {f}
Illyria {prop} (region in the Balkan Peninsula)
:: Іллірія {f}
ilmenite {n} (a weakly magnetic dark gray mineral)
:: ільменіт
Ilovaisk {prop} (city)
:: Іловайськ {m}
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of affection or deep caring)
:: Я тебе кохаю
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling)
:: я тебе кохаю , я вас кохаю , я тебе люблю, я вас люблю
I'm {contraction} (I am)
:: я ...
image {n} (graphical representation)
:: образ {m}
image {n} (mental picture)
:: образ {m}
image {n} (computing: file)
:: образ {m}
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others)
:: образ {m}
imagination {n} (image-making power of the mind)
:: уява {f}, уявлення {n}
imagine {v} ((transitive) to form a mental image of something)
:: уявляти {impf}
imam {n} (Muslim leader)
:: імам {m}
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim)
:: я мусульманин {m}, я мусульманка {f}
I'm a vegetarian {phrase} (I'm a vegetarian)
:: я вегетаріанець {m}, я вегетаріанка {f}
imbalance {n} (property of not being in balance)
:: дисбаланс {m}
I'm blind {phrase} (I'm blind)
:: я сліпий {m}, я сліпа {f}
Imbolc {prop} (Gaelic and Wiccan festival which marks the beginning of spring)
:: Імболк
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save
imburse {v} (to give money to) SEE: fund
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold)
:: мені холодно
I'm fine {phrase} (response)
:: у мене все добре
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry)
:: я хочу ї́сти, я голодний {m}, я голодна {f}
I miss you {phrase} (I miss you)
:: я сумую за тобою
imitate {v} (to follow as a model)
:: удавати {impf}, наслідувати {impf}, імітувати {impf}
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic))
:: я жид {m}, я жидовка {f}, я єврей {m}, я єврейка {f}
I'm looking for a job {phrase} (I'm looking for a job)
:: шукаю роботу
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married)
:: я одружений {m}, я одружена {f}, я жонатий {m}, я заміжня {f}
immediate {adj} (without delay)
:: негайний, безпосередній
immediate {adj} (very close)
:: найближчий, безпосередній
immediately {adv} (in an immediate manner)
:: зараз, негайно
immigrant {n} (person who comes to a country to settle)
:: іммігрант {m}, іммігрантка {f}, переселенець {m}, переселенка {f}
immigration {n} (the act of immigrating)
:: імміграція {f}, переселення {n}
imminent {adj} (about to happen, occur, or take place very soon)
:: неминучий
immobilize {v} (render motionless)
:: іммобілізувати
immolate {v} (kill as sacrifice)
:: приносити в жертву
immolation {n} (act of immolating)
:: жертвоприношення {n}
immolation {n} (that which is immolated)
:: жертва {f}
immoral {adj} (not moral)
:: аморальний
immortal {adj} (not susceptible to death)
:: безсмертний
immortal {n} (one that is not susceptible to death)
:: безсмертний {m}
immortality {n} (condition of not being susceptible to death)
:: безсмертя {n}
immovable property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate
immune system {n} (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms)
:: імунна система {f}
immurement {n} (capital punishment by entombing for life)
:: замуровування {n}
imp {n} (demonic creature)
:: чортеня {n}, чортя {n}, бісеня {n}, бісик {m}, дияволеня {n}
impact {n} (the force or energy of a collision of two objects)
:: удар
impact {n} (a significant or strong influence)
:: вплив
impartial {adj} (treating all parties, rivals or disputants equally)
:: безсторонній, неупереджений
impasse {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end
impatient {adj} (restless and intolerant of delays)
:: нетерплячий
impatiently {adv} (without patience)
:: нетерпляче
impeachment {n} (act of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct)
:: імпічмент {m}
impedance mismatch {n}
:: об’єктно-орієнтований розрив {m}
impenetrable {adj} (not penetrable)
:: непроникний
imperative {adj} (grammar: of, or relating to the imperative mood)
:: наказовий
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood)
:: наказовий спосіб {m}
imperceptible {adj} (not perceptible)
:: непримітний
imperfective {adj} (related to the imperfective aspect)
:: недоконаний
imperfective aspect {n} (feature of a verb)
:: недоконаний вид {m}
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty
impersonal {adj} (lacking warmth or emotion)
:: безликий
