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Tungatjeta jote! Po më vjen mirë që paske pune goxha me i futë fjalët e shqipes në Wikilor. Nuk e kuptova pse shqiptimin e fjalës "krypë" gegnisht e ke dhanë si /qryp/ e jo /kryp/. Të fala, --Getoar TX (talk) 03:35, 8 November 2014 (UTC)
Mir‑dita, e shkruj q'ashtũ, psê zãni vjên pi për‑para gojës, a vjên prêj për‑mas, na Shqyptar My‑sliman e për‑dormi Ϙ ϙ ק ق & Κ κ כ ך ك amã shum s'din mê dalu, për‑shẽmël :
Unê jêtoj në Bêlgi, e ktũ e për‑dorin zanorin so i daloj kto dy & . Zãni i K Shqyptar për‑gãn ma shum si . Gabimi vjên prêj alpha‑beti Grêk, sê ê kan hek germën Koppa Ϙϙ , edhê na Shqyptärt e kina hup çat germ në alpha‑betën ton, e kimi ni Q amã lixohët & te na K lixohët invalid IPA characters (&) sê fjält Turqê prêj Arabvê qê I kimi në Shkup jan shkrujtëm origjinalisht mê Κκ / Kk / כך / ك & Ϙϙ / Qq / ק / ق.
Duhët mi dalu kto dy germa & zãna. Gmazdên (talk) 12:48, 28 May 2015 (UTC)
Hello, from the Ancient‑Greek studies at dis‑tance, that I have per‑formed in Belgium in 2012, the "Smooth‑breathing" and "Rough‑breathing" serves to in‑dicate & marking the ab‑olition of the archaic letter Di‑gamma Ϝ (Smooth) or Sigma/San Σ/Ϻ invalid IPA characters (/) (Rough) in the word, the Ϝ or Σ/Ϻ can be at beginning or middle, it de‑pend of the position of the breathing.
{Di‑gamma Ϝ {also called ϜΑΥ : vau/vaw} is V be‑cause W was Υ/ΟΥ invalid IPA characters (/) from Phoenician 𐤅 , Ϝ don't share shape and sound with Υ / 𐤅, after some‑time Υ be‑came later and in Modern‑Greek ; Pamphylian Digamma/Wau/Waw Ͷ is and is re‑formated one‑line Υ to write it faster in one‑movement, also Ϝ be‑came Latin F , V & F are labio‑dental sound and can be con‑fused, when W & F have nothing in com‑mon, so Latin letter F sound come from Ancient‑Greek letter Ϝ sound ...}.
In the French pre‑cise book of Ancient‑Greek "Le Grand Bailly" or "Abrégé Bailly" breathing (spirit in French) are re‑pre‑sented in the words and in the de‑finition, in Section is ad‑ded the original word with Di‑gamma Ϝ or Sigma/San Σ/Ϻ. In older editions of "Le Grand Bailly" or "Abrégé Bailly", the "Table of roots" (which is no longer pre‑sent in the new editions) speci‑fies the list of roots using Di‑gamma Ϝ & Sigma/San Σ/Ϻ invalid IPA characters (/), yet in Wikipedia English or French, no one mention that the "Smooth breathing" and "Rough breathing" were used for Di‑gamma Ϝ & Sigma/San Σ/Ϻ re‑moving, why ??? They talk only about a‑spired H (no one can make a‑spired H be‑fore a RHO, it's im‑possible), so it's wrong... Also In Wiktionary page for Ancient‑Greek words using breathing, the W/V or S/SH is never mentioned in "Archaic pro‑nunciation", like for ex‑ample :
{I don't use ac‑cent acute / grave in Ancient‑Greek words be‑cause at that time they didn't ex‑ist, also writing Ancient‑Greek word in minuscule is an error, be‑cause at that epoch only capital script with‑out ac‑cent ex‑isted, minuscule should be used only for Modern‑Greek in your Wiktionary or Wikipedia...}. Gmazdên (talk) 12:09, 28 May 2015 (UTC)
Well, it's good that you down‑loaded the book, but it doesn't change nothing to what the pro‑fessors writed in my course, they states that :
If you don't want to be‑lieve it's really bad & sad for you. May‑be Shigma & San from Phoenician 𐤔 & 𐤎 was used by the proto‑shella‑nique (dorian form of Hellenic), then the Attic Hellenique re‑moved & (be‑cause the Attic Ancient‑Greek don't used those sounds, and they keeped only the value SAN for Sigma. These letters don't ex‑ist any‑more in Modern‑Greek and re‑maining re‑writed book of Ancient‑Greek (not original burned one) that we uses today... {About your question, I be‑lieve that the proto‑shella‑nic had ex‑isted in archaic‑time using sound of Phoenician like invalid IPA characters (&), for me was more a like sound and was probably pro‑nounced invalid IPA characters (///) than invalid IPA characters (///)}.
In Albanian some Greek word are used with like :
The ex‑ample I used above (S'HYPER, S'HALIOS, S'HEX), doesn't show Sigma/Shigma in of "Le Grand Bailly" de‑finition but were used in my course, but in others word with rough‑breathing the ... But if you want to be wrong it's your pro‑blem....
You say that there are used in se‑parate Doric‑forms, ok, for me Dorian & Eolian are the most original Ancient‑Greek...
I will con‑tinue to write with hyph‑en be‑cause I like that and it's more pre‑cise & ac‑curate, never on any forums (like Nvidia, Intel, Ubisoft, Steam, Hwinfo, Guru3D, Microsoft...) some‑one told me to write how he want, some have asked why I do this but after ex‑planation they under‑standed, I don't think you have the right to told me how to write... Pre‑fix can be se‑parated, since even in these words show in etymo‑logy that they are com‑pound words, also I don't use that technique in de‑finition page but only in talk dis‑cussion... But that's not the most im‑portant.
Still you con‑tinue to say that Di‑Gamma Ϝ is when the links & ex‑plication I pro‑vided above told the con‑trary... So you want to in‑duce others in error be‑cause Old Germanic languages (like English de‑rivation) use so for you Ancient‑Greek word to (in Latin W didn't ex‑isted, for writing Old Germanic word they used Double V : VV be‑cause V was invalid IPA characters (/) much later, in medieval time, W ap‑peared as a com‑plete letter, all Latin variant like Espagnol, Portuguese, French, Italian use V or U for Latin words, only in English, we find W for Latin words like Wine (in French Vin for VINVM))...
Still in Modern‑Greek or others languages of that location of South‑East Evrope, like :
W don't ex‑ist and is not used for original words (we are more near than England of Greece, I think if that sound was used at a old‑time, these neighbor tribes will have it in the alpha‑bet), so why keep saying that Di‑Gamma Ϝ is a & not when clearly Latin F came from Greek Ϝ since & are labio‑dental sound and can be con‑fused, when & have nothing in com‑mon...
In the "Abrégé bailly" of 1965 (N°10‑1340‑26) the "Proto‑Indo‑Evropean" sources that you are mentioned are not pre‑sent, they are in "Le Grand Bailly" (there is "Liste des auteurs & des ouvrages" but all of them are shella‑nic one, in my 2005 edition N°16/7939/8 (re‑viewed by L. Séchan & P. Chantraine", pro‑fesseurs à la faculté des Lettres de Paris", I see the source you mentioned at bottom of the page VIII under the text (with 1. Grundzüge der griechischen Etymologie, von G. Curtius. 4° éd. Leipzig, 1873) but the link you pro‑vided is use‑less be‑cause I don't know the German)...
I can use "Le Grand Bailly" to sup‑port my argument be‑cause (for me it's true), and I don't plan to add ancient‑greek word or etymo‑logy or archaic‑proto‑shella‑nic pro‑nonciation in Wiktionary, but I can do on my private‑web‑page, be‑cause here, non‑academic theory or new hypo‑thesis are al‑ways re‑jected (I just wanted to know about breathing and why no one mention Sigma or Di‑Gamma re‑moving re‑placed by smooth or rough‑breathing in Wikipedia or Wiktionary pages).
The pro‑blem about what you said about Sigma re‑moving in "Crêgu" (truth‑full) {con‑trary of "Greek" (the Roman called the Shella‑nic GRAECVS "un‑truth‑full‑one" or "false‑one")}, it's that you keep just ex‑ample that ac‑credit your re‑sponse, leaving others ex‑ample (using Sigma/San in "Le Grand Bailly of the de‑finition") on the side... It's you choice...
Here are others ex‑ample writed in "Bailly" Table of Roots for Sigma re‑moving with Rough‑Breathing :
My hypo‑thesis about im‑possible only one‑root for all world languages is good but it seem that you don't want to com‑pre‑hend.
In the past, I have make donation (not big) to, so for me, I have the right to con‑tribute and to ex‑press my self be‑cause it's a United‑Nation Uni‑versal Human rights (article 19) and I can also use the right of "Freedom of Speech & Ex‑pression" that the con‑stitution of the U.S.A guaranty, these laws, allow me to do this, if I was a male‑ficent one, I will do it hided with‑out log‑in, but no, I use my name, to be honest and ask the opinion of others in talk‑page, thanks any‑way for your feed‑back... As I said I don't plan to add Ancient or Proto‑Shella‑nic stuff... Mangêzd (talk) 09:53, 29 May 2015 (UTC)
The words you listed come from a different root, reconstructed as Appendix:Proto-Indo-European/h₁n̥gʷnis. In either case the words don't have initial consonants. Additionally: once again, linguistics is not a field of opinions, there is no "for me I am right and you are wrong". What is right is that (1) academic consensus is, among other things, that Proto-Indo-European is a real language which sometimes has initial vowels, (2) this academic consensus is supported by evidence, (3) Wiktionary publishes academic consensus for this reason. This is why your "etymologies" are not shown. ObsequiousNewt (εἴρηκα|πεποίηκα) 02:08, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
Hi, stephen
When talking in "About Ancient Greek" with people about breathing someone responded to my message but removed lot of content of the page, like history link (of 2010) and my previous message, I think is doing vandalism, can you check :
and then again reputed history & remove my response :
Can you check please ?
Thanks good day... This email was sent by User:Nemzag 12:01, 29 May 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, sorry for your dif‑ficulty to under‑stand my English now... That really make me sad and con‑fuse... It's be‑cause or Hyph‑en or the structure, grammar or vocabulary ? Can you ex‑plain to me ? It's strange be‑cause in others forums or in on‑lines games, no one have dif‑ficulty to com‑pre‑hend what I'm saying...
I don't under‑stand what you are saying about in formation what formation ??? Can you ex‑plain please...
I ad‑ded the same comment on multi‑ple talk‑page like "Sigma, Digamma, San" for others users to give their opinions to this and to share the in‑formation (read it "information"), you want that this con‑versation to con‑tinue in Ancient‑Greek talk page, but no one go their and after some‑time, it would be in history "2015 link", it would be more use‑full to have the comment in each talk pages : digamma, Sigma, San...
I'm happy to talk to you again, after so much time... Be‑cause I re‑member you are an nice & good man.
Take care, good day. email was sent by User:Nemzag 13:55 30 May 2015 (UTC)
Hi, I checked Derë, and I see that some‑one e‑rased lot of co‑gnating words in etymo‑logy, why the ad‑mini‑strator allow this to happen ???
Good day... email was sent by User:Nemzag 15:47 2 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, about what I asked yester‑day, I don't think it's user job to pro‑tect and con‑trol data ad‑ded or re‑moved by other users, it's the role of moderators & ad‑mini‑strators... I really think that this guy is doing vandalism in Albanian, and even, he is not one & he don't speak it, using for re‑ference the work of Vladimir Orel, so why he is making ad‑d... I don't think that using this book is good for Albanian as I said be‑fore :
Even a other user (Etimo) ex‑plained to him to not re‑move Albanian etymo‑logy krah based up‑on the theory of Russian Israeli Vladimir Orel that use the falsi‑fied standardized Tosk words to search origins, in‑stead of com‑paring with the authentic Geg variant to)... I don't say that all etymo‑logy of Vladimir Orel are false or not true, some are cor‑rect, when he use Latin or Greek root for words (but I don't be‑lieve in imagined Proto‑Indo‑Evropean one, his book don't use Turkish, Persian, Hindu, Romi/Ashkali, Arabian source or words for etymo‑logy). I don't think that users using the book of Vladimir for Etymo‑logy, have the right to e‑rase others Albanian etymo‑logy con‑tent be‑cause of it, in‑stead they should just ad‑d in‑formations from that book & keep others users in‑formations to (like "co‑gnate" or "new theory"), they don't have the right to re‑move every‑thing be‑cause it's not in that book, for Albania his book is not the best re‑ference... So we would be very grate‑ful if the ad‑mini‑strator & moderators re‑strict his usage.
Thank, good day. email was sent by User:Nemzag 00:16 3 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, I com‑pre‑hend what you are saying but in this case, even if the moderators or ad‑mini‑strators don't know the languages, they can easily note that cognating words re‑moving is not a good think, but just less in‑formation & less con‑tent, the ad‑mini‑strators should really not allow those kind of "user‑e‑rasing", ad‑ding in‑formation it's ok, but not e‑rase others con‑tributions (e‑specially with‑out talking with the con‑tributor first)...
Since four years of my ab‑sence, do you finded a Albanian ad‑mini‑strator to pro‑tect Albanian (Geg & Tosk) words from this kind of vandalism ? I re‑member that be‑fore you didn't have one...
Thank for your feed‑back. email was sent by User:Nemzag, 01:45, 3 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, you added this word, but when we search fro mbrëmë (french keyboard), the word is not referenced, it's seem you use cyrillic "yo" character for the "ё", why ? Why do you not use standard Latin script "ë" ? Mangêzd (talk) 11:26, 3 June 2015 (UTC)
Mir‑dita, Etimo, no the character is not used in Latin‑Script, I don't under‑stand why you using it in Albanian word using Latin‑Script, if you want Ë or ë use Unicode character U+00CB & U+00EB, and not Cyrillic script one "yo" : Ё U+0401 & ё U+0451... I doesn't mater if you say that is regularly used (only by Russia, Belarusia & Tajikistan), first tell me by who, and two, I never eard that be‑fore ??? No, the Albanian use Latin‑script so no need to use Cyrillic letter for some Albanian Latin‑script word, this ad‑d (mbrёmё) was re‑moved by ad‑mini‑strator, also others words in future using some Cyrillic letter in‑stead of Latin in Albanian Latin‑script word, would be re‑moved to... The peoples seeking de‑finition in the "search button" use a standard Latin key‑board, with Cyrillic letter in your ad‑d we can't find the word in search, don't use it any‑more it's use‑less. Mangêzd (talk) 18:26, 4 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, I want to ask you why you give de‑finition night (nätë) & evening (mbrëmje / mrãmje) to darkë ? At Skopje and Kosovo, this word don't have that meaning.
So can you cor‑rect it ? Mangêzd (talk) 08:16, 4 June 2015 (UTC)
Mir‑dita / Hi, I ad‑ded the phonetic for Gheg & Tosk variant, I use for Tosk be‑cause this sound come from the front of the mouth, and for Gheg be‑cause in this dia‑lect the sound come from the back of palate (soft), us Shqyptar Gheg we use Ϙ ق & Κ ك , but lot of peoples can't make the dif‑ference.
Here are some example :
I'm living in Belgium, and here they use the French sound only so I can make the dif‑ference with the Gheg K sound of my languages & dialects from Skopje (father) & Kosovo (mother). Be‑cause I have learn Arabic, I can make the dif‑ference be‑tween these two sound & . The sound K of Gheg Shqyptar look more like . The pro‑blem & error come from Greek alpha‑beta, be‑cause they re‑moved the letter Koppa Ϙ and us, Shqyptart, we loosed that letter in our alpha‑beta, we have a Q but we read it and in our land K can be readed invalid IPA characters (&) be‑cause words from Turkish or Arabic (using Ϙ / ق ) that we have in Shqyp and in Shkup are writed only with letter K that which there‑fore have two value & . We need to dis‑tinguish these two letters & sounds.
I also ad‑ded dif‑ferent vowels since in Gheg the A of Kalb is pro‑nounced ...
Mangêzd (talk) 07:30, 6 June 2015 (UTC)
I don't say that K is auto‑matically a in Gheg but in some case the Ghegs pro‑nounce the K from the back of the palate, and is a , this sound ex‑ist like the nasal that Tosk don't use... I agree with you that lot of Arabic / Turkish word using K & Q are trans‑formed to but no all of them, but for me that is not normal, and those (a‑theist writers) who made these falsi‑fications just want to di‑vide the mu‑slims from under‑standing each others by con‑fusing their common words (lot of words from the Ottoman era (Arabic, Altaic & Persian) that we still use in Macedonia & Kosova are not in the standard Albanian dictionary and were re‑moved during com‑munist time, but in that sup‑posed Illyrian root based dictionary you can find lot of new ad‑ded words from "Greek / Ortho‑dox" & "Latin / Cath‑olic", why this hypo‑crisy against the i‑slamic culture ? Why to re‑ject it in our language)...
I also noticed that in Tosk the Gheg P is often changed to MB, in mod‑ern Greek ΜΠ is , it seem that the Shqiptar Orthodox (from the south of Albania & north of Greece) have chosen to make P to ΜΜΠ/ΜΒ (pruj mbroj (rujtar) ; prapa mbrapa ; prãmë mbrëmë ; shtremoj shtrembëroj).
