e {n} (name of the letter E, e)
:: إي {m} /ʾī/, إيه {m} /ʾīh/
each {determiner} (every)
:: كل /kull/
each other {pron} (to one another; one to the other)
:: بعضه البعض /baʿḍuhu l-baʿḍ/
eager {adj} (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object)
:: مشتاق /muštāq/
eagle {n} (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae)
:: عقاب {m} /ʿuqāb/
eaglet {n} (an eagle chick)
:: هيثم {m} /hayṯam/
ear {v} (archaic: to plough)
:: حرث /ḥaraṯa/
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna
ear {n} (organ of hearing)
:: أذن {f} /ʾuḏun/
earache {n} (pain in the ear)
:: ألم الأذن /ʾalam al-ʾuḏuni/, ألم الأذن /ʾalam al-ʾuḏni/
ear canal {n} (tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum)
:: قناة سمعية {f} /qanāh samʿiyya/
eardrum {n} (membrane separating outer and middle ears)
:: طبلة الأذن {f} /ṭabla(t) al-ʾuḏn/
ear lobe {n} (a part of the ear)
:: شحمة الأذن {f} /šaḥmat al-ʾuḏn/
early {adj} (at a time in advance of the usual)
:: باكر /bākir/
early {adv} (at a time before expected)
:: مبكرا /mubakkiran/, باكرا /bākiran/
earn {v} (gain through applied effort or work)
:: كسب /kasaba/
earn {v} (transitive: receive (money) for working)
:: كسب /kasaba/
earn {v} (deserve)
:: استحق /istaḥaqqa/
earnest {adj} (important, serious)
:: جدي /jaddī/, جاد /jādd/
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear)
:: سماعة {f} /sammāʿa/, سماعات الرأس {f-p} /samāʿāt ar-raʾs/
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears)
:: سماعات {f-p} /sammāʿāt/
earring {n} (piece of jewelry)
:: قرط {m} /qurṭ/, حلق {m} /ḥalaq/
ear shell {n} (abalone) SEE: abalone
earth {n} (soil)
:: تربة {f} /turba/, تراب {p} /turāb/, أرض {f} /ʾarḍ/
earth {n} (the ground, land)
:: أرض {f} /ʾarḍ/
earth {n} (world of our current life, as opposed to afterlife)
:: أرض {f} /ʾarḍ/, دنيا {f} /dunyā/
earth {n}
:: أرض {f} /ʾarḍ/
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth
Earth {prop} (third planet of the Solar System)
:: الأرض {f} /al-ʾarḍ/
Earth Day {prop} (global day of observance of the need to protect the earth)
:: يوم الأرض {m} /yawm al-ʾarḍ/
earthen {adj} (made of earth or mud)
:: ترابي /turābiyy/
earthen {adj} (made of clay)
:: فخري /faḵariyy/, خزفي /ḵazafiyy/, طيني /ṭīniyy/
Earthling {n} (inhabitant of the planet Earth)
:: أرضي /ʾarḍiyy/
earth pig {n} (aardvark) SEE: aardvark
earthquake {n} (shaking of the surface of a planet)
:: زلزال {m} /zalzāl/
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear)
:: صملاخ {m} /ṣimlāḵu/, شمع الأذن {m} /šamʿ al-ʾuḏn/
earwig {n} (the insect)
:: أبو مقص {m} /ʾabū miqaṣṣ/
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig
easel {n} (upright frame for displaying or supporting something)
:: حامل {m} /ḥāmil/
easily {adv} (without difficulty)
:: بسهولة /bisuhūla/
east {n} (compass point)
:: شرق {m} /šarq/
east {adj} (in or towards the east)
:: شرقي /šarqiyyun/
east {adj} (meteorology: easterly)
:: شرقي /šarqiyyun/
east {adj} (of or pertaining to the east)
:: شرقي /šarqiyyun/
east {adj} (from the East)
:: شرقي /šarqiyyun/
East {prop} (Eastern world)
:: شرق {m} /šarq/, المشرق {m} /al-mašriq/
East al-Quds {prop} (East Jerusalem) SEE: East Jerusalem
East Asia {prop} (eastern subregion of Asia)
:: شرق آسيا /šarq ʾāsiyā/
East China Sea {prop} (a sea)
:: بحر الصين الشرقي {m} /baḥr aṣ-ṣīn aš-šarqiyy/
Easter {n} (Christian holiday)
:: عيد الفصح {m} /ʿīd al-fiṣḥ/; العيد الكبير /al-ʿīd al-kabīr/
Easter egg {n} (a dyed or decorated egg)
:: بيضة عيد الفصح {f} /bayḍat ʿīd al-fiṣḥ/, بيضة الفصح {f} /bayḍat al-fiṣḥ/
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific)
:: جزيرة عيد الفصح {f} /jazīra(t) ʿīd al-fiṣḥ/, جزيرة الفصح /jazīra(t) al-fiṣḥ/
eastern {adj} (related to the east)
:: شرقي /šarqiyy/
Eastern Arabic {prop} (Levantine Arabic) SEE: Levantine Arabic
Eastern Arabic numeral {n} (Any of the ten symbols ٠ to ٩)
:: أرقام هندية /ʾarqām hindiyya/
Eastern Bloc {prop} (the largely Communist countries of the eastern world)
:: الكتلة الشرقية {f} /al-kutla š-šarqiyya/
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe)
:: أوروبا الشرقية {f} /ʾūrūbbā š-šarqiyya/
Eastern Orthodox Church {prop} (division of Christianity)
:: أرثوذكسية شرقية {f} /ʾurṯūḏuksiyya(t) šarqiyya/
East Germany {prop} (former European country)
:: ألمانيا الشرقية {f} /ʾalmāniyā š-šarqiyya/
East Jerusalem {prop} (eastern sector of Jerusalem)
:: القدس الشرقية {f} /al-quds aš-šarqiyya/
East Sea {prop} (South China Sea) SEE: South China Sea
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea
East Sea {prop} (East China Sea) SEE: East China Sea
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania)
:: تيمور الشرقية {f} /timūr aš-šarqiyya/
East Turkestan {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable
easy {adj} (requiring little skill or effort)
:: سهل /sahl/
eat {v} (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest)
:: أكل /ʾakala/ imperfective: يأكل /yaʾkulu/
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible
eat away {v} (to erode or corrode gradually)
:: يبلى / يهلك / يتآكل
eater {n} (one who eats)
:: آكل {m} /ʾākil/
eating {n} (the act of consuming food)
:: أكل {m} /ʾakl/
eavestrough {n} (roof gutter)
:: مرزاب {m} /mirzāb/
eBay {prop} (eBay (alternative non-romanised names))
:: إيباي {m} /ʾībāy/
Ebola {prop} (river)
:: إيبولا {f} /ʾibūlā/
Ebola {n} (Ebola virus) SEE: Ebola virus
Ebola {n} (Ebola fever) SEE: Ebola fever
Ebola fever {n} (illness caused by the Ebola virus)
:: حمى الإيبولا {f} /ḥummā l-ʾibūlā/
Ebola virus {n} (virus)
:: فيروس إيبولا {m} /fīrūs ʾībūlā/
ebonite {n} (product of vulcanizing rubber with sulfur)
:: إبونيت {m} /ʾibūnīt/
e-book {n} (electronic book)
:: كتاب إلكتروني {m} /kitāb ʾiliktrōniyy/, إيبوك {m} /ʾibūk/
e-book reader {n} (e-reader) SEE: e-reader
Ebro {prop} (Spanish river)
:: إيبرو {m} /ʾebrō/
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ
echidna {n} (any of the four species of small spined monotremes)
:: إيكيدنا {f} /ʾikīdnā/
echo {n} (reflected sound)
:: صدى {m} /ṣadā/
eclair {n} (oblong, chocolate-covered, cream-filled pastry)
:: ايكلير /īklīr/
eclipse {n} (passage of a planetary object between others)
:: كسوف {m} /kusūf/, خسوف {m} /ḵusūf/
ecliptic {n} (Earth's orbital plane)
:: مسار الشمس {m} /masāru š-šamsi/
ecology {n} (branch of biology)
:: علم البيئة {m} /ʿilm al-bīʾa/
e-commerce {n} (commercial activity conducted via the Internet)
:: تجارة إلكترونية {f} /tijāra ʾiliktrōniyya/
economic {adj} (pertaining to an economy)
:: اقتصادي /iqtiṣādiyy/
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic
economics {n} (study)
:: اقتصاد {m} /iqtiṣād/, علم الاقتصاد {m} /ʿilm al-iqtiṣād/
economist {n} (expert in economics)
:: اقتصادي {m} /iqtiṣādiyy/
economy {n} (effective management of the resources of a community or system)
:: اقتصاد {m} /iqtiṣād/
economy {n} (frugal use of resources)
:: اقتصاد {m} /iqtiṣād/
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption)
:: اقتصاد {m} /iqtiṣād/
ecotourism {n} (responsible travel)
:: سياحة بيئية {f} /siyāḥa bīʾiyya/
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige
ecstasy {n} (intense pleasure)
:: نشوة {f} /našwa/
ectothermic {adj} (of or relating to ectotherm)
:: بارد الدم {m} /bārid ad-dam/
Ecuador {prop} (country in South America)
:: إكوادور {f} /ʾekwadōr/
eczema {n} (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin)
:: أكزيما {f} /ʾakzīmā/
Edam {prop} (Edam cheese) SEE: Edam cheese
Edam cheese {n} (type of cheese)
:: إيدام {m} /ʾidam/
eddy {n} (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current)
:: دوامة {f} /duwwāma/
edelweiss {n} (a European perennial alpine plant)
:: إديلويس {m} /ʾidilways/
Eden {prop} (garden)
:: جنات عدن /jannāti ʿadn/, عدن /ʿadn/
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption)
:: صالح للأكل /ṣāliḥ lilʾakal/
edification {n} (the act of edifying, or the state of being edified)
:: تنوير {m} /tanwīr/
edifice {n} (building)
:: بناء {m} /bināʾ/, مبنى {m} /mabnā/, بناية {m} /bināya/
edifice {n} (school of thought)
:: مدرسة {f} /madrasa/
Edinburgh {prop} (capital of Scotland)
:: إدنبرة {f} /ʾidinbura/
Edison {prop} (Transliterations of the surname)
:: إديسون
edit {n} (a change to the text of a document)
:: تحريف {m} /taḥrīf/
