Appendix:Proto-Vietic reconstructions

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This list of Proto-Vietic reconstructions is from Ferlus (2007).


No. French gloss English gloss Proto-Vietic Vietnamese
197 abeille maçonne mason bee *p-tɔː
775 abeille à miel honeybee *kr-nɛːt
36 abeille à miel honeybee *kweːʔ khoái
1208 abeille à miel honeybee *ʔɔːŋ ong
55 aboyer to bark *dɛː
418 aboyer to bark *k-rɔh sủa
966 aboyer to bark *ʔuːɲʔ
142 abri shelter *duː
67 accepter en prêt accept a loan *bəːʔ bợ
1003 accrocher, arrêté, bloqué caught, cocked (crossbow), blocked *ɓak mắc
1009 acheter to buy *caːk chác
833 affûter to grind *k-ɓən
916 affûter, émincer to grind, chop *pɔːc
440 agiter, remuer (la queue) to shake, wag (the tail) *vasvas vẫy (?)
666 aiguille needle *kiːm kim
1066 aile wing *kɛːŋʔ cánh
1068 aile wing *s-pɛːŋ
652 aile wing *saːp
985 aisselle armpit *-nɛːk nách
1018 aisselle armpit *s-vaːk
831 alcool alcohol *kənʔ
260 alcool alcohol *raːwʔ rượu
748 aller à cheval to go on horseback *ɗoːm
11 aller to go *diː / tiː (PPC diː, PMV tiː) đi
905 allumer le feu to light a fire *tuːc đốt
426 allumer, battre le briquet to light, to strike a light using a piece of steel *tɛs t-rn-ɛs
579 allumer to light *ɓaːl
929 amarante épineuse (Lasia spinosa) spiny amaranth (Lasia spinosa) *-ceːɲ giền, dền
1099 amer bitter *taŋʔ đắng
90 ananas pineapple *-caːʔ > -cɨaʔ giứa, dứa
959 anguille eel *-laːɲ lươn
687 année year *c-n-əm < cəm năm
352 antilope bouquetin serow (Capricornis sumatrensis) serow (Capricornis sumatrensis) *kɛh
759 anus anus *diːt / tiːt đít
865 anus, derrière anus, rear-end *k-loːn trôn, lồn
228 appeler qu'un to call *keːw kêu
606 appui-tête, coussin head-cushion, cushion *-koːlʔ gối
519 appui-tête, coussin head-cushion, cushion *geːl
613 appui-tête, coussin head-cushion, cushion *k-ɗoːlʔ
917 araignée spider *tɔːc
930 araignée spider *ɲeːɲʔ nhện
105 arbalète cross-bow *s-naːʔ
1032 arbre à amadou tree tinder *ʄuːk
837 arbre à laque black varnish tree *k-rəːn sơn
244 arbre tree *gawʔ
550 arbre tree *gəl / kəl cây
835 argent silver *ŋən ngân
404 arracher, désherber to pull, to weed *ʄoh nhổ
915 arracher, récolter pull out, gather *pɔːc
790 arrière petits-enfants great grandchild *cat chắt
310 arroser to sprinkle *soːjʔ
825 artocarpus jackfruit/breadfruit *sɛːn
1140 aréquier, areca arecanut, areca *p-naːŋ nang
241 aréquier areca *kaw cau
900 ascaris parasitic roundworm *p-raːc
529 asticot de mouche maggot of fly *kɛːlʔ
340 asticot maggot *k-rɔːj giòi, troi
482 astringent astringent *hər
999 attacher to attach *bɨak
572 au-dessous under *-taːlʔ dưới
1119 aubergine eggplant *cr-haːŋ
98 aubergine eggplant *gaː
538 auriculaire little finger *-jɛːlʔ
923 avaler to swallow *ɗɔːc nuốt
76 avant before *g-rəː
595 aveugle blind *duːl / tuːl đui
560 avoir peur to be afraid *jəːlʔ dái
1007 aîné de père/mère father/mother's elder brother *paːk bác
128 aîné du père father's elder brother *puː
257 aîné, premier (-né) elder, first (child) *daːw
131 baccaurée (Baccaurea sapida) Burmese grape (Baccaurea sapida) *p-cuː
327 baguettes à griller (en piquant) grilling sticks *dʒɔːjʔ (?)
1047 balai broom *tʃ-nɔːk (< tʃ-rn-ɔːk)
456 balayer, balai to sweep, broom *k-cuːs chổi
1046 balayer to sweep *dʒɔːk / tʃɔːk
163 balle de riz rice husk *k-luːʔ trấu
656 balle husk *-raːp / k-laːp
1121 bambou (Dendrocalamus) bamboo (Dendrocalamus) *k-taːŋ
62 bambou commun common bamboo *k-lɛː tre
231 bambou commun common bamboo *p-hɛːw pheo
104 bambou mince (Thyrsostachys siam) thin bamboo (Thyrsostachys siam) *-naːʔ nứa
1224 banane banana *-ɲɔːŋʔ
279 banane banana *caːjʔ chuối
323 banane banana *cɔːjʔ chuối
272 banane banana *k-taj
212 bananier sauvage wild banana *k-ɗɔːʔ
84 banian banyan *taː đa
23 banian banyan *ɟ-riː si
169 barbe, moustache beard, moustache *-soː râu
934 barbe, moustache beard, moustache *t-mɨːɲ
649 barrer (une rivière) to obstruct (a river) *tap đắp
842 bas, le bas low, under *panʔ vắn
1038 bateau boat *ɗoːk nốc
654 battre (le riz), écraser du pied to thresh rice, to crush with the feet *daːp
639 battre le riz, décortiquer to thresh rice, to husk rice *dəp
653 bâiller to yawn *sŋ-?aːp > s-ŋaːp / -ʔaːp ngáp
845 beau, joli beautiful, pretty *-ranʔ
187 beau-père, belle-mère father in law, mother in law *moːʔ
737 beaux-parents father/mother in law *maːm
922 bec beak *c-ɓɔːc
415 bec beak *k-ɓɔh mỏ
317 bec beak *s-noːj
820 bec, lèvres beak, lips *vɔːt
1013 belette, civette weasel, civet *s-baːk
862 belette weasel *ɟoːn chồn
391 berceau, cradle (cf. ʔuh nid) nest *ʔuh
506 blaireau (Arctonix collaris) badger (Arctonix collaris) *m-luːr
1112 blanc (de l'œil, de l'œuf) whites (of the eyes/eggs) *k-laŋʔ trắng
575 blanc (de l'œil, de l'œuf) whites (of the eyes/eggs) *t-kaːl
1012 blanc white *baːk bạc
1060 blanc white *t-lɔːk luốc
643 blessure wound *ləp
229 bleu blue *hɛːw
149 boire to drink *ɲuːʔ nhậu
1210 boire to drink *ʔɔːŋʔ uống
1109 bois, végétal wood, plant *s-raŋ săng
240 bon au goût good (taste) *-hawʔ
885 bondir, sauter to spring, jump *pac
136 bosse (du zébu) hump (of zebu) *ʔuː u
749 bouche mouth *-moːm mồm
1126 bouche mouth *kaːŋʔ
1071 bouche mouth *mɛːŋʔ miệng
802 boucher (trou, bouteille) to plug (hole, bottle) *tuːt / nsuːt đút
803 bouchon cork *t-n-uːt < t-rn-uːt (?) nút
1072 bouchée, morceau mouthful, piece of *-mɛːŋʔ miếng
592 boue, limoneux mud, silt *buːl bùn
597 bouillir (int.) to boil (int.) *k-ɓuːlʔ
308 bouillir (int.) to boil (int.) *t-ruːj (PMV) / t-ruːs ~ k-luːs (PPC) sôi
461 bouillir (int.) to boil (int.) *t-ruːs ~ t-luːs (PPC) / t-ruːj (PMV) sủi (?)
