The Proto-Aslian language is the reconstructed proto-language of the Aslian languages of Peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand. It has been reconstructed by Timothy Phillips (2012).
The 289 reconstructed Proto-Aslian forms below are from Phillips (2012:259-262).
Gloss | Proto-Aslian |
water, river | *teew |
spider | *bɨŋ |
termite | *arɯɯɲ |
to swallow | *liik |
liver | *rɛɛs |
pig | *lɯɯʔ |
nest | *soom |
to close (eyes) | *bit |
one | *uay |
to plant | *tam |
to whistle | *uəc |
new | *paay |
right (side) | *tam |
to sweep | *pɯɯs |
earth | *tiɛʔ |
cooked | *cɛɛn |
(iterative) | *{(–)l–} |
(nominalizer agentive) | *{(-)m-} |
(nominalizer) | *{(-)n-} |
(causative) | *{pər-} |
(plural/comparative) | *{–ra–} |
to dig | *baay |
descendant | *bakaʔ |
sky | *baliiŋ |
to carry on back | *baʔ |
deer | *bəhɔ(ɔ)l |
sated (of food) | *bəhiiʔ |
to tie | *bək |
flower | *bəkaaw |
to break | *bəkah |
blowgun | *bəlaaw |
arm | *bəliiŋ |
thigh | *bəlooʔ |
mountain | *bənɨ(ɨ)m |
dart butt | *bərɔl |
forest | *bəriʔ |
mushroom | *bətees |
white | *bəyk |
flood | *bəʔaak |
good | *bəʔet |
hot | *bɨt |
drunk | *bɯɯl |
to suck | *bɯɯʔ |
to put/place | *boh |
cane | *bus |
alligator | *buyaaʔ |
to say | *ca(a)l |
to eat | *caaʔ |
cah | *cah |
to catch | *cap |
to stab | *cɔk |
to tear | *cɛ(ɛ)s |
louse | *cɛ(ɛ)ʔ |
fingernail | *cə(n)ruas |
rainbow | *cədaaw |
to hiccough | *cədək |
bird | *cɛɛm |
to cook | *cɛɛn |
hard | *cəgɛh |
gecko | *cəkʔiɛk |
back | *cəloon |
sharp | *cəma(a)ʔ |
drum | *cəntɯɯgŋ |
eyebrow | *cəŋcɛ̃ɛ̃ŋ |
rib | *cərəs |
winnow basket | *cəruuʔ |
to walk | *ciip |
tattoo | *cɨl |
to burn | *coom |
to dig | *cuam |
to defecate | *cuəh |
dog | *cuəʔ |
to see | *daŋ |
type of monkey | *dɔŋ |
they (3P) | *deh |
bamboo rat | *dəka(a)n |
to push | *dəlũũʔ |
house | *dɯɯŋ |
afternoon | *duuy |
waist | *gaal |
to bite | *gaɲ |
to carry on back | *gɔl |
moon | *gəcɛɛʔ |
sweet | *gəhɛɛt |
to whisper | *gəlisɛɛh |
to laugh | *gəluk |
monitor lizard | *gəriɛŋ |
to spit | *gətɔh |
they (3P) | *gɨn |
to winnow | *gɯɯm |
to carry on shoulder | *gulam |
mortar | *guul |
where | *hã(ã)n |
we two (1D.IN) | *haar |
to raft | *halap |
mucus | *hawa(a)r |
you (2S) | *heeʔ |
to breathe | *hə̃m |
we (1P.IN) | *hiiʔ |
to play | *hiŋkaaʔ |
to cry | *ɟaam / *ʔiɟaam |
to step on | *ɟak |
chin/jaw | *ɟaŋka(a)ʔ |
thorn | *ɟarlaaʔ |
to suck | *ɟɔ̃ɔ̃t |
we (1P.EX) | *ɟeeʔ |
tree | *ɟəhuuʔ |
to bark | *ɟəl |
bone | *ɟəʔaaŋ |
to breathe | *ɟɨk |
to move | *ɟɯɯk |
foot/leg | *ɟuŋ |
mouse | *kniɛʔ |
centipede | *kʔiɛp |
to scratch | *kaac |
fish | *kaaʔ |
to carry under arm | *kamiɛk |
elbow | *kaɲɔŋ |
small | *kanɛ(ɛ)t |
to bite | *kap |
thunder | *karɛɛy |
tree trunk | *karəŋ |
bear | *kawããp |
pregnant | *kayoot |
male | *kɔɔɲ |
he/she (3S) | *ke |
to pull | *ke(e)ŋ |
husband | *kə(n)siir |
to fish | *kəbəc |
to spit | *kəbɛɛc |
fruit | *kəbɨɨʔ |
to die | *kəbɨs |
mosquito | *kəboʔ |
bitter | *kədɛk |
