j {letter}
:: letter
J {letter} /ʒɔ.ta/
:: letter
ja {adv}
:: obsolete spelling of já
já {adv} /ʒa/
:: already (indicating that something has happened before)
já {adv}
:: now (at this instant)
já {adv}
:: any more; any longer
já {adv}
:: in a minute; soon
já {adv}
:: on the other hand, however
já {adv}
:: ever
já {adv}
:: really (used for emphasis)
já agora {prep}
:: by the way (incidentally)
já agora {prep}
:: See: pt já agora
jabá {m}
:: A form of dried meat
jabá {m}
:: promotion or marketing, especially self-promotion or self-marketing
jabá {m}
:: payola (specifically, an illegal bribe given in exchange for playing a given music in radio and TV stations)
já basta {phrase}
:: enough is enough (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached)
jabiru {m}
:: alternative form of jaburu
Jaborá {prop}
:: Jaborá (municipality)
jaborandi {m} /ʒɐ.βu.ɾɐ̃.ˈdi/
:: jaborandi (any plant of the genus Pilocarpus)
Jaborandi {prop}
:: Jaborandi (municipality)
Jaborandi {prop}
:: Jaborandi (municipality)
jaborandy {m}
:: obsolete spelling of jaborandi
jabota {f}
:: Female tortoise
Jaboticaba {prop}
:: Jaboticaba (municipality)
Jaboticabal {prop}
:: Jaboticabal (municipality)
Jaboticatubas {prop}
:: Jaboticatubas (municipality)
jaboty {m}
:: obsolete spelling of jabuti
jaburu {m}
:: jabiru (Jabiru mycteria)
jabuti {m} /ʒa.bu.t͡ʃi/
:: either the yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata) or the red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria)
jabuti {m}
:: any tortoise (terrestrial turtle)
jabuti {m}
:: an amendment to a law which is strange to its main subject, as "tortoises do not climb trees" (Brazilian proverb) (it was put onto the tree by someone)
jabuti-piranga {f}
:: red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius)
jabuti-tinga {f}
:: yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus)
jaca {f}
:: jackfruit (the fruit of Artocarpus heterophyllus)
jacá {m}
:: A type of basket used for carrying food
Jacaraci {prop}
:: Jacaraci (municipality)
jacarandá {m} /ʒɐ.kɐ.ɾɐ̃.ˈda/
:: jacaranda (the tree)
jacaré {m} /ʒɐ.kɐ.ˈɾɛ/
:: an alligator or cayman
jacaré-açu {m}
:: black caiman
jacaré americano {m}
:: American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis, an alligator of the southeastern United States)
Jacareí {prop}
:: Jacareí (municipality)
jacarezinho {m}
:: diminutive of jacaré
jacarèzinho {f}
:: obsolete spelling of jacarezinho
Jacarta {prop} {f} /ʒa.ˈkaʁ.tɐ/
:: Jacarta (capital city)
jacatirica {f}
:: alternative form of jaguatirica
já chega {phrase}
:: enough is enough (the limit of patience or tolerance has been reached)
Jaci {prop}
:: given name
Jaci {prop}
:: given name
Jaci {prop}
:: Jaci (municipality)
Jaciara {prop}
:: given name
jacinto {m} /ʒɐˈsĩ.tu/
:: hyacinth (plant of the genus Hyacinthus)
Jacinto {prop}
:: Jacinto (municipality)
Jacinto Machado {prop}
:: Jacinto Machado (municipality)
Jacira {prop}
:: given name
Jacirema {prop}
:: given name
jack {m}
:: jack (an electronic connector mounted on a surface)
jack {m}
:: A rapist (specifically a male one)
Jacó {prop} {m} /ʒa.ˈkɔ/
:: Jacob (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca)
Jacó {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jacob {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Jacó
Jacobe {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Jacó
Jacobina {prop}
:: Jacobina (municipality)
Jacobo {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Jacó
jacre {f}
:: alternative form of jágara
jactância {f}
:: vainglory, boasting
jactância {f}
:: pride, arrogance
jactancioso {m}
:: braggart
jactancioso {adj}
:: boastful
jactando {v}
:: gerund of jactar
jactante {adj}
:: boastful
jactar {v}
:: to boast
jactar-se {vr}
:: to show off (to exhibit, to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging)
jacto {m} /ˈʒak.tu/
:: jet (gush of pressurised substance)
jacto {m}
:: jet (aeroplane using jet engines)
jacu {m}
:: guan (several birds within the family Cracidae)
Jacuí {prop}
:: Jacuí (municipality)
Jacuizinho {prop}
:: Jacuizinho (municipality)
Jacupiranga {prop}
:: Jacupiranga (municipality)
Jacutinga {prop}
:: Jacutinga (municipality)
Jacutinga {prop}
:: Jacutinga (municipality)
Jacy {prop}
:: given name
Jacy {prop}
:: given name
jade {m}
:: jade (gem)
já era {interj}
:: there is no more; napoo
já era {interj}
:: too late
já era hora {phrase}
:: about time (it is far past the desired time)
já era tempo {phrase}
:: about time (it is far past the desired time)
jaez {m} /ʒɐˈeʃ/
:: harness
jaez {m}
:: sort; ilk
Jafé {prop} {m}
:: Japheth (third son of Noah)
Jaffna {prop} {f}
:: Jaffna (city)
jágara {f}
:: jaggery (traditional unrefined sugar)
jagra {f}
:: alternative form of jágara
jagre {f}
:: alternative form of jágara
Jaguaquara {prop}
:: Jaguaquara (municipality)
jaguar {m} /ʒa.ˈɡwaɹ/
:: jaguar
Jaguaraçu {prop}
:: Jaguaraçu (municipality)
Jaguarão {prop}
:: Jaguarão (municipality)
Jaguarari {prop}
:: Jaguarari (municipality)
jaguaretê {m}
:: a small jaguar
Jaguari {prop}
:: Jaguari (municipality)
Jaguaripe {prop}
:: Jaguaripe (municipality)
Jaguariúna {prop}
:: Jaguariúna (municipality)
Jaguaruna {prop}