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document)
:: حرر /ḥarrara/, عدل /ʿaddala/
edition {n} (literary work)
:: طبعة {f} /ṭabʿa/
edition {n} (whole set of copies, print run)
:: طبعة {f} /ṭabʿa/
editor {n} (person who edits)
:: محرر {m} /muḥarrir/
editor {n} (person who edited a specific document)
:: محرر {m} /muḥarrir/
editor {n} (newspaper editor)
:: محرر {m} /muḥarrir/
editor {n} (program for modifying text files)
:: محرر {m} /muḥarrir/
editorial {n} (article giving the opinion of editors)
:: افتتاحية {f} /iftitāḥiyya/
edit war {n} (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work)
:: حرب التحرير {f} /ḥarb at-taḥrīr/
Edmonton {prop} (city in Alberta, Canada)
:: أدمونتون
Edo {prop} (former name of Tokyo)
:: إيدو {f} /ʾīdū/
e-dress {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address
educate {v} (to instruct or train)
:: يعلم
education {n} (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
:: تعليم {m} /taʿlīm/, تربية {f} /tarbiya/
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally)
:: تعليم {m} /taʿlīm/, ثقافة {f} /ṯaqāfa/
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher
educator {n} (person distinguished for his/her educational work, see also: teacher)
:: معلم {m} /muʿallim/, مؤدب {m} /muʾaddib/
Edward {prop} (male given name)
:: إدوارد {m} /ʾidwārd/
eel {n} (any fish of the order Anguilliformes)
:: أنقليس {m} /ʾanqalīs/
eeny, meeny, miny, moe {n} (similar children's counting-out games in other languages)
:: حكرة بكرة
ef {n} (name of the letter F, f)
:: إف {m} /ʾef/
effect {n} (result of an action)
:: تأثير {m} /taʾṯīr/
effective {adj} (having the power to produce a required effect or effects)
:: فعال /faʿʿāl/
effeminacy {n} (the quality of being effeminate)
:: تخنث، تأنث
effeminate {adj} (of a man, behaving like a woman)
:: مخنث /muḵannaṯ/
effendi {n} (title of respect)
:: أفندي {m} /ʾafandī/
efficiency {n}
:: كفاءة
effloresce {v} (to come forth) SEE: emerge
effort {n} (endeavor) SEE: endeavor
effort {n} (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
:: جهد {m} /jahd/, جهد {m} /juhd/
effusion {n} (outpouring of liquid)
:: اندفاق {m} /indifāq/, انصباب {m} /inṣibāb/
e.g. {adv} (abbreviation for “for example”)
:: على سبيل المثال
egg {n} (body housing an embryo)
:: بيض {m} /bayḍ/ , بيضة {f} /bayḍa/
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item)
:: بيضة {f} /bayḍa/
egg {n} (ovum)
:: بويضة {f} /buwayḍa/
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum
eggplant {n} (plant)
:: باذنجان /bāḏinjān/, بادنجان /bādinjān/, باتنجان /bātinjān/
eggplant {n} (edible fruit)
:: باذنجان {m} /bāḏinjān/
egg salad {n} (dish made of hard-boiled eggs)
:: سلطة بيض /salaṭa(t) bayḍ/
eggshell {n} (object)
:: قشر البيض {m} /qašr al-bayḍi/
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk
ego {n} (the self)
:: الأنا {m} /al-ʾanā/
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit
egret {n} (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea)
:: أبو قردان {m} /ʾabū qirdān/
Egypt {prop} (country in North Africa)
:: مصر {f} /miṣr/
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt)
:: مصري /miṣriyy/
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egyptians)
:: مصري {m} /miṣriyy/, مصرية {f} /miṣiriyya/
Egyptian {adj}
:: مصري /miṣriyy/
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt)
:: مصري /miṣriyy/, مصري /maṣriyy/, مصرية {f} /miṣriyya/, مصرية {f} /maṣriyya/
Egyptian {prop} (language)
:: مصرية {f} /miṣriyya/, مصرية {f} /maṣriyya/
Egyptian Arabic {prop} (Egyptian Arabic)
:: لهجة مصرية {f} /lahja miṣriyya/, مصرية {f} /miṣriyya/, عامية مصرية {f} /ʿāmmiyya miṣriyya/
Ehime {prop} (Ehime, Japan)
:: إهيمه {m} /ʾihīmih/
Eid {prop} (Muslim religious festival)
:: عيد {m} /ʿīd/
Eid al-Adha {prop} (Islamic festival)
:: عيد الأضحى {m} /ʿīd al-ʾaḍḥā/, الأضحى {f} /al-ʾaḍḥā/, عيد الكبير {m} /ʿīd al-kabīr/, قربان {m} /qurbān/
Eid al-Fitr {prop} (religious celebration)
:: عيد الفطر {m} /ʿīd al-fiṭr/
eid mubarak {phrase} (eid mubarak)
:: عيد مبارك /ʿīd mubārak/
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris)
:: برج إيفل {m} /burj ʾeyfel/
eigenfunction {n} (function)
:: دالة خاصة {f} /dāla ḵāṣṣa/
eight {num} (cardinal number 8)
:: ثمانية /ṯamāniya/ (numeral: ٨ /8/)
eight {n} (The digit/figure 8)
:: ثمانية {f} /ṯamāniyatun/
eighteen {num} (cardinal number)
:: ثمانية عشر /ṯamāniyata ʿašara/
eighth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th)
:: ثامن {m} /ṯāmin/, ثامنة {f} /ṯāmina/
eighth {n} (one of eight equal parts of a whole)
:: ثمن {m} /ṯumn/
eight hundred {num} (cardinal number 800)
:: ثمانيمئة /ṯamānīmiʾa/, ثمانيما۟ئة
eight o'clock {n} (the start of the ninth hour)
:: الساعة الثامنة {f} /as-sāʿa ṯ-ṯāmina/
eight thousand {n} (cardinal number)
:: ثمانية آلاف /ṯamāniya(t) ʾālāf/
eighty {num} (80)
:: ثمانين /ṯamānīna/, ثمانون /ṯamānūna/
eighty-eight {num} (88)
:: ثمانية وثمانون /ṯamāniya wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-five {num} (the cardinal number 85)
:: خمسة وثمانون /ḵamsa wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-four {num} (84)
:: أربعة وثمانون /ʾarbaʿa wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-nine {num} (89)
:: تسعة وثمانون /tisʿa wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-one {num} (81)
:: واحد وثمانون /wāḥid wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-seven {num} (87)
:: سبعة وثمانون /sabʿa wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86)
:: ستة وثمانون /sitta wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-three {num} (83)
:: ثلاثة وثمانون /ṯalāṯa wa-ṯamānūn/
eighty-two {num} (82)
:: اثنان وثمانون /iṯnān wa-ṯamānūn/
Eilat {prop} (a city in southern Israel)
:: إيلات {f} /ʾīlāt/, أم الرشراش {f} /ʾumm ar-rašrāš/, الرشراش {f} /ar-rašrāš/
Einstein {prop} (Albert Einstein)
:: أينشتاين {m} /ʾaynštāyn/
einsteinium {n} (element with atomic number 99)
:: آينشتاينيوم {m} /ʾaynštayniyum/
either {adv} ((after a negative) as well)
:: أيضا /ʾayḍan/, كذلك /ka-ḏālika/
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options)
:: إما /ʾimā/
ejaculate {v} (to eject semen or vaginal fluid)
:: قذف المني /qaḏafa l-many/
ejaculation {n} (ejection of semen through the urethra)
:: قذف {m} /qaḏf/
eject {v} (to project oneself from an aircraft)
:: قذف نفسه /qaḏafa nafsahu/
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition
el {n} (name of the letter L, l)
:: إل {m} /ʾel/
El Aaiún {prop} (El Aaiún, Western Sahara)
:: العيون {m} /al-ʿayūn/, العيون {m} /al-ʿuyūn/
El Alamein {prop} (town)
:: العلمين /al-ʿalamayn/
Elam {prop} (ancient civilization)
:: عيلام /ʿīlām/
elapse {v} ((of time) to pass or move by)
:: مر /marra/
elative {n} (elative degree of an adjective)
:: اسم تفضيل {m} /ism tafḍīl/
Elbe {prop} (European river)
:: إلبه
elbow {n} (joint between upper arm and forearm)
:: كوع {m} /kūʿ/, مرفق {m} /mirfaq/
elbow {n} (pipe fitting)
:: كوع {m} /kūʿun/
elbow bone {n} (ulna) SEE: ulna
Elbrus {prop} (mountain)
:: إلبروز {m} /ʾilbrūz/
El Clásico {n} (any match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid)
:: الكلاسيكو {m} /al-klāsīkū/
elder {n}
:: الخمان /al-ḵamān/
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder
elderberry {n} (fruit)
:: بيلسان {m} /baylasān/
elderly {n} (elderly person)
:: مسن {m} /musinn/, مسنة {f} /musinna/
elderly {n} (elderly as group)
:: مسنون {m-p} /musinnūn/, مسنات {f-p} /musinnāt/, مسان {p} /masānn/
Eleazar {prop} (male given name)
:: العيزار /al-Aizar/
elecampane {n} (Inula helenium)
:: راسن {m} /rāsan/, عرق الجناح {m} /ʿirq al-janāḥ/, جناح رومي {m} /janāḥ rūmiyy/, زنجبيل شامي {m} /zanjabīl šāmiyy/
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose
elect {v} (to choose in election)
:: انتخب /intaḵaba/
election {n} (process of choosing a new leader or representatives)
:: انتخاب {m} /intiḵāb/, انتخابات {p} /intiḵābāt/
electric {adj} (electrical)
:: كهربائي /kahrabāʾiyy/
electrical {adj} (electric) SEE: electric
electric car {n} (a car that uses electric motors)
:: سيارة كهربائية {f} /sayyāra kahrabāʾiyya/
electrician {n} (tradesman who works with electrical equipment)
:: كهربائي {m} /kahrabāʾiyy/, كهربائية {f} /kahrabāʾiyya/
electricity {n} (form of energy)
:: كهرباء {m} /kahrabāʾ/
