Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000 in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000 you have here. The definition of the word Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000 will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofAppendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/3001-4000, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
Traditional Simplified Pinyin Meaning
情報 情报 qíngbào (spy) intelligence, information-gathering
前來 前来 qiánlái come
飛彈 飞弹 fēidàn doodlebug, guided missile, V-1, flying bomb, stray bullet, buzz bomb, missile, missilery, robot bomb, payload
寂寞 寂寞 jímò be lonely
專題 专题 zhuāntí special subject/topic
排名 排名 páimíng put names in order
怎樣 怎样 zěnyàng no matter how, in any way, in a certain way, how?, what, how
案例 案例 ànlì moot, precedent, common law, example of case, case, case law
傳送 传送 chuánsòng transmit, deliver
排名 排名 páimíng put names in order
允許 允许 yǔnxǔ permit, allow
認定 认定 rèndìng firmly believe, set one's mind on sth.
威脅 威胁 wēixié threat
大聲 大声 dàshēng loud, loud voice
傳送 传送 chuánsòng transmit, deliver
當做 当做 dāngzuò consider/treat as, function, consider, regard_as, regard as, serve, consider as, look upon as, treat as
經銷商 经销商 jīngxiāoshāng dealership, bookdealer, manufacturer's agent, dealer, book seller, stockist, outlet, franchiser, franchisee
將近 将近 jiāngjìn almost
zhàn war, warfare, battle
愛心 爱心 àixīn liking, pity, love, benevolence, mercy, fondness, commitment
回國 回国 huíguó return to one's country
跑到 跑到 pǎodào run to
過來 过来 guòlái come over/up, up, come over, come up, come_over, come here
印度 印度 yìndù Hindustan, Ind, India, Indic, Bharat
yīn voice, rhyme, news, D, blast, F, sound, tone, aspirate, tidings, asterisk, pure tone
待遇 待遇 dàiyū treatment (salary/etc.)
開會 开会 kāihuì hold/attend meeting
身分 身分 shēnfèn dignity, status, position, capacity, individuality, identity
cún harbour, keep, deposit (money), gather, harbor, cherish, accumulate, existence, live, leave with, retain, reserve, save, consist, accumulation, preserve, survival, store, survive, check (luggage), collect, deposit, place, bank, check, exist, be in stock, remain on balance
留學 留学 liúxué study abroad
重要性 重要性 zhòngyàoxìng moment, eminence, significance, importance, essentiality, ponderance, amount, belongingness, emphasis, magnitude, meaning, account, consequence, gravity, matter, momentousness, distinction, import, accent, essentialness, mark, weight, value, signification, consideration, fundamentality, weightiness, vitalness, stress, prominence, heft, preeminence, materiality, note
時機 时机 shíjī moment, day, an occasion, occasion, go, an opportune moment, opportunity, conjunction, conjuncture, juncture, a suitable (or right) time, turn, opportune moment
國科會 国科会 guókēhuì The National Science Council
時刻 时刻 shíkè moment, occasion, juncture, sand, hour, time
jié m.
開會 开会 kāihuì hold/attend meeting
遭到 遭到 zāodào endure, encounter, meet with, run into, suffer, soak_up
不已 不已 bùyǐ incessantly, endlessly
中油 中油 zhōngyóu Chinese Petroleum Corporation
景氣 景气 jǐngqì conjuncture, activity, boom, prosperity
補充 补充 bǔchōng supply, supplement, augment, replenishment, complement, eke, fill again, accompany, add, renew, replenish, implement, stock, recruit, refill
公主 公主 gōngzhǔ princess
千萬 千万 qiānwàn by all means; absolutely
公布 公布 gōngbù promulgate, announce, publish
zhū piggy, porcine, pig, porker, hoggery, Sus scrofa, piggish, hog, piggery, swine
潛力 潜力 qiánlì bottom, possibility, ability, potency, capability, capableness, potentiality, potential, potential(ity), latent capacity
黃金 黄金 huángjīn gold
單元 单元 dānyuán module, unit, unit of teaching materials, residential unit
街道 街道 jiēdào neighborhood, mews, gate, residential district, neighbourhood, street
luè a little bit, cursorily, any, something, slightly, somewhat, a little, poco, a bit
財產權 财产权 cáichǎnquán estate, property_right, the property right, the property right, property right
地理 地理 dìlǐ geographical, geographic, geographics, geographical features of a place, geography
zhōu Surname
到達 到达 dàodá find, arrive at, go_into, get_in, go, come, show, hit, strike, arrive, fetch_up, range, show_up, gain, come_to, win, reach, come to, attain, lead, go_down, come_in, arrival, get_at, get to, get, touch, make, come_through, arrive_at, land
電信局 电信局 diànxìnjú The Directorate of Telecommunications
促銷 促销 cùxiāo merchandise, sell
工程師 工程师 gōngchéngshī technologist, engineer, applied scientist
確實 确实 quèshí definitely true/real/certain/reliable
遠距 远距 yuǎnjù distant
驚人 惊人 jīngrén alarming, whacking, astounding, spectacular, amazing, astonishing
wèi because of, for (someone or something)
促銷 促销 cùxiāo merchandise, sell
彩色 彩色 cǎisè colour, chromatic, multicolour, colorful
真理 真理 zhēnlǐ god, true, gospel truth, verity, true statement, truism, gospel, truth, veritas
宣佈 宣佈 xuānbù expose, disclose, herald, outlaw, bid, preconize, announce, hail, acclaim, condemn, certify, give, decree, blazon, kithe, break, say, hammer, bring out, divulge, delate, enunciate, impart, publish, reveal, intimate, let on, pronounce, proclaim, discover, let out, hand_down, declare, black, promulgate, give away
變動 变动 biàndòng change, fluctuate
diǎn dot, decimal point, point, spot, drop (of liquid), dot stroke (in Ch. characters), place, aspect, feature, appointed time
市政府 市政府 shìzhèngfǔ municipality, city government, municipal government, city_hall, corporation, city hall
tǎng couch, lie, lean back, recline
jiàn gradually, by degrees
普通 普通 pǔtōng ordinary, common, average
進來 进来 jìnlái come in, enter
涉及 涉及 shèjí come to, pertain, involvement, implicate, entail, relate, cover, deal, concern, bear on, run_on, involve, touch on, refer, touch upon, deal with, touch, come_to, relate to
保護區 保护区 bǎohùqū reserve, reservation, nature preserve, wilderness area
版本 版本 bǎnběn variant, text, variation, version, edition
制定 制定 zhìdìng formulate, draft
定義 定义 dìngyì definition
事項 事项 shìxiàng issue, item, topic, subject, particular, transaction, matter
法則 法则 fǎzé principle, rule, formula, standard method, binding agreement, theorem, statute, law, precept
否認 否认 fǒurèn deny, disavow, repudiation, naysay, denial, gainsay, reject, veto, negate, disclaim, disown, challenge, dispute, renounce, disaffirm, negative, contradict, contravene, repudiate
抱怨 抱怨 bàoyuàn croak, kvetch, scold, quarrel, bitch, squeal, complain, bellyache, plain, grumble, whimper, natter, grizzle, repine, nark, complaint, sound off, nag, whine, quetch, grouch, kick, yammer, backbite, squawk, crab, beef, yawp, rail, rabbit, gripe, inveigh, grouse, moan, holler
宜蘭 宜兰 yílán Yilan (city in Taiwan)
人群 人群 rénqún multitude, scrooge, herd, ruck, scrouge, meiny, crowd, troop, confluence, drove, throng, flock, gang
廣大 广大 guǎngdà large, wide, vast, ample, large-scale, numerous, wide-spread
鄰居 邻居 línjū neighbor
模型 模型 móxíng formula, pattern, mould, mold, modeling, construct, die, convention, exponent, plaything, former, modelling, model, simulation, normal, rule, moulding, molding, shape, matrix, clay sculpture, restoration, toy
忍不住 忍不住 rěnbúzhù unable to endure, can't help but do something, can't help but do sth., cannot help, unable to bear, can't bear
現行 现行 xiànxíng operation, in force/operation, currently in operation, in effect, force, currently in effect, in effect/force/operation, active, current
瓷器 瓷器 cíqì porcelain, chinaware
荷蘭 荷兰 hélán Dutch, Benelux, Netherland, The Netherlands, Netherlands, Holland
家鄉 家乡 jiāxiāng fatherland, country, home, country of origin, native place, mother country, hometown, native land, motherland, homeland
前途 前途 qiántú lookout, future, prospects, prospect, futurity, career
花蓮 花莲 huālián city in Taiwan, Hualien(city in Taiwan)
hán keep in mouth, cherish
合約 合约 héyuē contract, booking, obligation, treaty
官方 官方 guānfāng authorities, official, authority, regime, authorization, government
成效 成效 chéngxiào effect, result
克服 克服 kèfú surmount, conquer, put up with (hardship/etc.)