:: Jaguaruna (municipality)
jaguarundi {m} /ʒa.ˌɡwa.ɾũ.ˈdʒi/
:: jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi)
jaguatirica {f}
:: ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
jagunço {m}
:: An armed man, serving as bodyguard to someone else. Thug, hoodlum
jah {adv}
:: alternative spelling of já
Jaíba {prop}
:: Jaíba (municipality)
Jaime {prop} {m} /ˈʒaj.mi/
:: given name
jainismo {m}
:: Jainism (religion and philosophy)
Jaipur {prop} {f}
:: Jaipur (state capital)
Jaipur {prop} {f}
:: Jaipur (district)
Jair {prop} {m} /ʒa.ˈiʁ/
:: given name
já, já {adv}
:: soon
Jakarta {prop} {f}
:: alternative spelling of Jacarta
Jalalabad {prop} {f}
:: Jalalabad (city)
jalão {m}
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul
jaleco {m} /ʒɐˈlɛ.ku/
:: coat of typical white colour worn by scientists, medics, professors, teachers and other professionals
Jales {prop}
:: Jales (municipality)
Jamaica {prop} {f}
:: Jamaica (island/and/country)
jamaicano {adj}
:: Jamaican (of, from, or pertaining to Jamaica)
jamaicano {m}
:: Jamaican (person from Jamaica)
jamais {adv} /ʒa.ˈmajʃ/
:: never
jamanta {f} /ʒa.ˈmɐ̃.tɐ/
:: manta ray (large ray of the genus Manta)
jamanta {f}
:: semi; articulated lorry; truck and trailer
jamanta {f} {mf}
:: hulk (a big, clumsy person)
Jambeiro {prop}
:: Jambeiro (municipality)
jâmbico {adj}
:: alternative form of iâmbico
Jâmblico {prop} {m}
:: Iamblichus (Ancient Greek philosopher)
jambo {m} /ˈʒɐ̃.bu/
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium jambos; rose apple
jambo {m}
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul
jambolão {m}
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul
jambo-rosa {m} /ˈʒɐ̃.buˈʁɔ.zɐ/
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium jambos; rose apple
jamelão {m} /ʒa.me.ˈlɐ̃w̃/
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul
Jammu e Caxemira {prop}
:: Jammu e Caxemira (territory)
Jampruca {prop}
:: Jampruca (municipality)
jam session {f}
:: jam (impromptu informal performance or practice session)
Janaúba {prop}
:: Janaúba (municipality)
Jandaíra {prop}
:: Jandaíra (municipality)
Jandira {prop}
:: given name
Jandira {prop}
:: Jandira (municipality)
janeiras {fp} /ʒɐ.ˈnɐj.ɾɐʃ/
:: New Year's carols (traditional songs celebrating the New Year and Epiphany)
janeireiro {adj} /ʒɐ.nɐj.ˈɾɐj.ɾu/
:: of January
janeireiro {m}
:: a carol singer
janeirento {adj} /ʒɐ.nɐj.ˈɾẽ.tu/
:: Of a cat, on heat
janeiro {m} /ʒɐ.ˈnɐj.ɾu/
:: January
Janeiro {m}
:: superseded spelling of janeiro
janela {f} /ʒɐ.ˈnɛ.lɐ/
:: window
janela cega {f}
:: blind window
janelamento {m} /ʒɐ.nɨ.lɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/
:: windowing
janelão {m} /ʒɐ.nɨ.ˈlɐ̃w̃/
:: a large window
janelar {v} /ʒɐ.nɨ.ˈlaɾ/
:: to be at the window constantly
janeleiro {m} /ʒɐ.nɨ.ˈlɐj.ɾu/
:: a person who loves being at the window
janelinha {f} /ʒɐ.nɨ.ˈli.ɲɐ/
:: a small window
janella {f}
:: obsolete spelling of janela
janelo {m} /ʒɐ.ˈne.lu/
:: a hatch (a small opening in a wall)
janeyro {m}
:: obsolete spelling of janeiro
Janeyro {m}
:: obsolete spelling of janeiro
jangada {f} /ʒɐ̃.ˈɡa.ðɐ/
:: raft (flat, makeship watercraft)
jângal {m}
:: jungle (large, undeveloped, humid forest)
janíçaro {m}
:: obsolete form of janízaro
janízaro {m} /ʒɐ.ˈni.za.ɾu/
:: janissary (member of the Ottoman sultan’s guard)
Jan Mayen {prop} {f}
:: Jan Mayen (island)
Jano {prop} {m} /ˈʒɐ.nu/
:: Janus (Roman god of gates and doorways)
Jano {prop} {m}
:: Janus (a moon of Saturn)
janota {adj} /ʒɐ.ˈnɔ.tɐ/
:: vain (overly concerned with one’s appearance)
janota {adj}
:: elegant
janota {mf}
:: a vain person
Janota {prop} /ʒɐ.ˈnɔ.tɐ/
:: surname
janotar {v} /ʒa.no.ˈta(ɾ)/
:: to dress elegantly
janotear {v}
:: to dress elegantly
janta {f} /ˈʒɐ̃.tɐ/
:: dinner
jantar {m} /ʒɐ̃.ˈtaɾ/
:: dinner (evening meal)
jantar {v}
:: to dine
Januária {prop}
:: Januária (municipality)
japa {mf} /ˈʒa.pɐ/
:: a person from Japan or of Japanese descent
japa {adj}
:: from Japan or of Japanese descent
Japam {prop}
:: obsolete spelling of Japão
Japaõ {prop} {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Japão
Japão {prop} {m} /ʒɐ.ˈpɐ̃w̃/
:: Japão (archipelago/and/country)
Japaraíba {prop}
:: Japaraíba (municipality)
Japeri {prop}
:: Japeri (municipality)
Jápeto {prop} {f} /ˈʒa.pe.tu/
:: Iapetus (the moon of Saturn)
Jápeto {prop} {m}
:: Iapetus (a Titan)
japinha {mf}
:: diminutive of japa
japinha {adj}
:: diminutive of japa
japona {f}
:: jacket
japona {f}
:: augmentative of japa
japona {adj}
:: augmentative of japa
japonês {adj} /ʒɐpuˈneʃ/
:: Japanese
japonês {adj}
:: pertaining or related to Japan
japonês {adj}
:: pertaining or related to the Japanese people
japonês {adj}
:: pertaining or related to the Japanese language
japonês {m}
:: a Japanese person
japonês {m}
:: a nikkei or any person of Japanese ancestry or parentship
japonês {m}
:: Any East Asian person in general
japonês {m}
:: the Japanese language
japonesa {f} /ʒɐpuˈnezɐ/
:: feminine noun of japonês
japonesamente {adv}
:: In the manner of Japanese people; in context of Japan; Japanesely
japonesamente {adv}
:: As said or written in Japanese language; Japanesely
japonizar {v}
:: to japanize
Japonvar {prop}