electric shock {n} (physical reaction)
:: صدمة كهربائية {f} /ṣadma kahrabāʾiyya/
electrify {v} (to communicate electricity to)
:: كهرب /kahraba/
electrify {v} (to adapt for electric power)
:: كهرب /kahraba/
electrocardiogram {n} (trace of an electrocardiograph)
:: مخطط كهربية القلب /muḵaṭṭaṭ kahrabiyyat l-qalb/, إلكتروكارديوغرام {m} /ʾiliktrukardiyuḡrām/
electrode {n} (the terminal through which electric current passes)
:: إلكترود {m} /ʾiliktrūd/
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism)
:: كهرومغناطيسي {m} /kahrūmaḡnāṭīsiyy/, كهرومغناطيسية {f} /kahrūmaḡnāṭīsiyya/
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum)
:: طيف كهرومغناطيسي {m} /ṭayf kahrūmaḡnāṭīsiyy/
electron {n} (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms)
:: إلكترون {m} /ʾilaktrūn/, كهيرب /kuhayrib/
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole
electronic {adj} (pertaining to electrons)
:: إلكتروني /ʾiliktrōniyy/, إلكتروني /ʾelektrōniyy/
electronic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Internet)
:: إلكتروني /ʾelektrōniyy/, إلكتروني /ʾiliktrōniyy/
electronic book {n} (e-book) SEE: e-book
electronic cigarette {n} (electronic cigarette)
:: سيجارة إلكترونية {f} /sigāra ʾiliktrōniyya/
electronic game {n} (game played on an electronic device)
:: لعبة إلكترونية {f} /laʿba ʾiliktrōniyya/
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email
electronics {n} ((physics))
:: إلكترونيات {f-p} /ʾiliktrūniyyāt/
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber
electrum {n} (alloy of gold and silver)
:: إلكتروم {m}
elegance {n} (grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners)
:: أناقة {f} /ʾanāqa/
elegy {n} (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
:: رثاء {m} /riṯāʾ/
element {n} (simplest or essential part or principle of anything)
:: عنصر {m} /ʿunṣur/
element {n} (chemistry: simplest chemical substance)
:: عنصر كيميائي {m} /ʿunṣur kīmiyāʾiyy/, عنصر {m} /ʿunṣur/
elementary particle {n} (subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles)
:: جسيم أولي /jusaym ʾawwaliyy/
elementary school {n} (school for children) SEE: primary school
elephant {n} (mammal)
:: فيل {m} /fīl/
Elephant {prop} (105th sura of the Qur'an)
:: سورة الفيل
elephant in the room {n} (problem that is obvious but ignored)
:: فيل في الغرفة {m} /fīl fī l-ḡurfa/
elevate {v} (promote) SEE: promote
elevate {v} (raise)
:: رفع
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift
elevator {n} (control surface of an aircraft)
:: مصعد /miṣʿad/
eleven {num} (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve)
:: أحد عشر /ʾaḥad ʿašar/, إحدى عشرة /ʾiḥdā ʿašrata/, ١١ /11/
eleven o'clock {n} (the start of the twelfth hour)
:: الساعة الحادية عشرة {f} /al-sāʿa l-ḥādiya ʿašara/
eleventh {adj} (ordinal form of eleven, see also: 11th)
:: حادي عشر {m} /ḥādiya ʿašara/, حادية عشرة {f} /ḥādiyata ʿašrata/
eleventh hour {n} (The last minute)
:: آخر لحظة، اللحظة الأخيرة
eleven thousand {num} (11,000)
:: أحد عشر ألفا /ʾaḥada ʿašara ʾalfan/
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being)
:: آلف {m} /ʾālf/
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf
Elias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Elijah
elicit {v} (to evoke, educe)
:: يهيج /yuhayyij/, يوقظ /yuwqiẓ/
elide {v} (to leave out or omit)
:: أسقط /ʾasqaṭa/, حذف /ḥaḏafa/
elide {v} (to cut off, as a vowel or a syllable)
:: أسقط /ʾasqaṭa/, حذف /ḥaḏafa/
Elijah {prop} (biblical prophet)
:: إليا {m} /ʾilyā/, إلياس {m} /ʾilyās/
elimination {n} (act of eliminating, expelling or throwing off)
:: حذف
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth
Elisha {prop} (biblical prophet)
:: اليسع /al-yasaʿ/
elision {n} (the omission of a letter or syllable)
:: إسقاط {m} /ʾisqāṭ/, حذف {m} /ḥaḏf/
Elista {prop} (city in Russia)
:: إيليستا {f} /ʾilistā/
elite {n} (group with higher status)
:: نخبة {f} /nuḵba/
elitism {n} (belief society should be run by elite)
:: نخبوية {f} /nuḵbawiyya/
elixir {n} (alchemy: liquid which was believed to turn non-precious metals to gold)
:: إكسير {m} /ʾiksīr/
elixir {n}
:: اكسير (’iksīr)
Elizabeth {prop} (female given name)
:: إليزابيث /ʾilīzābīṯ/
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist)
:: إليصابات /ʾilīṣābāt/
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose
Elliott wave {n} (wave pattern)
:: موجة إليوت {f}
ellipse {n} (curve)
:: إهليلج {m} /ʾihlīlaj/
ellipsis {n} (typographic mark)
:: حذف {m} /ḥaḏf/, إضمار {m} /ʾiḍmār/
elliptical {n} (elliptical galaxy) SEE: elliptical galaxy
elliptical galaxy {n} (galaxy having smooth, featureless light-profile)
:: مجرة إهليجية {f} /majara ʾihlījiyya/
Elmo {prop} (male given name)
:: إلمو /ʾilmū/, ألمو /ʾalmū/
Elohim {prop} (name for God)
:: إلوهيم {m} /ʾilūhīm/
eloquent {adj} (fluently persuasive and articulate)
:: فصيح {m} /faṣīḥ/, فصحى {f} /fuṣḥā/, بليغ /balīḡ/
eloquent {adj} (effective in expressing meaning)
:: فصيح {m} /faṣīḥ/, فصحى {f} /fuṣḥā/
El Paso {prop} (a city in USA)
:: إل باسو {f} /ʾil bāsū/
El Salvador {prop} (country in Central America)
:: السلفادور {f} /as-salfādūr/
else {adj} (other)
:: غير /ḡayr/; آخر /ʾāḵar/
else {conj} (For otherwise; or else)
:: وإلا /wa-ʾilā/
Elsinore {prop} (Danish city)
:: هيلسنكور {m} /hēlsinkōr/
elusive {adj} (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance)
:: متملص {m} /mutamalliṣ/, مراوغ {m} /murāwiḡ/
Elvis {prop} (a male given name)
:: إلفيس {m} /ʾilfis/
em {n} (name of the letter M, m)
:: إم {m} /ʾem/
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email
email {n} (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
:: بريد إلكتروني {m} /barīd ʾiliktrūniyy/, إيميل {m} /ʾīmayl/
email {n} (message sent through email an email system)
:: إيميل {m} /ʾīmayl/, رسالة إلكترونية {f} /risāla ʾelektrōniyya/
email address {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address
e-mail address {n} (unique identifier)
:: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني {m} /ʿunwān al-kitāb al-ʾiliktrōniyy/
emanate {v} (To come from a source)
:: انبثق /inbaṯaqa/
embalm {v} (to treat a corpse in order to prevent decomposition)
:: حنط /ḥannaṭa/, أحنط /ʾaḥnaṭa/
embarge {n} (embargo) SEE: embargo
embargo {n} (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port)
:: حصار {m} /ḥaṣār/
embargo {n} (a ban on trade with another country)
:: حظر {m} /ḥaẓr/
embarrass {v} (to humiliate; to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely)
:: أخجل /ʾaḵjala/
embarrassed {adj} (Having a feeling of shameful discomfort)
:: محرج /muḥraj/
embarrassment {n} (state of discomfort)
:: إحراج {m} /ʾiḥrāj/
embassy {n} (organization representing a foreign state)
:: سفارة {f} /sifāra/
embed {v} (lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter)
:: طمر /ṭamara/
embellish {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive)
:: جمل /jammala/, زخرف /zaḵrafa/
embellish {v} (to make sound or look better)
:: جمل /jammala/, زخرف /zaḵrafa/
ember {n} (glowing piece of coal or wood)
:: جمرة {f} /jamra/
embiggen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge
emblem {n} (representative symbol)
:: شعار {m} /šiʿār/, رمز {m} /ramz/
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction)
:: تجسد {m} /tajassad/
embossed {adj}
:: نافر /nāfir/
embrace {v} (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug)
:: احتضن /iḥtaḍana/, عانق /ʿānaqa/
embrocate {v} (to moisten with a liquid substance)
:: دلك /dallaka/
embroil {v} (to draw into a situation)
:: ورط /warraṭa/
embryo {n} (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus)
:: جنين {m} /janīn/
emerald {n} (gemstone)
:: زمرد {m} /zumurrud/
emerge {v} (to come into view)
:: ظهر /ẓahara/
emergence {n} (the arising of emergent structure in complex systems)
:: انبثاق {m}
emergency {n} (situation requiring urgent assistance)
:: طوارئ {m-p} /ṭawāriʾ/, حالة الطوارئ {f} /ḥālat aṭ-ṭawāriʾ/
emergency escape {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
emergency stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
emery {n} (mineral)
:: سنباذج {m} /sunbāḏaj/
emigrant {n} (someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country)
:: مهاجر {m} /muhājir/
emigration {n} (act of emigrating)
:: هجرة {f} /hijra/