循環 循环 xúnhuán circulate, cycle.circulatory system
新鮮 新鲜 xīnxiān freshen, novel, fresh, new, strange
和解 和解 héjiě become reconciled
原先 原先 yuánxiān ab initio, at_first, initially, at the start, in_the_beginning, at first, originally
jīn metals, gold, money, ancient metal percussion instruments
yóu oil, fat, grease
tái the short for Taiwan
巨大 巨大 jùdà gigantic, gargantuan, huge
公車 公车 gōngchē bus, cars provided by an organization
傳說 传说 chuánshuō legend
動力 动力 dònglì driving force, impetus, motivity, (motive) power, wheel, (motive) power/force, agency, vector, dynamics, force, motive_power, momentum, power
推行 推行 tuīxíng carry out, practice
capercailzie, Gallus gallus, giblets, chook, horse of the wood, capercaillie, gallinaceous, Tetrao urogallus, sultan, chicken
回應 回应 huíyìng echo, react, answer, respond
介入 介入 jièrù intervene, interpose, get involved
內在 内在 nèizài inhesion, intrinsic, internality, inherent, internal, immanence, inherence
人體 人体 réntǐ soma, form, body, build, human body, anatomy, figure, chassis, physique, bod, carcass, shape, frame, physical body, material body, flesh, anthropometry
介入 介入 jièrù intervene, interpose, get involved
wèi mean, be called, say
臺大 台大 táidà National Taiwan University
què firmly, indeed, truly
néng can, be able to, be capable of
美術 美术 měishù constructivism, beaux arts, beaux-arts, artistic production, artistic creation, painting, fineart, fine_art, cubism, art, fine arts
活力 活力 huólì juvenility, sprightliness, pulse, youthfulness, stamina, bounciness, birr, sparkle, will, vigor, life, energy, vinegar, zap, vim, viridity, pride, livingness, vis, starch, get-up-and-go, mercury, vitality, zing, ginger, sap, pepper, zip, bang, verve, verdure, lifeblood, devilry, dynamism, nature, oomph, vigour, flush, punch, ambition, virility, life-blood, liveliness, pazazz, peppiness, pep, p
zhì incur, cause
活動 活动 huódòng exercise, move about, use personal influence or irregular means
wán exhaust, run_out, wipe_out, run out, pay, complete, completion, finish, be through, be over, use_up, wind up, payment, use up, pay (taxes), end up
那麼多 那么多 nàmeduō det.: so much
物理 物理 wùlǐ physical, physics, natural philosophy, physical science
推行 推行 tuīxíng carry out, practice
zhōng eventually, after all, in the end
分成 分成 fēnchéng divide, split a bonus, divide into, divide (into)
台中市 台中市 táizhōngshì Taichung(big city in Taiwan)
代理 代理 dàilǐ act as agent/proxy
樂趣 乐趣 lèqù amusement, playfulness, fun, merriment, pleasure, sweet, delight, bang, entertainment, enjoyment, pleasance, joy
超級 超级 chāojí super
勞動 劳动 láodòng work, labor
唯有 唯有 wéiyǒu only, alone
宣傳 宣传 xuānchuán propagandist, publicist
交給 交给 jiāogěi relinquish, give_away, submit, give to, hand/give to, hand to, give_up, reach, hand
受傷 受伤 shòushāng injure, bruise, injured, be wounded, crush, hurt, sustain an injury, be injured, wounded, maimed, wound
講師 讲师 jiǎngshī docent, professor, lecturer, instructor, reader, lector
抵達 抵达 dǐdá reach, arrive at
體重 体重 tǐzhòng body weight, beef, (body) weight, avoirdupois, weight
不見得 不见得 bújiàndé not likely, not necessarily/likely, likely, unlikely, not necessarily
領導 领导 lǐngdǎo leader
蝸牛 蜗牛 guānióu snail
群眾 群众 qúnzhòng swarm, posse, herd, huddle, ruck, concourse, crowd, varletry, the masses/People, lineup, throng, the masses, mob, multitude, press, mobility, clamjamfry, People, crush, jam, horde, the People, confluence, army, flock, mass
抵達 抵达 dǐdá reach, arrive at
刻意 刻意 kèyì fastidiously, sedulously, conscious, purposely, painstakingly
李登輝 李登辉 lǐdēnghuī Li Denghui, a past president of Taiwan
合作社 合作社 hézuòshè cooperative, cooperation, co-op, artel
印尼 印尼 yìnní Indonesia
規格 规格 guīgé quality requirements, requirement, specification, standard, spec, criterion, measure, touchstone, specifications
價值觀 价值观 jiàzhíguān values, valuation
依賴 依赖 yīlài rely/depend on
百貨公司 百货公司 bǎihuògōngsī department store
負擔 负担 fùdān bear, shoulder
fēng m.
馬路 马路 mǎlù drive, road, driveway, riding, a road, carriageway, avenue, street, a street used by vehicular traffic
通知 通知 tōngzhī notify, inform
普及 普及 pǔjí popularize, disseminate, spread
píng m.
绿 green
不安 不安 bùān be anxious; be uneasy; be restless
鐵路 铁路 tiělù rails, railroad track, loop-line, rail, Pullman, railway, road, couchette, chemmy, railroad
普及 普及 pǔjí popularize, disseminate, spread
錄影帶 录影带 lùyǐngdài videotape, video tape, recording
局面 局面 júmiàn aspect, picture, state of affairs, situation, conjuncture, facet, position, phase
團隊 团队 tuánduì team
優先 优先 yōuxiān preferential, preferred, priority
duì treat, be trained on, answer, reply, compare, check, set, adjust
進去 进去 jìnqù enter, entry, go_in, get in, go in
huáng Surname
神經 神经 shénjīng nervus, nerve
近來 近来 jìnlái newly, of late, lately, fresh, new, latterly, in recent times, freshly, yesterday, late, recently
英語 英语 yīngyǔ English, English (language), profit, surplus
刺激 刺激 cìjī stimulate, provoke, irritate, upset
yáng kidney, drover, baa, trotter, argali, mutton, sheep, Surname
老虎 老虎 lǎohǔ cat, tiger, Panthera tigris, puss
所得 所得 suǒdé harvest, gains, taking, earnings, finance, revenue, proceeds, income
健全 健全 jiànquán sound, perfect
biān v.1 and v.2 simultaneously
主體 主体 zhǔtǐ main body, body, hypostasis, main body/part, subject, principal part, corpus, main part, part
大致 大致 dàzhì roughly
對手 对手 duìshǒu mate, competitor, opposite, antagonist, comparative, contender, adversary, opponent, opposition, counterpart, equal, counterworker, rival, match
還要 还要 háiyào even more, even/still more, even, still more
健全 健全 jiànquán sound, perfect
建構 建构 jiàngòu fabricate
星星 星星 xīngxīng star
建構 建构 jiàngòu fabricate
大哥 大哥 dàgē eldest brother, elder brother, gang leader
培育 培育 péiyū cultivate, foster, breed
用心 用心 yòngxīn be diligent/attentive
書記 书记 shūjì scribe, penpusher, clerkship, amanuensis, secretarial assistant, pencil pusher, actuary, recorder, secretary, secretariat, clerk, scrivener
財政部 财政部 cáizhèngbù exchequer, ministry of finance, Treasury Department, Ministry of Fianance, Treasury, treasury, Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury
培育 培育 péiyū cultivate, foster, breed
遊行 遊行 yóuxíng parade, march, demonstrate
xíng be all right
太平洋 太平洋 tàipíngyáng Pacific_Ocean, the Pacific, Pacific, Pacific Ocean, the Pacific Ocean
zào arrive at, training, create, go to, build, invent, construct, education, concoction, mint, invention, cook up, educate, establish, fabricate, make, concoct, train
咖啡 咖啡 kāfēi arabica, coffee, cafe, Java, java, mocha, blackstrap
名單 名单 míngdān checklist, register, registry, list, roll, listing, roster, name list
注重 注重 zhùzhòng lay stress on, pay attention to
周圍 周围 zhōuwéi all around, circumference, circumambience, compass, ambit, periphery, circumambiency, round, surrounding, perimeter, environment, precinct, vicinity, circuit, ambience, around
主權 主权 zhǔquán imperium, ascendance, reign, ascendency, ascendancy, possession, empire, majesty, signory, paramountcy, lordship, sovereign rights, sovereignty, raj, supremacy, dominion, ownership
水泥 水泥 shuǐní cement
jìn close, near
合法 合法 héfǎ legal, well-formed, rightful, lawful, legitimate
便利 便利 biànlì facilitate
落後 落后 luòhòu fall/lay behind
詢問 询问 xúnwèn ask about, inquire
送給 送给 sònggěi present to, to give as a present, send to, give, send/present to, to present
wéi only, alone, but
biǎo table, form, list
糾紛 纠纷 jiūfēn entanglement, embarrassment, cobweb, skein, embroilment, dissension, complication, issue, conflict, confusion, dispute, shindig, knottiness, dustup, aggro, tangle, betanglement, maze, imbroglio, strife
空中 空中 kōngzhōng in_the_air, air, in the sky, sky, aerial, open air/sky, open air, space, open sky, midair
過於 过于 guòyū to a fault, unduly, too_much, troppo, over-, excessively, too, too much
rèn serve in a position, appoint to a position
wǎn far on in time, late
車站 车站 chēzhàn station
有助於 有助于 yǒuzhùyū helpful to, lead, advantage, redound, be conducive, conduce, be conducive to, conduce to, sell, contribute to, subserve, avail, contribute
便利 便利 biànlì facilitate
落後 落后 luòhòu fall/lay behind
之類 之类 zhīlèi conj.: such like
下降 下降 xiàjiàng descend, go/come down, drop, fall, decline
手續 手续 shǒuxù formality, procedures, formalities, procedure
轉換 转换 zhuǎnhuàn change, transform
立法 立法 lìfǎ legislation, legislative, legislate
dāo knife, sword, blade, sth. shaped like a knife
帶給 带给 dàigěi take, bring to
涵蓋 涵盖 hángài cover, include
差不多 差不多 chābùduō good enough
主持人 主持人 zhǔchírén anchor, emcee, host, symposiarch, anchorman, director, impresario, chair, chairperson, linkman, presenter, compere, master of ceremonies, moderator
完工 完工 wángōng finish doing sth.