The Toskërisht change :
I'm a Shqyptar Shkupjan Gheg and truly I don't like to learn & use the standard Shqip based on Tosk for me this language is a total falsi‑fication of our ancient words & my origin. I'm very sad that in Kosovo they beginned to use the standard in Tele‑vision & media, this is a re‑jection of the Gheg root that we have... I don't want our di‑stinctive dia‑lect to dis‑ap‑pear. I don't under‑stand that, when they made and im‑posed the standard in 1969, they don't used the two variants for each words at same time, but only the Tosk one (read this)... Une foli Gegnisht e jam i knaqt se e foli qat guh e vjetër... Still I want to thank you be‑cause I noticed that when you ad‑d Albanian words, most of the time you ad‑d the Gheg variant to, and that is demo‑cratic & re‑spect‑full... Mangêzd (talk) 21:50, 8 June 2015 (UTC)
Ad‑ding more words in our languages is a rich‑ness, if you look English : is made of old Germanic, Celtic, Saxon, Latin, ancient Greek, Scandinave, French... So why re‑jecting or de‑forming i‑slamic, Persian or Altaic words, we can use them to en‑rich our cultures and to ex‑press our‑selfs in a more varied way... You say Latin & Greek were ad‑ded be‑cause of sciences, biology, medicine & physics, but in Turkey, Iran (Persia) or in Arabic states they have sciences in‑stitutes (and the Arabian medecine is well known) but I'm not sure they need Latins or Greeks words for their dis‑coveries or to de‑scribe them, like those Albanian ad‑ded... I'm truly Albanian but I don't re‑ject the i‑slamic culture and for me those who are mu‑slims are truly Albanian (and i‑slam is a part of Gheg identity that started since Christianity be‑cause the pro‑phets of the Holy Coran are the same than the Torah and even the archaic albanian believed in one zot), I don't see the Ottoman era with a bad point of view like you, for me they were con‑querer like Bulgarian, Byzantine, Mongol {becoming the Ottoman after con‑version to i‑slam}, Roman, Shellênic, (Persian) empire was at their time, all of them have in‑vaded Illyria and im‑posed their languages & be‑lieve, so for me they are all on same level, why ac‑cepting the Roman & Greek cultures (architectures, icons, arts, statues, nudity) and re‑jecting the Altaic, Persian & Arabic/Hebrew/Semitic, it is just hypo‑crisy for me... I have lot of Turkish, Maghreban, Italian friends and I never had pro‑blem with them... Re‑jecting the re‑ligion is typically the com‑munist era way of thinking... Lot of Albanian after first world war fled to Turkey to save their live and they still live there in peace and under protection of the Turks, so no for me the Ottoman were not bad as are the Serbians...
I'm happy to ear that Gheg is older and that is the reason why you ad‑d it, I have read some article about that, but I can't find the older book in, and even if I find it, it would be hard to de‑cipher be‑cause of the style of the script... For Albanian words I would like to have in "Alternative Forms" the Arvanitic in Greek, the Gheg, the Tosk, the Elbasan version using Elbasan Unicode script, the Ottoman era Arabic script version & the Cyrillic variant at the time of Bulgarian Em‑pire, that would be great and very pre‑cise... You say that re‑ligion is not im‑portant in linguistic but I'm sure that those who made the falsi‑fications in Albanian, do that with an anti‑re‑ligious mind... Mangêzd (talk) 20:46, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
I think in con‑trary that it is the per‑fect place to do it, since I meet you here, and since we are talking about Albanians terms re‑moved, ad‑ded, de‑formed or falsi‑fied...
The Roman Em‑pire was made of op‑pression, tax, cruci‑fixion, torture, crushing, per‑versity, slavery and circus game, the Semitic be‑lieve (Hebrew, Aramaic, Arab) have bring to them the com‑passion, forgive‑ness, love of the neighbor, altruism, Moses laws & Messianic Christianity, and the be‑lieve in one unique god re‑veled by the pro‑phets, if you re‑ject that and say that the only the Roman or Greek have made the basis of Evr‑ope you are lying, I'm sure that the German, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish & Slavic (ex‑cept Russian) use very little Latin words in their languages (and they are very ad‑vanced)... Only France, England, Italy, Spain, Romania, Albania, Portugal (and their colonies) are really using it, but if you are a real Shqyptar, then you will pre‑fer to use our unique word from the Illyrian / Thracian era, than those of Roman or Greeks (so it is why I don't under‑stand why in our time lot of new Latin & Greek word were ad‑ded in Standard Shqip & the Ottoman one re‑moved in the of‑ficial dictionary)...
I love the faith and I be‑lieve in one God, and I re‑spect the Altaic, Semitic, Persian, Bulgarian culture, I don't re‑ject it and in Shkup we still use their words, like the Greek or Latin one... And that is all...
You say "Con‑trary to what you de‑clare, it clearly shows that you identi‑fy your‑self first of all as a mu‑slim, then as an as an Albanian (proving my point)", well at home I speak Shqyp and all my family is Arbanian, and some of them, have grown in the com‑munist era so they don't like any re‑ligions at all... I don't speak semitic Arab/Hebrew (I just know some words) or Turkish (but my mother, grand‑mothers & grand‑fathers knowned it living in Ottoman Em‑pire), but yes I'm a be‑liever, and God is up‑on any nationality... But that doesn't change nothing, about my origins, I'm really an Shqyptar, and even if you are an a‑theist or a Christian ortho‑dox or cath‑olics that doesn't make you a more real Shqyptarian, Arbanian, Albanian or Illyrian than me, be‑cause at the origin they were probably poly‑theist... The pro‑blem is how you de‑fine an Illyrian (-800 BC), an Albanian (150 AD), an Arbanian / Arvanian / Arbarian (1190 AD), an Shqyptar (1700 AD), an Gheg & an Tosk... Being an Gheg Shqyptar bring to me 10.000.000 of com‑patriot, being a be‑liever bring to me of brothers & sisters in the faiths sharing com‑mon value & one unique & same God, be‑cause i‑slam con‑sider the Jehudi יהודי / يهودي, Nasari נוצרי / نصراني & Mu‑slims as "Peoples of the Book" & brother / sisters in the same unique faith, even if there is some di‑vergence, schism & con‑frontation...
You say that "Ottoman tyranny on the Balkans who did ab‑solutely NOTHING to en‑hance the culture and the spirit of the dominated people" this is un‑true and by saying that you don't under‑stand the purity, morality & the nobility of the faith that they had (and that may‑be they didn't cor‑rectly ap‑plied), and that lot of Gheg share hence‑forth, if you had study this re‑ligion and the rêmggy رحمجي (mercy), com‑paθsion, giving value that she have, you will not talk like that, but you seem to not com‑pre‑hend it at all... If they were able to main‑tain their huge em‑pire in Evr‑ope, Middle‑East, North‑Africa 500 years, prove their dominating in‑tel‑ligence, don't forgot that the Ottoman were Turko‑Tataro‑Mongol of the tribes of Genghis Khan, who even had an older Em‑pire started in 1206...
War al‑ways ex‑isted and this no‑body can do nothing about it. The stronger wins (this is the law of jungle) and we Illyrian were weak against the Hellenic Em‑pire, Roman Em‑pire, Bulgarian Em‑pire, Ottoman Em‑pire, that's all, but I don't hate these em‑pire for that, every one have bring some‑thing to us, and I ac‑cept all of them and not re‑ject some of them... But why de‑fending the Romans ? That is some‑thing I don't under‑stand.
You say the Ottoman don't al‑lowed you to speak Shqyp, very strange be‑cause the languages still ex‑ist and even the Gheg mu‑slims still use it (whereas the Tosk have de‑formed & falsi‑fied it even if they were Ortho‑dox or Cath‑olics, so I‑slam & Ottoman as nothing to do in this), Albania was only a little pro‑vince of the Ottoman Em‑pire and I don't be‑lieve that they have forbid the Arabs under their dominion in the middle‑east or Maghreb to not speak & learn their language in private & at home or even the Shqyptar in south‑Evr‑ope (be‑cause they can't con‑trol all of us, all the time, at all locations). The Serbian have forbid the Albanian to speak Shqip at school, uni‑versity & state‑jobs in Kosovo. I'm sure that at the time of Roman & Byzance Em‑pire, the Illyrian were ob‑ligated by force, con‑straint & co‑ercion, to speak Latin/Greek, this is why we still have their word in our mod‑ern language, so don't say the Ottoman were worse than Roman. Even in Africa (& Maghreb), Indo-China, in south‑America & north‑America the native Indian American were forced to speak Portuguese, Spanish, French or English by the colonialists (and I don't talk about the slavery & dis‑criminations that the Christians Cath‑olics & Pro‑testant made there with the Africans & Native Americans until 1964 : Civil Rights Acts & 1954 laws), this is very com‑mon situation that the dominating peoples force the op‑primed to speak their languages, even now the strangers who come to live in America have to speak these languages at works & school, even if they are not their mother‑tongues...
You say at that time 95% were il‑literate, but I live in Belgium and here (and may‑be even in France) going to school is ob‑ligatory & free by state since maximum 130 years (1870 in USA, 1882 in France, the Ottoman Em‑pire dis‑ap‑peared in 1918), and now in 2015 they are more than 10% of an‑alpha‑beta in the state of capital of Evr‑ope. In the past, from medieval to mod‑ern era, lot of peoples & e‑specially women (that even didn't had the right to vote) were an‑alpha‑beta for most of them (women are 53% of population). All states of Evr‑ope had lot of il‑literate peoples at that time, the peasant class didn't had the money to go to school & uni‑versity (only the nobility had the means), it was a global pro‑blem, the Ottoman have nothing to do in that, the first words of the re‑velation of i‑slam by the Angel is אקרא / ܐܰܩܪܝ / اقْرَأْ IQRA (Read & Teach), I'm sorry if you don't under‑stand the power‑full cryptic meaning of that (Al‑Qur'an קוראן / ܩܘܪܐܢ / قرآن mean reading or re‑citation, the i‑slam pro‑mote & en‑courage literacy & learning)... In our era, lot of Albanians still pre‑fer to send their kids works with sheeps, on fields or to sell things like cigarettes or chewing‑gum on the street (have seen that with my own eyes), than sending them to school, and the Ottoman are not there any‑more, if they was no state‑law to ob‑ligate the Albanians to send their kids there, they would be many more il‑literates... No they was 95% of an‑alpha‑beta be‑cause they were to poor or lazy and not in‑ter‑ested by any cultures (Semitic, Latin, Greek, Slavic or Germanic)... Also the Evr‑opean culture that you are so proud of, come from middle‑east, the source is Semitic Phoenician & Aramaic Script (e‑volution of proto‑canaanite), that the Greek then Roman taken, the Greek & Latin script come from there and lot of words that you use in Latin / Greek have root from Middle‑Eastern source (Semitic, Egyptian, Caucasian, Mesopotamian, Hindi, Persian)... But there is a con‑spiration from the Western & Eastern Evr‑opean etymo‑logist to hide this verity...
"How can you spontaneously con‑vert to the re‑ligion of an oc‑cupier??" it is very simple in fact, be‑cause it is a faith made up‑on the truth with honorable values, not telling that a man is God (شرك Shirk, like the Christian say for Iesuo ישוע / ܝܫܘܥ / يسوع, that the Jews & Mu‑slims negate) and telling only God should be venered & re‑vered, if it was as bad as you say, they would not be Mu‑slims from far‑east Asia to far‑western U.S.A...
Lot of French, German & Belgian con‑vert to this faith (be‑cause I read it in Belgian papers be‑cause I live here) and no one is oc‑cupying them or forcing them, this happen be‑cause this book follow the Jewish Semitic be‑lieve and com‑plete it, and be‑cause it is purest mono‑theism, with‑out idols, icons, per‑versions & statues that Greek & Latin worshiped in vain... Don't take only as ex‑ample re‑tarded land like Afghani‑stan or land in war like Iraq to dis‑credit the i‑slam, but take good ex‑ample like Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Qatar, Tunisia, Maroc or Arab‑Emirate, who are very ad‑vanced in their in‑fra‑structure, archi‑tecture, e‑ducation, morality & techno‑logy... I will not talk with you about this any‑more, I see what is your point of view. And I don't share it at all. Mangêzd (talk) 13:42, 12 June 2015 (UTC)
It is what you think, your identity is on the side of the (Ancient‑Greeks), Romans & Byzantine and they were even worse in their actions, per‑versions & be‑lieves than Ottomans. (The re‑ligion of Ottoman that lot of Shqyptar share, is the semitic one, based on Judaism then Messianism but with‑out Saints, Idols, Icons & Statues of Jesus, Maria, pro‑phets & angels...).
I know very well the Greco‑Latin antique cultures & mytho‑logies (be‑cause I use their terms in Shqyp and I live in Belgium since I'm a baby and here we speak French (Greco‑Gallo‑Franco‑Latin language), I readed some book & dictionary about Ancient‑Greek & Latin and I ana‑lyzed & com‑pared the etymo‑logy & roots of these languages as an auto‑didact and I have take course, also I studied the English and I have seen Spanish & Italian media & peoples in my life to know their customs & traditions)...
But in ad‑dition I have the Semitic, I‑slamic, Jewish, Nasari, Slavic, Persian (Zoroastrism Manicheism Shio'ism شيعة) Hindu/Romi/Ashkali & Ottoman Turkish Altaic (Shamanism Animism) culture in me... I'm cosmo‑polite, like my Macedonian capital Shkupi (Scupi)...
Don't judge me by saying that I have no identity, my identity is Gheg, Evr‑opean, in‑ter‑national, global & multi‑cultural and not auto‑centered only in Tosk‑Arbarian cath‑olistic, ortho‑doxistic or a‑theistic side... You are not an GJYKAC, ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣ, an IUDICIS, an DICTATOR or an HAKIM חכם / حكيم QADI קאדי / قاضي like God is, to judge me. Don't think you are better than me be‑cause you are not a Mu‑slim or a be‑liever, you are not per‑fect & even not just, equitable & fair at all.
You don't know me at all as a person, so keep these use‑less critics about my Shkupjan Gheg identity that you don't know or don't com‑pre‑hend & under‑stand... I'm not re‑sponsible of the actions of these em‑pires (Persian, Greek, Roman, I‑slamic, Byzantine, Bulgarian, Ottoman), I don't com‑mitted their crimes, op‑pressions, wars or abuses. So I don't have to justi‑fy & blame nothing. It is the past, and I'm looking to the future... But I don't like the meth‑odo‑logy of the (ex‑com‑munist) Shqipërija about re‑moving Gheg, Persian, Turkish & Semitic words in the of‑ficial standard, to put some Latin, Greek and Tosk (falsi‑fied & de‑formed Gheg), this is not the true languages & root of Thraco‑Illyrian & old Albania.
In fact Shqipërija (in 1969 & after) choosed to sub‑mit her‑self to his real & ancient neighbors op‑pressors, and Shqipëria choosed to be hypo‑crites against the cultures of Middle‑east (Semito‑Persian) & Asia (Altaico‑Turko‑Mongol). I'm on the side of truth‑full Shqyp‑nia Arbania & Albania, not on the false & fake Shqipërija Arbaria & Albaria...
The Shqipëri & in parti‑cular the Tosks com‑munists rulers made laws to forbid the use of Gheg & even con‑demned & tortured it's own peoples for reading & sharing Ghegs books and for speaking it, by sending them to prisons or may‑be by e‑rasing them... They were even worse than Ottoman for the Ghegs cultures (Read the "Sub‑human" post of 06-22-2014, 05:52 PM)...
But now after the com‑munism per‑secutions & op‑pressions against the religions, there is a re‑vival of the i‑slamic faith in our land, and the Ottoman are not there to force & con‑strain us any‑more, we do that by our own will, just be‑cause we be‑lieve in the Abrahamic re‑velation, Mu‑Ħamed S.A.V.S was not a Turkish... Also the Gheg ex‑dominant e‑lite (from Kosovo, Macedonia & North‑Albania) who lost their supremacy after 1945, are making pressure to ad‑d their terms in standard shqip of the a‑theist com‑munist era... (Look at the re‑form of 2013 of 5296 terms).
About il‑literacy of 95% I'm sure that this statistic is based & calculated only up‑on how many could read the Latin Cath‑olic or Greek Ortho‑dox Script : 90% of an‑alpha‑beta (85% in English Wikipedia), I'm sure that at the time of Ottoman Em‑pire lot of Gheg & Tosk Mu‑slims knew the Ottoman‑Arabic‑script and in a more great pro‑portion, like 30% to 40%. (The Cor'an קוראן / قرآن mean reading or re‑citation, the i‑slam pro‑mote & en‑courage literacy & learning)... And Albanians had the right to go to ancient & magni‑ficent city of I‑st‧an‑bul (Côn‑st‧ant‑inou‑polis) in Turkish schools & uni‑versities. Also lot of Arbanians had good positions in the states structures, like Pasha, Generals and Begs, so no for me the Ottomans did not dis‑criminate the Albanians, but only those who were violently against them and a against the peace...
I'm not "clinging so de‑sperately to the culture of who in‑vaded and kept your country for 4 centuries" be‑cause first I still speak Shqyp (but with some Ottoman (Persian, Semitic, Turkish), Slavic words in ex‑tra) and this Semitic (Obritian עברית / عبري بر & Orbitian ערבית & عربي) i‑slamic (Uni‑versal re‑ligions of the Peace : Selam שלום / ܣܰܠܶܩ ܫܠܶܡ / سلم) be‑lieve & cultures is in my country since 2500 years, first by the use of semitic Phoenician Aramaic script (of the Torah) that the ancient‑Greek & Etruscan (Roman) taken to write their own languages. Then by Semitic Aramaic Messianism & Christianity since 1900 years. And the Abraham re‑ligion I have is 4000 years old... I'm not clinging to the culture of the in‑vader who arrived in Albania 1415, this culture is now an in‑tegrated part of Gheg cultures for over 400~300 years and since 2500/1900 years, and when I'm born it was al‑ready my ancestors culture...