eminent {adj} (of a person: distinguished, noteworthy)
:: بارز /bāriz/
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader)
:: أمير {m} /ʾamīr/
emirate {n} (country ruled by an emir)
:: إمارة {f} /ʾimāra/ (plural: إمارات {f-p} /ʾimārāt/)
Emirati {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to United Arab Emirates)
:: إماراتي /ʾimārātiyy/
Emirati {n} (a person from the United Arab Emirates)
:: إماراتي {m} /ʾimārātiyy/, إماراتية {f} /ʾimārātiyya/
emissary {n} (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else)
:: مبعوث {m} /mabʿūṯ/
emit {v} (to send out or give off)
:: نفث /nafaṯa/, أصدر /ʾaṣdara/
emo {n} (music)
:: إيمو {m} /ʾīmū/
emoji {n} (digital graphic icon)
:: إيموجي {m} /ʾīmūjī/
emollient {n} (something which softens or lubricates the skin)
:: مرطب /muraṭṭib/
emotion {n} (person's internal state of being)
:: عاطفة {f} /ʿāṭifa/, عواطف {f-p} /ʿawāṭif/, إحساس {m} /ʾiḥsās/
emperor {n} (ruler of an empire)
:: قيصر {m} /qayṣar/, إمبراطور {m} /ʾimbrāṭūr/
emphasis {n} (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important)
:: تركيز {m} /tarkīz/
emphasize {v} (stress)
:: شدد /šaddada/
emphatic {adj} (of emphatic consonants)
:: مفخم /mufaḵḵam/
empire {n} (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories)
:: إمبراطورية {f} /ʾimbirāṭūriyya/
empire {n}
:: إمبراطورية {f} /ʾimbrāṭūriyya/
empiric {adj} (empiric) SEE: empirical
empirical {adj} (pertaining to or based on experience)
:: تجريبي /tajrībiyy/
empirical {adj} (pertaining to, derived from, or testable by observations)
:: تجريبي /tajrībiyy/
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use
employ {v} (to give someone work)
:: استخدم /istaḵdama/, شغل /šaḡḡala/, استعمل /istaʿmala/
employ {v} (to put into use)
:: وظف /waẓẓafa/
employee {n} (individual who provides labor to a company or another person)
:: موظف {m} /muwaẓẓaf/, موظفة {f} /muwaẓẓafa/
employer {n} (person or entity which employs others)
:: صاحب العمل {m} /ṣāḥib al-ʿamal/, مستخدم {m} /mustaḵdim/
employment {n} (the state of being employed)
:: وظيفة {f} /waẓīfa/, توظيف {m} /tawẓīf/
employment agency {n} (organisation that matches employers to employees)
:: وكالة توظيف {f} /wakālat tawẓīf/
employment contract {n} (category of contract)
:: عقد عمل
empowerment {n} (state of being empowered)
:: تمكين
empress {n} (female monarch of an empire)
:: إمبراطورة {f} /ʾimbirāṭūra/
empress {n} (wife or widow of an emperor)
:: إمبراطورة {f} /ʾimbrāṭūra/, زوجة إمبراطور {f} /zawjat ʾimibrāṭūr/
empress dowager {n} (mother of an emperor)
:: إمبراطورة الأم /ʾimbirāṭūra(t) al-ʾumm/
empty {adj} (devoid of content)
:: فارغ /fāriḡ/
empty {v} (to make empty)
:: فرغ /faraḡa/
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum
emu {n} (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
:: درميس أسترالي {m} /dormīs ʾusturāliyy/
en {n} (name of the letter N, n)
:: إن {m} /ʾen/
enable {v}
:: أمكن
enamel {n} (covering on the tooth)
:: ميناء {f} /mīnāʾ/
enantiomer {n} (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers)
:: متصاوغ انعكاسي /mutaṣāwiḡ inʿikāsiyy/, متصاوغ مرآتي /mutaṣāwiḡ mirʾātiyy/
encampment {n} (campsite)
:: مخيم {m} /mokhayyam/
encampment {n} (temporary living quarters)
:: مخيم {m} /mokhayyam/
Enceladus {prop} (moon of Saturn)
:: إنسيلادوس /ʾinsīlādūs/
enclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the preceding word)
:: متصل /muttaṣil/, محاط /muḥāṭ/
encoding {n} (character encoding (computing))
:: ترميز {m} /tarmīz/, إنكودينغ {m} /ʾinkūdinḡ/
encounter {v} (meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly)
:: صادف /ṣādafa/, لاقى /lāqā/, عثر /ʿaṯara/
encourage {v} (mentally support or motivate)
:: شجع /šajjaʿa/
encroach {v} (to intrude unrightfully on someone else’s rights or territory)
:: يختلس
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia
encyclopedia {n} (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics)
:: موسوعة {f} /mawsūʿa/, دائرة معارف /dāʾira(t) maʿārif/
encyclopedic {adj} (of or relating to comprehensiveness and other characteristics of an encyclopedia)
:: موسوعي /mawsūʿiyy/
encyclopedic {adj} (in lexicography)
:: موسوعي /mawsūʿiyy/
end {n} (extreme part)
:: نهاية {f} /nihāya/
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated)
:: انتهى /intahā/
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something))
:: أنهى /ʾanhā/
endeavor {n} (enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity)
:: محاولة {m} /muḥāwala/, غاية {m} /ḡāya/
endive {n} (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia)
:: هندباء {f} /hindibāʾ/
endocardium {n} (membrane that lines the interior of the heart)
:: شغاف {m} /šuḡāf/
endocrine system {n} (system of ductless glands)
:: جهاز الغدد الصماء {m} /jihāz al-ḡudad aṣ-ṣamāʾ/
end of the world {n} (end of the world)
:: نهاية العالم {f} /nihāyat al-ʿālam/
endometrium {n} (mucous membrane)
:: بطانة الرحم {f}
endpoint {n} (either of two points at the end of a line)
:: نقطة نهاية
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer
endure {v} (to last)
:: استمر /istamarra/
enema {n} (injection of fluid into the rectum)
:: حقنة شرجية {f} /ḥuqna šarajiyya/, حقنة {f} /ḥuqna/
enemy {n} (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else)
:: عدو {m} /ʿaduww/
energetic {adj} (Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy)
:: نشيط /našīṭ/
energy {n} (impetus behind activity)
:: طاقة {f} /ṭāqa/
energy {n} (capacity to do work)
:: طاقة {f} /ṭāqa/
energy {n} (physics)
:: طاقة {f} /ṭāqa/
enfeoff {v} (to give up completely) SEE: surrender
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy
engaged {adj} (agreed to be married)
:: مخطوب {m} /maḵṭūb/, مخطوبة {f} /maḵṭūba/
engagement {n} (period of time when marriage is planned or promised)
:: خطبة {f} /ḵiṭba/, خطوبة {f} /ḵuṭūba/
engagement ring {n} (a ring signifying a promise to wed)
:: خاتم الخطوبة {m} /ḵātam al-ḵuṭūba/
en garde {interj}
:: احتم /iḥtami/ , احتمي /iḥtamī/
engine {n} (mechanical device)
:: محرك {m} /muḥarrik/, موتور {m} /mūtūr/
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive
engineer {n} (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
:: مهندس {m} /muhandis/, مهندسة {f} /muhandisa/
engineering {n} (application of science to the needs of humanity)
:: هندسة {f} /handasa/
engineering {n} (work of an engineer)
:: هندسة {f} /handasa/
England {prop} (region of Great Britain)
:: إنجلترا {f} /ʾingilterā/, إنقلترا {f} /ʾingilterā/, إنكلترا {f} /ʾingilterā/, إنكلترة {f} /ʾingiltera/
English {adj} (of or pertaining to England)
:: إنجليزي /ʾingilīziyy/
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language)
:: إنجليزي /ʾingilīziyy/
English {n} (people from England)
:: إنجليز /ʾinjilīz/
English {prop} (the English language)
:: إنكليزي {m} /ʾingilīziyy/, إنجليزي {m} /ʾingilīziyy/, إنكليزية {f} /ʾingilīziyya/, إنجليزية {f} /ʾingilīziyya/, اللغة الإنجليزية {f} /al-luḡa l-ʾingilīziyya/
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France)
:: بحر المانش {m} /baḥr al-mānš/
Englishman {n} (male native or inhabitant of England)
:: إنجليزي {m} /ʾingilīziyy/
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England)
:: إنجليزية {f} /ʾingilīziyya/
engraved {adj} (made by engraving)
:: منقوش /manqūš/
enigma {n}
:: غامض
enjail {v} (put in jail) SEE: imprison
enjoy {v} (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something)
:: استمتع /istamtaʿa/
enjoyment {n} (the condition of enjoying anything)
:: متعة {f} /mutʿa/, متعة {f} /mitʿa/
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit
enlarge {v} (make larger)
:: كبر /kabbara/
enlargen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge
enlightenment {n} (act of enlightening, state of being enlightened)
:: تنوير {m} /tanwīr/
Enlightenment {prop} (the Enlightenment)
:: عصر التنوير {m} /ʿaṣr at-tanwīr/
enmity {n} (hostile or unfriendly disposition)
:: عداوة {f} /ʿadāwatun/
Enna {prop} (town and capital of Enna)
:: إنا
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine
Enoch {prop} (biblical character)
:: أخنوخ /ʾaḵnūḵ/, إدريس /ʾidrīs/
enormous {adj} (extremely large)
:: ضخم /ḍaḵm/
enormousness {n} (great size)
:: ضخامة /ḍaḵāma/
enough {determiner} (sufficient)
:: كاف /kāfin/
enough {adv} (sufficiently)
:: تماما /tamāman/
enough {interj} (stop!)