yáng poplar tree, Surname, Yang, poplar
內政部 内政部 nèizhèngbù Interior, Ministry of the Interior Affairs, interior, Department of the Interior, Ministry of Home Affairs, Interior Department
duǒ avoid, hide, hide oneself, dodge, hide (oneself)
美術館 美术馆 měishùguǎn picture gallary, salon, art gallery, pinacotheca, museum, gallery
領先 领先 lǐngxiān lead, lead (in competition), precede, lead_up, be in lead, show, be in the lead, get the jump
不當 不当 búdàng unsuitable, inappropriate
用地 用地 yòngdì site, location, land (of certain purpose)
認知 认知 rènzhī cognize, perceive
基層 基层 jīcéng grass-roots unit, basic/primary level
做出 做出 zuòchū throw_off, give, to make, to do, make, place
政權 政权 zhèngquán rein, political power, political/state power, state power, power, regime, political
甚麼 什么 shéme det.: what
風景區 风景区 fēngjǐngqū scenic spot
季節 季节 jìjié season
享有 享有 xiǎngyǒu enjoy (right/etc.)
對不起 对不起 duìbùqǐ be unfair to, I'm sorry, let ... down, let sb. down, excuse me
建設 建设 jiànshè build, construct
出口 出口 chūkǒu export
引導 引导 yǐndǎo guide, lead
實行 实行 shíxíng put into effect, fulfil, put ... into practice, practise, practice, put into practice/effect, live, pass, obtain, prosecute, cause, phase, meet, carry_out, pull, effect, operate, carry out, actualize, use, effectuate, put ... into effect, perform, apply, put into practice, run, implement, execute, do, make, wage, implementation
錯誤 错误 cuòwù wrong, mistaken
國內外 国内外 guónèiwài inside and outside the country
神話 神话 shénhuà fairy story, fairy tale, mythos, mythic, fable, fairytale, myth, mythology
jìn use up, exhaust, try one's best, put to best use, end
花園 花园 huāyuán flower garden
非洲 非洲 fēizhōu Africa
組織 组织 zǔzhī organize, form
音樂會 音乐会 yīnyuèhuì musicale, philharmonic, concert
then, afterwards
預估 预估 yūgū predict
著作 著作 zhùzuò composition, writing, composing, oeuvre, work, opus, literature, writings, book, production, bookmaking, body of work
感受到 感受到 gǎnshòudào feel, sense, experience
保障 保障 bǎozhàng guarantee, safeguard
自主 自主 zìzhǔ be one's own master, take initiative
好多 好多 hǎoduō det : many, much
自主 自主 zìzhǔ be one's own master, take initiative
姑娘 姑娘 gūniáng quiff, cummer, gill, calico, girlie, missy, moll, damsel, fille, girl, jill, miss, judy, jeune fille, sheila, jane, lass, colleen, toots, daughter, young girl, lassie
財團 财团 cáituán financial group, foundation, consortium, a consortium, a syndicate, syndicate, pool, conglomerate, empire, big business, a money clique
預期 预期 yūqí expect, anticipate
安定 安定 āndìng stabilize
上升 上升 shàngshēng rise
未必 未必 wèibì may_not, not necessarily, may not
dùn metric ton, acre, ton, m., ,A, MT, tonne, t
模擬 模拟 mónǐ imitate, simulate
發言 发言 fāyán speak, make statement/speech
底下 底下 dǐxià under, below, beneath
安定 安定 āndìng stabilize
模擬 模拟 mónǐ imitate, simulate
piào ticket, ballot, note
出門 出门 chūmén go_out, go on journey, go out, go on a journey, be away from home
輔助 辅助 fǔzhù assist
傾向 倾向 qīngxiàng tendency, trend, inclination
過年 过年 guònián celebrate/spend New Year
zhào according to, in accordance with, towards
miào shrine, sanctorium, joss house, temple fair, temple
bāng help, assist
人工 人工 réngōng man-made, artificiality, manual work, manpower, art, labor
gift, present
xìn believe, true
勝利 胜利 shènglì win victory/success
魅力 魅力 mèilì personal appeal, allurement, charisma, fascination, spell, attractive feature, glitter, witchery, lure, appeal, grace, loveliness, attraction, allure, enticement, seduction, glamour, pazazz, charm, pishogue, prestige, enchantment, glamor, witchcraft, magnetism, attractiveness, appealingness, hypnotism, bewitchment, invitation, personal magnetism, captivation
首長 首长 shǒuzhǎng magistrate, lord, principal, header, chief, governor, raja, leading cadre, doge, senior officer
勝利 胜利 shènglì win victory/success
過年 过年 guònián celebrate/spend New Year
毫不 毫不 háobù nohow, not at all, no, no more, none, nowise, nothing
組長 组长 zǔzhǎng chief/head of group/section
專長 专长 zhuāncháng department, excellence, metier, knowledge, speciality, specialty, specialism, specialisation, special skill/knowledge, special knowledge, adept, expertise, special skill, medium, forte, specialization
物品 物品 wùpǐn whatchamacallit, sundry, stuff, commodity, affair, physical object, goods, article, object, content, whatsis, res, sundries
後者 后者 hòuzhě latter, the latter
輔助 辅助 fǔzhù assist
珍貴 珍贵 zhēnguì valuable, precious
景象 景象 jǐngxiàng prospects, spectacle, scene, picture, sight, show
選出 选出 xuǎnchū come_up, winnow, mark, come up, mark_out, select, single_out, center out, return, single out, vote, designate
澎湖 澎湖 pénghú Peng-hu(county in Taiwan)
學員 学员 xuéyuán trainee, member of institution of learning, student
監督 监督 jiāndū supervise, superintend, control
加拿大 加拿大 jiānádà Northman, Canadian, Canada
以色列 以色列 yǐsèliè Beulah, Israel, Zion
參賽 参赛 cānsài take part in match, enter competition
混亂 混乱 hǔnluàn confused, chaotic
走出 走出 zǒuchū leave, walk out
收到 收到 shōudào hear, find, achievement, receive, receipt, obtain, achieve, incur, get, come_to
Buddha, Buddhism, image of Buddha
如同 如同 rútóng like, similar to
chū at the beginning of, in the early part of
混亂 混乱 hǔnluàn confused, chaotic
pái stand in line, arrange, put in order, sequence
歲月 岁月 suìyuè precession, years, days, time
參賽 参赛 cānsài take part in match, enter competition
屆時 届时 jièshí at appointed time, on the occasion
這邊 这边 zhèbiān this side, here
bān m.