impersonal {adj} (grammar)
:: безособовий
implication {n} (that which is implied, but not expressed)
:: підтекст
implication {n} (logical connective)
:: імплікація
implore {v} (to beg for)
:: благати
imply {v} (to have as a consequence)
:: припускати
imply {v} (to suggest by a logical inference)
:: мати на увазі
imply {v} (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement)
:: натякати
import {v} (to bring in from a foreign country)
:: імпортувати; увозити, ввозити {impf}, увезти, ввезти {pf}
important {adj} (having relevant and crucial value)
:: важливий, значний, важний, важливий, значний
impossible {adj} (not able to be done)
:: неможливий
impostor {n} (someone who uses assumed identity)
:: самозванець {m}
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant)
:: я вагітна
impregnate {v} (to cause to become pregnant)
:: запліднювати {impf}, запліднити {pf}
impregnate {v} (to add nutrients) SEE: fertilize
impression {n} (indentation or depression made by pressure)
:: відбиток {m}
impression {n} (overall effect of something)
:: враження {n}
impressionist {n} (One who adheres to impressionism)
:: импресионист {m}
impressive {adj} (making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress)
:: вражаючий
imprisonment {n} (confinement)
:: ув'язнення {n}, позбавлення волі {n}
improbable {adj} (not likely to be true)
:: неправдоподібний
improbable {adj} (not likely to happen)
:: неймовірний
improve {v} (to make something better)
:: поліпшувати {impf}, поліпшити {pf}, покращувати {impf}, покращити {pf}
improve {v} (to become better)
:: покращитися {pf}, поліпшитися {pf}
improvement {n} (act of improving)
:: покращення {n}, поліпшення {n}, вдосконалення {n}
improvisation {n} (act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously)
:: імпровізація {f}
improvise {v} (to make something up as one goes on)
:: імпровізувати {impf} {pf}
impudent {adj} (Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced)
:: нахабний
impunity {n} (freedom from punishment or retribution; security from any reprisal or injurious consequences of an action, behaviour etc.)
:: безкарність {f}, безкарність {f}
I'm single {phrase} (I'm single)
:: я неодружений {m}, я неодружена {f}
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink)
:: я хочу пити, мені хочеться пити
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep))
:: я втомився {m}, я втомилася {f}
I'm twenty years old {phrase} (I am twenty years old)
:: мені двадцять років
I must go {phrase} (I must go)
:: я повинен іти {m}, я повинна йти {f}, я мушу йти
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old)
:: мені ... роки ; мені ... років ; мені ... рік
in {prep} (contained by)
:: в, у (before vowels / before consonants)
inacceptable {adj} (unacceptable) SEE: unacceptable
inaccuracy {n} (inaccurate statement)
:: неточність {f}
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand
inanimate {adj} (not alive)
:: неживий, бездушний
inanimate {adj} (in grammar)
:: неживий, неістота {f}
in any case {adv} (at any rate)
:: у всякому разі, так чи інакше
inattentive {adj} (not paying attention)
:: неуважний, неуважливий
inaudible {adj} (unable to be heard)
:: нечутний
inauguration {n} (act of inaugurating)
:: інавгурація {f}
inbalance {n} (imbalance) SEE: imbalance
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb
incarnation {n} (incarnate being or form)
:: втілення {n}
incest {n} (sexual relations between close relatives)
:: інцест {m}, кровозмішення {n}
incestuous {adj} (pertaining to or engaging in incest)
:: кровозмісний
inch {n} (unit of length)
:: дюйм {m}, цаль {m}
inchworm {v} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm
incident {n} (event or occurrence)
:: випадок {m}, інцидент {m}
incident {n} (event causing interruption or crisis)
:: інцидент {m}
incident {adj} (arising as the result of an event)
:: властивий
incident {adj} (physics: falling on a surface)
:: падаючий
incinerate {v} (destroy by burning)
:: згоряти {pf}
inclined {adj} (slanted, sloped)
:: нахилений
income {n} (money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others)
:: прибуток, доход
incompetent {adj} (unskilled, lacking normally expected degree of ability)
:: некомпетентний
incomprehensible {adj} (impossible or very difficult to understand)
:: незрозумілий
inconceivable {adj} (unable to be conceived, unbelievable)