454 bouillir (int.) to boil (int.) *ɓus
719 boulette (de riz) rice croquette *-namʔ
788 boulette (de riz) rice croquette *k-pat
195 bouquet, botte bouquet, bunch *pɔːʔ
328 bout, extrémité > tétine end, extremity > nipple *gɔːjʔ / kɔːjʔ cuối
841 bracelet bracelet *c-pan
722 bracelet bracelet *p-lam trằm
1122 branche branch *k-caːŋʔ chạng
1067 branche branch *t-kɛːŋʔ / gɛːŋ (PPC tkɛːŋʔ, PMV gɛːŋ) cành
1138 branchies gills *k-maːŋ mang
2 bras, main arm, hand *siː tay
452 brasse fathom *p-laːs trải, sải
746 brassée armful *ʔoːm ôm
1105 briller, chaud (soleil) to shine, hot (of sun) *ɗaŋʔ nắng
427 briquet lighter *t-rn-ɛs
345 briser, éclater break, burst *-peh bể
325 brisures de riz broken rice *-kɔːjʔ
945 brisures de riz broken rice *k-maɲ
949 brisures de riz broken rice *k-raɲʔ
251 brouet de riz, soupe rice gruel *caːwʔ cháo
1054 brouillard fog *k-mɔːk móc
151 bru daughter in law *-juː dâu
70 bru daughter in law *bəːʔ
299 bru daughter in law *ʔuːj
813 brûlure burn *p-loːt
160 buffle buffalo *c-luː trâu
13 bâton de marche walking stick *-giːʔ gậy
161 bétel betel *b-luː trầu, trù
156 bêler bleat *k-ruː
1024 cacher to hide *p-ɗuk
144 cadet de la mère/épouse younger broth's moth/wife *guːʔ cậu
725 cadet, cadette younger sibling *k-saːm tam
56 cadet, cadette younger sibling *ɟɛːʔ
856 cadet, cadette younger sibling *ʔuːnʔ
674 cadet, cadette younger sibling *ʔɛːm em
7 cadette (par alliance) younger (f.) in law *ʔiːʔ
1219 cage à poule hen cage *k-ɗɔːŋʔ
1145 calao hornbill *-raːŋʔ
258 calebasse, écope calabash, gourd *-gaːwʔ / -kaːwʔ gáo
1097 canal d'irrigation irrigation ditch *-mɨəŋ mương
761 canard duck *viːt vịt
1073 canine, défense eye tooth, tusk *k-nɛːŋ nanh
738 canne à sucre sugarcane *jaːm
58 canne à sucre sugarcane *k-mɛːʔ mía
1008 caquetter to cackle *k-taːk
521 carambole (Averrhoa carambola) starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) *k-leːl / k-reːl
24 carambole carambola *kʰeːʔ khế
663 carapace (crabe, tortue) shell (crab, tortoise) *goːp
395 carapace (de tortue) shell (of tortoise) *k-ɗuh
1211 carapace de crabe crab shell *bɔːŋ
610 carie dentaire caries *ɓoːl
1184 caroncule > crête (dial.) caruncle > peak (dial.) *moːŋ
346 casser en deux, cueillir to break in two, to pick *pɛh bẻ
220 cendres ashes *p-lɔː tro / gio
968 cendres ashes *ɓuːɲ mun
724 cent hundred *k-lam trăm
762 centipède centipede *-seːt rết
43 cerf stag *k-ɗeː nai
1050 cerveau brain *c-?ɔːk óc
1209 cerveau brain *t-ʔɔːŋʔ
982 chair, viande meat *k-hɛːk
1025 chair, viande meat *k-ɲuk nhục
1221 chair, viande meat *ʔa-mɔːŋ
61 chalumeau blowpipe *k-vɛː
518 champignon mushroom *ceːl
789 champignon mushroom *k-tat
114 champignon mushroom *t-raː
921 champignon mushroom *ɓɔːc
694 champignon mushroom *ɗəmʔ nấm
489 chanter (coq) to crow (cock) *t-karʔ gáy
794 chanter to sing *haːt hát
869 chapeau conique conical hat *ɗɔːnʔ nón
1101 charbon de bois charcoal *k-caŋ
924 charançon weevil *k-mɔːc
235 chat cat *mɛːw mèo
527 chatouilleux ticklish *kɛːl
544 chaud (eau), bouillir (int.) hot (of water), to boil (int.) *dɨːlʔ
1161 chaud hot *p-ruŋʔ
1159 chaud hot *p-ɗuŋʔ / p-ruŋʔ nóng
1158 chauffer, cuire to warm, to cook *ɗuŋ nung
113 chaume stubble *raːʔ
584 chauve, crane rasé bald-headed, shaved head *k-laːlʔ
625 chauve, crane rasé bald-headed, shaved head *k-rɔːlʔ ~ k-lɔːlʔ
771 chauve-souris bat *k-cɛːt
1075 chauve-souris bat *k-rɛːŋʔ
1100 chauve-souris bat *taŋʔ
997 chauve-souris bat *ɲəːk
501 chaux lime *k-puːr vôi, bôi
118 chemin way, path *k-raːʔ > kʰlaːʔ
1081 chenille caterpillar *k-mɨŋ
624 chenille caterpillar *k-vɔːl
74 cheval horse *m-ŋəːʔ ngựa
555 (cheveux) clairsemés thin (hair) *həːlʔ hói
265 cheveux hair *kəːjʔ
1023 cheveux, poil, plume head-hair, hair, feather *-suk tóc
463 chevreuil deer *poːs
1134 chevreuil deer *t-ɓaːŋ mang
1215 chevreuil deer *ɟɔːŋʔ
237 chevrotin (Tragulus javanicus) mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) *t-rɛːw
199 chien dog *ʔa-cɔːʔ chó
588 chignon bun *c-puːlʔ
447 choux moutarde (Brassica) cabbage mustard (Brassica) *kaːs cải
349 châtaigne chestnut *-tɛh dẻ
26 chèvre goat *-teː
16 ci, ceci this *-niː này, nay
270 ciel sky *b-ləːj trời
969 cime, extrémité, cyme tip, end *kɔːɲʔ
870 cime, extrémité tip, end *ŋɔːnʔ ngọn
717 cinq five *ɗam năm
658 cire wax *k-raːp sáp
476 citronnelle lemongrass *dɛːr
520 citronnelle lemongrass *s-veːl
1222 civette civet *t-mɔːŋ muông
119 claie (au dessus du foyer) rack (above the fire) *k-raːʔ
1238 clair, limpide clear, limpid *k-lɔːŋ trong
515 cloison tréssée bamboo panel *peːl
1084 cloison tréssée bamboo panel *təŋʔ
682 cobra cobra *c-lɨm
387 cobra cobra *huh hổ
4 cocon cocoon *k-piː
826 cocon cocoon *kɛːnʔ kén (?)
1139 cocon, larve cocoon, larva *naːŋ
669 cœur heart *seːmʔ
1171 cœur heart *toːŋ
667 cœur heart *ɲiːm
234 col collar *ʔɛːw
535 collant, glutineux sticky, glutinous *ɲɛːlʔ
549 combien how many *ɓəlʔ mấy
617 concombre cucumber *bɔːlʔ
886 conduire (à la longe) to lead (w. a tether) *-tac dắt
977 conduire à la longe to lead w. a rope *teːk
619 conduite de bambou, gouttière bamboo pipe, gutter *k-ɗɔːl
1133 conduite, tuyau conduit, pipe *ɓaːŋʔ
433 confier, envoyer to entrust, send *p-kəːs gửi
1086 construire to built *pr-təŋʔ > p-dəŋʔ dựng
1095 content happy *məːŋ mừng
1052 coquille (d'œuf) shell (of eggs) *k-ɓɔːk
1011 corbeau crow *kr-ʔaːk ác, (bồ) các (?)
412 corbeille (grande et plate) basket (large and flat) *-cɔh giỏ
1088 corne horn *k-rəŋ sừng
321 corne horn *t-kɔːj còi
1051 corps body *bɔːk
1001 corps body *cak
1000 cotonnier, coton cotton plant, cotton *ksak
528 cou neck *kɛːl
14 cou neck *t-giːʔ gáy
385 (couché) sur le dos (to lie) on the back *t-ŋah ngửa, ngả
641 (couché) sur le ventre (to sleep) face down *k-rəp sấp
978 coude elbow *t-keːk
710 coudre to sew *k-camʔ
435 couler, ruisseler to stream, run *cas chảy
390 couler, ruisseler to stream, to run *tuh
318 couler, s'écouler, emporté par le courant flow, flowing, swept away by the current *c-loːj trôi
120 coupe-coupe bush-knife *m-raːʔ rựa, rạ
891 couper, enlever, châtrer to cut off, pluck, castrate *lac lặt
887 couper to cut *kac cắt
470 courge cireuse (Bennicasa cerifera) gourd (Bennicasa cerifera) *k-biːrʔ / k-piːrʔ
1028 courge cireuse gourd *p-luk
275 courir run *t-ŋajʔ
565 courir run *ɟalʔ chạy
1170 courir to run *toːŋ
250 couteau knife *-taːw dao
701 couver to lay eggs *k-rəm
638 couver to lay eggs *ʔəp ấp
642 couvercle a lid *k-rəp
1128 couvercle lid *k-baːŋ bương
634 couverture blanket *s-nəp (< s-rn-əp)
636 couvrir to cover *kəp
730 crabe crab *k-taːm dam, đam
166 crabe crab *kua cua
657 crabe crab *raːp
1006 cracher, crachat to spit, spittle *kr-haːk
804 crapaud toad *-duːt
1045 crapaud toad *-rɔk cóc
1019 crapaud toad *raːk
1042 crapaud toad *roːk
256 creuser (un canal) to dig (a ditch) *daːw đào
986 creuser (un canal) to dig (a ditch) *pɨːk
379 creuser to dig *cah
967 creuser to dig *duːɲ
29 creuser to dig *tʃeːʔ
1156 crevette, écrevisse crayfish, prawn *-ɟuŋ / -ɟɔŋ
526 crier (animaux), meugler cry (of animal), moo *-tɛːlʔ
203 crier (animaux), meugler cry (of animal), moo *ʔɔːʔ
957 crier (animaux), meugler to cry (of animal), moo *jaːɲʔ
1193 crier (animaux), meugler to cry (of animal), moo *k-roːŋʔ
882 crinière (sanglier, cheval) mane (wild boar, horse) *gəːc
159 crocodile crocodile *k-ruːʔ sấu
1074 croisé (bras, jambes) to cross (arms, legs) *k-vɛːŋ
218 crâne skull *k-rɔːʔ sọ
532 crête comb *gɛːl
602 crête comb *k-poːlʔ
1169 crête comb *k-poːŋ
973 crête comb *k-ɟiːk
513 crête comb *m-ɓiːl
259 crête comb *maːw mào
479 crête comb *t-gɨr
920 cueillir to pick *ɓɔːc
875 cueillir, épiler to pick, pluck *pəc bứt
812 cuir, peau leather, skin *k-roːt lốt
185 cuire (à l'eau), cuisiner to boil water, to cook *ɗoːʔ nấu
1002 cuire (à l'eau) to cook (in water) *-dak
618 cuire dans un bambou to cook in a section of bamboo *dɔːl
181 cuire à la vapeur to steam rice *doː đồ
309 cuire à la vapeur to steam rice *soːj xôi
810 cuire à la vapeur to steam rice *t-hoːt
740 cuire, incinérer to burn, incinerate *kuːm
164 cuisse thigh *m-luː
516 cuisse thigh *t-peːl
377 cuisse tight *kpah
1180 cuivre copper *doːŋ đồng
537 curcuma turmeric *ŋɛːlʔ nghệ
1049 céréale cereal *t-hɔːk thóc
801 dard stinger (of insect) *s-n-uːt (< s-rn-uːt ?)