Mu‑slims Albanians from Shqyp‑nija (57%, the French Wikipedia say 86,64%, 2,5 millions up‑on a total of 3,1 millions habitants), Kosovo (95%), Macedonia (30%, 25% of total population is Albanian), Monte‑negro (15%, 5% of total population is Albanian), merged together are 80% of all Albanity (and I don't count the Turkish Albanian who are probably at 90% mu‑slims), and we are real Albanians, we speak it and if you want to tell the con‑trary I think you should meditate twice be‑fore saying such think in front of us... In fact peoples like you are the minority of the mod‑ern & actual Albanian cultures. You are not re‑pre‑sentative at all... In fact we are the real Arbanians who held the land and did not flee be‑fore the ad‑versary, like the ARBËRESH (they fled to Italia be‑cause they con‑sider them‑self more as Romans & Latins de‑scendants than real Illyrians / Thracian (even their name is fake Arber instead of original Arben)... In‑deed, we (the real TRIMAT) stayed & keeped our land using the i‑slamic law‑full meth‑od of Taqija تقیة (“Pious”) by using & learning our language hidden & in secret...
Lot of Albanians have chosen to live in Turkey after the end of Ottoman em‑pire to flee from the per‑secution of the Greeks & Slaves Ortho‑dox after the first world war, and after the second world‑war to flee the eastern Evr‑ope com‑munism that forbid the re‑ligions, if the Ottomans Em‑pire & the demo‑cratic state of Turkey (of Atatürk) were so bad & evil for Albania, why these true Albanians (Tosk & Gheg mu‑slims) have chosen to live there with them ??? If I be‑lieve what I read, they are 3 millions of Albanian in Turkey or 1,3 millions in English wikipedia, here in a other wikipedia English page 5.000.000 and in Albanian wikipedia 8.470.954,95 in 1990 = 15% of 56.473.033.
Who say the truth I don't know. But if I be‑lieve what my father say, they are more Albanians in Turkey than in Shqipëri, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosova, Greece & Italia to‑gether...
In Belgium, I know lot of Albanians who vorks with Turkish (as patron or em‑ployee) or who are married... We don't have any pro‑blem with them and I love & re‑spect the Turkish, I have lot of Turkish friends, they are honorable & trust‑full, and actually there is no mod‑ern Turkey law that forbid you to speak Shqyp (like the law of 31 May 1779, of Sultan Abdül‑Ħamid First, who punished by death those who speak it in public {but the source of that article is Greek so I'm not sure if it's true, this in‑formation is not in the Albania article of English Wikipedia}), the Turks have e‑volved and are not "tyrannical (I cite you)" against us any‑more... Also this generations is not re‑sponsible of the actions of their pre‑de‑cessors & ancestors.
Even the Serbians, who are more anti‑i‑slam & anti‑Ottoman than you are, be‑cause they even tried in end of the twentieth century to make a geno‑cide against Albanian & Bosnian (and cath‑olic Croatian), to clean the Ottoman & Latin in‑fluence from the self‑called "Slavic Great Serbia", are still using lot of Persian, Arabic & Turkish (Ottoman) terms in the Serbo‑Croatian languages, and even more than the of‑ficial "Standard Shqip" made by the a‑theist Tosk com‑munist team of Enver Hoxha after 1969...
I put them in Chrono‑logical order :
You can com‑pare with the Tosk/Standard Shqip :
The Serbo‑Bosniaco‑Monte‑negro‑Croatians don't re‑ject these languages, they ad‑d them to their mother‑tongue (proto‑slavic) to en‑hance & ex‑pand their way to ex‑press them‑self.
This Serbo‑Croatian (made of lot of) ethnicities was the of‑ficial languages of Yugo‑slavia & of‑ficial languages of actual Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Monte‑negro (Macedonia use it to but they have a di‑stinct dia‑lect).
If you know only one terms you can't truly ex‑press your‑self, by ad‑ding terms & words in your vocabulary, you en‑rich your know‑ledge, in‑tel‑ligence & com‑pre‑hension and your possibility to ex‑press your thinking with more pre‑cision, variation & di‑versity. Using these terms is a rich‑ness not a ethnic identity loss.
You are clinging & stagnating to the culture of Greco‑Romano‑Byzantine that in‑vaded your Illyrian Thracian land 2000 years ago...
You al‑ready loosed your Albanian Illyrian / Thracian identity by be‑coming a part of Roman then Byzantine em‑pire and by choosing the name Shqipëri (ana‑gram of S.P.Q.R and homo‑nym of SCIP‧IO & EX‑CIP‧IÔ {SHQIP‧ÔJ}) in‑stead of original Gheg pro‑nunciation : "Shqyp & Shqyp‑ni", look at the ancient Gheg pro‑nunciation of Shqyptar Shqyponj, it is from Ancient‑Greek ὨϘΥ‑ΠΤΕΡΟΣ & mod‑ern Tosk version of Shqipëtar Shqiponja / Skifter from Latin AD‑CIP‧ITER & EX‑CIP‧ERE, there is no link with Illyro‑Thracian cultures any‑more, the AQVILA in our flag is the sym‑bol of Roman and sub‑ordination & sub‑mission to the Roman & Holy Roman/German → GeRoman Em‑pire, even the term Shqyp & Shqyp‑ni have root from SHKUPI and SCUPI (ac‑cording to Petar Skok)... The Shkupjan are the real sources of the mod‑ern Albanian culture... Mangêzd (talk) 01:16, 19 June 2015 (UTC)
Ok, I told you what I had to say (this is free‑dom of be‑lieve & ex‑pression Articles 18 & 19 and Talk‑Page are open to any‑one, you made some de‑claration against me so I had to re‑spond)... Mos e ku‑pto keq.
But I must ad‑d this : be‑cause of these re‑ligious rants & reasons and be‑cause they are so many messianists משיחי & مسيحي & mu-slims מוּ‑שלם & م‑سلم in Albanity, I think that the Tosk com‑munist a‑theist rulers who made & pro‑moted the standard (Tosk) in 1969 didn't had the right to re‑move the Semitic com‑mon Obritian עברית / عبري & Orbitian ערבית / عربي terms from Ottoman & Christiano‑Byzantine era in our languages and they didn't had the rights to ab‑olish & sup‑press the Gheg dia‑lect.
After making search about what you said and that I didn't knew, I ad‑mit that the Ottoman rulers were rough with our nation. They didn't ap‑plied & re‑spected the true & real pre‑cepts of i‑slam (peace & paci‑fism) of Mu‑Ħamed S.A.V.S, like :
Even to‑day there is not a single school in Albanian in Turkey, as my uncle told me yester‑day, whereas there are Turkish schools in Albania (but the Turkish pre‑sident Erdogan want to close them)...
Ottoman Em‑pire pre‑de‑cessors were rough with us to.
Good bye, Tu‑ngäth‑jetha, mir‑u‑päfshmi... Mangêzd (talk) 20:58, 19 June 2015 (UTC)
Mir‑dita, I only agree with you about the law of Abdül‑hamid First, that's all, (again only French Wikipedia talk about that law, based up‑on an un‑sure Greek source of 14 août 1999, the Wikipedia English & Albanian don't mention that), all my arguments about il‑literacy and other things are real & true.
I'm not sure of what your are talking, it is crap, be‑cause I don't loosed my Albanian Evropean culture since I still use the language of my Gheg ante‑cestor (with Illyrian, Latin, Greek words in‑side) and not the fake one of the Tosk (Standard)...
For you al‑i‑slam ال‑إ‑سلام (re‑ligion of peace שָׁלוֹם / ܣܰܠܶܩ ܫܠܶܡ / سلام is a re‑gression, you are totally wrong... You make me pity, with your way of thinking... Truly.
This faith and my arguments & ex‑planation are not ridi‑culous...
80% of honorable (neruar) Albanity can be wrong, as I pre‑viously said above (but I written this com‑ment after so maybe you did not read it), we Ghegs mu‑slims מוּ‑שׂלם / ܐ‑ܣܠܩ ܡܰ‑ܗܓܪܐ / م‑سلم م‑ثالي (mu‑slm mu‑θali) are the real Albanians TRIMAT who stayed & kept the land, not fleeing in Italia by fear of the Otoman עותמאן תם / تمم, be‑cause in fact, these fleeing cowards were more Latins & Romano‑Byzantin than real Illyrian Albanian...
We don't follow the pro‑paganda (as you say) of Orbia Soudia السعودية (but only the faith of the Orbitian Angels like GABRI'ÊL & the Meccan MU‑ĦAMED A‑Obudda אַעֹבֻּדהאלַאלֵה / أَ‑عْبَّدَ al‑ile אל‑אלה / ال‑إله, the laudable م‑حمد, the last messenger of Abraham ब्राह्म re‑ligion of the unique God essence and the bringer of the de‑scended book of re‑velation who mean reading / re‑citation. If you knew the history you will know that the Kobah כעבה / كعبة was build by the Orbitian Angels for the first Man Adam as a temple for him, the first KOB‧AH was de‑stroy during the flood at the time of Noah, then Abraham re‑build it and lived in that place... Is re‑lic are kept there. After the temple was de‑stroyed again and re‑builded in his Cubic form that we know today, but that place be‑came a poly‑theist, statues & idols ad‑oration place, then the pro‑phet Mu‑Ħamed came & de‑stroyed these use‑less faith and bringed back the true re‑ligion of Adam & Ibrahim, of the unique ever‑lasting creator of the Uni‑verse... Mecca is a saint place for all be‑liever of the Earth... This is Human origin history. And it is very fascinating not ridi‑culous. Orbia Soudia is a new state and only Mecca & Medina in‑ter‑est the mu‑slims all over the world... Not the politic of that re‑cent state.
If you knew better the i‑slam (re‑ligion of the peace) you will know that Shqypθarθ are Hanafit حنفي and not Hanbalite حنبلي like Arabia Saudia. We have other laws, practices and phonetic letters pro‑nounciation.
I don't think that Orbians (Saudi سعودية, Qatar قطر, Oman عمان, Kuwait كويت, Jordan أردن, U.A.E) who are very wealthy by the grace of God in a hope‑less & desertic place (thanks to under‑ground black‑gold oil), need the people from the poorest land in Evrope (since 90 years Ottoman are not there any‑more so the eco‑nomic situation prove the in‑tel‑ligence of the a‑theist Albanians com‑munist rulers & soviet brain‑washed philo‑sopher thinker like Kadare), still the Orbs give us help to build hospitals but us we never gave them any‑thing (look this com‑parative picture from an Albanian pro‑file in FaceBook)...
Do you really think that the Arabs (Orbitians ערבית / ܥܪܒܝܐ / عربي) have an hidden agenda (like secret‑societies, as the il‑luminati) to con‑quer the world, and really need Albanians to do it ??? This is just stupid & moronic. This Tups‧id orm‧unic faith just want to save our souls not the flesh.
Also at the dif‑ference of the cath‑olic & ortho‑dox who have a strict hier‑archic clergy & de‑signed rulers (Pope, Cardinals, Arch‑bishops, bishops, priests, canons, Deacons, Abbots, Monks) the i‑slam don't have this kind of authority and we don't re‑ceive order from any‑body, we are free to make our choice & to choose the mosque & imam, hodja or mullah that we want to follow, and mine are Albanians who studied in Egypt and the other in Makka & Medina... I don't see what pro‑paganda the Arabs are doing in Macedonia, Kosovo or Albania media... The Saint Coran was written in 647.
Also you seem to forgot that Ottoman (con‑verted Turko‑Mongol) ruled the Arabs to... I don't know why now you speak against the Arabians, since they didn't in‑vade us and never threat & mal‑treated our peoples. You seem to be an anti‑semite which is il‑legal based on the Belgian & the Evropean laws...
I'm not a ob‑oedient soldier (like you say) and I never made any war, and thank God I never had to fight & e‑liminate no one. Again what you say is crap for most of 80% of Albanian mu‑slim (paci‑fist)...
I pre‑fer to be ob‑oedient / audient to God than to a dictator like a‑theist Enver Hoxha or men like you.
It is better to be an Albanian + Arbanian + Orbian : ΟΑΛϜΑΡΒΑΝ Oalvarabanianë + Aramian + Aryan = Oalvarabmanianë עאלורבּנוּיאן / عالۋاربانيان Oalbuddo עאלבּוּדדה from أبُدّي (abuddi) بِ‑هُدّوء (“bi‑huddʰua”) بُدّا (“budda”) بُدّاء (“budaa”) أبُدّع (“budo”) عبُدّ (“obudd”) ببائد (“bbajud”) than a Deb‧il‧is دابب (“dabb”) ددابة (“ddab‧a”) {⊖DB⊖ ↔ ⊕BD⊕} (DEBILIS is not a DE + BEL root but DEB with -ILIS like SIMILIS, AGILIS...).
These Albanians & Macedonians throat‑cutters (as you name them) in Syria are not a big part of us, may‑be 0,01% of all mu‑slim Albanians & Macedonians. But still they are free to de‑cide to make & do war if they want to. It is their free‑dom. I don't need to judge others like you do...
What about mu‑slims foreign fighter who come in Kosovo & Bosnia and who died there to help us (un‑like you) against the Serb army. For us they were heroes & martyrs. And what about U.S fighter who come in Evrope to bombard Serbian or fight the anti‑semitic & anti-slavic Nazi & Fascist. Was these U.S warriors heroes or stupid men ?
Being a fighter, a com‑batant or a warrior is not bad as you seem to think. Why people like Alex‑ander, Aliskender‑beg الإسكندر بگ or Adem Jashari are re‑spected by mod‑ern Albanians ? They were fighters and heroes who fought counter the op‑pressors...
All states have military and a de‑fense, even social in‑sect like the ants & termites have a soldier‑class in‑side them, it is some‑thing very natural, even for humans to pro‑tect the weak & young or to fight against the en‑emy...
I'm not blind, I'm awaken बोधि (bodhi) बोधति (bodhati) БУД‧АН, you are blind & your heart is locked to the truth & global reality, and you speak about i‑slam with‑out com‑pre‑hending is real essence (be‑cause you listen the Evropean pro‑paganda against it, i‑slam is not only Afghani‑stan and Syria & Iraq, they are lot of peace‑full mu‑slim states like the Kazakh, Azerbaijan, Malaysian, Moroccan...).
I lived in Belgium and I had French Christian Cath‑olic curriculum e‑ducation there, so I know very well this re‑ligion and his pre‑cepts... I‑slam is not the only think I had in my ex‑istence, you are trying to limit & re‑ducing my person, ex‑perience, culture & know‑ledge with‑out having any clue of my life and my e‑volution & pro‑gression, I think you should shut up...
I don't need to be freed be‑cause I never been a (LOW) SGLAWË , I'm a WALGSË / ͶΑΛΓΣΟΣ → ͶΑΛΕΓΣΟΣ ͶΑΛΕΞ‧ΟΣ ©® ΛΕΓ‧Ω (WEALTHY) SHALVAΘED बोधि (bodhi) बोधति (bodhati) БУД‧АН ОШАЛВБУДДАЇАН שַׁלְוָה i lir Illyrian Thracian Albanian Macedonian with Hindu Romi Ashkali be‑lieve co‑gnizance...
You are a re‑tro‑grade who limit it‑self to his Romano‑Byzantine history.
I see what languages you know in your user pro‑file and you don't have any com‑pre‑hension of Sêm‧antic Sêm‧itic. I'm studying these languages since 2003 like others re‑ligions, cultures & mytho‑logies and my in‑ter‑pretation of i‑slamic faith is not com‑mon and surely not the same as Hanbalite, but more like Shafi'it... This study & ex‑ploration will finish when I will die...
For me knowing Altaic (Japanese, Korean, Mongol, Turkish), Sêmitic (Obrit, Aramaic, Phoenician, Orbitian, Syriac), Persian, Slavic (Macedonian, Bulgarian, Bosnian), Hindu / Romi / Ashkali is a rich‑ness but for you it is the re‑verse...
I don't want to speak with you any‑more and I don't want to be like you. You are against 80% of your com‑patriots, you are an anti‑mu‑slimo‑albanians & a dis‑be‑liever.
Albanian mu‑slims (peace‑full) are not like you, we re‑spect the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Manicheist Zoroastrians & Buddhists but not the a‑theists who are for i‑slam faith (Coran 8‑55), less than animals (beasts) be‑cause they don't re‑co‑gnize the ex‑istence & laws of the eternal living God creator of all things. Be‑cause they are to brain‑less (like beasts) or vain‑glorious.