:: незбагненний, немислимий, неуявленний
incontrovertible {adj} (not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning)
:: незаперечний
inconvenient {adj} (not convenient)
:: незручний
incorporate {v} (include as a part or ingredient)
:: включати {impf}, включити {impf}
incorporate {v} (mix, blend)
:: змішувати
incorporate {v} (admit as a member of a company)
:: приймати {impf}
incorrect {adj} (erroneous)
:: неправильний
increase {v} (become larger)
:: зростати, рости
increase {v} (make larger)
:: збільшувати
increase {n} (increased amount)
:: ріст, приріст
increasingly {adv} (increasing in amount or intensity)
:: все більше і більше, дедалі більше
incredible {adj} (too implausible to be credible)
:: неймовірний
incredible {adj} (marvellous)
:: неймовірний
incremental {adj} (pertaining to an increment)
:: інкрементний
incruental {adj} (bloodless) SEE: bloodless
incunabulum {n} (book, sheet or image)
:: інкунабула {f}
incursion {n} (aggressive movement)
:: вторгнення {n}
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil
indecent {adj} (offensive to good taste)
:: непристойний
indeed {adv} (modal: truly; in fact; actually)
:: дійсно, справді
indeed {interj} (indication of agreement)
:: дійсно, справді
indefatigable {adj} (extremely persistent and untiring)
:: невтомний, неослабний
indefinite pronoun {n} (Pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent)
:: неозначений займенник {m}
independence {n} (state or quality of being independent)
:: незалежність, самостійність {f}
independent {adj} (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free)
:: незалежний, самостійний
indescribable {adj} (impossible, or very difficult to describe)
:: неописаний, невимовний, несказанний
index {n} (alphabetical listing of items)
:: індекс {m}
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger
India {prop} (the country)
:: Індія {f}
Indian {adj} (of or pertaining to India)
:: індійський
Indian {adj} (of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas)
:: індіанський, індіянський
Indian {n} (a person from India)
:: індієць {m}, індіанка {f}
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas)
:: індіанець {m}, індіянець {m}, індіанин {m}, індіянин {m}
Indianapolis {prop} (capital of the State of Indiana, USA)
:: Індіанаполіс
Indian myna {n}
:: майна звичайна
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica)
:: Індійський океан {m}
Indian summer {n} (stretch of warm days in autumn)
:: бабине літо
indicative mood {n} (indicative mood)
:: дійсний спосіб {m}
indifference {n} (the state of being indifferent)
:: байдужість {f}, байдужність {f}, рівнодушшя {n}
indifferent {adj} (not caring)
:: байдужий, байдужний, байдужливий, рівнодушний
indigence {n} (poverty)
:: біднота {f}
indignation {n} (anger aroused by some perceived offense or injustice)
:: збурення {n}, обурення {n}
indigo {adj} (colour)
:: індиго {m}
indispensable {adj} (not dispensable)
:: незамінний, необхідний
indispensable {adj} (absolutely necessary)
:: обов'язковий
indium {n} (metallic chemical element)
:: індій {m}
individual {n} (person considered alone)
:: індивід {m}, індивідуум {m}
individual {adj} (relating to a single person or thing)
:: особистий, індивідуальний, осібний
individualism {n} (tendency for a person to act without reference to others)
:: індивідуалізм {m}
individualism {n} (moral stance)
:: індивідуалізм {m}
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person
Indochina {prop} (part of Southeast Asia)
:: Індокитай {m}
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach
Indonesia {prop} (country)
:: Індонезія {f}
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia)
:: індонезійський
Indonesian {n} (language)
:: індонезійська {f}
indri {n} (Indri indri)
:: індрі
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion
in due time {prep} (eventually)
:: у свій час
Indus {prop} (the river)
:: Інд {m}
industrial espionage {n} (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage)
:: промислове шпигунство
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change)
:: індустріалізація {f}
industry {n} (businesses of the same type)
:: промисловість {f}, індустрія {f}
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods)
:: промисловість {f}, індустрія {f}
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something))
:: мені потрібен ...