540 dard, venin stinger (of insect), venom *lɛːl
1056 dard, venin stinger (of insect), venom *nɔːk nọc
491 dard, venin stinger (of insect), venom *ɟar
1070 de côté on the side of *s-gɛːŋ nghiêng
1237 dedans inside *k-lɔːŋ trong, lòng
578 demander > mariage ask > marriage *-gaːlʔ / kaːlʔ (PPC agaːlʔ, PMV kaːlʔ) cưới
368 demeurer, être to stay, to be *ʔəh
1026 dense dense *k-ruk
1098 dent tooth *k-saŋ răng
909 dernier (-né) last born *k-ɗuːc
906 dernier (-né) last born *ʔuːc út
1206 descendre to go down *tʃɔːŋʔ xuống
68 dette debt *b-n-əːʔ > nəːʔ (probablement b-rn-əːʔ) nợ
494 deux two *haːr hai
192 difficile difficult *kʰɔːʔ khó
695 diguette bund *nəmʔ
819 disette scarcity *-ŋɔːt
1144 divorcé divorced *-raːŋ
85 divorcé, séparé divorced, separated *p-taː
581 dix ten *maːl mười
1030 dizaine ten *ɟuːk chục
871 doigt finger *-ŋɔːnʔ ngón
330 doigt finger *k-ɗɔːjʔ
438 donner une chiquenaude, une pichenette to flip off, to flick *k-ɗas nảy
1194 dos, arête back, ridge *k-roːŋʔ
1091 dos back *k-ləŋ lưng
600 dos back *nuːlʔ
925 doux (au goût) sweet *t-ŋɔːc ngọt
1190 dragon dragon *-roːŋ rồng
155 dragon dragon *k-ruːʔ
481 dragon dragon *s-mɨr
112 drogue, médecine drug, medicine *k-jaːʔ
1033 drogue, médicament, tabac drug, medicine, tobacco *tʰuok thuốc
492 droit straight *t-ŋar ngay
990 droite right side *dək
571 dur, coriace hard, tough *k-taːl dai
1087 dur hard *kəŋʔ cứng
838 dur, solide hard, firm *k-sanʔ rắn
350 débiter des liens cut connections *cɛh chẻ
960 déborder to overflow *p-laːɲ tràn
980 déchiré torn *sɛːk
30 décortiquer to husk rice *tʃeː xay
21 défendu forbidden *k-riːʔ
124 défense (d'éléphant) (elephant) tusk *p-laː
109 défense (d'éléphant) (elephant) tusk *ŋaː ngà
77 délayer, mélanger dilute, mix *pʰaː pha
485 délayer, mélanger to dilute, mix *k-vər
793 désirer, avoir soif desire, thirsty *kʰaːt khát
902 eau de cuisson du riz water for cooking rice *k-laːc
1016 eau water *ɗaːk nước
892 effeuiller to pluck off *ɓ-lac
796 empan span *c-kaːt
1123 empan span *c-kaːŋ gang
742 empaqueter to wrap *duːm đùm
955 emprunter to borrow *maːɲʔ mượn, mướn
1143 (enfant) naturel natural (child) *k-jaːŋ
271 (enfant) naturel natural (child) *k-ləːj
773 enfant child *ɗɛːt
413 enfiler, piquer, brochette to thread, to sting, to skewer *tʃɔh
437 enflé swollen *kas
590 enfumer, sécher au feu to smoke, to dry on fire *ʔuːl
768 enrhumé to have a cold *sɛːt
1107 entendre to hear *c-maŋʔ mắng
59 entendre to hear *ŋɛː nghe
689 enterrer to bury *kəmʔ
904 entre nœud inter-node *tuːc đốt
1234 entre-nœud, phalange inter-node, phalanx *p-lɔːŋʔ lóng/gióng
872 entrer to enter *lɔːn luồn
477 ergot (de poulet) spur (of cock) *c-nɛːr
425 ergot (de poulet) spur (of cock) *kes
1079 ergot (de poulet) spur (of cock) *t-kɨŋ
1063 escalier, échelle stair, ladder *-ciːŋʔ
853 escalier, échelle stair, ladder *k-maːn
1131 escalier, échelle stair, ladder *kr-ɟaːŋʔ
96 escalier, échelle stair, ladder *l-daːʔ
389 escargot snail *k-cuh
1036 escargot snail *ʔoːk ốc
782 essuyer to wipe *-ɲət
428 essuyer, torcher to wipe, clean *k-ɓɛːs
301 essuyer, torcher wipe *ɟuːj chùi
684 estoquer, frapper de la pointe hit with the tip *təm đâm
353 excrément faeces *ʔɛh ỉa
876 excréments faeces *kəc / kɨc cứt
903 fade tasteless *m-laːc nhạt, lạt
71 faire que to that *cəː cho
1090 falaise cliff *-rəŋ
561 fantôme ghost *p-ləːlʔ trơi
326 fané withered *s-ʔɔːjʔ
466 fatigué tired *-mɔːs mỏi
681 faucille sickle *liɛm liềm
252 faux kapokier (Bombax) kapok tree (Bombax) *-kaːwʔ
34 femme, femelle, woman female, principal, main *-keːʔ cái, cấy
148 femme woman *muːʔ mụ
381 fendre (du bois) to split (wood) *bah / pah (PPC bah, PMV pah) bửa
356 fendu, fissuré cracked, fissured *ɗɛh nẻ
890 fer iron *k-rac sắt
651 fermer (yeux, bouche) to close (eyes, mouth) *k-ɲap > kʰɲap
1185 fesses buttocks *t-moːŋ mông
457 feu, bois à brûler fire, fire-wood *guːs / kuːs (PPC guːs PMV kuːs) củi
125 feuille leaf *s-laːʔ
222 (feuilles à) couvrir cover (with leaves) *k-lɔː
878 fiel gall *məc
423 fil > tendon thread > tendon *cis chỉ
268 fil thread *k-rəːjʔ sợi
280 (fils) mâle male (son) *ʔaːjʔ
867 fils, fille, générique de personne son, daughter, generic person *kɔːn con
57 fils, générique de personne son, (general) person *k-ɗɛːʔ
763 fini, terminé finished *heːt hết
530 fièvre fever *ʔɛːl
497 fleur flower *baːr
1167 fleur flower *poːŋ bông
407 fleurir to blossom *m-loh > ploh / tloh trổ
1191 fleuve river *k-roːŋ sông
1231 fleuve river *k-rɔːŋ
465 flotter sur l'eau to float on water *ɗoːs nổi
569 flèche arrow *saːl
756 foie liver *lɔːm lòm
849 foie liver *t-kaːn gan
213 fontanelle fontanelle *-mɔːʔ
137 fontanelle fontanelle *ʔuː
1124 fonte smelt *t-kaːŋ
298 forer, foret, taraud drill, tap *k-cuːj dùi, giùi
995 fort strong *k-rək sức
78 fort, épicé strong, spicy *tʰaː
1089 forêt forest *k-rəŋ rừng
152 forêt forest *m-ruːʔ
777 foudre lightning *p-rɛːt sét
339 fouet whip *p-rɔːj roi
965 fougère fern *k-tuːɲʔ
907 fouiller du groin nuzzle *duːc
679 fourmi ant *gɛːmʔ
827 fourmi ant *gɛːnʔ / kɛːnʔ kiến
498 fourmi ant *k-ɲaːrʔ
194 fourreau sheath *pɔː
545 fourré, tailli thicket *səlʔ
360 fracture fracture *lɛh
534 frais cold *mɛːlʔ
376 frapper de la main, gifler to hit with hand, to slap *t-pah vả
408 frapper, battre le riz to hit, to beat rice *pɔh
855 frire to fry *-raːnʔ rán
1146 frire to fry *-raːŋʔ
899 froid cold *k-naːc
898 froid, frais cold, cool *t-maːc
1022 front, devant forehead, before *k-laːk trước
961 front forehead *k-laːɲʔ trán
51 fruit fruit *p-leːʔ > pleːʔ / tleːʔ trái
1069 frère aîné elder brother *ʔɛːŋ anh
1137 frère aîné, fils du fr de mère elder broth, moth's broth's son *maːŋʔ
207 frère cadet du père father's younger brother *bɔːʔ bọ
129 frère cadet du père father's younger brother *cuːʔ chú
1160 fuir, goutter to leak, drip *ruŋʔ rụng
866 fuir, s'enfuir, se cacher to flee, hide *k-loːnʔ trốn
