Appendix:Arabic Quranic Verbs/Arabic Quranic Verbs 1-500

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No., Verb, Root, Form

  1. قَالَ (qāla, to say, said), ق و ل (q w l), I
  2. كَانَ (kāna, to be, be, was), ك و ن (k w n), I
  3. ءَامَنَ (ʔāmana, to believe), ء م ن (ʔ m n), IV
  4. عَلِمَ (ʕalima, to know), ع ل م (ʕ l m), I
  5. جَعَلَ (jaʕala, to make), ج ع ل (j ʕ l), I
  6. كَفَرَ (kafara, to disbelieve), ك ف ر (k f r), I
  7. جَاءَ (jāʔa, to come), ج ي ء (j y ʔ), I
  8. عَمِلَ (ʕamila, to do, to work), ع م ل (ʕ m l), I
  9. آتَى (ʔātā, to give), ء ت ي (ʔ t y), IV
  10. رَأَى (raʔā, to see), ر ء ي (r ʔ y), I
  11. أَتَى (ʔatā, to come, to bring), ء ت ي (ʔ t y), I
  12. شَاءَ (šāʔa, to will, to wish), ش ي ء (š y ʔ), I
  13. خَلَقَ (ḵalaqa, to create), خ ل ق (ḵ l q), I
  14. أَنْزَلَ (ʔanzala, to send down, to reveal), ن ز ل (n z l), IV
  15. كَذَّبَ (kaḏḏaba, to deny, to reject), ك ذ ب (k ḏ b), II
  16. دَعَا (daʕā, to call, to invite, to pray), د ع و (d ʕ w), I
  17. أَتَّقَى (ʔattaqā, to be righteous, to fear (Allah)), و ق ي (w q y), VIII
  18. هَدَى (hadā, to guide), ه د ي (h d y), I
  19. أَرَادَ (ʔarāda, to intend, to desire, to want, to wish), ر و د (r w d), IV
  20. اتَّبَعَ (to follow), ت ب ع (t b ʕ), VIII
  21. أَرْسَلَ (ʔarsala, to send), ر س ل (r s l), IV
  22. أَخَذَ (ʔaḵaḏa, to take, to seize), ء خ ذ (ʔ ḵ ḏ), I
  23. اِتَّخَذَ (ittaḵaḏa, to take), ء خ ذ (ʔ ḵ ḏ), VIII
  24. عَبَدَ (ʕabada, to worship), ع ب د (ʕ b d), I
  25. ظَلَمَ (ẓalama, to oppress, to wrong), ظ ل م (ẓ l m), I
  26. سَأَلَ (saʔala, to ask), س ء ل (s ʔ l), I
  27. وَجَدَ (wajada, to find), و ج د (w j d), I
  28. أَخْرَجَ (ʔaḵraja, to bring forth, to drive out), خ ر ج (ḵ r j), IV
  29. أَكَلَ (ʔakala, to eat, to consume), ء ك ل (ʔ k l), I
  30. لَيْسَ (laysa, to not be), ل ي س (l y s), I
  31. فَعَلَ (faʕala, to do), ف ع ل (f ʕ l), I
  32. نَظَرَ (naẓara, to look, to see), ن ظ ر (n ẓ r), I
  33. ذَكَرَ (ḏakara, to remember, to mention), ذ ك ر (ḏ k r), I
  34. خَافَ (ḵāfa, to fear, to be afraid), خ و ف (ḵ w f), I
  35. قَتَلَ (qatala, to kill), ق ت ل (q t l), I
  36. رَجَعَ (rajaʕa, to return), ر ج ع (r j ʕ), I
  37. سَمِعَ (samiʕa, to hear, to listen), س م ع (s m ʕ), I
  38. تَوَلَّى (tawallā, to turn), و ل ي (w l y), V
  39. أَمَرَ (ʔamara, to order, to command), ء م ر (ʔ m r), I
  40. دَخَلَ (daḵala, to enter), د خ ل (d ḵ l), I
  41. جَزَى (jazā, to reward, to recompense), ج ز ي (j z y), I
  42. أَطَاعَ (ʔaṭāʕa, to obey), ط و ع (ṭ w ʕ), IV
  43. أَوْحَى (ʔawḥā, to reveal, to inspire), و ح ي (w ḥ y), IV
  44. أَشْرَكَ (ʔašraka, to associate partners), ش ر ك (š r k), IV
  45. أَلْقَى (ʔalqā, to cast, to throw, to meet, to offer), ل ق ي (l q y), IV
  46. وَعَدَ (waʕada, to promise), و ع د (w ʕ d), I
  47. أَنفَقَ (to spend), ن ف ق (n f q), IV
  48. غَفَرَ (ḡafara, to forgive), غ ف ر (ḡ f r), I
  49. أَحْبَبْ (ʔaḥbab, to love, to like), ح ب ب (ḥ b b), IV
  50. أَصَابَ (ʔaṣāba, to strike, to befall, to bestow), ص و ب (ṣ w b), IV
  51. أَضَلَّ (ʔaḍalla, to let go astray, to mislead), ض ل ل (ḍ l l), IV
  52. تَابَ (tāba, to repent, to turn), ت و ب (t w b), I
  53. كَسَبَ (kasaba, to earn), ك س ب (k s b), I
  54. نَزَّلَ (nazzala, to send down, to reveal), ن ز ل (n z l), II
  55. تَلَى (talā, to recite), ت ل و (t l w), I
  56. رَزَقَ (razaqa, to provide), ر ز ق (r z q), I
  57. قَضَى (qaḍā, to decree, to decide, to judge), ق ض ي (q ḍ y), I
  58. نَصَرَ (naṣara, to help), ن ص ر (n ṣ r), I
  59. صَبَرَ (ṣabara, to be patient), ص ب ر (ṣ b r), I
  60. جَرَيْ (jaray, to flow, to run), ج ر ي (j r y), I
  61. مَسَّ (massa, to touch), م س س (m s s), I
  62. ضَرَبَ (ḍaraba, to strike, to set forth), ض ر ب (ḍ r b), I
  63. قَتَلَ (qatala, to fight), ق ت ل (q t l), III
  64. أَقَامَ (ʔaqāma, to establish), ق و م (q w m), IV