ineffable {adj} (beyond expression)
:: невимовний
inequality {n} (unfair, not equal, state)
:: нерівність {f}
inequation {n} (a statement that two expressions are not the same) SEE: inequality
in essence {prep} (essentially) SEE: essentially
inevitable {adj} (impossible to avoid or prevent)
:: неминучий
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent
inexperienced {adj} (not experienced)
:: недосвідчений
infallible {adj} (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy)
:: непогрішний, непогрішимий, безпомилковий, непохибний
infant {n} (very young human being)
:: немовля
infanteer {n} (soldier) SEE: infantryman
infanticide {n} (the murder of an infant)
:: дітовбивство {n}
infantile {adj} (childish; immature)
:: інфантильний {m}
infantry {n} (soldiers who fight on foot)
:: піхота {f}
infantry {n} (the part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers)
:: піхота {f}
infantry fighting vehicle {n} (an armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry)
:: БМП {f}, бойова машина піхоти {f}
infantryman {n} (soldier who fights on foot)
:: піхотинець {m}
infected {adj} (having an infection)
:: інфікований, заражений
infection {n} (the process of infecting)
:: інфекція {f}, зараження {n}, закаження {n}
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host)
:: інфекція {f}, зараза {f}
infer {v} (to introduce as a reasoned conclusion)
:: робити висновок
inferior {adj} (of lower quality)
:: гірший
inferior {adj} (of lower rank)
:: підлеглий
inferior {adj} (located below)
:: нижній
infidelity {n} (unfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation)
:: невірність {f}
infinite {adj} (figuratively, very large)
:: неосяжний
infinite {adj} (boundless, endless)
:: нескінченний, безконечний
infinite {adj} (having infinitely many elements)
:: незлічений
infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form)
:: інфінітив {m}, дієйменник {m}, невизначена форма {f}
inflammation {n} (medical condition)
:: запалення
inflation {n} (expansion or increase in size)
:: надування {n}
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living)
:: інфляція {f}
inflorescence {n} (flower cluster)
:: суцвіття {n}
influence {n} (power to affect, control or manipulate)
:: вплив {m}, уплив {m}
influence {n} (action exerted by a person or thing with power to cause change)
:: вплив {m}, уплив {m}, впливання {n}
influence {v} (transitive: to exert an influence upon)
:: впливати {impf}
influential {adj} (having considerable influence)
:: впливовий
influenza {n} (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs)
:: грип {m}
inform {v} (to communicate knowledge to another/others (transitive))
:: повідомляти {impf}, повідомити {pf}
informal {adj} (not formal or ceremonious)
:: неформальний, неофіційний
informal {adj} (language: reflecting everyday, non-ceremonious usage)
:: розмовний
informatics {n} (branch of information science)
:: інформатика {f}
information {n} (communicable knowledge)
:: інформація {f}
Information Age {prop} (current era)
:: інформаційна епоха {f}, інформаційна ера {f}
in front of {prep} (at or near the front part of)
:: перед
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally
ingrate {adj} (ungrateful) SEE: ungrateful
inguinal canal {n} (one of the two passages in the anterior abdominal wall)
:: паховий канал, пахвинний панал
Ingushetia {prop} (federal subject of Russia)
:: Інгушетія {f}
inhabitant {n} (someone or thing who lives in a place)
:: мешканець {m}, мешканка {f}, житель {m}, жителька {f}
inherent {adj} (natural part or consequence)
:: природжений, властивий
inherently {adv} (inherently, innately)
:: по суті
inheritance {n} (that which a person is entitled to inherit)
:: спадок {m}
inheritance {n} (programming: mechanism for making parts of superclass available to subclass)
:: наслідування {n}
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir
inhibit {v} (to hold in or hold back; to restrain)
:: перешкоджати
inhumane {adj} (cruel and savage, not humane)
:: негуманний
initial {adj} (chronologically first)
:: первинний, початковий
initial {n} (first letter of a word)
:: початкова літера {f}
initial {n} (first letters of a person's name as a unit)
:: ініціал {m}
initiative {n} (a beginning; a first move)
:: ініціатива {f}, почин {m}
injurious {adj} (causing injury)
:: небезпечний, шкідливий
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound
injury {n} (damage or violation)
:: пошкодження {n}, рана {f}, травма {f}
ink {n} (coloured fluid used for writing)
:: чорнило {n}, туш {f}, атрамент {m}
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell
inkwell {n} (container for ink)
:: чорнильниця {f}, каламар {m}
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law
in my opinion {prep} (according to me)
:: на мою думку, як на мене
inn {n} (lodging)
:: трактир {m}, готель {m}, корчма {f}
inner {adj} (being or occurring inside)
:: внутрішній
inner ear {n} (anatomy)
:: внутрішнє вухо {n}
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China)
:: Внутрішня Монголія {f}
inning {n} (a period of play in baseball)
:: інінґ {m}
innocence {n} (absence of responsibility for a crime)
:: невинність {f}, невинуватість {f}
innocent {adj} (pure, free from sin, untainted)
:: невинний
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act)
:: невинуватий, невинний
innocuous {adj} (harmless)
:: нешкідливий {m}
innocuous {adj} (inoffensive)
:: нешкідливий {m}
innovation {n}
:: іновація {f}
in order {adv} (for the purpose of) SEE: in order to
in order to {phrase} (as a means of achieving the specified aim)
:: щоб
in other words {prep} (stated or interpreted another way)
:: іншими словами, інакше кажучи
input {n} (something fed into a process)
:: вхід {m}
input {v} (to enter data)
