each {determiner} (every)
:: сваки; svaki
each {adv} (per)
:: svaki
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own
eagle {n} (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae)
:: орао {m}; òrao {m}
eagle owl {n} (large owl of genus Bubo)
:: велика ушара {f}, буљина {f}; sova ušara
ear {n} (fruiting body of a grain plant)
:: клас {m}, klas {m}
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna
ear {n} (organ of hearing)
:: уво {n}, ухо {n}; ȕvo {n}, ȕho {n}
eardrum {n} (membrane separating outer and middle ears)
:: бубница {f}, бубна опна {f}, бубњић {m}; bubnica {f}, bubna opna {f}, bubnjić {m}
early {adj} (at a time in advance of the usual)
:: рани; rani
early {adv} (at a time before expected)
:: рано; rano
earnest {adj} (important, serious)
:: ȍzbīljan, vážan, znȁčājan
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear)
:: слушалице {p}; slušalice {p}
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears)
:: слушалице {f-p}; slušalice {f-p}
earring {n} (piece of jewelry)
:: наушница {f}, минђуша {f}; naušnica {f}, minđuša {f}, rinčica {f}
earth {n} (soil)
:: земља {f}; zemlja {f}
earth {n} (one of the four basic elements)
:: земља {f}; zemlja {f}
earth {n} (one of the five basic elements)
:: земља {f}; zemlja {f}
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth
Earth {prop} (third planet of the Solar System)
:: Земља {f}; Zèmlja {f}
Earthling {n} (inhabitant of the planet Earth)
:: Земљанин {m} /Zemljanin/, Земљанка {f} /Zemljanka/
earthquake {n} (shaking of the surface of a planet)
:: земљотрес {m}, потрес {m}; zemljotres {m}, potres {m}
earthworm {n} (worm (animal))
:: глиста {f}; glista {f}
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear)
:: ушна маст {m} /ušna mast/, слих {m} /slih/
earwig {n} (the insect)
:: uholaža {f}, strižavka {f}
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig
earworm {n} (tune that keeps replaying in one's head)
:: muzika u glavi {f}
easier said than done {adj} (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
:: lakše reći nego učiniti
easily {adv} (without difficulty)
:: lako, лако
east {n} (compass point)
:: исток {m}; istok {m}
East Asia {prop}
:: Istočna Azija
East China Sea {prop} (a sea)
:: Источнокинеско море {n}; Istočnokinesko more {n}
Easter {n} (Christian holiday)
:: Ускрс {m}, Васкрс {m}, Вазам {m}, Вeликден {m} (arch.); Uskrs {m}, Vaskrs {m}, Vazam {m}, Velikden {m} (arch.)
Easter egg {n} (a dyed or decorated egg)
:: ускршње јаје {n}, писаница {f}; uskršnje jaje {n}, pisanica {f}
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific)
:: Ускршње острво {n}, Ускршњи оток {m}; Uskršnje ostrvo {n}, Uskršnji otok {m}, Uskršnji otoci
eastern {adj} (related to the east)
:: ѝсточнӣ; ìstočnī
Eastern Armenian {prop} (language)
:: istočni armenski {m}, источни арменски {m}
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe)
:: Источна Европа {f}, Источна Еуропа {f}; Istočna Evropa {f}, Istočna Europa {f}
Eastern Herzegovinian {n} (a Shtokavian subdialect)
:: источнохерцеговачки , источнохерцеговачко-крајишки ; istočnohercegovački , istočnohercegovačko-krajiški
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity)
:: Pravoslavna crkva
East Germany {prop} (former European country)
:: Источна Немачка {f}; Istočna Nemačka {f}
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea
East Sea {prop} (East China Sea) SEE: East China Sea
East Siberian Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean)
:: Istočnosibirsko more
East Slavic {adj} (of or relating to the East Slavs)
:: источнославенски , источнословенски ; istočnoslavenski , istočnoslovenski
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania)
:: Источни Тимор {m}; Istočni Timor {m}
East Timorese {n} (person from East Timor or of East Timorese descent)
:: Источнотиморац {m}; Istočnotimorac {m}
East Timorese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to East Timor or the East Timorese people)
:: источнотиморски; istočnotimorski
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable
easy {adj} (requiring little skill or effort)
:: лак; lak
easy {adj} (consenting readily to sex)
:: лак, lak
easy come, easy go {proverb} (easily won and easily lost; usually said when resigned to a loss)
:: како дошло тако отишло; kako došlo tako otišlo
eat {v} (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest)
:: јести {impf}; jȅsti {impf}
eat {v} (eat a meal)
:: јести; jȅsti
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible
eau de toilette {n} (lightly scented perfume)
:: тоалетна вода {f}; toaletna voda {f}
eaves {n} (underside of a roof)
:: streha {s}, streja {s}
eavesdrop {v} (to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear)
:: prisluškivati {impf}
eavesdropper {n} (one who eavesdrops)
:: prisluškivač {m}
eavesdropping {n} (listening to private conversation)
:: prisluškivanje {n}, прислушкивање {n}
eavesdropping {n} (interception of electronic communication)
:: prisluškivanje {n}, прислушкивање {n}
ebullient {adj} (enthusiastic)
:: vrckav {m}, prpošan {m}
ebullient {adj} (agitated)
:: kipteći {m}
eccentric {adj} (not at or in the centre)
:: ексцентричан; ekscentričan
eccentric {adj} (not perfectly circular)
:: ексцентричан; ekscentričan
eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm)
:: ексцентричан, неуравнотежен; ekscentričan, neuravnotežen
eccentric {n} (person who does not behave like others)
:: ексцентрик {m}, чудак {m}; ekscentrik {m}, čudak {m}
eccentric {n} (off-centre wheel)
:: ексцентрик {m}; ekscentrik {m}
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Propovijednik {m}
ecclesiology {n} (branch of theology)
:: еклисиологија {f}, еклезиологија {f}; eklisiologija {f}, ekleziologija {f}
echidna {n} (any of the four species of small spined monotremes)
:: kljunati ježak
echo {n} (reflected sound)
:: јека {f}; jȅka {f}
echolalia {n} (echoing of words or phrases)
:: eholalija {f}, ехолалија {f}
eclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy)
:: фраз {m}, фрас {m}; frȃz {m}, frȃs {m}
eclectic {n} (one who selects by the eclectic method)
:: еклектик {m}; eklektik {m}
eclipse {n} (passage of a planetary object between others)
:: помрчина {f}; pȍmrčina {f}
ecliptic {n} (Earth's orbital plane)
:: еклиптика {f}; ekliptika {f}
eclogite {n} (coarse-grained rock)
:: eklogit
eco- {prefix} (concerning ecology or the environment)
:: еко-; eko-
ecofeminism {n} (a sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism)
:: ekofeminizam {m}
ecology {n} (branch of biology)
:: екологија {f}; ekologija {f}
economics {n} (study)
:: економија {f}; ekonomija {f}
economistic {adj} (of or pertaining to economism)
:: економистичан {m}; ekonomističan {m}
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption)
:: привреда, економија {f}, господарство {n}; privreda {f}, ekonomija {f}, gospodarstvo {n}
ecosystem {n} (system of an ecological community and its environment)
:: екосустав {m}, екосѝстем {m}; ekosústav {m}, ekosìstēm {m}
ecotone {n} (a region of transition)
:: екотон, ekoton
ecotourism {n} (responsible travel)
:: ekološki turizam, eko-turizam
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige
ecstasy {n} (intense pleasure)
:: zanos {m}, ekstaza {f}
ecstasy {n} (intense emotion)
:: zanos {m}, zanesenost {f}
ecstasy {n} (drug)
:: ekstazi {m}
ectoplasm {n} (parapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums)
:: ектоплазма {f}, ektoplazma {f}
ectoplasm {n} (parapsychology: an immaterial or ethereal substance)
:: ектоплазма {f}, ektoplazma {f}
ectoplasm {n} (cytology: the outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm)
:: ектоплазма {f}, ektoplazma {f}
Ecuador {prop} (country in South America)
:: Еквадор {m}; Èkvādor {m}
Ecuadorian {n} (person from Ecuador)
:: Ekvadorac {m}, Ekvadorka {f}
eddy {n} (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current)
:: vrtlog {m}, vir {m}, protustruja {f}
edelweiss {n} (a European perennial alpine plant)
:: рунолист {m}, runolist {m}, планинка {f}, planinka {f}
edge {n} (boundary line of a surface)
:: руб {m}; rȗb {m}
edge {n} (in graph theory: any of the pairs of vertices in a graph)
:: brid {m}