:: Japonvar (municipality)
japoronga {adj}
:: Japanese, Jap
japoronga {adj}
:: Looking like or having aspect of Japanese people
já que {conj}
:: since; given that; considering that
jaqueira {f}
:: jackfruit tree
jaqueria {f}
:: jacquerie (a violent revolt by peasants)
jaqueta {f} /ʒɐˈketɐ/
:: jacket (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse)
Jaquirana {prop}
:: Jaquirana (municipality)
Jaraguá do Sul {prop}
:: Jaraguá do Sul (municipality)
jararaca {f}
:: jararaca
jarda {f}
:: yard (measure of three feet)
jarda {f}
:: alternative form of járdia
jarda {f}
:: anabolic steroid
jardim {m} /ʒɐɾ.ˈðĩ/
:: garden
jardim botânico {m}
:: botanical garden (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons)
jardim de infância {m} /ʒɐɾ.ðĩ.dĩ.ˈfɐ̃.sjɐ/
:: kindergarten (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6)
jardim-de-infância {m}
:: obsolete spelling of jardim de infância
Jardim do Éden {prop} {m}
:: Garden of Eden (place where Adam and Eve first lived)
jardim zoológico {m}
:: zoo (park where live animals are exhibited)
jardinagem {f} /ʒɐɾ.ði.ˈna.ʒɐ̃j̃/
:: gardening
jardinar {vi} /ʒɐɾ.ði.ˈnaɾ/
:: to garden (to maintain a garden)
jardineira {f}
:: feminine noun of jardineiro
jardineiro {m} /ʒɐɾ.ði.ˈnɐj.ɾu/
:: gardener (one who gardens)
Jardinópolis {prop}
:: Jardinópolis (municipality)
Jardinópolis {prop}
:: Jardinópolis (municipality)
jargão {m} /ʒɐɾˈɣɐ̃w̃/
:: jargon
Jari {prop}
:: Jari (municipality)
Jarinu {prop}
:: Jarinu (municipality)
jaro {m}
:: alternative form of aro (arum plant)
jarra {f}
:: jug; ewer; pitcher (deep vessel for holding liquids)
jarrete {m}
:: the part of the leg behind the knee
jarreteira {f}
:: garter (band around leg)
jarro {m}
:: alternative form of jarra
jarro {m}
:: alternative form of aro (arum)
Jasão {prop} {m} /ʒa.ˈzɐ̃w̃/
:: Jason (leader of Argonauts)
Jasão {prop} {m}
:: given name
já sei {interj}
:: I know, eureka (assertion that speaker has answer or idea)
já sei {interj}
:: See: pt já sei
jasmim {m} /ʒɐʒˈmĩ/
:: jasmine (plant of genus Jasminum)
jasmim {m}
:: jasmine (perfume)
Jasmim {prop} {f} /ʒaz.ˈmĩ/
:: given name
Jasmin {prop} {f}
:: given name
Jason {prop} {m}
:: given name
jaspe {m} /ˈʒaʃ.pɨ/
:: jasper (precious stone)
jatante {adj}
:: alternative form of jactante
jato {m} /ˈʒa.tu/
:: alternative form of jacto
jatobá {m}
:: courbaril (a South American tree, Hymenaea courbaril)
jatobá {m}
:: the wood of this tree, highly desirable because of its hardness
Jatobá {prop} {f}
:: Jatobá (municipality)
Jatobá {prop} {f}
:: Jatobá (municipality)
Jatobá {prop} {mf}
:: surname
jau {m}
:: Javanese (person from Java)
Jaú {prop}
:: Jaú (municipality)
jaula {f}
:: cage (enclosure)
Java {prop} {f}
:: Java (island)
Java {prop} {m}
:: Java (programming language)
já vai tarde {interj}
:: good riddance (expressing satisfaction with the departure or death of someone that is not liked)
javali {m} /ʒɐ.vɐˈli/
:: wild boar
javali-africano {m}
:: warthog (a species of wild pig)
javalina {f} /ˌʒa.va.ˈli.na/
:: javelin (throwing spear used as a weapon)
javalina {f}
:: feminine noun of javali
javanês {m}
:: Javanese (person from Java)
javanês {m}
:: Javanese (language spoken in central and eastern Java)
javanês {adj}
:: Javanese (of, from or relating to Java)
javaporco {m}
:: resulting animal from a wild boar and a domestic pig's interbreeding
Javé {prop} {m} /ʒa.ˈvɛ/
:: Yahweh (personal name of God)
já vi esse filme {phrase}
:: I've already seen that same thing happening (used to indicate that the speaker is familiar to an imminent occurrence)
Jayme {prop} {m}
:: alternative spelling of Jaime
jazer {v}
:: to lie, to sit (be situated)
jazer {v}
:: to lay, to lie down
jazida {f}
:: orebody, mine
jazigo {m}
:: tomb; grave
jazigo {m}
:: deposit; bed
jazz {m} /ˈd͡ʒɛs/
:: jazz (music genre)
Jean {prop} {m} /ʒeˈɐ̃/
:: given name
jeans {m} /ˈd͡ʒĩs/
:: denim (type of textile)
jeans {mp} {m}
:: jeans (denim trousers)
jeans {adj}
:: made of denim
jeba {f}
:: dick; penis
Jeceaba {prop}
:: Jeceaba (municipality)
jegue {m}
:: donkey
jegue {m}
:: idiot, fool
jegue {adj}
:: dumb, foolish, idiotic
Jehová {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Jeová
Jehovah {prop} {m}
:: archaic spelling of Jeová
jeitinho {m}
:: workaround, hack (improvised solution)
jeito {m} /ˈʒɐj.tu/
:: way, manner, fashion (method)
jeito {m}
:: a way or manner to solve a problem
jeito {m}
:: temper
jeito {m}
:: manners
jeito {m}
:: ability, skill
jeitoso {adj}
:: skilled
jeitoso {adj}
:: elegant, attractive
jeitoso {adj}
:: useful, convenient
jeje {mf}
:: A member of the Fon, Ewe, or Akan peoples of West Africa
jejuar {v} /ˌʒɨ.ˈʒwaɾ/
:: to fast (to abstain from or eat very little food)
jejuar {v}
:: to avoid or abstain from something one enjoys
jejum {m} /ʒɨ.ˈʒũ/
:: fasting (period of time when one abstains from food)
jejuno {m}
:: jejunum (central of the three divisions of the small intestine)
jenela {f}
:: obsolete form of janela
jenella {f}
:: obsolete form of janela
Jenifer {prop} {f} /ˈdʒẽ.ni.feʁ/
:: given name
Jenipapo de Minas {prop}
:: Jenipapo de Minas (municipality)
jenízaro {m}
:: rare form of janízaro
Jeová {prop} {m} /ˌʒe.o.ˈva/