:: вводити {impf}, ввести {pf}
inquiline {n} (animal that lives commensally in the dwelling place of another species)
:: інквілін {m}
inquire {v} (to ask about something)
:: питати, довідуватися
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital
insatiable {adj} (not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased)
:: ненаситний
insatiate {adj} (that is not satiated) SEE: insatiable
in secret {prep} (secretly) SEE: secretly
insect {n} (arthropod of class Insecta)
:: комаха {f}, комашка {f}
insect {n} (contemptible or powerless person)
:: хробак {m}
inseminate {v} (to disperse or plant seds) SEE: sow
inseminate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate
inseparable {adj} (unable to be separated)
:: невіддільний, нерозлучний
insert {v} (put in between or into)
:: вставляти {impf}, вставити {pf}
inside {n} (interior or inner part)
:: внутрішність {f}, нутро {n}
inside {adj} (of or pertaining to the inner surface, limit or boundary)
:: внутрішній
inside {adv} (within the interior)
:: усередині, усередину
inside {prep} (within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference)
:: усередині, усередину
insist {v} (to hold up a claim emphatically)
:: наполягати
insole {n} (inside sole of footwear)
:: віхоть
insomnia {n} (sleeping disorder)
:: безсоння {n}
inspection {n} (the act of examining something, often closely)
:: інспекція {f}, перевірка {f}
inspiration {n} (stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions)
:: натхнення {n}
inspire {v} (to infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit)
:: вселяти {impf}, вселити {pf}, навіювати {impf}, навіяти {pf}, надихати {impf}, надихнути {pf}
inspire {v} (to infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence)
:: надихати {impf}, надихнути {pf}
inspire {v} (to infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing)
:: вдихати {impf}, вдихнути {pf}
instance {n} (case occurring, a case offered as an exemplification, an example)
:: приклад, зразок
instance {n} (in computing)
:: екземпляр
instantiate {v} (to represent by a concrete instance)
:: ілюструвати прикладом
instantly {adv} (at once)
:: зараз
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than)
:: замість, замісто
institute {n} (college)
:: інститут {m}
institution {n} (established organisation)
:: установа, заклад, організація
institution {n} (custom or practice of a society or community)
:: інститут
instrument {n} (tool)
:: інструмент {m}
instrumental {adj} (pertaining to the instrumental case)
:: орудний
insufficient {adj} (Not sufficient)
:: недостатній
insufficiently {adv} (not sufficiently)
:: недостатньо
insulin {n} (polypeptide hormone)
:: інсулін {m}
insult {v} (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone))
:: ображати {impf}, образити {pf}
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude)
:: образа {f}
insurance {n} (indemnity)
:: страховка {f}, страхування {n}
insurance {n} (business)
:: страхування {n}
insure {v} (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs)
:: страхувати {impf}, застрахувати {pf}
insurgent {n} (rebel)
:: повстанець {m}
insurrection {n} (mutiny or rebellion)
:: повстання {n}
integral {n} (limit of sums)
:: інтеграл {m}
integrate {v} (to form into one whole)
:: об'єднувати
integrate {v} (to subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of)
:: інтегрувати
integrity {n} (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code)
:: чесність
integrity {n} (state of being wholesome; unimpaired)
:: цілісність
integrity {n} (quality or condition of being complete; pure)
:: цілісність
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence
intelligence {n} (capacity of mind)
:: інтелект, розум {m}
intelligence {n} (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information)
:: розвідка {f}
intelligent {adj} (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright)
:: розумный
intelligentsia {n} (intellectual élite)
:: інтелігенція {f}
intend {v} (to fix the mind upon a goal)
:: наміритись, планувати, збиратися {impf}, мати намір
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée
intense {adj} (strained; tightly drawn)
:: інтенсивний
intention {v} (intend) SEE: intend
intention {n} (course intended to follow)
:: намір {m}
intentional {adj} (intended or planned; done deliberately or voluntarily)
:: навмисний, умисний
inter- {prefix} (among, between)
:: між-
inter {v} (bury in a grave)
:: ховати {impf}, хоронити {impf}, поховати {pf}, похоронити {pf}
interactome {n} (interactome)
:: інтерактом {m}
intercity {adj} (that connects cities one with another)
:: міжміський
intercontinental {adj} (between two or more continents)
:: міжконтинентальний
intercourse {n} (sexual intercourse)
:: статеві зносини {f-p}
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition
interest {n} (finance: price of credit)
:: відсоток {m}, процент {m}
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone)
:: цікавість {f}, інтерес {m}
interest {v} (to attract attention or concern)
:: цікавити {impf}, інтересувати {impf}
interesting {adj} (arousing or holding the attention)
:: цікавий
interface {n} (point of interconnection between entities)
:: інтерфейс {m}
interference {n} (act of interfering with something, or something that interferes)
:: втручання {n}
intergovernmental {adj} (of, relating to, or involving two or more governments)
:: міжурядовий
interior {adj} (having to do with the inner part of something)
:: внутрішній
interjection {n} (exclamation or filled pause in grammar)
:: вигук {m}
Interlingua {prop} (interlanguage based on Romance languages)
:: інтерлінгва {f}, інтерлінґва {f}
interlocutor {n} (A person who takes part in dialogue or conversation)
:: співбесідник {m}, співрозмовник {m}