  65. خَرَجَ (ḵaraja, to go out, to come out, to depart, to leave), خ ر ج (ḵ r j), I
  66. ضَلَّ (ḍalla, to go astray, to err, to lose), ض ل ل (ḍ l l), I
  67. بَعَثَ (baʕaṯa, to raise, to resurrect, to send), ب ع ث (b ʕ ṯ), I
  68. أَحْيَا (ʔaḥyā, to give life), ح ي ي (ḥ y y), IV
  69. تَذَكَّرَ (taḏakkara, to receive admonition), ذ ك ر (ḏ k r), V
  70. أَهْلَكَ (ʔahlaka, to destroy), ه ل ك (h l k), IV
  71. افْتَرَى (to invent), ف ر ي (f r y), VIII
  72. زَادَ (zāda, to increase), ز ي د (z y d), I
  73. عَقَلُ (ʕaqalu, to understand, to reason), ع ق ل (ʕ q l), I
  74. كَتَبَ (kataba, to write, to prescribe, to ordain), ك ت ب (k t b), I
  75. ظَنَّ (ẓanna, to think, to assume, to guess), ظ ن ن (ẓ n n), I
  76. شَكَرَ (šakara, to be grateful, to give thanks), ش ك ر (š k r), I
  77. نَبَّأَ (nabbaʔa, to inform), ن ب ء (n b ʔ), II
  78. حَكَمَ (ḥakama, to judge), ح ك م (ḥ k m), I
  79. يَذَرَ (yaḏara, to leave, to forsake), و ذ ر (w ḏ r), I
  80. حَسِبَ (ḥasiba, to think), ح س ب (ḥ s b), I
  81. شَهِدَ (šahida, to testify, to bear witness), ش ه د (š h d), I
  82. مَلَكَتْ (malakat, to possess, to have power), م ل ك (m l k), I
  83. نَادَى (nādā, to call), ن د و (n d w), III
  84. أَنذَرَ (to warn), ن ذ ر (n ḏ r), IV
  85. أُدْخِلَ (ʔudḵila, to admit), د خ ل (d ḵ l), IV
  86. سَبَّحَ (sabbaḥa, to glorify, to praise), س ب ح (s b ḥ), II
  87. اسْتَطَاعَ (to be able to, to be capable), ط و ع (ṭ w ʕ), X
  88. حَمَلَ (ḥamala, to carry, to bear), ح م ل (ḥ m l), I
  89. عَذَّبَ (ʕaḏḏaba, to punish), ع ذ ب (ʕ ḏ b), II
  90. عَلَّمَ (ʕallama, to teach), ع ل م (ʕ l m), II
  91. بِئْسَ (biʔsa, to be wretched, to be evil), ب ء س (b ʔ s), I
  92. بَلَغَ (balaḡa, to reach), ب ل غ (b l ḡ), I
  93. تَرَكَ (taraka, to leave), ت ر ك (t r k), I
  94. خَشِىَ (to fear), خ ش ي (ḵ š y), I
  95. أَرَى (ʔarā, to show), ر ء ي (r ʔ y), IV
  96. اِسْتَغْفَرَ (istaḡfara, to ask forgiveness), غ ف ر (ḡ f r), X
  97. اِسْتَكْبَرَ (istakbara, to be arrogant), ك ب ر (k b r), X
  98. اِهْتَدَى (ihtadā, to be guided), ه د ي (h d y), VIII
  99. تَوَكَّلْ (tawakkal, to put trust), و ك ل (w k l), V
  100. حَرَّمَ (ḥarrama, to forbid, to make unlawful), ح ر م (ḥ r m), II
  101. مَاتَ (māta, to die), م و ت (m w t), I
  102. بُشِّرَ (buššira, to give glad tidings), ب ش ر (b š r), II
  103. رَضِىَ (to be pleased), ر ض و (r ḍ w), I
  104. يَحْزُن (yaḥzun, to grieve), ح ز ن (ḥ z n), I
  105. حَشَرَ (ḥašara, to gather, to raise), ح ش ر (ḥ š r), I
  106. صَدَّ (ṣadda, to turn away, to avert, to hinder), ص د د (ṣ d d), I
  107. نَجَّى (najjā, to save, to deliver), ن ج و (n j w), II
  108. ذَاقُ (ḏāqu, to taste), ذ و ق (ḏ w q), I
  109. رَدَّ (radda, to turn back, to return), ر د د (r d d), I
  110. بَيَّنُ (bayyanu, to make clear), ب ي ن (b y n), II
  111. اخْتَلَفَ (to differ), خ ل ف (ḵ l f), VIII
  112. ذَهَبَ (ḏahaba, to go, to take away), ذ ه ب (ḏ h b), I
  113. سَجَدَ (sajada, to prostrate), س ج د (s j d), I
  114. اسْتَوَى (to be equal, to be alike, to establish), س و ي (s w y), VIII
  115. نَسِىَ (to forget), ن س ي (n s y), I
  116. ابْتَغَى (to seek), ب غ ي (b ḡ y), VIII
  117. قَامَ (qāma, to stand up, to rise, to establish), ق و م (q w m), I
  118. أَعْرَضَ (ʔaʕraḍa, to turn away), ع ر ض (ʕ r ḍ), IV
  119. كَفَى (kafā, to be sufficient), ك ف ي (k f y), I
  120. نَهَى (nahā, to forbid), ن ه ي (n h y), I
  121. نَفَعَ (nafaʕa, to profit, to benefit), ن ف ع (n f ʕ), I
  122. سَآءَ (saʔāʔa, to be evil), س و ء (s w ʔ), I
  123. عَسَى (ʕasā, to perhaps), ع س ي (ʕ s y), I
  124. لَبِثَ (labiṯa, to remain, to stay, to hesitate, to delay), ل ب ث (l b ṯ), I
  125. وَلَّى (wallā, to turn), و ل ي (w l y), II
  126. أَبْصَرَ (ʔabṣara, to see), ب ص ر (b ṣ r), IV
  127. اسْتَجَابَ (to answer, to respond), ج و ب (j w b), X
  128. رَحِمَ (raḥima, to have mercy), ر ح م (r ḥ m), I
  129. أَصْبَحَ (ʔaṣbaḥa, to become), ص ب ح (ṣ b ḥ), IV