I just wanted to talk with you be‑cause you ad‑ded Gheg Albanian terms and be‑cause you are an Shqiptar (but I'm not sure of it)... But now that I know you more deeply I'm really not in‑ter‑ested to be friend & dis‑cuss with you... I have an ad‑vice read the original Otmaman עתמאמן תמם עטוֹם עתם עטם עיט / ܥܛܡܐ ܥܫܡܐ ܥܬܡܐ / عتمامان تمام طمن / आत्मन् (ātman) आत्मा (ātmā) Orbitian version of the Qranë i bekum ال‑قرآن ال‑بقوم, may be you will learn some‑thing. And you will not talk with‑out know‑ledge. Be‑cause the actual com‑piled Arabian version from Khalif Othman عثمان era is in dis‑order and not in chrono‑logical order, so some verse ab‑rogating some older one, can't be cor‑rectly com‑pre‑hended and in‑ter‑preted (the real order is findable in in‑ter‑net). In fact these two vords عثمان invalid IPA characters (‑) & عتمان invalid IPA characters (‑) (dark‑ness, θenebra, over‑cast, dull) are mis‑spelled & the pro‑nunciation is in‑verted, this is be‑cause of the mis‑usage of the Qra'at أ‑حرف invalid IPA characters (‑)... Only the veri‑dic vedic वेद Ruwana روحانی have the true keys... Mangêzd (talk) 19:10, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
The ancient Albanians have chosen to call the IM‑PERATOR إم‑پراتور, Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "Gheg" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. MRET مرات and Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "Tosk" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. MBRET مبرات who are re‑lated to मृत्य (mṛtya) / مرت, who co‑gnate with check‑mate from Semitic Orbitian ممات (mmat) & Obritian ממת (mmat), linked to Latin MOR‧S MOR‧Θ‧IS MOR‧Θ‧AL‧IS BRUTUS & Ancient Greek ΒΡΟΤ‧ΟΣ ΜΕΡ‧ΟΠΣ Ἀ‑ΜΒΡΟΤ‧ΟΣ & Slavic съмрьть (sŭmrĭtĭ) мрѣти (mrěti) ; make a com‑paraison with Zot (God, Lord : the life ΖΩ and אַלֵה (goddess of life, “”) & הֵלַא (goddess of death, “”)).
Caesar קֵיסָר / ܩܶܣܰܪ (“qθl”) Cutter from Quþa קטע (“qθo”) קטל (“qθl”) / ܩܛܳܥܐ (“qθo‧a”) ܩܛܰܠ (“qθl”) / قطع (“qθo”) قتل (“qθl”)...
This Mbret & Mret terms show the real feeling of the old Albanians against the domination of the Roman-Byzantine em‑pire, they say death / die to the mortal Im‑perator... They don't share your thinking about the Romano‑Byzantine era... Mangêzd (talk) 16:04, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
If you read the Wikipedia Statistics about it they are 80% (all link are in my pre‑vious post), you can try to deny it, but that doesn't change the reality... You can say what you want about the past but now we are mu‑slims for most of us...
You say "Why do they have thousands of Albanian families in Macedonia change their Albanian names into I‑slamic names (again the I‑slamic identity vs. native identity)", now, it is you who will de‑cide how your com‑patriots should be named ? If they want to take a Greek, Slav, Indian, Sêmitic or German name, in what it con‑cern you? Humans are free to act as they want and names them‑self how they want, you have a serious pro‑blem with the free‑dom of your fellows. Who do you think you are to say such things ? You say that the Arbëresh kept the original languages but the original is the Ghegs older than Tosks and it is the one that I still use, Gheg Skopje version.
You say "every‑thing Gjergj Kastrioti fought against: pro‑tecting Albanian Christian-Evropean culture, identity and in‑de‑pendence from as‑similation and de‑struction (physical and spiritual)" : do you know the medieval‑thinking of judgement of God ? If some‑one or a nations loose against his en‑emies, it is only the God will, so there is nothing more to ad‑d to this... His end by malaria show that God was not on his side. The op‑pressive rules that the Ottoman taken against Albanians were caused by these act of re‑bellions and be‑trayal (like Aliskender‑Beg) against their authority... In any states of the world, if you try to fight with weapons against the state you are punished (killed or ar‑rested) by the police, military & justice... All nations do that, not only the Ottoman.
For 500 years God was on their side, then for a reason that I don't know (may‑be not enough faith, good actions or un‑justice) he has left them a‑side...
You say "PEACE‑FULLY by the APO‑STOLIC work of St. Paul him‑self", I'm not sure that lot peoples have been con‑verted by this manner (in 312, 4 à 5 % of the em‑pire population was Christians), but more likely con‑verted by ob‑ligation when the Roman Em‑pire de‑cided to make it his of‑ficial re‑ligion in 380. As I know the Romans and their taste for tortures, circus‑games & cruci‑fixions, I'm sure that lot of peoples con‑verted them‑self just by fear and co‑ercion... And this torture meth‑odo‑logy lasted in medieval time until the French re‑volution of the "Lumière"... The in‑quisition, colonialism (in Africa & America) and crusade a good ex‑ample of what can do the Roman‑Christianity... Burning peoples for just saying that they are sorcerers & witches or Jews and torturing them by lot of meth‑od to have false re‑co‑gnition of crimes... You speak like if the Western‑Evropean & Christians were very peace‑fully, nice & gentle peoples with very good practicals, you totally forgot that they were in wars among them‑self and counter the middle‑east, you forgot that the rights of Humans are some‑thing very new in fact (im‑posed in Evrope after second world‑war) and came from the French re‑volution in 17th century... During middle age the populations were brutals, rudes, bestials, primitives, dirty, water was con‑sidered as a source of dis‑ease so they didn't wash them‑self (sewers and latrines had fallen into dis‑use), see the ravage of the pest, whereas the mu‑slims at that time washed them‑self 5 times a day for praying AV‑DES... In medieval time, the western Evropean nobility urinated & de‑fecated in any place of their castles be‑cause they didn't had toilets), even the Antic‑Pagan‑Romans were cleaner than them be‑cause of the public & private therma... I wonder why you em‑bellishes medieval‑era and the Evropeans of that time...
I'm not a fanatic, fanatic is re‑lated of FAN‧US : temple of dead (from FAN { فان / ΦΟΝ‧ΟΣ ΦΕΝ‧Ω / FUN‧US FUN‧ER‧O FUN‧EST‧O FAN‧US OB‑FEN‧D‧O OB‑FEN‧S‧Ô } + SAN { SEN‧EO / SEN‧IL } = ΘΑΝ { ΘΑΝ‧ΑΤΟΣ / ΘΝΗ‧ΙΣΚΩ invalid IPA characters (‧‧/‧‧) }), I'm not a fanatic I'm not adoring the deads, the death & the killing, but only the ever‑lasting ال‑باقي unique creator God with‑out beginning ال‑أول with‑out end ال‑آخر and I like his wonder‑full creations. (Read the 99 at‑tribute of God, they are more others but these are the canonic one, you will better com‑pre‑hend is nature & here are the 101 one of the pre‑i‑slamic Zoroastrian).
My faith is sincere & real like the faith of Mother Theresa that you can't criticize... The Messianist & Nasari (Christian) faith have same pro‑phets and same Semitic origin than I‑slam of Isma‑el, brother of Isaac, the ancestor of Jews. The only thing that i‑slam (like judaism) re‑fuse is to say that Iesuo Oisa is son of God or God him‑self (trinity) {be‑cause like Al‑Qaraan Al‑Karama say he ate & slept} and we re‑ject the Ortho‑dox & Cath‑olic practical of building statues of saints, angels & pro‑phets and icons (who is a pagan rite from poly‑theism era), the mu‑slims be‑lieve in the re‑turn of Iesuo Oisa عيسى at the end of the days... We are not so far of the Messianism משיחי & مسيحي, as you seem to think it, and love is an i‑slamic re‑com‑mendation ال‑ودود...
In the Coran, God through Gabri‑el then Mu‑Ħamed only say "to not take for Lords (not adore) angels & messengers (pro‑phets)" (3‑80 : Al‑qarana ال‑قرآنى / क़र al‑karama ال‑كارمى / करम क्रम कर्म)...
Building mosque is a right granted by the United‑Nations Human rights ‑ Article 18, you can't do any‑thing about it, your way of thinking are same of the Northern‑League of Italia, who re‑fuse this basic right to be‑lievers from foreign states & nations... Also we pay for them so I don't see what is the pro‑blem, if you go to shop and have the money, what will you think if some‑one re‑fuse to let you bought something be‑cause of your be‑lieves ???
Again Coran mean reading and the first term of the re‑velation by the Angel to the pro‑phet is AQRA (read) and the Coran & i‑slam say "be‑came savant" (Coran 3‑79 : French trans‑lation of تُ‑عَلِّمُونَ (tu‑ʕallimūna)), i‑slam don't preach the il‑literacy and stupid‑ness of the humans being... As you seem to think... Don't follow the in‑ter‑pretation of Afghans (shown in pro‑paganda medias) for ex‑ample...
You don't know the roots & the real sense of veri‑dical i‑slam, so don't speak about it...
At con‑trary, I can speak about Christianity be‑cause I have been in Cath‑olic school & I read the Bible (and others books like Rig‑Veda and mytho‑logies) to com‑pre‑hend it, be‑cause Coran say they are books from God, but have been falsi‑fied... I know what are the mis‑take that the Christians are doing by saying thing like Iesuo is son of God (H.C : 5‑18, 5‑75, 5‑116, 6‑100), i‑slam say if he is son of God every‑one are the sons of God (even the planets, stars, galaxy, flowers, animals, trees, etc...) but I can't find the verse, but he ex‑ist (you can look alter‑nate verse like H.C : 10‑18, 19‑35)...
God don't have kids & parents (H.C : 112‑1 to 4) {ORBITIAN ערבית & عربي ORB‧US} he is not like his creatures, he have material, mineral, vegetal, geo‑logical, astral, spectral, bio‑logical, meta‑physical creations (and lot others that I don't know)...
I‑slam only say what is forbidden and what we should do :
That's all we don't have other ob‑ligations than that, the rest is only in‑ter‑pretation & free‑dom of though & actions...
Also, there is six pillar of the faith, but there is no wikipedia page about it...
You say "which is ab‑solutely out of place with the things we do here: the etymo‑logical dictionary of Albanian language", it is not true be‑cause Mu‑slim & Ottoman era Albanian words (of Persian, Turkish, Semitic, Slavic origin) are real & ex‑isting and should be ad‑ded there, and our term have root from these languages even if you think the con‑trary, but Proto‑Albanian theorist con‑spirationist are hiding this truth. So we can talk about it... (Persian were an em‑pire with very com‑plicated cunei‑form script when in west Evr‑ope most of the tribes were savage and an‑alpha‑beta)
I can't bring peoples from dark‑ness to light and pre‑vent them from fire (UR‧Ô / UaR / WaR). Only those who want to seek the truth can do this by their own search, learning & mental will. Lot of peoples pre‑fer to stay in the ob‑scure & i‑gnorant side of life, be‑cause they are only at‑tracted by earth & by the physical world and are not in‑ter‑ested by the astral & spectral reality... Mangêzd (talk) 19:48, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
I re‑puted back the dis‑cussion be‑cause I was editing a re‑sponse to your word about Saint Paul, when I noticed after "Saving page" that you e‑rased all the con‑versation & all my ex‑planations...
Why do you censure dis‑cussion, do you always re‑act like this ? This is very anti‑free‑dom of speak & ex‑pression, and dictatorial way of doing... Mangêzd (talk) 21:47, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
Ok, I don't see why you should re‑port me for just re‑sponding to your out‑rageous false al‑legations about the i‑slam, the actual Ghegs identity & cultures, the Arabs, the Ottomans and terms origins & re‑movals in Standard Shqip... You are threatening me for using my law‑full & right‑full free‑dom of tough & speech U.S First Amendment and U.N Human Right article 18 & 19. But by censuring & de‑leting our dis‑cussion you show you real dis‑simulator un‑trans‑igent un‑tolerant nature of pro‑Romano‑Byzantine anti‑Turko‑Perso‑Arabs and anti‑Albanian mu‑slims. At least have the courage of your opinions by keeping them public. I will not talk with you about this any‑more, so don't re‑spond to this re‑ply... Good bye, ditën e mir, Zoti të rujt. Mangêzd (talk) 10:20, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
What you say is not the truth so it is not hurting me at all, I'm sad for you that you think like that with‑out com‑pre‑hending the real meaning, origin, sense of this holy book (your Pseudo‑nym (false‑name) is Etimo from Greek Vet‧um‧on (true‑sense‑ness) so try to ac‑cept the Ħaqiqat حقيقة of my ex‑planations... My nick is Nemzag in‑version of Gazmen, my real name, simple no ? Does it sound Albanian for you or no ?).
My view of Albanians is based on our era, not the one of nost‑algic of pre‑ottoman عَثْمَانْ (ʕaṯmān) طمن आत्मन् (ātman) आत्मा (ātmā) era... You should ac‑cept that the biggest part of the Shqyptars are now very dif‑ferents of the Albanian of Pagan Roman era & of the Arbanian of Ortho‑dox Byzantine era...
I'm not in‑ter‑ested by the politics, be‑cause really that doesn't af‑fect my every‑day life and all states from Asia, America, Evrope, Russia are doing the same in Albania (than Turks or Arabs. All have their own ob‑jectives, agenda & in‑ter‑ests)... I have an ad‑vice for you, don't be against mod‑ern demo‑cratic Turkey & Arab‑states (who never done any‑thing wrong to Albania) like you are, living with hate is not a good way of being... Why do you not speak about Italian in‑vasion of Albania in 1939 ? Do you think that the Shqyptärat & Kosovärat are Italians sub‑ordinate or sub‑mitted to Latin & Roman will and de‑pendant to them ? We don't need the in‑fluence, in‑sinuation, in‑ter‑vention or pro‑tection of Italia, France, España, Deutsch‑land, Russia or England em‑pire. We want the PA‑VARSI and the rules of the Human Rights of the United‑Nations organisation...
You talk about old Arbarians and that they were nazarenes נוֹצְרִי / نصراني and things like that, but you are not a true & real messianist משיחי / مسيحي be‑cause Iesuo said : Matthew 22:36 to 39 : "Teacher, which is the greatest com‑mandment in the Law?", "Jesus re‑plied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." ; "This is the first and greatest com‑mandment.", "And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as your‑self.". Even when it was killed on the cross he forgave his legion ex‑secutioners, but you, you hate your neighbours (Turks, Arabs, Persians and maybe Slaves), and even your own com‑patriots just be‑cause they are mu‑slims. The new generations of these nations have done nothing wrong to you and Albania... You should open your eyes about what is hypo‑crisy ("under‑judgement") and about the reality of what was Evr‑ope during medieval‑time...
You say "They could be Buddʰists and the re‑sult would still be deleterious for Albanians", I know what you are, you are an isolationist and anti‑foreign‑cultures. For you en‑lightened peoples like the prince Buddʰa (who faith is the most paci‑fic بِ‑هُدّوء (“bi‑huddʰua”)) can't be followed be‑cause he is not Albanian. Are you waiting for an Albanian re‑volutionary pro‑phet or re‑velations ? This will never come...
Also, can you tell me what Albania pro‑duce ? We don't have our own cars (like Zastava, Ford, Opel, Fiat), no own bikes, no own choppers, no own tanks, no own cruisers, no own tools, no own electronics de‑vices, no own soft‑wares, no own spiritual sacred books, no own planes, nothing (even from pre‑ottoman times). If you re‑ject the techno‑logies & know‑ledges (spiritual or scienti‑fic) from others nations like Altaic (Panasonic, Sony, Samsung), or Germans (Bosch, Mercedes, Opel) or English (Intel, Apple, Microsoft), be‑cause they are not Albanians you will live like 600 years be‑fore...
Me, I ac‑cept & ad‑mits that others nations are more better & in‑tel‑ligent than us, in the spiritual side like the Hindu, Buddhist & Arabs and on techno‑logical side like French, Germans, Americans, Russians, Korean & Japanese... I don't com‑pre‑hend your con‑ceited & vain‑glorious Shqiptar clanistic tribalistic sectarism. There is no‑thing in the past of Arbëria (be‑tween 400 to 1400) to be proud of. Ditën e mir. Mangêzd (talk) 19:55, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
I sug‑gest you to play the very good games series Total War : Rome (2004) & ad‑d‑on Alex‑ander (2005), Medieval 2 (2006) & ad‑d‑on Kingdom (2007), Empire (2009), Napoleon (2010) Shogun 2 (2011) & ad‑d‑on Fall of Samurai (2012) and Rome 2 (2013) and ad‑d‑on Attila (2015), it is very in‑structive. You will better com‑pre‑hend the reality and ethnicities of Evrope at that dif‑ferent times & epochs, and who con‑quered who, and who were really the Tyrants and ex‑tinct peoples & tribes... (I have all these games and others like Caesar IV, Age of Em‑pire Ⅰ, Age of Em‑pireⅡ & Age of Em‑pire Ⅲ so I can easily imagine and figure the actual reality of that era and his limitations : techno‑logies, military, archi‑tectural, etc...)