661 fumer to smoke *ɗuːp
662 fumer to smoke *ʄuːp
319 fumée smoke *k-hɔːjʔ > kʰɔːjʔ khói
230 fané withered *hɛːwʔ héo
453 galanga (Alpinia galanga) galangal (Alpinia galanga) *b-laːs
1078 galanga (Alpinia galanga) galangal (Alpinia galanga) *b-riɛŋ riềng
363 garder, surveiller to watch, look after *k-cɨh giữ, chữ
294 gauche left *k-laːjʔ trái
504 gaur (Bos gaurus) gaur (Bos gaurus) *s-ŋuːr
1147 gelée blanche white frost *k-raːŋ
941 gencives gums *ləɲ
589 genou knee *t-kuːlʔ gối
1040 gibbon gibbon *k-joːk
948 gibbon gibbon *k-vaɲ
1094 gingembre ginger *s-gəːŋ / s-kəːŋ gừng
798 glisser to slip *b-laːt trượt
767 glisser to slip *g-leːt / g-ləːt
399 gorge, cou throat, neck *koh cổ
1200 gorge, gosier throat, gullet *-hɔːŋʔ họng
1229 gorge, gosier throat, gullet *k-rɔːŋʔ
743 gorgée mouthful *ɓuːm
138 gourde calebasse (Lagenaria) Indian gourd (Lagenaria) *buː bầu
416 goutter to drip *k-̨ʄɔh nhỏ
464 goyave guava *k-ʔoːs ổi
248 goître goitre *pɨəwʔ bướu
671 goûter to taste *ɗeːmʔ nếm
807 grain de beauté beauty mark (mole) *muːt / nuːt mụt, nốt
983 graine, noyau seeds, kernel *-hɛːk
1162 graisse fat *k-luŋ
371 graisse fat *məh mỡ
380 grand, important, aîné(e) large, important, senior *kah cả
1186 grand-père, beau-père grandfather, father in law *moːŋʔ
242 grand-père, beau-père grandfather, father in law *ʔaw
431 gratter (poule - le sol) scratch (chicken - soil) *kəs
556 gratter (poule - le sol) to scratch (chicken - in soil) *-cəːl
894 gratter (une écorce) to scratch (bark) *k-lac
446 gratter to scratch *-kaːs gãi
469 gravier gravel *k-rɔːs sỏi
979 grenouille frog *ʔeːk ếch
818 grenouille, rainette frog, tree frog *gɔːt
1135 griller (sur la braise) to roast (on embers) *ɗaːŋʔ nướng
648 griller, baguettes à griller to grill, grilling sticks *t-kap gắp, cặp
517 grillon cricket *-teːlʔ dế
806 grillon cricket *k-muːt
1055 grillon cricket *k-mɔːk
239 grimper to climb *g-lɛːw leo, trèo
1110 grosse mouche bluebottle fly *-laŋ
1116 grotte cave *haːŋ hang
632 grotte, trou cave, hole *kɨːp
851 groupe, troupeau, essaim group, herd, swarm *daːn đàn
91 grêle hail *k-caːʔ
478 grêle hail *p-lɛːr
361 grêle, rosée hail, dew *k-lɛh
139 guêpe, frelon wasp, hornet *buː bầu
101 génie, fantôme spirit, ghost *-maː ma
677 gésier > goître gizzard > goitre *bɛːmʔ
249 gésier gizzard *k-nɨəw
1236 hache axe *m-lɔːŋ / nɔːŋ
226 hache axe *m-riːw rìu
712 hachis minced *bam băm, bằm
264 haleine, souffle breath *həːj hơi
132 hameçon hook *kuː câu
1118 hanche hip *k-haːŋʔ háng
393 haricot beans *duh đỗ (?)
143 haricot beans *duːʔ đậu (?)
568 haut, le haut height, upper *jalʔ
772 haïr to hate *t-kɛːt ghét
278 herbe à paillote thatch grass *paːjʔ
933 herbe à paillote thatch-grass *p-lɛɲ tranh/gianh
414 herbe grass *kɔh cỏ
791 herbe grass *ɓat
635 heurter to bump *pəp vấp
134 hibou owl *kuːʔ
174 hibou owl *poːʔ vọ
182 hibou owl *ɓoː
640 hier yesterday *-jəp
828 hirondelle swallow *ʔɛːnʔ én
1176 homme vir, mari man, husband *ʔoːŋ ông
583 homme vir, mâle man, male *p-laːl trai, giai
87 homme vir, mâle man, male *taːʔ đứa
400 honte shame *ʔoh
40 hotte basket (carried on the back) *b-r-eːʔ
150 huile oil *-tuː dầu
726 huit eight *saːmʔ tám
563 hérisson (Hystrix macroura) hedgehog (Hystrix macroura) *c-kalʔ
22 iguane (Varanus salvator) iguana (Varanus salvator) *t-riːʔ
95 iguane iguana *daː kì đà
839 il, elle he, she *hanʔ hắn
488 incendie conflagration *k-carʔ cháy
733 indigo indigo *ɟaːm chàm
359 indique un mouvement de dispersion indicating a movement of dispersion *lɛh
809 inonder to flood *p-luːt lụt
10 insecte insect *k-biː
315 insecte insect *ɗoːj
186 interrogatif interrogative *-moː
928 intestins intestines *rɔːc ruột
1233 iris, pupille iris, pupil *p-lɔːŋ tròng
591 ivre be drunk *m-ʔuːl
19 ivre be drunk *p-riː say
1102 jambe, patte leg, foot *kaŋh cẳng
1062 jambe, pied leg, foot *ɟiːŋ / ciɲ (PPC ɟiːŋ, PMV ciɲ) chân
1204 jarre jar *tɔːŋʔ
215 jarre jar *vɔː
531 jaune yellow *-ʔɛːlʔ
168 je, moi I, me *soː tao
783 jeter to throw *-vət vứt
868 jeune, tendre young, tender *k-n-ɔːn (< k-rn-ɔːn) non
1092 jeune, tendre young, tender *k-təːŋʔ
612 joindre, attacher deux cordes to attach, to tie two ropes *ɗoːlʔ nối
1230 jonc rush *k-rɔːŋ
99 joue cheek *-maːʔ
750 joue cheek *bɔːm
233 joues cheeks *k-pɛːw
17 jour day *-ŋiː ngày
295 joyeux joyful *t-puːj vui
844 jupe skirt *-ban
673 jupe skirt *-cɛːmʔ
567 jupe skirt *valʔ váy
557 jupe skirt *ɓəːlʔ mấn
566 labourer, charrue to plough, a plough *gal cày
386 lait milk *p-rah sữa
451 langue tongue *laːs lưỡi
901 lanières de bambou strips of bamboo *laːc lạt
1192 large wide *roːŋʔ rộng
686 laver (vêt.) to wash (clothes) *təm
596 le derrière, les fesses the rear-end, buttocks *duːlʔ
932 le haut, l'amont top, upstream *k-leːɲ lên, trên
184 levure, alcool yeast, alcohol *p-ɗoː
829 levure yeast *-mɛːn men
1150 levure yeast *p-raːŋ
1155 liane liana *k-tuŋʔ
1014 lien, corde link, rope *ɟaːk chạc
341 ligoter to bind *k-lɔːjʔ trói
223 limace slug *k-lɔːʔ
824 limace slug *p-reːn sên
1217 liseron d'eau (Ipomoea sp.) water spinach (Ipomoea sp.) *ɓɔːŋʔ muống
1093 lit bed *k-ɟəːŋ giường
165 lièvre hare *k-bluːʔ
291 loin far *s-ŋaːjʔ ngái
864 long, haut long, high *-joːn
499 long long *jaːr dài
509 loup wolf *k-rɔːrʔ ~ kʰlɔːrʔ sói
1108 lourd heavy *-naŋʔ nặng
854 loutre otter *m-ɲaːn
25 loutre otter *p-seːʔ rái, tấy
347 luciole, luciola firefly *tɛh
1153 (lune) brille, clair to shine (moon), bright *p-laːŋʔ sáng
1114 lune moon *b-laŋ trăng
1235 lune moon *p-lɔːŋ
303 lèvres lips *c-ɓuːjʔ / c-ɓuːj môi
680 lécher to lick *-lɛːmʔ liếm
536 léger light (in weight) *-ɲɛːlʔ nhẹ
247 légumes vegetables *-raw rau
582 lézard lizard *k-naːl
221 lézard lizard *t-lɔː
611 lézard lizard *ɓoːlʔ
664 macérer macerate *pɔːp bóp
752 maigre thin *ɟɔːmʔ / sɔːmʔ tóm
296 maillet mallet *k-tuːj
445 main de banane hand of bananas *c-naːs (< c-rn-aːs ?) nải