  130. أَصْلَحَ (ʔaṣlaḥa, to correct, to reform, to improve, to make peace), ص ل ح (ṣ l ḥ), IV
  131. أَغْنَتْ (ʔaḡnat, to avail, to enrich), غ ن ي (ḡ n y), IV
  132. جَهَدَ (jahada, to strive), ج ه د (j h d), III
  133. عَصَا (ʕaṣā, to disobey), ع ص ي (ʕ ṣ y), I
  134. عَفَا (ʕafā, to forgive, to pardon), ع ف و (ʕ f w), I
  135. أَفْلَحَ (ʔaflaḥa, to succeed), ف ل ح (f l ḥ), IV
  136. قَدَّمَ (qaddama, to send forth, to offer), ق د م (q d m), II
  137. زَيَّنَ (zayyana, to make fair-seeming), ز ي ن (z y n), II
  138. بَغَى (baḡā, to seek, to oppress), ب غ ي (b ḡ y), I
  139. جَدَلُ (jadalu, to argue, to dispute), ج د ل (j d l), III
  140. خَلَا (ḵalā, to pass away), خ ل و (ḵ l w), I
  141. يَشْعُرُ (yašʕuru, to perceive, to realize), ش ع ر (š ʕ r), I
  142. قَدَرَ (qadara, to restrict, to control, to have power), ق د ر (q d r), I
  143. كَادَ (kāda, to be near, to nearly do, to almost do), ك و د (k w d), I
  144. تَوَفَّى (tawaffā, to pass away, to die), و ف ي (w f y), V
  145. أَذِنَ (ʔaḏina, to permit), ء ذ ن (ʔ ḏ n), I
  146. بَدَّلَ (baddala, to change), ب د ل (b d l), II
  147. فَتَنُ (fatanu, to persecute, to test, to try), ف ت ن (f t n), I
  148. لَعَنَ (laʕana, to curse), ل ع ن (l ʕ n), I
  149. أَنجَى (to save), ن ج و (n j w), IV
  150. جَمَعَ (jamaʕa, to gather, to collect), ج م ع (j m ʕ), I
  151. أَذَاقَ (ʔaḏāqa, to cause taste), ذ و ق (ḏ w q), IV
  152. يَرْجُوا (yarjū, to hope, to expect, to desire), ر ج و (r j w), I
  153. رَفَعَ (rafaʕa, to raise), ر ف ع (r f ʕ), I
  154. سَخَّرَ (saḵḵara, to subject, to impose), س خ ر (s ḵ r), II
  155. أَسْلَمَ (ʔaslama, to submit), س ل م (s l m), IV
  156. مَكَرَ (makara, to plot, to scheme, to plan), م ك ر (m k r), I
  157. وَهَبَ (wahaba, to grant, to bestow), و ه ب (w h b), I
  158. أَحْسَنَ (ʔaḥsana, to do good), ح س ن (ḥ s n), IV
  159. اشْتَرَى (to buy, to purchase, to exchange), ش ر ي (š r y), VIII
  160. كَتَمَ (katama, to conceal, to hide), ك ت م (k t m), I
  161. مَشَ (maša, to walk), م ش ي (m š y), I
  162. أَمَاتَ (ʔamāta, to cause death), م و ت (m w t), IV
  163. اسْتُهْزِئَ (to mock, to ridicule), ه ز ء (h z ʔ), X
  164. وَضَعَ (waḍaʕa, to deliver, to give birth), و ض ع (w ḍ ʕ), I
  165. أَمِنَ (ʔamina, to feel secure), ء م ن (ʔ m n), I
  166. بَلَوْ (balaw, to test), ب ل و (b l w), I
  167. حَقَّ (ḥaqqa, to justify, to prove true), ح ق ق (ḥ q q), I
  168. أَحَلَّ (ʔaḥalla, to make lawful), ح ل ل (ḥ l l), IV
  169. سَبَقَ (sabaqa, to precede), س ب ق (s b q), I
  170. سَعَى (saʕā, to strive, to run), س ع ي (s ʕ y), I
  171. أَعَدَّ (ʔaʕadda, to prepare), ع د د (ʕ d d), IV
  172. عَرَفَ (ʕarafa, to know, to recognize), ع ر ف (ʕ r f), I
  173. تَعَلَى (taʕalā, to be exalted, to be high), ع ل و (ʕ l w), I
  174. أَقْسَمُ (ʔaqsamu, to swear), ق س م (q s m), IV
  175. قَصَّ (qaṣṣa, to narrate), ق ص ص (q ṣ ṣ), I
  176. كَلَّمَ (kallama, to speak), ك ل م (k l m), II
  177. أَنشَأَ (to produce, to raise), ن ش ء (n š ʔ), IV
  178. يَضُرَّ (yaḍurra, to harm), ض ر ر (ḍ r r), I
  179. اسْتَعْجَلَ (to seek to hasten), ع ج ل (ʕ j l), X
  180. يَفْقَهُ (yafqahu, to understand), ف ق ه (f q h), I
  181. نَفَخَ (nafaḵa, to blow, to breathe), ن ف خ (n f ḵ), I
  182. تَبَيَّنَ (tabayyana, to become clear), ب ي ن (b y n), V
  183. أُخْفِىَ (to conceal, to hide), خ ف ي (ḵ f y), IV
  184. ذُكِّرَ (ḏukkira, to remind), ذ ك ر (ḏ k r), II
  185. أَسَرَّ (ʔasarra, to conceal), س ر ر (s r r), IV
  186. عَادَ (ʕāda, to return), ع و د (ʕ w d), I
  187. أُعِيدُ (ʔuʕīdu, to return), ع و د (ʕ w d), IV
  188. مَتَّعْ (mattaʕ, to grant, to bestow, to provide), م ت ع (m t ʕ), II
  189. أَمْسَكَ (ʔamsaka, to retain, to withhold), م س ك (m s k), IV
  190. نِعْمَ (niʕma, to be excellent), ن ع م (n ʕ m), I
  191. وَفَّى (waffā, to pay in full, to fulfill), و ف ي (w f y), II
  192. أَوْفَى (ʔawfā, to fulfill), و ف ي (w f y), IV