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption)
:: јестив; jestiv
Edinburgh {prop} (capital of Scotland)
:: Единбург; Edinburgh
Edirne {prop} (a city in Eastern Thrace)
:: Једрене, Jedrene
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document)
:: уређивати {impf}, уредити {pf}; uređivati {impf}, urediti {pf}
edition {n} (literary work)
:: издање {n}; izdánje {n}
editor {n} (person who edits)
:: уредник {m}, urednik {m}, redaktor {m}
Edmonton {prop} (city in Alberta, Canada)
:: Едмонтон, Edmonton
educated guess {n} (guess based on experience or knowledge)
:: učeno pogađanje {n}, učena pretpostavka {f}
education {n} (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
:: образовање {n}, васпитање {n}, одгајивање {n}, просвета {f}, просвјета {f}; obrazovanje {n}, vaspitanje {n}, odgajivanje {n}, prosveta, prosvjeta {f}
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally)
:: odgoj, obrazovanje, ȉzobrazba {f}, nȁobrazba {f}
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher
eel {n} (any fish of the order Anguilliformes)
:: јегуља {f}, угор {m}; jegulja {f}, ugor {m}
eelpout {n} (fish of the family Zoarcidae)
:: živorodac {m}
eerie {adj} (weird)
:: stran, čudan
eeriness {n} (the condition of being eerie)
:: сабласност {f}; sȁblāsnōst {f}
effect {n} (result of an action)
:: ishod {m}, efekt {m}, učinak {m}, rezultat {m}
effect {n} (special effect in film)
:: dojam {m}, efekt {m}
effect {n} (sound engineering: alteration in sound)
:: efekt
effect {n} (scientific phenomenon)
:: učinak {m}, efekt {m}
effective {adj} (having the power to produce a required effect or effects)
:: учинковит, ефектӣван; učinkòvit {m}, ȅfektīvan
effectively {adv} (in an efficient or effective manner; with powerful effect)
:: učinkòvito, djȅlotvōrno, ȅfikasno
effectively {adv} (essentially)
:: u suštini, pràktički, pràktično, ȅsencijālno
effectiveness {n} (property)
:: učinkòvitōst {f}, djelotvórnōst {f}, ȅfikasnōst {f}
effendi {n} (title of respect)
:: ефендија {m}; efèndija {m}
efficiency {n}
:: učinkòvitōst, djelotvórnōst {f}, ȅfikasnōst {f}
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze
effort {n} (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
:: напор {m}, труд {m}; nápor {m}, trȗd {m}
effrontery {n} (insolent and shameless audacity)
:: besramnost {f}, bestidnost {f}, besramlje {n}
e.g. {adv} (abbreviation for “for example”)
:: нпр. ; npr.
egg {n} (body housing an embryo)
:: јајце {n}; jajce {n}
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item)
:: јаје {n}; jaje {n}
egg {n} (ovum)
:: jajna ćelija {f}
egg {n} (something shaped like an egg)
:: јаје {n}; jaje {n}
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum
egg on {v} (provoke)
:: podstreknuti, podgovoriti
eggplant {n} (plant)
:: патлиџан {m}, баланцана {f}, меланцана {f}; patlidžan {m}, balancana {f}, melancana {f}
eggplant {n} (edible fruit)
:: патлиџан {m}; patlidžan {m}
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk
ego {n} (the self)
:: его {m}, ја; ȇgo {m}, jȃ
egocentrism {n} (following ones egotistical desires)
:: egocentrizam {m}
egoism {n} (tendency to think of self)
:: samoljublje {n}, egoizam {m}
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit
Egypt {prop} (country in North Africa)
:: Египат {m}, Мѝсӣр {m}; Ègipat {m}, Mìsīr {m}
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt)
:: египатскӣ; ègipatskī
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egyptians)
:: египћански; egipćanski
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt)
:: Египћанин {m}, Египћанка {f}; Ègipćanin {m}, Ègipćānka {f}
Egyptian {prop} (language)
:: египатски језик {m}; ègipatskī jèzik {m}
eh {interj} (used as a tag question)
:: ha? {p}
Eid {prop} (Muslim religious festival)
:: бајрам {m}; bajram {m}
Eid al-Adha {prop} (Islamic festival)
:: Курбан бајрам {m}; Kurban bajram {m}
Eid al-Fitr {prop} (religious celebration)
:: Рамазански бајрам {m}; Ramazanski bajram {m}
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris)
:: Ајфелов торањ {m}; Eiffelov tóranj {m}
eight {num} (cardinal number 8)
:: осам; ȍsam
eighteen {num} (cardinal number)
:: осамнаест; osamnaest
eighth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th)
:: осми; osmi
eight hundred {num} (cardinal number 800)
:: осамсто; ȍsamsto
eighties {n} (the decade of the 1980s)
:: осамдесете {f-p}, 80-е {f-p}; osamdesete {f-p}, 80-e {f-p}
eightieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eighty)
:: osamdeseti
eighty {num} (80)
:: осамдесет; osamdeset
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86)
:: osamdeset i šest, osamdeset šest
Einstein {prop} (Albert Einstein)
:: Ајнштајн {m} /Ajnštajn/
einsteinium {n} (element with atomic number 99)
:: еинстеиниј, аjнштаjниjум; einsteinij, ajnštajnijum
ejaculate {v} (to eject abruptly)
:: ejakulírati
ejaculate {v}
:: ejakulírati
ejaculate {n} (the liquid ejected during ejaculation)
:: ejakùlāt {m}
ejaculation {n} (ejection of semen through the urethra)
:: ејакулација {f}; ejakulácija {f}
Ekavian {prop} (Dialect or a group of dialects)
:: ekavski, екавски, ekavski izgovor, екавски изговор
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition
eke out {v} (to obtain with difficulty)
:: navlačiti
Elbe {prop} (European river)
:: Лаба {f}; Laba {f}
elbow {n} (joint between upper arm and forearm)
:: лакат {m}; lȁkat {m}
elbow bone {n} (ulna) SEE: ulna
elder {n} (leader of a community)
:: starješina {m}
elder {n} (Sambucus)
:: базга {f}, зова {f}; bàzga {f}, zóva {f}
elder {n}
:: базга {f}, зова {f}; bàzga {f}, zova {f}
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder
elderberry {n} (fruit)
:: базга {f}, зова {f}; bàzga {f}, zóva {f}
elecampane {n} (Inula helenium)
:: велики оман {m}, правӣ оман {m}, андуз {m} , овнак {m} ; vèlikī òman {m}, prȁvī òman {m}, ànduz {m} , òvnāk {m}
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose
elect {n} (One chosen or set apart)
:: izabranik {m}, izabranica {f}
elect {n} (One chosen by God)
:: izabranik {m}, izabranica {f}
elect {v} (to choose or make decision)
:: odabrati
elect {v} (to choose in election)
:: izabrati
election {n} (process of choosing a new leader or representatives)
:: избори {m-p}; izbori {m-p}
electoral {adj} (of, or relating to elections)
:: ѝзборнӣ, бѝрачкӣ; ìzbōrnī, bìrāčkī
electrical engineering {n} (branch of engineering)
:: електротехника {f}; elektrotèhnika {f}
electricity {n} (form of energy)
:: струја {f}, електрицѝтет {m}; strúja {f}, elektricìtēt {m}
electro- {prefix} (of electricity or electrical)
:: електро-; elektro-
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms)
:: електрокардиографија {f}; elektrokardiogràfija {f}
electrode {n} (the terminal through which electric current passes)
:: електрода {f}; elektróda {f}
electromagnet {n} (magnet)
:: електромагнет {m}; elektromàgnēt {m}
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism)
:: електромагнетскӣ; elektromàgnētskī
electromagnetic interaction {n} (electromagnetic interaction)
:: elektromagnetska interakcija {f}, електромагнетска интеракција {f}
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum)
:: електромагнетни спектар {m}, електромагнетски спектар {m}; elektromagnetni spektar {m}, elektromagnetski spektar {m}
electron {n} (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms)
:: elektron {m}
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email
electronics {n} ((physics))
:: електроника {f}; elektronika {f}
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber
elegant {adj} (exhibiting elegance)
:: elegantan
elegy {n} (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
:: narikača {f}, žalopojka {f}, tužbalica {f}, elegija {f}
element {n} (simplest or essential part or principle of anything)
:: елемент {m}; element {m}
elementary function {n} (function)
:: elementarna funkcija {f}
elephant {n} (mammal)
:: слон {m}, слоница {f}; slȍn {m}, slònica {f}
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift
eleven {num} (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve)
:: једанаест; jedànaēst
eleventh hour {n} (The last minute)
:: у задњи час; u zadnji čas
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being)