201 maison house *k-rn-ɔːʔ
108 maison house *ɲaː nhà
312 malodorant bad-smelling *hoːj hôi
334 mamelle, sein breast *-nɔːjʔ
141 mamelle, sein breast *b-rn-uːʔ / k-buːʔ
850 manche handle *kaːnʔ cán
843 manger to eat *ʔan ăn
574 mangue mango *k-caːl
846 manioc cassava *s-ranʔ sắn
1182 mari husband *ɟoːŋ chồng
214 mariage marriage *mɔːʔ
307 mariage marriage *p-ruːj sui
615 marmite à riz cooking pot *noːl nồi
1226 marmite à riz pot (for cooking rice) *vɔːŋʔ
60 marmite pot *ŋɛːʔ
706 matin morning *k-rəːmʔ sớm
998 matin morning *t-rəːk
1125 menton chin *kaːŋʔ
424 mer, aval sea, downstream *pes / peh (?) bể
255 merle blackbird *baːwʔ
261 merle blackbird *k-raːwʔ sáo
196 mesurer to measure *tɔː đo
704 mettre, porter (chaussures) to put on, wear (shoes) *təːmʔ
122 midi midday, noon *k-laː trưa
401 midi midday, noon *p-goh
1111 miel honey *laŋʔ
879 miel, mélasse honey, molasses *məc mật
524 milan kite *hɛːl
1152 milan kite *k-laːŋʔ
543 millet (Setaria) millet (Setaria) *k-hiɛl > kiɛl
324 millet (Setaria) millet (Setaria) *s-kɔːj
358 moineau sparrow *k-rɛh sẻ
1149 mois month *k-raːŋʔ tháng
728 molaire molar *-haːm (< hŋ-ʔaːm < tŋ-ʔaːm ?) hàm
732 molaire molar *-ʔaːm
751 mollet calf *k-bɔːm
153 montagne mountain *b-ruːʔ
609 montagne mountain *doːl đồi
931 monter to mount *leːɲ lên
332 montrer du doigt to point *c-ɗɔːjʔ
343 montrer du doigt to point *cih chỉ
421 montrer du doigt to point *k-lɔh trỏ
715 mordre, piquer (abeille) to bite, to sting (bee) *gamʔ / kamʔ gặm
944 mordre, piquer to bite, to sting *kaɲʔ cắn
795 mordre to bite *kaːt
607 mortier à riz rice mortar *t-koːlʔ cối
554 morve, crachat nasal mucus, spittle *-ɲəl nhầy
337 mouche fly *m-rɔːj ruồi
599 moucheron midge *t-muːl
764 mourir to die *k-ceːt chết
1188 moustique mosquito *ŋoːŋ
467 moustique, mouche mosquito, fly *mɔːs muỗi
1225 muet mute *ŋɔːŋ ngọng ?
107 mâcher, chiquer to chew, chew tobacco *s-ɲaːʔ nhá
964 mâle, homme vir male, man *p-kuːɲʔ
991 mâle male *dək đực
1183 mâle, mari male, husband *p-ʄoːŋ chồng, nhông
44 mère > femelle mother > female *meːʔ ~ mɛːʔ mẹ
857 mère, belle-mère mother, mother in law *nuːn
364 méchant naughty *jɨh dữ
822 mûr, cuit ripe, cooked *ciːnʔ (< c-ʔiːnʔ) chín
175 mûre blackberry *-toː dâu
3 nageoire fin *c-piː
510 nageoire fin *c-piːl vây
546 nageoire fin *c-pəl / k-piːl
198 nasse trap *tɔːʔ
348 naître, accoucher > pondre be born, to give birth > to lay *tɛh đẻ
1064 naître, accoucher to be born, give birth *k-riːŋ sinh ?
417 ne pas (interdiction) do not (prohibit) *-nɔh nỏ
821 neuf (9) nine *ciːnʔ chín
459 nez nose *muːs mũi
392 nid nest *s-ʔuh > suh / ʔuh tổ
962 nombril navel *p-suːɲʔ rốn
458 nombril navel *t-ɗuːs
316 nourrir > adopté to feed > to adopt *ɗoːj nuôi
676 nourrir > adopté to feed > to adopt *ɟɛːmʔ / cɛːmʔ
267 nourrir to feed *p-rəːj
266 nouveau new *ɓəːjʔ mới
553 nuage cloud *k-məl mây
670 nuit night *teːm đêm
1053 nuque nape (of the neck) *k-ɗɔːk
703 odorant fragrant *tʰəːm thơm
792 œil eye *mat mắt, mặt
1096 œuf egg *k-ləːŋʔ trứng
507 œuf egg *t-luːrʔ
665 oiseau bird *-ciːm chim
180 oiseau bird *ʔoːʔ ó
1202 ombre shadow *pɔːŋʔ bóng
659 omoplate scapula *k-laːp
378 omoplate scapula *pah bả (vai)
708 ongle fingernail *kr-sam
1223 ongle, sabot, griffe nail, hoof, claw *-mɔːŋʔ móng
1172 ongle, sabot, griffe nail, hoof, claw *k-toːŋ
123 opercule (d'escargot) snail operculum *k-laː
276 oreille ear *saːj tai
958 os des côtes rib *cm-raːɲ > c-raːɲ / b-raːɲ sườn
1127 os bone *tʃ-ʔaːŋ > ɟaːŋ / tʃɨəŋ xương
1199 oublier to forget *m-loːŋ
145 ours bear *c-guːʔ / c-kuːʔ gấu
1117 ouvrir (bouche) to open (mouth) *haːŋʔ
80 ouvrir (bouche) to open (mouth) *haːʔ
1115 ouvrir (l'œil) open (eyes) *m-laŋ
1154 ouvrir (l'œil) to open (eyes) *m-laːŋ
366 ouvrir (la porte) open (the door) *pəh
402 ouvrir (le ventre), inciser open (the belly), incise *ɓoh
369 ouvrir (porte, œil, bouche) to open (door, eye, mouth) *ɓəh mở
171 pagne, langouti loin-cloth *kʰoːʔ khố
320 pagne, langouti loin-cloth *sr-tɔːjʔ
1048 paille straw *sɔːk
311 paire, jumeaux pair, twins *toːj đôi
441 pamplemousse pomelo *paːs
375 pandanus, natte pandanus, mat *p-sah
496 pandanus, natte pandanus, mat *ɲcaːrʔ
808 pangolin (Manis javanicus) anteater (Manis javanicus) *k-ruːt trút
508 pangolin anteater *km-ɓoːr
1181 panier plat, van flat basket, winnowing basket *ɗoːŋʔ nong
1165 panier à étuver steamer basket *k-hoːŋ hông
405 panier basket *-roh rổ
232 panthère panther *pɛːw beo
1189 paon peacock *k-voːŋ công
273 papier paper *k-cajʔ giấy
729 papillon butterfly *paːmʔ bướm
1017 paresseux lazy *k-ɲaːk nhác
604 parler to talk *coːlʔ
209 pattes legs (of animals) *-ɟɔː giò
1120 paume, plante palm, plant *k-paːŋʔ báng
1136 paume, plante palm, plant *k-ɗaːŋʔ
511 paupière eyelid *k-piːl / ɓiːlʔ (PMV ɓiːlʔ / PPC k-piːl)
86 peau skin *-taː da
942 peigne comb *gəːɲ
774 peigne comb *k-nɛːt
974 peigne comb *k-ɟiːk
976 peigne comb *s-rn-eːk
444 peigner to comb *caːs chải
975 peigner to comb *seːk
302 pencher (la tête) lean *guːjʔ gối
721 penser à to think about *-ŋamʔ ngắm
1205 pente slope *cɔːŋʔ
781 perdre to lose *ɓət mất
42 personne people *ɗeː
130 petit fils, petite fille grandchild *cuːʔ cháu
331 petit, enfant, index (< doigt) small, child, index (<finger) *ɗɔːjʔ
760 petit small *ɗiːt nít
629 petite crevette crayfish *sɛːp tép
860 petits-enfants, arrière petits-enfants grandchildren, great-grandchildren *soːn tôn
852 peu profond shallow *gaːnʔ cạn
758 peu few *ʔiːt ít
154 pierre (mat.) (mat.) stone *b-ruːʔ
89 pierre stone *l-taːʔ đá
1220 pilon à pied foot-pestle *mɔːŋ
31 pilon pestle *tʃ-reː chày
811 piloti, poteau post *goːt cột
505 piloti, poteau post *t-juːr
290 piment chili *c-ŋaːj
784 piment chili *ʔəːt ớt
1132 pinces (de crabe) (crab) pincers *gaːŋ càng
1207 pinces (de crabe) (crab) pincers *kɔːŋʔ
1141 pinces (de crabe) (crab) pincers *ŋaːŋ
800 piquer (abeille) to sting (bee) *suːt tút ?