塑造 塑造 sùzào model, mold, portray
權威 权威 quánwēi authoritativeness, sanction, pontiff, prince, pundit, a person of authority, authority, princedom, muscle, power, pope
雙重 双重 shuāngchóng twofold, dual, diploid, double
古老 古老 gǔlǎo ancient, old
廣播 广播 guǎngbō broadcast, air
樂觀 乐观 lèguān be optimistic; be hopeful
塑造 塑造 sùzào model, mold, portray
定期 定期 dìngqí fixed (of time), periodically, regularly
強大 强大 qiángdà big and powerful, formidable
社會主義 社会主义 shèhuìzhǔyì socialist, socialism
事宜 事宜 shìyí arrangements, matters concerned, affairs, arrangement, personal business
交往 交往 jiāowǎng associate, contact
時空 时空 shíkōng time and space, space-time
露出 露出 lòuchū bare, demonstrate, disclose, expose, crop out, show, basset, uncover, protrude, appear, reveal, emerge, evidence, tell, uncase, outcrop, peep, betray, ride, ascertain
請教 请教 qǐngjiào consultation, Please enlighten me., seek advice, take counsel, consult, ask, ask for advice
繁榮 繁荣 fánróng flourishing, prosperous, booming
嬉皮 嬉皮 xīpí flower child, hippy, hippie
繁榮 繁荣 fánróng flourishing, prosperous, booming
jīn m.
conj.: and
行情 行情 hángqíng prices, quotation, (market) quotations, market, price, quotations
先導 先导 xiāndǎo pacesetter, forerunner, precursor, vanguard, guide
防治 防治 fángzhì prevent and cure, prophylaxis and treatment
列入 列入 lièrù be listed, be listed/placed, placed, be placed, rank
依據 依据 yījù basis, foundation
完美 完美 wánměi perfect, consummate
同胞 同胞 tóngbāo offspring of same parents, paisano, neighbour, countrymen, countryfolk, fellow countryman, neighbor, compatriot, countryman, cousin
原理 原理 yuánlǐ principle, tenet
財富 财富 cáifù opulence, pile, worth, fortune, moneybag, riches, mammon, substance, wealth, wealthy, gold, lucre, means, shekel, pelf, opulency, money, oof, nabobery
huáng yellow, spoiled, withered
難免 难免 nánmiǎn hard to avoid
中小企業 中小企业 zhōngxiǎoqìyè medium and small enterprise, middle and small types enterprises
全力 全力 quánlì all one's strength, wholehearted dedication
影響到 影响到 yǐngxiǎngdào concern, impinge_on, interfere
貴族 贵族 guìzú baron, aristocratism, atheling, nobleman, jarl, grandee, raja, aristocracy, patrician, blue blood, lord, magnifico, noble, aristocrat, baronage, peer, mogul, nobility, patricianhood, peerage, sirdar, amir, nobles
祖先 祖先 zǔxiān parent, father, forbear, forefathers, origin, progenitor, propositus, pedigree, forebear, forefather, antecedent, ascendent, grandfather, ancestor, forerunner, grandsire, stirp, root, ancestry, grandmother, antecedents, forbears, stirps, ascendant, primogenitor, ancestral, ancestors, sire, stock, forebears
dài treat, entertain
怎麼 怎么 zěnme what
流通 流通 liútōng circulate
姊姊 姊姊 jiějiě big_sister, older sister, big sister
chún pure, simple
學會 学会 xuéhuì learn, master
聯繫 联系 liánxì integrate, relate, link, get in touch with
bào report, reply
颱風 台风 táifēng typhoon
pán m.
精緻 精致 jīngzhì fine, exquisite, delicate
聯考 联考 liánkǎo general examination, entrance examination
隊伍 队伍 duìwǔ cue, procession, contingent, ranks, troops, gang
大台北 大台北 dàtáiběi Taipei area
和尚 和尚 héshàng bonze, talapoin, monk, Bhikku, Buddhist monk
聯繫 联系 liánxì integrate, relate, link, get in touch with
回收 回收 huíshōu recycle
便是 便是 biànshì even if
hòu det.: later, succeeding
師範 师范 shīfàn teacher-training, pedagogical
陷入 陷入 xiànrù plunge, be immersed in, land oneself in, slump, be caught in, lapse, launch, get_into, fall_in, invaginate, be deep in, engulf, run_into, fall_into, be lost/immersed in, be lost, sink into, tangle, fall into, immerse, sink, be lost in, bed, immersed in, get bogged down in, land, sink/fall into
高度 高度 gāodù altitude, height, high degree
rent out
義大利 义大利 yìdàlì Italy
籃球 篮球 lánqiú basketball
生產力 生产力 shēngchǎnlì fecundity, fertility, productive force, prolificacy, output, productivity
fàn violate, offend, attack, assail, work against, commit, have recurrence (of old illness), revert (to bad habit)
評鑑 评鑑 píngjiàn pass judgment on, evaluate, assess
搜尋 搜寻 sōuxún search/look for, seek
有利 有利 yǒulì be advantageous/beneficial
情境 情境 qíngjìng situation, experimental condition, condition, circumstances
處處 处处 chùchù everywhere, in all respects
物價 物价 wùjià commodity prices
right, suitable
nòng play with, make, do, handle, engage in, obtain, get, fetch, play tricks
gēn roots of a plant, the base
評鑑 评鑑 píngjiàn pass judgment on, evaluate, assess
tàng m.
歌曲 歌曲 gēqǔ melody, aria, song, madrigal, chant, lied, tune
shāo oven broil, roast, burn, broil, run a fever, baking, stew ... in soy sauce, cook, heat, bake, burning, burnt, stew, grill, cooking, have a temperature
zhào Zhao, Surname
文物 文物 wénwù historical relics, cultural objects, artifact, historical relic, cultural relic, cultural/historical objects/relics, cultural, historical objects, relics
四處 四处 sìchù about, all around, everywhere, everyplace, all over, throughout, around
心臟 心脏 xīnzàng ticker, cardiac, center, pump, heart
難怪 难怪 nánguài no wonder
唱歌 唱歌 chànggē sing
數目 数目 shùmù figure, count, amount, number
不時 不时 bùshí betweentimes, every so often, frequently, somewhile, at any time, every now and then, often
修訂 修订 xiūdìng revise
詞彙 词汇 cíhuì mental lexicon, vocabulary, wordbook, lexicon, word-stock, lexis, words and phrases
乾脆 干脆 gāncuì direct, forthright
社長 社长 shèzhǎng director (of association, principal, etc.), director, president/director (of association/etc.), president
修訂 修订 xiūdìng revise
唱歌 唱歌 chànggē sing
球場 球场 qiúchǎng playing_field, gridiron, court, ball field, field, pitch, course, park, ballpark
身份 身份 shēnfèn state, dignity, station, estate, body, estate of the realm, capacity, status, standing, caste, doctorate, place, identity, condition
解釋 解释 jiěshì explanation, interpretation
計畫 计画 jìhuà plan
水果 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit
發明 发明 fāmíng invention
戶外 户外 hùwài air, outdoor, open_air, out-of-doors, open, outdoors, open air, open-air
司法 司法 sīfǎ justice, judicature, administration of justice, judicatory, judiciary, judgeship, judicial, judgship
熱門 热门 rèmén favorite, in great demand, popular
環保局 环保局 huánbǎojú State Bureau of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Environmental Protection
解放 解放 jiěfàng liberate, emancipate
cǎo female (of animals), herb, herbage, female, careless, hasty, grass, rough, wort, draft, straw
東吳 东吴 dōngwú Soochow University
幸運 幸运 xìngyùn very fortunate, lucky
解放 解放 jiěfàng liberate, emancipate
違規 违规 wéiguī violate rule/regulation
下來 下来 xiàlái come down from a higher place
熱心 热心 rèxīn be enthusiastic about
suàn calculate, compute, figure, include, count, plan, think, suppose
lǐng receive, draw, get, have jurisdiction over, be in possession of
創新 创新 chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas, blaze new trails
diàn electricity
靈魂 灵魂 línghún god, anima, Psyche, psyche, spirit, pneuma, ghost, manes, soul
尊嚴 尊严 zūnyán honour, dignity, loftiness, face, worship, self-regard, majesty, sanctity, self-respect, dignified, stateliness, self-esteem, honor
協商 协商 xiéshāng consult, talk things over
wǎng net
軍人 军人 jūnrén soldiery, soldier, swordsman, buffcoat, armyman, serviceman, military
物件 物件 wùjiàn thing, article, object
省府 省府 shěngfǔ Taiwan Provincial Government
bèi learn by heart, recite from memory
書法 书法 shūfǎ calligraphy
違規 违规 wéiguī violate rule/regulation
創新 创新 chuàngxīn bring forth new ideas, blaze new trails
運輸 运输 yùnshū transport
禮拜 礼拜 lǐbài week
guān look at, watch, observe
願望 愿望 yuànwàng wish, desire, pleasure, Eros, will, orexis, desirability, dream, wishfulness, mind, mirage, wistfulness, aspiration, ambition, hope
臨床 临床 línchuáng clinical
liàn practice, exercise, boil and scour raw silk, educate, reeducate, nurture, coach, hone, drill, school, lunge, break, breed, train
麻煩 麻烦 máfán trouble sb., bother
當成 当成 dāngchéng regard as, take for, consider as, regard/consider as, treat as, regard
皇帝 皇帝 huángdì emperor