You forgot that in the past, each cities, then pro‑vinces, then states, then nations, then em‑pires of Evrope were always in war against each others, even if they were Christians (Ortho‑dox, Cath‑olic, then Pro‑testant against Rome & Athens like the Lutheran (German) or Calvinist (English)), Christianity never brought the peace in the con‑tinent at that time (from antiquity to modern‑era), the reason was to strong tribalism & clanism thoughts. Look how the nobility (Kings, Dukes, Lords, Counts, Barons) fought against rulers, members of their own families to gain their lands... Only the Human Rights of the Lumières era have bring peace on actual Evrope, our union ap‑ply these rules ad‑mitted by the United‑Nations (since few years after the end of second world‑war). Etimo read the history better... You have a very re‑stricted view on all of this matter... Good day. Mangêzd (talk) 10:35, 26 June 2015 (UTC)
This is not the truth, this is your narrow & skimpy own version of the truth, based on your own limited and not global in‑ter‑pretation of histories and actual Albanians reality. Again you e‑rased my answer & arguments, to keep just your racist & para‑noiac psychosis re‑sponse... You are the most un‑pleasant Arbaric / Arbëresh that I ever met in my life... You even not allow me to ex‑press my‑self, Wiktionary is not only an (Etimo) "etymo‑logical dictionary" but an in‑ter‑national uni‑versal dictionary, all terms are ac‑cepted from any nations & cultures, from any one (who have sources), so we can dis‑cuss in Talk‑Pages (who are open to any‑one) about every‑thing, even Albanian terms with foreign re‑ligions origins. But you say no, you re‑fuse terms from Altaic, Persian, Slavic, Semitic origin even if the actual mu‑slims Albanians uses them in Kosovo, Macedonia, Monte‑negro and north of Albania in the un‑standard shqyp, con‑trari‑wise you only ac‑cept Greek & Latin, be‑cause in fact you are living in the past (600 ago) and you have the same way of thinking than the a‑theist Tosk com‑munist who made the standard in 1969. For me you are not an pro‑gredsist Illyrian Albanian Shqyptar but a re‑tro‑grad Scipio Romano‑Byzantine. And to‑day, as I said be‑fore, you and your tribe & clan are the minority of the actual Albanians i‑slamized cultures. All others Albanians tribes & clans can't be wrong and you only right. You can't re‑ject us or an‑nihilate our cultures & (mu‑slim Gheg) languages, by trying to e‑rase or de‑leting it. This is not demo‑cratic, multi‑partic & humanistic, but only Censor & Dictator‑ship like Enver Hoxha was.
Lamtumirë, mosëm fol mã edhe kurr skam me fol mã me ty. Mangêzd (talk) 10:46, 27 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, he started to speak bad against me, I was talking about phonetic of the Ghegs version, and terms removal & additions in the standard (Orthodox Tosk), and he begin to talk bad about the Ottoman/Turk era, and then about my identity saying stupid things like I don't have one, after he begin to insult my faith, after he started to talk bad about Arabs (who never invaded Albanian and who were under the rules of Turko‑mongol 670 years) and others thing who are not true... At the end of the conversation he was saying that we can't talk about religion...
I don't need to talk with him, I don't need this racist guy, he is not an Illyro‑Thracian Gheg Albanian Macedonian cosmopolitan like me interested by all majors cultures (Hindi, Persian, Greek, Slavic, Germano‑England, Latin, Altaic, Semitic, American, Evr‑opean, Asiatic), but a Latin Roman Arbëresh... With very restricted idea about what is the actual reality of modern Albanity in Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia & North Albania. In fact he don't like us because we are not Chesartian Christian ortho‑dox, but as I written Jesus said (Mathew 22:36 to 39 : "And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as your‑self." and him hate is neighbour (even his compatriots because they have others religions, even if they are Buddhist or Hindu), so for me he is even not a real Christian Messianist Nazarene because he don't live with love for his neighbour but with hate... Again he erased my response...
I written many time to him in English & Albanian that I will not re‑spond to his post any more and that I don't want to be friend with him, but he al‑ways added a ag‑gressive & in‑sulting re‑sponse, I was ob‑ligated to an‑swer and re‑stablish the truth... But I don't like his way of e‑rasing dis‑cussion, that he started, for keeping his last racist & para‑noiac re‑sponse (Arabs & Turks politic in Albania, who surely is better than isolationism & communism), I said all states of the world (Evropean, Asian, Hindu, Russian) are doing the same in Albania (look how Italia invaded us in 1939), all have their own in‑terests...
For him we (Albanian, Kosovar & Macedonian) are throat cutter and ob‑oedient soldier of God, read his post, I'm sorry but I never cut the throat of no one and never make any war, and surely 99% of us doesn't are... I will not talk with him any‑more as I written in Shqyp : "Lamtumirë, mosëm fol mã edhe kurr skam me fol mã me ty" (Farewell, don't talk with me anymore, and never I will talk with again")...
Sorry but I'm not going to let him in‑sult my Ghegs identity & my ancestors, or the Turks, antique Persians and Arabs & Hebrews, he don't know the real history and the fact that the Romans & Byzantine were the real op‑pressor of all Evr‑opean tribes (Germanic, Greek, Gaulish, Breton, Celts, Alemanni, Illyrian, Thracian, Semitic, Slavic) during antiquity (Roman‑Em‑pire) to middle age (Byzantine em‑pire)... All of these tribes had suf‑fer be‑cause of their rules (I sug‑gested to him to play Total War: Rome & Rome 2 to see who were the op‑pressors), but for him only the Ottoman (con‑verted Turko‑mongol of Genghis Khan) are bad be‑cause in fact, they beated the Romano‑Byzantine empire...
I don't share his view of history, be‑cause for me the Latin Romans were cruel with circus games, slavery sy‑stems, tax and crucifixions sy‑stems... If he don't know the mod‑ern & ancient antique & middle‑age reality, then he better need to not start talking about this and about re‑ligions, that he don't com‑pre‑hend, and a Sêmitic language that he don't know at all...
You say "Other editors are com‑plaining about your in‑sulting", I never in‑sulted him, I said he is un‑pleasant to see how he censure all my re‑sponses (arguments & ex‑planations), not re‑specting the simple U.N & U.S law of freedom of speech. That he is not a pro‑gressist like the Ghegs are (ad‑ding foreign words to mother‑tongue), but a re‑tro‑grade who live 600 years ago (be‑fore the im‑plementation of Turko‑mongolo‑Perso‑Semitic cultures of the Ottoman) not seeing the actual Albanian reality (75% mu‑slims), and that he is an un‑transigent & un‑tolerant man who is the true based on his words... For him only Romano‑Byzantine de‑serve in‑terest, I don't agree with him... All cultures are in‑teresting.
I'm sorry Stephen, but he in‑sulted me first. I don't know why others editors are taking his de‑fences, when I see a all the ridiculous & racists thing he said. But surely these are racists or pro‑romans to... Our Albanians in‑ternal af‑fairs don't con‑cern them at all. Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 10:42, 28 June 2015 (UTC)
@Etimo, after some search and con‑tacting the ambassador of Turkey in France (to ask if it is true that there is not any school in Albanian in Turkey), they re‑sponded this, public school are in Turkish but minority can have private schools in others languages, here is a list of 87 Albanian school just in I‑st‧an‑bul... My uncle was wrong when he told me that there is no school at all, and you can't see how modern Turkey is demo‑cratic & friendly with us...
I don't understand why you are against Turkish politic since they are in N.A.T.O from more time than Shqypnija and are our ally, also they want to enter in C.E.E & E.U.
For me now they are ally and my brothers & sisters in the same peace‑full faith. This is the magic of our re‑ligion, old ad‑versary became a family... Mangêzd (talk) 14:03, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
Mirdita, Etimo, po sho se do er, pi shton "reference" prej Bardhyl Demiraj, a e ki at libër në "PDF", a ekziston variant Anglisht i asaj libër, a veç Gjermanisht ? A e nje ni "link" ? Faliminerës... Mangêzd (talk) 08:11, 9 June 2015 (UTC)
Po me vje keq amã qat faq i perdor proto-albanian, shka e ka imagjinu Rusi Israiljan Vladimiri Oreli, nuk i besoj ato menime, e sdu mi përdor... Kam nevoj për link prej etimo-log shqyptar, prej Shqypnijës, Makedonijës, Malit Zi, a Kosovës... Mangêzd (talk) 20:24, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
Po sho se shpesh pi vnon flajt Gegnisht në "Alternative forms", a ki ni fjalor i vjetër a ni link për "reference" ?
E kam ble ni libër prej Greqiës "ΤΣΟΠΑΝΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ : ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΙΚΟ ΛΕΞΙΚΟ", a ty i kam gjet në Biblio‑grafi ni libër i vjetër Shkodrës (Fialuur i voghel Sccyp e ltinisct (Small Dictionary of Albanian and Latin), page 1, by P. Jak Junkut, 1895, Sckoder), me fjalt Geg, amã asnji fjal me C spo sho në tã, e shum çera mungojn... Libra çera shka jan në "reference" si kam gjet në ARCHIVE.ORG, e kam ni fjalor çe thirët "DICTIONARIVM LATINO EPIROSTICVM 1635" e kam gjet ktũ, po kërkoj fjalor vjetër me shkrim Arvanite (Grekisht) me përkthim Latinisht, edhe Gheg me shkrim Arabisht me përkthim latinisht, a ekzistojnë ato librat ? A kan shkru libra komparative Shoqëri e të shtypurit shkronjavet shqip a dikush çetër ? A din dishka ? Mangêzd (talk) 10:07, 12 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, I read in my 2011 page, that Vahag blocked me for the seventh time, why he say that, I counted in my previous page, I was blocked one time by Ruakh (3 day) in 2008 & one time by Ivan Štambuk in 2009 (1 month)... So the block from Vahag is the third, why he say seven time ? Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 03:06 9 June 2015 (UTC)
Ok thank for in‑formation, it's bad that the opinion of an Albanian for is own language count less than those of Vladimir Orel (Russian Israeli) who imagined proto‑albanian & make his etymo‑logical work only upon Tosk dia‑lect, with‑out using source from Arabic, Turkish, Persian & Hindu... Mangêzd (talk) 09:03, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, I forgot to number one block of Atalaes of 10 march 2009 for adding njeri etymo‑logy, still I didn't know that the last block lasted six month, be‑cause I was not there and didn't log‑in in wiktionary... I think it is just to much. If I was doing vandalism I will not use my nick, and I will under‑stand a so long block for these kind of de‑structive be‑havior... It is not fair to block some‑one so long for just giving an new idea or opinion about is own mother‑tongue language, and when lot of others people re‑move in‑formations (I.P.A, alternative / re‑lated / co‑gnating terms) from pages with languages that they even don't speak, and with‑out asking their ad‑ders in their talk‑page, and in those cases no‑body is punished... email was sent by Nemzag, 09:29 10 June 2015 (UTC)
The Standard Albanian based on Tosk was im‑posed in 1969 during the com‑munist dictator‑ship of Enver Hoxha who was a Tosk, after the second world war the east was under con‑trol of the Soviet Union (and the Russians victorious against German & Italian/Roman/Latin), and to con‑trol us they created lot of ir‑realistic theory about our language & made lot of falsi‑fications of our original Gheg & Latin words & dia‑lect... So truly, us Albanian peoples had suf‑fer be‑cause of the com‑munism based upon the theory of Karl Marx (at that time we were the poorest country in Evrope and we had no right to go to re‑ligious temple or to prey, and not right to got out of Albania, fortunately my father is from Macedonia & my mother from Kosovo, who was a that time Yugo‑slavia).
After we suf‑fered be‑cause of Yougo‑Slavia (Serbian Ortho‑dox) who tried to ex‑terminate us with the sup‑port & pro‑tection of his ally Russia (who even sended soldiers in our land to eliminate us), hope‑fully we were re‑scued by Bill Clinton (U.S.Army) & N.A.T.O, who striked the Serbian (jugo‑slave) who were fighting against :
The Serbian made a geno‑cide and they were judged for that at The Hague... Read the case of the F117. So be‑cause of all of this, no for me, this Vladimir from Moscow then Tel‑Aviv have not the right to inter‑fere in our ethnic language and in‑vent root word based upon a never ex‑isting Proto‑Albanian (with‑out any scripting proof of his ex‑istence based upon his ir‑rational hypo‑thesis), be‑cause we Albanian we don't do that with the Hebrew or Slavic languages so please Vladimir just stop, this book is the work of op‑pressors of our state (now Albania is in N.A.T.O and want to enter in E.U, no more U.R.S.S or CIS), I re‑co‑gnize his etymo‑logical Illyrian, Latin, Greek root for some of our words but not the Proto‑Albanian, also he never use Turkish/Persian/Semitic/Egyptian/Caucasian source for the Albanian & Ottoman words that Northern Albanian have in the un‑standard Shqyp... Mangêzd (talk) 15:13, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
That is very bad that you will still use the false in place of the truth... Proto‑Albanian is a mysti‑fication... You speak about free‑dom of thought in which I really be‑lieve (U.N Universal Human Right Article 18) but when I use my free‑dom of though & ex‑pression for my opinions, ideas or theory, I get block for one month & even at last time 6 month (because I said that Albanian ACAR was re‑lated to CRYO, KAR, קר & قر, so please, this is just not fair, so it is better to don't speak about free‑dom of though & ex‑pression be‑cause it work in only one sens (in 24 december 2010 I was speaking about Human Right Article 19)... Also Vladimir work is be‑coming a real pro‑blem be‑cause some ad‑d (cognate, new theory) from dif‑ferent Albanians users are always e‑rased be‑cause of this Russian book, so no, I can't ac‑cept that (like in HIP/HYP where Vladimir Orel state is linked with German or Lithuanian in‑stead of Ancient Greek ὙΠΣΟΣ (HuPSOS) ("hyp‧sos", "hip‧sos"), ὙΠΕΡ ("hyp‧er", "hip‧er") & Latin HYPER & SVPER, Bardhyl Demiraj don't share the point of view of Vladimir Orel in this page).
Really, you need to better know the history of the Albanian from the beginning...
Our language (& words) is made of (in chrono‑logical order) :
In America you have the chance to share all the same of‑ficial language : English (some‑time Spanish), even peoples of dif‑ferent origin use it, but in Evrope we all have dif‑ferent languages (in every states / nations), and lot of neighbors were old historical enemies, the history of Evrope is com‑plicated to com‑pre‑hend (only now we begin to agree through the E.U and his laws based upon human‑rights)...
For me our Albanian language is our treasure and I think that only Albanian Institute of Science & real Albanians have the right to seek & ac‑credit etymo‑logy for a word, no foreign land that are, sorry for the word, our enemy... You say "his theories are the most widely accepted" by who ??? I pre‑fer to use work of Albanian etymo‑logist like Bardhyl Demiraj (but I don't under‑stand his Germanic book ) & older one (like Demiraj Shaban, Eqrem Çabej) di‑rectly from Albania... Re‑member that I'm an amateur, so I don't follow the academic theory of foreign nations (that try to con‑trol & lead us) for my mother‑tongue. Mangêzd (talk) 18:16, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
I don't have to be‑lieve in work of foreign lands for my mother‑tongue ? You say skilled, I'm sure that Vladimir Orel even don't speak the Albanian, I'm not telling to any one how to do ad‑d in their own languages, so there is no need to threat me for my Shqyp & Gheg Dia‑lect, I just want to add co‑gnating words, not etymo‑logy, I'm sure I know it better than him, also in my family I have lot of teachers (who finished their study in Albanian uni‑versity, so they know a lot about our languages... Why do you say ridi‑culous the source of our actual Gheg & Tosk language is sourced by history and in‑vasions of these em‑pires. Mangêzd (talk) 20:09, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
I mention them be‑cause they were in some re‑ferences of Albanian words in wiktionary (I never readed their books and I don't know them, and I can't judge the quality of their hypo‑thesis, and I don't know what are their be‑lieve). They use Proto‑Albanian be‑cause they were in‑structed by uni‑versity that pro‑mote these theory, hope‑fully, I'm free of these brain‑washing made by their pro‑fessors & searcher who in‑vented these roots (Bardhyl Demiraj made his study in Tirana under the rule & pression of com‑munism by com‑paring the Tosk/Standard Albanian with Romanian, his works is based mostly on Tosk/Standard, who is a falsi‑fication of Gheg, the Tosk use heavily of rhotacism and change terms with P by MB, N by ND, UN by UR, etc...). I don't think we need to search in a sup‑posed proto‑languages with‑out re‑maining books or writing, older of more than 5000 years, when we can use co‑gnating words of ex‑isting languages that have truth‑fully sources for etymo‑logy... Also the link that you provide about Shaban Demiraj mention only one time Proto‑Albanian in page 164, it's not a proof at all... The Proto‑Albanian is a theory made, in‑vented imagined & created by the Russian Vladimir Orel only and I don't be‑lieve what say my com‑munist Slav op‑pressors... Mangêzd (talk) 22:01, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
Of course uni‑versities brain‑wash people to make them obey to their national in‑terest, lot of foreign leaders in Africa or in colonies were con‑ditioned to obey to orders of secret‑societies and in‑terest of the states making the con‑ditioning, every‑one knows that only credulous peoples are not aware of this...
I'm sorry for hurting you sensibility but it is history, and our people have suf‑fered be‑cause of the Serbian & his Russian ally (and com‑munism from Karl Marx in general, also I didn't make any com‑ment about Israili), it is not xeno‑phobia (I'm not fearing the stranger), it is the logical sentiment of the after war & after communist & soviet era that lot Albanians have & share, so I don't com‑pre‑hend why we should talk about them with some kind of love or re‑spect (still I'm sure that they are lot of good humans being in Serbia & Russia, but the actions of the evil one, hide them from our con‑siderations). I re‑spect Bill Clinton (I sup‑pose that you live in North America and since 230 year you are free and not under the con‑trol of op‑pressors states (like the British was), you made the in‑de‑pendence war against England, so I'm not sure if you under‑stand what is to live under the con‑trol, rules and ideo‑logy of an others nations/tribes who per‑secute your own land (and an‑nihilate you be‑cause of your Muslim (Bosnian) & Catholic (Croatian) be‑lieves, or tyrannically force you to speak Serbian/Slavic and forbid you to use your mother‑tongue at school, col‑lege, faculty, uni‑versity & at job ? This is the reason why the Kosovars re‑volted & crisis beginned), how can you forgot the Cold War ? Do you forgot the nuclear missile crisis in Cuba ? I think you are an U‑topist)...