411 piquer (serpent), mordre to bite (snake), to sting *cɔh
398 piquer (serpent), mordre to bite (snake), to sting *toh
912 piquer (serpent), mordre to bite (snake), to sting *toːc đốt
523 piège (tonilière) a kind of trap *sɛːl
191 placenta, cordon ombilical placenta, umbilical cord *sɔːʔ
245 placenta placenta *ʄaw nhau
254 placenta placenta *ʔaːwʔ
675 placenta placenta *ʔɛːm
576 (plante) sauvage wild (plant) *-daːlʔ dại
1198 planter (un arbre) to plant (a tree) *m-loːŋ trồng
620 plantoir digging stick *-mɔːl / muəl moi
623 plantoir digging stick *c-mɔːlʔ mói
103 plants de repiquage rice seedlings (for transplanting) *s-maːʔ mạ
1103 plat, égal flat, even *baŋ bằng
693 plateau tray *ɓəm mâm
723 plein full *ɓ-lam
739 pleurer to weep *jaːmʔ / ɲaːmʔ dám
637 plier to fold *p-kəp gấp
847 plonger to sink *lanʔ lặn
306 pluie fine drizzle *p-ruːj
102 pluie rain *k-maː (PPC kəmaː, PMV kʰmaː) mưa
1196 plume, poil, cil feather, hair, fur *-loːŋ lông
718 poignée, contenant d'une main handful, contents of hand *-namʔ nắm
747 poignée, contenant de 2 mains réunies handful, contents of two cupped hands *k-ɗoːm
1034 poignée, contenant de 2 mains réunies handful, contents of two cupped hands *poːk vốc
720 poing, contenant d'une main fist, contents of hand *k-ɲamʔ
711 pointe de flèche head of arrow *kam
63 poison de serpent venom *k-lɛːʔ
1037 poison, vénéneux poison, poisonous *doːk độc
92 poisson fish *ʔa-kaːʔ
367 poitrine chest *k-cəh
994 poitrine chest *ŋək ngực
219 polir le riz to polish rice *b-rɔː
685 polir le riz to pound rice *təm đâm
502 porc pig *guːrʔ / kuːrʔ (PPC guːrʔ, PMV kuːrʔ) cúi
668 porc-épic porcupine *k-ɲiːmʔ nhím
1080 porc-épic porcupine *k-ɲɨŋʔ
472 porc-épic porcupine *keːr
374 porte door *kɨah cửa
372 porte door *t-məh
146 porter (chapeau) wear (hat) *s-ɗuː
1015 porter (sur l'épaule) to carry (on shoulder) *ɓaːk vác (?)
314 porter (un chapeau) to wear (a hat) *doːjʔ đội
39 porter à la hotte to carry on the back (in a basket) *beːʔ bệ
889 poser to put *dac / tac đặt
547 possible possible *təl
940 pou de corps body louse *m-rəɲʔ rận
6 pou de tête head louse *ciːʔ chấy, chí
897 pou des poulets chicken louse *maːc mạt
53 pou des poulets chicken louse *s-pɛː
93 poulet chicken *r-kaː
696 pouls pulse *-nəmʔ
462 poumons lungs *p-soːs > p-hoːc > pʰoːc / poːc phổi
586 pourri rotten *tʰuːlʔ thối, thúi
460 pousser to push *ɲuːs
1104 pousses de bambou comestibles edible bamboo shoots *t-ɓaŋ măng
593 poussière dust *buːlʔ bụi
697 prendre to take *-nəmʔ nắm
50 prendre to take *leːʔ / -leːʔ lấy
786 presser (fruit), essorer to press (fruit), wring *pat vắt
157 profond deep *c-ruː > kʰluː (PPC cəruː, PMV cruː) sâu
72 près de near *s-ɗəː
938 près near *t-kəɲ gần
770 puce flea *cɛːt chét
100 puce flea *s-maː
1031 puiser to draw water *ɓuːk múc
1077 puits a well *-ciɛŋʔ giếng
628 punaise (de lit) (bed)bug *-reːp rệp
1083 punaise des bois stinkbug *səŋ
289 pupille (de l'œil) pupil (of the eye) *-ŋaːj ngươi
394 pus, sève pus, sap *ɓuh mủ
836 python python *k-lən trăn
8 père, beau-père father, father in law *ʔiː
208 père father *bɔːʔ bọ
64 père father *bɨːʔ ~ pɨːʔ
172 père father *poːʔ bố
914 pénis penis *-loːc
420 pénis penis *lɔh
683 péter to fart *k-səmʔ rắm
1239 pétiole petiole *kuoŋʔ cuống
785 pêcher à la ligne to fish w. a hook *pat
861 quatre four *poːnʔ bốn
952 questionner to ask *haːɲ han
322 queue tail *dɔːj / tɔːj (PPC dɔːj, PMV tɔːj) đuôi
38 qui who *ʔeː ai
370 quitter, enlever (vêt.) leave, remove (vêt.) *ɓəh
429 racine root *k-riɛs (PPC k-riɛs / k-rɛs, PMV res) rễ
881 ramasser, glaner to collect, gather *m-ləc nhặt
32 ramie ramie *-keː
939 ramie ramie *k-rəɲ
205 ramper (chenille), glisser to crawl (caterpillar), to drag *bɔː
943 ramper to crawl *-lɨəɲ trườn ?
950 rapide fast *m-laɲ nhanh, lanh
83 rapiécer, coudre to repair, sew *k-paːʔ
211 rassasié satiated *ɗɔː no
297 rat de bambou (Rhizomis) bamboo rat (Rhizomis) *-tuːjʔ / -duːs
300 rat de bambou (Rhizomis) bamboo rat (Rhizomis) *k-buːj
840 rat de bambou (Rhizomis) bamboo rat (Rhizomis) *kanʔ
46 rat, souris rat, mouse *k-neːʔ
996 rat, souris rat, mouse *lək
972 rat, souris rat, mouse *ʔiːk
126 rate spleen *laːʔ ~ laː
823 regarder to look at *ɗiːn nhìn
1113 reins kidneys *k-laŋ
269 relâcher to release *p-rəːjʔ
927 remplir to fill up *-rɔːc rót
37 remuer, délayer stir, mix *kweː quay
473 rentrer to return *veːr về
548 repiquer, transplanter to transplant rice seedlings *kəlʔ cấy
432 respirer to breathe *t-ŋəs ngửi
365 respirer to breathe *tʰəh thở
373 retourner, revenir return *p-ləh trở
1216 rhinocéros rhinoceros *s-gɔːŋʔ
5 rhinocéros rhinoceros *k-tiːʔ  ?