男孩 男孩 nánhái feller, sonny boy, male child, tad, sonny, laddie, lad, child, man-child, cub, blighter, Jack, male offspring, boy
有錢 有钱 yǒuqián wealthy, be wealthy, be rich, rich, moneyed
瑞士 瑞士 ruìshì Svizzera, Swiss Confederation, bise, Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse
何況 何况 hékuàng conj.: much less, let alone, all the more
擴充 扩充 kuòchōng expand, strengthen, augment
獎勵 奖励 jiǎnglì encourage and reward, award
分佈 分佈 fēnbù be distributed (over an area), be scattered
競賽 竞赛 jìngsài contest, competition
對應 对应 duìyìng correspondence, harmonize, map, homologous, corresponding, mapping, agree, reciprocal, counterpart, represent, stand for, accord, equate, homologize, correspond
嚴肅 严肃 yánsù serious, solemn
脫離 脱离 tuōlí depart, disaffiliate, sever, wander, disengage, renegade, defect, secede, splinter, break away, drop_out, free, opt, extricate, bolt, separate oneself from, break up, be divorced from, separate, deviate, swerve, break_loose, prescind, escape_from, pervert
主委 主委 zhǔwěi head member of a committee
應付 应付 yìngfù hack, cope_with, treat, stand, bridge_over, come_on, do sth. perfunctorily, cope with, handle, cope, do ... perfunctorily, deal/cope with, cut, make do, deal, deal with, respond
注意到 注意到 zhùyìdào find, acknowledge, mark, discover, observe, pay attention to, heed, notice, realize, detect, catch, note
安裝 安装 ānzhuāng install, erect, fix, mount
國王 国王 guówáng regal, crowned_head, Rex, crown, kingdom, Pharaoh, male monarch, roi, king
zhuó put on (clothes)
pen, technique of writing/calligraphy/drawing, stroke
發達 发达 fādá developed, flourishing
單一 单一 dānyī one, unitary, singular, monolithic, single
安裝 安装 ānzhuāng install, erect, fix, mount
歷經 历经 lìjīng have experienced
飲料 饮料 yǐnliào stuff, bibation, drinkable, beverage, belly-wash, potation, quencher, soft_drink, slop, brewage, potable, drink
萬一 万一 wànyī conj.: just in case, if by any chance
機械 机械 jīxiè mechanics, enginery, rig, machinery, mechanism, machine, appliance, mechanical
影響力 影响力 yǐngxiǎnglì influence, potency, carry-over, impact, encroachment, force, leavening, consequence, pull, leaven, shadow, powerfulness, hold, impingement, authority, heft, juice, power, counterbalance
不免 不免 bùmiǎn unavoidably
加速 加速 jiāsù quicken, accelerate, expedite
加州 加州 jiāzhōu California
zhuān concentrated, special, specially, only, focused, tyrannical, arbitrary
比率 比率 bǐlù ratio, percentage, rate, proportion, clip, quotient
科目 科目 kēmù discipline, headings in account book, school subject, school course, school subject/course, subject, category of subjects, course
致力 致力 zhìlì concentrate_on, bend, devote oneself (to), dedicate, devote oneself, devote oneself to, devote, work for
完善 完善 wánshàn perfect, consummate
成人 成人 chéngrén grownup, adult, majority, manhood, grown-up
吵架 吵架 chǎojià quarrel, have a row/spat
名額 名额 míngé number of people allowed, quota of people
完善 完善 wánshàn perfect, consummate
吵架 吵架 chǎojià quarrel, have a row/spat
換句話說 换句话说 huànjùhuàshuō that is to say, viz., namely, in other words, videlicet
chǎn give birth to, be delivered of, produce
不然 不然 bùrán conj.: otherwise, if not, or else
支付 支付 zhīfù pay (money), defray
可行 可行 kěxíng feasible
支付 支付 zhīfù pay (money), defray
變化 变化 biànhuà change, vary
競選 竞选 jìngxuǎn campaign (for office), run for
guān shut, close, turn off, lock up, close down
競選 竞选 jìngxuǎn campaign (for office), run for
雙手 双手 shuāngshǒu lily-white, both hands
有些 有些 yǒuxiē kind_of, rather, somewhat
míng famous
biǎo indicate
社員 社员 shèyuán commune member
chǎn give birth to, be delivered of, produce
反應 反应 fǎnyìng react, respond
jiǎ false, fake, phony, artificial
樂園 乐园 lèyuán Elysian Fields, paradise, Valhalla, Eden, playground, Elysium, fairyland
餓死 饿死 èsǐ famish, starve, hunger, starve to death
water, waterfront, a name referring to the provinces of Hunan and Hub, lacustrine, loch, mere, lake, lough, Hunan and Hubei, laky
國際化 国际化 guójìhuà internationlize
營養 营养 yíngyǎng nutrition, nourishment
zhuǎn turn, revolve, rotate
不便 不便 búbiàn inconvenient, inappropriate
fǎn on the contrary, instead
山地 山地 shāndì mountainous, mountainous country, fields on a hill, hillside field, mountainous region, hilly country, upland, mountainous/hilly country, hilly area
考驗 考验 kǎoyàn test, trial
不變 不变 búbiàn not change
chéng accomplish, succeed
國際化 国际化 guójìhuà internationlize
時光 时光 shíguāng years, times, days, hour, time
念書 念书 niànshū read, study
多元化 多元化 duōyuánhuà become many-faceted
交通部 交通部 jiāotōngbù Ministry of Communications
依法 依法 yīfǎ in conformity with legal provisions, lawfully, in accordance with the law, wrongfully, legally, de jure, according to law
多元化 多元化 duōyuánhuà become many-faceted
sāo m.
強化 强化 qiánghuà strengthen, intensify, consolidate
yān smoke, mist, vapor
勢力 势力 shìlì strength, influence, potency, weight, hold, leverage, yoke, sway, force, steam, presence, power, puissance
敵人 敌人 dírén antagonist, enemy, enemy force, foeman, opponent, adversary, hostile force, foe, opposing force
儀器 仪器 yíqì instrumentation, device, setup, apparatus, instrumental, instrument, armamentarium
功夫 功夫 gōngfū workmanship, skill, art
不景氣 不景气 bùjǐngqì depressive, in depression, in depressing state, recession
離婚 离婚 líhūn divorce
chí hold, grasp
財政 财政 cáizhèng finance
離婚 离婚 líhūn divorce
倫理 伦理 lúnlǐ value orientation, value-system, moral, moral principle, morals, ethical, ethical motive, ethic, moral principles, morality, ethics
強盜 强盗 qiángdào hijacker, ravener, robber, rifler, freebooter, housebreaker, mugger, stickup, highwayman, brigand, ripoff, robbery, bandit, dacoit
負面 负面 fùmiàn negative, negativeness, reverse (side), reverse
企業界 企业界 qìyèjiè business, business circles, enterprise
紅色 红色 hóngsè red color
施行 施行 shīxíng put in force, execute, implement, apply, perform
列為 列为 lièwéi be classified as
強化 强化 qiánghuà strengthen, intensify, consolidate
xìng name
關切 关切 guānqiè be deeply concerned
眾人 众人 zhòngrén everybody
禮物 礼物 lǐwù tribute, giving, proffer, gift, compliment, box, benefice, acknowledgment, present, souvenir
不利 不利 búlì unfavorable, detrimental, unsuccessful
不佳 不佳 bùjiā be no good
教育廳 教育厅 jiàoyūtīng Office of Education
家屬 家属 jiāshǔ blood relative, kinswoman, kinsman, household, kinfolk, kin, dependent, kinsfolk, family members, family dependents, cognate, folk, sib, people, dependents, blood relation, family members/dependents
咱們 咱们 zánmen we, you and I
呼吸 呼吸 hūxī take a breather, respiratory, take a breath, respire, catch one's breath, inspire, breathe, rest, suspire, respiration
兒女 儿女 érnǔ sons and daughters, young man and woman, children, young males and females, child
kuǎn m.
象徵 象征 xiàngzhēng symbol, emblem, token
zhǔ boil, scald, seethe, poach, cook
顯著 显著 xiǎnzhù outstand, striking, noticeable, remarkable, appear, marked, notable, outstanding, stand_out
大躍進 大跃进 dàyuèjìn Great Leap Forward
zhǐ demeanor, bearing
hand/turn over to, commit to, pay
演員 演员 yǎnyuán actor or actress, playactor, imitator, stage manager, barnstormer, actor, performer, impersonator, cast, performing artist, dramatis personae, role player, histrionic, thespian, trouper, player, cast of characters, stager, histrion
嬰兒 婴儿 yīngér babe, baby infant, wean, neonate, papoose, nestling, parvulus, baby, cheeper, child, bantling, nursling, bambino, infant, nurseling, infantile, suckling, chrisom
典禮 典礼 diǎnlǐ religious rite, celebration, ceremony, ceremonial occasion, exercise, observance, function, ceremonial, ritual, order, rite
忍受 忍受 rěnshòu forbear, hack, dree, stomach, abide, hurt, aby, hold still for, stick, brave out, live on, ache, endure, cut, swallow, suffer, brave, brook, bide, thole, digest, receive, stand, absorb, go, put up, hold out, live, hold up, sustain, abye, support, stand_for, bear, stand for, survive, last, tolerate, weather
城鎮 城镇 chéngzhèn cities and towns
異常 异常 yìcháng unusual, extraordinary, abnormal
補助 补助 bǔzhù subsidization
案子 案子 ànzi case (of law/etc.)