:: مه /mah/, كفى /kafā/ , بس /bass/ , خلاص /ḵalāṣ/
en passant {n} (chess move)
:: الأخذ بالتجاوز
enrage {v} (to fill with rage)
:: أغاظ /ʾaḡāẓa/, غضب /ḡaḍiba/
enrichment {n} (the act of enriching)
:: إثراء /ʾiṯrāʾ/
en route {prep} (on the way)
:: في طريق /fī ṭarīq/, في مسيرة /fī masīra/
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company)
:: فرقة {f} /firqa/, جوق {m} /jawq/
ensete {n} (species of flowering plant in the banana family Musaceae)
:: موز الحبشة
enslave {v} (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall)
:: استعبد /istaʿbada/
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate
ensure {v} (assure) SEE: assure
enter {v} (to go into (a room, etc.))
:: دخل /daḵala/
enter {v} (to insert)
:: أدخل /ʾadḵala/
enter {v} (to type into a computer)
:: دخل /daḵḵala/
enter into {v} (enter into) SEE: penetrate
enteritis {n} (intestinal disease)
:: بادئة معناها معي /bādiʾa maʿnāhā maʿy/
enterprise {n} (company, business, organization, or endeavor)
:: مغامرة {f} /muḡāmara/ , شركة {f} /šarika/
entertainment {n} (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation)
:: ترفيه {m} /tarfīh/, تسلية {f} /tasliya/
entertainment {n}
:: لهو
enthusiasm {n} (feeling of excited, lively interest)
:: حماس {m} /ḥamās/
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion
entity {n} (that which exists as an individual unit)
:: كيان {m} /kiyān/
entomology {n} (study of insects)
:: علم الحشرات {m} /ʿilm al-ḥašarāt/
entrails {n} (internal organs)
:: فرث {m} /faraṯ/
entrance {n} (place of entering)
:: مدخل {m} /madḵal/
entrepreneur {n} (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk)
:: متعهد {m} /mutaʿahhid/, مقاول {m} /muqāwil/, ملتزم {m} /multazim/, منظم {m} /munaẓẓim/
entrepôt {n} (a warehouse, depot)
:: مخزن {m} /maḵzan/, مستودع {m} /mustawdaʿa/
entry {n} (act of entering)
:: إدخال {m} /ʾidḵāl/
entry {n} (permission to enter)
:: ولوج {m} /wulūj/, نفاذ {m} /nafāḏ/, نفاذ {m} /naffāḏ/
entry {n} (doorway that provides a means of entering a building)
:: مدخل {m} /madḵal/, دخول {m} /daḵūl/
entry {n} (article in a dictionary or encyclopedia)
:: مدخل {m} /madḵal/, مدخل {m} /mudḵal/, قيد {m} /qayd/, مادة {f} /mādda/, بند {m} /band/, فقرة {f} /fiqra/, مفردة {f} /mufrada/
entry {n} (record in a log or in a database)
:: دفتر {m} /daftar/, مدخل {m} /madḵal/
envelope {n} (wrapper for mailing)
:: مغلف {m} /muḡallaf/, لفافة {f} /lifāfa/
envelope {n} (something that envelops)
:: غلاف {m} /ḡilāf/
envious {adj} (feeling or exhibiting envy)
:: حسود /ḥasūd/
environment {n} (area around something)
:: بيئة {f} /bīʾa/, محيط {m} /muḥīṭ/
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem)
:: بيئة {f} /bīʾa/
envoy {n} (representative)
:: مبعوث {m} /mabʿūṯ/
envy {n} (resentful desire of something possessed by another)
:: حسد {m} /ḥasad/
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions)
:: حسد /ḥasada/
enzyme {n} (catalytic protein)
:: انزيم {?}
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: الرسالة إلى أهل أفسس /ar-risāla(t) ʾilā ʾahli ʾafasusa/
Ephesus {prop} (ancient city)
:: أفسس /ʾafasus/
epic {n} (extended narrative poem)
:: ملحمة {f} /malḥama/
epic {adj} (of, or relating to, an epic)
:: ملحمي /malḥamiyy/
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite
epicene {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate
epicentre {n} (point above earthquake)
:: مركز {m} /markaz/, مركز الزلزال {m} /markaz az-zilzāl/
epicentre {n} (focal point of activity)
:: بؤرة {m} /buʾra/
Epicurean {adj} (relating to Epicurus or his philosophy)
:: إبيقوري /ʾibīqūriyy/
Epicurean {n} (a follower of Epicurus and Epicureanism)
:: إبيقوري {m} /ʾibīqūriyy/
epidemic {n} (widespread disease)
:: وباء {m} /wabāʾ/, أوبئة {m-p} /ʾawbiʾa/
epidemic {n} (occurrence of such disease)
:: وباء {m} /wabāʾ/
epidemiology {n} (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations)
:: علم أوبئة {m} /ʿilm ʾawbiʾa/
epidermis {n} (skin's outer layer in animals)
:: بشرة {f} /bašara/
epididymis {n} (tube)
:: بربخ {m} /barbaḵ/
epiglottis {n} (cartilaginous organ in the throat)
:: لسان المزمار {m} /lisān al-mizmār/
epilepsy {n} (medical condition)
:: صرع {m} /ṣarʿ/
epimer {n} (diastereoisomer)
:: مصاوغ صنوي
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast)
:: عيد الغطاس {m} /ʿīd al-ḡiṭās/, الغطاس {m} /al-ḡiṭās/
epiphysis {n} (pineal gland) SEE: pineal gland
episiotomy {n} (surgical incision)
:: بضع الفرج
episode {n} (incident or action connected with a series of events)
:: حادثة {f} /ḥādiṯa/
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts)
:: حلقة {f} /ḥalqa/, جزء {m} /juzʾ/
epistaxis {n} (nosebleed)
:: رعاف
epistemology {n} (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge)
:: إبستمولوجيا {f} /ʾibistimolojiyyā/, نظرية المعرفة {f} /naẓariyyat al-maʿrifa/
epithelium {n} (membranous tissue)
:: نسيج طلائي /nasīj ṭilāʾiyy/
epitome {n} (embodiment or encapsulation of)
:: مثال {m} /maṯāl/
epoch {n} (particular period of history)
:: عصر {m} /ʿaṣr/, عصور {m-p} /ʿuṣūr/, زمان {m} /zamān/
epoophoron {n} (a group of tubules, a remnant of the Wolffian body, often found near the ovary or oviduct)
:: مبيض جانبي
epopee {n} (an epic, saga)
:: ملحمة {f} /malḥama/
epsilon {n} (name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet)
:: إبسلون {m} /ʾibsilūn/, إبسيلون {m} /ʾibsilūn/
equal {adj} (the same in all respects)
:: عدل /ʿidl/
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical)
:: مساو /musāwin/, المساوي /al-musāwī/
equal {v} (be equal to)
:: ساوى /sāwā/
equality {n} (fact of being equal)
:: مساواة {f} /musāwāh/
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences)
:: مساواة {f} /musāwāh/
equally {adv} (in an equal manner)
:: بالتساوي /bi-t-tasāwī/
equanimity {n} (state of being calm)
:: صبر {m} /ṣabr/
equation {n} (mathematics: assertion)
:: معادلة {f} /muʿādala/
equator {n} (circle around the earth)
:: خط الاستواء {m} /ḵaṭṭu l-istiwāʾ/
Equator {prop}
:: خط الاستواء {m} /ḵaṭṭu l-istiwāʾi/
Equatorial Guinea {prop} (country in Western Africa)
:: غينيا الاستوائية {f} /ḡīniyā l-istiwāʾiyya/
equestrianism {n} (the art or sport of riding horses)
:: ركوب الخيل {m} /rukūb al-ḵayl/
equinox {n} (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator)
:: اعتدال {m} /iʿtidāl/
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping)
:: معدات {p} /muʿaddāt/, تجهيزات {p} /tajhīzāt/
equitable {adj} (fair, just, or impartial)
:: حقاني /ḥaqqāniyy/, عدل /ʿadl/
-er {suffix} ((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
:: م /mu-/
era {n} (time period)
:: عصر {m} /ʿaṣr/, عصور {m-p} /ʿuṣūr/, زمان {m} /zamān/
era {n} (geology: unit of time)
:: حقبة {f} /ḥiqba/
eradicate {v}
:: يزيل
erase {v} (to remove markings or information)
:: محا /maḥā/, محى /maḥā/
erase {v} (intransitive: to be erased)
:: امحى /immaḥā/, انمحى /inmaḥā/
eraser {n} (thing used to erase something written or drawn)
:: ممحاة {f} /mimḥāh/
erbium {n} (chemical element)
:: إربيوم {m} /ʾirbiyum/
Erdoğan {prop} (surname)
:: أردوغان {m} {f} /ʾardūḡān/
ere {conj} (before, sooner than)
:: قبل /qabl/, أبكر /ʾbkar/
e-reader {n} (device)
:: قارئ الكتاب الإلكتروني {m} /qāriʾ al-kitāb al-ʾiliktrōniyy/
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris)
:: نعوظ {m} /nuʿūẓ/, انتصاب /intiṣāb/
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday
erg {n} (unit of work or energy)
:: إرج
Eric {prop} (male given name)
:: إريك {m} /ʾirīk/
Eris {prop} (dwarf planet)
:: إريس {m} /ʾirīs/
Eritrea {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: إرتريا {f} /ʾiritriyā/
Eritrean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Eritrea, the Eritrean people or the Eritrean culture)
:: إريتري /ʾiritriyy/
Eritrean {n} (A person from Eritrea or of Eritrean descent)
:: إريتري {m} /ʾirītriyy/, إريترية {f} /ʾiritriyya/
ermine {n} (Mustela erminea)
:: قاقم {m} /qāqim/
erogenous zone {n} (erogenous zone)
:: منطقة الشهوة الجنسية {f} /minṭaqat aš-šahwa l-jinsiyya/
Eros {prop} (God of love)
:: إيروس {m} /ʾīrūs/
Eros {prop} (433 Eros (asteroid))
:: إيروس {m} /ʾīrūs/
erotic {adj} (tending to arouse sexual desire)
:: شبقي /šabaqiyy/, جنسي /jinsiyy/, غزلي /ḡazaliyy/, غرامي /ḡarāmiyy/, عشقي /ʿišqiyy/, شهواني /šahwāniyy/