:: Jehovah (name of God in the Hebrew scriptures)
Jequeri {prop}
:: Jequeri (municipality)
Jequié {prop}
:: Jequié (municipality)
jequiriti {m}
:: jequirity (Abrus precatorius, an Indonesian legume with poisonous seeds)
Jequitaí {prop}
:: Jequitaí (municipality)
Jequitibá {prop}
:: Jequitibá (municipality)
Jequitinhonha {prop}
:: Jequitinhonha (municipality)
Jeremias {prop} {m} /ˌʒe.ɾe.ˈmi.ɐs/
:: Jeremiah (a prophet)
Jeremias {prop} {m}
:: Jeremiah (book of the Old Testament)
Jeremias {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jeremoabo {prop}
:: Jeremoabo (municipality)
Jerichó {prop} {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Jericó
jerico {m}
:: donkey
jerico {m}
:: idiot; fool
Jericó {prop} {f} /ˌʒe.ɾi.ˈkɔ/
:: Jericó (city)
jerimum {m}
:: pumpkin (plant)
jerimum {m}
:: pumpkin (fruit)
Jeriquara {prop}
:: Jeriquara (municipality)
Jerónimo {prop} {m} /ʒe.ˈɾo.ni.mu/
:: given name
Jerônimo {prop} {m}
:: given name; Brazilian variant of Jerónimo
jeropiga {f}
:: jeropiga (liqueur made from partially fermented malt or wine)
jeropiga {f}
:: plonk (cheap or inferior wine)
jerosolimita {adj}
:: Jerusalemite (of, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem)
jerosolimita {mf}
:: Jerusalemite (person from Jerusalem)
jerosolimitana {f}
:: feminine noun of jerosolimitano
jerosolimitano {adj}
:: alternative form of hierosolimitano
jerosolimitano {m}
:: alternative form of hierosolimitano
jérsei {m}
:: jersey (garment knitted from wool, worn over the upper body)
Jersey {prop} {f}
:: Jersey (island/and/dependency)
Jerusalem {prop} {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Jerusalém
Jerusalém {prop} {f} /ʒe.ˌɾu.za.ˈlẽj̃/
:: Jerusalém (city)
Jessé {prop} {m} /ʒe.ˈsɛ/
:: Jesse (father of David)
Jessé {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jéssica {prop} {f} /ˈʒɛ.si.kɐ/
:: given name
Jesuânia {prop}
:: Jesuânia (municipality)
Jesuis {prop} {m}
:: eye dialect of Jesus
jesuíta {m}
:: Jesuit (member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order)
jesuíta {adj}
:: relating to the Jesuits
jesus {m}
:: Jesus (figure of Jesus)
Jesus {prop} {m} /ʒɨ.ˈzuʃ/
:: Jesus Christ
Jesus {prop} {f} {m}
:: given name
Jesus {prop} {f} {m}
:: given name, shortened from "Maria de Jesus"
Jesus {prop} {f} {m}
:: surname
Jesus Cristo {prop} {m}
:: Jesus Christ (central figure of Christianity, believed to be the son of God)
Jesus Cristo {interj}
:: Jesus Christ! (exclamation of surprise)
Jethro {prop} {m}
:: obsolete spelling of Jetro
jet lag {m}
:: jet lag (a physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight)
jet pack {m}
:: alternative spelling of jetpack
jet-pack {m}
:: alternative spelling of jetpack
jetpack {m}
:: jet pack (equipment worn on the back allowing flight)
Jetro {prop} {m} /ˈʒɛ.tɾu/
:: Jethro (the father-in-law of Moses)
Jetro {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jezabel {prop} {f}
:: Jezebel (Phoenician princess and Queen of Ancient Israel in 1 Kings)
Jezabel {prop} {f}
:: given name
Jezebel {prop} {f}
:: given name
Jharkhand {prop} {m}
:: Jharkhand (state)
Jiangsu {prop} {m}
:: Jiangsu (province)
jiboia {f}
:: boa constrictor, jiboya (a large tropical American snake)
jibóia {f}
:: obsolete spelling of jiboia
Jibuti {prop} {m}
:: Jibuti (country)
Jibuti {prop}
:: Jibuti (capital city)
jihad {m} /ʒi.ˈʁad͡ʒ/
:: jihad (holy war undertaken by Muslims)
jihadi {mf}
:: mujahid; jihadist (a Muslim engaging in jihad)
jihadista {mf}
:: mujahid; jihadist (one who participates in a jihad)
Jilin {prop} {f}
:: Jilin (province)
jiló {m} /ʒi.ˈlɔ/
:: gilo (fruit of the scarlet eggplant)
jimbo {m}
:: aardvark (mammal)
jinela {f}
:: alternative form of janela
jinella {f}
:: obsolete form of janela
jingoísmo {m}
:: jingoism (extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy)
jinguba {f}
:: alternative spelling of ginguba
jinn {m}
:: jinn (spirit)
jinriquixá {m}
:: rickshaw (two-wheeled carriage)
jipe {m}
:: jeep (vehicle)
Jiquiriçá {prop}
:: Jiquiriçá (municipality)
jirau {m}
:: A wooden framework built on piles driven into the ground (for housing, fishing etc)
Jiro {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jitaúna {prop}
:: Jitaúna (municipality)
jitter {m}
:: jitter (abrupt and unwanted variation of signal characteristics)
jiu-jitsu {m}
:: jujitsu (a Japanese martial art)
jiu-jitsu {m}
:: jujitsu (a Brazilian martial art based on jiu-jitsu)
Jó {prop} {m}
:: Job (book of the Bible)
Jó {prop} {m}
:: Job (biblical character)
Joaçaba {prop}
:: Joaçaba (municipality)
Joaíma {prop}
:: Joaíma (municipality)
joalharia {f} /ʒwɐ.ʎɐ.ˈɾiɐ/
:: jewelry
joalheiro {m} /ˌʒwɐ.ˈʎɐj.ɾu/
:: jeweller (person who works with precious stones)
joalheria {f}
:: jewelry
Joam {prop} {m}
:: obsolete spelling of João
Joana {prop} {f} /ʒo.ˈɐ.nɐ/
:: given name
Joana {prop} {f}
:: Joanna (follower of Jesus)
Joanesburgo {prop} {f}
:: Joanesburgo (city/provincial capital)
Joanésia {prop}
:: Joanésia (municipality)
joanete {m}
:: bunion (bump on the big toe)
joaninha {f} /ʒwɐ.ˈni.ɲɐ/
:: ladybird
Joanna {prop} {f}
:: given name
Joanópolis {prop}
:: Joanópolis (municipality)
Joaõ {prop} {m}
:: obsolete spelling of João
joão {m}
:: nobody (someone who is not important)