好朋友 好朋友 hǎopéngyǒu gossip, chum, crony, buddie, matey, good friend, pal
輕易 轻易 qīngyì lightly, rashly
碼頭 码头 mǎtóu commercial/transportation center, port city, landing, pier, marina, commercial center, quay, wharf, levee, landing place, jetty, commercial, stage, commercial and transportation center, transportation center, wharfage, staith, dock
計劃 计划 jìhuà plan
服務業 服务业 fúwùyè service industry, service, service trades
工作站 工作站 gōngzuòzhàn work station, workstation
外表 外表 wàibiǎo shell, outward appearance, outwall, mess, presentation, resemblance, externality, semblance, guise, visual aspect, outwardness, exterior, rind, showing, look, superficies, likeness, mien, appearance, vizard, surface, garment, external, getup
xióng ursine, Xiong, Surname, bear
勢必 势必 shìbì certainly will, be bound to
鬥爭 斗争 dòuzhēng battle, fight
研擬 研拟 yánnǐ research and formulate something
行列 行列 hángliè parade, procession, ranks, waiting line, cortege, promenade, row, single file, Indian file, column, queue, lineup, file, rank
研擬 研拟 yánnǐ research and formulate something
收藏 收藏 shōucáng collect, store up
法人 法人 fǎrén legal person, juridical/corporate person, corporate, legal/juridical/corporate person, juridical, incorporation, legal, artificial person, corporate person, incorporator, person, corp, juridic person, corporation
收藏 收藏 shōucáng collect, store up
企圖 企图 qìtú attempt, intend
再次 再次 zàicì once again, once_more, second time, again, a second time, over, third, once more/again, once more
科系 科系 kēxì department, department (in a college), faculty
贊助 赞助 zànzhù support, assist
網球 网球 wǎngqiú lawn tennis, tennis, follow-through, tennis ball
人心 人心 rénxīn the will of people, human heart, public feeling, popular feeling
有用 有用 yǒuyòng belong, profit, count, useful, avail, powerful
聚集 聚集 jùjí gather, assemble, collect
編列 编列 biānliè budget
證據 证据 zhèngjù support, telltale, testification, witness, case, testimonial, documentation, grounds, evidential, token, proof, earnest, testimony, cogent evidence, attestation, testament, evidence
自身 自身 zìshēn self, oneself
編列 编列 biānliè budget
寫作 写作 xiězuò writing
chèn while
進度 进度 jìndù pace, rate of advance, schedule, rate, planned speed, gradation, tempo
提前 提前 tíqián counter, foresee, shift to an earlier date, set ahead, advance date, advanced, advancement, move up, anticipate, advance, forestall
氣息 气息 qìxí breath, flatus, look, feeling, spirit, smell, snuff, feel, breathing, flavor, tone, taste, flavour
工業區 工业区 gōngyèqū industrial estate, industrial park
聚集 聚集 jùjí gather, assemble, collect
會談 会谈 huìtán talk
慾望 慾望 yūwàng appetence, libido, desire, lust, lecherousness, drive, flesh, lustfulness, want, passion
shū lose, be defeated
優良 优良 yōuliáng fine, good
文獻 文献 wénxiàn document, bibliography, data related to a country's history, bibliographic, literature, data, data/documents related to a country's history/culture/etc., documents related to a country's culture, documents related to a country's history, culture, etc.
籌備 筹备 chóubèi prepare, arrange, plan
quàn encourage, urge, talk, advise, advice, persuade, prevail, encouragement, try to persuade, exhort
追蹤 追踪 zhuīzōng follow trail, track
籌備 筹备 chóubèi prepare, arrange, plan
有線 有线 yǒuxiàn wired
會談 会谈 huìtán talk
逐步 逐步 zhúbù step by step, progressively
安打 安打 āndǎ base hit, safe hit, bingle
měi every, each, often, frequent
列印 列印 lièyìn put a seal on, cut a stencil and mimeograph, print, stamp, mimeograph
宣導 宣导 xuāndǎo guide people by creating better understanding
城堡 城堡 chéngbǎo fortress, Casbah, chateau, palace, fastness, fort, alcazar, citadel, acropolis, schloss, chateaux, castle
追蹤 追踪 zhuīzōng follow trail, track
收穫 收获 shōuhuò harvest, gains, results
手冊 手册 shǒucè companion, enchiridion, pamphlet, guidebook, notebook, vade_mecum, leaflet, handbook, booklet, brochure, folder, manual, vade mecum, workbook, guide
燈光 灯光 dēngguāng light, lighting, the light of a lamp, illuminance, glim, illumination, lamplight
語文 语文 yǔwén linguistic communication, (spoken and written) language, text, language, language and literature
tuán m.
資策會 资策会 zīcèhuì Institute for Information Industry
一連串 一连串 yīliánchuàn a string of, in a row, a series of, a chain of, a succession of, in succession
有心 有心 yǒuxīn be careful, be cautious, cautious, have a mind to, expect
shuāng m.
績效 绩效 jīxiào results, effect
extort, press for, press on towards, drive, force, compel, close in on, press up to
鏡頭 镜头 jìngtóu training, lens, scene, shot, camera lens, vertex, optical lens
開心 开心 kāixīn feel happy, rejoice
否定 否定 fǒudìng negate, deny
地主 地主 dìzhǔ landholder, magnate, laird, host, landowner, lessor, master, squirearch, property owner, landman, landlady, landlord
老大 老大 lǎodà leader, eldest child (in a family), guvnor, old, governor, boss, eldest child, master of a sailing vessel
研究生 研究生 yánjiùshēng don, postgraduate, grad student, grad, graduate student, student, graduate_student
氣質 气质 qìzhí kidney, fibre, charisma, crasis, mettle, humor, temper, predisposition, habit, mould, colour, class, streak, metal, temperament, disposition, strain, habitude, sensitivity, blood, proclivity, karma, gaseity, grain, makings, presence
拿出 拿出 náchū ante, produce, take_out, get out, pose, take out, bring forth, take away, bring out
訴求 诉求 sùqiú the point of demand/request
開心 开心 kāixīn feel happy, rejoice
稍微 稍微 shāowéi kind_of, sort_of, a little bit, some, slightly, passably, somewhat, moderately, a little, ratherish, a bit
利率 利率 lìlù profit, interest rate, rate_of_interest, rate of interest
當選 当选 dāngxuǎn get elected
台南 台南 táinán Tainan (big city in Taiwan)
擬定 拟定 nǐdìng formulate, conjecture
separate, cut off, impede
經建會 经建会 jīngjiànhuì Council for Economic Planning and Development
tiē paste, glue, stick to
忽視 忽视 hūshì ignore, overlook, neglect
郝柏村 郝柏村 hǎobócūn ex-premier of Taiwan
查獲 查获 cháhuò track down, apprehend
拆除 拆除 chāichú demolish, remove
忽視 忽视 hūshì ignore, overlook, neglect
shì m.
傳來 传来 chuánlái spread, arise, salute, deliver something to here
象徵 象征 xiàngzhēng symbolize, signify, stand for
happy, cheerful, be glad to, enjoy, be amused
罷了 罢了 bàle particle: elucidating a previous proposition so as to diminish its effect
yǎn elaborate, development, practise, practice, develop, act, performance, represent, deduction, drill, play, evolution, evolve, play the part of, perform, play the role of, mount, elaboration, deduce
出身 出身 chūshēn class origin, family background;one's previous experience/occupation
心得 心得 xīndé what one has learned from work/study/etc., study, what one has learned from work, insight, acquaintanceship, what one has learned from study/etc., etc., what one has learned from work, study, etc.
出身 出身 chūshēn class origin, family background;one's previous experience/occupation
上學 上学 shàngxué attend school, be at school
去世 去世 qùshì die, pass away
忙碌 忙碌 mánglù be busy, bustle about
衛生署 卫生署 wèishēngshǔ Department of Health
記憶體 记忆体 jìyìtǐ memory, memory, memory, memory board, inner memory, memory (chip), storage, store
定位 定位 dìngwèi fixed position
忙碌 忙碌 mánglù be busy, bustle about
紀念 纪念 jìniàn commemorate, mark
場面 场面 chángmiàn occasion, tableaux, locale, front, theatre, appearance, facade, theater, scene, spectacle, scope
得意 得意 déyì be proud of; be exalted; be complacent
attach oneself to, drop, transport, mail, ship, leave, entrust, post, get off, lodge at, depend on, send, entrustment, deposit, transmit, place, consign
基隆 基隆 jīlóng Keelung (city in Taiwan)
效應 效应 xiàoyìng effect
海水 海水 hǎishuǐ waters, seawater, salt water, sea, the sea, brine
貸款 贷款 dàikuǎn loan, credit
夫婦 夫妇 fūfù conjugality, couple, man_and_wife, husband and wife
intend, plan
代表 代表 dàibiǎo represent
舊金山 旧金山 jiùjīnshān Frisco, San Francisco
蝴蝶 蝴蝶 húdié butterfly
盡量 尽量 jìnliàng (drink, to the full, eat) to the full, (drink/eat) to the full, to the best of one's ability
過度 过度 guòdù too, excessively
nǎi be
發起 发起 fāqǐ initiate, commence, stage, instigate, sparkplug, sponsor, inauguraion, start, launch, promote, inaugurate, initiation
角落 角落 jiǎoluò nook, quoin, angle, corner
fáng guard against, guard, prevent, prepare against, defence, resistance, guard/prepare against, resist, defend, provide against
附加 附加 fùjiā hang on, supervene, suffix, additional, affix, superimpose, inset, tack on, tack, attachment, tag on, append, add, subjoin, annex, engraft, attach
屏東 屏东 píngdōng Pingtung(city in Taiwan)
國籍 国籍 guójí nationality
zhāng m.