  193. أَحَاطَ (ʔaḥāṭa, to surround, to encompass), ح و ط (ḥ w ṭ), IV
  194. أَدْرَى (ʔadrā, to make known), د ر ي (d r y), IV
  195. أُغْرِقُ (ʔuḡriqu, to drown), غ ر ق (ḡ r q), IV
  196. فَصَّلَ (faṣṣala, to make clear, to explain in detail), ف ص ل (f ṣ l), II
  197. فَضَّلَ (faḍḍala, to bestow, to prefer, to favor), ف ض ل (f ḍ l), II
  198. يَتَفَكَّرُ (yatafakkaru, to ponder, to reflect), ف ك ر (f k r), V
  199. انقَلَبَ (to turn back, to return), ق ل ب (q l b), VII
  200. كَرِهَ (kariha, to dislike, to hate), ك ر ه (k r h), I
  201. أَنْعَمَ (ʔanʕama, to bestow favor), ن ع م (n ʕ m), IV
  202. وَدَّ (wadda, to love, to wish), و د د (w d d), I
  203. أُفِكَ (ʔufika, to delude, to turn away), ء ف ك (ʔ f k), I
  204. بَسَطَ (basaṭa, to extend, to stretch), ب س ط (b s ṭ), I
  205. أَتَمَّ (ʔatamma, to fulfill, to complete, to perfect), ت م م (t m m), IV
  206. خَسِرَ (ḵasira, to lose), خ س ر (ḵ s r), I
  207. اسْتَمَعَ (to listen), س م ع (s m ʕ), VIII
  208. سَارَ (sāra, to travel), س ي ر (s y r), I
  209. فَتَحَ (fataḥa, to open, to give victory), ف ت ح (f t ḥ), I
  210. فَرِحَ (fariḥa, to rejoice), ف ر ح (f r ḥ), I
  211. قَدَّرَ (qaddara, to determine, to plot), ق د ر (q d r), II
  212. قَرَأَ (qaraʔa, to read, to recite), ق ر ء (q r ʔ), I
  213. مَنَّ (manna, to favor), م ن ن (m n n), I
  214. أَنۢبَتَ (to make grow), ن ب ت (n b t), IV
  215. انتَهَى (to refrain, to cease, to desist), ن ه ي (n h y), VIII
  216. هَاجَرَ (hājara, to emigrate), ه ج ر (h j r), III
  217. وَقَى (waqā, to save, to protect), و ق ي (w q y), I
  218. أَخَّرَ (ʔaḵḵara, to delay, to give respite), ء خ ر (ʔ ḵ r), II
  219. أُوذِىَ (to harm, to trouble), ء ذ ي (ʔ ḏ y), IV
  220. يُبْدِىَ (to reveal, to disclose), ب د و (b d w), IV
  221. أَتْبَعَ (ʔatbaʕa, to follow), ت ب ع (t b ʕ), IV
  222. سَكَنَ (sakana, to dwell, to live, to rest), س ك ن (s k n), I
  223. شَرِبَ (šariba, to drink), ش ر ب (š r b), I
  224. صَدَقَ (ṣadaqa, to be truthful, to fulfill), ص د ق (ṣ d q), I
  225. صَنَعُ (ṣanaʕu, to make, to construct, to do), ص ن ع (ṣ n ʕ), I
  226. اعْتَدَى (to transgress), ع د و (ʕ d w), VIII
  227. غَرَّ (ḡarra, to deceive, to delude), غ ر ر (ḡ r r), I
  228. غَلَبُ (ḡalabu, to overcome, to defeat), غ ل ب (ḡ l b), I
  229. أَغْنَى (ʔaḡnā, to avail, to prosper), غ ن ي (ḡ n y), I
  230. أَفْسَدُ (ʔafsadu, to cause corruption), ف س د (f s d), IV
  231. وَعَظْ (waʕaẓ, to instruct, to advise, to preach), و ع ظ (w ʕ ẓ), I
  232. حَلَلْ (ḥalal, to descend, to be lawful), ح ل ل (ḥ l l), I
  233. أَخْلَفُ (ʔaḵlafu, to break, to fail), خ ل ف (ḵ l f), IV
  234. صَرَفَ (ṣarafa, to divert, to turn away), ص ر ف (ṣ r f), I
  235. أَعْتَدَتْ (ʔaʕtadat, to prepare), ع ت د (ʕ t d), IV
  236. عَدَلَ (ʕadala, to be just), ع د ل (ʕ d l), I
  237. كَشَفَ (kašafa, to remove, to uncover), ك ش ف (k š f), I
  238. كَفَّرَ (kaffara, to remove), ك ف ر (k f r), II
  239. لَقُ (laqu, to receive, to meet), ل ق ي (l q y), I
  240. نَكَحَ (nakaḥa, to marry), ن ك ح (n k ḥ), I
  241. أَبَى (ʔabā, to refuse), ء ب ي (ʔ b y), I
  242. تَرَبَّصْ (tarabbaṣ, to await), ر ب ص (r b ṣ), V
  243. زَعَمَ (zaʕama, to claim), ز ع م (z ʕ m), I
  244. أَسْمَعَ (ʔasmaʕa, to make hear), س م ع (s m ʕ), IV
  245. سَوَّى (sawwā, to fashion, to proportion), س و ي (s w y), II
  246. يَصْلَى (yaṣlā, to burn), ص ل ي (ṣ l y), I
  247. أَطْعَمَ (ʔaṭʕama, to feed), ط ع م (ṭ ʕ m), IV
  248. غَشِيَ (ḡašiya, to cover), غ ش و (ḡ š w), I
  249. مَدَّ (madda, to spread, to extend, to prolong), م د د (m d d), I
  250. مَكَّ (makka, to establish), م ك ن (m k n), II
  251. وَرِثَ (wariṯa, to inherit), و ر ث (w r ṯ), I
  252. يَصِفُ (yaṣifu, to attribute, to ascribe), و ص ف (w ṣ f), I
  253. اسْتَـْٔذَنَ (to ask permission), ء ذ ن (ʔ ḏ n), X
  254. بَدَأَ (badaʔa, to begin, to originate), ب د ء (b d ʔ), I