João {prop} {mf} /ˈʒwɐ̃w̃/
:: given name
João Batista {prop} {m}
:: John the Baptist (biblical prophet)
joão-bolão {m}
:: fruit of the plant Syzygium cumini; jambul
joão-de-barro {m}
:: rufous hornero (a bird of southern South America)
João Dourado {prop}
:: João Dourado (municipality)
João e Maria {prop} {m}
:: Hansel and Gretel (the fairy tale about two children who are almost eaten by a witch)
joão-fernandes {mf}
:: a worthless or useless individual
joão-fernandes {mf}
:: a type of countryside dance from Rio Grande do Sul
João Galafoice {m}
:: will o' the wisp (strange light)
João Monlevade {prop}
:: João Monlevade (municipality)
joão-ninguém {m}
:: zero; random (person of little importance)
João Pessoa {prop}
:: João Pessoa (municipality/state capital)
joão-pestana {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of João Pestana
João Pestana {prop} {m} /ʒuˈɐ̃w̃ pɨʃˈtɐnɐ/
:: sandman
João Pestana {prop} {m}
:: personification of sleep or drowsiness
João Pinheiro {prop}
:: João Pinheiro (municipality)
João Ramalho {prop}
:: João Ramalho (municipality)
Joãozinho {prop} {m} /ʒo.ˌɐ̃w̃.ˈzi.ɲu/
:: diminutive of João
Joaquim {prop} {m} /ʒwaˈkĩ/
:: given name
Joaquim Felício {prop}
:: Joaquim Felício (municipality)
job {m} /ˈdʒɔbi/
:: job (task carried out in batch mode)
jocoso {adj}
:: jocular (having a humorous tone)
joeira {f}
:: winnow; winnowing fan (fan used while winnowing)
joeirar {v}
:: to winnow (to separate grain from chaff by throwing them in the air)
joeirar {vt}
:: to winnow; to sift (to separate the good from the bad)
Joel {prop} {m}
:: Joel (a book of the Bible)
Joel {prop} {m}
:: Joel (a minor biblical prophet)
Joel {prop} {m}
:: given name
joelhada {f}
:: kneeing (a strike or blow with the knee)
joelho {m} /ˈʒwɐ.ʎu/
:: knee
jogabilidade {f}
:: playability
jogador {m} /ˌʒu.ɣɐ.ˈðoɾ/
:: player (one who plays any game or sport)
jogador {m}
:: gambling addict
jogador {m}
:: thrower (one who throws)
jogadora {f}
:: feminine noun of jogador
jogar {v} /ʒu.ˈɣaɾ/
:: to throw; to hurl (to shove an object away)
jogar {v}
:: to hand something over by throwing it
jogar {vti}
:: to play (to participate in a sport or game)
jogar {vti}
:: to gamble (to play risky games, especially casino games)
jogar {v}
:: to bet on (to place a bet on)
jogar {v}
:: to bet on (to place one’s hopes or efforts on)
jogar {vi}
:: to agitate or oscillate
jogar {v}
:: to match; to go with (to form a good combination with)
jogar {v}
:: to immerse oneself in (to become completely involved with)
jogar a toalha {v}
:: To throw in the towel
jogar bola {v}
:: to play association football
jogar conversa fora {v}
:: to talk about unimportant things; to engage in small talk or frivolous conversation
jogar fora {vt}
:: to throw away; to discard
jogar fora o bebé com a água do banho {v}
:: to throw the baby out with the bathwater (to discard something valuable while discarding something useful)
jogar fora o bebê com a água do banho {v}
:: alternative form of jogar fora o bebé com a água do banho
jogar luz {v}
:: See: pt jogar luz
jogar luz {v}
:: to shed light on (to cause to become clearer or better-known)
jogar merda no ventilador {phrase}
:: to spread bad rumours or compromising information, in such a way that it ought to do damage to the whistleblower himself. See also: when the shit hits the fan
jogar perolas aos porcos {v}
:: alternative form of dar pérolas a porcos
jogável {adj}
:: playable (able to be played)
jogging {m} /ˈd͡ʒɔ.ɡĩ/
:: jogging (running at a slow pace as a form of exercise)
jogging {m}
:: jogging bottoms; sweatpants (loose pants designed for jogging or comfort)
jogo {m} /ˈʒo.ɡu/
:: play
jogo {m}
:: game; sport
jogo {m}
:: gaming
jogo {m}
:: video game
jogo {m}
:: set
jogo {m}
:: gambling
jogo bonito {m}
:: the beautiful game (association football; soccer)
jogo da forca {m}
:: hangman
jogo da pulga {m}
:: tiddlywinks (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup)
jogo da velha {m}
:: tic-tac-toe
jogo da velha {m}
:: number sign (the character #)
jogo de azar {m}
:: a game that involves gambling
jogo de cartas {m}
:: card game (any of very many games played with playing cards)
jogo de computador {m}
:: computer game (electronic game)
jogo de gato e rato {m}
:: cat-and-mouse game (situation where one party pursues another without securing a significant victory)
jogo do bicho {m}
:: A betting game popular in Brazil where people bet on animals that represent numbers
jogo do galo {m}
:: tic-tac-toe
jogo eletrônico {m}
:: electronic game (game played on an electronic device)
jogo limpo {m}
:: fair play
Jogos Olímpicos {prop} {mp}
:: Olympic Games (modern and Ancient Greek sporting event)
Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno {prop} {mp}
:: Olympic Winter Games
Jogos Paraolímpicos {prop} {mp}
:: Paralympic Games (international sports competition for people with physical disabilities)
jogral {m} /ʒu.ˈɣɾaɫ/
:: minstrel, a non-noble troubadour
jogral {m}
:: jester
joguetar {v} /ʒo.ɡeˈta(ɾ)/
:: alternative form of joguetear
joguete {m} /ʒo.ˈɡɛ.t(ʃ)i/
:: mockery; ridicule; taunting; jeer
joguete {m}
:: that which is left to some force such as fate