義務 义务 yìwù duty, obligation, volunteer duty
開口 开口 kāikǒu uncork, open one's mouth, sharpen knife, vent, put the first edge on a knife, broach, speak_up, laugh out loudly, breach a dam, speak, start to talk
移民 移民 yímín emigrate
chū exceed, go beyond
主張 主张 zhǔzhāng view, position, stand, proposition
上漲 上涨 shàngzhǎng rise, go up (of water level/prices/etc.)
請求 请求 qǐngqiú ask, request, entreat
測試 测试 cèshì survey, measure and test
不到 不到 búdào less_than, be less than
恐懼 恐惧 kǒngjù fear, dread
來得 来得 láide emerge (from a comparison) as, come out as
得知 得知 dézhī find, hear, see, have, succeed, learn, get_onto, know, have learned of
挑戰 挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge to battle/contest
排除 排除 páichú get rid of, remove, eliminate
最為 最为 zuìwéi extremely, most, the most
排除 排除 páichú get rid of, remove, eliminate
眼淚 眼泪 yǎnlèi tear, teardrop, tears, eyedrop, waterworks
專輯 专辑 zhuānjí album, special issue, record album, special issue of periodical, short films, special collection of pamphlets, short films, etc., special collection of pamphlets, short f, etc.
恐懼 恐惧 kǒngjù fear, dread
教導 教导 jiàodǎo instruct, give guidance
tián farmland, glebe, cropland, Surname, field, plow, Tian
僅有 仅有 jǐnyǒu have only..., there are only...
移植 移植 yízhí transplant, graft
核酸 核酸 hésuān nucleic acid, nucleic acid, nucleic acid
教導 教导 jiàodǎo instruct, give guidance
趕緊 赶紧 gǎnjǐn hasten, double-quick, losing no time, hurriedly
業績 业绩 yèjī achievement
diǎn put (a dot), drip, sow in holes, check one by one, select, choose, hint, point out, mention, light, burn, kindle, touch on briefly, skim, order (dishes/etc.)
平靜 平静 píngjìng calm, quiet, tranquil
口號 口号 kǒuhào motto, shibboleth, slogan, watch word, watchcry, catchword, war_cry, cant, watchword, buzzword
山西 山西 shānxī Shansi, Shanxi province, Shanxi
出版品 出版品 chūbǎnpǐn publication
逃避 逃避 táobì get by, sidestep, get_around, weasel, fly, avoid, evade, ditch, shirk, evasive, fudge, escape, retreat, elude, put off, get off, skive, hedge, welsh, circumvent, wangle, duck, skirt, get away, get out, bilk, hide, ware, evasion, flee, parry, dodge
yǎo incriminate, grip, articulation, incriminate sb. else (usu. falsely), be nitpicking (about use of words), incrimination, articulate, bark, snap at, squeak, crunch, gnaw, tooth, pronounce, gnaw_at, prick, snap, knap, nip, bite off, begnaw, pronounce distinctly, pronunciation, be nitpicking, take, bite, seize with teeth, sting, incriminate sb. else
平靜 平静 píngjìng calm, quiet, tranquil
有關 有关 yǒuguān with regard to
bèi back of body/object
石油 石油 shíyóu crude, rock oil, crude oil, oil, coal oil, fossil_oil, fossil oil, petroleum
xuě snow
局長 局长 júzhǎng chief, head of bureau, director (of...), superintendent, commissioner, director
展覽 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibit, show, display
面貌 面貌 miànmào aspect, face, physiognomy, look, vestige, visage, appearance, features
現實 现实 xiànshí practical, pragmatic
秘書長 秘书长 mìshūzhǎng secretary-general
討厭 讨厌 tǎoyàn disincline, to loathe, be disgusted with, to have a dislike of, scunner, to dislike, despise, keck, to take an aversion to, loathe, loathing, disrelish, hate, detest, dislike, disgusting, disfavor
移植 移植 yízhí transplant, graft
chā stuff, plug, get_in, insertion, insert, poke, thrust, tip, interposition, squeeze, stick, interpose, stick_in, stick in, shove
東部 东部 dōngbù orient, East, eastward, east
決心 决心 juéxīn determination, resolution
聯邦 联邦 liánbāng federacy, union, federal, nation, confederation, commonwealth, federation, confederacy
電台 电台 diàntái transceiver, transmitter-receiver, broadcasting station
講座 讲座 jiǎngzuò lecture, professorship, cathedra, talk-in, course of lecture, chair, course of lectures
māo pussycat, puss, malkin, cat, kitty, tabby, felid, feline, true cat, pussy
新興 新兴 xīnxīng burgeoning, new and developing, newly_arisen, rising
演講 演讲 yǎnjiǎng lecture, make speech
台電 台电 táidiàn Taiwan Power Company
yuē say, speak
選民 选民 xuǎnmín elector, voter, constituent, constituency, vote, electorate
充份 充份 chōngfèn full, sufficient, ample, abundant
俱樂部 俱乐部 jùlèbù club, (social) club, casino, Verein
錦標賽 锦标赛 jǐnbiāosài championship, tournament, tourney, series, championship contest
shǐ not until, not...until, only then
mén m.
yīng Britain, England
tuī push, decline, refuse, reject, put off, postpone, delay
拿到 拿到 nádào take, get_hold_of, get
童年 童年 tóngnián childhood
期限 期限 qíxiàn time limit, allowed time, deadline, term
惡化 恶化 èhuà worsen
證實 证实 zhèngshí confirm, verify
碩士 硕士 shuòshì Master (of Arts), M.A., eminent scholar
編輯 编辑 biānjí edit, compile
審核 审核 shěnhé examine and verify
yuǎn far behind/beyond
分局 分局 fēnjú branch office
申報 申报 shēnbào report to higher body, declare (dutiable goods)
與否 与否 yǔfǒu particle: meaning "whether or not"
邁向 迈向 màixiàng step/stride to
總之 总之 zǒngzhī in a word, tout ensemble, on the whole, all in all, altogether, in short
職務 职务 zhíwù engagement, job, part, office, line of duty, contribution, ministration, task, responsibility, commission, post, line of work, affair, hat, function, situation, occupation, line, province, share, duties, business, duty
延續 延续 yánxù continue, go on, last
xià bounce, intimidate, frighten, daunt, bludgeon, scare, cow, bluster, horrify, huff, threaten
費率 费率 fèilù charge per unit, cost rate, tariff, rate
美國人 美国人 měiguórén American
高速 高速 gāosù great speed, velocity, high speed, high
商標 商标 shāngbiāo marque, mark, trade name, brand, logotype, monotype, nameplate, label, idiograph, trademark
xián dislike, mind
進修 进修 jìnxiū engage in advanced studies, take refresher course
傳遞 传递 chuándì transmit, deliver, transfer
場合 场合 chǎnghé conjuncture, situation, event, occasion, social occasion, affair
詩人 诗人 shīrén muse, rhymist, swan, lark, Parnassus, Maker, minstrel, harmonist, metrist, maker, bulbul, songster, versifier, poet, singer, eisteddfod, bard
yāo isthmus, bend, haunch, middle, strategic pass, cingulum, reins, loin, pocket, small of the back, strait, waist of a garment, middle part, waist
傳遞 传递 chuándì transmit, deliver, transfer
股價 股价 gǔjià price of stock, stock price
歌聲 歌声 gēshēng voice, song, singing, sound of singing, singing voice
桃園 桃园 táoyuán TaoYuan (city in Taiwan)
溫馨 温馨 wēnxīn warm and fragrant
無比 无比 wúbǐ unparalleled, matchless
著重 着重 zhuózhòng underscore, accent, concentrate, emphasize, attach importance, stress, set off, underline, accentuate, bring out
減輕 减轻 jiǎnqīng lighten, ease, mitigate
carry, take (in hand with arm down), lift, raise
意味 意味 yìwèi signify, mean, imply
說不定 说不定 shuōbúdìng perhaps, maybe
公民 公民 gōngmín freeman, citizen, denizen, national, civic, freewoman, commonwealth, burgher, civics
中興 中兴 zhōngxīng renaissance, resurgence
移動 移动 yídòng move, shift
減輕 减轻 jiǎnqīng lighten, ease, mitigate
有待 有待 yǒudài be pending, await, remain (to be done), remain
船員 船员 chuányuán crew, sailorman, sailor, shipmate, crewman, tarpaulin, old salt, seaman, bargeman, tar, boatman, Jack-tar, mariner, sea dog, gob, waister, seafarer
中興 中兴 zhōngxīng renaissance, resurgence
diōu discard, put aside
走路 走路 zǒulù go away, stroam, go on foot, walk
身材 身材 shēncái stature, figure
好玩 好玩 hǎowán amusing, interesting
師父 师父 shīfù guru, address for nun/etc., teacher, tutor, address for monk, professional, master, nun, a polite form of address to a monk or nun, address for monk/nun/etc., etc.
jià m.