  255. جَحَدُ (jaḥadu, to reject, to deny), ج ح د (j ḥ d), I
  256. حَبِطَ (ḥabiṭa, to become worthless), ح ب ط (ḥ b ṭ), I
  257. حَآجَّ (ḥaʔājja, to argue), ح ج ج (ḥ j j), III
  258. يَحْذَرُ (yaḥḏaru, to fear, to beware), ح ذ ر (ḥ ḏ r), I
  259. حَلَفْ (ḥalaf, to swear), ح ل ف (ḥ l f), I
  260. خَرَّ (ḵarra, to fall), خ ر ر (ḵ r r), I
  261. أَخْزَيْ (ʔaḵzay, to disgrace), خ ز ي (ḵ z y), IV
  262. تَدْرِى (to know), د ر ي (d r y), I
  263. زَكَّى (zakkā, to purify), ز ك و (z k w), II
  264. سَقَى (saqā, to water, to give drink), س ق ي (s q y), I
  265. سَلَكَ (salaka, to insert, to make enter), س ل ك (s l k), I
  266. اصْطَفَى (to choose), ص ف و (ṣ f w), VIII
  267. صَلَّى (ṣallā, to pray, to bless), ص ل و (ṣ l w), II
  268. طَغَى (ṭaḡā, to transgress, to overflow), ط غ ي (ṭ ḡ y), I
  269. أَعْلَن (ʔaʕlan, to declare, to reveal, to proclaim), ع ل ن (ʕ l n), IV
  270. قُطِعَ (quṭiʕa, to cut), ق ط ع (q ṭ ʕ), I
  271. قَطَّعَ (qaṭṭaʕa, to cut, to divide), ق ط ع (q ṭ ʕ), II
  272. قَعَدَ (qaʕada, to sit), ق ع د (q ʕ d), I
  273. مَنَعَ (manaʕa, to prevent), م ن ع (m n ʕ), I
  274. يُنظَرُ (to give respite), ن ظ ر (n ẓ r), IV
  275. أَوْرَثَ (ʔawraṯa, to make inherit), و ر ث (w r ṯ), IV
  276. وَقَعَ (waqaʕa, to fall, to occur, to fulfill), و ق ع (w q ʕ), I
  277. يُوقِنُ (yūqinu, to believe firmly), ي ق ن (y q n), IV
  278. بَدَا (badā, to become apparent), ب د و (b d w), I
  279. بَنَى (banā, to construct, to build), ب ن ي (b n y), I
  280. أَذْهَبَ (ʔaḏhaba, to remove, to take away), ذ ه ب (ḏ h b), IV
  281. سَخِرَ (saḵira, to ridicule, to mock), س خ ر (s ḵ r), I
  282. طَبَعَ (ṭabaʕa, to seal), ط ب ع (ṭ b ʕ), I
  283. أَعْجَبَ (ʔaʕjaba, to please, to impress), ع ج ب (ʕ j b), IV
  284. عَرَضَ (ʕaraḍa, to display, to present, to expose, to turn away), ع ر ض (ʕ r ḍ), I
  285. عَهَدَ (ʕahada, to make a covenant), ع ه د (ʕ h d), III
  286. يَقْرَبُ (yaqrabu, to approach, to go near), ق ر ب (q r b), I
  287. كَذَبَ (kaḏaba, to deny, to lie), ك ذ ب (k ḏ b), I
  288. لَبَسْ (labas, to obscure, to confuse, to mix, to wear), ل ب س (l b s), I
  289. تَمَتَّعَ (tamattaʕa, to enjoy), م ت ع (m t ʕ), V
  290. أَنَابَ (ʔanāba, to turn), ن و ب (n w b), IV
  291. يَنَالُ (yanālu, to reach), ن ي ل (n y l), I
  292. هَادُ (hādu, to be Jewish), ه و د (h w d), I
  293. وَصَّى (waṣṣā, to enjoin), و ص ي (w ṣ y), II
  294. يَسَّرَ (yassara, to make easy), ي س ر (y s r), II
  295. بَخِلَ (baḵila, to be stingy, to withhold), ب خ ل (b ḵ l), I
  296. ثَبَّتْ (ṯabbat, to make firm), ث ب ت (ṯ b t), II
  297. اجْتَبَى (to choose), ج ب ي (j b y), VIII
  298. أَحْصَى (ʔaḥṣā, to count, to calculate, to enumerate), ح ص ي (ḥ ṣ y), IV
  299. حَاقَ (ḥāqa, to surround, to encompass, to envelope), ح ي ق (ḥ y q), I
  300. صَدَّقَ (ṣaddaqa, to accept truth, to admit, to confirm, to believe), ص د ق (ṣ d q), II
  301. صَرَّفْ (ṣarraf, to explain), ص ر ف (ṣ r f), II
  302. أَضَاعُ (ʔaḍāʕu, to let go waste, to neglect), ض ي ع (ḍ y ʕ), IV
  303. طَلَّقَ (ṭallaqa, to divorce), ط ل ق (ṭ l q), II
  304. ظَهَرَ (ẓahara, to appear, to become manifest), ظ ه ر (ẓ h r), I
  305. عُذْ (ʕuḏ, to seek refuge), ع و ذ (ʕ w ḏ), I
  306. فَسَقَ (fasaqa, to disobey defiantly), ف س ق (f s q), I
  307. فَطَرَ (faṭara, to create), ف ط ر (f ṭ r), I
  308. تَقَبَّلَ (taqabbala, to accept), ق ب ل (q b l), V
  309. اسْتَقَمُ (to be upright, to be straight, to stand firm), ق و م (q w m), X
  310. أَمَدَّ (ʔamadda, to reinforce, to extend, to provide, to aid), م د د (m d d), IV
  311. مَرَّ (marra, to pass, to continue), م ر ر (m r r), I
  312. نَبَذَ (nabaḏa, to throw, to cast), ن ب ذ (n b ḏ), I
  313. نَزَعَ (nazaʕa, to take way, to remove, to withdraw), ن ز ع (n z ʕ), I
  314. يَصِلُ (yaṣilu, to join, to reach), و ص ل (w ṣ l), I
  315. يُولِجُ (yūliju, to cause enter), و ل ج (w l j), IV