I'm a cosmo‑politan patriot not a racist, I have lot of friend from dif‑ferent re‑ligions & cultures (Asiatic, Altaic, Slavic (Bosnians, Macedonians), Semitic (Arabs), Italian, Belgian), but Vladimir Orel is a Russian Israili it is only the truth...
About your ex‑ample of Canis & KYON, they are re‑lated be‑cause these two peoples share some com‑mon root (some Etruscan tribe were Greek colony in Italia), but if you com‑pare CANIS with English DOG or even HUND or Russian СОБАКА or Serbian ПАС or Bulgarian/Macedonian КУЧЕ or semitic Kalb כלב / كلب or Ireland madra, there is no link at all, so it is very simple in most case to tell that most Evropean languages don't share the same unique origin, and trying to make only one con‑nection for all of them is just time losing, they are many root : Germanic, Frank, Gaulish, Celtic, Latin/Grec, Semitic, Slavic, Altaic, Persian, Hindu, Illyrian, Thracian, Hun, Tatar, Scandinavian, all these tribes had a dif‑ferent languages from the start of these nations, some words look the same be‑cause of nomadism, culture sharing, war domination & some‑time fluke... I don't under‑stand why some people try to show that all languages are from only one root, what are they trying to prove, that we are all the same ? No, I don't be‑lieve in that be‑cause we are all unique and dif‑ferent, no one look like an others (ex‑cept twins) same for languages (every man & woman have his own in‑tonation, ac‑cent & voice who make is language unique)... Variety & di‑versity make the richness of the world. The Proto‑Hindo‑Evropean root is just a limitation of the variety that the nature have... You can't com‑pare ex‑act science (like your ex‑ample of the electron that you can measurate & veri‑fy with ex‑isting tools & ma‑thematics) with sup‑posed one root language, that you can't prove with ex‑act tool or equations... Mangêzd (talk) 03:29, 11 June 2015 (UTC)
May‑be for English, but for Albanian I'm not sure of it... Still let the Shqyptar make their edits in Wiktionary for their own ethnic language, that's all... I think you are tired of this dis‑cussion be‑cause my arguments are to strong to counter... I don't force you to talk with me, you are free to stop this con‑versation when you want... Still thank for sharing your opinion & time with me... Mangêzd (talk) 07:08, 11 June 2015 (UTC)
I would be very grate‑full that some con‑tributors (that even are not Albanian) stop ad‑ding fake & imagined Proto‑Albanian etymo‑logy for our ethnic language, that's all. I'm honest be‑cause I do edit using my nick & log‑in, if I was a male‑volent I would do it with‑out logging... I don't waste the time of no‑body, I'm only talking on my own talk page, I will add co‑gnating words in Albanian, and I really want that some users that even don't speak Albanian, stop re‑moving these ad‑d (like in derë), to put fake etymo‑logy based on Vladimir Orel work... I never e‑rased others con‑tributions, but I only ad‑ded some more in‑formations or co‑gnating terms, if some‑thing is wrong in de‑finition, I ad‑vertise the con‑cerned person in his talk‑page, but lot of con‑tributors don't do that, like me, when they e‑rase con‑tent of others, I'm more re‑spect‑full than them it seems... I don't do ad‑d in WikiFjalori shqiptare be‑cause if you knew the law of Albania (during com‑munist dictator‑ship time, law that I think is still in use now), Gheg can't not be used and is il‑legal (lot of students reading Gheg books were im‑prisoned & some others tortured), only standard/tosk is al‑lowed & ac‑cepted (Read Subhuman posts, this is the reason why I pre‑fer to write in American English Wiktionary be‑cause you allow free‑dom of though & speech, and here it is not il‑legal be‑cause you re‑co‑gnize the Gheg language as an ex‑isting one... Still I have a pro‑ject on the side, about the root Codex & word com‑binations so I will make my own PHP site & write my own Gheg book for all of my idea, theory & hypo‑thesis... Mangêzd (talk) 08:31, 11 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen & JohnC5, thank for your feed‑back, if you check this, we are only three con‑tributors here (not many Albanians are in‑terested in linguistic it seems), I think that English Wiktionary need us (and I need Wiktionary for backing‑up the Gheg dia‑lect, and the American English Wiktionary archive is a very good place to do it)... So I will still con‑tinue to ad‑d standard Albanian & Gheg variant here (Alter‑native, Co‑gnating & Re‑lated Terms, but not etymo‑logy un‑less it is Latin or Greek or Ottoman) be‑cause I want to do that for my people (Wiki is free & open to any‑one, and I truly like that con‑cept)... I don't want to write in WikiFjalori shqiptare, be‑cause there I need to use the standard (based up‑on Tosk), and I don't love that dia‑lect be‑cause it is not mine and it is a sym‑bol of the op‑pression made to the Gheg by the com‑munist regime of Enver Hoxha... Also don't say that Albania (& Albanians) have no power over the WikiFjalori shqiptare or for is own languages, you don't know what can do the Sigurimi" (Security of state, secret‑services), & the out‑law of Albanian Mafia... It is as if you said that U.S special‑agencies have no power over what goes on in‑side and out‑side of the state.
It doesn't matter how many ac‑credit the Proto‑Albanian, that doesn't make it true (but now they are two ap‑parently Vladimir & Bardhyl), also even the term Proto‑Albanian is wrong be‑cause be‑fore the Ptolemy greek word "Albanian" (150 AD, who is a language made of 8 others), were are in fact SHQYPTAR (ΩϘΥ‑ΠΤΕΡΟΣ) / SHQIPËTAR (AD‑CIPITER : SHQIPONJÊ totem & flag of Varbania, land were live naturally the golden eagles), be‑fore that we were Arbënêsh / Arbëresh / ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΕΣ and in the beginning Thracian or Illyrian or Epirian (so we should talk about Proto‑Illyrian or else & not Proto‑Albanian), the word Albanian is byzantine (10th AD) from Latin Alba (“white”) & Hebrew לבן (“LBN”) / and if I check this page they give I.P.A even for 5th BC (I don't think the word ex‑isted at that time), but us, we don't call our‑self Albanian but Shqyptar... Mangêzd (talk) 14:15, 11 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, I want to ask you if I can ad‑d Gheg alter‑native form for this word tjetër : qetër & çetër but the only re‑ference I have is in a song for qetër & for çetër, these link page 52 & here page 91, can I use tʰem in re‑ference ? Gheg QETËR & Arbëresh (from in Italia) ÇETËR co‑gnate with Latin CETERVS & Greek Heteros. Good day.
The re‑ference for çetër are not very good... I don't plan to ad‑d Ceterus & Eteros they are al‑ready there...
I use hyph‑en for the pre‑fix & com‑pound words. I al‑ways write like that on forums, even in French & Albanian when I write a letter or e‑mail, be‑cause it is more pre‑cise, ex‑act & ac‑curate (and if you look the etymo‑logy of these words they are truly com‑posed like that)...
These pre‑fixes have sources in French Larousse dictionary :
Do you know com‑mon pre‑fixes ??? Do you know that these pre‑fixes & suf‑fixes have a meaning ?
Also I don't see any pro‑blem in this be‑cause I am polite and courteous and I never use hyph‑en in Wiktionary terms de‑finitions but only on my personnal page or when I speak with some‑one else on their talk-page... I in‑vented this way of writing and I always ex‑press my self in this manner and it is my free‑dom... I'm really sorry & apo‑logize if you have dif‑ficulties to under‑stand it or to ac‑cept it... There is no uni‑versal or federal law ob‑ligating & telling to us how to write, every author is free to use the style & terms that he want in his writing... Asking me to stop this, is same as if you asked me as a stranger to not speak English with an French or Albanian ac‑cent or in‑tonation, I can't speak or write like a real north‑American or English, I'm not one... You should in‑stead be glad that I learn it & ex‑press my‑self in this language and that I try to im‑prove & a‑meliorate his writing... I am not a con‑formist or a follower. But when I will P.M you in future, I will not use it any‑more but if you ad‑d the message in this page I will put the hyph‑ens.
In England English if you look the file "en_GB.dic" (in folder "share\extensions\dict-en\" of "Open or Libre Office" in‑stallation), they are lot of terms using "‑" for com‑pound terms (search with "CTRL+F"), the "en_US.dic" never use "‑", I learned the England English, in Evr‑ôpe, not in U.S...
You can check these English terms in Wiktionary etymo‑logy section or in de‑tailed Dictionary like "Le Grand Bailly" since 1895 (for Ancient‑Greek terms) or "Le Grand Gaffiot" since 1934 (for Latin terms) and you will see that they use a pre‑fixes that I se‑parate from the root with "‑" (in the "Le Grand Bailly" they write the terms using "‧" (U+2027) in‑stead of "‑" (U+2011)).
For me writing the pre‑fix and root to‑gether with‑out hyph‑en sign "‑" or "‧" is an error that last since the archaic‑men beginned to write in Phoenician script then in Greek script and then in Latin script that we use now... While at that time they didn't know the signs of hyph‑enisation (or even punctuation, ad‑ded later, that we all uses now), I e‑volve and I use tools & signs of my time, I call this scrupulousness. These terms re‑main ex‑actly the same... Still can I write how I want in my Personal Page ??? I think it's com‑pre‑hensible, under‑standable, sourced, mannerly & civilized...
Even on some American web page I have seen "‑" for the pre‑fixes, like :
And lot others that I can't re‑member now (I will ad‑d tʰem here in future when I see one of tʰem)... The North‑American uses it some‑time for some terms, the English more often, but me I al‑ways use tʰem in all terms that are com‑pounded... And it is not a fault it is veracity...
Also the ex‑ample you give for hyph‑enated English in American are totally wrong (ex‑cept : pre‑sent) be‑cause they don't re‑spect real structure of the com‑position of the terms & the meaning of the pre‑fixes & roots. For these ex‑ample you should better use "." (U+002E) or "‧" (U+2027) for syl‑labic or phonetic se‑paration, in Evrope (France / England) "‑" (U+2011) is for com‑pound hyph‑enated terms... Mangêzd (talk) 13:12, 12 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, JohnC5, happy that you talk to me again... You say "cite sources that you either do not under‑stand or do not sup‑port your claims", all ex‑ample I gived in "DI‑GAMMA / VAU : Smooth‑breathing & SIGMA / SAN : Rough‑breathing" con‑versaθ‧ion for Ancient‑Qrêgu ex‑ist & I ad‑ded after some ex‑ample really showing the use of Sigma for rough‑breathing & Di‑Gamma for smooth‑breathing in that book... I don't com‑pre‑hend why you are trying to dis‑credit me or my Evropean Belgian Walloon pro‑fessors... May‑be you think that you & your teachers (ТІЧ‧ЪР ТАЧН‧ЪР ЧАѲ‧ЪР) are better than us or what ?
My vaqro‑vario‑vari‑vero‑logic (ۋرع + ررع + ۋح + حرر ≡ ۋحرع) invalid IPA characters (‧) is very good, ex‑qêll‧ênθ, prae‑qêll‧ênθ, (qêls‧us) קאל / قال and שכאמאלאכוּני / شاكامالاكوني (“Shakamalakuni”) أ‑شمل شامل / ܡ‑ܫܰܡܠܰܝ ("A‑Shamli) in fact...
{"You will rant and rave", I will tarn त्राण & varë वर...}
You can copy this re‑sponse in Note‑pad & re‑place "‑" (U+2011) with a "no space", it would be easier for you to read it, if you have so much dif‑ficulties to com‑pre‑hend a term be‑cause of a simple hyph‑en while the term still re‑mains ex‑actly the same...
I don't use that technique only in English but in all of my vriting since 2007 & al‑ways from 2011 even in Frênch, Sêm‧itic, Macedono‑Serbo‑Croatian & Albanian (and Laθin & Ancient‑Qrêgu)... {By con‑venθ‧ion based on French & Shqyp, I use A for Alpha, Â for , Ä for , Ë for , E for Epsilon, Ê for Hêta, O for O‑micron & Ô for Ô‑mega and for nazal in Gheg & French.}
I can't ex‑plain you with all the de‑tails why this beginned but I will try, I have de‑ciphered in 2007 (after reading, learn‧ing & study‧ing the sêm‧itic version of Holy Tavr‧ath‧us תאורטה תַאוּס / تاۋراث & Holy in‑Qaraana) the way of com‑bin‧aθ‧ions of two letters from the sêmitic root‑sy‑stêm of vrith‧ing of the ϝὀρ‧θ‧ός vor‧t‧s vor‧d‧s (عرف + ۋرث ≡ ۋعرث ≢ وعر) of the Avatêqaranêbi ®© אותקראנביא ותרן / ܐܘܬܩܪܐܢܒܝܐ ܐܘܪܬ / آۋطقرانبي ۋطر ۋثر ۋرث and I noted that even in Ancient‑Qrêgu & Tal‧is Alph‧a Alθ‧us Laθin (ΘΑΛ‧ΙΑ ͶΑΛΦ‧ΆΝ‧Ω invalid IPA characters (‧‧‧)) the same sy‑stêm is used (ana‑logy).
After, when I searched, for my web‑site table of de‑mon‑straθ‧ion, terms using for ex‑ample the com‑binaθ‧ion "MB מב / مب & BM בם / بم", the list of terms that I had in the "Languages.DIC" files using "CTRL+F : MB" showed me for ex‑ample "COMBAT", but it was wrong and in‑duced me in error be‑cause "COMBAT" was not a MB com‑binaθ‧ion but BT בט : "COM‑BAT", in‑stead "DEMOBILISER" was a good ex‑ample but he should had been vrited "DE‑MOBILISER" or even beθθer "DE‑MO‧BI‧LI‧SER" be‑cause "MO" variate in these forms MO‧V‧EO MO‧Θ‧IO MO‧N‧Θ‧EM MO‧NS MON‧O MO‧ND‧O MO‧D‧US.
The same pro‑blem ex‑ist in terms from Qrêgu, Shalvunic, Orbitian, Obritian, Shvriac ܣܘܪܝܐ script. When searching for a binary com‑binaθ‧ion (like me) or learning these languages, their bad vriting (not showing pre‑fixes) com‑plicate the com‑pre‑hension and de‑crypθ‧ion of the roots, be‑cause of that we need to search for each vords one by one in dictionary (hope‑fully with in‑ter‑net & wiktionary it is ac‑celerated by 10, I'm born at the right time for this job), imagine the numbers of hours lost for all of us, what a time waste. Also for weqsotic ואקס languages we need to use "Character Map" to vrite them and it take 10 to 20 seconds to be able to search it in Google, so con‑ceive that if you com‑pare five languages like I do, how long it take... (Wiktionary is good but it lack a table fungθ‧ion to have visualizaθ‧ion to com‑pare vords from 2 to 6 languages. Also Wiktionary don't have trans‑laθ‧ion fungθ‧ion from English to any languages).
You will com‑pre‑hend, why I uses hyph‑en when I will put all of my syn‑thêtisaθ‧ion vorks (in French) upon the sy‑stêm of meta‑thêsis, trans‑form‧aθion, com‑puθ‧aθion, vorg‧an‧is‧aθion, com‑peθ‧ênθ com‑posiθion (com‑poθasion poθ‧ênθ), com‑binaθion & numero‑logy (the original rë‑trans‑cripθ‧ion or‧d‧ër (or‧s‧us), from com‑parison of Abgad, Ancient Qrêgu, Shalvic, Ʒeô‑vergian & Varmenian) of these languages :
But I can't tell you more about this now, since I'm the only one who have done it, dis‑covered, de‑ciphered & under‑stand this, and this is a crypto‑se‑cret that I'm gonna make public when my mySQL data‑base & PHP site would be done (I have to buy Adobe Dream‑weaver, and learn how to use MySQL & PHP and it is not simple be‑cause it is totally titan‧antic & gig‧antic job, and I surely will not have enough time in only one life to finalize it... All my work (as an avto‑didact) started in 2005 is in HTML, ODS & PDF now). In fact I'm studying since 2004 and there is a lot of thing that I need to learn (and tʰank very much to Wikipedia) but I have a major pro‑blem, I'm a little bit a‑mnesiac, so I forgot lot of think that I have read & memorized, this is the reason why I vrite every‑thing for back‑up...
When you will read my vork, you will really com‑pre‑hend the true logic of these languages and what is the error that we all made in West‑Evrope using these terms using {in some case} :
There is an ancient & antique hidden‑meth‑odo‑logic be‑hind that...
The ΣΗΜ‧ΑΝΤΙϘ‧ΟΣ is ΣΗΜ‧ΙΤΙϘ‧ΟΣ שם / سام .
This Sêm‧itic script sy‑stêm of letter muθaθ‧ion ex‑ist in a dif‑ferent form in Japanese Hira‑gana & Kata‑kana, in Varmenian Eastern & Western variant, in Shalvic Laθin script of Yugo‑shalvia שאלוה and partially in Deva‑nagari...
I'm sorry if you think that mod‑ern English don't follow that or‧t‧o‑or‧d‧o‑ϝὀρ‧θ‧ο‑or‧s‧o‑logic & the old meaning of these wor‧d‧s / wor‧t‧s / vor‧th‧s (vorg‧anized terms)...
But you should ad‑mit that the actual English pro‑nunciaθ‧ion of Qrêgu & Laθin terms & alpha‑bêθa vowêl letters is very erroneous & wrong‑full if you com‑pare to the real original ancient phonetic of these terms & letters... English is not the only languages with this pro‑blem :
In English :
Et cetera, in Albanian our vowel have the old sound meaning & have ex‑actly same walue than the I.P.A...