joguetear {v}
:: to play, to kid
joguete nas mãos de {m}
:: putty in someone's hands (a person easily manipulated)
Johanna {prop} {f}
:: given name
joia {f} /ˈʒɔj.ɐ/
:: jewel (a precious or semi-precious stone)
joia {f}
:: gem, treasure (anything considered precious or valuable)
joia {adj}
:: good, all right, fine
jóia {f}
:: superseded spelling of joia
Jóia {prop}
:: Jóia (municipality)
Joice {prop} {f} /ˈʒɔj.si/
:: given name
joinha {m} /ʒɔ.ˈi.ɲɐ/
:: thumbs up (gesture made by closing the hand and pointing the thumb upwards, used as a greeting or an indication that something is all right)
joinha {f}
:: diminutive of joia
joinha {adj}
:: diminutive of joia
Joinville {prop}
:: Joinville (municipality)
joio {m} /ˈʒo.ju/
:: cockle, darnel, tares, vetch (cereal weed)
jokenpo {m}
:: alternative form of joquempô
jokenpô {m}
:: alternative form of joquempô
joker {m}
:: alternative form of jóquer
Jonas {prop} {m} /ˈʒo.nɐs/
:: Jonah (a book of the Old Testament)
Jonas {prop} {m}
:: Jonah (prophet who was swallowed by a whale)
Jonas {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jónatas {prop} {m}
:: Jonathan (son of king Saul)
Jónatas {prop} {m}
:: given name
Jônatas {prop} {m}
:: alternative form of Jónatas
Jonathan {prop} {m} /ˈd͡ʒo.na.tɐ̃/
:: given name
jóquei {m}
:: jockey (one who rides racehorses competitively)
joquempô {m}
:: roshambo; rock-paper-scissors
joquenpo {m}
:: alternative form of joquempô
joquenpô {m}
:: alternative form of joquempô
jóquer {m} /ˈʒɔ.kɛɾ/
:: joker
Jordânia {prop} {f}
:: Jordânia (country)
Jordânia {prop} {f}
:: Jordânia (municipality)
jordaniano {adj}
:: Jordanian (of, from or pertaining to Jordan)
jordaniano {m}
:: Jordanian (a person from Jordan)
Jordão {prop} {m}
:: Jordão (river)
Jorge {prop} {m} /ˈʒɔɾʒ(ɨ)/
:: given name
jorna {f} /ˈʒɔʁ.na/
:: A day's pay
jornada {f} /ʒoʁ.ˈna.dɐ/
:: journey (trip, a voyage)
jornal {m} /ʒuɾˈnaɫ/
:: newspaper
jornal {m}
:: news
jornal {m}
:: A day's pay
jornaleiro {m} /ʒuɾ.nɐ.ˈlɐj.ɾu/
:: newsvendor (person who runs a newsstand)
jornaleiro {m}
:: day laborer
jornalismo {m} /ʒuɾ.nɐ.ˈliʒ.mu/
:: journalism
jornalismo comunitário {m}
:: citizen journalism (reporting by amateurs on the scene of an event)
jornalista {mf} /ʒuɾ.nɐ.ˈliʃ.tɐ/
:: journalist
jornalístico {adj} /ʒuɾ.nɐ.ˈliʃ.ti.ku/
:: journalistic
jorrando {v}
:: gerund of jorrar
jorrar {v}
:: to gush, spout
José {prop} {m} /ʒo.ˈzɛ/
:: given name
José {prop} {m}
:: Joseph (favourite son of Jacob)
José {prop} {m}
:: Joseph (husband of Virgin Mary)
José Boiteux {prop}
:: José Boiteux (municipality)
José Bonifácio {prop}
:: José Bonifácio (municipality)
José de Arimateia {prop}
:: Joseph of Arimathea
José Gonçalves de Minas {prop}
:: José Gonçalves de Minas (municipality)
Josenópolis {prop}
:: Josenópolis (municipality)
José Raydan {prop}
:: José Raydan (municipality)
Josias {prop} {m}
:: Josiah (biblical king)
Josias {prop} {m}
:: given name
Josué {prop} {m} /ˌʒo.zu.ˈɛ/
:: Joshua (book of the Bible)
Josué {prop} {m}
:: Joshua (Judge of Israel in the Old Testament)
Josué {prop} {m}
:: given name
jota {m} /ˈʒɔtɐ/
:: letter: j
jota {f}
:: jota (dance)
jota {f}
:: jota (music)
joule {m}
:: joule (derived unit of energy, work and heat)
jovem {adj} /ˈʒɔ.vɐ̃j̃/
:: young, youthful
jovem {mf}
:: youngster (young person)
jovem guarda {f}
:: A Brazilian music style and movement that started in the 1960s, often associated with soft, romantic lyrics, aimed at teenagers, influenced by American and British bands of the 1950s and 1960s
joven {adj}
:: obsolete spelling of jovem
joven {mf}
:: obsolete spelling of jovem
jovial {adj}
:: jovial; merry, cheerful
jovialidade {f}
:: joviality
joviano {adj}
:: Jovian (pertaining to the god Jove or Jupiter)
joviano {adj}
:: Jovian (pertaining to the planet Jupiter)
Joyce {prop} {f}
:: given name
J-pop {m}
:: J-pop (Japanese pop music)
Juatuba {prop}
:: Juatuba (municipality)
Juazeiro {prop}
:: Juazeiro (municipality)
juba {f} /ˈʒu.βɐ/
:: mane (lion)
Juba {prop} {f} /ˈʒu.bɐ/
:: Juba (capital city)
jubilar {vi}
:: to jubilate; to rejoice (to be very cheerful)
jubilar {vi}
:: to be expelled from university due to failing too many terms
jubileu {m}
:: jubilee (the 50th anniversary of something)
jubileu {m}
:: jubilee (special year during which pilgrims to Rome receive special indulgences and remission)
júbilo {m}
:: bliss (perfect happiness)
Juca {prop} {m}
:: given name
Juca {prop} {m}
:: A diminutive of the name or title Júnior
Juçara {prop} {m}
:: given name
juche {m}
:: Juche (North Korean self-reliance state ideology)
Jucuruçu {prop}
:: Jucuruçu (municipality)
Judá {prop} {f}
:: Judah (one of the Israelite tribes)
Judá {prop} {m}
:: Judah (first son of Jacob)
Judá {prop} {m}
:: Judá (ancient kingdom)
judaicamente {adv}
:: Jewishly
judaico {adj} /ʒu.ˈdaj.ku/
:: Jewish, Judaic (of or relating to (a) Jew(s))
judaísmo {m} /ʒu.ðɐ.ˈiʃ.mu/
:: Judaism
Judas {prop} {m} /ˈʒu.dɐs/
:: Judas (name of two of the Apostles)
Judas {mf}
:: alternative case form of judas
Judeia {f} /ʒu.ˈdɛj.ɐ/
:: Judeia (province)
Judéia {f}
:: obsolete spelling of Judeia
judeu {m} /ʒu.ˈdew/
:: Jew, Jewish person (adherent of Judaism or member or descendent of the Jewish people)