服裝 服装 fúzhuāng turnout, wearing_apparel, clothing, investiture, rigging, costuming, toggery, habilimentation, habiliment, drapery, garb, attire, toilette, frock, costume, dress, investment, garmenture, rig, garment, setout, implement, garniture, getup, outfit
méi enzyme, flare, ferment, school, mine, Surname, stick used as mouth gag, piece, rocket, m.,
陳列 陈列 chénliè display, exhibit
移動 移动 yídòng move, shift
前者 前者 qiánzhě predecessor, the former, former
寶貴 宝贵 bǎoguì valuable, precious
興起 兴起 xīngqǐ rise, spring up, be on the upgrade
遭受 遭受 zāoshòu suffer
聯合 联合 liánhé joint, combined
興起 兴起 xīngqǐ rise, spring up, be on the upgrade
feel out, sound out, fumble, feel for, palpate, feel, stroke, finger, try to find out, touch, grope for, feel/sound out
xià go downwards, descend, alight, go to, exit, leave
邏輯 逻辑 luójí logic
奶奶 奶奶 nǎinǎi nanna, address for married woman, granny, gran, grandmother, grandma, respectful form of address for an old woman, paternal grandmother
價位 价位 jiàwèi price
寶貴 宝贵 bǎoguì valuable, precious
牙齒 牙齿 yáchǐ ivory, grinder, snapper, chopper, masticator, dental, teeth, pearly, peg, dens, tooth
武力 武力 wǔlì military unit, armory, armoury, armed force, saber, arsenal, military force, armed strength, armed might, force, bayonet, force of arms
腫瘤 肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor
題材 题材 tícái subject_matter, theme, material, content, subject, subject matter, depicted object
典型 典型 diǎnxíng typical, representative
作風 作风 zuòfēng path, way of life, idiom, style, way, style of work, expressive style, fashion
初步 初步 chūbù initially, preliminarily, tentatively
wèi ventriculus, solar_plexus, venter, kyte, gizzard, belly, tummy, paunch, stomach, craw, gastric, breadbasket, gut, tum, abomasum
從未 从未 cóngwèi ne'er, never
旅行社 旅行社 lǔxíngshè a tourist agency, travel_agency, a travel agency, travel service/agent, travel service, travel agent, travel agency
聊天 聊天 liáotiān jaw, visit, talk, claver, confabulate, chaffer, chat, chatter, quack, schmoose, gossip, gos, chin, natter, confab, chitchat, coze
執著 执着 zhízhuó rigid, punctilious
鄉土 乡土 xiāngtǔ home village
dùn m.
非法 非法 fēifǎ illegal, wrongfully, wrongful, unlawful, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, lawlessly, nefariously, nefarious, illegally, illegitimate, lawless, illicit
統計 统计 tǒngjì add up, count
演唱 演唱 yǎnchàng sing in performance
十足 十足 shízú 100 percent;out-and-out;downright
介紹 介绍 jièshào introduction
古人 古人 gǔrén forefathers, our forefather, ancient, ancients, antiquity
qióng exhaust, exhausted, impoverished, hard-pressed, pursue to limit, poor
演唱 演唱 yǎnchàng sing in performance
fine, exquisite, minute, in small particles, meticulous, thin and soft, thin, careful, light, trifling, slender, delicate, detailed
體力 体力 tǐlì breath, brawn, strength, bottom, main, thews, stamina, vigor, energy, physical strength, vigour, vim, physical power, strength of body, vitality, physical power/strength, thew, muscle, sinew
涉嫌 涉嫌 shèxián alleged, be a suspect, be suspected of being involved
同性戀 同性恋 tóngxìngliàn homoeroticism, homosexual, homo, inversion, homosexuality, homosexualism, gay, gayness
無聊 无聊 wúliáo bored, boring, senseless, silly, stupid
機種 机种 jīzhǒng machine model
soil, earth, clay, land
邊緣 边缘 biānyuán margin, brink, periphery, bead, brim, borderline, skirt, lip, fringe, delimitation, flange, threshold, boundary line, perimeter, rand, outer boundary, hem, line, border, verge, marginality, marge, skirting, edging, edge, corner, rim
平安 平安 píngān safe and sound, quiet and stable
出面 出面 chūmiàn act in one's own capacity or on behalf o, act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization, act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organ, appear personally
半導體 半导体 bàndǎotǐ IC
平安 平安 píngān safe and sound, quiet and stable
工研院 工研院 gōngyányuàn Industrial Technology Research Institute
dēng blowlamp, lantern, light source, light, lamp, tube, valve, burner
地板 地板 dìbǎn boarding, planking, hatch, plat, floorboard, hatchway, floor board, flooring, planch, floor, footplate
舒適 舒适 shūshì comfortable, cozy
著作權 著作权 zhùzuòquán right of first publication, copyright
細節 细节 xìjié circumstance, minutiae, nicety, minutia, speciality, item, detail, particulars, punctilio, particular, point, specific, respect, regard, details
侵害 侵害 qīnhài encroach on (other's rights), violate
好看 好看 hǎokàn embarrassed, interesting, nice, good-looking, delightful
set up, erect
器材 器材 qìcái materials, materiel, equipment
地形 地形 dìxíng topography, physique, landscape, terrain, chorography, landform
歡樂 欢乐 huānlè happy, joyous, gay
說出 说出 shuōchū disclose, utter, articulation, bite out, talk, escape, broach, outtell, get off, articulate, pass, speak, fall, disembosom, babble, shoot, speak out, outspeak, mouth, verbalize
陽明 阳明 yángmíng philosopher who stressed intuition in opposition to Zhu Xi's "investigation of things"
正義 正义 zhèngyì justice
分散 分散 fēnsàn divert, diversify, diffract, disperse, deconcentrate, decentralize, dispel, disgregate, decentralization, scatter, distract, decentralise, shed, break up, dispersal
回憶 回忆 huíyì recollect, recall
測驗 测验 cèyàn test
歡樂 欢乐 huānlè happy, joyous, gay
海報 海报 hǎibào throwaway, poster, bill, flier, flyer, broadside, a playbill, a placard, circular, playbill, placard, broadsheet, handbill, a poster
高階 高阶 gāojiē high-class
副教授 副教授 fùjiàoshòu associate_professor, associate professor
信念 信念 xìnniàn confession, tenet, strong belief, belief, creed, persuasion, conviction, opinion, faith
花費 花费 huāfèi spend, expend
自在 自在 zìzài comfortable, unrestrained, at_ease, free
刺激 刺激 cìjī stimulation
技能 技能 jìnéng know-how, mastery of a technique, ability, acquisition, acquirement, mastery of a skill, proficiency, skill, craft, technical ability, technique, mastery of a skill/technique, facility, quality, faculty
私立 私立 sīlì privately run, private
回憶 回忆 huíyì recollect, recall
維修 维修 wéixiū keep in (good) repair, maintain
壓迫 压迫 yāpò oppress, repress, constrict
戲劇 戏剧 xìjù dramatic_work, dramatic composition, theatricals, dramatic work, stage, theatre, theater, drama, dramaturgy, play, dramatic art, boards, dramatics
公佈 公佈 gōngbù promulgate, announce, publish
廿 廿 niàn det.: twenty
公佈 公佈 gōngbù promulgate, announce, publish
升學 升学 shēngxué enter higher school
nào give vent, be troubled by, give vent to anger, suffer from, make a noise, do, stir up trouble, make, go in for
上下 上下 shàngxià above and below, up and down, high and low, superior and inferior, senior and junior, old and young, ruler and subject, heaven and earth
說道 说道 shuōdào talk over, say
升學 升学 shēngxué enter higher school
自有 自有 zìyǒu have, possess, own
維修 维修 wéixiū keep in (good) repair, maintain
chuán pass (on), hand down, impart, teach, spread, transmit
走上 走上 zǒushàng move toward, take, mount, head for
沒辦法 没办法 méibànfǎ unable to, cannot
swarm, creep, shin, grabble, crawl, climb, go up, trail, climb up, mount, clamber, scramble
哪些 哪些 nǎxiē det.: which
清潔 清洁 qīngjié clean, sanitary