  316. يُؤَاخِذُ (yuʔāḵiḏu, to call to account, to punish), ء خ ذ (ʔ ḵ ḏ), III
  317. ءَاوَى (ʔāwā, to give shelter), ء و ي (ʔ w y), IV
  318. أَيَّدَ (ʔayyada, to support, to strengthen), ء ي د (ʔ y d), II
  319. تَبَارَكَ (tabāraka, to be blessed), ب ر ك (b r k), VI
  320. تَبِعَ (tabiʕa, to follow), ت ب ع (t b ʕ), I
  321. اجْتَنَبُ (to avoid), ج ن ب (j n b), VIII
  322. يَسْتَحْىِ (to let live, to be shy, to be ashamed), ح ي ي (ḥ y y), X
  323. خَاضُ (ḵāḍu, to engage in idle talk, to converse vainly), خ و ض (ḵ w ḍ), I
  324. رَكِبَ (rakiba, to ride, to embark), ر ك ب (r k b), I
  325. رَمَى (ramā, to throw, to accuse), ر م ي (r m y), I
  326. ارْتَابَ (to doubt), ر ي ب (r y b), VIII
  327. يَتَسَآءَلُ (yatasaʔāʔalu, to question, to ask, to inquire), س ء ل (s ʔ l), VI
  328. يُسَرِعُ (yusariʕu, to hasten), س ر ع (s r ʕ), III
  329. يُضَعِفُ (yuḍaʕifu, to double, to multiply), ض ع ف (ḍ ʕ f), III
  330. انطَلَقَ (to set out, to proceed, to go forth), ط ل ق (ṭ l q), VII
  331. اطْمَأَنَّ (to be satisfied, to be secure, to be content), ط م ن (ṭ m n), XII
  332. طَهَّرَ (ṭahhara, to purify), ط ه ر (ṭ h r), II
  333. ظَلَّ (ẓalla, to continue, to remain), ظ ل ل (ẓ l l), I
  334. فَرَضَ (faraḍa, to specify, to ordain, to make obligatory), ف ر ض (f r ḍ), I
  335. فَرَّقُ (farraqu, to differentiate, to make distinction), ف ر ق (f r q), II
  336. يَقْبَلُ (yaqbalu, to accept), ق ب ل (q b l), I
  337. أَقْبَلَ (ʔaqbala, to approach), ق ب ل (q b l), IV
  338. قَذَفَ (qaḏafa, to cast, to throw, to hurl), ق ذ ف (q ḏ f), I
  339. يَلْعَبْ (yalʕab, to play), ل ع ب (l ʕ b), I
  340. أَمْلَى (ʔamlā, to give respite), م ل و (m l w), IV
  341. يَنطِقُ (to speak), ن ط ق (n ṭ q), I
  342. وَلَدَ (walada, to beget, to be born), و ل د (w l d), I
  343. بَرَكَ (baraka, to bless), ب ر ك (b r k), III
  344. ابْتَلَى (to test, to try), ب ل و (b l w), VIII
  345. أُجِيبَت (ʔujībat, to answer, to respond), ج و ب (j w b), IV
  346. خَسَفَ (ḵasafa, to cause to swallow), خ س ف (ḵ s f), I
  347. اخْتَصَمُ (to dispute), خ ص م (ḵ ṣ m), VIII
  348. خَفَّفَ (ḵaffafa, to lighten), خ ف ف (ḵ f f), II
  349. دَمَّرَ (dammara, to destroy), د م ر (d m r), II
  350. ارْتَدَّ (to turn back, to return), ر د د (r d d), VIII
  351. رَوَدُ (rawadu, to seduce, to demand, to get permission), ر و د (r w d), III
  352. تَزَكَّى (tazakkā, to purify), ز ك و (z k w), V
  353. ازْدَادُ (to increase), ز ي د (z y d), VIII
  354. زَالَت (zālat, to cease), ز ي ل (z y l), I
  355. أَسْقَيْ (ʔasqay, to give drink), س ق ي (s q y), IV
  356. سَمَّى (sammā, to name), س م و (s m w), II
  357. اشْتَهَتْ (to desire), ش ه و (š h w), VIII
  358. اسْتَضْعَفُ (to be oppressed), ض ع ف (ḍ ʕ f), X
  359. يَطْمَعُ (yaṭmaʕu, to hope, to desire), ط م ع (ṭ m ʕ), I
  360. طَافَ (ṭāfa, to circulate, to go around), ط و ف (ṭ w f), I
  361. أَظْهَرَ (ʔaẓhara, to make apparent, to reveal), ظ ه ر (ẓ h r), IV
  362. عَجِبُ (ʕajibu, to wonder, to be amazed, to be astonished), ع ج ب (ʕ j b), I
  363. أَعْطَى (ʔaʕṭā, to give), ع ط و (ʕ ṭ w), IV
  364. تَعَالَ (taʕāla, to come), ع ل و (ʕ l w), IV
  365. أَغْوَيْ (ʔaḡway, to mislead, to lead astray), غ و ي (ḡ w y), IV
  366. تَفَرَّقَ (tafarraqa, to be divided), ف ر ق (f r q), V
  367. كَبُرَ (kabura, to be great), ك ب ر (k b r), I
  368. كَفَّ (kaffa, to restrain, to withhold, to avert), ك ف ف (k f f), I
  369. كِيدُ (kīdu, to scheme, to plot, to plan), ك ي د (k y d), I
  370. يَنتَظِرُ (to wait), ن ظ ر (n ẓ r), VIII
  371. نَفَرَ (nafara, to go forth), ن ف ر (n f r), I
  372. يَهْبِطُ (yahbiṭu, to go down), ه ب ط (h b ṭ), I
  373. هَمَّ (hamma, to determine, to plan, to plot, to desire), ه م م (h m m), I
  374. هَوَى (hawā, to desire), ه و ي (h w y), I
  375. يَئِسَ (yaʔisa, to despair), ي ء س (y ʔ s), I
  376. يَسْتَبْشِرُ (yastabširu, to rejoice), ب ش ر (b š r), X
  377. حَضَرَ (ḥaḍara, to approach, to attend), ح ض ر (ḥ ḍ r), I