err {v}
:: غلط /ḡaliṭa/, أخطأ /ʾaḵṭaʾa/
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin
err on the side of caution {v} (to act in the least risky manner)
:: تتوخى الحيطة والحذر, تأخذ بأسباب الحيطة والحذر
error {n} (mistake)
:: خطأ {m} /ḵaṭaʾ/
error {v} ((nonstandard) To make a mistake; to result in an error) SEE: err
error message {n} (message displayed when a failure condition occurs)
:: رسالة خطأ {f} /risālat ḵaṭāʾ/
ervil {n} (Vicia ervilia) SEE: bitter vetch
eryngo {n} (Eryngium) SEE: sea holly
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea
erythromycin {n} (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics)
:: إريثروميسين /ʾirīṯrūmīsīn/
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium
Erzurum {prop} (city)
:: أرضروم /ʾarḍurūm/, أرض الروم /ʾarḍ ar-rūm/
escalator {n} (mechanical device)
:: درج متحرك {m} /daraj mutaḥarrik/, سلم متحرك {m} /sullam mutaḥarrik/, سلم دوار {m} /sullam dawwār/
escallop {n} (scallop) SEE: scallop
escape {v} (to get free)
:: هرب /haraba/
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation)
:: فرار {m} /firār/, هروب {m} /hurūb/, هرب {m} /harab/
-ese {suffix} (forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)
:: ي /-iyy/
especially {adv} (particularly)
:: خصوصا /ḵuṣūṣan/, خاصة /ḵāṣṣatan/, ولا سيما /walā siyyamā/
Esperanto {prop} (auxiliary language)
:: إسبرانتو {m} /ʾisbarantū/, إسپرانتو {m} /ʾisparantū/
espionage {n} (act of learning secret information through clandestine means)
:: تجسس {m} /tajassus/, جاسوسية {f} /jāsūsiyya/
-ess {suffix} (female suffix)
:: ة {f} /-a/
ess {n} (name of the letter S, s)
:: إس {m} /ʾis/
essay {n} (written composition)
:: مقالة {f} /maqāla/, بحث {m} /baḥṯ/
essay {n} (an attempt)
:: محاولة /muḥāwala/
Essen {prop} (city)
:: إسن {m} /ʾesen/
essence {n} (inherent nature)
:: جوهر {m} /jawhar/
essentialism {n} (view that objects have properties that are essential to them)
:: الجوهرانية /al-jawharāniyya/
-est {suffix} (superlative of adjectives and adverbs)
:: ال /al--/
establish {v}
:: اسس (’ássasa)
Esther {prop} (female given name)
:: أستير {f} /ʾastīr/
estival {adj} (of or relating to summer)
:: صيفي /ṣayfiyy/
Estonia {prop} (country)
:: إستونيا {f} /ʾistōniyā/
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language)
:: إستوني /ʾistōniyy/
Estonian {n} (language)
:: إستونية {f} /ʾistūniyya/
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon
Estrangelo {n} (a form of Syriac script)
:: خط مفتوح /ḵaṭṭ maftūḥ/, خط ثقيل /ḵaṭṭ ṯaqīl/
esurient {adj} (very greedy or hungry) SEE: voracious
eSwatini {prop} (country in Southern Africa, see also: Swaziland)
:: إسواتيني {f} /ʾiswātīnī/
eta {n} (Greek letter)
:: إتا {f} /ʾitā/
et al. {phrase} (and others)
:: وآخرون /wa-ʾāḵirūn/
etc. {phrase} (and so on, see also: and so forth)
:: وهلم جرا /wahalumma jarran/, إلخ /ʾilaḵ/, إلى آخره /ʾilā ʾāḵirihi/
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc.
eternal {adj} (lasting forever)
:: أبدي /ʾabadiyy/
eternal life {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife
eternity {n} (infinite time)
:: أبد {m} /ʾabad/
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future)
:: أبدية
ethanol {n} (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
:: إيثانول {m} /ʾiṯānūl/
ether {n} (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere)
:: أثير {m} /ʾaṯīr/
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups)
:: أثير {m} /ʾaṯīr/
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens
ethics {n} (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct)
:: علم الأخلاق {m} /ʿilm al-ʾaḵlāq/
ethics {n} (standards of conduct)
:: أخلاق /ʾaḵlāq/, أدب {m} /ʾadab/
Ethiopia {prop} (country in Eastern Africa)
:: أثيوبيا {f} /ʾaṯiyūbiyā/, إثيوبيا {f} /ʾiṯiyūbiyā/
ethnic {adj} (of or relating to a group of people)
:: عرقي /ʿirqiyy/
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing)
:: تطهير عرقي {m} /taṭhīr ʿirqiyy/
ethnic minority {n} (people with different characteristics to those of the majority)
:: أقلية قومية {f} /ʾaqalliyya qawmiyya/
ethnocentrism {n} (tendency)
:: تمركز عرقي {m} /tamarkuz ʿirqiyy/
ethnography {n} (branch of anthropology)
:: علم الإنسان التطبيقي /ʿilm al-ʾinsaān at-taṭbīqiyy/
ethnonationalism {n} (type of nationalism)
:: قومي
etiquette {n} (forms to be observed in social or official life)
:: ذوق {m} /ḏawq/, آداب {m-p} /ʾādāb/
Etna {prop} (volcano in Sicily, Italy)
:: جبل النار {m} /jabal an-nār/, جبل إتنا {m} /jabal ʾitnā/
etymology {n} (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words)
:: تأثيل {m} /taʾṯīl/
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word)
:: إشتقاق {m} /ʾištiqāq/, تأثيل {m} /taʾṯīl/
EU {prop} (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR)
:: Not used in Arabic
eucalyptus {n} (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus)
:: أوكالبتوس {m} /ʾūkālibtūs/, يوكاليبتوس {m} /yūkālībtūs/
Euclid {prop} (Greek mathematician)
:: إقليدس {m} /ʾiqlīdis/
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system)
:: هندسة إقليدية {f} /handasa ʾiqlīdiyya/
euhemerism {n} (attribution of the origins of the gods to the deification of heroes)
:: يوهيمرية /yūhaymiriyya/
eukaryote {n} (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus)
:: حقيقيات النوى
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula)
:: صيغة أويلر {f} /ṣīḡat ʾoyler/
eulogist {n} (a speaker who delivers a funeral oration for a deceased person)
:: مداح {m} /maddāḥ/
eulogist {n} (a person who praises another person or thing)
:: مداح {m} /maddāḥ/
eulogize {v}
:: أبن /ʾabbana/
eulogy {n} (an oration to honor a deceased person)
:: أمدوحة {f} /ʾumdūḥa/
eulogy {n} (high praise or recommendation)
:: أمدوحة {f} /ʾumdūḥa/
eunuch {n}
:: خصي {m} /ḵaṣiyy/, مخصي {m} /maḵṣiyy/
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle
euphonium {n} (brass instrument)
:: بوق /buq/
Euphrates {prop} (river in the Middle East)
:: الفرات {m} /al-furāt/
Eurasia {prop} (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia)
:: يوراسيا {f} /yūrāsiyā/
Eurasian Economic Union {prop} (economic union, see also: EAU; EAEU)
:: الاتحاد اليوراسي {m} /al-ittiḥād al-yūrāsiyy/, الاتحاد الأوراسي {m} /al-ittiḥād al-ʾūrāsiyy/
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus)
:: باشق {m} /bāšiq/
Euripides {prop} (a Greek tragedian)
:: يوربيديس {m} /yūribīdīs/
euro {n} (currency unit of the European Monetary Union)
:: يورو {m} /yūrū/
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone
Europa {prop} (a moon of Jupiter)
:: أوروبا {f} /ʾurubbā/, أوربا {f} /ʾurubbā/
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union
Europe {prop} (continent)
:: أوروبا {f} /ʾūrūbbā/, أوربا {f} /ʾūrubbā/, أوروبة {f} /ʾūrūbba/
European {adj} (relating to Europe or the European Union)
:: أوروبي /ʾurūbiyy/
European {n} (person)
:: أوروبي {m} /ʾurūbiyy/, أوروبية {f} /ʾurūbiyya/
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union)
:: البنك المركزي الأوروبي {m} /al-bank al-markaziyy al-ʾurubbiyy/
European redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan
European Union {prop} (European supranational organisation)
:: الاتحاد الأوروبي {m} /al-ittiḥād al-ʾūrūbiyy/
europium {n} (chemical element)
:: يروبيوم {m} /yurubyum/
Europol {prop} (the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union)
:: يوروبول {m} /yurubūl/
Europop {n} (European pop music)
:: يوروبوب {m} /yūrubūb/, يوروبوب {m} /yurupop/
Eurovision {prop} (television network)
:: يوروفيجن {m} /yurufijn/
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro)
:: منطقة اليورو {f} /minṭaqat al-yūrū/
euthanasia {n} (practice of killing a human being or animal)
:: قتل رحيم {m} /qatl raḥīm/
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea
evacuate {v} (to move out of an unsafe location into safety)
:: جلا عن /jalā ʿan/
evacuate {v} (to cause to leave or withdraw from)
:: جلا /jalā/, أخلا
evacuate {v} (to make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of, including to create a vacuum)
:: فرغ /farraḡa/, خلى /ḵallā/
evacuate {v} (to make empty; to deprive)
:: أفرغ
evacuation {n} (act of evacuating; leaving a place in an orderly fashion, especially for safety.)