:: патуљак, вилељак; patuljak, vilenjak
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf
elicit {v} (to evoke, educe)
:: izazvati, evocirati, izvući, polučiti
elicit {v} (to draw out, bring out)
:: izvesti
elicit {v} (to use logic to arrive at truth)
:: rezonirati
elide {v} (to cut off, as a vowel or a syllable)
:: елидирати {impf} {pf}; elidírati {impf} {pf}
elide {v} (to conflate)
:: sjedíniti {pf}; сјединити {pf}
eligibility {n} (quality of being eligible)
:: kvalificiranost {f}, podobnost {f}, prikladnost {f}, pogodnost {f}
eligible {adj} (meeting the necessary requirements to participate; worthy of being chosen)
:: погодан, пожељан, подобан, прикладан; pogodan, poželjan, podoban, prikladan
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth
Elista {prop} (city in Russia)
:: Елиста {f}; Elista {f}
elitist {n} (someone who believes in rule by an elite group)
:: елѝтист {m}; elìtist {m}
Elizabeth {prop} (female given name)
:: Јелисавета; Jelisaveta
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose
ellipse {n} (curve)
:: елипса {f}; elipsa {f}
ellipsis {n} (typographic mark)
:: trotočka {f}, trotočje {n}
elm {n} (tree of genus Ulmus)
:: brest {m}
eloquence {n} (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing)
:: rječitost {f}
El Salvador {prop} (country in Central America)
:: Салвадор {m}; Salvador {m}
else {adv}
:: u suprotnom
elusive {adj} (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance)
:: lukav, prepreden, neuhvatljiv
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email
email {n} (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
:: е-пошта {f}, имејл {m}, електронска пошта {f}; e-pošta {f}, e-mail {m}, elektronska pošta {f}
email {n} (message sent through email an email system)
:: e-pošta {f}, e-mail {m}
emasculation {n} (castration)
:: kastriranje {n}
embankment {n} (artificial mound of earth and stone)
:: zagat {m}
embarrassing {adj} (causing embarrassment)
:: postiđujući
embassy {n} (organization representing a foreign state)
:: амбасада {f}, велепосланство {n}; ambasada {f}, veleposlanstvo {n}
ember {n} (glowing piece of coal or wood)
:: ugarak, žeravica {f}, žar {m}
embetterment {n} (improvement) SEE: improvement
embezzle {v} (to steal money that one has been trusted with)
:: отуђити /otuđiti/
embezzlement {n} (The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner)
:: проневера {f}, проневјера {f}; prȍnevera {f}, prȍnevjera {f}
emblem {n} (representative symbol)
:: амблем {m}; amblem {m}
emblematic {adj} (serving as a symbol)
:: amblematičan
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction)
:: utjelovljenje
embody {v} (represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify)
:: utjeloviti
embonpoint {n} (plumpness)
:: punašnost
embonpoint {adj} (plump, chubby, buxom)
:: pun, punašan
embrace {v} (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug)
:: zagrliti, obgrliti, obujmiti
embrace {v} (to seize (something) eagerly or with alacrity; to accept or take up with cordiality, see also: welcome)
:: prigrliti
embrace {v} (to enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.))
:: prigrliti
embrace {n} (act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest, see also: hug)
:: zagrljaj {m}
embrace {n} (enclosure partially or fully surrounding someone or something)
:: obuhvat {m}
embrace {n} (act of enfolding or including)
:: obuhvat {m}
embrace {v} (to encircle; to enclose, to encompass) SEE: encircle
embryo {n} (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus)
:: заметак {m}, ембрион {m}; zametak {m}, embrion {m}
embryo {n}
:: embrio {m}, embrij {m}
emery {n} (mineral)
:: шмѝргл {m}, шмѝргла {f}, смирак {m}; šmìrgl {m}, šmìrgla {f}, smírak {m}
emetic {n} (agent)
:: еметик; emetik
emigrant {n} (someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country)
:: iseljenik {m}, iseljenica {f}
emigration {n} (act of emigrating)
:: iseljenje {n}
eminence {n} ((anatomy) protuberance)
:: еминенција/eminencija {f}, испупчење/ispupčenje {n}, уздигнуће/uzdignuće {n}
emirate {n} (country ruled by an emir)
:: емѝрат {m}; emìrāt {m}
emoticon {n} (representation of an emotion of the writer)
:: emotikon {m}
emotion {n} (person's internal state of being)
:: осећај {m}, чувство {n}, емоција {f}; osećaj {m}, čuvstvo {n}, emocija {f}
emperor {n} (ruler of an empire)
:: цар {m}, император {m}, цесар {m}; cȁr {m}, impèrātor {m}, cȅsār {m}
empire {n} (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories)
:: ѝмперӣја {f}, царство {n}, царевина {f}; ìmpērīja {f}, cȃrstvo {n}, cȁrevina {f}
empire {n} (political unit ruled by an emperor)
:: царство {n}, царевина {f}; cȃrstvo {n}, cȁrevina {f}
empire {n}
:: ѝмперӣја {f}, царство {n}, царевина {f}; ìmpērīja {f}, cȃrstvo {n}, cȁrevina {f}
empiric {adj} (empiric) SEE: empirical
empirical {adj} (pertaining to or based on experience)
:: empìrījskī, iskùstven
empirical {adj} (pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations)
:: empìrījskī, iskùstven
empirical {adj} (verifiable by means of scientific experimentation)
:: empìrījskī, iskùstven
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use
employee {n} (individual who provides labor to a company or another person)
:: запосленик {m}, послопримац {m}, радник {m}, радница {f}; zaposlenik {m}, posloprimac {m}, radnik {m}, radnica {f}
employer {n} (person or entity which employs others)
:: poslodavac {m}, послодавац {m}
employment {n} (the act of employing)
:: запослење, запосленост; zaposlenje, zaposlenost
employment {n} (the state of being employed)
:: запослење, запосленост; zaposlenje, zaposlenost
emporium {n} (city or region which is a major trading centre)
:: emporij {m}
emporium {n} (place within a city for commerce and trading, see also: marketplace)
:: emporij {m}
emporium {n} (business set up to enable foreign traders to engage in commerce in a country)
:: emporij {m}
empress {n}
:: царица {f}, императорка {f}; carica {f}, imperatorka {f}
empty {adj} (devoid of content)
:: празан {m}; prazan {m}
empty {v} (to make empty)
:: испразнити; isprázniti
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum
emu {n} (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
:: emu
enable {v} (to give power, sanction or authorization to; to provide with abilities, means, opportunities)
:: оспособити {pf}, овластити {pf}; osposòbiti {pf}, ovlástiti {pf}
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
:: укључити {pf}, активирати {impf} {pf}, деблокирати {impf} {pf}; ukljúčiti {pf}, aktivirati {impf} {pf}, deblokírati {impf} {pf}
enamel {n} (opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
:: емајл {m}, глеђ {f}; èmajl, glȅđ
enamel {n} (coating that dries to a hard, glossy finish)
:: емајл {m}, глеђ {f}; èmajl, glȅđ
enamel {n} (covering on the tooth)
:: цаклина {f}, глеђ {f}; cȁklina {f}, glȅđ {f}
enamel {v} (to coat with enamel)
:: , емајлирати, глеђосати; emajlírati, gleđosati
en bloc {adv} (as a whole)
:: an blok
Enceladus {prop} (moon of Saturn)
:: Енцелад {m}; Encelad {m}
enchanter {n} (A spellcaster, conjurer, wizard, sorcerer or soothsayer)
:: čaròbnjāk {m}
encircle {v} (surround)
:: okružiti, zaokružiti
enclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the preceding word)
:: енклитика {f} /enklitika/
enclitic {adj} (affixed phonetically)
:: enklitički {m} /enklìtički/
enclosure {n} (something enclosed)
:: брањевито {?}; branjevito {?}
enclosure {n} (area partially or entirely enclosed by walls, fences or buildings)
:: брањевина {f}, одрађевина {f}; brànjevina {f}, odrađevina {f}
encore {n} (brief extra performance after the main performance is complete)
:: бис {m}; bȉs {m}
encore {n} (a call for a repeat performance)
:: бис {m}; bȉs {m}
encounter {n} (unplanned meeting)
:: сусрет {m}; susret {m}
encourage {v} (mentally support or motivate)
:: hrabriti {impf}, ohrabrivati {impf}, ohrabriti {pf}
encroach {n} (encroachment) SEE: encroachment
encroachment {n} (entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon)
:: zaposjedanje
encroachment {n} (intrusion upon another's possessions or rights)
:: zadiranje
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia
encyclopedia {n} (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics)
:: енциклопедија {f}; enciklopédija {f}
encyclopedic {adj} (of or relating to comprehensiveness and other characteristics of an encyclopedia)
:: енциклопедӣјскӣ; enciklopédījskī
encyclopedist {n} (member of a group of French authors)
:: enciklopèdist {m}
encyclopedist {n} (person helping to write an encyclopedia)
:: enciklopèdist {m}
end {n} (extreme part)
:: крај {m}; kraj {m}
end {n} (death)
:: смрт {f}; smrt {f}
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated)
:: свршити; svršiti
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something))
:: завршити; završiti
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination
endive {n} (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia)
:: endivija {f}
endless {adj}
:: bezkrajno, bezkrajna, bezkrajni
endogamy {n} (the practice of marrying within one's own social group)
:: ендогамија {f}; endogàmija {f}
endomorphism {n}
:: endomorfizam {m}
endorse {v} (support)
:: podržavati, potvrditi, potvrđivati
endowment {n} (property or funds invested for the support and benefit of a person or not-for-profit institution)
:: zaklada {f}
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer
end user {n} (the final consumer of a product; the intended recipient or user)
:: крајњи корисник {m} /krajnji korisnik/
enemy {n} (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else)
:: непријатељ {m}, непријатељица {f}; nèprijatelj {m}, neprijatèljica {f}, dȕšman / dùšmān {m}, dȕšmanin {m}
enemy {n} (a hostile force or nation; a fighting member of such a force or nation)
:: непријатељ {m}, непријатељица {f}; nèprijatelj {m}, neprijatèljica {f}
Eneolithic {prop} (age between the Neolithic and Bronze age)
:: енеолит {m} /eneolit/
energy {n} (impetus behind activity)
:: енергија {f}; energija {f}
energy {n} (physics)
:: енергија {f}; energija {f}
enforcement {n} (act of enforcing; compulsion)
:: проведба {f}; pròvedba {f}
enforcement {n} (giving force to; a putting in execution)
:: проведба {f}, спровођење {n}; pròvedba {f}, spròvođēnje {n}
engage {v} (to engross or hold the attention of someone)
:: angažirati
engage {v} (to enter into conflict with an enemy)
:: upustiti se
engage {v} (to employ or obtain the services of someone)
:: angažirati
engage {v} (to mesh or interlock)
:: uplesti
engage {v} (to enter into an activity)
:: angažirati se
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy
engagement {n} (period of time when marriage is planned or promised)
:: веридба {f}, заруке {f-p}; vèridba {f}, zȃruke {f-p}
engine {n} (mechanical device)
:: мотор {m}; motor {m}
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive
engineer {n} (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
:: инжењер {m}; inžènjēr {m}
engineer {n} (person who finds a technical solution to a problem)
:: инжењер {m}; inženjer {m}
engineer {n} (locomotive operator)
:: возовођа {m}, машиновођа {m}, влаковођа {m}, стројовођа {m}; vozovođa {m}, mašinovođa {m}, vlakovođa {m}, strojovođa {m}
engineering {n} (application of science to the needs of humanity)
:: inženjering {m}, tehnika {f}
engineering {n} (area aboard a ship where the engine is located)
:: strojarnica {f}
England {prop} (region of Great Britain)
:: Енглеска {f}; Engleska {f}
English {adj} (of or pertaining to England)
:: енглески {m}; engleski {m}
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language)
:: енглески {m}; engleski {m}
English {n} (people from England)
:: Енглез {m}, Енглескиња {f}; Ènglēz {m}, Engleskinja {f}
English {prop} (the English language)
:: енглески {m}, енглески језик {m}; engleski {m}, engleski jezik {m}
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France)
:: Ламанш {m}, Енглески канал; Lamanche {m}, Engleski kanal
English holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium) SEE: European holly
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais
Englishman {n} (male native or inhabitant of England)
:: Енглез {m}; Ènglēz {m}
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England)
:: Енглескиња {f}, Engleskinja {f}
engorge {v}
:: ждерати; žderati; žderati
engrave {v} (carve text or symbols into (something))
:: ugravirati, угравирати
enigmatic {adj} (pertaining to an enigma)
:: enigmàtičan
enigmatic {adj} (mysterious)
:: enigmàtičan, zȁgonētan, tajànstven
enjoy {v} (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something)
:: уживати, густирати; užívati, gustirati
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit
enlightenment {n} (act of enlightening, state of being enlightened)
:: prosvetljenje {n}
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine
enough {determiner} (sufficient)
:: довољно, dovoljno
enough {adv} (sufficiently)
:: довољно; dovoljno
enough {pron} (a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc)
:: довољно, dovoljno
enough {interj} (stop!)
:: доста, dosta
en passant {adv} (in passing)
:: en passant
en passant {adv} ((chess) captured “in passing” by the other player's pawn)
:: en passant
en passant {n} (chess move)
:: en passant, ан пасан
ensemble {n} (a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole)
:: ансамбл {m}; ansàmbl {m}
ensemble {n} (a coordinated costume or outfit; a suit)
:: ansàmbl {m}
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company)
:: ансамбл {m}; ansàmbl {m}
ensemble {n} (a piece for several instrumentalists or vocalists)
:: ансамбл {m}; ansàmbl {m}
ensign {n} (military officer)
:: zastavnik {m}, zastavnica {f}
ensign {n} (banner)
:: krmena zastava {f}
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate
ensue {v} (to occur as consequence)
:: slijediti
ent {n} (a fictional large talking tree)
:: ент {m}, ent {m}
entail {v} (to imply or require)
:: zahtijevati
entente {n} (alliance between states)
:: antanta {f}
enter {v} (to go into (a room, etc.))
:: ући {pf}, улазити {impf}; ući {pf}, ulaziti {impf}
enteric {adj} (of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines)
:: цријевни /crijevni/
enterprise {n} (company, business, organization, or endeavor)
:: предузеће {n}, подузеће {n}; preduzeće {n}, poduzeće {n}
entertain {v} (to amuse)
:: забављати {impf}, забавити {pf}; zàbavljati {impf}, zàbaviti {pf}
entertainment {n} (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation)
:: забава {f}; zȃbava {f}
enthronement {n} (the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned)
:: устоличење {n}, интронизација {f}; ustoličenje {n}, intronizácija {f}
enthusiasm {n} (feeling of excited, lively interest)
:: entuzijàzam {m}, oduševljenje, zános {m}, ùshit {m}
enthusiast {n} (person filled with or guided by enthusiasm)
:: ентузѝјаст {m}, ентузѝјасткиња {f}, занесењак {m}, занесењакиња {f}; entuzìjast {f}, entuzìjastkinja {f}, zanesènjāk {m}, zanesenjàkinja {f}
enthusiastic {adj} (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated)
:: entuzijàstičan, zanèsen
entire {adj} (internal; interior) SEE: internal
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion
entire {adj} (whole)
:: цео, цијел; ceo, cijel
entirely {adv}
:: posve sasvim
entirety {n} (wholeness)
:: cjelina {f}, cjelovitost {f}
entity {n} (that which exists as an individual unit)
:: ентѝтет {m}; entìtēt {m}
entomology {n} (study of insects)
:: ентомологија {f}; entomologija {f}
entrance {n} (place of entering)
:: улаз {m}; ulaz {m}
entrance examination {n} (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
:: prijmeni ispit {m}
entrée {n} (dish served before the main course of a meal, see also: starter; appetizer)
:: predjelo {n}
entrée {n} (main dish) SEE: main course
entreaty {n} (petition, solicitation, prayer)
:: preklinjanje
entrepreneur {n} (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk)
:: предузетник {m}; preduzetnik {m}
entrepreneur {n}
:: poduzetnik
enucleate {v} (remove the eye)
:: ископати; iskopati
enumerate {v} (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order)
:: nabrojati
envelope {n} (wrapper for mailing)
:: омотница {f}, коверта {f}, коверат {m}; omotnica {f}, koverta {f}, koverat {m}
envelope {n} (something that envelops)
:: omòtāč {m}
enviable {adj} (Arousing or likely to arouse envy.)