judeu {adj}
:: Jewish (relating to Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture)
Judeu Errante {prop} {m}
:: Wandering Jew (a Jew who mocked Jesus and was condemned to wander forever)
judia {f}
:: feminine noun of judeu
judiação {f}
:: mistreatment; abuse; cruelty
judiação {f}
:: a crime commited by a Jewish person
judiação {interj}
:: what a pity; poor thing
judiar {v} /ʒu.d͡ʒi.a(ɾ)/
:: to mistreat; to torment
judiaria {f}
:: ghetto (neighbourhood where Jews were forced to live)
judicial {adj} /ʒuðiˈsjaɫ/
:: judicial
judicialização {f}
:: judicialization
judicializar {v}
:: to judicialize
judiciário {adj}
:: judicial, justiciary
judiciário {n}
:: short for poder judiciário
Judite {prop} {f}
:: given name
judo {m}
:: judo
judô {m}
:: judo
judoca {mf}
:: judoka (practitioner of judo)
jugo {m} /ˈʒu.ɣu/
:: yoke
jugo {m}
:: Something which represses or restrains someone
jugoslava {f}
:: female equivalent of jugoslavo
Jugoslávia {prop} {f}
:: Jugoslávia (former country)
jugoslavo {adj}
:: Yugoslavian (of, from or relating to Yugoslavia)
jugoslavo {m}
:: Yugoslavian (person from Yugoslavia)
jugular {adj}
:: jugular (relating to the neck or throat)
jugular {f}
:: jugular vein
juiz {m} /ʒu.ˈiʃ/
:: judge
juíza {f} /ʒu.ˈi.za/
:: feminine noun of juiz
juizado {m} /ʒu.i.ˈza.du/
:: the office or post of a judge
juizado {m}
:: an judicial organ presided by one or more judges; a court
Juiz de Fora {prop}
:: Juiz de Fora (municipality)
juiz de paz {m}
:: justice of the peace; the authority that officiates marriages
Juízes {prop} {m}
:: Judges (book of the Bible)
juizo {m}
:: obsolete spelling of juízo, now a common misspelling
juízo {m} /ˈʒwi.zu/
:: judgement
juízo {m}
:: opinion
Juízo Final {prop} {m}
:: Last Judgment (the second coming of Jesus and the end of life on Earth)
juju {m} /ʒu.ˈʒu/
:: juliet
jujuba {f}
:: jujube (fruit)
jujuba {f}
:: jujube (tree)
jujubeira {f}
:: jujube (tree)
juke-box {morf}
:: jukebox (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music)
Jukov {prop}
:: Zhukov (Russian surname)
julgador {m} /ˌʒuw.ɡa.ˈdoɹ/
:: judge (someone with valued opinions)
julgador {m}
:: judger (one who judges)
julgadora {f} /ˌʒuw.ɡa.ˈdo.ɾa/
:: feminine noun of julgador
julgamento {m} /ˌʒuɫ.ɣɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/
:: judgment (act of judging)
julgamento {m}
:: verdict; decision
julgar {v} /ʒuɫ.ˈɣaɾ/
:: to judge; to sentence (sit in judgment on, pass sentence on)
julgar {v}
:: to consider; to suppose (have an opinion)
julgar {v}
:: to arbitrate (pass opinion)
julho {m} /ˈʒu.ʎu/
:: July
Julho {m}
:: superseded spelling of julho
Júlia {prop} {f} /ˈʒu.ljɐ/
:: given name
Juliana {prop} {f} /ˌʒu.li.ˈɐ.nɐ/
:: given name
juliano {adj}
:: Julian (of, or relating to Julius Caesar)
Juliano {prop} {m} /ˌʒu.li.ˈɐ.nu/
:: given name
Julião {prop} {m}
:: given name
juliet {m} /ʒu.li.ˈɛ.t(ʃ)i/
:: a type of colourful sunglasses manufactured by Oakley, Inc. which in Brazil became popular among funkeiros
Julieta {prop} {f} /ˌʒu.li.ˈe.tɐ/
:: given name
Julieta {prop} {f}
:: Juliet (character in Romeo and Juliet)
Júlio {prop} {m} /ˈʒu.lju/
:: given name
Júlio de Castilhos {prop}
:: Júlio de Castilhos (municipality)
Júlio Mesquita {prop}
:: Júlio Mesquita (municipality)
jumenta {f}
:: feminine noun of jumento
jumento {m} /ʒu.ˈmẽ.tu/
:: donkey
jumento {m}
:: idiot; fool
jumento {adj}
:: dumb, stupid, foolish, idiotic
Jumirim {prop}
:: Jumirim (municipality)
jumper {m}
:: jumper (short length of electrical conductor)
junção {f} /ʒũˈsɐ̃w̃/
:: junction, joint, juncture
junção {f}
:: union
junção {f}
:: merger
juncção {f}
:: obsolete spelling of junção
junco {m}
:: reed, rush
junco {m}
:: junk (a Chinese ship)
Jundiaí {prop}
:: Jundiaí (municipality)
Juneau {prop} {f}
:: Juneau (capital city)
jungir {v}
:: to yoke (together)
junho {m} /ˈʒu.ɲu/
:: June
Junho {m}
:: superseded spelling of junho
Junichi {prop} {m}
:: given name
Juninho {prop}
:: given name. diminutive of júnior. A nickname for someone who is a Jnr./Jr./II
júnior {m} /ˈʒu.njɔɾ/
:: junior (especially a junior sportsman)
junípero {m}
:: juniper (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)
Junqueirópolis {prop}
:: Junqueirópolis (municipality)
junquilho {m}
:: jonquil
junta {f} /ˈʒũ.tɐ/
:: joint (part of the body where two bones join)
junta {f}
:: task force (group of people working towards a particular task, project, or activity)
junta {f}
:: council (committee that leads or governs)
junta {f}
:: team (set of yoked draught animals)
junta {f}
:: the gap between floor bricks or tiles
junta {f}
:: material used to fill the gap between floor tiles
junta de freguesia {f} /ˈʒũtɐ ˈðɨ fɾɛɣɨˈziɐ/
:: parish council (local administrative unit, building)
juntador {m}
:: joiner (thing that joins)
juntar {v} /ʒũ.ˈtaɾ/
:: to combine; to unite
juntar {v}
:: to gather; to collect
juntar os trapinhos {v}
:: alternative form of juntar os trapos
juntar os trapos {v}
:: to engage in a romantic relationship, especially marriage
juntar-se {v}
:: to assemble (to gather as a group)
junto {adj} /ˈʒũ.tu/
:: together
junto {adv}
:: together (at the same time, in the same place)
junto a {conj} /ˈʒũtu a/