My singular & own (buddʰë בֻּדדהַ vatr ۋَتْر) vtar वेत्तृ ۋثر ۋسر ۋفر way of ver (ϜΡΕ‧Ω & verse) vriting वर is not wrong, the actual sy‑stêm of writing is wrong based on archaic way of writing of primitive men, that even didn't know at that time the punctuaθ‧ion (15th AD), the space be‑tween terms (800 CE) & the hyph‑en "‑".
And who had forgotten the ancient crypto‑logic of the Meso‑pot‧am‧i‧ans, Egyptians & Sêm‧itics scribes who e‑laborated & de‑weloped this sy‑stêm of root, syl‑lables & letters com‑binaθ‧ions 5000~3000 years ago, when vriting was in‑vented.
I use Mozilla Firefox, and in‑side it, there is avto‑maθic Ϙρήγυ‧ισμ‧ός replace g with ɡ, invalid IPA characters (g‧‧) Qor‑rɛgθ‧ion for Êngl‧ish (Lêng‧ish لحنج), and he use Êngël‑land‑Êngëlish and in lot of case, he pro‑pose me "‑" for some terms & com‑pound words... But if the "DIC" file used totally my sy‑stêm all word would be cor‑rected and I will not need to made that by my‑self... I'm an human I make mis‑take & forgot some‑time to add "‑" (ERRARE HUMANUM EST), this could happen, you say it is un‑natural, but for you only & for those who don't learned it, in "Le Grand Bailly" they use hyph‑en for most of the words (not their de‑rivative) showing there their true com‑posiθ‧ions, and I think it is really good & use‑full... I ad‑ded the hyph‑en in my web‑site even be‑fore reading the "Le Grand Bailly"...
I have learned all Laθin, Qrêgu pre‑fixes and I know when to use tʰem. And I begin to learn the Germano‑English & Shalvo‑Macedono‑Serbo‑Croaθian pre‑fixes to not make mis‑take in these languages, and now I even start to modi‑fy these "Languages.DIC" to ad‑d "‑" in tʰem, to use tʰem with Open/Libre Office or in Fire‑fox & when I use CTRL+F for seeking a two‑letters com‑binaθ‧ion and to not have the false‑one فلس سفل showed. But only the A‑lɛfsë אלפס / ܐܠܦܫ / ألفس (Alphasaô)...
It is time to E‑WOLVË, to TA‑TAVARË تَطَۋَّرَ → वर → ϜΑΡΙ ϜΑΡΙΣΤΟΣ invalid IPA characters (‑‧) ТАВАРІШАР ТШАРФѲС טַאוַשַרַרן טשארן, АВИТШАРИНІЪ (" : the per‑fêqθ ففاق light‑spectre being") אוחטשארחן חש + חן = חשן / آۋحطشارحني حسن ← حشن,
to PËR‑MIRSU + PËR‑PARU = PÉRË‑PARMIRSU ®© ⇒ PÉRË‑TÉPARMIRÊGSU ®© (PREMIUM → परम (parama) ← परमे‑श्वर (parme‑śvar) & परम‑आत्मन (param‑ātman), SHUPREMIUM®© → ל‑שפר → שפר... Mangêzd (talk) 09:13, 14 June 2015 (UTC)
This uni‑fied language (of Shallê‑niqo‑Laθin (French {φρήν φήν θνη} → Ish‑Vrêngfθsë {ϝρήνφ ϝήνφ ۋحنف} / Êngël‧ish / Shqyp), Shlovunic, Shêmitic, Persian, Hindu, with cor‑rêgθed & opθimized terms & new vords in‑side), that I'm making & qrê‧aθ‧ing since 2007 is called "SHALVUNICO‑ĦÊKTAVAQRALÊNGGÊĦÏA" שלוה חכתאואקראלחנגהיה / حكطاۋاقرالحنجحية {ϜΑϘΡ ҀРАЛ / כתר כתב} or "ĦÊKTALAVAQRRÊNGGÊĦ" حكتالاۋاقرانجح { ϘΡΉΓΥ } or "ĦÊKTAQLAVARRÊNGGÊĦ" حكتاقلاۋاررحنجح { QLARA, ϘΛΑΡ‧ΟΣ ܩܠܪܣ } (re‑cital تلاوة tale حكى of the ex‑tend‧ed طوطال, com‑plet‧e כל / كل, e‑wolved طَۋَرَ & e‑lev‧aθ‧ed لۋی vtaring vero vrit‧ing كتب of suc‑cess‑full نجح & clear tuned & musical لحن language of the truth‑full‑ness (ϜΕΤΕ‧ΟΣ ϜΕΙΡ‧Ω ϜΡΕ‧Ω ۋرع → ϜΕΡΤΕ‧Ω ("vero verbum") { ϜΕΠ‧Ω + VEPR‧A + ΘΕΠΡ‧Ω + ϜΕΡΤΕ‧Ω = ϜΕΘΕΠΡΤΕ‧Ω אותפרטה invalid IPA characters (‧) VET‧ER‧AN‧US अव‑तार (ava‑tāra) (TRUTH + VÉR‧US + ϜΕΤΕ‧ΟΣ = VÉTÉRUTH‧OS) }) re‑vêl‧aθ‧ion ۋحي , of ϘΡΉΓΥ good‑ness, of vênia kindli‑ness حنن , of the ϘΟΡΩΝ‧Α ϘΡΑ‧Σ قراء ϘΡΕΙ‧ΩΝ ΧΡΟΝ‧ΟΣ قرن canonical قانون royalty ҀРАЛ / כתר / كۋطر, of ЧАЛЕВ·АН (= ЧЕЛ·ЕН + ЧОВЕК / ЧАВЕ + НА‑ЧАЛ‑НИК) Shalvaθion שאלואצי / شالۋاثي, of calm, decency, dignity & vener‧aθ‧ion ۋقر {de‑finiθ‧ion to ad‑d for قرر ررح). { The Doric Α is Ionian Η and Attic Ε }.
Based on the "CODEX of the QAVRAN / ϘΟϜΡΑΝ / קאוראן, the Cavern of the ante‑cestors", true linking LOG‧ICAL IN‑TEL‑LEG‧ENT LIG‧O RE‑LIG‧ION of the "TAOBOEDIANCISM" 道 (ططاعبودداء , of the positive & negative ☯ of Aevra mazdaism ممزي ززاد of Zarathustra and of a‑wakening & en‑lightenment of BODHI‑SATTVA SATYA BUDDʰA बौद्ध БУД‧АН БУД‧ЈА and كالقائيل KALKI MU‑ĦAMED מוּ‑חמד / م‑حمد).
قُلْ إِنِّي أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ مُخْلِصًا لَهُ الدِّينَ (qul ʔinnī ʔumirtu ʔan ʔaʕbuda l-laha muḵliṣan lahu d-dīna, “Say: "Verily, I am com‑manded to be ob‑oedi‧ent & audi‧ent to the divinity with sincere de‑vot‧ion to his re‑ligion”) Holy Coran, 39-11.
وَأُمِرْتُ لأنْ أَكُونَ أَوَّلَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ (“"And I am com‑manded to be the first of the paci‑fists”) بِ‑هُدّوء (“bi‑huddʰua”). Holy Coran, 39-12
There is seven way to read the Orbitian letters : أ‑حرف invalid IPA characters (‑), and one is the most per‑fect أ‑رفع invalid IPA characters (‑) and the more cor‑rêgθ...
Vorphe‧us Vorθo‑The‧us (θε‧ύς) Sharmunious (deprecated template usage) שר (deprecated template usage) רם Avtoarbamia (deprecated template usage) אוט (deprecated template usage) עֹרבִּי (deprecated template usage) ארמיא / (deprecated template usage) ܐܰܘܬܶ (deprecated template usage) ܐܪ̈ܡܝܐ / (deprecated template usage) ܥܪܒ݁ܝܐ / (deprecated template usage) أۋط (deprecated template usage) عربي (deprecated template usage) آرامي Ormmfilaθion
(deprecated template usage) עָרְמָה / (deprecated template usage) ܡܥܰܪܰܡ (orm‧e), (deprecated template usage) ܥܪܦ / (deprecated template usage) عرف (orf), (deprecated template usage) عمم (omm), (deprecated template usage) رمم (rmm) : Orm‧nf‧ê
≢ In‑ferior Formulation, Mortal Mbrotos sub‑umbra μόρ‧φν‧ος Ͷὄρ‧φν‧η Morphulation.
If terms were a magical or man‑tʰê‧maθical formulations & in‑cantations like the mantra or sutra, with the actual way of ex‑pressions of the Evr‑ôpean, the êquations (deprecated template usage) חק / (deprecated template usage) حق re‑sult would be false (deprecated template usage) سفل (deprecated template usage) فشل (deprecated template usage) فلس & negative, be‑cause of these wrong‑full pro‑nunciations (from every languages & dia‑lects)...
The terms have an im‑pact in our psycho‑logies, our feelings and in meta‑physics reality.
The unique sounds of our voices (deprecated template usage) קול are spectres of light (like radio‑wave, micro‑wave, infra‑red, ultra‑violet, gamma rays...).
These sounds en‑vergies act & re‑act with the mater, a‑toms & the reality.
With imagination & positive terms, we can change the world by creating any‑thing and bringing optimism & positivity ((deprecated template usage) شلفس)... If I be‑lieve the re‑volutionary re‑velation of the a‑scension in heaven of the pro‑phet of peace (check re‑ference), some in‑cantations (key) are needed to open the light doors (deprecated template usage) द्वार् / (deprecated template usage) در of the out‑worlds (deprecated template usage) देव (deprecated template usage) دهر : (deprecated template usage) देवार् / (deprecated template usage) دهۋار (deprecated template usage) دهڤار ((deprecated template usage) ΒΑΒ‑ΥΛΩΝ / (deprecated template usage) باب (deprecated template usage) إله / (deprecated template usage) 𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 (Bāb‑ili, literally “Gate of God”)), so it is necessary to de‑code & de‑cipher these Orbitians & Divines (deprecated template usage) दिव्यता (divyatā) terms from the ancient Sacred Books. To not com‑mit errors and to be able to open one of the eight celestial gate. This is why i'm studying the vetymo‑logy, the sem‧antic & syn‑thetizing and de‑ciphering the Orbitian languages from the Orbus Divus avare‑ness.
The Avare‑ness, the Rise { ϷϜΑΕΙΡ‧Ω ("shvaejr‧ô") (deprecated template usage) ईश्वर } & the Sharmony, is just to know, how to make link { ϷΑΡΜ‧Η ("union"), ϷΟΡΜ‧ΑΘ‧ΟΣ ("order", "series") } be‑tween terms ; ϷΑΠ‧Τ‧Ω ("shap‧θ‧o‑"), ϷΑΠ‧Μ‧Α ("shap‧mock"), ϷΑΠ‧Σ‧ΙΣ ("shap‧s‧is"), ϷΟΠʰ‧ΟΣ ("shapi‧ens") = ϜΑΘϷΑΠΑΡΜΑΦΑΤΣΩ ("inë‑aevatshaparmanphaθs‧os") (deprecated template usage) ۋاطشاڡارمانفاثس ("aevatshapaqaramanphaθs‧os") { vatshan + aev‧um + aet‧ern‧o + per‑man‧ênθ‧êns‧is + per‑êmn‧is + in‑qrê‧m‧ênθ‧um + in‑qarn‧a qrani‧um ϙάρ‧α + shaqr‧a }...
We are very near of the Human əm‑morθality (MORÞ) (deprecated template usage) ממת (deprecated template usage) מר & (deprecated template usage) ممات (deprecated template usage) مرر ↔ im‑tormθility (deprecated template usage) תמם & (deprecated template usage) تمم (deprecated template usage) ررم (ab‑rogating the bad fate of morθality (deprecated template usage) ΜΟΡ‧ΟΣ (deprecated template usage) ΜΟΡ‧Φ‧Η (deprecated template usage) ΜΕΡ‧ΟΠΣ (deprecated template usage) Ἀ‑ΜΒΡΟΤ‧ΟΣ), by the use of genetic (deprecated template usage) جَنَّاتْ en‑gineering to qrêaθë the ΤΟΡΒΜ‧ΟΝ עטרבּם / ܥܬܪܚܒ݁ܡܛ / عتربمث invalid IPA characters (‧) TʰUM‧ANS, but at the cost of sterility. (By re‑coding positively the A.D.N and our terms & vords).
Adeno‑virus Integrin :
- Eternal plants, al‑ways growing, but sterile - Gundula Noll – Fraunhofer In‑stitute, Munster
- Tamogzyvêne – Ronald A. Depinho – Harvard, School of Medicine
- Hydra FoxO gene of im‑tormality – Tʰomas Bosch – Uni‑Versité dë Kiel
- Brain‑cell re‑generation - Christiane Gumera & Yadong Wang -
- RXRγ – pro‑mote cerebral re‑generation.
- NGR1 – help fast cerebral re‑generation - Uni‑Versity of Yale
- TNF Αlpha – In‑crease in‑tel‑ligence - Maiken Nedergaard, Uni‑Versity of Rochester
- Chitosane - help nerve & brain re‑generation.
- Chitinized skin.
The Obritian (brot‧os), Orbitian (torb‧os) & Qrêgu terms for mortal (deprecated template usage) مرر humans :
- MBROT (deprecated template usage) مبرت (θUMB‧A ≡ SUB‑UMBR‧A ≢ SHUPM‧US)
- (deprecated template usage) ΘΝΗΤ‧ΟΣ / (deprecated template usage) ΘΝΗΤ‧ΟΣ invalid IPA characters (‧‧)
- (deprecated template usage) אֶנוֹשׁ / (deprecated template usage) ܐܢܫܐ / (deprecated template usage) إنس and (deprecated template usage) תש (deprecated template usage) תנש and (deprecated template usage) תַּן sym‑bol of (deprecated template usage) סת , (deprecated template usage) סתן (sθan), {compare with Qrêgu bad vord ΣΘΕΝΝ‧Ώ invalid IPA characters (‧), and look ΣΘΕΝ‧ΟΣ invalid IPA characters (‧) (Att.) ΣΘΙΝ‧ΟΣ invalid IPA characters (‧→‧) (Hom.). {A good new vtéormth (term + vorth / word) is SHANTHÉS‧Ô, from / vorm SHANUS SHN‧OS and SHN‧ETH}.
Are good vords but I have in‑vented by con‑ivring an new term :
- TSHANGTHI / (deprecated template usage) ΤϷΑΝΓΘΙ / (deprecated template usage) ЧАНГѲІ / (deprecated template usage) טשאנגתי ↔ (deprecated template usage) תשאנגטי / (deprecated template usage) طشانجثي replace g with ɡ, invalid IPA characters (g)
- TSHAJSHAN / (deprecated template usage) ΤϷΑΙϷΑΝ / (deprecated template usage) ЧАЈШАН / (deprecated template usage) טששן / (deprecated template usage) طشائشان invalid IPA characters (‧) {⊕ОЧАШАН‧АН⊕ = ⊖(deprecated template usage) ТАЧ‧АН⊖ + ⊖(deprecated template usage) ТОЧ‧ЕН⊖ })
To de‑scribe the future tormθilis (deprecated template usage) تعرممث = (deprecated template usage) رمم + (deprecated template usage) عمم + (deprecated template usage) تمم torbm (deprecated template usage) تربم humans (Otshan Otsharmanaphathesiô (deprecated template usage) נפש / (deprecated template usage) نفس (deprecated template usage) ΘΕ‧ΥΣ) specie.
I ob‑tain it by the com‑bination of :
- (deprecated template usage) ΤΑΝΑ‧ΟΣ (dor.), EX‑TEN‧D / EX‑TEN‧S‧IÔ, TON‧US,
- NASC‧OR NATH‧US con‑trary of ΘΑΝ‧ΟΣ ΘΝΑ‑ΣΚ‧Ω (deprecated template usage) טן / (deprecated template usage) תן of (deprecated template usage) שטן,
- (deprecated template usage) ΣΑΤΑΝ‧ΑΣ con‑ivring is (deprecated template usage) ΤΑΝΑΣ‧ΑΣ + (deprecated template usage) ΝΑΘ‧ΟΣ = (deprecated template usage) ΤΑΝΑΘΣ‧Ω -> (deprecated template usage) ΤϷΑΝΑΦΑΘΑΣ‧Ω,
- (deprecated template usage) ܣܛܢܐ invalid IPA characters (‧) or invalid IPA characters (‧) con‑ivring (deprecated template usage) ܢܛܣܐ invalid IPA characters (‧) → (deprecated template usage) ܬܫܢܛܣܐ invalid IPA characters (‧)...