  378. حَفِظَ (ḥafiẓa, to guard, to protect), ح ف ظ (ḥ f ẓ), I
  379. حَىَّ (ḥāāa, to live), ح ي ي (ḥ y y), I
  380. دَلَّ (dalla, to indicate, to show, to direct), د ل ل (d l l), I
  381. دَامُ (dāmu, to be as long as), د و م (d w m), I
  382. سِيقَ (sīqa, to drive), س و ق (s w q), I
  383. شَآقُّ (šaʔāqqu, to oppose), ش ق ق (š q q), III
  384. أَشْهَدَ (ʔašhada, to make witness), ش ه د (š h d), IV
  385. ضَحِكَتْ (ḍaḥikat, to laugh), ض ح ك (ḍ ḥ k), I
  386. اضْطُرَّ (to force, to compel), ض ر ر (ḍ r r), VIII
  387. ضَاقَ (ḍāqa, to straiten), ض ي ق (ḍ y q), I
  388. طَلَعَ (ṭalaʕa, to look), ط ل ع (ṭ l ʕ), VIII
  389. عَدَّ (ʕadda, to count), ع د د (ʕ d d), I
  390. اعْتَزَلَ (to withdraw, to leave, to keep away), ع ز ل (ʕ z l), VIII
  391. يَعْمَهُ (yaʕmahu, to wander blindly), ع م ه (ʕ m h), I
  392. عَمِىَ (to be blind), ع م ي (ʕ m y), I
  393. افْتَدَى (to offer ransom), ف د ي (f d y), VIII
  394. أَفَاضَ (ʔafāḍa, to depart), ف ي ض (f y ḍ), IV
  395. يُكَلِّفُ (yukallifu, to burden), ك ل ف (k l f), II
  396. اِلْتَقَى (iltaqā, to meet), ل ق ي (l q y), VIII
  397. أُمْطِرَتْ (ʔumṭirat, to shower, to send rain), م ط ر (m ṭ r), IV
  398. تَنَازَعُ (tanāzaʕu, to dispute, to disagree), ن ز ع (n z ʕ), VI
  399. تَنَزَّلَتْ (tanazzalat, to descend, to bring down), ن ز ل (n z l), V
  400. أَنسَى (to make forget), ن س ي (n s y), IV
  401. انتَصَرَ (to defend, to help), ن ص ر (n ṣ r), VIII
  402. يُنقَصُ (to decrease, to reduce, to lessen), ن ق ص (n q ṣ), I
  403. يَزِرُ (yaziru, to bear), و ز ر (w z r), I
  404. يَسْتَأْخِرُ (yastaʔḵiru, to delay, to postpone), ء خ ر (ʔ ḵ r), X
  405. يَنۢبَغِى (to be appropriate), ب غ ي (b ḡ y), VII
  406. بَلَّغْ (ballaḡ, to convey), ب ل غ (b l ḡ), II
  407. بَآءَ (baʔāʔa, to incur, to turn back), ب و ء (b w ʔ), I
  408. بَوَّأَ (bawwaʔa, to settle), ب و ء (b w ʔ), II
  409. بَايَعْ (bāyaʕ, to pledge allegiance), ب ي ع (b y ʕ), III
  410. ثُقِفُ (ṯuqifu, to find, to gain dominance), ث ق ف (ṯ q f), I
  411. يُجِيرُ (yujīru, to protect), ج و ر (j w r), IV
  412. يَخْفَى (yaḵfā, to hide), خ ف ي (ḵ f y), I
  413. أَدْرَكَ (ʔadraka, to overtake, to grasp), د ر ك (d r k), IV
  414. ذَرَأَ (ḏaraʔa, to create, to produce, to multiply), ذ ر ء (ḏ r ʔ), I
  415. زَاغَ (zāḡa, to deviate, to turn away, to swerve), ز ي غ (z y ḡ), I
  416. أَسْرَفَ (ʔasrafa, to be extravagant, to exceed, to transgress), س ر ف (s r f), IV
  417. أَسْرَى (ʔasrā, to travel, to take), س ر ي (s r y), IV
  418. سَلَّمَ (sallama, to submit, to greet, to pay), س ل م (s l m), II
  419. شَدَدْ (šadad, to strengthen), ش د د (š d d), I
  420. تَصَدَّقَ (taṣaddaqa, to give charity), ص د ق (ṣ d q), V
  421. يَصْفَحُ (yaṣfaḥu, to overlook), ص ف ح (ṣ f ḥ), I
  422. ظَهَرُ (ẓaharu, to support, to back), ظ ه ر (ẓ h r), III
  423. عَاقَبَ (ʕāqaba, to retaliate), ع ق ب (ʕ q b), III
  424. عَهِدَ (ʕahida, to make a covenant, to promise), ع ه د (ʕ h d), I
  425. غَضِبَ (ḡaḍiba, to be angry), غ ض ب (ḡ ḍ b), I
  426. يَسْتَفْتُ (yastaftu, to seek ruling, to inquire, to ask), ف ت ي (f t y), X
  427. فُجِّرَتْ (fujjirat, to cause gush), ف ج ر (f j r), II
  428. فَرَّتْ (farrat, to flee), ف ر ر (f r r), I
  429. أَقْرَضُ (ʔaqraḍu, to lend, to loan), ق ر ض (q r ḍ), IV
  430. قَلَّبُ (qallabu, to turn, to alternate), ق ل ب (q l b), II
  431. لَقَّى (laqqā, to grant, to receive), ل ق ي (l q y), II
  432. اسْتَمْتَعَ (to profit, to benefit, to enjoy), م ت ع (m t ʕ), X
  433. مُلِئَتْ (muliʔat, to fill), م ل ء (m l ʔ), I
  434. يَتَمَنَّ (yatamanna, to wish), م ن ي (m n y), V
  435. نَزَلَ (nazala, to descend, to bring down), ن ز ل (n z l), I
  436. نَقَضَتْ (naqaḍat, to break), ن ق ض (n q ḍ), I
  437. انتَقَمْ (to take retribution), ن ق م (n q m), VIII
  438. نَكَثَ (nakaṯa, to break (oath)), ن ك ث (n k ṯ), I