:: завидан; závidan
envious {adj} (feeling or exhibiting envy)
:: surevnjiv {m}; завидан; závidan
enviously {adv} (in an envious manner or to an envious degree)
:: љубоморно, завидно; ljȕbomōrno, závidno
environment {n} (area around something)
:: околина {f}, окружење {n}; okolina {f}, okruženje {n}
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem)
:: околина {f}, екосустав {m}; okolina {f}, ekosustav {m}
environment {n} (political or social setting, arena or condition)
:: окружење {n}; okruženje {n}
environment {n} (software or hardware on a computer)
:: околина {f}; okolina {f}
envisage {v} (to conceive or see something within in one's mind)
:: замислити, предочити; zamisliti, predočiti
envy {n} (resentful desire of something possessed by another)
:: завист {f}, љубомора {f}, јал {m}; závist {f}, ljubòmora {f}, jal {m}
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions)
:: завидети {impf}, завидјети {impf}; zavideti {impf}, zavidjeti {impf}
enzyme {n} (catalytic protein)
:: ензим {m}; enzim {m}
Eocene {adj} (of the Eocene epoch)
:: eocenski {m}
Eocene {prop} (Eocene epoch)
:: eocen {m}
eon {n} (eternity)
:: eon {m}, vječnost {f}
eon {n} (period of 1,000,000,000 years)
:: eon {m}
eon {n} (geological time period)
:: eon {m}
eon {n} (informal, hyperbolic: a long period of time)
:: eon {m}
eparchial {adj} (of or pertaining to an eparchy)
:: епархӣјскӣ; epàrhījskī
epenthesis {n} (insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word)
:: епентеза {f}; epentéza {f}
ephemeral {adj} (lasting for a short period of time)
:: ȅfemēran, krȁtkotrājan, prìvremen
ephemeral {adj} (existing for only one day)
:: ȅfemēran
ephemerally {adv} (in an ephemeral manner)
:: ȅfemērno
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: Ефесцима, Посланица Ефесцима, Ефежанима; Efestsima, Poslanitsa Efestsima, Efežanima
Ephesus {prop} (ancient city)
:: Ефез {m}; Èfes, Èfez
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite
epicentre {n} (point above earthquake)
:: епицентар {m}; epicentar {m}
epicist {n} (epics writer)
:: epičar {m}, epik {m}
epicycloid {n} (locus)
:: епициклоида {f} /epicikloida/
epidemic {n} (widespread disease)
:: пошаст {f}, епидемија {f}, редња {f}; pȍšāst {f}, epidèmija {f}, rednja {f}
epidemic {n} (occurrence of such disease)
:: епидемија {f}; epidèmija {f}
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic)
:: епидемӣјскӣ; epidèmījskī
epidermis {n} (skin's outer layer in animals)
:: покожица {f}; pòkožica {f}
epididymis {n} (tube)
:: пасеменик {m}, пасјеменик {m}; pasemenik {m}, pasjemenik {m}
epigraph {n} (inscription)
:: епѝграф {m}
epilepsy {n} (medical condition)
:: епилепсија {f}, падавица {f}; epilèpsija {f}, pȁdavica {f}
epileptic {adj} (of or relating to epilepsy)
:: епилептичкӣ; epilèptičkī
epileptic {n} (person who has epilepsy)
:: падавичар {m}, падавичарка {f}, епилептичар {m}, епилептичарка {f}; pȁdavičār {m}, pȁdavičārka {f}, epilèptičār {m}, epilèptičārka {f}
epilogue {n} (short speech at the end of a play)
:: pogovor {m}
epilogue {n} (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece)
:: pogovor {m}
epimer {n} (diastereoisomer)
:: epimer
epiphany {n} (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being)
:: epifànija {f}, bogojávljēnje {n}
epiphany {n} (illuminating realization or discovery)
:: epifànija {f}
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast)
:: Богојављење {n}; Bogojavljenje {n}
Epirus {prop}
:: Epir
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts)
:: епизода {f}; epizoda {f}
epistemology {n} (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge)
:: епистемологија {f}; epistemològija {f}
epistle {n} (a letter)
:: epìstola {f}
epistle {n} (book of the New Testament)
:: pòslanica {f}
epithelium {n} (membranous tissue)
:: епително ткиво; epitelsko tkȋvo
epitome {n} (embodiment or encapsulation of)
:: епитом {m}, утјеловљење {n}, персонификација , оваплоћење {n}; epitom {m}, utjelovljenje {n}, personifikacija {f}, ovaploćenje {n}
epitome {n} (summary)
:: sinopsis, epitom
epitomize {v} (make an epitome)
:: ut(j)eloviti, ovaplotiti, ot(j)eloviti
epitrachelion {n} (vestment)
:: епитрахиљ {f}; epitrahilj {f}
e pluribus unum {proverb} (e pluribus unum - a United States' motto)
:: iz mnogih jedan
epoch {n} (particular period of history)
:: епоха {f}; epoha {f}
epoch {n}
:: епоха epoha {f}; epoha {f}
equality {n} (fact of being equal)
:: једнакост {f}; jednakost {f}
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences)
:: равноправност {f}, једнакост {f}; ravnopravnost {f}, jednakost {f}
equanimous {adj} (Calm and composed; of stable disposition)
:: равнодушан
equation {n} (mathematics: assertion)
:: једначина {f}, једнаџба {f}; jednačina {f}, jednadžba {f}
equator {n} (circle around the earth)
:: екватор {m}, полутар {m}; ekvator {m}, polutar {m}
equatorial {adj} (of, near, or relating to the equator)
:: екваторски {m}; ekvatorski {m}
Equatorial Guinea {prop} (country in Western Africa)
:: Ekvatorska Gvineja {f}, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja {f}
equestrian {n} (an equestrian person; one who rides on horseback)
:: коњаник {m} /konjanik/
equinox {n} (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator)
:: равнодневница {f}, равнодневица {f}; ravnodnevnica {f}, ravnodnevica {f}
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping)
:: опрема {f}; ȍprema {f}
equity {n} (justice, impartiality and fairness)
:: pravičnost {f}
equivalence class {n} (Any one of the subsets into which an equivalence relation partition is set)
:: klasa ekvivalencije {f}
equivalence relation {n} (binary relation)
:: relacija ekvivalencije {f}
equivalent {n} (anything that is virtually equal to something else)
:: ekvivalent {m}
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adjectives)
:: -и {m}, -а {f}, -е {n}
era {n} (time period)
:: ера {f}; era {f}
eradicate {v} (to pull up by the roots)
:: iskoreniti
eraser {n} (thing used to erase something written or drawn)
:: гумица {f}; gumica {f}
erbium {n} (chemical element)
:: ербиj {m}, ербиjум {m}; erbij, erbijum {m}
Erdoğan {prop} (surname)
:: Ердоган; Erdogan
erectile dysfunction {n} (erectile dysfunction)
:: erektivna disfunkcija {f}, ерективна дисфункција {f}
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris)
:: erèkcija {f}, ерекција {f}
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
ergo {conj}
:: dakle; dakle
Eric {prop} (male given name)
:: Erik
Erica {prop} (female given name)
:: Erika {f}
Erika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Erica
Eritrea {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Еритреја {f}; Eritreja {f}
Eritrean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Eritrea, the Eritrean people or the Eritrean culture)
:: еритрејскӣ; eritrèjskī
Eritrean {n} (A person from Eritrea or of Eritrean descent)
:: Еритрејац {m}, Еритрејка {f}; Eritréjac {m}, Eritrejka {f}
erm {interj} (expression of uncertainty)
:: ovaj, umm
ermine {n} (Mustela erminea)
:: хермелӣн {m}, зердав {m}; hermèlīn {m}, zèrdāv {m}
erne {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle
erogenous zone {n} (erogenous zone)
:: erogena zona {f}, ерогена зона {f}
Eros {prop} (God of love)
:: Ерос {m}; Eros {m}
erosion {n} (the result of having being eroded)
:: erozija {f}, odron {m}, odronjenje {n}
erosion {n} (the changing of a surface by mechanical action)
:: erozija {f}
erosion {n} (destruction by abrasive action of fluids)
:: erozija {f}
erotic {adj} (tending to arouse sexual desire)
:: еротичан, еротскӣ; eròtičan, èrotskī