:: إجلاء /ʾijlāʾ/
evacuation {n} (Withdrawal of troops or civils from a town)
:: إخلاء /ʾiḵlāʾ/
evacuation {n} (act of emptying)
:: تفريغ /tafriyḡ/, تخلية /taḵliya/
evacuation {n} (act of leaving a place for protection)
:: إخلاء {m} /ʾiḵlāʾ/
evacuee {n} (person)
:: مرحل /muraḥḥal/
evangelist {n} (itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist)
:: مبشر /mubaššir/
evangelize {v} (tell people about Christianity)
:: بشر /baššara/
evaporate {v} (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state)
:: تبخر /tabaḵḵara/
Eve {prop} (the first woman)
:: حواء {f} /ḥawwāʾ/
Eve {prop} (given name)
:: حواء {f} /ḥawwāʾ/, أيف {f} /ʾīf/
even {adj} (flat and level)
:: مسطح /musaṭṭaḥ/, منبسط
even {adj} (without great variation)
:: أملس /ʾamlas/,سوي /sawiyy/
even {adj} (equal)
:: متساو /mutasāwin/
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two)
:: زوجي /zawjiyy/
even {adv} (implying extreme example)
:: حتى /ḥattā/
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight)
:: مساء {m} /masāʾ/
evening star {n} (planet Venus seen in the evening)
:: نجم المساء {m} /najmu l-masāʾ/
event {n} (occurrence)
:: واقعة {f} /wāqiʿa/, حادثة {f} /ḥādiṯa/
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape)
:: أفق الحدث {m} /ʾufuq al-ḥadaṯ/
even though {conj} (although)
:: بالرغم من /bi-r-raḡm min/
ever {adv} (at any time)
:: يوما /yawman/
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest
ever since {conj} (continuously since)
:: منذ /munḏu/
every {determiner} (all of a countable group)
:: كل /kull/
everybody {pron} (all people)
:: الجميع /al-jamīʿ/, كل شخص /kull šaḵṣ/
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good)
:: رب ضارة نافعة /rubba ḍārratin nāfiʿa/
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily
every dog has its day {proverb} (proverb)
:: كل كلب بيجي يومه /kull kalb bījī yūmuh/ - Used in negative context
every man for himself {phrase} (forget about comradeship; save yourselves!)
:: كل رجل لنفسه /kull rajul linafsihi/
everyone {pron} (every person)
:: الجميع /al-jamīʿ/, كل شخص /kull šaḵṣ/
everything {pron} (all the things)
:: كل شيء /kull šayʾ/
every time {adv} (at each occasion that)
:: كلما /kullamā/
everywhere {adv} (at all places)
:: في كل مكان /fī kulli makānin/
evict {v} (to expel)
:: أجلى /ʾajlā/, طرد /ṭarada/
eviction {n} (the act of evicting)
:: طرد {m} /ṭard/
evidence {n} (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion)
:: دليل {m} /dalīl/, برهان {m} /burhān/
evidence {n} (anything admitted by a court as proof)
:: دليل {m} /dalīl/
evil {adj} (intending to harm)
:: شرير /širrīr/
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness)
:: شر {m} /šarr/
evil {n} (impairment of happiness or well-being)
:: شر {m} /šarr/
evil eye {n} (wicked look)
:: عين الحسود {f} /ʿayn al-ḥasūd/
Evil One {prop} (the Devil)
:: الشرير {m} /aš-širrīr/
evoke {v} (to cause the manifestation of)
:: استحضار /istaḥḍāra/, استدعى /istadaʿā/
evolution {n} (general: a gradual process of development)
:: تطور {m} /taṭawwur/
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time)
:: تطور {m} /taṭawwur/
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology)
:: علم الأحياء التطوري
evolutionary developmental biology {n} (branch of biology)
:: علم الأحياء النمائي التطوري
ew {interj} (expression of disgust or nausea)
:: يع /yaʿ/
ewe {n} (female sheep)
:: نعجة {f} /naʿja/
ewer {n} (widemouthed pitcher)
:: إبريق {m} /ʾibrīq/
ex {n} (name of the letter X, x)
:: إكس {m} /ʾiks/, إكس {m} /ʾeks/
exact {adj} (precisely agreeing)
:: مضبوط /maḍbūṭ/, دقيق /daqīq/
exactly {adv} (in an exact manner)
:: بالضبط /bi-ḍ-ḍabṭ/, تماما /tamāman/
exaggerate {v} (to overstate, to describe more than is fact)
:: بالغ /bālaḡa/
examination {n} (act of examining)
:: اختبار {m} /iḵtibār/, امتحان {m} /imtiḥān/
examination {n} (inspection by a doctor)
:: فحص {m} /faḥṣ/
examination {n} (formal test)
:: امتحان {m} /imtiḥān/, اختبار {m} /iḵtibār/
examine {v} (to observe or inspect carefully or critically)
:: يفحص
example {n} (something representative of a group)
:: مثال {m} /miṯāl/, مثل {m} /maṯal/, أمثولة {f} /ʾumṯūla/,
example {n} (something serving to explain or illustrate a rule)
:: مثال {m} /miṯāl/
Excalibur {prop} (Legendary sword)
:: إكسكاليبر /ʾikskālībur/
excavator {n} (curette used to scrape out pathological material) SEE: curette
excavator {n} (vehicle)
:: حفارة {f} /ḥaffāra/, حفارة آلية {f} /ḥaffāra ʾāliyya/, حفارة ميكانيكية {f} /ḥaffāra mīkānīkiyya/
exceed {v} (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable)
:: كبر /kabura/, تخطى /taḵaṭṭā/, تجاوز /tajāwaz/, فاق /fāqa/
exceed {v} (to be better than something else or than expected or desirable)
:: فاق /fāqa/
exceed {v} (to go beyond the limits of something)
:: علا /ʿalā/, تخطى /taḵaṭṭā/, تجاوز /tajāwaza/, فاق /fāqa/
Excellency {n} (Form of address for certain high officials or dignitaries)
:: سعادة {f} /saʿāda/
excellent {adj} (of the highest quality)
:: ممتاز /mumtāz/, فاخر /fāḵir/
except {v} (to exclude)
:: استثنى /istaṯnā/
except {prep} (with the exception of)
:: إلا /ʾillā/, باستثناء /bi-stiṯnāʾ/, عدا /ʿadā/, دون /dūna/, سوى /siwā/, حاشا /ḥāšā/, خلا /ḵalā/, غير /ḡayr/
except {conj} (with the exception that)
:: إلا /ʾillā/
exception {n} (act of excepting or excluding; exclusion)
:: استثناء {m} /istiṯnāʾ/
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others)
:: استثناء {m} /istiṯnāʾ/
exceptional {adj} (forming an exception)
:: استثنائي /istiṯnāʾiyy/
exceptional {adj} (superior due to exception or rarity)
:: استثنائي /istiṯnāʾiyy/
excerpt {n} (a clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work)
:: نبذة – مقتطفات من
excessive {adj} (exceeding the bounds of something)
:: زائد /zāʾid/
exchange {n} (act of exchanging or trading)
:: تبديل {m} /tabdīl/, تبادل {m} /tabādul/, صرف {m} /ṣarf/
exchange {v} (To trade or barter)
:: تبادل /tabādala/, صرف /ṣarafa/
exchange rate {n} (currency rate (finance))
:: سعر صرف {m} /siʿr ṣarf/
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury
excited {adj} (having great enthusiasm)
:: متحمس /mutaḥammis/
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy)
:: متهيج /mutahayyij/
exclaim {v} (to cry out)
:: صاح /ṣāḥa/, صرخ /ṣaraḵa/
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
exclamation mark {n} (punctuation “!”)