These Romi (deprecated template usage) רעם / (deprecated template usage) رعمم A‑shkali (deprecated template usage) א‑שכאלי guys from Shutka (Skopje) : Čita ЧИТА (deprecated template usage) चित (deprecated template usage) चित्त, Šefćet (deprecated template usage) شفقات or Ševćet (deprecated template usage) שוקת / (deprecated template usage) شۋقات, Djemail (deprecated template usage) جمائیل & Amza, opened my mind in 2003 with two albums, wonder‑full & amazing (deprecated template usage) مزي, I never had eared some‑thing so power‑full, thorough & mighty, these Mentors in‑stigated my in‑terest in terms & languages with their al‑ways im‑pro‑vised tallava (deprecated template usage) تلاۋة vatʰarmêθic varitʰmêθic tʰeôrêmic shryθmics tantric mantric (deprecated template usage) मन्त्र metric mystic musics, and with their mixed un‑com‑pre‑hensible language, and with their strange be‑lieve in ALVDE / ΑΛΕϜΔ / αλβούδεας (deprecated template usage) אלודה / (deprecated template usage) ألۋده (deprecated template usage) ألهۋد / (deprecated template usage) आल्व्द्ए (deprecated template usage) आलवदए (Veda (deprecated template usage) देव / Deva (deprecated template usage) देव / Divinity (deprecated template usage) दिव्यता). They en‑lightened me, and I'm very grate‑full to tʰem for liberating & ex‑panding my spirit, and for showing me the way to nir‑vana (deprecated template usage) निर्‑(deprecated template usage) वाण light of avrana (deprecated template usage) वरण (varaṇa) (deprecated template usage) वृणोति (vṛṇoti) vênia (deprecated template usage) ۋحنية & to mnéggè (deprecated template usage) מנהגה / (deprecated template usage) منهجح replace g with ɡ, invalid IPA characters (g) and not the way to UR‧a (deprecated template usage) أور (deprecated template usage) اور / (deprecated template usage) אוּר / UaR‧a WaR‧a (deprecated template usage) وأر (deprecated template usage) وهر ... Mangêzd (talk) 17:14, 21 June 2015 (UTC)
I want to give you some of the binary (deprecated template usage) ☯ keys of the antique (deprecated template usage) 道 Tao‑Vortho‑dox Shêmitic Shalevunique (deprecated template usage) شألهۋوني Aevra‑mazdeic (deprecated template usage) אהורה (deprecated template usage) מזדא / (deprecated template usage) اهۋرا‑مزدا (deprecated template usage) ایزد / (deprecated template usage) ܝܙܕ Prêθ‧or‑Hood, that make three or four letters term com‑binations by merging the binary roots, I dis‑covered them with my study & my search taught me their rêality and ap‑plicability, I have may‑be 30% of 40 x 40 letters com‑binations possible of our Alpha‑beta (А Б Г Д Е В З И Ѳ І К Л М Н С О П Ч Ҁ Р Ш Т У Ф Х Ѱ Ц Ѡ Ђ Ѓ Ћ Ы Ъ Ѕ Ж Щ Ѯ Ѧ Ѫ),
At‑tention ! Some vords with one positive binary com‑bination in‑side it, can be negative & or neutral be‑cause of a second & third binary walue merged in it, and so cause his total change meaning variation. So for these case, we will use the binaries that cause the variation negative or positive variation to classi‑fy it in the de‑mon‑stration table...
Some binaries keys, positive (RB) or negative (like BR) used in triple ar‑rangemênt like BRR & BBR & RBB RRB, have negative, positive & neutral variation even if the binaries is only negative or positive. I have not yet de‑coded, de‑crypted & dis‑covered why, but may‑be it is be‑cause of their Gematric (deprecated template usage) גימטריה walue, even, odd or in‑teger number, I don't know nothing about the Gêô‑metria (deprecated template usage) גאו‑מטריה in vorths...
The true sêm‧antic & vet‧umo‑logic sense of a ancient term can be com‑pre‑hended only by the under‑standing the sense of the binaries roots. I plan to uses a Kanji sym‑bol for showing these meanings (but I will not de‑scribe them here, be‑cause it is a Talk‑Page and it take lot time and I al‑ready made lot of this vorks in my web‑site & PDF, so no need to do it again, I just want to show ex‑amples)...
At‑tention Qrêgu & Greek with Θ & Τ and Latin vords, are not good ex‑ample for the table be‑cause the two letters had dif‑ferent walue de‑pending on dia‑lect and epoch) and be‑cause the Latins e‑rased the Etruscan 𐌈 from their alpha‑beta, so Latin T can be a or , look in Spanish they pro‑nounce the ‑TION and the French who don't have uses , this prove that Latin T have two walues & . Also the Π & Φ is not sure to in Greek. If you check for ex‑ample ΣΥΝ in ancient it was written ΞΥΝ so may‑be at that time Ξ was a in antiquity, then sigma be‑came in‑stead of they re‑written ΣΥΝ and the terms using were modi‑fied to use rough‑breathing.
The Κ & is un‑sure be‑cause of re‑moved Ϙ & . The Greek terms suf‑fer of dis‑paritions of the Ͷ invalid IPA characters (≡) & Ϝ re‑placed by smooth‑breath‧ing. The same pro‑blem ex‑ist in de‑rivative languages based on Slavonic be‑cause of re‑moved Ҁ Ѳ І. But by comparing with Syriac, Obrithic & Orbitic, we can find that some of these Qrêgu terms use Qoppa & not Kappa at the origin.
The Syriac Samekh is Shêmitic Shin and the Syriac Shin is Shemitic Samekh, they are in‑verted...
Know that = + , so positive & negative binary ad‑dition are the same for the three, if for example NS is positive + then NF & NTH to... The per‑ovaperf com‑bination for + + is тшаФаѲаСъ (ΦΩΣ → ФАОС ФАОѲОС), the most negative (worst) is СаѲШъ .
I keep the rest of the keys for me & my web‑site (I have many more terms as ex‑amples but I will not put them here) :
Et‑cetera... Mangêzd (talk) 11:12, 29 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, know‑ledgeable Stephen, I'm trying to make a sortable table for my decipheration de‑mon‑stration of the binary roots sy‑stêms com‑bination, that make tree or four letters terms in our languages by com‑bining two or three binary keys, but I can't find a way to make these two header (!! ⊕ !! Ex‑amples Positive) with black background & white script... Can you make the cor‑rection optimization please...
Thank, good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 7:31, 29 June 2015 (UTC)
I think VJET is re‑lated to ϜΕΤ‧ΟΣ ϜΕΤΕΙ‧ΟΣ & Latin VET‧US, like ϜΕΤ‧ΥΜ‧ΟΣ ϜΕΤΕ‧ΟΣ : Vet‧on, SHURR is re‑lated to ϷΟΥΡ‧Ω and ϷΥΔΩΡ SHYDÔR ("Water") and Kuçedra invalid IPA characters (‑‧) to ϷΥΔΡ‧Α, VARF‧ËR / VORF‧EN from ORPH‧AN‧US from ϜΟΡΦ‧ΑΝ‧ΟΣ ; we (Albanians) have kept the old pro‑nunciation with V and SH, that the Shellênics e‑rased by ad‑ding Smooth‑breathing for Di‑Gamma re‑moving & Rough‑breathing for Shigma/San re‑moving... Mangêzd (talk) 20:17, 21 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen
I have a question, when I use the com‑mand Template:term... I have an auto‑matic spelling of pro‑nunciation (with some languages not all), like for ex‑ample (deprecated template usage) ب (b) / (deprecated template usage) پ (p), with whom I have this re‑sult {ب (b) / پ (p)}, what is the com‑mutator to stop this auto‑matic pro‑nunciation add ???
Can you please help & re‑spond with a P.M, not on Talk‑Page.
Tʰank good day... email was sent by Nemzag, 3:42, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
Tʰank for your help. This is very strange that ad‑mini‑strators don't have this basic Wiktionary P.M function available... Mangêzd (talk) 13:08, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi Stephen, I want to notice you about a font bug, in wiktionary when you use the com‑mand {{term with lang=ar or lang=fa the size of the terms is en‑larged (and have same size) but if I use a lang=ps (pashto) the size is not equal, like : (deprecated template usage) أور (deprecated template usage) اور, this don't look good, can you ask the web‑master to cor‑rect this bug of font size ?
Thank, no need to put this in my Talk-Page, I have con‑fidence in you for this.
Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 12:41, 22 June 2015 (UTC)
I use Firefox and in Fonts there is no Pastho special font setting but only generic Arab, all languages using Arabic script use the same fonts :
I don't think the pro‑blem is coming from my setting...
In wiktionary style CSS we have :
Why not using for all of them Tahoma (standard Windows font) first ??? email was sent by Nemzag, 4:00, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
The best fonts for Arabic is "Andalus" but some letter are missing (but I created I file called Tsh'alandaus for them) and for Hebrew best font is "Cardo". Mangêzd (talk) 11:14, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
I have an other question about com‑mand "{{term", some‑time with some languages, the word is in Italic, how can I stop that ? What is the com‑mutator ?
Thank, good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 8:37, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
or {{lang|sq|}}
. —Stephen (Talk) 05:12, 23 June 2015 (UTC)You sug‑gest me to use an other template, but what are the com‑mutator for these one ? Can I use |TR=|, alternate spelling, trans‑lation like in template term ???
Good day... email was sent by Nemzag, 4:00, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
, you will usually find some instructions about how to use it. —Stephen (Talk) 05:11, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
I really think that the pro‑grammer of Wiktionary should add a com‑mutator to term template, to avoid Italic dis‑playing with some‑thing like |it=-|... This would be very use‑full. email was sent by Nemzag, 16:54, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
and {{l}}
is that {{term}}
has italics- that's why it exists. It would be silly to undo that, since there are places where italics are desirable. Chuck Entz (talk) 05:34, 1 July 2015 (UTC)
Ok, thank for your com‑ment, I think that ad‑ding this com‑mutator |it=-| can be use‑full for {{term}}
, I'm not saying to un‑do that for all {{term}}
, but to al‑low us to de‑activate this function some‑time if we need it... Mangêzd (talk) 09:12, 1 July 2015 (UTC)
Hi Stephen, can you con‑tact the web‑master to ad‑d :
I have ad‑ded them in my user pro‑file in known languages & scripts. But does not work well now... I think the web‑master should up‑date them...
Thank. Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 10:03, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
I'm talking about languages & script knowing in User Pro‑file page, check my page and you will see that some value are not cor‑rectly dis‑played... This is what I mean... email was sent by Nemzag, 11:13, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
Thank for having cor‑rected the Babel-3 template & Babel-8 template in User Page. But for ALN : the de‑scription is this : "Ky përdorues e flet dialektin gegë të shqipes", it would be better to write it like this : "Ky për‑dorus e flet dia‑lektin Geg të Shqypës". This is more original... The Gheg don't use Ë at end of terms like the Standard/Tosk and not use -UES but -US, like Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "Gheg" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. MSUS (MSU) & Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "Standard" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. (deprecated template usage) MËSUES (deprecated template usage) MËSU...
Also we say Shqyp & not Shqip... And -ËS & not -ES... email was sent by Nemzag, 17:43, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, Stephen, I wonder why there is no function to lock some content in our own "Talk‑Page" & sub‑folders like past years archives... I think Wiktionary should ad‑d this feature...
Do we need to ask ad‑mini‑strators to lock them ?
Thank for having cor‑rected the ALN de‑scription in Babel-3 template...
Good day... email was sent by Nemzag, 07:05, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi Stephen, I noticed that this page is wrong‑ful :
The term, don't uses the good Ancient‑Greek ύ acute ac‑cent but Modern‑Greek ύ ac‑cent tonos...
I can't make a page for the term using ύ be‑cause it show me this when I try :
I think you should cor‑rect this...
Thank, Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 09:28, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi Stephen, I want to up‑date you about the situation it seem that Wiktionary autom‑atically re‑place, for an un‑known reason, the acute ac‑cent with the tonos ac‑cent version...
I tried to search for a term (deprecated template usage) κρήγυος with (deprecated template usage) ή (U+1F75) in Wiktionary search button, but when I ar‑rive in the creating page, if I try search to search in Firefox for κρήγυος with ACUTE AC‑CENT HÊTA (U+1F75) from Uni‑code Greek Ex‑tended using "CTRL+F", I can't find it in the page, be‑cause auto‑matically Wiktionary re‑written it κρήγυος with TONOS HÊTA (U+03AE)...
The modern‑Greek Tonos from Unicode Greek Basic is not right ac‑cent of Ancient‑Greek... What should we do about this ???
Tʰank. email was sent by Nemzag, 12:16, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi Stephen, je vais te parler en Français, ce sera plus simple pour moi, bon je te dis que quand j'é‑cris le mot (deprecated template usage) κρήγυος (krḗguos) avec le (deprecated template usage) ή (U+1F75) ac‑cent aigu de l’ancien Grecque, dans la zone de re‑cherche de wiktionary, le mot n'ex‑iste pas. Si je lance la re‑cherche avec "ENTER", j'ar‑rive dans la page qui dit clique sur le lien pour créer la page, une fois cliqué, j'ar‑rive de‑dans. À ce moment si je fais CTRL+F et que je cherche le mot (deprecated template usage) κρήγυος (krḗguos) utilisant le (deprecated template usage) ή (U+1F75) dans cette page, il est in‑trouvable car le BOT Wiktionary le re‑nomme (deprecated template usage) κρήγυος (krḗguos) en utilisant le (deprecated template usage) ή Ac‑cent Tonos (U+03AE) de l'Uni‑code Greek Standard au lieu d'utiliser (deprecated template usage) ή Ac‑cent Aigu (U+1F75) de l'Uni‑code Greek Ex‑tended...
Je trouve cela il‑logique... Car l'ac‑cent Ac‑cent Tonos du Grecque Moderne, n’a rien à voir avec l'Ac‑cent Aigu de l’Ancien Grecque...
Il n'y aucune raison censé pour le BOT de Wiktionary d'agir de la sorte...
Voila ce que j'essaie de te dire... Je pense qu'il y a un bug pour cette lettre, je ne sais pour les autres, je suis désolé mais c'est faux de l'é‑crire comme cela, il ne faut pas con‑fondre les lettres anciennes avec les modernes... Bonne journée et merci pour ton aide. email was sent by Nemzag, 08:15, 26 June 2015 (UTC)
Be‑cause when I search in button for (deprecated template usage) ῥύομαι using (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+1F7B), yester‑day he showed me a page with a re‑direction to (deprecated template usage) ῥύομαι with (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+03CD) link, to‑day if search for (deprecated template usage) ῥύομαι using (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+1F7B), I ar‑rive in ῥύομαι with (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+03CD), if I search for (deprecated template usage) ῥύομαι using (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+1F7B) with CTRL+F, I can't find matching... And that is not good, this is not ex‑act writing... Don't look only at the form of the ac‑cent, Acute & Tonos are dif‑ferent, if you use some special Fonts like :
Tonos have an vertical ac‑cent, Acute have an ob‑lique ac‑cent. You are in‑duced in error by the look of the character be‑cause in Wiktionary you use a fonts that make look Tonos & Acute same... Even when writing this message and saving it, Wiktionary replace ύ (U+1F7B) with (deprecated template usage) ύ (U+03CD), and it is faulty... Mangêzd (talk) 08:27, 26 June 2015 (UTC)
Thank for tacking time to re‑spond... This normalization politic is wrong‑full, I'm sorry to say it. Be‑cause Modern‑Greek should be written with Ac‑cent Tonos only & Ancient‑Greek with Ac‑cent Acute only... You (Wiki team) have chosen to pro‑ceed like that, but I apo‑logize your choice is false, you (team) don't re‑spect the history of these ac‑cent and the real writing of the Ancient‑Greek. In fact your team should do the con‑trary, al‑ways re‑place the "Tonos Ac‑cent" by "Acute Ac‑cent" in Ancient‑Greek... A Wiki‑BOT can do that easily for Ancient‑Greek {{grc}}
and an other one can do the re‑placement for Modern‑Greek {{el}}
... Mangêzd (talk) 09:36, 26 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, thank for giving your opinion and showing me your link but I don't under‑stand what he de‑scribe even if I read it in French... Again Tonos & Acute are dif‑ferent, uses an an‑other font like "Tahoma" than the de‑fault "Athena" for /* Greek */ in Wiki CSS pro‑file, and you will see your mis‑take... Think in 4 dimensions like Einstein, what would happen if in the future the de‑fault Greek font is changed in the Wiki CSS with one having the Tonos vertical and not ob‑lique... It is very im‑portant & prim‑ordial to cor‑rect this. Take my sug‑gestion in con‑sideration. I seek the per‑fection & ac‑curacy in all thing I do and write, try to do the same... Mangêzd (talk) 09:21, 27 June 2015 (UTC)
Ok, it is your choice, and you de‑cided it, but you are mis‑taken and making an big error, I don't under‑stand why you not do the con‑trary by al‑ways using the Acute accent in‑stead of Tonos, for Ancient‑(deprecated template usage) Qrêguos, and keeping Tonos only for modern‑Greek (again uses other fonts for Wiki CSS like one of the those I listed above and you will see your error), I really don't com‑pre‑hend, since a wiki‑BOT can do that auto‑matically... Mangêzd (talk) 08:49, 28 June 2015 (UTC)
To‑day, after seeking a de‑finition for a Ancient‑Qrêgu vord un‑findable in Wiktionary, I copied the vord from Wiktionary page & paste it to Google, and I had 8 re‑sults be‑cause of mis‑spelling, I had to change the ac‑cent with "Windows Character Map", what a waste of time... Mangêzd (talk) 20:06, 29 June 2015 (UTC)
Hi, I added etymology in MBROJ, I use code {{roa}}
, is working he show me a link to Roman in Wikipedia but for the other one there is a bug.
Can you ask your programmer to update this ???
Tʰank, Good day. email was sent by Nemzag, 09:57, 27 June 2015 (UTC)
template is to format a term according to the needs of a specific language and link to the entry in that specific language. If you don't know what language it is, don't use a family code. See my edit in this diff for one way to deal with this. Chuck Entz (talk) 03:54, 28 June 2015 (UTC)Thanks for your additions. Where are you getting the words from? Are they words you are encountering in literature and looking up? Benwing (talk) 04:12, 1 July 2015 (UTC)
...Thank. Good day.
You were repeatedly warned and blocked 7 times by different admins for adding patently false information. You stubbornly do not change your behaviour: , . I am now blocking you indefinitely for harming Wiktionary. --Vahag (talk) 10:08, 3 July 2015 (UTC)