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin
erratic {adj} (unsteady, random; prone to unexpected changes; not consistent)
:: eratičan, iregularan, neravnomjeran, nekonzistentan
erroneous {adj} (containing an error; inaccurate)
:: погрешан; pògrešan
error {n} (mistake)
:: грешка {f}, погрешка {f}; grȅška {f}, pògreška {f}
error message {n} (message displayed when a failure condition occurs)
:: poruka o pogrešci {f}, obavijest o pogrešci {f}
erstwhile {adj} (former, previous)
:: пређашње {c}
erudition {n} (profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship)
:: načitanost {f}, начитаност {f}
eruption {n} (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano)
:: erupcija {f}, ерупција {f}
eryngo {n} (Eryngium) SEE: sea holly
erysipelas {n} (severe skin disease)
:: ветар {m}, црвени ветар {m}, црвеница {f}, јарболац {m}, врбанац {m}, брнка {f}; vetar {m}, crveni vetar {m}, crvènica {f}, jarbolac {m}, vrbanac {m}, brnka {f}
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea
erythromycin {n} (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics)
:: еритромѝцӣн {m}; эритромицин; eritromìcīn {m}
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium
erythropoiesis {n} (production of red blood cells)
:: еритропоеза {f}; eritropoéza {f}
escalator {n} (mechanical device)
:: ескалатор {m}; eskalator {m}
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation)
:: бијег {m}, бекство {n}, бјекство {n}; bijeg {m}, bekstvo {n}, bjekstvo {n}
escape velocity {n} (minimum velocity)
:: друга космичка брзина {f}, druga kosmička brzina {f}
escapism {n} (inclination to escape)
:: eskapizam {m}
eschatological {adj} (pertaining to eschatology)
:: есхатолошкӣ; eshatòloškī
esoteric {adj} (understood only by a chosen few)
:: ezotèričan
esoteric {adj} (having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical)
:: ezotèričan
esoteric {adj} (confidential; private)
:: ezotèričan
esoterism {n} (inward forms of faith and religion)
:: ezoterija
especially {adv} (particularly)
:: posebice, osobito, naročito
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto)
:: есперантист {m}, esperàntist {m}
Esperanto {prop} (auxiliary language)
:: есперанто {m}, есперантски {m}; esperànto {m}, esperantski {m}
espionage {n} (act of learning secret information through clandestine means)
:: špijunáža {f}
Esquiline {prop} (one of the seven hills of Rome)
:: Eskvilin {m}
essay {n} (written composition)
:: ogled {m}
essence {n} (inherent nature)
:: бит {m}, суштѝна {f} ; bȋt {m}, suštìna {f}
essence {n} (concentrate)
:: есенција {f}; esèncija {f}
essentially {adv} (essentially)
:: u biti, u suštini
-est {suffix} (superlative of adjectives and adverbs)
:: нај-; naj-
establishment {n} (slang: the ruling class or authority group)
:: establišment, vladajuća garnitura {f}
estate {n} (property and liabilities, especially of a deceased person)
:: imetak {m}, imovina {f}
estate {n} (historical: major social class or order of persons)
:: stalež {m}
estate {n} (law: nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land)
:: vlasništvo {n}
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership)
:: imanje {n}, posjed {m}
estate {n} (body style of cars) SEE: station wagon
estate car {n} (station wagon) SEE: station wagon
Esther {prop} (female given name)
:: Јестира
Estonia {prop} (country)
:: Естонија {f}; Estonija {f}
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language)
:: естонскӣ {m}; èstōnskī {m}
Estonian {n} (person)
:: Естонац {m}, Естонка {f}; Estónac {m}, Èstōnka {f}
Estonian {n} (language)
:: естонскӣ {m}; èstōnskī {m}
Estonian SSR {prop} (former soviet republic)
:: Estonska SSR
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon
estranged {adj} (having become a stranger)
:: отуђен /otuđen/
estrangement {n} (the act of alienating)
:: otuđenost, otuđenje
estrangement {n} (the state of being alien)
:: otuđenost, otuđenje
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge)
:: естуариј {m}, естуар {m}; estuarij {m}, estuar {m}
esurient {adj} (very greedy or hungry) SEE: voracious
Esztergom {prop} (a town in Hungary)
:: Естергом {m}, Estergom {m}, Острогом {m}, Ostrogom {m}
etc. {phrase} (and so on, see also: and so forth)
:: итд.; itd.
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc.
eternal {adj} (lasting forever)
:: вечан, вјечан; vȅčan, vjȅčan, vekotrajan, vekovečan
Eternal City {prop} (nickname for Rome)
:: Вјечнӣ Град {m}; Vjȅčnī Grȃd {m}
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality
eternity {n} (infinite time)
:: вечност {f}, вјечност {f}; večnost {f}, vječnost {f}
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future)
:: zauvijek
eternity {n} (period of time that elapses after death)
:: zagrobni život
eternity {n} (informal: a comparatively long time)
:: beskraj
ethanol {n} (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
:: етанол {m}; etanol {m}
ether {n} (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere)
:: етер {m}; éter {m}
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens
ethereal {adj} (Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere)
:: nadzemaljski {m}
ethics {n} (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct)
:: етика {f}; etika {f}
ethics {n} (standards of conduct)
:: етика {f}; etika {f}
Ethiopia {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: Етиопија {f}; Etiopija {f}
Ethiopian {n} (person)
:: Етиопљанин {m}, Етиопљанка {f}; Etiópljanin {m}, Etiopljanka {f}
Ethiopian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Ethiopia)
:: етиопљански; etiopljanski
ethnic {adj} (of or relating to a group of people)
:: етничкӣ; ètničkī
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing)
:: етничко чишћење {n}; etničko čišćenje {n}
ethnicity {n} (The characteristics of an ethnic group)
:: etnija {f}
ethnicity {n} (An ethnic group)
:: etnicitet, етницитет {m}, etnija {f}
ethnonationalism {n} (type of nationalism)
:: етнонационализам {n}; etnonacionalizam {n}
etiquette {n} (forms to be observed in social or official life)
:: етикета {f}; etiketa {f}
etiquette {n} (customary behavior)
:: etiketa {f}
Etna {prop} (volcano in Sicily, Italy)
:: Етна {f}; Ȅtna {f}
etymological {adj} (of or relating to etymology)
:: etimòloškī
etymological {adj} (etymologically consistent)
:: etimòloškī
etymologist {n} (person who specializes in etymology)
:: etimòlog {m}
etymology {n} (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words)
:: етимологија {f}; etimologija {f}
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word)
:: етимологија {f}; etimologija {f}
Euboea {prop} (Greek island)
:: Евбеја {f}; Eubeja {f}
eucalyptus {n} (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus)
:: еукалѝптус {m}; eukalìptus {m}
Eucharist {n} (sacrament)
:: еухарѝстија {f}; euharìstija
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system)
:: еуклидска геометрија {f}; euklidska geometrija {f}
Euclidean space {n} (ordinary space)
:: euklidski prostor {m}
Euclidian space {n} (Euclidean space) SEE: Euclidean space
Eugenia {prop} (female given name)
:: Евгенија, Evgenija
euhemerism {n} (attribution of the origins of the gods to the deification of heroes)
:: еухемеризам {m}; euhemerizam {m}
eukaryote {n} (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus)
:: еукариоте, еукариот; eukariote, eukarìōt {m}
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula)
:: Еулерова формула {f}, Ојлерова формула {f}; Eulerova formula {f}, Ojlerova formula {f}
eulogy {n} (an oration to honor a deceased person)
:: eulògija {f}