:: next to, alongside
junto com {conj} /ˈʒũtu kõ/
:: along with, together with
Jupiá {prop}
:: Jupiá (municipality)
Jupira {prop}
:: given name
Júpiter {prop} {m} /ˈʒupitɛɾ/
:: Jupiter (chief-god of the Roman pantheon)
Júpiter {prop} {m}
:: Jupiter (fifth and largest planet of the Solar System)
jupiteriano {adj}
:: Jovian (pertaining to the god Jove or Jupiter)
jupiteriano {adj}
:: Jovian (pertaining to the planet Jupiter)
Juquiá {prop}
:: Juquiá (municipality)
Juquitiba {prop}
:: Juquitiba (municipality)
jura {f} /ˈʒu.ɾa/
:: an oath
jura {interj}
:: really? (sarcastically indicating that something was obvious)
jurada {f}
:: feminine noun of jurado
jurado {m}
:: juror
juramento {m} /ʒuɾɐˈmẽtu/
:: an oath
Juramento {prop}
:: Juramento (municipality)
jurar {v} /ʒu.ˈɾa(ɹ)/
:: to swear (take an oath)
jurará-açu {f}
:: South American river turtle (Podocnemis expansa, a freshwater turtle)
jurararetê {f}
:: The freshwater turtle Podocnemis expansa, South American river turtle, Arrau turtle
jurássico {adj}
:: Jurassic (relating to the period from 200 to 145 million years ago)
Jurássico {prop} {m}
:: Jurassic (the second period of the Mesozoic era)
jurdiçam {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurdiçaõ {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurdição {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurdicção {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
Jurema {prop}
:: given name
júri {m}
:: jury
juridicamente {adv}
:: juridically
jurídico {adj}
:: juridical
jurídico {adj}
:: legal
jurídico {adj}
:: juristic
jurisconsulto {m}
:: jurist, jurisconsult
jurisdiçam {f}
:: alternative form of jurisdição
jurisdiçaõ {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurisdição {f}
:: jurisdiction
jurisdicçam {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurisdicçaõ {f}
:: alternative form of jurisdição
jurisdicção {f}
:: obsolete form of jurisdição
jurisdicional {adj}
:: jurisdictional
jurisdicionalmente {adv}
:: jurisdictionally
jurisprudência {f}
:: jurisprudence
jurista {mf}
:: jurist (expert in law consulted by a court)
juriti {m}
:: a bird of the genus Leptotila
juro {m} /ˈʒu.ɾu/
:: interest
juro {m}
:: bonus, reward
juro {m}
:: usury
juros compostos {mp}
:: compound interest (interest calculated on principal plus any unpaid interest)
Juruaia {prop}
:: Juruaia (municipality)
jus {m}
:: prerogative
jusante {f}
:: low tide
jusante {f}
:: downstream
Juscelino {prop} {m} /ˌʒu.se.ˈli.nu/
:: given name
jusnaturalismo {m}
:: natural law
jusnaturalismo {m}
:: A philosophy advocating the natural law
jusnaturalista {adj}
:: pertaining or relating to the natural law
jusnaturalista {adj}
:: advocating or supporting the natural law or a philosophy based on it
jusnaturalista {mf}
:: a person who supports or advocates the natural law or a philosophy based on it
juso {adv}
:: down (from a high to a low position, downwards)
Jussara {prop}
:: given name
Jussara {prop}
:: Jussara (municipality)
Jussari {prop}
:: Jussari (municipality)
Jussiape {prop}
:: Jussiape (municipality)
jussivo {adj}
:: jussive (agreeing with a request)
jussivo {m}
:: jussive (jussive mood)
justamente {adv} /ʒuʃ.tɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/
:: exactly, precisely
justamente {adv}
:: justly, fairly
justapor {v}
:: to juxtapose (to place side by side)
justeza {f} /ʒuʃˈtezɐ/
:: justice
justeza {f}
:: accuracy
justiça {f} /ʒuʃ.ˈti.sɐ/
:: justice
justiça {f}
:: court
justiceiro {m}
:: vigilante (person who undertakes law enforcement without legal authority)
justiceiro {adj}
:: relating to, or being an example of, vigilantism
justificação {f}
:: justification
justificadamente {adv}
:: justifiably
justificadamente {adv}
:: reasonably
justificado {v}
:: past participle of justificar
justificado {adj}
:: justified
justificado {adj}
:: justifiable
justificando {v}
:: gerund of justificar
justificar {v} /ʒus.tʃi.fi.ˈka(ʁ)/
:: to justify
justificar {v}
:: to warrant
justificar {vi}
:: to justify (to formally declare why one did not vote in the elections, to retain one's rights associated with voting)
justificativa {f} /ˌʒus.t͡ʃi.ˌfi.ka.ˈt͡ʃi.va/
:: justification (reason, explanation, or excuse)
justificável {adj}
:: justifiable (that can be justified)
Justina {prop} {f} /ʒus.ˈt͡ʃi.nɐ/
:: given name
Justino {prop} {m} /ʒus.ˈt͡ʃi.nu/
:: given name
justissimamente {adv}
:: superlative of justamente
justo {adj} /ˈʒuʃ.tu/
:: free from sin and guilt; righteous
justo {adj}
:: morally justified; righteous
justo {adj}
:: fair, just
Justo {prop} {m}
:: given name
juta {f}
:: jute (a coarse, strong fibre made from the Corchorus olitorius plant)
Jutlândia {prop} {f}
:: Jutlândia (peninsula)
jũto {adj}
:: abbreviation of junto
jũto {adv}
:: abbreviation of junto
juvenil {adj} /ˌʒu.ve.ˈniw/
:: juvenile (for young people)
juvenil {adj}
:: juvenile; youthful (characteristic of young people)
juvenil {adj}
:: juvenile; childish; immature in behaviour
juvenil {m}
:: a competition for players aged 16 and 17
Juvenília {prop}
:: Juvenília (municipality)
juventude {f} /ʒu.vẽ.ˈtu.ðɨ/
:: youth (quality or state of being young)
Juventude Hitlerista {prop} {f}
:: Hitler Youth