interment {n} (The act of burying a dead body; burial)
:: поховання {n}
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine)
:: двигун внутрішнього згоряння {m}
international {adj} (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations)
:: міжнародний, інтернаціональний
international {n} (transnational organization)
:: інтернаціонал {m}
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court)
:: Міжнародний суд {m}
Internationale {prop} (proletarian song)
:: Інтернаціонал {m}
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations)
:: інтернационалізм {m}
International Monetary Fund {prop} (International Monetary Fund)
:: Міжнародний валютний фонд {m}, МВФ {m}
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} (standardized symbols for speech)
:: міжнародний фонетичний алфавіт {m}
international relations {n} (study of relationships among countries)
:: міжнародні відносини
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet
Internet {prop} (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers)
:: інтернет {m}
Internet cafe {n} (place where one can use a computer with Internet)
:: інтернет-кафе {n}
Internet Protocol {n} (one of the computer networking protocols)
:: міжмережевий протокол
interpreter {n} (one who interprets speech)
:: перекладач {m}, перекладачка {f}, товмач {m}, товмачка {f}, тлумач {m}, тлумачка {f}
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz)
:: допитувати {impf}, допитати {pf}
interrogation {n} (act of interrogating or questioning)
:: допит {m}, опит {m}
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark
interrogative {adj} (asking or denoting a question)
:: питальний, запитальний
intersection {n} (junction of two or more paths, etc)
:: перехресток {m}, перехрестя {n}
intersection {n} (in set theory)
:: перетин множин
Interslavic {adj} (between Slavs or Slavic nations)
:: міжслов'янський
Interslavic {prop} (auxiliary Slavic language)
:: міжслов'янська мова {f}
interval {n} (sports:half time) SEE: half time
intervention {n} (act of intervening)
:: втручання {n}, інтервенція {f} , вторгнення {n}
interview {n} (conversation with journalist etc.)
:: інтерв'ю {n}
interview {n} (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
:: співбесіда {f}, інтерв'ю {n}
intestine {n} (alimentary canal)
:: кишка {f}, кишечник {m}, черево {n}
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if
in the future {prep} (from now on) SEE: from now on
in the know {prep} (informed, aware)
:: обізнаний, в курсі
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
:: в країні сліпих одноокий — король
in the least {prep} (at all) SEE: at all
in the meantime {prep} (meanwhile) SEE: meanwhile
in the wake of {prep} (as a result of)
:: в результаті, як наслідок
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement
into {prep} (going inside)
:: в, у, до
intolerable {adj} (not tolerable)
:: незносний, нестерпний
intonation {n} (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking)
:: інтонація {f}
intransitive {adj} (of a verb, not taking a direct object)
:: неперехідний
intransitive verb {n} (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter)
:: неперехідне дієслово {n}
intrasexual {adj} (intrasexual)
:: внутрішньостатевий
introduce {v} (to cause someone to be acquainted)
:: представляти {impf}, представити {pf}, знайомити {impf}, познайомити {pf}
introit {n} (part of a psalm or other portion of the Bible read or sung at Mass immediately after the priest ascends to the altar)
:: інтройт
intuitive {adj} (automatic, without requiring conscious thought)
:: інтуїтивний
in turn {prep} (one after the other; successively)
:: послідовно, по черзі
in turn {prep} (in response, in return)
:: в свою чергу
Inuit {n} (the people)
:: інуї́ти
Inuit {prop} (the language)
:: інуї́тська мова {f}, інуї́тська {f}
Inuit {adj} (of or pertaining to Inuit people, language, or culture)
:: інуї́тський
Inuk {n} (the people)
:: інуї́т
Inuktitut {prop} (language)
:: інуктитут
inundation {n} (act of inundating)
:: повінь {f}, повідь {f}, затоплення {n}, потоп {m}
invade {v} (to move into)
:: вдиратися
invade {v} (to enter by force in order to conquer)
:: вдиратися, окупувати, захоплювати
invader {n} (one who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder)
:: наї́зник {m}, загарбник {m}
in vain {adv} (without success)
:: марно, даремно, дарма
invalid {n} (sick person)
:: інвалід {m}, інвалідка {f}
invasion {n} (military action)
:: вторгнення {n}
invent {v} (design a new process or mechanism)
:: винаходити {impf}, винайти {pf}
invented {adj} (fictional, made up)
:: вигаданий, видуманий
invention {n} (something invented)
:: винахід {m}
Inverness {prop} (city in Scotland)
:: Інвернесс
inverse function {n} (function that reverses the mapping action of a given function)
:: обернена функція {f}
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone)
:: безхребетна тварина {f}
invest {v} (to clothe or wrap with garments) SEE: clothe
investigation {n} (the act of investigating)
:: розслідування {n}, дослідження {n}
investigator {n} (one who investigates)
:: слідчий {m}
investment {n} (placement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use)
:: інвестиція, внесок
invincibility {n} (state or quality of being invincible)
:: непереможність {f}
invincible {adj} (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill)
:: непереможний
invitation {n} (act of inviting)
:: запрошення {n}
invite {v} (ask for the presence or participation of someone)
:: запрошувати {impf}, запросити {pf}
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage
invoice {n} (bill)
:: рахунок-фактура {m}, інвойс {f}, фактура {f}, рахунок {m}, накладна {f}
invoke {v} (call upon someone for help etc.)