eulogy {n} (high praise or recommendation)
:: hvȁlospjēv {m}
eunuch {n}
:: uškopljenik {m}
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle
euphony {n}
:: blagoglasje {n}
euphoria {n} (an excited state of joy)
:: ushit {m}, ushićenje {n}, euforija {f}
Euphrates {prop} (river in the Middle East)
:: Еуфрат {m}; Eufrat {m}
Eurasia {prop} (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia)
:: Евроазија, Евразија {f}; Euroazija {f}, Eurazija {f}
Eurasian Economic Union {prop} (economic union, see also: EAU; EAEU)
:: Евроазијска унија {f}; Euroazijska unija {f}
Eurasian lynx {n} (Lynx lynx)
:: обични рис, obični ris
Eurasian siskin {n} (Spinus spinus)
:: чижак {m}; čížak {m}
Eurasian siskin {n}
:: чиж {m}, зеленчица {f}; čȋž {m}, zelènčica {f}
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus)
:: кобац {m}; kobac {m}
euro {n} (currency unit of the European Monetary Union)
:: еуро {m} (Bosnian, Croatian), евро {m} (Serbian); èuro {m} (Bosnian, Croatian), èvro {m} (Serbian)
Euro- {prefix} (pertaining to Europe)
:: euro-
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone
Eurocrem {prop} (sweet spread)
:: Еурокрем; Eurokrem, Eurocrem
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union
Europe {prop} (continent)
:: Европа {f}, Еуропа {f} ; Evropa {f}, Europa {f}
European {adj} (relating to Europe or the European Union)
:: еуропскӣ; èuropskī
European {n} (person)
:: Európljanin {m}, Európljānka {f}, Européjac {m}
European bison {n} (the wisent species Bison bonasus)
:: еуропски бизон {m}, зубар {m}, бизон {m}; europski bizon {m}, zubar {m}, bizon {m}
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union)
:: Europska središnja banka {f}, Еуропска средишња банка {f}, Evropska centralna banka {f}
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus)
:: europski jež, tamnoprsi jež
European holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium)
:: црника {f}, чесмина {f}; crnika {f}, čèsmina {f}
European redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan
European Union {prop} (European supranational organisation)
:: Европска унија {f}, Еуропска унија {f}; Evropska unija {f}, Europska unija {f}
europium {n} (chemical element)
:: еуропијум {m}, еуропиј {m}; europijum {m}, europij {m}
Europol {prop} (the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union)
:: Европол {m}; Europol {m}
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro)
:: Еврозона {f}; Eurozona {f}
Eustachian tube {n} (tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear)
:: Еустàхијева туба {f}; Eustàhijeva túba {f}
euthanasia {n} (practice of killing a human being or animal)
:: еутаназија {f}; eutanazija {f}
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea
evacuate {v} (to move out of an unsafe location into safety)
:: evakuírati, isprázniti
evanescent {adj} (ephemeral) SEE: ephemeral
evanescent {adj} ((mathematics) diminishing to the point of reaching zero as a limit) SEE: infinitesimal
evangelical {adj} (pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general)
:: evanđeòskī
evaporate {v} (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state)
:: испаравати; isparavati
eve {n} (day or night before)
:: predvečerje, predveče
Eve {prop} (the first woman)
:: Ева {f}; Eva {f}
Eve {prop} (given name)
:: Ева {f}; Eva {f}
even {adj} (flat and level)
:: раван; ravan
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two)
:: паран {m}; pȃran {m}
even {adv} (implying extreme example)
:: чак; čak
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight)
:: вече {n}, вечер {f}; veče {n}, večer {f}
evening {n} (figurative: concluding time period)
:: јесен {f}; jesen {f}
event {n} (occurrence)
:: збивање {n}, догађај {m}, дешавање {n}; zbivanje {n}, događaj {m}, dešavanje {n}
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape)
:: хоризонт догађаја; horizont događaja
even though {conj} (although)
:: iako, mada, premda
eventually {adv} (in the end)
:: eventualno, konačno, na kraju, na koncu
ever {adv} (always)
:: uvijek
ever {adv} (at any time)
:: u svako vrijeme
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest
every {determiner} (all of a countable group)
:: свакӣ; svȁkī
everybody {pron} (all people)
:: сви; svi
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good)
:: u svakom zlu, neko dobro
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily
everyone {pron} (every person)
:: сви {p}; svi {p}
everything {pron} (all the things)
:: све {n}; sve {n}
everywhere {adv} (at all places)
:: свуда; svuda
eviction {n} (the act of evicting)
:: deložacija, prisilno iseljenje {n}
evidence {n} (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion)
:: доказ {m}; dȍkāz {m}
evident {adj} (obviously true)
:: očito
evil {adj} (intending to harm)
:: зао; zao
evil {adj} (morally corrupt)
:: покварен, pokvaren
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness)
:: зло {n}; zlo {n}
evil eye {n} (wicked look)
:: урокљиво око {n}, урок {m}, назар {m}; urokljivo oko {n}, urok {m}, nazar {m}
evolution {n} (general: a gradual process of development)
:: evolúcija {f}
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time)
:: еволуција {f}; evolúcija {f}
evolutional {adj} (of or pertaining to evolution, or coming about as a result of its principles)
:: evolúcījskī
evolutionary {adj} (of or relating to evolution)
:: evolúcījskī
evolutionism {n} (any evolutionary theory or belief system)
:: evolucionizam {m}
evolutionist {n} (a proponent or supporter of evolutionism)
:: evoluciònist {m}
evolve {v} (move in regular procession through a system)
:: еволуирати {impf} {pf}, еволвирати {impf} {pf}; evoluírati {impf} {pf}, evolvírati {impf} {pf}
ew {interj} (expression of disgust or nausea)
:: fuj, bljak
ewe {n} (female sheep)
:: овца {f}; óvca {f}
ewer {n} (widemouthed pitcher)
:: врч {m}, ибрик {m}; vrč {m}, ibrik {m}
ex {n} (colloquial: former partner or spouse)
:: bivši, bivša
exact {adj} (precisely agreeing)
:: точан, тачан, прецизан; točan, tačan, precizan
exactly {adv} (in an exact manner)
:: тачно, точно; tačno, točno
exaggeration {n} (act of exaggerating)
:: преувеличавање {n}, претеривање {n}; preuveličavanje {n}, pretiravanje {n}
exalt {v} (to honor)
:: veličati
exalt {v} (to elevate in rank, status etc.)
:: unaprijediti, unaprediti
examination {n} (formal test)
:: ѝспит {m}; ìspit {m}
examination {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation
example {n} (something representative of a group)
:: пример {m}, примјер {m}; primer {m}, primjer {m}
excavate {v} (to make a hole in (something); to hollow)
:: iskapati, iskopavati
excavator {n} (vehicle)
:: багер {m}; bager {m}
excellent {adj} (of the highest quality)
:: одличан; odličan
except {prep} (with the exception of)
:: сем, осӣм; sȇm, ȍsīm
exception {n} (act of excepting or excluding; exclusion)
:: iznimka {f}, izuzetak {m}, izuzeće {n}
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others)
:: изузетак {m}; izuzetak {m}
exceptional {adj} (forming an exception)
:: изузетан; izuzetan
exchange {n} (act of exchanging or trading)
:: rȃzmjena {f}
exchange {n} (place for conducting trading)
:: bȕrza {f}
exchange {v} (To trade or barter)
:: razmijéniti
exchange {v} (To replace with a similar item)
:: razmijéniti
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury
excited {adj} (having great enthusiasm)
:: ùzbūđēn
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy)
:: pòbūđen
excitement {n} (state of being excited)
:: uzbuđénje {n}
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
exclamation mark {n} (punctuation “!”)