243 riche rich *k-ɟaw giàu
263 rivière river *b-laːwʔ
52 rivière river *kʰɛː khe
1059 rivière, ruisseau river, brook *c-lɔːk
1201 rivière, ruisseau river, brook *hɔːŋʔ
705 riz cuit cooked rice *kəːm cơm
179 riz décortiqué husked rice *r-koːʔ gạo, cấu
277 riz non glutineux nonglutinous rice *k-saːj
709 riz ordinaire nonglutinous rice *cam
224 riz paddy paddy rice *ʔa-lɔːʔ lúa,
627 (riz) glutineux glutinous (rice) *ɗeːp nếp
971 (riz) non glutineux nonglutinous (rice) *lɔːɲ lòn
1228 rizière humide wet rice *rɔːŋʔ ruộng
601 rocher rock *kʰoːlʔ khối
873 rond, pleine (lune) round, full (moon) *g-lɔːn tròn
493 ronfler en dormant to snore *t-ŋarʔ ngáy
678 ronger, grignotter to gnaw, nibble *gɛːmʔ / kɛːmʔ
162 roseau reed *k-luː lau
49 roseau reed *p-reːʔ sậy
45 rotin rattan *-meː mây
552 rotin rattan *-məl mây
884 rotin rattan *ksac
631 rotule (anat.) kneecap *-lɛːp
605 rouge red *koːl
410 rouge red *tɔh đỏ
776 rouille rust *p-rɛːt sét
490 rouler (cigarette), enrouler to roll (cigarette), to wrap *k-bar
848 rouler (cigarette), enrouler to roll (cigarette), wrap *p-lanʔ
88 ruer (cheval) rush (horse) *taːʔ
735 rugueux rough *-ɲaːmʔ nhám
616 ruisseau, rivière river, brook *hɔːlʔ hói
736 ruminer, mâcher ruminate, masticate *-ɲaːmʔ
287 ruminer ruminate *-ɲaːj nhai
910 récolter à la main to gather w. hands *p-ruːc rút
495 récolter, cueillir to harvest, to gather *haːrʔ hái
888 récolter, moissonner to harvest *-kac gặt
814 récolter to harvest *ʔa-pɔːt
1213 régime (de banane) bunch (of bananas) *bɔːŋ buồng
1044 régime (de bananes) bunch (of bananas) *g-loːk
344 réservoir, retenue d'eau tank, water storage *peh ~ pes bể
173 rêver to dream *s-poː chiêm bao
1173 s'appuyer sur un bâton to lean on a stick *coːŋʔ chống
305 s'asseoir to sit down *ŋuːj ngồi
874 s'écarter de to draw aside *sic
830 s'étouffer (en mangeant) choke (while eating) *ŋɛːnʔ nghẹn
608 s'étouffer (en mangeant) choke (while eating) *ʔoːlʔ ói
357 sable sand *-rɛh
896 sable sand *t-kaːc cát
707 sabre sword *t-kɨəm gươm
716 salaison (crevette, poisson) to salt (shrimp, fish) *ɓamʔ mắm
646 sale dirty *-ɲəːp nhớp
97 salive saliva *ɟaːʔ
946 salé salty *-maɲʔ mặn
727 sang blood *ʔa-saːmʔ rướm
354 sangsue d'eau water leech *l-dɛh / l-tɛh đỉa
1065 sangsue d'eau water leech *p-liːŋ
787 sangsue des bois landleech *-pat vắt
672 sangsue des bois landleech *pleːm
911 sauter to jump *soːc
439 sauter to jump *ʄas nhảy
468 sauterelle grasshopper *-ɲɔːs
177 sauterelle grasshopper *coːʔ châu chấu
573 scrotum scrotum *k-taːlʔ dái
690 se baigner to bathe *ʔəm
644 se coucher (soleil) to set (of sun) *ɓ-ləp
633 se couvrir (d'une couverture) to cover (w. a blanket) *səp
487 se dresser, se lever to awaken, to rise *ʔa-jərʔ dấy
832 se fâcher to get angry *ɟənʔ giận
1085 se lever, dresser, debout to get up, dresser, stand up *təŋʔ đứng
988 se lever, se réveiller to get up, awaken *k-sək thức
880 se moucher to wipe one's nose *-rəc
486 se réveiller, se lever to awaken, to rise *jərʔ dậy
73 se souvenir to remember *k-ɲəːʔ nhớ
1004 se vêtir to dress *mak mặc
170 sec dry *kʰoː khô
329 sel salt *ɓɔːjʔ muối/mói
1174 semence seed *k-coːŋʔ giống
622 semer (en poquet) to sow rice (in a hole) *mɔːlʔ mói
449 semer (le riz) à la volée to broadcast (rice) *vaːs vãi
422 semer en poquet, recouvrir to plant seeds in holes, to cover *pis
963 sentir, embrasser to feel, to kiss *huːɲ hôn
430 sept seven *pəs bảy
935 serpent snake *p-səɲʔ rắn
500 serpent snake *s-jaːrʔ
1005 singe (une sorte de) (kind of) monkey *saːk
342 singe monkey *kʰih khỉ
753 singe monkey *mɔːmʔ
1057 singe monkey *vɔːk voọc
183 singe monkey *ɗoː
158 six six *p-ruːʔ > pʰruːʔ / kʰluːʔ sáu
12 sœur aînée elder sister *ɟiːʔ chị
110 sœur cadette du père father's younger sister *vaːʔ
202 sœur cadette du père father's younger sister *ʔɔː o
167 soie silk *luaʔ lụa
699 sombre, noir dark, black *-jəm râm
585 sombre, soir dark, evening *suːlʔ tối
731 son bran *t-kaːmʔ cám
630 sorte de liane (Entada scandens) a kind of creeper (Entada scandens) *-lɛːp
541 (sorte de) silure (kind of) catfish *c-lɛːl trê
384 (sorte de) singe (kind of) monkey *k-mah
79 sortir to go out *-saː ra
406 sortir to go out *ʔa-loh
1035 souche stump *t-koːk gốc
227 souffler (vent) to blow (of wind) *p-liːw
455 souffler to blow *t-huːs > tuːs / tʰuːs thổi
780 soulever, lever to lift, raise *kət cất
283 sourd deaf *daːj
984 sourd deaf *dɛːk / tɛːk (PPC dɛːk, PMV tɛːk) điếc
106 suc, résine, drogue sap, resin, drug *ɲaːʔ nhựa
908 sucer to suck *c-ɓuːc mút
698 sucer to suck *ŋəmʔ ngậm
1129 sucre de canne sugarcane *daːŋ đường
993 sueur sweat *-nək nực
225 suie soot *m-lɔːʔ nhọ, lọ
238 suspendre to hang *k-lɛːw treo
1164 sycomore (Ficus glomerata) sycamore (Ficus glomerata) *t-ruːŋ sung
147 sève, sang sap, blood *t-muːʔ máu
20 sécher au feu to dry on fire *c-riːʔ sấy
419 sécher au feu to dry on fire *k-rɔh
1106 sécher au feu to dry on fire *p-ɗaŋ
1175 sécher au feu to dry on fire *tʃoːŋ xông
1082 sésame sesame *vɨŋ vừng
1029 tailler, ciseler to carve, chisel *duːk đục
919 tailler, ciseler to carve, chisel *t-kɔːc gọt
918 talon heel *-kɔːc gót
559 talon heel *k-ɗəːlʔ
48 tamis, tamiser sieve, sift *-reː rây
190 taro taro *s-roːʔ sọ
863 taro, tubercule taro, tuber *ɓoːn môn
688 tatouer, piquer de petits trous tattoo, poke small holes *tʃəm xăm
650 teindre, laquer (les dents) to dye, lacquer (teeth) *k-tap
755 teindre, laquer (les dents) to dye, lacquer (teeth) *ɲɔːmʔ nhuộm
471 tendon tendon *k-jiːrʔ
75 tendre (la main), lever tighten (by hand), lift *k-jəː giơ
655 tenir dans les mâchoires to hold in the mouth *gaːp cạp
614 termite termite *k-moːlʔ mối
503 termite termite *k-muːrʔ / k-moːrʔ mối
779 terre earth *tət đất
236 tigre tiger *-meːw
570 tigre tiger *k-haːlʔ > kʰaːlʔ khái
769 tique tick *k-pɛːt
533 tirer la langue to pull out tongue *k-ɗɛːlʔ
542 tirer la langue to pull out tongue *t-lɛːl /le/thè
1214 (tirer) juste (to shoot) true *dɔːŋ
936 tirer to shoot *pəɲʔ bắn
1168 tiède lukewarm *poːŋʔ
691 tiède lukewarm *s-ʔəmʔ ấm
1061 tiède lukewarm *tiŋ
15 toi, tu you (sing.) *miː mày
1218 toit roof *k-ɓɔːŋ
580 toit roof *ɓaːlʔ mái
189 tombeau grave *g-roʔ / g-roh
383 tombeau tomb *-mah mả
883 tomber (un objet) to drop (an object) *-rəːc rớt
396 tomber de soi-même to fall (intr) *ruh
484 tonnerre thunder *gər
702 tonnerre thunder *k-rəmʔ sấm
351 torchon rag *k-cɛh giẻ
947 tordre, essorer to twist, wring *vaɲʔ vặn
587 torsader en chignon to plait (hair) *puːlʔ búi
766 tortue d'eau douce (Tryonix) freshwater turtle (Tryonix) *beːt
480 tortue d'eau douce (Tryonix) freshwater turtle (Tryonix) *bɨr
448 tortue d'eau douce (Tryonix) freshwater turtle (Tryonix) *p-taːs
217 tortue tortoise *ʔa-rɔː rùa/
594 touffe clump *buːlʔ bụi
1010 toupaye (Tupaia glis) tree shrew (Tupaia glis) *k-caːk
956 toupaye (Tupaia glis) tree shrew (Tupaia glis) *suaɲʔ < s-vaːɲʔ (?)