to seek | *kɛɛʔ |
to gape | *kəhuəy |
to fall | *kəl |
eagle | *kəlaaŋ |
shoulder | *kəlapuəh |
firefly | *kəlɨɨt |
inside | *kəluəŋ |
to obtain | *kəm |
twin | *kəmbaar |
mosquito | *kəmeet |
ghost | *kəmooc |
worm, caterpillar | *kəmuar |
nephew | *kəmuən |
quick | *kəɲaaŋ |
wife | *kəndah |
turtle | *kəpiil |
back | *kərɔʔ |
to dance | *kərɟɛr |
under | *kəroom |
knee | *kərual |
calf (leg) | *kəteŋ |
skin, bark | *kətɯɯʔ |
to hear | *kəyɔŋ |
anus | *kiɛt |
top | *kipaaŋ |
to vomit | *kɯɯʔ |
male | *kooɲ |
butterfly | *krkbaak |
to hold, grasp | *kuəm |
child | *kuən |
head | *kuuy |
brain | *lakuəm |
ant | *las |
wrong/miss | *lɛc |
armpit | *ləda(a)ʔ |
bamboo | *leew |
saliva | *ləhiɛŋ |
quiver | *lək |
tooth | *ləmooɲ |
gums | *ləɲsiɲ |
tongue | *ləntaak |
neck | *ləŋɛ(ɛ)ʔ |
rain | *ləsəm |
bee | *ləwɛɛy |
to plait (leaves) | *liɛp |
you (2S) | *m(??)h |
blood | *mahaam |
to play | *man |
eye | *mat |
nose | *mɔɔh |
how many? | *məriɛm |
cheek | *miɛŋ |
louse | *mro(o)ɲ |
to bathe | *muuh |
boar | *napak |
to urinate | *nɔɔm |
before | *nɛŋ |
mat | *niis |
road | *nooŋ |
to suck | *ɲooʔ |
bee | *padaw |
to chop | *pak |
shelf | *paraaʔ |
monitor lizard | *pareeʔ |
to break wind | *pəhɨɨm |
astonished | *pəlɛ(ɛ)ʔ |
bat | *pəleek |
fruit | *pəlɛɛʔ |
leech | *pələm |
roof | *pəluaŋ |
egg | *pənlɯɯŋ |
wing | *pərəc |
turtle | *pəʔaas |
to extinguish | *pɨɨt |
to blow | *pɨt |
chicken | *puk |
to thresh | *rəmpiɛt |
soul | *rəwaay |
to wring | *riɛt |
friend | *rudɔŋ |
friend | *ruəp |
fly | *ruəy |
to sow | *ruuy |
root | *rʔiɛs / ʔriɛs |
to descend | *sa(a)r |
hair, feather | *sɔɔk |
end | *sɛ(ɛ)ɲ |
tail | *sətaaʔ |
flesh | *sɛc |
to pound | *sɛɛh |
shy | *sɛɛl |
to ask, request | *səgu(u)ʔ |
field | *səlaay |
leaf | *səlaaʔ |
cockroach | *səlɨʔdeʔ |
to blowpipe | *səluuh |
to ask | *səmaaɲ |
human being | *səmaaʔ |
cold | *səŋɛc |
darkness | *səŋəp |
to steal | *siɛc |
to forget | *siɛm |
to dance | *sisɛʔ |
house | *siyãʔ |
to sting | *sɯɯc |
navel | *suək |
marrow | *suəm |
to wash | *suuc |
lung | *suup |
to plait, weave | *taaɲ |
thumb | *tabooʔ |
to carry in hand | *taɟaak |
snake | *taɟuuʔ |
python | *talun |
type of gibbon | *tawɔɔh |
spider | *tawiiŋ |
to burn | *tɔɔt |
full | *təbiŋ |
turtle | *təhop |
to blow | *təhuəl |
pus | *təkɔɔʔ |
stone | *təmɔʔ |
male | *təmkal |
lip | *təniit |
molar | *təŋ(k)əm |
to sleep | *tiɛk |
footprint | *tiɛl |
to dry | *tiil |
to carry on head | *tool |
to pull out | *tuəs |
to wake up | *wɔɔk |
to throw out | *we(e)n |
they two (3D) | *weeh |
again | *weel |
to squeeze | *wɛ̃ɛ̃n |
left (side) | *wiɛl |
I (1S) | *yɛɛʔ |
tiger | *ʔaap |
stick/spear | *ʔaat |
to swell | *ʔas |
ladle | *ʔawak |
to smell | *ʔɔ̃ɔ̃ɲ |
fire | *ʔɔɔs |
crow | *ʔəʔaak |
belly, excrement | *ʔɛc |
to dream | *ʔəmpuaʔ |
ripe | *ʔəndɯɯm |
before | *ʔəɲiiʔ |
ear | *ʔəntaŋ |
testicle | *ʔəntap |
I (1S) | *ʔiiɲ |
wasp | *ʔoo |
to command | *ʔoor |
to give | *ʔuək |
to do | *ʔuuy |