:: благати
invoke {v} (solicit, petition for)
:: закликати
invoke {v} ((computing) cause to execute)
:: викликати
involve {v} (To connect with something)
:: стосуватися
involve {v} (To take in)
:: включати, містити
involved {adj} (complicated) SEE: complicated
involvement {n} (the act of involving or state of being involved)
:: участь, причетність
invulnerable {adj} (incapable of being wounded)
:: невразливий
Ioannina {prop} (capital of Epirus)
:: Яніна {f}
iodine {n} (element)
:: йод {m}
ionizing radiation {n} (high-energy radiation that is capable of causing ionization in substances)
:: іонізаційна радіація {f}
iotation {n} (process occurring in Slavic languages or elsewhere)
:: йотування {n}
IPA {prop} (International Phonetic Alphabet)
:: МФА
iPhone {n} (device)
:: айфон {m}
Iran {prop} (country in Western Asia)
:: Іран {m}
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian
Iranian {n} (person from Iran or of Iranian descent)
:: іранець {m}, іранка {f}
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages)
:: іранський
Iraq {prop} (country)
:: Ірак {m}
Ireland {prop} (island)
:: Ірландія {f}
Irene {prop} (female given name)
:: Ірина {f}
iridium {n} (chemical element)
:: іридій {m}
Irish {adj} (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people)
:: ірландський
Irishman {n} (man from Ireland)
:: ірландець {m}
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland)
:: Ірландське море {n}
Irish setter {n} (a breed of gun dog)
:: ірландський сетер {m}
Irishwoman {n} (woman from Ireland)
:: ірландка {f}
Irkutsk {prop} (city in Siberia)
:: Іркутськ {m}
iron {adj} (made of iron)
:: залізний
iron {adj} (strong, inflexible)
:: залізний
iron {v} (to pass an iron over clothing)
:: прасувати
iron {n} (chemical element Fe)
:: залізо {n}
iron {n} (for pressing clothes)
:: праска {f}, залізко {n}
Iron Curtain {prop} (the dividing line between western Europe and the Soviet controlled regions)
:: залізна завіса {f}
iron ore {n} (ore containing iron)
:: залізна руда {f}
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith
Iroquois {n} (hairdo) SEE: Mohawk
Irrawaddy {prop} (river that flows through Burma)
:: Іраваді
irreconcilable {adj} (unable to be reconciled; opposed; uncompromising)
:: непримиримий, непримиренний
irredentism {n} (an annexation doctrine)
:: іредентизм {m}
irrefutable {adj} (undeniable, unable to be disproved)
:: незаперечний
irregular {adj} (non-standard)
:: неправильний, нестандартний
irregular {adj} (in grammar, applied to verbs)
:: неправильний
irreparable {adj} (that is unable to be repaired)
:: непоправний
irreplaceable {adj} (that cannot be replaced)
:: незамінний
irresponsible {adj} (lacking a sense of responsibility)
:: безвідповідальний
irreversible {adj} (incapable of being reversed)
:: необоротний
irritable bowel syndrome {n} (functional disorder of the large intestine)
:: синдром подразненого кишечника {m}
irritate {v} (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation)
:: дратувати {impf}
Isaac {prop} (son of Abraham and Sarah)
:: Ісаак {m}
Islam {prop} (religion)
:: іслам {m}, мусульманство {n}
Islamabad {prop} (the capital of Pakistan)
:: Ісламабад {m}
Islamic {adj} (Adjectival form of Islam)
:: ісламський
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran)
:: Ісламська Республіка Іран {f}
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
:: Ісламська Республіка Пакистан {f}
Islamism {n} (Islamic fundamentalism)
:: ісламізм {m}
Islamization {n} (the conversion of a society to Islam)
:: ісламізація {f}
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims)
:: ісламофобія {f}
island {n} (area of land completely surrounded by water)
:: острів {m}
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island
-ism {suffix} (a principle, belief or movement)
:: -ізм {m}, -изм {m}
isogloss {n} (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature)
:: ізоглоса
isolation {n} (state of being isolated)
:: ізоляція {f}
isolationism {n} (policy of non-interaction)