926 toupaye (Tupaia glis) tree shrew (Tupaia glis) *vɔːc
133 tourterelle dove *t-kuː cu
193 tousser to cough *hɔː ho
987 traces (de pas) footprints *sɨak ~ seːk
176 traces, empreinte trace, footprint *k-toːʔ dấu
121 travailler to work *laː , làm
834 travailler to work *mən mần
1142 traverser to cross *p-ŋaːŋ ngang
858 trembler to shiver *-ruːn run
714 tremper to soak *dam
805 tremper to soak *ʄuːt nhút
1163 tremper to soak *ʄuːŋʔ nhúng
937 tresser (une corde) to plait (a rope) *k-təɲ
954 tresser, tisser to plait, weave *taːɲ đan
81 trois three *paː ba
335 trompe (d'éléphant) (elephant) trunk *vɔːj vòi
1227 tronc d'arbre tombé fallen tree trunk *rɔːŋ
1232 tronc mort tombé dead fallen tree trunk *ɓ-lɔːŋ
1179 trou (de l'oreille, du nez) hole (in ear, nose) *boːŋʔ bộng
1178 trou (oreille, nez) hole (ear, nose) *t-ʔoːŋʔ
1166 trou (oreille, nez), trouer hole (ear, nose), to pierce *hoːŋʔ hổng
127 trou > anus hole > anus *-suː
135 trouble, turbid cloudy, dim *r-kuːʔ
282 troupeau, essaim flock, swarm *baːj
9 troupeau herd *biː / piː bầy
1177 tube, tuyau tube, pipe *ʔoːŋʔ ống
388 tubercule tuber *kuh củ
1020 tubercule tuber *p-raːk
765 tuer to kill *k-ə-ceːt (< k-pr-ceːt) giết
281 turban turban *-baːj
140 téter, sucer to suck at breast *b-ʔuːʔ > ʔuːʔ/ buːʔ (PPC) / puːʔ (PMV)
744 tétines, traire teats, to milk *-nuːmʔ núm
338 tétines, tétons udders, nipples *p-rɔːj
304 tétines udder *k-ɓuːj
970 têtards tadpole *ʔɔːɲʔ
1043 tête head *k-loːk trốc
512 un oiseau (hirondelle ?) a kind of bird (swallow ?) *c-ʔiːl
913 un one *moːc một, mốt
27 urine urine *-teːʔ > t-rn-eːʔ đái
28 urine urine *t-rn-neːʔ
204 urine urine *t-ʔɔːʔ
54 vagin vagina *k-cɛːʔ
539 vagin vagina *lɛːl
1148 van winnow *g-raːŋ sàng
989 vanner le paddy winnow a paddy *-pək / -bək
362 vanner le paddy winnow a paddy *-pɨh
741 vanner le paddy winnow a paddy *kuːmʔ
692 vanner to winnow *gəm
815 varan (Varanus nebulosa) monitor lizard (Varanus nebulosa) *tr-kɔːt
116 veines, tendons veins, tendons *p-raːʔ
953 vendre to sell *paːɲʔ bán
293 venir to come *laːjʔ lại
216 vent wind *k-jɔːʔ > kʰjɔːʔ gió
1197 ventre belly *p-loːŋʔ
1157 ventre, estomac belly, stomach *buŋʔ bụng
598 ventre, estomac belly, stomach *k-ɗuːlʔ / k-ɗəlʔ
551 ventre, estomac belly, stomach *k-ɗəlʔ / k-ɗuːlʔ
522 ver de terre earthworm *p-leːlʔ
859 ver de terre earthworm *p-luːn / p-ruːn giun/trùn
951 ver de terre earthworm *t-laɲʔ
397 verser to pour *toh đổ
1203 vessie bladder *pɔːŋʔ bóng
253 veste, vêtement du haut jacket, upper garment *ʔaːwʔ áo
757 viande, chair meat *-siːt thịt
1187 vide, creux empty, hollow *-moːŋʔ
47 vietnamien Vietnamese *-neːʔ
992 vieux old *k-mək
115 vieux, âgé old (in age) *k-raː già
474 village village *k-veːr quê
210 vinaigre, acide, âpre vinegar, acid, bitter *ɟɔːʔ
700 vinaigre vinegar *-jəmʔ giấm
981 visiteur guest *kʰɛːk khách
333 visiteur guest *t-mɔːj
1195 vivant, cru alive, raw *k-roːŋʔ sống
94 veuf widowed *-kwaːʔ goá
246 veuf widowed *k-jawʔ
285 veuf widowed *k-maːj
117 veuf widowed *k-raːʔ
734 voir to see *ɗaːm
483 voler to fly *pər bay
382 vomir to vomit *ɓah mửa
558 vouloir, désirer to wish, desire *ɓəːlʔ mới
313 végétal, végétation plant, vegetation *koːjʔ cối
206 zébu, bovin zebu, bovine *bɔː
626 *kr-siːp
18 être humain, personne human being, people *-riː
1076 être humain, population (groupe) human, population (group) *m-lɛːŋ
621 être humain, population (groupe) human, population (group) *mɔːlʔ mọi
288 être humain, population (groupe) human, population (group) *ŋaːj người, ngài
713 à droite right side *dam / tam (PPC dam, PMV tam) đăm
292 âme, esprit soul, spirit *r-vaːjʔ vía
178 âpre bitter *coːʔ
355 ébréché, bec de lièvre, croissant de lune chipped, harelip, crescent moon *ɓɛh mẻ
514 écaille (de pangolin) scale (of anteater) *-seːl
434 écaille > opercule scale (of fish) > operculum *k-pas vảy
1212 écaille de bambou spathe of bamboo *bɔːŋ
645 éclair lightning *k-ɟəːp / k-cəːp chớp
403 éclater to explode *ɗoh nổ
895 écoper, assécher (pour pêcher) to bail out, to drain (for fishing) *ʔa-saːc
409 écorce > coquille bark > shell *-pɔh vỏ
1039 écorce bark *k-ɗoːk
562 écorchure a scratch *b-ləːl trầy
745 écrevisse, crevette crayfish, shrimp *soːm tôm
816 écume foam *bɔːt bọt
525 écureuil volant, galéopithèque flying squirrel *pɛːl
1041 écureuil squirrel *c-moːk
817 écureuil squirrel *k-ɟɔːt chuột
1058 écureuil squirrel *p-rɔːk > kʰlɔːk sóc
603 écureuil squirrel *toːlʔ
754 édenté toothless *-mɔːmʔ móm
893 égrener (le maïs) to shell (maize) *k-lac
877 égrener (le maïs) to shell (maize) *ɓəc
336 éléphant elephant *-vɔːj voi
65 éléphant elephant *ʄɨːʔ
1130 éléphant elephant *ʔa-ɟaːŋ
274 épais thick *k-daj dày
1151 épaule shoulder *k-laːŋ
284 épaule shoulder *ɓaːj
577 épervier (filet) casting net *ɟaːl chài
475 épi ear (of grains) *k-cɛːrʔ / kɟɛːrʔ gié
1027 épiler, plumer to pluck *-luk
33 épine thorn *t-keː gai
188 épis (de riz) ear (of rice) *k-joː
1021 éplucher, gratter to peel, scrape *p-laːk
660 éponge végétale (Luffa) vegetable sponge (loofah) *ɓɨəp mướp
647 éponge végétale (Luffa) vegetable sponge (loofah) *ɓɨəp / buop mướp
286 épouse aîné de la mère mother's elder brother's wife *-naːj nạ?
111 épouse fr aîné du père father's elder brother's wife *-jaːʔ
82 épouse fr aîné du père, sœur aînée de père/mère fathers's elder brother's wife, father or mother's elder sister *paːʔ
66 épouse fr cadet du père, sœur aînée/cadette de mère father's younger brother's wife, mother's elder or younger sister *mɨːʔ mợ
69 épouse wife *-bəːʔ vợ
35 épouse wife *p-keːʔ gái, gấy
799 étaler (natte) to spread (a mat) *p-laːt
450 étaler, exposer au soleil to spread, expose to sun *p-raːs trải
443 étaler, exposer au soleil to spread, expose to sun *p-taːs dãi
778 éteindre to put out (a fire) *p-sət / p-sat tắt
436 éternuer to sneeze *k-cas
442 étoffe de coton cotton cloth *k-paːs vải
262 étoile star *k-raːw sao
41 étoile star *k-ɓeː
797 éventail fan *gwaːt quạt
564 éventail fan *s-pal
200 être, avoir, il y a to be, to have, there is *kɔːʔ


Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages

p-Tibeto-Burman • Old Chinese (basic) • p-Southern Min • Macro-Bai • p-Tujia • p-Naish • p-Ersuic • Guiqiong • Horpa • p-Lolo-Burmese • p-Lalo • Lalo • Akha • Woni • Axi • Nesu • Yi (Mihei) • Kathu • Gong • p-Karenic • p-Luish • p-Bodo-Garo • Kuki-Chin • Suansu • Jejara • Mru • p-W. Tibetan • Tibetan (Lajiao) • Amdo Tibetan • Zakhring • Tshangla • Kho-Bwa • Mey • p-Puroik • p-Hrusish • Koro • Greater Siangic • Raji-Raute • Dhimalish • Baram-Thangmi • Bhujel • p-Kham • Dura • Bunan • (Nepal)


p-Austroasiatic (Swadesh) • p-Munda • p-Khasian • p-Palaungic • Quang Lam • p-Khmuic • p-Pakanic • p-Vietic • p-Katuic • p-Bahnaric • p-Pearic • p-Khmeric • p-Monic • p-Aslian • p-Nicobarese


p-Hmong-Mien • Hmong-Mien • p-Hmongic • Pa-Hng • Xong • Pana • She • p-Mienic • Mienic • Mien (Gongcheng) • Biao Min (Shikou)


p-Kra-Dai • p-Kra • Laha • Qabiao • Gelao • p-Kam-Sui • Kam-Sui (Hunan) • p-Lakkia • Biao • p-Tai • Zhuang (Tiandeng) • Bouyei • p-Be • Jizhao • p-Hlai • Jiamao