  439. وَسِعَ (wasiʕa, to encompass, to extend), و س ع (w s ʕ), I
  440. آثَرَ (ʔāṯara, to prefer), ء ث ر (ʔ ṯ r), IV
  441. يُؤَدِّ (yuʔaddi, to discharge, to deliver), ء د ي (ʔ d y), II
  442. أَلَّفَ (ʔallafa, to join, to reconcile), ء ل ف (ʔ l f), II
  443. ءَانَسَ (ʔānasa, to perceive), ء ن س (ʔ n s), IV
  444. أَوَى (ʔawā, to seek shelter), ء و ي (ʔ w y), I
  445. بَثَّ (baṯṯa, to disperse), ب ث ث (b ṯ ṯ), I
  446. يَبْخَسْ (yabḵas, to diminish, to deprive), ب خ س (b ḵ s), I
  447. تَبَرَّأَ (tabarraʔa, to disown), ب ر ء (b r ʔ), V
  448. بَرَزَ (baraza, to come forth, to go out), ب ر ز (b r z), I
  449. بَطَشْ (baṭaš, to seize), ب ط ش (b ṭ š), I
  450. بَكَتْ (bakat, to weep), ب ك ي (b k y), I
  451. أَبْلَغُ (ʔablaḡu, to convey), ب ل غ (b l ḡ), IV
  452. أَثَارُ (ʔaṯāru, to raise, to plough), ث و ر (ṯ w r), IV
  453. أَجْرَمُ (ʔajramu, to commit crime), ج ر م (j r m), IV
  454. جَهَرَ (jahara, to speak loudly), ج ه ر (j h r), I
  455. يَجْهَلُ (yajhalu, to be ignorant), ج ه ل (j h l), I
  456. أَحْصَنَتْ (ʔaḥṣanat, to guard, to protect), ح ص ن (ḥ ṣ n), IV
  457. حُمِّلَ (ḥummila, to place, to entrust), ح م ل (ḥ m l), II
  458. خَتَمَ (ḵatama, to seal), خ ت م (ḵ t m), I
  459. خَلَفَ (ḵalafa, to succeed, to come after), خ ل ف (ḵ l f), I
  460. اسْتَخْلَفَ (to grant succession), خ ل ف (ḵ l f), X
  461. خَانُ (ḵānu, to betray), خ و ن (ḵ w n), I
  462. دَرَسُ (darasu, to study, to learn), د ر س (d r s), I
  463. دَفَعْ (dafaʕ, to defend, to deliver, to repel), د ف ع (d f ʕ), I
  464. ذُبِحَ (ḏubiḥa, to slaughter, to sacrifice), ذ ب ح (ḏ b ḥ), I
  465. رَجَمْ (rajam, to stone), ر ج م (r j m), I
  466. أَرْضَعَتْ (ʔarḍaʕat, to nurse, to suckle), ر ض ع (r ḍ ʕ), IV
  467. يَرْكَعُ (yarkaʕu, to bow), ر ك ع (r k ʕ), I
  468. يَرْهَقُ (yarhaqu, to cover), ر ه ق (r h q), I
  469. زُوِّجَتْ (zuwwijat, to marry, to be paired), ز و ج (z w j), II
  470. اسْتَبَقَ (to race), س ب ق (s b q), VIII
  471. أَسْكَن (ʔaskan, to make dwell, to settle, to lodge), س ك ن (s k n), IV
  472. سَلَفَ (salafa, to pass (before)), س ل ف (s l f), I
  473. أَسَآءَ (ʔasaʔāʔa, to do evil), س و ء (s w ʔ), IV
  474. سُيِّرَتْ (suyyirat, to move), س ي ر (s y r), II
  475. شَرَحَ (šaraḥa, to expand, to open), ش ر ح (š r ḥ), I
  476. يَشْفَعُ (yašfaʕu, to intercede), ش ف ع (š f ʕ), I
  477. انشَقَّ (to split), ش ق ق (š q q), VII
  478. طَعِمُ (ṭaʕimu, to eat, to taste, to feed), ط ع م (ṭ ʕ m), I
  479. طُمِسَتْ (ṭumisat, to blind, to destroy, to obliterate), ط م س (ṭ m s), I
  480. تَطَهَّرْ (taṭahhar, to cleanse, to purify), ط ه ر (ṭ h r), V
  481. عَتَ (ʕata, to be insolent, to exceed, to rebel), ع ت و (ʕ t w), I
  482. تَعْثَ (taʕṯa, to act wickedly, to commit evil), ع ث و (ʕ ṯ w), I
  483. عَجِلَ (ʕajila, to hasten), ع ج ل (ʕ j l), I
  484. عَجَّلَ (ʕajjala, to hasten), ع ج ل (ʕ j l), II
  485. يَعْتَذِرُ (yaʕtaḏiru, to make excuse), ع ذ ر (ʕ ḏ r), VIII
  486. يَعْرُجُ (yaʕruju, to ascend), ع ر ج (ʕ r j), I
  487. اعْتَصَمُ (to hold fast), ع ص م (ʕ ṣ m), VIII
  488. عَقَرَ (ʕaqara, to hamstrung), ع ق ر (ʕ q r), I
  489. يُعَمَّرُ (yuʕammaru, to grant life), ع م ر (ʕ m r), II
  490. غَلَّ (ḡalla, to defraud, to chain, to shackle), غ ل ل (ḡ l l), I
  491. يُفْتِي (yuftī, to give ruling, to explain, to advise), ف ت ي (f t y), IV
  492. فَرَّط (farraṭ, to neglect, to fail), ف ر ط (f r ṭ), II
  493. فَرَقْ (faraq, to divide), ف ر ق (f r q), I
  494. فَصَلَ (faṣala, to set out, to depart, to judge), ف ص ل (f ṣ l), I
  495. قَبَضْ (qabaḍ, to withhold, to withdraw, to close), ق ب ض (q b ḍ), I
  496. قَرَّبَ (qarraba, to bring close), ق ر ب (q r b), II
  497. اقْتَرَبَ (to approach, to go near), ق ر ب (q r b), VIII
  498. تَقَرَّ (taqarra, to cool, to comfort), ق ر ر (q r r), I
  499. تَقَطَّعَ (taqaṭṭaʕa, to cut, to sever), ق ط ع (q ṭ ʕ), V
  500. أُكْرِهَ (ʔukriha, to compel, to force), ك ر ه (k r h), IV