:: ускличнӣк {m}, узвичнӣк {m}; ùskličnīk {m}, ùzvičnīk {m}
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
exclusive disjunction {n} (logic)
:: ексклузивна дисјункција {f} /ekskluzivna disjunkcija/, искључива дисјункција {f} /isključiva disjunkcija/; ekskluzivna disjunkcija {f}, isključiva disjunkcija {f}
excommunicate {v} (to officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community)
:: ekskomunicírati, izòpćiti
excommunication {n} (act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting)
:: ekskomunikácija {f}
ex contractu {adj} (of a legal obligation: arising from a contractual relationship)
:: ugovorno, po ugovoru
excrement {n} (human and animal solid waste)
:: екскремент {m}, измет {m}; ekskrement {m}, izmet {m}, izmetine {f-p}
excursion {n} (brief recreational trip)
:: екскурзија {f}; ekskurzija {f}
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology)
:: извините , извини , опростите; izvinite , izvini , oprostite
execute {v} (to kill as punishment)
:: smàknuti, pogùbiti
execute {v} (to start a defined process and run it to completion)
:: izvŕšiti, pròvesti
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty)
:: егзекуција {f}; egzekucija {f}
execution {n}
:: извршавање {n}; izvršavanje {n}
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution)
:: главосек {m}, главосеча {m}, крвник {m}, џелат {m}; glavosek {m}, glavoseča {m}, krvnik {m}, dželat {m}
executive {adj} (designed for execution)
:: ѝзвршнӣ; ìzvršnī
exegesis {n} (formal written exposition or explanatory essay)
:: egzegeza
exegete {n} (person skilled in exegesis)
:: egzeget
exemplar {n} (role model) SEE: role model
exercise {n} (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability)
:: вјежба {f}, вежба {f}, пракса {f}; vježba {f}, vežba {f}, praksa {f}
exercise {n} (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness)
:: вежба {f}, вјежба {f}; vežba {f}, vježba {f}
exercise book {n} (booklet for students)
:: свеска {f}; sveska {f}
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor
exhaustive {adj} (including every possible element)
:: исцрпан; ȉscrpan {m}
exhaust valve {n} (valve through which the products of combustion escape)
:: ispušni ventil {m}
exhibition {n} (large scale public showing of objects or products)
:: изложба {f}; izložba {f}
exhibitionism {n} (practice of drawing attention to oneself)
:: егзибиционизам {m}, egzibicionizam {m}
exhort {v} (urge)
:: подстаћи
exhortation {n} (Act or practice of exhorting)
:: poticanje {n}, podsticanje {n}, pobuđivanje {n}
exile {n} (the state of being banished from one's home or country)
:: izgnànstvo {n}, prògōnstvo {n}
exile {n} (someone who is banished from one's home or country)
:: ìzgnanīk {m}, ìzgnanica {f}, prògnanīk {m}, prògnanica {f}
exist {v} (to be)
:: póstojati, egzistírati, òpstojati, bȉvstvovati
existence {n} (state of being, existing, or occurring)
:: постојање {n}, битисање {n}, егзистенција {f}; postojanje {n}, bitisanje {n}, egzistencija {f}
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now)
:: постојећӣ; póstojēćī
existential {adj}
:: ȅgzistencijālan
existentialism {n} (philosophical movement)
:: egzistencijalìzam {m}
existentialist {n} (a person who adheres to the philosophy of existentialism)
:: egzistencijàlist {m}
existentialist {adj} (of or pertaining to existentialism)
:: egzistencijalìstičkī
exit {n} (way out)
:: излаз {m}; izlaz {m}
exit {v}
:: izlaziti
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die
exodus {n} (sudden departure)
:: egzódus {m}
Exodus {prop} (departure of Hebrew slaves)
:: Knjiga Izlaska {f}
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament)
:: Knjiga Izlaska
exogamy {n} (marriage)
:: егзогамија {f}; egzogamija {f}
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits)
:: egzorcizam {m}
exorcist {n} (a person who practices exorcism)
:: egzòrcist {m}
exoskeleton {n} (hard outer structure)
:: egzoskelet {m}
exosphere {n} (the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere)
:: егзосфера {f}; egzosfera {f}
exoteric {adj} (suitable to be imparted to the public)
:: egzotèričan
exotic {adj} (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign)
:: егзотичан; egzòtičan
exotic {adj} (non-native to the ecosystem)
:: егзотичан; egzòtičan
exotica {n} (curious, strange, unusual and exotic things)
:: egzòtika {f}
expanded metal {n} (sheet metal slit and stretched to form a lattice)
:: истег жица {f} /isteg žica/
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit
expensive {adj} (having a high price or cost)
:: скуп; skȕp
expensiveness {n} (quality of being expensive)
:: skupoća {f}
experience {n} (event(s) of which one is cognizant)
:: искуство {n}; iskústvo {n}
experience {n} (activity which one has performed)
:: iskústvo {n}
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge)
:: iskústvo {n}
experience {n}
:: iskustvo
experience {v} (to observe or undergo)
:: iskúsiti
experienced {adj} (having experience)
:: искусан; iskusan
experiment {n} (test under controlled conditions)
:: експерѝмент {m}, опит {m}; eksperìment {m}, òpit {m}
expert {n} (person with extensive knowledge or ability)
:: èkspert {m}, strȕčnjāk {m}, ználac {m}
expire {v} (die) SEE: die
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death
explain {v} (report)
:: објаснити {pf}; objàsniti {pf}
explain {v} (excuse)
:: објаснити, rasvijetliti; objàsniti, расвијетлити
explanation {n} (the act or process of explaining)
:: објашњење {n}; objašnjenje {n}
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage)
:: израбити /izrabiti/
explosion {n} (violent release of energy)
:: експлозија {f}; eksplozija {f}
export {n} (something that is exported)
:: izvoz
export {n} (the act of exporting)
:: izvoziti
export {n} (licence for export)
:: izvoznica
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country)
:: ìzvesti {pf}, izvòziti {impf}
exposition {n} (action of putting something out to public view)
:: изложба {f}, izložba {f}
exposition {n} (music: opening section of a fugue)
:: излагање теме, експозиција {f}
exposure meter {n} (an instrument used in photography)
:: svetlomer {m}, svjetlomjer {m}
expound {v} (explain or discuss at length)
:: objasniti, izložiti, rastumačiti
express {v} (to convey meaning)
:: изражавати {impf}, изразити {pf}; izražavati {impf}, izraziti {pf}
expression {n} (particular way of phrasing an idea)
:: izraz {m}, израз {m}
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom)
:: izraz {m}, израз {m}
expression {n} (facial appearance)
:: izraz {m}, израз {m}
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols)
:: izraz {m}, израз {m}
expression {n} ((computing) a piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value)
:: izraz {m}, израз
expressionism {n} (movement in the arts)
:: експресионѝзам {m}; ekspresionìzam {m}
expressionism {n} (genre in music)
:: експресионѝзам {m}; ekspresionìzam {m}
expressway {n} (US: divided highway)
:: autocesta
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway
exquisite {n} (fop, dandy) SEE: fop
extant {adj} (still in existence)
:: постојећи; postojeći
extent {n} (space, area, volume to which something extends)
:: степен {m}, размера {f}, обим {m}; stepen {m}, razmera {f}, obim {m}
exterior {adj} (relating to the outside parts or surface)
:: вањскӣ , спољашњӣ; vànjskī , spòljašnjī
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign
exterior {adj} (external) SEE: external
exterminate {v} (to kill all of a population)
:: истребити, istrebiti
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp
external {adj} (outside of something)
:: èkstērnī, ìzvanjskī, vànjskī
externality {n} (impact on any party not involved in a given economic transaction)
:: eksternalija {f}
extinction {n} (the action of making or becoming extinct)
:: izumiranje
extort {v}
:: ìznuditi
extortion {n} (the practice of extorting money or other property)
:: изнуда {f}, уцена {f}, уцјена {f}; ȉznuda {f}, ȕcena {f}, ȕcjena {f}
extra {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on
extraction {n} (one's origin, lineage or ancestry)
:: podrijetlo {n}
extradite {v} (to remove a person from one state to another by legal process)
:: изручити {pf}, изручивати {impf}; izrúčiti {pf}, izručívati {impf}
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage)
:: ванбрачан; vanbračan
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural
extraneous {adj} (not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing)
:: stran, nepripadajući
extraordinary {adj} (not ordinary)
:: izvanredno
extrapolate {v} (to infer by extending known information)
:: ekstrapolírati
extrapolate {v} (to estimate the value of a variable outside a known range)
:: ekstrapolírati
extraterrestrial {adj} (originating from outside of the Earth)
:: ванземаљски, изванземаљскӣ; vanzemàljski, izvanzemàljskī
extraterrestrial {n} (being originating from outside of the Earth)
:: ванземаљац {m}, изванземаљац {m}; vanzemáljac {m}, izvanzemáljac {m}
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions)
:: екстремѝзам {m}; ekstremìzam {m}
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb
extrinsic {adj} (external, separable from the thing itself, inessential)
:: ekstrìnsičan
extrinsic {adj} (not belonging to, outside)
:: ekstrìnsičan, ìzvanjskī
extroversion {n} (concern with or an orientation toward others)
:: екстровертност {f} /ekstrovertnost/
eye {n} (organ)
:: glaz; око {n}; ȍko {n}
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye)
:: очна јабучица {f}; očna jabučica {f}
eyebrow {n} (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket)
:: обрва {f}, веђа {f}; obrva {f}, veđa {f}
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury)
:: око за око, зуб за зуб, око за око; oko za oko, zub za zub, oko za oko
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury)
:: око за око, зуб за зуб; ȍko za ȍko, zȗb za zȗb
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
eyelash {n} (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid)
:: трепавица {f}; trȅpavica {f}
eyelid {n} ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye)
:: капак {m}, вјеђа {f}; kapak {m}, vjeđa {f}
eyesight {n} (faculty of sight)
:: вид {m}; vid {m}
eyestripe {n} (stripe on each side of the head of an animal that includes the eye)
:: očna pruga {f}
eyestripe {n} (such a stripe on each side of the head of some birds)
:: očna pruga {f}
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth
eyetooth {n} (canine tooth of the upper jaw)
:: očnjak {m}
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event)
:: očevidac
eyot {n} (islet) SEE: islet
eyrie {n} (bird of prey's nest)
:: orlovo gnijezdo {n}, orlovo gnezdo {n}
éminence grise {n} (a secret or unofficial decision-maker; the power behind the throne, see also: power broker)
:: siva eminencija, сива еминенција {f}