:: ізоляціонізм {m}
isomorphism {n} (the similarity in form of organisms of different ancestry)
:: ізоморфізм {m}
isotope {n} (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons)
:: ізотоп {m}
Israel {prop} (the state)
:: Ізраїль {m}
Israeli {n} (person from Israel or of Israeli descent)
:: ізраїльтянин {m}, ізраїльтянка {f}
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people)
:: ізраїльський
issue {n} (problem or concern)
:: питання, проблема
issue {n} (a single edition of a periodical publication)
:: видання, випуск
issue {v} (to deliver for use)
:: випускати
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire)
:: Стамбул
isthmus {n} (narrow strip of land)
:: перешийок {m}
it {pron} (subject — inanimate thing)
:: воно {n}, це
it {pron} (subject of impersonal statement)
:: це
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italy)
:: італійський
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy)
:: італієць {m}, італійка {f}
Italian {n} (language)
:: італійська {f}
Italian honeysuckle {n} (Lonicera caprifolium)
:: капріфоль {f}
Italianization {prop} (process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture)
:: італьянізація {f}
Italianness {n} (quality of being Italian)
:: італійськість {f}
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy)
:: Італійська Республіка {f}
Italy {prop} (European country)
:: Італія {f}
it can't be helped {phrase} (it is inevitable)
:: нічого не вдієш
itch {n} (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch)
:: свербіж {m}, сверблячка {f}
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch)
:: свербіти {impf}
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks)
:: -ит {m}
item {n} (line of text having a particular meaning)
:: позиція, пункт
item {n} (matter for discussion in an agenda)
:: питання
item {n} (short article)
:: стаття {f}, замітка {f}
it figures {phrase} (phrase)
:: недивно
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence)
:: мислю, отже існую
it never rains but it pours {proverb} (unfortunate events occur in quantity)
:: біда ніколи сама не ходить (trouble does not come alone)
its {determiner} (belonging to it)
:: його {m} {n}, її́ {f}, свій
it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don't understand any of this)
:: Це для мене китайська грамота (That's Chinese writing to me)
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome
it's a small world {phrase} (phrase used when meeting an acquaintance or personal connection in an unexpected place or context)
:: яка Земля кругла (how round is the Earth)
itself {pron} ((reflexive) it)
:: себе
itself {pron} ((emphatic) it)
:: воно само {n}, само
it's raining {phrase} (it's raining)
:: дощ іде, іде дощ
it's too expensive {phrase} (it's too expensive)
:: це занадто дорого
Ivan {prop} (male given name)
:: Іван {m}
Ivano-Frankivsk {prop} (city)
:: Івано-Франківськ {m}
Ivano-Frankovsk {prop} (Ivano-Frankivsk) SEE: Ivano-Frankivsk
Ivanovich {prop} (patronymic)
:: Іванович {m}
Ivanovo {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Іваново {n}
I've {contraction} (I have)
:: у мене, у мене є
I've been robbed {phrase} (I've been robbed)
:: мене пограбували
ivory {n} (material)
:: слонова кістка {f}
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire
ivory gull {n} (Pagophila eburnea)
:: мартин білий {m}
ivy {n} (plant)
:: плющ {m}
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (year))
:: я народився в ... році {m}, я народилася в ... році {f}
I was born in ... {phrase} (I was born in ... (place name))
:: я народився в ... {m}, я народилася в ... {f}
I wish {phrase} (I would very much like that to be so)
:: якби
Iwo Jima {prop} (an island in Japan)
:: Іото
Ixion {prop} (king of Lapiths)
:: Іксіон {m}
Ixion {prop} (a Kuiper Belt object)
:: Іксіон {m}
Izanagi {prop} (Japanese creator god)
:: Ідзанаґі {m}
Izanami {prop} (Japanese creator goddess)
:: Ідзанамі {f}
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia)
:: Іжевськ {m}