:: علامة تعجب {f} /ʿalāmat taʿajjub/, علامة هتاف {f} /ʿalāmat hutāf/
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark
excluding {prep} (to the exclusion of)
:: باستثناء /bi-stiṯnāʾ/
excrement {n} (human and animal solid waste)
:: غائط {m} /ḡāʾiṭ/, براز {m} /birāz/, خراء {m} /ḵarāʾ/, خراء {m} /ḵirāʾ/
excuse {v} (forgive, pardon)
:: غفر /ḡafara/
excuse {v} (allow to leave)
:: اعتذر /iʿtaḏara/
excuse {n} (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
:: عذر {m} /ʿuḏr/
excuse me {phrase} (request to repeat, see also: come again)
:: عفوا! /ʿafwan!/, ماذا قلت؟ /māḏā qulta?/, ماذا قلت؟ /māḏā qulti?/, مرة ثانية، من فضلك؟ /marra ṯāniya, min faḍlika?/, مرة ثانية، من فضلك؟ /marra ṯāniya, min faḍliki?/, عذرا! /ʿuḏran!/
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention)
:: عن إذنك /ʿan ʾiḏnak/ , عن إذنك /ʿan ʾiḏnik/ , عفوا /ʿafwan/, عذرا /ʿaḏran/
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass)
:: المعذرة /al-maʿḏira/
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology)
:: اعذرني /iʿḏirnī/, آسف! /ʾāsif!/, آسفة! {f} /ʾāsifa!/
execute {v} (to kill as punishment)
:: أعدم /ʾaʿdama/
execute {v} (to start a defined process and run it to completion)
:: ينفذ
execute {v} (to start a defined process, without regard to whether it runs to completion or not)
:: ينفذ
execute {v} (to start, launch or run software)
:: ينفذ
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty)
:: إعدام {m} /ʾiʿdām/ (also spelled إعدام {m} /ʾiʿdām/)
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution)
:: جلاد {m} /jallād/
executive {adj} (designed for execution)
:: إجرائي /ʾijrāʾiyy/
exemplar {n} (something fit to be imitated)
:: أسوة {f} /ʾuswa/
exemplary {adj} (of such high quality as to serve as an example, see also: ideal; perfect)
:: نموذجي /namūḏajiyy/, مثالي /miṯāliyy/
exercise {n} (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability)
:: تمرين {m} /tamrīn/, تدريب {m} /tadrīb/
exercise {n} (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness)
:: تمرين {m} /tamrīn/
exercise {v} (exert for the sake of training)
:: تمرن /tamarrana/
exercise bicycle {n} (exercise machine)
:: دراجة ثابتة {f} /darrāja(t) ṯābita/
exercise book {n} (booklet for students)
:: دفتر {m} /daftar/, كراس {m} /kurrās/
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor
exhalation {n} (act or process of exhaling)
:: زفير {m} /zafīr/
exhale {v} (to breathe out)
:: زفر /zafara/
exhaust {v} (to drain, metaphorically; to wear out)
:: استهلك /istahlaka/, استنفد /istanfada/
exhibit {n} (something exhibited)
:: معروض {m} /maʿrūḍ/
exhibition {n} (large scale public showing of objects or products)
:: معرض {m} /maʿraḍ/
exile {n} (the state of being banished from one's home or country)
:: نفي {?} /nafy/
exist {v} (to be)
:: وجد /wujida/
existence {n} (state of being, existing, or occurring)
:: وجود {m} /wujūd/
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now)
:: موجود /mawjūd/
existentialism {n} (philosophical movement)
:: وجودية {f} /wujūdiyya/
exit {n} (way out)
:: مخرج {m} /maḵraj/
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave)
:: خرج /ḵaraja/
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament)
:: سفر الخروج
exogamy {n} (marriage)
:: تزاوج خارجي {m} / tazāwuj ḵārijiyy/
exoplanet {n} (planet outside Earth's solar system)
:: كوكب خارج المجموعة الشمسية {m} /kawkab ḵārij al-majmūʿa š-šamsiyya/
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits)
:: رقية /ruqya/
exoskeleton {n} (hard outer structure)
:: هيكل خارجي /haykal ḵārijiyy/
exotic {adj} (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign)
:: مجلوب
exotic {adj} (non-native to the ecosystem)
:: دخيل
expansion {n} (act of expanding)
:: تمدد {m} /tamaddud/, توسع {m} /tawassuʿ/
expatriate {n} (person living outside own country)
:: مغترب {m} /muḡtarib/
expatriate {n} (person banished from their own country)
:: منفي {m} /manfiyy/
expect {v} (to look for, look forward to, anticipate)
:: توقع /tawaqqaʿa/
expect {v}
:: توقع /tawaqqaʿa/
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit
expect the unexpected {v} ( Not be surprised by the usual events. Anything might happen)
:: توقع ما هو غير متوقع /tawaqqaʿa mā huwa ḡayr mutawaqqaʿ/
expel {v} (to remove from membership)
:: طرد /ṭarada/, نفى /nafā/, أخرج /ʾaḵraja/
expensive {adj} (having a high price or cost)
:: غال /ḡālin/ , الغالي /al-ḡālī/
experience {n} (event(s) of which one is cognizant)
:: خبرة {f} /ḵibra/, تجربة {f} /tajriba/
experience {n} (activity which one has performed)
:: اختبار {m} /iḵtibār/
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge)
:: خبرة {f} /ḵibra/
experiment {n} (test under controlled conditions)
:: تجربة {f} /tajriba/, اختبار {m} /iḵtibār/
expert {n} (person with extensive knowledge or ability)
:: متخصص {m} /mutaḵaṣṣiṣ/, خبير {m} /ḵabīr/
expiration date {n} (expiration date) SEE: expiry date
expire {v} (exhale) SEE: exhale
expire {v} (die) SEE: die
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death
expiry date {n} (date something expires)
:: تاريخ انهاء الصلاحية
explain {v} (report)
:: شرح /šaraḥa/, فسر /fassara/, أبان /ʾabāna/
explanation {n} (the act or process of explaining)
:: تفسير {m} /tafsīr/, شرح {m} /šarḥ/
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation
explicit {adj} (very specific)
:: صريح {m}
explicitly {adv} (in an explicit manner)
:: صراحة /ṣarāḥatan/
explode {v} (to destroy with an explosion)
:: تفرقع /tafraqaʿa/
explode {v} (to explode (intransitive))
:: انفجر /infajara/
exploit {n} (heroic or extraordinary deed)
:: مأثرة {f} /maʾṯura/
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage)
:: استغل /istaḡalla/
exploration {n} (act of exploring)
:: استكشاف {m} /istikšāf/
explorer {n} (person who explores)
:: مستكشف /mustakšif/
explorer {n}
:: رحلة
explosion {n} (violent release of energy)
:: انفجار {m} /infijār/, تفجير {m} /tafjīr/
explosive {adj} (shocking) SEE: shocking
exponent {n} ((in mathematics) the power to which something is raised)
:: أس {m}
exponential {adj} (relating to an exponent)
:: أسي /ʾussiyy/
exponential {adj} (expressed in terms of a power of e)
:: أسي /ʾussiyy/
exponential {adj} (having a high or rapid rate of change)
:: أسي /ʾussiyy/
export {n} (the act of exporting)
:: تصدير {m} /taṣdīr/
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country)
:: صدر /ṣaddara/
exposition {n} (action of putting something out to public view)
:: معرض {m} /maʿriḍ/
express {v} (to convey meaning)
:: عبر /ʿabbara/
expression {n} (particular way of phrasing an idea)
:: تعبير {m} /taʿbīr/
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom)
:: تعبير {m} /taʿbīr/, عبارة {f} /ʿibāra/
expression {n} (facial appearance)
:: سيماء {f} /sīmāʾ/
expressionism {n} (movement in the arts)
:: تعبيرية /taʿbīriyya/
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway
expulsion {n} (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled)
:: إبعاد {m} /ʾibʿād/
extension cord {n} (an electrical cord)
:: سلك توصيل {m} /silk tawṣīl/
extent {n} (space, area, volume to which something extends)
:: اتساع {m} /ittisāʿ/, مدى {f} /maddā/
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign
external link {n}
:: وصلة خارجية {f} /waṣla(t) ḵārijiyya/
extinct {adj} (having died out)
:: منقرض {m} /munqariḍ/
extinction {n} (the action of making or becoming extinct)
:: انقراض {m} /inqirāḍ/
extinguish {v} (to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench)
:: أطفأ /ʾaṭfaʾa/
extortion {n} (the practice of extorting money or other property)
:: ابتزاز {m} /ibtizāz/
extra- {prefix} (outside, beyond)
:: خارج عن {m} {m-p}
extradition {n} (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government)
:: تسليم {m} /taslīm/
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural
extraneous {adj} (not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing)
:: خارجي /ḵārijiyy/
extraordinary {adj} (not ordinary)
:: استثنائي /istiṯnāʾiyy/, غير عادي /ḡayru ʿādiyy/
extraterrestrial {adj} (originating from outside of the Earth)
:: قائم خارج الأرض /qāʾimun ḵārija l-ʾarḍ/
extreme {adj} (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost)
:: الأقصى /al-ʾuqṣā/, الأبعد /al-ʾabʿad/, الأكثر /al-ʾakṯar/
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense)
:: شديد /šadīd/
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm)
:: غير اعتيادي /ḡayr iʿtiyādiyy/
extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity)
:: خطير /ḵaṭīr/, مميت /mumīt/
extreme {adj} (of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment)
:: متطرف /mutaṭarrif/
extreme {adj} (archaic: ultimate, final or last)
:: أخير /ʾaḵīr/
extremism {n} (extreme ideas or actions)
:: تطرف {m} /taṭarruf/
extremist {n} (person who holds extreme views)
:: متطرف {m} /mutaṭarrif/, متطرفة {f} /mutaṭarrifa/
extremist {adj} (holding extreme views)
:: تطرفي /taṭarrufiyy/
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb
extroverted {adj} (psychology: of or related to an extrovert)
:: منبسط, انبساطي /inbisāṭiyy/, العكس من خجول
eye {v}
:: حدج /ḥaddaja/
eye {n} (organ)
:: عين {f} /ʿayn/
eye {n} (hole in needle)
:: سم {m} /summ/
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye)
:: مقلة العين {f} /muqlat al-ʿayn/
eyebrow {n} (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket)
:: حاجب {m} /ḥājib/
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury)
:: العين بالعين /al-ʿayn bi-l-ʿayn/
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury)
:: العين بالعين والسن بالسن
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles
eyehole {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket
eyelash {n} (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid)
:: رمش /rimš/, هدب {m} /hudb/
eyelid {n} ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye)
:: جفن {m} /jafn/
eye shadow {n} (makeup around the eyes)
:: ظل العين {m} /ẓill al-ʿayn/
eyesight {n} (faculty of sight)
:: نظر {m} /naẓar/, رؤية {f} /ruʾya/, بصر {m} /baṣar/
eye socket {n} (socket of eye)
:: محجر {m} /miḥjar/, حجاج {m} /ḥajāj/
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event)
:: شاهد عيان
ezafe {n} (grammatical particle)
:: إضافة {f} /ʾiḍāfa/
Ezekiel {prop} (book of the Bible)
:: حزقيال {m} /ḥizqiyāl/
Ezekiel {prop} (male given name)
:: حزقيال {m} /ḥizqiyāl/